#that pinning that as some kind of slight on my part is fucked up when i literally had no bad intentions there whatsoever i was just pointin
kissingwookiees · 2 months
the thing about emotionally unintelligent parents who dont know how to fucking communicate with each other much less their child is you never know when you're gonna accidentally walk into some argument they had that you werent privy to at all and suddenly wind up at the center of it
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risuola · 6 months
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II — JUST HUSH // Morning after the adventure with the dangerous stranger went just like you suspected - horribly, but that wasn't the worst that was waiting for you.
contents: angst, mafia!au, violence, few suggestive parts, insults, somewhat of an obsessive behaviors, reader discretion is advised — 4,3k words
a/n: officialy, this fic became a series - I wasn't expecting it to be so loved by you, readers and I can't thank you enough for the support to this story. also, there is a suggestion in my ask!box that I took a lot of inspiration for this chapter, so whoever gave the idea, thank you ❤️
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Being soft was a trait that Sukuna never actively credited himself with. He never had any urge to do so, never needed to explore that side of him and in his profession, that would most likely lead to a certain death. Leading people of mafia required him to be harsh and rough, there was no time and place for any kindness and gentleness and honestly, if anybody asked him about it just yesterday, he would say with certainty that the softness in him died long time ago. Even with women, he was never exactly sensual – he’s rather the type to take what he needs, devour what he’s hungry for and leave. Aftercare wasn’t his strong suit, for some reason inside his mind taking care of someone made him weak. That was before you.
You met not even a day ago, you asked for his help and once you got his attention, he knew he was fucked. You were just so gorgeous, so innocent and the way your glossed with tears eyes looked into his, he felt the strangest warmth inside his chest – a need of protection? Something so foreign and absurd that wouldn’t usually cross his mind. But then, he had you in his house, he had you on top of him and he had you hungry. You were smart, surely you noticed the gun pinned to his belt, he wasn’t exactly discreet about it and yet, you chose to stay with him for the night. It had to be some kind of sinister plan of yours, Sukuna wondered.
Were you put in his way to sabotage him?
He had no idea, but once the day was bright and now close to evening, you were still sleeping in his bed, with your head resting atop of his chest and one of your legs thrown over his own. You were breathing slowly and peacefully, so blissfully unaware of how dangerous it is for you to be in the same house with him, not to mention lay tangled with him below the sheets. As he smoothed over your bare shoulder with his fingers, he was thinking about how the night went. The sex was great, the best he had in years. You were playing along with him, you wanted him as much as he wanted you and as you playfully fought for dominance with him, he could have sworn it was the sexiest thing he’s ever experienced. The way you tugged his hair, pushing him nose deep into your dripping core and keeping him there until he made you cum almost made him cum as well, just from the slight dominance you had on him. Even though he allowed this to happen. He could still recall the delicious sting of your nails scratching red marks onto his back and shoulders. Every time his name slipped over your tongue, his heart seemed to skip a beat.
Just like that, you’ve got him hooked, but even so, he should have kept his word. He should have made you get dressed, maybe, out of curtesy, allow you to take a shower so that his seed wouldn’t run down your legs and mess up the leather in his car. He should have driven you home as soon as he was finished with you, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Not when you wrapped yourself around him, exhausted and already half-asleep, searching for the warmth of his body. Not when your weight on top of him felt like it was meant to lay there and especially not when your lips pressed few lazy kisses to the side of his neck before you dozed off.
You moved, rolling away from him and onto your back. You were waking up, he could tell by the sound of your quiet hums and the way your breath pattern changed from slow and calm to deep and more present. Sukuna flipped to his side, taking in the beauty of your features, now illuminated with the daylight. Your makeup kept up pretty well and even the smudged edges couldn’t take away your loveliness.
You hummed a little louder, groggily reaching up with your hands and arching your back like a cat in a long, sharp stretch. The covers slipped off your chest, exposing the pink of your nipples that now matched the many marks he had sucked onto your flesh just hours ago. Then your body relaxed, once again falling onto the mattress and a smile stretched your lips when Ryomen put his fingers against your skin. He brushed it ever so lightly along the shapes of your form, running along your collar bones, circling around the nipples and then, moving it down up and down your sternum.
“Good morning,” you purred against his lips when he reached to kiss you.
“More like good evening,” he replied, his voice quiet and calm as he moved his hand to the side of your body and pulled you flush against his chest. You hooked your leg onto his hip and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your fingers into his hair.
“That late, huh?”
“That late.”
It was dangerous. The way you looked into his eyes, the relaxed stance your body, oblivious to the fact you were in the embrace of death personified – it was all too dangerous for Sukuna. It was too warm, too lovely, too innocent. He hated the vulnerability you subjected him to and the fact his head was filled with wishes to protect you? Fuck, it was bad. It wasn’t him, it wasn’t what he stood for in his life, it was against all of his morals. He had always been a man of few emotions, always cold and never letting anything or anyone get to him. He was calculating, feared by many and respected by few. He had risen through the ranks of the underworld by means that were often brutal and always efficient. Never, not once, he had let emotions to cloud his judgement or stand in the way of his goals. But then, you happened.
“The night…” You murmured softly, brushing the tip of your nose against his own. “I enjoyed it very much, ‘kuna—” And the nickname?!
“That’s enough,” he groaned, his tone coming in sharp and cold and it immediately brought you back to your senses. The wishful daze of bliss vanished in an instant, suddenly the tension came back to your shoulders. It was too much for Sukuna, he wanted to have a nice fuck that night and he already made a mistake by letting you stay in his bed when he was done with you. It was dangerous for you, it was dangerous for him and honestly, that lovey-dovey shit has never been his brand anyway. “Time for you to go.”
“What happened? You were so delicate just a moment ago—”
“Spare me the dumb romantic shit. I just wanted to fuck you, don’t get ahead of yourself and if you wish to keep that pretty head of yours then better get fucking going. I’ll have a driver take you back home.” He shut you down roughly and from that point, it all went quickly. You were gone in just few moments. You were gone, but the man felt no relief.
Few days passed by. Or was it weeks? Sukuna couldn’t tell as days began blurring their edges and all he could focus on was you. He couldn’t rid himself of the memory of you rushing in fear, just barely clothed as if he was about to hunt you down and shot you in the head if you didn’t leave his space. As if the one minute longer would cost you your life. Every time he closed his eyes or got into his bed he could see the picture of your face, the display of hurt and fright that stained the beautiful innocence in the moment he had told you to leave, discarding you as if you were a toy that he used and got bored of.
What was this feeling? He was asking himself every time he had watched you from afar. Was it guilt? He couldn’t tell, it felt foreign. For Ryomen it was an everyday thing to scare someone off, the blood of his enemies is what he’s ravishing in but you… You were far from being his enemy. And so he found himself more and more often observing you, each time being in the same place as you by accident. You made him fascinated, you made him fall into your trap. He found himself drawn to you, drawn to the light that you brought with you. He was missing you. Was that your plan all along? A revenge for how he had treated you that one night?
Your heart was pure, almost too pure for this world, Sukuna thought to himself every time he had a chance to see your everyday life. A waitress, serving tables in a small, local café, wearing the smile that he could tell was fake, and yet it charmed everyone and he couldn’t help but feel the odd sense of pride when he realized that the way your lips were curved the night you were together was utterly real. And then, he would see you on your days off, wearing cozy and comfy clothes, no makeup adorning your face as you were lost in the world of music in your headphones and whatever task you had in front of your face on the screen of your computer. You were too cute for your own good, with the little scrunch of your nose whenever you closed your tired eyes and the colorful stickers of cats and sunflowers that decorated the outside of your laptop. He’s seen you feeding some stray kittens with the salmon from your sandwich, petting their little heads as they were leaning into your touch and Sukuna would never imagine himself being jealous of the feline, but there he was, hidden behind the darkened windows in his car, wishing to be the one who’s head is in the warm and delicate embrace of your soft palm. Fleeting attraction, that’s what it had to be.
Sukuna had never thought of himself as a romantic, but there was something about you that did it for him. You were soft, gentle and vulnerable in a way that made him want to protect you, to shield you from the violent life he led. And yet, you were also strong, strong enough to face him, to challenge him and even make him laugh. It was a strange combination, and it made him feel things he had never felt before. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he was thinking of you more and more often. He had to be careful, though. He could tell that you were innocent, that you didn’t understand the world he lived in. If he let himself get to close, he might put you in danger and the thought of that, he couldn’t bear. He had a responsibility to keep you safe, even if it meant pushing you away. And for the first time in his life, he was scared. Scared that if he plays this whole thing wrong, he might lose you, even if he never truly had you. He was scared you’ll find out who he really was and scared of what that would do to you. He knew you noticed his gun, you had to notice it, but did you really had any idea what that meant?
For you, the time after meeting the stranger in the club was everything but easy. The hurt subsided quite rapidly, your heart wasn’t stupid enough to grow attached to a man you’d known for just few hours and deep down you knew that what you started by asking him for help had to end up somewhat similar to what happened. He wasn’t a prince from the fairy tale and you were no princess, it wasn’t a story of love, it was just sex and with that, you came to terms quite quickly. It was the fright that you couldn’t shake off your shoulders. Sukuna was a man that was keeping a gun attached to his belt, he had to be a gangster or something along these lines and considering the big, rounded and scared eyes of everyone in his proximity you’d only assume that his position in the world was at least threatening. It stayed in the back of your mind that he might have come for you, to hurt you or worse. He had shown you where he lives, after all, wasn’t that enough of a reason to erase someone from the world?
But nothing bad happened as your life went by, somehow it seemed as if it was even going smoother than it used to. The one very stubborn client, one that used to harass you every time he had a chance suddenly stopped showing in the café you work in; you even got a little raise from your boss, what despite being a bonus that you really needed, was also the most suspicious thing that happened to you lately. Your boss never gave raises. Life was good, until—
—you opened your eyes feeling pain. At first, you couldn’t tell what happened to you. Where were you? How did you get here? And why was everything so white?
Breathe in and out. Why did breathing hurt? And what was that beeping?
“You’re awake,” a voice made you turn your head to the side. And then, at the sight of a familiar face, it all flashed back.
It was at night, you were heading home from the meeting with your co-workers. An absurd celebration of something that you were quite certain didn’t even concerned you or your interns, but your boss required you all to be present anyways. It was tiring, to stay in the café after nearly ten hours shift, but thankfully during the event you were sitting and not actively working, so at least it was that much. Your legs hurt nonetheless, you felt fatigued after the entire week of intense shifts intertwined with classes, so when you were suddenly yanked by the wrist to the back, it wasn’t much of a surprise to you that you lost your balance.
“What do we have here, eh?” One of the men spoke and as you looked up, two faces were glaring at you with disgusting sense of superiority. “Oi, Naoya, is that the bitch you were talking about?”
“Bet it is,” the second man snorted. “She fits the description.”
Naoya? The name rang a bell so roughly and suddenly that your eyes widened in fear. It was the man you met in the club, the one that was all over you the second he met you. The one that you escaped only thanks to asking another stranger for help. But now, you couldn’t see him. Who stood above you was a man with long, silver hair and a face covered in linear scars. He was wearing a face of psychotic content, a grin so unsettling that it froze the blood inside your veins and just by the look of him you could tell he was dangerous. And then, the second one stood right next to him – his hair was pitch black and eyes probably green-ish, with little scar on the side of his lip that made itself apparent the moment you looked at him. He was insanely well-built, in a shirt that looked like one of those compression, sport-related attires.
“What do you want from me…?” You asked, your voice uncharacteristically quiet, as if the fear made your vocal cords clench. And you felt it, an unsettling feeling of upcoming death and it led to a chain of regret of every choice that you made that led you to this place and time. You should’ve taken a taxi. Or go a different route.
“Oh, we’re here to teach you a lesson,” the white-haired one responded as the other grinned like the devil himself. And then, they moved to the sides a little and right in the middle appeared the man that you do recognize. Naoya Zenin himself, with his face twisted in some kind of sick satisfaction as he grabbed your hair and yanked you up from the ground. Your back hit the concrete wall and his near proximity made you instantly tensed.
“I got you,” he grinned and there was violence intertwined into the expression his face bore. “I finally fucking got you.”
“Just leave me alone…” You demanded, your voice much weaker that you’d like it to be, much less constructive, not confident at all. You were frightened, to say the least, there was no way you could protect yourself from one man, but three? “Please.” As you begged, your own death flashed before your eyes. There was no way in hell you’re gonna survive this, that had to be it. The night was dark enough to cover the crime that was happening and even if there would be any bravery in you still left, nobody would help you. No one would be dumb enough to stand against the group that was about to abuse you.
“Oh, the little bitch is scared, huh?” Naoya laughed right into your face, his tongue leaving a wet trace along your throat and it filled you with enough disgust to wince. “Where’s your protector now, eh? Where’s your big daddy Sukuna?”
“What’s your problem?” The question slipped through your tongue in nothing more than a whisper. You couldn’t believe that you’re going to die because you asked a random man for help and that random man turned out to be a gang member or something. “I don’t have anything to do with him, I—”
“Of course, you don’t. I’m sure he fucked you and threw you out like a trash you are,” Zenin spit nothing but venom as his eyes were piercing holes into your skull. You could feel his hand sneaking underneath the fabric of your hoodie and your attempts on pushing him away did nothing to stop him from squeezing one of your breasts. “I bet you’re a good fuckthing tho.”
“Get your hands off of me,” you warned, your voice now rougher but still, too quiet to pose any threat. You wanted to nail his eyes out, to rip his heart out of his chest, but none of that you were able to do. Naoya laughed, once again, sounding like an asshole he was as he stepped back.
“Undress.” It was an order that he threw at you. Him, along with the other two, circled you as if predators would circle their prey and you felt small below the weight of their eyes.
The moment you denied, the sharp pain sent you to the ground. He hit you, one of them, right in the face, with the top of his hand. The harsh contact of his knuckles and your cheekbone snatched you off your feet.
“You heard the order. Behave, slut.” The dark haired one was speaking calmly, but there was a certain coldness in his tone. The nonchalance that froze your insides.
“No…” You whispered, desperate to keep your dignity intact before you die. Immediately they showed you why hoping for it was foolish, as the series of kicks enveloped you in the cage of pain and suffering. You hid your head inside your arms, a helpless try to protect it from the heavy boots that not once held back before making contact with your fragile frame. You remember the sound of their voices, the feeling of their fists connecting again and again with your body.
“So fucking stupid,” someone laughed at you and you were far from sure and way too scared to check it yourself, but you could have sworn that somebody spit at you. “Don’t you understand? Nobody will save you now, no one cares about a bitch like you. I’d say it last time. Undress.”
“N-no…”, you sniffled, hugging your head tightly as if bracing yourself for another salve of hurt. But it didn’t come, no hit was aimed at your curled on the ground body. Instead, you heard the pained whines from not too far away, you heard the sounds of a battle and was it the sound of bones being broken? You couldn’t tell, it felt surreal, was that it? Was that how you’re gonna die? Because surely no one in their right mind would step into action, risking being killed themselves for you.
“Hey, I’ll take you to the hospital,” that voice. You knew that. You heard it for such a short time in your life and yet you’d recognize it everywhere. The low, slightly husky tone that you remembered as one that was enough to turn you on just by the sound of it. Now it was accompanying the very gentle arms that scooped you off the floor. Then, you dared to open your eyes.
“Ryomen?” Your voice felt weak, your throat hoarse from the dryness but that didn’t stop you from speaking. The more information got into your brain, the easier it got to understand what was the place you woke up in.
A hospital. You woke up in the hospital bed, surrounded by monitors and machines. Your body bruised and battered, ached with each breath you tried to take. Your head was still foggy and your muscles stiff, you had a pounding headache that only got worse as the memories of the night before came flooding back to you. You were lucky. So incredibly lucky to be alive. And yet again, Sukuna saved you. Then you probably passed out.
“You’re awake,” he sounded soft. How odd. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m… why are you here?”
“I had to check if you’re alright. And also I’m gonna take you home, but needed to wait until you’re awake and doctors can give you the last checkup.” He explained it matter-of-factly and it only got you more confused than you were just a second ago.
“That… doesn’t exactly answer my question…?”
“It will do for now. I’ll bring the doctor.”
Sukuna left the room sooner than you had a chance to ask anything else. He felt as if the weight was taken off his shoulders the very second you opened your eyes and recognized him. The last hours were an agony, he stayed near your bed for the entire time and though there was nothing that was threatening your life anymore, he couldn’t help but feel so awfully guilty. The foreign feeling of it made him realize that he was fucked up good, you had poisoned him with emotions that he already forgot about, the useless display of something that he considered a weakness for the better of his life. As he was watching your fragile frame, though covered with white, clean sheets he felt the rage boiling inside his veins because he knew. He saw the damage on your body, the bruises that painted your soft skin in dark, purple-ish blotches, the patch of scratches on your side – in place where your naked hip met the ground. And your cheek… there still was a red spot on top of your cheekbone, the one Sukuna assumed was also a result of a hit and it angered him even more because if he has noticed it before, he would for sure kill those imitations of a men and not only leave them in a mush.
Sukuna felt a certain sense of responsibility due to what happened to you. It wasn’t your fault, per se, that when you were looking for help in that club when you first met him, you had the misfortune to pick a persona like him and frankly, if Sukuna would know back then that Naoya will come for you later to get his revenge, he would kill him right then and there. The more he thought about it, the more he was realizing that he would kill anyone if it was to keep you safe.
“Ready to go home?” Ryomen asked, assisting you in pulling your bruised arms through the sleeves of a hoodie he had brought you. A clean one, way too big on your frame but comfortable at that, lined with plush so that it won’t irritate your injured skin.
“I think so…?” Your reply was confused, it was unsure and still slightly underlined with fear. There was a reason to it, last time you saw the man that was now trying to help you, he threatened to rid you of your head. “Ryomen, I don’t understand—”
“Just hush,” he cut you, gently swooping you off the edge of the bed and you settled in the safety of his muscular arms, leaning your head against his shoulder, next to his neck. “I was told you still should rest so let me take you home. Alright? Alright.”
There was no point in arguing, you couldn’t do much whilst in his arms even if you tried and it was naïve, you thought, but there was a sense of protection tied tightly to the way he was keeping you close. You felt as if any danger couldn’t reach you when his hands were wrapped around you. He was dangerous, that much you knew, and yet there was a gentleness in a way he was holding you near his chest, near the place where his heart beats in a regular, calm rhythm. Fact is, you didn’t want to run away from him, though you should. And so, you leaned into him, nuzzling your head into the dip between his neck and shoulder and as you breathed in his scent, the musky note of his cologne and tobacco, you felt at ease.
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taglist: @yihona-san06 @tiredscavengerskeleton @son4aras @vixorell @cecesharktales @isleqt @thickmacandcheese
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lawchwan · 13 days
do you like the sound of the music? (law, ace, sanji, zoro, kid)
summary: how the boys sound when they're getting pleasured. reader: gn!reader genre: smut disclaimer: not super detailed smut, but a grave detail on how these fine men sound like a/n: I know I haven't done an a/n, but it has been a minute since I posted here. I have been preoccupied (thanks to being a senior at uni) but now that I am done with everything, I hope I have more free time to post some fics and reignite my love for writing. I won't bore you much and we will proceed with more content (also my fem!law fic is in the works and it'll be put out sometime soon)
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crossposted on ao3
as much as i'd like to advocate for the whimper-whiny-loud-subby!law agenda that i have been adapting to my psyche while i was gone, he seems like the quiet kind while he's pleasuring you.
obviously not the type to be overtly silent to the point you won't hear a breath out of him. he's just simply a grunter and a light growler. he won't be very vocal unless you want him too.
when he comes, thats when you hear the magic beautiful sounds. it depends on the type of sex, dynamic, and/or pace you two have set in, he’ll either grunt a dragged deep moan or a slight whimper that cascades into your ears as he spills out his load onto you.
“mm, shit, fuck, y/n, you feel so fucking good…fuck~”
oh that loud ass motherfucker. if you expect him to quiet down, well you’re out of luck. even if you placed a gag on his mouth, he’ll still spill out the loudest moan any human could produce (please gag him, he actually loves it).
ngl he kinda is the type to give exaggerated noises, like im talking those very exaggerated moans that you would hear in those shitty pornos (that ace may or may not unironically enjoy).
if you want to illicit the most hottest whimper that spills out of his mouth, simply just stroke and tug on his wavy locks—he will definitely go feral over this simple manuever. his mouth would probably be wrapped around your nipples, and his muffled moans could be heard on the outside, disturbing whoever’s nearby.
“mm—pfah! you think you can cover my mouth, baby?! huh?! think again—oo FUCK!~”
another loud boy. maybe not as loud as ace, but definitely can be loud if he needs to be.
he’ll honestly let out the most cutest and hottest moans any person can produce, it can even border into whimpering. he does get embarrassed when he gets super loud though, so keep a gag nearby if needed.
he’ll, however, take pride that only you can push him into the edge and let him produce music to your ears, much to the dismay of the crew. he’ll sometimes purposely moan out loud if it means to piss off zoro and keep him up from his slumber, leaving the green mosshead disgruntled and disgusted.
“oh~oh my god! y/n! you feel so—fuck!”
zoro’s a grunter. next.
no but in all seriousness, he does seem like a grunter and the type to give you dirty talk. he, like law, is not that talkative but he’ll say the most filthiest of shit in your ears that will leave you melting under his touch.
he’ll also maybe taunt you by groaning along with you with a smirk as he looks down at your wet parts.
“aww, you want my cock that badly?… well you might have to beg for it”
jesus this man is crazy in bed. he strikes me as the type to be a growler. he seems to me to be very animalistic as he rails you like there’s mo tomorrow.
i can see him pinning your hips down as he thrusts himself into you, throwing his head back, letting out the loudest growls and groans as he speeds himself up. he’ll probably start talking in haste manner as well as soon as he feels himself getting closer to let his waterfall out.
“c’mon.. fucking, c’mon! you better come for me. come for me. come for me. come for me—grrr FUCK!”
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characters are owned by oda. i will not tolerate nor accept translation, reposts on other websites, or plagiarism. divider made by mmadeinheavenn.
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milksuu · 8 months
𓆩🖤𓆪 Screw Your Bike! 𓆩🖤𓆪
❥ prompt: You hated to admit it but, you were jealous of a damn motorcycle. How was it possible to feel second place to a vrooming object with two-wheels? What did it have that you didn't? A leather seat and a holo-graphic chrome wrap, really? Well, if Kayn wanted to take a ride, he'd have to go through you. Literally and figuratively. ❥ content/warnings: nsfw 18+, dom!kayn, dirty talk, bratty behavior, profanity ❥ characters/pairings: Heartsteel!kayn x f!reader
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You were going to be in so much trouble. Good. That's where you wanted to be. After being blown off recently, you weren't trying to be nice. If Kayn wanted to keep having fun with his new toy, then he'd have to go through you.
"Where the hell are my keys?" He growled out loud. Frustration igniting that irresistible scowl across his features. "I swear, if Ezreal thought It'd be funny to hide them, then it's going to be funnier when I murder him."
Oh. Poor Ezreal. You hated if he ever took the blame for your misdeed. But your secret wouldn't be kept for long. It was only a matter of time before you were found it. Which, you wanted to be. Very badly.
Kayn asked for your help in looking for the missing keys. You played your part well; sifting through cluttered drawers and couch cushions. After searching the house, it was time to search around the garage.
"Probably left it in the ignition or something," Kayn mumbled to himself, scanning the body of his motorcycle.
You stood a few feet away. Smiling. Watching him wrack his brain about where exactly were those damned keys. It was time to be found out. You bounced on your toes. Jingle Jingle.
That definitely caught someone's attention. Kayn looked up, narrowing his green eye against you. "Did you just...jingle?"
"I don't know. Did I?" You posed with fake innocence. You bounced again. Jingle Jingle. "Mm, maybe I did. I can't really tell. Would you mind finding out for me?”
Kayn’s look spat fire, but his smirk crossed with intrigue. He sauntered over with a sway, and sucked against his teeth. “Clever hiding spot. But kinda uninspiring, don’t you think?”
You merely shrugged. Allowing him to bask in whatever verbal triumph he wanted to display. You had to keep your cool. Especially when he plunged a hand between your cleavage. You held in a shudder. The rough of his knuckles brushed against your nipples during his careless search.
That all-too confident smirk faltered at the ends. But where his ended, your grin began. Nothing was there.
"You were right. That spot was uninspiring." You shook your lower half. Jingle Jingle. "Wonder where else they could be."
Kayn's jaw tightened. You saw the clench of teeth. He didn't liked to be fooled with. The fire that blazed just behind his eyes told you the punishment he wanted to reign. All according to plan.
"You're a damned brat." He said with a bite, tempting to snake a hand up your black mini-skirt.
He almost barked when you gripped his wrist, pinning his hand against your inner thigh. You narrowed your mascaraed lashes against him. "And you're an ass-head. Think I'd be happy with you blowing me off over your supped-up tricycle?"
Kayn glanced from his motorcycle back to you. So, this is what this was all about. You wanted to pick a fight with him over his new toy. Fine, have it your way—but it wasn't going to be the verbal kind. Words were all pointless, meaningless, a waste of time. Fucking things out always worked better.
Kayn slammed his mouth down on yours. You yelped, gripping his wrist tighter. You wouldn't relent, not so easily. When he sucked and nipped at your lower lip, you wrapped your free hand around his neck, grasping for some semblance of control.
Kayn groaned from the slight pressure and claimed your mouth fully. He returned that pressure by gripping tighter against your thigh fat. You were going to let his hand go. Unless you wanted bruises. He wasn't afraid to leave a mark or two on your body. Actually, he preferred it. A reminder of him anytime you undressed.
You whined a moan. The digging of his fingers sending shocks between your legs. You gasped for air, your strength siphoned.
Kayn breathed a shit-winning smirk into your ear. You bit your bottom lip. He thrusted his fingers inside your panty line. Sliding the keys out, the metal jostled and glided against your folds. Wet slicked and coated.
"You're going to pay for almost tarnishing the metal. I don't think you know exactly how much I'd have to cough up to replace them. Nothing you could afford with cash, anyway." Kayn's features darkened, licking the keys clean of your taste.
Oh God. He was such a dick. This is exactly what you wanted. "You're such an ass—"
You cried out when frim hands smacked against your back side, gripping the now tender flesh. Yanking you off your feet, Kayn practically tossed you onto his motorcycle. With your back pressed against the control panel, Kayn settled between your straddled legs. He was going to fuck on you his motorcycle to make a point? Before you could protest, Kayn possessed your lips with a snarl and bite. Goose-bumps rose when you heard the undoing of his jean button and the down slide of his zipper.
"I hope I ruin the leather on this stupid thing," you said, gripping his hot dick in your hand.
Kayn growled and shoved your mini-skirt up to your stomach, snapping your panties to the side. "Ruin it and you're going to be licking your mess off the seat, while I fuck you from behind."
Shit. That sounded so hot. "Screw your fucking bike," you said with a shudder. His fingers swiped against your pussy. Completely drenched for him.
"Don't tempt me with the idea." Kayn took himself from you in his hand, circling your clit with the head of his cock. Slicking it up and down. You writhed, legs shaking against his sides.
Kayn shifted his hips. With his glazed tip, he dragged the length of his cock through your entrance. Your throbbing folds parted, spreading around his shaft. Pushing up to your cervix, he dragged up and back, coating himself with your fluids.
Your hands snatched his shoulders, finding your nails leaving desperate trails for him to take you, over and over and over again. Pleading for him to never stop.
Kayn bent forward, gripping the motorcyle handles. He dipped his head, pressing his teeth against the helix of your ear. "Think you're more exciting than my bike? Then you better purr louder." Bastard!
Kayn slammed inside of you, delivering all of his frustration, hunger and revenge. Taking you like the demon that he inevitably was. You cried out, tightening your legs around him, holding him closer. As if he was your savior and not your actual reaper.
Fuck. You were so hot, tight, and wet. Your walls pulsed and squeezed, making him swell and throb. Kayn gritted his teeth. He almost let himself reach his threshold before you—he was never going to let you fucking win.
Kayn lapped a long tongue across your neck, before diving and sinking a pair of canines into your skin. An apparent mark of his victory. You whole body jolted with pleasure. Your pussy clamped down so hard around his shaft, for a moment, Kayn's vision went black.
You screamed his name. Bucked against him. Coming all around him. Kayn went with you, catching his vulgar groans in his throat as he filled up your insides.
You got exactly what you wanted. Kayne think's he's won, and that's fine. But you were the real winner. He rode you before the damn bike. You smiled to yourself. All according to plan.
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader
Fic Type: Drabble
Beta’d by the lovely @marc-spectorr 😌
Summary: Marc knew that being Khonshu’s Avatar came with side effects. He just was never quite aware of how, exactly, the phases of the moon affected him. Not until you.
A/N: So. The gif. Pretend he’s not getting impaled. Or injured at all. Because honestly that’s the position I picture him being in when he’s pinning the reader against him. 🤡 (Also, this is kind of a Marc version of Feral Flight…)[Yes, I ignored my ask box to finish this :/]
Rating/Warnings: 18+ NSFW, Minors DNI, primal play, breeding kink, unprotected PiV, exhibitionism (Steven and Jake watch and comment), feral!Marc Spector, marathon sex, slight dub/non-con, fingering, softdom!Marc, a/b/o vibes, mating kink (??? This is a version of Feral Flight, after all), Marc is confuzzled about what’s happening to him but gives in, lots of mentions of getting the reader pregnant, sex with intention of getting reader pregnant, the phases of the moon affect the Moon Boys, foul/vulgar language, praise kink, rough (?) sex, lots of mentions of Khonshu but like??? He’s not in it???, jealous Marc (briefly), biting, marking, fluff, somehow this went from the kinkiest shit I’ve ever written to extreme yearning fluff idk
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Dating the boys had surely been an experience you’d never forget. Steven, Marc, Jake, your boyfriends whom you loved deeply; and they loved you tenfold each. It was a strange feeling, being in a relationship with all three alters— but strange in a good way. You took every part of them and accepted it, loving them for who they were wholly and completely.
Although… you didn’t expect there to be a part of them that even they weren’t aware of…
Marc knew that the phases of the moon affected the powers that Khonshu gave them. The fuller it was, the more powerful they were. On the New Moon, they all slept so deeply that not even Khonshu himself could wake them. It was apparently some kind of rejuvenating period, which made sense (and also prompted a three-and-half explanation from Steven).
But on the Full Moon?
Their powers were amplified tenfold.
When wearing the suit, their super-strength, flight, speed, healing abilities, they seemed invincible and godlike. It was a feeling that went straight to their heads. For nearly a week around the day of the full moon, they became arrogant. Cocky. Marc would be the first to admit that they became fucking assholes, even Steven. Not to mention, the extra metabolism (? So Steven said. Marc wasn’t too sure.) forced them to eat. And eat. And eat. They bulked up. Whereas throughout the rest of the month they were fit and lean, during the week of the full moon their bodies were sleek, contoured muscle. They would beat the shit out of their enemies (even Steven), or pick fights. They were quick to respond with aggression, and he even felt his neighbors weren’t safe.
Whenever he was in the flat around that time, he would snap and huff at the people he’d ride with in the elevator. They were too close, it was too stuffy, he wanted to chase everyone out of the fucking building and patrol it just to keep everyone out. He felt that way so violently that he usually went out to protect his innocent neighbors before he lost all sense of self. Jake liked to joke that it was just a “moon period,” and it would pass.
Then you came along, and it got worse.
And different.
He seemed to eat more. He was more aggressive toward his neighbors. Every sound in the hall made him want to bust down the door and attack whoever it was because they were too close to you. Everyone was too close to you. You needed a whole building to yourself and Marc would patrol it to keep you safe. If you wanted to go out, he’d just have to go with you, Khonshu be damned.
But with you other things happened that made him confused.
He'd catch himself piling your blankets around him while you were at work just to envelop him in your scent— the smell of your shampoo, though he swore it was more than that. He swore he had heightened senses, because he could almost smell you on an animalistic level. When you got home, he was all over you, worshiping you like you were a princess. He’d have a hot bath already running for you, he’d make you food, ensure you drank water, help you with your shoes and jacket; he catered to you on a standard day, especially Steven, but this was different. He’d be practically unable to let go of you, literally keeping his arms around you and whining high-pitched in the back of his throat like a fucking dog if you had to move. He’d almost aggressively cuddle you, burying his face in the crook of your neck and letting your smell overwhelm him, comfort him.
Of course he’d explained it to you before the time had hit, but in his brief moments of clarity, he’d whisper helplessly with tears in his eyes, “I-I don’t know what’s happening to me…”
You’d only kiss his forehead. Ever patient. Ever loving. He wondered what he did to deserve you. “It’s okay, Marc. We’ll get through it together, I promise.” Of course, Khonshu never explained anything to him.
You were so patient.
Even when he was fucking you senseless.
Usually you both had a reasonable lust for each other, but during the full moon, his sex drive was through the roof. He had to take you. He had to feel you. He was gentle, but also relentless— he wasn’t sure where he suddenly got the stamina for twelve fucking rounds after dinner, but his intention was never to hurt you. He just wanted you. If you pushed him away, too tired for more, Marc would immediately launch into aftercare. A warm bath, blankets straight from the dryer, and him laying protectively around you.
Although there was one night he caught himself lapping slowly at your throat. The fuck???
Jake and Steven were just as bad as he was. In fact, Steven was probably worse. His pent-up years of anger made him more dangerous to strangers and more rough with you, so he kept away from the front.
Marc was happy when on the next full moon, Khonshu had work for him; but it ended up not taking as long as he’d planned. By only eight o’clock he was done with the mission, and he ran thirty times full speed around the block your workplace was in just to let off some steam. He made sure, though, that when you got off, he was there to watch over you from a nearby rooftop.
The wind changed, and he swore— he fucking swore he caught a whiff of your goddamn scent.
No, he really was. Was that a new power? Heightened senses? His mask melted away so that he could better smell it— he shouldn’t know you’re ovulating. He shouldn’t. Were you this morning? No, he’d smelled it coming. He’d been all over you before you’d left for work. But, oh, you smell so fucking good.
Ovulating. The word rings around in his head for a minute. His alters are somewhere in the headspace, keeping away from the front at all costs. He tries to swallow hard, but his throat and mouth are so damn dry that he just can’t. All he can think about is you. You you you. And the fact that you’re ovulating.
He hears a high noise nearby and isn’t sure what it is until he realizes that it’s him. He’s whining as he watches you bid goodbye to a coworker who was chatting with you, wanting nothing more than to pin you down right. There.
Marc shifted his weight, his suit suddenly far too tight in the crotch. The wind shifts, and so does his mood.
There’s another scent on you.
The scent of a male.
He can almost see the handprint on your shoulder from where one of your coworkers passed you earlier in the day. The scent is faint, stale, but it’s there, and it makes him furious. He’s possessive over you, and that scares him. He wants to lick and rub his face all over that spot while fucking you hard just to cover you wholly in his scent again.
He’s there, too; he can smell himself on you. The smell of citrus and metal and wood, all fucking over you. You’re his. Except for that. Spot. How dare someone touch his mate while she’s ovulating? If he wasn’t so distracted by you, he’d have tracked the scent and broken both the coworker’s hands for it.
Marc’s head grew foggy. His vision narrowed until you were all he could see. All of his senses were trained on you. He thought he might have whined again, realizing he was palming himself a little too roughly when Jake said in the back of his head, “...Ow,” followed by Steven: “Oi, you tryin’ to castrate us, mate?”
Mate. Marc wasn’t sure where his mind went or what kind of trance he was in. I’ve gotta get down there— get to her— have to— have to mate with her— Marc stood, following you from the rooftop and starting to parkour down. I have to mate with her. Right now, while she’s ready for me.
“Oh shit,” Jake muttered, “Easy, hombré; you hurt her, I won’t hesitate in castrating us. You need fucking fixed, man.”
“Not gonna hurt her,” Marc mumbled as he prepared himself for the drop to the sidewalk below, “Not gonna hurt her…”
Steven, meanwhile, had come too close to the front. He hovered, feral, just behind the edge of Marc’s conscious thought, urging him on silently. Waiting for Marc to pounce.
Marc landed in a crouch before you, making you yelp in momentary terror. The smell was like burning plastic, and he didn’t like it. “No, baby, it’s me—“
Your scent returned to normal as you let out a whooshing breath of relief, a broad but wary smile on your face. “Marc,” The way you said his name caused a shiver to run up his spine. You started to ask him something— whether he was still on a mission, how it went, or something like that, he wasn’t sure— all he knew was that his body was moving before his mind, rushing forward to crush your lips together in a bruising kiss. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, taking advantage of your slack jaw, an arm slipping around you from behind to pull you flush against him. The sensation of your taste and your body against him felt overwhelming. His suit was suddenly scratchy, his skin too hot and feverish, his breath and heartbeat too quick. If he could have seen how black his eyes were, he might have had the sense to be concerned.
His hungry kisses trailed down your neck, where he pulled your shirt down your shoulder to expose the skin. Your gasp at the contact of the chilly night air went straight to his core, and he growled. The scent of the other male was making him pissed, and he found himself licking at the spot before biting down.
So hard he drew blood, and you cried out, voice echoing in the empty street.
He didn’t pull back, keeping you against him and rolling his hips into you to try and ease the pressure in his groin with another whine. “Marc—“
“Run,” He hissed in your ear.
The demand took you by surprise. “Huh?”
“I want you to run from me,” He clarified softly, “Run. As fast and as far as you can. Until I catch you. Please?”
“W-what happens if you catch me?” You managed, a little shaken and also understanding what was happening to your boys.
“I get to fuck you,” Marc nipped at your jawline, trying to entice you. If there was one thing he wasn’t going to do, it was force himself on you. He’d catch a plane to Singapore just to keep himself away from you if you said no. He was still steadily rocking into you, lapping at your wounded shoulder as he tried to cover the scent of the other male, take it away, get rid of it…
“M-Marc,” You breathed; he could see in your eyes that you were greatly concerned. But he could also smell your arousal, and it was just making his whole situation worse. “We’re out in public. Can you wait till we get back to the flat?”
He was able to have a moment of clarity (? If you could call it that). Mainly because Steven was acting like a caged tiger, slamming up against the front violently like an animal behind bars. Marc wouldn’t let him out; couldn’t let him out. Steven could get rough and hurt you without even meaning to, and then he’d feel guilty and horrible when he came back to himself. Marc knew that he was always gentle, that he could stop himself, but... “Don’t you fucking dare take her here, Marc. Getting her scent everywhere in a place so far from home. Getting her everywhere— you get her home, Marc. Get her home, or I will. She needs to be safe.”
Steven was his voice of reason, as always. He wholly agreed with his alter, biting softly at your jawline and nuzzling into your neck. There. He found it. The spot right behind your ears that had your knees buckling, a flood of arousal heading straight to your core. You were probably dripping for him already.
“Bloody hell,” Steven groaned when he saw how you nearly went limp, if not for Marc catching you and holding you against him.
Marc scooped you up in his arms and held you close, taking you back to the flat; it wasn’t a particularly long walk, but it felt like days. Marc’s suit was tight, way too tight and he could barely breathe. By the time the building was in sight, he was sweating buckets and could barely walk, almost in pain. He set you down carefully, much to your confusion. “Can you run? Please? I want to chase you.”
“Why?” You weren’t mocking, or teasing; you were genuinely asking why he wanted to chase you. He himself wasn’t sure— all he knew was that he wanted to have the thrill of chasing you before mating with you. Before…
Before he breeds you.
The thought of potentially impregnating you makes him moan into your neck, and he turns you around, giving you a gentle nudge to the building. “Go. Go, please.”
Reluctantly, you did. Marc started counting to thirty, watching your shrinking form pick up speed, as his alters spoke up.
Steven was too close, heated and pissed. “Get that bloody male’s scent off her, Marc. I don’t care if you have to fucking cum on her shoulders. Get. It. Off.”
“Marc, listen to me, hombré,” Jake said, farther back, still horny but sensible. He wasn’t letting himself get near to the front, but he kept trying to pull Steven back, which resulted violently; not entirely in control of himself, Steven attacked, fending Jake off while keeping his position in co-fronting. “Remember yourself. Don’t let yourself hurt her.”
20, 21, 22…
Keeping Steven contained was the equivalent of holding a cat carrier with a violent, strong cat freaking out on the inside. Marc was losing his hold, grip failing—
Steven took advantage of the slip and bolted.
You’d only just gotten through the doors of the building when Steven took off, too far gone to hear Jake reprimanding him or Marc begging him for the body back. He burst through the doors just as you entered the elevator, watching with wide eyes as he raced for you. The doors closed before he reached them, and he slammed into them hard enough to dent them. The suit gave him the strength to pry the doors open with the sound of screeching metal, but the car was already gone, leaving only a gaping hole in the floor. Steven whirled for the stairs with a growl of frustration.
He’d only made it halfway up when he faltered, dizzy from how he was panting and from the overwhelming scents of his neighbors. A part of him was furious. They shouldn't be this close to you. The other was horrified. If he’d have caught you in the elevator, what would he have done?
Steven put his face in his hands. “T-Take over. One of you take over. Please.”
Marc easily slipped into the front, slumping over. Steven disappeared into the farthest reaches of the headspace that he could go, but Marc and Jake both knew it was only a matter of time before he came back out.
Muscles shaking, Marc sprinted the last few floors to the flat, tearing open the door to find your scent fresh and present; his eyes locked on you as you stood in the middle of the living room, unsure of what to do. He gently closed and locked the door behind him, striding forward to take you in his arms and kiss you deeply. He wasn’t even aware that his hand rested on your stomach until he broke away to kiss your neck. “No condoms. Please.”
“Please,” Marc was speaking before his mind could comprehend that he was fucking begging. “I-I dont just wanna have s-sex, I want to mate with you, breed you, pleasepleasepleaseplease—“ He must’ve been rambling, because you took his face in your hands to look him in the eyes. Marc forced himself to form a coherent sentence, though his voice was barely a whisper. “I-I… I want to get you pregnant…” He shook his head, realizing what he was saying in a moment of true clarity. “Baby, I don’t know what’s happening, please forgive me—“
You kissed him softly. Just a peck. “Marc. It’s okay.”
Marc moaned with relief, turning you around and helping you to the bed. He laid you flat on your back and caged you in underneath of him, pressing his face into your neck to lick and suck and bite at your throat. The scents of the flat— you, him, home— relaxed his tense muscles. It made him feel as if you were in a safe zone. He peeled your jacket off and tore off your button-down shirt, the little buttons flying everywhere. Marc didn’t remove the suit, still only maskless— if it enhanced his powers, he wondered if it would enhance other things. If it might take first try.
Your little whimpers and gasps caused his hips to buck into you suddenly. He slipped his waist between your legs, which locked around his torso tightly to pull him closer. The sound of tearing fabric filled the bedroom as Marc tore off your pants and underwear with no effort whatsoever, making you gasp loudly and moan his name. Marc sensed how wet you were and snarled against your neck, grinding into you as he entwined his fingers with yours.
Your naked body was responding to him exactly how he wanted you to. You writhed and rocked against him, squeezing his hands for something to ground you. You wrestled a hand out from under his, and at first he was going to pin it back down, but then your fingers tangled in his curls and tugged. He groaned into your neck, sinking his teeth gently into your flesh and sweeping his other arm underneath of you to hold you against him; yours magnetized around him, hand fisting his cape at his back.
His hand slipped between you, sinking into your heat; you gasped, though the fact that you rocked into his hand made him continue. You were soaked.
He had Jake in one ear, barely able to control himself, whispering about how he needs to fuck you hard and thorough. He had Steven in the other, growling and cussing and trying to force himself to the front to take you himself.
Marc pulled back a little, just enough to maneuver his suit to pull his length out, throbbing and so hard he was nearly in pain. “Baby,” You whispered sympathetically, concerned, and Marc nudged his face into yours.
“Is this okay?”
You frowned, pulling him closer. He’d walk away if you said no, willing to fight through the pain of whatever was wrong with him. “It’s okay.”
Marc slowly, carefully, like you were made of glass, pushed into you. His hips twitched too quickly as he sunk in, as if he was fighting himself not to take you rough. Once he bottomed out, he unleashed a primal groan, deep in the back of his throat. “Oh my god; that’s it, babygirl, that’s it…”
His thrusts were slow as he rubbed your clit, trying to get you to the edge that he was already at. But it wasn’t enough, he needed more and so did you…
He pulled out, ignoring your whine save for a reassuring nudge against your face. “S’okay.” He turned you over, assisting you to your hands and knees; he doubled over you as he buried himself inside you again, pressing against something devastating deep within you— you cried out, loudly enough to where you knew your neighbors would be complaining in the morning. One of his arms swept under your hips to hold you firmly against him, the other, holding himself up alongside your own. You gripped his wrist for leverage as he propped a leg up beside you, knowing that he was going to absolutely ruin you.
The position woke up something feral in him. He was sure that Steven and Jake were co-fronting now, adding to his actions, but he didn’t care. You felt and looked and smelled so fucking good around and under and all over him that he didn’t care at all. His hips pistoned into you at a bruising pace, the head of his cock punching your cervix with each blow. His eyes rolled back in his head as he finally felt the build of his orgasm; but he couldn’t cum yet. Not without you. “Fuck, sweetheart—“ His position shifted slightly. He straightened his back, both hands coming to grip your hips briefly before one slipped underneath of you, pressing against your stomach until you moaned; he started grinding, feeling himself nudge against your insides as you started to sob with pleasure. Marc let out a guttural groan, letting his forehead fall onto your back. You all but screamed when he started roughly massaging your clit with his other hand.
“That’s it, babygirl, that’s it, come on… Come on…”
You came with a piercing wail that almost hurt his ears. Tumbling after you after a few stuttering thrusts was Marc, spilling into you with a yelp of alarm. “Oh— shit!” He stilled, face contorting with the pleasure of his high as he held you against him, panting fast and heavy as he emptied into you for far longer than he was used to. “F-fuck…”
“Huh,” Jake hummed, “Who knew wearing Khonshu’s suit would give us a bigger load.” Steven, on the other hand, had felt the orgasm too, and was calmed down, in a sort of daze.
“M-Marc,” you whimpered, but he was loathe to pull out of you. He reached up and brushed your sweaty hair back away from your face, kissing at your shoulders.
Gently, he rolled over so that you were both on your sides before pulling out; he scooped whatever dripped out right back in, not that it mattered. It didn’t take. She’s not pregnant. Marc frowned, whimpering as he let the suit melt off. You couldn’t take another load like that, not right now; he wasn’t even sure if you could take another orgasm. He was licking at your throat and that spot that drove you crazy, slowly, eyes closed as he breathed you in and held you against him. The contrast of your naked form against his clothed body made him feel off, so he pulled back and stripped of everything, settling in bed beside you.
He was already hard again, and the blissful smile you sent his way only made it worse. It disappeared off your face when you saw his pained expression. “What is it?”
“I… I need more…” He was reluctant to admit it. He didn’t want to take advantage of you.
“Marc…” You cupped his face in your hand. “I can take it. I promise. I’ll use my safeword if I can’t, okay?”
“Okay?” Marc echoed, situating himself above you and between your legs. “You sure? I don’t wanna hurt you—“
“I’m fine,” Was all the assurance he needed.
It was slower this time, more sensual. He held you against him as he drove carefully into you with firm rolls of his hips, getting as deep as possible. Your shared orgasm was enough to knock him out cold, and Steven fronted. Gently, he caressed your face as he hovered over you, already hard again inside you and knowing it hadn’t taken yet. “I’m sorry for scaring you earlier, dove,” Steven breathed, nuzzling up under your chin. “Don’t know what came over me… do you have one more in you, lovey? One more?”
You knew full well it wouldn’t be just one more, or two. Steven managed to cum in you once, but he drew two orgasms from you first. Then Jake was fronting, gently moving you so that your legs were over his shoulders before he slowly pounded into you, drawing another orgasm from you when he came.
Fighting the urges, he launched into aftercare, wiping you clean and engulfing you in his hold as you slept.
When he woke, it was Marc. Jake and Steven were quiet. It was only midnight. The full moon blazed through the window, illuminating the whole room with silver light— and you were gone. Marc sat up in a panic, your scent overwhelming him and fresh; but where were you? He called your name warily, only for you to come out of the bathroom with one of his shirts on. Your legs were wobbly. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“You needed your rest,” you whispered softly as he helped you back into bed. Immediately, his arms were around you and he was pulling you underneath of him, nuzzling into your throat with a soft hum. There was no trace of the other male’s scent, now. There’s only Marc, Jake, Steven, you… no one else.
You’re still not pregnant.
You’re still ovulating, though. The moon is at its fullest and brightest. He might not even need the suit. His hand traced your stomach, drawing patterns as you ran your hands through his curls. He softly said your name before propping himself up on his elbows to look you in the eye. He didn’t even have to ask; your legs parted for him immediately when you felt him hardening against your thigh, wrapping around his hips.
“Be gentle,” Steven warned, “We’ve had her all night.”
“She can do it,” Jake whispered, “Hermosa, tan hermosa…”
Marc hesitated, biting his lip. His fingers danced over your stomach nervously. “What is it?” You whispered quietly; he seemed a bit back to himself, more lucid, but you feared one wrong word would send him back into the frenzy he and his alters had been in earlier.
“I’m sorry,” Marc choked out, fighting back tears. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart; you didn’t sign up for any of this shit—“
“Marc,” You ran your thumbs over his cheekbones, brushing away tears he didn’t realize he’d shed. “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not, I’m fucking you so hard with intentions you agreed to without thinking—“
You cut him off with a light scold. “Marc Spector… don’t you remember this morning?” Marc was, reasonably, confused. In fact, he didn’t remember much of the day. It was a blur of aggression and lust for all three of them. He shook his head. “We were talking about kids,” You caressed his cheek, brow furrowing with concern. “How many we wanted, how we’ll need a bigger house… this is just… a different way of trying.”
“...Trying,” Marc repeated after a second, shocked. He still didn’t remember it. But he trusted you. Now, other fears surfaced, ones he hadn’t thought of in his moon-induced trance. “What if I’m not a good dad? What if I’m a horrible father? What if—“
You cut him off with a passionate kiss. Marc melted against you. Don’t even say it, you thought, you’ll never be like your mother. “You’ll be an amazing father,” You whispered instead. “And I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.” After a moment, you added, “Do… Do you still want to try?”
Marc shifted slightly, licking his lips, before kissing you warmly. “...Yeah. I do.” You wrapped your arms around his neck with a smile, pulling him close. “Steven and Jake are here,” Marc breathed against your ear as he pushed into you; you hissed, walls over-sensitive from being paid so much attention over the course of the night. “Can they watch, pretty girl? Can they watch us make a baby?”
Your frantic nodding made Steven smile; Jake leaned back as if getting comfortable for a movie. Marc entwined your fingers with his as he slowly rutted into you, dragging his cock along your walls painfully slowly before sliding back in and pressing against something that made you see stars. You breathed his name like a mantra, while Marc whispered honeyed words into your ear. “Our kid’s gonna be so beautiful, having a part of you. Can’t think of anyone in the world I’d rather have a baby with, sweetheart; you, only you.” He nuzzled the side of your face, nipping at your jawline as he drew slow circles over your clit.
When you came, you dragged Marc with you over the edge, the pair of you writhing and moaning against each other in the throes of your ecstasy. As you came to, you saw Marc’s beaming smile, eyes glistening with unshed tears. His hand never left your stomach. “I think we did it… I… I think you’re pregnant.”
Marc let out a breathless laugh against your lips, and you laughed with him, hugging him tightly and kissing all over your face. Marc— finally satiated, back to himself, his alters confused and excited— was smiling like you’d never seen before. He was happy. “We just started a family,” You sniffled, shocked.
“Wouldn’t have done it with anyone else,” Marc said sincerely, tired and spent. He kissed you, warmth radiating off of him as he embraced you. “...I love you. I know I don’t say it a lot, and I should… I’m gonna try harder. To give you everything. To give you both everything…” His eyes locked with yours, both gazes holding unshed tears. He kissed you again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Marc,” You said through your tears, and you fell asleep happy and entangled together under the light of the moon.
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Slowly, pointedly, you turned to glare over your shoulder at Marc, who sat at the dinner table, feigning innocence. “Marc…” You warned.
“What? I’m not doing anything.”
“Not yet.”
“You say that as if I’m known to do something.”
“Marc?” You said, half-turning around, “I learned long ago that I can never trust you with cookie dough.”
The sound of breaking glass in the next room made you both lunge frantically, tripping over yourselves, chairs, and each other as you rushed for the source of the sound. By the time you got there, there was only a little tiny version of Moon Knight, as if he’d been shrunk, dusting himself off as he stood to face you both, clearly having jumped off the couch in an attempt to “fly.”
You both heaved a sigh of exasperation toward your three-year-old son. “Nico,” Marc scolded lightly, coming forward to kneel in front of him. “What’ve we told you, buddy? You’re gonna get yourself hurt. I’ll fly with you, okay? But when you’re older, I promise. Are you hurt?”
Nico shook his little masked head. “No, Daddy. I bumped the vase.” He pointed accusingly toward the shattered glass and remains of flowers. Marc checked him over anyway before holding him gently by the shoulders. “Don’t do that again, okay?” Nico nodded, lowering his head, and Marc added, “Hey. I’m not angry. I just don’t want you getting hurt. I could never be angry at you. Ever. Okay?” He pulled Nico in for a tender embrace.
You watched it all from the doorway with a smile. Nico Randall Spector (Lockley-Grant, but you couldn’t officially put that on any of his birth certificates or documents without causing a whole conundrum of confusion) was every bit like his father. The same hair, same eyes, and same hidden chaotic energy. “Just like his father…”
Marc shot you a teasing glare. “Hey. I’ve never jumped off the couch.”
“So I’m just supposed to pretend we’ve never had Nerf battles, then?” You countered swiftly.
Marc scoffed as he stood with Nico in his arms. “I’ve never jumped off the couch. Have I ever jumped off the couch?” He turned to confirm with your son, who reluctantly nodded; Marc immediately began to tickle him. “Little traitor! I’ve never jumped off the couch! How dare you!”
Only when Nico was nearly out of breath did Marc stop, smiling as he pressed his forehead to his much smaller one. Nico hugged him tight enough to probably choke him, but Marc didn’t care; he gave him a kiss on the cheek before setting him down. “Okay— go change. It’s almost time for dinner.”
“Okay!” Nico started to hurry away; you called after him, “Need any help, Moon Knight?”
“No thank you,” Came his little voice; Jake’s cat, Taco, appeared out from underneath the couch and padded silently after him.
You and Marc watched your son disappear into his room fondly; you’d never seen Marc smile like that until he was born. He unfolded his arms and came over to loosely put his arms around your waist. “Thought you were supposed to be watching him while I finished up.”
“Your fault for distracting me with the cookie dough,” Marc retorted childishly, then added with a wink, “And those damn jeans.”
“Hush,” You whispered.
Marc smiled again, pressing a kiss to your temple as his hand fell to splay over your stomach. “Maybe his sister will keep him in line when she gets here.”
You tapped his nose with the spoon you’d been holding. He balked and blinked rapidly. “Hey. That doesn’t even have any dough on it!” Reduced to giggling messes, Marc held you tightly against him and closed his eyes, savoring the closeness.
Dinner was one of those rare moments of domestic bliss; Nico made a ridiculous mess, but all three alters were present, switching who was fronting in order to spend time with their expecting wife and son— and to help clean up. The night ended with Marc being the only one who remained awake after a movie, as you were tucked in on one side of him, his arm around you and his hand over your stomach, and Nico under the other arm. Marc smiled to himself, giving you each a kiss.
“Love you guys. With all my heart.”
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Thanks for reading!
Tags: @dameronsknight @sylkisdagger @atzlena @gucciboots @pastel-0-princess @rosaren2498 @love-on-the-murder-scene @wintergirlsoilder2 @blackcat-midnight-thatsme @multifandomsw @bookloverfilmoholic @khaotic-kris @hb8301 @soggumm @simonsbluee @bobfloydsgf @bluestuesday @magnet-girl @rosellacwrites @dweeb-central @ilymorepls @drwhofangirl1963 @loonymagizoologist @auszimbo @tealrivers @later-gators12 @izbelross @xcatnapsx @child-of-the-moon-gods @djarinsgirl27 @sokoviansorceress @eerievixen @cold-buffet-ham @upbeat-cascade @stark-kirk-rogers-grant-blog @candydancey @rqmanoff @jakelcckley @sharin4readers @lovely-cryptid @marc-spectorr @rmoonstoner @oscarisaacsspit @moonknightyws @hopefulfangirl24 @local-mr-frog @dawnsutopia @hot-mess-express1 @infinitelyforgotten
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corrodedhawkins · 2 years
I think you mentioned you were doing a piss fic for the Eddie kinks but pls don’t forget I need it
😈 trust me I could never forget it’s my jam
Piss: Part nine of the Eddie kink series. Kind of a continuation to part one
Content warnings: Graphic smut (minors DNI) language, piss kink, bladder control, desperation, wetting, slight Perv!Eddie, teasing, slight humiliation, very brief male masturbation, unprotected sex.
Authors note: I know this is not everyone’s thing, if it’s not yours please just skip this one. I don’t want to hear about how gross this is, I’m already well aware.
You’re lounging on Eddie’s bed, head pillowed on his thigh as you read the latest true crime novel he’d bought for you.
His notebook is balanced on his other leg, pencil moving furiously over the page as he writes lyrics for a new Corroded Coffin song.
He looks up, tongue peeking out as he thinks. “What rhymes with demon?”, he asks, tapping his pencil on his chin.
Saving your page in your book, you turn over to look at him. “Semen?”
“Perfect”, he mutters, writing it down.
“You’re a poet, babe”, you chuckle as you toss your book onto the bed, rising to your feet.
He grabs your arm and pulls you back down onto the bed playfully. “And where are you going?” He wraps his arms around you, pulling you back into his chest.
You slap at his arm when he squeezes you tight, trying to break from his hold. “Let me up, I gotta pee.”
You laugh, “what do you mean nah? I really have to go.” Wriggling out of his hold, you roll off of the bed and get up.
He sits up and grabs your wrist, turning you towards him. “Remember the thing you told me to put a pin in?”
It takes you a second to realize what he’s talking about. The night Eddie had made you squirt, he’d made a comment about feeling like you might have to pee before it happened. He had assured you that you wouldn’t, but if you did? He might find it hot.
You remember your pussy throbbing at that, too preoccupied with the task at hand to really analyze what it had meant.
“Yeah”, you say hesitantly.
He gives you a devilish grin, “maybe we can explore that a little bit. Just—don’t go. Stay here.”
“Eddie”, you warn.
His hold on your wrist softens, “Too far?”
“I don’t—I don’t know”, you mumble.
“Hey”, he presses a kiss to the back of your hand. “Look at me, we don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable, okay?”
The thing is, you were uncomfortable.
You’ve never felt Iike this before, so turned on and grossed out at the same time, so ashamed by something getting you off. You hadn’t even done anything yet and you were already soaked, cunt throbbing at the thought of what you were about to do.
“I-I am a little uncomfortable”, you admit. “But, I’m also kinda into it.”
A wide grin spreads across his face, “yeah?”
You nod, “yeah. Can I follow your lead on this? If I think about it too much I might chicken out.”
“Of course”, Eddie pats the bed next to him, continuing once you sit down. “I got you, babe. I’ll check in but you gotta speak up and tell me if you want to stop, okay?
“Alright”, he hands you your novel, “get back to reading.”
He picks up his notebook and resumes writing, lyrics and chord progressions scribbled along the page.
You make it another few chapters before you’re starting to squirm, no longer able to ignore the pressure in your bladder.
“Doing ok?”, Eddie asks, not looking up from his notes.
You whimper, “Yeah. It’s just—fuck. I need to piss.”
He puts down his notebook and looks over at you, the hunger in his eyes surprising you.
“Is that so?”, he asks teasingly.
“Yes”, you hiss.
Eddie chuckles, “Now for some ambience.” He grabs your phone, opening your sleep sounds app. He scrolls past your usual rain sounds and taps ‘waterfall’.
He smirks as the sound of rushing water fills the room. You laugh, the sound cut off by a gasp when you feel yourself almost lose control for a second.
You throw your book at him with a glare, prompting him to shut off the waterfall and toss your phone to the side.
“Hi”, Eddie says as he turns his attention back to you.
“Hi”, you say softly.
“Doing ok?”, he asks.
He leans in and captures your lips when you nod, the kiss starting soft and gentle.
You start to squirm, the urge to grab your crotch to hold it in growing too strong to deny.
Eddie grabs your hand when you try to press it against yourself, holding it down against the mattress as he smirks against your lips.
His other hand hovers over the button on your jeans, waiting for your nod before shoving them down your legs and onto the floor along with your panties.
You suck in a breath, muscles clenching as the cold air hits your heated core.
He runs his fingertips over your slit teasingly, chuckling when you buck into his touch. “You are soaked. You really do like this, don’t you?”, he marvels.
You nod, a whimper escaping you as he thumbs over your clit.
“I’m going to fuck you”, he says, voice low and deep. “And you’re going to hold it until you cum. Do you understand?”
“Yes”, you whine, hips twitching up into his touch.
Eddie shoves the front of his sweatpants down, his cock springing free to slap against his stomach. He pumps his hand over himself a few times before he shuffles closer and sinks into you.
He sits back on his heels, rocking into you slow and deep. It feels incredible, the pressure in your bladder making every brush of his cock on your g-spot send jolts of pleasure through you.
You wail when Eddie presses his hand into your bladder, a wave of desperation rushing over you.
"Hold it", he bites out, snapping his hips into you harder.
"I can't", you're thrashing around, trying to get away.
He brings two fingers down to circle your clit, “you can. Cum, then you can let go.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, willing yourself to hold it in until you cum.
His hips shift, hitting your g-spot perfectly with every thrust.
“C’mon, I know you���re close”, he pants as he feels you start to clench around him. “Cum for me.”
You do as you’re told, toppling over the edge as pleasure floods your senses.
“There you go. You can let go now baby. Let go”, he encourages.
You don’t even realize you’re pissing until you feel the warmth of it under you, tears leaking from the corners of your eyes at the relief.
The second Eddie feels the first gush of warmth against him he cums, hips grinding deep as he empties himself inside of you.
You’re both panting, stream tapering off and stopping as you come down and catch your breath.
He reaches up to wipe away your tears, smoothing your hair away from your face. “You ok?”
You take a deep breath, “yeah, just—shower please?”
He laughs, getting up and tugging you with him down the hallway towards the bathroom.
That night, Eddie’s sheets are changed for the first time since you’ve known him.
Tag list:
@ghastlyentity @sweetpeapod @e0509 @simpingoverfictionalppl @quinnswife86 @munsonquinns @thorfemmes @khaleesibubblegum @manddoublee @mcplestreet  @lizziesfirstwife @kellynickelsgirl00 @wroteclassicaly @msmimiandrew @emokid-ellie @stardust-galaxies @escapingthereality @marsbar127xx  @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @dickchomper @xcarabear @just-absolutely-feral @hellfirebabes @ely-seum @fireflyislands @anaisweird @suhsouza @stardustmunson
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69misato69 · 1 year
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures (Alhaitham x Kaveh) ✦ smut, 3.5k
archive of our own ✦ twitter
masterlist pinned on my profile !
Summary: Kaveh overhears Haytham having a one night stand and he is unable to think of anything but fucking him. The initial premise was meant to be crack, then it turned into an actual fic but I do still find it kind of funny if I'm being honest. I hope you enjoy :)
Top Alhaitham x Bottom Kaveh
cw: blowjobs, handjobs, ejaculation, slight overstim, unprotected anal sex
writer's note: explicit +18 content, please view at your own risk. thank you, have fun !
“Haytham!” Kaveh angrily walked into the living room to find his roommate reading on the couch as always, “We have a problem.”
The scribe didn’t lift his gaze from the page and turned it over with his index finger, “I have a feeling that it's your problem and I have absolutely nothing to do with it.” Kaveh crossed his arms at his chest, refusing to follow-up in an attempt to get his attention. Per usual, it was a futile effort, so he gave up with a long, annoyed exhale, “I can’t get laid. It’s getting out of hand.”
Alhaitham was unfazed by the abrupt indecency, it was Kaveh after all, he had spent years trying to teach the concept of boundaries to him but the man was sticking to his values of oversharing and making every detail of his life public to their small household. “Impossible, it's your only source of income.” Alhaitham jested, skilfully hiding the half-smirk that formed on the corner of his mouth. Kaveh gasped and squeezed his fists, “Rude and untrue.” he protested. Alhaitham turned another page and settled more comfortably in his seat, “Mmhm, do go on.”
“My proposal is to fuck.”
“Seems like an appropriate solution, any candidates?”
Alhaitham could see where this conversation was going from miles away, but for now his plan was playing dumb and savoring the moment as his roommate further embarrassed himself. “The proposal is for you and me.” Kaveh certainly didn’t sound ashamed, laying down an unchaste and indecent offer as if it was nothing. 
“You want us to fuck?”
“Yes. What is your answer?”
“Who fucks who?
“You top.”
“Why, you don't like it?
Alhaitham heard footsteps approaching him, Kaveh snatched the book away from his hand and put it down on the table. Alhaitham hated it when he did that, but he was drawing too much joy from the situation that he wasn’t bothered at all.
Kaveh stood between his parted legs and looked down on him with his arms crossed once again. “Haytham. Listen to me very carefully. Fucking you won’t solve my problem. This is serious. I need to be thrown around, okay? I need to forget my own name. I can’t take it anymore. You’re as emotional as a Scarab, so I’m sure you won't catch feelings. Also, I assume you’re packing down there. So please , stop drawing this out and just answer me.” he explained calmly, as if the words he uttered weren’t absolutely insane. 
Alhaitham nodded, “Fine, I accept.” Kaveh’s eyes lit up momentarily, then the spark vanished with the growing awkwardness between them. Alhaitham parted the silence, “What are you waiting for?” Kaveh was frozen in place, he hadn’t planned things this far. He didn’t even think the scribe would accept. Though it seemed impulsive, it had been on his mind for some time, since the day he was supposed to check up on a project and stay overnight in the desert last week. 
He had told Alhaitham beforehand, it was an unspoken rule between the two. Kaveh enjoyed having people over but they kept it confined within the walls of his bedroom, Alhaitham would only see those people for a moment in the mornings when they would be leaving, but he would never bring home someone he was involved with. Kaveh didn’t exactly know why, but he knew that the scribe definitely cared for his privacy. Regardless of the reason, he tried to tell Alhaitham when he was going to be away, in case he wanted to have the house to himself and have people over. Everytime he came back he would notice signs but would never pester his roommate about it. 
So last weekend, he got ready for his departure as always, failing to account for the fact that he was extremely tired. He came home and went to bed immediately, confident that he would easily get up near noon and leave with the convoy. But when he finally opened his eyes, rested and light as a feather, the time was nearing five in the afternoon. 
He got off the bed, cursing as he made his way through the kitchen to quench his thirst. He sat on the balcony for a while and then ran inside upon spotting Alhaitham in the distance. The scribe approached the door, Kaveh could hear him from the large window opening to the balcony. But he wasn’t alone, there was a tall brunette tangled around his arm. Kaveh rubbed his temples, trying to devise a plan by the time they made their way up. 
If he left he would undoubtedly run into them, plus he wasn’t even dressed. Even if he found a way to evade them, everyone that would welcome him in the city was out in the desert with the rest of the team. Though he liked to poke fun at Alhaitham, he handled most of the housework, cooking and cleaning, taking care of their plants and, taking care of Kaveh. It was his house after all, and if he saw Kaveh there he would surely never bring anyone home ever again. Kaveh truly didn’t want to shatter his trust in him. 
So, the only option was to hide in his room. It wasn’t so bad, he was still tired after all. Hurriedly, he sneaked a bottle of water and some snacks and ran to his bed. Alhaitham walked in with the man that Kaveh didn’t know, they cooked dinner together, laughing and talking about things that were terribly boring to the blonde. Yet, it was interesting to hear Alhaitham crack up at the jokes, he surely never laughed like that at Kaveh or at anyone at work. 
It was actually kind of nice to see a more human side of him. Kaveh couldn’t help but smile all evening, sketching his new plans quietly and occasionally taking breaks to eavesdrop on the two. From what he had gathered, it didn’t seem like a serious relationship, maybe it was just a casual thing, and maybe it wasn’t even a ‘relationship’ at all, Kaveh thought, until later that night, when Alhaitham took the man to his room. 
After that, all that Kaveh heard was the rustling of clothes and kisses through the thin walls, and the man moaning Alhaitham’s name over and over again. Kaveh should’ve just plugged his ears, but he felt paralyzed, unable to move a single muscle until he realized he was gripping tightly onto the sheets. He whispered curses when he felt a twitch in his groin, it was extremely annoying to get hard at Alhaitham’s grunts. 
Aside from the frustration he also felt, perverted. It was wrong , slipping his hand inside his boxers was wrong, imagining his own self under Alhaitham was wrong, lusting over something that he wasn’t even meant to hear was so wrong. But, that didn’t stop him. He laid down, playing with himself to the melody of his roommate’s soft moans and words of praise. 
It was so unattainable, what that man was achieving. It was so out of touch for someone like Kaveh. What he felt wasn’t jealousy, but it was certainly something. After the two settled down, Kaveh also felt his eyelids get heavy once again. He rid himself of the overwhelming thoughts and drifted off to sleep. Luckily, the house was empty in the morning. All that remained was a note with beautiful handwriting that Alhaitham slipped through the door, probably before leaving for work. 
“Hope you had a safe trip back. I’ll be away until tomorrow. Please do not leave the window open again. H.”
Kaveh sighed. He went to drop off the plans and apologize for missing the trip. Since he was going to have the house all to himself, he decided to hit the tavern and hopefully find someone to spend the night with. He desperately needed to shake off Alhaitham’s voice from his ears, but it seemed impossible. Instead of taking an interest in newcomers, he spent the entire night drinking and thinking of his roommate. 
Kaveh barely made it through the rest of the week, bickering with Alhaitham as usual but having his mind drift off to lewd fantasies of him whenever he was unoccupied was exhausting and confusing. So he really wasn’t lying when he told Alhaitham that he couldn’t get laid, Kaveh had just conveniently left out the part that Alhaitham was the reason for that, and the only cure for his debilitating condition. 
“I—don’t know. Do something, Haytham.”
“I take care of your drunk ass every night, you do something for once.” 
“Fine, but don’t enjoy it too much.”
Kaveh lowered himself to his knees and reached to undo the scribe’s pants. “I don’t think I will.” Alhaitham chuckled. 
“Stop being mean or I’ll bite.”
“It’d be the last time you ever bite anything, Kaveh.” 
Kaveh couldn’t help but laugh as he slipped away his roommate’s underwear. “Damn, pretty.” he remarked out loud accidentally. It really was decent, Kaveh couldn’t help but imagine it inside himself, the thought lit a spark in his groin. “It’s a dick?” Alhaitham said, bewildered by Kaveh’s comment. 
“So, I’m not allowed to find it pretty?”
“Why don't you suck it so I can have some peace and quiet?”
Kaveh huffed and looked up at him daringly. Not fighting back was taking everything he had, but for once, Kaveh had the chance to actually impress Alhaitham. When it came to housework, the scribe would always complain that he didn’t do things properly, and when he acclaimed Kaveh's work as an architect, well, that wasn’t really a personal thing. So, he decided to revel in the opportunity. He tied up his hair neatly and leaned forward, holding onto Alhaitham’s waist with both of his hands. 
Kaveh first left a trail of kisses all over his thighs, grazing his teeth over the sensitive skin. Alhaitham twitched at the sensation as the blonde’s mouth moved up to his groin. He dragged his tongue around the scribe’s cock hungrily, being rewarded with light moans. Kaveh sucked on the tip, looking up shamelessly before sliding his mouth all the way down. 
He was bobbing his head up and down and altering the way he sucked and released with such precision that Alhaitham felt like he could orgasm at any moment if he wanted to. “Not bad.” he mumbled, it was an understatement but was necessary to humble Kaveh. 
But he was persistent, he supported his movements by placing one hand around Alhaitham’s base, timing them in a way that he knew would drive his roommate insane. Curses spilled out of Alhaitham as he yanked on Kaveh’s ponytail and pulled him up by the waist. 
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” the blonde objected, but he still wrapped his arms around his roommate’s neck regardless. Alhaitham freed his hair from the pin and pressed a kiss onto his neck, “Well, I want you here, on my lap.”
Kaveh felt his heart skip a beat, Alhaitham stripped him slowly while peppering kisses all over his upper body. He shivered once he was fully naked on the scribe’s lap, the erection rubbing against his entrance already.
Alhaitham took such good care of him, massaging his thighs, playing with his hardened nipples and leaving bite marks all over his sensitive skin. Kaveh held onto his roommate’s shoulders for support, he felt like a ball of yarn at the mercy of a cat’s paws, he had no choice but to unravel. 
Alhaitham slipped two fingers in Kaveh’s mouth, watching the blonde carefully as he sloppily lubricated them, eager to move on. Kaveh was already grinding back and forth, he couldn’t help it, just as he couldn’t help tilting his head back and moaning Alhaitham’s name as he quivered for his touch. 
Alhaitham took out his fingers and circled them around Kaveh’s hole. Though they had been in this position for some time, Kaveh leaned in for the first time to kiss his roommate on the lips. Alhaitham passionately responded, intruding Kaveh’s mouth with his tongue and his hole with his fingers. 
The blonde sank even deeper on his lap, grinding onto the digits with excitement. His moans escaped into Alhaitham’s mouth, hot breath hovering over the scribe’s face. Alhaitham pulled away and lifted his lips to line up with his entrance, Kaveh took a deep breath before pushing all the way down, all in one go with a low groan. 
Alhaitham hissed, the warmth came so suddenly, and Kaveh’s walls sucked him up with no hesitation or delay, it was impressive, how he took it with such ease and the way fit him perfectly. “So good, Kaveh.” Alhaitham purred in his ear while playing with his nipples. The blonde stuttered and then decided not to speak at all. Instead, he slid back and forth, up and down in circular motions, fucking himself on Alhaitham’s cock as he kept pampering him. 
“L—let’s go inside.” Kaveh offered. Alhaitham carried him to his bedroom without pulling out, with every step he took the blonde gently hopped up on his lap. The scribe entered and immediately slammed Kaveh on the wall, he cried out from the overwhelming sensations, the cold surface against his back, the sharp momentary pain that stabbed his hips, and the way Alhaitham reached so far up his hole with the force of the impact. He was thrusting somewhere so deep that Kaveh didn’t even know such a place existed. 
“Thrown around, you said, right? Does this suffice?
Alhaitham pushed him even further, instead of letting Kaveh slip back, he held his hips and drew them in, maintaining the depth that made Kaveh’s eyes widen with every thrust. “I don’t know about making you forget your own name but I’ll make sure you at least won’t be able to speak it.” Alhaitham cooed in his ear. Kaveh was already far gone, drool spilled from his lips over to his roommate’s chest, he was gasping for air, breathing out incoherent words. 
Alhaitham kept holding him close, Kaveh didn’t deserve anything short of being filled up to the brim. Though, after a few more thrusts, he felt warm liquid seep out of Kaveh’s tip and pulled away, leaving only an understimulating portion inside. Instinctively, the blonde tried to wrap his fingers around his cock but Alhaitham swiftly pinned both of his wrists above his head with a single move. Kaveh winced at the distress, he struggled to free his hands and whined, “Stop it, Haytham, you’re—ruining it.” 
Alhaitham smirked, “Oh, am I?” The rest of Kaveh’s load leaked out pathetically as he begged the scribe to help him out. Alhaitham didn’t seem to care, he watched the blonde ride it out with a cruel and merciless smile. “Put me down.” Kaveh spat out angrily. 
Alhaitham stepped away and released his grip on his wrists and hip. Kaveh hadn’t accounted for the fact that his legs were on the edge of giving out, with Alhaitham gone he collapsed on the floor, his knees knocking up against the harsh, wooden surface. Alhaitham grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled it back roughly so Kaveh would look up at him. 
“I’ll give you a proper one, Kaveh. I promise.” His words were comforting but the playful look on his face surely wasn’t. Regardless, Kaveh was hitting a point where all the pain started to feel right. His aching back, knees and hips, his abused hole that was already yearning for more, and now the stinging feeling at the base of his scalp. It had become so pleasurable, so delicious as it pumped adrenaline through Kaveh’s veins. 
Alhaitham was just as he expected, selfish and impudent, disregarding the amount of agony he was putting Kaveh through and discourteously ruining his high while feeling zero remorse. The more Kaveh realized it, the more he was drawn to the scribe. He stuck out his tongue, leaving a wet trail from Alhaitham’s base all the way up to his tip. He encased his cock inside his lips, this time much more gently, grazing the tip against the insides of his cheeks. 
Alhaitham had expected him to make a bigger fuss before settling into submission again. “I didn’t know you could behave so well.” he gave a backhanded compliment that made Kaveh’s brows furrow and pushed his head away. The blonde’s whines stayed muffle on his throat when the scribe picked him up and laid him on the bed. 
Kaveh relaxed onto the mattress, finally resting on a soft surface. Alhaitham sat between his legs, but the sight suddenly stunned him. He had seen Kaveh almost everyday for the past two years, and in almost every conceivable scenario. Exhausted and alert, sober and drunk out of his mind, snorting from laughter and sobbing uncontrollably. But this was a new entry, unregistered. Laying down on the bed with bruised knees and a sheer coat of sweat, eager to have Alhaitham take care of him. His golden locks scattered over the pillow and his cheeks tinted pink.
He looked absolutely breathtaking, and Alhaitham realized that he never stared at him for this long. The most he would do was take stolen, quick glances from his book when Kaveh would fall asleep on the couch. Not that he was going to wake up, but secretly Alhaitham was scared of seeing something, he didn’t even know what that “something” was, but now it was clear to him. Kaveh was beautiful, ethereal. Slithering over him lustfully, it wasn’t like anything Alhaitham had ever seen before. 
You’re as emotional as a Scarab, Haytham. 
“I know, I’m pretty.” Kaveh snapped him out of his thoughts, Alhaitham had lost track of time, he scoffed with a dramatic eye-roll, “And a shallow idiot.”
“Well you almost came inside that idiot two times so that makes you even more shallow.”
“You edged twice, didn’t you?”
“How do you know that?”
“Well I felt it.”
Alhaitham chuckled, he was awfully good at hiding every physical cue, it was interesting, Kaveh was oblivious to his mastery during daily life, but apparently he was immune to the deception when it came to being intimate. 
“How is it that a field expert like you can't find someone?” Alhaitham quipped as he leaned forward and slid inside. 
“I—fuck—don’t know. It’s been like that for the past week.”
“No luck yesterday either?”
“Uhh…not really. I sat at the tavern but no one even bought me a drink.”
“I would. If you were there.”
“Sorry?” Kaveh was flushed, his legs wrapped around the scribe’s waist went numb for a moment, his mind was at a blank as well. 
“I was at the tavern yesterday, doing corrections. Almost all night.” Alhaitham seemed very calm, he was sliding in and out with a relaxed pace, watching Kaveh slowly lose composure and fall apart. It truly was a terrible time for his roommate to come up with an excuse or a lie, and that was why Alhaitham had brought it up right then and there. 
Kaveh felt like an ice cube slowly melting away into a puddle, for a brief moment it actually seemed pretty ideal to disappear so he didn’t have to deal with the situation. Luckily, Alhaitham didn’t expect an explanation, he picked up the pace, eliciting deep moans off of the blonde’s lips. Kaveh was already feeling close again, still longing for a satisfactory relief unlike his last.  
“Your cute little ploy is very amusing but the next time you want me, just say so.” Alhaitham mewled as he nibbled on the blonde’s neck. “Shut up, it wasn’t a—Ah!--ploy.” Kaveh opposed. The scribe chuckled, he brushed against his roommate’s prostate to work him out even more, Kaveh gasped, it was becoming harder and harder to defend himself. 
“You were here last week, weren’t you?” Alhaitham asked. He lifted Kaveh’s hips with a slight angle and pressed down on his groin. The blonde whimpered, the unexpected pressure was making him even more sensitive as more blood rushed to his lower body. 
“I thought a bright man such as yourself would at least think to hide away his shoes.” Alhaitham continued. He was shamelessly badgering Kaveh, enjoying the sight as he squirmed and tried to cover his blushing face with his hands.
“Ah, I see. You’re not embarrassed because you heard it, you’re embarrassed because you liked it.” 
“Please—” Kaveh pleaded.
“You laid here and fucked yourself like a freak, didn’t you?” 
Kaveh was living through an insane thrill, he was desperate against Alhaitham’s claims, they were terribly accurate, as if the scribe could read his mind. Hearing Alhaitham belittle him usually annoyed Kaveh, but in the heat of the moment he felt euphoric, an overload of emotions as his body fluctuated between shame and pleasure. 
Alhaitham’s eyes had darkened, an evil grin was sculpted on his face. He wrapped his fingers around Kaveh’s dick and slid his hand up and down. “Didn’t you?” he repeated the question, not that it needed an answer, but hearing Kaveh admit to his degeneracy would simply be delicious. 
Tears pooled around Kaveh’s eyes as he struggled to talk, “I hate—” but before the blonde could say “you”, he released so intensely that his vision went dark for a second. Ropes of cum shot out in between them as his body spasmed and released. 
Alhaitham hummed, “Ironic.” 
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oreotoreads · 2 years
PART 1 : GOOD BOY GONE BAD ⏤ read other parts: NEXT | MASTERLIST
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pairing: dom!jake x fem!reader WC: 6k!
genre: smut with a plot, one night stand (idk what the actual genre is tbh)
summary: your handsome one night stand that blew your mind turns out to be the silent guy at work that you didn’t even realize his existence.
warnings: rough sex, protected sex & unprotected sex, spit play, cum play, spanking, humiliation, reader goes into sub drop (read at your own risk ⚠️) after care after sub drop, jake’s name is revealed later, oral (both receiving), slight slapping, slight hair pulling, dirty talking. warn me if there is more!
a/n: there is definitely going to be a part to this because i intentionally ended it with a cliffhanger!! thank you @mechurihanbin for the request<3 this is my first time writing about sub drop as well so i hope i was ok, again since it contains explicit scenes, read at your own risk besties, thank you for showing love to my works, you are so loved🫶🏼
taglist: @muffinminnie @zhaixiaowen @zen003xx (send an ask to be added to my taglist)
you were pulled by your friends to a night club on a typical saturday night for a classic girl’s night, you knew the main reason behind these night outs in specific clubs, to get mad drunk and probably end up in someone’s bed that you’ll never see again. although you usually did this sometimes, you couldn’t give less fucks tonight because you just wanted drink away all the stress your job was causing you. and also you kind of guessed no man could fuck the stress out of your system the way you deserved.
although, when you were on your second glass of drink only and definitely sober enough to tell if a guy was hot, you spotted a black haired stranger across you, his back leaned against the bar as he was chatting with his friends casually. his chest was covered in his very tight and definitely ironed black dress shirt, his first buttons were open, showing his smooth skin. his hair was falling down to his forehead in a styled but messy way, and his hands holding his glass and sometimes dancing them on it made your heart race faster. he was definitely your type.
when his eyes met your hungry gaze you wanted to look away immediately because he had a slight frown on his face when he saw you for the first time, next time you checked him, you caught him staring at you shamelessly, tracing his tongue inside of his cheek as he scanned you from head to toe, it tickled your stomach and raised your sensitivity as you felt a bolt arousal tingled your clit. you never felt this way only from a boy’s gaze at you, the way he almost undressed you only with his eyes made you feel so desired and damn you missed that feeling so much since you barely went on dates from how hard you worked.
when his eyes met your hungry gaze you wanted to look away immediately because he had a slight frown on his face when he saw you for the first time, next time you checked him, you caught him staring at you shamelessly, tracing his tongue inside of his cheek as he scanned you from head to toe, it tickled your stomach and raised your sensitivity as you felt a bolt arousal tingled your clit. you never felt this way only from a boy’s gaze at you, the way he almost undressed you only with his eyes made you feel so desired and damn you missed that feeling so much since you barely went on dates from how hard you worked.
next thing you remember was you were pinned against the lift’s wall as he was taking you to a hotel suit, and his hands were keeping your thighs open as he caressed them. making out with a stranger in a semi public place, plus knowing it probably has security cameras and some poor staff watching you get your neck sucked by someone’s son made you even hornier and dirty.
his kiss tasted like this drink and it was so delicious, it made you suck on his bottom lip so harshly, eliciting a deep groan from his throat, only making your cunt drip more to your panties, making a creamy mess without him touching you.
his cologne was so familiar, woody and musky, the animalistic note filled your nostrils and made you kiss him even harder.
getting out of the elevator, he grabbed your hand, literally dragging you to the room after finding the key card with shaky hands, that was when you realized you made him feel just as excited as you were, you wanted to feel his lean fingers inside of you so badly.
the way he threw you to the bed and pulled up your dress to your boobs to see your destroyed panties happened in seconds, leaving you all red and shy in front of him.
“what a needy girl you are.” he tsked, leaning over you to push his tongue inside of your mouth, and pull you into another messy make out session. you were eager for him to touch you down there but the moment you saw his eyes you knew he was trouble and would make you beg for every drip of satisfaction.
he stopped kissing you to look at you from where he was, smirking at your parted lips that is leaving soft whimpers and breaths. he got rid of your dress in a swift way, leaving the expensive piece of material on the floor, you were only wearing your ruined little panties while he was fully clothed on top of you.
he slapped one of your tit, earning a yearning moan from you before kneading your boob, almost as to massage away the burn he caused to your skin. oh how fuckable you looked down under him, your pretty pink lips parted, your eyes hazily staring at him and your thighs rubbing against each other, he swore he saw a drip of arousal running down your leg.
he picked up the shot of arousal with his fingers before they were about to run down to your knee, and stuck his fingers to his mouth, the way his pretty lips sucked on his fingers made your eyes roll to the back of your skull.
“time for you to taste me now” you heard him mumbling before your hair was gripped by his hands to the back and your back arched to the action, a thick load of his spit coating the back of your throat. you immediately closed your lips to press your tongue on the top of your mouth, trying to get a better taste of him. his laugh filled your ears before a pathetic gaze took over his eyes.
“dirty slut, if my spit is making you—“ he suddenly snaked his hand inside of your panties, fingers rubbing on your hole before he draw it back with a string of your cum connected to his index finger, “—this wet, bet you would squirt all over me if i cum in this filthy mouth?” he grabbed your chin and spat in your mouth again, watching you swallow in pleasure. “right?”
you frantically nodded, the image of you squirting on his lap and making a mess only made you even wetter if it was even possible at this point.
the stranger you didn’t even get to know his name yet was giving you the best treatment your body was longing for. you craved this kind of sex for a long time but you were always embarrassed to ask your partners what you actually wanted.
now getting to experience this with someone that you were never going to see and that matched your ideal type in the sexual way, you felt so free and relaxed. a stranger literally spitting in your mouth and bullying you satisfied your deepest darkest desires that you carried for years.
his hands wrapped around your throat as he towered you, sitting between your legs. applying slight pressure to your throat, he cut the air flow little bit, the mouth that was recieving his spit now opened to get a hitch of breath.
he studied your reaction, as he just stared at you, but he had to make sure, so this moment gave you the very first soft side of him yet. he leaned down and placed a kiss on your neck, before he whispered against your ear, “tell me if you are enjoying this, angel.”
he let go of his hand on your neck for you to reply. it was going to be your first time talking after he came up to you in the club to flirt and you asked if he can fuck you senseless shamelessly.
“talk.” he grunted when he didn’t get a reply, slapping your cheek lightly to get the blood running back to your head.
you felt like your mind was getting hazy, you remembered that one time your friend talked about how she fell into sub drop after being fucked so hard. your eyelashes fluttered and you licked your lips in an innocent way, which made his cock twitch in his pants.
“i do, i enjoy… a lot. i want your cock too, please.” you yearned to him, your body moving without the permissions of your mind, your arms held his waist, stroking his sides, which made him roll his eyes.
“already so fucking needy.”
you watched him got up from the bed, when his skin lost contact with yours you let a loud whine, his chuckle echoed in your ears following with the heavy sound of belt hitting the floor.
as you understood he was getting undressed to fuck you now, your filthy hands went in your panties, making yourself surprised at how wet you were. your panties were drenched with your wetness, you tried to think about if you missed the moment and already cummed.
sucking your bottom lip into your mouth, you lifted your legs to your chest and tried to thrust two fingers to your hole, but you failed due to your shaky hands. you cried out loudly, making his attention still on your body, seeing you desperately trying to fuck yourself with your own thin fingers.
“oh, angel.” he laughed, almost in a evil way. “i was going to eat out that pretty pussy of yours.” your eyes were getting watery at the humiliation of getting caught. he supported himself on top of you, giving your jaw a kiss. “i was going to lick—“ he pressed his tongue flat on your jaw to demonstrate how he was going to destroy your cunt, —was going to suck, mhmm— his lips parted on your neck before he sucked on your skin harshly, making you let out a pained moan.
“i was going to clean that pussy from all your stickiness before i fucked you.”
you nodded your head in denial, your hands held his face in between, trying to push him back down to your core.
“nah-ah.” he closed his eyes for a second, scolding you. “you decided to be a bad girl and thought your fingers would feel better than me. how fucking pathetic.”
you started crying at your defeat, accepting the fact that you weren’t gonna feel his plump pink lips on your lower lips tonight. it took you only few minutes when all these encounter was happening, he was fully
naked, his hard and heavy cock nudging on your inner thigh.
“instead,” he grabbed his cock in his hand, tugging on the skin as he gave himself slow strokes that was extremely pleasant to watch, —you are gonna get this.”
you opened your mouth immediately, waiting to stuff your mouth with him. your eagerness was making you look so silly and seeing a woman under him like this fueled his ego. he was built amazingly, his cock seemed like a perfect fit for your cunt and you were sure he was going to stretch you out real good.
“get up and kneel in front of the bed.” he ordered, making you whimper at his strict tone as you immediately got on your fours to crawl on the bed, you yelped when a harsh smack landed on your ass. goosebumps rose all over your skin, the burning sensation on your cheek only made you hornier as you got off the bed with shaky legs.
you slowly kneeled down in front of him, and sitting yourself between his thighs, taking a look at his cock from up close. in your surprise he patted your cheek before he leaned in and pulled you in a messy kiss, sucking your lower lip as he let go of you. the way he hummed into your mouth tingled your senses, just another proof of how he also enjoyed having you and kissing you.
he rested himself on his elbows and pointed his cock with his head, implying for you to get to work, “in your mouth. now.”
you leaned closer to him and rubbed your cheek to the inside of his thigh, like a cat that wants attention from it’s owner. that earned you another cheek pat, until his hand grabbed you from your neck to his cock. your nose bumped onto his hardened length, as your nails scratched his bare thighs, you licked the base of his cock, making your way up until the tip, your fucked up expression before getting railed plastered on your face as you stared at him. “fuuuuuuuck.”
his reaction got you, just with one lick to his thick cock, you also understood how much of a chokehold you had on him and it boosted your ego. you wanted to make him feel good, wanted him to praise you for being his good girl and taking his cum. you wanted all of him, you felt like you were possessed.
you smirked, your impatience getting to you to make him cum hard and fast as you took him whole in your mouth, stuffing your face. you tried to breath through your nose, tried to not choke yourself as you stayed there, you felt the tip of his cock grazing down your throat. letting him slip out of your mouth, you grabbed his dick in your hand, coating it with the mix of your saliva and his pre cum.
you put your mouth back on, swallowing him, trying to do it fast, he sometimes slipped out of your mouth and you kept whining every time it happened, which was fun to watch. you grabbed the base of his cock and forced him down your throat, your eyes watering at the sensation of slight burn.
“you can’t even suck a cock.” he dispraised you, which made you so sad. all you wanted was to take his cum like the good girl you were and you couldn’t even do that due to the pleasure taking control over your body.
“i’ll be good, i promise.” you kissed his v line, feeling him reacting to your touch as he shivered.
“get up.” he sighed, him also getting up in the process. “why these are still on?” he asked, almost in an offended way, pointing at your panties as you stood in front of him. you tried to mouth a ‘i don’t know’ but your voice croaked in your throat. his fingers tucked in the strings of them, helping you get out of the sticky material.
he got closer to you, lifting your chin up to stare at your face. he swore he saw stars in your eyes as you looked at him all hazy, he also knew what he needed to deal with after this was all over. he was glad you felt safe with him and trusted him.
“what a pretty face.” he almost mumbled to himself, leaning in to give open mouthed kisses to your jaw and cheekbone. you were pushed deeper into your sub drop with the compliment he gave you, smiling silly at the situation. he stroked the side of your cheek. “go on angel, lay on your stomach and wait for me, alright?” he said as his thumb brushed over your lips roughly before smashing his lips to yours to taste himself. “i’ll take good care of you, my angel.”
you made your way to the bed again, earning another slap on your ass. you stepped onto bed on all fours, crawled yourself until you reached the head rest, and then you laid down, hugging the pillow underneath, the warmth of the pillow against your cheek made you all sleepy, you let out low whimpers, rubbing your core on the bed unintentionally as you waited for him to get back.
you heard a foil packet ripping which made you rub your thighs in anticipation this time. he caught you rubbing yourself on the bed and smearing your wetness everywhere as your eyes were closed and your lips parted softly. when he referred you as his angel, he was right, no matter how fucking erotic the moments he had with you, you looked like an angel.
when he positioned himself on the bed, his both hands grabbed the back of your ankles, gliding his hands up slowly up to your bare ass. you yelped when you felt his teeth harshly biting down on your ass cheek. “so pretty.” he mumbled to himself before he parted your legs, watching your arousal dripping down to the sheets.
he kept biting down your back and under your shoulder blades, leaving his teeth marks all over your skin along with the print of his hand on your ass.
his hand fell hard down on your pussy and you bit your lips in pleasure. the way you reacted to every single thing he tried on you mesmerized him, he never thought you would be so fucking dirty in bed. and such a little sub, opposite of what you look from outside.
“bend your knees.” he commanded, making your ass stay up in the air while your face was still pressed on to the pillow as you hugged it. “you like the pillow, angel?” he smiled but you didn’t get to see that when you nodded to him. leaning down, going against his own words, he licked a bold stripe of your dripping cunt, coating his tongue with your wetness. you moaned so loudly, it sounded pornographic, being shocked at himself that he made a woman made such noises.
he hummed out loud, savoring your taste in his mouth, your sticky substance warm and almost sweet, perfectly fitting your personality. he pressed his fingers on your clit and put his open mouth under your hole, wanting to get more of you, he started rubbing your clit in a brutal pace, making your breath hitch on your throat, until a bolt of cum dribbled down onto his tongue.
he smiled as he turned it in his mouth one or two times before he spat it down back on your hole, watching it drip down your thighs.
the nonstop teasing and pleasure, the way it was just so raw and dirty clouded your mind, you weren’t even aware of the sounds you were letting out, you only knew they weren’t humanly anymore. you felt like an animal in the wild with the way he was making you feel.
“please…” you managed to let out a word.
he caressed the side of your hips, to make you relax. he was going to give you what you needed the most from the beginning of your night together.
he aligned his cock with your entrance, and your needy cunt literally sucked him in, he bottomed you out in first thrust with ease, both of you letting out the loudest moan of the night.
“fucking hell.” he watched himself disappearing in your cunt, his balls hitting your hips with every thrust. he grabbed your waist to hold you in place before he started fucking you in a fast pace, the sound of skin slapping and your screams mixing in the air. you fucked yourself back on his back with the last remains of strength you had, his dick pushing your g-spot every time he plunged back into your heat.
“even with condom, you feel like heaven.” he leaned down, wrapping his arms under your boobs and pulling your back to his chest. his hand covered your one tit, as his forearm was over the other as he held you up with a tight grip, now he felt like he was in your guts from the position which he was fucking up into you ruthlessly. he turned your face to him, kissing you, when his hips were slapping yours, you heard him mumbling some profanities into your mouth.
your head fell back to his shoulder, your hips unintentionally lowering up and down to follow his rhythm, and his teeth sinking down on your shoulders until you felt your stomach growing with the similar sensation.
he put his one hand on your lower stomach, feeling his bulge there, his cock twitched, alarming that he is so close. when your head was still on his shoulder, you tilted your head and licked under his ear before you whispered.
“you ruined me, so now, get rid of that condom and ruin me properly.”
he stilled inside of you for a second as he stared at your face, scanning your expression. you pulled his face to yours and kissed his lips, “please, daddy,”
he slipped himself out of you, was easy due to your slick walls before you turned around and laid on your back now, opening your legs, showing him you are patiently waiting for his cum. that’s when you heard the praise you longed for the whole night.
“such a good girl, opened her legs just for daddy to give her a creampie.”
“mhmm.” you hummed, nodding to his words before he slid into your wet cunt again, making you feel every detail of his beautiful cock inside your velvety walls.
“you are so big.” you cried out, his forceful thrusts going to the deepest parts of you as he forced your legs open. this way he was going deep inside and the pleasure mixed with pain sent you over the edge.
his lustful brown eyes stared at yours when couldn’t hold it back anymore and cummed, your legs shaking so bad that he had to hold them in place, your mouth opened with the dirtiest moans coming out, your walls cramping around his cock uncontrollably. you felt yourself trying to ooze out from your clogged hole and you felt stuffed even before his cum.
“creamed all over my cock like the good girl you are.” he moaned, burying his face to your neck as he started with short forceful thrusts in and out, your cries out of over sensitivity filling his ears before he plunged back in and stilled there, spurting his hot cum in the deepest part of your cunt and painting your walls.
you were both panting irregularly, your drop took over your body completely after you cummed hard and him keep giving you more thrusts so he would cum too pushed you over to the edge, you were a needy mess now.
as his face was still buried in your neck, your arms wrapped around his back, rubbing your nose against his skin as you begged for his attention and love. he knew how sub drop worked and thank god he experienced it before— both himself and both his partners so he knew how to take good care of you.
he snaked his arms under your waist gently, pulling your chest to his to pepper your neck with kisses. “my angel, you did so good.” he made you sit on his lap, didn’t take his dick out of you yet. “my good girl.” he kissed the top of your head, resting your chin on his shoulder as you silently sobbed out of sensations rising.
“ssshh, daddy will take good care of you now, my beautiful girl, you are simply amazing.” he cooed, running his hands up and down your spine.
he kissed away your tears, “you look so pretty when you cry, do you know how gorgeous you are?”
he complimented you for a while, making you turn into putty in his arms, until you relaxed, your breathing turned into its normal rhythm. your eyelids were slowly closing, but he didn’t want you to sleep when he was still inside of you. you wrapped your arms around his neck tighter, giving a kiss to his shoulder.
“thank you.” you managed to mumble. you were in a stranger’s arms after all, after he fucked you so good that he sent you into subspace and he was the one to bring you back with his compliments enveloping your presence like sugar coat. he made you feel safe, that was for sure. no matter what happens, this experience was going to be something you will never forget, even if you tried to.
“are you feeling better?” he pushed your sweaty strands of hair behind your face, feeling your temperature in the meantime.
you nodded, looking down, because you were getting shy of how he was treating you right now, complete opposite of what he was 10 minutes ago.
“will you be able to get up, princess?” he asked in a small voice, still trying to choose his words carefully just to not trigger you accidentally. the nickname gave you goosebumps before you rested your forehead to his and tried to move on his cock, he understood you weren’t.
“no, no.” he held you tight, stopping you from moving. “no more, angel, we will take a bath now.” he caressed your cheek before he slowly laid you down on the bed, distracting you with soft kisses before he slipped out of your hole. you still whined at the loss of contact, your hands trying to touch his body and he let you.
“here is your pillow, baby.” he handed you the pillow you liked so much. “hold this when i fill the bath for you, okay?” you smiled and nodded, hugging your pillow that smelled like him, wrapping your leg over it. “don’t sleep.” he giggled, his laugh sending waves down your body.
he quickly went to the bathroom and found some good smelling shower gel to bubble up the tub. he checked if the water was warm and left to check on you as it get filled.
your eyes were open as you stared at the ceiling, still holding your pillow, your neck decorated with his assaults on your skin. your smooth hair sprawled on the bed, your glossy eyes all big and innocent as you were laying down.
he ducked down near the bed, tracing your leg with his finger gently to get your attention. your eyes sparkled when you realized he wasn’t gone, even though he told you he wasn’t going anywhere. he smiled softly at you, giving you the treatment you want as he touched you. “pretty.” he mumbled, bopping your nose with his index finger, making your cheeks color in red.
“do you really think i am pretty?” your voice sounded weak as you stared at his eyes. this only made him chuckle because, how could you even doubt how pretty you were, to him you were dropped dead gorgeous. “you are the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen.” he kissed the corner of your lips before his hands tucked under your thighs and back, carrying you to the bathroom. your last acts of neediness came out when you tried to kiss his neck and he kindly told you off as much as he could before he carefully placed you in the bathtub.
your arms didn’t let go of his when he tried to get up. “please, stay with me here.” you asked, wanting him to be against your back and feel his warmth enveloping you.
when he realized your actions turned back into normal every second and your non coherent mumblings came to a stop, and you were just a girl who was pleased to be fucked hard by him, he decided to get in and sat back to you.
he pulled you to his chest, as you wished, and wrapped his arms around your waist, locking his fingers in front of you and placing his chin on your shoulder. you looked down at his hands, his first feature that got your attention in the club.
“is the water warm enough?” he asked almost in a shy way, which made you surprised because was this really the same guy who fucked you into a sub drop?
“it’s perfect, thank you.” you beamed at him, assuring him you are all good.
after the long bath you had, you still insisted of him to stay with you, being scared of how your body would react throughout the night. he accepted your offer even though it is not something he usually does, even taking long baths with one night stands wasn’t his thing, but the classic scorpio man that he is, after destroying you so good, he wanted to take care of you.
you fell asleep on a different pillow, since the other one was wet with your tears and cum as he laid down next to you watch you sleep peacefully. he wasn’t sure how this was going to fold on monday but he tried to push his thoughts away, not when the most beautiful girl he laid eyes on was beside him.
he pulled your sleeping body to his side and buried his nose in the crook of your neck, you smelled like you were sprayed with angel dust, he knew no one could make him the same way again after what you had together.
jake, drifted off to sleep, accepting the fact that you had no idea who he was.
next morning, you woke up alone in the hotel room. between of your legs ached in pain, and your head was dizzy like you were recovering from a hangover. the flashbacks of the night before sent tingles to your pussy. you had the best night of your life.
he was what you craved and you already wanted him between your legs again, it was a shame he was already gone. you huffed, checking the time on your phone before you turned around in bed and saw his pillow on your side, a note was left on top of it. your eyebrows furrowed as you took the note in your heads, seeing his messy handwriting, you immediately thought it matched his love making style.
“thank you for everything, angel.” -J
you let out a loud whine when he didn’t even bothered to give you his number nor his name, you fueled with anger as you got up from bed and ripped the paper, you felt like a burden, obviously tiring him enough last night so you thought he never wanted to see you again.
after leaving the hotel, you took a cab to go back to your apartment, it was a sunny sunday morning and all you wanted to do was lay all day and maybe take a warm bath again, and take pain killers too. you still felt so tired.
your stomach writhed when you realized you never going to see him again. he made you feel so good, he gave you everything you needed. you wanted him so badly that you tried to manifest him back into your life when you got home. he got your head spinning for sure, you felt like a crazy person with burning sage in your hand, mumbling words, “J will find his way to me.”
you wanted J more than anything, not because you fell in love with him but because you wanted to know the man that made you feel good and gave you the best night of your life. you wanted to return his favors to him, make him feel good again and moan his actual name when he makes love to you.
you wondered about who was he, how old was he, he seemed a little younger than you maybe 2 years? you couldn’t quite guess. his smell was intoxicating which made you crave of him more, you wanted to find a perfume store and smell every possible cologne out stock and buy a bottle, spray it on your pillows for it to feel like him. like his body.
“J…” you mumbled to yourself, going to bed with thoughts of him clouding your mind. the previous nights replayed in your dreams, the way his body felt against you, the way his eyes sparkled with excitement when you told him to fuck you raw and his pretty fingers rubbing along your folds. you woke up in the middle of the night, finding yourself doing something you don’t usually do, your fingers knuckles deep in your cunt, trying to feel something. you turned around, laying on your stomach to recreate the same scenario without him, hugging your pillow with one hand as the other fingered your needy cunt eagerly. your lips parted with his name, the only thing he left you, J…
when you were done and feeling dirtier than ever, you went to took a cold shower to ease your feelings. your body was aching to have him again and you didn’t know how you were going to manage continue living your life without him. you examined the teeth marks on your ass and back, carrying him with you made you feel good for a while until you accepted the hard fact that they will be gone in few days.
the next day, you got ready for work and left your flat. your walking was a little bit better today and your heels were back on your feet since they didn’t like employees wearing trainers a lot. you drove your car to work as usual, finding yourself biting your lip at the memories your mind flashed in front of your eyes. you turned on your radio to distract your thoughts and focused on the road until you arrived.
getting inside of the lobby of the company you worked for, you made your route to the elevators, waiting for it to open to get to your floor.
once the door was opened, you saw the classic faces, two girls who worked in your department which you always caught gossiping and saw your boss scolded an hundred times. the weird old accountant chief who tried to hit on you once after the annual dinner of the company and the new software dude who you never even saw his face before, whenever you saw him, he was always on his computer writing codes like he is hacking the national bank or something and his staple piece was always his oversized hoodie covering his hair and his earphones on top of it.
as all the people were standing behind you, waiting for the lift to get to your floor, you suddenly felt goosebumps on your skin, your sensations rising suddenly with the familiar scent filling your nostrils. ‘J!!!!!’ your brain screamed at you. the same woody musky warmth made you feel at ease, ‘please i just arrived at work’ you tried to fight back your thoughts. you were feeling him out of nowhere, you thought, maybe you were losing your mind.
when the elevator door opened with a ding! sound, you got out, going straight to your desk to sit and collect your thoughts. you were missing him so much, and this one sided connection you had to him was causing aches in your heart. he was probably with another girl yesterday night when you were pathetically fingering yourself at the thought of him.
you cringed at the thought so badly. you couldn’t believe a man was making you feel this way.
after working for a while, your boss called you up to his room, which was on the same floor as engineering department, only one floor up from yours. your heels were hurting your feet a little but since he called you urgent you climbed the stairs quickly to go to his office for the meeting. for the sake of your sanity, it didn’t last that long, walking in heels started being a struggle for between your legs as well, you wished you had your home slippers.
whining and swearing you went to the stairs, them looking even more steep now since you were looking down, it was always hard for you to go down stairs then going up. you stepped down and thinking you got it until you were only few steps back from your floor when you heard that similar scent again, panicked all of a sudden and twisted your ankle. the sound of your heel breaking echoed in your head as you realized you were about to hit ground in milliseconds, until, two strong arms caught you from your waist, his one hand under your head to protect you incase you would hit your head on the ground.
“angel, i didn’t know you were so clumsy.”
his eyes met your gaze, the soft material of his hoodie was not on his head anymore and his headphones were on his neck, a beautiful smile was plastered on his lips. the cologne was not your mind projecting things, J was in the elevator with you, J was the guy who prevented you falling down.
J was the guy who you didn’t even bother to look at once, the nerdy engineer who you never saw him talk with anyone before.
“J…” you squinted your eyes, staring up at him hazily.
“jake.” he corrected you. “my name, is jake.”
to be continued
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robinsno1lesbian · 10 months
Thigh riding with Nancy trying not to get caught
i've been trying to work through my inbox for the longest time, but whenever i try i get new asks that give me a random burst of energy to write...
(smut below the cut, MDNI)
"shut up" she hisses against your lips. all adoration and sweetness from the previous makeout session had vanished, replaced by harsh, desperate desire and want. the fabric of your button-up shirt dangles loosely around your shoulders, revealing your tight bra to her. you had worn it with purpose, but not the kind that would leave you fucked out in the bathroom of steve harrington's house. you had wanted to surprise her, wanted to see that look of sudden desire flash over her soft features when she would undress you -later that night. you had bought the set a couple of days before steve's birthday party at his place, hoping to get a chance to show her as soon as possible. but then again, you hadn't intended for that to be at his party.
you really thought you could wait until later.
but instead, you had chosen to tease her on the dancefloor.
truth be told, you already had some drinks then, but it really wasn't your fault that nancy was holding your hips like that. that she was roaming your sides freely, allowing your fingers to dig into your soft flesh while she swayed you back and forth and from side to side.  so you decided to tease her back.  it had been all fun and games: you had grounded your backside against her slowly; your ass pressing into her front purposefully while you two were dancing.  you had tried not to be too obvious too, covering it up by moving to the rhythm of the beat.  one of your hands sat on her cheek when you turned around to catch a glimpse of her face. 
that was when you knew that you were in trouble:  nancy had glared at you in slight disbelief with her lips parted and her chest rising and falling rapidly.  her pupils, even under the dimmed lights, were blown wide leaving little of the blue in her eyes.  you had heard her soft gasp in your ear, a smile of satisfaction tugging at the corner of your lips when her fingers tightened on your waist. 
everything else happened in a bit of a blur: one second you were on the dancefloor, and the next she was dragging you away by the arm. 
"nancy" you had whined playfully "where are we going? don't you wanna dance?"  but your girlfriend was relentless and pulled you upstairs and into the huge bathroom down the hall. 
she had locked the door on your way in, which caused you to gulp audibly. you didn't know what exactly was to come, but you could imagine by the way she shoved you up against the door and pinned your hands above your head by the wrists.  "what was that about?" she whispered and yet all you could do was whimper, your lips chasing her own desperately. 
nancy leaned back and chuckled. "already do desperate huh?"  she didn't break the eye contact when her fingers made their way down your torso and she started working on the buttons.  hot blush crept up your cheeks at the realization of what she was about to discover but you didn't dare to move, even kept your hands above your head; excited to see how your girlfriend would react if she saw how you attended this party.
her eyes widened when her gaze fell upon your now exposed chest.  you just smirked and raised a brow at her. "like what you see?"  "shit, baby" she breathed and ran her fingertips over the lacy fabric. "you're so gorgeous"  that was when she leaned back in, her lips chasing your own while she pressed the entire length of her body against your own.  her hands found yours again, only that she didn't grab your wrists this time but linked your fingers together and held you while her lips moved in sync with your own. 
her mouth slowly traced down your jaw and you dropped your head back against the door.  "nancy" you whispered. your hand buried itself in her dark curls on its own accord, while the other girl started kissing down your neck.  you knew by the way she was sucking at the soft skin that it would bruise, leaving red marks all over you, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. 
"so fucking gorgeous" nancy mumbled and her hands ran up and down your sides until they finally rested on your hips "i want you so much right now"  you leaned back slowly, poking your tongue against the inside of your cheek at the words she just said.  "nancy wheeler" you spoke "we're- we're at steve's. i want you so much. but i'm sure he wouldn't appreciate it if we fucked in his bathroom " "who said anything about fucking?"  you opened your mouth again to speak, but the only thing that came out was a desperate noise, caused by nancy's thigh which she suddenly shoved between your own. 
she tilted her head to the side, studying the way your facial features tensed up in pleasure. "hm? what do you think? this isn't fucking is it? it technically isn't and if you're quiet, no one will ever know"  you knew damn well steve would kill you, if he caught you like this. but the aching want between your thighs was only growing with each passing second and the way the denim of her pants sat against your panty-covered center, easily exposed by the skirt you chose to wear, wasn't helping. 
so you gave in.  which was precisely how you had gotten yourself into the current situation: thighs spread for nancy to keep hers between them, grinding back and forth desperately and getting your arousal all over her clothes. 
what started as softly making out while you were getting yourself off on her thigh has slowly escalated: now, just a couple of minutes later, you're panting, desperately holding onto her back while your hips are moving back and forth. nancy has one hand on your hip as well, steadying you and supporting you in your movements.  "fuck" you whine, both of your eyes closed in concentration. "fuck, fuck, fuck" "shh" nancy hushes you harshly and leans in to capture your lips in a searing kiss. her mouth is on yours in an instant and her lips part to let her tongue into your mouth. 
you can taste her in your mouth, can feel the hard, flexed muscle of her thigh against your center. it's so much, it's nearly making you forget about the party that is going on right in front of the bathroom door. the music and the noise of people talking have faded to nothing but a soft buzz in the back of your mind, nothing compared to the sensation of nancy's touch.  "nancy" you gasp at a particular hard roll of your hips against her, causing you to feel your lower half coiling in the pleasure. 
you can feel your soaked cunt contracting around nothing when you release through your panties and onto her thigh.  you could scream right then and there but nancy's mouth presses up against your own the moment she feels your body tensing and shaking in pleasure and swallows all noise that might escape your lips. 
"yeah sweet girl" she whispers. "just like that, just like that" 
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femfallenangel · 11 months
nothing’s gonna hurt you , baby . | pt . 2
( tate langdon x fem!reader )
warnings ; cursing , pet names ( ? ) , dom!golden retriever tate , slight daddy / parental issues ? .
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summary ; in part one ( https://www.tumblr.com/femfallenangel/723017291955126272/nothings-gonna-hurt-you-baby )
“ Hello , Tate ? I’m here , come out , come out , wherever you are freak ! “ a smooth voice of yours full - filled the loud , only growing each second the midnight silence. Just as the abnormally nice patient of your dad’s asked , you have appeared right at the midnight on the stairs of your not - so - new basement.
Your pulpits narrowed , reaching out for some kind of a body or shadow , but the weak light coming from such old did not help at all.
Stepping onto the most likely cold ground , you could not help but to scrunch your brows in annoyance ; i mean , what on earth was this guy even thinking ? Dragging you to such place at such hour ? You were about to turn on your heel where all of the sudden , a strong hand grabbed your throat , causing your posture to get lost under his growing pressure from much taller frame , pinning you now towards the wall.
It took you a second to realise who’s messy , golden curls belonged to. Tate laughed to your face , noticing the increasing the adrenaline precent in your hot - boiling body , causing you to jump.
“ Fuck , Tate , don’t do that again ! “ you yelled at the man as his grip released , still holding onto your chin though , making you hold a tense face - to - face contact with his amused look.
“ Come onnn , darlin’ , you cannot be that mad at me ! “ the noticeable rasp in his voice filled your senses with pure lust , making your brain to forget all previous events caused by his stupid , clear mindlessness. “ I’m sorry for making you wait sooo long for me though , will a small kiss make it up to you , hm ? “
You could feel your knees melting under his presence , by his fingertips glued onto your small chin but the irresistible side of yours has won. “ You’re pathetic to even think about that. Now come on , my parents aren’t home anyways so why not to hang out in my bedroom ? It’s much better and … neater than this place down there. “ a disgusted look painted onto your face which clearly must’ve look funny enough to Tate as another laugh escaped his sweet - spoken mouth.
“ Whatever you say , ma’am. “ with a smirk curling upon his lips , Tate hold onto your hand as you lead them upstairs , out of this filthy place. “ And I’m so glad they’re not ! I mean - I’d prefer not to meet with Mr. Harmon somewhere beyond our session , I doubt if he likes me like at all. He surely thinks I’m crazy or something like that. “ an eye roll he made caused a lighten up on your face , pulsing the blood to your cheeks to give them that rosey look real quick.
“ He doesn’t think you’re crazy , Tate. He simply thinks you’re a freak , and so am I ! I bet he wouldn’t talk to me either if I wasn’t his daughter … “ your voice became so small in the matter of seconds as you opened your bedroom’s door , leading much worried now Tate in.
“ Well then , if you’re a freak , you’re a mine freak. Deal ? “ he asked , cupping your burning - hot cheeks in his ice - cold palms.
“ Deal . “
With a wide smile on your lips , you showed every detail of your room to Tate who analysed & listened to you so carefully , with such interest that made your mind go crazy. No one has ever payed that much attention to your ‘ silly ‘ talking. He looked like art. He was art.
Not realising how you out of sudden cut out a sentence , Tate brought you back to earth by finally speaking out loud again. “ You look so sweet when you stare into me. You should do that more often. “ his joyful tone reached your hearings , causing your head to shake off as you chuckled at his words softly , lowering your sight from his posture.
“ We could … we could maybe sit on my bed , watch a movie , read something , listen to music … maybe even just sit and talk ? Or sit ? Without the talking part … “ a nervous tone took over your body , releasing all of the human boundaries from it as even after your lil de - orientation moment , Tate’s eyes pierced through you. He knew you knew he stares at you. He wanted you to know so.
“ Yeah. Yeah , anything’s fine with me. As long as you’ll be laying right next to me , I’m fine with even just your soul , your presence. It’s enough to fill my unstoppable hunger. “
Both of you sat on the well pressed sheets , burden of many pillows and blankets , causing your bed to have that cozy look. Tate without a word placed his veiny hands onto your waist , pulling you in - between his legs , wrapping those arms around you as his chin rested right next to your ear , giving you chills. An irregular breath escaped your mouth , a smile forced onto your lips as you could sense his every breath , every heartbeat.
“ This full of filth world does not deserve an angel that you are. I am here only to protect such pure soul , my love. As long as I am breathing , nothing’s gonna hurt you , baby. “
admin’s note ; DO WE WANT A PT. 3 !?!!?! & i’ll take care of all the kit & kyle requests soon , please feel free to request as i love making them sososo much <3
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mysticdoodlez · 7 months
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interlude: MADE BREATH and SKIN
Watcher Noah Sebastian x oc (Taylor)
Word Count: 2.7k+
A/n: so up to around chapter six, I was up in the air over whether Taylor would a) start a relationship, and b) go with Nick or Noah. The interlude was bare bones until Taylor made up their mind, but I always had in my drafts a version where they went with Noah. Some talks on the discord happened and I just went "fuck it we ball" and I expanded the draft to a full-blown one-shot. Also: I KNOW ANTLERS AREN'T SENSITIVE LIKE THAT, BUT HE'S A DEER GOD. THE RULES DON'T APPLY TO HIM.
In other news, I tried to write without limitations like last time, cuz non-binary folk who are okay with their body parts and being called "good AGAB" exist out there too, people! So, if mentions of female body parts or female terminology shuts you down, then this won't be for you.
Cw: language, supernatural themes, sexy stuff: oral (oc receiving), slight monster fucking (monster, demi-deity, whatev), pet play if you squint, unwrapped p in v (be safe, kiddos), telepathic dirty-talk
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“I don't need to be babysat. Like they're gonna try to break into my house and kidnap me,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Well, too bad. Like I have anything better to do than babysit you,” Noah said, shedding his leather jacket he had over his hoodie. I could hear the playful undertone in his voice, thankfully. And to be honest, I was kind of glad he was here.
“Need help?” I commented as he pulled his hoodie up.
“Nope,” he said, lifting it up above his head. I mainly watched just to see how he could manage to get it over the antlers that were sprouting from the sides of his head, but I would be lying if I said I didn't sneak a peek at the part of his stomach as his shirt rode up. “Jeez, do you have to keep this place like a sauna in here?”
“It's not even seventy degrees in here,” I said, trying to avoid staring too long after he managed to get the hoodie off, but I still couldn’t get over the fact that he was actually that… big under all that clothing. He was now down to just a cut-off tank, leaving all the binding sigils that ran up and down his arms and across his collarbones and shoulders on display. Honestly, combined with the muscles, it made me want to punch him.
But still, after a while, my eyes were drawn back up to the antlers. While not as wide and impressive as the last time I saw them, they still seemed to make him seem taller and bigger than he already was.
“My eyes are down here.”
His words snapped me out of my reverie before he flipped down onto the couch beside me. “What're we watching?” he asked. When I looked down into his eyes, with his face drawn up into a smirk, I was almost taken aback when I noticed the smattering of freckles under them. The Lost Boy Who Would Become King.
“Does it hurt?” I blurted out.
“Does what hurt?” Noah asked.
“The antlers… when they grow out. Do they hurt?” I clarified, curiosity getting the better of me.
He blinked. “N-no?” he replied awkwardly, like no one had bothered to ask that question of him before. “Mostly they’re just sensitive until they reach their full point. Kinda itchy, too.” His thigh bumped against mine.
“Has anyone touched them?” I asked.
“No, usually people are too busy screaming ‘Ah, don’t kill me’ if I get—“ I cut him off with a backhand to the chest. “What? It's true!”
“I meant like Nick and the others,” I huffed, leaning back.
“Nah, they're not stupid enough to–” Noah said, but then stopped dead when I pressed my thumb against one of the points.
“Shit, I’m sorry, did I hurt—“ I stammered, pulling my hand away until I noticed his eyes. They seemed to pin me to where I was sitting.
“No, you’re fine, it's just…” Noah swallowed thickly, “I didn’t expect it to feel like… that.”
“Like wha…?” I trailed off as I realized what he meant. Oh.
My hand, which was still hovering near his head, fell back down to his antlers. Curiosity getting the better of me, I traced a light line from where they met his skull up to one of the first points. He shuddered under my touch, a small moan slipping out.
“Stop that,” he gritted out.
“Stop what?” I asked. I meant for it to be an honest question, but I didn't think he took it to be like that. Especially when his hand shot up and snatched my wrist away from his head.
“Stop teasing,” he said with a low rumble, dipping his head down to where he was eye level with me. My heart stopped when I saw how dark his eyes were.
I felt his other hand snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him. As ironic as the comparison was, I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. “Is that why you asked about them? So you could see me like this?” he asked. I was practically on his lap at this point, my knees straddling his thighs. He dipped his head lower to nuzzle his lips against my jaw.
The movement snapped me out of my paralysis, and I finally found my voice. “Aww, is Bambi sensitive?” I cooed, reaching my free hand up to run a finger up his antlers again. He shuddered against me, breath panting and ragged, and I froze up again when I felt his dick begin to harden underneath my core.
“I said watch it,“ he growled, grabbing that hand as well. “Do you like being a tease? Touching me like that?” He pushed me onto my back, pinning my wrists to the armrest above my head. He easily was able to hold both of them with one hand, those long fingers wrapping around them as he freed a hand to roughly grab my jaw. “Touch me again, and I’ll build you up to just leave you here wet and needy.”
My eyes widened a little bit as I took in what he said. “No—“ He cut me off with a small squeeze. The little puffs of breath he let out ghosted over my ear, making me shudder in his hands. When he finally let go of my jaw, it was to only run it over the hollow of my throat and stop. He leaned down, his lips leaving light but wet kisses along my neck.
A soft whimper escaped my throat, and my legs squirmed under his. He chuckled, my only warning before he bit down on the sensitive flesh between my neck and shoulder. A sharp gasp left me, which turned into a moan when his teeth retracted to let his tongue sweep over the mark.
“I want everyone to know what’s mine, little rabbit,” he whispered. “I want them to know that you belong to the Watcher of the Woods.”
The possessive tone he used slightly pissed me off, but as he alternated between biting and soothing at my tender skin, I could barely care. That's when I realized, despite my fogged-up brain, my mouth was close to the base of his antlers. So between keening, I let out a breathy moan that I knew would hit them.
His reaction was instantaneous. He let out a loud moan against my wet skin, hips involuntarily shunting forward against mine. The straining in his jeans pressed against my covered core, earning a sharp inhale from me. I didn't know how dizzier I could get.
Noah pulled away to look me in the eyes. “Seriously, Taylor, if you want–”
“Noah, I want you, monster or not,” I panted.
For once, Noah was stunned into silence. He hovered over me, jaw slightly dropped as he took in my words. He then brought his lips down to lock with mine in a messy, heated kiss.
There was no gentleness in this kiss, and I didn't expect any. This was a man starved. He finally let go of my wrists and trailed his hands down my chest, my waist, to my hips, then trailed them back up, under my shirt this time.
His thumbs ran small, feather-light circles around my nipples. “No bra?” he asked, smirking against my lips.
“Never wear one,” I admitted.
“Good. Off,” he commanded. “I wanna look at you.” He pulled away to give me space.
Somehow I knew what he was talking about through the sex-addled white noise, and I lifted my shirt up and over my head. I flushed under his gaze that slowly raked over my body.
“I could absolutely devour you,” he admitted, leaning back down, lower this time. He ran his tongue up my sternum, up the small slope of one breast, and closed his mouth around my nipple. I keened and squirmed as he flicked the tip of his tongue over the hard peak, feeling helpless as he teased the other between his thumb and fingers.
Eventually, after both tits were given enough attention, he pulled off with a soft pop, biting into what flesh there was. He left little nips as he trailed down my tummy until he finally reached the waistband of my jeans.
“N-Noah…” I whimpered, trying to get his attention.
“Yeah…?” His eyes flicked up to mine as I gazed down my body at him.
“Please… not here,” I pleaded.
He blinked, his dark brown eyes darkening further. “You don't want me to fuck you on the couch?” he asked.
“P-please n-no.”
Suddenly, with supernatural strength, he hitched my waist over his shoulder, pulling up and taking me with him. I let out a small yelp of surprise, but soon he was taking me back to my bedroom. My world was just an upside- down view of the back of his top and ass. If I could just manage to get my arm up, I could just–
Before I could smack anything, he roughly tossed me onto the bed. He crawled up between my legs, undoing the button and zipper of my jeans. I wriggled my hips as he pulled my jeans and underwear down in one fast motion. With a groan, and without tearing his gaze from between my legs, he carelessly tossed the garments somewhere on the floor. “Fucking hell, you've been wet this whole time, haven't you?” he asked, leaning down.
“Are you okay with this?” Noah asked. I stared at him in surprise, and he rolled his eyes. “I might be a monster, but I'm not that kind of a monster.”
“Fuck, of course Noah. Just fucking–” My tirade was cut off as he dove down like it was his last meal. My hips lifted off the bed in surprise, and he lifted my legs over his shoulders, wrapping his hands around my thighs and pulling them down against him.
I couldn't think of anything past the feeling of his tongue flicking over and around my clit, spearing into my pussy and then flattening as he licked long stripes up and down my slit. All I could do was grab the top of his head, tangling my fingers in his long tresses as I tried to keep myself grounded.
“Oh, God, No… ah–” was all I could manage to get out as I shook like someone possessed. His fingers dug into my thighs, the pain of his nails pressing in only adding to the pleasure. It felt like the more I reacted to him like this, the harder he worked to make me feel good.
I looked down at him to see that he was already intently staring at me. Somehow his dark eyes seemed to be bright when they met mine. I felt him smirk against my lower lips and then I heard,
Speaking into my head, hearing that praise, sent a bolt of pleasure through me that had me arching, releasing onto his tongue as I swore up to the ceiling. He lapped it up, not relaxing his movements one bit, and the overstimulation carried me into my second orgasm, my scream tearing through my throat.
He slowed down, kitten-licking me through my aftershocks, and then finally pulled away, settling me back down onto my bed. “You good?” He asked, like he didn't just completely shatter me.
Through ragged breaths that hurt my throat and my swimming vision, I nodded. Dear God, that was–
“He's not here, and by the end of tonight, I'll have you screaming my name like you worship me.” His growl sent ripples throughout my body. Noah crawled up on top of me, caging my face between his hands, and kissed me roughly. I could smell and taste myself on his lips.
“Noah, please I need you,” I managed to say between fervent kisses.
“Say my name,” he demanded.
“Pray for me.”
“Please, Noah.”
When I opened my eyes, it was him shoving his jeans off, but what made me gasp was the sight of his antlers, now the crown of bone that I remembered. With his hair wild and tangled from my fingers, and the tattoos spread all across his now naked body, he truly looked like the forest god he was.
He perched over me, leaning down to kiss me hard enough to stoke the fire in my belly again, and trailed two fingers up and down my still-slick folds. He slowly pushed them into my hole, alternating between curling, scissoring, and pulling them out before repeating the cycle. I was a moaning, whimpering mess that could barely talk when I realized that he was lining himself up.
“N-Noah, f-fuck… please,” I near sobbed.
“Shhh, I've got you,” he said quietly, gently brushing some damp hairs off my forehead. He then slowly, tortuously, pushed in, making me cry out in pain and pleasure.
“Ohh god, Noah, a-ah!” I said. “'s n-not gonna f-fit.”
“Yes it will,” he rasped. I was so glad that he too was having a rough time handling me like I was handling him. “I know you can do it.” He then pulled my legs up and hitched them around his waist, nearly folding me in half. With a few more shallow thrusts, he finally bottomed out, hitting a spot in me that turned my moans to something primal.
“There we go, good job. I told you you could do it,” he muttered, kissing the bridge of my nose. The feeling of me clenching on his cock had him groan, a sound that seemed like it came from somewhere deep inside him. “You ready?”
“Y-yes, Noah.”
His pace was steady at first, torturously slow. I rolled my hips to meet his, and his hands flew down to them to encourage the movement. “Go on… Take what you need,” he said, voice hitching at the end. I reached up to wrap my arms around his wide back, feeling the muscles flexing underneath my hands. His forehead dropped to mine and our lips brushed together in unison.
he said, a hand reaching up to cup my cheek, tilting my face so our lips could finally press against each others,
Noah, I’m gonna - I’m gonna… I was desperately close, and his pace just kept getting hastier. I knew I was about to topple over the edge, and Noah was going to push me over with no remorse.
he said,
When I opened my eyes, I saw his big doe eyes focused on me. I couldn’t hold it anymore, and I screamed his name as my head rolled back against my pillow. I swore I nearly blacked out, or at least the edges of my vision turned black, as my vision blurred. I felt my sweat-slick skin press against his as my back arched completely off the bed.
Noah chased his own release a little bit later, thrusting into me while growling something that might’ve been words in the other tongue, or just gibberish. Soon after, his hips stilled, and his body sagged onto me, the weight and warmth being welcome.
We lied there, chests heaving as we tried to catch our breath, and I found myself gently scratching at his scalp. My fingers gently brushed against the base of his antlers, and I stilled.
“You’re fine, I can’t feel anything when they’re fully grown,” Noah muttered against the skin of my neck.
“You know that, but not when they’re forming?” I asked.
“Like I said earlier, it never came up.” He chuckled airily.
We stayed like that for a while, his body like an anxiety blanket, until my body decided I needed to get up. Noah thought otherwise, as he wrapped his arms around my midsection and pulled me back against him every time I tried to leave the bed.
“Lemme up, I have to go to the bathroom and take a shower.”
“Only if I get to join you,” he said with a sly grin.
“Those things aren’t gonna fit in the shower,” I said with a momentary glance up at the antlers.
“Oh, I’ll make them fit.”
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sugawhaaa · 11 months
🌸💕Dating Jiung would include?💕🌸
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He's the type of boyfriend to get one of those sets of necklaces that click together
If he happens to wake up before you he would (not creepily) admire you as you sleep
Jiung would be your little snuggle bug, he'd constantly want hugs, kisses, cuddles, just your touch
His favorite places to kiss you are:your neck, hips/lower stomach, and above all your forehead
Jiung loves doing the simplest of things with you, brushing your teeth, reading, sleeping, watching movies, it doesn't matter what you or him are doing he just wants to feel your presence
He would call you muffin. IDK BUT ITS SO CUTE
I could also see him calling you princess, my love, baby, and dear. Sweat pea is also potential but like idrk
He'd totally gift you a big plushy bear 😭😭😭
In his contacts your name would be "🌸squishy muffin🌸"
Evening beach trips are so common between you two
He would hold your hand like all the time and anytime your nervous he'd give your hand light squeezes 🤧
He would treat you like an absolute baby when your sick. Getting you everything you need, holding you in his arms when it's "nap time" and he'd even give you your medicine from his hands
He would pinch your cheeks all the time
He'd give you little kisses everywhere all the time. You'd be out for dinner with the members and he'd be giving you little kisses and feeding you mandu
He'd hug you from behind all the time 😭
I can see him accidently touching you inappropriately and instantly being super embarrassed about it after words. His face would get so red so fast 🤭
When waiting in line for amusement park rides or the trains he'd hug you while swaying side to side
"Jiung where are we going?" You said as Jiung covered your eyes with his hands.
"You'll see!" He cooed.
You and your boyfriend decided to go for a walk on a short little trail nearby the dorms but for the past 10 minutes he's had his hands over your eyes. "Ok were almost there," he said softly near your ear. "OK keep your eyes closed and I'll hold your hands," he said as turned to walk in front of you. He gently held your hands and guided you along something that felt like wood. After the wood part you found more grass before Jiung told you to open your eyes.
You saw a picnic blanket and a ton of snacks plus a lantern so you could see in the cloudy air. You were simply taken away and nearly cried at the sight. Meanwhile Jiungs ears were bright red and he was super shy. "So?" He chuckled. All you could do was hug him super hard.
"I love you so much," you said as you squeezed him tight.
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{Smut warning}
Ngl I can see Jiung being like 70% bottom. I can just imagine him being whipped for his girlfriend sitting on top of him peppering him in kisses and giving him a handjob...LIKE AJBRJEHW
Jiung would be shy at first EVERYTIME he'd be embarrassed to even admit that he wanted to have sex
But I can see him getting lost in the pleasure and just admitting how good you make him feel
Lingerie would totally be his jam, he probably loves when you tease him with it. Letting him look but not touch.
He loves getting pinned down on his back it's like his biggest turn on
He's the type to praise but not directly to you its kind of my rhetorical (idk how else to explain it sjsjsj)
On the odd time that he's on top he likes to be called daddy. He wouldn't take it as seriously as some ppl do but he'd take it as a slight compliment
As for calling you mommy he might let it slip once or twice
He'd be totally nervous to do anything with you, like even touching your pussy would make him shake in fear
But after he finger fucks you for the first time he might just get addicted to the feeling of you around him
Idk why but I can see him liking it when he makes you feel so good that your drooling. It's like the biggest reward to him
I feel like blind folds might kinda be his Jam ngl
Toys would be fun experimentation for him
His sex stamina is probably really low so it's like cum 4 times in half hour and he's done 😭
You had Jiung pinned beneath you with his arms above his head, lips parted, and eyes full of lust and yearning for your touch though he would never admit it. You went to go play with one of his stray strands of purple hair as his eyes scanned your entire body with much concentration.
"Your wish is my command," you said in a slightly anticipating voice.
"Fine. I want to feel you around my fingers." He explained as he turned his head away from your eyes. Blush filling his cheeks.
"Oh so you liked that?" You teased. "The way my walls hugged your fingers as you explored every inch of my body~" you cooed as Jiung started moving his thighs an awful lot.
"Stop teasing me already," he huffed as he looked back up at you all red. You then kissed his jawline before saying
"But that's part of the fun~"
Thank you for reading!!!♡♡♡
A/N: thinking about bringing this series back what do yall think??? {Also I got my first piwon album yesterday and I'm so excited but I pulled two intaks and none of my biases 😔}
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masterqwertster · 10 months
20. “You’re right.  I don’t understand.  I may never fully understand what you’re going through.  But please let me help you get through this.” with Ashton and Orym please? Preferably with Orym asking 😁
For the Noticing Trauma prompt
Honestly surprised to have someone taking me up on the "Wait a month" part of my pinned post. But I'm a creature of my word, so let's go! Also slight spoilers for ep69
Orym finds Ashton seated, contemplating a rock held in their hand.
"Gonna try meditating again?" Orym casually asks.
Ashton flinches before turning to look at him, and Orym mentally berates himself for not being obvious enough in an approach from their left side.
"...Maybe?" Ashton answers, doubt and worry coloring his tone.
Orym wanders over to sit beside the genasi, near but not encroaching on their space.
"Would you like some company? I think some meditation could do me some good as well," Orym gently offers.
Ashton blows out a breath, the vocalization beneath it conveying something between annoyance and resignation.
"So I wasn't thinking, exactly, about meditating," he confesses, turning the rock in his hand, creating a soft clicking of stone on stone.
"Okay," Orym says, curious, and maybe a bit wary of where Ashton may wish to take this conversation.
There's silence for a few moments as Ashton purses their lips, obviously considering their next words.
"I don't want to give you more shit to worry about when we've already got so much going on. And I'm not falling down on this, so I don't need you to pick me up on it."
Yet, Orym can hear going unsaid. He can at least appreciate Ashton trying to hold to that promise they made in Issylra to keep each other functional and upright. Even though Orym's pretty sure that not catching Ashton before they hit the metaphorical ground in these situations will make pulling them back up much harder than catching them earlier.
The solution is simple enough, at least.
"I won't mind. It's kind of easier to face other people's problems than your own," Orym offers. "Plus, we're already doing all we can for the big problems we're working on."
Ashton snorts. "Yeah, I can fucking agree with that. Fuck."
Another sigh as Ashton's free hand comes up to rub his face.
"Alright. So, um... when I went to pick up my clothes, I, uh... I might have had a bit of a panic attack, in a side-alley," he confesses, voice lilting in that way that's begging for Orym not to be upset by this revelation.
"Oh, Ash," Orym says softly with sympathy. "We would have helped with that. You didn't have to-"
"I didn't want coddling," Ashton cuts through the reassurance. Not harshly, but still a solid stop. "I just wanted some space to freak out for a minute and pull my shit back together without being disturbed. Okay?"
Orym nods solemnly. With as many of his own panic attacks and other breakdowns as he's put off to maintain strength for others, he can't say he doesn't see the appeal of doing what Ashton did. To let it out and then put it back in its box without witnesses... he's done that a time or ten.
"Anyways. I had a panic attack, and while that was going on..." Ashton's gaze falls to the rock being turned in his hand, a small contemplative silence dropping over him again. "...And while that was going on, I think... I think I saw the bits of stone on ground near me... shaking. Vibrating. And I'm not sure if it would be worse if that was real, or if it was my mind playing fucking tricks on me."
It takes a few seconds for Orym to figure out why vibrating rocks while Ashton was having a panic attack is cause for concern.
"You think you were shaking them?"
"Seeing as I've apparently got fucking titan blood..." Ashton trails off, words filled with frustration, and a slight undercurrent of fear.
Orym's small hand reaches out, covering the rock Ashton's rotating in their hand, stilling it. He almost expects the rock to be rattling between their grips after that little talk, but no. It's just a normal, motionless rock trapped between his small fingers and Ashton's larger ones.
"I know I can't understand what that's like, what you're going through. That none of us really can. But I'm here, we're all here, to help you get through it, to figure it out. If you'll let us," Orym reassures Ashton, squeezing their fingers around the rock.
Ashton deflates, blowing out another deep breath.
"Yeah. I know. Having all of you is probably the main reason I'm not having a complete breakdown over this shit," they gently murmur.
Orym gives their hand another squeeze. Bells Hells has each others' backs, no matter what.
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belongtodeukae · 1 year
63 + 70 with minji please thank uuu🥺
“We’re crossing a line doing this” & “This is our little secret, okay?”
a/n: to another anon that also requested #63 with minji, this one’s for you too ♥️
(7:23 pm) “are you sure your members won’t be mad about me being here?” you asked cautiously since you already felt bad enough entering someone else’s dorm. minji let out an ironic laugh before pushing you against the front door she had closed moments before and kissing you eagerly. she sighed against your mouth, pressing your lips together over and over again to leave you light-headed.
“that... doesn’t answer my question”, you managed to let out, sounding intoxicated once she pulled back. one of her eyebrows went up at the same time her fingers lifted up the hem of your shirt for an easier access to the waistband your jeans, movements contrary to the answer that followed, “not really.”
“minji!” you uttered and immediately went to stop her fingers that were busy working on your zipper, but her strength was proven once she easily grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them against the door right above your head, “they would be mad if they were home. we have a strict policy of not bringing anyone here”. 
you couldn’t control the shock that was evident on your face, “that doesn’t help at all!” minji hushed you with a quiet sound before she leaned in closer, “they won’t find out, okay?”
she brought your wrists closer together so she could trap both of them under one hand, while the other slid down your body. the already undone zipper of your jeans gave her easy access and her slender fingers slipped inside of your panties, making immediate contact with the most sensitive part of you. you took in a sharp breath at the contact and tried to keep your body still.
“we’re crossing a line doing this”, minji said as she watched your face delicately while you struggled to control its expressions of pleasure, her fingers gliding in between your folds to spread the wetness that was coming out, “and i’m enjoying it so fucking much.”
you couldn’t deny the slight feeling of rush at the fact you were doing something that was forbidden, minji’s excitement rubbing off on you. you leaned forward to satisfy your urge to taste her lips again and she accepted it with greed. her mouth opened slightly, inviting you in as she hummed against you. your tongues connected at the same time you felt two of her fingers protruding your entrance, sliding in without difficulty once you hooked one of your legs around her hips.
“god”, you let out an obscene cry in minji’s mouth at the feeling of her fingers inside of you while her knuckles pressed against the skin around the entrance. 
“oh, you’re taking them so good”, she purred as she left rough kisses on your jaw once it went up in pleasure. she decided to lower the kisses to the front part of your neck, adding heated licks in between each one, “this is our little secret, okay?”
you nodded as much as the angle of your head allowed you, earning a low chuckle from minji when she pulled back from your neck, “such a good girl”, she purred before freeing your wrists from her grasp and letting her hand caress your cheek. the difference of the gentle sensation on your face and the rough pounding you were receiving from her other hand sent your head into the clouds. 
your hips instinctively started meeting minji’s thrusts, provoking a face-eating smirk from her right before you felt her thumb pressing against your clit firmly. even more impure sounds that belonged to you echoed in the dimly lit hallway and you raised your hands up to both sides of minji’s head, needing some kind of support due to the weak feeling in your legs. tips of your fingers were buried in her hair, curling up slightly to scratch her scalp and let her know how good she’s making you feel. 
“are you close, princess? i can feel how much you’re clenching around me”, she murmured with a smile as if she was mocking you for how desperate you were. all you could do is nod once before you were pulled in by the back of your neck, minji’s tongue meeting yours to swallow the river of moans that was impossible to hold back.
a few more thrusts was all it took for you to fall apart and start trembling against her as she kept whispering praises, swiping her tongue across your bottom lip due to your struggle to calm down to kiss her properly.
“how about you let me ride that pretty face on the couch right there so we cross another line?”
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I get such fucking bad anxiety when I have to ask someone I know to inconvenience themselves to help me. Even if the inconvenience for them likely will be small and the help for me will be great.
It feels like such a stupid thing, because I know logically that if the roles were reversed, I would not hesitate a moment to help. And this usually happens with people I'm familiar and friendly enough with, even if not necessarily close. Colleagues, classmates, stable friends, extended family. I burn with embarrassment of having to ask for help with something.
A part of me feels like I should be able to do it myself and having to rely on other people makes me appear fragile or incapable. It's a slightly different with close family and close friends because those are bonds built up for years and there has been back and forth helping before. The relationship is established.
But every time I have to reach out for help with something, even if it's just a reasonable request, I burn with something unintelligible. Is it embarrassment, is it shame? Some third thing that refuses to be pinned down? I'm leaning towards that.
So I rewrite and rewrite messages asking for assistance as if I can somehow unlock a magical wording that doesn't feel like I want to tear my own skin off my flesh. There's no perfect wording. It doesn't exist. Only my clumsy, probably overexplained message, spilled straight from my soul but attempted to be presented with neat wrapping.
And then comes the waiting. The anxiety of anticipating an answer where I'll be paralysed to wait. Flicking between social media dashes for anything to briefly hold my attention and distract me. Flicking my phone on and off flight mode because somehow that reply coming in unexpected is scarier than having to actively let my phone go back online and see. And if nothing has come yet, back on flight mode it goes.
All the while I feel like yelling at myself because the fuck am I getting so worked up about this thing. Yes, I am showing some kind of vulnerability in asking for help or some kind of favour, but that's literally how we're all built. A foal can run very quickly after birth, to enable it to escape predators, while a baby can only cry and ask to be protected. That's our innate nature.
Community. Family. Friendship. Even further out, people who just know you on a more surface level. So many people in my life are kind and good and of course they want to help. Even if there is a slight (or probably even a bigger) inconvenience in doing so.
And low and behold, the favour came through. The first person I asked couldn't help me but directed me onward to someone who could. Casual and easy words with smiling emojis while I was practically writhing in pain awaiting each message. They don't see that. I know that. They just see my message pop up between the activities they are going about. Something I cannot see either.
People are good. They want to help. They want to be asked if they could help you with something. In fact, I'm willing to bet they'd be more upset if they could have helped you, but you never asked because of some anxiety or hesitation.
So, I say this to myself: Keep pushing yourself and make the ask. It's okay. It'll be okay. You are okay.
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bite-sized-devil · 2 years
You ask for help dying your hair from your favourite demon. Will he accept?
This is such a self indulgent piece, in case you haven't guessed I dyed my hair. Mostly SFW, a little suggestive in parts so just to be safe you need to be 18+ to ride read.
You'd felt like a change, you've had the same hair style and colour since you arrived in the Devildom. You've already decided on the colour you wanted but just need some help with the application. Now, who should you go to for help?
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Of course you go to the first born, he's busy but he always makes time for you.
He accepts your request, but there will be no complaining about hair pulling. He's got a job to do, he won't be distracted by your incessant whining. He definitely wasn't prepared for the little moan that escaped your lips when he tugged a little to hard. Still, it doesn't distract him, he'll explore that little discovery later.
He has everything ready for you, a comfy chair, a robe, hair pins, cap, brush, gloves and a bowl. The most prepared... all you did was buy some dye.
If you think you'll be washing the dye out in the shower think again. Lucifer wants to treat you to a head massage, he wants you relaxed, the pressure to your scalp from his fingers is just right. Kind of shocking how good he is at this. But then when you think about it, its not too surprising, he's pretty perfect at everything and you tell him as much. That makes him smile, his little human thinks he's perfect. He'll show you his appreciation for that little comment later.
Expect to have the best dye job ever, like it is just as good as if you had gone to the salon. He is that meticulous.
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You trust him enough to dye your hair? He's touched, he pretends he isn't though. Of course you want The Great Mammon to dye your hair, his cheeks are tinted pink though so you know he loves that you asked him.
He's not prepared though, like at all. Shit, even less prepare when you walk into the bathroom in nothing but a bralette and underwear. Now he's under prepared and flustered! Fuck, he's even more glad you asked him to help you and not his brothers. Only he should see you like this.
You don't have to worry to much about hair pulling as he's so gentle with you. If he pulls on your hair he's instantly checking if you are okay and apologizing profusely.
Your dye job comes out all streaky because he keeps getting distracted by how much of your skin is showing. And is that your nipples he can see through that mesh bralette? Fuck! He needs to adjust his pants but can't because of the dye all over his hands.
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OMG! You want to dye your hair like your favourite anime character? Of course he's going to help! On one condition though, he wants you to do his hair too.
He sets you up to sit on the edge of his bathtub with your favourite anime playing, he even has matching shirts for you to wear while he does it. He's got everything he needs, he's very prepared. He wants to do a good job for you!
He's just about to start when he realizes he's going to get dye all over the shirts he got for you both! That would be a disaster. He's about to go get some towels and maybe an apron for himself when you lift the shirt over your head and motion for him to do the same. See, no need to ruin some perfectly good towels! He's a blushing, stuttering mess at your actions but he mimics you and takes his shirt off. Did you just look at his chest and bite your lower lip? No way! As if you'd find a gross otaku like him attractive. But he can't explain away the blush on your cheeks as you turn back towards the TV, or the slight stutter to your words when you say you're ready to begin.
Levi is very gentle with your hair, he doesn't want to hurt you. His fingers are soft when they maneuver your head so he can get to a spot better. Soon enough he's finished and he's setting a timer for you.
Now it's his turn! You make sure you're just as gentle when doing his hair. You try not to smirk when your doing the front of his hair and he's trying super hard not to stare at your chest. He's moving around so much you make him put his hand on your hips just to stop his squirming. That seemed to work for a bit but soon he's moving you closer to him and your getting more and more flustered, this only eggs him on more. Soon his face is resting between your breasts and he's giving you slow open mouth kisses all over your chest. His hair is definitely going to need to be fixed by a professional after this. You both pay no attention to that timer he set ages ago. At least it isn't bleach in your hair.
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeous, Beelzebub, Belphegor.
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