#and suddenly im getting screamed at by both of them bc i had to nerve to call out
kissingwookiees · 5 months
the thing about emotionally unintelligent parents who dont know how to fucking communicate with each other much less their child is you never know when you're gonna accidentally walk into some argument they had that you werent privy to at all and suddenly wind up at the center of it
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thegeminisage · 11 months
i watched THIS movie three days ago and im still not over it. incoherent phone liveblogs translated to normal human language below:
firstly, this movie is extraordinarily quiet. even with my computer and browser volume and 100% i still couldn't hear it. we had such trouble finding a copy that was both loud and subtitled i had to download my own - even actually starting a free paranmount plus trial didn't work because their website is GARBAGE and refused to load the movie for me on any browser. which meant losing one day. and then the second day i was out of town. i had to wait SO LONG to start searching for spock. i basically forgot the first 12 minutes of the film bc of those two lost days
uhura was very hot in this movie. i love how she had stuff to do. idk how she keeps getting hotter every movie but she's the most beautiful woman in the world i think. her telling that little ensign to get into the closet while calling him a good boy was maybe the sexiest thing she's ever done. i wish she had gotten to go with them the whole time!
the absolute screaming that ensued when kirk found bones sitting in a pitch black room with spock's voice coming out of his mouth. like i said i knew vaguely about this but i did not expect him to be FUCKING POSSESSED??? i need to find time to read 4000 spones fics about this specifically if anyone has recs i am soliciting them
everything was so good. the comment about poison in a bar not being logical. the failed nerve pinch. him being able to suddenly act as first officer. mwah
i like the snowy cacti on genesis even though most of those sections lagged for me personally. not like computer lag but like. psychologically. and baby spock was so cute!! teenage spock did not need to be fucking his former student who is now way older than him tho. that was wack. sorry saavik
the entire section of busting bones out of prison and stealing the enterprise is one of my favorite trek scenes from everything i've seen so far, actually. it's exciting, it's funny, it's heartwarming, the chemistry is off the charts, and they all truly feel like a family.......cathy said it best but this is what aos was missing tbh
ALSO I TOTALLY RECOGNIZED LEONARD NIMOY'S VOICE IN THE ELEVATOR SHAFT. am i faceblind maybe a little bit but my ear never fails me
very shocked to see christopher lloyd in this movie. his makeup was um questionable. but he did a great job
we went back and forth for awhile on whether or not bones realized he was possessed. i guess "you're suffering from a mind meld" wasn't specific enough. like did he know spock was IN THERE. but we didnt know for sure until jim was like "how are we doing" and bones was like "WE are doing just fine thank you but i'd rather he have just taken a kidney" which was fucking hilarious. third best best line after "i've got all his marbles" and "THAT GREEN BLOODED SON OF A BITCH THIS IS REVENGE FOR ALL THE ARGUMENTS HE LOST" he's so iconic. like it wasn't actually just revenge for the stunt he pulled in the empath.
deeply mourning the enterprise. i knew there were different enterprises and that they had to blow her up eventually bc spoilers but this is the one and only first ever enterprise TO ME. watching her go down in flames was almost as painful as watching spock die. rest in peace queen :(
absolutely FLOORED they fridged david. i didn't expect them to do that ever but i'm SO glad they did bc 1. cry bitch and 2. i didn't actually care about him. despite them finding spock on genesis those parts of the movie felt slowest to me because spock wasn't able to like, Be Spock and i just did not care about david. i like saavik but i liked her better when she wasn't fucking spock. so. perfect choice
final fight was good. i was like I DONT CARE ABOUT THIS SHOW ME SPOCK but then i gasped every time one of them almost bit it. rip christopher lloyd's character he did a great job
did i burst into tears when kirk held spock and pointed a gun at people? yeah
however what we missed was the bit where bones goes to hold him instead when kirk has to put him down. truly the mcspirk movie of all time.
bones going "i choose the danger" HE IS SO IMPORTANT i love him so much
having absolute kittens in the section where i had to wait to find out if they put spock's katra back. like obviously they were gonna. did i start crying again when spock started talking? YEAH. i knew he was gonna have amnesia but i forgot so i got to be surprised anyway. and then also cried through the credits too bc ofc i did. spock is so important. bones tapping his temple at the end was everything though
idk why everyone says the odd ones are all bad! 1 was bad and i know everybody hated 5 but 3 was REALLY GOOD. i liked it even better than wrath of khan - aside from, again, the pon farr thing. there was more interpersonal stuff than in 2 but it didn't lack action and momentum the way that 1 did. it was perfect. there's no way 4 can be better than this. no way. sincerely hoping i eat my words <3
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worminstuff · 4 years
hello!! could you write a fic (in game or irl) about dream and the reader being friends. then he gets jealous of one of the boys and then accidentally blurts out that he likes the reader? just something really fluffy lol. i hope you have a great day!! i just got caught up on all your fics (bc i’m a simp) and i just wanted to say they make me go SO soft:) -anon xo
your brain...it must be so big...
Dream x reader
no warnings, maybe a bit of angst but mostly fluff!!!!
in this fic its set in game, so theyre not playing the games at computers an all theyre in it, not usually how my fics go but were trying it:) (dont try to wrap your head around logistics im not making this a lore)
Dream, George, y/n and Sapnap were all say on the docks tubbo had built. George was stood fishing, while Dream, y/n and Sapnap were sat at the edge of the dock dangling their legs over.
“Sap did you ever get all those buckets for more fish for the pond around the community house?” y/n turned to him.
Dream felt a twinge of jealousy at the way shed called him sap, she never made nicknames for him..
“i have the buckets, just no fish. why?” they were both looking at each other when y/n sprung to her feet excitedly.
“well were here so why not get some fish!” y/n was already taking off her shoes and socks before he could reply. Sapnap laughed and stood, joining her in taking off his shoes. Dream watched as both rolled up their pant leg's and ran down the dock to the shore line.
“Not gonna go with?” George looked away from his fishing line to pear down at Dream.
“No. Ill let them do it, its their project not mine.” he looked down at his feet as they swung above the water.
George didn't question him but his brows furrowed. Dream was usually glued to y/n whenever they were together. George had an inking about his small infatuation, it was pretty obvious, ironically to everyone except y/n.
George and Dream sat in a comfortable silence until they heard huge splash and a laughing scream from y/n. Though Dream knew immediately that wasn't a scream of fear, he still lept up quickly turning to where Sapnap and y/n were. Upon seeing them, his shoulders shrank.
Sapnap had tackled y/n into the water and was now holding her up, threatening to throw her into the water.
 Dreams heart felt heavy. 
Suddenly Sapnap caught Dreams eyes, both of them staring at each other now. Y/n craned her neck to look back at Sapnap curious why he’d suddenly stopped laughing with her. She followed his line of sight to see Dream, and George now too, staring at the both of them.
Y/n was about to say something when Sapnap suddenly tossed her into the waters, a yelp leaving  her mouth as she collided with the cold water.
George and Sapnap busted out laughing, y/n rose to the surface and quickly started making her way to Sapnap, he laughed and quickly started getting out of the water, baiting her by walking slowly.
Y/n was still confused as to why Dream looked so...upset. She and Sapnap were only messing around. She shrugged it off in her mind though, she had to get Sapnap back.
“Before you two get any more. Whatever that was.. Y/n needs dry clothes now Sapnap, im not gonna deal with a sick y/n.” George said pointedly, as he looked towards Sapnap. Sapnap rolled his eyes and walked ahead as they made their way back to the base.
George decided to catch up to Sapnap, leaving y/n and Dream behind a bit.
Dream looked to y/n, “Are you cold?” 
“A bit, but im okay.” she gave him a small smile and his heart clenched a bit.
Slowly, he unclipped his mask from behind his head as they grew closer to the base. The other three were no stranger to Dreams face, so he kept it on only where he might bump into others like tommy or tubbo.
Y/n had seen his face before, many times actually, but every time he took off the mask, she couldn't help but stare for even a little while. 
Dream looked to her, seeing her already looking up at him. He grinned, “What?”
“Nothin. I just like you with no mask.” She matched his grin. Dreams face grew slightly red at her comment.
They made their way into the base, Y/n quickly heading to her room to get dry cloths.
The boys sat and waited for a bit until they heard y/n from upstairs, “Can I get a shirt really quick! All of mine are dirty..” She sounded slightly embarrassed but the boys were unfazed.
Sapnap got up before Dream could, “I threw her in, so ill give her one of mine.” He made his way up the stairs to his room.
Dream pouted slightly. Now shed be in his clothes? George glanced at him quickly, noticing his expression.
“why are you making that face?” He questioned.
Dream only shook his head. 
“Its not nothing, you were gloomy at the docks too. Are you mad at Sapnap?” He tilted his head a bit.
“No..well maybe a bit. But I shouldn't be.” Dream looked to George finally, and he was about to continue but he was cut off.
“Hey Alexa!” y/n yelled.
“Hey Alexa!” Sapnap yelled back.
“How many bitches can we fit in a tesla!” They both yelled together, laughing the rest of the way down the stairs.
“What?” Dream was nearing his last bit of patience.
Sapnap giggled, “Its just a thing we do, don't worry about it Dream.”
The way he had said that made Dreams blood boil, making it all the worse, he glanced at y/n. She was wearing baggy jeans, black ones, like Sapnap, and one of his shirts with the flame on it. They were matching.
Y/n briefly caught his eye before Dream turned and walked out of the house quickly. She stepped forward to follow, calling out his name softly.
Sapnap was about to follow when George held his arm, “Let her talk to him.” Sapnap nodded back.
Y/n followed Dream as she watched him walk off the beaten bath near their home.
“Dream! Slow down please.” She was trying to catch up when he swiftly turned around. His eyes were angry, his mouth a flat line. Y/n flinched back at how angry he looked. When he saw her flinch his features softened.
“I'm sorry, I just..” He huffed, not really knowing what to tell her. 
“What's been up with you? You've been all grumpy..” Y/n stepped closer to him.
Dream stared into her eyes, looking between both of them. “M’ not grumpy..im just..well..” he closed his eyes, his face already getting a red tint.
“You're what Dream?..” Y/n asked softly.
“I'm jealous! I was jealous..” He blurted out, looking everywhere but her.
“Jealous? Why? Of what?” Y/n was thoroughly confused.
Dream let out another huff, “You and Sapnap..” He was ringing his own hands, y/n had never seen him so nervous before. He was usually so confident.
She tilted her head, “Me and sap?” He clenched at the nickname.
“Yeah!” she had struck a nerve. His eyes were now trained on hers, “Of Sap, throwing you around in the water, giving you his clothes, having inside jokes with him and all! Why don't I have a nickname? Why don't we have inside jokes?” He blurted out all of his thoughts. Once he realized what he had said, he stared down at your shocked face. 
“Y/n..I-I’m sorry, I didn't mean to get mad like that. I just..I really like you y/n. A lot. And seeing you both all buddy buddy just got to me.. I'm sorry.” his glance was soft, and hopeful.
Y/n let out a small laugh, Dreams brows furrowed. “Really? You? Jealous? Cause of me?” She couldn't believe it!
Dream laughed with her, “Yes! I'm not lying y/n.” He stepped a little closer, taking her hand. “I'm a bit selfish.” His smirk was causing a blush to rise on y/n’s face.
“I like you a lot too.” Dream could've cried after hearing those words from her mouth. His face broke into the biggest grin you'd seen on him,
“Yes!” He grabbed your hand dragging you back to the house quickly.
pushing you into the house with him, he ran to where George and Sapnap were sat waiting. He pushed you in front of him pointing at you with a glare,
“Mine.” he was looking at sapnap.
The group all burst into a laughing fit at the expression sapnap had.
“Priceless” George murmured. Looking at Y/n and Dream happily.
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
Little Malfoy
Synopsis: You and Draco are both purebloods and arranged to marry, but you’re are already dating and in the 7th year, you find out you’re pregnant.
Warnings: teenage pregnancy, language
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: sorry this took so long! also, im thinking of making a new account and transferring my work bc currently this is a side-blog and i can’t answer your sweet comments. :( ALSO! There is no Voldemort, war, or anything from Deathly Hallows in here! 
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Your seventh year was probably one of the roughest years of your life. With the whole figuring out your future, passing your courses, making sure you keep in touch with friends, so forth.
When you started dating Draco in fifth year, things seemed as though they couldn’t go downhill. The two of you were inseparable and your love grew more and more as months went by. Your friends in Slytherin practically adored you guys. 
Pansy called you two the ‘Hogwarts dream team’ and even Blaise was fond of the two of you. Crabbe and Goyle were thrilled that Draco wasn’t shoving them around like they were his slaves anymore, so they came around pretty quickly. All in all, everyone had won. First years weren’t veering away from him in fear of being taunted, and you finally got your parents off your back about finding the perfect pureblood match for you.
Luckily for you, your parents completely adored the Malfoy family (and their status) so over the summer, they had agreed to arrange your marriage to Draco.. You were getting married in two summers, so as long as the two of you stuck by each others’ sides, there shouldn’t be an issue. 
But, unluckily, you had hoped too soon. 
That’s how you ended up pacing back and forth in Professor Snape’s office with tears cascading down your cheeks at five o’clock on a Friday morning. You hadn’t been able to sleep at all last night because right before going to bed, you had checked your personal agenda and realized you were nearly two weeks late. You were always pretty regular, so this could only mean a few things.
You had really hoped it wasn’t the one thing you were thinking, but with your luck, it probably was. 
About a month back, you and Draco had stayed back in the Slytherin dorms by yourself during supper hour since you had to work on an assignment, and the two of you had ended up in his bed tangled in the sheets not long after that. So, naturally, when you realized you were two weeks late, your mind swung back to that night immediately. 
“Will you stop walking around in circles?” Snape snapped, scavenging through the shelves in his office for the one thing he probably never thought he needed.
“Sorry, Professor,” your voice came out shaky as you stopped in your tracks, looking over at him with wide, fear-filled eyes. You raised your hand, biting at your fingernails to keep your mind off of the thumping of your heart against your ribcage.
Sure, Snape had been quite agitated by your rude awakening at nearly four thirty in the morning, but he seemed to be better now as he cursed at every tiny bottle that fell over. As head of Slytherin house, he knew he had to be there for the students at any hour they needed him, no matter how much he hated it.
“Alright, uh, here,” he handed you a tiny box, inside it was the pregnancy stick. Despite housing some of the most powerful witches and wizards in the world, Hogwarts still kept Muggle pregnancy tests. 
He tried avoiding your eyes as he gave it to you. You’d probably be feeling embarrassed if it wasn’t for the swarm of nerves in your stomach. 
“T-Thanks, Professor,” you nodded at him and rushed out of his office. You bolted down to the Slytherin common room, sneaking in as quietly as possible and into the bathroom. 
Shutting the stall quickly and quietly, you took the tiny stick out of the box with shaky hands and sat down on the toilet, trying your hardest to control your breathing. Not very successfully though, as you needed to remind yourself to actually exhale every now and then.
Maybe it’ll be negative, the naive side of your mind taunted you as you started doing your business, shutting your eyes to avoid seeing what it would say even though you knew you’d have to wait a few minutes. 
As you finished, you placed the stick down on the back of the toilet, and waited. 
And waited.
And waited.
And... waited. 
Finally, after what felt like three hours — but was only three minutes — you picked up the stick, only to nearly drop it again.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, placing the stick down on the back of the toilet and leaning against the wall, suddenly feeling like you wanted to cry, scream and vomit all at once. 
You screwed your eyes shut, trying so hard to hold back the tears. You were only seventeen. You still had nearly six months left at Hogwarts. You were so young, what were your parents going to say? What was Draco going to say?
Holy shit, Draco. 
There was no way in hell Draco was ready to have a kid. If you were certain of anything, it was that. Sure, you two had spoken about kids, but he had never really mentioned actually wanting to have any. Especially not at this young age.
You leaned your back against the wall of the stall, sliding down and clutching your knees to your chest. You leaned your forehead against them, cursing yourself for not being safe enough. Yes, you and Draco had used just about every safe measure there was, but they were never one hundred percent effective.
You let the tears flow freely by now, not even bothering to try silencing your sobs as they echoed dully around the bathroom. This was the worst way to spend your last year.
You placed a hand on your lower belly, knowing nothing had really started to show or swell yet, but within a few months, it would definitely be visible. You tried not to think about what other students would say about you, what the Professors would think of you, or how Draco would react, but it was nearly impossible not to. 
A forceful knock sounded at the door to the bathroom and Snape’s dull voice came flowing in, “Miss Y/L/N, I’m going to guess by the fact that you’re still in there that this isn’t the result you wanted. Come to my office.”
You wiped your tears with your sweater, wiping off the pregnancy test with toilet paper and placing it in your pocket. Not that you wanted to, but Draco would probably assume this was a prank and you needed proof.
You ducked your head and walked out of the bathroom, not even bothering to look at yourself in the mirror. Snape stood outside, arms behind his back, and hair hanging in his face.
“Come,” he took off down the hall and turned into his office. You followed closely behind, not wanting to be seen by anyone, even though it was still five in the morning and no one was up at this hour, but you were ashamed enough as it was.
“Sit,” he pointed to a moth-eaten leather chair in the corner and you walked over to it, sitting down gently and looking up at him, “Now, I don’t think I need to tell you how reckless you’ve been, so I shall skip that part.”
You weren’t sure why you expected him to be somewhat comforting, but the judgment and disappointment in his voice stung. 
“Now, I have this little bottle here,” he shoved a tiny, tear-shaped bottle into your hand, “Take a drop of this every morning in your pumpkin juice, or whatever beverage you wish to have, and it will help with nausea, cramping and.... irregular moodswings.”
You nodded, gripping the bottle with your sweaty hands and placed it in your lap, “Do I, uh, stay? Or am I expelled?”
Snape sighed, sitting across from you and intertwining his hands on his lap, his face a tell-tale sign he was very uncomfortable with the conversation, “You are not expelled, but you will indeed be asked to exclude yourself from certain activities.”
“How do I tell Draco?” you found yourself asking, regretting it once you knew you had overstepped your boundaries. 
He held back an eye roll, “That is none of my concern.”
“Right, sorry,” you mumbled, fumbling with the bottle he had given you moments before. 
“Now,” he spoke up again, “I will need to alert Dumbledore, along with the Heads of Houses, but please try to keep this as secret as you can for the time being. We don’t need rumours and whispers flying amuck, what with all the chaos that seventh year brings already.”
You nodded again, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and feeling your breathing return to normal, “Thank you, Professor. I should probably go tell Draco.”
You stood up off the chair, avoiding eye contact once more, but right as you were about to walk out of the room, his voice cut you off.
“As Head of Slytherin house, it is my responsibility to attend to the needs of my students,” he spoke almost regretfully, “So if ever you need assistance... don’t be shy. However, I am not here for you to wake up at three in the morning because you are having trouble sleeping, do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” you smiled at him, “I’ll avoid waking you up as much as I can.”
He nodded at you and waved his hand, motioning that you were free to go. You walked back to the common room, legs shaky and the bottle clutched tightly in your hand. You stepped quietly through the entrance and let out a sigh, bracing yourself for what was going to come.
You couldn’t overthink it too much or you’d never end up telling him, so you had to just go up and do it. 
You walked up the stairs to the dorms and knocked on Draco’s door, opening it slightly to make sure you hadn’t woken up anyone else in the room. You peeked your head in, noticing that no one was awake.
Tiptoeing in, you passed Crabbe, then Goyle — who was snoring so loudly you didn’t have to worry about the creaking floor — and reached Draco’s bed. You placed your hand on his head, trying your best to avoid startling him and waking up everyone else.
“Hm?” he mumbled, pulling the blankets up higher, “I didn’t. It’s only blue...”
“Draco!” you hissed quietly, poking him in the cheek. His habit of sleeptalking made it hard for you to get him to wake up.
His eyes fluttered open slowly, and he scanned you up and down with a confused expression, “Y/N? It’s not even six o’clock, what’s wrong?”
You felt so bad, you knew you were about to completely change his world and he had no idea. You watched him for a good moment, tuning out what he was saying. 
“Huh? Oh, right, we need to talk, come downstairs,” your voice shook once more, but you didn’t let him question you as you walked out of the room and down the stairs.
Your heart was beating so fast you thought you might need to go see Madam Pomfrey and check for signs of a heart attack. You sat down on the velvet couch, staring into the flames of the fireplace and trying to calm yourself down.
Eventually, Draco’s quiet footsteps came down and he appeared at your side, sitting next to you on the couch.
“You’re worrying me,” he admitted, running a hand through his messy morning hair, “You’re never up before eight. This has to be serious.”
“It is,” you looked over at him, wanting so badly to tell him and have it be a prank, but the reality of it was washing over you in waves of guilt. 
“Tell me,” he whispered, tucking a stand of hair behind your ear and gazing into your eyes with such intensity, you felt a tear slide down your face.
“Draco, I’m pregnant,” you mumbled, keeping your eyes locked on his. 
The colour completely drained from his face, causing him to become paler than usual, until a small smile formed on his lips, “Good one.”
“I’m not joking, Draco,” you sighed, taking the pregnancy test out and holding it in front of his face, “I’m as serious as Sirius.”
“Wait—,” he looked down at the stick, eyes wide, “This is for real? You’re actually pregnant?”
You nodded, looking down at your lap. You heard him let out a long, exhausted sigh, and then he leaned back against the couch, muttering to himself about ‘stupid condoms.’
“Well, then, I’ll be by your side and I’ll take care of you every step of the way,” he placed a cold finger under your chin, tilting your head up to face him.
Your breath hitched in your throat and you could feel more tears threatening to fall, “Why aren’t you reacting more... I don’t know — panicked? This is scary as hell.”
“I never said it wasn’t,” he spoke quietly, completely contrasted to the swarm you were feeling inside, “But what good is panicking going to do? You need to be healthy, I need to take care of you, and we’re going to get through this together.”
Despite the fact that you were indeed freaking out on a whole new level, Draco’s words made a comfortable feeling settle in your chest. You knew damn well that having a baby at seventeen while attending school was going to be the biggest challenge of your life, but somehow, he seemed to make you feel as if it was going to work.
“Are — Are you sure? I mean, this is huge,” you widened your eyes, waving your hands as if to show him how big this was. 
He chuckled, placing a kiss on your cheek, “I’m sure. Hey, we’re getting married in two years, so what’s the worst that can happen? We already know we’re gonna be together for a long, long time. We’re the ultimate team, we got this.”
You smiled, wiping at your tears for the third time that morning, “Draco, this isn’t like getting matching tattoos, this is a baby. A child. In a few months, I’m going to start getting big, and by this summer I won’t even see my feet, and at this time next year—”
“—we’re going to have a little Malfoy,” he cut you off, silencing your rambling, “I got that, yeah. Doesn’t mean I don’t want it to happen. I always knew I wanted kids with you. Hey, if you decide to straight up drop out of Hogwarts right now, I’ll be right by your side, helping you carry your bags and figuring out where we’d go from there.”
You were speechless. This was not the way you thought he’d react to this. You had expected silence, worry, and of course, a whole bunch of tugging at his hair while he swore his head off. That’s how you were feeling inside. You never thought he’d end up being okay with this. He was being so calm. 
You let out a breath and nodded your head, “Right, okay, so we’ll be okay then?”
“I don’t see why we wouldn’t be. Yeah, being pregnant won’t be easy, but we’ve got some good people around us here and our families will help us out,” he shrugged, trying to hold back a smile, “I still can’t believe it.”
“Yeah, tell me about it,” you let out a soft chuckle, placing your hands over your belly. You leaned your head back on the couch, shutting your eyes and listening to Draco’s slow breaths. 
You nearly jumped when you felt his hand on top of yours, rubbing slow, soothing circles over your still-flat belly. 
“This is crazy,” he muttered, leaning his head against your shoulder, “We’re having a baby.”. Nodding, you let out another small giggle, placing a kiss against his forehead.
You were too focused on your peaceful moment with Draco to realize Pansy and Blaise walking into the room, overhearing your conversation and smacking each other with wide eyes.
“Sorry — you’re having a what now?!” Pansy shrieked, gripping Blaise’s sleeve with shock and startling you out of your skin, “You two lovestruck idiots better name it after me, boy or girl.”
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books-and-dragons · 4 years
pegoryu (pre-established) post-interrogation hurt/comfort fic. has mentions of nightmares, trauma, and implied physical assault. unedited and for that i big apologise in advance
okay!!! so this fic has been sitting in my drafts for months (lol what else is knew i know, shush i’m getting to the point) and i was supposed to post it on ao3 at the same time as i did a couple of others, however never got around to it bc it needed editing and im too lazy for that
likelihood is, i will edit and post to ao3 at some point, but it needs some BIG rennovations and i just can’t be arsed atm
so yeah, apologies for the shoddy writing in advance xoxo
but for now, i wanted to post it on here. today. as a sign of goodwill for the year to come. (ie. i own p5r, still havent played it, need to play it, and hope posting this will kick me into gear)
so, hope you enjoy!! and lmao if not it’ll just get buried as i start to revive this blog so,...win win?
In the first few nights since the interrogation, Ryuji stayed awake, listening to the fragile shudders of Akira’s breath in the night. So sensitive to every breath of air restricted by broken ribs, Ryuji hadn’t needed to look across the room, to gaze at the beaten figure on the bed, to know how his face was contorted in pain- unmasked in sleep.
He refused to so much as close his eyes until Akira’s breathing levelled out, still shuddering and restricted by pain, but deep enough to assure him that Akira was asleep. Only then, Ryuji allowed himself to rest.
Nobody else stayed the night. They lingered until the last train, crowded around the attic bedroom, gaze worriedly resting on Akira until the final second, where they’d leave with the accompanying chime of Leblanc’s door closing. But not Ryuji.
Ryuji, who had refused to leave Akira’s side since the moment he’d returned to their arms, beaten and drugged up, hardly coherent, but so relievingly and perfectly alive.
Akira hadn’t been alone since, Ryuji ensured that much. Torn over so much as going across the road for a bath, he couldn’t leave the other boy alone- something pulled at him to never let that happen, a pit of fear in the bottom of his stomach that pulled at his every nerve.
Maybe it had something to do with the nightmares, the visions of Akira lying broken on cold tile, at the mercilessly unrelenting hands of the police, the images of Akira lying dead, blood pooling from his head, the way the images seemed to haunt him even when awake- but there was no point reading into it. It wasn’t important, especially not now.
What mattered was that when he woke up, breath haggard and skin shining with sweat under the light of outdoor streetlamps, Akira never woke. Wasn’t even perturbed. 
Ryuji tried to be thankful for it, tried not to think about why Akira was suddenly such a deep sleeper. Ignored the puncture wounds on his neck, the bottle of painkillers by his bedside. Akira was resting, and that was enough.
Even if it didn’t make sense that, when morning rose, the dark circles under Akira’s eyes had grown. That he tried to muffle pained yawns behind bandaged hands, and begged for more coffee- even though Takemi had put him on a temporary ban.
Because Ryuji had seen him sleeping, watched the rise and fall of his chest as Ryuji reminded himself that Akira was alive and safe, it was the sight that lulled him back to sleep from a nightmare. So why did Akira always look so tired?
He tried not to let his growing concern show, there was already so much to be worried about, he didn’t want to add another. Especially not when it could be nothing but his own annoying thoughts.
It wasn’t until the next night, after a particularly painful and thorough visit from Takemi earlier that day, that Ryuji started to reconsider.
Blearily opening his eyes to the dark lighting of the attic, Ryuji didn’t need a clock to know it was well into the middle of the night, and that he’d been woken up from his sleep, again.
But it was weird. There was none of the usual constricting fear, the blind panic- he’d hardly even started seeing the figure of a beaten Akira surrounded by shadow, let alone begun imagining the worst. 
About to blame it on the lumpy and painful springs of the couch and try to fall back asleep, Ryuji caught it. Quiet, as if muffled by something, but just loud enough to penetrate through the silence in the attic and reach Ryuji: crying.
No. Not crying.
Ice burning in his stomach, he carefully lifted the blanket and rose, wary of creaking springs and the sound of rustling fabric, towards the shaking figure on the bed.
His voice was barely above a whisper, carrying clearly and softly through the silence as he carefully extended an arm, not touching, only hovering, “Akira?”
The responding flinch broke Ryuji’s heart all the more, as a head rose from under the covers, bloodshot eyes wide and darting around the room in panic, hair wildly askew. 
Moving as slowly as he dared, Ryuji sat at the side of the bed, “Hey, it’s okay, it’s only me.”
As the mattress shifted under him, Akira froze. Muscles tight and unyielding, back as ramrod straight as his broken ribs would allow, the entire body braced for something Ryuji didn’t even want to think about. His gaze was distant, somewhere far away from Leblanc, from the blond sat right beside him.
It reminded Ryuji of his Ma, in the months after the divorce. Curled up together on the dingy bed, they’d cling to each other so tight even in sleep, waking up in the morning sweaty and sometimes a little uncomfortable, never minding because they woke feeling completely safe. But there were the nights when his Ma’s screams would wake him in the early hours, recoiling and shaking even in her sleep. Ryuji would sit upright and watch over her until sunrise, would try to pull her from the memories he knew haunted her. Haunted them both.
Looking at Akira, the striking familiarity of the situation made him want to hurl.
He didn’t move, no matter how strong the urge was to reach out and console his hurting best friend. Instead, he kept his voice quiet, just audible above the laboured sobs, and waited.
“You’re okay, Akira. You’re safe, I’m not goin’ anywhere, alright? You’ve got me, it’s okay-”
Slowly, the frantic scanning of the room stopped. Staring at the artificial yellow light that bathed Leblanc’s street, following it into the shadows of the attic, where dark figures seemed to fade away. The flash of blond in his vision, perfectly still, aside from the hushed mutterings leaving chapped lips.
Akira focused on that sound. It felt safe.
As Ryuji uttered soft words of reassurance, he watched the tension slowly leave Akira’s body. Shoulders slightly slouched, jaw unclenched, his lip was bleeding- but he could worry about that later. All that mattered was the softening of Akira’s lines, as he slowly came back to Ryuji.
Delicately as he dared, he reached out. Hand brushing against bruised skin, careful not to as much as press on the marred areas. For a moment, there was no response. He waited, watching the panic continue to leave until, slightly trembling, Akira’s hand interlaced with his own.
“Ryuji?” The hazed look in his eyes was clearing, staring at Ryuji with a newly discovered relief, which was quickly overtaken by shame, “Shit- I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up, just go back to sleep I’m fine-”
“Hey no, no man it’s okay, really-” Feeling Akira begin to pull away, Ryuji let his thumb run over the back of his hand, determinedly meeting Akira’s gaze, “I don’t mind.”
Akira opened his mouth, ready to retort and insist, but found himself silenced by the look in the other boy’s eyes. Ryuji’s hand was warm, and for a moment Akira forgot there were even any injuries there at all, thumb tracing over them with such a delicate touch he hadn’t known the blond to have possessed.
Staring into Ryuji’s eyes, he wondered at how they were always so open and unguarded, never with anything to hide- a true reflection of his best friend, passionate and honest to a fault. It was something Akira had often envied, that ability to always be his true self, to freely display his emotions. 
He almost took that back now, staring back into deep brown eyes. Eyes which so clearly reflected hurt and worry.
The raw concern so honestly displayed to him that, just in this moment, Akira decided he would allow himself to be vulnerable. Just this one time. Knowing that, as they had done for each other so many times before, Ryuji would never judge.
Hesitantly, Akira pulled his hand out of Ryuji’s and, ignoring the concerned look he got in return, allowed his hand to trace higher, around his forearm, pulling him closer with a silent plea.
As always, Ryuji understood.
Carefully reaching out, Ryuji wrapped his arms around Akira, pulling him to his chest. His touch is firm, but cautious of the bruising and bandages decorating Akira’s abdomen. Even then, careful as he was, the occasional shift sent twinges of pain up Akira’s spine. And yet, he found he didn’t mind- not when he was so surrounded by warmth and comfort and the steady beat of Ryuji’s heart just audible through his chest, that for a minute Akira feels like he can just forget-
Somehow, Ryuji shifts so they’re leaning against the back wall, Akira’s head resting high on Ryuji’s chest, ear pressed to his left side. Logically, Ryuji supposed now would be a good time to ask about what just happened, about the dark circles under Akira’s eyes and the fear still lingering when he caught sight of shadows in the room- but there would be other opportunities. When Akira wasn’t so damn exhausted and clinging to Ryuji like he’s the final lifeline holding Akira together. When neither of them would be waking up in the middle of the night, a frenzied mess, and worrying about suspicious strangers in public and carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.
Yeah, there would be other times to talk. But for now, Ryuji would stay with Akira and listen as his breathing mellowed out into deep breaths, as his grip on the blond weakened and he cuddled closer still, lost to the throes of sleep.
Ryuji will stay with him until the sun rises.
Neither of them were plagued by nightmares for the rest of the night.
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BTS Reaction: Proposing To You During A Concert
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Requested: yar^ ily too sweetie thank u! this is so late sorry ;-;
Genre: fluff
Warnings: nooone!
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kith kith kith gimme da kith
Another song ends and you clap loudly along with the rest of the stadium from your seat on the side of the stage. You see Jungkook nudging your boyfriend and look at them curiously.
What are they doing?
Jin whispers something in Jungkook’s ear and they both crack up. You smile at their silly antics and shake your head. The next song starts, and you see Jin keep looking at you. At one point you make a silly face at him and point to the audience to tell him to focus. Jin just chuckles and keeps stealing glances at you throughout the song. 
When it ends, Taehyung and Jimin walk over to Jin and he says something to them before walking to the side stage. You’re watching him in confusion, wondering why he’s suddenly leaving the stage. Maybe he isn’t feeling well?
You’re about to ask him when he takes your hand and starts pulling you with him. Your heart stops and you try to resist him.
“Jin! W-what are you doing??” You ask him frantically.
He just laughs and tugs you harder, “Just trust me, princess. Come on.”
You reluctantly give in and follow him onto the stage. Army has already known about you for a long while, so that isn’t what you’re worried about. You just don’t understand what’s going on.
Once your boyfriend has you in the middle of the stage, a staff member brings out a stool and he has you sit on it. You do and look at the other members who are watching you with wide grins. Jin kneels in front of the stool and you feel your heart stop in your chest as he holds out a little black velvet box.
“Y/n.” He says gently, keeping your gaze. You nod breathlessly and he clears his throat.
“I can’t begin to explain how dear you are to me and how much I love you. You make me smile when I’ve had the worst day, you let me cry when I need to, you bring out the best of me every single day. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done. But I can promise you that I will love, cherish, and protect you until the end of our days, if you’ll have me.”
You wipe your tears and swallow the lump in your throat. “I- I would love to marry you, Jin. Yes, a thousand times yes.” You cry as he puts the ring on your finger and stands up to hug you. Then, a bunch of flowers rain down from somewhere up above and you gasp at how colorful and gorgeous they are. The flowers cover the stage as everyone claps and Jin pulls you into a kiss.
“I can’t wait to marry you, princess.”
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ahaha pls luv me
The boys all stand in a line, wiping the sweat from their faces and necks as each one takes a turn saying something to Army.
Yoongi has purposefully put himself at the end, and the rest of the boys bounce with excitement as it gets closer and closer to his turn. They all know exactly what’s coming.
Finally, Yoongi brings the mic up to his lips and waves, “Hi Army!!” The crowd screams and a cute smile breaks out on his face. You smile brightly from the side of the stage, watching him cutely looking at all the faces he can see. “Are you having fun tonight?” Another cheer from Army and Yoongi laughs.
After he finishes his little speech, he takes everyone but the other members by surprise. “There’s one more thing I’d like to say.” The whole stadium becomes so quiet you could hear a pin drop. You watch him curiously, not remembering him saying anything to you.
“You all know that I’ve been dating for a few years now.” Loud cheers ensue and he smiles. “Y/n is the most special person to me, and I love her with all my heart. She’s been with me through so much and there isn’t anyone else I’d want to spend the rest of my life with.”
Backstage, your face is red, and your eyes are watering, taken by complete surprise by this, you have no idea what to do.
“Y/n…I know you’re going to scold me later for this, but I want it to be a memory you can never forget. Come here, babe.” A few of the staff members give you a gentle shove onto the stage, the bright lights making you sweat more than you already are.
You walk over to Yoongi, seeing the other members smiling brightly at you and the hearing the crowd scream happily. Your boyfriend takes your hand and pulls you next to him.
“I hope you’re not angry.” He giggles and you shake your head, the crowd laughing. “I love you so much, Y/n. You’ve always been there for me, even in my darkest times. You know I’m the worst at putting my feelings into words, but I hope you know you mean more to me than anything in this world.” He gets on one knee and you feel your heart racing as he pulls out a little box and opens it to show a little diamond ring. “Will you do me the honor of being by my side for the rest of our lives?”
You nod your head tearfully, unable to speak. Yoongi slips the ring on your finger and stands up to pull you into a sweet kiss. The cheers from the crowd are deafening as Yoongi smiles at you, holding your hand gently. 
“I love you, Y/n.”
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im sorry I just had to bc just loooook
“Don’t worry, hyung. It’s gonna be great!” Taehyung claps Hoseok on the back as the older boy nods anxiously while the make-up artist puts the last touches on him.
“It better work, or I’ll just have to die.” He mutters, then the door opens, and you come in with a big smile. “Hobi!!”
“Hey, babygirl!” Hoseok jumps out of his make-up chair and engulfs you into his embrace. “You look beautiful, love.” He says into your neck and shoulder and you grin. “Thank you, baby. Are you all ready for the concert?” He nods happily, but his hands sweat as he thinks of everything that could go wrong.
“Go get ‘em, Hobi.” You wink at him and he flushes with nerves and excitement.
You’re sitting on a couch in one of the dressing rooms, watching the concert happily. Your boyfriend kills every single song and you clap loudly, so proud of all the boys. The end of the concert is nearing as they only have one song left. The crowd cheers loudly as fireworks go off while they finish the last song. You stand up and clap and shout encouragingly at the television. Then the whole stadium goes dark, it’s almost as if everyone is waiting for something and holding their breath.
Then you hear Army start chanting something.
You listen closer and your heart stops when you hear what they’re saying.
“Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!”
What the heck is going on? Why are they saying your name?
A staff opens the door with a smile on his face as he comes in and leads a very confused you up to the stage. He pushes you into the bright lights and you see Hobi walking towards you with a huge grin.
The crowd cheers as they see you, then they keep chanting your name.
“Y/n! Y/n!”
The second you’re in the middle of the stage, all of the Army bombs in the crowd turn to your favorite color and everyone cheers again.
Hoseok laughs at your bewildered expression that becomes even more shocked when he kneels in front of you. He has a little white box in his hands, and he looks up at you, smiling tearfully. The crowd quiets down as he starts to speak. “Army helped plan this all for you, baby.”
A tear slips down your face as you scan the crowd and look back at your boyfriend. “They love you almost as much as I do…almost.”
Laughter ripples through the crowd and you giggle, trying not to choke on your tears. “Y/n, you know how much I love you. I want to be with you forever, until we turn old and grey and even longer than that.” You snort another laugh and he smiles brightly. “You’re my everything, and I want to start a new chapter with you.”
He opens the box to show a silver ring with one diamond in the middle.
“Will you turn old and grey with me, Y/n?”
The crowd screams and you hear, “Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!” Making you giggle again as another tear escapes.
“I thought you’d never ask. Yes.” You grin and he jumps up to embrace you after slipping the ring on your finger.
“I’ll make you the happiest girl in the world, I promise.”
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ahahah idiots, I luv them. look at those dimples
The pulsing energy around you fills you with so much excitement that you can’t do anything but jump and scream along with all the other fans around you.  
You’ve been wanting to go to one of their concerts and be a part of the Army crowd for so long. You enjoyed watching from the side of the stage, but you always felt that nothing could compare to being with everyone else in the audience. And now, since they finally gave you permission to do it, you know you were right.
Everyone was afraid that you would be recognized in the crowd and your safety could be compromised. But you begged them, and they had to relent after you reminded them that Army knows Namjoon has been dating for a few years, but no one has ever seen your face.
Now you couldn’t be happier, the beautiful voices of Army in the crowd were nothing compared to backstage. You loved the view you got of the boys being able to see them from the front. The whole experience was worth the fight.
Now, as they all calm down after the last song and line up to say their last words, you see Namjoon fidgeting nervously. You frown and hope he’s feeling alright. He knows you’re watching from the crowd, maybe he’s just worried about you.
The boys all say their pieces and a few tears are shed from everyone. You wipe your eyes for the umpteenth time as it comes to Namjoon’s turn. He walks over to the bodyguard on the side of the stage and says something to him, nodding before walking back to his spot.
Namjoon talks to Army for a minute, thanking them and letting them know how much he loves them all. Then, he clears his throat nervously. He nods at the bodyguards and then he walks to the steps of the stage, descending them and moving closer to the crowd. Then, a wall of security guards makes a literal path leading to you as Namjoon walks through. You watch him in shock as he stops in front of you. Fans are screaming from all sides, but no one tries to push through the guards.
You can see your boyfriend shaking with nerves as he gets on one knee in front of you. You’re left standing there speechless as the fans start to put the puzzle pieces together and they shout happily.
“Army.” He says into his microphone, still on one knee. “I’d like you to meet Y/n. The love of my life, and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, getting through all the tough and easy times together.” The crowd screams and you fell tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Y/n, w-will you marry me?” He stutters and you know he’s just barely holding himself together. You nod with the biggest grin on your face and help him stand as he fiddles with the red box, finally pulling out the ring. You laugh tearfully as he slips it on your finger and pulls you into a shaky hug.
“Thank you, Y/n. I love you.”
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hug me hug me hug me
“You ready Jimin-ah?” Hoseok bumps Jimin’s shoulder as they hurry towards the stage. The intro videos are playing and they’re going to go on stage soon. Jimin is the biggest ball of nerves any of them has ever seen.
He knows you’re going to be here soon if you aren’t already and that thought alone makes him want to hurl. He isn’t sure he can do this after all.
“I- I guess so.” He mumbles, making Hoseok frown.
Taehyung comes up behind him and smacks him on the head playfully, “What do you mean, you ‘guess so’? You’ve been ready for this for months!”
“I know I just- I can’t help but be anxious.” Jimin tries to defend his nerves.
Seokjin laughs from next to them, “Get it together mochi boy, because here she is.”
Jimin’s heart leaps to his throat when he sees you waving at him from the side stage. He hurries over and pushes himself into your waiting arms. He feels better almost instantly, your sweet smell comforting him as you pet him on the head.
“Hey, baby.” He smiles at the sound of your voice.
“Hey, love. I missed you.” He murmurs into your hair.
“I missed you too. I’m here now, and we can spend more time together after the concert. Are you all ready?” He feels his heart warm at how encouraging and kind you always are. Then he nods just as they call them to get into place. He pecks you on the lips and fights the urge to bolt, “I’ll see you soon, baby girl.” He whispers then he walks on stage. Taehyung gives you a high five as he passes, and he smirks. “Very soon indeed, y/n.”
You grow confused at his comment but brush it off.
It all starts making sense that he said that when the concert is coming to a close; you have no idea what’s going on, but the staff members are urging you to go on stage. The bright lights blind you and confuse you further as you feel someone take your hand and pull you towards the center.
Everything feels like a big blur, the shouts from the crowd, the beaming lights, the other members smiling at you as Namjoon leads you to your boyfriend who’s standing there trying to look like he isn’t about to pass out.
Namjoon has you sit on a chair that’s been set up in the middle of the stage. You plunk down on it and stare at the crowd with huge eyes. Jimin walks over and you look up at him, questions swimming in your gaze. He chuckles and unfolds a piece of paper. Then he brings the mic to his lips and starts speaking a little shakily.
“Dear Y/n…”
You already feel the tears coming and he’s barely started.
“I’m writing this on the day after our second date.” Jimin coughs and keeps going. “I already know that you’re the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. I sincerely hope we’ve worked out, I believe that we have. You are an amazing, sweet, and all around wonderful girl, and I can’t wait to learn more about you each and every day.”
Jimin folds the paper back up and clears his throat again. “Y/n, I’ve known for years that I wanted to do this, and now I have no doubt in my mind. I’ve had the chance to know you and love you each day as I had hoped.”
Your tears are streaming down now.
“I-…” Jimin quickly kneels on one knee and you laugh tearfully at his anxiousness. “Y/n, will you m-marry me?” He stutters quickly. You leap to your feet and hug him as tight as you can.
“Yes, yes, yes! I love you Jimin.”
He kisses you softly as the crowd cheers.
“I can’t wait to spend my life with you by my side every minute.”
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Taehyung jumps up and down excitedly backstage as he gets ready to go on. Yoongi comes up to him and chuckles, setting a hand on the younger boy’s arm.
“You ready?”
“Yes!” Tae does a quick little dance move to get out his anticipation and Yoongi laughs again, his gummy smile making an appearance. “Calm down, or you’ll give the surprise away! Y/n’s here.” Yoongi whispers to the other, who immediately stops dancing and turns to see you saying hello to all of the staff. He grins widely and makes his way over to you.
You see him and run to him, letting him swoop you up in his arms and plant a big on your lips. “Ah, my baby! You’re finally here!” He singsongs as you giggle and peck him on the cheek. “Sorry, I’m late.” You say breathlessly when he sets you down.
“Late? You’re just on time, sweetie.” He kisses you again right before one of the stage directors shouts out, “You boys are on in four!”  
He turns back to you and gives you a boxy smile. “I want you to sit somewhere else today, ok?”
You look at him in confusion and he waves a staff member over. “Just follow him and he’ll take you there, alright? I love you, I’ll see you soon babe.” He kisses you one last time, then he’s turning and hurrying to the stage.
You follow the staff member, who kindly declines answering any of your questions as he leads you to a box seat up above the stage and to the right. From there you can see the stage perfectly without the chaos of being in the actual crowd. A few of the other member’s girlfriends are there and they wave you over to sit with them.
You get settled just as the show begins. You’re having a blast watching the boys with the other girls when it all settles down and the members gather in the middle of the stage. You think you see Jungkook asking Taehyung something, Jin coming over to join in. Then they’re all turning to the giant screen that always plays the intro videos and close-ups of the members.
All the lights dim, and you see a video start, big words appearing on the screen.
To My One and Only Girl…
The other girls are excitedly holding your hands and whispering, so they must know what’s going on. Then a picture of you and Tae shows up on the huge screen. The crowd ‘awws’ as Winter Bear starts to play. You can feel the tears in your eyes as the slideshow goes through all the selfies and pictures that others took of you two since you started dating.  
You’re full on crying by the time the same staff member comes to take you downstairs. You follow him with blurry eyes, then you run onto the stage the second he tells you to. Tae holds his arms out and you run into them, hugging him tighter than ever. You barely hear the crowd’s reaction as Tae kisses your temple and pulls away.
Then he’s kneeling in front of you and pulling out a very small emerald green box. You try to wipe the tears away so you can see clearly as he smiles at you and opens it to reveal a beautiful ring.
“Y/n, I’ve loved you since the day I met you. You’re the only one for me.”
He clears his throat and continues.
“Please do me the honor of becoming my wife.”
You nod, still not trusting your voice not to fail you. He beams and puts the ring on your finger gently, then he stands and pulls you into a deep kiss.
“I can’t wait to be our own little family.”
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bitch- let me heckin love u
“You nervous?”
“Not at all.” Jungkook smirks at Jimin, who’s obviously trying to rile him up and make him sweat. The truth is, he’s already sweating and he’s fighting the urge to run his butt all the way back to Busan this instant.
But he can’t let Jimin know that.
He just needs to pretend like he isn’t doing one of the most important things in his entire life for the most important person in his life and maybe just maybe he won’t pass out on stage.
Jimin rolls his eyes and goes back to stretching. Then Seokjin comes over, followed by Hoseok as they both grin at him cheekily. “You nervous, kid?” Seokjin asks and Jungkook growls.
“No! Stop asking me that.”
They laugh and he hears Hoseok mumble, “Definitely nervous.” But he chooses to ignore them.
The rest of the boys file in, and they look like they’re about to ask Jungkook the same question, but they back off when he sends them all a look.
“Our littlest one has finally grown up.” Namjoon says proudly as he watches Jungkook finish getting his make-up done. Jungkook rolls his eyes to hide the blush creeping up his neck.
All he needs is the strength to see this through to the end, then he can let them get as emotional as they want. But until then, he wishes they would all just give him a second to breathe.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t come, because they’re being rushed out and taken to the stage before he gets the chance to do his calming breathing exercises.
It’s just you. It’s the person he loves and trusts the most in the world, he shouldn’t be so afraid.
So why is he shaking in his boots?
Jungkook sees you sitting on a chair on the side stage and hurries over to you before he needs to go on. You jump when you feel arms around you, then you turn and smile at your boyfriend. He smiles and kisses your lips softly before whispering, “Happy birthday, darling.” You giggle and whisper, “Thank you, Koo.” Then he says. “You love me, right?” You laugh again and caress his cheek with your thumb. “More than anything.” That gives him the last boost of energy he needed. Jungkook nudges his nose against yours before kissing you again.
“I’ll be back, sweetie.”
“I’ll be here!” You say cutely and he grins, then waves as he makes his way on stage.
The concert goes by smoothly, then comes what he’s been anticipating for a long time. Writing and rewriting and composing and recomposing for months on end. It’s finally here.
Namjoon signals the staff to bring a chair out and set it on the stage while Jin goes and snags your hand, dragging you to the chair. You resist at first, not knowing what’s going on. But then you let him take you, figuring he knows what’s up.
Jungkook leaves the stage and comes back a moment later with a guitar in his hand. You stay seated, curiosity seeping out of you at what’s happening. Then, Jungkook starts to sing to you.
It’s a song he made just for you, and you feel your tears slipping out until his beautiful voice comes to a stop. Army cheers loudly and you smile at him brightly. You figure it’s just a birthday present until he kneels in front of you and takes your hands. Then your heart stops.
“Y/n…I know we’re still young, but I also know what I want. And I want you. I want you for the rest of my life and longer. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that I can’t live without you, I love you.” He swallows the lump in his throat, his shaking hands finally settling down as he whispers. “Please marry me and be with me through thick and thin, forever.”
You nod and choke out, “I’ll marry you, Kook. I love you so much.”
He slips a pretty little ring onto your finger and pulls you into a kiss. “Happy birthday, sweetheart. Thank you for loving me.”
a/n: heyooo I hope y’all liked the way I did these. I know some were more extravagant and some more simple, but I did what I felt the members would do and I thought they were all sweet and beautiful <3 anyway goodnight~
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adhdvane · 3 years
so i went to the er yesterday morning (?? it was like 5 am yesterday so i guess it counts as yesterday and not 2 days ago). i was in extreme pain on the left side of my face around my jaw and ear and stuff. honestly the first time i’ve ever been in such excruciating pain that i was sobbing holding back screaming (it started around 2:30 am). :) was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and given seizure medication bc that’s what they treat it with to help nerve pain. now i need to make an appointment with a neurologist. (i did get a ct scan at the hospital to make sure they could rule out something wrong with my sinuses or an abscess in my gums, which my mom was worried about, but the doctor doubted because if that was the problem it shouldn’t be causes pain on both the upper and lower jaw, and it was very unlikely that i suddenly had two of them pop up at the same time and cause pain in both places, thankfully the ct scan showed there wasn’t any.) it’s apparently uncommon for someone as young as me to experience this :) so far it’s mostly working (the pain that started at 2:30 finally subsided around 9 am yesterday). though it hurt like hell last night for a while (before sort of subsiding and i passed out some time around 3 or something idk i know i took stuff at 5 am and passed out again but woke up in pain again at 7 am and took stuff pain killers (bc i was told to take those too) and passed out again and woke up around 11 am not in pain?? and im okay now. i mean at least i was able to sleep and took the meds and pain killers at 1 bc im supposed to do it every 8 hours. it was weird but like previously i hadn’t slept all night to i passed out that day at like 9 am and slept til 4 so my sleep was messed up.). i can’t lay on my left side at all. i didn’t take my adhd meds yesterday so i could sleep bc i got zero sleep the night before because of the pain. so i’m back on them today so i feel a little weird. i just need to get this shit under control so i can go back to work.
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magicflowershop · 4 years
one day kitty; Atsumu version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
you know you hated your housecat the second you laid eyes on it when your mum took it home one day from the shelter, saying it was an abandoned cat
abandoned cat your ass 
that cat stole your body and turned you into a cat
she stole your human identity 
like, girl, wha- the auDACITY for her to have you wake up on her stinky litterbox while she’s havin the time of her life talking to your parents as if you were in that body the entire time
and the audacity of her to go to school and attend your classes, talk to your friends while you’re over there lurking in the shadows, glaring lasers at her from a tree branch
and the absolute audacityyy of her to obviously ogle over a guy from your class when you weren’t even interested in him to begin with
why him when he has so many fans and the fact that he’s perpetually ANNOYED by his fans like c’mon????????????????????
now you’re just extra helpless bc there’s nothing you can do, you have no idea when you’ll get back to your original body, or if you’re able to get back to your original body at all :O
you also dunno who she made a deal with to get to this point in your lives
all you know is that you had a bad dream that morning, and saw a strange cat sayin you had one day
like what the hell is that supposed to mean
“hey what’re ya doin there?”
o wouldya look at that, a wild Miya twins appeared
you didnt notice that you were taking your sweet time contemplating abt life on that tree that three periods have passed and its now lunch break
the twins happened to see you while they were hanging out outside
so you was just staring at them,,, you had no idea what to do while they were there,,,, but it seemed like they were thinkin of saving you even though you’re not in trouble :v
so you was just starin at them
and they were starin back at you
then they left
you were gonna brush this lil interaction off until you arrived,,, i mean your body,,,, i mean your housecat in your body 
then you got incredibly annoyed cause she was doin so hard so hard to get their attention when she ady got it, and Atsumu was as annoyed as you are sksskkd Osamu didn’t care at all so moving on
and now you got even mroe annoyed cause she was ruining your image in front of your classmates like srsly
so you dipped and decided this is all a fever dream and everything will get better tomorrow with you back in your body and with a good reputation in school as if nothing horrible happened, yes? yes :)
“there ya are”
until Atsumu picked you up from the ground while you were stealthily making your great escape,, then he started acting like he was lookin for you outta nowhere
and Osamu was lookin at him like he was insane sjksd but he figured this is a plan of Atsumu’s so he decided to play along and told your housecat (that was the host of your body) to excuse them bc they had a cat to take care of and that its vvvv urgent 
now kitty you is officially adopted by the Miya twins <3
and you didn’t like it one bit HAHAJSJ
you figure this wasnt such a bad thing and you werent allergic to these boys nyway so you let things happen, and let Atsumu scratch the top of your head while they were discussing things about you
they werent talking mad things abt u nonono, they were talkin abt how strange you were acting when you’re literally one of the chill students in school,,, it was as if you were under a spell and suddenly you were in love with them lmao
Osamu proceeds to add the suspicion with the fact that he saw “you” staring at Atsumu during class like someone so lovestruck 
both you and Atsumu got goosebumps couple of the year amirite
so Osamu told him that this could just be a one-time thing (like strange conclusion but go off) and/or that you might’ve just confused him as your first crush lmao Osamu was just confusing himself but he was tryin his best to come up with explanations to ur behavior
so classes begin again,,, now Atsumu still dunno what to do with u ogling at him WHILE THE REAL YOU WAS A CAT WATCHING EVERYTHING FROM A TREE 
you was def ready to throw hands,, but thats a cat and ur against animal cruelty,,,,,,, tho its ur body anyway so whats the diff
meanwhile u coming up with a plan to end your housecat, Atsumu found you sitting on a tree and he was so shocked for his life bc last time he check he put you in a box with kitty snax, inside the gyms storage room, how in the world did you manage to get out from there??
the fake you sees you again while Atsumu was lookin at you from the window, and was enraged bc you’re taking the attention from her... hm
so you decided to face your stupid housecat head-on and get to the bottom of this bs and be grownups tgt bc no way are you just gonna donate your human life to an ungrateful animal
you look for the fake you at the back of the school, and now the Giorno theme is playing in the background sksk
“give me my body back”
“o pls can’t you just give me a one day chance?“
the audacity
“you ady stole it from me and you say this now?”
your housecat was smug enuff to tell you that she had the honors of asking a favor from a spirit cat who was the reason of all this,,, and who has also taken a liking to your human soul
your housecat just sold your human soul to a spirit cat 
so you just flew in the air to scratch your human face, you didn’t care anymore, its your body, whatever, the one experiencing the pain aint u anyway but your bitchy housecat that your mum seemed to have a deeper connection with than her own child
nyway that didn’t last long cause fake you was screaming help, other students found you two, and they got a hold of you while you were in your feral state and now you were terrified of possibly getting into the animal shelter fr,,,, fake you smirked at this possibility
until sum of ur school’s vball bois saw the commotion too and what do u know, Atsumu says that the cat is his and that he apologizes to the ruckus that the cat has done 
then it was your turn to smirk at fake you
so u spend time with Atsumu again for some odd reason that keeps the two of you tgt sweat drops looks away,,, you wonder why your mum’s cat is so attached and/or attracted to Atsumu like this???
you never remember them interacting at all since the very time you see them in the same scene is when you went to have your mum’s cat checked up in the vet and Atsumu was there with their dog too
whats happening
fast forward to dismissal, you’re quite thankful you werent in trouble, same as Atsumu since he managed to tell the other students to not tell anything to the teacher that he has a cat in school kdjsk sum rotten power he holds
but you decided to ditch him again and look for fake you
you found her talking to the spirit cat that she said,, so naturally you demanded said spirit cat to give your body back to you
the spirit cat smiled wider and says that, you haven’t finished your task yet if you want to get back to your original body, you have to wait till midnight
like what in the hell was that supposed to mean, you understood nOTHING
then your housecat goes and says “maybe i should extend my stay in this body, what do you think?”
SIS YOU WENT FERAL there is no way she’s staying in your body while you are sufferin like this, in which you do not deserve. watching your housecat ruin your life like its normal like cmon
“then if you’re gonna stay in my damn body then do it properly! don’t make me look like im a flirt!”
“i was never flirting with anyone!” 
“wdym?! you were staring at my classmate the entire time!”
“what was i supposed to do when its what your body felt like doing?!?!?”
w hAt
“what’cha screamin at the cat for, y/n?”
“i’m not y/n”
“i’m y/n’s pet cat, that cat is y/n we switched bodies bc y/n has been neglected by her parents ever since i was taken for adoption... y/n has a crush on you so i just reacted the way her body wanted to react around you so i’m sorry i made you uncomfortable”
you couldn’t take the embarrassment anymore and jumped from Tsumu’s hands and ran your way to your house as fast as you can
you thought abt how stupid that was and how stupid you looked in front of him,, like pointing at a cat saying that thats the real you like who in the heaven’s name would believe bs like that
you were beyond embarrassed that you just want to sink into the ground and just disappear from life rn and never see Atsumu again,,, anyone is fine but Atsumu pls for the love of god
“well ofc its a narrower place”
didn’t you say anyone but Atsumu is fine pls for the love of god
“get outta there, i got yer mask”
he placed a mask beside you, so you chomped on that mask and pulled it out of the bush with you,, you see him there crouching down to your smol height, watching you in concern
you try to take off your mask yourself but it isnt working, you try to push your head to make your actual mask stick to your head but it isn’t working. nothing is working so you started crying in meow
now tsumu is just confused there and asked if he can comfort you,,, you glared at him like he was stupid 
“yer still a girl yknow, i gotta ask for consent”
how sweet 🥺
he started talking abt how he and ur housecat tried to talk it out with the creepy cat to get ur normal life back bc apparently you never wished for a deal with him even tho u desperately hated ur life at home, all in all spirit cat is a big ass scam, while he was unknowingly scratching the top of your head again but moving on
also that your housecat wanted to apologize to you bc she didnt want to take your life away from u, and that she never meant to hurt your feelings while running his hand down to your back and forgetting that you aren’t a real cat but again moving on
“is, is it true tho?”
“ya like me?”
dumass rly asked that while ur a cat lol 
“it’s a meow for me”
smoke escaped your nostrils like a bull, the stupid spirit cat was playin games withcha since he ady got exposed for his scams >:O
“ya just spoke”
you left Atsumu there with the mask between your teeths, dragging yourself back home, expecting to probably go back to normal once you wake up,,, but you have your mask back now hm
“don’tcha want sum help?”
k ykno he’s annoying when he wants to be but he literally had no reason to be annoying know i mean pls
“sure i like u it doesn’t m-”
you’re back to normal
but wearing what you wore when you went to bed last night, in pajamas with no footwear, on the cold asphalt ground, blushing like a fool out of even more embarrassment, cursing at the spirit cat sum more from the back of your mind
that cat had no right to play match-maker after all that, even if he knew that Atsumu will naturally bring you hope since its night and give you a piggy-back ride since you had no slip-ons, asking for consent as well mind you
no right at all
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stay tuned for more!
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imaginedisish · 6 years
I Think We’re Alone Now (Five Hargreeves x Reader) (The Umbrella Academy)
A/N: BOY AM I MAD. SO this got deleted...presumably because @staff is trash and someone was like “EW SHE’S WRITING FOR A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD!” News flash AIDAN GALLAGHER IS A YEAR BELOW ME IN HIGH SCHOOL. I AM A JUNIOR. HE IS A SOPHOMORE. I JUST TURNED 17. HE IS TURNING 16 IN A FEW MONTHS....IM NOT SOME CREEPY CHILD PEDOPHILE. AND YA KNOW WHAT, THERE IS NOTHING SEXUAL ABOUT THIS IMAGINE! It is PURE FLUFF, and Five and the reader are BOTH 17 IN THIS AU!! I AM NOT SEXUALIZING HIM IN ANY WAY HOLY CRAP. Wow...I’m clearly mad...um...sorry?? I’m just honestly exhausted from my dance competition today. I WON FIRST OVERALL THOUGH...SO YAY! I might write a small headcanon for tonight...but I’m so tired...I might have to take a short break from writing until Sunday, since I’m competing at this competition all weekend. I’ll keep everyone updated. So, for now, here’s a repost of I Think We’re Alone Now...enjoy
Summary: You and Five are seventeen, and have just started dating, but you feel the need to hide your relationship from the rest of the Hargreeves. One night, you decide to sneak into Five’s room, and chaos somewhat ensues…
Warnings: MEGA FLUFFFFFFF AHHhhhh! Language, awkward reference to sex from Luther bc Luther is Luther…smh Luther. 
Word Count: 2,883
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Stars twinkle brightly above you, dancing whimsically in the dark night sky. The crisp autumn breeze passes through you, sending a chill down your spine. You shiver as you stare up at the brick building in front of you. Your heart begins to beat rapidly as you contemplate what is was you were about to do. You were going to sneak into Five’s room.
Five had told you, “It’s the second window from the left, south side of the Academy, third floor. Come around 9:30, okay?” No matter how nervous you were about the matter, you simply couldn’t say no.
 You knew you’d have to be discrete, since the rest of the Hargreeves were unaware of your relationship with Five. They knew you were close friends with him; you were friends with the entire family, especially since they were helping you develop your power, levitation. However, because you had grown so close with the family, you and Five agreed that his siblings couldn’t find out about your relationship. 
In truth, there was no ‘known’ force stopping you and Five from being together. You were both 17, you were both supers, and you were both extremely similar. You liked the same music: David Bowie, Arctic Monkeys, Arcade Fire, and The Strokes. You were both unbelievably witty, as you constantly bounced remarks and comebacks off of one another. Most importantly, you liked each other. In fact, you thought there was a chance you could love the boy. 
But still, you had agreed with Five that no one could know. Maybe it was the fear of judgement that created the secret, or possibly the fear of disapproval. You knew that Five’s siblings had developed a liking to you, as you had essentially become a part of the family, but you weren’t sure if they would like you as Five’s girlfriend.
So, over the past month, as opposed to going on dates like normal couples do, you and Five had snuck around the city together, going on dates to Griddy’s, and having picnics in the park. Sometimes you two secretly hid away in his room, chatting and listening to music. You hated hiding things from Alison, Diego, Luther and Klaus, but as of right now it seemed as though it had to be done. 
A cold breeze snaps you back to reality. The wind begins to pick up again, grabbing at your green, turtle neck sweater. You pull at your sweater, softly pressing it down against your body as your hair begins to take flight next. You groan in annoyance, wanting to be inside with Five instead of out in the cold.
You take a deep breath. I can do this, You think to yourself, yanking up the right sleeve of your sweatshirt, and then nervously scratching your forearm. While you were growing better at controlling your abilities, you weren’t always able to hold them for an extraneous period of time. Levitating yourself was also something that challenged you. More often than not, you would usually fall once you were around four feet in the air. 
Obviously, that was nowhere near enough for a journey up the side of the Academy. The Academy was massive, and it’s size still amazed you, regardless of the fact that you had been here millions of times before. 
You search the ground for a pebble, so you could let know Five you had arrived in a more romantic way, as opposed to sending him a text message. You quickly find a perfectly smooth, grey, round pebble next to your feet. You pick up the pebble and aim towards Five’s window. With a light throw and a tap, the pebble reaches Five’s window. The action was a bit “Romeo and Juliet,” (minus the double suicide at the end, of course), but it was fitting in the moment.
Seconds later, a pair of dark blue eyes meet your own. Five smirks at first, but his smile quickly widens, almost as if the longer he stared at you, the happier he became. Your heart flutters in your chest, and you smile back. He begins to crack open the window, his bangs falling in front of his eyes in the process. 
“Come on up,” Five says loud enough for you to understand him, but low enough for no one else to hear him. You nod your head, swallowing harshly, nerves rushing through your body. 
You close your eyes, imagining yourself floating in the air. Slowly, your feet lift up from the concrete. The wind swirls around you, helping you grow higher. You open your eyes, noticing that you were just one floor away from where Five’s room resided. You push the air down with the palms of your hands, and you levitate up to the next level. 
I did it, I actually did it, You think to yourself, pride swelling in your gut as you finally reach Five’s window. After so much tiring training, and so much effort, you were finally able to fly. 
There was Five, his smile growing wider now that you were face to face. His piercing blue eyes twinkle in the moonlight, just as the stars had been. No, in fact…his eyes were more brilliant than the stars. Stars held so much importance, serving as guides for the lost, wish granters for those who longed for something more…but that was what Five was for you. You didn’t need the metaphorical presence of a constellation. You already had that, wrapped up in the package of a 17 year old boy that you were growing to love. 
He extends a hand out to you, inviting you inside. “Grab my hand, I’ve got you. You won’t fall, I promise.” He says. You fly closer to him in response, lifting your arm towards Five as he takes your hand in his. 
However, just as you had been doing so well, a sensation of weakness overcomes you. You feel yourself beginning to lose control as you attempt to change your position, as to fly into the room horizontally. 
“Shit,” You mutter, your eyes searching Five’s in fear. “I don’t think I can control this any longer,” Your voice is shaky, and your entire body begins to tremble. You had never flown for this long, and it was becoming too much to handle. 
“Yes you can, (Y/N),” Five says, squeezing your hand tighter in his own. He tugs on your hand slightly, helping you get a bit farther inside the room. At this point, your shoulders are through the window, but that was it. Thoughts race around your mind as your powers weaken even further. 
Suddenly, the pressure you normally feel between yourself and the air around you begins to fade away. 
“Five!” You scream, as you feel yourself starting to fall. You grab onto the windowsill, attempting to hold yourself up. Five grabs onto your arms, pulling you quickly, yet carefully into his room. With one final pull from Five, you fall onto the floor of the room. 
Five drops down to where you fell, reaching out his arms to help you stand up. “Are you okay?” He asks, concern prominently filling his voice as you stand to the ground with his help. 
You take a second to catch your breath. “I’m fine, just a bit shaken up is all,” You say, smiling lightly. “And I’m much better now…” You pause, a bit nervous to finish your sentence. “You know, since I’m with you.” 
Five smiles widely. “That was cheesy, but I like it, and only like it because I like you.” Your heart does a back flip in your chest at the sound of his words. Now that things have calmed down a bit, you recognize how close you are to Five. It feels as though you’re an inch away from Five’s face, since neither of you had moved from where he had helped you stand up. 
“You can’t call me cliche or cheesy if you’re saying things like that,” You state sarcastically, crossing your arms in protest. Five steps a bit closer, uncrossing your arms as he takes your hands in his. He was never like this with anyone else. He was usually so cold, so distant, so sarcastic with his siblings. But with you, Five was kind, sweet, and overall an entirely different person. You two could sit on the edge of his bed, listening to music for hours, his fingers carefully combing through your hair.  The only time either of you got up was to change the record that was spinning on the turntable in the left corner of Five’s room.
Five takes another step closer to you. He studies your face for a bit, his eyes often landing on your lips. This makes you a bit nervous, since you two hadn’t kissed yet. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. God, did you want to. It was more or less that you were scared. You had never kissed anyone before, and quite honestly, this was your first ‘real’ relationship. You didn’t want the kiss to be bad, and you especially didn’t want to disappoint Five. 
With one more step, Five becomes so close to your face that his breath tickles your nose a bit. He looks deeply into your eyes. “Can I just kiss you already?” Five asks, smirking a bit. 
Your heart practically thumps out of your chest as you nod your head. Shit, this is it, You think to yourself. 
 Suddenly, Five’s lips come crashing down on your own. His lips are warm, and surprisingly sweet, moving slowly against yours. You hum a bit, beginning to feel more comfortable. Five smiles against your lips before pressing another soft kiss onto them. 
Then, to your dismay, Five pulls away from you, leaving a slightly cold sensation where he had once been. You wanted more, but you knew you would just have to wait for the next time you had the opportunity to kiss Five. 
Five grins a bit, his hands still holding yours. “You’re absolutely incredible, (Y/N).” Heat quickly rushes to your cheeks, and you can feel yourself becoming red. Five laughs at your new color, his dark, chocolate bangs bouncing against his forehead in the process. 
“Don’t laugh!” You jokingly reprimand. 
“Too bad, I already did. You’re just…” Five pauses a bit, anxiously scratching the back of his neck. “…well you’re cute when you get all frazzled like that,” Five mumbles, hoping you can’t hear him as he lets go of your hands and walking over to one of his many bookshelves. He pulls out a record from the shelf. He picked out one of your favorite records, ‘Bookends’ by Simon and Garfunkel. 
“Is that new? I didn’t think you had Bookends,” You question. 
Five can’t help but smirk. “I may have gotten it because of you,” He says softly, walking over to brown turntable in the corner. He takes the record out of it’s sleeve, and carefully places it on the turntable. He turns the machine on, and the record begins to spin. He slowly allows the needle to come down on the record, and “Bookends Theme,” begins to play. 
There were no lyrics to the song, yet there was something so romantic about the incredibly short melody. Maybe it was the perfect plucking of the guitar strings, or maybe it was simply the chord progression itself. Regardless, the song made your heart flutter in your chest, more than it already was. Five walks over to his bed, and takes a seat on the edge. He pats the spot next to him, inviting you to sit with him. You smile, and walk over to the bed. 
As you sit down, Five instantly raps an arm around your waist. Your head rests against Five’s shoulder, and you close your eyes. You never wanted this moment to end. Everything seemed so absolutely perfect. 
Five began to lean back towards the bed, and you followed him, your back eventually crashing down onto the bed. You push yourself up farther so your feet are no longer hanging off the bed, and Five does the same. Five wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. Your eyes now struggle to stay open, as you hear the sound of sleep calling your name. You allow yourself to give in, closing your eyes tightly. 
You’re still awake as ‘Old Friends’ begins to play. The song is soft and calm. You listen closely to Five’s heart beat, which in contrast with the song is incredibly loud and fast. You open your eyes, looking up at Five. 
“Are you okay? Your heart is practically beating out of your chest,” You say, concern heavy in your voice, picking up your head slightly to get a better look at Five’s face. Five’s piercing blue eyes find yours. 
He swallows harshly. “I’m fine, it’s just,” He pauses for a second, contemplating his words as he looks up at the ceiling above. “Having you here with me, like this, I’m nervous…I guess…” Five trails off. “Having you here is exciting, it’s special.”
You smile resting your head back down on his chest. You close your eyes again, feeling at peace. “Hey Five?” You whisper. 
“Yeah, (Y/N)?” Five responds. 
“I like you, a lot,” You say, a smile spreading across your face. 
Then, abruptly, Five is cut off by a loud knock at the door. You and Five practically jump up from where you had been laying down. 
“Five! Turn your music off. It’s too late for this shit!” You hear Diego call out from the other side of the door. You and Five say nothing as Five rushes over to the record player to turn the music off. “Also, did you take my comb again?”
“No I didn’t take your fucking comb, Diego!” Five shouts back, rolling his eyes. 
“I don’t believe you,” Diego says angrily. “I’m coming in to find it!”
“Shit!” Five mutters, his eyes widening with fear. 
“What are we going to do?” You ask as the knob of the door twists, and the door creeks open. There’s nowhere to hide. You’re absolutely screwed. 
Diego steps through the door, his eyes instantly landing on you. “Five, what’s (Y/N) doing in your room at 10 o’clock at night?” His eyes deeply cut through Five’s soul. Five takes a deep breath, preparing himself to explain the truth to Diego. 
“Well, um, you see-,” 
Klaus pops his head through the door. “Where did the Simon and Garfunkel go? I was having a good-,” Klaus stops talking as his eyes land on you. “Uh oh looks like we’ve go two troublesome teens on our hands, now don’t we?” Klaus cackles like a hyena.
Five scoffs. “Don’t you have some ouija board to be talking to right about now?” Five says, annoyed, taking a step towards Klaus. 
Klaus crosses his arms against his chest. “You know what, just for that,” Klaus cups his hands, bringing them next to his mouth as if he was going to call a group of children to dinner. “Luther! Allison! Clean up on aisle ‘teenage love’! Immediate assistance required! Thank you!” He brings his hands back down, slapping them against the side of his thighs. 
Five responds by showing Klaus his middle finger. 
Seconds later, Luther and Allison are standing at the door. Luther’s jaw drops to the ground, and Alison begins to laugh lightly. 
“Come on, you guys didn’t see this coming?” Allison asks, laughing still.
“Quite honestly, I suppose it was bound to happen eventually,” Klaus agrees. Luther and Diego nod along to Klaus’s point. 
“I mean, do we let them have their privacy?” Diego asks, leaning over to Luther. Luther shrugs his shoulders. 
“I guess so, but clothing stays on! Got it?” Luther commands. Five’s cheeks grow red with embarrassment. 
“No shit Sherlock,” Five says, rolling his eyes.
“Alright, let’s leave them alone, boys,” Allison says, pushing her brothers out of the room. 
“But I wanted to babysit!” Klaus exclaims, and you can’t help but let out a laugh. Allison is the last person out. She shuts the door behind her. 
“I’m so sorry about that,” Five says, sitting back down on the edge of the bed. 
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” You say, a smile spreading across your face. Five lays back down, and you follow suit, reverting back to how you and Five had been laying down before. You rest your head on Five’s chest, his heart still beating just as quickly as it had been before. 
“So before, you didn’t get to finish what you were saying,” You say to Five. Suddenly, his heart begins to beat faster. 
He takes a deep breath. “Well,” He pauses, “I like you too, (Y/N).” Five responds. You can’t see his face, but you know he’s smiling. “I like you a lot. In fact, I think I might like you more than anything else on this planet.” His heart is thumping wildly against his chest now. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, his fingers combing gently through your hair. 
“I like being here,” You whisper softly. 
“I like having you here,” Five responds. You can’t help but smile. You close your eyes yet again, falling asleep in Five’s arms. 
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chocafe · 6 years
for you — bang yedam
summary: by mistake, you took yedam’s notebook that just so happens to be filled with songs written about you. genre: fluff pairing: shy!yedam x reader request: “can you do a fluffy yedam scenario? about songwritings and stuff, i would love it :') thank u so much, i love your writing a lot! <3 oh and the yedam scenario can be a bullet scn please? thank uuuu <33″ a/n: i based this scenario off of a prompt i found on google, which was, “i’m not stalking you, exactly, it’s just that you accidentally put my notebook in your bag and i’m waiting for a good moment to steal it back before you see my doodles in it.” instead, i replaced doodles with the songs yedam has wrote. i apologize for any mistakes you may find in this since i didn’t proofread this!
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if someone was to ask you if you knew yedam, then you would respond back with, “yes, i do.”
you know yedam, but that’s as merely as it gets
you didn’t know much about yedam
and despite you two sitting next to each other in class
the most you two have ever said to each other were “did you do the homework?”, “how did you get that answer?”, and possibly other quotes similar to this as it all only revolves around school
once the school bell rang throughout the campus, dismissing everyone from class, you always found yourself rushing yourself to put all of your belongings back into your backpack
you didn’t want to spend a single extra second in this cold building
i can relate
on the other hand, yedam tends to take his time
he has a more calmer state and doesn’t mind spending a few extra minutes at school
as you scrambled yourself and your belongings, yedam stood there completely frozen like a stone, not knowing what to do in that very second
right in front of yedam’s eyes, he caught you mistakenly grabbing a hold of his notebook as you placed it into your backpack
after safety putting everything in, you quickly zipped up your backpack and walked right out of the classroom
you have had confused yedam’s notebook as yours because you both had similar notebooks and it was also slightly hovering over on your side of the desk
idk about you guys but i get slightly annoyed when the person next to me has their stuff on my desk like even if its just a little bit im like hhhhhh
when yedam finally comprehended what had just happened, a small little “uh, wait.” fell out of his mouth
but it sure wasn’t loud enough for you to hear it as you have already left
“what am i going to do?” yedam asked himself as his palms became clammy
if there was anything in the world that yedam didn’t want to happen
then it would be you to read his notebook
he immediately grabs his backpack and runs outside the building, attempting to follow you in this panic state
yedam continued to follow you, from a distance, down the sidewalk as you casually made your way home
at first, he wanted to approach you and tell you what actually happened, but he’s waaaay too embarrassed to possibly start a conversation with you
he can’t even imagine a conversation happening between you two because he views it as something just “out of this world”
“should i just secretly open their backpack and steal back my notebook?” yedam quietly says to himself, tapping his index finger on the tip of his chin
“no, that’s stealing.” he shook his head. “actually, it wouldn’t be because it’s my notebook after all.”
as he was trying to decide how he should exactly approach you, he didn’t realize that he has been following after your footsteps for approximately ten minutes
suddenly, you stopped walking and began to shout out “whoever you are, i know you’re following me.”
yedam pauses and contemplates whether or not he should run back home
he’s definitely not a stalker!!! but come on, yedam, you are following someone and that’s the same action as a stalker
you reach into your backpack and pull out mysterious object as you spun around “I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY, SO BACK OFF.”
[birds] caw... caw... caw...
this is absolutely awkward
you found yourself standing and pointing your pepper spray at yedam, who was just as baffled as you
“yedam?” at the speed of light, you moved your hands and pepper spray behind your back as you start to chuckle to cover up what just occurred. “i’m sorry. let’s pretend that didn’t happen, alright?”
the two of you stood in front of one another
both of you were waiting for the other say something, but not a single word was coming out of either of your guys mouths
“the thing is—” yedam tries his best to spark up his previous thoughts, but he was unexpectedly cut off by you as you tried to speak at the same time
“are you also walking home?” a sudden shock was sent through yedam’s nerve system as you spoke up
“i’m sorry!” you apologize for cutting him off. “what was it that you were going to say?”
yedam’s mind: hmmmmm to awkwardly tell them that i was going to steal my notebook back from them? or to lie and say that my house is this way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
who knew that lying would be this easy?
“it’s nothing.” yedam brought his hand up to shyly rub his nape. “yeah, i’m also on my way home. i live just down the street.” he pointed down the pathway, releasing a chuckle to hide the uneasiness in his voice
“i didn’t know that you lived down here too! i thought i was the only one in the whole school who lived over here.” your voice raised up a pitch as you were completely thrilled to know that someone lives nearby you. “well, since we’re in this situation, should we continue to walk home together?”
“s-sure.” yedam stutters, walking a few steps closer to you
the two of you began walking beside with one another
it was a pretty silent trip, but you decided that it was time to break the silence
“yedam, you’re alright with me walking with you, right?”
yedam brought his head up, since he was originally staring at the ground, and raised an eyebrow. “of course. why wouldn’t i be?”
“i don’t know.” you slightly tilted your head before continuing on. “i just had a feeling that you didn’t like me since we never talk in class, despite us sitting next to each other.”
him?? not liking you???
sweetie, it’s the other way around
ᴬᴬᴬᴬᴴᴴᴴᴴ yedam wanted to scream
but right now isn’t the appropriate time to do so
“n-no, that’s not it!” he began to wave his hands back and forth in the air. “it’s just hard for me to talk sometimes. please, don’t misunderstand.”
your lips crept into a soft smile because you were so relieved to find out that he doesn’t hate you as you originally thought. “that makes me feel so much more better.”
yedam saw your smile and he could’ve swore he forgot how to breathe for a second
since it was 100% clear that yedam didn’t dislike you, you couldn’t help, but to ask him so much questions regarding about him
you wanted to get to know him, not as the boy who sits next to you in class
but as bang yedam, the individual human being who you were so curious about
maybe you didn’t notice this
but the two of you were walking in a much slower pace than usual
perhaps, you both wanted this conversation to last forever
as the time pasts by and the conversation between you two continued
you both come across a convenience store
“hey,” you say as you lightly pulled on yedam’s uniform sleeve. “let’s go inside here. i’ll buy you whatever you want!”
“i’m okay, really!”
as the two of you enter the convenience store, you push yedam into an aisle and declare “go pick out something. i won’t take no for an answer!”
he complies to your wish and walks over to the back freezers and picks out a can of iced coffee
“coffee? at a time like this?” you suddenly ask into yedam’s ears, causing him to startling jump. “do you need to stay up late or?”
“yeah, i think tonight is going to be a restless night for me, so i might as well get this.” he says as you both make your way towards the cash register
“what are you going to do? stay up all night long by just staring at the wall?” you jokingly comment, placing a bag of chips and soda onto the counter as yedam does the same with his iced coffee
yedam begins to laugh alongside with you. “i’m probably going to write some songs.”
you mouth falls wide open as you gasp. “you write songs? you should write a song about me!” you playfully nudge him in the arm. “i’m just kidding.”
before yedam could say anything in response, the cashier cuts him off, “the total is $5.25.”
as you pull out your wallet, yedam slams the exact total onto the counter, grabs his drink and proceeds to walk out of the store
“hey!” you scream out loud as you retrieve your snacks. “i said that i was going to pay.”
“my treat?”
“fine, but just so you know, i’m paying next time.” you stubbornly say. “should we get going?”
“my house is actually this way.” yedam points towards the opposite way from your direction
his house isnt actually that way but its now the nearest way he can take to get back home bc he lied to you and said he lived in the area when really he lives on the other side
“ah, i see.” you bring your hand up to cheerfully wave him goodbye. “i’ll see you tomorrow then! (✿◠‿◠)”
yedam did the same in return and mimicked your wave goodbye, smiling at you one last time before he walked down the pathway
the two of you were now out of one another’s eye sight
while yedam was walking back home, he suddenly stopped himself, squatted down and covered his face with the palm of his hands as he screamed out into the void,
“oh my god.” you stood in front of your bed, wondering why you had two of the same notebook
one of the notebooks must be yours, but who’s notebook was the other way?
was it yoonbin’s?
no, you remembered he didn’t have anything with him when you saw him during lunch
was it keita’s?
it can’t be because all of keita’s notebooks were all neon pink
you opened the mystical notebook and found ‘bang yedam’ written on the very first page
you fell directly onto your knees and clenched tightly onto yedam’s notebook. “right when i thought things were going well- he’s going to accuse me of stealing his notebook and hate me foR THE REST OF HIS LIFE”
for some reason, you were so curious as to what yedam has in his notebook
did he use his notebook for notes just like you?
or did he use it for something completely different?
curiosity was running through your head and eventually took over you
if yedam is going to hate you in the future then might as well snoop into his notebook since ur already losing ya’know
when you opened his notebook, you found that each page was filled with endless writings
you came to a conclusion that they were all self composed song lyrics, made by the one and only bang yedam, since he did mention that he likes writing songs on his free time
as you read each page, you became totally immersed in the whole thing as you viewed each of his lyrics as brilliant
in no time
you found a page where the title had your name written on top
“huh?” you blurted out when your eyes laid upon your name written in yedam’s handwriting. “is this about me?”
you had discovered that yedam had wrote a song about you
the following song described the wall between you two, that yedam wished he had the power to take down, but simply doesn’t, so he’ll just continue to admire you from afar
tldr: it’s a song about him having a crush on you
“does??? yedam??? have a crush??? on me???”
of course you dense egg head
your heart began to pound, but you decided that it was time for you to end this spying as you close his notebook and store it back into your backpack
you had felt like you were invading his privacy and inner thoughts
but at the same time
you actually quite enjoyed it
the very next day, yedam and you were both uneasy, due to different reasons
you were afraid that yedam would hate you and accuse you of stealing (when really you accidentally grabbed it by mistake)
on the other hand, yedam was afraid that you read his song dedicated to you (revealing his hidden crush for you)
when you arrived to class, you quietly sat in your seat and slid yedam’s notebook towards his side of the desk
the first thing that escaped your mouth was, “i’m sorry.”
yedam’s hands became unsteady as he gulped in excessive saliva. “did you happen to read it?” he confusingly asks, grabbing a hold of his notebook
“yeah, i’m sorry.” you repeat yourself, not adding anything more into your sentence
this was it
yedam had thought you were saying sorry because this was your way of politely rejecting him
but actually ! ! !
you were apologizing because you were truly sorry for taking and reading his prized possession
“i see.” yedam mutters underneath his breath, avoiding your eye contact
he didn’t have the guts to even breathe in the same air as you
“yedam,” you follow up, closing the space in between you two as you scoot your seat closer to him. “are you free this saturday?”
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vandermatthews · 6 years
Medicine's Amazing Advancements
im putting this one under a cut bc its very very VERY not g-rated but as usual this was a submission by the delightful @mrfredgar! seriously dude DAMN this is SPICY (and blows the fic i was writing abt this exact concept out of the goddamn WATER)
“Oh god! OOOOHHH GOD! Hose- please faster! FASTER!!!” Dutch was face down, his ass in the air, being pounded into the mattress by his lover, clutching the sheets of their hotel room, desperately trying to maintain some semblance of control. It became increasingly harder as Hosea obliged Dutch and picked up the pace, the sound of their hips slapping together filling the room.
“You like that? You like me being balls deep inside your fucking gorgeous ass?” Hosea growled in Dutch’s ear, making Dutch shiver in pleasure, and nod. Dutch loved being dominated by Hosea, feeling his long hard dick slam into him. 
He sometimes forgot how fucking big Hosea was, and when Dutch thought he couldn’t get any deeper, Hosea changed the angle and buried his dick inside Dutch’s asshole even more, filling and stretching Dutch.
Hosea pulled out suddenly, making Dutch turn his head and whimper, but Hosea gestured for Dutch to sit up. Hosea sat back against the headboard and gestured for Dutch to sit down on his lap. 
“I’m gonna make you ride my dick like the fucking slutty cowboy you are.” Hosea threatened, making Dutch groan and become putty in his hands. From this position Dutch could control the show, and he slammed into Hosea so hard the headboard banged against the wall, but neither man cared.
“Jesus Hosea, you feel so fucking good. Fuck! God I could ride your dick all fucking day.” Dutch threw his head back and closed his eyes, immersing himself in the moment.
Hosea reached up and stroked his lovers face, marveling in the beauty before him. But Hosea decided he needed a new position, and quickly flipped them without pulling out. Dutch let out a surprised squeal that quickly turned into a loud moan as Hosea push Dutch’s legs back towards his head, allowing the older man to get even deeper, and finally being able to hit Dutch’s prostate.
“OOoOOoOOO, HOSEA! YES! YES! YES! AHHHHH” Dutch was close, very close. Hosea grinned and lent down to whisper in Dutch ear, feeling Dutch’s ragged breath on his face, his face flush and a sheen of sweat on his forehead.
“You want me to cum in you baby? You wanna feel my cum fill you up, fill you to the hilt with my seed? Huh baby, you want it don’t you?” Dutch simply nodded and whined a little.
“I need to hear you say it, or I just wont know.” Hosea stopped moving and went to pull out. Dutch’s eyes flew open, a look of panic in them. He quickly grabbed Hosea’s hips, stopping the other mans retreat.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Dutch warned. He relaxed a bit, thought when he knew Hosea wasn’t going anywhere “I-I need you to cum in me Hosea! You know I do! Please!!” Dutch begged. Dutch would never be caught dead begging to anyone but Hosea, but oh did it have amazing results.
Hosea thrusted two, three more times, before burring himself as deep as he could, loudly groaning as he emptied his load inside Dutch. “Don’t waste any!” Dutch screamed as he felt Hosea’s cum warm him from the inside, causing him to cum hard and violently, screaming Hosea’s name over and over again.
When both men had regained their strength, Hosea reached for his pants, careful not to pull out. 
“What are you doing?” Dutch inquired, becoming more perplexed when Hosea showed him an egg shaped object with a handle on one end. “What the fuck is that?”
“This, my beautiful angel, is what is called a ‘rectal dilator’ and it is used to cure insanity by inserting it within the rectum. Of course I have other ideas. Since you love my cum being inside you so much, I thought why not keep it there.” Hosea dropped to a whisper and looked Dutch directly in the eyes as he said the last three words. Dutch closed his eyes and loudly groaned his approval.
Hosea positioned the rectal dilator so as soon as he pulled out, he could push it in, making sure not to waste anything. Of course, he had to admire his work for a few seconds, his cock twitching when his own cum oozed out of Dutch. Hosea took his index finger and swiped up the cum, pushing it back inside Dutch, making the younger man groan again. Hosea swiftly inserted the rectal dilator, again making Dutch groan loudly his eyes snapping open to look at Hosea.
“Ho-how long?” Dutch barely containing himself with the dilator inside him.
“All. Day.” Hosea demanded, Dutch simply threw his head back, relishing having Hosea’s cum trapped inside him.
“Alright baby, we should be getting home.” Hosea said as he stood to get dressed, Dutch’s eyes opening with alarm.
“You can’t honestly expect me to go out in front of people like this!? Much less ride a horse!” Dutch exclaimed.
“Oh but I do, and you will. Now get up.” Hosea threw Dutch’s shirt at him, ignoring the look of horror on his face.
Every time Dutch moved he could feel the dilator shift inside him, making him groan quietly and earning him a glare from Hosea for making too much noise. By the time they made it down to their horses, Dutch had taken his vest off so he could hide his half-hard cock. But everything was thrown out the window when he sat down in the saddle, causing Dutch to moan very loudly and very explicitly, causing people nearby to turn and Hosea to glare at him again.
“How the fuck do you expect you to keep quiet!?” Dutch shot back, but he was enjoying it nonetheless.
The ride back to camp was slow because if they traveled fast than a walk Dutch cried out loudly at the dilator pressing insistently into his ass. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) The Count slipped on a rock, causing Dutch to jolt and the dilator to shift inside him. Now it was pressed firmly against his prostate, causing his half hard cock to become very hard very quickly and Dutch’s breathing hitched. 
Hosea stopped and felt his own cock twitch looking at the flushed face of his lover, head thrown back, breathing ragged. “You alright?” Hosea asked smugly. 
“N-no. I-I need to st-stop. I’m so fucking hard, I just need to release. Please!” Dutch begged. Hosea hopped down, grabbed Dutch’s hand, gesturing him to get down too. 
Hosea dragged him off the path behind a tree out of passerby’s line of sight. He slowly stroked Dutch’s face before turning him around to face the tree. Hosea had Dutch’s gun belt, pants, and underpants off and down past his ass before Dutch knew what was happening. Hosea stopped to admire the silver object protruding from Dutch’s amazing ass, gently stroking one cheek and causing Dutch to shiver. 
Hosea quickly pulled the dilator out hearing Dutch sign in relief, but quickly replaced it with his own hard dick. Dutch screamed in shock and pleasure as Hosea quickly pounded Dutch’s ass against a tree. Hosea reached around to grab Dutch’s dick, matching his hand to his thrusts. Within minuets Dutch was a blabbering mess, begging for release. Hosea thrusted a few more times before cumming in Dutch for the second time that day, feeling Dutch’s hot cum coat his hand seconds later. Hosea quickly pulled out and re-inserted the dilator. 
“Fuck Hosea, I-I don’t think I can take much more of this.” Dutch begged against the tree as Hosea gently tucked him back into his pants and turned him around to kiss him.
“Yes you can baby. Just remember that my sweet hot cum is bottled up inside you. Just how you like it. You like being full of my seed, don’t you?” Hosea taunted. Dutch merely nodded. “Come. We’re almost back to camp. And you have a big speech to give about that stagecoach job.” With that, Hosea stroked his face, pecked him on the cheek, and walked back to Silver Dollar.
Dutch and Hosea made it back to camp without another incident, of course Dutch had to keep his vest in front of his waist because his dick still felt it necessary to react to the sweet dilator in his ass, pressing against his prostate and keeping Hosea’s cum inside him, a fact Dutch took great joy in.
Dutch was able to calm his cock long enough to inform the boys about a possible stagecoach job, promising that once they got enough money, they would disappear to Tahiti, and start new lives as mango farmers. Dutch and Hosea had been dreaming of retiring to Tahiti on a mango farm since they were twenty years old, hoping one day they’d be able to have their own hut, falling asleep and waking up to each other for the rest of their lives, basking in the Caribbean sun together, with their family.
While Dutch gave his rousing speech about loyalty and money and family, Hosea stood closer to him than normal, a fact Arthur noticed right away, but dismissed as Hosea feeling particularly protective and lovey to Dutch that day. What Arthur, or anyone for that matter, failed to noticed was Hosea’s hand grazing against Dutch’s backside, causing Dutch’s voice to hitch ever so slightly.
Once the speech was over, it was almost time for dinner, but Hosea had other plans for them. He gently pulled Dutch into the younger mans tent, closing and latching the flaps behind them, but not before giving Arthur a pointed look that meant they were not to be disturb. Arthur nodded in understanding and walked away.
Hosea slowly turned towards Dutch who’s breathing had picked up again seeing the predatory stance of his lover. “Well, well well, you’ve been a very good boy today. You got through your entire speech without giving away our little secret.” Hosea began toying with the buttons on Dutch’s shirt, slowly looking up into Dutch’s brown eyes through his lashes. Dutch’s every nerve was on fire, the ever present dilator inside him. “Now baby, you want me to take out the dilator?’ Dutch could only nod. “Ok, but first I’m gonna fuck you so hard against that cot that you won’t be able to remember your own name.” 
Hosea grabbed Dutch’s lapels and kissed him hard, throwing him onto the cot quickly following him. Hosea made quick work of Dutch’s clothes, relishing every piece of skin he exposed. He slowly kissed a line from Dutch’s lips, over his jaw line, sucking on his adams apple, making Dutch to gasp and arch his back. Hosea grinned and moved further south, nipping at Dutch’s collar bone.
Hosea drew one perk nipple into his mouth and sucked hard while he tweaked the other with his fingers. Dutch yelped, causing Hosea to shush him and shove his fingers in Dutch’s mouth for him to suck. Hosea’s eyes rolled into the back of his head for a second as Dutch sucked, before he moved onto to the other nipple, giving the same treatment as the first. Hosea released Dutch’s nipple with a loud pop, smirking up at Dutch and pulled his finger out of the mans mouth. 
He moved back up to Dutch’s face and kissed him softly and gently. While simultaneously he moved his now wet fingers down to weave within the curls near Dutch’s cock. He quickly grasped Dutch’s cock and pulled, Dutch moaning loudly into Hosea’s mouth. Hosea just smiled and picked up the pace, all the while still kissing Dutch to silence his very loud groans and moans. 
Hosea suddenly stopped and began to remove his own pants and underpants. When he was undressed from the waste down Hosea firmly grasped both Dutch’s and his own dick in one hand and began jerking them both off, very much enjoying the friction and feel of having his dick pressed against Dutch’s. And from the noises coming out of Dutch’s mouth he enjoyed it too. Hosea jerked them off for a bit before he lifted Dutch’s legs into the air and pushed them towards his face, just as before.
Hosea drew a line from Dutch’s dick down to the rectal dilator, causing Dutch to shiver in anticipation, before pulling the dilator out, moaning himself as he saw his own cum leak out of Dutch’s beautiful hole. “Fuck baby. Do you know what seeing my cum in you does to me? God, I fucking love it baby, I fucking love seeing my seed in you, knowing I did that, knowing I am the only man for you. You are mine. Mine. MINE!” With the last word Hosea quickly pressed his cock into Dutch, not stoping until he was buried to the hilt inside Dutch. Dutch loudly cried out, shoving his fist into his mouth, trying to muffle the sound.
Hosea pounded hard and fast into Dutch, the sound of their skin slapping together filling the air along with Hosea’s heaving breathing and Dutch’s muffled moaning. It wasn’t long until Hosea felt the familiar tightening of his balls and knew he was close. “God baby, I’m gonna cum. Jesus I’m gonna cum so fucking hard in your tight fucking hole. I’m gonna fill you up again. You’ll be so full of my cum that you won’t be able to hold it all. It’ll be coming out of you for days.” 
Hosea threw his head back and groaned as he came hard, Dutch following him quickly over the edge as he felt Hosea’s fresh seed fill him. Dutch grabbed Hosea’s head and pulled him down to muffle his scream in Hosea’s mouth.
Hosea collapsed onto Dutch, breathing hard, so hard he felt tinge of panic fill him as he felt the familiar tug of an asthma attack coming on. He tried to even out his breathing quickly so his sickness didn’t ruin the mood, but Dutch caught on, pushing Hosea off of him and grabbing his inhaler quickly, shoving it in Hosea’s face, the older man grabbing it gratefully. 
After a few puffs, Hosea looked at Dutch and laughed a bit “Jesus, what a wonderful way to end an amazing day. Having to make sure your boyfriend doesn’t die of an asthma attack after sex. What a pity sight I must be.” Laughing in pity at himself
“Shush. You are beautiful and you didn’t ruin anything.” Dutch whispered as he stroked Hosea’s face, calming the older man down. 
After a few minuets Hosea’s breathing returned to normal. Hosea grabbed an old towel or handkerchief and began cleaning the two of them up, being gentle with Dutch’s still sensitive body. After he was done, he threw the cloth aside and curled up next to Dutch, pulled the blanket on them and threw a hand over Dutch’s stomach while Dutch wrapped his arm around Hosea and kissed his hair.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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hairringtonsteve · 7 years
Are you doing headcannons? Cause im in need of Modern! Billy and Steve going to warped tour with their girl. It’s your favorite emo 4hm Rachael btw so you gotta do it. (Bonus points if you include my fave band 😌😌😌)
@dacrethehalls because rachael is a babe and this is an amazing headcanon 
also i’m a lil slightly drunk right now please send me all your modern billy and steve everythings because i’m a sucker for them. alternatively, send me a modern steve harrington to date that’d be great.
you got warped tour tickets for billy’s birthday
and the boy had a meltdown 
he picked you up and swung you around and was grinning so wide 
this was incredible
underoath and a day to remember and the devil wears prada and august burns red and just so much more 
and the maine 
he was grinning the entire drive there
you’d never seen billy get excited about things, but this was pretty fucking close 
you managed to hit most of the bands that you both wanted to see 
and everything was going great until you realized that underoath was playing the same time as nevershoutnever
you suggested that you two split up and then meet back together after
billy stared at you like you’d grown another head 
“are you kidding me? i’m not leaving you alone here.” 
“well i’m going to go see christofer drew and you can figure out what you wanna do. i had to stand through that mosh pit for the devil wears prada.” 
“i protected  you during that mosh pit!” 
“you almost punched me in the face, billy.” 
“... nevershoutnever it is, then.” 
he whined and complained the entire time, but it was even worse when you were dragging him, tugging on his hand to go see the maine 
you loved the maine 
the two of you were in the thick of the crowd when they started 
you began to bounce on the balls of your feet and sway to the music 
billy’s arms wound around your waist, pulling you flush against him 
everything was normal until into your arms came up 
and suddenly this asshole was singing softly in your ear 
you felt like every nerve was heightened
“and she had the most amazing-” billy sang into your ear, copping a feel as the music paused for a moment 
“smile...” the song continued and billy laughed softly in your ear 
it almost killed you 
after that, it was on 
the two of you were screaming every single lyric 
laughing and falling all over each other 
turns out that billy is a giant fan of the maine 
or rather, you’re a giant fan of the maine and he wanted to impress you somehow and it turns out that they don’t actually suck 
the end of the day approached and your voices were shot 
your throats hurt 
as did every muscle in your body
so you were sitting on the ground, shoveling overpriced pizza into your mouth when you caught billy’s eye 
“wha?” you asked through a mouthful of cheesy goodness
“we should do this more often. go to concerts and shit.”
you waited until you’d swallowed before asking a, “yeah?” 
“yeah. it’d be fun. i like seeing you like this.” 
a blush rose upon your cheeks
“seeing me like what?” 
“really, really happy.” 
“yeah, well, i like seeing you really, really happy too.” 
when steve suggested that you two go to warped tour together, you were kinda confused 
this was steve 
he was mr. top 100 latest hits
which was fine 
but like 
he was really into it 
so you’re like okay let’s do this 
but the day comes and when you get there
steve’s in shock
stevie was in for an eye opener 
so you educated him 
you dragged him to the dillinger escape plan 
“did he just say that the song is called milk lizard???” 
and the academy is... 
“i can get into this.” 
and the all american rejects
and breathe carolina
you had to elbow him during paramore bc the boy was just staring up at hayley in awe 
you tried to steer clear of the mosh pits for his sake 
and he was thankful 
by the end of the day you both were hot and exhausted and sweaty 
he was hanging off of you, barely able to stand 
but the grin he had on his face was brighter than the sun 
you snagged the wayfarers off of his face and planted them on yours 
and the look he had made your stomach do flips 
“i think we should do this next year.” 
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wannasoftimagine · 7 years
lee daehwi as your soulmate
imagine having daehwi as ur soulmate where u have the date u meet written on ur wrist
(as requested!)
ur soulmate clue isnt really visible for awhile just bc ure like. a tiny kid for the first majority of ur life lol
for awhile u just have a smudge of ink on ur wrist so,,, u dont rlly have a choice but to let it be
once u start to get older, the markings on ur wrist start to become more and more clear
ure not super sure if theyre letters or numbers or smthn else, bc it doesnt show up on ur skin quite right yet
eventually, ure able to decipher it as a set of numbers and ure like. okay cool BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN
u talk it over w some of ur family and friends, and everyone seems to have their own idea abt what it means
but the more ppl u talk to, the more they start to agree tht it seems like a date - for several years in the future
at tht point u realize that its probably the day tht ull finally meet ur soulmate, so theres not rlly much u can do abt it until then
ure a little tempted to try and search for someone with a similar clue, but there are just SO MANY to sort thru tht u decide its not rlly worth it
u try and focus on urself - struggling thru school, spending time w family/friends, typical stuff that most ppl ignore bc theyre too busy searching for their soulmate
honestly its kinda nice knowing when ull meet ur soulmate, since u can relax until then
time passes bc u kno. tht tends to happen in life
it starts to get closer and closer to the date when u meet and NOW the nerves are coming
bc ure like ?? what are they like? what if i dont like them? what if they dont like //me//? where are we gonna meet? what time? do they have the same clue? what if i dont recognize them????
honestly ure a mess of worries by the time the day comes
trying to sleep the night before is almost impossible since ure such a bundle of doubts as u toss and turn in ur bed
come morning, u do ur best to dress as nice as u can
but honestly ure starting to doubt ur sense of fashion and style at this point
eventually u have to calm urself down bc theres no point in stressing out too much, or else ure just going to freak out and have an awful day, soulmate or not
then ure like waaaait a second,,
n u realize tht u dont know when exactly or where ure going to meet ur soulmate
which makes things much harder tbh
u settle on staying on a park bench, watching ppl pass and letting ur wrist casually rest beside u so its out in the open
ure hoping tht someones just going to walk by and be like oH HELLO SOULMATE
as time goes on u realize tht ure not that lucky
actually ure prob rlly unlucky bc bugs seem like theyre attacking u and u take tht as ur cue to leave
ure wandering around a little bit when u stumble across this cute little hole-in-the-wall cafe, so u decide to go in and rest ur feet there
(also maybe meet ur soulmate bc tht would be super Aesthetic u feel)
u wait around with a cup of coffee and a bagel, hoping that ull see someone walk in with a mark similar to urs
u realize pretty quickly tht it wont happen bc 1) so many ppl keep coming in and out, and 2) no one walks around showing off their wrist tbh
tht leaves u growing more frustrated and worried in ur spot
part of u wants to just approach random strangers and ask “listen im meeting my soulmate today CAN I SEE UR WRIST”
but the realistic part of u is like “what the heck no dont do tht”
u settle on agreeing with the latter
at some point, as ure boring holes into the dozens of strangers frequenting the cafe, u start to nod off
u dont even notice until one of the workers is shaking u awake with a polite smile and telling u tht the store is closing, so ure going to have to please leave
thts when ure like “wow,,, i was rlly tired bc it is LATE outside” but also “WAIT WHAT IF MY SOULMATE CAME HERE WHEN I WAS ASLEEP”
even as u frantically look around, u dont see any cutely written messages from ur presumed soulmate or anything like tht
all u can think is tht maybe ur soulmate clue doesnt mean what u thought it did
after all, its around evening already, and u still havent seen a sign of them
u end up wandering around outside again, too worried abt the possibility of never meeting ur soulmate to be freaked out over the whole “tiny kid walks around alone in the dark!!!!” thing
u keep checking ur phone (and feeling rlly grateful tht u havent run out of battery yet) and time just keeps to slip thru ur fingers
u end up going to a small restaurant for dinner, but its a place tht uve visited before and u dont see anyone new that could be ur soulmate
afterwards u decide to head on home with a heavy heart
u keep thinking “mb its not the date when we meet??”
but honestly ure not sure what else it could be
like is it the date ur soulmate is born?? but thtd be a kinda creepy age difference,,
and,,,, okay yeah u cant rlly think of anything else
u may or may not get lost a couple of times bc ure so absorbed in ur own thoughts
it doesnt help tht ure not exactly the best with directions
by the time u think ure nearing ur home, ur phone flashes at u with the time 11.51pm and ure like “???!!!!!!!!!!!”
u dont even know what to think at tht point
but then u get hit with the realization tht ure not meeting ur soulmate today and u might never meet them at all, and ure crushed with this aching sense of nothingness
ure just about ready to curl into a ball and just lie on the street for the rest of ur life when u hear someone yell “URE WALKING IN CIRCLES”
and u snap ur head up to try and see who said tht, and u see someone sticking his head out of his window and gesturing wildly
“wHAT” u manage to yell back, bc itd be embarrassing if this guy was trying to help u navigate around and u ended up sobbing back in response
and thats.. just as embarrassing tbh
all good intentions aside, u frown at his figure to tell him “IM NOT TELLING U WHERE I LIVE”, a pause, and then u add on “U CREEP” bc ure a strong independent individual who doesnt need any freaky dude in ur life
u feel a little dumb at that bc,,, honestly uve been so wrapped up in ur head tht u kinda forgot u could just use ur phone for directions back home
still just as u pull it out, it flashes a “dead battery” symbol and just. dies on u
“ITS DEAD” u tell the guy, altho ure not rlly sure why ure telling him this bc what if he really is a creep and now he knows u cant call for help ??????????
okay, thats definitely not helping ur i-think-hes-a-serial-killer idea
when he finally closes the window and makes his way down and outside to u, uve prepared urself with a rock
just,, in case,,,,,
(its not even a really good rock but u gotta do what u gotta do)
“i didnt want to keep yelling” the guy says, and he looks much sweeter in person (and when hes not screaming directions at u)
he sticks out his hand and ure like ?? but u take it anyways
“im lee daehwi!! do u want to borrow my phone?” he holds it out to u and even tho ure really tempted to take it, ure still a little skeptical
“if i put my address in there, then ull know where i live and u can track me afterwards”
he seems to find tht both very amusing and very insulting, since his face contorts into a half-laugh half-grimace
its a funny sight in of itself, so u cant help but smile at his expression
u end up bickering a little bit, and by the time he shoves his phone into ur face, u glance at the time and its past midnight and oh
today isnt the day u meet ur soulmate, then
ur face falls and he immediately yanks his hand back, obviously concerned
“are u okay?? whats wrong????”
and even tho hes still basically a stranger u cant help but show ur wrist to him and manage to explain tht u thought u were going to meet ur soulmate today, but its too late bc u still havent met them
but daehwi is giggling and ure like “dONT BE A JERK” but hes already pushing his own wrist into ur face
instead of the date, his reads “11.51 PM” in the same small dark font, and its like oh. OHHHHH
he pushes at ur shoulder, teasing u tht ur clue was more obvious bc “i had to wait around every day to see if i met someone new!!! i just want to sleep but i had no idea when id meet u”
and even as hes pouting u can barely process how relieved u are so u. accidentally zone out juuuust a little bit
he notices of course, and manages to get ur attention by saying “im glad its u tho bc ure super cute”
u stare at him, suddenly super focused on him, and he laughs
“i was just trying to get ur attention, but i do think ure rlly cute”
ure both still a bit in shock, but u manage to carry on conversations well enough bc now tht u know ure each others soulmates, ure desperate to talk to each other forever
he ends up insisting on cutting ur convo short and walking u home bc its so late, but he gives u his number and a quick, embarrassed peck on the cheek with a promise to talk to u soon
its even harder to fall asleep that night, ur head filled the memory of daehwi grinning at u like ure the best thing hed ever seen
others: jisung | sungwoon | daniel | woojin | more coming soon!
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almightyhollands · 7 years
Strip That Down
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Could you write a smut where the reader and Peter have thus HUGE sexual tension and one day at one party with the Avengers the reader starts to dance in a really sexy way (u can choice the song, show us your playlist) and everybody (especially the booooys) is looking at her which leads to a rough jealous Peter? Oh, and can u  make her Tony’s daughter? Just bc yes. I FUCKING LOVE U I’M ALWAYS CHECKING YOUR BLOG TO SEE IF YOU POSTED SOMETHING
A/N: HI I LOVE YOU OMG okay I know ive been slacking with the whole tagging thing but that ends now i promise okay ALSO I DON’T HAVE SEXY SONGS SO I LITERALLY HAD TO ASK MY FRIEND FOR A SONG SO IF IT ISNT SEXY IM SORRY
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Peter stares at you from across the room, his lips pulled into a small frown as you ignore him. He knew that you knew he was here, you had sent him a small smile and a wave as soon as he walked in. He had immediately gravitated to you, as he always did, but you were already too busy with Steve. Peter resigned back to his seat, assuring himself that the two of you would find your way together sometime in the night, but three hours later, Peter isn’t too sure that he’ll even get to say a word to you tonight. You had been far too busy for him.
You and Peter had an interesting relationship. You were friends, pretty good ones at that, but there was an undeniable tension that pulled the two of you together. At first, it was uncomfortable, and you could barely stand to be in the same room as him, but eventually you two had fallen into a teasing pattern and it had just become your relationship.
Peter is ripped from his thoughts when an unfamiliar beat starts and you laugh loudly. He looks toward you to find you wrapped playfully in Clint’s arms, the two of you singing along loudly.
“You know I’ve been taking some time, and I’ve been keeping to myself.” Peter smiles at the two of you as you dance around the almost barren dance floor. The two of you continue singing along, Clint spinning you out of his arms as the two of you dance independently, and Peter knows you’ve been teasing him when your hips start swinging and you look to him, still singing. “You know I love it when the music’s loud, but come on, strip that down for me.” You sing to him, a mischievous glint flashing in your eyes.
Peter’s suddenly glad that Tony isn’t here, because if he could see the way that Peter (and every single other person in the room) was staring at his daughter, Tony might rip him to pieces. Peter bites his lip and you grin triumphantly from the dance floor, turning away from him. He stands quickly, indignance written across his face as he takes strides to meet you, his hand outreached to grasp your wrist. You turn and smile as though you’re surprised to see him behind you.
“Peter, hey!” You exclaim, and he glares at you.
“I need to talk to you.”
Without further questioning, you let Peter drag you off the dance floor, ignoring the beating of your heart and the whistling behind you. Peter stop as soon as the door of the elevator closes behind you, pushing his chest against yours and pressing your back into the cold metal of the wall. “Hi.”
“Don’t play innocent. I know you were teasing me.” He says, and though you know he’s trying to be dominant, his voice shakes very slightly. Instead of poking fun at him as you usually would, you stay silent. He drops his forehead to press against yours and lets out a small sigh of anticipation. “I’m going to kiss you.”
Instead of nodding, you desperately reach for his lips with your own, your mouths quickly meeting in a heated kiss. Peter moans in satisfaction and raises his hands to cup your face, pulling you closer. You grasp his wrists in your hands and open your mouth when his tongue runs across your bottom lip. You turn your head to the side and search the right button to press as his lips trail down your neck, finally resting on your collarbones. When the bell dings, informing you that you’ve reached the correct floor, you pull away from Peter and lead him to your bedroom, making sure your father was down in his office as he promised. You close the door behind you and turn around to face the panting boy behind you. Rushing forward, Peter grabs you by the hips and presses his lips to yours once again, leading you blindly to the large bed against the back wall of the room. You collapse when your knees hit the mattress, Peter falling on top of you.
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He informs you, breaking away to unbutton his shirt and pull it off as you worked on the zipper of your dress. Peter, who is altogether inexperienced except for a few moments of intimacy he had shared with someone he couldn’t even bother to think about while you’re in front of him, is flustered. He’s pulled all his clothes off, save for his boxers, and he’s shell-shocked at the sight of you in only your underwear and bra. You squirm uncomfortably and he reach a hand out to grasp your wrist. “No, no. Y-you look, like, really n-nice.” He stutters, and you giggle, shaking your head.
Any discomfort you may have felt has now melted away as Peter pulls you to him and presses his lips to yours, his hands moving up your arms to the clasp of your bra. He fumbles with it for a moment before the two sides are falling apart and the straps are sliding down your arms. Peter’s hands move to cup both of your breasts in his hands and you moan as his thumbs move over your nipples. You toy with the waistband of his boxers, his mouth still attached to yours. He groans and pushes the lace of your underwear down impatiently, his middle finger immediately finding your clit.
Gasping with surprise, you grip his wrist as he rubs harsh circles against the bud of nerves, and he hums contentedly. “Good?” He asks, his voice is relaxed, and you marvel at the fact he was able to go from shaking to confident in less than ten seconds.
“Good. So good.” You moan as the tip of his finger slips from your clit to your opening, teasing you. Your hips buck up and he chuckles, pushing his finger slowly inside of you, and you let out a long string of his name. “Peter, Peter please.”
“Please what, baby?” He asks, and you aren’t even sure of the answer because of how quickly your mind is spinning. He hits a particularly sweet spot with the tip of his finger and you gasp loudly, your voice shaky when you reply.
“More, Peter. I need more, I need you.” You ramble, and he grins, pulling his finger out of you and quickly testing the taste on the tip of his tongue. “Peter, please.”
He nods and pushes his boxers down, standing up quickly and fumbling to get the fabric off of his leg. You bite your lip to stifle your giggle when he falls back on top of you and he smiles, rolling his eyes.
His face loses all emotion except determination once again as he rubs his tip and up down your slit, causing a groan to fall from your lips. “What do you want?” He asks, and you turn your head, burying your face in your pillows and already blushing at your words.
“I want you to fuck me.” You say timidly, but Peter doesn’t comment on your tone.
“Yeah.” At your word, Peter pushes into you, pushing a loud moan out of your lips. You grip his biceps and he grabs your leg, pushing it up over his hips. You push his hips forward with the leg he had wrapped around himself and he lets out a loud groan, stilling when his hips are flush with yours. “Peter...” You whine, and he chuckles, grinding his hips against yours.
As stated before, Peter Parker was not an experienced boy. He had only had sex a handful of times, but he had a few tricks up his sleeve.
You cry out, a hand automatically reaching to Peter’s hair. He pulls his hips back, slamming them into you until your mouth is open but sounds are void. With one hand holding his weight by your head and the other gripping your headboard, Peter pounds into you with speed you weren’t sure was human. “Fuck, (Y/N),” Peter says, and you moan, far too into your own pleasure to listen to what he’s saying to you. When he hits a spot inside of you that makes your toes curl, you scream out and dig your nails into his shoulders.
“Peter, right there. Right there.” You repeat, and he nods, slamming his hips repeatedly into the same spot. Pete moves his hand from the headboard to your clit, rubbing firm circles until all you can see, feel, and hear is Peter. You cry his name and clench around him, causing him to groan and drop his head into the crook of your neck, breathing heavily and coming right after you.
As soon as he’s done, his arm gives out from below him and he falls you your side, wrapping an arm around you with an appreciative, “Wow.”
You giggle and nod. “Wow, indeed.” You smile, nuzzling under his arm. “Definitely worth the wait.” You say, and he chuckles.
TAGS: @the-things-i-do-for-love-1999 @focused-on-bands @yukanda-tsuyoi @randisnotonfire @free-the-fangirl @littlenerdgirl16 @kyleemartinez01 @cat-in-a-hoodie @ladysnowren @problemforfuturetech @thelovelyoldscentofabookshop @captain-blossom
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majorxbennyxboy · 7 years
Mom Watches TURN: S2E1-4
(Apologies for the stream-of-thought some bits devolved into, these are all typed real-time and I was getting :| between comments so. )
Episode One:
(as I skip Caleb's comment bouta hatchet-throwin at te barrel as he's perched atop) "did he just say something foul" "ah kinda it'isn't something I'd care to hear that is I'mmmm"
(Caleb's talking to Ben) "WHO BEAT CALEB WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIS FACE" "nothing's wrong with his-" "NO. LOOK AT HIM. THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WHO HIT HIM IN THE LAST EPISODE" "it's been two months since the last-" "SOMEONE HIT HIM" "okay yeah maybe it happened while he was getting the whale oil? But it isn't a plot point or anyth-" "THIS DISTURBS ME"
(While Abe's making his little butterknife sleevie-sheaths and adding stuff to his getup) "what's he doing" "trickin' out his spy stuff"
(Mary be knowing) "Mmmm"
(laughs at Mary) "she thinks she's gonna control him because he won't love her? I know what she's doing but she's also trying to get him not to shtipple that girl"
(snickering at Bradmadge Side-Eye Spectacular)
(After Arnold's Dramatic Reading of the Grub-Shite Pamphlet) "Didn't Washington write that" "what no he wrote that, Charles Lee wrote th- the guy who was reading it wrote it. anonymously. It's what Ben was having a hissy fit about earlier"
(On Abe BS'ing to Hewlett) "what's he doing? trying to throw him off?"
Episode Two:
*as I fast forwarding past Eastin's Comment* "They talk ugly here too?" "..yeahehehehaehaahrafjalshasfa"
(oh goddddd i completely forgot about that guy's comments after the poetry I'm Dying)
(townsend walks in on Abe) "that guy did that on purpose"
(As Hewlett bumbles adorably about play-tonic, as Anna had it) "why's he babbling all that foolishness at her" "bc he's an awkward turtle"
(guy hands Andre his stuff) "Oh. poor loki"
(im writhing in discomfort as Simcoe and the guy get ready  to fight) Mom: *doesn't even React* Me: Mom what the hell are you are you SO desensitized *quivers*
*credits roll* Mom, suddenly: he has a big head. He's hideous. Even if he wasn't who he is. God bless him he's
Episode Three:
(if she don't freak sufficiently about dad yelling at the boy im)
Mom: *Sees Andre out of uniform* "oh my goodness" Me: *real casual* yyyyyyeeeeeeahhh?? Mom: ...he looks...different. Me: *real casual* ehehhraeyrajyeaaaah yeah yeah he does doesn't he ahem
Mom: are those dudes standing around in tutus Me: they sure are Mom: okay
(On Arnold) "He looks like that woman who made you miserable for a solid year" Me, Mentally: *SCREAMING BC I NEVER REALIZED BUT MAYBE THAT'S WHY I CAN'T COUNTENANCE TO LOOK AT HIM*
*soft gasp when Arnold says "You weren't dismissed"*
Me: jus so u know there's about to be a thing like the Titanic sketchbook Mom: in the Major's room? Me: yeh Mom: he's got naked pictures? Me: yeh one Mom: Why? Is he a Freak? Me: I I I I I I I I don't. think so? I think it's just like- Both: oh my god
(as I fast forward past the idiots in the window) "This show is full of...foolishness?" *whimpers*
(She just not even giving me anything to work with GWash is shouting at my boy and she's just eating a sandwich like ma are you so unmoved for real ya heart should be shriveling whats wrong with you
im over here in pain and she's just. mellow as a mushroom
Episode Four:
*disbelieving* "invisible ink" *snrt* "IT WAS AN ACTUAL THING, MOM."
(im internally squealing because Benanna is so cute they're so cute) (Mom don't even react to one of the cutest moments in all of TURN /dammit mother/)
(okay but how is she not even remotely affected by the Scruffy Boi this is one of Ben's finest hours and she's just. unphased. mom. mom why are you doing this to me)
"Did they tell the little boy he's supposed to have carved the ship" "I...don't know actually" "so nothing bad happens with this" "...........................................................im not gonna tell u that" ". . ." "That wasn't really fool-proof, that piece being able to come out like that"
(smh as I prepare to skip a Brewster Moment - *HEART FLIPS* i can feel me mum's disapproval and mie ancestors' as well dear heavens AMC WHY)
"I'd hate for something to happen to Abigail or Cicero"
"I don't want nothing to happen to Caleb either. He's someone." I cannae convey the joy which takes root in my dumb poor heart every time mom expresses a fondness for my boy C-Brew
(Abe chasing his dad’s SpyGuy) “Dude’s Leading Him isn’t he.” *dude gets Stabbed* “Is that the tavern guy” “it’s not the tavern guy ma”
(On Arnold/Ben) "I...don't feel like this is :/ going well"
Ben: Intelligence, sir. Mom: UH UHHHH (Post-Viewing)
"Simcoe must be punished and fed to what's his name. Rogers" "W H A T" "yeh they should kill each other"
"I don't want anything to happen to Abigail or her son. Nobody better cause anything to happen to them. I don't care about anyone else."
"Rogers and Simcoe are the devil. Akinbode should get to beat the hell outta both of em" "But he was rude to Abigail in the first season" "He sure was but he should get to beat the hell outta both of em"
"I don't want anything to happen to Caleb either but I fear for his life. I'm afraid he's gonna be hurt bad." Me: *sucks in breath* "By Simcoe" Me: *LOOKS INTO CAMERA"*
"And then Loki he's just *noises* "What does that mean" *noises* "Good way or bad way" *noises*
"And Washington and Ben are getting on my nerves" "w h a t"
"And I'm concerned that whatsisname benedict cumberbatch is working Ben over"
"That boy just keeps making mistakes" "!!!!!!"
(On Anna) "And the fortune teller. she’s"
"I don't know bout this show but I do know Abigail and her boy they need some Goodness"
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promtography · 8 years
a little promptis
some sad promptis for the soul bc i live for angst apparently (major spoilers)
also feedback would be great, since i'm not sure exactly how coherent my writing style is, if it's too confusing or whatever since i write the same way i think, which would obviously make sense to me cause it's my own brain but idk about other people lmao
a tiny bit taken from this earlier writing bc im lazy
Their first kiss, last kiss, and all the kisses in between
The first time they kissed had been during their last year in high school. Two teenage boys who happened to be very close and well into the throes of puberty, both wondering whether their feelings were platonic or romantic, and both thinking the other was extraordinarily attractive.
It had been shy, awkward, and clumsy, neither of them having even an inkling of romantic experience outside of movies and dreams.
Noctis had been the one to instigate it, during a perfectly average day involving Prompto hanging out at his apartment, having practically moved in considering how often he was over. He wasn't sure why he chose that moment, only that he he knew suddenly- watching Prompto sitting so comfortably on his couch, fiddling with his camera and smiling gently to himself- knew that he wanted to kiss him.
Scooching across to Prompto's side of the couch, he leaned against his friend's shoulder, acted like he was interested in the photos flicking across the small screen while he attempted to quiet his nerves enough for him to speak.
A quick breath, and then, “Hey.”
Prompto glanced at him sideways before facing him fully, and Noctis felt his mind blank when that beautifully soft smile turned to him, “Yeah, Noct?”
Noctis opened his mouth, found that no words came to him, and closed it. Instead, he placed a hesitant hand over Prompto's and hoped he would read the mood, looking at his face for only a moment before he had to look away, hating that he could feel himself blushing.
Prompto, to his credit, seemed to understand yet didn't quite believe that this was actually happening. His heart was fluttering and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the hand covering his own. He chuckled nervously, “You uh, good there, Noct?” His free hand moved to place the camera off to the side, the other clenched tight under Noctis’.
Noctis, realizing he shouldn't have counted on Prompto to take initiative, sighed with a strange mix of fondness and exasperation and tightened his hand around Prompto's before bringing it ever so slowly to his lips.
He stopped suddenly, his breath puffing against trembling fingers. He forced himself to look at Prompto's face and jolted at the intensity of the blue eyes trained on him.
Cursing, he let go of Prompto's hand and turned to hide how red he knew his face was becoming.
“Wh- hey, wait!”
Before he knew it, Noctis was sprawled across the couch, Prompto having tackled him before he could flee and now hovered tensely above him.
They stayed in this position for an awkwardly long amount of time, neither of them meeting each other's eyes before Noctis eventually snapped.
Prompto flinched slightly and when he spoke, his voice was fragile, “Well, what?”
Noctis cleared his throat so he could speak around the lump forming there, “Are you gonna kiss me or what?”
Prompto gulped and then laughed suddenly, loudly, and nervously. And because doing anything else at this point would have been blasphemous, he closed his eyes, leaned down and pressed his lips against Noctis’.
Well, tried to. He ended up missing, catching Noct's chin instead and screaming internally for the void to just take him now.
Noctis doesn't seem phased however, slowly reaching up to take Prompto's face in his hands, guiding him into trying again.
This time, their lips actually meet, but now neither of them are sure what to do from here. They dryly mush their mouths together a little bit before Prompto rears back, seemingly on the verge of tears.
They kiss a lot after that, thankfully getting better as they go, as they learn both what they themselves like and what the other likes. Prompto discovers that Noct's tummy is particularly sensitive, which leads to an unfortunate number of raspberries blown into the pale skin. Noctis takes his revenge by making Prompto all but melt with gentle licks and nips to his neck, careful that he doesn't leave marks because Prompto isn't fond of pain.
When his dad died, Noctis was not okay. It was the very thing he had been dreading, and he wasn't even in the city when it happened, couldn't return for a funeral, never gave him a proper goodbye.
Noctis couldn't sleep that night. How could he. He sat in one of the cheap plastic chairs outside the caravan, while the others mingled quietly inside, giving himthe room they know he needs. Eyes closed and head tipped back, he lets the night air soothe his lungs, tired after the harsh heaving that comes with crying.
The caravan door squeaks open, and Noctis can tell by the footsteps that it's Prompto. He doesn't move.
Prompto sits in a chair next to him, carefully quiet, as if he was afraid that if he moved too quickly, Noctis would startle and bolt like a frighten animal. He would've snorted at the thought if only he had the energy.
They don't speak. Prompto knows that nothing he says would make the situation any better, and Noctis doesn't blame him. They sit for a while, Prompto's presence dragging Noct's attention away from his own thoughts until he straightens up and focuses on the blond watching him worriedly.
When Noctis looks at him, Prompto offers a gentle smile and holds out his hand. Noctis stares at it a while before he takes it and when he does, Prompto stands, pulling Noctis up with him and into a tight hug.
Noctis can't stop himself from crying again, sobbing loudly into Prompto's shoulder, and Prompto lets him, rubbing a hand up and down his back and pressing kisses into his messy hair.
They stay like that until Noctis is all cried out, and Prompto takes his wet face in his hands and places one more kiss to his forehead before leading him back into the caravan for some cold dinner.
Noctis feels better after that, and soon realizes that he's actually enjoying himself, might even say he's having fun, if only they weren't constantly pacing in front of death’s door.
Between the hunts and the imperial ambushes, they find time for some fishing, and Noctis lights up each time.
They meet a man named Navyth who, after a series of tests and trials, eventually leads them to the home of the Devil of the Cygillian.
It takes several days as well as a good portion of Noct's lure stash, but the pure, almost childish joy in Noct's face when he finally lands the thing makes Prompto think the hours of waiting and the secondhand stress were all worth it.
After their necessary group shot, Prompto sloshes excitedly through the crystal water and sweeps Noct into a kiss that has Gladio wolf-whistling and Ignis pinching the bridge of his nose. When they pause to catch their breath, Prompto grins and murmurers “good catch” against wind-chapped lips. Noctis smiles and kisses him again.
When they part, Prompto doesn't think he's ever seen Noct look happier.
When they arrive in Altissia, all four of them are left breathless. Sure, they had heard stories, tourists bragging, but seeing it in person is an indescribable experience.
Prompto would have whipped out his camera if he wasn't already busy taking photos.
They're eager to see everything at once, but it's already  getting late and they need to find lodgings before anything else.
Ignis goes on ahead to book their rooms. Gladio goes with him because he has more tact than people would expect.
And so Prompto and Noctis are left to their own devices. They set off, Prompto bouncing ahead like an excited puppy, and immediately get lost.
It's not their fault all the canals and bridges and alleyways are some kind of maze disguised as a city.
Oh well, they'll just ask around. For now, they wander and wonder at all the sights, Prompto snapping away and occasionally pulling Noct in for a goofy selfie.
They stop at a gelato cart and order for each other, taking a seat on a bench at the waterside. They chatter and watch the sunset glimmer off the waves and waterfalls, stealing bites from each other's spoons. At one point, Prompto misses and ends up smearing Noct's strawberry gelato across his lips. He thinks his heart nearly stops when Noct giggles, and even the prince himself seems surprised he made such an unbecoming noise. But then he looks at Prompto and just laughs, leans in and licks the gelato off his lips, and stays for a sweet, lingering kiss.
Luna is dead, Ignis is blind, Noctis is in mourning, and they're all exhausted both physically and emotionally. None of them are sure how things got so bad so quickly. Sure they had expected some trouble- one cannot expect dealings with gods to be so easy- but this…
The Oracle is gone, and so goes her healing. Ignis, he who detests ambiguity, must now live without sight. And Noctis refuses to leave his bed.
Gladio acts pissed, and maybe he is. They're certainly all frustrated.
Prompto feels like he should've done more, feels like at least some of this could have been prevented if only he had been more attentive, had reacted a bit faster. He tries to make up for it. Knows that he can't. Ignis insists that he's fine, Prompto knows that he's not.
None of them are.
When they finally set out again, Noctis doesn't look at them, hardly speaks. When Prompto puts a hand on his shoulder, Noctis shrugs him off and walks away.
To say things are tense would be an understatement. Prompto thinks he would rather be crawling through some dark dungeon, ass-deep in daemons. At least then they could all trust each other to have their backs.
But this, this coldness, might be the hardest thing they've dealt with yet. Maybe cause they're used to dealing with things they can stab, maybe cause they're used to dealing with things together. All Prompto knows is that right now, everything sucks.
Ignis, despite being in the most unfortunate circumstance out of the four of them, is the one who manages to snap them all out of it. Prompto wishes he were that amazing.
Prompto is scared. Terrified. Heartbroken.
Noctis chases him down the train, lashing out wildly despite the dozens of civilians around them, and Prompto thinks they could at least do this where no one else would get hurt. But then Noctis has him pinned against the wall, his eyes tinged red with hatred and Prompto wants to scream, but his breath isn't working right, and Noctis snarls in his face.
“It's all your fault!”
Prompto shatters. His vision whites out and it takes everything in him just to speak.
“Do you really mean that, Noct?”
Of course he realizes now, as he blearily watches the train hurtle down the tracks, losing consciousness and unable to move, both from the shrieking pain and the despair of his best friend nearly ending his life, that the words were not meant for him.
The realization does not make him hurt less.
He's not sure where he is, if he's even anywhere close to where he blacked out. He's not sure how long he's been here, can't tell whether his scant meals of bread and broth are on a schedule or not. He's not sure why they're even keeping him alive. The only thing he's sure of is that Noct will come.
And of course he did, Prompto never doubted he would, only doubted if he was worth rescuing.
He collapses as soon as he's released, and Noctis falls with him, and they're both trembling on the floor and Noctis clings to him as if he can't bear to be separated ever again.
They stay like that for a while, Gladio and Ignis giving them privacy they don't deserve when they should be looking for the Crystal, but none of them care at the moment.
Finally, Prompto whispers, “were you worried about me?” and Noctis stares at him before letting out a breathless laugh.
“What kind of question is that?” and Noct kisses him, smoothes back his filthy hair and kisses him again, then kisses his cheek, his forehead, moves over to his ear and down his neck. And Prompto melts.
Prompto holds his wrist up to the machine and the soft resulting beep feels like a Mesmenir kick to the chest. He doesn't want to turn around, but he does because they at least deserve an explanation as to how someone they thought of as a friend was suddenly one of the things they hate the most.
“Turns out, I'm one of them.”
Noctis steps up to him and Prompto feels the world blur until the only distinct things were his pulse thudding in his ears and Noctis’ boots in front of him.
But Noctis’ merely takes his hand and brings it to his mouth, and presses his lips so gently against the barcode printed on his skin. He coaxes Prompto's hand to relax from the fist it had been clenched into and kisses his palm, then flips his hand over and kisses each one of his knuckles, then his barcode again for good measure.
Prompto watches him in shock, and when Noctis looks at him with his soft blue eyes, Prompto feels his lip tremble. He bites it to stop from sobbing, and Noctis brings his free hand up to cup his face, using his thumb to brush away stray tears.
“Since when did where you come from matter to you?”
Prompto can't do much more than give a sheepish, watery grin. Noctis wraps his arms around Prompto's neck and knocks their foreheads together, and Prompto holds onto him as if he were the most precious thing in the world.
He's gone.
None of them know where he went, or if he's safe. They don't know what else to do, only know that Noctis will return, of course he will, so they wait. They wait for ten years.
Ten years where nothing felt real and everything felt like a nightmare. Ten years of darkness and daemons and an ever-loosening grip on sanity. Nothing but endless fighting and fear and death. Prompto finds it hard to believe there was a time he didn't know what dog tags were.
The only things keeping him sane were Gladio and Ignis, and even they weren't around all the time, spreading out to help individual clusters of survivors who were fleeing from one outpost to the next, hoping to get to Lestallum before the daemons got to them.
Other than those two, he had his photos, reminders of a time when the sun still shone and he could smile without forcing it.
When Noctis was here to play along with his selfies and ridiculous poses and photo ops. Here to spend lazy mornings with him in the tent, Ignis preparing breakfast and Gladio out for his morning jog while the two of them exchanged sleepy kisses. Here to be the only one to snort at his puns and then try to pass it off as a cough, the tiny smile on his face an indicator otherwise. Here to stay up with him when he had trouble sleeping, the cramped caverns and close calls weighing heavy on his mind.
Here to give his life meaning.
His hair is longer and his face more mature, but they all recognize him the moment he steps out of the truck. He smiles fondly at Gladio and Ignis, but when he locks eyes with Prompto, they both crumble. They stumble into each other's arms, Prompto grabbing desperately onto him as if he might disappear again. They pay the world no mind, simply holding each other, breathing each other in, and hardly believing this was real.
When they finally move for a kiss, their lips fit together as if ten years had never passed.
It's unfair, Prompto thinks, how cruelly Noctis was being taken from them.
He disappears in the middle of battle with no warning, no goodbye, and when he finally comes back, it's to tell them that he has to die.
It's unfair, he thinks, but it's even more unfair to keep the world in darkness just to keep himself happy.
Their last kiss is on the stairs leading up to the Citadel.
He stands above them and suddenly he's not Noctis the bratty prince. He's Noctis, the King of Light. He gazes down at them with so much trust and love in his face, and they bow solemnly back.
When Prompto looks back up, he doesn't even realize that he's climbing the steps toward him, barely registers the daemons that have begun spawning behind them and the others readying their weapons.
He takes Noct's face in his hands and kisses him hard, and Noct kisses him back just as hard. When they part, they're both crying and Noctis takes his coded wrist and presses it to his mouth, his lips moving against the banded skin as if in prayer, and then he leans in again, this time much more gently, and the kiss is soft and sweet and not enough and will never be enough.
They stop when Prompto chokes on a sob, and Noctis cups his face, brushes away his tears and looks directly into his cloudy blue eyes.
“Walk tall, my love.”
And then he is gone, ascending the stairs without ever looking back.
The sounds of Ignis and Gladio fighting behind him echoes across the courtyard, but Prompto can't bring himself to move.
He stands there, numb, staring at the doorway Noctis disappeared through. He stands, and stares, until a shock wave blasts out from the Citadel and suddenly the sounds of fighting stop.
When the sky begins to lighten, only then does he turn around, to watch the dawn bloom across the horizon.
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