#and honestly i'd love more recommendations so anyone else you guys know about would be much appreciated <3
guillemelgat · 8 months
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Hello everyone, @minglana and I have been working on trying to compile a playlist of all the incredible folktronica-adjacent music coming out the Iberian Peninsula in the past couple of years, and it's finally here and ready for your listening pleasure! Including everything from electro-fado and trance-like muiñeiras to arrangements of 14th century liturgical chants and revamped jotas, and spanning from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, the playlist is roughly ordered by geographical location, starting in Portugal and moving up across the north from Galicia and Asturias through the Basque Country to Aragon and the Catalan Countries, then south to Andalusia and Extremadura. Languages include Portuguese, Galician, Asturian, Basque, Aragonese, Catalan, and Spanish. If there's any artists or song you'd like to see included, let us know and we'll add them!
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ghuleh-recs · 11 months
★ Ghost Fandom Fic Rec Tag ★
VERY annoyed about the anon hate I’m seeing in my favorite writers’ ask boxes lately. So! I thought I'd live up to my username. Let’s appreciate some amazing writers and rec some fucking fics.
Rules (re: loose guidelines)
Pick some fics from your AO3 bookmarks or your likes/reblobs here on tumblr, and post them with links and a blurb about it. Maybe a summary or just a reason you liked it. As many or as few as you feel like sharing. Then, as one does, tag your friends.
This is a ZERO pressure tagging situation—if you’re too busy or don’t feel like participating, no biggie at allll. Let’s just spread some love and positivity shall we?
I’ll go first (some slightly spoiler-y descriptions ahead):
[REC] and 1080P by @st-danger We've got some absolutely delicious vulnerable Dew x completely smitten Swiss right here. Long story short, they send a video of Dew in panties to Aether. These are scorchingly hot. Part of Saint’s Kinktober series—which you better subscribe to if you haven’t already.
This Swiss x Aeon stoned hand kink ficlet from @crimsonclergy actually set my brain on fire yesterday. So there’s that.
This fic from @riconas featuring insecure Dew knotting Aether. A little desperate, a little mean, a LOT sexy.
A Touch Too Much by @miasmaghoul Hey have you ever wondered what would happen if Dew went into heat during a ritual? And how he might react to Papa singing about daddies and caressing him during KTGG? Hmm? You ever wonder about that?
It would tear me apart, it would haunt me forever (so much you'd never get to know) by @littlemoon-beam oh boy this is some stunningly good Dew angst. This fic will hurt your feelings and then you’re gonna thank Moon for it. She really blasted into this fandom like the Kool-aid guy and we are honestly so hashtag blessed for it.
Now for some reader-insert if that’s more your style.
Misaimed Desire by @violet-lazer Whoops. You accidentally texted Secondo something saucy and he summons you to his office. Whatever will he do to you? Part of her excellent First Kisses: Papal Edition series. Terzo is next so y'all better subscribe.
Banchetto by @angellayercake This. This right here is the good shit. Terzo is wasting away, not handling life after the Ghost Project well at all. Primo and Secondo enlist your help seeing as you’ve got some serious cooking skills. This is gorgeously written with some god tier slow burn and eventual smut. It’s a WIP but the most recent chapter is super satisfying, don’t you worry.
The Cardinal's Bride by @ramblingoak If you’re not following along with this, you’re REALLY missing out. This is pure bodice-ripper GOLD. Some of the most satisfying slow burn I have EVER read. I reread the whole thing every time Oak drops a new chapter.
The Prince by @kissingghouls Vampire!Terzo x slayer!reader need I say more? I am loving the latest installment of Suck Club (you should really read them all). Terzo is pathetic and wears crop tops and it has me actually kicking my heels and giggling as I read.
Cum Quickly, Now by @gasolineghuleh Basically what it says on the tin, folks. You make Papas II, III, and IV cum quickly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's hot.
One last thing:
Leave a comment on ao3, or reply/reblog (with tags) here on the hellsite anything you enjoyed that someone else recommended. I dare you. The author might even reply and you’ll feel oh so special.
I tag: @littlemoon-beam, @rightintheghoulies, @myghemicalghostmance, @angellayercake, @ramblingoak, @neekocalico, @kissingghouls, @stede-bonnets, @gasolineghuleh and anyone reading this that also enjoys fanfic. Yeah you. I’m so serious. Don't test me, boy.
(Feel free to tag me back because I have soooo many others but this already got way too long.)
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Hey. I'm originally from Europe yes, but I live in New Zealand (yay neighbours!) I was an air hostess for a while and that helped with getting discounts, plus I'd save up any money I could and use it for travel instead of other things. I'm 5'2" and about 69 kg and I was feeling huge there 💀💀 but tbh you really have to ignore the stares and comments. I couldn't find any clothes that fit me either tbh, i needed to buy a sports bra and that didn't happen lol. And guys there are definitely an issue, I'd honestly recommend not even trying to date, it's not worth the risks. Regarding Chris, I think it was easier for him as a male, plus he speaks Korean fluently but tbh from what I've seen of him, he seems a lot more aussie than Korean in terms of personality and style. He's a Sydney boy through and through 😂
Hello @escapetheshark and its great to talk to you!!
I am watching The Try Guys where Keith eats everything from The Cheesecake Factory and I probably shouldn't have watched it while I'm on my period because now I feel like cheesecake and cheesecake is low-key one of my favourite desserts.
I'm a sucker for a classic old-school New York Cheesecake but anything chocolate I love too.
Howdy neighbour!! *waves enthusiastically*
Where in EUrope are you from and where in New Zealand do you live now and I'm so curious as to why you decided to move there.
What's it like being 26 hours ahead of everyone else?
For anyone that doesn't know, New Zealand is 2 hours ahead of Australia with timezones so New Zealand is always LEAPS ahead of the Northern Hemisphere with time.
So it's 10:08 pm here right now whereas in New Zealand, it would be about 12:08 am and the 1st of November.
I think that's really scary that you're 70 kgs and couldn't find anything to fit there and yeah-that's enough knowledge for me to feel more nervous about travelling there haha.
Bang Chan is Sydney-coded for sure and I did remember saying that even though he was born in South Korea and Korean is his first language, he's been in Sydney since he was around 5 because I remember he said he learnt English from attending Australian primary and high school.
It's why I laughed when ppl ask if he thinks in korean or english and he said it depends on what country he's in.
Honestly, if you're bilingual, I am jealous of you because being raised bilingual is truly a gift for your brain and how you connect with people.
I have been trying to learn different languages on and off for years since I was a teenager and nothing has stuck lol.
Also- fun fact...if you have Gemini or Virgo placements, you have a easier time in learning new languages because of the Mercury influence.
It was lovely to talk to you babe!
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moonshinemusings · 1 year
General Kyle "Gaz" Garrick headcanons (Pt.1)
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Warnings: mentions of canon typical violence, overthinking
A/N: Where my Gaz lovers at
• Actually likes the color pink, but would never reveal that about himself. He knows the others would never stop teasing him about it, especially Soap
• Has called Price dad and Laswell mom at least once in his life on accident. They weren't mad about it just a bit confused, but he felt embarrassed beyond words
• His social skills just disappear when he needs to interact with women. He's a little awkward to begin with, he tends to keep to himself around new people, but with beautiful women he literally just forgets how to speak sometimes
• Low alcohol tolerance, but not as bad as Soap. He's a happy drunk who gets very energetic and outgoing, not having anything to hold himself back. After he reaches a point though, he just starts crying and nobody knows why (probably all his pent up emotions breaking out)
• Actually good at karaoke, although he only takes it serious when drunk. He will often hum under his breath during missions though, not even noticing he's doing it
• A Britney Spears and Pitbull fan. You cannot tell me he wouldn't also listen to Michael Jackson and CupcakKe
• They also listen to Lady Gaga with Soap frequently
• A cheeky little shit when he wants to be and sometimes he has these roasting competitions with Soap. Most of the time he wins them
• He's the type to like romcoms. He just enjoys the jokes and the lighthearted fun, and deep down he's a romantic by heart
• Can outdance everyone in the team, he has mad dance skills
• Can cook a few specific dishes really well, but he's not recommended in the kitchen if it's time for a new recipe. He's quick to learn though, just needs a few tries to get it right
• That also applies to everything else, he's a quick learner (Price grumbles it must be because he's still so young)
• He's the definition of a supportive friend. Any time the guys need someone to talk to he's there, even if words fail him sometimes
• The others often tease him about being the youngest and most inexperienced, but he knows it's all jokes. They make sure to praise him for good moves all the time, and they compliment him when they can
• He's a chill dude, it's not easy to make him angry. But if something can, it's people who try to give him shit
• Takes zero shit from anyone, not even from Price for that matter. He knows what he does right and wrong, he doesn't need anyone talking smack to/about him. No one makes him do stuff he doesn't want to either
• Watches soap operas with Alejandro and Rudy, even if he needs subtitles to understand anything
• Kids love him and are naturally drawn to him. He's easy-going and looks approachable most of the time, not to mention his humor is great too. He's patient with them, so that also helps
• Around the others, he often uses self deprecating jokes though. Sometimes Price is genuinely concerned
• He can braid bracelets out of those colorful strings and he's good at crafting stuff
• Likes the Predator movies [very personal headcanon of mine, I'd like to think he would really enjoy them]
• Believes in some spiritual stuff like zodiacs, but he's not that into it honestly. He just finds them cool
• He's deathly afraid of clowns. Literally nothing else scares him more
• A hockey fan. Always argues with Price (in a friendly matter ofc) about sports
• He's always liked baseball caps and beanies, he often wears them outside of jobs too
• At first he laughed at them, but now he's just annoyed of the Lewis Hamilton jokes/comparisons
• This line of work isn't for the weak and he had to go through some shit to get where he is today. There are things he doesn't want to talk about and keeps them behind closed doors (aka his own head), but he always pushes to stay kind-hearted and supportive of his friends. When his thoughts get to him, he gets closed off and tries to solve them alone, never wanting to make others feel down
• He often overthinks things, but that mostly happens outside of missions or after them. In the heat of the moment he doesn't have time to think too much about stuff, but in a calm situation? Oh boy
• He tries not to feel guilty or frustrated about things though, usually the team can help him think about something else (if nothing else, Soap will crack a really bad joke to lift the mood up)
• Loves hearing new languages and different accents, even when he doesn't understand them. Like with most things, he learns quickly enough
• This man has style, you can't convince me otherwise. Even when he wears the simplest outfit, he's looking great
• He never dresses to impress though. He likes comfortable clothes and ones that doesn't look worn out or too out of place for wherever he's going
• His favourite ice cream flavours are chocolate, peach and probably mint or something unusual
• He loves the smell of lavender, it never fails to help him relax. It reminds him of flower fields and warm embraces for some reason
• He's the best houseguest, never goes anywhere without having something to offer (like drinks, baked goods etc)
• Prefers to spend time with multiple friends and groups of people over one-on-one time
• He can't sleep if there is any light in the room. Unfortunately on missions he can't control that, so he has a really hard time falling asleep and resting
• Loves caramel popcorn and basically anything that's caramel flavoured
• He has one of those simple phone cases, probably a dark blue or black
• The Monster INC movie used to be his favourite as a kid, along with Lion King
• Used to play FNAF with his friends and get scared shitless by the jumpscares
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sevicia · 3 months
give me the movie recs instead! scary is ok
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Under a read more cause I looove talking, and the sections are ordered by like, priority of recommendation if that makes sense ... I also tried 2 actually rank them but I am not very good @ that LOL
Personal Enjoyment ONLY!!!:
No theme besides personal enjoyment "just for fun"/not relatable edition:
The Batman - I love it I just love it. I watched it bc my sister put it on and my pen's battery had run out. I was CLUELESS
Spree - That's my attention whore wife that would kill me for views !!!!!!
Jacob's Ladder - The best fever dream anyone could ever ask for !!! Everything about this movie is perfect. And this doesn't really matter TOO much ....... BUT …….. !!!! Tim Robbins in short shorts towards the end .......... save meeeee .................
Antiviral - I rewatched this one just before writing this LOL. It made me crazy when I first saw it back in 2022 and it makes me crazy now too!! The entire movie feels cold & sterilized but it's still Completely Sexual. Syd March I know what you are. OH also I like to think Mr. Cronenberg Sir is proud of his son bc this ruuuuules
Martyrs - This is like the ultimate "can't rec it as-is" movie bc of the amount of people that are genuinely disturbed by it & don't get me wrong I am one of them!! But there's just something here that has me thinking about it so often. The violence is amazing and the feeling in my stomach is horrible every time !!
No theme besides personal enjoyment mental illness edition:
Pulse (AKA Kairo) - Extremely close to my heart, the way loneliness relates to the internet & technology in general is such an interesting topic it would be enough to make this movie stand out for anyone, but I have such a personal fondness for it because of how much I felt it understood me. In a few ways.
Pearl - IDGAF how many people have gone "just like me fr" cause I am also one of them. I don't get the whole "female rage" thing that gets mentioned a ton (on account of me being some guy), but the theme of never being able to escape a life you hate ??? Absolutely fucking terrifying & hits super hard for me specifically
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? - The RESENTMENT, the ANGER, the DESPAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It resonated w/ me a lot more in the past but not so much anymore, which is good LOL
Horror SERIOUS edition:
The Thing - certified classic I legit think everyone should watch this one at least once in their lives. The practical effects r amazing, the story is GRIPPING & many of the actors r hot. Literally what else could u ask for…..
Hellraiser - Huge DUH ….. The short story is so good too Mr. Clive Barker I owe you my life !!!!!
The House That Jack Built - Pretentious, yes! But also really fun/satisfying to watch. I've seen some people comment on this kinda movie being typical for the director? But IDK who that man is & I don't care either. Like at all.
Ringu - Just a classic. So creepy I have to hype myself up to watch it LOL
Persona - INSAAAAANE INSANE INSANE. I saw someone say it's toxic yuri which like. Yeah I think. But also it left me confused in a rly good way
Noroi: The Curse - honestly should be self-explanatory @ this point. GENUINELY scared the shit outta me
Repulsion - Also a drama (besides a horror), the way the main character's paranoia escalates is just .... haunting, I think is the word. There's some degree of irony in here, because of who the director is, that I can't really articulate.
Gorefest / not too serious:
Creep - INSANE found footage about a guy making decisions that seem questionable if not stupid to most people, but not to me. I understand him. (disclaimer that this one could also go in the prev. category ..... I don't knowwww)
Intruder - I was on a slasher kick a few years back and this was one of the better ones. The convenience store setting is so much fun & something I'd never seen before! Or since.
Rec - SOOOO anxiety inducing, there's a lot of moments where people r talking/yelling over each other & the part towards the end that explains the whole thing is just. 0_0. to me. Bc it's among the top 3 things I do NOT fuck with !!! (same disclaimer as w/ Creep).
Hostel - I actually really like this one & don't understand most of the criticisms besides the obvious misogyny. It irks me a lot that it gets called "torture porn" so often when it's just … not that bad ? As edgy as that sounds !!
Cube - go there. in the cube? go in the cube.
The Poughkeepsie Tapes - Zero excuses for this one, you just gotta embrace your shit taste sometimes
Terrifier - Separate from the 2nd one cause that one is different in more than a few ways ..... but this one is just like charming to me in a weird way. It 's fucking filthy like, visually tho cause of the abandoned building & other such things ....
Terrifier 2 - This one I also enjoyed a lot though it IS really really long, I found it fun! The whole family aspect of it I liked a lot bc fictional siblings my beloved :3 though Art's backstory is still rly muddy (4 me at least) I do think it's like, a fun silly slasher if you've got 2 hrs and a lot of patience LOL
Just fun overall!!:
ROBOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Oh my GOD I love this movie. I love this movie so much it's probably my favorite childhood movie. It's funny as fuck, really pretty AND has a good story. IK it may sound like nostalgia's involved but I just truly believe it's an amazing movie<3
Birds of Prey - This one is just a serotonin machine for me I love Harley so so muchh
Wendell & Wild - Visually insane I looove the look of this movie. It's also just rly enjoyable, I watched it multiple times at one point since it's on Netflix I think ? My mom got sick of it LOL
Bottoms - Absolutely bonkers it's such a fun movie. Gay and untalented and ugly and yet one of the most lovable movies I've ever seen ?? They need to print more of these
A Trip to Infinity - This one's actually a documentary on um. Infinity. Which is lovely because watching scientists be enthusiastic about their work and gush about it is just so good for my brain + it made me cry
The nostalgia I have 4 these ones is craaazy:
The Butterfly Effect - this was on TV SO OFTEN it was insane. I watched it so many times as a kid I always insisted on not changing the channel
The Voices - SO fun & silly I think of it so fondly .....
Paranorman - I love this movie so so much forever it's just so beautiful & funny
Zombieland - It's just fun man IDK what else to tell u
Sucker Punch - Another one that was often on TV, it's just embedded in my memory forever. I learned what a lobotomy was bc of this movie!!
These are dramas !!:
Parasite - Just watch it if u haven't. Everyone says you should watch it and they're RIGHT !!!
The Devils - I love horny church stuff so much
Let the Right One In - fucking loved this one. Freezing cold, very pretty AND probably the best vamp movie I've ever seen. Though I haven't seen a lot
Girl, Interrupted - insane behavior from the girls here but they're literally in a psych ward so who cares
These r good but I don't remember them much SOB:
The Eyes Of My Mother - this one gets called slow/boring a lot but I really don't gaf I still liked it
Wolf Creek 1 + 2
The Descent
Phenomena - The 1st game of the Clock Tower series was based on/inspired by this movie! Nothing else 2 say I just think it's cool lol
American Mary
A Clockwork Orange - I watched this nearly an entire decade ago but it goes here because of the fact that sometimes I still hear that dumb cunt Alex DeLarge go "I've suffered, and I've suffered, and I've suffered!" inside my head a lot. Also I have to mention that he did look good beaten up despite everything going on w/ him.
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I think I've mentioned before that I RP Rezo on dreamwidth sometimes, and the RP community on dreamwidth does a lot of ooc/meta chat on a second website called plurk. I keep my plurk account private (and I do not particularly recommend plurk as a site, tbh, I'm just there because it's where other people are) so. Figured I'd repost some of the stuff I've written about Rezo for the 1.5 people on tumblr who might be interested.
Here's a meta post about Rezo and Zelgadis's relationship that I wrote 9 months ago, featuring some commentary (in italics) from the Zelgadis-mun I was playing with at the time.
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Gonna ramble a bit about my take on Rezo and Zelgadis's relationship, so, uh, CW: Child/familial abuse and general dysfunctional family stuff.
This need to ramble inspired by a tumblr post I saw along the lines of "does turning your grandson into a chimera count as physical abuse."
Now idk how one would classify that because obviously nobody in the real world has been able to do such a thing. Although I'm sure there's a precedent for people doing nonconsensual medical experiments on their children, which would probably be the closest analogy?
Anyway, after a bit of thinking I kind of picture that Rezo would have been like. A mixture of psychologically abusive and neglectful.
wrt the neglect I also think a lot of it would have been cultural- like WE'D consider a guy letting the teenager in his care go on dangerous raids against bandits to be a blatant act of supervisory neglect but in the Slayers 'verse nobody really bats an eye at Lina, the teenage protagonist, going around getting into zany adventures.
And this is headcanon but I imagine Rezo started working as a healer at a similar age. So if anyone called him out on that he'd just be ???? and think they were like. Smotheringly overprotective.
But based on the way we see flashback!Zelgadis behaving, I do think Rezo was generally pretty good to him as a kid. I can see him being distant, and/or leaving a lot of Zelgadis's actual care up to other people, but I don't think he hit Zel or insulted him or anything like that.
I think the abuse started very suddenly and rapidly got worse, basically.
Basically, imagine you've been raised by your grandfather. He runs a nonprofit and is very busy with it, so he isn't around as much as you'd like, but he's always been kind to you and you also know the people he works with and they're always kind to you as well, and life is generally okay.
But then when you're fifteen he drugs you out of nowhere and you wake up missing a kidney, and after that he just keeps getting colder and more distant and starts getting involved in crime and makes you help him out and it all comes to a head a few years later when somebody finally fucking shoots him.
And then you're just left there like ????? well i'm gonna need a fuckton of therapy after all that.
Also, as Zelgadis's player, the fact that it was a revelation made him wonder how much of Rezo's prior actions were less about 'I love my grandson' or 'I have an obligation to this kid' and more 'I have a hidden agenda'.
Yeah, it's a wonder Zel is capable of trusting anyone at all after that happened. I imagine there might have been warning signs that Something Is Wrong With Rezo but 1) Rezo was doing his level best to hide them, and 2) Zel was a kid, not fuckin' Psychologist Sherlock Holmes, so from Zel's perspective it came entirely out of nowhere.
I mean, I assume it's why he stuck with Rezo because you get the sense that he honestly didn't believe anyone else would believe him over Rezo. He was shocked Zolf and Rodimus sided with him when he did defect
Yeah, I can imagine that the adults Rezo was interacting with were more "Hmmm" about him, it just kind of varied on where they went with that "Hmmm"
I think Zolf and Rodimus probably went "Wow okay so he's ACTUALLY a bastard" especially after he cursed Zel, whereas Eris went "oh no...... poor little meow meow......."
i do not know what to conclude about dilgear and noonsa although it is interesting to me that they're both nonhumans.
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