#and how the only way she can tolerate him is to ignore everything he says
In my autistic opinion, people who think that media literacy is a cure all to misunderstandings forget that a story is a two way conversation and the onus is on the storyteller to communicate in a way their reader will hear. If someone has to read your mind to understand your story, that’s poor writing.
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bountydroid · 1 month
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Request: Can I please request a Cooper x Fem reader comfort angst romance where the sweet reader is infatuated with Cooper (she has a thing for older men)The sweet reader is always doing unnecessary favors for him, like secretly giving him discounts on rad away and supplies, taking care of dog meat, and getting him information on bounties. Until he brings along Lucy, misunderstanding the whole situation, the reader’s heart breaks thinking the worst and slowly stops trying and acting cold and distant, making Cooper notice that the only tolerable person he has ever known in this god forsaken world is ignoring him. (Feel free to add or change anything just pls feed into my delusions😭 I just want some hardcore romance with our cowboy) Also can u pls add that the reader also has a cute southern accent?
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader
Description: As a wandering trader, you've made a lot of strange friends. Among them, Ghouls, but there is one in particular that is your favorite.
Notes: I hope I did this justice for you anon!
The Wasteland was brutal, and even you knew it was a bad idea to trek it alone, but you had a job to do. However, as you found yourself in front of your old friend Roger's home you felt like the Wastelands weren't all that bad.
"My name.. is Roger." You heard him repeating between snarls.
You stopped in your tracks outside the door. "He's turning," You thought to yourself as you rummaged through your pack looking for any vials of Radaway. You were all out. Sighing, you put your hand on your holster before slowly making your way inside to check on your friend.
"Rog?" You ask as you round the corner to find him sitting in the dirt.
"Oh hey," he said relieved. "My savior. Do you have any vials"
"I don't have any, Rog." You replied sadly.
"Oh." He whispered. "You should probably get out of here then. It's not safe for little girls like you to be in the Wastelands alone." He said sadly, leaving out the bit you both knew, you weren't safe with HIM alone. 
Before you could respond, you heard quiet footsteps down the corridor. "Who else is here?" You thought to yourself as your hand went back to your holster. Peaking your head around the corner you find none other than Cooper Howard and... a vaultie? You did very little to hide the confusion on your face as you looked between the two.
"Hey, you." You said to Cooper. "What are you doing here?"
"Could ask you the same thing, sweetheart." He responds, pushing the vaultie through the doorway and making his way to Roger.
"Hey Rog," Cooper greets him.
"Hey. Hey." Rogers laughs, relieved to see his friend. "Fancy seeing you here. You out for that bounty, too, huh?"
"Yep," Cooper responds as he knelt in front of his friend.
You all stand there in silence for a bit, listening to Roger snarl and whip his head around. 
"Oh, shit," Roger says between wails.
"How you feeling?" Cooper asks quietly, already knowing the answer.
"Oh.. you know," Roger replied. "It's hard out here. Dang smoothies can be so unkind. I see you got a smoothie of your own." He says as he looks over at the vaultie.
You also turn to look at the vaultie, a look of displeasure on your face. "A smoothie of your own." Repeating over and over in your head. You wanted to be his smoothie. You and Cooper never really started a relationship, but you thought you were heading in that direction. You gave him a generous discount on Radaway since you developed a little crush on him, and he would always spend more time than necessary with you whenever you crossed paths. He was always fussing after you and was always telling you how you were too reckless. In his eyes, everything was too dangerous for you. He knew how you felt about him, and you THOUGHT you knew how he felt about you, but this vaultie threw a wrench in everything. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he doesn't like me." You thought to yourself while eyeing her up. You were so lost in thought that you could barely hear Roger snarling next to you. 
"You're turning," Cooper says reluctantly, his voice pulling you from your thoughts.
"Yeah maybe, maybe." Roger says on the verge of tears, "Maybe. Hey, you don't happen to have any vials, do you? Y/n is all out."
Cooper's eyes met yours as you nodded your head sadly.
"Just one little puff and I'll be back on my feet. You know I'm good for it." Roger pleaded.
"I'm sorry Roger I am all out," Cooper says, looking back toward his friend.
"That's okay. That's okay." Roger mumbles. "Though, um, you and y/n and your smooth-faced friend, you um... you might want to clear out before things get ugly."
You flinch as you hear Roger snarl again, each time he was getting louder and louder. You look down at your feet with tears in your eyes.
"I did okay. 28 years since I first started showing," Roger said looking between you and Cooper, before snarling again. "Oh, hell! Not as long as you though." He pointed proudly at Cooper, "You've outlasted us all. How long since you first started Wastelanding?"
"A long time," Cooper responds while shaking his head.
"That's a lot of vials," Roger said quietly.
"Well I've always been good at making money, Roger." Cooper exhales as he stands up. "Say, you remember how good food used to taste?"
"Yeah, BlamCo Mac and Cheese!" Roger says excitedly.
"Ice Cream and Apple Pie." Cooper countered.
Roger laughed, a real laugh. He was happy. "Apple Pie is not nearly as sweet as young Y/n's southern accent though." He says smiling up at you. "You know, my mom used to -"
Before you knew what happened, Roger's brains were all over the wall. You looked up at Cooper with tears in your eyes. You knew it had to be done. You knew it was mercy, but it still hurt. 
"Why did you do that?" The vaultie asked. "He was sick."
"He wasn't gonna get better." You responded dryly.
"You usually don't go all the way out here sweetheart, not on your own. What are you up to?" Cooper asks you as he picks up Roger's body and places it in a position where he easily access what he needs.
You don't respond. Between the jealousy brewing in your stomach at the vaultie next to you and the sadness about Roger, you couldn't find the words you wanted to say. 
"Stop. Stop Stop." The vaultie pleaded, "Please, I know it's hard out here but you don't, you don't have, you don't have to resort to... to..."
Before he could respond you quickly made your way out of the building for some fresh air. You could hear their voices inside, but you decided to drown them out by humming to yourself. You didn't need to see him take apart Roger, and you definitely couldn't stand the sound of her voice any longer. You knew you should get walking, you were low on supplies and they would be leaving the building soon. You didn't want to face them again, but it felt like there were bricks in your boots. As exhaustion hit you, you sat down in the sand and closed your eyes, losing track of time.
"Hey," You hear Cooper say as he puts his hand on your shoulder. "You good, sweetheart?"
'Fine." You mumbled out. "You and your smoothie should get going." The venom in your voice was loud and clear, but you didn't care.
"That's what got ya panties in a bunch?" Cooper laughed. 
You glared up at him in response. "Don't laugh at me, Cooper."
"I am taking her to SuperDuperMart. Not keepin’ her as a pet.” Cooper smiles as he offers you his hand. 
"Oh," You responded quietly, feeling stupid.
"What is SuperDuperMart?" You heard the vaultie ask, but the two of you completely ignored her.
"No one could ever replace you, sweetheart," Cooper says as he cups your face. 
You couldn't help the smile that graced your face at his words, and the blush that creeped up your neck.
He smiled when he noticed the way your eyes flickered towards his lips. 
"When I get my hands on some Radaway, I'll show you just how much you mean to me." You whispered.
"Lookin' forward to it." He whispered back.
The two of you were so caught up in each other that you didn't even notice the look of pure disgust on the vaultie's face as she watched your interaction. Some people may never understand why you like Cooper so much, but honestly? You couldn't give a damn.
Tag list: @sitkafay
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oneshotnewbie · 7 months
Emily PrentissxJennifer JareauxReader:
The reader is working for the BAU and has a really bad migraine (She has chronic migraines but didn't tell anyone). She is really mad and distant toward her friends (you can include the boys too but make me girls main please) and they notice it and have a little intervention with her. After that a lot of fluff where Emily and JJ care for her
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Authors note: Unfortunately I don´t have an Emily Prentiss x Daughter reader story, but I have added a new one to write. Until then, there is only one Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau x Reader story from me today
You could say that you were a person with enormous stamina and a high tolerance level. Something that was a must for anyone who worked as a Supervisory Special Agent for the Behavioral Analysis Unit and under Aaron Hotch. Many people admired you for not jumping off the next cliff under the unbearable circumstances of this job.
And you yourself sometimes admired your own achievements. But everyone had their limits and it was a recurring thing that happened during your work hours. You ignored the first triggers. You exceeded your physical limits and your migraine appeared.
You could have guessed it when you got back on the plane from Oxford. The terrible serial killer and the panic it caused in the city, the fact that he had abused and murdered seven women. This case had taken more of a toll on you than you would have liked and you tried to deal with your problems in your own way. Which meant you threw yourself into the work, no matter how mundane every clue was and no matter what wall you hit.
“Y/n, maybe you should take a break?” begged Emily, noticing that you were doing everything you could to get Oxford out of your bones as quickly as possible. You, however, waved her off without saying a word and continued to stare at the white board on which every clue was hanging. "Do not need a break, I am fine." The black-haired went along with it, stayed by your side and tolerated your moods even when they drove her crazy.
Non-stop, without a break and with lack of sleep and malnutrition, you battled the nagging headaches and mild nausea. You became more and more tired, yawned and became increasingly sensitive to the loud noises of the office. Something you could tolerate skillfully. But Emily and your colleagues not.
You clearly knew you were on the verge of a migraine when you started seeing visual symptoms of a migraine aura. Your vision became distorted, sometimes weaker, sometimes sharper. For a few minutes you only saw white in your left eye, but you kept going, not giving yourself a break. You knew that no other woman could die because of you.
Hour after hour you were exhausted and just trudged from the office to the coffee machine. With a nasty headache and feeling like you might throw up, you swallowed it all and sat down on a chair while Penelope talked loudly to Derek. You felt like your head was going to explode at any moment from their voices. "Could you PLEASE shut up or at least go to another room to flirt with each other?" you huffed and massaged your temples, their sighs ringing like a hurricane in your ears. "Some people want to work here."
"Babygirl, are you okay?" he asked, surprised at your momentary outburst. He had never been allowed to see you like this, you had never snapped at him. A sharp pain shot through your temples and you hastily stood up. "Hey, cutie pie? What is going on?" the technical analyst also chimed in and waited for any kind of answer.
"I am fine, just leave me alone." your words came out of your mouth hastily and probably slurred, but you did not care. You had to go to the toilet immediately. Without turning around again, you quickly walked out of the office and stumbled in the direction you were heading. Every time you made contact with the ground, the headache got worse and you begged not to throw up on the way. You saw distorted vision in your right eye while small white flashes danced in front of it.
Rushing into the bathroom, you stood in front of the sink, panting and swallowing convulsively. Having migraines was terrible and right now you could not use one. You sighed in relief when you did not throw up, as long as you did not, it was not all that bad.
Loud footsteps sounded outside the door and a knock made your head explode. “Oh, y/n.” A rough voice spoke and you looked in the mirror. Emily and JJ had pushed through the door one after the other and were now standing with their backs to you, their arms crossed over their chests. Furthermore, you paid attention to your reflection in the mirror, which said that any idiot could see that a corpse in pathology looked healthier than you. So did the trained agents on your team. "What is wrong?"
You did not even hear half of the sentence, the second word was the end of it. You ran into one of the stables, fell to your knees and managed to bend over the toilet just in time. You squeezed your eyes shut as tears streamed down your cheeks and you threw up violently. “y/n?” the blondes voice had an worried undertone and you did not notice her standing strictly behind you. The next thing you felt were cool hands on your neck and shoulders.
Jerking away from the touch, leaning your head back against the wall as you pulled your knees into your body. You tried to block so many sounds and other sensations from your body, while only this crushing and throbbing pain existed in your head.
Once again you felt cold hands on your skin and everything in you protested as they helped him to his feet, an arm was placed around your shoulder and led you out of the bathroom and through the hallway. Soon your face made contact with a pillow and a relieved sigh rolled past your lips. You did not know where you were, just that it was quiet. Still, your currently oversensitive ears heard Hotch appearing to be talking to Emily, JJ, and the rest of the group. "No, we have no idea what is going on."
“Did you ask her?”
"We tried, but we got no response." at some point there was an angry snort at the blonde's answer and there were more footsteps in front of the door. The squeaking sound echoed through your head, pounding inside before the space on the couch shrank and a shadow appeared in front of you. "Sweetie, cards on the table. Tell us what is going on?"
The voice of the of the blonde was painful, yet it was strangely comforting to hear a familiar and loving voice. Still, you flinched violently as something cool was brushed onto your forehead. The nausea slowly subsided. "Chronic migraines since adolescence. But not so severe for a while."
Long fingers tugged at the disheveled and stray strands of hair on your face before she stood up again and walked to the windows. The room darkened, blinds closed and you moaned pleasantly. After making a trip to the door, she told the expected teammates what you had told her. You only heard a quiet "I will stay with her, but someone has to get me the medication out of my bag," before the door closed quietly and she sat down on the office chair, looking over you thoughtfully.
JJ waited for Emily to come back with some things and watched you laying there in pain, exhausted and completely distracted by the thunder in your head, trying to be as silent as she could. A few minutes later, the door opened again. You saw Emily through squinted eyes and spotted a bucket in her hand, a bowl of water, wipes under her arms and a large disposable syringe.
"What do you want to inject into me?" you asked surprised and a little frightened by the size of the abnormally large syringe. The blonde knelt down in front of you, pulling up your sweater and waiting for the black-haired one to hand it over. "Metoclopramide,"
"How do you know what to inject into me and where did you get it from?"
"You are not the only one who gets migraines. I used to get them often enough and since then I have always had an injection with me to protect myself from them in case they happen again." she frowned and laughed quietly. You nodded in acceptance and there was a moment of silence before a hot, stabbing pain shot through your lower torso and you cried out. "That hurts!"
Emily sat on the armrest and slipped her fingers between your own. You squeezed it tightly and she hoped to take the temporary pain away from you. "Why did not you tell us?" the black-haired asked sadly you huffed through gritted teeth. "I did not want to be a burden to you. I did not want to seem weak," you replied, shrugging.
"It was stupid of you not to say anything. At least to JJ or me." She paused briefly and you raised your head in confusion before nodding in understanding and looking over at the blonde. With a half-smile, she placed a band-aid on the wound and placed a thin blanket over your legs. "Okay. Next time I will let you know, I promise."
They both nodded and stood up. While JJ was putting away the trash, Emily leaned over and gave you a gentle kiss on the top of your head before she disappeared out of the door. "I will make you some tea,"
"You never make tea."
"I will do it today for a very special and stubborn person." She spoke in a whisper, winking at you. You laughed quietly and already felt a million times better than you did a few minutes ago. With a yawn, you sank deeper into the pillow and watched as the blonde turned on a small lamp at the desk in the dark room so she could continue working. "Thanks,"
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headkiss · 1 year
Peter dealing with a reader who has a bad migraine and having to ask the others how to help because they’ve dealt with it before ☹️ scared of hurting her more but also scared of not being caring enough
hiii tysm for requesting!!! it’s a teeny bit different but i hope u like it all the same <33 | 0.7k of fluff
You and Peter have this unspoken agreement anytime there’s a need for partners in class. Your eyes searching for his, his already on you when you find them.
Then, you’ll go to one of your houses and start as soon as possible. It’s easy to work with him. He’s smart (like, insanely smart), kind, and you’d like to think you’re friends. It’s difficult not to get distracted by him. His soft eyes, messy hair, shy smile.
Even so, you’d rather be partners with him than anyone else.
You’re sitting at the small, round kitchen table in your apartment with him, textbooks spread out, pencils scratching against your notebooks. It’s a comfortable silence, a practiced routine that makes you not mind homework so much.
When you peek up at him, he’s bent close to his page, hair falling over his forehead. You hold your pencil tighter to stop yourself from reaching out and touching him. You look back down quickly.
As time goes on, it’s not him that distracts you so much today. Instead, it’s a pressure in your head, a pounding that’s getting louder and louder and harder to ignore. Having to look so closely at words on paper isn’t helping, and it isn’t long before you drop the pencil onto the table and rest your forehead on the cool wood of the table.
Peter notices something’s wrong. He’s always been good at that, now more than ever.
“You okay, bug?” He asks, and you think his voice is the only one you’d tolerate right now.
“Headache,” you mumble.
“You get them a lot?” Peter abandons his work, too, and leans over to brush his hand over your arm.
“Yeah, sometimes. Just give me a minute, and we can keep going.”
He shakes his head, “we’ll do it another day. What can I do to help?”
“There’s some meds in the bathroom. Behind the mirror. The blue label.”
Just like that, the warmth of his hand, of his presence, leaves you. It makes the pain a little worse, him being gone, like his touch was enough to help.
Peter worries easily, and when it comes to you, it’s only worse. He looks through the cabinet and finds what he thinks you wanted him to grab, but he feels like he should be helping more, he wants to help more.
He pulls his phone from his pocket and dials Aunt May’s number.
“Peter, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just, um, what do you do when someone has a migraine?”
“Is your head hurting? You can come home and-”
“No,” he stops her. “Not mine.”
She knows he’s with you, and though he’s never told her outright, May also knows that he likes you. A lot.It’s pretty obvious with how often he talks about you, with how his face sort of lights up when he does.
“Ohhh,” she hums in understanding. He can’t see it, but she’s smiling on her side of the phone. “I see. Turning off the lights helps, and a cool towel on the face or neck.”
“Thanks, May.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
He hangs up and hopes he didn’t keep you waiting for long. It’s just, he’s afraid that he might hurt you, that he might make things worse and that’s the last thing he’d want. So, he had to make sure he knew how to help.
You’re sitting in the same chair, but your head’s no longer resting on the table. You’re sitting up with your eyes squinted, trying to block out the light a little.
“Here, bug,” Peter says quietly, handing you the small bottle.
“Thank you, Peter. You don’t have to stay, by the way.”
“I’d like to stay. If that’s alright?”
It’s embarrassing to be seen all weak, but Peter is nothing but gentle with you. He keeps his voice quiet like he doesn’t want to irritate you. You decide you’d rather spend more time with him than not.
“Yeah, that’s okay.”
You’ve ended up on the couch, the lights off and the apartment silent besides the sounds of Peter moving about.
He comes back with a small towel in hand, sitting next to you and guiding your head onto his shoulder. Slowly, he lifts his arm to press the towel against your forehead, and he keeps it there for you.
“This okay?” He asks.
“Yeah. Feels nice.”
It could be the towel, or the meds, or it could just be him, but you feel better and better by the minute.
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drpoisonoaky · 4 months
Therapy homework, fire siblings edition
Azula and Zuko have to share moments from their childhood in order to heal their relationship (therapy homework), even as they are there for each other.
In my own personal Azula’s redemption arc, Zuko is there helping her sister in the same way he got help.
So they talk about everything because they’re healing and they need to do it.
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[Turtle ducks]
Zuko: I think those two are playing together.
Azula: Or they’re fighting to decide who will become the Turtle Lord.
Zuko: Don’t project your trauma onto turtle ducks. 
Azula: I was not. It’s a very real and possible situation in the turtle duck world.
Zuko: I am going to ignore that because I was wondering why you hate them.
Azula: I don’t hate them.
Zuko: You threw rocks at them every time we were here.
Zuko: What?
Azula: That we never included me, you know? It was more like “Mom and Zuko and, oh, Azula is here”.
Azula: So I guess I want my mother to give me attention, and my child brain said “Let’s make chaos”.
Zuko: Oh… I’m sorry I…I never thought about it that way.
Azula: Don’t punish yourself Zuzu. We were children. It wasn’t your job.
Zuko: But now we can feed them together, right? No rocks, only bread.
Azula: You really are a softie. It’s annoying.
Zuko: Let’s take the bread.
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Zuko: Do you want kids?
Azula: Not really. You do?
Zuko: One. Only one.
Azula: Did I traumatize you Zuzu?
Zuko: Yes, but no. If I had a kid, I want to focus on them, giving them all of my love and support. Being the Firelord and doing that for more than one child it’s impossible.
Azula: Oh, you really think about this… I hate to say it, but you would be a great dad.
Zuko: Thanks. I appreciate it. Why don't you?
Azula: First of all, it would have to be adopted, so the kid comes with baggage. And with my baggage, I probably couldn’t be there as much as the kid needs. It’s not fair to them. I can’t put the happiness of some child behind my own selfishness.
Zuko: Cool aunt?
Azula: I’m going to spoil your child so much that they’ll be as insufferable as you are.
Zuko: Of course you will.
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[Fire resistance]
Katara: Hey firebenders, I have a question. Do you really resist fire better by nature or…?
Azula: Yes and no. 
Zuko: I mean, look at my face. 
Katara: That’s why I’m asking. Why do you resist less than ‘Zula? I swear she could be on fire and not notice.
Azula: We didn’t have the same training. Mother stopped Ozai a lot for the both of us. But when she was gone…
Zuko: I was banished when he started his fire resistance methods…
Katara: but ‘Zula don’t.
Azula: I was burned every day in every place except the face. Well, you saw the marks.
Sokka: Why not the face?
Suki: Don’t be rude.
Azula: It was because I was a princess after all, and you know we had to be pretty and perfect.
Katara: And how do you get high pain tolerance from that?
Azula: I guess some nerves died along the way or maybe my brain learned to ignore that kind of pain…I don’t know. 
Azula: I hate him, but in battle it’s really useful. But yeah, don’t try it at home, kids.
Sokka: So if we try to burn your fac-
Katara: Don’t you dare, asshole.
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Katara: Did they cry much when they were babies?
Azula: I bet Zuzu was insufferable.
Zuko: I was a pretty nice baby.
Ursa: You were nice, but you cried a lot.
Azula: See.
Ursa: And you weren't nice at all, young lady. But truth to be told, she didn’t cry.
Zuko: Lack of emotions, I see.
Azula: Not dumbass, it was for the balance between you and me.
Katara: She didn’t cry at all? What would happen if she was hungry or hurt herself?
Ursa: She just waited.
Azula: Of course I did that, crying change nothing. Plus, it wasn’t allowed.
Zuko: What do you mean?
Azula: Oh right, that was one of the points of our “educational differences”.
Ursa: Azula?
Katara: Azula?
Azula: Fine.
Azula: Father didn’t really like the tears. He said that water isn’t something that should exist around a firebender. So I didn’t cry.
Katara: …but what if you did by any chance?
Azula, smiling sadly: He turned into my personal dryer. Goodbye tears.
Ursa: *gasp* But when you were a child he neve-
Azula: Don’t worry mother… It's not your fault.
Zuko: We should try to cry together anytime you want. As a therapy exercise, of course.
Azula: I-…thanks Zuzu.
Katara: And I hope he knows that you are around water all the time and he can’t do shit.
Azula: Of course master Katara, best master water bender of all times.
Zuko: Mom, we should go. They had started their own weird flirting thing.
Katara: What are you waiting for? Keep going.
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Aang: I know It’s none of my business, but I was wondering why some compliments make you look awkward but on the opposite sides. *Points at Azula and Zuko*
Zuko: What do you mean?
Aang: Like Azula takes it so well when we say something nice about her bending or her looks but she’s weird when it’s not about that. And you get so weird when we compliment your looks or your bending. Like a yin and yang kinda thing.
Azula: Easy. I was praised for everything Zuko isn’t.
Aang: What do you mean?
Azula: I’m a prodigy and a princess. Being an excellent firebender and looking pretty at the same time is or was my job. Zuzu is a mediocre firebender, under Father’s eyes, and he burned half of his face. 
Zuko: And ‘Zula never was praised for being anything else. 
Aang: But that’s awful.
Azula: I didn’t need to be anything apart from that, Zuko was banished. That’s life.
Sokka: No, it’s not. Your father it’s a piece of shit.
Katara: And I hope we never see him again. No offense.
Azula and Zuko: None taken.
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[Giving Affection]
Katara, fidgeting with the hem of her tunic: I don’t know if it’s awkward to ask you that.
Zuko: …Go on.
Katara: Okay, so when you get out of the fire nation. Do you flinch?
Zuko: …Did I flinch?
Katara: General affection. 
Zuko: Not really. My mother used to hug me a lot and you know Iroh. 
Katara: …and who hugged Azula?
Zuko: Mom before disappearing, I guess? Me on some special days. I don’t know if our father ever did that.
Azula: Neither of them. Did you go to Zuzu to get information about me? 
Katara: I want to know “your background” from another point of view.
Azula: I hate that that is a logical move. But to answer that, maybe Ty Lee was the only one. And you know Mai.
Zuko: Didn’t Mom hug you?
Azula: Do you remember that little detail that mother hated me? 
Zuko: She didn’t ha-
Azula: Don’t. Please. We already passed that point.
Katara: So it’s decided.
Azula: What?
Katara: I’m now your personal koala, whether you want it or not. Come here.
Azula: But you do more things…
Zuko: And that’s my cue to get out of here.
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Aang: Wait, really, you know it all?
Azula: Of course, it was part of my education. I need to know history, especially anything related to war, but knowledge is knowledge.
Aang: But Zuko didn’t know anything about the Air Nomads' history.
Azula: We didn’t have the same education.
Zuko: Basically because Azula is a nerd.
Azula: Excuse me.
Zuko: After you did your homework, you started to read about everything, especially history. That’s why.
Aang: So she's more prepared than you.
Azula: I am. While Zuzu cried, I trained or focused on my studies. Time is gold in war.
Katara: You didn’t rest?
Azula: Not really, but sometimes I needed to rest in order to continue. 
Zuko: No you don’t. You can’t count that as resting. 
Aang: What, why?
Zuko: It’s not my call. Sorry. But you should explain it ‘Zula.
Katara: Azula?
Azula: What Zuzu means is that the “rest days” weren’t really optional.
Aang: Oh, they force you to rest?
Azula: Not exactly…I have to rest because I couldn’t move. Training wasn’t always…educational.
Zuko: Call it what it was. That shitty excuse of man made us fight against him and beat us until we faint.
Aang: Spirits.
Zuko: And I guess me being gone didn’t make him less reckless…
Azula: Quite the opposite…that’s why learning was fun. 
Azula: But anyways Zuzu you should learn that so from now on I’m going to teach you history, physics and math. Be aware.
Zuko: Only if we take rest days. Real ones.
Azula: Don’t be lazy.
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[Wake up time]
Katara: I can’t beat Azula.
Sokka: But you did remember…Oh, spirits, don’t tell me is a dirty-
Katara: NO. 
Katara: Also not in that way, dummy. I can’t get up earlier than her. It's like every time I wake up early and say “Wow, today I really got up early” she’s already awake and meditating or something. 
Ty lee: I tried for a week. Then I got tired.
Mai: It’s a losing battle. You can’t beat them.
Katara: Wait, does Zuko also wake up early?
Mai: Every day, like if he makes the sun or something.
Azula, arriving from sparring with Zuko: Talking behind my back isn’t new, but still hurts a little. 
Zuko: Same.
Katara: Why do you wake up so early? Both of you.
Azula, raising an eyebrow: Why do you ask?
Zuko: Why do you wake up so late? 
Katara: Don’t answer a question with a question. Both of you don’t know the concept of oversleeping or even slacking. Why?
Zuko: What are you ta-…Oh. 
Zuko: Lala, do you remember the “If you wake up after the sun…
Azula: …how do you pretend to use his flames”. 
Katara: Oh no.
Ty lee: That jerk.
Zuko: So we have to stop.
Azula: I’m going to knock myself out every morning, I swear. 
Zuko: Same.
Katara: Or instead of me waking up next to my unconscious girlfriend, you could try not getting out of bed.
Zuko: You mean stay in bed until the sun is up so we can train later?
Katara: I mean yeah. At least until you wake up like a regular human being.
Sokka: But that would imply they are regular human beings and we-AH STOP.
Azula, shooting little lightning at him: Sorry what?
Zuko, burning his butt: We are having difficulties hearing you.
Katara, ignoring Sokka and talking to Mai and Ty lee: So you two also like to wake up late?
Sokka: KATARA.
Ty lee: Yes, but it doesn’t fit the Kyoshi Warriors’ lifestyle. And that makes Suki angry with me, a lot.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
I like Hiccstrid...but I have issues
So I watched How to Train Your Dragon about a month ago and I absolutely loved it! So much so that before I took the time to watch the other two movies, I basically know the plots for the remaining movies from all the fanfiction, Youtube videos and Tumblr posts I have read about it lol. I know I have issues when it comes to consuming media properly :). I still intend to watch the movies...I hope.
Anyway, I liked Astrid's character in HTTYD 1. She was a fully fleshed-out character and besides her opening scene, she never felt like a love interest character for the majority of the movie. She was the perfect Viking, everything Hiccup was not. She was pretty (because what love interest is not pretty **roll my eyes**) but she was angry and violent. She was perfect...until the romantic flight scene. When I watched the movie, I enjoyed the sequence and I found Astrid cute but the entire scene just felt kind of forced. And it marked the beginning of my issues with Hiccstrid, as much as I still found the couple enjoyable at the end of the film.
Astrid's bullying was not resolved properly
Astrid never bullied Hiccup the way the others like Snotlout did, but she was still complicit in Hiccup's ostracization. It's obvious she does not like him or have any fondness for him. However, at no point does she apologize or express any remorse for hurting him in the movie. She just suddenly likes him after one (amazing) flight? Hiccup just moves on from her ignoring his existence like that? No reconciliation??
Astrid's punching Hiccup is not sweet
As I have mentioned before in other posts, I find the trope of a female character expressing her love for a guy through violence to be disgusting. The only fictional couples I tolerate this are Jimmy/Cindy (Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius) and Helga/Arnold (Hey Arnold!). I don't mind Jimmy/Cindy because their fights tend to be verbal and argumentative in nature and Jimmy gives as good as he gets from Cindy. They both get a kick from riling each other up, Cindy a bit more than Jimmy. I don't know the Hey Arnold! show very well but I understand why Helga acts the way she does and Arnold is allowed to be angry when she hurts him. When she is truly being romantic and sweet with Arnold she does not hit him. She seems to mainly torment him when she is upholding her mask to hide her feelings. You can say that this is the case for Astrid too. She grew up as a Viking and Viking culture is violent. However, I hate that we are meant to see her hitting Hiccup as part of her love language. It would be fine if it were Tuffnut or Snotlout but Hiccup is not like other Vikings. He is a gentle person and he is not tough like his other counterparts. Astrid's hits hurt him and he expresses obvious pain. But Astrid gives him a follow-up kiss after each punch so it's all good? Not for me.
Hiccstrid felt kind of shallow
I think the relationship felt rushed. Astrid went from disdain to crushing way too quickly. It's like they missed a step in the relationship: friendship. The romantic flight scene should be the starting point where she reconsiders her opinion on Hiccup and maybe after a few more dragon training sessions she would appreciate Hiccup's growth. Maybe her ice queen character thaws over time as she gets to know Hiccup better in training. She laughs at his sarcastic quips. Maybe she begins to sit with him at meal times away from the others. Just small stuff to show their deepening friendship. However, Hiccstrid was not given this development because like many other action type movies the romantic relationship is given the backburner which leads to my final issue.
Hicctrid was not needed
I mentioned earlier that Astrid was not treated like a love interest until like halfway through the movie when we saw the romantic flight scene. Hiccup does not even spend time beyond the opening scene expressing attraction towards her. You can easily forget he has a crush on her. Because ultimately romance was not needed in this story. At all. When you really think about it, what did Astrid contribute to Hiccup and Toothless' story? What does Hiccup and Astrid's relationship contribute to the story? Astrid could have given the pep talk and helped rally the other teens to help Hiccup as a FRIEND, not a love interest. But of course, when the guy becomes a hero and saves the day he needs to get the girl of his dreams at the end. It would have been nice if the first movie focused on developing the Hiccstrid friendship and then developed the romance in the second movie, wrapping it up with their marriage in the third.
Anyway, this is not to say I HATE Hiccstrid. I still need to watch the other two movies before I can truly say whether this couple is truly couples' goals as many people claim. I think they look amazing together and they seem to have great chemistry in HTTYD 2. I think they complement each other in theory and Astrid would be a great help in helping Hiccup lead as chief when the time comes. But I don't love it enough to read fanfiction or watch many Youtube edits about them and at this point, I sometimes find Hiccstrid annoying to see in my fanfics unless it addresses my problems with the development of the relationship.
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cherryfennec · 4 months
Bad End AU lore question, do the other know that Super Dimentio is both Luigi and Dimentio?
If they do, can they tell who's in control? And how do they feel about them/what's their dynamic? I'm guessing Bowser prefers Luigi just because of how annoying the clown is
I'm also really curious about the Shadow Queen, is it like Super Dimentio with the queen never letting Peach take control, or is Peach completely dormant since it's possession and not a fusion? (If i remember the game correctly)
And how does Luigi feel about it? Having to hang out with an enemy wearing his friend's face?
This is going to be a long one, so long I've put it under 'read more'. Alright, here goes!
1. For a while no, they don't know!
When they initially meet, Shadow Queen literally has no idea who this is, she does recognise the poncho though. The only thing that's clear to her then and there is that this person is connected to the thief, she just doesn't know exactly how yet. However Bowser does recognise the mustache and the hat, saying it's the brother of his old enemy who's named Luigi.
And that's how it kind of stays for a while. They know him as just Luigi.
Soon enough the weird behaviour rears it's head. He starts talking to seemingly himself, changing expressions and voice tone, contrasting the one before, on the spot during discussions, tolerating something and then suddenly acting malicious towards it. Fighting with himself even, you'd be just doing something and he appears for a split second slamming himself against the wall then vanishing.
Peach certainly figures out what's going on. From there forward she manages to overhear Dimentios name and also confirms that the thief still has the Chaos Heart. While Bowser is aware of the strange behaviour and everything he can't quite name why it happens. He explains it to himself as the brother simply going crazy after the disappearance of Mario.
2. There are two ways to tell who's in control at the moment. The first one is what helps the most often.
Body language. Observation is key, and luckily for others Luigis and Dimentios old habits die hard.
Dimentio is loud spoken and likes to make jabs at others. His tone is most often sly, which also shows on his face with a sharp grin and squinted eyes. His gestures are more elegant alongside the general way he moves. He still prefers floating to walking and uses magic for the smallest of inconveniences. If any of these traits are present it's most likely Dimentio that you're looking at!
Luigi's more soft spoken and doesn't speak in 'riddles'. He tends to have his eyes fully open and his expressions, like his smile, are generally less exaggerated. He's the type to walk and jump everywhere, not relying on magic because he 1.never needed it before and 2. still perfectly can't use it. He tends to hunch over and has a tendency to trip. If you're not being currently insulted and belittled in the weirdest way imaginable, congrats! You're talking to Luigi!
This isn't always very reliable buuuut sometimes this can happen:
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The default tint of the eyes is blue, either it's Luigi specifically or they're acting in mutual agreement it remains that way. However when it's more of Dimentio speaking there's a chance for this hue to alter. As I mentioned this is a bit unreliable because it's already hard to notice in the first place since its such a slight difference and lighting can mess with how it appears.
3. Peach likes to exploit others for her gain, and she quickly learns that getting something from this one won't be easy. Trying to trick a trickster such as Dimentio seems like an impossible task, a raccoon and fox trying to fool eachother basically deal. That leaves Luigi but guess what, not that much better with him either. The 'brother of a fallen hero' is smarter than he looks, albeit a little more open minded to small suggestions. She overall has a slight preference towards Dimentio though, she finds him very fascinating. And that's exactly why he tries to ignore her when he can pfff
Bowser definitely prefers when Luigi acts like y'know, Luigi. Just like you said, he finds the other one annoying. Bowsers relationship with Luigi is overall weird, while he's very irritated by the clowns antics and wouldn't mind shutting him up for good, he can't help but feel some sort of sympathy. These two have a bit of history, whether it be direct or more because of Mario, and it just might be enough to make Bowser not absolutely despise him and have at least a smidge of patience and understanding.
4. As you mentioned yes it's possession, and not a fusion. Peach's mind, unlike Luigis, is dormant. Some of her behaviours can shine through but it's mostly remnants. If you're curious I'll just say it as a fun fact: if you managed to somehow rip out/get rid of the Shadow Queen from the body, Peach would come back like from a long nap. You can probably imagine how'd she react to everything that's happened while she was gone... yeah...
5. Not fun. Since only Luigi knew who Peach was before, all the attachment comes from him. She has gone from someone he could talk to about everyday life, meet up to play normal games while not risking his health and just have an overall great time with, to a person who he's sure would dissect him on a table if given an opportunity. He's not wrong.
He still calls her Princess despite her insisting on Queen. He does it as a memento of the past, while Dimentio calls her Princess just to make her even more upset.
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belit0 · 9 months
Helloo! How are you, and how are you doing? I am very obsessed with your post’s and i can’t get enough of them! They are so good written, you are one of the beat writers i have ever seen!! Can i may have a request about Madara and his lover, his lover is very insecure about her flat chest (Not too much she has just small breasts) and always gets picked up on it. She cries in front of the mirror, and Madara sees her when she does that. And then the day after some girls picks up on her small chest and make her cry. Feel free to ignore it, it’s strange and a little weird, so you don’t have to do it. Love you <33
Thank you so much for your beautiful words baby!!! I greatly appreciate your presence here, thank you for sticking around and reading my work, love u too😭💫
I can totally relate to this because I have the flattest chest in the world, and hell, we know Madara won't let his wife have a bad time
"Wake up to reality" but make it bitchier 😩❤️‍🩹
Growing up with Izuna teaches you a thing or two👀
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(Y/N) thinks she is alone in the house, and that is the only reason she allows herself vulnerability. She wouldn't cry about it in front of anyone, always strong on the outside, but sometimes she needs to break down and admit that certain things hurt.
Stepping out of the shower, she stands in front of the mirror and admires her figure. She is a pretty girl, nice curves in anyone's eyes, but some people's envy is too heavy to ignore.
She knows that being the leader's wife exposes her to public opinion, having everyone notice and judge her, talk about and debate the details of her personal life as if they knew her. (Y/N) learned to ignore them, to turn a deaf ear to whatever stupid things they might say, but there are things that sometimes can't be avoided.
Deep in her mind, she always had a small annoyance regarding her body: lack of prominent breasts, typical of any conventionally attractive woman. When Madara proclaimed her as his wife after months of secretly dating, it was the first thing that was talked about.
Having small breasts, according to the malicious tongues, speaks of low fertility, of an inability to properly convince. How dare the Uchiha leader choose a woman who will not be able to provide him with a healthy family!
Of course, these are the words of all the superstitious ignoramuses, who have no idea how the body works and believe everything is based on strange myths. The elderly usually furnish the most prominent comments, but (Y/N) ignore them because of their age, forged in another era and impossible to change.
No one had ever expressed an opinion of her anatomy before announcing her formality alongside Madara, no one had ever mentioned anything about her flat chest or lack of bulky breasts, but the exposure to the public eye for being beside such an important person was like being thrown to the wolves.
What she can't tolerate are women her age, girls with a different consciousness and way of life, who latch on to things others say to cautiously insult without being obvious. You can imagine what a scandal there could be if one of them is purposely mean against the leader's wife, always taking precautions to upset her without anyone noticing.
She looks at herself in front of the mirror and lowers the towel to expose her breast, feeling conscious about their shape, size, lack of fullness. She doesn't realize she's crying about it, overwhelmed by all the ugly words she's received these past few days. People can be excessively cruel, and no matter how much self-assurance, self-confidence and self-love she has, every insult or taunt hits hard at her defenses, tearing down her walls bit by bit.
It is infuriating to feel this way because of other people, to give them this power, but she can't help it.
Each tear represents an opinion about her, unable to stop her crying. She moves at different angles trying to find prominence, something that might make her feel better about it, that might fill the emptiness she feels in her stomach, but she cannot console herself.
What if the elders are right? If she can't give her man a healthy, powerful family? Or if Madara gets tired of her for not meeting the stupid standards of conventional beauty, and looks for a woman with another type of build? What if-
"Fuck this, I'm better than that." In an awakening of logic, (Y/N) manages to evade the mindless intrusive thoughts, towel drying her face and proceeding to get dressed.
She ignores the fact that her man watched the whole scene from outside the room, not daring to interrupt an intimate and personal moment, make her feel exposed in her vulnerability, but taking in every glance at the mirror and every tear.
Madara is neither idiot nor ignorant, he knows and is aware of what is said about his wife, the stupidities that people think they have the power to comment without even knowing her, and although he shuts up every person he hears spouting idiocy, he can't be everywhere.
From now on, he will personally make sure it never happens again.
The two walk together through the Uchiha compound market, countless people slowing Madara down to greet him and discuss personal matters they want to work on with him. People demand and absorb him like ants on honey, and (Y/N), used to it, always ends up wandering alone until he manages to catch up with her.
Today is no exception, and while three little old ladies monopolize all his attention as soon as they see him arrive at the place, complaining about the bad state of the crops and the crumbling of their little stalls in the street, (Y/N) lets go of his hand and walks around the place alone.
She visits different shops and greets anyone who approaches her, and when she stops at a flower arrangement stall, three women look at her out of the corner of their eyes. They suspiciously approach her but pretend to be talking to each other, a tone of voice conveniently loud.
"Have you seen her? She is so unworthy of the leader!"
"Yes... I mean, look at her, isn't she the most normal, unattractive woman you ever saw?"
"The leader deserves someone who can keep him truly entertained, a good body."
"We all know he values pronounced curves and big breasts, like mine!"
"Yes! You would be the perfect woman for him! Maybe you should try to win him over... look at the mess of a girl he has next to him, he'll jump on you in a second!"
"Madara-Sama will die to get his hands on you and get rid of that horrid little brat!
She will remain silent about it, pretending not to hear them and maintaining the decorum expected of a woman of high rank like her, formal and untainted in the face of any attack she might receive so as not to leave her husband in a bad light.
Of course, she does not expect at all what she hears behind her back as an arm comes around her shoulders and presses her against a marked chest.
"You three, I'm sorry to announce, are the most hideous bitches I've ever seen in my entire fucking life." Madara speaks with a sternness in his voice that makes them shrink back, losing all the boldness they were handling themselves with a few seconds ago.
"And I mean it, for real. I've been through terrible things, wars, death, but I've never seen anything that leaves me more disgusted and aghast than the three of you. What the fuck are you doing in my compound, serving wretchedness and ugliness all over the place?" The women gawk at him, unable to believe Uchiha Madara himself is talking to them like this. Always so formal and proper, no one would expect to hear those kinds of words from his mouth.
The whole market remains silent, paying attention to the situation, watching with surprise and skepticism as the leader humiliates them in front of everyone. The elders stop selling, people stop buying, and everyone turns to watch the exchange.
"You dare to talk about my wife, my beautiful (Y/N), when you are the ugliest bitches I've ever seen, walking around and scaring anyone who sees you? To judge someone you must be at least on their level, you revolting women."
"Madara... maybe that's enough..." She whispers from his chest, cocooned in her man's skin and utterly shocked by what she hears. Sure, she knows her husband's casual, offbeat side, it was what made her fall in love with him, but she never quite anticipated him risking his reputation in front of all his people like this for her.
"No, not enough at all. They need to wake up to reality, understand they are dreadfully ugly, that no one will ever want them, and no one will ever choose them. You," he points to the first one who attacked her, "your tits are fake, horrible job, you should ask for your money back. You," points to the next one, "you're the nastiest woman I've ever seen in my fucking life, fix your teeth, and you," points to the last one, "you're rotten with envy from the inside out, disgusting. Get the fuck out of here, now."
All the people in the market join their leader, accompanying his statements and pushing the women away. (Y/N) can't believe the display of the event, how they all unite and support their leader with total respect, how they protect her along with him.
She never felt so supported, as she watches the three women being rushed to the entrance of the Uchiha compound and flee in tears, egos shattered and abased, an ultimately needed journey of humility.
Madara smiles at her like a small child as chaos unfolds around them, cradled by his arms and pressed against his chest, contained, backed up, protected. No one ever thought he could behave like that, talk the way he did, but it seems the Uchiha leader always surprises.
Maybe he learned a thing or two from his younger brother, after all.
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bittersweetimaginings · 2 months
Saw that you wrote for Alex DeLarge!! What if he had a girlfriend who was a professionally trained opera singer?
Shiny thing - Alex DeLarge x Opera singer! Reader HC!
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⚠️Content warning: Descriptions/mentions of possessive, abusive and overall toxic behavior.
*These characters do not belong to me, all rights to their respective owners, this is just a piece of entertainment by and for fans.
Summary: You become Alex’s newest interest.
Reader’s pronouns: She/Her
Keys: Y/N = Your Name.
Recommendation: None(? I think…Consider donating to my Ko-fi!
Author's note: If you want to send your own request, please check the Disclaimers & Rules post and the MASTERLIST post to see more content and which characters are available.
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It's no secret that for Alex, classical music holds a special place in his heart.
So it's only natural that you, with your talent as an opera singer, drew his absolute attention.
The moment he heard such a beautiful melody leave your lips... he was ensnared.
How could he not be? He just knew you were right for him. He had to have you.
At first, Alex would go above and beyond with his lovebombing attentions, more so than with any other girl, mostly because he views/considers you to be above them all.
Which, considering this is Alex DeLarge we are talking about, is not necessarily a compliment.
You see, Alex views most women he's interested in as toys he can play around with and discard, maybe even faithful dogs that must do his bidding whenever he requests something from them.
But you... you're on a different level, admittedly mostly for your talents, grace, and knowledge of music.
He views you as a precious object he needs to acquire, maybe a precious nightingale he's on the hunt for, and the only thing he can think about is how nice it would be to have you as his precious pet.
Even if you "play hard to get" or reject his advances, Alex will find any way possible to get close to you and eventually have you.
He finds in you a certain level of understanding he doesn't find with anyone else.
Who else can he talk to in depth about the good ol' Ludwig Van? His parents? They are too busy ignoring their son's antisocial tendencies. Most of the girls that fawn over him mindlessly agree to everything he says. His droogs? Georgie is an asshole far too concerned with himself, Dim a brute, and Pete... well, he can't even remember the last time Pete showed interest in anything really.
So he talks with you instead. Something that he surprisingly seems to enjoy.
He might constantly ask you to sing for him.
He'll never say it to anyone, but he really loves it whenever you sing to him with his head resting on either your lap or your chest and at the same time you run your fingers through his hair.
Like I said, you'll "enjoy" a "higher" treatment than most of the girls he has dated: He'll let you speak more and more freely, will tolerate a certain level of confrontation on your part whenever you are angry at him, hesitates more in involving you in his criminal endeavors, spends more time with you, is noticeably more gentle in his behavior towards you, more protective of you, and will think once or twice before behaving aggressively towards you. Like I said, mostly because he views you as a shiny precious thing.
But because of that very reason, he will behave much more possessively towards you.
His anger bubbles up quicker whenever he might spot you talking to anyone, especially any other guys, his droogs included (the dudes have even been instructed not to talk to you whenever you're with them). I imagine this being because deep down Alex might have a horribly fragile ego; losing you to another man will mean losing control and in turn a blow to his twistedly grandiose self-perception.
Given Alex's reputation and the fact that every guy that tries to approach you ends up mercilessly beaten, it is only a matter of time when everyone close to you finds out about your relationship with him and because of this, you might end up being isolated or shunned from your community.
Which sucks for you, but Alex couldn't be happier to have your complete attention.
But ultimately, this is Alex who we are talking about. No matter how extraordinary of a person you and your talents make you, ultimately for Alex you are still a thing, a shiny one, but a thing nonetheless, and there will come a time when little ol' Alex becomes bored with your tricks and chases after the next shiniest thing, leaving you broken and forgotten.
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Consider donating to my Ko-fi!
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wordsarelife · 3 months
—tolerate it
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pairing: tasm!peter parker x reader
summary: maybe you and peter had done a good job at ignoring your problems, or maybe there was nothing worth saving anymore
warnings: toxic!peter, basically a very toxic relationship, underage drinking, a bit too much drinking.. let me know if i missed something
note: the ending is a bit in the air, you can make out of it what you want
"hey! how are you?" gwen hugged you smiling and sat down on the sofa beside you.
"i'm good" you smiled "where's harry?" you asked, finding it weird that he was nowhere in sight.
"oh he's off playing beer-pong with his friends" gwen explained "i saw you across the room and thought i'd join you" she paused, unsure if she should say what she was thinking, but eventually did "you looked lonely"
you nodded your head and gwen swore she saw you blink away a tear. "thanks for sitting by me" you smiled and then looked around the room quickly "i don't know where he is, he told me to wait here. it's been an hour since i've last seen him"
"oh sweetheart" you had almost bursted into tears at her caring tone "he just left you here?"
you shrugged, it's not like that was something new to you. peter would often bring you with him to these frat parties, just to disappear into thin air the moment you entered a place.
"i don't mind" you lied and gwen looked at you unbelievingly. "it's great that you are here, finally someone i know" you meant to change the topic, but gwen furrowed her brows at that.
"he left you alone and you don't even know anyone?" she asked unbelievingly "does he know how dangerous these parties can get?"
the question was rhetoric. of course peter knew that.
"i don't drink" you said, as if that would make it any better.
"doesn't matter" gwen shook her head "everyone else does" she took a calming breath "why would you even be here when you just sit on your own?"
"because peter likes to take me with him"
"and he isn't anywhere to be found" gwen looked around the room "typical"
"he doesn't always do that"
"he did it back in highschool too" gwen reminded you "i thought he had stopped with that, i thought he had changed, was the only explanation for me how you guys were still together"
"i really don't mind"
"well you should" she looked at you worriedly "why don't you just break up with that dick, y/n?"
"i love him" you said as if that would excuse everything. "i have loved him for the past five years"
"and he treats you like that?"
you shrugged. "i can't help it" you almost said bitterly "sometimes i hate him, especially when he does things like that, but i still love him"
"do you think that is healthy?" gwen asked genuinely.
you shook your head and tears brimmed at your eyes. "no" you looked into her eyes and she could've almost started crying too. "love shouldn't be like this, right? loving someone should be easy" you turned your head to look at harry and gwen followed the direction your eyes where going "it looks easy for you two"
gwen had to be honest "it's not always easy" she admitted.
"i know" you said "but i don't think it should make me feel how i feel"
"how do you feel?"
"hurt" you simply said "i feel hurt any time i look at him"
gwen was ready to repeat her earlier advice, simply convincing you to finally break up with peter parker, but to her surprise you weren't finished.
you breathed a shaky breath. "and i feel guilty" you almost whispered "there was a time where it was easy to love him, as easy as breathing and doing it made me happy. it felt like back then we were loving each other the right way and now-" you paused and sighed "i don't think we have been loving each other the right way for a long time. but somehow we still belong together, even if that doesn't make sense in the slightest"
"i don't know if it does" gwen said honestly "but that doesn't make it wrong" she thought about what to tell you, and her mind slipped by the question if a frat party was the right place for a conversation like that, but she continued to speak anyway. "did you ever tell peter that?"
"what?" you looked up to her in surprise.
"maybe it would help both of you to talk about it" gwen suggested "he might be feeling the same way" she shrugged. "but just so you know, his behaviour is still absolutely unacceptable and if he doesn't change it up i'll have harry take care of him"
"thank you" you smiled, hugging her.
when you sat back down, there was a loud voice calling your name and soon enough peter entered your field of vision. he was being held up by harry.
"he's wasted" harry explained, which wouldn't have been necessary. you had known it immediately when you had first heard him call for you.
"y/n" peter slurred, trying to free himself out of harry's hold "let's make out"
you sighed and ignored him, instead turning your head at harry and gwen. "could you maybe help me to get him home?" you asked "i would do it alone, but it's late and i don't—“
"of course" gwen interrupted your rambling. harry nodded as well.
"thank you" you said, relieved.
gwen and harry helped you navigate through the crowded party, guiding peter, who was clearly in no state to walk on his own. as you exited the chaos of the frat house, the cool night air hit you, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and exhaustion.
"he's really out of it," harry remarked, glancing at peter struggling to keep his balance.
"yeah" you nodded, a tinge of embarrassment in your voice. "i appreciate your help. i didn't want to deal with this alone."
gwen gave you a sympathetic look "you shouldn't have to deal with this at all," she said, genuine concern etched on her face.
as you reached peter’s place, you collectively managed to get him inside and settled on the couch. harry, ever the protective friend, shot peter a disapproving look.
"i’ll take care of him," you assured them, grateful for their assistance.
harry hesitated, "are you sure you're okay?"
you nodded, "yeah, i’ll manage. thanks again for helping."
after gwen and harry left, you found yourself alone with peter, who was now slumped on the couch, still lost in the haze of alcohol. you sighed, both annoyed and exhausted by the evening's events.
you unfolded one of the blankets, burying peter under it. then you made sure he was laying on the side and set a few alarms to check on him throughout the night. you left the room, slipping into the bed in the other room.
the night was not as busy as you had predicted it to be. peter did not wake up and was fine and breathing as normal any time you checked on him, probably thanks to his faster metabolism, getting rid of the alcohol as fast as it had registered in his body.
it was only nine a.m. when you silently walked out of the bedroom on your way to the toilet. peter was still asleep, peacefully laying on the couch. your eyes softened when they fell on him. he looked so tired, but still much more like him than yesterday.
he was just sitting up when you came back from the bathroom. "hey" he muttered, his voice hoarse.
you contemplated gwen's words from yesterday, the sincerity in her eyes when she spoke about love not always being easy. the heaviness in your chest returned as you looked at peter, wondering if it was time to address the issues that had been piling up between you.
"peter," you said, your voice firm but weary. "i think we need to talk."
he blinked at you, not quite awake yet. "talk? right now?"
"yes, peter, right now" you took a deep breath. "I can't keep feeling like this. like i'm alone in our relationship like i'm waiting for you all the time."
his brow furrowed in confusion, but you pressed on, "i love you, but things can't continue like this. we need to figure out if we're still right for each other."
peter's eyes widened. "what are you saying?"
"i'm saying we need to either fix this or admit that maybe it's time to move on," you replied, your voice steady despite the emotions bubbling beneath the surface.
the room fell silent as peter processed your words. eventually, he let out a heavy sigh, "i didn't realize it was this bad."
tears welled up in your eyes, "it's been bad for a while now, peter. we can't keep pretending like everything is fine."
he nodded slowly, a mixture of regret and realization crossing his features. "i want to make us work, but i don't want you to feel like that" he paused, just for a second, a few tears slipping over his cheeks "i didn't know.."
"i should've told you"
"i should've noticed" he looked up at you, regret evident on his features.
"yeah" you admitted "maybe you should've" you softly put a hand on his shoulder, he grabbed it, comfortingly squeezing it.
"i've been acting like a dick, maybe because i knew deep down that something was wrong. i thought shutting you out would shut the problem out too" he admitted and you nodded, somewhat understanding what he was talking about.
"i've been holding on to something too" you said softly "but ignorance won't help us anymore"
"i'm sorry" he said, adverting his eyes.
"i know, peter" you nodded "me too"
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
Yellow - draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff reader requested
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Look at the stars, look how they shine for you - yellow by Coldplay
The classroom was filled with the sound of potion mixing and laughter as Snape walked out having Been called by Dumbledore. It seemed like the room was divided into Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Everyone was separated; Hufflepuff from Slytherin because they were opposite. Ravenclaw from Gryffindor because they seemed to have a clash that was between the two; maybe it was bravery or who was smarter it was unknown.
We could tell why Slytherin and Ravenclaw got along or at least tolerated one another because they had a common enemy, they didn't like Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. The two were friendly, brave, and there for each other which Ravenclaw and Slytherin were not. Now don't misunderstand that a few people in each house could have been in another; but most of the house usually didn't like the other.
So Draco of all people was more than confused when a particular girl in Hufflepuff had managed to catch his eye. She seemed completely transparent because he knew everything about her. He knew this wouldn't work; he was a death eater and she was an angel in yellow.
And everything you do yeah, they were all yellow - Coldplay
So he continued on trying to ignore her laugh, her smile, how she would help the teachers carry things or when she walked the first years to class.
(Aah) Your skin, oh, yeah, your skin and bones (Ooh) Turn into something beautiful (Aah) You know, you know I love you so You know I love you so - Coldplay
He felt almost bad for wanting her when he was so dark and mean; but the other half of him thought he deserved her after everything he was going through, so he went to her table in potions class and Stood in front of her.
So then I took my turn oh, what a thing to have done and it was all yellow - Coldplay
her sugar cookie smile graced her lips and it made his stomach turn and twist; he swallowed hard as he seemed to actually feel shy, worried, scared much like a child. His eyes locked with hers and his heart stopped; could he do this take her down a path that was full of monsters. He suddenly felt selfish, his chest tightened."Draco, are you all right?" She said looking concerned; did she not know who he was or what he had done. Of course she did, she said his name but not just that asked if he was okay.
A gloss came to his blue eyes. "I-i'm fine I'm fi-i'm okay" he breathed. she looked like she was searching him and he emptied, like an open book told all his secrets; a tiny boy with a loving look casted his way, He was bound to break only the Snickers of her friend reminded him he was there, and all of sudden he remembered why he buried it all away, so he didn't look weak, soft, like a boy who was afraid of his father or a coward. he quickly left the table; his friends looked at him puzzled.
"What was that? Blaise said, frowning. "nothing just… leave me be" he huffed, turning back to his work. The rest of the class went rather fast but Draco's thoughts were probably what made it move like a movie on fast forward. He walked the halls going to hide away when a hand grabbed his wrist.
I swam across, I jumped across for you Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow - Coldplay
he turned back wide eyed; only to be blinded by the sun herself. "It's okay to feel Draco Malfoy, no one expects you to be a strong wave. Every wave must lay low so the boats can go '' she said, hugging him. He was statue-like in her bear hug. "Hug me, draco'' she whispered into his Slytherin robes; his head fell into her neck and tears rolled down his face. She smelled comforting, warm, and he began to feel weak again.
(Aah) And you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry For you, I'd bleed myself dry - Coldplay
He was afraid to let go in her arms; he didn't know what everyone would say later at the sight of green and yellow becoming one. It was going to cause some gossip; but would it matter if all he could see was the sun. No amount of cruelty could take away from this moment where he felt he didn't have to hold it all in, he was protected by this small girl.
It was refreshing to not feel like he needed to hold himself together; a girl, a Hufflepuff, had been the light breaking into his dark. What a stranger thing but was the wizard world normal not in the slightest. so we could have a Hufflepuff girl protect a boy.
Look how they shine for you Look how they shine - Coldplay
Request open 💙
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silver-wield · 1 month
Stygian pisses me off. Along people like her who say wishy washy stuff like "at most he probably thought she attractive he not blind, probably has fleeting feelings but those are bland compared to his feelings for tifa" where? Where are those?! Some talk about bro code but even before the whole Zack thing, he's already so mean in costa del sol. He's already Disgusted at the idea of a "couple gondola event". He's already mean in Remake even after that Cursed resolution. In fact it was after the whole Zack bit that he started trying to be kinder and more tolerating. It's No bro code, that concept was Never a thing he thought of. Do you know what he thought of? He DIDN'T think "oh zack gf, i should back away" , rather it was "oh zack gf, I should be more kinder because everything Zack cares about I care about as well". I bet he was super guilty and saddened about not remembering Zack and not telling his parents what's up. He Loves Zack third to Tifa and Claudia. aerith isn't even close enough to the list, heck he was more cool with barret and yuffie. He hit it off with yuffie so easily and they just met!, she can even understand his perverted tendencies about Tifa. Something not all of them see. Actually it might just be her who knows lol.
Anyway, these Statements Don't hold up and will contradict because it's Not canon. I just don't understand how they see these things that Never existed? Did they play the game? Did we play the same game? I don't understand why even entertain this? Do they Not understand the material given to them? Why are they even here? There is so much about FF7, and "ltd" Doesn't even exist. It's all in their head that Only loves to argue but stray away from canon and factual evidences.
Every time i hear them talk about him and his pov about aerith, it just makes me get turned off of him and want to Never support ct. Heck, I'd be the #1 to fight against it. I'm starting to wonder if they even like tifa, cloud or even this IP. Nojima didn't write him this way for them to downgrade and water down his character and his story and feelings about tifa.
This guy NEVER wavered. And while I think aerith was only saying what she said in her resolution as a sign she Never understood him at all (creepy date was Very Clear he Doesn't see Nor will ever see her that way, yet she missed this lol) and was indeed only talking to herself. All these so called "attraction/ fleeting feelings" some think AREN'T REAL, IT'S NEVER THERE. It's all in your imagination and you have to ask if they even enjoy FF7, tifa, cloud and ct to begin with. Or do they wanna hop onto c /a's train that if zack and tifa didn't exist this that wtvr despite Nojima writing about how these characters are Totally Incompatible in ALL levels.
Srry for the rant. I'm just so Sick of this wishy washy attitude. I think FF7 fans are so lucky to have so much material to fight against these but some ignore them. If this was a real debate, they've lost immediately. You deal with evidence and canon as support. Not use essays, what ifs , and half assed assertions such as those. It just sounds like they're afraid of being wrong. But foolishly they already are. Credibility goes down Immediately.
I understand that frustration when clotis make Aerith apologist comments that encourage dumbasses because they'll use it as a talking point to say "even clotis think Cloud was attracted to her!!!!" which is why I take myself away from those kinds of discussions because it's bullshit and I don't wanna argue with moots.
Before we had the material ulti plus scene showing that Cloud literally didn't recognise Aerith in her red dress a lot of us went "well he's male and she's dressed up 🤷" but then we got the scenario and the script that showed he literally didn't know it was even her and he was just surprised some random woman is walking towards him with a red carpet being rolled out and shit.
And then with the swimsuits, he isn't even looking at Aerith. He glances at her face then immediately checks out Tifa and we get that in the first person pov, so we see exactly where he's looking. Then he gets all shy and stammers, and they flirt. But, even when Aerith also matches he doesn't reply to her saying she needs help with the sunscreen, so he avoids her flirtation. He also constantly shows and tells her that he isn't happy with her yanking him around and calling everything a date.
So, given the literal evidence, no cloti should still be going around saying he finds her attractive. He clearly doesn't.
And idky we must have Cloud seeing her as attractive or being attracted just because she's a woman. She ain't pretty. That's not just me saying it. That's literally what we've been told throughout the games. She was called homely in wall market, Zack said she's only pretty from certain angles, nobody compliments her looks or style, and yet we're supposed to believe that the man who is panting after Tifa Lockhart, who is literally described as a bombshell, would also find someone subpar attractive and be interested in that because he's a man.
That's a pretty shitty way to view Cloud.
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nrdmssgs · 1 month
Serpent tongue
Masterlist Genre: Angst with a happy ending. Characters: Sebastian Krueger, Phayvanh "Nak" Sotsvahn belongs to @vasyandii, Olga 'Zhar" Samoilova TWs: strong language, description of military operation, canon typical violence AN: this is set somwhere arond the begining of Nak and Kruegers interactions, so they are a bit silly around each other. But I promise, they will be in love soon-ish.
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“phai bo non maew, si kad kaem.*”  Words roll down Phayvanh`s tongue and echoe in the empty, dark hall.
Even if there are any other soldiers around at this late hour - they'll know better than to bother her. Because she's deep inside her thoughts - she's humming and mumbling the words, obscure to their ears. Her very own cantrips to keep others away, her mnemonic spells to help her with the routine. So what if it's just a lullaby? As long as it helps her shut her brain off and run the preparations mechanically…
“phai bo aem, kai noi tod taa.*” On this verse she always checks the flashlights before attaching them to her vest.
Click. The strobe flashlight works perfectly.
“phai bo aem…”
Click. The spare flashlight Illuminates Krueger's face in the semi-darkness.
Phayvanh doesn't flinch nor shriek from the suddenness of him appearing just a few meters behind. She turns off the light and watches Sebastian face.
Pathetic fucker had his own share of humiliation today, much to Nak's enjoyment. Oh, how cocky he was all the way to Zhar's office. Only to get dismissed at the very beginning of a debrief. “I'm not coming, but the baby is?” - Krueger's outburst was so loud, it seemed like the whole base would hear that: “What is that she can, and I don't?!”. Zhar didn't even raise her gaze from the documents, she was checking before the meeting start. But when she answered, Nak had to bite her cheeks to not grin victoriously. “The list would be long, Sebastian, but it would start with the fact, that Nak can obviously read the list of soldiers, I called for this debriefing. The list that contained her, and didn't contain you. Now stand up.” That was the first time she looked up since they gathered around her desk. “And leave my office. I have soldiers to prepare for the mission.”
And just like that the notorious ‘golden boy’, ‘Zhars favorite’, ‘the faceless Chimera’ was shown his place. So it was only natural for him to come mock Phayvanh later, when the audience is not that big.
“Serpent tongue!” His idiotic smile doesn't bode well.
“Going straight for racism this time, moron?” Nak feels almost disappointed about how plain Krueger's attack is. Even calling her little baby hit harder than this bullshit.
“No, I… Wait-wait!” He jumps closer to the table, where she prepares her tactical vest to not get lost from her gaze. “I meant it in a good way! Like these Lao letters, they look like little snakes! I looked it up and there is that one like a confused snake, another one like a happy snake, a bunch of letters with a snake that looks at its own tail. They are lovely.”
Since when this idiot has an interest for Lao alphabet? 
“What you're gonna say, I'm seeing shit? C`mon, admit it, your letters are beautiful, but it's easy to memorize them when you think of them as little snakes. Serpent tongue.” He looks so proud, as if he just solved one of Landaus problems, not invented some nonsense. 
“Gonna say, that a confused snake, watching his own tail, has more brainpower than you.” Phayvanh goes back to preparation routine, trying to ignore Krueger, who seems to not be in a hurry to leave her alone.
They spend a few long minutes in silence, which is a good thing for Nak. She's not ready for questions like ‘why don't you sleep before the important mission?’, ‘is it really just a preparation, or are nervously fidgeting your own equipment?’, ‘are you afraid to turn out worse than me?’. Krueger takes a step to the desk and start helping her arrange all the essentials. She tolerates it, but everything has its limits. Phayvanhs patience cracks when Sebastian reaches out to one of her push daggers. Her hand is quicker, her smooth movements are more precise, and the blade freezes only in mere centimeters away from a vein pulsing on Kruegers neck. A bold hint, but quite a clear one.
“I just wanted to help.” He raises hands in a surrendering gesture. “Olga likely threw a ton of timings, plans, routes and whatsoever at you. The first time with her is overwhelming, I know. There must be a few ‘tiers’ of action plans for each of you, right?”
Nak doesn't lower her dagger, but nods. There were, indeed, different plans for each step of her part in the mission. She didn't quite catch, why would she need a plan B, С and so on. She either does her job or dies trying - that was always how it went. 
“Listen, if anything goes south - just don't hesitate and go straight to the plan B, ok? Forget commander's bullshit about top-tier goals and minimum goals. She always gets what she needs in the end and that is her ‘least satisfied’ plan. Always. So you worry about yourself, ok? Not the goal or plan A.”
Phayvanh doesn't believe her ears. So the golden boy doesn't always hit the top goal? That spoiled brat that dares calling her a baby, turns into a loser, once he's given freedom to operate on any level besides perfect? Oh, he didn't actually hear the real Serpents tongue. The one that pushes her to the limits, demands no less than perfection, accepts no excuses. Krueger wouldn't last a week with that voice ringing in his ears.
“There are either perfect results or no results.” Nak is kind enough to tell this in English, so Krueger understands one of the basis principles, that the Serpent once taught her. 
The mission under Zhars command feels different from what is going on, when Nikolai is around. With him It's always about what you do in the end. But with his second in command, it's about how you do it. 
Naks route is planned to the last meter, her timing has limits of steel - not only can't she fall behind - she will ruin everything, should she appear at her next point too soon. She gets a good reminder, when the street, she is supposed to enter 10 minutes later is being turned into a bloodbath with a drone squadron just before her eyes. Phayvanh hides around the corner of a building and swears while checking her watch.
“Perfect result or no result.” A too familiar voice sounds in her head. But she ignores it.
It works for some time. Nak follows the path of fire, the path paved by other Chimeras and brings death to her objectives. Plan A works so well - they are never prepared to meet her.
It almost feels too easy, until it doesn't. One of them turns out too massive, too full of life, too stubborn. One second Phayvanh has him in her hands, the other she's drowning in a muddy puddle with his hands pushing her deeper. She knows, this is not the end of her: Nak had a fair share of similar situations, both on the field and at the training. It takes just a little patience and dexterity to turn the fight upside down. After all, it's him trying to balance in a sloppy mud. She tries to wiggle her way out of his clasp… and fails. Her body freezes struck by a terrifying flashback. 
“Perfect result or no result!”  Nagas voice. She was here already. Face pushed deep in filthy water, subtle teenage body struggling to break free from old man's grip. 
He was shouting at her. Every time she dared to deliver anything but the perfect result - there was a punishment to come. And there were screams. Not her - Naga made sure, she couldn't even breathe. He was the one screaming. 
“Perfect result or no result!”
She hates this voice for keeping her awake before the mission, for destroying her every time anyone refers to her as a child, for drowning her mind in terror. The reals Serpents tongue is made of pain, humiliation and endless requirements, that she doesn't fulfill. Not of ‘funny snaky letters’, Sebastian was babbling about.
Nak gathers all her strength, every part of her body feels like a coiled spring waiting to set loose. And she snaps. The poor fucker believed, he had her. Well his mistake. Because now Phayvanh is on top, and she doesn't even need a knife to end his pathetic life. 
Strangling him with her bare hands, she shouts “shut up” on and on. As if the voice taunting her doesn't echo just in her mind. It feels like forever before he stops struggling. But when she lets go of him - a barely audible breath leaves his chest. 
It drives her mad. After all she's done - he has an audacity to live on? So she hits face. Hard. And then again. And again.
She snaps out of it only, when a familiar voice appears behind her. “Nak? You're hurt?” Phayvanh turns back and meets Zhars gaze.
“Komandir? Ya seichas… Ya. Ya s nim razberus`!*” For some reason Nak answered in Russian despite Olga rarely using it.
“He's long gone, soldier.” Zhar glances at the guy lying on the ground under Nak and Phayvanh follows her gaze.
Her enemy has no recognizable face anymore, the puddle of mud, he's buried in turns red. His body gave up a long time ago, but Nak was too blinded by painful memories to recognize it.
An unsettling thought appears in Naks head. How long has she spent here over the dead body? She checks her watches and frowns. Too long. She's supposed to be elsewhere a long time ago.
“Go, Nak. Skip your next point, you're on route B now.” Zhar doesn't raise her voice - she never does. But this time Phayvanh wishes she would. 
“Perfect result or no result.”
That only means one thing - she failed. And she deserves to be screamed at. She desperately tries to fight the numbness off, but can't even make herself get up.
Better shout at her. She's used to it.
Olga touches her shoulder and Nak flinches. She remembers only Zhars eyes moving closer and a few words in a low voice.
“Get up and go. Now.”
She stands up and doesn't go away - she flies as far as she can. Phayvanh runs as fast as she can, as if that can help her escape the guilt building up. Her body accomplishes the plan B automatically. Point after point, objective after objective. 
She is restless on their way back, she barely reacts to her squadmates questions and commentaries. Even at the Chimera base, Nak can't seem to slow down and keeps herself occupied until late night.
“phai bo non maew, si kad kaem.*”  Words roll down Phayvanh`s tongue and echo in the empty, dark hall. A wet mop draws intricate wet patterns on the floor.
It was nobody's order - Phayvanh just couldn't calm down. So she rearranged all her stuff. Twice. And then she tidied up their armory room. And another one. And then she mopped.
It's a good thing, Nikolai's base is so huge - lots to do in the middle of the night, while others sleep. 
“phai bo aem, kai noi tod taa.*” On this verse she usually enters ladies locker room, when she mops.
Click. The light turns on, illuminating the seemingly clean floor. Well, an extra cleaning never hurt nobody…
“Potushi svet, ya tebya umolyaiu.*” Olgas voice. Only it sounds husky and tired, as if she was crying or coughing for a long time.
Nak turns and sees her, sitting on the floor. The ever so serious, busy, on-her-way-somewhere-else commander curled up against a wall like a lost child. Zhars face is red, closed eyes swollen, cheeks wet. 
Phayvanh rushes on her knees, pushing the mop away and proceeds straight to inspecting Olgas body, searching for a wound. But her commander only smiles.
“Phay, it's only the tear gas.”
“But… It's been-”
“You live to my age - you'll wonder, how could your body come back to normal so fast back when you were 20. Now please turn out that light.”
Nak does as she told and comes back to sit before Olga. She doesn't care if by doing so she'll provoke her executive to get angry at her.
“I'm not leaving you here, commander. Let's get you to the medbay.” She takes Zhars hand and tries to pull her, but Olga doesn't move.
“I am fine. Just need to sit here for a bit, let my eyes rest.” Zhar stretches her back and reaches out into the void before her, blindlessly searching for Nak. “Stay with me for a bit, ok?”
“I don't understand.” Phayvanh moves closer and catches Olgas hand, letting her know, shes not leaving. “What are you doing here? You have your office.”
“And you have your room, soldier.” Smile never leaves Zhars face. “Yet here we are.”
They sit next to each other in silence for some time. Naks eyes get used to a dim emergency exit light that barely illuminates a small part of the locker room. And then Olga speaks again, as if there was no pause.
“I come here for them.” She points at an old dusty mirror, taken from the wall long before Nak joined the Chimera. One can barely recognize their reflection in the mirror - it is too dirty. “If you find just the right angle and look long enough - you will see your legs, your chest and arms, but not your face. When you sit right - yours hidden in the shadow. I like to imagine - I'm seeing everything, that's wrong with me in these moments. Everybody, who wronged me. And then we talk.”
Nak tries to catch a glimpse of any reflection in the mirror, but barely sees anything. So she leans closer and cranes his neck.
“See a familiar face?” Zhars hand rests on Phayvanhs back. Usually Nak would avoid any informal physical contact, but this time it feels right, to let Olga know, she isn't alone. 
“...nope, I see nobody, ma`am.”
“Nobody punished you for aiming anywhere but the ideal?” Now that's a sucker punch. A deserved one, as Naks confusion was painfully obvious to her commander today. But it still hits hard. So she nods.
“I'll do better next-”
“No. After what they have done to you - this is what you're telling them?”
“Commander, I'm telling that you.”
“Fuck me, Phay. I'm a hired soldier, just like you. One word from Nikolai and I won’t be here tomorrow. Krueger will throw a tantrum, but…” Zhar chuckles. “Talk to them. This isn't about me.”
Naks looks in the darkening void of the mirror and sighs. She doesnt even know, where to start, to not sound immature and lose her job right away.
“Let me put the other way: think of what the would tell you right now.”
That Nak knows for sure. Even if Naga is nowhere around - she always knows what exactly would he say.
“Hed ask me if im going to cry.”
“We can cry, Phay. Ive been doing it for past few hours. Well, because of dry eyes, but that still counts.”
“Oh, I won't cry. Not for him. Never.” Nak can't take her eyes of the mirror. The view is somehow mesmerizing: she sees her body, but her face remains in the shadow.
For a split second she thinks, if she should speak in Lao. Nobody in Chimera talks it. She is safe to say whatever, she wants. But then she thinks, that this is exactly what Naga would want: her keeping her pain all to herself. So that his serpent tongue can torture her soul unbothered.
She takes a deep breath and begins to speak.
“Well maybe I should be thanking you. You prepared me for all this shit at a young age. Comrades selling me lies, people betraying me, friends seeing me as just a kid. The next time id pour some love out - ill never get back a single drop of it. You prepared me for that. And for always being not enough. You did it out of the best intentions, I know. You prepared me for the worst in my life. By being it.”
The silence, that falls on her after that, is deafening. But for some reason, Nak feels better for the first time since she came back to senses on the battlefield. 
Then she feels hands, someones hands hugging her shoulders. There are no words left for this room or this mirror today. But this wordlessness is a happy thing.
*phai bo non maew, si kad kaem. - (Lao phonetic) If you don't sleep, ghost cats will bite your cheeks. 
*phai bo aem, kai noi tod taa  - (Lao phonetic) If you don't shut your eyes, tiny chicks will peck them. 
*Komandir? Ya seichas… Ya. Ya s nim razberus`! - (Russian phonetic) Commander? I'm going to… I. I'm going to deal with him!
*Potushi svet, ya tebya umolyaiu. - (Russian phonetic) turn off the light, I beg you.
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punsmaster69 · 5 months
"MK, dude. You're gonna kill him."
frisk picked up their kickball that's narrowly missed me enough times to make me reconsider my seating.
"Sorry, Sans."
"Should we move this somewhere else?"
"Your back yard has more space, right?"
"Yeah. Race you there!"
"On the count of three."
"You can count!"
frisk inhaled...
darting instantly around the back of the house.
"Wai- Frisk, that's not fair!!"
clearly caught of guard, monster kid gave chase.
"You're just gonna watch them leave?"
"i'll get up in a sec."
"Gee, some kind of babysitter you are."
"like i said, i'll get up in a sec."
"besides, this isn't technically babysitting."
"How is it not?"
"not my job."
"Didn't Toriel put you up to this or something?"
"Why are you even here?!"
"Don't you have anyone else to bug?"
"working with asgore. doin' ambassador stuff."
"on a date with undyne."
"bothered him enough yesterday."
"You could go work for once. Pay him back."
an unusual amount of exhaustion slows my every movement today. not the lazy slow i've typically got; slow like sludge.
i blame it on the dog that wouldn't stop rifling through everything in my room. normally i'd kick it out, but then it'd go bug papyrus. knowing ahead of time he'd be busy today, i'd let it annoy me for the night.
"i'm bored, but i'm not 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 bored."
"Lazy ass."
"the rest of me's lazy too, y'know."
grabbed his pot and carried it with me to the back porch with me. i was met with a frankly surprising lack of complaints, his scowl being the extent of it.
he ignored my reply.
"Fine. Not Grillby, not Papyrus, not Alphys..."
"Don't you hang out with Napstablook sometimes?"
"Why not them?"
"they're with mtt. calling mew, i think."
"...How's she doing?"
"𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 wondering how someone's doing?"
"feelin' alright, bud?"
"Shut up. I'm only asking because she's tolerable compared to a lot of you."
"I relate to her constant rage, on some level."
"last i heard, the idol stuff was going well."
"Getting paid to do nothing but look good..."
"I'd say it sounds like easy cash, but I know 𝘆𝗼𝘂 couldn't do it."
"i do plenty of nothing."
"The looking good part."
"you'd be surprised at how low standards are these days."
"Yours specifically?"
"That's no shock. Your jacket's got a stain on it RIGHT there."
"When's the last time you washed that thing?"
"at least sometime last month."
"I'm surprised you don't smell like anything worse than ketchup."
"my lack of body with which to produce odor contributes to that."
"you totally stink though."
"I don't have a body either, idiot!"
"got the odor though."
"I don't sm- HEY!!!"
the kickball slammed against the railing flowey was on, giving him a good shake.
"Frisk, dude. You're gonna kill him."
mocking tonality, soon broken with giggling.
frisk punched them in the shoulder before running back in the yard to receive the kick from monster kid.
"Both of them need to get better."
"at playing?"
"Whatever game that is."
"why don't you go play with 'em?"
the incredulous look he gave me was expected.
"Because I don't have limbs??"
"so you'd play if you could."
"No! It looks boring."
"yet you watch them play."
"Watching is different!"
"watching is looks."
"and you said it looks boring."
"Shut it, herd."
knowing full well that i was letting myself be lulled by the sun and gentle breeze into a nap, right there in tori's porch chair.
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Ranking JJK Characters I Don't Like
Ranging from mild dislike (14) to LOATHE WITH EVERY INCH OF MY BEING (1).
14. Mai: I don't hate her. I sympathize with her. I just wish she wasn't the way she is.
13. Junpei: I do have compassion for him, but ... school shooter vibes. Not a fan.
12. Noritoshi: Bad vibes.
11. Toji: Bad dad. And he's so nosy, too. Why does he always insert himself into situations with his fists swinging? Actually, now that I think about it, that's kind of iconic behavior. But all it ever really did was create more problems. If he had never inserted himself into the plot, Geto would have probably never turned mass-murderer-cult-leader--WE COULD HAVE HAD EVERYTHING. So it's a pass for me. Also, his haircut is off-putting for reasons I cannot articulate. It's like one day in middle school he got a haircut and just never changed up the style ever again.
10. Jogo: Ugly.
9. Uraume: Character design: slay. Helping Sukuna: not slay.
8. Like every adult from the Zenin clan: BECAUSE THEY SUCK.
7. Tengen: Old and entitled.
6. Kenjaku: Old and entitled part two. What gives him the right?
5. Sukuna: Horrid, nasty man. I feel like I shouldn't have to elaborate.
4. Ui Ui: Annoying. Literally, why are you even here?
3. Mei Mei: First of all, how am I supposed to take you seriously with that stupid braid hanging in front of your face? From the very instant her character was introduced, I did not like her, but I thought maybe I was being a woman hater for no reason, so I really did try to tolerate her. But when we finally saw that scene in season two. PRISON!!! I was right. She's the worst. We are not gonna ignore that. Check her files.
2. That thing with the blond side ponytail: I hate him so much I don't even know his name. I don't care to know it. I would say why do you as a man look like that, but honestly why do you as a HUMAN BEING look like that? Why do you act like that? Why are you skipping around wearing a poorly made DIY toga? Whole nip is hanging out, and no one asked to see that. Why are you HOLDING HANDS with your blade? Freak. There is something so intrinsically, inherently, ONTOLOGICALLY wrong with him, you can't even blame it on childhood trauma or a personality disorder. The only time I ever supported Sukuna was when he bullied this emaciated Jo Jo Siwa lookin' thing in Shibuya.
Mahito: I hate him so much. I hate him more than I've ever hated any character. I actually lose the ability to speak coherently when I think about him because I hate him so much. I think it's so cringe when try-hard dudes say, "When I'm angry all I see is red." But when I think about Mahito it really is like blood and pure rage cloud my vision. He is literally the embodiment of if you gave an edge lord psychopathic eleven year old the power to kill people. "Wee, I'm so powerful and killing people is just SoooOoOoOoOOOo much fun!!" SHUT UP!!!!!!!! SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! YOU ARE NOT FUNNY. YOU ARE NOT CUTE. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL IN ANY WAY. He is genuinely the most irritating character I have ever come across. And as the story progresses, he just gets worse. What do you mean he can duplicate himself? Now we have to deal with TWO of this wretched creature? What do you mean he can be decapitated AND HIS HEAD WILL SPROUT LIMBS AND SPRINT AWAY? STOOOOOOOOOP. AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON WHAT HAPPENED TO NANAMI--I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT. Mahito is such a nasty, slithy, bothersome, despicable, nauseating little cockroach. "Yuji, you and I are the same." Huh? You thought you did something there, didn't you? You thought you ate and came up with some kind of deep, revolutionary concept? It's giving pretentious philosophy dude who thinks he's superior for being a little contrarian, nihilistic Nietzsche butt licker. When Yuji finally humbled him, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed seeing the fear in his eyes. For one brief, fleeting moment, I could finally understand what sadists must feel like. Honestly, we deserved to watch him suffer, and I wish he would have suffered far more for far longer. Rot in anguish, Mahito. You will not be missed nor forgiven.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
I’m going to be unapologetically posting these rants because I’m absolutely fucking fuming. This entire Demeter situation is absolutely dog shit and it’s getting on my nerves, I’m not understanding how everyone is getting on Demeter for being so manipulative and such when HADES IS THE EXACT SAME. I’m so sick of this I feel like every few rants I say the exact same thing even though dozens of people still do this bullshit.
I’m upset and I’m mad because Demeter was never manipulative and evil like this, if you guys don’t get that this is basic character assassination then it’s fine but it is. Demeter was always proud of Persephone, after the whole 10 year reunion she literally said how proud she was of Persephone because she managed to keep the land up and running for the last ten years while she was gone. She didn’t even take up the conversation or make it about her, she just showed earnest pride in her daughters work. UNLIKE HADES, we have whole fucking chapters dedicated to Hades making everything about himself yet everyone is fine with him doing that?? It makes no fucking sense. Hades disregards Persephone’s feelings time and time again, he makes every single conversation about himself, how he empathizes with others has to do with himself, his trauma is the only one validated, he’s the only one who can get away with being an absolute shitty parent and a terrible person and he’s the only one who can manipulate others without consequence. Do you guys not see how absolutely insane it is to hate Demeter and not Hades? Is it not strange to you how every single time this man speaks it’s always about himself or Persephone and even when speaking about Persephone it’s always pertaining to things she can do for him.
I can go on and on how the fans’ outrage towards this whole Demeter thing is crazy! They say that Demeter doesn’t respect Persephone well guess what, I have a funny story for you. Hades doesn’t either, he literally only wants her to be his wife and have his kids. He’s never once imagined her in a position of power nor has he ever been completely supportive with her way of doing things. There’s always a weird condescending nature with him when he’s interacting with Persephone and it’s crazy how no one else picks it up with those two. He literally only likes her cause of her physical looks and because she’s nice enough to tolerate. There’s never been a time where he truly showed actual respect to Persephone, he doesn’t do anything respectful towards her except for the bare minimum which is what it’s called. Bare.
Then people say that she’s wrong for saying she isn’t ready to run a kingdom. I want to let you in on a little secret.. Persephone hasn’t been doing shit ever since she made Tartarus defeat Kronos and even when she once again got someone else to get their hands dirty for her guess what? He’s back so she didn’t even do shit. Like come on, you couldn’t even finish the job with Kronos??? And that’s what we’re supposed to respect her for?? All powerful, all knowing, all beauty, all brains fertility goddess Persephone couldn’t defeat big bad Kronos that she was able to take down in five panels? You’re absolutely kidding me!! Persephone is so powerful it’s amazing that she didn’t take him down!!! Anyways, let’s get real. Persephone hasn’t even made any comments on what she wants to do as queen, she doesn’t know anything about the underworld still and she doesn’t even want to know by the looks of it. She doesn’t act like someone who’s accepted their job or responsibility she looks like she just got access to Hades’ wallet and is now going to live her life like nothing happened… Oh wait. That’s exactly what she’s doing.
Also, can we please stop ignoring the multiple critics talking about Hades’ obsession with courting Persephone and having a family with her all without her knowing?? Like I hate that this huge monumental issue in their relationship is being treated all cute and such. This is exactly what happened to Minthe people, and you all hated her because of how she responded to it yet you’re all fine with Hades considering doing the same to yet another woman that he love bombed into a relationship with. Speaking of Minthe, I think it’s pretty sick how no one allowed her to actually validate her emotions. Believe it or not Hades was planning on proposing to her in front of everyone who hated her, everyone who disrespected her, everyone who looked down on her, everyone who felt as if she were inferior and undeserving of the relationship as a whole. Imagine how that would feel for you, and why would you ever want to be with a man who cares so little about you, Hades is so tied up in his fantasy that once the perfect wife comes along his problems will all be solved. Why is everyone okay with him doing this to others?
Speaking of using women as literal wish fulfillments, this feminist story has to be a spit in the face to those it tells us it represents. Why is it that everyone is okay with Hades using these women to fit into his image and the way he wants the relationship to be without even trying to understand their desires or needs? Why are we so comfortable watching him force his wishes on these women? Is it because he’s not being violent that we look the other way, is it because he begs instead of demands things that makes this okay? Is it because of his constant useless awareness of him trying to stop himself from being a borderline creep that we’re fine with his unsettling behavior? If anything this comic should’ve taught everyone that violence against anyone doesn’t always have to be physical, what Hades is doing is damaging and he’s not just doing it to one person he’s doing it to multiple people without consequence.
I hate to say it but the way he has so many similarities with Apollo is very disturbing. I know a lot of LO fans will try and deny however many times they can but it’s the truth, he’s just like him really. They’re behaviors, the way they approach people, and genuinely how they react and speak to others are similar which is very very disturbing. It’s something that should’ve been discussed within the fandom instead of Demeter wanting her daughter far away from someone like that.
Anyways, I’m going to be defending Demeter and any other character who dislikes Hades for good reasons with my life because they’re the only ones who actually make sense.
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