#and i bet she's a fast learner
insurged · 5 months
hear me out . . . madara / karin teacher student vibes so she can DESTROY sasuke -?:)
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pls. madara would teach her anything and everything she wants so that she has the power to destroy that lil' snot. doesn't matter if they share the last name uchiha, not when he treats karin like that. :/
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
part two of dad!daemon headcanon pleaseeee 😭
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. i hope you like it!
warnings: fluff, daemon being an awesome dad, more fluff, just pure fluff.
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    · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ୨♡୧ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
It's been five years since you gave birth to your last child.
You and Daemon had a beautiful baby girl, that he decided to name Viserra.
Since her birth, Daemon became even more protective towards you and the children.
He knew his brother wasn't going to live many more years, and Alicent was showing herself to be a threat in the council.
You tried not to worry too much, and also tried to keep him calm.
Daemon spends most of his days teaching sword fighting to his sons — and daughter.
Alyssa always wanted to play with your husband’s legendary sword, Darksister.
On her fifteenth name day celebration, he gave her her own.
"Valyrian steel..." She whispered, her eyes were full of emotion. "Father, I don't know what to say"
"All legendary swords have names. The conqueror had Blackfyre, I have Darksister, your brother Rhaegon named his Devour. What's yours called?"
Alyssa being your husband's daughter, you couldn't think of a different answer;
Daemon couldn't be more proud of his little warrior.
But he was also worried about her.
Alyssa finally became of age, and Daemon's brother, King Viserys, thought it would be the best for the house of the dragon to marry one of his sons to her.
Of course it wouldn't be with the second heir to the throne. Aegon was already married to his sister, Helaena.
And, Daeron was in Oldtown, so certainly it wouldn't be to him either.
"What did you say to him?" You asked your husband.
"I said, I'm not marrying my little girl to that psychopath one-eyed son of his!"
"What? I don't care if he exiles me for the hundredth time, my daughter is not going to marry that freak! The kid killed cats for fun when he was 12, Y/N!"
Daemon was protective over all his kids, but especially Viserra.
She was the only royal child in the castle, so she didn't really have anyone to play with her.
And like a good father, he didn't mind making her company.
Viserra was curious and a fast learner.
Daemon usually took her for walks on the dragonpit to see Caraxes, but never to rides, because she wasn't fond of heights.
She liked to learn about the dragons but not to be on top of one.
She also loved when Daemon talked to her in high valyrian.
"Do you wanna know something interesting?" He said playfully and she nodded, "The valyrian word for "love" and "need" are the same."
"Really?" She gasped.
"Really." He chuckled, "For example, jorrāelagon ao. Now, what did I say?"
"Love you."
"Yes, but so is "need you". The phrases are the same."
"Jorrāelagon ao" She repeated, hugging Daemon's huge torso.
He loved his girls more than anything, but he'd always remember to pay some attention to his boys too.
At the age of 18, Rhaegon spent most of his time on the westerosi skies, riding his beloved Araxes.
Daemon not only taught his sons sword fighting, but gladly showed them his amazing riding skills.
With the help of his father, Maegon finally found a dragon for himself. He claimed Seasmoke after Laenor's passing.
Both boys shared their father's adventurous spirit, and they loved to be on the air.
"I bet Aemond couldn't do this with that old burden of his!" Shouted Rhaegon, exhibiting his riding tricks.
"Vhagar can't even put herself in the air without falling to pieces!" Maegon mocked.
"I think she's so old that she saw Aemond's hair and thought it was Visenya taking her to conquer Dorne!" Daemon laughed.
His kids were his joy.
a/n: check out part 3 here
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uhohwhathaveidone · 1 year
Hello, I was wondering if I could request a fluffy Ominis x fem (Hufflepuff) MC? (Maybe post game, but like everyone lives happily au?)
Like where Ominis has a “Secret admirer” who leaves him adorable braille notes shortly after their sixth year starts.. saying stuff like “your bright lovely soul makes the stars envious of your splendor” “your heart is so beautiful, it must’ve been made by angels” and “your kind and gentle heart is lovable beyond words”
He’s so confused, and utterly flustered that someone out there is doing all this for him.. it’s obvious this’s no meer crush. It takes dedication to learn a whole new language, especially one as difficult as braille. What baffles him though is HOW his admirer is leaving these notes for him??? Even in his commen room? (The answer is Seb.. the cheeky little co-conspirator. Mc passes him a few now and then to specifically put them where Ominis can’t help but find them.)
He can also tell that his secret admirer is getting better and better at making the notes, he can tell by the texture alone the quality is always increasing.. eventually he starts looking forward to finding the hidden treasures made specifically for him~ eventually he bumps into MC (perhaps in his distracted mind trying to figure out who his admirer really is, he just trips over and lands on top of MC) the two are are both so flustered that MC gets up in a hurry but before she could escape, Ominis picks up a piece of paper that she dropped in order to hand it back to her.. and he freezes.
Because #1 it’s a Note. #2 this means his admirer is MC, the girl he’s been utterly infatuated with since he first met her. #3 the texture tells him this must’ve been one of the first ones she made. And finally #4 the words on the note. “I believe I’ve fallen deeply and irrevocably in-love with you, Ominis.” He’s grinning like an lovesick idiot~
My brain hurts trying to come up with romantic notes.
Secret Admirer (O.G)
My hair curled up and now it's the opposite of what it was when it got cut, which I knew was going to happen. Still cute though. Obviously, this is a Hufflepuff/Fem/Reader. Ominis is such a sweet boy like I love him. Sebastian is the best wingman, of course. He just has a problem with having a poker face, or lack thereof. I hope you enjoy <3
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      Ominis sighed as he walked into the common room, making his way to where his dorm was. Sebastian walked beside him, rambling on about how classes seemed to have gotten harder since they started their sixth year. “It’s going to get harder, Sebastian. That’s how it works.” Ominis said, opening the door and walking in. Sebastian groaned as he plopped himself onto the bed, kicking off his shoes. “I know it’s going to get harder, but I can’t be the only one having a hard time already.” Ominis shook his head, placing his bag down next to his bed as he sat on its edge. “I bet y/n has been having a hard time, and she’s brilliant! You can’t tell me that you’re the only one doing well.” Sighing, Ominis reached for his bag and took out a book. “I doubt she’s having any problems. She’s a fast learner.” Sebastian chuckled, speaking quietly. “She sure is.” “What?” “Nothing.”
      A week had passed since the three of you had started your sixth year, and after Sebastian had complained enough to the two of you, a study group was created. “Sebastian, do you even remember what you learned last year?” You asked, staring at the parchment he had handed you. He shrugged as he frowned. “Sure, I do! I remember Accio, that’s important, right?” Ominis shook his head as he sighed, flipping through the pages of the charms book. You handed the page back to him, pulling out a piece of parchment from your bag and glaring at it instead. Ominis sat across from you, trailing his fingers down the page. You exchanged glances with Sebastian, who raised his eyebrow and smirked at you. You shook your head as you glared at him, reluctantly handing the page to him. Sebastian grinned at you as he stuffed it into his pocket, returning to his book as he read out a sentence.
      Ominis exchanged goodbyes with you as you parted ways by the Hufflepuff common room, walking with Sebastian back to their own dorm. Sebastian continued up to where the two of them slept, leaving Ominis to take a seat on the couch as he pondered about what he had done that day. Sebastian returned shortly after, a sly smirk on his face that he didn’t even try to hide, taking a seat next to Ominis. “Did you know about the spell we learned about today?” He asked, referring to what they had been studying in the library. Ominis nodded as he stretched his arms. “Of course. It’s a simple fire spell; my mother uses it every now and then to light one of her candles.” Sebastian groaned in response. “Well, that certainly isn’t fair.”
      The two boys talked for another hour before they decided to retreat for the night. Ominis quickly changed into his night clothes and prepared for bed, while Sebastian sat on his bed, grinning as he waited for Ominis to get into bed. “You sure do take a long time to get ready for bed, you know.” He said, growing impatient. Ominis shook his head as he set his wand on the table, “You seem awfully worried about my routine tonight, I have half the mind to think you were planning something.” Sebastian shrugged as he laid back on his bed. “I’m not planning anything, but it’s late, and you haven’t put all your papers away yet.” Ominis furrowed his brows as he turned to Sebastian, confused. “What do you mean?” Sebastian sighed, slipping under the covers, still smiling. “You have paper on your bed. I assume you meant to put it away?” Ominis huffed in response, grazing his hand over the sheets in search of the paper Sebastian had claimed was on his bed. Sure enough, Ominis’ fingers grazed parchment and he picked it up. He ran his fingers over its surface, reading it to see what class it was for.
      The raised bumps were crude, in a way, rather different from Ominis’ normal reading material. He furrowed his brows and frowned as he tried to make sense of it; it was clear that someone unfamiliar with Braille had tried their hand at it, and he felt his cheeks heat up as he began to understand what was being said. “I have been captivated by the stars on your face, each one a testament to your unique beauty. They lead me towards the depths of your soul, and I am constantly in awe of the universe that you contain within you.” Some of the words were misspelled, but they were easy to decode. The note continued. “Let me be your stargazer; let me bask in the light of your beauty, even if it’s only from afar. For as long as you have those stars on your face, I will continue to be your devoted admirer.” Ominis stood there, stunned, as he read through the note again. Sebastian’s shoulders shook in silent laughter as he watched Ominis’ face turn red, smiling as he continued to stand there as he read it.
      “What’s the matter? An old worksheet from last year?” Sebastian asked, breaking Ominis from his trance. He stuttered as he turned to Sebastian, eyes wide. “Oh, uh, yes. I believe it is.” Sebastian smiled as he watched Ominis fold the note and place it under his wand. Ominis quickly slipped into bed, telling Sebastian good night as he turned away. He could hear soft snores escape Sebastian as he quickly fell asleep, while he was kept up by his fast-paced heart and thoughts. As he tried to calm his mind, his thoughts went back to the note; the braille wasn’t the best, but it was still impressive if someone didn’t understand the language, and Ominis smiled to himself as he thought about someone potentially learning braille just for him.
      He found himself frowning, however, as he thought more about it. How did it find its way to his bed? It was possible that the note was from someone in Slytherin, but the note had found its home on his bed, and Ominis didn’t think anyone would walk into his dorm to place a note like that.  He sighed to himself as he shook the thought from his mind, opting to go over the words that had been on the note instead, falling asleep with a smile on his face.
      Sebastian had left early the next morning, telling Ominis that he would meet him in class as he took his bag and walked out of the common room. He quickly made his way down the halls and waited near the Hufflepuff common room, spooking you as you turned the corner. “Sebastian! It’s too early for your theatrics.” You said, hand to your chest as you tried to calm your heart. He laughed as he took your arm, leading you down the hall to where your class would be in under an hour. “I took the note you gave me and put it on his bed last night.” Sebastian started, smiling as you blushed slightly. “Did he see it?” He nodded, telling you in detail how Ominis stood, frozen like a statue, for what felt like ages, and how he ran his fingers over the page multiple times, reading it over and over. “Did he say anything about it?” You asked, Sebastian shaking his head. “He seemed rather happy, though. I don’t think he would talk about it so soon after receiving it.” You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek. “What was in that note, anyway?” Sebastian asked, quirking his eyebrow as he smirked at you. You quickly shook your head as you swatted at him. “Just some practice braille, nothing more.” “Sure, it was.” “Shut up.”
      Ominis kept the note he had received in the pocket of his robe, neatly folded to avoid any damage to the braille. He hadn’t mentioned it to anyone, not even you or Sebastian, who smiled as you watched Ominis graze over the pages of his book. Sebastian nudged you while walking down the hall, smirking at you as you tried to work on your next note as you walked. While you were a fast learner, braille was a whole other language, and you desperately wanted it to be perfect for Ominis, who walked next to you, oblivious. You frowned, glancing over at him, huffing in frustration. “Is there something wrong, y/n?” Ominis asked, causing you to jump slightly. Sebastian chuckled, watching you shake your head as you stuffed the parchment into your bag. “No! Nothing is wrong. I was just…thinking about when we can go to Hogsmeade. It’s been so long!” You fibbed, forcing a smile as you looked at your feet. Ominis nodded in agreement, smiling. “It has been a while, perhaps next week we can take a trip.” You nodded as you swatted at Sebastian again, who had begun to mimic your embarrassment. “Sounds like the perfect plan.” You said through gritted teeth.
       A few days later, Ominis arrived at the common room later than normal. The study session had taken longer than expected, even after Sebastian had excused himself, leaving the two of you to go over the potions you had learned that day. You discussed, in depth, how each potion was supposed to look, something that you didn’t really need to know, but still went over. Sebastian quickly left the session after you handed him another note, explaining that he needed to speak with a professor before they closed their doors. Sebastian did not, however, speak to a professor. He had quickly hurried to the common room and looked around, searching for a spot to put the note where Ominis would find it, opting for the seat that he normally sat at. No one really sat in that seat except Ominis, who found it rather comfortable so close to the fire. Once the note was placed, Sebastian sat down in his normal spot, occupying himself with a book until Ominis showed up.
      Ominis sighed as he walked in, taking his normal route to his seat by the fire. Sebastian coughed, causing him to jump. “Sebastian? I thought you went to speak to a professor?” He asked, looking in his direction. Sebastian shrugged, “I didn’t get there in time, so I decided to wait for you here.” Ominis nodded as he put his bag down, sifting through it for a book. “Did you walk Y/n back to her dorm?” Ominis nodded, a slight pink tint reaching his cheeks. “I did, in fact. Why wouldn’t I?” “I was just making sure.” Sebastian watched as Ominis took a seat, almost knocking the note over that had been placed on the arm of the chair. It rustled slightly as Ominis’ sleeve brushed it, catching his attention. He picked it up, a slight smile on his face as he felt the bumps through the folded paper.
        He unfolded it, running his fingers down the pages as he felt the braille, which had gotten remarkably better in what felt like a week since the last note. “Though you cannot see with your physical eyes, I am in awe of the way you see the world. Your inner vision is a light that shines brighter than any star in the sky, guiding you towards the most beautiful aspects of life.” Stars. Each note had mentioned stars in them, and flustered Ominis as the notes continued to compare him to one. Whoever had written these notes saw Ominis the same way they saw the stars in the night sky; beautiful, something that Ominis never thought about himself. He felt his cheeks grow hotter as he continued. “Let me be your eyes; let me guide you towards the beauty that you so rightfully deserve. For as long as I am by your side, I will be your faithful companion on this journey through life.”
      Sebastian had to cover his mouth as he watched Ominis as he sat there, eyes wide and face burning. He watched Ominis’ mouth open and close like a fish as he read through it again, quickly reaching into his pocket. Sebastian’s smile grew as he recognized the paper that Ominis took out of his pocket, watching as he went through both notes now. What had you written this time to make him so flustered? Sebastian shook his head, enjoying the moment as Ominis was left speechless. When you had asked Sebastian if he could give Ominis your little notes, discreetly of course, he never imagined he’d get such a kick out of watching Ominis freak out. “Are you ok? You look like you’ve been hit with a freezing spell.” Sebastian asked, trying to keep his voice calm as his shoulders continued to shake. Ominis didn’t respond, only nodding as he continued to read the notes.
      The following weeks went by quickly as Ominis spent each day searching around him for the small notes. He had even asked the two of you to keep an eye out for notes in braille, excited that he had something that only he could truly see. You both agreed, of course, and Sebastian smiled at you when you realized that you had to hand the notes to him in person, your face draining of colour as you thought about it. After Charms, you quickly handed Ominis the fifth note, claiming that he left it at his desk. He accepted it quickly and thanked you, an excited smile on his lips as his cheeks grew pink. You watched him unfold the page and trace his finger over it, finally able to see what Sebastian had talked about.
       You didn’t write anything special in the note this time around, opting to speak in a more friendly manner. “It warms my heart that you continue to read my notes. I hope that my braille isn’t as choppy as it was originally, I had been practicing all break to make sure you were able to read it. I am grateful for the time we have spent together, and I look forward to continuing to explore the universe that you contain within you. With you by my side, I know that anything is possible.” Ominis felt giddy as he folded it back up and placed it in his pocket with the rest of them, thanking you once again as you walked together down the hall.
       “You don’t normally leave your notes laying around, Ominis. But so far, you’ve had five come into your possession?” You asked, trying to make conversation as well as trying to get a better picture as to how Ominis felt about the notes. He shook his head as he continued to walk, smiling. “It’s rather amazing, actually! I’m the only one who understands braille, yet there is someone writing me notes, for my eyes only.” You nodded, a small smile gracing your lips. “So, you’re not leaving notes lying around?” He shook his head. “Someone is writing to me. At first, I thought it was just a one-time thing, someone just letting me know that there was someone out there with a crush.” You furrowed your brows, “But?” Ominis turned to you, his face turning red as he continued to talk. “They’re love letters, y/n! And from what I’ve read, especially from the one you found, I know them. It’s rather exciting, really.” You chuckled as you turned down the hall to the Hufflepuff common room. Stopping at the entrance, you gave Ominis a final smile. “I’m glad you’re finding a universe in those notes, Star Boy.” With that, you walked into the common room, leaving Ominis on the other side of the wall.
      Ominis laid in bed that night as his thoughts raced. He read through the notes again and again, his mind drifting around as he thought back to earlier. You called him Star Boy, and mentioned a universe, just like the notes beside him said. He racked his brain as he searched for a moment where he might have mentioned the contents of the notes, unable to find any as he stared at the ceiling, sighing quietly. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, letting his mind roam without restraints. A few moments later, Ominis found himself staring at the ceiling again, wide-eyed as his mind began piecing things together. Were you the one writing the notes? You had been close friends for some time now, and Ominis would be lying if he said he didn’t have feelings for you, even when he read the first note, his heart skipped a beat at the thought that perhaps you wrote it. Even as he thought about the possibility that you had basically hand-delivered the last note to him, his heart skipped. Ominis could hardly sleep that night.
      You sat beside Sebastian in Potions, yawning lightly as you rested your head in your palm. Ominis sat on the other side of Sebastian, going over the peptalk he had given himself that morning before heading over to class. You greeted him as he walked into the room, and he stuttered a hello back before quickly taking out his book and hiding his face in it. You and Sebastian exchanged confused glances before the professor began class, leading to where you were now, slowly falling asleep as Sharp’s voice dragged on. You tapped your fingers on the table, earning a few glances from Ominis as he continued to think about what to say to you once the class was over, unsure if he should just ask you flat-out if you were the one writing the notes or not.
      When Sharp dismissed the class, you stayed in your seat, unaware that the class had finished. Sebastian grabbed Ominis’ sleeve as he tried to walk away, chuckling as he whispered that you were asleep. Ominis furrowed his brows as he stood there, listening to Sebastian as he told him to wait. He hovered over you as you dozed, unaware about the assault that he was about to unleash on you to wake you up. Sebastian quickly jabbed his fingers into your sides, causing you to yelp and nearly fall out of your seat as you tried to get away. “Sebastian! What in Merlin’s beard?” You shouted, swatting at him. Ominis chuckled, smiling as he listened to you scold Sebastian. “Well then don’t fall asleep, you’ll be late for your next class.” Your eyes widened as you looked around the room, seeing that only the three of you were left. You quickly grabbed your bag as you shoved your book inside, rushing to the door.
      Ominis grabbed your arm as you passed him, hoping to talk to you before you ran off. He took you by surprise, however, and you tripped over the legs of the chair beside you. Ominis quickly grabbed for you as you fell, cursing lightly under his breath as he went down with you. Sebastian smiled as he quickly snuck off, not bothering to help you from the ground. “Are you ok? You didn’t hit your head, did you?” Ominis asked, as he hovered over you. You looked around, finding the contents of your bag sprawled everywhere. “Yes, I’m ok, thank you.” You breathed, eyes wide as you stared up at Ominis, feeling your cheeks heat up. “I didn’t mean to take you down with me, I’m sorry, Ominis.” You continued, unable to get up as you laid on your back. Ominis shook his head as he slowly lifted himself off you, taking your hand and helping you gather your things.
      “I was hoping I could have a word with you, actually.” Ominis said, handing you a book. You thanked him, putting it back into your bag as you stood. “Perhaps later? Sebastian was right, if I don’t hurry, I’ll be late.” You gave Ominis an apologetic look as he nodded, telling him goodbye as you quickly made your way out of the room. Ominis sighed as he reached down to gather his wand and book, his hand making contact with a piece of old parchment. He furrowed his brows as he picked it up, unfolding it and inspecting it. His eyes widened as he felt the paper, crude braille on its surface. It was rough, far more than the note he had gotten weeks ago. He furrowed his brows as he tried to decipher it. “I believe I’ve fallen deeply and irrevocably in love with you, my dear Ominis.”
      Ominis felt his heart skip a beat once again as he held the note, one that no doubt had fallen from your bag when the two of you had tumbled to the ground. He smiled to himself as he held the note, his theory proven correct; you had been the writer. He put the note into his pocket as he walked out of the classroom, grinning. You spent the whole break learning braille for him. You shared the same feelings that he had for you, too, and you called him beautiful, claiming that you wanted to be by his side. He met with Sebastian, who smirked at Ominis when he saw the grin on his face. “Someone’s happy.” Ominis nodded, his smile growing bigger as he glanced toward Sebastian. “Y/n really is a fast leaner.”
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gravedigginbbydoll · 10 months
Hawkins University : The Munson Edition
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AN: Hey y'all!! Thank you all so so much for the love and support for this AU! I really appreciate it! This next chapter is a peak into Eddie's life and his coping with University. Also pls remember reblogs and comments are appreciated ! I love feedback!
→ cliches: friends to lovers, heavy use of nicknames instead of Y/N, we're all just struggling college kids, Music Tutor! Eddie, Resident Assistant! Reader, good girl x bad boy, instant connections, 'I don't trust most people but I trust you', 'are we friends or more?', and 'I can't believe you're such a slut that you have a special dtf drawer...'
→ warnings: mature topics, drinking and drug usage, strong language, bullying, mental health, eventual smut, minors dni
→ pairing: modern!college!eddie x college!fem!reader
<Previous Masterlist Next>
Chapter 3 
Eddie’s POV 
Eddie sat across from you, in the rundown booth of Mr. Frosty’s. It was a burger joint older than the both of you and well loved by both the students of Hawkins and older working adults alike. Eddie had ordered a burger, with fries and a float to share. You had ordered chicken strips, causing Eddie to scoff at you. Burgers and soft serve were what Mr. Frosty’s were known for, but it seemed like you were sheepish about eating in front of him anyways, so he didn’t push. 
Eddie almost felt embarrassed about how carelessly he was putting away his burger, but he was starving, so he ignored the feeling. He hadn’t missed how your lips twitched up in a smile as he ate the thing in what was probably 4 large bites before sighing and slumping in the booth. You were mostly quiet, and Eddie had been at first way too focused on his burger, but after that was completed, he was able to just slowly eat fries and talk to you. 
You intrigued him. It wasn’t every day he got to really meet someone outside his circle with his friends. I mean, sure, there were the parties he occasionally dealed at and would pick up a pretty person to release some stress and tension, but outside of that, his circle was fairly small. Plus, something about you drew him in. Nothing felt too weird and he didn’t feel as self conscious as usual. 
“So, graduating early, huh?,” Eddie asked, grabbing for a fry before dipping it in the soft serve overflowing in the float. 
You nodded, grabbing for a fry and nibbling thoughtfully. “Yeah. I have that timed loan.” 
Eddie nodded, sipping on the float while contemplating that. He had considered that exact loan but had preferred to work on the side while having his scholarship to cut down on costs. He figured it would probably be amazing to graduate within the time frame it allowed in order to have the entire sum of money forgiven. However, he’d rather just risk it with other forms of financial aid due to his… track record with graduating in the past. Sure he had loans, but they weren’t timed. He just sort of figured his suffering from working on campus during summers and then also working private music lessons would assist in paying back the mountain of debt he was building. 
“What about you?,” You questioned, pulling Eddie from his thoughts.
“Huh?,” Eddie furrowed his brows, cocking his head in confusion. 
You laughed a bit, smiling at Eddie. He felt his face heat up at your smile. Damn, she’s cute. 
“I mean, why are you taking a beginner’s guitar course? You clearly know how to play, Mr. Rockstar,” You teased, swiping a fry through the ice cream now dripping down the sides of the tall frosted glass. You ate while looking at Eddie, your eyes sparkling with amusement and now appearing less sheepish. 
Eddie felt a smile tug at his lips, a flush clearly building under his skin. “How do you know? What if I am just a really fast learner?,” He argued playfully, pointing a fry at you with narrowed eyes. 
You laughed, the sound igniting a sort of glee in Eddie. He wanted more. “Puh-lease. I heard from the professor that you teach private guitar lessons. Bet you play at The Hideout too, huh?,” You teased while referencing the ever popular venue for budding musicians near campus, raising a brow as you ate the slightly soggy and ice cream coated fry from earlier. 
Eddie felt his whole face heat up to the tips of his ears, his head hanging a bit to use his hair to cover his red cheeks. That contagious and sweet laugh graced his ears again as you giggled, shaking your head as you held your side and tried to hide your smile. 
“That obvious, huh?,” Eddie asked, a bit sheepish. 
You nodded a bit, fighting back the giggled clearly and faking a serious expression. Eddie felt his own lips get tugged in a smile and his head clear. This had been surprisingly easy. You were easy. Something felt… different. Maybe it was because you hadn’t seen the raw and jagged edges of him yet, or because you weren’t there to get anything out of him other than to learn. Usually people only came to Eddie for weed or sex. But you were here, just offering to buy him a burger as thanks for helping you learn his favorite instrument. 
“Look, I’ll take it as a compliment that you think my shitty band is rockstars, Bug,” He teased, sipping some more of the float down as you shook your head, smiling at him. 
“Of course it’s a band!”
Eddie threw a fry at you, eyebrows furrowed despite his smile and laughter. 
The two of you giggled the night away and Eddie felt a little of the weight on his shoulders lighten. Maybe a new friendship was just what he had needed. 
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Eddie sat in his apartment, staring at his laptop. He had submitted an assignment earlier that week and was now staring at his grade, his heart sinking and his hands shaking. 
A C. He had gotten a C. 
He worked tirelessly over the project. Staying up late to figure out the mixing and different programs he was expected to use to produce. He had cried to Nancy about maybe turning out just like everyone said he would. She had assured him that he was worth more than his grades, but also that he wasn’t a failure. 
But here it was. The single letter threatening his scholarship, Uncle Wayne’s pride in his nephew finally attending college at age 20, only to last a year and a half. The thing caused him to shake and left him wanting to rip out his hair. 
Eddie sighed, closing the laptop. He read over the feedback over and over, all of it the same. All telling him that he needed to work on the quality of his mixing, branch out, and be more creative. Eddie’s frustration grew with every criticism and issue. He felt like the fire in him for music was burning out. He was tired. He just wanted to disappear. 
Eddie looked up at the clock on the dingy microwave he and Steve shared and felt a wave of relief. It was almost time for the party. The party that would be full of booze and drugs (provided by the courtesy of Eddie himself). Sure, Eddie would be selling, but he could also lose himself in the numbness of the alcohol as soon as he made a few hundred, which wasn’t hard at a party like this. Maybe he’d even catch a girl. 
Eddie stood up, waltzing off to the bathroom to prep his supplies and himself. He’d leave the worrying for later. 
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Eddie arrived at the Sigma Nu house around 10 pm, the time he knew where everyone would be itching for shrooms or weed and already be pretty buzzed by the strange concoction of jello shots and Sigma Slush (the frats version of jungle juice, only turned into an slushy consistency to beat the heat of the bodies piled into the house). He adjusted his sleeveless muscle tee, his tattoos out on display. He felt a tug of worry over whether his eye makeup and liner was too much, but pushed it down with a confident stride into the packed room. He strode back towards the kitchen, taking a red solo cup and dipping it into the tub container full of icy alcohol, pulling the cup out when he was satisfied with how much was in it. He took the cup out towards the back porch, his usual selling spot among the picnic table near the shadow of the bushes. 
He smirked when he spotted a group of people already seated, clearly itching for a hit. Guess this night wouldn’t be a total fail. 
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Eddie was significantly gone by the time he noticed the one and only Chrissy Cunningham walking towards him. She was one of the most well known people at Hawkins University, and viewed as ‘Hawkins’ Local Sweetheart’. She was on the dance team and a member of a sorority that boasted the hottest girls on campus. Why would she head over to Eddie to grab some weed?
Eddie sat up, eyes squinting as he glanced towards the shy blonde. She was looking around nervously, a blush clear across her cheeks. She walked towards the table, sitting across from Eddie. Eddie felt his mind swirl with thoughts and disbelief at the Chrissy Cunningham sitting by him. She tucked a stray strand of light strawberry blonde hair behind her ear, smiling timidly. 
“Hey…I’m Chrissy. I’m in your English Lit class. I just wanted to come by for…I dunno…a hit? I’ve never done this before,” She confessed shyly, her timid gaze and baby blues causing Eddie to get flustered and blush. 
Eddie was a simple guy. He liked men, women, and individuals of all sorts. He had a reputation for giving people a good time overall, and not pressuring others into a relationship. However, he had yet to experience someone as sweet and well loved as Chrissy. Plus, he couldn’t help but notice the soft pinks and blues she wore, her personality and style a clear contrast to his own. It made him excited. 
“Yeah, I know. It’s alright. You want an edible instead? It’s easier… and for you, a special discount,” Eddie winked, his words slurring together. Chrissy blushed and nodded, pointing to the knock off cosmic brownie Eddie had used concentrated infused butter in. He grinned, sliding it over and noting Chrissy’s lip bite. 
She looked up at him, her big blue eyes drawing him in as she bit a plush pink lip. “We could share…right?” 
Eddie grinned, halving the edible with a plastic knife and winking at the blushing girl in front of him, noting her squirming and slight giggle as she daintily ate the treat. 
Oh yeah. He was for sure getting lucky. 
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Eddie sat in the booth at Mr. Frosty’s, slumped against the cracking vinyl seats and a pair of sunglasses over his clearly bloodshot eyes. He had split the edible with Chrissy, who ranted to Eddie over her latest breakup with local douchebag and football star Jason Carver. Afterward, the two had danced and grabbed drinks, bodies flush against each other and Eddie growing harder by the second. Chrissy had kissed him, all feverish and desperate, as he rushed to pull her into the closest room. He made sure she was sober enough to consent and understand what she was doing. It was good…great even. But something about her finishing, quickly zipping up her skirt and pulling on her cardigan, waving bye to a still shirtless Eddie and thanking him, hurt. He understood that she probably was excited by the idea of hooking up with someone who was the total opposite of Jason, but Eddie couldn’t help but feel like a toy. 
Afterwards, he went home and passed out, mind swirling with dark thoughts of his impending doom and his obvious failing grades. He immediately thought of you and the texts you’d exchanged back and forth, the small sparking friendship you were building. He decided to ask if you two could grab lunch. You had texted back almost immediately that you would be there as soon as you finished your desk shift. 
Eddie went ahead and ordered fries and an over the top shake, something ridiculous like banana chocolate cream whatever. He could care less. He was sipping on the milkshake and munching away on fries when you slid into the booth across from him, a polo with the University name on it and your expression a bit confused while also slightly amused at Eddie’s state. He groaned. 
“Look, just say-” 
“You look like you stepped straight out of Weekend At Bernie’s,” You giggled out, your light laugh making Eddie wince slightly with his headache, but soothing his hurt nonetheless. 
“I partied a little too hard,” He joked, smiling at you weakly, holding his head in his hands and sighing. 
“And you decided to meet up at the best diner in town to soothe your hangover?,” You joked, cocking a brow at Eddie. 
He felt his cheeks heat and shrugged and then glared at you, confused at your attire. 
“What’s with the polo?” 
You groaned, covering your face and digging through your backpack you brought to grab at something. You pulled out a hoodie, despite the weather outside not yet reaching fall’s familiar chill. 
“I was at work, okay? I forgot that I was still wearing it…” You grumbled, snatching a fry from Eddie. 
Eddie furrowed his brows and fought off a bit of a smile. Of course you worked on campus, you were an exemplary hard worker and a perfect little academic.  “Wait, you work on campus too? Where? My roommate and a few of my friends also work on campus.” 
You mumbled, your embarrassment clear across your face as you looked away from Eddie. 
“I’m a Resident Assistant, okay? A professional narc. An RA. I live in a dorm,” You huffed out, clearly embarrassed by your position in comparison to the cool and rebellious alternative nerd that was Eddie Munson. A wicked grin grew on his face, his headache subsiding slowly at this amusing information. “No way. You? Didn’t you tell me your favorite pastime with friends is Wine Uno?,” He chuckled, cocking his head at you. He was mostly teasing, as you had shown yourself to be a bit of a rule follower and worrywart, but occasionally you revealed that you could let loose. 
You sighed, looking at him. “Look, it pays for housing, I don’t have to have a roommate, and frankly, I don’t get people in trouble unless they decide to be idiots. Then I have to follow the rules. Plus, I’m of age. I can drink,” You protested, throwing a fry at him weakly, which he had caught in his mouth somehow, clearly feeling more chipper now at your embarrassment. 
Eddie smirked, putting his chin in his hands, his elbows against the table.
“Please tell me more.”  
He was feeling a tug at his mouth and his heart felt lighter. Hanging out with you was just what he needed. 
Taglist: @josephquinnsfreckles @corrodedcoffincumslut @kirisuteg0men @bebe07011 @amira0303 @vintagehellfire
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marchiekana · 11 months
Human heater anon here, I'll just call myself Anon H,I know you're not back from your camping which I really hope you're enjoying, camping is amazing if done right. Kinda makes me wanna do it. Anyways ! I'll leave this idea here, take it or leave it ! I just need to get this out to someone.
Ahem, I had the sudden thought of a reader who's just the most chill, laid back and nonchalant person. Someone is being annoying ? Reader doesn't care and and just keeps going. Alone ? Just Vibing. Someone disagrees with them intensely ? It's cool mate. Though it sometimes attracts people to diminish the reader because they know the reader won't care so they lash out their pent up frustration. They also annoy the characters (I'll mention them after), as in they're just TOO laid back it can be a pain. I think Silver Wolf, Serval and Kafka could be neat for that. Thanks for reading my little rant.
I'm back ehehe
But anyways this prompt made me kick my legs and giggle 🤭
Also there might be some grammer or spelling mistakes cause I typed this in like half an hour
I feel like kafka would share a similar energy too but hers is more... calculated? She'd definitely try to mess with you and make bets with the other members to see who makes you angry first(which she miserably failed at ).
Oh but she loves how you are sometimes( she loves u all the time). Your laid back attitude when someone is angry with you and seeing your nonchalant answers anger the person in front of you is free entertainment for her and the best thing is the snarky comments you give each other when you're having an argument. She'd purposefully try making you angry (which she'd, again, fail to do so)
But! Sometimes, just sometimes, she doesn't really like how you don't take things very serious. Especially when you've come back hurt from a mission or fighting with someone. or if you just fell down on the stairs. She hates how you don't take your injuries seriously and that annoys her a lot. Would subtly scold you in a soft tone but even after you shrug it off and tell her that you're fine or remark on how funny it was that this happened to you, she would raise her voice and tell you how she feels about what you're doing. But no worries after a little fight she'd apologize and tell you to take care of yourself and makes sure you do so.
But if someone really tried to hurt you both physically or with their words, that person better pray for themselves.
Now for Silver Wolf, she'd.....do nothing. She doesn't care much honestly. She likes how calm and friendly you are. Loves how you don't disturb her during her gaming sessions and will be ready to teach you any game you want. And the thing is, you're the only one who doesn't make her angry while she's teaching you cause you're pretty fast learner. Unlike a certain few.
And the way you fight is quite amusing too her. You're both very similar in that. A smug, expression and taunting words. Would definitely enjoy seeing you fight while she's on the sidelines.
Serval is an absolute tease about it. No intentions of making you angry, she just thinks it's cute.
But if, by any chance you get hurt while fighting or you happened to break one of her precious games, you better get ready cause you're in for a little ride around tantrum town. She doesn't like that you just say that you'll buy her a new one or tell her that she's overreacting with that stupid smug smile of yours. Its like You're not really sorry when you really are. Your expressions just don't match Your feeling and that causes a misunderstanding and then you're gonna get silent treatment for about three days and few death glares here and there. And maybe a few petty fights....but that's ok cause she'll forgive you in the end and tell you to atleast care about her feelings.
She absolutely loves your nonchalant smile/smug! You just look so good! She likes how cool headed you are and how well you handle situations, it could be an angry customer at her shop or anyone to say the least. Its not like she can't handle the customer herself, she wants to watch you do it, with that pretty little smug on your.
But just imagine, one day you broke her favourite trinkets given to her by her brother and she was already having a bad and then sees the condition of the trinket and an awkward smile on your face as you apologize to her. On that day, you saw a Serval that was a whole different person. She scolded you, you got angry and again, with that smug, taunting smile of yours, say something to piss her off more and she leaves. You better go ask her sorry after this and buy her some flower.
Idk buf Kafka seems a bit too ooc in the end, honestly all of them do but oh well. thanks for listening to my rant too lol 😆
© marchiekana do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize my work!
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glazedyam · 2 months
Hiii can I request a Jennie NSFW alphabet bet please 🌛
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WC: 1.05k
Warnings: nothing gross, jut plain nsfw.
Jennie is my cutie-patootie, I will defend her with my life. 🥺 Finally someone asks for something for Blackpink, I’d really like to write more for them, but I’m dry as the Sahara desert. I’m without ideas. 💀
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Jennie is a big cuddler, so she oftens cuddles with you after sex, making sure you’re comfortable. She also likes resting her head on your naked chest. She just loves the intimacy and the comfort it brings her.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also on their partners)
Hers: Her waist. Listen, she didn’t work hard her whole life to maintain her waist that thin just for it to not be her favorite part of her body.
Yours: Your lips. She loves them, loves to kiss them, loves to bite them… she just thinks they compliment your face very well.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
She loves to watch your face when you cum. The way your eyes roll back and you bite your lip to prevent any sound from coming out.
D = Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
She’s a bra/panty-stealer. That’s it. That’s the secret. She just loves your scent. She keeps them in a secret drawer until she can return them to you, or until they stop smelling like you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Jennie has had her fair share of boyfriends before dating you, since she didn’t really understand her attraction to women, so it was a bit difficult for her to get used to having sex with a woman, but she’s a quick learner.
F = Favorite position
Missionary. It’s vanilla, yes, but- she enjoys the feeling of her puffy clit against yours, the way she can look into your eyes, and see how much you like it when she fucks herself against you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
She’s definitely more on the serious side, as she prefers the moment to be romantic and intimate.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
She’s groomed, shaved, to be precise. I feel like she doesn’t like waxing.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect.)
Jennie is very cut-to-the-chase. When she wants you, she makes it clear. She can be romantic, but she prefers you be the romantic one.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
She doesn’t masturbate often. She’s too busy to do it properly, and she rather have you instead, but when she has to masturbate, she does it in her room, where no one will bother her and she knows she’s in control.
Kink = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Scent kink. She loves how you smell, so natural, so perfect… it’s a turn-on for her when she gets to eat you out, since she’s close to your cunt, and can smell your arousal.
L = Location (Favorite places to do things)
The bedroom. Jennie is a private person, and she a place where both of you can be comfortable.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going).
As I said before, your smell, but you wearing something of hers, it turns her on so much. It made her feel weird at first, since she didn’t want to be a pervert, but she owns it now.
She lends you her clothes more often now, with the excuse that you need to be as fashionable as her since now you’re dating a literal fashion ambassador, but it's just so she can get off.
N = No (Turn offs, things they refuse to do.)
Hit you. She can’t fathom doing it, she just can’t. I see Jennie as someone who can be mean in bed when she’s jealous, but when you ask extreme things like hitting you, it’s a no-no. She will, however, spit in your mouth if you beg for it.
O = Oral (Preference in receiving or giving, skill, etc.)
Giving. She loves to be close to your arousal, and she loves to taste it with her tongue.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Slow and sensual is Jennie’s way. If you want her to be rough with you, you’ll have to be patient with her, as she needs to get the hang of how to do it properly first, or without hurting you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
She likes them, but she prefers regular sex.
When she has pent up sexual frustration, she likes to do a quickie, but I don’t really see her doing it on the regular.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
I don’t see her taking many risks. She has a reputation to maintain, and can’t have anyone watching you both do it, you’re hers after all.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last).
Jennie gets tired quickly, but she can last one or two rounds before needing a rest, but she makes sure to pay enough attention to you to compensate for that fact.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Jennie owns one toy that she uses on herself whenever she wants to masturbate, but she stopped using it now that she has you. She prefers to use it on you.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease).
She loves to tease you, watching how you blush and try to hide your face… it’s so cute to her.
V = Volume (How loud are they, what sounds they make).
She moans a lot, but she’s quiet when she does. She used to fake moan a lot in her past relationships, but now she doesn’t have to do it, since she doesn’t feel pressured to pretend that she’s having a good time, she’s having a good time for real now.
W = Wild card
I had no idea what to put here, but like, I can imagine her being a pillow princess when she’s needy. It’s so rare when this happens, so relish on it while you can.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not that high. She can go long periods of time without having sex.
Z= = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward).
I don't see her falling asleep that quickly, but if she does end up sleeping, it’s against your chest, like I said before.
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blondeaxolotl · 3 months
Drop ur best meyron prompts/ Hcs
CLAPS AND RUBS HANDS EVILY MEYRON HCS BET here are some of my favourites, some of them are very funny to me - Mey-Rin is the taller one in the relationship, Ronald is the short king - They're the definition of a Girlloser x Boyloser!! (It's just that when Mey-Rin fights, she wins, but when Ronald fights, he loses) - Ronald probably danced like one of those fancy male birds once to impress Mey-Rin and it surprisingly worked - Mey-Rin cannot cook for SHIT to save her life, but Ronald can somewhat and he ends up learning to cook better just so he could cook for her (yeah short king AND malewife over here) - Mey-Rin was the first to fall and develop a crush, but Ronald developed a crush harder and it only got stronger after the first time he witnessed Mey-Rin kicking ass and shooting people - If they ever wanted to train together, as in Ronald wanted to know if he can take her in a fight. Mey-Rin would purposely loose because she'd feel too bad to even hit Ronald because she's aware he cannot fight for shit (no one tell Ronald she let him win, it will break his heart)
Also screw you I'm giving you Meyron headcanons for my aus too cause I CAN
For Red Butler/Swap AU - RB!Mey-Rin's first reaction to meeting Ronald was she thought he was cute, she liked his hair. When she tried to tell him that, he was confused since Ron didn't know English and Layla had to translate it for him (she overexaggerated it on purpose, instead "oh she thinks your hair is cute" she went "Oh she says your hair is SOOOO cute and your face is ADOORABLEEE"). He got very flustered, quickly - Since Ronald only knew German and was struggling with learning English, Mey-Rin started to learn German herself in her free time so she could get along with him better. And since she was a fast learner, she picked it up quick!! She surprised Ronald with it one day and it was safe to say he felt honoured <3 (It also eventually led to Ron teaching Mey-Rin more German while she helped him out with English)
For Beastars Butler AU - Mey-Rin first avoided Ronald because a gazelle trying to offer flowers and gifts to a cheetah was not a good look in the publics eyes (Mix species couples involving Carnivores and Herbivores together were very frowned upon). Though later was revealed she was scared that she would fall for him (she already did) but then later her instincts would kick him and she'd end up eating him. - Ronald actually reassured Mey-Rin that she wouldn't have to worry about eating him because a reapers meat and smell is actually very disgusting and would scare away any carnivores because it was that bad. He even demonstrated it by purposely cutting his hand open and the smell of rotten meat filled the room completely to the point Mey-Rin gagged alot. After that, she just helped him bandage his wound up, she was actually happy to know the sight or smell of meat now officially disgusted/disturbed her because of this. (This actually helped Mey-Rin associate the smell with other herbivores as well so her instincts almost never get triggered because her brain just assumes all herbivore meat smells and probably tastes horrible!! Making it much easier to protect her herbivore friends and family all thanks to Ronald!!)
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beefromanoff · 7 months
Project Mockingbird Ch. 6
summary: a little insight into Charlotte's backstory, lots of training.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
author's note: there are more visuals than I usually use for this chapter, but it's just so fun! let me know what you think and if it's distracting! thanks for reading, xox!
tag list: @bangtanxberm (let me know if you want to be added <3)
chapter list
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Six weeks. 
It had been three weeks of living at the compound. The longest she’d lived anywhere, except - no. That doesn’t count. She didn’t live there, she was kept there. 
In the time since her imprisonment, she’d flitted from place to place, from life to life. Being a quick learner, she slipped into different places almost seamlessly. Her first stint in the real world had been in Siberia, not exactly an ideal place to be. She’d traveled across Europe by train-hopping, stowing away, and hitch-hiking before eventually settling in Austria. 
Her mistake was being a little too reckless with her abilities. Though she’d gone relatively unnoticed at first, it was difficult to make it anywhere without money. That’s when she started doing what she did best…fighting. A few underground fights, cash payout. It was a cakewalk. Through a few connections she made in the seedy world of street fighting, she moved up. People wanted to bet on her, knowing they’d win. It fast-tracked her to bigger fights, higher winnings. She’d even given thought to making that her new life, it was something she knew and something she was good at. Something she was made for. 
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Until she saw the most beautiful, elegant thing she’d ever witnessed. In her studio apartment, rented for her by the man who’d been making a shitload of money off of her fighting, she sat surfing through channels just like every other night. On the screen, a strong, graceful girl hurtled through the air, landing perfectly on a blue mat. It was the first time she’d ever seen gymnastics. Charlotte couldn’t tear her eyes away. 
The next morning, she’d packed her limited belongings in a bag and headed for the train station. The man called her 27 times when he realized she’d left. At least, that’s how many she counted before she threw the phone out a train window. 
In less than a week, she’d learned everything she could about the gymnastics world, including the fact that the National Championship meet was being held in two weeks in Boston. With no ID, no passport, and no real identity at all - flying internationally wasn’t an option. However, when a cruise ship acrobat had suddenly received an urgent call from her ailing mother and fled to attend to her, Charlotte was there ready to step in. Her “audition” was enough for them to offer her a permanent contract performing on the ship. Politely declining, her only goal was to get to the United States. After ten days of performing for sunburnt tourists on the ship, they docked in the Port of Boston with just enough time to spare. 
Knowing she’d need to incentivize the powers that be to allow her to participate in such a prestigious meet as a nobody, she went back to the drawing board. While thinking of how to come into a large sum of cash in less than four days, she overheard a group of Harvard students talking about how they didn’t know how they would ever pass the BAR exam that weekend. In less than 72 hours, she walked out of the last exam with twenty thousand dollars cash in her bag. Four students, desperate and wealthy, had jumped at her offer to take their exams for five grand each. All it took was a night of leafing through their textbooks with a box of takeout in her lap to have it all memorized. 
With one day left until the meet, she bought the most beautiful leotard she could find. All black, one long sleeve, beautiful jeweled detailing. She watched footage of old Olympic meets, NCAA gymnasts getting perfect scores, anything she could find online. On the day of the championships, she stood waiting by the front door long before sunrise for the first judge to show up. She offered him ten thousand dollars cash to put her name on the roster for the day. He immediately accepted, leaving Charlotte pleasantly surprised. She’d been prepared to offer the full twenty. 
The rest is history. She competed last, swept the meet with perfect scores in every event. Her name was in headlines across the country by the next day, even making it on ESPN.
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For a little while, she thought she could have her dream life after all. Thought her abilities could do more than the violence she was bred for. It was beautiful, but it was fleeting. Just before the conclusion of Olympic Trials, she was framed for using performance enhancing drugs and kicked out without ever even being drug tested. She knew gymnastics was a very political sport, and if she could bribe her way in, it was only feasible that someone else could have bribed her out. 
So she went back to fighting. This time in Vegas. After a few months of that, her penthouse suite rented indefinitely with three additional safes full of cash, she decided to switch to gambling. Poker and blackjack were her favorites. She’d managed to keep that going for a few weeks before casinos started to pick up on it, not knowing how seriously they took card counting. In her naive newness to the modern world, she thought that winning would be allowed and rewarded. It wasn’t the case. Not in the casino, not in gymnastics. The second someone caught wind of her unfair advantage, even when they couldn’t begin to explain it, she was kicked out. So her life became a run from one ruse to the next, catapulting to the top of whatever she tried and then forcing herself to abandon it as soon as eyebrows started to raise. 
Until Nat showed up and finally gave her a chance to stop running. 
And that was six weeks ago. 
After breaking her conditioning, she’d found a loose routine. One that didn’t involve lying about who she was or figuring out how to conceal all the cash she had without so much as a drivers’ license to open a bank account. These days were good. She’d wake up early with the team, following a different member each day. Since she didn’t really have a role of her own, she helped out where she could. Sometimes watching and assisting Tony in his lab, sometimes watching Steve train the SHIELD agents. Everyone had something to do, a role here. Except Charlotte. Up until now, it didn’t really bother her. She liked the freedom to drift around the compound, not looking over her shoulder. After about a month, however, she was beginning to feel restless. 
Which is why she asked to train with the SHIELD agents two weeks ago. 
“I thought you didn’t want to be an Avenger?” Nat had raised her eyebrow. 
“I don’t,” Charlotte protested. “But I’m…bored, I guess. I don’t have anything to do here. I feel like I’m in the way. If I can train with them, at least I’ll be prepared, you know…if anything happens and you do need me.” 
“Something tells me you’re already more prepared than even our veteran agents.”
“Please, Nat, I need to do something.” Her eyes were desperate. 
“I’ll talk to Steve.” 
The next week, she’d begun training. Alternating between hand to hand combat, weapons’ training, and intelligence tactics, Charlotte was in Heaven. There was a schedule, a routine, and always more to learn. Although not all of the agents felt the warm fuzzies about having her there. The team had chosen to limit the amount of information given on Charlotte for her own privacy, but her performance had left people with suspicions. 
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“Fuck me.” Agent Bronson mumbled under his breath, stepping forward when his name was called. 
Steve frowned. “What was that?” 
“Nothing.” He ran a hand through his hair as he climbed into the sparring ring with Charlotte. “Let’s get this over with.” A few of the other agents snickered from the sidelines, relieved their name wasn’t called to be her partner. 
“Don’t sound so enthusiastic.” Charlotte rolled her eyes. 
“Come on, Rossi, we both know how this is gonna go. Just try to leave me a shred of my masculinity this time.” 
“I’ll see what I can do.” She smirked, feet set in a defensive stance. As soon as Agent Bronson began to raise his fists, her eyes tracked every miniscule movement he made. The way his eyes flicked to her feet, debating a leg sweep to take her down. The muscle that tensed in his neck when he prepared to throw a punch. In fractions of a second, her mind cataloged his fighting style, instinctively reacting to dodge and duck all of his attempts. 
Eight, nine…She counted each of the blows that whipped past her. Steve had scolded her at the end of the past week, telling her that if she was going to train with the agents, she had to at least try to stay on their level. She told him she’d give each agent a ten swing head start before she went on the offensive. Ten. 
When his boot swung over her head, Charlotte dropped to the ground, swinging her leg to knock his planted one out from underneath him. His back smacked the mat, making the spectating agents wince. From her crouched position, she interlocked her legs with his, flipping both of their bodies with the momentum. Agent Bronson was flat on his face before he even knew what happened. In another half second, Charlotte had his arms locked behind his back with her knees driving his shoulders down. 
“Fuck.” His voice was muffled as his face pressed into the mat. 
“Alright, let him up.” Steve stepped in. Charlotte climbed off, extending a hand to help him up. 
“I tried to make it quick and painless.” She grinned, whispering in his ear as he stood. 
“Much appreciated.” He grumbled. Of all the agents, Derek Bronson had been one of the more welcoming ones. He had some security from being one of the top performers, but still fell short when it came to Charlotte. 
“Okay, team, what can Agent Bronson improve in his hand-to-hand?” Steve looked over the group, waiting for a response. The agents exchanged glances, shuffling their feet. “Anyone?” 
No one spoke up for fear of being assigned to spar with Charlotte next, to demonstrate what they thought they could do better. After a few moments of awkward silence, Steve spoke again. “Alright, let’s wrap it up. We’ll resume on Monday. Good work today, agents.” He patted Agent Bronson on the back. “You’re a good sport.” 
As the agents filed out of the training room, Charlotte took her time gathering her things. She knew she wouldn’t be invited to wherever the group of agents chose to get dinner and happy hour drinks outside the compound, so she preferred not to see them make the plans at all. 
“You bored yet?” Steve crossed his arms and smiled. 
“Do I look bored?” 
“You looked bored the second day you got here.” 
She laughed. “I’m not, actually. I really enjoy it. I could do this all day.” She winked, using Cap’s favorite line against him. 
“I know you can, that’s the problem. Why don’t you train with us?” He held his hands up defensively. “Just train, that’s all. You don’t have to go off base, but it would be a little more of a challenge than this.” 
Charlotte narrowed her eyes, thinking. “I’ll try it out. But don’t get mad at me when you end up like Bronson.” 
This time, it was Steve who laughed. “I’m a decent sport, too.” 
The next morning, Charlotte and Bucky jogged around the lake, having lost track of their laps an hour ago. 
“Good God, do you ever get tired?” He groaned as she ran past the trail that lead back to the compound, beginning another lap. 
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“Eventually.” She smirked over her shoulder. “Keep up, old man.” 
He caught back up to her, throwing a dirty look. “We’re the same age.” 
“Alright, one more mile and I’m calling it. I want to do more with my day than run in circles.” 
Charlotte shot him a mischievous look. “Race ya.” 
They took off running back into the woods. 
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The training room of the Avengers Compound buzzed with anticipation as Charlotte stepped into the ring, her eyes focused, albeit a little arrogant. Though the buzz of her first session with the Avengers’ had made its way around the compound, they elected to keep it a closed session. The group of them was clad in their black training uniforms, meant to mimic the weight and feel of their combat suits. Since Charlotte didn’t have her own yet, she wore another of Natasha’s. Each suit was specially engineered for the one who wore it, meant to accommodate their specific skill set. Nat’s was thinner, lightweight and flexible. Sam’s was double lined to keep him warm in high altitudes. Bucky’s suit had a cutout for his left arm, allowing full range of motion for the prosthetic. 
Sam, with his usual charismatic grin, stepped into the ring first. "I’ll take it easy on you, alright?" he held the ropes open, allowing her to step in. 
"I wouldn’t." Charlotte replied, her eyes glinting with challenge.
The spar commenced. Sam lunged forward, his wings extending to give him an advantage in reach. But before he could react, Charlotte sidestepped, her movements fluid. With a swift motion, she dropped to her knees and slid beneath the reach of his rings, grabbed his arm and twisted, putting him in a painful bind that dropped him to his knees.
"Damn girl," Sam breathed, his eyes wide with surprise.
"T’was a pleasure," Charlotte replied, releasing him and mock curtseying, barely out of breath at all. 
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Next up the Black Widow herself. She stepped in the ring with an air of confidence, her eyes sharp and assessing. She must have noticed how Charlotte balked, not wanting to overstep on her first friend, the reason she was here in the first place. "Don’t you dare take it easy on me," Natasha reprimanded.
“If you say so.” Charlotte gave a small smile, preparing for action. Faster than Sam, Nat put her weight back on her left foot, aiming a kick at Charlotte's midsection.
Charlotte spun to her right, evading the kick. Nat was already striking again, punching across her body. Charlotte blocked, dropping her elbow in the crook of Nat’s arm, bending it and bringing them within inches of each other. Both women moving at once, their legs interlocked in the same takedown attempt. They rolled once on the floor, a blur of black neoprene. 
While Natasha was one of the most skilled Avengers in hand-to-hand combat, Charlotte was stronger, pinning the redhead down as they came to a stop. She held her forearm to Nat’s throat, knees pinning her arms down. 
"Impressive," she croaked, a flicker of admiration in her eyes. Charlotte stood and helped Nat to her feet. 
“Right back at you.” Charlotte’s chest rose and fell, breathing hard. 
Then came Peter Parker, all enthusiasm and boyish charm. "You ready for this?" he asked, a grin on his face.
"Are you?" Charlotte replied, smirking.
Attempting to go for the element of surprise, Peter shot a web at her feet, aiming to immobilize her. Having seen his tell, a clenched jaw and eye flick to the place he wanted to shoot the webs, she knew it was coming. Somersaulting forward, she rolled over the web blast and closed the distance between them. Without rising back off the ground, she delivered a swift kick to the back of his legs, buckling them and dropping him to his knees. As soon as he fell, she wrapped her arm around his neck from behind, pulling him onto his back on top of her. Each of her legs hooked around his arms, pinning them to the ground so he was at an impossible angle to web her. He froze, momentarily stunned.
"You're so fast," Peter breathed, eyes wide.
“So I’ve been told.” She untangled her legs from his arms and he climbed to his feet, offering her a hand. 
Finally, it was Steve’s turn, the one who’d convinced her to do this in the first place. "A little more fun than the agents?" he joked.
“I guess you could say that.” Charlotte tensed, knowing he would be the toughest of the three prior. 
The spar was intense, each blow whistling through the air as she dodged it, power oozing from his every movement. Charlotte anticipated Steve's moves with uncanny accuracy, her eyes keenly observant of his every shift in stance. Steve, in turn, pushed her limits, testing her stamina as the clock ticked on. His style was classic, controlled. He relied on speed and strength more than exceptional skill or strategy. 
The round went on longer than the previous three combined, Charlotte getting Steve in a near-pinned position three times, but unable to overpower him enough to keep him down. 
This time, she took a different approach. Steve swung with a hard right hook, and instead of dodging what she knew was coming, she stood her ground and took it. His fist collided with her jaw, blood immediately bursting from her split lip. Her head snapped to the side, but she didn’t lose her footing. 
“Oh, my God, Charlotte, are you okay?” Steve broke his defensive posture, eyes full of guilt. 
Exactly the reaction she wanted. 
In two moves, she swung her leg up, momentum carrying her into the air. Her legs wrapped around his neck and she twisted, throwing him to the ground. He landed flat on his back with a resounding thud, her shin pressed to his neck. 
"You're good," Steve admitted, a grin tugging at his lips. "Although some may say that’s cheating."
"All’s fair in love and war," Charlotte replied, blood dripping off of her face from the busted lip.
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The other Avengers, watching with keen interest, broke into applause, their admiration evident. Nat cheered the loudest, recognizing her signature move in the final takedown. 
Bucky stepped forward and approached the ring, offering Charlotte a towel for her bloody face. “That looks like hell.” 
“But kinda badass, right?” She smiled, showing her blood-stained teeth. 
“Something like that.” 
Charlotte, slightly breathless but clearly exhilarated, wiped her face and stood to face Natasha, waiting to give her kudos. 
Bucky turned to Steve with a sly grin, clearly amused. "Well, well, Steve," he teased, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Losing to a girl half your size. What would Coach Tyler say?"
Steve gave an incredulous look. “Our high school wrestling coach, really?” He rolled his eyes. "Why don't you give it a shot, Buck? Let's see how you fare against that girl that’s also half your size." He raised his voice at the end, baiting Charlotte.
Bucky cracked his knuckles, his metal arm glinting under the training room lights. He stepped into the ring, eyeing Charlotte with a playful glint in his eyes. "Hope you're ready for this, sweetheart," he said, his tone mockingly confident.
Charlotte met his challenge with a smirk, her confidence unwavering. "I don’t know if you’ve forgotten, Barnes, but I was made for this." 
He grimaced ever so slightly, still not used to the flippant way she spoke about her tortuous past. The team had heard more about HYDRA in her six weeks at the compound than in Bucky’s five years. Clearly she coped with trauma differently than he did.
The two circled each other in the ring, the air crackling with anticipation. Eyes locked on each other, Charlotte raised an eyebrow and licked blood off her lips. Bucky lunged forward, his movements swift and controlled. Charlotte dodged his advances with ease, her lithe form moving as fast as his fists. She countered his strikes, her blows precise and calculated, although they didn’t seem to phase him in the slightest. Their movements were lightning fast, the spectating Avengers’ having trouble tracking the action. It was clear neither of them held back the challenge too tantalizing to back down from. The two didn’t spend a ton of time together outside of group settings, save for the occasional run, but they seemed to get along well. Their shared sense of grim humor was the catalyst for most interactions. 
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Bucky tried to catch her off guard, but Charlotte anticipated his every move. He advanced on her, swinging with near lethal force. She executed a series of back handsprings, narrowly avoiding his attacks. The ring seemed to blur with her swift movements, a small nod to her brief stint in the gymnastics world.
"Show-off," Bucky remarked, his admiration evident. 
Charlotte grinned. "Impressed?"
“Don’t flatter yourself.” 
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Their spar escalated, each move met with a countermove. Bucky utilized his strength, attempting to overpower her, but Charlotte danced around him, always one step ahead. She was incredibly light on her feet, her agility allowing her to evade his strikes effortlessly. Where he was strong and intense, she was quick and fleeting. She landed more blows, but they barely even registered. He swung harder, but she stayed out of reach.
After almost twenty minutes of intense combat, both combatants found themselves in a deadlock, neither of them able to budge. Flat on his back, Bucky's arm stuck up in the air, his metal hand wrapped around Charlotte’s throat. She perched above his chest, one shin pressed into his throat, the other leg braced on the ground, giving her leverage to push down harder. Their breathing became ragged as neither one conceded, fighting for oxygen as they continued to right each other. 
“Should we -” Steve murmured to Natasha, brows knit together. 
“Let’s see how this plays out.” She narrowed her eyes. “Worst case, they both pass out.” 
Steve frowned but said nothing.
In the ring, Charlotte tasted the salt of sweat mixed with the lingering metallic taste of blood. She grit her teeth and drove her shin further down onto Bucky’s throat. He grunted but didn’t concede, gripping her throat tighter. Sweat had caused a few strands of his dark hair to stick to his forehead. 
The corners of her vision were beginning to go dark, the sounds of the training room sounding like they were fading away. Charlotte saw the blood vessels in Bucky’s eyes reddening and knew he wasn’t far behind her. Their eyes locked, a battle of wills and stubborn pride. Bucky felt her wobble ever so slightly and made a snap decision. 
“Truce?” He croaked. She paused, ever so slightly, debating if she could somehow spin this into a fifth victory of the day before her lack of oxygen overruled.
“Truce.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper through the vice grip he had on her neck. They paused for a second longer, eyes narrow, as if neither one of them trusted the other. Finally, they both released their grip, Charlotte tumbling to the mat beside him. Both chests heaved, their senses flooding back as their oxygen was no longer restricted.
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Charlotte looked to her right and grinned. “You called a truce.”
Bucky, still flat on his back beside her, narrowed his eyes. “I’d feel bad choking out the new girl the first time we sparred.” 
“Whatever stops the tears.” She winked.
The other Avengers applauded, climbing into the ring with them. Natasha and Steve pulled them to their feet. “Just when we thought no one was more stubborn than you, Barnes.” 
Bucky chuckled, shooting a glance at Charlotte. "She’s tougher than she looks."
“Wish I could say the same for you.” She raised her eyebrows, eyes fiery. His eyes scanned her face, amused. Just like in the hospital room over a month ago, she swore she saw his eyes flick to her lips for just a split second. 
The team’s enthusiasm drowned out their banter, equal parts shit-talking and compliments flying. Someone handed her a bag of ice for her chin. One one side, Peter was asking her to teach him a back handspring and on the other, Sam was mimicking her doe-eyed look to Steve right after he socked her. All of it was good-natured, all of it was warm. Even with the throbbing in her jaw and pounding in her head from almost passing out, she was happy. 
So much better than the goddamn SHIELD agents. 
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bumblesimagines · 2 years
The Sun and Moon
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Part 8
Request: Yes or No
Almost at double digits y'all! This one is a little short
"You have the chance to best him!" Eloise exclaimed, eagerly watching as Kate got into position. Her ball had perfectly aligned with Anthonys'. Something that had both Kate and Eloise grinning from ear to ear. 
"That wouldn't be very sportsmanlike, now would it?" Colin called as everyone gathered to watch Kate. (Y/N) stood beside Benedict, muscles aching and crying, letting (Y/N) know he needed to bow out before he awoke with soreness the next morning. 
"I was told unsportsmanlike conduct was a requirement for this game," Kate said and looked back at Daphne with a cheeky smile. 
With a soft chuckle, Daphne nodded, "A fast learner you are indeed, Miss Sharma." 
"What do you say, My Lord?" Kate asked, tilting her body toward Anthony. The Viscount lifted his gaze away from the two balls, addressing Kate with a curious look. "Are you in a losing mood?"
"My mood shall remain unchanged, regardless of your choice," Anthony responded cooly, resting his fist against his hip. His rather forced smile, however, told otherwise.
"Ah, is that so? You would bravely bear the crushing shame of defeat?" Her words made Edwina's eyes widen, her sisters' competitiveness and cockiness seeming to surprise her. Perhaps she'd never seen this side of Kate, or maybe she just hadn't expected it to come out in front of Anthony.
"Play pleasant, Didi," Edwina whispered with a frown.
"Not to worry, Miss Edwina," Anthony assured the younger woman, leaning in slightly as he spoke, a hint of sarcasm dripping from his next sentence. "In light of my brothers' and sisters' tactics, Miss Sharma conducts herself with much grace indeed."
"Ah." Clicking her tongue, Kate cocked her head. "Then you shall not mind this." Rearing up, she swung her mallet and sent Anthonys' ball flying through the air, disappearing behind some bushes. 
"Well done!" Daphne laughed, clapping her hands. Anthony clenched his jaw, inhaling deeply through his nose before tucking his mallet under his armpit and clapping along as well, another forced smile appearing on his face. 
"Miss Edwina!" Benedict called, tapping the ground with his mallet. "I believe it is your turn." 
However, Edwina seemed less than thrilled, clutching her mallet and approaching her ball. She aligned her mallet with it and after a second, she gave it a hit. The sound of two balls colliding echoed and (Y/N) hummed, watching his dark green ball disappear, followed by Edwinas' blue one.
"Apologies, Mr. Granville! I didn't mean to-"
"It's quite alright, Miss Edwina." (Y/N) brushed her off with a smile and shake of his head. While Edwina seemed far from convinced, shown through her sad doe eyes, she nodded and turned to face the others. 
"I think I shall cut out." She announced, giving Daphne a curtsy before walking past everyone, and heading back to the mansion. Anthony acted quickly, almost stumbling over his feet as he jogged to catch up with her. 
"Will you be joining Miss Edwina, (Y/N)? If not, you better go fetch your ball." Benedict said, glancing back at Anthony as he rejoined them. "You as well, Brother."
"Up for a walk, Anthony?" (Y/N) questioned with a grin, beginning his trek toward the small forested area. 
"Of course." Anthony quickened his face, gently bumping shoulders with him as he fell into pace with him. 
With a twinkle in his eyes, (Y/N) tilted his head. "Bet I can find mine before yours!" He called before darting off. Anthony paused for a moment, blinking after the painter before a grin broke out on his face and he geared up, racing after the man with a laugh. The two pushed through the brush, frantically looking for a shine of pink or dark green whilst giggling like schoolboys. 
"Oh. Dash it!" Lifting his head, (Y/N) looked over at Anthony, noticing him staring off into the distance, (Y/N) straightened up and walked over, ducking over a low-hanging branch and peering over his shoulder. Then, he spotted them. In the mud. 
"What are we waiting for, then?" (Y/N) asked, brushing past Anthony and moving around the muddy ground until he found a small opening without grass covering it. Anthony stood beside him and poked at the mud with his mallet, cringing at the squelching sound it made. Without a second thought, (Y/N) moved, walking through the mud until he reached his ball, water lightly splashing around, disturbed by his footsteps. 
Inhaling, (Y/N) aligned his mallet with the ball, taking a moment to glance at Anthony, only to pause when he noticed his expression. Anthonys' jaw had quite literally dropped. Chuckling softly, (Y/N) hit his ball, hard enough to get it out of the mud but light enough that it wouldn't go flying more than a few feet. 
"I'm a painter, Anthony. I get dirty all the time." (Y/N) reminded him, motioning for Anthony to retrieve his ball. 
"Right, of course," Anthony muttered, stepping into the brown mush and walking forward, almost stumbling when his foot abruptly sank deeper than expected. (Y/N) snorted at the sight, reaching out to steady Anthony before watching him hit his ball, the now speckled pink ball landing near (Y/N)s'. 
"Not so hard, was it?" (Y/N) smiled and took a step forward, only to feel his foot slip out of his boot. The loss of weight holding him down unbalanced him and he fell forward with a squeak, effectively covering his chest and arms in mud. The air remained silent for a moment, apart from the chirping of birds and crickets, before Anthony broke out into a fit of laughter. (Y/N) soon joined him, laughing as he rolled over and sat up, shaking his hands and flinging mud at the ground. 
"Come on! Don't stand there and laugh at me!" (Y/N) laughed and raised his hand, bending his knees and rearing himself up to stand. Anthony snickered softly and grabbed his outstretched hand, digging his heels into the mud and pulling. But it appeared karma would take swift action against Anthony. He lost grip due to the mud on (Y/N)s hand and tumbled backward, landing on the mud with a squelch. (Y/N) didn't waste time laughing at his misfortune and the dumbfounded look on his face, feeling tears prickle at his eyes from the hilarity of it all. 
"That makes us even, then!" He giggled and took his forgotten mallet, using it as a cane of sorts to push himself up. Steadying himself, he collected his boot and slipped it on before leaning over to grasp Anthonys' arms and pull him upward. The two stumbled once more but Anthony quickly rooted himself into the mud, arms wrapping around (Y/N) before he could fall again. 
"I suspect we'll have a lot of explaining to do." (Y/N) giggled, still holding onto his arms. A soft breathy sigh escaped him and he noticed Anthonys' silence, tilting his head upward in the slightest and realizing once again the lack of space between them. Anthonys' breath fanned gently against his face and he watched Anthonys' eyes lower onto his lips, the grip around his waist tightening.
"Anthony, we should get back." He meant to speak cooly but the words came out breathless and quiet. Neither of them moved, remaining pressed against each other with their noses nearly touching. Anthony swallowed and his lips parted. He leaned forward in the slightest, gaze flickering up to meet (Y/N)s' before they moved to look at something behind (Y/N). 
"Anthony?" (Y/N) frowned, noticing the way Anthony tensed and his features hardened. He turned his head to look over his shoulder, only being able to spot a bench and a tree. The sound of Daphnes' voice seemed to pull Anthony back to reality, arms releasing (Y/N) and dropping to his sides. His gaze fell onto the ground and he cleared his throat.
"We should go." Anthony agreed and turned around, carefully getting back to solid ground before offering (Y/N) his hand, clutching it tightly as (Y/N) awkwardly stumbled out of the mud.
"A-Are you alright?" (Y/N) asked as he regained his footing, glancing back toward the tree but Anthony wordlessly began the trek back to the others. The painter frowned, watching Anthony disappear through the brush and he turned toward the tree. Nothing looked off about it. Perhaps it held childhood memories? (Y/N) didn't wish to pry but the way Anthonys' whole demeanor changed struck him as odd so he began walking toward it, brushing mud off himself as he reached the tree and rounded a corner. He spotted it immediately.
A gravestone with a name carved in. Edmund Bridgerton. 
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"If it is a clear mind you seek, Brother, I may know how to help," Colin revealed, swirling the tea one final time before setting it down. "Worldly travelers use it as a way to open their minds and transcend ordinary anxieties." He explained, sprinkling a pinch of the powder into the tea as Benedict snatched the pouch from him and gave it a whiff. He immediately cringed and held back the urge to cough, offering it to the painter sitting beside him. 
"Have a whiff at that,
" Benedict muttered in disgust but (Y/N) made no movement to take the pouch. Looking away from his brother, Benedict nudged him with his elbow and furrowed his brows when (Y/N) snapped his head up to look at him. "You alright?"
"Yes, quite alright." (Y/N) answered and nodded, carefully taking the pouch and holding it up to his nose, only to instantly regret inhaling. If anything, it reminded him of horse manure. Grunting softly, (Y/N) set it on the table and shook his head, a chuckle leaving Colin before he offered Benedict the cup.
"It only takes the smallest of doses to feel the effects." Benedict took the cup from him, sighing softly before he took a sip. Smacking his lips a bit, he shrugged his shoulders. 
"Whatever's the point? I hardly think a tea will distract me from the momentous decision the proctors at the Royal Schools are making at this very moment." Benedict set the cup down at the table, raising his thumb to his lips and anxiously biting at his nail. 
"Or perhaps, it will allow you to escape the thoughts that have been plaguing your mind. The doubts, the questions that seem to linger no matter how far you go to escape them." Looking at Colin, (Y/N) could easily deduce the Bridgerton had no longer been speaking about his brother, and instead about himself. 
"Are you quite well, Brother?" Benedict questioned.
"You will see. This tea is quite the elixir." Colin looked back at his brother. "On one occasion, in Paxos, I found myself meditating for hours upon a single blade of glass." 
"Seems like quite...." (Y/N) trailed off as Benedict retrieved the pouch and proceeded to dump all of its contents inside his tea, frantically mixing it before bringing it up to his lips and gulping it all down. Colin and (Y/N) remained silent as they stared at Benedict in shock, slowly turning to look at each other with wide, concerned eyes.
"Nobody's ever died from this, right?"
"No, I don't think so..." Colin responded, looking back at Benedict who held a hand to his mouth as if it'd prevent the drink from rising back up.
"I suppose we'll see how strong it truly is." (Y/N) muttered, pulling the cup away from Benedict and inspecting the inside. He had indeed drank it all, specks of the purple powder coating the top. If it didn't kill Benedict within the hour, then surely he'd be alright. Hopefully.
"Tell me, (Y/N), why did you leave the academy?" Benedict asked again, licking his lips and cringing when his tongue picked up more of the powder. 
"You left? Why so? You enjoy painting, do you not?" Colin shifted in his chair, picking up his own cup of tea, though his had no powder mixed in. 
"It's... Well, it's nothing exciting. There was no drama, I just..." Chuckling softly, (Y/N) picked up his cup as well and stared down at the light brown liquid, feeling the warmth of it passing through the cup and heating his fingers. "I realized I just didn't belong there. I was more content at home, selling art to anyone who knew of me. I liked being home with my family, rather than away with strangers. I've always been alone and to suddenly not be... It wasn't what I wanted." 
"Truly?" Benedict asked, more softly and quietly.
"Perhaps heartbreak had something to do with it." (Y/N) revealed with a sad chuckle, raising the cup to his lips and taking a large sip. Setting his cup down and straightening up in his chair, he leaned against the armrest and sighed.
"Heartbreak?" Benedict questioned.
"It was silly. Nothing exciting, as I said." (Y/N) smiled at the two brothers. "Just loved someone who ended up with someone else." 
"Sorry to hear," Colin muttered, eyes falling down onto the table. "If you don't mind me asking... If you could speak to her once more, would you?" 
"Perhaps, I'd think so." (Y/N) nodded. Colins' head snapped up to look at him. It seemed Miss Thompson still plagued his mind, even after the betrayal and her marriage to someone else. 
"I'd like to know what life is like for them... Are they happy? Are there regrets? Guilt?" (Y/N) could tell Colin had similar questions, questions he knew all too well. 
"But, there is as well, the fact that sometimes the truth will hurt us more than the pain of losing them." He added softly. "Some things are better left undisturbed in the past so they don't haunt us in the future."
"Sometimes I wonder if you're actually centuries-old... maybe you drink blood to replenish this youthful look."  
"Are you calling me a vampire, Benedict?"
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(Y/N) tightly held onto his cup of wine, biting down on the inside of his cheek in an attempt to hold back the urge to laugh at Benedict. The tea hadn't killed him, though from the stare Violet gave her son, perhaps it would've been better if it had. He took a small sip and set the cup back down, making eye contact with Colin and feeling his lips stretch into an amused grin.
"Why don't you eat, Benedict?" (Y/N) quietly encouraged, letting a soft giggle slip as Benedict shoved a piece of bread into his mouth. He turned his head away from the intoxicated Bridgerton and looked down the table, making eye contact with Anthony. The memory of the previous day replayed in his mind and he could tell Anthony had been thinking about it too. Nevertheless, Anthony offered him a smile, and (Y/N) returned it. He looked back at Benedict when he groaned, watching him reach for his cup only to knock it over, spilling the wine inside. The sound made Kate and Eloise flinch and in turn, Benedict covered his face sheepishly.
"It's alright, Ben." (Y/N) muttered with a chuckle, picking the cup back up, the wine having stained the white tablecloth underneath. 
"Benedict, dear, you alarm our guests." Violet voiced her displeasure, eyeing her grinning son.
"It's truly all right, Lady Bridgerton," Kate assured her with an amused smile.
"Perhaps," Lady Danbury picked up her cup and a fork, gently tapping the two together to silence everyone and pull the attention toward her. "It is time for a toast."
"To cheer our guests." Violet nodded in agreement. 
"Or to tend to other pressing matters." Lady Danbury added, turning to look at Anthony. (Y/N) felt the amusement of the night slip away and he turned to look at Anthony as well. He felt a prickle in his gut, like the tip of a knife getting ready to plunge in, but he simply took his cup and held it in his hand.
"A toast, right." Anthony rose up from his seat, clearing his throat and wiping his hands. "My sincere gratitude to the Sharmas for joining us, and to Mr. Granville for joining us last minute as well. It has been splendid having you here to witness what is now my second annual loss at pall-mall. Not to be repeated, I assure you. And my special gratitude to Miss Edwina. It was certainly been a privilege to truly make your acquaintance these past days. In fact, I believe there is a question I would like to ask you." 
The silence that fell over the room had been deafening. Edwinas' breathing had quickened and she stared at Anthony with hopeful eyes. He looked away from her, gaze drifting over everyone's face before he finally looked at (Y/N). The painter looked down at his lap as soon as their eyes made contact and Anthony felt his heart squeeze. "I should like to, uh..." Taking another deep breath, he smiled at her. "I should like to ask you to please refrain from telling anyone back in London about yesterday's loss. I fear the harm to my reputation would simply be too great." 
And with that, the prickle went away and (Y/N) felt confusion settle in instead, looking back up at Anthony. "To the pleasant days ahead!" He raised his cup and (Y/N) lifted his for a moment before gulping down the remains, unable to look at Edwina nor any of the Sharmas. Anthony had his chance to propose to Edwina. Why hadn't he? 
With dinner over, Kate and Edwina took their leave, heading to their shared bedroom as Violet and Lady Danbury pulled Mary aside to speak with her. The rest of the Bridgertons, whilst confused, headed off to their bedrooms. However, Benedict grabbed (Y/N)s' hand and pulled him along to the room they'd been in earlier. 
"Benedict, what-" Benedict pressed his finger against (Y/N)s' lips, effectively shushing him and he instead took out a canvas, taking some paints out, and shedding his coat. Pulling up his sleeves, he dipped his fingers in the paint and began painting, almost hypnotized by the canvas. (Y/N) stared at his friend and sighed, bringing a hand up to his temple.
"You Bridgertons are so confusing." He muttered, plopping down on a nearby chair and watching Benedict paint to his hearts content, only looking away when Colin peered into the room, raising a brow. 
"You two are still up?" Colin questioned, stepping further into the room. Benedict grabbed Colins' face and messily kissed his cheek, arms wrapping around his neck afterward.
"It's magical, Brother. You were right. I've allowed my doubts to plague me for too long. The Royal Academy Schools are not arbiters of taste. The world is!" Benedict exclaimed, a twinkle in his eye as he took in his painting. Eloise entered the room with a letter in hand and (Y/N) stood up, standing beside Benedict as Eloise handed it to him. Benedict unfolded it and read the letter, slowly looking up at the three.
"I have a place." He muttered before chuckling. "The Royals Schools have accepted me as a student. I got in!" Benedict whirled around, wrapping his arms around (Y/N) and sloppily kissing his cheek as well before stumbling toward the window and thrusting it open.
"Benedict, get away from the window before you fall!" (Y/N) called, following after the Bridgerton as he screamed into the night. Grabbing the waistline of his pants, he pulled him back inside and got him seated. "Fresh air would do you some good, but please don't fall."
"I got in," Benedict whispered, staring out into the dark abyss of the night. 
Smiling softly, (Y/N) ran his hand through Benedicts' hair, nodding along. "I knew you'd get in, Benedict. You've got the talent for it." He cooed, feeling Benedict lean over and rest his head against (Y/N)s leg. He looked back toward Colin and Eloise, motioning for Colin to get Benedict. The Bridgerton sighed and walked over, coaxing his brother to stand.
"Let's get you bathed and ready for bed before Mother sees you like this, Brother," Colin said, pulling Benedicts' arm around his shoulder and dragging him out of the room.
"Well, I suppose I should head to bed," Eloise said, turning towards the doorway. "Good night, Brother." She grinned over her shoulder before leaving the room. 
Letting out a soft chuckle, (Y/N) sat on the windowsill, feeling the cool night air envelop him. He sighed and ran a hand over his face. So much had happened over the course of two days. What more could occur before the ton even arrived? Right, the ton. His parents would join them soon, and his father would no doubt have a million questions. And (Y/N) would have to lie to him. To tell him nothing happened, that everything was perfectly fine when it wasn't.
               ꕤ         ꕤ       ꕤ       ꕤ       ꕤ       ꕤ
Carefully plucking the flowers, (Y/N) raised one of them and inhaled, smiling at the smell. He reached for another one, plucking it as a shadow cast over him, blocking the sun. He rose up and sighed, studying the flowers for a moment. Red and pink camellias. They'd be lovely to paint and if the painting turned out well enough, he could gift it to Violet. She'd always seem fond of flowers.
"Miss Edwina is no doubt hurt by what occurred yesterday." He spoke first, listening to Anthony sigh.
"It was not my intent. I... I was unprepared and-"
"Lady Danbury shouldn't have sprung it up on you. I understand they're eager for a wedding, but she should've let you decide when and where." (Y/N) continued and looked at him, giving his friend a soft smile. Anthony released the breath he'd been holding, relieved to see the painter hadn't been angry at him.
"If you wish to marry Miss Edwina... You must propose soon. With the ton arriving, there will be other gentlemen who'll take the lack of proposal as disinterest and they'll wish to pursue her." (Y/N) reminded him, hearing the gentle buzzing of a bee nearby, probably looking to settle on one of the flowers in his hand. "And-"
"Do not move."
"What-" Anthony suddenly grasped (Y/N)s' arms to keep him still, wide eyes focused on (Y/N)s' wrist. Looking down, (Y/N) noticed the small bee walking along his clothed wrist, headed towards the flowers. He shook his hand and the bee flung upward, landing on his neck and giving it a little sting before (Y/N) brushed it off with a small pout. 
"(Y/N), a-are you alright? Can you breathe?!" His eyes darted to Anthony upon hearing his panicked voice, noticing his erratic breathing and fearful eyes. 
"It was a bee, Anthony-" Despite his words, Anthony only seemed to grow more fearful. Releasing the flowers, (Y/N) raised his hands to cup Anthonys' face, forcing the Viscount to look him in the eye. "Anthony, take a deep breath. Anthony-" The Bridgertons' eyes began to water and he stumbled over his words, incoherently speaking until (Y/N) pressed his lips against his, silencing him. The action made Anthony tense and (Y/N) pulled back, dropping his hands from Anthonys' face. 
"I... I only meant to distract you, my apolo-" It was (Y/N)s' turn to be interrupted with a kiss, Anthony's hands gently gripping his arms. He only released him at the sound of a horse in the distance, realizing how out in the open they were. Anthony took a step back and swallowed. 
"I-I must help Mother with preparations." He excused himself, turning around and quickly walking away, almost breaking out into a jog. (Y/N) watched him disappear around the corner, raising a hand to his face, dragging a finger over his lips. Had that truly happened? His gaze lowered onto the grass and he crouched down, collecting the flowers one by one until he noticed color in the corner of his eye. Turning his head, he felt a sudden wave of dizziness at the sight of the shocked figure.
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 2 Serving her
Alpha!Cas x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, light swearing, light gore, first time, smut, claiming, dominant cas, CAS has experience and is a fast learner, mates, angst, mental health issues
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Last part <-
His word repeated in your mind and you struggled to form any sound or word. His eyes were intense as he stared down at you. The dominance his body gave off was intense, you could feel your knees grow weak from it. His scent wasn’t like that though, it was calming, open to you in a sense like a hug. You heard a knock on your door and snapped out of your trance and quickly opened it.
“Hey” Dean said frowning as he glanced to Cas.
“Do I wanna know?” Dean smirked and you groaned, stepping outside and closing the door.
“What?” You asked and Dean gulped a bit.
“You uhm, you have no pants” he mumbled and you felt mortified.
“She’s done” Cas said and tugged you inside closing the door on Deans face.
“Cas!” You snapped still feeling highly embarrassed.
“This” he gestured to you.
“Is mine” he said lowly and you shuddered.
“Dean is, an overly sexual man” Cas grumbled going to the bags on the counter.
“I know that” you sighed going to the bed trying not to think about the previous events.
“Cas I don’t know why you’re here if my heats coming, it’ll be torture for both of us” you sighed.
“Did you not hear what I said before Dean knocked?” He asked seriously and you stared at your feet, cheeks hot.
“Yes” you mumbled.
“Then you know why I’m here” he nodded going to the bathroom.
“Cas!” You yelled.
“You’re here to mate with me?! What are you stupid?” He frowned taken aback by your words.
“Mating is a very natural thing among anyone” he said his tone serious as always.
“Cas we aren’t anyone, I’m a hunter ok, you are an angel” you explained heart pounding in your head.
“I am very aware of your scent, the calming brings me the dominance in your existence” you babbled cursing yourself silently.
“Why would you want to mate with me?” You whispered feeling the pull of emotions.
“I am not an acceptable mate” you ran a hand through your hair trying to hold your tears back.
“I don’t want kids, I could never have that white picket fence life. I am not mentally strong enough to do any of it, I- I can’t take care of myself!” You cried and he stepped forward.
“No, no you stay there” you said taking a deep breath. Your heart raced and your body began to heat up making you curse. You began to feel sweat and cursed again.
“Get out” you said pointing to the door and Cas frowned worried.
“No, no Cas worried faces I will-“ you began to shake and sat down quickly. You groaned softly closing your eyes and hanging your head.
“This isn’t supposed to happen” you whispered.
“A day at minimum to get up to it” you mumbled. You jolted though as you saw Cas in front of you.
“No-“ you groaned as he tugged you closer. You sagged against him breathing in his scent deeply.
“I think the Djin may have put a spell on you” he said hand massaging the back of your neck.
“No shit” you mumbled hearing him chuckle briefly.
“I will help you” he said lifting your head and stepping back. You frowned as he tugged at his tie and shrugged off his trench coat.
“No!” You yelled without thought and he frowned.
“I am confused” he said tilting his head.
“We are destined to be mates, the Djin has forced you into heat why would you go through this alone when I am here” he said and you felt tears in your eyes.
“Cas I’ve never done this” you muttered as he frown continued.
“I’ve never had sex!” You yelled and it clicked.
“That is ok” he said and you groaned.
“Just get out” you said while you could still think straight.
“I don’t think that’s wise” he said.
“I was fine without you the first few times!” You said angrily, unsure why you were even angry.
“Y/n” he said your name and you went snap at him again but he was in front of you, hand cupping your throat and jaw.
“Listen to me” he said voice low and you gulped trying to ignore the slick between your legs.
“It is very clear that you need me and I will need you, I will not leave my mate to suffer alone, however I will respect your decision if you tell me to leave again” he said eyes intense. You gulped and sighed as his hand left your throat. You shook your head and crawled up the bed to lie down.
“Cas you don’t want me” you mumbled knowing he heard.
“Just go” you clenched the pillow you were holding and listened to the woosh of wings as he left. You curled up and buried yourself, you’ll be fine on your own, always was.
Next part ->
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insidethebarrier · 2 years
Today, the guys were on "The Tonight Show starting Jimmy Fallon," but you couldn't make it, or so they thought.
"Guys the movie is great. It's really, really, an amazing movie. It's exactly what you hope it would be." Jimmy Fallon says to the guys after they all sit down.
"Thank you." Henry replies in his cunning British accent
"And you do a great job in it," Jimmy continues "and Johanna does a great job in it."
"Joey was amazing." Chris says smiling as he thinks of you.
"Yeah she is." Jimmy agrees "I heard that the 3 of you are really close."
*Chris grins to himself knowing that Jimmy has no idea how close you guys actually are*
"Yeah." Henry agrees smiling
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"And you do a lot of stuff together."
*holding back a laugh* "yeah," Chris answers "yeah. I guess you could say that."
Jimmy holds up a picture of Joey and Henry dressed in kimonos. Joey has him pinned down to a mat. Henry appears to be in distress. 
Jimmy laughs "what's going on here."
*Chris cracks up. Left boob grab and all*
Henry chuckles as he answers "Jiu-jitsu. She wanted a new challenge so I brought her to my instructor and this is what happened."
"W-w-w-w wait, wait," Jimmy hold up his hand "this is her first day?"
*Chris laughs harder.*
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Henry scratches his head "maybe the fourth or fifth day. But definitely towards the beginning."
Jimmy just looks at him. "Dude she's half your size."
Henry chuckles "she's really good."
"Hang on. I've got another one." Jimmy pulls out a picture of you in boxing gloves hitting a punching bag. Chris is in the background with a bloody nose.
*Chris laughs even harder* "I was hoping you wouldn't have that one."
*Henry grins as he looks at the photograph*
"What did she hit you or something?" Jimmy laughs
*Chris nods and squeezes his eyes shut from how hard he's laughing.*
"He wanted a sparring partner" Henry answers for him "and she's got a mean left hook"
*jimmy touches his forehead*
"Isn't she right handed?" Jimmy asks
*Chris bends over and slaps his knee* "yes"
"so she gave you a bloody nose with her left hand and then continued to punch the bag for a picture?"
*Henry grins* "yes"
*jimmy cracks up*
"Anything for the audience right?" Henry says
*the crowd goes wild*
*Chris finally gets himself together* "look at the muscle on that chick." Chris says referring to the picture "she's wicked strong"
"I'd say. She bested Captain America and Superman." Jimmy says.
"You don't understand. Joey is a different breed." Henry explains dramatically "Not only is she in amazing shape and a fast learner, but she is incredibly intelligent. She is a real life superhuman."
"Seriously," Chris starts with an unusually thick Boston accent. "They should be making movies about her." 
*the crowd awwwwhh's.* 
"You guys are really sweet." Jimmy says "I bet you wish she was here."
*Out of view of Chris and Henry, you sneak across the stage making hushing noises at the crowd.*
"totally." Chris answers. "Joey makes everything better." 
*you wait until Chris reaches for his glass of water and has it pressed against his lips to yell.*
"CHRIS!" You scream making Henry jump in his seat. Water shoots out of Chris's nose. Jimmy laughs so hard that he hits the table. 
"you scared me." Henry says as he stands hug you. "My heart is pounding."
Chris laughs as he collects himself. He sets the glass down and stands to greet you as well. He places a kiss on your cheek. "You got me good Haywood. I've gotta hand it to you." He helps you around the couch to take a seat beside him. "But I'm gonna get you back for that."
"Yeah. We'll see about that." You say back to him as you cross your legs. 
"Johanna. It’s so nice of you to join us." Jimmy says talking really fast as he usually does.
"Thank you for having me." You say very politely as you cheese at Jimmy and scan the crowd as they have not finished cheering about your arrival.
"You seem to be in a really good mood today," Jimmy says as he sees you shift in your seat.
You look over to Chris who is looking down at his now soaked shirt. "I am! I'm really excited to be here and I think it's hilarious that I made Chris shoot water out of his nose on national television." You say as you start to laugh again. The crowd laughs with you. 
Chris laughs at himself and hangs his head as he pouts his lip. You wrap your arms around him and hug him. The crowd awhs 
You then turn back to Jimmy and hide your mouth from Chris with your hand. "Anything for the audience," you say
Chris, Henry, Jimmy and the crowd all lose it.
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monochromer0ses · 9 months
himeko, march 7th, stelle x gn reader
warnings: foursome, gn reader with a cock, corruption, mommy kink (himeko) cock warming (himeko) spit kink (march) choking (march) belly bulge (stelle) degradation (stelle)
notes: first one shot!! lets gooooo! i think this time around ill be a lot more motivated, at least i hope so lmao. anyways hope everybody enjoys
himeko felt ashamed. ashamed for the way her heart sped up whenever you simply kissed her in front of stelle and march. how uncomfortable her underwear suddenly felt when march had accidentally walked in on you and her.
(it was embarrassing for the simple fact that you were only kissing (again))
and she felt ashamed for how unbelievably wet she always seemed to get from the thought of corrupting the innocent minds of the two younger women.
himeko seemed to not realize one thing though. that of course you would notice. you're her significant other, it would be worrisome if you didn't.
at first you were surprised. who wouldn't be? but then you decided to play around with it. whether it be by whispering in himeko's ear while you pound into her about how hot it would be for stelle and march to get down on their knees for her, or to kiss her a little longer, a little hotter while in front of the two.
the latter you know will never fail to get her completely soaked.
and so comes a lucky day when everyone else on the express is out exploring, you finally have a chance to help himeko act on her dirty fantasies(and perhaps your own as well).
you dont quite remember how you did it, but here you are now with all four of you completely naked, with march lightly kissing up your cock, and stelle hesitantly licking at himekos nipple.
march seems to know what she's doing albeit a bit embarrassed, while stelle has no clue. which is fine. that's exactly what himeko wants.
"there you go honey just like that~ what a good girl you are," himeko coos, the shame flying away the second stelle and march's lips hit their respective places.
you chuckle a bit as you run your fingers through march's hair. "i bet you two are gonna love this as much as mommy does right?" the name hits himeko just right as she moans softly, cradling stelle's head closer to her chest, heat spreading through her.
"h-how about we do something more fun my babies?" himeko blushes brightly, her confidence from the name making her want to rush, want to feel the fantastic feeling of release.
stelle releases her nipple with a small pop, looking up at himeko with confusion.
it all goes by both too fast and unbelievably slow, like it couldn't end and yet was over already.
stelle's a quick learner, eating himeko out so well that himeko has a trail of drool slowly leaking out the side of her mouth. and march seems to have learned that licking up anything that leaks is a good way of preventing a mess.
you want himeko to be fucked. you want her to be fucked so hard she doesn't know how to speak coherently. and stelle and march achieve that.
himeko is completely out of it after around four orgasms. usually she wants to go further but each of them were harder and longer than the last. the first from stelles mouth while kissing march, the second riding marchs thigh while stelle got obsessed with sucking and biting around and on her breasts.
the third she was cock warming you while they both did their best to clean her up. which turned out to be for naught as juices continued flowing down your cock.
her final orgasm came from you thrusting into her while march and stelle each took a breast, nipping at the skin above, squeezing a nipple and then gently lapping at it. while it was simple, it made himeko cum the hardest out of the night, feeling each part of her body she loved the most to be played with, getting toyed with by the people she loved the most.
and what came next surely made himeko mad she was already tired out.
you fucking stelle and march. a hand gripping around marchs throat as she opened wide for the slow dribble of spit coming from stelle. flicking her clit everytime her attention was driven away by himeko or stelle. march especially loved when you stuck your thumb into her mouth, grumbling about how loud she was getting.
stelle loved when you hugged her from behind, arms wrapping tight around her torso and stomach to ensure she didnt fall forward, cock going so deep you both could see the slight bulge moving up and down with each thrust. her favorite though was when you called her a slut, for taking your cock so well for a virgin.
your whisper of, "i bet you would love if i took you to belebog and fucked you in front of your little friends down there wouldnt you?" had stelle instantly cumming, screams of "yes please!" and "fuck me!"
and if stelle and march had officially been corrupted into loving taking your cock and sucking himekos tits? well mission accomplished.
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turtleedovee · 2 years
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Chapter Four: The Wheel Turns
Word Count: 2.9k
Taglist: (wanna be added? send a message or ask)
Warnings: Smoking, cursing, talks of abuse, cheating (if anything else let me know)
A/N: Hello lovely people here is chapter 4. I gotta be honest this chapter is hella on the nose ha ha, it’ll make sense soon plus this was really fun to write so I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it :). But this is only the beginning and I can’t wait to get more into the story.
The next day they planned on getting some more work done during lunch.
But that plan quickly failed when a 5 minute break turned into a twenty minute smoke session instead.
“So where are you in the play?”
Eddie sucked in a breath through his teeth, enough of an answer for (F/N)
“You serious Munson?”
“What?” He groaned, “C’mon you must have another one I can read? I bet you haven’t finished the one I lent you.”
Pulling her backpack she went through her stuff, and pulled out the book, shoving it into his chest, a grunt coming out of Eddie.
“I did actually.” He playfully glared at her, scrunching his nose, she just shrugged.
“Guess I’ll just have to give you another one to read then.” Taking a long drag through his joint.
“Probably already read it.” She leaned back in the van, supporting herself on her elbows.
Eddie turned around and gasped, “Are you saying that you had already read Antony and Cleopatra?”
She gritted her teeth, “Sorry?”
He fell backwards as if he was stabbed in the heart, landing next to her. Both of them in a high laughing fit.
(F/N) and Eddie had started hanging out a lot more in and out of school; whether it was in his van smoking, or in Eddie’s trailer, whether it was for actual studying or to discuss the plays they had lent each other.
“You’re seriously telling me you can’t get through this play?”
He groaned, “Sorry, but reading this could be certified as torture, this is worse then when you force me to focus on O’Donnells worksheets.”
“Well excuse me for trying to expand your taste in literature.” She joked. 
She went back to reading Antony and Cleopatra, when all of a sudden Eddie’s hand tipped her book back, revealing a smirk.
“What is it now?”
“I’m bored.” He stated like a child.
She couldn’t help but chuckle, she looked around the room for a second and noticed something hanging on the wall.
“You play?” His red guitar hung proudly in his room.
“Yeah, actually, I’m in a band.” He went over to it and grabbed it, lightly playing it, the soft sound coming through.
“We sometimes play at this place called The Hideout, you should come sometime. Our crowd gets pretty crazy.” He glanced up at her.
“Does it now?” She asked sarcastically.
“Oh yeah.” He spun around with his guitar, pretending to rock out, “The 5 drunk guys who show up love us.”
She couldn’t help but smile, when she finally looked up at him she noticed he was staring at her, it made her cheeks flush a bit and subconsciously bit the inside of her cheek,
“Play me something.”
He turned his head curiously, “Oh? Well, any special requests?” He began plugging in his guitar to his amp.
She thought about it, wondering whether or not she should just let him play something he knew or give him a challenge.
As if reading her mind he clicked his tongue, “C’mon now, don’t go easy on me, give me something. I’m a fast learner if that’s what you’re worried about.”
She scoffed, “Fine, what about… Everybody Wants to Rule the World. “Tears for Fears. Bold choice (L/N),” He sighed, “how on earth am I gonna–” 
Before he could finish what he was saying he began playing.
As the music began playing, she leaned closer, watching him intently, switching between watching his facial expressions, the change almost microscopic as he was deeply focused.
Welcome to your life There's no turning back Even while we sleep We will find you
Her eyes began to drift to his hands and saw how methodical his movements were. She really didn’t know much about playing guitar, when she was younger her parents tried getting her to take lessons but that didn’t last long, and while this song didn’t look to be the most difficult thing to play she couldn’t help but be entranced by his playing
Acting on your best behaviour Turn your back on Mother Nature Everybody wants to rule the world
He began riffing on his guitar.
Glancing back at him he never diverted his eyes from his guitar, his eyes were slightly shut as he felt the music. She felt some weird warm sensation in her sternum, and was slightly out of breath.
I can't stand this indecision Married with a lack of vision Everybody wants to rule the—
As he hummed to the song she couldn’t help but close her eyes and quietly sing along as well.
Say that you'll never, never, never, never need it One headline, why believe it? Everybody wants to rule the world
At this point Eddie finally looked at her, and he couldn’t help but crack a smile.
He traded in the humming and joined along with her.
All for freedom and for pleasure Nothing ever lasts forever Everybody wants to rule the world
He played once more, letting the music take the lead, and ended the song. 
(F/N) opened her eyes and smiled, neither one of them saying anything. After a beat of silence, Eddie licked his lips nervously, “What’d ya think?” Suppressing a smile she quietly responded, “Not bad Munson. Not bad at all.” He chuckled, “If you think that was good you should hear me rock some Black Sabbath.”
Ditching the book she grabbed one of his pillows, “Well we’ve got some time. Show me what you got.”
Eddie smiled.
He was a lot of things, she knew on more than one occasion he would try to weasel his way out of work and she was quick to catch him.
But some days… she let him get away with it.
And it was worth it every time.
Things were really clicking with her and Eddie .———————————— The next day they planned on getting some more work done during lunch.
But that plan quickly failed when a 5 minute break turned into a twenty minute smoke session instead.
“So where are you in the play?”
Eddie sucked in a breath through his teeth, enough of an answer for (F/N)
“You serious Munson?”
“What?” He groaned, “C’mon you must have another one I can read? I bet you haven’t finished the one I lent you.”
Pulling her backpack she went through her stuff, and pulled out the book, shoving it into his chest, a grunt coming out of Eddie.
“I did actually.” He playfully glared at her, scrunching his nose, she just shrugged.
“Guess I’ll just have to give you another one to read then.” Taking a long drag through his joint.
“Probably already read it.” She leaned back in the van, supporting herself on her elbows.
Eddie turned around and gasped, “Are you saying that you had already read Antony and Cleopatra?”
She gritted her teeth, “Sorry?”
He fell backwards as if he was stabbed in the heart, landing next to her. Both of them in a high laughing fit.
After a few minutes they both laid there in the van, looking at each other, letting their feet dangle out the van door.
Her heart beat loud in her ears, as he stared at her with his big doe eyes, searching them for something.
“You know you’re not who I thought you’d be.” She said, despite how hard she tried, her voice came out breathless.
“And what was that?”
“People talk. Said you were… a freak and demonic. But I never believed that.” Maybe it was all the weed but she spoke before her brain could lose the nerve.
“While I wasn’t totally set on the idea of tutoring you, I never believed all the demon bullshit those squares said about you.”
“Thanks.” His eyes went slightly wide at her confession, “You’re not who I thought you’d be either.”
“And who did you think I’d be?”
“Stuck up, mean, entitled—” He began listing.
She snorted, “You really had those locked and loaded didn’t you?” He laughed as well, “You know there’s a lot I could say about you too.”
“Well I’d love to hear it someday.”
They laughed again.
But as soon as the laughing died down, she stared at him with a serious expression on his face
“Serious question: you’re not stupid—”
“Doesn’t sound like a question to me, m'lady.” Eddie joked, his shoulders going slightly tense.
She rolled her eyes, “Lemme finish. You’re not dumb, so if you don’t mind me asking, why has it taken you so long to graduate?”
He stayed quiet for a minute, he sat up, to which she followed suit, hoping she didn’t hit a sensitive spot and upset him.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want—”
She reached out for his hand, it was warm.
He looked up at her, “No it’s fine, better to talk about it, right?” She slowly nodded.
He sighed thinking about what he wanted to say, and how he wanted to say it. “I did pretty fine in school at first. Well— fine enough to be on track to graduate anyways. But around my… sophomore year, my folks started getting into fights, rough ones. It got so bad that my uncle had to kick my old man out,” He sighed, avoiding eye contact with her, “so he thought that was it. But then my mom… she couldn’t deal with it.”
“She went running back to my dad, and for the next year and 3 months, they went through this ugly cycle of fighting, making up, throwing each other out, and you know; and I was in the middle of all of it. My old man thought I was the root of all his and mom's problems. Thought they would’ve been better off without me; my mom on the other hand was hysterical about my relationship with my dad. Saying I needed to have a normal and good relationship with him, and that I was the one who needed to reach out to him. But things still sucked and once again, my uncle came one day to check up on us and well—” Gesturing aimlessly throughout the air he chuckled humorlessly, “he came to my rescue once again! Took me outta there and well the rest is history.”
He finally decided to look at her, she was staring intently at him, there was no… judgment, no pity, no disgust. It really knocked the wind out of him.
He didn’t know what to do, so he looked away and kept going, “Yeah so, things weren’t exactly ‘stable’ at home, and I felt like I needed something to look forward to, so” He gestured to his shirt, “I created the Hellfire club. I finally had a place where I felt like I belonged.” He smiled, looking at the joint which was now a little nub, squishing it on the floor of the van he threw it away and swiped his hands on his jeans anxiously. “But that didn’t last long… the basketball team thought DnD was for nerds and ‘satanic’ so they picked on us. I guess the only thing they’re good for is tossing balls into laundry baskets and… being dicks.” She snorted, he glanced over at her, she shook her head.
“Was that good?” He joked.
“Yeah yeah, that was good,” She finally turned back to him, resting her chin on her hand, closely following him.
“Anyways, I eventually got dubbed, ‘Eddie the freak Munson’ and after all that I figured… Why even bother trying if the world sees you as something worthless and unfit for society. So I gave up. Hawkins was never gonna accept me for not fitting into their box so I decided… to hell with the box.” He stated simply.
She couldn’t believe what he was saying.
Every sentence he spoke, caused her heart to crack further and further. 
She felt like a terrible person, regret ate away at her, a wave of every single belittling comment she had ever said or thought about him crashing into her and nearly drowning her.
And when he finally turned around to look at her, she could tell that it took a lot out of him to say all that, to let her in, to open up the part of him that had been hurt several times before.
“When I was about 13… my dad left.” She started, “My mom tried covering for him, she didn’t want me or my siblings to think anything bad of him. But about 4 months later, he flew us out to visit him… and his very pregnant girlfriend.” Eddie exhaled, understanding what she meant.
“I mean… yeah I was 13 but I wasn’t an idiot. Eventually we saw less and less of him, until he just… disappeared. I started noticing my mom was having trouble keeping up with the bills. Dad cheated on my mom and the least he could do was pay child support but I guess that was too big of an ask.” She scoffed, she began picking at her nails anxiously.
“So I started helping out… here and there. Got a few odd jobs; mowing lawns, babysitting, walking dogs, you name it. If they paid, I did it.” She reminisced about the past, “But now that I'm getting closer to leaving, I can tell my mom is worried, she hasn’t said it but… I know she doesn’t want me to leave. I mean, hell, trying to raise 4 kids on a single parent income is not exactly ‘feasible’ if you ask me. And sometimes… I resent my dad for cheating, sure, but I also hate him for making me grow up a lot faster than I needed to.”
She exhaled, her shoulders feeling less tense, she looked over at Eddie, who like her a second ago, stared at him with the same look of understanding. There was no pity or disgust, just sole understanding of one another, in an unspoken way where their eyes locked and told each other a thousand more words than any of them could have ever spoken.
He reached over behind him, grabbed two beer bottles and raised it up, “To shitty dads.”
She let out a soft laugh, “To shitty dads.”
They clinked their drink and sat there in comfortable silence for another few minutes. Before the lunch bell broke the spell on their unspoken understanding of one another.
“I’ll see you after school?” She asked.
“Wouldn’t miss it.” He smiled, and watched as she headed to her class.
God, he was something else. ———————————— The following day (F/N) began making her way to her first class, eyes droopy from the extra shift she had picked up at the video store and the house sitting job she had scheduled that night as well.
And to top off the night, she could hardly sleep, she had been plagued with a string of migraines no Advil or Tylenol could fix.
She felt like she was going on autopilot, she was so tired that she poured the apple juice she planned on giving her little sister for school into her cereal.
She decided to skip breakfast after that.
“Good morning Lady (F/N),” Eddie appeared next to her and swiftly grabbed her notebooks out of her hands.
“Eddie, what’re you doing?” She weakly reached over trying to grab her books back but Eddie would not relent.
“I need to ask you a favor.”
“Tutoring you to graduation isn’t enough as it is?” She joked, rubbing her eyes.
“First of all, ouch, second of all: did you sleep at all last night.”
She waved him off dismissively, “Yeah yeah, the whole 8 hours blah blah whatever— what is it?”
He still looked unconvinced but carried on, “I was wondering if we could reschedule our tutoring sesh for tonight instead?” His voice grew in pitch.
“Eddie c’mon—” She pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Please! My deals keep getting poached by the same asshole and I have to meet with one today please. I promise I won’t get distracted and I’ll do whatever it is, please.” He practically begged, gently gripping her arms, the warmness of his hands contrasting with the cool metal of his rings left a trail of goosebumps along her arms, his face getting close to her, his big brown doe eyes pleading with her.
She mulled it over; sure it would mean having to get home later but it also meant that she could use that free period to catch up on some sleep.
But he was damn lucky he caught her during a time her brain was drunk on fatigue.
“Fine, we’ll meet later tonight, but you better not flake out on me.”
He pumped his fist, “Yes! Thank you, you won’t regret this.” The warning bell rang and they said their goodbyes, until later that night.
But that never came. ———————————— She sighed contentedly in her living room, for the first time in a long time she was home: alone.
Her mom was out on a business trip, her two younger sisters were spending their spring break over at a friend's house, and her brother was off camping.
She even managed to have the day off of work; cherishing the quiet she slowly sipped her coffee, watching the warm sunlight flit inside her house, the trees were hyperpigmented and the birds sang a soft melody.
The only thing that was ruining this once in a lifetime opportunity was the migraine that didn’t want to leave her skull. But she wouldn’t let it ruin her bliss.
That is, until the phone rang.
It was as if a pin needle landed on a glass plane with such speed that the second it grazed it, everything shattered.
“(F/N)! Have you seen or heard from Eddie?!” A distressed Robin broke through the line.
“Robin? What’s going on?” Suddenly everything around her went eerily quiet.
“Give me that— (F/N) you were the last one to see Eddie. Do you know where he is?!” There was a struggle going on on the other line, when Dustin Henderson’s panicked voice came through.
She scoffed, “He had rescheduled our tutoring session for last night but he never showed.” She sat in the public library waiting for him for half an hour before she decided to go home.
“Do you know why he rescheduled?” Dustin’s panic only growing.
“What is going on what happened to—”
“Come to Family Video, now.” Robin once again came through the line before it went dead.
“Hello? Robin? Dustin? Anyone!” She slammed the phone down, “Shit.” 
She quickly grabbed her car keys, abandoning her coffee on the counter and raced over to the store.
The pit in her stomach only grew.
What happened to Eddie?
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sokai-asuki · 4 months
Macy Relationship with Leo/Need and their Virtual Singer
Leo/Need with Macy
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Ichika —> Macy: "A very passionate and supportive person! When we were practice, she always compliment my singing skill. And everytime she sees the lyrics I made, she was very supportive and always ask what some of it means."
Saki —> Macy: "A knight who sing! Though, Macy said she never really sing much but I bet it's the most beautiful sound! Macy seems too caring and understanding when we need a break, like a big sister!"
Honami —> Macy: "Miss Halbert is very kind and supportive. There's one time, she saw me and MEIKO practice the drumset. And she wants to learn how to play it. She seems like a fast learner with how much she playing it!"
Shiho —> Macy: "Macy doesn't seem like a bad person, she treat the others very nicely and if I had to guess, she's not very ladylike from what I can tell... And sometimes, when Saki ask her if she had any princess or prince she serve the kingdom for, she seems to be avoid that topic."
Macy with the Leo/Need:
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Macy —> Ichika: "A very wonderful and amazing person! Ichika seems to have more knowledge about music with how her lyrics went a d her guitar and singing skill. Ah, I'm so jealous but Ichika was kind enough to help me."
Macy —> Saki: "A very excited girl if I have to say so myself! From ehat I heard from the girls, Saki was sick and was put in hospital. That's the reason behind her excitement towards everything. But I won't let that get me, Saki deserve to get an equal treatment."
Macy —> Honami: "Very gentle and softspoken person. She seems to be harmless and putting everyone else condition above her. She really care about her friends more and love them as much."
Macy —> Shiho: "A very cautious one. I understand her suspicious towards me... But regardless of that, she seems to be caring and protective of her friends. And sometimes, I notice she seems to be keeping a small animal decoration? Seems like there's a soft spot from her."
L/N Virtual Singer with Macy:
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Miku —> Macy: "A very passionate and determine person. She seems so happy and very excited to learn how to play guitar. She also very supportive towards the girls and help them when needed."
Luka —> Macy: "I can tell she's very determine to practice. She seems so relief and happy to be here. I don't mind teaching another person to play guitar, tho she seems to be able to play other instruments such as bass or drums..."
MEIKO —> Macy: "A hardworking girl she is! She seems to be pretty happy playing the drum for the first time! I can also tell, she can play other instrument if given a try."
Rin —> Macy: "An amazing and the coolest person! She's a knight from what Saki told me. She have such a beautiful red hair! She's very kind and caring towards all of us!"
KAITO —> Macy: "Her music and the sound of it proves she's a very passion person, a girl who wants to be a knight and escape her true duty. Even playing a different tune, I can still feel that the sound of it is the same. Very determine and strong-headed person she is."
Len —> Macy: "A very fun and amazing person! Her improvement playing guitar is getting better and better! From others, she's a fast learner. Maybe because of her training as a knight really kick it off!"
Macy with L/N Virtual Singer:
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Macy —> Miku: "A thoughtful and kind person. Even with the punk look along school unifrom, she seems pretty considerate and caring. She seems want to know what exactly my world is like."
Macy —> Luka: "A kind and caring person, willing to help at any given situation! I respect her for that. She taught me how to play my guitar and follow the music notes of it. She's patience enough to let me get used to playing it."
Macy —> MEIKO: "I get along very well with MEIKO. She always seems to have something say or what to know. She have taught me a few about drum. Hehe, it was kind of fun."
Macy —> Rin: "A very energetic one. She and Saki getting along well and almost like, there's a second Saki... But it feels nice to have someone who can be the source to light up the mood."
Macy —> KAITO: "He seems very quiet and reserves. Others said he was just shy. But he kind of more than that, he seems to understand what the sound from the music giving off. He always said that mine have some passion in it but something keeping me suppress it..."
Macy —> Len: "A twin of Rin, and unlike his sister, he seems to be on the calm side. He is not very energetic as Rin but very understandable at some certain situation. And when needed, he will try to help it."
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aspenmissing · 11 months
𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙱𝚢 (𝙿𝚝 𝟷)
Rick Grimes walks down the road to find some gasoline that he can use to continue his ride to Atlanta. He comes upon a house.
"Hello? Police officer out here. Can I borrow some gas? Hello?" Rick makes it to the door and knocks "Hello? Anybody home?" Rick looks inside and sees two dead bodies with flies buzzing around them, white sheets covering them. There is a message on the wall written in blood saying, "God Forgive Us". Rick moves back in disgust before walking away and sitting down on the porch. He turns his head to see a truck and stands before a cock of a shotgun breaks the silence.
"Who the hell are you?" They speak. Rick goes to turn around, his hands up, only for the shotgun to be pressed harder "I won't repeat myself”.
"I'm just heading to Atlanta to find my wife and son, and my car ran out of gasoline. I saw this place and the truck and was going to take some of the gasoline and continue to make my way to Atlanta" The shotgun cocks again and it’s pulled away from Rick's back, he places his hands down "Thank you" Rick turns around to see a girl, no older than 20. Her brown hair reaches her shoulders, complimenting her hazel eyes.
"We're heading that way too. Tryin' to find my dad and uncle" The girl walks over to the truck.
"We?” He questions with a confused look. She opens the truck and kneels on the seat, looking over the passenger seat to the back.
"It's okay, he's friendly" Rick looks through the window to see a little boy, no older than 11, pop his head from around the passenger seat, and gives Rick a little wave, Rick returns it and smiles.
"Hey there, hope I didn't scare you" The boy shakes his head and jumps into the passenger seat. The girl steps out the truck and leans against it, arms crossed.
"This truck has been bled dry; you aren’t getting any gasoline" Rick looks over the young girl.
"You two here alone?" He asks. The girl hesitantly nods "How old are you?"
"18, he's 11"
"And you've survived on your own?"
"Yes" She pauses "Why do you sound surprised? My dad taught me everything I need to know; I can look after myself and the kid”.
"What's your names, kid?" The girl glares at him. The boy looks between them, confusion across his face.
"I'm far from a kid."
"My name's Rick Grimes. Can I know yours?" The girl stays silent "Come on, your alone, I'm alone. We're both going the same way. If we want to help each other out, we need to trust each other" There's a long pause as the girl looks Rick up and down before she sighs.
"Y/N. Y/N Dixon" Rick nods and looks to the boy. The boy hesitates before looking at Y/N, who nods.
"Danny Scotts', Mr Sherriff" Rick nods and smiles
"Thank you. Now, introductions are out the way. We need to figure out a way to get to Atlanta, any ideas?" Y/N turns her head to stare out into the stable. Rick and Danny follow her gaze to see two horses. Rick and Y/N share a look and she shrug. Later, the two enter the stable, Y/N sitting Danny on the fence, and Rick walks over to the brown horse, as Y/N makes her way to the Cream coloured horse. The brown horse gets startled by Rick's movement, as the Cream horse stays put.
"Easy now, easy. I'm not gonna hurt you. Nothing like that. More like a proposal. Atlanta's just down the roadways. It's safe there. Food, shelter, people, other horses too, I bet" Rick gets closer to the horse "How's that sound?" Rick wraps the harness around the horse "There we go. Good boy. Good boy. Good boy. Now come with me" Rick looks over at Y/N, and sees her stroking her horses head, a harness around its neck "You done this before?" She shakes her head.
"Nope. Guess I'm just a fast learner”.
"Come on. Come on. Come on. Good boy" Rick says, leading the horse out of the stable. Danny jumps off the fence and goes over to Y/N, holding her hand. The two then follow Rick, the cream horse trailing besides them.
After being saddled up the three get onto the horses, Danny getting boosted on by Rick. "Remember, don't slouch when riding the horse and be gentle with the reins" Rick says, showing her. Y/N sits up straight and grabs the reins gently.
"Like this?" She asks. Rick nods.
"Perfect" he says.
"Won't I fall off if I haven't got anything to hang onto?" Danny asks, peeking his head from around Y/N.
"Just hang onto Y/N tightly okay, you won't fall of" Rick says, looking at the young boy. Danny grips onto the sides of Y/N's jacket tightly, pulling himself closer "Ready?" The two nods at the man.
"As I'll ever be" she says and the three then ride their horses down the fields and towards the city.
They eventually get to the outskirts of Atlanta. One side of the highway is empty while the other side of the hight way is packed with several cars that have been wrecked or abandoned. Rick and Y/N share a look, while Danny peeks his head around the girl, looking at the city. They then proceed to ride down the empty side of the highway to enter Atlanta.
They ride into the city and along the streets. They see that the streets are abandoned and there is trash everywhere. Rick and Y/N leads the horses down the street where there are helicopters, cars, and even a tank wrecked along the road. They ride past a bus and some walkers see them. The walkers get up and starts to walk towards the three. Rick and Y/N aren't fazed but Danny and the horses get startled.
"Whoa. Steady. There's just a few" Rick says "Nothing we can't outrun."
"Just keep ya head down Danny" Y/N says and Danny does so, closing his eyes and gripping her jacket tighter. The three rides past the walkers and goes to ride down the street. Y/N looks up on the tank and sees a dead body that is being pecked at by crows "Gross" They ride past the tank before stopping, hearing a helicopter. Rick looks at the glass building and sees the reflection of the helicopter.
"Hyah!" Rick says and goes off riding down the road.
"Hold on tight, Danny. Hyah!" Y/N and Danny follow. They start to ride in the direction of the helicopter, but when they turn at the corner, there's a big group of walkers. The horses get startled, gaining the attention of the walkers.
"Fuck!" They ride back down the street they came from. only for another huge group of walkers to appear. The three struggle to get away, but the walkers surround them and begin clawing at the horses. Danny screams and flails his legs around, kicking some of the walkers. Rick falls off the horse onto the ground. Y/N jumps off her horse, onto the tank next to her. She then quickly grabs onto Danny's backpack and pulls him with her. He instantly holds onto her sides, stuffing his face into her side. The walkers begin clawing and biting into the horses.
"Rick!" She shouts. Rick notices he dropped his gun bag. He crawls underneath the tank while walkers still try to catch him. He hears shotgun shots and screams from above him.
"Y/N! Danny!" The bangs and screams stop "Danny! Y/N!" Rick crawls further under the tank "Oh god. Oh god" The walkers crawl under the tank and Rick shoots some with his Colt Python. "Lori, Carl, I'm sorry" Rick prepares to use the last bullet on himself, before hearing gun shots again. He opens his eyes to see Y/N, sticking her head out from the hatch above him, shooting walkers with a small handgun.
"Hurry up and get in here!" Rick quickly crawls up. Y/N continues to shoot before her handgun runs out of bullets "Shit!" She quickly puts her head back into the tank and closes it. She looks over at Rick, who's leaning against the wall, breathing heavily.
"You. You saved my life" he says. Y/N sits back against the side of the tank, Danny quickly shuffles into her shoulder and sniffles.
"Well, you have a wife and son to get back to" she says, moving Danny's head into her shoulder. Rick then sees the dead soldier in the tank.
"Oh...god" He takes the soldier's gun, but he's a walker. Rick uses the last bullet in his Python to shoot him through the head. The sound of the bullet in the enclosed space hurts Rick's ears.
He hears the muffled voice of Y/N, who's sat Infront of him. He lays on the ground, still out of it. He looks over at Danny, who is holding his hands over his ears. Then he sees Y/N look up at the top hatch. She takes off her bag, setting it down besides Danny. She steps on the seat and looks outside. She sees that Rick's bag of guns is lying in the street way out of her reach. The rest of the walkers start to converge on the tank to get at her. Y/N shuts the hatch before they can get her. She gets down to see Rick and Danny, who's still looking away from the dead soldier, looking at her. She shakes her head in defeat.
"Surrounded" Rick looks around the tank, seeming very disheartened. He notices that the Soldier's gun is loads and thinks about taking his own life, as well as Y/N's and Danny's. Y/N goes back to Danny and pulls him into a side hug, gently stroking his hair back. They sit in silence for what seems like hours before the radio in the tank starts to make static sounds. A voice on the other end starts talking. They look over at the radio.
"Hey, you three. Dumbasses. Yeah, you three in the tank. Are you cozy in there?" The voice says. Rick and Y/N share a look, whole Danny looks hopeful, realizing that they’re not alone.
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cheekypeakyblinder · 1 year
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚋𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚢
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 (18+) | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
Wordcount: 1,79K
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John opened the door and they walked in. Franny had put her coat on a hanger and wanted to turn around before she could even look at John. He lifted her up and sat her down on the dinner table. Franny couldn't help it but she started to blush. She had wanted John to throw her over the desk at the betting shop for a long long time, but now that it was actually happening she didn't know what to expect.
he had thrown his coat over the chair and tossed his hat away. Pulling a hand through his hair. His smirk was even bigger than it normally was before he put himself between her legs. 
'God I've been waiting for this day.' he said to her lifting her chin up with his finger. He brought his face closer and he closed the gap between their lips real fast. Franny hungrily replied. And it got heated rather quickly.
Franny placed her hand on his cheek and the other slid over his shoulder. he had both arms around her waist. she slid her arms down and pushed his jacket down. He undid his gilet and Franny pushed it off his shoulders. Their mouths never disconnected. The feeling Franny was feeling was euphoric.
She had wanted John Shelby ever since she saw him step inside the betting shop. His cheeky grin and beneath the surface the sweetest man she had ever met. she felt his hands slide to the back of her dress as he pulled down the zipper. Franny broke the kiss pushing him off her. Her face was flushed to say the least. 'Here in the kitchen?' she asked him in between her uneven breathing.
'I don't care where.' John said with a lower voice then usual. 'Everywhere is fine to me.' he said walking back towards her and kissing her neck. Franny exposed her neck to him so he had more room and he gratefully took it. he let himself kiss down little by little pushing her dress of her shoulder. Franny was keeping herself busy by unbuttoning his blouse. She threw his collar off and somewhere around.
Franny couldn't help but she let out a moan to John biting down on her. Almost embarrassed about herself she raised her shoulders so John was stopping what he was doing. But when he came up his smirk was even bigger. 'I didn't know you could make that sound.' He spoke cupping her face. 'Shut up.' She told him.
They locked eyes. 'Don't talk to me like that at home.' He said raising an eyebrow. She couldn't help but melt to pudding in his hands. she just nodded to him. 'Speak up love (Luff)' he said to her. 'Yes sir.' she answered sticking out a small bit of her tongue to tease him. 'I don't dislike the sound of that though.' he said as he suddenly lifted her up. he had one hand around beneath her ass.
Her legs clamped themselves about his waist. Franny had also thrown her hand around his neck pushing her front almost between his nose. 'John jesus !' she said  aloud. He walked up the stairs. Franny was rather impressed he was able to hold her all the way up to the bedroom. The last few times she was up here was because she was feeling horribly alone or left. And he had just comforted her.
But this time.. John had opened the door and put her on the bed while he closed the door. Franny was a fast learner so by the time he turned around she let the dress she was wearing slip down her body. 'God I've been wanting to see that for so long.' he told her while losing his blouse walking towards her. He put his hand behind her head and pushed her in another heated kiss.
Franny this time was undoing her corset from behind making it loosen up. So when they broke apart she needed to hold it up with her arm otherwise it would slide down. His smirk returned back to his face as he again kissed her neck. and slowly unpacking her hands so she would slid down the corset. Franny herself could feel the corset slowly sliding. The feeling of the cold air hitting her breasts. But Also John's hot tongue running circles on her neck making her shiver. She couldn't help but softly part her lips and let out a soft moan.
John then was quick and pushed her down on the bed. Making Franny gasp out loud and pulling him with her by his belt. 'Jesus you moron.' she said rolling her eyes. 'Did you really think I would let you fall?' He said smirking pushing her legs aside and crawling between them laying his chest on top of hers and their lips were fastly connected again.
'You need to shut your cocky mouth up Mr. Shelby.' Franny said with a grin on her face. She wasn't as experienced as she wished she was. Of course she had her fair share of drunk encounters but it was never this.
John had set his mind on something and was kissing down her neck making her breathing get unsteady and his hands were roaming around her collarbone and waist. He arrived at her collarbone and started kissing on there. Franny couldn't help it but she felt herself form a puddle there was so much happening at once she started overthinking. But all of a sudden she could pulled out of that when John had reached her breasts. He was cupping on of them and came up again kissing her. She took the kiss hungrily.
But John didn't take it easy his hand was soon joined by his other hand cupping both of her breasts. And pressing them together. His fingers slit up as first his left hand flicked her nipple making Franny break their kiss and gulp down hard. His other hand soon followed making her throw her head back and arching her back forward. It felt great his huge hands which usually were so rough. Now gently and teasingly pleasuring her.
He then took her nipple between her fingers and softly started applying pressure. She tried to find John's face when she opened her eyes to kiss him again to try to die her moans down. Keeping them in was almost not a solution anymore. But when their eyes met he was hovering over her breasts smirking at her.'Sensitive are we?' he said before he flicked his tongue over her nipple. the sensation of the cold air and his warmth making her moan out softly.
'That's what I'd like to hear.' he told her continuing his job. After just a few minutes of John playing with her breasts she was a moaning mess. she found a bit of strength and sat up making him sit up too. before this time pushing him back on the bed she landed herself on his chest and kissed him. More hungry, more sloppy she started to act a bit more on her needs. Which was more to John's liking.
He started tugging onto her underwear making it slide down her ass. She however found the button of his pants .Her face suddenly turned to a grin when she found herself in a bit of a pity to open his pants. There was a bit of a bulging situation going on there. And it made her grin. 'You really think that wouldn't happen after seeing these?' John said as he groped her breasts again. Making Franny arch her back again pushing them forward.
She did however manage to open his pants and push them down. Throwing her legs over his and sitting on his lap the both of them kept it to kissing and touching for a while. Till Franny started to scoot herself a bit forward. Making John close his eyes and winch. they broke apart when he did that and Franny's flushed face turned again in a grin.
'You like that Mr. Shelby?' she asked him with a grin. This time it was his turn to tell her to shut up. But he didn't He grabbed her ass in his hands and started pushing her for and backwards. She could feel him beneath her. And after a few rubs she started to feel what made him feel good.
she put her hands around his neck and started to move herself. John buried his face between the valley of her breasts. As the both of them were starting to act more on their needs. Franny lifted herself a little up. 'Great minds think alike.' he said almost not on hearing level. He steadied himself and Franny slowly lowered herself.
The both of them moaning out when Franny had lowered herself on his dick. When she was sitting down they both hold steady for a moment. Before Franny slowly started to move herself up and John was helping her push down. His hands on her thighs. They slowly fastened the pace. and Franny was starting to feel the knot inside of her grow tighter and tighter. John clearly had enough of this position that he couldn't do his own pace. So he grabbed Franny's waist and turned them around. Making Franny gasp and hold on for dear life. She was going to call him out on this abrupt movement. But he hadn't left her.
So when he had stabilized himself he trusted himself forward. Making Franny yelp out in pleasure. Franny lifted her legs to wrap around his waist. So he could make more momento and she had a steady base. And John took advantage of that. He had Franny screaming in a matter of minutes.
John put his hand over her mouth. 'I love your moans love but it's still light outside.' He whispered in her ear. biting on her earlobe. When she had calmed down a little. Franny could feel the knot in her stomach getting tighter and tighter.
'John..' She said breathlessly. 'I know.. me too.' he said while pulling her closer to him. 'I'm gonna make you feel like this every night Fran.' he whispered in her ear. Franny couldn't help it but the knot in her stomach popped. And she came hard. She bit down on her lip drawing blood.
John could feel her squeezing around him. And he couldn't help it but he came himself. He stayed still for a while cleaning up Franny's lip. 'Can we stay like this for a while?' Franny asked after a while smiling. 'Please.' John answered as she snuggled into his armpit. But it didn't take long before there was knocking on the door.
'JOHN it's the coppers!' Finn yelled. 'For fucks sake.' The both of them said and they got dressed.
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