#and i drew something for a different fandom idk if ill post that
brodudemanbroski · 1 year
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working hard or hardly working.
trying out a new art style, that’s it. hoping it works.
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chibishortdeath · 11 months
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Simon derangement page number um I lost count!!! Time to explain things and transcribe my handwriting lol >:3
I put a photo of the whole page here because some things were hard to single out into separate images :)
A pose study! I was trying to work on foreshortening with that arm position. Just imagine that he’s talking to someone off screen and sweating cause he’s been working out or something d(^^ )
Two of these are based on some reaction image doodles I ran into on Pinterest that I’m pretty certain originated on tumblr lol. The bottom left one says “*realization*” and the top right one says “deranged —>” with the arrow pointing to our Mr. Deranged in question, Simon. The Simon and Richter one is kinda poking fun at the general Smash Bros fandom depiction of them and is also based on a doodle I saw on Pinterest.
Bottom left says “he has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces” lol. Dw! He is your friend! I just forgot to write that part :). I hope the tbh creature doodle is appreciated, I’ve drawn him like that more times than I’d like to admit—
This one is based on a photo of this guy (gotta be a Snapchat one idk I’ve never had Snapchat) with a monster energy and caption “KILL”. I think it fits the vibe.
Bottom left says “monsert!”, a silly bastardizarion of “monster”, again the energy drink. I feel like Simon would be the kind of guy to have caffeine at like 6PM and then wonder why he can’t sleep later lmao. Or worse have caffeine to avoid sleeping 💀. The other two doodles I drew because I woke up one morning and immediately imagined Simon with raccoon stripe hair for no reason.
This one is based on a tumblr post, it says “(Simon) the psychiatrist diagnosed me with divine madness” “(Christopher) any other diagnosises you’d like to share?” “(Simon) Autism”. That ending panel of Simon saying autism ended up a sticker in a discord server I’m in lmaooooo. Also I need to have more Simon and Christopher interactions cause I think they’d be friends aaaaa
The top doodle is based on a Simon MMD model I found of him as a Vocaloid and I thought that was hilarious and banger, we need more people making fun crossover stuff like that in the world lol. The bottom one is just him vibin(?). Idk he seems pretty distressed, but that’s his usual state so uh—
Another little pose doodle. I think his preferred sitting position is like criss cross applesauce on the floor. I don’t think he’d sit normally in chairs at all. I am now picturing him leaning a chair back too far help 💀.
This one is based on this meme that’s kinda poking fun at the art styles commonly found in yaoi with the last one being left blank for putting whatever you like there and implying in a comedic way that it’s ‘straight man yaoi’, I’ve seen ones with things like football players or idk Breaking Bad put there lol. Basically I saw the meme and realized that all the different styles kinda lined up too well with some Simon designs and well yeah this happened 💀💀💀. So we got Ayami Kojima’s design as “straight woman yaoi”, the NES cover art/X68000 as “gay man yaoi”, Simon’s Quest as “lesbian yaoi”, and Captain N thrown into “straight man yaoi” lmaooo.
Okie that’s all for this one, I will make more inevitably lol
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wabunguss · 5 months
I LOVE HOW U DREW CRONUS BUT LIKE..... why that sollux cronus art like baby gurl please ur better than that please please please just draw cronus eating dirt or something bc that artwork gave off weird vibes
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sorry it took like forever to reply i was busy at school but i get where ur coming from
rant underneath cut because i dont wanna clog my shit up lol
but like,,, that wasnt my intention for the artwork whatsoever?! idk what about that artwork implied any kind of proshittery or whatever asides from the flushed shit
i guess i shouldve specified about age because im pretty sure most of the fandom views everyone as minors and not post game adults epilogue shit and my art style doesnt help with age whatsoever idk maybe ill try a new art style for shit like that
also i thought proshipper was something you identified as and not something assigned to you !? like no im not a proshipper i understand that fiction really does affect reality because thats just the way shit works.
ALSO also i dont ship the ship myself, it was just a request i was fulfilling,, not sure if that makes a difference
idk why ur wasting ur time on me even tho im not a proshipper like theres plenty of proshippers in this fandom ive seen it myself
idk i can take the post down if u recommend it because i dont want to be seen as a proshitter but im not sure thatd help at all plus i didnt mean to imply anything like weird w that i just like drawing BLUSHING PPLEASE EEE
okay iguess ill go draw cronus eating dirt lmao
tldr: nuh uh
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pennylime · 2 years
Screaming into the void, I just wanna put my thoughts somewhere lmao:
Literally in that limbo stage where my mind can't decide what it wants to brainrot over and its so sad 😭. Like, during Jan and Feb vat7k was all I literally thought about, drew, wrote, and consumed media for. I could spend hours looking at fanart on pinterest and fill my brain with unending serotonin. Then i watched Steven universe, obsessed over that for a week or so, and now my mind can't go back like HUH?!?!?!
Normally ill brainrot over something for about 2-3 weeks until I move on almost immediately and repeat the cycle, so I'm honestly surprised vat7k lasted that long lol, but its really annoying cuz I DON'T WANT TO BE DONE WITH IT YET LIKE IM STILL OUTLINING??? HELLOO??? I WANT MY MOTIVATION BACK PLEASE??? But I literally can't :((( and my brain won't pick something else either so I'm just sitting here like what do I do??? I /need/ something to consume my thoughts but my BRAIN WONT PICK SOMETHING. I'm juggling like 5 different fandoms rn with none at the front and it's just like bruh. It's kind of boring?? Idk how to describe it lmao.
I want to outline so bad, and I haven't given up because I think I actually made it a life goal to write the entire story lol. I just need to wait for the brain rot to come back ig 😔 i mean, like it always does, cuz things kind of cycle through. There's still periods where I'll get absolutely obsessed with things i watched 5 years ago lshalagakshshk. It gives me reassurance that the motivation will come back, at least eventually lol.
Also on a lighter note, I have a lot of sketches that I'm prolly gonna post soon so yea :]]] HOPEFULLY TOMORROW YEEAAYEAYEA
This limbo is weird. I don't think I like all too much.
Screaming into the void over lol
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obscuremechala · 2 years
testing testing 123
i just got here so i wanna test things out, probably won't keep this post in the long run but maybe i'll forget this is up or something idk
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this is my profile pic, i drew it myself real quick and i don't feel like elaborating why. the url is a tad different bc i was thinking of sharing it on instagram (i didn't tho) and tumblr doesn't allow underscores apparently
but i digress
i don't have much to talk about but that's 'cause i don't have a prompt or anything this was just meant to be a test
one day i'll ramble about my story stuff bc there's a lot going on there but there's still a lot i need to figure out
hmm maybe ill do an intro or something
but probably not here i don't think it'll fit
ill test things in the meanwhile
italics? oooh yes
[redacted] (huh would that be unredacted or what is this a paradox)
awelkhfas ooh different fonts too
point 1
point 2
there are no points
what am i doing
idk man
i just got here and want to learn and maybe interact
i tend to just lurk on socials but i am capable of interaction
i just usually don't
friends are nice, i wish i could interact with mine more
testing testing one two three
moths are cute, i like moths
one of my fantasy races/species are inspired by moths but that's for another time
i don't expect anyone to actually read this
tho i do expect it'll take me some time to get used to things here
ive seen a lot of posts on pinterest while looking for writing advice and character design inspo, tho now my feed is 1/3 transformers, 1/3 pokemon, and 1/3 misc. tumblr posts
i also like robots and transformers
what if moth robot
hmm lemme think
i could def make it work in my universe, i shall ponder
anyway more tests
ooo smol
wonder what this does
color text nice
this song is great i found it a few days ago and have listened to it several times on loop
however i don't have spotify i just have youtube music
sad that they deleted google play music, at least i could listen to music outside of the app and with my screen off without paying money
i haven't actually played undertale, i watched a neutral run playthrough and have played deltarune, if i get the game id probably do a pacifist run
undertale music is good tho
there is no 2
what did that do
i don't really get it
maybe it'll do something when i publish this
ooo i should post some art
i don't have a lot tho
maybe i should redraw my old art bc i looked at some last night and yikes
apparently i only recently discovered decent anatomy/proportions and that was via mostly guesture poses
i have recently been shown the way of shapes and im watching a lot of character design and redesign stuff along with my hermitcraft
i never really got into miraculous ladybug but for some reason watching people tear into it and redesign the characters tends to pull me in like a moth to a light
it's funny bc i have no investment in what people are complaining about but im interested in how they make things better/different
also taking notes on what not to do so
i wish i could draw my characters, a good chunk are robots and hard to design, 90% of the rest of them are homemade fantasy races/species i have to actually conceptualize, and then the humans are kinda just there
bc i do have humans there just arent a ton bc i must make everything hard for myself
dw its fun for me it just takes a long time to actually hammer out
i wanna talk more about them but im thinking of better ways to actually organize my thoughts that just vomiting words on a page that no one will see anyway
it's gonna take some tome to figure out this place
maybe ill make separate blogs for original and fandom stuff idk ill explore the features more and get back to
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acadieum · 5 years
What exactly does "safe blog" mean?
lmaO honestly im kind of surprised it took this long to get a question about it 
but i’ll put it under a read more bc… yoinks..! it’s nothing bad though! 
it’s just a really long ramble about my blog’s origin story lol
but anyways, when i started this blog, it was actually a secondary blog for me! as in, it wasn’t the main blog i was using
at the time, my main blog was constantly stressing me out. i felt pressured to post constant “top-quality” art at a high frequency and of only one fandom in particular - that of which i was really losing interest in. 
like, i felt if i posted anything else (from a different fandom or a lower-quality doodle) or if i stopped posting in general, id be condemned or something- and that feeling was absolutely SUFFOCATING 
i always felt that i was being compared to other artists and that really fucked up my self-worth and my attitude towards my art. 
it didn’t help that people often didn’t respect me as an artist and would constantly repost my work without credit or permission. 
so i made a new blog to get away from it all, and that’s this blog!
i wanted a blog where i could just post about my interests and create art without feeling pressured to post or do art of a specific interest all the time. 
bc back then, id get so many asks saying “i didnt follow you for ___ content so stop posting it or im going to unfollow >:(” and younger me took it to heart and was incredibly vulnerable to it so i couldn’t POSSIBLY post other content
but on my new blog (aka this one!), i could! but at the early stage of this blog, sometimes, i would forget that i have the freedom to do so also.
so, as a reminder to myself, i put in my description that this was a “safe blog” to emphasize in my mind that there’s no need to feel pressure here. that i’m okay. that everything is okay! and that i can grow at my own pace. 
there’s no need to stress about posting art on a schedule or to post within a specific fandom. i could freely just be me, unlike my other blog, and thats why i deemed it a “safe” blog.
now, keep in mind, when i started this blog, i never knew it was going to blow up and i never intended for this blog to be a full-time thing!
it was SUPPOSED to be just another blog, a small one that i could go to just to have fun and to be myself. but i enjoyed it so much here that i never wanted to leave and this became my main!
this blog truly helped me become independent as an artist. i stopped worrying about what people wanted me to post and i posted about content that i liked and i drew things i enjoyed and i was happy!
this may seem like a simple thing, but it took me a long while to achieve this sort of free-spirited happiness with my blog content and my art
which is why i get so happy when you all enjoy the stuff that i post! whether it be the stuff i reblog, the art i create, or the silly text posts i put out! the welcome here was so heart-warming, i couldn’t bear to go back. 
the term “safe blog” is no longer necessary in my description, since i’m here all the time now and i’ve learned to love myself and the work i put out - but i just never brought myself to delete it honestly. maybe i will at some point in the future but i haven’t yet! so, yeah!
nowadays, i like to think that “safe blog” means kind of like a “only good vibes here bro!” kind of deal bc ill usually try to post things that makes me happy or things that would be helpful to others or cheer them up if they had a rough day! 
idk i just want ppl to have a good experience here ig- i just want them happy vibes from here on out bc i spent so long being depressed about my surroundings, my art, and myself so- 
it came to be sort of like a supportive circle thing? where we can share that good loving support and thats why i love supporting my mutuals whenever i possibly can! (im kind of rambling again. but did i mention i love my mutuals? anyways anyways anyways)
that being said, while i am very welcoming of others, i will not hesitate to block and report disgusting people off my blog bc i do not want to be associated with them in any way, shape, or form. 
BUT YEAH ANYWAYS TLDR; the term “safe blog” was a reminder to myself that it’s okay to be me and to enjoy life and have fun w my art blog! 
it was on my blog since the beginning and it sort of means something different now, bc i love the good vibes but i can and will absolutely destroy any disgusting person that even THINKS about looking at my blog. that’s all! thank you! :)
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sophiemi · 4 years
A Response to Hate + Wisdom, I Suggest Everyone Reads.
This is a pretty long post replying to some hate I got from a recent post I made about Mirajane Strauss and Laxus Dreyar, I linked it at the bottom of this if you would like to read it. I think everyone should read this post not only because its some piping hot tea, but there’s also a lot of other things I talk about in this that I feel like everyone should hear. Totally understand if you don’t want to read it though. Let me know what you think!  
First here is what they/you said (in order):
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Hi I just liked to start with I blocked you from send me anymore ask, but I’m letting you know if you change devices you can still ask me things or messages, if you DM (off anon) ill take your request seriously, but since you’re on anon I’m not gonna take you seriously, sorry. Especially after you were actually mean to me when I did nothing wrong, which is why I’m making this post even though I’d normally ignore it.
Lets start with the general Miraxus stuff, that post WAS NOT hate. You have to be delusional and overly obsessed to believe that was a hate post, or that I was spreading “false information.” In the post I literally said they had good development and linked a master list of ALL their interactions. The entire post was about how even though I don’t ACTIVELY ship them (meaning they are cute and I agree they would be a good couple, but I just don’t get that feeling where I’m like “oh okay yes them” and I feel the need to stalk them, ((not everyone hates what threatens their ships)), and I’m not denying they are very cute, and have a lot of cute art and moments, it just doesn’t hype me up the same way other ships do.) So, this post was pro-miraxus, I’m literally saying they honestly deserved to become canon/canon-ish like a lot of the other ships did, so it was not “cross tagged” the post was about mira and laxus and thats what I tagged it, if you are talking about the part where i tagged “#I feel sorry for anyone who ships miraxus” that is literally me validating anyone hurt over the ending.  Again, I’m not following the Miraxus tag or any account solely dedicated to that ship so I didn’t even know he drew a kid or them, that’s super cool, good for you. I wasn’t being “biased” because I’m not neck deep in any ship for Laxus or Mira, yes i think CanaJane is cute but I know its very unrealistic, this is why I was able to form this opinion that they deserved better. The post was about how Mashima baited Miraxus the entire series, then said “Never!!!!” even if it was Lucy’s inner thoughts, Mashima knew what he was doing. I was saying, “wow that probably sucked if you really liked them! I’m sorry!” If you believe my post was to degrade Mira x Laxus and hype Cana x Mira, then you need to take a step back and re-evaluate yourself, I understand you are probably like 13-14 but that’s still not okay to attack people because they don’t agree with you, and if you are older that 13 or 14 that’s just embarrassing. I also believe that Freed x Laxus deserved a better ending and I also don’t actively ship that either, Freed spent the whole series wanting to protect and be by the side of Laxus and they had no interaction in the finale.
 Next, lets go to the part about you saying I’m a “slash fetishizer shipper” (also i literally had to look up what this meant) I can only assume you canajane because i said they “hit different” right? Let me just re insert what you said to make sure I reply correctly
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Yes I think Cana and Mira are very attractive, and I think they are hot together too. Hi i’m into girls. I am the woke points. I agree people make lgbt people into a fetish and don’t actually respect them, but that’s mostly males thinking lesbians are hot while being gross out by gay men, I may be naive but you don’t often see that on anime tumblr where half the people are gay anyway, not to mention most are female. This next part may be controversial I’m not sure, but people don’t need a reason to ship characters and no one can tell them who they can and can’t ship (this does not apply to shipping a child with an adult), so you can’t say only gay people can ship to people of the same gender, sorry that’s not how it works, i understand you’re trying to get those “woke points” but you just look like a fool. But then next you said this:
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Actual author content? Oh you mean like the post I linked that showed EVERY SINGLE interaction/moment/hints that Miraxus had? Like I said, they had good development, and my post was about how the AUTHOR should’ve given them a better ending. I’d just like to add there are many moments that the AUTHOR wrote between Cana and Mira that made me ship them, if the AUTHOR never wrote anything to where they interacted, I wouldn’t ship them?  This post is not about that though so I’m not gonna go anymore into them. 
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“false information” girl what? where? I’m genuinely curious, I used screenshots of the manga to present to idea that Miraxus deserved better and that’s all I talked about so I’m confused what you been by this:
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So I can tell you took the one line where i said I like CanaJane more than Miraxus and in your mind twisted my entire PRO-miraxus argument into and anti post, this kind of behavior is toxic, and “its not a good look sir” 
Let also clarify something, cross tagging is posting about something and tagging things completely unrelated, this post was about mira and laxus and thats what it was tagged about. Cross tagging is often used in shipping wars, but my post was pro-miraxus so it makes no sense for you to repeatedly say I was cross tagging and that’s why you were mad, it’s very clear you were just mad because I said I shipped CanaJane and that clouded your judgement when reading everything else. If you wanna see real cross tagging look up any naruto ship and scroll for about 3 seconds. So, no I won’t be removing the tags because that makes no sense, but if it’s important enough for you to message me off anon then we’ll talk.
My final section of this response is how hypocritical you were. Like with he part, “I don’t hate you” To quote tiktok and nicki minaj, “don’t be tryna double back, I already despise you” 
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As you can see you repeatedly said I was mean, but no where in my post did I say anything like “Mira x Laxus is gross, its toxic, its dumb, its...idk...forced!”, i literally never said anything like that because like I’ve said in this post and in that one, they’re cute and they had good development. You were the mean one in your response telling me i had “no reading skills whatsoever”, that i had a “lack of respect”,  said I’m “more than pitiful” and this isn’t mentioning all of your back handed pettiness throughout every single message you sent, you think you “look cool” but “hun”...”sweetie”...you just look dumb, but at least you are on anon!
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Educate myself? girl this isn’t politics, you’re pressed over a post saying your ship deserved better than it got??? What am I supposed to do watch the anime, read the manga, well good thing I did. GUESS WHAT THEY HAD GOOD DEVELOPMENT i can see why you ship them. 
The only rude person here is you, you came into my asks and attacked me because you were blinded for reasons I can’t figure out, and you hid behind the anonymous setting which clearly means you don’t care that much about Miraxus, you just wanted to be mean. 
If you’re reading this, and you sent me the messages, message me off anonymous, then we can realistically talk about me taking off my so called cross tagging, I really don’t care that much, I’m just baffled you had to audacity to come for me so hard then “nicely” ask me to remove the tags. 
If you’re reading this and you didn’t send me these messages, thanks for reading, maybe share this so people understand that this behavior is not okay. I know what I got was mostly just petty ranting, but there are people who send way worse to others and its just not okay. Just because these aren’t are real accounts like these are fandom accounts doesn’t make it okay. Thanks! 
Here is the post in reference:
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
got long so under the cut!!
1. When did you start reading fanfiction? 
Hmmm I think I was about ten?? Maybe 11?? It was in fifth grade and I had just gotten my own tablet without parental controls so probs not the best situation but hey, what can you do, im here now and never leaving.
8.  What was your first fandom? Are you still in that fandom now?
Warrior Cats I think? Its the first one I considered a ‘fandom’ at any rate, and I wrote stuff for it without realizing what fanfiction was?? I was like. 9.  But the First Actual Fandom where I knew what was going on was Sonic The Hedgehog. Its been a wild ride guys. 
4. Who is your current favourite author? What is their best story?
Currently demonsLOver on ao3!!!! I’m reading through their fics rn. Their fics are kind of on the dark side but I really love how they are interpreting different events and such in one piece!! It just all hurts me :))) The one that drew me towards them was Coming Into Focus which explores Luffy post Marineford. Heavy topics, but a good read. I will also suggest dirty dirty carnivore by Civillain because heck another one of my favorite authors!! I just have a bunch of favorite authors okay.
5. Which story have you read more than any other? How many times?
Embers by Vathara. Yes, it 700k+, yes I have read it multiple times repeatedly, I think at least seven at this point?? maybe eight?? In full I guess? Its just. Really good guys, and the way vathara connects stuff in their story has helped me realized how I should work on interpreting and connecting stuff in mine. Plus its like, political, but political I can understand and very fun.
6. What is your favorite story trope? Why?
FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY - okay, but 1) Captain and first Mate dynamics and 2) when the story does the thing and ends with a character saying half the line and then it cuts to another scene where the different character finishes the other half of the line. Idk if its a trope but its probably on tvtropes somewhere lol
2. What word or expression always makes you cringe when you read it?
Ejaculate but especially like. used for speaking. :/
3. Is there anything that makes you nope out of a story? What is it?
Extremely poorly characterized characters to the point where its not even anything like the canon character or even the fanon interpretation of the character. I’ll typically read a chapter or too then just. Bye. Also when the story doesn’t make sense like they edited out a scene and forgot to put it back in. It stresses me out fgjyhkl
5. What character that fandom loves are you just kinda “meh” about? Why?
Oddly enough, Law?? Like, he’s good and all but if I had to pick between reading about his experience or say, Robin’s experience, I’d choose Robin. I prefer reading him in conjunction with other characters but I don’t like it when the focus is all about him?? Idk. Personal Preference tho I do love all the Law jokes lol
7. Why did you leave your most recent comment? Will you share it with us?
I thought this said where at first, so i left it on Like Ink Through Her Veins by grainjew!  and why, because the fic devestated me and its just two lovely characters who have neverr interacted interacting and Vivi Time Skip material. Absolutely excellent fic in one of my favorite series (because LOYALTY I SOB) and I wont share the comment because it was some of the lines in the fic I screamed about but guys. Seriously. Go read it!!
8. Which fandoms do you read fic for?
One Piece (duh), Fullmetal alchemist, Avatar The Last Airbender, Transformers, marvel occasionally, Harry Potter only in crossovers, bnha when I feel like reading some aus… I read Naruto despite never reading/watching the series?? OH! And PJO, Destiny occasionally, Fairy Tail, Batman + Justice League, but only AU’s when everything is happy…. Think thats it?? Whatever strikes the mood tbh or I need to reread a good fic.
10. What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
The thing is for me if I cant find the fic ill write the fic but….. I really want a fae luffy fic but set in the op world. That’d be lit, but I have no plans for it, so someone write it please!! Also 50k+ of Ace and The Spades acclimating to the WB pirates and not just Ace
ask me something from this ask meme!! 
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anti-tony-god · 5 years
(Sorry kinda long) Cass Cain!! I love her! She has her own series: Batgirl (2000)! The problem is Cass’s education was neglected, so she doesn’t know anything at first. Then she gets magicked and knows words, but can’t speak. Then she can speak, but in broken English. She can’t read either, even pretty far in. I am iffy on Bruce’s part because he sucks and reteaches her to fight, he’s her adopted father but uhh this is before that and while he does worry for her like all his protégés it feels a bit like white knight to me (mostly cause I hate Bruce and Cass should be able to kick his ass at any point in time). Barbara Gordon takes her in, too. Idk if that’s a turn off for you. Shes like 16 so she needs someone looking after her anyway.
I’m going to warn you the art is…… well someone definitely drew that. But it gets better further in. Onyx Adams is there and doing amazing!! Cute Cass/Steph moments!! The end is disappointing and the amount to black villains has me a bit concerned but it’s not 100% and there are black good guys so I’m not going to throw down the racist card.
#30-32 has Connor Hawke in it
Kinda bloody. Suicide, murder, the works. Cass can really kick butt and she’s super sweet but she lets Bruce get in her head when she should be letting Barbara in instead. I actually don’t mind that part, it’s kind of interesting to see even if it does make me mad.
The thing I do absolutely love about her is that she speaks in movement, which is poetic and beautiful. I just wish there was more of it. She had a rough growing up and finally got the family she deserves (except Bruce he sucks). I hate that they make reading body language a power or secret weapon of some sort that can be taken away. I’d have loved it if they kept that.
Batgirl (2008) starts off rough, the other batfam members start off acting like dicks, I know that the first intro of a character makes me judge them afterwards (why I hate black widow) so idk if you think that’ll ruin them for you. She still speaks brokenly but it’s revealed she took an esl class, so it’s better. This is definitely something you read if you want to see more Cass, you run into a bunch of characters but don’t get into her as a person enough except for that part she gets a bf. It’s Cass on a deeper level (talking about her trauma, seeing her sister). She is on a mission and it shows. 2000 is a lot lighter, not as serious.
2009? Cass upgrades to her ultimate form and says fuck Bruce Wayne and then leaves. Unfortunately, that’s the most you’ll get from her. Stephanie Brown (blonde white girl) then becomes batgirl. Which, now that I think about it, is kinda fucked up.
Don’t read any batgirls past that, it’s Barbie Gordon and she sucks (I will find you)
Here’s a rec list for her if you still want to see stuff on her, she probably speaks brokenly (really brokenly or somewhat brokenly depends on the time) or not at all in them. She didn’t have any speech problems in batgirl: convergence but Steph is batgirl in that, she’s black bat. In rebirth she’s known as ‘orphan’ which is worse than ‘signal’ so uhh I don’t know shit about that and never will. Also she respects Batman which is sad :( https://fyeahcassandracain.tumblr.com/recs
Don’t read One Year Later
Connor Hawke!! Oooo I hate Oliver Queen and you will see why but Connor? Connor is my baby!! But all black DC characters are because I’m black and I said so.
He originally had a temper (“angry black man” but also Uhhh Oliver Queen’s son) he was picked on as a kid since he’s mixed (¼ Korean, ¼ black, ½ white) he has the occasional white washing too. His mom would kick your ass if you started making fun of him.
Nothing else I can think of I don’t read him much, sorry
Ok I did Connor Hawke: Dragon’s Blood and don’t fucking read it he’s whitewashed in the first part then kissed his fucking half-brother’s mom noooooo
People like Connor and Kyle Rayner together plus it’s outside of the Arrow Fam so none of that shit will pop up probably (hopefully) they don’t have a run together but I did run into them a couple of times, they’re so cute!!
I’m kinda traumatized so no I will not sample any of those for you. Also he respects Oliver which is sad :(
Duke Thomas!! I did like the little glimpses of Duke I got before he moved from background to foreground, but I never read him much. 1. Because I hate Bruce (BATMAN & the signal) 2. Because his new name sucks if they just called him Lark like everyone was voting for I would maybe do it 3. Because it was new 52 and I couldn’t care less about Robin War
I am curious about Duke too tho, I will never read Robin War (nothing immoral about it I don’t think, I just don’t give a shit and it sounds boring also respect for Batman which is sad) but I did get into Batman & The Signal
Writer attempts to console the audience about having too many batfam members while showing us said batfam members, one (or two if you count nightwing) of which is whitewashed, another that is ablewashed, and the PoC and Jewish ones are put in the corner (but to be fair, they’re trying to center the more popular ones and THATS why I hate this fuckin fandom).
I’m going to choke this writer, speech bubbles and boxes are two different things I don’t care if he’s talking to both the audience & the people around him it’s confusing and I hate it how am I supposed to know when it’s in his head or not
“No good names left” I’m so mad there are so many birds that exist do you even know how disappointing it is to hear Duke is getting to be part of the batfam everyone’s so exciting making stuff up for him “oh Lark this Lark that” and then his name is fucking SIGNAL what’s he do make bird calls whenever the bad guy is outside??? “Oh uhhh there’s crime Duke hit the button for the batsignal” fucking SIGNAL
Him trying to figure out his powers is boring as hell I DON’T CARE literally “Jason Todd Death Joke” “Someone Gets His Name Wrong” “I’m A Mystery” “I’m The New Guy” this writing is so lazy ahhhh
Black “blue” dude with a big ass nose that’s the bad guy
I got bored again and skipped panels then found a disabled Asian woman, I am interested again… Wow I want a comic on her she’s more interesting than Duke lmao
I SCROLL DOWN TO SEE IF ITS REDEEMABLE AND SEE A WHITE WOMAN WITH DREADS BYE “but it’s ok ‘cause she’s part robot or whatever” I’m not reading anymore especially since Barbie is there probably preying on another young black guy to not be racist with
Rec list, he’s mostly in batman sorry fam *F* also he respects Batman which is sad :(
If you decide to stay away from batfam please take me with you
If you decide to stay away from DC PLEASEEEEE take me
I should probably explain this since I keep throwing it onto you without explaining what it is Barbie Gordon: Barbara Gordon (second batgirl, most popular) was attacked by the joker and was paralyzed from the waist down. This was an extremely sexist comic that was complained about by all sorts of straight white able-bodied feminists even after DC turned that trash-fire into a glorious fireworks display
She was amazing as Oracle! She was a genius, badass, wheelchair-bound asskicker!! Even the justice league wanted her!! She was so reliable and strong mentally, physically, and emotionally! She was one of the only people to step up during No Man’s Land! She took in Cass and didn’t give up on her when she took Bruce’s stupid advice over her wisdom! And she lost her respect for Bruce which is great! She had more respect as Oracle than she could ever dream of as batgirl. She realized Bruce was bitch and became twice the man he could ever be. She didn’t let that moment define her, and she decided she wouldn’t let anyone hold her back anymore. She didn’t have Bruce’s “huh they look like they can beat someone down hard 🤔🤔🤔” view of worth, she saw people as they were and did what she could to help them improve. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
But with enough whiny bitches DC will do anything, and Barbara was given back her legs, her respect for Bruce, and her wisdom while also gaining a black boyfriend that had no business being there (MY Luke??? I appreciate the bowtie pics but FUCK YOU) that she would soon dump for her light-skinned ex, and a victim complex.
She lost both her dignity and everything great about her.
No one hates Barbie more than me. No one. If I find out that you even glimpsed at her I will hunt you down.
Also recently they made a new Oracle, since she mostly deals with computers it’s sort of a robot thing and it’s STILL FUCKING ABLE BODIED THE POINT FEW PAST THEM AT A THOUSAND MILES AN HOUR
Thank you so much for all this! Idk what a lot of it means since ive literally never read a dc comic but ill keep it in mind when I start reading!!
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tedwithhairclips · 3 years
bro 4:00am is a different place i just drew a very wholesome character in some of the worse possible situations because i decided to project onto him.
i also wrote about 35 of the same slurs in the back of a drawing because my brain says and likes it so much its come close to being said repeatedly out loud.
under this part it gets weird idk i dont usually post stuff like this so🙂
ah yes i drew ted with a shitload of scars and a nice large background with the word fag everywhere. I really had no reason to but i somehow always embody myself into someone im not because- well the trans and mentally ill agenda- and half of these drawings were not in fact of ted himself but in ted as in me. but it really wasnt me its- it was weird okay. anyways after my random breakdown i put down my phone and i stared at the drawings and i honestly felt bad. for a fictional character. Maybe it was because i realized how much i use him as an escapism tool or just because hes not supposed to be so. idk messed up. i've used this kind of art before except when i drew it as if it were me i scared myself. i was legitimately scared of myself. and so i drew it all on fictional characters. anytime there is something from a fandom i like and it seems so realistically saddening, its mostly because im putting my own problems onto them. and holy crap theres a lot of art.
I may post the art here, but i may not bc. dude idk i just.
look drawing such weird things onto a nice character is weird- and knowing that its supposed to come from my mind thats also weirder so- yknow who knows.
anyways im going to go find my nice source of comfort 😔💪💪
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