#and i eat snacks throughout the day (from healthy ones like nuts or unhealthy ones like sweets) so i don't really go hungy or anything dw
zhongrin · 1 month
my mom's favorite daily question over text is "what did you eat for lunch/dinner" and sometimes i have to invent things because if i tell her i didn't eat anything substantial or acceptable of a meal in her view, i know she would needlessly worry....
and it got me curious. what kind of white lies do you tell people you hold dear to your hearts? or do you not tell those at all and prefer to be as honest as possible?
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pablice · 6 months
How I Lost 30 Pounds Fast on the Carnivore Diet - My Success Story
What is the Carnivore Diet? The Carnivore Diet is a diet that focuses on eating exclusively animal-based foods. This includes meat, fish, eggs, some dairy, and certain other animal-based products. It eliminates all plant foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and pulses. The idea behind the Carnivore Diet is to get the maximum amount of nutrition possible from animal-based sources, while also reducing the intake of potentially harmful plant-based compounds and antinutrients. The Carnivore Diet values quality of nutrition over the quantity of calories and carbohydrates. Proponents of the Carnivore Diet claim that following the diet can lead to various health benefits, such as weight loss, improved mental clarity, better sleep, and improved energy levels. Some people also believe that following the Carnivore Diet can treat chronic issues such as autoimmune diseases, digestive issues, and mental health disorders. While there is some anecdotal evidence to support these claims, further research is needed to understand the full effects of the Carnivore Diet. My Weight Loss Journey I started my weight loss journey with a lot of enthusiasm and ambition. It was a big change for me and I was determined to make it successful. I started by setting achievable goals and committing to a timetable for regular exercise and healthy eating. I kept track of my calorie intake and followed a set meal plan that allowed me to gradually reduce my caloric intake. To have something to look forward to and sustain my motivation, I set rewards for myself after reaching certain milestones. I also began gaining knowledge about nutrition and healthy eating habits so I could stay focused and ensure I was getting the right level of nutrients from my meals. During this journey I found that understanding the basics of nutrition was essential for making positive lifestyle changes. I also involved friends and family to provide support and encouragement; it was especially useful for when I was having a hard day. Challenges I Faced The journey towards an ideal body shape and health was not always smooth sailing. I encountered several challenges on the way. One the most difficult was adhering to the diet strictly. In the beginning, it was receptive since I had to establish a new routine and reintroduce new foods in my meals. It was mentally exhausting since it took time to get used to it and abide by the diet plan. I also experienced physical changes and had to deal with cravings. During the start of my weight loss journey, I started feeling hungrier than usual because of the decrease in calorie intake. This caused great difficulty when sticking to the plan and getting rid of unhealthy cravings of fast food and snacks. Eating Habits I Adopted When I decided to start a carnivore diet, I knew I had to change my eating habits. After researching and learning more about the diet, I started making small but important changes to my daily diet. I started by cutting out most processed foods and added a few more free-range and grass-fed meats to my daily meals. This allowed me to have more nutrient-dense meals which also contained a good blend of essential vitamins and minerals. I also reduced the amount of carbohydrates that I ate and replaced them with healthy fats. This included more healthy and unprocessed oils like olive or coconut. Additionally, I made sure to consume whole foods that were rich in protein, such as eggs, fish, and poultry. By increasing my protein intake, I was able to keep my energy levels high throughout the day. These eating habits enabled me to effectively maintain my carnivore diet and achieve my desired weight loss goals. Exercises I Did I started to focus more on my fitness and I wanted to make sure I got as much exercise as possible. I incorporated a range of activities into my routine. I built up my cardio gradually with running and biking, and when I felt comfortable with those exercises, I began adding in weights and other resistance exercises. I also incorporated yoga and pilates as a way to stretch my body after every session. I wanted to make sure I got a good mix of exercise and I added a range of HIIT and Tabata workouts too. These short and intense workouts got my heart rate up and left me feeling energized. I also like to mix things up with dance classes or Zumba. Swimming laps and boxing were other activities I looked forward to too. Benefits I Experienced I began to appreciate the positive changes my body was going through. I experienced reduced fat levels in my belly and a heightened sense of energy. My body felt lighter and I could move freely without feeling heavy. I felt very content and appreciated the improvement in my overall health. I was pleased with being able to keep up my activity levels even after I changed my lifestyle. I had more endurance and stamina when it came to running and other forms of exercise. I was able to reach my fitness goals quicker than I thought possible and felt encouraged knowing I could do even more. Strategies to Stay Motivated Motivation is a major part of any successful lifestyle plan. Without it, sustaining such a lifestyle can be incredibly difficult. The key to staying motivated is breaking it down into manageable goals and focusing on the small steps you need to take to get there. Focus on one goal at a time and break it down further into daily activities and targets. Celebrate even the smallest of successes and remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place. Make it fun and give yourself rewards for reaching targets. Use affirmations to remind you of why you are succeeding. Reaching out to friends for support can also be a powerful motivator. Connecting and having conversations with likeminded people can help you stay focused and motivated. Healthy Lifestyle Habits I Developed To reach my goal, I implemented some positive healthy lifestyle habits into my daily routine. First, I replaced snacking with healthier snacks like fruits and nuts. I also incorporated a balanced diet with enough fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. Additionally, I stopped drinking fizzy drinks and consumed more water to stay hydrated. I also started a regular exercise routine. I started by going for walks and working up to jogging and running. I also incorporated strength training and yoga into my routine. I committed to exercising for an hour a day for maximum gain. Lastly, I included short bursts of physical activities throughout the day like running up and down the stairs, stretching, and deep breathing exercises. All these practices helped me not only become healthier but also stay motivated and energized. What is a carnivore diet? The carnivore diet is an all-meat diet that consists of only animal products, including meat, fish, eggs, and some animal-based products like dairy. It eliminates all types of plant-based foods, including grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. This diet is meant to provide all the essential nutrients the body needs while avoiding potential allergens and food sensitivities. What was my weight loss journey like? My weight loss journey was a long and challenging one. I started out by making small adjustments to my diet and gradually increasing the amount of physical activity I was doing. I kept track of my calories and monitored my progress to ensure my health goals were being met. After several weeks, I had lost a significant amount of weight and felt much healthier. What challenges did I face while trying to lose weight? One of the main challenges I faced was dealing with cravings and temptations. I had to find ways to stay motivated and not give in to unhealthy eating habits. I also had to learn how to properly fuel my body with the right kinds of foods. It was a difficult process but I was eventually able to make lasting changes. What eating habits did I adopt to help me reach my weight loss goals? I adopted several new eating habits to help me reach my goal. I cut out processed foods and added more fruits and vegetables to my diet. I also tried to eat smaller meals more often throughout the day instead of eating three large meals. I also incorporated healthy snacks into my daily routine to help keep me from feeling overly hungry. What exercises did I do to help reach my goals? I incorporated a variety of exercises into my routine. I did aerobic exercises such as jogging and cycling, as well as strength-training exercises like weightlifting and body-weight exercises. I also tried to do yoga and other forms of stretching to stay flexible and improve my overall health. What were the benefits I experienced from my weight loss journey? There were many benefits I experienced from my weight loss journey. Most notably, I had more energy, felt stronger, and was able to perform better in exercise and other physical activities. I also felt more confident and had improved mental clarity. What strategies did I use to stay motivated? I used several strategies to stay motivated. I set small, achievable goals and celebrated when I reached them. I also took time to reward myself for sticking to my healthy habits. Lastly, I connected with a support group of people who were also trying to improve their health and share tips and strategies. What healthy lifestyle habits did I develop? I developed several healthy lifestyle habits to help me reach my goals. I made sure to get enough sleep each night and stay hydrated throughout the day. I also kept a food journal to stay on track with my eating habits. Lastly, I made sure to take time for myself and do activities that I enjoyed to help relieve stress. Read the full article
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freeblogwin · 11 months
Find Out How I Lost 10 Pounds in Just One Week Without Exercise!
Hey, Tumblr health enthusiasts! If you're looking to shed some extra pounds without hitting the gym, I have an exciting story to share. I recently discovered a method that helped me lose an incredible 10 pounds in just one week—all without exercise! Get ready to uncover the secrets behind this weight loss journey. Let's dive in!
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Mindful Eating: I started practicing mindful eating, paying close attention to my body's hunger and fullness cues. By slowing down, savoring each bite, and eating until satisfied rather than stuffed, I naturally consumed fewer calories.
Balanced Meals: I focused on incorporating balanced meals into my diet. Each plate consisted of lean protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. This provided essential nutrients while keeping me satiated.
Portion Control: I became mindful of portion sizes, using smaller plates and bowls to help control my food intake. This simple trick made a significant difference in reducing calorie consumption without feeling deprived.
Hydration: I prioritized staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Water helped curb unnecessary snacking, supported digestion, and boosted overall well-being.
Mindset Shift: I shifted my mindset from restrictive diets to sustainable, long-term lifestyle changes. Instead of focusing on short-term results, I embraced a holistic approach that prioritized overall health and well-being.
Healthy Snacking: I swapped unhealthy snacks for nutritious options such as fresh fruits, Greek yogurt, and raw nuts. This satisfied my cravings while keeping my calorie intake in check.
Minimizing Processed Foods: I reduced my consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, and snacks high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats. Instead, I focused on whole, nutrient-dense foods that nourished my body.
Intuitive Eating: I tuned in to my body's signals of hunger and fullness, allowing myself to eat when hungry and stop when satisfied. This helped me build a healthier relationship with food.
Mind-Body Connection: I practiced stress-management techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercises. By reducing stress levels, I avoided emotional eating and maintained a healthier mindset.
Quality Sleep: I prioritized getting enough quality sleep, as it plays a crucial role in weight management. Restful sleep helped regulate hunger hormones and supported overall well-being.
Remember, this weight loss journey is unique to me, and everyone's experience may differ. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary changes or weight loss efforts.
Tag your friends who are interested in healthy weight management and share your own experiences in the comments below. Let's support each other on our wellness journeys!
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from-1-to-90 · 11 months
Day 5 of 90 - Gotta Fuel Up
I ended up rolling out my legs yesterday using a large rolling pin, of all things, because that’s what I had on hand. And I think it helped! This morning my legs definitely felt used, but they didn’t feel nearly as sore as they did yesterday morning. My abs, on the other hand, feel as sore as ever. Is there a way to roll out ab muscles? 😅
FOOD (again)
I realized that I do actually need to come up with a food plan. Apparently, the way I was eating before was fine for the amount of energy I was expending, but now that I’m working out for about an hour every day, I really need to consume more calories in order to keep my energy levels up. But I don’t want to just eat more unhealthy snacks, like chips and cookies (which is what I currently have on hand). So, I’m going to need to do some research to find some healthy, nutritious snacks that I can grab throughout the day that will help keep me energized. Because I’m really more of a snack-er than a 3-full-meals-and-that’s-it kind of person. I usually don’t eat all that much in one sitting, so I like to graze. Which will be fine if I have nutritious foods that are fueling me to graze on.
For example, yesterday we had run out of eggs, and I hadn't made myself the chicken wing dish yet that I was planning to, so for breakfast and lunch I ate a ham and cheese sandwich without the bread (as in... just slices of ham and sliced of cheese). My thought regarding the bread was white bread = empty carbs, so white bread =/= healthy eating. So that's why I omitted it, since I'm trying to be more conscious about what I'm using to fuel my body. But it turns out that if I remove a carb from my diet, then I need to replace it with another carb - even if it is a healthier carb. Because I basically just didn't really eat any carbs for most of the day yesterday, and then felt exhausted in the afternoon. So yeah... I need to come up with a plan.
Healthy, quick foods that I am more likely to eat (getting ideas from this article):
Mixed nuts
Green smoothie (I need to buy some spinach that I can have on hand to blend into my smoothies to get some more nutrients into my diet.)
Plain greek yogurt (to go in the smoothie - will add protein to my food intake)
Apple with peanut butter
Chocolate milk (for post-workout recovery)
More ideas here in the Blogilates 90-day meal plan
Yeah... after doing some research, and especially reading this article, I think it's likely that the fatigue I've been experiencing over the past few days has been a result of low blood sugar and not eating / drinking enough. But now I know, and I will work on building up healthier habits in that arena. I don't want to impede my body's progress toward health and wellness by not giving it the proper fuel it needs.
Also, I'm recalling the fact that I didn't have a period for the three months that I did my last 90 day journey, back in 2019. At the time, I remember thinking, "huh, that's weird" and just chalking it up to something I heard about female athletes sometimes not getting a period when they were in an intense training phase. I figured my body was just confused about how much I was working out. But I'm realizing now that I think it was actually more serious than that. This article has more info, but basically, losing your period "can be a sign of exercise-induced anorexia related to energy deprivation from not eating enough, from exercising too much, or from a combination of the two," and has some pretty serious side effects, including loss in bone density and loss in muscle mass. Oof. I guess I really should have paid more attention. Also, it seems like I wasn't eating enough even back then, if my body was reacting this way.
So, new plan:
Hydrate well before and after working out
Eat a snack or meal with complex carbs and protein pre-workout (either a snack 30 mins before the workout session, or a full meal 2-3 hours before)
Eat three full meals + 3 carb-rich snacks each day
Eat within 30 to 60 minutes post-workout. Post-workout meals should be high in carbs and protein. (examples include sandwich _ fruit, bagel with peanut butter + chocolate milk, energy bar + yogurt with granola, salad and fruit, spaghetti with meatballs, etc.) If I can't eat a full meal right away, then eat a snack immediately and then a full meal later.
Consume enough calcium every day (sources include milk, yogurt, cheese, leafy greens, and calcium-fortified orange juice)
Today's session was fairly brief, as I just didn't have the spoons to do a longer session. It was only about 20 minutes, but I'm proud of myself for still working out instead of having an "all-or-nothing" mindset.
20 minutes, abs-focused pilates:
Beautiful abs
10 minute lower ab workout
I know I said I wasn’t gonna do this, but I was curious, so I weighed myself this morning before I had eaten anything. It came up 152.2 lbs, so I guess my baseline is more like 152. Good to know. NOW I’m putting away the scale for at least another week or so.
Also, my measurements aren't changing day-to-day (as to be expected), so I'm going to stop measuring every day and move to weekly measuring.
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thegravityblog · 11 months
What diet do I follow? Ketogenic - Let’s dive in!
Yesterday I wrote about my workout plan, let’s talk about my diet. There are exceptions to this, especially if I spend my day out somedays, then I eat something else and don’t follow as such but otherwise as I work from home, this is mainly what I have. Before delving into my own experiences, let's take a moment to understand the basic principles of the ketogenic diet. The foundation of this low-carbohydrate, high-fat eating plan revolves around achieving a metabolic state known as ketosis. By significantly reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing the consumption of healthy fats, the body shifts its primary fuel source from glucose to ketones, which are produced by the liver. This metabolic adaptation unlocks a host of benefits, from improved mental clarity to increased fat burning.
A Typical Day on My Keto Journey:
Breakfast: My mornings typically start with a nutritious and satisfying meal. As I bid farewell to traditional cereal, maggi noodles, pasta or hakka noodles or bowls and toast, I have embraced a range of delicious options. A typical breakfast might consist of scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil, topped with avocado slices and a sprinkle of feta cheese. To complement this protein-rich dish, I often include a handful of fresh spinach or other low-carb vegetables.
Lunch: For lunch, I focus on incorporating lean sources of protein, healthy fats, and plenty of leafy greens. A colorful salad drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with grilled chicken or salmon becomes a delightful midday feast. Alternatively, I might prepare a delectable omelet filled with spinach, mushrooms, and cheese, served alongside a side of grilled asparagus.
Snacks: While snacking can be challenging on many diets, the keto lifestyle offers a myriad of options. I love snacking on a handful of mixed nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, or macadamias. These provide a satisfying crunch and are packed with healthy fats. Additionally, I keep a stash of keto-friendly snacks, such as kale chips, cheese crisps, or homemade fat bombs, which are a delightful treat when cravings strike.
Dinner: Dinner is an opportunity to explore a wide range of delicious keto-friendly recipes. I often opt for grilled or baked protein sources, such as chicken,  or fish, accompanied by a generous serving of non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, or zucchini. To add flavor and richness, I experiment with herbs, spices, and healthy fats like coconut oil, butter, or olive oil.
Benefits and Transformations:
Since adopting the everyday keto diet, my journey has been nothing short of remarkable. Here are some of the benefits I've experienced: 
Improved Energy Levels: Unlike the highs and crashes associated with carb-heavy diets, the consistent energy provided by ketones has granted me sustained vitality throughout the day.
Mental Clarity and Focus: One of the most notable changes has been the heightened mental clarity and focus I experience while in ketosis. This has allowed me to be more productive and focused on my daily tasks.
Reduced Cravings: By cutting out refined sugars and processed carbs, my cravings for unhealthy snacks and desserts have diminished, leading to better food choices and improved overall health.
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hridyafoodsblog · 1 year
Eating healthy to achieve your weight loss goals.
Imagine this, you are trying everything you can to lose weight but you cannot seem to lose any weight. Why is that? Is it not frustrating? You tried to eat less, get more exercise in, and eat more salads. But you still wonder, what is going wrong? Why can I not lose weight?
Well, let me tell you how having the right kind of food can help you to make sure your efforts reap that sweet, sweet fruit of victory. Eating a well-balanced diet of whole foods like vegetables, fruits, and grains can help you to reduce your weight loss.
Drink plenty of water and unsweetened tea or coffee (yes, even during the afternoon slump). If you must have a snack - mix in some nuts and seeds with protein for sustained energy. It is also a good idea to eat several smaller meals throughout the day instead of just 3 larger ones.
What can be classified as the right nutrition?
Enjoy a variety of whole-grain products, vegetables, and fruits. Drink lots of water and other calorie-free beverages. Including seafood, lean meats, poultry, eggs, and legumes like including beans and peas, nuts & seeds in your diet is usually considered the right nutrition your body needs, and how it can help you to lose weight.
Now the right nutrition is a simple way of eating whole foods which have not been processed yet and contain all the nutrients you can get from them. This can also help you to feel more full and stops you from eating or snacking on different processed and unhealthy snacks. Iam not telling you to stop eating them entirely, but donot let them take up more than 1-2% of your diet. I get how hard it can be to try and start a diet, especially on your own. That is why we have doctors and dietitians for us to make sure we donot go on the wrong track. I remember, When I took up a diet, I would not eat anything outside the diet just because I knew my dietitian would be asking me about this the next day.
How can the right nutrition help in weight loss?
Have a Protein-Rich Breakfast
The benefits of having a protein-rich breakfast can help you feel full for longer and give you the energy you need to get through the rest of the day. A protein-rich breakfast can make sure you are active and ready for anything throughout your day.
Do not Drink Your Calories
Most of us are aware that sodas and juices are mostly made of sugar and contain a lot of calories. Not taking into account those calories can be the reason why we are not able to lose weight. Sugar does not even provide many nutrients for your body and can actually make you lazy and get a sugar rush if taken in larger quantities.
Stay Hydrated
Your body is like a plant, it needs water to perform its activities and to stay alive. Staying hydrated can help you feel full and not go for the evening snack more often. Make sure you
drink at least 2-3 litres of water a day., You should probably drink 3-4 litres of water during this summer!!
Bring out Your Inner Chef
To eat more nutritious meals, make sure you cook your meals for yourself as much as you can. When you are cooking meals at your home, you use whole ingredients and you get all the nutrients from those vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, and even fat.
Minimise Distractions
Eating nutrient-fueled nutrient-filled food and dishes can help you to reduce or totally stop eating junk food. It can also help you to feel fuller and avoid foods that might not be good, healthy, or even nutritious for you.
Fill up on Fibre
Filling up on fibre is the best way to make sure you feel fuller for longer periods of time and eat less nutritious food in your diet. This can help you to lose weight and lead an active lifestyle
as well.
Ditch Added Sugar
Now, most junk food comes with added sugar and can increase your calorie intake without even your knowledge. Added sugar does not necessarily come in your junk food, it can also be an added sugar if you are adding sugar to your tea or coffee.
In conclusion, having the right nutrition included in your diet will help you to lose weight. If you are eating healthy foods, your weight will not be affected even when you stop with your diet. Mostly,with diets your weight skyrockets when you stop it. But eating and having the right nutrition filled diet can help you to maintain your weight.
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healthtipstoday · 2 years
What is a good breakfast to lose weight?
14 Healthy Breakfast Foods That Help You Lose Weight..
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When you're trying to lose weight, breakfast can dominate the rest of the day. Eating the wrong foods can increase your cravings and wreck you before your day even starts. On the other hand, eating the right foods to fill you up can reduce cravings and keep you full until lunchtime to minimize snacking and facilitate weight loss. Here are 14 healthy breakfast foods that can help you lose weight.
Bananas are high in fiber but low in calories. They're a great alternative to sugary breakfast cereals for satisfying your sweet tooth first thing in the morning. 12% of your daily fiber needs in one serving. Fiber helps delay stomach emptying to curb cravings and keep you fuller for longer. Several studies have found that increasing fiber intake from fruits and vegetables is associated with increased weight loss. In addition, green bananas are a good source of resistant starch, a type of starch that is not digested by the stomach and small intestine. Research suggests that resistant starches may help reduce food intake and reduce belly fat. Bananas can be enjoyed plain or sliced ​​as a topping for yogurt, cottage cheese, or oatmeal. You can also add unripe green bananas to your morning smoothie for a hearty dose of resistant starch.
Rich in protein and a host of important vitamins and minerals like selenium and riboflavin, eggs are a nutritional powerhouse.
Thanks to their high protein content, eggs can curb your appetite when eaten for breakfast to help with weight loss. Pulse.
For example, a study of 30 overweight women showed that eating eggs for breakfast significantly increased satiety and reduced food intake later in the day compared to eating a bagel.
Similarly, another study of 152, adults found that replacing a breakfast bagel with eggs over a period of eight weeks resulted in 65% greater weight loss and a 34% greater reduction in waist circumference.
From boiled to scrambled to fried, there are many different ways to enjoy eggs
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Yoghurt is creamy, tasty and filling and a great addition to a weight loss diet.
Greek yogurt, in particular, provides a good dose of protein in each serving, making it an ideal breakfast for weight loss.
A study of 20 women found that eating high-protein yogurt as a snack reduced hunger and reduced food intake by 100 calories later in the day compared to unhealthy snacks like chocolate and crackers.
yogurt per week had a lower risk of becoming overweight or obese than those who did not consume yogurt regularly. Try pairing 1 cup (285 grams) of Greek yogurt with mixed fruit, chia seeds, or wheat germ for an extra nutritious breakfast.
Shakes are not only a quick and easy way to get a concentrated dose of nutrients, but they also make a convenient breakfast item that can speed up weight loss. Because you can customize your ingredients, you can tailor your drink to your personal needs. Preferences. Filling your smoothies with low-calorie veggies and fruits can increase your fiber intake to help you feel fuller for longer. Add some high-protein ingredients like nuts, seeds, or protein powder to promote feelings of fullness and fight cravings. Keep in mind that smoothies can quickly become calorie bombs if you overdo it with the high-calorie ingredients.
For an easy weight loss shake, mix 1 cup (240ml) milk with a handful of leafy green vegetables, 2 tablespoons (28g) chia seeds and 1 cup (144g) strawberries. Enjoy your shake throughout the morning to resist snacking and fight cravings.
Berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are incredibly nutrient dense, meaning they're low in calories but packed with essential nutrients. Not only do berries provide many important vitamins and minerals, but they are also high in fiber, which can reduce hunger and food intake (15). In fact, a study of 12 women found that swapping out a high-sugar snack for a serving of mixed berries reduced calorie intake by an average of calories out of 133 later in the day ( 17Trusted Source ). Another study of 133,468 adults showed that each daily serving of 1.1 pounds (0,5 kg) weight loss over a four-year period (18). Add berries to your morning smoothie, oatmeal or yogurt for their unique weight loss benefits.
Grapefruits are a popular ingredient in many diets and weight loss programs, and with good reason. In addition to being low in calories, grapefruits are high in water and fiber, both of which can be beneficial for weight loss. A study of 91 obese adults showed that eating half a grapefruit before meals resulted in significant weight loss compared to a control group. In the 12-week study, participants who ate grapefruit lost an average of 3.5 pounds (1,6 kg), about five times more than the control group. In a study of 85 people, eating grapefruit or grapefruit juice before a meal for 12 weeks and combining it with a low-calorie diet reduced body fat mass by 1.1%, weight loss by 7.1%, and caloric intake by 20–29%. Fresh grapefruit slices are a great addition to a full breakfast.
You can also add grapefruit to parfaits, smoothies or fruit salads. However, if you are taking any medication, be sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist before eating grapefruit. Certain medications can interact with grapefruit and cause some side effects.
********IMPORTANT CLICK HERE>>>****Get free Weight loss Checklist (What I Did To Drop 10 Pounds In a Week)**
Studies have found that your morning cup of coffee can have major weight loss benefits. Because of its caffeine content, coffee can help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism and burning fat. According to a small study of eight men, caffeine consumption increased metabolism by 13% and fat loss. Another study of 58,157 adults showed that coffee can help with long-term weight management, as higher coffee intake was associated with less weight gain over a 12-year period. Breakfast alone, you can easily pair it with your favorite healthy breakfast foods to elevate your morning meal.
Just don't overdo it with sugar or cream, as they add calories and negate some of coffee's potential health benefits.
Kiwis are high in vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium and offer an impressive nutrient profile. They're also an excellent source of fiber - just one cup (177 grams) provides up to 21% of your daily needs. A study of 83 women showed that a high-fiber, restricted-calorie diet was effective in reducing appetite and preoccupation with food while reducing body weight, body fat, and waist circumference. In addition, kiwis contain a specific type of fiber called pectin, which has been shown to improve satiety, reduce appetite, and promote weight loss. They also act as a natural laxative by stimulating movement in your digestive tract to aid regularity and help you lose water temporarily.
Sliced ​​kiwis are a great addition to breakfast. You can also add them to yoghurt, smoothies or muesli.
Green Tea
Take a look at the ingredients in almost any diet pill or fat burning supplement and chances are you'll find green tea. Green tea has been extensively studied for its metabolism and fat burning abilities. For example, a small study of 23 people found that taking three capsules of green tea extract increased fat burning by 17% in just 30 minutes. 4%. Similarly, a study of 31 adults found that consuming a beverage containing caffeine, calcium, and certain compounds found in green tea three times a day for three days increased the number of calories burned per day by 106 calories /p>
There are limitless ways to enjoy green tea in the morning. Try adding a squeeze of lemon, a squirt of honey, or a tea with ginger or mint to give your cup a tasty twist.
Chia Seeds
Small but mighty, chia seeds are a great addition to breakfast. They're high in fiber and can absorb water to form a gel that expands in the stomach to keep you feeling fuller for longer. They're also high in proteins, which can delay gastric emptying and lower levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for stimulating hunger. A study of 11 adults found that eating chia seeds baked in white bread reduced both appetite and blood sugar levels. Another 12-week study involving 19 people showed that 35 grams of chia flour per day significantly reduced body weight and waist circumference.
Try making a chia seed breakfast parfait by mixing one ounce (28g) of chia seeds with one cup (245g) of yogurt in a bowl or jar. Let the mixture soak for about 30 minutes to allow the seeds to swell, then top with 1/2 cup (74 grams) of your favorite berries. Chia seeds are also a delicious and nutritious addition to tea, smoothies or overnight oatmeal.
Oatmeal is a healthy and delicious breakfast option, especially if you're trying to lose weight. Oatmeal is low in calories but high in fiber and protein, two nutrients that affect appetite and weight control. Oats, in particular, are an excellent source of beta-glucan, a type of fiber that has been shown to impact everything from immune function to heart health. Research shows that beta-glucan can balance blood sugar levels to prevent spikes and dips that can increase your appetite. A small  study of 14 overweight adults also showed that eating larger amounts of beta-glucan led to higher levels of the peptide YY, a hormone that regulates food intake by reducing appetite.
Try combining 1 cup (235g) of cooked oatmeal with 1/2 cup (74g) of berries, 1 tablespoon (7g) of ground flaxseed, and a handful of almonds for a high-fiber, high-energy drink. Morning meal.
Flaxseed is loaded with viscous fiber, a type of soluble fiber that absorbs water to form a gel in the gut. Studies show that soluble fiber is particularly effective at slowing down digestion, which could help curb appetite and reduce calorie intake to aid in weight loss. Research suggests that adding flaxseed to your diet can have a powerful effect on weight loss and appetite control. A small study found that consuming a drink made from flaxseed increased satiety and reduced appetite by % compared to a sugary drink. Similarly, a study of 18 men showed that buns with added fiber from flaxseed suppressed appetite and increased satiety more than regular buns.
Flaxseed is versatile and easy to enjoy. Ground flaxseeds can be sprinkled over cereal, used to thicken your morning smoothie, or even mixed with water to boost fiber absorption.
********IMPORTANT CLICK HERE>>>****Get free Weight loss Checklist (What I Did To Drop 10 Pounds In a Week)**
Nuts provide the perfect balance of fiber, protein and heart-healthy fats, making them a valuable addition to any breakfast. a control group. Another study involving 65 adults compared the effects of a low-calorie diet containing three ounces (84 grams) of almonds per day versus a low-calorie diet containing complex carbohydrates. Both diets contained the same amount of calories and protein. However, by the end of the 24-week study, those who ate almonds had lost 62% more weight and 56% more body fat than those who ate complex carbohydrates Remember that walnuts are also very high in calories, so limit your intake to about one ounce (28 grams) at a time to prevent calorie accumulation. Mix a serving of nuts with yogurt, cottage cheese, or homemade cheese. Muesli to take your breakfast to the next level in terms of nutrition.
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joseamooney · 3 years
20 Health Tips for 2020
The start of a new decade brings with it new resolutions to improve one’s life, including a healthier lifestyle. Here are 20 practical health tips to help you start off towards healthy living in 2020.
1. Eat a healthy diet Photo: FAO/J. Grey Eat a combination of different foods, including fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains. Adults should eat at least five portions (400g) of fruit and vegetables per day. You can improve your intake of fruits and vegetables by always including veggies in your meal; eating fresh fruit and vegetables as snacks; eating a variety of fruits and vegetables; and eating them in season. By eating healthy, you will reduce your risk of malnutrition and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
2. Consume less salt and sugar Photo: WHO/C. Black Filipinos consume twice the recommended amount of sodium, putting them at risk of high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Most people get their sodium through salt. Reduce your salt intake to 5g per day, equivalent to about one teaspoon. It’s easier to do this by limiting the amount of salt, soy sauce, fish sauce and other high-sodium condiments when preparing meals; removing salt, seasonings and condiments from your meal table; avoiding salty snacks; and choosing low-sodium products. On the other hand, consuming excessive amounts of sugars increases the risk of tooth decay and unhealthy weight gain. In both adults and children, the intake of free sugars should be reduced to less than 10% of total energy intake. This is equivalent to 50g or about 12 teaspoons for an adult. WHO recommends consuming less than 5% of total energy intake for additional health benefits. You can reduce your sugar intake by limiting the consumption of sugary snacks, candies and sugar-sweetened beverages.
3. Reduce intake of harmful fats
📷 Photo: WHO/S. Volkov Fats consumed should be less than 30% of your total energy intake. This will help prevent unhealthy weight gain and NCDs. There are different types of fats, but unsaturated fats are preferable over saturated fats and trans-fats. WHO recommends reducing saturated fats to less than 10% of total energy intake; reducing trans-fats to less than 1% of total energy intake; and replacing both saturated fats and trans-fats to unsaturated fats. The preferable unsaturated fats are found in fish, avocado and nuts, and in sunflower, soybean, canola and olive oils; saturated fats are found in fatty meat, butter, palm and coconut oil, cream, cheese, ghee and lard; and trans-fats are found in baked and fried foods, and pre-packaged snacks and foods, such as frozen pizza, cookies, biscuits, and cooking oils and spreads.
4. Avoid harmful use of alcohol
📷 Photo: WHO/S. Volkov There is no safe level for drinking alcohol. Consuming alcohol can lead to health problems such as mental and behavioural disorders, including alcohol dependence, major NCDs such as liver cirrhosis, some cancers and heart diseases, as well as injuries resulting from violence and road clashes and collisions.
5. Don’t smoke
📷 Photo: WHO/Y. Shimizu Smoking tobacco causes NCDs such as lung disease, heart disease and stroke. Tobacco kills not only the direct smokers but even non-smokers through second-hand exposure. Currently, there are around 15.9 million Filipino adults who smoke tobacco but 7 in 10 smokers are interested or plan to quit. If you are currently a smoker, it’s not too late to quit. Once you do, you will experience immediate and long-term health benefits. If you are not a smoker, that’s great! Do not start smoking and fight for your right to breathe tobacco-smoke-free air.
6. Be active
📷 Photo: WHO/Y. Shimizu Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. This includes exercise and activities undertaken while working, playing, carrying out household chores, travelling, and engaging in recreational pursuits. The amount of physical activity you need depends on your age group but adults aged 18-64 years should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity throughout the week. Increase moderate-intensity physical activity to 300 minutes per week for additional health benefits.
7. Check your blood pressure regularly
📷 Photo: WHO/F. Tanggol Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is called a “silent killer”. This is because many people who have hypertension may not be aware of the problem as it may not have any symptoms. If left uncontrolled, hypertension can lead to heart, brain, kidney and other diseases. Have your blood pressure checked regularly by a health worker so you know your numbers. If your blood pressure is high, get the advice of a health worker. This is vital in the prevention and control of hypertension.
8. Get tested
📷 Photo: WHO/F. Tanggol Getting yourself tested is an important step in knowing your health status, especially when it comes to HIV, hepatitis B, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) and tuberculosis (TB). Left untreated, these diseases can lead to serious complications and even death. Knowing your status means you will know how to either continue preventing these diseases or, if you find out that you’re positive, get the care and treatment that you need. Go to a public or private health facility, wherever you are comfortable, to have yourself tested.
9. Get vaccinated
📷 Photo: WHO/F. Tanggol Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent diseases. Vaccines work with your body’s natural defences to build protection against diseases like cervical cancer, cholera, diphtheria, hepatitis B, influenza, measles, mumps, pneumonia, polio, rabies, rubella, tetanus, typhoid, and yellow fever. In the Philippines, free vaccines are provided to children 1 year old and below as part of the Department of Health’s routine immunization programme. If you are an adolescent or adult, you may ask your physician if to check your immunization status or if you want to have yourself vaccinated.
10. Practice safe sex
📷 Photo: WHO/F. Tanggol Looking after your sexual health is important for your overall health and well-being. Practice safe sex to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhoea and syphilis. There are available prevention measures such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) that will protect you from HIV and condoms that will protect you from HIV and other STIs.
11. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing
📷 Photo: WHO/I. Brown Diseases such as influenza, pneumonia and tuberculosis are transmitted through the air. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, infectious agents may be passed on to others through airborne droplets. When you feel a cough or sneeze coming on, make sure you have covered your mouth with a face mask or use a tissue then dispose it carefully. If you do not have a tissue close by when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth as much as possible with the crook (or the inside) of your elbow.
12. Prevent mosquito bites
📷 Photo: WHO/Y. Shimizu Mosquitoes are one of the deadliest animals in the world. Diseases like dengue, chikungunya, malaria and lymphatic filariasis are transmitted by mosquitoes and continue to affect Filipinos. You can take simple measures to protect yourself and your loved ones against mosquito-borne diseases. If you’re traveling to an area with known mosquito-borne diseases, consult a physician for a vaccine to prevent diseases such as Japanese encephalitis and yellow fever or if you need to take antimalarial medicines. Wear light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and pants and use insect repellent. At home, use window and door screens, use bed nets and clean your surroundings weekly to destroy mosquito breeding sites.
13. Follow traffic laws
📷 Photo: WHO/D. Rodriguez Road crashes claim over one million lives around the world and millions more are injured. Road traffic injuries are preventable through a variety of measures implemented by the government such as strong legislation and enforcement, safer infrastructure and vehicle standards, and improved post-crash care. You yourself can also prevent road crashes by ensuring that you follow traffic laws such as using the seatbelt for adults and child restraint for your kids, wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle or bicycle, not drinking and driving, and not using your mobile phone while driving.
14. Drink only safe water
📷 Photo: WHO/F. Guerrero Drinking unsafe water can lead to water-borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. Globally, at least 2 billion people use a drinking water source contaminated with faeces. Check with your water concessionaire and water refilling station to ensure that the water you’re drinking is safe. In a setting where you are unsure of your water source, boil your water for at least one minute. This will destroy harmful organisms in the water. Let it cool naturally before drinking.
15. Breastfeed babies from 0 to 2 years and beyond
📷 Photo: WHO/T. David Breastfeeding is the best way to provide the ideal food for newborns and infants. WHO recommends that mothers initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth. Breastfeeding for the first six months is crucial for the baby to grow up healthy. It is recommended that breastfeeding is continued for up to two years and beyond. Aside from being beneficial to babies, breastfeeding is also good for the mother as it reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type II diabetes, and postpartum depression.
16. Talk to someone you trust if you're feeling down
📷 Photo: WHO/F. Guerrero Depression is a common illness worldwide with over 260 million people affected. Depression can manifest in different ways, but it might make you feel hopeless or worthless, or you might think about negative and disturbing thoughts a lot or have an overwhelming sense of pain. If you’re going through this, remember that you are not alone. Talk to someone you trust such as a family member, friend, colleague or mental health professional about how you feel. If you feel that you are in danger of harming yourself, contact the National Center for Mental Health hotline at 0917-899-USAP (8727).
17. Take antibiotics only as prescribed
📷 Photo: WHO/F. Tanggol Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest public health threats in our generation. When antibiotics lose their power, bacterial infections become harder to treat, leading to higher medical costs, prolonged hospital stays, and increased mortality. Antibiotics are losing their power because of misuse and overuse in humans and animals. Make sure you only take antibiotics if prescribed by a qualified health professional. And once prescribed, complete the treatment days as instructed. Never share antibiotics.
18. Clean your hands properly
📷 Photo: WHO/F. Tanggol Hand hygiene is critical not only for health workers but for everyone. Clean hands can prevent the spread of infectious illnesses. You should handwash using soap and water when your hands are visibly soiled or handrub using an alcohol-based product.
19. Prepare your food correctly
📷 Photo: WHO/A. Esquillon Unsafe food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances, causes more than 200 diseases – ranging from diarrhoea to cancers. When buying food at the market or store, check the labels or the actual produce to ensure it is safe to eat. If you are preparing food, make sure you follow the Five Keys to Safer Food: (1) keep clean; (2) separate raw and cooked; (3) cook thoroughly; (4) keep food at safe temperatures; and (5) use safe water and raw materials.
20. Have regular check-ups
📷 Photo: WHO/Y. Shimizu Regular check-ups can help find health problems before they start. Health professionals can help find and diagnose health issues early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better. Go to your nearest health facility to check out the the health services, screenings and treatment that are accessible to you.
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mothercareguide · 5 years
How do you lose weight in 2 weeks?
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A lot of people struggle with losing weight and just can’t find the right path to follow for their weight loss journey. But what if I tell you how to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. It almost seems impossible right?
Losing weight not only is going to boost your confidence, but it will also help you stay healthy and make you live longer.
Here are simple tips and tricks on how to lose weight: We all know that our day starts in the morning, but so does your weight loss journey:
1) First thing to do when you wake up is to consume some warm water with lemon juice. It will boost your metabolism and aid in faster weight loss.
2) Eat at least 5 times a day! I know allot of people think that eating fewer meals will help you lose weight, but that is all wrong. If you eat small portions throughout the day, it will help your body to take good nutrients from food and reject bad ones.
3) Another simple trick to lose weight is to drink loads of water every day. And if you don’t like the taste of bare water, you can always squeeze some lemon juice in it. This will also help you get closer to lose 20 pounds.
4) Cut out on the carbs! Your bodies need carbohydrates to survive but only good ones, not chocolate or hamburgers. Fat and grease from these foods sticks to your body and doesn’t leave for a long time. Soon they gather in layers and you start gaining weight.
If you really want to dedicate yourself to weight loss, you can follow these simple ways on how to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks:
5) Drink apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach. This simple fluid will boost your metabolism and fill your stomach like crazy, you don’t ever need to be afraid of not losing weight ever again.
6) Drink green tea after every meal. This tasty tea will help you in achieving your goal in less than a month. It also has other great nutrients that will help you in maintenance of your health.
7) Run before your first meal. This is very important because it boosts your energy and it is also a more effective way of burning calories.
8) Replace one meal with fruits.
9) Eat healthy carbohydrates. Carbs like nuts or avocado are great for weight loss.
10) Drink water while eating If you drink water while eating a delicious slice of pizza, it is proven that eventually, you’ll get bored of it and stop eating.
11) Don’t stay calm for your metabolism to work at its best, you should be in movement constantly.
12) Make your own food If someone else makes your dinner it is more likely that you are going to eat it all.
13) Stop making excuses Don’t think you can make excuse for eating unhealthy or not exercising. It will all stop you from achieving your goal. Mistakes happen, but you should never stop.
14) Motivation: Lastly, the most important thing is to be motivated through entire weight loss journey. Find some inspirational quotes or pictures to keep you motivated. But remember you, yourself should be your biggest motivation.
15) Avoid fat burners and any kinds of steroids, They might bring you immediate effect but can surely cause you long time consequences.
16) Your breakfast should be heavy, lunch a little bit less and the dinner should be the lightest. Night time is for sleep and because there is no physical activity at rest time, so the dinner should be light.
Related: Here is a free video with a 2 week diet plan to help you lose weight in 2 weeks.
17) Consume oats. They are rich in fiber and favor fat loss.
18) Avoid egg yolks and stuff like butter, ghee, fast foods, etc.
19) Consider exercise, if you go to the gym, you can go for sit-ups, ab crunches, squats, deadlifts, etc. for losing weight, especially your belly fat. And if you are not a student in the gym, you can go for crunches and sit-ups along with the plank exercise, some running, some jumping, etc.
Summarizing all these, the important point to note is that you should try to give at least an hour of exercise daily to lose weight quickly and safely.
Here are some diet and exercise tips to make you stay on track
20) Have 1 cheat meal per week. You are not going to gain all weight back if you eat 1 cheat meal per week. It is just going to remind you that there is something waiting for you.
21) Ginger is amazing for weight loss, and you can drink it as an ingredient in your daily cup of tea or even slice it into a fruit salad.
22) Replace snacks with nuts as the are a tasty alternative for all those unhealthy snacks that you are used to eating. They fill you up quickly and have loads of healthy benefits.
23) Don’t starve yourself, if you don’t eat anything for some period of time, your body will go into starvation mode and once you start eating normally you will gain all the weight back again.
24) Cardio has always been known to be the best type of exercise for burning fats and calories. Exercises like running or cycling will show great results in no time.
25) Light weights If you want to tone certain parts of your body, lifting light weights will help you lose weight in places that you want.
26) Don’t overdo yourself This is very important because a lot of exercising in once can lead to muscle pain or even worse. Do as much as you can and stop when you need to.
Now you might be thinking, what are some healthy food items that will help you to lose weight. Many of us might be vegetarians and many, non- vegetarians. So, combining foods for both the category of people, we can prepare a huge list of healthy foods.
These include green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, fish, chicken breast, beef, beans and legumes, tuna, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, almonds, avocados, cottage cheese, etc.
Choose a High Protein diet, Less Fat & Avoid Bad Fats
27) Choose food with high protein content and less fat. There are two types of fats, one being good fat and the other being bad fat. Good fats are monosaturated fats. Their primary source is olive oil. It helps to reduce bad fat in your body.
Good fat also includes polyunsaturated fats found in fish, sunflower oil, nuts and corn. Lastly, good fats include Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats that are found in fishes like salmon or in vegetable oil.
Avoid Bad Fats
28) Avoid bad fats, which include Saturated fats and Trans fat. Saturated fats are found in butter, hard cheese, coconut oil, etc. And Trans fat is found in Dairy products, margarine, etc.
What to Eat to Lose Weight
A lot of people ask the same question: What to eat to lose weight. Some think it’s all about calories, but that is not the case here.
Here is a list of foods you should eat if on a weight loss regime:
29) Fresh fruits: Fresh fruits, especially the ones with loads of water content are great for weight loss as they provide you sugar as well and your body needs it to be fully function.
30) Raw vegetables: Even though some raw vegetables are not as tasty as they taste after being cooked or fried, raw vegetables have all important nutrients that your body needs for its healthy functioning.
31) Nuts: Nuts are the best thing you can eat while on a diet but do not consume nuts excessively.
32) Fish: Fish is a great alternative to meat, and it is way healthier than red meat or bologna.
33) Eggs: There are a lot of diets that include eating even up to 12 eggs a day. But to keep it healthy, one egg a day is probably the best way to go. It has a lot of great benefits and will also help you with weight loss.
34) Cinnamon – If you only put 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in your cup of green tea then you can see a major difference in your weight in less than a month.
35) Honey: Last but not the least, honey. It is a great sugar alternative for your hot beverages or even when you need something sweet. It is healthy and tastes well mixed with cinnamon and ginger. Honey can be used as a substitute for sugar in majorly all delicacies.
Conclusion & Recommendation
Finally, a word of recommendation would include the fact that eat small meals at regular intervals and do not be lethargic in your daily routines. It will not only help in weight loss but, will also make you feel healthy and stress free.
To conclude, diet and exercise do not exist only for people who want to lose weight. These do have a major impact on your overall health and your entire appearance. People who eat healthy and exercise regularly, usually have a healthier life, longer hair, cleaner and glowing skin, longer nails and obviously a much longer life span. Also, since it is proven that people with healthy lifestyle live longer, so it is now your responsibility and job to decide, whether you want to continue living your life as you are living now, or do you want to improve yourself as a person and give your body a chance to shine in its full glow and live longer.
Related: Here is a free video with a 2 week diet plan to help you lose weight in 2 weeks.
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pablice · 7 months
How I Lost All My Pregnancy Weight Fast By Tracking Calories
Benefits of Tracking Calories for Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss Tracking calories can help post-pregnancy mothers lose weight in an effective and balanced manner. It can provide them with a better understanding of their current diet in terms of calorie intake, showing them where changes can be made to ensure a healthier, successful weight loss. Tracking one’s caloric intake can also help a person make more conscious food choices that are designed to benefit their post-pregnancy weight loss goals. Having a clear picture of what is being consumed in terms of calories can also identify small adjustments in a person’s diet plan that can make big differences in the overall success of weight loss following pregnancy. Keeping a food diary is a great way to keep a detailed reconstruction of what is eaten, making it easy to follow a drafting of calorie-controlled diet that can help post-pregnancy moms lose weight in a safe and steady way. How to Track Calories for Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss Tracking calories consumed during post-pregnancy weight loss is one of the most important parts of any diet. Knowing your daily caloric intake is the best way to measure whether your weight loss goals are being achieved. One of the easiest and most accurate ways to track calories is to use a food diary. Write down what you eat and when, and how many calories each meal contains. Keeping a running total of calories consumed in a day can help you stay on track and reach your weight loss goals. Another method to track calories is to use a basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculator. BMR calculators can give you an estimate of how many calories you should be eating daily to lose the desired weight. When using a BMR calculator, it is important to remember to update the information as needed to accurately reflect your progress. This will help ensure that you are getting the correct amount of calories to reach your weight loss goals. Strategies to Increase Weight Loss Efficiency Increasing your weight loss efficiency requires a plan tailored to you and your lifestyle. One idea is to begin your day with a morning routine that includes drinking a glass of water and some light exercise such as walking. This will kickstart your metabolism and improve your focus for the day. Additionally, try and have wholesome snacks throughout the day to prevent hunger cravings. Eating smaller portions frequently is also beneficial as it prevents overeating when the main meals of the day come around. Ingredients such as cucumbers, carrots, fruits, and nuts are excellent snacks that you can carry with you throughout the day. Strategies to Combat Post-Pregnancy Cravings One great way to fight post-pregnancy cravings is to know the triggers. If you know what situations or even foods cause your cravings to increase, you can take steps to minimize the effects of those triggers. It may help to keep a journal of your cravings and what situations caused them so that you have a better understanding of what is setting them off. Preparing ahead of time can also be a useful strategy in combating post-pregnancy cravings. By having nutritious snacks like fruits, nuts, and seeds available, you can reach for them in place of unhealthy options when the cravings hit. If you’re having trouble staying away from certain snacks, it may help to commit to avoiding them for a certain period of time until the craving passes. How to Identify and Avoid Unhealthy Foods Identifying unhealthy foods can be tricky. A common mistake people make is believing that just because a food is labeled healthy, it is good for you. A good way to identify unhealthy foods is to look at the ingredient list. If the list consists of chemicals and preservatives, the food is probably not healthy. Another way to identify unhealthy foods is to look at the nutrient content. Foods like soda, candy, and baked goods are often high in sugar, sodium, and saturated fat. This type of food can be linked to increased risks of chronic diseases. When possible, try to choose foods that are rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber. These are generally the healthier choices. Tips for Eating Out While Post-Pregnancy Dieting Eating out while maintaining a post-pregnancy weight loss plan can be challenging. The restaurant environment is often full of unhealthy options that can quickly put a dent into any dietary considerations. However, with a few tips it is possible to maintain a diet-friendly regime while dining out. Firstly, it's important to opt for choices that are low in calories and high in nutritional value. Avoid anything deep-fried, and opt for grilled fish or white meat. If there is an option to customize your meal, this is often a better choice than picking from the pre-set meals on offer. Ask for dressings or sauces on the side to control the amount of fat consumption, and exclaim half portions or take-home boxes to reduce overall calorie intake. Finally, stay hydrated with water and try to find smaller, more privately owned restaurants as they are more likely to have healthier options. Making Exercise a Part of Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss Physical activity is essential for post-pregnancy weight loss. Exercise can help burn fat and also increases muscle mass, which further boosts metabolism. Women who have recently given birth should start with light exercises such as walking or light jogging. Increasing the intensity of the workout gradually and consistently can help speed up post-pregnancy weight loss. It is important for post-pregnant women to make time for exercise and prioritize it when planning their day. Exercise releases endorphins and helps reduce stress levels, which can help combat post-pregnancy cravings. Partnering up with a friend can help make exercising easier and more enjoyable, as it can help provide women with the motivation they need to reach their goals. Managing Your Time for Maximum Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss It can be difficult for new mothers to carve out the time and energy to effectively manage their post-pregnancy weight loss. Planning efficient and regular meals within a budget, coupled with appropriate exercise and mindful food selections can often require significant time commitments. To make the most of the time available, it is beneficial to make a schedule to plan and organize all meals, exercise activities and other commitments. Breaking the day into manageable parts and dedicating specific time blocks to the chosen tasks can help maximize post-pregnancy weight loss. Time management can also help reduce the chances of impulsively reaching for unhealthy treats due to stress or fatigue. Designating adequate time for exercising, food preparation and rests can stave off cravings and allow for a more balanced and conscious lifestyle. Scheduling time for physical activity is especially important, as it helps to boost metabolism, burn fat and naturally regulate hormones. All of these are vital for a healthy post-pregnancy weight loss. What are the benefits of tracking calories for post-pregnancy weight loss? Tracking calories can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. It allows you to keep an accurate count of the calories you’re consuming each day and make sure you’re not eating too much or too little. It’s also a great way to get an idea of which types of foods are better for you than others. How can I track calories for post-pregnancy weight loss? There are a few different ways to track calories for post-pregnancy weight loss. You can use a calorie counting app or website, keep a food diary, or use a food scale to weigh portions. All of these methods can help you keep an accurate count of the calories you’re consuming each day. What strategies can I use to increase weight loss efficiency? To increase weight loss efficiency, you can focus on eating nutrient-dense foods that are low in calories and high in fiber and protein. You can also incorporate intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating into your routine. Additionally, reducing stress and getting enough sleep can help your body burn fat more efficiently. What strategies can I use to combat post-pregnancy cravings? To combat post-pregnancy cravings, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients and calories from healthy sources. It’s also helpful to drink plenty of water, get regular exercise, and practice mindful eating. If cravings become too overwhelming, try distracting yourself or engaging in a different activity. How can I identify and avoid unhealthy foods? Unhealthy foods are typically high in calories, sugar, fat, and sodium. To avoid these types of foods, look for items with whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and fiber. Additionally, steer clear of processed foods and items that are high in added sugars. What tips do you have for eating out while post-pregnancy dieting? When eating out while post-pregnancy dieting, try to make healthier choices. Look for lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. If you’re ordering from a menu, avoid items that are fried or covered in sauces or dressings, as these can be high in fat and calories. How can I make exercise a part of post-pregnancy weight loss? Making exercise a part of your post-pregnancy weight loss plan can help you reach your goals more quickly. Start with low-impact activities such as walking or swimming, and gradually work your way up to more challenging exercises. Additionally, try to get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. How can I manage my time for maximum post-pregnancy weight loss? To manage your time effectively for post-pregnancy weight loss, it’s important to set realistic goals and plan ahead. Make sure you set aside time each day for exercise and meal prep. Additionally, try to minimize time spent on activities that don’t contribute to weight loss, such as watching TV or surfing the internet. Read the full article
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mil-unloaded · 4 years
I feel like I’m finally getting back on track mentally with losing weight pre-op. This morning the scale said 303.2. And I was hella bummed for a minute, and I thought I gotta turn this around. Last night I laid in bed and read about fatty liver on my iPad. It’s reversible by diet and lifestyle changes...so guess what I’m doing!?
I placed an order last night for healthier foods to eat, from Sprouts. I want to share with you my general plan for now...
1. No more crazy intermittent fasting. Not that I think that IF is crazy, if it works for you, by all means please do you! However I used to have a problem with secret eating and binging. I realized recently that if I try to keep myself from eating until 10am and not after 6pm, that I end up binging and going crazy during the feasting hours. I have over 1000 calories in various snacks throughout the day. I need to somewhat schedule meals now (which leads to...)
2. Meal plans: Breakfast: oatmeal with nuts, flaxseeds/chia seeds, and berries (or other fruit if I get bored)—if I get bored of it, make scrambled eggs/omelet with veggies, light on the cheese; mid-morning snack: Greek yogurt and fruit; lunch: kind of whatever I want as long as it’s 500-600 calories max (this is the time at which I can have heavier meals, because I need to taper my day back down—hiatal hernia and heartburn means I can’t eat heavy dinners anymore); Afternoon snack: nuts, cheese, dried fruit (one of my favorite snack combos EVER); dinner: salad and fruit or fruit and veggie smoothie.
3. No more eating after the kids go to bed unless I’m STARVING (which I’m usually not!). Drink plenty of water instead and/or a cup of tea.
4. Move every day. Even if it’s only an intentional 5 minute walk up and down the hallway. I have to start somewhere. The air quality is still fucking garbage right now, and this week is climbing back up to a high of 107 again...so I likely won’t be outside unless I HAVE to. So I thought, I should load up things like Sweating to the Oldies in P’s bedroom, move the bed (it’s a mattress on the ground!) so I have more room, and have at it. I think it’s ultra fun to do 1970-1980s workout vids, so I’m all in on this. (Jane Fonda anyone?)
5. Drink so much water I have to pee like ALL. THE. TIME.
If you have any awesome tips, have at it! Let me know! I’m just tired of being so out of shape and uncomfortable. I love myself, but I am always open to feeling better and positive changes. (I’ve struggled with where I fit in, in the crowds. I used to be hard of the fat and body positivity movement—until it was decided I’m having this surgery. Most people in that community turned their back on me, because I should just “LOVE MYSELF” and etc. And I’m sitting here like...hey, I’m unhealthy. I have high blood pressure, I have a hiatal hernia and GERD, and I have a lot of difficulty eating foods because it will flare up the heartburn or I feel like I have a boulder on my chest from all of the food stuck in the hiatal hernia... So on the other flip of the coin, you have people having bariatric surgery that talk about how much they hated themselves being fat. I don’t hate myself fat, I hate the body limitations that I have because of it, and I hate that I’m not 100% healthy—but I still love me, and I’m accepting of my body no matter what it looks like. Anyway, this is an underlying theme in most of my therapy sessions these days.)
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halohealthcoach5 · 4 years
15+ Low Carb Freezer Meals for Easy Keto: Recipes and Meal Prep Tips
Cutting carbs can help you lose substantial amounts of fat, but there is another key ingredient that’ll help you maintain those weight loss results for life: convenience.
Simply put, if you make your low-carb or keto diet more convenient than grabbing an unhealthy meal, you will be able to create a lifestyle that helps you lose weight and improve health naturally.
One way to do this is by cooking healthy low carb freezer meals, so you always have something you can eat when you’re pressed for time.
Whether you are looking for a simple solution for weekly meal prep, a quick instant pot recipe, or a hot and ready dinner fresh from the slow cooker, there are a plethora of low carb freezer recipes you can rely on.
Here is a quick overview of what you’ll find in this keto-friendly freezer meal round-up:
The benefits of freezer meals
Low carb freezer-friendly breakfast recipes
Low carb freezer meals for lunch
Low carb freezer dinners
Freezer-friendly keto dessert recipes
Eight tips for getting the most out of your freezer meals
Key takeaways and keto resources
The Three Key Benefits of Batch Cooking Freezer Meals
We hinted at the powers of batch cooking freezer meals in the opening paragraphs, so let’s take a closer look why freezer-friendly recipes are such a powerful tool:
1. Saves you more money than before
Although healthy foods come with the stigma of being more expensive, this does not have to be the case for you. By planning ahead and cooking bigger batches of freezer-friendly meals, your food budget will decrease as you eat out less and waste less food.
If you’d like to save more money on your freezer meals, we recommend checking out our comprehensive guide to eating keto on a budget.
2. Reduces your overall carbon footprint and food waste
The most recent estimates by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicate that Americans waste more than $161 billion each year on food, with dairy products as the food waste frontrunner. Not only is this bad for everyone’s food budget, but it contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions as food in landfills leaks methane gas into the atmosphere.
With the help of freezer-friendly keto meals, you will be able to reduce your body fat %, food budget, and carbon footprint at the same time. Along with that, you’ll be taking steps toward making your new diet plan into a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.
3. Makes keto easier to follow
Willpower and restriction will help you get started, but leveraging convenience to work for you is what will keep you going when you are stressed, hungry, and tired.
To illustrate what I mean, imagine having several healthy and delicious keto-friendly meals in the freezer waiting for you.
With the help of freeze meals, you no longer have to think, prep, plan, calculate, decide, or negotiate with yourself when you are already drained from the day. Just take the meal out of the fridge, reheat it, and eat it to reach your goals.
Surprisingly enough, there are hundreds of recipes that are healthy, easy-to-make, low-carb, and freezer-friendly. To get you started, let’s take a look at the most popular freezer meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.
Low Carb Breakfast Freezer Meal Recipes
Here are some great options for batch cooking and freezing breakfasts so you always have something ready to go in the morning.
Keto Sausage Gravy and Biscuit Bake
If you’d like something hearty and savory for breakfast, give this freezer-friendly keto casserole a try. The biscuit topping will satisfy your craving for a light and fluffy breakfast pastry, while the sausage and gravy bring you to a level of satisfaction that high-carb dishes simply can’t emulate.
Freeze the finished product as is, and have it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner if you are looking for a keto-friendly high-protein freezer meal that’ll keep you in ketosis.
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Keto Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
Occasionally, I find savory and hearty dishes to be overwhelming for my taste buds and stomach in the morning. If you find yourself feeling the same way, make these keto muffins instead. You’ll find them to be the perfect treat to have with your keto coffee or tea.
Each recipe yields 12 muffins, which you can freeze individually and take out whenever you want a keto-friendly baked good. Pop them in the microwave for 15-20 seconds, slice in half, and place a pad of butter between them for a quick and healthy low-carb breakfast.
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Low Carb Cinnamon Roll Waffle
Not only are these waffles a great source of protein and healthy fats, but you can freeze them and reheat them as if they were frozen waffles from your local grocery store. Feel free to skip the cream cheese frosting and go with butter and/or keto maple syrup if you want any even quicker keto breakfast.
Another freezer-friendly waffle recipe worth trying is our Savory Jalapeno Cheddar Waffles. They come with a savory, comforting flavor and a heartier feel, providing us a pleasant change of pace from these cinnamon roll waffles.
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Easy Meal Prep Low-Carb Breakfast Burritos
Burritos are surprisingly easy to make keto- and freezer-friendly. First, prepare and cook all of your burrito fillings. This recipe calls for turkey sausage, eggs, spinach, and cheese, but you can use pretty much any combo of meat, cheese, and low-carb veggies you have on hand.
As your ingredients are cooling, start prepping your low-carb tortilla for filling. You can either make them yourself by following this link for a freezer-friendly tortilla recipe or purchase a keto-friendly wrap.
Finally, after the ingredients have cooled, make your burritos, wrap them in foil or freezer paper, store them in a freezer-safe bag or container, and freeze until you want a delicious keto-friendly burrito.
*Image from ameessavorydish.com
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Keto Zucchini Bread with Walnuts
For something that’ll satisfy your sweet tooth (while sneaking in some low carb nuts and vegetables at the same time), this zucchini bread is another excellent freezer-friendly option. It is healthy, easy-to-make, filling, and so flavorful.
To prep it for freezing, slice each serving, wrap it in foil, and freeze individually. When you want a quick breakfast, warm it in the oven or the microwave. Serve with a slab of butter on top to make it even tastier and increase the fat content.
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Easy Low Carb Freezer Meals for Lunch
If you’re looking for something to keep on hand for lunch, you’ll find some fantastic, freezable ideas below.
Ham, Ricotta, and Spinach Casserole
This freezer meal has it all — keto vegetables, eggs, rich ricotta cheese, and plenty of umami. Plus, its high protein and fat content will keep you full throughout the day.
Feel free to have it for breakfast, lunch, a snack, or dinner. You can even bake it the night before and have it throughout the next day whenever you are hungry.
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Greek Cauliflower Salad
With this low carb lunch, you can experience all your favorite Greek flavors without the unnecessary carbs. Simply buy tzatziki or make it yourself (with the help of our gyro recipe), rice the cauliflower, prep the veggies, and toss everything together for an easy keto meal.
This recipe yields plenty of servings as well.  Feel free to freeze each serving and take it to work for the week or have it as a side with dinner.
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Cheesy Cauliflower & Bacon Soup
As you adapt to your keto lifestyle, you’ll find healthy, keto-friendly soup to be surprisingly easy to make. This recipe is the perfect example of what’s possible on the keto diet, providing you with a satisfying meal in 30 min or less.
That being said, the best part of this soup is that it makes so many servings that you can freeze for low carb lunches throughout the week. Just put the frozen soup in the microwave or thaw and heat on the stovetop until warm.
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Keto Cloud Bread BLT
Technically, a BLT is not keto-friendly nor freezable. With this keto recipe, however, you will learn how to make a simple keto bread that you can freeze and take out whenever you are craving a sandwich.
To make this BLT recipe into a freezer-friendly meal, prep the bread and bacon ahead of time and store them in the freezer. As your bacon and bread are reheating, prep the tomato and lettuce. When everything is ready, grab some keto mayo from the fridge and put it all together for a quick and easy keto BLT.
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Easy Keto Meatballs
One of the easiest ways to add high-quality fats and protein to your keto meal is by adding some keto meatballs. This freezer-friendly meatball recipe allows you to make a bunch of meatballs ahead of time, so you have something you can rely on when you are stressed, tired, and hungry after a long day.
For a simple and healthy keto meal, try placing the thawed meatballs into a baking dish and covering with marinara sauce and keto-friendly pasta, topping it with cheese, and baking at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for around 20 minutes. To get the cheese bubbly and browned, place under the broiler for an extra five minutes.
*Image from makeaheadmealmom.com
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Easy Low Carb Freezer Dinners: Slow Cooker Meals and Healthy Casseroles
There’s sometimes no better feeling than being able to pop something in the oven for an easy dinner when you’re exhausted. Below, you’ll find some great examples of freezable meals that will stock your freezer full of keto meals!
Keto Tuna Casserole
Casseroles are arguably the easiest freezer keto dinners you can make. For the most part, all you have to do is throw ingredients together, bake them, eat them, and freeze the rest for later.
This tuna casserole is the perfect example of how easy it can be to make a keto meal that is delicious and freezer-friendly. Just make sure you put the leftovers in their freezer containers before you find yourself marching back to the kitchen for more.
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Keto Chicken Divan
Here is another example of a quick and easy keto casserole that’ll amaze your taste buds. It is a lot like chicken pot pie, but creamier, tastier, and much more satisfying.
One of the best things about this recipe is that there are many ways to adapt it to your schedule.
For example, you can make it in advance and bake it just before serving — or try cooking multiple pans when you have time and freeze them for another night.
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Bacon Covered Meatloaf
The title speaks for itself. Bacon plus meatloaf is a match made in keto heaven. You can even try pairing it with keto-friendly BBQ sauce if you are ready to take things to the next level.
To make the meatloaf freezer-friendly, allow it to cool to room temperature (after all of the steam has escaped), slice it based on your preferred serving size, and place each slice between sheets of baking paper/parchment in an airtight container before freezing. On the other hand, if you are preparing this meal for a family dinner, skip separating the servings and freeze the loaf as a whole.
*Image from ditchthecarbs.com
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Slow-Cooker Stuffed Taco Peppers
Rarely will you find a recipe this convenient, versatile, and delicious. All you need to do is follow a simple four-step process: empty the peppers, stuff them with keto-friendly ingredients, cook them in the slow-cooker, and eat/freeze.
You can even prep them ahead of time and throw them in the slow cooker before you go to work. When you come home, you will have a hot and healthy keto meal with plenty of leftovers to freeze for later in the week.
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Slow-Cooker Bacon Cheeseburger Soup
This recipe comes with all of the textures and flavors we crave from a bacon cheeseburger but in a healthy, protein-rich, freezer-friendly soup. You can also prepare this in one of three ways: as an easy slow-cooker meal, as a quick instant pot soup, or as a beautiful stovetop dinner.
We recommend making this recipe in bulk and freezing it for the colder months. Whenever you need a reliable keto meal, take it out of the freezer and reheat with some shredded cheese on top.
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Keto Freezer Desserts: Easy, Healthy, and Satisfying Recipes
Dessert can be healthy, keto-approved, and freezer-friendly without missing out on the flavors we love.
There are hundreds of keto desserts that fit the bill, but the following recipes are second-to-none when it comes to convenience and satisfaction:
Coconut Peanut Butter Balls
Keto Peanut Butter Cup Style Fudge
Flourless Keto Brownies
Salted Toffee Nut Cups
Tropical Chocolate Mousse Bites
And, don’t forget about keto ice cream — the ultimate low-carb freezer treat! For a round-up of our favorites, follow this link to check out our top 10 list of keto-friendly ice cream recipes.
Getting the Most Out of Your Keto Freezer Meals: 8 Meal Prep Tips
To help you squeeze the most out of every dollar, meal, and ingredient that you can, here are some of the top meal prep tips from long-term keto dieters:
1.   Make batch cooking a part of your weekly schedule.
The two most common approaches to batch cooking are (1) having a meal prep day every week and (2) doubling or tripling the recipes each time you cook.
The first option requires some planning ahead and a good chunk of time dictated to making multiple recipes at once.
If you simply can’t carve out an afternoon or morning for meal prep each week, then the second batch cooking approach will be much easier to implement. Just make sure you know what you will make before you go to the grocery store, so you know how much of each ingredient you need to get.
2.   Batch cook recipes that call for similar ingredients.
One simple way to cut down on food spending and waste is by batch cooking recipes with ingredient crossover. This will also help you capitalize on bulk buying deals at the store and reduce the amount of prep time needed for each recipe.
3.   Keep it airtight.
Your freezer meals can easily be damaged when the cold air is allowed to come in direct contact with the food. This can steal the tenderness and flavor away for your favorite keto recipes.
To keep this from happening, I recommend buying airtight containers, freezer bags, or a vacuum sealer. If you plan on cooking some meals to store in your freezer for several months, then vacuum sealing will be the best option.
Regardless of what storage option you choose, make sure you allow the meal to cool down to room temperature before freezing.
4.   Label and date your freezer meals.
When the meals start piling up in your freezer, you may find yourself forgetting what’s what and how long each meal has been there. This is why it is so important to label each container/bag, including the name, prep date, and expected expiration date. (Bonus tip: use painter’s tape for removable labels)
To help you estimate your expiration dates, here is a quick list of how long different keto meals last in the freezer:
Soups, stews, casseroles, and most other keto recipes will keep for around three months.
Most meat and seafood can be frozen for around three months.
Low-carb vegetables typically last for up to eight months.
5.   Separate your servings before freezing.
Most foods shouldn’t be defrosted and re-frozen. To best preserve the integrity of your meals, freeze your recipes in meal-sized portions and only thaw/reheat what you will eat within the next 2-3 days.
6.    Become an expert slow-cooker.
Slow cookers, crockpots, and instant pots can be used to simplify almost any keto meal. Essentially, all you need to do is add the ingredients, close the lid, pick a setting, and it’ll be ready 6-8 hours later.
Many delicious keto-friendly dishes can be prepared in this way, including:
Bone broth
Chicken soup
Curries and other Indian dishes
Meat or seafood stews
Slow-cooked beef, lamb, chicken, or pork
Keto lasagna
For a list of keto recipes that you can make in the slow cooker, follow this link.
7.   Freeze in microwave-safe dishes when possible.
If you plan to eat a freezer meal within a few weeks, store directly in a microwave-safe glass container in the freezer.
With this simple hack, all you have to do is thaw, heat, and eat — no need to transfer the food into a separate bowl or waste a freezer bag.
8.   Make your casseroles portable.
Freezing and reheating casseroles can be a bit tricky when you only have one or two mouths to feed. A simple storage hack is to line the tray with parchment paper before freezing, lift the casserole out, and cut it into portions after it is frozen. Then, wrap each serving in foil and store them in a freezer bag for easy storing, thawing, and reheating.
The Bigger Picture — Low Carb Freezer Meals, Weight Loss Results, and Your Keto Lifestyle
Freezer-friendly keto recipes have been the secret ingredient behind sustainable weight loss results for hundreds (if not thousands) of keto and low-carb dieters. By using the recipes and tips above, you will be one step closer to transforming your health and body composition for the better as well.
As you make more low-carb freezer meals, it is also crucial to consider what you eat in the context of your overall keto lifestyle to get the results you want. For more information on how to create the optimal weight loss approach for you, we’ve included several tools and resources below:
Keto Calculator — Find out how much you need to eat to meet your goals
A Comprehensive Guide to the Ketogenic Diet — Keto guidelines, benefits, tips, food list, and recipes
Eating Keto On A Budget — How to keep keto cheap, convenient, and easy
Long-Term Keto Weight Loss Results— A guide to losing weight and maintaining your results for life
P.S. Have a look at the Keto Academy, our foolproof 30-day keto meal planner. It has all the tools, information, and recipes needed for you to succeed.
+ The food will always fit to your macros and cooking preferences!
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How to Lose Weight on a Ketogenic Diet — Ruled.me
Food Waste in America in 2020: Statistics & Facts — RTS
US Food Waste Challenge | FAQ’s — USDA
  The post 15+ Low Carb Freezer Meals for Easy Keto: Recipes and Meal Prep Tips appeared first on Ruled Me.
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dreaming-skiiny · 4 years
9 Healthy Lifestyle Tips
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Leading a healthy lifestyle is in fact quite simple if you just take a while to consider it. This report will help a bit.
1. Eat a high fiber - When you awake in the morning, you body is drained of energy. Be certain that you consume a high fiber breakfast because this gives you strength for the whole day and help with your digestion.
2. Keep a window open for flow of fresh air - The reason people get ill in the winter has less to do with the temperature than with the fact that most areas are closed to keep out the cold. This makes the atmosphere full of germs and can make you sick. Fresh air is free and it is healthy.
3. That is why I try to do something that I love everyday. Be certain that you make time for yourself between work and your household chores.
4. Walk for 30 minutes 3 times per week - Walking aids circulation, aids weight loss, and keeps the joints and muscles fit. Walking also gets you out of the home and keeps you busy.
5. Do not skip any meals - Skipping meals sends your metabolism in turmoil. Be certain that you consume a balanced diet and spread your calories throughout the day. It's far better to eat more small meals than 3 large ones.
6. Laugh - Every day, finds something that makes you laugh and let yourself go. Watch a sitcom, visit a Stand Up bar, or simply watch babies baby talk with one another. Laughter is one of the healthiest things for you, physically and emotionally.
7. Reading a book is a psychological exercise. It's also among the best ways to escape reality for a little while.
8. Do not be a workaholic - Working is essential, but do not turn it in your entire life. Overworking is unhealthy and counterproductive.
9. Drink 10 glasses of water daily - Drinking water improves your concentration, energy levels, is very good for your skin, weight, and all bodily functions.
Follow these 9 healthy lifestyle tips, and you'll increase your odds for a happy and healthy life.
Healthy Lifestyle Tips For More Energy And Well-Being
You ought to abide by healthy lifestyle tips to make your life happy and sound. Don't all folks want to live long and free of diseases? Fantastic quality of life, but for many, they do not know where to begin. It can be difficult to stop old habits and stick to healthy ones. There are issues like lack of inspiration wherein they readily give up. To have the ability to maintain healthy lifestyle tips and customs, start making small adjustments, not drastic changes. Here are a few healthy lifestyle tips to guide you in living with great health and well-being.
If you don't enjoy the natural taste of water, then add a piece of lemon in the glass. Your system will be cleared if you do this, and it is going to also rev up your metabolism. Aside from these, it will help flush out toxins in the body. It could even help in your weight loss program.
Get sufficient sleep. Insufficient sleep wreak havoc to your health in many ways. To begin with, it will make you feel tired and irritable. It affects your physical health, especially your heart. What is the average sleep requirement for adults? It is 8 hours for each 24-hour period. Some might need 6 to 10 hours of sleep. You will know if you do not get enough sleep if you feel tired at about 4 pm and 6 in the evening.
Do some stretching when you wake up in the morning. Use your morning wisely. Rather than snoozing, stretch your neck, legs and back. It will perk up your day as it wakes you up from sleepiness. Prepare fresh for the day ahead because extending when you wake up promotes better blood flow to your muscles that gives you a chance of oxygen.
Snack on healthy foods. Some foods are yummy, but aren't healthy for the human body, like candies, potato chips, cookies and salted nuts, among st others. These foods contains loads of sugar, salt and fats. You may rather eat healthy snacks such as berries, fresh fruits and raw nuts which are rich sources of minerals and vitamins.
Do not skip eating breakfast. Particularly if you're trying to drop weight, do not miss eating breakfast. It's the main meal to your day. If you skip breakfast, you will often feel hungry before lunch. That is why you have food cravings and will snack on food snacks which contain much fat and sugar. These foods contain hardly any vitamins. Eating breakfast prevents you from being diabetic and obese.
Take a walk everyday. Experts agree that physical activity is important in a healthy lifestyle, but a lot of folks lack time to participate in it. There are people who lack the desire and motivation to be physically active. You can make tiny changes in your daily ongoing to add physical activity, like taking the stairs rather than the elevator, or taking a walk with your spouse, kids or friends. When you walk your dog, make it a bit longer than normal. One hundred twenty-five to 200 minutes of walk collected for the entire week enhances the health of your heart. These healthy lifestyle tips will make you enjoy health, well-being and a fantastic quality of life.
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Greatest Meal Delivery Programs for Weight Loss
For those who're making an attempt to drop a number of kilos fast, these skilled tips will make it easy so that you can lose the weight quickly. Whereas it'd sound counterintuitive to eat one thing before you head out to a restaurant or party, exhibiting up famished to the event will probably make it all the more durable to stay to your weight loss goals. Eating something small (about a hundred energy) with fiber (two to 4 grams) is an effective way to readjust your appetite so you can present up and mingle a bit before diving into the cheese dip. Choose a complete food to take the edge off, like an apple or handful of nuts. For instance, 30 pistachios are just one hundred energy and supply two grams of fiber, along with protein and healthy fats, to actually take the edge off your appetite while providing a satisfying pre-celebration crunch. Get pleasure from your mini snack with a tall glass of water before the festivities to cut back your possibilities of publish-social gathering weight acquire.
Understand that our BMR (Basal Metabolic Price) and your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) are completely different when it comes down to the numbers. Your BMR is actually your metabolic charge if you just slept all day. Your RMR is your metabolic fee when you laid in mattress, but ate meals, and had small activities like transferring round your private home. Calculating your RMR might be a more lifelike base platform while you're attempting to have a look at calories burned. After getting this info, you can better calculate your total caloric loss when including in exercise and meal plan data.
10. Drink lots and plenty of water. Drink not less than eight glasses or two quarts a day. Nothing makes you lose excess fluid like ingesting a lot of water, so its good for losing water weight. By lowering carbs and lowering insulin levels, you alter the hormonal environment and make your body and brain "want" to reduce weight. Fruit and veg are low in energy and fats, and high in fibre - three essential ingredients for successful weight reduction. They also comprise loads of nutritional vitamins and minerals.
If you're new to weight-reduction plan, then issues will probably happen shortly. The extra weight you need to lose, the quicker you will lose it. Including muscle, through actions resembling weight training, increases your metabolism and fights fat. Lifting weights additionally helps to strengthen your bones, improve steadiness, and regulate your blood sugar. Many diets are self defeating as a result of they repeat meals to which dieters are sensitive or allergic. This can cause water retention and weight acquire. Frequent repetition of allergenic foods additionally aggravates sensitivities and allergies.
Water helps you're feeling full, so that you eat much less. Consuming eight to 10 cups of plain water day by day can increase weight loss because analysis shows that thirst can be confused with hunger,” says Misti Gueron, MS, RDN, nutritionist at the Khalili Middle. Many people attain for meals because of cravings, low energy or boredom, and these habits can lead to unnecessary weight achieve,” she added. Actually, it's so highly effective that one research found that individuals who drank two cups of water half-hour earlier than meals for 3 months dropped almost three extra pounds than people who did not pre-hydrate earlier than mealtime. To help achieve your weight reduction goal, attempt drinking eight ounces of water once you first get up, carrying a BPA-free water bottle or monitoring your water intake on your telephone.
I used WW first, after which tried Noom, and it was a bit of a jarring experience to go from having zero-point foods to counting calories once more. It is necessary to remember that you may't live on zero-point foods alone, however not all energy are bad. Noom also wished me to weigh myself on a regular basis, while WW solely prompts you to weigh in as soon as per week. I understood on some level that this was to establish weight loss meal plan delivery habits and so you may see how weight naturally fluctuates, however as somebody who has had an unhealthy relationship with a scale prior to now, it wasn't the most effective apply for me personally. It is easy to obsess over the slightest weight change that really does not imply anything besides water or the truth that you are wearing denims.
Sometimes, simply the act of writing down your targets helps you keep them. Be sure to put your targets in a place where you possibly can see them every single day. It can enable you keep dedicated in the course of the weight-loss journey. You'll achieve some weight throughout your refeed day, however most of it is going to be water weight and you will lose it once more within the subsequent 1-2 days.
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rahullkohli · 5 years
ok buckle up kids, because i have a load to share on this subject. in this post there will be no shaming of bodies, diets or knowledge - only of idiots who act like they know shit, but in fact are ignorant fools. i.e. idiots who advice people to go on diets, or otherwise treat their nutrition irresponsibly.
also, this is not a ”how to get skinny”-post. this is merely a post to inform about a topic that so many people is dangerously off on. my own personal goal is to lose weight, because my BMI is too high. if you think that you need to lose weight, consult a doctor who can help you figure out if you actually need to lose weight, or if you maybe have an unhealthy relationship with food and/or your body, and that is the issue you need help with.
disclaimer: i am not a licensed nutritionist or health professional. all of my knowledge comes from: me loving to read, me recovering from eating disorders which have prompted me to research on my own plus talk to professionals, me having worked with a nutritionist for over a year where i got to regular updates and have mealplan created specifically for me. also, my mom being a licensed fitness trainer where she also had courses on nutrition.
so, this post came to be because i saw a long post about people being shamed for eating fruit, because some assholes tried to tell them that “fruit is almost pure sugar and bad for you”, or something to that effect, so i will definitely touch on that as well.
the thing is that nutrition is complex and one of the biggest issues in the way our society sees health and nutrition is that it takes a starting point in “one size fits all”, which it most certainly does not. the details of what diet your body needs is unique to you, and magazines/celebrities/blogs/etc. who tries to tell you otherwise either don’t know what they’re talking about, or are feeding you lies on purpose. usually with the goal of money.
as mentioned above; nutrition is damn complex. one diet does not fit all bodies, because our genetic makeup is different. for example, all my three sisters has been diagnosed with PCOS, and i have not. this means that my body can handle carbs better than theirs, because of cysts on their ovaries that overproduce a hormone that makes it harder for their bodies to break down carbs. (feel free to correct me on this one, because i have not researched this condition in details so i may be off on this. i just know people with this diagnosis usually require a low carb diet, the whys and hows are more iffy to me, but this was how i understood it when it was quickly explained to me.) so it is so unique that even four women who share both mother and father doesn’t even match when it comes to dietary needs. it also changes for every person depending on age, so the diet i need now is most likely not the diet i needed as a teenager, or in ten years, and definitely not after menopause because of the hormonal changes.
every single person needs all three macronutrients in their diet, in order to assure the proper function of their body; carbs, protein and fats - yes, fats! as a general rule, it goes most carbs, medium protein and then a healthy, but not too much, amount of fats. but then there are different examples where one needs more or less of one of these because of for example a diagnosis of PCOS. i am not a doctor, so i won’t try to talk about these, because i don’t have the correct information.
CARBS: so why do we need carbohydrates, and why are those what we (usually) need the most of? carbohydrates are what gives us our energy. carbs gets broken down into glucose before entering the bloodstream (this is why athletes love bananas, they're filled with good stuff that gives a good kick after just spending a ton of energy being overly active). this is where the the fruit and vegetables comes in – sure, fruit and some vegetables contain a lot of sugar, but this is fructose which our bodies can easier break down and use for energy rather converting it to fat depots. the sugar that our bodies have trouble breaking down, is refined (often called white, but it also pertains to brown) sugar. simplistically speaking, the sugar we add to our food ourselves.
now, this doesn't mean that you should just eat uncontrollably of fruit and vegetables. as with any other food, overindulging is too much. in denmark the government department for nutrition has for years campaigned that it is important that we get Six A Day. this means six servings of fruit and vegetables every day. due to the high levels of sugar in fruit, for most adults the reasonable choice is 250 grams of fruit, and 350 grams of vegetables every day. the best choices are high in fiber and proteins. especially green ones like apples, broccoli, spinach, peas and green beans are good. note: you also need carbs from stuff like pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, bulgur, quinoa or other in the same category.
PROTEINS: the proteins are responsible for building and maintaining our muscles. this isn't just for bodybuilders/athletes, this is for every single person out there. you need proteins to be able to move your body. protein is also what builds and maintains our hair, nails and skin. a lot of girls/women are in a protein deficit, especially if they work out, because they are afraid it will make them look masculine. this is severe misinformation. as a cisgendered girl/woman you cannot eat or train your way to the look of a stereotypical cisgendered man, you will need to take steroids for that. if you are a trans woman, i will advice you to speak to a professional about this, as i have no information about this, and considering every trans woman's situation is unique in relation to hormones.
protein is most widely known to come from meat and fish, but this can also be found in some vegetables, nuts, soy, quorn and dairy, which is a very good alternative for vegetarians/vegans.
FATS: there was a time where fat was the number one scare in health media, and it hasn't quite been let go since, which is terrible because fats are so incredibly important for our bodies to work the best they can to keep us healthy. fats are responsible for helping your body absorb vitamins, and help keep your heart and organs healthy. if you don't get enough fat, you risk severe constipation and may need surgery. healthy sources of fats are fish and nuts.
so these are the three nutrient groups that we need in order for our bodies to be at our best, but of course it isn't that simple. it also matters how many calories you get, and how you spread them out throughout the day.
as mentioned above, i have been seeing a nutritionist for over a year, and i have lost 20kg by following a mealplan that was tailored to me specifically from information about my gender, age, height, start weight and general activity level. we found that the reason i wasn't losing weight despite my high activity levels, was that i simply wasn't eating enough – yes, another thing media ignores is that eating too little can cause weight gain – and that i didn't spread my food reasonably out over the day, which caused my bloodsugar to be unbalanced.
i started out with one mealplan with x amount of calories spread out on five meals throughout the day. however, since i plateued in my weightloss i just recently got a new plan with more calories and an extra meal a day. this means that i now have three big meals + three snacks, with never more than 2-3 hours between these to keep my bloodsugar leveled all day.
but aside from this you also need to consider vitamins, fiber, minerals and omega 3s. so yeah, it really is about having a balanced diet, but it's much more than just remembering to not eat too much meat, or too much fruit.
why weightloss diets are bullshit and unhealthy: not only is a weightloss diet a waste of time, because if you eat a certain way for x amount of time, and then lose weight to reach your goal, but then go back to eating as you did before, you will just gain the weight back. if you and your doctor think that you need to lose weight, what you need is a lifestyle change. maintaining a healthy body – regardless of size – is a commitment for life. it sounds overwhelming, but breaking it down it is about creating healthy and stable habits, in the form of varied nutrition spread out over your day.
what my experience also tells me is that it is important to not be too restrictive, since this is setting yourself up for failure. if you promise yourself to not have anything unhealthy like chocolate or soda then there's a bigger chance that once you do have it you will end up overindulging. besides, what kind of life is it if you can't enjoy it? sure, healthy and balanced food can be so good and delicious, but there also needs to be space for having pizza with friends, or cake at a birthday party, or a fancy coffee because you just fucking deserve it. you will not ruin your body if you decide to have ice cream one day, or if you just feel like you can't eat anything at all; just do your best to get back to the healthy habit you have worked hard to create.
the key is to not let it be every day, but if you find the diet that fits you specifically, you shouldn't even be craving these things all the time, because all your needs will be satisfied. if you do find that you crave overindulging at all times, you may need professional help. overeating is a disorder and should be taken just as seriously as undereating – both are rooted in psychological issues, and this can't be processed just by getting a mealplan.
i feel like i have been around most of it by now, but if you have any questions (or you actually know more than me and have constructive criticism) you are more than welcome to message me. i hope this was informative and understandable. english isn't my first language, so i apologize for anything that may not make sense in terms of linguistics.
as a last note i want to stress that i am not a professional, and if you are struggling with body image or your relationship with food, please seek help from someone licensed to handle those kinds of things. never try some fad diet because a magazine or a celebrity said it helped them, because it could damage your body than it could do good.
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tenhacks-blog · 6 years
Steering Clear of GLUTTONY - How to start and stick to a diet
How many times have you heard someone swear they’re going to start dieting, and then catch them ordering takeout the very next day? I know a few hundreds, at the very least. If you’re here reading this article… well, there’s a chance that you’ve done the same yourself.
Now don’t get me wrong – following a diet sure can be a daunting task, but it becomes easier once you start seeing its benefits. A diet can go a long way helping you stay healthy. It also gives you a sense of satisfaction as you feel proud of yourself for being able to follow your diet rigorously enough to be able to see physical changes in your body.
But who am I kidding? No one can stick to eating fruits or Greek yogurt every single day! That’s why I’m here to tell you how you can start a diet and stick to it… for good.
1. Set Realistic Goals
Set your mind on what you want to achieve; whether it’s weight loss or a six pack, know beforehand what you are getting into. Don’t expect huge changes in short periods of time, as such expectations are impractical and will only demotivate you from wanting to continue your diet. 
2. Say NO to sugary items
This is a no-brainer, really – sugar is a diet’s nemesis. It has been proved time and again that sugar is bad for your health. Foods like ice cream, soft drinks, sweets, etc. should be avoided.
Also, take changes like these slowly; avoiding sweet products altogether may be hard for you if you consume them a lot, but with each passing week you should gradually work to completely eliminating it from your diet.
3. Keep trigger foods out of sight
Trigger foods like potato chips, instant noodles (yes, goodbye Wai-Wai!), fried nuts, etc. have to be removed from your shelves. These will only make you relapse into your old diet of unhealthy foods quicker than it takes Flash to mess up the timeline. Replace them with healthier options like fruits, oats, Greek yogurt and mixed nuts.
Again, this should be done slowly but steadily. It’s understandable to have cravings, but you must learn to limit them.
I speak out of experience – not all healthy foods taste bad. There are tons of recipes available online for healthy but tasty alternatives to regular unhealthy snacks.
4. Track everything
Try and keep a daily track of your meals and calorie intake. There are various apps that help you in doing so like MyFitnessPal. Tracking your diet is crucial as you must not exceed whatever daily calorie intake you have set per your diet.
Also, measure and record your weight once a week. Once you see the changes, you’ll feel motivated to continue your diet. In case you don’t see much of a change even after a significantly long period (like a month and a half), it may be time to reconsider your diet as it may not be working out for you.
5. Have cheat days once a week
This is the one you’ve been waiting for! This one day in a week, go crazy – with some limits… eh, more on that later. Sticking to a diet 7 days a week is possible but not at all pleasurable. For that reason, you should keep a cheat day once a week. There are many reasons for this (including scientific ones), but the most important one is that cheat meals push you further to stick with the diet throughout the week. They act as a reward for keeping to your diet.
Appropriate portions of cheat meals are acceptable, binge eating isn’t. So even though it is your cheat day, take it easy! Follow the 80/20 rule, where you consume 80% of your calories from healthy and nutritious meals and the remaining 20% from cheat meals.
This may sound incredibly cliche but if I can do it so can you – no, really, trust me. Even if a particular diet doesn’t bring out the results you desired, don’t lose hope; there are tons of other diets available. The key is to stick with the one that does work.
 Written By:- Rikpratim Mazumdar
Edited By:- Vikramaditya Bhatnagar
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