#and i get to check out a cool cafe that i've never been to before and they have food trucks so might fuck around and get some tacos toooo
notjanine · 2 years
middle of the night spiral post deleted, i am gonna go on a pleasant sunday afternoon coffee date and i will be cute and charming, let’s fucking GO
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shrenvents · 3 months
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Warnings: Smut, M!receiving, penetration (w protection), language, enemies (ish) to lovers
Pairing: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x reader
Summary: After "Beef's" rebranding as "The Bear," business at your cafe has declined, which left you furious, and that anger only worsened after meeting the restaurant's owner.
Word count: 3.4k
Ever since I was young, I've always had this unnecessary, aggressive competitiveness, which has only grown since its opening; The Bear, formerly known as "Beef," has become Chicago's newest hit. Its success has been so impactful, that it's driven away numerous customers, including regulars from my spot, just across the street.
My cafe has been open for years. Its income has been steady from the get-go, and the presence of a certain sandwich shop has never deterred that. Not until said sandwich place suddenly turned into a high-end restaurant. It crossed my mind that it simply shut down due to its infamous unpopularity, but Richie was still waltzing into my cafe to order coffee, as per usual.
So, being curious enough about what had happened to "The Beef," I go visit, expecting to be greeted by the "ever-so-pleasant" owner, Michael. But instead—
"Uh, he died," Neil mutters rather awkwardly, fidgeting with his fingers. My eyes expand in complete shock.
"Oh my god, sorry, I had no idea." I grimace at my lack of sensitivity. "It's alright." He shakes his head.
Silence envelops us both before I speak again. "So, um, how come you're still here? If you don't mind me asking?" I grimace again at my poor choice of words, saying, "I swear I'm not trying to be rude." Neil tilts his head in confusion. "Whatta mean?"
"I just assumed you wouldn't be, here, since...?"
"Ah, yeah, Mike left the place to his little bro, Carmy." He waves his arms around, gesturing to the restaurant's interior. "And he did all this, sick right?"
"Yeah... Sick." I mumble with a pout, failing to hide my contempt, but my sour mood goes right over his head.
"Fak!" A man's loud, demanding voice, quiets my rearing thoughts. "Fak! What the fuck are you doing? I need you in here." The voice grows stronger as the chef it belongs to pushes through the kitchen doors. I just about hold my breath at the sight of him. In his all-white get-up, his deep blue eyes have yet to notice me, as he addresses Neil angrily. "The fucking toilet's still broken." He throws his arm up in frustration, "So would you please, get off your ass and fix it!" He commands Neil, and I jump at his dangerous tone. My brows furrow. There was no need for him to shout so rudely, not to mention that it was really bothering me, how he had yet to acknowledge my presence even once. Not only was he stealing my business, but he didn't give a rats-ass about it.
"Shit! Yeah, on it! I was just talking to—"
"Y/n." I announce my name roughly, and his eyes bounce from Neil to me instantly. Appearing startled, he hesitates to extend his palm for a handshake. "Carmy, sorry about him—" Just as he begins waving off Fak, apologizing for his behaviour, I snap.
"No, he was the perfect gentleman, as always," I protest, "I just came to check on the competition." Carmy's brows knit together, and I can feel the vein in my forehead pop out. "I own the cafe across the street," I state plainly, and he slowly nods in recognition. "It was nice to see you, have a great day," I commend with a smile, directed only to Neil. With that, I spin out the door, stomping vigorously towards my shop.
The next time I saw Carmy was nearly a month later, on garbage day. He happened to be taking the trash out that evening, exactly when I was. I sigh at how little he struggles to lift several trash bags. Looking away, I huff as I throw the plastic sacks into the massive tin container. After finishing, I stretch out my back, rubbing my hands together. Shortly rolling my head back, I observe the evening sky. I exhale, releasing a breath of cool air from my lips.
My skin pricks as I feel someone watching me and shift my gaze towards "The Bear." I instantly identify the sapphire eyes latched onto me. When I catch Carmy, his eyes fly in every which direction, clearly embarrassed. 'The hell? Okay dickhead, hello to you too.' I think, shaking my head as I go inside, once again, feeling the heat of his stare as I do.
An hour later, I complete the last of my chores before locking up the cafe. Removing the key from the door, I pivot towards my car. However, I stumble when a figure standing not far behind me approaches, causing me to unleash a horrid scream from the depths of my throat. Carmy's eyes widen, evidently apologetic and equally terrified. "Uh sorry! I didn't mean—"
"What the actual fuck, is your problem?" I practically hiss.
"Sorry, I was thinking about saying something before you turned around. But then I second-guessed myself and just did nothing," Carmy blabbers, "I'm really really sorry."
"Okay okay." I put up my hands in surrender to stop his rambling. It's rather disarming, after our first meeting, hearing how he sounds so... Timid. "Sorry." He mumbles once more, head hung low.
"You're good," I reassure him with a sigh, to cover up an unexpected giggle. "Um, so what're you doing, here?"
"Oh!" He jolts upright and his eyes shoot from the ground to mine. "I just wanted to uh, talk."
"You 'wanted to talk'?" I question, a brow arching in disbelief.
"Uh, yeah," Carmy replies with uncertainty.
Folding my arms, I sigh, "About?"
"Oh, um, just about, how I acted when we met," Carmy scowls at the memory. "I should've introduced myself way sooner, and not in such a—"
"Rude way," I interject, which seems to be a common occurrence between us.
"Heard." He huffs out what sounds like a laugh, "Exactly that." I then shift uncomfortably under his intense watch. "It's alright, I didn't exactly intend to be gracious myself," I utter, returning a similar, shy smile.
"No, no." His smile widens, "You were..." He and his gaze trail off, lowering to the concrete. "'Were'?" I repeat, imploring him to continue.
"Great." Carmy finishes, peering up again. His eyes appear somewhat different, and I feel an unfamiliar chill slide down my spine. "Wow." My eyebrows rise. "'Great,' that's a, really, kind of you," I splutter with a chuckle. Carmy joins in, laughing at himself.
After a beat of silence and a few stolen glances at one another, Carmy speaks up. "I know I should've said it a while ago, but I'd like to be on good terms, rather than 'competition'." My sight hones in on his active hands as they switch between fiddling with his back pockets and shaking. "I'd like that too," I murmur, scratching the back of my head. "If only you'd stop stealing my customers," I smirk.
"Oh?" He smiles playfully and tilts his head, "So that's how it's gonna be," he jests, laughing again.
"Hmmm," I hum in confirmation, slightly troubled by how flirtatious I'm being. But damn, the way he's always looking at me —it's throwing me off...
Flushed, I conclude our conversation, "I'll see you around," then walk to my car. He almost, absentmindedly, wanders alongside me. "Yeah, see you."
While I unlock my car, Carmy's already one step ahead of me, hauling the car door open. I thank him in a whisper as I bend into the front seat, brushing past him, and he tenses. He then mumbles my name with a "Goodnight," and I sit in silence, long after he leaves, breathless.
The next day, I feel giddy at the prospect of seeing Carmy. It's ridiculous, considering he was my neighbour, and I was bound to see him. Though I've actually had to refrain from seeking him out.
However, that afternoon, through the glass of both our eateries, we see one another, pause, smile slowly, and head back to work.
From that point on, that sort of thing became a routine. Every day that week, I saw him for at least 50 seconds. It was even better knowing he was a chef, so the likelihood of him seeing him out front was low, but still, each time he'd be there.
Come Sunday, I couldn't delay things any longer. It was a little disheartening that he hadn't come over himself or even thought to come and ask for my number.
Thus, I knew I had to be the one to make a move. So, after closing earlier than usual, I saunter across the street. Inside, Neil greets me with an ample smile. "Hey Neil," I wave. He virtually shouts my name in return. "Hey! What you in for?" He asks cheerfully.
"I was hoping for some dinner," I chuckle. My heart hammers against my ribcage, and the anticipation is killing me. While Neil leads me to a table, my eyes don't leave the kitchen's entrance.
Neil takes my order, and my ears attentively listen for those few moments, when the restaurant's crowd temporarily quiets down, and I hear his assertive voice filter through the walls.
As delicious as my meal is, I can't stop my anxiety from getting the best of me. It's plausible Neil didn't bother letting Carmy know that I was here. But I'm nearly vibrating with dread, waiting for him to materialize.
Eventually, it's closing time and the herd of patrons leave. I take the opportunity to call Neil over. "Hey, I was just wondering if Carmy was in? Just wanna say hello, be neighbourly and all," I beam innocently.
"Course!" He winks but doesn't move to get Carmy. So, after a long beat staring into Fak's clueless eyes (bless him), I come up with something dicey. "Could you let him know that my food's uncooked, and I'm very, very upset," I express sharply, biting back a grin.
"O-okay?" Neil stutters, confusion and distress written across his features. I suppress my laugh with my palm.
Five minutes later, I hear a loud and hostile "what" seep through the walls. My attempts to muffle my laughter are stumped when Carmy abruptly bursts through the doors. He freezes when he sees me, and I watch the doors rapidly swing behind him. I awkwardly raise my hand in hello, and I swear he gulps.
"I was joking, Carmy." Now growing nervous, I tear my eyes away from him, onto my clear plate and see him move towards me from my peripheral. "It was, pretty good actually," I remark, downplaying the truth.
As I open my mouth to fill the silence, I peek up to see Carmy sitting right in front of me, and I lose my train of thought. It's as though we're on a date, and that's the most normal thing in the world, something we've done countless times before.
"I was planning on coming to see you after work." His sheepish, yet deep timbre makes me shudder.
"Beat you to it then?" I smirk smugly.
"Didn't we say this wasn't a rivalry?" He smirks back, and my stomach forms knots. "Nothing wrong with some friendly competition," I retort, and his reply is a simple, pleasant smile.
"Well Chef, I'm sorry to hear you're closing soon," I sigh. Still smiling, he raises his brows, "Because?"
"Because the food was decent, but I'm still quite hungry." I proclaim teasingly, shrugging. He chuckles lowly, "We can't have that."
Now sitting on Carmy's kitchen stool while he cooks me an omelet on his stove, I inspect his backside. The muscles tense and shift as he moves expertly through the room.
"I hope this suits your refined palette," Carmy remarks with a certain ease that he didn't have before. He pushes a plate towards me, and I reel at how domestic this all feels. I lick my lips in excitement as the delicious, potent smell of the dish consumes my senses.
Taking a bite, I withhold a moan, and close my eyes so he doesn't catch them rolling to the back of my head. Swallowing, I open my lids to see Carmy's eyes studying me, expectingly awaiting a reaction. "It's alright," I state monotonously.
Eyes and mouth expanding, he smacks his hands on his chest, overlapping them over top of his heart, like he's been shot, and a laugh escapes me. "I make it better," I contest.
"I don't doubt that," he responds without a hint of condescension, and I gape at him before giggling nervously, eyeing my omelette.
"So, what would satisfy your elite tastes?" His words may be rather suggestive, but his tone is short and reserved. Glancing up at his expression, I note the way he sluggishly runs his tongue over his bottom lip. His view then trains over my features, lingering on my lips...
Not giving him a chance to refocus on anything but my mouth, I lunge at his. Capturing his lips with mine, I hear a fumble of noises leave him pitifully. The sounds morph into a mixture of bewilderment and a cavernous groan. His hesitancy is brief as one of his hands curves behind my head, into my hair, while the other gropes my waist, bunching up my shirt in a tight fist. His groaning becomes more brazen, and I devour every single one.
Our tongues fight each other, and our hips wrestle with the kitchen island that separates us. Determined to feel more of him, I pull away from his wretched kiss. He instinctively chases after me, but my hands firmly press against his chest, which seems to bring his attention to my eyes. He more or less whines to himself.
I lick my swollen lips, holding eye contact in hopes it would help him understand what I wanted.
His grasp moves from my torso, to hold my hand, tugging me towards what I assume is his bedroom. As he maneuvers around the counter, I decide that I just can't wait. So, when we pass his living room area, I drag him back, and to his surprise, shove him onto his couch.
His back hits the cushions and he releases a grunt. Immediately, I straddle his hips and he makes haste to grip my hips, pressing me further onto his crotch. I whimper nosily, and it's his turn to hum back. "You're so..."
"Great?" I quip.
"Beautiful, is what I was gonna say— should've said." His baby blues melt me to my core. The intimacy of his look and words, somehow mean so much more, than everything we've just done.
After a short break of just breathing in each other, I press my lips to his gently, pecking them. This seems to snap him out of whatever trance he's under, as a peck is clearly not enough.
His hefty grip on my hips increases and encourages me to lean closer. His mouth dictates my every move and sound, and I wriggle above him. "Carmy," I whine desperately, begging for more.
He lets go of me to strip, sitting upright to remove his white-collar shirt. I moan at the sight, before copying him, working my shirt off. When I struggle, he rips the cotton over my head, throwing it to the floor in one swift motion. His mouth quickly draws me back in, nibbling my bottom lip.
Breaking away, I whisper, "As good as you taste, this isn't enough to satisfy me, Chef." Peering up at me through hooded eyes, he looks dazed but nods nonetheless.
My breath hitches as Carmy rears me onto my back, moving us so that his larger frame hovers over my smaller one. He unbuckles his belt clumsily and glides his jeans down his stocky thighs. I chew my lip as I gawk at the impressive bulge tucked into his black briefs. When he reaches for my bra clip, he freezes. "Shit," he exclaims airily, shoving a hand into his curly locks. I flinch, stammering, "W-what?"
"Condom," he states flatly.
"You ran out?" I joke, brows lifting.
"No, I don't do this often," he discloses, ears reddening. Silence eats up the space, and allows us to register what Carmy so bluntly, admitted. Not that I minded at all.
"I have had sex before—"
"I know," I squeal, guffawing at his prompt confession. "I think I have some in my purse." I soothe, encircling his bicep with my index finger. He lets out a sigh of relief, and I giggle like a schoolgirl when he springs to his feet, racing towards my bag.
Carmy's footsteps thud against the floorboards as he races away, half-naked. I fasten my lips together to prevent an extensive grin. When he reenters the room, I lift my body weight onto my forearms for support, cruising my eyes over his body, spying the condom between his dense fingers.
When he straddles my legs, meaning to resume where he left off, an impulse consumes my thoughts. Wordlessly, I place my palms on his thighs, spreading my digits atop his sturdy legs, to push him back. Then, kneeling on the floor in front of Carmy, I smile devilishly. I feel him trembling and the whole scene feels so erotic.
Looking up, I catch his gaze, as it adorns me, in a sort of awe. "There's something I have been craving, Chef," I murmur whilst running my tongue over my teeth. Carmy shudders as my fingers weave into his waistband, tugging them down.
While he's undressing, his briefs hanging on his chaves, I admire how his eyes flutter shut, and he mumbles nonsense to himself.
His cock engulfs my sight and brushes my cheek a bit. Carmy sucks in a sharp breath, tilting his head to watch me. Despite being taken aback by his size, I begin to stoke him. He gasps and his stomach constricts immediately.
Picking up my pace after a few pumps, I kiss his tip and his thighs shake. "Christ," he mewls. I take his noisy reaction as an encouragement to surge forward, wrapping my tongue and lips over him, and driving his cock to the back of my throat. "Fuck!" Carmy shouts.
As he gets closer to the edge, his words of appraisal jumble together in fits of, "yes, like that," "faster," and some "perfect" comments, among many other things I can't comprehend anymore. I'm lost in his touch, which tangles my hair, clasping it tightly. Before Carmy finishes, he cups my face and yanks himself out of my mouth.
Eyes shut and face twisted in both euphoria and frustration, he grumbles, "Fuck, I said I didn't wanna cum yet."
I simply smack my lips together, savouring his taste. Carmy appears stunned as holds my face. I smirk wickedly and a short puff of air abandons him.
"Can I fuck you?" He asks, and his jagged voice makes his question sound like an order, and I love it. "Please," I pant and he kisses my forehead before dragging me back on the sofa, underneath him again.
Positioning himself, Carmy rips open the condom with his teeth and rolls it over himself. He sucks in a coarse breath as he pushes into my entrance, and I do the same. He moans my name and I choke on a sob as he bottoms out, in one, mind-numbing jolt. His hands tighten on my hips, pressing me into the couch as I arch upwards. We both moan nonsensically, adoring the friction and how seamlessly we fit together.
Moving synchronously, we fight for our highs, grinding into a rhythm that makes us gasp in pleasure. With my name on his lips, they seize mine, and his tongue laps every corner of my mouth, as he slowly takes control. I writhe under him and he thrusts harder, hitting all the right places. Shortly, my body grows almost limp, unable to keep up with the tide of desire above, bucking into me.
As I reach my end, he keeps going, simultaneously kissing and nipping my neck, surely leaving numerous marks, but I don't care. He just feels too good, deep inside, strong and brutal.
I cry out as core contracts, clamping down on him, and making his untamed movements stutter. I cum hard, gasping as tremors rack through me. Soon after, Carmy whimpers, craning his neck back as cums inside. With a lengthy sigh that eases into a loud moan, he holds us still. He dips his sweat-covered forehead into the crook of my neck and hums in satisfaction.
After a few minutes of catching our breath, and enjoying the weight of his body over top of mine, he heaves himself up to kiss my mouth once more.
"Go out with me, please," he urges politely as if he isn't still inside of me. I laugh lightly, then tense in surprise when my core clenches over his cock, and he winces as well.
Exhaling steadily, I breathe, "I would love to."
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just-jordie-things · 11 months
I just can't get hot college student barista!Megumi out of my head.
How every girl in college is crushing on him and only visiting the café to flirt him, but he would be so, so clueless. He would simply just do the extra-complicated orders that the girls gave him to watch him a little bit longer. He doesn't really care about them, but oh... Oh, how the tables turn when it comes to you. He would do everything in his power to impress you. Flexing his muscled arms while shaking your drink? Check. Wiping the sweat on his forehead to show off his abs? Check. He even smiles to you sometimes! (It is impossible not to smile you back when you smile so cutely at him, but you didn't need to know that). One day, he'll write his number on your drink, he just needs to build up the courage.
nonnie i've been thirsting over this idea since you've sent it to me i just haven't had the time to share my thoughts. but please know. i have been thinking about this for weeks now.
he's just so flirty when it comes to you, it makes the other customers trying to catch his eye pissed. when you come in, his sleeves are always rolled up just to show off a little extra. he'll hold eye contact with you the entire time, and there's not a doubt in your mind that you're getting his undivided attention.
he's never really tried to make anyone think he's cool before, but he tries for you. he gets better at making drinks look flashy, with little sprinkles of coco powder over whipped cream, he even tries to do the fine toothpick art in the foam of your latte- he should stick to the sprinkles, but it's cute that he'd tried. he tries so hard to look cool in front of you.
and that sorta falls apart when you smile at him. because he can't help but smile back and suddenly he feels less like a cool and mysterious barista and more like a dork with a dopey smile and a massive crush.
but you like his smile. you like how you don't really catch him smiling at anyone in the cafe... except for you. it makes your heart flutter.
you hope for a long time that he'll finally give you his number, and it takes a lot of effort on your part. but after a week and a half straight of visiting him on his shifts, he finally scrawls the digits on the plastic of your cup. he probably hesitates and gets really nervous as he's staring at it, hoping it wasn't a douchey move
but when he hands it to you and you notice right away, you light up, all sparkly eyes and big smile.
"took you long enough, don't you think?"
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This is... messy. and unorganised. and not to mention I've never written for Swerve before. I just randomly had this thought last night, and I already had a headcanon that Swerve has a thing for lingerie so...
take this garbage /lh
Word count: 1500
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Swerve's bar made significantly less shanix during off hours. Not to mention, he was bored during the day. He spent a lot of his off time exploring various forms of human media, as well as infodimping about them to any mech who'd sit and listen for more than 5 minutes. Once he started, he could go on for hours if he didn't keep himself in check.
The idea struck him when he was watching some animated human show. They called it a "maid cafe". The humans would dress in frilly dresses and serve customers various snacks and drinks. He wasn't sure if it was some strange human fetish, or just a custom he didn't understand, but he sure was intrigued. Something about the way the fabric on their little organic bodies moved just captivated him. Not to mention, it was an opportunity to make some extra money AND potentially get other mechs to actually like him more? Seemed like a win win situation for him.
Swerve was lucky he knew how to cook. Decently, at least. He poured his spark into making a few trays of energon treats. Jellies, candies, even a full multi-layer cake topped with iron filings. The ingredients cost him a bit more than he hoped, but if his calculations were correct he'd be making back at least double what he spent. Not to mention, he got to snack on some of the offcuts. And snack on them he did, until his protoform felt like it was going to burst through his plating.
With the help of some of the craftier bots on board, and the promise of a couple of free drinks, he had everything set up. Decorations and signs showing prices of items written in neat cursive were placed neatly around the bar. It had a totally different vibe, everything feeling... almost cute. Fliers had been pasted around, and given out to curious looking mechs. The pièce de résistance, a human saying he'd learned recently, was the full recreation of the dress one of the girls had been wearing in the show. The only difference was that was red and white, to match his plating, and it was strapless to fit him better. Frills and lace decorated the delicate, yet sturdy, fabric. It was tailored surprisingly perfectly, and fit him well. There was even a zip up the side to make it easier for him to get on without risk of the seams tearing because of his large arms. He didn't even want to try to get the outfit over his wheels, it'd snap immediately. Wearing such a light material over his frame for the first time was an odd experience. It somehow made him feel more exposed, even though he was technically more covered than usual. It made him feel warm and giddy inside, and he wasn't entirely sure why. Swerve wasn't a confident bot. He would go as far as to say he was incredibly self conscious most of the time. But he looked good.
From the moment he officially opened the bar, he was swamped. He was absolutely not expecting so many mechs to be interested. He supposed the promise of homemade sweets was hard to resist, by even the more gruff and serious of mechs. He was overwhelmed at first, but quickly realised just how patient everyone was being. The atmosphere was totally different to that of a bar, and he found himself enjoying it for the most part. The fabric of the skirt brushing against the plating of his thighs was a bit of a distraction at first, and it took him a good while to get used to it. Bots were chatting, eating and having an all around good time. A lot of them even laughed at his jokes! He was stoked.
After a while Swerve needed to take a break. The fabric had been brushing against his inner thighs and gently tickling the front of his panel. He was getting embarrassingly charged up. His cooling fans had long since turned on, which he luckily could rather easily explain away as his frame heating up from the extra layers. He excused himself to the storage room, and let his valve panel open underneath the frilly dress. He felt his inner fans start to spin even faster as the cool breeze washed over the puffy protomesh of his exposed valve and a shiver ran down his backstrut. No one could tell he was exposed. He could play it off. Not to mention, this was more authentic anyway, right? Humans didn't have metal plating to cover themselves up like Cybertronians did. If he wanted to really pay homage to human culture he had to do everything properly... right?
He took a moment to calm himself, and before he could regret it he went back out to the bustling makeshift cafe. He was shocked at just how many mechs were interested in the non-alcoholic beverages and snacks. He'd have to start offering them full time. Every step he took made him aware of the breezy feeling of his valve being exposed. He had to keep reminding himself that no one could tell. He was quickly getting aroused, and he could feel lubricants starting to make his valve feel squishy beneath his skirt.
He was starting to get worried that he was dripping and making a mess on the floor without realising. He was soaked. Even the slightest brush of fabric against his node was making him grit his denta. His vents were running hot, and he was almost worried he'd set fire to his dress. Things were starting to slow down, much to his relief. He'd made more shanix than he thought, sold out all of the treats he had made, nearly completely run out of drinks and mechs were starting to leave. Only a few stragglers remained. He smiled as politely as he could, keeping up the act. He tried to act like his normal chatty self, but he was getting impatient. As soon as the last mech left, he jumped up and locked the door to the bar. He had to... clean up. Clean up so the bar would be tidy and ready for when he opened it in a few hours. That's all he had to do.
His legs were spread wide, his valve on display under the layers of frills of the dress. He couldn't help but look at himself in a makeshift mirror he had set up (nothing more than a rather shiny piece of sheet metal), admiring how... cute he looked. His valve was puffy and fat, the blue bio-light of his node blinking steadily. He bit the fist of his servo, his fans kicking into overdrive as he reached down, spreading protomesh folds. Pearlescent pink lubricants all but gushed out of him, staining the floor of the storage room beneath him. His spike panel slid open with a click. He whined, before slipping one digit into himself, and then another. His servos were big, he knew that much, and his own digits filled himself nicely. He kept admiring himself as he self serviced, two digits deep in his valve and his other servo wrapped around his chubby spike. Lace and frills framed his array, and he couldn't stop thinking about just how good he looked. He'd never admired himself this much before, and he'd certainly never felt this good about himself before.
Charge was crackling from his array, his engine revving and his fans stuttering. His optics flickered beneath his visor, his intake hanging open slightly. He bit his derma hard, before shoving his digits as far into himself as he could, his thumb rubbing circles against his node. He all but sobbed as he overloaded, ropes of transfluid shooting out of his spike and lubricants squirting out of his valve into a messy puddle on the floor beneath him. He took a moment to calm himself, venting heavily as he laid back. Usually after self servicing, he'd feel guilty and pathetic. Like he'd done something wrong. But this time, he just felt tired. It was a nice change of pace from the usual feeling of self loathing that came with his post-overload clarity. He offlined his optics to rest just for a moment. Just... a quick moment.
He awoke from recharge about an hour later. His frame ached, and he felt incredibly sticky all over. His servos, thighs and the floor beneath him were coated in transfluids. He grimaced, wiping it onto the apron of the dress. Looks like he had a load of laundry to do. Not to mention he still had to clean the entirety of the bar before he could open. He sighed, closing his interface panel and reaching into his subspace for a cloth. As he cleaned himself off, his processor swarmed with images of how cute he'd look in different human clothing items and immediately his cooling fans clicked back on. This was going to be a long night.
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hearts4golbach · 3 months
Get the Angles Right!
chapter 4.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
mentions of death and cancer.
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"What's next on your list?" Johnnie adjusted his shirt as you walked out of the cafe.
you looked up at the sky. dark storm clouds were starting to come in. "There's this old park that no one goes to anymore. it's rusty as shit, but it's where I go whenever I need it to be quiet. I guess you could say I go here to think." You sighed, "I'm not sure if we should go, though. it's about to rain. I don't want you to catch a cold."
"I don't mind the rain, don't worry. Lead the way." he glanced up at the sky before turning to you. "You know what's funny?"
you hummed, "What?"
"I haven't seen a single fucking child the couple days I've been here. like, anywhere." he had a small smile on his face as he turned his attention back to the sidewalk.
"damn. i never really thought about that. I guess this city is so bad that parents don't want their kids out. I mean, I see them, but not often." You smirked. "they're going extinct in NYC. the last ones left are a tourist attraction."
Johnnie let out a giggle. "What, do people throw bananas at them or some shit?"
"probably." you shook your head. "anyway, I used to always play in the rain as a kid. it's so fucking cheesy." you laughed. "My mom would drag me inside by my ear and make me take a shot of nyquil 'just to be safe.' I hated that shit. I mean, I guess it worked." he giggled.
a few minutes later, you made it to the park. you took a seat on one of the swings and Johnnie set next to you.
"I wanna show you something." you said, slipping your bag off of your shoulder and setting it in the wood chips.
he looked down and watched as you pulled a small notebook out of your bag. "What is it?"
"it's my mom's. this was the very last sketch book she used before she passed." You stared at the civer before hanging it to Johnnie.
"Can I look through it?" his eyebrows were furrowed together anxiously.
"Yeah, go ahead." You gently pushed yourself on the swing. "she was on her death bed, still sketching away. I came to visit and check on her. I mean, she knew she was dying, and she was okay with it. I think that's what makes her death even more devastating to me. anyway, she knew she didn't have much left, so she gave me it and told me to make her proud. I've never cried harder than I did that night." You rubbed your eye, trying to prevent tears from spilling out of your eyes. "Anyway, sorry for being depressing. I think there are some really fucking cool designs in there."
"you don't have to be sorry for that, y/n." he muttered as he slowly flipped through the pages. "I see where you get your talent from."
you blushed, "i- thank you."
he looked at you and smiled. "she sounds like a great person. I'm sorry you had to lose her."
you tried to shrug it off. you didn't want to cry in front of him. "cancers a bitch." you laughed quietly.
he set the book in his lap and took your hand. he continued to flip through it with one hand. "My dad had cancer, too."
"Really?" You finally looked at him. you admired his features as he looked at the notebook.
he never looked back at you. "Yeah. that's not how he went out, though. he actually went out with a bang." he laughed softly.
"Oh, oh." You hesitated, realizing what he meant. "I mean, that's a way to go out."
he nodded. "I make jokes about my dad all the time. it still hurts sometimes, but it's okay now."
"Thank you for telling me. I mean, really. we met like, two days ago and were telling each other our life stories."
his eyes met yours. he smiled. "I've never really been able to open up to someone this much." his hand squeezed yours.
"Yeah, me either. honestly, I don't talk to anyone. I have a couple of friends around town, but we don't talk." You scratched your neck.
"that sucks, I'm really fucking sorry." he handed the book back to you. you shoved it back in your bag.
you felt a drop of rain hit your nose. "it's starting to rain. we should probably go. the next place I want to show you is just up the street. we shouldn't be out long."
he nodded. "Okay." his hand left yours, and you stood up. you lit your cigarette, taking a puff before passing it to Johnnie. "Wow, you didn't forget your lighter this time." he teased
"Yeah, whatever." You rolled your eyes. "There's this thrift store, and then we can head back. does that sound good?"
he nodded, "Yeah, whatever you wanna do."
"im sorry, has this been boring?" you asked him, turning your head to face him.
"No, no." he shook his head. "im having a lot of fun. these places are really interesting."
"okay, just checking. sorry. anyway, this is where I usually get my fabric and shit from. I always find the cutest patterns."
"thats sick." he responded.
"What do you miss about LA?" you asked, taking a step closer to him.
"My guitar." he answered. "I play it almost every day. i kinda just get trapped in it, you know?"
"You play guitar?" you asked, amused. "that's sexy as fuck. I've always wanted to learn." You tried to ignore the compliment you let slip.
he stuttered. "I- uhm, thank you." his face turned red. "Maybe come visit me in LA, and I'll teach you."
"Maybe I will." You nudged his shoulder. "I've wanted to travel to LA for a while now, I just have been focusing on my business."
"im sure there are just as many opportunities in LA as there are here, but I don't know." he laughed.
"I'll keep that in mind." You opened the door of the shop and walked in. "you know, we should probably get an umbrella." you mentioned.
"good idea."
you scanned through the racks and found a fluffy zebra print jacket. your head started flooding with ideas for johnnie. you held it up to his body. the white and black complimented his eyes and all. "what do you think? I mean, about the pattern. not the ugly ass jacket itself." you clarified.
"I've never really worn zebra print." he felt the soft fabric.
"you'll look so fucking good, oh my god." you gushed before regaining your composure. "I have an idea. I think you'll like it."
"if you make it, I will." he smiled.
you hummed. "I'll keep that in mind."
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snail-squasher · 5 months
'boys suck, and girls I've never tried' - chappell roan
word ct. - 1113
warnings - a small panic attack(?), mostly fluff, fem!reader is implied but anyone can read :)
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You've never been one to have crushes. Sleepover gossip times would always make you pick at your skin for 5 minutes trying to remember all the boys in your grade so you can blurt a name out when asked who you like. But when you got into college something changed. Something that goes by the name of Kiyoko Shimizu. You first heard about her when in a group project with Yachi, she had suggested that Kiyoko tag along to the cafe meet up that you guys had planned - a simple 3rd person to keep conversation flowing so there’s no random awkward silence. 
Wrong; you were incredibly wrong. In the entire 2 hours you guys were there, you got 2 things done: writing your name and finding out Kiyoko was the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen and that the way her lips move when she talks is mesmerizing; maybe that’s why everything she said you completely agreed with - is this what your friends talk about at sleepovers? Is this what movie scenes are made from? Is this normal? 
Obviously you know what being gay meant, you’ve seen gay couples in movies and even around campus, so why was this the worst whiplash you’ve ever experienced? And why are you getting so nervous and sweating when she asks for your number? Why do you only let out a shaky - mousy - ‘yeah’ 
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The only information you absorbed is that the prettiest girl you've ever seen is in your contacts and that she likes peaches and ice cream. There’s only one reasonable response to this information - type out 4 draft messages asking her to the local ice cream parlor. Who would know better how to ask her out on a completely platonic and friendly ice cream date? Yachi. 
You’ve never felt more awkward in your entire life; you could smell the tension before the conversion even started. “Well… I say just ask in the friendliest way possible… this one right there,” she points to the 2nd message, “seems like you're rambling a lot, and the one below that sounds like you're demanding she go.” Yachi explains - a little concerned by how concentrated you are after explaining how this is a ‘totally friendly and chill meet up because she seems cool’ for about 10 minutes. “Okay…so like… the last one? Or are the emojis too much?” “The last one is perfect, she actually texts with a lot of emojis too.” “Okay perfect…” both of you sit in silence for 20 seconds before you blurt “can you please send the message for me.” 
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It was set, you're very casual friend hangout, was the next day at 2pm. Although the state of your room said that you were evacuating by 2pm tomorrow; clothes thrown from your closet had basically made it out of your room, forgotten t-shirts now seeing the light of day, even pants that you’ve been meaning to return to a friend had found its way onto the outfit roster. But after what felt like the zombie apocalypse, you put together an outfit that had one inspiration - Kiyoko Shimizu. 
It was just to seem cool right? To hope that she'll want to be good friends right? And maybe kiss? Do good friends do that? 
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This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea. This was the worst idea you’ve ever had. Gripping the steering wheel so hard you make a mental reminder to call a mechanic and breathing so hard you reach for a non-existent inhaler. You’ve never had a worse timed star- aligning ever. You can see her in the window, occasionally glancing out the window waiting for any sign of you, but you’re too busy having second doubts because your gay awakening is waiting for a obviously, for sure, ‘no wonder Yachi was awkward’ date. You try to quickly regain yourself after seeing Kiyoko start to look down at her watch every 6 seconds. Checking your face in the mirror and fixing your hair in the shop’s window reflection, you finally open the doors and come face-to-face with the most attractive cause for your midlife crisis. You're not even 25.
“Hey, sorry I’m a little late, I was picking up my room a little and lost track of time,” well that's not a complete lie, you had folded about 4 shirts and then rethought your entire outfit and started from scratch. And then she did the smile, the little lift up that makes her beauty mark move 3 cm from its resting place, “It’s really no problem, just glad I wasn’t stood up.” Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god. Being stood up means a date. This is for sure a date. You're glad you didn’t over analyze but also panicking because you just processed what a lesbian is in the car you’ve had since 17.
“Yeah, sorry again, I didn’t mean to leave someone like you waiting,” are you actually stupid. ‘Someone like you?’ You’ve been homosexual for 5 minutes and already messed up. “Hope that’s a good thing,” she says sarcastically before walking up to order. “I’ll get the peach please, and what would you want?” She looks at you. She focuses on you. “I’ll just get the same thing” a smile. She smiles at you. “Sounds good, do you want to find a table while I pay?” “Oh you don’t have to pay f-” “No no, it’s okay.” You're starting to understand why your friends freak out when a guy offers to pay. 
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“Okay- so- wait. He asked you to marry him after only seeing you?” you ask holding back a laugh, “Yes! I still give him a hard time for it too,” Kiyo - she insisted you call her that - was laughing telling you about her time in high school, while checking her watch, “Oh! It’s already late! Sorry for non-stop talking, I feel like that’s all I did.” You quickly try to recover as you both stand up and throw your trash away, “oh no it’s okay, I loved hearing about you.” After making it through the front doors, she turns to you and smiles before leaning in and giving a small kiss, “Well maybe you can tell me about you next time.” “Yeah! Of course,” you reply too quickly for you not to cringe when thinking about it later. She does the smile again, the same smile, “Make sure you text me when you get home… I’ll see you soon.” “Yeah of course, have a goodnight…” You watch as she walks away to her car before slowly sitting getting into your own. You're surprised the shop owners didn’t come running out after the excited scream you let out.
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I hope you guys like it!!! the divider(s) is from @cafekitsune
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im-dehydrated05 · 6 months
I’m going to post my story here instead; I find it easier, so... here, enjoy.
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𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞
Pt.1 | Pt.2 |
Taking a deep breath, Aurora tried to steady her racing heart and calm her trembling hands. She reached out for her phone on the nightstand to turn off her alarm. A sigh left her lips when she looked at the time. She stood up from the bed to get herself ready for whatever was on the other side of the door. While she did that, her mind was racing with questions, memories, and, of course, anxiety.
The urge to remember and to hold onto every detail of the torment she had experienced—the torment they had experienced—consumed her. She couldn't let it slip away, as if it were all just a dream.
It was real; she knew it was.
Aurora's thoughts were cut short as soon as she heard a ruckus outside her room. Her roommates were already awake. She smiled at this and chuckled when she could hear them bickering from the other side of the door.
Aurora finally got herself ready for the day, hoping to figure things out along the way. She took a deep breath before finally opening the door and seeing her two roommates by the kitchen counter. Daniela's back was facing her as Angie had a shit-eating grin on her face and held a bottle of vodka in hand. Aurora smiled upon hearing them still arguing with each other like siblings, but her smile quickly faltered when she caught a glimpse of their conversation.
Daniela: "Angie, you don't understand it felt so...real...I swear, I've seen her completely naked before."
Aurora lifted an eyebrow at this; she definitely didn't expect to hear something like that so early in the morning.
Dani, what the fuck?
As if Angie could hear Aurora's thoughts, she looked behind Daniela while taking a sip of her bottle of vodka and immediately spitting it out when she saw her. Daniela became startled at this as Angie coughed, hitting her chest with her hand.
Daniela: "Wow, Angie, you good?"
Angie didn't answer her and just played it cool, resting her head on her hand and smiling sheepishly at the girl behind the redhead.
Angie: "Hey, roomie~"
Daniela tensed up as if she had just been caught cheating on a test. Before turning on her seat to look at the brunette, but never making eye contact with her. Aurora gave the redhead a puzzled look but quickly shrugged it off, smiling again at them.
"Morning, what were you guys talking about?"
Angie: "Oh, nothing, just-"
Daniela: "Nothing! We were talking about nothing!"
There was a pause in the room before hearing snickering from Angie, who seemed to be trying hard not to laugh. Daniela shrank on herself at the sound of her own voice, scratching the back of her neck nervously. Aurora just laughed half-heartedly before checking the time on her phone again.
“So uh... Are any of you coming to check out the club fair?”
Daniela perks up quickly, standing up from the chair.
Daniela: “I am! I’ll come with you!”
Daniela paused for a moment, probably realizing how desperate she sounded, before quickly backing down.
Daniela: “I mean, if you want me to.”
Aurora was about to answer before her eyes trailed over to Angie, who was getting inside the fridge.
This bitch.
Daniela turned in the direction Aurora was facing. Her face had a calm smile as she saw Angie closing the fridge door. She turned back towards the green-eyed girl, chuckling at her amused look.
Daniela: “Yeah… She does that sometimes.”
“Oh, I know—I mean, I don’t! I just…”
Aurora stutters for a moment before getting her thoughts sorted.
“I just had friends that do weird things like that—a good type of weird, of course!”
Daniela grins, nodding her head.
Daniela: “Yeah, I understand those types of friends are the best.”
Aurora seems to calm down, smiling back at Daniela before finally changing the subject.
“Anyways… Are you ready to head to the club fair?”
Daniela: “Sure, let me get changed, and we’ll go.”
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The two were currently at the cafe, deciding that getting something to eat was better than heading to the club fair with an empty stomach. Aurora had a hard time coming up with a conversation, not wanting to say something that only Daniela’s close friends should know.
She was supposed to be a stranger.
Daniela just met you; don’t make her think you’re weird.
Aurora took a sip from her coffee, and that’s when Daniela decided to start a conversation.
Daniela: “So… You’re joining the art club, right?”
Aurora tilted her head, resting it on her hand and putting her coffee down.
"Yeah, how'd you know?”
Daniela tensed up as if she realized the mistake that she had made before trying to play it cool and quickly relaxing.
Daniela: “Uh, you look like a very artistic person.”
“If wearing a white crotchet sweater and refusing to switch out of a skirt no matter how cold it gets makes me an artistic person, then I guess.”
Daniela laughs, making Aurora smile and reach up to fidget with her black shocker.
“What about you? What club are you joining?”
Daniel: “I might join the skateboard club!”
Aurora raised an eyebrow, looking at Daniela with false surprise.
"Skateboard club? That's awesome! I wish I could skateboard; if I tried, I would probably fall and die... of embarrassment, of course.”
Daniela chuckled, leaning forward more as she drank her coffee with way too much sugar in it.
Daniela: “How about I teach you? It isn’t that hard; you just have to find your balance.”
Aurora just smiled, looking at Daniela, who seemed to be getting more comfortable with her, just like before, which made Aurora’s heart melt.
“I’ll think about it, yeah?”
Daniela nodded before the both of them were interrupted by someone putting a cup of coffee on their table.
Cassandra: “Hey Dani, who’s your friend?”
Daniela grins uncomfortably at Aurora before turning to Cassandra, who isn’t even looking at her. The Diva's eyes focus on Aurora, looking her up and down from her long, wavy brown hair all the way down to her ivory legs.
I totally forgot how shameless Cassandra can be. Yeah, why don’t you just eye-fuck me?
Daniela: "Hey, Cass. She’s Aurora, my roommate; we were just grabbing a bite before heading to the club fair.”
Cassandra: Aurora, uh? I swear I’ve seen a girl as gorgeous as you in my dreams~
Aurora can see Daniela cringing from the corner of her eye. She smiled, looking at Cassandra as dreamily as possible.
“Is that the best you have, Ms. Casanova?”
Cassandra looks slightly taken back by the brunette’s response before smirking.
Cassandra: Oh, you’re feisty. I can work with feisty~
Taking a playful sip of her coffee, Aurora raised an eyebrow at Cassandra's flirtatious comment.
“Sorry to disappoint; I'm not really looking for a relationship right now.”
Cassandra's smirk faltered slightly, but she quickly recovered and leaned closer to Aurora.
Cassandra: “Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. I'm not one to force anyone into anything they're not comfortable with. I'm just here to appreciate beauty when I see it.”
Aurora chuckled, amused by Cassandra's persistence.
“Well, you’re really going to have to try harder than that theater nerd."
Daniela snigger, making Cassandra turned to her sister, her face heating up, feeling embarrassed. Aurora casually stood up, giving Cassandra a piece of paper.
"Here, maybe you could do better through text. I doubt it though. Come on, Dani, let’s go to the club fair.”
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foolforharrry · 1 year
When It Rains, It Pours
Word count: 3.7k words
Summary: Harry and Sam get lost in the streets of Sao Paulo when it starts raining
This is just pure fluff. I hope you like it 🫶🏻
if you wanna read more of my work, I have it all linked on my masterlist.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and if you have any requests please feel free to give them to me and I will do my absolute best to do it.
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"Harry-" I start, but he cuts me off, already knowing what I was about to say.
"No. Don't say it. We're not lost." As sure as he tries to make himself sound like he had a sliver of faith in what he was saying. "I swear we passed that cafe earlier."
Looking from the small establishment that's empty at this time of day and back to him, I can't remember having seen it ever before in my life. In fact, every building in sight is new and unfamiliar. "I'm sorry, pumpkin. But I really do think we're lost," I murmur, giving his waist a squeeze. Which he reciprocates with a kiss on my temple.
"I know you didn't want to, but I think google maps may be our only option here," I try, fully anticipating the pouty silence that follows. When we left the hotel after spending most of the day lounging around by the pool, Harry swore that we didn't need navigation from anything other than his 'impeccable memory and impressive sense of direction'.
Stopping us in our tracks, Harry groans, tilting his head back to look at the starless sky without a care that we are forcing every single person who passes us on the sidewalk to walk around us. "I'm tired," he whines and I can't say I don't relate.
We left the hotel just as the sun started to set after spending the whole day in the beaming Brazil sun. Sunbathing in the lounge chairs by the pool, taking breaks to dip into the cool water every now and then. At some point, Harry got a bit tipsy and went in fully clothed, including his hat.
I don't even want to check what time it is right now, but the sky is fully draped in darkness. And it has been for a while now.
Stepping in front of him, I pinch his chin between my thumb and my pointer finger, tilting his head down so he'll look at me when I talk, "I know how much you wanted to get back on your own, pumpkin. We're both tired and we really do need to get back to the hotel soon before they get worried about you."
"I know," he pouts. And for some reason that's beyond me, the fact that he is genuinely bummed out when he pulls out his phone and types in the name of the hotel to the search bar in google maps, makes me love him that much more. He's always hated when things go another way than he wanted and had planned for.
The light, cold breeze blows straight through the brown flannel I snagged from Harry's suitcase. Without the sun to provide its constant, warm rays of sunshine, it's actually starting to feel quite chilly. So I wrap my arms back around Harry's waist, enjoying the warmth his body provides.
The sudden, loud exclamation makes me jump, bewilderedly looking at Harry for answers. "What happened?"
"I was right." I've never seen him look more smug than he does at this very moment. "The hotel is fifteen minutes in that direction," he points down the long road we just walked down, "only we should've taken left a little while ago."
Nodding slowly, I let him have this little victory, "Lead the way, then."
"Happily," Harry grins, throwing his arm around my shoulder, turning us 180 degrees. It's with his phone in his hand we start what's hopefully our last attempt at making it back to our hotel before we're both old and in diapers.
We walk to the sounds of the cars passing and the chatter and footsteps of people milling the streets. No one pays us any attention and while we're anything but alone in the world right now, it feels like we're in a little bubble of our own.
When the time comes to go left, we cross the road safely and quickly.
The air smells of cars, dust and whatever food they're cooking in the restaurants we pass with all kinds of people going in and out of them. If I had the time to, I would probably spend half my time sitting at small cafes around the cities in the world and just watch people go about their daily lives.
"It's gotten cloudy," I point out, a small smile tugging on my lips at the dark, fluffy-looking shapes floating high in the sky. Harry hums, "You've angered the Gods, my love."
Almost as if on cue, a drop of cold water hits my cheek out of nowhere. The suddenness of it makes me jump with a small shriek as I wipe the droplet off my cheek with my hand, my eyes wide as they meet Harry's concerned ones, "What's wrong, baby?"
Before I get the chance to tell him, I watch the same thing happen to him. And one turns into five turns into ten until we're standing dead still in pouring rain.
The rain is loud when the drops splash to the ground. It's fast and it's heavy and it's cold. And it came out of nowhere.
Harry and I are staring at each other with wide eyes, the flashes of rain falling between us.
It can't have been raining for more than a minute before his white kiss t-shirt is starting to get see-through with the chilly water and it clings to his tattooed, tan skin. His hair starts to stick to his face and down his neck and his face glistens, water reflecting in the lights from the buildings around us. His long eyelashes are now clumped together from the water, eyes bright and sparkling with life.
My chest shakes as a loud, unrestrained laugh explodes from it, lifting my arms out the side, palms up to feel the rain bounce off my skin. The second Harry chuckles, shaking his head in fondness and disbelief, laughter pours from my body as freely as the rain falls from the sky.
"It's raining," I say loudly, tilting my head back and letting my mouth fall open and my eyelids close.
"It's fucking raining!" Harry's voice has me looking at him again, both of us grinning from ear to ear. There isn't a single inch of our bodies that's not soaked in rainwater and I don't think I've felt this happy and carefree in a long, long time.
My eyes drop to his pink, full, glistening lips before I drag them back up only to find that his are trained on my own lips.
Without a thought, I close the distance between us with one step, standing on my tip toes as I bring his face down to mine by the back of his neck. The moment our lips connect, it's like a lightning bolt shoots through my entire nervous system. The feeling Harry leaves in my body is so strong it feels as if I might burst into a cloud of stardust.
His hands drop to my waist as he kisses me back with just as much passion. It's wet from the rain and it's messy as his body is flush against mine. Slipping my hands into his hair, water pours over my fingers at the pressure.
It dawns on me just what we're doing, and when it does, I can't hold in the grin that erupts on my face. Giggling when Harry inches his face backwards with an amused smile after kissing my teeth. "What's got you smiling so pretty, my love?"
If my cheeks weren't already red from the kissing, they are definitely red now.
Darting my eyes from his pink cheeks with his adorable dimples carving into them to his twinkling, green eyes, feeling my chest expanding against his as I breathe and try to articulate what's going through my head right now. "
"You just make me really happy," is what I eventually manage to get out, feeling like my heart could explode from the way his entire face seems to brighten at my words.
"Wanna know a secret?" Harry nudges my nose with his, tapping my hip with his hand. I nod, closing my eyes when his gaze becomes too intense for me to bear. "You make me really happy too."
I'm sure the people who sought shelter from the rainfall would raise an eyebrow or two at how Harry and I haven't made a move to get out of it yet.
I don't have a single care or complaint.
"I love you," I tell him, sweeping his hair out of his face. Harry's face breaks into a wide, dopey smile as he returns the sentiment, kissing the corner of my mouth since I still can't stop smiling.
Harry bites the inside of his cheek as he scans my face and I can tell he has something he wants to say. So I drop my hands to his chest, tilting my head to the side. "What is it?"
"You look like a raccoon," he blurts out.
My eyes widen in surprise at his words, not what I had expected to come from his mouth in the slightest. I shove him off me with a laugh, "You're such a fucking dick, omg." As much as I try to sound like his observation offended me, he sees right through it.
Harry takes a step forward, reaching for my waist again, "Raccoons are cute though." I playfully roll my eyes at him, backing away from him, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. The mischievous glint in his eye has a shock of nerves shooting down my spine. "Harry, whatever you're thinking of doing? Don't"
My warning only makes a smirk tug at the corners of his mouth as he keeps trying to close the distance between us. "I've got no idea what you're talking about. M'just walking, darling."
Just as I'm about to argue, he surges forward. And before I can even register what's happening, he's got my soaked body pressed against his. He lifts me up with the help of his forearms under my ass, a surprised shriek ripping from my throat when my feet lose contact with the ground. Instinctively, I hold onto Harry's drenched shoulders and squeeze my eyes shut when Harry starts spinning us around in circles.
I can feel the way his stomach shakes with his contagious laughter against my hips and I can't help but laugh too. The sound of his laugh is one I wish I could store in my brain and play on a loop for the rest of my life.
Tilting my head back, I laugh at the sky, feeling the carefree joy through every single cell of my chilly, soaked body at the spinning, dark clouds. With the way I’m feeling it may as well have been beaming sun and a blue sky without a cloud in sight.
When Harry carefully lowers me to the ground again, we stay close. My arms looped around his neck and his around my waist, both breathless. And god, does his wide, dimply smile have my heart feeling like it's about to both explode and cave in on itself all at the same time.
"Never stop laughing," Harry says, looking me dead in the eye. And even though he's still smiling from ear to ear, his voice is more serious than I've heard him all day. Twisting his long hair around my fingers to centre myself, I nod, "Ok. As long as you never stop smiling."
"Deal," Harry beams, showing off his bunny teeth before dipping down and smearing a kiss on my lips, my eyes fluttering shut as I kiss him back.
He pecks my cheek as he pulls back, "Let's go back and dry off."
"How far is it?" I ask when we resume walking, my arm back around his waist and his around my shoulders, exactly how we were walking before the rain started. Now, the rain has fully stopped, leaving Harry and me in cold, sodden clothes.
The cold water has left my skin burning slightly from the low temperature and Harry's arm has a slight shake to it, so it's not just me.
Harry fishes his phone back out of the pocket of his athletic shorts, somehow not broken from all the water, and checks the directions. "It says it's just around two minutes left," he tells me and points towards a building close to the end of the street. "The hotel is actually right there."
"That's good," I smile, fully aware that I should've probably spotted it already. But I have an absolutely horrible sense of direction and might as well get lost in my own house. "You don't like exploring the city with me?" Harry asks and I don't need to see his face to know he has his lips jutted out into a pout and a furrow in the space between his eyebrows.
Giving his body a reassuring squeeze, I say with a chuckle; "You know I do. But you're shaking like a leaf, pumpkin."
"No, I'm not," he protests without a hint of conviction in his body. But he snatches his words back real quick when I say; "If you're not cold, I guess you won't want cuddles tonight."
When we reach the front of the hotel and the automatic doors open, the sigh I let out is one of pure relief at the newfound warmth. I swear it's like a wave of warm air washes over me like the ocean washing over a sandy beach.
We say hi to the man working in the reception, embarrassment turning my cheeks red when I realise that we're leaving a trail of water in our wake. Something Harry reassures me that they're probably used to. "Everyone knows that when it rains here, it pours."
It soothed my guilt a bit as we left a puddle in the elevator.
When the door to our hotel room shuts behind us, Harry lets go of me to turn the lights on. I suddenly become very aware of the way my skirt feels heavy instead of light and flowy like it always is. My sneakers feel like small lakes of their own and my hair sticks to the sides of my face and down my neck. The flannel I stole from Harry is ten shades darker than it was when I put it on and I can't wait to get out of these clothes and dry off.
"You know," Harry starts, wrapping his arms around my middle from behind and perching his head on my shoulder. "For a racoon, you're very sexy."
My head tilts on his shoulder back in laughter. "Yeah?" I giggle. "This whole drowned animal look gets you going?"
"Mhm. I'm too tired right now, but if you want to go looking for rain tomorrow, I'll prove it." His tone is light and full of teasing humour and I twist my head to kiss his temple, "Whatever you want, pumpkin."
With the side of his face pressed against mine, I can feel him smile. "I want cuddles."
"Let's get a shower to heat up first, yeah?" I grab his wrists, removing his hands from my body to give me enough room to turn around.
Harry shakes his head, running his hands down my sides before he lets them settle on my hips, "It'll take too long," he justifies. "Just wanna hold you close."
I try my best to ignore the butterflies fluttering around in my tummy as I take his hand and drag him with me into the bathroom, flicking on the bright lights. "You're gonna get sick if you go to bed all cold and wet. And you and I both know that you hate being sick."
My reasoning seems to fall on deaf ears when Harry reaches around my body for his toothpaste and toothbrush. "Don't need a shower to keep me warm when I have you." His hips bump against mine, keeping me in place right against the bathroom sink. I meet his eye in the mirror as I grab my own toothbrush, struggling to keep from laughing at the state of us.
I really do look like a raccoon.
He keeps his eyes locked on mine the whole time we brush our teeth. Toothpaste is running down his chin from the corner of his mouth by the time he's done from not spitting it out at all how he usually does. He still lets me spit out my own first and rinse my mouth before he does so himself. With his teeth all clean, he takes a step back and turns me to face him by my hips.
"Kissy?" he asks with his lips pouted expectantly. And who am I to deny him?
When he pulls away, he has a lazy smile on his face and an adorable blush to his cheeks, "Never wanna go a day without kissing you."
My chest tightens at how sincerely he says it. "What if I turn into an actual racoon when we sleep and don't just resemble one? Would you still want to kiss me?"
One second passes before Harry releases a loud cackle, his whole face scrunched up with laughter.
I roll my eyes playfully, grabbing one of the big towels from the peg on the wall as my tummy does backflips, "It was a serious question."
"Thank you." Harry accepts the towel I hand him, humour in his tone as he says; "Fine. I'd have to find a way to turn myself into a raccoon too. Then I could kiss you all I wanted, right?"
"Do raccoons kiss?" I ask, making a mental note to google it in the morning.
Harry shrugs as he roughly dries his hair with the towel while I gently squeeze the water out of mine with a white towel of my own. "I have no idea. But I remember reading somewhere that they cuddle."
"Really?" I swear my heart grows tenfold when he nods; "Yeah. If raccoons can get very attached to their owner, they'll snuggle with them for hours."
"Can we get a raccoon?" I would die from pure joy if a raccoon ever wanted to cuddle with me.
Scoffing, Harry puts the towel back on the peg with a frown on his face. "You'd rather cuddle a raccoon than me?"
"Yup. They're so fluffy, H," I explain simply, as I find my makeup wipes and start the process of removing the mascara that's making me resemble the creatures I just fell in love with. "Don't even lie to me and say you wouldn't do it too if you could."
"I've got you, don't I? Close enough to a raccoon for me." Harry puckers his lips affectionately against the crown of my head before he adds; "Plus, raccoons don't have boobs," pleased quirk to his mouth when my cheeks go red again.
Harry tells me about the dream he had last night while I do the rest of my skincare routine, humming gratefully with his eyes closed as I massage moisturiser into his skin.
Our clothes are still soaked but other than that, we've both dried up pretty nicely. Both his and my hair is starting to dry as well.
In the time since we got back to the hotel, Harry's eyelids have gotten heavier and he speaks slower than usual. All telltale signs that he's in need of his beauty sleep. And I can't lie and say that my head hasn't started to feel a bit fuzzy and tired now that I'm warm again.
"You still want to shower?" Harry asks, genuine curiosity in his voice and I know he would join me if I wanted him to. If he had asked me twenty minutes ago, I would've dragged him into a hot shower, no question. But right now? "Your idea sounds a lot better, pumpkin."
A tired, triumphant smile grazes his face. "Yeah?"
"If you say I told you so, I will chop off your hair," I warn him, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling when Harry rips himself from me with a gasp, covering his long hair with his hands the best he can. "How dare you?"
"Sorry, baby. Had to be said." I stand on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek on my way out of the bathroom. Harry grumbles something under his breath but follows soon after and we start to take off our rain-drenched clothes. The sound of wet clothes hitting the floor and Harry's humming fills in the silence.
I catch Harry checking out my ass with no shame when I slide a fresh pair of underwear up my legs. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," I tease before I turn my attention back to the suitcase, rummaging through it for a t-shirt.
The familiar noise of a phone camera has me twisting my head with raised eyebrows and flaming cheeks. Harry is laying on his tummy on the bed in his briefs, with his phone in his hand and a shit-eating grin on his tired face. "You told me to," he points out in his defence.
"You're insufferable," I shake my head as I slip on Harry's white t-shirt with 'dream boat' printed on both sides. Small on the front and big on the back in red letters.
"That's why you love me." Harry is completely unfazed, setting both mine and his phone to charge.
I don't say anything, but he's not wrong.
Once all the lights are off, I pad my side of the bed where Harry has left empty in the dark. I can barely make out where he's laying on his side with his head propped up on his hand.
The sheets are smooth and cool against my skin as I tuck them up underneath my chin. Mattress soft enough to make me want to never ever leave this bed. Especially when Harry scoots closer. He pulls my body to him, spooning me from behind. His arms wrap around me as he presses a loving kiss to the back of my neck. He lets me use his bicep as a pillow, our legs linked as I slip my fingers between his.
"I love you so much." His is barely even a whisper, his breath fanning against my skin every time he breaths. His body is so close to mine, I can feel his stomach expand and contract against my lower back.
The familiar, comforting smell of him and the heat of his body have my eyes growing too heavy to keep open much longer. I can feel the exhaustion from the day settling into my bones as I give in and let my eyelids close.
"I love you too."
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Hi, how are you doing these days? I hope you are safe and well during the summer heat. It's been pretty dangerous lately. I'm glad it's finally cooling off (at least where I am). I thought of a fun idea I want to share it with you. I hope it'll make you smile during these worryingly hot times.
Fluffy AU: Jaehee has her cafe and MC, ge Saeran, and Yoosung work there. Jaehee and MC has coffee down and Saeran's on baking. Yoosung helps Saeran prep but also works the register. Yoosungs very easy going and compassionate making customer service a breeze. People appreciate that he actually listens to their problems, he's popular on social media, and he makes good small talk. Saeran helped fill the cafe with beautiful flowers and natural scents from his garden. He also uses some of his flowers in his baking (Rose jam, candied petals, ect.) which makes his desserts stand out from the crowd. Jaehee is a firm but kind boss. Shes serious about her dream but that doesn't mean she'll allow anyone to overwork themselves. She knows better than anyone what it's like to have a boss that put their own desires before their employees health and she'll never let that happen under her watch. She might get overzealous at times but she'll always make sure her hardworking employees are well rested and take plenty of breaks. It's not perfect, especially competing against corporate chains, but they built up a small loyal customer base that allows them to live comfortably. Everyday is fun and fulfilling.
(sometimes V stops by and hangs out there while casually sketching. It's a peaceful way for him get used to his art looking messy and unwind)
What do you think? Would you want to visit their cafe? 😊 I like the idea that many of the rfa members unconsciously make their way there when they need a place to rest. Even on their days off they give the place a visit and its become a place for rfa to hang out almost like a second home. I know it's not a new or unique AU but I think simple joys are fun too. I hope you're also able to enjoy simple pleasures today like waking up peacefully and having your favorite drink or snack. Stay safe and stay hydrated 😎 🥤
I wish I could say that the weather is getting better for me but it's not. We are under a massive heat wave and considering that it's very humid where I live, I could tell you that not only am I sweating, but the walls of my house are sweating. But I am happy to hear it's getting a little bit better for you! Remember to hydrate and apply sunscreen!
I think this is a really sweet idea, and actually, you could make a whole AU out of this! I don't think I've seen anybody make a cafe oriented story with all of the characters involved, I am certain I've seen it with a few characters but not all of them together. It being Jaehee's is what sells it for me.
Might I add Zen stopping by now and again to promote everything on social media? It may not be his forte or specialty, but you know in your heart of hearts that Jaehee has a special item on the menu for him people go crazy for.
Jumin drops by early in the morning or later in the evening. He doesn't need anything fancy, but he likes checking in on his friends throughout the day because he gets to hear about the excitement that will happen that day or he'll get to hear about everything that happened while he was at work.
Saeyoung has been trying his best to convince them to make Elizabeth the mascot but it's not going very well... The guy wants a cat cafe and I can't blame him.
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kyloreno-911 · 8 months
Yes yes!! Eureka Springs in Arkansas!! It’s been years since I’ve been (like the pics we have of the time, I was wearing a Twilight shirt, and then a Justin Bieber shirt🤣🤣🤣) but I loved it. I think my family used to go more before I was born (long story short, my parents had me when they where older and don’t like to travel as much) but I’ve been once or twice I think? We didn’t eat at any fancy restaurants, cause we were going to Silver Dollar City after, but I remember the candy shop on Main Street having the best peanut butter cups ever, and we climbed so many stairs my legs almost gave out. I think if I go back I’d have to try more restaurants cause I keep getting videos of restaurants on instagram haha, and I think I’d want to see more springs. There’s one spring we went too, it wasn’t in town, it was a little ways outside town, and it was perfectly circular with a bridge and they’d made it into a well at one point I think? But they had it set up so you could put your feet in. It was so pretty, and I wish I could remember the name.
Uhhhh, sorry for info dumping in your ask box, but yes! Eureka Springs in Arkansas haha.
Hiiiiiii Info dump anytime! I could talk all day about Eureka Springs lol. We like to go there every few years. I think I know what candy shop you are talking about, but I think it changed? I'm not sure. They have a soda store there now with tons of different flavors.(along with candy) I always like to stop at the nut house simply to get the brown paper sack that reads "this is my nut sack".
Yessss the walking though omg- VERY steep streets and so many steps. I have actually never went to the springs there, next time I go I definitely need to check it out. (you would think I would have but usually so tired from going to all of the shops) The Mud Street Cafe is so cool too. The coffee drinks are so pretty and so yummy. Also, when you get the chance to go again Quigley's Castle is so worth it. The story behind it is so interesting and it is so whimsical and just cool to see in person.
I don't know, the place just seems really inviting and inclusive (which is very rare here), and I've always had a really good time visiting.
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stacywaters · 1 year
Coffee and Violets (SUGA) CH1 - Hoseok
    You glance up after hearing the bell ring, signaling someone came into the cafe. A boy with dark hair and a bright smile walks in.
    "Hello! What can I get for you today?" you greet.
    "Could I get a caramel macchiato?" He asks.
    "Yep! Will that be for here or to go?"
    "To go, please." He responds.
    You begin to make his drink as he leans against the counter. Soon enough his drink is ready and you package it up, sliding it across the counter to him.
    "Thanks!" He takes a sip of it, "Hey, this is really good! I'll have to come here more often."
    "Thank you!" you respond, proud of your skills.
    "Actually, I've been meaning to bring this up the whole time, but I run the flower shop right next door."
    "No way!" You respond, genuinely surprised. You guess you had a blind spot for that shop, you never bothered to check it out.
    "I'm sorry I never came by! I guess I should introduce myself then. My name is Y/N"
    "Nice to meet you Y/N! I'm Hoseok."
    You two talked about running businesses, funny exchanges with customers, and the struggles of living on your own. Since it was a slower afternoon in the cafe, you welcomed the conversation.
    "So, do you run this place all by yourself?" He asked, tilting his head.
    "Yeah. I tried getting someone else working here once, but it didn't work out too well." you answer. He nods in response.
    "Do you run your shop by yourself?" You ask him.
    "Actually no!" He responds, "I run it with my friend Yoongi. We've known each other for years now, so we work pretty well together."
    "That's awesome!" You say, "It must be nice having a friend you've known for so long"
    There's a pause in the conversation while he seems stuck on what to say. You notice and add, "I'm just kind of introverted, is all. I had a best friend I was really close with in elementary school!"
    "What happened to them?"
    "We drifted apart in middle school. Once we went into high school, she moved away."
    "I'm sorry to hear that..," He says.
    "We weren't really into the same things anymore. I was busy with my writing, she was caught up with other things. We'd only call every few months and when we did, we'd have nothing to talk about."
    "I see" He said before taking a sip of his drink.
    "I'm sorry for rambling on so much! We don't need to have a pity party, that was years ago. I'd be glad to have new friends though. Maybe you can be one?" You trail off, a little embarrassed at your directness.
    "Of course! Let me give you my number."
    You pull out your phone and he types in his number. He sends a quick text to himself before grabbing his own phone to save the contact.
    "You said you were a writer?" He asks.
    You nod in response. "I have been since I was young, but as I got older I became consumed in my fictional worlds. I'd always be drafting new plots or naming new characters. Sometimes I'd even draw my own characters, though I'm not much of an artist" You laugh.
    "That's so cool! I'd love to read your work sometime!"
    "Yeah! That'd be nice" You respond.
    "Alright. I better get back to the shop, but I'll talk to you again soon, 'kay? Maybe next time I can bring Yoongi along."
    "Sure! Enjoy your drink" You smile.
    He leaves the shop and you sigh to yourself, delving into your thoughts. That was so much fun, I haven't had a conversation like that in forever. Maybe it'll be nice having a new friend to talk to.
You pull out your phone and check your recent messages. His name had been saved as 'Hoseok :)'. You laugh to yourself. "His positive vibe sure is contagious."
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psychopasss4 · 10 months
You know I never say anything because people will call me a hater but the inclusion of Frederica is so bizarre to me.I have been saying for years that I’d like Akane’s design to be a little mature and her to be a part of field action?Lo and behold Frederica’s grand entrance in SS3.Not only does she have the greatest design among the female cast,she is an experienced fighter who can fight in red stilettos,a great sniper who handles a Barrett m95 like no one’s business.She also has a background in psychology and profiling(but she mostly used Saiga’s class to obsess over Kougami lol).It’s like the writers took everything I wanted for Akane and gave it to her.Also she got fanservice scenes with both Kougami and Ginoza eg the water bottle scene with Kougami in ss3 and the providence explosion scene with Ginoza.Also lots of shots of Frederica in ss3 where you can see her naked,taking a bath,or wearing pretty lacy underwear so I guess fanservice is okay if it’s Frederica?A lot of shippers pretend Kougami barely tolerates her but from what I see Kougami gets along so well with her(can’t blame him because obviously she’s sweet and pretty and flirty and also a great boss,things Akane was never allowed to be)and the horrible part is I can actually see them being a good couple.Even Ginoza was smitten enough to arrange a cafe for her when she’s stressed and he thinks she’s so cool that she’s the female Kougami?Wow.Is this about to be a love triangle?!!!But if I point these out obviously I’ll be called jealous and hateful.But this is what I have wanted for Akane for years now.I feel sad and disappointed and I can’t even talk about it.
~So sorry for the late reply, Anon. 😔 I've been hardly checking my inbox. And just catching up to post PP logs.
Anyways, as a fan's PoV, when Sinners of the System first came up, I remember Dir. Shiotani wants to intentionally introduce new characters who would play a major role. And when the fans pointed "Akane's lack of screen time" since SSS trilogy upto S3/FI, he said he purposefully wants to feature other characters as protagonist.
I would say Frederica is not a coincidence nor a side character. Once the PPP novel and Season 4 is out, I would expound on that one. For the meantime, I will patiently wait in silence 😅.
I don't consider her as a love triangle for KoAka (a.k.a. Shinkane) because Kogami x Akane is not a thing. As confirmed by everybody in Psycho-Pass Production Committee even the Seiyuus themselves (*Coughs* Seki-san 😷).
I leave it to my fellow fans' "profiling" and/or "deduction" abilities. But I think most of us have that gut-feeling already. But again, it's too early to say something and I can't speak on behalf of the PPC.
During the promotionals, I made some ノイズログ which expresses my personal opinion as a fan in this Tumblr Space. Because I don't want fans to feel betrayed. And at the same time, I can't stand the growing "misdirection" of some KoAka fans (Japanese Shinya x Akane fans) which they twist some points of the story. It seems like they only watch PSYCHO-PASS for Shinya x Akane only, instead of enjoying the overall plot.
For now, it is what it is until the official novel and potential Season 4 is released.
Meanwhile, I enjoy and cherish the interactions of Shinya x Akane as they are portrayed in the anime.
For the writer's and production crew, I understand about the marketing strategy but I think they should be sensitive on how the fanbase will perceive things before they start "selling out" those merch 🤭 P.S. no pun intended. [i.e selling KoAka merch while low-key supporting Fredegami 😅]
I don't have beef with the J-KoAka's, because there's no wrong in betting on our fave ship. But we should be open to all kinds of Interpretation the Production Committee is trying to convey.
Let's just wait for the next Season. And no matter how it turns out, Shinkane/KoAka fanbase will always remain as solid as ever 💖!!!
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cator99 · 2 years
Today when I had 5 minutes until the end of my shift a customer came in and asked me if we had something but it was just entirely unintelligible and I said pardon me so she repeated it and I said I'm sorry can you repeat that and she said it again and honestly I don't think it was a word I don't think it was real like I thought she was just coming up with shit or maybe mispronouncing something that we did in fact have but I honestly didn't care and I didn't want to keep asking what like she seemed kind of miffed that I didn't understand so I said no we don't have that even though I don't know maybe we did have that and she said oh no that's too bad I came all the way out here specifically to get that and I apologized again but yeah it wasn't any word I'd ever heard before in my life and like I've heard some words like a few times I'm so glad my boss wasn't here again like omg I finally turned off the stupid Lo-Fi spotify playlist and put on the best of Sade I would have probably gotten beaten over the head for that but like the cafe felt kind of Cool for once like the cafe usually has this feeling of being a brief approximation of a cafe like it definitely feels like a bakery but I'm not baking so why should I have to feel so high strung all the time no I'm going to put on my Sade and I'm going to make people their cute little drinks and get them their cute little desserts and everyone's going to be fucking relaxed for once because the person serving them isn't slowly being driven insane by the ice pick of Lo-Fi Christmas being hammered into my brain my blood pressure had never been lower inside that cafe I literally made like 10 sandwiches and I didn't even care I didn't complain I didn't frown I was like all right I got this so easy lets go and you know why because Sade was playing and I could make sandwiches while listening to Sade and also because when I got to work the first thing I did was check to see if my coworker did the sandwich station opening tasks which she didn't so I decided to do it instead so everything operated smoothly you know except for the customer who was speaking gibberish to me
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I have to admit, I was a little embarrassed walking through all the Honor Society students and the middle school science fair kids in cosplay at 9 in the morning but I persevered.
I did go to high school in cosplay once for spirit day however I was insufferable in high school so I try not to think about it. I've never been to an actual convention before though so this was a first.
I am pretty heavily involved in fandom culture but god I was shocked by the amount of anime I did not know. I also felt incredibly old because where were the Hetalia cosplays?! I didn't see a single one and it just feels like as a community we have forgotten our dark past. Though I did see a homestuck cosplay so I have some hope left.
I attended for the entirety of the day on Saturday, most of my time was spent volunteering but I did manage to spend $80 somehow like I really don't know what came over me.
Volunteering was very nice and laid back and it is something I will likely be doing next year as well. I was a bit upset that I didn't get to check out the maid cade because I was so busy but I know that it will be back next year so it's cool.
I really enjoyed watching the kpop dancing panel, I don't know anything about it but the dancers looked really good and everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun.
To be honest, I don't think I have complimented this many people in my life, there were so many cool cosplays and a lot of them were from some of my favorite shows (lots of sk8 the infinity which I loved, a few soul eater and danganronpa ones as well).
The artist alley is where I lost all of my money. There were so many talented artists with amazing pieces and I'm a huge sucker for supporting small artists. Here is my haul (plus a pair of horns that are not pictured).
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For the record I have never even seen My Hero Acadamia I just really love Present Mic and this print was just so cool I couldn't not purchase it. The posters are so amazing and I had to stop myself from buying more things. These were all an investment into my happiness and honestly, cash isn't even real money.
Javi's bad fanfiction reading panel was so funny, I feel a little guilty for contributing in the emotional turmoil of a couple dozen people with my very enthusiastic vote for the most horrendous fanfiction known to man, but also I think those people left just a little more cultured. Fanfiction is a vital part of fan culture and we cannot deny how much of it is just straight-up horrible and frankly disturbing so much of it is (I read over 15 million words of fanfiction last year so I am qualified to speak on this). I did have to leave a little early because at that point I had been at the con for over 12 hours and was starting to fall asleep in my chair.
I met a lot of cool people throughout the day, and it was really nice just knowing that you already have a shared interest. Within the first few hours of being there, someone asked me if I was a "button, keychain, or sticker autistic" and when I told them I was a sticker autistic they handed me a swampcon sticker. It was a really nice moment for me I don't know why.
The other volunteers were also all so kind I didn't really come to the con with anyone but I was always talking to someone throughout the day because everyone was so friendly and open. I even got to talk about Hetalia ships with someone which just made my day. I ran into a lot of you guys there as well which was so fun. If you saw me after like 1 then my wig was off because that thing was way too itchy to wear for a full day, I only made it like 4 hours.
Next year I will not be spending all of my money and I'm gonna drag some of my friends along to make sure I get to do all of the activities like maid cafe and the Miku concert (I did not attend but I helped pass out glowsticks so you may have seen me hehe). This was actually so much fun and I would have attended on Sunday as well if I didn't have so much homework to do.
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This was me at the beginning of the day with my volunteer badge :P
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someguyiguess23 · 2 years
Heavenly Love: 2 Monolouges
Heavenly Love: Anvil's monolouge
"Angelico is my best friend, and I am really grateful for that! He's been helping me learn about this new world I've been dropped into, and he's always there to protect me. I'm just really happy that he's here for me.
But.... recently, I've been feeling... a little strange. Whenever I'm around him, I start to feel warm, warmer than usual. Whenever he's close to me, my heart starts to beat faster than usual and I start to get... nervous?? Surely that isn't right..!
There's a lot about this that I don't know how to explain. I'd normally ask Angelico about this, but for me to tell him that he's the cause, I don't know how he'd react.... I'll just keep it to myself... Maybe it'll pass someday."
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Heavenly Love: Angelico's monologue
"As of right now, Anvil's my roommate. I brought him in because I found them passed out in an alleyway with a sprained foot. Just figured I'd help him out and provide them with a home of sorts since he had nowhere else to go. He's a pretty cool dude. It's nice to have someone like him around. Especially since I used to live by myself for 3 years; got pretty lonely sometimes. He's pretty new to this place, so I'm making sure feels safe.
The thing is though, I've started to realize something. Lately, I've been feeling more inclined to... be with Anvil. I've been checking on him more than before and even then, I just can't stop thinking about him and how's he doing...
I mean, yeah I'm supposed to be protecting them and all that but like, I thought I would only be letting him live at my place until he was ready to live on his own. But, suddenly, I'm thinking about taking all of that back, like I want him to stay with me. I know it sounds crazy, but that's just how I feel...
Y'know, I have a basic understanding of love. I overhear conversations of co-workers talking about their crushes, exes, and people they are currently dating. I've also encountered couples walking in this cafe and from watching over this realm back in heaven. I've even watched the occasional romance movie.
But, I have never actually felt love before. Is this what love feels like..? Can angels even feel love...!? If so, does that mean-?
No, t-that can't be... I've only known Anvil for like, a year now. That just feels too soon for... this. I think I'll just keep this to myself and wait a while. I'll see what happens then."
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osamusriceballs · 10 months
Eve!!! I’ve finally finished w midterms and went straight to ur profile to catch up and read ur fics😩😩(they’re sooooo good🤍🤍) did you ever get to go to the anime convention? You must be super stoked to see fall out boy- r they one of your favorite bands? Have you been busy(w holiday season) and have you been taking care of yourself? Give me an update plz🤲🏻🤲🏻
To respond from the last time: i do have to be familiar w the products Im selling but I love working w the customers so it’s worth having to do modules to learn the products (the other day I helped a 80-smth y/o woman learn how to do her makeup- it was so heartwarming seeing her smile) my classes are both theory and practice(mostly the later)
Imma j drop this off right here: husband!Kita and you out farming in the fields during a breezy autumn day, finally deciding to take a break before the day ends and holding a little picnic- u and kita simply laughing and enjoying the time you’re able to spend together🤍🤍
-🧚🏼‍♀️(live and miss u Eve! Sending big hugs and warm smiles) (hydration check!)
PLS, YOU'RE MAKING ME BLUSH HERE, I'm glad you enjoyed the fics T.T #happytears <3
Yes, I went to the anime convention!! I cosplayed as Nami from one piece and I had such a great time! I went with a friend that I met at work a few years ago (he was a regular in a cafe where I used to work and we bonded over anime), and he brought two of his friends, and I was really nervous at first, because I usually never really hang around boys only groups, but they were so nice and kind and considerate- like asking if I needed a jacket from one of them, because it was a bit cold, they were constantly worried about my feet because I wore rather high heels and we were walking quite a lot, one of them had my hairbrush and my water in his bag and he asked multiple times if I needed something- it was crazy. They surely took really good care of me and I had a great time!! <3
And the fall out boy concert was last week, AND IT WAS SO COOL OMG T.T the trip was very tiring (5 hours with the train to Berlin and 8 hours with the bus to come home) BUT THE CONCERT ITSELF!! SO DAMN GOOD T.T I loved every second of it!! Fall out boy just remembers me of good old times that's why I wanted to see them so badly <3 are you a fan too?
But enough of me!! <3
I'm sure it's very rewarding to work with kind and nice customers, the story with the old lady is so cute, I'm sure she was really happy that you took your time and did her make up!! Did you recommend any products to her? And what products do you recommend to customers often? Do you sometimes get free samples at work? Give me the secret insider tips, I'm all here for it!! <3
I hope that you still have some free time between the theory and practice classes T.T I'm sure that it's all very time consuming. Do you get to choose some of the seminars that you have to take or are they all fixed? I hope the midterms went well, do you have a break now? <3 you surely deserve it for working so hard, I know how hard it is to study and to work part-time, it's definitely not easy, you're doing so well! <3
Oh god, it's as if you could read my mind, lately I've been fantasizing a lot about husband Kita T.T he's the man, he's the ultimate husband, he's GOALS for sure <3 just the thought of all these soft moments with him- I'm melting here <3
Being farmer Kita's wife - PLS, THAT'S A NEED T.T all the soft and cute moments in the fields- watching the sunset while holding hands, imagine how he'd watch your side profile with a fond smile on his lips and thanking every deity in this world that he gets the be the lucky man on your side T.T I'm not okay here, I need kisses from husband Kita T.T
I hope you're having a great weekend, my little sunshine, and I hope that you're doing well too!! Stay healthy and hydrated, don't overwork yourself and smile when you read this!! <3 *HUGS YOU BACK*
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