#and i go 'ugh shut up fuck off' and swat it away
spacedlexi · 1 year
up until this point i feel like hbo’s tlou has been pretty good at expanding upon pre-existing content from the game, but for me this new episode was kinda mid..
i wouldve liked to see more expansion on sam and henrys story, or maybe even kyle and ish?? (loved that story)(they showed the drawing of them for a half second and they renamed kyle for no reason 💀). but instead we get introduced to this kathleen (?? can barely remember her name) lady who i couldnt get myself to care about. cared more about her 2nd in command guy
sam and henry were my favorite of the original supporting cast and they have to share their time with this lady that puts me to sleep, while frank and bill got nearly an entire heartfelt episode dedicated to them
with the side stories theyre choosing to tell so far i feel like by the time we get to part 2 its gonna be like “we’re doing THIS again??” (and part 2 was already kinda like that for me as in it didnt really do anything new or interesting for me)
like oh my god we’re still going on about revenge and forgiveness and ooooh nobody is perfectly good or bad we are all shades of grey 2 sides of the same coin yadda yadda except now theyre all self aware about it 😭💀
like can we write anything else?? besides trying to make both sides of a violent conflict equal of course because they love doing that (dont think i forgot abt the weird palestine/israel parallel in pt2 i think that was the worst one for me). but kathleen is basically just abby again and unless part 2 is a complete rewrite then im gonna be honk shoo mimimimi ASLEEP
#hbo tlou#tlou hbo#spoilers for the new ep and i guess part 2??#but yeah ive been mostly enjoying this show up until this point#but theres been like a little gnat every once in a while buzzing annoyingly at my ear#and i go 'ugh shut up fuck off' and swat it away#and im still enjoying it dont get me wrong#i really wanted them to do sam and henry well so my bar was high and that little fuckin gnat is buzzing at me again#indulge my little rant so i can let it out and cool off#i like tlou as a whole but i do feel like at this point these are things that i guess niel?? suffers with as a writer#and whoever else is in the writing room with him#cuz these are problems ive had with the games too#grabs my airhorn AND I STILL LIKE IT!!!!!!! I STILL LIKE THE LAST OF US!!!! YOU CAN HAVE CRITIQUES AND LIKE SOMETHING!!!!!!#sometimes people act like you say anything bad about something and suddenly it means you hate the whole thing and why are you watching it??#you are so BORING#but ive been very nice to this show so far so let me have this#it speaks#also just a little thing they made henry less 'savvy' i guess and more reckless? game henry was tense and no nonsense but also chill#like they had him trip up a few times and i was like psh game henry would only do that on accident#just really dont like how they handled sam and henry like whyd they do that....liked it better when he was also an outsider to the city#and i have mixed feelings about....sams whole thing...#SIGH BIG SIGH OH WELL at least i still have game sam and henry to look forward to i will be getting back to that stream#its been almost a decade and game sam and henry manage to rip my heart out EVERY single time like i said the bar was so high#so im not holding the S+H stuff against them as much as i am the fuckin revenge/forgiveness shit#im so tired of it#if this story was supposed to be some kind of precursor to pt 2 then like i think theyre starting to overdo it
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moonstruckme · 25 days
a thought:
reader is literally so grouchy and bratty and tired and is accidentally snapping at (whoever u want) and thennn they take initiative to casual dominance her to take a nap after some tea and it’s just so crazy fluffy!!!
Thanks for requesting!
cw: d/s dynamics
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 708 words
You’d claimed to want to read with Remus on the couch, but you keep huffing like your book is your least favorite thing in the world. Remus wraps a hand around your thigh, rubbing a slow back and forth with his thumb in an attempt to pacify you. He knows precisely what this mood is about. 
“Ugh, this construction noise is the worst!” You glare out the window as if hoping the men across the street will see. 
“Why don’t you use my headphones and try to have a nap, dove,” Remus suggests mildly. “You didn’t get much sleep last night, sounds like it’s catching up to you.” 
You bristle at the implication. “I’m not tired, I’m just sick of this. Nobody asked for the road to be redone. It was perfectly fine before.” 
Remus shoots you a sideways look. The road outside your house was riddled with potholes, and you both know it. If you were in a better mood, you’d be baking cookies for the construction workers to thank them. 
You ignore it, huffing again. “I’m gonna get some dinner,” you say, setting your book down roughly as you stand. 
“Last night’s leftovers are in the fridge.” 
“Don’t feel like those.” 
Remus gives your bum a light swat through your sweatpants as you go by. “Eat something real,” he warns. 
You make a vexed harrumphing sound. He chooses not to hear it. 
What he does hear, less than a minute later, is popcorn popping in the microwave. Remus sighs through his nose, tenting his book on the coffee table and pursuing you into the kitchen. You don’t turn around as his footsteps approach. 
“Dove.” Remus takes your hips, turning you manually. “That’s not a real dinner.” 
You shrug, obstinate. Your stare looks like you’re itching for a fight. “It’s what I feel like.” 
“You haven’t had anything with a vegetable in it all day. You need to pick something else.” 
You roll your eyes, turning back around. Ignoring him. Remus hits the button to shut off the microwave. 
You spin back around, eyes flashing. “You can’t—” 
“That’s enough.” He takes your jaw in his hand, your chin resting at the apex of his thumb and forefinger. “You’re being a brat,” he says in a low, steady voice, “because you’re sleepy and probably because you haven’t eaten a real meal since yesterday. That stops now. You’re going to eat the dinner you made yesterday, which you liked, and then go have a nap. Understand?” 
Remus isn’t really irritated with you. You’re being unruly, sure, but these moods always end once you get what you’re looking for from him. Now he’s given you it, you’ll calm down. 
It’s fucking precious, the way your temper melts away under his hard gaze. Your eyes round out and your head sits heavier in his hand, remorse finding its way into your expression. 
“Sorry,” you say, tone about ten degrees milder than it had just been. 
Remus rolls his eyes at you, squishing your cheeks between his fingers. “I know, darling. You can still make it up to me. Heat up those leftovers, okay?” 
You hum, and he lets you go, kissing the hill of your cheek. 
A minute later, you join him in the living room, curling up next to him on the couch while you eat and he reads. Your posture is already less rigid, the both of you enveloped in companionable silence and the smell of warm food. Your fork clinks as you set your plate down on the coffee table, and when you don’t get up to go to bed, Remus looks over at you. Your eyes are already on him, a question in them.
He fights to repress the smile that curves his lips. “What?” 
“Can I sleep here?” you ask hopefully. “Would it distract you if I put my head on your lap?” 
Remus coos. “No, sweetheart, of course you can.” 
“Are you sure?” you ask, though you’re already lying down, him uncrossing his legs to make his lap more comfortable for you. ��You’re not still mad at me?” 
He tsks, petting your hair while you get comfortable. “I’m not. Wanna know a secret?” 
You hum, eyes already closing. 
“I’m never really mad at you, dove.”
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kissitbttr · 6 months
ANA! ANA MY LUV!! idk much about miguel (a travesty i knoeww) but i saw ur fratboy post n now i cant stop drooling at the idea of fratboy!miguel introducing u to his frat buddies!! being so possessive: holding ur waist or pulling u to his lap; kissing ur neck even when his friends are right there. oh my goddd im gonna sob hes so!!!
bby you HAVE to hop on the miguel simp train!! HE IS SO FINEEEE😩😩
it was around after the third date when miguel nervously asked you to come to the frat house to meet his brothers. he didn’t want to overwhelm you of course, he knew how annoying and pushy his brothers could be but still, he would love for them to get to know you just as he had when he was with you,
you saw how nervous he got, but you assured him by squeezing his hand and telling him that you were okay with that. he smiled in return, kissing you softly on the lips as a thank you,
“i never express any gratitude towards anyone in my life except my parents but i want to thank you so much for finally saying yes, it was fucking annoying to hear him yapping about you non-stop. all of us had enough of his corny shit”
one of his frat brothers, glen had mentioned. feigning a relief expression while he smirked at miguel who gave him the finger,
“i literally thanked Jesus when i heard him going on a date with you, y/n! you are our life savior”
miguel threw his head back in annoyance, groaning at how his frat brothers continued to spill his secrets. but you giggled instead, looking over at him who avoided your gaze out of pure embarrassment.
“what else did he do?”
miguel shot you a warning look, “don’t encourage them, muñeca! they’d go all the way out!”
“oh believe me, we have many” beck had answered, playfully snickering at the amount of times miguel had ranted about you. “which one do you want to hear? one where he talked about you while he was high? or one where it was late at night—“
“fuck off, kingsley!” miguel had interrupted before he got too far, in which beck put his hands up in defense.
miguel snaked his arm around your waist, giving your hip three taps to prompt you to sit on his lap which you obliged.
you happily plopped yourself down on one of his thick thighs. he helped you with shifting your body into a comfortable position with your legs crossed.
the rest of the boys sat in the living room, piling in the same area as they all stared at the two of you. millions of questions running through their minds, desperate to know if miguel somehow blackmailed you into agreeing to go out on a date with him or something worse,
miguel sensed the stares from his brothers and, to be frank, it was quite uncomfortable. though he knew for sure they wanted to know the same thing.
“are you guys wondering how i got to take her out or what?”
they all responded with a ‘yes’ in unison, making him rub his temple and you smiled
“so? what did he do, y/n? because i’m starting to think this is a joke”
“could be. i mean, carlos went all 110% for a girl when she rejected his offer the first time” glen shrugged, earning a frown from carlos himself,
“i did not—“
“yes you did. you stood outside of the campus library with a boombox over your head” one boy chimed in while sipping his beer,
“okay see, i was—“
“oh! and remember when he threatened to pull his—“
“shut the fuck up! focus! we’re not here for me but for them!” carlos gestured his hand at both miguel and you. “can we leave my shit behind? that would be great”
carlos's cheeks went beet red as the other guys teased him for it, beck patted him on the back and told him that it was nothing to be ashamed of but carlos only swatted his hand away,
you found it so endearing at how the frat guys were so playful and funny with each other. typical boys will be boys type of thing. they were definitely far more different than when you see them during parties,
“well to be honest, he really didn’t have to do anything” you simply replied, tucking a hair behind your ear. “but definitely persistent, in the most politest way and less creepier though”
“you saying what i did was creepy?” carlos pointed at himself with a defeated look,
“i mean, if you had to ask then yeah”
the rest erupted in a peal of loud laughter while carlos’s shoulders slouched. propping his back against the chair with his arms crossed, a chorus of ‘see?’ and ‘i told you so’s’ made you laugh,
miguel settled his elbow on the armrest, eyes glinted with adoration whilst his mouth stretched into a lovesick grin. he watched how you managed to pull joy out of them and there’s nothing he’s appreciated more than that,
the way you threw your head back as another cute giggle escaped you while holding onto his shoulder for balance was enough to make his heart ponder,
“man, you’ve got wicked sense of humor, y/n—say if shit went sideways between the two of you, just know I’m available”
miguel frowned upon hearing that as his nose scrunched up in disgust as he leapt the nearest pillow at his brother’s direction for that comment. he wrapped his arm around your waist far more protectively,
“watch it” he warned, glaring at him. he knew it was a joke but he still didn’t like how that sounded, “i’ll kick your fucking ass, monty”
upon seeing that, your hand moved to find his cheek, lightly tapping his chin with your finger to get him to look at you,
“easy there, big boy” your words soothed him in seconds, especially when he heard his favorite nickname leaving your mouth, "I'm with you"
the confirmation made him giddy and his heart blossomed,
he moved dangerously close to your ear to whisper before kissing the back of it making you giggle. “you look so pretty tonight, muñeca” miguel dragged his fingertips up and down your exposed thigh, then squeezed the soft flesh. “so so pretty— do i get to see you in this dress more often?”
the question came off too excited despite his best trying to hide it, again, if there was nobody around, he'd actually take you right there and then.
you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “but I thought you like me better when i’m naked?”
“oh there’s no doubt about that, mi amor” he winked with a chuckle, “am i… about to get lucky tonight?”
“you might” a seductive response laced on your tone, winking at him as he squeezed your waist before
the boys let out a couple of groans and fake puking sounds at the sight, but the two of you remained still in your element,
''you guys make me sick" glen protested, shaking his head before getting up from the chair to walk away but you caught a small smile on his face,
"jealous you don't have a girlfriend, mayback?" miguel teased at him, glen only threw him the middle finger before cracking another can of beer from the kitchen,
the rest of the boys followed his actions after, not before congratulating miguel on scoring with you.
the word girlfriend made you bulldozed, eyes darted toward his smiling proud face before yours stretched into one as well,
"i'm your girlfriend?"
his smile faltered after he soon realized what he had just called you, he swallowed a nervous gulp. opening and closing his mouth because he was unsure what to say
you must admit you enjoyed seeing him like that.
"well i-i mean--i wasn't--surely you were--uh--what was the question again?"
you tucked your lower lip in between your teeth, head tilting to the side as the adorable man in front of you became a stuttering mess.
realizing that he is on the edge of a nervous breakdown, you leaned closer to his face before smashing your lips against his. his body went still by your action, but soon found himself lost in your kiss and sighed out of contentment,
you pulled away after a few seconds, tousling his soft chocolate hair before replying,
''i would love to be your girl, o'hara''
please please PLEASE tell me this is good!! i was writing this in the car and I couldn’t concentrate for a second because people were honking too much!! bhhshshs
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No Pain, No Gain | Part 2 | PersonalTrainer!Aemond x fem!reader
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A/N: thank you for all the love on the first chapter you little horn-dogs, particularly to all my queens I gave love to in the first chapter <3 you modern!aeomond girlies are smth else
Series Masterlist
cheers to @ewanmitchellcrumbs as per, for reading beforehead. luvu
warnings:  EVENTUAL SMUT, 18+, sexual tension, binge eating, mentions of breakup, cursing, dickhead Aemond, reader is horny af, English slang (soz), warnings will be added when needed
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As much as you’d hate to admit it. Baela was once again right. Working out did make you feel a bit better. Getting your arse out of bed, with the constant ache of your legs and arms and forcing yourself out of the flat was a nice change of pace. Even more so when you thought about the fact you were doing something good for yourself.
 The two workouts you did after meeting Aemond for the first time were admittedly difficult. He’d sent you some workouts to do, each alternating depending on the day you would go to the gym. Legs, arms, mid-section. His sense of organisation was almost impressive, if it weren’t for the one word answers he would give he might actually be tolerable.
 You pull on your black sports bra. It’s Friday, exactly one week after you’d met up with him for the first time and to your distaste, you’d have to see him again. You’re about to pull it over your head, watching Baela fanny about gathering her stuff so she can stay with her sister for the weekend. It’s funny to watch her when she’s flustered like this, it makes her irritable, which is rare for her.
 “How is it…that my armpits ache?” you ask as you pull it over your chest.
 Baela white curls peer around the door, pursing her lips at the gym outfit.
 “What day is it today?” she asks, packing her makeup bag, a mess of dirty brushes and probably stuff she’s had for going on four years.
 Huffing, you check the schedule on your phone, “Some legs I think, maybe some core if I don’t kick him in the face”
 Baela shoots you a look, “Oh come on, he can’t be that bad”
 You sit on the bed, unlacing your trainers to pull them on, “It’s just his face when he said it to me. Genuinely he makes me just wanna-” your hands clasp together in a strangling motion, imagining his dumb face between your hands, “Ugh!”
 Once you’re laced up, you run your hands through your hair, “I hate men”
 “Same girlie” Baela says from the kitchen, “speaking of which I think your ex is back in town”
 You raise your eyebrows, “remind me, why I should care?” sneaking up behind you she squeezes your thigh playfully, right where the muscle is so tender, “Ah-ah, ow! You bitch”
 “Because you might run into him and I know what you’re like, ice queen” she says, packing every little thing into her overnight bag she can, even going as far as to sit on it, “if you do run into him just don’t give him the time of day”
 She jumps on the bag, trying to zip it up.
 Sigh, “Move, let me” you say, shooing her away.
 You lean your body over the bag, using your chest to sandwich the two parts together and zip the bag up, raising your arms in victory.
 “God that’s so hot” Baela says biting her lip to which you give her a playful swat, “Aemond’ll have you in that position later”
 “Baela! That’s your cousin!”
 She shrugs playfully, “Doesn’t mean you can’t fuck him”
 “I’m not fucking Aemond, Bae” you say sternly
 She scans you, silently judging, “You need a good dicking. I’m not saying it has to my cousin, but something please. You’re annoying when you’re horny”
 You put your hands on your hips, pretending to be offended as she drags her overnight bag to the door.
 “Oh please. I see how often you have to charge your vibrator”
 “Don’t you judge me”
 “I’m not judging, I’m just saying having a human dick might be due at some point” she half-shouts down the hallway, “Off to Rhaena’s, have fun!”
 The door slams shut after that.
 “Oh boy I will” you mutter under your breath, grabbing your car keys.
 And as if right on cue, the annoyance in question has sent you an Instagram DM. You read it already half-annoyed and tap off a reply as soon as you’ve typed it.
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As much as you mean for the response to be sarcastic, you have a feeling he won’t get that vibe. And if he does, he won’t care.
 Besides, why doesn’t he use capital letters? Where’s the ‘sorry i’ll be late’? And who the hell signs off every message with their initials?
 This guy.
 He’s going to be the death of your patience for sure.
 Secretly, you appreciate coming to the gym in the middle of the day when it’s not as busy. It at least eases a tiny bit of that anxiety you feel. And you know it’s not true, but when it’s busy you feel like everyone is watching you, knowing that you’re not as fit as them or as good as them. It feels a bit like you’re on show.
 Once locking up your bag and coat, you pull your wireless earphone out and stick one in, pulling yourself onto the stairmaster. Start on Level 5 for 5 minutes and then the rest on 10, he had instructed. At first your legs felt like they were on fire, but it had gotten a bit easier as the week went on.
 As you step again and again, you put on a random playlist. Seeing as you and Baela share a Spotify, you get recommended some right tat and so you distastefully scroll past her music and land on a random one. Some 80’s tunes would have to do. You didn’t have any energy to care anyway.
 As boring as the stairmaster is, it gives you a good view for people-watching and generally being nosy. So as a-ha Take on Me plays in your left ear, you watch the various other gym-goers. Some putting very little effort into their workouts and slinking into the background. Some making way too much effort, banging the weights, grunting and generally acting like they’re cock of the walk.
 You’re so engrossed with people-watching, you almost jump out your fucking skin when someone yanks the airpod out your left ear, almost sending you arse over tit on the machine.
 “Shit” you mutter, hands grappling the handles.
 With a sour expression, Aemond pulls the airpod to his ear, frowning at the music.
 “80’s music. Really?”
 Your expression turns bitter pretty much as this dickhead opens his mouth. Briefly scanning him, he appears to be wearing the same kind of outfit. What fucking cartoon character behaviour is this?
 Yanking the airpod out his hand, you put it back in its case quickly, trying to hide the way your face heats up when you see how his hair is now and around his shoulders. Doubly so when his arms raise above his head to pull it into a bun in the middle of his head to get it off his neck.
 Bonk. Stop it. This guy’s a dick. If I‘m thirsting over my personal trainer, maybe Baela is right and it’s time to get out there and get laid.
 He gets onto the other stairmaster next to you and you try your best to ignore him. That is until he reaches over and adjusts the level on yours to go up to 10, as if you can’t do it yourself. A flash of annoyance passes your face and you swat his hand away.
 “I can do it myself, you know”
 He raises his eyebrows, victorious as if he’d wanted a reaction from you the moment he stepped in.
 “Tetchy” he muses.
 As he starts the same warmup, annoyingly faring better than you and barely out of breath, he doesn’t make another attempt to speak.
 “Busy day then” you say, startling him by speaking.
 He looks at you like he was just expecting you to be weirdly quiet the entire time.
 “You were late”
 He raises his eyebrows, taken aback by the sudden conversation. But as swiftly as he looked over he turns away, “Family emergency”
 You furrow your brows, “Should you even be here if it’s a family emergency?”
 Aemond sighs, as if resigned from the conversation already.
 Well fuck me then I guess.
 The silence falls between you for a while and once your time is up, you hit ‘stop’ on the machine and go to the water fountain to fill up your water bottle. God it’s so difficult to even make small talk with the guy. As frustratingly attractive as he is, he’s not making it easy to get on with him.
 You screw the lid on the water bottle, adjusting the sports bra slightly and take a long sip, briefly looking behind you to see if he is still on the stairmaster. And he is. Staring right at you with that indifferent, stoic look. But as soon as your eyes meet, he looks down at his feet, stopping the machine.
 Was he staring at me?
 You can feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment the closer he gets, on the basis of filling up his own water bottle, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious in just your black sports bra and leggings.
 Stretches, first. If you can get through this it’ll be fine.
 They go relatively smoothly.
 You say relatively…
 …you’re staring at him the entire time, stealing glances where you know you shouldn’t. A few times he nearly catches you, so you internally scold yourself for staring too much. But you can’t really help it, especially with the big fuck off mirror in front of you.
 “60 second plank, go” he orders flatly.
 You get into position on your elbows, ignoring the way he’s looking over your form. If you think about it too much you really might have to bonk yourself.
 As he kneels there watching, you freeze, feeling his large hand softly on your lower back, pushing slightly.
 “Don’t arch your back too much”
 He pushes more on your lower back, dangerously close to your ass, which only makes your upper arms shudder even more than they already are.
 His hand smoothes up your spine to your shoulders, resting in between them.
 “Relax your shoulders for me”
 Fucking helllll…
 It’s weirdly intimate and sinful, lustful thoughts are beginning to sneak into your brain.
 Stop, stop, stop.
 Be professional.
 But his hands are so big. Slender long fingers running up your spine which makes you swallow thickly. And the way he said ‘for me’ is not helping at all in the slightest.
 The last thirty seconds feel like fucking years, and even once he’s taken his hand away, pleased at your corrected form, you feel it. The way his hand felt. How it burns hot even now he’s taken it away. You can practically memorise where they were, and wondered how they would feel between your th-
 The timer goes off and you’ve never been more relieved that it’s over.
 “Squats next”
 Oh Jesus.
 They’re not much better. You already feel dumb doing squats with someone watching, but he’s watching so intensely, hands on hips that it’s just distracting.
 You meet his eyes in the mirror, face betraying the sinful thoughts you’re having.
 “Excuse me?”
 He raises an eyebrow, his eyes flitting over your flushed expression.
 “You need to squat deeper”
 You’re halfway through them when he approaches from behind, extending one foot out between yours to kick your legs further apart. His knee grazes your thigh and you think you might actually die. Because even though he’s just correcting your stance, it felt so intimate the way he just kicked them apart like that without saying anything.
 You look at him in the mirror but he’s still observing your body as you squat and you find your line of sight has diverged to below his waistline (for some reason) searching for something underneath his black sweatpants. That is until his eye flicks up to meet yours in the mirror in front of you, and feeling cornered, you flit your gaze away.
 Is it hot in here?
 “3 more”
 And there it is. The sour way he speaks. It’s amazing how just a few words can dull the spark so quickly.
 His phone buzzes in his pocket and he seems to somehow go even more sour when he sees who’s calling.
“Sorry, just need to take this” he mumbles, already with the phone to his ear as he rounds the corner.
 Once out of sight, you adjust the straps of your sports bra, visibly flustered. What the fuck is wrong with me, get it together. That’s it, as soon as I get home I’m downloading that stupid dating app again.
 You absolutely cannot think of him this way. You’re paying him as your personal trainer, it’s wrong to think of him this way. And on top of that, he’s an all round dick. One word answers, being generally rude and condescending. God, how can a man with looks like that be such an unbelievable twat and manage to keep clients?
 He’s gone for a bit longer than you imagined, so instead you go to the leg press, sitting down and pulling out your phone. Opening your browser was a dangerous one, the last tab you had open was a sex toy website. Luckily nobody is behind you, but it still piques your interest. Maybe you should buy more, for the horny, out of control woman you seem to have become.
 “Looking good, sweetheart”
 Oh lord. You recognise that voice.
 Dread pools in your gut as you look up and click off your phone. Your fucking ex is right there, leaning against the machine with that smug look on his face. You pull the most hateful expression you can muster.
 “What do you want”
 He has the audacity to shrug, “Can’t I say hello?”
 “Oh, come on baby”
 “Do not call me that” you warn him, eyes blazing with hatred, “Save it for your girlfriend, whatever her fucking name is”
 “Yeah, the one plastered all over my feed” you say sarcastically, pretending to fiddle around with the weights, knowing full well you can only leg press 18kg.
 He smirks victoriously, revelling in the fact you’ve not blocked him yet.
 “We’re not together”
 “Oh, that didn’t take long” you put on a sickly sweet voice, dripping with sarcasm, “so what, you think you can just come crawling back to me?”
 He doesn't answer that, he simply lets his eyes rake over you in the outfit you have one and says, “you look really good”
 “Thanks, now piss off”
 “You won’t even get a drink with me, baby?” he asks, trying to seem sweet.
 “If you call me baby one more ti-”
 “Can I help you?”
 Aemond’s stern voice makes the man jump and he looks behind him, smiling nervously. Aemond stands, hands in pockets, looking down at him like he’s shit at the bottom of his shoe. Briefly, his gaze flits over to you, seeing how annoyed and uncomfortable you are with his presence.
 Your ex gives him a once over and brushes past him, but not before sending you a, “See you around” before disappearing into the furthest side of the gym.
 Aemond looks behind him, making sure he’s out of sight before looking back.
 “Was he bothering you” he asks flatly.
 You scoff, “It was that obvious?” you reply sarcastically.
 Aemond asks no further questions than that, allowing him to surmise the situation for himself. He looks off into the direction your ex went, his tongue poking at his cheek in what looks like annoyance. Tearing your eyes away from his gorgeous profile once again, you adjust the weight to 18kg and get your legs in position. The horizontal leg press was a lot more beginner friendly, so you pull your legs in front of you against the plate.
 Aemond watches for a second, squatting beside you while you adjust in the seat, eyes rolling over your form. If he was being handsy before, that’s nothing compared to what he does now. He clasps his large hands around your leg, pulling them apart slowly so that your feet are shoulder width apart on the plate. But he keeps his hand there for longer than you anticipated, which makes you swallow thickly, face quickly heating up again.
 He looks up at you, “You need to spread your legs a bit more” he instructs lowly, his eyes trained on yours as he says it.
 You feel like you’re staring at his mouth, really analysing what he’s said. The connotations aren’t lost on you, and a familiar flutter blossoms in your belly. Clearing your throat, you start the set, trying your best to not look at him and just focus. Your clothes feel too tight and the air feels too hot. Electrified, as if a current could be passed between you both. Hands grip tightly onto the handles.
 He scoffs, reaching right over you to adjust the weights, “You can do better than that”. Even his voice seems to have changed and he’s so close you can smell whatever detergent he must use for his clothes, it makes you stay frozen in your spot. Now being able to see every little detail of his face, his arm so close to brushing against your sports-bra clad chest. Your brain feels like it’s made of cotton as your breathing shallows.
 He changes the weight to 30kg and watches you as you carry on with the set quietly. The weight isn’t bad in itself, you’re just not used to it, so your legs start to shake and your chest starts to flush with a soft sheen of sweat. Feeling a bit embarrassed about the shaky legs and the fact that he’s so insistently watching you makes you want to disappear into a hole in the ground.
 “Struggling?” he smirks.
 He smirks. The bastard smirks.
 You give him a look, but as much as you try, it’s not as icy as before, betraying how you’re really feeling right now. But if he sees it behind your eyes, he doesn’t let it show on his face.
 The bastard’s doing this on purpose.
 It’s not even the fact he’s doing it that makes you mad. It’s how easy it seems to be.
 He takes his hand away, obviously very pleased at what he’s done.
 You try to work through the last 3 reps.
 “Such a good girl for me”
 Your cheeks burn scarlet, your whole body is hot as you look over at him in shock. But he’s looking at you so casually.
 He smirks again, raising his eyebrows, “I said just one more for me’”
 You just do the last one as quickly as possible, brushing past him with lightning speed to gather your belongings. The weights land back with a loud clunk. You are certain you’re going mad, feeling the sweat cool on your skin as you stuff your things in your bag.
 “You ok?” he asks with mirth in his tone. You don’t look back and nod your head quickly, just knowing that he’s right behind you with his stupidly large frame, stupid toned legs, stupid sexy arms, stupid long fingers, stupid stupid smile.
 “Yep, fine” you blabber it out quicker than you can think and try and change the subject, “Hope the family emergency is…okay”
 It comes out more awkwardly than you intended. Aemond only huffs a laugh through his nose. He’s not been this…weirdly friendly since the first time you both met.
 “My Dad’s dead but yeah”
 Your heart freezes instantly, and you break whatever promise you’d made and look at him. He looks very casual about it, hands in pockets, as if it’s just a minor inconvenience. Trying to keep your expression neutral.
 There’s a bit of a quiet moment between you both as he raises his eyebrows.
 “Impressive” he says, making you send him a quizzical look.
 “What is?”
 He licks his lips, smirking at your confusion, “You didn’t default to ‘Oh, I’m so sorry’”
 He says it jokingly, but you can tell there’s some tension in his voice.
 “Should I?”
 You get the sense that this guy isn’t so often taken off guard, but the question you pose him now seems to and the smirk is wiped off his face, replaced with an unsympathetic expression.
 “No” he answers simply.
 Clearing your throat and throwing your coat on now that the heat of the situation has somewhat dissipated, you inhale deeply, “see you next week”
 His tongue pokes the inside of his cheek again, jaw twitching as his eyes search your face, before scanning you again. That smirk tugs at one side of his lips, making your eyes flit there for a brief moment, admiring their shape as he speaks.
 “See you then”
 You’ve never been more sexually confused in your life you think. So even when the session is over, you just sit in your car, processing it all. Even scrolling through your phone doesn't take your mind off it, reminded by your past search history.
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Your flat is weirdly quiet without Baela there, lonely even. For a few hours it makes itself quite useful, as you lay in bed with your current favourite sex toy trying to get these horny thoughts out of your head. But every time you’re close he pops into your head. Jolting you back into the real world.
 He’s a personal trainer, he’s supposed to be hands on. You’re just touch-starved.
 He’s a dick!
 Maybe he’s just cold at first.
 He thinks you’re a weak as fuck, stupid and brainless. Who are you kidding?
 Your brain attempts to make sense of it all.
 After (unintentionally) edging yourself for what feels like hours, your brain and thoughts betray you severely and you orgasm washes over you with a pained and shuddering cry, all while thinking about all the ways he touched you today and what it felt like to have his burning skin on yours for just a moment.
 “Fuck…” you sigh out loud..
 You want to fuck your personal trainer.
 Buzz buzz.
 ‘Hay-Baela’ appears on your phone and you pick up quickly.
 Baela: Evening hoe, how’s things?
Y/n: Fine, just devoured a takeaway.
Baela: Anything nice?
Y/n: Just some Indian food which I’m sure will come back to haunt me.
Baela: Be a shame if it didn’t. How was your session?
Y/n: *sigh* yeah fine, my legs were shaking a bit during leg press though. Had me on 30kg.
Baela: Yeah, Aemond said you did well.
 Y/N: Eh?
Baela: Aemond texted me earlier, said you did good and you were toning up well?
Y/N: Right…
Baela: Anyway, have a good weekend, don’t burn the flat down. Oh, and I’ve got a parcel arriving tomorrow.
Y/N: Wait, Bael-
Baela: Bye!
 The bitch hangs up on you, leaving you in a post-nut haze, confused and somehow more horny than when you started.
The fucker must be doing this on purpose.
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Taglist (bold couldn’t tag): @mrsgrwy @lovelykhaleesiii @urmomsgirlfriend1 @iiamthehybrid @namelesslosers @chainsawsangel @warmfieldofgrass @mynameisbaby9 @afro-hispwriter​ @tempo-rary-fix @toodlesxcuddles @definitelynotsatans​ @svtansdaddyx​ @tssf-imagines​ @darkenchantress​ @vrtualfairy​ @fan-goddess​ @skikikikiikhhjuuh​ @helaenaluvr​ @sarahkimtae​ @blackxisxmyxcolour​ @castellomargot​ @girlwith-thepearlearring​ @julczimozart​ @amazingdisneyfansblog​ @slutforaemond
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simphornies · 4 months
A/N: Drabble! I wanna get this idea out my head.
No word count, not proofread
Warnings: mentions of abuse. implied stalking? 👀.
Always Watching [ Drabble ]
You roamed the dark, bloody streets of cannibal town, weak and tired. You ran away from yet another abusive partner and you were lucky to live through this one. You had nowhere to go and nobody to go to. You were truly alone this time.
As you sat in an alleyway on some pieces of cardboard, you reminisced on your life before hell. You suffered through abuse, from family to friends to lovers. You were truly pushed to your limit. You got shot down by cops after you went on a murder spree, killing all those who wronged you. You died with a psychotic smile as tears streamed down your face.
It was no surprise that you found yourself in Hell. Even in Hell you just can't seem to stop yourself from finding some type of comfort. You just wished for power and security. You were tired of feeling helpless because you knew that if you had a little bit more strength, you'd be unstoppable. You'd be happy. Or at least, content.
That's when you were dragged to the Hazbin Hotel by a radio demon with deer ears. He saw you sleeping in the alleyway and nothing delighted him more than the pathetic sight of you. He's been looking for you.
"Oh my gosh. I am so glad to have another guest stay here with us at the hotel! My name is Charlie! This is Vaggie, my girlfriend and this is my dad, Lucifer! That's Husk, our bartender. Angel Dust, another guest. Niffty, our maid and Alastor! Our facility manager!" She gestured to everyone who waved to you briefly before returning to what they were doing. "I'll show you to your room!"
You were dragged across the floor and brought to an empty room. "This is where you'll be staying! Make yourself at home!" She grinned, practically exploding with excitement, "And after you're all settled in, you can come join us for dinner!"
"Thank you. I'll...I'll be there shortly." You nervously laugh. Charlie ran off to meet back up with the rest and you let out a sigh. You turned the light on in your new room and looked around. You had nothing. No money, no power, no belongings. You shut the door behind you and plopped down on your bed, face first. "Ugh. Fuck my life."
"But you're already dead, my dear!" A familiar radio voice loudly exclaims next to you. You scream and fell on the floor. You looked at the demon with shock on your face. You could've sworn you closed the door. Before you could speak, he traveled through his shadows to appear in front of you, holding his hand out for you to grab. "Need a bit of help?"
You hesitantly held his hand and he immediately pulls you up to your feet. "What do you want from me?" You ask, dusting yourself off.
"Nothing!" He says, playfully swatting his hand at you, "I'm just here to greet our latest guest! And must I say your room is quite bland!"
"Yeah, well I don't have anything." You frown.
He grabbed your face, forcing your lips up to a smile, "Smile my dear! You're never fully dressed without one." You tensed and flinched at his touch, pulling away quickly. Alastor takes note of your reaction. "Oh my. You've got quite the baggage."
"I don't know what you're talking about." You rub the areas he held, averting your gaze away from him.
"I apologize for touching you without permission. I should've inquired sooner." His voice was uncharacteristically softer than usual. It wasn't too obvious but you could tell. "Now! Let's get your room all set up!"
He claps and shadows engulfed the empty spaces where decorations would be and when they vanished, items were in place. He added paintings, trinkets, little designs you liked. You looked around amazed and a little confused. "How do you know I like any of these things...?"
"That's for me to know! Now! We're all waiting for you at dinner!" He pushes you out of the room with a shadow, taking you back to the lobby.
"You got her, radio?"
"Yes. Soul still intact as expected, old pal."
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 17 days
The Unwanted Visitor
Part 1 of a new series (actually part 1 of a really old series I found in my wips and dug up again. It's from when I was like 15). Anyways, enjoy!
When I was about 6 years old, my family moved into an old house in the countryside. It was lovely, with 3 storeys and a big garden, but there was one tradeoff.
It was haunted by a spirit.
I'd nicknamed it 'Visitor', as in 'The Unwanted Visitor That Just Wouldn't Go Away'. Visitor terrorised my family constantly, shifting things and mimicking loud screams in the dead of night, whispering our names in dark hallways. It got so bad that we could no longer invite anyone over.
Of course, my parents being my parents, they did absolutely nothing about it. So I grew up with Visitor haunting my house. I'd get woken up at night to see the shadows in the corner of my bedroom, and his whispers followed me wherever I went. Interestingly, the familiarity with him meant I wasn't afraid of him. Instead, I considered him to be a nuisance.
"Put the damn bowl down, Visitor!" I thwacked my spatula against the side of the table. "If you aren't gonna help, get your unwanted ass outta here!"
I felt a breeze drift behind me and knew Visitor had done just that. I turned around, ready to go back to making breakfast, only to come face-to-face with a humanoid creature.
He was a good foot shorter than me, his inky skin a stark contrast to his pale hair, and his eyes glowed red. He was wearing a white t-shirt with the words 'I LOVE BRAINS' written on the front. With his arms crossed, he leaned against the doorway, posture languid.
"Really? Dad's T-shirt? Go put that thing back, Vis," I told him brusquely.
Visitor shrugged. "Why should I? It's comfy."
"Because it's not yours? If you don't put it back, you aren't getting any of the food," I told him.
"Whatever, you're just a control freak." Visitor rolled his eyes, walking over to the stove and taking a piece of bacon. 
I swatted at him with my spatula, missing by an inch. "What did I say? If you aren't helping, don't come in. Now, out."
"But I want some-"
"OUT." I slammed my hand on the tabletop for emphasis. Visitor huffed and disappeared into the hallway.
I finished frying the eggs and sat down at the table. As I ate, Visitor wandered in and sat opposite me, a mug in his hands. I eyed it. It had a cat-tail handle, cat paw prints round the side and a chipped rim.
"That's my coffee mug," I pointed out.
"I know," Visitor smirked, and sipped it.
I glared at him. The trouble with having an evil spirit instead of a sibling was that you couldn't tattle on an evil spirit to your parents. As such, I'd learnt to take matters into my own hands.
I lunged over the table, grabbing my cup with one hand. With the other, I caught a fistful of Visitor's hair.
"Ow!" Visitor yelped. "You bitch! What was that for?"
"This is what you get when you steal," I retorted. "Now give me my cup."
"Never!" Visitor stuck out his tongue.
"You're 600 years old, not 6."
"Shut up." Despite having his head contorted at an awkward angle, Visitor seemed undisturbed.
I yanked his hair again. "Give it."
"Nope." Did the little bugger look smug? Ugh, it made my blood boil.
"GIVE ME THE FUCKING COFFEE MUG OR SO HELP ME, I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET IT!" My voice was loud enough to wake my parents and likely the surrounding wildlife, and it went right into Visitor's ear.
"Fine, fine! You're such a killjoy!" Visitor shoved the cup at me and I released him, sliding back into my chair.
"Asshole," Visitor muttered loudly.
"I heard that," I snapped, channelling my inner schoolmarm. Bizarrely enough, it always worked on him. Something deep within the spirit psyche responded to it, as though they had a genetic phobia of pissed off teachers.
"It's true," he said testily. We had subsided into our usual routine of banter, and I figured it was safe to slide him the plate of eggs. You see, the thing about living with Visitor was that it was a constant tug of war to assert my power. My parents cowered from him because they didn't dare to threaten to smack the ancient spirit. I, on the other hand, had no such reservations, and it earned me his respect. To him (and honestly to everyone else), I was the head of the house, not my parents.
I raised an eyebrow. "You're the asshole who broke the window, remember?"
"It was an accident!" He pouted, but began shovelling food into his mouth.
"Oh, sure, an accident. I believe that. Which is why it's been 'accidentally' broken three times this year." Thankfully, my parents hadn't pinned the blame on me, or else I would have had a great deal of grounding to deal with.
"Whatever." Visitor scowled. He was never good at coming up with witty comebacks when he was hungry.
Taglist under cut:
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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onsunnyside · 2 years
ok sonnyshine,,,,,,,,,, stoner!nerd bf jake jensen and his plug co-nerd james mace,,,,, hanging out with them, watching space documentary while high and cuddling and kisses and more
it's insane how you took my dreams before i even dreamt them and put them in my inbox 😳 THIS COULD LITERALLY BE AN AU, I LOVE IT SO MUCH (which is why it’s so long shh) !!
here we go !! your stoner nerd!boyfriend!Jake Jensen invites his plug co-nerd!James Mace over for some weed and space documentries:
🌟 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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A quiet giggle flutters from beside Mace as you bat away your boyfriend's wandering hands, "you're so handsy, daddy, did you miss me that much?"
Mace clears his throat, counting down in his head before standing up and gathering his things. All except the weed on the table, Jake hadn't paid for it but he's willing to lose the cash if it meant getting out of this hot and smokey dorm room before he started jerking off right on the damn couch.
"Where are you going, Mace?" Jake asks, directing your head to his neck. One of his hands on your hip and the other on your ass in the tightest, tiniest shorts Mace has ever seen.
"I, uhm... I've got a test tomorrow." He lies, the faint sound of your wet lips kissing Jake's neck seem louder than the narrator's voice.
"I thought you said you were free until Friday?" The blond frowns, easily reading Mace’s face, “C'mon, don't go so soon. We haven't hung out in so—" He's cut off by a groan, and curses under his breath, "—fuck, baby, we've still got company."
You giggle again, you were always so giggly when you were high, giggly and horny. "I know." You arch your back, peering over your shoulder at the brunet. "Don't go, Macey, I love when it's just the three of us."
He doesn't know if it was your puppy dog eyes, or your pretty pout, or the little wiggle of your ass, but he settles down on the couch again. This time, busying himself with lighting a half-finished joint so he doesn't have to watch you and Jake dry hump a foot away.
"Look at that shit—" the television displays a zoomed-out view of the solar system, all of the planets orbiting the sun, "how the hell is there so much space for all of that?" Jake slumps back, running his hands all over your body absentmindedly.
"It's called space, dummy."
"Oh, shut up." He swats your behind. Mace has long gotten used to Jake's obsession with you and touching you, hell, if he was your boyfriend, he'd be the same. "Mace, you still waiting to hear back from NASA for the internship?"
The brunet averts his gaze, exhaling slowly and watching the smoke float to the ceiling. "Actually, I already did. I got the acceptance email last week."
"Ah! Congrats!" You shout, grinning madly. "I knew you could do it, you're the smartest person I know." Jake clears his throat and you roll your eyes, "You're one of the smartest people I know. Isn’t he super smart, Jake?"
"Yeah, he is. Why don't you give him that reward we talked about?" A light appears behind your eyes but dims when you hesitate. Jake is quick to calm you down and presses a soft kiss to your cheek, "It's okay. Go on, baby."
In a relaxed daze, Mace watches you scoot over, and swing your leg over his. You settle in his lap, steadying yourself on his broad shoulders and he stiffens, choking out your name.
You shush him, "Before you came over, Jake said we could kiss a little..." You trail off, "said you've been really sad since you were dumped."
Under you, he's rigid. His thighs tense when you brush his bulge, ugh but could you blame him when you were moaning and whimpering while making out with Jake, literally right next to him? "Y-Yeah but, Jake, this is your girl—"
"I'm fine with it if she's fine with it." He snatches the spliff from Mace and reclines, taking a pull, "you deserve it, man. Your ex screwed you over big time, and you're still hung up on her.”
Jake is right. She did screw him over, by stealing his (drug-but-still) hard earned money and fleeing to who knows where.
Mace stares up at you with red-rimmed blue eyes, a vibrant cherry blooming from under his short stubble on his cheeks.
"I've always wondered if your lips were as soft as they look." You whisper, brushing your nose on his, "are you gonna help me find out, Macey?"
With half a breath, he surges up, slamming his lips against yours. It's wet and messy, full of everything he's ever felt for you but kept under wraps (for obvious reasons because crushing on his most loyal customer and best friend's girlfriend was asking for trouble). Your teeth clash and he growls into the kiss, tilting your head and slipping his tongue into your willing mouth.
Jake groans lowly, rubbing over the tent in his jeans, his eyes locked on you both. The documentary is forgotten for the sake of this—something you've talked about dozens of times.
Luckily, you two had a very healthy relationship, and could talk about anything and be unafraid of what kind of response you’d receive.
You knew everything about each other, from deepest fears to darkest fantasies. Openness, honesty, and vulnerability were important, and it took a while to get here, but you’ve both never been more comfortable and confident in a relationship.
It also helped that Jake knew about Mace's feelings about you from mere observation. Those longing looks and how he always smiled the brightest and laughed the loudest when you were around. He didn't need a 4.0 GPA to notice that his best friend wanted you (but he had a 4.0 GPA anyway and he was very proud of it).
Jake was in love, so he knew the signs of someone else falling in love. And Mace wasn't the best at hiding his feelings and desires either.
Your outstretched hand catches his attention and he goes to you like a moth to a flame. After taking the last pull from the joint, he discards it in the ashtray on the table. He waits for you, grunting at the string of saliva connecting your mouth to his best friend's.
Your eyes are as sparkly as the stars in the sky—and Jake knows this was a good idea.
He cups your cheek and presses his lips to yours, slowly exhaling into your mouth. Under you, Mace pants heavily, his fingers digging into your hips as he watches you two. You and Jake fit together perfectly, always have, and always will.
You pull away with a hum and with another rock of your hips, you capture Mace's agape mouth in a kiss. The smoke flows from you into him, igniting a fire he's extinguished time and time again, but now it can burn brightly, blinding all its witnesses.
He’s so fucking whipped, it’s almost pitiful when he chases after you, the smoke puffing from his pink, swollen lips. Sighing happily, you lean back with a cheeky smile, so effortlessly beautiful, they could look at you all day.
You’re both of their dreams incarnated, manifested into a living breathing human—or the weed was making them all sappy.
"Awh shit, we missed my favourite part! I love when they talk about Jupiter's moons! Europa is my baby."
"We'll rewind it, baby." Jake chuckles and pats your ass, glancing at his friend. "Mace, you staying the night for a rewatch?"
As if history were repeating itself, your mouth trails from his jaw to his neck. And he wonders how Jake even managed to speak with your teasing kisses sprinkling along his skin.
Your lips ghost his ear, “please stay, I want you to stay."
His heart swells and he clutches you a little tighter. "I'll stay." He gives in without a beat, “I'll take the couch."
Jake scoffs, reaching for another spliff and the lighter. "Yeah right, we could all fit on the bed."
Before Mace could protest, his mind goes blank as your hands through his buzzed hair. "If you think we were just gonna kiss all night, you're in for a treat, Macey."
my thots are many… bc daddy!jake sharing you with his best friend Mace 😣 showing him how much of a slut you are, how much you love being told what to do, and how pretty you beg for a cock 😪 “you want us that bad, baby? You could do better than that. I wanna see you cry for it.”
This #underrated daddy party is opening my mind to so many tropes I love it
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cosmos-coma · 2 years
Sick Days- Lambert
A/N: This is my first ever Lambert fic! I had put off writing for him (as a central character) because I was never sure how to write him, but I like this one. Also apparently now that the snot is flowing so are the words lmao.
Pairing: Lambert x Reader
Word count: ~700
Tag warning: Language
Summary: Lambert takes care of you when start to get sick.
You groaned and threw your arm over your eyes dramatically as you reclined back against Lambert’s chest. 
When you peeked out from under your arm and looked up to see his eyes still closed, ignoring you in favor of his meditative state. So you groaned again, louder this time, and flopped your hand “accidentally” against his face instead of your own.
“I heard you the first time.” He mumbled, swatting away your hand and finally opening his eyes. “What’s the problem, Honeybee?” 
“Well I- wait, that’s a new nickname; that's oddly sweet for you.” you said, your voice coming out quiet, raspy, and congested. 
“Yeah, I thought it would be fitting since you might be cute on the outside, but you pack a hell of a sting when you want to.” His face held a big stupid crooked grin that only devolved into laughter when you punched him in the shoulder. “But in all seriousness, what’s wrong? You sound terrible”
“I think I’m getting sick…would you mind getting me some hot water and honey…?” You asked, rolling over so you could lay chest-to-chest to chest with him, fingers coming up to smooth his hair back into place from its tussled state.
His laughter settled into a faint smile as he rubbed his hand down your back. “That’s all you want? You need to learn to ask for more, Honeybee…” He urged but nodded in agreement. “Yes, I can get that for you, but you gotta let me up if I'm gonna go anywhere.” He patted your butt like a drum before gently rolling you off to the side and getting up. 
“Thank you..!” you called as he headed out towards the kitchens, smiling to yourself. While he was out you re-stoked the fire and tried to clean up to the room to your normal standards, but you quickly began to tire and feel worse. Crawling back into bed you grabbed a book from beside the bed and patiently waited for your witcher to return, which… took a lot longer than you expected?
Just as you were about to hop out of bed and shuffle down the halls to look for him the door gently kicked open. “Lamb?” you asked and sat up more to see. 
“Yeah, it’s me…” he said as he walked in with a mug in one hand and a plate piled high with food in the over, even having to balance the toast with top with his chin to make sure it didn’t fall off the plate. 
You laughed as you watched him come in, your dry throat instead turning it into a nasty cough that sounded both wet and dry which you're not sure how that worked. You held up a hand as your shoulders shook with the force of it. “Ugh…” 
“Wow… you sound fucking disgusting. Almost like that time I saw a rock troll try to sit on a horse. That poor horse…” He snorted, sliding the plate and mug onto the little side table he had put in. 
“Shut up or I’m gonna cough down your throat, Lamb…” Your scowl served as a warning just as much as your words did. “I know you can’t get sick, but it's still gonna be gross…. Now, what’s all this? I just asked for water and honey..” 
“I know, but I wanted to get you more.” he shrugged nonchalantly, playing off this act of service as if it was nothing more than… well, grabbing a glass of water. “Plus since you're obviously sick you’ll need the energy so you get better faster and won’t complain so often.”
You could only grin as he climbed into bed with you, laying between your legs so he could lay his bead back on your chest, a position he loved but wouldn't allow his brothers to catch him dead in.
“Hey, Lamb?” you coaxed as your fingers caressed his cheek, loving touches running along the line of his jaw.
“I love you…” you grinned. 
From above you watched Lambert's lips split into their own grin before turning his face up to you. 
“I love you too, Honeybee…”
___________________________________ Wanna be added/taken off the taglist? Just DM/Ask and let me know!
Taglist: @open--till--midnight @writingmysanity @dark-academia-slut
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gokartkid · 1 year
yukierre university au
“This is so fucked,” Pierre complains, rolling over on his dorm bed to hang off of the end, putting his hands on Yuki’s head.
“What is,” Yuki says absent mindedly. He’s working on an assignment, typing furiously away at his laptop.
“My grades just came out,” Pierre drums a rhythm onto Yuki’s shoulders, watches his hands pause on his keyboard, “for that mid-semester test I told you about.”
“The one that you didn’t study for?” Yuki looks up at him, raising an eyebrow.
“Hey,” Pierre points down at him and tries to look serious, “don’t look at me like that. It’s never gone badly for me before, remember—“
“You’ve never failed a test ever except in 3rd form and it’s because you vomited halfway through the test,” Yuki recites, rolling his eyes, “I know Pierre. Don’t you think this might be karma.”
“Karma!” Pierre pushes himself up to look mock offendedly down at Yuki, “what do you mean karma? I haven’t even done anything wrong.”
“Sometimes,” Yuki looks back down at his laptop and squints at the screen. Pierre collapses back down, leaning his cheek onto his hand to watch him, “you just need to be humbled Pierre.”
“Humbled! Why do you hate me?” Pierre shakes Yuki’s shoulders, just to hear him laugh and try push him off halfheartedly. He keeps typing diligently through the assault, “I am very humble. So humble!”
Yuki makes a noise, disparaging, and Pierre gives it up, letting go and rolling back over onto his back to stare up at the ceiling. He turns his head to stare at Yuki again, the profile of his face in concentration, brow furrowed. He keeps poking out his tongue to lick at his lips, pink and wet. His face is lit up with the shifting colours of the screen as he flicks between tabs. 
“You should get blue light glasses,” Pierre says absentmindedly, reaches out to poke at Yuki’s cheek. He leans away and back, swatting at Pierre’s hand, “you’re always looking at your screen.”
“It’s because I’m studying,” Yuki says patiently, “because I want to pass.”
“Ugh,” Pierre blows air out of his mouth, “you’ll pass. Of course you’ll pass Yuki, it’s only a first year paper.”
“You’re the one who made me go to that party yesterday when I wanted to work on this!”
“And you had fun, didn’t you?” 
Pierre pushes out his lower lip when Yuki looks at him, unimpressed, tries to make his eyes as big as possible. 
“You’re hopeless,” Yuki finally says, and shuts his laptop, “you want to get snacks from the dining hall?”
“Fuck yes,” Pierre says, and hops off the bed, “I thought you would never ask.”
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hazbmymhotel · 2 months
I wrote
Chapter TWO(2)
Needs some lore.
Chapter 2) Always Putting Out Fires
There was no way Angel had been asleep for more than an hour before he heard it. “Ugh.” His phone was buzzing beneath his pillow. He swatted at it, hearing a snort. The whole bed bowed suddenly with a shift of movement.
“Fat Nuggets, quit fuckin jumpin–” Angel sat up and stared at Husk. His pupils were blown, and his tail swatted back and forth. He looked up, just as surprised as Angel.
Husk opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. His paws were clasped together over Angel’s phone like a prize.
Angel took a moment to process before asking, “Did ya kill it?”
Husk’s ears flattened and he lifted his paws away. “I wasn't…I just…I'm tryna turn the damn thing off.” Blush was apparent through the thin fur on his nose.
“Decline the call, Whiskers,” Angel wheezed. He covered his mouth, trying to contain himself. Oh, Satan, that was so cute. “It's probably…it's probably just Valentino.”
Husk wrinkled his nose. He swiped decline, and settled back into a sitting position. His tail flicked back and forth.
“I bet he just wants to know what happened,” Angel sucked his teeth. He looked at Husk, who looked perturbed. Angel watched him, studying the features on his face.
“I don't get it either, Angel,” Husker admitted. He laid back into a pillow, looking worn. “I don't get how I…” he looked at his own hands.
“Listen, Husk, I've been in hell almost eighty years,” Angel started, but he cut off as his phone rang again. “Fucker.” He shut it off on the third ring. “The fuck’s he gonna do?” He felt emboldened by his actions.
Husk sucked his teeth for a moment. Nothing seemed real about the situation…save for the aching in his eye. He touched his own cheek pensively, almost jumping back when Angel placed his own hand on top of it.
“Listen…it's fine.” Angel Dust assured him. “Bein’ a spider is workin’ in my favor for once.”
“Nothing you're sayin’ is making any sense,” Husk complained.
“How about I stop talkin’ a minute then.” Angel crawled closer, daring to lean over Husk. He looked at the newly mismatched eyes on the cat’s face, fascinated by how different they looked now. 
“Am I gettin’ you all flustered, Babycakes?” Angel whispered, enjoying how all four of Husk’s pupils dilated.
Husk reached up, daring to cup Angel’s cheek. “I thought you were done talking.”
Angel laughed softly, closing the gap between them in a kiss. He pressed against Husk's smaller frame, sighing when strong paws grabbed his waist. Every touch felt electric, like it was somethin’ brand new. Angel’s fingers buried into dark fur, each one finding its own purchase on Husk's body.
“Aren't you still tired?” Husk whispered, his voice low and raspy. It made Angel’s head spin.
“Not enough to care,” Angel said, letting out a pitiful sound as Husk nibbled his neck. “You don't gotta be so soft with me-Oh!” He found himself pushed into the silky pillows, now staring up into Husk's eyes.
Husk looked at him in a way that made his insides burn. The cat assured him, “I'm still going to be.” He brought two of Angel’s hands to his lips, kissing each finger gently. Husk closed his eyes, ears swiveling to listen as Angel whined and gasped.
“No, you're drivin’ me insane, no,” Angel pleaded. “How the fuck could this be this hot? You ain't even usin’ your tongue-EEEH” He devolved into giggles as Husk's rough tongue dipped between his knuckles.
Husker and Angel Dust paused. For a moment, neither of them moved.
“Get the Fuck up, Angel Dust! We've got a problem,” Vaggie said, her tone firm.
It was then that Angel could hear a ruckus downstairs. “Ugh, that prick,” he grumbled. “Coming! Don't let him touch anythin'!”
Husk was standing in moments. He frowned, hands on his hips.
“What? You ain't gotta go down naked. Meet me.” Angel swung his long legs over the side of the bed and stood. He went to grab his robe, but realized it was still crusted in Husk’s blood. “Well, guess I'm gonna look Mafioso today, baby,” he said, resigned.
“He can wait,” Husk said. “I'll handle it.”
“You ain't fightin’ my fuckin’ battles for me, Babycakes,” Angel said firmly.
“Then what the fuck was last night?” Husk raised his voice.
“That. Was different. That was Me fightin’ Your battles. Big difference.” Angel opted to ignore Husk's offended huff. “I brought ya into this when I made you make a pact with me.” He tied his robe in a determined fashion.
Husk scrambled through Angel’s dresser, pulling on an oversized shirt. It hung on him like a dress, and Angel had to take another moment to compose himself as he grabbed his gun.
“I’m older than you,” Husk continued in a protest that made Angel weak, “and I'll fuckin' handle it. With you.”
“Sure, Baby, whatever you wanna do for Mommy that makes you feel better,” Angel crooned. He opened the door, not realizing how his words nearly made Husk crumple.
“jesus fuckin’ christ,” Husk muttered as he followed after him. He folded his wings firmly into his own back, trying not to die of embarrassment.
“What the fuck do ya want, Val?!” Angel shouted, hearing the moth yelling before he saw him.
Valentino turned on a dime, four fists clenched at his side. “You little Bitch, Angel Dust, what the fuck do you think I want?!”
“Damn, honey, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you seemed mad.” Angel leveled his gun, holding it steady with extra hands.
“No! Nonononono,” Charlie said quickly. “Not after last night!” She pushed her hands in front of the muzzle, only for Vaggie to aggressively yank her back.
Vaggie started to scold her, sputtering in frustration. “Charlie that's a fucking gun!” She grit her teeth. “And that's Valentino. Are you trying to start a goddamn war?!”
“Maybe,” Angel said, looking away from his target. “It'd be easier than having to explain myself.”
“No!” Charlie said again, taking the tone of a parent. She even dared to wag her finger at him.
“Y'know…I'm gettin' tired of havin’ to watch all these kiddos,” Angel said. “Why shouldn't I shoot him, exactly?”
“It's against your contract!” Valentino said with confident bravado.
Angel laughed and readied his stance. “I already handled that.”
“You fucking cannot handle that,” Val stamped his foot. “That is not how a deal works!!!”
The lights flickered. “A deal?” Alastor's voice cracked more than usual as he entered the room. “You should know better,” he said hoarsely.
“Oh, Alastor, your bandages,” Charlie soothed, hurrying to his side. “I should change them.” But Alastor held up his hand.
“What…” Val looked at him, “in the seven hells has happened to you? Is this still the result of your battle with Adam?”
“My dear! Gracious, no. I've had an encounter with a new, up and coming overlord!!” Alastor’s half ear twitched. It matched Valentino’s antenna. How unfortunate.
“I'd be more cautious, if I were you.”
Val narrowed his eyes. He looked among the group, as if trying to determine. “Charlie?” He asked, eliciting a scrumptious and raspy laugh from the Radio Demon.
“No, you ignorant insect.” Alastor said, “the Spider.”
Angel lowered his gun slightly, looking over his shoulder. “I ain't no..” he looked at Husk, standing behind him and ready to fight, and changed his mind.
Readying his gun again, Angel agreed, “you'd better fuckin' believe it. I've been lettin’ you get away with your shit for too long. Finally decided I'm bored of it. I'm ready to spill some blood, Baby.” He readied his finger on the trigger, “so am I gonna send a message to the Vees via your body in a bag, or are you gonna go of your own volition.”
“I…” Val seemed to be chewing on his words.
“That means of your own free will, jackass.” Husk provided.
Val straightened up and puffed his chest. “I know what that means, you little snack.” He huffed and took a drag of his cigarette before turning to leave.
Pausing at the door, Val asked over his shoulder. “Angel Dust.”
“What, you piece of shit?”
Val’s voice changed, curiosity sincere in his tone, “How did you do it?”
Angel fired a shot, pleased when it was close enough to make his antenna sway.
With a sneer, Val walked off, slamming the door behind him.
The air hung heavy. There was one question clinging to everyone's mind. Finally, Alastor asked,
“Husker. What the Fuck are you wearing?”
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Seventy One.
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Smiling at Robyn “ugh, I feel so old!” she spat before blowing her candles out on the cake “she isn’t old, she still looks like the woman I met when I was in school, just” I paused “more wrinkles” she swatted me “shut up” everyone clapped around us, I did a little wolf whistle “you look amazing still” grabbing the wine glass “I just want to say thank you to everyone that came, it was last minute really because she didn’t know what she wanted. We did say we wouldn’t do parties anymore but then I gave the idea of doing this little get together on a yacht in Dubai, so thank you to y’all that came out last minute, shout out to Mel” raising my glass “thank you everyone for coming” Robyn thanked them, her friends and family came out for her and I am glad she is happy, wrapping my arms around Robyn “love you” she said “love you too” pressing a kiss to her lips “appreciate you doing this, like I know we said we wouldn’t do parties but it’s more intimate with my loved ones here, just to see them, makes me happy” I grinned “anything for you and we had to turn up in style twin, we had to do it somewhere warm, you said France and I was like huh? You know how cold it is out there” she chuckled “I know, I forget about their seasons, just I always go there when it’s nice but you right, Dubai has been amazing really. I am happy, you’re happy, the kids are happy so I can’t complain can I?” shaking my head, looking over at everyone. Taylan smiled at me; I smiled back at him. We have everyone here, I think Dubai has been a good place for us all “I am going to see Herb” I said to her, pecking her lips before I did “you stay away from Taina” I pointed at him “nigga leave me alone, I been telling her I lost weight” I chuckled “you think he has; nigga got a gut still. Leave her, animal” I pointed “shut up” Taina shook her head “I am going to go that way” she laughed walking off “you trying to get in there huh? I mean I will support you as long as you don’t’ fuck up bro, you can’t be doing this shit of messing up” we walked off together “I am serious, we just friends though, I am keeping friends only. Like I ain’t pushing it, I am not drinking, I am just high, and I am good like that but yeah, bro I can only try. I love her man” nodding my head agreeing “where is Rylee?” Jen asked “erm, she couldn’t come” Jen let out an oh “that’s a shame everyone is here” rubbing my head “I know she couldn’t come she said” I shrugged.
Sitting downstairs on the yacht “Amerie is a diamond you know, she was like you leave Essey with me, he will be ok. She is dope, how come she ain’t got a man?” he asked which made me laugh “you want to be her man now?” he hit my arm “nigga shut up, I am just asking. Do you not ever ask her if she wants kids?” he is so nosey “erm, you know I did one time. She told me that she doesn’t want kids, she is ok the way she is. She sees all of our kids as her own, I see the love she has for them. I remember with whole thing with Rylee went off, she was crying and so emotional, so I see she got that love for them, I mean if she is happy then so be it, if she came to me saying look I got a new life, I will be happy for her. She is a good woman” Herb grinned “big booty too” shaking my head “stop it” he is dumb “how come niece ain’t come for her mom birthday? They still beefing?” shaking my head “erm nah, they kind of made up like they do talk, she said she couldn’t come. Both of them, it’s a shame but like I feel she has closed doors on us, she has pulled back a lot, I feel it from her. Even more so now, I did put it down to being busy because she is moving but like this past few weeks its been nothing, like minimum text, pictures have been sent of Aziel but from Grace, like she hasn’t been there and Robyn was pissed when she declined to come, she messaged her saying that you was in France with him but can’t come here, so yeah. I guess that’s what she wants” I shrugged “dang, that is deep. She ain’t even throw us a party for the new home too” I chuckled “I know right, Ti got a new apartment and invited the whole gang in that little thing, man. I wasn’t liking that small place, but kids take it in turns with being good” I don’t know what to say “he got a tour coming up, that album of his or mixtape went number five, that is so crazy! I saw it, the overseas gang love him” nodding my head “they do” I mumbled.
Putting a finger up as Ti took a picture of me and Taylan together “appreciate it bro” he said to me “no problem, bro?” I laughed, he shrugged “I don’t know what to say, uncle” I would punch him “uncle, I will beat your ass just call me Chris” I pointed before walking off, I still feel uneasy about him. Like he makes her happy so what can I say, “you good?” I asked Imani, she nodded her head “I had some wine” I shushed her “you trying to get us kicked out, relax” I laughed, making my way over to Robyn. Wrapping my arm around her neck “is she drunk yet?” I asked, Mel shook her head “you want to do some freaky shit, he about to have you in the bed drunk and squirting” I laughed “how do you know?” Mel eyeballed me “I lived with you both, you two are disgusting” Robyn and I laughed, pressing a kiss to the back of her head “I am happy you had a good birthday though, I told you my idea was good. You was busy saying no every hour” she is a pain at times “had us rushing over, I was like yeah kids you ain’t coming but then I could have left them with Amerie and then Melody could have come, oh well. I am child and man free” Mel said, “kid free holiday is better, I just know the boys are going to wake me up early too, but I just want to nut and then sleep, what a good life” dapping Rorrey as he came over to me “good party bro” I smiled “appreciate it, the boys want to go to that Ferrari thing tomorrow, you up for it?” I need someone to go with “yeah, I can take the kid with me for sure” least I got him “cool, Herb is coming. Rajad I am sure will come. The women are doing boring shopping so it’s just us boys” Mel rolled her eyes “you boys call us boring but have stacks of clothing, more then us women!” she spat “because we don’t stare at the thing, we just get it and go, we know what we want, tell them” I pointed “he right, we know what we want” women be doing the most, I can’t be bothered.
Looking at my watch, time isn’t on my side, well both of us because the kids will be awake in two hours “we too old to party” I stifled out a yawn “I can’t even hang anymore” Robyn mumbled “I can tell, heels was off after an hour” she chuckled “had to happen Chris, my feet was killing me. What a nice turn out, I saw you talking to Taylan, that was nice” I breathed out “erm yeah, I mean what can I do? I am going to be cordial with him, we spoke on like how he feels that Ti has moved out and he said he enjoys it more, more peace but he then said joking, they get along better. That was it really” Robyn cooed “they are so perfect together; I love to see them together. Like people said that about us, he is so sorry about what happened, and I told him, it’s over with. He said sorry because Rylee didn’t come, it’s his fault. I said no that girl does what she wants, they was both invited but she decided not to come. I am not inviting her to a thing again, she missed my birthday and sent me a text that was it. Even Ti got a cute video, she was in France Chris. She spitefully didn’t come so whatever, she got her house, she got her man, she don’t need anyone now. She can hopefully deal with shit herself now” resting my head back “people do get busy” I mumbled “don’t do it Chris!” she spat “ok” I just said “let’s pretend she doesn’t exist, it’s better. We get on more that way” I don’t want to hear it or be between them.
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Looking in on Grace with Aziel, she is taking care of him today “Lee, your friend is here” looking at Oakley “oh is it Lillian?” he nodded his head “ok, erm don’t go anywhere, we are going still” he walked off “mommy, I did it” he ran to me “he drew you a picture” taking the paper from him “aww for me? Oh wow baby, this is so good. Thank you, are you going to do dad a picture too?” he nodded his head “I do it” he ran off “thank you” I said to Grace walking off, this home at times is too big for me. But I love the space, but I can lose Oakley in this place too but it’s very much a working progress right now, he wants a studio in here, that is getting done currently. Wadz stayed over, it’s been ok. Still changing rooms up and everything but I am well, I love it’s my own home. Making my way down the steps “madam bitch? Girl, pressing the buzzer and then it just opened, like he didn’t speak to me, and I got scared, then he opened the door and smiled, and then goes to me walk in next time” I laughed “he is an idiot, come. Surprise visit?” I said “well Halle and I both were going to come but then she couldn’t come out of work, but we was going to go after but then you said not too, so I came to see you” looking behind me “go here” I pointed at the reception room “nobody comes here anyways” I said “well bitch I don’t think many do, we need a party. Like we need that, I really need it” she eyeballed me, closing the door “oh Rylee” she said “yeah, oh Rylee, another thing. We just had go through the burial of his nana just last year and then it was morbid moving in and then now this, he knew he was being that so we went to France for the weekend, he took me and then I saw that on his back, I mean can be nothing right” I said, “it can be nothing, how is he?” she asked “I mean like we will get results today so it could be me seeing nothing, I saw that on his back and I was like huh, that wasn’t there before so like yeah, looking into it was a mistake but it can be nothing” I smiled “it can be nothing but you seem to have closed off since so I wanted to see you” nodding my head “it’s hard, I am trying to be there for him a lot, he has his moments where he is ok and then he is not, lots of emotions for him, but I don’t know what I am going to do if it’s bad news. I called the doctor like come on, two weeks for results can be ages away, he said that is the quickest, I don’t even want to mention the word really but yeah” Lillian hugged me “here for you, you know that” she said “thank you but he doesn’t want anyone to know, he said like keep it quiet because it’s nothing and I am being dramatic, so please” she shushed me “you know I got you” he will be pissed with me but I need someone to talk too.
Lillian opened my fridge “so wasn’t that there before? That mole” shaking my head “no, this is the thing, we went into the spa, he was sat on the lounger and then I saw it, it was different to me, I know his body, but I pray it me being dramatic, could be. Then he will call me jarring but right now he is not good” she held the can of coke up to me “take it” seeing Oakley walk in “London traffic and stuff, we should go now. You need a ride?” Oakley asked Lillian “how sweet but me and my old Audi got this” he chuckled “old Audi, I didn’t mean that. But yeah, I am ready to go” he said to me “aww you both going in a date, well remember the plan for Halle birthday party, I am serious” I stared at Lillain “yeah” I just added “she will forget that” rolling my eyes “well both of you have fun with whatever you doing, see you both soon. And you both owe us a house party! Not warming!” she spat walking off “do you know how to get out?” he asked, “does she know how?” he looked at me, I shook my head “she wanted to make a dramatic exit, go and help her please” I said, he walked off and I just laughed at her. Taking in a deep breath, it’s so hard to be normal when I am scared. I feel scared and then I am just closing off instead because I have to put this façade on for him, he doesn’t want me upset, he just said it’s fine. When it’s not, the shit was never there, I know it wasn’t maybe he had a mole but not that colour change, I just can’t deal with this.
Oakley looked at me and then we both laughed “was that your stomach?” He pointed “yeah, shut up ok. Just hungry” how embarrassing “why didn’t you eat?” I shrugged “I got busy, also I thought you could feed me” he chuckled “alright see how it is, I will do that for you of course. You see how Aziel was earlier, he goes dad, look. He drew me a picture like yours, I said thank you but is this picture better than mom? You got to say yes, and he said yes, so I go to the bathroom after place the drawing down, he came with me. He looked at me peeing and then my face and he said I got it he pointed at my dick, guy started wanting to show me. He is crazy you know” maybe my dad is right “my dad said he needs to hang with you more to get that feel of wanting to use the bathroom, maybe he is right. That is cute, he loves you so much” Oakley looked at me “he’s changed me to be a better me, like I see the culture of what he could be in, and I know he says all this gang stuff but honestly, I am happy with where he is, just knowing he will have a better life. It dawned on me that I’m a dad, it’s weird because yes of course I am a dad but I was just thinking about things, just this and just thinking least I left my seed here, half of me. I never thought of it that way” I shook my head “please stop it, just don’t. It will be nothing and I was just being dramatic. Like always, you know how I am” he smiled at me “sometimes, a little too dramatic but we are good, we will get through this won’t we” nodding my head “whatever the outcome; good or bad. Thank you for being there for me” he said to me which hit me “of course I am, I made the mistake before. Never again” he looks so nervous “I don’t feel right, I feel sick” he got up, my heart hurts so much. Watching him run off, I want to cry but I can’t. I have not been right since coming back, since we had the biopsy I haven’t been right, so much is going through my mind. I googled so much that I am positive it’s nothing because he hasn’t had weight change, he’s always been skinny so it can’t be anything really. But I rather get it checked, he’s hiding his feelings. He’s hiding it and now he’s sick with it, I feel it myself, I feel like shit. My mother and her birthday can wait, she called so many nasty names because I said I couldn’t come but I can’t digest what she said when there is this hanging over us. Oakley made his way back into the waiting room “are you ok?” I asked him, he sat next to me and just rested his head on my shoulder “stop it” I said to him, trying to suppress my sob, I am hurting so badly, I need to be strong for him.
The doctor is smiling, it is a good thing but then again it might not be “can I call you Oakley?” The doctor asked “sure” Oakley said to him “I’m doctor Ranj Oakley, how are you feeling today” he asked him “I’m good really, just want to get this over with. You know how women be like, dramatic” he chuckled “they care that is why, my wife is the same. They care a lot, so generally you feel healthy and happy?” He nodded his head “I am good, fine really” I am really scared right now, the doctor is so calm and collective “are you both married?” he pointed at us which made Oakley laugh “nah, nah. That is my girlfriend” I would smile or say something, but I can’t “sweet, how long you both been together?” is he delaying what is this “it’s erm, been a long time you know. I kind of forgot, I would say years” looking at Oakley, this is killing me “looking to settle any time soon? You must really like for it to be years” Oakley looked at me “erm yeah, I guess so really” smiling at him “kids, the dream isn’t it” I can’t even think “we already have a son together, he’s two” the doctor cooed out “that is sweet, terrible twos. I don’t miss that at all, so. I am your Doctor now, part of the MDT team. We do have your results Oakley, and” the look on his face, this is going to be bad news “when I say the word cancer instantly you’re going to feel fear, sadness. The results came back and we need to do more tests, we need to know what stage but it’s melanoma skin cancer, it looks like it’s in the early stages and with this we can get it caught early” Oakley just got up “I need air” he said, I am shaking right now “we do need to take blood from you and scans today” Oakley just stopped in front of the door and didn’t even open it, he hit the head against the door and just cried, I got up and went to him, wrapping my arms around his waist “I am so sorry” I said to him, I didn’t want to cry but I can’t hold it in any longer.
I didn’t even want to eat but he bought me here to eat, and for what, I am not hungry, but he remembered “we can’t just sit and stare at each other” he mumbled “I have been thinking constantly about this moment since we had our first appointment, and I still can’t do it” I strained out “ah man!” he placed his hands over his face “fuck” he wants to cry “why did you bring me here? I want to go home” I said to him “you was hungry, and I just can’t see Aziel” he sniffed, he pulled his hood over his head “he said it looks to be early stages, he said surgery and done” Oakley wiped his face “we don’t know that until this test comes back, if it’s spread then I am done. Oh man, I am fucked. I can’t do it” I got up from the chair, sitting on the chair next to him and hugging him “I can’t lose you, stop it. It was caught early, it will be fine” I choked out, I am dying to just cry my eyes out. Oakley moved back from his position and then hugged me “I am so sorry” he ended up crying on me even more, I am so scared right now.
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cryonme · 2 years
𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙊𝙛 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
➵ Fezco x fem!reader x Ex!Nate Jacobs
➵ summary: Fez stops selling you the drugs you need to handle your boyfriend, so you go looking elsewhere, resulting in you being unconscious and a physical altercation between Fez and Nate on New Years.
➵ word count: 4k
➵ tw: a lot of drugs, toxic relationship, some domestic abuse, drinking, swearing, steamy makeout session, euphoria season 2 episode 1 spoilers, unedited hahaha oops
➵ a/n: so, this is set during the season two episode one, in a world where Nate and Maddy never dated and Lexi and fez never had the conversation on the couch(even tho we all love it). this is my first euphoria imagine and im rlly excited to write more!! im suchhhhh a fuckin softie for Fezco UGH!! my mf baby!!! also this is rlly long and take a long time for it to get happy so sorry hahaha. it’s not really based on Dead Of Night it just is kind of the mood and im obsessed with the song in the show! it’s just such a mood setterrrrrr. happy reading, doves!
        ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
The sun goes down, another dreamless night, you're right by my side. You wake me up, you say it's time to ride, in the dead of night. Strange canyon road, strange look in your eyes, you shut them as we fly, as we fly.
“Whatchu doin’ here, (Y/l/n)?” Fezco drawled, counting a stack of $1 and $5 dollar bills like he was in slow motion, his fingers steady as he flipped the bills from his hands and onto the counter, not looking up as he addressed you.
“You know what I’m doin’.” You responded, leaning your body against the refrigerator door that was holding the energy drinks, narrowing your eyes at the freckled boy who wouldn’t look at you.
Of course Fezco knew why you were there. It was the same reason you were there every Friday night for the past year. You came in and asked for a bag of the same drugs you got every week, pretty much anything you could get your hands on, came in that bag. The redhead didn’t know why, but there was a sharp change in your behavior. You became bitter, mean, incredibly careless. You seemed to no longer care about your life, in your eyes, everything was meaningless, and Fez could see it. He knew that look. You no longer gave a fuck.
“Enlighten me.” Fezco said, still not looking up from the small task in his hands, which he could be done with already if he would just go fucking faster.
“Ashtray.” You said, turning your body to the younger boy sitting in the chair in the corner.
“Yeah, yeah.” Ashtray swatted a hand in your direction and stood from his spot, walking towards the back of the store to get your usual bag of contraband that they had ready for you every week.
You turned back towards Fez, “You gonna look at me?”
Fezco sighed and placed the bills on the counter, patting them lightly to keep them in place before he rested his hands on the counter and leaned forward. “Happy?”
You scoffed. “I don’t understand your fucking attitude.”
It was Fezco’s turn to scoff, “Maybe it’s time you do a self evaluation then, Princess.”
“Oh, fuck off. I haven’t done shit-”
“You haven’t done shit?!” Fezco’s voice boomed throughout the shop, bouncing off of the refrigerator doors and cracking through your ears.
Your mouth was shut and your chest heaved. You decided against responding, you knew he was right. You wanted to tell him why, you wanted so badly to tell him why, to have him protect you and take you away from what’s been weighing you down so heavily and stealing your joy.
But he made you keep it a secret.
“This is our secret, right baby?” He hummed, kissing the inside of your thigh while looking up at you through dark eyelashes.
You only whined in response so he gripped your thigh with so much force you were sure it would leave a bruise.
“Say you understand.”
You nodded, he squeezed harder.
“Say it!”
“I understand.” Your voice shook and He smiled.
“Good.” He purred. “I won’t hesitate wrapping my hands around that pretty throat of yours and squeezing if you seem to forget.” 
He terrified you, right down to your core, you were absolutely petrified of your boyfriend, and it was your own fucking fault.
Ashtray came sauntering back from the backroom, hands empty.
“Yo, I can’t find the bag.”
“S’cuz it’s not there.” “Why?” Ashtray raised an eyebrow before cautiously turning his head towards you, knowing it was only a matter of seconds before you blew up in their store.
“Yeah, why?” You asked, crossing your arms, and unbelievably deep scowl etched on your face as you tried to keep your lower lip from trembling, you needed those drugs, you don’t think you could get through another week without them.
“You ain’t gettin’ no drugs from me no more.” Fez’s voice was steady as he looked straight at you, “Tired of watchin’ you ruin your life, baby girl.”
You couldn’t help it as tears started to fall down your cheeks, “Fez, please.”
You wanted to curse yourself for how small your voice sounded when you spoke, the way it shook and faltered as you pleaded.
“What’s goin’ on with you?” Fez asked, for the first time in nearly a year, he confronted you instead of watching you ruin yourself from the sidelines.
“Nothing. I just need the fucking drugs, please, I can’t go on without them! I can’t face him without them!”
You hadn’t meant to say it, the pronoun slipped from your mouth like uncontrollable bile crawling up in your throat.
Fezco narrowed his eyes. “Who’s got you hurtin’ this bad?”
Your heart hammered in your chest. He knew. He knew it was a him, and Fezco wouldn’t stop until he knew the full story. You knew him through and through, inside out, like the back of your hand, and he wasn’t gonna stop ‘til he knew the whole story, and you were safe.
“No one, Fezco! God, can’t you just leave me alone for 2 seconds! I’ll fucking go somewhere else.”
Fezco felt his heart drop as he watched you go, but he wasn’t about to chase you out and beg for you to tell him what happened, to stay. So, he watched you go, and he knocked over a display of cheap sunglasses as soon as you were out of sight.
Once you were outside, you finally let the tears fall down your cheeks. Painful sobs of anger and fear pushed through your throat and turned into pathetic wails that floated through the LA skyline. You didn’t want to go to the stupid party anymore, having this fight with Fez made you too sad, a reminder of the best friend you lost, the person you loved more than anyone in this world.
The reason you needed a distraction in the first place.
You sucked it up anyway, knowing that Rue Bennett would be at that party, and Rue Bennett doesn’t go anywhere without drugs.
You kept your car completely silent as you drove, driving jerkier and a little bit more careless than you usually would, just wanting to get to the party, take drugs from whoever, and get the fuck home and hopefully fall asleep before the clock hits 12.
But obviously, New Years had other plans.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Nate lowly growled under his breath, not even sparing a glance at you as you poured yourself a drink.
Nate fucking Jacobs. Tall, dark, handsome. Achingly attractive and unbelievably charming, he was perfect on paper. Football star, good grades, came from money, sweet. That’s exactly how he drew you in, who wouldn’t that draw in? He wanted to keep you a secret because what you had was special, he wanted to keep it special. Now he was possessive, angry, mean, wanting to keep you a secret because he thought you were fucking pathetic.
“I was having trouble picking out an outfit.” You lied, picking at the edge of your red solo cup.
“Bullshit. You using again?”
Nate groaned and grabbed your wrist, dragging you closer to him, tightening his grip on your wrist so hard you were afraid he might break it.
“Don’t fucking lie to me. Meet me in the bathroom in an hour. Knock 3 times.”
You nodded and whimpered when Nate released his grip on you. “Fuck.” You muttered as you lightly ran your thumb over the tender skin. That would be noticeable.
This had never been you. You weren’t this girl. In fact, you were the girl who would give girls like this pep talks, hyping them up and telling them they deserve better, they need to leave his abusive ass. And here she is, whimpered and caressing your bruised wrist at a party, and most definitely meeting Nate Jacobs in the bathroom in an hour. You shook the tears from your eyes and downed your drink, then another, and another, and another, and then one more, and a couple shots for good measure, before scanning your eyes through the party, your eyes finally landing on just the girl you were looking for.
“What do you have on you?” You asked as soon as you approached Rue, standing alone, staring off into God knows where.
Rue turned to you and smirked. “Follow me.”
You took the girl’s hand as she led you through the party so you wouldn’t lose sight of her in the chaos. Once the two of you entered the long, dark, hallway, you both began knocking and opening random doors, looking for an empty room to comfortably get high in.
“What are you snorting?”
You spun on your heel to look at Rue who was standing with her hand on a door handle to what looked like a laundry room, talking to a boy with face tattoos.
When Rue looked at you and nodded her head toward the boy, gesturing for you to follow her, you smiled and gladly followed her orders, making sure to shut the door behind you.
The blond, tattooed boy, who introduced himself as Elliot, presented you with a tightly wrapped dollar bill while he prepared yet another line of fluffy white powder for you to snort through the bill.
“You sure she needs another one?” Elliot looked at Rue, his eyes quickly flickering back you in concern at your appearance, your eyes droopy and breath labored and slow, the whites of your eyes glossy and red.
“She’s fine, one more and I’ll give her adderall to even her out.”
Elliot backed away, “Nah, I don’t think I’m cool with that. She already looks like she boutta pass out.”
Rue looked at you and sighed. Fezco was gonna be so angry with her if he ever found out you were with her. She knew that Fez refused you drugs that night, because she had also been with him earlier just after you left the store, accompanying him and Ashtray to their drug deal in exchange for a ride to the party, and she heard Fezco grumbling about you to his little brother. But, she also knew how it was to need those drugs so bad, and be refused, so she caved. It was just a little bit, nothing too major. You’d be totally fine.
“Yo, (Y/n). Elliot’s probably right, Fez’s gonna kill me if he finds you like this.”
“Yeah, f’sure.” You slurred, a lazy smile stretched across your face.
“I’m not sure it’s a good thing we met.” Elliot said, looking between you and Rue with wide eyes.
“What do you mean? You’re like, our new favorite person.”
After exiting the laundry room behind Rue and Elliot, you took a left straight for the drinks set up instead of following the two outside to the large crackling fire to share a blunt, which you all had agreed on, but you had other plans.
Rue and Elliot didn’t give you the amount of drugs you were happy with, so you set off in search of your own. You approached a group of older kids huddled around a table, rolled up money clasped tightly in their hands and white powder spread across the table. A boy, just slightly taller than you, handed you a dollar bill without even looking at you, and you bent down and snorted the substance through the rolled up bill, sighing and smiling as the relief coursed through your veins.
But the relief was short lived when you were harshly pulled up by your wrist and you yelped in pain, letting the stranger pull you to God knows where, you were too high and disoriented to even grasp what was happening.
“Fuckin’ junkie.”
“3… 2… 1!”
“Oh my god!”
“Happy new year!”
“Give her space!”
“You fucker!” “Find Fezco!” 
“Are you Fezco?”
Fez looked up from his spot on the couch, his eyes meeting those of a younger boy with face tattoos.
“Who’s askin’?”
“Um, some girl is like, trippin’ hard and some guy was tryna take her into a bathroom or somethin’? I was told to find you?”
Fezco stood immediately, dropping his red solo cup filled with a liquid he didn’t care enough about, curtly nodding his head at the boy before pushing past him and running to where the commotion was.
You were slumped against a wall, head lolling from side to side, Jules’ hands holding your face trying to keep you upright, Kat and Maddy yelling and shoving Nate Jacobs backwards, telling him to fuck off, Rue standing there staring at you with wide eyes like an idiot. Lexi Howard was pacing back and forth, phone pressed to one ear and her free hand pressed against the other, like she was trying to get ahold of somebody but she couldn’t hear.
Fuckin’ Nate Jacobs.
Fezco was seething, he could barely even see straight as he stomped toward the group, swiftly grabbing an almost empty bottle of titos on his way before shattering it against Nate’s head, sending the much taller boy to the ground, and giving Fez an advantage as he began to beat the shit out of him.
He didn’t stop, he fucking couldn’t stop. For the first time in his life, Fezco knew exactly what people were talking about when they used the expression “seeing red.” Every memory of you coming to the store with a black eye, him just figuring you had been impulsive and dumb and gotten in a fight, every flinch, every bruise, every scratch, went over his fucking head, and now he was channeling it all straight back into Nate Jacobs’ face.
He heard the yells and pleas for him to stop, felt Cassie Howard trying to pull him off before he shoved her away.
It was a long time before he was pulled off, Nate’s face almost completely unrecognizable at that point.
He didn’t even watch as Cassie, Chris Mckay, and a couple other nameless party goers carried his pathetic frame from the party, he didn’t give a fuck.
“Are you insane?! You could’ve killed him!” Maddy Perez stopped him before he could get any closer to you, lightly shoving his shoulder.
“He coulda killed my fuckin’ girl, get outta my way.” Fezco droned, making his way around Maddy to get to you.
He crouched next to Jules and examined your figure, frowning when his eyes met your wrist.
“Her pulse is normal, she’s just high as fuck.” Rue chuckled. “That was fuckin’ crazy!”
Fez felt like he was going to blow up.
“Why you actin’ like that shit was fun, Rue?! For real, you’re pissin’ me off!” Fez spat and Rue backed up, throwing her hands up in surrender. 
“Everyone back the fuck up!” He said sternly.
The group obeyed and slowly backed away from you, allowing Fez full access to scoop you into his arms. He stood up with you, trying his best to be careful but also go fast, knowing that someone here probably called the cops on both of you.
Your eyes opened a little bit more once you made it in the car, Ashtray was driving and Rue was in the passenger seat, and and Fez in the back.
“Hey, baby. Time to ride, alright?”
“Don’t talk, (Y/l/n), go to sleep.”
Fez saw the flash of panic in your eyes, darting around the car, worried that you were in bad company.
“Jus’ me, Ashtray and Rue, alright? You good.”
You nodded and closed your eyes, your body slumping with your head on your best friend’s lap.
Fezco couldn’t help the uneasiness in his stomach while he threaded his fingers through your hair, his gaze fixed out the window. The streets were nearly empty, everyone either hammered off their ass in the bars, clubs and house parties or bundled up in their homes, trying to avoid the chaos that LA brings for New Years.
Stark, hollow town, Carson city lights, baby let's get high. Spend a johnny's cash, hitch another ride, we laugh until we cry. You say "go fast" I say "hold on tight", In the dead of night, dead of night.
Ashtray pulled up in their driveway, shutting off the engine and getting out of the car wordlessly, leaving you and Fez alone in the car, having already dropped off Rue.
Fez didn’t move, keeping his eyes fixed in the same direction they were while driving, fingers still tangled in your hair, now unmoving.
“Shoulda told me.” Fez said, you didn’t have to say anything, he knew you were awake.
“What would you have done?” You slurred, sitting up from your position.
“Whatever I had to do.”
You scoffed.
“Quit fuckin scoffin’ at me, I’m serious. This shit ain’t no joke like you and Rue make it out to be. Y’all are fucked up.”
“Don’t act like you all of the sudden care about me.”
Fez just shook his head, “You’re so fucking stupid.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“I’ll call you what I wanna call you, (Y/l/n). I refuse to give you drugs for your own wellbeing and you do them anyway and nearly kill yourself. Nate Jacobs was draggin’ you off to the bathroom to do who knows fuckin’ what before Kat and Jules caught sight of you. Coulda been fuckin’ bad for you!”
“That’s not my fault, just because I was high doesn’t mean I wanted that!”
“God, I didn’t say that. You’re fuckin impossible. I care about you, I’ve always cared about you. Fuck, I might be in love with you!”
The silence and tension hung thick in the air, you almost felt like you could wipe it off of your face.
Fezco was breathing heavily, and if you weren’t coming down from a high you’d say you saw a couple tears run down his face.
“You shut me out for a year. That fuckin’ hurt, you know?”
You stayed silent, the corners of your mouth being pulled down in a tremble.
“Don’t apologize.” Fezco drawled. “It’s not your fault and you know that.”
You nodded. Why didn’t you say it? Why couldn’t you tell him how much you love him too? How all you wanted the past year was to run and tell him everything, all of the hurt you’d been enduring, all of the pain and doubt and fear. But you kept your lips rolled into your mouth and your hands tightly rung together.
“You got anything else to say?”
“I have to go.” You hurried out, swiftly opening the car door and getting out, hurrying down the driveway in your thin heels, trying really hard to focus on not falling.
Six summers down, another dreamless night. You're not by my side. Scratch on the moon, like a familiar smile, stained on my mind. Some other town, someone else's life. Dead in the night, in the night.
You fought back tears as hard as you could until you arrived back home, which was fairly quickly due to how close you lived to Fezco and Ashtray.
You’d known Fezco since you were a baby, your parents were shitty too so you spent a lot of time with him and Ashtray and their grandma, who had become basically your grandma too, so you helped out a lot in taking care of her. Fez had always been like a big brother and Ashtray like a little one. Until one day Fez wasn’t your brother anymore. You blushed when he giggled, pushing his tongue slightly between his teeth. Your heart soared when he called you the nicknames he didn’t seem to call everyone else. And you caught yourself counting his freckles in the sunset during golden hour. You loved him.
But you were his little sister, you had to be. If you weren’t, then why’d you let Nate Jacobs sweep you off of your feet? If you weren't, all this shit was for nothing, right? Or is that what you deserved? Was Nate the best you could do?
If Nate was all you could get, then that’s the love you deserved, right?
If Nate Jacobs was a slap in the face or the roll of an eye, that’s the love you deserved.
The chime of your phone snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to jump.
Jules: let him in, i know ur doubting it.
You sighed. Jules always seemed to be your voice of reason. You met her through Rue, and you held a soft spot for the blonde girl, she had always been able to read your mind and provide you with the love you needed.
You quickly typed out Fezco’s name in your phone and typed a message, your fingers flying across the keyboard.
(Y/n): I’m sorry please come over so we can talk
Fezco: open the door 
Your heart nearly shot out of your chest and you bolted toward your front door, nearly tripping over your own feet multiple times. You nearly tore your front door open once you got there, coming face to face with the freckled boy you adored.
“I love you, too. I do.” You pushed the words out as quickly as you could, you needed him to know.
Fez smiled and looked at his shoes. “You still high?”
You shook your head, then paused, making Fez laugh.
“Only a little bit.”
“No more of that shit.” He said, his face turning serious, desperate, blue eyes searching yours, darting back and forth. “Don’t want you scarin’ me like that again. Can’t lose you, ya know?”
You nodded, a silent promise. If Nate was gone, and Fez was yours, you didn't need it anymore. The drugs were no longer of use to you.
Fez nodded. Shoving his hands in his pockets as his smile began to creep back on his lips before he started to sway back and forth. “You loveeee me.” His voice high pitched in a sing song tune.
You rolled your eyes, “Oh, Jesus Christ.” But you had a smile playing on your lips.
Fez grabbed your hand gently and pulled you closer to him, a gentle thumb coming to caress the angry bruising decorating your wrist like a bracelet. A stark contrast in the way Nate had angrily touched you earlier in the night.
“Happy new year, homegirl.” He said softly, his face just inches away from yours, your noses just barely touching in the most agonizing yet beautiful way.
“You gonna be my new year's kiss, Fezco?”
Fezco didn’t respond, just placed his fingers on your chin gingerly bringing you even closer to his, ghosting his lips over yours.
“Fucking tease.”
And then his lips were on yours, and you felt like you were finally breathing for the first time in a year. His lips moved against yours so softly, but the kiss was still filled with so much heat and passion it made your head spin. He moved his hands from yours to rest on your waist, only gripping enough to make you feel his grasp. Your arms moved around his neck, pulling him even closer to you, the two of you backing slowly into your door frame, your back barely bumping against the wood.
He was everything. Your lips on yours was better than anything you could’ve ever imagined someone’s lips being. His teeth biting your lip was better than any drug you’ve ever shot into your body. His tongue against yours was more delicious than any dessert you’ve spooned into your mouth.
Fez broke his lips from yours and giggled at your whine, the melodic sound making you weak in the knees, only to quickly attach them to your neck, nipping and sucking at your neck so delicately you thought you might cry out from that alone.
“Fuckin’ pretty girl.” Fez mumbled against your neck before sponging a line of kisses up your neck, your jaw, the corner of your mouth, teasing you again before you whined and grabbed his face, connecting his lips with yours once again.
This was it, this was your heaven. Fez’s lips on yours and his hands on you, soothing your burning flesh with gentle squeezes and caresses of his thumb. He was right, you were a stupid, stupid girl.
“My room, please.” You stammered, Fez’s heart nearly stopping at the sound of your pleading.
“Mmmm.” He purred, connecting his lips to the sensitive spot behind your ear, drinking in the pretty noises spilling past your lips. “Yes ma’am.”
It's enough to make a young man…
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134340am · 2 years
hello yuna! congrats on your milestone <3 how about prompt 12 with suna?
suna rintaro x gn!reader, 1.3k, sfw part of my 100 frens celebration!
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12. staying up all night to prove to each other that you can | moodboard
“i swear, sunarin—if i end up dead by the time the sun rises, i’ll haunt you for the rest of your life. and your next life, too.”  
“that’s romantic.”
“no, it’s fucking— ugh— not!” you bit back angrily, tripping over yourself in the process.
save for suna’s flashlight (that hasn’t been much help so far, evidenced by how many times you’ve stumbled), the two of you were surrounded by pitch-black darkness. the nervous, almost one-sided conversation you’ve been keeping up this entire time, accompanied by the dry crunch of leaves underfoot, has now trailed off to a companionable silence as the two of you soldier on up the hill.
fingers numb and toes freezing, you cuss out your best friend in your head. it was five a.m., and any sane person should be all warm and comfy in their beds right now – not trekking up some random hill on a trail you could barely see, on the premise of a stupid bet you could only wish to take back.
you found yourself thinking back to said bet that was made just eight hours ago in the comfort of your best friend’s bedroom. 
“are you sleeping? oh my god, you’re totally sleeping.” suna pokes at your cheek. “it’s only eight and you’re already asleep, sleepyhead.”
irritated and awake against your will, you swat his hand away. “only because you chose a boring movie. now shut up and let me sleep,” you huff, curling in on yourself like shrimp.
it was somehow always cold in suna’s room – you suspected he liked cranking up the a.c. just to watch you sniffle and suffer during your weekly movie nights. with your teeth borderline chattering now, you burrow deeper into his blanket in a feeble attempt to warm yourself up.
“c’mon, it’s saturday tomorrow.” suna flops onto your shrunken form, stretching his arms over his head with a soft groan. “we should stay up all night. just like we did in high school.”
“how’s that a good idea?” you huff, but silently delight in the steady weight on top of you. “we were dead tired the next day. barely made it to class.”
“but we don’t have class tomorrow. let’s go catch the sunrise or something.”
“hmmm. nope, not into it.”
suna shifts to peek at you under his blanket. “what if we bet on it? first to fall asleep loses. winner gets whatever they want.” 
you poke your head out of your blanket cocoon, interest now piqued. damn suna rintaro and the way he knew you so well. “whatever they want? so if i win, you’ll buy me breakfast every day till the semester ends?”
“yeah, even that.” your best friend shrugs, lifting the edge of the blanket to squeeze in beside you. you whine at the cold air that rushes in, then quieten down at the soothing warmth of his arm pressed to yours.   
“fine. looking forward to five weeks of free breakfast then,” you declare, shifting closer to suna as subtly as you could. you were treading through dangerous territory now – cuddling wasn’t a common occurrence in your time together, no matter how cold suna made the room, but you’d rather not do something you’ll regret later. 
thinking otherwise, however, suna unapologetically plants his cold feet on your calves – to which you abort your mission and shove him away with a shriek. 
“sure,” he taunts, dragging out the word as obnoxiously as possible while ignoring your flailing. “but you’re gonna lose, so ease the cockiness a little.” 
you couldn’t help the harsh scoff that escapes your lips. “no, i won’t.” you glance up at suna to find that he was much closer to you than before, staring at you with an intensity you weren’t used to. you found yourself struggling to get your next sentence out. “but out of the kindness of my heart, i’ll ask what you want for a prize.” 
“that's easy. if i win…” suna smirks, the usual glint of mischief in his eyes now overshadowed by something deeper. “if i win, we date. no questions asked.”
“hurry up, slowpoke. we’re almost at the top now.” 
you were broken out of your daydream by the sound of suna’s – the real suna, not flashback suna – voice, raspy with the lack of sleep. he was right: up ahead, the trees were thinning out to reveal a small clearing littered with browned leaves and twigs. it appears to be a small and unused campsite of some sort, unimpressive and plain save for a fallen log that takes up most of the space, and what seems to be a promising view on the other side. 
the first few trickles of dawn were leisurely lighting up the sky. suna turns back to you. without the need for any words, the pair of you sprint the last stretch and burst into the clearing urgently, and were rewarded with the first few fingers of sunrise beaming down on the city below.
the both of you sit yourselves down on the fallen log, eyes never straying from the breathtaking view. 
“incredible, isn’t it? found this place when i veered off of my usual running route.” suna says with a gentle sigh. you reluctantly tear your eyes away from the view to peer over at him – chin propped us on his hand with an unreadable look in his eyes, you were pleasantly surprised by how calm and relaxed he looked. guess he has a soft spot for sunrises too, just like the rest of us, you thought. 
with the sun half-up now, sun rays stinging your eyes, you redirect your gaze to the buildings in the distance. the misty sunlight silhouetting the buildings of your beloved town highlighted the subtle movement of people going about their morning, like parts of a machine coming to life after a good, long sleep. 
you spot a young woman jogging, ponytail bouncing with every quick step. you wonder if her glasses were fogging up in the cold morning air, the way suna’s does when he leaves his freezing bedroom for a glass of warm water. 
rounding the corner just one street away, a father and his young daughter, hand in hand, head towards a diner for breakfast. the pigtailed daughter skips ahead of him and he runs after her, scooping the little girl up in his arms effortlessly – akin to a superhero swooping in to save the day. it reminds you of the countless times suna would pick you up and bring you to bed when you fell asleep at his desk or on his beanbag. 
atop a tall building with peeling yellow paint streaking its sides, two stray cats – one ginger and one tortoiseshell, groom each other with their backs to the sun. 
the world was coming alive.
“thank you for bringing me here,” you murmured softly, not wanting to break the serenity of the moment. 
when you were met with a silence longer than you were comfortable with, you glance over at suna – only to find that his eyes were closed, chin still propped up on his hand, though his relaxed shoulders and parted lips suggest that he was probably just dozing.
“that’s 25 breakfasts from you to me until the semester ends, sunarin,” you whisper triumphantly. you reach up to smooth back a stray piece of hair that’s fallen across his forehead, stifling a giggle when he twitches slightly. “i win.”
though at that very moment, with rays of silken sunlight shrouding you and your best friend in drapes of gold, you couldn’t help but feel like you’ve won more than just breakfast… but that’s something you’ll think about once you’ve gotten some sleep.
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a/n: thank you so much for requesting joonie! you couldn't have picked a better character for this prompt, and i had a ton of fun writing this <3
this is the last drabble of my 100 frens celebration! thank you everyone for your patience and for reading, interacting, and following along :*)
(masterlist) (series masterlist)
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 2 years
idk if someone has asked this already before but... car sex w/ wonwoo??? (i cant stop thinking abt it ever since I saw this photo again... 😭😭 I just feel like i have to make everyone think abt it with me LMAO)
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surprisingly, you're the first one who has asked this and I'm glad you did😩
Imagine he's taking a break during that photoshoot and you get the perfect chance to sneak through the staff along with Wonwoo, and he takes you to the car he's getting his next pictures.
"Are we seriously going to fuck in this?", you turn to him with a worried look. "Weren't you the one who wanted to try car sex? Well, now's your chance, baby", he smirks and sits down on the driver's seat, pulling you on his lap.
"You're fucking crazy, Jeon Wonwoo", "Says Y/N who sneaked into the photoshoot just to get some dick", he laughs lowly and you smack his exposed chest under the flashy jumpsuit he wears.
"Ugh, do I have to take this all the way off?", he groans in protest, realising the nature of his clothes. "I can take it off for you", you wink and carefully undo all of the buttons and the belt around Wonwoo's waist, exposing his chiseled torso and his half hard cock.
"You're eager, sweetheart", "I just don't wanna get caught", you pump his cock to full hardness with your hand, while you struggle to undo the buttons of your jeans. "Liar. If I dip my fingers in your panties, you'll be soaking wet", he swats your hand away and undoes your jeans with his own hands, sliding them down just enough to expose your pussy.
"Shut up and let me do my job!", you whisper-yell at him and line your entrance with his now hard cock, hissing at the feeling of your walls getting stretched. "Oh fuck, fuuuuck", Wonwoo grits his teeth as he greedily bucks his hips in you. Your thighs are resting on the mint green cushions of the seat and you grip his shoulder and the open door of the car at the same time for support.
You raise your hips and slam them down, bouncing on his cock like your life depends on it and you're biting your bottom lip hard, not wanting to make any sound. Wonwoo is equally struggling, placing his hands on your hips and hiding his face in your shoulder.
"Shit, Y/N, this f-feels too good, fuck", he tries to muffle his groans, but your pussy feels too good around his cock and he swears he's losing all of his sanity. "W-We can't make a mess...My photoshoot will continue here", he groans in your ears, drawing short breaths.
"God, just c-cum inside me then", you whine as you feel your thighs burn from fucking him and Wonwoo notices, wrapping his arms around your waist and he thrusts his hips upwards with powerful and sharp movements, nearly making the car shake.
"W-Wonwoo!", "Fuck, I'm cumming!", he bites down on the junction between your neck and your shoulder, his hips twitching as he spills himself inside you, your own face hidden in his bare shoulder. You stay still for a few seconds until you've both calmed down, but a commotion outside the makeshift garage startles you and you scramble to get dressed.
"Y/N, careful-fuck!", Wonwoo hisses as a couple globs of his cum fall on the mint green seats of the car. His eyes widen in horror, but your hands react faster than your brain and you scoop his cum with your fingers and lick it off, thus cleaning the seats in an unexpected way.
"You're fucking insane", he whispers in your ear as he grabs the same hand and puts your fingers in his mouth.
"You said we shouldn't make a mess though, am I right?".
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julesclues · 3 years
hi boooo! You’re legit my favorite author on here! I love your writing so much 💕 was wondering if you could do one: outer banks JJ getting so drunk at a party and throwing up at the party and getting sick all over JB car going back to the chateau with all the pogues. And like reader (not Girlfriend yet) taking care of him please 🥺 thank you so much!!!! 😍😍😍 I know you’re busy so like take you’re time and if you don’t want to it’s fine too 💕💕
Drunken Confessions
Warnings: excessive and underage drinking, cursing
Pairing: jj maybank x reader
Word count: 2.48k
Summary: JJ drinks a littleee too much at a party, which makes the reader worried about him. So being the great person she is, she decides to take care of him.
a/n: thank you for the kind words in your request! It really means a lot! <3
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3 things JJ Maybank loves most in this world: sex, surfing, and booze. Emphasis on the booze because once he started, it was almost impossible to stop him which, was currently the situation at the party you were all at.
It was a normal party, one mixed with tourons and pouges. But a normal party for JJ obviously meant drinking. You always worried about him when he would over do it like he is now. Though you were all used to the underage drinking, it was kind of hard to remember that it still is, technically, illegal.
The music was almost too loud. You could barely hear your friends as they each took turns telling stories about their most embarrassing moment. “Mine’s gotta be in 3rd grade when I was in the talent show for dancing and wound up twirling off stage,” Kie exclaimed, making all of you laugh. Pope went next and then John B and as you went around the circle, you realized JJ was no where to be found. You stood up in worry and searched the party for his unique clothing style and beautiful set of hair. “Where is he?” You ask, making John B tilt his head. “Who?” You roll your eyes and look at him. “Your best friend?” You ask with a laugh. Before John B could answer though, you all heard some yelling in the distance. Turning your head to the sound, your question was answered.
There was JJ. Standing on top of a table. Chugging beer after beer, almost as if he was putting on a show for the cheering audience under him. They were all applauding him as he downed the substance, some of it pouring down his chest, turning his dark blue tee into black. You groaned in annoyance as you and the other pouges ran up to him. You pushed through the crowd and made your way to the front, giving you the perfect view of JJ’s drunken state. You sigh and stick your hand out to him. “JJ!” You yell, but he still continued to pour the drinks down his throat. “Maybank! Hey! Let’s go!” You attempt again, but it’s no use. So, you climb up on the table with him, earning even more cheers from the people below. Maybe they thought you were going to join him.
He finally turns to you and his eyes light up. “Y/n!” He exclaims happily. As much as you loved JJ, in this moment, you were pretty upset. All you wanted was for him to just take care of himself so he wouldn’t do stupid shit like this. “Let’s go J,” you whisper only loud enough for him to hear. You reach out to him but he dodges your touch. “No!” He yells, scanning the people below. “Please J. Come on. Please let’s go home,” you plead, making JJ turn toward you. This time, his eyes were soft and warm, almost as if he had turned sober for a quick moment. “Ugh, fine,” he groans, but secretly doesn’t mind the feeling of your finger tips guiding him off the table and back to the pouges. You ignored the boo’s you heard from the others, but they soon forgot about it. To you, they weren’t worth JJ’s time.
“He’s shit faced,” you state to the other pouges, as JJ leans further into your side. Without you, he might have fallen over. “What’s new?” Pope laughs, making you roll your eyes. You knew that this was normal for JJ and that the pouges took it as a joke, but that doesn’t mean it should’ve been normalized. You always worried about JJ and the fact that the other pouges didn’t, made you upset.
You sigh as you sway awkwardly with JJ, thinking about what to do. “Can we just take him back to John B’s? He can’t be drinking anymore guys,” you plead, as John B nods and grabs his keys to the van. “Let’s go then.” You all start walking to the van, you and JJ a little bit behind due to his wonky walking. “You’re cute,” he laughs in his drunken state, making you smile a bit. JJ flirting with you both sober and drunk wasn’t out of the ordinary, but it never failed to make you blush like a middle schooler. “You too J,” you admit, and he chuckles without saying another word.
You make it to the van where Kie holds the door open for you two to hop into the back. You shove JJ in first, having him sit near the window while you sit in the middle and Kie sits next to you guys. John B starts the van and starts driving, which makes JJ hold his stomach. You’re the only one who notices it. “You okay JJ?” You ask him, but all he does it roll down the window. “I’m gonna throw up,” he mumbles, making your eyes go wide. “Oh no JJ, not in the van please,” John B begs. JJ doesn’t say anything as he sticks his head out the window and starts violently throwing up. All of you groan and laugh, as you rub JJ’s back to soothe him. You repeat the phrases “it’s okay” and “you’re okay” like a mantra.
You felt something on your thigh and looked down to see JJ’s hand. After pulling his head back out the window, he plops down on the soft seat under him and looks at you with a sloppy smile while squeezing your thigh in reassurance. “I’m good,” he laughs, looking around the van. “Good cause if you ever throw up in my van, I’ll kill you,” John B chuckles, making everyone else laugh along.
Finally making it back to John B’s, with JJ getting sick almost every 5 minutes, you limp with him by your side as the pouges rush to get the door open for you two. “Come on,” you grunt, finding it a bit difficult to hold JJ up by yourself. He keeps giggling and laughing while slurring his words. “Get him cleaned up in the bathroom y/n,” Pope says, and you nod. “We’ll get him water and some tylenol but until then, just make sure he doesn’t throw up all over my house,” John B exclaims, making you chuckle and adjust yourself against JJ. “Sure thing John.”
You walk into the bathroom with JJ and plop him down on the toilet seat. He sways back and forth, struggling to keep his eyes open. “Jesus J, your clothes are so dirty,” you whisper with a sigh. “Would you like me to strip then, princess?” You roll your eyes but can’t help but grin at his flirty words. “Shut it Maybank. Let’s just get you cleaned u-“
Your words were interrupted by JJ rushing to get off the toilet seat so he could open it. He instantly started throwing up, gripping the sides of the toilet until his knuckles turned white. You instantly got on your knees and sat behind him, rubbing his back to try and soothe him. “Shit JJ..” you say sympathetically. “I fucking hate when you do this shit.” After a minute or so of throwing up, he sits down on the floor and wipes him mouth. “Come here,” you mumble, coming closer to him with a napkin, but he swats your hand away. “JJ..” you warn. “Y/n just get out of here, okay? I don’t need you taking care of me.” You blink in surprise of his words and how quickly he can switch up. “Instead of being petty JJ, how about you be grateful that someone cares about you!” He scoffs and looks away. “Whatever,” he hiccups. “Why do you even care? It’s not like you’re my girlfriend.” 
You freeze for a minute, trying to pretend like his words didn’t hurt you as much as they did. “You’re an asshole sometimes JJ. Girlfriend or not, I care about you. So stop denying my help and just shut up! God, I don’t even know why I’m fighting with you. You’re obviously so drunk right now. You don’t mean anything you’re saying.” You get up and stick your hand out for him. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.” He looks at your hand and then up at you. You shoot him a smile and he could swear, drunk or not, that smile would be the death of him one day. 
He hesitantly takes your hand, and you pull him up, having him stumble a bit before regaining his balance. You lead him to his bedroom and plop him down on his bed. You kneel down to take off his shoes for him, but he stops you. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes, looking down to the ground. “For what?” You ask him, sitting down next to him. He feels the bed dip down a bit, which makes him sway a little. “For what I said in the bathroom,” he mumbles. You shake your head and chuckle. “JJ, you’re just drunk. I know you don’t mean any of it.” You were always so patient and understanding when it came to JJ. It was one of the many things he loved about you. That’s what made you so different from the other pouges. 
“Y/n?” He whispers. “Hm?” You ask in the same volume that he had used. “I like you a lot.” You smile and grip his shoulder. “I like you a lot too, JJ.” He shakes his head and lays down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. “No Y/n,” he sighs, while closing his eyes. “I don’t think you understand. I like you a lot.” You tilt your head for a second in confusion, but instantly look at him wide eyed when you get what he meant. “Wha- JJ? Are you serious?” But he doesn't respond. All you heard from him was his silent snores. You get up from his bed and look down at him, to see he was fast asleep. Your breathing starts to pick up as you pace around the room silently. “Oh my god, oh my god. He didn’t mean that, right? He’s just drunk.. right? My god Y/n, who are you even asking? You’re alone. Right.. okay.” You stop pacing and grab a blanket that’s folded on JJ’s bed and cover him, leaning down to give him a quick kiss on the forehead. “You better have meant what you said JJ, or I’ll kill you.” 
You leave a letter for him and go on your way, hoping he calls you in the morning or is not too sick to remember what he meant. 
Dear JJ, 
It’s your favorite person :) You were pretty drunk last night so the pouges left you some water and medicine while I took care of you. When you wake up, give me a call, okay? We kinda need to talk. And please JJ, try not to get so drunk anymore. You worry me when you do. I care about you. Girlfriend or not. 
Love, Y/n <3
JJ wakes up the next morning with a groan and a pounding headache. He felt like he got hit by a truck. He never drinks this much and he knew it, but for some reason last night was different. He was trying to forget. And apparently it worked because he forgot what he was trying to forget. Bingo. He blinks a couple of times to get his vision from blurry to clear before standing up and stretching. He  looks down at his nightstand and finds a folded piece of paper and instantly recognizes your handwriting. 
He opens the letter and reads it. His eyes go wide when he reads “girlfriend or not.” He starts to wonder what he could’ve possibly said to you last night for you to include that in the letter, but his memory is failing him. Nevertheless, he finds his phone and quickly finds your contact, hesitantly clicking “call.” 
You answer after a couple of rings with a chipper yet out of breath ‘hello.’ 
“Hey Y/n..” he says softly, hearing your pants. “Are you okay?” he asks with a hint of concern in his voice. “Yeah J, I-I’m good. Just surfing. Why don’t you join me? None of the other pouges are here, and I’d like to talk to you, if that’s okay.” You didn’t sound mad or upset, which JJ took into consideration. The last thing he ever wanted was to make you upset. “Sure, yeah. I’m on my way.” 
JJ meets you on the beach about 15 minutes after your phone call. “Hey J!” You say, running up to him with a smile. “How are you feeling?” You ask him, and he just rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’m a little out of it but the strangest thing is that I don’t remember anything from last night.” Your face instantly drops and JJ is quick to recognize your disappointment. “Oh..” you sigh, biting the inside of your cheek and looking down. “What’s the matter? Did I say something last night? Y/n whatever I said, I didn’t mean it, okay?” You look back up at JJ with a bit of tears in your eyes. “You said you liked me,” you mumble, making JJ tilt his head. “Of course I like you,” he chuckles. You shake your head, realizing you were mimicking his actions from last night. “No JJ. You said you liked me.” His eyes go wide, immediately realizing what you meant. “Oh.. Y/n, I- I don’t-”
“Did you mean it J?”
“Just tell me JJ. Please. Don’t lie to me, okay?”
 JJ looks down for a moment, contemplating on whether or not he should tell the truth to you and potentially ruin the friendship, or lie to you, and ruin the friendship even further. He saw how hurt you look when he said he didn’t remember, so maybe, just maybe, there was a slight chance that you liked him back. 
“I like you Y/n. I do. More than a friend. I didn’t want to tell you while I was shitfaced and with you taking care of me. But I did, and I’m sorry. You deserved a better confession from me. I really do like you Y/n but if you don’t like me back then that’s okay. I ju- are you crying?!”
You wipe the tears away as you chuckle from JJ’s concerned face from you crying. “Of course I am, you idiot!” You exclaim, walking closer to him. “JJ I like you too. So much. I was really hoping you were telling the truth because I don’t think I could watch you have one night stands anymore,” you laugh, and so does he. “So does this mean..” his voice trails off but you knew what he meant. You nod with a smile and he returns it, blinking slowly. 
“Can I kiss you now?”
“Please do.”
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dadsbongos · 3 years
the lov beach episode hori's too scared to give us
Movie/Game/Show: My Hero Academia Dynamic: League of Villains/Reader (Platonic) Warnings: uhh idk actually, dabi's kinda horny ig, i don't usually include this as a warning but swearing (there's quite a bit of it), feminine pronouns Summary: this is just 1860 words of me shutting my eyes, plugging my ears and ignoring the current state of the manga (: (beach episode type beat) ~~~
Pulling the large sun hat tighter on her head, (Y/n) looks over as her leader strolls up to the van Spinner had stolen earlier in the day. She quirks a brow at the man, putting a gentle hand over his handheld and pushing it down when he doesn’t notice her, “That’s what you’re wearing?”
Tomura huffs and steps back, narrowed eyes focusing on his black jeans and hoodie, “What’s it to you?”
“You’re wearing a hoodie in this heat, first of all, and also - it says ‘12 year old in gaming mode’, you’re asking to get bullied.”
“Yeah, well,” he grumbles as he tries to find an insult for the woman before resigning himself to mumble out a, “you look like you raided a college chick’s closet” while returning to his game.
“I think she looks great!” Twice piped up from inside the large van before yelling once again, “Absolutely hideous!”
Dabi nodded slightly from his window seat, pulling the strings of his hood so as few inches of his face as possible were showing, “I agree with him.”
“Which part?” (Y/n) crossed her arms, shooting the man a glare.
“Dickface,” she hissed, reaching up to swat at Dabi’s arm through the rolled down window before turning to climb into the van, “A dickface who is also wearing a black hoodie in this heat. You two are actual nutjobs.”
“Van’s got AC,” Dabi shrugged off her concerns, still not even looking her way as she settled into the seat between him and Twice, “Didn’t know you cared so much, doll. Pretty sweet of you.”
“If you pass out from a heat stroke, I’m not the one taking you to the hospital,” she leaned over into the midrow seats of the van to glare at Tomura as he sat down, “That goes for you, too.”
“I’m not the one with a fire Quirk.”
“Just get Himiko some blood and she’ll take ‘em in all disguised! Let them die!” Twice pitched in with his own ideas, earning a shoulder pat from the woman.
“Good ideas, big guy, I like them.”
“Rude ass,” Dabi kicks at (Y/n)’s leg.
“I’m your boss, if you let me die you’re fucked.”
“Nobody’s dying on this trip, what the fuck are you guys talking about?” Spinner already appeared exasperated with the group and he’d barely been in the car for a second.
Compress got into the passenger seat as Spinner buckled into the driver’s side, he looked around before noticing an absence, “Where’s Toga?”
Suddenly, the door to Tomura’s seat is lugged open with a force, an overly excited blond teenager jumping over her boss and into the open seat beside him.
“You could’ve just gotten in on the other side,” Tomura clenches a fist to keep himself from slapping Himiko’s arm and causing a deathly accident.
“I didn’t know which side you were sitting on, so I just guessed!” Himiko giggles as Spinner starts the car.
“Asshole,” Tomura shakes his head, “This trip is pointless.”
“Kurogiri wants us to bond and stop fighting all the time,” Compress cuts in, “That’s why I’m in charge.”
“We’re adults- " (Y/n) interrupts herself, “Dabi, roll up the window, we’re pulling out of the safe zone.”
Dabi merely keeps his eyes closed behind his sunglasses and presses his head back against the neck rest of his seat.
“Roll up the window.”
“God, these winds are fuckin’ noisy, huh?”
“I hear ya, man!” Twice shouts before shaking his head, “Dabi, be nice to (Y/n). She’s your elder.”
“By a fucking year! Man, fuck you, Dabi,” the woman reaches over and presses the button to roll up the window herself, “Motion sickness or not, you don’t get to be a douche.”
“It’s actually exactly what it means, doll. Sorry to burst your bubble.”
“Stop calling me doll.”
“Ugh,” he grins at his own upcoming remark, “the princess makes a harsh demand.”
“I’m this close,” she pats his chest to make sure he opens his eyes before holding her index finger and thumb nearly pinched together in front of his face, “to beating your ass.”
“Here,” he reaches up and takes her fingers and clenches them together, “now you have to. As soon as we get to the beach, you have to fight me or else you’re a coward and a liar.”
(Y/n) grits her teeth and snaps her eyes shut, “I’m gonna lose it,” she leans into Twice’s side and looks up at him, smiling at the slightest hint of a concerned look behind his mask, “How’ve you been, big guy?”
“Perfectly fine!” he shakes his head before whispering, “I didn’t piss before we left and now I regret it.”
“Aw, want Spinner to pull over?”
“I think he’ll crash the car if I ask.”
“He’d be killing himself too, so I don’t think he’d be too cool with that.”
Twice quiets down as he notices the woman’s eyes beginning to flutter shut with drowsiness. Then, a sense of guilt beats at him as he sees the serene expression crossing his friend’s face. So calm and sweet - he truly adored his friend, and he wanted to do right by her. So, leaning down, he murmurs, “Sorry for calling you old.”
(Y/n)’s eyes dart open and immediately find Twice, she raises a brow at the man and shakes her head as her eyes slowly begin closing again, “I… it’s fine, dude, don’t worry about it.”
Dabi, as usual, is quick to jump into a conversation that was never his, “Old lady tempers, gotta be careful around them.”
“I swear to fucking God, Dabi!”
“What? What do you swear?”
“Shut the hell up!” Spinner snapped at children in the back seat, “You’re distracting me, loud asses.”
“Dabi started it!”
“I’m ending it!”
“Stop yelling,” Tomura commanded the group, carefully stuffing his handheld into his large front hoodie pocket and resting his head back, “I’m going to sleep and if I get woken up, I’ll kill you all.”
None of them believed him - not at all - but out of an odd respect for their leader’s need for rest, they stayed relatively silent as he slept. Murmurs and whispers being the loudest volume of their voices as Tomura snoozed in the van.
Eventually, Spinner came to the reserved spot on the beach that Kurogiri definitely didn’t hire people to kill civilians over. Himiko leaned over and gently shook Tomura awake as Compress popped the trunk to the van. (Y/n) shifted toward Dabi to ensure he was also awake and starting to feel less queasy before getting out of the middle seat so he and Twice could exit.
“Alright, there’s changing rooms…” Compress trailed off, looking around before sighing, “Nowhere in sight.”
“I’m already fine,” (Y/n) waved off, grabbing towels and an umbrella from Spinner, “You guys can take turns changing in the van while I set shit up.”
“I call first!” Himiko cheered, excitedly bouncing back into the van as the men all walked off to provide the teenager the privacy and distance she needed.
(Y/n) did as she’d said and began laying down towels and propping up parasols in the sand to provide shade. As more and more of her friends collected themselves along the beach, she spotted her almighty leader once again making a fashion mistake.
Bright, neon green and orange striped swim trunks hung over his hips and he didn’t avoid the woman’s stare. She purses her lips, “Who the hell goes clothes shopping for you? They shouldn’t be making executive decisions like this.”
Tomura shrugs, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?! Shigaraki, you have to be fucking with me.”
“I’m not,” he sits down on a towel under the parasol’s shade and returns to his gaming, “It’s probably Kurogiri but it isn’t like I ask him.”
“Holy shit. You’re an actual man-child.”
“Oh no, what gave me away?” he sarcastically whines, rolling his eyes at her.
“You being shameless about it is slightly worse…”
“(Y/n)!” Himiko cheerily calls, “Come join me in volleyball!”
“Is Twice playing?”
The blond looks over to the man in question and nods in approval.
“Are Quirks allowed?”
Another nod.
(Y/n) pats Compress’ shoulder, “I’ll let you take this game.”
Dabi comes up from behind while Spinner serves the ball on the beach, he’s removed his hoodie and now only rests in loose shorts that come to his knees and a white shirt. He scratches the back of his head in an uncharacteristically unnerved manner, “Not swimmin’?”
He earns a small shrug in response from the woman, “I’m not all too committed to the idea. At least not now.”
Nodding slowly, Dabi sits down at the edge of the towel unoccupied by Tomura and begins pulling at the fraying threads.
Sighing to herself, (Y/n) is slightly ashamed at how easily her heart softens upon noticing how uncomfortable Dabi seems. He doesn’t usually show as much skin as he is - which isn’t much - and he doesn’t usually throw himself into events where he’d be forced to interact with the others. He feels naked on the beach and he’d rather be dead than continue to suffer this embarrassment. And so, a body comes down onto the towel with his.
“Want company, misery?”
“Baking to death in the sun couldn’t get worse, even if it’s with you,” Dabi leaned back to rest against the woman’s legs.
“Wow,” (Y/n) fauxly gasped, sarcasm ripe in her words, “You being sweet? I never thought I’d never see the day.”
“Right? Thought I’d be dead by now,” his head tips back even more to lay it’s full weight on her legs, “You’re comfortable to rest on, old lady.”
“I’m gonna beat the shit out of you.”
“You still owe him an ass-beating from the car ride,” Tomura jumped in, a snarky smile on his lips as he spoke.
“I’m starting to think you won’t actually beat my ass,” Dabi grins smugly, “Like me too much.”
“I would destroy you in a fight, Dabi.”
“Hm, well, until you stop being a pussy and actually fight me, doesn’t sound like that’s the truth.”
“I swear to- " (Y/n) loudly huffs and cuts herself off before groaning, Dabi- "
“I’m no God,” Dabi paused to wink like the cheap bastard he is, “Unless you want me to be.”
Before the woman can respond, there’s a “heads up!” shouted by Himiko and a volleyball is hurtling towards the arguing duo. Tomura immediately leans over, not quite paying attention and sticks a hand out to block the ball, accidentally decaying it in the process. The leader comes to a stand and tosses up his hands, “What the shit, Toga?”
“Man,” the teenager whined, stomping her foot in the sand, “you destroyed the ball.”
“You almost destroyed (Y/n)’s face!” Tomura's voice quiets and softens to avoid upsetting the young girl over a mistake, “There’s probably another ball in the trunk.”
“I said ‘heads up’,” Himiko rolled her eyes, sending Twice off to find the spare volleyball in question.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, “Oh, so all better, then?”
“No! That’s not how that works, Toga!”
Dabi snickered at the back-and-forth before giving a mock dreamy sigh, “Ahh, the sound of Kurogiri’s bonding plan working perfectly.”
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