#and i kinda wanted to watch something silly and wanted to see if i'd agree w the positive or negative reviews but god was it awful
silouvertongues · 4 months
anyone but you was so ass
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I want you to know I respect your opinion and at the end of the day you can do whatever you want on your own page, which I love all the art you do. Your White Diamond AU is so remarkable I've added it to my own headcanon idea of Steven meeting his alternate selves.
With that said, why are you responding to posts or asks that talk about blatant shattering of other gems? Real SU fans don't immediately go "death to the enemy." Real SU fans understand that SU is about love, acceptance, second chances, and pacifism. I'll admit, there have been more idiots in the fandom since the show's end, but in my humble opinion, it's best to not give any of them attention, even if they are annoying.
Sorry if I sound rude, I just didn't get responding to that one ANONYMOUS comment.
It's not rude at all! And it's a great question! One I understand the reasoning of.
But I have my own reasoning for doing the things I do.
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Mainly, I think that while ignoring SOME behaviors is definitely good.... talking about OTHER behaviors actively is the fastest and healthiest way to immunize the greater community against them.
Let me explain.
I've been in this fandom a long time now, and I agree with you - there's a solid possibility, a real chance that whoever sent that message is just a passing non-fan who decided to be weirdly edgy in my inbox. No big deal. It happens.
But in my experience, the SU fandom is.... wide and varied. There are people of all ages, and many opinions. It would be easier, of course, if the only 'true fans' were those who perfectly understood the show's themes. But to me, that veers dangerously close to a No True Scotsman type of thinking. The reality is that many different people watch SU. And while many of them do inherently agree with the message and understand the nuance, many more just watch the show because... they like the surface level graphics and cool fights and interesting worldbuilding. In fact, many of the show's fans are edgy teens (sorry edgy teens) who are in a life-stage where violence and being strong and cool and decisive in a morally black and white manner is the only way they can possibly imagine solving any problem. And... that's kinda the opposite of what SU teaches! But that's also the point. SU teaches those things on purpose.
And yeah, I can absolutely just ignore this part of the population. But ignoring a behavior does not actually make it go away 100% of the time. If a child in a supermarket comes up to you and starts smacking you with a wooden spoon from Aisle 4, then... sure... you can ignore them and see if their parent comes to get them, or they go away, especially if it's a very small child and they're not hurting you a lot.
But that's not the only option. You can ALSO opt to teach them - and any other spoon-wielding children watching - what COULD happen if they are crude or cruel to a stranger in public. Namely, you can snap 'stop it' and at the very least glare at that child. This is a lesson that will arguably teach them more about the interaction than a complete lack of reaction would.
Now, I'm not saying people who send me asks are all children and I'm doling out some moral lessons here. This is just a metaphor.
I'm simply a person in a social space (tumblr) who is driving my own blog. And while I DO ignore a very large part of cruel/rude asks I get (trust me, I do ignore many!) I sometimes also just post a reply to show what ELSE could happen if you say a borderline silly and arguably tonally inappropriate ask to a person. You could get replied to! In a sarcastic or snappy manner!
And maybe - just maybe - the other people reading my blog can learn something from the experience, and think 'ah, so doing it like THAT will maybe make people kinda annoyed, now I know and will not do that'.
I cannot deny that overall I agree with you, though. I don't think that these types of messages deserve attention on the regular. But I'd hope that my replies to these things are not really... regular. I ignore probably... 80% of these sort of things? I guess maybe it just feels like a lot less, since, well. The public ones are 100% of the ones you get to see!
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werewolfbansheelove · 2 years
The Sallie House Pt. 1
A/N: I'm trying something new so I love Sam and Colby, even though I get creeped out by the scary things they put out but I still like their content.
Summary: Sam and Colby take you a Empathic to investigate the Sallie House and see what goes on.
Warnings: Sallie, (I'm counting her as a warning) and Language
Words: 2k
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You were anxious about the place you were going to and it was the Sallie House in Atchison, Kansas. You were a bit terrified and you weren't even in the house but the energy you felt was like somber and dark. 
"Y/N, are you okay?" Sam asked, as you were looking at the house and you were standing right beside him. 
You shook your head and said. "No, something feel dark about this place and we're not even in the house yet."
"Why you say that?" Sam asked, now confused and inside a tiny bit scared. 
"Well, for one, I had this instant feeling that shit's gonna go down. And last I didn’t want to get out of my car, that’s how bad I’m feeling about this place." Y/N said, looking anxious. 
"Well we’re already here, we can’t turn back now." Sam said putting a hand on their shoulder. 
They went inside of the house and they were hit by a gnarly smell. "It smells haunted." Nate said. 
Sam and you sniffed the air and did smell a bad smell. But you could smell death with a hint of something burning. "Yeah, I hate the smell." The historian said, chuckling. 
They walked in and you didn’t feel right about this place. "It feel musty in here." Colby comment. 
"I hear people catch on fire in here, is that true?" Nate asked and you snorted in a laugh. 
"No, they get scratched." The historian said, taking off her coat. 
"Get scratched?" Colby asked. 
"Men get scratched." She said and the boys groaned. 
"That means three of us have a lot to worry about." Sam said and the historian and Y/N chuckled at him as Sam tried to figure it out. 
"That means  I’m safe for tonight." You said, grinning and doing a slight happy dance, which Colby and smiled at you. 
The birds sat down as you didn’t want to sit down but watch. Sam took off his coat as Nate got really close to Sam’s face making Sam a bit uncomfortable and you laughed. 
"Are you ready?" Sam asked, uncomfortable. 
"Seth, you ready?" You asked, holding back a giggle. 
He said yeah. 
You let out the giggle that you held in. "They're silly." Colby said. 
"Alright guys, we are here at the infamous Sallie House before we get started, we would love to hear a bit of the history and if you could introduce yourself to the house that would be awesome." Sam said looking at the historian. 
"Hi,  I'm Maryjane, I'm the big coordinator for the chamber of commerce and the manager of the Sallie House." Maryjane introduced herself. "I've met Sally. She's nice to me." 
"You met her, so you have had paranormal experience here." Colby said. 
"I have." Maryjane agreed. 
“Yes.” You heard as you turned towards the stairs and saw tiny legs at the top of the stairs. You looked back at the boys  as Maryjane was talking to the boys but she did notice that you looking towards the stairs. "Is everything ok?" Maryjane asked.
"Yeah, it's just... um..." 
"Y/N’s our psychic medium." Colby said for them. You cleared your throat and Colby answered correctly. "Clairvoyant, sorry." He says looking at them. 
"No problem, sweetie." You comment quietly. You don’t like being called Psychic, cause that just makes everybody look at you crazy, and you don’t like that.
"Ah." Maryjane realized and nod her head. 
"Well, to catch everybody up to speed, could you kinda of give us the rundown of like  why this place is haunted and kind of the history behind it." Sam said. 
"Sure, I'd love to. The House was initially built in the mid-1800s, and back then a mom and her six year old little girl came bearing at the front door. Her daughter was having terrible stomach pains." Mary-Jane says and you heard like banging noises coming from upstairs, almost like footsteps running, you looked up at the ceiling as they slowly stopped and turned you attention to Maryjane. "The doctor lived here, they let him in and they said 'well, her  appendicitis is going to burst.' They put her on the table Abe gave her some anesthesia and he started cutting on her stomach because she was in terrible, terrible pain." The boys groaned as you just cringed at the thought of it. "They didn’t wait long enough, they couldn’t because the herme's headaches had burst and they didn't wait enough she died on the operating table." 
You then heard a girl cry you knew that Sallie was listening to the conversation and you couldn’t help but feel bad for her. "She was still awake and the last thing she saw was a man with a knife, a doctor." 
"So that's why she hate men?" Sam questioned. 
"Yes definitely, that’s what we think, because she hasn’t done one thing to women or any kids or nobody." Mary-Jane says then you almost doubled over in pain, she felt a pain in her stomach almost like someone stabbing her stomach. 
"Whoa!" You gripped your stomach. 
"What happened?" Colby asked, the camera was on them now. 
"I was just hit with a pain in my stomach, like someone was stabbing me." They said and the boys were concerned but Maryjane was confused. "I'm an empathic psychic well I like to call myself a clairvoyant well I used to. I can feel a ghost's pain when something bad happened to them in their past life and Sallie just gave me that." You finished and the pain slowly went away. "I'm good, now. Sallie was listening to us and hearing the story makes her worried." 
"Speaking of, a month ago, I was here with some friends and we were in the kitchen actually and suddenly we heard this..." Maryjane knocked the side table. "You know and he was running on top of the ceiling, this guy said, 'well what’s that noise?' Sallie upstairs running a round the hallway." 
The guys exclaimed in shocked. 
"We heard it again and she ran back to her room, Sallie has a favorite toy up there and hopefully tonight she'll let you guys play with it because it'll start talking." The boys gaped in shock making y/n chuckle at them. 
"Wait, wait, wait you've witnessed this as well." Colby said. 
"Yeah, actually, the people that was in here yesterday, um yeah." Maryjane slightly chuckled. 
"Yesterday. Wow." You said also in disbelief. 
"Yeah, and then like I’ll be standing up or something and also you just feel something go past you. You know feel it." Maryjane said and the boys got creeped out and to your naked eye and hearing, you heard footsteps running on the stairs and looked to see a girl with brown wavy curly short hair running down the stairs and walked towards your group. 
"Sallie's coming." You said and the boys were quiet but freaking out inside. You saw Sallie walk right past you and Colby. "She was just walking right past me, I felt a breeze on my leg. Colby, did you feel that?" You asked. 
"Yeah, it felt cold for a sec." Colby answered. 
"That was Sallie, she's going to the kitchen." You said looking towards the back of the living area. 
"Follow her." Colby said as the boys stood back as Y/N followed the girl to the kitchen. 
"Sallie?" You walked towards the kitchen and watched Sallie. "Sallie, please don’t hide from me." But you saw Sallie go through the walls not before she giggled. You walked back to the boys and had a frown on her face. 
Which Seth noticed. "What’s happened?" He asked. 
You stood by Colby. "She giggled as she vanished right in front of me. I hate it when I'm trying to help and they don’t fucking answer me. I have a feeling she's probably be a slight problem for us tonight." You said, crossing your arms as Colby touched your arm smiling at you since you respond back with. 
"You guys may a change of getting activity tonight." Maryjane said. 
"Why?" Nate asked. 
"You have someone that can see her and Sallie is probably going to respond to you tonight because of them." Maeyjane says pointing to Y/n. 
"Yeah, the Pickmans were around in the 1990s correct?" Colby asked. "That’s pretty recent. 
"Yeah, 1993, they lived here with their family, things was always happening around the house and things would fall off the windows or the doors and the windows are open and the blinds are shut and the lights were dim that was the main thing." Mary Jane goes on but you were focusing on something else.
​​​​"Ask her about falling down the stairs.” You heard in your ear but didn’t feel or see a presence around you. 
"Did you someone fall down the stairs?" You asked and you didn’t notice the boys looked shocked, they didn’t tell you one thing about what happens in places. They only tell you about where you were going. 
"Yeah, Mr. Pickman did. He was going up the stairs and he was at the master bedroom as all the sudden the force was pushed him down the stairs just shoved him." 
"Something pushed him." Colby said. 
"He would get you know the scratches on his back." Maryjane said. 
"Sallie was a six year old girl, right? 
"She was six years old." Maryjane nods. 
"But there’s no documentation of her actual existence, this is just kind of legend, right." Colby said. 
"A legend, yeah. Another thing to is like right you guys are on the couch." She gestured to the the couch that Nate, Sam and Seth were sitting on. "Afghan behind you," The boys turned and saw a type of centerpiece. "A lot of times that um, people would have nice and folded like that over the thing and they go upstairs, and do whatever and come down it's all white in a ball sitting on the cushions or on the floor." 
The boys and you thought that was interesting.  "Almost like a kid was playing with it." Nate said. 
"Exactly, and back to Sallie, she loves playing with toys and you'll see that upstairs well say Sallie if you want to play, you know throw your ball down the stairs. They wouldn’t throw down the ball down the stairs but she'd look up there and there was a ball at the top of the stairs." 
"I’ve aleo heard there's rumors of rumors of possibly a pentagram in the basement,  is that right?" Sam asked. 
"It's gone. We'd burned it." Maryjane said and Y/N was stunned, that’s not good to know. 
"What do you mean?" 
"It’s gone painted over it and it's all black." 
"Is burned it like a ritual?" Nate asked. 
"I think he just painted over it looked burnt, I don’t know what he did, do you wanna a hear a story that happened yesterday?" They all said yes. "The guy was here doing paranormal investigation and he was here before his team was here. He was coming in and this guy was leaving and it was a priest. He said he was sitting here in the living room and  All the setting the basement door slams shut." 
"Where's the basement door, just around here." Colby asked, turning around and pointing down the direction where Y/N went. 
"Yeah, behind the kitchen. Then all the sudden he heard something else slammed a door upstairs. He kept heading noises and he'd walk through and I guess he hit a really bad vibe but everyone gets really good film here." 
"Good sign for tonight." Sam said. 
"She likes music and I don’t know why it's not on now nine times out of ten the owner of the house would leave the music on cause Sallie like the music, so I don’t know why it’s not on,  but now during the night if she wants to listen to it'll come on." She said. 
Boy, you were nervous more then ever. 
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f9clementine · 8 months
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enchanted to meet you ⋙ 15. i wish i knew
⋙ written part included 『••✎••』
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You could hear the front door open, perking up from where you sat on your bed, waiting for Minho to let you know you could come out.
You felt anxious, twisting and untwisting your blanket in your grip as you thought through the nights events in your mind for the umpteenth time.
There was a sudden knock at the door, causing you to jump and let out a small squeak. Placing a hand over your racing heart, you took a small second to recollect yourself. “Minho?”
“Yeah it’s me. Chan and the rest are here. Do you want to come out?” He asked through the door, slightly muffled. You paused, suddenly feeling the urge to further hide in your room, burrowing under your blankets and pretending that everything didn’t feel wrong. “You don’t have to,” Minho followed up as if he could read your mind.
“No, I’ll come out.” You replied, shaking your head even though he couldn’t see it. This was your apartment, after all. You needed to face this.
When you opened the door, you were surprised to see Minho still on the other side.
“Before you go out, I just-“ he hesitated, his eyes shifting to the side suddenly. “I just wanted to see if you were okay. I know you were really freaked out and-“
You reached out, putting a hand on his arm to get his attention. “Minho, I’m okay. You and I aren’t hurt. It’ll be fine.” When he finally turned his eyes back to you, you smiled. “I’m okay.” You repeated.
“Okay…” he nodded, giving you a small smile back before turning and heading to the front entrance of the apartment where you could hear the rest of his coven quietly talking.
You followed, coming out into the main living room where Chan stood leaning against a wall while Hyunjin and Jeongin sat on the couch, the duo uncharacteristically serious.
Chan looked up as you both entered and flashed you his usual grin with a little wave, "Hey Y/n."
You give your own little wave back, “Hey guys. Sorry it’s so early in the morning.”
“Don’t worry about it. How’re you doing?” Innie asks, turning on the couch to face you.
“I’m okay. Just a little freaked out, y’know? I’ve never had something like that happen before.” You shrug as Hyunjin leans over the back of the couch.
“What happened?”
"I... it feels kinda silly, like maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion. But I got up to get a drink of water, and I could hear a weird scratching noise from the front door. And then I could see a shadow moving under the door. But I didn't start to freak out until the door handle started to move." You explained, feeling a little embarrassed as all four stared at you. "T-then Minho came out and I went to my room."
The coven all exchanged nervous looks and you frowned, looking between them all. "What? What's going on?"
Chan hesitated, then sighed. "That scratching sound you heard was someone carving an opening spell into your front door."
Before you could react, you felt a warm hand on the small of your back. "But it didn't work, for whatever reason." Minho reassured you.
You nodded slowly, "But why? Who would want to break into my apartment with magic? I don't even have that nice of a TV to make breaking in worth it."
Chan shrugged, "I really don't know. It could just be a would be robber with some magical talent. But just in case, we'll go ahead and cast a protection spell on the apartment. Is that okay?"
"No, yeah, I'm fine with that. Actually, I'd like that a lot." You agree, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders you weren't aware was there.
"Here, noona, come sit and we'll take care of it." Innie jumped up from the couch, moving to stand near Chan.
You took a seat and watched as the four crowded around Chan who was holding what you assumed was his spell book in his hands, talking quietly as they flipped through the pages. After a few minutes, they seemingly decided on which one to use.
Taking a pen out of his pocket, Chan quickly drew patterns on each of the coven's palms of their right hands, a whirling design that made your eyes hurt if you looked at it for too long. Once that was done, you watched as the four starting quietly reading aloud from the book, the pattern on their upturned palms slowly beginning to glow, getting brighter and brighter before-
"What?" Hyunjin exclaimed as suddenly the glowing ceased, turning back into the plain black it was. He shook his hand, as if to restart it, and you all watched as the design suddenly crumbled, falling off his hand like dirt.
"... I take it that's not supposed to have happened?" You asked after a second.
"Definitely not." Chan replied, frowning. "This was a simple enough spell, it should've worked easily enough with the four of us." He mumbled, starting to flip through his book.
Minho sighed, walking over to the couch before taking a seat next to you. "What is it with your apartment and repelling magic?" He asked and you groaned, dropping your head in your hands.
"I wish I knew."
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zablife · 2 years
Party Trick
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female reader
Summary: You're on a first date with Hangman with little to say until you swap party tricks.
Author's Note: Requested by a lovely anon who wanted to see Hangman on a date with a shy reader.
You'd been sitting in silence for what seemed like hours, although in reality it was probably only a few moments. You cursed your shy nature, wishing the alcohol would kick in and make you more talkative. No matter how hard you tried to think of something to say, the words wouldn't come out. You were intimidated by the handsome older pilot in front of you and his wolfish grin did nothing to ease your fear of disappointing him whenever you thought of opening your mouth. Suddenly you wondered why Penny had thought you two would make a good match.
Jake was trying to be patient. He'd asked questions about school and made a few jokes to break the ice. Nothing seemed to be working though and you could see the light dimming in his green eyes. You noticed his gaze wander to the pool table and you worried he'd rather be playing a game with his buddies than sitting here trying to coax a few words from you.
You took another sip of your beer, watching him as he pulled a toothpick from his pocket and placed it between his teeth. It seesawed back and forth between his lips before he did something completely unexpected. He rotated it vertically against the roof of his mouth, using his tongue to flip it back out again. You raised your eyebrows at him and giggled, "Aren't you afraid you're going to poke a hole in the roof your mouth doing that?"
His eyes flashed with light once more as he said, "What? This?" Then he maneuvered the toothpick once more, slowly this time for you to get a better look. Your heart skipped a beat as he stared into your eyes as his tongue flipped the toothpick once more.
"Mmmm-hmm," you said.
"Just a little party trick, darlin'. Everybody's got one. Don't tell me you haven't picked up one or two," he said leaning his elbows onto the table.
"Well...there's one thing I can do," you said, cheeks flushing bright red as soon as you remembered. Jake sat up in his seat, eager to hear what it was.
"Now you gotta tell me. What kinda trick makes you blush like that, sweetheart?" he asked in an amused voice.
You bit your lower lip and rolled your eyes to the floor. Were you going to show him? It was so silly! But he had asked so you held up a finger and told him you would return. You trotted to the bar and asked Penny for a few cherries and she complied with a shrug.
Heading back to the table Jake watched you intently as you popped a cherry into your mouth stem and all. You chewed for a bit and then your mouth set to work. You rolled your tongue inside your jaw and Jake watched mesmerized as you held his gaze confidently. You'd done this a million times at summer camp, never thinking it would come in handy one day. He cocked an eyebrow at you wondering what you were up to until you extended your tongue proudly a few seconds later and plucked a knotted stem from your mouth.
"Well I'll be damned!" he said examining it carefully. "You did that?"
"I did!" you said proudly.
"You know, I think our talents might be wasted sitting here talking, darlin'. Why don't we go for a drive?" he said suggestively.
"I'd like that," you agreed. Then Jake took you by the hand and led you out the door.
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snapscube · 1 year
hihihi ok. so i’m in my last of us fixation mode and i’m being extra silly about it but i NEED to know what’s ur current opinion on the last of us hbo?? also i logged onto tumblr and saw a lot of rly good points defending joel’s final choice and i remember during the last of us pt1 playthrough u had differing opinions so i wonder if u think the show’s differences affect that at all? btw i LOVE ur stuff and cannot wait until u do last of us pt 2 wehehehehe!!! anyway besides all that i just want u to know that u are one of the things in my life that makes it easier to get up in the morning
I still feel exactly the same about the final events as I always have! The show didn't change it for me, and actually being able to remove myself from being in control of the situation in the game and actually just watch the events play out in show format solidified that further. The connection I have to Joel as a player when I play the game really helps me understand his perspective more and stomach the goal a bit more easily, but without that immediate intimacy it puts into perspective for me how kinda monstrous the whole thing is from every angle. Obviously I don't ever lose that sympathy for him, and I never stop understanding why, because the whole point of the conflict is that no one is in the right. Ultimately I think the damning thing for every single person involved is that they removed Ellie's agency from the equation, and I still stand by that. They all should have talked to her. They should have told her the truth. All she wants is for her immunity to matter, and I believe that they may have been surprised at the lengths she's willing to go in order to make a difference, whether it's ultimately the right call or not.
I don't know what arguments you've seen exactly in defense of Joel's choice, but personally I don't really agree with one I see a lot and I'd expect will pop up again now that the show is over, which is the whole "well who's to say a vaccine would have worked anyway?????" angle. I think, while reasonable from a meta standpoint, completely ignores the intended framing of the story in order to more conveniently justify a protagonist that the story through its entire runtime is trying to tell you is a little bit of a piece of shit. It's pretty clear and safe to assume that the ultimate intent here is that... yes, the vaccine WOULD have worked. Maybe not in the sweeping way they hoped, but Ellie's sacrifice absolutely would have done something. The whole moral dilemma of the situation really does not make any sense unless you give them that as fact imo.
So then, assuming that is true, you have to wrestle with the idea that Joel is willing to take down the entirety of humanity for Ellie. And not really for Ellie, because none of this is what Ellie wanted. The game AND the show QUITE LITERALLY SPELL OUT for us that Ellie really really really does not want to go back to Jackson without finishing what they started, regardless of the cost. Joel's reasons for saving Ellie, while understandable, are ultimately selfish and rooted in his own trauma and having just seen the light at the end of his grieving over Sarah. Again, incredibly sympathetic, but it's selfish. I know we like to joke as much, but Ellie IS NOT his daughter. They share a similar bond after everything they go through, but by the end of the game you can already feel Ellie pulling away from that notion because she's starting to realize Joel doesn't have the same commitment to the idea of her immunity being meaningful as she does, they're only a few miles away and he's already asking her to give up and go back to Jackson with him.
Then, of course, I think what ultimately damns Joel in my eyes on a poetic/storytelling level is his decision to lie to Ellie after it's all over. That's the nail in the coffin for me. It would be one thing if he said "they were going to kill you on that operating table without even telling you what was going on and I couldn't let them do that", but instead he lies to her to make sure she's still able to see him as the father he desperately wants to be again. It doesn't change anything. He tells her her worst fear has come to pass: her immunity, this unexplainable thing that has taken so many of her loved ones from her, is completely useless. Not only that, but now even more people are dead. Including Marlene, who's known her since birth. The only thing his lie changes is the fact that he's responsible for it all.
Anyway, part of what I love most about The Last of Us Part II is how it follows up on these threads and you may be pleased to know that I actually just started streaming the game last night after the HBO finale premiered cause I was so pumped up I couldn't wait any longer haha. So you'll be seeing VODs for that soon :)
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excelsi-or · 10 months
summoned (pt. 1)
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hi everyone! it's been a g e s, but we're back! i've been travelling since about May, and definitely thought editing this story wasn't going to take as long as it did. anywho, this is the demon fic that i teased a while back. kinda different from anything else i've put out before. it's inspired by Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, definitely a book worth reading if you haven't yet. let me know what you all think :)
pairing: lee jihoon (woozi) x fem OC/fem reader
w.c. 2.5k (i'm not sure what i'd classify this as tbh. silly, maybe?)
"You want what?"
"A venti and medium–" The rest of what Jeonghan says gets garbled as he speaks. Not from lack of phone connection, but just because she has no idea what he's going on about.
As she stands in line, her eyes skim over the menu in a vain attempt to find anything similar to what she'd heard Jeonghan say. When she reaches the front of the line, she's still clueless.
So, she tries to sound out the garble in the hopes that this barista can translate.
"Venti and me–I mean, grande, fructi paemoni–nope, pomegranate?"
Before she can see if the man has been able to understand anything she said, she feels all the air sucked out of her lungs. Sound disappears and she thinks she's passed out. When she gasps for air, she looks around to get her bearings.
Time seems to have slowed, not stopped.
Her brow furrows, as she tries to gauge if she's had some sort of early life stroke. On a whim, she turns, about to walk out of the place. But she jumps back at the man dressed in a suit now present in front of her. He has dark hair with an undercut, his hair silky. His skin is fair; his body toned, at least based on the way he fills out the suit. But it's his eyes that catch her attention. They're black, seemingly catching no light.
And then he opens his mouth to speak, and she notices the sharpness of his canines.
"Hello, human. Thank you for summoning me." The man's tone is flat, as if he's tired of giving this speech. "I am not a genie. If you ask anything of me, you must give me your soul in exchange."
The furrow in her brow deepens. "Soul? So, you're not a vampire."
If the blackness of his eyes could get blacker, they do. "I am a demon. You have summoned me."
"You're a what?" She juts her thumb back in the direction of the barista. "I was ordering a drink. I wasn't summoning anything. I was literally about to leave, because I thought I was having a stroke!" She lets out a long breath to reign in her hysteria. "I didn't summon you."
The demon looks confused. When she blinks, there's suddenly a piece of paper in his hand. He recites her name, the time, the date; all of which she agrees is correct. Then the demon recites what she said and she holds a hand up to stop him.
"I did not say–what did you say I said?"
"Veni ad me, fructus daemonium."
"I definitely didn't say that. I said something like venti and medium--grande, fuck, Jeonghan oppa's order. I think he wanted some pomegranate fruit something."
The demon stares in disbelief. "So, you didn't summon me."
"God, no. Wait, can I say 'God' in front of you?" She shakes her head, likely stopping herself from rambling than deciding whether 'God' is appropriate in front of a demon. "Regardless, I didn't summon you. And I don't need to trade my soul for anything."
The demon huffs. His dark eyes go over her once and then to a pocket watch. "Look, I have a--what do you humans call it--a quota of sorts. A quota that needs to be filled this millennium."
"Human, I have a quota to fill. A certain number of souls to collect. And it has been a very slow start this millennium." The demon snorts. "Fewer young souls are being given up and He prefers the young ones."
"Sorry, Mr. Demon, I really did not mean to call on you or summon you or whatever." She looks back at the café, where one woman has finally put her cup down and a man has finished pressing the period key on his keyboard. "Have you slowed time for everyone? I don't want to be late for my creative meeting."
The demon tilts his head. "There's nothing you want that you would trade your soul for?"
"No, not really."
"A lover who can't be yours, oodles of money," the demon's perfect brows furrow, blinking a couple times, "fame, eternal youth?"
"I'm… pretty content right now." She swears his eyes turn green; she takes a step back. "Seriously, Mr. Demon, there's nothing I want to trade for my soul."
"Call me…" It's his turn to look around the café for inspiration. His eyes catch sight of the barista's name tag. "Call me Jihoon."
"Uh… you can't just leave?"
The demon's expression deadpans. She thought the expression he'd greeted her with was his deadpan expression. This is a bit more horrifying. "I can't just go back to Him and say 'oh, she dialled the wrong number'."
"I can't just have you following me around," she protests. "Won't you ruin my chances of getting into Heaven or something? Being reborn or whatever happens when you die?"
This makes the demon–Jihoon–chuckle. "If you believe in any of those things, human, then I would assume you assume that the beings or forces that control those things are always watching."
"I… don't know if I understand what that means, but whatever. Mr. Demon, you can't–"
A guttural voice replaces Jihoon's bored tone, and he glows red. "Don't tell me what to do, human."
Another step back.
The two of them stare each other down. She knows that a demon probably doesn't need to blink, and she'll lose whatever stare down this is. And he's told her he won't leave.
"Okay. Fine. Stay. But, Jihoon," she winces at the name, doesn't suit his demon image, "you better be visible to everyone. I'm not going to let you con me into giving you my soul to stop people thinking I'm crazy."
Jihoon blinks in surprise. He hadn't thought of that. "Fine, human. I'll be visible."
"And you can't wear the suit. I only have one friend who wears a suit and he's a lawyer. You're probably not going to go off and finish a law degree."
Jihoon's eyes narrow, and now, she's sure they turn green. "Then, what," he pauses, "do you expect," pause, "me to wear?" This silky voice is more threatening than that demon voice he'd used before.
She tries to brush it off by breaking eye contact. There's a guy in the corner of the café that catches her eye. The man is dressed in a denim jacket with a hoodie underneath, plain jeans, and Converse. She nods at the stranger.
"I'm a demon, not a… a college student." If demons could spit venom, this one would.
"Well, I'm also not a college student, Mr. Demon, but that's what guys I know wear."
In a blink, he's dressed in a red hoodie, black denim and black Converse. "Any other requests?"
Best not to push her luck. "No."
Suddenly, she feels a burst of air go through her lungs and the familiar thrum of the café fills her ears again. It's almost too loud now. She turns to the barista and he's reciting her order.
"I think you're asking for a venti and grande very berry hibiscus?"
She waves her phone over the card reader. "Sure."
This barista, non-demon Jihoon smiles at her. "Great. And the name?"
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When she arrives on time to her creative meeting, she slides the drinks across the table to Jeonghan and Seungcheol. She collapses into the seat next to Jeonghan, who addresses the problem she’d nearly forgotten on her rush over.
“Who’s the new guy?” he asks.
She grimaces and looks over at Jihoon standing by the door. The demon stands with his arms crossed over his chest, clearly unhappy to be here.
“That’s,” she clears her throat, “Jihoon. He’s…” She studies the demon, who isn’t inclined to help her come up with a lie. Jeonghan, Seungcheol, and Hansol all wait for her to fill in the connection. “He’s my friend that’s visiting. One of my brother’s friends… that came to the city.” This lie eases the knot in her chest, but why is he here? “He doesn’t know the city very well yet, so I… I said that I would take him on a tour after the meeting.”
Her three friends take a second to process this information, before Seungcheol breaks out into a smile. He leans forward on his elbows, so he can look past Hansol at Jihoon. “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Seungcheol. This is Hansol. That’s Jeonghan.”
Hansol, who is sat across from her, waves in Jihoon’s direction. When he makes eye contact with her, she notices the very slight furrow in his brow.
She shakes her head in response to his unasked question.
Jeonghan doesn’t notice the exchange; if he does, he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he begins the meeting and jumps right into the collaborative contract that she and Hansol are working on. They’re collaborating on a large mural in the city, and the city has just provided feedback on the loose design.
Seungcheol, Hansol’s manager, jots down notes for Hansol.
“So, they want less colour? Why did they choose Hansol then?” Seungcheol shakes his head as he writes.
“They want three colours only,” Jeonghan explains. “Preferably the primary colours in their colour palette.”
“My line work can’t be coloured in with three colours,” she says. “There are skin tones.”
Hansol raises his hand and turns his sketchbook towards the group. He tends to multitask during meetings, which is why Seungcheol takes his notes. “I can just adjust my design. We might not be able to do 3 colours only, because I still want the depth to come through. But I agree, we should keep the skin tones. The whole point of the mural is diversity, and that should be real.”
She looks to Jeonghan. “Can you get them to compromise on skin tone and maybe 6 colours instead of 3?”
Jeonghan makes a note of it in his notebook and then moves onto the next slide.
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By the time the meeting ends, Jihoon has his eyes closed, arms still crossed, as he leans against the wall.
“Is he okay?” Jeonghan asks as they collect their things together.
“Uhm, yes, I think so.” She slings her tote bag over her shoulder. “We’ll redo the thumbnails, so that they can choose which set they prefer.”
“They were asking for an earlier deadline, but I told them that would be unlikely with all the things they asked you and Hansol to change.”
Hansol finishes chatting with Seungcheol and motions with his head towards the door. “I’ll walk you home.”
“Oh, that’s–” Hansol’s eyes dart to Jihoon, and she understands the offer. “Right. Sure, okay. That’d be great.”
She wonders if she can just leave Jihoon behind. Do demons actually sleep?
When she meets Hansol at the door, she asks him how his comic is coming along. She says nothing to Jihoon and they walk right out of the room.
Hansol shrugs, glancing at Jihoon, but saying nothing about it. “Seungkwan said he doesn’t like where the story is going.”
“Yeah, but that’s because you’re making it dark,” she snorts. She readjusts her bag. “And you know how Seungkwan is about dark stuff.”
Hansol nods. He presses the call button for the elevator. “I guess that’s true.”
She knows what Hansol’s thinking. “He’ll catch up.”
Sure enough, Jihoon saunters their way.
Hansol reaches for her hand and gives it a squeeze. The elevator door slides open and she squeezes Hansol’s hand back twice.
One initial squeeze asks if you’re okay.
One back means yes; two means unsure; a tight squeeze is no.
Hansol frowns at her, but she can’t explain. While Jihoon hasn’t seemed particularly threatening, he’s still a demon.
Periodically on their walk to the subway, she glances back at Jihoon. The demon keeps his distance, but always seems to have her in his sightline.
When they reach the turnstiles, this is the first time she waits for Jihoon to catch up.
“You need a ticket,” she tells him.
Jihoon nods, refraining from rolling his eyes. “I have it sorted.”
She assumes he’ll do some blinky magic that the turnstile will miss. That is, until she and Hansol have passed through, and suddenly the guard manning the booth comes running around. The two of them turn and see a man holding Jihoon by the arm.
“Sir, you need to pay to get in here.”
The red glow begins to pulsate around Jihoon, so she quickly intervenes. “Sorry, he’s a friend of mine that’s visiting. I think he got confused.” She glances at Jihoon, whose gaze is just as steely. 
Okay, earthly solutions only. Her mind runs as quickly as possible.
“Can I pay you for his admission? We’re only going a few stops.”
The guard glares at Jihoon, but when he turns to her, his expression softens. When she smiles, his face relaxes further. “I’ll let the others know. Where are you getting off?”
When he stalks back to his booth, eyeing Jihoon, she tugs once on Jihoon’s denim jacket. It’s warm to the touch. “Come on, Demon. We gotta go.”
Jihoon’s head snaps down to look at her. “Either put a ‘mister’ in front of that or call me Jihoon.”
She pauses to consider her response. Provoke the demon or let it be.
“Jihoon, when you tell me you have things sorted, please, keep it sorted.”
Jihoon looks as if he’s about to argue, but she cuts him off. Her voice is low, so only he can hear. “If you wanted to take my soul, you would have taken it from me already. So, either I need to willingly give it to you or you need to kill me.”
Jihoon’s expression hardens, but he pulls away.
“Now, come on.”
She catches Hansol’s arm and drags him after her.
“Do you have a boyfriend I don’t know about?” Hansol frowns.
“He is not my boyfriend.”
Hansol checks over his shoulder. The icy stare isn’t directed at him, so he wonders if she’s aware of the look. “Can he hear me?”
“Assume yes.”
“Can you tell me what’s going on?”
“Even if I could explain, you wouldn’t believe me.”
He scoffs. “Do you realize who you’re talking to?”
“That’s how unbelievable it is.”
Hansol lifts an eyebrow, his hand reaching for a bar as the train lurches forward. “Well, now I’m more intrigued.”
“When I figure out how to tell you, I will.”
Hansol catches her fingers and gives her hand one squeeze.
She lets out a breath and squeezes back once.
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part 2
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llynwen · 3 months
hey I saw your tags abt reading the MM book too and I desperately need to hear abt it from more ppl that also shoved it up their ass. Thoughts?
oh brother you have no idea just how many thoughts i have about it.
i really didn't wanna read the book because i knew it was going to make me go insane, but then a friend of mine who i'm trying to force to watch the show (i beg of you martyna. it's so good) decided to get it for me for my birthday.
from the very first few fucking pages i was Perplexed, to put it lightly. i was expecting a light and breezy autobiography with some silly childhood anecdotes and maybe behind the scenes tea about the hollywood crowd. Instead i was served almost 300 pages of trauma dumping, philosophical ruminations and some very TMI info that i wish i never read. i rated this book 5/5 on goodreads btw.
the first thing that really knocked me on my ass was this (i'm ignoring the ketchup story i DON'T want to think about that)
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this should've given me an idea about that kind of book this was gonna be. yet i continued on, blindly, thinking, okay maybe he just wanted to get that out there. more power to him. whatever. (not really).
then the motherfuckers starts explaining his little philosophy, the titular green lights, right? and i'm like, yeah. i agree. you're correct. but why did it take you 50 years to figure this out? i'm 24 and i've been living by this very logic for years. Anyways. i continue reading.
now, bro spends half the book trying to convince us his parents were NOT abusive. i disagree. i think he has stockholm syndrome. i hope he's in therapy. i don't wanna think about this either.
now, this is where i started catching on that he was lying to me. i know it took me an embarrassingly long time, but i was giving him the benefit of the doubt. the undead parrot and the 13 story tree house, however, was what made me go Wait A Damn Minute.
yeah, turns out this book isn't a memoir, it's a mix between a magical realism novel, a self help handbook and a philosophical treaty. served to you on really nice paper (i mean Really nice. i appreciate that) with important words in bold, italics or even sometimes in green (which i appreciate even more, since i am tragically dyslexic).
after establishing that all men do is, in fact, lie, i gained a different outlook on the whole thing (i swear i need to read it again, this time in full englit major mode, make some notes and dissect this thing like it's shakespeare).
i like how candid he is about kind of getting lucky with the whole famous thing. he really took that slutty slutty waist and peculiar bone structure of his and said I'm Gonna Make A Career Out Of This. good for him.
he is, however, just a man, and at the end of the day, you can really tell he sees the world through his privilege. the white straight cis christian rich and famous thing kinda sways him into obnoxious territory in some parts, and it had me seething with rage. like, i too would love to go hike through south america because it came to me in a dream. i'd looooove to go visit my favorite unknown artist in a country on the other side of the world. i was half hoping to read about a piranha biting his shlong off when he went skinny dipping in the motherfucking amazon. (un)fortunately, no dice.
the david and goliath story made me chuckle out loud. he makes it Just believable enough to make you think about it. i like being made to think.
the philosophics continue in the form of the single most cursed wall of chicken scratches i ever did see. i sat there, straining my eyes, trying to decipher this shit, and i'm pretty sure he was on something when he wrote it because all of this
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could be summed up with "you've gotta leave your comfort zone to learn more about yourself and the world." suck my cock dude.
i Really like how he talks about his wife. but then again, when you look at her, there really isn't any other way of talking about her.
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i mean. how the Fuck did his stinky ass pull this goddess. lucky bastard.
now, the 3ish pages where he talks about filming the show (which was the whole reason i even started reading) are criminally underwhelming. i was hoping for a sneak peak into that elusive 450 page manuscript (i will Steal your laptop matthew. watch out), but instead i got a one liner of him being like i wanna play rusty because he's the specialest little girl in the whole entire world and the producers going yeah fine. THAT'S IT. still mad about this, especially because after that he hits you with the love letter to new orleans. i mean be serious. he should Not be allowed to write shit like that.
to summarize, i think he might be a genius, or he might be insane. he is probably both. i want to shove this book up his ass for many reasons, for example him making me learn the names of his kids (i hate knowing things about celebrity kids. leave them out of this) or for making me agree with him. because i do. agree. I don't appreciate his continued efforts to convert me to christianity and i think he's disgustingly obnoxious in some places, but the truth is he has a real cool outlook on a lot of things and i'm very mad that i now respect this bastard for more than his acting skills. i would like to buy him a six pack and listen to him talk about it. i'd love to argue with him, too. i can recommend this book to everybody who feels like they need to experience some psychic damage and maybe an existentialist crisis alongside it. on Very Nice Paper.
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okay bit of a ramble incoming but. me and writing, we havent had the best relationship lately, mostly because ive been dealing with imposter syndrome a lot, and writer spaces dont seem to be as welcome as they used to be to me. but for the past months ive been trying to get into a more healthy mindset about writing. its just difficult because many of the author communities im apart of dont seem to agree with said mindset.
so. heres a thing that happened. theres this book series, a ya romantasy, that kind of went viral on booktube/booktok for being mostly shitty. i've watched a couple of reviews of it, most of them negative, can generally agree with most criticisms of the book, and it is, in my mind, ticked off as a "bad book". dont be like that author, dont do what she does, dont write like this, everyone will hate your book.
me and my father were sitting in the garden, next to eachother, me writing and him listening to an audiobook. he tells me about how good it is and how much he likes it. theres dragons, its so cool, its such an interesting world, he's at book two now and cant wait for the third one to be released. to my surprise, its the exact book that booktubers everywhere talk shit about. now ive seen people on the internet that liked the book, but theyre just some guys on the web and i dont know them and their opinion doesnt mean much. but my dad? i know him. i know his tastes. and he likes it.
and i think that made me realise something. i still dont like that book, but someone, a person whose taste and opinions i (usually) value, does. he doesnt care about the plot holes that others see, he doesnt know about the discourse surrounding certain tropes, he likes it because its fantasy, and theres dragons, and theres magic, the fact that theres a disabled protagonist is cool to him, and THERES DRAGONS! and so many other people also like it. for whatever reason.
its a "bad book", apparently, thats what most people call it, but to some its a good book. and if someone just constantly keeps finding issues with a book, then it wasnt for them in the first place wasnt it? critiques and negative reviews and rants are still valid and, i'd say, needed. but in the end, they dont matter much. the book isnt offensive or "problematic" or anything but it really is just kinda bad and people still like it and it really is fine.
my writing is gonna be bad to someone. my writing style is convoluted and kind of silly and just. bad. okay. and there are people that still like it. that doesnt mean i dont want to improve and get better as a writer, i do. for the people that like my stuff, for myself, i will get better, but like. its fine. im fine. someone will like what i write. there will be bad parts of my writing that some people will hate, and some will ignore, and thats the fact for every book and every kind of art.
ill be fine. ill just keep writing and things will be fine.
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
Nami was shocked, she hadn't been expecting Daddy the parent to know Usopp's father.
“So that's why you left the Marines to become a bounty hunter,” Nami had been surprised to hear the news, she was aware that bounty hunters had their place but that they were still looked down upon by many Marines. “It makes so much sense now,” She couldn't help but wonder if Genzio, who was the closest thing to a father she and Nojiko had to father, would have done the same.
“Papa, no! A pirate did not spare your life! Please tell me that's not true! Tell me you killed that nasty pirate!” The little girl cried pleadingly.
“Usopp!” Nami turned to her friend. “Wow! Your father must have been amazing!” She tried to cheer him up. Maybe after hearing about his father he would grow a spine. “He beat Daddy the father in a duel! And it sounds like he definitely hasn't forgotten all about you! He's thinking about you while he's out there traveling the seas, thinking about the toddler that he left behind in that little village of yours,” Usopp put his arm out, tears in his eyes as he sobbed. Perhaps she hadn't done a great job of cheering him up. “It's OK, we understand I'm here for you,”
“There's no way you could understand Nami! That's not the only reason I'm crying! There's more than one reason, you're so much stronger and braver than me! Your father figure was there for you!” Usopp stated before turning to look at the man in front of him. “I get it, I understand why you'd tell me the story about my father. You told me so I'd be more courageous, less of a weak coward and be more like him! I'll never be a great warrior of the sea if I always run away,” Usopp took a step forward. “You laid out your truth, your embracement, your failure. You did all that to show me what kind of man my father is, what kinda man I should strive to be. I'll never forget that lesson, Carol, you have the bravest man in the world for a father. He's not a coward, he isn't afraid of anything. Isn't afraid to be shamed! It's easy to find men who are big and strong but the ones who put their honor and pride on the line for others are one in a million,” Nami was reminded of Genzio, of that stupid pin wheel on his hat. How he wore it everyday just to make her smile.
“Papa is one in a million!” Carol agreed looking up at her father.
“I can't accept your dad's mercy, I have to be brave and face my death head on, I want a rematch!” Usopp cried out, wiping his tears with his arm. “I have something to prove to myself!”
“As you wish, choose your weapon. This will be our final duel,” Nami wanted to step in and stop this fight but she knew it would not go well.
“I chose Pachinko,” Usopp took his green slingshot out of his shoulder bag.
“Good, now let's see,” The man began to look around. A bell rang in the distance; it sounded ominous. “That weathervane, hit it if you wish to live,” In the distance was a whale shaped weather vane wearing a silly crown.
“What! That thing!?” Usopp had every right to sound panicked, how was he supposed to hit it! The slightest gust of wind could cause it to move! Daddy the father pulled out a gun and pointed it at Usopp.
“If you miss…”
“Right you'll shoot me dead, no third chances.”
“Usopp,” Nami didn't want to watch her friend die, what would she tell the others? Usopp was her friend, the one she was closest to on the ship, he was like her, normal. Not like the other three that were crazy and almost inhuman.
“This is the shot that will determine if I live or die with honor not turning back now,” Usopp pulled back the strings on his slingshot.
“He's not going to make it, there's no way,” Carol told the little girl what Nami was thinking.
She waited with bated breath. The bell still rang loud as her heart beat. The breeze ruffled her hair as Ussop stared at the weathervane; she held her breath as she waited for him to realize the shot. Finally after what felt like years he let go. The whale didn't move, it just continued its gentle rocking movement.
“you…missed,” Was this the end of Usopp's journey? Was there anything she could do to stop it?
“Papa no! No! You can't kill him, please you can't!” Carol sobbed into her father's coat, oh how Nami wanted to do the same.
“I can't kill him,” Nami looked at the man, who looked shocked. “He didn't miss, he shot right through the crown!” Nami pulled out her spyglass and preen threw it, and right in the center of the crown was a hole.
“Usopp you did it! I can't believe you actually did it! You shot thru the crown like he said!” How he could see that well she had no idea.
“Wow! Good job!” Carol congratulated Usopp who sank to the ground in clear disbelief and probably relief at not being killed.
“Your as good of a shot as your father, and brave as he is as well. Your father would be proud to call you his son. Go to GrandLine and find him, he deserves to see what his son has become,” Nami had to admit the more she heard about this guy Yasopp the more curious she became.
“You're a pretty good shot after all…for an old man,” Carol had a pair of goggles in her hands as she gave them to him.
They said their goodbyes and headed off. Usopp stood back up the goggles in his hand.
“When people say Daddy the parent is nothing but a disgraced Marine, we'll know the truth, the real story.”
“I will find my father one day! I will show him what a true warrior of the sea I have become! Until that day comes, I have to do my best!”
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heaven-ly-father · 1 year
Better suited to be your plaything? I would agree fully. I would be your silly little plaything, I would let use me holes for your pleasure. Telling me how you want me, on my knees on all fours. I just want to please you. But don’t be surprised to know I wouldn’t let the deed of being your plaything go unpunished.
You see as much as I would be your plaything, you would be mine. One day, when you think you have the control, when you have my legs spread open, mocking me for how wet I was. I would grab your chin, telling you to make yourself useful to the king. Standing up while you’re on your knees, telling you only good boys get to be used by the king.
If I wanted to I would bring everyone in close to the king and they could watch as I open you up, sitting on my lap. Paying no attention to you as you ride my fingers. Having you moan as my fingers curl inside. Letting out a soft moan, as I grab your neck whispering in your ear “quite sweet boy, those noises are for my ears only.”
I would have everyone watch in awe as I make you cum, whispering things in your ear about what a good boy you’ve been. Having your face go red to look up and see a room full of people, having watched you.
(You went with the king thing, so I just kinda went with it as well)
There's something really lovely about this back-and-forth. But I suppose it only is fair, after I'd ruined you so thoroughly, that you get your own way with me. That's the royalty in you, isn't it? So prideful, Highness.
I can't say I'd expected the audience, breath hitching as reality finally sets in. Shame burning hot under my skin, but how badly I still want your touch is undeniable. Moved to submission at your hand, humiliating myself pathetically for even an ounce more of your attention. Perhaps you're right. It is my duty to serve, after all.
Maybe once your guests have seen themselves out, voices low with gossip of our affair-- no doubt including mockery of my desperate little display-- you drag me back to your bedchamber. Normally I'd stand guard outside, but tonight you invite me in. I kneel at your feet, admiring you from below. I would never admit it, but there is a certain comfort in knowing my place. I'd undress you slowly, reverently. Soft kisses to the backs of your hands, the insides of your wrists, your arms. Up along your shoulders and neck. I would take my time, honoring His Majesty as he's meant to be.
Finally, your clothes come away completely. Satisfied, you lie back on your bed, rich silk sheets soft to the touch. And I'd continue my worship, pleasuring you just as ordered until my ego gets the best of me yet again and I start disobeying. At some point, you're at my mercy instead of the other way around. And we do the whole damn thing over tomorrow, because neither of us want it to ever stop.
(sorry this took me literally one thousand years. I've been thinking abt this concept nonstop lmaoo)
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some-pers0n · 5 months
spy from hit game tf2 for the character ask thingie
I got another ask for a similar game. My my, I think we have a Spy enjoyer.
First Impression
Fr*nch guy who is an asshole
Current Impression
Yeah he's haughty and pompous and pretentious, but generally really well-meaning and cares quite a bit about others. I'd be willing to say he's the more selfless of the cast (save for maybe Demoman, Heavy, and Engie). He goes along with Scout to get some money so he and his mother will have financial stability. He spends what he believes to be his last hours alive trying to make the mercs content with their lives by doing a bucket list. When that fails, he still helps out Scout try to get a date with Miss Pauling. There's a lot more facets to his character.
Favourite Moment
Oughhh there's so many good ones. I like the scene where he agrees to share the cyanide with Miss Pauling after watching her cry. It's a moment that really kinda...hits me. It's hopeless. Miss Pauling failed the Administrator. The last bit of Australium on earth slipped through her fingers. Now she's going to be tortured by a bad butch dom sadistic bitch the TFC Pyro. She breaks down crying. There's something so...heavy about watching it happen. Not to mention Spy, who doesn't really know how to comfort her otherwise, just offers her a quick way out. It's the most he can do. Let her go out on her own terms. He's not selfish. He has boundaries (i.e. not letting Sniper use his 10k suit as a towel), but he helps out when time comes. That and also the Tom Jones scene.
Idea for a Story
For over a year I've had the idea of him and Sniper going to Paris for a couple of days as a little work-mandated vacation (which happens after Redmond and Blutarch are murdered and the Admin needs to try and figure out something to do about it). I just think of a lot of silly moments between them, touching on my headcanon of Spy being a coffee snob, Sniper being not very used to "fancy" and learning about French culture (even if Spy is surprised he isn't a total animal)(cause Sniper's still a professional and all), etc. One scene I like is of them trying to steal something out of the Louvre because Sniper bet that they couldn't do it. They obviously return it by the end of the trip, but it's still fun for them.
Unpopular Opinion
I think Spy isn't that bad of a dad, but rather he's afraid of commitment. He doesn't like the idea of being tied down. Yeah obviously abandoning Scout as a child was a terrible move and I want to see Scout beat the shit out of him for it, but Spy doesn't seem...that bad with kids? He does care a lot about Scout, but he's afraid of letting himself seem vulnerable and admitting to that mistake he made all those years ago.
Favourite Relationship
I like the dynamic between Scout and Spy a lot. Their bickering is really fun. Plus the death scene is really quite tender and meaningful. Sniper/Spy I prefer more as platonic, not gonna lie. Friends with benefits, but not really romantic. Maybe that's from the GreyAro headcanons I've slapped onto them both though. For actual romantic ships? Spoovy is great. I like ships where they both have a lot in common, and with Spoovy, well, they're both intellectuals. Not to also mention the whole Big Bulky Guy x Toothpick-Thin Guy thing.
Favourite Headcanon
I do really adore my coffee headcanon for no reason at all. Spy being a coffee snob is perfect to me. That being said, I think he's an okay cook, which is something he's ashamed of. He gets all of these fresh, beautiful ingredients, but he can't really cook anything better than a 6/10 meal.
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bandtrees · 8 months
its not like i dont agree with all those posts about how bsd season 5 finale is bad and stupid and was a big let-down and everything. cuz i do - but also... i'm not really upset with it in the way a lot of people are, tbh.
cuz if you're only now realizing bsd isn't a good mystery series and it has a lot of cheap shock value and forgoes interesting character development in favor of showing off how smart dazai or fyodor are... uh, welcome to the club? the season 5 finale is not really unique in this regard.
bsd, to me, though it has moments of compelling writing, and overall compelling characters (people Like its characters so much for a reason!), etc, has always been a low-expectations watch. it's always been the "oh what's kafka asagiri doing to his weird ocs now" show - from the start, it's done this. so much of season 1 reeks of the same "random out of nowhere twist to make the writing feel clever", and it's something the show's had a problem with, and continues to have a problem with. forever. to the point where to enjoy the series you just kinda have to meet it halfway and have fun with it.
when i first got into bsd in, like, 2017 or so, i hated dazai a lot. both because of personal reasons and because i just didn't like smug genius types who know everything. with him being such a major character, this led to a shallow perception of the show, as you'd expect. then, i rewatched it this year, and i went in with those same feelings - but i wanted to like bsd, and dazai by extension, so i just kinda... got used to him, because you can't fully appreciate this series and not. (that and i'd just matured as a person since 2017 and could look at him with more nuance lol)
like, i get being upset this season didn't end the way you anticipated. i loved the meursault arc, and season 5 episode 10 was one of my favorite episodes of the entire series i was genuinely excited to see a follow-up on. but also, if you know bsd does deathfaking and stupid silly plot twists that weren't telegraphed in the least, and you're genuinely mad every time they're pulled, then... maybe you should just watch a different show, yknow?
i don't say this to excuse the shitty writing, but rather, it's not really new, and buckling in for the absurd ride is part of the bsd experience, that it goes from a genuinely thrilling and gritty episode 10 to a completely batshit episode 11 that has the main antagonist quote jesus christ before dying in a helicopter explosion, is, like, really fucking funny. i can't even be mad. that episode is some of the most entertained i've been by this show, not even in its contents but laughing as i try to explain it to people and scream incredulously with my friend - it's a series where the good is good and the bad is, if nothing else, never boring. it's the series with the giant moby dick whale mech. it's the series that now has vampires in it for some reason. i think if you're looking for top tier character development and stimulating mysteries and peak fiction... you're looking in the wrong place, imo.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
I want to know 1) What is your favorite kind of horror movie? (As in jumpscares, slasher, psychological, gothic, supernatural, etc.) 2) If you were a candy, what kind would you be? (Can be candy that exists or a combination of things)
3) If Twilight were tied up in your place, so securely that he can't get out of his restraints for a few hours, what would you do?
1) I don't like horror movies at all. Don't look at my obsession with Resident Evil Village, that was mostly because of Ethan - and one of his traits I felt I vibed with the most was his continuous commentary on how he hates he's in the horror genre. So I kinda connected with him in that because I won't really choose to watch a horror movie.
That said, I might find myself enjoying dark comedy stuff with a bit of horror inserted, like the film Happy Death Day. Its jumpscares and intense moments still make me tense, in a way I don't particularly enjoy, but I liked seeing how humor can be inserted into the genre. Case in point, one of my favourite lines in RE8? You fight Dimitrescu as the first boss, she dies cursing your entire existence, and what's Ethan's finishing line after she's dead and cannot hear him? "You're the one who's cursed." Homeboy "I am rubber, you are glue"d Tall Vampire Mommy and it's fucking hysterical.
2) I have no idea. I think I'd be something with some sort of spice and nuts added in it. Something that may get stuck in your throat and also surprise you with how tangy it can taste. I have my thorns too 👀👀
3) As a real person, I'd hug him tight to my bosom, immediately set him free and probably cook something warm for him. I can't cook for shit but if he's used to Yor's cooking then he'd certainly tolerate my cooking. I'd ask him to stay and get some sleep (on his own bed, look a) I am asexual and b) even if I weren't, ship comes first, he's Yor's and only) and if he said no I'd tie him back down until he agreed to sleep for a normal amount of time.
As a fictional whumper... first I'd ensure I have enough time with him before Yor comes and wreaks absolute havoc. Then... :)
I think I'd mostly go for the emotional pain, though. Homeboi's got angst for days. Just by forcing him to remember the horrors he went through as a child in wartime would cause enough damage, if done continuously and without pause or mercy. Remind him that he's alone (he isn't, Bond foresaw this, Anya saw it and told Yor about it so now she's coming to kick my ass and rescue him) and he'll always be because he's trying to be some damn hero that no one will remember, not fondly at least. How does it feel, you punk? To know you'll die without a single soul caring for you? To know that there would be so many people celebrating your death when it eventually comes way too soon? To know you won't get to live longer than your mother did? Or love someone the way she loved you? Do you think she'd be proud of you? That she'd be happy knowing her precious child grew into a killer in the name of "peace"? What peace, you punk? Will you fight for all war-torn countries, or will you be selfishly satisfied with ensuring peace just for your two nations?
... What? :)
In all seriousness though, I actually think most of that are thoughts he's had over the years, so I doubt any of that would be anything new. But I do think there needs to be an angsty narrative like that at some point. Just peel all the layers off and then slowly cook them up like caramelized onions.
That's it, isn't it. Twilight is like onions! He has layers, he bites, but if you cook him up well enough he'll become sweet as honey. I connected the dots!
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This went from morbid to silly really fast. Anyway, still no manga spoilers please.
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pcrtgasdace · 1 year
Thoguhts on the one piece live action? I was skeptical at first but I’m kinda excited now 👀 and who would you like to see cast as the rest of the crew?
I am excited! At first I was skeptical too, long before the cast was announced actually... because the reputation of live action adaptations speaks for itself... But this cast? They've charmed me, honestly. And I think it says a lot that Oda chose them and met them and agreed with the choices.
The cast ifself exceeds such strawhat energy and they are all so genuine and excited!! And you can see them trying not to let the pressure get to them by being optimistic. I mean, they've done their research, they're interactive with the fandom, they're fans themselves and I'm optimistic overall that their acting performances will be well done.
I am not nitpicking about certain changes in character design like the lack of Usopp's ridiculously long nose or Sanji's eyebrow. They look fine as it is. I think people have to realise that when adapting into another medium you can't just do it 1:1... it wouldn't work, it would seem like a cosplay movie that doesn't take itself seriously. Being open for creative changes is the only way to look at a live action and so far I'm actually looking forward to see what they've accomplished. And I can't wait to introduce others to OP this way, especially my dad, lol.
I am not setting my expectations too high, but if the OP LA show can at least be entertaining in it's own right and be a somewhat cringy but still fun watch, I am totally fine with that! I am not expecting a master piece. I just hope they don't squeeze too much into little episodes.
The CGI is something I am not too fond of, regarding the sea dragon mostly, I am sure they could do better, but I thought Luffy's stretching looks just as ridiculous as I imagined! In a good way. Because that's his power! The devil fruit is meant to be crazy and silly! And I think with the shot we've seen it looked fairly decent.
I was impressed that they did the green hair with Zoro, I was actually not sure they'd do it because it's hard to get the right tone in real life and make it not look bad. But they did a good job, honestly. The action sequences we've seen so far also looked promising.
I love that the team and cast are dedicated to be close to the source material as possible, but still take different approaches and do minor changes.
I am so excited about a lot of things actually, seeing little Luffy and SHANKS (Peter Gadiot as Shanks is still a casting I am so so hyped about!). Luffy's and Zoro's meeting and the little girl trying to feed Zoro the rice balls... they've already casted those characters so we will definitely get to see those moments and I am wondering how emotional Arlong Park is going to be - especially the Nami-stabbing scene (if they even do it, but I'd really hope they won't erase this fundamental moment).
If the LA ever gets that far, I could see Anya Chalotra actually as a nice Robin, even though she isn't Russian she's got the tan and looks and she can act. But then again, I don't really have a preference - I trust the team to find the right people. Though I have seen some fancasts like Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Yulia Persild that I liked.
Yasmeen Fletcher as Vivi, also a fancast, but a good one.
I am pretty open about that, I mean, see how nice the cast is we got. We don't need big Hollywood names. But then again, if big Hollywood actors WANT to be a part of it, then why not? Jaime Lee Curtis loves One Piece and it would be awesome if she could play Dr Kureha. I am pretty sure if the show suceeds and continues that they'd invite her into this. Anyway, it's still time left and we can only wait and see how the show turns out. Either way, I am optimistic and even if it turns out bad, it won't change my opinion of the cast - they don't deserve any hate or negativity for simply doing their job. You can't make everyone happy and that's it.
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nyankoizumi · 2 years
I spent a whole day yelling to my mom about Wakey Wakey and what makes it so special in its own way and now you have to suffer: the post
Yes we have a bunch of very important scenes of Wakey Wakey still not leaked and it's kinda silly to make an analysis when we don't even have the full material but I'm a silly guy okay and i do agree and can see what the creators meant when they said that they wanted to keep the show "small" because, yes please!! That really adds to the essence and makes wonders to the tv show, because it makes everything feel… static? I dunno, i think it adds to the whole prison loop house with shit that comes alive and teaches you something badly feel everything has, something Wakey Wakey does lack on. The town doesn't feel small enough and nor does the happy house, added to Red actually leaving the town, making it feel much less "trapped"
But don't you DARE think I'm here to say "pilot bad" and call it a day because i love Wakey Wakey. But in a special way.
I don't know if it's an universal thing, but the feeling wakey wakey gives to me is like when an animated show gets a movie. It has that vibe, and some of the patterns i tend to see with those cases? Same characters we love, but put them in a foreign situation we don't know yet!! New world!!! Give them a musical number about it!!! New characters?! So exciting will we see them again? NO in FACT nothing that happens here will be brought up in canon probably but it's fun so just. Listen to the songs and slightly smoother animation okay
Just overall, the music and atmosphere and the tone def makes me feel like I'm watching a strangely short DHMIS movie but it's interesting enough to make me not realize
And while i do think it's a neat little middle between the yt series and the tv series in term of tone and characters, given that the main guys talk and do more things than the yt series but not as much as the tv series, and they show little tid-bits of personality traits (that we didn't quite see in the yt series) that get exaggerated in the tv show for funny content's sake (more clear example is red guy's. Uh, annoyance? English hard) , i do think it isn't the PERFECT transition for someone to go through, despite being neat in itself. Don't get me wrong, it might be better than the whiplash of watching the yt series and having no clue what just happened, to watch the tv series and still have no clue what's happening but also they fight to death and straight up kill the teachers now, apparently. But i do feel like the tone is pretty different from the two. It feels much more light than the other two, and it doesn't have the pace that the tv show has. If i HAD TO, I'd say it's closer to the tv show, but to me, honestly, it doesn't need to. It's not as dark as the yt series, and it doesn't feel as trapped as the tv series, but it's! Really good!! Because it's like it's own thing and that's honestly based!! The production is as good and impressive as usual, it's really funny, it has an interesting topic at hand, and the songs are so much fun. The songs are specially what give me the cartoon show movie feel, they're not so spot on to children's songs like the yt series, but they have this… silly musical feel to them that i super vibe with, like, the introduction song is unironically really catchy and cute and super "hey guys its the start of the movie everyone in town let's sing", and Mean Steve's song (was that his name? Metal child) is animated in such an interesting way, and yeah, it doesn't rhyme sometimes and it's kinda strange and pretty to the point with his true intentions but that's also what i love, it does catch the essence of the teacher's songs but put it's own musical twist to it, i swear i thought red guy was gonna start rapping his ass off the moment he had that one line in the song that would've been glorious but, his few lines and the awkwardly sung normal speech at the end was enough to satisfy my strange taste heart.
But i did figure a way to put it while having a sandwich which i chocked on upon this realization; it's like the yt series is a kids show that got terribly corrupted and starts """normal""" then goes insane, while Wakey Wakey is more like a kids show/movie that is actually going on adult swim or something so like, everything's fairly normal but it doesn't shy away from grotesque imagery or jokes when given the chance.
(i guess the tv show could be both at the same time- haven't thought about it)
In conclusion, I love Wakey Wakey, it feels like a DHMIS movie but chiller i get why the creators don't like it but still i find a unique charm into it and please i want a full version I'm so greedy /hj
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