#they all looked like they were being forced to act . everything just felt fake and shallow even for a romcom
silouvertongues · 4 months
anyone but you was so ass
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1whore1gang · 7 months
“You okay honey?”
Inspired by this post
Summary: the TF141 boys play rock, paper, scissors to determine who will play the role of the doting yet protective boyfruend for you tonight so pervs don’t come flirt with you
It’s short, but my brain isn’t working lately
warnings: some sexual content
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“Guys come on, seriously.” I stared on as Price and Soap were in the ‘finals’ of their competition to see who’d be your fake boyfriend tonight at the bar. Price cheers as he finally defeats Soap, wrapping his arm around you and placing a sweet kiss to your temple.
This had been an ongoing thing with the four of them since you had an altercation with a creep at a bar and had to punch said dude in the face. The boys didn’t want you to worry about that anymore, so they always play the role of the protective boyfriend/fiancé/husband for you. It’s worked well so far, so you can’t complain.
You also won’t complain about the attention you get from them.
Each man had a different way, each with their own pros and cons.
Gaz was sweet and affectionate, and he was calm of a guy were to come up to you. He handled everything with grace, but he wasn’t too keen on being super touchy. He’d compliment you, stand behind you during conversations and maybe place a hand on your tight, but that was all.
Ghost, was hardly a boyfriend type. He didn’t ever touch you, unless you physically forced his hand into yours, and even then he’d tense at the action. As much as he cared and wanted to protect you, he wasn’t there to pretend to be your boyfriend, he was there to pummel any man who looked in your direction.
Soap, he was so much fun when he was your fake boyfriend. He was touchy, clingy, fiesty and all over perfect. He was always by your side, hands around your waist, lips pecking your neck lightly, teasing you. That was his approach, he’d tease you all night, make you want him. Most of the time, the moment you both left the bar, you’d burst out laughing at how you two acted, but there’s been some nights you ended up in his bed.
Price, was a beautiful fake lover. He was sweet and tender. He catered to you and always had a hand on you, silently claiming you as his to everyone in the bar. He’d whisper sweet nothings in your ear when he saw another man looking, making you squirm. He was your favorite by far, the way he so gently held you, kissed you. His actions were tender, the fire only showing up if a man wouldn’t leave you alone.
“You ready doll?” Price’s voice sounded out. You nodded, leaning into him.
You all headed out to the bar, the night going wonderfully. You had beaten Ghost in a game of pool, had the bartender buy you all a round of shots, and more. The music had you swaying your hips as you lined up your shot in pool. You were against Soap now, the championships.
You were lining up to hit the 8-ball, your jeans tightening around your ass when you felt a pair of strong hands grope you. You smiled, prepared to see Price, but before you could turn around, your eyes met all 4 men across the table from you. All four of them looked angry. You fully stood up, turning around to see an older man, maybe a couple years older than Price looking down at you seductively. “Can I help you?”
“Your ass looked to delicious, I couldn’t help myself.” He licked his lips.
“I suggest you back off.” Your voice was matter of factly.
“Why? You gonna hurt me? A little thing like you?” He cooed. I couldn’t help but laugh at the man. “What’s so funny?” He smiled.
“I won’t hurt you, but they will.” Throwing my thumb over my shoulder to the four men.
“You okay honey?” Price’s voice purred beside me, his hand landing on my back.
The guy looked up to Price, who towered over him. “I don’t know, am I?” I said, smirking at the man.
“I was just telling her how pretty she looked.” He gulped.
Price chuckled. “By grabbing her ass? Nuh uh.” Price stepped forward. “Let’s go have a little talk.” Grabbing the man’s arm, he took him outside of the bar.
Soap ran to you, asking if you were okay. You smiled and nodded your head. “Yeah I’m okay Johnny.” You patted his bicep.
Ghost and Gaz stood by the pool table, watching everyone’s things, including Price’s car keys and your purse.
Soon, Price waltzed back into the bar. His hips swaying as he sauntered back over to you, swooping his arm around your waist and pulling you in. “He won’t be bothering you anymore.” He kissed the top of your head as you returned to your pool tournament.
A couple of weeks later, you were all out a new bar across town, Soap’s arms wrapped around your waist as you spoke to some people. He had won the rock, paper, scissors that night. Your eyes widened as you heard a familiar voice, “You!”
Your face turned as Soap straightened up to his full height, one of his hands remaining on the small of your back. Your eyes met the man from the bar that night with Price. “Who’s this man? You get around fast.”
His voice was confident, like he had caught me doing something wrong. I looked at Soap, who looked ready to pounce. The fire was in Soap’s eyes as he bared his teeth in a smile. “You like my lady? Like what you see?”
“She’s a fiery one she is, just look at her.” The man bit his lip as he made a curve motion with his hands to simulate the shape of your hips. Soap let out a low chuckle.
“Any man knows you don’t answer that question honestly.” He dead panned, Soap’s voice deadly. “Why don’t I make this easy on you and let you walk away unharmed?”
The other man licked his lips, unmoving. Soap took a step forward, his hand sliding off of you as he stood just next to you, his size defined next to you.
“Either you walk away or you never walk again.” Soap growled.
The man quickly cowered, eyes widened. “Where do you find these men?” He shouted before scampering into the crowd.
“Thank you.” I said, kissing Soap. He was always much more willing to do PDA than the others, really making it believable to those in the bar that you were a couple.
“Anything for you my dear.” Soap said sweetly. “Shall we ditch this joint?”
I giggled, grabbing at his chest. “Are you gonna do that thing with your fingers again?” I bit my lip.
We heard someone clear their throat as we both backed away from each other, looking to the other 3 men. “We’re right here ya know?” Ghost spoke.
Soap and I laughed as the others bursted out in chuckles and smiles.
“Ya we know.” You said, earning some more chuckles out of the men and an ass grab from Soap.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
haii! :33
can i request boothill and argenti (seperately) with a shy gn!reader who gets flustered easily? whether it would be through words, physical touch or stuff like that
thank youu!! ^_^
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Jing yuan:
Smug bastard.
Acts like he wasn’t the reason you were flustered to the high heavens from brushing his hand across your waist.
‘Are you alright my dear?’ He’d say, faking innocence as he intentionally held your face in his hands, softly caressing your cheeks as he felt them gradually grow warmer with every stroke of his thumbs. ‘You’re feeling rather warm here, should I get you to a doctor?’ He adds with a knowing smile.
‘N-no. I’m fine.’ You’d say, unable to form actual thoughts as your mind was heavily focused on a plethora of things, from the way that his hands held your face as though it were porcelain, to the way he caresses your skin felt like kisses in their own right.
The acclaimed dozing general raised an eyebrow as his smile only grew more mischievous. ‘Are you sure? You’re really heating up my dear, I wouldn’t want you to faint on me now,’ he then leaned in close, chuckling upon hearing you gasp a the close proximity, whispering. ‘Unless that’s your intention.’
Jing Yuan thoroughly enjoyed being the reason you were flustered and found your reactions addictive, so much that he would start doing things where he got to see that reaction as much as possible.
Touching your hand
Brushing shoulders
Sitting really close to you/ ‘accidentally’ falling asleep on you, etc.
However if you were to ever express that you wanted him to stop, he will as he understands that you might not want to be made to fluster all the time. He’s not a dickhead and respects you greatly for giving him the ability to start living life again.
This man speaks from the bottom of his heart, there’s not a single lie to be found in his words, and it was due to that undeniable truthfulness that left you more flustered then not.
‘I only speak the truth my beloved rose.’ He says softly as he held your hands in his own all the while maintaining eye contact, which didn’t help you in any way shape or form as you felt your face practically burst into flames and your heart going at a mile an hour the longer you stay in close proximity to him.
He smelt of roses and chivalry, which was odd as you didn’t think chivalry could have a smell, but with Arenti anything was seemingly possible.
‘You are the beauty that I’ve been seeking and now that I have you, I have no doubt that I will love you for eternity should it be allowed of me.’
Boom, you’re dead and on the floor as you stare up at the ceiling as Argenti was quick to move to kneel at your side, face full of concern as his face hovers over you all the while his hair acted as ruby red curtains, forcing you to solely focus on his extremely pretty face. He looked like an angel in that moment and you somehow still found it in you to get even more flustered upon gazing at his face.
He’s genuinely concerned about you whenever you got flustered, his heart and soul were just so pure that he wasn’t really clicking onto the fact that he was the reason you were constantly flustered.
‘My dear flower, what’s wrong? Have I hurt you somehow? Should I seek medical attention?’ - him.
‘No, I’m okay. Just give me a few minutes…or an hour.’ -you, flustered to the high heavens and embarrassment for making him worry.
Smug bastard 2.0
The moment you shown him how easily flustered you could get, it’s over for you as you’ve given Boothill ammunition to keep finding new ways to flustered you on the daily.
Your reactions were his drug and he’d gladly overdoes on them if he could but that might be going a bit too far, however he didn’t care because you being flustered from almost anything he did had become everything to him.
So he would nuzzle his cheek to yours.
Playfully nibbles on your earlobe, shoulder, neck, arms, lips and takes enjoyment in your squeals and attempts to get away from him, only to be pulled back in.
Kissing your lips constantly, even more so in public.
The teasing is never ending with Boothill.
He’s relentless, unyielding and extremely brutal in his teasings that you may as well be permanently flustered. However if you were to shyly give this gremlin a taste of his own medicine by boldly kissing his cheek, he’s suddenly silent and a little fluttered.
He just loves smothering you in love and will continue to do so as nothing else mattered to him in that moment more than you and the effects he had over you.
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malum-forev · 7 months
In My Head
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Bucky was past the point of anger. Sam could tell by the way Bucky stared at him with tense  eyebrows. He had been for the past sixteen hours. 
“What the hell is wrong with you now?” Sam massaged his temples. They had barely escaped death days prior, he didn’t have the time or energy to deal with whatever Bucky’s problem was. 
But the Sergeant kept quiet. 
Sam huffed, leaning his head back on the wall of the plane.
Just three more hours and we’re back home. Sam thought. 
Bucky grinded his teeth, keeping his eyes set on the floor.  He felt his blood like fire, rushing through his whole body. His thoughts were racing, a thousand miles per hour. His muscles felt weak but he couldn’t fall asleep, not after what happened. 
A flashback to the moment where everything almost ended came back but Bucky shook his head, trying to erase the memory. But nothing would let him forget what he saw in those last seconds. 
Then the all-consuming rage came back again. 
Bucky had been going through this vicious cycle for the past 72 hours. 
His body tried to betray him when the plane landed, Bucky’s sore body begged for mercy. Even one hour of rest would help but he was on a mission. 
Bucky stalked off the ramp directly into the compound’s common area. 
“Buck!” Steve rose from the couch, happy to see his best friend alive and back. 
But instead of greeting his friend, Bucky kept walking. “Where is she.”
“She? Who?” 
“She’s got you too, huh.” Bucky scoffed. “Un-fucking-believable.”
The elevator ride up to the bedrooms was too long for him. He needed to unleash the rage he’d been filtering for days, and there was only one person responsible for everything. 
You thought you were getting a relaxed Sunday. No one needed help, the world was at peace, and you were going to watch disgustingly cheesy movies all day. 
Key word- thought. 
Suddenly your door was being almost smashed by a couple of knocks.
“I know you’re in there.” Bucky’s voice boomed. 
You rolled your eyes, trying to keep yourself as quiet as possible. He would go away eventually, right?
“Open the damn door!” He yelled. “I can hear your breathing pattern.”
Your “relationship”, if you could even call it that, with Bucky is strained to say the least. 
He’s a veteran who should be retired, you’re a newer hire. He likes things to be done a specific way, you always try new things. He wants to lead, you want to lead. 
“I’m not on the clock right now so technically, you’re not my boss.” You yelled back, throwing a popcorn kernel in the air and catching it in your mouth. 
“Open this fucking door you witch!”
“Sorceress.” You corrected him. If he was going to try and use your powers to insult, he should do it the correct way. 
You heard a growl then a pop. As you sit up in bed, the door handle from your side of the room falls to the floor and the door flies open. 
“Guess the door was open after all.” Bucky gives you a fake smile. 
“Why are you here.” You turn away from him, partly to act disinterested and partly to stop looking at him. He wasn’t your favorite person in the world but you’re only human! You hadn’t seen him in days and the ruffled ways of his hair and unkempt beard made your breath hitch. 
“You know why I’m here.” He gripped the metal pole on your bed’s footboard, you turn only your head towards him blinking a couple of times at the sight of his rolled-up Henley exposing his forearms. When the fuck did you start being attracted to forearms, when did that even become a thing! You followed the popped-up veins traveling from his knuckles to his elbows where they disappeared completely. 
“I don’t have time for your mysterious ways, Barnes.” You turn back to your movie. “Either tell my why you’re pissed or get out.”
With two steps he’s standing next to you again. His stern blue eyes pierced through you, forcing your head up. 
“How did you do it.” Bucky says through gritted teeth. 
Your eyebrows furrow. 
“This is the last time I’ll ask politely.” You could see the anger in his eyes. “How the fuck did you do it!”
You stand up. He was still ways taller than you but no one was going to come into your room and speak to you like that.
“I have no clue as to what you’re talking about.” You crossed your arms. “So, this is the last time I’ll ask you properly. Get out.”
Bucky let out a humorless laugh. “Is this a joke to you? This job? Be careful how you talk to me because I can make everything go away in a second.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a promise.”
Your breathing quickens as your anger rises. “You have no right being here when I’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Nothing wrong?!” Bucky yells coming closer to you. “You almost cost me my life that’s what you did! Now you say nothing’s wrong?”
“Your life? How the hell am I responsible for a mistake you made thousands of miles away!” You stand inches away from his face, rage hovering over both of you like a cloud. 
“You got in here!” Bucky points to his head  “I know you did some spell just for me to mess up!”
“I didn’t do anything! I wouldn’t try and get you killed!” You yell. 
“Then how the fuck did I see you when I was going down!” He yells back and your room suddenly goes quiet, only the sounds of your heavy breathing could be heard. 
“Y- you saw me when you were dying?” You whisper, looking up at his crystal blue eyes. 
Bucky sucked in a breath, his eyes going from yours to your lips. 
“You were in my head, I know you did it on purpose.” Bucky’s eyes stopped at your lips.
“I would never do anything to hurt you.”
Your mind must have been playing tricks on you because you were almost certain Bucky was coming closer to you. 
But suddenly, the heat radiating off his body was ripped away from you. He jumped towards the door and out the hallway. 
“I need to leave.” He said, coughing into his hand. Red splotches adorning his cheeks. “I’m sorry about your door handle, I’ll have someone come by and fix it.”
All you could do was nod. 
“I-my-I’m.” Bucky stuttered. 
“Have a nice rest of your Sunday, Sarge.” You said and he nodded his head, hurrying down to his bedroom. 
You fell back onto your bed. This has got to be the weirdest Sunday ever. 
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bloatedandalone04 · 6 months
Every Breath You Take
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➪the one where it’s the one year anniversary of the rightmart massacre and your boyfriend is hellbent on keeping you safe.
Warnings: spoilers for thanksgiving 2023, angst, fluff, mentions of death, death, mentions of kidnapping, descriptions of death, mentions of blood, swearing, think that is it..?
Word Count: 2k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
“Come on, Ry, please?” You begged as you tugged on your boyfriend’s arm. You were standing outside your high school’s doors as you pleaded with him in hopes he’d actually agree to be part of the parade with you. “Things have been really scary lately and I really want you to be up there with me. It’d make me feel a lot better.”
Ryan sighed as he looked down at you. His eyes searched yours before dipping down to your lips that were curved in a pout. He shook his head as a smile ghosted on his mouth. “It’d really make you feel better? To have me up there with you?” His tone held a hint of teasing to it, but he wasn’t at all making fun of you. Truth be told, he was pretty fucking scared, too, despite him not being part of the RightMart massacre. He didn’t really want to be away from you right now, either, but only because he was terrified to think about what may happen to you if he were to leave you alone for more than a few hours, since you had been in the store at the time of the stampede. 
You nod and move closer to him as various students rush around the two of you. “It really would,”
Ryan slipped his hands into your jacket pockets and pulled your body right up against his. “Then I guess I’ll be joining you and your friends on that dumb RightMart float in the parade,” he caved and was helpless to stop the smile from forming on his lips when you grinned up at him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He kissed you quickly, his hands sliding up your back as his lips meshed with yours. “And I don’t want you feeling scared, okay? Nothing will happen to you as long as I’m here, I promise.”
You smile up at him and gently massage the back of his neck with the tips of your fingers. “You don’t need to protect me, Ryan,” you murmur. “I’m partly responsible for what happened last year, I mean, I was there, I was in the store, I-”
“Y/n,” he cut you off sternly, pulling away so he could look you in the eye. “You had nothing to do with any of it, okay? You weren’t even supposed to be there, you-....This John Carver guy has no reason to go after you, alright? And he won’t. I promise you that.”
“I promise, baby,” he reiterated, refusing to break eye contact until you gave him a hesitant nod. “Okay?”
You nod again and move to rest your head against his chest. “Okay,” you agreed. “But I need you to promise me that you won’t do anything reckless in order to protect me or something. The second things go wrong or bad or whatever, we leave, okay? We get the fuck out of there, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt for me, especially since you weren’t even there when things went down at RightMart.”
Ryan kissed the top of your head and ran his hand up and down your back, comforting you wordlessly. “I promise,”
You hold onto the edge of the box you were sitting on as the RightMart float slowly makes its way down the street. Ryan was sitting in front of you but lower down, his legs draped off the side of it. Scuba was in the same position across the float with Jess sitting behind him, also on a box.
Without meaning to, your eyes flicker all over the street, as if the killer would be dumb enough to show up to the parade wearing the John Carver costume and wreak havoc. 
You lift your hand and wave at the people of Plymouth, forcing out a fake smile as you acted like everything was okay. Having Ryan so close helped a bit, like you knew it would, but now you felt like you were putting him in danger since you had to stupidly agreed to follow in after Evan and Gabby when they decided they just had to get him a new phone last year and get into RightMart before everyone else. 
Sure, you stayed by the back door for most of the time, and the second you saw Mitch’s wife, Amanda, get some of her hair scalped off you were screaming bloody murder as you and Jess held onto each other. 
It was then when you wished you had said yes when Ryan had offered to take you to the Thanksgiving party earlier, before you ever walked into that store. You weren’t even together at the time but you were both crushing hard on each other, why didn’t you say yes? You could have prevented yourself from being on the killer’s radar if you had just pushed aside your thoughts and left with him when you had the chance. 
Now your life was in danger, and Ryan’s was, too, by default and association. 
You drop your hand onto his shoulder as you make eye contact with a man in a John Carver mask, completed with the full pilgrim outfit. Fear fills your body and you squeeze Ryan a bit more, making him look up at you. He and Scuba had ditched the hats so they wouldn’t be obstructing your view, so you were able to clearly meet his eyes. “What? What’s wrong, baby?” His deep voice asked you, dropping his own fake smile and nearly getting out of character completely as he turned towards you.
You look away and at the spot where the John Carver rip-off was standing a few seconds ago, finding him gone. With your heart loud in your ears, you look back down at him with a so clearly forced smile. “Nothing, Ry,” you tried to assure him but you knew he would be able to see right through you. “I just thought I saw him.”
Ryan leaned closer to you and took your hand in his. “I don’t think he’d be dumb enough to show up here,” he was much better at comforting you. “You heard the sheriff’s plan. This will work.” 
You nod down at him just as Mitch moves to protest against RightMart. The float comes to a haunt, making your grip on Ryan tighten a bit as you both turn to look at Mitch. 
After the deputy pushed him off the road, the float began to move again and you lifted your hand in an embarrassed wave, as did Ryan and the others. 
You keep your other one locked in his as you whisper, “I don’t like this,”
Ryan glanced up at you. “We’re fine, babe, really. He won’t do anything with this many people around-” he was cut off when a person dressed in a clown costume cut the head of the person in the turkey mascot clean off. 
You let out a surprised scream as the float came to a skidding stop, sending the prop boat you were on sliding forward until it went through the back window of the truck. The sudden stop had Ryan’s hand slipping from yours as he fell off the side of it, as did Scuba. 
The sounds of screaming filled your ears as you leaned over the side to check if Ryan was okay. Your head was spinning a bit as you watched him stand back up and grip his forehead with one hand, his other reaching out for you. 
You take it and allow him to help you off the side of the float, and it was then when you saw how the front of it went straight through the driver’s face, surely killing him instantly. “Oh, my God,” you gasp out as Ryan pulls you into his side and tries to shield your eyes. You look up at him and notice the large cut he had on his forehead. “You’re bleeding.”
But he wasn’t concerned about it at all. “Come on,” he said as he pulled you away from the chaos. “We need to get out of here.”
You follow him along the street as various clouds of smoke invade your sight. “I can’t see,” you say over the sounds of screams. “Ryan, where are we going? What the fuck is happening?” 
“Just hold onto my hand,” he called back as he pulled you through the crowd. “Don’t let go, okay? Whatever you do, don’t let go of me.”
You nod and grip his bicep as he pulls you into the alleyway between two stores. Blue and green smoke still surrounds you as Ryan ditches the pilgrim shirt and you take it from him immediately with your free hand. “Stay still,” you murmur as you wipe away the blood from his face with the shirt, successfully staining it. “He just killed someone, Ryan. He killed that guy right fucking in front of us.”
Ryan gently pushed your hand away and dropped the shirt to the ground, his hands tightly gripping your forearms. “We need to get out of here,” he said sternly, looking over to see if the smoke cleared enough to be able to make out where he was going. “Now.”  
“Wait,” you call out as he begins to guide you away from the chaos. “What about Jess? And Scuba? We need to find them.”
Ryan shook his head as he turned to face you. “In this mess? Baby, we can’t see a fucking thing right now. Let’s just get out first then-” he cut himself off when the sound of a siren was heard, which was followed by a cop car speeding past the two of you. “Serve and protect my ass.” He muttered at the fleeing car before he resumed his task of getting you away from this street. 
“We can’t leave them,” you tried to say but he wasn’t having it. 
You are his top priority at the moment and you have been since the second things became official between the two of you a mere year ago. Actually, maybe even before that. “We can’t worry about them right now,” he mumbled as you and he finally made it to an area that had very little smoke in it. “We have to get the fuck away from all of this first.” 
“But, Ryan-”
“But nothing,” he cut you off as he came to a stop, finally giving your arm a break. “We can’t go back for them, okay? Not when he might still be back there somewhere. The police aren’t doing fuckall to keep you guys safe, clearly. I’ll do it myself by getting you away from here.”
He tried to get you to go with him, but the guilt was slowly taking over your body. “They’re our friends, Ry, we can’t just leave without knowing they’re okay,”
“I’m not losing you,” he nearly yelled as he turned back around to face you. You almost bump into him at the abrupt stop but his hands on your biceps steady you instantly. “Someone was just fucking decapitated in broad daylight, Y/n, why the fuck would we go back there? This isn’t a game, he wants everyone involved in that night dead, and that includes you. I’m not losing you, okay? I won’t. Especially not to some prick in a fucking John Carver costume.”
Your eyes burned with unshed tears as you looked up at your boyfriend, who was clearly running on pure adrenaline right now. While you desperately wanted to go back and find Jess and Scuba, you knew it was a bad idea when it could be you who gets killed next. 
Ryan was just trying to protect you, like he said he would back when things began going down hill. And he was right. Gabby and Evan were already missing, you could be taken, too, at any given second. You needed to get away, save yourselves, first. Then maybe you could help once everything settled down again. 
You reach up and grip his white tee as the first of many tears fell from your wide eyes. “Okay,” you weakly agree, taking his hand in yours. “Okay, we need to go.” 
Ryan gave you a conflicted smile as he pressed a hard kiss to your forehead and tightened his hold on your hand before leading you even further away from the destroyed parade.
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munsonsmixtapes · 21 days
Hi! I really love your writing 💖
Can I request fluff with Eddie Munson x reader?
He has a big crush on her, but he's very shy. Also, he has never been known for affection with his friends, so they rarely even hugged.
But one time at a party, the reader realized he's a big cuddler while he's drunk.
Some time later, Eddie would love to cuddle with her again but he's too shy, so he pretends to be drunk and giggly again. 😅
Can we get a happy end, please? 🙏
Thank you so much! And aww, this is such a cute idea!
shy!eddie x extroverted!fem!reader
cw: mention of alcohol, both reader and Eddie are drunk
It was no secret that Eddie had a huge crush on you. Even though he was very shy, the heart eyes that would form in his eyes when he looked at you were so obvious to everyone. Even you. And you liked Eddie too. How could you not? He was always so sweet and caring and never failed to know what you needed.
You wanted to tell him that you felt the same way, but you felt like you should have let him take the reins. You hoped that he would eventually be comfortable enough around you to tell you the truth, but you had been hanging around him for six months and nothing. He wouldn’t even touch you which you knew was because of his trust issues and you were willing to help him through it.
You showed up to Steve’s party with the sole intention of finding Eddie. He had told you he was going to be there which you found odd since he didn’t really care for being around that many people at once. You had no idea what that was like, but you sympathized.
You grabbed a drink for yourself and made a beeline for the curly mop. He paused mid conversation and pulled you in for a tight hug which caught you off guard since that was very abnormal for him. He arms wrapped around your waist tightly, burying his face into your neck.
Turned out that Eddie just needed a few drinks in him to be down to cuddle. He held onto you the whole night, his face buried in your neck while he occasionally pressed kisses to it. You loved seeing that side of him. The physically affectionate side of him that had no probably holding onto you tight.
Although, you felt bad that he felt like he needed to get drunk in order to hug you. You hoped that he knew that he could hug you whenever he wanted and didn’t need to drink to do so. You guys were friends and despite his nervousness around you sometimes, you hoped that he knew that you’d be there for him no matter what.
After the party, Eddie found himself pretending to be drunk just to get cuddles from you. At first, you played along, but over time, you were getting tired of the act. You were going to finally tell him how to felt to finally put a stop to the madness. You thought that maybe if he knew that you felt the same way, he’d stop.
You both were lying on your bed and Eddie was acting like a fool once again. He was all giggly and mumbling in gibberish which were the telltale signs that he was faking. Enough was enough.
You pulled him into your arms and he snuggled into you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You ran your hand through his hair while pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
“I really like you,” you told him and he just snuggled further into you, letting out a contented sigh.
“I like you too.”
“No, Eddie,” you pulled his face away from your chest and forced him to look you in the eye. “I like you.” His eyes went wide and his mouth was agape at your words. He didn’t see that coming at all. “So you can stop pretending to be drunk just to cuddle me.”
“You knew about that huh?” He let out a nervous chuckle.
“I know everything,” you smiled. “So are you going to be my boyfriend or not?”
“Oh, I’m so going to be your boyfriend.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek then snuggled into your chest once again, the two of you falling asleep peacefully know that you were finally together after months of dreaming about it.
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hispg · 6 months
Between royalty and vows
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Pairings: Prince! Leon x Fem! Reader
Summary: A forced marriage, a fate set in stone, nothing could change that.
In the world of royalty, there were no choices, only obligations to fulfill. What you didn't expect was to become engaged to a renowned prince, ready to succeed the lineage.
Until that moment, you still had some hope that everything would work out, maybe it wasn't so bad. But it would be a shame if your future husband had a mistress.
Wouldn't it?
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt/ comfort, cheating, arranged marriage, eventual smut, one-sided love, affairs, (I'll put more once things start to progress).
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 |
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Chapter 3: Coldening
The orange leaves falling on your balcony, the cold autumn wind signaling the end of the season. You could already see that most of the trees had lost their leaves.
What's more, most people were no longer going out without any kind of warmth, the chill that seemed to warn of a harsh winter approaching.
But the weather outside wasn't the only thing that was getting cold.
As you walked through the castle corridors, you rubbed your hands together to keep warm on that cold afternoon. Even if you were covered.
At least if you had someone to warm you up, you wouldn't need much.
However, you couldn't help but notice Leon's presence at the end of the corridor.
He was just staring out of the window, arms crossed and a furrowed brow, as usual. At first you had no plans to approach him and try to strike up some kind of conversation, perhaps because you were still closed off and tending to your recent hurt.
In fact, things had become even more distant between you. Since the last incident, you only met for breakfast and dinner respectively, not even at lunchtime, since Leon avoided you like the plague.
As a result, you simply interpreted that he didn't want to have any kind of conversation with you, and even you got used to the distance that was forming. Perhaps it would be better this way, each in their own space, to avoid so many problems.
However, what you least expected was to hear his voice calling you, almost in a whisper, "Can I talk to you?"
For a moment you stopped in your tracks, looking down and thinking for a moment. You couldn't just say no, that would be rude, but was it time to talk to him?
You didn't have time to consider any of this, as just then you felt his warm hand being placed gently on your shoulder, as if he wanted you to notice his presence, maybe to get your attention if only for a minute.
"Excuse me, Prince, I was a little lost in my thoughts." You say softly, turning your face towards him.
The same sweet, gentle smile was there, even though it was fake, you were incredibly convincing.
"Did something happen?" He asks in a sincere whisper, looking at you with a calm expression.
And for a brief moment you let yourself believe that he cared, even if it was far from reality.
"No, nothing. Just nervous, the wedding is next week." You say, yet the wedding was the least of your worries.
He looks you up and down, narrowing his eyes as if he doesn't believe a word you say.
Not least because he knew why you'd been so upset recently, he was the reason all this was happening.
"I see. Would you mind accompanying me?" He says calmly, offering you his arm.
Which, by the way, you politely declined, putting both your hands down the front of your dress. You made it perfectly clear that you didn't want to be that close.
Maybe it was wrong, but you couldn't act as if nothing had happened.
So he got the message, even if he was a little disappointed. He started walking towards the courtyard, hoping that you would accompany him.
And so you did, not making much of a point of starting any kind of conversation or anything like that. You just kept quiet and followed him, willing to listen to whatever he had to say.
You noticed his gaze on you, an almost guilty look, if you didn't know him, you could have sworn there was a hint of regret in his gaze.
But you knew it was just another insignificant justification.
The only sound was the rustling breeze, the wind that cut through the air and made you shiver. Along with the sound of dry leaves crunching with every step you both took.
"You refused my flowers." He whispered, calm as ever, yet you could sense a certain bitterness in his words.
You sighed, almost imperceptibly. How could you willingly accept it like that? As if nothing had happened, it seemed too hypocritical.
They were certainly the most expensive and beautiful flowers he could find, you had no doubt about that.
Just as he spared no expense in giving you the most expensive jewelry, the shiny necklaces that adorned your neck.
He couldn't buy your affection as he thought he could, or your silence and understanding. There was no money or jewel in the world that could make you understand and accept this situation.
"I'm sorry for the discourtesy, but I thought the flowers didn't go well in my room." You say simply, not bothering to look him in the eye.
It was obviously a lie, but you weren't going to be that blunt. Maybe he had a good excuse, right?
Deep down you knew it was just a foolish thought, because the truth was clearer than day.
"I see, I'll consider your opinion the next time I go to pick flowers." He says, the tone unmistakable from the distance between the two of you.
You nod, not paying much attention to his actual words. You knew it was a silent apology, but you still didn't know if you could accept it so easily.
Not least because it was a mistake of his that would be repeated, and you feared it would never stop.
Noticing your silence, he sighed. It was hard to admit that he missed hearing you jabbering with him, but at the end of the day it was an expected reaction on your part.
"I actually invited you here for another reason," He begins calmly, taking a seat on one of the benches in the courtyard.
You silently repeat the gesture, looking him in the eye and waiting for him to continue.
He lets out a quiet sigh, gently placing his hand on yours. A gesture that surprised you, to say the least.
Since when did he do this kind of thing with you?
"I need to go on a quick business trip, it'll last a few days. I just wanted to let you know." He mutters quietly, and genuinely doesn't seem happy with what he's just said.
You look at him a little puzzled, even suspicious. Why such a sudden trip? Just a few days before the wedding.
As if he had read your thoughts, he ran his thumb over the back of your covered hand, as if to reassure you of something.
"Don't worry, I think I'll be here until the wedding." The way he talked about the marriage in such a nonchalant way was enough to make you tense up a little.
Couldn't he at least pretend? Could he perhaps be less rude?
"I hope you're here, Your Highness." You said it slowly, and incredibly quietly, in a way that was a contrast to what you were feeling.
He noticed the way you narrowed your eyes, or even when you removed his hand from yours. Resting both your hands on your lap.
Then Leon nodded, correcting his sentence, "I'll be here. I wouldn't miss it."
And frankly, that didn't calm your heart one bit. What if he didn't show up? What if he decided to run away and just leave?
These were questions that plagued your mind, especially over the last few days. You couldn't imagine the embarrassment of this situation if it became real.
You already knew the ground you were standing on, and you were being very cautious not to let all this sink your future marriage even further.
"How many days will you be away?" You ask as you look at the bush of flowers.
The flowers that reminded you of so many things. Too bad most of those memories were negative.
"Probably four days at most. I don't want to spend too long away." He answered your question, his gaze not leaving yours for a single second.
It was as if he wanted to say more than he could, maybe he even regretted something. Or it could be something from your hopeful mind that was praying that this situation would somehow be reversed.
"And also, I wanted to talk to you about something else." He begins, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear.
"Tell me, something to do with the trip?" You ask quietly, turning to give the prince your attention.
"I don't like the idea of you being alone while I'm away. I understand that there are several servants in the castle, but I'd still prefer to remain attentive." His words were enough to make you frown, pursing your lips into a small pout.
"No need to worry, you know I'm in good hands here." And indeed that was it, it wasn't as if you were somewhere dangerous.
In fact, you found his sudden concern strange.
"Even so, a friend I trust will be spending a few days at the castle. Chris Redfield, I suppose you've heard of him." Leon says while still placing his hand against yours.
You nodded in response, remembering the much-talked-about Duke who had recently arrived at the castle.
You hadn't imagined that he was a close friend of Leon's or anything like that, so it was actually a surprise.
"I'd like to introduce him to you." Leon says as he stands up, expecting you to accompany him.
You did so without much reluctance, even eager to see the so-called Duke. The dark-haired man was there, at the main entrance, having a conversation with the King, they seemed quite close.
But their attention soon turned to you and Leon, the couple of the moment. And you pretended so well that the people around you believed it.
Leon's father patted him on the shoulder, while Chris looked you up and down.
He was handsome, tall, strong and shapely, undoubtedly very popular with the ladies.
"A pleasure to meet you, princess." Chris says, bowing and smiling at you.
"My pleasure." You say with a gentle, genuine smile, looking at the man in front of you with tenderness.
The brief moment was interrupted by a group of stewards who came to whisper to Leon about the journey, warning him that he would have to check the carriage, just to make sure it was up to his standards, and take care of a few other things that you didn't quite understand.
With that, the king left with Leon to sort out what had to be done, and he didn't even bother to say goodbye to you.
"If you don't mind, I can take you for a walk." Chris says with a cutting smile, making it almost impossible to say no.
And well, it wasn't as if you had much to do at the moment, so there was no reason to refuse.Not to mention that Chris saw how disconcerted you were.
"Of course, I'm flattered." You say with a sweet smile, walking slowly through the castle as he follows you.
You couldn't think of a nicer person to spend the afternoon with. The man had so much experience, you could talk about so many subjects with him, and yet he could dissect each one perfectly.
You even found common subjects, and before you knew it you had spent the whole afternoon together, in fact it was already evening.
If it were up to you, you'd be talking to him for hours on end, but you knew you had your own things to do, and so did he.
You couldn't complain about the company you'd have for the next few days, it would help you not to feel so alone.It was a real shame when you had to say goodbye, after all, it was time for you to go to your quarters.
"Thanks for the company." You said with a genuine smile, stopping in front of your bedroom door.
Chris smiled, bowing to you, "My pleasure."
You couldn't tell, but from his tone, he seemed to be someone so subdued and gentle. A perfect contrast to Leon's personality.
You keep smiling, preparing to say goodbye to him, "Good evening, Duke."
He then says gently, "Good evening, Princess."
You nod and turn to enter your room, smiling from ear to ear, happy to have had a calmer moment after the recent storms.
"Were you outside at that time?" It was the first thing you heard as soon as you closed the door.
It was enough to make you look around your room, and it didn't take long for you to frown slightly, trying your best to keep your composure.
"Yes, prince. I was with the Duke…" You said quietly, looking at him calmly, acting as if his tone hadn't affected you.
For a moment you could have sworn you saw a sneer forming at the corner of his lips, as he got up from your bed and walked over to you.
"Forgive the inconvenience, princess. However, I don't think it's appropriate for you to stay late in the courtyard…" He begins, looking you up and down as if he were analyzing you, making sure you were in one piece.
You nodded, you could even think and know where this conversation was going. And you'd give in, maybe he'd make some sense.
"I can't imagine why." You say, moving to your dresser, sitting down on the small stool to start removing your jewelry.
It was clear that you knew the reason, yet you wanted him to refresh your memory.
You heard his sigh, as well as his impatient expression as you looked in the mirror.
"You know, princess. It's not proper for a woman to be out and about after eight o'clock, even more so with a man who isn't her husband." Leon says, trying his best to maintain his usual calm and inexpressive appearance.
He was probably only doing it to keep up the appearance of the two of you, so as not to make the situation even worse. You knew it was nothing sentimental, far from jealousy.
He couldn't be jealous of someone he didn't like.
"I don't understand the problem." You said nonchalantly, removing the sparkling necklace that was illuminated by the serene light in the room.
"People will talk, princess." He retorts, putting his hands on his hips and looking at you.
From his point of view, he didn't mind if you had someone else in your life, it would even be better because he would be free. But there was a contract to fulfill, a farce to maintain. And he was mad if he chose to compromise it in such a way.
You just smiled, raising your eyebrows while still admiring yourself in the mirror, "People talk about so many things."
You knew you had been bold, and that you had even overstepped the mark. But the look on his face was priceless.
He knew what you were referring to, he knew perfectly well where your hint had been directed.
You watched his lips press together in irritation as he narrowed his eyes. He wasn't naive and understood the allusion in your words.
And that was all he needed to move closer to you, taking the opportunity to place his cold hand on your shoulder, as if to make you feel his presence, or even to remind you of why he was here.
"We shouldn't give way to unnecessary speculation." He says seriously, putting both hands on your shoulders, looking at you through the mirror.
You'd be lying if you said his touch didn't send shivers down your spine, making you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding.
As well as the gasp you couldn't contain as soon as you felt his lips on your ear, his warm breath against your skin, unconsciously making you clutch the fabric of your dress tightly.
"We should avoid misunderstandings. You know…" He whispers, making a point of keeping his piercing blue eyes on you.
He knew the power he had over you, and wouldn't hesitate to use a little manipulation to keep you under control.
You turned your face towards him, getting so close that your lips were almost touching, the tip of his nose brushing lightly against yours.
If you looked closely, you could see that the distance in his gaze had gone, and deep down there was a new expression in those eyes that were so cold.
Sympathy? Inquisitiveness? Apprehension?
You couldn't say for sure, but it was something new. You risked saying that maybe, just maybe, he was seeing you differently.
It was a low blow on his part, but he had you at his mercy, and he was willing to use that to his advantage.
"Avoiding misunderstandings…" You murmured, not failing to look him in the eye for a second.
The closeness was enough to make you feel butterflies in your stomach, to make your breathing quicken without the slightest intention.
"Yes, dear." The nickname that rolled off his lips so naturally that you believed the tenderness in his voice.
He moved away from you with a calculated elegance, looking at your features through the mirror. He knew he had won this time.
You sighed discreetly, straightening your posture as you stared at him.
God, how could he have such an effect on you?
He knew you'd gotten the message, he knew he'd made it perfectly clear what he wanted. It didn't take long for him to realize that his words had already been absorbed by you, and he wasn't going to repeat them.
"I wish you a good night, Your Highness." He says with a brief, sideways smile, then leaves your room.
You stare at the closed door, feeling your heart flutter in such a way.
Did he really think of you like that?
Dear… That's what he called you.
Oh, heavens. How you'd beg just to hear him call you 'my dear'.
Just once more.
It couldn't hurt, could it?
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otomiyaa · 1 month
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Ticklish Blade x Reader
Platonic + 47. "I wasn't even touching you." Requested by anon for my 1K Followers Event🌻
Guess guess what scene inspired this, hahaha!
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It felt... odd. You eyed the driver nervously. He was so quiet. Not more quiet than usual, but in this case it was kind of concerning.
"Blade...?" you murmured. It was already a surprise that Blade was offering you a ride while you had no idea he even had a driver's license. But the bigger surprise was when you realized Blade was sleep-deprived, and getting in a car accident with him was not necessarily on your wishlist.
Too bad the realization came only after he started the car, and you were now trying to make sure he wasn't falling asleep.
"Blade?" you asked, louder this time.
Another person would think he was angry, but you knew him better by now.
"Are you sure you're alright? I can go there myself. No need to help me."
"I'm fine. I already told you."
You gazed out of the window, then back at him. Instead of acting like you were worried about him, maybe a more selfish attitude would do it then.
"I appreciate your gesture, really. I'm just wondering if you can get me there in one piece."
You saw him frown a little. "Are you doubting me?"
"Not your driving skills, of course. But... Your current state. Blade, you haven't slept at all. I'd like to keep living, if you'll let me."
He was quiet for a moment and you had a feeling he was going to ignore this discussion. But then he simply pulled both hands off the wheel, and you gasped.
"What are you doing?!" you shrieked, only for Blade to look at you, with his hands right above the wheel and the expression on his face almost, what was it... taunting?
"The car is driving itself. Now happy?"
Oh he was totally taunting you. How petty, hehe.
You would laugh at it, but because of the jumpscare, the first thing you did was let out a sigh in relief. "I can't believe you," you said, faking as if you were going to hit him, but to your surprise he jumped slightly and blocked himself with his arm.
"Don't," he hissed. You stared at him and cocked your head.
"Huh? What're you getting all defensive for? I wasn't even touching you."
Blade glared. "Yet. You sure were about to."
You chuckled. "What, is the almighty Bladie afraid I'm gonna hit him? For real?" you teased.
"Don't call me that."
It was strange, Blade wouldn't recoil from a hit, fake or real, not from an enemy and definitely not from you, so... You smirked.
"Hey!" Blade's voice did quite the thing when your finger pierced into his side, poking him misschievously.
"What are you doing?!" he asked angrily.
"I have a feeling you just thought I was going to tickle you, weren't you? Which inspired me... to actually tickle you."
"I did no-ahh! Don't! That's dangerous! Stahahap!" Blade yelped when you tickled him again. You couldn't stop grinning. This was just gold.
He must've witnessed the two or three times you ended up getting in a tickle fight with Silver Wolf the past days, which caused him to think you were actually going to tickle him just now? The idea wouldnt even cross your mind!
Well, now it definitely did.
"Dangerous how? You said the car is driving by itself. I'm just making sure the driver and passenger won't get bored in the meantime," you said, wiggling your fingers against his side. Blade squirmed in his seat. This was just wonderful. You could see him struggle to not move too much - since then it would get a little more dangerous after all.
Right now he was merely trapped in the driver's seat and forced to endure your little tickle attack.
"I'll - ahah! Stop that!" Blade's angry giggles were everything. You knew you were really being too reckless for someone who valued life so much until seconds ago. But ticklish Blade was actually a discovery worth it.
"Gehehet ohohoff!" Blade swatted at you, and the lack of force in his reactions only made you go "aww". He wasn't entirely helpless - there were plenty of ways he could make you stop without crashing the car, but those might probably include hurting you, or...
Nah, never mind. He would never.
"Lahahast chahance!" Blade warned, jumping hilariously in his seat and twisting from side to side to avoid your relentless tickles. Using both hands, you wiggled your fingers against his sides and ribs, and occasionally tried to poke his tummy, but he really blocked that area with all of his might.
"Last chance or what?" you asked, but finally he managed to catch one of your hands. Then without warning he clawed at your side, tickling you back, and you screamed in surprise.
"EHEyes on the road sihihir!" you cried out in sudden panic. Blade froze, appearing shocked by the volume of your voice. You had already pulled your knees up and lay curled up in your seat, watching him in fear as you anticipated his counter attack. He would never tickle you back: you were confident about that. But... not anymore.
He sighed. "Then stop tickling me." Blade finally put his hands back on the wheel, and for the second time this ride, you sighed in relief.
It was funny to hear him say that word. Hmm. Maybe you just ruined your chances of having your first ever tickle attack with Bladie. But tickle fights in cars were never ideal. You smirked. Knowing he was ticklish and might even potentially tickle you back, you couldn't help but store this information in your head for another time.
"Don't you even think about it," Blade said, probably noticing the smirk on your face.
"I wasn't thinking anything~" you sang, but of course both of you knew that wasn't true!
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withacapitalp · 10 months
Bathtubs, Closets, and Coming Home
For the servers daily prompt today "closet"
Eddie was giggling. 
Steve’s metalhead rockstar badass boyfriend was straight up fucking giggling. 
“Look at this, Sunshine,” He crowed, practically skipping into the ensuite bathroom, “There’s a clawfoot tub. Clawfoot!” 
Steve slowly made his way over to the bathroom, and by the time he was at the doorway, Eddie was lying fully clothed in said clawfoot bathtub. His legs were crossed and his arms were spread wide in front of him, a dragon with a weird porcelain horde. 
“Can you imagine the wicked wild sex we can have in this thing?” Eddie asked in a hushed whisper, his eyebrows waggling up and down. 
“Eddie!” Steve hissed, quickly glancing around to make sure that their realtor wasn’t standing nearby. 
Luckily Sophie seemed to be occupied elsewhere, so Steve felt brave enough to creep closer, linking his fingers with Eddie’s and giving their joined hands a single soft squeeze. From the moment they had set foot in the house, Eddie had been acting like a kid at Christmas, and the last thing Steve wanted to do was ruin his mood by being a sourpuss. 
“You’re not funny,” Steve teased, throwing on a mock pout just because he knew Eddie loved to kiss that look off his face. Sure enough, Eddie immediately sat up, turning to Steve so they were nose to nose, so close that Steve could smell his shampoo. 
“That’s because I’m hilarious,” Eddie declared, quickly smacking a kiss onto Steve’s lips before hauling himself out of the tub and striding back into the master bedroom, “And this place is perfect!”
Steve’s heart seized up, and he leaned against the tub, trying to force himself to breathe steadily. 
On paper, Eddie was right, the house was perfect. With eight bedrooms, seven bathrooms, an absolutely ginormous kitchen, a gorgeous backyard, and a guest house on property for when any parents come to visit, it was a dream come true. The house had everything that had been on their list, and with Corroded Coffin’s newest single staying at the number one spot for the sixth week in a row, it was well within their price range. 
On paper, this was everything they were looking for. It was perfect. 
And yet here Steve was, standing in a bathroom trying not to have a complete meltdown. 
“I mean, come on!” Eddie shouted, his voice carrying through to the bathroom. Steve forced his body to walk, barely feeling every step he took as he basically frog marched back into the bedroom. 
Eddie was standing with his arms directly out to his sides, trying and failing to touch each side of the doorway to the walk in closet. There was a big fat grin on his face, and in any other moment, Steve would be dying of happiness instead of despair. 
“This closet is bigger than the entire trailer,” Eddie stated, giddy with the exhilaration of someone who had finally found everything they were looking for. Somehow that one single statement was the thing that pushed him over the edge. 
If Steve was a good partner, he would be happy too. He would rush over to Eddie’s side and pull him in close, show him how much he loved the house, and they would be living happily ever after. 
But Steve wasn’t a good partner. Steve was a selfish goddamn brat, and he couldn’t hide how utterly miserable the house was making him. He couldn’t fake a smile and he couldn't make the tears in his eyes go away, no matter how hard he blinked. 
And the worst part was, Eddie- who was the world’s best partner- instantly caught Steve’s shining eyes and wobbling lip. 
It was just his name, but it was the way Eddie said it. That soft tone, the gentle voice that was reserved just for Steve and maybe the kids on a particularly bad day. Compassion and love and understanding all wrapped in a sweet Eddie ribbon, an arrow that sailed right over all of his walls and pierced directly into Steve’s heart. 
“Come here,” Eddie commanded, trusting his hand out. Steve was like a puppet on a string, everything he did tied to whatever Eddie wanted. He swayed into the closet, letting his boyfriend pull him into his arms, setting them both down on the floor with care. They ended up sitting side by side on the ground, their backs against the wall, Steve’s head on Eddie’s shoulder with a comforting hand curled in his hair. 
“It’s great,” Steve tried, hating how thin the lie was. He wanted to be able to put on an act, play along for Eddie’s sake, but there was no way it was going to work. 
“You hate it,” Eddie whispered, and there it was. Steve wasn’t able to lie, but neither was Eddie, and the disappointment in his voice was crushing Steve’s lungs. 
“No,” Steve replied immediately. Eddie scoffed, and Steve pulled away, just enough so they could look at each other. He wanted Eddie to know he was honest when he said he didn’t hate the place, because he was being honest. Steve didn’t hate the house, he loved it, but he hated the way it made him feel. 
“It’s not the house, Eddie. The house is great,” Steve trailed off trying to find the words to explain but coming up empty. He sighed shortly, frustrated with himself as the explanation for the strange rolling feeling in his stomach didn’t come. ”I mean it’s exactly what you want. This is the kind of place you’ve been dreaming about since you were a kid.”
“What I want,” Eddie emphasized, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he looked at Steve, “But not what you want?” 
“I’m being stupid,” Steve shot back. When Eddie made a sound and tried to reach out, Steve stopped him, knowing this was important. “No, seriously, Eds. I know I’m being super fucking irrational,”
“What do you think you’re being irrational about, baby?” Eddie asked softly, linking their pinkies and looking at Steve with those big brown eyes. 
“You grew up wanting a house like this. I grew up in a house just like this,” Steve explained, closing his eyes as he did. He wouldn’t be able to look at Eddie as he said it, wouldn’t be able to get through without losing it as he finally got to the heart of why this house scared him so badly, “It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be,”
It was irrational. Eddie wasn’t going to stop loving him the second they bought the house. He wasn’t going to leave Steve alone in a tomb of their own making. They weren’t his parents. 
Steve’s brain understood that, now he just needed to get his heart on board. 
“Oh honey,” Eddie murmured. If it was anyone else, there would be pity there, and Steve wouldn’t be able to help being angry. But it was Eddie, who understood him more than almost anyone, and there was nothing to be upset about. 
“Listen to me Steve Buckley, and listen well” Eddie began, his voice firm and filled to bursting with love. A shiver rolled down Steve’s spine, and a small spark of joy burst in his chest as he heard his full name. Even just that reminder was enough to tell him he was never going to be alone again. No matter what happened, he had Robin. 
“I would be happy if we were living in a shoebox under an underpass. We can stop all this right now and live in the trailer for the rest of our lives. I don’t care where we are, or what we’re doing. I just want to come home to you."
And that was all he needed to hear. Steve already knew that, but now he understood it. Eddie might have to go on tour, or to record, or just need his own space, but this would be their home, and he would always come back to it.
To Steve.
“I love you so much,” Steve whispered, leaning forward for a kiss. It was a chaste thing, small and sweet but carrying the promise of everything that was to come. 
“Well boys?” Their realtor said from the doorway. They instantly broke away, both turning to face her with fear. Sophie was watching them with a knowing smirk, holding her pad and pencil like she already was aware of what they were going to say. 
“We'll take it,” Steve declared. 
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asimpwithfreetime · 1 year
Mr. Steal your girl (Tsu’tey x fem!reader / Jake Sully x Neytiri)
Summary: Tsu’tey tries to make Jake mad by dating his mate (He doesn’t know that you are not Jake’s human mate but his sister)
This fic is way looooonger than I expected.
Kind of a fluffy one-shot
Warnings: none I could think of.
Let’s pretend that Tsu’tey didn’t die, okay?
Also, I wrote this at 6 am in the morning and I have to wake up at seven, this might be the longest sleep deprived rant I’ve done.
English is not my first language
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[ Reader’s POV ]
Jake has been acting strange since he became an avatar user, he barely sleeps o eats. He is always with Dr. Grace talking about Na’vis and their culture. I’ve also heard him talk about a woman, Neytiri I think.
Sometimes I wish I could go have adventures with him, running around Pandora freely. Not being small enough to be eaten by almost EVERYTHING.
Once the war with the sky people, no longer our workmates, started, I chose to fight on the side of the Na’vis, even though, none of them knew me.
I got injured during the battle. My brother, in his avatar form, picked me up, biding goodbye to his mate and bringing me back to our base to let Norm patch me up. I almost didn’t notice the freezing cold gaze that fell upon me.
[ Tsu’tey’s POV ]
So the demon with a fake body already had a mate with the sky people. She looks extremely weak. And he just PICKED HER UP in such a loving and caring way!? In front of Neytiri, as if nothing was wrong.
I walked towards Neytiri, but she didn’t seem upset. Okay, I’ll need to figure this out.
[ Few days after ]
[ Y/n’ POV ]
I was almost cured enough to go outside again. Even if I needed an oxygen mask to breath outside, it felt so freeing to see Pandora.
I didn’t want to wait any longer, so when Jake and Norm were distracted, I went out, into the forest. At first, I felt lost, but soon I found my way around it. Nature was beautiful here and we had stopped its destruction.
Stepping though the forest, I found a small lake and I walked up to it to see my reflexion. Standing closely to it I could see myself, but when I looked closely I could see the tree branches. In one of them there was a Na’vi, his bow was prepared to shoot me and he didn’t seem very happy.
[ Tsu’tey’s POV ]
I thought all humans were forced to leave the other day, except for some of Jakesully’s friends. I didn’t see any human women between them. I MUST kill her.
I followed her around the forest, I tried to be as silent as possible. She looked weak. Suddenly I remembered myself thinking the exact same thing. THIS IS JAKESULLY’S MATE. He didn’t show her to us because he wanted her all for himself while still having Neytiri. That bastard!
If I killed her, Jakesully would have to tell the truth right? Or maybe he would get so mad he would go back to his stupid dying planet.
I prepared my bow, pointing the arrow directly at her. She was so relaxed here, she wouldn’t expect this. But, she was looking into a lake, I couldn’t see it properly but I knew something was up when she tensed up. She turned around looking directly at me. For a split of a second I felt bad. I looked at her, her face soft and beautiful. Wait! Did I just though this human piece of meat was beautiful?
I tensed my bow a little bit more to scare her. She pulled her hands up in the air and said “Don’t kill me please!”. I thought about it. She was so weak she didn’t seem like a problem. But she was still Jakesully’s mate.
My mind raced, maybe Jake was being unfaithful to both of them and she wasn’t the one to fault. I brought my bow down and jumped from the tree. She was so small compared to me. From up close I could she her poor body shaking while she looked at me with a pleading look en her eyes.
When we were close enough I said, trying to sound strong even though my accent was not very good. “I am not going to kill you, sky demon”. She looked at me, still doubting it. I was about to tell her to go off to her base and never come back here, but an idea crossed my mind. What if I steal Jakesully’s mate?
Mine died, then her parents promised me Neytiri, I did like her, even though she wasn’t my real mate. Then Jakesully had to come and ruin it, once again sky people broke my chances of being happy. I almost died in the fight and lost all my privileges I would get for being the clan’s chief. I was degraded just for a sky demon in a Na’vi flesh disguise.
I waited for three and a half years, Jakesully did it in one week. I looked at her when my idea seemed perfect. If a human stole my Na’vi mate, a Na’vi will steal his human mate. Perfect.
Just as I was thinking that, a woodsprite fell onto her head. Was Eywa saying that I should do it? Was Ewya giving me back what’s fair?
I smiled mischievously. The woman looked terrified.
[ Y/n’s POV ]
He was smiling at me just right after he was aiming at me with a bow and arrow. “Are you okay?”
He seemed to snap out if his trance. He pulled his bow and arrow to his side, not shooting it. “Who are you? Why are you here? You weren’t with the scientists that would stay here” his words were accusing, but his accent was adorable, I couldn’t help but giggle to myself.
“I am Y/n. Y/n Sully” his face darkened at the saying of my surname.
[ Tsu’tey’s POV ]
I knew she was his mate. Humans give each other their supernames? Subnames? Sournames? Whatever!
I knew she had to be with him.
[ 3rd Person POV ]
For the next couple of days, Tsu’tey began the Na’vi courting with Y/n. Sometimes she blushed at his advances, something that made him really proud. But other times she was oblivious to them.
Once he was close enough he kissed her, copying how Jake kissed Neytiri. Just with a smaller figure. He had taken off her mask for a second, kissing her roughly. She was red as a tomato.
Tsu’tey should admit that he began doing that to annoy Jakesully and to steal his mate as a revenge. But now he did want to steal her.
[ A month later or so ]
Tsu’tey felt nervous, he didn’t know how the mating would go as they would need help of the Tsa’hìk. He went to look for Jake. “Jake I am going to mate your human mate” he said, in English.
“Tsu’tey, brother, I think you might have messed up the sentence” Jake thought that the Na’vi had said something wrong because of the language.
He repeated the same words, now in Na’vi and Jake was as dumbfounded as before.
“Y/n, I am talking about Y/n” Tsu’tey explained. Jake started laughing. “What’s so funny? I courted her better than you could every imagine” Tsu’tey felt that laugh as a taunt to his pride.
“Y/n isn’t my mate” Jake hollered between laughs. “But she has your sourname!” Tsu’tey said.
“She is my sister!” Jake began laughing again. Tsu’tey felt his face loosing color. He looked dumbfounded. He still loved Y/n but now he felt like a fool.
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rowretro · 6 months
𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖁𝖊𝖓𝖔𝖒
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A Heeseung oneshot
→ synopsis: Lee Heeseung, one of the hottest men on campus, had a dark secret, his undying, dangerous love for you. Upon arriving at a party, where many don't fail to notice your beauty
→ warnings: Kissing, toxic/yandere behaviours, blood, torture, sexual harrassment (forceful kissing, etc)
His love, his life, his world, his breath, his muse, his obsession, his all is you. Of course from the outside, people believed he's one's dream boyfriend, he was made for you. The way he holds your hand so sweetly, smiling down at you as if you are his everything, the way he delicately cups your cheek to kiss you oh so softly, like you're the most delicate being on earth.
Only you knew that wasn't the case. Behind closed doors, all that blood he got on his hands, the punishments, the torture, the obsession, the cameras and extreme security measures, how overly possessive he can be. If she cries it's only for him, if she laughs its just for him, everything she does, is just for him. all for him.
Y/n accompanied Heeseung to the bar, since he had to meet his dear friends. The girl wasn't a fan of loud noisy places flooded with strangers all committing the sins of their life, however it's the only time she got a chance to go out. Silently sitting beside Heeseung, y/n peacefully sipped on her drink, feeling Heeseung's glances every now and then.
As you were scrolling through your phone, you felt someone sit beside you, turning to your side, you saw a face you dreaded to see. None other than one of the girls that had a thing for Heeseung, Hwang Mihi. Y/n faked a smile as Mihi enthusiastically said hi. Not thinking too much of the girl, Heeseung let y/n be for a little, still not wanting her leaving his sight.
You were no fool to wonder off with this girl. One point she's slut shaming you, yanking your hair and bitching about you behind your back, and the next she puts on a fake act and grips on your hand. The girl yanked you somewhere, jumping up n down, acting so excited to see you. Heeseung rolled his eyes, thinking it's just one of y/n's overly energetic friends. Seems he hasn't been doing his job well.
You found yourself in the back where Mihi had dragged you to one of the staff only storage rooms, pushing you against the wall as she yanked your hair back, as you smashed a bottle around her shoulder, making her let go of you, a much more forceful pressure was put on your throat. There was a man this time. Lee Heeseung's Rival... Choi Yeonjun.
The boy had his little crush on you, but it became a bigger one when he saw Hee kiss you. God how bad he wanted to see Hee break when he see's his dear y/n in his arms instead of Hee's. Yeonjun yanked her up to face him as Mihi simply smirked, taking her phone out to film the two. Yeonjun forcefully slammed his lips on hers, biting it to force his tongue in, as he tor the fabric of y/n's dress, the sound of Mihi's phone smashing was heard.
Yeonjun turned, his eyes meeting the eyes of an extremely maddened Lee Heeseung. to think Hee would let this slip, he was clearly an idiot. Heeseung yanked the male away, throwing y/n his jacket. The girl hugged it close to herself as she glared at Mihi. God how much she wanted to rip that bitches hair out for making her seem so vulnerable. It's as if Hee read your mind, immediately yanking Mihi painfully by her hair, ripping some of it out, he dragged the 2 bloody whores out, and left them there.
The police didn't dare to look Hee in the eye, silently tampering the evidence, keeping Heeseung out of the coming legal issues that Mihi and Yeonjun will face themselves. Heeseung gently took the girl's hand in his, pulling her home with him, he bid his friends good bye as he led y/n inside the car. "Never taking you out to a place like so ever again." He simply said.
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margotw10bis · 4 months
Crashing On Crush.JJK 6 [m]
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crush!Jungkook x reader / Hoseok x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 5.1k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: angst; broken heart; mention of death; protected sex; oral sex (f. receiving)
previous ← 6 → next
Graduation Day. Today, you finally graduate from college. It's officially the end of your long academic journey and the beginning of the 'real adult life'. You have dreamt about this day for years: being finally able to introduce yourself as a Master's Degreed Cultural Business professional. You've planned this day a hundred of times with Suzi. You should be happy, party with your friends, have fun. But your mood is miles away from that. The poor seven days after Jungkook's broken your heart weren't enough for you to heal.
Jongseob is by your side though, the exact same way you were for his high school graduation. He looks so happy for you that you don't want him to worry about you. So you put a fake smile on your face and act like everything's fine. His innocent eyes are shining with pride and affection and that puts some ointment on your ripped heart some what.
"How is it to be free from school?" He asks you with his imperfect yet so cute smile
"I guess you'll have to finish college to know" You answer while he winces.
Jongseob hasn't decide yet if he wants to go to college next year. You wish he would so he can have more choices in the future but you don't want him to be unhappy and force him to do something he doesn't like.
"You're no fun, Noona"
You stick out your tongue at him to tease. He hugs you tight and you feel good for the first time in days in his arms. You realize that the little boy you met years ago is becoming a strong man. His embrace is getting more and more powerful, just like he is turning into an adult. You're proud but also a little bit worried that maybe he won't need you anymore. But it's far from the truth: you will always have a special place in Jongseob's heart because you had been and will always be his family, even when he was alone.
"I love so much, Jongseob" You whisper emotionally, so thankful to him to lighten your mood while he has no clue of it
"I love you too, Noona"
"Please, Kookie!"
"No, it's not a good idea" Jungkook sighs
She has been yapping in his ears for fifteen minutes now and Jungkook's starting to have a headache.
"Come on! We haven't hung out for years! It's gonna be fun!" She is pouting, trying to coax him while he sighs for the thousandth time.
Jungkook sits on his couch, trying to not remember how it felt like when he has hold you in his arms at the very same spot a few days ago. It seems like years ago to him now. A harsh pinch in the heart makes him wince at the thought. He misses you so much.
The past week, he has tried everything to forget you: he has worked overtime to keep his mind busy, spent hours in malls with her talking about new fashion trends - as if he gives a fuck about it - and he has been working out a lot. Right now, he doesn't want to do anything. He just wants to stay home, alone, and try to fix his damaged heart. He has given up everything, given up you, for her and she was asking for more. How much could he handle until the breaking point?
"I swear, we gonna have fun, Kookie. We don't even have to drink so you could take your lovely fancy car"
Jungkook stares at her with narrow eyes, trying to figure out if it's a good idea. It's definitely not. Yet, he says:
"Okay, but no drinking" He is not sure he'll have the patience to deal with a drunk person tonight while he surely wants to get wasted to forget you a few seconds.
"Yes! Thanks, Kookie!" She brightly yells, throwing herself at Jungkook's neck and giving him a big kiss on the cheek.
"Can you tell me once again why we are here?"
You are grumpy. Even when Suzi has tried by all means to cheer you up, it didn't work. Tired from trying, your best friend ended up dragging you - against your consent - in a club.
"Because we have talked about it a thousand times and we agreed on celebrating our graduation months ago. Come on, it will be fun, I promise" Suzi softly says to you, kissing your cheek
You can't blame her, it's true. You, indeed, were supposed to party after the graduation ceremony and go to the club since Suzi loves it. You promised her. But when you did, you didn't know that a tattooed man with piercing would break your heart. However, you enter the club and the loud music is already hurting your ears. This is going to be a long night.
Everyone is so happy. Suzi, your friends from college and Taehyung are all dressed up and in the mood of partying. Not you. You didn't even put any efforts on your outfit: just a simple pair of jeans with a - oh, fancy! - lilac bardot top. You try, you really try to be in the mood, smile and joke with everyone but you can't. Every time your eyes close, you see him. His long, black and smooth hair. His beautiful dark doe eyes. His perfect lips. Those same lips that kissed you and then opened to say 'I love you' to another girl.
You give up hope on having a good night and walk straight to the bar. Alcohol will be your friend tonight. You directly order two shots of vodka, wishing that after that you won't have this handsome man in your mind.
Next to you, a woman appears.
"A diet Coke, please!"
You tense immediately. This voice. No. No, no, no. This can't be. Fate can't be this cruel to you. You don't hear well because of the shitty and loud music. But you can't help turning your head at her. It's her. The girl you saw in Jungkook's arms. She is gorgeous. Long dark, almost black, straight hair. Beautiful brown almond eyes. And a perfect smile with full lips. The smile you should have on your face tonight.
You just stare at her, speechless.
"Celebration night?" She asks you cheerfully while your heart squeezes in pain
"Yeah" You answer with a white voice
You just pray she is alone and he is not here. But who are you kidding? The odds have never been on your side. You are just unlucky. So, of course, he walks right at her, not even noticing you. And that fucking hurts.
"You said no alcohol" He talks in her ear
Seeing him this close to her, her back leaning on his buff chest is painful. This is everything you wanted and Jungkook has it, with another woman. Your heart burns and its beats echo in your ears. You feel your throat drying and your eyes watering.
"Relax, Kookie, it's just a Coke"
Then, Jungkook's eyes meet yours. The surprise is more than visible on his perfect face - the face you wish you didn't miss this much. You still remember how his lips felt on yours, how his long almost touching shoulders hair felt under your fingertips. It felt so good so why does it hurt so bad now? Why does he have to look so good in his black t-shirt and same color jeans when you look like trash? Didn't he feel any pain last week while you were crying every night in your bed? It looks like it...
"Y/N?" His deep voice becomes suddenly raspy and is almost a whisper
"Oh, you know each other?" The girl says and then smiles at you, even that hurts you "I'm Mina, Jungkook's girlfriend. Nice to meet you"
You feel like throwing up. Jungkook has a girlfriend and he cheated on her with you. And now you are facing her! How are you supposed to face her? You feel so guilty. You don't even look her in the eyes. It takes everything from you to give her a weak 'Nice to meet you too'.
You notice your two shots that the bartender has just put on the desk and drink them one shot. The vodka burns your throat and your stomach, which makes you wince, but it's nothing compared to your fucking torn apart heart.
You walk away, putting as much distance as you can with Jungkook and his girlfriend. Your vision is blurred by burning tears and you are struggling to breath. You bump into so many people on the crowd dance floor on your way to the exit. At some point, you run into Suzi. Her smile immediately fades away when she sees the panicked and hurt expression on your features.
"What's going on?"
"I-I can't stay here. I'm sorry. Jungkook, he-I'm sorry" You can't speak properly with your erratic breathe and messed up brain
You push Suzi's hands off of your body and run to the door, begging for air.
It was a bad idea. Jungkook knew it. He should have said no to Mina. The way you looked at him and then, the sorrow that twisted your pretty face... He couldn't take it. He swears he heard his heart break again when you left.
"Why would you do that?" He speaks harshly to Mina
"Do what?"
"Say you're my girlfriend"
"Because I always do that. I say I'm your girlfriend, you say you're my boyfriend. We always do that" Mina frowns
"We did. Don't do it anymore"
Jungkook clenches his jaw so tight that his teeth hurt. But he knows that it's not over when a furious Suzi walks straight to him. He has never seen his best friend's girlfriend like that. If eyes could kill, he would be dead for sure.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Suzi shouts, pushing harshly Jungkook's chest with her two palms.
He winces more from the pain caused by her words than her gesture.
"Wooh, calm down. Who the hell are you?" Mina intervenes and it's a fucking bad idea
Suzi glances at the girl. Your best friend gets even angrier when she understands everything: the real reason why you were so heartbroken is this girl. Jungkook lied to you! He made a fool out of you! He played with your heart so easily and now he is having a good time with a girl? Suzi can't bare with it.
Suzi has known you for four years and you are one of the most important people in her life. You shared your room at the beginning of college, you were there when her stupid ex-boyfriend cheated on her the first year, you helped her moving with Taehyung. You love her and she loves you. During all the years you have been friends, Suzi has never seen you being mean to someone. You are always kind, you always try to please everyone even when that means you being uncomfortable. You are the best person she knows and fuck! you don't deserve any of this twisted situation. You deserve the kindest man and he would be the luckiest person on Earth to be loved by you.
"You piece of shit" Suzi hisses with disgust "How could you do that to her? Y/N is such a nice girl. Do you have any idea how much she's cried the past few days?"
Jungkook's heart tighten, feeling your pain just like his. He swears he didn't want to hurt you but he didn't have a choice. Not when Mina was here and he had to take care of her. He wants to tell Suzi to stop talking because knowing how much you have suffered because of him is too much to handle. However, if your best friend thinks he is an asshole and tells you to stay away from him, then he would know there is no chance for him and he wouldn't be tempted to run after you and beg you for forgiveness.
"Stay away from her! Don't ever talk to her again! You don't deserve anything from her, not even a glance, not even a thought. And I don't want to ever see you again so don't step in my apartment again"
With that, Suzi leaves, her heart pounding with adrenaline, anger and sadness for you.
"Is everyone crazy in Seoul?" Mina jokes
Jungkook doesn't even talk back and walks through the crowd. He needs air. Everything around him is too heavy: the air in the club, the heat from sweaty people, and the huge pain of his heart. It's all crushing him.
The second he pushes the heavy exit door, the air slaps his face. He steps aside the small crowd near the entrance wanting to enter the club or smoking a cigaret. Everything is so fucked up in his life. He needs to think and to convince himself he can't be with you. But that's so hard when he sees you panting and crying in the middle of the street, just a few meters away from him. He doesn't want you to cry for him, he is not worth it. He wants you to be happy and that's the only reason why he's pushed you away. However, when he sees you like this, he wishes he could travel back time.
His body is moving instinctively and he doesn't notice he is hugging you until he feels your body tightly pressed against his.
Your eyes widen. For a moment, just a second, all the pain is gone. Jungkook's warm and strong arms around you make everything bad disappear. It's so easy for him to make you happy - or sad. A small part of you forgives him everything immediately and is willing to not ask any question as long as he keeps you in his arms. But the other part is too hurt and overwhelmed by how right it feels to be in his embrace.
You try to push him away but he is way stronger than you.
"Get off of me!" You exclaim, sounding more hurt than angry
He does distance himself from you but not too much. He still has his big palms on your bare shoulders, making you look at him in his pretty eyes. You swear you can see as much pain as you feel but it can't be true: he has a girlfriend, he doesn't love you and he lied to you. It's just your imagination because it's what you wish so much: him to love you.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry"
His voice is broken, his eyes get watery and you close yours in disbelief.
"I don't want to listen to you. You lied to me! You lied to her!"
Your eyes are red and big round tears are rolling on your cheeks. This is pathetic, crying in front of him. You try once again to get rid of his hands.
"Listen to me, Mina is not-"
"Don't touch her" A strong man's voice cuts Jungkook off while he is pushed by the stranger
You look up at your savior and you gasp. Hoseok, the sunshine in the darkness. How ironic is it to meet your first ever crush when your current one has broken your heart?
You are equally surprised to see him than to see how his features are tensed while he is sweetest guy in the world. You haven't seen him in years. Strangely enough, he was the reason why you wanted to move to South Korea for your studies.
Hoseok, while he is almost seven years older than you, was your neighbor abroad. He was born in Korea but his parents moved in the house next to yours when you were six. Your parents are friends and you can't count how many evenings you've spent together. As a teenager, you began to have your very first crush on your handsome neighbor. He was sweet, nice and always smiling. When you think about him, your heart is full of happy memories. Of course, due to the age gap, you never said anything about your feelings towards him and you know he saw you like a little sister. However, few time after his studies, Hoseok went back to Korea and that's when you decided you would go too and maybe, if it's fate, you would meet Hoseok again.
Your crush on Hoseok was the innocent one. The one you have when you're young and you're willing to love more than to be loved. Now, you have no romantic feelings for him but a huge affection. He has changed your life in so many ways, especially when it's thanks to him you started get interested in the Korean culture.
"Are you okay?" Hoseok asks you with a softer tone
"Hobi?" Is all you manage to say with a small and shaky voice and you are quite surprised how his surname came so naturally on your tongue. More than that, it feels sweet and safe.
On the other hand, Jungkook's knuckles whiten as he clenches his fists. He wonders who the fuck is that guy. Also, he is angry that this guy has stopped him while he was trying to explain himself to you. If he has to, Jungkook won't hesitate to punch him, especially when he sees his hand grabbing yours.
"Y/N, please, let me talk to you" Jungkook tries to soften his voice when he talks to you but it's a hard thing to do when his whole body is so tensed
"Please, Hobi, let's leave"
Jungkook's heart squeezes and it's even more painful that you don't look at him at all.
Hoseok simply nods and leads you to his car.
It's an understatement to say he was surprised to see you. He wasn't even sure it was you: the last time he saw you, you were fifteen - that's to say just a kid for him. Now, you are a woman. A beautiful woman. He knew you were in Korea because his parents'd told him but he just didn't expect at all to meet you like this. However, when he heard this all-in-black guy calls your name, he didn't hesitate and pushed him away from you. Seeing you cry rekindled his protective instinct towards you.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Hoseok asks when you get in his car
"I don't want to talk about it" You answer honestly
Hoseok firmly grips the wheel, a hundred of scenarios in his head wondering how much this asshole hurt you. He swears to god, if he has touched you, he will kill him. Lost in his thoughts, he startles when you put a delicate hand on his taut one. His eyes soften forthwith and he manages to give you a weak smile.
"Thank you for helping me" You say
"You don't have to thank me, Y/N. Do you want me to bring you home?"
"Actually..." You blush hard "Can we go at yours instead? I don't want to be home alone"
Hoseok takes a moment to think, wondering if it's truly appropriate. But when he looks at you, he sees two things: how sad you are and that you are not the kid he knew in the past. You're a grown up woman and you are able to make your own decision. If you need his help, anyway is it, Hoseok will help you. However, he can't say he is not caught short of how beautiful you are. He has to shake his head to not think about you in another way than his sweet young neighbor.
"Sure" He eventually says with a dry throat, especially abashed when you give him a gorgeous smile.
Hoseok's apartment is way bigger than yours but it's homy. It feels just as warm and welcoming as Hobi's smile. You notice some pictures with his parents and family, and with his friends too. You are smiling while you are browsing the paper memories. But you suddenly gasp. One photo, way bigger than the other ones is a wedding. Hoseok's wedding! He is smiling like crazy in his beautiful white suit and he is holding the hand of the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. Her hair is delicately style in a fluffy bun and her wedding dress makes her look like a princess.
"You're married?!" You scream more than you ask, in a high pitch
"I, uhm, yes, kinda"
Hoseok's smile is so sad when he gets close to you to look at his wedding photo. He knows it by heart but he is always amazed by how gorgeous Sojung is.
"Where is she? I hope she doesn't bother me being here"
"She passed away two years ago"
There is so much pain in Hoseok's voice. You feel your heart breaks with his.
"Oh my god, Hobi, I'm so sorry, I didn't know" You squeeze gently his shoulder to confort him and he gives you a thanking smile
"She was sick even before the wedding. But we wanted to get married. You know, it's funny because there was no point of that, we knew she would die few weeks after the ceremony. But we did it anyway: getting married knowing it was useless... It was worth it though. Sojung was so happy, she laughed the whole day"
You can't hold your tears when you listen to him. You feel so bad for him. Hoseok is always so happy, so cheerful. He is a true sunshine. Knowing he's been through so much pain is heartbreaking. You would give everything for him to be with his wife right now.
"I'm so sorry, Hobi"
You hug him tightly while you are both crying. You don't know how long you stay like that but something changes in you. And you are sure that Hoseok feels the same thing. Sharing your pain with someone you've known for years but have no idea of your biggest pain is someway liberating and comforting. You share your pain and you heal each other's sore. You don't need to talk because yours and Hoseok's hearts are directly connected and understand each other's.
He cups your face in his big hands, looking straight in your watery eyes with his own. He is so beautiful: his perfect brows, his brown and soft eyes, his perfect nose and his heart-form lips. You are drowning in his eyes.
"Can you love me just for tonight?" Hoseok asks you in a whisper
"Only if you love me for tonight too" You murmur
It's exactly what you felt when you hugged: you both need to feel loved. Just for a night. Your two hearts are full of love but have no one to love. You both know that, as your lips meet, you are secretly willing to be with somebody else. But it doesn't matter, all you need now is each other.
Hoseok's lips are soft and warm. It's like a big hug around your entire body and you feel safe. The kiss is nothing like sultry but passionately sad. Yet, your heart beats faster as Hoseok presses his lips harder against your mouth. Your hands find their way to his hair while his hands are holding your waist tighter. Soft moans escape your lips glued to Hobi's. The kiss feels good. It exactly feels like what you need.
Without pulling your mouths apart, Hoseok guides you towards his bedroom. You don't have time to look around but it's like a safe place. You pull on his shirt to help him get rid of it. You are surprised to see how defined are his muscles. Hoseok has always been fit but it's the first time you see him shirtless. And it's quite a pleasant view. You can't deny the arousal slowly building up in your stomach, especially when Hobi's mouth starts working on your neck. The wetness of his lips and tongue against the burning, thin and sensitive skin of your throat feels so fucking good. Your head is completely in the clouds of horniness.
Hoseok leaves your skin just the time to take off your top and his eyes meet your perfect breast cloaked in your strapless skin color bra. He gently kisses the bare skin and smoothly undoes your bra. It's on the floor in no time. Your fingers run up and down against his strong and soft back, pulling him closer to you. Hoseok's mouth makes its way down until he kneels in front of you. He looks up at your face to silently ask you permission to slide down your last pieces of clothing, and you are all up for it. His delicate fingers unbuttons your jeans and drag them down your legs.
Your moan fills the air when Hoseok gently kisses you through your panties' fabric. You feel it soaked from your arousal. The last clothing barrier is getting rid off and two big palms are holding on your hips. The grip is firm and fucking good. However, not as good as Hoseok's lips on your clit. The position is so sinful when you're standing up, completely naked, a man's face in front of your wet pussy kissing your sensitive bud. His tongue is warm and powerful while it rolls around your clit at a delightful pace. Your hands grab Hoseok's hair to not fall down under the pleasure he is providing you. He takes your left leg and makes it rest on his large shoulder to have a better access to your dripping cunt.
"Oh fuck!" You moan
His tongue is devilishly expert. It licks the right place over and over again until you feel your body tense and lightly shake. You roll your head back, your groans getting louder and deeper. His hands squeeze your perfect ass and the fire in you explodes. You shout his name when you reach your high.
Hoseok gets up and you fall against his chest because of your post-orgasm shaky legs. You feel good in his arms, especially when he pats your hair. You catch your breathe and starting unbuckling his belt before undressing him. You gasp and blush hard when you see Hoseok's cock. You've never thought you would see it one day, and he has nothing to be ashamed of. Hoseok's member is not particularly thick but it's definitely long. The sight of his hard cock makes your mouth water at the same time it makes your pussy even wetter.
You press your lips on his, feeling his dick pressed on your belly, hard and warm. You gently push Hobi on the bed, his back resting on his headboard. You get on top of him, still kissing. You bite his lower lip when his hands firmly grab your ass. He places delicate pecks on your collarbone to your tits. You press his head deeper on your skin.
"Grab a condom in the night stand" He asks you with a raspy voice
It's at that moment that you realize he hasn't spoke until now. You stretch your body to open the drawer and pull off a metallic square packet. You open it and give the condom to Hoseok for him to cover his length. When he is done, he grabs your hips and push you down. Right before entering you, he looks you in the eyes. You nod, saying that you're okay and he slowly stretches your pussy. It feels so good and a long moan escapes your parted and swollen lips.
"You feel so good" Hoseok whispers against your neck with his eyes closed
You stay on his cock a few seconds to adapt. He is so long, you can feel him very deep inside you. You rest your forehead against his and start bouncing on him. Sinful sounds of skins slapping fill the air and make you more horny. You even have the feeling that Hoseok's cock is getting harder. Quickly, your skins are covered with a thin layer of sweat. You hold him close to you, your arms around his shoulders. Hoseok's fingers grab your boob and play with your nipple while the other is wrapped around your waist helping you to ride him.
"Oh my god, Hobi!" You scream when his cock hits your g-spot
"Keep going, it's so fucking good, Y/N" Hoseok cheers you before storming on your pretty lips "You are so gorgeous, do you know that?"
His compliment makes you clench around his long dick. Each slide against your walls is a pleasure that makes your tighter. You are beginning to feel tired, especially when your second orgasm is not far but Hoseok helps you by lifting his hips to meet yours harder and deeper. The slapping sounds made by your thighs is louder and it drives you and Hoseok crazy.
"I'm close" You groan, closing your eyes to concentrate on the feeling of his big cock buried in your cunt
You feel good in his arms, you feel so close to him. He is taking you like he loved you and you are taking him like you loved him. This is exactly what you both needed. The whole bedroom is filled with your moans and slapping skins. You feel your pussy getting tighter and tighter around him, warning Hoseok that you're going to cum soon. He pounds you a little faster to make you reach your climax right before him, moaning each other's names.
You are both panting, foreheads against each other's. Hobi's hands gently caress your arms and your back while you free his pretty face from his sticky hair.
"Thank you, Y/N, for loving me tonight" He says, softly kissing your lips
"Thank you for loving me tonight, Hobi" You whisper back
He invites you to take a shower, which you gladly accept. Someway, your heart feels less heavy. Not only you didn't think about Jungkook while you were with Hobi, but you also could release a little bit of your love to give it to someone who needed it. Hoseok feels the exact same. He didn't think he would ever, ever have sex with you and yet, it was a beautiful moment. You were so delicate in his arms and he has held you so sweetly, giving up a little bit of his sorrow. He just hopes you don't think he was using you, and he hopes that you could spend time together and try to be the old friends that you are.
Your day is a perfect example of the Ying Yang symbol. Everything started good, great even: Namjoon has just told you that the gallery wanted to keep working with you and offered you a permanent contract. You were so, so happy and you gave him a little demonstration of your 'happy dance' and he laughed a little bit too much to not upset you - not that you resent him because you ended up laughing harder when he started dancing too.
But then, everything went beyond wrong when Aecha, your colleague in charge of the communication, asked you to welcome the new graphic designer for a future exhibition in few months. In fact, in a city as big as Seoul, the odds of this graphic designer being the only person you don't want to see are low. But you are not lucky. Because while waiting for this new partner to arrive, your heart skips a beat when none other than Jeon Jungkook walks towards you. 
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thesoleilla · 30 days
Hello I am very fond of your writing style lately and wanted to drop a request :) I would really like if you do one this in Gojo or Dazai
Going on shopping with them
Writing their name on their palm
slow dancing
souvenir from travels
Please I will really appreciate if you did any two of them or just club them all in one up to you how you do them. Hope you have a great day <333
Souvenir from a trip | Dazai x Reader
As a member of a detective agency, Dazai often had to travel around Japan which meant, he was away a lot, leaving you alone, in an empty miserable apartment.
Everytime he came back, your home filled up with life again. Sure, he made a mess, but that was what made this damn apartment feel like home. It felt as if he never left. And he himself acted like he never left. Never once did he say he missed you, or even told you about what he did. He never even asked what you did, which hurt the most. He simply didn't seem to care. Perhaps he did, maybe he didn't. You thought dating him would help uncover all of the mysteries, turns out he just created others. He probably did care, you knew it, but never getting that simple confirmation made you ache. You weren't asking for much, just wanted to be sure he missed you, and that life was harder without you.
As a result of this behaviour, here you were, sitting on the couch of your empty apartment, among the many candy wrappers and papers, mindlessly watching the tv, or more like zoning out to the TV. If someone asked, you wouldn't even be able to tell them what you were watching. But it brought a bit of light to your eyes, action to this place, the only bit of life you could get.
You just craved life, and seeing other humans interacting on your stream made it feel slightly more real.
That was, until you heard the tingling sound of keys unlocking the door. Right, today was the day he was supposed to come back - somehow, you managed to forget that piece of information. Maybe you just... didn't care anymore. Usually, you'd be rushing towards the door to greet him excitedly, but you simply couldn't find the strength for that right now. It just happened too many times. You knew he wouldn't reciprocate your excitement, why even try? And so, you just kept sitting on that damn couch, occasionally sneaking a pic at the door being opened.
"Y/NNNN!!! Oh, how I've missed you!!!" ... Huh? Dazai was now rushing towards you, a big bag in his hands, which he carefully put down on the table before purposefully falling down on top of you, hugging you tight.
"...What are you doing?"
"What? Am I not allowed to miss my sweet, dearest Y/N?!" He faked his shock dramatically, which would usually make you cheer up and forget everything. Unfortunately, today wasn't usual.
"...Why now, out of nowhere?"
"Because I, Dazai Osamu, the greatest boyfriend ever, got back my souvenirs!" He kept up his dramatic theatrical tone, which started working on you.
"Got back...? 'samu, you better explain yourself."
"Open the bag, and you'll find the answer your heart desires!" He said, almost forcing the bag into your hands, and, oh Lord was it heavy.
You eventually started looking inside, finding a souvenir from every place he has been too in the past few years. Mugs, badges, keychains, patches... You name it, he had it.
"Why not give me this before..?"
Dazai rolled his eyes "Alas, you should refer to the very evil coworker Kunikkida who kept taking them from me and said I could only have them back when I was done with my work!"
You rolled your eyes as well, sighing and chuckling before burying your face into his chest.
"You're an idiot sometimes. I was scared, dumbass... Why did you never tell me you missed me though?"
Dazai pushed up imaginary glasses onto his nose with a slug grin. "Well, that would be meaningless without a gift wouldn't it?"
You chuckled at his antics, squeezing him tighter.
"Well, don't do that again. You scared the crap out of me.."
"Okay, I promise." He let go of his over the top tone, almost whispering as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
Heyyy! Heavily apologize for the very late response, as always, I'm still catching up on requests and just don't have a lot of times to dedicate to writing. Hope you enjoyed this, you all take care and have a great day!
After today, you found yourself with an healthier relationship, and a whole lot of mugs.
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rubra-wav · 2 months
can you write more about Vox making reader grind on his foot(as seen in “Really? Here?” Vox x reader smut)? Preferably afab reader but go wild with it. TV man won’t get out of my head
Vox x reader smut : If You're That Desperate..
A/N I'm surprised that that's what you fixated upon with that one but cannot blame you, ngl. Although, I'd be feral about a role reversal in that situation personally.. 😏🫶
Accidentally hit post on this a but early but it should be alright HEHDH
Cw: NSFW/18+, afab!reader/gn!prns used, domtop Vox/bottom reader, bondage, humiliation, edging, sadism, Vox being an asshole
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- You had been teasing Vox the entire day, riling him up all while playing innocent.
- It was as if you were so horny you couldn't think straight, and that didn't exactly work well with his long work day.
- When you awoke, you pressed a kiss against his neck softly while 'absentmindedly' brushing your hand across the back of his screen and gently dragging your pointer across the sensitive ports on the back.
- Vox had jolted with an audible gulp, looking up at you with a somewhat questioning expression as you pulled back before deciding you were surely just tired.
- At breakfast, you had fake dropped a knife on the floor to crawl down under the table in an overly exaggerated way, putting a hand on Vox's thigh as if to steady yourself before looking up at the surprised demon from in between his legs before getting out from under the table again like nothing happened. That one had him sparking.
- It was when you came into his office to give him papers, and you'd leaned down right in front of him from where he sat in his chair with your ass right in front of his lap to place down the stack of pages that he'd caught on that you were doing everything on puprose and lost it a bit.
- Vox went on angrily with bright blue flush painting his cheeks about how you should've known better than to disrupt him while he was working.
- He inwardly cursed himself because he then did something he probably shouldn't have. You 'misbehaving' in his eyes should not have been met with any kind or 'reward', however, he was very much in the mood after everything that had happened during the day.
- "If you want to act like a slut then I'll treat you as much." He grumbled, waving a clawed hand through the air to prompt various unused power chords to shoot out from all different directions and wrap around you, pushing you onto your knees in front of him.
- That's what brought you to your current predicament.
- You let out a soft moan as you ground your hips forward into the toe of his shoe, being promptly robbed of what little contact you were getting the next second.
- “What did I say?” Vox said sharply, blue light bearing down on you as he looked in your direction.
- You looked up pleadingly at him, lip trembling as your watery eyes blinked owlishly at his half-hearted harsh expression.
- “D-don't distract you while you're working.” You said softly, eyes avoiding his in embarrassment with a slight ‘tsk’.
- Vox grinned cruelly at your expression and compliance to put yourself in this humiliating situation.
- It showed just how much you were craving him.
- The demon grit his teeth, forcing his eyes back to his screens as he pressed his shoe back against your clothed sex.
- He revelled in the gasp you made as he slowly began moving his foot up and down again against your crotch.
- The wires wrapping around you dug into your skin, leaving small pink marks as they slithered around your body to rub against areas that were sensitive over your shirt and pants.
- You took a shuddering breath and began rutting your poor cunt against the stiff leather of his shoe for the umpteenth time since this agony had begun.
- You squeezed your eyes shut and bit down on your lip hard to keep from making any sounds as you finally felt your release building up passed where you'd been robbed of what little contact you had.
- Vox watched you despite his more logical side yelling to just get on with this so he could go finally bone you after finishing up, shifting somewhat uncomfortably with the arousal he was ignoring.
- He momentarily glitched as he admired the tears beading at the corners of your eyes, hair a mess and plastered to your forehead with sweat despite how cold it was in his broadcast room.
- A relieved moan escaped your lips as you lost yourself in your pleasure, just a few seconds from your release.
- Vox bit down on his lip, silently laughing with an evil grin on his face as he pulled his foot away again.
- You let out an angry whine, shaking your head and pushing against the wires. "F-fuck you, you asshole." You cursed at him, tears falling down your cheeks as you glared up at him.
- Vox snickered, leaning down to take your chin in his hand and forcing you to look up at him. "I don't think you're in any position to say such things." He revelled in the way you cringed.
- You really weren't, and he knew that. It was terrible the way that turned you on despite the relentless teasing he'd been putting you through.
-"I trust you've learnt your lesson, yes?" He cooed patronisingly to you. You sniffled, slowly nodding despite how badly you wanted to tell him to piss off.
- "Good." The simple word and the tone it was said in sent shivers down your spine. The hand on your chin let you go, and you let out a surprised squeak, the cables wrapping around your limbs suddenly curled up under your clothes before promptly ripping them to shreds.
- You squirmed again, skin now covered in goosebumps as the freezing cold air of the room hit you. "Shit- it's too damn cold in here vo- mff!" You're cut off as his shoe is ground hard against you again, cables moving to tease your cold-hardened nipples as you whined.
- Your embarrassment fell away quickly as it became clear you were finally being awarded release after all the bullying you'd been put through.
- Vox gave up trying to do the small amount of shit he had to do to watch the much more interesting show you were putting on for him, now humping his foot like some kind of animal in heat without even a lick of dignity - it being seemingly shred with the clothes he'd ripped from you.
- Again disregarding the fact that this was far from the place for this kind of thing, he undid his pants and pulled out his neglected erection with a somewhat relieved growl as he focused upon you with apt concentration, stroking himself.
- Your hands balled up from where they were pinned to your sides, eyes cracking open to look into his face as you lost yourself to the growing pleasure coursing through you with breathy gasps.
- You couldn't see his expression, but you could guess pretty well as he growled from above you. "Yeeeah, look at me like that."
- You arched your back with a loud exclamation as the knot of pleasure which had been getting constantly wound up, then down again finally grew to snap within you and the aching release that you craved finally was given to you.
- After the few seconds of heavenly bliss were afforded to you, you crashed right back to hell again as you once again felt the freezing cold air biting at you.
- You shivered as you felt the cables digging into you unwrap your now cramped limbs, and instead felt Vox lift you into his arms and hoist you up bridal style against him.
- You relaxed into in his hold and warmth with a heavy sigh before looking up to be greeted with his terribly smug face.
- "I hope you don't honestly think that's the end of this, dollface. You may have gotten off but I sure as hell fucking haven't."
- You inwardly rolled your eyes, even more flustered as you considered not only what you'd just lowered yourself enough to do for him but also what would follow.
- You knew bratting out on him while he was like this would just make him all the more of an asshole with you, so you opted to murmer an "alright."
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I do not think I could ever write him as a soft top because bro would just devolve into being sadistic and/or overly excited at having you under him 💀
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 13
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, homophobic slang
Part 1
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Monday night came and went with Billy somehow convincing you to let him stay. The two boys slept in the guest room staying up till four in the morning. Billy reminded Stu several times to keep his voice down but it did no good. You could hear the incoherent ramblings of the two psychopaths all night long. It didn't really matter if they were quiet or not. You couldn't fall asleep anyways. Thoughts of the last couple weeks plagued your mind. Even the nice talk you had with the cops at the hospital replayed in your mind over and over.
They pitied the pretty girl laid up in a hospital bed. Being a "helpless woman" worked in your favor when you played the part. Dewy had told his coworkers about his distaste towards the two boys who somehow lived through the slaughter at the Macher house. He didn't like Stu when he dated Tatum and he definitely didn't like him now. Billy was simply guilty by association. What really set Dewy off though was seeing how cold Billy looked at the funeral. "We don't want you to feel pressured or scared to tell us the truth. We can protect you." The officers said wanting you to change your story.
Of course you lied. What else were you supposed to do? Wincing in pain and a few fake tears simply pulled at their heartstrings. You thought you made the right choice. This was all for love wasn't it? You liked to picture your movie as a horror spin off of When Harry Met Sally. Billy was the brooding love interest with a enemies to lovers trope. Stu was the dopey, loveable, side kick, who's purpose in the film was to be the comedic relief. What did you bring to the movie? You needed to be different but in being so you were just like every other girl on television.
The week slowly passed with Billy and Stu staying at your place. Wednesday Stu decided to go back to school with Billy leaving you at home. You hated to say it but you loved the quiet. It felt like your husbands went off to work leaving you get things done around the house. Maybe you were delusional and your thought process was probably sexist but you enjoyed it. The job didn't feel forced upon you so you didn't see an issue. You cleaned up the guest room making sure to wash both of the boys laundry. After that you started on dinner.
Wednesday rolled by with both Billy and Stu thanking you for everything you did. You ate up the praise happily. They couldn't make it on their own and that's why they needed you. Thursday started with Stu and Billy kissing you before they left for school. Billy actually started to enjoy school now that Stu was there. The students of Woodsboro high thought the almost happy mood both boys seemed to be in was odd. It wasn't how a boyfriend was supposed to act when their girlfriend was brutally murdered.
Thursday was a breeze considering your side was almost completely healed. You actually started to get used to living with Billy and Stu. They helped with chores if you asked and they didn't complain. Well they almost didn't complain. No one could predict what Stu would say. Friday started just like the other days. "See you when we get home babe." Billy would kiss you grabbing his bookbag you held for him. "See ya Mrs. Crocker." Stu said kissing you a little longer than Billy did. They were arguably happier than you were. They weren't sure what they did in their past life to deserve you in this one but they were more than thankful.
You watched Billy's car pull away seeing Stu wave at you through the window. A smile tugged at your lips. Life was perfect. You shut the door locking it like always. The house was clean and you didn't have to start on dinner till later. For once you were at a loss for what to do. After weighing your options you decided to snoop through Stu's room. You had been in there several times to do laundry or fix the bedsheets but you'd never really looked around.
Stu was a cleaner person than you thought he'd be. Billy however took the cake for the cleanest. His clothes were folded and tucked away while Stu's sat in a crumpled pile on a chair. You had told Stu when he settled in that he could fill the drawers with his clothes and whatever else he brought. From the looks of the top drawer he decided to bring porn magazines. The woman on the cover had a simple blanket covering her crotch as her boobs fought the thin crop top holding them back. You wanted to ignore it. Ignore the feeling of inadequacy that made your stomach hurt. You slammed the drawer closed not caring who the magazine belonged to.
Billy pulled into the driveway with Stu laid out in the backseat. "If she made desert I might marry her Billy, I mean it." Stu was only half joking. "She wouldn't say yes. She's a smart girl." Billy smiled at his friend causing the boy to pout. You could hear the car doors slam outside letting you know the boys were home. You thought about screaming, maybe ripping the magazine to shreds. Every possible outcome had crossed your mind. You remained calm deciding to follow the rules you helped put in place. "There's my wonderful girlfriend." Stu skipped in the house immediately lifting you off the ground. He smacked your ass spinning you around before your feet found the floor.
You almost forgot you were mad. "You made brownies!" Stu chirped sending a look to Billy. He picked the chocolate square up from the glass dish popping it into his mouth. Billy closed the front door before he hung up his jacket. "What ring size do you wear?" Stu asked looking up at you with heart eyes as he sat down. You bit the inside of your cheek wanting to back out of the conversation to come. "What's wrong baby?" Stu asked sensing something was off. Billy walked into the kitchen joining the both of you. "What's the matter?" He crossed his arms leaning back on the counter. With a deep breath you spoke. "Can we talk about something?"
Stu thought it was silly question while Billy's expression stayed the same. "We can talk about whatever you want." Stu eyed your ass in the dress you were wearing as he leaned back in his chair. "I was cleaning your room when I found something." Panic flooded Stu's veins. Billy was too busy focusing on the fact you called it "their room." It was as if they lived there with you. "Found what?" The brownie he ate earlier seemed to dry up his throat within seconds. "You had a Hustler magazine in your drawer." Billy quirked up an eyebrow interested in where the conversation was going.
"So?" Stu asked genuinely not seeing your problem with it. You tried to keep your cool knowing this was a new experience for all of you. "So, I find it degrading. It's perverse and overall upsetting. I don't watch porn or read it. I would like it if you did the same especially in my house." You wanted to say more but you decided against it. The fact they even brought it to your house was alarming. You wanted to be the only thing they needed. The fact is you couldn't compete with an airbrushed woman.
Stu almost made a joke. It wasn't until he saw the serious look on your face he dropped it. You were actually upset. He was a little worried about you going through his things. But this was your house and you've done more for him in the past week than anyone in his whole life ever had. Porn wasn't a need but it definitely helped when the only thing on his mind was you. Billy had been more than accommodating thank God so he really had no reason to carry the magazine around. "Okay I'll get rid of it." Billy was surprised at Stu's immediate cooperation. He had always been a more submissive fellow. Billy had certainly used it to his advantage in the past. You were the only other person he's seen Stu behave this way with.
You didn't catch the way Billy looked at you in awe. "Really?" Even you were surprised. Stu nodded. "Yeah? I can still use my hand though right?" He pretended to jerk off making you look away. The show unfortunately made you feel a certain way. Billy took note of you and Stu's behavior. It's what he did. He studied people. "Um yeah I have no problem with that." It was an honest answer but now all you had was a sinful image in your head. "This is all very moving but I actually have plans for today." Billy spoke as he grabbed one of your brownies. Stu knew about his plans but he was still excited.
"You have plans?" You asked and Billy nodded after swallowing the bit he took. "Yes and they're with you two. So I suggest you go get ready." He wasn't sure how you would take the tone in his voice. If he knew you like he thought he did you'd smile and run off to play dress up. "Where are we going? I need to know what to wear." Stu thought the simple house dress you had on looked great but then again you could wear a burlap sack and he'd fall to his knees. "Wear something comfortable because we'll be walking a lot." That did nothing but raise more questions.
"So I can't wear heels?" Stu stood up from his chair creeping up behind you. In one swift motion he lifted you up again holding you like a princess. "You can wear heels. I'll carry you when your feet get sore." Billy rolled his eyes glad he had someone to share Stu with. Stu's antics worked wonders on you. "I think I'm going to wear jeans but I appreciate the thought." You kissed his lips making him grin. He sat you down letting you run upstairs to your room. Stu found a seat at the table once more.
"Please don't fuck this up." Billy huffed at his partner. "Why would I fuck this up?" He opened the fridge grabbing a bottle of Coke from the back. "Because man, you have a habit of getting comfortable and bored." He'd seen it before with Sydney. When they started dating Billy was over the moon. He bought flowers and chocolates, anything to show his love for the girl he knew for a few months. Once things slowed down Billy grew bored. The kisses were the same and so were the hand jobs. Billy assumed Sydney would cling to him after he murdered her mother but she did just the opposite. Pushing him away rather than pulling him in.
"I do not. Shit with Syd was different. Y/n is different." Stu would like to believe his friend but it was hard. Billy was troubled. That's the word he liked to use. Stu knew himself to be somewhat insane. He liked to please and be pleased. Billy asks him to murder he'd do it again and again. You ask him to stop? He'd never even look at a knife again. Billy looked out for himself. He would drink from a well till it ran dry. Leaving everyone else to die of thirst. Stu loved Billy but he worried about you more.
"I'm ready." You said throwing your bag over your shoulder. The silk button up you wore glistened in comparison to the brown dress pants you paired it with. "Where's the disco?" Stu jumped up getting a full look at your outfit. "I'm not sure yet. Billy how do I look?" You turned around giving him a full view. "You look great." His hands found themselves in his pockets. It was an anxious thing you picked up on. Stu over compensated with his words where Billy did the exact opposite. "Thanks. So we ready to go?"
Billy won the game of rock paper scissors making him the driver for the night. "It's not even fair I love this car more than he does." Stu complained as his arm lay draped over your shoulder. Billy's hand rested on your thigh as he drove. You didn't like him driving your car with one hand but you couldn't bare to make him move. The physical affection from both men made you the happiest woman in the world. "Can you please tell me where we're going?"
The smile on Billy face was aggravating because he knew something you didn't. "Can you stop asking every five seconds you're starting to sound like Stu." Stu leaned over your lap getting close to the driver. "Please, please, please, where are we going?" He whined just to piss of his partner. "Sit back shit face before I kick your ass." The threats were so common between the two of them they barley counted as threats. "How come you never threaten to kick my ass?" You ask leaning back on Stu. He placed a kiss on your head before locking his arms around you. "Do you want me to kick your ass?" Billy took his eyes off the road just for a second to see your face. "I might." You said enjoying the way your words seemed to sit underneath his skin. Billy hoped tonight ended the way he had planned.
"No fucking way!" You said as you practically pushed Stu out of the car. "Jeez don't mind me!" He said with a laugh. You looked up at the sign wondering how you didn't know the place existed. "We figured you'd like to go to an antique store." Billy and Stu knew they made the right choice once they saw the smile on your face. You walked into the store leaving the men to follow your shadow. "Good afternoon, how are you?" You asked the old man behind the desk. "I'm doing well, how bout' yourself?" Billy thought your immediate warmth towards strangers was dangerous. Some creepy old man might get the wrong idea. "I'm great." You said with a smile as you looked around.
"Billy come here!" You picked up the movie poster looking at the date. "That's awesome." Stu marveled as Billy read the print. "That's an original Exorcist poster." His fingers traced the frame. "Do you want it?" You asked happy to get it for him. The sad reality was he didn't have a place for it. "No it's okay. I wouldn't have a place to hang it up anyways." Stu sneezed grabbing your attention. "Bless you." You said laughing at his goofy sneeze. "I'm allergic to dust." He wasn't the best person to take antique hunting. Stu grabbed your hand walking around the store with you. Billy lingered around making sure you were the only people around besides the owner.
"Oh my god!" Stu looked at the room full of old clothes like it was a room full of old clothes. You acted as if it was filled with gold. "I'm going to spend so much money." You cried knowing you had no self restraint. "I'm paying for it." Stu chimed in happy to help. It was something you couldn't accept. "I can pay for myself. You should spend your money on stuff you want." It had bugged you since you went to the mall how Stu felt the need to buy something for everyone. Never once picking something out for himself. Billy caught up with the both of you being immediately uncomfortable with the racks of clothing.
"What's with the face Loomis?" Stu asked looking through the shirts with you. Billy just shook his head. The idea of used clothing bothered him. He'd wear hand-me-downs if they were washed but just touching every piece of used fabric wasn't for him. "I'm getting this and neither of you are going to stop me." Stu said pulling a t-shirt from the rack. You read the shirt Stu held out loud. "Orgy organizer. Yeah that screams Stu Macher." You tried to sound unamused but you couldn't hide the humor in your voice. "Do you know what else screams Stu Macher?" He leaned down like he was going to whisper the answer but instead he pinched your ass making you yelp.
"You should be a comedian." You rolled your eyes seeing Billy actually laugh at his friend's stunt. Billy had done nothing but scan the place for possible on lookers. You tried to come up with a way to get him to loosen up. "Billy could you come here for a second?" You beckoned him over with your finger making sure you were both out of the eyesight of the shop keeper. He walked over to you not being able to ask what you needed. Your lips met his making the world around him disappear for a brief moment. His lips parted letting your tongue roam the new space. Billy's hands started to play with the button on your pants before he remembered where he was. "What the hell was that for?" He whisper yelled aggravated and slightly turned on by your stunt.
"I'm not sure but I need to see it again. For scientific purposes." Stu shrugged as Billy glared at him. You smiled liking the red tint slowly creeping up on Billy's cheeks. "You're trying to get yourself into trouble." Billy ran his hand through his hair trying to compose himself. If Billy was just now realizing you liked to instigate he really had a lot to learn. The rest of your time in the store Billy kept his eyes on you and Stu. Your little "stunt" as Billy liked to call it worked. He was more worried about what you would do rather than anyone's wandering eyes.
"Do you seriously need more dishes?" Stu asked as you sat the pyrex dishes in the back of your car. "You spent twenty dollars on a "hot dogger." You have no room to talk." Billy said making you laugh. "It electrocutes the hot dogs! Who wants one when we get home?" You loved old things but you'd have to pass on the offer. "This is why we don't let him cook." Billy told you as he started the car. You and Stu piled in ready for the next destination on the list. This time around you decided to trust the man driving. Stu chose the music on the way there. For the first time in years you felt like a normal girl. Your situation was far from normal you were well aware of that. Most girls didn't have two men they considered their boyfriends and most girls didn't kill. You couldn't help the situation you found yourself in. All you could do was make the best of it.
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(if your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you)
Part 14
Taglist (closed): @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @tojisblood @zeysartzone @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666 @billyloomiswhore4 @holyladyofsorrows @megluv1 @ellieswifeiya @yoluvrz @forallthstarsinthesky @madsothree @youcantbesirius @lubunnii @captainhowdysseptum @geekygremlin @madneedshelp
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I feel bad for Starlo.
Star has a point, idk what the four were ticked off about, there is like 99% chance everyone willingly participated in the trolley problem, based on what we've seen of his behavior thus far it's not like Starlo to be that big of a jerk/drag them by force/yell at them to do it. Ed's words:
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he does it because Star asks NICELY
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clearly jealous
It genuinely seemed like a fun time/fun roleplay, especially since every day is the same. Like, the five are supposed to be a rowdy and adventures bunch, what exactly did Starlo do wrong, I'm genuinely confused and curious. Except taking a big liking in Clover (his posse should know that this is a big moment for him, according to Blackjack they've known each other since high school and had the same liking for westerns. So they were basically a nerd gang.) Starlo was kind, patient and considerate towards Clover the whole time, even warned Mooch about them not being bandits, taught Clover gun safety, wanted to bring his posse along for a fun time, thanked Ace for telling him about getting Clover a new hat...
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Sure, at first he only liked Clover for being a human, but as Ceroba says, that changed and he grew to genuinely care about them, plus I can't help but think Star saw himself in Clover and that's part of the reason he was so proud of them all the time even when they messed up (I'll talk more about this at some point)
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What exactly made Ace want to leave the gang? He even said how he doesn't mind "getting run over by the fake train"
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he's so nice. says sorry for forgetting the safety goggles even when he was scatterbrained due to his excitement. I love him so much
The only real "faults" (I'll call them temporary faults) I saw in Star during the Wild East section was that he was even more enthusiastic and more proud than usual. But how couldn't he be when he met a member of the species that he has admired for so long because they have real cowboys and sheriffs on the surface (who are seen as brave heroes who deliver justice, while Star canonically feels like a nobody farmer). His posse should have realized Clover wouldn't be there forever and just let their boss enjoy himself with his "deputy who'd have to leave sooner or later anyway"(or be more patient with him/ask him why he feels this strongly towards Clover/if there's a deeper reason for that). His friends including Ceroba just turn their back on him so quickly instead. The moment he's gotten the chance to feel valued for once and put himself first and not have to take care of this whole town and everyone in it and live his dream of meeting a real human, suddenly "his personality is damaged?"
Star's literally built this whole town, organised everything, he worries about everyone, Ceroba (plus was the one to give her emotional strength before and after Clover's sacrifice), Kanako, the monsters, his family, struggles with feelings of worthlessness yet never wipes that smile off his face, always does his best to be hopeful and optimistic and make others laugh, gave his posse a nap time so they don't become exhausted, gave Ceroba a free home, didn't act upon his feelings towards her and was a 110% supportive, caring friend instead. THAT'S who he is. He's the papa bear of this friend group, the glue holding everyone together.
He was just *really* excited. Y'all know he's insecure and just wishes to escape who he is and yet y'all blame him for liking Clover so much. Yeah, the four are very clearly jealous. But why won't the four of you control your feelings for a while? As mentioned, Clover WILL HAVE TO LEAVE EVENTUALLY. They won't be Star's "deputy" forever (the kid who's just as into westerns as he is, who values justice just as much, who also values doing the right thing. Someone he clearly felt understood in the presence of, whom he loved; just look at the way he talks about Clove during Showdown). Star seems genuinely confused of what he did wrong poor guy just wanted to live his fantasy for once and feel important:
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Even at the beginning Moray's like "oh no Martlet is upset" Mooch replies "don't be a buzzkill nothing exciting ever happens around here" and Ray's like "Yeah you've got a point"
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If you all agreed to have a little fun with a human who will very soon leave forever why is Starlo's enthusiasm such a big problem? If the posse weren't into this after all (unless they were simply too jealous which could have been solved with a honest talk and a little patience) why are you doing this "rowdy" job with Star in the first place? Do you want your boring routine day to day life so much back? Or just for Clover to leave (which they will soon enough)? You, western enthusiasts, literally met a real human, A HUMAN FROM WESTERNS YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PASSIONATELY INTO (clearly not as passionate as Star but passionate ENOUGH to understand where he's coming from).
... okay.
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