#and i put in the work! i do v thorough research! both for a personal desire to be well informed and bc my family all vote off my notes
inklingofadream · 1 year
not having a campaign website + profile through the state voter info site is almost always a disqualifier, but for the rare double whammy, be sure to have a heavy, unconnected internet presence revealed when i google your email where you are revealed to be 1) an insane bigot and 2) as seen on TLC
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kordyceps · 8 months
OK I mean obviously I'm reading your steter stuff on AO3 but I'd love to know if you have an all time favourite? Either your fave of your own work, or fave of another author's that you rec/reread/still think about a million years later (or both lol)
Oh man, okay, sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask! But it's such a good one and I unfortunately have the memory of a gold fish, so I needed to do Research™ (aka reread all my favs again lmao) so I could answer it properly. 😂
I only have one Steter fic of my own atm, so I guess that's my de facto personal fav for now…
But as for other folks' work, god, there are sooooo many great Steter fics out there!! So these are just a handful of my top favs, and definitely not a comprehensive list!
Five Times Peter and Stiles Troll the Pack by taylorpotato Rating: M | 2.5k | requires an AO3 account to read Stiles and Peter yell at each other in Polish, misleading the pack into think they're fighting, when in reality it's all just like completely fuckin' filthy dirty talk lmao. Short, but very funny, and such a perfect capture of their mischievous dynamic. 10/10, would recommend!
The Devil You Know by Twisted_Mind Rating: E | 11.6k Peter is there for Stiles when no one else is, and uses that to slowly manipulate his way into earning Stiles' explicit trust. And ooooh boy, is it so delicious and spicy. God damn! Cards on the table: this fic definitely won't be for everyone since it wades into some darker waters. But oh my god do I love love LOVE Peter's characterization in it. God, I feel like I could write a whole damn essay about this fic, but then I'd just end up spoiling the whole thing LOL. Just--if you like darker, manipulative Peter and enjoy your sweetness just a wee bit twisted, then 10/10 would recommend!
The Prince and the Pease by luulapants Rating: E | 47k | requires an AO3 account to read Medieval/Royalty AU where Peter is forced to cede his claim to the throne and become a "guest" of King Deucalion's as part of a peace treaty between the two kingdoms. Stiles, who is suspiciously far too mouthy for your average servant, is gifted to Peter as a bedwarmer. This one does such an incredible, masterful job at translating the characters into its setting and time period. The sass, the wit, the wordplay! You can definitely tell the author knows their shit, and my god is it fantastic. The plot itself is also so satisfying -- lots of great ups and downs, and, ugh, just so good! (Be sure to read p2 for the full ending btw!) Needless to say, 10/10, would recommend!
Keeping him (It's all about intent) by sittinginmytincan Rating: M (& E for oneshot sequel) | 121k Stiles winds up slingshotted into his own future, where it turns out he's married to Peter Hale of all people. His only way back is with Lydia's help, but she's gone mysteriously missing somewhere on the east coast while investigating some strange disappearances. Man, this fic….. I feel like the writer for this one must have received a checklist of things I'm into and decided to mark nearly every single one of them lol. Time travel, woke up married, magical theory, an enthralling af plotline -- and it's so thorough. Like, everything is so incredibly well thought out, the characterization is on point, and the development of Stiles and Peter's relationship is just chef kiss. Definitely 10/10, would recommend!
The Striking Complication by aurevell Rating: T | 118k I don't even want to write a summary up for this one because the mystery of it all and peeling back what's happening piece by piece is, imo, the best way to experience it. This story is intense as fuck, near relentlessly oppressive, and impossible to put down. It keeps you constantly at the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what is going on and how Peter and Stiles will survive it, with these heart-wrenchingly sweet breather moments sprinkled throughout. If you enjoy time loop stories, this one is an absolute must read! 10/10, would recommend!
build-a-beau by veterization Rating: E | 41.5k Tired of his dad always worrying about him being single, Stiles decides to pay for a fake boyfriend service so he can finally get his pops off his back about it. It goes about as well as one can expect a fake texting boyfriend you accidentally catch real feelings for can go lmao. This fic is wonderfully witty, with really fantastic banter between the two of them, and it's just so very fun getting to watch the pretend part of their exchanges slip more and more into something genuine. 10/10, would recommend!
Under the Songbird's Wing by mia6363 Raing: E | 87k Stiles is captured and held in captivity alongside Peter, Deucalion, and Satomi Ito. To survive, Stiles runs through lacrosse drills and tells stories, eventually persuading his fellow cellmates out of their shells and establishing a profound, unbreakable bond between them. This one is HEAVY, folks. Like, heavy heavy. But, god, it's also such a beautiful exploration of the characters and the bonds they develop through shared captivity. I don't even know what more to say, really, it's just haunting and lovely and awful and wonderful all at once. In the mood for something that hurts? Then 10/10, would recommend!
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vegetacide · 4 years
TaG: Bloodlines (Part 8.. )
Veg • notables: Any errors in this are strictly my own
Ty to @gumnut-logic and @scribbles97 for the brainstorming help and the encouragement.
Part 1 | Part 2 Bit 1 & Bit 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Rating and General warning: Mature content head. If you are not a fan of medical issues of a female nature in relation to pregnancy please proceed with caution.
Characters: Virgil, Kayo, (V/K) 
Location: TaG-verse AU | Tracy Island
Part 8 -  Susulan
Lady Penelope being true to her word found a wonderful woman who was well liked and sought after and she was one of several that Doctor Coxley had recommended to their Grandmother.  
The tall Haitian by the name of Cecilia had credentials as long as Kayo’s arm and had worked in some of the best kitchens in the world. Several of which had Michelin star ratings due to her amazing contributions and somehow they’d managed to scoop her. 
She was a true marvel and the whole family took advantage of her skills. 
The boys were in heaven and so well fed that often they found themselves all camped out in the living room  or out by the pool in various states of full bellied contended lethargy. Happily stuffed and satiated after a mind blowing meals.  Before long it was like Cecilia had always been there and things in the house seemed to settle down back into some form of normalcy.  
The two weeks following her arrival just seemed to coast by and as previously arranged the date of Doctor Coxley follow-up had come and gone with barely a hitch.. 
His trip had been a simple affair, the boys having been out on a call at the time.  One of their security operatives had shuttled the doc to the island with little fanfare.  
Kayo, though frustrated at being basically bed bound the last few weeks, found herself decidedly nervous.   She was eager to know if the improvement of her condition would be enough to appease the doctor. She’d done research herself as she’d had plenty of time on her hands but she was by no means an expert.
Her pressure was down,  bleeding tampering off to the odd bout of spotting. Energy levels were increasing daily and her appetite was healthy.  She felt better now then she had in a while despite the lingering morning sickness and she was twitching to do something other than staring at the walls all day.    
Grandma had been happy with the results as the forced rest seemed to have helped but there was no telling if she was going to be able to return to some form of duty or not.
Upon the Doctor’s arrival Grandma had shown him to their infirmary where Kayo had been waiting as patiently as she could.     
After a quick but thorough exam her doctor had snapped off his gloves and tossed them in a bin before making a quick note on his data pad.   When he’d turned back,  he’d handed Kayo a towel and given her a hand up from the awkward position she’d had to sit in.
The island medical facilities were top notch for basic injuries but for things of this nature,  not so much.   
“Well, “  He’s begun pushing his glasses up his nose.  “Things are looking good.  The bleeding has for the most part stopped through you may still experience a bit of spotting.  Typical of placenta previa.   
“Baby’s heart rate sounds strong and your weight gain is all within acceptable levels for your age and fitness level.”  
He’d paused as he’d looked over his note.  “I’m pleased to see you’ve taken appropriate measures the last couple of weeks and I do see a marked improvement in your BP but,” he stopped for emphasis.  “It’s still higher than I would like to see it. 
I know you’ve been eager to get back to some sort of normal activity level but I would have to recommend that for the time being you refrain from anything too strenuous.  At this stage of your pregnancy we don’t want to mess around as you still have some twenty odd weeks to go.”
Kayo had been disappointed by the results but she would do whatever needed to be done.  
“Additionally,”  He added, setting the data pad down to make sure he had her full attention. “Going forward I would like to be able to monitor you personally.  Allowing you to come home was the best course of action given the situation at the time but I have my reservation about you not being within east travel distance of a hospital.  It’s quite a hike out here even with access to the type transportation you have at your disposal but given the nature of your pregnancy I strongly recommend you relocate to the mainland.” 
That certainly hadn’t been what she expected and her hand automatically settled on her middle.  “Is there a problem?”  
Doctor Coxley gave her knee a pat.  “Just call me being overly precautious. I would rather have the necessary staff and equipment and not need it than need it and not have it.”  
He’d smiled at her then,  turning to gather up the equipment he’d brought with him. “I’ll advise Doctor Tracy of what we’ve discussed so arrangements can be made sooner rather than later. And I would highly recommend you make the move in the very near future as traveling any later could have detrimental effects that we would like to avoid.”  
He’d left shortly after with directions to call him if she had any further questions.  
It was definitely not what she’d been expecting to hear and her anxiety kicked up a notch. 
The island was a secure haven but the outside world was a different story.  If the media got wind that she was on the mainland and pregnant there would be no way to stop that shit storm that would follow. Their family privacy would be out the window in an instant and the vultures would start circling like that carrion loving garbage eaters they were. 
She’d cursed as she dropped her face into her hands 
“So, “ Virgil said,  stepping from the bathroom with a towel slung low around his hips.  “He wants you to be closer to medical help if need be.”
His wife gave a nod and he leaned a heavy shoulder against the door frame, arms crossing tight over his chest.  
It wasn’t idle that was for sure, security wise it was a nightmare and as for call out the logistics were .. well to say it wasn’t the best was putting it lightly. 
“We’ll talk to Scott and Dad in the morning.  We’ll figure it out somehow.”
Fiddling with the end of her hair, Kayo looked off out the darkened window.  “It’s not going to work with both of us being there.  Two isn’t something you can just park anywhere without it being noticed.  Even on a GDF base eventually it’s going to get noticed.  And what about the pods?”
Brows dipping, Virgil pushed off the door frame.  “What are you saying?”  
She braided and unbraided the end of her hair,  eyes distant and when she flicked her gaze up to him he caught on to her train of thought.   Shaking his head he walked the short distance over to her and crouched at her feet.  
“That is not an option and you know it.”
“Virgil,  we don’t have much of a choice here.  You’re needed here and we can’t just up and move Two and all her gear to the mainland for the next four months.  It’s not logical or safe.  It would be easier to set up a secure location for me.  I can take a small security detail with me. Logistically its a sound option”
Virgil shook his head, taking her hands in his.  “No,  that is not a viable option, Tan. It’s too risky.  Not with us having no idea where your uncle is or what he’s up to.”
“It’s been months since there’s been any sightings or news on him.. Maybe it’s time we stop hiding..”
Shocked, Virgil blinked at her.  Five months earlier she’d thought that not having the baby was a better option than having it because of the Hood and now she was doing a complete about face.  
“Kay, stop.” He gave her hands a squeeze running his thumb over the back of her knuckles. ‘What’s really going on here?” 
She pulled away and got to her feet to walk across the room.  Taking his shirt off the back of a chair she tugged it over her shoulder,  her small frame dwarfed by it and Virgil got a flashback of a morning so many months ago.. One he didn’t care to be reminded of when there had been a real possibility of them not being in the position they were in now.  Like having to make this sort of decision. 
He would take this though over any other option as difficult as things were at the moment the alternative was not something he even wanted to fathom. 
Her shoulders shrugged and she turned back to face him.  “I’m just trying to not.. I don’t know...”  Her shoulders slumped.  “It’s just that things are so complicated and having to worry about ‘him’ all the time is exhausting.”  
Going to her,  he wrapped her in his arms.  “We’ll figure it out. Let’s just not do anything rash before we’ve exhausted all the alternatives.”
Her slender arms slipped around his waist and she burrowed into his chest. When they were along like this was the only time he ever got to see this side of her.  The vulnerable one that she tried hard to hide from the others. 
Her confidence was always such a striking thing about her.  Standing out and making her bigger than life but in the closed confines of their space the masks peeled away.  Her guard came down and he got to see the woman underneath the warrior.  
Pulling back,  he took her chin in his hand and tipped her head up so he could see her face. Brushing his thumb over her pulse point, he kissed her brow and then each check reverently before skimming his lips over hers.  
She sank into him easily,  having long ago given up her internal battle against the feelings she’d hidden so well from him.  
He caught himself though as her fingers pressed into his back. It was late and he could tell by the shadows under her eyes that Kayo needed sleep desperately.  The emotional toil of the day having cost her considerably.    
Her breath ghosted across his lips as she sighed,  knowing like he did that stopping before things got out of hand was for the best right now. 
“Come on, we can discuss this in the morning when we both aren’t dead on our feet.”
Her nod in agreement was singular and concise.  A flicker of her confidence with the simple gesture returning behind the verdant green of her eyes.
She stood back, took his hand and tugged him towards the bed.  
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reallifesultanas · 4 years
What brought Suleyman I to Hungary in 1566? How did he die? What caused his death and how they preserved his body?
This post is a translation of this article: https://24.hu/tudomany/2020/09/12/szulejman-hurrem-turbe-szigetvar/?fbclid=IwAR2uhezx-9l3UutOZEW5j7VCTjYpNgcagNjx0W7xtJ3bzDCdetfvFScTDqI
The joint project of the University of Pécs (PTE) and ELKH BTK ends in Szigetvár with a Saturday presentation of two summary study volumes and the film Life in the Shadow of the Turb. The main result of the eight-year, multidisciplinary work carried out in wide-ranging domestic and international cooperation was the discovery in December 2015 of Sultan Suleiman's tomb in Szigetvár, ie the tomb (türbe) erected above the place of his death. Suleiman I (the Great) is one of the greatest figures in universal history, known worldwide, and of the 36 Ottoman sultans, he is surrounded by the greatest reverence in modern-day Turkey.
The announcement was a world sensation, and by no means only in professional circles: the international “lay” press also wrote for weeks about Szigetvár and the discovery of the research group.
Although this was the main goal of the “Suleiman Research Group,” looking back from today, it still seems to be just the initial, first step. Over the course of eight years, almost the entire complex, which included the türbe and was surrounded by a complex, was reconstructed, the settlement organized around it - unique in the area of Turkish occupation - was discovered and, they outlined the destruction of Turbék (hungarian town), the death of Suleiman, the fate of his corpse.
Needless to say, the results have been the subject of numerous books and scientific publications, and about four-fifths of the area is yet to be explored. The continuation is almost certain, and we asked Dr. Norbert Pap, Professor of Historical Geography of the University of Pécs, the head of the research to look back for more interesting details.
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Building complex above the tomb
The challenge in 2012 began with finding exactly where the türbe was set up at the site of Suleiman’s death stood. And this could decide a more than 100-year-old debate. The most serious theory put the türbe in place of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Turbék or Turbékpuszta, as proclaimed by a sign on the wall of the church, while another in the area of today's Hungarian-Turkish Friendship Park. After archival research and the search of the area with modern geophysical tools, the remains of the buildings facing Mecca were finally located underground on the outskirts of Szigetvár, deviating to the right from road 67, near the dirt road to Turbék and Zsibót.
"Through targeted research, we first excavated the turbe itself, then the mosque, found the dervish lodge, the barracks, and the northern plank wall. The excavations took place on an area of about half a hectare" - Norbert Pap tells 24.hu.
The site of the türbe lies in a hill where the Sultan's military camp stood during the siege of the castle in 1566. In the center of the camp was Suleiman's tent, or rather a tent palace - more than 1,500 square meters - where he was temporarily buried after his death, then the türbe erected above from here surrounded by the other elements of the complex in a rectangular fortress wall.
The türbe became ready by 1576-77, but it was later built more (more parts of the complex) and beautified. It became an important and busy place of pilgrimage. For example Kara Mustafa also went there to draw strength at the head of his 4,000 horsemen before he embarked on the siege of Vienna in 1683.
The holiest place
In this capacity, the complex was really attractive to Muslim craftsmen, tradesmen, hopers for a better life. This is how from the travellers from Balkan, from the families of soldiers, the city of Turbek developed. Later, a Christian population also arrived - Croatian Catholics - but they settled separately, on the outskirts of the city, the civil settlements could only be identified in 2019. Further research will still have plenty to do: mosques, cemeteries, warehouses, Christian houses of worship, and the ruins of many residential houses may still be hidden by the earth.
Moreover, based on direct and indirect evidence, the professor believes there may be one more, but there may even be two türbes in the area, namely the mausoleums of Muslim martyrs. Sources suggest that the graves of Sheikh Kasim, a “holy life” who died during the siege of Szigetvár in 1566, and the first chief of order of the Turbék dervishes, Sheikh Ali Dede Bosznavi, who also died in 1598 during a campaign.
It is also worth mentioning here that although the body of the great sultan was laid to rest in Istanbul in 1566 according to its order and manner, his “empty” monument in Szigetvár, where he rested for only 42 days, was still revered in the Muslim world. The reason for this is that here, in this place, he suffered martyrdom, Suleiman became a sheikh, that is, a martyr of the faith.
Source of the picture: original article. Work of Nirbert Pap and Máté Kitancs
A thorough exploration of the city can hide unparalleled information for several disciplines. In the words of Norbert Pap, it is an “unparalleled, unique laboratory”, for it is the only known urban settlement of occupation that the Ottomans did not occupy and simply moved in there, but created themselves according to their own tastes and needs. Environmental history research has also been carried out so far, which already outlines the flora of the area reflecting the eastern influences, and we get a picture of the fauna that prevailed 450 years ago, which refers to the characteristics of a cooler climatic period.
The depressed Sultan
Let's continue with Suleiman the Great himself. The oft-repeated question about him is: at the age of 72, tormented by several diseases, why did he personally lead the army? Both external and internal factors contributed to this, and it must also be borne in mind that, although he was anxious, he was not at all as weak and fallen as posterity holds him in the last months of his life. It is true that he often carried himself on a chariot, but he did part of the journey on horseback, which suggests that he could not have had such a bad physique at the beginning of the campaign.
After the death of Hürrem, Suleiman became depressed, plus his family life was not in the slightest order: one of his sons was even executed, the other, the heir to the throne, was deeper and deeper in alcoholism. So with the years Suleyman turned more and more towards spirituality, the expert explains. He adds that the spiritual leader of the sultan, Sheikh Núreddínzáde Muszliheddín, had a great influence on him, he also played a role in convincing the ruler to personally lead a campaign against the unbelievers. He may have tried to get rid of gloom as well, but he was mostly trying to ease the growing internal tensions of the empire.
Constant conquest was a fundamental expectation from Suleiman, who connected vast territories to his empire and led 13 triumphant campaigns during his reign. By 1566, he had been on his throne for 46 years now — more than the average length of human life at the time — and the last years had been spent in peace, so the subjects grumbled. There were worrying news from the outside as well. In the eastern half of the Carpathian Basin, the Habsburg military invasions of the territories ruled by the Transylvanian prince John Sigismund threatened to lose the vassal principality. In the west, the raiding troops of Miklós Zrínyi wandered from Szigetvár to the Sava, endangering the safety of the Danube military road. Together, these projected the loss of the Hungarian conquests.
Thus, in a situation of domestic and foreign policy, military and spiritual crisis, the ruler had to prove that he still had to demonstrate a vigorous, powerful leader.
The campaign of 1566 was successful in terms of its goals, two of the three most important Hungarian border castles, Gyula and Szigetvár (Eger was the third), were awarded the werewolf flag, the vassal status of Transylvania was secured and the conquest was consolidated. However, Suleiman no longer returned home, he died in the last hours of the siege, at dawn from 6 to 7 September, around one or two o'clock in the morning.
He loved unhealthy food and had liver disease
It was disputed what diseases and organ problems led to his death in addition to his age, and this could not be solved completely. According to Professor Pap, several factors may have contributed, in addition to physical exhaustion, we know that he had severe gout, had problems with his liver, and could not benefit from his “greed”: He also consumed an astonishing amount of sweets from Ragusa during the campaign. In addition, disentery raged in the camp, which may have reached the Sultan also.
However, progress has been made during the research in what happened to his body after his death. For several reasons, it was very important that its deterioration and decomposition be postponed as long as possible, but at the same time classical mummification is forbidden by Islam. Since it is not known from any other sultan that his corpse should have been preserved, it has not been clear for some time what practice the Ottomans followed.
In the case of four sultans, who were left buried for a relatively long time, the researchers looked at how they treated their bodies and drew conclusions from them. There are several ideas about “treating” Suleiman’s body: for example, that they were wrapped in cloth, which was then smeared with honey and tar, sprinkled with strong perfumes to cover up the deterioration, but these ideas were shattered by the analysis of the book now published: that couldn’t be enough.
They had to keep his body in good condition
Based on an examination of the soil and climatic conditions, the possibility of temporarily preserving it with ice, which had worked for a short time for two other sultans, could not be attempted. In the soil under the sultan's tent, at a depth of two meters, the temperature was 12-14 degrees. In the case of a corpse buried for 42 days, any ice (if any) placed with it meant nothing because it would have melted very quickly. However, it was not normally possible to transport unobtrusively - without preservative treatment - and this was key. On October 24, that is, well over six weeks after his death, he was shown in front of Selim II, Suleiman's soldiers, his successor, and the leaders of the army in Belgrade.
“It was like a play, but a very essential act: Selim was surrounded here, taking over the ruling power from his dead father, before the‘ eyewitnesses ’of the masses. We believe that Suleiman's face must have been recognizable, and perhaps even dignified. Later, in Istanbul, 83 days after his death, after a transport of 1,270 kilometers, he was made public again before the final burial, ” - explains Norbert Pap.
The expectations for the condition of the corpse were obviously similar: the sight had to be bearable.
A forensic expert was involved in the research to clarify: could the use of available tar, honey, or other materials mentioned in the sources have been sufficient for preservation? The expert found that if they had not been treated with the right method and expertise and the internal organs had not been removed, the corpse would have arrived in Belgrade in a horrorist state, unrecognizable, practically liquefied.
The body was preserved by the Egyptian method
What could have happened? There are several indications that they used a method has been used in Egypt since ancient times. In doing so, the internal organs of the deceased are removed, and bags filled with salt are put in their place: in this case, it is typical to leave it for 40 days, the salt absorbs most of the moisture, significantly slowing down the deterioration and further decomposition. At a later stage, the body is filled with dry sawdust and sewn together.
We know from written sources that Suleiman was “prepared” in an unspecified way at the dawn of the seventh of September, then placed in a coffin and buried in a pit dug in the tent palace. Forty-two days later, he was picked up from there, “treated” again, and sent on his way to Belgrade. The remaining documents silently listen to the exact content of interventions that are not accepted in the Islamic world, but dictated by real political necessity. At the same time, the method used in the wake of political crisis management is very similar to the above method used in the Eastern world for millennia. It is not an incidental circumstance to know that Suleiman's body was treated by an accompanying doctor, a member of the old Egyptian medical dynasty, Ibn-i-Kajuni - so he had the necessary expertise.
Based on this, it can be assumed that the legend spoken in the broadest terms that the internal organs of the sultan were buried locally has a basis in reality. During the excavation, experts took a plentiful sample of land from the cavity dug into the temporary tomb and its surroundings, which is located right in the middle of the dungeon, two meters deep and two meters long - the chest had just fit. If human DNA is found in the samples, research could gain new momentum.
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psychopersonified · 4 years
Tea and Soju
Bridging piece between “Are we ever going to talk about this?” and “KIdnapped!Q”. The events here feed into the plot but can be read as a series of drabbles. 
Tags: Established relationship, but open secret. Intimacy in plain sight. Bond feeling his age. Mostly fluff with plot points. Tiny bit of angst. Q-Branch being weird.
Christ, he feels like a teacher on a school trip. “Might I remind the class that the french police are notoriously speed adverse and do not take well to British nationals breaking the law on their home soil?”
SIS HQ, M’s Office - 12th Floor 
Eve hands him his next mission dossier without preamble when he enters the antechamber to M’s office. 
“He doesn’t want to see me today?” 
Eve shakes her head. “Crisis in Hong Kong. He’s tied up with the station chief all morning. Besides your next assignment is a more or less a straightforward reconnaissance.”
There is no such thing as a straightforward in their world, Bond disagrees in his mind. He flips open the file and takes a seat on the edge of her desk, ”What is it?” 
Eve comes around to stand next to him:
“MI6 Persons of interest: First is Marco Sciarra. Formerly linked to Silva on the periphery and several other possible terrorist links. Word has it, he’s meeting with an entrepreneur by the name of Kim Min Jun in Geneva next week. Which brings us to the second person: Mr Kim is connected to one of the Korean Chaebols - grandson to the Chairman,” Eve points to his picture in the file. 
Kim Min Jun is a handsome man in his mid thirties. Perfectly coiffed and flawless skinned. The photo looks to be a media shot; designer clothes and posture befitting a princeling from a privileged background. His expression in the picture is cold and slightly imperious. 
“You know how it is, the chaebols control nearly all aspects of the Korean economy including politics. So what he’s doing talking to someone like Sciarra piques our interest.”
Curious indeed. “What do we know about Sciarra and the princeling? And why Geneva?” 
“Sciarra we know very little except he’s a fixer of sorts. Procuring equipment and expertise for his clients. You’re going to have to fill in the blanks for us when you track him,” Eve is apologetic on behalf of the research team.  
“Kim we know more about. He’s dabbling in cryptocurrency at the moment. The Korean government has banned ICOs so many crypto start-ups are registering in friendlier countries. Switzerland has one of the friendliest regulations for fintech startups. Kim is unveiling his ICO (Initial Coin Offering) to investors next week. His new cryptocurrency is called- $PECTRE.”
Considering the concerns around cryptocurrencies and their use, I suppose that’s fitting. Is it really spelled that way?” Bond points at the name on the printed page. -Classy-. He thinks sardonically. Eve chuckles.
The next page his is cover brief. He reads it out loud, “Cover story… CEO Private Security Contractor. Should be easy enough to fill out.” He likes the ‘private security’ covers, its the easiest for him to slip into considering it is essentially the same skillset. 
“The timing coincides with the Geneva Motor Show and the EBACE (European Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition) so there will be influx of fat cat corporate and private executives around the city with their private security teams - seems like a good reason to explain you and your Walther’s presence.” 
“Hmm… What’s this?” he reads the next paragraph. They have teamed him up with the freshly minted 008. Logical - considering Agent Park is speaks Korean, he can work the Chaebol angle while 007 tracks Sciarra. 
Then Bond sees it, the two other cover names belonging to people he knows well - Mr. Collin Mitchel and Mr. Nishant Chowdhary will be joining them on the trip. 
Eve can see Bond’s hesitation, “Well, your cover will look rather silly without a ‘fat cat’ of your own to secure won’t it? … M approved their request to attend the auto and aviation show yesterday afternoon, so it’s a happy coincidence. Besides, they can help run your Ops.”
Q will be pleased about his shopping trip getting approved. All that engineering in one place, it was all Q could talk about for days. This mission will take almost three weeks just looking at the timeline, bookended by the two exhibitions. Mr Kim’s ICO launch will happen in between that, but intel has him arriving early for preparations. 
Altogether, the mission parameters seem perfect and spending a so much time with Q in picturesque Geneva is something he can only dream of - but it does mean he is weighed down with the task of ensuring security for both the boffins. 
It would not have mattered in his younger days; what with his cavalier attitude towards the lives of people he crossed paths with on his missions - to the point that even the previous M rebuked him for it (e.g. Strawberry Fields). This older and wiser 007 can feel the creep of responsibility and the extra precautions he will need to take. 
Eve the omniscient seems to sense his emotions, smiles kindly at him - and despite being a decade younger, she tells him, “Time to grow up James.” 
SIS HQ - Cafeteria 
Friday afternoon 12:30pm
“So, we finally finished the analysis on Hayden’s phone... I know, its been over a month. There’s been so much going on with the spike in ransomware attacks on UK targets and Hayden hasn’t been the most cooperative.” Mark is sitting opposite Q on the crowded communal cafeteria bench, chewing on his pesto pasta salad. 
It is peak lunch hour and the place is chock a block full. Q is still waiting for his lunch, “Anything of interest?”
“It looks like a rooting malware was downloaded into his phone at one point and then removed to avoid detection. We’ve gone though the logs of each app to find what might have been compromised but we still can’t find anything…”
At that moment, Agent 007 appears from behind Q. He drops a brown envelope and an armful of packaged food onto the long table. He then picks out a sandwich and a bottle of iced tea and wordlessly slides it in front of Q. The agent then squeezes himself into the small opening on the bench between Q and the next occupant. He has to sit straddling the bench, perpendicular to the table and angled towards Q in order to fit. 
Mark notices that Q doesn’t even flinch at the sudden invasion of his personal space, his attention still on Mark even as he unscrews the top off the bottle and begins to unwrap his sandwich without so much as an acknowledgement of 007. 
Taking his cue, Mark continues, “The likeliest target was his email, but they’re mostly administrative, we don’t send classified information through emails. We’re combing the logs to see what could have interested the hackers.” 
“Is this about Hayden?” 007 asks, catching up to the conversation while inhaling his massive panini sandwich. 
Mark nods, “It’s going to take more time to figure out if the hackers got anything useful out of the whole thing.”
007 considers, “They went though all the trouble of setting up a trap like that - it would have taken months. No one expends resources like that unless they know what they want out of it...” 
He shifts the sandwich in his hands, stuffing a piece of chicken that escaped back into the bread before he continues, “They would have known MI6 wouldn’t be so callous with classified information. So perhaps Hayden wasn’t the actual target - he might have just been a vector. A way to get into the system.”
Q finally turns to 007, “But it is unlikely that they would spend time rooting around our systems for information they might find relevant, it would take too long. Not to mention the navigating layers of security. The longer they stay inside the system, the higher chances of being found out.”
“Precisely. If it were me, I’d use the access to engineer it so that my target -gives- me what I’m looking for. Then bugger the hell out of there before they realise it.” Bond emphasises the word ‘gives’ by tapping a forefinger on the table top. 
“She managed to slip away, but as I understand, DEF CON was her opportunity to break things off with Hayden - even he mentioned as much. I’m willing to bet their final rendezvous was to allow her to remove the malware from his phone. Think a bout it, why remove the malware unless you’ve already got what you need and you’re covering your tracks?” Bond takes a swig from Q’s iced tea. 
“Bond, if it were you, what would you do with the access?” Q asks prompting him further.
“It would depend on what I’m looking for. If we take it that Hayden was not a random target, then consider what his position and clearance will give him access to. I could use social engineering to pose as Hayden and requisition seemingly innocuous information that might point me in a direction or to confirm intel,” Bond takes them thorough his thought process.  
Mark thinks out loud, “His emails just contain administrative stuff. Meeting schedules, budgets, department rosters, project timelines… hiring and resignation notices—“
Bond cuts him off before he misses the point, “Put motive aside for the moment and look at the behaviour. If we work on the premise that the information was given to the hacker, try checking his inbox - though it’s likely the hacker would have deleted it. So check his deleted email logs, even if they emptied the bin, I’m sure you have ways around that don’t you?” 
The two boffins stare at him for a moment. The type of work they do meant that they are naturally wired as detail oriented and deep technical thinkers, but can sometimes miss the forest for the trees. 
Mark swallows the last of his mouthful, expression excited. He picks up his trash and water bottle and starts to extricate himself from the bench, “Good chat 007. I’m going to—,” he makes a flailing gesture in the direction of the lift banks, indicating he was going to get right on it. “I’ll update the both of you later!” he calls back to them almost as an afterthought. 
Moment later, another SIS employee slides into the vacated seat, grateful to have found an opening. But once she realises who is sitting across from her, she seems to hesitate before nodding politely to Bond and Q who return the gesture. 
The general population in SIS are a little wary around the Double-0 agents. Something about knowing definitively that the person you’re facing has taken a life possibly with their bare hands - even if it is in the service of the nation that makes most people uncomfortable.
It is exactly how 007 likes it anyway; keeps the small talk at bay. Bond turns his attention to Q, his voice dropping lower now that it is only two of them in the conversation, mouth inches from Q’s ear, “What are you doing after lunch? Do you have time to talk about Geneva?” he taps the official looking brown envelope on the table. 
“Ah, I have a meeting with the people from Aston Martin at Tintagel House. Shouldn’t take long. We can discuss after that?” Q suggests. 
Bond perks up like a child trying to guess his Christmas present. “Oh? Am I getting a new car?”
“You realise that there are twelve other agents we have to outfit besides yourself…” Q gives him a pointed look, reclaiming his iced tea that Bond stole.
“Besides, it might end up being an electric car; and we know how you feel about any vehicle we issue you that has anything short of a V8 inside.”
007 at least had the temerity to look sheepish. He recalls the heated argument several years ago with Q-Branch the last time they attempted to send him out with a hybrid car. An argument he may live to regret, now that the technology has progressed so rapidly. 
“Can I come with?” Bond asks, trying not to sound too needy by concentrating on wiping his fingers with a paper napkin. It has been over month ago that they agreed to share living arrangements, but he’s been away on mission for half of it so realistically speaking, his wardrobe has spent more time in Q’s bedroom than his person. 
“You can wait in the lab. Or… you might even try locating that mythical office of yours. Legend has it you were given one, even if it might be a hot desk.” Q teases him. 
Tintagel House, Albert Embankment
In the end, Q relents and lets Bond walk him the short distance to Tintagel House and the rented co-working space that Q-Branch employees use when they need to meet external vendors. 
The two representatives from Aston Martin are waiting when they arrive. Q introduces himself as Collin Mitchel from MTech R&D Consulting. Bond’s presence is explained away as ‘private security’ a convenient excuse when he wants to be ‘seen but not heard’. 
To the outside world, the four of them - Q (Collin Mitchel), R (Jenny Khoo), S (Nishant Chowdhary), and P (Mark Trent) are Senior Project Managers of MTech, a private engineering R&D firm specialising in IT security and customised equipment solutions. 
The little exclusive R&D company is the front that allows Q-Branch to procure components and equipment without being directly involved. Their role as Senior Managers is carefully crafted to position them high enough to have clout when dealing with external contractors but not high enough to warrant any further interest in them personally. A careful balancing act. 
This is their cover story for most of their day-to-day lives outside the walls of SIS. The first and most superficial layer of their identities. It is their public persona - the names on their takeaway coffee cups and the names the world would call them. 
As for the car, it is not a production car at all. ‘Mr Mitchel’ is custom designing a car to very exacting specifications. They have the chassis pinned down based on the Vantage. And the body will be a custom designed beauty, if the concept drawings are anything to go by - but the engine and other mechanicals have yet to be finalised. Collin is leaning towards electric as the small motors leave more room inside for ‘modifications’. The auto show will give him inspiration for how he can implement the vision.
Bond still doesn’t know who the car is for; Q refuses to say. Aside from the travesty of the electric motor, the renderings of the car seem exactly his style. Surely he is due for a replacement. His poor track record keeping cars in one piece not withstanding, the older V8 Vantage he is usually assigned is looking frankly anaemic at this point.
The meeting ends an hour later. As Q walks them out of the building, the senior rep who’s known Collin for a while now asks a curious question. “Hey Mitchel, seeing that your office is so close the the SIS building, have you ever met an MI6 agent?”
Q is unperturbed by her question. It is a question that comes up often in various forms during small talk. “Well, they’d be shit spies if I can spot them,” is his practiced reply. He takes a peek over her shoulder at Bond who is standing to the side - listening to everything. 
“Ha! True… Imagine though, you could be having lunch at the place across the street and sitting next to someone like Jason Bourne.” The rep seems to find the idea titillating. 
“Nevermind the spies, imagine the kind of tech they have in there. I read somewhere that they’ve got submersible cars and portable jet-packs..,” the second rep, an engineer, chimes in. “Being the Quartermaster must be the coolest job.”
Again Q unconcerned. The codename has been around for decades, since even before Major Boothroyd. Q himself had heard the name thrown around in engineering school, used to reference the more ridiculous solutions that students came up with. 
“Yes, I suppose it would…” Q agrees with the assessment and leaves it at that. 
SIS HQ, Q-Branch - Lower Ground Floor 1 
Agent Marcus Park does not know the ‘rules’ yet. The newly minted Double-0 replaces the outgoing 008 who has miraculously survived to see retirement. Park is of Korean descent, mid 30s, former Captain in the Royal Army…… Tall and lean, at home in street fashion and cleans up well when needed. Tech and social media savvy, he’s the new generation agent - as long as he stays alive long enough. 
He’s been measured, photographed, scanned, sampled, pinched, poked and prodded all day in Medical and Q-Branch as they collect the the information they need to customise all the bits that will go into his kit. Marcus thinks the Q-Branch minions know more about him by now than he knows himself. They even know his bone density and which side of his molars he prefers to chew on. 
Thankfully by mid afternoon, Nish releases him temporarily to let him have a break.  He has taken the opportunity to make himself a cup of tea and have some biscuits. He returns to Nish’s workspace to wait for further instructions carrying his tea in a borrowed novelty Q10 mug. 
Nish is typing on his workstation, reviewing Park’s results but seems distracted - stealing surreptitious looks his way. A few other minions slow down as they walk by as well. As the new agent, Marcus is expecting some sort of hazing. Though he’s expecting it to come from the senior Double-0s. 
He thinks it is better to get it done with. “I get the feeling something’s up? Is the tea spiked?”
Nish tries to find his words, without making Q-Branch seem like weird people, but just ends up gulping air like a goldfish. 
“Earl grey? In the fancy tin?” Marcus prompts. 
“No. No… It’s not spiked. That’s the Quartermaster’s tin.”
“Ah, he’s particular about that sort of thing is he?” Mischief. “I won’t tell if you won’t,” he taps the side of his nose. 
Josh, the minion occupying the next table waves his arms frantically at Nish from behind 008. He points repeatedly at the CCTV monitor mounted on the column above his workstation. On it, they can see feeds from all levels of Q-Branch, including the lift lobby and main doors of each floor - it is as much for security as well as work safety.
Nish takes a quick peek at the monitor and starts to worry. “Not exactly…. It’s not the tea, and Its not the Quartermaster you should be worried about.“
Okaay… Marcus is starting to think Q-Branch are a weird bunch. He had only been  officially introduced to Q in the morning. Marcus has been an agent for several years but stationed overseas. As a field agent, he normally collected his tech from his handlers so never expected that the skinny, floppy haired man-child he’d crossed paths with maybe twice in the SIS bulling was THE Quartermaster. He seemed normal enough from the brief encounter, perhaps bordering on patronising - but that could be just the formality that made it seem so. 
“Josh will make you a fresh cup!” Nish snaps his fingers urgently at the other man. Josh rushes up to Marcus to retrieve the mug. 
“Oh, don’t trouble yourself. This one is fine.” Marcus waves him away still holding on to the mug. Josh is paralysed, not knowing what to do. He can’t very well wrestle it out of the agent’s hands. 
Too late. 
”Ah 008. Nish. How is the fitting going?” Q’s voice carries from behind Nish. Nish does not have to turn around to know that 007 is with him. Josh slinks away quickly. 
“Quartermaster. It’s going very well. Taking a break, just replenishing the sugar levels,” 008 lifts the mug of tea and the plate of biscuits. If the Quartermaster is that particular about his tea he’s going to try and get a rise out of him. 
But Q does not react. Instead it is the man next to him that stills ever so slightly - no that’s not accurate, it was more like an almost imperceptible shift in body language. The body loosing that casual ease, control sliding into place.
A fellow double agent Marcus is sure. Predators know other predators. They study each other for a moment. 
Q realises they haven’t been introduced. “Ah 008, have you met 007?”
Both men extend a hand out for a polite shake. Introductions ensue. 
Nish uses the opportunity to signal to Josh to check his chat program. 
:: Make a fresh pot and get back here with 3 mugs ASAP! :: 
Josh flees to the pantry just in time, as the introductions finish. Nish then draws everyones’ attention to the data they have collected so far in the day. And when he runs out of interesting things to say about the data, he tries to shift the conversation to the new car for 008. 
“Ah, about 008’s car - how did the meeting with Aston Martin go?” Which was apparently the wrong thing to say.
There is no mistaking the hurt and affront as 007’s eyes go wide and the set of his mouth goes slack. 
Q grimaces at Nish and squeezes his eyes shut a moment before turning to face 007. The lowered tilt of his head and the apologetic smile up at 007 tells Nish that there might have been a misunderstanding about it. Oops?
What follows is an uncomfortable summary of the meeting with Aston Martin. With Q trying to convey his excitement about the project without offending 007 further. 
Marcus listens attentively, leaning casually on Nish’s worktable, asking appropriate questions and offering his input about the design and potential modifications - all the while taking sips from the mug cupped in his hands. With each consecutive sip, he notices 007’s stare get more intense, eyes like blue chips of ice - Bond seemed to be watching him drink.
Curious. Marcus is confident of his own charms, but he hasn’t even tried anything yet. Surely 007 would be much more discrete than this if he were interested. The senior agent is not conventionally handsome but he has a rugged charm - if you like that sort of thing. Still, it might be an enlightening experience. He catches Bond’s stare and flicks the tip of his tongue against the lip of the mug before taking the next sip. 
Bond is not happy. He is still smarting from the disappointment, then he has to listen to 008 ingratiatingly espouse the benefits of going electric with the new car and tolerate his drinking out of Q’s mug. And to top it off, 008 is now -taunting- him?? 
He doesn’t know when it happened, but Q is so attuned to Bond’s breathing by now he can feel the irritation radiating off the man standing next him. He thinks it is a rather disproportionate response to not getting a new company car for an agent his age - especially when he was never promised one in the first place. 
Nish thinks this afternoon is headed straight for a disaster. Why is Marcus molesting the mug - it is like waving a red cape in front of an angry bull. Bond is so still it it is foreboding. Where the hell is Josh??!
Josh finally appears with a tray of mismatched mugs filled with tea. He nudges his way in between 007 and 008 using the tea tray as a wedge. 
“Oh! Thank you Josh. You didn’t have to…” Q is bewildered; his minions don’t usually make tea for their visitors with the exception of Mallory. It is not encouraged to prevent the double-0s from feeling further entitled. 
Josh deliberately picks a spot on the table, right on the small strip of clear space in front of 008 to set the tray down. This forces Marcus to put down the Q10 mug somewhere else and help Josh clear a bigger area to fit and unload the tray. 
Nish swipes the mug in the ensuing distraction and sets it on the far end of the worktable away from 008. Bond catches the action and cotton’s on; then decides to take matters into his own hands. 
In a bizarre turn of events, 007 proceeds to pick up each fresh mug of tea and offers it to Nish first; then to Josh - who accepts it out of pure shock. And then finally to Marcus - who looks bemused as he accepts it. 
Then he leans very close to Q, a hand on the small of his back - voice intimate, “I’ll go get your tea.” Then he leaves for the pantry; collecting the Q10 mug when he rounds the table. 
This leaves the four of them (Q, Nish, Josh and Marcus) standing around the worktable in awkward silence. Q just shrugs and smiles tightly, not sure what has gotten into Bond today.
Marcus can tell something happened, and it had to do with tea - but is still not sure exactly what. He has to revise his assessment of Q-Branch and perhaps 007; they are DEFINITELY a weird bunch. 
London to Geneva 
The twelve hour drive included several refuel and recharge stops. With 007 in his old V8 Vantage and 008 in a hand me down Audi R8 formerly assigned to 003. Q and Nish on the other hand were enjoying the brand new modified Tesla Model X. 
The Tesla was meant to be a support vehicle for handlers or other members of the support team that needed to be closer onsite - a mobile Ops centre of sorts. The large central screen was perfect for video conferencing and the software that controlled most of the car’s functions made it easy to add specialised ‘apps’ that increased its capabilities. The ‘summon’ mode that came stock with the car had been hacked to near true autonomous levels - turning it into a bulletproof infiltration or escape pod that could be summoned remotely if needed. 
To top it off, the boot space was now fitted with hot-swappable modules that could contain anything from an armoury, a medical lab, a mini workshop, a surveillance drone launchpad etc. depending on mission parameters. The teams could even use its batteries as a power generator for a limited time. 
All in all, another technological marvel courtesy of Q-Branch. But the best thing about it was also the simplest. The fact that the electric motors had enough punch to allow support teams to catch up to, or flee from hot situations. 
A fact not lost on the boffins during their test drive to Geneva. While the sport cars that 007 & 008 drove had higher top speeds, the Model X’s acceleration was as advertised - ludicrous. 
“Oh my God. This thing is insane! Check the accelerometer, how many Gs did we pull?” 
At motorway legal speeds, they were unmatched. Something the boffins took plenty of pleasure doing on the open road - overtaking the agents whenever they had the chance. 
Q tuts smugly at them as he pushes the car performance, “Oh hello 007, 008. Mind picking up the pace? We haven’t got all day…”. The dark grey Tesla pulls out from behind the convoy and shoots smoothly past the stunned agents. 
Over the 3-way call and the roar of his noisy V8 engine, Bond can hear Nish and Q hooting and cackling like teenagers. Drunk on instant torque - Nish even tried to egg the agents into a race. 
“Come on! Last one to Saint Quentin buys dinner!” Nish called out over the connection. 
“Where are they? Did we loose them?” Q ribs the agents. 
A testament to his growing maturity, 007 refused to take the bait. He could out manoeuvre them easily even with the handicap; but as senior agent on this mission, he’s not about to encourage dangerous driving that will attract the attention the french police and get them pulled over for no good reason. 
Agent 008 however, did take the bait - turning the section from Beaune to Saint Quentin into a light game of tag all the while quibbling with the boffins good naturedly. 
“Dinner is a broad term. Are we talking Maccies or the Ritz?” Marcus wants clarification. His Audi R8 pulling out into the overtaking lane and closing the distance. 
“Ah, there you are 008.” Q catches him in the rearview mirror. 
“Mate, the Ritz of course! Risotto with Grana Padano cheese and truffle oil and a bottle of the best Chasselas in the house,” Nish is surfing the menu on his tablet. 
Christ, he feels like a teacher on a school trip. “Might I remind the class that the french police are notoriously speed adverse and do not take well to British nationals breaking the law on their homesoil?”
“… wet blanket…” someone mutters over the line. 
“This doesn’t have anything to do with 007 having the slowest car of the lot does it?” Marcus goads. 
The roar of Bond’s V8 engine barely drowns out their laughter. 
By the time they arrived at the next rest stop, Bond had reached the end of his patience. He is not about to let the inexperienced boffins attempt to race a young impetuous double-0 through the twisty alpine roads with its sharp drops up to Geneva. 
He forces Nish to switch cars with him. As for Q, he pinned with a strong hand behind the neck like you would a naughty cat by the scruff - and fixed him with a disapproving glare. 
That effectively put an end to the game. Bond’s sports car was far less intuitive to drive - unaided by fancy tech and electronics, the performance machine required skill and experience to control. Nish has not much of either with the car, so had to treat it with respect.
Which left Bond driving the Model X with Q as passenger. It is essentially a glorified minivan in his eyes. 
“Since when were you the sensible one?” Q grouses, tapping on the navigation screen to check their arrival time. 
“Haven’t you been in my ear nagging about it for years?”
“And you chose now to listen to me?” 
“We can’t both be irresponsible at the same time.” Now there’s a sobering thought, the havoc the both of them can wreck on the world… maybe that’s why interpersonal relationships are frowned upon, “The world isn’t ready for it.” 
Q looks over at Bond and taps some options on the screen. Suddenly the car feels different, just as they are about to merge back onto the motorway. The instant torque that throws him into his seat when he puts his foot on the accelerator catches him by surprise. 
Twenty minutes into the drive and Bond has to grudgingly admit that the acceleration was addictive, and the silence a relief to his ears. The seats and suspension far less a strain on his back and the large screen is easier to read. 007 has to face the terrifying possibility that he might be getting… SOFT.
“Admit it, it’s not as bad as you thought it would be.”
“Yes fine, I’m starting to see what all the fuss is about. Can you drift in it?”
“Not quite yet…. We have figured out how to bypass the stability control and add it as a shortcut tile onscreen—,“ Q points to the red ‘Chase Mode’ button on the corner of the main screen.
“—but its a heavy car and no one in Q-branch has managed to get the tail to spin out without nearly killing themselves in the process.” Q grins at him, “You up to the challenge?” 
Bond quirks a smile as he puts his foot down on the accelerator to effortlessly and silently overtake a lumbering lorry.
“Sure, when we get home… But what happens if I need to turn the car OFF and ON again in the middle of a chase?” He’s not quite ready to surrender his internal combustion engine for a mobile phone on wheels. 
Geneva Motor Show - Palexpo, Grand-Saconnex 
Aston Martin Exhibition Stand
“Bond, if you stand like that next to the Vantage any longer, the press is going to think you’re a hired model.”
The agent is doing his patented man-in-suit ‘pose’ - that blend of deliberate insouciance he’s perfected over the years, feet right distance apart, one hand in his pocket. Hell, his suit is probably more expensive than what some of the actual models here are wearing. If Q was being honest, Bond makes the car look even better. 
Q knows what Bond is doing. He’d basically herded Q over to the massive Aston Martin stand and refused to let him leave. Dragging him back to draw his attention to one thing or another whenever Q tried to move on. The bastard is fishing for a new car and not so subtly hinting which one he wants. 
“Come over here,” he uses his free hand to gesture to Q, cajoling and demanding at the same time.
Q has to roll his eyes. He comes to stand in front of the information sign next to the car. He knows it already, the recently updated Vantage now has a 4.0 litre twin turbo V8 engine pushing out 503hp, 0-62mph in 3.6 seconds with a price tag that does not even bear thinking. 
Q does a bit of mental math, “At that price, not to mention the cost of the additional modifications, we usually want to get more than a single use out of it…” a direct jibe at 007’s track record. 
Bond just smiles cheekily and leans in close, “But surely if it meant the difference between if I get home in one piece or… several pieces, it’d be worth it. Consider it safeguarding Her Majesty’s assets.”
-Oh low blow-. That’s emotional blackmail. If they weren’t in public, Q would have smacked him soundly with the stack of glossy brochures he’d been collecting all day. 
“Or we could write you off as depreciated assets and be done with it,” that was extra mean, and Q knows it. So he softens the blow by handing Bond the stack of brochures to free his hands and starts to inspect the car - making a show that he is ‘considering’ the request.
He pops open the bonnet to examine the engine setup, walks around checks the tyres and breaks, checks the boot space before climbing in to examine the interior and driver’s setup and controls. 
Q is surprised when an Aston Martin executive lands in the passenger seat all of a sudden and introduces himself as the Deputy head of Engineering before drawing Q into a conversation about the car’s performance and clever electronic bits. 
In his peripheral vision, Q sees Bond round the car to stand just outside the driver’s door - trapping Q in the driver’s seat. Bond braces and arm on the hood of the car and leans into the cabin, ostensibly to listen to the explanations from the executive.  
Lecture completed, Bond finally allows Q to climb back out. Q grudgingly accepts a brochure from one of the marketing reps circling the stand and when he turns to regard Bond, silently asking -Happy now?-. 
The man is standing close - he picks the brochure out of Q’s hands, placing it on the very top of Q’s growing collection before handing the entire stack back to the quartermaster. A satisfied smile on his face that conveys -I want one-. 
Nish appears just then interrupting their silent repartee, “Q!— I mean Collin.” Nish hisses his name in a not quite whisper. 007 has to suppress the urge to roll his eyes. The boffins keep forgetting to use their cover names. 
“Have you seen the concept Lagonda? That thing is ‘effing bonkers!” Nish is holding a champagne flute. “They’ve got drinks too yeah!”
Their priority passes as well as MTech’s connections score them invitations to exclusive launches by select manufacturers. For the boffins, it is Disneyland but with free alcohol. 007 can only hope that they will manage not to get too drunk on ‘gratis’ bubbly by the end of the day. 
It was not all play and no work for the agents though. The day proved to be a fruitful outing for all of them.
At the Bugatti concept unveiling, 008 spots his mark. Kim Min Jun is watching the event together with the other VIPs. Marcus makes his move, insinuating himself into his small entourage of young, rich, social climbers. He scores an invite to drinks and party that evening at the Mambo in the city. 
007 too finds his mark walking the show floor with a stunning woman presumably his wife. He watches as Don Marco and Kim meet briefly upstairs in the invitation only pavilion of the Bugatti stand. 007 takes his opportunity, swiping an unattended marketing pass from a table and goes up to the woman whom he later learns is Donna Lucia Sciarra. From her, he finagles their hotel name and duration of stay whilst giving her a tour of the cars on display. 
The Ritz-Carlton, Hotel De la Paix - 2:00am
Bond gets back to the Ritz at 2am. He’d spent the evening with Donna Lucia while her husband was away attending to business. While Lucia wasn’t averse to physical dalliances of her own, she was loyal to her husband and his chosen profession. She had enough understanding of economics to know that her own position and lifestyle depended on it. 
Which meant that 007 despite his charms could not get much information out of her other than a hint that Sciarra’s activities revolved around a client (presumably Kim). However the evening did present him with the opportunity to plant trackers and upload a virus into Sciarra’s laptop.
Now back at the Ritz, his room is oddly empty - Q is not in the room nor the connecting one. Neither bed has been slept in, nor was there a note of explanation. He checks his phone in case he missed a message - nothing. 
Bond searches his jacket for his earpiece and puts it back in, “Q? Are you there?” No answer, but a moment later a sleepy Nish answers. 
“Yes 007? I thought you’d finished with your objective tonight? The virus will continue to monitor and transmit data, but it will take time for HQ to shift through to find anything of interest. Did you need anything else?”
“Where’s Q?” voice carefully neutral. 
“Uhh… in his room? He said he had a headache and had me standby on comms tonight. Why?” Nish is starting to sound concerned. 
 Bond stamps down his rising unease. He’s about to request Nish to check Q’s location when the room lock beeps and the man himself enters, dressed as he was during dinner. Q is swaying on his feet a little, that and the flushed skin indicated that he might be slightly inebriated. 
Eyes locked on each other. “Nevermind. False alarm,” he tells Nish and removes the earpiece.
“Where the -hell- were you?” Bond is relived, but can’t keep the irritation out of his voice. 
Q is a little taken aback by it. “I…uh… 008 called, needing assistance. It seems Kim Min Jun has few topics of interest outside of the serial partying expected of a socialite. Financial investments is one and the other, engineering. He’s a software engineer by education though his actual coding experience is limited, however he does retain an -intense-“ head tilt to emphasise the world “—interest in the field.”
He’s rambling. Bond knows Q does that when he’s stalling. “What happened?” he asks, more gently this time. 
“008 was having difficulty maintaining Kim’s interest, so requested my help. We met up with him at his rented residence for a private party. Sciarra was present as well. Marcus did the requisite drinking, including most of my share, while I did the talking. Mostly about IT security, a little bit about encryption - fundamentals for the most part.”
Q elaborates while walking further into the room. He starts to empty his pockets and removes his jacket. When he’s done, he leans against the hallway wall - clearly tired.  
“After a while, Sciarra who hadn’t spoken much the entire night brings out a tablet. He had a game on it, some sort of storm the castle type strategy puzzle. The game is adaptive - machine learning adjusts the game’s response to the skill level of the player in real time. It does not have preset levels or preset game paths like traditional games.”
“I can’t imagine it would be something for commercial release, it’s terrible as a game - it felt more like a simulation. But to the right people, it would be entertaining I suppose. He asked if I could help him solve the game. He’d been struggling for weeks apparently.” 
Then more quietly he adds, “Park and I were concerned that if we did not indulge him, Sciarra would leave early… and that would put you in a precarious situation.”
Q braces for Bond’s exasperation, “Q… we’ve discussed this. You are not to put yourself in danger for my sake.” Sleeping with a colleague had its complications. 
“At no point this evening was Sciarra or Kim aggressive nor did I feel any immediate danger.. just a  general unease.” Q tries to defend himself. 
And quickly continues, “We spent close to an hour on it, trying multiple strategies before making significant headway. I wanted to leave after that, so made an excuse about being too drunk for anymore strenuous thinking. Sciarra did not seem inclined, wanting my help to finish it. Kim was more accommodating and let us leave. He seemed pleased though, enough to invite us to the launch of his ICO.”
Bond has a sinking feeling in his stomach. So that’s what Lucia alluded to, when she said her husband was out scouting for opportunities. What was 008 thinking? He’d tossed an unprepared boffin into shark infested seas and chummed the water. 
“Invite YOU, you mean… I think their interests rest solely in you at this point.” Despite the disapproval roiling off him, Bond can sense how uncomfortable Q is and steps in close, hands wrapping around his ribcage. Q melts into the comforting touch, resting his hands on the lapels of Bond’s jacket.
“I suppose… James, I’m going confess - I’m feeling somewhat out of my depth in this. Sciarra makes me nervous. And the personal manipulation feels… distasteful. Intellectually I understand the need for it, but it’s so different when you’re in the thick of it, that constant anxiety about being found out.”
“I’m guessing you felt a connection with Kim? The manipulation works best if there is a connection but also feels the worst.” Bond hopes the explanation would help. 
Q nods in agreement. “Kim is a good conversationalist, we have overlapping interests, in any other situation we could very well be friends. How do you do this?” It is a rhetorical question. He is beginning to understand what 007 has to do in the line of duty; how this line of work can alter your perception of the world. He recalls Bond’s file and the trauma of Vesper Lynd.
In a moment of drunken paranoia and insecurity of his own, Q’s internal commentary goes into a wild tangent - what if Bond with his training and psychopathic tendencies is toying with him? How would he even begin to tell? Cold creep of horror constricts his chest. What if one day James tells him that he’s done playing house? Itch scratched? 
He tries to distract himself by picking at a loose thread sticking out of Bond’s shirt where a button should be, the next one down is missing as well. How unlike Bond, he’s usually so fastidious with his wardrobe— ohh!
“Did she… pop your buttons??” The mental image is not helping his insecurities at the moment. This is nothing, just a couple of buttons - nothing compared to the cuts and bruises Bond comes home wearing all too often. But it is enough to remind Q that as recent as half an hour ago, Bond was in the embrace of someone else. There is even a lingering hint of her perfume. 
His expectations in this regard has not changed just because of their as of yet undisclosed relationship. Q can maintain a clinical detachment while reading about and even on occasion listening to 007’s amorous encounters in the line of duty. But he is usually spared the physical aftermath. James always return to him carefully put back and scrubbed clean of evidence so to speak. So to be confronted with it for the first time is jarring, especially in his current state of mind. 
Bond feels Q stiffen in the embrace. The gentle idling hands on his chest suddenly ceasing their movements - recoiling slowly into loosely balled fists. He grabs Q’s hands before they slip off his chest. 
The action snaps Q out of his spiral of paranoid thoughts, anchoring him. The cold tightness around his chest eases - the warm reality he chooses to believe in edging out the insecurities. 
Bond sighs heavily, he is going to have a talk with with 008 in the morning. Park should have checked with him before involving Q in this. The Quartermaster for all his eager willingness to help any agent in need; is not trained psychologically to handle up close deception nor does he have the right personality traits for this type of field work. 
“I need a shower.” 
“I could use a shower.”
They both declare at the same time. This makes the both of them smile, lifting the dark mood. 
“Care to join me? You scratch mine and I’ll scratch yours?” Bond starts to go in for a kiss but stops in time when realises that the taste the Lucia’s lipstick is probably still on his skin. 
“I’ll join you, but they’ll be no scratching involved.” Q is already starting to undress him, pulling his shirttails out of his trousers. “Shower, then sleep,” is as detailed a plan he can muster at the moment. 
“Oh, thank goodness.” Bond exhales, visibly deflating - the bravado bleeding out of him. He is no longer as indefatigable as his reputation suggests. 
“By the way, fair warning: I will likely be quite the tosser in the morning. I can already feel the beginnings of a hangover. Do you think throwing up now would help?”
“How much did you have to drink?” 
A less than attractive burp escapes him. “No idea. Several rounds, at least, of what they call Poktan-ju. It’s some sort of bomb-shot. Soju mixed with beer? Christ, those things are potent.”
Bond kisses his temple and guides him to the bathroom, “Come on, I’ll hold your hair.”
Ritz-Carlton - Breakfast 
“You’re shagging the Quartermaster.” Park concludes after the lecture.
Not quite the response Bond was looking for after his talk about not putting untrained personnel in harm’s way; but one has to admire his cheek. 
“The bed in his room is always made. No personal items on the bedside table. The adjoining door is always open. There are no used clothing anywhere in his room or bathroom, only fresh ones the hotel laundry returns in the wardrobe. And even those have his jumpers mixed in with your suits…” Marcus checks Bond’s reaction, just to make sure he wasn’t going to need to avoid an impending punch. 
“The clincher though, is he leaves his phone charging in your room on the bedside table next to what I’m assuming is his side… I peeked. If you’re trying to keep it a secret, you’re doing a pretty shit job,” he finishes with considerable smugness. 
Bond wonders if the previous M hired the next generation based solely on the measure of their precocious impertinence. The four of them have been using the Quartermaster’s room as a meeting room every morning for sitrep before they got on with the day’s agenda. So he supposes it is only expected for an agent of Park’s calibre to catch on sooner rather than later. 
“Congratulations, you’ve figured out something every boffin in Q-Branch would have been able to tell you,” Bond deadpans.
A congenial chuckle escapes Marcus, “I have to say though, I’m somewhat embarrassed at how long it took for me to notice. For a short while I mistook your territorial displays as invitation. I was about to proposition you at one point… even if you aren’t exactly my type.” 
Now that, genuinely was surprising. The amusing confession is an olive branch, and Bond accepts it by not punching Marcus in the face to underscore the message of his lecture. 
And in regards to the lesson, Marcus concedes, “Fine! I’ll take your suggestion into consideration… for future reference.”
“Order.” Bond is beginning to understand Mallory’s accelerated hair loss over the last two years. 
“How about we settle at strong recommendation?” Marcus suggests affably, some measure of contrition in his cheeky smile. 
Bond just blinks slowly and sighs. Agent 009 must be certifiable to want to one day succeed Mallory into a leadership position. 
He looks over Marcus again. Despite the rebellious backtalk, the younger agent looks like shit warmed over. He is nearly slumped over the breakfast table. 
“Should we have your stomach pumped?” The pathetic sight pulls a shred of pity out of him. Q isn’t even awake yet and if Marcus drank most of his share for him; it is no small feat that the agent managed to get out of bed this morning. Bond is aware of the ‘fellowship’ drinking required in other cultures, so spares Park a second lecture. 
Marcus just waves the comment away. “Nnngh. Put a bullet in me and be done with it.”
Bond’s buzzing phone signals the end of the conversation. No caller ID, number withheld. He answers but says nothing. 
“You boys at MI6 just can’t resist a challenge can you?” a familiar voice says without preamble.
Now this is interesting. “Felix. How are you? To what do I owe this call?”
“The puzzle box. The dammed game. It’s a test. Sciarra has been toting that thing around for months. We’re not sure for what yet. But it seems your new boy and the computer nerd he brought along made quite an impression last night.”
-Ah shit…- “And how do you know this?”
“Standard stuff, you know better than to ask. What I can tell you is Sciarra’s been seen poking around Silicone Valley. Word is, his next stop was going to be Russia but seems you boys have given him reason to delay that.”
“What do you know about Kim Min Jun? Your guys have better access to South Korea than we do.” 
“Not as much as we’d like. The boy is a princeling, but only on the periphery - he’s a bit of an outcast. His connection to the family is through his mother who is the youngest of four. She was sent to the Europe for her education, where she met a man - a fellow student.  She had a child by him outside of her family’s approval.” 
“They married for the sake of appearances, but her family never warmed to him. He had some means, but nothing compared to her family. So eventually they split and she returned to Korea with their young son. Kim’s full name is Ferdinand Oberhauser-Kim Min Jun. Though he dropped the use of his father’s family name in favour of his mother’s surname Kim.“ 
“Alright so that’s his past, what about his current?” 007 continues to fish for information.
“Kim might not be a central figure or direct heir but he is still considered family, so there are… sensitivities involved. If it leaks that the we have interest in a family member of a powerful Chaebol, the political and public fallout could jeopardise international relations.” Leiter is being unusually forthcoming this morning. 
“I see… so is this a courtesy call or do you need something?” the bored tone belying the interest underneath. 
Felix clears his throat. -Here it comes- Bond thinks, “It seems your side has had better luck getting close to Kim. We’d like to know what he’s up to with the ICO. In return, we’ll tail Sciarra and let you know what he’s looking for in Silicone Valley and Russia.”
He doesn’t answer immediately, milking it for all its worth. It is not everyday that the CIA admits to being one step behind. 
Eventually he answers, “Well, no point doubling up on the same job.” He doesn’t tell Felix that, MI6 already has a virus in Sciarra’s laptop. Anyway, Leiter might have more information and a partnership might be useful in the future. If the CIA is also interested in Kim, there might be something larger at play. 
There is a hint of relief in Felix’s voice, “Always a pleasure doing business with you James. Oh and, wherever you found that computer nerd, I hope he’s insured. We don’t know how far this goes. We’ll be in touch.” 
Note: If you liked this fic, there’s more like it on the blog. Enjoy!
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Character Design and Script Writing - Cyberpunk 2077 Case Study - 29/12/2020
For today’s research for both projects, I wanted to make a case study for a game I feel very much influenced by in terms for the aesthetics and designs for the Character Design project as well as the background atmosphere and visualization for the script towards the script-writing essay. I was fortunate enough to be provided a copy of the game to play it to experience what it’s like to explore these areas as well as well as having a book looking at the extensive lore that the game provides as well as artwork from the game.
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From playing the game, your offered a series of roles that you can start yourself choosing from Nomad, Street Kid and Corporative roles. Each of these roles allow the story to be taken in different places making the game very personal to how you want to live if you were living in this world yourself. I myself went with the Nomad route and one instance I had that really struck me was when you first enter into ‘Night City’ for the first time. As you cross the border, you halt at a traffic stop within the city to watch a group of people robbing a shop for money. The group tries to escape and enter in the car but the city’s police comes flying in from above and immediately grapple down onto the city floor and fire without hesitation at the crooks. It leads to an intense bloodbath of the crooks and all you can do is just watch all the action happen in front of your car having front row seat to it all. Both you and your companion are devoid of all emotion not from the trauma of it, but this gruesome human onslaught doesn't seem to phase them one bit. In fact, nobody in the city is phased by it at all. 
Instances like these help establish what kind of world you’ve just entered as it’s presented as a kill or be killed setting. This works perfectly for the kind of idea I want to cover for the script-writing portion of the project as it’s not just the tone I want to loosely base this off from, but characters reactions to horrific acts and how it doesn't bat an eye to them showing how de-sensitised they are with it. This to me makes it feel like the city is transforming people’s mindsets to think the world is always meant to be like this giving no people hope to ever explore or Challenger themselves having seen what happens if you rebel or stand out. 
I think adding onto that, the trailer of Cyberpunk 2077 when it launched on the 10th of December helps to back this up. Whilst the game itself is very action heavy, dark and bloody, the trailer really emphasis and represents what kind of game your in store for. Specifically, it’s all about people, family and the connections you make in the world promoting the RPG mechanics of the game as there’s real people living through all of this madness which is where you the player are there to dwell and experience those stories being told to you.
This is help emphaised in the trailer by how little the protagonist fights at all being replaced with close up shots of people’s faces and showing their raw emotions to events that happen in the game like body language of hugging each other further pushing that sense of family and connection. All these moments are harmonised together with the music of the trailer which really brings the connection across. I think this is because it’s not very traditional to have soft sounding and emotional music for a violet game as many people could disregard it because it’s different. But the music plays to  the trailer’s strengths from how delicate people’s lives are here with long stares on people’s faces and two people having dinner outside. These little bit of human interaction makes us feel more for the content we are watching.
Looking at the trailer in a more character design approach, faces were the big draw for me specifically between the Maelstorm and the human’s faces. The human faces have this really interesting line design on their face where LED stripes shine out of their face. They look modified and give off a artificial wrinkle vibe to them helping to deliver that cyberpunk look to them. Although in  strange way to me, it makes them look a lot sadder whenever they have a natural face with no emotion on them. This detail to me feels it flows nicely with where I want to take my story in the script-writing process as people often get cybernetic augmentations to make themselves feel better similar to plastic surgery. That’s not to say there isn’t good cybernetics but in this world of mine, cybernetics are mostly seen of a way of fitting into the city and losing part of your character which is what my Hyde character is so opposed to.
Cyberpunk 2077 — Official Launch Trailer — V
In addition to playing the game, I also received the book looking at the lore of the game and background information. Reading through, it thoroughly details a lot of how the world works like how even the littlest of things influence how the world ticks presenting a really thorough case on it’s world-building which gives me great inspiration to how I might approach it. There was one thing that stood out to me in the book which was to do with these special devices called ‘Braindancers’ which serve as really advanced virtual reality headsets and specifically how they mention it’s usage of celebrities as people can get too attached to the devices praising celebrities through it like they’re part of their lives and losing their identity because of it. This reminded me from a scene from Ghost in the Shell (1997) film where a garbage man loses all his memories from his mind being hacked leaving him completely hollow inside with no memories attached to him. I feel both of these instances I want to get across in the script-writing from maybe the dangers of idolising and retaining your character.
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After reading the book, I thought I explore the game and take screenshots of areas that I found to be interesting for the script-writing process mainly areas like the slums and the city as those were my favorite to experience from how much they contrast from each other. What’s really nice with the game is that it has a built in photo mode where you can pause the game and screenshot a specific section of the world which you can then filter it to your hearts content.
The first image is one of the first slum looking environments that you find in a quest. Personally, I love the darkness that engulfs the scene here with only the lighting of the dim blue light and lanterns struggles to beat the darkness. Not to mention the smoke coming from the ground really helps to add character by all the gasses and smoke being stored and cramped in the smaller parts of the city whilst the outer city looks all glamorous.
Speaking of the city, this is a screenshot I took from the city center which is filled to the brim with architecture although strangely, not as much lighting as I would of thought would be put in here. Therese bright neon lights on the higher decks of the city sure but down below, it looks a lot darker and forgotten about in comparison. This look is something I definitely want to express in the script as it acts symbolic to the false persona that the city gives off compared to what we see on the outside.
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Going back to character design, three different characters stood out to me when I was playing the game those being: Crusher, the Malestorm Gang and Johnny Silverhand.  
Crusher is this large mechanical figure that serves as a threatening bodyguard to anybody that is unfortunate to step in it’s way. Looking at him characterful, I really love the denseness of the character as he looks like this unstoppable moving force that forces itself into conflict with thinking it over. He reminds me of my Hyde character a lot not just from personality, but also the sheer bulkiness that he imposes to us. To me, this how I would want my Hyde character to be built up thick and dense when it comes to modelling him,
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Having already discovered the Malestorm gang before earlier on in my research, what I found interesting about them in playing the game were their arms specifically the pipping that goes into them to create this cross between industrial and cybernetic arm. Whilst this is an easy comparison to make to my Hyde character as the arm is quite bulky, I would say it more perfectly suits my Jekyll character more from how human sized it is despite looking so mechanical if we were to compare this a sleek cyborg arm like Johnny Silverhand’s bionic arm. 
In addition to the arms of these characters, the eyes are such a huge part of the aesthetic I really enjoy from them with their use of shapes and neon lights lighting up the scenery wherever they go. The lore behind the design is that if you want to join the gang, you have to get your eyes gouged out and replaced with these artificial eyes instead which is really creepy but fascinating to me. I think terms of the Jekyll character, the eyes seemed to be a better fit for my Hyde character giving the him a more menacing and threatening aura to him.
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Only Malestorm Eyes
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And lastly, one other character I felt inspired by was ‘Johnny Silverhand’ your companion in the game. His bionic arm is what sticks out to me the most as it has a very sleek and well rounded design like it was designed for a human. I can imagine for the Jekyll character that i could combine aspects of the Maelstorm gangs arms with the one that Johnny possess to form a very chunky top but gradually becomes a lot thinner as the arm goes down.
Back to the character itself, there are two design aspects I like being the muscular structure and the consideration for re topology on Johnny’s bionic arm. The overall muscular structure is how i slightly imagine Jekyll’s body to be as well built. But maybe I might consider less muscular meat on his body due to him not as exercising as much to an average human. I raised the question of retopology to how the arm acts on a ball and socket set up for the arm to flex which I thought was quite interesting to see as I wonder if that was considered first before making the character.
Sketches of Johnny Silverhand before Keanu Reeves came onto the game
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I think from look at all of these character designs, I have good ideas for what I would like to do to my models from the rough sketches I have of them already. I feel the idea of Johnny and the Maelstorm gang’s arm being fused together is an idea I want to hold onto despite thinking my Hyde character as inspiration for the mdoel. Overall, the research on character design on ‘Cyberpunk 2077′ has been invaluable due to having so many of the elements and ideas I want to cover being found here in this game.
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rounse-error · 6 years
Hello can I request a hc with the rfa + another story with an mc who does not fall in love with them but rather sees them as close friends in the end of the routes? How would they react? uwu
Writer’s Note: Hello to you too, anon. Their reactions would be…heartbreaking to imagine so I’ll leave that to my imagination and writing. Anyways, enjoy! 
RFA + Another Story Reactingto MC who friend-zoned them
The shock and hurt in his face would be obvious for a few seconds before he changed his expression into an understanding one and would assure her not to worry about it.  
Being seen as a true friend was better than nothing…he guessed.
Except deep inside, he would be in lots of pain because not only was this the first time (probably) he was rejected but he loved MC so much.  
If not for him being a skilled actor, he would have broke down into a sobbing mess after she politely left their meeting spot.
MC would be surprised to see him acting normal in the chat rooms whenever she logged in except she would get the hint that he ain’t over her through his unintended flirting responses and subtle pickup lines and she’d feel bad about it. 
Whenever she privately asked him about it, he’d shrug it off and would quickly change the subject to a casual one.
This boi needed help with all the drinking and smoking he had been doing in a single day, a mountainous pile of beer cans and cigarette pacts had been consuming every single space in his apartment.
Eventually, he’d pull himself together after his depression stage and would do his very best to move on, for the sake of MC and their friendship.
If Zen had it bad, imagine how this cinnamon roll would react. Yoosung was one to take things personally negative towards terrible outcomes especially what happened to Rika…
He’d most likely run away right after hearing MC’s rejection to his confession. He’d hide in the nearest comfort area he could find if MC chased after him and he’d stay there, silently crying to himself and swinging his body like a cradle.
He’d avoid her at all costs, inside or outside the chat room with excuses like he had after-university club activities or he needed to study for an upcoming exam when in fact, he’d wrapped himself into a crying ball with his blanket or play LOLOL more aggressively to his teammates and his opponents’ disbelief.  
If this situation grew worse, Zen would offer his apartment to be a place where they forget their problems and whatnot. They’d drink to the point of no return but Yoosung would be the obvious one to easily get wasted and blabber about the pain of rejection and his denial over it.
Imagine Zen’s frustration in taking care of him and his apartment. Dragging Yoosung to his toilet and pat his back in comfort as Yoosung vomit. Ridding his apartment of empty bottles of Soju and cleaning up all the mess that was there. Putting Yoosung to sleep in his bed while he went to sleep on the floor, poor Zen.
After some time, Yoosung will come to accept the truth and move on. But he’ll probably be cold and distant towards MC for a year or two. He would try to swallow the bitter feeling of just being a friend and renew their friendship.
She expected this to become a possibility but the pain still hurt like hell and even knowing the rejection beforehand won’t lessen the pain.  
She’d be full of self-doubt and insecurities. She’d be lost in thought, wondering what she lacked in and would kind of blame her gender into this. Jaehee, there there.
Jaehee would politely leave the chat room whenever MC logged in with an excuse of not finishing her work yet and she’d do more work than anyone could accomplish even herself in a stable state to the point of Mr. Han applauding her and leaving it as it was. Jumin, you gotta help her somehow.
Once she finally calmed down, she’d try to approach MC bit by bit despite being uncomfortable with it. She’d eventually realize that things were better this way and come to terms with this.
Whether Jaehee buried her feelings to the grave or let go of them, she’ll still be the best friend that MC wanted and needed. Nothing will ever escape her notice and she’d help MC in anyway she can.
Oh boy, if there was one thing he had not experienced his entire life: that would be rejection in both as a businessman and a person. He’d quickly feel sudden change from brief shock to denial, thinking that there must be something lacking in him that made MC reject him.
He’d find out whatever MC likes and dislikes by assigning Assistant Kang to do a thorough research on MC. Then he’ll change or add that aspect (be it appearance, qualities, or personality) in him to make MC like him more.
Only for him to be rejected once more and be placed in the friend zone. He’d be in complete confusion and frustration, obviously not understanding as to why he’d been rejected again when he worked hard to get her to like him more. He’ll probably lock himself in his penthouse and seek comfort from Elizabeth The 3rd for a short time leading a chaotic outcome in C&R.  
Until MC marched over to his penthouse and gave him ‘the talk’. Once he came to understand the aspects he never experienced before and sorted out his feelings, he’ll go back to his old self.  
Since his feelings for MC won’t go anytime soon, he’ll cover it up with his excessive generosity and kindness that would aid MC’s every need. She didn’t need to even ask and he’d do it with a snap of his fingers. After all, Jumin’s the MVP of all routes.
Despite his unwillingness to do so, he’ll settle down to being her best friend and be contented with it since that was the only closest relationship he can cherish to have with her. Of course that doesn’t mean he had given up yet and would be waiting in the sidelines until death called for him.
Ironic as it was to feel relieved when he got friend zoned by MC after his confession, the burden in his shoulders would be lifted with the thought of not having to danger MC in the future.
But there would be another part of him that would be full of anguish and loneliness that would persist to run wild which he would control behind his 707 facade.  
He would act like his usual happy, pretend self except with occasional slips of romantic jokes that took a dark turn and he’d immediately change the subject before MC noticed.  
He’d do his best to let go and accept her view of him as her friend but dang, how can something that was supposed to be simple so difficult? After all, he was an agent of a secret intelligence agency where life-threatening situations became a casual thing to him.  
He’d drown himself in Honey Buddha Chips and packages of Dr. Pepper to a point of a tummy ache. Vanderwood would have to step in if he wanted to keep one of the best hackers working for the agency. Vanderwood would forcibly pull Saeyoung together and get him to snap out of his denial state.  
It might take him half a decade to move on and go on with life as he was expected to. Getting along with MC would be difficult but not impossible, he would need baby steps for this.
Among them, Jihyun would be the most accepting about being friend zoned. Sure, he’d be quite depressed about it but this was something he’d understand. He still needed to learn on how to love himself before he can properly sort his feelings out and decide on this situation.  
Jumin would offer a drink at his penthouse as his silent way of comforting his best friend but he’d reject the offer and instead suggest a self-discovery journey himself.
While being on a journey to find his path and true self, he’d take notes on his feelings for MC and check his progress on whether he let go or not.
Once he had let go of his feelings, he’d tear out all the papers from his notebook, shred them to pieces in his gentle way, and let them fly in the sky. After all, he loved her enough to do this for her and move on.
He’d quickly adapt to his status as her dear friend and be that mother hen kind of friend who would both spoil her rotten and scold her firmly.
He’d be glad that nothing changed between them and he’d come to a realization that he didn’t need a romantic relationship to be this close to her.  
Saeran would not take rejection very well. Not after what they went through together and he had assumed that MC loved him in a romantic view as well. He’d be a ball of chaotic feelings, also Ray and the other Saeran would clash against him.  
MC would be shocked to see him going back and forth from sobbing while curling himself into a ball to a rampaging man who’s on a mission to destroy his surroundings while cursing MC for making him believe such lies and then vice versa.
Saeran would hold himself back before the situation got worse and lock himself in a room to calm down and think in peace.
Saeran won’t be able to sleep properly, crying himself to sleep and he wouldn’t touch any of the food tray MC placed in front of his door.  
Once he had calm down, he’d leave the room once in a while to tend his flowers and he would avoid MC as much as possible.  
It would take a lot of patience and effort on MC’s part to get Saeran to not avoid her like a plague and talk to her. Saeran won’t be able to understand at first and once he did, he’d be very chill about it but being formal towards MC won’t be avoided.
Saeran doesn’t like the idea of being just her friend but he’d go with the flow. He’d warm up to MC again after a long period of time in adjusting and accepting it. 
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sae-bae-ran · 6 years
Hello, can please writte about RFA, V and Sarean reacting to MC being rich? Thanks 😁
Hey! ^^ Yes, of course! I hope you like these HCs!
RFA + Saeran reacting to a rich MC
Even though you know there’s a lot more to his quarrel with Jumin than just Zen’s problem with how much the CEO-in-line relies on money, there’s a part of you that believes the actor is gonna leave you as soon as he finds out you were born into a rich family as well.
So naturally, you don’t tell him this tiny detail about yourself until keeping that secret starts seriously eating at you.
As much as you want to do this properly and explain to him that even with all that money at your disposal, you’ve always tried to rely more on your own strength and abilities than anything else, you get nervous and blurt it all out one evening while you have dinner at his place.
At first, he’s confused. You were so nervous to tell him that your words formed a giant mess instead of coherent sentences, so he couldn’t quite catch what you’ve just said.
Still, he sees you’re visibly upset and anxious, so he takes your hand into his and starts rubbing circles on it in an attempt to calm you down.
When you finally feel as ready as you can be to share your secret with him, you take a deep breath and tell him.
He’s taken aback at first, but recovers quickly, a wide, reassuring smile on his face.
“You’re still you, the girl I’ve fallen head over heels for. Nothing will change now that I know you were born into a rich family. I know you’re a hard-working person with a big heart and I love you for that, sweetie!”
As much as you try not to place emphasis on this part of your life, it’s hard not to do it when Yoosung is so interested in learning more about it.
Of course, he has no ill intentions. He’s just genuinely intrigued by that aspect of your life.
Loves hearing stories about your childhood, especially the ones about visiting new places with your family. His wish is one day to be able to take you again to some of those places and create new memories with you there. With his job as a vet, he’s sure he’ll manage to save enough money to do that in the not so distant future.
Still though, he prefers to keep this a secret, his special surprise for you.
You know he loves going to college, and after he graduates, to work, in your fancy cars, so you occasionally spoil him by calling in your driver to come fetch you two early in the morning. Yoosung’s blushing face is always an endearing and most welcome sight to you.
He always returns the favor by preparing your favorite meal for dinner or giving you a nice, thorough massage before going to bed. It’s a win-win situation.
Just like you’ve never made him feel uncomfortable because of the difference in your social status, he’s never made you feel bad about having way more money at your disposal than him.
Simply loves you for everything that you are.
You never intended to keep it a secret from her, so you tell her as soon as you feel things between you are starting to get serious. Oddly enough, she doesn’t seem surprised at all by the shocking revelation.
You wonder if you’d hinted at it in a chatroom or in a casual conversation while enjoying your morning coffee, but when nothing of significance comes to your mind, you simply ask her.
Giggling, she scoots closer to you. “Ah, I can see why my reaction would make you wonder. I assure you, it’s nothing you’ve said before. I’ve spent enough time with Mr. Han… ah, I mean Jumin, to notice your mannerism is almost identical to his, so I thought you might have been brought up in a similar environment.”
It’s your turn to laugh now, but as the implication that she’s closely studied your quirks and habits settles in, a faint blush creeps up on your cheeks.
Money is important to Jaehee as it means a stable and secure future, but she never, ever resorts to yours, even if the cafe operates at a loss during the holidays at the end of the year.
She takes pride in her hard work and never accepts your offers to help her stabilize her business. As much as her stubbornness drives you crazy, you can’t help but be proud of how resilient and positive she is about her dream.
No wonder your name sounded familiar when you first introduced yourself in the chatroom. As the daughter of one of his longtime business partners, your name has come up in a few casual conversations, but he never really got to meet you in person.
Now that he thinks about it, he does remember, albeit vaguely, seeing a photo of you in your father’s office. Of course, you must have still been in high school then, but the delicate features of your face and the soft look in your eyes haven’t changed.
Despite coming from a rich family, you’ve always tried to distance yourself from your parents’ money and work to make your own, something Jumin greatly respects about you.
Even if you’ve managed to make quite the fortune on your own, he can’t help but worry about your well-being since your schedule is even more hectic than his. That’s why he often insists on spending a few hours at the spa whenever you two have some free time, or traveling more often to quiet places. And if you feel like staying home, he’ll prepare a hot, bubbly bath for you and give you a soothing shoulder massage.
Insists on paying for everything whenever you two are out shopping, or having a fancy dinner, or planning a trip together. That trait of his will never change.
707 // Luciel // Saeyoung
He found out you were brought up in a rich household while he was doing his research on you, but never really said anything about it in the chatrooms. Still, you told him soon after you joined the RFA as a way to show your trust in him.
To this day, he still remembers the photos he saw of you and your family online in the few articles he read. You looked so pretty, so angelic, divine even, that he fell for you immediately, even if it took him a while to realize it.
Money is important to him as it gives him freedom and provides his brother and him the much-needed security of staying out of their father’s tight grip. Yet, he’ll only ever resort to your money if push comes to shove and yours and his brother’s safety are on the line.
Likes to make lighthearted jokes about the similarity in social status between Jumin and you.
“Honey~ Do you think that if we combined the money in our bank accounts we’d turn out to be richer than Juju?”
His antics make you giggle, but you play along anyway. “Mmm, maybe… But we’ll have to sell your cars.” The way he throws his hands in mock horror never fails to make you laugh.
Still, you’ve never really relied too much on your family’s wealth, instead focusing on finding your own path in life. Saeyoung is extremely supportive of your projects and will always make time for you if you need his help.
Ray // Unknown // Saeran
Saeran doesn’t really put much value on money as it is something that he has never coveted.
“Money is the root of all evil.” While he doesn’t like generalizing things, he has to admit it was one of the reasons his mother was the way she was. This is the other reason he doesn’t want to think or care too much about money. It brings back painful memories of his past, ones he wants to forget.
So once you tell him you come from a rich family, he just accepts it as a part of you and moves on. Adding extra weight on that fact seems unnecessary to him.
He never makes you feel bad about it, though. He knows you are a kindhearted girl that relies on her own strength more than on her family’s wealth and it makes his chest swell with pride.
Still, you two need money to survive and he realizes that, but it’s never seemed like an issue to him. As long as you two have each other, he feels like money will never be a problem.
He loves the idea of you two opening a flower shop and making money while doing something that brings joy to both of you and hopefully, to your customers as well. In the end, that’s what really matters to him.
Making plans about your flower shop late at night while you two are snuggled close to each other under the warm blankets fills his heart with excitement about the future and gratitude towards you, his kind and gentle angel.
Jihyun Kim // V
Your family has had close business relations with his for as long as you can remember, yet he didn’t seem to have recognized you once you joined the RFA. It’s not like you two have ever said anything other than polite greetings to each other, but still, at least your name should have struck a chord with him.
Once you get to know him better, you realize his attitude towards money has changed over the years. The boy you once knew has now become a completely different man, humble, understanding, accepting, and very kindhearted.
You decide to talk about your family to him after dinner on a warm summer evening. Instead of just telling him about it, you show him an old photo from an article the local newspaper wrote about your families’ new business.
His breath hitches as he realizes who you are, eliciting a soft giggle from you. “I’m so sorry I never realized that was you, MC! You have my most sincere apologies!”
Once you assure him there’s no need to apologize, he visibly relaxes. You two spend the evening on the couch, cuddling and trying to remember all the times you’ve seen each other before.
You never really mention your families’ business relations after that, since both of you have long become independent from their wealth. The more important thing is that you both remember what brought you closer together - your wish to be able to express yourselves freely.
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kidkei · 5 years
Veterinary Visits: It’s Important to Be There for Your Dog
We switched to a brand new veterinarian final 12 months. We made the change on a superb buddy’s advice and couldn’t be happier. Our new vet is thorough, compassionate, good as a whip, and an impressive diagnostician. Her employees members are additionally competent and welcoming. An further advantage of this clinic is the subject of this text. Our new veterinarian’s normal coverage is that house owners stay with their canines and cats for bodily examinations and for all health-care procedures that good veterinary follow permits.
Here is an instance: Last summer season, one in all our Goldens, Cooper, developed an ear hematoma. I used to be away, so my husband, Mike, took Cooper to the clinic.
After an preliminary examination (performed with Mike holding and speaking to Coop all through), our veterinarian beneficial a comparatively new strategy to hematoma remedy, through which the location is drained with a large-gauge needle and an anti-inflammatory agent is injected instantly into the remaining pocket. It is an outpatient process, doesn’t require anesthesia, and is much less invasive than conventional remedy protocols. But as a result of it’s a sterile process, Cooper would wish to be handled within the clinic’s pre-surgery room.
Fortunately – amazingly – the vet instructed Mike that the pre-surgery room has a big remark window, so Mike might watch as Cooper was being handled, if he so desired.
Mike did so need. As Coop regarded again at him via the window (wagging his tail the whole time), Mike witnessed each the process and the light method through which Cooper was dealt with and spoken to all through remedy. After the process, the veterinary technician (Cooper’s new finest buddy), introduced Cooper again out to Mike, they usually have been good to go.
Again, for emphasis: Throughout the whole examination and remedy, Cooper was both with Mike (for weighing, examination, and prognosis) or Mike might see him via the window (throughout remedy).
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All About Animals
Being within the Room Should Be Standard Procedure
As many dog people know, this stage of transparency and proprietor involvement is now not normal follow at many veterinary clinics. It is sort of widespread at this time for clinics to require that house owners relinquish their dog to a employees individual whereas nonetheless within the ready room. All bodily examinations, vaccinations, and coverings are then performed out of sight of the proprietor in a remedy room and the dog is returned to the proprietor on the finish of the appointment.
I’m going to be blunt; I’ve a powerful opinion about this. There is totally no likelihood that I might permit any of my canines to be taken “into the back” at a veterinary clinic for something wanting surgical procedure. Our new vet does go above and past along with her clinic’s diploma of proprietor involvement, however we’ve by no means been purchasers at a clinic that required our canines to be taken away from us for examinations.
Just as I assume that oldsters wouldn’t settle for such a coverage from their little one’s pediatrician, I might not anticipate house owners to agree to be excluded from their dog’s veterinary examination. Yet, this isn’t solely normal protocol in lots of clinics, but additionally a requirement of some for acceptance as a shopper.
Yeah, that’s not going to occur to any of my canines. I’m my canines’ advocate in addition to their supply of consolation and safety. Our canines belief us to have their backs and at no time is that this extra necessary than when they’re nervous or frightened, a standard mind-set of many canines throughout veterinary visits.
Until just lately, this was a matter of opinion. However, a brand new research, performed on the National Veterinary School of Alfort in France, examined whether or not a dog’s stress stage throughout a veterinary examination was influenced by having their proprietor current and offering consolation*.
*Source: Csoltova E, Martineau M, Boissy A, Gilbert C. “Behavioral and physiological reactions in dogs to a veterinary examination: Owner-dog interactions improve canine well-being.” Physiology & Behavior 2017; 177:270-281.
The Study
The aims of the research have been to measure canines’ physiological and behavioral responses to an ordinary veterinary examination and to decide if having the proprietor current and offering consolation diminished the dog’s stage of stress.
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A bunch of 33 wholesome canines and their house owners have been enrolled. The canines have been at the very least six months of age and all had earlier expertise at a veterinary clinic. Heart fee, rectal temperature, ocular (eye) floor temperature, salivary cortisol, and stress-related behaviors have been recorded earlier than, throughout, and after a bodily examination performed in a clinic setting in two distinct situations:
1. Contact: The proprietor stood subsequent to the examination desk on the dog’s facet and comforted the dog by gently petting and speaking to her or him quietly.
2. Non-contact: The proprietor was within the room, however didn’t work together with the dog and sat quietly in a chair situated about 10 toes away from the examination desk.
A balanced, crossover design was used. This signifies that every dog skilled two visits (timed one to two weeks aside) and was subjected to each situations. To management for an “order effect,” the sequence of the situations various and was randomly assigned. Examinations lasted about 5 minutes and included delicate restraint, examination of the dog’s eyes, ears, mouth, and enamel; palpation of the lymph nodes and stomach; manipulation of joints; and coronary heart and lung examination with a stethoscope.
Unsurprisingly, veterinary visits are irritating to canines:
Waiting Room Stress
All of the canines skilled at the very least a low-level of stress throughout the pre-examination interval within the ready room. As they waited, lots of the canines confirmed frequent yawning, which is taken into account to be a displacement habits in periods of emotional battle. Some of the canines additionally whined and vocalized.
Examination Stress
The researchers discovered that the entire canines, whether or not or not their proprietor was comforting them, confirmed a measurable stress response throughout the veterinary examination. Heart fee, ocular temperature, and lip-licking all elevated throughout the examination interval.
Owner Being There
When house owners stood shut to their canines and offered consolation by speaking to and petting them, the canines’ coronary heart charges and ocular temperatures decreased compared with the situation through which house owners weren’t interacting with their canines. Both of those modifications are related to a lower in stress. Dogs additionally tried to soar off of the inspecting desk much less regularly when their proprietor was offering them with consolation than when the proprietor was not comforting them.
The authors conclude: “The well-being of dogs during veterinary visits may be improved by affiliative owner-dog interactions.”
Up On My Soapbox
I do know, these outcomes are a no brainer for many dog people: Veterinary visits are irritating to canines and being current to consolation and reassure our canines reduces their worry and stress.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, this research didn’t go far sufficient, because it didn’t research the situation that I’m most fascinated about studying about: when canines are taken away from their house owners and examined out of the proprietor’s presence.
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Interestingly, the argument that’s made to assist this follow on the clinics that insist upon it’s that they take away canines from their house owners as a result of the presence of the proprietor could cause the dog to be extra pressured, not much less so. Well, on the very least, these outcomes present proof in opposition to that excuse.
And – an excuse it really is. Perhaps this sounds harsh (keep in mind, I’m standing on a soapbox!), however my perception is that these insurance policies are in place extra for the comfort of the clinic than for the good thing about the canines. No doubt, decreasing shopper interactions in an examination room is extra expedient and environment friendly (for the clinic).
And, there may be additionally that pesky subject of transparency. An proprietor who doesn’t have the chance to witness how her dog is dealt with, spoken to, examined, or handled can not query or criticize. There is actually no different method to say this: The threat of proprietor displeasure and complaints is diminished by not having house owners current whereas canines are being examined and handled.
So, personally, I’m joyful to see these outcomes, as they can be utilized as proof when responding to a clinic that insists it’s much less irritating for canines to be faraway from their proprietor throughout examinations and routine procedures. Petting and speaking to our canines when they’re upset throughout a veterinary go to reduces their stress. We have the info. (Not to put too positive some extent on it, however these outcomes additionally present extra ammunition to fight the still-present [and false] perception that calming a fearful dog “reinforces fear.” I deal with that individual subject in additional depth in my ebook, Dog Smart).
Hopefully, we are going to see a follow-up research that examines canines’ responses to “no owner present” insurance policies. Regardless, the info that we at the moment have encourage us to stick with our canines throughout veterinary visits and examinations. It is sort of easy actually: Just. Be. There. Insist upon it.
Linda P. Case is the proprietor of AutumnGold Consulting & Dog Training Center in Mahomet, Illinois. Linda is the writer of  Dog Food Logic, has a brand new ebook, Dog Smart, and writes The Science Dog blog.
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source https://pawnews24.com/veterinary-visits-its-important-to-be-there-for-your-dog/
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Vanderbabe please just like gush about everything but uh hmmm how would romancing Jumin work out in this au?
✿ Ok so, to give a little backstory on how things start…
You are a profoundly busy college student juggling both school and work, so you haven’t had time to try Mystic Message Online, though you’ve heard your friend from school gushing about it basically non-stop since you met him. Said friend’s birthday is coming up though, and he’s ALWAYS wanted you to play MMO, so you decide that… hey, why not pick up a copy, level up a character a little, and then surprise him on his special day by telling him your screen-name so you can play together? It’d make him happy, and said friend is pretty cute, anyway. You can take a little bit of a break from work to have fun with him.
You go to the store and, by sheer chance, are awarded a special, milestone, promotional code that will give you a number of rare items, along with a fully leveled character to try the game out with. Sounds great, right? You get home, launch the game, put on the special VR headset that makes everything feel so real, and put in you code.
after a flash of light, something weird happens.
You find that you’re logged into a max-level character with an inventory full of strange items, including a peculiar letter that you open up and read. All it says, in a loopy, elegant script, is you are the key that will unlock this world, and it promptly vanishes after you’ve read it, dissolving into particles that are carried off by the wind.
You don’t have much time to think about that, though, because you are IMMEDIATELY besieged by messages in the guild chat, one of them being from Jumin Han.
Ok, so everyone is weirded the HELL out. Rika has just logged on, which is impossible, because RIka is dead. A volley of accusations are thrown at you, including that you’re a hacker. You’re baffled, having little idea how to use the mechanics and controls of this game, and after a little bit it becomes clear that you are just as confused as everyone else and suspicion drops off of you.
Everyone offers to help you get oriented, but it’s Jumin whose help you accept, because he’s been the most calm and knowledgeable about the whole affair. Jumin gives you an exactingly thorough tutorial, going over how to use Rika’s character and how to play the game. He infodumps about literally EVERYTHING, from the outfit Rika is wearing to the monsters that you fight to try out their powers, and all the good options have you being like, “Oh, that’s really interesting!” and “You really know a lot about this!”
This learning process is interrupted by a panicked message over guild-chat. It’s been discovered that NO ONE CAN LOG OUT. Also, no one can access their admin controls, and despite everything that Seven has tried, he can’t contact the outside world in any capacity. No one can contact V, either, and the entire guild is turning to Jumin for guidance.
jumin does not know what to do. seeing Rika’s character model already hurts, and now everyone is trapped in the game that he helped create…?
It’s then that you tells everyone about the strange message you received, about you being the key.
After doing some digging and finding out this all started when you logged in, Jumin takes this to mean that you’re the key to getting everyone out. There must be something hidden within the game, and Jumin seems to have some idea of what it is, though he doesn’t really want to tell everyone else. He starts taking you on a bunch of adventures, and that’s how his route really starts - you seeking the truth with Jumin. 
Over his association with you, he really starts to see you as an intellectual partner. You’re interested about the things he’s interested in, you actually care about the game, and you have a lot of interesting suggestions and ideas that makes him think about things he thought he knew in an entirely fresh way. This is a game he helped build, after all. He didn’t do any of the programming or the art design, but he was heavily involved in the planning process. It’s taken on a life of its own now that there are  tons of people working on it, but at its core, he thought he knew everything about MMO.
But you make connections and observations that he’s never seen before, and he’s fascinated.
The general progression of the route has him learning to mesh with you, and then - once he realizes he’s in love - getting ultra, INCREDIBLY protective. He’s terrified of the idea of you dying (even though death doesn’t seem to be permanent, even when everyone can log out, there’s a growing realization that people are… losing something of themselves piece by piece when they die) and the idea of you leaving his sight turns his stomach to lead. He tries to confine you to the guild hall, which you are not cool with, for many, many reasons. Among them though is one simple, undeniable fact.
Jumin isn’t going to solve this alone. He needs your help. And you are partners. What’s the point of being partners if you’re not going to travel together?
You get through to Jumin after some struggle, and you enter into a more mutual relationship as equals.
Some events that happen on the route - 
You and Jumin enter a wooded, floral area, where Elizabeth the III ends up finding a patch of cat-nip. The two of you take a break to let her enjoy herself, and you see Jumin being unusually happy and playful as he takes pictures of his precious familiar.
Jumin talks about one of the events that happens near the new year, with special fireworks that represent the blooming hopes of the coming year. You say that you wish you could see it, because you think it’d be beautiful, and Jumin uses his magic to create things like fireworks in the night sky.
You enter an old, abandoned library with Jumin, and upon reading one of the books, you point out that the story reminds you of a book you read as a kid. Jumin had never read the book you’re talking about, so he had no idea, but you use that knowledge to solve a puzzle and reveal a new clue, and Jumin is incredibly impressed.
Throughout your time there, people keep treating you like you ARE RIKA. You confide this to Jumin, who understands - he’s used to being treated well due to his position rather than his personality. He assures you that he thinks of you as you, not Rika, though it was a bit hard for him to accept at first. He talks about how he felt when he died, and how glad he is to have you as a friend, now. You’re very clever, very brave, and in the end, you’re really nothing like her. Together, you go to a place to customize character appearances, and he helps you pick out a new look for your avatar to help distinguish you from Rika.
One night, you and Jumin stay up very, very late researching and coming up with ideas about the next stage of the quest you’re on. Jumin hasn’t gotten much sleep lately though, and he falls asleep with his head on your lap. You let him get some rest… he deserves it.
The Mint Eye cult develops a very particular interest in you, and one day, Unknown tries to capture you. Jumin exhausts himself trying to get you back. when he does, he hugs you with an unusual amount of emotion… and confesses that he’d almost forgotten what it was like to want to protect something that isn’t made of pixels.
I don’t want to make this too long, but feel free to ask for more events about specific characters! i have an endless number of ideas about this.
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Your Corpus Christi Military PCS Moving Checklist
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Have you received your Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders?
Thousands of military personnel receive PCS orders each year. If you’re one of them, you know you have to get yourself and your family ready for the relocation process. Moving is part of military life and it can be a stressful experience.
You’ll have to deal with packing, housing inspections, house-hunting, and traveling with pets, just to name a few tasks. A PCS move to Corpus Christi TX requires a great deal of advanced planning and it is a challenge to get all the moving tasks completed in time while still taking care of other responsibilities.
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While you simply can’t prepare for every possible scenario when facing a PCS move, having a guide can help you have a smooth transition onto your family’s next adventure.
Hi, my name is Elizabeth Straessle, your Corpus Christi Military Relocation specialist. My team at the All American Home Source Realty and I have created a PCS moving checklist to help you get prepared and stay organized.
Before we go into the details of your military move, let me share with you a few things about your next home --- Corpus Christi TX!
Get to know the Sparkling City by the Sea
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Corpus Christi is a port town located on the Texas coast of the Gulf of Mexico. It is a hub for both the petroleum and petrochemical industry, and also serves as a major shipping gateway on the Intracoastal Waterway.
The city is home to miles of sprawling beaches and you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the Gulf Coast's natural attractions. If you love the beach,  you’d be delighted to know that the city has 11 sun-soaked beaches, two marinas, an average temperature of about 70 degrees, and approximately 255 days of sunshine every year.
It is also known for its popular tourist attractions, a variety of hotels, cultural venues, and shopping and dining options. It is also home to the Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi and Del Mar College. Cultural institutions include the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History, the Art Museum of South Texas, and a number of small theaters and galleries. In addition, Corpus Christi boasts a great economy and industry, low housing costs and an overall low cost of living.
Watch this video and take a look at what the city has to offer:
It’s common to see members of the United States military around because the U.S. Navy has two major air stations near the port. Corpus Christi is home to Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, which provides 6,200 civilian jobs to the local economy, making it the single largest employer in the city. Many military families and retirees are drawn to the city’s affordable and laid-back lifestyle.
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And now here’s a basic checklist to help you get a smooth start on your PCS move to Corpus Christi TX!
Start planning early
The moment you receive your orders, you should start planning for your military move at once. While this may seem like common knowledge, many military families fail to start planning within an adequate time frame.
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Carefully planning your move can help reduce your stress and anticipate potential obstacles. Make a list of moving tasks, so nothing important is neglected. Having tangible lists will help tackle a move more efficiently and effectively. As soon as you know you’ll be moving, start doing as much as you can to prepare.
Create a PCS Binder
One simple way to stay on top of your move is to create a PCS binder. Having a PCS binder can make your relocation easier and less hectic.
You can look online for templates for your binder, or you can simply make your own. If you decide to make your own, you’ll need the following:
Sheet protectors
Zipper pouch
Dividers with tabs
Paper clips, pens, and highlighters
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So what should you put inside your PCS binder?
Important documents like birth certificates and passports
Military Orders
House and Car Titles
Auto Information
Medical Records
School Records
Veterinary Records
Moving Documents
Travel Documents
Budget and Expense Tracker
Make an appointment with your base transportation office
Schedule an appointment for a counseling session at your base transportation office. During the counseling, you will talk about how much your allowance will be based on rank and dependent status. You will also go over which moving option would be best for your situation.
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Decide what kind of move you are going to have
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There are three options when it comes to executing a PCS move.
Government Move
This is a full-service option. Your local Travel Management Office (TMO) will take care of your entire move from start to finish. A commercial moving company will be hired  to come to your home and take care of everything. That includes packing all your stuff, loading them onto their truck, transporting them to your new home, unloading, and unpacking.
PPM Move
A Personally Procured Move (PPM) or “DITY” (Do-It-Yourself) move means you take charge of the entire process. Although this option requires a little extra work, the government will pay you back 95% of what it would have cost had you done a standard PCS move. You may also be eligible for a partial advance, depending on your branch.
Partial Move
This is also referred to as a combination move or partial DITY. This option allows for a little more flexibility. You will ship a certain amount of your household goods via the government and the rest as a PPM. The weight allowance is split between the government move and PPM. To be reimbursed for the DITY side, make sure to keep all receipts and government paperwork and don’t go beyond the allotted budget.  
Know your PCS weight allowance
Among the many details you have to work out during your move, your PCS weight allowance could have the most expensive consequences. You also have to remember that it’s your responsibility to have an accurate estimate of the weight of your household goods and stay within the allowance. Otherwise, you’ll have to shoulder the overage. Service members also have a right to ask their moving company or military transportation office for a re-weigh of their household goods, and they have a right to be present when that re-weigh is conducted.
You can find out more about your weight allowance here.
Know your rights
There’s a lot at stake in your move so it’s essential to learn your rights. In addition, when you're moving in service to the nation, you deserve to be treated fairly and professionally.
The Department of Defense Personal Property Program has published a customer bill of rights that spells out everything you should expect, such as negotiating pickup and delivery dates, and having moving debris and containers removed on the day of delivery at no cost.
Discuss the moving process with your children
Change is never easy for some children. The idea of moving to a new location can be scary. Aside from that, your children will have to leave behind their friends, relatives, school, and home that they've grown to love.
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At present, there are 2,000,000 military-connected children in America. 1,381,584 of the military-connected children are ages 4-18 years old.
Over 80 percent of these children – 1,105,267 students – attend Pre-K through 12 public schools.
517,734 children in preschool (ages 0-5)
516,324 children in primary school (ages 6-14)
186,883 children in high school or older (ages 15-22)
Every school district in the country has military-connected students.
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Expect that there will always be some sadness when you tell your children that you are moving. As a parent, you have to help them focus on the excitement of traveling to a new place, living in a new home, and making new friends.
Tell your children about the move as soon as possible so that they will have enough time to spend with their friends. It is also important to get them involved in the process, so make sure to assign them age-appropriate tasks.  
Create a budget and stick to it
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Every move requires spending money. Even if the military is going to reimburse most of the costs of your move, it’s still important to have a specific PCS budget. Costs like hotel accommodations, meals out, and other incidentals can quickly add up, causing unneeded financial stress during your move. That’s why it’s best to set a realistic financial expectation.
Research your new duty station
One of the best things you can do before planning your move is to do a research about your soon-to-be home and community. In fact, as soon as your family receive new orders, you should start gathering information regarding things that will directly impact your overall quality of life, such as commute times, neighborhood amenities, schools, and proximity to hospitals and grocery stores.
Take inventory
A key aspect of a successful move is knowing exactly what's going with you. That’s why it’s important to do a thorough inventory of your belongings before they are packed and make notes of which items are packed in each box. The good news is technology has made this part easier than ever. You can use your computer and build a basic spreadsheet or use smartphone applications like Sortly or download a free home inventory software at Ready.gov.  
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In addition, taking photos using your smartphone or camera will help you record the condition of your goods prior to your move. This ensures that if anything is lost or damaged, the military will have the documentation necessary to reimburse you.
Make pet arrangements
Having a pet can add another layer of complexity to your PCS move, but with proper preparation, you can ease some of the stress of relocating for both you and your pet. Make sure to check state, base, and, if flying, airline regulations for pet-specific policies.
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Bring your pets to the vet for a pre-move check-up to make sure they are healthy and refill any prescriptions they might have. You should also search for military-friendly vets in Corpus Christi TX to ensure your pets are well cared for.
Do a PCS purge
Get rid of excess stuff! Why opt for the extra trouble and expense to move rarely used items? As you prepare for your move, go from room to room and look for no-go items. If you haven’t used it in three years, chances are you no longer need it. Look at your move as a great opportunity to declutter and simplify your life!
Start by sorting through one room a day. Do at least two or three rounds of going through your house and getting rid of all the clutter you’ve accumulated. Keep in mind that every new location means a new house that will likely be a different size. As such, it is best to keep your belongings to a minimum. This way, you won’t have to deal with a ton of stuff that won’t fit in your new home. You can also make a few dollars by holding a yard sale, then donate the rest.
Check out the video below for a number of items you  need to get rid of before the big move:
Prepare a First Day Box
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As you prepare for the actual move, you also have to consider what you and your family are going to need on day one in your new house. Regardless of how organized you are, you need to anticipate a little chaos on the first day or two.You have to set aside bare essentials. Your first day box will typically contain a change of clothes, cleaning supplies, even some important electronics. Make sure that the most vital and important items to help you ease into your new home are in there. Doing so will allow you to start fresh in your new home without having to unpack random boxes to find items that you need.
Research utilities
One task that you should not forget is setting up the utilities in your new home. Do some research in the neighborhood you are moving to. If possible, consider visiting ahead of time. Studying the community will help you look into setting up heat, electricity, and internet/cable if need be.
Stay positive and relaxed
A PCS move may be challenging but stressing about it will only make it worse. You have to stay focused on the positive things that this move will bring to your family. Encourage everyone to look at the bigger picture and don’t sweat the small stuff.
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PCSing is hard work and it won't always go perfectly, no matter how hard you try. So take a deep breath, make lists, and go forth with minimal worries. It will be all get done!
Let me assist you in finding the perfect home near your military base!
There are a lot of things to consider when choosing your next home. There’s the price, the location, the size, and many more. It can be hard to keep track of everything. That’s why you need the help of a real estate agent who knows what’s currently on the market and has intimate knowledge of the communities and neighborhoods you’re looking at. A military relocation specialist like me can help you find nearby homes that are military-friendly.
Call me, Elizabeth Straessle, at 361-878-8000. Our team at the All American Home Source Realty understands what military buyers are looking for, as well as the ins and outs of military moves. Let us help you experience a smooth PCS move to Corpus Christi TX!
In case you cannot view this video here, please click the link below to view Your Corpus Christi Military PCS Moving Checklist on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U63IMCzPqCs&feature=youtu.be
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alikhoynezhad-blog · 6 years
44 Patient Reviews for Dr. Ali Khoynezhad, MD, PhD
"I was referred to Dr. Khoynezhad by my cardiologist due to the complex procedure needed to repair my aortic root. I had my aortic valve replaced with a mechanical valve and ascending aorta graft in 2004. My last check up the root had enlarged. An appointment with Dr. K explained the procedure and the risk. I scheduled my surgery at Long Beach Medical Center. Dr K saw me every day I was in the hospital. I am so glad I was referred to Dr. K and his staff for my surgery. After 9 weeks, I am back to work feeling great.
Thank you to Dr. Khoynezhad, office staff Laila & Rebecca, and Long Beach Medical Center. "
-- William Hayes, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Root Replacement, Maze Procedure, 02/27/2018
"Dr. K. and staff did a fantastic job prior, post and the surgery it self. The procedure was thoroughly described and all questions addressed in a manner you could understand. Dr. K has a great sense of humor that makes you feel at ease. The operation for me was easy with little pain and a fast recovery and rehab. I highly recommend Dr. Khoynezhad and staff and thank them for a successful surgery."
-- Fred (Skip) Hayward, Aortic Valve, Transcatheter, Root Replacement, 11/01/2017
"Dr. Khoynezhad is professional, extremely competent, knowledgeable and easy to talk to. He is willing to answer all questions and surrounds himself with staff that has the same attributes. This is very important when facing open heart surgery that you have complete confidence in your medical team. "
-- James Belford, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, 02/08/2016
"When I found out in October 2015 that I needed to have my aortic valve and root replacement, I did much of my research here on Adam Pick's website www.HeartValveSurgery.com. I found the site to be very helpful!
I very quickly attracted to Dr. Khoynezhad through his video and bio as an expert and with aortic valves. Through his video, he appeared to have a sincere, calm and poised demeanor. I took a very small leap and chose Dr. K as my surgeon. After our first appointment, I was most impressed and everything I had read about Dr. K from the testimonials was confirmed. Not only is he one of the premier experts in the aortic value arena, he has a truly sincere demeanor and cares deeply about his patients. Our consultation was unrushed and he took the time to answer all of my questions and concerns in detail. From beginning to end, his staff is very communicative, supportive and friendly.
As for the procedure itself, I couldn't be happier and I'm so grateful for Dr. K's expertise. Being that I'm a relatively young patient (54), I asked if he could perform the operation with a smaller incision as I still spend a lot of time at the beach and in the water. To my great surprise, Dr. K was able to complete my new value replacement and aortic root (graft) with only a 4 inch incision. When wearing a v-neck t-shirt, there is no sign of the incision.
After the procedure, I was awake within 1 hour and sitting upright in a chair breathing on my own after 2 hours. Out of ICU under 24 hours. From there, I was walking the halls of the hospital the next day and released to go home on day 5. Since being home, I've have a very pain free experience and now after 2 weeks, I'm taking 3 - 4 miles daily.
Thank you so much Dr. K for your caring, thorough, precise workmanship and taking the extra time/effort to keep my incision to a minimum!!! I am so grateful to have chosen you as my surgeon. I highly recommend anyone to put your life in Dr. K's hands!!!! He is truly amazing!!!"
-- Alan Godfrey, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Root Replacement, 01/19/2016
"I was introduced to Dr. Khoynezhad and his team by my pastor. My Ascending Aortic Aneurysm was found during a wellness check by my cardiologist, and the rest is history. From my first appointment to my 6 month follow-up, this experience has given me a great respect and appreciation for Dr. Khoynezhad. I thank God for Dr. Khoynezhad. Thank you, God bless."
-- Mike Eddy, Aortic Valve, Tricuspid Valve, Valve Repair, 12/10/2015
"Since the very first moment I met Dr. Khoynezhad during my first consultation, he conveyed not only knowledge, professionalism and answered to all my questions in a very clear way, but most importantly: there it was a very human and warm human being talking to me, in a very welcoming way. To me that counts as much as his knowledge.
I felt I could trust him right away, and 2 weeks down the line he performed my surgery. I had an aortic aneurysm, which can sound quite a scary thing to have, but having Dr. Khoynezhad as my surgeon, I didn't feel as if I was in danger but actually, I was looking forward to my little 5-day-vacation at hospital. And do you know what?? That's exactly how it felt to me. My recovery was much faster than I thought it would be, he personally came to see me and check on me. He CARES!
The very small scar on my chest is almost invisible. Last but not least, I am also very grateful to Dr. Khoynezhad's team: each and everyone of them showed concern and care towards me. Thank you!"
-- Daniel Soifer, Aortic Valve, David Procedure, 07/06/2015
"Dr. Khoynezhad is by far the greatest surgeon I have ever encountered. I performed my due diligence in researching and meeting with many, many surgeons to help me decide who I would choose to perform open heart surgery on me (I had an aortic aneurysm that needed to be removed and a bicuspid leaflet valve that needed to be repaired).
The first sign Dr. Khoynezhad was more competent than all the previous surgeons I met with was the fact that he recognized my aneurysm was in fact larger than what any of the past surgeons had diagnosed. I had been hospitalized twice with severe chest pain and high blood pressure in the weeks before meeting Dr. Khoynezhad and continued to have several episodes after my second hospital stay but none of the cardio surgeons I met with from the hospital nor any of the ones I followed up with outside of the hospital properly conveyed the magnitude of my aneurysm nor how urgent it was for me to get it fixed before it ruptured. Despite my pain never subsiding and continuing to experience frequent episodes of faintness and extreme chest pain, everyone but Dr. Khoynezhad told me I could wait a year or so before having my surgery. I kid you not, they did not see the urgency in my deteriorating health and actually told me to endure such horrific symptoms for up to a year - I guess when your diagnosis is way off, it's not surprising for your recommendations to be as well!
Usually I'm very skeptical when doctors are quick to recommend surgery because you always worry about their hidden ($) agenda but I honestly can say this brilliant man literally SAVED MY LIFE! If it wasn't for Dr. Khoynezhad, I may have taken the advice of all the previous surgeons thinking my aneurysm is smaller and less threatening than it actually was and continued without seeking surgery and my aneurysm would have ruptured and I could have been dead right now. How could you put a price tag on such brilliance? On such competence?
Dr. Khoynezhad is as professional and comforting of a doctor as anyone could ever pray for. He is extremely patient and kind both with myself as well as my boyfriend and family. He met with all of my loved ones prior to surgery and spent an ample amount of time explaining everything in detail and answering all of our questions. He never rushed through anything (unlike most hasty doctors these days) and smiled and was pleasant the entire time - and has been consistently this way with every one of my visits and I have had many with him by now. You can just sense his kind, humble nature when you meet him.
On the day of surgery, Dr. Khoynezhad finished removing my aneurysm and repairing my bicuspid leaflet valve both AHEAD of schedule! My boyfriend and family were all surprised when he came out to meet with them as they were expecting me to be in surgery for nearly another hour.
As far as his work goes, what more can I say? There is a reason he is the head surgeon. My surgery was phenomenal and I have been making a very quick and healthy recovery. I feel so much better now that my aneurysm has been removed and blood pressure lowered. I can't imagine how those previous doctors were suggesting I wait an entire year in pain and agony when I should have addressed it immediately. Dr. Khoynezhad came by and visited me several times while I was staying in the recovery room for a few days. He even surprised us by dropping in on a Friday night after 8:00PM just to check in on me and make sure I was okay! We were all pleasantly surprised to see him following up so diligently after all of the bad experiences I have had with other surgeons over the years (for unrelated matters).
Dr. Khoynezhad's staff has been equally competent and cordial. They have followed up diligently and have helped me tremendously every step of the way. I also am grateful to all of the staff and RN's as they, too, are the friendliest, most professional hospital staff I have ever had the pleasure of being cared for by.
I can't speak highly enough of Dr. Khoynezhad and would strongly recommend him to anyone and everyone who may have a need for cardio surgery. You will not find a better surgeon, a better professional nor a kinder soul in this industry of tainted, impatient doctors. I thank you Dr. Khoynezhad for everything - we need more doctors like you!"
-- Tara Scheckwitz, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, 04/02/2015
"Dr. Khoynezhad is everything you want in a heart surgeon. His expertise, experience and ability to relate to the individual patient's concerns made him my top choice.
When searching for the right surgeon for me, Dr. K. called me back personally to discuss my case. Every other surgeon went thru their scheduler or some other go between...some of whom never called me back. Dr. K. explained my condition and educated me on what was wrong, how he would fix it and my outcome. I was very close to an aneurysm in my aorta and didn't know it. Dr. K. expedited my case and saved my life. I heartily recommend Dr. Ali Khoynezhad."
-- Ron Steel, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Root Replacement, 03/09/2015
"I had known about my condition for around 5 years and knew that at some point I would have to have surgery. Knowing this can certainly put a little fear into ones mind. I was born with a bicuspid valve on my ascending aorta which should have a tricuspid valve. Relating to a connective tissue disorder, this can also affect the ascending aorta also.
As a result, I discovered, by chance, that my aorta was dilated to around 45mm. Over the last few years, this increased slowly and the time came where I had to make the decision to go in for surgery. Having been to a couple of different places beforehand, I was Introduced to Dr. Ali Khoynezhad. I was immediately put to ease and felt very comfortable as everything was explained in a good informative manner. My mind was made up and I went ahead and planned the date.
From the day I went in for surgery, till the day I left, only a few days later could not have been a better experience. Having gone in early on a Monday morning for the surgery and before I knew it I was in the ICU for recovery. Later the next day I was in my own room and was already feeling good and looked after very well indeed. Dr Khoynezhad would come and visit everyday and stay as long as needed to answer my never ending questions. Each day I was feeling better and better. I could have probably left on the Wednesday, only 2 days later but I guess I had to be monitored for a little while longer. The results from the surgery were all very good and I had a minimal incision which wasn't particularly painful at all. Obviously I was taking pain killers but I still had expected more and was pleasantly surprised.
I left the hospital on the 5th day having already been up and about everyday before then. On the 7th day I did a steady walk of 7 miles. I was very keen and was advised by the Dr. to keep active. 7 miles was probably not necessary, but I felt fine and was happy to be out again. I would thoroughly recommend Dr. Ali Khoynezhad to anyone needing to have heart surgery as he is one of the best in his field, professionally and personally. Also the staff were out of this world and made me feel comfortable throughout my whole visit. It's been 6 months now since the surgery and I'm doing really well. I've been walking almost everyday since and been jogging for 3 months too.
Where as before where I would easily get out of breath, now I just feel the muscles in my legs working. I'm so happy that I've had the surgery and for anyone worried about it should be put at ease and make an appointment with Dr. Khoynezhad. "
-- Mark Holden, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Root Replacement, 11/10/2014
"Remarkable. Dr. Khoynezhad and his team are incredible. He is a very kind, thoughtful and extremely talented surgeon. The stress of having a second open heart surgery was greatly relieved by having such wonderful communication with the doctor and his staff leading up to surgery.
Now, almost one year later, I've never felt better taken care of. I feel I am alive today because of Dr. Khoynezhad's vision of how a heart patient should be treated."
-- Deborah Goodwin, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Root Replacement, 07/31/2014
"My experience was wonderful - Dr. Khoynezhad has an amazing bedside manner and made me feel like I was in the best hands. I never had any doubt that the surgery would go well. He gave me undeivided attention, explained exactly what would happen before, during, and after surgery.
HIs staff was also amazing -- especially Mihaela his PA. My wife was able to easily communicate with Mihaela through email and telephone messaging. I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Khoynezhad. And, the surgery went VERY WELL and 8 months later I am doing fine. "
-- Harold Green, Aortic Valve, David Procedure, 07/21/2014
"Dr Khoynezhad is the most amazing surgeon. He is very approachable and eager to answer all questions you may have. He is very reassuring and comforting. He is very knowledgeable and explains everything in detail in the manner you can fully understand.
When you shake his hand you know you have the right man. I can't say enough to express the gratitude that I have for him and his helpful staff and I would never go anywhere else."
-- Aaron Youngreen, Aortic Valve, 07/07/2014
"I can't say enough about this great man, from bedside manners to the results of my surgery. Great experience with Dr. Khoynezhad."
-- John Stimpfig, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, David Procedure, 06/05/2014
"Dr Khoynezhad takes time to sit & answer all questions in a forthright, comprehensible manner. He is available at all times. My surgery went well & I was pleasantly surprised to be active in a very short period of time. I was going up and down stairs as soon as I got home!"
-- Polly Businger, Aortic Valve, David Procedure, 04/29/2014
"From the moment I met with Dr. Khoynezhad I knew I was in competent hands. He explained my surgery so I could understand and answered all of my questions. I had an ascending aortic aneurysm and Dr. Khoynezhad and his team saved my life. I saw him everyday after my surgery and he always had a smile and a kind word of encouragement. My sternum was completely opened, yet my incision is only in the cleavage of my breasts.
I saw him today for my six month check up and I am very healthy.I went back to work 8 weeks post surgery. I will recommend Dr. Khoynezhad to anyone who needs Heart Surgery. He is beyond amazing and the doctor who will save you or a loved one. He saved mine."
-- Mary Shannon Jones, Aortic Valve, David Procedure, 03/11/2014
"After a shocking diagnosis of a 6.5 cm aneurysm on my aorta, I was referred to Dr. Khoynezhad for surgery.
I really cannot say enough great things about Dr. Khoynezhad. He immediately made me feel comfortable about the upcoming surgery and took the time to answer all of my many questions. He even scheduled a follow up meeting before surgery to answer some of my additional questions. His nurse Mihaela was also a joy to work with. It's now been just over 7 weeks since my surgery and I am back to work and back to doing my cardio at the gym.
In my follow up appointment after surgery, Dr. Khoynezhad was also fantastic at answering my questions and making sure I was given the right information to have a perfect recovery. I am extremely pleased I chose Dr. Khoynezhad for my surgeon."
-- Mark Eisenberg, Aortic Valve, David Procedure, 02/10/2014
"I had three procedures, aortic valve replacement, aortic root and 1 CABG.
Dr. Khoynezhad and his staff are very professional and available to answer any pre and post op questions. It's been 2 months and I feel well and am able to walk briskly for a mile or more with not problem."
-- C. Hendrix, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Root Replacement, 01/21/2014
"Dr. Khoynezhad fixed my aortic aneurysm on December 17, 2013. By February 1, 2014, I was swimming again. He is either a genius, a magician or a Michaelangelo, or all three.
I always felt like I was in the best possible hands. And, that if fate intended it, Dr. K would make sure I lived to see my grandkids and maybe their kids too. He and his surgical team were compassionate, intelligent, available and just a pleasure to know and be treated by."
-- Ted Green, Aortic Valve, David Procedure, 12/17/2013
"Dr. Khoynezhad explained my condition in easy to understand terms. He detailed the procedures, took the time to answer my and my wife's questions, and addressed the psychological impacts of this type of surgery. He quickly gained my confidence. He visited me twice a day after the surgery. I highly recommend Dr. Khoynezhad if you're considering CT surgery. It's been over a month since my surgery. While I'm still recovering, my strength is returning. I'm sure that this procedure saved my life."
-- Michael Van Nordheim, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Root Replacement, Maze Procedure, 12/03/2013
"I had an aortic valve replacement and triple heart bypass.
Dr. Khoynezhad has done more than 2,000 such procedures. I rate the overall care by Dr. Khoynezhad as "Excellent". The doctor took considerable time with me pre-op and post-op. I am 80 years old, back at the gym and now back to excellent health. "
-- Arthur Porter, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Root Replacement, 10/28/2013
"Dr. Khoynezhad did a great job. Feel wonderful two years after the procedure No problems at all. I highly recommend him."
-- John Chapman, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, 09/27/2013
"Hands down one of the best surgeons you could work with. Ali and his team made one of the most complicated surgeries seem easy. My recovery is ongoing and progressing well. The nurse staff is also excellent. "
-- Chris Magnuson, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Median Sternotomy, Root Replacement, David Procedure, 09/03/2013
"My experience was amazing. I totally recommend this sugeon. "
-- Francisco Marrari, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Transcatheter, 07/02/2013
"I was very fortunate to be referred to Dr. K and his team. Not only is he a great surgeon, he was great at explaining the procedure and why I needed it. When I first saw him, I got cold feet and didn't get the procedure I needed -- which was a David Procedure for an Aortic Aneurysm. He made sure I saw him for a follow-up. When I got cold feet again, he asked if he could speak to my wife. That did it, and it is a good thing I had it done when I did, because my Aorta was "paper thin" in spots. The Nurse Practitioner is great. When you have a question or concern she calls back on the same day and will spend as much time as you need to explain the what and why of your question. Also, I had a few complications after surgery, and am I glad Dr. K was my surgeon. Not only did they fix the complication, but Dr. K did an outstanding job reassuring my wife that everything was going to be fine. Open heart surgery is certainly no walk in the park, but if you need it have it done by Dr. K. I am a very active person, and after a week I was walking a block and at 2 weeks 15 minutes. It has now been 3 1/2 months since my surgery, I'm walking 45 minutes and lifting light weights at the gym. Oh, and people are amazed at my scar, you can barely see it!"
-- Joe Nestor, Aortic Valve, David Procedure, 04/22/2013
"Dr. Khoynezhad is wonderful, kind, caring and informative. I had an aneurism on my aorta, near my heart, that had to be removed. Part of the aorta was replaced with an artificial tube, in addition to a valve replacement. The surgery was very successful and the follow-ups have been great. He is blessed with special gifts of knowledge, talent and a gentle soul. His staff was nice, courteous, lovely, and caring. Dr. Khoynezhad made it a point to advise my four sons to be checked, as well. This pre-cautionary advice was taken seriously and all four of them were checked, due to family history. "
-- Eleanor Rivas, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Root Replacement, 04/15/2013
"Dr. Ali Khoynezhad performed the David Procedure on me and did an exceptional jobs. He repaired my bicuspid valve and removed my ascending aortic aneurysm. I was out of the hospital in 4.5 days and my recovery is going very well. He is extremely talented, humble, and was always willing to spend as much time as we needed answering any questions we had. I believe him to be one of the very best in the county at this procedure. His staff is wonderful and the ICU nurses were great. His Nurse Practitioner, Mihaela, was comforting and a great asset to my wife and I throughout this entire process. I highly recommend that if you have a valve or aortic issue and might need surgery you contact him as soon as possible."
-- Scott Reiber, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Mini Sternotomy, Root Replacement, David Procedure, 02/25/2013
"The specific procedure was for a aneurism on the ascending aorta... For such a complicated surgery, the post operative time was very pain free and problem free. I was very, very pleased and had no complications with the surgery at any time to the present which is now almost ten months later.
Dr. Khoynezhad and his staff were exceptional. Everyone involved took the time to answer any questions I had and were kind, comforting and helpful. I would highly recommend Dr. Khoynezhad based on my experience with him and his staff."
-- james engstrom, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Root Replacement, 11/07/2012
"Excellent surgeon! He explained the very complicated procedure in a way that was understandable and comforting. I was very lucky to have Dr. Khoynezhad perform my operation. I recovered very quickly and I am doing everything I did before I was diagnosed."
-- John Wehrly, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, David Procedure, 09/10/2012
"Dr. Khoynezhad was top notch. I saw him in early July and had my surgery two weeks later. Earlier in the year, I had been diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm. I received some conflicting information from my original cardiothoracic surgeon and found out the the aneurysm was growing in size and needed attention soon.
After doing a large amount of research online, I reduced the number of potential sites for the surgery to four. Dr. Khoynezhad was the closest and I met him first and was very impressed. I scheduled the surgery immediately. I had a number of side effects immediately after the surgery including arrhythmia, blood sugar problems, extremely painful back spasms and fluid buildup in the chest cavity.
As a result, I took a bit longer in the hospital than originally hoped for. In the following months, I developed a ventricular pseudo aneurysm (which was repaired by Dr. Kar who was a colleague of Dr. Khoynezhad) and had lingering arrhythmia problems.
However, one year later, I celebrated the anniversary of the surgery with a 15 mile hike that included a 3,000 foot change in elevation in the Sierras. The only medications I currently take are fish oil, a vitamin tablet and one baby aspirin a day.
On my last annual visit, Dr. Khoynezhad told me that I wouldn't need to see him again for two years and that the tissue valve they used to replace my original valve was doing much better than expected. Consequently, I would probably not need the expected replacement as soon as I was originally told. I was and continue to be in very good hands with Dr. Khoynezhad."
-- Brent Shenton, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Mini Sternotomy, Root Replacement, 07/17/2012
"Dr. Khoynezhad is a fabulous person in addition to being the best surgeon I could ever hope to have. He gave me confidence and he has an excellent bedside manner. I am a lucky person. I never worried for one minute about the outcome. I just knew Dr. Khoynezhad would do an excellent job. It is one year since my surgery and I take no meds at all! All the nurses were great too. I am a very happy man and have added their names to my list of wonderful people I admire most! Thank you doctor Ali. And thank you again! What could be better in the world than being excellent at helping people save their lives. God bless you! You are the BEST!"
-- George Jones, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Root Replacement, David Procedure, 07/12/2012
"From the diagnosis on through surgery and after, Dr. Khoynezhad has been so incredibly supportive. He explained everything all along the process and always listened & listens to me & my concerns. I completely trust him and find him to be incredibly knowledgeable yet human. He is so supportive of my needs still. His staff are awesome and professional and very humane. My surgery was a success and my recovery has been monitored so professionally yet humanly by Dr. Khoynezhad and his staff. And least important but a plus is the fact that my scar is so minimal which shows their surgical skills."
-- Danny Ray, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, David Procedure, 06/25/2012
"At age 52, I was diagnosed with a 5.45cm ascending aortic aneurism after an accidental fall that broke 3 of my ribs. The CT scan had revealed this silent but deadly monster lurking just behind my rib cage. It was speculated the aneurism had probably been there for years and I was told consult my primary physician about future treatment.
My primary physician encouraged me to find the best qualified surgeon I could because the procedure is highly specialized. From a Google search I found an aortic aneurism program at Mount Sinai in New York. Mount Sinai recommended Dr. Ali Khoynezhad, at Ceders-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles as expert in this very difficult procedure. After setting up a initial consultation with Dr. Khoynezhad and his staff, my wife and I most were most impressed with his caring nature and his ability answer all of our questions and concerns about my condition and the procedure ahead.
The David Procedure, as it is called, was about 5 hours in length and totally successful. Dr. Khoynezhad was able to repair my aortic valve rather than replace it with an artificial one. My aorta was replaced all the way up to the arch with a Dacron tube.
Looking back on the experience 15 months later I think the following moment sums up the type of surgeon and person you are placing your trust in when you choose Dr. Khoynezhad. At the end of our first meeting with Dr. Khoynezhad and his nurse practitioner Mihaela te Winkel, Dr. Khoynezhad shook our hands and said, "We're going to be friends for life." He was right and we are so fortunate to have found him."
-- Jeffrey May, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Mini Sternotomy, David Procedure, 05/14/2012
"Exemplary communication both before and after surgery. Results with Dr. Khoynezhad are excellent and follow-up care has been thoughtful and professional."
-- William Alderson, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, 04/09/2012
"Dr. Khoynezhad was awesome. I wish wish all doctors had the "bedside manner" and enthusiasm that he and his staff do! Surgery was successful, with no major complications."
-- John C., Aortic Valve, David Procedure, 03/05/2012
"Dr. Khoynezhad did an outstanding job. He explained everything thoroughly before the surgery. His bedside manner is charming and the surgical were all that could be desired. I have follow up visits with him or his assistant every year. I was totally satisfied with my experience with Dr. Khoynezhad."
-- John Thornbury, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, David Procedure, 02/13/2012
"I would like to strongly endorse Dr. Ali Khoynezhad for the extremely high quality care I received when Dr. Khoynezhad’s team performed a Bentall open heart surgical procedure on me in February of 2012.
This surgery was performed to resect a 6.5 cm ascending aortic aneurysm and replace my aortic valve. The surgery was complex, and included hypothermic circulatory arrest. The surgical outcome was excellent, and the entire team took time to answer all of my questions before the surgery, and provided excellent post-operative care both in the coronary ICU and when I was moved to the coronary care unit. The nursing staff also did a superb job in my post-operative care.
I returned to work a little over 3 months after the surgery and I enjoy an active, full life that includes daily bicycling as well as hiking in the mountains on summer vacations."
-- Richard Chadwick, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Root Replacement, 02/02/2012
"Dr. Khoynezhad is wonderful, friendly, caring and truthful. He has excellent staff and follow-up care. We even looked at lab results on his phone together."
-- Kathy Williams, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Root Replacement, 02/01/2012
"Dr. Ali Khoynezhad will always be near and dear to my heart. Pun intended! Dr. K performed the David Procedure on me flawlessly. The best thing about Dr. K is how confidence inspiring he is. Every step of the way -- before and after the procedure -- Dr. K was always correct in his diagnosis of my status whenever there was an issue that came up. I'm 45 years old and have resumed my fully active lifestyle including basketball, mountain biking, weight training, and training for the LA Marathon. I would be happy to speak to anyone about my experience with Dr. K. He and his staff will take excellent care of you! "
-- Jared Underwood, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, 12/19/2011
"Great experience from beginning to end. Clear explanation of procedure and what to expect. Excellent bedside manner. Great team"
-- David Katzman, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, 12/01/2011
"Dr. Ali Khoynezhad is an amazing surgeon. He has a warm and caring bedside manner. What also should be noted was his bedside manner with my family, I was told that was extraordinary. I am very happy with my results and highly recommend Dr. K. "
-- John Feinour, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Root Replacement, 08/08/2011
"I cannot possibly say enough about the bedside manner of Dr. Ali Khoynezhad not only with me but with each member of my family. Dr. Ali Khoynezhad became my friend and gave me a great feeling of trust. I know the surgery was a success and I am recovering very well."
-- Robert Beren, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, 06/13/2011
"Dr. Ali Khoynezhad and his team went above and beyond the level of care provide to me and my wife by talking to us about the procedure before and after surgery. I was made to feel I was in the best hands possible. Even the care weeks & months after surgery were unsurpassed. The nurses and Doctor Ali Khoynezhad are bar-none the best in the business. "
-- Ken Kline, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Root Replacement, 03/29/2011
"I was diagnosed with an ascending aortic aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve in July, 2010. I lived in Colorado, but had lived in California and was aware of the group Dr. Khoynezhad belonged to. After meeting with several surgeons here in Colorado, I flew to LA to meet Dr. Khoynezhad. He was also recommended by my Cardiologist at Scripps in La Jolla, Dr. Roy Avalos. The moment I met him, I knew he had the skills to do the job as well as the warmth and kindness which was so comforting to my daughter. The procedure was lengthy, but totally successful. He was able to repair my aortic valve rather than replace it with an artificial one. My aorta was replaced all the way up to the arch. I was so thrilled to see him at my follow-up visit in December. He is a true rock star to me. Also, I can't forget to mention his wonderful staff and those fabulous nurses in the intensive care unit. I would be happy to talk to anyone wondering about this surgery, the aftermath and Dr. Khoynezhad. "
-- Mary Patricia Power, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, David Procedure, 01/25/2011
"My experience with Dr. Ali Khoynezhad was very good. He explained the procedure in simple language and answer all questions posed by my family and me. I am very happy with my results."
-- Alan Weisbart, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, 12/15/2010
0 notes
heyfunnie · 6 years
Teeth Whitening 4 You Review
Teeth Whitening 4 You Review
Teeth Whitening 4 You Review
Teeth Whitening 4 You Review
The dental market is packed with so several merchandise and tools that promise to allow you a white teeth in no time and at the top of the day they end up not living up to their expectations. Teeth discoloration isn't a cheerful feeling, and will be terribly onerous to remedy if you do not build use of the correct tools and product. The most common problem with these whitening products these days is that they all possess a high amount of bleaching agents that winds up whitening the teeth and giving up discomfort that might be exhausting to manage. Taking correct care of the teeth matters a heap, and sadly most folks perpetually notice one excuse or the opposite to avoid this responsibility. Some either play the I am recent card, or I am too sick to worry concerning my teeth, for a few they are just too busy to relinquish a care regarding the appearance of their teeth. If you are doing not be sure of your body, no one else will, it is up to you in deciding if the discoloration on your teeth is a pretty sight, or simply awful to behold. The approach you're taking care of yourself says a heap about you. Teeth discoloration can cause additional damage than you'll be able to ever imagine. For example it may put a strain on your work communication. You can't be a receptionist with awful and discolored teeth, and expect to see customers sticking around with the services you offer. Are you also perhaps a chef with discolored teeth? That would be an enormous flip off to your institution, individuals wouldn't trust whatever meals you prepare, if you just don't have any sense of personal hygiene. Teeth Whitening four You Review Age has nothing to try to to with how sparkling or how discolored your teeth is, people have this silly belief that as you age your teeth will inevitably be discolored and ugly, that is not true, that's a pretend belief that we ought to not encourage. You furthermore may don't would like to lavish cash on expensive product and dental procedures that can not successfully work, or give you the specified results you seek. Take heed to my recommendation and notice out the most effective dental system to follow, and see the simplest results in a brief duration. Teeth Whitening four You is that the hands on answer that addresses teeth discoloration truthful and squarely. The program allows you with understanding that the color of your teeth has a heap to do together with your health and general lifestyle habits. Regarding the Author; Lucy Bennett The author of the program may be a girl referred to as Lucy Bennett, she could be a author and a former member of the dental community. Lucy uses her intensive data in dental health to help people see real solutions below a short length. She doesn’t just stop at that, she is efficient in her research and never stops expanding the data in her arsenal. Lucy Bennett worked as a dental nurse for over sixteen years and will easily relate to the dental issues experienced by folks today, in a comfortable manner. She makes it clear that the whitening product used by folks these days on their teeth, contain hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, each of that will be very hazardous to the human system. Regarding Teeth Whitening four You Teeth Whitening four You is a digital based mostly dental guide that comes as an eBook in PDF format, contained in it are proven steps that are terribly effective for teeth whitening. The program suggests to you solutions that may be used to whiten the teeth, and make you witness long lasting results that counter the employment of pricy dental procedures, and harmful dental products. With this program you may haven't any use for all those whitening products that are unreliable and a total waste of your time. Our dentists are keen on using this harmful chemicals to whiten our teeth, such as the hydrogen and carbamide peroxides mentioned earlier. This leaves you with irritating gums and a terribly nasty feel, generally the effects are so severe that you'll have to visit a dentist frequently, thanks to discomfort. This program but, is strictly based on natural techniques and ways, which can bring no harm to your health, gums and teeth in general. girl face and 2 varieties of teeth How the System Works     The system explains to you in an thorough manner the consequences that are related to commercially sold whitening product, how harmful they are to our oral health     Provides you with six steps that have been tested and affirmed to treat teeth discoloration and offer you a whither wanting and healthier teeth.     Hands to you 3 necessary secrets that are home based mostly that might simply be accessed and used to treat teeth discoloration. You do not want to shop for expensive products anymore, you'll be able to keep all that cash in the bag, or then again your kids school.     Tells you numerous herbal cures for teeth discoloration that has been passed down many generations.     Comes with a arrange that lasts for three months and should be implemented over 7 days, using natural products, keeping the bleaching agents at bay.     Unveils to you an ingredient found within the kitchen that is a strong teeth whitener and general health provider.     Tells you concerning a weird trick that individuals wouldn't believe actually helps within the teeth discoloration process.     Guides you drop by drop through the six steps that comes with the guide. Positives of Teeth Whitening four You     Straightforward to follow guide, straightforward language used. Nice structure and keeps the complexity aside.     Becomes alert to teeth whitening procedures that can be very detrimental to both your oral and dental health, get conversant in a natural manner of whitening teeth.     Become informed of the injury that hydrogen peroxide does to the teeth.     Natural based, you would like not to be in fear of poisoning and harmful chemicals.     Not as dear as most dental guides and product in the market these days.     You receive advice other than teeth whitening. You are given bonuses that helps within the unhealthy breathe side and keeping a healthy gum.     Comes with a sixty day cash back guarantee. teeth Negatives of Teeth Whitening 4 You     The results expected could vary from one person to a different. You'll notice change is occurring at a slower rate, while it's occurring at a faster rate for someone else. Therefore not be alarmed though, it all depends on the current of your teeth.     The program needs a ton of effort on the users path. Some may find this boring and slow as the program at the very least takes some weeks to work out visible results.     Available solely in digital format and thus needs an internet connection to access. No paperback or delivery needed, you have got to figure with it digitally. Conclusion Teeth Whitening 4 You could be a solid recommendation, avoid all the chemicals that would hamper on your health and produce a rift in your oral health. I advise you to ditch the sugar coated dental merchandise that are high in hydrogen peroxide. Although they can work, they can however leave a badge of harm to your gums, teeth and mouth as an entire. Go for something more natural like Teeth Whitening four You.
0 notes
Teeth Whitening 4 You Review
Teeth Whitening 4 You Review
Teeth Whitening 4 You Review
Teeth Whitening 4 You Review
The dental market is full of therefore several products and tools that promise to give you a white teeth in no time and at the end of the day they end up not living up to their expectations. Teeth discoloration is not a contented feeling, and will be terribly hard to remedy if you do not create use of the correct tools and merchandise. The most typical downside with these whitening product these days is that all of them possess a high amount of bleaching agents that winds up whitening the teeth and let go discomfort that may be hard to manage. Taking correct care of the teeth matters a heap, and sadly most people continually find one excuse or the other to avoid this responsibility. Some either play the I am old card, or I am too sick to worry regarding my teeth, for a few they're simply too busy to present a care about the appearance of their teeth. If you do not be sure of your body, no one else can, it's up to you decide if the discoloration on your teeth may be a pretty sight, or simply awful to behold. The manner you're taking care of yourself says a heap regarding you. Teeth discoloration can cause additional damage than you'll be able to ever imagine. For example it may put a strain on your work communication. You can not be a receptionist with awful and discolored teeth, and expect to determine customers sticking around with the services you give. Are you furthermore may perhaps a chef with discolored teeth? That would be a large turn off to your establishment, folks wouldn't trust whatever meals you prepare, if you merely don't have any sense of personal hygiene. Teeth Whitening four You Review Age has nothing to do with how sparkling or how discolored your teeth is, individuals have this silly belief that as you age your teeth will inevitably be discolored and ugly, that is not true, that is a faux belief that we should not encourage. You furthermore mght do not need to lavish cash on expensive products and dental procedures that can not successfully work, or provide you the desired results you obtain. Take heed to my advice and realize out the simplest dental system to follow, and see the simplest results in a brief period. Teeth Whitening 4 You is that the hands on solution that addresses teeth discoloration fair and squarely. The program allows you with understanding that the color of your teeth encompasses a ton to try and do with your health and general lifestyle habits. About the Author; Lucy Bennett The author of the program could be a woman referred to as Lucy Bennett, she may be a author and a former member of the dental community. Lucy uses her intensive information in dental health to help folks see real solutions underneath a brief length. She doesn’t simply stop at that, she is efficient in her research and never stops expanding the data in her arsenal. Lucy Bennett worked as a dental nurse for over sixteen years and will simply relate to the dental issues experienced by folks nowadays, during a comfy manner. She makes it clear that the whitening products used by people nowadays on their teeth, contain hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, both of which will be very hazardous to the human system. Concerning Teeth Whitening 4 You Teeth Whitening 4 You is a digital based mostly dental guide that comes as an eBook in PDF format, contained in it are proven steps that are terribly effective for teeth whitening. The program suggests to you solutions that can be used to whiten the teeth, and make you witness long lasting results that counter the utilization of pricy dental procedures, and harmful dental products. With this program you may have no use for all those whitening product that are unreliable and a complete waste of your time. Our dentists are keen on using this harmful chemicals to whiten our teeth, like the hydrogen and carbamide peroxides mentioned earlier. This leaves you with irritating gums and a terribly nasty feel, sometimes the results are thus severe that you may have to visit a dentist frequently, due to discomfort. This program however, is strictly based on natural techniques and ways, that can bring no damage to your health, gums and teeth generally. girl face and 2 types of teeth How the System Works     The system explains to you in an thorough manner the consequences that are related to commercially sold whitening merchandise, how harmful they are to our oral health     Provides you with six steps that have been tested and affirmed to treat teeth discoloration and offer you a whither trying and healthier teeth.     Hands to you three important secrets that are home based that might easily be accessed and used to treat teeth discoloration. You are doing not need to shop for expensive products anymore, you'll keep all that money in the bag, or nonetheless your children faculty.     Tells you varied herbal cures for teeth discoloration that has been passed down many generations.     Comes with a set up that lasts for 3 months and should be implemented over 7 days, using natural product, keeping the bleaching agents at bay.     Unveils to you an ingredient found within the kitchen that's a robust teeth whitener and general health provider.     Tells you about a weird trick that people would not believe actually helps within the teeth discoloration process.     Guides you bit by bit through the six steps that comes with the guide. Positives of Teeth Whitening four You     Easy to follow guide, easy language used. Nice structure and keeps the complexity aside.     Becomes tuned in to teeth whitening procedures that can be very detrimental to both your oral and dental health, get accustomed to a natural manner of whitening teeth.     Become informed of the injury that hydrogen peroxide does to the teeth.     Natural based, you would like not to be in fear of poisoning and harmful chemicals.     Not as dear as most dental guides and product within the market these days.     You receive recommendation other than teeth whitening. You're supplied with bonuses that helps within the dangerous breathe facet and keeping a healthy gum.     Comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. teeth Negatives of Teeth Whitening 4 You     The results expected could vary from one person to a different. You'll notice amendment is occurring at a slower rate, while it's occurring at a faster rate for someone else. So not be alarmed though, it all depends on the current of your teeth.     The program needs a ton of effort on the users path. Some may notice this boring and slow because the program at the terribly least takes some weeks to work out visible results.     Available only in digital format and therefore desires an net affiliation to access. No paperback or delivery required, you have got to work with it digitally. Conclusion Teeth Whitening four You may be a solid recommendation, avoid all the chemicals that could hamper on your health and create a rift in your oral health. I advise you to ditch the sugar coated dental merchandise that are high in hydrogen peroxide. Although they can work, they will however leave a badge of injury to your gums, teeth and mouth as a whole. Go for something more natural like Teeth Whitening four You.
0 notes
mgdlnaesthetic · 6 years
Adonis Golden Ratio Review
Adonis Golden Ratio Review
Adonis Golden Ratio Review
Adonis Golden Ratio Review
Adonis Golden Ratio Review
We men are pretty vain creatures, irrespective of how much we insist on the contrary. When at the gym, we have a tendency to spend almost as a lot of time checking our muscles out within the mirror as we have a tendency to do lifting weights. We have a tendency to love the manner our muscles look, and work arduous to relinquish the muscles the “ideal” form. Consistent with the Adonis Golden Ratio program, it’s potential to get the “good masculine physique” using the diet and exercise tricks taught within the book. Is it realistic? This Adonis Golden Ratio Review takes a glance below the hood to find out if the program delivers… What is Adonis Golden Ratio? The Adonis Golden Ratio program is intended to help men get the “perfect” physique. The term “perfection” is defined by the Adonis Golden Ratio as a formula for the body form that will be most subconsciously enticing to women. It sounds sort of a fascinating concept, but I’m a bit hesitant to simply accept it. The Minds Behind Adonis Golden Ratio: John Barban and Kyle Leon John Barban is the identical man who contributed to the Venus Factor, which we have a tendency to have reviewed exhaustive here… Consistent with John Barban’s official website:     My formal education background could be a Masters In Human Biology and Nutrition from U of Guelph, where I spent 3 years as a varsity strength and conditioning coach for the ice hockey team.     I did more graduate research and taught exercise physiology at the University of Florida. I’ve taken a bunch of private training certifications, all the usual ones like the NSCA CSCS, ACE PT, CSEP, etc. He has worked with or taken half in the creation of brands such as:     MuscleTech     NxLabs     Slimquick     ADS     BlueStar Nutraceuticals     Empowered Nutrition Merchandise Kyle Leon is the person behind the Customized Fat Loss program, that we have a tendency to have reviewed thorough here… He may be a fitness trainer that markets fitness products, and has definitely become well-known because of the comes on which he has put his name. He may be a nutrition specialist, a private trainer, and a fitness model – having appeared on the covers of a number of fitness magazines. He additionally serves on the fitness advisory board at BioTrust Nutrition, and acts as a spokesperson and senior product development consultant at an organization named Blue Star Nutraceuticals. Of course, if you Google “Kyle Leon” or “Kyle Leon bio”, you discover very very little information on him. Click here to read the video presentation of the merchandise A Have a look at the “Adonis Golden Ratio” Package Naked upper body of a muscular man perofrming an exercise with an EZ Curl bar. Upon getting the Adonis Golden Ratio package you are sent a NADA folder with nine PDF files. The Adonis Effect Index Manual This book is that the intro to the Adonis Golden Ratio program, and it gets you started down the road to “perfection”. It starts out by explaining what the “Adonis Golden Ratio” is, detailing how girls of different ages and from completely different components of the world will realize the identical body attractive. In step with the book, anthropologists are searching for the explanation behind this perception of attraction for “years”, and it's a mathematical equation that governs this law of attraction. The mathematical equation is named the Golden Ratio. The Golden Ratio is 1:1.618. What does this mean? Well, per the instance cited in the book, the gap between your head and your navel is 1:1.618 of the gap from your head to the information of your fingers. The Golden Ratio was used by artists like Leonardo da Vinci and designers like Le Corbusier to define the perfect male body. Sculptures were created according to those measurements, and it's these measurements that ladies notice most tasty.     The purpose of the Adonis Golden Ratio books is to assist you achieve that “excellent” ratio of broad shoulders, defined chest, a decent waist, and well-outlined arm and leg muscles. The book goes on to list the advantages of being attractive (a terribly shallow concept, in my view), together with:     An easier time obtaining employment     Being happier     Attracting a lot of women     Individuals’s perception of you changes The 3 Adonis Index Nutrition Programs The book lists the three completely different programs used in the Adonis Golden Ratio package: Burn The focus of this program is on burning fat to the intense, serving to those that are very overweight to lose weight and obtaining in sensible shape. Build and Burn For people who need to tighten up their muscles and obtain rid of these previous few pounds of fat, this is often the option for them. Lean muscle is constructed, and most fat is burned. Build This program focuses on those who would like to pack on the pounds of muscles, primarily hardgainers. It aims to market a high-calorie diet and fitness program that builds muscle mass. See that program you must opt for Calculating Your “Excellent” Body Size Naked upper body of a muscular man performing exercises with two dumbbells. The next section of the book helps you calculate what your current body ratio is, with that program you're supposed to use. This can be where things get a bit sophisticated. First, you utilize the equation provided within the book to help you work out what your current waist to shoulder ratio is. Then, you browse the charts to determine which of the three programs you will use. You have got to seek out your waist ratio on the 3 charts, matching your height.     For example:     I am 6' half dozen.         If my ratio is between thirty five.1 and 36.vi, I would be on the BUILD program         If my ratio is between 37.forty four and thirty-nine.78, I would be on the BUILD & BURN program         If my ratio is between 40.56 and 43.68, I would be on the BURN program Once you discover your home on the chart, you've got to choose the right program according to your height. Every of the three programs return with 3 options, each for a different height category.     Choice 1 is for those shorter than 5' 7?     Choice a pair of is for those between 5' eight? and six'     Option three is for those taller than vi' one? Difficult, right? I apprehend it took me a whereas to wrap my head around it, and it might take you a few minutes of careful reading to work out which program you belong in. The Adonis Golden Ratio Workout The workout program detailed during this program was really quite an interesting, unique one that fascinated me. The workout is basically divided up into four rep ranges:     5 reps of terribly significant weights     8 reps of serious weights     thirteen reps of moderate weights     21 reps of light weights This comes from the Fibonacci range, that is supposed to be the proper range sequence. Primarily, each range is the total of the two numbers before it. The sequence of numbers is as follows: zero, 1, 1, a pair of, three, five, eight, thirteen, 21, thirty four, 55, eighty nine, 144… The workout uses these numbers because the “good” range of reps for your workouts, though why they’re ideal is left unexplained. Whereas studying for my Certification as a Professional Trainer with The National Federation of Professional Trainers, I discovered this info:     White slow twitch motor unit failure is achieved through the four to six rep vary. These are the muscle fibers that expand, and they're the ones that provide you noticeable muscle definition.     Red slow twitch motor unit failure happens in the twelve to fifteen rep range. These are the muscle fibers that offer you stamina and strength and some definition.     Red fast twitch motor unit failure happens in the 20 to 25 rep range. These are the muscle fibers that provide you endurance. The Adonis Golden Ratio workouts principally fall into this rep range, however the eight-rep workout arrange can not engage either the white or red slow twitch motor units properly–meaning less definition and growth for both of these muscle units. There are some tips to assist you complete your workout properly, and you’ll realize that you'll be able to get started with the workouts simply. Every of the three programs–BURN, BUILD, and BURN & BUILD–is intended virtually precisely the identical, with identical structure and content. The Workout Manual Each program comes with its own workout manual, complete with:     A list of exercises to try to to with each workout     A weightlifting workout to try and do four days of the week     A cardio intervals workout to do 2 days of the week     Advice on how several reps to try and do per workout, relying on the cycle you're browsing     Three cycles–Growth, Lean Muscle, Definition–each lasting four weeks It’s a pleasant, complete fitness program, and you’ll realize that it takes the mystery out of your daily gym session. Just print out the PDF file, and take it with you to the gym to grasp SPECIFICALLY what to try to to and the way many times to try and do it. The Diet Guide All three programs come with a diet guide to assist take the mystery from how and what to eat. Right off the bat, you get three nifty tips to induce you started. 3 Simple Rules to Live by:     Eat breakfast only 30 minutes once waking up     Eat each three to five hours     Eat your largest meal or have a protein shake immediately once working out The first 0.5 of the book is dedicated to an entire meal plan consisting of fifty six days’ price of menus. The recipes are all incredibly easy, however are undoubtedly delicious. You’ll realize that all of them use ingredients that you'll be able to notice anywhere, and anyone will prepare them no matter how restricted your skills within the kitchen may be! The book gives you an extended grocery list, complete with everything that you will would like to prepare the meals on the menu. It even breaks down the grocery list by week, therefore you'll be able to know precisely what to induce and when. Positively taking the mystery out of the entire method! The book has you list the things that motivate you to get in form, and it’s kind of a fitness journal that you'll be able to fill out as you go. There’s a whole section dedicated to helping you find your motivation, and therefore the content is very inspiring and positive. One terribly necessary section is the large Goals and Tiny Goals section. All of us set huge goals, however it’s typically laborious to achieve the big goals as a result of they’re simply thus big. The ebook helps you to interrupt it down into tiny, attainable goals, creating it easier for you to work towards that large, overreaching goal. The ten Steps for Success We tend to can’t give you all ten steps, however here are a few:     Track your success     Use “Before” and “Once” photos     Arrange ahead     Reduce temptation The tips given are easy and simple to follow, however they’ll help keep you heading in the right direction to your fitness goals. The world’s Most In style Diets Grilled meat next to a cup of BBQ sauce. This is often an fascinating section of the book, because it takes a look at common diets like:     ZERO Diet     Atkins Diet     Low Carb Diet     VLCD Diets It explains why these diets don’t work, and how you'll be able to get better results via the Adonis Golden Ratio program. More Data The books give a ton of useful info, like:     The science of how fats, protein, and carbs are digested and used by your body     The truth behind good and bad fats     How water, vitamins, and minerals play a vital role in your health     How insulin and glucagon affect your blood sugar levels     How fat affects your appetite hormones     Tips and tricks for cooking     and abundant additional… Truth be told, the Adonis Golden Ratio program is fairly complete and comprehensive! Click here to work out what’s within the program What We Think of the Adonis Golden Ratio Program I was a bit skeptical after I started reading the program, but at the completion of my review, I notice myself with a much additional positive outlook on Adonis Golden Ratio. While there are some things that I’m not sold on, overall the program looks like one that is price the price. We’re Not Fond Of The Sophisticated Program It took me a while to work out the program, and it’s fairly difficult to perceive until you reassess it some times. For people who need a quick-fix program, this one positively takes a heap a lot of reading to understand. Lack of Explanation of the Adonis Golden Ratio Why is that the program laid out the means it is? The diet plan is made clear, however the workout isn’t as clear. There’s no rationalization as to why the precise number of reps were chosen, and there might be a small amount additional information on why the program helps to build the “ideal” body. We have a tendency to Love The Complete Info The Adonis Golden Ratio program takes you from start to complete, and you get all the assistance you wish in each space of your life. From diet to workout to lifestyle, this can be a complete program. Comprehensive Program You have got a diet menu with fifty six days of six meals, plus a 12-week workout program with vi days of workouts per week. That’s a ton of comprehensive information laid out and simple for you to absorb. Conclusion All in all, the Adonis Golden Ratio program seems to be a tight program. Considering what you pay for a complete lifestyle guide, it’s value it.
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