#and i still consider getting a ps 5
dinogoofymutated · 5 months
ik you just wrote for Kurt but if I could request some sfw headcanons for him? 👉🏽👈🏽 he'd be such a cuddly man especially with that tail of his
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Sfw! Nightcrawler/GN!Reader
YES OFC!!! I was just thinking about this !! With how cuddly he was in the latest episode it had me all giddy and shit AAUGHH!! THIS MAN!!!
I also may or may not have gotten carried away with the fic half of this because I'm actually in love with him.
-Ps- @bl1ngringz You sent an ask for more Kurt, and I'm working on more but I figured I'd tag you in this one!
TWs: none that I can think of atm.
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Touch is 100% one of Kurt’s love languages. If you're close to him, he's going to be touching you in one way or another
He really likes to wrap his tail around your waist to pull you closer to him, and it's always surprising because how is his tail that strong?? The sensation of his tail being wrapped around you in one shape or form starts to become such a comforting sensation.
If you're anxious and picking and your fingers in a social situation, he'll take hold of your hand and press a kiss to your palm, and if you're less comfortable with pda, he'll snake his tail in between your hands instead. Afterwards he always checks your hands and cuticles, just in case.
Sometimes he'll have really rough days and will just really need you to hold him. He'll teleport you out of your office if he feels like you've been gone too long and he starts to worry about you. It's surprising at first, but you quickly get over it when the furball snuggles into you, quietly pouting about how long you've been gone. It's easy to tell other things are on his mind, but you know he enjoys the silence when you choose not to press him, and simply hold him tightly.
Kurt isn't just a cuddle bug. He's a cuddle MONSTER. On the couch? He'll plop down on top of you, falling asleep on you like a cat who only ever manages to fall asleep right when you need to pee. In bed? Again, no pee breaks. He usually has such a tight grip on you, only able to fall asleep buried in your arms. It doesn't matter how hot it is, if you roll away he'll feel bad. He knows you don't hate him and that you're just moving in your sleep but :( come back. He can't sleep without you!
You wouldn’t consider yourself a morning person, but sometimes you’d wake up and simply be too restless to fall back asleep. Sometimes it was anxiety, other times excitement, but today you woke up simply content. Kurt’s arms were wrapped around you loosely, which was a surprise. He’s normally fully wrapped around you, limbs tangled tightly with your own, tail wound around your wrist, ankle, or hand in his sleep. You smile as you turn around, brushing hair out of his face. He doesn’t even stir, nor lean into the warmth of your hand. You’d be freaking out if it weren’t for his steady breathing, but the two of you had a rough couple of days. If he’s sleeping this deeply, he deserves the rest.
It’s easy to slide out of his arms, quietly padding out of the bedroom barefooted. You flinch when you reach the cold wood floors of the hallway, early spring still inconsistent with its bouts of cold weather. After quietly closing the door, you make your way to the living room on the search for a pair of slippers. You had a bad habit of losing them, sometimes stealing Kurt’s instead, but you find yours set aside neatly. You smile as you slip them on, knowing that you most certainly weren’t the one who put them there.
It’s still dark outside when you start to preheat the oven, and you know you must be up way too early. You laugh a little, with how early Kurt tends to rise, you can only imagine the time. You glance at the oven clock and notice it’s a little after 5 am. You grimace just a little, deciding to ignore it for now. Might as well make breakfast.
You feel like you’ve forgotten how to make breakfast food. Kurt always manages to beat you to it, waking you up in the morning with the smell of coffee and baked goods. You used to feel bad about it, telling him that he didn’t have to. That he didn’t have to go through with the effort. You felt guilty about such a simple thing, feeling like an inconvenience to him. That feeling didn’t last long, however. Kurt had insisted that you were worth the effort, worth his love, and much more. You don’t fight him on it anymore, having taken over lunch preparations instead. He still tries to beat you to that too, though. It’s become a competition as of late, and you smile in a giddy manner, excited to see his pout when he realizes you managed to beat him to breakfast.
    The sun has risen by the time you’ve finished the biscuits and set them out to cool. You’re scrambling some eggs when a tail wraps around your waist and a warm chest presses against your back. Kurt nuzzles into your shoulder, pressing a chaste kiss to the skin. 
    ��Guten morgen.” His morning voice is groggy, and to be honest, he sounds like he’s about to fall back asleep right here in the kitchen, holding onto you like a pillow.
“Good morning,” You giggle, turning your head to kiss him sweetly. He’s pouting when you pull away, leaning his cheek on your shoulder.
“You weren’t in bed when I woke up.” Kurt mopes. You mimic his pout with a poorly hidden smile, kissing him a few more times. They were chaste, as you didn't want to get distracted and burn the eggs.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t sleep, and I didn't want to wake you up.” You turn your attention back to the eggs in the pan, and Kurt sighs dramatically at your words, beginning to smile a bit himself. You see an arm sneakily reach over to take the spatula out of your hands, but you’re quick to hold it away from him. He smiles widely when he’s caught, pulling you flush to his chest as he tries to snatch it again with his other hand.
“No!” You giggle. “Kurt, stop it! I’m not letting you finish the eggs!” You may have the willpower to keep the spatula away, but Kurt still has the upper hand with longer arms and an extra limb. His laughs are infectious and he fights you for the utensil.
“Penance, then! For leaving me in a cold bed, I could have gotten sick, you know?” You gasp as Kurt manages to slip the spatula from your grasp. He rejoices in victory, holding it above your head as he turns back to the eggs. He kisses you on the cheek, holding you squarely in his grasp as he finishes breakfast for you, as he always does.
Today was a good morning indeed.
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werecreature-addicted · 10 months
An Idea of a F!Human working at a ranch((farm?? Idk what you call it)) but a big farm((??)) Like place with lots of acres, and a barn, and all the classic farm stuff.
And she also works with Minotaurs, and centaurs and other sturdy creatures that hang around farms.
But in this world humans are a little bit... Not trusted?? I don't know the word. But they're not trusted because they're known to be cruel to any intelligent life that isn't human, so the Minotaurs, Centaurs, werewolves and all these other creatures are very wary of her only to find out she is a sweetheart.
I'm sorry if this is a bit jumbled, I'm not a good writer but I thought you'd might like the idea 😭
PS. She works with the animals, since all the big sexy beasts do all the heavy lifting and crap ☺️☺️
PS 2. If you do go on with this.. maybe could you like.. hint at a minotaur romance if that's okay?? You don't have too though.
a monster-fuckers guide to ranching.
Most monsters have possessive/ territorial tendencies, it's best to keep males of the same species apart so there's no fighting. While some monsters are territorial they can form bonds or symbiotic relationships with other creatures. For example: harpies and dragons tend to get along, if the two are close the dragon might even let the harpy eat meat from between their teeth. And of course, almost all monster species can form bonds with humans or at least, tolerate human handlers in their space.
The main exception to this rule of thumb is Centaurs. Centaurs travel in big heard usually with 2-5 stallions, and while they handle others of their own species well they are particularly hostile to outside monsters encroaching on their territory.
Werewolves travel in packs and while they are still territorial, they are considered one of the more "friendly" species of monster, which may sound laughable to anyone who's had a werewolf take a snap at them, but as always It's important to remember not to judge monsters by human standards.
It's rare to find such a wide variety of monsters, the ranch spans hundreds of Aceres to accommodate them all and has countless workers to make sure all of their needs are met.
All of the monsters are a little cool and skittish around you at first as one of the senior workers introduced you to all of the inhabitants. slowly but surely they get used to your scent and they slowly warm up to you.
Most people treat the work like... well, work, but you seem to have a real passion for taking care of the monsters. You learn each of the monsters' names and the little quirks of their individual personalities, they've never had a handler as sweet as you. You quickly become a favorite of most of the monsters at the ranch.
Usually, it's nice being so popular, then heat season comes and multiple monsters are yowling for you to come and help them and suddenly it's a little more stressful.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Size Kink
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
A Size Kink is a general term for being aroused by being smaller/larger than your partner. It can be height, muscle mass/weight in general, cock size, ect. This is generally a kink we associate with subs having, but in my humble 5'1" experience, I've met more Doms with this kink than subs (hence my 5'11" baby daddy who thought he'd never have someone short enough to enjoy this kink with.) This kink has several subgroups that fall into it and sex acts that fall into it, but my personal favorite to write is height difference and body frame difference. So tall muscular male, short female (curvy or lean.)
What I love about size kinks is that it's so focused on specific aspects, and ANY body type gets to play with it. Little hands? Little legs? Luscious curves? Member of the Itty bitty titty committee? There is someone out there with a size Kink who is into your body and thinks you are a piece of artwork and sexiest thing on the planet. It's so beautiful because it is a body type kink that does not discriminate, and as a sex positive and body image positive person, I think that's super important and comforting for some people.
💕Peep the Valentines Day list here💕
As always NSFW below the cut
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Azriel x short!reader
Warnings - reader is VERY petite, smut, p in v, slow stretching
A/N - So, I actually have a request for a size Kink with Cassian sitting in my drafts as well from before I decided to do Valentines Day Bingo. Since I picture Cassian as an absolute unit, I used a more Megan thee Stallion vibe for that reader (tall and thick) so I decided to go very short and thinner built for this one to ensure they'd be different. I apologize if that bothers anyone. I will try to get that Cassian request finished asap to post it and make up for this 💙
Ps- with how quickly I am cranking some of these out, and how.... spicy some of them are getting, I don't have my normal outside editing all of the time. Baby daddy proof read this one. Before staring at me and going, "that wasn't fair." So, I apologize for any errors, as always, I will catch them on my fresh reread after it's posted 🫠
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Azriel was slowly losing his mind as he watched you use a chair to be closer to Cassian's height and argue with him face to face.
You were just so… small. So little compared to the two Illyrian males. They towered over you. They dwarfed you. Hell, he and Cass had discussed several times how easy you'd be to manhandle, considering they were both so sure their large hands could almost touch if they were wrapped around your waist.
At 6’8” and 7’ it wasn't hard for him and Cassian to own a room or be the tallest males, but Gods when Azriel stood next to your 5’ frame, when he saw Cassian pick you up like you were no more than a doll. It did something to him. It made him feel like a God, like he was powerful, possibly invincible.
He had been further spurred on by over hearing you and Nesta yesterday. She had asked you about how, if the opportunity presented itself, you would manage to fuck an Illyrian, and you, you with your never back down attitude had told Ness, “Mountains were made to be climbed.” He did not know if you had meant that in regards to him, but his hand found his cock quickly that night.
Azriel walked over to where you and Cassian argued over cereal. The fight wasn't serious, but he just needed to remind you that even with a chair below you, you still fell a few inches short.
“Get down before you fall and hurt yourself, angel.” He put a hand to you, offering to help you down. You glared, but put your hand in his.
Offering to help you was a mistake.
He felt the blood rushing to his cock as your little hand sat in his.
He shared a knowing look with Cassian when you looked away to step down and get back on the floor. The argument resumed instantly, your hand still in his.
It stopped as soon as Nesta walked in. Her mate and you going silent and agreeing to disagree.
Well, at least you thought you had agreed. Until Cassian turned around, Nesta in his arms waiting to fly into Velaris. He looked between you and Azriel before smirking. “You know, y/n, you might have shit taste in cereal, but at least you're the perfect height for some things.”
You didn't get it until you turned to Azriel, plush lips parted to ask what Cassian meant.
The blush that spread your cheeks was sinful.
Another image Azriel would save when he imagined it was your mouth around his cock tonight.
Azriel's room was across the hall from yours, so he knew you were being subjected to the same torture he was.
He was sure all of the Night Court could hear Cassian and Nesta. He rolled over to his back, throwing an arm over his face and sighing.
You were so small, so sneaky, he hadn't noticed you come in and shut the door until you were sitting on his bed.
And fuck being in his custom made oversized bed made you look so little. “Hello angel.”
He made room for you, welcoming you under the blanket you laid facing him, watching him. “Do you all never.. get worn out?” He chuckled. “Because humans do. Males typically finish, then they're like, done, and asleep.”
He looked towards you, laughing and smiling so hard his dimples were showing. “Is that your way of telling me you didn't enjoy rolling in the sheets while you were human?”
That blush spread your face again. “I had plenty of fun before Hybern did this to me. Thank you very much, sir.”
You had done it. Azriel shut his eyes, growling at the nickname as he did. “You cannot call me that when you're laying in my bed, y/n.”
You looked at him, snuggling closer to him. You knew what you were doing to him. You had known for a while. You always tracked his eyes when he'd watch you take your heels off, biting his lip thinking no one was looking. You noticed him hide his arousal behind a mask of indifference when you would climb things around the House of Wind. You had also noticed Azriel and Cassian taking every chance they could to lift you.
You had even know Azriel was so sneakily listening to you and Nesta the other day, and you had meant it. Azriel was a mountain you intended on climbing. “Of course, sir. Wouldn't want you to have to use those big hands to keep me quiet.”
The growl that echoed through the room had your thighs clenching. He was on you in an instant arm between your breasts, so it rested on your neck. The other hand sat on your hip, inching forward. “Do not tease me.” You could feel him pressed against your back, mind immediately lost in how that would fit.
You may have been biting off more than you could chew.
But fuck it.
You had never backed down from a challenge. Why start now?
You wiggled further into him, grazing his cock with each movement. “What if I'm not teasing? What if this is an offer, sir?”
“You're going to regret that, little one,” Azriel's hand immediately was in your shorts, his other hand squeezing your throat. A thick finger ran your soaked core, pulling a moan from you. “Going to have to go slow,” Azriel ground his hips into you, needing that friction on his aching cock. “Don't want to hurt you, angel.”
That one finger entered you without warning. It was already a stretch, but one you welcomed.
You loved how everything about Azriel was so big. His hands, his muscled chest and arms, his wings. Of course he'd be big there too. Anticipation began to replace the fear. You relaxed into him, tilting your head and pulling him into a heated sloppy kiss.
Azriel swallowed your moans and cries as his finger opened you up for him. You were tight, so damn tight. His hand moved from your throat to your breasts, loving how they weren't even a handful for him. You were so petite and slim, he reminded himself. He pulled your tank top off, maneuvering the best he could to get you fully below him. He pushed in a second finger, watching as you squirmed so helplessly below him. “So fucking little,” he moaned. “Mother above you're perfect. Just perfect.”
He leaned back, fingers increasing speed the best they could with your shorts in the way while he toyed with your breasts, pinching your nipples and smacking the tender flesh as he saw fit. “Cum for me so I can sit you on my cock, angel. You can do it, y/n. Show me how tight you'll be squeezing around me.”
You felt like you were floating as you came, whimpering Azriel's name as you watched him rut against the mattress for some friction, hazel eyes damn near lost in lust.
He pulled his fingers out of you, wasting no time ripping his sweatpants off and using those juices to coat himself. Your shorts came next, torn to shreds as he pulled you to the edge of the mattress and rested one leg on both sides of his chest.
He was as perfect as you imagined. His cock was long and thick. He was running it along your folds, soaking up at the slick he could before smacking the head of it against your clit.
Azriel could help but to stand with his hips flush against yours, admiring how it looked like his cock would be damn near in your stomach. “Gonna go slow,” he mumbled as he positioned himself at your entrance. “Can't risk hurting my little angel.”
He pushed the head in, keeping an eye on you as you moaned out a long fuck before relaxing into his bed. He sat there, only a few inches inside of you, feeling as your walls stretched out to accommodate him.
He pulled out and slowly reentered, pushing a little more inside of you. Your back arched off the bed, a whimper of pleasure ripping through your throat. The burn of it felt so good. You felt yourself drooling already, mind numb, and lost to anything that wasn't Azriel.
He continued his motions over and over until he was flush against your hips, and you were screaming for him. You had cum just from him slowly getting inside of you, and now he could see the bulge he had created, the slight swelling inside of you as your body made room for him.
Azriel put a hand on the bulge, feeling himself inside of you as he began thrusting. You were squeezing him so tight, hand struggling to find him to hold on to something.
He felt himself losing control, pace growing faster and faster as he watched you squirming and moaning below him. His arms went behind your hips and back, lifting you off the bed and manhandling you in the air for a little while. He brought you to his chest, moving you to be against the wall that shared his room and Cassian's.
A silent brag, and message, that he could now accurrately inform Cassian how easy you were to toss around like a doll.
Your hands found purchase on his shoulders as you became a babbling mess. Your silky core was twitching and tightening around him all over again, indicating to him how close you were, how ready you were. “Az,” you panted. “So fucking big.”
“Yeah,” he kissed the top of your head. “Bet it feels so good stretching you out, doesn't it, baby?” You couldn't respond as a certain angle had you becoming pliant in his arms. “Fuck I know it does.” He was practically lifting you on and off of him, watching as you stretched around his cock. “You're close, aren't you, angel?”
You nodded, eyes glazed over and jaw fallen open to the perfect o. “Gonna cum.”
“Then cum. Squeeze my cock. You wanted to climb the mountain, right y/n? Fucking climb.”
You hit that peak on his command again, clinging to him tightly as he continued using you and stretching you out.
It took Azriel a few more moments, but he stilled inside of you, head thrown back in a loud growl as he came inside of you. He pressed you back against the wall, panting slightly as he stared into your eyes. He lifted you easily, allowing his cock to fall out of you and you to whine at the sudden emptiness that took place where he had filled you.
“This can't be a one-time thing,” his voice was almost desperate as he moved to set you on the desk, forehead finding yours. “I need more of you. All of you.”
You couldn't help but to bit your lip, nodding so quickly with a growing smile. “I like how little you make me feel. How safe you make me feel.”
Azriel's eyes almost rolled back completely as they shut. “Gods you are perfect.” He leaned in to kiss you, only to be interrupted by his door slamming open and Cassian and Nesta barging in.
A massive wing snapped between you and them, blocking your body from their view.
Cassian cleared his throat before speaking. “We want to know how exactly that worked. Show us. Please.”
“Show you?!” Your voice cracked as you turned to a smirking Azriel.
Azriel kissed your forehead. “Bend over the desk, angel. Gotta give him a show since he asked so nicely.”
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General tag list:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth
Valentines Day Taglist:
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @amygdtjhddzvb  
Azriel Taglist:
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masarrysversion · 1 year
summary: love story of sir lewis hamilton x singer-songwriter!reader
inspiration: madame taylor swift’s discography. her new songs “you’re losing me” // her old songs
author’s note: this is my very first social media au ♡ must admit that I’m not satisfied with it and the end was rushed :/ taylor swift released a new song “you’re losing me” and I’ve seen many parallels with her old songs so I wanted to make an AU but with a different timeline than TS’s real timeline
face claim: chloe bailey 
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Liked by zendaya and 5 345 851 others
yourusername Surprise!!
Out NOW the new version of my album called Midnights (The Til Dawn Edition) 💙
This edition has a never before heard track called “You’re Losing Me” and it is the official third single from Midnights!!! (Link in bio)
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loveyn if you have ever been in a relationship that slowly died in front of you while you tried everything to save it but they acted like nothing was wrong, don’t listen to “you’re losing me” you’ll be agonising
midnightslover “I wouldn’t marry me either” anyone would be lucky to marry you, Y/N 😢
user1 you deserve someone who considers you and praises you for existing
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Liked by elliegoulding, lewishamilton and 3 465 834 others
yourusername THANK YOU SO MUCH, @brits 💖 I can’t believe ‘You’re Losing Me’ won International Song. This song means SO much to me!! The brit is already safe and warm on a shelf at home. What a magical night and what an honour to have been presented this award by two people I highly respect and admire, @elliegoulding & @lewishamilton 🙏
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lewishamilton 💜😍
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lewis44ham well... it sure is a normal way to answer an artist you’ve just met... 👀
LHmercfan @lewis44ham Lewis has always been nice like that with everyone lol. It doesn’t mean anything!
ynlover u deserve it so much!!
user47 you transforming your heartbreak into art and getting recognition for it just makes me happy
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45 295 likes
enews DATING RUMORS ALERT 🚨 Sir Lewis Hamilton and Y/N were spotted entering a building in Manhattan's Greenwich Village.
It seems like Y/N has made Cornelia Street her temporary abode for a few weeks now as her Tribeca property is undergoing a renovation. 
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lavendrshaze NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY
lewissnation They’re not just rumors imo. They have been interacting so much on social media lately!
formulamilton true lmao. and no wonder lewis has posted so many thrist traps since september 🤔
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Liked by lewishamilton and 8 416 478 others
yourusername Hi loves, my brand new album ‘wholeheartedly’ will be out this friday. Hope you’ll like it as much as I loved creating it ♡
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Liked by yourusername and 23 456 120 others
lewishamilton Y/N Hamilton, I would marry you endlessly.
You’re way better than a dream. 🤤
I always knew I was a lucky man but when I met you, I understood that I was the luckiest man ever. Fighting and hardwork have always be in my DNA and yet, fighting for your love and happiness everyday is like no other fights I experienced. It still is my best fight to this day. I will never stop working hard to be worthy of your love and consideration. I thought I had everything until you swept me off my feet at the Brits and finally made me complete that night. 
I love you. Thank you for making me and Roscoe your family, @username 😍❤️
Ps: I never thought I would have love songs written about me. In complete awe of your talent 😳
View all 364 924 comments
yourusername You and Roscoe are the loves of my life. I’m the one who is thankful for you, for having found the perfect human being. I have so much love, respect and admiration for you that it is unimaginable. I love you with all of my heart 💜
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jiniretracha · 11 days
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐲 - Jeon Jungkook (5)
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader / Park Jimin x fem!reader (but not quite, you'll see)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Future smut
Summary: You were supposed to spend your happily ever after with Jeon Jungkook... until a family issue causes him to leave and a sudden break up leaves you bereft in the arms of your best friend, Park Jimin.
Word count: 6.2k
PS: this is heavily entirely inspired in the last two episode of True Beauty (so consider this a huge spoiler if you haven't seen it) cause i've been a fan of it since it came out and I just had to do something about it lol
CHAPTER 5: 𝐒𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥
You plopped on your bed with a content sigh and you felt Crookshanks hopping on the bed and purring next to you.
“Hi, baby” you cooed. “You notice I’m happy, don’t you?”
You chuckled at how your cat was looking at you. He obviously sensed a change of feeling from how he was used to seeing you.
Your fingers scratched his head and smiled at him. “Yeah… I think I’m the happiest since we’ve met, aren’t I?” 
Crookshanks was startled when your phone started vibrating in your bag and you quickly took it out.
The smile that spread across your face was worth more than a thousand words. 
You accepted the call and raised your phone up to your ear. “Hey, Jungkook” you tried to hide your happiness. 
“Hey, Jagi” he replied and your stomach kicked with butterflies inside. “Did you get home alright?”
“Yeah, I was just hanging out with Crookshanks” you told him.
Jungkook frowned. “Huh? Who’s Crookshanks?” he asked, confused. “Don’t tell me you got a cat and named it after Harry Potter?” 
“Yeah. I think Hermione’s the coolest, so…” you shrugged and you could hear him chuckle at the other end of the line. 
Jungkook sighed. “Well, I’m glad you got home okay… I- I’m sorry if I got too ahead of myself and called you instead of waiting for your text. I just wanted to hear your voice, you know?” he told you, and you could feel the shyness in his voice. 
You laughed and shook your head. “It’s okay”
“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked you. 
“Why do you ask?” you said, trying to play hard to get.
“So I can see you” he immediately told you. 
You let out a hummed laugh. “You know, it still feels surreal… you know, that you’re here and all” you told him. 
“Yeah. I know” he said and smiled. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Kook” you said softly.
You felt him sigh and you smiled.
“I just… missed you hearing you call me Kook” he said. “That’s all” 
“Well… Kook, I have work tomorrow, just so you know. And I got an early shift, so if you let me, I gotta go have some dinner and go to sleep” you said, eyeing the digital clock on your nightstand. “And I still wanna finish the last episode of Mare of Easttown” 
“Again?” he chuckled. “You’ve seen that show three millions times at least”
“It’s so good! Kate Winslet is such a MILF in that one” you sigh.
Jungkook laughs and shakes his head. “If you say so” he tells you. “Have a good night, Jagiya”
“Good night, love” you smiled and then it fell.
You just called him love, like you used to.
You felt Jungkook’s breath hitch in his throat from your side of the call and you quickly pressed the red button to end it. 
With a whine, you covered your face with your hands and prayed he wouldn’t take it as a sign that you were giving in to him so easily.
Which you were, but he didn’t have to know that yet. 
「 ✦ 𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐬𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐝 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✦ 」
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Jimin sat that night with his bandmates, looking at the ground with heavy shoulders.
“Okay, you gotta do A minor there, and then a C… no, you’re doing an F there” Yoongi said to the leader of the group, Namjoon.
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!” he whines.
“You’re playing a totally different chord, take a look at the papers” Yoongi scolded him.
Hobi chuckles. “Yoongi, take it easy man” he said, slapping his palm on his hyung’s shoulder.
“Sorry…” he mutters.
Jimin wasn’t even paying one ounce of attention to the conversation. Instead, he was replaying memories from the night before, specifically the talk he had with Jungkook.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 THE NIGHT BEFORE 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
“Why did you have to come out right then and there?” Jimin asked Jungkook, angrily, as he watched his friend down a soju shot. “You stole my moment”
Jungkook frowns and pulls his face back. “The hell does that mean, Jimin?”
Jimin just rolls his eyes. “Whatever” he muttered. “It was my last chance” he sighed. “You know… what I’ve been wanting to do for two years and I couldn’t find the guts to do. To tell her how I feel. That's what I mean, and I’m finally doing it now” he said and poured himself another soju shot. 
Jungkook eyed him curiously and pressed his lips together. He understood him. He felt the exact same way about you, how could he not understand Jimin?
“I knew I’d get rejected” Jimin says after a while. 
Jungkook looked up at him.
“I just… I just felt like I had to try” he said and Jungkook could see the slight watering in his eyes.
“And did you?” 
“Get rejected” Jungkook replies.
Jimin chuckles. “Y/N’s too much of a sweetheart to do so… but I guess I did” he said. “Get rejected, I mean”
Jungkook nods and downs another soju shot.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 PRESENT DAY 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Jimin let out a frustrated breath at the memory from the night before and he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. 
He took it out and saw that you were calling him
“Hey…” he answered the call, leaving the room, ignoring his friends’ stare. 
“Jimin…” you said sternly.
He forced himself to smile. “What? Don’t tell me it didn’t work”
He heard you sigh. “It did, Jimin. I mean! I just got to talk to him and I guess we’re civil now” you said.
“Okay, a win is a win, right?” Jimin smirks.
“Yeah, if you say so” you said and he swears he can see you shrug. “I just had to say something to you”
Jimin felt his heartbeat quickening in expectation. “What is it, Y/N?”
“I wanted to say thank you and… I’m sorry” you said.
Jimin chuckled. “Why thank you and why sorry?” he asked. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. I mean, I’m not gonna lie. I always knew you weren’t over Jungkook. So… don’t feel sorry”
He could feel how bad you felt from the other side of the line and he hated it. It wasn’t his intention at all. 
“I knew it, Y/N. I knew that I wasn’t going to fit in your heart because there was simply no space for me” he put it softly. 
“Well… still. I’m sorry, Chim” you replied.
“Then, I’m sorry for confusing you by telling you how I feel” he states.
“No, you don’t have to apologize for it. I’m glad you did” you told him. “You’ve always insisted on me to say the things I keep in my chest. It applies to you, too”
Jimin chuckled. “I guess I’m just too wise. Aren’t I?”
“The wisest” you replied. 
Jimin nods with a chuckle. “And, as to my rejection, I guess it’s easier to let go after you’ve been rejected” he shrugs. “I’m preparing my debut with Hobi, Nam and Yoongi and that means I’m gonna be very busy to think about you” he jokes. 
You let out a laugh. “Well, don’t. You have a friend group that you’ll be leaving behind. What would Seokjin do without you?” you asked him. “He’ll cut his own ball sack!”
“Yeah… I guess that boy loves me too much” he sighed. 
“My favourite bro-mance” you chuckled. 
Jimin looked at the hour on his phone and his eyes widened. “You have an early shift tomorrow. Go to sleep!”
“Yes, mom” you muttered annoyed. “You’re so bossy”
“You know me” he says cheekily. “Okay, I’ll text you tomorrow. I have to get back or else Namjoon’s gonna have my head” 
“Go, go. I prefer you with a head, anyways” you snorted. “Good night, Chimmie”
“Good night, Y/N”
Jimin ended the call and shoved his phone inside his pocket with a little sigh.
He took a deep breath and turned his body to get inside the practice room, ready to get his head off from you by singing and complaining with his bandmates.
But before he could do that, he received a text from Seokjin.
Seokjin: hey, how did that plan go?
He smiled. Seokjin meant so much to him.
Jimin: it went well. like we all knew it would, i guess
Seokjin: and how are YOU doing?
Jimin: as well as I can be
Seokjin: do you want me to pick you up from practice? I can make you some nice ramen 
Jimin: not you buying my time with food, Jin
Seokjin: come on, you love it
Jimin laughed out loud and typed back.
Jimin: you know i do :)
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
You walked with a tired sigh up the steps to the salon with Karina and found Nari sitting by the reserved vanity. 
You frowned at Karina who gave you a shrug, she was just as confused as you were as to why that brat was there. 
Your boss came walking towards the two of you and gave you a knowing look.
“Hey, girls. I know… that girl’s a pain in the butt and all, but could you be the kindest angels on earth and please be a replacement for the make up team?” she pleaded. “Somi and Jisoo cancelled today, apparently they’re stuck in traffic and Nari has to get to the Fashion Show in ten minutes” she told you.
You and Karina looked at each other and faked a smile. 
“Of course we can” Karina nodded.
“Yeah” you added. 
Your boss gasped and grabbed your hand and Karina’s. “Thank you, girls!” she said and walked away.
You looked at Karina and let out a huff. “Okay, so, to the count of three, we kill ourselves?” you asked her.
Karina gave you a nod. “Yeah, highest building or we find something sharp enough to pierce the neck?” 
“I’m voting both”
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Inside the van, Karina was putting on Nari’s earrings, while the model eyed you up and down as you were tidying up the make up kit. 
“So… Y/N” she said and you could feel the disgust in her tone. “Are you and Jimin dating?” 
You looked up from the make up kit and looked at her. Again with the same shit? 
“No, we aren’t, Nari” you said, shaking your head. 
Nari chuckled and clasped her hands together. “Ah, that’s a relief. I mean… no offense. He wouldn’t if he had working eyes” 
You looked up at Karina who was glaring at Nari. “Right, yeah. Jimin does have working eyes, and that’s exactly why he wouldn’t go for just anybody” you said and continued with your task in hand.
Nari gasped and then scoffed. “Face mist!” she said, snapping her fingers. 
You grabbed it quickly and sprayed it over her face. 
She faked a cough and looked at you. “God, I didn’t ask for a sauna” she rolled her eyes and you placed the mist back into the kit, taking deep breaths.
You had to calm down because you were thinly close to punching her in the face.  
When the van stopped, the driver opened the sliding door and Nari sighed.
“I’m craving Gimbap, I’m so hungry” Nari cried.
Your boss gave Karina a smile and handed her a card. “Karina, would you go and-”
“No, not her” Nari shook her head. “Y/N, you go” she told you.
You arched an eyebrow. Why me?
“Um, is there any reason why Karina shouldn’t go?” your boss asked.
“No, Y/N’s closer to the door, don’t you think?” Nari asked, faking an innocent tone. 
You licked your lips and forced a smile. “Of course, what kind of Gimbap did you want?” you asked her, faking kindness.
She placed her finger on her lip and pretended to think. “Cheese Gimbap” she nodded.
Karina handed you the card and you went to buy the brat the goddamn Gimbap she wanted. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
When you reached the store, you ordered exactly what Nari had asked you and waited until it was ready.
You felt your phone vibrating in your pocket and you took it out. 
The butterflies in your stomach flew all around as you took a look at who was calling you.
“Hey, Jungkook” you smiled.
“Hi, Jagi” he exhaled. “Where are you right now?” he asked.
“I’m currently at a Gimbap store because the bitch that I work for was too nagging and wanted food” you muttered.
You could feel Jungkook felt bad for you on the other side of the line. “Oh, baby. I’m so sorry” he told you.
“It’s okay. I can text you my location, I’m off after this, so…” you shrugged. 
“Great, yeah” Jungkook replied, clearly excited. “But tell me more about this… bitch that’s been bothering you. Do I have to step in?” he asked.
You chuckled at his protectiveness. Some things never change. “No, no, it’s okay. I can handle it. I have Karina with me. Though she can’t do much about it, she’s working here too, so…” you shrug. “I just have to deal with the bitchiness, I guess”
“That’s not right, you know?” Jungkook points out and you could hear him shuffling in his car. 
“Yeah, well, what can I do? They pay me well” you told him with a chuckle. “And she’s really into Jimin to the point that she’s jealous of me for being his friend”
“Really? And what does Jimin think about her?” he asked you.
You faked a gag. “God, Jimin fucking hates her. And I don’t blame him at all. The brat’s insufferable” you told him and you could hear him laugh. “Today, she asked for Gimbap, as I told you, and my boss told Karina to go. But no, the princess, who hates me, had to step up and tell me in front of everybody that I had to go” 
“God, I know gender violence is wrong and I’ve been taught not to do that to women but this girl is tempting me” he warned. “Nobody gets to treat you like this”
Your heart warmed. “You’re so sweet”
“No. I’m serious. You are so kind to everybody and just because that girl’s jealous of you, which I get it, honestly, because you’re breathtaking, fucking perfect and a dream if you ask me, only because you’re friends with Jimin? Yeah no… hard pass” Jungkook said and you were left there, blushed and wanting to kick your feet at how he was complimenting you. “Jagiya? You there?”
“Yeah, sorry” you cleared your throat. “Um, yeah, no. I know I don’t deserve it. Nobody does” 
“I know, baby”
Can he just stop making you want to giggle like a teen?
“Kook, I have to go, my order’s here and I have to get this back to the brat as soon as possible” you told him.
“Okay, babe. I’m on my way” he said.
“Great, bye”
“Bye, Jagi” he said and cut the call.
God bless Jeon Jungkook.
「 ✦ 𝐈'𝐦 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐬
𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐬𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐁𝐮𝐭, 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✦ 」
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
You got back with the order, trying to jog back to the van as fast as you could.
“Here! Cheese Gimbap” you said and handed her the bag with food. 
Nari sighed and grabbed the box. She opened it and then gasped.
“Wh-what’s wrong?” Your boss asked.
“There’s cucumber in these. Why didn’t you ask them to take it out?” Nari spat.
“You didn’t tell her to take the cucumber out, Nari” Karina said to her. 
“Should I get a new one?” you asked her.
Nari rolled her eyes and handed her the box. “No need, I’m freaking starving so just take the cucumber out yourself” she said and whipped her hair over her shoulder.
With a scoff, you glared at her. “You take it out” you said to her.
Nari looked at you up and down and let out a chuckle. “Should I be taking the cucumber out of my Gimbap? You’re the assistant here”
“Yeah, assistant. Not your slave! You take it out, do you not have hands?” you asked her, quoting Jimin. “I didn’t study cosmetology to take cucumber out of a gimbap!”
Nari was staring at you wide eyed and her mouth hanging open. “Are you crazy? Do you wanna get fired?”
“Oh God, I’d rather quit than get fired by you!” you spat, throwing the gimbap inside the van.
Karina was staring at you with a huge smile.
“You’re just an insolent brat with no personality. You think that being mean to your staff makes you a respectable person? No, it just makes you a bitch with no self-awareness” you yelled at her.
The driver came to stand by your side and looked at Nari. “Hey, Nari, what's going on?” he asked her.
She pretended to get emotional with the situation and you rolled your eyes. “This- this girl just-” 
“Oh God, here it goes again” you muttered. 
“Hey, what is your problem?” the driver said and you turned around, to find out he was talking to you. “What did you do to her?” 
“Okay, that’s enough. Nari you need to stop, too” your boss said.
“Why do you keep putting on a show?” you asked Nari with anger in your voice.
“Have you lost it? What did you just say to her?” the driver asked and pushed your shoulder, making you stumble backwards, almost colliding with the floor.
“Hey!” you heard a masculine voice and suddenly, the driver was pinned against the van. Your eyes widened when you saw Jungkook holding him by the collar with a livid expression. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were wide with rage. “What the fuck is your problem, man? Putting your hands on my girl?” 
The driver started panicking. “S-sorry, man. I didn’t know-”
“You didn’t know what? That you simply don’t put your hands on a woman?” he asked, through gritted teeth.
“Okay, honey, that’s enough” you tried, and you grabbed his arm.
Jungkook turned his head and looked at you, his expression softening. He slowly pulled away from the man and he scrambled to his feet and walked back to his seat.
“You okay?” he asked you, cupping your face in your hands. “Did he hurt you?”
You looked at him, starry-eyed, thinking, how was it possible that this man was real?
“I’m okay, I’m okay” you smiled.
You felt somebody clearing her throat and you two turned around, to find Nari glaring at you two. 
“Um… yeah, so I’m gonna go” you said slowly, and then checked your watch. “It’s already twelve so…”
“Yeah. Y/N, you go ahead. I’ll meet you at the salon tomorrow. Thank you for your work” your boss said.
Nari gasped. “You can’t possibly think that Y/N can go without getting punished for yelling at me! Also, who is this?” Nari asked, regarding to Jungkook but not without checking him up and down.
You felt yourself shaking with jealousy and you grabbed his hand, linking your fingers with him. 
“He’s my boyfriend” you said to her with a simple smile.
Jungkook’s eyes widened and looked at you, and he couldn’t help the wide smile that spread across his face. Karina was happily smiling at you two, as well.
Nari snorted. “That’s your boyfriend?” she asked you. “Yeah, sure” 
“Ye-” you were about to reply when you felt Jungkook tugging your face upwards and placed a big peck on your lips. When he pulled away, your face was red from the blush that spread out on your cheeks and he just kept a straight face the entire time. 
Jungkook looked at Nari and smiled. “My girlfriend is free to go, then?” he asked your boss.
“Yes, young man. You are free to go” she smiled at you two. 
“Great, let’s go, Jagiya” he said, tugging you to him.
What the hell was that?
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Jungkook drove you two to a restaurant to have some lunch and he left you inside so he could go park the car at the garage. 
Meanwhile, you ordered something for the both of you to drink and took your phone out. 
You decided to text the group chat you had with your friends. 
You: guess what?
You drank a little from your diet coke while waiting for their reply that came in quicker than you expected.
Jimin: what???
Taehyung: oh- oh i’m scared
You: i finally found to courage and basically told nari to go fuck herself!!!!!
Karina: she REALLY did
Seokjin: are you kidding meeeee???????
Seokjin: freaking finally bitch
Taehyung: say that again?
Jimin: oh thank god.
Jimin: i was about to do it for you, Y/N i swear
You giggled and then put your phone down when you saw Jungkook walking towards you holding a big smile. 
“Hey, did you find a good spot?” you asked him.
“Yeah, sort of. Just around the block” he told you.
You hummed and then, from your side-eye, you could see a group of girls giggling to themselves while looking at Jungkook, up and down, like he was a goddamn piece of meat. Just like Nari had done just a couple of minutes ago.
You frowned and then sighed, looking at Jungkook with a huge smile. 
“What are we having, baby?” you asked him loudly, so that the girls could hear. 
Without even looking at them, you could feel the stares towards you. 
Jungkook stared at you, wide-eyed and his cheeks turned a shade of pink. He sat down after putting his coat on the back of the chair and gave you a curious look.
“I ordered you diet coke as well” you smiled at him, batting your eyelashes.
“Thank you, Jagi” he said, looking at you, dreamily.
The girls at this point, had looked away and started talking about something else. You looked at them and then back at your boyfriend.
Jungkook followed your gaze and felt like laughing when he understood where it was coming from. 
“Did you just get jealous?” he asked you.
You clicked your tongue. “As if” you said and then pouted. “But don’t go smiling around like that, okay? You’re making girls drop their panties without even trying”
Jungkook smiled at you and chuckled. “I think those middle schoolers made you jealous” he states.
You looked at them and bit your lip when you noticed that, in fact, they were wearing school uniforms. 
“Didn’t it, baby?” he said, winking at you.
You rolled your eyes. “Fine, that’s enough, Jungkook” you said, trying not to laugh. 
He gasped and clutched his heart dramatically. “Why did you stop calling me baby, Jagi?” he asked you. “It hurts me”
You chuckled and then the waiter came in to take your order.
When he was gone, Jungkook felt like asking something. “Why did you call me your boyfriend back there?” he asked you.
You pushed your tongue to the inside wall of your cheek. “Um, well… cause Nari tends to throw herself at every single person holding a dick and I didn’t want her to do that with you, too” you told him. “He’s done it to Jimin with me and Tae with Karina”
Jungkook smiled. “So, you were jealous?”
“Ugh, you’re making me sound toxic right now” you let out a breath. 
“No, no, not at all” Jungkook shook his head. “I find it cute” he shrugged. “Especially knowing that I haven’t seen you in a long ass time, now we’ve reconnected and… I don’t know, it still feels like things haven’t changed. And I love that” 
You smiled at his heartfelt words. “Yeah… but I don’t think me getting jealous was okay, I’m sorry” you said and felt embarrassed all of a sudden.
“Well, is it bad that I don’t find it wrong? I mean, it means you feel something for me” he said and he sounded hopeful.
You bit your lip and looked away. “Kind of?” you mumbled.
“What was that?” he asked out loud.
“Nothing, nothing” you shook your head and Jungkook just laughed. 
“If it makes you feel any better, I was really jealous when I heard Jimin was taking you out on dates” he told you. 
“Really?” you asked him with a grimace. 
“Yeah” he nods. 
“Well, you have nothing to worry about, because we talked with Jimin and everything’s sorted out. He gets that… well, I don’t feel the same way as he does” you tell him. “And he was the one that told me you were going to the States”
“I guess I have to send him some big ‘thank you’ flowers then” Jungkook smiled.
“I guess we both do”
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
You and Karina were having some girl time at her house and she had applied a nice face mask on your face.
“What is this made of, again?” you asked her, looking at yourself in the mirror as you touched and felt the material. 
“Apparently it is a coconut scented charcoal mask” she told you.
“And where did you find them?” you asked her, arching an eyebrow as much as you could. You found the packet extremely familiar. 
“Oh, I just stole them from the salon” she said nonchalantly. 
Your eyes widened as big as you could due to the mask. “Karina! You could get fired”
“What? We had to suffer Nari’s nagging bitchy self. The least they could do is gift us two face masks” she said to you. “Plus, they were like 50 cents each, so who cares?”
“50 Cents? Are you sure they’re not expired?” you chuckled at her.
She grabbed the packet and chuckled. “They expire tomorrow, we’re safe” 
“Thank God. I wouldn’t want my face to look like a freaking blobfish now that me and-” you stopped yourself right when you were about to say it.
Karina gasped and hit your shoulder. “Now that you and Jungkook what?” she asked you. “Oh my God, did you guys fuck? Did you get back together?” 
“No to both of them. Though that last one might seem closer than I’d like to admit” you told Karina.
Karina smirked and tickled your side. “Come on, bitch. Just give in already. You deserve to be happy and it’s obvious Jungkook’s the main source to get it from” she insisted.
“I know, and I will. I just want to take it slow” you told her. “At least as far as I can go”
“It’s understandable” she said. Then, she let out a frustrated sigh. “God, Taehyung is not answering my texts”
You frowned. “What’s up with you and him anyways? Since I got here, you’ve been pouting and looking at your phone”
She sighed and sat down on the toilet lid. “We had a fight this morning, that’s all” she said. “But he hasn’t answered to my texts. I just wanna know if he’s okay or… you know, we’re okay. But also where’s he at”
You smiled and knelt in front of her. “Don’t worry, Kook told me him and Tae they’re having boys night”
Karina’s eyes widened and she ripped the mask from her face. “Yo, what?” she said.
“Didn’t he tell you?” you asked her. “I thought- I mean, he received a text from Tae when we were having lunch”
“No, he didn’t!” Karina said and took her phone out and gasped when she opened instagram. “That little bitch!” 
You looked at her phone and gasped as well. 
It was a picture of Jungkook and Taehyung at the entrance of a bar. A single’s bar. 
“What are those two doing at a bar?” Karina yelled. “They’re not single! The only reason a man goes to a bar is to fuck!”
You got a jealousy shiver down your spine at the mention of Jungkook fucking someone else. “Well, technically-”
“Yeah, technically my ass, Y/N. Jungkook is with you and Taehyung is with me. This is wrong, we have to go now!” Karina insisted. “Are you with me? Cause I’m gonna go either way”
You sighed, you weren’t about to let your friend go alone at a bar at night. You took your face mask off and nodded. “Let’s go”
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
When you two found the bar that Tae had posted the photo at, you found Taehyung sitting by a bench with his phone, outside of said bar.
Karina grumbled as she walked towards him and he looked up, his eyes widening when he found his girlfriend in front of him.
“What are you and Jungkook doing here?” she spat, nudging to the bar.
“Eh?” he asked, confused by her sudden outburst. 
Your eyes flew all around the place. “Where the hell is Jungkook?” you asked him. 
“Oh my God, we went over there” he said and pointed to a nice little restaurant. “We were just hungry and we took a picture in front of our usual place, before he went to the states okay?” Taehyung said. “And may- maybe I just wanted to make you a little jealous” he mumbled and Karina slapped his arm.
“You wanted to make me jealous?” Karina grumbled.
“Hey! Where is Jungkook?” you asked, gripping Tae’s arm.
Suddenly, you felt a pair of familiar arms slipping around your waist and tugging you close.
“Jagiya!” he slurred and then hiccuped.
Great. Jungkook’s drunk.
You glared at Tae who winced. “You let him get drunk?” you growled at him, grabbing his sleeve and shaking him.
He gave you a sheepish smile and let out a nervous laugh. “Kind of? He looked like he needed the drink”
“Nobody needs the drink, Taehyung” you shook your head. 
You felt Jungkook chuckling against your neck. “That’s right. I don’t need drinking. I need you, babe…” he drawled out.
“Oh my God” you whispered. “You guys can go, we’ll take a taxi” you told them.
Taehyung and Karina watched you walk away and then Tae gasped when he felt Karina grab his arm.
“You’re in serious trouble, Mister”
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The taxi pulled up by his building and you had to literally drag him out of the vehicle. You felt like cursing Jungkook for working out so goddamn much at the gym because he was so freaking heavy.  
“Holy shit, you’re heavy” you gasped.
“All muscles, baby” he whined, flexing his arm.
“Yeah, yeah, come on, gym bro” you chuckled. “Don’t you ever drink like this again, you hear me?”
Jungkook only hummed drunkenly. 
You reached his apartment and closed the door behind you. 
“Where are we?” he asked, blinking his eyes as he took in his surroundings. 
“Where? We’re at your place, Jungkook” you told him with a pant as you let him plop down on his bed. 
“God, my head is spinning” he groaned once his head hit the mattress. You tried taking off his jacket with a groan but he kept groaning and moving around. “Are we— hick!- are gonna have sex now?” he asked you.
You profusely blushed and continued trying to take off his jacket. “No, Jungkook, I’m trying to take off your clothes so I can change you into your pajamas and so we can sleep”
“Oh…” he mumbled in disappointment. 
He fell asleep instantly and you let out a snort.
“My God… you’re lucky I love you” you whispered out and then covered your mouth. You checked if he was still asleep and, thankfully, he was. “Okay…” you sighed and walked to his kitchen, in hopes to find something to eat. 
When you came back with a cup of noodles, you saw his eyes slightly open and then he frowned at you.
“Hey, go to sleep, Kook” you said, sitting next to his body.
“Who are you?” he asked you.
Oh boy.
“I’m Y/N, do you remember who I am?” you told him.
“Y/N…” he drawled out. “My girlfriend’s name is also Y/N, what a coincidence, eh?” he let out a drunk chuckle into the air. 
He then opened his eyes and closed them slightly again.
“You’re pretty too” he pointed out. 
You chuckled. “Is that right?” you smiled. “Then… do you wanna break up with your girlfriend and date me instead?” you felt like playing with him a little.
He shook his head. “No!” he said like a little kid. “I belong to Y/N. Only her” he pouted. 
You let out a little laugh and shook your head. “That’s too bad” you chuckled. If only he knew. “I’m gonna get going, then”
You stood up and then felt him grabbing your wrist.
“Come here” he mumbled.
He pulled you to the bed and you fell right into his arms. He wrapped himself all around you and put his face in your neck.
“Good night” Jungkook mumbled into your neck. “I… love you so much, Jagi” he whispered.
You felt your heart doubling its size and pressed your lips together, trying to contain your need to say it back.
You’d tell him sober.
He hid his face further into your neck and you wrapped your arms around him, falling into a deep slumber.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Jungkook’s eyes fluttered open and he found himself in his room. He recalled being with Taehyung at a bar and having a little bit too much to drink. 
Surprisingly, his headache was tolerable so he didn’t want to make a fuss about it,
Especially when he noticed that you were lying asleep in his arms, with your cheek squished into his chest while your arms were tightly wrapped around him. 
He smiled and sighed, caressing your cheek. 
Your eyes fluttered open and you stirred with a long breath. You moved your head upwards and found him staring at you.
It caught you in surprise, so you sprung out from his hold and sat up.
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked you, worried about why you had pulled away from him. 
“I- I just- it’s late, I should- you know- go” you said, getting nervous.
“It’s okay, you can- I mean, you can stay here” Jungkook said. “Like you said, it’s late”
You grabbed your phone and looked at the time. 02:42.
Yeah it was too late. 
“Um, you know… I don’t- I don’t wanna bother you” you said, feeling your hands start sweating.
Jungkook confused your nerves for anxiety and he sat up on the bed.
“I can take you home, if you’d like. I should find my keys though” he said.
You licked your lips. “You drank tonight, though. You shouldn’t” you told him softly. 
He looked at you and nodded. “Oh, right” he mumbled. “I can- I can call for an uber or- or something” he said, not really wanting to do any of those things. Jungkook wanted you to stay, but he didn't want to force you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with doing. 
“Mmm, I’ll call it myself. Don’t worry” you told him and quickly went to the uber app and typed in your address.
Jungkook walked you to the entrance and saw you frowning. “What is it?” he asked you.
“I don’t know, no one is picking up” you told him, letting out a frustrated huff. “It may be the hour, I should go outside maybe”
You opened the door of his apartment but he quickly grabbed the handle and shut it closed. 
You gasped at the sudden action and felt Jungkook moving behind you till his chest was pressed against your back.
He dug his nose in your neck and rubbed it on your skin. “Please stay with me” he whispered. “It’s late, Jagi” 
You turned around, slowly and looked into his eyes. 
“Don’t go” he said and pushed you against the door, covering your mouth in a heated kiss, making you gasp and card your hands in his hair. 
You felt your heart slamming against your rib cage but immediately calmed yourself down when you felt Jungkook sighing against your mouth, knowing he was dying to kiss you, and just be with you once again. 
His hands grabbed your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist, so he could press his whole body against yours. 
“Fuck, I missed you so much, baby” he whispered against your lips as he kissed you again. 
You felt his lip ring brushing against your lip and you almost cried at how much you had missed that feeling.
It was stupid really, but you had grown so used to that feeling every single day, that when you went a year without it, feeling it again made something explode in your chest, filling you with warmth.
“I missed you too, Kook” you whispered back into the air.
He took his lips away from yours with a groan and pressed your forehead against yours. 
“Do you… do you feel comfortable doing this?” he asked you. “Do you want to keep going? We can stop if this is too much, I get it-”
You cut him off with a passionate kiss, as you grabbed both sides of his face. He groaned into your mouth and kissed you back just as hard. 
You pulled away and looked into his boba eyes. “Take me to your room, baby” you whispered.
Jungkook felt every part in his body hardening and pulled you away from the wall, walking towards his room with you in his arms.
「 ✦ 𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐞, 
𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✦ 」
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tipofthemountain · 5 months
tags: biker!Simon “Ghost” Riley x actresses!Afab Reader, Fluff, Established relationship, reader is a famous actress. Mentions of sex and sexual acts but no action is taken. Minors should still take extreme caution reading!
word count: 1.5k
summary: Reader is on set of her newest movie and Simon comes to visit!
a/n: First story I’m posting! I’m a little nervous for what everyone will think but I hope you enjoy it!
ps. biker!Simon is my current hyper fixation so bare with me if there’s like a million more biker au stories :}.
edit: adding this in but my requests are open!
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It was a warm Tuesday inside studio lot B. A beautiful facade of a two story house stands in a field of white daisies. You almost couldn’t believe your eyes when you walked onto the set. It looked so real! An exact replica of the real house you’ll be shooting on in a week.
The role you are playing is that of a farm wife with her three children, except your husband is having an affair with the barns keeper and your sleeping with the maid. Neither of you know you’re both cheating of course but the children do. The entire plot of the movie is the children trying to get the parents to find out about the double affairs. It’s a LGBTQ+ romance set in the early 1950s. It’s filled with steamy sex scenes and overly dramatic fights.
It’s the exact kind of movie you love doing. Sappy period pieces. In fact the movie that put you in the spotlight was almost exactly like this except it was the 1860s and you where a young unmarried queen with a “live in maid”.
Your boyfriend of 5 years Simon, or as his biker group likes to call him “Ghost” for the skull bandanna he likes to wear around his face, dropped you off on set on his newly refurbished 1980s Harley Davidson. You swore sometimes you thought he was more in love with that bike than he was with you.
“Make some money baby.” Simon told you after a steamy kiss early this morning.
Simons always been supportive of your career. The two of you met on the set of a Tv show when he was hired as a last minute extra for for some bike scene you can barely remember. For Simon it was love at first sight, but for you it was ‘I’ll wait and see where this goes’. Spoiler: You fell in love and are engaged, set to be married later this year.
“Where is my Anna Marie?” You hear your director yell out as you sit in your makeup chair getting touches done to your character’s signature red lip.
“Over here Clark! I needed my lips retouched. I think Amy got a little excited!” Clark Russel. You’ve worked with him a few times now and he’s always been a joy and a pleasure to work with, not something you find comes easy in this industry.
“Your needed on set in five. We’ve got to have this last shot of you and Blanche in the kitchen. We’ve got one week of shooting left here in the studio before we all go out on location.” Clark quickly spills out with you barely catching any of it.
Blanche is played by your costar Amy Heart. A talented actress 3 young years older than you. You’ve done several movies with her by now. You consider her one to your best friends and even plan to ask her to be a bridesmaid.
“James, Finn and Blanche are all on set. We just need you.” Clark makes direct eye contact with you as your makeup artist finishes the last touches on your makeup. He always insisted on calling people by their character names and you never questioned it.
James is played by Arther Godwin. The man that’s supposed to be your characters husband. You’ve never met him before this project but a quick IMDB search led you down a rabbit hole of bad low budget horror movies that you and Simon later binged watched. Finn is played by Roderick Grant, a fresh face. This would be his breakout role after a stream of hit indie movies.
“All done.” Your makeup artist releases you and you stand up from your seat grabbing the jacket that goes with your costume. You throw the jacket on around your shoulders and loop your arm in Clarks.
“Let’s get this show on the road!” You say in an over dramatic southern accent to which your director roles his eyes at.
After 3 more hours of grueling take after take of Clark just having to get the tear sliding down your cheek just right, to which you where ready to rip his head off. Your just about to pass out on your trailer couch in nothing but a robe and very thin 1950s appropriate lingerie, when you hear 3 gentle knocks on your door. You get up with a puff of air leaving your lips putting your hands in your hair.
“Who is it!” You yell not really wanting to get up to answer the door.
“Open the door and find out!” You hear that oh so familiar thick Manchester voice behind the thinness of your trailers door.
In no time you’re rushing to the door and pulling your bulky fiancé in to your trailer and lacing your red lips with his. Simon closes the door through your sloppily sweet kisses. He smells of expensive leather and gas but you still drink all of him in.
“You miss me tha’ much?” Simons thick accent lets out through a smirk.
“Always.” You smile up at the tall man resting your chin on his chest.
“How was today? Make anyone else cry today?” Simon jokes but you take serious offense.
“That was one time and I didn’t even mean to yell at the poor guy.” You slap his shoulder as you both take a seat next in the oh so comfy couch in your trailer.
“I was only joking love.” Simon laughs and places a gentle kiss to your temple. He has one hand around your shoulder and the other rubbing up and down your thigh softly. You with one of your hands on his much bigger thigh and the other holding the hand that’s around your shoulder.
“Long day. Completely closed set. Only Clark and the main cast where set to shoot today.” Closed sets are usually indicators that you where filming your sex scenes today. You had one with your on screen husband and one with Amy. You almost never liked doing sex scene with men. It was never because Simon didn’t want you to or that you ever hated your male costar. You had this respect for Simon and you felt like the sex scenes could get too real sometimes. Personally, you never wanted for Simon to watch a scene of you sharing a bed(or even sometimes a kitchen counter) with another man. But every time you would ask Simon he would always just say some form of ‘This is all make believe. It isn’t real. I know you love me and some fake sex scene isn’t going to change that.” You still sometimes denied it though.
“When are you off?” Simon ask softly moving his hand further up your thigh.
You knew the game he was playing, he always did this when visiting. He always got you worked up and sweating before you had to go back and shoot a scene.
“30 minutes my love. We have to finalize a few things for today, but nice try honey.” You push Simons hand down slightly and look up towards him. Of course he has the cheekiest smirk on his face.
“I miss you at home.” Simon says kissing down your neck this time and creeping his hand back up your thigh.
“Simon.” You whisper scold him as he makes his way onto your shoulder planting sweet kisses.
“I miss the way you smell…” He grabs your hips and lays your back flat against the couch hovering over you as he plants kisses down over your collar bone. You inhale sharply when he moves his hand under the thin bra provided by the costume department.
“I miss the way you feel…” He moved his other hand to finish untying to robe from around your waist. He slowing starts kissing his way down your stomach stopping at the hem of the very 1950s lingerie.
“And I certainly miss the way you taste.” Simon has a giant smile planted on his face when he plants open mouth kisses down your thigh.
And just when he’s about to touch your center 3 harsh knocks are placed on your door.
“Miss, Mr. Russel said he needs you.” The voice calls out not even waiting for you to respond.
Simon lets out a laugh and you sit up and push him lightly.
“That’s not funny!” You whisper yell at him only to make him laugh even more. You stand up and tie your robe back around your waist and walk to the trailer door.
“It’s a little funny.” Simon says watching you with a panicked look on your face.
“I’ll be back in 20 minutes. I love you.” You place a gentle kiss on Simons lips and him returning the kiss.
“I love you too.” He says back placing one final kiss to your forehead.
Before you leave however you whisper into his ear “I think you owe the costume designer.” and bite the end of his ear playfully.
Simon watches you with his his cheek drawn inside his mouth as you grab the door handle of your trailer and leave him alone with his nothing but his thoughts for the next 20 minutes.
༺𖤓༻༺𖤓༻༺𖤓༻༺𖤓༻༺𖤓༻ ༺𖤓༻
final thoughts: i definitely got carried away while writing. I tend to do that. I get caught up on details that most likely don’t even matter all that much. I feel like somethings definitely could have been left out and more things added in but in the end it’s just a story and if you don’t like the first few sentences, just skip the story and move on.
@gauloiseblue for you friend <3
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my-corneroftheworld · 2 years
Child without love
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Summary: Namor finds a marine biologist with the powers to control water and deep knowledge of the sea and is intrigued.
Word count: 1,1k
Tags: Smut in later chapters (no minors allowed), "water-bender" reader x Namor after the events from Wakanda forever, possessive Namor, mutant reader, talk of climate change, asphyxiation, the deep sea being a bit scary, war, violence, harsh language, Wakanda forever spoilers, the usage of y/n, afab reader
Ps. if you read the preview before you can start reading after the divider. I barely made any changes other than grammar-related and wording. If you want more chapters I would greatly appreciate some constructive criticism in the comments
Chapter 1
I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eyes. "You can't just go behind my back like that! There are set rules and hierarchies that keep our organization running smoothly!" Adeoye yelled while he was walking frantically back and forth. He never could handle stress well. " You're little outburst may have cost us our one shot to get the right people's attention!"
I want to say I'm sorry and that it was rude and petty of me. But I couldn't because I did what I thought was right. They have ignored our every attempt to better their policies and today's presentation only opened my eyes to how blissfully ignorant they allowed themselves to be. He stopped his pacing and rubbed his eyes under his big ill-fitting glasses.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" he asked abrasively. I knew that he wasn't really angry at me. He was frustrated with everything. The board director's nonchalant attitude, the over-looming doom of the deadline we've got in 2 months and my little outburst were certainly not making things better.
"No" I answered.
"Well if that's the case then you give me no choice other than to suspend you for 2 weeks" he sighed. I wasn't surprised. Cussing out the board due to their lack of ethical consideration whilst ignoring every warning I and others have worked tirelessly on proving wasn't really considered to be professional. " I understand," I say solemnly and start picking up my notes. 5 years of studying and 3 years of diligent work have come to this, being pushed aside so that rich people can profit off of dangerous means at the cost of the health of our seas. And having no power to change anything
I drove home in silence, with nothing but the wind from the window creek as my companion. I think I'll have to practice today to let off some steam. After arriving and leaving my notes by the kitchen counter, I changed into my swimsuit and went down to the beach. Moving here was mainly so I could get to work within 15 minutes but having the sea outside my back door has definitely changed my life. I never liked using my powers in front of others. Mutants aren't really welcome unless they're wearing suits and have fancy names. So there aren't many moments where I can use them to their fullest extent. When I do I feel at home. I feel free of everything. My worries and concerns are washed away.
Once I reach the water I breathe in and allow myself to feel its pull. Imitating the waves with my hands till it starts to imitate me, following my every command. I slowly start walking in allowing myself to be surrounded then I dive keeping the water from reaching my face and requiring no movements though I still haven’t passed 5 minutes at a time. Maybe I’ll make it at 6 today. I decide to explore a little further than usual, seeing what I can find on the sea floor and cleaning up small things that shouldn’t be there.
It was then I noticed it. The entity that has been watching me from afar. It barely moved and I couldn’t really make out its shape. But I knew it was looking at me and it stayed completely still. I was scared. My bubble was slowly shrinking so I began to slowly make my way back to shore. As soon as I did the shadow got closer and closer which made me anxious to reach land. I finally burst into the sea, gasping for air. I lay down on the beach, trying to catch my breath then a voice called out.
“Who are you?”
I quickly turned around and faced what seemed to be a man. Out of panic, I summoned water at my side and launched it at him with full force. He then began to levitate and dodge my advance with.. wings attached to his feet? Shocked I ceased fire and looked at him again. He was otherworldly. His dark eyes stared at me with a hint of confusion and irritation. His hair was a dark brown and wet from the swim, framing his face ever so slightly. The sunset made his warm terra-cotta skin glow along with his pearls and gold accessories. He was beautifully serene, like straight out of a dream. If I didn't know any better I would’ve thought that he was a god. As I scanned his body so did he with mine before stopping at my eyes demanding an answer to his question.
“Who are you?” He asked again urgently, stepping closer to my frame. I tried to move back as a response.
“I- I’m y/n l/n.” 
“That is not what I meant. I mean where are you from? Are there more of you?” 
“I’m from here. I’m not sure what you mean by more of me” I answered hesitantly. Why is he asking all these questions? I mean from the looks of he’s most definitely some kind of mutant. He’s a bit too good of a swimmer to think otherwise. Not to mention the literal full-functioning wings at his feet.
“More who can manipulate water.” he clearifies. 
“No.. I mean none that I know of” I say and start rising slowly from the ground. “Who are you?.. Are you perhaps like me?” I have never met another mutant before. Let alone someone connected to water. Hope starts swelling up. Maybe..just maybe I am not alone. 
“No I am not like you. As for who I am it is not for you to know.” He says bluntly. And just like that my sliver of hope is gone. “Then what do you want?” I ask while noticing he’s pointed ears adorned with what seemed to be jade earrings.
“That is yet to be decided.” He begins circling me around slowly. “There are threats that are making it hard for me to perform my duties and your power, though meager, may develop into what I need to avoid any more...complications.” 
Duties? Complications? What the hell is he talking about? He studied my face, assessing it possibly looking for a way to find out what I was thinking. Does he work for the government? Is that it? I’ve heard of mutant agents who were forced to do sketchy shit that higher-ups didn't want to be associated with. 
“Sorry, I’m not interested. Though I am grateful for the consideration to recruit me, I have my own “duties” to attend to.” After voicing my intentions I decided it was best to leave. As soon as I turned around I heard him say. “I’m afraid I cannot take no as an answer” and before I could react, everything went dark and my last thought was how warm he felt in his arms as he took me back to the sea.
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starryinkart · 6 months
Human AU N question if you don't mind :)
You mentioned Ns head still getting hopped off, resulting in a neck scar. Would the head regrow like with their robot versions or would he have manually re-attached it (like sewing it back on or something)? Considering they're kinda undead at that point so I assume losing their heads wouldn't exactly kill them
Ah yes!! The head would regrow! When the DDs “died” normally a human body would start to dry out and wither, eventually turning to dust if long enough passes. In this scenario, not all of them were 100% dead, for example N. The same thing that happened in the show of him defending CYN and he was in fact, chained up outside, the only difference is, Uzi wasn’t there to save him like in Episode 5, so without V being sentient and the others not wanting to be disposed of, he essentially almost starved. He was so weak that he essentially couldn’t move, but could weakly see what was happening the whole time (something he remembers later on that really messed him up to the point of an anxiety attack when it randomly pops in his head.
Basically the solver as CYN killed everyone at the Gala, dealt with Tessa and built its soldiers. It pumped nanites into the DDs bloodstreams, filtering out the normal human blood, which burned like literal acid radiation flowing through their bloodstream, and was to say the least, VERY painful.
Their inner organs are all perfectly preserved by casings of inner armor along with the nanites and they can regenerate just like shown in the show! The only downside is just like a humans body runs a fever when combating a virus, the DDs body in this AU is constantly warm and running a fever, making them need to drink blood (oil) to stay cool and not overheat too much!
I actually drew this for the concept of the human Disassembly Soldiers (since they aren’t exactly drone lol), it’s a bit outdated when it comes to N’s human looks, but the only thing that really changed was his hair and skin color!
This AU (any Murder Drones human AU on my acc btw) is called “Murder Drones Skin and Bones”!
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If you guys have anymore questions about any of my MD AUs like my MD Absolutely AU/Story, King Solver N AU and now this one, Murder Drones Skin and Bones, free to send them in my ask box!! They are always appreciated! 🥰✨
>> PS. This is part of my Murder Drones Skin and Bones AU!
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christelgothamite · 7 months
Private post
Family dinner
Invited individuals and rules they have to follow.
The Wayne family
1) All Wayne's adopted or not are invited. Remember no violence.
2) Dick : not allowed to cook, can't tease Hera and Bruce about their relationship.
3) Jason : guns aren't allowed, is not allowed to fight anyone even in a spar.
4) Tim : no coffee before dinner (can have after that), not allowed to tell Ra's to "" Suck it up old man"".
5) Damian : no katana's allowed, can't challenge kate in anything at all.
6) Bruce : no work or glaring.
7) Cass is an angel, so no rule against her.
The grelita family @grelitia-fam
1) No magic or violence against the Al Guls.
2) Hecate : has to stay close to her kids at all times.
3) Carol: cannot leave delenn's Or jasons side.
4) Daxter: also cannot tell Ra's to "" Suck it old man"" Guys please-
5) kam : cannot record the dinner for blackmail purposes.
6) ida: cannot argue with Persephone or fight her, must stay with Mary at all times.
7) no rules for the kids, they are just not allowed to use their powers and behave.
Delenn Parker @gotham-its-seven-in-the-morning
1) Has to relax and chillax
2) has to stay besides Carol and Jason
3) cannot use magic either (sorry mom)
1) no flirting
Kate kane
1) no flirting with Talia or Selena. Just because Bruce is with Hera.
2) no fighting with Bruce
3) no flirting with Hera either.
Ra's Al gul and Talia Al gul.
1) no violence, fighting or an undertoned evil plan.
2) the assassins can't step foot on the wayne land.
3) no weapon or trying to hack technology near you.
4) Talia had to stay away from Selena Kyle
Selena Kyle
1) Selena has to stay away from Talia
2) "I can go after the red headed cousin then" Selena what does that mean??
1) has to stay close to either Diana or Bruce
2) no magic or powers
3) can't fight the exes please.
Hades & Persephone
1) has to also stay near Diana
2) no magic or powers.
The kent family
1) only Clark, lois and jon are invited, please dont bring conner or kara they are supposed to be on a mission damn it (Bruce typed this)
Diana prince
1) no powers
2) is incharge of the gods.
Duke Thomas
Barbara Gordon
Stephen Brown
Helena Bertinelli
1) no flirting with Dick, please it gets gross.
Invited individual, who can attend if they want to
(If they don't want to, christel will just send food to their place)
Azrael and Clayface
You know why you don't wanna come. But the invited is still there. If you are coming. No swords or your God.
Barnaby and Al @scarecrowspawn @gothamsrevolutionaryheretic
Considering there will be so many people, I don't think you two wanna come. But you still have the invite, if you don't. Christel will just send you the food.
Amelia @formerarkhampsychologist
the same reason as stated above.
Ps. Be careful, I heard a certain someone left Arkham.
Cassian @your-average-gothamite
Christel personally doesn't want you to come as """ Scarecrow's boyfriend"" And stuff, which will just lead to them being hostile against you.
Christel will send food though.
Ace & Nathen @gotham-bitch @freerangeowl
Same statement as the above. Free food on your way.
The Row family.
Hope everyone follows the rules and attends.
- Alfred pennyworth and Christeline Judith-wayne.
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daenysx · 9 months
Hiya, so I saw that your requests were open and I wondered if you could write like a prequel to the oneshot where the reader has oral fixation? It's one of my favourites of yours, and I'm just really curious how Aemond discovered that reader has an oral fixation? Could you write that pretty please, with a cherry on top? :)
(If you don't want to, I completely understand, don't worry <3
you can read this as a prequel to this! hope you enjoy. modern!aemond x reader who has oral fixation
ps; @aglaias-blog thank you for being so kind to me all the time, you are an angel. i really do hope you like this, i tried my best! love u ♡
you look nervous.
your relationship with aemond is fairly new, but he knows your tells. you can't sit straight, your eyes look glossy, and you keep biting your lip. your shaky hands are curled on the table as you turn the page of your book. your lip looks swollen already, your teeth leave marks on the sensitive skin. you bite the back of your pencil this time, leaving your poor lips free. well, for a moment at least. you give your attention back to your lips as you underline a passage on the book.
aemond watches you studying, he tries not to stare but it's hard considering how he has so much to learn about you. he is pretty sure that you are not aware of the bitings, you don't use your teeth consciously. he can't lie to himself, you look cute with those red lips, all swollen and soft, but it must hurt you at some point.
you flinch suddenly, and so does he. he is out of the trans you got him in, looking at you to see what's wrong. you've made your lip bleed, a small line of blood is recognizable. you put your finger on the spot, looking at the drop of redness on your fingertips with sad eyes.
aemond is quick to move. "let me get you some paper towel, yeah?" he leaves the table, comes to your side in literally 2 seconds. "there you go, we should press here. you're okay, sweetheart."
you smile but your bottom lip aches with the movement. you make a small sound, earning a soft look from aemond. "keep it pressed like this, i'll find you some cream to put on."
you listen to him, and your lip feels better after 5 minutes of him taking care of you. he's still standing by your chair, tilting your chin up to make an eye contact. your lip looks better but he's not gonna leave your side until you feel better.
"do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" aemond asks. "why are you so nervous?"
your look at him with big eyes, soft and tired. "i'm having trouble writing my assignment, and it's due in two days."
he understands how you care about academic validation, and he can find solutions for your problems if he tries hard enough. "my head is so full, i can't stop thinking about my finals, and- and other things." you continue.
aemond nods, his thumb stroking your chin. his hands are so big, and fingers so long that he can cover your entire jawline when he uses his thumb to touch your skin. "you have every right to be nervous, but please don't hurt yourself like this." he says. "i know you didn't mean to, but still..."
you nod, closing your eyes. your hands reach his thighs to support yourself as he stands tall in front of you while you sit. he keeps stroking your chin, and suddenly your lips part when his thumb goes beneath your bottom lip. your eyes closed, face all relaxed in his palms, and your hands holding onto his thighs; aemond almost loses his mind when you open your mouth ever so slightly to take his thumb inside.
he recovers quickly, presses a soft fingertip on your sensitive lip. you get encouraged, part your lips further for him. he slowly pushes his thumb inside as your lips close around him, keeping him inside of your mouth.
he isn't sure if he heard that correctly but you make a small gasping sound as you suck on his thumb. his other fingers keep stroking your cheeks, his thumb inside your mouth pressing softly on your tongue, only for you to suck it harder. you are visibly relaxed, aemond feels like he found a way to reduce your stress.
he wants to discover more. do you enjoy having him in your mouth? do you feel relaxed when you busy yourself focusing on the pressure between your lips? do you like using your teeth? he is curious, and he moves his thumb quicker that he intends to. your eyes snap open as if you just realize what you've been doing. you pull yourself away from him, his shy girl, and you blush.
"i'm so sorry, aemond." you whisper. "i didn't mean to- i mean, you-"
he is quick to hush you by pressing his fingertips on your lips. "i wanted you to do that, sweetheart. you didn't do anything to be sorry for, i just-" he tries to be gentle. "it felt good, didn't it? your mouth being occupied?"
you nod, shyly, you're trying to get used to the feeling of your new boyfriend as he tries to find a way to help you. "i don't do it on purpose. biting my lip, or chewing on the pencil i mean."
"i see." he says. "i can help you, you know? you don't have to hurt yourself."
you shake your hand. "i don't want to hurt you."
he gives you a sly smirk. "who says i'm hurting?" he reaches for your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. "i liked it."
"yeah." he nods. "of course."
you stand up from your chair to hold onto him, arms wrapped around his abdomen. he makes you feel so comfortable at that moment and so safe, you feel like you can fall asleep right there with the sudden relaxation you get. "can we go to bed?"
he rubs your back, a big hand around your neck. "we can, baby."
you are tired but you keep your eyes open as you settle down. you've been on aemond's bed before, it's nothing new, but somehow it feels more intimate this time. he gives you one of his shirts to wear, folds your clothes gently before he puts them on the chair. he lays on bed next to you after he adjusts the pillows the way he knows you're comfortable.
you wrap one of your legs around aemond's thighs, he supports you by holding your waist. he tilts your chin up and leans into your space, pressing the softest kiss on your lips. "does it hurt?" he whispers.
"my lip?" you already know the answer.
"mm-hmm." his fingers wander on your cheek.
"no." you say. "i'm okay."
"that's good." he says. "i was terrified, thinking i can't kiss you."
he doesn't even wait, he just puts his lips on yours and kisses you. you kiss him back, you know he won't let you go for a long time. he moves his lips ever so gracefully on yours and you are desperate for breathing his air.
you hold onto his arm, pulling him closer. neither of you breaks the kiss, you suck his bottom lip, and he pushes his tongue in your mouth. you make a small sound, accepting anything he gives you. now that he knows how much you like using your mouth on him, he gives you plenty of opportunities to take what you want.
you are breathless when he stops. you give one last, little kiss on his bottom lip and try to catch your breath. aemond pulls the covers on you, helps you lay down on top of him without forcing your neck.
"you know," you begin, quietly. "i'm still nervous about my finals."
he lets out a laugh. "i know. i'll wake you up early, okay? just try to get some rest."
you nod, brush a thank you kiss on his neck. "aemond?"
"hmm?" he sounds tired, too.
"can i-" it takes every piece of bravery to form your question. "can i have your fingers?" you ask him quietly.
he rubs the corner of your mouth, his thumb playing with your bottom lip. "yes." your part your lips for him and it's the most perfect thing he's ever witnessed. "anytime you want, sweetheart."
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linghxr · 2 years
7 intermediate/advanced Chinese grammar fundamentals
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I’ve been meaning to write more posts focusing on advanced grammar for a while. So let’s look at 7 characters I’ve selected and some (but not necessarily all) of their key usages.
I consider this content to be upper-intermediate/advanced because I don’t think you’d learn it until at least a 3rd-year college Chinese course. I consider these usages to be fundamental because I encounter them on the regular basis in native content, so you need to have a good grasp on them.
1) 由 yóu
由 yóu - by, via, through / from
这个钱该由我付。 This money should be paid by me.
这件事由他处理。 This matter is handled by him.
现场播放的歌曲由你来决定。 The song(s) that is played live is decided by you.
句子是由词组成的。 Sentences are made from/of words.
2) 趁 chèn
趁 chèn - to avail oneself of / to take advantage of
这碗面趁热吃吧。 Eat this bowl of noodles while it's hot.
我想趁这个机会讲几句话。 I want to take this opportunity to say a few words.
趁着年轻我们要多学点儿知识。 We need to learn more while we are young.
3) 为 wéi
为 wéi - as (in the capacity of) / to take sth as / to act as / to serve as / to behave as / to become / to be
我们选她为代表。 We chose her as our representative.
我把他视为好朋友。 I consider him to be a good friend.
这条街被命名为平安大街。 The street was named (as) Ping'an Street.
总面积为78平方米。 The total area is 78 square meters.
最高票数为4千票。 The highest number of votes is 4,000 votes.
4) 以 yǐ
以 yǐ - to use / by means of / in order to
他们以期待的目光迎接我的到来。 They greeted me with expectant eyes.
我们也将以正确的方式进行处理。 We will use the proper method to handle things.
联系我们以了解更多信息。 Contact us (in order) to learn more.
这是他以集体的名义作出的决定。 This is a decision he made in the name of the collective.
人们不仅仅以个人的身份生活。 People don't just live as individuals.
5) 于 yú
于 yú - (of time or place) in, at, on / (indicating any indirect relation) to, toward, vis-à-vis, with regard to, for / (indicating a source) from, out of / (used in comparison) than 
他出生于香港。 He was born in Hong Kong.
他出生于1995年12月13日。 He was born on December 13, 1995.
第一次世界大战爆发于1941年。 World War I broke out in 1941.
他毕业于北京大学。 He graduated from Peking University.
他有很多事情还需要求助于父母。 There are many things for which he still needs to request help from his parents.
吃坚果有利于心脏健康。 Eating nuts is good for heart health.
写日记有助于缓解压力和焦虑。 Writing a journal is helpful for relieving stress and anxiety.
这座楼高于那座楼。 This building is taller than that building.
6) 非 fēi
非 fēi - to insist on, simply must
我非要去不可。 I must go.
学好语言非得下功夫不行。 To learn a language, one has to put in work.
他不想来就算了,为什么非叫他来? It's fine if he doesn't want to come, why insist on him coming?
7) 凭 píng
凭 píng - on the basis of
人们常常凭着直觉去判断和做事。 People often judge and act based on intuition.
可是凭经验做事,真的靠谱吗? But is it really reliable to do things based on experience?
你凭什么这么说? On what basis do you say that?
他凭什么得诺贝尔和平奖? On what basis did he get the Nobel Peace Prize?
PS: I just noticed that Google Slides has added some simplified Chinese fonts! Previously I had to use Japanese fonts, so some characters were not supported. I made this post’s header image in Google Slides.
See past similar posts: Learning to read formal Chinese 5 constructions to take your Chinese to the next level
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐕: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬?—𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐣𝐚𝐬/𝐑𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐬
a/n: sorry for disappearing :,( I’ve had a pretty shitty life lately and writing has been helping me cope. things are less tense now and i’m able to update so i’m hoping u guys enjoy this MOMMY IS FEEDING YALL
timeline: ep. 3 (right smack in the Christmas scene) - ep. 4. 
also bc i feel like the relationship is sped up and rushed and we hate that
Part 1
Part 2  
Part 3
Part 4
This chapter: Part 5
Part 6
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
warnings: as always, not proofread, hornae warren and y/n, some cavity-causing fluff, billy being a dicky dick, 
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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Eddie: Y/N Augustine was not who I expected to show up that Christmas Eve, with two trays of the best smelling lasagna I’ve ever smelled in my life, and an apologetic smile.
Why did she look apologetic? I don’t know, maybe it had something to do with the fact that as soon as she walked in, Warren was behind her? They were, like, 3 hours late.
Karen: Y/N is always on time. Whatever it is, doesn’t matter. For someone as fashionable as her, she manages to always arrive on time in the most gorgeous outfits I’ve ever seen. 
She was still gorgeous that night, of course, but she was late, and she had a sort of...sleazy smile. Of course everyone assumed the same thing.
But 3 hours late? *she rolled her eyes* I mean, fuckin’. hell. 
Camilla: When I first talked to the Y/N Augustine, I remember almost dropping you *she laughs* I was a major fan of her work, and still am. I really wasn’t expecting her on the phone when she called a few months before.
I asked who she was, being so forward on the phone about asking for my vest size when I didn’t order anything. I explained who I was, and introduced myself as Billy Dunne’s wife, and that I didn’t order a vest from this woman.
She was silent on the phone for a while, and came back introducing herself saying her name casually as if she wasn’t an important person. She said that she had no idea who Billy was, and that she was only familiar with a Warren Rojas, who she owed an order.
I found myself wondering how Warren managed to get a fashion designer to owe him a piece of her work...*she shrugs*
After freaking out to myself while I got his vest size, I didn’t bother passing the phone to him. And why would I? I wasn’t going to pass the chance to talk to one of my idols. And she didn’t seem to mind either.
I believe we went from talking about California, to the beaches, the majestic golden hour that shined through our windowsills at the same time, to you, even. She heard you crying through the phone.
And when I finally met her in person that night on Christmas, she was as lovely and funny. She gave every one of us presents, including you, and bothered to make us homemade food. I was so happy for Warren, but there were so many gaps as to how they even met.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────• 
“How did it go. Really,” Camilla insisted with a pleading tone. “How did you two meet?”
“Oh boy,” Karen mused, drinking her beer.
Y/N gave her friend beside her a pointed glare. “We met at a yacht party.”
Eddie leaned forward. “S-So is your name really Flora? Were you born ‘Flora?…” 
“Flora...?” Camilla commented, lost, looking back and forth between Eddie and Y/N.
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Graham: She was so sweet about it, when me and Eddie went back and forth trying to connect the dots, which made it even more embarrassing. 
I guess it didn’t really make sense to me at the time. Why and how someone proper and prim like her managed to wind up with Warren, the wild one of the group. 
If I really considered the times he came late for practice, or left early, or that whenever he left to “work” at the boats, I think I could’ve gotten to the conclusion that he was smitten for this woman a lot earlier. 
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
“That’s pretty smart right there,” Eddie chuckled at Y/N’s recall of fooling Warren. “I am very impressed.”
Y/N shrugs humbly, obviously as a joke. Warren knew she would forever tell this tale for however long she lived. Meanwhile, he’s just glad to be part of it and getting her at the end of it.
It seems that in their almost month-long relationship, the two have managed a healthy and surprisingly well schedule to meet up. With Y/N’s new projects and the band’s practices, they meet three times a week. Sometimes four, or more, depending on Warren’s libido that Y/N’s compared to a rabbit’s.
Though, it’s not like she can’t complain.
Apart from that though, Warren never misses the chance to get her something. Mostly jewelry boxes, jewelry, and take-out food, and when she needed to run an errand, he’d come to her apartment with her much needed rolls of cloths that he paid for, despite sending him off with her money.
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Y/N: When Warren and I first started dating, he was always the one coming to my place, never me visiting him over at Laurel Canyon. It was a little suspicious at first, so when I told him what I thought, y’know what he said?
He said, with the biggest grin on, “I wanna make a show out of it” and went to sleep after saying that. I never knew what he meant until that Christmas.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
That night, he did indeed showcase his lover to his friends. Every question asked by Camilla or Billy or Eddie about her career he knew the answers to. 
Where were you raised? Here in California up until she was 10, lived in France until she was 22 and moved back here to start Serenity. Sexiest French accent ever, even better when she’s muttering phrases under her breath stressfully.
Siblings? Two brothers, one older who hosts a foster home with his wife, one younger who just started a professional boxing career following their father’s footsteps. Three stepsisters who are all younger than her from her step-mom’s side, all of who are just now convinced their sister is famous for dating a rockstar drummer.
Favorite part about putting together designs? She finds satisfaction in piecing them together, and how she gets lost in sketching to the point that she doesn’t realize how long she’s been working.
Favorite song ever?  She’ll say something everyone else says: Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. It is a good song, but it’s not a favorite song ever, because in reality it’s something old, specifically, Stand By Me by Ben E. King. She doesn’t like admitting this to other people for fear of being called a sappy romantic.
She is, in fact, a sappy romantic, and Warren doesn’t miss the chance to taunt her about it. The bedside table full of romance books that he's tried to read, but for the love of everything good he cannot sit still and read.
What he doesn't mind doing, however, is sit still to watch another invest in her books with focused, determined brows, and the occasional squealing after reaching a certain point in the book.
He's got her memorized so well, even Y/N's surprised that the things and habits she's kept to herself, he notices like she leaves it out in the open under the sun.
At the thought, she rests her head on his shoulder with a proud grin. And Warren responds with a peck at the top of her head.
While listening to an ecstatic Eddie share a story, something against Y/N’s lower back began to grow.
She holds in every fiber in her body to refrain them from giggling.
“Shame on you.” She sarcastically spat in his ear.
He frowns down at her. “Huh?”
Y/N widens her eyes and makes a pointed glare down to his erection.
There was a short reaction of shock. “Shame me? Shame on you.” Warren took note of this. It’s happened way too many times now, and he’s lost awareness of what turns him on. “Thanks to you, I don’t have control over my body functions anymore.”
“I didn’t do anything!” She whisper shouted.
“You’re just way too hot and good,” he groaned. “I can't wait to get home."
Y/N sighed into his shoulder helplessly. Home. Their condo, together.
“I love the way you smell,” he whispered, as he always does whenever near her. But no matter how many times he’s sniffed her or said that, he still doesn’t know exactly what she smells like. He figured it was sweet, of course, but it didn’t shoot up his nose too strongly. It wasn’t fruity either, or so he figured she's just her own scent. Natural.
"Thanks." She smiled up at him. "It’s the French brand. It lasts longer on me.”
"No, I think it's just you."
She looks up at him through furrowed eyebrows. "Nobody can just smell nice naturally."
He shrugs. "Well, I dunno what smell it is." He twirls her hair. “It can’t be on a title of a perfume brand.”
She shook his chin playfully. “Pay attention to the conversation, playboy.” 
He can’t. How could he?
It’s only been a month, but a month of what Warren already knew was pure and genuine. Y/N could do no wrong to him, and vice versa. They were good for each other.
The soft, buttery gliding up and down on his arm is what Warren can determine with his eyes closed; the softness of Y/N's fingers. The arm wresting on her chest as she leans on his front—it was only natural for Y/N to caress.
And as a response, another peck to her head.
•─────⋅(cut to the documentary)⋅─────•
Daisy: I’ve never been a fashion fanatic, but Y/N’s work spoke to me. She was a true artist, y’know? She knew what she was doing, and she is really fucking good at it. She didn’t just throw it a bunch of cloth and called it a day, the woman directed her creativity to the art every single time. And I recognized that.
Imagine my surprise when I see her at a house party I was also invited to.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
Daisy arrives at the Dunnes’ place, already making a fool of herself by absentmindedly dropping the bottle of wine that she technically stole, but still.
Not to mention, she had an audience, their faces were clouded by the smoke she just blew out, and not to mention, it was dark.
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” In her voice, Daisy can tell she spoke with a smile. “They have too much fun, they’ll need the fruit. Nutritional values.”
She emerged from the shadows with, indeed, a smile that warms the heart. But a recognizable face that she’s seen on televised interviews and small pictures of beside the designs she eyes enviously on the magazines.
“Holy shit...holy shit!” Her hands went up to the sides of her head. “Holy fucking shit! Hi! Oh my goodness...”
“Daisy Jones you’ve been in radios in everywhere I’ve been today,” she chuckled humbly. “I can ensure you I’m a bigger fan.”
“I’ve seen you in magazines for a lot longer. “ She shook her head in disbelief. “I love you so much.”
But before Y/N escorts her to the rest of the band, she pulls her into a hug.
•─────⋅(cut to the documentary)⋅─────•
Daisy: I’m not much of a hugger. I think, especially considering my relationship with my mother, I couldn’t handle physical touch. Most times I would just be forced into hugging people and I stand there, just like a stiff tree. But something about Y/N, even though I’d never met her before, made me feel so glad that I’m a person she would hug.
I felt really appreciated by this stranger.
While we spent most of the night talking us a group, eventually everyone else started to branch out and talk to others. Warren was clung to her like a lost puppy. God, *shaking her head* never thought a guy like Warren can be sappy. 
They just started dating and I could already see the connection between them. They mutually understood each other on such a level that everyone else around them can just do theirselves a favor and leave them alone.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
“My family might visit for the summer,” Y/N smiles against her hand. “I can’t wait. Lils and Hana and Ines are gonna try and talk to you. They’re English is so broken, it’s adorable.”
Warren smiles at her, even as he’s drunkly chugging at his drink. “You ever think about kids? I dunno, someday?” He panicked.
“Yeah. I think about kids.” Y/N vaguely answered to tease him.
He nods slowly. “Ye-Yeah. Me too.”
Y/N smiles innocently, scratching his headful of curls. “Want my kids?”
Warren gave her the deepest kiss as an answer.
taglist (aka beautiful people): @pinkdaiisies @mlwriting5 @teletubbysteroids @linatells @stanzie @arsonkween @rexorangecouny @lisbeth122605 @cultsanrio @thatoneawesomechicka @magicalmiserybore @sourholland @sunfairyy. @lilyhw1 @viridianflowers  @goldenjasssy @eonnyx @coldlamaspersonspy @navs-bhat @nicostars @darkestcinema​ @gr4cel4nd2​
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stardusthuntress · 2 months
Five for Fives
Fives x female!reader (pronouns only) 
Word Count: 3.6k 
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Summary and A/N: Read a fic the other day, and I wanted to read more similar stories, but there weren’t really any more like it… so I wrote my own! Inspired by this fic by @deewithani who kindly was totally fine with letting me add the inspo link here! I felt like we all needed something happy to read and Fives has been on my mind lately… so hope at least one person enjoys this too! Just sorta cranked it out because I was inspired and wanted to see Fives get a chance to have a life after war filled with love, with Echo, and with Rex, and I wanted a future for the little clones we know exist but who never fought in war because they hadn’t been out of their grown tubes very long… so have some cuteness and cuddles! 
PS this is a different Fives Lives AU than my other fic from a few weeks ago
TW: not much? Uh, Fives lives, has a long-term partner, and this is set as though he and Rex and Echo are leading the clone resistance we see beginning in the Bad Batch. Added in a few references to characters I couldn’t fit in the fic too! Could be read as though it’s just Fives and the Reader and Rex and Echo are the best friends of the family, or it could be read as though it’s poly, totally up to you as the reader to interpret it however feels right to you! I just wanted to make sure the 501st trio wasn’t cruelly separated anymore, so have a cute little family fic! Just cuddles and cuteness and fluff! Though it is still a bit suggestive (it's Fives, that's totally unavoidable), so still NSFW, tho I surprised myself by actually avoiding writing smut in a Fives fic... but still enjoy the snuggles and cuteness and suggestive fluff!!!
blue dividers by @/djarrex! banners are my own!
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“How are we gonna tell Echo?” Fives asked, gazing happily at the 5 small, peacefully sleeping faces scattered across the room like spilled tookas. 
You, the woman in his arms grinned, “Leave that to me!” You kissed his cheek with a grin. 
Fives nuzzled into your shoulder. He loved the way you balanced him out and always remembered to consider Echo in your plans as well, especially now that the war was over and the operation to rescue all their brothers was underway. 
“He’s gonna tell us 2 is more than we can reasonably handle.” Fives comments. 
“He was also a cadet with a squad of 5 once, remember? He knows the bond you boys have. He might protest, but we will make him understand. Besides, they’re too little to separate them, that would have only traumatized them for life, and I couldn’t do that. You saw their eyes when they looked up at us and asked if they could stay together. You couldn’t say no either,” you poked him comedically. 
Fives chuckled, and hugged you tighter to his chest. “Yeah, and I wouldn’t change it for the whole galaxy!” 
They stand there, just watching the small sleepers for a few minutes. 
“How old do you think they are?” Fives asked, excitedly. 
“They can’t be much older than 4, in normal years. They have well developed language skills, but they’re still working on hand-eye coordination. So… probably about 2? Likely decanted not long after the war started… maybe around the time you and Echo shipped out for the first time?” You reasoned. 
“Not long before we met you,” Fives kissed your cheek playfully and you giggled quietly, squeezing the strong hands wrapped around your middle. 
“We’re gonna have to get beds for them tomorrow,” you whispered, eyes glazed over as you worked through the logistics of having 5 new additions to the family. 
“Mmmmm, sounds like a tomorrow problem then,” Fives whispered, whisking you off your feet, “They look comfortable where they are, they’ll be fine for tonight.” 
“They’re on the floor, Fives,” you chuckled lightly, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“They’re used to it, we all slept anywhere anytime. At least they’re all sleeping at the same time.” He told you, closing the door to your bedroom behind him as he carried you to the bed. “And you were so good with them, Cyar’ika. I could barely resist you all day.” He breathed into your chest as his lips trailed across your skin, sighing hungrily. “My turn!” 
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As Echo strolled across the base on this beautiful evening, a noise in the hanger bay caught his attention. Odd, no one should be in the hangar bay at this hour. There were no surprise missions that he was aware of, though they had just rescued a large quantity of clone cadets from an Imperial facility the day before. The little ones were supposed to have all been shipped off to Alderaan and Pandora, but perhaps they miscounted? He’d have to comm Fives and let him know if he found one still here. Fives and his girlfriend had been so excited to get to rescue young clones. 
He followed the continuation of the noise, and discovered it changed from the drumming of what was presumably small running feet, into the sound of larger stomping strides accompanied by a lot of giggling. 
The noise led him to the ship Fives and his partner had claimed as their own. 
Echo called to them from the open ramp, “Everything alright in there?” 
“Oh, Echo! Is that you?” A woman’s voice answered him over the laughter, “Come in! We could use a hand right now, actually,” she giggled. 
Echo hurried into the ship, worried. You never asked for help, but then again it sounded like you had been laughing at the time? He rounded the corner and froze. 
Well, that was the last thing he’d been expecting to see, but in hindsight he wasn’t sure why he hadn’t been expecting it. Fives always had been good with kids, and so were you. 
The room was filled with commotion, mostly in the form of Fives, in full gear, stomping around and growling like he was pretending to be a big, scary monster, while trying his hardest not to burst into laughter. He was happier than Echo had ever seen him. 
Fives had 3 small cadets clambering on him. One on his back, giggling wildly, and one wrapped tight around each of Fives’ legs, both squealing with joy. 
Fives was laughing hard, especially as he made eye contact with Echo across the room, but it only lasted for a moment as one of the cadets lost their grip on his knee and tumbled to the floor, still giggling. 
“Oops!” Fives chuckled, swooping the small puddle of giggling child off the floor and up into the air. “Aaaaaand UP we go!” 
Echo could barely process what was going on, as you turned to him from the table behind where Fives and the 3 little ones now played. 
There was another one in your arms, Echo noticed. 
You beckoned Echo to you, and he obediently trotted over, though he was vaguely aware that it was an autopilot response from working so closely with you for so long. 
The delightedly confused look on Echo’s face as he approached made you laugh too. 
“Here, hold this one for me,” you instructed, depositing the one that had been on your hip into Echo’s arms. 
Echo took the proffered child. It stared up at him with wide, familiar eyes. This was definitely one of the clone children you had all rescued in the days prior. The child nibbled on a large cookie as it stared calmly up at him. Echo blinked at it for a moment, content to just watch the child, unsure what it would do, knowing it could see that he was so different. 
He and Fives had been this small once. He didn’t remember it, but knew it was deep in his past somewhere. He felt like he could see his own memories reflected in the wide, curious eyes of the child he held. But he wondered how he looked to a kid now, so many metal parts adorning his body, but without those parts, he wouldn’t have had the opportunity to rescue and now hold this child today. Echo could feel the conflict within him flickering in his eyes as he watched the smol bundle in his arms. 
After a moment, the child seemed to decide he was an acceptable pillow too, and it nestled into his shoulder and went back to watching their brothers goof around the room. 
Echo looked up, for you, vaguely aware that if you needed him to hold this one that meant there was something else you were up to. 
He spotted you standing on the counter, fetching yet another child from atop the conservator, where it seemed, it had been breaking into a box of cookies. 
“Hey Echo, Fives, I need you to—“ Rex rounded the corner, and reacted much the same as Echo. He froze, eyebrows raised, as he watched Fives tumble into a big cushy chair in the corner while being careful not to smoosh any of the kiddos clinging to him as they all laughed joyously. 
Rex’s gaze continued around the room to Echo, standing behind Fives with a child in his arms, scomp securely tucked under its small bottom, hand rubbing up and down the kids back as it drifted to sleep on his shoulder, half-eaten cookie dropping from its hand onto the table Echo had strategically positioned himself next to. And then Rex spotted you, in the galley of the ship, another child draped over your arm in a dramatic pout, its conquest - a box of cookies - clutched tightly in its little hands as you clambered off the counter. 
Rex shook himself to his senses and scrambled to protect you and the kid on your way down. 
“Thanks, Rex,” you smiled up at him, patting his cheek, a happy grin like he’d never seen before on your face. 
Your attention quickly turned to the child in your arms, as you put your other hand on your hip and gave it a playfully, scornful look. “You gonna eat the whole box yourself, little one?” 
It paused for a moment, seemingly thinking through the situation for the first time. 
Rex laughed, he remembered a similar lesson in his past. He knelt down to look at the kid when he spoke, “Always make sure you think things through before just running with it, kid. That way you know exactly what you want before you get there.” He chuckled. 
You, Fives, and Echo all laughed hard at that. 
“Oh, look who the mischievous uncle turned out to be!” You chided, laughter still ringing from your lips as you shifted the kid in your arms into a more comfortable position on your hip, facing outwards, but gripped in both arms. 
The kid’s eyes lit up and he shoved a hand back into the cookie box and produced yet another cookie, but this time he held it out to Rex. 
“Awwwww! That was very sweet of you, Moxy! There ya go, pay off Uncle Rex for his mischievous advice! Already learning how bribes work! You’re definitely related to Fives, that’s for sure!” You laughed. 
Rex laughed too, taking the cookie with a small thanks as heat rushed to his face. He hadn’t meant to be that Uncle, but then again, after working with Skywalker, Kenobi, and Tano, and the entirety of the 501st for so many years, maybe their bad habits had worn off on him a bit. 
Fives appeared at your elbow, one child under his arm, one still clinging to his leg, and one perched on his shoulders with its hands on his cheeks and hair, braced by his other hand at its back. 
“See, they could totally pass for being our kids!” He grinned playfully, humming seductively as he pressed a long kiss to your cheek and then one to your neck. 
“EWWWWW!” The kiddos chorused. 
Echo and Rex laughed as you stole a kiss from Fives’ lips as he grinned, wildly. 
“Well that’s good, because they are our kids, now!” You winked back at him. 
“That’s my girl!” Fives cheered. 
“How are you gonna care for…” Echo paused to doublecheck his headcount, “five cadets?” 
“Children, Echo, they are not cadets anymore, they’re kids! And I’d say it’s a darn good thing we generally have at least 4 adults in here to handle it, don’t you think?” You returned, pointedly, but still smiling and laughing. 
Echo just hugged the child in his arms tighter. Resting his cheek on its little head as he turned bashful. He knew Fives had chosen the right woman, she always remembered the things that were important to Fives, including Echo. And she wasn’t afraid to put her children in the arms of a man with 3 out of 4 metal limbs. Echo was grateful for her trust, for it made him trust himself more too. 
The little one on Fives shoulder let out a big, long yawn, unaware that its hand had made its way to cover one of Fives’ eyes. But Fives had no intention of protesting, he was too delighted to find himself surrounded by kids of his own. 
Rex chuckled, and reached up to lift the child off Fives’ shoulders. 
As soon as it was in Rex’s arms, it immediately snuggled into his shoulder, trusting him instantly after seeing him interact with the other adults in the room so easily. Rex melted. 
You and Fives exchanged a glance. Fives was glad he’d let you handle this part and that you’d let it just happen naturally. And you were right that the Fett line did seem to have a soft spot for children. 
You and Fives exchanged a glance as he scooped up the child wrapped around his ankle, the two of you moved instinctively towards the comfy chair he’d dropped into with the kids earlier, collecting pillows and blankets from around the room on the way to it. Echo and Rex imitated you, recognizing the all too familiar nesting pile habits of their battalion. 
Instinctively, all 3 men gathered to nestle around you, creating a circle for you and the little ones to snuggle into. 
To your surprise, Fives found a way to nuzzle into your shoulder, despite the two small ones he had in his arms. 
“They are darn cute, I’ll give ‘em that,” Echo muttered, watching the one that was still clinging to him. 
“That’s Zed, we call him that because he’s always sleepy,” a tiny voice mumbled from Rex’s chest. 
You all laughed again. 
“And what’s your name, kid?” Rex asked, quietly. 
But the only answer he received was a soft snore. 
“Mmmm, now I’m hungry from all that playing around,” Fives lifted his head, and peered into the box Moxy was still clutching where he lay on your chest. “Anything left in there?” 
You lifted your head to look in the box too, “Might actually be half a box still! I thought he’d eaten them all. Grab me one too, while you’re at it?” 
Fives reached into the box and held up a cookie for you so you didn’t have to take your hands off the kids splayed on your chest and snuggled between you both. 
You took a bite, and he shoved the rest of it into his own mouth. 
“Thanks, Love.” You giggled and pecked his cheek, before returning your attention to Echo and Rex. “How are you gents doing? Content to snuggle there for a while? I’d rather not wake them if we don’t have to, or they’ll be running up the walls for another few hours just because they want to stay awake.” 
Rex and Echo exchanged delighted glances and hummed their answers, nestling in for the night. 
You turned back to Fives, “See? Easy!” You told him, kissing his forehead. 
He laughed. “Which part? Telling Rex and Echo, or handling 5 kids?” 
“Well, now that we have Rex and Echo here, both!” You told him, victoriously. 
Fives stole another kiss from your lips. 
A rustling noise and a shifting of the box in the small clone’s arms as Fives smiled against your lips told of his real plan: hiding a cookie theft with a kiss. 
He broke away from your lips only to triumphantly stuff the entire cookie in his mouth. 
You scoffed at him, playfully. 
The box rustled again, and you raised a brow holding eyecontact with Fives. 
He returned the look, puzzled, half a cookie still sticking out of his mouth as he tried desperately not to sprinkle cookie crumbs into the hair of the small brothers in his arms. 
You both looked down to find Echo’s hand in the box. 
He looked up at you sheepishly, eyes wide at getting caught, blinking owlishly at you. And then he broke into the same mischevious grin Fives had worn not five minutes before and retreated with a cookie of his own. 
You were trying desperately not to laugh, else you’d jostle the numerous small heads and three adult ones currently leaning on or near you. 
“Would you like a cookie too, Rex?” You offered, producing another one from the box. 
“Well, I’m not gonna say no,” Rex teased. 
“Good, as long as you boys all get the extra large quantities you need, we’ll be in good shape.” You giggled, handing over the tasty treat, and fetching another one for yourself too. 
The three men exchanged sheepish looks. 
“I know, you boys all eat more than the average person. And I’m glad of it. Food rarely goes bad around here. But we might need to find a steady supply of large quantities of food so we don’t have to go shopping every single day.” You could already imagine it, not only would you enjoy the view of each of the handsome men crouched in front of the conservator day in and day out just like you had since you joined them, but more than likely, they’d always share the space with a smaller version of themselves each time now too. The thought put a smile on your face as you stared deep into Fives’ eyes, more than happy with your joint, spur of the moment decision to keep a whole squad of cadets. 
Echo hummed next to you, “I’ve got a few ideas already,” he yawned. “Never fear, Uncle Echo is here! Hmm, I like the sound of that. Uncle Echo. And Omega is gonna adore these little guys…” Echo leans over and kisses your cheek too. 
Fives laughs at that. 
“Hmm, then maybe I should try to be less mischievous, you lot already have that covered,” Rex also uses the opportunity to kiss your hand, and you bite your lip. 
Fives steals another passionate kiss from you, grinning into it. “Maybe Omega can babysit when we need a night that’s just the two of us on occasion,” Fives nudges your cheek with his nose. 
Echo laughs into your side. “I think Wrecker and Hunter would be delighted to help her wrangle the whole little squad. I’ll bring you to Pabu in the morning so they can meet them.” 
“We haven’t even had the kids for 2 full days yet, Echo,” You chuckle. 
“We have a big family, we can’t help it,” Fives answers. ”I want all the guys to meet them. We’ll do Pabu in the afternoon. Let them take around this base in the morning. It’ll be fun,” he mumbles, sleep starting to take hold of him too. ”Howzer promised to give me some tips he learned from the Twilek family he worked with for so long tomorrow. Pabu can be a dinner thing.” 
“I’ll tell Hunter we’re bringing dinner tomorrow then,” Rex yawned. 
Suddenly Echo held out a datapad, over the bundle of sleepy faces. “Smile you three, we need a holo of this.” 
But you and Fives could only look at each other, with the biggest grins as you pressed your foreheads together in a keldable kiss, proud of your little family. 
“Could you two get any cuter?” Echo nudged you playfully. 
Zed, nestled between you and Echo, stirred in his sleep. 
“Shhh, sleep time now, gents, we can finish planning in the morning,” you instructed, secretly admiring that you had just surrounded yourself with identical faces of men and boys you very much adored. You hummed contentedly. 
“Just one more kiss,” Fives whispered mischievously, sneaking a peck at your lips before snuggling in for the night. 
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Omega gasped loudly, bouncing on the balls of her feet when she saw Echo, Rex, Fives, and Fives’ partner exiting the ship together, wrangling a whole miniature squad of their own at their knees and bundled in their arms, and boxes of what appeared to be take out in various bags and hands. 
“Baby brothers!” Omega gushed, scooping up the nearest one. 
Wrecker scooped her and the little one up into a big hug, and carried them over to the tree in the middle of the square, then picking up the small ones clinging to his belt to put them up on the grass beside her. 
Echo decided to take a page from your book, and just straight up handed one of the kids to Hunter without saying anything. 
Hunter took the kid and just watched it in awe for a moment. 
“Are you a brother too?” The kid asked. 
“Hmm?… yeah… yeah I am, kid,” Hunter beamed. 
The kid smiled and tucked himself into Hunter’s chest. 
Hunter visibly melted, closing his eyes and cradling the child gently in his arms. 
When he opened his eyes again, he found himself staring at a smug Echo. 
“Told you, you had a soft spot for kids.” Echo patted him on the back and walked away to join Wrecker and Omega as they taught the kids how to climb a tree. 
“That’s Zed, he likes snuggles,” You told Hunter from somewhere behind him. 
Hunter turned to face you, and found you standing there with Fives wrapped around you from behind. 
“And… they’re your kids now?” Hunter asked, incredulous. Looking like he would never be ready to give Zed back to you. 
“Yeah, we’ve been tracking down where the young clones were taken when Kamino was decommissioned. First rescue was a few night ago. Two ships full of little ones ready for homes of their own went to Pantora and Alderaan the day before yesterday.” 
“We couldn’t help but keep this lot when their little voices asked us to be their parents,” Fives chimed in. 
“They asked you to be their parents?” Hunter seemed almost jealous, if you were reading him correctly. 
“Do you want us to bring a batch here?” You asked. 
Hunter just looked at the little one in his arms, content to be held as it watched people move around the square. 
“That’s a yes,” Fives answered for him. 
Hunter gave Fives a look. “I see why Echo calls you the mischievous one,” he comments, a brow raised. 
Rex laughs loudly, “Oh. No. Echo is just as mischievous.” 
“Like that?” A snide voice joins the conversation as Crosshair approaches, making sure to keep some distance from the kid in Hunter’s arms, as he jabs a toothpick towards the tree before returning it to his lips. 
You all look over to discover Echo in the tree with the young ones, while Wrecker and Omega protect them from below. 
“Exactly like that,” Rex agrees, shaking his head at his trooper's antics. 
“Anyways, would you like to babysit them sometime?” Fives asks Hunter and Crosshair with a sly grin. 
Hunter and Crosshair answer at the same time, Crosshair glares at Hunter. 
“Come on, Cross. You’ll warm up to them eventually.” Hunter prods, pointedly watching the kid in his arms instead of Crosshair. 
“Omega was different,” Crosshair protests. “Like us.” He states as though he’s trying to convince himself not to get attached to the small face clinging to Hunter’s collar. 
“Uh huh,” Hunter is not convinced, he knows his brother too well for that. 
…Later you swear you spot one of the kids gifting Crosshair a flower he picked from the tree, and you’re pretty sure Crosshair wears it in his shirt pocket all evening. 
But it’s hard to say for certain, especially when Fives sweeps you off your feet and carries you into your ship, heading straight for the bedroom… 
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it! And NO dropping it into an AI to finish it for me! That’s stealing my work and feeding it to an AI without my consent. It is not okay to give an AI something you didn’t write yourself! 
taglist: @cw80831 @deewithani
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imgondeletedis · 1 month
WELCOME TO “CLOWNELIA STREET☝️” here are possible 4 things that could happen tonight the last night of the eras tour in europe.
ps. i am so so sad the eras will end soon. and if you ever went to the eras tour i am so jealous of you, i envy you so much you don't even know because i deserved to go so bad. it breaks my heart that i am never going to see her or experience the girlhood throughout the eras tour because nothing like this will happen ever again, EVEN MY COUSINS WENT BUT NOT ME.
• an original album in December 2020.
(evermore because folklore was a surprise album so is evermore I know but I do believe evermore was released after she planned it all out, folklore wasn't.)
• two rerecorded albums in 2021
(fearless (taylor's version) and red (taylor's version))
• an original album in 2022
• two rerecorded albums 2023
( speak now (taylor's version) and 1989 (taylor's version) )
• an original album in 2024
( the tortured poets department, the anthology was a surprise just like folklore in my opinion )
So that would mean we're getting 2 rerecord albums and their announcements in 2025 not 2024.
( aka. Reputation (Taylor's Version) and Taylor swift (Taylor's Version) )
ps. although i am not agreeing with the theories around reputation Taylor's version to night but I deactivated my two main Instagram accounts just in case because reputation. IS. MY. ALBUM.
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windchimesgames · 8 months
End of Year Recap + Plans for 2024
Hey everyone!
Belated Happy New Year to everyone! I know this is a very late end of year recap 😂Unfortunately, the past week ended up much busier for me than expected, so I could only get around to doing this now that things have calmed down a little.
This is a crosspost of a public post I made on Patreon a few days ago, so if you prefer the formatting there, you can read the post at this link:
PS: I do free monthly devlogs / posts there on Patreon, so consider joining the free tier of the Patreon even if you aren't interested in the paid tiers!
For those who'd rather read the post here, I'll leave the extraordinarily long ramble in a Read More cut below!
Let's start with a quick recap of the highlights / achievements accomplished in 2023!
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Okay, this one may be slightly cheating. While Emberfate only launched on Steam in Jan 2023 so the 92 positive reviews came in in the year of 2023, it was up on Itch.io since mid 2022, so not all 383 Itch.io ratings came in in 2023.
Still, I'm pretty proud of these stats! Perhaps the numbers are nothing compared to some other amazing games' out there, but it's still something I'm proud of. It makes me happy that my silly experimental nostalgic little game struck a chord in so many players — much more than I expected given how niche the topic was!
Now, unfortunately, I could not get Emberfate's DLC for Potato's route out by end of 2023 like I had hoped. Porting the game to mobile also ended up much more difficult than I expected because of just how much of the UI I'm going to have to redesign — and hence, programming to be redone — if I wanted to make the game fit a small mobile screen. So both plans are going to have to be postponed to 2024.
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The other notable highlight of 2023 is that both Lyrissa's and Kierdan's routes for Reanimation Scheme were released for beta access! That put the game at 3/5 routes complete, with a total of 431,786 words for the script.
I recruited a handful of beta testers to test the three completed routes a few months ago, and so far, the feedback has been positive overall. That's been a huge relief and lifted a massive weight off my chest — due to the controversial reception of the demo, I've been extremely anxious that the game would be hated by the players, and I've done so many rounds of editing and honestly perhaps somewhat unnecessary and obsessive rewriting of the script, but none of it felt good enough 😂 So hearing the positive comments has been a huge motivation / morale booster. Perhaps I should have done beta testing sooner… LOL
There are two more achievements unrelated to a specific game project that I'd like to mention:
2023 is the year that I became more interested in and better at Ren'Py programming! Most of it is thanks to my amazing programmer friend and Ren'Py wizard, Feniks (whom you may know as the programmer for Our Life series), who sparked my interest in programming and helped teach me a LOT. While I'm by no means a professional now at coding, I feel much more comfortable navigating around Ren'Py code and setting up what I need to in the backend of the games I'm developing, which opens up new doors for me for future projects in terms of what kind of features (big or small) that I may be able to include! Though the side effect of that is I looked back at the code I did for Reanimation Scheme from previous years and was immediately horrified by how ugly and inefficient it was. 😂I did redo the backend code of the Gallery and Achievements system a bit, but the rest will just have to stay for now.
I made quite a few new connections within the indie VN dev sphere in 2023! I made a shocking discovery that there's enough number of indie VN developers from Hong Kong to fill half a minibus, and I was lucky enough to connect with them and share our experiences and learn from each other! Due to new project commissions I took on for $$$ (real life financial needs suck), as well as a couple of small game jam projects I joined as programmer to buff up my programming portfolio, I also made some new VN dev friends unexpectedly. It's been really nice, because honestly, solo dev can be a really lonely and isolating endeavor sometimes. I'm super grateful for the new connections I found myself making in 2023!
Looking Ahead: 2024
Okay, that was a lot of rambling for the recap. More than I thought I would write. Now let's move forward to what the future will look like for this studio in 2024 and what goals I'm setting for myself this year!
Priority #1: Finishing Reanimation Scheme
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Of course it's Reanimation Scheme. As mentioned above, we're currently at 3 out of 5 routes completed (sans partial voice acting). So the biggest goal for 2024 will be to get the game done. and out. Finally.
I won't be giving a concrete release date until we're like, literally in beta phase for all 5 routes, just so I won't have to announce a delay and let people down. But given the current progress and pace of work, I'd say probably around mid-year — maybe Q3 latest.
I'll be keeping up with the episodic updates of Reanimation Scheme's beta build on Patreon (and Kickstarter) from this month onwards, beginning with Jori's route and then followed by Sebastien's.
The remaining Kickstarter rewards may take a little longer — but ideally, all of them (artbook / lorebook / short stories collections, etc.) will be done by end of the year as well.
Priority #2: Potato's Route DLC for Emberfate
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Potato, poor Potato. His DLC had to be put on the sidelines until Reanimation Scheme is done.
Half of the art has already been commissioned and completed by the amazing Remnantation — we're just missing his selfie CG & his MMO character sprite! So the next step would be the script and then the voice acting for the calls part. I won't be able to start on the script until mid-2024 earliest, but given the fact that his route won't be that long if it's parallel in length compared to the existing three routes, it probably won't take too long to do. Perhaps 2-3 months for the development process of the DLC?
I'll likely be releasing his DLC early on Patreon, potentially also episodically as it's completed, like I did with Emberfate. So if you're interested, keep an eye out for it when the time comes!
Something Secretly Brewing in the Shadows?
If you're pledged to this Patreon on $10 tier or above, you'll probably already know what I'm alluding to.
I won't be announcing or talking much about this for now, since I don't know when I'll be able to start working on this project properly (i.e. I need to meet my above two goals first). For all I know, it might end up being not a 2024 thing but a 2025 thing. So I'll only tease it slightly for now here.
Bonus Goal: Market, for the Love of God
If you follow Wind Chimes Games on either Twitter or Tumblr, you'll probably have noticed the sorry state of my social media. I… really do not like marketing or posting on social media. I never know what to post or say. I'm too unfunny and uncreative to meme or write humorous captions that get engagement. 😂It kind of feels like I'm shouting into the void, and nobody really cares about what I have to say on my projects when there's so many cooler and more interesting things out there. So I always try for a brief period of time, and then I give up 😭
This year though, I really really need to take marketing more seriously. With two releases planned for 2024, marketing is going to be important if I want the games to sell more than like 20 copies LOL
So I guess, uh, hold me to it and call me out if I don't start posting regularly after all 🥹
If you've made it this far on this post, thank you so much for listening to me ramble. 🥹 2024 is going to be a very busy year, but hopefully, a productive one that will end with me meeting all of the above listed goals.
Thank you so much for joining me on the wild and bumpy journey that was 2023, and I hope you'll stick around for the exciting things to come this year too! Here's to a great year ahead of all of us!
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myconetted · 1 year
ppl don't understand moderation at scale and it shows
a lot of ppl on this website don't seem to understand tumblr is a pretty big website and big websites are hard to moderate.
like yeah it's obvious to you when there's a bad post that violates AUP or there's a perfectly good post that got incorrectly flagged. like duh. just ban terfs and don't ban transwomen.
but how many posts do you see a day, a thousand or so?
well it's a little harder when there are 13 million posts published per day, approximately 3-5% of them require moderation* (4% = 520k posts), and your automated tooling is anything less than 99.5% accurate (i.e. more than 1 misclassification every 200 posts). that accuracy would produce 2600 posts per day that require human review. if there are 4 human reviewers working 8h/day doing nothing but moderation, they'd have a budget of 44 seconds** to spend on reviewing a given post. and that's likely an underestimate of the workload***.
there are gonna be some mistakes. if you make your automated stuff less trigger happy, more bad things like terf shit falls through the cracks. if you make it more trigger happy, marginalized people start getting flagged for calling themselves faggots or posting boygirltits. if you rely less on automation, then you need humans; if you use humans, they cost a lot more, they're way slower, you're exposing more people to traumatic shit every day, and they're still gonna make mistakes.
to be clear: i think it's true that on aggregate, marginalized people are disproportionately affected by moderation mistakes. but that's not a tumblr-specific thing, and i don't think it's reasonable to expect tumblr, a 200-person company with 300 million monthly active users, to somehow solve a problem that none of twitter/facebook/reddit/youtube have managed to solve with literally thousands of engineers. should they do better? yes. absolutely. but that's not my point.
my point is: when you see the mistakes, i'm sitting here begging and pleading for you to consider it might be due to the logistical reality of social media moderation at scale rather than conspiracy or malice.
thanks 4 coming 2 my ted talk. footnotes under the cut.
*AFAIK Tumblr doesn't publicly report this statistic, so this is an informed under-guesstimate. On Reddit, 6% of all content was reported/flagged in 2021. I assume Tumblr and Reddit have similar enough content profiles for me to say "ehhh 3% lower bound, probably."
**Calculated by (60 / (P / (M * W * 60))) where P is number of posts to review, M is number of moderators, and W is hours worked per moderator per day. 60 / (2600 / (4 * 8 * 60)) ≈ 44.
***This is a reductive picture for the purpose of demonstrating scale. In real life, the calculus for how long can a moderator spend on a given post is more complicated because of things like prioritization for specific kinds of AUP violations (eg CSAM is higher priority than porn), classification accuracy that isn't uniform across categories (eg hit rate for gore is probably different from porn or hate speech), regulatory requirements (like mandatory reporting for CSAM and government takedown requests), different pipelines for user reports versus tool-based reports, yadda yadda. My goal is to show that even the underestimate is quite burdensome.
PS: I don't work for tumblr and I never have. I just work at a place that does things at scale and faces similar issues and I'm very passionate about online communities.
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