#and i suddenly remembered how he is not the one tasked to go buy food/go to food banks and just stopped the convo lmfao
irawhiti · 1 year
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sturniolo-simp4life · 5 months
Call Me Back- Chris Sturniolo 
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Paring- Chris Sturniolo and Y/n 
Description- Chris has been ignoring you for a while, upsetting you, until one night he shows up at your apartment. 
Warnings- angst, crying. Remember everything is fictional! Nothing here applies to real life.
You had really been upset this past week. Chris had been distant this week. At first, you thought he was busy with filming and that he needed space. 
But it had gotten more complicated. 
He stopped answering your calls and texts. You could see his likes on other girls' social media.
Another thing- you didn’t care about whose posts he liked, whether they were girls or not.
It was that he was liking pictures of half-naked girls was what got to you. 
You could feel your heart swell when you got a notification. 
Chris.sturniolo made a post 
You clicked on the notification. A picture popped up. It looked like Chris was at a party. He had that big bright smile the one he would always show around you.
What really caught your attention though, was that his arm was clinging onto another girl's waist. 
The girl was leaning her head on his shoulder, and her arm was on his other shoulder. 
You felt your heart crack. Had he found another girl? Is that why he had been ignoring you? 
The girl did look perfect for him though. Golden brown hair. Crisp, green eyes. Big, perfect pink lips. You felt your heart crack even more. It looked like a match made in heaven. 
You hadn’t even realized tears welled up in your eyes until they started streaming down your cheeks. You choked a sob, as you sank into your pillow. 
You didn’t like your emotions getting the best of you but when they did, it was too late. 
What if you were just overreacting? What if she was just a close friend? 
But you saw how both their eyes showed happiness. Connection. Love. 
You cried yourself to sleep that night. 
Two more days passed. Two more notifications, each day. Each post with the same girl. The same bright eyes.
The same smile. The same pang of pain in your heart. You had tried calling him too, but he would just ignore your calls, or not answer. 
You decided that you did want to live a sob story, so you went to the grocery store, hoping to at least be productive and get some tasks done. 
You found yourself driving to target, hoping to buy some things. For one: food. It was always your comfort. 
You also needed to buy your daily necessities, like toilet paper and soaps. 
And you defiantly bought snacks and candy. 
You thought things were going well. You thought you could avoid any possible thought of Chris at all today.
You were literally finished checking out your items. 
But no. The world must really hate you. 
The way your heart shattered when you heard that laugh. As you saw those brown locks of hair.  
And you heard the female laughter following. That golden brown hair. Those deep, crisp, green eyes. That girl. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to move. At all. Who is she? Why do I feel like this? You couldn’t bring yourself to speak.
And the next thing you knew, they were right in front of you. “Oh hey y/n!” You heard Chris’s voice. You couldn’t utter a word. 
You couldn’t hear, you couldn’t feel you couldn’t speak. Are you alright? He asked. Are you okay?
I can’t do this. You finally snapped back to reality, and you ran. You ran right out of that store. You couldn’t turn back.  
He had ignored you for almost a week and a half. Hadn’t picked up any of your calls. And now suddenly acting like he cares? You couldn’t do this. 
You cried as soon as you got home. 
___---___---___---___---___---___---___  What time is it? Was your first thought as you woke up. You rubbed your eyes. Sighed. You needed to relax.  
You grabbed your phone, a blanket, and snacks from your kitchen, and made your way to the living room. 
10 things I hate about you. Thats what you decided to put. 
You wrapped the blanket around yourself, its warmth covering you, protecting you, keeping you safe. Why can’t they be Chris’s arms. 
You were about halfway into the movie and on your third bowl of popcorn when you heard a knock on the door. You sighed, not wanting to get up. 
The knocks wouldn’t stop, so you forced yourself to answer it. 
“What are you doing here,” you asked. Where’s your new girl? You wanted to ask. Why haven’t you broken up with me? 
“I wanted to see if you were alright.” he said.  
“You wanted to see if I was okay?” you could feel your voice rising.
“Oh Chris I’ve been great. I’ve just been ignored for a whole week by my boyfriend, not to mention that he’s been hasn’t been answering my texts of calls, and hanging out with some girl I don’t even know?” 
You were crying at this point. “So yeah Chris. I’ve been doing great.” He was silent for a moment, his eyes showing pure heartbreak. 
You couldn’t. You completely broke down. Sobbing. 
Chris knew you didn’t like crying. That’s why he was so shocked. It broke his heart that he made you feel this way. 
He pulled you into a hug, murmuring soft, reassuring words into your ear. “Shhh, you're alright pretty girl. Don’t cry. Please.” his voice cracked on the last word. 
Once you had calmed down a bit, both of you took a seat on the couch. 
“10 things I hate about you,” he said. “That’s always been your comfort movie.” You nodded your head. 
A few moments passed. “Look y/n, I owe an apology. I’m sorry I haven’t reached out in what feels like forever.” he sighed. “What about that girl?” you asked. 
That’s what was bothering you the most. 
“Yeah um, she's the reason. Ally. She was one of my best friends in middle school, and she surprised me by showing up out of nowhere. She moved away right before high school- before we even met. I was just happy to see her when she came. She has a boyfriend, you know.” 
“Oh,” was all you could manage with a voice crack. “I-I’m so sorry.” Guilty guilty I feel so guilty.
I felt a tear slip down my cheek, many more following. For the second time, Chris pulled me into a hug, kissing my hair and rubbing my back. “It’s not your fault pretty girl. Don’t cry. I promise you.”  
His touch leaves a trail of butterflies on my skin. “I’m sorry for ignoring you, my sweet girl. I promise you that won’t happen again.” 
You sniffled as you hugged him burying your face into the crook of his neck. He suddenly picked you up bridal style. “Lets get you showered and ready for bed, yeah?” 
You nodded your head. “Chris I love you.” 
He looked down at you and smiled at me. “I love you too baby.”  
tags- @tillies33ssss @theyluvme-2315 @alorsxsturn @maya555sblog
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noosayog · 11 months
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[my first task!] ft. miya atsumu
synopsis: inspired by the series, Old Enough? basically, in Japan, it's common practice to entrust a toddler an errand to perform all by themselves, such as fetching something from the store. sometimes, in a small village or closely knit neighborhood, all the shopkeepers and neighborhood residents are aware of when the toddler will be out and all work together to watch over them and guide them.
wc: 2.6k
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“Are ya sure she has to do this today?”
“‘Tsumu, we’ve already done all the preparation. Let’s just let her try, hm?” 
He grumbles, but moves to his assigned location at the dining table, where your daughter is already sitting, swinging her legs in anticipation of her favorite Omurice lunch. 
You bring the plates of food over to the table and set one down at each of your seats. You give Atsumu a pointed look which he ignores. You clear your throat and give him a hard nudge. 
“Ow,” he complains. He gives you one last pleading look which you leave unanswered. 
He sighs and recites his scripted lines. “Oh honey, what about the ketchup drawings?” he asks you in monotone. 
You tap a finger at your chin, looking up at the ceiling to feign deep thought. “Oh no! I think we ran out of ketchup!” You bring a palm up to cover your mouth, gaping open in dismay. 
“No ketchup drawing? How can I possibly eat Omurice without the ketchup drawing?” 
“Oh no,” you turn to your daughter. “We can’t have Omurice without ketchup can we?” 
“No, we can’t!” your daughter exclaims. 
“Well baby, do you think you can go to the store and get some ketchup for us? Just like how you do it when you go with Mommy.” 
Her eyes sparkle with excitement at the prospect of going out. “Me?” 
“Yep, Daddy and I are so busy, we can’t go. Can we rely on you?” 
“Sure!” she chirps. 
So a few short moments later, you and Atsumu have strapped her little purse on her torso, containing just enough coins to purchase a bottle of ketchup and a card with your phone number on it, just in case. Atsumu laces her shoes up and gives her a kiss on the cheek. You think you see his eyes misting over. 
You speak up. “Just to the store we always go to, okay? Mommy’s counting on you!” This was supposed to have been Atsumu’s line, but you can tell that the dam is about to burst so you help him out.
“You’ll do great,” he chokes out. “I’ll see you when you come home with ketchup so Daddy can have his Omurice. Okay?” 
She nods, enthusiastic and completely unaware of Atsumu’s turmoil. With that, she’s out the door and Atsumu barely waits one minute before he’s following, sticking to his own plan to trail her on her first errand. 
The route has been prepped ahead of time. All the neighbors and the local store owners have been informed of your daughter’s first errand to ensure her success. In addition, all of Atsumu’s teammates, old and new, showed up to guide her along. 
So as Atsumu trails behind her toddling figure, hiding comically behind fences and walls, there’s really no need for him to intervene. 
She first passess the local cafe, where Bokuto, Hinata, and Sakusa sit at a table strategically located by the open window facing the sidewalk. As she walks by, she recognizes them instantly, straying from her path to the store. Bokuto sits her on his lap while Hinata listens to her babble and Sakusa buys her an apple juice. After a couple minutes of chatting, Sakusa gently pats her and asks, “so why are you out here by yourself?” 
“Oh!” she clammors out of Bokuto’s arms, suddenly remembering that she was supposed to be out on a mission. “I’m going to the store to buy ketchup for Mommy and Daddy. They’re counting on me.” 
Hinata nods profusely. “You better be off then!”
“You should finish your juice first, though. Adults don’t waste food,” Sakusa tells her. 
She nods, happy to sip the remaining juice from the cup, then sets on her way afoot. 
The trio at the cafe watch her go, shaking their heads when they notice their setter conspicuously following close behind. 
Next is Onigiri Miya. 
Well, technically, next was supposed to be the florist on the main street, but the little Miya had seen the street that Onigiri Miya is on and took the turn out of habit. But no matter – you and Atsumu had foreseen this, so a team is at the ready there too. 
Suna sits at the counter seat closest to the door to keep watch. When he sees her rounding the corner, he signals Osamu who comes out from behind the counter to greet her at the door. 
“Heya, baby,” picking up her easily when she runs into her Uncle’s arms. 
“Hi Uncle ‘Samu! Hi Rin-chan!” She greets Suna over Osamu’s shoulder. 
Suna grins, “hey stink.” 
“‘M not stinky!” 
Osamu carries her into the restaurant and deposits her on the counter seat next to Suna’s. He rounds back into the kitchen where he begins shaping a miniature version of her favorite onigiri. She kicks her feet, completely at ease in the restaurant and blissfully forgetful of her task at hand. When the plate is deposited in front of her, she chirps out a quick thank you before digging in. 
After chatting Suna up for a bit, Osamu finally cuts in. 
“So, what are ya doing out here all by yourself?” 
“Dunno!” she giggles. 
Suna coughs a bit, giving Osamu a look which Osamu returns pointedly. 
“Soooo… you decided to have lunch here without your dad and mom?” 
She ponders this for a bit, before lighting up. “Oh yeah! Mommy made Omurice but Daddy forgot to buy the ketchup so I’m here to get it.” 
Osamu’s eyes widen comically. “All by yourself?” 
She nods sagely. “‘M a big girl now. Mommy is countin’ on me.” 
“Well, ya better get going then. Yer silly dad will be waitin’ for ya.” 
She agrees, hopping her to her feet. The two follow her to the door to see her off, holding the door open for her walk through. She gets halfway back the way she came when she turns around and grins toothily at the two. 
“Thanks for the onigiri, uncle! Love ya!” 
Osamu smiles and waves her off. Behind him, Suna holds out his phone, pointing the camera at the little girl’s retreating back, making sure to focus on the suspicious figure donning sunglasses, a mask, and MSBY jackals baseball cap tailing her. He sends it to the group chat warning the next team to watch out for a stalker. 
Your daughter finds her way back to the intersection on the main road. She needs to take a left to continue her route to the supermarket. As she stands at the crossroads, she frowns, not quite remembering where she needs to go. She takes a right. 
There, she bumps into the legs of Kageyama and Hoshiumi who are stationed at the intersection. 
“Sorry,” she starts, craning her neck to get a better look at her obstacles. 
“No worries,” Kageyama says, taking a step back. 
Hoshiumi then strikes up a conversation with Kageyama, reading out the practiced lines. 
“Hey, we need to go to the supermarket right?”
Your daughter’s ears perk up at that.
“Yeah. It’s that – ” Kageyama points dramatically “– way.” 
“Ohhhh, I see,” Hoshiumi puts a hand up to theatrically mimic covering his eyes from the sun and squints the way Kageyama is pointing. 
Your daughter nods to herself at that and turns around to walk in the correct direction this time. 
When she gets far enough away, Hoshiumi shows Kageyama the text in the group chat. 
“Stalker?” Kageyama reads, scrunching his face. “Should we –”
“Nah,” Hoshiumi cuts him off and points at the stalker in question, going the same way the little girl just went.
“Ah.” Tobio understands, noticing the peek of dyed blond hair from under the baseball cap. 
At last, she arrives at the grocery store. This is familiar ground, so she wanders into the store and meanders the aisles, getting distracted by the array of colors in the snack section. She’s running her hands along all the biscuit options, contemplating how she can fit all the items she wants in her two hands when she hears someone clear their throat from above her. 
This time, it’s Aran who waves a gentle hello to her. 
“Aran-kun!” she exclaims, forgetting about the snacks and running up to hug his legs. 
He chuckles and pats her head. 
“Hi there. Are ya looking for something in particular?” 
Once again, she thinks. She’s sure there must be a reason she’s in the store but can’t quite remember. 
“I think so?” 
“Hm, okay. Wanna go shopping with me until you remember what yer looking for?” 
She grabs Aran’s hand and swings them as he guides her to the aisle with the condiments. There, she inspects the colorful array of sauces, eyes sparkling. Aran pretends to look for his own items, hovering a hand over the ketchup bottles and waving his fingers in the general area until she remembers. Her eyes hone in on the red bottle and she remembers her poor father, still unable to eat his lunch without ketchup. 
“Aran-kun! I’m here for ketchup!” 
“‘That so? Well, here ya go, then.” He picks up the bottle of the brand he knows you use and plops it right into her hands. 
“Not this one,” she shakes her head. “Mommy wants that one.” 
She points at the bottle next to the one Aran grabbed. They’re identical. 
Unbothered, Aran switches out the bottle in her hands with the one she wants. “Sorry ‘bout that. All good now?” 
“Ready to go check out, then?” 
She nods. He continues to walk her to the registers. Once the lines are in sight, she lets go of his fingers and darts over to the nearest line. But not before bowing a polite thank you to Aran. 
At the register, she greets the attendant watching him scan the bottle and showing her the total amount owed. 
“That’ll be 200 yen.” 
She reaches into her purse and pours out all the coins onto the counter, not entirely sure what she needs to offer. The cashier picks out a few coins and deposits the rest back into her coin purse, allowing her to tuck the coin purse back into her bag and zip the purse securely before asking if she wants a bag. 
“Yes, please!” 
With a plastic baggie in hand, she makes her way to the exit. Aran catches her before and tucks a small box of pocky into her bag, pushing a finger to his lips and winking at her. “Keep it a secret from yer mom. Get home safe!” 
She mimics his gesture and nods. With one last bear hug to Aran’s legs, she’s off. 
Outside the store, Kita waits for her. She spots his white hair easily. Of all her uncles (excluding Osamu, of course), Kita is her favorite. She runs over to him, bag swinging carelessly behind her. Kita catches her and gives her a little spin before setting her back on the ground. 
“Hiya, Uncle Shin!” 
“Hey there. What’cha got in there?” he asks, pointing at the bag. 
“Ketchup! Daddy forgot to buy more and he can’t eat Omurice without it, so Mommy’s countin’ on me to get it.” 
Kita rests a hand on her head. “That’s real impressive of ya, to come to the store to get it all by yourself.” 
She glows in his praise, rare but genuine. 
“Going home now, Uncle Shin.” 
“Alright,” he responds. “I need something from that way, so I’ll walk ya part ways.” 
She beams and follows Kita in the direction of your home. 
“Uncle Shin?”
“Yeah, bug?” 
“Can I eat my pocky? Aran-kun bought it for me.” 
He crouches down to her eye level. “Can I have some?” he asks seriously. 
“Then, alright. But let’s go sit down at that bench over there, okay? It’s rude to eat and walk.” 
So the two take a detour, sitting at the bench to watch the birds hobble by while sharing the box of strawberry pocky. A certain stalker watches in envy from behind the trees. 
Once the box is depleted, Kita wipes her fingers down with some wet wipes he keeps in his pocket and tosses out the trash. They continue on their way, Kita sticking with her until they pass the confusing intersection (where Kageyama and Hoshiumi bow slightly at the sight of Kita) and the cafe (where the MSBY trio nod in acknowledgement). 
When the house is only a couple more feet away, Kita once again crouches down. “Alright, I gotta go my own way from here. Do ya think ya can make it home all by yourself?” 
“Yep, thanks Uncle Shin!”
“Sure. I’m proud of ya, bug.” 
She squirms a bit, overwhelmed by the praise she gets from her favorite uncle. The ketchup bounces in its bag by her side as she skips all the way back home. 
After fishing out her own key and unlocking the front door, Atsumu is there to greet her at the genkan, scoping her up and squeezing her tight, the ketchup bag forgotten on the floor.
“There’s my girl!” 
“Daddy!” she laughs. 
“Welcome home,” you greet, tummy warming at the sight of your two Miyas. 
“Mommy!” she squirms in Atsumu’s arms signaling for him to let her down. He obliges and she picks up the plastic bag to wave in your face. “I got the ketchup! Now daddy can eat his lunch!” 
“Wow, great job! And all by yourself!” 
You usher her over to the table as she babbles about her day. 
“I saw Shoyo-chan, Bokkun, Omi-chan, Uncle ‘Samu, Rin-chan, Aran-kun, and Uncle Shin too!”
“Wow, sounds like you had a great day. Did you have fun?” 
Atsumu, who has since changed out of his stalker gear, slumps into his seat at the table, back to grumbling about his cold omurice and how it would’ve still been hot if he had quickly gone with his daughter to get it. 
You throw him a bone by asking your daughter, “Did you miss Daddy on your trip?”
“What do you mean?”
You almost choke out a laugh; kids are ruthless sometimes.
“Why would I miss Daddy? He was there the whole time.” 
Atsumu sputters. “What do ya mean? I was at home waiting for ya the whole time.” 
“Daddy’s a liar,” she whispers in your ear. “I saw him, but he was wearin’ some weird clothes. Like covering his face.” 
You break into a fit of giggles. “Your daddy’s really silly, isn’t he?”
Atsumu can hear everything. “Hey!”
“Daddy was following you because he was just a bit worried about you going by yourself. But he’s really proud of you. Right?” 
Atsumu rounds the table to crouch besides your daughter’s seat. “Yeah. But you did so well. I’m so proud of ya.” 
Her eyes light up at the praise. She throws her arms around his neck and wiggles in her seat a bit. 
“Well, great job and since you got the ketchup for us, all your favorite uncles can now join us for lunch too.” 
At that, each of today’s helpers emerge from the kitchen holding their own plates of Omurice, all undecorated. You figure it might be a good time to introduce her to Kageyama and Hoshiumi too, but she’s distracted by Kita and Osamu offering their omelets to her to decorate with the ketchup.
As she goes around the table and draws ketchup hearts and stars on each omelet, you wander over to Atsumu’s side whose eyes are getting watery again, watching her brag to each of them that the ketchup they’re about to eat is her ketchup. 
“What’s wrong, ‘Tsumu?” 
“Nothin,” he hastily swipes at his eyes. “‘M not crying.”
“I never said you were,” you say gently. You wind your arm around his waist and lean into him, rubbing circles into his back. His body closes around you instinctively. 
“She’s just growing up so fast, ya know.” 
“I know.” 
“Soon, she won’t need me – us – anymore.” 
“Aww, ‘Tsumu. Yeah, she’ll grow up but…” 
He looks at you when you trail off. 
You reach up to whisper in his ears. “We could always just make another one.”
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hanrinz · 2 years
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⚘ includes — dabi, hawks & shigaraki (the holy trinity lmao)
⚘ content warning — fluff and more fluff
notes: writer's block is such a bitch and i'm trying to write a fic but the words aren't just wording itself so i settled for this :') this is very short lol. not proofread
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₊˚✩ 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈
oh you think he's good at getting groceries?well, you're wrong. he is that type of guy that would buy groceries and get all the types of brand, because he doesn't remember which kind you like, yeah he's that guy. please accompany him while going to the mall :((
maybe he does remember some of the things you buy for yourself, chocolate of your favorite brand? he bought at least 5 of those. oh, you ran out of chips you like so much? yeah, he bought a stock that could last months — not because he cares or anything, he just remembers, definitely.
yeah, right. remembers what kind of pads you use and remembers which kind of drink you like to drink. mhm, he just sort of remembers. had a fight with one of the costumers once or maybe twice for trying to steal from him the last product on the shelf. how dare that person get the last brand of food you like? (yeah! how dare they) mf had the audacity to act like a tsundere, when he loves you so much ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
you scolded him for buying so much, well atleast he got the meat the right kind, but the next time you buy groceries with him you had to teach him which ones were the brands you use.
the first time you tasked him to buy groceries was a disaster, but no worries. it doesn't affect his card for a little bit and besides you didn't really specify in the list which kind of groceries you like. probably bought a lot of things y'all didn't need.
he bought a matching apron once because he thinks it was cute and he really likes cooking with you<33 (even if all he does is stir the pot and cut vegetables), but please wear the matching apron.
probably got so immersed in shopping and took him hours there, he just wants to buy you everything that reminds him of you, it's not like he was lost in their or anything. it's just that his fans were surrounding him and asking for pictures and autographs — he loves them really, but sometimes he wishes that he could just go out like any normal person.
please join him in shopping for groceries and hug him, kiss him, be by his side just to show people that this time he was yours and he can't be bothered with his alone time with his s/o
so, the next one you accompany him he was looking at all the products you buy. taking note of how you always get the milk at the back instead of the front. telling him that it would last longer than the ones in the front. also how you would avoid the ones who are not on sale, mans is loaded please use the money /hj
y'all got complimented by the cashier of how much of a cute couple you are, the lady speaks the truth. the both of you decided that grocery errands are for the weekends, taking the time of the day to just do these menial tasks. but, hey at least he got to spend time with you !
never have gone to groceries with you, if you beg enough and maybe bribe him, he would. he's beside you all the time, in his hoodie, hands inside the pockets. would wander on his own sometimes if he sees something he likes.
would glare at people who look at your way too long, suddenly he's glad he came with you. if you were being ogled at the mall this frequently he will be coming to the store with you as much as he can.
(he can't have a random npc looking at his beautiful s/o, like they think they can actually have you?)
oh, the store has an eraserhead merch? oh no, you don't see him getting it. who do you think he is? some fanboy? please-
you saw the eraserhead keychain hanging on his gaming computer.
he didn't actually buy it, kurogiri did.
you would buy groceries for the league too, can't have your dear villain boyfriend and his villain friends die because of hunger, that would be embarrassing. but anyways after y'all buy groceries you would stop by the game store, browsing for a new game to play with. would kiss your cheeks as a thank you<33
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skyriderwednesday · 2 years
His Lordship was talking about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers. His Lordship had in fact been Talking about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers for most of twenty minutes. Drumknott had not taken in almost any of it. -- Lord Vetinari is highly practiced in the art of the tangent. Mr Drumknott is equally proficient in disguising that his mind is wandering.
(G Rated, 656 words. TW: Food Mention)
His Lordship was talking about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers. His Lordship had in fact been Talking about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers for most of twenty minutes. Drumknott had not taken in almost any of it. As much as he was concerned, unless one were to suddenly become of use in the practice of filing and archiving, the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers were not something he needed to know much about. He rather liked cheese in moderation, but he did not slice it often enough to require a mechanical device to do so with much precision. His crackers for instance did not particularly protest if a slice was thin at the edges and thick in the middle, and his taste buds rather preferred it. He owned an old cheese plane with a horn handle that he had inherited from his mother. He had told his Lordship this over twenty minutes ago, when he had asked if he knew the correct implement for cutting a particular kind of cheese. This had led on to the current Talking. Drumknott could scarcely recall what it was they had originally been talking about. He remembered that his Lordship had been dictating a letter to the head of the Guild of Kitchenworkers, with regard to a ruling in the case of a dispute with the Guild of Bladesmiths, stating that -- as he read it over to remind himself -- from the unbiased analysis of guild documentation, it would be inappropriate for the former guild to begin manufacturing steak knives without consulting the latter. Drumknott knew that his Lordship had asked him how he would personally define a particular piece of cutlery, but he was not sure exactly how the discussion had moved on from that to cheese slicing.  “I do hope that answers your question, Mr Drumknott?” Vetinari finished, Drumknott tuning his hearing back in at just the right moment to catch him say this. He was not aware that he had actually asked a question. However, if he were to be asked, he would say that his mother’s old horn-handled cheese plane, which had belonged before her to her mother and before her to her grandfather, worked perfectly well to cut any type of cheese that was not too hard. “It does, sir, thank you,” he answered. “Although, I might question your apparent objection to the pairing of spiced cheeses with oat biscuits?”
His Lordship began Talking again, on the respective flavours of cheeses, and oat biscuits, and spices. He meandered for a moment on the imprecise nature of the word ‘spice’ and asked if Drumknott, like some others, considered salt to be a spice. Drumknott replied that he did not, sir. His Lordship swiftly returned to his initial direction. Drumknott noted to himself that the windows were due a clean, and that if the curtains were changed now then there would be ample time for them to be aired out before the air grew too damp. He made a note to discuss these notions with the house staff. Considering cheese and savoury oat biscuits, Drumknott realised that he had not done something he quite liked in some time, which was to have a nutty flavoured cheese on oat biscuits with slices of tart apple. He rather liked the thought of doing this for his supper that evening. He would have to go out and buy some. The city rang the hour, which seemed to alert his Lordship that he had been Talking for some time. He rounded off shortly, saying that was quite enough of that discussion, and asked Drumknott what they had been doing before they had gotten into it. Drumknott reminded him, and he resumed dictating with such continuity that it was as if the task had not been interrupted for nearly half an hour at all.  Drumknott would not have had it any differently, monologues about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers aside.
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heg these are mostly food based musings based around Dick Grayson and with some bonus throwing adhd at Dick Grayson because hes funky
I am hungry as fuck and im thinking about Dick Grayson so (projects onto him so hard) I feel like being a vigilante/hero guy takes a lot of time and energy, right? and everything ever takes time and energy so sometimes I think dick would straight up just not get the opportunity to eat, and the length of time he goes with out being able to stop and eat depends on what's happening. I mean that or he has snack stashes around the city lol, which I mean would still mean there would be times hes going hungry. that and hes a workaholic, so he might be able to eat and work especially of the thing allows for that, however hes probably gonna be too absorbed/focused on the task that eating would just not happen anyway. Especially if he has to prepare it. and like idk what his day job is/if he has one but he probably at least gets something for lunch more consistently(food being served there, restaurants in the area, vending machine), because im not sure he would have energy/time for breakfast everyday, he might be able to grab a snack or something, he might not. dinner he might also be able to do somewhat, depends on if he eats before or after patrols, hell even how late/early he eats dinner too. I feel like his chances of actually eating dinner increase the earlier he does it, but not too early because thats just lunch twice. and the later he eats the more its just a really early breakfast. and eating before patrol could throw him off his game(stomach hits suck) and after would heavily depend on patrol not exploding him energy level wise, and if he isn't like heavily wounded. plus they would probably be light anyway due to being later anyway. or he just doesn't eat dinner. he might just subsist solely on snacking through out the day when he can. or grazing, eating a little bit here and there. head canon stuff now this is the main projection part and less “being a vigilante is hard bc how the fuck does anyone have time or energy to be a somewhat functioning  person” stuff, tho its still there lol: of course I'm also a big fan of adhd haver Dick Grayson so *tosses that into the mix* he can just straight up forget to eat for a while, and realize hours later he feels like shit because he hasn't eaten anything all day. he buys food, just puts in the fridge but sometimes it gets shoved to the back or put into a drawer and then its forgotten until its gone bad. or he just cant get himself to actually start making food. hes hungry he wants food he just cant get up and start. and then he spends 3 hours either fucking around/doing work stuff. or the vice versa where he gets bored so he snacks on things and ends up eating too much. maybe he starts making himself food, but ends up getting distracted and never finishes, and then when he remembers hes lost all his momentum. so he just doesn't eat. maybe he can’t only eat certain foods because of texture issues, and its the only thing available, maybe he suddenly finds his favorite food unappetizing, maybe he becomes fixated on a food and eats almost only that thing, maybe it changes, maybe it stays consistent. maybe he impulsively buys a bunch of snack food, maybe he forgets to go to the store, maybe he has to go back out late at night to restock his groceries Because hes hungry but has no food. maybe he buys takeout a lot, maybe its the same thing every time, maybe he gets sick of it but hes tired, sore, and hungry. maybe the hungry feeling goes away, and he gets surprised when his body starts reacting negatively to running on fumes for hours, maybe he hyperfixates on something and doesn't eat for hours, and doesn't realize until he gets up and is immediately hit by every status effect ever. maybe he has a few meals he can just make really quick, maybe he has frozen foods that are infinitely easier to make but he forgets.
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despairforme · 1 year
CHAPTER 2 - Signs it’s terminal.
Nnoitra remained sitting at the table after the purple guy left. What was his name again? Something long and difficult. Nnoitra wanted to remember, but he couldn’t. He tipped his milkshake cup back and forth, making the final content slush around. He hadn’t talked with anyone for a while. He hadn’t felt like it either. He was by no means a chatty guy, and he considered himself rather anti-social. Sitting down and eating and talking with a stranger... He didn’t think he’d ever done that before. Mah, it was that guy’s own fault. He was the one who’d challenged Nnoitra to a match. There was no way Nnoitra could ever turn down a challenge when someone thew down the gauntlet like that. Man, how long had it been since he’d played with someone who challenged him? He suddenly realized that he didn’t know the guy’s name, and they hadn’t exchanged numbers or e-mails. How were they supposed to set up another game? He cursed himself for being such an idiot.
The sun was setting when he walked home, the clouds in the distance colored purple by the sunset. He was bouncing the basketball against the pavement as he walked. If anyone else was out walking they would move out of his way.
His phone buzzed. His mom was calling him. He kept bouncing the ball along when he picked up.
❝Do ya gotta call me that?❞ Ever since they moved back to Japan, his mother had gone back to referring to him in a very child-like manner. She was only half Japanese (on her father’s side she was Spanish, hence why they’d been living in Spain). Nnoitra felt like she was overcompensating in order to fit in. Either that or... She was just glad to be back here. She hadn’t had the best of times in Spain, even he understood that.
❝Why not? It’s cute!❞ Yes, exactly, that was the problem. It was cute, and he? He was not. When was she going to realize he wasn’t a little kid anymore?
❝Whatever... What’s up?❞
❝I realized I’m missing eggplant. I need it for dinner, could you buy some on your way home?❞
❝Sure.❞ As if he was going to complain when she was making him dinner. He wasn’t going to mention that he’d already had food (oh, right, he forgot to pay that purple guy back), he was always hungry.
❝Thank you!❞
❝Yeah, yeah. I’mma be home in 20.❞
He hung up.
There was a convenience store between here and home, so stopping by to get eggplant was no problem. Since that purple dude had bought him food, he still had more money to spend today - maybe he’d get some snacks too. He knew he spent too much money on food. After their move, their family was... Let’s say not well off. The sooner he could become a professional player, the better. Then he could have his own income, move out, and start living his own life. It would be better for everyone. There was nothing positive about having him around. He was just a burden.
Here I go again with ‘da gloomy shit.
Now that the sun was setting, the temperature was dropping. He was regretting not wearing his hoodie. Goosebumps were forming on his arms. Something else too - he arched his brows in surprise. There were bruises. He was no stranger to them thanks to all the fights he got into, but these were not from fighting. These were from the match he’d played. That purple dude really was heavy and strong. Strong enough to leave behind marks form when they had clashed together. Especially Nnoitra’s shoulder was painted in these faint purple marks, which would be even more visible tomorrow. His mom was going to think he’d been fighting again.
The convenience store was on the larger side, and there were plenty of customers. He had to stop bouncing the ball, and instead focus on the task at hand. Buying vegetables wasn’t something he did often. If he was shopping - he was buying sweets for himself. He never cooked so buying ingredients? It never happened. The vegetable and fruit section was large. He’d never thought about how many vegetables there were. Purple daikon, purple cabbage, purple sweet potatoes, purple string beans... There was a sale on purple grapes, he noted. Grapes were pretty tasty. He counted fruits as a sugary treat. If the grapes hadn’t been wrapped in containers, he definitely would’ve helped himself to a taste-test. Rather than stealing fruit, he walked down the aisle, and found the eggplants, right next to red onions
Why are they called red onions? They’re obviously purple.
He picked out an eggplant that had the brightest and lightest color. It just looked the best to him. He knew jack shit about vegetables. On his way to the check-out, he had to pass by the sweet’s aisle. There was a sale on pocky, so he stopped.
Three ‘fer two, huh? 
It was a good offer. He awkwardly picked out three different pocky boxes. It wasn’t easy since he was carrying both the basketball and the eggplant. He chose one blueberry flavored, one azuki and one called ‘ almond crush ‘. He sure had missed having so many options to choose from. Why these ones? Mah, he didn’t know. They just appealed to him.
When he placed all the items down at the check-out, he could tell they all matched. Weird.
He walked home after that, and was glad when he could close the door behind him and take off his shoes.
❝I’m home.❞ he called out. He could hear his mother in the kitchen.
❝There you are!❞ She met him in the doorway, taking the grocery bag from him. She was wearing an apron, having started cooking dinner. Nnoitra’s mother was rather tall - she was only half Japanese after all. She had black, straight hair that was almost identical to Nnoitra’s, both in texture and style. She had the same dark gray eyes as him, but other than that those two features, Nnoitra looked more like his dad. Nnoitra thought she seemed tired.
❝Where’s dad?❞ Nnoitra asked, like he didn’t already know the answer. His mother’s smile faltered.
❝He’s working late again.❞ Yeah. This ‘ happy family ‘ thing was just an illusion. Their marriage was crumbling, and no wonder.
❝Did you finish your homework?❞
❝You should! Please at least try to keep up.❞ She was letting some of her frustration out on him.
Mah, fair enough, I’m makin’ everythin’ more difficult ‘fer her anyway.
❝I’mma go ‘n finish it now.❞ He lied, and waved her off as he walked to his room. The door clicked shut behind him. She called out something to him that he didn’t bother hearing. A heavy sigh, and his shoulders slumped. His room was small. It only took him three steps to get over to his bed, which was barely big enough for him to sleep in. He dropped himself down on the mattress. The bed creaked. He lay back.
Ah, fuck, forgot my snacks. 
That was probably what his mother had called after him. She was not a fan of his unhealthy diet. He did have a bit of an addiction to sweets. About the same as that purple dude... Imagine challenging someone to a one v one just for some candy. They hadn’t even been the guy’s favorite, had they? What sort of candy would be his favorite? Nnoitra loved the flavors of watermelon, banana, grapes, peanut butter... Anything kind of sweet flavor like chocolate (he was not a fan of dark chocolate), vanilla... There were so many tasty treats! He liked a crunchy texture, but he also loved when something was crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside. Man, now he was hungry.
That guy probably likes chewy candy.
Why am I thinkin’ ‘bout this?
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themagical1sa · 2 years
Note to self: I dreamed three dreams today, all of which were set in the same town, I think...?
The dreams are basically
[⚠ rape mention] An attempted rape on me that went wrong because I fought back so horrifically as if it was something out of a gory horror movie
Me sneaking around to record a scandalous conversation between politicians, a bit reminiscent of Glass Onion
Being in JYP Entertainment, seeing TWICE dance, and getting to hang out with two of ITZY's members
Future Isa, please detail further in your phone's Notes app after reading everything.
Note to those who may also want to read these: Comments are welcome in the notes.
[⚠ rape mention, gore and body horror] I was wandering the town at night avoiding someone -- I did a lot of parkouring above houses to do this -- when three people saw me, two guys and a gal. The two guys approached and one of them pinned me down and tried to r/pe me so I took out his left eyeball with my fingers and long nails. I horrified them so much that they left me alone.
In another night, I was wandering the town when I heard a two politicians talking about a scandal. I suddenly found myself tasked with stealthily listening to them, as if a video game. I remember dropping a device that was a tracker and microphone at the same time, following them as they spoke in length about how this scandal could ruin both of them if publicized. At one point, my mother found me sneaking about who I immediately shushed as I tried to record and keep note of the conversation. The two moved about so I had some difficulty staying hidden with my mother with me -- I was even assisted by the man who gave me the assignment of recording the conversation. Still, I managed to get everything so until they left, and I was applauded by the man who gave me the assignment.
This time, I found myself in what seemed like JYP Entertainment's building in South Korea. I was with TWICE in their practice room as they rehearsed a new choreography for MORE & MORE. It featured a new and clean style that involved a lot of smooth lines; them pulling off the choreography really proved they were one of the cleanest and synchronized dancers in K-pop. Then, some foreign trainees -- mostly seemingly of African and/or Afro-American descent -- came in and practiced the choreography with TWICE who welcomed them in, and later on JYP himself came in with a camera to vlog what's happening. Everyone gathered behind him (and in front of me) as he asked "What year is it?" They responded with "Happy 2023!"
I was leaving JYP Entertainment's building and was already near the road when I saw a car being driven by a male idol with a fellow idol in the shotgun seat. They got out of the car as the passenger idol complained about driver idol's driving skills, to which the latter laughed off as they went into JYPE's building. It doesn't take long until I see ITZY's Lia and Yeji approach the car, with Lia going for the driver's seat and Yeji in shotgun.
This was when they saw me and even beckoned me to come along with them. I ended up sitting beside Yeji -- the shotgun had seats for two people, interestingly -- and sat silently by the window as Lia and Yeji engaged in conversation, mostly in Korean but also in some Japanese (to which I understood somewhat, given I've studied N5 to N4 Japanese irl). They tried to include me in conversation as well, with Lia and Yeji looking at me and asking how I've been so far as a trainee. I smiled and said I'm okay so far before looking out the road and watching where Lia went. At one point, I asked, 「右で?」 (Japanese, informal: Going to the right?) and Lia responded with, 「うん、右で。」 (Japanese, informal: Yeah, to the right) as she turned right.
The ride was nice with casual conversation until we got to a private high-class food court. I went inside with Lia and Yeji, and as Lia went to her fellow idol friends, Yeji stayed by my side as she said in her best English, "Take anything you like, okay? I'll buy it for you." I remember going "Really? 🥺" and Yeji nodding with a smile. Then, she told me I could hang out with them before going to the table where Lia was.
I was browsing the food when I woke up at 1:15 PM.
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pink-feline · 2 years
Newfound love
I knew him since first year college. We had a little connection since then. We sometimes squint each other’s eyes or make faces every time we meet. But beyond that, there was nothing more. It was merely a friendship that was built by our bond as a batch. 
Years went by and suddenly, we were already on our fourth and final year in college. It was that year when the cases of COVID-19 started depleting and medical schools began reopening for face-to-face classes. So, we met again. However, things were a little different between us. I noticed how he keeps approaching me. I did not put any malice to it at first since I am fully aware that he’s just too friendly with everyone, but I can sense something different as time went on. I used to go to their apartment along with my other friends. We spent a lot of good time there cooking, practicing venipuncture, and conversing. It was the place where we all go after a long tiring day at school and it was the same place that our bond grew stronger. 
Fast forward to when we were deployed to our first internship training laboratory. We were on the same set so we get to see each other often. I became more comfortable with him ever since our long conversation started. Although I can no longer trace back how that conversation became consistent, I can always remember how deep the connection there was between us. We share a lot of similar point-of-views and common interests. I got to know him more.  Our feelings grew silently. After the disastrous typhoon Odette hit Cebu, we often meet each other at cafes. We did not have Internet at home so I had to work my tasks in the cafe. He always offered me company even without me asking for it. My parents also did not want me to go out alone so having him around was totally fine. It was during those days when I started to realize that I love him.
And then that one magical day came. He confessed to me and I did the same. Both hearts pounded so loudly and we kissed. Damn, that kiss. Since then, things between us felt lighter and sweeter. 
However, something awful happened that we both decided to end what we have.
After a few weeks, we began talking once again. This time, I already decided to continue what we started. It’s a bit complicated and lengthy to explain everything that happened after that. Thing is, our relationship took a big leap forward.  Today, after almost a year of being together, he still takes me home, carries my bag/s, buys me food and medicine, puts me on the safe side of the road, opens doors and bottles for me, calls me when I'm sad & tired, when we have problems, or even after a long day with his friends, visits me at home, listens to my endless chikas/rants, patiently waits every time we go out, and treats me well overall. He bought me a bouquet last Valentine’s day, by the way! It was my first and I couldn’t thank him enough for making me feel special.
Over the course of our relationship, I witnessed changes and it hurts thinking about them sometimes but that will be on a different entry. Right now, I just want to magnify his best side; the side that overshadows the little changes I see. His existence alone is worth celebrating. I love him truly. 
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Modern Scenarios with Genshin Boys
Brainrot time - be glad, today was supposed to be angst but I had a change of heart.
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"Hey, pick on someone your own size!" The first time you met Childe was when you were being bullied by some annoying bullies that had nothing to do but want to pick a fight. It was something you can handle really, and you were about to disperse the commotion when this big guy suddenly appeared as if you were his knight in shining armor. "It's the duty of the strong to protect the weak!" Did he just-?! THE AUDACITY!
Spurred on by your annoyance and your want to prove your strength, you joined the Karate club in your school where you heard he is part of. And in under a month you reached the second tier of the yellow belt. But you needed to become stronger, to reach that guy's black belt status so you can spar with him. He was too high to be directly involved with your training after all.
Finally when the fateful day comes, he looks at you with admiration at the other side of the mat, your determination and fast rank up had him enamored. But you had different plans. When the spar session started, you maneuvered around his kicks and finally did what you've always wanted to do— you wiped your dirty, uncovered foot against his face in a kick. Somehow he fell in love more.
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You've been his lover for a while now, and restaurant dates are nothing uncommon in your relationship. And you know his habit of leaving behind his wallet even if he offered that tonight's date would be taken care of. After your lovely dinner session, lo and behold, he DID forget his wallet. But as the considerate lover, you took the liberty to bring your wallet with you even if he said you shouldn't-
Only to realize you brought the wrong wallet, only counting spare change for chicken nuggets. As compensation, you two spent the rest of the night forced to pay off your late bill by doing the restaurant dishes. It was not at all part of your itinerary, but as you start singing to alleviate the boredom and with Zhongli singing along, you had the most fun dancing around the kitchen with soapy arms and loose aprons.
You didn't even know that Zhongli could sing and dance that well! Plates were cleaned faster than any of you expected, and after the IOU contract that you're for sure fixing the next day, the two of your walk home hand in hand with the brightest smile you two had ever shared.
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Oh, god, more frogs. Welcome to Biology class! You are partnered to be laboratory buddies with the ever enigmatic, science genius Albedo. He was so epic during Chemistry class, and you were praising the gods for finally bringing this ray of hope to raise up your grades effortlessly. You would think this class would flow by ever so nicely as you finish the plant studies, that is until zoology started and the professor starts talking about dissecting kits.
Your first project was to bring a frog to school to prep up for dissection. Okay, very wack, you thought as you turned to Albedo to ask how you two would even get a frog for the project. Until you saw a curious glint in his beautiful, teal eyes. Next thing you know he was over your house and as you two go around the fields in casual wear.
The fact that stores exist for buying frogs SPECIFICALLY for Biology and dissections was something Albedo held back from you, opting to wish to experience the class firsthand and beyond. It was in all honesty to get to know you better, even if most of the time you tripped on your ass over the mud of the fields trying to chase or run away from a frog. In the end he finally suggested to just buy one, to which you were furious, thankful and elated that you at least got to know the genius more.
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Heavily inspired by Driver's License. You've just recently broken up with your boyfriend a day before you got your license to drive, something you were so proud of and excited to exercise together with your lover. But yet here you are crying your eyes out as you drove on the long and winding road of... somewhere. A deserted area with the next stop over or town miles and miles away, so when you happened upon a dejected voyager who clearly needs a lift, you offered him to be a hitchhiker. Xiao was thankful, really, but the ride was ever so awkward with the obvious puffy eyes and tear stains on your cheeks.
At one point, you remembered your ex once again and had to pull over before you end up killing the both of you through tear-stained vision. With sympathy, your hitchhiker offers to drive and a listening ear to your burdens, and it indeed lifted your spirits as he offers helpful advice on your pain. You part when you reached his home with a huge thank you for the lift, and you realized that you were just a town away from him.
The next time you saw him was an embarrassing moment you didn't expect to happen or come by so fast. Awkwardly standing by the roadside where your car was supposed to be, towed away because you didn't realize it was illegal to park there, an motorcyclist with a neon decorated bike suddenly pulled over in front of you. And when he takes off his helmet to offer you a ride, the smirk on Xiao's face doubles the embarrassment. You accepted the offer.
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You are a secret agent tasked to assassinate a target you've been following and gathering data on for weeks now, the perfect opportunity happens to be a gathering of high class people, a party or ball even. You thought it would be a quick and easy operation until you realized a man named Kaeya seem to be hovering around your target too closely for your taste and ease. It seems the guy has a body guard in hand. Now your focus was on swaying this bluenette, who was thankfully very, very receptive and welcoming to your advances.
When you finally FINALLY managed to let him off your case and successfully separated him from your target, you hurried over to finish the assassination as you realized you've been lingering for far too long— only to see Kaeya about to stab your target before your interruption. It seems that instead of his body guard, Kaeya was actually a hitman hired to kill your target too, and had been dancing around together with you because he thought YOU were the body guard.
"Woah, this your target too?" "Hell yeah." "Yoooooo!" How ironic, you two laughed the coincidence out nonchalantly as your target bleeds to death besides you both. After escaping your almost jail time when the true body guards came to check on their boss, which made a very awesome action sequence as you exchanged bullets next to Kaeya, you learned that your agency had recruited a new fellow under its ranks. You didn't need a name and face to know who the sly bastard was.
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You're not really the type of person to be into parties, not since high-school, and still no in college. Things were already a pain to deal with as the midterm examinations rolling in, but your roommate somehow managed to drag you into a popular college organization's midyear party before unceremoniously dipping to drink with the org members. As you cradle your alibi cup in a corner, staring into the raucous party, you realized someone else who's solo is accompanying you in silent brooding.
The two of you awkwardly introduce yourselves to each other before realizing that you've already met once or twice in campus grounds. "I don't really wanna be here." "Me neither." "Wanna dip?" Your relief didn't even need words to confirm your wants as you two slipped away from the mess, growing in intensity that you wouldn't even be suprised if the local authorities were to be called later on.
A little food date in the local 24/7 fast food restaurant nearby and exchange of numbers made your night a little bit better. So when you two found each other in another party you were dragged in again, your hand was held warm and tight within his as you two snickered, skipping out of the venue to have your own little party.
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Hello there, welcome to the start of the fluffy days. Figured you're all sad and broken enough to finally enjoy some good ol' flutters.
@sk1nnyangelic @kookieyachi @bunniesrorange @anormalguyreader @scarletroseneko @albaedhoe @xiaophilia @heisenwurst @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji @gojos-baby @just-some-stars @volleybloop
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arcanestage · 3 years
Can I request Julius x Reader with the prompt "You're telling me you believe in love at first sight?" "I'm starting too." 🥺👉👈💕💕
hi anshi 💓 i’m so happy to finally write for julius!! i’m so sorry it took a while 😭 here’s a photo of soft smiling julius :3
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Pairing: Julius x fem!reader
Prompt: “You’re telling me you believe in love at first sight?” “I’m starting too.”
Warnings: none
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Julius is considered to be the busiest man in all of Clover Kingdom. Piles of paperwork await him every waking day of his life, and to top it all off, Marx is always there to nag him. Despite the demands of his work, there are sides of being Wizard King that he absolutely enjoys like witnessing awe-inspiring magic, and running into interesting people.
Julius has met a ton of people while wandering around the kingdom disguised as someone else. Out of all of them, you by far were his favorite.
You were tasked to manage and watch over your family’s food stall for the day. Your sister needed to rest after contracting a relatively mild illness. During your stall’s down time, a small old lady approached you.
“Hello there pretty dear, those egg tarts look scrumptious! I’ll buy a dozen,”
You happily boxed her order then handed it over. When she handed her payment you kindly refused.
“Oh no, it’s alright. It’s not everyday the Wizard King comes to visit our shop,”
The old lady froze and laughed nervously. “How did you— I mean, um you tell good jokes young lady!”
You laughed. “Well, if you must know I pay attention to my surroundings and my intuitions have never failed me,”
She tried to play cool. “Ah very helpful! Especially si—“
She was cut off by the loud ringing of her communication device. Before you could ask about it, she was already gone.
As you were packing and closing up, you sensed a familiar mana nearby. You turned around expecting to see the sweet old lady from a while ago but was confronted with no other than the Wizard King himself. He wore a brown cloak, its hood above his head to somewhat conceal his identity. He smiled sheepishly, one hand held up to wave at you. You bowed and paid your respect.
“What brings you here, Wizard King?” you smiled at him in amusement.
“Oh nothing really,” he scratched his head. “I was just strolling around when I remembered an old woman telling me she met a kind lady who owned one of the stalls in this street. And please, call me Julius.”
“And you knew that lady was me?”
He froze for moment, his gaze steady on his shoes as if it would suddenly jolt to life and whisper to him a good excuse.
“You do look like you fit the description. You look kind to me,”
You laughed and shook your head. Commoners didn’t have much going on in their lives except having to struggle and survive everyday. Having this pleasant conversion with Julius was a break from your tedious routine. You’d cherish it forever.
“Well I hope you enjoyed the egg tarts Julius,”
Julius laughed, his voice laced with hesitation. His brain frantically trying to conjure up another lame excuse but he knew that you could see right through him.
Folks have always said Julius was one of a kind. He was cheerful, down to earth, and kind to nobles and commoners alike. They were right of course, he really was something else, something you enjoyed having as company.
“I’ll be heading home now. You should get some rest too Julius. I know you had a long day being Wizard King and all,”
“Wait, I didn’t catch your name,”
“It’s Y/N,”
What a lovely name, Julius thought
“Okay Y/N, please let me accompany you home.”
Your eyes widened, not really expecting him to extend his help. “It’s okay, you don’t have to... I know you’re a busy man,”
He flashed one of his charming smiles. “I insist,”
You tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “Alright but it’s a long way home,”
“My feet has taken me to faraway places when running away from Marx. I think I’ll manage,” he said with utmost pride and confidence.
The trek back to your village wasn’t as tiresome as you remembered it to be. Perhaps it was because you enjoyed listening to Julius rambling about his experiences while exploring the kingdom.
“How do you even manage to slip past Marx?” you asked.
“It depends,” he scratched his head and smiled sheepishly. “The easiest would be slipping out the window while he’s out eating lunch. Or wait for him to fall asleep on his desk,”
You laughed. “You really are something else,”
“How so?” he taunted in a playful manner.
“Just by hearsay. This is the first time I’ve seen you in the flesh you know.”
Julius hummed in response.
“Don’t worry, I’ve never heard a single negative thing going around about you.”
“That’s a relief,” He chuckled. “But I would like to know what you think about me.”
You smiled at him in amusement, quite perplexed at his sudden interest in how you saw him.
“This is the type of questions men usually ask in mixers,” you gave out a hearty laugh.
Heat rose up to his cheeks.
“Don’t you think it’s possible? Feeling this connection to a person just by looking at them?”
You thought for a while, listening to the crunch of the ground at each step you and Julius made.
“Wait, so you’re telling me you believe in love at first sight?”
The cool night breeze howled and whistled making you pull your cloak closer to your body as you await for a response from Julius.
“I guess I do. I mean it doesn’t have to be as deep as love. It could be a connection, perhaps a spark. What do you think?”
You were quiet again, trying to make sense of everything Julius had said so far. Julius on the other hand had his eyes on you. He looked at you with fondness as if you were lovers from your past lives.
“My mother believed in that,” you said, finally breaking the silence. “Destiny, fate, and some form of higher-order being governing over us. No matter how much you work against it, it still will find its way to you.”
You reached your front door and halted. You turned to face Julius, the “farewell” “thank you” and “be safe” already at the tip of your tongue. The moment you locked eyes with him, you felt it: the spark he was talking about. It was as if there exists a string with you on one end and him on the other. Now you’ve found your way to each other.
You were frozen in place, hypnotized by the softness of his features, and the glimmer of his eyes.
He too had been mesmerized by you and the way your hair swayed with the wind. In your eyes he saw it: a million possible futures with you. He felt the spark that morning he met you. He knew he couldn’t let you get away.
“I think... I think I’m starting to believe in it too,” you shyly proclaimed.
Maybe meeting him wasn’t an accident. Maybe it was the universe working to bring you two together.
He smiled, placing a his warm hand on your cheek.
“I have to go. We’ll see each other soon Y/N, I’ll make sure of that.”
You squeezed his hand. “You know where to find me,”
He placed a light kiss on your forehead then he was gone.
i was listening taylor swift’s invisible string when i wrote the last part 🥰 oh to be in love and be loved by THE julius novachrono 🥲
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The Long Con Part Seven
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader Rating: T Notes: I hope y’all had a good week! 💕 Warnings: Oh hey look, more fluff! With a pinch of self-doubt! SO Sorry about that. Summary: You'd told Marcus at the start of this to treat it like an undercover assignment, and maybe he really was going the distance— treating this like an operation, putting himself into the mindset first thing in the morning.
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Jill had been up with the sun, preparing food for the barbecue that afternoon. You’d made it a point to set your alarm to get up early and offer your help. But it had taken you a little while to get out of bed.
You and Marcus had been sleeping in bed together for the past three nights. You had been a little nervous at the beginning, sure - you hadn’t shared a bed with anyone for a while. But Marcus was the perfect gentleman when he was awake. The day you'd made the favor bags, you'd awoken to Marcus’ body had been curled around yours. His hand was resting lightly atop your hip, a touch that had been easy for you to draw yourself out from under. But this morning… This morning, you’d woken up cuddled up against Marcus. You were curled up against his side, your arm stretched across his middle. When you’d glanced up, you’d found Marcus just coming up from sleep, himself. Rather than moving away, you’d found yourself frozen, like he’d suddenly spot you if you moved. Marcus had just glanced down at you, murmured a soft, "Good morning,", and smiled sleepily, asking if you’d slept well as his hand had smoothed over your arm.  You’d relaxed a little, nodded, and rested your chin on Marcus’ chest. His sleepy smile had widened, his fingers trailing aimlessly over the back of your hand as the two of you had chatted about the last couple of days. You’d already shut off your alarm, knew that you should get up, and help Jill - that was why you’d set the alarm in the first place. But you were so comfortable, and Marcus seemed more than happy to let lay there and soak up some of his warmth. You did finally manage to pull yourself out of his arms, shower and dress. You’d settled on the edge of the bed to pull on your socks and house slippers. Marcus had cuddled up to you, still sleep-ruffled as he toyed with a loose strong on your shirt and chatted with you. It was another ten minutes before you’d managed to get yourself downstairs. -- Marcus' easy touches and your murmured conversations weighed heavily on your mind all morning. You'd told Marcus at the start of this to treat it like an undercover assignment, and maybe he really was going the distance— treating this like an operation, putting himself into the mindset first thing in the morning. And if he was— well, you couldn't fault him for it. It had been your advice, after all.
When Marcus had made it into the kitchen, finally, he found you at the counter with Jill and Marnie. After you’d offered your services, you’d been given your pick of the spare aprons and put to work chopping potatoes for the potato salad. Marcus crowded up behind you, resting his hands on your hips and his forehead on your shoulder as he’d waited for the coffee to brew (between yourself and Marnie, you’d wiped out the previous pot before he could make it downstairs). “You excited for later?” He asked softly as he shifted to rest his chin where his forehead had been. “Mhm,” You hummed softly, eyes set on your work, fingers working steadily at your task, “Are you?” “Sure,” He conceded, “Be nice to see some old friends...Family…” You glanced at Marcus, holding a chopped piece of cooked potato up to his lips. He hummed, sucking it from between your fingertips. Your skin prickled with heat as his lips brushed against the pad of your finger. “Thanks,” He mumbled around the tiny morsel before he’d turned his head, nuzzling into your neck. You’d felt the looks that Jill and Marnie were giving you, heard one of them murmur, “Adorable”. Marcus’ hands squeezed lightly at your hips, like a silent, ‘They’re buying it’. You tipped your head to the side, lightly resting your head against his for a few seconds before straightening up again. They were buying it. And if you weren’t careful, you were going to start buying it, too. 
It was times like this that you could tell Marcus was glad that you’d made it a point to practice your story as much as you had. Maybe he was starting to treat it like the two of you were undercover, but there was still that half-second panicked squeezing of your hand before he answered a question about your ‘relationship’. The two of you had gotten pretty good at this, though, and by the time the barbecue was in full swing, you were casually draped over one another, finishing the other’s sentences, leaning into endearments like, ‘honey’ and ‘sweetheart’ and, once, from you, ‘darling’. And maybe you should’ve felt a little bad, if only for the way some of Marcus’ family was cooing over the two of you, teasing him for being so lovestruck, but with Marcus, it was just so goddamn...easy. Everything felt so easy. When he tucked you under his arm, you felt like you fit perfectly into his side; you didn’t worry about the fact that you knew so few people. You didn’t stress yourself out about remembering names because, after the wedding, you were probably never going to see them again. “You doin’ okay?” You asked lightly, rubbing Marcus’ back gently as one of the members of his old band stepped away from you to get some food. “Yeah,” He nodded, “I uh… I think I’m alright. Are you?” “You haven’t cut off the circulation in my hand yet, so, yeah,” You teased, “I’m good.” Marcus chuckled, leaning in and brushing a kiss to your temple before he turned, looking around. You felt him go tense, and you frowned. “What is it?” “Uh… Spotted someone.” “Ex-wife?” “No. The...The woman Marnie was going to set me up with.” “Ah,” You glanced around Marcus, spotting the woman coming toward you. She was just a bit shorter than you, with bright red hair curled expertly around a diamond shaped face. Her eyes were slate grey— and focused in on the two of you.  “She’s hot,” You muttered. “Not that it’s a contest, but you’re hotter.” “Really taking this lie for a ride, huh?” Marcus’ brow furrowed, frowning down at you. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, you heard, “Marcus! I thought you might be around here somewhere.” And her voice was so shrill. You gave Marcus a teasing look before he turned to face her. “Couldn’t miss my sister’s wedding,” He gave an awkward little laugh, the likes of which you’d never heard. It looked like the woman wanted to step in for a hug, but her eyes darted to you before she could get too close. You gave her a bright smile as awkward silence persisted between the two of them. “Oh-- Sorry,” Marcus laughed as he introduced you, “Sweetheart, this is Kimberly. She used to live right down the block, and we went to Quantico together.” “Aw, neat, so you’re in law enforcement too, huh?” You smiled, draping your arm around Marcus’ middle once you’d let go of Kimberly’s hand. Her eyes darted to your arm, then up to Marcus’ face. You glanced between the two of them before straightening up. “You know what? Why don’t I let the two of you catch up,” You looked up at Marcus, “I will go see if your mom needs any help-- You need a drink or anything?” “N-No,” Marcus shook his head a little bit, but you could see the slight panic in his eyes. “Okay!” You could see the smile on Kimberly’s smile - a presumption that she’d managed to scare you off. So you turned, cupping Marcus’ neck and drawing him down for a kiss. You could feel him smiling against your lips, and you ran your thumb along his jaw as you sucked his lower lip between yours. You grinned at the sound of a soft, awed moan that left him, feeling his hand curl in the fabric of your dress before you leaned away. Marcus looked a little dazed, his grasp on you showing no sign of loosening, even as you reached up to lightly smear away some of your lipstick that had transferred onto his lips.   “Not quite your shade, babe,” You teased, winking at him. You lowered your hand, patting his chest lightly and turning back to an infuriated Kimberly and offering her a bright smile. “You two have fun!” -- Jill didn’t need any help, so you grabbed a beer for yourself and stepped over to a quiet corner of the porch and taken your phone out. You set the beer on the wide porch rail as you opened an email to answer. “That has to be the shortest conversation I’ve ever had with her,” You heard behind you. You smiled, finishing the email you were typing before glancing back at Marcus. “So? How’d it go?” You asked, turning to face Marcus and leaning back against the porch railing. “Well,” Marcus said thoughtfully, placing his hand on either side of you as he crowded up against you, “We made about two minutes of incredibly awkward small talk, she asked if I’d known you long and then left to get some potato salad.” “Damn,” You sighed, shaking your head a little bit, “I am...Good.” “You might actually be the best,” Marcus conceded. You smiled as he smoothed a hand over your side. “And that was… Some kiss,” He added softly. You smiled, licking your lips.  “Yeah, you seemed to like it. I mean, it was vindicating, what with my being so out of practice.” “If that’s you out of practice, I can’t imagine how proficient you are when you’re in top form.” You smiled a bit, drawing your lower lip between your teeth. Your stomach fluttered as Marcus’ eyes lowered to your mouth. He raised his hand, cupping your cheek and using his thumb to pull your lip from between your teeth. Your stomach fluttered as you felt Marcus' leg slide between yours, your chests brushing together. You’d noticed that, unlike other aspects of the lie, Marcus’ smiles and touches and kisses felt different. When Marcus leaned in for a kiss, there was no squeezing of your hand, no half-second of hesitation, no panic. When Marcus kissed you, it always felt so damnably real. He slipped his lips across yours before sucking your lower lip between his, as you had to him before. You sighed softly, raising your arm and looping it around Marcus’ neck and sliding your hand over the nape. You smiled as Marcus pressed you against the porch railing, arm curling around your upper back. You kept your eyes closed as the kiss broke. Marcus didn’t stray, just brushed another kiss against your lips, then another before he rested his forehead against yours. “Any better?” You teased softly. “Better and better,” He murmured, “Every time.” You lowered your head, lightly butting your head against Marcus’ jaw as sheepishness twisted your lips into a smile. Tag list: @hufflepuffing-all-day-long ; @spideysimpossiblegirl ; @blueeyesatnight ; @elen-aranel ; @yespolkadotkitty ; @artsymaddie​ ; @phoenixhalliwell​ ; @lunaserenade​ ; @winniedaboo​  ; @empress-palpat1ne​ ; @randomness501​ ; @nutmeg-20​ ; @leonieb​ ; @the-feckless-wonder​ ; @lou-la-lou​ ; @captain-jebi​ ; @supernaturalgirl​ ; @naturenebula21​ ; @evelynseventyr​ ; @giselatropicana​ ; @heatherbel​ ; @marydjarin​ ; @annathewitch​ ; @absurdthirst​ ; @hnt-escape ; @writingletterstothefire​ ; @misswriter​ ; @bison-writes​ ; @xx-small-town-witch-xx​ ; @ajeff855​ ; @hellovanessax
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sly-merlin · 4 years
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CHARACTERS : prince jaehyun x princess y/n
GENRE : fluff, angst.
WARNINGS : Includes dirt play, revenge. Major character deaths like MAJOR, mentions of blood, murder, killing, assassination and an explicit scene of killing.  Cw : food mentions  SMUT WARNING : kissing! mentions of undressing.
a/n : part of heartbreakhotel monthly event by precious network @nct-writers
SUMMARY : heart in one hand, a blade in another. Which one goes down under the weight of other? Who is brave enough to sacrifice the other?
The shimmering, colourful, geometrical patterns of the bronze kaleidoscope motivated your heels to exultant jumps, simply sending tingles to your friend's mind who quietly stood beside you wondering what new pattern had caught your eye this time. She was equally excited yet waited for you to be absolutely gratified. After all, a pattern viewed once could never be seen twice or remembered long enough to be claimed to have hit our eyes.
The light hues of the unreachable sun coloured the small market in its natural glow making terrible winter evening walks a little more bearable .You loved it. You loved the scenery, all the more so because it was deemed to be yours. Every corner of this small kingdom had your father's crown engraved on it yet you weren't permitted to move around in a place you dared to call your own. Hence the poorly patched long cotton skirt and lazily stitched full sleeved shirt covered you like you were a fugitive in disguise or maybe belonged to some impoverished village. Same was the case with your pretty friend who, once averse to your youthful shenanigans, found the silver jewellery most fascinating in the whole market and not to omit the street food that turned the palace food to be flavourless.
 You had never been very keen on lying to your parents, popularly called the rulers of the kingdom and your poor attendants who thought you were busy with your evening naps that you had suddenly taken upon a liking towards since the past month. But it was a necessity for you. Roaming in the same humongous rooms no more satiated your travelling mind. You wanted to be out, to be free, to just breach all the restrictions you were placed under as a princess to satisfy the hollow rules. As much as your morals and conscience despised hiding truth, this little game you played harmed no soul. Your safety was their priority and you were safe and secure as long as you didn’t leave her side. And this excuse inadvertently spiralled you in this endless circle of hide and seek taking control over your better judgement, throwing the need to pause this rendezvous in the background. What once done out of curiosity and to experience the fanatic lives of your subjects, was now a sine qua non. From patiently performing and learning new tasks suiting your position to skillfully diverting your maids, you indeed had all the prerequisites to be the best queen of your future kingdom. Even though the praise of achievement always resided only in your head, you found yourself to be impressively regal.
"Let me have a look too, y/n" zara, your dear friend pleaded not so politely.
Reluctantly removing the device from your eyes, you pushed it onto her hands, backing away slightly, allowing her in the space.
"Why don't you go and look at some silver jewellery instead?" Huffing, you suggested to lure her.
“The new ones arrive next monday!” Not paying heed to your tender, she kept smiling, enthralled by the beauty captured between the pieces of mirrors.
You nudged her playfully, the action meant to drive her to the end of her patience but she dogged your efforts with continuous giggles. Relentless you were too and she was always reminded of that in a hard way. What your elbow failed to do, your fingers completed. As soon as your fingers in her ears, she bitterly pulled herself away to face you.
“This is unfair y/n. This hour of freedom is not for your pleasure only” puckering her lips, she said while her eyes squinted at you. 
Suddenly, her forehead was smeared with thoughtful lines, “y/n! It’s been twenty minutes already. Where is your lover?” surprise rained over her whole face, “Do you think he got caught?”
You were almost ready to refute her former statement that he certainly wasn’t your lover yet but her latter question of suspicion appalled you and there was no need for her to ask you any further as she noticed your face shrinking, distorting your pretty lips into a worrisome pout. She immediately left the metal device, focusing on you.
“hey! I am not serious. I was just trying to distract you” as she cupped your face, a pout of her own greeted you.
Her words were not reassuring at all. There was no unlikelihood of what she said. Jaehyun was, without any doubt, illustrious in the fouled game you both played but neither his family resided here nor was he allowed to enter the premises of your kingdom. The said man was corrupted by his youthful glow that granted him enough courage of frisking around the walls of the forbidden territory.
Inhaling sharply, you uncloaked your worry,
“do you think he real-
“no no absolutely not love. He’s too clever for that and he’s been doing since months, way longer than me and you! Let’s wait for a few more minutes.” Cupping your chin, she jested and cooed, “Also won't he perish without seeing your beautiful face. He would be here any minute!”
 Just when you responded to her with a grim nod, a well acquainted shoulder bumped into you, mitigating your distress with a familiar touch. eyes closed in relief, you looked at zara for approval which was given right away with a playful wink.
Giggling like a little child, you skipped to the back of the market where jaehyun waited for you every evening. Hiding your face in the silk grey scarf, you sneaked away avoiding everyone’s sight and waiting for your arrival, Jaehyun stood there with the lower half of his face concealed with a black cotton headcover. 
As soon as he saw you, the hand glueing the cloth to his face fell down and his face lit up with a smile worthy of putting stars to shame if compared. The wrinkles on his face and the dips in the cheeks had you wanting to hide in those spaces, away from everyone who had heralded this union to be forbidden.
 There you stood, staring into his dark eyes like he wasn't someone you were supposed to keep a good distance from. 
But the light in his eyes diminished on seeing your excited face.
"You did that again! Why don’t you follow anything I say to you? At least, look back and confirm my presence. What if someone had followed me?” deeply whispering, he frowned at you.
And fondly, you smiled at him, something that he never found fascinating but it still left him flustered.
"Don't smile at me like that. I won't melt this ti-
"I apologise?"
You blurted out taking him by surprise. His mouth opened and closed several times, body slightly rocking in confusion. Finally, he spoke, 
"I didn't mean it like that." His voice softened, "i just can't - 
Cleaning his muddy hands on his pajamas, he placed them on your cheeks, engulfing your whole face with his long fingers.
"I just can't see you in danger. If any of my uncle’s spies came wandering and recognised you at this hour, they'd not hesitate to slit your throat y/n" the way his face contorted as he recited the known truth,  it was evident how just the mention of it was painful to him. "Don't follow unless you see my face. I know there's no one harming you in your own country but you never know when odds might defeat you" 
"Do you-
You began but his questioning eyes stopped you. His eyes talked only in worry and love. Both for you. But even if you were content with what he showered you with, greed for little more was something you never deemed unnecessary.
"I what?" 
You wanted to continue but the perpetual worry planted on his face disturbed you as well.
"Jaehyun-'' your fingers brushed away the strand of hair on his face, “I mean don’t you find it tedious? Giving me the same instructions every other day, wasting the ten minutes of the limited time we get.”
He left your face and focused on cleaning the remaining dirt from his hand. To avoid suspicions and blend into the environment, he always covered his hands in mud, giving an impression of a forlorn daily worker. Nobody questioned a person who looked homeless and unhappy, even if he meandered near the barbed wires.
“I got in trouble.”
You hadn’t even sat down on the bench and he was already bombarding you apprehensions.
“how?” inaudibly, you asked.
He broke his eyes away before responding,
“they saw me leaving the palace yesterday. From tomorrow, I shall be accompanying my cousin to verify the supplies in the production department.” his chuckle forced you to let out one as well. his irresponsible behaviour had fables of its own, as jaehyun had told you once. the little penalties he was subjected to weren’t discomforting either but this time it involved you as well.
“for how long?”
 “my family’s care agenda would hopefully end within two weeks and then I shall be free again. but we might need a new place and new time too.”
His words were muffled in the back as your eyes remained transfixed on his hand sheepishly rubbing his neck. Under your inappropriate scrutiny, he found himself tinting and your strong gaze posed more problems for his already thumping heart.
He coughed you out of your daze, eyes wavering everywhere. Picking your lip, you suppressed your giggles.
Finger under your chin, you pretended contemplation. Your comical stance earned a groan from him,
“how about you get serious for once and I’ll buy you steamed food.”
Smiling widely, your greedy stomach took the offer immediately.
“not everyone lacks intelligence, prince jaehyun.”
He huffed and crossed his arms, feigning offence at your statement. “Now what are you implying princess y/n.”
“that I might already have a place decided. So hurry up now and feed me food while telling me about your day.”
“You are impressive, my lady! How am I going to live with your notorious self?”
“you plan on living with this notorious princess?” you clowned even though his question showed you more than just a hope.
“the inquiry hour is closed princess and so would be the shops if you choose to delay more. Soooo, shall we leave?”
Responding to your sharp gaze, he took your hand and pressed his plump lips onto them, disrupting the chain of your rational thoughts.
As the atmosphere tuned cooler and he bid adieu, you went back with a new assurance, ready to put your life on hold for the next few weeks.
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lying on your back, you let out muffled giggles to celebrate another successful classified evening. clothes were changed, chess was out. You were prepared for any intrusion.
Zara's laughter soon died down, happy and heavy breaths replacing them. Seated on your bed, she faced you,
"So my courageous y/n, did you confess today?"
Abruptly you raised yourself, looking at her in bewilderment,
“Of course not!”
“What? Why not? What are you waiting for? Time is slipping away love.”
“I know. I just want to be a little more sure before taking this a step further. I do not want to misjudge his momentary affection for a promised future.The detestation our families share for each other has always proven to be deadly. Unless I’m sure that jaehyun’s feelings are indisputable, I shall not be proceeding." Mumbling out the last part, you began playing with the hem of your deep blue skirt to hide the disappointment that settled in within your heart. 
"Okay. I can't force you but do know that saving your heart from misery is better. Oh and does the poor boy have any hint about me." Zara advised lacing her words with a chuckle in the end. 
"Don't worry. You are just a maid friend whom I love and trust the most. He believes each of my pretty lies you know.”
"Oh my love. He truly fancies you. I wish your brother wasn't so incapable of harbouring feelings. How delightful life could have been only if he was like you." She wistfully spoke just like other times. Your heart hurt for her. She never got the love she was capable of giving yet the kindness never withered away. She was just like that. 
Soon your peace was interrupted and you were escorted to the dinner table. 
There sat your parents with their favourite child. You weren't loved any less yet it weakened your heart, watching them walking past your capabilities to applaud his undistinguished skills. His gender screamed for power when his capabilities barely had any knowledge of whispering about them. You abhorred it. Not your brother for he was raised with a rode in his neck but the stars that never aligned in your favour crushing your dream of wearing the crown for your own kingdom, under the grime rules made by those who were dead. Only god and zara knew how much hatred you held for your ruthless ancestors who never favoured women.
Sans any relish, you bit on the food which definitely tasted better for something you were not very fond of. but the almost good meal was ridden of all the salt as you felt conscious of their eyes on your face.
"Is there something you want to say to me?" you asked with a reluctantly polite voice.
That's when you noticed how their attention was divided to both you and zara.  Your brother Donghae’s serious eyes bored into her face as she tried to avoid him while sitting right across him on the dining table.
Finally your mother spoke.
“Donghae was looking for you throughout the whole evening, zara.”
Zara lowered her head, look on her face screaming help which only you understood so you took the charge on her behalf,
“We were in my room.”
“And what is so important in your room that you both chose to ignore constant calls from your maids?”
“After an exhausting and unentertaining day, we both play chess, share all the amusing stories of our respective days, details of which can be given to you if asked with some enthusiasm and then we sleep for an hour, in peace without anyone spitting orders on our faces and since when have my brother changed so much that he actually got some time to look for his wife?”
“May I know from where this disrespectful flow of words is coming through? Is this a way to talk to your elders?”
“I mean no disrespect, mother.”
“This ends today. From tomorrow you shall be spending those two hours with our bakery chef.”
Instead of your mother, you directed your next plead to your father, who was an expert in nodding at household matters
“No! This is the only time I get with zara. within a year or two i’ll be married off to some rude man who won’t even let me put my feet outside the threshold of his palace.” pouting, you said.
Waving his hand, he dismissed the matter that meant whoever got the last sentence was the conqueror of the discussion.
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"Why are you here?" Counting and aligning the stars to form another shape, he interestingly asked.
"I wanted to explore this dead garden. What about you? What brings you here in the enemy land?" You jested.
"to meet a very beautiful enemy."
"a woman?"
"Yes yes. She's a woman. A very pretty one I must say but very feisty and dangerous to be around."
"Oh how so?" You asked now genuinely interested in his description of yours.
"I've heard she has a heart of stone."
"Huh? Have you seen her heart to be so sure of your accusation?"
"I've enough instances to prove that."
"She meets a handsome prince, spends an hour staring at his eyes with all but love and still chooses to stay silent. It's a dangerous game she's playing with him. It almost - it hurts him."his fatalistic expression left you stunned. The ancillary confession beleaguered your heart instead of calming the storm.
Nibbling on your bottom lip, you tried your best to focus on the constellations instead. you pulled the poor blade of grass harder in a futile attempt of breaking it apart but it was snatched from you.
“answer me.” He demanded the answer that was resting on the tip of your tongue.
"I love you."
He blurted out and you felt his fingers finding home in yours as he interlocked them. the moisture of the grass swamped your hands and you finally found your warmth within each other.
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“the whole palace is under your charm y/n” you stopped the stirring at zara’s words.
“how so?”
“they haven’t seen your wrath in the past few weeks. You didn’t shout at minji for throwing your burnt cake either.”
Swatting her hand away from the pot, you replied, “let them enjoy their peace days.”
“may god bless jaehyun! The whole palace is saved until you are happy.” Bumping her shoulders into yours, she took the charge from you. “what about the haunted garden y/n. aren’t you afraid of going there. it’s been weeks and I haven’t heard you screaming about any ghost.”
You scoffed at her naive self, “the only ghost that haunts the garden is in ME!” dragging the last part, you successfully scared her into dropping the ladle in the hot pot. Resultantly, she chases you off in the whole kitchen until you agree to turn the muddle of vegetables into something edible.
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Jaehyun’s presence generated so much happiness within your soul that you were afraid one unfortunate day would snatch him from you yet you never fought against the urge to drown in the love he poured on you. He mirrored the boy you met in your books, just as dreamy, if not more. His princely chiselled face was a sight to die for. He was a typical example of a lotus, a beautiful flower born in mud where it lived and died and you wanted to change that for him.
“What do you fear the most?”
Nestling your face in his neck, you couldn’t help but ask the question. He snuggled you closer to him, the sheet beneath you crumpling making the leaves and the grass it covered rustling under you. He shifted his head only to face your hair. Removing his one hand from your waist, he moved your chin to inspect you. He never understood how you came up with most bizzare and inquiring questions. But he was always more than happy to speak or in this case, express.
“that I will forever remain indebted to you.”
grasping his hand that held your chin, you saw him gulp down the words he hesitated to utter. 
"Love is not a debt jae. Just keep loving me like this, make me hap-
Abruptly your view of him changed as he floated over your figure. Resting your head on the sheet, his fingers traced the path along your face, feeling every inch of the skin he had learned to admire from afar. With adoration filled eyes, he drew nearer.
His lips were delicate against yours. Moving gently, he comforted your vulnerable ones, winning a pleased and dry whine from your throat. Hands dropping to your neck, his lips travelled down to your jaw where he sucked lightly at a candied spot and the little tickle kisses he gave you reaching your collarbones left you squealing in its wake. He hovered over your face again, this time to taste the bliss you felt and courageously, you pulled him closer and like it was designed, Mist of delight clouded your minds as  you forgot your fingers in his nape. If finding stars in his eyes was your expression of love then dancing against your pulsating lips, he perfectly found his interpretation as well. 
He drew back when he was done with bruising your skin. Staring into your eyes, he asked for something. With a blink of the same, you conveyed it. 
Curving your back, you allowed him to unzip the lavender dress you were wearing. As he uncovered your skin, he greeted it with beautiful, praiseworthy kisses, covering you with his undying love.
That night he resuscitated you, sending you into an oblivion. 
The reason being the incantations that he served you with.
I wish to give you a ring!
And the simple words resonated the promise that you could hardly wait for him to fulfill.
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Sympathy combining some unknown feeling washed over you as you heard your father talking about the neighbouring kingdoms and the pitiful state they were in. you had always known about the lack of resources those people lived with but that was the end. It was just a topic of discussion and theory to learn about the blunders of their ancestors and the brutal history of their treason to an old ally, your father and grandfather.
With a contempt laced tongue, once again, your father recited the story of betrayal of the lees and the jungs. The story was religiously told to every child once they were old enough to understand the terms like loyalty, allegiance, infidelity and betrayal.
You had vowed to change that. a seed of hatred planted in a younger mind would only yield a crop of vengeance. you aspired to end it. Jaehyun, too, wanted to wash the stains of treachery from his family name.  
 To your dismay, the army was out to roam the small towns and villages, looking for trespasser enemies. 
One day, you were resting in jaehyun's arms and the next day, you were left to sulk as the guards had suddenly decided to reaffirm the reliability of all the hinges. The doors were smacked, locked and unlocked, leaving you with million suspicions and a heavy heart. 
The only assurance you had, was in Jaehyun's capability of fooling the security forces. Proud as you were, the unsettling feeling of a blurred future did not let you sleep. For three nights.
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Jaehyun wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly from behind.
“easy jaehyun! it tickles!” you exclaimed while controlling your giggling.
“i thought you won’t be here tonight but yo-
“but i managed to sneak!” you finished, turning in his arms to see his beautiful face glistening in the moonlight. “and i don’t know for how much longer i can fool my attendants, what if one day they got in trouble for negligence. The security is doubled outside all the chambers. If I pulled anything, father would not hesitate to behead them.” your face dimmed with the mere thought of the fate of your precious maids and if anything happened to them, your soul would be forever encumbered with the guilt. 
your worried eyes didn’t escape jaehyun as he leaned forward to give you a small kiss, soothing your nerves. the small peck left you wanting for more as you bit your lower lip in anticipation of his further actions.
“nothing would happen. it’s been 2 months and nobody in the whole kingdom knows where and with whom their gorgeous princess spends her nights! and besides i’m here to ease the worries of your forever wandering mind. "
"Why do you always have to talk in riddles jae!"
He laughed through your smacks before circling your figure twice, leaving you staggered and dumbfounded.
"What are yo-
"I'm serious. I’m just here to fulfil my promise love.” he caught and pulled you again, keeping just a little distance between you both
“what promise? i don’t remember anything!” you asked genuinely perplexed by his words. as far as your memory too you, the only promise he made was-
your eyes widened at the realisation! jaehyun removed his one hand from your waist, putting it inside the pocket of his pants.
at this point, you could hear your own thumping heart whilst looking at him expectantly.
“let’s relieve you of a huge burden my princess!” he said with a smiling face but as you tried to mirror his expression, a sharp pain coursed through your abdomen.
you wobbled as he left your waist, the pain doubling when he pulled the small knife out of your body, a smirk adorning his features instead.
your body felt hotter than ever as the blood slowly oozed out of your abdomen. no scream left your lips as you pressed the wounded area in a try to lessen the ache.
The solemn tears falling down the cheeks were not for the physical damage but for the broken promise Jaehyun had bestowed upon you with.
“wh-why?” was the only word you could form before your other hand went to grab his arm but was only met with air.
jaehyun loomed closer and his knife met your stomach once again, this time a grievous shriek filled the silent garden. 
Your legs lost life, your body finding it harder to withstand the twist of the knife as you fell on the grass, darkness consuming your soul.
“because i couldn’t be on the throne as long as the heir of this kingdom was alive. but your death won’t be worthless love. I shall wear the crown of your sacrifice and reclaim all the lost honour.”
Instead of a deep breath as you had expected, a choked sob left your lips and the whole body convulsed with the painful effort.
Your eyes remained glued to him as he rubbed his face with this sleeve regarding you with the cruelty you never knew he was capable of.
contempt in his orbs served as his last offering towards you as he exited your sight, calling for someone.
After what felt like years, you heard a human voice again but your body gave up before you could comprehend anything. 
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“you did it my boy!”
Jinyoung broke his hateful glare from the throne and patted a demented jaehyun on the back, congratulating his prime pawn for the successful acquisition. The so called disqualified heirs were now the rulers, a dream that was once broken by their backstabbing friend, the now murdered king of this kingdom.
“and you shall be rewarded for you have made your deceased father proud.” Hand caressing Jaehyun's shoulder, he pretended to wipe the few tears that escaped due to the bitter memory. Cleaning his eyes with the sleeve of his dusted robe, he took the gold crown from his younger brother, jinseok and ran his eyes from jaehyun to the majestic chair on the silver podium.
With pride clotted blood, Jaehyun bowed to him before taking his seat.
The crown was set atop his head, fitting him without any doubt.
It weighed more than he thought.
With a sinister smile, his uncle ordered the assassination of all the loyal members of court.
Guards were beheaded and bodies were counted.
The palace was foraged, to find and kill all the runaways.
A manhunt was announced for the one who wasn’t found.
Nobody knew there were more to be found.
The triumphant smile lit Jaehyun's face for he lost nothing.
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Three weeks later.  
Donghae’s hands lost all the strength, the plastic bag filled with potatoes now rolling down the uneven and mud washed floor of the hut.
The day he had been anticipating with broken hope and glistening eyes was not a dream anymore.
Your fingers finally trembled against the hard, rugged and rough mattress.
You had decided to open your eyes after three weeks.
Finally he allowed himself to cry.
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I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
Crown hanging between his fingers, his gaze pierced the ground.
You were lying there three weeks ago.
Were you taken away?
Were you no more?
There was no probability of inhaling after how perfectly he had spun his knife.
No man had ever survived his knife, not even his own teacher. There was no way you could have. All the odds were in his favour for all the cards being played with accuracy.
Did he hope for your life?
You were an enemy, just a play. Then why the thought of never beholding you again hurt him so much. 
why the weight of the crown crumbled on him with such intensity.
Why did he choose your chamber to stay in?
Yet Why was he unable to sleep?
He grew up seeking answers and  taking orders and this time there was no one to respond to his cries.
Neither did anyone care enough to ask him the reason for his quotidian visits to the garden.
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I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug
It wasn’t home. But the eyes looking back at you undeniably reminded you of it. A day has passed since you saw the light of the world again but all you did was listen to the gut-wrenching fate your family had met with. Half of the family!
Your parents were murdered in the coup premeditated  by none other than the neighbouring jungs. What was equally agonising was the fact that your brother never got to give your parents a respectable farewell. The troops had charged upon their sleepy selves and the mere hanging crown on the naked and bloodied sword of jin young was enough of a proof of the successful attack. Their escape hadn't been easy either but with a little help from the general, they had managed to flee. Zara had led them to you. 
 Unknown fear consumed you as you read your surroundings. But it was time you admitted to your mistakes and faced the consequences. If there were any brutal ones left. There was nothing you would be unable to endure. So you began with the unanswered questions.
“what is this place?” you asked with a sore throat.
“this is jung’s territory. They are too blinded by their victory that this barren land is the last place they would send their troops to.” donghae replied, feeding you spoonfuls of the soup.
“But how did we reach here?"
"Through the underground war doors. They once joined both of our territories before the jungs were disqualified from trading. This end was opened by our general when we lost too much blood. Their bloody nephew is sitting on the throne, uniting this useless kingdome with ours." He seethed. 
You bit your lip to compose yourself. you knew you had to tell them about jaehyun and a broken trust was the last thing you wanted to inject in him but necessity clawed on your heart to reveal everything.
Caressing your face, he acidly began, 
"We'll take back everything. No one shall be spared. We are contacting our alliances. By next month, our kingdom would be in the state of siege. Every drop of blood shall be avenged. Jaehyun would pay for what he did."
At his mention, you withdrew your sight from him. Guilt crept up within you as you tried to affiliate every past event with the current one. It was clear as day you were a mere instrument to find a place for the entry of their troops. You were just a puppet. Unknowingly, you had allowed them to enter your parent's bedroom too. You had blood on your hands. Of countless people.
A single tear slipped and the lack of his expression on your face scared zara. She ran to occupy the other side of the bed and caught your head before you broke down in her arms. Jaehyun's lies and betrayal of your love was left somewhere in an old rusted chest of your mind and the pure anguish shattered you into millions of pieces.
You wailed yourself to sleep. 
Jaehyun visited you that night. In the form of dust. And he continued breaching your peace as if killing you once wasn't enough.
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Now the day bleeds, into nightfall and you are not here, to get me through it all.
Jaehyun woke up in cold sweat. When was the last time he slept with an easy mind? 
Maybe the week before he was ordered to finish off what he had started. 
He changed rooms. 
He changed floors.
But his eyes never closed for even the minor chances of meeting you in the dreamland scared him to death. 
With a trembling hand, he picked up the crown and threw it away.
Amusingly, you were still dead.
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Were you really that foolish?
Perhaps you resembled every other weak hearted person for whom a pinch of affection was a desperate call to sell their soul and rationality.
You had just wanted to walk down the markets without any constraints pulling you back in. Skipping in the shadows while hiding from the sun was the only desire you had. 
Why had he bumped his shoulder into yours? Why had he repeated it again and again until had grown to recognise his touch even through the thick layers of clothing and masked faces?
It's amusing how we end up finding each other in the same place at same time everyday
He had said with a sugary tone when you had questioned him sternly. 
You had believed him.
I'm prince Jaehyun, from the other side. I just came here to see the beauty that our place doesn't possess. It's all barren and discarded. No healthy vegetables. No dry fruits. I just enjoy myself every evening and buy some good food for some poor kids. You won't mention this to anyone right? I’ll leave right away if you want though!
How righteous had he sounded!
We'll propose unification and then everything will come to life again. No bloodshed. No backstabbing. No spy plays. We’ll never let history blemish our future.
How had he managed to contradict each and every word he had spoken. 
he just changed like the patterns in the kaleidoscope as if you had never reflected in the mirrors of his heart. 
Perhaps you never did.
You despised his way of fulfilling his Imperishable love for you! 
You were relieved Zara had been the one to inform your brother of this leading cause.
How ruthless he could have been!
You wanted to give his whole kingdom a new life and all he could give you in return was a knife. 
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I was getting kinda used to being the someone you loved
Jaehyun's fingers turned green for how harshly he picked at the grass. Picking at those innocent blades didn't bring you back. 
His cries thundered in the air. He begged for the time to turn itself. He yearned for the love you had shown him. He missed your warmth. He missed your careless laughs. His heart shrieked for you. The only person he had ever loved. The only being who had ever loved him.
 Why he couldn't have saved himself from being the traitor of the heart he could've ruled!
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You stared at the heavy corset that was made to safeguard you.
You were no expert with a blade but still one was handed over to you as precaution. 
The general read you the instructions, mainly focusing on the need to remain hidden underground until the war was over. You and Zara were to be kept away from the weapons. 
That was what the commandments directed you to follow.
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Today, the wind blew harsher. Maybe he was the only one to feel the strange stillness in the disorder. Everything had been imprudently loud for him lately. Even the riots that shook the doors of the palace. How long could they have held onto something that never belonged to them! 
As he dismissed the servant who called him to take charge against your brother, his mind pressed upon bolting all the heavy doors to ignore the murderous stream. He had led one army before but now lacked the courage to pick up his knife and sword, the ones he buried right in the garden where you once laid.
The broken look on your face was the image he wanted to delete from the depths of his mind so desperately yet your presence never left him alone. Maybe it was the sanction of the heavens that you were always there with him. In his days and in his dreams. He got all of your portraits removed yet here you were, standing in front of him with a smile on your face. A quiet rare sight. The radiant face, if not impossible to find, was still very infrequent even in his dreams. The air smelled of you. The atmosphere was enticing. Suddenly, he wanted to chase his dream, to go after you. 
So he followed his heart. 
Your illusion stayed still, with curved lips making you look ethereal. Even in the darkness, your face illuminated the way for him.
His hand rose, hoping to touch you even though the rational part of his head screamed that it was a lie created by him to save himself from another night of misery but he failed to listen and caved in. Like each time, he expected his hand to pass through you, breaking the charm of his fabrication of you. 
But here he was. 
Instead of passing through the smoke that you were supposed to be, his hand rested upon the gentle skin that your face had. Retracting his fingers immediately, he fell back in fear, eyes widening and chest heaving. 
You were anything but an illusion. 
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His hand grazed against your cheek before he fell down, stumbling upon his own feet. The crown that decorated his head too withdrew its support, lying on the floor like it had recognised its lawful owner.
"My king." Solemnly, you addressed him. "I hope you are enjoying your new home and title."
As you talked, you watched him collecting himself. As he unclogged the blocks of his mind, awe transformed his face momentarily shaping itself into trepidation. To your disbelief, he brightened up once again. Had he not been liable for the ghastly crimes, you’d have sympathised with the deranged state of the always self possessed jaehyun. Alas! You had nothing to offer him.
Shuffling on his knees, with his head bowed lowly, he spoke with dead voice,
"Forgive me, please." He cried into his joined hands.
"Get up jaehyun. A mighty and worthy king like you doesn't look very honourable bowing to a mere woman like me." Your dangerously honeyed voice resembled the ominous dark clouds brooding atop his head. 
But you admired his valor for he kept apologising, burning himself with the false hope of undoing the indelible smudge he had left on you.
"I thought i never loved you y/n but i was utterly wron-
"You are a deceiver King jaehyun. Do not expect me to believe you." 
"Don't call me that please!" 
"Get up jaehyun." you barked. 
"I hate myself for doing that to you y/n." Getting up slowly, he repeated twice. You were yet to see his face and when he rose to his full height, you were met with his bloodshot eyes that could've ached you if your heart hadn't been damaged to the core.
"Don't hate yourself please. You made your family proud. That is what we kids should be aiming for right. I truly admire you for that King jaehyun." The emotionless stress on the end made him close his eyes in pain as he choked out another heart wrenching sob. 
"I'm truly sorry y/n, please. I can't take your hatred. I don't want this crown nor do i want to live here anymore."
Your stomach churned at his cries. You had truly underestimated his capability to surprise you but it only made you grip harder on the knife that was tucked in your waistband.
“How naive of you to think that I'll fall for your lies again, jaehyun.”
Rubbing his face with his palms, he looked heavenward,
"No no. I love you. I really really love you.I never realised this until now. I just can’t live without you” and continued as his glistened eyes met yours, “Why are you not listening to me?"
"Don't you think you are a bit late for a true confession."
"Yours was true right. Your love was conditionless. I swear on your love! Forgive me once please. Love is the strongest, you told me this right. I just need you y/n. not this crown. Not anyone else. Just you, Please." 
A mean scoff left your lips, "Yes, i was the one who told you about love being the most powerful but that was until you taught me the strength of hatred, jaehyun. You knifed me out of the fairytales i dreamt with you and i don't think i can ever thank you enough for that. The love you are so profoundly swearing to is lying under the debris of the hollow pride and the abhorrence you sheltered for my family. You never once heard my pleas of affection and now you expect me to listen to yours?how can you stoop so low?"
You watched him screaming into the air and crumbling down. You saw him going through the pain you would never recover from yourself and you wanted to end it. For him. It was rather painful to watch him so you mumbled his name. 
With newfound belief, he loomed closer with open arms, anticipating a change of heart from you. Maybe you weren't really as unconcerned to him as he had been with you. 
but the long blade mutilated his lungs and silent gasps of pain escaped his throat. His miserable eyes ruined the shield you wore and you screamed at him while repeating the thrusts of the sharp blade. Droplets of vengeance imbued the chilled air, drizzling down your neck in the form of sweat.
Somehow the hall was lit and you were forced to see what you had done to him. His grip on the ground faltered and the blade slipped through your fingers, the clink dangerously reverberating in the hall. 
Before your hand could reach for him, something pointed grazed your shoulder. You wanted to turn around but more and more spikes pierced through you; the heaviness and the pain that seeped through your back launched you forward and you fell down on another body that had been hosted by the marble a few moments ago. The ache of the arrows left you breathless. Once again, you struggled with your eyelids. within a few seconds, relief padded your back and you discontinued your wrestling. 
and perhaps your dead heart was finally at peace.
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
HC: 104th Corps Forgetting Their S/o's Birthday
Characters: Mikasa, Jean, Connie
A/n: sorry for not posting for a while, I was caught up in writing a book I want to make for a friend of mine birthday, this was hilarious to write cause I'm just thinking of Modern Mikasa setting a hundred reminders about your birthday. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this!
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Mikasa Ackerman
I don't even know how it's possible for Mikasa to forget your birthday, she has prepared for your birthday MONTHS before your actual birthday
But then, on the day of your birthday, she was too busy with everything around her
From Eren planning mass genocide again, Armin freaking out that Eren is planning mass genocide, to Sasha stealing every single food from Nicolo (this is set around Nicolo arrives in Paradis and before Eren went batshit)
Needless to say, she was so busy that she completely forgot
To be honest, because of how hectic the day was, you almost forgot as well, if not for some of the scouts wishing you a very quick happy birthday when they passed you by, before going back to whatever they were doing
Even Levi wished you a happy birthday, so you were a bit sour when you realized Mikasa wasn't going to
Though you waited until nighttime before making any assumptions, when it came and she got ready to sleep then you truly realized she forgot
Of course, you told her that it was your birthday and, cue Mikasa freaking the fuck out.
She immediately apologized a lot, getting your gifts and explaining what plans she had planned beforehand to do on your birthday, only for her to forget
She feels INCREDIBLY bad, almost like when she thought Eren died, kind of bad. You'll have to be the one to say it's alright and that you understand because you knew she wouldn't have forgotten your birthday at all if it wasn't for how busy the day was.
The next day though, she PAMPERS you, she feels really bad for missing your birthday so she follows you around the next day helping with anything and everything that you were doing, getting you water when you were tired, and basically helping you out.
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Jean Kirstein
Another person I literally could not see forgetting your birthday, this man probably is one of the person who most cares about his friends, but still acts low-key about it
So again, for him to forget your birthday, it was probably a hectic day.
He had already drawn you a beautiful self portrait of yourself and was planning to give that as a gift alongside other small trinkets the night before.
But when morning came, he's immediately dragged out of bed by Sasha and Connie, since he woke up late, and you were missing. So your birthday didn't really register in his mind.
After being dragged out of bed he was immediately pushed to do his duties, from a lot of discussions with the Anti Marleyan Volunteers, to building more stuff to accommodate the new trade with the Azumabito clan
Long story short he forgot because the entire day he didn't see you and he was too tired with the grueling tasks he had to endure to remember
When you realized he forgot since he wasn't seeking you out, you were rather pissed, so when you did meet him and he still didn't say any kind of happy birthday you gave him the silent treatment, much to his dismay
He's been through the silent treatment with Mikasa before and when you started doing it he panicked, trying to think what he did wrong, only to remember it was your birthday.
No matter how late it is he will suddenly just surprise you the moment you come in to your room, you looked around and you realized he set up a small birthday party extremely quickly and a bit messily.
Candles everywhere for the romantic aspect, a small cake he begged Nicolo to make last minute on the table, and his beautiful drawing completed with him begging for you to forgive him.
Which how could you not??? The man drew a beautiful portrait for you.
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Connie Springer
Connie is one of those guys that I could def see forgetting your birthday, he's one of those guys that remember like 2 months before your actual birthday and prepares your gift then
But the next week, completely forgets what he bought and if he did buy you a present
Well the day of your birthday, the two of you woke up and you expected him to say Happy Birthday to you first, but instead he simply said good morning and went about with his day
It wasn't even a busy day, it was a normal day whereas usual he had to do a lot of things but it wasn't a hectic day like in Mikasa's or Jean's case
He just forgot
And somehow, he didn't realize it when Nicolo gave you a small pastry to go with your lunch, nor did he realize it when he sees a bunch more people go up to you only for them to say a couple of words and go on with their day
Obviously, you feel really annoyed, he was your boyfriend for god's sake and somehow he forgot about your birthday.
Sasha and Jean at this point had already wished you a happy birthday though after seeing how sad you seemed asked you what was wrong. After explaining that Connie probably forgot, they both were pretty pissed.
Connie probably got a good scolding from Jean whilst Sasha watched.
Afterward, he'd actually remember he got you a gift a while back, and after apologizing and setting up a small apology date for the two of you with the help of Jean and Sasha, he finally wished you a happy birthday.
Btw you can definitely use this incident to guilt-trip him any time in the future.
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ bokuto, tendō, matsukawa & suna
tw ♡ gn! reader, timeskip! bokuto (all sfw tho), swearing, reader wears makeup (matsukawa), swearing, mentions of death & food 
cred ♡ thanks to anon for this request <3
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♡ he was literally counting down the days to your birthday, he even took the day off practise to celebrate it with you so imagine his surprise when the special day finally rolls around and he wakes up to an empty bed
♡ at first, he thought that perhaps you were just around the house somewhere but nope, the place was completely empty and even worse, all signs pointed to his theory that you had gone to work/school on your birthday 
♡ outraged. he was absolutely outraged. 
♡ firstly, he tried calling you but you wouldn’t pick up, even after his many attempts so his next resort to call your place of work/school reception 
♡ obviously he managed to get a hold of you then-
♡ he was originally gonna yell about how you lied to him about taking the day off on your birthday but there was no way he could be angry at you — almost ever — so instead, he made the quick decision of telling you to have a nice day before hanging up 
♡ you were kinda pissed that he wasted your time like that but how could you stay mad at him? he’s fkn adorable! he blew you audible kisses over the phone for good luck!
♡ you laboured your way through the day, putting in great effort yet through it all, the only thing on your mind was how much you wanted to just pass out on the couch with bokuto as soon as you got home. you weren’t even sure if you had the energy to change into your pjyamas.
♡ however, when you finally did arrive home, there was no need to put yourself through the onerous task of changing clothes as the first thing you were greeted by when you stepped foot in your own home was a chorus of cheers of ‘surprise!’ followed by people spilling out into the foyer from the kitchen and living room 
♡ then there was bokuto, the loudest of them all leading the crowd, blowing into the party horn while dashing up to, throwing his arms around your shoulders to pull you into a tight hug, ‘happy birthday, sweetie!’
♡ a light gasp escaped your lips at the sudden hoots, and the unfamiliar — and frankly uncomfortable — sight of many friends swarm towards you had you on edge but when you felt bokuto wrap you in his warm embrace, you knew you were home
♡ he held you close until you were forced apart by many guests tearing you away to personally wish you a happy birthday
♡ now that the initial shock had died down, you noticed that there wasn’t as many people present as you thought, it was a humble gathering of all your closest friends 
♡ there was a massive pile of bright-colored gifts lying on the stairs, and it was hard not to immediately acknowledge them as the sheer mass and number of the presents scattered across the steps prevented anyone from being able to go upstairs
♡ the following day, you were made aware of the fact 90% of those presents were addressed from ‘your best ace husband ;)’ which was pretty straight-forward considering you only have one husband; kiyoomi sakusa. 
♡ jokes, you married bokuto but sakusa was also at the party. he originally just wanted to drop off his gift then leave but bokuto persuaded him to stay, though he seemed to be regretting it now as almost everyone at the party now shared an unspoken goal to slam sakusa’s face into one of the cupcakes that decorated the circumference of your cake
♡ speaking of the cake, bokuto remembered what type of cake was your favorite from the wedding planning and he was so chuffed with himself. in fact, he was so confident in his cake picking ability that he ordered a massive 3-tier monster of a dessert 
♡ neither of you would be able to finish it before it goes bad so you ended up cutting it up into pieces  and sending each guest away with a little goody-bag with a slice of cake inside lmao 
♡ once you had finished your goodbyes and everyone had filed out of your home, you flopped onto the couch and let out a deep sigh of relief. well, it was only a sigh for a few moment as it became a wheeze when bokuto laid down on top of you 
♡ ‘happy birthday, (y/n). i’m sorry if i tired you out.’ he hummed, fiddling with your fingers as his lips curled into a shaky smile
♡ ‘i’m a bit sleepy but i had an amazing time. thank you so much, kō.’
♡ bokuto smiled, his heavy lid falling shut as he finally rested his neck, being able to fall asleep comfortably now that you’ve told him that you had fun
♡ unlike bokuto, he’ll actually mention your birthday a few weeks prior to the celebration so he can plan the perfect date :3
♡ ‘so do you wanna go to the aquarium or the theme park? because i know we’ve went to the park before but they remodelled it apparently. plus, maybe the aquarium is a bit underwhelming for such a special day, but it’s up to yo--’
♡ ‘we won’t really get to spend much time in either. if you consider the time school finishes, the train ride and the time the aquarium and park closes so maybe we could just chill at my house instead.’
♡ tendō deadpanned for a moment, the most unamused look taking over his features until he suddenly burst out laughing, cackling as if you just told the joke of the century, ‘seriously, (y/n)? you’re gonna go to school on your birthday.’
♡ ‘yes, of course.’ you replied in all seriousness, resulting in tendō awkwardly beginning to stifle his chuckles.
♡ he frowned, slumping back into the seat beside you, ‘c’mon, it’s your birthday, though! you deserve the day off.’
♡ you shook your head, kindly declining his suggestion, ‘i have a test on that day.’
♡ ‘all the more reason to ditch!’
♡ now it was your turn to deadpan
♡ tendō tossed his head back while letting out a sigh  of defeat, draping his arm around your shoulder to lovingly pull you to his chest, ‘alright, then. whatever you want, dear.’
♡ you smiled, glad that you didn’t need to disagree with him any longer — and you were even happier on the day. even though you insisted that he keeps things small on your birthday, he still managed to find a way to make things extra asf by getting you a massive plush that was about half the size of your stature and a hamper of homemade chocolates ><
♡ honestly, he’s never been the best at giving gifts but he tries extra hard for you 
♡ like if you off-handedly say that you are cold during class, he’ll buy you a bunch of new jackets, jumpers and gloves
♡ or if you say you need more mascara, he’ll buy you exact same one you usually wear 
♡ he’s observant enough to notice and remember the exact shade and brands of all your cosmetic products but he’s not observant enough to pick up on the subtle hints you drop as to what you want for your birthday 
♡ you can never guess what he’s gonna get you and that adds to your anticipation for the day 
♡ if your birthday is on a school day, he’ll bring in a batch of homemade cupcakes (which hanamaki helped him with) and stick a candle in one of them for you to blow out 
♡ he offers you one but they are all pretty stale- just smile and nod while your teeth feel like they are being shattered trying to bite down on the cupcake 
♡ it might set off the fire alarm but oh well, just count that as another present
♡ oikawa will probably get you something like a bouquet and try flirt with you so at that point, matsukawa and hanamaki begin using the cupcakes as weapons 
♡ they are a two for one deal so you’re going to be spending the day with both of them tailing you like lost puppies
♡ (requester specified) your birthday is on the same day as his so ofc he’s going to be a little salty abt it 
♡ you both created a game to see who receives the most birthday wishes and whoever won gets ¥1500 from the loser’s birthday money
♡ for the past few years, he’s usually been the winner by just a few but this year, you made it a point to befriend all him teammates in order to ensure victory 
♡ having to pretend to be friendly with atsumu — who wasn’t very good at hiding his massive crush —was definitely a challenge but you powered through 
♡ in fact, you may have played the role too well as both the miya twins gave you a gift 
♡ osamu gave both you and suna a plastic bag filled with some food he made and water bottles
♡ as for atsumu, his gift to you was a massive hamper filled with an assortment of many different luxury confectionary which didn’t look cheap at all but it didn’t feel appropriate to question the price so you simply took it from him with a bright smile
♡ of course, suna was excited (and very hungry) as he expected the same gift but he was more than disappointed when all he received was a bag of chips and a slap on the back
♡ he goes out of his way to tell every teacher it’s your birthday in hopes that they’ll make the class sing happy birthday to you 
♡ but it pisses him off to no end when you add that it’s his birthday too so he ends up getting roped into your misery 
♡ also your thumbs are going to be sore at night swiping through all the various candid pics that suna took of you throughout the day (in less than flattering poses) which he uplaoded to almost all of his social media stories with stupid ass captions 
♡ but dw bc he’ll eventually post a nice photo of you with a sweet message
♡ ‘happy birthday to @(y/n) . i would die for you, bitch (even though you annoy the hell out of me every single day 🤠).’ 
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keiyoomi · 3 years
details: k. kenma × reader | fluff; reunited; there’s only one bed; mutual pining, but they’re still in denial
note: I might add more scenes in this post. so make sure to check and re-read it when I rb it. ehem. @kirakirasaku ehem.
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I. Cat vs. Cat
It was partly your fault.
You should’ve known better than to believe Kuroo’s words when he suggested that you and Kenma should move to another place he hastily reserved, since the hotel where he and the rest of the former members of Nekoma were staying at.
Kenma was also at fault, in your opinion. He didn’t even bother to complain when Kuroo told you both to stay in the same hotel for awhile, nor did he even tried to ask the receptionist if there are other vacant rooms available. It’s not like he couldn’t afford to rent a different room.
“Do you really have to ask for all of these?” Kenma asked as he threw a glance at the pillows all piled on one side of the room. “Other people might need these extra pillows.”
You squinted your eyes at him. “You’re not expecting me to just lie down on the same bed as you without... ehem... taking precautionary measures.”
“Huh?” Kenma’s eyes became filled with disbelief. “I can keep my hands to myself, you know! Maybe it’s you who can’t do it.” Then, a sly smirk appeared on his lips. “If I remember it correctly, you were the one who suddenly barged in that room back then despite knowing that I’m the only one who’s changing.”
You could almost feel your blood rushing towards your face. Of all the foolish things you did in the past, why is he choosing that?
“Ha! As if it’s worth looking at,” you replied while looking away from him. “That’s not the point. Then and now are two different things. Back then, neither of us showed any interest towards each other. Well, aside from contempt.”
“Who wouldn’t hate the person who brought those lego blocks during the golden week?”
You scoffed. “Yeah. Because it’s my fault that you weren’t looking at the floor while you’re walking.”
“Anyway, you can take a bath first. I’ll fix the bed while you’re in there.” You approached the pillow pile and took two pieces with you and walked towards the bed. “Ah. Right. What would you like to eat for dinner? I’m starving.”
He ran his fingers through his hair before placing his phone inside the shoulder bag he brought. “You know me better than anyone. Price doesn’t matter,” he said with a taunting smile before walking inside the bathroom.
‘That pudding head!’ you yelled in your mind as you flipped through the menu placed near the telephone.
By the time Kenma stepped out of the bathroom, the dinner table was already set and was filled with a wide variety of food.
“Wow... Amazing” You held your head high as he looked at you with disbelief. “Do you think we can finish this?”
You placed your hand against your cheek. “Oh my. Are you really asking me that? Besides, I had to do this to make sure that you’ll eat something tonight. I mean, if my memory serves me right, you were such a picky eater back then.”
“I wasn’t,” he grumbled. “Not as much as you think.”
You grinned in triumph. At least, he’s aware of what he did in the past. You’ve suffered for almost a year and a half whenever you were tasked to buy them snacks.
“Anyway, enjoy eating. I’ll be in the bath for a bit.”
Your eyebrow rose. “Yes?”
“The food... it wouldn’t taste good if it’s cold.” He scratched his cheek before clearing his throat. “You should eat first before going in there.”
You tilted your head to your left and asked, “Are you alright, Kenma? You’re not feverish, are you?”
“I’m feeling well, thanks for your concern.”
Despite your slight hesitation, you took a seat across Kenma and ate to your heart’s content...
...completely unaware of how Kenma looked at you with admiration as you enjoy the food on the table.
II. Weird
A sigh escaped your lips as soon as your skin touched the warm water in the tub. It might not be the bath you had in mind, but it was still good enough to release the tension on your shoulders.
Being with Kenma for more than an hour was barely bearable. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were acquainted with each other for years, you would’ve declined Kuroo’s suggestion as soon as it leaves his lips.
You stared at the wall and silently recalled how you’ve handled the sometimes-cranky setter of the team back in high school.
Back when he began asking you to buy snacks that aren’t readily available in the school’s canteen. That time, you had to buy it ahead of time just to ensure that there’s enough snacks for everyone.
Kenma’s not a picky eater, but whenever he wanted to eat something else, he always made sure that it’s you who would buy it for him. Thinking about it now, most of those foods were the ones you’ve been wanting to try. But of course, he didn’t share any of those food with you.
So far, the memories that were coming back to you were made up of scenes where you clash with Kenma on a daily basis. From your non-sensical debates during the club meetings, to the non-stop bickering during the breaks that even Kuroo got tired of.
Were you even acquaintances to begin with?
It almost feel as if you were enemies from a past life that couldn’t even recall. It’s like you were destined to argue until you were both old and weary with wrinkly fingertips—just like your fingers after soaking in that tub for a couple of minutes.
‘Was there even a time when we interacted normally with each other?’ you asked yourself as you dry your hair. You paused and stared at your reflection in the mirror. Then, you shook your head. “Nope. Nothing comes to mind.”
You pursed your lips before sighing heavily.
Up until now you’ve been wondering why Kuroo was setting you up with the former setter.
You’re certain that you don’t like Kenma in a romantic way. He’s a so-so person that was quite cranky whenever you interact with each other. You’re pretty sure that the feeling is mutual.
When you still failed to come up with a conclusion, you finally step out of the bathroom and returned to where Kenma’s at.
Kozume Kenma is not a bad person. At least, anyone would vouch for that. He minds his own business and doesn’t care that much about other people aside from those who were really close to him. He’s also great at devicing a strategy, which greatly helped the team in winning several matches. Ah! And he’s also that type of person who points out everything that’s been bothering him whenever he snaps.
“L/N, what are you doing there?” he asked while listening to the rumbling of thunder outside. “The bed is spacious, you know.”
“Do you really have no idea why we’re basically kicked out by Kuroo from that inn?” The bed dipped as you sat on your side of bed. “I don’t understand why it has to be the two of us...”
“...do you...?” Your eyebrows furrowed as soon as you heard him speak with hesitation. Gone the snarky tone in his voice that he usually use towards you.
‘Why is he acting this way?’ you thought.
“Do you hate me that much?”
“Huh?” You became more confused. “I don’t hate you, though.”
“Ha? Then why are we always arguing whenever we see each other?”
“I’m only defending myself? Aren’t you the one who usually started it.”
His jaw dropped. “But I was only defending myself too?”
Wait a sec. If you don’t hate Kenma, then why does it seems like you’re always in the edge whenever he’s around?
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