#and i think about changing my url like every month so
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ettawritesnstudies · 1 year
Etta's Guide to Writeblr (March 2023)
So you fled here from Twitter/TikTok... Where to start?
Welcome to Writeblr! Pull up a chair, open those documents, and pour yourself a cup of your favorite tea, coffee, or cocoa. The first thing you'll want to do is start following other writers. Check out this post for recommendations! Search through the notes to find hundreds more. Since I made that post, a bunch of people mentioned they're lurking and still trying to figure out tumblr, so I thought I'd make this post to help people get settled.
How to set up your blog
Make your blog name something not resembling a pornbot - it can be whatever you want, anything fun goes, just not [name###]. If you include "writer" or "author" somewhere in the url it makes it easier to spot writeblrs at a glance but it's not a requirement
Change your profile to something that's not the default, Make sure you have a blog title, and add a little description in your blog header if you feel like it!
Make a pinned post introducing yourself (pls don't use your real name or any IDing information for privacy's sake, this isn't facebook), a short summary of your WIPs, and links if you have an author's website/newsletter/ao3/etc. You can check my pinned post for an example
Make intro posts for each WIP! You can spruce these up with graphics (canva and unsplash are both great free resources to make edits/moodboards), excerpts, lists of tropes, character intros, etc. Link to the WIP intro in your pinned post so it's easy to find! You can update these as often as needed
If you want to make character intros, go wild. If you can't draw, piccrew is a great option. Just start talking about your WIP!
Come up with a tagging system to keep your blog organized. I recommend individual wip tags or at least one for your original writing in general so it's easy to search for your work on your blog
Keep track of Taglists for your WIPs. Whenever you post a new thing about your story, tag the people who asked to be notified to make sure they see it! Only tag people who ask to join the taglist, but it's a good way to keep track of interest. It's normal to have multiple taglists for each story+ one general writing taglist.
How to make writer friends
Reblog their work and add nice comments, either in the tags, comments, or the reblog itself People notice regulars in their notes and appreciate the attention. I promise it's not weird to compliment a total stranger
If that's too intimidating, community events are your friend!
Weekly Ask Games: These are weekly events that are loosely themed where writers send each other asks about their WIPs! The most common are Storyteller Saturday (about the writing process), Blorbsday (aka Blorbo Thursday about characters), and Worldbuilding Wednesday (about the setting of your story). If you answer these late, nobody really cares, but it's a fun way to receive prompts and learn more about other people's stories.
Ask Games/Memes: These are posts with lists of questions you can reblog from other people, sometimes themed or listed with emojis. It's common courtesy to send an ask from the list to the person you reblog it from, then people can send you questions as well, so you can talk about your stories! You can search for dozens of them
Tag games: There's a ton of different types of tag games, but basically someone @s you with a challenge/question, you reblog with your answer, and then @ a bunch of other people to continue the chain. Some common ones are Heads Up 7s Up (share the last 7 lines of your WIP), Last Line Tag (share the last line you wrote), and Find the Words (ctrl+f the given words in your doc and share the results, then give new words).
Formal events: These are community wide participation challenges organized by certain blogs! @writeblrsummerfest is every July?? August? I think? It's run by @abalonetea a few years strong, and there are daily prompts and ask games! @inklings-challenge is a month-long short story entry for Christian writeblrs. I think there was a valentines event in February. @moon-and-seraph is hosting a pitch week soon! Since these are more organized, it's very easy to find similar blogs and support!
Misc. Notes on using Tumblr
Follow the tags #writeblr and #writeblr community to find other writers, as well as other tags that interest you like #fantasy for example
If you want to bookmark a post to read later, you can like it and/or save it to your drafts
The queue/schedule function is very useful if you want to space out posts or have a backlog to keep your blog running when you get busy. This is good for the community because it gives older posts a chance to be rediscovered! You can change the posting frequency in the settings.
REBLOG YOUR OWN STUFF. People aren't always on at the same times and so it's the best way to account for people with different schedules and timezones. If you're worried about being annoying, you can tag those #self reblog or something similar and other people can filter the tag, but otherwise it's a welcomed and accepted practice.
If your excerpt is pretty long, put it under a cut. On desktop you can do this by selecting the squiggly button on the far right when you make a new paragraph, on mobile type :readmore: then hit enter.
It's polite to add descriptions to images and videos for visually or auditory impaired people. If you don't know how to write descriptions, here's a good resource
In your dashboard settings, it's best to shut off the options "Best Stuff First" and "Based on your Likes". These function as the website algorithm and suppresses the blogs you actually follow, which defeats the purpose of the site, letting the dash be in reverse chronological order. Also turn off Tumblr Live because it's malware as far as anyone's concerned.
Curate your experience, block the trolls, and be nice
Update for March 2024
How to shut off AI Scraping on your blog
Go to settings and find the Visibility tab
Scroll down to the tag that says "Prevent Third-Party Sharing"
Turn that knob over so that Automattic can't steal your work for their language training model databases >_<
The other settings will just hide your blog from search engines so they're useful for hiding from nosy parents or other Tumblr users but if you're trying to build an author platform you can leave them off.
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Again, welcome to the community! I hope you have a ton of fun!
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miyamiwu · 2 months
Name Change!
After years of going by Lizonka/lizzieonka, I will finally be changing my online name.
The new name will be Miya. And the new url will be @ miyamiwu. The change will be reflected here on Tumblr on my birthday on May 1.
Why the change?
For quite some time now, I've wanted a name that was more Asian-sounding because, well, aside from being Asian, all the media I engage in are Asian. Going by a Russian name just didn't make sense when nothing about me or my posts is Russian.
(As for why I had a Russian name, blame Yuri on Ice 😩)
I initially wanted to steal the name of my OC, Maya, for this change because it's such a beautiful word in my language (sorry, Maya, I won't take your name anymore. You can keep it). Unfortunately, “Maya” and all the good variations of it that I could think of are already taken here on Tumblr 😔
Then earlier, while scrolling on the dash, I came across a video of an orange cat and found myself meowing (as I tend to whenever I see a cat), but with the meow sounding more like “miyaaa”. And I'm like, “hey ‘Miya’ isn't that different from ‘Maya,’ and it's also cute.” So here I am.
Of course, the username “miya” alone is already taken on every major platform, so I have to add something to it. I came up with different lovely usernames here on Tumblr, only to find that they've already been taken on other sites. And I really didn't want to use different usernames on different sites coz that can get confusing fast so... I ended up just adding “Miwu” at the end.
The name Miwu comes from the danmei novel,The Cat’s Inheritance, and it's the name the cat protagonist gave to his human. And like Miya, it also sounds like a cat’s meow 😚
And there you have it! Fully making the switch will take a while, though, especially since my fandom emails and website both go by Lizonka/lizzieonka. (Thankfully, the domain name expires next year, so I won't feel too bad about it. Buying a new domain name, however, is not yet on the budget...)
I'll be going by lizzieonka until the rest of the month. But for starters, I went ahead and changed my avatar (now featuring my two orange cats uwu)
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familyvideostevie · 2 months
okay. hello! i'm back. :)
maybe you noticed, maybe not, but i have been away for a while.
i wish i could say i've been out living my life, so caught up in happiness and joy and loving each day that i've just not had time for tumblr. but....that is not true. i have been having a tough time! being away has been good, as i've had time to do other things that i like and to put energy into my own well-being, but it hasn't been the best time, I'll tell you that.
i peeked on the dash every now and then to keep my queue full and reblogged soothing things to my main blog and tried my best not to feel guilty about it all (i was also booping on April 1 lol). i just...I really needed a break. i've really enjoyed being here the last six or so months as i've changed my blog and entered the pedro/tlou space but i've also felt so, so alone.
and i know that it doesn't really matter!! like, we should all take breaks and go outside and all that stuff. and I know plenty of people are not very active, but this blog has been such a vital part of my life and happiness since I started it almost two years ago, so any lapse in activity feels like a loss. I've met lifelong friends and flexed my writing muscles and learned a hell of a lot. the fact that I have started to feel isolated and alone on here is a sort of personal betrayal, and there is no one to blame but myself.
So, I’m pulling back.
it means a few things — i don’t know how much writing I’ll be doing from now on. For Joel, especially — it’s been wonderful to meet folks in that community but it has also been really detrimental to my passion for both the game and writing. I’d like to return to some other characters on my masterlist, but we’ll see. I’ve got endless personal projects away from tumblr that I want to pour love and time into (my non-reader fics, my newsletter, a romance novel, a sci-fi novel, poetry, etc). I need to fall in love with my own work again.
it's a me problem, I want to stress that. i'm working on it! irl stuff has been kicking my ass. I've had a really, really hard winter and my mental health has suffered probably more than ever before. i let things I love -- like this blog -- fester and become negative and no longer being me joy. writing became stressful and difficult and I was focused on notes and interaction and looking around me and seeing success and then looking at myself and only seeing lack.
but that's why I took a break! i am getting help and support irl, i am putting in the time and effort to feel better about being alive and to be a better friend and person all around. And I want to tell you all about it because I am so grateful for your time and attention and support, even if we’re just strangers on the internet. i know this probably seems silly -- who cares about a fanfic blog? well, i care! i care a lot! it matters to me and therefore it matters!
anyway. on to the important stuff. here I am! and here's what's going to happen on this blog:
I am working on replying to asks and reblogs and comments I missed. Thank you for being patient with me! I don't know if I'll get to them all but know I see them and I am honored every single time.
I made a totally separate ao3 account with this blog url. I'm working on uploading everything I've posted here onto there and hopefully will continue to crosspost. It is going to take a long, long time, so please be patient! (you can follow my other ao3 here for my non x-reader fanfic).
I posted this fic! Jackson!Joel pulled me back into his world. It’s the first thing I’ve written in ages, so let me know what you think. as of now it's the last planned fic for that series, but who knows!
I hit a milestone while i was away that I am absolutely blown away by. I'm planning a celebration around it sometime this spring (hopefully) and I’d love to see you participate :)
lastly, thank you so much to my friends for letting me complain, whine, winge, etc. I am so sorry for missing all of your work, your celebrations, your bright energies, and all the rest. i am so sorry if it seemed like i was ignoring you. you are my guiding lights, my silver linings, my touchstones. you make me want to be here. i will try to make it up to you!
I want to be online less but make sure I’m connecting more in the moments that i am here. I want to pressure myself to write less and not feel bad that I’m not engaged all the time. I want this blog to once again feel like a place that nourishes me and not sucks me dry. i want to stop feeling like shit about all of it!!!!
so. come hang out in my inbox, my dms, let me know what you've been up to. I am really sorry for missing so much. thank you for sticking around. <3
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annathesillyfriend · 1 year
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Hey there! I hope summer is treating you well 🌞I am currently crying over the fact that I didnt get to see Lizzo at a festival 30 km away from me last week and that I won't see Harry tomorrow in Warsaw, so I decided to distract myself with making this list 😅 I hope that next time I'll be able to tell you that I menaged to get Taylor tickets, so please keep your fingers crossed for me 🥰
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
Also, please, mind the writers’ warnings!
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it's what you make it and and honey, i'll make it all okay by @seresinhangmanjake
↳ two-shot, part of oh, baby universe which is an amazing dad!jake series and you should totally give it a try
you're safe now and bite me by @seresinsweetie
↳ two-shot, 18+, enemies to friends to lovers, i want a weighted blanket for my birthday this year and by weighted blanket i mean jake seresin on top of me, please and thank you
crossing all the lines by @//seresinsweetie
↳ one-shot, 18+, not it's time for a rooster x hangman x reader threesome and it's as hot as it sounds 🥵
hungman by @ddejavvu
↳ one-shot, 18+, roommate!camboy!jake, do i have to say more? whenever i see Daisy's url on my dash, i drop everything i'm doing and go read, such a talented writer!
a love you don't find everyday by @//beccaanne814
↳ series, this story has kept me on my toes and then surprised me in the best way possible, amazing fic 💕
head on your chest, heart in your hands by @jupitercomet
↳ one-shot, soft!jake has a special place in my heart
same 'ol situation by @topguncortez
↳ one-shot, 18+, roommate!jake and it's so good!!
how could i forget by @roosterforme
↳ one-shot, I put this particular fic here because it was the first one I read in June but I recommend going through Emily's whole masterlist. I could go on and on about how talented she is 👏I start every single one of my days by reading one of her works. Like literally every day. Thank you for making my morning more bearable 💕
give me your hand and here is my heart by @sometimesanalice
↳ two-shot, 18+, this is a part of a bigger universe that I love with my whole being. please, do yourself a favour and go read it all!
hey, salior by @//sometimesanalice
↳ one-shot, 18+, i am YELLING
warm blood by @notroosterbradshaw
↳ one-shot, another phenomenal fic from another phenomenal author 👏👏 keep slaying!
home and viva la vegas by @honeysimagines
↳ two-shot, i read this like four times in the last month, my love for those fics is out of control
i'll guide you by @bradshawsbitch
↳ one-shot, 18+, i get dizzy and warm all over just by thinkign about this fic 👀
you left your name on my lips by @blurredcolour
↳ one-shot, beautiful fic!
love and loss by @bradshawsbaby
↳ one-shot, what a stunning piece. we all need this kind of support in our lives
if i knew it all then, would i do it again? by @ofstoriesandstardust
↳ one-shot, part of the same mistakes-verse which is a god tier series. this one left me speechless
i was supposed to sweat you out by @theharddeck
↳ one-shot, 18+, friends with benefits, simply delicious 👏👏
i think i love you by @thewulf
↳ one-shot, best friends to lovers, i loved this so very much
where do we go? by @thatlovinfeelin
↳ series, 18+, amazing fic, beautiful story!
salt air, and the rust on your door by @daniellarussoo
↳ one-shot, just a sweet little husband!bradly fic 😌
to love and be loved by @callsigncherub
↳ one-shot, i seriously debated jumping into the sea after reading this one
all consuming by @inklore
↳ one-shot, 18+, Lauren's back at it again with a bloody banger
a little bit of fun and it's not rotten work (not if it's you) by @sushiwriterhere
↳ two-shot, 18+, javy x reader x jake fics, this is just great, i love everything about those stories
the double negative effect by @beyondthesefourwalls
↳ one-shot, there are not enough javy fics out there so i cherish every single one i find, especially ones as good as this one!
training accident by @//foreverrandomwritings
↳ one-shot, another great javy story!
supernova by @laracrofted
↳ one-shot, 18+, bob x reader x pheonix threesome, a dream come true 😫
the worst date by @lovingperfectionsblog
↳ one-shot, love this one 💕
the wingman by @//roosterforme
↳ one-shot, 18+, okay we all aready know how much i adore Emily's work but i just had to put this one here cause bob needs all the love he can get!!
shut up and dance with me by @beccaanne814
↳ one-shot, man, the things i'd so for him to dance with me
sick day by @writingdumpster
↳ one-shot, bob's a little bit stuborn here but we're gonna let it slip just this once
girl in a coffee shop by @ohgodnotagainn
↳ one-shot, coffee shop!au, bob as a barista!!!! yes yes yes that all i need in life
opposites attract by @foreverrandomwritings
↳ one-shot, husband!mickey and he's just so 🥺🥺
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all the time by @bookshelf-dust
↳ one-shot, friends to lovers and fake dating -> ✨cheff's kiss✨
cardigan by @supernovafics
↳ one-shot, professor!steve x professor!reader, angst with happy ending, great work 👏
car kisses by @iridescentprose
↳ one-shot, there is just something so kissable about steve driving a car. i would, too, risk my life to pour some love on that man
this fic by @spicysix
↳ one-shot, being stuck in an elevator may not be an ideal situation but it's whole other thing when steve harrington is there with you
steve-o by @bettysupremacy
↳ one-shot, i just adore this steve
midnight love by @loveshotzz
↳ one-shot, 18+, fuck boy!steve but we fall for him anyway
this fic by @lovebugism
↳ one-shot, 18+, SO DAMN BLOODY GOOD i can't even
this fic by @forever-rogue
↳ one-shot, broke my heart and put it right back together
bad for ussiness by @upsidedownwithsteve
↳ series, 18+, enemies to lovers is the superior trope and this fic is the perfect example, my favourite steve fic honestly
a good dream by @solarluvs
↳ one-shot, 18+, the fact that this will never happen to me in real life is just criminal
keep trying by @lilacletter
↳ one-shot, 18+, an obligatory baby making fic™, they just hit different
cool about it by @mysticmunson
↳ one-shot, if you feel like getting your heart broken, that's a fic for you :')
this love by @forevermoreharrington
↳ one-shot, 18+, a masterpiece really
brain like a sieve by @munsster
↳ one-shot, AHHHHHHHHHH is all i have to say on this 😅
sunscreen and chlorine and blue raspberry syrup by @eiightysixbaby
↳ two-shot, 18+, lifeguard!eddie, perfect summer read, just like ice cream on a hot day 🙌
something like this by @taintedcigs
↳ one-shot, a good old truth or dare fic, just what we all love
love me tender by @oneforthemunny
↳ one-shot, 18+, janitor!eddie x teacher!reader, what a stunning piece of work that is 🥺
hot rod by @shamevillain
↳ one-shot, 18+, you will need a shower after reading this 🥵
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right where i want you by @//sushiwriterhere
↳ one-shot, 18+, sort of enemies to lovers, i am so normal about this 🙂
hell on heels (part 2) by @strawhbrrries
↳ two-shot, 18+, that bloody cowboy will send us all straight to hell
wildflower, widefire by @sebsxphia
↳ series, 18+, the perfect balance between sweet and sexy 😌😌
the ferris wheel by @lewmagoo
↳ one-shot, i just wanna share funnel cake with rhett abbott, is that too much to ask???
invisible string by @wkndwlff
↳ one-shot, 18+, BEAUTIFUL 😭😭
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AITA for calling an nd popular girl malicious and saying she should change her therapist in a group chat?
I'm also nd and I do feel guilty, but I'm also mad about this. All participants are over the age of 25 and qpoc.
Popular girl, generic posts gets 100+ likes within hours, known for being really vocal social justice warrior and entertaining clapbacks at enemies (usually anons). I followed because some of my friends follow, all of us like the big array of interests (including fandom) we get on our dashes from her rather than the following type of posts.
This girl has a habit of telling "stories" about her internet life, particularly, every time she got into a fight with some other accounts. It's sometimes one sided, it's often times over small things that either she exaggerates or she herself made worse by "clapbacking" or accusing others of commiting heinous crimes over like a badly phrased sentence or saying something subjective she personally dislikes. For example calling someone mentally disturbed and underdeveloped for reminding her of a basic fandom etiquette she deems childish or ridiculing someone for liking a common unproblematic fiction trope then then making multiple provocative posts meant to take a piss at them. The anons often would come back to her annoyed or to tell her off. That way a normal conversation becomes a fight and she becomes the victim of harassment.
Back to her "stories", basically she makes long posts detailing all these fights she got into over the years, publicly names and shames them, tracks url changes or remade accounts too, makes little remarks like "they shouldn't have started a beef with Me" or "I could have doxed them if I wanted to" and always ending with "I'm sorry I can't be normal anymore after what I went thru" referring to one or two times she did get cyberstalked and harassed by an obsessive anon who made multiple accounts to do this. She has her group of people who validate her and they all think they're more mature than those anons, most of her followers find the stories damn entertaining.
This is a common type of popular mean girls that I have grown desensitized to, so I'm not a real great person either for still following people like her for non-confrontational posts I recognize that and I'm trying to do better. Some time ago, after months of following her, I realized (with help) it wasn't good for my mental health to keep seeing her posts and putting her name on my blog at all was support I didn't want to give her. I blocked her and her freinds.
This week, one of my GCs got newcomers and were asking for informative good blogs to follow, a couple members suggested her blog so I warned against her. Told them she was not a nice presence, she might find some small thing to hate about them and make a mountain of hate out of it, suggested other blogs etc. Those two fans of her got annoyed, told me to not influence others' actions, she was just a hurt woman who supported many causes she wasn't different from most twitter girlies etc. They're not friends with her but knowing her and her followers I might get featured on her storytime one day /s.
The text is all about her but the situation is between me and the gc newcomers so that's why I think I was an asshole for influencing their decision and badmouthing a random person who irritates me to some strangers?
I have my own therapist btw, plenty of trees to touch too, don't worry about that.
What are these acronyms?
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thebreakfastgenie · 9 months
2 for as many m*a*s*h*ers as you want :p]
2. If they were on tumblr, what would their url be?
I actually did come up with a URL for Hawkeye once, but I was just editing a URL in a screencap to fit him better. A lot of people have tumblr URLs that have nothing to do with their lives, jobs, or interests (hi) but that's really hard to do with fictional characters so here are some ideas.
Hawkeye: currently hes-gomorrah
Clinically insane posting, no one can get over the fact that he's a successful surgeon in real life. Changes his URL, bio, and icon to resemble a pornbot and catfishes Frank like once a month. Frank falls for it literally every time.
Trapper: currently im-gomorrah
Barely posts, mostly made an account to follow Hawkeye and do matching URLs with him. They've changed up the theme a few times. He's the least online and therefore the most free.
Margaret: thats-major-to-you
Posts about military history and women's history, especially where they overlap, and sometimes about nursing.
Frank: proud2be-an-american
Sends Henry and Potter anonymous callouts of Hawkeye, Trapper, Klinger, and BJ literally every day.
Henry: gonefishin
The funniest person on this website, all his posts include unrelated pictures of fish.
Radar: farmnfriends
Cottagecore blog, subject of a minor callout for reblogging posts about veganism but still eating meat.
Mulcahy: christ-our-lord
One of the Catholics but he thinks the eucharist memes are funny and reblogs them often. Changes his URL after an anon points out it could be taken to mean he's saying he is christ, henceforth known a servant-of-christ-our-lord
Klinger: draftdodgerrag
Posts about fashion, draft dodging tips, and Lebanese food and culture. Sometimes he goes on posting sprees about Toledo and has doxxed himself more than once this way. Gets anons like "how dare you give draft dodging advice when you're not even successful at it."
BJ: yellowmotorcycle
Everyone thought he was a lesbian who was just really into dad jokes and were shocked when he posted a picture of Erin that he was actually a dad. His blog title is "even rode my motorcycle in the rain."
Potter: zanegray
Posts about horses, sometimes posts his art. The subject of a callout post because he's in the army.
Charles: beaconhillmd
Treats his tumblr like an actual blog, every post sounds like a press release. Until he starts drunk posting.
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indestructibleheart · 10 months
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petalwrites is now IndestructibleHeart
Hi, friends!
As some of you know, I've been through a lot of changes this year... and one of those changes involved a lot of thinky-thoughts about gender and coming to the realization that I'm demi-femme (or genderqueer; I use both terms). I started using she/they pronouns, which I'm really comfy with, but I've been thinking a lot lately about wanting a more gender-neutral name that represents all of me... and this is the safest place for me to explore that.
petal → stevie
As Charlie Spring would tell me, I don't owe anyone an explanation re: my gender or why I'm changing my name, but I actually want to open up a bit. I'm just going to do it under the cut below.
However, the tldr is this: I'm not a girl, but I'm not NOT a girl (hope that helps!!). I'm gonna start going by Stevie in online spaces because it better fits the person I'm becoming. I've changed my URL here, my ao3 username, and my nicknames on Discord. I love each and every one of you for cultivating a space where I can explore what being demi-femme means to me, since I'm not quite in a place to change my inherently feminine government name IRL.
cw for talk about both gender and losing my dad (spoiler alert — I didn't choose Stevie for Stevie Budd, as precious as she is to me):
The name "Petal" being pretty feminine is something that's been on my mind for a while now, and I thought pretty hard about what name felt most like me. When the name Stevie popped into my head, it was because of Schitt's Creek... but something else clicked right after.
It was my dad's name.
(Well, his name was Steve, anyway.)
And, while we had our differences over the years, he was the first person in my family to wholeheartedly support me when I came out. I told him I was a lesbian and he was literally like, "Cool. You want pizza for dinner, or...?" Yeah. Didn't bat an eye. Especially given that he passed in June, of all months, it feels like a fitting tribute to take his name with me on this journey.
For me, the gender spectrum is complicated. It's a place I'm still learning to navigate... and that's why I'm choosing a name that feels like it suits me wherever I happen to be on the slider at any given time. Having a place where I can make these kinds of changes and do some self-exploration is just... like... I don't have the words to articulate how much that means to me.
This community has been nothing but wonderful every step of the way here. Hell, this community half the reason I felt safe and comfortable enough to start doing all this self-reflection in the first place. So, thank you for that.
I know referring to me by a different name is gonna take some adjustment, but that's okay!
Just like I am both she and they, Petal is a part of me, too... It's just not all of me. I want to introduce myself with a name that fits like a comfy sweater, rather than a dress that I only wear on certain days. Y'know?
(And, really, this is more about me needing a space to safely explore some gender neutrality when I can't IRL than it is my being uncomfortable with the name Petal. So, don't stress about it.)
I hope that makes sense outside of my head... but I guess it's also okay if it doesn't.
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jinchuls-moved · 6 months
hi, important lil note
pseud change, jinx -> echo
you don’t have to read but there’s a not so thought out ramble of all the thoughts in my head rn under the cut. i feel like ive been tricking people and i want to explain myself
okay so, i moved blogs when i was in a very negative space. i only stayed away for about a month, i missed tumblr and i missed writing even if it took me a hot minute to feel good enough to even be semi active on here.
tumblr can fucking suck. i left because there was drama with a few people that left me a mess honestly, those people have since been blocked and i started to feel a little bit better. i also noticed a number of people breaking mutual with me, which i completely understand curate your space as you need i’ve done it a few times myself, but the amount of people that did in a short time (as far as i noticed) gave me a terrible feeling and i needed to leave. i felt unwelcome and like i had done something wrong to people i had only interacted with a few times. this was on top of a lot of stuff i had going on irl, i felt so fucking alone in every aspect on my life regardless of my friends that made it so obvious they were there for me. i hated how i was at the time, and i appreciate every single person that stuck by me.
so i made this blog for a fresh start. i thought a new pseud and a new blog would make me feel better. and it did, for a while. my friends knew and they listened to my request to change tags, not refer to me as any previous nicknames and essentially not make it too obvious it was me. although i don’t think it was entirely impossible to tell. but now i miss all those things, i miss being stupid with my friends, i miss getting to call my best friend my wife on dash, i miss getting to miss astrology aims and mother nesi nesi, i miss the mutuals i used to have that i didn’t tell about the move because i was scared they were going to think i was stupid. i miss the url i kept going back to bc i loved it (possibly the most silly reason but still ukaishin holds a special place in my heart)
and it just doesn’t feel right. everyone has been so nice to me so far and it feels wrong knowing that wasn’t how echo ended, it makes me wonder what was wrong with me then that wasn’t now? but reality is, it’s nothing. shit happens, i needed time to get over a lot of things and it took time. even quite recently i had a terrible evening because of an old mutual. as in i had a mental breakdown because they added one stupid word to an ask that made me feel pathetic for sitting there the night before crying about how much i was missing them to aims.
getting called jinx in dms throws me off, i appreciate those that knew me first as echo using the new pseud, but it never took. it was never a name i was happy with (except for the first couple weeks on this blog) and im sorry for any confusion and having to switch pseuds again. i just don’t want to move blogs, i don’t want to have a whole thing i just want tumblr to be the happy place it was for me for almost 2 years. it got me through uni, being on here with the friends i’d made, i spend my final year of school in a constant mental breakdown, crying on the phone to my mum almost everyday and it was kaze that kept me going, motivating me to get my degree. it was kaze that flew to england to meet me and attend my graduation. it was aims that was the first person to reach out to me and give me the type of friendship i needed. it was everyone in our silly delululand server that made me laugh and reminded me that no matter how shit people were there were good ones. and it’s the good that’s made me feel better. and the good that makes me want to try one more time to maintain that happy place i had 2 years ago
that got too sappy but i refuse to edit <3
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thelaurenshippen · 5 days
Hey Lauren! I've just finished writing my first novel, I'm also the writer/creator of the audio series Life & Death on the Rim (Star Wars fan audio drama), and I've started my own company Galactic North Productions. What I really want to understand is how other writers/creators who are successful and profitable got there. If there are any insights you can give me I'm all ears, whether that's associations, conventions, marketing, etc etc I just really want to learn. Very determined. Thank you!
hey!!! first off, HUGE congrats on finishing your first novel, that's an incredible feat and you should be unbelievably proud!!!! secondly, I hadn't heard of this podcast before but as a huge fan of both star wars and fan works, I am absolutely putting it on my tbl list right now!!!!
so. this is a great question. and a hard question. and one that I'm probably going to spend way too many words answering, if I know myself at all.
I think this question, in part, depends on what you consider successful and profitable! for me, it's meant being a jack of all trades - a lot of my work has come from being someone who knows how to make a podcast from soup to nuts and from being a person who a lot of people know. you've already done the hard thing: making something. that's your resume, now get the resume out there!
I wish I could give advice about marketing and finding an audience, but honestly it's changed so much since I started out that I hardly know how to find an audience anymore. but the basic approach always stands I think: don't promo, build community. be authentic and enthusiastic, and hang out in online spaces that you're already excited to be in. share your passion with people. clearly you already know how to do that, making a fan podcast!
in terms of getting to know your peers, I always recommend people join the WGA Audio Alliance discord to get to know who else is working in the space and hear about events. I did meet a lot of people at events early on, but unfortunately a lot of those things don't exist anymore (or were one-offs to begin with) or were smaller, invite-only things. if you're in NY, LA, Chicago, or London, there are vibrant AD scenes, so seek those out and go to (or organize!) a meet-up.
knowing your peers is the single most important thing for getting jobs. with the exception of one cold outreach, every job I've ever gotten has been because I met somebody and vibed with them. stay in touch but not too much - don't email your industry contacts all the time, but every 8-18 months, reach out to folks and do a catch up zoom or coffee. but don't network just to network! get to know people whose work you really like. getting to know peers at your same level is just as - if not more - important as networking to those who are further along in success than you.
be incredibly findable. having the facebook page, instagram, etc. is great, but if you're a production company hoping to make money through providing services like producing, directing, writing, etc. (which is primarily how I've made a living - I don't really make money directly from my original podcasts), having a website is a must. if you don't want to pay for squarespace or wix, you can make a website through tumblr and then just buy a url and have it redirect (I wrote about this a bit in my production guide). same deal if you want to be hired as a writer - having a website or some kind of resume is huge. I'm not saying you need to have an instagram detailing your personal life or anything (for me, I get personal about my thoughts on social media, but I never post my family/partner/non-industry friends/etc. some creators have had massive success building mystery (lemony snicket, the team behind midst), but I have no idea how to do that lol
this is already too long, so to summarize: build a community, both in your audience and your colleagues, be very clear and open about the skills you have/services you provide, and, ideally, do a lot of different things that put you in front of a lot of different audiences. try a lot of things and stick with what works.
to speak more on my personal journey, just briefly: 90% of being successful in the art and entertainment industry is luck. I know that people always say that, and it sucks as advice because it's not advice at all, but it is just true. luck and timing. the only way to improve your chances are to make stuff, meet people, and be easily accessible.
I know that's all exceptionally broad advice - if you'd like to share more specifics about your career goals, I'm happy to get more specific too!
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CFWC Writer of the Month: GenevieveMD
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @genevievemd! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog: genevievemd Blog Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr?  Sara
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I honestly don’t remember, probably back in like 2017, 2018. I was playing it with the oldest of the kids I nannied at the time and also by myself cause I enjoyed it. We did it like a little book club together. It was also back when the app was not as spicy lol. We played America’s Most Eligible together, but my first book was Rules of Engagement. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the fandom officially back in October of 2020, I had lost interest in the app and then found it again during the pandemic. I finished book one of Open Heart and got sucked in. I fell in love with the characters and then rushed to finish what was out of Book 2 at the time (chapter 8). And then I lucked on Tumblr for a bit, stalked @jamespotterthefirst (lol), and then after chapter 17, I joined for real and wrote my first fic. And I’ve been here ever since. 
3- How did you pick your url name? 
It’s my MC’s name, and what I imagined her instagram/social media handle would be. 
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
OMG, my first legit post was actually me reblogging a post I made on my real blog about Open Heart. I was asking people what we thought Ethan called MC as a pet name for the fic I was writing. 
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Oh man, way too freakin long. At least 15 years was totes part of the fanfiction.net phase of the internet. I used to write for a couple of shows I was into, but I didn’t get super into writing fanfiction until the show Once Upon a Time. And then I wrote all the time for my favorite ship, Captain Swan. They’re all still up on my main blog. 
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
I’ve actually only written for one, Open Heart. I’ve never had the desire or inspiration for any other book. Even though I’ve played a bunch of books. 
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
Do I have to? Lol A Love Like This
It was called A Love Like This, and I hate it. I think mostly because I didn’t have a true voice for Genevieve or my interpretation of Ethan. I contemplate deleting it from my masterlist all the time, but it was part of my journey in the OPH/Choices fandom and paved the way to finding my MC’s voice and my own writing style. So I keep it. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
So many lol But I think my all-time favorite would be my series The Year Between. Does that count? It was the first major series I’ve ever written… ever and it tackled so many things about my characters. My second fav is Breathe Through – it was a very personal piece and means a lot to me. 
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
Oh totally. My first ever smut fic, Something About You. I was not expecting people to be as into it as much as they were. I was pleasantly surprised because our fandom has so many amazing smut writers, and I don’t compare at all. 
As for one I think needs more love? I honestly can’t decide. For as long as I’ve been in this fandom, every fic I’ve posted has been met with so much love and support I can’t think of any that I wish had gotten more. (Maybe my second smut fic, Sunset Glow, only cause I think it got lost in the Smutober chaos, lol)
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Angsty Fluff. Best of both worlds. It also gives you more options with like fic topics. I like for my fictional worlds to feel a little more real, so people can relate more and I think angsty fluff allows for that. You can have the struggle and sadness but with a happy ending. 
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
LMAO Yes. Genevieve is me but smarter. Most of her traits are my own, including her anxiety and I’ve always used writing her a comfort, a way to express myself in a way that’s healing. If that makes any sense. She’s like the version of me I’d want to be one day. Just not a doctor cause I can’t handle other peoples bodily fluids. Lol 
My OC, Natalie Michaels has a bit of me in her too, but not as much as Genevieve. 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
I call it the in between bits, the descriptive parts between dialogue. I think that has to do with my schooling background. I went to college for film and television and did a lot of screen writing for my classes and so dialogue has always come so easy to me. I envision fics like scenes from an episode or movie, so getting the in between parts of fics can be challenging for me. 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
So many. The epilogue to The Year Between, a valentines day fic, the rest of the Absence Makes the Heart… series. I hope to get back to them one day, but I’ve learned that I can’t force my brain to write because I never like my work when I do. When I’ll wait until the inspiration for them returns, and then I’ll finish them. 
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
Yes. I’m so proud of the world I created from Open Heart and if someone wanted to read them I’d let them. I’d just give them the link to the masterlist for Open Heart: Sara’s Version and say, “Start from the top” lol 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
IRL writers? No. I don’t read a lot outside of fanfiction which is horrible lol, but in the random, there are a few. Bree @jamespotterthefirst is a huge inspiration for me. She was one of if not the first people I read when I joined, and I’m just in awe of her work. Everything she writes is amazing and brings me so much joy. Others are @jerzwriter and @potionsprefect, and some who aren’t in the fandom anymore.
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
All of my universe, aka Open Heart: Sara’s Version. As I said earlier, I write like I’m writing a tv show lol So I wanna see my version of Open Heart as a show. 
17- Do you write original stories? 
I don’t but I think about turning OPH: SV into an original series.
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I love playing video games. I’m not good, but I enjoy it. I’m super lame and don’t have many hobbies outside of writing and video games… I should get some lmao 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
The double pink heart 
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sophietv · 1 year
What are your thoughts on 1975 fans trying to attribute a lot of Easter eggs to Matty in the new video? :( Someone on Twitter put a visual together of all the highlights and it’s so annoying because when it’s laid out like that I see it and I hate that I see it. Just like lighting visuals being very similar, and particular dates being significant to the 1975 and/or Taylor. For example, the July 9th 1:38 people are saying is for Taylor and Matty’s birthdays (the 13th and the 8th). I guess the timeline makes sense because early April when she filmed this video would have been around the time when she was hanging out with him and doing whatever pr nightmare that was…talk me off the ledge pls! Lol.
Don't worry, I went and check the threads you were talking about and I'm confident that it's not related or at least not as they think.
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The lighting in I Can See You Lyrics Video is the bisexual lighting and fits really well with the theme of the song.
Her comparing being in love with another woman to being a spy and having to navigate cautiously to not be seen.
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The spy scene is remisnescent of a commercial she did:
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And what she was trying to protect back then in the briefcase was a microphone you know to "Speak Now" maybe...
The videoclip has a lot of references to Look What You Made Me Do both MV and Eras Tour number, and I think it's very important and meant to point at Karma.
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A girl, that is remisnecent of Lizz comes and save her with her beard at the time that shielded her.
All her outfit of her public appearance (X) emprisonned behing glass.
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Side note on all of this is reminescent of the Tom Ford commercial Karlie did not long ago
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With the lyrics video too:
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Her being locked up in a Vault. With an orange door.
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And the Eclipsed Sun imagery (do with that that you will ;-) )
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Also some Karlie's parallel:
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With Long Live lyrics on her arm.
"I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you"
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Long Live was written a month after Chely Wright came out. And if you take the time to really look at the lyrics, you see how well this all fits together.
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Someone counted all the marks on the wall, and there's 1468 lines/days.
The exact number of days between when her masters got stolen and her releasing Speak Now Taylor's Version (X)
When she's finally free. All the glass closet shatter.
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And even more. The building holding her captive explodes once and for all.
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The person who help her escape has stars on her right side (Eye theory I'm looking at you)
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Stars on the face are there always to depict Taylor Swift TM public personna.
And she's the only one that can actually see Taylor and help her out.
Some say it might be gaylors, who can actually see the real Taylor.
But whoever this person is meant to represent.
She codes...
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And has a ring on her right ring finger....
Now the dates:
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It's tonight.
Remembre how Taylor said that Speak Now her version would be out on July 7th just in time for July 9th where we would be able to celebrate?
Now the time 1:38. The mission starts at that time. But how much time would it take to get her out? 20 minutes maybe?
Wich leads to: "Lit through the darkness at 1:58" and "That July ninth, the beat of your heart"
Both lyrics from last kiss.
To me it does sound like a rendez-vous. Now the only thing to determine is: is it 1:38 ET or 1:38 Liverpool time wich would be 8:38 ET (just before Taylor goes on stage for the show tonight).
And notice that in the countdown yesterday. Beside the clock in the front, every other clocks pointed to 1:58
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And the other date is where it gets really interesting...
I found this last night.
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May 22 2020
Here's what happened for Taylor on that date:
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And when you type the adress, you are still led to her website with this ULR message:
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"they wouldn't me do it Karma" (X)
And yes, I think it is exactly what you think it is...
Remembre how last week right before Karlie posted 6 palm trees (Karma was supposed to be TS 6th album)
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The URL on karmaonthewall.com changed for "after Midnights it starts" to "Ready For It"
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Suki, Austin and Kristine Karlie's sister also posted palm trees last week....
Here's a post I did about how Ready For It is relevent for all of this (X)
So yeah... everything in that MV is sooo important.
Nothing is related to Matty.
Now we just have to wait and see. And show a lot of support and love for that amazing woman who's been throught so much and deserves the world.
And after this URL change of last night... I think we can safely agree that karmaonthewall.com is really related to Taylor too...
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thisbutgoodomens · 1 year
Hi all
you may have noticed that this blog is extremely inactive in recent years
However it does have a staggering 2,800 followers and I think it's probably one of the oldest good omens meme pages/incorrect quotes/whatever that's still active, a legacy blog from before the TV show was even announced
The truth is I am the only one posting and I do it very occasionally and usually on prompting from submissions
I am no longer very active in the good omens fandom and so am not super interested in putting more effort into this blog
(The truth is my ex girlfriend is the owner, she is also no longer active in the good omens fandom, and we are no longer on speaking terms, so she simply changed the banner to say "run by [my URL]" and then abandoned it without mentioning anything about it to me)
But clearly people like this blog, and have fun with this idea and making stuff good omens
Is there anyone out there who would like to become a mod to make it more active again?
preferably someone who has been following the blog for a long time
Mostly it just seems like a waste since it's just sitting here with one post every few months yet clearly people have fun with it
so if anyone would like to join and make it active again, let me know! 😄
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atmymercy · 2 months
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april anniversary event - my thank you message!!!
oh god. where do i even start? i'm so thankful and grateful to you all. i try and always show that to you because i want you all to know how much i do care and appreciate you. i wish i could always answer every message or reading that comes my way because i want to be a shining spot in your life and help you along the way if i can! it means so much to me whenever you guys appear and we get to connect!
i thought a fun way to say thank you this year would be to tell you the reason behind the name/url atmymercy! i'm an avid overwatch player! at least that starts off the story! lol i love the game, overwatch and it was my very first shooter game! of course, i fell in love with the character, mercy! she didn't need to aim in the game and she could go around healing people with her light beam!
lol does this sound familiar yet?
anyways! lolol i've always connected with the role of healer/helper. i'm not one for the violence or shooting (though i play a mean ana or zen too! lol) but my heart will always be called to helping and uplifting others. i don't need to be the main focus! i'm okay with being the cheerleader on the side! lol it's just who i am!
so i changed my url years ago after loving the character, mercy before i even added the tarot aspect to this blog! the only time i considered changing it is when i did add the tarot part to this blog and realized that - no, its name was already deeply situated in spirituality and self-empowerment that i always wanted to be connected with already! it was already serendipity and meant to be! lol
atmymercy can sound scary if you let it. omg! i'm at her mercy! ahhh! run for the hills! lolol but actually it's really not that mysterious. it's about surrendering and choosing mercy when your ego and mind want to fight you. why? because change is hard! so yeah, there is a bit of a trust fall when you come to me because in a way i feel like the hermit card and i'm here holding the lantern for you and it's dark. you might be a bit scared and uncertain. but i hold this lantern for us both so that even when you do feel scared or hopeless, i can help shine a bit of light and brightness into your life for a moment and hopefully show you where your path is trailing off to.
so yes, you are at my mercy but i'm also at yours because i'm determined to stand here and hold this lantern for anyone who may need a touch of my light today or any day.
i'm not going anywhere. i'm here to show you my mercy and kindness in any way i can and i hope you can shine like a star in response!
i thank you all so much! my beautiful honey lights that you are!
also for my clairaudient audience, i wanted to post the song 'God Help the Outcast' from the Hunchback of Notre Dame as my song for this year! this song has been stuck in my brain all month and i think it's there for a reason! it's a song of trust, faith and belief even when feeling lost and uncertain. it really means a lot to me and i just love singing it so hopefully you all can also connect with this song and me through it! woot!
mahsi cho! (thank you very much in my native language!)
love & light!
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thewebcomicsreview · 11 months
See, this is a good submission, because the comic's only five pages and I can read and review it quickly.
So, two things immediately jump out at me
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I'm not at all a fan of a giant "The Rusty Owl" logo in the middle of a tense execution scene. Not only is it distracting, it's not even useful as a watermark. Just put the URL at the bottom of the page, or even the gutter between panels. Or, if it's meant to be a title drop, have the dad's blood spell it out or something.
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I'm also not a big fan of these Ninja Info Cards on every page. This stuff should be on the cast page (also, you should have a cast page). These profile panels seem to be a bit of a trend now in some comics, but they're just an extremely weak way of doing exposition. "Show, don't tell", as they say. This is especially true of your first few pages, which are so critical for hooking the reader. It's like I'm reading about your comic instead of reading your comic.
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Compare and contrast the first page of Saffron and Sage. We know Saffron's the one with the axe, and Sage is the Fox. We know what Saffron' is trying to do, we know how she plans to achieve that goal, we know her personality, we know this other girl's personality and role, and we have a joke. Bing-bang-boom, no need for a card explaining anything. This is an in media res opening, but there are other ways of showing personality even in quieter waking up scenes.
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Also, hiatus announcements should be under the comic, not in it. You can add a second image if you have to (I think? I don't know ComicFury), and then remove it later so archive readers don't see the 4th-wall breaking hiatus announcement months or years after it's needed. It just makes the comic look unprofessional. I guess in this case the "Crash" panel is just a sound effect on a black border so you just edit the page to extend black border, but...bluh.
Anyway, let's look at the comic proper, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to stop nitpicking!
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First off, "Neb Honey" should probably be "Neb, honey?", and "Well, I mean, my plan was to find the bad guy, and shoot" doesn't need that comma after "bad guy". Secondly, the serif font looks kind of MS Word-y, which is even more notable because the text is left-justified instead of centered. Thirdly, you've shaded the tail of the word balloon in the first panel, as if it's a physical object. Fourthly, the tail is separated from the balloon itself by a line. Fifthly, the tail is ginormous wide compared to the balloon itself.
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It's a little hard to explain what I mean by that in text, but google "Shouting word balloon" and look at the tails and you'll see what I'm trying to say.
Finally, the actual words are generic enough that it requires a another panel on the next page to explain it.
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Like, this lettering is still not great, I did it in literally three minutes on MS paint using the free Anime Ace font, but the slight dialogue change goes a long way here at increasing the information density of the page. You don't need that extra panel in the next page, and can find a better use for that precious space. Also, this page is now more specific and thus more likely to grab the audience's attention. It's not "an excursion" with no plan, they're trying to stop a Portian who can teleport and they intend to shoot him. That's more exciting! Lead with that!
The good news here is that most of these things I'm picking on are relatively easy to fix (which is why I'm picking on them!). My recommendations are
Find a nicer font. I linked Anime Ace above, which is the font Saffron and Sage uses, but there's a ton out there better suited for comics.
Center your text when adding it to the comic
Add the text, then draw the balloon around it
Try and get a bit more information into those text boxes (while still keeping it natural). Getting a personality off and then expositing is fine and good, but can you do both in one panel? In one line? Could Neb have gone "Hey, Doc" in panel 1 there, greeting Stella while letting us know she was the Doctor? Or, could she have gone "Hello, Doctor Luna" while rolling her eyes, which would establish a relationship between them (probably not the one they're meant to have, but as as example). Asking yourself "Can I do more with this line" a lot will make you a better writer, and also save you a lot of unnecessary drawing.
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ybep · 5 days
♧ :D
you're my: mainly paramore but also fatm + tldp mutual :)
how i met you: okay SO i saw you on the dash a lot in january so i followed you and after like 2 months you randomly appeared in my notes by liking and reblogging that "have you heard the last dinner party" poll and followed me. i'd like to know how you happened to like and rb it from ME specifically. please i must know every detail. i remember opening my notes to that vividly i remember where i was (bed)
why i follow you: paramore :)
your blog is: lots of band stuff i know nothing about but i like it!
your url is: i think just something you came up with? since you said it's not fandom related but yes it's really cool
your icon is: tom from blink-182
a random fact i know about you: the day you changed your url to spaceracers i saw you were also 21stcenturycowboy for a few minutes LMAO i saw you change your urls in real time ehhehehehehehe
general opinion: you're very cool and i love having you as a mutual even if you appear in my notes once in a blue moon and i kinda freak out when you do LMAO
a random thought i have: i hope you join our foals cult one day hehehehe
(mutuals ask game)
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