#and i think that's part of why i havent enjoyed it as much as 3 in the past
hoppinkiss · 4 months
i have swept and vacuumed and I AM GOING TO GRILL ME A CHEESE
maybe after I eat I'll play some sa.ints r.ow 4 to see matt,,,,
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jkslipppiercing · 6 months
Never Been A Friend | Part 2 | Jeon Jk
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♧ synopsis: Sneaky glances across the room weighed with a dozen different meanings left to be unsaid; confusion desire, lust. He was never a friend, was he?
♧ pairing: brother's bsf!jk, bratty!reader.
♧ warnings: jungkook is so pussy whipped it's hilarious, he's kinda in denial, masturbation but at the end, y/n is drunk, jungkook taking care of drunk y/n, jungkook curses like every other sentence, this is jk pov btw!!, kinda fluffy but really really cute, he loves her eyes, and i forgot what else, EXPLICIT CONTENT!!
♧ WC: 3.1k
a/n: hiiiii sweethearts! ive missed you guys so much 💕💕 make sure to read part 1 before reading this if you havent 🥹🥹 hope you enjoy and please tell me what you think!
Part 1
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“y/n?” I shake her shoulder softly, attempting to nudge her awake. “wake up.”
When she mumbles something unintelligible and trails off to sleep, I exhale a soft sigh and hop out of my car after pocketing my phone and keys.
I'm fucked.
Utterly fucked.
The ride to her brother and I's dorm had been one of silence. Other than a few grumbles and whines from y/n when I seated her in the passenger seat next to me, she spent the ride peacefully sleeping. Unaware.
So unaware that I had to reach over and tug the hem of her dress down each time it hiked up her thighs. Her bare thighs. Her full, smooth, silky thighs.
Fuck, man.
She makes my blood boil.
I’m still not over the fact that she was left alone and oblivious before her brother had called me. How long had it been?
What if I hadn't picked up?
What if something happened to her?
Am I exaggerating? Maybe.
Does that lessen my anger? Fuck no.
No, because how the fuck can a brother be so nonchalant about leaving his sister alone while drunk? All for a quick fuck?
He's never gonna hear the end of it. I’ll make damn sure of that, but for now, I have to get this drunk-out-of-her-mind girl up to my apartment dorm.
I had tried asking her for her address multiple times, but all in vain, of course.
I didn’t even know she was in town.
Thought she had stayed with her parents in her home town- which her brother had mentioned only twice, maybe even three times- after graduating high school. He brought it up in conversation once but never justified why.
I mean, sure, not everyone wants to go to college and that’s fine, but why hadn't she?
Was she more of a liberal person?
Did she figure out her future already?
Why do I care?
I shake my head as I round the front of the car to get to her side. Her head falls when I open her door, and I instinctively catch with my hand, hoisting her up so she’s in a properly seated position with her head on the headrest.
God, I can already feel the headache approaching.
Taking her seatbelt off, I pat her cheek to wake her.
No response.
“Y/n, come on.”
I pat her cheek again.
Oh well.
Placing one arm under her knees and another under her middle, I carefully slide her out of the seat and carry her into my arms. Her breath tickles my neck as her head rests on my shoulder, her nose nudging my pulse.
Which skyrockets.
Fuck, that felt good.
But I don’t know how to feel about that, because:
1. This is y/n we’re talking about.
2. A little nudge to the throat has me weak at the knees?
3. Toughen up, dickwad.
She huffs as she adjusts her head and pulls her arms around my neck for support, nuzzling my neck farther before mumbling something that sounded like, “mmm, warm…”
Her head is nestled to the crook of my throat and her breath sends a shiver down my spine.
The fact that I have to catch the moan in my throat has my cheeks grow an embarrassing shade of pink.
Clearing my throat awkwardly- which causes y/n to groan at the disturbance- I try my best not to disturb this brat’s beauty sleep as I walk up to the apartment building.
Wait…something’s not right.
I stop my stride short to try and point out the prickling feeling-
This brat’s dress is so short it might be flashing her ass by the way I’m carrying her.
Jesus Christ, give me strength.
Wincing at the loud creak of the door announcing my arrival, I nudge the door closed with my foot as I step into my apartment.
A shared apartment.
An apartment I share with the almost passed out drunk girl im carrying in my arms’ brother.
Yeah, shit.
Never in a million years would I have ever imagined this shit happening.
It’s not that big of a deal, except I cant really help the intrigue that accompanies the thought that comes with y/n.
Why did she scowl at me the first time she met me? Had I done anything to cause her to show such an awful bad impression?
I must admit, I never stopped thinking about her.
Not in a stalker way of thinking. I didn’t think about her in an obsessive type of way…not at all.
I guess I could say it was just…weird.
I never understood.
I was just interested.
Interested in the way her hips move on the dance floor.
Interested in the way she acts like a brat whenever she feels like it.
Hell, I'm interested in the way she flips me off whenever we cross paths for the fun of pissing me off.
Yes, she gets on my nerves; but she was never worth throwing a fuss over.
I barely saw her once every two months, if we’re being honest. The college her brother and I go to being almost three hours away from where they lived, it was a long trip.
But the way I felt about this girl puzzled me way more than I’d ever appreciate, especially since I knew nothing about her.
Nothing. Nada.
Where she goes to college, where she spends her time living, what she does on a daily basis…
No clue.
Then…what the fuck is she doing here?
A pained groan from the girl driving me insane pulls me back from my raging confusion.
She clings to me harder like a baby koala as she mumbled something incoherent under her breath, snuggling into the crook of my neck into what seems like her favorite habit tonight.
That one motion has become my weakness in a matter of minutes.
All because of her.
She does it again, this time connecting her nose with a spot right under my jaw. Her lips just shy of the skin on my throat, she groans in what seems like satisfaction.
My knees almost fucking buckle.
I try to focus on any sound in the apartment, relieved when I'm met with silence.
With a resigned sigh, I make my way to my bedroom.
Keeping my footsteps quick and light, I shift my door open with my shoulder-
I cant help the grimace that makes its way to my face.
It fucking reeks in here.
Of sex. Right. I was having sex.
The second relief of tonight washes over me when I find my bed empty, the sheets rumpled and messed up on top.
I should probably make a call to apologize to the fuck buddy previously occupying my bed, but I got better things to do.
A particular brat to take care of.
God, she cant sleep in here when it smells like this.
Making a detour, I go for the couch, setting y/n lightly on her ass. Her hands tighten around my neck in protest, which causes my neck to crane down awkwardly, but it still makes me chuckle when she frowns up at me through her blood shot eyes.
Fucking adorable, that is.
How her lashes prettily frame those sad eyes.
Sad eyes I was always unable to forget.
Those sad eyes. My demise.
Fuck me.
I untangle her arms from around my neck, adjusting the pillows thrown messily around the couch to create a cozy , temporary cocoon.
Picking her up swiftly, I lay her down on her side and brush a stray hair away from her face. Her soft, soft, soft features peer up at me as she struggles to keep those pretty eyes open.
“You’re smiling.” The cutest little slur laces up with her words and I just cant fight the flutter in my chest.
What the fuck?
It’s then I realize how hard I’m smiling.
“I’m not.” Too rough. Too scratchy. Too fucking vulnerable.
She’s not even touching you, fucker, and here you are. All hot and bothered.
Shut up.
She giggles, the sound reverberating as the most adorable drunken giggle I’ve ever witnessed.
It pains me how oblivious she is.
Her dress hikes up her thighs, almost baring her ass to me, and in other cases I would’ve been turned on.
But now? My blood fucking boils.
I should’ve killed that fucker while I could.
I’d taken care of drunk girls before, most of them being my friends.
I’m the boring ass in the friend group that always stays sober to take care of the others. The others that get so drunk and messed up that I have to take them up to their apartment and put them to bed because of how out of their mind they become.
I’ve never thought much of it.
Never cared, really.
But this girl?
Goddamn it.
One second she infuriates the hell out of me; she’s stubborn, hot headed, and just reckless.
Then the other I’m smiling like a dork in love.
She’s not even my type for fucks sake.
But then again, this is the first time I’ve seen her like this.
So vulnerable, with her guard down. I tug her dress to cover her ass with barely restrained madness.
She reaches up to touch my face with what seems like the utmost amount of effort from her to make any movement.
“pretty.” As she touches my face with light fingertips and pink cheeks.
Crumble. I almost crumble.
“Yeah?” I don’t know what’s gotten into me when I push away another rogue hair strand as she giggles again.
“mhm.” A little hum of contentment before she drops her hand and flutters those eyes closed.
Softly, softly, softly.
With a step back and a tired sigh, I cover her up with a blanket as I tuck her in and make sure she’s comfortable.
I make pretty quick work with taking my bedsheets off, with utmost effort not to grimace every time I get a slight whiff.
It’s not that bad…it’s just…weird.
Really weird.
Whenever I picture y/n in my bed, every single fantasy that clouds my mind is inappropriate.
But tucking a girl in a bed that was previously used by another girl just hours before? Not to mention, a naked one?
That’s a douche move.
And I never thought of myself lowly or in any way to appear humble. But im also not a fucking asshole.
Im arrogant? So what?
Im confident. I plead guilty.
Cocky? Whatever floats your boat.
I tug at my sanity that hangs by a dwindled thread. My thoughts race back to a dreamy gaze and soft eyes. Adorable frowns and drunken giggles.
if it was as easy as bottling them up in a pitcher so I could drink her in every once in a while, I would’ve done it a while ago.
If I could, I would.
My mind was so caught up with her that I didn’t even notice how fast I’d changed the sheets.
I’d cracked the window open for a little ventilation and fetched an air freshener, which made the room smell decent. Better than decent.
A quick change of clothes and bedsheets later, Im carrying y/n from the couch to my room.
I lay her on the bed and nudge her awake.
“y/n?” a tap to the cheek.
Thankfully, she stirs awake. The drunken haze a little lesser than before, but nevertheless still there. Her eyes peer up at me, droopy with exhaustion.
I clear my throat awkwardly under her gaze, switching my weight from one foot to another.
“you need to change.”
Her eyebrows scrunch up in confusion as she tilts her head.
“your dress looks uncomfortable to sleep in.”
“left you one of my Tee’s so you could change.” I turn around and head for the door, giving her much needed privacy. “you have five minutes. Change.”
And with that, im out of the room closing the door behind me.
I lean back on the door and take my phone out of the sweats I put on earlier, purely for the decency of y/n being here.
I usually walk around in my boxers as well as sleep in them, but it’s too early to traumatize the girl.
Not even past unlocking my phone, y/n’s voice reaches my ear from behind me as she yells my name.
I knock, unsure if I should come in, but enter when I hear her confirmation.
Peaking my head into the small opening I’ve made through the door, my eyes land on y/n with her facing me.
Her eyebrows are pulled together in concentration as her hands are both reached behind her back, apparently struggling with something.
Her heels are off and her hair is messy from her running her hands through it, her mascara smudged and her lipstick almost completely wiped off.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier sight.
Her lips pull forward in a slight pout, and she turns around to grace me with a view of her halfway bare back.
She tugs harder at the zipper, only getting it stuck farther.
“help?” she asks in a tiny voice, looking above her shoulder with a helpless look.
Noting how long I’ve been standing in place, frozen and doing nothing, I clear my throat as I shuffle my feet towards her.
“oh, um, yeah.” Staggering for words was never my thing. Rubbing my neck was never my nervous tick.
Except…y/n was never my thing, either.
Her beautifully messy hair cascades down her back, and I bundle it up with a hand and rest it over one of her shoulders. My fingertips lightly touch hers and the distraction that accompanies the shiver rolling through her body at the contact clouds my focus. Her hands fall to be replaced with mine at the zipper, and I tug gently.
It doesn’t budge.
Okay, it’s stuck.
Obviously, genius.
When my knuckles graze her skin as I try to get a better grip on the zipper, she shivers again, a soft sigh leaving her lips.
Pretty baby’s a sensitive drunk.
A giggly, bubbly, and hella oblivious drunk.
I pinch the frayed open sides above the zipper with one hand and tug it with the other, a concentrated rumble of my chest unconsciously making an appearance.
I’ve apparently shifted closer to y/n in the process, and I just now realize that I might’ve groaned in her ear.
When I successfully slide the zipper down just above the curve of her ass, y/n turns around with a grace I don't miss even as my undying lust for the feel of her skin remains unwavering.
“thank you.” Sounds barely audible from how breathless she sounds, and fuck, when she bites her lip, I want to punch myself.
Those lips.
Those eyes.
My cock restrains, stiffening at the images attacking my mind with her lips around it.
A gust of wind blows through the curtains, thrashing y/n’s hair in all different directions.
I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear, knowing damn well I have no business touching this girl.
This girl that stands almost naked and drunk in the moonlit darkness of my room.
Her softness bothers me.
Her innocence a loud cry for corruption.
She reaches up to undo the strands of her dress, and the realization that she must’ve seen something in my eyes snaps me back into reality.
I was always told how much my eyes could tell.
And judging by my earlier thoughts, she must’ve seen it.
The darkness.
The lust.
She starts to slip her dress down, down, down, and my mind is nowhere to be found.
My cock hardens at the thought of her naked, submission written all over her.
But this is wrong.
So wrong.
Even as I step closer to her and bind my forehead with hers, my mind goes in all different directions.
Fuck her.
Shut up.
“Y/n.” a raspy attempt at a plead. “you’re drunk.”
She closes her eyes. “I want this.”
Fuck me sideways.
I know for a fact she doesn't.
I'm not stupid.
Even as my forehead stays pressed to hers, I don’t miss the tangy scent of tequila on her breath. Faint, but there.
I haven’t forgotten how red her eyes still are.
How dry her lips are from all the alcohol.
The pink tint of her neck and cheeks.
Alcohol is flowing more than freely in her system, and I know for a fact she also wont remember a thing.
“you don’t.”
So I do something stupid.
Something I know I'll regret by tomorrow.
I stop her hand that’s tugging her dress down and cage it between both of our bodies. I place my other on her neck, long fingers eating up the space beneath her jaw as my thumb rests on her cheek.
I stroke it once, twice, three times.
And I kiss her.
A small, feather-light peck on her swollen lips.
It's not needy, nor is it hungry for anything more.
It's something I crave to keep me sane, at least for the next few hours.
Because this girl?
This girl is a deadly thing that will destroy me.
She’ll destroy me before I ever get the chance to ruin her.
And the bad thing is?
Even as I pull away,
Even as I shove my t-shirt into her hands and bolt out of the room after telling her to sleep,
Realizing the fact that I didn’t regret it scares me.
Even as I grab a towel, strip bare, and lock myself in the bathroom,
I think about her.
The freezing water does little to calm the white hot lust in my veins, and my stiffened cock stands true to that statement.
I wrap my fist around my dick, and I dare to fucking think about her.
I think about her on her knees, mouth open.
I think about her on my bed, laying on her back with her legs open.
I think about her on top of me.
I close my eyes and I fucking think about those lips, those eyes, that dreamy gaze.
Her soft sighs.
How she’d kiss me.
Would she gasp into my mouth?
Cry into my pillow if I pounded her pussy from behind?
Would she beg?
She’d be my little slut.
My pretty baby.
I cum the hardest I ever have, a guttural grunt and an explicit “fuck.” into the walls of my bathroom. Alone in a goddamn shower, when im fisting my cock and thinking about someone.
No, not someone.
Fucking y/n of all people.
And guess the fuck what?
I want to kiss her again.
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how was your day today 😇
@hoseokteardrop @nochuel @kaitieskidmore97 @nays2112 @jksoftii @yu-justme @meadow-in-spring @bunnykoos @looneybleus @fushigurosdarling @alpha-mommy69 @junecat18 @xjiminsthighsx @tanniesdolls @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @whoa-jo @ahgasegotarmy116 @jksusawife @frgetmenotes @baechugff @partyparty-yah @army130613210521 @drugerlime @allisonstone @hopekive @llallaaa @tarahardcore @hopetookmysoul @betysotelo18 @harmonic55 @ecrvea @awesomebabyyoda @peterstarkchrishiddleston @pinkrockstar19 @sweetestseoul @luv--youu @mochminnie @coletaehyung @whitelies2248-blog @ash07128 @bangtans-momma
@yourbobaeyestell @laylasbunbunny @btsnpniff @olimpiiaa @caro134340lina @ohsweetmimosa @lovingkoalaface @httpjeonlicious @t-alyssa2006 @aloverga @sexytholland
@skzthinker @whoa-jo
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Hope you dont mind an angsty request but
Can i request Kieran, Carmine, and Drayton see (or heard for Drayton’s part) the reader in a comatose state after taking the blow that was meant for Kieran when Terapagos went out of control. Like they, in the moment, sacrifice themself for Kieran and was somehow still standing after taking the hit but after they caught Terapagos, they immediatley fainted and havent woken up ever since.
(Btw i enjoy your posts!)
Ough this hurts, it's an absolutely devastating concept <//3
(and thank you!!!)
Instead of summoning your 'raidon, you shoved him aside and took the full brunt of the tera energy-infused blast, not caring what happened to you.
As long as he was safe.
He couldn't understand why you'd do this for him.
Even after going on that angry tirade about you, even after he caught Terapagos with a master ball solely to "get even" with you....you chose to save his life when you could've just saved yourself, Carmine, and Briar.
How could you be so kind and selfless to someone like him? Who's done nothing but talk about how much he envied you?
And somehow you're still standing, convincing him to fight by your side so you could both quell the legendary's fury.
Seeing the light return to his eyes made you smile as your pokemons' combined strength defeated it, with Kieran deciding to let you properly catch it.
What nobody expected, though, was for you to pass out shortly after you picked up the pokeball you used..
Your 'raidon got everybody safely out of Area Zero, but you still haven't woken up and were rushed to the hospital.
The attack left you in a comatose-like state, according to doctors, and there's no telling when you'll awaken...if ever.
There was overwhelming tera energy coming from your body, which caused any Pokémon within the room to start terastalizing themselves. So you had to be isolated, having only human visitors.
Of course, Kieran was the most devastated.
Now he might never get the chance to apologize to you..and it's all because he got obsessed with defeating you and was willing to use a dangerous legendary to do just that.
This was all his fault.
If you were to die thinking he still hated you...he'd never forgive himself.
He definitely doesn't wanna think about you reincarnating into a Phantump and haunting him for the rest of his life.
He visits as often as he can, holding your hand while he talks to you.
While he's not sure if you could even hear what he was saying, but somehow he believes you're listening.
"I went too far, [y/n]..I only ever wanted to be like you. But instead I....I-I did this to you. I did this to someone who still believed in me. Someone who still saw me as....a-as a friend..." His voice breaks, never having felt such remorse in his entire life. "I'm so, so sorry...please wake up soon."
Although he had let go of his bitterness towards you entirely, his bad sleeping/eating habits are still there, and there's not much that anybody can do to help him cope.
With every visit, he grows more desperate for a positive update on your condition, chatting with you and always ending with a plea for you to wake up.
Hell, he's even willing to become friends with Drayton again if that's what it took to see your eyes open.
When you do finally awaken after the tera energy readings have dropped to practically zero, you see Kieran asleep in the chair beside you, his hair messy and reminiscent of what it looked like a year ago.
You muster up enough strength to lightly ruffle it, and that's what makes him jerk awake, shocked.
At first he thinks he's still dreaming when he sees you're now conscious...but when the doctors confirm you're gonna make a full recovery, he just collapses into your waiting arms and sobs into your shoulder, having held back all of his tears until now.
You simply comfort him, reassuring that you didn't blame him at all.
It was you who chose to sacrifice yourself.
And you'd do it all over again.
Seeing you take that devastating hit for her brother shocked her to her very core...and even moreso when you were still standing despite the powerful blast.
But when you pass out shortly after capturing Terapagos, she's quick to snap Briar for pushing Kieran to terastalize it, blaming her for the reason this all happened.
She doesn't care if she gets in trouble for backtalking a teacher.
Her obsession with this "hidden treasure" ended up hurting a student, someone she was supposed to protect...and now you may never wake up.
At the hospital, Carmine sometimes visits you alongside her brother, and other times the two go in separately, leaving their pokemon outside.
When it's just her, she mostly talks about how Kieran has been doing, mentioning how you literally brought the light back into his eyes and how he wasn't some battle-crazed stranger anymore.
You saved him in more ways than one, and she cries a little just thinking about that, wishing you'd wake up and see that he was willing to let go of the past.
Whether it takes days or weeks, she never stops visiting you.
What you did for her brother was noble...and something she wishes she could've been brave enough to do.
The day you finally wake up and start to remember everything, Carmine quickly tries to cover up the fact she was crying.
But when you start talking, she's quick to breakdown as she (lightly) berated you for doing something so reckless, making you swear to NEVER do that again.
Soon Kieran rushes in the moment he hears you're awake..and he starts crying, too.
You just comfort the two siblings in your groggy half-asleep state, wondering how you'll tell them that this wasn't your first near-death experience...
All he hears is that you were involved in an accident down in Area Zero...and it feels like a punch to the gut when he learns it put you into a coma.
Now he wishes he went with you. Maybe he could've kept an eye on Kieran just in case he did anything stupid for the sake of defeating you in-battle.
But he didn't, and that's exactly what ends up happening.
Despite not knowing all the details, he 100% believes Kieran is at fault for your condition.
Even though Drayton only knew you for a short time, he cared enough to frequently visit your room, trying to stay his chill and relaxed self while he talks to you about whatever came to mind (in case you were listening, he didn't want you to worry over him).
But it gets harder with every passing day and no clear confirmation on when (and if) you'll wake up.
Carmine was afraid he was going to strangle Kieran if he saw him...
Yet whenever they so-happen to visit you at the exact same time, words are seldom exchanged between the two.
Although Drayton will often glare at him, thinking to himself "only now he's sorry?"
Even so, he doesn't verbalize it.
There's no bitter reminders of what Kieran did. No petty insults to get the other ex-champion riled up.
They just sit in silence, although seeing the tears in the younger boy's eyes and the way he holds your hand made Drayton's gaze less icy the more he saw it.
Whenever you wake up, he's one of the first to know and brought you a Dragonite plushie as a gift, relieved to see you talking, his eyes slightly stinging and a huge smile on his face.
Once you recover more, he'll ask you what you remembered of Area Zero....and becomes shocked after you explained everything that happened down there.
All this time, he thought Kieran used Terapagos to attack you directly, but to learn it actually got out of control and turned its back on him??? And you chose to push him out of the way???
Drayton isn't sure if you're brave or dumb, but he's glad you're okay now.
When Kieran comes in, he leaves you both be to update the Elite Four, although he'll be back to help you on the long road to recovery.
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luniise-kel · 5 months
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thinking about how cool and awesome moon stone cassandra couldve been if she wasnt given the world’s worst villain motivation
dropping my whole au / rewrote of season 3 below
uh preface is im sleepy and its almost midnight, so like sorry if some parts dont make sense or whatever
uhh basically, instead of cass trying to like reach her destiny or whatever as like her Main motivation and the only reason to why she Evil and Malicious ive changed it so its more mixed in with her desire to protect rapunzel. i think moonstone cass is cool and i like the idea of her but i really just think her execution was poor mostly because it wasn’t built up as much as it shouldve been.
rewrote cass’s character slightly just so there more empathize on her idolization of her mother, and so when she learns the truth of why mother gothel left her, the knee jerk reaction to blame raps makes a little more sense.
Anyways, Season 3 cass deals with a lot of her issues, i think on the journey to get the moonstone something something happens and cassandra is told that if rapunzel comes in contact with the moonstone she will Implode. Like die. Return to being the sundrop. and cass is like oh fuck, shit, balls, I need to Protect her from Dying. So out of her intense Need to protect Rapunzel she yoinks the moonstone, and (still slightly pissed at raps for stealing her mom but not really she’s just trying to figure out her emotions + rapunzel needs to get away away from this rock) she goes into Evil mode.
Her villain arc is partly fueled by her anger at her own situation, always in second place. her desire to feel love and cherished and important rather than being the 2nd option. However, it is also fueled by her need to provide safety to her friends ,, even if it’s not the smartest choice. Moonstone Cass devotes her entire identify to being the cliche villain, so no one feels bad if like the solution to destroying the moonstone is killing her. she knows that logically the Zhan Tiri is manipulating her but 1. she idgaf and 2. she needs to learn how to control the moonstone’s power so she doesnt hurt her friends.
Tbh boiled now, it’s just cass isnt obsessive with mother gothel and mother gothel leaving her to kidnap a baby because it made like no sense for her character. like instead, moonstone cass grabbles with her identify and place in the world, who she is outside of rapunzel. Also she wants to learn more about her past, yknow, who mother gothel was and is she Worth getting upset over. spoiler she figures out that no, her bio mom sucks booty
Anyways, throughout my version of season 3, cass is trying to figure out a way to destroy the moonstone. She visits Rapunzel often too and pretends to be evil just so she can check in. She angry at her mom but not so much on rapunzel, maybe a little bit but probably more to with simply trying to crave out her identify outside of rapunzel. Same general plot beats happen in s3, but shes more grief driven than anger driven i suppose.
Theres probably a lot i forgot to like, reformulate in this especially w s3 bc i havent had the time to rewatch it and collect my thoughts that well. But, uh, hope u enjoyed. might yap more about my personal gripes with the show and how i think it shouldve been written.
also to add on i suppose, at the end of the series she gets exiled from corona officially, but lowkey comes back to hang out and after like a year every1 is like yeah okay i guess.
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sincerelyverena · 4 months
pls pls pls charles x short!alive!reader? established relationship, maybe just some fluffy moments between the two?
tysm for the req, anon! 💞💞 ive thoroughly enjoyed my return here, n now the story is yours n i hoped u enjoyed it as much as i loved writing it <3 special shoutout to my dbd betareaders, i love and appreciate all of u sm!
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. . . CHARLES ROWLAND X GN!READER ‘think i like you best when you're just with me and no one else.’ @andforthecoating
inbox is always open for requests!
in whichꕀ
✦ ﹒you love him. and he loves you too. a story as simple as that.
✦ ﹒fluff ﹐short!reader﹐alive!reader ﹐established relationship ﹐im still getting a feel for charles character so go easy on me pls ﹐havent written non-smut in a long LONG time
THANK YOU TO MY WONDERFUL BETA READERS: @love-xoxojules﹐@immortal101 ﹐@fadedpictures91 ﹐@charles-rxwlands﹐ @kidbiscuitt @smallestgremlin
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Falling in love with a ghost wasn’t on the cards for you, until you met Charles Rowland.
The supernatural had haunted you since you were a small child, being the victim of a near-death experience isn’t easy on any youngling. Especially you. The consequences of viewing these seemingly mythological creatures took years of patience and silent work to endure, more so, because nobody would ever believe you if you told them you saw ghosts. How ghastly.
And as a young child, you couldn’t imagine that decades into the future, you’d be laid between the arms of one. Two bronzed columns that supported the minuscule length of your torso. And for a ghost? Charles is oddly warm. Or maybe that’s you warming up to your idea of your body heat, marinating in the crisp sheets of your bed. A sanctuary the two of you now shared, together.
But it was nice to think that it was Charles too. He was the reason why you felt comfortable and protected after all. In a world of witchcraft, warlocks, dangers, and death Charles was your home.
A pair of bow-turned lips place themselves against your temple, assisting you in drifting out of sleep. Charles murmurs against the surface of your skin, planting scattered kisses along the top of your head in the process. ‘Dove, we’re meeting Crystal for coffee, remember?’
Charles’s gently mustered words are enough to serenade a response out of your sleepy self. You murmur incoherent words, flipping yourself over so that when you inch your eyes open, they can delight in your boyfriend’s beauty.
His ebony-clad curls are fluffed to perfection atop his head, not a hint of bed-head in sight, which you consider impressive before you remember that Charles mostly spent the night just watching you. As if nothing else in the world matters. You extend a hand to the defined curve of his jaw, practically guiding his lips toward your own. They lock together in familiarity, and nothing but pure, honeyed ecstasy buzzes throughout you. This is better than coffee, better than anything. Charles tasted like heaven, hell, and everything in between.
And as you two separated, Charles beamed down at you with something indescribable bouncing around in his whiskey eyes.  ‘I think a sleep-in wouldn’t hurt, now, would it?’ Rising to the day seems like the logical option. Something that barely crosses your mind for a second before you fall captive to those bronzed arms, weaving around the hitch of your waist. And before you know it, you discover yourself half-tossed atop the ghost you had fallen for. The tall length of his legs tangled with your own. And any responsible, adult-like thought dissolved as your lips crashed together. Something oh-so-destructible yet perfect, how could you say no?
And possibly, that perfect destruction is always the reason why you both are considered late to possibly anything imaginable. If Edwin found himself in the depths of the fiery circles of hell again, the entire group would bet that you and Charles would take an eternity to part before he’d get rescued. It’d be more beneficial for Edwin to smuggle out himself.
‘We’re going to be awfully late, angel.’
‘Maybe because you keep distracting me.’
‘Nonsense, I’m brills and can do no wrong.’
You tear your eyes away from your reflection in the mirror before you. You scrutinise Charles with a disbelieving gaze at his words, which shortly dissolve into nothing less than adoration. Nevertheless, you continued to feign annoyance as you combed a single hand through your hair and down your scalp. Fingers adjusting the little strands to suit your desire for tidiness. 
You abandon this aspiration, pivoting upon your heel. The mask of annoyance you pertain slips away into nothingness as a soft laugh escapes you amid your words. Facing your boyfriend, you slip a hand into his own.
‘You’re lucky that I love you.’ 
'I am so very lucky.'
Charles’ adjusted his position as he moved his lips from the curve of your forehead, toward the curve of your lips. There was something passionate about how the deep onyx of hues sparked with something even deeper. Something warm and honeyed, indescribable. And before you could even decipher what it was you could feel the honeyed taste of him upon your lips, Charles scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder.
His arm relented against the small of your back, even as you holler out empty threats and meaningless curses amid your laughter. This merely prompted Charles to bounce you atop his shoulder blade, a chuckle of his own heard as you huffed and puffed. Nevertheless, you would refuse to admit that the action of soft intimacy made you feel over the moon with exhilaration.
A curse of Charles’s own accompanied your laughter as he was a breath away from the side of his torso slamming into the doorway he attempted to parade you through, which frankly made you laugh harder.
‘You’re such a dick.’ You managed to wheeze out.
‘I think you may be right about that one.’
Charles’s voice sounded with a tinge of mischief, which crept, announced in his tone. You could almost hear the grin in his voice as he articulated his words, even through your limited peripheral vision as you were held captive in his arms.
‘You love it, though.’
The Charles-like cockiness your boyfriend presented caused you to blow out a breath of feigned exasperation. Yet, unbeknownst to him, the slow ghost of a smile proceeded to creep onto your lips. Especially as he continued to balance you upon the bridge of his broadened shoulder, for a hint of dramatics, of course. Because you did love it.
And as the two of you ventured toward inevitable lateness, you couldn’t help but think how you couldn’t wait to do it all again the following morning.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
TADC cast x supportive!reader (platonic)
except its hyper specific and applies to my oc specifically because i need a little pick me up today reader is like the circus members anchor as well as a generally serving as a support system and has been in the circus for a while. havent decided on how long but definitely getting close to kinger in terms of how long theyve been stuck. kind of gives off dad energy have not shared the oc here on this blog but i have shared them elsewhere, wont say where because im embarrassed </3 this was originally gonna be a ship chart dynamic but im too tired to draw everyone plus this feels more fun using 'you/your' pronouns for the reader even though its an oc so you guys can at least like, insert yourself REMINDER requests are closed, this is a personal request from myself. any requests sent now will not be answered even after they reopen. please respect that and understand that requests are closed
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saved caine for last (yes i know hes the first one in the list hush i dont actually write these in order) i think you and him would have friendly back and forth banter. youve accepted your place in the digital circus long ago so you dont see much point in trying to interrogate him for information on a possible exit. and sure, i dont know if caine can abstract, but i think he enjoys the conversations between the two of you... that said, given how accepting you are with everything as well as having a "roll with it" outlook on the digital world, he probably uses you as plot stuff and props for IHA; be it as a false hostage or as a means to progress the adventure... definitely has a soft spot for you, i think... jax and bubble have a dark bet on when you will finally abstract/j
ah yes the optimistic duo, the hopeful pals, the sillies. you two are probably the main reason why everyone else is... mostly... fine, i mean i think having someone be so friendly and open cane make things a little easier for other people. as well as this you two mutually lean on each other for support and uplift one another when things get tough. i mention it in kingers part, but you too are also afraid of bugs but you would help ragatha clear her room of centipedes in a heartbeat, even going as far as to collect them with your bare hands.. so uh... take that as a testament to yalls friendship
now im a little stumped on this one because i really dont think the "reader" would be buddy buddy with jax... or maybe they would be... hmm.. on one hand i can see them scolding him for pushing his pranks 'too far' (ex. the ragatha centipede thing, assuming he actually did it), but i can also see a "supportive figure and rebellious kid" dynamic. except jax isnt a kid but you are old enough be his dad, probably.. i think ill just leave that here since i dont have any other ideas
youve been here for a while, so i think naturally pomni would gravitate towards you in order for possible solutions and escape routes, perhaps she would approach kinger, too... but this isnt about kinger </3. fine line between outright shattering their hope but also instilling it, neither are great options... one can lead to despair and the other to obsession; both will lead to abstraction... but theres also the fact none of your past attempts at escape had been successful, nor did you ever find any leads. as for actual potential friendship i think you would take the same route as ragatha in the pilot; show her around and explain things to her in a fairly digestible way. as well as this you tend to gravitate towards her during her first IHA until she gets the hang of them; typically making sure she doesnt get lost or hurt, as well as giving her pointers that could help with the task at hand
writing kinger first, you guys are like the dads of the circus. you more so because you still have a decent hold of yourself. you were there when queener/queenie abstracted, and you were there for kinger during the still on going grieving process. as for actually friendship ideas, you two just sit and talk to one another. thats it, really. i could go on about all the things you two do together, and i probably would since kinger is my favorite and this post is literally about my oc... but i truly dont see these two getting up to anything insane outside of IHA. kinger needs someone to help him fill the silence, and you would be there. and vice versa, i think... bonus, you dont like bugs but you still grin and bare it while listening to kinger rattle on about his cool bug facts... i think that would be nice..
optimistic dad who likes fishing and moody teen who bullies kids on roblox. thats literally the dynamic, except again, zooble is an adult and the reader has no kids... but hey its the same energy. tries to get zooble to engage with IHA but not in a pushy way but more in like... an inviting them to pair with them for comfort and security kind of way. sure you understand that they dont like them because theyre just so over everything but you want them to be included, especially since the IHA are meant to stimulate your minds and keep you guys grounded
honestly i think you just adopt half of the cast at this point, the only people who arent your kids are ragatha caine and kinger... everyone else gets passed around in split custody/j now onto gangle, you probably try to give her peptalks to make her feel better as well as fixing her comedy mask anytime it breaks. as well as this i think you and her sit down and do arts n crafts together, perhaps even making new masks altogether... i like to think gangle hears a few... things about the others and knows things since shes so quiet and in the background so theres definitely some 'gossip' between the two of you... but not in a shit talking way, no i dont think either of you are like that, rather more so just talking about the others
you call gangle, zooble, jax, and pomni generic 'dad nicknames' so like. think sport, champ, bud, pal. stuff like that, with varying reactions... i think gangle wouldnt fight it and actually appreciates it. zooble scoffs and rolls their eyes, jax plays into it while loudly and obnoxiously calling you dad. (whenever you ask him to do something he loudly goes like "okay DAAAAAAD" before likely not doing the thing that was asked of him), pomni is just confused really since shes not all that used to it. huh. guess youre a dad of 4 now
you and ragatha tend to clean up after the others, leaving you two alone and you guys just. talk as you clean. probably do impressions of the others in a really comical and dramatic as well as exchanging stories
you and kinger hunt for new pillows to add to his fort. you try to coax him into stepping out of the tent and explore the grounds, so far you're unsuccessful
touching on the gossip thing from gangles part caine probably tries to ask you for some "juicy drama" about the others. who is having issues with her, whos crushing on who, stuff like that... i think caine would try to play matchmaker if there actually is someone who has a crush on someone else... this goes for the current cast as well as those who have come and gone from the digital circus (cough cough abstracted)
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cloudgyubi · 5 months
Thoughts on top 3 gyuvin kinks?
im gonna start by saying that i personally see gyuvin as the embodiment of a switch leaning dominant, and with that being said here's my take on his top3 kinks for when he's feeling more dominant and for when he's more on the submissive side.
a/n: i havent listed the kinks in a specific order; also, not proofread. let me know your takes about this in the comments / reblogs or in my inbox!
> nsfw - mdni. more under the cut!
praise: we all know that gyuvin is often, if not always, seen as a silly boy and it seems hard for people to take him seriously - both when it comes to his job or his personality and emotions in general; that's why i think he's heavy on receiving compliments and praise. tell him he's making you feel good, go hard on the “that's it baby, keep going”s and he's gonna fuck you real good. he thrives on being the best for you because he knows you will take him seriously at all times and he needs to thank you for that, and what's better than making you cum on his cock? he's also big on the giving side though, let's not forget about this. he's always whispering sweet nothings in your ear, telling you how beautiful you look and reminding you how much of a good pet you're being for him every single time you manage to take him whole and that brings us to the next point.
size kink: are we even surprised? man is 186cm tall, his hands are 20,4cm each and him going to the gym and pumping up just does it. gyuvin goes crazy when you hug him and place your chin on his chest, especially when you look up at him with those big doe eyes of yours; when you get on your knees just for him and he gets to see you all pretty and small under his huge body, he goes nuts. he matches his height with yours, cups your face with just one hand and smirks knowing that you too get off knowing he can manhandle you as much as he wants. me being part of the gyuvin big dick agenda (oops 🤭), i'll say he goes crazy every single time you try so hard to take him whole in your mouth and fail. he loves seeing you all teary eyed and just messy, spit and pre-cum on your chin and lips. all the little gasps and whimpers you let out when he tries to bottom out in you? don't even get me started. when he puts his hand on your neck and just wraps his long slender fingers around it - he doesn't even squeeze, he just looks at how small you look compared to him and that gets him rock hard.
dacryphilia: gyuvin feels sick. why this out of all kinks he could have - he doesn't want to enjoy seeing you cry for him. he's not maniac about it though, he lets you cry on his shoulders when something is wrong, he lets you go all out on his chest while he caresses you - but whenever you happen to shed a couple tears while he's fucking you in missionary, he's always twitching inside of you and licking the tear stains on your cheeks as he hits your sweet spot harder and harder, making you cry out even more. as i said before, when you're giving him head he's always making sure you're keeping eye contact either by gripping your hair or squeezing your cheeks to keep your head in place - he can't miss the way your eyes fill up with tears threatening to stain your puffy cheeks. he's always fighting the urge to go deeper into your throat just to see all those pretty tears fall out of your eyes, but he can't hurt his pretty baby (but you take him deeper yourself regardless).
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bondage: gyuvin can't keep his hands off of you, he's always so excited about making you feel good that he just can't stay still - so when you tie his hands to the bed headboard, he gets sulky at first, he begs to let him go. since he can't always have his way by giving you puppy eyes, you do untie his hands just so you can make him even prettier by using the same red rope to tie his biceps to his torso, making the cutest heart shape on his abdomen. he feels caged, he wants to touch you, he needs to - but the moment you start slowly feeling him up and calling him pretty, that's when he gets all red and shy. he can't cover his face, he feels so exposed... and he loves it. he likes the first time you give him head while being tied up, overstimulating him to tears - and he loves when the next time you tie him up, you use his cock for your own pleasure. the thing he wants the most is to make you feel good and make you cum as many times as you need, and if you need him to stay still and use him - he can't be more happy.
face riding (afab!reader): as i just said, gyuvin thrives on being the best for you and making you feel good - it makes him feel better on an emotional note. but the first time you actually use his mouth to get off... he thinks he's never been this hard in his entire life. pretty boy lets his tongue out, lets you use it while he sucks on your folds and hums on your pussy as you whimper whenever your clit bumps his nose. when you grip his hair with one hand to steady yourself and use the other one to jerk him off - he feels so overwhelmed. he squeezes your thighs and your ass as he helps you move on his face, he doesn't even care that he's running out of breath right now - he could only dream of passing out while having his face between your legs anyway.
edging: “baby, it'll feel better when i'll let you cum later. you trust me, right?” - that's what you said to him the first time you edged him and he was all shaky and teary eyed while asking just why you did that to him when he was so close. he's your pretty puppy, of course he trusts you so he lets you be, and he tries not to care if it hurts because you're doing it for him... right? he waits so long, he gets so close to cumming in your mouth but you just don't let him. so when he asks you so so prettily to just let him cum, he begs for it with trembling words and light whimpers... you jerk him off slow and steady while you sit on his thighs and look at him in the most loving way. you scan his body and can't help but lick your lips as you follow your hand movements, noticing how red and swollen his tip has gotten. he catches your expressions with the corner of his eyes - at least, before his vision gets all white when he finally feels that damn relief he was chasing all night. he cries. he's overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure he's feeling, and when he manages to catch his breath and his vision gets better - he sees how much you're loving it (and also sees how much of a mess he made on his abs and your hand with his cum, you both love it). he loves seeing you all excited like this and he loves feeling like he can pass out of pleasure, so he can't wait until you edge him again.
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kingchad · 2 months
I havent kept up with the actors social media, I am curious - could you link to or explain how Jed Goodacre interprets Chad vs. how you interpret Chad?
oh, yes, gladly! There's an observable shift between D1 Chad and D2/3 Chad. D1 Chad is a lot more pointed and deliberately mean. D2/3 Chad is a comedy side character who is incidentally mean because he doesn't recognize when he's being insensitive.
my personal speculation is that when Sarah Jeffrey had scheduling conflicts and couldn't be on set for D2, the original intended plotline for Chad had to change, and leading to him becoming a harmless gag character for levity. It also doesn't hurt that Jedidiah Goodacre is a HUGE Jim Carrey fan and pretty clearly enjoys any opportunity to improv/be silly on set. (If you're familiar with Carrey's work at all, D2/3 Chad is definitely giving that.) I suspect that Jedidiah's affinity for comedy on set pushed the Chad character even MORE in the direction of harmless sidekick than maybe was originally intended. If Audrey had been in D2, Chad might have been more similar to his D1 self throughout the series.
Of Chad, Jedidiah gives a pretty consistent take whenever he does give one. The quotes I'll pull are "[Chad] always thinks that [he is] doing the right thing, when sometimes [he is] not smart enough to understand [he is] dead wrong"* and "I feel like the first movie, maybe Chad was a bit more standoffish and maybe came off as not such a nice guy....in the second film, you found that Chad was more of a loveable idiot. That's a very fun place to be when you're an actor because in any scene, your go-to move is to just not understand and sometimes it ends up being funny. In the third installment, you can expect much of the same." Pretty unambiguously can be interpreted that Chad is stupid and means no real harm, and Jedidiah has fun playing him that way.
PERSONALLY, I much much much prefer D1 Chad's personality, because I have historically been drawn to and have a real fondness for characters that are assholes. I do try and incorporate some of the stupidity and goofiness of D2/3 into my writing, because I recognize that's 2/3rds of the canon material we have and I don't want to be COMPLETELY making shit up, but y'know. In my view, Chad knows when he is being a dick but doesn't value the people he's treating poorly enough to care. He isn't book-smart but he is people smart, and can manipulate and exploit the people around him. He thinks he's better than other people and can use that to justify anything he does.
A really core part of this to me is that Chad has almost religiously bought into the societal rules of Auradon, namely that there are good and bad people, and fairytales go a certain way. This is part of why Chad is deeply closeted and feels like he can't come out. He feels pressured to "stick to the script", in a sense. Heteronormative fairytale society. Auradonian compulsory heterosexuality.
Adopted Chad is a new thing for me, but I think it adds another layer to the fairytale conformity thing. Like he feels an even greater pressure to do the nuclear family, white picket fence castle grounds, 2.5 kids thing because he worries he might be perceived as "not belonging" by others. He feels he needs to prove himself by throwing himself into the stereotypical prince thing as much as he can.
I personally think those traits are more interesting to write and read than D2/3 Chad's traits are. They provide a great starting point for character growth. It's way more engaging to watch someone change into a more empathetic person when they can understand that they were wrong. It's not as interesting to read about a stupid character bumbling through social interactions imo.
I don't think that I always successfully communicate those ideas in my fics because I was 15 when I started writing Descendants fic! It's been 7 years, I'm 22 now and hopefully a better and more thoughtful writer! Incorporating all of this is something I'm REALLY deliberate about in my WIPs now and I actually want to rework a lot of stuff I've already posted someday.
*this first quote is from 2014, pre-release press for Descendants 1, so honestly this kind of disproves my speculation since the whole statement seems very by-the-numbers "Disney gave me a list of character traits and it's these ones" to me. I guess Chad might have been stupid all along! but the vibe is definitely different between films so the understanding of the character definitely shifted between movies regardless.
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stevie-petey · 8 months
could we perchance get a lil blurb about why/how reader and dustin started their code blues, or maybe just one of their code blues before all the upside down stuff started ? love seeing their sibling relationship always and i think seeing them talking and sharing emotions with each other would be really sweet <3
dustin n reader <333 babies <333
enjoy !
"just because dad left it doesnt mean you can be a bitch."
dustins words cut through you like knives.
"okay, first off, never use that word towards a girl ever again." he rolls his eyes at you and you flick his nose, which he scoffs at. "secondly, i have no idea what youre talking about."
dustin again rolls his eyes. "yeah, you do. youve been a real b- i mean, a real jerk lately."
you want to argue with him, but the words dont seem to come. all you seem to do lately is argue with everyone. and now, confronted with your little brother calling you bitch, you find that youre exhausted.
"i have, havent i?" you finally admit.
dustin nods. "yeah."
you forget sometimes how smart the kid can be. hes only nine and yet here he is, calling you out for actions you shouldve noticed yourself. hes too young to be worrying about this.
"im sorry,"
"its okay. i get it. he sucks, doesnt he?"
"he does, but im still sorry for being such a bitch."
"i thought we couldnt use that word."
you ruffle dustins hair. "nope, youre not allowed to. i am, though."
he sighs, as if expecting that response, and starts to walk out your room. the conversation doesnt feel finished yet, however, and you call after him. "wait!'
"i gotta pee."
"okay, and i told you to wait."
he groans but sits back down on your bed. "do you wanna... talk?"
"i know, but... im serious, buddy. we havent really talked since dad left and i realize i kinda suck as a big sister right now." you feel guilt crawling up your throat, one of the few emotions youve felt these last few days. your dad left a few weeks ago, but sometimes it feels like its been a lifetime.
"you dont suck," dustin reassures you. "youre just... scary right now."
you snort. "yeah, like thats any better."
its quiet now, and dustin sits stiffly against your bed. he seems scared being so close to you, as if you could erupt any second, and you feel horrible for it. youre not sure what you can do, though. theres still so much anger within you, resentment and betrayal, and you dont know how to express so much without hurting those around you.
then, an idea comes to you.
"what about this. we'll call it a code blue."
dustin looks up at you, curious. "whats a code blue?"
"well, my dear brother, its something we'll do when we cant express how we feel or when we think the other sibling needs to have a talk. whenever one of us calls a code blue, the other has to answer honestly and listen as best as they can. once its over, we never bring it up again and we conclude with a hug. hows that sound?"
he thinks for a moment. "honest about anything?"
"alright. i think that could work. seems less emotional."
you laugh. "i figured youd like that part."
"so... code blue?" dustin asks hesitantly.
"code blue."
you tell dustin everything, explaining why youve been so destructive and bitter and mean. he listens as best as any nine year old can, and as you tell him everything, the weight that had been pressing against your chest these last few weeks begins to lessen. slowly, during the code blue, it becomes easier to breathe.
when youre finally done, right as the last words leave your lips, dustin throws his arms around you. "i love you."
you bring a hand to his hair and kiss the top of his head. "i love you, too. dont let me get all mean again, yeah?"
"i wont."
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idontknowhowtocope · 1 month
what i think ur like based on ur favorite yakuza game:
yakuza 0: you are the biggest majima fan and you see this game as "majima's game" even tho kiryu is literally also a protagonist here. you get increasingly more and more disappointed as you play more yakuza games because majima gets less screentime. i also see you as those instagram meme account admins idk why
skipping kiwami bc i havent played it but i think fans of k1 are nishiki apologists
yakuza 3: extremely gay, hardcore minedai shipper. you think mine is the best antagonist in the franchise and ur praying everyday for a kiwami version of this game. you also talk about this game SO MUCH to counter how much it's shitted on by the fanbase, you are always persuading people to see how good the game actually is and for them to give it a chance
yakuza 4: your favorite character in the entire franchise is akiyama. you don't care abt ppl who shit on this game bc you are a generally laidback person who likes to joke around so you play into it. of course you talk about tanimura every other day and how easy it would've been to include him in the other games. you're the type of person who cares more about characters than the story
yakuza 5: i think you are someone who wished they could've enjoyed y4 but was disappointed with how the story played out, and when you started playing y5 thought, "damn this is what it could've been". you probably spent like 50 million hours in this game, you like every part equally and defend haruka's chapters with your life. you talk about how much you love shinada every other hour but you don't particularly want him to come back
yakuza 6: you haven't been able to move on from this game and you dont think you ever will. you place a big emphasis on family and you either already have kids or want kids in the future. you cry everytime you think back to this game. kiryu is also your favorite character
like a dragon: you were actually very excited when it was revealed that this game was going to change its battle system completely because you are a long time turn based game fan, and instead of it being a minus for you, it actually improves the game so much more. you like the new cast as much as the old one and you're someone who is comfortable with change, and even welcomes it with open arms
sry these are the only games i have thoughts abt but yeah anyways
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Taehun with s/o who is smart, introverted (kind of) like his personality as well except for being a bastard. S/o who is like on more matured side. She was like a 'manager' or 'mom' of their group (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Thanks for the ask! I havent written anything for Taehoon in a hot second but anon why was this so hard to write 😭 is my brain fried? Am I just dumb? SURPRISE it's both.
And that guy's hair is out of control in this pic.
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Unnie/Noona
3 lil scenarios with the Yoo Hobin Company
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You don't keep track of where Taehoon goes.
Not that you really care, but your boyfriend is pretty predictable anyway. He's either with you, practicing at the studio, playing at the arcade, or hanging at the Yoo Hobin Company house.
If he's at the latter without you, your absence will be duly noted by your phone pinging incessantly:
Rumi: Unnie, we miss you <3
Gaeul: Please come over!
Mangi: It'll be nice to see you :)
Snapper: AND ME
Snapper: pls hurry
You think the record is 297 messages and 40 missed calls from the collective. You were napping, you didn't avoid them on purpose!
But regardless of what you might have had planned, you have a soft heart for the kids. If they come calling, you would try to see them.
"Stalking me again?" Taehoon gives a teasing quip whenever you make your appearance.
The words have no bite, he loves having you around.
You're only part of the company by association, but it's sweet that you got invited along to their next holiday.
Only a shame that no one had the foresight to put any sort of itinerary together or even research the area beforehand.
Trying to help them out, you message the group chat with some suggestions of cafes and sights. In exchange, you hoped for some alone time with Taehoon.
You both enjoy lunch before meandering through a park together.
...Until you turn around and find five pairs of curious eyes belonging to the rest of the company staring back.
"Why are you here, piss off." Taehoon starts to launch a kick at Hobin but you manage to hold him back in time.
"Erm, can we help you?"
"Noona!" Hobin gives you what he must have thought were cute puppy eyes. (You're not a violent person, but you agree with Taehoon that he does have a punchable face.) "We don't know what to do next!"
Rumi chips in, "Can we please hang with you and Taehoon?"
So much for spending some time with your boyfriend.
Tonight, you could practically feel the Yoo Hobin Company physically unclench as you enter the room.
It might be due to the fact you're the only one that could rein Taehoon in when he's on a rampage.
Mangi had texted you as a matter of urgency.
"Who the fuck drank my beer?"
Ah, there it is. You take in the group, all looking tense as Taehoon looms over them.
Typical of your boyfriend to blow this out of proportion. But honestly? Why would anyone purposely try to set this bomb off.
Shit. You notice Snapper a little red faced and swaying. He actually drank it?! You better step in.
"What?" he doesn't take his eye off them.
"Why don't we just go and get some more?"
"You know I hate people touching my things,"
"I know but I'm sure Hobin wouldn't mind putting some on company expense,"
"And there's probably some petty cash for the arcade."
That piques his interest. Taehoon stops scowling and turns to you, "Yeah?"
"Yep," you smile and take his hand, "Snapper, why don't you go have a look for some cash?"
Not needing to be told twice, Snapper takes this as his cue to make a swift exit.
"I'll help!" Gaeul pipes up, and scuppers off to join him.
Taehoon softens up at the thought of free beer and spending the night at the arcade with you.
Crisis averted.
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s0apmactav1sh · 6 months
Alex keller headcanons cuz hes still my husband and ive not focused enough on him because of my dedication to my other fics
I should be sleeping. I need a better sleep schedule
Cw: smut, male directed but can be read as nb no use of yn. These are just my headcanons for alex, i apologise if they arent in line with the actual game/game play i havent played it in a while
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SFW <3
I full heartedly believe he grew up with siblings and was the oldest. I feel he was the "im player 1 bcuz im the oldest" type sibling but he still loved playing with his younger brothers/sisters. I feel he most likely had two younger sisters and was constantly hovering whenever they brought home guys or girls.
He was a sporty child, football? Yup, baseball? Yup, basketball? Sure why not. Anything that required him to be fully hands on he did. I think he was constantly on the move with training nearly every day of the week which he always attended no matter what.
Didnt have a girlfriend till his senior year of high school cuz he was completely oblivious to the girls who swooned over him. A complete gentleman and had great manners cuz his mama didnt raise no slob.
Only started experimenting with men in college but even then he was reluctant to try with the same sex bcuz he wasnt sure if it was ok to feel that way. Questioned his sexuality a lot when going through his phase of having one night stands with men
Joined the army to be 'helpful' he had the mindset that he wasnt being helpful sitting in his apartment doing nothing after finishing college. Fully enjoyed the training and everything. Put him into a routine that reminded him of his years of sports
Looks up to farah completely. No matter what he respects her entirely and sees her as the commander over there team.
Prefers a partner that isnt in the military, he'd rather come home to them and drop work off at the door. Hes a work stays at work typa guy and never drags things back, even if something goes bad he doesnt make it an entire personality afterwards for his partner to deal with.
A raging bisexual but leans more towards men. Defo prefers to be the bottom rather than top mostly because hes so use to having a constant lifestyle so he'd rather be able to lay on his stomach taking it and being treated like a pillow prince that he is.
Loves recieving. Whether it be head or being eaten out he loves it. He's still a giver like will 100% return the favour to his partner if they want but if his partner is more into given well then he has no problem allowing them to do whatever.
Likes toys. Like the ones where his partner can control it, turning it up or down while its inside him. If is partner is male he defo has a custome dildo in the shape of there dick. Just for when hes on base and they arent there.
PHONE SEX!!!! do it with this man and hes folding. Absolutely adores it when hes being told what to do and how to do it. Makes it even better when his partner is on facetime with him and they can see what hes trying to do and they correct it if hes doing it wrong/about to hurt himself.
Eye contact. And a lot of it. Love just lovingly looking at his partner while theyre fucking the life out of him <3 even if there eyes are squeezed shut he still finds his eyes trailing over there facial features. Just completely adores the look as they pleasure him and themselves.
A proud moaner. Man will moan no matter what he has so many sensitive spots and with an attentive partner theres not a chance he stands that he can be quiet but it makes things seem even sweeter bcuz he voices his pleasure so much during the act.
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That is it. Ill make another one for king!price later and part 2 to my fic coming out when i wake up
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wzrd-wheezes · 1 year
Our Band - Part 3. Remus Lupin x Reader
AN- sorry that it's taken so long for me to get part three out! I've been super busy with work over the last week or so, so havent had much time to write. As always, please let me know if you enjoyed this part, and if you want another part as well!
2k words.
Remus Lupin x reader band au
Part 1, Part 2,
Y/N had been debating whether to go to Remus’s concert or not ever since he mentioned it to her the other day. She felt unsure about seeing him outside of work. The coffee shop was like a safety blanket to her, where she could busy herself tidying something when he flirted. It would be different seeing him in a setting like this, where she couldn’t easily escape. Part of her was excited, she had a soft spot for Remus, not that she would ever admit it to him, but she did enjoy his company whenever he stopped by her work.  
Remus and the others were already at the venue, having arrived earlier in the day to soundcheck. They were currently in the green room, a small room at the back of the venue that was dimly lit. Various sofas and chairs littered the room, which the group had draped themselves over. Remus was sprawled out over one of the sofas, his long legs hanging over the arm. A cigarette hung from his lips and a beer bottle dangled from his fingers. 
“Do you actually reckon she’ll come tonight then?” Sirius asked, swiftly stealing Remus’s cigarette from his lips and putting it between his own. Remus feebly tried to swat him away, rolling his eyes at the dark-haired boy. 
“’Course she’ll come.” he said matter-of-factly, “why wouldn’t she?” 
“Because you’re an arrogant, cocky, prick who turns up at her work and harasses her,” James chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. Remus snatched his cigarette back from Sirius and sat upright, resting his elbows on his knees. 
“I don’t harass her, Prongs.” he took a drag of his cigarette, “I’ve just never met a girl like her before.” 
“What? One that doesn’t instantly fall at your feet?” Lily laughed, resting her head against James’ shoulder, “It’s about time you were humbled.” James and Sirius sniggered at her comment.  It was true though, Remus had never had to put this much effort in to getting a girl to like him, they usually threw themselves at him. He wasn’t used to it, and he found it slightly infuriating.  
“Can I nick a tenner off you, Moony?” Sirius asked, suddenly standing up, “after your reaction to me stealing your cigarette, I think I’m gonna go and buy my own.” 
“So, you’re going to go and buy a pack of cigs with Remus’s money?” James laughed, “very clever, Pads.” 
Remus fished into his pocket and threw his wallet at Sirius before announcing that he was nipping to go and get some more beers and leaving the room. Sirius rummaged through his wallet looking for some money, he stopped frozen for a second as his fingers skimmed across something. 
“Look at what I just found in Loverboy's wallet!” he exclaimed, holding it up.  
Pinched between his fingers was the polaroid picture that Remus had took of Y/N a few nights ago. James stood up to take a closer look at it, smirking slightly. 
“God, he’s down bad.” James laughed. 
“Oi, Lil, chuck us the camera out of Moony’s bag, would you?” Sirius asked, his eyes glinting mischievously. Lily did so, passing him the camera. Sirius quickly snapped a photo of himself and waited for it to print. He grabbed a marker from the side and scribbled on the back of it “To Loverboy, Love from Padfoot <3” and switched it for the picture of Y/N. Sirius slipped the picture of Y/N and a ten-pound note from Remus’s wallet into his pocket and left the room, chuckling as he walked.  
“Moony’ll go mad when he realises he’s taken that.” James said, a grim smile on his face. 
Y/N arrived at the venue around twenty minutes before the concert was about to start. She didn’t really know what to do with herself. Assuming that Remus would just find her after the gig, she made her way over to the bar and ordered herself a drink, hoping that it would calm her nerves a little bit. The venue wasn’t huge, probably only holding a thousand or so people, but they were packed in like sardines. The air was filled with excited chatter as the crowd waited for the band to come on stage.  
The room went dark, and everyone went quiet, waiting with anticipation for the band to come on stage. Suddenly, the room was filled with bright coloured lights and the music began. The crowd absolutely erupted, as Remus, Sirius, James and Lily walked on stage. The smoke that filled the stage began to clear, showing the big black backdrop that had “Marauders” written on it in large white writing.  
Remus took place in centre stage, a guitar hung lazily across his body and a microphone at his lips. He was wearing an outfit that he usually wore, black jeans, baggy black t-shirt and a pair of boots, yet this time he seemed to have left his infamous leather jacket off stage. Sirius was on his right, a guitar also in hand, Lily was on bass guitar, and James on drums. The four of them looked amazing and they moved effortlessly around the stage as they played. 
Hearing Remus sing live was a completely different experience to listening to their album in the record store. Remus’s vocals were raspy, rough and raw yet seemed to spill from his lips like honey. When he wasn’t playing guitar, his fingers were wrapped confidently around the microphone stand, his silver rings glinting in the light. Y/N felt awestruck as she watched him. Remus’s gaze was fixed on the audience, his eyes constantly darting over them, taking in their reactions, smiling and letting it fuel him. The band carried on playing, taking advantage of the crowd’s energy, feeding off of it, their music becoming stronger with every chant and cheer. Remus and Y/N’s eyes locked for a moment and she swore to God that she saw him wink at her.  
The band finally ended their performance. James threw his drumsticks into the crowd, Sirius jumped down over the barrier to sign some autographs for some girls in the front row, Remus saluted to the crowd, grinning cockily as he walked off stage. The crowd cheered; Y/N joined in feeling a rush of adrenaline. Seeing the band live was surreal, and seeing Remus on stage singing was even more so.  
“Ah, there she is! My number one fan!” Remus’s voice suddenly appeared behind Y/N. She turned round to look at him, unable to keep the grin off her face.  
“You guys were – wow.”  
“I thought you’d say that.” he said, cocky smile playing on his lips, “C’mon, let’s go get a drink.” 
He snaked an arm around her waist and she felt her heart beat a little faster and her palms growing sweaty as he pulled her towards him. She had never been this close to him before. As he led her backstage to where there was a private bar, she looked down at his arm around her waist and felt a blush creep onto her cheeks. 
Sirius, James and Lily were all stood at the bar together, drinks in hand and chatting away. Sirius beamed as he spotted Remus walking towards them. 
“I wondered where you’d gotten to,” he grinned, “C’mon, Loverboy, it’s your round at the bar.” Remus rolled his eyes at his best friend, leaning against the bar and flagging down the barman. 
“S’about time I bought you a drink, don’t you think?” he said. 
“I’d reckon so, especially with the amount of drinks I make you every time I see you.” Y/N laughed. 
“Wow. I’m sorry I make you do your job.” Remus joked, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his wallet. He thumbed through it, slipping out a note and handing it to the barman. It was when he was putting his change back that he noticed that something was out of place. The polaroid he had of Y/N had moved. Remus frowned as he pulled it out, ready to move it back to where it was before. His expression darkened as he realised that the photographs had been swapped. 
“Sirius! What the fuck is this!” He whipped round to look at him, the polaroid gripped between his fingers. Sirius had a mischievous smile on his face and Lily and James looked at each other sheepishly.  
“S’just a picture of me, you know, thought it’d be funny.” Sirius shrugged. 
“Well, it’s not. Where’s the picture of Y/N?” Remus questioned, he had a face like thunder. Y/N stood awkwardly next to them, not really knowing what to do. 
“In my wallet somewhere,” he said, “calm down, Loverboy, you can have it back.” 
“Stop calling me that.” Remus wasn’t sure what came over him but before he knew it, he had Sirius pinned against a wall, his hands latched onto the collar of his shirt.  
“Remus what the fuck!” Sirius exclaimed, trying to shove the taller boy off of him, “the fuck has gotten into you?” 
“You know I don’t like people messing with my fucking stuff.” He hissed, his face practically touching Sirius’. 
“Woah, woah, woah.” James strode over to them, placing a hand on Remus’s back, “calm down, Moony, he was only having a joke.” 
“I don’t care if he was having a joke or not,” Remus exclaimed, “He knows full well that I don’t like people touching what’s mine.” 
Remus was known in the group for having a short temper. He was like a ticking time bomb and his friends knew that. Most of the time he was fine, but he was awfully possessive over his friends and his belongings.  
“It’s here, look!” Sirius shouted, fishing the polaroid of Y/N out of his pocket and waving it in Remus’ face, “I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you, but you’ve been a completely different person since you started fancying her.” 
For the second time that night, Remus seemed to lose all control over his body as he roughly shoved Sirius to the floor, snatching the photograph off of him and putting it back into his wallet. He grabbed Y/N by the arm and pulled her along with him as he walked off.  
The cool night air hit them as they stepped outside, Y/N’s heart was racing at the scene that had just happened inside and she felt at a loss for words. She couldn’t decide whether to say something to Remus or not, or if it would just make things worse. He was holding on firming to her hand as he dragged her through crowds of people and through the large metal doors leading to outside. Remus stopped when they got into the carpark, leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. 
“I’m sorry about that.” he apologised, taking the cigarette that he had tucked behind his ear and lighting it before placing it in his mouth, “It’s just, Sirius really knows how to get under my skin sometimes.”  
“It’s fine.” Y/N mustered up an awkward smile, “I get it. That’s what friends are for, right?” 
Remus laughed, taking a drag of his cigarette and smiling. He placed his hands on Y/N’s hips, pulling her closer towards him. She was standing opposite him and he was looking intently into her eyes. He frenched out the smoke from his cigarette, angling it away from her face as he chuckled. 
“It’s just... you’re different, you know?” his usual smug look had been wiped from his face as he looked at her. Even leaning against the wall, he seemed to tower over her. “I’ve never felt like this about a girl before.” 
“How’d you mean?” Y/N looked at him quizzically, “I know for a fact that you get any girl that you want.” 
Remus let out a laugh, taking another drag of his cigarette. He wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, pulling her into him. She could smell the leather from his jacket mixing with the smokey smell of his cigarettes and the warm musk of his aftershave. It was making her feel lightheaded as she leaned into him.  
“I feel the same about you.” she looked up at him, a grin forming on her lips, “you annoy the absolute shit out of me, but something about you makes me keep coming back for more.” Remus grinned in response, his infamous shit-eating grin back on his face. 
“Oh, yeah?"
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confessions-sm · 3 months
im soo bored because my fucking discord account is gone so im dojng a huge analysis on candybatz.
lets start with kevin.
my biggest pet peeve is when people solely make kevin grumpy and always irritated and violent and a kid hater. its so dumb. like , i dont mean to shit on peoples aus or interpretations, but when theres a consistent flow of people thinking that kevin is literally just a grumpy asshole, it gets SUPER frustrating.
literally thinking of the person who said ""characters shouldn't be black and white!!" you guys cant even handle spooky month characters"
its so real man. anyway back to the main topic. we get a good view of who kevin is as a guy in the 5 episodes hes in. i could give a good list of his traits. hes selfless, a quick thinker, protective, and kind. i could give examples. he puts other people first even if they have wronged him or put him in danger (skid n pump in episode 5). he uses his surroundings to protect other people and himself (ep 4 and 5). he gives free candy to skid and pump (who probably havent even paid for years, not to mention the time where he notices theyre visibly upset and he cheers them up with giving them free candy). like he doesnt need to do all of this but he does. hes nice. hes a sweet guy. hes really frustrated and stressed with his job but all he really wants to do is help people. when hes not losing his shit because of the nth disaster, he just really wants to assist people. and thats such a noticeable part in his character. i remember someone saying that the "and why is an old dude hanging around with kids? kinda weird.." can easily be read as him looking out for skid and pump. he just wants them to be safe.
because as much as he dislikes the trouble they bring, he KNOWS tneyre still kids. he doesnt outright scream at them or try to awfully punish them because he KNOWS theyre just little kids who dont know better. they arent adults with logical thinking skills, and kevin understands this. like fuck!!! as soon as he notices a threat, he stops scolding them to PROTECT THEM. kevin doesnt hate kids. he doesnt even hate skid and pump. he just hates how frustrating his job can get with the disasters that skid and pump seem to attract.
hes not an asshole, and people should stop fucking seeing him as that.
oh yeah. kevin also seems to be a very panicky guy. easily freaked out and probably really jumpy. again with the quick thinking. he says whatever to try and slip out of situations. he uses the things around him to fight off threats, even if those things dont work. he still tries, because he has that huge sense of wanting to help and protect. oouuuuh i love kevin i love him i love him i-
moving on because i think i covered most of kevs personality. so streber timeeee woooooo
we dont have a lot of coverage on this guy. we only get 1½ episodes, and a background appearance which doesnt give us, anything besides the fact hes alive. so, lets just work with what we got
in sm5, streber is shown to be an enthusiastic guy. really dedicated to putting on an act, and it gives us the idea that he really enjoys halloween, and most importantly, vampires. now, onto strebers rehearsal. we get more background personality ^_^! he seems to be almost sassy, and again!! dedication!! confi even says "he takes this so seriously". this forms streber even more. hes passionate and creative (and a bit nerdy :3), and from background details, we even get the idea that hes good at engineering and designing, having made the mirror himself. he aswell seems to love acting a lot, using the vampire accent an additional time in the short. another take away is that he loves kids :÷]. hes passionate about putting up a whole haunted house just for kids to experience the joy of halloween, and this is more headcanon based, but perhaps halloween means a lot to streber. perhaps it means a lot to the HH crew aswell. maybe streber is so passionate because he wants kids to feel the same spooky joy he felt when he was a kid, yknow? but thats not exactly confirmed, so thats all up to personal opinion. i imagine streber also has a good friendship with the crew. theres a bit of banter, and it gives me the vibes that theyve known eachother for a while ^_^.. but another thing i wanna mention is that people shouldnt characterize streber as some happy lucky go guy whos oblivious and stupid. hes, honestly pretty sassy. and its like, hes not really.. happy go lucky? hes passionate and creative and thoughtful and smart. yeah, hes sure enthusiastic, but happy go lucky? thats not streber.
idk. im mainly saying that only because of the huge explosion of candybatz being kinda fetishized due to the fact theyre a gay couple, and honestly, i kinda want to say streber got more of the worst of it. but thats not too fair, kev got bad treatment too.
anyway, i think thats all i gotta say about streber i guess. now, when it comes to candybatz? its hard to exactly tell how theyd act with eachother. all you can do is get their personalities and ponder if theyd mesh. really, my view is that theyd be an awesome fuckin couple. i project my personal want of a relationship onto them, so mainly its a lot of "they better eachother" and "they work together to make sure that they stay together". i think they communicate a lot and make eachother feel comfortable to exist and be themselves. theres no need to mask who they are as people, because theyre so in love with each other. they dont want or need to conceal themselves.
also. i have another pet peeve that im gonna say because i can and this post is already really long. i HATE when people call streber and kevin a sun x moon ship, because, 1. this kind of wrecks their personality and leans more into how the 2022 fandom portrayed them, and 2. "sun x moon" ships are SO fucking boring because people dont actually use traditional sun x moon things. when people usually say sun x moon, they mean day x night. @catsockpuppet did a really good analysis himself of the difference on a goldenlavender ask here. go check it out.
i dont know lol. this is really long but i was bored and wanting to delve into their ACTUAL personalities so. hell yeah
have a good day
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thithesandofferings · 7 months
Be-comings of Ardor: pt. 2
Summary: Raian sees you as something other than nothing
Pairing: Raian x Reader
AN: Shorter chapter this time. Smut coming soon muahahaha
Tags: Descriptions of violence. Slow...slow burn. (Its actually not that slow theyre obsessed with each other) Eventual smut. Multi-chaptered. Nothing too crazy. I havent decided if I wanted to get any crazier lol. Honestly this is just an excuse to learn how to write descriptively so please bare with me.
Part 1
Part 3
Its two weeks before you see him again.
You don't even try to look for him the first few days. Knowing that his presence will be celebrated by others, you would rather die than have that kind of uneasy attention on you.
Doesn't mean you don't feel him. He's a constant being in your psyche. Pressing heavily at your tendons. Puncturing your dreams and basking wantonly in your nightmares. He avoids you, but you see whispers of him. Your peripheral is haunted by the monsters he creates around the corners. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he wants you to put him back where he came from. To retract your winnings.
Your silence and withered patience seems to please him. If only a little. Humor sings cruelly into your fingers when you know he's close by. Because once the two weeks is over, you hear him beacon for you. Its startling. Grating when you hear his voice in your head. Pains the nerves, making you blink rapidly as shadows vibrate the hollow of your skull. Doesn't even deem you significant enough to say words. Just lets his intention fold you into an obedient thing.
Your sandwich tastes of dust, gritty-digging into your gums and eating away at your flesh when you chew. looks even less appetizing. This does not stop you from grabbing it and bringing it over to him. Where he sits alone. A throne in its own right. Not a follower to be found. You hear whispers burn into your neck, but when you turn, heads are down and the heated words are not towards you. Not that you believe for a second they aren't interested in what you have to say.
Or why you're not dead yet.
Picking yourself up becomes easier the closer you get to him. You sit, but make sure to leave his heated gaze. It burns to look at him. Blood vessels crack when your knees press against his. You don't deem it important enough to move it. There is an unspoken crime to be had. One where the strangers of the Kure family didn't think important to tell you. Your shoulders start to lift straighter, and breathing becomes easier. They don't tell you that being away from your demon causes your soul to experience lacroysmic pain. Tears and sheltered screams covet the pillows every night. Or if there inst a brush encounter, then you forget who are for hours. Dissociating as your skin becomes parlor and your cells take on a pewter tone. Hollowed and feeble, for once, you want something permanent. Want him to stain your skin so you never have to go through the kind of pain you did for those two weeks.
"You feeling it now?" You don't even have time to feel embarrassed. Needles prickling at your spine when he speaks to you for the first time. You barely can scramble out a mumbled reply.
"If I had known that not being around you would cause this much annoyance, I would have followed you just like your little groupies" Being snarky with a war demon may not have been the best idea, but two weeks and having to deal with soul sucking despair, you'll say just about anything.
He seemed to enjoy the comment. Studying you before the next moment and smiling cruelly.
"You weren't ready for me, brat-" He leaned in to grab your jaw, pulling you closer. "I needed to know how loyal you were." Wrenching yourself back before his touch burned you alive, you couldn't help but scoff in anger. He could have just asked, or even let you know what was going on with his little test.
He gets up suddenly and doesn't wait to see if you follow. He knows you will. The sandwich is laid limp and cold on the table. The Kure family begins to hover over it. Birds flocking to pieces of meat that smell of you and your demon.
The demon says nothing as you both walk, but you make sure that you are close to him. Breathing in his ashen scent, brushing the molten skin minutely. You take your time to gaze up at him. He looks like he was getting used to the skin he'd been given. Starting to look like the old pictures his relatives had. You didn't see him sporting the purple hue anymore, it fading into a skin tone not quite grey, not quite purple. Blending seamlessly into each other. Didn't seem to care that you were staring either. Making sure to look over at your form, slowly roving over your form in a way that feels like he's pushed you into a lake of fire.
"Stop-" You start, only for him to deliberately stop short.
"You started it first. Don't look if you don't want that shit returned." It has your nerves pushing and trembling anxiously when you follow his broad back passed the back entrance to the training room.
You're about to fight.
Specifically. You're about to fight a demon. Your demon.
Its all a blur after the third time he puts you on the mat. The pain is irrelevant. It always is. But the rush of satisfaction bleeds into your disappointment.
He's out of breath.
His resolve blows gently against your face. Soothing the itch that has been shadowing you since he walked away. Contentment digs its way through your belly, unfamiliar, but not unwelcome. The demon sees it in your face, when you look up at him, brief flashes of surprise melting into the blacks of his eyes.
When he pulls away from you, it feels like puling flesh from muscle. Aches in greedy ways. You want to keep him on you. Inside you. As one. The hunger borderlines on inappropriate. Makes your face flush in embarrassment when you finally start to hear the excited echoes of the Kure family needling at one another.
Silence balances the room entirely when he sticks a hand out. To help you. Roughened palms from decades of blood spilled underneath his fingerprints. Its warmer than you'd expect when you grasps them. Callouses digging into your palm, wanting to rip away tender skin in the brief moments of contact. Rough skin scorching when it presses against yours. Seeing the size of his palm eclipse yours and it makes your throat run dry. Clicking hard as you swallow through your need. His eyes flicker a garish red only to blink and its gone quickly. But you feel it, old weight buried on your body as he assesses the damage he has done. Can hear the eldritch being admit a deep rumble of a satisfied purr when he sees that you have his marks on you.
The look wrenches you open, swallowing you whole in its rapacity. Its hard to look away from him, but his followers take his attention- pushing you out the way without ever touching you. You're used to that by now. Being the strongest doesn't always give way to respect you've learned. That doesn't stop the demon Raian from looking away from you. Eyes shifting and pulling pieces away from you and making them his. You'll have to decide what offering is best to give him the next time you meet.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴡᴀɪᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴜ
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Characters: Hope Mikaelson x Black!Stem!Reader
From: Legacies
Type: Drabble
Synopsis: Hope’s determined on not letting anyone else into her fragmented world. Yet, when things get overwhelming, she finds that you are the only person to soothe her.
Warnings: mild cursing, spoiler warning for legacies season 3-4, mentions of character death
A/N: my friend has been slowly but surely getting me ba k knto the TVD universe, and upon doing so I've rediscovered my crush on my favorite lil redhead Hope 🥺🥺 be nice to this i havent watched legacies in a HOT minute. Song Inspiration: “WAIT FOR U” by Future, ft. Drake & Tems, “Unthinkable” by Alicia Keys, “Flaws N’ All” by Sonta
Tags: @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @lulu-network @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @niyahwrites
Sign Up For My Taglist Here!
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Three fifty-seven is what reads in bold red letters on the digital clock that sits on Hope’s night stand. They burn against the back of her eyelids, yet do not promote any kind of sleep. They only prove as a reminder as to why she had not been graced with slumber.
There’s a picture that rests next to the clock. A candid photo taken by MG on one of their days into town to enjoy themselves as regular teenagers. Her eyes traced over every feature of herself in the picture; mouth wide with laughter and eyes shaped into crescents at the joke Caleb had made that she, for the life of her, could never remember. A boy sat next to her, head full of black curls and skin milky and freckled with perfectly imperfect blemishes that once made her heart swoon. 
She never gathered the courage to take the picture out of its frame. She never had the courage to let go of one of the few good memories she had of that time. When things were simpler - as simple as they could get in the life she led. When she could look at that boy and tell herself that she made the right choice in trusting him with her heart.
Imagine, having to kill the one person you wanted so desperately to love.
No, the redhead’s own voice echoed through her mind, which was both empty and becoming increasingly overwhelmed at the same time, I am not doing this tonight.
Hope slips from underneath her covers, slipping from underneath the weighted blankets that had failed to help in her mission for sleep, slipping from the warmth they provided. Her long sleeved shirt did nothing to shield her from the cool air that contrasted the warmth of her blankets, the still breeze of the room nipping at her bare legs. Only shorts adorned her bottom half, cut off mid-thigh and leaving her pale skin rippled with goosebumps in the process.
Perhaps she thought the cold would provide some sort of shock to her brain that would make her realize how tired her body was, how it begged to be allowed rest, but it proved all for naught. Now Hope was exhausted and cold, with no way of remedying the situation.
Well, there was one remedy.
Hope glanced at her phone that rested on the nightstand. Her eyes lingered on the device for a long time, her mind battling for reason. It’s four in the morning, she reasons, there’s no way she’s gonna pick up.
Yet, she remembers your bouts of insomnia and knows that you find yourself waking much earlier than you intend to for class anyway, and there’s a small part of her that reasons that it wouldn’t hurt to try.
So Hope hesitantly grabs her phone from the mahogany surface of her nightstand, unlocks the device with her fingerprint, and finds herself scrolling a bit too eagerly to find your contact information.
What would the people around her think if they saw her now, she wondered, frantically calling up the girl who she made it very clear with that there would be no possibility of a relationship in any near future? Would they think her mad? Would they call her delusional? Both were traits that certainly ran in her family, and she would not be surprised if a part of her had still remained that way after only recently returning back to her original self.
She finds your contact information, but her thumb all but hovers over the call icon that rests under your name. Perhaps she shouldn’t be a bother to you, Hope thinks. She’ll think I’m crazy, she thinks, and yet, perhaps it is that particular thought that drives her to press the icon anyway. Because if Hope was crazy for wanting to even hear your voice to calm her aching soul, then perhaps such a title that was placed upon the likes of her father wasn’t so bad.
One ring; the pit inside of her stomach grows in intensity. It seems like the wait between rings is even more agonizing than the actual wait for an answer.
Two rings; Hope is beginning to regret listening to the part of her that has a soft spot for you. Why did she have to remember your sleep schedule? Why did she have to get her hopes up?
Three rings: you won’t answer. You’re asleep, and if she hasn’t already interrupted your slumber, she would surely have to come up with some creative excuse to use tomorrow when the two of you met in class-
A monotone click sounds. Silence, for a few seconds, though to her they seem like hours.
Then, your voice sounds. 
“What the fuck, Hope,” you groan through the cellular device, and Hope’s aforementioned worry of awakening you is confirmed by the rustling of sheets and a following groan. She knows she should feel guilty, but the satisfying tingle that runs across her skin from hearing your voice takes away from any remorse she surely would have felt, “it’s…four in the fucking morning-”
“-I know,” Hope interjects, “I just…couldn’t sleep.”
There’s a pause; it’s intense, and Hope finds herself wondering what you’re thinking. Could you be silently cursing her out on the other end? She surely wouldn’t blame you if you were.
There’s more rustling that follows the pause, which causes worry to grow in her stomach, before she hears your voice again, “you want me to come down?”
“......could you?” She bites her lip, tugging at the skin on the pink area, and she doesn’t understand why she should be fearing rejection from you, as if you’d ever give her the pleasure of feeling such an agonizing sting to the heart.
“...yeah,” you finally answer, “yeah, just gimme a minute.”
There’s a blessing that comes with you staying a floor above Hope. It’s fairly easy to slip down the different dorm floors, she’s figured out, In the time between hanging up and waiting for you to come, Hope finds herself stuck in a state of overwhelming thoughts. They’re loud and varying in range, but all of them revolve around you.
Hope remembers when she rejected your advances a month prior. The expression on your face had been emblazoned into her mind, forever carved into memory how she had crushed your world. And yet, you’d been nothing but kind to the tribrid, still considering Hope and her feelings in every engagement the two of you had. You acted as if the rejection never took place; she wondered if this was your own coping mechanism for dealing with heartbreak. It certainly would be more healthier than any method Hope called herself using.
How could you still be so kind to her? How could you still be so willing to love her when she had expressed no possibility of reciprocation? Could you tell that Hope never meant as such? Did you still have hope in her?
How could one have hope in a desire openly denied? The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if such a question should be asked to you, or to herself.
A knock sounded on her door, bringing Hope from her state of entrancement. “Door’s open,” She mutters out loud enough to be heard, which prompts the soft click that sounds with the twist of the knob to her door. The creaking reveals you, slipping into her room, and almost immediately, your presence makes everything better.
There’s very little exchange of words from here on. It’s as if this is a practiced routine, one that had been engaged in for a while with the way you expertly slip into Hope’s bed, under Hope’s covers, and pull her into you. You place her head above your heart so that the melodic thumping of the muscle gives her mind something else to focus on. The way you operate with care in regards to her being has her heart aching, though she can’t decide if its from yearning for you or antipathy of the concept of loving someone.
She could contemplate on it another time, though, because the combination of your heartbeat and the low humming you’ve taken to doing has her body finally succumbing to her inclination of sleep. The last thing she remembers is you muttering words she’d never heard before - perhaps words to a poem or lyrics to a song you fancied.
I will wait for you, rings in her mind long after she’s succumbed to your gentle caress of her hair, and even in sleep, Hope wonders if that is a challenge you’re truly up to take.
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