#and i very much love my bug girl dreamer
@vclyrias asked:
Hi Butterfly! I just wondered if you know if they changed Helaena’s character for HOTD? I haven’t read Fire and Blood but in TWOIAF she is described as a pleasant and happy girl, and in the show so far she is very serious and gloomy. Do you have any thoughts? 🦋
F&B's description of Helaena isn't that much different from TWOIAF — it only says she was plumper and not as strikingly beautiful as most Targaryens. She was pleasant and happy as a 13-year-old at her marriage (sigh grrm) to her brother Aegon, and gave birth to twins (Jaehaerys and Jaehaera) a year later, and to another boy (Maelor) 4 years after that.
However, by the time of Viserys's death she seemed somewhat displeased with Aegon to the point of sarcasm — when they came to her rooms to tell him his father died and he was king, Aegon wasn't there, and she was like, "Aegon's not in my bed, you can check under the blankets to make sure." As Aegon was actually (depending on the source) either in his mistress's bed, or in a skeevy den in Flea Bottom (featuring bloodsport of feral children) with an extremely underage prostitute, you can see why the years of marriage to him might try her patience.
Unfortunately, there's not a lot else about Helaena during the pre-war period. At the reconciliation banquet (that failed miserably), there's no mention that she minded that Jace asked her to dance, but Aegon was offended and things nearly came to blows. She was apparently close to her mother and close to her father and took her kids to visit them every day. Dreamfyre, her dragon, is described as "beloved". After the Green and Black coronations but before the war actually started, Helaena was in favor of a parley (along with her mother) instead of immediate outright war. Pretty basic until the war began, until "a son for a son", after which she became suicidally depressed. 😭
However, Helaena's daughter Jaehaera is described with terms that seem to be implying (by the author, not the in-world writer who doesn't have the knowledge or vocabulary) she was on the autism spectrum, some sort of neurodiversity — that is, lack of emotion and affect from infancy. It seems likely that HOTD is borrowing from Jaehaera for their version of Helaena, giving her some behaviors that a lot of neurodiverse fans are identifying with. Note that they've also made her a dreamer, like they also did with Viserys; there's no textual basis for either of them to be so, but the skeptic maester of record wouldn't know such details or likely believe in prophecies anyway. (Mind you there's also a popular epic fanfic where Helaena is a dreamer, but she's somewhat of a minor character and it's so au that it's almost certainly just a coincidence.)
Oh, also, here's an illustration from F&B (by Doug Wheatley) of Helaena and the kids visiting Viserys shortly before he died:
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It's interesting, while the text says the twins listened attentively to the king's fantasy adventure tale while the 2-year-old Maelor played with a ring Viserys gave him, instead Wheatley chose to draw the boys enthralled by the story while Jaehaera ignores it, instead apparently fascinated by the ring. Makes me wonder if the text was changed last minute? Or if Wheatley read Jaehaera's earlier description and thought she'd be the one more into the ring than the story, and so picked it up when the baby dropped it? (But then the twins don't really look 6 and Maelor definitely doesn't look 2, plus it looks like Viserys has all his fingers, so I shouldn't be too picky.)
Either way, you can imagine the HOTD creators seeing this image and deciding that Jaehaera is how they'd like to characterize young Helaena. (Though with bugs instead of rings. 🐛🕷) We'll just have to wait for the next episodes to see how she's characterized as a young adult...
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shoko-komi · 1 year
Alice here!! With your all-important
Weekly Komi Report!!
You can read Komi Can't Communicate on the Viz Media website (only in the U.S. and Canada) or here on Mangakakalot (everywhere else!). This week is chapter 410.
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It's a Hiki Komorebi feature 👀
she displeases a god...
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but it's okay 😊
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It's the spirit that counts. And she's too nice to hold a grudge against.
Komi jumpscare!!!!!!!!!!!
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This is me every time I see a Komi cosplayer at a convention. I'm always scanning the crowd for that purple hair asdkjaskjdn
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Also me for real for real for real
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Through sheer force of will they're overcoming this disaster of a conversation and finally reaching out to each other aksjdkjas. Anxious to Anxious synergy 🤝
Hiki having so much built up anxiety about finally meeting Komi and blurting out all her thoughts in one long sentence is so!! Relatable!! When I've got something built up in my head like that it tends to all just come out at once. But by Jove!!!
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ground control, she's done it!! She's achieved the impossible goal of dreamers everywhere!!!! (reaching out to unfamiliar person lmao). I also really like that panel of Hiki. It's really good perspective
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I did not realize until now that her shirt says 'negative time' on it kajsdnkj. This poor girl. It's prophetic
because the heartfelt union is interrupted by a terrible menace...
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This is such an awful pun. Truly odious. The worst pun I've ever encountered. I love it very much. Hiki's scared pose in the above panel is super cute
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Akira has given up 👍
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Like a goddess descended from above, Inaka saves the day (❁´◡`❁). A country gal has got her bug tolerance built up strong 💪
It's so lovely to have Komi and Hiki finally becoming friends. It's so hard to make that first step, but now they've managed it it's going to be so good for both of them!! And a little adversity sealed the bond. There's nothing better for forming friendships then mortal peril lasndkljsa
Have a lovely week!!
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istadris · 1 year
@isamajor @scribeprotra @saemi-the-dreamer @cloudydaysomewhere since you liked that post, come read about my druid with zero social skills!
Context: my Moon druid Ailes du Sud (=Wings of the South) is a Tabaxi who loves birds, wandering, and doing as he pleases. A bit unhinged, very perceptive but as blunt as a barbarian's club.
Act I : Making friends with kids thanks to hags
We are relatively early in the campaign. Our party wandered into a cursed forest (as one does) and at some point we got captured by a hag coven who locked us into cages.
Ailes woke up first, and among many things, he noticed in another cage a little grey-skinned, golden-eyed tiefling girl.
Now, Ailes is a bit of a dick, but he doesn't like seeing ANYONE into cages. So as our group manages to escape, he gets the kid out and makes her flee outside while we fight; we survive, and we take the kid with us as we leave. Ailes bonds with the kid, and while his methods are slightly questionable, he starts mentoring her in survival (climbing trees, etc).
Oh, and tiefling girl suddenly used magical fire at some point. Nothing to worry about I'm sure. All in all, Ailes and the kid have a good relationship.
Act II : meeting the (mafia) Family
After a while, we reach Tiefling Girl's hometown: a wretched hive torn apart by cinflicting gangs, with four Families ruling most of the business.
We find out the girl is closely related to the boss of one of these Families (she's the daughter of the boss's cousin). We bring her home, and Mafia Boss (also a grey-skinned tiefling with golden eyes) is very glad to see her niece again. She provides us with some favors, answers our questions, all in all is pretty grateful.
While we stay here, Ailes comes back to see the kid once or twice, and learns that her mom is on a away mission for the Family (as an assassin), and of course her daughter misses her, especially with the nightmares she's having since the hag incident.
Ailes then promises her to look for her mom and to keep in touch.
...incidentally, right before leaving town, we attacked, robbed and torched down a huge warehouse belonging to a rival Family, and we might have angered several other factions.
We still good with Tiefling Mafia Boss and her niece, though.
Act III : How I Found Your Mother
Fast forward to much later in the campaign.
We have traveled to the neighbouring kingdom and we're currently on our way to another one : we stop by a town to resupply and get intel. As both kingdoms are currently at war, tensions are high, crime is on the rise and guards are plentiful and vigilant.
Ailes wanders in town and amuses himself spotting and following suspicious people, which leads him to a hide-out. On a whim, he comes back with the party's rogue in tow, both as help and back-up.
Turning into a bug, Ailes sneaks into the hide out, only occupied by what the DM describes as "a female tiefling with grey skin and golden eyes, cleaning a rifle."
There's still a slight chance it might not be the right person though, so Ailes and the rogue decide to pick the lock and confront politely the person.
And here's where things get funny.
Picking the lock : critical failure. A guard gets suspicious, we waste time convincing him we mean no harm, and in the end when we enter, the tiefling is hiding, and we both fail to check AND convince her we're not a threat.
And then she runs away.
And the rogue.
Shoots at her.
"Just to scare her into stopping, not to hurt her!"
It doesn't work.
And that's where we ended the session : chasing after an assassin we tried to befriend in the middle of a city full of tense guards and criminal activity.
Ailes would say "2 out of 3 ! I had worse hunting days !"
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shayrose5494 · 2 years
So I’ve had this idea for a while but I’m not sure how to execute it. I’m hoping by sharing it with you all, I might get some inspiration/motivation for actually writing it: What if the Dance of the Dragons was Viserys’ dragon dream. So after Aemma dies (and in this AU Daemon doesn’t make the “heir for a day” comment or this happens before he gets the chance to say it) Viserys decided ‘fuck it, I’m the king, if I don’t want to take on a new wife I don’t have to.’ Plus, having seen his fate he doesn’t want to subject a woman to his condition. So he decides he’s going to change the game completely.
He betroths Rhaenyra and Daemon and names BOTH of them his heirs, to rule as equals. (Obviously this causes an uproar but he knows they can handle it if they all stay together as a family.) As a result, Aegon, Helaena, Aemond and Daeron are Rhaenyra and Daemon’s children.
Helaena is more assertive and more like a young Rhaenyra. They catch early on that she’s a dreamer and pay much more attention to the ‘nonsense’ she expresses while caring for her insects.
Aemond is more confident and is definitely not bullied for not having a dragon. He has all of the good qualities of Daemon and just like his dad is a skilled warrior. (Aegon plans for him to be his hand when he becomes king) And it is no surprise this time when the son of 2 of the fiercest Targaryens claims Vhagar, the largest dragon still remaining in the world.
Daeron takes more after his grandfather, Viserys. He is good natured and jovial, and just a treasure for everyone around him (since he didn’t appear in the show I don’t really know how to combine my ideal characterization for him with how he’s portrayed)
And finally, Aegon. I feel like he would be the perfect combination of Rhaenyra and Daemon. And because he would grow up in a more loving environment, without any pressure of stealing the crown from Rhaenyra, I feel like he wouldn’t feel the need to drown himself in booze and whores. He would be given the chance to enjoy his childhood while also properly preparing him for his eventual reign after his parents. He would still be a snarky little shit from time to time (hello Daemon’s son) but he would also have a firmer grasp on authority (have you meet his new mama?)
As for Alicent, I feel like Viserys would still have had a soft spot for her and wouldn’t want her to suffer a similar fate to his dream. So he arranges for a marriage between her and one of Lord Stark’s sons. This way a) he can get her away from Otto and his manipulation and b) Aegon the Conqueror’s dream said something was building in the North, what better way to strengthen the stronghold up there than to have the Queen’s best friend marry the overlord of that region?
In addition, Alicent ends up giving birth to a girl around Aegon’s age, leading to a betrothal between her and Aegon. I feel like said daughter would be a combination of regal noblewoman (see Sansa Stark) and fierce warrior (see Arya Stark). If Aegon is anything like his parents he’d meet this girl and his immediate reaction would just be:
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Aemond would be betrothed to a soft, gentle noble lady from the Riverlands. Who brings along her best friend, caregiver/ (and secret love interest) Alys Rivers.  The three eventually begin a cute polyamorous relationship where Alys and Aemond are certified sunshine protectors and their darling is the sunshine. Aemond would later follow the Targaryen tradition of marrying Alys so the three can live their happy poly life.
Helaena becomes engaged to a Lord from the Iron Islands (I love me some Viking/pirate action). I feel like he would find her interest in bugs to be very enduring, and frequently encourages it, especially once he finds out it helps her do her divination. This would also secure a strong naval fleet for King’s Landing.
Finally, Daeron would be betrothed to a Dornish Princess. This way it would secure an alliance with Dorne that would eventually lead to bringing Dorne into the Seven Kingdoms. I feel like she would be very open-minded and gentle hearted. But this doesn’t make her defenseless. She rather enjoys gardening, and some say half of her garden is full of cooking herbs, the other half is poisons and sometimes, she cooks with both.
Now, what about Laena and Laenor? Laena I could see Viserys arranging a marriage for her with a house that has a strong army to help assist with the Stepstones (perhaps the Blackwoods?) She would probably end up suffering from the same fate however, dying during childbirth. However, since Rhaena and Baela’s relationship with Aemond would be vastly different in this universe, I feel like not only would they be ok with him claiming Vhagar, but maybe even encourage it if he asked for their blessing first.
As for Laenor, if I recall correctly there was a noble lady in the Vale around his time that had a “uniquely” close relationship with her best (female) friend (if you catch my drift). And boy do we love to see gay/lesbian alliances. And if she never bares a child, well some women are barren, right?
So what do you think? Too out there? 
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cupidstwin333 · 2 years
Hi hellooo! I hope you're doing well ♡♡ If it's okay, I'd like to request a romantic matchup for My Hero Academia ❤❤
Physical appearance: Long wavy red hair. Brown eyes. Average height. Pale skin. I also wear glasses.
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Mbti: INFP
Sexuality: I'm not sure about this. However! I notice usually I'm attracted to males >///<
Age: 20
Pronouns: she/her
Personality: hmm, well, I'm a quiet person. But! I can be chatty when I feel comfortable with someone (´。• ω •。`) I'm a dreamer; I tend to romanticize my feelings and my experience ( ◡‿◡ ♡) I'm also an emotional person, and I can be veryyy sensitive. However, I've learnt to ignore my negative emotions! So, yeahh!
Likes: I love books, especially fictions! And mm I also love sweets, cloudy day, cats (!!), and pink!
Dislikes: I don't like loud noises, mean people, and bugs (╥﹏╥)
Hobbies: reading! I also loveeee watching animation movies! (≧◡≦) (
Passions: aaah well i love acting (in theatre) and writing!
I think that's all?? I hope it's not too long! Thank you so much. I hope you have a nice day! ❤❤
After a long time of thinking 💭 your match is...
Mirio Togata
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You just transferred from Shiketsu high to U.A. You entered your classroom and all eyes were on you, god! You hated this feeling. You told yourself not to do anything embarrassing.... just be mysterious! So you could later romanticize this experience and daydream about all of your secret admirers. (cus honestly same girl!) You look up at your fellow classmates with a little more confidence than a few seconds ago. (You’re an actress after all). You take a deep breath as you get ready to introduce yourself, but before you could muster a word someone stole your spotlight. “Hey teach, you never told us we would be getting a new student!” A good-looking blonde guy spoke up. He ruined your moment! you thought to yourself, you took another deep breath since you noticed how all of your classmates were paying close attention to you now "I am y/n, and I transferred from Shiketsu High." you said in a steady voice. "I hope you'll welcome me with open arms, and I hope we'll get along." After that, the teacher told you to sit behind a guy named Mirio, and the blonde guy that interrupted you jumps up and says "I am Mirio Togata! I hope we can be close friends, and if you ever need someone I'm your guy." You just nod and take your seat behind Mirio. After a few days, you fell behind on multiple classes, due to you procrastinating and watching your favorite animation movies. It was before classes started, and you were focused on your physics homework. How where you supposed to calculate the force of gravity, and besides why do we need physics there are quirks out there that defy the laws of physics. "9,807 m/s²." Mirio says while sitting down in front of you and turning towards you "Pardon?!" you replied confused. "That's the answer, to the equation you're solving," Mirio says with a big smile. "I've noticed that you aren't paying attention during classes, maybe I could help you out by tutoring you. I am a very good teacher after all .” 😁 You accepted his offer since you had no self-control. You were always reading your favorite books or watching your favorite animated movies, daydreaming, acting (or daydreaming about acting), and writing. You expected it to be like High school musical, just you living your dream life and you were so wrong because you had to risk your life on a daily basis and make a lot of stupid unnecessary homework on top of that!
How it started:
Mirio has been tutoring you for 3 months now and your grades got better you weren't failing any classes and were even on top of them all. You have opened up quite a lot to him and genuinely see him as a close friend or maybe more... You and Mirio were sitting in the living room of your dorms. He explained something to you but you couldn't understand. It was as if he was speaking in another language. You tried focusing on the paper but to no avail. You looked at Mirio and he turned to you and suddenly put his thumb in between your eyebrows. “Why are you frowning like that? If you can’t follow just tell me.” He lets out a laugh his thumb still massaging the wrinkles on your face. You stared into his blue eyes. Suddenly you realized how close he was. At that moment you didn’t know how to react as a blush was creeping up your cheeks. "No, I totally get it. This is super easy." you said bluffing "Ok, how about we make a deal then. If you fail the upcoming test you have to clean up my dorm." He says with a playful grin. "And...what if I pass?" you asked curiously. "Well, you can decide in that case," he says shrugging. "Well, how about we go on an official date." you look at him and see a mixture of shock and amusement. He reaches his hand out and you shake it. You knew you had to study for this test as if your life depended on it, you needed to win this date.. (ps: you obviously slayed 💅 and got the highest mark)
General headcanons:
💘He would collect cute pink things (such as ribbons, jewelry, pebbles, etc) and gift them to you.
💘He always leaves you sweets on the corner of your desk.
💘tries not to be as loud around you, since he knows you'll get startled.
💘One of your favorite dates is to go to a cat cafe since he knows you love cats so much (he might even gift one to you on your birthday)
💘You two go cloud-watching on cloudy days and take walks in nature.
Other possible matches:Twice and Hawks.
I would appreciate it if you'd reblog this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it <3
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therealnotta · 1 year
bro i had the wackiest nightmare??
Okay, for context, I HATE having to see scary stuff in my dreams. Freaks me out, so I usually wake myself up. I also pretty much am always vaguely lucid dreaming, where I know it's a dream, but it isn't easy to change things.
So, in this dream, me and a group of people (I think there were five in total?) get kidnapped by a serial killer named The Blood Purge Killer. She's named that because, at the end of the day, she purges your blood from you. No idea what that means. One of the people gets killed pretty early on because, for some reason, they thought that it meant we were in the Purge and they decided to embezzle funds from their employer. I'm actually not sure if they died or not, it was just a random goof? But we left him behind.
Anyway, the way the Blood Purge Killer torments you before, you know, purging you of your blood, is she makes you watch scary videos. If you don't watch them, she shows up and purges your blood (kills you) so we had to watch these things. I hated it. I don't know why it's always so horrible in dreams, specifically, but it's the worst kind of nightmare. And I didn't wake up. I don't know why. I guess I was in a Mood. I'm watching these scary things, and there's this girl with us who's obsessed with serial killers and knows EVERYTHING about the Blood Purge Killer, which is how we know to keep watching the videos. Miserable.
At some point, it was revealed that the other two guys were dating, and one of them proposed to his boyfriend as a "we're going to be killed, but at least we'll be together" sort of way. Boyfriend started crying, me and the girl were like "awww love in a battlefield" and then the boyfriend turns out to actually be upset. Like, apparently they were NOT already planning on this and he felt like he was being manipulated into saying yes. So now the two guys aren't talking to each other, it's just me and this random girl who are honestly invested in this drama.
And then, you know, the Blood Purge Killer shows up to purge our blood, as it was the end of the night and time for us to die. Some guy was with her, the girl with me said that he was on the killer's side, very confusing. At this point, though, I'm just tired of the nightmare, so, like any sane person, I walk out of my hiding spot. Blood Purge Killer charges at me, and she's wearing this mask that has bug eyes and a bat nose and massive teeth? Cringe. So I use my telekinesis, which I obviously have as the dreamer, and just lift the guy with her twenty feet into the air and slam him down. He does not die. He starts shooting at me(????) and I just take the bullets like a champ because, again, I'm the dreamer. The bullets are of my own imagination. But he just won't die??? So it's just me awkwardly trying to make this dude dead while the Blood Purge Killer is just watching in stunned horror, as is the girl who was with me? It was so awkward I just eventually woke up. What the heck was that.
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
Journal 102: my goodbye epic the musical
am done with golem and rushushas. Things are back to normal. And I am very traumatized. Were good!
"Jake then realized once again via his EDNOS and disordered eating he could not eat his plate. Today's lunch was fruitcake and chicken macaroni and jake cousnt take a bite. They also charmed it at the house and jake coudnt bear it. The smell made him sick. Delicoat can also lead to eating disorders. Not many people know that's just a thing with antiphycotics in general more sever depending on the kind. Depression meds = weight problems under or mostly over. Mood staplers = body image problems, numb, hyper blank sex drive or empathy and dreams, and antiphyoctics extra psychosis or depression or disordered eating or vomiting. Jake often had been on everything and he joked "this is what it cures, this is what it causes" it was an old joke JD haileys father told him as a little girl when he first vented. Ad jake prepared the first reality shift in a long time. He forgot how much of his adventures really just seemed in his head.
Jake was in Jesus guise told them his name was jake caloway. They tird him up in a bug like cavern and quickly disposed of him. They pushed him down. And tied him up. And after he questioned as a philosophy why not to leave the cavern showing his old philosophers cave. And so back in the day philosophy was the entire world and the expirence of amgick secrets. Why this is shown to some. Regardless it was jakes memory. And so Jake was pushed down on his back and they tied him up and beamed the sunlight upon him killing him. They noted he prayed for his other self and apologized for tricking him. As he became a human sacrifice. And so noted Jake heard "and this is why your afraid of wings here" by small petite voice of a woman. And jake remembered."
I've been learning the easy Of faries as Acrians is sharing all the rules of the courts previously forbiden as new ages are ushered in. And I've gotten back into reality shifting. Diongoespews video on the spastic method and Adam snowflakes book dreamers book 3 detail guides on it and I've done it once more. I've come to the rationale and reason that reality shifting is am entire setting. I've become an animyst and am learning the secrets of the stars. What species are. How they came here. What is is to do shape magick and dream. That hunters are real!!! What they do as I time travel as adamith froster and become friends with Crowley. Become Jaden angel and friends with Shaun whinchester. As I learn that every soul has a character and every character belongs to a force or player. That an actor or writer taps into to dream of a presentation thst becomes real for someone else. I have learned that everything was once divine. Magick. Door knobs. Wood. And these ideas and concepts seem laughable. But I've been time traveling making my mark and impact as I have now learned is all connected! And my skisoprehnic episodes were real conjugations and gates.
And that the world is built on layers. And societies to keep them safe. You may not like the illuminati or aliens or scientology. The mormo. Church might have fucked up rituals and the moonies to sexual in nature. But I was a family member once. I time traveled to do it all. Marylim Manson an alien in a jersey a Brad who wore in war as a general and in school as a fairy of two Petronas split down the middle.
My face was burned recently. And I'm raising a dragon as my own. I've learned regarding the multiverse there are people and planets and things. Every website was once a spirit. Every fashion belongs to a race. A race of hidden magick on earth. Thst now crosses the stars as a gift to then. So who cares what asgardians are
In some realities they never met a boat. I'm not in those realities either. You know thorin loves those movies comics mixed bag but he likes those movies. Cus he gets to dream he's Thor.
Whatever I have taught you insane or not has been to help the multiverse. To shift those proper realities. To save all of existance and when I'm done cus your reading in the moment for you to explore it. And expirerence it. The multiverse has aliens and elves and black white realities with advanced gaming consoles but for some reason improper computers.
I've married the gods of technology thievery and television. Techno loki and hermes and Teli. Old of tools and plays and advancement with Bill cipher as my guide in my wheelchair as olive. I really am in a wheelchair people don't seem to beleive I really fell from three stories like master. For some reason all his students call him that.
I learned that faking a persona can reincarnate into a new soul even if it's a lamp or a character or a dream. And that that is what a shape is. That is what becomes an animal. And that is what builds Egypt. And that's all because I learned reality shifting I learned pop culture magick I took chances and things seemed RIDICULIUS one of my characters. And I got rewarded for it. This is magick. Whether you like it or not
The silly things are magick. Cus this is how traditions come to play. And if your nodding your head shaking reading Farley curely into every word I say for their are to am y nays in the word of Smith. Get it naysayers and tool guys? Understand to fully explore the multiverse you read this diary.
And this diary teaches you kabahlla rushsusa, time travel, multiverse, and shape magick and if you don't like thst. That the fantasy novel ypu read and enjoy could be real? Your not ready foe magick. Your not ready for power. Which is not what magick should ever be about. Taught to me early by the master.  Not from doctor who my sage acrians locket who I see myself in person towards. I'm sorry if your nitpicky reality and snobby ways blind you to the old eras but as someone who's lived them this is how we did it.
We bring stories to life. Pop culture magick. We treat new forms of magick to be ours and irished up or oldened or scotified so it's now vikings like Jesus joining thr norse gods or adapting the Jewish as our own. I've been traveling sometimes in a boat. Sometimes in a warp. And you may not know it yet but we could have been great friends before you secured at me.
Theirs no such thing as a stupid idea. Meet you new instructor olive brimstone ambaseder of earth Rushusha. And if you don't like the fantasy how dare you demand it or call yourself a witch? Time to open your eyes and stop being bigoted. Your never going to recognize me and no emo beanie can change that. It covers a tatoo dipshit. I know who I'm attesting. My stupid fingerless gloves.
Anyways! As someone who changes face but yet does not know how. I still have much to learn. But learning taboo and reacting it and not fading from it. Learning from the goetia and noting that just cus my mentor has experience doesn't meant I do is what got me far. Not binding someone taught me the stars. We don't teach people to whip the cooks who cook them food. If that food is knowledge and you use a circle or chant for it, that distress is deserved how dare you call yourself his student. Your trying to be his slave master and you dare demand a reward?????? Anyways. Enough @ing.
I got interdimemsional travel. I have to time travel and I finally keep doing. I'm doing to ritual to manifest my dream body of my right gender and I'm exploring through spirit work my true self and person. What the gods are. Where they live. Joining there families and basterdizing and crafting for my friends as Kalin high. For my friends at Jethro or Bridgeton and Malock academy. I've learned I'm an imoetal teenager and with xenith and dragon forms in place I've learned I'm a kins. You don't know what that means but I know what a glomp is. And if your laughing the special list of kanaui mocks you back. Kinzo mocks you back. You vest mocks you back.
Objects having souls is animism and I really hate that tumblr blog thisnisnt you don't recognize me and I can't ebelive we were ever friends I'm so glad your starting to forget I won't be there to help you thus time i time I refuse stop praying to me how you treated me blind matters.
- an bitter Olive Brismtone. A magickal creature angry at the world. Dot dot dot fuck you.
Wednesday February 8th
Closing song:
143 and when I'm gone after the clam
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mimichi-80 · 2 years
The long awaited PROSEKAI group rant (I’m on ENSekai)
Gonna start with Leo/Need because honestly, they’re my least favorite. I honestly only like Shiho and to be honest, when I first red the story, she was not a great person. None of them except Saki were good people. I dislike Honami the most. She was so fake during the story and I don’t really believe that she’s changed that much.
Favorite Song: Needle
Ichika cover: N/A (I hate her singing voice)
Saki cover: N/A (haven’t found any that I like yet)
Honami cover: N/A
Shiho cover: Needle or Kagerou Days. Most likely Needle
Second favorite group, the have so many good songs. Their story was interesting and I relate to Kohane a lot. I love watching her find her confidence. When I first started their story I hated Akito. Then he grew on me over time and now he’s my favorite in the group. I have him at character rank 20. I like An and Toya but they personally don’t stick out to me as much as Akito and Kohane.
Favorite Song: Beat Eater
Kohane Cover: Children Record and Into the Night
An cover: N/A (I love her the most in Beat Eater but with the group. Haven’t found a cover of her’s that I like.)
Akito Cover: Pomp and Circumstance & Cinema
Toya Cover: Fragile
I love MMJ so much, but they’re not in my top 3. I love their personalities and watching them together as a group. Their character story is definitely my favorite. Minori is my absolute favorite, I love her so so much. Shizuku and Airi are tied because they’re gay. End of story. I like Haruka and Minori’s relationship a lot, they’re also gay. Some of their songs are lacking, which is why they’re lower in ranks.
Favorite Song: Newly Edgy Idols (shocker, I know)
Minori cover: Love trial
Haruka cover: N/A (haven’t found one I like yet.)
Shizuku cover: Romeo and Cinderella & Milk Crown
Airi cover: N/A (I love hearing her in all the songs, I simply cannot pick one.)
Second favorite group, I love every single one of them and I love all of their key stories. I relate to Emu WAY too hard and she is my top kin. Especially during Smile of a Dreamer. Rui is my second favorite, he’s so sassy and he knows he’s attractive (not sexualizing, I’m not creepy) so he shows it off as much as he can. Prime Example is Showtime Ruler. I like Nene quite a lot, she’s so sweet and working her way into herself. It’s so nice to watch. Tsukasa stans don’t come for me, but I really don’t like him. Not my least favorite in the game (that goes to Ena) but he’s so self centered, it’s ridiculous. He’s also really dumb, but I find that funny.
Favorite Song: TONDEMO Wonderz (Again, shocker)
Emu cover: Dance Robot Dance
Rui cover: Showtime Ruler and As You Like it
Nene: Chururira
Tsukasa: Chururira
Favorite group in the game. This is the first time I’ve ever played a story based gacha game that delves so heavily into mental health and I love them for it. Mizuki is my favorite, I love them to pieces. (I also kin them.) Mafuyu is my second favorite because I relate to her trying to find herself again. (I also kin her.) I don’t have it as bad as she does but I understand. Kanade is very kind and sweet, she’s also soft spoken like I am. She’s gonna work herself into the grave, I truly hope she gets better. I really really don’t like Ena she is my least favorite in the game. She is clearly aware of Mafuyu going through a life crisis and still continues to be mean to her. I get that it’s her whole character, but I’m surprised that Mafuyu hasn’t gotten worse by now.
Favorite song: Bug and ID Smile (Kairiki Bear and Toa were in their BAGS with these songs)
Kanade cover: N/A (I prefer her in group songs)
Mafuyu Cover: Jackpot Sad Girl
Mizuki Cover: ID Smile and Lower
Ena Cover: Close to Gray
Ok, I’m done yapping my mouth, I love this game and these people so so much.
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pandawriterstuff · 3 years
Pinehallow Summary & Character List
This is my main WIP, if I'm complaining about characters doing whatever they want, this is them.
Pinehallow Summary-Monty, an eleven year old boy who has spent most of his life traveling from place to place with his in-demand lawyer mother, Irene, is sent to live at his uncle's horse ranch because she thinks he needs roots. Used to nearly everyone but his mother not being around long enough to get to know, Monty is more than a bit uncertain about this. But in scrambling to find his place in a town different to anything he's ever known, he finds friends, both human and animal, makes discoveries, and even manages to foil a plot against Pinehallow Ranch itself.
Character List
Monty (Montgomery) Cade Waller- Main character, 11, white. Monty is curious, bright, and more than a little awkward. He has a tendency to state the obvious, which can be endearing or annoying depending on your perspective. Big vocabulary and grown-up way of speaking because he’s spent more time around grown-ups than other kids. He’s quietly stubborn, particularly when it comes to being told he’s wrong when he knows he’s right. Insecure about socializing and friendships because of constant moving and traveling. Can’t hold a grudge for the life of him, even when he likely should. He likes bugs, birds and turtles, would rather read nonfiction than a story. Fills lonely afternoons with sketching, nature sketching on the ranch.
Irene Waller- Monty’s mother, 36, white. Irene is a powerful corporate lawyer, either full of energy or exhausted, never in between. She loves using words to sway minds and deciphering documents to find exactly what the opposition doesn’t want her to find. Sometimes Irene wishes she was using her skills in more meaningful ways, but also really likes the money, the traveling, and the competition. Has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of show tunes from musicals. She has a hard time letting people get close. Would stab someone for her baby, but knows it’s better to teach him to stab for himself. Only partially joking. Dolly Parton is her hero, and as much as she loves her music, it’s Dolly the business woman and Dolly the philanthropist that she strives to emulate.
Keith Waller- Monty’s uncle, 34, white. Horse Rancher. Keith loves working hard and getting dirty, and if he’s not exhausted at the end of the day he’ll be looking for something else to push him there. Otherwise he gets antsy. Loves animals and absolutely will not tolerate anyone mistreating any of the animals on his ranch-ordinarily he’s very careful of his size and strength, in that situation, all bets are off. Times that by about ten for any of the ‘barn rats’ that help around the ranch for riding lessons/time. Loves romantic comedies and telanovas and doesn’t care who knows it. Keith doesn’t read a lot, it never came easy to him, but if he’s taking a long trip he’ll always check an audio book or two out of the library instead of just relying on the radio.
Juniper - Keith’s goddaughter, 15, white. She has a calm, confident personality with a smile for most everyone she meets. If she doesn’t have a smile for you and it isn’t because her head is in the clouds over a girl, you’ve probably earned her scorn and will be ignored as much as possible. Juniper raises rabbits and it’s taught her patience, and a lot about unfairness when a kit doesn’t make it. She helps out with riding lessons at the ranch in exchange for riding time of her own, and has become a fixture, spending more time there than she does at home, and when she can get away with it, school. Loves sunflowers and her sunflower comforter is probably her most prized possession.
Nell - Caretaker/cook for the ranch house(would cooking lunch for the workers still be a thing on a modern ranch?). 38, white(?). Not about to put up with nonsense. Will make you cookies if she doesn’t have to put up with nonsense. Please. At one point she wanted to be a chef and has a year of culinary school under her belt, but quickly decided the super fast paced and competitive environment wasn’t for her. Anything that was making her hate one of her favorite things that fast could not be good for a person. She intends to live a long, long life and that kind of stress can just walk right out of the door. Loves to go on long walks, often into the hills (BLM land) behind the ranch. (maybe she was taught/took a class on foraging, and teaches Monty to find wild onions and stuff? But this would mean *I* have to learn about foraging in Idaho.) This leads to a contented, if often silent, companionship between her and Monty, who desperately wants to explore/record/sketch everything about the natural world of his new home, particularly the parts that are off limits to him without an adult along.
Ray- Family Friend/Co-Owner of R & M General (designed to feel vintage, but shiny. Bit of a tourist stop now, they decided to lean into it.), 50, Black. He uses his background in chemistry to make amazing looking candies and chocolates, using that to deal with a time he used it in less pleasant ways when he was in the military. He never expected anybody outside of his small town, or maybe the folks at the county fair to make so much fuss over them. This might embarrass him, if he weren’t so delighted. A cheerful man with a dreamer’s heart, a magazine once referred to him as a small town Willy Wonka. He dotes on his wife, often making and gifting her small surprises. An amputee in honor of my Grandpa (missing left leg at the knee, possibly missing one arm as well, but I’m not sure how that would affect candy making.). Has certain parts of his past he just doesn’t talk about.
Mavis- Co-Owner of ____ with Ray, 48, Black. Fierce and kind in equal measures, Mavis believes in protecting what’s hers, and as far as she’s concerned the entire town of (oh my god, it needs a name) is included in that. Mavis is very selective about the battles she fights, but when she chooses one she throws herself in whole-heartedly. On several committees around town, she’d be on more, but then she wouldn’t have enough time to really get into the work of the ones she loves. She knits in her limited free time, often while listening to the news, but sometimes opera. Has started knitting stuffies in the shapes of the more unusual candies Ray makes, it’s silly, but fun, and tourists and the local kids love it. Still head over heels for Ray, even though his often dreaming about things for ages instead of just doing them is also still baffling to her.
Leanna - Juniper’s sort-of girlfriend, 15, Vietnamese. Quiet, a little cynical, but very empathetic. She avoids the news because it’s that or be mad and want to cry all the time-until she hears about something she can’t not research, and goes on a 24 hour google search and learns far more than is probably good for her about a species going extinct due to logging in prohibited areas, or genocide being covered up by claims of violent uprisings. She loves manga and comics. Leanna sometimes tries for a cottagecore* type aesthetic, but mostly thinks it's too much work. She’s starting to worry about what she’s going to do with her future, and people telling her that she’s only 15 and doesn’t have to worry about it yet is NOT HELPING.
*even though cottagecore isn’t a thing in the early-mid 2000s this is maybe/vaguely set in. Shh, let me have this. Anne of Green Gablesesque maybe?
Winnie - Leanna’s mom, 45, Vietnamese. Widow? A little ditzy, but a lot loving. Everyone in town is convinced she’s the stoner type of hippy, but no one minds as she’s someone who truly wants to know how you’re doing when she asks and strangely almost always has very spot on advice. She’s rarely on time anywhere, but that’s because she’ll have stopped to talk, and often to help, whoever she’s run into. Leanna and her bicker over this when she’s late picking her up. Always wears bright colors. Loves Agatha Christie books. Calls everyone, even people 50 years older than her, hon.
Logan - Juniper’s stepdad, 40, white. Kind of a jerk, but most of the jerky things he says are actually jokes that fall flat or have simply gotten old. Tries really hard, like *really* hard, but has a tendency to get annoyed if people don’t appreciate his efforts right away-more in his personal life than professional, possibly because of his profession. A contractor, hard worker, loyal, has worked for the same company since he was twenty even though they don’t often treat him right. Sometimes tries to buy people’s affections. Wants to have better communication with Juniper, but it’s gotten really hard the last few years and he’s never quite sure why.
Candice - Juniper’s Mom, 39, white, works at a nursery that sells seedlings and baby fruit trees, has a cheerful, calm personality, but a lot softer and more lowkey than Juniper’s version. Very house proud, but has a ‘maximalist’ approach to decorating-everything is in its place, but there are places for lots of things. Loves spending time outdoors, but would rather spend it tending her garden than hiking or riding, preferably with a cup of tea by her side. On the weekends, a fruity beer or wine instead. Wants to go on one of those train rides where you get to drink wine, eat canapes and try to solve a mystery, thinks Winnie might be a good candidate for someone to go with her.
Ura - a ‘barn rat’, 12 and a half, white(maybe a Czech immigrant? 2nd generation?) . A cheerful, rough and tumble boy who is always climbing things, and often being told to stop when he gets too high for other people's comfort. Ura is fearless when it comes to physical feats, but has a fear of ‘slimy’ things like worms and frogs. He has a thick layer of pudge and a big appetite, but is athletic and strong enough that anyone bullying him over it would be doing it at their own peril. Not that he’s the type to start fights, or even finish them most of the time. Doesn’t feel he quite fits in with his family, who are all more serious, reserved people. Redwood is his favorite of the horses, and Keith has all but given up on telling him that sitting on the floor of Red’s stall to talk to the horse isn’t exactly safe.
Elliot - Ray and Mavis’s son, Black, 19 and a college student-maybe/probably at U of I. Lives on campus, but comes home at least a couple weekends a month. Has an older car that he and Ray fixed up together, that is his pride and joy. Quiet, with an irreverent sense of humor that he unleashes somewhat at random. Interested in robotics, engines and mechanics and generally has some project he’s working on, a piece of which may or may not be in his pocket. Often has oil, grease, or ink on his hands, either from working on or designing a new project. A bit of an overachiever, he can spread himself thin trying to live up to all his responsibilities at once. He’s best friends with Randy, a friendship his parents want to disapprove of, because the few times Elliot’s gotten into trouble not only was Randy there, but 99% of the time whatever it was is Randy’s idea, but never quite manage too.
Randy - Handyman at the ranch, mixed race Hispanic and white, 21. Technically head handyman, because the old head retired six months ago, and is a little young/inexperienced for the job, but he’s not the type to back away from a challenge and has risen to the occasion beautifully. Loves rock and metal music, and spends a lot of his free weekends at concerts, the ones crammed into little venues and bars where people are practically on top of each other and the beat is so loud and solid it throbs through you, connecting you to everyone even before you hit the mosh pit, are his preference. He’s been working at the ranch since he was 16, and feels like he has a claim on it, not afraid to speak up if he thinks a decision Keith is making isn’t right or that he isn’t taking something important into consideration. Can be a bit wild when he’s not being the responsible one, definitely doesn’t always think before he acts.
Alma - Local artist/worker at R & M’s, Hispanic, 25. Alma is a painter and poet, a confident young woman who’s figured out that half of surviving as an artist is being your own agent/a salesperson as well, and in addition to several shelves at the R & M that hold postcard prints of many of her pieces, both the coffee shop and cafe have some of her larger paintings displayed, and she always has a booth at the Saturday market, though the majority of her sales come from her website. Alma is cheerful, and likes to tease, and growing up the middle child of four brothers, is very able to hold her own in verbal sparring. She’s close with her family, still living with her parents, and while at first her father was dismayed at her choice of career, he now hands out her business card to basically everyone he talks to.
Miriam - Nell’s Mom, white, 71, a little deaf, speaks loudly, partially because of the deafness, partially because she spent too long letting other people push her around and when she hit about 50 decided she was going to be the one talking over people now. She’s earned it. Age has made her more delicate than she likes, bruising and scraping easily, but she’s determined to do most things for herself. Those that are beyond her she has no problem loudly ordering someone else to take care of. Volunteers a lot, often fosters kittens for the local animal shelter. Used to chain smoke, quit when Nell was a teenager because she kept leaving pictures of diseased lungs everywhere. Still uses the candy ones as a substitute.
Unnamed Town- Somewhere in Latah County, Idaho, where there is not already a town in the way. Around 200 years old and has grown and shrunk and grown again, and currently has a population of about 12,000. Having grown out from a traditional mainstreet, _______ no longer has the western style boardwalk seen in old pictures, but it does have a large cluster of local businesses and ‘hot spots’ still along that old main street, a coffee shop, a diner, a combination bookshop and independent library, a hardware store, a bar, a few places I haven’t thought of yet, and of course R & M General. There is a historical barn half a mile or so away from mainstreet that has been converted into a theater/meeting hall/dance hall, and a community center was added onto it in the early 90’s. During the summer there is a farmer’s market on the property every Saturday. The elementary school and junior high are all on one property, several miles out of town, because the majority of families live on farms, ranches or small rural properties rather than in one of the neighborhood clusters in the town itself. The junior high is 7th, 8th and 9th graders, in a newer two story building, and the elementary school is divided into lower and upper elementary with the bracket shaped building basically being cut in half, K-3 on one side and 4-6 on the other. The high school is outside of town on the other side by several miles, and actually serves kids from another town(s) as well. There is also a trailer park with about forty units, not exactly sure where it is yet, but Miriam(Nell’s Mom) lives there. There is also an animal shelter, a vet’s office, a cemetery, and a couple churches, and I’m sure more things to come.
R & M General (working title?)- Ray and Mavis’s store, a general store with a candy focused twist. A vintage Pepsi sign, neon still bright, and a charming green glass juke-box filled with hits from the 1940’s onward grace the front porch of the R & M, along with a long bench that locals are encouraged to use for a spell or to listen to a couple songs, provided they can behave themselves (teenagers arguing over who their favorite member of the rat pack is might be amusing, considering they were already ‘mom and dad’, or at least older brother and sister, music by the time Mavis and Ray were teenagers, but when they get loud it also gets annoying.). The store itself still has the original wooden counter up front and built-in shelves along the walls, but all refinished and polished to a high shine. A mixture of display types going down the middle of the store, barrels and baskets filled with skeins of colorful yarn and cloth or Mavis’s knitted stuffies(and during winter sometimes socks and mittens), other sewing and craft supplies, display racks with local arts, postcards and carvings, sometimes wind up toys made by Elliot, and of course many, many displays of candies and chocolates. They also have a lot of dry goods, and some of the simpler candy types have little instruction booklets and the ingredients it takes to try out making them yourself stocked in the same display, drink coolers, and sometimes have local produce available. Basically, they have a bit of everything, except for building equipment/home repair supplies, and that’s because of the hardware store across the street.
Pinehallow Ranch-A sprawling 100 acre ranch in Latah County, Idaho where the Waller family has been doing something or other with horses for four generations now. Originally it was a horse breeding ranch, but Keith and Irene’s grandfather felt the money was in training horses, and offered boarding as well, and Keith has continued to build that up, offering lessons for a variety of styles, ages, and skill levels. Butting up against BLM land that allows additional grazing and trail riding, the ranch has four pastures, a large corral, a medium sized indoor arena and two horse barns, one for boarded horses and one for the ranch's own stock, and an equipment barn, an old bunkhouse that is mostly used to store feed-though Randy has slept there when in between places, mostly unbeknownst to Keith-and some smaller equipment sheds, placed where they’re needed. The main house is an L-shaped ranch house with a porch that goes around the entire long front of the house with a large herb/kitchen and rock garden arranged around that. There are treed pockets scattered here and there, left alone as the rest of the ranch was developed, but the creek Monty and Juniper sometimes hang out at is on BLM land, as is most of the forested area around the ranch.
Pinehallow Taglist @sleepysera @enchanted-lightning-aes @odysseywritings @thegreatobsesso @writing-is-a-martial-art and @hiitsolivia If anyone else wants to be added just interact with the post :) (My more advanced tumblr knowledge has led me to believe this is better than asking people to reblog/comment to be added, but if I'm wrong just let me know.)
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redherringtime · 3 years
TMA: Ep 22, Colony
Martin is adorable and I want to pinch his cheek.
Now that that’s out of the way, this episode was such a massive improvement over Alone that it’s actually making me rethink my stance on that episode.  Like Martin did not at all sound like he was reading off a page; he sounded like he was just telling his story as it came to him.  It makes me wonder if the... the sort of fakeness of Alone was actually intentional?  I may have to listen to it again...
I don’t have much to say about the events of the episode.  The description of Jane Prentice was a bit creepy but I didn’t feel like there was a whole lot new in terms of lore that was added.  It really seemed like more of a character episode.
And I loved it as a character episode!  Martin is so sweet and seems to want so badly to please Jon.  I’m going to be very disappointed if it turns out that’s all an act. :c  He’s such a nice contrast to Jon.  I could feel that maybe he believes the statements a bit too much and is a much more emotion-driven person than Jon. 
On the subject of Jon, I really appreciated that he didn’t act skeptically towards Martin and in fact took steps Martin did not expect to make sure that he will be safe moving forward.  To me it felt like he was showing that his grouchiness is a good deal more bark than bite.  
I am terribly curious to learn more about what the ‘Archivist’s crimson fate’ is.  It reinforces my idea that there’s a reason beyond his organizational abilities that Jon is in the position.  I gave it some thought and the only times I really remember red being mentioned was in Jane Prentice’s dress and, unless I am misremembering, in the forms that flowed through the dream and into Gertrude’s body in Dreamer.  Both seem to have potential to be related, but I’m not sure either of them really sounds right.
A few questions I was left with:  Is Martin really ok?  We only have his own words and he could very well have been infected. I don’t think this is hugely likely as it seemed like the girl in Squirm still had control of herself up until the end so if he was similarly infected, I would expect that he doesn’t know it himself.  Also the text at the end said ‘we’ had our fun.  Maybe she means herself and all her bugs, but I suspect that’s not the case.  
And finally, I hope that Jon sets up some kind of safe word system with Martin and the rest of his researchers so that a situation like this won’t happen again.  Both a word that they can give to indicate that they’re in danger and also a question that they can ask each other to ensure that who they are talking to is who they say they are.  
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The May list
Hello folks, sorry for the complete delay in doing this. So this is the may list and then the june list will come tomorrow or something. Usual business, if the author’s names are in bold it’s because I can’t find them and I don’t know if they have tumblr or not - a lot of the time I do find out after and fix this so just gimme a shout if you know the person.
Dreamer’s Ball by @borealis-strange, This time, his mother planned a masquerade party, with the excuse that Freddie will not be guided by appearances this way. Deacury.
Never Lonely by @nicgreen214, Its the holidays and Jim's all alone. Maybe his best friend and crush Freddie can cheer him up. Jimercury.
Fare Thee Well by @aboutnothingness, Freddie has been taken to bed by woman after woman after woman. And every time she tries to fight herself, to convince herself that, no this time she will run from it, this time it will repulse her. Fem Fred solo
Keep the Lantern Burning by @mysticanni, Freddie  hasn't been very fortunate in his life until he finds a very special oil lamp and rubs it just the right way. Froger
Invaluable by @pumpkinlilyao3, Friends, traveling partners and boyfriends Freddie and Roger step in one of the dance rooms of an abandoned dance school. Froger.
Dance (While The Music Still Goes On) by @freesiafields, Freddie is a ballet dancer in his early 30s. What difficulties will he face, and how will he manage to balance his professional and private life? Jimercury
Take This Message by @rushingheadlong, Two short Maycury fics inspired by the Calling All Girls music video. Maycury
Our Country was Green by caviarandqueen, "Don't wander too far into the forest." That was the warning Dwellers always gave passers-through. Maycury
Don’t You (Walk away) by @a-froger-epic, Words can be so meaningless, and anyway, it isn't as though anybody ever really listens. But words don’t leave bruises. Winnie/ Fred
Leather Jackets by @sparkleslightlyy, Freddie wants John to match with him for the concert at The Montreal Forum. He didn't anticipate how good his boyfriend would look in leather. Deacury
Mirror by @evolini, Freddie tries to keep his nerves in check to not screw up his stage look, but there is something else distracting him. Froger
Leaning by @aboutthatmelancholystorm , Mostly about a changing relationship, and taking care of each other in all the different ways something like that demands Froger
You Pour ice down my back, I spray you in the face. Isn’t that how it goes? by @queenies-bug, The boys finish their concert and decompress backstage. Giggling and shenanigans ensue. Poly
Constant Craving by @bambirexwrites, Every single person you meet during your life, has some kind of expectation of you- but what if you fail in trying to live up to them? Fem Jimercury
She’s gonna have to deal with me by @valesweetdreams, Roger has been with Brian for some years already. And he has to work when a student is clearly trying to hit on his boyfriend. Maylor
One Card short of a full deck by @onegoldenglance, Some people say ‘I love you, honey!’ and some people say ‘I hate you, bitch!’ Froger
It Happened like this by anon, First it was her delicate hand going to her head. Then it was her voice, rich and alto, saying “What the fuck hit me?” Maycury Fem Fred
Face Your Fear by @rubadubababyoil, Brian is terrified of his feelings for Freddie, so he hooks up with a man to see if he really desires men, after all. Maycury
Suggested fic;
Moirai by smoke-me-a-kipper, In which Brian and Freddie, along with a reluctant Tim, meet a much younger Roger than would really be ideal for a rock band looking to start it's rise to fame yet Smile, for the moment, comes back into being. For another go.
The june list will be soon, also remember that the roadies/ rare pairs list is in the middle of July so if you have any fics you wanna see on that - your own or someone else’s - send them in an ask (i won’t answer but I will see it) or dm me.
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bwwfunfacts · 3 years
Do you have head canon of interaction between Positive and Negative Leo, Emma, and the inhabitants from previous question?
This was the previous question.
I'm not sure if you want me to answer this as each individual person or if I can answer this as everyone. I'll just go with my gut on this one.
Jose Positive: He works hard at what he does and does it with a smile. He's hospitable and wants everyone to have a good time. Negative: He's a lazy bum that just wants to sit on the couch and drink beer while watching TV. He doesn't care about anything or anyone. He just wants to be left alone.
Fiona Positive: She loves the sea and the critters in it. She loves giving education about each creature and wants to keep the waters clean. Negative: Just looking at the water makes her sick. For all she knows, the creatures want to eat her face. She'd rather eat them for dinner instead of swimming with them.
Yuri Positive: It's not just bugs she loves; it's all kinds of small critters. Like mice, gerbils, tiny birds, and baby animals. She wants to care for them and make sure they're healthy. She's really smart too. Negative: She's always flaunting her intelligence when really she's a dummy. She HATES bugs and wants to squish them if they get too close. If it's in the house, it dies!
Haoyu Positive: He's a dreamer that wants to make the impossible possible! He's a friendly guy and can get along with practically everyone. Negative: What's the point of life? He sees the world as a glass half empty. Why bother making friends if you're going to split up at some point anyway?
Sana Positive: She's a nature enthusiast. She's like an affectionate aunt the likes to pinch the cheeks of the little ones. Planting trees is a hobby of hers. Negative: Animals are gross and dirty. And she hates children. Tear down all the trees for all she cares.
Cass Positive: She's a girly girl who is very cutesy and thinks baby animals are adorable. She's very loving too. Negative: She's a goth that she's darkness everywhere. Don't so much as talk to her, or she'll punch you in the face.
Cal Positive: He's a smart guy that likes to pass down his wisdom to others. He'll quickly solve disputes so everyone can get along. Negative: A total degenerate! If there's a fight, he pulls out his camera and records it. Try to guess how many views it would get.
Iben Positive: She acts motherly towards everyone and is very lovable. Negative: She hates everyone and will yell at you if you say one thing about her opinions.
Attilio Positive: He wants to put a smile on everyone's faces. He's a silly billy and a hopeless romantic. Negative: A complete stick in the mud. There's no such thing as fun to him; just get back to work. He doesn't believe love exists.
Lucy Positive: She loves painting and artwork. She will encourage you to try painting yourself and will compliment you on your first try. Even give you advice on how to make it better. Negative: Art is boring and a waste of time. She's a harsh critic and will point out everything that's bad about it.
Eis Positive: He's a noble man that wants everyone to feel safe. He'll risk his life to save you if you're in danger. Negative: He's a coward to a T. If there's danger in the air, it's every man for himself.
Bruce Positive: He's a gentle soul that likes fresh air and clean spaces. He'll do what he thinks is best for everyone. Negative: He doesn't care if there's litter everywhere. He's a grumpy old man that doesn't give a crap about what's happening outside.
Leo Positive: He's an outgoing and excited guy that loves to dance to make you smile. There's no such thing as a stranger to him; he'll talk to a grown man if he wanted to. Negative: His personal space bubble is HUGE. Should he feel violated, he'll run the other way. He also can't keep a beat to save his life.
Emma Positive: She's a sweetheart that doesn't care about what others think. The word shy isn't in her dictionary, and she wants to be the center of attention. Negative: She has terrible social anxiety. She won't even leave her room; she's so scared. She sometimes wishes she could just turn invisible and disappear.
There would definitely be some heads-butting in this dispute. They would be yelling at each other left and right about what is better in life. But really, you need both positive and negative for balance. If you can't balance yourself out, you're just a shadow of your former self. It may sound odd, but negativity can help see things from a different angle, while positive provides the willpower for you to go on. But the whole process would be trickier than that.
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dialoguelostloop · 4 years
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remember last time when i said i was done making hollow knight gijinkas. suffice to say: Lol. this group of Minor Characters Whom I Care is it tho, at least for now.
you can find my gijinkas part one here (ghost, hornet, the dreamers, quirrel) and part two here (hollow, assorted gods, lace, seer, marmu, bretta, cloth, myla)!
notes on these folks will be under a readmore!
please read my faq page! (tl;dr version: dont use my art for icons/graphics/whatever without getting my permission beforehand, please use neutral pronouns for the vessels in any tags/commentary, dont tag as kin/me/whatever pls)
traitor lord - i tried doing research on traditional aboriginal australian clothing for the mantises and learned a TON of really interesting stuff that might explain why native crater bugs & hallownest’s lower classes tend to only wear cloaks!!! i feel like this happens every time i research ANYTHING for flavor. anyway traitor lord is at a much healthier weight for a man his age than his sisters are bc the mantises chilling in the queen’s gardens probably have way better access to food than the village does. see my mantis sadstuck fic for details on That.
mantis lords - in aforementioned mantis sadstuck fic i had a LOT of fun differentiating the sisters’ personalities, so i had fun here varying their body types/gender presentation too. the numbers are just my headcanons for birth order (traitor lord is the third surviving sibling).
traitors’ child - i will just put tozo hanoline by kevin penkin ft. uyanga bold on so let’s all lay dramatically on the floor about her. heart-shaped eyebrows are Cute. all 5 members of the mantis family have sectoral heterochromia, but traitor lord’s daughter’s eye shape/band color are inherited from her other dad. additionally, did you know that all 5 of these mantises are canonically trans??? it’s pretty great thanks team cherry
tiso - @whatever-you-can-give-me 's fics got me Very attached to sephardi tiso along with the headcanons described in the pic notes. i tend to picture him as a little younger than ghost & hornet’s apparent age, like, definitely an adult but still young enough to feel like he’s a little more invincible than he is in real life. also he, too, is trans, which i think is a very realistic headcanon given how ant castes work irl
godseeker - i watched a bunch of how-to videos on how to style box braids as reference for her dream hairstyle! her real body is... So cute... she is simply So squishy. i love her
god tamer - i just like it when god tamer is very mizrahi and very butch and here to Bully Boys and Cherish Girls. i also like it when she and pale lurker are girlfriends
pale lurker - similarly to tiso @whatever-you-can-give-me has very neat pale lurker headcanons/theories that made me care her more than ever before (i already cared her). i just think she and god tamer should kiss
greenpath vessel - i love they. i get the feeling that this sort of cowlicks-out sort of hair style was very common in late 90s/early 00s anime but that i see it less nowadays
lost kin - has longer hair than the very small vessels because they grew more, and actually has it in a nice style because it didnt just grow out with zero maintenance the way hollow’s did.
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bestworstcase · 4 years
farran rereads lost lagoon: chapters 5-6
- mixed feelings about eugene’s first impressions of cassandra here. on the one hand, she did make a snide remark about him being a thief, which must sting when he’s already making an active attempt at self-improvement and attending classes in criminal justice. this isn’t tts eugene - who spends 6-7 months loafing around the palace basking in luxury until cass drags him for being self-absorbed and lazy. this eugene has a work ethic and seems to feel some actual responsibility regarding his new role as rapunzel’s consort. it’s not fair for cass to make a snap judgment about him based on his past and decide to be rude to him because of it.
on the other hand… he and rapunzel did just barge into her space against her will and her subsequent prickliness was reasonable, which eugene doesn’t seem to have any awareness of. and taking into consideration the likelihood that this cass is supposed to be about 17 while eugene is an established adult, that isn’t a fun vibe.
- sort of amused by the role reversal of eugene, in the licensed fanfic cassunzel s1 au, is the one who introduces rapunzel to the library. i guess the key to unlocking rapunzel’s romance option is to not show her the books. but also, why is eugene the one showing her around lol
- did he steal from the coronan palace so much that he just knows where everything is
- the dialogue in this chapter is… hm
“You can take these books back to your room if you want,” Eugene said.
“I can?” I said, staring at the stocked shelves around me.
“I think I’ll open a window,” Eugene said. “It’s a little musty in here.”
like what’s going on here? is this a dialogue bug introduced by spot editing that didn’t get patched before publishing? does eugene have adhd? is this a romance novel™ thing to demonstrate that while eugene and rapunzel talk to each other plenty they’re not on the same wavelength to such an extent that raps asks a question and eugene responds with a complete non-sequitur, which will be contrasted with how completely rapunzel and cass ‘click’ together later? hello?
- one point in favor of the romance novel™ theory is that immediately after this eugene conks out instead of sharing in rapunzel’s discovery and exploration of the library and it is implied he is having a fun flynn rider dream ie he’s lost in his own fantasies and oblivious to rapunzel’s. symbolism!
- anyhoo, this is when the plot device of the ‘lost lagoon’ book of poems turns up. i will say that, having spent the better part of my teen years working in an actual library, it beggars belief to say that a book got shoved behind other books in a popular section (sports) by mistake and got left that way for so long that dust blooms out of it when it’s finally cracked open again; likewise, anyone who attempted to intentionally hide the book this way is an idiot. my dude, you are in a palace riddled with secret passageways. maybe hide the secret book there?
like it’s not even well-hidden. rapunzel pulls out one (1) book from the sports section and immediately spots it. which also just feels dumb. like… there’s a million other ways this book could have been hidden. inside another book would have been more believable. rapunzel rips a bone-dry book of census records off the top shelf because she’s insatiably curious about corona’s people and surprise! it’s got this slim little book of poetry crammed inside it. like ??? i know it’s juv fic but make an effort
- coronans canonically speak english according to this i’m die
- rapunzel hides the book from arianna just… because, and i can’t help but feel this is another case of anxiety written by someone who doesn’t quite get it. she’s ‘just not ready’ to share this book of poems that means absolutely nothing to her yet except that she thought it sounded pretty.
but like. this girl grew up with gothel, who made a habit of belittling her interests, thoughts, feelings, and desires. everything rapunzel had she had because gothel deigned to give it to her, and anything she valued could have been snatched away just as easily. in the film it’s made clear that rapunzel hides pascal’s entire existence from gothel, and while the reason for this isn’t spelled out, it’s clear to me that she was afraid gothel might hurt or get rid of pascal should she learn of his existence. so, like. this is all a recipe for rapunzel having this general anxiety about things being taken for her and with this fear being linked to mother figures it makes sense that arianna would tend to trigger it especially. there is a perfectly obvious, understandable reason for rapunzel to be terrified of sharing anything she found by herself and sees value in or is excited about with her new mom, even if she knows rationally that arianna would never take it from her.
as it is, it really comes across more as an arbitrary plot device to keep the lagoon a cassunzel-only thing.
- there’s a lot of odd characterization decisions in this book but i think rapunzel being resistant and reluctant with regards to the idea of having a human companion is probably the weirdest. ??
- arianna feels like she’s characterized the way a lot of fanworks characterize her, i.e. the authorial mouthpiece who (in the case of cassunzel fic specifically) overtly ships cassunzel and does things to facilitate that relationship. don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to see her doing stuff at all, but… i dunno, i find this brand of arianna doing things just a little wearying. let her just be her own character.
- implication is that arianna and the captain agreed that cass would be rapunzel’s lady-in-waiting, arianna okays this with rapunzel and then tells rapunzel to announce it to cassandra at this public holiday feast. with no prior warning. wow. i think the kindest possible reading here is that the captain has been telling arianna that cass would be delighted and honored to receive this position and arianna assumes he’ll give cass a heads-up as a courtesy beforehand, but that paints the captain in a pretty bad light on account of him lying and essentially manipulating the queen in order to force his teenage daughter to accept this huge responsibility that she vocally does not want. in any case, absolutely nobody involved in this shitshow gives a damn what cass wants.
- lagoon comes in hard with the saporian!cass symbolism l o l. rapunzel reads a saporian poem out loud, not knowing what it means but loving the sounds, while daydreaming about becoming friends with cass.
- arianna seems to genuinely believe cass will be thrilled to have the lady-in-waiting gig sprung on her, which seems to lend credence to the theory that cap has been talking it up as something cass wants. or the intention here is to paint arianna as an out of touch noblewoman, but i don’t think that’s what howland was going for. i don’t know, it’s an odd conversation.
- eugene calls cassandra “sport” lmfao
- lagoon cass has never read a book in her life, apparently
- i don’t want to keep harping on this too much but it keeps leaping off the page at me; cass’s behavior throughout this dinner scene really just bleeds teenagerhood. eugene and rapunzel both make actual stabs at conversation by asking her about things they know she’s interested in, and cass brushes them off/stonewalls them. in tts, on the other hand, cass is actually pretty open to deep conversations with both rapunzel and eugene—it’s just that they never. ask her about herself. eugene goes 6-7 months before he asks cassandra a personal question in cassandra vs eugene, which if i remember right is the only time he asks her a personal question. rapunzel gets very invested very fast in becoming friends with cassandra, but she does it by strong-arming cass into being her partner in a contest, and when cass decides to open up to her it isn’t in response to rapunzel asking her things. the dynamic is totally different.
- actually now that i think about it - lagoon cass feels a lot like the cranky new dreamer version of cass (you know, the flavor of new dream fans who resent cass for ‘being mean’ to eugene, ‘being controlling’ of rapunzel, and ‘stealing’ eugene’s narrative spotlight). this cass is rude, she does come off as a bit spoiled and very bratty, she is nasty to eugene for no good reason, and while i do sympathize with her on the grounds of her evidently being a child i don’t find her to be especially likable or compelling as a character. if cass acted like this in tts i think the cranky new dreamer contingent of the fandom would have a much stronger leg to stand in - especially if she was still supposed to be 22.
like… this:
“So,” Eugene said, distracting me. “What’s it like to be the daughter of the captain of the guard? You obviously have a thing for weapons.”
“So,” I said.
“Have you been training since you were a little kid?” Eugene pressed on. “Do you have friends in the castle?”
“No,” I said. “Who needs friends?”
“Jeez!” Eugene muttered while Rapunzel whispered with the queen. “I don’t need just any icebreaker here, I need a pickax.”
I rolled my eyes.
this is way more interest in cass as a person than eugene shows in tts… like ever. at this point, eugene has met cass ONCE for a few MINUTES and he already knows more about her than he does in cassandra vs eugene, after six or seven months of frequent contact. yet cass scoffs and gives him monosyllabic answers and radiates way more hostility for way less reason than she displays even in tangled before ever after. i think eugene is totally justified in going, yeesh, what’s this kid’s deal?
- rapunzel goes straight from “i’d like you to be my lady-in-waiting” to “you’re my new lady-in-waiting!” without waiting for cass to answer. and i mean, at this point it is a done deal, queen’s orders and all, so i can’t hold this against rapunzel at all. but man, the adults involved in this decision sure aren’t concerned at all about making sure rapunzel learns how boundaries and consent works.
How was I going to train? How was I going to live the life I was born to live?
Fury heated my blood as I stared down the moon.
i wonder how much howland knew regarding the planned villain arc, because on the one hand lines like this are drenched in foreshadowing, and she’s done a much better job establishing cassandra’s belief in destiny than tts did. but on the other, had she known about the gothel twist, she would surely have known that cassandra is several years older than rapunzel, and that doesn’t square with how cass… acts.
this is half-remembered hearsay so take it with a grain of salt, but i seem to recall something about cass, in her original conception, being younger than rapunzel (and also aware of her parentage, and secretly villainous all along). could howland have been working from information given to her during the transitional stage between that proto-cass and tts cass? that would explain a lot.
- the last paragraph of 6 is the most effective passage in the book thus far:
This was a decision that had bars around it. I couldn’t protest without falling out of favor with the king and queen, and then there would be no way I’d ever be allowed in the guard. I couldn’t argue my way out of this with my father. A royal assignment was the final word. My fate had been sealed. I fell to my knees and stifled a scream.
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tamtam-go92 · 4 years
And that concludes Pleasantview-Widespot-SSU fall 2
I just wanted to leave you some notes around what happened this season and the year before ;)
Beare Family: Allegra was first trimester pregnant when the season started and the two of them welcomed their first child, a daughter they named Maya into their lives. Also their lot (it’s the former Dreamer home) experiences a weird bug where there would always be a light snow outside even on warm days. I hope that bug vanishes once it starts snowing in winter.
Burb Family: John and Jennifer aged up into Elders this fall. Jennifer has an affair going on with her co-worker Jared Starchild, but she hasn’t met him this season.
Caliente Family: Don and Nina are climbing their careers. Their daughter Ariana grew up into a child. As an explanation: Nothing of this really was planned. I didn’t want them to become a classic married couple with 1,5 children, a picked fence and a dog. It was all their own doing. Don and Nina both rolled a want to get married during a date. And guess what? After getting engaged they went straight for the next sofa and tried for a baby. I was freaking out when I heard chimes. During Don’s next round I quickly fulfilled his first LTW to woohoo 10 sims so he could get married to Nina the next season. And they did. In their wedding night Don was abducted by Aliens because he needed a logic point for his career and somebody thought it was a good idea to buy the expensive telescope... So I relocated them to a bigger lot and here they are...
Dreamer Family: I know DarrenxCassy gets a lot of hate, but I like them together. They are a very rounded couple in my game and were blessed with an other son, Damian this season. That’s they last child, as Cassy is growing old next season.
Goth Family: Ever since Frida was born, Mortimer and Dina were constantly trying to try for an other baby but I always canceled the interaction. Morty wasn’t getting any younger and I have a one elixir of life per sim-rule and he drank the rest of his in summer. But somehow sims always do what they want and Dina got pregnant through risky wohoo... great... Now they had a son called Moss and Morty died the same evening his son was born. At least he was able to meet his youngest child before death and he was surrounded by family (he also died in platinum aspiration).
Nova Family: Tiffany and Castor are constantly trying for a baby but so far no chimes. I’m not sad about it, since those two are really broke af. Luckily Tiff finally found a job in the medical field. But Castor is still on the search. They won’t get married until Tiff is either pregnant or Castor has a job.
Oldie Family: I skipped playing Herb this season. He’s waiting for Ivy and Orlando to graduate.
Pleasant Family 1: Guess what? Kaylynn got herself abducted this season and since I’ve got a mod that allows female alien pregnancy she gave birth to a little alien boy I called Parker. When Daniel found out that Kay was pregnant again, he retired. He really tries to be a better dad to his sons and helps Leonardo, who is struggling with school, with his homework a lot.
Pleasant Family 2: That’s such a funky household, it’s so much fun to play! Candy has a little bakery she tends on her days off at the restaurant. Val and MS are the cutest couple ever, but have never woohooed! I like that little detail about them. Stone grew into a teen and he’s now a Romance/Fortune sim (after both his grandpas). His LTW is to be a space pirate.
Starchild Family: Heather started off 1st trimester pregnant and gave birth to a little boy during the round - Alonso. Sam and Ty are eagerly trying for a baby too, but no luck so far. They took in the last crops of the year and gave a lot of their crops away to friends. They all are quick to climb the career ladder.
Traveller Family: Nothing interesting happened this season tbh... Laurie really wasn’t planned, again risky wohoo stroke but I’m super glad to have her, she has the cutest little face ever!
Upsnott Family: Those two really are driving me nuts! They are broke as hell and can’t find a proper job. I didn’t like Brit getting pregnant so soon, I couldn’t throw them a wedding party since they had literally no money for the wedding arch. They could merely afford the crib for their baby! And then... they had twins *face palm*. Yeah, a girl and a boy called Matías and María José. I have no idea why the name generator dropped two Spanish names. Luckily at least Josh found a job in the criminal career and can now support his family. The twins also grew into toddlers and they look so cute (broken face template...)
Beech Household: It’s really difficult managing so many students, but they all are doing pretty well. The love triangle between Virginia, Woody and Goldie seems to be interrupted by River, who really has the hots for Ginny. She still has higher chemistry with Woody, but Woody prefers Goldie. Goldie, Ginny and Scot graduated the last day of fall. While Ginny moved back in with her parents and Scot moved in with his boyfriend, Goldie temporarily moved back in with her older brother. But she’ll eventually move in with Woody.
Bright Household: Everything’s good here. I always wanted Lucy and Lilith to be close but in fact... she’s closer with Dirk... Lilith graduated the last day of fall and moved back in with her mother. I’m super exited what happens when she meets Ashley Pitts (knowing their chemistry they share in @katatty’s game...).
Freshman Household: Dixie threw herself a graduation party on the first day of fall and moved in with her fiance. Angela graduated mid-season and moved into the old Broke-Trailer on her own where she’s waiting for Dustin to graduate. Tina and Isaiah have a little something going on, they already did so as teens (they are best friends since their childhood) but neither of them is really for settling down and exclusivity.
Land Household: Alex and Delta met at Lucy Burb’s farewell party and they had such a great chemistry that I had to make something out of it. And of course they savaged each other first things after moving in together. Don’t know where it’ll lead, they just had their first real date but I’m excited.
Oldie Household: They are not so interesting to play as they are very studious and don’t have much contact to the outside. I tried to give Orlando a bit of an NB story and his outfits change between male and female each season.
Beech Family: Daytona has used the last bit of elixir of life so she passed away this season. Sandy has a small clothing store in Widespot that is a lot of fun to play. Hamilton is almost top of his career. Grey grew into a teenager and he’s a Pleasure/Romance sim. That’s gonna be some fun!
Gavigan Family: Such a cute family. But they are a lot like the Travellers, not much is going on for them except for careers and kids. It’s so funny that some families just get one gender as kids. I know a lot of families in real life that are the same!
Hart Family: Penny and Rhett have a really good relationship but both tend to stray sometimes (Penny once had an affair with Don Lothario (of course)). Snow is Skye 2.0. I gave him an alien eye heterochromia, since he’s got nothing from Penny’s alien heritage and I thought that was pretty sad... Rhett and Penny both grew into elders and Rhett topped his career fulfilling his LTW. His new LTW would be to become a professional Party Guest, but I guess that’s not gonna happen. Snow then grew into a teen, becoming a Knowledge/Romance Sim (after his grandpas).
Land Family: I skipped playing Beulah for the same reason I skipped Herb Oldie. At least River is gonna move back in with her after university.
Mann Family: This is such a hectic household... I struggled with getting Rich into golden aspiration so he could have some of the elixir of life, he really needs it. And guess what? I laughed so hard when that fourth baby of Mary was also a girl. But they called her Lana after the decreased grandmother she’ll never meet and Rich is super caring. I’m totally surprised, that he’s such a caring grandfather to all of the girls but he always tucks them in and plays with them. Oh! And of course Ira grew into a teen! She’s now a Pleasure/Family sim.
Roseland Family: Arg, this family has really grown on my heart. I always love Brandi and her kids and I struggle so much finding a perfect partner for her. But when she met Cyd over a mutual friend they had perfect chemistry. Sadly they didn’t get along at first but soon it clicked and now they are joined at their hips. They shouldn’t have had Ella, their calculated amount of kids was three but I just couldn’t deny the mutual have a baby want... Beau will go to college next season and Skip grew up into a teen being Romance/Family like his big bro.
Stacks Family: Those two are constantly trying for a baby, ever since Martin came from College. But somehow Jane isn’t as fertile as I’d expect from a Family sim. On the last day there were finally chimes! Selina is... something. She has a really sharp face, I think because of Martin’s broke face. Her cheekbones could cut through glass!
Swain Family: Dixie moved in with Erik and Jimmy on the second day of fall and they had a wonderful wedding party two days later. Jimmy takes Scot for dates every second day and Scot has rolled a want to get engaged (of course). Erik has a locked want to have a baby, but Dixie wants to find a job first.
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waltrp · 4 years
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BIDDI BOPPI BOOP A SPECIAL MESSAGE ADMIN ZULEMA: when i tell you that both kiara and i were excited to get this app i mean we are so freaking excited to finally have a tiana. Ash, bless you. Tiana is a character I love here and in general. You captured their voice so PERFECTLY. your app was beautiful as usual, you gifted human. i’m so excited to see what you do with Tiana. I know i’m excited to see Lottie and Tiana interactions. Please refer to THIS PAGE for your next tasks. We can’t wait to roleplay with you. Welcome to our Ohana xx.
It’s a pleasure to meet you…
Ash, 22, She/Her, GMT+1
Are you positive you can be active?
Im on as much as I can be, I had a bad few weeks during june where I wasnt able to get on due to personal issues but that is very rare for me. I give 70% of my day to this group… which now that I type it sounds really sad…
How did you stumble upon Walt?
Zane Holtz tag, a true hottie
Did you read the rules?
Are you sure?
- and I bet they’d be cute!
Character you want?
Tiana Hudson
Please describe the character for us
Tiana is a realistic dreamer, when she dreams it’s bigger than anyone else’s but she is willing to put the work in. Tiana knows nothing in this world comes free and pours her blood, sweat and tears into everything she does in order to make her dreams come true, She is fiercely passionate and independent, she is extremely sure of herself and sets constant goals. She can seem a little uptight to others but its only because she doesn’t have the time to goof around or take her eyes off the prize. Once she sets her sight on something Tiana will stop at nothing to get it, even if that means missing key moments of her youth. She is a kind hearted soul who really would do anything for anything for anyone, her only flaw is that she’s so focused on her future that she can’t slow down to appreciate her present.
Second character choice
I would be torn between Gabriella Montez and Poppy Lang
It’s time to see that sample para.
The sound of crickets and birds chirping alongside the rising sun mocked Tiana as she reached the front porch, her shift lasted longer than expected as she offered to do overtime and clean the kitchen. It had been a slow night for tips and she needed all the extra cash she could get if she wanted to keep on track for buying a restaurant of her own. Yawning as she entered the family home she shut the door quietly behind her and dropped her bag on the sofa. “Morning baby” her mother called out from the kitchen as Tiana followed the scent of cinnamon and coffee. “Goodnight, Mama” she responded sleepily “I can’t believe you’re up this early” she mumbled taking a seat at the table. Her mother chuckled in her night robe standing over the stove and began spooning porridge into two bowls. “Someone’s gotta’ make sure you eat”. Tiana smiled lazily at her Mother as she placed a warm bowl in front of her “Thankyou Mama”. “You’re welcome Tiana.” The two women ate in silence while Tiana checked her emails and her Mother read the paper. Both too exhausted at this hour of the morning to make chit-chat. Tiana knew her Mother didn’t enjoy waking up this early but appreciated that she would not let her daughter dine alone, eating together was something they continued to do as a family after the death of her Father.
Tiana’s phone buzzed mid-spoonful of porridge and the entire thing dropped to the table with a clatter. “Its the realtors for the Old Sugar Mill!” Tiana gasped, jumping up from her seat. “Gone are the days when they used to mail documents to you– now everything is online” Her mother commented while taking a sip of her coffee. Tiana’s eyes narrowed “Mama stop being so negative– this could be it!” she beamed, feeling her heart pound against her chest. “Well don’t just stand there open it!” her Mother replied, masking her own anxiety. It was tough to watch your child grow up and even tougher to watch them chase their dreams in a world that could be so cruel. “Okay okay– Dear Miss Hudson, we are writing to inform you that your recent bid for Sweetman’s Sugar Mill has been rejected.” Tiana felt her heart sink to her feet as she briefly scanned over the rest of the email, her mother audibly gasped and stood up. “That’s just one realtor, there’s plenty more properties in the City” She said softly, stepping towards Tiana who stood numbly in the kitchen. “It was his dream…” she whispered. Tiana’s mother wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter and kissed her cheek. “Baby you are so young, you’re working too hard. Maybe its time to take a little break– go on a vacation!” she offered. Tiana shook her head. “I can’t. I don’t have the time– I gotta’ make sure Daddy’s hard work means something!”. Tiana’s mother took a step back. “Tiana!” she said sternly. “Your Daddy may not have got the restaurant he wanted but he had something better.” placing a gentle hand on her daughter’s cheek, her voice was soft. “He had love.”
Tiana felt like she was going to burst into tears, she buried her head against her Mother’s shoulder as she hugged her. “I don’t know what to do..” she confessed, feeling helpless, lost, not only was she letting herself down she was also letting her Father down. Her Mother soothingly patted her back. “There there– you learn from it baby. You take the rejection and you let it go. You use it to fuel your fire and you continue to live your life… and maybe you get coffee with the sweet boy from the bakery.” Tiana pulled back from her Mother’s embrace and rolled her eyes. “Quit tryna’ marry me off I’ve got plenty of time to date.” she replied, folding her arms. “So do it then” her Mother replied. The two women were now smiling, though Tiana was faking it to please her Mother. She didn’t understand, she wanted Tiana to date and go dancing, like any of that could mean something when her heart clearly belonged to a different dream.  A dream that was now just out of her reach. She was almost there. “Whatever I gotta’ go email some auctioneers and property scout” she said with a wave of dismissal heading towards her room. “Don’t forget to shower and take a nap!” her Mother called out in response. Tiana grunted some kind of reply reaching her bedroom door, she heard the sound of her mother’s sewing machine buzz in the background. Now she was free to feel her emotions without interruption.
As Tiana shut over her bedroom door she began to tear up, passing her collection of family photographs on her dresser she picked up the one of her Father smiling that they used for the funeral. “Daddy I’m so sorry…” she whispered, wiping her thumb across his face. He looked so happy, full of life and hopes and dreams. She missed him everyday and now she was failing him, it was a disappointment too hard to stomach. “There’s nothing here for us anymore.. I gotta’ go somewhere with real opportunities.” she explained. Tiana placed a kiss on the forehead of her Father’s photo and gently put it back onto the dresser, kicking off her shoes she climbed onto her bed and pulled out her phone. She softly wiped away at the tears that began to fall from her eyes. “No more crying, No more feeling sorry for yourself Miss Tiana!” she warned. “We accept it, we move on and we keep trying!”. In the spirit of looking for a new opportunity Tiana scrolled through her contact list and began to type a new message.
Hey girl! Long time no speak. Please don’t kill me because work already is. So.. I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about Elias. If I came up would you give me a tour?
Anything else, love?
I made an aesthetic HERE and a playlist edit HERE and HERE bc im v committed to taking up my favourite princess<3
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