#and i was an og science bros stan so...
002 Kuroo Tetsurou, please and thankyou!
Thank you, Kuroo is one of my faves; so I’m looking forward to this :D
002 I Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I love him. I didn’t really like him that much when he got introduced for the first time, but he grew on me. Especially his relationship with Kenma. I’m a sucker for childhood friends. But he is also an interesting character in the way he acts and behave, on the court and off the court and who he’s with. And, I think just  a lot of poeple can see themselves as Kuroo.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: KENMA!!! There is no other person for my Captain Catto.  But I also like Daichi and Kuroo or Bokuto and Kuroo...or all three og them together I also have been following this Yamaguchi x Kuroo fic, and that ship is growing on me :3
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Tsukishima and Kuroo, their dynamic is quite funny to me and I loved seeing Kuroo helping Tsukki through volleyball. * I also like the dynamic Daichi and Kuroo have with each other. And the dynamic Bokuto and Kuroo have. I think every Kuroo-stan in the fandom, loves having Bokuto as his side bro.  I also like to see Kai, Kuroo and Yaku hang out. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: Now that the manga is finished, I wished Kuroo could’ve come a scientist or something in that field. I always thought of him as this little book nerd  that likes physics, maths and chemistry. I mean, he used the world docosahexaenoic acid when he was bickering with Yaku as an insult to him...so I felt like he would go in that direction, but he didn’t :I
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wished we would have seen more of the shy, little kid Kuroo was when he and Kenma got to know each other. I know it’s portably not that deep and not time enough to make that side plot any longer than it already is, but I was a shy kid and now I’m a shy adult; but I’m happy that Kuroo grew out of his shyness and I would have love to see more of Kuroo (and Kenma) growing up side by side and becoming the young adults we see in the end of the manga. 
my cross over ship: I don’t ship cross over...
a headcanon fact: Kuroo is a dog person, so when he enters adulthood, he get’s two dogs a couple of years apart. He have always loved bull terriers, so he get’s two boys and names them Apple π (after kenma’s fave food and it’s a science joke) and Takumi, which means Taku = open, support or expand and mi = sea/ocean...and well, his fave food is from the ocean.
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hola - welcome to another reaction post
Agents of SHIELD - s7ep11: Brand New Day (WARNING – SPOILERS (obviously))
-          So straight off the bat, reading the tagline, looks fun - “(in order to win against Sibyl/Nathaniel) they’ll have to get creative, and maybe even a little out of this world.” Intriguing. Looks like we could be in for some fun stuff this episode, but I’m really wondering how we’re going to turn this all around in just three episodes (counting the finale as two), so I’m guessing there’s gonna be a big thing to happen that’s gonna end it all. Like, someone’s gonna die, I’m just gonna say it, it’s gotta happen?
-          Also, because I can’t restrain myself, I have been on Tumblr and Twitter today, and I haven’t actively stopped to read what I’ve seen, but because I am rubbish at avoiding it, I have figured out that we’ve got some flashbacks this episode, which appear to have Fitz in them??? I bloody hope so gosh.
-          Right, I’m gonna start it. Deep breaths.
-          Recap, okay.
-          RIP Jiaying.
-          Deke is so oblivious but I still love him and wish that Daisy and Deke had been a thing.
-          Daisy’s been crying nooo
-          So they lost the Zephyr. (And what’s left of the Fitzsimmons fam)
-          They went to space??
-          Daisy’s gonna fight this bitch. (I know I’ve seen it already in clips but still).
-          I’m discovering it’s really hard  to type and pay attention.
-          “I wanna be an agent of SHIELD” 1. I mean, that’s the show but 2. She says with the face of “but like actually don’t trust me look at my evil grin mwhahahaha”
-          Space woowww
-          How do all these randos know how to fly the Zephyr??
-          Did Deke just make a Die Hard reference? (rhetorical, yes he did); I mean I haven’t seen the entirety of Die Hard, but I watched bits last Christmas and I’ve also watched enough B99.
-          …Motherfucker. (again actually something I learned from B99, not Die Hard)
-          Aw Mackelena babysitting
-          Proof?
-          Oh so the team’s finally learning what we learned about time in Endgame.
-          “A Brand New Day” got it
-          Bro I was gonna say that (about it’s basically Project Insight) but he said it better cos he’s Coulson and he’s cooler.
-          “My sister” look at these two
-          Ha lies I bet she’s fucking lying
-          “Sibyl said” the new version of Simon Says
-          Hold up did she just give her the keys?
-          And I’m going to cry
-          DON’T hit my BABY
-          Elizabeth’s eyebrows are to die for
-          Where’s she going huh
-          Look Sousa put suspenders on
-          Are they his battle suspenders
-          Cos that’s the cutest thing ever
-          I love him
-          Science Daisy
-          So she’s really never flown a quinjet huh
-          “It’s your last chance to stay behind” *assertively puts on seatbelt”
-          That moment when you don’t know if it’s a cut to the next scene or Mack’s caught them
-          No wait he’s got his shotgun axe. Bitch ready to go yes.
-          Oh wait he’s telling her off.
-          No he’s agreeing.
-          Omg yes Mack
-          Where does all that water go – I’m assuming there’s a drainage system?
-          So they left Mum and Dad behind rip
-          Is Kora just in the background reading a book.
-          Protective Nana Jemma
-          Nate you never cared about ‘your old man’.
-          Sousa just leaves his seat
       It’s a nice parallel to Goose in Captain Marvel
-          They have an auto-grav setting? But like, the quinjet isn’t made for space.
-          Daisy, ever the optimistic.
-          Mmmmmmspace
-          Oooof pulling the Bahrain card.
-          If May hadn’t done it, she wouldn’t have had a cool backstory, so put that in your pipe and smoke it Kora
-          Mmmmmcreepy messages through a virus in 1980s aesthetic. What a…. well… aesthetic.
-          Sassy Coulson back at it again.
-          I mean you are a fucking robot can’t you just plug yourself in or some shit; I’M NOT VERY SCIENCY OKAY
-          Oh great another “last mission” convo
-          Sounds like you will.
-          Thanks I’m crying
-          Oh wait he doesn’t remember the kiss I forgot that, shit.
-          Can’t just break a fucking window Nate, you’re gonna have to pay for that. Like literally with your own money, please and thanks, I don’t think the team brought any money with them.
-          Ooh love a good Coulson talk.
-          Honestly where would the team be without May? Dead, I think.
-          Burnt toast.
-          Did she just say Grant Ward.
-          Yes she did.
-          Ward would have been worse without Garrett? Uh I think not, not if someone had just called Child Services, and gotten him some fucking therapy.
-          “What are your intentions with Daisy?” Dad Mack coming through, “no funny business” and all that.
-          “Well then you better get some” omg we stan mack even though his voice is so deep I often miss what he says
-          “omg shes like so into you gurl” is basically what I just heard. (picture 2000s american teenage girl, phone pressed to ear, chewing gum really loudly etc.)
-          “sir” HES SO POLITE
-          I’m loving this chat and its so true, every single one of them would massacre Sousa if he hurt Daisy.
-          “just like a damn comic book” ahaha haha…. ha. yep.
-          But I do love a good comic book joke in the show.
-          Wasn’t it in like s4, and Coulson said something about Daisy being Director and she was like “ha yeah maybe in the comic book version”? idk man im rewatching SHIELD because I have the worst memory but that was funny too
-          These two’s eyebrows in this scene god.
-          Honestly if you get the chance to rewatch this scene just watch Mack and Sousa’s eyebrows as they turn to look at each other it’s adorable.
-          Alright Sousa no need to be so mean I think it’s a great name.
-          These two giggling together omg the one things I didn’t know I needed.
-          19th century definitely was.
-          “can you give us a moment” “yes” “…..oh”
-          What are you suggesting fitz my darling
-          …sooooooooooo….
-          Some time to have a kid maybe.. idk… grow old together…
-          What bloodwork? Did I miss a thing?
-          Snuggling Fitzsimmons ahhhhh
-          I didn’t think Kora would be so sad omg. Now I feel bad for her shit it wasn’t meant to be this way, I-
-          Fitz looks so different omg
-          Omg Fitz grabbing onto her and hugging im soft omg what a beautiful trope
-          A kickass fight scene nice
-          Uh oh
-          Nice one May
-          “Sunshine” what an asshole
-          They’re gonna decimate everything wtf
-          Wasn’t there all those ships in the trailer
-          “quake”
-          Look at these cuties
-          Thanos could turn you to dust too.
-          SORRY too soon
-          Uhhhhhhhhhh what the fuck is happening
-          They’re just wiping out shield
-          Rip the Triskelion
-          DON’T YOU TOUCH HER LIKE THAT oh look now I’m being protective wtf is happening to me
-          Urgh absolutely disgusting
-          Well shit
  Uhhhhhhh so this is problematic. I mean, by all accounts, they could just leave this timeline and go back to the OG one. I mean, there’s a canon timeline where Steve learns early that Bucky is alive, Loki has the Tesseract and Steve just told a elevator full of Hydra agents “Hail Hydra” (so a highly chaotic timeline, that the avengers just left) so they could just leave but like, that’s unethical, i guess???? Oh well.
  Let’s go have a look at the new trailer for the FINALE!! ARGH omg its all ending and I’m sad
  WELL im going to cry aren’t I? ffs
Daisy’s accepting that this is their last mission.
“This is what we were fighting for.” Which issss….? 
It really is the end, huh.
The finale will make me cry. There’s not many SHIELD episodes that have made me do that. I think the one that made me cry the most was the spy’s goodbye. And I seem to remember crying when Fitzsimmons were at the bottom of the ocean,  and then laughing through my sobs bc the shot of Fury coming down from the helicopter, arm outstretched like Jesus was the most hilarious thing I had ever seen; but other than that? Not many. 
I’m excited and terrified at the same time. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF. HELP.
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moonstruckbucky · 5 years
My Thoughts on Endgame
I went to see Endgame last night and have had all day up in my office all alone to compile my thoughts and feelings, of which there are numerous, about the movie while it’s all still fresh. Major spoilers below the cut, so if you haven’t seen it, back away!
Warning: Super long post ahead.
First, I’d like to say I am a Tony/Nebula stan, wholeheartedly. Somehow, the Russos managed to lighten up a very dark reality where Tony and Nebula are floating listlessly in space and running out of oxygen. The dark mood is made a little lighter by a noticeably very thin Tony teaching Nebula about paper footballs, and her innocence of Earthly activities gave her a human depth that only made me fall even deeper in love with her character. And the way she pushes Tony’s (probably last) bag of food towards him, knowing he needs it more than she does. (Does she even eat? Do cyborgs eat?)
Second, Clint’s family disappearing was the first time I cried. Honestly, I didn’t have a dry eye the entire movie, but it progressively got harder and harder for me to not sob. We’ll get to that.
Carol popping out of literal space to come cart Tony’s ass home was admittedly a little cheesy, but I didn’t hate it. What I really loved was Tony’s reunion with both Steve and Pepper, and the fight that ensued, mostly on Tony’s end, was emotional and so very Tony that I still had a hard time keeping it together. And I’m really glad that the Russos didn’t just skip over Civil War in favor of uniting everyone to take down Thanos for good. And it showed how broken up over it Tony still was because we all know Tony does have a heart and Steve Rogers broke it.
An appropriate time skip 5 years into the future and Scott Fucking Lang and that goddamn rat busts out of the Quantum Realm only to discover almost his entire family has been dusted. Ouch. And once he finds his daughter, instead of moping and falling into a pit of depression and grief, he hauls ass to the compound to talk to the Avengers about time travel and undoing everything.
Here’s where Meg really loses her mind. The teams. The effort to get the stones back. Natasha Fucking Romanoff schooling the Science Bros in figuring out there are three stones in New York all at once. Fucking Captain Sassypants fighting his 2012 self and Mr. Stark Scott Lang (i’ve been corrected) perfectly coining the term “America’s Ass” and Steve just going with it. I can’t with these two, honestly. Steve swearing. Talk about sticking it to Joss Whedon for that pathetic little joke we all thought was funny until we knew better. That whole sequence was perfect, especially because it didn’t go off without a hitch. Which means Loki is still alive somewhere in another reality. Yahoo!
Thor. Poor alcoholic, out of shape, PTSD-stricken Thor. My baby angel. It hurt to see him so lost and broken, but Korg and Meike playing Fortnite about killed me. The balance of humor to sadness was utterly perfect through this whole movie and it was all comprised of jokes that made sense. The fat suit made me cry of laughter because it looks so goddamn unnatural on someone who’s as cut as Hemsworth, and Tony’s Lebowski dig was wholly appropriate.
This is where Meg realizes she is not going to be okay for the eightieth time. When Nat and Hawkeye are delegated to retrieve the Soul Stone, because we know while they don’t what needs to be done in order to get the stone. I had a feeling Nat might be one of the ones we lost, but I have to say I never saw it coming like this. I was inconsolable through the entire sequence as she and Clint are fighting over who’s going to be the one to die. I had my sweatshirt over my nose to stifle my sobbing and my boyfriend’s looking over at me wondering if I’m going to be okay. Y’all should see my eyes today, no lie.
And the fact that they played the same music for Nat that they did Gamora in IW was the knife through my heart followed by that heart-wrenching shot of her lying dead at the bottom. She’s gotten rid of the red in her ledger. Natasha, my beautiful, intelligent, bad-ass, super spy, we love you. So much.
Steve in mourning for Nat deserved more screen time than just a quick shot of him crying while Banner pitches a bench across the lake. Steve and Nat were one of the powerhouse friendships of the MCU, and this is one of the few shortcomings of Endgame. I wanted to see Steve angry, and heartbroken, something on par with Clint’s outburst that it should have been him. Steve and Nat were best friends, he deserved a little more screen time to mourn such a powerful relationship.
The epic battle scene that follows after this is nothing short of incredible. The entire theater erupted in cheers when Steve wielded Mjolnir like he was meant to, so at least Joss Whedon got some foreshadowing right! At first I thought it was lifting by itself but nope! Steve is worthy, and he knows he’s worthy. There’s an incredible theory out there that Mjolnir can detect someone’s perceived self-worth, and I fully believe that theory after watching this movie. And the little humor in there when Steve ends up with Stormbreaker and Thor gets Mjolnir and says, “No, no, give me that. You get the little one.” Kill me. The fact that Thor is doing all this badass fighting with a beer gut leaves me in stitches just thinking about it.
That epic entrance of all those who fell to the Snap emerging in a beautifully shot sequence gives me life, okay? It was perfect. I even looked to my boyfriend and said, “Where are the others? If it worked, where are they?” and BOOM! There they all are. Bucky with his long-ass hair is such a fucking look, I can’t even. AND STEVE FINALLY SAID THE THING. I swear the entire theater cheered again for this!! Also Rocket wearing Bucky’s goggles that he probably stole? Epic. Even if they aren’t his, but you can’t really convince me they’re not because they’re too similar. So Rocket hasn’t lost his penchant for stealing things.
Okoye, fierce queen, we see you taking out Corvus Glave all on your own. We also see that amazing, powerful female battle squad who cut through Thanos’s army like it was fucking tissue paper. Wanda, the Strongest Avenger (fight me on that, I dare you), taking on Thanos and stripping him of his armor like the fucking boss she is. Say it with me again: Strongest Avenger. 
I also really really loved the game of Hot Potato with the gauntlet. Which brings us to...Mr. Anthony Edward Stark. The OG, the Big Guy. These next two paragraphs will be dedicated to him. The man who, 7 years ago, told us he would just “cut the wire” rather than lay his life on the line to save the other guy. When Dr. Strange said to Tony, “If I tell you what happens, it won’t happen,” I really, truly believed that Strange didn’t think Tony would go through with sacrificing himself in order to stop Thanos. He’d try to find another way. And yet I, along with a lot of others, knew he would do just that. Because Tony is nothing if not determined to prove everyone wrong about who they think he is, including Steve Rogers. Especially Steve Rogers. 
Tony gets to interact with his father and learns that while Howard was incredibly flawed, he was still wholly dedicated to his family. Proven by his nervousness about fatherhood because all he’s ever known is technology, and he knows a child does not work the same way tech does. He’s terrified. And he hides, buries himself in his work because he doesn’t know what to do. But he loves his family, I know he does. A lot of other people know he does. I was a mess for that whole thing, too.
Tony’s funeral was absolutely perfect, a perfect sendoff to this legendary man who basically built the MCU. RDJ, we love you 3000. Thank you for giving us Iron Man. Thank you for carrying us through this journey of hilarity, sadness, darkness, anger, grief, all of it. I have a ton of emotions over RDJ’s exit from the MCU but I can’t properly formulate words.
And the final bit that seems to cause a lot of dissatisfaction: Steve’s final decision.
I personally loved it. I don’t like the misstep in jumping over Steve and Bucky’s bond, because that was a driving force for an entire movie, Russo brothers. So I feel a little cheated with their relationship taking a backseat to Sam receiving the shield to take up the Captain America mantle. But aside from that, Steve’s decision was very, very fitting. He’s given so much of himself to wars and other people that he deserves to be selfish. And maybe he had that quote in AOU that someone else came out of the ice, but A4 Steve knew he could have that life, and he chose it. Bucky knew, almost instantly, when Steve was about to bring the stones back, which was why he was so relaxed and calm when he didn’t come back.
Bucky, I feel, is relieved above all to see Steve reach old age, since he probably never expected him to, at least before he became Captain America. He’s lived his life as Cap, and now he gets to live another as the man who finally got the girl. I just wish we could have seen more of the bond between the two of them, unless they had some kind of heart to heart off-screen which, again, a waste of one of the quintessential relationships in Steve Rogers’s life. 
And Bucky and Sam having some kind of mutual understanding, I know for a fact there was some reconciliation in the Soul World that we may or may not get to see in the new series coming out. I would love to see the two of them struggle with coming to grips with the fact that they were dead, and came back because their friends put themselves on the line at an incredible risk to try and bring everyone back. I think they could really create a bond similar to Steve and Bucky’s that was built on being “men out of time” and instead create a bond that’s men who survived the Snap and now are living a life without Steve Rogers (assuming he won’t take up the mantle again and will succumb to old age, like he goddamn deserves). Bucky is all for Sam taking that mantle, and that second of understanding between the two of them sent me off into another cry fest because I really love their dynamic, and Seb and Mackie both just have amazing on-screen chemistry. I am so excited to see what they bring to the new series coming out.
I would also like to say that while I was very emotional over Steve hearing Sam’s voice over comms saying, “On your left,” I really feel that Bucky should’ve had something. That’s really where Endgame’s biggest shortcoming is. They’ve built up the relationship between Bucky and Steve through CTFA, CATWS, and CACW, especially Civil War, and all you’re going to give them is four minutes of screen time together? Outta here with that. You dedicated an entire movie to Steve going to war for Bucky and y’all are gonna disrespect them like that? Even not shipping Stucky romantically, I can see the loving bond between the two of them that’s held up for 8 years. They deserved more than just a one-off line from CATFA, though that really set me off on another crying spree. I’m really not joking when I said there wasn’t a minute of that movie that I was dry-eyed.
Overall, I give this movie a 10/10. For what it was meant to be, it was everything I had expected and so much more. This movie made me roar with laughter, broke my heart more than once, and gave me an overall feeling of closure all at once. I am forever grateful to the cast, the crew, and the amazing characters created. The incredible late Stan Lee with his final cameo, to which the theater, again, erupted in applause. I’m just so overwhelmed by the work everyone at Marvel has put in to these characters and this world to give us these amazing stories. I’m tearing up as I write this because this is the end of an era for a lot of people who grew up with Iron Man, Hulk, Cap, Thor.... Black Widow. I just want to extend the biggest of thank yous to all of those people who made this world possible and brought so many people together.
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Not that I’ve changed my opinion on Civil War but you know, I don’t hate anyone, so here I am browsing the ‘Steve Rogers & Tony Stark’ tag on Ao3.
Looking for those awesome fics where these two are hilarious in their compatible inversiveness (is that a word?🤔) in the tag dedicated to their friendship, all I find for the first two pages are ‘not Team Cap friendly’, ‘not Steve Rogers friendly’ fics.
What I also find are ‘James “Bucky” Barnes’ & Tony Stark’, ‘James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark’, ‘Natasha Romanoff & Tony Stark’ and ‘Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark’.
Now once upon a time, this would make me sad. Not because I don’t want to see any ‘- & Tony Stark’ or ‘- /Tony Stark’ fics, I don’t ship it but whatever floats your boat, but because the amount of anti and hate sentiment is very disheartening. Especially when you have the space to fix things and are not debating canon.
Now? Now this just makes me laugh.
It’s been 3 years since Civil War, 3 years of both teams living separate lives, 3 more years of the SteveNat platonic romance, 3 years of Team Cap being on the run but with support, 3 more years of Tony living his best life with Pepper, Rhodey and Happy (and now Peter and May), 3 more years of Steve & Bucky being best friends, 3 years of T’Challa giving Team Cap a safe place and them being okay with no one having to suffer, but Team Iron Man stans are still not over what happened to an extent that pretty crazy xD
(Now I’m not bashing fans, I specifically only mean stans. None of the teams just ‘got over’ what happened, nor did the fans. But fics represent more than an opinion, they represent what you think could have, can and should happen. It’s not hard to find anti Steve or Tony, or anti anyone, posts on Tumblr but finding anti Tony fics is much harder, especially compared to Anti Team Cap. Trust me, I did the research.)
Like holy hell. I get it. You think Tony was wronged and a victim and blah blah. Cool. Maybe it’s true. It’s all a matter of opinion in some ways (more or less). It’s not like I don’t know the fandom was divided. But what’s hilarious af is when they get in other players who’d either explicitly stated non-allegiance or who would have no idea and won’t care about the Accords.
The funniest scenarios have to be these-
Bucky’s a chill dude who loves Tony, everyone hates Steve - evidently these dumbass stans haven’t watched any of the Cap movies. And yes, I say this knowing they’ve seen Civil War. *stares into the camera Office-style* Forget about who’s right and imagine Bucky choosing anyone over Steve or not being on Steve’s side. Say that with a straight face after watching any movie with Bucky in it. (Let’s not even talk about the comics where Bucky wanted to kill Tony and only stopped because Tony gave him the shield and said Steve wanted him to be Cap.) The height of delusion is just nuts.
Natasha cares about Tony so much she’s gonna kick Steve’s ass - there’s no denying the OG 6 have a bond and the first one we see is Nat and Tony. They’re buddies. But Steve is Nat’s partner. Her best friend. He’s Steve. Have people watched CA: tWS? Let me answer that, no. Also, CA: CW, or IW or Endgame? Like seriously? Nat might not harm Tony for Bucky, she won’t ever want to harm Tony; but she’ll do whatever it takes to keep Steve safe and she’ll go far as she has to to do that.
Bruce would pick Tony’s side - now the dilemma is that of course they’re buddies, science bros ftw, BUT if anyone thinks Bruce would willingly pick a side with General Thaddeus Ross on it, then these kids have no idea what Marvel is about and literally only watch RDJ with brains off.
T’Challa and Shuri kicking Team Cap out - watch IW and see me roll my eyes.
Stephen Strange and Carol Danvers whopping Team Cap’s ass - Strange doesn’t care either way, he won’t sign the Accords and he doesn’t give a shit about either side, and I’m willing to bet that given her history, not only would Carol know of and admire Cap, she won’t be pro Accords either.
Now listen. Tony has his own circle of ridiculously loyal friends. There’s no doubt that Pepper, Rhodey and Happy will always support him and to varying degrees, Vision and Peter will always have his back too (Vision does love Wanda and while Peter adores Tony, he’s a kid and he didn’t actually know about when the Accords during CW).
So when I see a fic that’s very much against Team Cap, while it’s nuts that its in the SteveTony friendship tag, I can take it for what it is when it’s very pro Accords and all of Team Cap goes under.
I see a fic with Rhodey or Pepper or even Peter letting lose on Team Cap, cool, okay.
I see a fic where Tony stops paying for Team Cap and they are taken aback, I’ll even laugh! I’m guessing Steve will have money from back pay and Shield, Sam used to have a job and Nat can get enough money for everyone, but hey, it’s a hilarious premise and one that I actually feel Tony should do. Regardless of whether I agree with him or not, one can’t expect him to fund people against him and it’s very strange when people still expect him to finance Team Cap.
So I’m not unreasonable. And it’s not like I’ve commented on a single fic, because they’re allowed to dream up whatever they want, but the bulleted list of scenarios above make me laugh because damn, there’s fanfiction which works in canon but changes course and then there’s a total dream world that you should call like it is and tag it an AU.
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noirfos · 5 years
Endgame Rant Post
Tumblr media
If Nebula killed her past self... how is she still alive?
When Captain Marvel got the gauntlet and we got the female heroes lineup, aldskjdss it was amazing
Loki’s not alive I’m so sad
But he had a good bunch of screentime so I will sit here and be happy through my tears
Bucky didn’t get a moment with old Steve at the end I was so sad
Poor Bucky
Steve you left him all alone how could you
When Tony and Steve went to the base together man that Stony
When everyone came back and there was the huge moment of everyone entering through the portals and the army lineups and just AHHHH
“Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone”
Thor playing Fortnite, nice to know that survived the snap
Happy taking care of Morgan, my HEART
Permanently dead: Natasha, Vision, Loki, Tony, WHO ELSE
I want Peter to become like Morgan’s big brother please Marvel make it happen I need some fluff to heal me
“I aimed for the head”
“There’s beer on the ship”
The re-use of old footage aldskfhdfoidh
Mantis encouraging Thor and Quill to fight with knives
“Get that rabbit!”
“The options were him or a tree”
When Nat let go and it mirrored the moment when Loki let go from Thor on the bifrost
They said only 2 of the OG team would survive but more than that lived
When Tony and Howard were talking about raising their kids augh my heart
Morgan’s gonna grow up without a dad now and I can’t take this
“I love you 3,000″
The Stan Lee cameo in his hippy car T-T
“Karen, activate instant kill mode”
“Hi, I’m Peter Parker”
It was after seeing the photo of him and Peter that Tony started working on the time GPS
*Model works* Tony: shit. Morgan: shit.
Thor got to see Frigga TAT
Thor’s drunken explanation of the Aether
Barton’s hair
Bruce half-heatedly smashing stuff in New York
“Hail Hydra”
When Gamora sacked Quill
Watching Quill dancing from afar
I’ve got my issues with Captain Marvel but her haircut is cool
Thor, would it have killed you to have shaved even once during the whole movie?
When Endgame was the best anime
“ShinEEEEEEE!” ( 死ね )
I really like Nat’s hair
Valkrie is the new king of Asgard I’m so happy
“You’re only gonna give me mild cardiac dysrhythmia”
How did Thor know enough about Earth medicine to try using Mjolnir as an AED?
“Mommy told me to come save you”
Can we take a moment to appreciate the amazing soundtrack
Special effects were insane
How did Peter go back to school 5 years later and still have the same people (like Ned) be there if he was in 10th grade when the snap happened
“Proof that Tony Stark has a heart”
The science bros are intelligence goals
How did Nebula manage to figure out how to use the time machine so quickly and easily? How come she didn’t bring baby Thanos in? Then Rhodes could have gone with his asphyxiation plan.
The theatre was completely packed, literally not a single empty seat, we had lots of cheering and laughing and rustling of theatre food, but during Tony’s death scene it was so silent. You could literally feel every single person holding their breath.
Peter riding Mjolnir
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jmblyajones · 6 years
2. I still stan Liz and Michael as a science duo
3. Noah throwing mad shade “Young blonds get attention” I’m here for it 👏🏾
4. Michael talking about the details for him and Alex having sex is ngl getting me hot 😰
5. The “thoughts and prayers” won’t solve anything angle is very powerful
6. Jenna is STILL dusty. Bro what if Michael kills Jenna infront of Alex using his powers (possibly by accident)?
7. I was not prepared to see Michaels fucked up hand 🤢
8. I knew that Sky healer was a FRUAD
9. The way Michael looked at Maria when she started singing. AND THAT KISS 🥰
9(1/2). THEY FUCKED! 😦
11. MAX AND LIZ FINALLY KISS! I swear Carina loves putting me through the fucking ringer
11(1/2). Coming back from commercial break STILL on Max and Liz’s kiss then they pull away with the sun shinning in the background UUUGH
12. How the fuck did Noah find where the the pods were at? It’s in the middle of nowhere
13. Michael figuring out that Alex figures out that Michael isn’t human has me clutching PEARLS
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