#and i was like 'i know they're sadistic but have you considered they're sad????'
simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
honestly one of my favorite characters ever kills a bunch of cops and blows up the station with random people inside in the very first episode and i still will root for him to either kill even more people or become a better person, whichever he wants.
like, c!dream is the world's smallest potatoes compared to half the characters i've been like 'but what if they could be better' about
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ippipo · 8 months
sukuna ryomen x reader - mafia au? idk but here's sum
Sukuna is the type to buy you expensive presents literally every week. He was a spend-thrift and it was batshit crazy how careless he was with money when it came to you. So you decided to take the matter into your own hands.
You told Sukuna that you'll tear every single clothing he buys you if he doesn't listen to you, to which he casually shrugged and said, "I could just buy you more." After many blackmailing attempts (who are you kidding? this man gets death threats and is attacked at least once every month), you decided to use your ace card.
You didn't talk to him for an entire day. It was pretty childish considering the fact that he was buying stuff only for you, but you recently heard that one of the three powerful mafia groups had gone bankrupt rendering them useless. It scared you because Sukuna's money saving ability was shit despite being the richest mafia ever.
After a few painful hours of knocking on your door, Sukuna was angry and punched a hole into the hard wood. Of course it didn't work, his knuckles started to hurt. That didn't matter to him though, he just wanted to know why you were ignoring him.
"Y/N.." he called out weakly, his voice bleeding with sadness. He had a bad day and he just wanted to be around you. Hearing his pitiful voice, your heart clenched. C'mon, it's not everyday you have one of the strongest people weak on their knees, begging. Seems like you were just as sadistic as the greatest mafia don himself.
You slowly unlocked the door and peered into his eyes, your eyes bearing rigidity that made his cock hard. You grabbed his hand and brought him to your shared bed, pushing him onto it and falling on him, earning a grunt.
You softly dragged your fingers on his palm, sometimes writing his name, sometimes writing your name. He pushed you off to the side gently and got up to undress himself down to just his boxers. He got on to the bed and grabbed you aggressively by your shoulder, pulling you back on top of him, your rightful position.
You bit his shoulder playfully as a payback for manhandling you to which he replied with a kiss on your forehead. "Say, why do you want me to stop buying you things so bad?" He questioned, his voice booming in the quietness of your room.
"Do you want me to tell you the truth?" You asked. "You are to answer my question, not question me back." He flicked your forehead, earning an 'ouch'. "You won't leave me after this?" You asked, ignoring his statement earlier. He looked at you with a deadpan expression.
"Darling, you fucking dumb bitch, I saw you mixing egg yolks with strawberry jam to make a volcano and I'm still with you." He stated. You muttered 'reasonable' before clearing your throat, preparing yourself for something you thought would embarrass you.
"Okay. So, um-" "Get to the point." He said impatiently. "Fine. The clothes you're getting me are the wrong size, they're smaller and I think I grew bigger than last time. I feel weird about myself because they used to fit me but now they're a little tight and uncomfortable and I feel insecure." You said without a break.
"W-" "And I heard some maids saying that three of your enemy gangs went bankrupt and I'm scared you'll waste all your money on things that I won't even use." You added. "First off, how dare you interrupt me." He said and paused.
"Secondly, what do you mean you feel insecure? If anything, I'm the one who was supposed to buy you clothes that fit you, not the ones smaller, it's my fault. And darling, you're a fucking goddess, I don't care if you got bigger, you look just fine to me." He pulled both your cheeks with his fingers and slapped them softly.
"Stop doing tha-" "I didn't marry you for something as stupid as looks, I married you because you're my weird cumslut who can't go a day without dick, plus, you're my wife, no way am I letting something so absurd bother you." He said with a smirk. You slapped his bare chest because of his choice of words, blushing profusely.
"Thirdly, who do you think made them go bankrupt?" You remained silent at that, assured and relieved. "So...you still like me?" You asked. He smacked your cheek and choked you, gently may I add. "Stop asking me stupid questions." He grumbled.
You giggled when his thumb ghosts over your neck, tickling you while his hand was around it. You take his hand that was around your neck and press kisses on his knuckles. He brought his hand to his lips and kissed the spots you kissed, a happy glint in his eye, as if you both actually kissed.
Sukuna doesn't look like it, but he is just happy if you were near him. Your presence is more than enough, a blessing, in fact. To him, you're not a prize, you're a gift, you're a prank gone right, you're his world. Aggressively, he loved you, he cherished you and he will keep on doing it till his last breath.
"I'm still offended you slapped me." You said, turning away when he tried to kiss you. He grabbed your chin and forcefully made you look towards him, to which you didn't object. He gently kissed your lips, capturing your heart and soul within a span of seconds.
A wordless assurance. He needed that to make sure he didn't actually hurt you, because he meant to slap softly, playfully, with pure love, not the kind of slap he was more acquainted with, thanks to his parents (who were dead by the way).
"It's just that..." You began, grabbing his attention though it was already on you. "I don't like the way I look?" It was more of a question than a confession, you were unsure of yourself. There were times you liked the way you looked, there were times you absolutely despised yourself.
It was complicated, your relationship with your body. When you thought you looked good, you didn't. When you thought you didn't look good, you didn't.
It was tough, especially when you're dating someone conventionally attractive. It makes you feel unworthy. That maybe someday he would find someone else. Maybe someone who looks prettier, has both, beauty and brawns.
Even though he treats you like a princess, showering you with his passionate fancy love, you still felt that he could do better. Choose someone better. That thought makes you feel like someone had cut your head and poured vomit inside you, bleaching your organs with vomit, an unshakeable feeling.
You didn't need to say a word though. Sukuna knew what you were thinking. Every thought, every whisper and every breath of yours was familiar to him. It was surprising how well he knew you. Perfect hands wrapped around a perfect waist, your waist. He didn't care how big it was.
He kissed you, aggressively. That's what you called your relationship, aggressive love, which was quite contrary to how he treated you because there was always a hidden gentleness under his aggressiveness. He knew where to draw the line though.
"I don't know why you don't want to believe me, so I might just have to fuck it into you." It was funny how he said it in a very serious tone, he was being serious. "Ryo, I was at a stupid party before coming home and my legs are dead from standing so much." You whined.
"Who says you have to work now? Let me handle your body." He whispered, licking a stripe on the back of your ear. A shiver of pleasure ran down your body, right to your cunt. Oh boy did you know what a night it was going to be.
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
Can I request for a general dating headcannons with Father, I Don't Want This Marriage and The Villainess Is A Marionette (separately)
Thank you!!
(I did TVIAM in this this!)
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The Villainess Is A Marionette X Reader HCs
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Cayena Hill
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♧ Wow!! You're dating her....you doing great in life, keep it up. She's quite a loving partner, as long as both you're or her life isn't danger, she loves to dance with you and talk with you.
♧ She often has Rezef get gifts for you, no matter whether you deny or accept them, she's going to get you anything and everything you want, on one condition, you never leave her side as her S/O, even if it gets you killed.
♧ Cayena for someone of her status really likes to do weird things, like sneak out to get flowers at 2:47 am at night because she wanted to know what they smelt like and you being you couldn't refuse her. You got caught easily, but once you told Rezef why you were sneaking the princess out, he immediately understood and let you go.
♧ You got the emperor's blessing for dating her easily, but Rezef wasn't so easy to crack, no matter what you did, he didn't like you until he saw you beat a guy up because he tried touching Cayena, you both became good friends after that. He's still scary in your opinion...
♧ She often has her hand entangled with yours, no matter where you go and if you let go of it, she starts sulking a bit and acting all sad and whimpy to get your attention back to her and considering her beauty, it's pretty easy.
♧ On the topic of her being pretty, she gets so much unwanted attention from men and jealous women alike and it really leaves her in a bad moon, so it's up-to you to protect her from creepy men who are wayyy older than her trying to hit her up or women trying to attack her gorgeous face because they're jealous, don't worry her attackers do get their punishment by Rezef, and you get awards by her kissing and cuddling you.
♧ I figured she would really like to go horse-back riding with you, she has a few horses whom she rides every week end very early in the morning, one named Sisili and one named Osci, both are you favorite and they're both just absolute darlings.
♧ She also loves going on picnics with you, and the food is all made by you both and for you both it tastes like heaven, with cakes, salads, tteokbokki, noodles, different types of meats and much much more!
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Rezef Hill
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☠ Wow, so you somehow pulled this psycho?? But he's hot, so it don't matter as much, now as I have stated before, either Rezef could be a total horny, sweetheart who loves to cuddle, kiss and cherish you or he could either be a horny, sadistic man who loves to fuck you while tears run down your face, no in between.
☠ Rezef often carried you around, no matter if you can walk, your legs are basically useless in Rezef's presence, but he does get tired himself and that is the only time he let's you go on your own two feet to walk.
☠ Oh, yeah. I remember that Rezef is a very possessive and obsessive person, so say bye bye to your personal space as he clings to you like his life depends on it, so he's a total koala.
☠ He's loves to cuddle with you in his lap while he does his paper-work, he doesn't care if anybody else is getting uncomfortable or jealous or annoyed cause he's comfortable and comfy with you on his lap and that's all that matters.
☠ He loves and I mean LOVES to kiss you, like after he wakes up, before he goes to sleep, between his works, in the middle of meetings, when he's jealous, when he wants to go for a bath, it don't matter because he loves to kiss you an 8 times out of 10, it ends up in a make-out session....
☠ Rezef is a very greedy person, not only in behavior for power, titles or respect, but also in your relationship, he wants you give him all of your affection and love and he will still never be bored of you, he will try hard to make you see that.
☠ Rezef is also very protective, he knows he has done wrong things and he is in no way, shape or form sorry for them, but he knows people will do anything for revenge, he is very protective and very gravely makes sure you're in completely safe hands.
☠ Rezef may not be able to spend a lot of time with you, but he tries his best to make up for it and when you both get into arguments, he may get violent, but he will very sincerely apologize for it and will do anything to earn your forgiveness.
☠ He buys you whatever you want whether it be jewelry, food, title, land, gifts, dresses/suits, servants, pets, perfumes, houses, books, whatever your desire may be, he will do his best to fulfil them.
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Raffaelo Kedrey
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✧ Raffaelo Kedrey is very scared of women, so it's very hard to maybe even earn his attention, but if still somehow manage, he will quite a sweetheart even from a huge distance you both need for his phobia.
✧ Raphael very much enjoys to spend time with you, whether it be you reading stories to each-other, one chapter read by you, the second will be read by him, then third by you and so on, you both sitting on the bed, a few inches apart and reading while he leans over to read alongside you.
✧ Raphael will very much enjoy sending letters to you, because well his mother's controlling tendencies will probably stop him from talking with you, but since everyone in the manor basically hates her, so nobody really cares of her order to stop Raphael from sending any letters out.
✧ He is also very much into impressing, he will do whatever you want him to, if it impresses you, he has taken up a few things because you said you find people who are able to do them very impressive and amazing people.
✧ You both very often goes horse-riding to go into the forest for bird-watching or to see animals in their natural habitat or to take time to spend with each-other, but he is very strict with the fact of your safety in the forest.
✧ you both also do something where you both send each-other letters as the person you both wish to be and as you both continue to send the letters it will turn into a story, maybe like story telling but with each other and letters <3
✧ On topic of love, jealousy goes hand in hand, he may unfazed, but on the inside he is probably planning on killing the person next to you, depends on how much he knows the person the worst punishments he plans for them.
✧ His love language just might be feeding you favourite foods, he doesn't care how extravagant or how cheap the dish is, if you're craving it it's going to be present in front of you!
✧ Overall, he's a good boi, he will very much bring you back to your home at designated time <3
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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So, this guy is a FREAKING SADIST!!! And that's not a shocker considering the fact that he used to work with Overhaul
He never really had time for such a useless thing like love in his life. He always thought love was stupid and pointless and having someone else in his life would just distract him from his goals but... after he saw YOU, a pro hero, fighting against them along with the other pro heroes, for the VERY FIRST time EVER in his life, he started viewing love in a different way. He felt his heart beat go out of the roof as he saw you but he couldn't help but feel sad that you were fighting against them 
Pretty soon after the fight was over, Kurono made sure not to hurt you or even lay a finger on you since he was now OBSESSED with you. Who were you? 
He tried doing some research about you like what sort of a pro hero you were and wanted to find out more about your quirk and what all you did as a part of your daily routine 
You can BET he sent some men of his and installed cameras in YOUR OWN house to see what you were always up to. He fell in love with you even more quickly and whenever he'd see someone else step foot into your house, he'd just be raging with jealousy and anger. How DARE you do something like that? Inviting other people to your home while you have someone who's watching over you? True, you might still not know that yet so he started making his presence around you more.... conspicious aka. send you some anonymous gifts 
After a few days, you'd always get something like your favorite box of chocolates in the mail, or some sappy love letter or love poem for you and a bunch of flower bouquets and all that. For a while you thought it was cute but then it started getting out of hand when he wrote 'I love you my darling' on your bathroom mirror. And then he started doing even MORE creepy things like sending you pictures of where you're going and saying how beautiful and cute you looked and saying how he should kill those pathetic friends of yours since they're 'stealing' you away from him 
You went to the other pro heroes and told them about that person, however, those who tried helping you ended up in hospitals for many weeks after long and continuous villain attacks at 'random places' 
He decided to kidnap you as soon as possible, like maybe in a week or so since he just couldn't STAND you being around other people
When it comes to the kidnapping, I think he's just gonna ask some of his goons to drag you and drug you in an alleyway before you have the chance of using your quirk. When they bring you back to his place and when he watches you sleep, he can't help but think how innocent and cute and adorable you were for this world. You were an angel, who didn't care about things like money and fame like the other corrupt heroes. You wanted to save people and you were different from the rest.....
If he has to deal with rivals, he won't have time for that since he's going to be too busy trying to discipline you, but however, if he needs to take out his anger, he'll take it out on you and the person who's gonna get tortured and finally killed by him. Bonus, you're going to have to watch the horror show since he'll force you saying how he's going to die and it's your fault for not loving him and all that 
You'll be forced to love this sadistic person eventually. Don't EVER try getting on his bad side like trying to drive him over the edge and trying to escape. He's gonna leave you in isolation and behave in a REALLY sadistic manner with you till you're practically BEGGING him to make you feel loved by him and he'll certainly have a cocky evil smile on his lips 
He might spoil you a little bit, buying you whatever you want if you're good and he'll let you roam ONLY in the house. He can't risk you going out and no doubt he'll ask some people to always keep a close eye on you. I don't know if this guy is good at being romantic and all but let's just say that he likes holding on to your small figure and hugging you 
Overhaul will be DAMN PISSED when he sees you on his lap for meetings but eventually he'll just get used to your presence and might even offer Kurono to give you regular checkups once in a while (Oh wow, since WHEN did OVERHAUL get so NICE!!?) 
Kurono might be good to you. Just don't piss him TF off else he's gonna introduce you to his favorite knife TvT
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alfredsolos · 1 year
Colin and Damian's dynamic and each of them as individuals really intrigues me, so I wanted to continue my "Damian Wayne HC's", with their relationship and my intrepretation of things.
(By the way, I already made a post about explaining Colin's character within the canon. He is a character who is very misinterpreted and most of the time written as a Jon Kent 2.0. So if you want to understand my hc's for him more, you can go into my 'Colin Wilkes' tags and see my posts about him.)
Colin is a stoic kid. Damian is a stoic kid. So they make a pretty intimidating duo.
They both are considered 'cold' but Colin is more 'silent-cold' while Damian is 'unhinged-cold'.
Colin has always admired and loved superheroes ever since Batman saved him from Scarecrow, so his stoic persona slips away whenever he comes across one. He also does not have a 'least favorite' hero. He loves all of them.
Since Colin grew up in an orphanage and every night went out as Abuse to save people, he is very protective. Damian, naturally, is very protective. So sometimes it gets in their way when they're trying to save the other during fights and they end up just messing everything up and fuck off.
Although Colin is very stoic, before he became Abuse, he was a very shy child. He had a closed-off sadness inside him since people mostly adopted babies or toddlers. He just knew that he was too old and would be without a family.
After becoming Abuse, he first hand realized how dangerous Gotham could be to the people and the children. This filled him up with a new type of feeling, so he ended up following his heroe's foot steps and became a vigilante.
Colin (canonically) found out Damian was Robin from a single back flip. His ability to stay calm in situations and assess really helps him on the field.
Colin and Damian never go to school together, never meet up as Damian and Colin. At least not at first. Their friendship is built upon duty and mission. The realization of them being friends come to them years later.
There is only one person Damian would not hesitate to tell any sorts of secret, and that's Colin Wilkes. He just knows that no matter what, Colin would never judge him or admonish him for his flaws and mistakes.
Colin rarely sees Damian's other siblings, but Damian feels like Colin isn't very interested in them despite being a superhero fan. Which in return interests Damian. He never really understands why.
Colin is not very interested in Damian's siblings because they are so unlike Damian, it becomes very uncommonly common. Sure he likes them and admires their work very much. But they simply don't fight, think, joke or understand him like Damian.
What really intrigues Colin about Damian is that his character is exactly opposite of what a hero 'should' be. He is brash, agressive, hilarious in a fucked up way, dangerous, scary, theatrical, uncaring and scarred. He is such an uncommonly uncommon person that Colin just can't help but be his friend.
Best part of being Abuse to Colin is branding criminals' faces. He isn't sadistic really, but it gives him a deep pleasure doing it.
Damian thinks branding criminals is genius, although he refrains from doing it. Branding isn't really a Bat type of thing.
Colin doesn't really get along with Jon. Jon tries to befriend him and Colin knows that he is a good kid. But befriending Jon (or any other friend of Damian) means patrolling the streets as a trio rather than a duo. He can't really explain it, but it just feels wrong to imagine Damian in a three person group. He isn't jealous or anything, he is perfectly fine with Damian patrolling with Jon. It's just that he feels like, with Damian, it's supposed to be a duo. Bringing a third person messes up the dynamic for him and Damian.
After Alfred's death, Damian (canonically) ends up leaving the Manor and continuing on his own. And for a while Damian and Colin end up living together. These are the times where they really see what they mean to each other.
Damian sometimes really struggles to see or understand what really Colin is to him. A friend, ally, rival, lover, brother? He really doesn't know. What he knows though is that Colin means so much to him and that he will keep being at his side as long as he's allowed.
When someone hurts Colin, he will hurt them as much as they hurt him. An eye for an eye.
When someone hurts Damian, he will hurt them ten times more and they'll regret ever touching him.
Although Colin is a Batman fan, he doesn't have his moral code. He won't go out of his way to kill someone, but if they do end up dying he won't care as much as he should.
When Damian was a kid and would kill someone, he wouldn't feel anything. After Bruce's influence, in those rare times that he kills someone, all he hears is his father's voice in his head. So sometimes he wonders whether he is a bad person for feeling remorse because of his father and not for actually killing someone.
Both Colin and Damian aren't touchy people.
Colin isn't a touchy person because he rarely got them when he was little and now he just doesn't find the appeal in it. He doesn't really care or desire for it as much as other kids.
Damian on the other hand basically has haphephobia (fear of touch). He doesn't trust anyone to get that much close to him. Although he doesn't feel pain from touching, he feels lightheaded and reflexively presses his arms into his body as close as he can. This of course makes him uncomfortable. And in extreme cases, flashbacks and bad memories fill him up.
So these were some of my hc's for Colin and Damian. I don't know what you guys think of their relationship (whether it's romantic or pure friendship) so think of these as anyway you want.
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
I saw this post a few weeks ago that was like a chart from a psychology text that described how different sorts of childhood trauma can produce different dysfunctions, one of which was (I *think*) Emotional Neglect -> Magical Thinking. I was so intrigued by that. Magical thinking is sort of an umbrella term for the belief in a causal relationship between two unrelated factors; it can include wishing on a birthday cake candle; the feeling that The Universe is telling you to call your ex because something reminded you of them; OCD-type rituals that you believe will ward off misfortune; the deeper meanings mis-assigned to mundane events that can be produced by schizo-affective disorders; and also religious convictions to some degree, although those are rarely considered a clinical problem as with anything that helps or doesn't seem to hurt the participants. There seem to be as many potential causes of magical thinking as there are forms of the thought pattern itself, and trauma is an interesting one.
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It might be better to think of "trauma" as "helplessness" here. Magical thinking can help impose a feeling of organization where there is chaos and loss of any sense of significance. There was a lot of magical thinking going around in the gritty, depressed town where I'm from, and I often thought it was because of the persistent economic pressure. It's relatively normal for kids to be susceptible to spooky ideas, but many of the adults were also full of ghost stories and superstitions. I have one very sensible friend who is smarter than I am, who grew up there too, and we often reflect on this, which helps me know that this isn't strictly an idea I have due to my own social choices. My friend doesn't live in that town anymore either, but she's always digging up interesting stuff related to it, and one day she showed me the website of someone there offering his services as a paranormal investigator. He was in his 20s, and the site included a lot of unconvincing photos and a long, vigorous testimonial by the guy's mom. Part of me was dying to put it on tumblr, but it would only have resulted in unnecessary cruelty. I was as much a victim of magical thinking as anybody, and I think even when I was pretty young I was aware of what motivated me to be so naive and gullible: that a world full of ghosts and vampires and UFOs and such was preferable to what I normally experienced, which was a consistent sense of boredom and meaninglessness and drudgery and embarrassment and pain and suffocation in an ugly, flavorless universe whose nicer side was not going to be available to me. I had a lot of really damaging friendships with manipulative assholes and pathological liars because I was so very willing to believe the crazy things they told me, just in case any of them were true, because such a truth could change my whole life.
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Sometimes I think it's amazing that I never wound up in a cult, although I guess those relationships were sort of like little one- or two-person cults. Once in a while I read about some crime involving young people who think they're vampires or something, and I have a deep feeling of pity, because I think I know what they were going through (except for the part where they think they can do whatever they want to other people). The sad story of Shanda Sharer involves a whole group of badly abused and underprivileged teens, some of whom thought they were witches or vampires, and it just makes so much sense to me that they would be overtaken by these fantasies of secret meaning and power. Recently I watched Bad Vegan on Netflix, something that I avoided at first because I thought it was just about rich douchebags humiliating each other--which is like, what else is new--and to some degree it is, but actually it's way more disturbing than that. Ambitious young raw food entrepreneur Sarma Melngailis was manipulated, isolated, and ultimately kidnapped by this sadistic freak who preyed first on her loneliness and financial fears by pretending to be a rich suitor who could solve all of her problems; then he preyed upon her feelings of personal insignificance and failure by convincing her that he and she had been selected by a cabal of extraterrestrial illuminati who would make them immortal. Sarma seemed completely broken down to me, and I was amazed by her courage in describing the scam she fell for, that she must have known would invite derision. Part of the documentary explores her youth as a kid who always believed she could become something special, and then mundane tragedies like her parents' divorce brought her back down to earth in a painful way, and it seemed like she spent the rest of her life haunted by the idea that she might just be an ordinary failure of a person. I think that's part of what made her so vulnerable to this psychopath, that he was able to access her secret dream of having a special destiny. I got one of my friends to watch the show and she was very frustrated by it because she just couldn't figure out what Sarma's problem was that would cause her to ever believe the things she was told. I tried to reiterate what I've said here, but it didn't seem to mean anything. Ironically this friend is a practicing witch with formal beliefs in the supernatural, including that people can awaken special powers within themselves, but I guess one man's magical thinking is just um not another man's magical thinking.
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I still have a lot of magical thinking going, but it doesn't have the same character it once did. I tend to think of it more as "symbolic thinking"; I have a hard time accessing senses of meaning and hope, let alone any kind of self-belief, and sometimes symbolic gestures and concepts can provide that access better than my own direct, practical attempts ever could. It helps that I have a basic agnosticism about the invisible structures of the world, like it's easy for me to believe that there is more to life than what comes in through the five senses, even if I don't pretend to know entirely what that "more" is. That may help me believe that "anything is possible" and I shouldn't give up, even if I direly want to and I know I'm being kind of irrational. Magical thinking can be a double-edged sword, but maybe it's better than nothing.
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maryonmega · 3 months
Twin Stars - Chapter 3
Not yours (but could be?)
The feeling was very right. So right you felt the first wave of regret as soon as you see your friends' reactions. You have to think about something to make it better. Something that makes sense. And doesn't get Loop (Sisyphus?) on your throat as soon as you say it. 
"You know, like the language, in the library! Another hiccup."
Odile's gaze is puncturing your confidence worst than piercing craft. Be normal, it doesn't involve only you, it wouldn't be good to out Loop like that. That's not Just an excuse. 
Speaking of Loop, their hand on your shoulder helps ground you. You want to thank them, maybe you will later. 
"Are you guys Stardust's friends? I really want some alone time with them, if you don't mind."
They're doing a bad job in being normal with that big weird smile, but it's better than nothing. 
"No, not at all! You must need that, right? It's normal."
Stars light you path, Mira. Loop (Sisyphus?) still has that smile as they take the bread basket back and thanks her, then take you more into the trees by the arm. Their glove, you cloak, and your sleeve are on the way, and you can still tell they're grabbing you with their nails. 
You two didn't walk very far, your party could hear if you yelled, but far enough for Loop(?) to drop the act like a hot stone. Their face darkens in a way that sends a shiver down your spine and their hand grab your shoulder with a bruising grip. 
"Why am I back?"
"Wh- I don't know."
"Did you make another stupid blinding wish?"
"No! I haven't even mumbled while carving, I pay attention now!"
They glare at you, but lets go with one last squeeze. You'll have to cover a bruise tonight, you're sure. 
"And why did you say that to the Kid? I leave for... however long, and you're back at lying?"
"Hey! What did you want to say? This is way too weird!"
"Weirder than a time loop?"
"Do you want them to know?" their angry face falters, and you know you got them. Good "Beside, it's more of a half truth, no?"
"No, and I want to smack you for thinking it is."
"Well, that's your business. If you don't want to tell, then neither do I."
Loop(?) stares at you with an annoyed expression, them grab one of the loaves and bites into it. You can smell nuts. 
"I missed you, you know?"
They swallow and mumble a "what?" that sounds out of a play. 
"I know you don't like me, but I do consider you my friend. I meant what I said back then, Loop." you sink your chin in your cloak. You're not sure if it's any help "Hm, should I still use Loop?"
"You can when we're alone, not in front of others. Specially your party."
You understand, that doesn't mean you like it, how sad they look saying that. Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's having spent so long with just their eyes, but they sure pull a lot of faces, now. 
"You know, we don't have to stay together like glue if you don't want to." You try to mimic Mira's soothing voice "Even if I missed you, you can give me a paper and say you have your own life now. I'm sure they'll understand."
So will you. You may be "the same", but the truth is, you can't begin to imagine how it must feel to them. 
That would be another lie. You just started to think you could actually have a life at all right now, let alone one to stay on.  It feels like a sadistic choice. Your little understudy is sinking needles under your nails while smiling like nothing's wrong. 
You don't want to do that again. Have to interact with shadows of your party. Have your beloved family's faces looking at you like a stranger and have to pretend to actually be one, put on a show in an adultered form of who you used to be. 
You don't want to part again, either. Not when they're just in your hand's reach, and you know they're willing to reach back, even if under the shadow of another "you". When you have an opening to build a connection, even if not the same. When you can't continue to convince yourself you don't still love them. 
"No, I'll roll with this. It's not like I actually have a life to cling to." You give the Traveler a cheeky smile and push away the tiny voice calling you a hypocrite "Besides, how far can my little Stardust make without my help, anyway?"
They snort. Is it too late for that smack?
"Alright, so, now you're Sisyphus, my long lost twin who somehow got out of the Island between my prank attempt and the country vanishing. And, for consistency, the King have been defeated for little over a month."
Prank attempt?... Oh, right. Stars, your parents just wanted you to be healthy, and it resulted in horrors, trauma and the world almost ending. Little tantrum throwing babies, both of you. 
You don't think the story was told on this timeline, unless he told this story in the meantime. Maybe you could say you tried to stop him but he rowed before you could get down. That would be funny, wouldn't it? Plot twist, party! The protagonist you grew attached to is the evil twin!
... No. 
You bite into your nut bread again. You don't chew much, you just want to push the bile back down. 
"Sounds good to me. Or as good as it gets. Let's go back before someone comes pick you up."
You two come out of your hiding place, and it's clear that the others had been talking. That's fine, it's normal to have questions, specially in the scenario of such a weird coincidence. 
You try your best to look normal while not-so-disguisedly pushing the Traveler to the front. He caused this, suffer with the consequences. 
"Hm, guys, Sisyphus, they..." You given them a light shake, but the arm squeeze is not light "They have kind of been on the road this time..." blinding- they've been better at this "... And want to know if they can join us."
"You don't have to say yes, but it would mean the world to me." You don't have to pretend this time. 
You don't know who you expected to respond first, but it sure wasn't Bonnie. 
"We're gonna travel with two Frins?"
"Identical twins doesn't mean the same person twice, Bonniface." Oh, the irony, oh, beautiful dramatic irony. "But I guess it should be alright. We have been planing to invite Pétronille, after all. Rejecting Sisyphus would be hypocritical."
"If you want to be near your sibling again, who am I to say you can't?" the Fighter gives you a warm, welcoming smile; you better not cry in front of them "Siffrin and Sisyphus. Sif and Sisyph."
"Some people really think this kind of thing is cute." Or are bad at names, but that part better bem left unspoken. 
"That settles it, them." The Housemaiden is visibly more cheery now, not there anymore or well disguised her ever growing anxiety. Or maybe she went back for her meds "I hope we can get along, Sisyphus." And you hope you can get used to hearing this name on their mouths "Now, uhm, how will that affect our usual division? We still have to budget for the inn stay."
"Can't I just share space with Stardust?" You ask feigning innocence. The Traveler knows it, the Fighter doesn't, the dragging noise and glance exchange is even funnier because of that. You cover your smile with your hand and try to act like it's out of surprise "Oh, my! I really missed a lot."
"You have no idea." The Researcher comments, but doesn't elaborate. What she says next takes you by surprise "We can share a room. Not a bed, however. I value my space."
You know that, that's why the offer is a shock. You nod. You don't have to go very deep to find the feeling that it's a trap, but picking on that would be suspicious, and one time doing enough suspicious things got the cat out of the bag, and you can actually die is shame if that happens again too soon. 
You're getting a good grade in party member, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve. 
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Could I request the different riddlers' opinions on CnC? Are they into it? If so why? Why not?
I love your writing btw, you're my favorite blog! <3
CNC Opinions
Riddler Headcanons in my head they're all into it lmao BUT LET ME NOT BE SELFISH FOR A FUCKIN MINUTE HUH? 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: cnc, safe words, aftercare, trauma
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oof i do not think he'd be up for it
he's got a flair for the dramatic sure, but i think it'd hit too close to home
sure, he could play the part of the villain no problem
but the thought of even pretending to hurt or overpower you
seems a bit too risky, especially with his previous... unhinged... outbursts...
young justice
i think he'd try anything if he thought it would make you happy
but you wouldn't enjoy it, because he'd be so tense and nervous the whole time, which is not what you want from him
ALTHOUGH he would be... amenable to trying it the other way around
if that was your thing... if you wanted to maybe try and take control over him
anything for you, seriously... anything
listen, if he gets to fuck you and feel like a proper villain, he's into it
he enjoys playing into the bad guy role, in anything
so getting to have you whimpering under him with scared little eyes and a trembling little lip
clawing at his big, strong, overpowering torso as you beg for him to be gentle
music to his ears
he could take it or leave it. it would require a lot of convincing for him to participate
there's a lot of factors to consider, and he'd need a shit tonne of aftercare, regardless of what part he was playing
plus for him, he likes to know he's wanted
he needs to feel like you're grateful for getting to be with him
so the idea of taking that unwillingly, even as a form of roleplay, is something that'll take a lot of thought
oh heck yeah he's into this, but only if you let him wear the mask
just gives him that boost of confidence and the sensation of true villainy that he needs in order to get into character
plus, eddie is a soft and gentle lover
the riddler however, he takes what he wants and no one can stop him
unless they use the safe word or they look too upset, then he'll stop oh god he'll stop please don't look too sad look he's taking the mask off and getting you tea omg
look, he loves roleplaying as much as the next person
but he enjoys separation of his career from his relationships
and playing the villain during sex wouldn't work for him
nor would it work with him playing the victim because he can't imagine a world where that's the case
(haha just kidding, but he's got a lot of trauma from being made the victim by batman so not for him thanks)
yes yes yes a thousand times yes
getting to dominate someone, listening to them beg and plead and promise him everything just for some mercy
which he has no intention of giving them? but will taunt them with the prospect of?
everything about it appeals to his more sadistic nature, which he's happy to indulge in every so often
so get your best eyeliner on for smearing and prep the duct tape
oh he's into it. really into it. kinda concerningly into it at first before you realise how much the rules and regulations turn him on
safe words are his kink, turns out
but he'll commit to the bit, for any roleplay scenario
and this is no different
but you might have to build up your pain tolerance a bit for what he has planned
maybe somewhat surprisingly, i don't think this is his thing at all
not the ego-boost he's looking for, having to force someone to be with him, even if it's just pretend
doesn't feel good
he might like it the other way round though
getting to scream no when he knows he's secretly enjoying it would be a good cover
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annymation · 6 months
I reread the backstory of the villains and at the end you mentioned that Amaya is Persephone and Magnifico is Hades (from Disney). I was wondering which of the ancient Greek gods (or other characters from Greek mythology) do you associate Asha and Aster with?
So I kept looking for greek love stories with happy endings... And as ya'll can imagine that's a pointless endeavor, most are tragedies, and the few happy ones we do have don't fit with Asha and Aster.
So instead I decided to just pick greek characters that remind me of Asha and Aster, regardless of who those loved.
I'd say Asha reminds me most to Medea
Now hear me out, I know what you're thinking (If you're familiar with her myth)
"But Anny! Medea killed people!"
Yeah yeah I know, that's not what gives me Asha vibes in her, quick summary for those who don't know:
Medea was a princess, that fell in love with a "hero" named Jason
(She only fell in love with him because Hera made her fall in love with him, so she would help him survive the many trials her father was putting him through, Jason was like Hera's champion, that's why she gave him this lil intervention)
So Jason took Medea home with him, after she literally saved his life, and they had two kids together. But later, Jason decided he wanted to marry another princess, like, one still in power instead of Medea that was a run away princess.
Medea obviously got furious that her husband would marry someone else just for the perks. But she didn't just sit down and took it like many other maidens in greek mythology would, nuh-uh, she started plotting her revenge.
She elaborated a plan to kill both their kids and Jason's new girlfriend, through clever scheming and also potions- because did I mention she makes potions? Yeah turns out Medea was also a big inspiration for me when writing Amaya, she's kinda my favorite girl in greek mythology.
So WHY does she reminds me of Asha? Well simple, Asha stood up against injustice and did everything she possibly could to outwit the villains and had plenty of moments where her quick thinking saved her by a hair (Flashback to the climax of Kingdom of Wishes). Asha plans things out and speaks her mind, she and Medea are both strong, not physically, but in their wit.
I guess I could also compare her to Ariadne since she was also clever by helping Theseus escape the minotaur labyrinth, buuuuut Ariadne isn't as cool as Medea, like come on, at the end of the classical stage play she RIDES HELIOS FLYING CHARIOT LIKE A FREAKIN GODDESS JUST TO TAUNT JASON!!! SAYING SHE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM HIM!!! THEN SHE PROPHESIZES HE'LL DIE ALONE!!!! AND THAT THE GODS ARE ON HER SIDE!!! BECAUSE HES A LYING LIL OATH BREAKER!!!
Anyway, it gives me the vibes of Asha flying on her hand drawn flying carpet to defeat Magnifico and Amaya, and then saying "No one believes your lies anymore" while they're being turned into stone, she's just a badass like that.
As for Aster, maybe it's the Epic: The Musical fan in me talking, but eh, Odyseus.
Simply because I can totally see Aster going through hell and back to find Asha, the same way Odyseus did for Penelope, and also because I can see him being dumb enough to give his full name and address to a cyclops he just blinded. But as more and more shenanigans happen (And by that I mean most of his army freaking dying) he becomes more willing to be more ruthless for the sake of his men that are left and so they can go back home, similar to how Aster matured and even got a lil sadistic in the end there when he decided to turn the villains into stone.
Alternatively, I could also let the Hadestown fan in me win and say he reminds me of Orpheus, but that makes me too sad, considering what happens to Orpheus and Eurydice in the end. Let's say if you cut Orpheus turning to look back, yeah that relationship is very Aster and Asha vibes.
@superkooku you like greek mythology right? Do you have other ideas?
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Sorry y'all but purity culture has genuinely made fandom so boring when you enjoy nuance and variety lol
Sometimes it just feels like everything is squeaky clean and sanitized, no conflict or complications, no character is really evil or are seen as broken and need to be fixed, they become better through the "power of love", every single one gets into a romantic relationship, have vanilla missionary procreative sex because all kink is bad and wrong, are put in a conservative lifestyle and marriage with a white picket fence and kids where nothing bad ever happens and everything is so wholesome and pure and must follow one life script
And yeah people have the freedom to do what they want and not liking it personally doesn't mean everyone should stop. But what really bothers me is there are people like me who feel the same and have very different darker complicated things they want to create but don't because anything considered too evil and dark is demonized and shut down. Then they're too afraid share in fear of backlash and it's really sad. So it's not being mad that the former exists and saying it should stop, it's being sad that the latter isn't allowed
And I do know people who used to explore and create for the latter but after backlash started only making the former and that's sad too. That includes many of your favorite artists that have now blocked me for creating things along the lines of what they did in the past. (Themes of violence and abuse in this case.) And many end up seeming really repressed and restricted as a result. It feels like there's a pressure for it and sometimes it feels forced. And because I don't want to do it it feels like I'm punished for it
But anyway yeah if you're an adult who enjoys evil and killing and violence, blood and gore, hurt and angst, complicated relationships, toxic fucked up characters, or are a sadistic freak like me who loves when terrible things and suffering and death happen in fiction then please, I invite you to join me as we travel to places in analysis and concepts that the surface of the fandom won't go lol
And before you can say something like "this is a kid's series and you're the problem for expecting and creating these things", aside from the ns4w and graphic blood and gore, all of these themes such as as violence, death, abuse, etc, has always existed in the official media already, so I think it should absolutely be okay to explore in fandom too and they have always been what's compelled me the most to create and I'm not the only one :P
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Headcanons on.... being justified? sorta
I threw a couple of headcanons in a salad so I could rate the Soulsborne men that messed with the things not meant for humans and got ridiculously big body count, from most justified to least
#5 Laurence - He genuinely cared for betterment of humankind, even if that meant great sacrifices and risks, although he took things to such a far point that these actions on themselves destroyed his humanity and defeated the purpose. He is a tragic villain! Good intentions road to hell all that.
(I will note though, I feel like BB was a bit TOO subtle on how things sucked so Laurence would have the need to change them - there are multiple evidences that are yet so scattered that on superficial level it can look as though everything was awesome and perfect and Laurence simply ruined everything! I really don't see it, especially considering how many things could've been wrong in Victorian era... Eileen, for one, arrives from plague-ridden place if her mask is of any indication.)
#4 Aldrich - He lives in the world that is rotting and doomed no matter what you do, he saw the only thing that offered at least some hope for escape and better era and seized it, no matter what it took. He is like.. in a position where moral principles are losing their effect, so everything goes. Similar insight to Rykard's, actually. (I can honestly give him a pass on enjoying his methods a bit too much like sadistic shit that he is, because how you he is feeling besides the point in this context)
#3 Micolash - His world likewise got fucked but what Micolash did was not simply going 'fuck this shit I'm out' and giving up on human values, but also provoking the process that accelerates the humanity's ruin and it can not even escape beasthood WHILE his ritual is ongoing, all so he (and anyone who """understands""") could evolve past human mind. Micolash has more choice and more hope than DS cast, he decided human values (and lives) were not really worth it!
#2 Allant - Not only he gave up on humanity and this world in his despair, but also ensured that everyone else feels this way too deep down and no one's lives matter, so he had to "open their eyes" lol. He is just willing to destroy everything through the same logic in which I used to agree with Frenzied Flame ending - that existence is fundamentally broken, as a concept.. And like, if other people still want to exist regardless of suffering, decay and existential loneliness? Well they're just "dumb" or something.... Very selfish stuff.
#1 Shabriri - The fucker thought the world had it too good and just could not live in peace knowing there was all-destroying power sealed, he saw "No tresspassing" sign and was not able to stop, so now even without Lord of Frenzy, the world still got inflicted with irreversible sickness that someone could get just by fucking being too sad or something. Basically I think he did not face crushing depression and dread that simply 'resonated' with the power of universal despair, but just, like they say, "did a little trolling". Partially I think that because of how his yearning for chaos sounds like manic wish to just see everything burn and not like despair. Partially because I feel like at least one time everything could be ruined by simple curiosity and not sympathetic motivation? But yes, Shabriri is THE worst.
Also there are complications of 'they unleashed it' vs 'the force beyond humanity called them and of course a human would not be able to resist' with some, which I tend to just write off with the "the call means nothing without the receiver" (so, even if you like saw a dream or found frenzied fingerprints, you could still just say no... so yeah, I did not use this factor in rating)
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miratenebrarum · 6 months
i FORGOT TO SAY THAT HOUR GLASS WAS FOR CAHARA AND ENKI (whatever one you want to do most or if you'd like to do both)
[ backstory ; ACCEPTING ]
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"Are you sure you don't want to talk about your past?"
Enki lifted an eyebrow, giving the mercenary a look that's meant to say: 'why would you care?' Inferior vermins that speak just because they still have the tongue to do it, as if talking would ease their worries, clear their minds, unaware that they're far gone.
"You overstimate how much I consider you worth my time" the dark priest shrugs, returning to his books, ignoring the other's eyeroll or the four-eyed mutt's soft whine "Or own much I care about your pathetic sad story." " It's full of incredible adventures, actually."
The hint of overconfident sarcasm is hard to ignore, no matter how much Enki would rather drop that whole conversation. Why the knight left the two of them at tending the fire while she scanned the area in search for something better than a bunch of likely poisonous mushrooms to cook, was beyond him. Them. Both of them.
Clearly, she didn't trust them just yet.
"And I'm sure D'Arce would love to hear those." a groan, and Enki is once again forced to look up, scooting a little further away from the bonfire. The darkness surrounding them is terrifying, sure, but he'd gladly take whatever is hiding in the corners of that seemingly safe room than deal with Cahara's smirk, or Moonless' smell.
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"...besides. Adventures." he can't stop himself from muttering, his voice dripping in sarcasm of his own "One like you don't come here to seek an incredible adventure." and surely not because he knows about the true secrets of the Dungeon "You're here for money, not fame." a dark chuckle "am I wrong?"
For once, Cahara hesitated. It made Enki feel powerful, in a sadistic, twisted way.
"I need them. For someone dear to me."
He's not talking about Celeste to that creep.
"Hm? Family? A relative?" "Are you here for your family?" "Gods, no." Enki wrinkled his nose "I killed my sister, and if I had more family members at my disposition, I would've gladly killed them too. The idea of getting in here for them-- no, for someone else, is truly pathetic."
He did notice Cahara's fist tightening, but pretended to pay no mind, hiding his smirk behind the book. Maybe the Mercenary wanted to keep discussing, but any words died in his throat as soon as D'Arce returned, more bloody than when she left, but holding various pieces of meat she refused to explain the origin of.
It's not worth it.
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elmaxlys · 1 year
Since I don’t know much about it, how about Tokyo Ghoul for the fandom part of the ask game?
Ohoo :3 many thanks!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Donato Porpora (as if there's anyone who doesn't know that by now..)
He is soo!! He's sadistic bastard yet still a loving dad, he's the most powerful non kakuja ghoul around, he is so so extremely smart, he's in jail and holding the very people that hold him captive by the balls and still avoided being executed even after 15 years. He is Everything, I love him sooo much and he is My Dad.
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Least Favorite character:
I used to have this group of characters I disliked that I called the T Gang and they were Torso, Tsuneyoshi, Tokage and Touka but I actually love the first 3 and og Touka (still hate her :re self), so that's no longer applicable lmao. If I have to choose, it's probably between King and :re Touka.
King is one Kaneki's alters, from about the middle of :re on. He is one insufferable, self righteous, hypocritical, egoistic bastard that no longer serves any purpose in the plot apart from. you know. being there. He's an asshole to his people and even more to his friends. He looks at the horrors and says "I have the power to stop them but eeeeh why should I. Let's stop the only person who's trying, instead!" I hate him as a person and as a character.
As for Touka, I still like her in og, she's amazing, she's driven and she's strong with a strong character with a dream and a goal. And in :re?? She's reduced to Sad Housewife- oh wait no look she switched to Abusive Housewife- oh wait look she switched to Sexual Harasser But Makes It ~Sexy~ Housewife- oh look at that she's being written out of the story after she got married and knocked out. Damn who could have predicted that.
In Touka's case, it's mostly a case of Writers Hate Women, though, so I'll say King is my ultimate least favorite.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Utaren (Uta/Yomo Renji) - my all time OTQP
Matsurie (Washuu Matsuri/Urie Kuki) - I love you power imbalance, I love you D/S relationships, I love you one-sided love, I love you willfully becoming another man's dog, I love you closeted flamboyant men of high social status with a hidden identity that could be made disappeared by their own family in the event of disappointment
Shuuneki (Tsukiyama Shuu/Kaneki Ken) - I ship it exclusively if it's og Kaneki (either Kuroneki or Shironeki). Shuu deserves better than :re Kaneki.
Nishikimi (Nishio Nishiki/Nishino Kimi) - the only canon pairing that matters
Amoneki/Amonhaise (Amon Koutarou/Kaneki Ken or Sasaki Haise) - platonic/soft-romo
Bonus: Maruchika (Marude Itsuki/Washuu Yoshitoki) - lowkey but painfully
I'll take this occasion to show one of my favorite Shuuneki illustration
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Character I find most attractive:
In very different categories, I'll mention 2: Yoshitoki (very dad-like charm) and Tsukiyama Shuu (World's Prettiest Boy)
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Character I would marry:
Shuu, pretty, rich and very kind what more could you want? I'd let him eat me any day
Character I would be best friends with:
One I would want to be bffs with is Amon Koutarou, one I would actually get along with would be Hori Chie lmao. I wanted to say Saiko but that could only work as online friends I think.
A random thought:
I don't like the revisionist history that Shuu always had teal hair and that the purple was an anime invention. The below illustration is from 2013, so before the anime. Ishida drew him with purple hair on more than one occasion, another one being the Past novel cover.
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An unpopular opinion:
Donato should have been the One-Eyed King and Kanou did more for society than Kaneki ever will
My Canon OTP:
That'd be Nishikimi. They're so Ride or Die hhhhhh 💕
My Non-canon OTP:
OTQP but Utaren (tho the "non-canon" aspect is debatable in the QP department) I wanted to find a 2nd choice, so i'd have an actual romantic ship but none of my ships is romantic??? I'd consider none of them to be OTP. Only Utaren qualifies, so Utaren it is.
Most Badass Character:
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Honorable mention to Tatara, Uta and Kurona (and half the cast *ahem*)
Most Epic Villain:
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He is so good!! he is such a good character, such a good villain! he is so smart so destructive so depressed so suicidal so ruthless so manipulative he is everything one could wish for in a villain and antagonist AND he moves the plot more than the supposed protagonist like. So so epic!!
He's the best.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
so so many lmfao I'll mention T*uken tho and, hilariously enough (given the history of the fandom), H*dek*ne
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Touka, oh my fucking god. I mentioned why in the "least favorite character" bit but jfc.. jfc...
(also Amon in :re)
Favourite Friendship:
Uta and Renji win.
But because that's not fair given they're also my OTP, I'll also mention the 4th ward gang (Uta, Yomo Renji, Itori), Shuu and Hori Chie, Urie and Saiko, and one purely from my brain, Saiko and Amon Koutarou
Character I most identify with:
Picture a mix of Urie Kuki and Yonebayashi Saiko
Character I wish I could be:
Haisaki 🥰
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(oh to be brutally killed by Donato...)
(but for real, everyone's life sucks major time in TG so no thanks. i want Uta's gender tho.)
The Ask Game
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oceanblueeyesoul · 2 years
hello! if it's not too much to ask, can I get a platonic and romantic matchup for Stranger Things? no pressure or anything. if yes, here are a few things about me:
My pronouns are he/they and pansexual. I consider my type to be sad, strong (physically or otherwise) and possibly stupid. I'm a Pisces sun, Aquarius moon and Taurus rising.
APPERANCE: I'm 5'9-5'10. I'm black, but p light skinned. I have locs and they're past my shoulders now, also dyed blonde at the ends of one side. My eyes are dark brown. I wear glasses. I dress pretty alt, or like I'm going to the gym.
PERSONALITY: introvert, cagey with people I don't know well, menace with people I know more, nerdy, artistic, poetic, persuasive, kinda dramatic, escapist, a total burnout, compassionate, intellectual/academic, maybe a little sadistic every now and then, indecisive
INTERESTS: music (i get fixations on certain genres, artists or eras. rn it is 70s and 80s rock), writing, fantasy, mythology, history, singing, baking/cooking, most art related things, superheroes, videogames, shiny things, cryptids/monsters, animals (especially frogs!), autumn, night (I sleep through most of the day), bones (they're cool)
OTHER: I paint my nails. I have a lot going on mentally. I speak a lot of Spanish and a little French. I'm bitey. The Beatles is not music in my own personal and correct opinion. I have pets, a bunny and a dog.
Alright! Take care, be sure to drink water and maybe have a little snack if you want.
Thanks @deviltryhours you sounded like a nice person to be around!
Your platonic Stranger Things ship is...
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Once you both get to know each other, the two of you will listen lots of music together and just being chill with each other.
Both of you will paint each other's nails and just talk about over random things like superheroes and monsters.
She will definitely come into your place so that she could play with your dog and cuddle with the bunny.
Pisces x Aquarius chill buddies
The random duo platonic soulmates
Your romantic Stranger Things soulmate is...
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He is mentally strong and have some trauma so he would understand that you're cagey when it comes to new people.
Once he gets to know you better, you definitely got his heart, the two of you would definitely cook together and make some delicious food.
You get along with Will too and both of you will talk about art and superheroes and Jonathan will have the biggest smile on his face when he sees you with Will.
Both of you are introverts, so both of you find yourselves talking to each other about your past and the upcoming future for the both of you.
Pisces x Taurus lovebirds
Introvert x Introvert romantic soulmates
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Comics Read-Through: Romeo (1)
So I immediately fell in love with Romeo's appearance in Astonishing Ice-Man #1 (2023) and decided I'd better check out his entire list of appearances, which thankfully is very small.
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Spoiler alert: This post ends on a depressing note.
We're going to be jumping around a lot.
The first issue is a X-Men run, and coincidentally, I've been listening to Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men for the past few days. I've only listened to the first 9 episodes, but I think I won't be lost too much. I definitely recommend giving it a listen if you're curious about the X-Men comics!
All-New X-Men (2016) #13
I was actually surprised to see Bobby's sexuality at the forefront of this issue. He's gay and out now. He came out in April 2015's issue, so as you can guess from the title, not long before this one.
The art is very pretty, quite colorful and easy on the eyes. Very interestingly, Bobby says his idea of a gay culture is very outdated (and actually offensive according to the Internet). After all, he IS a younger version of him from the first issues, and not older current-day Iceman. Which is sad when you think about it, because any meaningful connexion Bobby might make in this time will be rendered useless when he comes back to his time, in the past.
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Does that come from Top Gun? Hahaha, I should really finish that movie. I think I still have an hour left or something...
So Bobby finally lets himself go, and their hands touch... and Bobby cries and becomes Iceman right in the middle of the bar. He's ashamed and leaves and barges on... Romeo, naturally. They proceed to flirt, and are interrupted by a beautiful creature.
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Really great art!
This is actually a friend of Romeo's, who calms him down, and then Romeo's fellow Inhumans arrive. Later, Romeo explains that he's an empath and can manipulate emotions. So this is basically Mantis. Okay! I'm into that, as a concept, because it can lead to great stories (see: Buffy S6). Bobby feels awkward about that, but...
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I squeed. They're adorable!
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That's how the issue ends, with the last sentence promising "Next: More Horror for Cyclops" which sounds like a sadistic fanfic writer. Hell yeah. But we won't be reading that, because...
2. Spider-Woman (2016) #10
Spider-Woman! We're reading other Spider-people comics before even meeting our first alternate one. Well, I guess technically we met Peter's clone? Maybe? I don't know much about Ben Reilly, but given we just finished (re)reading the first Clone Saga...
Oh, and did I say this issue is in the middle of Civil War II? Which is ridiculous because I've only read Civil War I.
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No matter! The art style is pretty different, but I oddly like it.
Jess is on a mission to basically confirm Ulysses's visions, because she doesn't trust them. Romeo appears to take care of a new, old lady Inhuman who doesn't control her newfound powers very well. I have to mention that he's pretty ugly in this issue.
It ends with national news that Clint Barton (Hawkeye) just killed Bruce Banner (Hulk), and Jess is pretty pissed at her girlfriend, Captain Marvel (they're very lesbiany in this issue and Jess acknowledges it, I wonder if it went farther than this).
Let's shift back to...
3. All-New X-Men (2016) #17
Sooo... Bobby and Romeo are boyfriends, and the Inhumans and X-Men are at war with each other. Oops.
The issue begins with their 4th date, and Bobby slaps himself, thinking he should have kissed Romeo. And I'm like. What. exactly. have you been doing those past dates. if you haven't even kissed?!
But the concept of dates is very alien to me, we were actually talking about that with my boyfriend this week-end. I considered us boyfriend our very first date, where he had the option to go back home and chose to actually follow me home. I was like, "okay, we're boyfriends then" and we definitely kissed, I'll tell ya. But in *his* head, we only became boyfriends weeks later when I realized he was missing me while I was away. What a goof. I love him.
So 4 dates without even kissing? Gay kids? This is completely absurd but okay. Gotta milk that teenage angst.
The whole team meanwhile has been waiting in Bobby's room to tell him that, uh, things were going to get complicated for him and his boyfriend.
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Then we get a flashback to their first date! They held hands, how wonderful.
And in the present, Bobby takes part in the attack on New Attilan (Romeo's home). Date #2 recollection! They play Laser Tag and Romeo argues those things are a relic of the past, but at least in my country, they're still very popular so what gives?
Date #3! They splashed in a Water Park!
Bobby finds Romeo in a safe room with non-combattants, which I find sad because I'm sure Romeo's skills have battle applications... but reassuring other people is probably important as well.
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Well. I guess that's a way to make it important!
Together, they leave the place because love is more important than a silly battle with dubious motivations.
It's only reading the comments on a certain website that I understand that Romeo's called like that because... it's a Romeo and Juliet story. Duh.
4. All-New X-Men (2016) #19
I assume the issue in-between shows what happens aside from them. This is all definitely slower pacing than what I'm used to, not that I'm complaining.
I thought it would be a grand war final issue, but the blurb says the war has ended. Oh. Uh. Okay. You know what? Let's skim through #18.
It... doesn't help much, though. There's parallel series where the crux happens. Oh well. I sure wouldn't be satisfied if I was only reading one magazine. At least, if you're wondering, Bobby went back to help his team.
So, #19!
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Who are you and what did you do to Romeo?!
So Hank sends the OG 5 to their past... but they discover that their originals never left. So the OG5 who were transported to the future will stay in the future (so, the present). Okay, that's a good conclusion!
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Gee, I wonder what we're reading n--
5. Iceman (2017) #1
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Tuuuuuurns out... This comic series features TWO Icemen: current Iceman, and displaced Iceman. Huh! I didn't see that coming.
We get a nice Romeo cameo, and Current!Bobby is called because his father is in the hospital. He didn't come out to his family, that sucks.
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His family sucks, by the way, dear Lord.
Intriguing series, not sure I'll ever read it though.
So... that's it. Romeo pretty much doesn't appear anymore between 2017 and 2021.
So here I was, thinking it was intriguing, that story about the displaced X-Men. I had to find out what happened to Displaced!Bobby!
Turns out he does have a storyline with his companions in X-Men Blue and it's more or less... harrowing.
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What's in red brackets is what happens in All-New X-Men (2016) #19. After that, it's X-Men Blue. Dear Lord. That's a nasty retcon.
So I assume that the next part of the Bobby/Romeo storyline is with Current!Bobby then. Oof. We'll see that in the next post!
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eorzeashan · 2 years
I was trying to parse why Eight didn't connect with Ardun Kothe in a similar level to Minister/Keeper, but then I realized...
it's because he understands Jadus more than either of them on a fundamental level. That's his folly in the end.
They're people at their heart. They love fully even behind veiled words and they carry their guilt openly on their sleeve-- every moment in the story they're trying to do the right thing. Eight doesn't understand when he first meets Kothe and certainly not any time after that. All he sees is a sorrowful man who regrets a sin he has no idea about. He doesn't know why he's sad or why he trusts so implicitly it borders on naive (when a man like Ardun is so far from naive but can only see the world through the lens of a former Jedi, one who feels everything all at once). It's the exact opposite of everything he is.
It confuses him, he who has never regretted a thing in his life. He trusts Ardun because his instincts say so, but he fails to connect with him because he has no experience with this level of personage. What does it mean to grow old, to keep the same ideals through countless wars even when you're wizened, to still know what you stand for in an unchanging way after all these years? What does it mean to not change who you are at the core and to know exactly who you need to be, not in terms of what is necessary but what you can't give up?
That's where his identity falls apart in the face of unyielding, true, character. Ardun still cares for those he's surrounded himself with, he talks kindly, he trusts as best as he can in his circumstances- same as the Minister. Even for all their knowledge that these things are kept best at a distance, they don't once give up their connections or their humanity. Amongst their mistakes they try and try again to fix what they've broken knowing it's worth doing so to them and their person. They take these risks because they believe in people.
All Eight knows is how to burn bridges, and people, and himself, until naught remains but ash to start anew. Over and over again. He's the bygone youth of a dead woman who will never grow old. He didn't know he was loved beyond being a weapon until it was too late.
There's a line that sticks with me. Ardun says, "I worked with Hunter a long time and thought he was a good man. Still can't prove anything was wrong."
This baffles the player who has clearly seen the side of Hunter who has done an awful service to your Agent-- controlling them to sadistic heights and destroying everything they love at times. But we're not talking about us, we're talking about Eight, who is well aware Hunter is nearly identical to his situation. He considers neither of them good people, if not the worst.
It's the fact that Ardun and the Minister could see the good in him and he never could what made him realize his worst fear at the very end: that he wasn't the person the Minister actually wanted him to be this whole time. That he's already gone to a far off place no one can reach: no one that loves him, at least.
Eight would most certainly have known or understood if he could've seen what they did in him. But he doesn't have that, does he?
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