#and i was thinking - no one shall demand anything of me
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which one 🥲😂😭💀 i have a few - will this do?
“They’re quite odd, aren’t they?” 
Abraxas is snickering when he says it. He’s just loud enough to grate - nothing new - but in what should be the quiet sanctity of the library, his tone sufficiently pulls Tom from his reading. 
His eyes lock on Abraxas across from him and flick to the ‘they’ in question. 
And, of course, it’s the Grangers. 
Since entering the magical community, Tom has learned a thing or two about their societal norms. An interesting component being that it is surprisingly challenging to be seen as ‘odd’ here. A wixen can be any number of things: lazy, stupid, poor, muggle - the list goes on, but ‘odd’ is a category used sparingly when directed towards each other. Much unlike the muggles Tom has known and grown his whole life around. 
He was always seen as odd by them - freakish - and continues to be whenever he returns to the orphanage for summer. So he doesn’t much care for the word. 
Besides, if anything, the Grangers aren't even worth gawking over and snickering about. Their worst can be summed up to anti-socialistic, codependent, and exclusionary behaviours - probably a trauma response from the war. They clearly have no interest in playing house with their dormmates or the rest of the school, so why bother?
They are sitting beneath the second-story stair landing where the elves have managed to shove one last table. It’s one of the more tucked away and private places on this level — a place Tom would not consider and will not consider; he needs to be visible, available — and they’ve claimed it like it’s never belonged to anyone else. Like it was placed there just for them. Their ease of acclimation to Hogwarts as a whole has certainly raised some eyebrows, yet still, he isn’t concerned. 
He had also known Hogwarts was his home the moment he had stepped foot in it, after all. He is not so foolish as to believe himself an outlier.
Hermione Granger’s hands are waving wildly, turning in circles and gesturing in a vague sphere-like shape. She’s talking aloud - not that Tom, or anyone else, can hear it - and doesn’t seem to like what she’s saying, given the harsh line between her brows. Ronald Granger is sitting in front of her and starts shaking his head. He says something and reaches across the table to take her wrists — expands them — the sphere becomes an oval.
Harry Granger sits beside them pensive, with his head down and reading carefully from a book in his hands. He starts to turn the page but pauses; he frowns and looks up.
He looks right at Tom.
Granger blinks once, slowly. He mouths something, but it’s not directed towards Tom because his siblings turn to look at him. It only lasts a moment before they suddenly turn around to stare at Tom as well, their eyes wide and alarmed. 
Tom watches on as Harry Granger slouches - maybe sighs? He shakes his head and palms his face in something like dismay. It doesn't take a legilimens to read his lips now—
“You are both such idiots.” He says.
The corner of Tom’s lips curl. It’s possibly a smile. He’ll never call it that out loud.
“Very,” he finally replies to Abraxas.
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allisonlol · 11 months
chuuya dazai and fyodor when reader tries to remove the hickies they gave reader the next day OHKYIGOAHSS
a/n: hiii everyone i have crawled out of my void to offer you this post !! ty to the anon who came up with this wonderful idea. i've missed posting omg and we somehow are so close to 3k despite my inactivity??? slay. shall open reqs again once we get there mwehehe
warnings: slight nsfw
(Chuuya, Dazai, Fyodor) When You Try to Remove Hickeys
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he's gonna be the most chill about this tbh
it's your body and if you don't want ppl seeing that on you then that's ur choice!!
hiding them is one thing, but that doesn't mean he wants to see you removing them
so yknow that hack where you take a whisk and like,,,twist it over the mark to get rid of it?
yeah so you tried that...and it was actually working until chuuya barged into the room and demanded to know what you were doing
bro is not happy to see the hickies he'd proudly left on you last night being somehow removed by a WHISK
grabs that mf thing and throws it across the room
chuuya's not angry at you, more so frustrated and insecure?? cuz like why would u wanna get rid of them
he's lowkey gonna start pouting tbh. won't say anything else but will glare & give u silent treatment
won't stop until you admit the only reason u removed them is because it was too visible with your work uniform and u didn't want everyone staring smh
insist that he should give you more in areas that people won't see and there's no guarantee y'all won't be late to work <3
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oh lord
so dazai really loves to mark you up
and last night was no different. your neck was black and blue with hickies
deadass to the point where you nearly had a heart attack when you saw it in the morning
"how am i gonna go to work like this?!" you practically sob to him while he LAUGHS
his only advice is "then don't go" as if both of y'all don't need to have ur asses at the agency in 20 minutes
you check ur phone for the time and when u see this you panic and sprint to your shared bedroom
you try everything you can think of to cover them
first you hastily layer concealer on your neck, to no avail as the marks were too dark
then digging through ur closet for clothes with a high enough neckline to hide it, to which you found none
whole time dazai is leaning against the doorframe, watching ur meltdown with an amused expression
he approaches and helps u up from the floor where u had collapsed with all the clothes strewn around you ☹️
"allow me to pick out something for you to wear" ….oh god
u guys are beyond late at this point so you sigh and accept defeat, to which dazai picks a shirt that of course displays all the marks on your neck
you got lots of stares that day to say the least
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surprisingly fyodor doesn't usually leave too many marks on you to begin with
he's got that old fashioned take where it's like "other people don't need to see that and be in our business" if u know what i mean
however, he is also a very possessive man
^so when he gets worked up and does leave hickeys on you, the last thing he wants to see is you trying to hide or remove them
which is exactly what he walked in on u doing today
you were trying the good old "rub an ice cube on it" hack before u had to work
now this mf thinks you have some hidden agenda as to why you wanted them gone
"are you seeing someone else" 💀💀
PLS u didn't realize he had been watching from the doorway and this scares u so bad u drop the ice cube down ur shirt
u start frantically trying to get it out of ur shirt while yelling at him like "i have to work, wtf are u talking about???"
u immediately stop tho when he storms up to u and grabs your face to make you look at him
his face is so cold and unreadable omg it's scary
his eyes shift to the marks on your neck as he traces over them with his fingers
"leave these alone" he says lowly, then adjusts the collar of your shirt so they are partially covered
neither of u will say anything more about it after that, but fyodor sends sigma to secretly follow u to work to make sure that's where ur really going 😓
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @irethepotato @serenareiss @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @creamygojo @mianqo
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a-s-ter · 23 days
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— 𝐒𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬: If you don't want your butler to reach a breaking point and take matters into his own hands by 'disciplining' you, perhaps refrain from behaving like a spoiled brat next time.
— 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: rough sex , unprotected sex , brat!reader , overstimulation , bttm male reader , blowjob , smacking , swearing , dirtytalk , praise , manhandling , dirty talk , age gap , virgin!reader , making out , degradation , petnames , non con , public sex.
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You were furious. Shattering objects around your room, you turned your once pristine chamber into a chaotic mess. Your anger overflowed onto everyone around you, shouting and unleashing abuse.
After that, you broke down. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you gripped the bed sheets, sprawled on your royal bed still clad in your sleepwear.
You were M/n, the prince! How could you have stooped so low as to beg someone, especially a butler? It was utterly humiliating! What would your father and mother say if they discovered your shameful behavior?
Your father had placed a heavy burden upon your shoulders, entrusting you with the future of the empire. He had envisioned you as a paragon of strength, resilience, and dominance. However, you found yourself succumbing to the influence of a mere butler. His admonitions reverberated in your mind like a relentless echo.
"Do not disappoint me. Be strong and wield the sword with skill, just as your brother does. My time wanes, and the throne shall be yours upon my passing. Fail me not, M/n, lest I consider another heir."
These words were etched into your very being, a constant weight upon your conscience. You vowed not to falter. You would rise above this moment of weakness and prove yourself worthy of the crown he had bestowed upon you.
Your cries were silent, hidden from the world. You couldn't bear the thought of anyone discovering your weakness, fearing it would tarnish your reputation and redefine how others perceived you. You couldn't afford to be seen as anything less than the strong and dominant M/n they expected.
You couldn't let your mother and father see this side of you. No one could know your vulnerability. But that butler had already glimpsed your submissive nature, a betrayal you couldn't forgive.
Clutching the bedsheets tighter, you vowed to exact punishment upon him. But how? The question gnawed at you as you plotted your next move.
"Your Highness?"
Your eyes widened as you recognized that voice. It was that damned butler! Quickly, you got up from your bed and hurried to the door without thinking. With a rush of irritation, you swung it open and came face-to-face with that annoying face you despised.
"You asshole! How dare you show your face in front of me!? Get out of my sight, I never wish to see you here ever again!" you yelled, your voice trembling with anger.
He stared down at you, his yellow eyes cold and calculating as they scanned your face. "That's such a shame, Your Highness," he replied, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "You'll be seeing me more often."
"W—what the heck do you mean by that!?" you demanded, your bewilderment evident in your tone.
"Your mother," he began, his tone dripping with smug satisfaction, "heard about your recent behavior and was quite shocked. When she saw that I possess the proper manners and decorum you seem to lack, she decided I would be the perfect candidate to be your new etiquette teacher." His words hung in the air, leaving you stunned and speechless.
You chuckled nervously, hoping it was some twisted joke. "H-hey... Tell me you're joking. Y-you're joking, right!?" Desperation seeped into your voice as you grabbed his collar harshly, trying to shake the truth out of him.
"I'm afraid not," he replied calmly, his smirk unwavering. "She found out about your behavior towards the maids and your lack of manners, Your Highness."
Anger flared within you at his words, and you tightened your grip on his collar. "So what if I have no manners!? I couldn't care less about those worthless maids! Those 'foods' are nothing but garbage. We don't eat slop like that; it's disgusting! They should've been kicked out of this castle ages ago! Just like you! Just a lowly butler who's probably good at nothing, maybe just some trash my father picked up!" you spat.
"Your words only confirm why I'm here. Perhaps it's time you learned the value of respect and humility your highness."
"No! Fuck off asshole!" you exclaimed, but he paid no heed to your protests. With a swift motion, he forcefully removed your grip on his collar and seized your wrist in a tight grip, his hold unyielding.
You struggled against his grasp, but it was futile. With a determined stride, he barged into your room, his grip still firm as he flung you to the unforgiving floor. A sharp hiss escaped your lips as pain shot through your body upon impact.
As you lay there, vulnerable and in pain, you watched helplessly as he closed the door behind him and locked it, sealing you both in.
He glared down at you, his eyes a piercing yellow that sent shivers down your spine.
"Shall we begin the lesson with your mouth, Your Highness?" His words were laced with a commanding tone as he strode towards you.
"My mouth!? What do you mean by my mouth? Stay away, you filthy vermin!" You attempted to rise, but your legs failed you, leaving you vulnerable on the floor.
With a smirk that sent a chill down your spine, he loomed over you, seizing your chin to meet his gaze forcibly.
"You have such beautiful eyes your highness. Staring at me like that turns me on." he declared, as your gaze involuntarily dropped to his pants, where a noticeable bulge had formed.
"Do you want to see it? See how I'm going to lecture that mouth of yours?" His tone was both mocking and tantalizing as he began to undo his belt, the metallic clink resonating in the tense silence of the room.
"N-no, no! I don't want to see your icky meat!" you protested, but your words fell on deaf ears as he proceeded to remove his belt and push down his underwear.
Your eyes widened in shock as his erect member was revealed before you, Tall and pale white with a crimson hue at the tip, it stood proudly before you, veins pulsing along its length as it throbbed with anticipation.
"It's yours," he declared, his voice thick with desire, "all yours for you to see anytime and anywhere, Your Highness."
"W-wha—?" Your attempt at a coherent response was abruptly stifled as he seized your head, thrusting his cock into your mouth with an aggressive force that left you gasping for air. The sudden intrusion hit the back of your throat, eliciting a choked gurgle of surprise as your eyes widened in shock.
Instinctively, you reached out, grasping onto his thighs for support as you struggled to accommodate his size. Sweat beaded on his brow as he grunted in satisfaction, relishing the sight of you adjusting to his relentless penetration. His grip tightened on your hair, adding to the sensation of his control over you.
"Mhmm, that's a good boy... Taking me all in," he murmured, his voice thick with lust as he watched you with a predatory gaze.
"Ngh... Let's begin the lesson, Your Highness." With a deliberate motion, he began to withdraw his cock from your mouth, only to slam it back in with a force that stole your breath away. Your grip on his thighs tightened as tears welled in your eyes, a mixture of pain and submission washing over you as you surrendered to his will.
He moaned in ecstasy, throwing his head back as the overwhelming sensations consumed him. The warmth of your mouth enveloped him, the slickness of your saliva adding to the intensity of his pleasure. With each thrust, he felt himself sinking deeper into bliss, utterly lost in the euphoria of the moment.
As he gazed down at you, he couldn't help but marvel at the sight before him. Your furrowed brows, the blush that painted your cheeks, the subtle bulge he noticed in your pants – it was all too much, too perfect. In this moment, you belonged to him and him alone.
"Kick and claw all you like. Scream. Hit me. Curse the fuck out of me. Only you can do that to me and not to anyone else, i don't want your attention to go to anyone but me. You don't belong to anyone but me, M/n. Only me." he declared, his words laced with a possessive fervor as he continued to thrust into your mouth, each motion driving him closer to the edge.
As you gasped for breath, he withdrew his cock from your mouth allowing you a moment to recover. Relief flooded through you as you gulped in air, your chest heaving with the effort while a smirk was playing on his lips as he observed your struggle.
With a cruel chuckle, he grasped his cock firmly in his hand and lightly slapped your flushed cheeks with it, Your glare met his amused gaze. Chuckling softly as he seemed to revel in your reaction.
"Day to dusk, I'm going to fuck that bratty attitude out of you, so you better be ready, your Highness."
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omgeto · 10 months
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summary: you have sex. in public. slay.
cw: afab!reader, public/semi public sex (obvi) toji finger fucks you in a restaurant, you give nanami a lovely blowjob under his desk, and gojo just fucks you in a changing room so MDNI!
an: not proof read.. so ignore the mistakes and just enjoy the smut. thanks for reading <3
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toji fushiguro was a sly bastard, everything was a game to him. and getting you to cum just as the waiter brings your order was on his agenda tonight. “go on babe, tell the waiter what you want,” he smirks, as his fingers work their way inside of your folds.
“‘u-um i’ll have the…” you stutter, your words faltering as toji picks up his pace, “i’ll have whatever he’s having,” you finally force out. toji chuckles at you, finishing the order for you. 
you were sitting in a booth, quite secluded from the other people dining, but just hearing the busy chatter from the restaurant had you buckling into toji’s side – excited at the idea that they might be privy to what you and him were getting up to. 
“you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he grins, his thumb rubbing against your clit, amused by the blissed out look on your face. “you like the idea of people watching you, don’t you?” you nod, grinding harder on his fingers.
“i bet that waiter could tell y’know,” he continues, his movements quickening as his fingers drive in you deepers, “he could see what a pretty little slut you are, getting off whilst he takes our order.”
“fuck, don’t stop p-please,” you beg, wantonly gyrating against his thick digits, “im s-so close.” you bury your head into his shoulder, biting down on him to suppress your moans.
“oh look,” he says amused, his head nodding in the direction of the waiter who was approaching the table with a tray of food, “i think our food is coming.”
“c’mon toji,” you whine, feeling yourself about to climax, “just let me cum.”
“just wait,” he demands, he was waiting for just the right moment to get you to cum. he was loving this, seeing how happy you looked all fucked out on his fingers thrilled at the idea of people seeing you just how he was. 
“excuse me,” you hear an awkward cough from the side. your waiter was standing at the edge of your table, your food in his hands, “i’ve got your order. w0ould you like anything else?”
“just one sec,” toji orders, his fingers pistoning into you harder, his mouth brushes against your ear as he whispers, “cum.” you immediately release onto his fingers, gushing out into the chair. you collapse into his side, his arm wrapping around your back to keep you up. you bite down on your lips to hide the loud moan that was threatening to spill out of you.
“don’t forget to thank the waiter babe,” he jests, his grin growing wider as he watches the look on both yours and the waiter's face after what you’ve just done.
“t-thank you,” you force out, your hand gripping on the table to keep you together. the waiter scurries off, flushed, and toji presses a kiss to your forehead as he removes his fingers from you, putting them in his mouth, sucking off the juices that came from you.
“now shall we eat?” he asks nonchalantly as if he didn’t just make you cum.
gojo loves playing dress up with you. he loves taking you out, blowing a bunch of money on you, just to get you to try on clothes – half of which you never wear.
“c’mon babe, let me see the next one” he calls out to you from outside the changing room, “i haven’t got all day.”
“‘toru the zippers stuck,” you say, “i need you to zip me out.”
he was quick to rush into the dressing room, coming to your aid. gojo loves helping you out, being your knight in shining armour even with the most trivial tasks – such as zipping up your dress.
“fuck,” gojo pauses, standing directly behind you, as he sees you through the mirror. his hands caress your back as they toy with your zipper.
“satoru, you’re meant to be zipping me out of it, not zipping me up,” you complain, as you feel him do the exact opposite of what you needed.
“but babe,” he whines in your ear, “you just look so fuckable in this,” he presses a kiss just under your ear, his eyes focused on you through the mirror, “let me fuck you in this.”
“have you forgotten where we are?” you question, side eyeing your boyfriend as if he’s lost his mind.
“that hasn’t stopped us before,” he smirks, as he hikes up your dress freeing his dick, moving your panties to the side, “so…?” he questions, eagerly awaiting your response.
“be quick then,” you murmur, quickly giving in to him. his dick inches into your pussy, you were already wet, it was practically on command whenever you saw gojo. your hands press against the mirror as he grips onto your shoulder, bending you forward as his dick slams into you. 
“s-shit,” he practically moans in your ear, as your pussy coats his dick, clenching tightly around it, “you’re so fucking tight.” 
you could hear some movement outside the changing room, making your eyes widen as you say, “toru, someone might here us.”
“and?” he retorts, shrugging, “i wanna hear you, let them hear you.”
“f-fuck” he drills into you harder and you couldn’t help but shriek out a moan as his dick hits just your spot. “it’s too much ‘toru.”
“you can take it baby,” he praises, his mouth latching onto your neck, licking and sucking on your exposed flesh. his hand works his way down to your pussy, flicking at your clit as his dick drives into you – a smug grin appearing on his face as you moan even louder. 
“you close?” he questions, noticing the way you throw your head back, your face looking more daze as he continues to charge in and out of you at a relentless pace. you nod, his dick leaving your head too empty for you to say any words.
his movements become sloppier, as he could feel himself getting closer, he balls up the bottom of the bottom of your dress in his fist as he sprays your walls with his cum. you cum just as quickly as he does, an earth shattering cry releasing from your lips as you spill out all over him. 
“we’re definitely gonna need to keep this dress,” gojo pulls out of you, smiling hard as seeing his cum leaking from your pussy all down your thighs. 
“yeah we’re gonna have to, its covered in your cum,” you retort with a soft laugh.
“our cum,” he corrects, adding a final kiss to your cheek, “we’ll keep this as a momento.”
nanami’s favourite thing about his job was when you came to visit him. he liked the jealous stares he got from his co-workers as they saw the way you’d strut to his office with glee. he also liked knowing that they definitely could hear your screams and moans everytime he fucked you against his desk.
today you had to be quiet, nanami had an online meeting but you still wanted to give him his daily visit. his hand strokes your head under his desk, as your tongue swirls over the tip of his dick, you smile as you see him briefly tense at the contact. 
your hands pump his dick giving him slow strokes, and you could see his eyes meet yours with a hard glare as if to say, ‘hurry up.’ but you were in a mischievous mood, continue to tease him as you slightly take him into your warm, taut mout, nibbling on the head of his dick.
“nanami?” you hear from above him – coming from his computer, “are you there?” 
he coughs slightly, regaining his composure, “yes, im here, sorry about that.” 
but he’s swiftly back to tensing his fist, as you start to suck on his dick fast – practically choking on it. you use your hand to work on the parts that your mouth can’t take. his readjust himself in his seat, leaning slightly forward so you can take in him deeper. 
you could hear him talking above you, murmuring away about business things, but you couldn’t care less about that – you just wanted him to cum. you lips come off of his dick, and your mouth move to his balls, sucking on them with a smile as you hear nanami’s breathing become laboured.
eventually the meeting is over as you hear nanami slam his laptop shut, and he looks down to you as he says, “you’re a menace.”
“it’s just how you like me,” you grin as you take his balls out of your mouth, “i’m surprised you didn’t cum, you did well.”
“unlike you i have some self control,” he comments, pushing your head back onto his dick, “i am close though.” you go back to taking in his dick, practically inhaling it as he shoves it deeper down your throat. 
nanami’s grip on your head tightens and you grab onto his thigh to stead himself, as you could feel him about to cum. he spills into your month with a loud moan, and you swallow all of him, smiling as his cum slides down your throat.
he pulls you up from under his desk, and onto his lap into his strong hold. he pulls you into a kiss, tasting himself on your lips with a grin, “you are the best wife ever.”
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AN: I was gonna do one for my baby geto but I just COULDNT BE BOTHERED. so um ooops. hope you enjoy. DIVIDERS @/CAFEKITSUNE
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eamour · 4 months
appropiate what's yours.
we know we can manifest our dream lives, have your desires, yadda yadda yadda… but can you actually do it? see, the ability to manifest is something we all possess. but the willingness to actually act on that is something that some people may need practice in.
to desire and to decide.
to have a desire is easy. we all do, eventually. nevertheless, to claim a desire as yours and appropriate it as such is a whole other step. it requires you to be bold, decisive and focused on what you want to manifest. if you have no problem demanding and accepting things you want to have to be yours, that’s 1 good for you and 2 you are free to either skip this post or read along.
all states belong to you.
now, for those who still need a bit of assistance: you need to learn to declare things as yours. it is of importance to become comfortable in your mind and to realise that any desire, any state, and any feeling is accessible to you. they all belong to you and you shall act like it. there is truly nothing embarrassing, haughty or delusional about it.
the only creator of mind.
see, no one's gonna steal your desires from you. no one's going to say "no" and call you out for wanting things without earning or deserving them. in fact, no one could ever get in your way because they don’t have the free will to do so. people are just you pushed out, a reflection of your imagination, a physical embodiment of what has once only existed imaginatively. and that means… the only person who could possibly interfere with your plans is you. again, nothing and no one outside of you exists.
the mind is limitless.
in case no one has told you, your mind is actually yours! it belongs to you! so USE it. this may come off as a little funny since it’s quite self-explanatory but you are allowed to think the thoughts you desire to think, to feel the feelings you'd like to feel, to decide how your reality should look like according to your personal preference and accept it as such. it's all up to you because your mind is yours. i can’t get in there and tell you what to think of. i can't stop you. and i certainly can’t tell you "no, this is impossible/unrealistic/illogical to manifest".
don't wish, just be.
don’t tell me who you don’t want to be. don’t tell me what you wish, hope or pray to be. instead, tell me who you are. what is it that you want to have? what is it that you want to experience? how would you want your life to look like? whatever it is that you want — if you know what it is — appropriate it. stop holding yourself back by only desiring things. stop stopping yourself. we all have desires we would want to make a reality, so go further.
it is now yours, only.
take it. it’s yours. you have given it to yourself. it’s done. i cannot take it from you, your sp cannot do it either, nor does anyone have the power to remove anything from you what you have already identified with. if you say it’s yours, baby, then it has no other choice but to be yours …
with love, ella.
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dawndelion-winery · 4 months
Thanks for the Flowers
You send them a little prank thank you text with flowers they never sent
Ft: Alhaitham, Arlechinno, Childe, Scaramouche, Wriothesley
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You thought it would be a funny prank to send him a stock image of flowers and a small thank you
"Glad you like them."
He smiles to himself, but then immediately deleted his message when he sees the attached image
That wasn't the bouquet he sent
His smile drops so fast because who exactly is sending you flowers apart from him?
"Throw those out, they aren't from me. Don't you like the one I sent more? I got your favourites, my love."
He gives the house a cursory scan the moment he steps in through the front door
It's only after you've given him his welcome home kiss and a hug that he starts looking for the bouquet for some trace of who the sender might be
At first he doesn't believe you when you say it's a prank because he wouldn't put it past you to just want to allay his worries
He'll come around though, and then he's annoyed
"That's childish and you know it, you can have my attention if you just ask for it."
This is her sign to publicly announce that you're with her because this sort of idiocy wouldn't be an issue if people knew you were spoken for
Initially chuckles to herself as she glares at the offending image
"Do you like them?"
Of course she's not telling you the weren't from her if you like them
The poor sucker who sent them to you deserves no credit anyway
If anything, they deserve her personal thanks for helping her gift you something!
Of course she needs to know their name and face to express her gratitude in person <33
In a totally genuine and non-threatening way (lie)
She ends up coming home late that day, having scared off any of your potential suitors just to be safe
"Had some unsavoury business come up, dearest, sorry to keep you waiting. Have you had dinner yet? No? Shall we dine together?"
She never brings it up though, so you sorta forget to ever tell her it was a joke
At first he doesn't process that he didn't send you the flowers
It's not like he doesn't pay attention, but he has his subordinates send you so much stuff as he comes across it that it's really hard to keep track
For all he knows it might have been something he came across and spontaneously thought of you liking it
And your likes were pretty much needs to him
"Love you, my pookie <33"
And then he stows his phone away
Only to remember he hasn't gotten you any flowers that day
"My honey drumlet darling-kins, there doesn't happen to be a note attached to the flowers, is there?"
When you insist that no, there isn't, and you've checked thoroughly, he makes a mental note to look into anyone who's ever had a crush on you
For a friendly spar, of course!
He just needs to make sure his competition is even worth noting (they aren't)
He comes home, thoroughly disappointed that none of them could even hold their own against him - few even dared to try, scared shitless by the sudden appearance of a harbinger demanding they fight
Sweaty and tired, he's all over you, whining about his day and how everyone wants you and can't take a hint that you're so happy with him ("You are, aren't you? I'm your favourite.")
Of course you cave and tell him it was only a prank
He scowls at first, but then breaks out giggling as he buried his face in the crook of your neck
"It doesn't really matter because I think they're all scared of me anyway. Some of them took one look at me and blanched. Unlike you, of course; the sight of me excites you, doesn't it?"
Ah. There's your bastard ginger.
"Wrong number, I think you meant to text your side hoe."
Sends you the most unbothered replies
Is actually overthinking
He knows logically this is most likely a joke because he swears he has seen that bouquet somewhere on the internet when looking for flower arrangement inspiration
But what if it's just a really similar layout and someone actually did send it to you?
Horrible. He doesn't want to think about it
But of course he does anyway
Brings you flowers because he planned to sneakily replace the stranger's bouquet
"Honey, please tell me this is a joke."
Seething inside
Who in their right mind dared to covet you while you were happily dating him??
Don't even try evade his interrogation, he needs to know every detail
From the exact time the flowers were sent to the arrangement and paper quality
Don't mind him, it's just a small investigation he'll carry out in his free time
The sooner you come clean the better
Not that you'll go unpunished...but hey, confessing to your crimes must at least lighten the sentence, yeah?
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Taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat @yinyinggie @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @haliyarobin @irethepotato @boundedbyfate @favonius-captain @aqui-soba @tiredsleep @sadlonelybagel @mastering-procrastinating @lemeowade
623 notes · View notes
runningfrom2am · 4 months
gem of panem // LTPF
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summary: introducing regulus and regan snow; son and daughter of the most powerful couple the country has ever seen. the real gems of panem.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 4.2k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: dad!coryo!! finally!!, gamemaker!reader, this time the capitol brats are their kids, also a little bit of violence in this one!! some very minor medical procedure descriptions (trypanophobia havers beware- although that's me so i was VERY vague with descriptions otherwise i would have made myself cry)
a/n: i've had dad!coryo requested for this series a few times so here's a taste of that and an introduction to their kids!! ahh I've been working on this for so long i hope you guys love it :)
series masterlist // playlist
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"I simply do not have time for this. Notify my husband." You wave off your assistant as you stand over the large round table in your laboratory.
"I- uh, your husband, Doctor Snow?" The young girl stammers.
"I don't believe I stuttered, did I?"
"No, Doctor. I just... I am uncertain he will be available right now."
You look up from the scattered pile of papers, and you can see her tense up. "I understand that he's our president, but he is also a father. He is more 'available' than I am a week before the games! Now go, he shall handle it."
"Yes, okay. I will, I'm sorry." She agrees, already pacing away and out of your sight and you get back to work, resisting the urge to attempt at rubbing away your now growing migraine.
"President Snow, sir?" Coryo looks up from his desk as one of his people opens the door for your assistant.
"Serena, my wife sent you?" He asks, standing quickly. It wasn't standard that you would send her instead of showing up yourself, or even just waiting until the end of the day to tell him over dinner.
"Yes, sir." She nods, looking down at her notepad. "Her office got a call from the academy, about an hour ago. They wished to speak with her about your son, sir. In person."
Coryo furrows his brow, already standing and grabbing his red overcoat. "Did something happen?" Why would they call the head gamemaker and demand her presence a week before the games? That seems incredibly careless.
"They wouldn't tell me anything other than the fact he is safe and not injured, sir."
He nods slightly, already brushing past her out the door. "Call the school, tell them I am on my way."
Coryo gets out of the black car, pacing up to the elementary wing of the academy's campus, a building he is far too familiar with. Walking in, he watches the receptionists eyes go wide as they both stare at him. He clears his throat.
"Where is my son?" He asks flatly.
"In the Deans office, President Snow." She replies and he nods, rubbing his jaw.
"Whose decision was it to call on my wife a week before the games are set to begin?"
Her face pales. "Well, um, she is the primary emergency contact for him, it is procedure to make that call first."
"So it was you?"
"Yes, sir."
Coryo leans onto the counter that separated them. "Right, well, maybe we should work on our critical thinking skills next time if we want to keep our jobs, yes?"
"Yes. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." He smiles slightly at her response, tapping his hand on the granite counter before walking off down the private hall.
He enters without knocking, practically slamming the door open and immediately searching the unnecessarily large office for your son. "Regulus, are you alright?" He asks, approaching the boy quickly when he sees him sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.
"Dad, I'm fine..." He mutters, arms crossed over his chest as he pouts.
Coryo crouches down in front of him, examining him closely.
"Coriolanus, I was surprised to get your call." The new Dean says, drawing his attention as he stands back up.
"Why is that?" Coryo asks, turning to his former classmate with a raised eyebrow.
She shrugs, standing behind her desk with her hands in her pockets. "We called for Y/N."
"A week before the games." He nods, approaching the desk slowly. "Are you not happier to see me than her, timing considered?"
"That's a good point." Persephone chuckles.
"Yes, she was not pleased you even called." Coryo replies, knowing he didn't even speak with you directly. "So please, tell me what is so important that you needed to interrupt both of our schedules."
"Right, yes. Please take a seat." She gestured toward the chair across from her own and he sits, only because it's polite. "So," She flips over a page in the notebook in front of her. "Regulus hit another student."
Coryo's eyebrows raise, and he turns to look at his son who's still pouting in the corner. "Come here, please." He pages him, and he saunters over, refusing to make eye contact with either of the adults in the room.
"Why?" Coryo asks him as he takes the empty seat next to him. The boy shrugs, still avoiding their gaze.
Coryo sighs. "Would you mind, Persephone? What happened?"
"Apparently..." She glances at her notes again. "Another student took his pencil without asking first and didn't give it back because, quote, 'they needed it and he had plenty'." She explains, looking up at them again. Regulus was the striking image of his father, his hair in the same longer somewhat disheveled curls that she used to remember on the man sitting next to him when they were that age.
"That's it?" Coryo asks.
"He hit him on the head, he's in the nurses office now being assessed for a concussion."
"Okay..?" He chuckles slightly in response. "Why did you have to call us?"
"Because this is a serious disciplinary issue." She scoffs, gesturing to his son.
Coryo looks between the two of them. "Okay, well, he looks like he feels bad, and I'll have my staff send an apology letter to the boys parents." He says, standing up again and tucking the chair back in. "Come on, kid. Let's go."
"Coriolanus, respectfully, this is more severe than that." Persephone interrupts. "We won't allow students to go around hurting others- especially over something so menial as a pencil. Eight years is too old for that kind of behaviour."
"You know his mother- don't you?" Coryo asks, raising an eyebrow at her. "I promise you, Dean Price, this is not serious." He turns then to his son. "Grab your stuff, I'll take you home." He says, and the little blonde boy rushes back to the corner to grab his bag.
"Coriolanus." She says again, exasperated by his lack of concern.
"Oh, and please tell the other boy that theft is not tolerated in Panem. He's lucky we won't have him executed." Coryo says, feigning a genuine smile at her with a sharp nod. He knows this isn't true, that executing a child over something so petty would never be considered in the Capitol, it would just be wasteful, but maybe next time he would think before stealing from the Presidents son.
She gives up at this, sighing as they walk toward the door.
Coryo shuts the door behind them, reaching forward to ruffle his son's hair.
The boy giggles, pouting and trying to fix it. "Dad.." He laughs, looking back up at him. "You're not upset with me, are you?"
"No, of course not." He grins, leaning down and placing a hand on his shoulder as they walk. "Did you know that your Dean is a cannibal?" He whispers, giving a quick nod to the girls at the reception desk as they pass.
Regulus gasps, looking up at him. "Is she really?"
"Yes." Coryo nods. "Tell your friends."
"Ew..." His son shivers, and Coryo smiles.
"I know right? Gross." He laughs quietly as they step out into the hall. "Now, where's your sister?"
"She's in English." Regulus answers and Coryo nods, leading him up the stairs and toward the classroom.
Once again, Coryo doesn't bother knocking before opening the door to his daughter's classroom.
Everyone looks up at once and the teacher pauses, gasps and whispers filling the room.
"Daddy!" Regan smiles, standing quickly and running down the stairs to the door, throwing her arms around his waist.
"Hi, Gem." He chuckles slightly, rubbing her back as she clings to him.
"President Snow..." The teacher smiles nervously. "We weren't expecting a visit today, but we were just discussing the significance of The Hunger Games and it's depictions in literature, would you care to comment?"
"Oh, interesting!" He grins, glancing back to Regulus waiting just outside. "I would love to, but Regan's mother is really the one to speak to about all that. Unfortunately, I'm busy today but perhaps we can get her in one day to speak in one of your lessons?"
"That would be wonderful." Her teacher smiles. "Then, what brings you in?"
"Oh, yes. Sorry for interrupting, but I'll be pulling Regan for the day." He explains and his daughter gasps, looking up at him with excitement. "Yeah." He whispers to her, patting her head. "Go get your things."
"Oh! Okay, did you sign her out? Typically they would call me beforehand." The teacher replies as Regan goes back to her seat, grabbing her things and being not so sneaky about sticking her tongue out at her classmates.
"No, I just decided to grab her while I was here. Just call the office and let them know I took her." He smiles, opening his arm to his daughter again as she comes back.
Regan practically skips out of the room, super excited to be free of something she already hears about endlessly at home. "What happened, Daddy? Why are we leaving?" She asks, grabbing her father's hand.
"Well, my schedule cleared up and I just thought 'Hm... I sure am missing my favourite girl today,' and then I remembered your last report card and how incredibly well you are doing and decided you deserved a day off."
"Really?!" She squeals, practically vibrating with excitement.
"Of course, Sweetheart." Coryo chuckles, scooping her up to carry her down the stairs.
"Lux, what would you like to do today? Anything you want." He looks down at the boy walking next to them.
"Uh, I'm not sure."
"Daddy, can we go see Mum?" Regan asks, looking up at him with a hopeful sparkle in her eyes. "I want to see her pets!"
Coryo chews the inside of his cheek. It's certainly not a good time, but if he would be with them maybe they could just sneak in to say hello. He found it extremely difficult to say no to her. "Sure, Darling." He nods, opening the front door to the academy.
"Okay, remember, Mum is very busy so we're just going to pop in to say hello, and if she says it's okay we can go see her pets." Coryo explains to the kids as they get out of the car outside the Citadel. "We're going to be quiet, and not touch a single thing unless I say it's okay."
Regan's blonde pigtails bounce as she runs up the stairs in front of the building, having abandoned her bag in the car. Regulus is right on her heels, reaching for her hair as if he's going to pull it.
They were under a year apart in age, 'district twins', as Ma Plinth had dubbed them when Regan was born. When you were expecting your son, the games were difficult to plan and execute. You would never admit it, but Coryo could see that the hormones of pregnancy made you almost sympathetic to the tributes and their families- you could hardly even watch the games you spent a year meticulously planning. You spent most of the time you could watch with a bucket in your lap. So when Coryo suggested you have your second right away, you were skeptical. You didn't want to go through that again right away, but he wasn't sure he could convince you to do it again if you decided to wait.
"Let's just get it over with," He had insisted. "Then we'll have our two beautiful babies and you'll never have to do it again. Everything will go back to normal." You couldn't argue with that logic.
So when Regulus was eleven months old, the Capitol was buzzing with excitement over the announcement that the First Lady of Panem had given birth to another child; a baby girl, and she was perfect.
"Gem of Panem! What do we have here?" Your receptionist grins as the three of them stroll in, eyes locked on the kids as Regan holds her head high. The receptionist is rounding the desk, crouching down and opening her arms for the little girl who happily runs into them. "If it isn't the real gem of Panem, how are you, Miss Regan?"
"I'm good." Regan giggles, arms wrapped around the woman's neck. "Daddy picked me up from school early."
"I see that." She chuckles, standing up and lifting the seven year old onto her hip as she looks at Coryo.
"I decided to let the kids have the rest of the day off today, and they wanted to come say hi to Doctor Snow." He explains. "If she has a moment."
"Oh, that's a good question..." The woman nods, gently lowering Regan back to the ground and circling the desk again, pulling up the paper schedule and scanning over it for a moment. "You know what, let me call her and just ask."
Your phone rings on your desk in the corner and you sigh, heels clicking across the floor as you pace over. "I swear to god if it is the school again..." You mumble to yourself, picking up the line. "What is it?"
"Doctor Snow, sorry to bug you, but your family is here."
"My family..." You ask, mind still set on the technical details of the almost prepared arena.
"Yes, Doctor. President Snow has brought your children by, they wish to see you, but only if you have time."
You blink, realizing what she said. "Okay, yes. That's fine. Send them down."
You can hear your kids before you see them, Regan talking away mostly to herself as they step out of the elevator into the part of your lab that held your office. You sigh, quickly removing your leather gloves and fixing the disheveled state of your hair before stepping out into the hall to greet them.
"Mummy!" Your daughter squeals, running toward you as you crouch down to catch her in your arms.
"Hi, Gem..." You laugh slightly, eyes now focussed on Regulus. He's shifting on his feet, standing so close to his father's side that he's almost standing behind him.
"Lux," You let your daughter go, opening your arms to him. "Come here, darling. What's wrong? What happened?"
He doesn't say anything, eyes locked on the ground as he walks up to you and leans into your shoulder. "Are you hurt?" He slightly shakes his head and you pick him up, allowing him to wrap his legs around your waist and arms around your neck.
You look pointedly at your husband.
'I'll tell you about it later' He mouths to you and you nod, gently rubbing circles into the boys back while Regan pulls on your lab coat impatiently.
"Mummm," She whines, already stomping her foot on the ground since your attention was no longer on her. "Mum, I want to see your pets and Daddy said we could."
"I said maybe, Gem." Coryo laughs slightly.
You chew on your lip, not minding the deteriorating state of your red lipstick. You were really anxious to find out what happened with Regulus, so maybe letting the kids entertain themselves for just a moment would allow you a second to talk to Coryo about it.
"Sure, of course you can. We'll just have to be quick, Mum is very busy today." You smile, gently putting your son down as his head perks up at the idea. "Come on." You take his hand, leading them all down the hall to one particularly safe section of your lab.
There are a series of mutts under testing and development here, but in this room close to your office, it contained only small animals like mice and rats, or bugs that the kids never showed much interest in. "Don't touch a thing, okay?" You tell them as you unlock the door.
The kids rush in, running up to a tank and immediately gawking at its contents. You didn't understand why, fully, since they just looked like regular old house mice. Your kids just wanted to be involved, you supposed. The same way Regan enjoyed sitting on Coryo's lap while he gave speeches or did interviews, but Regulus had always shown more of an interest in what you did behind the scenes, not just in front of the cameras.
"What happened?" You ask Coryo quietly as soon as they are sufficiently occupied.
Coryo chuckles, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing your cheek as you keep your eyes locked on the kids. "Hello to you too."
You sigh, smiling as you lean into him. "Hi. Sorry. I'm just a little stressed."
"I know, love. Don't worry about it." He squeezes your side. "We'll get out of your hair in a few minutes."
"What happened with him?" You ask again.
"He hit another kid." Coryo states plainly and you gasp, turning to fully look at him for the first time.
"What?" You ask, searching his expression for any clue that he may have been kidding.
He shrugs. "They stole his pencil and refused to give it back."
"Oh, well, then they deserved it." You scoff. "Little brat- did you get the names of the parents?"
He laughs quietly, shaking his head and reaching up to hold your cheek. "I handled it. Don't worry about a thing." You don't have the chance to argue before he's kissing you to hush any of your concerns.
You hum against his lips, pressing a hand to his chest. "But, Coryo-"
"I handled it." He reminds you, just gently biting down on your lower lip. You can feel him smiling against you and you hum, allowing yourself to relax for just a moment.
Coryo takes the opportunity to turn to face you fully, dragging his hands down over your hips and backing you against the wall just behind you.
The kids were there, yes, but they were well used to seeing you kiss. It didn't bother either of you, and they had never known anything else. One day they may complain, but until that day came you would take every opportunity granted to you within your mutually tight schedules. Besides, the kids should know what love looks like. High expectations are good expectations, in your opinion.
The moment is interrupted by your phone ringing in your office down the hall and you quickly take a step back. With the tributes already in the Capitol, you couldn't afford to miss a call. Anything could happen- you know that story well.
"I'm sorry, I need to get that." You say and he nods as you turn to the kids. "Lux, Gem, come on. Time to go."
"Mum!" Regan whines, stomping her foot down as she always tended to do. "We just got here, can't we stay a few more minutes?"
"No, Regan. Out. Come on." You motion for them to come and they do, but your daughter in particular looks extremely unpleased as she stomps past you and out the door while Regulus follows with his hands tucked in his pockets. You turn off the light and lock the door.
"Okay, I'll see you at home tonight. Yes?" You kiss your husbands cheek and he smiles, giving you another quick kiss before you disappear into your office and shut the door behind you.
You take the call, and of course it was nothing of importance. So many things had to be run by you as head gamemaker that they felt it necessary to call and confirm the contents of what would be fed to the tributes. It never ended.
You don't even get the time to process where you had left off with your work before you're overwhelmed by voices. Your name being yelled by your husband accompanied by screaming, horrified pained screaming- which you quickly identify as coming from Regan. Your motherly instincts kick in before you even know it and you're throwing your door back open and are standing in the hall.
Coryo rushes out of the elevator with your daughter in his arms, his eyes wide as he moves quickly toward you. "It bit her! Something bit her- I don't know, I-"
You nod; there's no time for questions. "Okay, get her to the exam room." Moving as quickly as possible down the hall, you're grabbing at her little red blazer and pulling the sleeves up as she keeps screaming bloody murder.
You shove the door open and rush inside, for the first time noticing Regulus following behind you. You grab his shirt and pull him in while Coryo quickly lays her on the table. Even in the panic, you couldn't leave him unsupervised anywhere in the lab. Especially if something had escaped.
"Get her top unbuttoned, I'll need her arm free!" You tell Coryo as you shuffle around through the cupboard quickly trying to find everything you were looking for. A syringe, the antidote for whatever it may be. You don't even know. Glancing over your shoulder, her skin looks flushed with red patches showing up on her neck and face; but it could just be from crying.
Coryo's hands are shaking as his daughter continues to scream and cry in his face, making it harder for him to get her blazer off and unbutton her top. "You're going to be okay, darling. Shh, shh... Mum's gonna help." All he can think about while he pulls off her blazer and frees her arms from the little blue shirt is the time that he saw Clemensia Dovecote get bit by one of Gaul's snakes. He thought she was dead, and she walked out of the hospital wishing that she was. She never recovered- but she was quickly given treatment. Much quicker than his seven-year-old daughter, who is also significantly smaller than his friend was at the time.
"What was it? Did you see what it was?" You ask in a panic, bringing over a box and flinging it open next to her on the table.
"I didn't see it! I just saw-"
"It was a mouse." Regulus says, and Coryo turns to him with wide eyes. Luckily, you're all action and you're already filling the syringe with something that should counteract whatever effects the mouse's bite could have on her while he stares at his son. He looks calm, watching the scene with a tilted head. "It was just a mouse, Daddy."
Coryo looks away, grabbing Regan's hand and squeezing it. He didn't have the chance to tell you that whatever it was, apparently this "mouse", had been dropped down the back of Regan's shirt by her brother as soon as the elevator began to lift them. He had done it on purpose. Though, he couldn't have known what was wrong with the creature.
"This is just gonna be a pinch, Gem. Try and take a deep breath for me..." You tell her as you squeeze her arm. She makes no effort to do so, but knowing that the mice were only being designed to cause pain, it didn't surprise you.
"There you go, good girl..." Coryo coos at her as you just as quickly remove the needle, quickly disposing of it as he brushes her hair back from where it clung to her face. Immediately he can see the blood returning to her face, and she's still crying but whatever it was you gave her must have helped with the pain instantly.
"She'll be okay." You sigh in relief, rejoining his side and lifting Regan up so she's sitting. "Can you hold her? I just need to find the bite."
Coryo sits on the table, lifting her into his lap as you look over her arms and ankles. "It's on her back." He tells you, repositioning her carefully so you could see. She wasn't screaming anymore, just sniffling with eyes drooping shut.
You furrow your brow, stepping to his other side to get a look at it, seeing the small swelling area at the top of her back. You grab some disinfectant to quickly clean it before you dress it properly. "What happened?" You ask. "Did she fall?" It was unclear to you how she could have been bitten in such a place without being on the ground.
Coryo doesn't say anything, shifting his gaze over to Regulus again. He's watching you closely and how you're treating the bite, eyes trained on your gloved hands.
When your husband doesn't answer you immediately you look up at him again, and then follow his eyes to your son. "What did you do?" You ask him, plastering the gauze onto your daughter's back.
"I just wanted to know what would happen, Mummy." He says simply.
"You knew what would happen, Lux. I've told you so many times not to touch anything. That it's not safe, and one of you could get hurt." You frown, packing up your first aid kit before going over to him, and kneeling down in front of the blonde boy. "I know you're interested in what I do, and I love that, but if you have questions you have to ask. Not do experiments yourself."
You grab his arms to get him to look at you again. "Hey, I'm not mad at you." You say softly. "I just need you to be careful. You're smarter than this."
He nods, wrapping his arms around your neck and hugging you. You sigh as you hug him back. "You can't hurt your sister, darling. We're a team. Do you understand?"
"I do. It was just a mouse, I didn't think it would be that bad. I'm sorry." He agrees quietly, eyes still locked on his sister as his dad cradles her gently in his arms. She's passed out against his chest, holding her as close as he possibly can.
He shakes his head at his son, trying to display his clear disappointment. It would quickly be noticed if his daughter, the President's daughter, fell ill, and he knew he would have to jump through hoops to cover up her recovery and that the very reason for it was her own brother.
Regulus Snow was his mother's son, and Coriolanus didn't believe his apology one bit.
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taglist: @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world @nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl
501 notes · View notes
sapphire-writes · 1 year
A Second Chance
pairing: Aemond x Reader request: Hello! Sorry to bother you but i have a little idea that came from all the reblogs you recently made! basically Aemond is away so Alicent requests that reader! Comes back after a long time to the red keep because she wants to see her boy happy 🥺 of course its just a simple start but would love to see nice Alicent helping his baby ~ anonymous
warnings: none! this has the tiniest amount of angst but mostly fluff word count: 1.4k note: loved this, loved writing emotional Aemond & your messages are NEVER ever a bother! 💚 masterlist
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“I was ever so sorry to hear of the death of your lord husband, Lady (Y/N),” Alicent said, giving you a look full of a mother’s compassion, “and so unfortunate he should leave you so quickly after you wed.”
You take a sip from your cup. The Queen had invited you to the capital and you had been delighted to return. Ever since you arrived your eyes had been searching for Aemond.
You had both left on such harsh terms those several years ago when your betrothal had been announced. You had been missing him for years, feeling as though a very piece of your own heart had been missing. 
“Thank you, your grace,” you tell her, speaking softly.
Your lord husband had been a kind man. Married to you as an alliance for your families and that was all. He was nearly twice your age, but he had been sweet to you. 
“My son has missed your presence,” Alicent tells you. 
“I was hoping to see the prince,” you said, heart rate increasing. 
Alicent nods, looking off to the side. Your smile falters as the realization washes over you at her hesitant glance.
“Aemond does not know I am here,” you tell her. It is a statement, not a question. 
Alicent struggles to keep the smile on her face. She brought her hand to yours, squeezing it gently. 
“I thought perhaps we shall surprise him,” she says softly.
“I do not think he wishes to see me,” you tell her, and feel a slash of pain in your heart. The wound is still fresh, though the years had passed. 
“Tell them not to let me go,” you had begged him, chasing him down an empty corridor. 
The one-eyed prince had stopped his long strides turning to face you. 
“Tell them you wish to marry me,” you had begged.
Aemond had been silent for many moments. 
“I cannot tell them what is not true.”
You remembered it as though it had happened yesterday. The cold look in his eye, so unlike that of which he usually awarded you. None of the kindness you had grown to love. 
“He does,” Alicent insists, “he has been terribly lonely these past years. Growing more resentful each day. I worry about him.”
In truth, you had never stopped thinking of Aemond. He plagued your thoughts at every moment. 
You blink away the tears that gather in your eyes.
“He shall be returning soon,” Alicent tells you, “join us for supper tonight, please.”
Her thumb continues to stroke the back of your hand, a hopeful look is in her eyes. You nod in agreement. 
Aemond remembered watching you go, the way your eyes had filled with tears. The look of betrayal on your face. That most of all. That has haunted most of his days since your departure. 
In truth, he had wished to marry you. But duty is often in conflict with matters of the heart. And duty demanded he remained unwed. 
And though it pained him to do so, he had to let you go. 
Aemond walks quickly to his chambers, eager to bathe and dress before joining his mother for dinner. The days have been long, and there is no feeling like that of being home. 
He hisses as he lowers himself into the tub, the hot water nipping at his pale skin. Aemond wishes to be done quickly, he doesn’t like being alone with his thoughts. He finds himself constantly training, reading, researching, and doing anything to distract himself from the constant thoughts that plague him.
It has been years since he last saw you since you last spoke. He supposed you must have several children by now. This did not make him sad, he hoped you had children to brighten your life. 
Aemond readied himself before making his way to his mother’s chambers. It was to be a small affair for supper that evening, as Aegon was entertaining some guests from the west. 
“Aemond,” Alicent said, as he arrived. She embraced her son whom she had not seen in several months. 
“It is good to see you, mother,” he said.
“I have missed you,” she told him, “I have invited a guest for dinner..”
“A guest?” Aemond questions, as the door opens. 
He turns and his breath catches in his throat as he sees you in the doorway. Your eyes are wide as you take him in. Aemond looks good, taller perhaps if that is possible. Leaner, the entirety of him is ropey muscles. He is handsome as ever, eyepatch securely covering his ruined eye. Aemond’s lips part.
“Hello Aemond,” you say softly smiling. 
“Lady (Y/N) has agreed to join us for supper, isn’t that lovely?” Alicent says, placing a hand on her son’s arm. 
Aemond jerks his head in a nod causing Alicent to smile. 
“I shall be but a moment,” she says, starting toward the door. She stops to caress your cheek, before leaving the room, the door clicking shut behind her. 
You inhale a shaky breath. 
“Are you well?” you ask as Aemond continues to stare, a rather innocent expression on his normally harsh face. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks, his voice hoarse. You wet your lips wringing your hands together. 
“Your mother invited me to the capital,” you tell him, “I did not know you had no part in the invitation.”
“My mother?” Aemond said, shaking his head. Of course, his mother. The hopeless romantic who always wanted more for her children than the hand she had been dealt. You nod. 
“She wished to offer her condolences,” you continue, walking towards the fireplace. You reach for a grape that lays on a golden tray. Aemond’s brow furrows.
“Condolences?” he asks, watching you pop the grape into your mouth. You chuckle.
“Shall you speak in questions all evening, my prince?” you tease before answering his question.
“My late husband has passed,” you inform him. A moment of pause lingers between you. 
“I am sorry to hear that,” Aemond says, “I do hope your children are weathering alright?”
You meet his eye, a blush beginning to creep onto your cheeks. Aemond wishes he could place his hands upon your cheeks, to feel the burning that resides underneath your smooth flesh. 
“We were not blessed with children,” you tell him, “my lord husband was not well, for the majority of our marriage.”
“Did he treat you well?” Aemond asks, voice turning to a tone of concern.
“Oh yes,” you assure him, “yes, he was very kind to me. But-”
You find yourself struggling to speak, struggling to find the right words.
“He did not love me,” you decide, “he did not desire me. It was a quiet marriage.”
Aemond is watching you carefully. How foolish he had been to let you slip from his fingers. The gods are good, they must be repaying him for his suffering in some way by returning you to him. By offering him a second chance. 
“I would,” Aemond says softly.
He walks over to you until he stands directly before you. 
“I would love you, I would desire you,” he tells you, “I do, I always have.”
Your eyes fill with tears and you shake your head. 
“You don’t have to say that-”
“I do, and I was a fool,” he continues, taking your hands in his, “I was a fool to let you leave when I loved you. I have loved you and continue to love you.”
The tears are freely flowing down your cheeks, dripping past your chin and onto the stone floor.
“There has not been a day that goes by where I do not think of you,” he continues, “there is not a corner of this world I could fly to where I did not see your face. In every passerby, in the light of the moon. You are everywhere. You are all-consuming.”
“Aemond,” you beg, not sure exactly if you wish him to stop or keep speaking. 
“I love you,” he insists, fingers digging into your waist. 
You bring your hands to his chest, pulling him towards you and connecting your mouths. The kiss is desperate and passionate, making up for the lost time. Aemond can feel the coolness from your tears caressing his face, and you start to laugh against his mouth. 
He kisses you again and again, swallowing the happy laughter that pours from your sweet lips. 
Queen Alicent stands outside the room, back pressed against the wood of the door, listening to your whispers, and laughter. She places a hand against her heart and closes her eyes, happy that her son has found the love he so longed for. 
note: hope you enjoyed I love me a good love confession, especially from our fave one-eyed prince 🥹
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ataraxiaspainting · 6 months
There is an Uproar.
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Yan Gojo x F Reader.
Synopsis: Satoru thinks you simply haven’t come around yet.
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, threats of kidnapping, delusional Gojo, and manipulation.
Word Count: 3.2k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Six Forty Seven by Instupendo
Money, Money, Money by ABBA
Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin
Breezeblocks by alt-J
Feeling Good by Micheal Bublé
Claus by Los Tres
This Could Be Us by Rae Sremmurd 
Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
“You're like a half-tamed creature, still shy of the bridle. 'Except you enthrall me, never shall be free.' But freedom is an illusion, anyway.” – Nenia Campbell, Fearscape
Satoru came to your door with gifts again; mochi, bubble tea, bouquets of roses, keychains, jewelry, books… everything you could ever ask for he either had in his hands or would quickly get for you by whatever means necessary.
It’s a shame really that you refuse to show your true feelings for him, especially after all he has done to make you happy. But he can be patient when he wants to be, and so with a not-yet-broken heart, at least fifteen gift bags wrapped around both his clenched hands, and a chuckle he rings your doorbell twice. He could hear some shuffling from inside and a shout of coming.
The voice was high-pitched and cheery from the sound of it. His eyes lit up then as he smiled widely. But as soon as the door opened, his smile slightly faltered as his gaze met eyes he had never seen before.
The woman in front of him was not you. What was she doing in your apartment?
His first thought was to assume she was an intruder, someone who broke into your home, stole your belongings and money, hid you in a closet or under cement, and is pretending to be you for the time being. Well, he can’t be fooled so easily if that was the case. But he then chose to let the woman speak before coming to conclusions. Though she was wearing your cute Hello Kitty hoodie and utterly adorable My Melody headband and had one of your pore strips on her nose. She obviously knew you in some way, and so he in turn needed to know her.
The woman waved at him and slowly looked down from his face to the many presents in his hands. Her head turned then, a huh accidentally coming from her lips.
“Hello miss,” Satoru tries his best to be polite and not have any bias towards her, but it is indeed hard to do so. It is hard to not have any bias and not entertain the idea of snapping her neck, because he does not know her and she is not you. He does not recognize her from any of your friend groups, and it took everything in him to not sneer and glare at her and demand to know where you were.
“Hey,” She seems to try her best to be polite too, trying to hide her confusion behind a small smile. “Can I help you?”
Satoru nods, trying to put on an eager and friendly front. He then gestures towards the gifts in his hands and chuckles. He fakes almost dropping one for dramatic effect. It seemed like it worked because the woman gasped and then sighed in relief as Satoru caught it in time before it could fall on the floor.
“I am looking for [First], I thought she would be here.” The stranger nods, her smile becoming more prominent. As a result, his own became more prominent too, though his was fake. “I’m her boyfriend. Wanted to surprise her, you know?” 
He is technically not lying. He’s right if anything. Once you stop playing hard to get and fall into his arms, he’ll officially be known as such. He’s right, if only you stopped pretending to be so disinterested.
“Ah, I see!” The woman answers, her eyes inviting and curious. He sighs, faking a small sob and groan. She looked concerned then.
“If only she was here, I always love seeing her smile!” He closes his eyes, trying his best to look sadder than a kicked puppy. “I suppose she’s not here right now…”
With how the girl steps to the side, her hand gesturing towards the apartment hallway, Satoru knows that his plan worked.
“I’m Eve, her roommate, nice to meet you!”
“The same to you.”
“So how long have you two been together?”
“A long time, we’ve been together since our high school days!”
“She sure is lucky to have such a devoted boyfriend, huh?”
He laughs at the compliment, his back crouched a bit downward at an angle so he could be more comfortable walking about. Eve chuckles at his casualness.
“You sure got her a lot,” Her tone is sweet, another piece of proof to reassure Satoru that she trusts him fully. Until you eventually show up from wherever you have gone and start spewing lies, she will continue to be that way. You seem to not have good taste in roommates, it seems because Eve is far too naive for your safety. “Like a lot. Do you come here often? I just moved in so…”
Satoru doesn’t pay attention to her questions as he fantasizes about the day when you move into his place and you sleep next to him and wake him up with good morning kisses. A beautiful ring will adorn your finger one day, and you will enthusiastically anticipate his arrival from work while adorning the makeup he favors and styling your hair to his liking.
It was a small, cramped apartment, one definitely not worth how much money you rent it for. “I never get tired of how cute [First] makes this place. With both her presence and how she decorates everything. She has good taste.” He goes into the kitchen area, still having his arms hooked by the strings of the many gift bags, and looks around at the scented candles, dried flowers, and baked cookies on the table. “[First] made these, right?”
“Yeah,” Eve really is stupid, isn’t she? If he were a burglar she would be dead on the spot. How could she possibly protect you from any danger? He would obviously be a better housemate than her. 
Satoru leans towards the kitchen table and snatches a cookie from the cooled baking sheet, biting into it and chewing loudly. 
“Delicious, right?” Eve asks, giggling. She does not seem scared at all and seems to have no boundaries whatsoever.
He agrees, quickly devouring the entire confection and licking his fingers clean. “She’s always been a good baker. There’s a good recipe she knows for pie too. Maybe I’ll ask her to make it for me sometime…” He hums as he sets all the gifts down on the back coffee table. “She sure is a catch, wouldn’t you say? Her baking is one of the reasons I was so attracted to her in the first place.”
Your roommate nods. Satoru considers taking his leave now, but he has never been in your apartment during the day before. 
He may as well stay a while. It will be fun, he tells himself.
So, he walks into the living room and starts reading the titles of books on the shelving next to your writing desk. A lot of horror and romance books from the looks of it. Classic little you.
He then looks over to your computer. 
“So sweet, like a cupcake,” He touches the top of the laptop, his fingertips tracing the many rainbow stickers that cover it. You really are just the best, aren’t you?
Before he could open it though, he could hear keys jingling. You’re here.
“I’m back–” As if you were a sort of lightbulb running out of power, your cheerfulness declines smoothly and steadily, being quickly replaced by a cute sneer.
Satoru lets out a loud laugh. He adjusts his stance, placing a hand on his waist.
“Ah, [First], honey! Welcome back, I brought you some gifts!”
Instead of responding, you turn to Eve, your scowl turning into a simple frown. Advancing swiftly, you approach her, closing the distance with eyebrows ascending in sudden understanding. Eve, on the other hand, responds by tilting her head to the side, resembling a perplexed canine, in clear bewilderment of your abrupt outburst.
Gently, you grasp her hands within your own.
“Eve, I forgot to tell you something important.” You point at Satoru with a shaky finger. He simply chuckles in response, amused with how quick you are to hide your excitement. “Whatever you do, don’t let him in.”
Eve lets out a sound of surprise. “Huh, what, why?”
Your gaze meets Satoru’s and you look like you could hardly breathe.
“He is a stalker; he is always lying to people and saying that we are dating and are head over heels in love, but don’t believe him one bit.”
His eyes dart across the room as he loses eye contact with you and Eve. All the while, as his head darts from side to side, he pouts, puffs up his cheeks childishly, and leans back slightly against the wall, not too oblivious but subtle to his amusement. His face is a mask of innocence and confusion, trying to appear like he is not aware of what is going on–when he is very much aware of it and is silently enjoying it.
He loudly sighs and rolls his eyes, his hands sliding to his face as he brings them up to cover his sunglasses and mouth. He is trying to hide a smile, the act of which is just too much for his face to handle. He keeps shaking his head in dramatic disbelief and he turns to the side to lean against the wall harder as he puts his head down, shaking his head in exaggerated betrayal. 
Satoru tries his best to not laugh again, it would ruin his marvelous performance.
He is the most captivating person in this room, you and Eve must be hung up on his every action and word, you two cannot look past his incredible acting.
Nobody is capable of acting to the degree that he is, his performances are legendary and his acting skills are unparalleled.
He is simply the best there is and ever will be. If there were a competition in this room to win an Oscar for best acting, he is certain that he would be taking that home. There is nothing on God’s green earth that can get in the way of him delivering these lines and excellent movements. He is so talented and so experienced, who could ever deny his skills?
“Gojo,” You say coldly. “Get out.”
He expects you to see the gifts, how heartbroken he is, and finally admit that you are just as much in love with him as he is with you. Instead, he could swear for a moment that he could hear crickets, before realizing that it is the wick of the candle on your kitchen table burning. As he surveys you and Eve he notices that he is getting no reaction.
“Babe.” When you don’t respond to the nickname, he snuffs a huff. “Stop pretending, okay?”
He thought that he was killing that acting.
He can’t believe that no one is buying his performance. He’s got the attitude, he’s got the swagger, he’s got it all, but neither of you are falling for it. This is just insulting. He knows he’s great, he knows he is delivering the performance of his life but for some reason, neither you nor Eve can see it! He is in absolute shock.
So, Satoru walks up to you and grabs your face.
He looks at Eve and she doesn’t look at him, she looks at you. That is fine, as long as he can still talk to her and you everything will be alright in the long run. Everything is going to be okay, he tells himself.
“Eve, can [First] and I have a few minutes alone?” Her eyes race to every corner of the room and slowly but surely make their way to the gold coins in his free hand. Multiple emotions spread across her face; confusion, greed… consideration. “It will only be for a sec, okay?” 
With a measured pace, Eve approaches his outstretched palm, her eyes fixated on the glistening gold. Her gaze mirrors that of a ravenous crow or a parched man deprived of water for days, or sustenance for weeks. Quivering hands accept the money, and in silence, she retreats to her room, closing the door behind her.
“Come on, drop the funny games,” Instead of directing your gaze towards him, your eyes fixate on the entrance of Eve's bedroom. The door is adorned with a vibrant pink poster of a popular musician, adorned with splashes of colorful paint. Inwardly, he reassures himself that this situation is acceptable. After all, the two of you are now in a private and secluded space. 
There is no longer anyone to hinder you from expressing your genuine emotions towards him. Surely you will finally admit them. Then you will eventually move to his place and stay there, happy and loving towards him at long last. All in due time, because Satoru can be patient when he wants to be.
“Get the fuck out. You sick–”
But now he does not want to be patient. He just wants to hear those words leave your pretty lips.
“Ah, ah, ah, watch your language, sweetie.” He interrupts you, placing a finger on your mouth. 
The mere expression on his countenance carries ample weight to silence your profanity-laden tirade.
He only perceives the captivating, extraordinary, flawless woman whom he is obligated to assist. You possess an excessive amount of independence - too unbound, unwilling to embrace his assistance, his presents, his finances - there exists a rationale why partners watch out for one another. Are you not aware of that? 
“That’s better.” He smiles and you start faking a shiver. “You really can listen when I finally put my foot down, huh? You can be stubborn with other people, you know, just not with me.”
He possesses strength - you lack it. You are so small compared to him. 
He possesses a keen understanding of the streets, while you lack that astuteness. The dress you have chosen to wear is excessively revealing. 
“Now, now, don’t cry. Shh, shh, shh. It was the only way I could see you, with how much you love to play hard to get.”
One can only imagine the number of individuals whom you captivated during the brief period you ventured outside today.
He possesses intelligence, while you lack it. You may believe otherwise, and you indeed excel in certain areas, such as your meticulousness in personal hygiene, which he acknowledges with humility, and your skill in baking, as well as your expertise in creating a cozy and plush bed. However, numerous matters elude your knowledge, such as selecting the right candidate in the upcoming election, performing a tire replacement, or operating a debit card. He is strong, while you are not. He is drawn to you for not being - captivated by your feminine allure; the way your body gently curves, your delicate touch, the fragrance that surrounds you, the melodic tone of your voice, and above all, your complete vulnerability when confronted with danger.
“Now, open your gifts. I did carry them all the way here after all.”
When you finally surrender, he will assume control over every decision you make. 
From selecting your attire to choosing items at the grocery store, he will dictate how you interact with other men and even how you smile. He believes you are incapable of handling even the simplest tasks. Additionally, he takes pleasure in instructing you on matters you are expected to be ignorant about. It's quite endearing, isn't it? 
He views you as his possession and will never, under any circumstances, let you slip away.
At his place, he has so many pretty outfits for you to choose from. A lot of aprons and cute dresses. All the while he downs a beer or seven with his friends and jokes about how nice you look cleaning. You'll listen to him rant about anything that comes into his mind, taking it all with a smile. It is not unusual for him to lay awake at night imagining what life would be like with you as his wife. First, he needs to show you your position as his wife and get rid of this misguided sense of independence you seem to be clinging to. What a dumb girl you are. It was meant to be, wasn't it? You are meant to be his girlfriend and eventually his wife, and you will by any means Satoru has to take.
He does not care what he has to do as long as the result is you finally giving in and loving your place in his arms. It is what you were made for. It is what he was made for.
So pretty. So stupid.
“Now, now. Stop crying, you’ll only ruin your makeup.”
On that particular evening, Satoru once again paid a visit to your apartment. However, instead of observing from a distance, he ventured further into the room and settled beside you as you lay in bed, rousing you from your slumber. The bed groaned as it shifted under his weight, and he swiftly covered your mouth to prevent any outcry.
Without hesitation, he gently hushed you, his other hand tracing the contours of your cheek and collarbone with his lengthy fingers. As he did so, he rhythmically caressed your neck, humming a tune that only he knew. In response, tears welled up in your eyes, but he promptly brushed them away. His initial hand soon abandoned its position on your mouth, ascending to tenderly stroke your hair.
"Don’t touch me," You rasped, observing how the moonlight cast an ethereal glow on his body and hair while obscuring his face in darkness.
He simply shushed you again and you could hear him breathing deeply through his nose and mouth.
He sat on his knees beside you. You could hear murmurs from him about how pretty you were, and you didn't know whether he was telling you or telling himself. Your hands clench the sheets in fistfuls. You let out a whimper. You close your eyes and grit your teeth, hoping this is just another bad dream.
He keeps murmuring fantasies. You don't open your eyes. You breathe through your mouth because you can smell his cologne with your nose. It is so strong, suffocating.
You eventually open them when the anxiety is too much, and you stare at him, wide-eyed, at the ceiling above his shoulders and head, at your cute vanity and glittering gold and silver jewelry and pastel clothes. Was that why he liked you so much because you were feminine and utterly defenseless in the face of a real threat? You think of an escape plan, of running to the bathroom grabbing your razor, and screaming at the top of your lungs.
“Such a beauty you are,” He whispered in your ear, his voice still so sticky. “So cute. A doll that only belongs to me. All that’s left is for you to finally accept because I know you want to, don’t you?”
You can’t stop him.
As the silence lingers, you find yourself yielding to the role of his girlfriend. Tear stains dot your pillow and mattress, remnants of your emotional turmoil. Satoru's praises now echo within you, as you surrender to his caresses. Your gaze shifts towards the window, where a few distant stars twinkle in the sky, veiled by a cloud that drapes the crescent moon like a bridal veil.
“So good. I just knew I wouldn’t have to take more… drastic measures.”
He snaps a picture on his phone for later.
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themotherofhorses · 1 year
pairing: aemond targaryen x handmaid!reader
summary: "i am looking for a maid, preferably one of eight-and-ten...a young handmaid for my second son, aemond."
warnings: nothing.
notes: an anon requested their first meeting, so here it is.
his handmaid's tales I main masterlist
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It began with the Queen.  
“How may I serve your Grace.”
“I am looking for a maid, preferably one of eight-and-ten,” Queen Alicent had told the septa in private. It was gloomy outside, with dark clouds blanketing the sky. She had just finished lighting four candles. “A young handmaid for my second son, Aemond. He is the only of my children not to have one. I’d like for her to be sweet and devoted and quick on her feet, a girl who will swear her undying loyalty and service unto him and his needs.”
His twentieth nameday was fast approaching, set within the next fortnight. She felt this would be a fine gift for him.
The septa took a moment to think. “Does her breeding matter?” she asked. “I know of a girl- she is exactly what you desire, but she is a bastard, born to one of the serving wenches at Harrenhal.”
The queen’s nose wrinkled. “A riverlands bastard?”
“She is said to be Lord Lyonel’s granddaughter, my queen.”
“So a Strong bastard….” Alicent rubbed at her temple, “I suppose…if she is what I ask for, and that you can assure she’ll remain loyal to him.” She then sighed, shaking her head. “Though, do keep it away from my son, septa. He carries such little love for House Strong. I do not wish for him to turn his ire onto her if he ever found out.  
The septa frowned. “Do you genuinely believe the prince would dare harm an innocent girl, your Grace?”
Alicent tugged at her gown's flowing sleeve, sniffing. “That is why I ask for you to keep her heritage a secret.”   
Two weeks later, you stood in Prince Aemond’s bedchamber as his new handmaid. The septa was at your elbow, mumbling a flood of demands into your ear. “Stand straighter, child, for the sake of the gods. But keep your head bowed, gaze locked on your feet. You mustn’t ever behold the prince unless he allows it.” You ran a hand down your arm, feeling the skin prickled with goosebumps, before lacing your trembling fingers together.
To your right was the Queen, dressed in a pretty gown as green as summer. She said very little to you, if not nothing.
“Ah, Aemond! My dear boy, please join us,” she greeted quite happily when her son arrived at the doors of his room. You kept your eyes down, counting each loud footstep of his that loomed closer with every second.
“Who is this?”
Queen Alicent cleared her throat. “Your new handmaid, son.”
Prince Aemond remained silent. You could feel his gaze. One. Two. Three…four, five, six…. You swallowed, counting each heartbeat that quickened inside your chest as you willed yourself to stay still and brave. Do not tremble. It would be an embarrassment, no doubt. You felt your nails digging into your palms. Fear cuts much deeper than any sword.
“I was…unaware I needed a handmaid, dear mother,” he finally said.
“Aegon and Helaena have theirs, and Daeron’s been by his side in Oldtown since he was a young boy. It is unlike a prince not to have his own handmaid. She will do you well.”  
“Do me well?”
The septa pinched the skin of your arm, causing you to flinch before lifting your face to meet his eye from across the room. The prince...he was handsome, terribly so, you thought. Tall and silver-haired, dashing and imposing, with a deep violet eye. “I was brought here to serve you,” you told him, “-to do anything and everything my prince commands.” Prince Aemond skimmed you up and down, an eyebrow rising. “Anything? Such as…?”
You glanced at the septa, unsure of what to say next. “Um, well, my prince, I shall fix your baths and sew any ripped shirts if you’d like? I might also fetch you your wine if desired-”
“She’ll do whatever you ask of her, my prince,” the septa interjected. Queen Alicent smiled, resting a hand on his shoulder. “Does that not please you, son?” She then leaned to mutter something close to his ear, and he stiffened, aiming his cool stare at you, before relaxing.
“Alright. You are suffice,” he decided before turning to his mother, his face softening. “Thank you, mother.”
Queen Alicent leaned to kiss his cheek before pushing past him out into the hall. The septa soon followed her, leaving you and Prince Aemond alone in the room. Thump. Thump. Thump. The prince stole another look at you. “What might I call you?”
You gave him your name, dropping low into a pretty curtesy. Every time you bow, your neck is at the mercy of the royals. “A beautiful name,” he said. His voice sounded throaty. He was clothed in black leather, from his shoulders to his ankles, and the cloak he wore around his shoulders. At his waist hung a longsword. “Thank you, my prince. It was my mother’s choosing.”
The raven had arrived at Harrenhal at midday, a flurry of black wings that carried a letter demanding your sudden attendance at the Red Keep at the request of the queen herself. Your mother was reluctant to send you off at first but eventually did so with five sweet kisses and a bright yellow mullein flower that she slipped into the pocket of her old green cloak.
Prince Aemond hummed. “Well, if you’d like, I have two shirts that are in need of sewing. Ser Cole knicked them with his own sword during my training four mornings back.” He gestured to his closet, nicely carved from weirwood, pale as a bone. The look of it reminded you of your mother and the gods you left behind at home.
You nodded, bowing. “As my prince commands,” and you moved towards the closet to fetch his shirts, although you would likely need to venture out to find a needle and…
A hand touched your arm.
You spun to meet him. “Do you need something else, my prince?” Prince Aemond stood so close you could see the long pale scar peeking from behind his eyepatch, his dark eyelashes, and his jutting chin and high cheekbones. He was far more beautiful up close. You felt butterflies in your belly, stirring up a strange fluttering feeling; it crept up your spine to your throat.
“Do you fear me?”
You bit your lip. “No.”
He hummed again, eye flickering across your face. You do not believe me, don't you. You felt it glide over your browbone, to the slope of your nose, and pausing at your lips. “Fix my shirts, then. I have needles and thread in my closet as well. You do not leave the room unless I dismiss you.”
“She is yours. Your handmaid. Everything she does next is at your own will and mercy,” his mother whispered to him. “But do treat her well, Aemond. It is through kindheartedness that you receive devotion.”
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tag list: @aemondsblog @dc-marvel-girl96 @neobanguniverse @missalycat21 @enchantingcupcakecollectionfan @padfooteyes @alexizodd
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runningmunson · 2 years
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader Word Count: 1.3k Summary: Ever since the birth of your son, you have avoided intimacy with Aemond in fear of him hating your new body. Aemond is there to change your mind. Warnings: insecurities, mentions of stretch marks, smutty-ish (f oral receiving)
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You had just left your son’s room for the night and made your way to your chambers with your handmaiden, Edith, following behind. You were surprised to find Aemond reading in the room, knowing he usually got in much later than you. He briefly looked up from his book as greetings were made.
She made quick work of undressing you and undoing your braid, leaving your hair loose and wavy. You felt your husband's gaze on you the whole time you were getting ready for bed, his book long abandoned. Your eyes met in the mirror and noticed his raised eyebrow and the smirk that grew on his lips. 
“Will that be all, my lady?” asked Edith.
“Yes,” Aemond said curtly, as he answered for you. You glanced at him before turning your attention to Edith and smiled apologetically at her.
“Thank you, Edith. I shall call for you in the morning,” you gave her hand a squeeze.
“Goodnight, my lady. My prince,” she bowed at the both of you and left the room. You let out a sigh and made your way toward Aemond. 
“Did you have to be so rude toward her? I quite like her, you know,” you scolded him. 
He ignored your comment and pulled you into his lap. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist. He took a deep breath, inhaling your scent. “I missed you.”
“You saw me not but a few hours ago,” you chuckled. 
“I didn’t know it was a crime to miss my wife,” he smiled and squeezed your hips. You froze as his hand traveled under your dress and up your thigh. You felt him grow hard as his fingers itched toward your womanhood. 
You pulled away from his grasp and shot out of his lap. Your heart was racing as you backed away from him and made your way to the bed. “I-I wish to retire to bed now.”
“(Y/N)...” Aemond warned and stood from his seat to turn toward you. You stopped pulling the covers down when you heard footsteps coming closer to you. 
“Please, drop it. I do not wish to argue with you tonight,” you pleaded but refused to look at him.
“What reason is it this time? Have I not been patient and understanding of every reason you have had? I have given you as much time and space as you have needed, but I miss you,” he said, a hint of anger in his voice due to his frustration. 
This was not the first time it had happened, so it was no surprise to Aemond when you denied his advances again. You had not been intimate since before you had your son. It was only a matter of time before he grew tired of you and your reluctance. 
At first, you had valid reasons, and he wouldn’t dare try anything during that time. You had a difficult labor, and your recovery was painful. You also chose to nurse your son on your own, so the days were long and the nights tiring as you didn't get much sleep. Aemond was your best support, always there to help you with whatever you needed. However, it has now been three moons since your son was born. Your body no longer held the same pain and your son began to sleep through the night. Yet you still had not even been naked in front of him since before you gave birth.
You wrapped one arm around your body as a way to find some comfort. Your hand found your face to hide from him as tears began to pool. Aemond yielded the second he saw your stature and the tears in your eyes. “No, no. Please, do not cry. I am sorry for bringing it up. It was not fair for me to burden you when you already have so much on your shoulders. Let us go to bed.”
“No, you are right. You have been nothing but amazing to me, yet I have continued to deny you any form of intimacy out of fear,” you glanced over at him.
“Fear? What do you mean? Are you afraid I would force that upon you? Because I wouldn’t dare,” Aemond panicked, thinking you thought of his advances as a demand and not a request.
“I do not think that of you, dear husband. I know you would never do that,” you sat on the bed and began to pick at your nails. “I fear that I will now disappoint you. My body… it's not the same as it was before. I have grown softer. My skin is marred with angry red marks. I do not wish to look undesirable to you.”
Aemond looked at you in shock. He made his way over and took your face in his hands, making eye contact before he spoke. “Do you have any idea what you do to me? The carnal desire I have to take you at every moment of the day? And you dare believe anything less?” 
“But you haven't even seen me. I am-” you tried to argue, but he shook his head not letting you finish.
“I never expected you to look the same. If you truly believe that I would not desire you, then I am not showing you enough of my love. Please, let me show you if you will allow me,” his hands found their way to the bottom of your nightgown, silently asking for permission. You gave a quick nod. He picked you up, laid you on the bed, and wasted no time taking your gown off your body.
Your immediate reaction was to cover your stomach as his eyes looked over your new body. His eye narrowed. He removed your arms that covered your body and placed them above your head. One of his hands grabbed your wrists to keep them from moving back to their previous location.
“Don't make me restrain you,” he said teasingly. He let go of your wrists, but you kept them above your head. His lips found your neck making your head twist up and to the side to give him better access. 
“These are much larger than the last time I saw them,” he smirked against your neck as you felt his fingertips circle your breast. A thumb ran over your erect nipple, and a gasp left your lips as he gave it a tug. All too soon his lips trailed down your neck to your chest. A whine left your mouth as he did so.
He made his way further down your body and this time to the place you hated most. He raised his head to get a good look at you and traced his fingers along the new red grooves on your sides and lower abdomen. You wanted to push him away and hide but fought the urge.
“You say I am brave and still handsome despite my scar, but does the same not go for you? Just as I gave my eye in return for Vhagar, you bear these marks in return for our son. For that, I could not find you more beautiful, my love,” he paid careful attention to place a kiss on every single one. 
“Soon enough, they will turn a silvery white. And is that not a color known for Targaryens?” he questioned but didn't wait for an answer. Your breath caught in your throat when you felt him spread your legs. His fingers ran up your thigh, sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Aemond,” you let out a breathy moan and gripped the sheets as you felt his tongue come in contact with your core. 
He lifted his head and smirked at you, “Don’t worry, I am going to worship you all night long and have you screaming out in pleasure. So much so that you forget every trivial reason you may think I find you undesirable.”
Taglist: @cullenswife , @wrendermeuseless
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astrophileous · 7 months
ZAHRA I DEMAND (request) A PART TWO OF JEALOUS REID I AM BEGGINGGGGG 🧎‍♀️😩🙏 I am actually in love with the way you write spencer like MY GAWD. MY GAWD.
your request (demand) shall be my command, your majesty 🙏
Warning(s): gn!reader, more jealous spencer bcs apparently it wasn't enough in the first one, a cheesy narration abt "change" 🤢🤢🤢 bcs why not.
This is part two for this blurb.
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
If there was one thing Spencer Reid always found peculiar about mankind, it would be the general lack of acceptance when it came to change.
Before today, Spencer never understood the science behind metathesiophobia: the fear of change. Unpredicted and terrifying as it was, change was necessary to keep the ubiquitous balance of the universe. Change existed in the smallest and biggest capacity of the world, and Spencer, for the life of him, had never been able to berate change for doing exactly what it was intended to do.
Until now.
As Spencer stood next to the copy machine just a few feet away from the kitchenette, eavesdropping a discussion he had no business injecting himself into, Spencer finally understood why many people in the world feared change. The noises coming from the machine in front of him were tumultuous, but Spencer craned his neck and ears to the best of his capabilities just so he could listen in better to the conversation.
"JJ," Spencer heard you say, "I'm telling you, I'm not interested."
"I haven't even told you anything about him yet!"
"Jennifer, it's not about the guy. I'm sure your friend is lovely, but I'm just... not looking for anything like that right now."
"C'mon, (Y/N)," JJ nearly whined. "Please, please, please, just think about this? How long has it been since you broke up with that Bran guy, anyway? You've been single for a while now, don't you think it's finally time for a change?"
The word tasted bitter as Spencer felt it burn all the way down his throat.
There was a beat of pause where Spencer's heart thundered inside its crate; reeling in suspense over what your answer was going to be. He heard your sigh before your voice arose once more, "Fine. Just text me his number and I'll handle the rest myself, okay?"
Spencer tuned everything out after that, safe for JJ's elated squeal that echoed nearly halfway through the bullpen.
The rest of the day unraveled like a tedious nightmare. After collecting his belongings, Spencer headed out of the bullpen with his car keys in hand. He was waiting for the elevator to arrive, internally cursing his decision for having driven to work that morning, when an unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared behind him.
"You're still here, Doctor?"
Spencer turned around to see you approaching from the direction of Penelope's office. The smile on your face reminded him of cotton candy: soft and sweet; just like the scent of your perfume as it engulfed Spencer's whole being.
"I thought you already left," Spencer muttered.
"No, I had things to take care of. How about you?"
"Yeah. Same."
The elevator arrived with a ding. You walked in after him and pressed the button for the lobby, your scent attacking Spencer's senses even more ruthlessly within the tiny metal box.
"You have any plans for the weekend, Doc?" you asked once the elevator started going down. "A hot date, perhaps?"
Spencer loathed the view of your cheeky smile, along with the teasing gesture of your eyebrows at the suggestion of him going on a date with another person. Here he was, propelling himself to the brink of insanity over the idea of you being on a date with anyone else but him, and you didn't even bat an eye at the prospect of Spencer being with someone else.
"No hot dates for me," he responded. The elevator opened with another ding. "Can't say the same about you, though, can I?"
Your inquisitive gaze slid his way.
"I heard you and JJ in the pantry." Spencer opened the lobby doors, allowing you to walk through before falling into step beside you again. "So, are you going?"
"On the date? I honestly don't know." The night breeze blew against your face. Spencer shuffled closer when he noticed your subtle shiver. "I haven't even texted him yet. I don't feel like it, to be honest. But JJ just seemed so excited about it, so the least I could do is try talking to him first, right?"
An interim silence settled between the two of you. Before long, Spencer spotted his Volvo being parked a few paces ahead. "This is me." Spencer gestured to the car.
"Nice ride." You smiled, humming appreciatively at the vehicle. "Well, I'll get going, then. See you Monday, Doc. Drive safe."
Spencer watched as you started to saunter away. A familiar flame had begun raging and licking up his spine since the moment you mentioned the phrase a hot date in Spencer's face, and now, he could feel that same flame taking a hold of the beating organ inside his chest.
"Don't do it."
You stopped in your tracks.
It took Spencer a few seconds to realize that the interruption had come from him.
"Don't text that guy."
You spun around fully to face him. "Why not?"
"Because I don't think you should go out with him."
You looked at Spencer strangely. "You don't even know the guy."
"I don't need to. I just—" Spencer's jaw hardened, "—I need you to swear to me. Please. Swear you won't go on the date."
Your forehead creased in confusion.
You knew what Spencer was saying didn't make sense, but what perplexed you even more were the words that came out of your mouth next, "Okay. I won't go on the date."
Spencer breathed out his relief as if you just granted him fresh air after years of being buried underground. He gripped his satchel tighter and fiddled with the strap, giving you a curt nod before he slipped inside the driver's seat of his car.
Spencer drove away after that, leaving you standing alone in the middle of Quantico's deserted parking lot as you stared feebly at the tire marks on the ground. A foreign fire had suddenly flickered inside your chest, and even if you didn't understand the significance of it yet, you knew that it must've had something to do with a specific genius profiler who just demanded you to back out of a date that hadn't even been planned yet.
After casting one last look towards his speeding Volvo in the distance, you turned around and headed for your own car, feeling the fire in your ribcage burn brighter with every single one of your steps.
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ozzgin · 8 months
HIII I LUV UR ACC <33 🫶 can i request a reader that is as cute as a bunny but she is a bit bratty with any baki character ^^ have a good day!!
Thank you and sure! Apologies for the delay. The idea reminds me a lot of Hatsune Miku’s “World is Mine”, so I went for a similar protagonist.
Baki Characters x Cute Bratty! Reader
Featuring Baki and Jack Hanma, Kaiou Retsu, Hanayama Kaoru and Katsumi Orochi. And a reader that has a cheeky attitude behind all that cuteness.
[Baki Masterlist]
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Baki Hanma
Baki is a mischievous one himself, so he finds your attitude cute and loves to entertain it. If you’re being bratty, he will either spoil you or mimic your behavior with a pout. What, you didn’t think two can play this game?
If he does spoil you it will be accompanied with the proper theatrics. “But of course! Who dared to upset my Princess? Point to the disturbance and I shall take care of it at once!” He is not embarrassed to be seen servicing you, and who would even attempt to question it? One knows better than to mess with the younger Hanma.
Sometimes Baki might be in a sour mood, or simply focused on his training. In such cases he will greet your demands with a sad smile and swear he’ll make it up to you as soon as his anger tones down. If you promise to behave, you can even help him train. He could use an extra weight.
Kaoru Hanayama
Hanayama isn’t quite sure how to deal with you. You’re so cute and frail, and yet every now and then you surprise him with a sassy attitude. Alas, he loves spoiling you so he will eventually give in to your demands, however outrageous they might be. He is the head of the yakuza, after all. You don’t need to hold back.
Sometimes he might take your statements literally, for the better or worse. You stomping your feet and angrily wishing whatever caused your distress would just disappear? You’ll have to quickly clear it up and explain it was just a tantrum. He doesn’t…actually need to eradicate it. Please.
If Hanayama is in a bad mood or occupied with work (leading a gang often proves to be a busy matter), he will have his lackeys readily available to you. Naturally they are to display the utmost compliance when servicing the future Ane-san of the Family.
Kaiou Retsu
Retsu finds you downright adorable and would do anything for your sake. It’s in his nature to be caring and kind towards those he loves and cherishes. Truly, it seems almost impossible to ever refuse your whims, his heart tugging whenever a frown might darken your features.
…Or is it? His willingness knows no boundaries, except for when your safety or comfort might be at risk. If your tantrums involve something he deems improper, not only will he disregard your attempts, but also lecture you vehemently. You almost feel like you’re once more in school, scolded by the strict teacher for being naughty.
Overall Retsu is rather rigid and awkward when it comes to your mischief. He is a man of discipline, but that has always only involved him. The etiquette he follows and expects from other warriors doesn’t extend to his beloved partner.
Katsumi Orochi
Similar to Retsu, Katsumi is also surrounded by stern expectations. He won’t hesitate to flatten down any of his Dojo attendees for the smallest sign of disobedience or misdemeanor. When it comes to you, however…
Everyone can tell he has a soft spot for you. From the facial expressions to the tone of his voice, his conduit switches in a matter of seconds. His ardent, adoring smile never falters when interacting with you. Your bratty attitude just makes his heart melt. The fact that you trust yourself to be cheeky around him reinforces his role as your partner, in his mind.
Sometimes even you feel like his spoiling might go overboard, but that’s what you like about him. He’s at your feet, ready to meet whatever desires you bring up. “Anything for my Princess” is his catchphrase around you.
Jack Hanma
You’d think Jack wouldn’t be the type tolerate certain behaviors. Plenty of people have gasped in anticipation upon witnessing your bratty attitude towards the tall man. Is he going to be angry? Will he yell at you? Alas, they just don’t know Jack well enough. His patience is unbreakable for things that matter to him.
He just quietly goes along with your orders. If you suddenly stop in the middle of the street and demand he holds your hand in this instant, he will comply with a faint smile. He enjoys entertaining you, he just won’t express it as openly as others. He’s your very own stoic Prince.
If you’re being particularly bratty and he’s not in the mood to react to it accordingly, he will just pick you up - regardless of where you are - and carry you home for a snuggle until you calm down or rectify your behavior. If you think about it, it’s not much of a punishment. And you can’t say no to being buried within his massive frame for warmth.
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easy-there-leftovers · 9 months
I See You, Darling (2)
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[Astarion x reader] Due to surprisingly overwhelming demand, the previous fic, along with this one and many more to follow, will now be part of a series!! It was honestly very difficult trying to come up with what happens next, but here we are. The idea came to me during a fever!! |Word count: 2.5k.| Based off of this post I made.
Part 1 here!!
Next part here!!
The reader believes they are in a dream. It wouldn’t be the first time their fantasies conjured up such an obscure, yet somehow realistic scene. And so they’ve elected to treat the experience with as much realism as one would observe in a dream; little to none.
Alternatively;An ex-art-student-now-traveler accustoms themselves to the party.
“Shadowheart. Shadow…heart. Hm.” His gaze bounced between you and her. 
“I’m sure her parents meant well, but the name is rather ominous, isn’t it?” He leaned over to your side, not bothering to hide his blatant distrust. Lowering his voice dramatically, if anything.
“Unless she chose it herself. Which is even more worrying, honestly.” He chuckled out.
It had been no more than two bells after mornbright when you met Astarion. Since then, you’ve come to realize how…different your presence has changed the course of the story. Though more subtle than you expected.
It would seem as if you had met the elven vampire before the party was formed, which was strange as your last save point was far later than that and the forest had been quite a long way from the beach.
When you finally stumbled upon Shadowheart, he was quick to share his inner thoughts that you haven’t heard from the game before. 
As they continued with their quest to find a cure for the Illithid problem, expanding their party as they did so, you had tried to make yourself useful by doing the dirty work for them. Looting and opening crates filled with camp supplies, armor, and potentially useful weapons and artifacts could always come in handy for trade or for “artifact consumption,” as per Gale’s need. Sorting them for your group’s convenience.
And while you did not have more direct and immediate practical use for your course of study in the modern world, the research you’ve created and reviewed for character creation and world building was doing wonders for your survival.
Or as much as it can for a magicless, not so athletic human. 
The “runes” of the medieval ages that have been carved into stone, along with the basic history and background of the common races and deities of the fantastical world that tabletop RPG has offered puts you at quite an advantage.
Not to mention your experience with the areas of the game giving you the same effect.
But this library of information had also aroused something akin to suspicion and concern. It would be understandable if you were a simple traveler just like them, or perhaps even an artisan from the guild, but you were not as astute as either background.
So how could you have access to this much knowledge yet be unaware of more practical matters? It’s as if you had simply read about it from somewhere. 
Astarion had been quick to give an explanation before you could form one of your own that could poorly convince your companions. Although, perhaps his suggestion was more outlandish than anything you could have come up with.
“They came with me. Property and all the formality that comes with it. A family pet, if you will.” A perfect excuse to justify your constant proximity to him, and a likely explanation to being well read, but not well experienced.
You thought nothing of the title, your apathy to the non-hazardous labels of this world apparent.
The same couldn’t have been said about your associates who had a few comments about this disclosure.
“I am unfamiliar with the–well, I shall not say ‘culture.’ ‘Customs’, perhaps. I did not think your kind to house such breed of cattle. Perhaps they could be useful.” Was Lae’zel’s. 
“I assure you, they typically don’t. Humans aren’t naturally subservient to Elves, at least in this manner. This setup sounds more akin to slavery. Blink twice if you need help.” Was Gale’s response. 
“It seems like Astarion's from the upper city, given the embroidery on his armor. I wouldn’t put it past them to have servants that follow them around.” Shadowheart’s nose crinkled at the thought. 
The party already had such an interesting rapport. Not entirely comfortable with one another to divulge everything, but loose enough to have semi-pleasant conversation with.
You thought this as you sorted out the fruits of your collective labor into neat pouches and bags, keeping items similar to one another factioned into their respective holding space. The chest being closer to Withers more than you’d like, but it was nice to hear the ramblings of an…undead person? Hearing someone continuously talking allows you to be more productive.
You’ll admit, handling enchanted armor and crystals does make you a tad nervous but you’re comforted by the thought that it will not be you who wields it in battle.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Gale approaching your direction. Possibly to ask for his share of the camp supplies just a little earlier to sate himself as you had an abundance of it for now. You regard him with your back turned and he stops for a bit.
“I will say that I don’t have the lightest of feet, but I figured myself better at sneaking around.” It’s not his fault that he got caught, but the bright purple robe and the smell of the oils you’ve been crafting for them are particularly noticeable.
“You are, but I’ll assume you're not exactly in the best shape after dealing with a few goblins.” You hold up a bottle of a healing potion, swinging it a bit with your fingers to indicate that the smell had warned you of his arrival.
“You’ve got a keen nose on you. Must be from all of Astarion’s training but, speaking of which,” He nears himself to your crouched form, going in to lean against a very old and empty crate.
“Gale, wait–” Right as your warning leaves you, they seem to evade him as falls right through the wood. A comical layer of dust and lichen pluming out from the force. He tries to quickly recover from both the physical and emotional damage as he brushes himself off to make himself presentable once more. 
“Ahem, as I was saying,” He again makes his way over to you, settling for just standing close as his attempts to look unbothered temporarily cost him his ego.
“I was serious about what I said before. While I don’t know what to make of our pallid friend just yet, as enigmatic as he is, what he said before is quite confusing. Best make haste away from here if you want your freedom while we’re distracted with this worm problem.” His tone suggests a genuine concern which confuses you.
You’d be lying to yourself if the label of the set up didn’t sound odd, but you’ve never expressed discomfort as there was nothing all too worrying about it on your end. It was mostly for show, and you had as much independence as Tav would have in your game.
You endeavor to quickly dispel his worries.
“You don’t have to worry, I’m very satisfied with my servitude under Astarion. He’s very lenient and reliable, and I’m better off with him than on my own." You return to your task of sifting through your materials but pause and look back up at him to continue.
"I do thank you for turning my way though. Your concern is much appreciated but unnecessary.” You lowered your head a bit to show your thanks.
“Well if someone as generous as yourself says to trust you on this, then I have no choice but to concede! I’ll keep a watchful eye and offer guidance, should you need it. Also, do we happen to have something for—” As he asks you for some sort of salve, just a few ways off, your eccentric “handler,” of sorts, watches the two of you interact.
Don’t get him wrong, such matters don’t really catch his attention, but being an elf does curse him with the ability to have extensive hearing. Something that he thinks Gale knew, and something you forgot. That would explain the lack of distance between you two.
He thinks it’s amusing how the wizard is trying to make conversation with you as if you were some foreign creature. His usual eloquence nowhere to be seen, and you seemed as unbothered as ever. Like how he usually saw you when you conversed with someone through a crystal.
It was a phone, not that he knew that though.
“They’re a real nice one, aren’t they?” Karlach says from her side of the camp which was nearer towards his tent and yours.
“Hm, yes. While that may be an admirable trait, it’s hardly going to get them anywhere if they keep this up.” Astarion huffed out, not very keen on your altruistic playstyle so far.
He doesn’t know much about what you do and don’t know, all he knows is that you do know of the events to unfold and could be the key to defeating his master.
 All he needs is to keep you at his side. So he’ll allow you this much freedom.
“Oh come on, you. You can’t seriously think that after everything. Our camp’s pretty well maintained because of ‘em, not to mention the connections we’ve been able to get!” She fortifies her statement by knocking on her chest, the engine humming within feels lighter and newer since you’ve informed her of the tiefling blacksmith at the grove. 
He hums in response, returning to reading his book as he thinks about his growing hunger. He’ll have to hunt soon enough. While your positive reputation occasionally reflects on him by proxy, it can also reflect negatively due to the alleged nature of your relationship. If he wants the journey to a way of understanding the tadpoles to be a more comfortable one, he has to at least prevent their trust in him from diminishing.
Night falls later than he’d have liked, having waited for everyone to be asleep so that he may prowl the forest for sustenance.
The rest were sound asleep in their bedroll as the skirmish from earlier on in the day had proven to be sufficiently tiring. The crackling fire surely brings a lulling warmth that he supposes he’ll have to miss out on for a while.
As he begins to slink off into the darkness, he looks back to gauge his surroundings and catches your form from across the settlement. It seems you were tallying away the items in the shared chest and double-checking to see that everything is checked and balanced with your records. 
Your shoulders jump at his suddenly standing form, but try to understand his intentions. You mouth, “where?” with a very confused face, to which he responds with a simple shushing motion and waits for your acknowledgement.
You nod slowly, and he holds your gaze before sneaking off once again.
‘He’s coming back, right?’ You wondered. The progression of your experience now in comparison to the game was vastly different, and you didn’t know if all scenes, or only some, would present themselves in this world. You assume he planned to hunt, and while you trust his abilities, you want to make sure he’s attended to properly should he be harmed in any way.
So after retrieving a few potions, a journal, and a pencil, you stashed them in a satchel and positioned yourself at the base of the tree in the direction he left in. You weren’t particularly sleepy tonight, and planned to pass the time in wait of your companion. 
There wasn’t much to do in this century to keep yourself entertained. The only things you’ve found so far were a few instruments and all manners of journals and inks.
The inkpot that you picked up appeared to be red this time. The game of, “which ink dye will I get this time?” will have to be the most of your entertainment for now. Not all too different from home, you suppose. And while writing keeps your mind at bay, illustrating all manners of wildlife have proven to be quite the fun exercise. 
You’ve made a few notes on creatures that you and your company have encountered. The visual elements of a drawing allowed you and the others to keep track of materials that could be salvaged from them, and their resistances to certain attacks. 
Though as much as you liked depicting such lifeforms in paper, you’ve come to be very interested in portraying your vampire friend.
Evidence of your interest present in the pages filled with his likeness as you search for an unmarked page. You’ve made a few of the others, yes, but anyone who would gain access to your journal would surely see which member of the group you favor more.
You continued to draw, and occasionally write, on the parchment as you waited for Astarion to come back. All sense of time evading you as you focus on the task at hand.
A perfect opportunity for a tired rogue to surprise an unsuspecting human.
“And what are you still doing up, little one?” He appears from behind the very tree you rested against, causing you to spill a bit of ink on your thumb.
You clicked your tongue, not at all annoyed by the character but by your absentmindedness and now stained appendage.
“Sorry, I was just waiting for you.” You sealed the inkpot, and gathered your materials. Effectively, but unknowingly, hiding your work from peering eyes that were the same deep red as your finger.
“I’m very flattered, darling. But couldn’t you wait until morning? I'm sure this couldn’t have been all too important, yes?” He gestures to your satchel, referring to your journal, but you misinterpreted it as him asking for your medical supplies.
“Oh, that depends. Are you hurt, by any chance? I stayed awake in case you might've needed help tending to yourself.” You opened the pouch to reveal its contents to him, your stained thumb in full view.
The sight makes him sigh out, but is thankful for your offered service.
“I’m alright, nothing of interest happened while I was away.” He considers telling you about the nature of his little…'escapade.' He's unaware if you are of his condition, and he doesn’t wish to out himself if not necessary to avoid possible conflict. So he settles for advising you to rest.
“We need you well rested, my dear. You sleep. I’ll keep watch.” The dialogue is familiar, and you can’t stop yourself from letting a small laugh out as you responded with an equally familiar line
“Thank you. I’ll sleep better for that.” You lower your head as you usually do in gratitude.
“The pleasure is all mine.” He mirrors your gesture, albeit in a way that is most appropriate for someone of his character. “Sweet dreams.”
You walked back to the chest. Returning the potions and ink you’ve plucked from the supply, but keeping the rest of the pouch’s materials with you as you turn in for the night. Awaiting the promise of further study that a new day typically makes.
As Astarion is left with his own thoughts, a sour taste still in his mouth from his earlier meal, he thinks about the man in the journal you kept. He did not see much, only a vague outline of the figure. He thinks about who, or what, it could have been but dismisses the thought rather quickly.
He has no time for a mysterious person with hair less perfect than his own, touching his untainted locks as he does.
Thank you everyone for your interest in the series!! As per the request of some, I'll now be adding a taglist!
Thank you to @rey26, @shyminnie07, @lynnloveshobi, @iggee-rose, @automnepoet, and @tiannamortis for asking to be tagged!!
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astarionsilverbough · 9 months
Astarion is the tenderest lover Halsin has ever had.
Though no one (excluding Gale, who is, for all intents and purposes, Astarion’s best friend - though the mere utterance of such a phrase would have the vampire recoiling in disgust) would believe it, it’s true.
And the thing is - it’s not just in bed, either; as touch-averse as Astarion is (exceptions outside Halsin being Gale and Karlach), he’s incredibly tactile with Halsin. His favorite thing to do is cup the big elf’s chin and gently tug at him until he’s being kissed or to jostle him as he does with Scratch, crooning praise as he does. He tends to steer Halsin with a possessive hand hooked around the bigger elf’s elbow, razor-sharp gaze flicking about for signs of danger as they traverse their perilous path.
And as flippant and unfeeling as Astarion pretends to be, he’s… attentive. Halsin can’t hide anything from him, and as a man so used to being the one in charge, the one tending to everyone else… it’s a little jarring at first. He fights his battles alone, suffers in silence so his people remain unburdened. It is how it has to be.
How it has always been.
But Astarion always knows. The moon-kissed elf can smell the pain and angst on Halsin like a wolf scenting blood. Once, Halsin had been silent for a little too long while Astarion ranted at him about some petty argument he and Gale had had days before (one long resolved) and before Halsin could even notice that Astarion had gone quiet, the elf was standing before him and taking the damp laundry out of his hands before placing his own on either side of Halsin’s face. His thumbs sweep first over Halsin’s cheekbones, then his lips, and the heat of his body yanks Halsin out of his frigid cloud of burgeoning despair almost instantly.
“What’s this now? Why are we pouting?” Astarion hums in that sonorous, lyrical voice - the voice that soothes the thousand violent storms raging within Halsin’s great chest, “shall we run away for a while, darling? Hm? We can find a nice little nook to tuck ourselves away in - you can get all furry and primal and I’ll just bury myself up against that gorgeous belly of yours and we can play - house. Forest house. Den?”
And it’s -
“I love you,” Halsin says. It’s not the first time he’s said it, but like every time he has before, Astarion’s entire demeanor changes as soon as he registers it.
Halsin watches the welcome shift with raw need writhing in his gut - Astarion’s shoulders relax entirely, freed from the weight of his iron walls; his eyes soften and gleam with a devotion Halsin isn’t sure he deserves, and his plush lips part as the corners of his mouth curve upward in a gentle, private smile.
When that lean body presses against his own, the entire world fades. Halsin slides his hands over the vampire’s waist and part of him thinks that he was created by Silvanus just to hold the man in his arms.
“Escape with me,” Astarion groans gently against Halsin’s jaw. He commands every element Halsin is comprised of - he is the commander of the soul that aches in the cage of his bones.
“Escape with me,” the vampire purrs, soft lips ghosting against Halsin’s own, “get lost with me. Let’s pretend we’re the only ones who matter, like this world was made for only us.”
And when it comes to Astarion, no amount of selfishness could be a sin. So he lets Astarion whisk him away, lets the vampire sink his fangs in and make him forget that the rest of the world is demanding their continued sacrifice.
Astarion is the most brutally tender lover Halsin has ever had - because Astarion reminds him how to live.
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Safe Keeping | 2
Part 1 2 3
"What say you, lady? Don't you think the Hound would make a fine husband? He would protect you, yes, and you would bear him many babes." I curtsy again but this time, my voice falters when I speak, "I- I think he would," I turn to my left, "Lord Sandor would make a fine husband... a fine father."
Sandor Clegane x Reader | 5k+ | cw: fem!reader, forced marriage, enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, smut (dub con, primal play, PIV, rough sex), emotional unavailability, The Hound being abrasive, canon typical casual misogyny, baby fever, typos, etc.
A/N: you guys, i dont want to edit the summary from p1 so i wont. also for future me here are the asks i got for this fic [x] [x] [x] which is like 🤯 cos i thought id get 5 notes on this tbh HAHAH originally posted on ao3 but felt like posting it on here
Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @otteropera @poisonsage808 @glitterandgoldfinds
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I refused to leave my chambers when I woke.
Not only had I cried myself to sleep, but I had woken with puffy eyes and ended up crying all over again. I was glad that my doting handmaiden was so fiercely loyal to me. Lucy didn't think my weeping childish. She was understanding and eternally on my side. I am immensely grateful for it; I don't know what I would have done without her.
She helped me bathe and dress and eat, then entertained me with gossip from the servants. For a while that was enough.
As the day passed though, my thoughts muddled and left me restless. I could not do anything but obsess over the fact my husband left me after wifing me up.
"Do you think he will come back tonight?" I mutter as I stare blankly at my reflection on the mirror.
Lucy ceases combing my hair and takes my chin in her fingers. Paired with a hand on my shoulder, she silently urges me to straighten my back from my seat. I do just that. She smiles at me through the mirror, "my lady, if you wish it, I will look for him and make him come to you."
I release a breath, "don't be ridiculous."
"I am not being ridiculous," she sets the brush down, "I am being serious."
I feel my throat tighten. My lips quiver but I refuse to break down in tears again. I shake my head rapidly, unwilling to speak, for I knew I would crack if I did.
Lucy frowns in concern then kneels down on my side, grabbing my hand, "my lady, I would die for you."
I screw my eyes shut and break into a whine, "please-"
"I owe you my life," she clasps my hand with hers and brings it to her cheek, "you freed me from my chains. You clothed me, fed me, and showed me kindness none of my masters have ever shown me before," she looks up at me with a solemn expression then repeats, "I would die for you."
I shake my head and lean into her, "live for me, Lucy. I've forgotten what's it was like before you and I don't want to remember."
She kisses my hand and presses her forehead on mine before standing, "I shall do as you command."
She stands behind me and gathers my hair back. She strokes my locks and offers me a smile through the mirror once more. I smile back at her this time around.
The comfort she offers me finally seeps through me as she massages my shoulders.
"I pray the gods will swiftly bless me with a child so that I will have other things to do than await my husband so helplessly and forlorn."
"Well, you said that he pleasured you," Lucy tilts her head, "women who have not been pleasured still bea-
Lucy is cut off by the crashing open of the door. She and I both whip back, hearts in our mouths as we stare at our Lord Clegane, who was staring right back at us.
"What's wrong with you?" he demands. The metal of his armor clanks. I eye the one Lucy tidied to the side, the one I undid the night before, and turn back to him. His brown eyes look at me with such intense accusation.
I feel my hands tremble. I cannot for the life of me find the words to speak. 
What did he even mean? How could he ask me this?
"No one has seen you all day," he says, "have you not left this room once?'
"She 'asn't," Lucy snaps, "milady has been feeling-"
"I wasn't talking to you, wench," the Hound does not turn to her when he says this. His eyes are very much still fixed on me, "I'm talking to my wife."
My wife. I look away. That's right, all that I am now is forfeit to him.
I gasp and turn back when I hear him marching over. Lucy places a protective hand on my shoulder and I find myself cowering into her touch. I clench my jaw and gulp when he stops in front of me.
He gazes upon me for the longest second of my life. He furrows his brows, "what's wrong with your fa-"
I flinch when he reaches out to my cheek.
Instantaneously, Lucy tightens her grip on me and blocks him, and Sandor cuts himself off and recoils before he can even touch my skin. He steps a few paces back then clenches his hand as if he'd gotten burnt.
We both evade each other's gaze. Sandor's eyes finally land on Lucy, "has she been crying?"
Lucy's blood boils. She hisses, "yes," then harshly pronounces, "milord."
Sandor turns away and twitches. He rolls his shoulders back and stretches his hands. He knocks on his chest plate. He looks to no one when he asks, "are you hurt?"
Lucy takes no care in masking her scoff or sigh. I take her arm and she watches me shake my head disapprovingly.
I do not look at anyone when I reply either, "I cannot say I'm not... lord husband."
A thick silence builds in the room within a moment.
When I dare too look at the Hound, he is already looking at me and suddenly speaks, "leave us, wench."
I turn to Lucy. She does not move an inch.
I give her an urging shake, but she is steadfast in her spot. Our Lord Clegane turns to her and grinds his teeth, "you will find I do not make habit of repeating myself."
I shoot up from my seat when Lucy presses forward and quips, "and you will find that I will not allow you to treat milady like this."
"Lucy!" I admonish, yanking her back.
Lucy glares daggers at him as I attempt to pacify and persuade her to leave us. Her eyes do not leave him as I sweep her out the room. I instruct her to walk around the gardens for a while then close the door after.
I press my back against the wooden surface as I look back to the man I was now alone with.
Sandor watches me expectantly. I do not say a word, for I did not know what he wanted to hear.
He finally breaks the silence, "you walk well enough."
I am dumbfounded by his choice of words. I dare not respond when I feel my lips quiver; instead, I nod quickly.
Sandor deeply furrows his brows. He shifts on his spot and chances a step in my direction, "why didn't you come out your room then?"
I lick my lips and shake my head. I turn away from him and mutter, "do I appear like I am in the state to be walking around when I look like this?"
"Like what?" he draws nearer.
I whip my head, "THIS!"
Sandor stops in his tracks. He looks at me, expressionless, "this what?"
I scoff in disbelief, feeling tears immediately soak my face. I whisper, "look at me."
"I am, with both eyes."
"And you see nothing?" I mutter shakily, "feel nothing?'
"Should I feel something?"
My chest sinks; it feels like it's caving in. He might as well gut me and spit on my bones. I turn to my feet and wipe my cheeks, "no. I suppose not."
Sandor curses under his breath. He rips at his collar, suddenly feeling his armour weigh down on him. He feels unbelievably hot. He clears his throat, "it hurts."
I look up at him.
"It hurts the first time, usually," he clarifies, "or in times you're not wet enough." He nods, "you were wet enough."
My entire being burns at his words, at his nonchalance. My face is searing in embarrassment and shame.
I want to scream at him, want to hurtle into him and demand to know why he left me, why he was so removed, but then I find the answers in my head. It dawns on me that he acted carelessly because he didn't care. He didn't want this. He didn't want me. All of it was forced. And so I hold my tongue.
Instead, I calmly explain, "my hurt is not bodily, Sandor."
Sandor's stomach rolls at the sound of his name.
"I was," I turn to space between us, "hurt that you left me. And-" I shake my head as tears rush from my eyes, "I've realized now that it's wrong of me to be."
I put a brave face on in spite of my weeping and hold his stare. The man is as stoic and hard as ever. I scoff at myself for feeling this way.
"Worry no longer, Hound," I open the door, "I will not cause you trouble again."
I step back and make way for him to exit.
He looks at me for what feels like an eternity then marches out the door.
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"And have you-"
Lucy and I gasp and turn at once.
"-named it yet, Lady Clegane?"
I chuckle guilty, "Lord Varys."
The man nods to me in regard, "good morrow to you."
I curtsy to him, as does my handmaiden. Lucy lifts her skirt as inconspicuously as possible in hopes to block what was behind her.
Varys catches this and waves his hands, "there be no need for that, my dear. The stray is an obedient one, isn't it?"
I share a look with Lucy before we step back and reveal the dog behind us. Daisy was panting and wagging her tail. She had her front paw bent, for it had been broken and healed that way. I had a maester examine it. In the end, he said it was pointless to put a split because it would not fix her leg and Daisy just kept chewing it anyway.
Daisy closes her mouth and sniffs the man.
"Ah," Varys smiles at the creature, "may I pet it?"
Lucy nods and eagerly explains, "she's Daisy; she is incredibly sweet, milord."
Varys cheerfully scratches the crown of the dog's head.
Though he laughs, my own face contorts into an opposite expression, "please make no note of it to my husband."
Varys looks at me exaggeratedly, as though he was offended.
I continue, "she makes me happy."
"One does not need to be told that to know," he presses his lips together. He links his hands, "I imagine you must be rather heavyhearted since the arrival of your womanly bleeding."
I drop my gaze upon hearing this. The master of whispers truly knew all. Lucy turns to me, then back to him, "milord, it's not proper to mention these things."
Varys measures my reaction before turning to Lucy, "yes. I suppose one such as myself has no business speaking of such things." He raises a finger, "still, if you should ever need assistance with that or your stray, know that my services are available to you, my lady."
I smile at him and nod, "I thank you for it, Lord Varys."
With that, he walks away.
"Do you think he will tell him?" Lucy asks as she grabs my arm.
I sigh and turn Daisy.
I've only had her for few days but she's given me purpose. I named her Daisy because she turned up from a bush of daisies while I read in the gardens. I was shocked, puzzled with how she got there, and a little scared she would bite me. When I noticed her injury, I figured she must be very weak and offered her food. She had my heart the moment she licked my fingers.
It was fate, I figured. I had not read in the gardens since the Hound berated me for it, and she came out of nowhere. When I imagine what would have happened to her if anyone else found her, I dread to think of the fact she could have been struck dead. The gods must have sent her to me, to remedy my sorrow and fill in for the absence of my Hound.
I was meant to save Daisy, and she was meant to save me.
I shake my head, "I'll have someone keep her tonight."
The Hound stops in his tracks when he witnesses what he does from afar. A blazing fury engulfs him as he watches two women walk away. The guard, who was spoken to, ogle their figures as they did.
Sandor laughs under his breath, but of course, nothing about this situation was funny to him.
He immediately charges when the guard is left alone, stupidly attending to an open crate-- he'll fucking bash it into his skull.
The guard goes back to his post and spots the approaching giant. At first, he is unfazed by the Hound but fear quickly finds him when he realizes he was heading straight for him.
He does not speak. The Hound simply grabs him by the chest plate, lifts him up and slams him on to the stone wall. He was angry-- worse, he was irrational.
"Why was she speaking to you?!" he snaps, "what business do you have with her?!"
The guard does not waste a second in spilling his guts, "Lady Clegane paid me to watch her dog!" He sounded like he was about to piss his pants.
"What?!" he seethes.
"The crate! The crate! There's a dog in the crate!" 
Sandor shoves him away and walks toward the crate. Lo and behold, the Hound sees the mutt, fur a light shade of brown, tongue out as it pant, right arm curled up.
He draws his sword.
Lucy and I head back to my chambers after eating supper. Our chattering is abruptly cut when he step in and see the Hound's hulking figure.
To say I am shocked is an understatement. I am terrified. He has not come to my chambers since the day after our wedding night, and now, here he was after Lord Varys confronted me. I struggle to swallow the lump in my throat, "my lord, I-"
"Don't you have one too many dogs now?" he growls.
Lucy is unable to hide the sound that leaves her mouth. My eyes begin to water as trepidation rips up my neck. I whisper, "Sandor."
Sandor flinches. He huffs, "what were you doing with it? You playing dolls with it, girl?"
"I saved her!" I explain with a shaky voice. "I fed her, gave her water-"
"Its leg is broken. You keep it in a crate. It's mercy for me to kill it."
Lucy gasps. My stomach drops and I run up to him, "no. Please. Please, tell me you didn't-"
I start when I see something move on the bed. I let out a shaky breath when a bark echoes in the room. I had never been more relieved to see Daisy than now.
Sandor growls, "OFF!" He marches to the bed and charges at the her. I shriek and grab his arm, holding him back. Of course, I nearly shoot forward for what was my strength against his? Still, he turns back to me and huffs. Daisy jumps down the bed and comes to my side.
Lucy grabs her and leads her to the corner of the room.
I continue to beg, "please, don't kill her. Please, I beg of you."
"You pay the guards to watch the mutt," Sandor yanks his arm away; the action hurts my hand. He seethes, "you're better off selling the bitch to a butcher as pig food."
I wail, "it was only this time! I have kept her with me since before." I drop to my knees, "please, I will ask nothing more of you," hot tears burn down all the way down to my chest. "I beg that you just let her live."
Sandor steps back and looks down at me. I can see how pathetic he thinks I am at this moment, and yet I find myself unable to care.
"You will ask me nothing more, aye?" he scoffs. His lips curl, "don't you want a child?"
My expression drops.
"You would rather save the bitch than have a babe?"
I am unable to speak. 
Why is he doing this to me?
"Well?!" he demands.
I screw my eyes shut when some of his spit sputters to my face. I turn to the floor, "she's been keeping me company in your absence. She's-"
"Ah, so that's why she feels so comfortable on the bed. You sleep with her."
I look up at him, about to explain that she sleeps on the floor and has never done that before. I do not have the chance.
"Well then keep your stray," he scoffs, "and have it fuck a babe into you."
The Hound storms off right after.
He grips his hand and his hilt as he marches away.
He should have killed it, he shouldn't have hesitated. The only reason he did was because it didn't flinch at his sword. The mutt was so dumb it had no fear. It even propped on the crate and tried sniffing the steel. Brainless.
His insides feel like they were boiling.
He knew the little girl would weep if he killed it, yet he didn't and there were tears anyway. He curses loudly. It reverberates in the hall.
He should have killed it.
Now it was too late.
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"I see you make friends even with stray cats now, my lady."
I look over my shoulder after the cat I was petting runs off because of the voice. Lord Baelish comes up to me, sparing a quick glance to the orange feline that jumped down the wall. He turns back to me with a smile, "pardon me, Lady Clegane, I did not mean to frighten the kitty."
I shake my head, returning a soft smile. I wrap my arms around myself, still not entirely used to the light fabric and freeness of the dresses I've been wearing lately, "it's alright, my lord. The cats do not like people."
Baelish walks in front of me and smiles wider, "they must see you their goddess then."
I shake my head and give a soft chuckle.
"Where is your hound?" he asks.
I stiffen.
He clarifies, "I mean the one with the broken leg."
I release a breath and look out to the view, "I had my handmaiden bathe her."
"Mmm," Baelish looks out to the view with me, "thus why you sought the cats."
A breeze brushes past us.
I do not turn to him, but I know he turns to me. He speaks, "one such as you should not be left alone or unaccompanied."
"Why? Would you hurt me, Lord Baelish?"
He chuckles, "and risk getting mauled by the Hound? I would not."
I watch as a flock of birds fly overhead.
"Other things perhaps," he says.
I do not respond to him.
A moment passes with nothing but looking and silence.
I feel his hot breath when he sighs deeply, "I remember clearly the day I first met you."
Baelish speaks my first name and it's enough to finally make me to turn to him. In truth, my name sounds foreign to me. Who I was has been long overshadowed by Lady Clegane... or, more accurately, the Hound himself.
"You were a vibrant flower. Your fragrance wafted through the room the moment you stepped in," he says, taking one step closer. "Being around you was a privilege; conversing with you, a prize."
I blink at his words, taking in the lines of his face, "and now," I clasp my hands together, "I've withered away, have I?"
His Baelish-blue eyes appear to be solemn. My lips part when he takes my hands in his. He speaks under his breath, "you are more radiant than ever."
I do not move an inch.
"Take heart," he speaks my name again, "hounds are crushed under heels of goddesses."
I pull away from him and shake my head, "do not speak blasphemy with me."
He laughs, bringing his hands behind him, "ever devout and god-fearing." He raises an arm, "shall we part ways by the stables? I will be heading out of the keep."
I debate for a moment. Ultimately, I offer polite smile and decide to agree.
We walk with no sense of urgency. I never knew Petyr to be one for small talk, and so I am surprised that he asks me about my dresses. In truth, I really shouldn't have been.
"Your dresses are Dornish, are they not?" he raises a brow.
"Dornish-like," I clarify, "it was my usual tailor that made my new dresses. I feared if I asked a Dornish tailor for a modest silhouette, I'd be colder than I am now."
We share a soft laugh.
He shrugs, "the style suits you still," he smiles. "Undoubtedly, the Dornes would love to dress you in their more traditional clothing."
I purse my lips and raise my brows, "wouldn't you like that, Petyr?"
He chuckles, slightly in disbelief by the casual referral. He raises his hands, "I said the Dornes. I am not Dornish, my dear."
When we reach the stables, I stop in my tracks, not because we're about to depart, but because his words freeze me in my spot.
"Surely, our Lord Clegane finds it hard to keep his hands off you."
I do my best to stay neutral, to not give myself away. Baelish holds back a smirk.
"Wouldn't you like to know what me and Lord Clegane get up to?"
Baelish laughs, "if I'm being honest, I do."
I roll my eyes at him and nod dismissively, "farewell, my lord."
He nods back with a chuckles, "and you, my lady."
I promptly head to my chambers after this. As I walk on, however, I remember that another day has passed with me not seeing Lord Clegane. I am unsure if it was deliberate or coincidental, but it was the fact either way.
It had been a handful of days since my monthly bleeding passed. I was never a regular bleeder, and when it came this time around, it stayed longer than usual. I was glad with his absence then, in not needing to explain myself to my him. The moment it had finished, however, I expected I would at least see him once.
I did not.
This lead to my decision to be more... seductive.
And, well yes, or course, he yelled at me and told me to have my bitch fuck me instead-- truly, there was a large pit of dread in my stomach because of this, but people say a lot of things in anger, things they don't mean. He could not have meant that.
I rub my belly, willing the dread away.
I refuse to believe he meant that.
I suck in a breath and decide to head to the king's chambers.
Besides, I've been assured over and under that men really like making babies.
My breath hitches when I catch sight of the Hound, guarding the door. I see him do a double take when he spots me, and yet he gazes into space in the end.
"Good evening, my lord," I curtsy at him.
He grunts with exasperation, "what are you doing here?"
"I wanted," I measure my words carefully, "to request you not stay out late tonight."
The man turns his head fully to me, "what?"
I feel my throat itch. I clear my throat, "I was hoping that you come to my chambers before too late."
Sandor shifts in his spot. He eyes me up and down. I feel like I am being burned alive under his gaze.
He looks away and shifts back in place.
I open my mouth but I don't get to speak at all.
"Dog. Dog! Come inside, I-" King Joffrey calls but then ceases when he steps out of the room and sees me. 
I immediately curtsy, "my king. Good evening."
Joffrey raises a brow and demands to know why I'm here, referring to me by the house I was born into.
I offer him a smile, "I wanted to speak to my lord husband, your grace."
His face contorts in deep bewilderment. He opens his mouth and raises a finger, "why would you come h-" he turns to the Hound and stops himself. He breaks into a laugh. He laughs so hard that he clutches his stomach, "oh!" He wheezes, "oh, I've forgotten about that!"
King Joffrey calms down with a sigh. He from to his Kingsguard then to me, eyeing my attire. He chuckles under his breath as his eyes rake me down, "I see your wife has dressed to seduce you, dog." His looks up to my face, "or wouldn't that make you bitch?"
I do not respond for a moment, put on the spot by his malice, but then my wits finally meet me. I curtsy to the king, "I am what my king makes me to be."
Joffrey laughs airily. He shakes his head, "my, dog," he turns to his guard, "I've truly matched you well," he pats his shoulder plate, "too well, in fact."
He then retreats into his chambers, calling out as he did, "you're dismissed, dog. Breed your bitch as you like."
The door slams shut.
I release a breath once the king leaves, clutching my belly as I did so.
Sandor does not move an inch from his spot. He does not look at me.
I begin to get nervous all over again. I try, "husband?"
"You think I'll answer to your whistle just because you're dressed like a whore?"
My face hardens. I look away from him. I mean I expected as much.
I swallow the lump in my throat, "I only wanted to please you-"
He scoffs.
I look back at him, "I will dress more modestly if it is what you'd like."
"I'd like not to see you whoring around."
I am unable to withhold my scoff, "I am what my lord makes me out to be."
The Hound finally spares me a glance. I glare at him as I curtsy, "apologies for the impertinence." I turn on my heels and walk away. My anger and vexation gets the best of me. I cannot help but jeer, "if my dress angers you so, take it off me then."
Sandor shifts on his spot.
I continue down the hall.
His lips curl as he growls lowly, "run."
I do not hear anything but my own grumbling.
"Run, little girl!" he barks, making me jolt and turn back to him with a scowl. The irritation is apparent in my face as I stop at the end of the hall, "what?"
The Hound begins to march over. My heart races as I hear him warn, "run, if you know what's good for you"
I begin to shuffle back.
"I'll tear that shit off your body when I catch you."
I break into a sprint at the sound of his threat.
I don't look back. I heave heavily as I rush down the halls. I don't hear him chasing after me, though once I'm far, I see him treading fast as the times he's dragged me by the arm. My stomach flurries with anxiousness and regret.
When I reach my chambers, I mentally debate whether or not I should lock the door. I gulp at the idea of him breaking it down. I decide I do not want a memory such as that to be branded into my brain.
I gasp when he bursts into the room. I grip my skirts from the edge of the bed where where I sat.
The Hound locks the door before walking over to me. He grabs my shoulders and shoves me down on my belly.
I squeak when he grabs my skirts and rips it all the way up my ribs. He scoffs, "fucking parchment."
I hear him grab something by my vanity. I do not dare to look at him. I proceed to hear him undo his armor and his clothes.
I hear a pop. I yelp when he grabs my smallclothes and yanks them down. I groan into the cushions when I feel his fingers toy with my folds.
"Don' fink you nee' vis," he speaks like something was in his mouth. He pulls his hand away and suddenly the smell of my lavender oil assaults my senses. I hear a squelch. Something is thrown to my side; it's my vial.
I squeak when he grabs my hips. He sighs, "you're ready on your own." We both make noises when he begins to thrust into me. The Hound growls, "little girl likes to be chased."
I am shoved into the cushions. My entire body tenses.
"You want to dress like a whore," he taunts, "I'll fuck you like a whore."
His tempo is brutal and harsh. He does not relent or give me leeway. It's strange and shameful that my body even feels tingles of pleasure.
I cannot help the screams that rip out of my throat. Had I not been faced down on the cushion, I fear that I would have woken the dead.
I call out his name when he hoists my hips up. My toes could no longer touch the floor. He begins moving faster. My hands dig into the sheets. I feel my eyes water.
The Hound howls. He shoves me down and suddenly my feet are on the ground. He plunges deep, it makes my eyes roll back. His thrusts become increasingly irregular and after with a few more slaps, he stops.
I catch my breath, thanking the gods he's shown mercy.
I whine when I feel him pull away. I gulp and shift on my spot. I anticipate his next movements. I hear a rustle. I lift my head up and look back at him, confused by the sight of him tying himself up.
Was... was it done?
"Don't think to have that dress mended, girl," he pants as he grabs something from the floor. I roll on my back, feeling uneasy because of the wetness between my thighs. I watch him unlock the door and slam the door on his way out.
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All hells were breaking loose. King's Landing was under attack, the castle was on fire, and Stannis Baratheon was winning.
All the women and children holed up in the queen's retreat chamber spilled out to gods know where.
My mind was racing, yet all I could think was: run, flee, Lucy, Daisy, Hound.
I was already running. I was already fleeing. I was doing both with Lucy in my grip. I had Lucy, but I did not have Daisy.
We were running up to my chambers. I left Daisy there, my poor Daisy. We were fleeing up the stairs in haste, sparing no time to catch a breath.
I had no idea what we were to do. We could bar the door, block it with our bed. Lucy and I could manage it, I think. Was it a good idea? Would it guarantee our safety? There was only one way we'd know.
I quickly open the door and lock it once Lucy and I are inside.
We take a moment to finally catch our breath. Lucy grabs my arms and I grab hers. I can feel her shaking. I rub her skin, "it will be alright. No harm will reach us here."
Lucy shakes her head, "milday, you and me both know that's not true."
My heart shatters when I catch the way her eyes water. "Shhh," I pull her into a hug, "have I ever failed you, Lucy?"
She seals her arms around me and whispers, "no."
"Nothing will happen to us," I rub her back, "I will protect you."
"And I, you," she pulls away, "as will Daisy," she wipes her tears before they fall, "and the 'ound."
We scream when we hear a voice in the room. We press our back against the wall and turn to the bed. A figure is sat on the floor by its side. What was said was, "your mutt is stupid."
Lucy and I clutch each other for dear life. I recognized that voice. I muster the courage to tiptoe towards the figure and breathe out shakily when I confirm the presence, "Sandor?"
The man turns to me as we walk up to him. Sandor had Daisy on his lap. She looked up and blinked at me before closing her eyes. She was being pet a bloody hand and did not mind at all.
"She was jumped on me when I walked in. She looked excited," he turns to Daisy, "stupid bitch. Anyone else would have chopped her up."
I find myself releasing a breath of relief. Here now was Daisy, and Hound. I had nothing left to think about.
I walk up to him, kneeling on his side. He turns to me. I examine his face, dirtied and bloodied, "are you hurt?"
He looks at me for a moment. I watch him slowly raise his hand. He cautiously touches my cheek. I clutch his wrist in my hands. He swipes his thumb on my skin, "save your tears." I didn't even know I shed them. "None of the fuckers got close enough to try."
He draws his hand back. He grunts as he gets to his feet. Daisy moves back, wobbling on her three legs; I move back too.
"Take your valuables," the Hound grunts, "we're fucking leaving."
I pull my head back. I watch the man survey the room.
Lucy runs up to my side and she wipes my cheek with her skirt. She watches the red collect on the fabric and wonders who it belonged to. She wagers it's not from her lord.
I shake my head in confusion as Sandor grabs a satchel and stuffs my jewelry in it, "I don't understand. Aren't you going to fight?"
"Fuck the fight," he quips as he shoves objects down and raids through the drawers and closets.
Lucy finishes wiping my face. I walk off and grab all my hidden pouches of gold. I hand it to Sandor, "what about the king?"
"Fuck the king," he takes the pouches and stuffs it into the bag, "fuck him especially."
Sandor then chucks the satchel to Lucy, who grunts when she catches it.
"The stupid fuck's done nothing but fuck around," he picks up Daisy, propping her front legs on his shoulder, "no good thing's come from that fuck." He takes me by the hand and mumbles, " 'cept for one."
He releases me only to unlock the door and hold me again. He does not let me go until we reach the outside of the keep.
The whole lot was in disarray; dead bodies, debris, and fire littered the scene. He hands me Daisy, and I struggle slightly to carry her, considering she was not a small breed. He walks not too far off and brings a wandering horse over.
It's a wonder we do not encounter anyone on this side of the castle, more so that we find a horse.
Sandor takes Daisy and puts her down before helping me mount the steed. My stomach rolls with how his touch lingered on my thigh once I was on.
Next, he took the satchel from Lucy and handed it to me. He then eyed her when she stepped forward, as if debating whether or not he wanted to bring her along. Before she or I could speak up about it, Sandor is already helping her climb up behind me. Lucy takes the satchel from me and eyes him after. He rolls his eyes.
He picked up Daisy and tried handing her to me. However, she struggled too much and could not fit in my arms, so he cursed and threw her back onto his shoulders. He grabbed the horse's reins and started walking.
"Fucking bitch, fucking wench, fucking horse, fucking war, fucking-"
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