#at the hour i am posting this - hopefully no one will see it 😂
tommarvoloriddlesdiary · 9 months
Share your lastest WIP! If you want 👀
which one đŸ„Č😂😭💀 i have a few - will this do?
“They’re quite odd, aren’t they?” 
Abraxas is snickering when he says it. He’s just loud enough to grate - nothing new - but in what should be the quiet sanctity of the library, his tone sufficiently pulls Tom from his reading. 
His eyes lock on Abraxas across from him and flick to the ‘they’ in question. 
And, of course, it’s the Grangers. 
Since entering the magical community, Tom has learned a thing or two about their societal norms. An interesting component being that it is surprisingly challenging to be seen as ‘odd’ here. A wixen can be any number of things: lazy, stupid, poor, muggle - the list goes on, but ‘odd’ is a category used sparingly when directed towards each other. Much unlike the muggles Tom has known and grown his whole life around. 
He was always seen as odd by them - freakish - and continues to be whenever he returns to the orphanage for summer. So he doesn’t much care for the word. 
Besides, if anything, the Grangers aren't even worth gawking over and snickering about. Their worst can be summed up to anti-socialistic, codependent, and exclusionary behaviours - probably a trauma response from the war. They clearly have no interest in playing house with their dormmates or the rest of the school, so why bother?
They are sitting beneath the second-story stair landing where the elves have managed to shove one last table. It’s one of the more tucked away and private places on this level — a place Tom would not consider and will not consider; he needs to be visible, available — and they’ve claimed it like it’s never belonged to anyone else. Like it was placed there just for them. Their ease of acclimation to Hogwarts as a whole has certainly raised some eyebrows, yet still, he isn’t concerned. 
He had also known Hogwarts was his home the moment he had stepped foot in it, after all. He is not so foolish as to believe himself an outlier.
Hermione Granger’s hands are waving wildly, turning in circles and gesturing in a vague sphere-like shape. She’s talking aloud - not that Tom, or anyone else, can hear it - and doesn’t seem to like what she’s saying, given the harsh line between her brows. Ronald Granger is sitting in front of her and starts shaking his head. He says something and reaches across the table to take her wrists — expands them — the sphere becomes an oval.
Harry Granger sits beside them pensive, with his head down and reading carefully from a book in his hands. He starts to turn the page but pauses; he frowns and looks up.
He looks right at Tom.
Granger blinks once, slowly. He mouths something, but it’s not directed towards Tom because his siblings turn to look at him. It only lasts a moment before they suddenly turn around to stare at Tom as well, their eyes wide and alarmed. 
Tom watches on as Harry Granger slouches - maybe sighs? He shakes his head and palms his face in something like dismay. It doesn't take a legilimens to read his lips now—
“You are both such idiots.” He says.
The corner of Tom’s lips curl. It’s possibly a smile. He’ll never call it that out loud.
“Very,” he finally replies to Abraxas.
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as-kind-as-summer · 1 month
I finally have a minute to sit down so I'm going to yell about the Lord of the Rings musical for a bit! I'll put everything under a cut so people can avoid spoilers! Pic of me in my cute hobbit-ish outfit first 😊
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So disclaimer first, hopefully I'm remembering everything correctly but I recently started a new job and can't take any days off in my first 90 days but desperately wanted to see this show. So I worked a night shift, drove 6 hours, and by the time everything was over I'd been awake for ~21 hours. And also everyone who knows anything about this show is long. Like we were sitting in act 2 and I couldn't remember if they'd sang The Road Goes On in act 1 because it had been two hours ago by that point 😂All this to say, if I misremember please forgive me and feel free to correct me!
My friend and I had the most amazing seats for this show! I'd been debating whether or not I wanted to go through the trouble of going to see it with work and all but then I got an email because apparently I'd signed up for the Shakespeare Theatre's 30 under 30 program and that made everything worth it. I'll post a picture below but we sat second row in the center section on the end of the stage right side. In the picture you can see the stairs literally came down about six inches in front of my feet. I'm not usually a fan of sitting so close but with how immersive the show was it was perfect.
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(Obligatory photo with the playbill because I will always be a theatre nerd at heart)
Starting at ~15 til, the actors all started coming out and wandering the audience, just talking to people and having a good ol' time. Again I'm such a sucker for immersive performances and despite being terribly awkward this was still very exciting.
With everyone wandering around and then the show just sort of starting with no big to-do, it really felt like you're a part of the story. Like 'oh I really am here at Bilbo's birthday party.' Again just a really good time, I think it added another really great layer to the show.
I know I just keep saying how fun this show looked but honestly it looks like such a great time and like every single actor on stage is having the best time. The choreography isn't anything terribly complicated but it just looks fun. Also we saw this on a Wednesday at the evening performance which means there would've been a matinee earlier and you never would've been able to tell. I've seen shows where you can tell the actors are going through it during their second show of the day(and rightfully so) but I wouldn't have had a clue if I hadn't known the schedule. Really just such an amazing cast.
The puppetry was phenomenal! I'm not typically freaked out by puppetry but I had a visceral reaction to those Nazgul puppets. Don't know what it was about them but I was legitimately unnerved. One came up next to me and I did not care for it at all. Pretty sure the people behind me were chuckling every time I cringed but like honestly so fair 😂
So I only found out about the existence of this musical in June and it was absolutely my accident. After seeing the trilogy in theaters, I fell back in hard and was just like 'huh I wonder if there's a stage version of this if not there should be' and googled it on a whim. Pretty much been listening to the London soundtrack on repeat since then but there were a lot of songs that I felt very eh about on the soundtrack that are loads better within the context of the show. Like a lot of the Elvish acapella songs being actually just background to the action that happened onstage felt a lot more natural than listening to them on their own.
Speaking of songs I liked more, Lament for Moria was absolutely beautiful. I hate to compare casts because I think every actor brings their own unique take to the role but that was just a song that I wasn't terribly fond of on the London soundtrack. But the actor that played Gimli in this version had an absolutely gorgeous voice. I was telling someone I always assume actors in a show will be able to sing because obviously they've been cast but there are still times where someone opens their mouth and I'm stunned and this was one of them.
I really enjoyed the set design a lot. I love the current trend of having a simple versatile set with smaller pieces that are wheeled on from time to time. Also, such a sucker for turntables and platforms. I don't know what it is but I think it's A+. Also the climbing wall grips in the back so Gollum could climb up and down were fantastic! Such a simple solution but I think it worked so well. I could see them since we were so close but the way they were painted, I'm guessing they blended in really well further back and the effect would've been amazing.
Obviously even at nearly 3 hours long this is still a wildly condensed version of these stories but I was still disappointed that almost all of Two Towers was cut out other than Treebeard. This of course isn't unique to this production, just the way it's written. I don't think it necessarily detracted from the story since most of the action and important bits do take place in Fellowship and Return of the King but Two Towers is still my favorite so this is a personal gripe mostly haha.
The costumes were all great, a lot of it felt sort of generic fantasy-ish but I love generic fantasy-ish costumes so I was happy. However, I thought the orcs costumes were so cool! Especially with the new(? I'll be honest with y'all I have not read the books(yet) and I feel like I heard about this being the ending somewhere. Not sure if they changed it for the movies and the ending of the musical is the actual ending? anyway) ending they were very neat!
I'm also such a sucker for instruments being played onstage especially when it's the actors doing it and especially when a lot of them are playing multiple different instruments. I just will never get over the talent.
I think I've said most of what I wanted to say so I have to talk about Now and For Always. Since my first listen, Now and For Always was my absolute favorite song. Like hyperfixated listening for hours on end kind of favorite song. I just think it's so beautiful, the harmonies are gorgeous, and it really embodies what these stories were about. I saw the snippet Chicago Shakespeare posted before I went and I was iffy about if I'd like it. I could not have been more wrong. The way it was so slowed down, having the rest of the cast standing around Sam and Frodo, the delivery of the last verse from Frodo to a sleeping Sam? I'm tearing up just thinking about it again. Like that's what it's all about, you know? The tenderness and kindness in the midst of horrors. The true power that friendship has to carry you through the absolute worst of things. I don't even have more words, it was just such a beautiful and touching presentation and it's going to stay with me for a very long time.
Oh no wait I did have one more thing to say, they tried to make me like Denethor and no one will ever make me like Denethor! Denethor hater for life, all my homies hate Denethor. I'm sorry, I know they used the explanation of 'he's too close too Mordor it's poisoning his mind' nope don't care. The best thing Denethor did was set himself on fire, change my mind.
All this to say, I had the most amazing time and I am forever grateful I found this production when I did and had the chance to go see it. I don't think it's for everyone, as like 'duh obviously' as it sounds I think you really have to enjoy both LotR and theatre. The people behind us were snickering from time to time because there were some things that were kind of goofy. Most of it was at the weapons, they're definitely on the cheaper side but it's a regional theatre and I'm sure they only had so much budget. You have to be able to suspend your disbelief when seeing any show but especially this one. Forget what you know from the books and the movies and just go in with an open mind. It's a spectacle, it's goofy, it's serious, it will absolutely wrench your heartstrings if you just let yourself be open to it. Everyone is obviously so passionate about what they're doing and it made for such an amazing show, highly recommend to go see it if you get the chance 💜
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readingismyhobby24 · 2 months
as im sitting here making fascinating concoctions (drinking to see if i can make dr pepper in my own home), ive been thinkin’ about the chain and such and i was wondering what your thoughts and opinions were on who (NOT including Wild) the most likely to get up to some odd shit at 3 am would be. I mean like, experimenting with desserts or drinks and such
- crazylittlejester
HEY JES!! IM DOING GOOD TODAY!!! HOW ABOUT YOU?! I've been having a lot of fun with the mini fics, which by the way, I'll be writing yours hopefully in the next couple of hours. I don't know when it will be posted, but it will be posted as soon as I finish it!
I love this question so much! Like, I make little weird concoctions of food and drinks all the time, myself. I kid you not, I was literally just sitting here and thinking of something I could make with the random ingredients I have 😅
The boring answer to your question would be all of them because I so see them all doing this, but I'll give a better answer 😂
I believe that Wind would get caught all the time making these random concoctions, but I also feel like Four would make them. He just doesn't get caught, so no one knows he does this stuff. I don't know why, I can just see this being the case. What's your opinion?
Anyways thanks for the ask!!! I hope you are having/had a great day!
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
CPN : random thoughts 🍬🍭
dumping some minor cpns that has popped up here and there for convenience. as usual, i need one space to ramble.
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I also want to take this opportunity to applaud yibo-official for releasing that 1 hour + bts footage. They just went f*ck it and didn’t bother splicing it, they went ahead and dropped it on us out of nowhere. maybe one day they can post an hour long yibo vlog or photo set of yibo selfies. you know. just a suggestion. lol. The last post they made seemed like the final HB related content to share but apparently not. I am so thankful! This is best 3/14 gift!!!! I guess this is also a treat for “yibo movie fans” all over the world who continue to show their support for the overseas screenings.
1. Back in January, YBO posted for HB reaching 300 million in the box office and emphasis on the 3 ( zhan ). People have noticed that this scene looks like it was shot 10/5/2021 — ZZ’s birthday. What a coincidence that they chose this photo to be assigned to the number 3.
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2. The way they dropped this big BTS content is reminding us of how the CQL 160 minutes bts was shared before. Is this them taking a page out of that? If there is something turtles are good at, it’s going through hours and hours of BTS footage! This is nothing to us!!! 😂😂😂😂
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3. Also this was edited heavily, i can only imagine how many hours of footage they have. The selection of clips and what they can show. The music and it’s arrangement. going back to XZS being quiet — it’s a cpn that the two teams probably worked on this because the project is too big to accomplish by one group only. or maybe it needs a sign-off from the creative director xiao zhan. lol.
The important part of YBO’s post tho is their caption. Especially the part which said : Everything about Mr. Ye is dedicated to all fans of @UNIQ-王侀捚
I don’t know how many times I have said that Yibo is really making the necessary steps to make himself more mainstream. by that i mean, shedding the title of traffic star. the label itself isn’t all that bad tbh. lots of artists would kill to have the same traffic he does so they can have more endorsements and better scripts their way. however, i observed that he is transitioning to being an actor who hopefully will be loved by a lot of people and not just his core fans. The same goes for XZ, tho he is having a harder time staying away from being a traffic star and his own rice circle. I am in no way discrediting đŸ€ or đŸïž, I just mean that the end game for the boys is to be a national celebrity. This transition leaves a lot of responsibility to existing fans like us, to be more welcoming to the new ones. This is why I get so mad when fans pay more attention to drama and fan wars cause it turns off potential supporters. It’s a huge red flag seeing a toxic fan group. I really hope one day, things do settle down and fans learn to be more chill.
4. Another ZSWW cute rumor posted said that WYB will still fuss when he sees old BTS videos of XZ scolding him. So XZ’s advice is to not scold the one you like even if you are jealous — who knows, you might end up together. This is too funny cause we know how fierce ZZ was with WYB, sometimes it’s already scary and you can tell the times he was jealous. 😂😂😂
5. Lastly, Weibo night posted some drama CPs and put it as a 9 grid photo. The pairings are not the most interesting part tho, it’s the top comments. đŸ€Ą
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>> THIS IS THE LINK TO THE POST IF YOU WANNA JOIN IN. Like the top comments so they stay there, do not comment or reply. <<
On a regular day I would totally say that this is so unnecessary cause we have to respect the drama CPs on that post. Also BJYX is not really a “drama cp”, it’s WANGXIAN and if you believe in SZD there is really no reason to try and compete with commercial CPs. Plus it might indirectly harm the boys too. But i’m feeling petty today so i’m cackling. That’s all. You ask us about a CP? Okay, how about we clown you? I have no love for Sina Weibo and WB night at all so i don’t feel sorry for them or anything. We are just telling the truth, the pairing of XZ & WYB is truly superior. You ask, we answered. What I said about being careful is still true but sometimes you just don’t give a f*ck. It is what it is. đŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą
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Regarding your response to that post on advertisements, if you ever get a moment could you think up some of the key "easter eggs" you mentioned to look for in ads or do you have any recommendations of educational videos/books that you studied in class? Sorry if this has been asked before. Your perspective seems so intriguing.
So I had like, WAY too long of a response to this and was like, nobody wants to read your damn thesis 😂 So here’s my hopefully more concise answer (surprise, it’s not actually any more concise).
I took that class over a quarter century ago (Hi, I’m old 👋) and aside from retaining the visceral lizard-brain memories of “ADS EVIL DO NOT CONSUME” I don’t recall exact specifics, and sadly, my textbook has been lost during one of my many moves.
One thing I vividly recall: women’s placement in ads. They are almost ALWAYS shown in a physically lower position than men. The exception being if a minority man is in the ad, then a white woman would sometimes be allowed to be placed above him, but a woman of any minority would still be placed lower than the minority man. It reminded me of certain building laws in the city: nothing can be taller than this building. Except in the ads, it was: nobody is allowed to appear taller than this white dude in any way.
That’s a minor thing, but it was one of the more blatant things that I couldn’t help but see EVERYWHERE once I realized it.
I think the main takeaway I took from that class that served me so well as a young woman in a capitalist society was simply realizing that, to any major brand, I am just an object, a consumer, a rube to swindle. They don’t actually care about how plump my lips are or how healthy my skin looks or how shiny my hair is or how fashionable I am. They only care about my personhood insofar as it better enables them to adjust their sales techniques to rob me of my money. And if I avoid them entirely, or as much as possible in this ad-saturated culture, then I can make purchasing decisions based on my actual needs and not the imagined needs some corporate shill came up with during a board meeting.
So yeah, that was my shorter answer, sorry for the wall of text. I’m always happy to discuss the gross ways in which advertising affects us and how we can avoid it and how much better life is without ads. I grew up in the era of heroin chic and anorexia, and ads were a nightmare. They’re worse in ways now, for sure, especially with it being outsourced to influencers, but at least we get to see stretch marks and different body types nowadays. Even if all the “fat” body types are still hourglass figures, it’s better than the parade of skeletons that was forced on teenage girls in the 90’s. That shit is still fucking with my generation nearly three decades later.
I wish I had recommendations, but even if I did, they’d probably be so outdated since the game has changed so drastically in the years since I took that class. Between 24-hour cable and social media, advertising has mutated into an entirely new, horridly evil beast that I’d honestly hate to study.
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novel-nook-blog · 3 months
Camp NaNo – week 1
Monday (7/1):
It's 9:30 pm and I finally opened my laptop. Uff, what a long day. Ngl, I'm exhausted. I woke up at 5:30 am to get ready for work. I left at almost 4 pm. Then there was a problem with my car (stressing af) and I had about 20 minutes to get to a meeting in another town so... very nice. The meeting was 'till 6 pm and around 6:30 pm I was finally home. Now let's get to writing.
It's 10 pm and I'm falling asleep as I write so it's time to put my laptop down and get some rest before my work, tomorrow. I haven't written much, but I didn't want to start with a 0 tomorrow.
Wordcount: 326
Tuesday (7/2):
It's 17:40 and I'm opening my second draft. I'm so hyped even though I just got home 😂... maybe I'm even overhyped because an hour ago I had a veeeery strong coffee and I mean wow, it just kicked in and I'm overflown with energy. So my writing is either going to be very good or very bad, we'll see.
On my schedule is: finish chapter 1 (I started it yesterday); start reading The Throne of Glass. I read that book a lot of times already, but it has similar writing style as I'm using in this book and I found out I'm repeating the same words again and again, so I want to use this reread for the benefit of my vocabulary (plus I want to reread the whole series this summer, although I wanted to finish reading Iron Flame first... so complicated, right?)
My plans for the day have escalated quite differently. We had a game night so after about 200 words I stopped writing for several hours and just before I head to bed I wrote up to 752 words. It's still not much, but I can't focus anymore. We'll se how tomorrow's going to be. I was planning to write all day, but I found out we're going to the ZOO. I'm very excited for our little trip, but at the same time I have no idea how the heck I'm going to get the wordcount I need. This challenge is going to be fun.
Wordcount: 752
Wednesday (7/3):
It's 10 pm and I just opened my laptop. This day could be divided into two parts – the awesomest one and the worst stressful nightmare. Me, my mom and my sister went to the trip to the zoo. It was a wonderful day. But after that there was a family matter that we had to solve so I didn't have time for writing...
Wordcount: 0
Today it's Tuesday, 9th of July... I'm so sorry for my delayed post but the thing is I am sick. I have the stomach flu since Saturday, but have been feeling so off most of the week so the last time I've written anything was on Friday and it wasn't much. Hopefully I'm going to be back on track soon but now I'm feeling so bad that the only thing I do is sleep and watch TV.
Also on Thursday I had an 11 hour long shift at work so very tiring day. On Friday my friend had a birthday party so I was with her all day and when I got back I started feeling sick but I didn't think it was something to worry about. On Saturday me and my dad went to visit my aunt and when we got back the stomach flu started in all it's power and hadn't left since.
I'm not sure how I'll get 45k words in my draft by the end of July but now health is my priority. So I'm going to get back when I'm feeling better.
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jjungkookislife · 5 months
The final part of Baby Kicks đŸ„č This short drabble fic is just as adorable as I first read it đŸ„° There’s just something about dad!jungkook (or any of the guys really 😉) that’s just so satisfying to read about â˜ș The “domesticness” just makes me đŸ„șđŸ˜©đŸ˜­ and it is so satisfying cause you also see how amazing he is as a husband 😌 Thanks for giving us the final part 💜
La Boda 😳 When it was still in your wips, i remember how it sounded really intriguing for me. After finally reading it, there was so much happening đŸ˜Č The confusion from the groom when SEVEN people bursts in 😂 Her mother fainting and being caught by the husband 😂 her maid of honor being on board and giving her a thumbs up 😂 The audience being moved by the scene while her groom is steaming pissed and his groomsmen just shrugging at him 😂 The revelation of the groom setting them up to look like cheaters, this is just like a telenovela I LOVE IT 😍 Not the MC focusing on Jk’s waist while being in his tuxedo đŸ„Ž And the groom looking for backup from his groomsmen to fight with the 7 exes currently professing their undying love for his bride 😂 The collective gasp from the guests when she drops bouquet on the ground 😂 I expected the MOH to cheer for her finally reuniting with the 7, but not her family too 😂 And finally, the classic bride running away with the one she actually loves (that just so happens to be 7 different dudes đŸ„Ž) and they live happily ever after 😌 All in all, it was a great read. The classic dramatic scenes that happens on weddings đŸ€­ I loved it, thank you for sharing it with us đŸ„° I hope you are doing okay and not overworking yourself. Goodluck on your tutoring sessions, I hope it goes well 💜
I love dad!jungkook 😭 I can imagine him wearing matching outfits with his son and getting him a little toy karaoke machine so they can sing together 😭
I couldn’t remember if I had posted La Boda or not bc I talked about it a lot 😅 the mother fainting was my favorite part lmao the absolute shock of it all is how I imagined my mom would have responded lmao she passed before my bts fan girl era but she was with me through my other eras so I can only imagine her reactions lol
The groomsmen knew better than to take on any of the exes lol especially with his beefy joon is đŸ€€
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Jungkook’s waist is amazing and I am very jealous lol
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There’s definitely a lot going on all at once and the groom was just evil so he got what he deserved being left at the altar đŸ€Ł and the bride and her seven exes can live happily ever after like they deserve đŸ„°
Thank you! I have been overworking myself this week writing for other fandoms 😅 but I think I need a few days rest 😮 I had two classes back to back so it was an hour of nerves and sweating lmao I had to turn on the ac and I’m still figuring out how to pace myself bc I go too fast sometimes and then I go too slow đŸ„Č I have to be up in about 5 hours and I can’t sleep 😮 that coffee did it’s job đŸ€Ł but I will post a chapter of the nanny next month bc I had to cut it in half and then hopefully finish the second half soon so I can post after my break in May/June đŸ„° thank you for stopping by! I’m glad you enjoyed both drabbles and I hope you stay healthy and take care 💖
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Hi Spurgiecousin! I’m impatient to see your take on the rodrigues book!:) hope you’re doing ok!:)
Thank you amigo!! I'm doing great, I know I'm super behind and it's just due to *really* underestimating how long it takes to edit down 1.5 hours lol (I'd like to get it closer in the 40 min range which still feels long). Plus I'm new to this software I'm using, I keep finding out it can do new things and am like oh shit that's cool, I need to do that to the rest of the video 😂 so it adds an extra hour of messing around
This one is mostly so long bc I added a longer intro for context, future vids should be way shorter (Jill also gets very rambly in the last chapter i talk about). And now that I'm used to the software hopefully that'll also cut down editing time.
Thank you for being patient!! ❀❀ It will be posted here the second it's done. If you need Rod content in the meantime though I'm pretty sure Fundie Fridays is getting ready to post her yearly Halloween Rodrigues round up
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ev-n-learning · 2 years
Cat stats: entirety of 2022 edition!
shut up no im not late youre late .
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Note: I double checked and literally All of that writing was in belarusian! Despite the fact that I switched how i was tracking this halfway through! So technically that's 114 hours and 8 minutes. Pretty close to russian, actually!
Marathi has so many simply because at the start of the year, I was still trying to get a handle on actually like... reading. I'm decent at that now! But currently I'm not at any sort of level where I can talk or really read or anything, haha.
(Apparently tumblr doesnt like readmores when you have an image id. Hoping this doesnt somehow ruin the formatting!)
So, starting with ukrainian; as of today I have four skills to complete to finish the duolingo course! So I think that's at least like, 12 more days? Or something? After that I'm going to go back through to make everything legendary, so I suspect in total I will have spent at least a year on it. So that's... something. Lingq is the only thing holding my reading comprehension together right now I think 😂
For marathi, I'm honestly just curious how much better I'll be by the end of this year! Maybe my goal should be like, 'read sentences' or something lol. I've long since come to terms with the fact that I just Don't learn fast at all... :)
Russian is currently sitting on the backburner, so maybe I'm a little bit better, maybe I'm not. For now, though, I'll try to stick with it and see where that takes me! I'm happy with the fact that I finally made it through duolingo, and hopefully never have to go back again, haha
Belarusian: my one true love, light of my life, So Fucking Hard to find resources for. Anyways.
You may have seen I did nanowrimo in belarusian this year! I wrote a Lot, relatively, and have written exactly one thing in belarusian since. Such is the way of nano burnout... (but actually, I'm just procrastinating.)
I haven't decided yet whether I really want to post what I did or not, so currently the file is just sitting on my phone, waiting to be transferred so I can fix typos and stuff. It's probably going to stay like that for a while.
In other news, while I did want to start usong polygloss more, I've made a fatal mistake in constantly forgetting to reply to people, so now I think the total of 3 other people on there are ignoring me. Or just not using the app anymore, one of the two. ...in light of this, I am not using polygloss for belarusian currently. #r.i.p. my dreams.
I haven't really thought much about what I want to do this year... write more, at least. I'm definitely going to try nanowrimo again, when it comes around. I'd love to start getting more listening and reading in, but I don't go on youtube much, and as far as I can tell, most anybody who's posting in belarusian is on twitter. My twitter account has been dead since 2018 (or something) and it is going to Stay that way. As far as actual books go, eh... it's a bit harder to get my hands on anything, haha. If you happen to have reccomendations, I'm all ears... :P
(Yes there is also The Tiktokâ„ąïž but that, too, has the affliction of No Fucking Subtitles and is also a hellscape just generally, so... no.)
It's also still early in the year, so it's really anyone's guess how things are gonna end up! But that's where having simple goals comes in handy XD
In short...
Ukrainian: finish duolingo course, ???
Marathi: be able to sort of read, maybe
Russian: Who The Fuck Knows, better grammar (impossible for me and yet)
Belarusian: Know Everything Better, write... more comprehensively? write my langblr posts in belarusian, maybe?
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sofipitch · 2 years
If you're comfortable can you talk about more about your experience in the fandom because I share similar sentiments, in a separate fandom. I received death threats every day and my friend's account was hacked into and certain posts of hers were deleted. It lasted years. It was horrible. Did you write your fic Long Way Home (I love the title!) before amc iwtv was announced? Are those fans of the books who drove other fans out still around and may I know who they are so that I may block them? (1/2)
If I may, I want to share that when the HP books were first released--before JKR exposed herself and before the movies aired and ruined my inner version of the books-- I read them and certain characters in my mind were never as they were in the books, Hermione was Indian in my mind, as was Lupin, based on real life friends. Ron was definitely not a redhead. I don't know why there is so much hate towards race change, but it seems that a majority of those haters are on FB, as immortalconclusions mentioned about the FB group, I am a part of it and there is much vitriol in that group, especially aimed towards the actors. I am horrified that so many fans of the little mermaid are offended by the beautiful Halle Bailey, she's the perfect Ariel as I see it. Also I hate that some fans want to see Timothee Chalamette as Armand, what a ridiculous choice. (2/2)
So I don't really want to go into it, last time someone sent me an anon shitting on one of these ppl and I answered it the person was harassing all my friends for HOURS in like .3 seconds. Like we are block mutuals and yet she knew immediately, creepy much? There have been doxxing threats on here which is fun, I have gotten threats of violence and idk how related but a friend got one of sexual assault. So I'm not waking the beast by invoking these ppl. If anyone wants specific ppl I would recommend blocking you can dm me. It's honestly not hard to tell, if you see a VC fan who refuses to acknowledge the TV show or overwhelming speaks negatively, that's them. For some reason a lot of ppl try to keep up public appearances on Tumblr yet will say the most vile shit with their IRL name attached in the FB group
I actually came up with the idea for that fic after JA's casting announcement based on ppl saying there was no way for Louis to be black without changing "everything about Louis" or that Louis and Lestat as an interracial couple would be abusive. When you are so woke you think respecting cultural differences means ppl of other races aren't ppl who go through ppl experiences and so woke that the races shouldn't mix (but for POC protection). I just wanted a way to say yes POC are (get this) ppl. And it also turned into a way for my cowriter and I to talk about our own experiences and hopefully make something for other fans of color to hopefully relate too
I'm so sorry about what you are your friend went through, fandom in general has a lot of racism and I think some of it is the anonymity, white ppl feel safer being openly racist. Like all the slurs and stuff I and others have gotten is always done via anon or sock puppet accounts. So they KNOW what they are doing is wrong bc they don't want to attach their name to it. It's both disgusting and pathetic
And yeah this is not a unique situation for VC, when ppl were objecting to JA's casting they tried to come up with a PLETHORA or reasons VC is different and you just can't with Louis and yeah it's always bullshit. Same thing with Ariel, I love The Little Mermaid and I hate the Disney remakes but I will likely see this one in theaters bc that's my girl, I get the appeal of the remakes when it is specifically one of my fave movies 😂 But someone IRL asked me my opinion bc she knows I love Ariel and I was like "she seems good" and she went on to say that "She was always made to feel bad she was a redhead growing up (this girl is like strawberry blonde so barely, 0 freckles) and Ariel made her feel better". Like they were taking away HER representation. I don't even need to go into how fucking stupid that is. They ALWAYS claim to have specific and valid rationales for this one casting, they aren't a racist (maybe they even have POC friends!) 🙄
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croissantbae · 11 months
October 16, 2023
The past few weeks have felt like a whirlwind. While I’ve been on my phone constantly the past few weeks it was almost exclusively to take photos and communicate immediately with folks to coordinate meetups. I barely looked at insta or my emails. It was seriously wonderful. Today I went through my photo album of the past few weeks and it doesn’t feel like there are enough photos. I legit feel like there should be more based on how full the trip felt.
I’m not even going to attempt to summarize the trip. I’ll just jot down a few thoughts.
1. Even though we were with the kids 24/7 and they were driving us crazy at times, now that I have to leave them I feel really sad and I miss them so much. I really do just love our family. Same goes for extended family too. After my mom/bro/sil/Shiloh departed, it felt like we weren’t whole without them. We could feel the lack of their presence. My mom is also seriously so clutch. She came to our house before we landed, made bap and miyukgook, and then picked us up from the airport. The miyukgook sVed our lives. We ate it for dinner and then as a post sleep meal when the girls were up in the wee hours of the morning. And then for breakfast the next day lol. She’s also coming tomorrow to take the girls to school because Jason has an important meeting. I would want to pay it forward for our kids but I’m generally assuming they won’t have kids (bc of climate change).
2. Adjusting to time zone changes is a bitch. The kids were waking up super early and sleeping very little when we went. And adults got virtually no sleep in the plane ride over. The girls slept fairly well but they were really squished lying next to each other on the seats. I actually got sick on the second day in and I think it was mostly from extreme sleep exhaustion (because we were already deprived from the sleep training saga and nerves not being able to sleep from starting a new job). It felt pretty miserable those first few days but thankfully the whole fam was there to watch the kids so I could get some rest. Now coming back we’re also getting terrible sleep and the kids have been awake anywhere from 11 to 4 am but I actually feel like I’m still sleeping better this time around. Today the girls slept in until noon and then I took them to school at around 2 just so they could play for a few hours. Hopefully they wake up earlier tomorrow and can actually go to school on a relatively normal schedule. Godspeed to my mom.
3. My grandma is so old. Like seriously. She was sooo happy to see us she was trying her best to keep up with us. She was actually walking so fast I was shocked. But she said she didnt care if she died she was going to walk as fast as she could so she could hang with us and not be seen as a burden. I could tell she really enjoyed herself and she bonded a lot with Dani. Jason’s grandma is much older than my grandma (I think by 10 years) but she’s still soooo healthy. She walks with a cane now but I love how social she is. We told her we’d come by to hang out the next day but she said she couldn’t because she was busy with her friends 😂. When we hung out w Jason’s family they took us to their local gogi jib (one we went to years ago too) and wansun Emo made me drink w her so I drank a bottle of soju and she drank a bottle of makgeoli lol. It was a lot of fun and the girls were thankfully well behaved.
4. Overall the kids really seemed to love Korea and want to go back. I fell in love with jejudo and seriously want to go back to the same hotel. But if we did go I wonder if it would be nearly as magical without the whole friend group there 🧐. I suspect not but there’s a different kind of fun just being with family too.
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moonyslove78 · 1 year
Hi I wanted to ask you is there some update with tumblr I don't know about cause on my dashboard I only keep seeing things tumblr "recommends" not posts of people I follow is this happening with you as well
I’m not ONLY seeing tumblr recommendations but I am seeing a LOT more than I normally would get. Usually I can scroll through my dashboard and get maybe 1 or 2 recommended posts all together.
When I did a scroll through about an hour ago, it was legitimately every other post. And none in which I would be interested in nor did I feel compelled to check out the author’s blog. So I’m not sure what’s going on but it does seem that it’s affecting the algorithm in one form or another.
Hopefully it gets fixed soon if it’s a glitch! And if it’s not and it’s purposely getting fed to us then it needs to be corrected because it’s an awful approach. And kinda just made me use my blog search to find the users that I want to see. Definitely didn’t work as they intended if it’s purposeful! 👀
I hope this helps or answers your question! 😅 I went on a bit of a rant there! 😂
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missxfaithc · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 661 times in 2022
90 posts created (14%)
571 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 147 of my posts in 2022
#markiplier - 100 posts
#youtube - 72 posts
#youtubers - 71 posts
#iswm - 61 posts
#in space with markiplier - 56 posts
#fanfiction - 39 posts
#darkiplier - 38 posts
#inspacewithmarkiplier - 27 posts
#mark edward fischbach - 27 posts
#andrew garfield - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#look at me absolutely not finishing it because i am tired and exhausted but hey heres  a base idea down hee hoho i am so excited for part 2
My Top Posts in 2022:
My thoughts/theories after completing (most) routes of ISWM:
- definite time-loop situation
- Actor Mark is involved somehow?
- cryo lady is just Celine in disguise ???
- Miss Whitaker is an old version of Celine, maybe?
- the Mark in ISWM genuinely doesn’t know what’s going on / is NOT Actor Mark (?)
- part 2 on May 2nd (hopefully)
- according to the ship’s name (Invincible II) Mark has engineered (and possibly been the captain of) a previous ship by the same name and is potentially responsible for whatever horrific ending it met
- this current ship is so poorly built/malfunctioning so much directly because of Mark’s “engineering” skills 😂
-where did the worm-hole come from?
-Wilford and Illinois appearances, brief Actor Mark appearance
-references to Heist and possibly ADWM
-lots of new characters introduced
- Old Man Mark = new ego ???
- not enough Chica
- Mark is a simp for the Captain 😂
-Lady Dimitrescu reference
-Among Us references
- part 2 will have more Wilford appearances and (hopefully) a Darkiplier appearance
- it took me a little over an hour to get my first ending
- I liked the little segment with the puppets 😂
- I’m hoping for a musical moment in part 2
- ISWM is a prequel to Heist (???)
60 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
Levitating - Head Engineer Mark x Captain Fanfic
“When I'm furthest from myself (Far away)
Feeling closer to the stars (Outer space)
I've been invaded by the dark (Can't escape)
Trying to recognize myself when I feel I've been replaced.”
still feel. — half alive
Part Seven:
Scene: Invincible II, crew quarters
[MARK tosses and turns in his sleep. It’s been three days since his encounter with his doppelgĂ€nger. He hasn’t told the CAPTAIN about the incident yet, afraid of how this new information might impact their relationship.]
Scene change: dream sequence
[MARK and the CAPTAIN are standing in a
 manor? Except, the CAPTAIN looks different. They’re wearing formal attire instead of a space-jumpsuit. The term “district attorney” bounces around in MARK’s head for some reason.]
MARK: Captain? What’s going on?
[The CAPTAIN gives him a confused look. Their face is unobscured by a visor, at least, so MARK can easily read their expression.]
MARK: Have we been here before? Why does this seem so familiar?
[MARK glances down and sees that he’s wearing a red, silky robe—just like the one his lookalike was wearing the first time they met. In the background, sounds of laughter and chatter can be heard.]
MARK: [panicking] Seriously, Captain. What’s going on? Where are we? Is there
 are we at some kind of party?
[The CAPTAIN continues staring at MARK blankly.]
MARK: I don’t understand
 what is this? Do you know where we are?
[Seemingly ignoring MARK entirely, the CAPTAIN turns on their heel and starts walking toward a grandiose-looking living room area. MARK takes a step forward to follow them, but the scene abruptly changes from a manor to a
MARK: [looking down at his change of clothing—an all-black outfit and what looks like gear for some kind of heist] What the hell?!
[The CAPTAIN, standing in front of them on what looks like a catwalk above the main floor of the large building, is wearing similar attire.]
MARK: [pleadingly] Captain, I don’t understand what’s going on! Did something happen with the Warp Core? Is this some kind of
 alternate timeline or something?
[Again, the CAPTAIN just gives MARK a blank look. It’s almost as though they’re looking through him instead of at him.]
MARK: [under his breath] This has to be some kind of nightmare or something

[The CAPTAIN once again walks away from MARK without acknowledging his existence. Once again, the scene changes. This time to
 an Italian restaurant?]
MARK: Okay, c’mon! If this is some cruel trick of the universe or something, I’m over it! Can someone please explain to me what the hell is happening?!
[The CAPTAIN, wearing an outfit appropriate for a first date in the late 2010’s, finally responds.]
CAPTAIN: [softly, uncertainly] Mark? Is this
 is this our date? I don’t remember how I got here

MARK: [frantically, grabbing the CAPTAIN’s hands from across the tabletop] Something is very, very wrong, Captain.
CAPTAIN: [nodding] I know. I feel like
 like we’ve been here before. But we haven’t, right?
See the full post
71 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
Levitating - Head Engineer Mark x Captain Fanfic
(Cover Image âŹ‡ïž )
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“If you wanna run away with me I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm Where the music don't stop for life.”
Levitating --- Dua Lipa
Scene: Invincible II, crew quarters
[Opening shot of MARK sitting on a cot.  The CAPTAIN enters from the hallway.]
MARK: [chuckling slightly] Let me guess, the toilet flooded again?
[The CAPTAIN nods once.]
MARK: Uh-huh.  Of course, it did.  This place is falling apart around us, isn’t it?
[MARK stands up and puts on his engineer uniform over his underclothes.]
MARK: You could’ve just called me over the intercom, y’know.  Unless... [with a smirk] don’t tell me this was just an excuse to see my pretty face?
[The CAPTAIN gives a noncommittal shrug from the doorway.]
MARK: [smile falling] Ah... right.  Wishful thinking, I suppose.  It’s just, well, we’ve been friends for so long and I--- [MARK shakes his head] Never-mind.  Um, I guess I should get going now.
[MARK avoids eye-contact with the CAPTAIN as he exits the crew quarters and heads for the communal bathroom.  The CAPTAIN watches him walk away and then returns to the control room of the ship.]
Scene Change: Invincible II, cafeteria
[MARK sits down at a table next to BURT and GUNTHER.]
MARK: Okay, which one of you idiots keeps clogging up the toilets?  You know it causes the entire bathroom to flood out.
BURT: It’s not my fault that they keep serving us these... [poking at the contents of food on his plate] whatever this stuff is!  Space burritos are not as cool as you might assume.
MARK: [a mildly repulsed look on his face] I... I don’t think I’d ever assume that anyway.  
GUNTHER: Why does all the food on this ship suck ass?  Weren’t you in charge of ordering all the supplies before we started this voyage through the cosmos?
MARK: [sheepishly] I may or may not have taken the cheapest supplier I could find at the time---but I was promised at least average quality on the food products!
BURT: I found a box of rations a couple days ago that were already several months out of date.
GUNTHER: Last week’s [using air-quotes] “meat surprise” had me up all night on the shitter.  I think I shat out part of my colon.
MARK: Uh... that’s gross.  But hey, speaking of dates... [smiling brightly] I think I’m finally almost ready to ask the Captain out.
BURT: [looking doubtful] That’s great, buddy.  But, um, haven’t you been saying that, like, basically ever since they stepped on-board?
GUNTHER: Yeah, dude.  It’s kinda embarrassing at this point, honestly.  You just gotta accept that they’re not into you and move on.
MARK: [affronted] Hey!  They are so into me!  I mean, we’ve been practically inseparable since they got here.
BURT: Bud, that’s ‘cause you’re a moron and someone has to keep an eye on you---no offense.  It’s just that, well, if the Captain didn’t bring you along with them so often, you’d probably have blown up the ship by accident by now.
See the full post
72 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
ISWM Theory Time! (Sort of
(Kind of mild spoilers for ISWM if you haven’t seen it yet.)
Have we ever stopped to wonder why Actor has an interest in the viewer at all? I mean, think about it for a second. During WKM, all he cared about was getting back at Celine and William. If anything, in WKM the viewer (aka the DA) may have had a thing for Damien (though that’s never been confirmed by Mark). If we’re to believe that the viewer character in Date, Heist, and now Space are all the same character, then that would mean that Actor, for some reason, has a crush on that original DA character.
But why?
The easiest answer is that the viewer is the main character and the story revolves around them. Maybe that’s why so many people flirt with them in ISWM. It’s just a gag, so to speak. It’s just supposed to be kind of silly.
And maybe it is.
But also

Actor really seems determined to take the viewer out on that date, doesn’t he? During the Noir route in Space, it gets mentioned that he’s too afraid to ask the viewer out. In one of the routes of Heist, he asks the viewer if they’re ready for their date with him. And then, of course, the viewer actually does go out on a date with Actor in ADWM.
But why is there this interest? Once again, it could easily just be because the viewer is the main character.
Here’s my theory, though: my theory is that Actor knows the viewer had feelings for Damien when they were the DA. And, since Damien eventually becomes Darkiplier (Actor’s chosen “villain”), I think the obsession with the viewer is Actor’s way of trying to sway them over to his side. Basically, a giant middle finger at Dark that says “ha ha ha, you can’t have them. They’re mine now. They’re in my universe and I make the rules here and in my story they fall in love with ME.”
I don’t think Actor cares about the viewer at all, he just doesn’t want anyone else having them (whether as a close friend or a romantic partner). And I think the only reason why Actor tries to prevent the viewer from dying (like in Space during the Fix It From the Outside videos) is because he doesn’t want his fun with them to be over. Since it’s all a game to him, since the viewer is just another plaything, Actor doesn’t want his favorite toy to get broken (or at least not broken in a way he can’t step in to fix).
Maybe that’s also why Dark is so jealous of Actor in Date. And why he’s so annoyed in Heist. He’s furious that the viewer chose Actor over him because he knows firsthand that Actor doesn’t give a shit about the viewer. Not really.
And yeah, Dark isn’t a good person either—but he was once Damien and maybe, just maybe, Damien did care about the viewer. Maybe Damien had feelings for them, too. And maybe Dark’s weird obsession with the viewer is a residual of that. Some fragment of emotion from the person he used to be.
And maybe Actor knows that, too. Maybe that’s part of it. Maybe that’s why he tries so hard to rub it in Dark’s face. Because, after all, what’s a better story than the hero saving the beautiful and/or handsome protagonist from the clutches of the terrible villain?
(Even though, in these stories, it seems to get harder and harder to tell the hero apart from the villain
113 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I made a thing:
118 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aceofshitposts · 2 years
All Roads To The Sea - Chapter Two
Hope y'all are ready for this ;) ALSO forgot to give a shout out to Mandy yesterday for helping come up with Danger's name! (which i think took and turned into a reference for an old ass radio play i have memorized 😂) AND to kriz for cheerleading me, yasmin and galkyrie for doing sprints with me :) never would've gotten any of this done without them! ao3 chapter will be up in the morning as i am scheduling this to post at midnight because i desperately need to go to bed
hope you all enjoy!!
Jaytim Week Day 2 - Summer Storm
Thankfully, they stop for a quick thirty minute break in a small town around midday. Tim doesn’t think he’s ever been more grateful to leave air conditioning and step into the unforgiving late June heat in his life. He would do anything to get away from Danger right now.
The hours had been filled by Danger’s incessant chatter, more overexaggerated, ego inflating drivel that, while annoying, Tim can ultimately tolerate. Until, of course, Danger had decided he needed to give Tim bedroom advice about Chrys. No amount of denial would make it past the reflective surface of Danger’s stupid aviator sunglasses, so Tim stopped trying. The only reprieve he got from Danger telling him in explicit detail of his own sexual escapades was when the song Danger Zone came on over the radio and Danger had turned up the volume and sang the entire thing wildly off key.
Looking over his shoulder as he speed walks away from the vehicle, under the pretense that he really had to go to the bathroom, Tim sees one of the new interns get caught in Danger’s orbit. He winces, the intern’s face quickly changing from awe to abject horror the longer Danger keeps running his mouth.
Oh well.
Better them than Tim at the moment.
Maybe if he was lucky and stalled long enough he could get in one of the other cars, with hopefully someone sane and quiet as driver.
Tim bypasses the McDonalds, which was currently enjoying the influx in customers, and heads straight for the local bank to withdraw three thousand dollars. It would be a suspicious withdrawal in hindsight, when his parents and no doubt the government came knocking but Tim would be long gone by the time they thought to.
After all, nobody was going to expect the son of the top investors in this project to go rogue.
A mistake Tim only needed them to make once.
By the time the half hour is over Tim has a bag of seven inch nails tucked away in his backpack, an emergency first aid kit, a high powered flashlight, two bottles of sleeping pills, a small toolkit and a canister of bear spray.
Chrys is standing by the back of the trailer, talking softly to the intern that Danger had accosted earlier. She looks up, meeting Tim’s eyes. Tim raises his backpack, wiggling slightly with a grin on his face. Chrys raises an eyebrow, mouthing, “later,” at him before turning away and climbing back into the truck.
Unfortunately, Danger has been waiting for him.
“What’cha got there, kiddo? Did’ya mosey on over to the liquor store to romance your girl?” Danger tilts down his sunglasses to look at him over the rims in a move Tim is sure is meant to be intimidating. Tim gives it a six out of ten.
“Uh, yeah, some wine, y’know
” Tim trails off with a shrug, immensely hoping Danger drops it.
There’s a beat of terse silence while Danger stares where Tim considers upping his intimidating rating up to an eight before Danger throws his head back and guffaws.
“Good on ‘ya, kid! You’re taking after ‘Ol Danger already.”
Oh, gross, Tim thinks plastering on a placid smile while Danger claps him on the back harder than he really had to and leads him back towards the SUV.
The hours blur together for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. Tim tries to occupy the time by reading a murder mystery paperback he picked up in the last town, hoping that whatever questions Danger asks him could be answered by a quick, “mmhmm.” Luckily, Danger seems more interested at this point just in the sound of his own voice and Tim can safely tune out his off key singing to focus on the novel.
Well, as focused as one could get in a moving vehicle while cooking up subterfuge.
Luckily, Tim is excellent at multitasking.
The sun is low on the horizon when they pull into the next motel on their stop. It’s a squat set of buildings just off the highway, one neon sign towering above them declaring vacancy. Tim watches in fascination as Doctor Hadley orders the two interns around, instructing them to hook up a hose to a nearby fire hydrant while another hose expels the used water into the desert ground.
“You’re planning to romance your girl tonight, yeah?” Danger asks, sidling up to Tim’s side and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He seems to be in a good mood, which definitely bodes well for Tim.
She has a name, Tim thinks to himself even as he nods. If Danger thinks he has plans with Chrys maybe he won’t try to drag Tim to the nearby roadside bar with him and the four off duty guards.
Danger bares his teeth in what Tim hopes is an approximation of a grin. “Good, good. You know where to find me if she ices you out but knowing you I’m sure she’ll be putting out in no time. And hey, maybe we’ll both get lucky tonight!”
Danger laughs at his own perceived joke, once again clapping Tim on the back and Tim’s going to have a bruise from Danger doing that at this rate. Tim really, really hates this man. 
By whatever grace of god or otherwise, Danger leaves Tim to put his things away from the car (a single suitcase and his backpack, honestly) and is nowhere to be seen when Tim exits back into the parking lot afterwards.
Doctor Hadley is standing outside the truck, looking through a clipboard while the interns putter about with the hose.
“Can I help?”
Hadley snorts, glancing up from his notes at Tim. “That’s hardly your concern. I don’t need sheltered socialites making a mess of my work.”
Huh. Hadley certainly didn’t pull his punches. Tim isn’t sure which he likes less: Danger’s lack of proper boundaries and overfriendliness or Hadley’s obvious disdain for everyone he deemed beneath him.
Too bad for Hadley, Tim had a lot of experience being underestimated.
“Right, I’m your supervisor, technically,” Tim hums, rocking on the balls of his feet. “I should be taking your report for the day, then.”
Hadley’s expression sours.
“Unless you would like to explain to the owners of Drake Industries, my parents, why you haven’t been giving proper progress reports to your on-site supervisor?”
The frown on Hadley’s face is almost comical. Tim was going to savour this moment forever.
“Very well,” Hadley says slowly, tone clipped. “Adams and Thorn, continue monitoring the water intake for leaks. I will be back shortly.”
Tim tries not to look too smug as he’s led into the trailer, though from the look Chrys gives him when he enters behind Doctor Hadley, he doesn’t succeed too well.
“Vital signs have been steady all through our trip today with no major issues. It refused to eat this morning, if this behaviour continues we’ll have to sedate it to put in an IV. Water cycling is almost complete and all tanks are functioning as intended.”
Tim peers around Hadley towards the containment tank. The lights are on inside so he can see that the water is only reaching up about two thirds of the tank as it refills, Jason still sitting on the floor of the tank, his head turned away.
“What about the flaking on his tail?” Tim walks up to the tank, making a show of putting a hand up against the glass to lean down and take a closer look. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Hadley twitch.
Up close Tim can see an abundance of scars across his torso, arms and even on his tail. There’s even a sizable patch that looks like it might have been a bite of some kind. Small strips of skin and scale float upwards in the water, reminding Tim of the video he saw once in his biology class of a shedding snake.
“Normal stress response,” Hadley says. “Transport is hard on any animal. As long as the rest of its vitals stay steady, it will be fine.”
Tim hums, still looking into the clear water. Jason turns his head, muscles tensing when he spots Tim so close to the glass. Tim tries to smile, taking a step back from the tank in an effort to show he’s not like Danger and gets a confused looking frown for his trouble.
“Alright, are we done, then?” Hadley’s patience truly knew no bounds. “I have data to review.”
“If that’s all you have to report for today,” Tim says, less of a question and more of an accusation. There was no doubt in his mind Hadley had his own experiments he was doing outside of what he was hired for. Had Tim actually been invested in seeing this project through he might be upset about it, but as it was, it was probably distracting Hadley enough that they had a shot at getting Jason out.
“I’m going to stay here with Chrys for a while. I want to familiarize myself with what you’re doing so I can better supervise.”
Hadley’s eye honest to god twitches while Chrys starts coughing suspiciously over by the computer.  
“Very well. I will ensure the interns put away the equipment properly and see you both in the morning.”
Tim waves at Hadley’s retreating back, a pleasant smile plastered on his face. The door to the trailer shuts with an audible bang where Chrys apparently loses her composure and she wheezes through her laughter, gasping for air.
“That was magnificent.”
“Thanks! I’ve got a lot of experience with guys who think they’re better than everyone else.” Tim grins, finally feeling relaxed for the first time all day. He drops himself onto one of the rolley stools beside Chrys, unlocking the wheels so he can scooch over to where she is. “What are you doing anyway?”
Chrys rolls her eyes. “Sweet fuck all, if I’m being honest. Hadley’s so obsessed that I’m only really allowed to record different data points and report them to him. Right now, I’m monitoring vital signs and water quality, that’s it.”
“Huh. So, we both agree he’s definitely running his own experiments in his room or whatever, right?”
Chrys snorts, “if he wasn’t then I probably would never have gotten the chance to get to know Jay. I think he thinks I’m too stupid to do anything but what I’m told.”
Just as Tim thought. As long as it worked in their favour he could hardly bring himself to care.
“So, I was thinking,” Tim starts only to get interrupted by Chrys.
“Nuh-uh. I haven’t eaten all day, and neither has Jason. You are going to that twenty four hour diner across the street and getting us some food before we talk subterfuge.”
“What?” Tim asks in the face of Chrys’ smug expression. “Serious?”
“Yes, serious. I’ll have a bacon cheddar hamburger with fries.”
Tim sighs and accepts his fate as delivery boy.
The sky is awash in shades of orange and purple when Tim returns from the diner, balancing two overloaded paper bags in his arms. One of the guards gives him an odd look until Tim produces two containers of fries for each of them, hoping the bribe would keep them from mentioning it to Danger or Hadley.
“Ugh, finally,” Chrys exclaims, deflating in her chair to slump against the side of the tank. Above that, Jason has his arms folded over the edge of the now open tank, head tilted in Tim’s direction, water dripping onto a hoodie Chrys must have put down earlier. Jason lifts one hand and waves.
“Uuuh, hi?” Tim says warily as he starts extracting the rest of the food from the bags. Chrys makes grabbing motions as Tim hands her her burger, immediately unwrapping it to sink her teeth into. “I got chicken strips and fries?”
“What, no fish and chips?” Chrys says around a mouthful.
“I wasn’t sure if that was insensitive?” Even as he says it, Tim knows it’s ridiculous and judging from the loud cackle that comes from Chrys and a  snort from Jason they both think it is too. 
Tim offers the styrofoam container towards Jason, hoping that the chicken strips were at least preferable to whatever he’d rejected earlier, who reaches out and snags Tim’s wrist.
The world goes a little fuzzy for a moment; Tim suddenly feels too big for his skin, feelings he doesn’t recognize sinking beneath the surface and overlapping with his own like waves in a pool.
Thanks for the food, is what Tim picks up eventually from the torrent of emotions suddenly flooding his mind. He blinks down at Jason’s hand, clawed fingers easily encircling his wrist, then lifts his eyes up to meet Jason’s. There’s a swell of mischief, like laughter that swirls around in Tim’s chest as Jason smirks at him.
“You’re welcome?” Tim says vaguely, still reeling from the onslaught of foreign emotions.
“First time’s always a doozy,” Chrys says, singsong from her seat. 
Jason lets go of Tim’s wrist with a shrug, still smiling and the world snaps back like a rubberband. Despite the strange intrusion Tim feels strangely bereft, alone in his head again. And then his brain catches up with the last two minutes.
“What the fuck was that?”
Jason shrugs again, eagerly tearing into his offered chicken strips, while Chrys’ grin takes on a distinctly mad scientist-esque vibe.
“Touch telepathy! Isn’t it just incredible? Hadley requires everyone to wear gloves when handling Jason because the first time he tried Jason gave him a nasty headache. Imagine if you had the power to give people instant migraines.”
Tim drops into one of the other chairs. He really shouldn’t be surprised at this point, merpeople are real and communicate via touch telepathy. It seems the plethora of books his parents kept, old tomes full of myths and legend, could not quite prepare Tim for the reality. It was one thing to be a kid, fueled by an overactive imagination and a lack of parental guidance, believing he could capture photographs of things that went bump in the night because he read it in a musty old book once.
It was another matter entirely to have reality slapping you in the face. 
Chrys takes Tim’s stunned silence as an opportunity to gush over what she’s learned so far. Her enthusiasm for the topic seems boundless, explaining with gusto about how Jason’s species mainly communicates via telepathy and how being able to share what you feel and mean directly to another person was a far superior method of communication than verbal. Humans, apparently, weren't properly equipped for telepathic communication unless Jason had skin to skin contact. 
Jason pokes around at the remnants of his fries while she talks, the black scales on his face beginning to stand out even more as he steadily begins to turn red. Telepathy or no, apparently merpeople still blushed when embarrassed.
“Are we allowed to talk subterfuge now?” Tim asks when Chrys finally comes back up for air. It’s not that Tim isn’t fascinated by the particulars of the existence of telepathy in underwater dwelling lifeforms, but they’re on a time crunch and who knew if Danger would decide he needed to check in before passing out in a drunken stupor after the bar.
Chrys rolls her eyes while Jason perks up slightly.
“Yes, I suppose. What’ve you got, wonder boy?”
“Wonder boy
?” Tim repeats.
“You remind me of a character in this comic series but I thought you wanted to talk about the plan? If you’d prefer I went over the plot of Eagle Owl and Wonder Boy I would be happy to oblige–”
Oh, Tim vaguely remembers that TV show. Reruns would air sometimes late at night, Tim falling asleep on the couch to the sound of quippy one liners and over exaggerated sound effects.
“Nope,” he says, popping the P for effect, “I’m good. What I was going to say is, we don’t have time to sit around and wait.”
Tim scooches his chair closer to the tank so that his knees are brushing Chrys’ and his shoulder is pressed against the side of the tank, easy access if Jason needs to say anything.
“Danger is a total madman and Hadley isn’t much better I’m betting. We need to move.”
Chrys hums, grabbing a long cold fry and chewing on it contemplatively, “what were you thinking?”
Tim grins, swinging his backpack onto his knees and removing the folding map from its depths. He traces a finger along the highway Chrys marked out previously, landing on a long stretch of highway they were going to be on the next day. 
“I was thinking of blowing the tires out on the truck here.”
Chrys’ eyes go wide, looking at Tim like he’d grown a second head. Jason taps the glass near Tim’s shoulder, looking at him expectantly until Tim gets the idea and holds up his hand so Jason can hold his wrist again. Chrys lifts hers as well, holding on to Jason’s other hand.
Thoughts overlap with Tim’s once again though now that he’s prepared for it it feels much less intrusive. There’s curiosity and confusion that Tim puts together as:
What does that mean?
“Oh! So, the tires are inflated with pressurized air and, in theory, if I can get through the outside with” –Tim rummages around in his backpack one handed, clumsily unearthing the paper bag filled with nails–”one of these it should compromise the rubber enough that the pressure will blow trying to escape. On a truck this big, getting a replacement quickly would probably be problematic.”
In his mind’s eye a scene unfolds of what looks like an underwater cave. A torrent of bubbles and debris erupts from the entrance with an accompanying boom. Inquiry permeates the vision like a giant question mark. Beneath that, though, there's a frisson of fear Tim can just barely detect beneath the surface.
“Yeah, kinda like an explosion,” Chrys confirms, seemingly unaffected by the undercurrent of fear Tim is picking up on. She drums her fingers against her thigh as she thinks, eyes staring at a spot over Tim’s left shoulder as she thinks. “That could work, I suppose. The tank at least is reinforced enough that an accident shouldn’t hurt you too much. Can’t say the same for the people but
“We could also try sabotaging the cycling tank?”
Chrys’ face scrunches up. “Hadley would throw an absolute fit, so yes, but being able to do it in a way that looks accidental? A lot more risky. Plus, if something did go wrong with the tank set up I don’t think Hadley would leave.”
There’s a burst of distaste from Jason, accompanied by an image of Hadley looking down at him from outside the tank.
“Tires it is, you think you can get away with it?” Chrys asks while slumping down in her seat. Suddenly, she looks utterly exhausted, hand slipping from Jason’s grasp to fall into her lap.
“Running over a few nails could happen anywhere, so, yeah. It’s more
 I’ve never tried blowing out tires before? It should work, I just
 don’t know how long it will take.”
Chrys blows a raspberry, dragging a hand down her face. “Okay, that’s- okay. And after?”
That’s a little more tricky. Blowing out the tires would buy them time to make some sort of escape but the logistics were a lot more complicated.
“Well,” Tim says while rubbing the back of his neck, “uh, I didn’t really get that far.”
“Right,” Chrys snorts. “I imagine Danger will send some of his men to the nearest town for help so that’ll at least get rid of a pair of guards, at least.”
“At the very least we buy some more time before we get to Gotham.”
Jason squeezes Tim’s wrist once, an image of the Gotham City skyline from afar appearing in his mind. Tim easily is able to pick out the shape of the dock district, the towers sinking further into the distance. As he concentrates there’s the phantom sensation of water lapping around his shoulders.
“You know Gotham?” Tim asks in a rush, coming back to the present. Chrys sits up straighter, reaching a hand out to touch Jason’s arm.
Jason grins, nodding an affirmation. There’s more images and scenes that rush up around him: diving back into the sea, swimming in the darkness until a light glimmers along the seafloor. A cave, the entrance encased in what looks to be some kind of glowing plant, swimming through various passages all marked with the same glowing plants until -
Tim lets the real world fall away, entranced by the memory Jason shares with them. He almost feels like they’ve passed through some kind of portal to another world, the water clear and brightly lit here by glowing plants and rocks. Structures carved out of stone, an entire city sitting in an underwater cavern just miles away from Gotham City.
“Oh my god,” Tim breathes, still a little lost in the memory, “this is perfect.”
“What is?”
“There’s one place in the world my parents would never think I’d willingly go. We get Jason out of here, hijack one of the SUVs and keep going to Gotham.”
“You really are insane,” Chrys says, waving her other hand in front of her. “We still have to get Jason out of the truck.”
Tim eyes Jason’s muscular arms.
“You think you could drag yourself out?”
Jason shrugs, an air of indifference flowing to Tim. Shouldn’t be too hard.
“And who’s going to stop us when I’ve got these?” He pulls one of the bottles of sleeping pills from his bag, Extra Strength emblazoned across the label.
Chrys’ dissolves into laughter, choking out, “absolutely insane,” between ragged breaths.
Jason’s brows knit together, looking towards Tim filled with confusion.
They talk a little longer, topic drifting from Tim’s explanation on how melatonin works back to The Adventures of Eagle Owl and Wonder Boy, which Chrys has apparently read every issue of along with watching the TV show from the 60s. Tim can feel the way Jason is enraptured by the story, listening raptly and broadcasting any questions he has for Tim to answer.
It gets easier as time goes by to accurately separate Jason’s thoughts from his own, to parse them out into questions and statements that make sense out loud.
The sun is long set by the time Tim and Chrys emerge from the back of the truck. At the last second before opening the doors Chrys reaches out, roughly ruffling Tim’s hair and then doing the same to her own.
“Better they think we were having sex, right?”
Right. Their cover.
Predictably, the two guards steadfastly avoid eye contact as they exit, Chrys striking up a brief conversation to distract them both while Tim rounds to the front of the truck. A cursory glance towards the motel shows all the windows as dark except for one, where Hadley was currently working away no doubt. Reasonably satisfied that no one was watching, Tim carefully places two nails against the tread of the front wheel, angling them so that when the truck moved backwards it would get impaled by the long nails.
In the end, Tim’s plan goes completely off the rails.
Danger’s in a foul mood from the hangover and, presumably not having picked up any women at the bar the night before. Moody Danger apparently means a quiet Danger, which Tim would normally prefer over the constant chattering if it weren’t for the way it felt like the air could snap at any moment. 
Rain beats heavily against the windshield, competing with the deafening blast of the radio, Danger pounding a harsh rhythm against the steering wheel. The storm had descended on them suddenly just after they had exited the last city, showing no signs of slowing down over the course of the last few hours. 
Tim is in the middle of his book, trying to concentrate when Danger is practically radiating his displeasure to the world at large, when a thunderous crack splits the air, light blinding Tim for a second.
Ahead of them the truck swerves wide, tires squealing in the rain. Danger swears, slamming on the breaks and turning sharply to try and avoid slamming into the side of the trailer.
The truck continues to swing, only beginning to stop when it hits the swathe of dirt that separates the lanes, the trailer beginning to tip dangerously to the side. Tim is helpless to watch, hands braced against the door and middle console as the SUV isn’t able to stop in time and the airbags deploy.
Someone’s tugging at his arm, sounds filter in slowly: the rain, various alarms blaring, someone talking a mile a minute.
Tim blinks, sitting up. Through the spiderwebbed windshield he can see the underside of the trailer, to his left Danger is slumped into the airbags. For a moment Tim actually worries the man is dead but doesn’t have time to dwell as whoever is pulling his arm yanks him sideways to the right.
“Come on, get up! You fucking maniac, come on!”
Chrys. Chrys is the one talking to him, right. Things begin to flood back to Tim, then, the lightning, the crash. He looks up at chrys, there’s blood smearing across her face in the rain from a cut on her forehead.
“Jason?” Tim asks, his brain struggling to keep up. 
“Jason’s okay, the tank took most of the impact but we have to move now!”
Tim fumbles with his seatbelt and lets Chrys pull him out of the car. Above them the sky cracks with not so distant thunder.
“You almost killed me, asshole,” Chrys shouts over the pounding rain, her voice unsteady.
“Didn’t expect the storm,” Tim replies, equally unsteady. He surveys the damage, the SUV that was behind him and Danger crashed into their bumper, the two guards there also presumably out for the count. The right door to the trailer lies on the pavement, Jason sitting just inside of the hinges looking apprehensive.
“How?” Tim asks as Chrys lets go of his arm in favour of stomping ahead towards the last remaining SUV, doors open, parked with the hazards on and facing the trailer. The last set of guards must have turned around to try and help. 
“I knocked out Hadley and stuck the guards when they came in with two syringes of tranquilizer. I think” –she swallows thickly–”I think Adams is dead.”
Tim glances behind Jason, bodies and equipment strewn about inside. He tries not to dwell on the amount of blood pooling against the wall. 
“C’mon, let’s get him in the car. I already put some supplies in the back but I don’t know how much time we have.”
Jason protests being carried and as it turns out his tail is way too heavy for them to lift anyway. Instead Jason drags himself the short distance over to the car with Tim helping him into the passenger seat while Chrys keeps an eye on the bodies in the truck.
“Let’s go, Chrys!” Tim yells, one foot in the SUV, looking up to see-
Chrys struggles against Danger, scrabbling at the arm locked around her neck. She makes eye contact, her expression wild as she stops struggling momentarily to scream, "just go!" 
Danger levels a gun up at Tim with his other arm. 
Tim really doesn’t need to be told twice.
A gunshot rings out, Tim barely catching movement as he scrambles to finish getting in the car as Chrys plants her feet and shoves, causing Danger's shot to go wide.
Tim puts the car in reverse and drives.
[next chapter]
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gregorygerwitz · 2 years
Owww, just saw about the box on the head, hope you are doing better. One more thing I am astounded with is that not just being August bday buddies, but same age buddies. I know I see 26 in the bio every time I check for new posts because tumblr notifications are shit, but it only hit me now that that's about to change 😅 (more being older by a year anxieties). And yes, I am like that, checking on people often, because it's me, so hoping you are okay and sending good vibes for your birthday + Duolingo lessons + writing. They are coming your way, you can't stop them.
First of all: ominous positivity. I love it. I love it a lot.
I'm totally fine! I was definitely more stunned by the box than anything! (it was like 13 lbs, I think the label said? and it only fell like 6 inches before my head stopped it, so it was relatively a non-issue. I've had worse this week, it's chill) The coworker who saw it did check in on me again today just to make sure I was okay 😂
Birthday! Buddies! I've been checking the time all day doing my regular countdown. Less than 4 hours, here, until I'm 27 and I... don't know how I feel about that. The passage of time makes me anxious.
Writing is not happening right now. I'm trying. Hopefully I'll get a few things done tonight.
Duolingo is... I just had to redo the same sentence six times because I couldn't figure out the right gender for the "the" for the word (and it wouldn't tell me, or it would but it was the wrong form? like it kept giving me the plural when it's supposed to be singular), and then I made a typo, and then I made another typo, and... yeah. It was a lot. But I'm never going to get that sentence wrong again, so there's that.
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broomsticks · 2 years
oooh heck yeah!! 23, 38, 39, &/or 30? (if you like, no pressure re: any of these!!) <3<3<3
from this fic writer ask game!
:D hellooooo thank you for playing!! oh eep some tough ones hahaha
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
unreliable narrator, if that counts as a trope? it’s so fun.
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
seriously i thought i was a 7-8ish, but after seeing some of y’all’s mayonnaise-jar-eating chaos i think i might be... maybe a 4? i might have plunny fragment ideas scattered across 8 different docs—that are not the fractionally drafted/plotted fics—with no rhyme or reason as to how they’re organized, but at least i do not have a single Untitled document 😂😂😂
i do write in total lowercase though imsorry, sentence caps is one of the last things i do.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
characterization? canon details? i don’t care that much about actual canon compliance (malicious canon compliance is where it’s at 😈), but especially for the fics i’ve written (/am writing) based off other people’s fics, working in nods and callouts and themes/motifs is always fun and it’s the MOST lovely thing to hear that i got their fic/characters!
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
ahhh big big big ahhhs about sharing my drafty messes hahaha, but, have this context-free and also capitalization-free... thing XD
“here, monday’s runes notes,” lily drops a sheaf of parchment in remus’ lap, flicks a quick glance around, and presses a quick kiss to his brow. “are either of you free the last friday before break?” she asks. “potions society’s invited ((random name)) to come speak—i know, potions, but slughorn’s not that bad, honestly, and the canapes are good!” peter exchanges a glance with remus. lily takes the pause as permission to continue: “it’ll be interesting! she’ll be discuss—” “no,” says remus, flatly, “thank you lily,” but there’s a smile in his eyes. “pete?” she asks hopefully. “i’ve got plans,'' says peter, “quidditch practice,” and gives her his most beatific smile. it’s no secret he hates flying — he’ll listen to james talk game strategy any day, but he’d been mysteriously sick every flying class and they’d given up after the first term. “you’re terrible,” she declares, walking off, tossing over her shoulder, “you’re both terrible.” “love you too, lily!” hollers james from overhead. peter sprawls out belly down on the grass, wriggles his elbows about to make himself comfortable. he longs to kick off his shoes, but he has no idea when james and sirius will have enough and want to go back in. they could be five minutes more, or two hours, no one can tell. “what’re you reading?” remus asks. peter holds up his chess magazine. it’s obvious enough from the diagrams, but remus is only working up to something, peter knows — peter is the dress rehearsal. he discreetly taps the game playing out on the page to pause it and idly scans the advertisements on the facing page.
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