#and i went: bitch bET
toxinoire · 7 months
Kara never thought of it when Lena first asked her this question.
"What if someone says; in like a few years maybe, I'd be...gone?" Lena asks, staring at the distance.
Kara got confused at this question. But decided to answer anyway. "Well, I'd most likely, punch them or something. I'm not letting that happen."
Lena chuckled. "You're right...I guess it's just another existential crisis."
"Want to talk about it?" Kara asks softly. Lena just smiles at her. "No, darling. It's alright. It's just one of those times."
"Well, if you need anything...food, movies, a hug, I'm right here."
Lena laughs and nods. "Got that."
She didn't ask that question for no reason. She isn't sure if Kara already figured this fact out already, but their time is limited. Because Kara won't die unless she gets killed with Kryptonite or the day the yellow sun flying over them dies.
Lena knows there's a chance that Kara's life could be at stake at any given moment, but at the same time...there's a possibility that she could have Kara for the rest of her life. While Kara won't have Lena, nor the rest of their family for the rest of her life.
See here's the thing, Kara knew that. But ignorance is a bliss, as they say. She pretends that the day won't come.
But...maybe she indulged herself too much.
Because right now, Kara, swear to Rao, drops the car she's currently carrying as her eyes widen in fear. Through a window, not that big, but big enough for her to witness it firsthand.
Lena, sweet, gentle, beautiful Lena, with a knife pierced through her neck. She heard the enemy responsible for it, the one who's back is facing the window, laugh. Fucking laugh. Kara and Lena make eye contact through the window, Lena smiling gently, softly, warmly, at her. Muttering something no human could hear, but Kara heard so clearly. Her voice as soft as her gaze.
"I love you."
Kara barges in, breaking the whole wall, she rushes to her, hoping she could still save her. Hoping she wouldn't lose her. She can't lose Lena, she just can't.
However, it was too late. The knife stabbed a very fatal spot, and Kara witnesses Lena drop to the ground.
Kara can no longer hear her heartbeat.
"Aww, look at Supergirl. The Paragon of Hope, looking hopeless-"
Before this asshole can finish, Kara pushes him, actually pushes him off the broken wall, she hears him scream and plummet down, but she doesn't care.
"Please, no. No. Fuck. Please don't leave me, don't take her too, please." Kara tries to get help, but to no avail.
Lena Luthor's death was publicly announced two days later. Many were happy at the fact that there was not a single Luthor left. The Superfriends grieved in their own ways. At least some people in the city actually acknowledged what Lena did for the world and paid their respects. The Superfriends tried to comfort Kara. She appreciates it, of course, but it won't bring Lena, Kara's...everything, back to her.
Now everywhere she goes, Kara just sees Lena.
She would try to go to Big Belly Burger, she just remembers that time they celebrated Lena's birthday there. Noonan's? She just sees Lena's smile when Kara gives her coffee from that place. The park in National City? That time Lena used her magic fully for the first time. CatCo? She remembers every hall Lena ever walked in. She sees a book? She remembers Lena giving her one.
Her own apartment also reminds her of Lena, all the times they had there. Certain foods remind her of Lena. Everything around her is now just a ghost of Lena. Even fucking kryptonite reminds her of Lena.
She's everywhere Kara goes.
No one in the city realized how much Supergirl was so torn over the loss of Lena Luthor.
Some dickwads actually thought she was happy about it, which some idiot reporter asked her one day.
"You must be really relieved that the last Luthor is no longer a threat."
Kara stays silent, yet her eyes emmit everything she wants to say.
Kelly holds back an angry Alex from hitting someone, but Kelly herself is yelling about how insensitive that was, about how this reporter is disrespecting the dead, about how they forgot that Lena worked with Supergirl. Both Brainy and Nia list down everything that Lena has done to save the city.
Kara? She's been silent, before taking a deep breath, looking at the reporter, knowing there are cameras surrounding her, she says,
"This world is nothing without her."
Then, she flies away, higher into the blue skies and screams.
Would you look at that, world. There's a Luthor that successfully broke a Super.
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barrel-crow-n · 6 months
Kaz: I don't care about anyone, I don't have friends.
Also Kaz: *Builds an underground tunnel under half of the city to his besties' house*
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youraveragecatastrophe · 10 months
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[ID : four pencil sketches, digitally colored, of characters from the 2019 show Carmen Sandiego.
Carmen as seen by Zack and Ivy during their first meeting in the donut shop, but she looks closer to her young appearance in VILE island : her hair goes to her shoulders, her face is rounder and she wears the coat and hat she stole from Cookie Booker. She is frowning and balling her fists as if trying to appear intimidating.
Carmen on the runway in Milan. Her hair, in a ponytail, is fluffy like her regular hair. She looks to the viewer with a cocky smile as she strikes a pose.
Julia in Rio, wearing the ACME suit with the pants instead of the skirt. She is leaning against the table where Carmen and Shadowsan were drinking coffee, looking intently at a cup.
Zack at the party in Dubai, wearing a black jacket with a complex multicolored pattern. He looks to the side with a smile. /End ID]
Some things I wish we'd seen in season 2 of Carmen Sandiego! In no particular order, a visibly younger and scruffy Carmen during her first meeting with Ivy and Zack, Carmen's Milan runway look having her fluffy hair instead of it being straightened, Julia in an ACME pantsuit instead of the skirt, and Zack wearing a more original jacket than the black one he wore in the Emirates.
(Zack's suit is from here, because I could not design something this complicated)
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shawolsos · 5 months
Hello, I am once again pushing my Charlie/Babe = James/Lily agenda.
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teatitty · 1 year
Shizuo’s dislike for Izaya canonically being that he just thinks Izaya has rancid vibes is like his best character trait imo
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uluthrek · 5 months
reblog if you agree that the war of the five kings wouldn’t have happened if jaime hadn’t gotten his ass handed to him at the tourney for joffrey’s name day.
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fjordfolk · 2 years
Breeder who just had her 2nd ✨accidental✨ double merle litter: Anyway it's no big deal. The double merle bitch I kept from last time produced several conformation champions. She doesn't know she's completely deaf and partially blind with underdeveloped eyes and needs daily eye drops for the rest of her life, so her quality of life is not affected. There is nothing wrong with this picture.
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winterrose42 · 4 months
Whatever happens i hope the entirety of the medical system and every other established bullshit broken system run by people whi think theyre entitled to other peoples worth burn to the ground as painfully as possibly and the people effected get to mount their heads on sticks before being given contracts to be involved in the rebuilding process so its actually fucking fair and works
Rapidly losibg vacation time i cannot just simply go to work after just fuck all bullshit
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dullahandyke · 1 year
Yes win my Irish folklore podcast of choice has an ep on the curse of macha! Was thinking abt it all class <3
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mimikyuno · 8 months
hate and war to all terfs on this earth. i hate y’all and i hope u get deprogrammed soon 🙏🏻
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sparklestheunicorn · 1 year
I can see you is so pen and kelsea coded
#taylor swift#the tearling trilogy#ME!#(bet you bitches thought i was done)#'what would you do if i went to touch you now? what would you do if they never found us out? what would you do if we never made a sound?'#and the whole kelsea not feeling ✨️sexy✨️. and im pretty sure she thought something along the lines of what would you do if i kissed. what#would you do if we fucked right here right now#AND THEN THERES THE CHORUS 'i can see you waiting down the hall for me' HE IS HER PERSONAL GUARD. OF COURSE HES WAITING FOR HER#'and i could see you up against the wall with me' HOW SHE STARTED LOOKING FORWARD TO THEIR NIGHTS TOGETHER#and back to the first verse 'ive been watching you for ages and i spend my time trying not to feel it' girl has been watching him and wonder#ing why he hasnt made a move yet but she is the queen of a dying kingdom and has more important things to worry about than her teenage urges#'AND WE KEPT EVERYTHING PROFESSIONAL BUT SOMETHINGS CHANGED ITS SOMETHING I LIKE' like come on#pen desperately clinging to his job his duty and kelsea's just begging him to touch her#'they keep watchful eyes on us'. the mace the next day like 'ohoho what do we have here' and how he's just been so overprotective of her#not to mention the rest of her guards always watching.#'i could see you make me want you even more' THE FACT THAT SHE COULD HAVE LOVED HIM BACK. THAT SHE WAS ALMOST THERE. THAT HE WAS WHAT SHE#WAS CLINGING TO IN THE DUNGEONS OF MORTMESNE#im very happy i made this connection#needed another tearling post for a while now
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hyaciiintho · 9 months
🌸。*゚+. @diademreigned || continued
He always was one dedicated to the practice of alchemy, devoted to the knowledge of it like no other. It made her feel better, knowing she had such a powerful ally in her corner, and a RELIABLE friend. Amicia wasn't entirely ignorant to the practice, but most things certainly did go over her head-- way over, even.
"If you think it would help." She gave in without a fuss, and perhaps, that would have been one's greatest hint in knowing that something wasn't right. But Lucas knew that already, else, why would he favor giving her his attention, instead of continuing his notes from prior? "W-what do they look like? We can look for them, together."
It would be good to keep herself busy. She wasn't so keen on staying put for a moment longer.
Really, she would rather be doing something more proactive for their situation-- getting Hugo the help he NEEDED. The longer she waited around, the more tempting it was to leap out the nearest window, Hugo in tow, and merely continue to seek out answers for herself, as she had done before.
THAT would be stupid, especially in her current state. She's done more stupid things in the past, though.
"I'd assume you have a picture of them in that book of yours?" She nodded towards the discarded book, only to WINCE shortly after. The action, though barely one at all, was enough to jar her head and make her feel dizzy. The world felt as if it had shifted from underneath her, and for a moment, the brunette had to brace herself against where she now sat. For all the pain she felt, the most prominent expression on her face was annoyance above all else.
ANNOYED at being rendered helpless.
"Stupid--" She muttered, brows twitching in time with her flared anger. "F-flowers. Those flowers. Let's find them."
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andialmostdo · 7 months
do you guys ever think back at an interaction you had with someone and wish you could undo it because the things you did is eating you alive bc that’s me right now 😩
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ghostsxagain · 1 year
//my loves! wow! what a day! naturally work was a pain in the ass today and I got very little done here. and I only have half an hour before I have to get on the subway for my other job BUT! if I'm not totally exhausted after work I would love to come on here to work on drafts/memes/starters. wish me luck!//
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thankyoumskobayashi · 10 months
Chojiro: I'm his right-hand arm-- Man. His confidante. His silly rabbit--
Rangiku, taking notes and not just for Seireitei Bulletin: His "silly rabbit?" That's what he calls you?
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universestreasures · 1 year
[ THIRTEEN ] sender was kidnapped, receiver shows up to save them. [Club: Junos @ Luquier & Fullbau loloolol
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Luquier isn't the only vampire hunter in the area. If you knew where to look, you'd find a slew of people in the same business of killing bloodsuckers. It's not surprising at all considering how many people on both sides hated those in powers, humans hating the subjugation and prejudice and fellow vampires hating how despite their people's power there were still those among their ranks who were struggling for food to survive. Indeed their world was a messed up place, one truly needing change.
Although, changing the world was far from her mind. No, what her mind was focused on today was the fact a rival huntress, the songstress named Farah who used her voice to lure her targets in, had taken the very person she staked a claim on. It was a rule that hunters wouldn't seek other's targets, but since Luquier has failed in killing this one several times now, it seems like Farah thought it was fair game. Big mistake if you asked Luquier. For everyone should know never take the prey the silver-throned assassin has claimed.
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"Oh, that siren is going to pay for this...No one is going to kill that idiot but me!"
She quickly leaves her seat at the local bar she often visits to gather information about her targets to be on her way, leaving the bartender a nice tip for telling her about the trouble lord idiot had gotten himself into this time. With a whistle, Fullbau appears in a flash from where she had left him, the woman gently stroking his head and praising him before jumping on his back. Her whip crack to the ground signals the High Beast to charge forth, knowing he can track his former master's location from his scent, even if it was faint. That idiot's smell was one of a kind, so fruity and sweet like candy, perfectly unfitting for a vampire like him.
Then again, she saw him unfit to be a vampire anyway. He was more like an impudent child than anything else. And here she was, coming to his rescue, like she was his knight in shining armor or something. Ridiculous...She's only doing this because he's her claim to kill, and she wasn't about to lose to a rival vampire hunter, especially not that singing bitch. That's all.
The trek takes her up through the local mountain pass, a remote location that seemed to have either humans or vampires living there. It was the perfect place for any hunter to have as a home base. Luquier preferred having hers in an underground bunker in one of the major cities. It was easier to get jobs and resources, after all. Though, even she can't deny the appeal of being so far away from everything. The peace and quiet would at least assist in her beauty sleep, at the very least.
Eventually, ice-blue hues find themselves glancing upon a rather nice home. From what she could tell by the architecture, it probably belonged to a vampire noble and their family, who Farah killed. Not a bad place, not bad at all. Guess Luquier will have to put it to good use after she's done with the one who dared to take her claim.
Using all of his strength, her beast breaks open the door to the place, and within sight, she finds her target. Looks like he found himself being strapped to a table and about to be cut into by the songstress. Looks like she was just in time to spoil the fun. At least Lord Idiot hadn't found himself dead just yet, despite her nose instantly smelling his blood from some bleeding wounds he probably got during his capture. He was going to die at her hands and her hands alone. That was a promise.
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"Hey, bitch! He's mine! As in, he's my prey to kill! You got that?! Now, hands off!"
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