#and i’m also just a nosy person so i get curious about things
i am *this* close to downloading snapchat just so i can keep an eye on my youngest cousin
0 notes
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Summary: James meets his favorite student's mother for the first time.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr
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teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james te—
specifically james as a kindergarten teacher
(see inspiration post)
(just kindergarten instead of preschool)
(yaknow, for the plot)
Okok lets get started :D:D:D
You’ve got a sweet baby boy of a son (I’m sorry if you don’t!! I also don’t but idk my stepmom is pregnant with a boy and I’m super excited and this mess is what came out so here you go)
And he’s five and in James’ kindergarten class
Baby boy is just the sweetest little thing
James loves him to death
He’s smart and nice and helpful and just an absolute gem
Like seriously tho James goes to the library during his lunch break to hang out with school librarian!Remus and school secretary!Sirius and just can’t shut up about how much he loves your son like James just talks about him the whole lunch period
And Remus and Sirius are like
“That’s great, James 😐"
But James doesn’t care he’s just too excited to have such a bright young boy in his class
And also (because James is nosy af) he’s super curious to see what kind of parents this kid has
So parent-teacher conferences roll around and he’s like “What kind of geniuses are raising this kid?? Let’s see em????”
And then nurse!reader rolls up to the 7:30 PM meeting, still in her hospital scrubs and profusely apologizing for being like three minutes late
And James is like
Not at ALLLLLL what he was expecting
(not that he’s complaining, you’re fucking adorable and a great break from all the stuffy parents he’s had to deal with all day)
So you and him sit down and talk about your son’s work at school
And James just gushes about him to you practically the whole time
Like legit James fell for him before he even met you
Meanwhile you’re like
1) damn i didn’t know my kid’s teacher was so pretty
(Not like that’s important ofc because you have priorities and your son always comes first.)
And 2) but like can my son read?? Can he do math?? Are you teaching him science sir????
And James is like “yeah but he’s NICE and KIND and EMPATHETIC
And you’re like
“……yeah…… bc that’s an important part of learning to be a good person … ofc I showed him how to be kind?? Like what????”
And James
(poor baby’s bar is on the floor from all the Karens who’s kids he teaches)
He’s just so enamored about how you’re just like naturally kind and caring??
And you imparted that onto your kid????
Your conference time is the last one on James’ schedule, and he absolutely irritates the fuck out of Remus and Sirius as he drives them back to their flat
Like he can’t shut up about you
And your kid
Like he just loves your son
And has a little puppy-love crush on you
Remus pretends to be annoyed and Sirius teases him
But when James drops them off they’re already planning your wedding
(Remus: “You know, we haven’t actually even met her …” Sirius: “So? Have you ever seen James this smitten??? It’ll happen, love. Trust the process.”
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babiebom · 4 months
Hey! I’ve been into SDV for a while know and I found your profile and it’s absolutely amazing! Your headcanons are so accurate and your writing is so smooth! I love it all! I saw that you take requests, so could you do headcanons for Stardew Valley Bachelors and Bachelorettes reactions when they find out that the farmer has a prosthetic leg?
(Love your work💗💗)
A/N: thank you for enjoying my work!! I try my best to write everyone in a way that I think is accurate so it feels good when people say that they think it is. Again if anything is offensive or wrong let me know!!!
Tw: some cursing, maybe some mean things/judgement/ableism because let’s face it not everyone is nice, a person without a prosthetic writing about it. let me know if anything else should be tagged!
Bc: at least 5 for each!! Some are shorter than others!
Stardew Masterlist
I feel like Sebastian would try to act normal about it but would be like….
Hmm okay
I don’t think he would react outwardly
He would try to keep things inside
And I don’t think he’s ableist
But he would be like
OMGOMGOMGOMG in his mind
He wouldn’t ask questions either
He’d just act like everything is fine when in reality he’s now panicking like……..
Is he supposed to act different? He doesn’t think so? Is that rude?
Is terrified of losing you and doesn’t want to mess anything up.
When he does ask about it tries to do it in the most non offending way possible.
Because he is curious about it
I don’t think anyone else in the valley has prosthetics
So he does want to know everything
He’s really nosy tbh
But acts all emo and as if he isn’t and that he doesn’t care
If you wanna ever talk about it I think you would have to bring it up first
OH COOL ya know *insert some random thing*
He wouldn’t be all “omg I didn’t know I’m so sorry” about it
I think he’s similar to Emily in this
In that it doesn’t really change his view of you
Would probably say offensive things though
Like on accident and because his mind is coming up with dumb questions and he has no impulse control when it comes to his mouth
Would ask if you could be like a pirate
Or ask if it means you can skateboard better than him
Would probably give you a kinda offensive nickname
But again hes doesn’t mean to be stupid about it
DOES change his tune if you don’t like it
Would never want to continue doing something that you actively dislike
Does ask every question that is on his mind
I feel like rather than the others he’s much more comfy with you
So doesn’t hesitate to ask about anything he lacks knowledge on
Depending on where you are in your relationship he has different moods
Like if he hasn’t opened up and is still depressed and an alcoholic he would be VERY pessimistic about it
Would probably get your spirits down
Would also probably say VERY offensive things in his melancholy state
Would say sorry only after you say that he’s being rude about it
If it’s after he gets help no matter if you’re dating or not he’s still like…
About it
Y’know? But he wouldn’t be an asshole either he’d just be like
Are you okay? About it if it makes sense?
Like it’s not an omg are you okay it’s more of a how are you feeling about it way
Like no matter if you’ve had the prosthetic forever or got it more recently his question is the same
How do you feel about it?
Does really care about your thoughts
I do think with him you’d have more deeper conversations than with anyone else other than maybe Harvey
While I don’t think he’s very judgmental on purpose
He probably would say some rude things
Or react in a rude way
Maybe thoughtless is the right word?
Like he isn’t going to be mean or anything
But he will say something like “oh like a pirate or something!”
And you’d be like “??????sure I guess….?”
Would want to swing your prosthetic leg around for shits and giggles
Understands that it’s expensive to get proper prosthetics but it’s in the back of his mind
Wouldn’t really treat you any differently unless it’s something that he thinks could hurt you
Even if you can do it alone
He’s like “NONO let me do it!!”
I don’t know what type of person you are but I know that’s either a relief so you only have to do easy things or it’s annoying because you’re perfectly able to do things on your own.
Is always impressed that you can do your farming duties.
Like it’s sorta ableist?
Like he’s a little confused but he has the spirit type of thing
His first thought would be
Damn how good is your insurance
Or if you had to pay out of pocket for it
Is a doctor after all
I think he’d be curious in a doctor way
Because again I don’t think anyone else in the valley has a prosthetic (Sadge bc diversity is cool)
So he hasn’t really seen them that often
Would probably be very intrusive if you two are close
Would also back off if you weren’t okay with it
Does however become very….worried? About you
I don’t think worried is the right word
But would remind you to take breaks more often than he would a farmer without one (and even then it’s pretty often)
Like a mother kinda
Is kinda ableist but doesn’t realize because he thinks it’s just his doctor side
Again will stop if you want him to
Would absolutely have some interesting facts about prosthetics
Would try to be poetic about it
And it’s either very cringy or cute based on hope you think of him
Would probably try to write a book or story or poem or something about a character with a prosthetic
Does get a lot of things wrong with the facts but tries
Because you are his muse
And his characters reflect you even if he won’t admit is until you’re closer enough
Might change something’s up about it though so it’s not exactly you
Just in case you hate it so he could be like “nononono this character has a DIFFERENT prosthetic hehe”
I do think he’s ableist but again like the others not in a judgemental kind of way just…..uninformed
Will listen if you try to teach him
Will also fight anyone who has anything to say about it
Depending on where you are in your relationship makes her reaction different
Like before she opens up I think she’d have a mean girl type of reaction
Like she’d make a face and everything and ask rude questions.
Like it would genuinely either make you mad or make you feel bad
She’d be like “WHAT THE HELL??”
And you’d be like “tf???? Are you okay?”
She’s ask VERY personal questions
Partly because she’s curious and partly because she has to make fun of you by being a bitch
But if you’re closer when she finds out she’s just like…
Taken aback and like oof but that’s the extent to it
I think if you’re closer she’d be too scared to ask any questions because while she gives no fucks she likes you
Whether it be in a romantic or platonic way
And she doesn’t want to push you away or anything
So she won’t really comment on it other than being like “oh….okay….”
Will fight anyone who says something about it though
Like even if they’re asking a valid question or something she’s like “ABSOLUTELY NOT”
Doesn’t react at all other than being like oh cool!
Honestly I don’t think she would think anything different of you, or even think that anything has changed now that she knows
Like you have always been the person that she knows and your limbs being different doesn’t mean anything because why would it?
Does make you cute accessories for it if you allow it though
Makes covers, will bedazzle it, literally whatever you want.
I think out of all of the bachelors and bachelorettes she would be the one to make it the least weird.
Like the others would either ask really insensitive questions or act weird about it
She’s like <3 yeah okay anyways do you wanna see this dance I’ve been practicing?
Like sorry I don’t have many headcanons for her she’s just….normal when it comes to things that other people would deem weird(not to be ableist I hope you know what I mean by this bc people are asses)
But again not in a judgy way
She just….
She means well but it’s kinda annoying if you don’t want help
Just like how she shoves George’s wheelchair out of the way at the mailbox to help him
It’s like first you should ASK if someone wants help
And second helping isn’t always what you think it is
Would help you without asking if you want it
Acts like she just is so much stronger or whatever
Is VERY embarrassed after you talk to her about it
Might try to argue back that she was just helping
But ultimately realizes that she was kinda overstepping
Just wants to make things easier for you
Would think it’s cool
Asks dumb questions like if it gives you an advantage over anything that others wouldn’t think about
Forgets about it half the time tbh
Like it doesn’t matter to her
And thankfully she has make herself her own person outside of Pierre’s beliefs bc child her would’ve been mean
But she does think it’s cool and like the others has a million different questions
Asks them nonstop
Also like Alex asks if she can use it as a weapon
Sometimes offensive but not often I don’t think
Would probably say some bullshit like you’re part robot or something
Again depending on how you feel she either keeps up this joke with you.
Or lets it die out
Cooler than most about it
I think she’s one of the ones that doesn’t react
Because she’s lived in the city
I think she has come across a couple people with different kinds of prosthetics
So she isn’t like the others with a million questions or anything
It’s much more normalized for her that she doesn’t really comment or question it
Will ask if she could create one for you out of wood just to see if she can
Also one of the ones that would knock a bitch out for coming at you in a rude way
Would probably have a “yeah and?” Reaction if you wanted her to actually react
Like it doesn’t change anything at all for her.
Would be stoked
But in a science type of way
Would also wanna see if she could make you a new one
Unlike Leah though Maru would probably be a bit offensive
Mostly because I don’t think she understands social norms or anything
So she would ask things that would be unamusing and uncomfortable for you because she really just….
Doesn’t understand that there’s things that you shouldn’t say or do
Is overwhelmingly positive though
Like tries VERY hard to get you to understand that nothing has changed for her
Is a little annoying about it but just really wants you to know that she likes or loves you no matter what
Would probably have some interesting facts about prosthetics as well
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yanderecrazysie · 10 months
Curiosity (Yandere Tsukishima)
This was a Quotev request!
Title: Curiosity
Pairings: Tsukishima Kei x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, suggestive themes, non-consensual touching, seriously creepy vibes from Tsukishima
Summary: Tsukishima seems like a normal guy, except that he’s always writing in that journal of his. When you decide to see what he’s up to, you learn that he’s anything but normal.
a strong desire to know or learn something:
 DAY 1
It’s the first day of school again. (Y/n) looked beautiful as ever today, I missed seeing her in her school uniform. Of course, I’ve been following her around town over the summer, but I missed seeing her in a skirt. This is the last year I see that until I make a move, as I doubt she’ll wear skirts to university.
I’ll do my best to draw what she looks like, since this is a special occasion, but there’s no way my art can do her justice.
Tsukishima Kei was a quiet guy, which, you supposed, was common for smart kids. You hadn’t known him well throughout high school and you doubted you’d have much time to get to know him, since the end of your third and final year was nearly upon you both.
One interesting thing you always noticed is that he was always writing in a journal of sorts, sometimes sketching away in it instead of writing.
You always wondered what it said.
DAY 17
(Y/n) smiled and waved at me today. She does that to everyone, I know, but I couldn’t breathe when she turned her divine attention on me! I felt like, even for a second, I had her undivided attention! I’d do anything, ANYTHING to get that on me again. I’d fucking kill everyone she knows if that means she’ll look at me and only me.
Tsukishima always gave you the distinct vibe that he wanted a friend, especially after his only friend moved away last year, but that he didn’t know how to approach anyone. You sensed a sort of longing when he looked at you and you wondered if your friendliness appealed to his loneliness. Perhaps he was awkward or shy?
You felt bad that you hadn’t had time to talk to him, but life really was just too busy. You always tried to be friendly when you passed him in the halls or made eye contact. 
It was the least you could do.
DAY 33
I love (Y/n) so much that I was willing to dig around in her trash can to find that lip gloss she’d thrown away. How many guys would do THAT for their girlfriends? She only wore it a few times since she didn’t like it very much, but that just meant I had so much of something her precious lips had touched.
I felt like I was in heaven putting it on- like I was kissing her! I had dreams about doing just that and I woke up feeling happier and more refreshed than I had been all year. I need more.
You’d always felt like someone was following you and like your things were disappearing, but you wrote those feelings off as paranoia. Maybe you should take those things seriously, but who had time for that? You were on the student council, an honor student, and preparing for college.
Why didn’t you see the red flags?
Were you really so colorblind?
DAY 52
I went to her house and climbed in through the window. Thank goodness she’s on the first floor.
I went straight to her bed and just laid on it and inhaled her scent from the pillows and blankets. She’s on vacation and I miss her so much, so I really couldn’t help doing all this. It’s her fault for leaving me.
I wonder if she wants our room to look like this or if she has a better one in mind. I’m not a fan of the color but, if she likes it, who am I to disagree? I just want her to be healthy and happy with me. I’ll make her.
You were a naturally curious person. That’s probably why you did so well in school- you had a thirst for knowing why and how that many people your age didn’t care for. You never just wanted to accept things without an explanation. Better to be informed.
Sometimes you were called nosy or told to mind your own business, but you couldn’t help it. You also had a bad habit of eavesdropping and “investigating” on your own. You’d do great in a Nancy Drew book, but it annoyed real-life people.
It’s really no surprise that, when you went to grab Tsukishima’s left-behind notebook, you couldn’t stop yourself from peeking inside and reading some of the entries and looking at the drawings.
DAY 82
I peeked through her window at just the right time and caught her getting undressed for a shower! I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. Words can’t describe the experience, so I’ll draw what she looked like instead:
You felt sick. For once, you wished, desperately, that your curiosity was nonexistent. If you could take back everything you’d seen in the last few minutes, you would.
You’d just go off to university, blissfully unaware, and never see that freak ever again. How could he write and draw such things? How could he violate your privacy like that? How dare he-
“You read it, didn’t you?”
The empty classroom went so silent you could hear a pin drop. Your horror felt like metal weighing down your stomach and throat. You couldn’t swallow, you couldn’t breathe.
Tsukishima was right behind you, inching closer each moment, but you couldn’t hope to turn around or run away. You were petrified, rooted in place like you were a statue. A statue with wide eyes and terror etched into your features.
You wanted to claim you hadn’t but the journal was still open in your hands, opened up to a disgusting drawing of yourself and your eyes couldn’t tear themselves away from it. Even if you wanted to futilely make up an excuse, your mouth wouldn’t form the words. You couldn’t so much as squeak.
As he stands directly behind you, his hands caress your waist, finger pads sinking deep into the flesh through your shirt. You shudder in disgust, but that’s the most movement your body can even make.
Even as his fingers dance at the hem of your shirt, daringly searching upwards against bare skin, you can’t move or make a sound. You wished you were a fight or flee kind of person and not a freeze.
You feel his lips brush against your earlobe and you violently shudder as he speaks into your ear a few chilling words.
“Don’t you know what curiosity did to the cat?”
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teecupangel · 7 months
Hello Teacup! I just need you to know I've basically devoured everything on your AO3 and a multitude of the snippets here and I've adored everything!
But now I have a Thought that I must share.
Imagine Umar Ibn-La'Ahad is mid-mission, fleeing Saladin's tent and just about to attack a general in his way, only for said general to be knocked unconscious by a young boy. He looks a bit like Umar's son too.
The two stare at each other for a moment before the boy opens his mouth.
"You're a bit shit at this, aren't you?"
The boy disappears in the chaos and Umar returns to Masyaf safely if a bit put out at being called out like that and worried for the boy.
Later, Saladin sends a message stating he will retreat on the condition of compensation for his concussed General, warning them that he would have demanded the Assassin's head had the General died. (In other news, Ahmad also returned to Masyaf looking very disgruntled and ruffled, muttering about nosy boys and he WAS a Master Assassin thank you very much.)
So all's well that ends well. Except that no one has any idea who this kid is or where he came from.
Umar wants to know if the boy is ok.
Ahmad has a small grudge and is sulking a bit. (Abbas is also holding a grudge in solidarity.)
Al Mualim wants to see if this boy could be of use.
Altair just wants to thank the person who saved his father. (He can read between the lines.)
Meanwhile, Deaged!Desmond is kicking himself for opening his mouth like that in front of Altair's father. All he wanted to do was make sure Umar got out safely! (and maybe rescuing Ahmad would ensure Abbas didn't grow into such a dick.) The next stop though is Jerusalem for the Apple. He'll go from there.
(There's a Tiny!OP!Desmond loose in the Levant. Nobody knows what he's going to do next, least of all Tiny!Desmond.)
Thank you! It always makes me happy hearing/reading how you guys adore my stories in AO3 and the snippets/ideas here in Tumblr <3
Okay, you know what would be funny? If said general knew that it wasn’t an Assassin who knocked him out. Noooo, he definitely saw it was a boy.
And he also know the Assassin he was chasing saw the boy as well.
So the main reason why he asked Saladin to just ask for compensation was because his pride was wounded so badly that he just wants this entire situation to end already. He’s afraid Umar would tell everyone that a boy, a waif, was the real culprit and he’s too honorable to lie.
When Umar goes to them with the compensation, he can’t even look into Umar’s eyes and Umar ignores him because he’s worried of how Saladin would take it if he does say that it was all that boy’s fault.
They asked him if any wayward brothers had returned during the night and he has no real idea what they’re talking about, only realizing they were asking when he saw that Ahmad had left, mumbling about how some waif had no reason to tell him to take care of his son better, who does he think he is?
So now Umar is wondering who this child is…
And why their paths seemed to be intersecting strangely too much.
Unorganized Notes:
Desmond is either super unlucky or the Calculations is at play because he bumps into Umar too many times that he stopped counting already.
I’m thinking Desmond is around Altaïr’s age because (1) it would make him knocking out a general two or three times his age funnier and (2) it would make Umar’s worry for him easily meld into Desmond reminding him of Altaïr and he can try to reason it’s because of the similar age and not because Desmond… pretty much have some of Altaïr’s mannerism.
You know what would be funny? If the general finally confesses to Saladin and Saladin starts to get curious about this ‘waif’. This would mean another powerful man is out looking for him.
Desmond is winging the entire thing but is also being chased by the Templars because he stole the Apple right under their noses (in this idea, there are already Templars in Levant but they were lying low, waiting for the perfect time to infiltrate the vault underneath the temple when Desmond did his thing).
Desmond turns into an ‘urban legend’ among the Assassins who say that seeing him means some shit is gonna go down. There are even whispers that he’s a harbinger of chaos and destruction because that’s what usually happens when he’s there. (It’s really not. Desmond is mostly stealthy and a lot of Assassins don’t actually see him and they just start attributing those chaotic ‘issues’ to him because… well… they needed a reason XD)
Altaïr starts to think of him as this… strange person who caught his father’s attention which means he caught Altaïr’s attention. Whether that’s a good thing or not is up to you XD
Abbas and Altaïr are friends here but they have differing thoughts about the ‘harbinger’ with Altaïr wanting to meet him (and maybe tie him up so he can bring him to his father) while Abbas wants to punch him because he always feels annoyance about him thanks to Ahmad always being annoyed when he hears the word ‘harbinger’.
The Al-Sayfs want no part in any of these… except Kadar. Kadar supports Altaïr 100% even if it’s something illegal. That’s just a fact at this point.
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mxliv-oftheendless · 2 years
Pretty Cute
Morpheus (Dream of the Endless) x male!reader
So I noticed there was a CRIMINAL lack of male!reader fics for Morpheus, and that’s just a travesty if you ask me. So as the saying goes, when you want something done, you do it yourself. To all my lovely mlm brothers/siblings in the Sandman fandom, this is for you! Love you, dearies. *blows kisses* Now enjoy! 
(If it’s unclear, you work at a library at the circulation desk)
Since you’re dating the King of Dreams, your relationship with him is very private. And you like it that way... but you’d like it more if your fellow library employees weren’t so obsessed with learning more about him. 
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There were many things you loved about Morpheus. He was a sweet, loving man behind the cold front. He cared so deeply, despite initially being guarded, not wanting his heart crushed by the person he felt so strongly for. You felt honored, almost, that you got to see this caring side of him. Yes, you loved Morpheus.
The only thing you didn’t love about being with Morpheus…
“Soooo, any plans with your boyfriend tonight?”
… was that your co-workers had become obsessed with him.
Don’t misunderstand, you loved your library job. After a string of jobs with terrible work environments and even worse co-workers and bosses, the library was heaven. Good hours, good pay, and you had become friends with all the other people that worked there. You’d subjected Morpheus to countless regalements of your job, whether it be about the kids you met, your co-workers, or the antics of patrons, and he always listened with a sweet smile.
Your co-workers meant well, you knew that (or at least hoped). You also hadn’t dated anyone in a while before meeting Morpheus, which meant they were overjoyed for you. But that also meant they were curious about the man who, as Tracey the romantic put it, had stolen your heart and carried it with him.
“Don’t you have to go do book drop?” You asked Katie rather than answer the question.
“Caroline’s doing book drop. Now answer the question!”
You sighed. “Yes, we do have plans. He’s going to take me back to… to his place.” You weren’t entirely sure how to say he was going to take you to the Dreaming.
“Oooh, Y/N’s gettin’ some action,” Bek crowed from where they were processing books.
You could feel your face turning red. “Shut up, Bek,”
Bek laughed. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I’m sure it’ll be the kind of disgustingly romantic date you deserve.”
“Is Y/N going out with his boyfriend tonight?” Caroline popped up from coming back from shelving books. “Does this mean we’ll get to meet him finally?”
“No, I’m supposed to meet him when I get home,” you replied. In all honesty, you were glad Morpheus never showed up to your job. You could handle your nosy co-workers, but they would definitely ask him millions of questions and you weren’t sure if he would be ready for that.
“Are you going to have a movie night or something?” Caroline asked interestedly.
“That is classified information,”
“Y/N, when are we going to meet him?” Liv asked as they perched on a surface with their water bottle. “Does he have social anxiety? ‘Cause that’s totally valid.”
“Well… sort of��”
“Ohhh, does he just hate people?” Your hesitant silence seemed to answer their question. “Hey, I totally get that. I hate talking to people I don’t know.”
“But we’re Y/N’s friends,” Bek said as they cleared their workspace. “He’s going to meet us eventually, right?”
“Not if Y/N keeps being so secretive about him,” Katie teased. “We don’t even know his name or what he does.”
“I bet he’s secretly a psycho,” Liv stated as they hopped off the desktop. “Like, he killed a bird once and it released so many endorphins that he’s always wondered how to make it happen again.”
“How cheerful, Liv,” you said dryly. “And no, he’s never killed a bird. He loves birds, actually.” You wondered what would happen if Matthew heard Liv say that. 
“Oh, sweet,”
“So does he work with birds?”
You sighed exasperatedly. “No, Katie. He just likes them.” Before she could say anything else, you stopped her. “Don’t you have MelCat holds to trap?”
“Oh yeah, I actually do. I forgot about them.”
You watched in relief as she went off to take care of the MelCat holds, and went back to checking your email. The Circ Two desk was usually slow around this time of day.
“So… is he a writer?”
“Katie!” You threw your hands up in frustration and turned to look at where she sat at her desk.
“I’m just asking!” Katie defended herself. “From how you describe him, he sounds like a writer!”
“No, he’s not a writer,” you said firmly. “Just like how he’s not secretly a psycho.”
“Hey man, he could be,” Liv argued from where they had replaced Bek processing books. “Or maybe he’s a writer AND a secret psycho like Ric Madoc. You guys hear what happened to him?”
You only knew his name from how many holds had been placed on his books. They were pretty popular. “No, what?”
“Guy had a meltdown at a book reading and wrote on the walls with his own blood, then told someone he had a woman locked up in his house.”
You couldn’t help balking at that. “Jesus Christ, seriously?
“Okay, to be fair, they didn’t find anyone when they searched the house, but still. Crazy. You sure your boyfriend’s never written with his own blood?”
“I’m sure we all want to know more about Y/N’s partner,” Sara suddenly appeared, much to your relief, “but he’ll tell us when he’s ready to.”
“Thank you, Sara,” you said gratefully, nodding and gesturing to her. “That’s exactly what I’ll do.”
“… But it would be nice to know his name,”
You turned to give her a look of utter betrayal. “Et tu, Sara?”
Sara have you a sheepish smile. “Sorry, Y/N. You don’t have to tell us his name if you really don’t want to. It’s your life, not ours.”
It wasn’t just that. You weren’t sure if you even could explain Morpheus to them. How could you say to your fellow human co-workers that you were dating the personification of all their dreams?
“Listen,” you said, trying to be as gentle yet as firm as possible, “I know you guys mean well, and I know you want to look out for a friend, but Sara’s right. I like my privacy, and my partner likes his privacy too. I’ll tell you more about him when he and I are ready to. But I’m happy; I swear, I’m probably the happiest I’ve ever been with him. He’s… incredible. Just amazing.” You didn’t realize that a smile was forming on your face as you thought of Morpheus. “Okay?”
Your co-workers were quiet for a moment, then Katie sighed. “Okay.” She smiled at you. “I’m glad you’re happy, at least.”
“Yeah, you deserve it, man,” Liv agreed, nodding.
“Absolutely,” Caroline echoed.
Your smile widened at their response. You really did love this motley bunch. “Thank you, guys,”
“You’re always welcome, Y/N,” Sara said with a kind smile. “Now Caroline, I think you’re supposed to do the book drop?”
And with that, your work day continued. You went on your lunch break, shelved some books, manned the front circulation desk, and eventually returned to the back desk. The whole time, your mind was on thoughts of Morpheus and your date tonight. You missed him… even though you’d seen him a few days ago. But you couldn’t help missing him when he got so busy ruling over the Dreaming. Maybe over the weekend you could visit Lucienne and catch up with your favorite librarian (not that you told the librarians at your job that).
You couldn’t help wondering how he’d react if he knew of his popularity with your co-workers. He no doubt knew who they all were from their dreams. Would he be amused, or annoyed? You felt like he’d be annoyed.
It was the last hour of your shift when it happened. Liv was up at the front circulation desk, while you were once more at the back desk, going over your assigned reports and grumbling about how that damn library was dragging their feet putting the stupid book in transit.
“Hi there!” You heard Liv chirp as they usually did when a patron came up to the desk. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
“I am looking for Y/N L/N.”
You froze. No… that wasn’t… why was he here?
Your heart began to quicken in pace as you got up from your chair. He’d never come to the library while you were working before.
To Liv’s credit, they didn’t realize who it was at first. “I’m sorry, who?”
“Y/N L/N. He works here.”
“Um… I’m sorry, but I don’t—”
“It’s okay, Liv,” you interrupted as you walked out to the front desk. “I know who he is.”
And sure enough, there he was, standing at the desk in a black pea coat, black clothes, and presumably his black combat boots. Morpheus. He looked up, and his face immediately softened when your eyes met.
Your heart raced even faster, and you smiled back. “This is a surprise,” you couldn’t help saying.
Morpheus gave a tiny shrug.
Liv was looking between the two of you in confusion… then realization dawned on their face. “Is he…?” They pointed at him.
You sighed and nodded. “Yes, Liv. It’s him.”
A grin of pure excitement crept onto their face as they turned back to Morpheus. “It is so great to finally meet you!” they exclaimed. “You’re pretty famous around here! We’ve been dying to know about Y/N’s boyfriend that hopefully treats him like the king he is.”
You had to fight back a laugh at the blank look Morpheus gave them. He blinked once. “I…” he awkwardly trailed off.
“Liv,” you came to his rescue and tapped them on the shoulder, “I think you’re overwhelming him.”
“Oh! Oh, sorry,” they apologized. “Actually, I think that guy over there is coming back with some donations, so… I’ll just. Go. Do that.” They awkwardly waved at Morpheus. “Nice to meet you.”
Morpheus dipped his head at them. Liv respectfully didn’t say anything else and went to go get the mentioned donations.
You stepped closer and gave Morpheus a loving smile, wishing you could kiss him right there in the library. “You’re early,”
A smile appeared on his handsome face. “I missed you,”
“I missed you too. But… why are you here?”
“Do you not want me here?”
“No! God no, I am so happy to see you. But you’ve never come to the library before. I thought you were going to meet me at my house.”
“I was.” Morpheus leaned in closer. “But I missed you too much, my love.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest. “You are amazing, you know that?”
Morpheus’s smile widened affectionately. Then he glanced over your shoulder. “Is it true what Olivia said?”
“What?” You turned around to see Liv’s silhouette in the tinted window that showed the back room. Katie and Corey’s shadows were there too, and Liv was waving their hands around in the animated way they did when they got excited. “Oh,” you sighed sheepishly. “Yeah, they… they’re really curious about you. They get really nosy sometimes, probably more so because I never tell them anything. I’m sorry Liv said that to you.”
“Why have you not told them anything?”
“Well, I know you like your privacy, and I didn’t want you to get overwhelmed by them.” You couldn’t help laughing softly. “They’ve got a million questions about you.”
“Perhaps one day…” Morpheus mused.
You blinked in surprise. “Really?” You couldn’t help the delighted smile. “Great, because I have wanted to brag about my amazing boyfriend for ages now.”
“Is that why you are with me?” Morpheus said in a teasing voice. “For the bragging rights?”
“Well, not the only reason,” you chuckled. You gave into temptation and leaned across the counter to kiss him on the cheek. “I am also madly in love with you.”
The widest smile you’d ever seen so far graced Morpheus’s face. “As I am with you, my love,”
You blushed happily… then remembered where you were. “W-Well, listen, it’s,” you looked over your shoulder to check the clock behind you, “4:40 right now, so I get off in twenty minutes. Do you want to sit and wait until then? Or you can go back to my apartment and wait there.”
“I will wait here,” Morpheus decided. He gave you a soft smile that made you melt. “For you, I would wait for hours.”
“G-Great,” you managed through your wide grin. “Th-The, uh, the mystery section is over there.” You pointed in the direction of the mysteries. “Th-The fiction is before it.”
“Thank you.” He gave you one last beautiful smile. “Perhaps I will ask for a library card.”
You managed a breathy laugh as he turned around and headed for the mystery section.
When you returned to the back desk, you were met with Liv, Katie, and Corey, who all had eager smiles on their faces. “Soooo?” Katie asked.
Your face turned red. “Shut up, Katie,”
“Aww, he’s so red!” Corey teased. “I understand why; he’s cute.”
“Can all of you please stop?” 
“So you admit that he’s cute,” Liv said smugly.
“You know what…”
You trailed off, then turned to look out the tinted window in the direction Morpheus had gone. You smiled, and turned back to your endearingly nosy friends. “Yeah. He is pretty cute.”
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cheeeerie · 10 months
I’m so tired. Ninjago Astrology.
Cole is a taurus. DON’T LOOK AT ME AND TELL ME COLE ISN’T A TAUSUS he’s literally a taurus stereotype. his element is earth and he’s friendly and he likes food OBVIOUSLY he’s a taurus.
Kai is a Leo stereotype the way that Cole is a taurus stereotype he’s just pure leo. His element is fire and he’s obsessed with himself, what more do you want from me?
Three for three of elements matching elements, Nya is a Scorpio, she’s prickly and secretive but also ambitious with a sense of humor. Her whole Seabound arc is an extremely scorpio arc to have. And the SNARK I’ve never met someone snarkier than a scorpio.
No more elements matching signs <\3
Zane is extremely smart, efficient, and serious. he is also the dumbest little guy alive. How very Capricorn of him. Extremely uncool when he tries to be but then is accidentally cool when he’s not trying. “It is good to have a pooper at the party :)” That’s such a Capricorn thing to say.
Jay is a gemini cause he’s curious and enthusiastic and doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up! His emotions switch up with the slightest provocation. points for being nosy I’ve never met a nosier sign than a gemini.
Lloyd is a Pisces, just like every chosen one. He’s compassionate and dedicated to protecting others to the point of self destruction. He also hold grudges for FOREVER and can’t help but interject himself into every conflict. HE CAN’T HELP IT YOUR HONOR HE’S A PISCES!
Pixal is SO Sagittarius core. She’s independent, she’s confident, she’s a little naive, she’ll beat your ass! Also thinking she can talk her way out of any situation is so Sagittarius. That time she was being attacked by a giant octopus and she was like “Don’t worry Zane I have the power of Asking Nicely™” that was very Sagittarius of her.
Arin is a Virgo. He’s just a little guy, he’s easily impressed, he takes everything personally, he tells the same stories over and over. He’s a little chaotic but very sweet about it. Stealing from someone but leaving them a pie so Virgo.
SORA! AQUARIUS! She’s brilliant, she’s passionate, she’s rebellious, she’s innovative, she has zero self confidence and would rather die than tell people anything about herself. Inventing something that gets used for evil and then running away and changing your name and never talking about it again until forced? How very Aquarius.
Alright that’s all I can’t think anymore
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darkwaveho · 2 years
Is there any possible way we can get a Natasha x Amber Drabble or oneshot? I’m SO curious what went down and Natasha’s mindset during the entire cheating thing. Also im just a nosy bitch Like that HAHA I need all the tea
Damage control
Parings: Mob!Natasha Romanoff x reader (Established relationship) Mob!Natasha Romanoff x Amber (OC / stripper)
Warnings: cheating obviously, angst? brief gun play, brief smut.
series masterlist
a/n: I think I changed a few minor points of the story but hopefully this is what you wanted? also I didn't think so many people would want to read what happened but here we go. 😂
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"What is it? can it wait until tomorrow? I'm having dinner right now." She exhales cursing under her breath as she hangs the phone up without saying goodbye. “I won’t be back until later.” She stands from the dining room table gathering her things and sending a quick text to Clint.
“What, why?” Your silverware clash down against the fancy plates as you stand to corner her for further information.
"I still have unfinished business with Tony, so I'm going to his club to get this shit finished." She needs Tony to sign the contract, he’s been dodging her for a few days now, and she's been more than generous with him.
“I thought you told Bucky to handle it?” You quirk an annoyed eyebrow at her excuse.
“I did and as you can see, he didn’t get the shit done.” She huffs in frustration, putting her jacket on. “Why not send Yelena?” I know you don’t want her really involved with things, but this seems easy for her.” You already knew the answer that followed your question, but you really wanted a night with Natasha that led into the morning of your trip. that way it would be set in stone that the trip wouldn't be cancelled.
“I’d rather go myself, that way I know for sure it gets done.”
“We’re supposed to be packing for tomorrow, I swear Natasha if you cancel our trip, I’ll-" Her lips slam against yours, she pulls back with confidence and smugness. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about that, we’re going on our trip tomorrow, I promise.” She takes your silence as an opportunity to reassure you some more as she casually wraps you up in her arms. Not soft but not her usual cold and distant embrace either.
“And we’ll be taking the jet, so don’t worry yourself to death if we run behind our schedule that you so gracious planned out.” She quirks a smug smile as your guard drops down for her. She was great at reeling you back in with promises and words and usually you’d put up a fight but it feels real. It finally feels like she’s putting you first for the first time in a long time. Tomorrow you both will be on a private jet on your way to long overdue vacation pictures. “Fine.” You reply while releasing a exhausted sigh. Natasha smiles at your response and kisses you in appreciation before things can get carried away the car honks in the driveway signaling for Natasha to leave. “Hurry back and be safe.” Before she walks away completely you kiss her once more. Before she’s walking out the front door leaving you with a half a bottle of wine and Luke warm dinner to finish alone.
“Hey, we need to search you before you-“ The bouncer gets a fist to his face before the words left his lips. Natasha at the forefront walking into the dimly lit club. She stands in the middle of the room eyes slowly and cautiously searching for the arrogant narcissist, but he instead finds her first, in a panic state Tony grabs the closest person near him at the moment which happens to truly work in his favor. Amber. The prize and few of this whole establishment, Tony’s money maker. The dancer Natasha was familiar with the last time she came to this establishment. Getting a lap dance from the young woman left Amber with a smile on her face, she didn’t even have to work the remainder of that night if she didn’t want to, Natasha being the ever-generous tipper. “Psst Amber I need you to go take Natasha to the private room.”
“What? You want me to ask her to the private room when she barely even touched me when I gave her that lap dance?” Amber arches her brow and folds her arms. Natasha barely looked at amber as she was grinding on her, her face remained unbothered. “She tipped well though, so I won’t complain.” Tony drinks back a shot of whiskey and points to Amber. “Just distract her okay, she’s familiar with you already there’s a chance she’ll accept.”
She saunters over to Natasha with intentions of getting her to the confined room. Amber would be lying if she said she wasn’t excited to potentially get the red head in a private room. “Would you like to a trip to heaven?” Heaven, being the name of the private room, and only the exclusive, elite people were invited into that room. Amber steps closer to Natasha but gets blocked off when Clint and Bucky step in front of Natasha. Natasha snaps her head to the direction of Amber, and motions for her men to stand down, letting Amber past them. “No thank you, but you can guide me on a trip to find your boss, where’s Tony?” Amber was under a lot of pressure here, piss off either one of these people and she’d be fired or dead. She swallows thickly quickly trying to form a lie that the red head couldn’t suspect. “I just got here not too long ago.” She shrugs her shoulders. Natasha narrows her eyes.
“So, you just offer me a private room while your boss isn’t here to give the, okay?” She’d caught Amber in a web of lies, if it weren’t for Tony showing himself, she’s sure she’d be dragged off into the alley and into the trunk of Natasha’s car. “Calm your tits Romanoff, I had other business to attend to but I’m here now.” He glances at Amber with a pointed look of disappointment before turning back to face Natasha. “Amber has clearance to pick and choose people for the private room.”
"I see, how lovely that is for her, now, you and I have business to discuss once again Stark." Tony chuckles and once again pushes Amber into the conversation. "Yes, of course, after your trip to heaven, I'm not quite finished with my important phone call in my office yet." Tony wasn't a dumb man he knows that contract Natasha handed him is a janky one, which is why he was procrastinating so long, waiting on his lawyers to tell him just how screwed he would be if he signed it, willingly.
Natasha told him she was looking to invest in certain properties but realistically she needed it for money laundering, what better way to launder money than to do it in this establishment of crumble old dollars placed between a young woman's skin and the barely visible fabric that covered her. Half of the money coming in here was already dirty, it was perfect. Natasha needed this to be settled, hearing word of rivals getting information on this property she needed to act fast. "Like I said before, No thank you. I'll wait for your call to end."
"I know you're in a relationship, but It's not a big deal. Y/n's not here and you're the one in control, right? or did I get it wrong between the two of you?" If it was one thing Tony did well it was getting under people's skin with his words. Natasha being the power-hungry person she is she wouldn't dare turn away from a challenge about her authority of power on the street and even within her own relationship.
"Maybe you should enjoy yourself boss." Rumlow inserts himself into the conversation after being silent this whole time. Natasha looks to bucky and clint waiting on their opinions. They only shrug in response not truly seeing the problem here. Eventually, Natasha accepts the offer not only because of Tony questioning her authority but she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little curious about why Amber was so popular around here, outside of her body and looks what did she bring to the table behind closed doors?
“Haven’t seen you in a while, Red.” Amber stalks closer to Natasha as she’s seated on the small loveseat.
“I’m not typically in these places unless it’s for business, and don't call me Red, it's Natasha.” Her voice stays firm and cold during this small encounter. Natasha’s eyes stay locked in on Amber’s every move
“So, you’re all business and no play?” Amber tests the waters again and places herself on Natasha’s lap.
“Oh, I assure you I can play, but I’m most certain you aren’t into the type of games that I am.” The sexual games and kinks Natasha was into was nothing of the norm. There was also the fact that no one else did it for her, except for you. Amber's lips still close in proximity to Natasha's. She boldly leans forward before her air supply is constricted.
"Keep your lips to yourself do you understand?" Kissing was too intimate for Natasha; this was not an intimate encounter she was looking for. It was already bad enough her curiosity landed her in this room for a quick fuck. Amber nods her head frantically with wide eyes it was too late to turn back now, now she had a hint at just what kind of games Natasha was into, a shiver ran down her spine in curiosity as she came up with many sick and twisted scenarios in her head. “Now get on your knees and stick your tongue out.” Natasha was way past the point of conversation. She wanted to get things done and be back at home preparing for her vacation. A vacation that she’s promised you on again and off again for months and never pulled through on.
"Hold it." Natasha's voice is stern, as Amber moans she repeatedly tells Natasha "I can't- I can't hold it, please." Natasha chooses to ignore her, how hyped up was amber and she couldn't even handle the first sensation of an orgasm denial. Natasha rammed into amber with force and frustrations. Tony's words lingering in her mind as she pounded the toy deep inside the whimpering dancer. Natasha wasn't even focused on her own pleasure, not that she could even if she tried. For some reason she felt nothing as she drilled into the loud dancer. No arousal or anything which she found odd because yes, Amber was attractive, had sex appeal, and her body was nice. It just didn't do anything for her sexually, it could've been the fact that she was trained to please the sleezy males that stumbled into this club looking for a fantasy, a new shine toy that didn't need commitment or obligations other than throwing currency on their skin. The feelings, or lack of feelings and reaction Natasha was feeling wasn't normal, a normal person would be thrilled to fuck Amber into the cushion of the mattress, but Natasha? she was anything but normal.
She blames Amber for her lack of enjoyment instead of recognizing her bubbled guilt that was creeping into her mind. So, she tries something. Natasha keeps Amber bent over the mattress and shifts behind her. Amber was just about to ask what was going on when the gun connected to her skull. "What- what the hell are you doing?" She replies in a panicked state. Natasha lifts her up, pressing her front to Amber's back as her arm tightens the hold around her neck. "You said take a trip to heaven; well, this is what my heaven looks like, you also wanted me to show you how I can play….this is also what it looks like." The entire time Natasha was in this room she couldn’t help but to compare and contrast this moment to moments she’s had with you. This was the complete opposite of what you two had, she never had to resort to dark kinks to feel something with you that was an added bonus to her pleasure not something that was a necessity. She gives a few frustrated thrusts before Amber's juices are leaking down her own thighs. She clenches her eyes as another wave of pleasure coursed through her body. Natasha sighs in relief finally reaching her climax and pulls out of Amber completely, ignoring the sensitive state she was in. The moment the toy leaves her hole gaping and sensitive she desperately drags herself against the mattress trying to catch her breath and hoping that Natasha was left satisfied. This was a change in pace for Amber, whenever she was in this room, she was the one doing the pleasing, but Natasha would never let her have the privilege of doing that to her.
"How disappointing was that?" Natasha speaks the words out loud but makes no move to actually address them to Amber, she fixed herself as best as she could and left the room without another word or glance towards Amber's drained and overstimulated body. Rumlow turns after quickly pocketing his cell phone, he turns to Natasha waiting for some sort of conversation to take place, but she continues forward on her mission to get the hell out of here and to go home to you.
Rumlow follows after her silently as she checks her phone and sees its exactly three o'clock in the morning. "So, how was she?" Rumlow says behind Natasha. "The room should get renamed to trip hell instead of trip heaven because the bar and expectations were hellishly low." Is the only thing Natasha replies back to him. after that encounter she'd never let temptation and words get the best of her, especially since it wasn't worth her while anyway. No one compared to you, no one set a fire into Natasha's eyes except for you.
She gathers Bucky and Clint to take her back home completely forgetting the sole reason why she came here. her mind was a mess and she really just wanted to be home with you.
Natasha checks herself in the mirror before walking up the stairs to the bedroom, normally you'd try waiting up for her on the couch, but she told you ahead of time that she'd be back late. She peeks into the bedroom to find you sound asleep, television remote in hand and one of your favorite shitty tv shows playing on the screen. You looked disgustingly adorable, her sweet face sound asleep, how could she be so stupid?
She goes straight into the bathroom to take a shower, not only did you not stand the smell of cigar smoke, but Natasha had to wash away the guilt she felt right now. She scrubs harshly all over her skin with soapy suds as she grows frustrated with her actions. Never in a million years has she ever thought of cheating on you, you were too much of a prize possession and not to mention the long and lengthy history you two have. The faint smell of cotton candy fragrance still invades her nostrils she can't wait to jump into bed and shove her face into the crook of your neck to rid her of this unfamiliar and unsettling scent. The thought of you finding out is frustrating her even more. Natasha curses herself as she desperately scratches away at the tiny specs of glitter on her skin. As she steps out of the shower her mood has increasingly changed; she was overthinking things. As she changes into her clothes and quietly slides into her side of the bed the sense of relief and familiarity invades her body.
“Anything interesting happen?” You mumble the words still in a daze of sleep. Natasha goes still as she holds you in her arms, she was thankful for the darkness. It did amazing at shielding her guilt. She clears her throat and trails a few kisses down the center of your neck.
“Nothing interesting, just business as usual.” After you receive her answer, you hum in agreement and nod back off to sleep. She instantly shifts closer and tightens her grip on your body and inhales your scent once more. She’s no longer worried about you finding out what happened tonight, no one would snitch, and it meant nothing to her. By tomorrow the both of you would be on a private jet somewhere vacationing in the tropical islands, Natasha couldn’t wait for tomorrow. Little did she know tomorrow would unravel a ball of lies, pain, and hurt that would change your relationship forever.
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creators-island · 1 year
SNEAK PEAK: Not your Moon, but my Star |Lmk fanfic
(Title in progress)
Chapter One: The Life I Once Lived
“It says here that Monkey King killed you” 
Liu’er raised his head from the papers of the play to see Tang. He raised an eyebrow and smirked at the perplexed look on the man's face. Of course, he would be the first to ask straight up without shame, the man is a teacher. His whole career is about knowing things and being curious about other things. He would be annoyed if it weren’t for the entertainment it brings him.
“The heck?! What kind of question is that? I just sat down!”
“It wasn’t a question, you either came back from the dead for some miracle, or the writings are wrong. I would like to know which one is true.” 
“Sheeesh” The dark-haired Monkey scoffed “So violating! So mean! And people say I’M the nosy one” 
“I just want to know more about your story, you know?”
“Why? I mean, if you want some gossip-”
Tang shrugged “Well, we’ve been friends for months now and I barely get to know your story.” He said hesitantly “The books don’t have any documents about you, you’re mentioned in Journey To The West and that’s it, no other books or sourcing has your name in it” 
The monkey looked back at his papers, Tang was right. No story talks about him or mentions him beyond being the double of the monkey king. This was certainly disappointing if you consider how many adventures he had, but also suitable since he wouldn’t like all his personal issues to be shared publicly.
Tang is his friend though, perhaps sharing one adventure or experience will satisfy the educator’s curiosity. This could be risky, Tang wasn’t a man who was easily pleased when information wasn’t complete. He’ll just pray nothing too shameful comes out, heavens know he did some incredibly awful stuff in his youth, and his incredibly big mouth might complicate any secrets. [...]
First chapter almost completed.
[Tomorrow there’s gonna be a comic]
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quazies · 2 years
Just curious, what’s next for you? Are you going take a very well earned break, or get right back to animating? Please don’t overwork yourself;3; Will there be more Godzilla shorts in the future? Or perhaps something new? Sorry if I’m prying too much just too curious/nosy for my own good lol 🧐
I'll take a few weeks to just draw for myself, work on some scripts, just keep things relaxed 😅
Yes, I am continuing the Godzilla animations, I have a script almost ready for storyboards! Anguirus is the main focus of the episode, my favorite underappreciate lil' guy! I can see it being a long running series like Pootis, so much potential working with the Godzilla monsters!
I also have an original concept I've settled on, I've been brainstorming a lot about which of my ideas to adapt and I feel this one is simple yet compelling enough. I'll be working with voice actors for the first time when I settle on a final script, makes me a little nervous and excited?
I don't want to share too much because the concept still needs a lot of work, but it's a simple workplace comedy with unconventional employees! [Unconventional because they aren't quite humans😳]
Pootis is going to be a very long hiatus, I know this will make a lot of people angry, but I've put my full attention and passion into it for over 1 year. It's time for a break, like all series do between seasons. Most people don't know its just me, the one person, working behind the scenes😅 Working too much on one topic can fry your brain!
Sorry if I over answered this, but this ask was the perfect opportunity to share my current plans, Thank You!
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funnylittlelad · 2 years
A Touch of Humanity - Din Djarin x gn!reader
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re-edited (Feb. 2023)
Read on AO3 - Masterlist
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Part I: Nabu
Part II | Part III
summary: Naboo isn't Din's favorite place in the galaxy. It doesn't even break his top ten. Grogu's ever-curious and troublemaking nature intertwines their lives with that of a local artist. Someone who is able to wrangle Grogu, comfort Din, and care for others without a second thought. Naboo isn't Din's favorite place in the galaxy, but with you around it was quickly becoming that way.
word count: 9.1k
tags/warnings: fluff, the timeline is what I say it is just go with it, Din deserves a #1 Dad mug, Grogu is a menace, gift giving is Din's love language, I used canonical places and history until there was no more to go off of and then made up my own to flesh it out, mentions of forgetting to eat, descriptions of food, slow burn
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Naboo is humid this time of year. It’s muggy, damp, moist, all the worst things to be when it's so damn hot. It’s the type of boiling humidity that Din can feel creep across his skin under his armor. He absolutely hates having to come to Naboo. A planet ripe with swamps, cities full of holier-than-thou pompous people, and don’t get him started on the Gungans. Din swears he’s not prejudiced, but if one more Gungan tries having a conversation with him he's shooting first and asking questions later. 
Sure, everyone else in the galaxy might see Naboo as this idyllic planet, but Din just can’t. The scenery is beautiful, he won't deny that. Having to chase down a bounty here, however, isn't quite as beautiful. Democracy and civil order are great. Until they interfere with him doing his job because some lowlife seeks asylum in Naboo’s lengthy court systems. Rendering them essentially untouchable unless he wants the entire Republic on his ass. 
The only saving grace of this hellscape of a planet is the mountains. It's quieter up in the Gallo Mountains. The people aren't as nosy or judgemental. They tend to their crops, their children, and their homes while minding their business. Outsiders are welcome, but not doted on. Something Din can respect. Maybe it's the closer connection to their Grizmallti roots, but the people of Dee’ja Peak are much more palatable than those from the cities. Or the Gungans.
Even in this sticky heat, the people of Dee’ja Peak go about their business. The buildings are stout cylinders with round roofs. Public buildings are taller than residential ones. Windmills are scattered throughout the town, generating all the energy they need. Some smaller gardens are used for personal crops, but otherwise, there are tiered fields in the mountainous terrain where they grow what is needed for the season. A river flows along the southernmost border, the water a glittering blue. No doubt if Din were to follow it he would come upon a waterfall over the mountain’s edge. 
He spots what he’s looking for. There’s a corral where the younger children are kept during the workday. A few people are assigned each day to care for them. Din knows there's no place safer on Naboo than Dee’ja Peak. There’s also likely no one as qualified to watch Grogu while Din goes digging for information on a former resident. 
“Stay put,” he orders the child after placing him in the corral. 
Grogu peers up at him, cooing. 
“Go play, I’ll be back soon.”
Grogu observes his surroundings with anxious curiosity. Once he starts to amble off toward the other children, Din stalks off to the Inn. It’s a neutral-toned building with a couple of floors. The door slides open once it senses him. A middle-aged woman sits behind the counter reading a newspaper. She looks up with her eyes only when she hears the door.
“How many nights?” She asks, looking back at her paper. 
“I’m not here for a room,” Din says.
This gets her to fully look up at him. She looks him up and down with a critical gaze. Unlike most other places, the people here never seem too put off or intimidated by his presence. Din honestly appreciates the tonal difference here from the rest of Naboo, the planet. Although every Naboo, the people, has Grizmallti ancestry, the Naboo tend to focus on their newer identity. A side effect of fleeing due to civil war. 
The people in the mountains, though. They don't consider themselves Naboo. They consider themselves Grizmallti herds who live in the mountains of Nabu. Grizmallti herds use the original name given to Naboo, the name of the deity they once worshipped. All things Din has to remember when dealing with the different sides of the planet. Their differences are small but vital. Not offending anyone or ticking someone off makes Din’s life easier whenever he blows through. Working knowledge of the cultures is just part of the job. 
“What are you here for then?” the woman asks him, jerking her chin up at him.
“I need information on Sola Pellis. I was told to come to you.”
“You were told wrong.”
Din measures the woman. There’s definitely a blaster holstered to the underside of the counter. Her joints are swollen from wear and tear meaning her movements will be slow.
“What are you getting for hiding her? I can double it,” he attempts. 
The woman snorts.
“I’m not hiding anyone. Only people in here are paying me to sleep. I don't have anything for you about Sola.”
“But you know who she is.”
Newspaper abandoned on the countertop, the woman sighs.
“Look, I recognize you. I know why you’re looking for her. If I had any information, I'd give it to you. Sola is no friend of Dee’ja Peak, or Nabu.”
Din can tell she's being honest. A dead end. Great. Perfect. Tracking down Sola Pellis is proving to be a headache. One he isn't sure is worth the credits. 
“Do you know of anyone who may have more information?”
“I know the last time she was seen she was disappearing into the thick woods to the west. If that's true, you can kiss your bounty goodbye,” the woman tells him, going back to her newspaper.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because no one goes into those woods and comes back. The Gungans avoid the core of Nabu because of the sea monsters. The Grizmallti avoid the thick woods for a similar reason,” her words are ominous, but her gaze doesn't leave the article she’s reading. 
Din mutters a thank you and leaves. The cooled air of the Inn does nothing but make the outside even more unbearable. Dirt crunches beneath his boots. Chatter fills the air as the townspeople live their collective lives. When he arrives back at the corral Grogu is nowhere to be seen. Panic seeps in, but instinct takes over. There’s a break in the wood of the corral fence. One just big enough for the adventurous scamp to squeeze through. 
A set of small three-toed footprints lead away from the corral. Din follows them. He can see a couple of scuffs where Grogu must have taken a tumble. No doubt he was running to avoid getting caught doing exactly what he wasn't supposed to be doing. The tracks lead to one of the many short cylindrical houses and end at the front door. With a sigh, Din knocks on the door. He’s more irritated with the kid than worried he’s in danger. In all his travels, he’s only ever come to this particular corner of Naboo for information. The seedy underbelly of the galaxy seems to steer clear of here. Like the whole galaxy has an unspoken but agreed-upon respect for Dee’ja Peak. 
You open the door smiling over your shoulder. The smile falters as you take him in curiously. It only takes a second for realization to light up your face.
“You must be here for the little one,” your voice is as kind as your smile.
Din nods. You gesture for him to follow you inside. He does so cautiously. It’s a small space, but undoubtedly cozy. A couple of cushy-looking seats surround a small table. The kitchen is attached to the far curved wall, containing only the essentials. A stove, a fridge, a counter with three lower cabinets, and a sink. Grogu splashes around in the water in the sink. His clothes are folded on the counter. He coos and reaches out when he spots Din approaching.
“You’re giving him a bath,” Din states, just a hint of a question at the end.
“Yeah, he was covered in dirt and jelly. I hope you don't mind,” you say as you grab a dish towel to dry Grogu off.
“I think he smelled my jelly cakes and wandered over here. When I came out of the bathroom, he was laying on a plate of crumbs,” you chuckle.
Din turns his head so Grogu knows he’s giving him a disapproving stare. The kid gives him an innocent look in return. 
“I’m sorry. I can pay you for them,” Din says.
You shake your head and wave him off as you wrap Grogu in the towel.
“No worries. He’s very sweet. Are you his father?” You smile as you redress the kid.
“In a way.”
You nod. When Grogu is once again dressed, you scoop him up. He happily coos as you make silly faces at him. Din is itching to get off this planet, but he doesn’t put a stop to it. Not for the first time, Din wonders if he’s doing the kid a disservice. He could tuck Grogu away somewhere here. Where it’s safe. At least, safer than anywhere else. The lonesome ache that ate at him when Grogu was with Luke comes back at the thought. Then the silent reminder that Grogu chose to live this life with him. 
“Thank you for cleaning him up.”
You flash Din a smile that gives the scenery of Naboo a run for its money.
“It's really no problem. Like I said, he’s very sweet. Although, you should probably teach him not to wander into strangers’ homes. I know not everywhere is like here,” you give him a light lecture. 
“I’m trying,” Din sighs. 
Your smile turns sympathetic. With one last little boop of his nose, you hand Grogu off to Din. As you do so, you tell him your name. Din doesn’t return the favor, but you don't ask him to. You’ve seen him pass through before. No one knows his name. When parents are trying to scare their kids straight he’s the Man With The Metal Skin. To everyone else, he’s simply the Mandalorian. 
“Who are you looking for this time?” you ask.
Din freezes as he looks at you. Only interest paints your features. His guard goes up.
“Why do you think I’m looking for someone?” he asks.
You quirk an amused smile.
“Believe it or not, not many bounty hunters come through here. Even less Mandalorians. People talk.”
He regards you for a moment longer.
“Sola Pellis. Do you know her?”
You go pale. Regardless of how you decide to answer, Din can tell the truth. You swallow around the lump that’s formed in your throat.
“I think we all know her.”
“Do you know where I might find her?”
An uncomfortable shift on your feet gives you away.
“Not exactly. She told me she was going to Jakku, but then I heard she was seen going into the forest west of here,” you tell him guiltily.
“Which would you believe?” 
Your eyes squeeze shut for a moment. There's a deep intake of breath through your nose then an exhale through your slightly parted lips. Once the calming action is complete, your eyes open again. They fix steadily on Din.
“I want to tell you to believe she went into the forest.”
“But you don't think she did,” he checks for confirmation.
“No, I don’t. My sister is many things, but suicidal isn’t one of them,” you sigh.
“Estranged, but yes.”
Din chews on this unexpected bit of information. He spares a glance at Grogu. How the hell did the kid manage to kick up a lead like this?
“Do you have any idea where on Jakku she would go?” He knows it's a long shot, but it's also his only shot.
“I don't even know what’s on Jakku other than sand,” you admit sheepishly.
Din gives a short nod. That’s everything. Grogu coos at you some more, clearly infatuated now that he knows you possibly carry jelly cakes. It makes it hard for Din to move. Grogu doesn't even reach toward Peli like this. 
“Thank you,” he says.
Another moment of standing there.
“I’m sorry about your sister.”
The words completely surprise you. He can see it all over your face. Your eyebrows raise, your eyes grow larger, and your face reddens just a tad. 
“You’re just doing your job, right?” You give a sad smile.
He once again nods. It’s not the first time the job has left him feeling a little torn. The first time was Grogu. With that, he makes his leave for Jakku.
It’s a couple of weeks later when the Mandalorian is knocking on your door again. Surprise is evident on your face as you greet him.
“Would you watch him?” He asks without any prelude.
You simply blink at him for a moment. Grogu essentially materializes from beneath the Mandalorian’s cape. He had been tucked nicely into a leather bag. 
“If it isn't too much trouble.”
“Y’know there’s the corral in-”
“I left him there last time and he ended up with you. I think he’ll be happier going with you, to begin with.”
Grogu’s big eyes watch you hopefully. He coos and reaches out for you. Maker, he’s adorable. With a smile, you accept him into your arms.
“Okay, how long will you be?” 
“I won't be back until nightfall.”
Your eyebrows furrow. It’s morning now. That’s a long time to leave his child with someone who’s a perfect stranger. 
“Where are you going?”
“Moenia, but I don’t trust anywhere else to be safe enough. He’s… special.”
The vagueness of the Mandalorian’s words piques your interest, but you put it off for another time. Moenia is a city below the mountains. No wonder he'll be gone all day. You give him a nod as Grogu tangles his hands in your hair.
“Good luck.”
The Mandalorian nods. He gives Grogu one last pat on the head before leaving. As long as you kept him fed and entertained, Grogu was pretty painless to watch over. You learned quickly that any inkling of boredom leads to increasing amounts of mischief. It took a broken plate, a chewed slipper, and a close call with a knife to teach you that lesson.
Night has settled over the Gallo Mountains when Din returns. He seems a little worse for wear. You can tell even through all that beskar armor. His shoulders are a bit slumped and his knock wasn’t as strong. He expects you to hand Grogu off and then to be on his way. 
“He’s asleep and by the looks of it you should be too,” you tell him with an amused smile.
Din follows you into your house. Grogu is out like a light on one of the cushy seats. A too-large blanket covers him to his chin. Din waits and watches for a second. A calm rushes over him when he observes Grogu’s chest moving lightly. When his attention is turned back to you he finds a soft smile already facing him.
“Was he any trouble?” Din asks quietly.
“A little, but it was a fun trouble,” you shrug slightly, “He’s a good kid.”
“Thank you for watching him.”
“Anytime. Now, you’re clearly tired and the kid is asleep. You’re welcome to stay the night. I have a cot I can bring out,” you offer kindly.
He has to mull it over. The thought of sleeping in his armor tempts him to go back to the Razor Crest. The exhaustion in his bones and Grogu’s peaceful form pull him to stay. He can stand a night of sleeping in his armor, he decides.
“I would appreciate that.”
Morning comes slowly on Naboo. The daylight takes its time creeping over the mountains to warm up Dee’ja Peak. Din awakes with a crick in his neck but is otherwise rested. He sits up and tilts his head left with a satisfying crack. Then he tilts his head right, earning another satisfying crack, alleviating the crick.
“That sounded like it felt good,” your playful voice says from the kitchen. 
Din looks over and sees you at a little table pressed against the wall. Grogu is across from you all but swimming in a bowl of warm oats. It makes him ache a little, how at home Grogu seems to feel here. Din knows what he’s made to do as a Mandalorian. He knows what is expected of him as he raises a foundling. Still, he can't help recalling his own youngling days. He remembers wishing that he could just stay in one place for longer than a few days. He suspects that’s why he’s prone to revisiting familiar landscapes. It gives him a false sense of stability and he hopes it may for Grogu as well. 
“It did,” he admits. 
The deep cool tone of his voice skates across your skin leaving subtle goosebumps. You’re not sure if it's the modulator in his helmet, but his voice is so soothing. 
“Do you want some breakfast?” you gesture to the pot on the stove over a low flame.
“No, that’s alright. We should go when he’s done.”
You nod and go back to what you were doing. He hasn't noticed the paper in front of you until now, or the furious scribbling of your hand. The tip of your tongue sticks out as you focus on the drawing you’ve been working on. 
“Is that… me?” he asks, befuddled and flustered. 
On the paper before you is a drawing. An extremely good drawing. It’s Din on the cot, one hand on his chest and the other on his stomach as he sleeps. The morning light filters through the window, shining off his armor. Over him is Grogu, peering down from where he was once asleep on the seat. The shading is soft and photorealistic. He imagines you’ve been at it for at least an hour. Something deep in his chest stirs, waking something else deep in his belly. 
“Oh- uh- yeah, sorry. I was waiting for you to wake up and… force of habit I guess,” you stutter out, face flushing. 
“You have a habit of drawing people while they’re sleeping?” he questions.
“Well, not exactly, but I have a habit of drawing whenever the inspiration strikes without really thinking,” you rub the back of your neck, embarrassed.
Din allows himself a moment to study the image. It’s like a graphite photograph. You have some real skill with a pencil. Maybe even more than Din has with a blaster. 
“Could I have it?” he asks, an edge of anxiousness nudging in at the end.
You brandish a smile that makes the inside of Din’s flight suit a little hotter. Maker, it’s been too long since he’s taken care of himself. 
“Yeah, of course.”
You put a few finishing touches on the drawing before rolling it up and handing it over. Din almost wishes you could see the soft smile he offers up. 
“You’re very good.”
“Thank you,” you smile bashfully.
“You've been very kind to us. Thank you.”
You nod, still sporting a small smile. A glance between Din and Grogu doesn't go unnoticed.
“You’re both welcome anytime… Could I ask you a question, though?” 
Din can see the apprehensiveness rolling off of you.
“You can ask, but I can’t promise an answer.”
“What happened with my sister?” 
A beat of silence. Well, silence outside of Grogu’s munching.
“I’m still looking. Jakku was another dead end,” he answers honestly.
“What… what are you going to do with her when you find her?” You ask slowly,
You stare him down. A good minute goes by with no words and an intense gaze you can feel from behind that helmet. 
“The bounty doesn't specify dead or alive. It’s up to her how I bring her in.”
You nod, a sigh slipping out. It's no secret that Sola Pellis is the worst the Gizmallti has to offer. The people of Dee’ja Peak usually keep to themselves. They conduct their lives up in the mountains and don't get involved with the affairs of other places. What drove Sola to become a mercenary, you don't know.
 You do know that she mostly took jobs and money from the worst people. Sola has hurt a lot of people, a lot of children. Somewhere along the way whatever moral compass she had deteriorated. It’s no surprise someone put a bounty on her head. If anything, it’s a surprise it took this long. 
“So, where to next?” You ask as you take your bowl and Grogu’s now empty bowl to the sink. 
You place the dirty dishes in the sink but turn to face Din again. Your lower back presses into the edge of the sink as you lean back.
“Tatooine that’s…,” you pause a moment to think, brows furrowing creating a wrinkle between them before your face brightens, “desert planet with two suns, right?” 
Din nods. He scoops up a gurgling Grogu. There’s something about the hard lines of the Mandalorian contrasting the softness of the kid that ensnares you. He’s so gentle with the tiny ball of trouble. So much gentler than you’d expect someone of his background to be capable of being. In fact, whenever he’s in town the Mandalorian is extremely peaceful. He’s civil. A strange juxtaposition from the stories you’ve heard about the group.
“That’s a kinder description than I would give it,” he says after a moment of consideration.
“What description would you give it?”
“A boiling Sarlacc pit.” 
A laugh tumbles off your lips. It's a soft sound that gives Din the same sensation as hearing distant wind chimes. A sort of contemplative calm that allows his chest room to feel the steady beating of his own heart. A brief moment of acknowledging his own humanity.
“Have you been to a lot of places then?” 
Once again, Din nods.
“Have you been to Coruscant?”
“Do you like any places you’ve visited?” you chuckle.
“I like it here,” it hangs in the air for a moment before he snatches it back with a clarification, “in Dee’ja Peak.”
“I’m glad Nabu caught your affection,” you smile with a hint of pride. 
“Not Naboo,” he shakes his head slightly. 
An amused quirk takes over your smile.
“Don’t let anyone else hear you say it like that.”
“I’m sorry, Nabu.” Din takes care to emphasize the ah sound a little more and shorten the last syllable. 
“No worries, just be careful when you're out there. People tend to get very defensive about the Naboo around here.”
Din nods in understanding. It was a careless slip-up on his part. He takes it as a sign that he’s gotten too comfortable here. 
“Thank you, again.”
He takes his leave, you giving a chest-height wave after him. 
You aren't answering the door a week later. Grogu coos curiously up at Din from his pod. The afternoon air hangs temperate and still.
“I don't know,” Din answers the question in Grogu’s eyes. 
He stalks off into town to ask around. He would have left Grogu with the newly fixed corral, but the kid made it clear he misses you. Whenever he wanted to bother Din about seeing you again, he would place his hand on the drawing. Din has it taped to the back wall of the cockpit on a smooth panel. Every time Grogu puts his little hand on the drawing and coos at Din with wide eyes, he can only respond with a soft soon, kid. 
He spots a shopkeeper who is reorganizing the farming tools they have on display outside. Grogu trails lazily behind him as he goes up to ask if he has any knowledge of your whereabouts. The store is next door, separated by a chunk of dirt road and a windmill. The gruff older man tells Din you’re likely by the riverbank honing your craft. 
Grogu spots you first. His excited gurgling and quickened pace in the pod tip Din off. Din’s gaze follows Grogu’s trajectory to find you. Sure enough, you’re set up on the riverbank sitting on a wooden stool. An easel is in front of you, your steady hand painting the rolling landscape before you with the tip of your tongue sticking out. Next to you sits an open case of paints, brushes, and other tools Din can’t place. When you hear Grogu you look over your shoulder with a bright smile.
“You found my secret spot,” you say teasingly as you place your paintbrush onto the lip of the easel. 
You pick Grogu up and place him on your lap. He immediately cuddles into your chest. The part of the riverbank you’re on is only a few yards from the edge of town. The backs of houses cast shadows that reach out for you, but fall a few feet short.
“The hardware store owner told me where to find you.”
“Ah, Gus. He’s a good one. If he notices I haven't come back for lunch he’ll bring me some,” you smile fondly at the memories. 
“Grizmallti take care of their own,” Din recalls a saying he’s heard on occasion around these parts. 
You give him a pleasantly surprised look and nod. 
“How long d’you need me to watch him for?” you ask, looking down at Grogu as you scratch behind his ear. Grogu is absolutely eating up the sensation and the attention.
“Until tomorrow, if that’s okay.”
“I’m happy to. Where are you off to this time?”
You perk up when he says it. 
“I've always wanted to go to Endor! Have you been there before?” Excitement is written all over your face.
Din finds it endearing, which spooks him. He thanks his Maker that you can’t see it on his face. 
“I have,” he nods.
“Let me guess, you hate it there too,” you tease amused.
You’re sitting there teasing him, Grogu is on your lap looking up at you adoringly, and the warmth of the sun is kissing your skin. Din’s breathing picks up a little, but not enough to alert you to the change. It’s an image he’s allowed himself to think of briefly before falling asleep. Pictures of someone faceless caring for Grogu when he can't. Not having to worry about the kid’s whereabouts and safety. What a comfort it would be to be able to just know Grogu is safe and happy without worry. Maybe that faceless person provides some companionship to Din as well sometimes, but that’s just a happy side effect. The real fantasy is a second more stable, but equally loving parental figure for Grogu.
“No, I don’t mind Endor.”
“Well, now I really want to go there. That’s a raving review from you,” you chuckle.
“Have you ever been off Nabu?” he asks.
“I've never left Dee’ja Peak.” 
“I get the sense people don't leave here often.”
You shake your head.
“Less than people visit, that’s for sure.” 
Grogu gets his hands on the paintbrush. You quickly reach to snatch it, but he manages to get in a swipe with it. A light purple streak paints diagonally across your face. You were using the color for the more distant mountains. Grogu gurgles at you innocently and you take the paintbrush from his hand. A smile is concealed by Din’s helmet.
“Okay, I think that's enough painting for one day,” you announce and place Grogu back in his pod. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow evening at the latest.”
You smile and nod. 
Din knows you're home this time. He’s later than he expected. Stars twinkle above and the warm glow of the lights through your windows lies ahead. He knocks and it takes you only a second to call out for him to come in. 
When he enters he finds you and Grogu at the small table in the living room. You’re sitting crisscrossed on the floor. Grogu is kneeling on top of the table, scribbling furiously on a piece of paper with a blue crayon. You color more lightly on yours with a green one. 
“I’m sorry I’m so late,” he says as he approaches. 
“It’s okay, once I got him some crayons he was set. He’s been at it for hours,” you chuckle and gesture to the pile of drawings behind you. 
Din flips through some of the drawings. They’re all a mishmash of multicolored scribbles. Over your shoulder, he can see you’ve drawn Grogu drawing. It’s in crayon, but still somehow incredibly accurate. Grogu coos for Din once he’s satisfied with the amount of blue on the paper. Din pops him onto his hip. He immediately finds the small talisman hidden in a pocket of Din’s belt. Din takes it from him, clenching it in his fist. 
“I brought you something from Endor,” he tells you tentatively.
You peer up at him with wide eyes.
“You did?”
He holds out his hand and opens it. In his palm is a small semi-flat talisman of an Ewok with a hood and spear carved from a deep green stone. You take it tenderly, running your fingers over the curves and ridges. It’s cool to the touch and vaguely smells like the Endorian forest. Din watches you study the talisman in awe. It’s something he spotted in passing and only cost him a few credits. It’s not the same as going there, but it’s a small piece of Endor in the palm of your hand. 
“This is beautiful, thank you so much,” you look up at him with an astonished expression, “You really didn’t have to get me anything.”
“It’s nothing. Consider it a token of appreciation.”
“I feel very appreciated, thank you,” your voice is soft and genuine like your eyes.
There's a brief moment where Din gets an urge to reach out for you. He doesn't know where the impulse comes from. He just knows that the kid likes you, which means you’re good. You’re good and help him out. You give him a place to rest, you give the kid a place to be a kid, and you do it all with a smile on your face. Din probably has the most respect for you out of anyone he knows. 
“Will you be staying the night? I can't imagine taking off in the dark is a good idea,” you offer with a knowing smile.
There's the telltale slump of his shoulders. He’s tired. It’s like your gaze is piercing his beskar.
“If you don't mind.”
“How could I mind after a gift like this?”
In the morning, the crayon drawing of Grogu is already rolled up next to Din. He hadn't even had the chance to ask for it. 
 “Grogu,” you scold.
He’s on the counter, a hand literally in the cookie jar. Those big eyes stay on you as his hand continues to inch forward into the jar.
“If you take a cookie out of that jar your father will be hearing about this,” you warn him. 
Grogu gives a displeased gurgle. His ears droop. With one last longing look at the cookies, he removes his hand from the jar. You pick him up off the counter. 
“C'mon, let’s spend some time outside.” 
You bring him out and set him loose in the grass in front of your house. This way he can hunt the snails that have infested your garden. He gets snacks and entertainment, you get a cleared-out garden and a second to breathe. The Mandalorian is a day late. You’re seriously beginning to worry, but are trying really hard to not let Grogu catch on. 
Din knows he’s in trouble the moment he sees you outside. Not because he’s late or limping. Because you’re sitting on a big flag rock, smiling affectionately at where Grogu is pouncing on snails. He has the strange sensation of returning somewhere that's waiting to welcome him, of returning home.
 That drop in his stomach, that buzz in his chest tells him he’s in trouble. The kid has softened him so much more than he’d realized. Since when did Din desire a family? Worse, that faceless person caring for Grogu and giving him companionship is beginning to look a lot like you. Worst, he’s silently given up on the pursuit of your sister. You are just the latest way Naboo makes his job more difficult.
“Don’t let him eat too many of those. He won't stop until he throws them up,” Din says as he limps up to you.
You’re whipping around and standing in an instant. Relief washes over you, but worry still covers your face.
“Maker, I was afraid something happened,” you breathe as you look him up and down. 
“Sorry, I’m late.”
“Are you okay?” you ask, clocking his limp.
“I’m fine. I just need to sit,” he grunts. 
Suddenly, you’re ducking under his arm, tossing it over your shoulders. You place your own arm around his waist, the beskar so cold it stings. He hisses when the pressure of your hand irritates a sore spot on his side. You loosen your hold.
“Sorry,” you mumble and start to guide him into the house.
Grogu scurries in at your ankles, looking up worriedly at his father. You help him to the nearest seat in the living room. He sighs in relief.
“Are you hurt? Do you need a doctor?” You hover over him, not sure what to do.
He shakes his head slowly.
“I’m fine, I swear. I’m just… bruised.” 
“Is there anything I can do?”
Din studies your features for a second. You're so incredibly kind it’s almost funny. It almost feels fake. He kind of feels like he could reach out right now and you would poof out of existence like a cloud.
“The cot,” he grunts.
You nod and quickly go to retrieve it. Once the coffee table is out of the way, you set it up. Din moves onto it, laying back. Trying to rest in his full get-up looks uncomfortable, it always does.
“Let me help you get your armor off,” you say and reach toward his pauldron.
“No,” his hand shoots out, grabbing your wrist.
“Your flight suit and helmet can stay on, but all the external metal… I just think you'd rest easier without it,” you explain softly.
His gloved fingers remain around your wrist for a beat.
“Okay,” he agrees quietly.
You help him unfasten and take off the different bits of beskar. Piece by piece you peel back the Mandalorian’s shell, placing each shiny part gently on an empty seat. You even fold up his cape and hang the satchel that he had around him on the back of a chair. Din sighs once he’s able to fully settle back. It is a lot more comfortable without the armor. His helmet still props his neck at an awkward angle, but that's something he can deal with. It's something he has to deal with. 
“Will you tell me what happened to you, or are you going to just look at me silently from under that helmet like I can’t tell?” you ask, teasing lightly. 
Din is eternally grateful for the cover his helmet provides. His face is on fire and the helmet is swallowing the flames. 
“A Corellian welcome.”
You give him a look that says you aren't satisfied with that answer.
“I don't know what that means and you know it,” you cross your arms.
He does know it. Trying to circumvent the conversation, but appease you is a dirty Mandalorian trick. 
“Corellians say hello with their fists. They say hello harder when you’re after one of their friends,” he elaborates, hand crossing his body to brace his side at the memory of slamming into a table. 
“Remind me to never go there in my many travels.”
“I’ll do my best.”
You chuckle. Tension that you didn't know had gripped your shoulders eases. Sure, part of you was concerned because of Grogu. Both because you didn't want the kid to be an orphan and because you simply aren’t prepared to be a single parent. Watching the kid on your own for a couple of days at a time at most? Sure. Permanent and sole responsibility? No. A bigger slice of the concern goes to the Mandalorian himself. 
He’s been by more than a dozen times at this point. Each time you find yourself sinking further and further. You're up to your knees in him. Wading through uncharted waters, unsure you’ll ever reach the dock on the other side. Yet, each minute spent in his presence pushes you forward. His care for Grogu, his stories, the way you can tell he’s growing more comfortable around you when he jokes back. All little glimmers of light beneath the surface below your knees. Glimmers that lead your way.
“Inside my bag, front left pocket,” he tells you.
“What?” you stare at him dubiously.
“There’s something in there. Grab it.”
Without another word, you begin searching the soft leather bag. Grogu gurgles up at Din from beside the cot. Din drops a gloved hand over the side, allowing Grogu to take hold of it. The small gesture is what keeps gravity working on him, Din’s sure of it. All the aching, and the soreness, eases with the assurance that Grogu is okay. Proof of that is his tiny grip around Din’s thick gloved finger.
“What is this?”
In your hand is a smooth square piece of fabric. The size makes you think of a bandana, but the material is soft. It has an almost liquid quality to it. The colors are beautifully pigmented. A rich blue, a pattern of small white fish dotted all over, and a golden trim. This piece of fabric is likely the nicest thing you’ve ever held in your life.
“It’s for you,” he says like those three words explain everything.
“I- what?”
“It’s Corellian silk. Pieces that size are good for wrapping around your head. It keeps you cool, absorbs moisture, but stays soft,” he explains.
You can't tell if he’s peering at you through his visor. All you know is your mouth is slightly parted in awe. 
“I can’t possibly accept this.”
You begin to put it back, but he grunts in annoyance.
Your eyes bounce from the Corellian silk to the Mandalorian. It’s truly gorgeous and would do wonders when you’re painting on especially humid days. 
“I just wish I could thank you properly.”
“Just saying thank you is enough.”
You crack a small amused smile.
“I mean that I still don't know your name. Names are important to my people. I didn't want to push you, I know your people value boundaries and privacy.”
The Mandalorian is quiet for so long that you begin to worry. He can tell by the way the silk wrinkles in your grip. Right when you open your mouth to apologize for crossing the line, he speaks again.
“Din. My name is Din.” 
A wide relieved smile breaks out on your face. Din is starting to think that of all the stunning landscapes and views Naboo has to offer, your smile is his favorite.
“Thank you, Din. It’s beautiful. I’ve never felt anything like it,” childlike wonder invades your tone, “I’ve never owned something so nice before.” 
He watches you fold the fabric into a triangle then tie it around your head. It covers your head from your hairline back, leaving what’s left of the length of your hair pouring out the back. When your hair is fully out of your face, Din’s breath hitches. 
He gets an unobstructed view of your features, no distractions. The curves of your cheekbones and nose create a smooth mountainous backdrop for the lush valley that is the rest of your features. Every inch of your face makes Din think of the flourishing environment of Naboo. Especially because, like many of the people around here, you have an ageless quality about you. Something that’s shared with the planet itself and its architecture. This moment convinces Din that every good thing Naboo has to offer has accumulated in the mountains, mixed together, and created you.
“You look good. Nice things suit you,” Din comments once all his breath comes back to him. 
You are acutely aware of the heat that climbs up your neck until it reaches the tips of your ears. A small, coy smile appears on your lips. 
“Thank you,” your voice comes out hushed, but you can tell he hears. 
Grogu begins a free solo up Din’s arm. It’s clear it causes Din pain with the way he tenses, but he doesn't do anything to stop the kid. He’s a little bit of a pushover for the pint-sized menace, something that warms your heart. You quickly extract Grogu from Din’s arm, but not before he reaches his shoulder. Din relaxes when the weight and pressure of Grogu are lifted. Knowing the kid is now cooing and chirping in your arms provides an extra layer of relief. 
“Let’s let your dad rest, yeah?” You give Grogu raised eyebrows, looking for confirmation. 
Grogu’s ears lower in disappointment. Din really really likes when you call him Grogu’s dad. When you talk to the kid like his life is normal.
“I know we missed him, but we can terrorize him tomorrow,” your voice is honey-like. 
The words hit Din in his chest. Almost as hard as that Corellian bartender. 
“You missed me, huh?” A smirk toys at the corners of his lips.
Maker knows this helmet has made it impossible for him to school his expression at this point. There are certainly some tricks you can't teach an old dog. How to not show every single thought on your face is definitely one of them. Not after a lifetime of not having to.
“Don’t get too smug, now. It’s not becoming,” you chide playfully. 
A deep chuckle rumbles through Din’s chest. It lasts a second before turning into a pained hiss.
“Din, you're clearly not okay. Let me get you some ice at least.”
He gives a curt nod. Din watches you go to the kitchen, grab a dishcloth, and start digging in the icebox. You plop some ice in the cloth and tie it all up into a makeshift ice pack. Grogu watches curiously from your hip the entire time.
When you offer the ice to Din, Grogu nuzzles further into you. It almost feels like he’s thanking you for caring for his dad. Din accepts the ice and holds it to the bottom of his rib cage. A moment of deep thought crosses your face as you watch him, unaware that beneath that helmet he’s watching you as well.
“Stop,” he says suddenly.
“Stop what?” you furrow your brows.
“Stop worrying over me. We’ll be gone by morning, you don't have to worry.”
You shake your head.
“No, I’m not worried about you being here. I’m worried about you leaving too soon and making this worse. I can talk to Melda at the Inn about letting you use a bed if the cot-”
“Right, I forgot how you people are.”
It’s the wrong thing to say, Din knows as soon as it's out. You bristle. If you had fur, he’s sure he’d be watching your hackles raise.
“How us people are?” You question.
“I didn't mean anything by it,” he tries to diffuse the situation.
He only adds fuel to the flames. You take his words as dismissive rather than explanatory. 
“There’s no way to say that and not mean anything by it. What exactly are my people like?” you're more forceful this time, demanding an answer from him. 
A real answer, not some vague Mandalorian partial truth.
The answer causes you to pause. Any building anger halts, any budding snap response disappears, and confusion takes both their places. 
“Yes, kind. Any other planet and I would have already been at the Inn or my ship. The Grizmallti are known for treating their visitors like locals. You have a saying about it,” he explains. 
“Give to each child of Nabu as if you are giving to yourself,” you say softly.
“Mandalorians don’t have anything about giving. Mostly just taking. That's why I like it here.”
The thought is so incredibly comforting. Din likes being here because of the nature of you and your people, not despite it. You feel validated. What Din finds solace in is what drove Sola away. You can recall one of the last times you spoke to her. She spat venom when you attempted to reason with her Grizmallti roots. Scolded you for not living for yourself, for following the ways of Dee’ja Peak like a lemming. 
What she never understood is that you are living for yourself. You love your community and your way of life. Sure you’d like to expand your horizons. You'd like to explore the far reaches of the galaxy and see everything there is to see. Still, you always pictured yourself coming right back here when you’re done and continuing to care for those around you when you do so. There is nothing more fulfilling for you than caring about and for others. You have hope that if Din doesn't fully understand that now, he could in the future. 
“Have you ever thought about staying?” The question slips out before you can catch it.
“It’s not what we do.”
“What’s not?”
“Staying in one place.”
You simply nod. The silence gnaws at your ankles uncomfortably. You shift on your legs in an attempt to rid yourself of it. Grogu starts trying to climb up your torso. You chuckle as you let him. He clambers up until he’s holding onto your head and standing on your shoulder. You tilt your head to give him more room and reach up to steady him with your hands. Din watches fondly as the ice does its job.
“Have you ever thought about leaving?” he asks.
Your gaze snaps back over to him. A small, almost sad smile appears.
“All the time,” you admit.
“Why don’t you?” 
“It’s not that simple. Like you said, people don't leave here often.”
You lift Grogu off of your shoulder where he was playing with the silk on your head. The sun has fully set outside. Trilling can be heard through the windows from the bugs. You set Grogu into his pod. He lays back easily, pooped, and is ready for sleep. 
“That doesn't mean they don't leave at all,” Din points out gently. 
The pod shuts itself as Grogu drifts off. No doubt dreaming about those pesky snails. You finally allow yourself to sit, taking the seat beside where Din lays. 
“I suppose it doesn't,” you sigh.
“Why don't you?” He repeats his question.
You open and close your mouth a couple of times with false starts. A frown settles in when you can't find an excuse that satisfies you.
“I don’t know… I’m scared, I guess.”
“Scared of what?”
“I’ve never been further than the river. I know it probably sounds silly to someone who travels for a living, but I’m afraid I won't make it home if I leave,” your voice is pillow soft and contemplative. 
Din takes a steadying inhale through his nose. Then he places a heavy gloved hand on your knee. As his heart pounds in his chest, he gives a comforting squeeze. 
“That’s not silly.”
You swallow the lump that’s suddenly in your throat. This is the first time you find yourself wishing you could see Din’s face. The beskar has always just been a part of him. Now that all of it but his helmet is shedded it fully hits you. There is someone underneath all that armor. Someone with skin that isn't blaster-proof. Someone whose body is likely warm rather than icy to the touch. Someone whose face is looking at you, reassuring you, and making an expression you’ll never be able to see. Oh, how you long to see how he looks at you. 
“Thank you, Din.”
You place your hand over his. The material is rough to the touch, but it still comforts you. It’s still Din’s hand bridging a gap that’s never been bridged before. He’s offering a tender touch that you’ve only seen him give to Grogu.
“I’d ensure you make it home,” he states.
All you can do is blink at him for a moment. 
��What are you saying?” you ask it slowly, beating down the rising hope and heartbeat. 
“You can come with us. I’ll keep you safe.”
His voice is certain and unwavering. That hope you were beating down wins, bursting into your chest. The smile that grows on your face is blinding and breathtaking. Din has the terrifying thought that he would do whatever he can to make you continue smiling like that.
“Are you sure I won’t slow you down?”
“I already travel with a child. You’ll be easy.”
You nod enthusiastically. Dank farrik, Din must be absolutely melting in his helmet. There’s no other reason his brain is short-circuiting like this.
“I guess this way you don't have to come all the way back to Nabu to bring me gifts,” you tease. 
Another circuit in Din’s brain pops.
“That’s one way of looking at it.”
“Where would we go first?” 
“Mos Eisley first, then wherever the bounty takes us.”
“Mos Eisley?” You ask feeling just a bit stupid.
You nod thinking of what to pack. Tatooine is a desert planet, but you’ll be going to places of all temperatures and weather. At the same time, you don't want to pack too heavy. How are you going to fit all your art supplies into a bag? Will there even be room on his ship?
“My easel and supplies, will there be room? I suppose I can always just stick to sketching and paint when I get back,” you mumble the end to yourself.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make room.”
A small gesture that carries such big implications for how you’ll fit into his life from here on out. Din will no longer be entering your space. You won't be the one adjusting and making room. He will. Din is going to alter everything about his life so you can fit neatly in it. 
“Y’know, that’s the first time you’ve told me not to worry that actually made me stop worrying,” you muse. 
“You worry too much.”
His hand squeezes your knee further. 
“It’s hard not to with you two around,” you tease with a playful smile.
You can't hear it, but you can see the light chuckle move in his chest. 
“You should hit the rack. Big day tomorrow,” Din says softly.
He gives your knee one last squeeze before removing it. Your knee is suddenly cold. Din misses the warmth he was able to barely feel through his glove. He wonders how warm you are without the glove.
“Big day, indeed.”
You don't mention saying goodbye to any family the next morning. Din doesn't ask. If your sister is any indication, family is likely a sore topic. You hug various people as you walk to Dee’ja Port. Din recognizes Gus, who sends you away with a basket of bread and a firm order not to forget to eat. Another person you introduce as Luka gives you a bottle of spotchka. Then Melda, the woman Din spoke to at the Inn, shoves over a rolled-up blanket. It seems to be made of every hue in a Naboo sunset and woven together with thick soft yarn. He watches your eyes widen.
“Melda, you must need this. I can't take it,” you say and attempt to hand it back.
Melda shakes her head and holds her hand up to stop you.
“We have plenty. I want you to have a piece of home with you when you need it. Nothing more Dee'ja Peak than one of my blankets,” she insists.
You give her an extra tight hug. When you set off again you explain to Din that the blanket is one used on the beds in the Inn. Melda hand makes them. She sells them during festivals and sometimes even takes commissions. They’re expensive, though. They take a lot of work and material. Her giving you one is a heart-swelling gesture. 
All in all, it takes the two of you twenty-five minutes to make the ten-minute walk to Dee’ja Port. Every few buildings someone is stopping you to give you a hug and wish you well. Din and Grogu watch in silent awe at the sheer amount of love you are showered with on your way out. 
Dee’ja Port houses four bays and cheap docking. The Razor Crest is sitting in the furthest bay. He leads you to her, telling you what she’s called. It feels like he’s nervously introducing you to a family member. You give him a warm smile that you then direct to the Crest. You place a gentle hand on the side of her body.
“It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen,” you hum.
Din chuckles, drawing your attention.
“She’s a piece of garbage, but she’s our piece of garbage,” he says.
He helps you to secure your things in the cargo hold. Priority is to take off, then you can figure out where exactly everything will go. It’s strange imagining him existing in this space. While you can see him in the way everything is organized, there’s nothing else that feels like Din. 
From the cargo hold you pass the small living quarters and climb up into the cockpit. You sit to Din’s right, Grogu on your lap. Grogu coos and reaches out to the left. When you follow his little hand you find your drawings on the back wall. The one you drew of Din and Grogu that first morning and the silly little crayon sketch. Your face heats up.
“I didn't think you hung them up,” you comment. 
Din glances at you and then over his other shoulder. 
“Oh- the-,” he clears his throat a little, “the kid really likes them.” 
You smile as Din faces forward. Din swears his beskar must be red and gooey with how hot his skin is. 
“Awe, you like my drawings, Grogu?” you coo down at the kid. 
He looks up at you with his ears perked up, gurgling. 
“I’m glad because there’s only going to be more,” you say, eyes darting up to where Din is flipping switches and pressing buttons. 
Grogu coos happily. The Crest roars to life, causing you to jump a bit.
“Sorry,” Din mumbles as he continues readying the ship. 
When the ship starts to move it really sinks in. You’re leaving Dee’ja Peak. You’re leaving Nabu. Din looks at you over his shoulder. You can see your reflection in his visor, wide-eyed and anxious.
“Ready?” Din asks.
You take a deep breath.
“As I’ll ever be.”
Din nods and looks forward again. Another few flips and clicks then the ship is off. As you leave your home and everyone you know behind, your eyes stay glued on the beskar-clad man in front of you. You watch him open up an entire galaxy of possibilities to you for no reason other than the desire to do so. The blue of the atmosphere gives way to an endless expanse of stars, but you’re sure the brightest of them all is in this cockpit with you.
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Hello! Thank you so much for doing a matchup trade with me :3 you seem so cool btw. here I go!
Also just @ me when your done!
my name is jaxrel! i also use "jax" for short, I also use other names like lan, himawari, eden, etc. I use he/him pronouns and im a trans man who's bisexual with more of a male pref. and thanks to the testosterones I have a deeper voice :D im a aquarius and i have a lot of mental discorders which l'll get to in a bit.
PERSONALITY: I'm a ENTP, 4W3 (or 3W2) Ravenclaw. I'm very extroverted but I also have some introvert traits which l'll get down to in a minute, my personality is very unique but also hard to describe. I'm very confident, straightforward and I have a sense of justice for myself (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), I can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to). l'm extremely independent, when comfortable talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly due to autism). As for my sense of humor I can be sometimes crude. l'm a very chill and intelligent person but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, get a reallyyy overractive Brain, tend to get deep and philosophical when I'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. Usually when I meet people I come off as awkward and shy, even distant but l'lI get comfortable with them soon enough. I'm very polite and sweet btw! I may look scary sometimes (*cough* that's what I get for being emo *coughs harder*) but l'm always there for someone no matter what. I'm the dad friend. When I go out I always bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapsticks (pretty much anything you can think of). I have a lot of social awareness but i often intentionally act in a rash and unapologetic way because personally i do not care at all for social norms or rules. As l'm the dad friend (also the therapist friend too) l've been told give a lot of good advice and im also a very good listener too. English isn’t my first language either since I was born in the Middle East and speak Arabic more, basically my English isn’t the best and I’m much more fluent in Arabic, Spanish, Korean and Japanese. Here's more information linked here about me. (which I suggest reading)
I've been diagnosed with a lot of disorders such as Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD + etc, it's hard especially with my Autism, sadly a lot of these run on my mothers side of the family and I gotten a lot of them, I'm prone to psychosis/ delusions and sometimes it happens in episodes that can last for months. I also get really mad if people piss me off which goes for my repressed anger issues.
When i'm talking to people I get very loud and unhinged, just very silly like i'm spamming cursed images and telling my friends i'm going to eat their skin and shit like that (AS A JOKE......), just being very neurotic. a lot of my friends describe me as a feral creature HELP. I also use a lot of memes to react to things (which is usually anime, kpop, or just random ones)
I'm very flirty towards people sometimes, sometimes even tease a little but it's not mean spirited or anything. I'm still a friendly person. And I spend time and effort on the people I like and the things I find interesting but I find pretty much anything interesting hehe.
I've been told I act a lot more like victor nikitorov from a lot of my friends and I kinda know why because of how cheerful can be and from what I know I don't seem to understand -or even care about-conventional social norms. I also have that rock star charm. And as an extra I can always dazzle woman and men alike without a single glance). And I also act like Elysia a lot too which you can find more here from her personality.
MISC.: clumsy; accidentally (+purposefully) misuses slang or common phrases ; enjoys skin care and hair care ; I also tend to enjoy makeup routines to be more masculine; able to pick up new skills relatively quickly; studied french, korean, japanese + etc; l'm very good at doing my outfits (probably because I got a lot of help from chinese people...) ; prone to being a bit directionless in life ; prone to bad luck but tries to find the humor in most situations ; life approach: to live a life of varied experiences, to not take life too seriously, to not dwell too much on the past.
KINS: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld). eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars), miyamura izumi (horimiya), michael afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more.
KINS I RELATE TO THE MOST: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Elysia (Honkai Impact 3rd), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
(psssst, my kin lists will help you know more about my personality:))
LOVE LANGUAGES: physical touch, quality time. (giving) gift-giving, physical touch, quality time (receiving)
(I really like physical touch the most and I always get called a "clingy koala" because I love hugs sm, and also because I cuddle my plushies for HOURS on no end)
IDEAL DATE(S): Usually if I was the one to chose a date it would be at dinner or at a picnic outside somewhere nice and maybe we can either go to the movies, arcade or mall. I wouldn't really care what my partner would like to do, and if they wanna do something and wanna buy something l'I have so much money on me. I would also die (not rlly, I would feel my SOUL go out of my body) if my partner were to ever get anything I liked (which is plushies, energy drinks, chocolate (AND) strawberries, etc) ILL LITERALLY HUG THE SHIT OUTTA THEM.
HOBBIES: gaming, anthropology pathology, theology, zoology, music, dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG's, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/ basketball, skating and swimming, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it, I can play 5 instruments which is the piano, cello, koto and bass/electric guitar, I know 6 languages and I'm learning more right now (which are hindi, german, cantonese and chinese if your interested).
I love gaming a lot and I play a lot of survival horror games, role-playing games, visual novels, etc, spent a lot of my money on games for my nintendo, Ps5 and computer. I play too much on roblox and basically during my freetime when I'm not studying other things I like/OR for school I'm usually in my gaming seat playing away and eating junk food. The games I really enjoy playing is roblox, class of 09, honaki impact 3rd, omori, any rhythm games and etc…
I also like writing and reading a lot, including with a studying new things with history, languages, etc. I love taking naps too and I also enjoy watching youtube (my favorite youtubers are flamingo, berleezy, kub scoutz, markiplier, benoftheweek, funkyfrogbait, etc). This also includes with me liking to watch movies as well, same goes for tv shows, asian dramas, etc.. (I also tend to rewatch a lot but not too much; like watching the harry potter movies, any of the marvel movies, horror movies, etc.)
I've been told I'm a very good dancer! I do belly dancing and I also do hiphop dancing as well. I've been in a lot of sports for years now since I was little (thank you to my mother for forcing me :,D) and now I'm in so many! and l've won a lot of rewards and I've been to a couple championships all because of me.
I'm also very, VERY skilled in cooking, baking, etc and I'm always happy to share what I baked with my closest ones.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Pizza, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Cold/or Rainy Weather, Shopping, Action or Romance movies, Kdrama(pretty much any asian dramas), Spicy & Sweet Food, Ramen.
Music: | like (too much) music a lot. I'm a k/jpop stan, I listen to metal/rock a lot, I listen to vkei and vocaloid a lot too, this is also another genre I enjoy listening to but idk what to call it but it's similar to 6arelyhuman, Odetari, Kets4eki, etc (I make similar music to them), I also listen to a lot of indie pop, rap music and scene music. I've been a really big lemon demon fan and I really like listening to any sad music too. my spotify is here
Apperance: l'm pretty tall l'm 5'8 right now and l'm on the very skinny side (I literally get called a twig everyday I'm half Polish and Half Middle Eastern (Iraqi) / Filipino. People usually get confused and a lot I get questions if I'm from North Korea, Hawaii, Brazil or Mexico (it's mostly north korea though HELP idk why people think that), I have dyed black hair. My hair is pretty short (but a little long only going down my neck a few inches) but I get a lot of compliments for it. When I get out of bed from sleeping my hair is always looking like a mess (psst I also have bangs too. Ive been told I look both masculine and feminine. I have piercings (one in (?) my nose, two on the bottom of my lips, and a couple more on both of my ears). I want a tattoo so bad, If I ever get one it would be on the side of my belly and it would be a spider tattoo. I have a dimple on my chin and I have hazel almond eyes.
Aesthetic/Clothing Style: Ok so this is definitely what makes me unique to people other than my personality, my fashion extends to gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & Y2K, jirai kei, vkei, ouji and lolita, suits + dresses (+ MORE) I usually wear these fashion outfits whenever 'm in school, when i'm out somewhere, during my job, or just to look cool. Whenever I'm not in my crazy outfits I'm usually dressed in my "IDGAF" outfits by that I mean are like pj pants and a black shirt, usually I look like I'm alternative whenever I'm not dressed, I wear a lot of jeans, sweatshirts, etc.
Accessories: Usually when I'm in my outfits I bring a lot of accessories with me, I have tote bags that I use to carry things I wanna carry INCLUDING with purses, back packs, etc. I'm a big kpop and jpop fan so you'll see me carrying photo cards or any kind of merch of my favorite groups/ group members. I also have anime keychains/etc, and I also have like hazbin hotel/helluva boss merch too. you'll always see me wearing rings around my fingers a lot, and whenever I'm feeling "girly" I wear a lot of earrings. I also tend to bring perfume and cologne with me, but it's usually any good smelling sprays like mint hot chocolate or strawberry short cake.
Thank you so much! Have a good day!
a/n: Lowkey forgot to not do this with the ask attached but I started yapping in my drafts and forgot to not do it with the ask so mb 😔 But thank you for doing this with me! Here are your results, dear!
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Angel Dust
There’s a lot to touch on here, but personality wise I think you and Angel’s personality’s clash a lot (in good way!) Like, you both are very similar yet very different to me, and that helps balance things, I guess? Like you both know how to get eachother back on track or get the other one to see the other side of things, but with an understanding of the other, since you’re both similar yet different, you know?
Another way you and Angel Dust bond is over fashion, despite your varying tastes in clothes, Angel loves every item of clothing you wear. One of your favorite things to do (especially if one of you is leaving for an extended period of time) is picking out each other outfits out of each others wardrobes
Since Angel also has a language he speaks (Italian) if you don’t already know Italian, he will teach it to you, in hopes that you teach him your language(s) as well. He likes being able to talk with you in another language because it feels like there’s no one else in the world but you two, and it feels more private if people are around, y’know?
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Runner-Ups: Lucifer, Vox, Charlie
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@the-soul-of-a-morningstar : please do not copy, repost or translate onto any other platform.
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nat-seal-well · 8 months
So I'm dying to ask nosy questions about Villain!Nat... Do you think she'd still be part of Unit Bravo and just biding her time til she can act out her plans? Or would she have been a rogue element the whole time? Would she and Ava have any kind of personal rivalry (sexy or otherwise) or just be obstacles in each other's paths? 👀
I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to this, haha, but I spent the entire last half of my shift thinking about it and realized it was gonna be too long just to write it all in a post, so I had to make a document and then copy/paste it over lol.
I don’t think she’d be part of UB (but can you imagine how much fun it would be if she was? Just waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and keeping up the façade…)
Villain!Nat would work better as more of a rogue, I think. I can see her being mostly on her own ever since her turning. Imagine: never being found by the Agency after the massacre on The Queen’s Sabre, never really being guided or taught by anyone other than the vampire who turned her, and then being set loose. 
It would all come down to that whole “nature vs. nurture” thing. A lot of who you are is shaped by the environment around you.
She’d never have had the support she received in the canon. There’d still be a lot of her personality that’s the same; she’d have a love for reading and collecting old books, she’d still be a little old-fashioned as time went on, etc. She’d just be more like the vampires in the traditional books, reclusive in some grand, old home out in the middle of nowhere. 
She’d also still be capable of love and affection and her usual overprotectiveness… she just wouldn’t be aware of it for a very, very long time. And in the moments where it’s staring her down, she’d hide it away and lock it up. 
Ava and Nat would have a rivalry (sexy, of course, because there isn’t much that’s hotter than the intimacy of being sworn enemies. The combat scenes would be gorgeous. Also, it would hurt to watch… which means it would be even more fun, haha :) )
Naturally, Ava would make it more difficult for Nat to ignore her emotions, lol. And she wouldn’t understand them a lot. She’d end up deciding that “hate” is the way she feels, because there isn’t any way it could be love. That’s impossible. Natalie Sewell doesn’t love people. Right? So loathing has to be what it is. 
I’m a sucker for anything poly so consider: throwing the Detective into the mix. It would be like a much, much darker take of the LT route, haha.
Maybe she hears some rumors about the vampire who’s going around killing humans who have a very special blood mutation, and she gets curious. She’s a collector, after all, and a human with blood like that would be priceless and a very good addition to her collection. We already know there’s someone leaking Agency info, so maybe she finds out that way? Probably not until after the events of book one.
So she follows after UB. Naturally, Ava has a suspicion they’re being watched, because she and Nat know each other better than they know themselves. Of course she catches on very, very quickly, but does her best to keep it under wraps. Easier to keep an eye on her that way. 
We also all know how good Nat is at lying and wearing masks. It’d be easy to convince the Detective she’s someone they can trust, especially after they've been thrown headfirst into the supernatural world without any real say in the matter. Nat would be drawing them in under the guise of stealing them away, only to discover–to her horror–that they intrigue her far more than they should. Only… this confuses her. Because the Detective makes her feel the same way Ava does, and there’s no way she can hate them. 
Que an emotional journey full of inner turmoil as Nat tries to come to terms with the fact that she’s capable of softer feelings, after all. And that she might not be so cold-hearted as she thinks. I imagine it would be very long and very painful, because she has three centuries of habits and beliefs (lies that someone hammered into her brain) to unlearn. She’d be fighting it every single step of the way, all while trying to keep it hidden. 
Villain!Nat would be more obsessive, just because I think it’d be a nice touch. Especially as she’s forced to face the truth: that she’s falling in love with her adversary of three hundred years, and a human, of all things. How terrifying. 
As much as I love angst and hurt, it would come to a happy ending. Eventually. Everyone loves a redemption arc, right? I don’t know how it would all come to a head. Maybe in the middle of a battle, maybe while facing down other rogues, and she realizes she might very well lose the two people who mean the most to her. 
Y’know how in ATLA, the gang kind of adopts Zuko? Imagine that, but with UB, haha.
Sorry, lol. This is probably way longer and way more detailed than you wanted, but I’m a sucker for any and all kinds of AUs and this was so much fun. Thank you, friend! You made the last four hours of my shift way more enjoyable, haha <3
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strikersexhaver · 9 months
Hello there! I’m here to send in my matchup rn! 나 자신에 대해 말해줄게!
Fandom: I’d like a romantic matchup for Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Genshin Impact, Marvel, Slashers and Avatar (don’t add me with fischl or gorou, I love them but I’ve been matched with them too much 😭 also no mimzy or the triple V’s please!)
My name is Joey but I also go by Jordan, Himawari, Rin or Magtanggol too! I’m Transgender (ftm), Aromatic, Polyamory, Unlabled, & Bisexual, I’ve been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD & OCD, im wasian (eastern european & west-southeast asian), polish, arab, flipino, scottish & russian.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses “big” words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(I’m nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don’t mean to), dad/tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some “repressed anger issues”, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked, im on the more severe of of the Autism Spectrum so I would like someone to acknowledge that and I also stim when I’m to overwhelmed when there’s a crowded place, to much lighting, etc.
things I live about myself: when someone is going through anything or needs help with anything they will call me before anyone else, i have an ugly laugh so guaranteed if i laugh someone else will as well, how much i love animals if i see a stray around my house i will adopt it immediately, if i see a stranger crying in public my eyes will not leave them alone until i get the courage to walk up to them and ask whats wrong, i am very confrontational i will always stand up for whats right no matter how scary the situation may be, how greedy i am for money but when i love someone i will spend the world on them, how excited i get for little things like when someone buys me redbull, monster, cherry pepsi or chocolate pretzels/strawberries my day cant be ruined, how in touch i am with being grateful if someone helps me in anyway or does something in general to benefit me i will never forget it, dont take people for granted, ive been told anytime someone hangs out with me that being with me feels safe and peaceful, I pay attention to the little things, how even though i dont care about plushies i have been given some and i make sure to kiss them all goodnight in case they are actually real and see what happens, if i know someone is having a hard mental health day i will clean for them/ get them icecream and be patient till they are ready to talk about it, without fail a quiet person will always be loud with me, i am the type of person who just wants people i love to be happy even if its not with me, i will always choose them i dont say i love you until i mean it i will celebrate the people i love, i am very observant if i see that someone wants something i will get it for them no matter what, i will make it my mission to compliment a stranger that looks like they are having a hard time so their day is a little better, how i say i hate kids but i will protect them with my life and im so gentle with them, I am not ashamed of what i love like anime for example even though when I was teased for it when I was little i never once hid that i loved it, even if i dont like a song that someone shows me i will be hyper while listening to it so they dont feel small and embarrassed around me, how soft i become when someone holds my hand, even though hugging makes me uncomfortable i will push past that boundary and hug someone with all my heart if they needed it, i love how hardworking i am, whether its how much i love actually working or just getting out of bed knowing how hard my mind is fighting i love how i have gotten up everyday for the past 12 years despite how challenging it is to, i am an emotional person but i will always cry for a sad scene in a movie, if i love you, you'll be seen.
hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (I’m a vocaloid producer, i make odecore/breakcore/scenecore music and I make music like ATARASHII GAKKO, BABYMETAL, YOASOBI & Ado too), dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG’s, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/basketball and swim, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it
likes: vocaloid/utau, k-pop/j-pop, watching documentaries/youtube, decorating my room, iced coffee, boba tea, bread, sharks, cats, cold weather, christmas, musicals, cleaning, rhythm games, being with my friends, shopping, partys, mint candles, sweet and spicy food, any asian food (japanese, korean, chinese, taiwanese, etc), the mandela catalog, your boyfriend (game), roblox(game), otome games and more!
these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), geto suguru (jujustu kaisen), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), mondo owada (danganronpa), blade (honkai star rail), hua cheng (TGCF), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more....!
I'm a ENTP, 4w3 and a Aquarius
misc: I live in a mixed language house hold where I speak mostly polish and Arabic, and some Korean and Japanese, it world be nice if the person who I get can react to that lol, i know 6 languages (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish & French), clumsy; accidentally misuses slang or phrases bc i can never remember how they go (e.g. "bust this popsicle stand" instead of “blow this popsicle stand"); prone to be a bit directionless in life, tries to find comfort and humor in hard times, tries not to take life to seriously, i love dancing a lot, I do a lot of dancing like tiktok (idk I’m so sorry😭) dancing, belly dancing, dabke dancing and more.
appearance /aesthetic: 5'6 / 167.64 cm, midsize, rectangular body shape, i have a masculine and feminine face (somehow), dimple on chin, hazel eyes, wears glasses, dyed black boy hair, lots of piercings, no tattoos(I need some), for style, i wear a lot such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, i wear streetwear clothes mostly at home/school/work, i basically wear casual clothes too but can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, i wear fishnets and combat boats/converse, but I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as kimono style, jirai kei, decora, mori kei, cult party kei and more but the ones highlighted are the ones I wear mostly.
TYSM!! And have a good day!
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Pretty short, and cut it down to two since it’s my first matchup but-
For Hazbin I pair you with…
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Angel Dust 🕷️
- For Angel, it doesn’t matter if someone is quiet in the beginning- he will find a way to talk to you.
- As well as he can tell if someone’s distant out of shyness or disgust, shyness is the first for here.
- And also, not to mention- he loves gossip, he too is also nosy.
- Drama is fun as hell!
- Also, it was confirmed he loves kids too! Admittedly, he’s the friendly irresponsible type of parent.
- He respects your hardworking grind, shit, get a better job than he ever could- slay
- It’s obvious that Angel Dust has well- a lotta issues in his life, so someone that could comfort him during low periods. Amazing for him.
- He can comfort you too in his own more goofier way, usually liking to cheer people up through jokes and comedy. But if you need space, he’ll give you it.
- He’s also into fashion, heavily, he keeps up with fashion trends and does drag himself, so he can respect any alternative style fashion!
- Plus, bring him into goth- that would be amazing for both you and him.
- Dancing is something he’s interested in as well, on the pole or off the pole. He loves it as a whole.
- You could probably teach him a lot of things in his own interests that he didn’t even realize. Which is beautiful ❤️
For Helluva Boss I pair you with…
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Queen Bee (zlebub) 🐝
- Similarly to Angel Dust, just because you can be shy in the beginning- does not matter to her whatsoever
- Fashion too, that is also a thing for her, I mean look at her- boy she is into all that
- She will talk to you as long as you don’t mind, and as long as you’re willing to hear.
- Also, drama, gossip, tell her fucking everything she is dying to hear it!
- She has been with and met, talked to, a lotta people. Including those with mental health issues or disabilities, so she could definitely try to assist you if you’re having those times of need.
- Plus, she can literally sense your emotion.
- She is gonna be there for you as much as she can be
- She’s created adoption pounds for hellhound puppies, probably out of a goodness to have her people in homes or at least be situated somewhere. So she probably has a soft spot for animals alike, alongside kids.
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cheeriecherrymain · 1 year
May I please have headcannon's for Viktor with a significant other that works around the dead? (I know, self indulgent, I know)
I will admit! I don't know much about working with the deceased, so I had to do a little bit of googling and youtube-watching. This is short, but hopefully it's sweet <3
Viktor x Reader (SFW)
-The first time you meet, you’re at a coffee shop. He’d stopped in for a moment to get out of the cold and have something to drink - and it seemed everyone else had the same idea.
-The only seat he can find is one in the corner, across a small table from you. You’re surrounded by papers and you’re writing in a notebook, so he figures he’ll be able to keep to himself and work on his own things.
-So he wanders up to you, and quietly asks if you’re amicable to him sitting near you. You, of course, offer him a brilliant smile as you gesture to the chair, and then go back to whatever it is you’re working on.
-He tries to keep to himself, he really does, but he’s curious to a fault - especially when he sees someone so intent on something. He thinks he’s being subtle each time he glances over the papers you’ve got in front of you, but clearly he’s not. Either that, or you’re incredibly observant.
-On his third glance over your material, you finally catch him, but instead of being off-put by his nosiness, you instead scoot your chair closer to him to show him what you’re doing.
-Flowers, he realizes; you’re designing flower arrangements, and calculating the costs of each one.
-He asks you if you’re some kind of florist or wedding planner, and you shake your head with a laugh.
- “I’m a funeral director,” you say with a smile, and bite back a laugh when the shock is clear on his face. “It’s a little macabre, I know.”
-He’s quick to argue, telling you that it’s not macabre, and that it’s a job that needs to be done. He just…never expected someone with your profession to be so…cheerful.
-You laugh again, clearly used to such a reaction. “Let me guess, you’re picturing a person donned in black, looking a little like death themselves?”
-He has the decency to look sheepish.
-You expect his curiosity to end there, and for the two of you to go back to your own devices, but instead he starts asking questions - do all funeral directors do flowers like you do? What else do you do? Is it a hard job?
-You’re pleasantly surprised by his interest, and happily talk his ear off while you continue sketching - No, most of us only help patrons choose their own flowers, and We do everything from helping with caskets, to urns, to obituaries, and arranging the entire service. We’re also in charge of the, ah…remains - making them presentable for a viewing, burial, or cremation.
-You sigh quietly then, a softer smile pulling at the corners of your lips. “It can be hard,” you admit to him, “To be around such grief and loss. But it helps to know that I’m playing a part in letting someone say goodbye to a loved one - that maybe I’m able to bring them a little bit of peace.”
-You share a little bit of chatter after that, asking him what he does for a living, claiming that you don’t want to only talk about yourself. By the end of the hour, you’ve exchanged numbers and made plans to have coffee again sometime.
-And over the months, you grow closer. Viktor weaves his way into your life, and you into his, until eventually you’re sharing your first kiss in front of the very shop you met at - the same place he asks you to move in with him, and the same place he one day finagles himself onto one knee and presents you with a silver ring.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 9 months
Hello there! I’m here to send in a matchup! so I hope you don’t mind anyways 나 자신에 대해 말해줄게!
Fandom: I’d like a romantic male matchup for Jujustu Kaisen and MHA also I’m fine with a poly relationship too! My name is Joey but I also go by Himawari, Rin or Magtanggol too! I’m Transgender (ftm), Aromatic, Unlabled, & Bisexual, I’ve been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD & OCD and im white, arab, flipino, scottish & russian.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses “big” words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(I’m nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don’t mean to), doesn’t shy away from conflict (a but combative with authority when people don’t know what they’re doing), dad/tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some “repressed anger issues”, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked, I have a hard time taking everything seriously, coke and a little mean when upset at someone and a fun fact is that I can eat the most spiciest foods and not have a problem with it.
hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (I’m a vocaloid producer, i make odecore/scenecore music and I make music like ATARASHII GAKKO too), dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG’s, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer/volleyball/basketball and swim, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it
likes: vocaloid/utau, iced coffee, boba tea, bread, sharks, cats, piercings/tattoos(I wanna get some tattoos!), cold weather, christmas, musicals, cleaning, rhythm games, being with my friends, shopping, mint candles, sweet and spicy food, deserts.
dislikes: spiders, bitter food, nasty scents, hot weather, manipulation, toxic people, having to be responsible for others to much(I tend to look down on/clash with people who are overly insecure), people who don't talk with me a lot, feeling restricted, and over-possessiveness
I'm a ENTP, 4w3 and a Aquarius
misc: accidentally misused slang or phrases bc I can't remember how they usually go (e.g. "bust this popsicle stand" instead of "blow this popsicle stand"), able to eland and pick up skills very quickly, i know 6 languages (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish & French), i play the piano, bass /electric guitar and cello, prone to be a bit directionless in life, tries to find comfort and humor in hard times, not to take life to seriously, and obsess over the past
appearance /aesthetic: 5'6 / 167.64 cm, midsize, rectangular body shape, i have a masculine and feminine face (somehow), dimple on chin, hazel eyes, wears glasses, dyed black boy hair, lots of piercings, no tattoos(I need some), for style, i wear a lot suck as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, i wear streetwear clothes mostly at home/school/work, i wear fishnets and combat boats, but I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT.
thank you and have a nice day!
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(Hello I really hope you enjoy this, have a nice day/night!)
I match you with:
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Itadori Yuji
- Due to his kind personality you’ll warm up to him quickly. When he realizes that you’re being shy he makes sure to not overwhelm you when you get to know him.
- He was shocked the first time you were verbally aggressive to someone but the shock didn’t last for long. He thinks it’s admirable to stand up for yourself.
- Sets up a contest for you, him, Megumi, and Nobara on who can eat the most spiciest food in a certain amount of time. You would probably win but Itadori would be in second place.
- You guys often binge watch animes or play games together.
- He thinks it’s really cool that you are a vocaloid producer and that you know so many languages, (y’all sometimes listen to your music while hanging out)
- He really likes to listen to you talk about all of your interests. He’s a good listener and remembers majority of what you say.
- Whenever it snows outside you guys will have intense snow fights. He’s really fast so good luck on winning.
- After he’s exhausted from all the training, the water bottles you bring are helpful to cool him off.
- When you are upset he’ll gift you some of your favorite things/drinks and try to cook/bake your favorite treats.
- He asks you to take a picture of you and him so that he can print it out and put it on his wall (or desk if he even has one)
- He loves your collections and art. He would want to try pottery out and try to make something.
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Denki Kaminari
- He can be a bit loud sometimes and if you’re overwhelmed at first when meeting him he’ll tone it down a bit until you get warmed up to him.
- He admires your independence and hopes to be as independent as you.
- If someone provokes you and you’re being verbally aggressive to the person he would be on the sidelines hyping you up.
- If he reads a Manga that you also read and he doesn’t understand some of the storyline or anything he’ll go to you and see if you know about it.
- When he was first learning guitar, he goes to you for some tips.
- He introduces you to a lot of his friends (like Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, Jiro, Sero, etc) he thinks y’all will get along really well.
- You guys are like a comedic duo in the classroom. Sometimes you guys pull pranks on some of your friends. One time he asked you to teach him some insults in some of the languages you know and y’all were making fun of Bakugou in front of his face while laughing y’all asses off.
- Whenever you’re upset and/or crying he tries to cheer you up the best he can by making you laugh.
- Teaches you the newest slang and phrases.
- You guys sometimes bake together during the holidays and it becomes a mess because he decides to stick his finger into the batter and put it on your face, causing a war.
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