#and i’m gonna train to be an assistant leader
autistic-katara · 1 year
shout out to the trans + autistic person working at the thingy i started volunteering at today for being the only adult i have both had an actual conversation with and felt 100% safe around
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
my mind has been absolutely PLAGUED with neteyam and ao'nung fighting for male readers love while also having some enemies to lovers of their own?? and they both confess to reader at the same time idk you can edit this as you please obviously,, i just love them sm ☹️☹️
Dual Love - Neteyam x Ao’nung x Male! Metkayina! Reader
I had a blast with this request and wanted to say thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
As a Metkayina, I’m no stranger to the clan leader and his family. Especially his children, Tsireya and Ao’nung. I had always grown up playing with them, Ao’nung more than Tsireya as she was usually training to be the next Tsahik with her mother. As a close friend to the siblings, I was almost adopted by their parents, seen as somewhat of another son to them. Of course they’d never try to take me from my parents, but there always was a second home for me with them.
When the forest people came to us, it was a shock to us all, and while I wasn’t one of their children, Tonowari and Ronal assigned me to assist them with their adjustment to our lifestyle. The forest people had many children themselves, and being assigned to them, I learned their names rather quickly. Kiri was the most stand-off ish to me, preferring to connect to the elements or perhaps Eywa. Tuk was the only other girl, she was rather nice and full of life, regressing young energy.
Neteyam and Lo’ak were the only boys, as such, I was essentially given an extra special role of making sure that Ao’nung didn’t do anything stupid when teaching them. Sure he can be responsible, but he can also be crass and rude, especially when it comes to new people he could bully.
“C’mon, we’re gonna try to hold our breath again, remember what we taught you. Breath deep from here, and slowly release it when you’re underwater.” I rubbed my hand gently across Neteyam’s stomach, showing where he needed to try breathing from again. He was getting better at it, as was Lo’ak, but it seemed the older one was making more progress than his younger brother. Tsireya and Ao’nung were off to the side, showing them how to do it as well, also helping Kiri and Tuk get a hang of it.
“I think I got the hang of this.” Neteyam said while trying to keep his voice down for some reason. I looked into his eyes only to see him turn his head quickly. I was confused but paid it no mind, returning to help Lo’ak with his breathing placement. From behind me I could almost hear a hiss from Neteyam, still paying it no mind I guided the brothers to the water to try again for a longer time. Diving into the water gracefully I spun around to watch them attempt to dive with me. Cue their balled jumps into the water, and me silently giggling underwater at how childish they were.
“Let’s try again.” Tsireya spoke to the girls she and Ao’nung were instructing. Ao’nung gave me a look when he saw how close Neteyam was to me, Al thought given his attitude to all the newcomers, I expected it. He’s not a fan of big changes, and teaching many Omatikaya how to be Metkayina was something he definitely didn’t want. We all swam into a loose circle together, Tsireya, Ao’nung and I all counted down from 3 to have them all take deep breaths before sinking underwater. Once under I noticed that Tuk had breathed in poorly and wasn’t gonna last long, tapping her and pointing up to have her surface. She followed the direction and I continued to watch the other three forest people. Kiri quit next, almost out of boredom it seemed. As the three used to being underwater, the siblings and I had no problem watching the last two Sully children attempt to hold their breath.
“They’re lasting a lot longer than before, good job (y/n).” Tsireya signed to me as I nodded and thanked her while the two brothers looked at us confused.
“I forgot we still need to teach them sign, this is gonna be worse than taming a skimwing.” Ao’nung signed to us, making all three of us realize it was gonna be a hard task to teach them another language. Glancing over to the brothers right as Lo’ak quit and surfaced for air, leaving only Neteyam left. I made a note to compliment him once he could understand what I’m saying. Another few minutes go by before he starts to choke on the water, surfacing immediately. Following him, the three of us surfaced as well and made our way back to the shore.
“That was very good for all of you, Tuk I want to work with you more later to figure out breathing styles. Kiri….is not here anymore, where did she go? Anyways, Lo’ak and Neteyam, also very good job to you two, I’ll help you both out with holding the air for longer and releasing it slower.” The three Sully’s that were left nodded and gave noises of agreement or acceptance to my words.
“It’s been awhile since we started, we should take a break.” Tsireya butted in before I was about to start helping Tuk, but realized we had been working for a good bit of time by now.
“You’re right, I’ll be back in my Marui, let me know if we start training again.” I started to head back to the village and where I had settled myself amongst my people.
“(Y/n), I need to talk to you.” Ao’nung came walking into the Marui and sitting right in front of me.
“Okay, can I help you?” He took a very deep breath and a second to collect his thoughts.
“Why are you so nice to the forest people?” I was confused by his question.
“We’re teaching them, it’s not like I should be a rude teacher just because they’re different from us. Why do you ask?” Ao’nung was almost taken aback by my answer, I guess he wasn’t expecting such a genuine answer.
“I guess you’re right, but I don’t think you should be around Neteyam so much, he gives me a strange feeling.” I sighed at what he said, of course it was him being protective, he always had been like this about me.
“Ao’nung, I know you’re protective of me, but I promise you, he’s fine, and I can defend myself if I need to, no need to protect me.” His cheeks brightened at my words and he turned his head away from me so I couldn’t see it.
“If you say so, but I warned you.” He stood up and left my Marui, leaving me to go back to what I was doing before.
Over the next few weeks, the three of us had managed to teach all the Sully children how to hold their breath underwater, to dive properly and deeply, hunt and harvest, and even how to ride the Liu’s. Neteyam and Ao’nung bickering never ceased, there was always some way they but heads or it seemed like a silent hatred for each other. At some points it almost seemed as though they were interested in each other because of how they acted with one another. I never paid either mind when they fought like children, but I did grow rather fond of Neteyam in the time I’d taught him. I’ve always had a quiet liking to Ao’nung, something I’ve experienced since I was a young boy and played with him in the shallows. While I developed a crush of sorts on Neteyam, the one for Ao’nung only seemed to strengthen. I loved them both as much as the other, but for the sake of both friendships I kept my feelings to myself.
We had just finished training the Sully boys again with hunting on Lius when I retreated to my Marui for a late meal and sleep. Not even a few minutes into cutting up the fish I found earlier, I could hear the two of them bickering on one of the pathways near my home. Once again, I paid them no mind, until the sounds got louder and louder and suddenly they were standing in front of me.
“Why don’t you just leave and go back to the forest, you’re clearly better off there.” Ao’nung almost shouted at Neteyam, who quickly made a comeback.
“Maybe you should try to swing and run in the forest, I’m sure you’d suffer there a lot more than we have here.” Just before Ao’nung retorted I stood up and put a hand on both their mouths.
“What do you both want and why are you arguing in my Marui?” I was mildly pissed off at how they just openly did such a thing while everyone in the village could hear them. They simultaneously responded with a jumbled mix of excuses and the word confession was thrown around a few times. “Enough, both of you, Neteyam, you first.” He nodded and began speaking.
“I was headed here to confess something to you, and ran into him, he started the argument.” I gave Ao’nung a look and he glanced down at his feet to avoid my gaze.
“Ao’nung, your turn.” He nodded and was more quiet in his tone than he was earlier.
“I also was on my way to confess to you when I saw this scown and had to say something about what he was doing.” Before they could start bickering again I slapped a hand over their mouths.
“Boys, if you can’t be nice, you both have to leave, now, I’m gonna move my hand, and you tell me what you wanted to confess, both of you.” I got grunts of agreement and so I moved my hands.
“I like you and want you to be my mate.” They both said in almost perfect unison, shocked looks took over their expressions as they realized they were here for the same reason. I giggled in response, not entirely sure how to react.
“Well, I like both of you as well, and it may not be traditional, and it will be very difficult, we can all be each other's mates.” They seemed to be almost pleased with my response, not too sure about how to handle being mates with their enemy, but for me, they were more than willing to make it work. Now I just had to talk to their parents and tell them about everything.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
The Sibling Connection
Summary: Now 23 and 38 the Bradshaw siblings come back to Miramar and see an old face. Feelings come up and surprises are revealed.
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Sister!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, very inaccurate military talk, and timing
First Installment- Brotherly Love
Second Installment- The Sibling Connection
A/N: Italics mean that they are up in the air or getting ready to be up in the air.
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Y/N wasn't at The Hard Deck when her brother arrived; this is due to her being fresh out of flight school and now officially a pilot. She had just been at her base in Fallon, Nevada for 3 days when she was told she would be helping out at Top Gun for a secret mission. She exceeded all of her training but then again what do you expect when you have an uncle that is the Commander of the US Pacific Fleet and taught you everything to know about flying?
When Y/N turned 18 she applied to the Naval Academy but first talked with her brother about it. He wanted her to chase her dreams and so he helped her even though he didn't get in, he wasn't gonna hold her back like Maverick did to him. He supported her the entire time. She kept him updated with everything and also Maverick too but it was mostly about her and not Bradley, per his request, and she respected that. When she told Bradley that she wanted to fly he was ecstatic, when she told him she wanted to fly the F-35B he was a little disappointed it wasn't a F/A-18E Super Hornet but didn't make her switch, they even joke about it and play fight. 
The next day when everyone showed up to class, Bradley looked around for his sister but she wasn't there and he frowned slightly. He really didn't pay attention to what was going on but he was listening.
"Attention on deck!" Someone said and everyone scooted their chairs back and stood at attention as Warlock and Cyclone. 
"Morning." Warlock said and everyone sat down "Welcome to your special training detachment. Be seated. I’m Admiral Bates, NAWDC commander. You’re all top gun graduates. The elite. The best of the best. That was yesterday. The enemy’s new fifth-generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box. Half of you will make the cut. One of you will be named mission leader. The other half will remain in reserve. Your instructor is a top gun graduate with real-world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master. His exploits are legendary. And he’s considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell. Call sign: “Maverick.” Warlock finished as Maverick walked up the aisle and Bradley's frown deepened. 
"Good morning. The f-18 natops. It contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft. I’m assuming you know the book inside and out." Maverick said Bradley was listening but wasn't happy about Maverick teaching him. Oh how he wished his sister would show up.
"Damn right." Jake said and another person said "Damn straight."
"You got it. So does your enemy." Maverick said threw the book into the trash.
"And we’re off." Warlock said
"But what the enemy doesn’t know is your limits. I intend to find them, test them, and push beyond. Today we’ll start with what you only think you know. You show me what you’re made of." Maverick continued "Before we continue Cyclone has something he wants to add." He said and took a step away and to the side as Cyclone walked up.
"Since this mission is dangerous and high stakes, we are bringing in another pilot. She will be flying the F-35 but will not be running the mission with you but will be training with you. She will be back up in the skies only and will take off with everyone else. She will assist if she needs to." Cyclone said and Bradley could feel his smirk, mood lightening, and sitting up straighter. "She has exceeded her training and has graduated early from pilot training and is now a stealth pilot. Everyone, I would like you to meet Lieutenant Y/N Bradshaw. Call sign: Sparhawk." Cyclone said as you reached the front and turned. You smiled and waved at the rest and then your eyes turned onto Bradley who had a smirk on his face and you smiled back at him.
Everyone was dismissed. Y/N was already out by her F-35. She would be going up with every hop to pose as another enemy along with Maverick. She saw Bradley get stopped by Maverick but wasn't able to hear anything. Bradley walked away from Maverick and came up to her. 
"Took you long enough." He said playfully and she laughed and smiled.
"I wanted it to be a surprise." She told him which is true he knew she was coming but just not when. He smiled and shook his head.
"You haven't changed one-bit little sis." Bradley said.
"I haven't but you have." She shot back she missed the playful banter. He just smirked.
"If you need anything. Let me know." He told her and she nodded her head.
"You got it, bro. Be safe up there." She said and turned to get up in her jet.
"You too sis." He replied and headed to his own jet. 
The training was going well. Each hop was different from the last since each pilot had different flying skills. Y/N stayed unseen which was doable since she had a jet that was almost completely invisible from radar. There were a few times that she had freaked out the others by flying right next to them and they didn't even know. She especially liked to freak out Jake. 
It had been when Jake, Natasha, and Bob were up for one of the hops. Jake was looking over at the other two and that's when Y/N silently flew up next to him. Both Natasha and Bob were smirking.
"What are the two of you smirking at?" Jake asked and they said nothing but Y/N's voice came into the comms.
"Why don't you look to your left, Bagman." She said with a smirk on her face and you could hear it. He looked to his left and saw her there and he jerked his jet to the right and almost hit Natasha and Bob but he corrected it before he crashed. 
"Geez, Spawhawk. Where did you come from?" He asked, "You almost gave me a heart attack." He continued and she laughed. 
"I've been here for at least 10 minutes." She said with a smirk on her face. 
"Warning next time would be nice." He said and she laughed.
"That would beat the purpose of it being a stealth jet." She responded back with sass. They didn't get to speak much longer because Maverick's voice came on the comms. 
"Ok enough chit chatting. Sparhawk, time to start." Maverick said and she nodded even though he couldn't see it. 
"You got it Mav." She said and dropped her speed and seamlessly disappeared but in reality she just dropped down below the other jets and let them speed past her. She flew to Mav and settled right next to him. They decided to make the others sweat and they switched to private communication. 
"So an F-35?" Maverick asked her and she smiled though he couldn't see it. 
"Yea I figured it would be a nice change of pace and I like stealth." She said and he laughed. 
"You sure do. Are you ready to take them down?" He asked her. 
"Absolutely." She replied and off they went. Mav was the distraction while she stealthy came up behind them and toned them. This went on for several hops. 
Bradley was the toughest but eventually he was toned too. When Coyote went into g-loc she thought she was going to have a heart attack along with the bird strike, but in the end everyone was ok. 
Not much time was given to hang out except when Maverick made time for dogfight football. It was wild and Y/N loved it. She always had a competitive side with Bradley and just in general. Getting to hang out with hot sweaty, shirtless, muscled, 6-pack abs, and sun-kissed skin guys wasn't bad either.  
After Y/N and her team won against Bradley they all sat down to cool off and some even went into the ocean. Bradley came over to her and threw an arm around her and she made a face.
"Bro you're sweaty. Get off of me." She said and pushed him away and he laughed.
"Look who's talking. You're just about as sweaty as I am." He pushed her back and smiled. They eventually stopped and talked until the sun went down and they headed home. What they didn't know was that Maverick was several feet back watching them smiling. He was glad Y/N stayed in touch and sad that Bradley didn't. He was surprised that she went into the Navy but couldn't blame her. 
Everyone left the beach and headed home to continue the next day. Then they were off to do the mission and come home, safely.
The time has come for the mission. Everyone was nervous but ready for it. Maverick picked his team and Y/N was shocked when Bradley's name was called and her stomach dropped. She already knew she would be going but she feared for her brother. They all started to go out towards their jets when Cyclone stopped her.
"Lt. Bradshaw, stay back for a few seconds." She stopped and turned to look at him as the other left and Bradley gave her a questioning look. He also stopped Maverick before he left  "Captain Mitchell a word." He said as he was getting ready to leave.
"What can we do for you?" Maverick asked and then Warlock walked up to them.
"We have decided to send Lt. Bradshaw out before the Daggers." Both Maverick and Y/N were shocked, this was not the plan.
 "Captain Mitchell, you will still be leading the Daggers. Once everyone gets to the opening of the mountain, Lt. Bradshaw will drop out and do air control." They both were silent as Warlock spoke about the change of plans.
"Understood." Both of them said.
"Dismissed." Cyclone said and both Cyclone and Warlock walked out of the room followed by Maverick and Y/N, but not before looking at each other. 
When they got to their jets and Maverick and Bradley talked, Bradley walked up to his sister. "What was that about?" He asked.
"You know I'm not allowed to say. It's just the plans have changed. You'll see once we get up in the air." She said and he nodded but he could tell that she was nervous, they could always tell when something was up with the other it was just the sibling connection they shared. The announcement came on telling them that they were ready to launch. They hugged each other. "I love you, big brother." She said and he hugged her tighter.
"I love you too little sis." He replied and then let go of her and they went and got in their jets getting ready to take off. 
They had Y/N's jet taxi to the catapult and she could feel the eyes of her teammates on her. They would be asking questions later. "Safety Dagger up and ready." She said into her comms. They gave her the go and the shooter gave the command and she shot off the deck and into the sky. Once she was far enough away they gave the ok for the other Daggers. She could hear Maverick talking but wasn't paying attention. She was on the lookout for bandits but found none. She saw the missiles fly above her and once the opening of the canyon, she dropped down and let the now-in-formation Daggers go ahead of her. She broke right and went around the mountain monitoring the skies. 
She was far enough away from the mountains but still close enough. As she was monitoring the skies she came across one of the bandits. "Safety Dagger this Comanche. You have a bandit at 3 o'clock." She looked at her radar and so behold there it was.
"Comanche, this is Safety Dagger. Copy that. Will not engage unless need to." She said into her comms.
"Copy that Safety Dagger." Comanche said. Everything was going smoothly until they spotted her and it was game on. 
"Comanche bandit is engaging, Safety Dagger is responding." She said.
"Copy, Safety Dagger." They said to her, she dropped her speed and dropped altitude. She was trying to disappear from their radar and it was working. 
She got behind them and got tone but she was still far enough away from them they couldn't see her. She got closer and they panicked and started to try to lose her. Each move they made she made. "Can't shake me. Our jets are practically the same." She said to herself. "Oh you're good but I'm better." She said and after a few minutes and a few missile shots and gunshots, she got the final tone and shot, taking them down. Her 1st confirmed kill. She still has a lot of ammo left. She had this feeling that something was right and boy was she right when she started to hear all the commotion going on and then Maverick went down and her heart dropped. She saw Natasha, Bob, Mickey, and Javy emerge but not Bradley. She flew up beside them. "Where is my brother?" She asked any of them but they remained silent "Answer me." She almost growled. 
"He went back for Mav." Bob finally said and boy was she angry. She quickly pulled her jet to the left and headed towards where they were last. When Cyclone came over the comms 
"Safety Dagger, return to the ship." He said and she was pissed.
"What's the point of a Safety Dagger if it's not going to protect the fellow Daggers?" She replied and Cyclone knew she was right and she might be in trouble but be damn with it. 
"Safety Dagger you are clear to proceed." Cyclone said and she nodded and proceeded to her brother. She flew around but couldn't see them. She practically growled. "Safety Dagger, report." He said. 
"Plane wreckage but not shoots or bodies." She said looking through the bottom of the plane thanks to her extremely up to date technology helmet. She then saw an F-14 on the runway and knew it was them but didn't say anything. She didn't want to alert the enemies. 
The F-14 took off and was in the sky. Once far enough away from the base she flew up beside them scaring the crap out of them. But once they saw she was friendly they were relieved. "Thought I would never see you again boys." She said into the comms. Bradley laughed. 
"What made you come looking for us?" He asked.
"Let's call it the sibling connection kicked in. I knew that you were still alive and I wasn't about to not help." She said to her brother and pseudo father. 
"Well, I'm glad it's still working. Let's go home." He said and that is exactly what they did but not before running into several bandits. They put up a good fight. Y/N could give them that but she had a jet of the same technology as them. She broke away from them and took off after the 3rd bandit and they watched her in a dogfight, and they were impressed, while they were fighting off on their own. They quickly got rid of their first one and they watched her take down the 3rd one, which was behind her but she shot a missile and it shot out but it went up and behind her hitting the 3rd bandit, they were impressed, confirming her 2nd kill. The second bandit was now chasing Maverick and Bradley through the canyon but she had another problem, a 4th bandit showed up and she was in another dogfight.
Y/N and the 4th bandit were chasing each other just as soon as she took down the bandit, Bradley and Maverick came back without the bandit and knew they would be ok. The 4th bandit was her 3rd confirmed kill. A 5th bandit showed up and Maverick and Bradley were out of ammo she put up a fight for them as they tried to invade and damaged the bandit but soon ran out of ammo.
Just as soon as they thought they were done for the plane that was in front of them but now behind them, after turning avoiding gunshots, them blew up and Jake came out of the smoke. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman, this is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seat belts, return the tray tables to their locked an upright positions and prepare for landing." Jakes voice came through the comms.
'Hangman , you're looking good." Bradley said
"I am good, Rooster. I'm very good." Jake said to him being the cocky son of a bitch that he was. They all headed back to the ship, first Jake then Y/N, and then finally Maverick and Bradley. Once Bradley and Maverick crashed landed they got out of the plane and everyone cheered.
Once they debriefed and got onto solid ground everyone gathered at The Hard Deck, except Cyclone, Warlock, and Maverick. They all chatted about and making plans for their well deserved team when Y/N silently slipped out on to the deck and looked out over to the ocean. Her brother noticed the absence of his sister and went out to her. He slung an arm around her shoulders and she leaned into his embrace. "Warlock tells me that you have now 3 confirmed kills." and she smiled and nodded.
"That would be correct." She said and he smiled.
"I'm proud of you. I know it was hard to take a life. Mom, Dad, and Uncle Ice would be so proud of you too." He said a laid a kiss to her hair. They heard the others cheering but didn't pay attention to it they were enjoying their sibling time together.
"You're right it wasn't easy but it was necessary." She said. Maverick walked out onto the deck and joined them smiling at them before walking up beside them.
"You missed the announcement." He told them. Bradley and Maverick were working on their relationship it would take time to heal but it was going in the right direction. They both looked at him.
"Oh?" Y/N asked as Bradley spoke up. "What's that?" Bradley asked at the same time.
"Yes. I just got out of a meeting with Cyclone and Warlock. They have decided to make this squad a permanent one. He also said that Y/N will also train and learn to fly the F/A-18E Super Hornet." Maverick said to the both and they all smiled. No words were needed. They all looked out into the ocean and setting sun.
Bradley hugged his little sister tighter and dropped another kiss to her head. Y/N leaned further into her brother enjoying the warmth from him and the familiar scent that she had grown up with. Maverick looked out into the sunset just thinking that Goose and Carole were up there smiling and begin glad that they had him in their life, even though there was rough patches. Occasionally Maverick would look at them and smile. He was glad they were together again and they were safe.
Bradley and Y/N truly did share the sibling connection. Now they don't have to be away from each other. Now Bradley could protect his little sister from guys, especially guys like Jake and Jake. Y/N had her big brother and pseudo father right there when she needed someone to go to when things get rough. The family was back together again.
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Posting an old AU, which did later and very loosely inspire my work: Intertwining Threads of Gold.
Allow me to introduce Severed Threads AU.
As this is a really old AU (the second Encanto AU I made after Fracture), it’ll be no surprise to you that’s it’s already completed. No spoilers or withholding information here! So, with that said, I’m just gonna drop the plot below.
Story starts in 1951. (For reference, Casita’s rebuild/the return of the miracle came about at the end of 1950).
With Isabela no longer having to be the golden child, there is a huge question of who will be Alma’s successor. She is leaning towards leaving the matriarchy to her children, the triplets, when she passes but the council talk her out of this. The council want to rule themselves but do respect most people wouldn’t accept a leader outside of the Madrigals, as Pedro was the one who sacrificed himself and it’s their miracle that has made their town a paradise. So… their candidates are limited to the Madrigals.
It doesn’t take them long to settle on Mirabel, as the weakest link, and plan to rule through her.
They easily manage to convince Alma to appoint Mirabel as her successor, who agrees that Mirabel (though will need some training) would be a good candidate. After signing over the rights, she doesn’t tell any of the Madrigals, naturally wanting to wait until Mirabel is older. The only Madrigal who does know is Dolores because of her gift but she is sworn to secrecy.
Though the council did initially plan to just wait for Alma to die, they just get impatient as they realise that may be further away than they first thought because of Julieta’s healing food. They plan to murder her.
Cut to early November. Mirabel is usually away with Dolores at the Guzmáns preparing for her and Mariano’s wedding, which makes her ties with the family distant. The council decide now is the perfect time to strike because Dolores is out of the way. At a party, one of them slips poison into Alma’s glass and she quickly dies over the next few days.
Before the news of Alma’s death can spread through the entire town, the council take Mirabel to the town hall and basically announce the death of her abuela, read out the documents naming her the next town leader and officially make her the next town leader. So… Mirabel is going through a lot. Because what the f—
The death is immediately suspicious to the rest of the Madrigals, as it came out of nowhere. Only made more suspicious by them finding out, through the other townspeople, that Mirabel is now the town leader. They don’t get a moment to ever talk or even see the girl, who is incredibly busy and being pulled like a puppet on strings. The council are purposefully keeping them apart, to keep control over Mira.
Julieta and Bruno are the ones who eventually workout their mother has been poisoned - thought it should be noted that Antonio and Isabela also assisted in this discovery. The news spreads like wildfire through the town and a mob rises up, the Madrigals included, demanding answers and that the person responsible be killed.
Realising this has blown up massively, the council act quickly. They pretty much abandon Mirabel and save themselves. Mirabel is arrested and is to stand trial in the future for her alleged crimes. While under arrest, she is driven “insane” by the lawyers who try to speak with her - they are all being paid off by the council, so they are just trying to make Mirabel confess to being guilty anyway they can.
The council unanimously agree to stand against Mirabel, fishing out any evidence they have and bringing it to court. This also includes the manipulation of Dolores, who agrees to say what they need her to. As she is made to believe that by Mirabel being guilty, she can be saved because of her age.
The trial runs over a couple of days. Mirabel finds out that Dolores is to stand in trial on the last day and plans to an escape (into the prisons garden) to be able to plead with her cousin as she head to court. Which, to her credit, does work. Only Dolores is pulled away and Mirabel never gets any sign that her cousin thinks/knows she’s innocent. Mirabel realises that she is completely screwed; she’s going to die.
Mirabel is found to be guilty and her means of death is left to be decided by the head of the council. As there is no official town leader, the rest of the council are left to make the choice. Based on something Mirabel said when they first made her town leader about Marie Antoinette, they pick beheading. Mirabel dies shortly before her seventeenth birthday.
Julieta becomes the next town leader a few weeks after. The council thought she would be the most controllable after Mirabel, which they were right on.
The family, though shaken over Alma’s death and Mirabel being a murderer, they do slowly fall back to normality and learn to move on. All saving Dolores, who is driven mad by her guilt and frequently claims that Mirabel is haunting her - she is kept in her room for the most part. Only her parents, Julieta and Camilo visit her regularly.
Luisa is also not as easily moved on. She gets pissed when Mirabel’s belongings (that she had in prison) are returned to them, mainly just books. She writes on the front page, mentions nothing about what she did or didn’t do to Abuela - just talks about the book itself.
While complaining to Isabela about it, Isabela points out that Mirabel would have been monitored and probably not allowed to write something so freely as her final words or a message of love. Which gets them both to thinking… how much control did their sister have? Both in prison and before?
They basically become detectives. There’s some breaking and entering, stealing things from the council, trying to make sense of anything Dolores has to say, and ultimately realise that Mirabel is innocent and the council are pieces of shit.
Timeline of events:
Late December 1950 - Casita is rebuilt and the magic returns
1st May 1951 - Alma signs over rights of succession to Mirabel
20th July 1951 - Dolores and Mariano are engaged
2nd September 1951 - Alma is poisoned
4th September 1951 - Alma dies and Mirabel becomes the matriarch
9th/10th September 1951 - Mirabel is arrested
4th November 1951 - first of Mirabel’s trial, she pleads her case
5th November 1951 - second day of Mirabel’s trial
6th November 1951 - final day of Mirabel’s trial, she begs Dolores for help and fails
8th November 1951 - Mirabel is sentenced
13th November 1951 - Mirabel is beheaded, Dolores is the only Madrigal in attendance
1st December 1951 - Julieta becomes the new town leader
Summer 1952 - Isabela and Luisa realise something isn’t right
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kittyball23 · 1 year
A Broppy Wedding (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Two movies, two specials, and two shows later, the time has come for two Trolls to come together in the way that only true love can make happen 💙
A/N: What better way to celebrate Broppy Day than to write out the Broppy wedding!💕 I've been wanting to write this for a little while now, but finally made myself go through with it after it was requested by adapotatathegoat_27 on Wattpad. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!😄
“Is this really necessary?”
Branch’s question was answered with a hearty laugh from his brother John Dory. “Oh, Branch, of course it is! How else are you gonna look fly for your wedding, hmm?”
“It’s not ‘looking fly’ that’s bothering me,” Branch replied. “It’s the fact that I can get dressed on my own!” Branch groaned as John Dory completely disregarded his words and kept tugging the blue Troll’s pants up from behind him, trying to get the rims fully over his hips. And, given that John Dory was their band’s ‘leader’ (a title that had been self-appointed by JD himself), their other brothers had taken his cue and were doing their part in assisting their youngest bro to get ready. Spruce was touching up a very nice-looking, iridescent vest for him, double and triple-checking to make sure that there were no nicks or flaws with it at all. Clay was shaking up some cans of hairspray, his eyes set on Branch’s crop of rich blue hair. Floyd was sifting around some cabinets, seeming to be looking for something in particular, though none of the other brothers knew what exactly.
Branch appreciated the help, but he had to roll his eyes a little bit at it too. “Guys, you do know that just because I was called ‘Baby Branch’ doesn’t actually mean that I still am a baby.”
“In our eyes you will be!” John Dory chirped in reply, finally getting Branch’s pants in place. He stepped back a sec, eyeing his work, and then wolf-whistled. “Hoo-boy! The rump’s looking on point, bro!” Suddenly, before he could help himself (and before Branch could utter a “Don’t you even think about it!”) John Dory had stooped down and given him a firm, playful smack on the rear.
“OW!” the blue Troll cried, rubbing the affected area with his hands and shooting his giggling oldest brother an annoyed glance. “I hate it when you do that…”
“Well, whether you hate it or not, JD’s got a point,” Spruce chimed in with a sly look on his face. “Nothing to be ashamed of if your girl’s gonna like it.”
“WHOA, now, easy going down that train of thought!” Branch exclaimed, blushing heavily.
“Pfft,” his purple-haired brother scoffed. “You know I’m right, dude.”
“Yeah, Branch!” Clay piped up. “And once she sees your abs, she’s totally gonna faint!”
“I don’t have abs,” Branch said,confused, and then narrowing his eyes at the lime-green Troll.
“Sure you do,” Clay protested, pointing at his chest. “Right there! Look! It’s a little bit, but they’re still there.”
Branch still felt a blush burning in his cheeks. Would Poppy appreciate it if he really did have them? The tantalizing thought of having her run her fingers down his chest, outlining the possible muscles that were there made him dare to take a peek and see if Clay was right. But before his eyes could even process anything upon looking down, Clay’s hand shot out and chucked him under the chin.
“Oh! Made ya look!”
As Branch heard his lime-green-haired brother laughing, he felt silly for falling for the oldest trick in the prankster’s book. But Branch couldn’t be sour - this was the happiest day of his life, and so he laughed along with Clay… at least, until the Troll began to crazily spray his hairspray bottles at Branch’s head.
“Easy, bro, what the heck!” Branch sputtered between coughs. “What’s the deal?”
“Gotta look spiffy!” Clay reasoned. He went to spray again, but Branch shoved his hands away.
“Whoa, whoa, uh-uh. Too much, dude. Just because you spray yours a lot doesn’t mean I want mine the same way.”
“I don’t spray mine a lot,” Clay said, but instantly proved himself wrong when he took the sprays and spritzed them into his wild hair instead.
Spruce waved his hand and was coughing. “Dude, Branch is right - spray overload! Why so extra?” But then he paused and realized. “Ohhhh, wait a minute, I see what this is about.” He grinned at Clay, who was suddenly starting to look nervous. “You’re trying to impress your girl! Viva, am I right?”
“What?” Clay said, playing dumb. “Naw, you’re wrong. I’m, uh… I’m just trying to look good for the wedding, obviously.”
“Mmm-hmm. All I can say is, you better get ready to pucker too, sucker,” Spruce riffed, cracking up at Clay’s paled reaction to that.
“All right, all right, but enough about you,” Spruce said when he’d calmed down (which was more than could be said about the nearly-fainted Clay). “This is about Branch, remember? Now, let’s get him all set up!” He carefully grabbed the vest for Branch and began to bring it over to his little brother, but had to stop in his tracks when he found that his other little brother had beat him.
Floyd, who was as quiet as he was emo, must have slipped in while Spruce was embarrassing Clay. He stood before Branch, holding his blue brother’s jaw in place and coming at him with something in his other hand.
“What the - ? Floyd, what are you doing?” Spruce asked, very confused.
“Oh, just a little touch-up for his face,” the magenta-haired Troll assured, then got back to work.
But that wasn’t so easy with Branch backing away and looking suspicious. “Um, what exactly are you doing?” Then his gaze focused in on the object that Floyd was holding and he recoiled. “Is that lipstick??”
“Don’t be silly, Branch,” Floyd said. “It’s glitter. Cherry-flavored!”
Floyd came at him again, but Branch backed himself away even more.
“No… sorry, Floyd. I’m not putting that on.”
“Oh! Well, if you don’t like cherry, I’ve got other flavors too. Blueberry, grape, strawberry, pineapple - “ Floyd rambled, until he was stopped by Spruce.
“What I think Branch means is that he doesn’t need any enhancers, if you catch my drift,” the purple-haired Troll said, nudging Floyd.
John Dory nodded to that. “I know that’s right. His girl went to town with him the day he proposed, no balm required!” JD shouted, making Branch dazed at the memory of how he and Poppy had kissed… and kissed and kissed and kissed after she’d agreed to become his wife!
Floyd looked pensive, but then he nodded. "Well, alright. You're looking great so far, Branch." Then, he leaned over and gave his little brother a quick hug. And Branch, having not been one to ever turn down a hug from the magenta-haired Troll, hugged back.
"Aw, how cute," Clay teased, but soon found himself being hauled over to the pair by JD, with Spruce being tugged on the teal Troll's other arm. Suddenly, all five Trolls found themselves enveloped in a great big group hug.
“Whoa, whoa,” Branch said, as he found himself being squeezed on all sides with no escape. “It’s not Hug Time!” To showcase, he lifted up his left arm with the silent Hug-Time watch.
“Yeah, but we just thought you could use one,” John Dory replied with a grin. The hug continued for another second, and then the boys released each other, getting back to the prep right away.
Spruce was able to grab Branch’s vest again and came around to start putting it on him, slipping his brother’s arms through the holes while Branch just let him (seeing that it was no use continuing to put up the argument that he could dress himself).
“All right!” the purple-haired Troll said when he was finished adjusting it. “Now, go on.”
Branch was confused. "What?"
“You know," Clay said, helping out. “Flex your drip!" He tried emphasizing by making a record scratch noise.
Branch wanted to shake his head. They wanted him to model the vest? He shrugged. Whatever. He made a simple turn so he could see all sides of it, but the purple-haired Troll wasn’t satisfied.
“Come on, Bitty B, you can do better than that!”
Branch grumbled a little, but then got an idea. Feeling a little playful, he made a dramatic turn, flashed a charming smile, and opened up the vest a little to show off his chest (a chest that, as Branch was able to sneak a peek and notice, did in fact have a slight hint of abs!). It was a move that Spruce had done in his youth as a teen, and he of course instantly recognized it and beamed.
“Now we’re talking!” he cried, and high-fived Branch.
JD, however, was looking a little skeptical. He cocked his head to the side, and tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Hmmm… maybe we should’ve gone with the glitter diaper instead…” he said to the others.
Branch’s eyes grew huge at that. “You had a glitter diaper designed?!” he exclaimed. Then he shook his head adamantly. “Aw, no. No, no, no, no, NO. N-O. Absolutely not, you are NOT making me go out there wearing that!” He had already suffered an embarrassing performance wearing a diaper that was far too small for him when they were singing to try and save Floyd. He would NOT undergo that again!
John Dory laughed, along with the rest of the brothers.
“Bro, we’re playing with you,” Clay said, still giggling, “you’re not gonna do that, come on!”
Branch let out a sigh of relief. “Oh… thank goodness!”
Meanwhile, it was not that much of a different story happening in the bride’s room.
Poppy had been singing to herself all morning, her mind in bliss, and her body buzzing with joy. Not too long ago, she’d been a mere bridesmaid - but now, she was the bride herself!
And as a bride, there was plenty to do to get herself prepared to look her most magnificent. Luckily, Poppy was in good hands. She had lots of great help in the form of her friends. Satin and Chenille, of course, had been the ones to create her dress as they had for every wedding that occurred in Pop Village. Poppy didn’t know how they managed to do it - each dress was always so unique, it impressed her! The Pop Queen’s variation consisted of a beautiful creamy color, laced and frilled at just the right places, with an elegant silky train that ran far behind her.  
In putting it on, she found that it suited her perfectly, and Poppy had to stop herself from jumping around in happiness so that she wouldn't wrinkle it up. In the present moment, the fashionista twins were helping her apply a few light touches of glittery makeup on her face. Smidge and Legsly were grabbing the jewelry, and at Poppy's hair was her sister Viva, poufing it up and adding colorful extensions.
"EEEEE!" she squealed at the girls. "Poppy is gonna look soooooo FANTAST-AMAZING!!"
"Tell me about it," Satin said, leaning back to check on the eyeshadow application. "Branch is gonna - "
"DIE!" her sister Chenille finished.
Satin looked at her, shocked. "I was gonna say faint, but geez!"
Poppy blushed. "Oh, I mean, I don't know... you really think he'll like it that much? I'm just me..." She shrugged, her cheeks red.
"Uhhh, YEAH we're sure! He'll be over the moon! No - scratch that - he'll be over the galaxy!" Viva exclaimed. "And if you don't believe us, take a look for yourself!" She ushered Poppy over to a standing mirror, and the Pop Queen had to gasp. She really did look stunning, with her deep fuchsia hair piled upon her head in a ponytailed bun of sorts, and the jaw-dropping gown, and her face dolled with just enough makeup to not be over the top but to be soft and appealing. It was a work of art in itself. She glanced over at the girls. How did they do it?
Viva put her hands over her heart. "Oh, Poppy, you're so lucky to have someone who loves you so, SO much!"
Poppy giggled. "Thanks," she said, then looked at her sister slyly, "but don't sell yourself short, either."
Viva paused. "Huh?"
"Don't 'huh' me, you know what I'm talking about," the Pop Queen said, smirking now. "And he just so happens to be my fiance's brother."
"Wh-what? No, uh, Clay? He, um... he's..." Viva stammered, but eventually just gave up, her cheeks growing warm. "He kinda does like me, huh?" she asked, twirling a strand of her golden hair between her fingers.
"Oh, come on, anybody with two eyes can see that," Smidge replied, her voice gruff but a little smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She and Leglsy came over to Poppy and began to put on a couple of adornments on her - including a necklace, some bracelets, and pearl earrings - to finalize the look.
"Aww, Poppy, I think I'm gonna cry!" Legsly said, wiping away a tear.
"Already?" Poppy asked in awe.
"Already," the familiar voice of her friend Bridget answered. The Bergen was just outside the dressing room, due to it being too small for her to fit inside, but she was still able to get a clear view of the bride in all her elegance. "Don't you remember how many times I cried even before my wedding with Grizzy started?" She laughed, and so did the other girls.
"I guess you were a little bit of a mess," Poppy admitted.
"A little? Tell the truth, girl, I was a LOT of a mess," Bridget giggled, "but, I managed to pull through it. And so will you, Poppy." She leaned down and presented her finger, which Poppy came over and high-fived.
The Pop Queen took one last look at herself in the mirror, and let out a breath she’d been holding. This was it. She clutched onto a bouquet of her favorite pink flowers and nodded her head once, resolutely.
"All right," she said, smiling widely. "Let's get this wedding started!"
It was a dream come true.
Poppy felt like she was floating on air, as though she was having an out-of-body experience. This felt so unreal. But it was real. The fantasy in her mind of what her wedding day would be like had continued to change throughout the years. At first, she’d envisioned just her friends of the Snack Pack being there - Guy Diamond, Smidge, Satin, Chenille, Legally, Biggie, and Cooper. Then she’d envisioned Bridget, Gristle, and the Bergen Town residents also being there. Then the Trolls of the Troll Kingdom. And now, the actual day of it, all of them were there plus her sister and BroZone! Poppy didn’t know how she hadn’t fainted already from the shock of it all!
Branch, awaiting patiently at the altar, had to stop himself from rocking back and forth on his heels. He was incredibly nervous. He felt like he was going to barf. And pass out. And pee his pants all at once. But one quick peek over at Floyd, and he remembered his brother’s words, right before they’d exited the dressing room. They were simple, and straight to the point.
Don’t worry about it. You’re gonna do great. Everybody who came here is only here to support you guys. This is the happiest day of your life. Don’t stress it, and don’t overthink it, okay?
Branch took a deep breath and released it. Okay, he answered in his head.
Finally, the moment had come.
Bells chimed in a melodic fashion, and all the hushed, excited whispering that had arisen in the awaiting audience of Trolls and Bergens went quiet, replaced by silent, beaming smiles.
Tiny Diamond, appropriately re-titled as the Flower Man, once again made his round down the aisle, flinging the petals and pretending that he was on a catwalk with the way he paused to pose a couple of times.
And then came Poppy, arm in arm with her father, Peppy.
Branch’s heartbeat quickened, the palpitation in his chest so intense he swore he could feel it reverberating throughout his entire body. It felt like the moment was lasting forever, with the way that time was crawling to an incredibly slow pace as she was guided down the aisle, sweetly strutting. It gave Branch enough time to remember everything that had happened between them, both good and bad. When they first met. When he’d rejected her invitations and she’d try to become his friend. When they’d gone on their journey to Bergen Town, and had their first real hug. When he’d apologized to her for her for his past behaviors in his gray years. When they’d sang and danced together everyday in Pop Village. When they’d gone on their journey across the Troll Kingdoms during Barb’s World Tour. When they’d argued, and then made up. When he’d confessed his love to her, and she’d confessed right back. When they’d gotten ready for Bridget and Gristle’s wedding. When they’d gone on their wild journey to save Floyd and retrieve the brothers. When he’d proposed to her, and she’d accepted…
Before Branch knew it, Poppy was right in front of him. She hugged her father, who looked between her and Branch with nothing but pride. Peppy then went off to seat himself among the other guests. Unbeknownst to Branch, the same memories were flitting through Poppy's mind, and she could barely contain herself with the smile that spread across her face. It was an infectious one, and he had to smile back at her, his nerves going away.
His gaze was so fixed on the beautiful Pop Queen that he hardly realized that there was anybody else up there at the altar, until he heard a throat clearing. He turned to look, and was surprised to find that Cloud Guy was the officiate!
“You!” Branch exclaimed. “I thought Mr. Dinkles was going to wed us!”
“The little guy’s license expired,” the cloud explained. “But mine’s still good to go!” Cloud Guy flashed the card at him, and Branch rolled his eyes. Well, I guess as long as he can make Poppy my wife, he supposed.
Without further ado, Poppy and Branch faced each other, cheeks warm and eyes bright.
“Friends, from all over the Troll Kingdoms and even beyond it, I think we all know why we’re gathered here today…” Cloud Guy said out loud, “but in case you don’t, we are here to celebrate in a lovely matrimonial event the marriage of my two bestest buds in the whole world. This awesome-sauce girl, Queen Poppy” - he paused, making finger-guns at her and allowing the folks in the audience to cheer - “and this guy, Dumpy Diapers!”
Branch heard a few snickers, and he frowned a little, glaring at Cloud Guy. The cloud stifled a chuckle, but quickly made to correct himself.
“Hehehe, just kidding - this here’s my friend, Branch!” he announced, and then the crowd cheered. “Seriously though,” Cloud Guy said in a whisper, “I think you woulda killed it in the glitter diaper.”
“No way!” Branch grumbled, but then had to chuckle a little bit at the thought of anybody getting married in a diaper.
Noting his good mood, Cloud Guy continued, turning to Poppy first. “Sooo… Do you, Queen Poppy, take Branch to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” Cloud Guy recited the words quite skillfully at her, surprising Branch. Perhaps Cloud Guy wasn’t such a bad choice as officiate.
Poppy, however, wasn’t as surprised. She had already had full confidence that their friend would be able to help them on their big day. And now that she was asked the question, her breath hitched. Did she want to take Branch as her husband? How was that even a question when she knew in her head that there was only one possible answer that it could be, an answer that she wanted to SCREAM out over and over until she was out of breath and her throat was hoarse, because that’s just how excited she was!
Somehow, she reeled herself in, took a deep breath, and managed to speak calmly.
“I do.”
She smiled, her eyes hooding as the effects of love began to overtake her for the Troll she’d just accepted to be hers.
Branch swallowed when Cloud Guy turned to him with a gleam in his eye. “And do you, Branch, take Poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
The question repeated in Branch’s head, the details playing like a movie reel of what this meant and what was to come.
Do you, Branch, take Poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife…
He imagined waking up everyday seeing her gorgeous face, being by her side, telling her how much he loved her, and she telling him how much she loved him…
… to have and to hold…
He imagined having her in his arms, hugging her, kissing her, taking her to heights she didn’t know existed, and him neither for that matter…
… in sickness and in health…
He would be there for her in her lowest points, supporting her, making sure that she had everything she needed and that she was satisfied…
… until death do you part?
The effects of time would come onto them eventually with their aging, but it would never extinguish the love that burned inside of him for her.
“I do.”
Branch smiled at her, and he could tell that there was no longer any trace of that “it would be WEIRD if we got married” feeling left inside of her.
Cloud Guy nodded his head and proceeded. “Well then, by the power that’s invested in me, I now pronounce you to be…”
Everybody leaned forward in their seats, eager, anticipatory, nearly shaking from excitement as they waited for the next words that would come out of the cloud's mouth.
Poppy felt fireworks explode within her. Branch felt like he could fly. The audience began to clap vigorously in unison. Cloud Guy had barely started to say "You may kiss the bride" (only managing to get "You may k - " out) before Poppy had already leapt at Branch and had her lips locked firmly on his, hands gripping him possessively around the back of his neck. Branch kissed her back, not wasting a second to deepen the connection and pull her impossibly close against him. His arm wrapped around her waist, the other around her back, the two of them smiling and swooning into each other, lost to the world and lost only in each other (they were married for crying out loud!).
Though, the world was still very much around them. And it had been thrown into a frenzy of celebration!
The Snack Pack, the Bergens, Viva, Peppy, Branch's brothers, and all of the guests who'd come from all over the Troll kingdoms brought the noise on with a symphony of claps and whistles and cheers.
"My sister's MARRIED!!!" Viva screamed, bouncing around all over the place.
"My daughter's married!" Peppy shouted next to her, bopping in a celebratory jig.
"Man, Bitty B's all grown up!" John Dory exclaimed with a huge grin. "WOOO!"
"He's a married man now," Spruce cried out, incredibly proud of his brother.
"Congratulations, BRO!" Clay yelled out to Branch, pumping his fists into the air.
Floyd was also incredibly pleased with the turnout, but was expressing it in an entirely different way from his brothers. "I'm SO happy for him," he whimpered, teary-eyed. "I'm just so, so, SO happy!" He broke off, sobbing in an uncontrolled manner. The magenta-haired Troll couldn't help himself. The way he remembered Branch, he was that same little Trolling who had confided in Floyd for reassurance and guidance upon performing, and in other matters when they were young. The same little Trolling who had an endearing baby voice to match his cute face, and sang so adoringly onstage in his diaper and white shades. Branch was no longer little - he had an adult voice, an adult maturity, and was able to do adult things like, as had happened now, get married! It was no wonder the tears had started for Floyd and refused to stop.
Just like Poppy and Branch, who, in a replica of what had happened when he proposed, couldn't stop  with the smooches. Definitely not, not with what had just happened. Not with knowing that they were husband and wife, best friends, and lovers, all rolled into one.
And that they would be together, with their family and friends, forever!
A/N: I know Branch would also be going through coronation, but I wanted to focus more on the wedding aspect of it. Once again, Happy Broppy Day everyone! 😘
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the-weirdos-mind · 1 month
Stephanie Alcayana: GLOWCHAIN Attire Lines
(Event by @raguiras2. Stephanie work in special effects for filming the music videos. She brews chemicals that are perfect for fog, lights, or whatever is needed. However, she signed a contract with Azul saying that she’ll work with the chemicals that won’t cause a mini explosion during filming. She’s salty about that. If she wants GLOWCHAIN to win then it’s go big or go home! Unfortunately, there’s a fear that something will go wrong among the team. She’s loves to watch the rehearsal and feels sorry for the performers. She clearly remembers the VDC training and prays for their sanity. Her outfit is basically what can be described as a fancy science outfit. The goggles have a deep purple lense with a black band instead of her regular goggles and her hair is in a ponytail. She has at least a closed tube of something in her purple labcoat.)
When Summoned: Time to get the stuff ready! *excited squeal* I’m excited for how this is gonna turn out!!
Groovification: I never thought I would be using my experiments for music. I better make sure it lives up to the group’s potential.
Set to Home Screen: Thanks for being my assistant for this. I owe you big time!
Home Transition 1: This is what I expected with Vil as the leader. I don’t mean that as a bad thing, it’s just that I remember when he last lead a music group. I pray for those dancers.
Home Transition 2: Whoa, Malleus is really good at singing. I can see why he was assigned to this group. Kinda glad Sebek isn’t here or he might’ve fainted from the high note Malleus hit today.
Home Transition 3: The music kinda makes me wanna dance. It’s been a while since I last danced so it’ll look bad. Oh whatever, they’re just reviewing it and not practicing.
Home After Login: I brought everything that’s needed. Where do I need to set this all up?
Home Transition (After Groovification): I’m not really happy that Azul made me sign a contract with him. How else are we supposed to win the competition if I can’t bring my A game? *groans* These little chemicals won’t produce what I had in mind but I got no choice.
Tap Home 1: Can you please hand me that vile? Thanks, oh you’re wondering what it does. It causes fog to appear when I mix with another chemical.
Tap Home 2: The costumes that had been made are fantastic! Nothing but the best when the supervisor is a fashionista like Crewel. He knows what outfits bring the best for them.
Tap Home 3: Wait! That one’s not done yet. It needs a finishing touch. What it does, well you might wanna stick around if you’re curious about this formula.
Tap Home 4: Trey tried to sneak in some sweets but Vil busted him. Man, guess I owe Jamil some money for this. Oh, yeah we had a bet on how it would take for Trey to get caught. That’s twenty marks I’m never seeing again.
Tap Home 5: I find my foot tapping to the beat whenever they’re practicing. It’s nice to listen to some good music as you prepare for what’s needed. It gets me pumped for when filming comes around.
Tap Home Groovication: Who knew science would have a hand in music making. It’s been a wonderful experience and I would love to do this again sometime soon.
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year
Return of the King
Writer: 日日日 (Akira)
Character(s): Tsukinaga Leo, Sena Izumi, Sakuma Ritsu, Narukami Arashi and Suou Tsukasa
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Disclaimer: I translated this story from the CN version of the game, which means that it has been double translated (JP > CN > EN). In JP enstars (!-era), the name of this story is listed only as “Sub Story 2”, but the CN version of the game has a title for it (王之归还). The story title listed here is a translation of the CN title.
Happy debut day, Tsukinaga Leo! May your days continue to shine brightly, and may your songs take flight <3
Arashi: Eh? Did she manage to find him? If that’s the case, this truly does constitute an emergency ♪
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Season: Summer Location: Yumenosaki Academy Hallway
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Tsukasa: Everyone! Quick, quick! Hurry up! There’s an emergency…!
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Arashi: Wait a minute, Tsukasa-chan! What happened?
We Knights don’t have any practice today, right? My club is due to participate in a few competitions soon, so I can’t skip out on practice.
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I guess I’ll be able to obtain ‘satisfactory’ results even if I don’t train… But since I’m gonna go for it anyway, I might as well aim for first place, right?
If I don’t turn up to practice every once in a while, everyone’s gonna forget how I look like you know?
Not to mention, I’ll become depressed if I can’t blend in well with the lively atmosphere.
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Ritsu: Uuuuuu~ …Uwauuuu…?
Arashi: Hold on, Tsukasa-chan. It’s fine if you want to forcibly drag Ritsu-chan around, but uh, maybe put him around your shoulders at least?
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If you drag him by his legs, his head is going to hit all sorts of things?!
Tsukasa: My apologies! Narukami-senpai, please assist! Sena-senpai as well!
Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of time to wake Ritsu-senpai up. Let’s just go! Express… ☆
Arashi: Ah, goodness… What happened…? It’s very unlike Tsukasa-chan to be like this? Izumi-chan, do you know what happened?
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Izumi: Who knows? Even though he’s saying something about Knights’ leader, surely it’s not because ‘that guy’ has returned?
Tsukasa: It’s exactly because ‘it is’, Sena-senpai ♪
Although this is me once again acting upon my own whims, and I am guilty as charged…
I had requested that Onee-sama go look for our long lost Leader~ ♪
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Arashi: Eh? Did she manage to find him? If that’s the case, this truly does constitute an emergency ♪
Because our ‘King’… The second he covers his tracks, it’ll be really hard to find him.
Even the police have their hands tied – he quite literally disappeared without a trace. We’ve also suffered a lot because of it.
My goodness, Anzu-chan. However did you manage such a feat?
Tsukasa: I don’t know, but I think Onee-sama trapped our Leader in the Studio!
I want to greet him before he turns tail and disappears yet again!
Arashi: In that case, it should be fine if you go alone, right? We’re all familiar with our ‘King’. Though… it has been a long while, maybe we too could drop by and say hi.
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Izumi: I do think it’s about time we replenish our ‘weapons’ ♪
While I’m at it… I should also take the opportunity to ask Ou-sama to resign and make me the leader of Knights.
It really just had to be the guy who’s perpetually always missing sitting on the throne. Does he even know how difficult it is to handle the procedures for live shows? Ugh, soooo~ annoying!
Tsukasa: Everyone, kindly cease your chatter! We have arrived at the Studio. This is the first time I’ll be seeing the King that we Knights serve! Ah, how Exciting!
Ah, um, I’m about to have an audience with him[1]… ☆
Location: Studio
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Tsukasa: Please pardon our intrusion! We Knights have come to pay you a visit ♪
Ah, Onee-sama? I’m really sorry, please forgive me! Throwing the door open so viciously… I probably gave you quite the shock ♪
Why are you standing over there looking like you’re at your wit’s end? What about Knights’ Leader? Where is he?
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Ritsu: Uauahuu… My head’s been knocked into things left and right… Woke me up ‘cause of it… What about our leader? Did Ou-sama come back?
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Tsukasa: Hehe, everyone calls our Leader ‘King’! They honour him by swearing an oath of allegiance! He must be an extraordinary person… ☆
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Leo: Aaahh!! It’s flowing!! The inspiration’s flowing!!!!
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Tsukasa: …Eh? Wh… There’s some guy drawing music notes on the walls and floor with a marker non stop.
Is he someone suspicious? Well, let’s capture him ♪
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Leo: Wahaha☆ Are you saying that awful ‘Emperor’ lost? A revolution?
What in the world!! So many interesting things happened in Yumenosaki Academy when I wasn’t around… ☆
Aaah!! Don’t go into details yet! The main characters are about to come on stage! The opera’s about to begin!
The opera cannot be stopped, because my delusion encompasses the entire universe… ☆
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Wahahaha☆ Wahahahaha☆ Wahahahahahahahaha~☆
Arashi: Eh? Ou-sama, you’re as crazy as ever.
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Tsukasa: Huh? Th-that… Did you just say ‘King’? That person who has an uncanny resemblance to that of a pervert… is he really the Leader of Knights?
Arashi: Yep. He really came back… ♪
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Wait a minute, Ou-sama! You’re scaring our newest member, so please stop your strange behaviour! And stop vandalising the walls, you’ll get scolded by the teachers!
Leo: Ah? A~h!! Naru!! Long time no see! You’re rotten as always!
Arashi: Eh? What are you talking about!? The first thing you say when you open your mouth… I’m really hurt!
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Leo: So bashful~ Such interesting movements! You’re my favouritest, I love you ☆
Oh! Rittsu and Sena, you’re here too! Feels like the last time I saw you both, it was a couple thousand years ago!
How has everyone been, my Knights ♪
Tsukasa: What…?
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Leo: Oh? There’s someone I don’t recognise! Hold on! Lemme have a think who you are!
There should be something I can use to infer! And on top of that, I can always take a leap of faith! The opera’s about to begin… ☆
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So! You’re an alien from outer space! Uchuu~! This is the alien greeting I came up with! Even though it doesn’t really matter now, wahahaha ☆
Wait! That’s not important right now! Don’t disturb me! I’m currently composing a famous song! I hope that you all will be able to witness the moment the masterpiece is born!
Ah, ugh! There’s no paper, so I can only write on the wall… but this unthinkable texture is irritating my senses ♪
My shoulder hurts! Someone, quick! Come and help me massage it out! This kind of sharp pain will also become music!
Tsukasa: Wh-what…?
Arashi: Ignore him, Tsukasa-chan. Our ‘King’ has always been a rather extreme artist.
Once he gets into the zone, he’d be so engrossed in composing that he would even forget to eat.
When he’s like this, he won’t ‘return’ for quite a while ♪
Tsukasa: I-is that so? I had… originally wanted to extend my greetings to Leader…
Izumi: Aish~ There’s no need to? That guy won’t listen to whatever anyone else says, anyways.
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Though, it’s not my place to say this. That guy’s lack of coordination is beyond saving. As expected of the leader of Knights ♪
By the way, although that guy’s body is abnormally good – when he dances, it’s basically a blessing…
He… tends to choreograph things on the spot, something that can’t be used on formal stages.
He’s actually extremely skilled in singing, but he’d say “I don’t want to be the one singing”, and refuses to sing.
Tsukasa: E-Eeeehh??? So useless… Forgive my impropriety, but uh, how did someone without a single merit worth respecting become our Leader?
Leo: Oyaya? Why am I in Yumenosaki Academy? Someone, tell me! No, no no no, don’t say a thing!
I wanna think about the melody hidden here… ☆
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I remember now! It’s because the whole lotta you have a performance tomorrow! Knights’ concert ♪
Izumi: Haa? What are you mumbling to yourself over there, suddenly returning and talking about a performance?
Leo: No, this is the job Anzu entrusted me with! She tells me about Yumenosaki’s comings and goings when I wasn’t around. This is an equivalent exchange!
At first, I said it was okay if she didn’t tell me about it, ‘cause I can fill in the blanks with my delusions~
Then, then, we just started chattering away… how could I not listen? I can’t just trample on this piece of kindness! Not to mention, it just got more and more interesting ☆
Wait! The song that I’m writing now, it’ll be ready by tomorrow!
I already have the melody, and that newbie has also become a rather uncertain element – so, I’ll definitely be able to write an interesting song!
Wahaha… ☆ It’s coming, it’s coming!! The inspiration’s coming!!
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Arashi: Alright, alright. Do as you please, our ‘King’. Using the songs you’ve prepared for us… These ‘weapons’ will annihilate all of our enemies ♪
Even so, don’t forget to eat and rest. If you were to collapse, we’d be in quite the pickle.
Anzu-chan, even though this child is a handful, could you take care of him for a while?
Then… we’ve got our work cut out for us… ♪
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Ritsu: Hehehe. It’s been a looooong time… But, this will be the first time all of us Knights will perform on stage together~ ♪
Izumi: Eh~ But I have yet to agree to the concert?
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But I suppose I don’t have a choice. Since Ou-sama has returned, we simply can’t allow Trickstar and co. to continue strutting around like that~ ♪
Tsukasa: W-why are all my seniors so enthusiastic about this! I don’t follow!
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Even though I do think it’s interesting, seeing the usually unorganized Knights suddenly display such a curious sense of unity…
O-onee-sama? What should I do?
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Leo: Don’t panic! Knights are meant to be dignified, yet arrogant! Vile, yet bold! Hideous, yet beautiful! Aaah, these cliché expressions!
The rejection from earlier! Are all of you feigning deafness?
Rest assured, newbie! Entrust your spirit to your senses, your body to fate, and leave it all behind!
Aah, just saying it isn’t enough! I need music~!
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All in all! My Knights, let’s prepare for war!
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We’ll need to flip the chessboard over, half of it just for fun! Don’t even think of rebutting, for I am the naked king in ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’! Wahaha ☆
Translator's note(s): 1. in the CN translation, kasakun uses the term 觐见, which means "present oneself before (a monarch), have an audience with (the emperor)"
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akehoshimystar · 1 month
Chapter 2
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As Kise-san said, the new special service started shortly after.
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A few days have passed since the commencement. As part of my preparations, I have been doing a certain "daily routine" that I was instructed to do.
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The small personal gym on the outskirts of Shibuya may not be Aporia's property, but seems like there is flexibility for its usage. And of course, the event which occurred in the facility that is reserved for private use is….
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Soyogu: It's getting shallow now, lower your hips. Sink this far and keep it like that.
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Ito: Ah, wait... This might be bad.
Shinobu: Hang in there! You got this, you got this.
Ito: K-kuhh... Nghhnnnn...!
Shinobu: Nice! Good job!
Soyogu: Alright. Let's resume in 5 minutes, make sure you drink enough water.
Ito: Yes…..
(Just this muscle training is enough exercise for the last 6 months. Literally.)
I collapsed on the floor, feeling the comfort of its coldness as I savored the momentary break with all my being. I don't know how many times this has happened…. Behind my closed eyelids, the conversation from a few days ago began to come back to me like a flashing lantern...
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Shinobu: .....We've been talking on Chattas, so I guess it feels weird to say "Nice to meet you."
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Shinobu: But this is the first time we've met face-to-face! I'm Aizawa Shinobu from the Watchdog Dept.
And this person is Shinkai Soyogu-kun.
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Soyogu: Hello.
A friendly and carefree smile, and a strong smile that highlights the willpower in his eyes with a slightly raised corner of his mouth. Aizawa-kun and Shinkai-san give off completely different impression. But strangely enough, I felt like there’s something similar about them.
Ito: (The composure of a strong person or something like that.…. They seem to be incredibly strong both mentally and physically, not to mention, I can feel a great sense of stability.)
(Are these two really the same age as me? Seriously?)
Once again, nice to meet you.
Shinobu: Same here~
Our leader is Fushimi Shizuka-san, he's like the commander of the Watchdog Dept.
He does a lot of work other than the special service, so he’s quite busy.
And there's one more person, Mika-nee... Mikado-san, including him, the four of us make the Watchdog Dept.
Neither of them was able to make it today, so I’m sorry that it's just us you got to meet.
Ito: Ah, both of them already greeted me politely on Chattas...
Please convey my best regards to them.
Shinobu: Oh, I see! That's good to hear. I'll be sure to tell them.
Regarding the job this time, I think Gucchi and I will be the ones who will be directly involved with Yashiro-san the most from today onwards.
Ito: Gucchi?
Shinobu: Shinkai Soyogucchi. Gucchi for short.
Ito: Ah... I see.
Soyogu: Almost no one calls me that, so you can just forget about it.
Shinobu: That’s not so trendy of you, Gucchi.
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Soyogu: Say something like that again and I'll break you.
Shinobu: Oh, what are you gonna break?
Soyogu: Anything I can.
Ito: (So he has the strength to break anything...)
Shinobu: I mean, if you behave like that from the first time we met Yashiro-san, she will be scared, won’t she? …..Ah, I guess not. In Gucchi’s case, this is the second time.
Ito: (!? No way, this isn’t our first meeting?)
Soyogu: I think you are mistaken.
Shinobu: Eh? Didn’t you delivery something to the shared house last week?
Soyogu: I went home right away so I didn't see anyone other than Sei-san.
If I had barged in when he’s busy fighting a deadline, it would have just been a nuisance.
Ito: (Ah…)
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Ito: So, you have an assistant?
Sei: Yes. He's also a staff member at Aporia. He's in the Watchdog Department, so I don’t think you have met him yet.
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Ito: Don’t tell me Sei-san’s assistant is…..
Shinobu: Oh, you’ve just realized that?
Ito: I heard you are affiliated with Aporia, but I didn't ask for your name... Sorry.
Soyogu: It’s not something you have to be sorry for. It's ruder to suddenly say "it's you" when you don't even know the face or name.
Ito: ...Thank you.
Soyogu: It feels weird to be thanked for something like this.
Ito: (Ah. I was a little intimidated by the power he exuded from his tone and impressive physique.)
(His way of speaking is on the other hand not scary at all. Plus, he doesn't act more humble than necessary, and speaks in a level manner.)
(Maybe that's why I can speak to him without being nervous... Not to mention his calm composure that left me in disbelief that he's the same age as me.)
Shinobu: No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a translator's assistant at all. But this Gucchi right here is a highly educated intellectual boy.
Well, as you can see, he's also a super muscular monster.
Soyogu: Stop blabbering nonsense and get down to business now that we've finished our greetings. We’re not exactly vacant either.
Shinobu: Oh yeah, roger that. Pleased to work with you.
Soyogu: So. How much have you heard?
Ito: A basic explanation of how Watchdog Dept. works and... I've looked at some of the reports on recent requests.
Watchdog Department. In charge of the case that requires strength. A team that takes coercive measures such as retaliating, rescuing, and capturing only when the target is at fault, such as stalking, molestation, theft, etc. They also accompany other departments as guards to deal with interpersonal problems when they arise.
Ito: There are some other jobs that you can flexibly handle, but it's basically one of those two.
This time I will be participating in the former. I have heard that this is a request that requires strength.
Soyogu: If you understand that much, there's no need for any further preface.
The request this time is "rescue". As for our target….. It’s a dog.
Ito: …...A dog?
Shinobu: Woof ♪
Chapter 3
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
A/N: Just a little something I’d like to see in the last few episodes. I was inspired.
“Hey, Kens. Where’s Deeks?”
The brunette offers the team leader a smile before taking a seat at her abnormally clutter-free desk. “Oh, he had to go change. Had a little spill on the way in this morning.”
“Yeah…there was some touching and-”
“Stop right there.” The former Navy SEAL interrupts, eyes staying trained on his newest origami creation.
A smirk curls at the corner of her lips as she pulls out her laptop, knowing her husband would be proud. “You know, I’m really gonna miss making you two uncomfortable.”
“Oh, I’m sure you and your hubby will find a way to do it even from two and a half thousand miles away.”
Kensi’s eyes go wide in surprise as she turns to her desk mate. “I’ll take this one.” Callen’s brow furrows as he turns his attention to his partner. “And you know the exact distance because?”
“Yeah, Sam Dawg, you gonna miss us or somethin’?”
A little startled that he didn’t notice the investigator approach his desk and sit down the muscular agent turns to his right, laughter immediately dying at his lips.
“What the hell are you doing?” Sam can feel the blood drain from his face as he’s met with a white face and a painted-on smile all accentuated by a big red nose. Slowly, oh so slowly, he stands, eyes not moving from his shaggy teammate who looks more like Annie now with his big red curls. “This isn’t funny, Deeks.”
“Come on, babe. He’s scared.” Kensi ‘tries’ to coarse her husband to stop, unable to keep the laughter out of her voice.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen the color drain from his face that fast.” The team leader has a look of intrigue and humor written across his face.
The former SEAL looks down and is yet again met with overly sized objects that are red…not the shoes. “If you stop, I’ll let you drive the Hellcat.”
“Eh, this is more fun.” Deeks shrugs as he begins walking towards his desk mate, arms stretched wide. “Now give Uncle Marty a hug.”
Kensi shakes her head, making her way over to the coffee station as her husband chases the man that’s like a brother to them around the bullpen.
“Get away from me, Shaggy, I mean it.” Sam tries to hide behind Kensi but she quickly sidesteps him, moving out of the way and allowing Deeks to go in for the kill.
A look of betrayal crosses his face…he should’ve known. “Oh, I see what this is. A little Densi prank.”
The investigator shares a look with his wife and then the team leader. “Did he just…”
Callen huffs out a laugh in disbelief. “Did you just ship name them?”
“If I admit that I did, will you get him the hell away from me?” Sam looks at his best friend with pleading eyes.
“I dunno, man, you really do look like you need a hug.” Callen gets up from his desk walking towards them but instead of stepping in he stretches out his empty mug towards Kensi.
Killbride takes a sip of his lukewarm coffee as he watches the scene play out from above. Shaking his head he can’t help the small smile that spreads to his lips.
“You’re gonna miss them.”
His brow pinches as he turns towards his door, as expected being met with his assistant who has a smile on her face. “I assure you, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s okay, Admiral, your secret’s safe with me.” Shyla sends him a parting smile before walking back towards ops leaving him alone once again.
Rolling his eyes, the former Admiral turns his attention back to his team downstairs as Deeks’ sudden shrieking fills the entire mission. An uncontrollable huff of laughter escapes as he looks back down and sees Sam now with Deeks’ clown shoe in his hand, pointing it at Kensi whose barricaded between the two and their team leader reading the paper with a smile on his face as the chaos ensues. “Guess he’s over the clown thing now.”
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Summary: Not your own Leader caring this much about your DPS as a healer!
Truly, this training session is going to be so bothersome!
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: F!Reader/Regis
IYKYK 😭😭😭😭😭
It was always the most pestering thing when the easiest of tasks was made to be impossibly difficult.
In this case, your current crux of aggravation was taking down a target dummy with the power of your offensive magic–a fair and straightforward endeavor for a healer of your prowess. After all, your association with the renowned Adventurer’s Guild TEMPUS brought some prestige to your name throughout the lands of Elysium.
And yet, here you were, barely able to cobble together any sense of concentration to imbue your staff with enough magic to fire at your target.
But how could you, really?
Even while you tightly gripped your staff with not a shred of slack in the slightest, you were still left to tremble, any recitations of magic marred by breathless gasps and whines.
Your knees buckled, your face scorched scarlet, your thighs quivered, your robes disheveled–your current visage was far and away from the adored image of TEMPUS’s trusted healer.
And it was all in part due to the land’s acclaimed hero.
Their Regis, your Altare.
For while you held a great deal of respect for your Leader, you yearned to take a nice and solid swing at his knee with your staff as penance for what he was currently doing to you.
A re-establishment of the basics to adventuring at the training hall–it was what he proposed exclusively to you after a recent dungeon endeavor with him and the other TEMPUS members. Under his watchful gaze, your insistence on overhealing instead of taking time to assist with needed offense only served to drag out your time descending further into the murky depths that awaited you all.
For the commonfolk of Elysium, such a suggestion from the soft-spoken, smiley hero would only serve to live up to his golden stellar reputation.
But before your eyes, in your ears, and on your skin, this advice only drew out your further ire.
Especially as you once again conjured up your magic to send a disk of magic ricocheting right over to the training dummy, it was at the same exact moment that your leader shifted ever so slightly from where he stood behind you.
His hands–ever skillfully deft with a sword and happily extended for any weary soul to take–continued to roam along your body, with one having been shoved through the front of your robes to fondle your breasts all while the other continued to travel along your side, giving your hip and your ass a squeeze. 
This was all in tandem to the push and plunge of his cock in-between your bared thighs, his thick girth gliding seamlessly right against the slick, velvety warmth of your core’s entrance. 
His lips, usually fixed in that serene and dreamy smile of his, continued to drag along the side of your neck, happy and eager to leave mementos of his presence from kisses and bites on your skin.
His voice, ever a sweet and soft articulated timber, only sought to make you cry out and shudder in anticipation from every filthy thing he murmured to you.
“Remember, if you can’t clear such a simple task, I get to stain that pretty face of yours with my cum while calling over Dez, Vesper, and Axel over to take a good long look at you~”
Whatever spell you were planning to release at last simply eviscerated before your very eyes as you whined with the helpless buckle of your knees and the tight press of your thighs.
Altare was laughing, taking a moment to steal yet another nibble to your neck while he quickened the pace of his thrusts.
“Ah, ah, ah, don’t think that cute thigh clench is gonna go unnoticed by me~ Not that I’m surprised–of course a healslut like you would be excited from being humiliated in front of your comrades.”
Your teeth clenched. “Don’t even start, Altare–”
“‘Me’?” There was amusement to his tone–without looking back at him, you knew his eyes were glittering with thrill at your defiance. “And just who is in this predicament right now, hmm?” He tested, this time bringing his teeth to your earlobe for a teasing nip. “Not my fault that our lovely healer isn’t being efficient while on the job~”
Your eyes narrowed, your face snapping towards him with a glare. “Do you want to survive, or what–?!”
It was in that moment that your staff instantly thrummed full with magic, of which you didn’t waste another moment further to send crackling through the air to send hurtling towards the training dummy, the weighted doll bursting apart upon impact.
The frustration in your eyes dissipated as you watched the debris hit the floor, with Altare doing much the same as he slowed his thrusts to a halt.
Silence settled into the room for a moment, up until you breathed in and exhaled with relief.
At last, you were finally done and finally free from this accursed exercise.
While you still had to deal with the needy ache between your thighs, you rejoiced at no longer having to put up with your leader’s shenanigans.
As you opened your lips to speak, you felt his arms squeeze around your waist as he began to laugh once more while he offered your cheeks a couple kisses. “Now that’s our healer!”
“Could’ve finished this a lot faster if it wasn’t for you–!” Whatever huffed retort you had to say in return was cut short as you were suddenly lifted up off from the ground, soon finding yourself hauled into his arms. “Leader–?”
His grinning lips found their way to yours, more soon following as he carried you over to one of the wooden tables within the training hall.
A trail of kisses soon made their way over to your ear as he then purred, “Did you think that was it? What you’ve shown to me is that there’s a lot to be desired with your stamina~”
While you greatly looked forward to seizing the pleasure of getting to give his knee a good whack with your staff afterwards, you sighed with content as you were laid across the table with him settling right between your thighs.
For as difficult as he made your days sometimes, it was so easy to love Altare.
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cassieuncaged · 1 year
Grave Bound Redux: Book 1 - Chapter 1
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Elias Grodin x Maggie Wilson (my OC)
Summary: A young, pacifist man chooses to serve in the Vietnam war instead of going to prison on drug charges.
TW: war, blood, death, brutality, language, etc.
WC: 1.7K
A/N: The first chapter is finally here, with the next three chapters slated.
Taglist: @roofgeese, @poisonedtruth, @confidentandgood, @emotionalcadaver, @chadillacboseman@enightshade89, @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky, @illiana-mystery, @unpetitoiseau, @spacestephh
Book 1: The Folly of War
Ooh, a storm is threatening my very life today.
If I don’t get some shelter, I’m gonna fade away.
Gimme Shelter – The Rolling Stones
Chapter 1
July 1965
A large hand assessed the crew cut, fingers running across buzzed stubble. His hair hadn’t been that short since high school, something his strict father had insisted upon. Elias never thought he’d be sheared again. Then again, he didn’t think he’d be shipped to Fort Campbell after basic either.
It had been the cherry on the shit sundae after being served his divorce papers from Jeannie a day before. His wife’s penchant for psychedelics and coke was what got him into this mess to begin with. Then the generals saw ‘potential’ in him. Enough to send him to Kentucky to train with 101st Airborne Division.
Reconnaissance in the demilitarized zone.
That seemed a sure way to be sent home in a pine box faster than the rest of the unlucky bastards. Suddenly seven years in the clink seemed like a better choice. The general barked at the young men hunched over the bleachers, preparing them for their brutal orders. The worries of modern life would soon melt away as they fumbled through Laotian jungles to reclaim the DMZ. He’d have no time to dwell on his divorce or drug charges. Not if he wanted to stay alive.
Dog tags jangled in unison when the men were dismissed to their barracks before training began. Most of the young soldiers fell into step while Elias refused; his gait was one of the last things he had that was his. Stripped down to the very bone of his being, he couldn’t just let military craft him into a killing machine. He was so much more. They all were. Even the kids that were ready to tote their M16’s and gun down the enemy.
Training in Kentucky didn’t last long until they were sent out on a chinook to the base outside of Củ Chi. Where Elias had expected to see lush greenery was nothing but scorched earth, dust swirling around his boots as the cherries all bandied from the chopper.
The few battalions that were sent to base camp were to ship out with their team leaders in the morning, being dropped on the Cambodian border of the demilitarized zone in an attempt to scout and pick off anyone that got in their way.
Sporting a fresh uniform, Elias had attempted to rebel the best he could. In small, rational doses. The cheap polyester button up beneath his fatigues were unbuttoned and exposing half of a lean chest. Dog tags were tangled around a wooden crucifix and a beaded necklace Jeannie had gifted him in high school.
An Airborne headband was wrapped tightly around his skull, declaring he was different than the majority of the men there. Hell, he was already the assistant team leader of his unit, despite being only a private. But he proved himself to be a fast learner, a man that would surely rise up the ranks quickly.
Keeping blue eyes glued to the ground, the jeers of men boarding the chinook were ignored as they jested and joked with one another.
“You heading back to New Jersey?” one man asked. The other snorted happily as their voices slowly faded.
“Hell, yeah. Gonna be knee deep in some pussy.” A raucous bout of laughter rang out as a few more men bellowed in agreement. Elias snuffled at the foreign smell of napalm mingled with rotting flesh.
A cart of bodies was pushed by, the pile covered by a singular tarp. His gut churned at the thought of being there himself, expiring in this hell. Knitting his brows in an attempt to steel himself, Elias followed the rest of the fresh meat as they meandered towards their own premature deaths.
“You alright, Elias?” Doyle, another mousy private, asked nervously. The kid was no older than nineteen but showed a lot of promise during training in Kentucky. “Kinda quiet.”
“Just a quiet kind of guy, private.” He grinned crookedly before slipping a pack of reds from his pocket. “You smoke?”
“Guess I do now.” Doyle pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Shakily accepting a cigarette, he struggled to look as leisurely as the older man. Instead, the filtered tip awkwardly jutted from his lips as dusty boots fell into step. “You excited about going out into the bush?”
“Excited isn’t the word I would use.” He grunted, rucksack digging into his shoulder as Doyle nearly tripped over his own feet.
“What word would you use?” the kid wiped sweat off his brow, squinting at the man as they held up the rear of the new recruits.
Unsure. Uneasy. Scared.
The words came to mind in a barrage. Ones he was sure would frighten the kid if he were honest. Instead, he only shrugged before trudging forward.
They’d been out in the bush for three days, trying to manage the terrain in a torrential downpour. Humping several miles on foot, rain continued to slide down bare arms. Bringing up the rear, a sharp branch snagged Elias’ poncho as he kept an eye on the underlings. In spite of being a PFC, the sergeant leading their team had a lot of faith in the man.
It was his third mission on recon and their hike through the jungle had been quiet. Other than Doyle practically falling from a bluff when rappelling downwards, none of them had been badly injured.
Wiping rainwater from his brow, he attempted to ignore how the mud attempted to swallow his boots whole. Sergeant Mackenzie stopped their squad suddenly, sending the small man reeling into Doyle’s rucksack. The sarge turned around, pushing a finger up to his lips before nodding towards two dark shadows practically obscured by the downpour.
Bullets cut through sheets of rain, practically invisible as they downed the sergeant in a fell swoop. Two soldiers were sprayed in blood as they were quick to take cover in the thick jungle foliage. Doyle bit back a whimper, clutching his bloody arm. Elias pushed him into the brush, before covering the man with his own body. The RTO was quick to radio for back-up as the others wielded their M16’s, attempting to keep the cheap weapons from jamming.
“Keep Doyle quiet,” Elias barked at the two men, eliciting looks of confusion as he slid the hood of his poncho down. Forest green, the perfect shade for camouflage. “I’m gonna get rid of these guys.”
“Are you insane?” one of the soldiers shouted, voice practically obscured by the rain and gunfire. “There could be loads of them up there.”
“Maybe a ways up the trail.” He reasoned, ducking behind a tree before reloading his weapon, “But we’ve only got two right here. Just keep firing.”
Pushing himself halfway up, Elias crouched as he treaded swiftly into a thicket of teakwood trees. Bullets rattled more clearly the closer he got to the two stragglers. The thicket of trees formed a canopy, filtering the intense rain and giving the men an advantage.
The rest of his team wouldn’t last if the NVA soldiers got any closer. Those AK’s would destroy them. Back pushed against the thick trunk of a tree, one boot brought pressure down on a branch. Snapping it in half loudly got the men’s attention.
One urged the other to investigate while the leader continued to gain on the Americans. The private relied on his ears, attempting to hear the thud of rubber soles against the bed of leaves and twigs. Shaking fingers unsheathed a bowie knife, as the man grew closer.
He wouldn’t leave this mortal coil without a fight.
Snaking slowly around the circumference of the trunk, Elias could peripherally see the man come closer. All he had to do was wait until his location was nearly revealed and then attack. He and the soldier were practically shoulder to shoulder as he swallowed down a shaky breath.
Now was his last chance.
Then the soldier paused, giving Elias the opportunity to pounce. Gun hanging from his bicep, he swiftly slid around the trunk to behind the poor bastard. Before the man could react, he clamped a large hand across an open mouth. Screams were muffled by the storm as his other hand slid his knife against delicate skin, blood hotly spraying outwards.
That was his first victim, the same one he’d gently laid on the ground before prying the AK-47 free. The North Vietnamese army was better equipped than the American’s who were already at the disadvantage. They could use any help they could get. Then Elias was sprinting towards the other, smoothly shooting off a round from the AK before taking another weapon for his stash. Searching the man’s uniform found a few grenades that were eagerly taken.
Only then did he realize he was no longer innocent.
The tropical storm had begun to let up by the time they’d been toted back to base with their sergeant’s splattered body and an injured Doyle. A rubber tourniquet had been applied to the young man’s arm until he was being hauled off for surgery with the MASH unit. Hopefully it could be fixed onsite instead of sending out another soldier to the 95th Evacuation.
Soaked to his bones, Elias was treated like a hero by the rest of the division in spite of immersion foot. A few men clapped him on the shoulder, excitedly murmuring about the newly received weaponry. But all the man could think of was the way the NVA soldier limply collapsed in his arms, lifeless.
Because of him.
What was that man doing other than trying to evacuate a common enemy as much as the men that surrounded him. Trying to make it from one day to the next, defending his way of life the best he could. Elias felt his guts knot again, for what felt like the hundredth time. Nothing mattered now.
He was a killer. And that couldn’t be absolved.
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
Frost invented a worse alliteration :) @winterandwords
since the doc is open, you get fanfics this round.
thought (power rangers samurai)
“Good to see you awake,” a voice behind him said, pulling him around.
Without thinking, Mike settled into a fighting stance before he even saw who the voice belonged to. He relaxed a little when he saw that it was a girl around his own age. She was looking at him with an odd expression, something between curiosity and relief. As she approached, he dropped his hands, sensing no danger in the situation. “Where am I?” He asked when she was close enough that he didn’t have to raise his voice.
“Not far from where you were.” The girl had her hands behind her back and she was still looking at him like she’d never seen another person before. “I figured it’d be good to move you a little in case those monsters came back.”
It surprised him that someone with such a slight form would be able to move him anywhere, but the second part of that response was what really got his attention. “Yeah, about those monsters, did they just run off or-?” Mike questioned, trying to remember if he possibly taken out enough of them to scare the rest away. Nighloks and their moogers didn’t really scare, though, they just dried out.
The girl smiled, seeming to follow his train of thought. “Don’t feel bad. You were trained to fight with a team, right?”
“Uh,” Mike was taken aback by her comment. “What?” How could she possibly know that? Judging by the way she’d been looking at him just now, she had never seen him before, and yet she still knew about his training and his team?
though (the untamed)
“If you’re looking for a marriage, you’ll have to come through me, first.” Jiang Cheng said, politely fierce.
Jin Ling’s jaw dropped and he closed his mouth with a even deeper blush spreading across his face. “Uncle!”
To her credit, Senior Lin kept her expression mostly placid, though her eyes were clearly amused. “He’s a bit young, don’t you think?”
“Exactly! He shouldn’t even be thinking about marriage!”
“I’m glad we’re in agreement, then, Sect Leader. I am merely here to assist on the nighthunt.”
“The nighthunt?” Jiang Cheng swung around to glare at Jin Ling. “You knew I was arriving but were planning on going on a nighthunt without me?”
“Actually, I assumed you’d just come along,” Jin Ling said faintly, wishing the evening was over already. “Do you want to come?”
through (the 100)
"It's a very noticeable limp," Sage said finally, forcing the words out. Maturity was harder with people who matched it for some reason. "Everybody thinks I could fall over at any moment."
"You could," Bellamy commented, without spite.
"Obviously, yes." Sage acknowledged it while staring at the sky. "But I can stand and I can walk and I can't just sit around doing nothing."
"You haven't been," Bellamy said.
"Obviously, yes," Sage repeated, glancing at him irritably. He actually smiled for half a second, and Sage couldn't really be angry with him. "But nobody really wants to let me do anything or go anywhere because you're still mad about it. So if you could be mad on the inside and let me have your support again, I think everyone would benefit."
Bellamy nodded slowly, his jaw working like he was chewing through her request. "I'm not mad."
"Yeah, you are. We work well together, but you're in charge, and me walking around after you tell me not to isn't helping your image. I'm sorry about that, but get over it. And tell the kids to listen when I tell them how to throw sharp things."
tough (chicago pd)
Lexi blew some warmth into her bare hands before answering Adam’s call. "They're inside now, where I wish I was. This is not t-shirt weather."
"Tell me you’re wearing more than a t-shirt."
"I'm tough. And this hoodie has fuzz on the inside."
"You're gonna freeze to death. You know what the temperature is right now? I'll be right there."
"Adam, you don't have to-," Lexi sighed. He was so stubborn sometimes.
Not even two minutes later, Adam pulled up to the curb.
"What, were you just lurking around the corner?"
"Kind of. Here." He handed her a cup of coffee and while she was savoring the warmth he wrapped a scarf around her neck and pulled a hat down over her ears.
"I know I'm like you and Kim's adopted kid, but she and I are the same age."
"You don't look it, except for when you're being scary. And even then you just look like a scary kid."
"Um, thanks?"
save, scold, shiver, stare. BONUS: salvation, scorn. @oh-no-another-idea @talesofsorrowandofruin @gwens-fiction @deciphered-narrator @kaiusvnoir OR ANYBODY
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sodomyordeath · 2 years
//What do you look like?
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//What’s your name?
Stage/DJ Name: Doc
Drag Name: Helela aka Helela Hveðrungrssdóttir
//What…are you?
Homo sapiens sapiens (rev 1.1b?)
Member of the Goth / Metal / Psychobilly Tribes
I’m queer ( more specifically GenderQueer / Pansexual / Polyamorous )
Pronouns: they/them but I don’t terribly mind he/him
she/her is acceptable when I’m in Drag
I’m a carnivor
I’m a Nontheistic Satanist (aka Atheist with an attitude)
I’m a Misanthrope
I’m a proud slut
I don’t believe. I know or I know not.
I love my reclaimed slurs for all the blood & tears we had to spill to make ‘em our own.
I love the Night
//Where do you live?
Mostly in Hotel rooms but my homebase is in Bavaria, Germany
//How old are you?
I’m born in ‘77 Ancient
//What do you do for money?
Day: Network Security Consultant
Night: Nightlife Personality/ DJ, Performance Artist
//What did you do for money?
Tattoo & Body Mod Artist
Music Journalist & Critic
A & R 
Project Leader Software Development
//What was your oddest job(s)?
Worked at a Abattoir
Worked as a Mortician’s Assistent
//What do/did you do for fun?
Writing and performing music
Fun Time is over
//What’s your bad habbits?
Blood & Glitter
Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll
//Can you cook?
My guests say so, yes.
//Can you sew?
My sewing skills are on pair with my soldering iron skills.
It gets the job done but is nothing to write home about.
//Can you dance?
I practiced Rock and Roll dance in my younger years and have my ballroom basics down.
When it comes to anything else I’m a blank.
//Have you ever practiced martial arts?
Yea I started with Greco-Roman wrestling when I was a little kid.
Practiced judo for a year.
Tried boxing but switched to Muay Thai and droped it after 2 years.
Got into Taekwondo when I started playing American Football as a counterbalance and practiced it for about 3 years.
Nowadays I keep on practicing german ju-jutsu but not as regularly as I should.
//Can you handle a gun?
Yep and a Bow and also a Crossbow.
//Any other unusual skills?
I only need 4 hours of sleep to be fully rested
I’m a trained lifeguard & rescue diver (Wasserwacht), 
I have all skills one would need for Modern Pentathlon but I hate cross-country running and shooting toy guns.
I’d also prefer a Sabre (well a real one not a sports toy)
I can handle a bullwhip.
I love picking up new skills.
There are plenty more but who want’s to be a tell all?
//Fishing or Hunting?
//Do you like camping?
It’s a necessary evil.
//Do you meditate?
No, not really.
I can get into a fully relaxed state by just closing my eyes and breathing for 10 seconds.
//Do you believe in reincarnation?
As I sayed I don’t believe.
//Jedi or Sith?
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken.
Sounds pretty “path of the left hand” to me so Sith.
//Movie or Book?
Both if they are good.
//Favourite colour?
Black, silver, red in that order
//Lucky Number?
φ, 69, 13 in that order
//Top or Bottom?
Dominant Top
//Got any more?
Just Ask
Here are the rules:
No Children. This is not for you.
No Porn Blogs[1]
No RP Blogs[1] 
No PR Blogs. Try to look legit somewhere else.
No bots.
For the "Good Christians” and right wing Knuckleheads. You’re not gonna like it here so move along.
Consider this blog NSFW
Use your common sense and stay away from stuff that will upset you. That’s your trigger warning.
If you think I agree with your ideology, you’re wrong.
All non original content is property of the respective owners.
All my original content belongs to me no rights are granted to 3ed parties outside the context of this site.
[1] Don’t start whining make a fucking sideblog.
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ffxiiiapologist · 11 months
I’m still just not on the schedule at all so at this point I’m gonna wait for them to call me. I called yesterday about it and the assistant store leader had me come in for two hours to finish their web-based training but I’m entitled to 24h notice and am to put it lightly not a fan of this “We’ll see if we can get you in if you ask” mess like I need routine
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For the imposter au
After being found out, with Ingo and Emmet ever be able to return to their old lived ever again? What are they gonna do? Will they ever see their teams again?
Well! I’m not too sure on the how, but I do know they can piece their lives back together bit by bit. It won’t be their old lives, but… it’s close enough. And yes, they will meet their old teams again! I mean really, do you think they’d pass up the chance to have really good trainers who can understand them? Not in a million years. Not to mention that they’re friends! They’ll come back when asked- some don’t even need to be asked, they’re mad (at themselves, a bit) that they even left the twins in the first place.
And the subway will run as per usual. Perhaps they can’t legally own it (it’s a complicated issue, maybe it’ll get fixed later), but until they can someone else’s name will have to be on the papers, and they’ll probably have to have a “human assistant” to “make sure things get done properly”. It annoys them greatly, but hey, it lets them keep the battle subway running! Plus, nobody defined who needed to be with them- only that they needed to be capable of handling a subway station. Who better than, perhaps, Cilan? Train connoisseur! Experienced battler! Ex-gym leader! They choose to see it as an apprenticeship, so as to make it less… upsetting.
Or perhaps they’ll spin it some other way. I’m not sure!
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uzumaki-rebellion · 3 years
“The Interpreter: Part 2 of 2″
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T’Challa x Black OC.
Mature Audience. Smut. 18+. Two Parts. Part 1 HERE.
*Words in Italics represent the Wakandan language.
Destiny Keith loves her career as a U.N. interpreter. She specializes in three East African Languages, but Wakandan is her favorite, especially when she gets to work for King T’Chaka Udaku on many important occasions. Destiny adores the popular state leader, but she despises his arrogant and spoiled son, Prince T’Challa Udaku. When the Wakandan King falls ill, Destiny is called upon to assist Prince T’Challa on a speaking tour of the U.S. as he replaces his father to discuss the King’s recent book on Wakanda’s new lead in global politics. Disappointed that she won’t be able to spend more time with the charming King, she accepts the new job reluctantly and discovers that there’s more to the prickly Prince than meets the eye.
"There's a sparkle in your eyes I feel the warmth of your skin Just the touch of your hand Makes me tremble within Love the smell of your hair Lying here in our bed, oh Never gonna be alone 'Cause with you I'm finally coming home"
"Better Place" – Spring Gang
The first major book tour interview was a rousing success.
Destiny watched T'Challa speak to Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin on "The View" standing next to the segment producer. She had an earpiece on where she could speak to the Prince in case he became confused about a question or some AAVE slang. All the women on the panel were impressed with him. He had them eating out of his palm as he discussed Wakanda's new role as a facilitator of peace around the world.
Destiny suggested that he wear a Persian blue dress shirt and slacks with a smartly cut azure jacket that made the rich melanin of his beautiful skin sit like midnight velvet on the TV screen. He was so charming and flirty with all the women, and even the hardball questions lobbed at him from Sunny concerning his country's border skirmishes were skated over with ease.
The man had it. Star power.
The segment ended with Joy Behar asking about his love life as an heir and how women dealt with him wearing platinum grills with sharp teeth. T'Challa wisely kept his personal information off-limits, but he elaborated on his collection of priceless fronts and slugs as part of his style.
As the show went to commercial break, Destiny gave him a thumbs up and she texted King T'Chaka that they were on their way to the next interview at Good Morning America. Three days of interviews on the East Coast had been a flurry of conference calls, media training on the fly, and reigning in T'Challa's arrogance. Brilliant men were often trouble to contain with humility, and the Prince was no exception. It was hard for him to hide scorn on his face when he felt the person near his person was beneath him in intelligence and taste. She kept reminding him that he was standing in for his father and to take on the countenance of the diplomatic King.
The negro was hard-headed. He got on her nerves every day.
Despite the fact they were fucking each other comatose every night in his bed, despite the brand new wardrobe he bought for her, despite the personal hairstylist, make-up artist, and her own personal assistant as part of their ten-person entourage, Destiny and T'Challa were at each other's throats while they worked together.
After The View, they stopped at the hotel for him to shower, change and prep for Good Morning America.
"The NPR interview will happen before lunch and Pacifica radio is ready for you at nine tomorrow with Amy Goodman before we fly to Chicago," she called to him from the opposite side of his shower door.
"Can we skip CNN tonight?"
"No. Anderson Cooper is chomping at the bit to talk to you before Oprah gets her hooks into you out in L.A."
T'Challa burst out from the bathroom rubbing a plush towel across his chest. He was dripping wet and naked in front of his entire crew. They were used to him being like this. Destiny thought it was too intimate to watch his dick flop around in front of other women. Especially the young make-up artist that flirted with him every chance she got.
A female masseuse rubbed his shoulders while a female manicurist worked on his cuticles as he sat on a hotel chair. Destiny grabbed the towel from his hand and laid it across his lap. That was her big dick and heavy balls sitting out in the open. She wasn't having it. He sucked his teeth.
"Such a child about nudity," he hissed. The glint of his grill annoyed her.
His people were all Wakandan, so Destiny assumed this was the norm for them. But not to her. The masseuse was a little too handsy on his shoulders.
"Would you all excuse us?" she demanded.
Everyone stopped moving and glanced at T'Challa. He rolled his eyes, then flicked his wrist signaling for them to go through the adjoining suite door that led to her personal suite. Ayo followed behind them and shut the door.
"I don't like this."
"Like what?" he said standing up and checking his hair in the mirror. The taut glutes of his ass distracted her. So did his back muscles as they moved while he ran his fingers through his glossy curls.
"There should be some distance from you and your staff when you are getting dressed and we need to talk business. I prefer it when it's just you, me, and Ayo."
"What's your real issue?" he asked.
The gleam in his eye told her he wasn't taking her seriously.
"They are too familiar, and I don't think your father would like it. He knows how to separate himself."
"Well, it is a good thing I am nothing like my father. So rigid."
He stroked his left pec and ogled her from the mirror.
"You're jealous."
He wagged his finger at her.
"I see how you get uncomfortable when other women touch me in front of you. You are feeling territorial over me, and it is conflicting with your rigid need to control my interactions."
She chewed on her lip.
He grabbed on his dick.
"Your name is on this, eh?" he teased.
She walked away from him and picked up her computer tablet from a desk.
"Get dressed. We need to leave in ten minutes."
He padded over to her and curled his body around her back.
"You are really upset about this?"
"You are dismissive and I find it disrespectful."
"This is just a difference in cultural expectations. Nothing more. Leave it be."
"Nigga, women are staring at your dick while we are discussing an important book that could have revolutionary implications to other world leaders. If I am feeding you sections that you should cover for each interview and your balls are out and getting other women hot and bothered, I think you should follow my directions and put on clothes."
"Okay... okay... damn... I'll put on clothes. Uptight woman."
She shoved him away.
"See. That's what I'm talking about. Dismissive. I'm an uptight woman for asking you to show me some respect and a little professionalism."
"I don't have time for this shit."
He stomped over to one side of his bed and began putting on his boxer briefs and traditional black tunic and trousers. He grumbled in Wakandan, cursing her out as he moved.
"Come back in here!" he shouted
The staff returned, and he made a big scene about her being embarrassed by his nudity and that from now on he would get dressed, alone, and they would have to wait in another room until she was done talking to him to attend to his needs. Two people sucked their teeth and cut eyes at her. Ayo snapped her fingers at them and shut that shit down.
Destiny's chest became tight with tension.
"I'll be down in the car," she snapped.
Grabbing her purse and clutching her tablet, she walked out with her dignity crushed.
The Good Morning America segment was a disaster. Instead of T'Challa being alone to banter and talk up his father's book, the show invited a political expert from Niganda to challenge Wakanda's rebranding as a global expert on peaceful negotiations on climate change, immigration, and border issues. T'Challa looked so regal in his black clothing, and he handled the Nigandan plant with political finesse, but he went in on American democracy, moving the conversation away from positive world peace, to asserting the right to challenge American imperialism under the guise of democracy.
It didn't get any better over on CNN where he roasted Anderson Cooper, neoliberalism, and cannibalistic American politics. Destiny tried to reason with him through her earpiece and hidden mic, but the Prince went in and would not let up. He became a pit bull and made Anderson Cooper sweat. That white man wilted under T'Challa's grilling, and no amount of pleading from her made him quit.
Her cell phone lit up. King T'Chaka's handler.
She texted that she was in the middle of talking to a producer and would get back to him as soon as possible.
T'Challa snatched the CNN mic off of his tunic and stormed past her. Ayo trailed behind him and Destiny could only shake her head. On their way to dinner in the car, his anger didn't let up.
"I have to tell your father what just happened. What would you like me to say?"
"Tell him nothing."
Over a plate of seared scallops and pasta, she spoke to the King of Wakanda and promised to spin the aggressive nature of the Prince's words in their favor. Destiny reached out to a few influencer friends who jumped on the task by posting flashy pictures of him. The interview with The View was played up and Destiny shared behind-the-scenes photos of T'Challa that got him trending for being fine and smart and not a loud-mouth instigator. A recent ex-boyfriend became clutch when he helped her land a quick radio spot on a popular Black radio morning show as an exclusive. She would squeeze him in after the Pacifica interview. They were flying by private jet, so she had to adjust only one bookstore promo in Chicago to occur an hour later than scheduled.
Picking at her cheesecake, she listened to King T'Chaka's book agent speak to the Prince with awe in his voice. He didn't seem to mind T'Challa's fiery personality on the air. Book sales had spiked after his rift with Anderson Cooper. Everyone wanted to know about the opinionated firebrand son.
She was silent on the ride back to their hotel and didn't wait for him when she jumped out of the private car and rushed up to her room. A hot bubble bath soothed her mood, and she wrapped herself in the fluffy white hotel bathrobe. Throwing herself on her bed she ignored the soft taps on the adjoining room door.
"Destiny, I know you can hear me. Open this door. Now."
"Go away, T'Challa. I'm tired and I need my rest for tomorrow."
"Open the door so I may speak to you face to face."
"No. Goodnight. I'll see you at breakfast in the morning."
He banged on the door.
"I want to speak to you. Right now!"
"Fuck you."
His fists hammered on the door, and she continued to ignore him. Snatching up clean underwear from her suitcase in the closet, she found a slinky blouse and tight jeans and threw them on. A light coating of lip gloss and eyeliner perked up her face. Tying her silk press up into a neat bun on top of her head, she slipped on T'Challa's earrings and knee-high boots and slipped out of her room. Ayo stood guard across from their rooms sitting on a leather hallway chair.
"Going out for a bit. I'll be back."
"Shall I summon the driver for you?"
Her voice was crisp and her eyes on alert.
"No... I'm not going far. Just taking a walk."
Once she was downstairs, she called her friends Connie and Mayse and met them at their favorite bar in Brooklyn. She wanted time and distance away from all the Wakandans.
Connie and Mayse admired her new clothes and pampered hair and peppered her with questions about T'Challa. From their viewpoint, the Prince was sexy as hell on TV.
"Girl! He is so forceful, and that accent does things to my coochie!" Mayse shouted over the music as they knocked back shots.
Checking the social media feeds, they averted the crisis. The liquor had her rethinking how she reacted toward T'Challa. Maybe she was a prude for worrying about how his people handled nudity. It made her uncomfortable. Maybe she should have approached it as a personal discomfort and not about professionalism. T'Challa had an edge to him. He wasn't a seemingly sweet Prince like England's Prince Harry, or Sweden's good-natured playboy bachelor Prince Gabriel. No, Wakanda's prince was a hellcat with a mind of his own. It stirred up an undeniable desire in her.
Her cell phone vibrated several times during the night. T'Challa. Asking if she was coming back to the hotel soon. He needed to see her. By midnight, the calls from him ceased. She would just pretend to have fallen asleep and reset her entire field of vision for a better day in the morning. Her personal feelings for him were bleeding into her work duties. There had to be a separation and breaks from him physically.
The ride back to the hotel by subway had her feeling frisky. Mayse and Connie paired off with suiters and the male attention prompted her to hot tail it back to T'Challa's bed. No matter how much work turmoil he put her through, that man knew how to lay pipe. She wanted her pussy stretched and sticky all over his dick. Her clit thumped in her jeans thinking about him bending her over and cussing her out for being a bad girl by ignoring him. She was ready to lick her juices off of his lips. His salty-sweet semen would taste delicious on the tip of her tongue. He liked for her to flick the tip in and out of his slit while he leaked clear fluid all over her mouth giving her glossy lips.
She thought of the night before when she was on her hands and knees holding her inner pussy lips open so he could nut all over her folds. He never entered her raw, but he pushed it by spurting semen all on the outside of her pink slit. T'Challa liked the clipped hairs on her vulva, and covering them all with his ejaculate was a kink for him. Especially rubbing his fingers all in the mess he would make with her slick fingers prying her folds open wide for him. He called it frosting the cake before spanking her with his palms.
Destiny squirmed on her subway seat. Her pussy was throbbing and swollen with arousal. She'd been away from him for eight hours and it felt like a week. Frustration and arousal went hand in hand with that man.
She ambled down to her hotel room floor. Ayo was gone for the night, probably snatching a bit of sleep before she was back on watch. Slipping out her passkey, she unlocked T'Challa's door and let herself in. They would make love and then work out a better way to communicate—
What in the fuck?
Three naked women were sprawled out all over his king-sized bed.
"Who are you?" One of them asked with her thick ass poked out.
Another woman had her legs wide open and her pussy glistened. Her skin was drenched in sweat and her fair-skinned cheeks were flushed. She was a big titty bitch with braids and pouty red lips. The third woman had tats all up and down her ass and thighs with a Dominican flag on her left shoulder.
T'Challa swaggered out of his bathroom rolling another condom onto his erect dick.
"Destiny," he said in a hushed tone.
His diamond-encrusted fronts were on his teeth and he used that particular set to bite and mark flesh. She still had marks on her inner thigh and her left ass cheek.
Putting a hand on her hip, she curled her tongue against the inside of her cheek.
"You don't get your way with me and you do this?"
"Papi, bring that dick over here, it's my turn to ride on top," Tats said. The woman flopped onto her back and smacked her waxed vulva several times. Her shit sounded gushy and T'Challa's dick bounced at the sound.
"Fuck this," Destiny said.
She yanked open the adjoining door and slammed it.
"Fucker!" she screamed throwing her purse on the bed.
Next door she heard Tats getting her pussy pounded.
Destiny's stomach twisted into a sick knot and she fought the idea of crying even as tears fell down her face in anger. She was no different than those women. Just a fuck toy for him to play with. It shouldn't have stunned her, but it cut her deep. Sticking earbuds into her ear, she tried listening to music to block out the sound of three women getting royal dick. It crushed her even more knowing they would be dickmatized like her.
Chicago was a home run for him.
T'Challa enjoyed the city. The vibe was so different from New York. Not as pretentious.
Destiny only spoke to him for work and after her day was done, she cut loose from their entourage and explored the city on her own. They added an extra week to the tour for him to hit Atlanta and New Orleans after his appearance at a Barnes and Noble. Lines were wrapped around the building to get his father's book signed by him.
Even when he followed Destiny's dictates, she had not forgiven him about his foursome. He tried to blame her in his mind. She had him riled up all day, and when she ignored him... actually had the audacity to go away all night without informing him of her whereabouts, he lost his shit. He needed her bouncing on his dick, needed to put his cum in her mouth... needed her energy to satisfy his cravings for her. Mouthy women always got him heated, but when she wouldn't bend to his will... he was ready to blow that back out to smithereens to teach her a lesson.
He fucked his standby side chicks, nutted on their faces, and sent them home while he fumed at Destiny until he fell asleep. Expecting histrionics and her sharp tongue the next day, his lover ghosted him in plain sight. Courteous, professional, pleasant, and helpful, she reverted to their original relationship before he fucked her. It drove him nuts. Even when he provoked her to get her to confront what he had done, she didn't bite. He became a frustrated fisherman watching a fish ignore his dangly hook. T'Challa stayed out late to make her think he was unbothered by her behavior. Two could play that game. But he didn't want to play games with her. He cursed himself for not getting another hotel with his side pieces. The assumption was she went home to her own studio to cool off or get her mind right with him. The fact that she came back to his room meant that she wanted him. Wanted to talk it out at least, and he fucked it up by being horny and accustomed to his dick being waited on.
Destiny finally approached him at a mixer at the Peninsula Hotel where he was a special guest of the new Chicago mayor along with other political luminaries from around the world. Photo ops were taking up too much of his energy, so he slipped over to an open bar and requested a non-alcoholic beverage.
"Hello there, Prince T'Challa."
Sandrine put a smile on his face. They hugged.
"Who are you here with?" he asked sipping his carbonated mineral water.
"Some West African delegates passing through. I missed you in New York. The book tour is all anyone can talk about. You are on fire. The King must be so pleased."
"He is."
"I see you have on some new diamond teeth. Sexy."
He grinned flashing her his favorite set.
Destiny joined them slick as a whisper. The women hugged.
"My success is all due to, Destiny," he said trying to butter her up.
She patted his shoulder playfully, and it surprised him. She hadn't touched him in so long. He ached to have her back in his arms. Sandrine glanced around before grabbing a glass of Chardonnay from a server.
"Time to get back to translating and interpreting what these men want," Sandrine huffed.
They watched her slip away into the throng of elites.
"You're never without company," she said.
"Sandrine? I didn't know she was here until just now."
"If you say so."
"I say so."
She picked up a martini glass from a bartender.
"How long will you keep this ridiculous cold shoulder?" he asked.
"It's not a cold shoulder, T'Challa. It's my reality check. I made a mistake getting involved with you. Went against my better judgment and I learned my lesson. I'm good."
"I'm not good. I know you are only pretending to be unaffected by what I did—"
"I just want to finish up this tour for your father and get the fuck back to New York and my regular life. Listen. I won't lie. I enjoyed fucking you and being with you and I can't sustain a genuine connection with you. We are way too different. You'll be leaving for Europe soon with your father and I can forget being humiliated. We didn't have boundaries, and we really didn't talk about where this would go. The sex was everything, but that's all it will ever be. I'm not your girlfriend. You're not my boyfriend. I forgot that."
He heard her say the words. Listened to them come out of her mouth. But her eyes were snitching on her. She was still hurt. And she still wanted to be with him. The slight tremor in her voice gave her away. Along with the extra shine in her eyes. He could see the liquid layer building up tears.
"We should talk later in private. I'm sorry I hurt you. I am selfish and greedy. I know this. I can't change that overnight."
His throat felt strained as he rushed out the words trying to keep her next to him. He didn't want her to flounce away acting like she didn't care about them anymore. His keen senses from his years of being the Black Panther and having the purple herb in his bloodstream helped him hone in on her deeper feelings. Reaching out, he stroked her face, and she leaned into his touch with a soft sigh and a closing of her eyes. A single tear drizzled down her right cheek and he brushed it away.
"Men are shit, aren't we?" he whispered.
The corner of her mouth lifted in a coy smile.
"Just the ones I choose," she said.
He clasped her hand, and she laced her fingers in his. Pressing his forehead into hers he let out a shuddery breath.
"I have not been kind to you or your feelings. My father would choke me with one hand if he knew I made you cry over something I did. Can we please talk after this event? We can speak privately in a neutral place, maybe a late meal?"
She pushed back from him.
"Let me think about it, okay?"
The grin on her face made him feel better.
"I'll be here. Or wherever you want to talk. I mean that, Destiny."
"I think you do."
She pointed over her shoulder.
"I'm going to the restroom and then I'll meet you back here in a few minutes?"
He nodded and watched her weave in and out through the crowd toward the public restrooms. Ayo made her rounds and came over to him with a smug look on her face.
"Your Highness. Miss Keith is talking with you outside of work once more."
"Do not start," he warned holding up a finger.
Ayo held up her hands and grinned.
"I was a dog, eh?"
"Do not answer that. And do not inform General Okoye of my personal affairs. I know you two are great friends and she will rub it in for the rest of my days. She has finally stopped ribbing me about Nakia and I cannot take her sly looks in front of Father."
"One day you will learn self-discipline. She is a lovely woman. Hurting her feelings was a crass move on your part. But I hazard a guess that she has forgiven you."
"You know this?"
"She hasn't slapped you like they usually do, so that is a favorable sign, Prince T'Challa."
He checked his kimoyo beads discreetly.
"She is taking a long time. Is the line long at the Ladies' Room?"
"I shall go check on her for you."
"Thank you... eh, eh... wipe that smug look off your face, Lieutenant."
He waited for Ayo to get word back to him. He was antsy wanting to talk with Destiny.
Moments later, Ayo was back at his side holding Destiny's purse in her hand.
"Your Highness, I found her purse on the restroom counter. There were a few things scattered about and a broken compact on the floor!"
T'Challa lunged past her, shoving his way through bodies. He ran into the women's restroom. It was empty near the sinks. He saw the broken face powder crumbled on the cold beige floor. A blonde woman with big bouncy hair stepped out from a toilet stall with the loud sound of the toilet flushing. She washed her hands with a startled expression on her face at seeing a man in the room.
"Excuse me, did you see a Black woman with long black hair, and a bronze shimmery dress on when you walked in here?"
"There was a woman in here like that with long jangly earrings with blue streaks in them talking to another tall Black woman with auburn hair when I went into the stall."
"Something is not right, Your Highness."
T'Challa stormed out of the restroom with Ayo at his heels. He tapped his kimoyo beads and swiped a tracking device that picked up traces of vibranium. The earrings he gave Destiny contained traceable amounts.
"Got her!" he shouted.
He threw the imaging to Ayo's kimoyo beads as they raced out of the hotel. Summoning his driver Yando, he indicated for the man to set up emergency tracking.
"She's not far," Ayo huffed as they jumped into the car.
"Shields up, Yando!" he shouted.
The car became illuminated on the outside with vibranium technology. A tracker floated on the dashboard. T'Challa stripped and quickly shifted into his Black Panther suit.
"White luxury BMW... five miles ahead of us... she's in the trunk!" Ayo shouted.
"Yando!" T'Challa shouted.
"On it, Your Highness!"
Gravity shifted and the private car's wheels disappeared as the vehicle glided up into the air, shifting its shape and appearance.
"It's the Nigandans," Ayo said looking back at him.
T'Challa flicked both of his gloved fingers and panther claws sprung out like razors.
"They will pay for taking her from me," he hissed before he climbed out of the window and stood on the roof of the flying craft.
His eyes shifted from regular human to sleek enhanced vision. He crouched on the roof and concentrated on bringing his woman back alive.
"Destiny, that dress is divine."
Sandrine pranced next to her at the restroom sink as Destiny powdered her nose. T'Challa had her nerves sparked with anticipation. He was remorseful, apologetic, and sought reconciliation with her. She could do that. It didn't mean she would jump back into bed with him, but it meant he was willing to work something out to get them back on track to finish the tour amicably.
"Just something new I picked up in New York before I left. The perks of working for King T'Chaka Udaku."
"I see. You two are really close, yeah?"
"As close as one can be as a professional."
"I bet Prince T'Challa is a handful."
"You ain't said but a word, Sis. Keeps me on my toes."
A white woman with super teased hair stepped past them, and Sandrine moved in closer to her.
"You have something on your neck," Sandrine said staring at her throat with an odd expression.
Destiny leaned in toward the mirror to check for whatever was there and Sandrine's hand swooped around her nose and mouth with a soft cloth. She tried to drop her body down on the floor like she had been taught in her self-defense class to create dead weight, but the fumes of the cloth knocked her out. She tumbled into darkness.
The thumping, bumping, and shaking of her body woke her up. She was stuffed inside the trunk of a car. Her arms were tied behind her back, but they hadn't secured her legs well with the rope they used and she kicked the hell out of the trunk's hood and sides. Wiggling her arms, she loosened the rope enough to get out of them and felt around for the car's backlight. She tried punching it out so she could stick her arm out and flag down help, but the driver of the car sped up with crazy turns. They were being chased. Voices in front of the car sounded foreign. She recognized one voice.
Fucking Sandrine.
Destiny rubbed her head as nausea came over her. Covering her mouth, she waited for the queasy feeling to pass over her before she tried to grope around for something to help her escape. Her purse wasn't there, so she couldn't use her pocket flashlight or cell phone. The screeching of the tires scared her, and so did their excited voices. Whatever was chasing them—
Gunshots erupted, and Destiny screamed. She curled into a ball hoping that any return fire wouldn't strike and kill her—
Jesus fucking Christ!
She felt the car lift on two wheels and she rolled over with the shift, hitting her head against the side. A bright neon blue glow seeped through the trunk and surrounded her frame. The engine revved, and the car plopped back down on all four tires. It accelerated, and she prayed that the crash that was sure to occur would be merciful and take her out quickly. She braced herself and tried to let go of fear and allow God to fill her heathen non-church-going ass. Before she could exalt in her come to Jesus moment, the trunk of the car was ripped away and cold air shook her loose hair around her face blocking her vision for a few seconds.
A Black Panther stared down at her as the bright cityscape sped past above him. She shivered as he reached down for her hand. The car took a hard swerve, and she screamed. The Black Panther... the man... the hybrid... whatever it was... snatched her up by her waist and held her tight. The car gave another dangerous swerve and the Black Panther took three long hops and leaped from the car straight up into the air. All Destiny saw was the ground disappear below them and they were swinging in an arc. Not flying exactly, but close to it. She dared to look up, and the man gripped a silvery metal rope attached to a flying machine.
"Oh, shit!" she squealed when the flying vehicle arced away from the forward motion and reversed on a dime.
She gripped the Black Panther as her eyes zeroed in on the kidnapper's car as it clipped a parked van and flew headfirst into an industrial building's wall. It exploded on impact and Destiny jammed her eyes shut as her stomach couldn't handle the swinging around in the air.
Her stomach dropped again as they fell back to earth.
It was a soft landing, and the Black Panther released her. They weren't too far from the burning wreckage on an isolated street.
"T-t-thank you. I don't know what the hell happened... or why I was snatched up..."
She blabbered on and the strange creature before her had no mouth or even real eyes. But she knew without a doubt that he understood and saw her completely. Well, at least she guessed it was a 'him' with the way the pecs and abs were shaped and the body was definitely a masculine-shaped one. Especially with those thighs, calves... package.
She shivered, and fear overtook her. The madness she found herself ensnared in would ruin King T'Chaka and Prince T'Challa's tour.
"I have to go! I can't be here!"
She jerked her hands around and her feet propelled her into a circle. She didn't know where she was or what direction to head to. T'Challa was waiting for her back at the mixer. He'd be worried.
"I have to get back to Prince T'Challa. I'm responsible for a lot of shit, and if I get caught up, it will ruin his—"
Strong arms surrounded her.
"Help me get back to the Peninsula Hotel," she pleaded.
Firetrucks and the wailing of police cars erupted in the distance. His body molded itself against her and she felt woozy holding onto him. The slick casing of his face mask nuzzled her cheek, and she tilted her neck.
'"Thank you—"
She stumbled back. He vanished. The shadow of his form skimmed the side of the building and disappeared into the night.
"Miss Keith!"
Destiny blinked rapidly several times and turned her head to the sound of Ayo's voice.
"Quick! Get in!" the woman yelled.
She ran to the car and jumped into the back seat. They tore past the smoldering heap filled with charred bodies.
"How did you find me?"
"Security footage. We will keep this under wraps. Do you understand?"
"Yes. But I know the woman who kidnapped me."
"You will not speak to anyone about this. It is of utmost importance that this does not get out."
"What if they try to kidnap me again? What do they want with me?"
"It is Prince T'Challa they want. You were just a pawn to get his attention."
"T'Challa! Is he still at the hotel? Is he safe?"
"He is fine. I will take you to him."
"Did you see the man who saved me? He had on this all-black suit. He had claws and he ripped the trunk open like it was a toy and we flew in the air..."
Two cold stern eyes glared at her from the front seat.
"I sound disturbed right?"
"You may have a concussion. There was no man that we saw."
"He ran on the side of the building, he was...he saved me from burning up too..."
She zipped her lip. The adrenaline rush had her amped, but when she made it back to the hotel, she became a drained lump of tired muscles. Escorted to her room alone, she waited for a time to collect her thoughts. A knock at the front hotel room door had her heart in her throat.
"Come in," she called out.
T'Challa rushed in with concern and hugged her tight.
"When Ayo told me what happened I nearly lost my mind."
"She said they were after you."
"Don't worry, they won't bother you or me again."
"Sandrine was part of it."
"This I was told."
She paced the floor.
"This man came out of nowhere and he saved me, T'Challa. He was so strong... he picked me up and this plane... or... giant drone... I don't even know what it was, he had me flying in the air... you don't believe me."
"I think the night has been stressful for you and you should rest."
"A man in a black catsuit snatched me from exploding in a car with Sandrine! I know what happened to me. There were at least three of them in that vehicle and if he hadn't come to my rescue, I wouldn't be here. He was so quick and virile, and he didn't speak a word, but when he hugged me tight after I thanked him... I just... he was everything."
T'Challa rolled his eyes. Bored.
"Really? Rolling your eyes at me?"
"I don't want to hear about some other man. I'm glad you are safe and sound. I'm happy that nothing happened to me either, but for right now, can we just talk about us?"
"You aren't serious. You can't be fucking serious. I'm trying to tell you the most incredible, scary, thrilling moment in my life, and your spoiled, self-centered dick-hole jerk face can only think about your needs?"
"Before you were taken, we were planning to talk. So now that the drama is over, I think we can talk about us and not this mystery flying kitty cat."
T'Challa waved his hand dismissing her dreadful adventure.
"Get out."
She went to their adjoining room door and flung it open.
"Go, T'Challa!"
"Destiny," His teeth gleamed with those flashy diamond fronts.
"I'm so done with you right now."
He held up an index finger.
"Perhaps a good night's sleep will do you well, and we can have a breakfast chat. We are free until three, so you can sleep in, feel refreshed—"
"I swear to Gawd almighty, if you don't leave, I will."
He shrugged, and she balled up her fists.
"I'm leaving."
He ambled into his room and she slammed the door shut.
Turning on the TV, she tried to calm her frayed nerves, but all she could do was pace around the room in her Miu Miu heels and slinky dress and think about the Black Panther. She glanced around her room.
"My purse."
She cracked her hotel room door open to the hallway. Ayo was posted up on the watch for trouble.
"Miss Keith?"
"My purse? I left it in the restroom downstairs."
"Prince T'Challa has it. I gave it to him when we found it."
Destiny nodded and closed the door. The shower went on in T'Challa's room and she took advantage of him being preoccupied to retrieve her belongings. Slipping through the adjoining door, she passed by the bathroom and searched the main living quarters. Slinking into the separate master bedroom of the suite, she looked high and low again. Reaching for the closet double doors, she pulled them open and saw her purse on the shelf, right above a hanging black mask and matching black panther suit.
She lifted the mask with the pointy ears from the hook it perched on and her breath became shallow.
"You're Welcome."
His voice brought a shiver to the back of her neck and it raced along the sensitive places in her back. The hair on her nape raised. Her clit breathed life on its own.
Holy shit.
She turned around on a shaky heel and he stood in front of her with a towel wrapped around his damp body.
"You're... him? How?"
T'Challa leaned in and kissed her.
"It's a secret. Top security clearance. The Dora Milaje will take you out if you tell."
His words joked, but he wasn't playing. He pressed close to her body and her heart thumped so fast that it made her left breast jump under her dress. His lips found hers and she melted. Their tongues discovered new tricks to tease one another in delightful ways. The energy between them was dynamic, and she hummed in her throat until he pulled away.
"Oh, so now I am your favorite person again?" he teased.
Destiny stared deep into his eyes. He rescued her, but didn't speak so he wouldn't give himself away. A prince chased down treacherous kidnappers to save her little interpreter life when they were after him.
"Your secret is safe with me," she whispered.
She stroked the mask.
"Be careful," he said lifting it away from her hands.
"Put it back on."
"The mask?"
"The entire suit. I need to see you in it so I can process everything."
He smirked and reached for the suit still hanging in the closet. Removing the towel from around his waist, he stroked one side of the suit and it became stiff. He stepped into it from the back easily and it molded around his sleek form instantly. Lifting the mask to his face, it became a second skin.
"Does this help?"
She fingered the texture along his arms and his chest, then gripped his arms with both of her hands. Her face crumbled and her lips trembled as the fear came rushing back.
"Oh... my love... I am so sorry this happened to you."
The seductive growl in his voice from behind the mask breathed life into her body. Throwing her arms around his neck she shoved her face under his chin, bawling like a ridiculous giant baby.
"Have no fear. We have known about Sandrine for a long time. I expected her to try a stunt on me and not you. And as you now know, there was no way that she and that crew could harm me. My father and I needed her to show us her hand so we could know for sure that the Nigandans are behind this subterfuge. I'm sorry it caught you in the crossfire. She probably thought you had some information they could suss out to trap me. My father is becoming a big deal in the world and there will be more attempts on his life and mine in the future. This book tour is laying the groundwork for many more changes to come for us. Don't cry, Destiny."
T'Challa pulled the mask off and placed it back on the hook. His hands ran up and down her back making small circles along her shoulder blades.
"I was touched when the first thing you worried about was me."
"Why didn't you tell me then?"
"Needed to keep that part of my life hidden. I wasn't expecting you to bust up in here looking for your purse. I thought I locked the middle door."
"You were willing to let me hate you?"
"Sacrifices happen."
"Is that why you don't treat relationships that serious?"
"I've treated some relationships with respect. I've had girlfriends. Now... the things I have to do... I am in service of my father and my country."
"None of your people are who they pretend to be, huh?"
"You saw what I can do. You know what I have at my disposal."
"Flying machines and claws that can shred metal and lift cars from the ground."
She closed her eyes and trembled.
"I would like to spend the rest of my time with you, Destiny. I am stubborn. Bossy. Shameless. I may not see eye to eye with you, and I will make you angry in some form or fashion again. I guarantee it. However, I will work on seeing things your way."
"And no more foursomes while I'm in the picture."
"As you wish."
She took two tiny steps away from him and slipped out of her dress. It fell to the floor, and she kicked it away. Her panties slipped down smooth and she tossed them too.
"Keep those heels on," he said.
"Keep those grills in," she countered.
He grinned and the glint of the sharp points on the canines made her moan out her desire for his mouth and teeth all over her. His hand went around her neck and he turned her in the opposite direction and traced his teeth down her spine until found a favorite spot on her right side. Her muscles and skin became pliant under his caresses. He nipped at her ass cheeks, snagging a nice chunk of flesh, biting hard until he stood up and pulled off his Black Panther suit.
His dick pointed straight at her, the head pearling sticky drops of pre-cum. She squatted on her heels and licked him clean, but more lubricant seeped out, spilling on her chin. Her mind kept flashing to him ripping the trunk off of the car and reaching down to pluck her from danger. Her pussy fell apart, clenching and creaming just from thoughts of him running up the side of buildings using his claws to defy gravity.
He lifted her, and she reached down for his dick and positioned the head at her opening. She slid down his shaft three inches and he grit his teeth. The fronts giving him a fearsome beauty. The feeling of his raw flesh inside of her was intoxicating.
"Condom," he huffed, unable to control the pleasure he received feeling her walls unsheathed.
"Just this once," she whispered, allowing him to lower her further, stretching her in a way that she would never feel from anyone else.
She should've known he was something special. He held her with a strength that was unnatural, and strength that she ignored because the dick was too good to think about bothersome things. Like his stamina. The amount of cum he could release. How fast he could recover.
"Fuck me," she begged.
He lifted her up and down and that thick Panther dick did her in. Her first orgasm had her clinging to him, her throbbing dripping folds soaking his groin. T'Challa pulled out and helped her to her feet. She spun around, bent over and gripped her ankles for him. He plowed back into her. Her back ached and she shuffled over to the bed beckoning him to follow her.
He scooted into the center and she sat before him, lifting her legs and using the sides of her heels to tease his girth. The texture of the crystals embedded in the velvet material pleasured the ridge of his glans. T'Challa sat up on his elbows to watch her heels play on his tip. She twisted the outsole of both heels on that sensitive ridge and he groaned as she kept it propped up. More pre-cum spilled on the crystals. He rubbed her ankles until his head fell forward from all the sensations teasing his dick. Soft velvet, cool hard crystals. The slight twisty friction.
"Should I let you cum in my pussy, Your Highness?"
"Whatever you want."
"Hmmm, maybe I don't want a prince anymore. I think I want to be fucked by the Black Panther. I want his big fat dick. I want him to make a mess in my wet pink pussy."
"Fuck... ohhhh... you want the Black Panther in your pussy?"
"You want me to cum in your pussy?"
"Deep in my pussy."
"Make a big mess?"
"Yes... beat it up like you always do."
"I'll nut so hard..."
"I know you will. Fill me up... make that cum spill out—"
"All over your pussy lips..."
"The way you like it, T'Challa."
She pressed harder on his dick, twisting, talking, teasing...
"Baby, I can't hold back..."
Destiny kept working her heels on his meat until it started spitting cum all over the crystals.
T'Challa clutched his fingers around the back of her heels.
Destiny rode his dick in reverse cowgirl, bending forward far enough so that he could watch his girth stretch and stuff her full of Black Panther dick. Her back muscles were tension-free, sweaty, and shined with exertion. He never fucked foreign women raw, but he made an exception for her. Her ass cheeks clapped, and she looked back at him with lust dripping from her eyes. She couldn't get enough of him. Once she knew who he was, the sky was the limit with the sex.
"Hold still, hold still..." he shouted at her.
She lifted slightly because she knew it was his favorite part of ejaculating. Watching his dick throb inside of her. But watching it raw was a gift. The veins were thick across his erection and he was blessed to make her nut too. Her pussy contracted around him and he watched their swollen parts sing to one another. A hard throb from his dick was answered with a hard contraction from her pussy. Their duet complete, Destiny lifted off of him completely.
"Push it out," he growled.
His exit from her love canal left a gaping opening that pleased him. His cum slid back out in thick sticky streams and he moaned his approval. He inserted two fingers gently inside her wet slit and wiggled them, feeling the hot load that coated her walls.
Their fucking went on all night. She was on a physical high that obliterated her earlier fears and concerns about what happened to her with Sandrine.
Lying on top of him, he sensed she was done for the night. He could've gone for round five, but four was her final limit.
"T'Challa, did you or your father think I was like Sandrine? A plant? Plotting against you? Is that why you treated me so poorly?"
"No. I thought you were a Sugar baby. Isn't that what you Americans call it? A young woman out on the take. Out to use my father."
"I would never do that."
"I know that... now."
She pinched his nipple then played with the points on his fronts.
"I will miss you when you go to Europe."
"Let's not talk about separation."
"We'll have two weeks, but then your father should be back when you hit Atlanta and New Orleans."
"I will ask that you go to Europe with us."
"Are you serious?"
She lifted her head, and those inquisitive brown eyes made him pine for her.
"We can see Paris, Italy, Spain, England, and Sweden together," he affirmed.
"We'll have to be extra discreet with your father around—"
"And my mother."
"Queen Ramonda?"
"Yes. She will join us for the European leg. Then there's the South American tour."
He stroked her hair.
"You may have to go on a sabbatical from the U.N.," he said.
She smiled and hugged his chest.
"Then there's the entire continental African Tour of fifteen countries. Baba will need an interpreter for the global streaming of that leg."
He kissed her forehead.
"I don't know, Destiny. This could stretch out for a year. Can you stand being around me for that long?"
"Can you stand to be around me?"
"Without question my love. Without Question."
T'Challa held Destiny until she fell asleep with him spooned around her. He stroked the back of her neck and made a mental note to buy her a necklace that matched the earrings she loved so much from him. They sparkled on her ears the way she sparkled in his heart.
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