#and i’m still not over the events in volume 10 and i don’t think i’ll ever be tbh 😭
gojo · 1 year
i just finished trimax and oh my god how am i going to function now
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darkenedreaper · 1 year
Pairing: Ellen Ripley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: You’re tired after long days but Ripley is always by your side
A/N: Don’t worry I’m getting the requests done and out as soon as I can
Due to the catastrophic and damaging events of the Xenomorph you and Ripley are side by side 24/7
You can read each other like the back of your hand
You know each other better than you know your own selves
When Ripley gets tired, she’ll become a little more clingy
She needs a little more affection than usual when she gets tired, but she needs you regardless of her mood
When she’s tired she likes to have naps with you; on the bed under the cover, on the bed with a blanket draped over you, on the couch with the tv on low, or she sleeps in your lap while you mess with her hair
As the two of you have grown even closer she can only sleep in your arms
When she’s tried she loves being little spoon, or sleeping on your chest, or you holding her whilst you lay facing each other
Oh and she has the cutest bed head
Since Ripley shows signs of when she’s getting tired you always know, but you always look out for her in case
Now, when it’s late at night she’ll keep a closer eye on you, she likes to check to see if you’re tired, overtired, or if you’re still wide awake
If you’re still wide awake she doesn’t like to ask you to come to bed because she doesn’t want to cut your night short; even when you tell her to do otherwise
If you’re overtired she simply tells you to come lay on her chest, she rubs her hand up and down your back making little shapes on it, she plays with your hair, kissing your head now and then and she has the tv on low volume and low brightness for you
You end up falling asleep within 10 minutes
Now let’s see what Ellen does when you’re tired
It was late at night now, around 11 and you’d only only just finished up on your laptop for the night. Ellen tucked Newt in to bed about an hour ago, they had a little movie night which is why Newt stayed up past her bedtime. You were tidying up your office, taking some scribbled out paper to the bin and one or two empty coffee cups to the kitchen sink in the small apartment you and Ellen shared on the ship back home. Ripley was in her dressing gown, curled up and comfy with a hot chocolate you’d made her before you packed up your work. She wasn’t tired just yet, so she was sat up watching some episodes on the tv.
You had quickly changed into your sleepwear and quietly checked on Newt before walking to the couch to join Ellen. She turned her head to watch you join her as she uncurled herself and opened her arm that wasn’t holding her drink. You slipped under her arm and curled up next to her whilst her hand came to rub circles on your shoulder. “Hi darling are you finished for the night?” She asked you, and you groggily replied almost falling asleep under her loving touches, “I’m done for now, if I do anymore tonight I’ll die” you stated. She chuckled at your sentence and brought her lips to your head, “We can’t have that”.
Your eyes continued to droop for the time you remained in her one arm embrace. You wanted to go to bed and snuggle alongside Ripley but you wouldn’t interrupt her programme.
You were almost suddenly awaken by a tickling sensation on your stomach and sides, Ellen was trying to tickle you awake. You jumped up and say up looking at smiling Ripley. You must’ve fallen asleep on her and she pulled you down to lay on her lap as she finished watching her episodes, “I think you’re ready for bed sleepyhead”, she said stroking your arm. The tv was now off amd everywhere was fine and safe.
As the two of you approached your bedroom, you eyed up the bed ready for you to jump in to. Ripley gently took your wrist and gave a kiss to your cheek and spoke, “I’ll go check on Newt, you get into bed”, she kissed your cheek and walked off to check on the girl. “Ok sweetheart you quietly replied. You took the opportunity to use the bathroom to brush you teeth and do whatever else and by the time Ripley had walked back into your room you were already all tucked in, snug and smiling at Ellen who stopped at the doorframe smiling at you. You took your arms out from under the covers and held them out to her and she spoke, “2 minutes honey”. As she closed the bathroom door over she smiled to herself at your excited response of ‘ok!’.
Your love was finally on her way over to you and as she was you pulled the covers back so she could skip under them and as soon as she did you placed yourself into her open arms and sighed contentedly. In return she wrapped her arms around you, making you feel safe, and protected, like nothing could harm you. She smiled at your satisfied hum and after she gently spoke, “Honey you shouldn’t work yourself so hard”. Her hands were slowly and gently running up and down your back and across your tense but now relaxed shoulder blades. You responded to her, “I’m so lucky to have you Ellen”. She only replied by tightening her hold on you and kissing your forehead.
Soon she was falling asleep herself, the way your hand draped over her hip and massaged her sides, relaxed her into a state of euphoria. She quickly rolled over to turn the light off and was soon back to you. You lifted your head up out of her chest for a goodnight kiss. She placed her lisp onto yours in a delicate, passionate and loving way. After your kiss she leaned her head against your and said, “I love you, now close your eyes and sleep”. She said before resting her chin on your head, her heart fluttering at your reply, “I love you more”.
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Home For Christmas
TGWRC Christmas in July Event Fic
Prompt - Someone resorts to desperate measures to get home for Christmas. “Sounds like a fun party…So why aren’t you inside enjoying it?”
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader
“Want a top-up?” Genevieve asks you, holding up a half-full bottle of Pinot Noir. You just shake your head and excuse yourself outside to the patio. 
Austin winters were generally quite mild and tonight you were thankful for it. Still, you wrap your shawl tighter around yourself as you look out over the Padalecki’s backyard from the deck. The kids are all noisily singing carols and playing games inside and you know you should be in there celebrating Christmas Eve with them but it’s hard to get into the spirit when you know their Christmas wishes won’t be coming true. Ever since your husband gave you the unfortunate news a few days ago you’ve been trying to find ways to keep the kids distracted and make the season as special as possible. 
That’s how you ended up planning a joint Christmas with the Padaleckis, starting with a sleepover tonight. You packed up all the stockings and presents and hid them in the back of the car earlier in the day so you can surprise them in the morning. You contemplate trying to put your act back on to join them when your phone rings. You stare at your husband’s name on the screen for a moment before answering. His tired yet handsome face pops up filling your screen. You return the most sincere smile you can.
“Hey Honey,” you say.
“Hey Sweetheart, how’s the party going?”
“Great. Gen broke out the wine and the kids are inside doing karaoke and playing games together. They seem happy…”
“Sounds like a fun party … So why aren’t you inside enjoying it?”
“Just getting some fresh air … And trying to work out how I’m going to break the news to them. In 10 years you’ve never once missed Christmas.”
“I know. Everything was different when I was filming Supernatural. I just don’t have any pull around here. I would give anything to be there with you guys, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know. I just … I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault filming got held up. Do you wanna talk to the kids?”
“I don’t wanna upset them. We can video call with them tomorrow.”
“I gotta get back on set, try and have some fun for me. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Jensen.”
Once the line goes silent you shove your phone back in your pocket, take a deep breath to compose yourself and go back inside. You refill your glass as you walk through the kitchen, taking a big gulp before joining everyone in the living room. Sitting down on the couch beside Gen she pats your knee comfortingly – she knows how hard it can be to not have your partner by your side, especially during special occasions so has been doing her best to cheer you up. 
“Alright, kiddos, I think it’s time to start getting ready for bed,” Jared says standing up and lowering the volume of the music. All the kids groan in unison. 
Gen sits up straighter and adds, “Do you want Santa to come? Santa only comes if everyone is asleep.” 
“But we wanna stay up and see him!” Tom whines.
“That’s not how it works. Santa won’t come if you’re not tucked up in bed,” Gen adds.
“But Mamma, can’t we stay up a little while longer? What if Daddy gets here?” your daughter asks as she climbs into your lap.
“Uncle Jared and Aunty Gen are right, Santa won’t come if you stay awake, and nor will Dad.” You kiss your daughter on the head and stand up keeping your four-year-old on your hip. “Come on guys, go upstairs and brush your teeth and I’ll come up and read you a story and tuck you in.” You carry your daughter upstairs as the other kids begrudgingly following behind. 
Once they all run into the bathroom to brush their teeth your seven-year-old son hangs behind for a second. “He’s not coming home is he?” he asks.
You crouch down to his level and shake your head, “I’m sorry, Baby, he’s doing his best. He wishes he could be here. He loves you and your sister so much.”
“Can we at least call him before bed?”
“Go brush your teeth and I’ll text him and see if he can have a quick chat between scenes.”
Your son nods and joins the rest of the kids in the bathroom. You send off a text to Jensen asking if he can talk, but you already know he won’t check it while filming. Then you sit on the end of Tom’s bunk bed with the Twas The Night Before Christmas book and wait for the kids to come in. Once they come in you give them a few minutes to settle under the blankets of the two beds and then start to read. 
“... Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.” you read. Closing the book, you stand up and tuck them all in.
Your son quietly stops you, “So no answer?”
You shake your head. “Sorry, Sweetie, he must be working. He’ll call in the morning.”
He sadly rolls over, snuggling into the covers beside his sister. Holding back tears you turn on the twinkling Christmas lights on the small tree in the bedroom, shut off the overhead light and quietly shut the door before making your way back downstairs. 
As you sit on the couch where Jared and Gen are both now spread out she asks, “They go down okay?”
“Yeah, they’re good kids. I just wish I could give mine what they want most.”
“It’s hard to believe they kept filming so late. I’ve never been asked to work Christmas,” Jared says.
“They weren’t meant to, but there was a blizzard and they got pushed back and then a few of them just couldn’t get a flight so they decided to keep filming. I know he tried his best. It’s not his fault, it just sucks. Especially for the kids.”
The three of you sit quietly scrolling on your phones for a while waiting until you’re sure the kids are all fully asleep. After about half an hour you all get up and start to arrange the presents under the big tree in the living room. Jared drinks the glass of eggnog and takes a bite out of the carrot and cookies the kids put out for Santa and his reindeer earlier in the evening. You and Gen also fill the stockings on the fireplace. 
“I hope they’re happy with what I could manage,” you say.
“As you said, they’re good kids. They’ll be grateful even if a little disappointed that their dad’s not here,” Gen says as she hugs you. 
“Come on, we should all get some sleep. They’ll all be up at the crack of dawn,” Jared adds. You and Gen nod. Jared goes around the house shutting off lights and checking the doors as you and Gen head upstairs. You take a quick shower changing into a pair of comfy, warm Christmas pyjamas before laying down in the guest bed. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
It’s well after midnight when a quiet knocking noise wakes you up. You blink a few times, adjusting to the lack of light in the room. You hear the quiet knocking again from the balcony doors, so you get up and make your way towards the doors. When you slide the sheer curtain to the side carefully you’re met with the sight of a tall, muscular man with a bushy beard in a red hat, flannel and dark jeans. Covering your mouth to keep yourself quiet you swing the door open and let the man in. As he steps in he holds a small piece of mistletoe above your head. 
“Sorry Santa, I don’t think my husband would appreciate me kissing another man.”
“It can be our little secret. You can’t deny the mistletoe,” he says as he leans down and captures your lips with his in a soft, passionate kiss. You eagerly kiss back, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
As you pull back slightly you run your fingers through his long, scruffy beard and say, “I could get used to this.”
“Merry Christmas, my love.”
“But how? Earlier you said-” you ask.
“After that call, I knew I had to find a way to get here. So, I called in a few favours. Trust me, it was all worth it to be here with you and to see the kid’s reactions in the morning.”
“They’re gonna be so happy. You know their Santa letters really only had one thing on them: for Daddy to come home. They’ve been so good and understanding, but also trying hard to cover their sadness.”
“I love my job, you know that. But I love being a husband and a father more. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
“I love you so much.”
“Do you think you can keep quiet if I give you your first Christmas present now?”
“Jensen…You just being here is enough.”
“Maybe it’s a little bit for me too…” He starts walking you back towards the bed until the back of your knees hit the soft blanket. “You have to promise to stay quiet though.”
You bite your bottom lip between your teeth and nod and he pushes you back, you sink into the mattress. Looking down at you splayed out for him, he pulls off his hat and flannel before crawling onto the bed, holding his weight above you. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You wake with a start when you hear doors opening down the hall and loud voices. You quickly shake your naked husband to wake him. “I know you’re tired but you gotta get dressed and get downstairs. If they find out you were here most of the night…”
He tiredly rubs his eyes and sits up while you jump out of bed, lock the door and pull your pyjamas back on. You toss his clothes at him impatiently as you hear loud knocking on the door and see the doorknob turning. 
“Mummy! Mummy! It’s Christmas and Santa was here! Why won’t your door open?” you hear your daughter calling from the hallway.
Jensen finally pulls his shirt on and stands up. As he’s pulling his jeans up his legs you push him towards the balcony doors. As he’s doing up his button and zipper you pull his hat over his messy hair and shut the doors behind him.
“Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!” the whinging continues. As soon as you can’t see Jensen on the balcony anymore you open the bedroom door. 
“Sorry, Baby, I must’ve locked in last night when I went to bed. Merry Christmas! Did you say Santa was here?”
“Yeah! Santa drinked the milk and ate the cookies! And left presents!”
“Really? Is everyone else downstairs?”
“Yep! You sleeped in.”
“I did. Let’s go join everyone.” You pick her up and carry her downstairs.
Just as you get downstairs you hear a loud knock on the front door. “Should we get that, Bubba?” She nods, as you carry her towards the door. Your son is busy rummaging through his stocking with Tom and Shep and barely hears anything. As you open the door your daughter screams and reaches for her dad instantly. Finally hearing the raucous the boys run into the entryway, your son’s jaw instantly drops when he sees his dad and runs into his arms. You smile at the scene in front of you before Jensen pulls you into the family group hug. 
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aranarumei · 1 month
hi kiri is it cheating to give you both 15 and 19 for all works you feel you could answer this about . for the ask game
ask me questions from this list about my writing!
“all works” i have an insane amount of wips I could probably “feel” I could answer this about. will restrict myself to three main ones on account of choosing deliberate and practiced restraint. that’s still an Amount tho so under the cut as usual
15. in what ways are you challenging yourself with [project], and is there anything specific you want to come out of the work having improved skills in? on the other hand, which aspects are fully in your comfort zone?
projects, huh… let’s start with the sickfic I’m working on, because that’s the easiest. when I wrote the anomalous agate, that was a challenge in many ways: I hadn’t seriously written first person in years, and I was also trying to find a bridge between my style of writing, while also trying to emulate the general feeling of how the case files of jeweler richard is narrated. these days, I feel pretty satisfied with whatever kind of middle ground I achieved… I only regret that seigi doesn’t call richard some version of beautiful with nearly enough frequency as he does in canon.
this time around, the first person of it all is pretty comfortable for me, and I feel like I’m more comfortable with the fact that my narration doesn’t sound exactly like the novels. what I’m challenging myself with is… I’m pretty good at bashing out a solitary scene, but my completion rate for fics, and writing in general, is like… distressing. You don’t realize how untrained you are in terms of actually chaining together events and concluding things, until you realize that you’ve finished your first multichaptered fic in 2024. to be clear, I would say I’ve been writing seriously as a hobby for a bit over 10 years at this point. I also have not really written a sickfic before. so, even though this fic is shorter than the other two projects, it’s still a bit of a challenge for me to string together a chain of events that will lead into a satisfying conclusion. I also find that sickness is a thing that’s hard to describe in a way that doesn’t get stale.
nonetheless, I’m comfortable with a lot of this—I feel like I get both seigi and richard well enough to execute this, I actually did outline a chain of events, so I know where it starts and where it ends. I know the kind of themes I’m working with, and what I want to say within this fic. and I think I’m pretty damn good at creating an aura of tenderness and intimacy, which feels like a big sickfic thing. worst comes to worst, the first scene can stand on it’s own, so I’ll just post that if I really can’t write the rest.
outcome-wise, I'd like to just get this fic to a state where I can publish it and reread it happily. then I can finally read the next volume of the case files of jeweler richard lol
for cross-examination, my challenge is finishing the damn thing. that’ll be a theme for literally everything. I’m so bad at it, it’s catastrophic. I have an outline for the third chapter. I’ve had that outline for a year. I just can’t write it, somehow. it’s also written in present tense… I used to write in past tense, and then did present tense for a long time, and then I switched back into past tense, and this now means that I can have trouble sticking to a specific tense sometimes. so an issue is whenever I return to this fic, I have to try to get myself back into the swing of writing present tense.
other challenges… I kind of feel like I wrote this fic without really investigating the characters? like, I know them well enough, and I don’t think anything is necessarily wrong about my characterization, but I wasn’t building in-depth profiles about them in the way that I do with some characters now. really the toughest part of this fic is returning to something I feel like should have been completed a long time ago… I still have affection towards the concept, and the fact that there’s a full 3k written of the final chapter means I am dedicated to finishing it.
this comes up with the last fic, too, but this fic also has me have to outline progression in a relationship, from like… apollo and klavier at the end of aa4, into a place where they can actually be dating, and that took a bit of planning at first. it’s hard to find the line of how to pace things in a way where the growth feels real, and it feels like they get together naturally. there’s kind of two definitions of slow burn to me: one where they want each other desperately and the fic is just kind of edging that tension until it breaks, and one where it’s a gradual development and build up of feelings. I’m good with the first one, where there’s already a level of importance each person affords the other, and just no confession, but the latter is a bit harder. this fic acts as a kind of bridge between both, to me—apollo and klavier find each other quite meaningful, even at the start, but they aren’t really friends, and that’s what has to change.
as for what’s in my comfort zone… it’s a very peaceful and kind of gentle tone that the whole fic takes. I’ve been told I’m quite good at maintaining that kind of feeling, where it’s not like it’s saccharinely sweet, but nothing is particularly full of melodrama.
outcome-wise, I want to have it published and done so it doesn't haunt me. there's wips i feel more comfortable leaving behind (i'm just not that person anymore, it feels too flawed to fix) but this is not one of them. and I get out of it another longfic completed, which hopefully trains my skills of like... progression and development.
now, for my jiang cheng fic project (wip title is just aromanticism bc it makes me smile), which I talk about and have complained about for forever… I’ve been working on this fic for so long it’s like… what am I not doing with this fic? seriously, this idea originated in 2021, and like… I work on it on and off, sure, so it’s not like continuous work, but at the very least it’s occupied a good deal of my mind for the last year. I’ve had to rewrite so damn much of it, too…
like cross-examination, this fic tests my ability to write and complete longfic—that meaning, can I string together coherent themes across a large number of scenes? can relationships develop and progress naturally? it centers on jiang cheng and hua cheng, and I’ve tasked myself with taking two strangers into the realm of deep, important friendship. and I want to do all of that while addressing a lot of different resentments that I think jiang cheng feels, and addressing the idea of resentment in general… the value I see in it, and the things I feel that aren’t so great.
It’s very tough because I also haven’t written a fic for the mdzs fandom, well… ever, and I read it the one time like, back in early 2019, and I’ve seen maybe 10 episodes of the show. I think a lot of times, I get too in my head about how my fic interacts with or differs from common sentiments about the characters I’m writing, which is why I don’t read fic for this fandom or interact with that much content nowadays. It’s a really tough fic because I want to do a lot with it, and despite the fact that I’ve had to rewrite a bunch of scenes and scrap some of them entirely (like, at least a good 10k of it’s been deleted… I couldn’t give an exact count as I don’t save that stuff), I can feel myself improving.
The narration for this fic is markedly different—there’s a certain amount of formality/poise I try to imbue the writing with. and I’m trying to see if I can associate certain vibes/descriptors with specific characters, though I haven’t quite worked on that yet. I also push myself into leaving things to be more ambiguous… to let characters be awkward and uncomfortable, and in this case, to write outright conflict. I rarely do this—my fics usually work on tension, but don’t escalate into actual fights. this does. there’s also a lot of worldbuilding involved… I’ve made 4 OCs just for this fic, and not all of them are that important, but there’s just… so much backstory and stuff that I’ve developed and don’t know if it will actually make it into the fic. But it makes everything feel richer, and I’m glad for it.
so, if i had to sum up my challenges, it's probably that it takes quite a bit of detailing and hard work, and I'm not used to sticking through a project so demanding. I think because the fic requires so much, it's also something that needs me to be fully and totally confident in what I'm presenting, and that's something I'm struggling with.
as for what is in my comfort zone, I suppose that even though the description style I’m going with is new, it’s not too demanding, and I always feel comfortable when I write hua cheng. Unlike jiang cheng, who I constantly am debating with myself about (is he canon-accurate? am I projecting too hard? am I representing him as too much of a good guy? does that matter?), hua cheng is a character where I’m like, “nah, I like my interpretation of him fine,” and I just have such a blast writing his dialogue.
outcome-wise, when this fic is published, I want to be proud of the work i did on, again, the progression and development of the themes and character relationships, and I also want to publish it with the intent of kind of never writing an mdzs fic again. I'll get out most, if not all of my feelings about this guy, and then i can just have that to point to.
19. what text/message have you sent about [project] which is most unhinged or incomprehensible out of context?
genuinely i dont send that many unhinged messages. like... i feel like i tend to explain my irritations pretty dryly, and also some of these projects are over years so i dont really have like. a collection of texts. the ones i have saved are usually a long series of texts where i hash out developments, because i need those for reference. so, nothing unhinged, but i thought this one was fun:
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and here's a good display of what my texts actually look like:
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it's very... rubber duck debugging? that's usually what i do when texting about my writing. i complain a lot and then have to explain what's so hard for me to do and i figure it out that way. that usually helps with outlining. with actual writing though.... thats a motivation / time management problem. i suck at those
edit: literally day i post this ask i get this text exchange:
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ladditt · 2 years
V9 Ep1
okay! Chores are one so its RWBY time lessgo
1) okay right off the bat the first person perspective, music and editing are top fucking notch for this opening. The rising panic is palpable and it gets across how it must have felt to be trapped in a situation that’s getting worse by the second without having time to process the last horrific life changing event before a new one happens. I haven't seen something that well made from this show in a WHILE full props to the creative team for this one.
However, I do really want to see a behind- the-scenes clip of how this was animated from a third person perspective. Hysterically, shots like this are either animated by having two disembodied arm models fixed just behind the camera, or by using the actual character model but either distorting the neck or removing the head entirely so you don’t get any clipping. Either way it’ll be fucking hilarious.
2) that water is fucking beautiful, we sure have come a ways from the flat blue plane of V1
3) two suns? Is that a metaphor?
4) I’m not gonna point out every well crafted shot because from what I’ve seen so far I might be here a while, this episode in particular seems to be going out of it’s way to have varied, intentional shot composition but this shot?
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Rubes tiny and isolated in a strange world? Physically surrounded by a dark unknown forest? That some good shit right there.
5) oh god the plant models. They’re excellent and the set design for this forest is perfect but I really hope that the staff were given adequate time to design and model them all….
6) aye, rubes. I don’t think that “keep moving forward” is the best way to deal with this one.
7) I will withhold my judgement until they’ve had more screen-time but, yeah little is really annoying.
8) “what happened after we fell?” nothing good blake, nothing good.
9) again, top notch animation, and the gang is back together way sooner that I was expecting. I’m gonna say that’s a good thing. Following four different plot-lines probably wouldn’t have worked.
10) don’t dodge the question weiss. I know you’re trying to be kind but you’re not gonna be able to put this off forever, and the longer you wait the worse it’s gonna be.
11) is that the jabberwocky? It’s… fine. The muscle texture looks cool but beyond that I’m not getting the “nightmare fuel”. according to the op it looks like it’s going to be more of a consistent antagonist though so there's still time for it to grow on me.
12) “if you thought we wouldn’t come for you, you must have forgotten who raised me” my HEART
13) also shout out to barbra for the line delivery on that “damn it” that was excellent.
14) if it were 2015 and I were still a 14 year old bee shipper I would have lost my mind at that hug. So for now I’ll just be happy for the people who ARE losing their minds.
15) “it must have gone pretty bad, huh?” Oh they’re addressing this NOW? I was expecting at least another episode of weiss tiptoeing around the topic before we got the reveal
16) oh shit ruby just went out like a lightswitch. Yeah that’s a pretty realistic reaction to hearing something like that, on top of the fact that volume 8 took place over like, what, four hours? No one here has had a chance to stop since salem showed up, they're all exhausted.
Considering this place is mindfuck central and we’re got a murderous shapeshifter milling around down here as well it’s really not going to take much for people to start losing their minds. And I mean, If this is wonderland “everyone’s mad down here” might end up being relevant.
17) blake stepping up as leader while ruby is out of action? Love to see it
18) ruby passing out from stress and then instantly pretending that nothing happened and refusing to let herself feel a human emotion? that’s my girl.
19) oh good fucking god. Yeah I understand completely why this took an extra year to make. I though the new assets for the forest were going to be it, but no it looks like we have five or six completely unique zones to this place. again, i REALLY hope that this wasn’t as hard on the animators as we’re all assuming it was.
20) i’m not gonna analyze the op because as a rule, i’m not a fan of them. but yeah, it looks like this is the beginning of the “ruby has a nervous breakdown” arc
aye, consider my thoroughly impressed. the filmaking for this episode was above an beyond what i was expecting. i can’t say i’m completely sold on the talking mice but i’m also not sure how literally we’re supposed to be taking what we’re seeing. from a lore perspective wonderland is... interesting to day the least. is this a separate world or a lower layer of reminant? was this created by the brothers or does this world have a different set of creators? humans and grimm don’t seem to exist here but the emotions of the characters do seem to have a physical affect on the environment, on top of that, the relics were explicitly created by the brothers to help humanity and atlas is the one that created those portals that brought us here in the first place. and atlas at least seemed to have some knowledge that wonderland was here considering he mentioned that falling would be bad. so, does this place have a connection to the power of the relics or was taking a detour through an alternate dimension just the quickest way to connect two portals?
my current theory as of episode one is that wonderland is the brother’s “WIP folder” so to speak, weird ideas and not quite finished creations that the brothers are keeping stored for a rainy day. like, the jabberwocky looks a lot like a first draft of what the grimm ended up being.
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megaboy335 · 1 year
Anime and Manga Log [06/18/23]
This was a fairly busy week. There was a new series out of Weekly Shonen Jump, Black Clover movie, and the spring anime season is starting to finish up. Additionally a new JoJo chapter dropped. Plenty to talk about as always. Discussion and Spoilers for the following series below: Martial Master Asumi 1 [NEW] Do Retry 7 Cipher Academy 28 Tenmaku Cinema 10 365 Days to the Wedding 110 [END] Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King Dr. Stone New World (Season 3) 11 [Cour 1 END] Demon Slayer Swordsmith Village Arc 11 [END]
Martial Master Asumi 1 [NEW] Kawada from Hinomaru Sumo returns with a series about mixed material arts. I didn’t read his previous series and I didn’t get into the anime either, but I thought it was cool that he survived for 5 years in Jump in the shadows of bigger hits. The first chapter was more dense than usual since they wanted to set up the MC and his family along with giving the audience some background to the sport in case they don’t know. Its a solid first chapter overall. My only nitpick is the bullies coming back over and over again was slightly annoying. Rather than the first chapter being a single string of events, it felt like a 2 act story with the school at the start then the Dojo in the back half. The art is great as expected for a Jump veteran. The opening color spread in particular is much more striking than you typically see. I’ll be looking forward to more.  Do Retry 7 From the mangaka behind Bone Collection comes a boxing series that takes place during World War 2. He has improved substantially since his previous serialization in drawing, character writing, and clearly picked up techniques while working for Yusei Matsui. The first arc is a boxing match against someone who is in a similar situation to our protagonist where they’re in the sport to protect someone precious to them. However, he’s fallen off the path and became more and more obsessed with strength to prove his worth. The intensity of the match was crazy with Aozora taking punch after punch. I love how it culminates in finally closing the distance and delivering the finishing punch in return. That caps off the first volume with a W for our main character. Its hard to say if this series can stick around, but for the time being I’m enjoying it. Cipher Academy 28 This week we began the 3rd match of this class vs. class code battle. The theme is determining your ally from your enemy, or are they perhaps the same person, maybe neither? This question is presented to us in 2 different ways. Firstly, in the form of Yukako’s backstory. This is a 6 star puzzle because there can be no definitive solution to whether her actions were good or bad. The answer will depend on who you ask. Its a similar reason given for the previous 6 star puzzle from earlier in the series. Secondly, we get the question in a more literal form. Toshusai is presented with two projections of Yukako and has to determine who is the real one based on pure instinct. Its a question about how well can you know and trust someone. If she guesses correct that means our class got a clean 3-0 victory. That seems unlikely since Iroha still needs a turn. We shall see next week. Tenmaku Cinema 10 Unfortunately Tenmaku Cinema doesn’t appear to be catching on with Japanese readers. Could it be the abundance of movie themed stories like Sakamoto Days and Oshi no Ko? maybe readers aren’t fond of the mc using someone’s else work (similar to Time Paradox Ghost Writer)? or perhaps it just isn’t interesting enough? Personally I’ve been enjoying it quite a lot.  This week’s chapter continues Shinichi’s tour and observation of Hinaki’s time on a professional movie set. Up to this point, I was thinking Hinaki resonated with the character in Tenmaku’s script. At least that’s how I made sense of why a top level actor would take on an amatuer project. But this chapter completely changed my perspective. Maybe there is some level of resonating with the character, but I think its a feeling of rivalry. She’s been isolated in the world of acting and suddenly a fellow student who is the same age comes along with a masterful script. Of course she is going to jump on that. I think Hinaki saw this is a personal challenge to bring the character to life in the best way possible. Its like she found someone who might be able to understand her. Lets hope the popularity can recover before its too late. 365 Days to the Wedding 110 [END] I’ve been a fan of Tamaki Wakai since The World God Only Knows days and I always believed it was a matter of time before they landed another hit. There was a bakery series that has some loose TWGOK references. Then came King of Idol about a crossdressing male idol trying to get in the industry. Both of those were cancelled after about a year of serialization. Wakaki then moved to the Seinin magazine Big Comic Spirts where he published 365 Days to the Wedding. The story is about a pair of introverts who dread the idea of potentially being transferred to another company branch in a foreign country, so they create a plan to pretend date. Over the course of the story, they come to realize how compatible they are. I had a good time reading the series. It was generally pretty funny and heartfelt from start to finish. Also refreshing to have a romance with a pair of working adults. I would say it ended maybe too soon, but I can’t complain about Wakai finally landing another hit finally after all this time. It will be getting an anime soon. I recommend it! [Final Score: 8/10] Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King After being delayed 3 months from its initial release date, the Black Clover movie was finally released on Netflix this past Friday. Shonen Jump movies often come in 2 different varieties. The most common is a 90 minute self contained story with heavy exposition to make it work in the short run times. They feel like a mini arc out of the manga. However, ever since Strong World a lot of Jump movies add to the existing canon. Black Clover belongs to the later category. The movie has very minimal exposition and quite honestly its all action from start to finish with only a small regroup period in the middle. The story is about the previous Wizard Kings coming back Edo Tensei style and wrecking havoc. They want to hard reset the world because each of them was wronged in some way during their time. Instead of providing extensive backstory for each one, the movie would rather show you the sheer speculate of their power. I thought that allowed the movie to progress at a brisk pace (just as the manga frequently does). A movie medium is a good choice to experience the power of the best in the Black Clover world. At the climax of the film each Wizard King comes to realize that the world is changing for the better, even if incrementally. It heavily reinforces the theme of Asta’s unwavering spirit and how he inspires those around him. This film is very much what a Black Clover movie should be like. I enjoyed it a lot and consider it above average for the Shonen Jump movie genre. Dr. Stone New World (Season 3) 11 [Cour 1 END] I don’t have much to say about this season, but just wanted to put down some quick thoughts. The animation is the same old stiff style, but at least the reaction faces are good. The manga story of this cour is very solid. Senku and the gang are finally on the move thanks to having a ship. First stop is the island where the the space shuttle originally landed. The goal is to confirm the existence of and recover the platinum left behind so they can make an unlimited amount of nitric acid. There is even the promise of learning something about how people turned to stone. Great arc and looking forward to the action packed second cour in October. [Final Score: 7/10] Demon Slayer Swordsmith Village Arc 11 [END] I’ve always had mixed feelings on the Demon Slayer anime. First, I am probably in the minority for not being a fan of Ufotable. I find their heavy computer CG style to be off-putting and boring. Its always flashy for the sake of flashy with minimal personality. However given that, I can still appreciate the work they put into the animation. Secondly, I don’t like how Aniplex splits up a story into its individual arcs as season labels. Demon Slater is particularly formulaic and that’s all the more obvious in this format. I think it loses all momentum when there’s only 11 or so episodes every year. Now for this arc, I remember liking it in the manga. Cool setting, another pair of Hashira to learn about it, and the usual backstories along the way. The arc concludes with Nezuko being able to stand outside in the sun without harmful effects. The anime version was such a slog. They pad out scenes and everything is muddled with Ufotable’s CG flair. In isolation from the rest of the story it offers very little to push the story forward until the very end. Demon Slayer works best when you get in the groove of the series over a long period. Next is the brief next training arc before everyone raids Muzan’s infinity castle. Just give me 4 cour please Ufotable, I’ll even take it split. [Final Score: 6/10]
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billionairebabes · 4 years
Trophy Wife Aesthetics for Black Women
“Hi! What do you think are the non-negotiables of being a trophy wife? Aesthetically. For black women. I think white women have a different level up journey.”
I was asked this question in a chat but I wrote so much information that I figured I should share my response with you all as well. I’ll try to make this as concise as possible. 
I’ll start by saying that aesthetically, Black women have to be more than cute. White women are considered beautiful just for being white, we don’t get that privilege, you know? However, being beautiful isn’t the end all be all. There are plenty of black trophy wives that aren’t naturally “beautiful” but they present well. Presentation is everything kind of like food. It may taste great but you may not even want to touch it if it’s presented poorly. 
Here are my personal non-negotiables: 
1. Keep your hair done. This doesn’t mean keep your hair in a weave or wig 24/7. You can be natural too. One of the more affluent men I dated actually preferred my natural hair over wigs. But make sure it’s well taken care of, always. Deep condition, moisturize, detangle etc. Use clips in if you need the extra volume. If you’re going to do weaves and wigs, make sure your closure is “undetectable”. Keep flyaways in order with an oil or mousse. Carry a brush and comb with everywhere to touch up every now and then but not in front of him if possible.
2. Your skin has to be pretty taken care of as well. If you’re his wife, you’re going to be waking up to him every morning. I don’t believe in waking up earlier than my man to put on light makeup and stuff. Men aren’t even worth that lol. But DO try to achieve great skin so that you still are pretty when you wake up. Doesn’t have to be perfect. Many people don’t have perfect skin. But make sure you’re washing, toning, moisturizing blah blah. I’m starting to follow the 10-step Korean skincare routine. It’s on my blog If you guys want to check it out. I’ve been investing a significant amount of time in learning what acids do what and how they can address my specific concerns. Good skin overall just makes you look wealthier too. So on “no-makeup” days, you can just do eyebrows, and lipgloss and mascara if you don’t have lash extensions and still look put together. Affluent men tend to enjoy outdoor activities, there will be times when you don’t wanna be in a full face but you can if you want to. The same goes for skin on the rest of your body as well. I shower about two times a day so I moisturize my body two times a day. To moisturize I use a mixture of oils, shea butter and regular lotion. I moisturize my hands every time I wash them too. Once or twice a week, I do a full-body exfoliation. I have a dry brush that I use and occasionally, I opt for a scrub instead. 
3. Take care of your teeth - Straight white teeth against melanated skin is >>>>. Plus it makes you look prettier, more put together, and of course, wealthier. Straightening teeth is expensive but a worthy investment. If you can’t straighten now, just whiten and take good care of your teeth in the meanwhile. Brush twice daily, floss daily, and whiten throughout the week. 
4. Keep your nails done. Can’t be too long or else we’re considered “ghetto” I usually go about medium length but a lot of blogs will suggest short. My man loved my medium length nails lol. I usually go for softer colors like baby pink, sometimes white. If I’m not able to go to the salon, I clean and file my nails down to an even length and paint them with a clear polish. It’s hard to make a mess of clear polish and my nails still look nice and shiny. I pop collagen pills to improve their strength because I naturally have weaker nails that break pretty easily. 
5. Wardrobe. Try to build a timeless wardrobe with a lot of basics you can build on and mix and match. For example, blazers are a staple for me. I wear them with jeans but I can mix them with trousers too. Then I have hella basic bodysuits I can wear with either combo. An easy trick for me is to buy a ton of neutrals. I’m not a big color person so it’s easy for me to shop this way. However, do not let my preferences deter you. Black women own color, if this is your style, go for it full throttle but be tasteful. I usually go more colorful on vacations. There are tons of articles out there on how to build a good wardrobe though. 
6. Stay in shape - I won’t say there’s a specific body type you need to have but take care of your body. I’m still working on working out consistently but because of skinny privilege I’ve been able to lack in that department and still be perceived as “fit”. Currently, I try to do flexibility stretching and exercise on Monday, Wednesday & Fridays. Stretch on weekends. If you get cosmetic surgery like a BBL, breast job etc. make sure it’s fitting for your frame. 
7. Lastly, this doesn’t apply to aesthetics but I feel as though black women have to DO SOMETHING to be snatched up as trophy wives. We don’t get pulled into that position just for being pretty as often as white woman do. For example, Alexis O. Of Reddit wifed Serena Williams who is the best tennis player in the world. Not some random girl he thought was cute. Prince Harry wifed Megan Markle who was not only a successful actress but also had an outstanding educational background to match. Janet Jackson married billionaire businessman, Wissam Al Mana. Now of course, many of us aren’t that successful yet but hopefully you get the point. Men in positions of higher status want to know that you can fit into his lifestyle and don’t have beans for brains. Having something going for yourself also gives him something to invest in. Men like to feel needed or helpful but not used. 
Additionally, owning a business or working in corporate greater increases your chances of mingling with men in positions to make you a trophy wife. There’s a reason why college sugar babies are so successful but for women past that stage, have a career, have a small business. Do SOMETHING. It also creates a safety net for you as well. Men can be unpredictable and can do horrible things. I read an article once about a man who hid his entire fortune in offshore shell companies when him and his wife were divorcing so that she wouldn’t be able to get anything. It took her lawyer literal years to untangle that web of shell accounts he spun. Running your own business or even having a solid set of skills saves you in the event of the worst of the worst. Your life shouldn’t crumble to pieces if this man decides to divorce you. Same goes for even being the spoiled girlfriend of a wealthy man. Having a wealthy boyfriend or husband is one thing, knowing how to use him as a resource is another. Girls who truly win at this game walk away from these relationships with more than a few handbags and a baby. 
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Good Luck Ladies! 🥂
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
I love your writing prompts! Can you do 10 with Hawks please? 💕
Pairing: Hawks x Reader Rating: Explicit + Quote: Darling you’re such a tease. Are you trying to rile me up right now? Word: Public Warnings: Dubcon, public sex, humilation, exhibitionism, yandere
Prompt Masterlist
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“Can we go home yet? This event is so boring.”
You sigh and roll your eyes at your boyfriend as he once again complains about your refusal to leave with him. Takami Keigo, hero name Hawks, is the number 2 hero in the rankings and as such, was expected to make an appearance at certain events. This was a rather large one for the announcement of the new hero rankings, and there would have been talk and criticism if he had failed to even make an appearance.
“You know we can’t leave yet. They haven’t even gotten to your placement yet,” you remind him gently.
He gives a long suffering sigh. “I’m not sure why I need to stay for that. We know where I’ll be in the rankings.”
“But you also know they’ll want you to say a few words.”
“They can let Endeavor do it. He’ll still be number 1.”
“Endeavor has the personality of a bulldozer. They don’t want him to speak at these events.”
Hawks snorts at your comparison, but doesn’t refute it. “Nah, I think I’m done.” He moves to stand up and you instantly feel concern that he might actually bail. You had to come up with a plan to make him stay a bit longer.
You had assured several people that Hawks would be here and would stay for the climax of the event, where they were giving him additional recognition for some of his more undercover work. He wouldn’t tell you exactly what this work was, but you knew it pertained to the League of Villains.
“And what if I made it worth your while?” You say quietly, in as seductive of a voice as you can muster.
“Oh, now I’m interested,” Hawks smirks as he sits back down in his chair. “Do tell me more.”
“It’s simple. Stay and you get to sleep in the bed. Leave, and you get the couch tonight.” You give him your best innocent smile as you wait for his response.
But he doesn’t respond as you think he will. His eyes flash darkly for a second before he plasters his fake, public smile on his face. “Darling, you’re such a tease.”
You give him a look of mock innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  You rub your leg against his at the same time as your hand brushes dangerously close to his inner thighs. “I would never tease.”
“Are you trying to rile me up right now? I don’t think I would advise it.” He gives a deliberate pause after his statement, and a calculating look directed at you. “Unless you want me to punish you, of course.”
You allow your hand to deliberately brush against his hardening erection, fortunately not visible from under the table you’re sitting at. He lets out a hiss before grabbing your hand and using it to rub himself through his pants.
“Keigo!” You chastise him. “That’s a bit too far.”
“Oh little bird, you’re the one who started this.” He unzips his pants and pulls his cock free. “And you’re the one who’s going to fix it.” He wraps his hands around your waist before settling you on his lap.
Now you feel actual fear. You know Hawks can seem casual, even uncaring at times, but underneath that persona is a dark and troubled man. You have a hard time reading him even at the best of times, and right now you can’t figure out if he intends to go through with this or not.
“Keigo, we’re in public. You need to stop.”
“But being in public like this turns you on, doesn’t it?” One hand reaches down to slide your dress up your hips, while the other one reaches underneath to graze against your pussy. “You’re so wet.”
Your eyes are quickly dashing around the event hall, looking at everyone surrounding you and checking in panic to make sure they’re not noticing this. “Keigo, I’m serious, you can’t be - “ your words are cut off by a sharp intake of breath as something hot and hard prods at the entrance of your throbbing pussy.
You try to pull yourself up from his arms, but only succeed in grinding down even harder on his lap. Hawks lets out a soft moan at the stimulation before he gently lifts up your body. You think that maybe he’s come to his senses, realizes how damaging this could be to his career as a hero. But those thoughts are quickly proven wrong as you feel him adjust himself before sliding into your dripping cunt, inch by slow inch.
You throw your head back against his shoulder as you let out a wanton moan at the feeling of him filling you up.
“Shh, gotta be quiet now, little bird.” He chuckles into your ear. “Don’t want anyone to know what a dirty little slut the number 2 hero’s girlfriend is, now do we?”
You begin to make a sharp retort, but you forget what it is completely as he begins to move. The way you’re positioned, with your legs barely open, allows him to get so deep inside of you, allowing him to fuck up into you. You let out a small gasp at the feeling of him stretching you open, your face burning in humiliation but also arousal. The idea of getting caught is terrifying, but you have to admit that it has also gotten you more turned on than you’ve ever been.
Your moans only increase in volume as he slips a hand under your dress and begins to rub tight circles on your clit. You can feel the drag of his cock against your tight walls, causing you to clench down even harder around him.
He hisses out a curse as he quickens his pace, grunts and groans spilling from his mouth like a chorus. You can feel your juices dripping down his length as he fucks you, staining his dress pants.
One arm wraps around your front to pull you down into his now punishing thrusts, and you worry the whole room can hear the wet sounds of your pussy as he pounds into you. You can feel yourself getting closer to an intense orgasm, and you bring your hand to your mouth to bite into the soft skin there to hold in your moans.
“Oh no, you don’t get to hide those noises from me.” Keigo simply grabs your hand and pulls it away from your mouth. “Why don’t you let the whole room know how much of a slut you are? That you’re MY slut?”
His crude words has your cunt throbbing, and you find yourself unable to care about everyone else. It feels too good for him to claim you in front of everyone, painting your insides white and proving to everyone here that you belong to him.
The pressure inside of you is building to a fever pitch, and you let out a choked sob. “Please Keigo, I want to - “
Hawks begins to rub your clit harder as his thrusts get even faster and more merciless. You can feel him throbbing inside of you and you know that he’s just as close as you are. When he leans in to nip at your neck with sharp teeth, it’s finally enough to send you over the edge. Your mouth opens in a silent scream as you cum hard, cunt fluttering wildly around hs cock. Keigo gives one last grunt as he reaches his own end, hot ropes of cum filling your cunt up and dripping out to stain both of your clothes.
Hawks waits until he’s emptied himself inside of you before lifting you up gently, righting your dress and his own pants.
“Keigo, are you insane?” You hiss out at him. “Do you know how easily we could have been caught?” But Keigo simply smiles his usual cocky, carefree smile and shrugs his shoulders as he points to the stage. “They’ve finally announced my hero rating,” he comments, completely avoiding your concerns.
But before he moves to walk up, he leans in to whisper a warning to you. “Just wait until we get home, little bird, so that I can punish you properly.”
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Tags: @thewheezingwyvern, @animewh0re, @lildreamer93, @yaoyorozuwrites, @redbeanteax, @kittygonyan, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love, @daedaep69, @heyybrittannia, @groovydreamertrash, @hisoknen, @chou-maitresse, @shoutogepi, @togasknifes, @kingtamakimurder, @league-of-thots, @shigaraki-is-my-master
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pudimsuki · 3 years
Hello! For your event (congrats btw!)
Tamaki Amajiki + Movie Theater + NSFW (preferably a blow job or hand job maybe? Fem!reader too♡)
Please and thank you <3
A little help | Amajiki Tamaki x reader
Hi! Thank you for participating and I'm sorry this took so long!
Warnings: NSFW (18+ content), hand job, public place, a little swearing.
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It was supposed to be a normal afternoon with your boyfriend. It was Saturday and you two decided to go to the movies since neither of you had gone out together for a few weeks. Hadou promised that it was a great movie, but the more the screen time passes the more you regret coming. It had a weird narrative and the story doesn't make much sense. None of you wanted to admit, of course, since you didn't want to ruin the date, but it was getting hard to focus on the scenes.
This is, until a specific scene appeared. It was a really spicy one, and despite being pretty normal in movies nowadays, it was still awkward to watch those things with your boyfriend by your side.
You notice Tamaki’s mood changing in a second. Of course, you (and everyone who spent 10 seconds with him, really) knew how shy he could be, so you just kept looking straight ahead like nothing was happening in order to make him feel comfortable.
Well, at least that was what you thought. You started to be aware of his nonstoping movement on his chair, even after the scene was over. He moved his legs constantly and kept moving as if he wasn’t finding any comfortable position to remain seated.
“Tama?”, you called softly. “It’s everything ok?”
He coughed suddenly, looking embarrassed, like a child caught by its mother doing something wrong. He nods quickly, not looking at you.
You frowned. “You sure?”
“Y-yes. Let’s just watch the movie.”
“Right.” You murmur, finding his behavior a little odd, but maybe he was still thinking about the hot scene from a few moments ago.
Some minutes passed and now you were definitely sure that something was wrong. He tried to stop moving, but from time to time you noticed how he gripped the armchair, especially when you leaned closer to him or talked to him.
Now, you knew how shy Tamaki could be, but after a year and a half dating each other, he used to be comfortable enough around you to not act like that anymore.
You were ready to ask again if he was not feeling good and offered to leave the date sooner when you finally noticed.
Your timid pretty boyfriend passed the last minutes trying to cover his not-so-little friend down there who so kindly decided to wake up in the middle of the cinema. He wasn’t feeling bad, after all. In fact, due to the circumstances, you could say he was as healthy as ever, if you know what I mean.
You widened your eyes when you noticed the volume between his legs. You could practically feel him praying it would go away before you, or anyone else, noticed.
After recovering from the shock, you silently pondered for a few seconds whether you should pretend not to notice, especially to not make him uncomfortable. But after some consideration, a small smirk spread across your lips. Well, why not?
Subtly, you let your hand slip between the chairs until it lightly touches his tight. Tamaki immediately reacts to the unexpected touch, almost jumping from his chair. He moved his head with inhuman speed to face you, but you kept staring at the big screen, feigning innocence.
You heard him clear his throat and try to gently pull away without alarming you.
Sorry, love. You think, trying to contain your devilish smile. That’s not happening.
Still not looking at him, you started moving your fingers up and down his leg, letting your nails gently scrape the material of his pants.
Tamaki held his breath, trying not to show his nervousness at your loving innocent touch.
What would you think of him if you saw he’s got a hard-on in the movie theater? He couldn’t even think about it.
He was about to get up and go straight to the bathroom, covering his front in a way that no one would notice his, uh… problem, but apparently, you had other plans. In one quick movement, you squeezed his thigh and this time he couldn't help but notice the smile you were trying to contain. Looks like his innocent girlfriend wasn't all that innocent.
“What are you doing?” He murmured. You could feel the panic in his voice.
“I think you need a little help down there, don’t you?” You said it back, batting your eyelashes sweetly at him.
Oh fuck.
“Don’t.” He said through clenched teeth, noticing your fingers getting closer and closer to his bulge.
“Let me take care of this.” You whispered.
“(Y/n), I don’t think… aaaaah” A long low moan left his lips the moment your hand came in contact with his crotch. If it was even possible, he became redder than he already was. He frantically looked around to see if someone had noticed.
"Shh, don't worry, the theater is almost empty and everyone is far more interested in the movie than in us."
You move your hand up and down, slowly. He closed his eyes, bucking his hips slightly at the contact.
“You want me to stop?” You asked, knowing that if he really wants it, you would cease the teasing immediately. “It’s up to you.” The softness in your voice was killing him. “I can stop if you want.”
“No!” He shouted, grabbing your wrist the moment you pretended to move away, not noticing the volume in his own voice. You almost chuckled at his impatience.
Thank God you were sitting on the top row, far away from everyone there.
“Ok then. I’ll help you, love.”
With that said, you proceed to unzip his jeans at an agonizing slow pace, looking at him straight in the eye. You could practically feel his neediness.
With a sweet smile, you reached inside his underwear, feeling his hard cock in your palm. You ran your fingers slowly along its length.
"Don't tease me", he growls with closed eyes.
"I'm not", you chuckled, finally grabbing him. "Just feeling you, Tama".
He doesn't answer, leaning back in his chair and delighting in the way you stroke his cock instead, already dripping with pre cum.
“Fuck, baby” He moans. His voice low and sexy.
“You like this, uh?” You tighten around him more, increasing the speed. "Gonna cum here? Make a mess, love?"
He covered his mouth with a hand, you were killing him.
Your hand kept going up and down in a delirious rhythm. Below you, some people laughed at some joke the main character made in the movie, but you were far from paying attention at the time.
Your fingers were already slipping with the sticky liquid he released as you worked his length, squeezing its head lightly every time your fist came in contact with it.
Tamaki threw back his head and moaned, uttering a series of profanities that no one but you could say the boy knew. His facial expression, once obscured by the darkness of the cinema, was suddenly brightened by a scene lit up on the big screen, allowing you to see his face taken with pleasure.
It didn't take long for him to cum, not when he was holding back for so long, and not when your magic fingers worked so well on him. A part of him he never knew existed savoring the fact that you were in public. When it ended, your hand was covered with his semen and your boyfriend was panting beside you, loads of the white substance spreading all over his pants.
“Now, it wasn’t that hard. Was it?” You chuckled.
He didn’t answer, still composing himself from what you just made him do.
“Well, now I need to clean this.” You murmur to yourself, looking at your fingers with a smile. “And I'll bring tissues for you too. Wait here, I’ll be right back.”
Before you could give a single step, Tamaki grabbed your wrist. His eyes burning with desire.
“We’re going home.”
You swallow with the sudden change of his temper. “The movie is not over yet.”
“We’re going home.” He repeated, firmly. “And we’re finishing this. You’re gonna think twice before teasing me like that again.”
Maybe you should take your shy boyfriend to the movies more often, after all.
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Ugh, I'm a little insecure about this post, honestly. But I hope you enjoyed it! :)
Thank you for reading and for the support!
Angie ❤
[any comments will be answered with my main account: @angie-1306 ]
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wangxianficrecs · 4 years
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Follower Recs
Stories I haven’t read yet, but clearly need to put on my ever-expanding List.
Welcome back queen [Thank you, it’s so lovely to be back!] if ur still doing follower recs I gotta recommend I would wait for a thousand years by bleuett it’s soooooooo good
[This one was actually recced to me by two different people, the other of whom said, “ Maybe I'm crying a little so I feel like a should recommend ‘I would wait for a thousand years’ by bleuett on ao3.”]... it’s def. on my List!
I would wait for a thousand years
by bleuett (T, 10k, wangxian)
Summary:  During the worst of winter, a traveler comes to stay at Lan Wangji's inn. He wears a red ribbon in his hair.
“Do you see the rabbit?” Wei Ying asks and points at the moon. “That’s the moon rabbit, he helps make Chang’e more immortality elixir. He keeps Chang’e company.”
“I do not wish the rabbit for company,” Lan Wangji says tightly. “You are the one I want by my side.”
“And I’m here, Lan Zhan. If you go to the moon, I’ll follow you, I’ll always be here now.”
I just read a great fic by aisthuu "every love story is a ghost story", didn't see it in your recs so wanted to recommend it! LWJ is a guqin composer and teacher, buys a cheap guqin off eBay which ends up being attached to WWX's spirit from canon era. It's bittersweet, LWJ deals with Lan's homophobia (implicit in a Lan way) and his feelings towards the ghost. This is author's only ao3 fic and honestly I don't remember how I stumbled upon it, but I'm happy I did and hope you will enjoy it too!  [I’ve recently read this one, and loved it!]
every love story is a ghost story
by aisthuu (M, 59k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Summary:  The man is in Lan Zhan’s bed. Did they—he begins to wonder, eyes trailing to where the man’s body lies under the blanket. Had Lan Zhan—?
Then the sleep-fog clears and Lan Zhan realizes that the young man isn’t quite opaque around the edges.
“You’re a spirit.”
The spirit narrows its eyes. “I’m so much more than that.”
(Lan Zhan buys a guqin off eBay for a suspiciously low price, only to find that it’s haunted. And now there’s a ghost in his bed.)
Ok so I absolutely have to rec "see you yesterday" by glyphic. It's a wip, but it's currently at 101k so there's a whole lot there, and it's terrible and wonderful and beautiful all at once. The way the backstory of canon events is adapted to the modern-with-cultivation setting is brilliant, and then there's the amnesia, and then there's the time loop. This fic lives permanently rent-free in my brain.
see you yesterday
by glyphic (M, 101k, wangxian, WIP)
Wei Ying 21:09 hey lan zhan what’s the weirdest way youve died
Lan Zhan 21:11 Falling encyclopedias.
Wei Ying 21:12 omg no way that’s so rude turning books against you???
Lan Zhan 21:13 A betrayal I will never forget.
On Halloween night, an exiled demonic cultivator and a Lan disciple get stuck in a time-loop, find each other, and try to figure it all out.
If you are looking for recs for yourself I absolutely love (the complete!) story Just as the Snow Melts by draechali on AO3. It's a canon divergence where everyone lives, even WWX! ~ @airmidcelt
Just as the Snow Melts
by draechaeli (T, 67k, wangxian)
Summary:  Like a snowy mountain top in spring the residents of the Burial Mounds trickled down the mountain and joined the flow of society.
“I went to the Burial Mounds,” Lan WangJi said.
“Ah, yeah… I’m sorry Lan Zhan,” replied Wei WuXian, “I hadn’t thought anyone would come to visit. I am still not sure how it happened; I brought A-Yuan to Yiling to play by the river and then ended up somehow teaching a bunch of children swimming and writing along with him.”
Hello! It's come to my attention that you have not as yet read Grandmaster of Meme-onic Cultivation! Please do! It's the only thing that gave me joy during 2020 😆 like proper belly laughs and disney villain style cackling. It is a wip, and it is long but so so worth it!! The author has reworked the entire canon through these message crystals and still conveys complex characters despite the tricky format. It's just so good!! Highly highly recommend it! ❤ ~ @theladypeartree  [Oh!  I’ve been subscribed to this one, and know that @swaglexander-the-great is a reliable provider of Hilarity, so I’m excited for it to be finished!]
Grandmaster of Meme-onic Cultivation 
by Hades_the_Blingking (T, 49k, wangxian, WIP)
Summary:  The Untamed universe is exactly the same, except everybody has magical crystals that have a suspiciously familiar messaging system. The story is pretty much the same as the show, except everyone lives!! (so minor changes).
or in which Wei WuXian tries his darndest to date Lan Zhan, Jiang Cheng possibly has a aneurysm, Jin ZiXuan is still the most awkward human alive, and Xue Yang makes me write some VERY cursed things. Written in chatfic format! :3
Chomrafy on AO3 deserves love and encouragement; she’s written a body of compact, poetic, and eloquent shortfics each of which can stand alone, but that comprise an intricately cross-referential and mostly internally-consistent universe. They’re grouped as chapters in works according to theme; for example, “in cupped hands” focuses upon Jin Ling and his second-generation baggage; “Departure in Autumn” portrays the last years of WWX’s first life. Follow the tag “Chomrafy’s MDZS shortfics.” [I don’t see this tag?]
in cupped hands
by chomrafy (G, 2k, wangxian)
Summary:  Of secrets, of futures, of love. A Jin Ling-centric collection of 200-word fics.
Ch.1: Jin Ling repays a debt (JL, JC, & WWX). Ch.2: Jin Ling and a ghost in the mirror. (JL & JYL) Ch.3: A matter of friends (JL & the other kids) Ch.4: In this house we don't keep dogs (JC & WWX) Ch.5: In the end, he remains silent (JL & uncles) Ch.6: A first night hunt, of sorts (JL & the other kids) Ch.7: Jin Ling, forgiving, forgetting (JL & LXC & JGY) Ch.8: Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling argue (JL, JC, & WWX) Ch.9: Jin Ling and his father (JL & JC) Ch.10: Jin Ling speaks up (JL, JC, & WWX) Ch.11: Jin Ling and a piece of home (JL, JC, & WWX)
Departure in Autumn
by chomrafy (not rated, 6k)
Summary:  Four perspectives. A steady march to the end.
Ch.1: Because if anything happens to them, Wen Qing would never be able to heal with these hands again. Ch.2: As long as this is still home, Jiang Yanli will wait as long as she needs to. Ch.3: Five times Jiang Cheng reaches for Wei Wuxian, one time he turns away. Ch.4: Whether the road is broad or narrow, bright or dark, they would have to keep walking. Wei Wuxian digs Wen Qing's grave.
Hello, hope all is going well. I don't have an ask, by I do have a recommendation. I read this fic a while ago and found it again. I just wanted to recommend this for everyone. Let me know what you think please. Thank you. [Oh!  This one’s in my To Read list, but  I’d forgotten about it.  Mmmm, fox!wwx and dragon!lwj.]
Ten miles of Lotus Flowers
by Yukirin_Snow
M, 274k, wangxian
Summary:  He was a mischievous fox spirit, wreaking havoc where he went, about to depart on a journey that would span centuries.
He was a heavenly prince, a proud dragon destined to ascend the throne to become emperor.
Neither expected their paths to collide over the span of three lives.
I forgot if it was your blog 😥 that recommended “Bestseller” (when Wei Wuxian writes the Xianxia cut-sleeve equivalent of Fifty Shades of Grey, based entirely on his experiences with Lan Wangji, he doesn’t expect it to become the next big hit) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21528316/chapters/51318766)
But OMG IT WAS HILARIOUS!!! I LOVED IT!! And if it wasn’t your blog, I’m so sorry for how weird this sounds 😭😭😭😭 I just loved this fic so much that I have to tell it to someone 😢 [It’s on my List, but I haven’t read it yet!]
by pupeez4eva
M, 8k, wangxian
Summary:  He had written the book to prove a point. It was never supposed to be a big thing, and he certainly never intended for everyone — Jiang Cheng, Zewu-Jun, the Juniors, literally everyone— to be reading about his sex life.
Oh God, he definitely needed to make sure Lan Zhan didn’t find out about this.
(Or, when Wei Wuxian writes the Xianxia cut-sleeve equivalent of Fifty Shades of Grey, based entirely on his experiences with Lan Wangji, he doesn’t expect it to become the next big hit).
I’d like to rec On Your Marks, Get Set, Bake! by @blackwiresgrowonherhead
It’s one of my absolute favorites and I laughed out loud so many times when reading it
on your marks, get set, bake!
by BlackWiresOnHerHead
G, 41k, wei wuxian & juniors
Summary:  Jin Ling resumes thumping on the door to room 721, and the small collection of freshmen starts chanting “Senior Wei! Senior Wei! Senior Wei!” with increasing volume until finally Wei Wuxian opens the door.
“Yes?” he says with his widest, most innocent eyes.
“Senior Wei!” demands Lan Jingyi, shoving himself to the front of the group. “Why didn’t you tell us you’re a contestant on this year’s season of The Great Gusu Bake Off?!?”
Several months ago, college student Wei Wuxian secretly competed in the most popular reality show in the country. The show starts airing in the fall. The freshmen in his dorm collectively lose their minds.
If you're in the mood for v. short ridiculous fun fic, may I suggest My chain hits my chest/When I'm bangin' on the radio by x_los It's 2k modern cultivators AU, featuring WWX calling LWJ's sword Bitchin' [omg I’m laughing so hard] and I think it's more fun going in blind?
My chain hits my chest/When I'm bangin' on the radio
by x_los
T, 2k, wangxian
Summary:  Lan Wangji finds he doesn't even need to call for help for Wei Wuxian to come running.
145 notes · View notes
grlwtskulltattoo · 3 years
Fall For You - Chapter 4
Characters - Jax Teller x OFC (Katrina)
Summary - Katrina leaves an abuse relationship and heads home after finding out about her father’s passing. Old feelings come back to the surface for a person from her past. Story will follow the events of the show as much as possible. How might have Jax’s story changed with a different woman in his life.
Word Count - 8152
Warnings - NSFW, Hardcore Smut, Violence, Angst, Adult Language, Dark Themes, Fluff, Miscarriage, Pregnancy, Accident, Mentions of Physical and Emotional Abuse, Self-Harm. Drinking.
Will add to the warnings as the story progresses. Warnings cover the whole series. Some parts will be more mild than others.
A/N - Feedback is welcomed and encouraged, and may help motivate me to continue. All mistakes are my own. If you would like to be tagged in future parts, please send me an ask to be added to the list.
I know this chapter has been a long time coming. Just took me awhile to get the pieces to fit into the right place. I can only hope that I did it justice. This chapter ended up being twice as long as I expected. I hope that helps make up for the long ass wait…. Oh and there is an added bonus at the end of the chapter…..Smut….If you’re into that kind of thing. I apologize in advance if it sucks…. Been a long time since I’ve written steamy sex scenes. Thanks for following along on this crazy ride.
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Katrina spent the week following her father’s funeral preparing the house to put up for sale. She had no desire to continue living in the house that harbored so many bad memories. Her only regret is that bad memories out weigh the good ones involving her mom. She went through all of her father’s belongings. She saved the important stuff, family mementos that mainly involved her mom, some things from her father’s past that she’s curious about, and some items from her childhood. She was surprised to find a shoebox in her closet filled with notes that her, Jax and Opie passed to each other in school. She knew that she should throw them away, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. The stuff she didn’t want to keep was piled up in the driveway under the carport beside the garage for the local thrift store to pick up.
She is leaving the furniture in the house at the recommendation of the Realtor. He told Katrina that having furniture in the house gives potential buyers a better idea of the size of the rooms. Katrina doesn’t really care either way, the furniture will be donated as soon as the house sells. The old Dodge Challenger in the garage Katrina plans to keep. Even if she has to rent a storage unit to store it in until she finds a new place to call home. She is only keeping the bare necessities in the house for her to use until she leaves.
She has to admit that she’s a little relieved that she hasn’t had any unexpected guests. Everything has been pretty quiet since the funeral, other than the explosion that occurred the night before last, on the outskirts of town. She can’t help but wonder if Samcro was somehow involved with it. Maybe that was why Jax hasn’t tried to stop by.
Katrina spent some time pouring over the old photos in her father’s stuff. On the back of the photo of him dressed in Native American regalia was written “Pine Ridge Res”. She wondered if maybe his family lived on the reservation. Maybe she had an aunt or uncle still living there. She was seriously considering taking a drive up there to investigate. Hopefully learn more about his past, so maybe she can understand why he became such a bitter asshole of a father. South Dakota might also be a good place to get a fresh start, away from Charming and far away from Vince.
Katrina puts the photos in an envelope and places it with her duffle in her bedroom. She fixes herself something to eat once she realizes that it’s already evening time. While she is eating, she thinks about the meal Gemma prepared for the dinner after her father’s funeral. She still feels a little guilty for leaving the way that she did. Gemma has a good heart, and has always treated Katrina like family, even if she has a tendency to meddle. Katrina knows in her heart it wouldn't feel right to just leave town without expressing her gratitude to Gemma for all of her help. Once Katrina finishes eating, she cleans up then grabs her jacket. She’s getting a little stir crazy at the house and decides to head over to TM to see if Gemma is still there working in the office. It’s getting a little late, but she remembers Gemma used to work all hours of the day and evening depending on how busy they were.
As Katrina rode her Harley to the shop she knew she was taking a chance on running into Jax. Hopefully he’ll be out doing club stuff, and won’t notice her there. When she pulled into the parking lot at Teller Morrow it was mostly empty save a couple cars and bikes. She parks her bike near the office, relieved to see Gemma’s car parked near the door. When Katrina turns off her bike, she’s surprised that there’s no loud rowdy music coming from the clubhouse. It’s actually pretty quiet. There is light filtering from the office window, so she’s fairly confident that Gemma’s inside. Katrina quietly walks inside the open door, catching Gemma off guard.
“Hey baby, what brings you by?” Gemma asks with concern in her voice. Katrina notices that Gemma looks tired, like the weight of the world is resting on her shoulders.
“I wanted to apologize for leaving the dinner the way I did last week. I feel really bad about it, especially after everything you did to help. I think all the emotions were getting to me, and it was hard listening to all the stories about my father.” Katrina sincerely expresses to Gemma.
Gemma gestures to the chair next to desk, and Katrina takes a seat. “That’s ok baby, I know how hard it is to lose someone. It can take a minute to process everything going on. How are you doing now?” Gemma asks while lightly rubbing Katrina’s arm that is resting on the corner of her desk.
“Better. I cleaned out the rest of the house, got it listed with a real estate agent.” Katrina replies.
Gemma looks a little surprised. “So I guess that means you’re not planning on sticking around.”
Katrina can hear the disappointment in Gemma’s voice. “I don’t belong in Charming anymore. Never really did. I’ll probably stick around for a little bit to make sure everything goes ok with the showings of the house. Then I’m probably gonna take off.”
Gemma shakes her head at Katrina’s first comment. “You’ve always belonged here, Kat. I know Jax and Opie have missed you. I’ve missed you. You were like the daughter I never had. Don’t ever feel like you don’t belong here. You’re family.” Gemma looks Katrina straight in the eyes as she grips her arm.
Katrina sighs as she looks away. If only Gemma knew the truth about her father, maybe she’d understand why this town carried so many bad memories for her. Not to mention the whole Jax and Tara thing. “How are things going here? The clubhouse is pretty quiet.” Katrina asks trying to change the subject.
Gemma loosens her grip on Katrina’s arm. “Been a busy last few days. The club’s dealing with a Mayan problem. Jax’s junkie whore of an ex-wife, Wendy, just gave birth to his son. We don’t know yet if the baby is going to make it. He was born 10 weeks premature with a tear in his abdomen and the family flaw. I just got back to the office after spending a few hours trying to straighten up Jax’s house from the mess his ex left.” Gemma grabs a cigarette from her pack on the desk and lights it.
Katrina is in shock. She didn’t know Jax had an ex-wife and a newborn baby. “Wow. I had no idea.” She’s a little surprised that he was involved with a different women. She had alway imagined that he’d be married to Tara.
“Yeah, it’s been a little crazy around here.” Gemma sighs. “Jax won’t see his son in the hospital. Something about not wanting to get attached incase he doesn’t make it. Which is bullshit, he just doesn’t want to get his heart broken.” Gemma looks at Katrina with a pleading look in her eyes. “Do you think you could talk to him?” Gemma asks hopeful.
Katrina feels uncomfortable with the request. “I don’t know about that.” She tries to decline gently, shaking her head.
“Please, Kat. He won’t listen to me. You and him were so close. Maybe he’ll listen to you.” Gemma pleads.
Ugg. It was the last thing Katrina wanted to do. Get in the middle of family drama. She really doesn't feel it’s her place to get involved, especially since she’s been gone for so long. She’s not as close to Jax as she used to be. She has been trying to avoid that. But seeing Gemma upset breaks her heart. “Ok. I’ll try to talk to him. I can’t make any guarantees that he’ll listen though.” Katrina reluctantly agrees.
“Thank you, Kat. He’s in the clubhouse.” Gemma looks relieved.
Oh shit, right now? Katrina wasn’t expecting to have to do it so soon. She was hoping to have the night to think about how to approach Jax. Katrina reluctantly gets out of her seat followed by Gemma. Gemma takes Katrina in her arms and gives her a little squeeze. “Thank you baby.” Gemma whispers in her ear.
Katrina gives Gemma a light pat on the back before walking out of the office. As she walks to towards the clubhouse she takes deep breaths of the cool evening air trying to steel her nerves. Mentally preparing herself for all the questions she’s sure to get bombarded with. When she enters the clubhouse, all the memories of her, Jax and Opie running around came flooding back to her. It was where she had her first shot of whiskey on a dare, learned to play poker, rocked out to loud music, and almost had her first kiss. It felt like home.
It was pretty quiet inside the clubhouse, with the exception of music playing at a low volume. She was surprised that there was no one there besides Jax. She spotted him at one of the tables, lost in thought and milking a bottle of whiskey. “So I hear congratulations are in order.” Katrina startles Jax from his drink.
Jax looks up in surprise at the intrusion. “You must have been talking to mom.” He sourly replies.
“Jackson Teller, a father.” Katrina teases him as she nears the table.
“Yeah, for how long.” Jax grumbles.
“Your mom said that you haven’t seen your son yet. Why not?” She asks as she takes a seat at the table across from Jax. She notices the sadness in his eyes at the question.
“Don’t really want my heart broken.” Jax replies, staring at the amber liquid in his glass.
“Yeah, she mentioned the heart defect and stomach issues. Something about a junkie whore. Regardless of that, if it was my son, I would be spending every second I could with him.” Katrina tries to encourage him. “Besides that, he’s got a tough as nails father, so he’s gonna be a little fighter. He’ll pull through.”
Jax smiles a little at that last comment. “So what brings you by? Besides doing mom’s dirty work.”
Katrina knows Jax is trying to change the subject. At least she can tell Gemma she tried. “I came by to apologize to your mom about leaving the dinner early after the funeral.”
Jax nods his head softly. “Yeah, everyone was disappointed you left.” Especially me.
“I thought I could handle hearing the stories about my father, but it got to be a little too much to handle at that moment. Brought up a lot of memories.” Bad memories.
“So where have you been for the last 11 years.” Jax asks pointedly.
And so it begins. Katrina can’t help but wonder if it’s too late to walk out the door. She knew Jax was going to have questions, and she had really hoped to avoid them. She gets up from the table to grab herself a shot glass and a coke from the bar, before returning to her seat. This conversation is going to require an excessive amount of alcohol. She grabs the bottle of whiskey sitting in front of Jax and pours herself a shot. Katrina quickly downs the shot, welcoming the burn of the amber liquid as it travels down her throat. She then takes a sip of the coke to calm the burn. Jax patiently waits for her response, taking a drag from the cigarette in his hand.
“When I left Charming, I bought a bus ticket to Vegas. I got a job working at a casino restaurant as a server, and then I found myself an apartment. I became really good friends with a tattoo artist at a parlor in the casino. He let me apprentice under him and has been teaching my how to tattoo and the ins and outs of the business. One day, I hope to have my own shop.” Katrina decides to leave out the part about Vince.
Jax is surprised. The club has a charter in Vegas that he’s visited numerous times over the years. If only he had known Kat was there too. He might have been able to convince her to come home sooner. At the very least, been able to visit her. He’s missed his best friend. When Katrina left, it hurt more than when Tara left for school. It wasn’t until she left that he realized how wrong he was for not pursuing a relationship with her, despite his fears.
“I have to say, I’m a bit surprised that you and Tara aren’t married with a few little ones running around. And what’s this about a ‘junkie whore’?” Katrina asks. Turn about is fair play.
Jax lets out a soft sigh. “Tara left shortly after you did. She went to the university to become a doctor. Then she went out to Chicago to intern at a hospital. She begged me to go with her. To get out of this ‘cess pool of a town’, but Charming is my home. She was pissed that I prospected into the club with Opie, even though it’s what I always wanted. To follow in my father’s footsteps, and be a part of the club that he helped build. We fought about our futures, more than we got along. We started to grow distant from each other. I wasn’t to heartbroken when she left, like I thought I would be. I was more upset about you leaving than her, even though mom blames her for breaking my heart.” Jax confesses. “Tara just recently returned home and is working at St. Thomas hospital.”
Katrina shakes her head, not surprised about Tara trying to change Jax. She had tried to warn him when they were teenagers, but she had alway felt her comments fell on deaf ears. Some people have to learn the hard way. Katrina pours herself another shot and quickly downs it.
“The junkie whore is my ex-wife, Wendy. She was a club hang-around. Her and I started spending a lot of time together. For me, it was about fighting the loneliness I felt after you left. I never really loved her. We got married a few years ago. She started using drugs, so we grew apart. Separated for awhile. Then she got clean, and did a stint in rehab. We tried to make things work again and got back together. That’s when she got pregnant with my son. Things just didn’t line up for us. I wasn’t happy, so we started growing distant again. I filed for divorce a few months ago. Told her I’d help pay the doctor bills for the pregnancy. Haven’t heard from her in a while. Apparently she started using again even though she was pregnant. Mom went over to our house yesterday and found her passed out on the kitchen floor, bleeding between her legs, with a needle stuck in between her fingers. Mom rushed her to the hospital where they preformed an emergency c-section. My son was born 10 weeks premature with a tear in his abdomen and the family flaw. He only has a 20% chance of survival. I should have kept a closer eye on them, maybe this wouldn't have happened” Jax replies with regret heavy in his voice.
“You can’t blame yourself. If she wanted the drugs bad enough, there’s nothing you could have done to stop her. She would have found a way.” Katrina tries to alleviate some of his guilt.
“That may be so, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I did beat the shit out of the dealer that has been supplying her with the poison. Wendy apologized for what she did and promised that she’s going to get clean, but it’s going to take some time to rebuild that trust. I think she’s more worried about being charged with fetal abuse, then she is about our son. If Gemma has her way, Wendy won’t be a part of our son’s life. I can’t say I disagree with mom on that.” Jax has a defeated look on his face as he pours himself another shot.
Katrina matches Jax’s shot with one of her own. She’s starting to feel a buzz from the alcohol, but she’s not sure if it’s enough to get through the questions that she knows are coming. She isn’t slurring her speech yet, but it is getting a little easier to talk. It almost feels like old times, chatting with her best friend… almost.
“So… Why did you leave town, without so much as a goodbye?” Jax asks while looking directly into Katrina’s eyes. He sees a momentary flash of pain cross Kat’s face.
There it is. The million dollar question. The one she was hoping to avoid. All the pain and bad memories came flashing back to the forefront of her mind. She knew deep down Jax has a right to know, but it didn’t make it any easier. She can’t help but fear that once he knows the truth about her father, he’ll look at her differently. With pity, or guilt for not realizing what was going on and stopping it. She doesn’t want him to feel sorry for her, she fought her own way out and it made her stronger.
Kat pours herself another shot and takes a sip of it before answering him. “One of the reasons I left was to get away from my abusive asshole of a father. Shortly after my mom died, my father started to become distant to me. It was like the sight of me reminded him of what he lost. Almost like he blamed me for her death, even though she died from cancer. He would loose his temper over the smallest things. That lead to him breaking things around the house. If there were dirty dishes left in the sink, he would throw them across the room shattering them against the wall. If I left my backpack on the floor after school, he’d toss it. He started punching holes in the walls, kicking down doors. After while the only thing that seemed to calm him was liquor. As soon as he arrived home from work he’d grab a beer from the fridge, sometimes a couple of them. When the beer started losing its effectiveness he started drinking more hard liquor and getting into drug use. That’s when I started to become his punching bag. If I got in his way he’d hit or kick me. If he felt I was talking back to him he’d slap me across my face. He told me I was worthless, that I was no better than garbage, and that he couldn’t wait until I was no longer his problem.”
Katrina lightly rubbed the small row of scars near wrist with her thumb, slightly hidden by the skeleton torso tattoo on her forearm. She remembers the pain she felt inside from her father’s words and the relief she felt cutting herself with the small knife she kept in her pocket. She never cut herself deep enough for there to be very much blood, just enough for the physical pain of the blade sliding across her skin to distract her from the pain in her heart.
She glances at Jax’s face and sees the shock and anger in his eyes. Before she continues, she grabs a cigarette from the pack on the table, lights it, then takes a deep drag off it to calm her nerves.”That’s why I used to wear long sleeve shirts and jeans in the middle of summer. To hide all the bruises and scratches on my arms and legs. I stayed out as late as possible with you and Opie, hoping that my father would be passed out before I got home. Some times I’d get lucky and he’d be asleep on the couch, other times I was greeted with him calling me a slut or a whore for staying out so late with the guys. I tried to avoid him as much as possible. When it got closer to graduation I started planning my escape. I saved as much money as I could from my after school job, and used it to buy a bus ticket. I just always seemed to be in the way. So when I got old enough, I got out of the way”
"Why didn't you say something? Tell us that was going on.” Jax is heartbroken and angry to find out that his best friend had been suffering and he did nothing to stop it. He remembered the nights when he, Katrina and Opie hung out. Remembered her reluctance to go home when Gemma said it was time to get ready for bed. Or the nights Katrina begged him to hang out for just one more hour, even though it was already getting pretty late.
"What? So that you could 'save me'. I didn't want your pity or for you to feel sorry for me. I didn't need you to fight my battles.” Katrina defends her silence on the matter, a hint of scorn in her voice.
"So you run away instead? Leave behind every one you've ever known. The people that love and care about you." Jax accuses her, the hurt evident in his eyes.
"Seems to me like you were busy loving someone else." Katrina mumbles under her breath.
Jax gives Katrina a confused look. He wasn’t sure he heard her right, but he had a feeling she was referring to his relationship with Tara. “Now that your father is gone, are you planning on sticking around Charming?” Jax asks, hopeful that there may be an opportunity for them to spend more time together. To reconnect.
Katrina sighs before downing the rest of her shot. “I put the house on the market. The stuff I plan on keeping I’m going to get a storage unit for until I find a new place. I’m not planning on going back to Vegas, but I am thinking of heading north. Maybe towards the Dakotas.” She sees the disappointment on Jax’s face.
“I was kind of hoping that you were going to stick around for a bit.” So maybe I could change your mind about leaving. Jax feels crestfallen, his heart is pounding in fear that she’ll leave and he’ll never get a chance to find out if they would be good together. Ever since Katrina returned to Charming, the what if’s and should’ve beens have been plaguing Jax’s mind. He knows now that it was a mistake hooking up with Tara back in high school. It should have been Kat. She always understood him, never made him feel that he had to choose between her or the club. Things might have been so different for both of them.
“I was going to stick around for maybe another week or two, just to make sure there are no problems with showing the house. Incase something major needs to be fixed.” Katrina reassures Jax, although, by the look of his face he’s not.
“So are you seeing anyone?” Jax isn’t sure he really wants to know the answer, but he can’t help himself. He has to know if she’s involved with another man. If there is even the slightest chance he can convince her to stay.
“I was, but it’s over now.” She really doesn’t want to elaborate on her relationship with Vince, and she hopes that answer is enough to appease Jax.
Jax feels a flicker of hope. “You said your dad was one of the reasons why you left, were there any other reasons?” Despite what Kat was going through with her dad treating her like shit, Jax still couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that she would just leave. Without any warning or even a goodbye. They were best friends. He has never felt as close to another person as he did her, and for her to disappear the way she did, crushed him. He has a feeling there is more to the story.
Katrina groans inwardly at the question, but at this point, with the alcohol coursing through her veins she feels there is no point in holding back. She has already confessed one of her darkest secrets by revealing her past with her father, what’s one more secret. It’s not like it can change the past.
“The other reason I left was because it killed me seeing you and Tara together. I’ve had feelings for you since we were kids. I thought as we grew up and got older those feelings would change, but they never did. I was in love with you and it broke my heart seeing you with her.” Katrina confesses feeling extremely exposed. She just laid her heart and soul on the table.
Jax is blown away by her answer. He feels a sense of relief that she shares his feelings. He knew she cared about him when they were younger, but he always felt that she probably cared about him in a sort of brother sister way. To find out that she was in love with him made his heart soar, and gave him even more hope that there is a chance they could be together. If he can convince her to stay and give them a chance. “Why didn’t you ever tell me how you felt?” Jax asks, even though he can guess her answer.
“I was afraid you didn't feel the same way towards me, and it would just come across as jealously towards Tara. That it would change the way you felt around me, the way you acted around me. I was afraid of losing my best friend.” Katrina admits.
Jax feels like a dumbass now. All this time wasted that they could have been together. If they wouldn’t have been so afraid to tell each other. “I also have something to confess. I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember. Since we were kids.”
Katrina looks at Jax with surprise on her face. She never expected to hear those words come out of his mouth. Maybe he didn’t mean it. Maybe it was the whiskey talking. "So why didn't you ever tell me how you felt?" Katrina asks, genuinely intrigued.
"Because I was terrified that if or when I fucked things up between us, I would not only lose the woman I loved, but I'd also lose my best friend. It wasn’t until after you left that I realized the mistake I made. And I lost you anyways." Jax admits, his voice filled with sadness and regret.
“If you had feelings for me, then why did you hook up with Tara?” Katrina asks in confusion.
“I had some feelings for Tara, but I don’t think I was ever truly in love with her. She was more of a distraction from my feelings for you. Same with Wendy. Every time I was with them, it was your face I saw.” Jax feels a little weird for revealing that part, but it was the truth. Every woman he’s been with he pictured Kat’s face. Wished it was her, he was with.
“When you were dating Tara, I always felt invisible to you. I felt like you saw me as just one of the guys. You started to become distant to me, so I started spending more time with Opie. It seemed like every time you paid even a little bit of attention to me, Tara would snatch it away. It got to the point, where I started avoiding you, to keep myself from getting hurt.” Katrina confesses.
Jax winces at her words. He hates himself for how he hurt her, even though that was never his intention. In his mind, he was trying to protect her and their friendship, by avoiding what his heart yearned for. “I am so sorry, Kat. I never meant to hurt you. I was just trying to bury my feelings for you because I was afraid. I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way towards me and I’d ruin our friendship. I didn’t want to lose you. You have no idea how much I regret those decisions.” Jax sincerely apologizes. He takes Katrina’s hand into his and looks into her eyes. The years of pain and hurt shine in her eyes and he feels heartbroken that he caused some of that pain.
“Yeah, well, that’s all in the past.” Katrina tries to brush it off. She still feels the sting of all those memories, even if it feels like a lifetime ago.
“What if we gave us a shot?” Jax asks, hopefulness in voice. He has vowed to himself that if the opportunity ever came up to be with Kat, that he wouldn’t hesitate.
Katrina looks at Jax in surprise at his question. She feels butterflies in her stomach at the prospect of finally getting what she had always wanted. To finally be with the man that she has been in love with most of her life, but another part of her feels cautious. “I don’t know, Jax. A lot has changed since we were kids. We’re not the same people we were back then. We’ve both changed. Hell, you’re a father now, and VP of SAMCRO.” Katrina is trying to rationalize in her head why this is a bad idea, even though her heart is pounding with excitement. The alcohol running through her veins isn't helping the situation.
“Come on Kat. We both have feelings for each other. I know the first time I laid eyes on you, when you got back into town, I felt butterflies in my stomach. All of those old feelings I had for you came rushing back. I can’t stop thinking about you, and how much I want you in my life.” Jax pleads with her. He has never wanted something as bad as this. To make a life with Kat by his side.
Katrina hesitates to give Jax an answer. This isn’t something to just rush into, especially with her alcohol hazed brain. She needs some time to think this through. She is supposed to be getting out of Charming, not tying herself down. She can’t help but be concerned about Vince. What if he tries to track her down. As much as she hopes that he’ll take the hint, that she’s not coming back, she can’t help but fear that he won’t be so willing to let her go. Even though she has no doubt that Jax will do everything in his power to protect her, she doesn’t feel it should have to be his problem.
“Jax, it’s not that easy. We both have other things going on in our lives. There’s no guarantee that us being together will even work.” Katrina tries to dissuade him. She doesn’t want to get his hopes up for something that may just be a pipe dream.
“At least we could try. If it doesn’t work then so be it, but I can’t live with the what ifs and could have beens without at least giving it a chance.” Jax tries his best to convince her. If he has to get down on his knees and beg he’s not afraid to do it.
“Maybe we should think this though. Preferably when we’re both not drunk.” A part of Kat wants to say yes….god yes… but she also doesn’t want to agree to something she might regret.
Jax is a little disappointed in Kat’s hesitation, but at least she hasn't said no yet. There may be hope.
Katrina gets up from her chair, her legs feel a bit wobbly. “I should probably head home, it’s getting late.”
“Like hell, you are” Jax replies a little too sharply, while grabbing the keys to her bike off the table. He rises from his seat to face her.
Katrina stares daggers at Jax, a little miffed at his tone. If he thinks he can control her and what she does, he’s got another think coming.
Jax quickly realizes how that came across. “Sorry, I didn’t mean for that to come out that way. It’s just, we’ve both been drinking…a lot. You’ve pretty much matched me shot for shot. I wouldn’t feel safe getting on my bike right now, and I don’t think it’d be a good idea for you to either. I’d hate to wake up in the morning, and find out that you wrapped your bike around a tree or something. You should probably crash here tonight.” Jax tries to explain.
Katrina is a little relieved at Jax explanation. It makes sense, although she’s not sure its a great idea to spend the night at the club house.
Jax approaches Kat, the draw of being near her to great to deny. He gently places his hand on her check, the memory of the bruise around her eye flashes across his mind. His thumb lightly caresses her check bone, but when there is no flinch from her, he is relieved that the wound has healed. He still feels that flash of anger that anyone would dare to raise a hand to her. He slowly lowers his lips to hers, aching to feel their softness against his. He has longed to kiss her for as long as he can remember.
Katrina is a little nervous at Jax’s closeness, but her body is quick to respond despite the warnings in her mind. When she feels Jax’s lips against hers an excitement courses through her veins. The feel of his velvety lips against hers was almost as intoxicating as the whiskey they have been drinking. Jax’s hands start slowly sliding down Katrina’s neck then around to her back, where he gently coaxes her into an embrace. Her body melds to his like it was made for it.
As the kiss deepens, warning bells go off in Katrina’s head. Her rational mind warns her that she should stop this from going any further, but years of pent up longing urge her to keep going. Katrina is swept up in the smells of leather, smoke and light cologne, with a hint of vanilla that seemed uniquely Jax. Before she realizes what is happening, she feels Jax’s hands lightly caress the sides of her breasts before traveling down her waist to rest on her hips. He draws her hips in closer to his and she can feel the evidence of his arousal. His breathing gets heavier, and Katrina feels the butterflies in her stomach.
Even though in her mind she knew this was a bad idea, Jax was like a drug, and she was jonesing for a hit. There was a passion between her and Jax that she had never felt with Vince. Maybe it was because it had been building since their youth. The feelings they had been holding back finally able to be explored. Katrina gives as much as she takes, returning Jax’s kiss with a fever of her own. She lightly rubs the tip of her tongue on Jax’s lips until he grants her access to his mouth. She hears his groan as he starts grinding his erection into her stomach. Jax starts guiding her to his dorm room without breaking the kiss. By the time they enter the room, they are both breathing heavily. Jax kicks the door shut with his foot, not wanting to break contact with Kat.
Katrina reaches for Jax’s belt intent on releasing it as she starts to kneel down in front of him. Jax grabs her arms and lifts her back up. “As much as I’d love to see your beautiful face going down on me, I want tonight to be all about you. I want to show you how strong my feelings are for you.” Jax expresses to her.
This is a new experience for Katrina, and she can’t help but feel a little excited about it. When she was with Vince, it was all about what he wanted and how he wanted it. Often times it seemed their lovemaking was very one sided, with her left feeling unsatisfied. Like she was just a toy for his pleasure.
Jax cups Katrina’s face and gives her another soul searing kiss. She can’t get enough of the taste and feel of his lips on hers. His hands wander down to the hem of her shirt and he gently lifts it up. They break the kiss long enough to get the shirt over her head. Jax then goes after Katrina’s belt, pulling it loose from its buckle, then he quickly releases the button on her dark jeans. He slowly slides her jeans down her legs then ghosts his fingers over her panty clad pussy. He smiles when he hears her sharp intake of breath. Katrina toes off her boots then slides the jeans off the rest of the way.
Jax takes a step back to take in Kat’s beauty while he kicks off his own shoes. Her black bra and panties compliment her tanned skin. He takes off his kutte and drapes it over the back of a nearby chair. The question of whether Katrina has more ink finally being answered. He has seen the tattoos on her arms, but now he’s seeing a large dreamcatcher on one of her sides and a colorful feather on the other. There is a black crow with a purple background on her collarbone and an angry wolf surrounded by roses on her thigh. He can’t help but admire the art adorning her body and is surprised that he finds himself getting even more aroused seeing it.
Jax guides Katrina to the bed where she sits on the edge and watches as he removes his pants and white t-shirt. He tosses them onto the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Jax approaches her in just his boxers not bothering to hide the fact that his cock is straining against the material. He tilts her face up for a quick kiss before his lips and tongue start wandering down her neck. He can’t help himself as he leaves a small hickey just above her collarbone. Jax caresses her breasts over the fabric of her bra, before reaching around to unclasp it and watching in awe as her perfect breasts are exposed. He takes one nipple into his mouth sucking and using his tongue to tease it into a peak, while he lightly caresses the other bud. His gently pinches and rolls her exposed nipple with his calloused fingers until it hardens and becomes sensitive. He then laves the other nipple with his tongue, sucking until he feels Kat squirm. Kat feels a tingling sensation travel from her stomach to her core. She can feel wetness gathering in her panties.
Jax lightly pushes on Katrina’s shoulders, encouraging her to lay back on the bed. Settling between her thighs he continues to lavish her body with attention, kissing and licking his way down to her panties. He starts rubbing her clit lightly through her underwear, just enough to cause her to squirm towards his hand. Her breathing becomes erratic, hitching every time his fingers touches the right spot. He can sense a bit of frustration from her at his teasing, causing his lips to curl into a smirk. Finally Jax runs his fingers along the top edge of her panties, slowly pulling them down her thighs, and leaving a trail of kisses and licks in their wake.
That first flick of Jax’s tongue on Katrina’s clit causes an explosion of sensations coursing through her body. She can’t remember the last time someone went down on her, making this time feel like the first time. Jax’s warm breath, and the feel of his whiskers rubbing on her most sensitive area threatening to send her over the edge. Jax can sense her body tensing up, like a coil ready to snap, so he starts kissing the inside of her thighs to give her a chance calm. Once her breathing returns to some semblance of normal he focuses his attention back on her core. The light ghosting of his tongue in her folds and around that little bundle of nerves feels like heaven to Kat. It doesn’t last long though. Jax quickly starts licking and sucking her bud like a man starved for water.
“God baby, you taste like honey to me, and I can’t get enough.” Jax praises her between breaths, as he laps up her juices.
It takes everything inside of Kat not to lose control. She runs her fingers through Jax’s hair as he continues his assault on her clit. His tongue then prodding her slit, going directly to the source of her sweetness. Katrina’s moans increase, and Jax’s name becomes a silent prayer. She then feels his finger teasing at her entrance. Lightly caressing through her folds, gathering moisture before sliding the slender digit inside her. He pumps his finger in and out, surprised at how tight she is. The feeling of her walls clenching on his finger sending a fresh surge of arousal straight to his already straining cock. He could tell the tip of it was already leaking pre-cum. Jax adds another finger inside her to help prepare her for what’s to come. He twists his fingers around and starts doing a come hither motion. Jax quickly finds that little bundle of nerves inside her that will probably be her undoing. He can feel her clench around his fingers and her thighs start to squeeze. Kat starts pulling his hair as he continues licking her clit and rubbing that hidden gem inside her. He can tell Kat is getting close to her release by her ragged breathing and the tightening of her muscles.
“Fuck, Jax, don’t stop.” Katrina manages between shuddering breaths. She can feel the knots in her stomach unraveling. Her impending orgasm right on the cusp of sending her over the edge. Her moans get louder the closer she gets.
“It’s ok baby, you can let go.” Jax encourages her. “Cum for me. Give me some more of that sweet nectar.”
That is her undoing. Jax’s husky voice beckoning her to release the flood gates. Wave after wave of intense pleasure washes over her. Her vision starts to fade and she is seeing stars. Her body shudders and her juices dribble straight into Jax’s waiting mouth. Jax laps every bit of it up as he slows the movement of his fingers. He tries to ease her down from her climax before removing his fingers.
When Kat’s breathing returns to normal she looks down at Jax’s smiling face. The evidence of her release glistening on he mustache and beard. Jax gently withdraws his fingers from inside her pussy, and she instantly feels a void. “I need you inside me.” There is a hunger in her eyes as Kat pleads to Jax. She wants…no needs, more.
Jax stands up and removes his boxers, finally unleashing the beast. Katrina is a little taken back by the size of his cock. She had no idea he was packing that much heat. Explains the loose fitting jeans. She feels a rush of excitement, and maybe a little bit of fear that it’s going to hurt. Jax sees her concern and reminds himself to take it slow, give her some time to adjust. She is nothing like the crow-eaters he’s fucked, girls that have taken so many dicks it a wonder they can feel anything.
“Do you have a condom?” Katrina timidly asks, suddenly nervous. Jax has already produced one son, she doesn’t want to take any chances that tonights actions result in another.
“Yeah, I do.” Jax can’t help but feel a little bummed about not being able to experience her pussy bareback, but he understands. He reaches into the nightstand drawer and pulls out a little foil package. Katrina watches in fascination as he tears it open with his teeth and pulls out the rubber. Jax strokes his straining cock a couple times then rolls the condom down from the tip to the base.
Katrina scoots up the bed giving Jax room to join her. He settles between her legs and pulls her face in for another passionate kiss. He then guides his cock to her core rubbing the head along her folds, gathering her wetness to help ease his passage. He lines himself up and slowly pushes his cock into her wet slit, going an inch at a time. He slowly rocks his hips back and forth, gaining an inch each time he pushes forward. When he finally bottoms out, he pauses for a moment, giving Kat time to adjust to his girth. When Jax stops, Katrina releases the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She has never felt this full before. There is a slight burning from the stretch in her pussy, as well as an intense pleasure at the fullness.
“Relax your muscles, baby. It’ll help.” Jax whispers in her ear, concern in his tone.
After a few calming breaths, Kat feels ready for him to start moving again. She tilts her pelvis towards him, and then gives him a slight nod. Jax sets a slow pace at the beginning. The feeling of her tight, constricting walls threatening to send him over the edge. He feels like a damn teenager, ready to blow his load after only a few quick pumps. It takes every ounce of his control to prevent that from happening.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.” Jax whispers almost reverently. He’s trying to stay in control, but he feels it slipping fast as he picks up the pace. Thrusting in and out, fast and faster. His balls crashing against her ass, as her walls clench around him. The tip of his cock brushing against her cervix each time he bottoms out.
Katrina feels the knot in her stomach growing. Every time Jax trusts into her pussy a tingle travels down her spine and straight into her core. She can feel her climax quickly approaching. She wraps her arms around his chest, her nails digging into his back. The moans coming from her mouth getting louder and louder each time his cock brushes against her sweet spot.
Jax can feel her tightening around him, and he knows he’s not going to be able to last much longer. “It’s ok, baby. Cum for me. Cum on my cock.” Jax reaches down to her clit, rubbing circles over it with his thumb.
Katrina is plunging over the edge as another intense orgasm rips through her body. Every nerve ending in her body is tingling as her juices coat Jax’s dick and balls. She clings to Jax’s body as she rides out the high. Jax follows her after a few more thrusts, a wave of euphoria washing over his body as his cock releases rope after rope of warm cum. Jax collapses next to her on the bed, then he draws her into his embrace. His twitching cock still nestled in her depths. They both lay there for a moment trying to catch their breath.
“That was amazing.” Jax says in awe, his breathing still labored. His fantasies of her never even coming close to the bliss he just experienced.
Katrina nods her agreement, exhaustion claiming her body. She nestles into Jax’s warmth as he squeezes her against him. Jax kisses the top of her head, as a feeling of contentment washes over him. He doesn’t want this night to end.
After a few minutes the twitching of Jax’s cock subsides and it begins to soften. He wraps his hand around the base of it to hold the condom in place as he withdraws it from Kat’s warm depths. Even as sleep starts to claim Kat, she can’t help the groan that escapes her mouth at the loss of the fullness in her pussy. Jax chuckles a little at the pout now gracing her face. He disposes of the condom in the trash, before heading into the bathroom to clean up. Once he is done cleaning himself, he returns to the bed with a warm washcloth to gently clean Kat. She flinches a little when he wipes around her sensitive bud. He has no doubt that she’s going to be a little sore tomorrow. When he finishes with the washcloth, he tosses it into a nearby laundry basket, before turning off the light. He climbs back into the bed, pulling the covers over them. Katrina seeks out his warmth again, resting her head on his chest as his arm wraps around her back drawing her close. Sleep quickly claims both of them.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Tagging: @momc95  @jerseynurse82
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fandom-strumpet · 4 years
Blue Eyes
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This fic was inspired by the song Emerald Eyes by Anson Seabra
Word Count: 1,527
It was a boring Saturday, you were in between bad guys and the rest was unusual but welcome. The Salvatore house was the ideal place to relax and hang out, it was much more spacious and some how more like home than your actual home. You had been listening to music through your earbuds on the couch, bouncing your foot to the beat. Kai sat across the living room, diving into one of the old books from Stefan's collection on the wall. After listening to Emerald Eyes you decided exactly what you wanted to do that night. Putting your earbuds away, you cross over to Kai and drum a little pattern on his knees. "Hey, Parker. I want to show you something cool tonight." Putting his book down slightly he looked up with a curious smile, his blue eyes gleaming in the sun beam streaming from the tall window. "What is it?" "I want to show you the state park, we'll have a picnic up in my favorite spot and look at the stars." You flashed him a cheesy smile and wiggled your eyebrows. Ugh, I am so bad at this flirting thing. "Sounds fun. It's about damn time we got out of the house. I'll get the picnic basket ready." Half an hour later and you were both packed up and ready to head out. Kai pulled his favorite blue car up to the front so you could both hop in. With a creak and a thud, you closed the passenger door and slid in close enough to where you could rest your head on his shoulder if you wanted.  "Which way is the state park?" Kai asked, putting the car in gear as you started to roll onward. "Just follow the highway and you'll go straight to it." you tried to give a confident smile but you felt so nervous inside. Tonight is the night. The car ride was a blast, you found the rock and roll station and Kai turned the volume up. With windows rolled down, your hair blew wildly as the both of you sang along to the blaring music. Rolling hills turned into pine tree covered mountains, rocky cliffs started to appear here and there. The fresh forest air filled the cabin and you knew you were close to the entrance. “Right there.” you motioned and Kai slowed down to turn into the park. You turned the music down to hear him ask,“Which way now?” “Go left, the scenic view starts there.” you squirmed playfully, excited for the nights events about to unfold. Kai responded in turn by bumping his elbow against you with a smirk. The drive on the scenic view was surreal, not much needed to be said as you stared out the windows in wonder of nature’s artwork. Wildflowers were scattered here and there, the tall trees making a scene just for the two of you, showing off the fluttering leaves and the sound of the birds chirping away. About 10 minutes into the drive you reached the top of the mountains. There were wide, open spacious views of the surrounding mountains and hills. A green valley spread below while to the right it turned into a beautiful rocky canyon. Kai pulled the car to a stop in the mini parking space by the covered picnic area. He reached back to pull out the large picnic basket which looked to be filled to the brim with food. “Is here good?” Kai motioned to one of the large picnic tables. “Nope!” you shouted, still getting the blankets out of the backseat, “Go out to the big grassy area and find us a nice spot!” You bit your lip in excitement and Kai walked around in the grass trying to find just the right spot. He wanted this night to be perfect. He had never really gone on trips with just Y/N before and it was exciting, he was new to emotions but he always felt a different kind when he was with her. There was some emotion that he couldn’t describe, he tried to talk to Damon about how his stomach did flips like he was going to puke, his heart raced and he felt warm, he wanted to know what it meant but Damon just laughed and walked away. Maybe tonight he would find out. At last he found the perfect spot and just in time as Y/N came over with the thick blanket to lay down. “Mmmmmm I’m hungry! What did you pack?” your hand bumped into Kai’s as you both tried to open the basket.
 “Ha..Let me get it out.” Kai winked at you. 
You playfully rolled your eyes, used to Kai’s pretentious flirting. Did his cheeks turn pink? No. No way, you’re just imagining. You scoot back, giving him room to spread out the assortment of food he had packed.
“Damn- I didn’t know you could fit that much food in there. This looks amazing!” 
Kai gave you a proud smile, “I’ve had time to practice my cooking.” 
Digging into the food, your stomach had a taste of heaven. Kai closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his skin. You allowed your eyes to wander over him as he sat back on his arms peacefully. He opened his eyes and you cleared your throat, looking away quickly to avoid his suspicion. Once you were both full, Kai packed up the basket and set it off to the side. The sun had almost finished setting, the orange, pink and purple streaks quickly fading. Kai and you both laid down onto your backs with a content sigh. A chill started to kick in as the temperature dropped and out of instinct you both moved closer together. Kai’s put his arms up above his head to relax, for some reason it was so attractive even though he didn’t mean for it to be. His muscles flexed through his shirts created butterflies in your stomach. You could only imagine what it would feel like to be held in his arms. Kai looked up to the night sky, he couldn’t help himself from looking over at you. The way you gazed up in wonder, and how your eyes sparkled from the reflection of the stars. Humming, he allowed one of his arms to droop around your shoulder. You pretended not to notice, not wanting to make a bigger deal out of it than you should. Your heart said otherwise. 
“Look. Look right there at the colors changing!” you pointed, trying to show Kai the discovery you had made. 
“I don’t see what you’re pointing to.” he furrowed his eyebrows. 
You moved in closer trying again but he hummed a no in response. You made a risky decision but decided it would be worth it. You rolled on top of him, his chest pressed flush against your back and you held one if his arms against your stomach while pointing up to the sky with your other hand.
 “Look,” you giggled, “do you see it now?” You leaned your head back so you could look at  him. 
“I see it- what is it?”
“I have no idea- but it’s beautiful.” you leaned your cheek against his to look back up. 
Your smell was intoxicating to him, the rose aroma flooding his senses until all he could think about was you on top of him. He loved the feel of your body rising and falling against him.
 Kai breathed into your ear, “Just like you.” 
Your breath hitched, unsure if you really heard what you thought you did. Suddenly Kai’s hands moved to your waist to turn you over. He moved one hand to the middle of your back and drew lazy circles. The light breeze floated her hair into a halo, his breath caught at the sight and he moved his fingers through your hair. You loved the feel of his hand against you and felt a slight chill when the cold from his rings made contact with your bare skin. Even with the temperatures dropping, you didn’t feel the cold. You decided this was the moment. 
“I love you.” you said softly, looking at the man who was your all and everything.
“You- love me?” his hand froze on your back and he rubbed your cheek with his thumb.
“More than life itself.” you responded without hesitating.
“I- um- sorry, I get nervous around such a pretty girl. You make my heart race, and the smell of you absolutely drives me wild.”
You looked down and blushed. Kai gently brought his fingers beneath your chin and lifted your eyes to meet his. “I love you too.” 
Mind racing, his hand slid down to your throat. The cold of his silver rings gave you goosebumps and just like that- he pulled you towards him, lips colliding into a sweet and tender kiss. A kiss of passion that starry-eyed dreamers wait their whole lives for. The kiss between two people who have at long last found their soul mate. Time stood still, the universe paused to watch the epic moment of the beginning of a love story like no other. 
@rome5683​ @1-800-khaleesii
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
saint. || soobin💦
a/n: ya’ll forgive me someone requested soobin smut and I could not find the request on my page lolololol so whoever requested this i hope you enjoy!
saint m.list
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🖤┊𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱 . ೄྀ࿐ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙/𝖆𝖚 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖆? 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖆’𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙. (𝖑𝖊𝖙 𝖒𝖊 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜) 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙; 1893.
he was tall. sorry for stating the obvious but that was the most noticeable thing about him. I mean if you got really close maybe you could see his deep dimples that waded in both of his cheeks when he talked. Or if you were paying close attention to him you’d notice the way his eyes enveloped when he smiled or laughed. but enough of that though, choi soobin was nothing to admire. 
well, at least personality wise. he’d come to school in his snazzy maroon sweater vest and suit jacket and wore his hair in the side part that drove all of the girls crazy. you had to admit, it was reasonably so. he was a good looking guy. so why wouldn’t they? 
if they hadn’t been obsessing over him maybe they’d see him dump their textbooks in the trash when they weren’t looking or him cutting their ponytails or even worse, him lying to the priest about the sluts they were at the confessionals. poor father benjamin. 
luckily though you stayed low on the radar. I mean you weren’t completely invisible but at least your were the person who rather keep your head inside the book of Ecclesiasticus than choi soobin. you were one of the few at least. he even had the boys all over him, wanting to be him, wanting to act like him and dress like him. if this wasn’t a catholic school you’d think they’d rather be his girlfriend, too. but you couldn’t hold your school to a high standard I mean Melissa Mccarthy’s sex tape was floating around the school for months. And she was so called one of the most ‘attractive’ girls in school before she got expelled of course.
but back to choi soobin. he was a shit head. you knew in your heart of hearts he was. this is what mainly infuriated you when sister helena assigned him as your partner for a video watching. yeah a video watching. in which she’d pull out that big fat old tv and put on a black and white movie and expects you to write down the answers based on events that were happening in the film. she always assigned partners though because she thought two brains could capture better details than one. 
anyway he slides in the seat next to yours in the back of the room with a snarky grin on his face. he always had that dumb snarky grin. you pull down your plaid pleated skirt a little more over your knees. sister helena smiles at the both of you while passing out the question sheet and a couple of pencils. Soobin grabs it before you. not that you were racing to get it anyway. You saw him concentrating to write, must’ve been hard for him since he does little to no work. Then you realized he was writing his name and you wondered if how he even made it to senior year. 
it was your turn to write your name on the paper so you did so quickly before the movie started. you weren’t even 10 minutes into the movie before soobin began laughing and goofing off with his friends in the front of him. Sister helena shot you a severe look signaling the fact that she wanted you two to tone it down. but why did she address you and not soobin?
you nudge him on the arm. 
“hey quit it. sister helena is going to give us an F if you keep going”.
“and what does that have to do with me?”. soobin snarls you roll your eyes. 
“it has a lot to do with you because if i get a bad grade over you It’s going to be a serious problem”.
soobin laughs as if to say, ‘yeah right’. it only made you angrier. soobin tilts his head at you. you were kinda cute in a way. he never really looked at you before like he had now. he acted as if he were looking elsewhere and placed his hand on your knee. you flinch.
“soobin?-- what are you doing?”. 
you ask pushing his hand off. he does this sheepish grin that makes him the cutest but you didn’t want to admit it. 
“come on. we’re in the back of the room. don’t you want to have some fun?”.
“we have an assignment to do you idiot”. he places his hand on your knee again, only he raises it a bit more, dragging up your skirt a little. you had to admit, his hands felt nice. 
“you’re so worried about this assignment. trust me. I’ll make sure we have the answers even if we weren’t paying attention”.
your nerves ran endlessly as he dragged his fingers higher, now reaching the top of your thighs. you were grateful that you two were in the back of the room and that the table you two shared was enough to cover his movements. 
“s-s-soobin i don’t think we should”. you stuttered. it was weird how you forgot all the bad things about soobin as soon as he started touching you. He leans in your ear, 
“just relax. I’ll make you feel good i promise. have you ever been touched before?”.
no. and you would probably be the envy of the whole school if everyone knew who was waiting to touch you. 
“no i haven’t”. 
he ghosted his finger tips at the front of your panties, rubbing your slit lazily. you closed your eyes, feeling sorry for father benjamin and your confessions in advance. 
“you’re actually pretty cute”. soobin flirts with his lips still to your ear. you ignored his compliment letting him slip his fingers inside of your panties. he teases your clit with his fingertips before he touches it softly. 
you twitch and tap your foot so you wouldn’t be too suspicious to sister Helena. Not that she was paying you two any mind anyway. you don’t know what the hell gotten into you, but it was too late to stop it now. 
soobin scoots his seat closer to you and uses his other hand to grip his pencil in. He wanted to make he looked like he was doing as much work as possible. He pulled your panties back a bit more, using his finger to gently rub your clit in small circles. you shuddered. this was your first time experiencing something as mind blowing as this. 
with your priest of a father and religious mother you never had time to...explore. you finally saw what you were missing in life. soobin pauses his actions to spread your legs a little wider before he kept rubbing you. With each rub he’d do it more forcefully than the last. you bite your lips trying to detain any noises. it was hard though. 
“you’re so cute. you like getting your virgin pussy touched don’t you?”. soobin speaks in your ear with a low tone. he fastens the pace of his fingers feeling your puffy clit slick up in excitement. surges of electricity sprints through you. you pull your skirt over his hand. 
he casually pretends he’s watching tv and you’re suffering. If you don’t whimper, or wail, or anything you felt like you were going to explode in the next two seconds. He rubs you faster and you could feel your hips grinding against his fingers desparately. 
“don’t do that. fuck--you’re going to make me hard”. he warns in a casual whisper. you ignore him of course and clutch the table. you close your eyes and let his fingers slide through your pussy as you grinded. you opened your mouth hoping nothing came out. but you were in for a surprise when you created a small squeal by accident.
luckily though, no one but sister helena looked at you. With her pointer she pointed to the tv, meaning ‘pay attention or you will have detention’ . you’d sure liked to see her contain herself if she ever got fingered in the back of a classroom by a cute boy. but then again you wouldn’t like to see that, because  for a 50 year old woman that’d be fucking gross. 
soobin is chuckling lowly in your ear like the menace he was. “your pussy is so fucking wet holy shit”. 
you continue to bite your lips while he swiped your clit from side to side aggressively with three fingers. your heart pounded in your chest. you wanted to shriek, you wanted to scream but you couldn’t and it was killing you. 
you decided it was best that you left your small cries in the lowest volume as possible, only audible enough for soobin to hear. you were sopping through his fingers though. you panicked when you felt yourself pulse intensely. soobin grinned. he knew your were close. 
“that’s it, cum for me you little fucking saint”. he groaned in your ear. with your stuttering hips a wave of pressure came over you and you felt something leaking out of you. with your heavy breathing you had to come to terms with the fact that that was your first orgasm. 
holy shit.
the bell rung and classes ended and somehow someway you and soobin’s paper was full of answer by the time he turned it in. “Hey, you. come here I need to have a word with you”. sister helena grumbled looking directly at you. your heart raced. soobin gave you a small smirk before walking out the classroom. as almost if he was wishing you good luck. 
“I want to say that choi soobin is very misbehaved. But i am so glad I paired him with you. I’ve never saw him complete a whole paper his whole time here and this is his senior year here. hey, if you don’t mind i think i’d like to pair you two more often. Is that alright with you?”. she smiles. 
you blink. not believing what the hell you were hearing. 
“yes why not?”. you blurt out laughing playfully for good measure. 
“good good! I know what to do now. Have a nice day!”. you bow to her hoping she does as well. you walk out the classroom to see soobin standing on the wall next to the door smiling down at you like an idiot.
“what?”. you scoff. 
“have you ever had sex before?”. he asks casually as if he were asking you what your favorite cereal was. you shake your head no. 
“no. why?”. 
“do you want to?”. 
“what makes you think i’d want to do it with you? you’ve probably had sex with the whole school by now”. 
you scoff again walking away. he chases after you. 
“if that’s what you think then boy you’d be surprised by the truth”. 
“why are you even bothering? I’m a virgin it’s not like i’m some slut who can pleasure you and actually know what I’m doing”. 
“I can teach you”. he says confidently. 
“It’s your senior year. I’m sure you don’t want to be a virgin for long. I mean, you can agree to let me teach you or i’d just might have to tell poor father benjam--”.
“alright! soobin. no need to go that far”. you adjust your backpack strap. 
“I’ll let you teach me. but where?”.
“my parents are having a church meeting tomorrow night. Meet me at my house around 7″.
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arhvste · 4 years
congrats on 900, u deserve it!! 🥰❤️ for the event, 10 or 13 for atsumu please? 💖
a-bsolutely 🤩,, sorry this turned out a little long i got a little overexcited 👁👁
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❛i’m tired of pretending ❜
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“auntie y/n, you’re meant to stick your pinky out!”
“sorry princess, please forgive my poor manners!”
your pinky flicked out immediately as your niece corrected you poor table manners at the makeshift tea party table where you were sat amongst countless teddies and dolls and in front of you an array of various coloured plastic pretend foods and crockery laid out for each ‘guest’.
your boyfriend snickered beside you earning himself a quick side glare from you.
“yeah y/n, yer table manners are awful! i say she gets beheaded!”
your niece scowled at atsumu who had an amused expression as he watched a frown form on your face.
“auntie y/n will not be beheaded you pee pee head!”
“p-pee pee head?!” atsumu’s eyes widened as your niece aimlessly took hits at his ego while you silently praised her for taking him down a few pegs.
“yeah pee pee head! now shush and clink your cups with each other!”
atsumu scoffed and begrudgingly clinked his little plastic cup with the two teddies sat next to him and drank his non existent drink from it.
you had been asked to babysit your little niece while your brother was called out to work for an emergency on his day off and his wife was unable to leave her own workplace to take over from him.
he’d called you in panic while you were lounging around with your boyfriend. hearing the panic in his voice and not having anything better to do with your afternoon, you ensured your brother you’d take good care of his daughter while both parents were gone. atsumu had naturally accompanied you and drove the two of you over to your brothers house 15 minutes after he’d called.
“okay, im bored now let’s play princess wedding!” your niece announced as she hopped off the chair.
you grimaced slightly at the announcement of scenario change and mustered the softest smile for your niece.
“don’t you think we should keep playing this? we’ve only just stopped playing princess mermaids-”
“-yeah and princess pirates, princess explorers and princess rockstars!” atsumu added on.
your niece narrowed her eyes at the two of you which meant her decision was final and neither of you had any say. “okay then.” you muttered in defeat as your niece squealed and dragged the two of you back over to her dress-up wardrobe.
atsumu offered an apologetic smile at you which you waved off. if anything, you were the apologetic one as he’d been dragged into this in the first place. sure, he willingly came along but you were sure atsumu didn’t wake up this morning with the intention to be playing ridiculous scenarios while wearing tutus all afternoon.
“y/n! you can be the bride! pee pee, you have to marry her i guess.”
you snorted at the nickname she’d branded atsumu which caused him to poke your side quickly.
“why don’t you want to be the one who gets married huh?” you knelt down so you were eye level with the little girl who’s face scrunched up in disgust.
“pee pee is the only boy here and i would never want to marry him.” she sneered as you held back a laugh.
“i’m heartbroken.” he muttered a slight twinkle of amusement in his tone.
you sighed and stood up taking the flimsy plastic tiara your niece offered out to you. atsumu grabbed the small plastic crown in the pile of disgarded dress up clothes on the chair nearby.
“well then princess y/n, will ya do me the honor of marryin me?”
you laughed and took his hand as your niece watched the two of you in slight awe.
“mhm i’d love to prince atsumu.”
your niece scrambled between the two of you and acted as the priest.
“you may now kiss the bride.” she bounced on her heels waiting in anticipation for you to ‘officially’ marry your prince.
atsumu shrugged and pulled you close to him. a quick and soft kiss was pressed to your lips as neither of you would’ve been able to stop the disgust growing on your nieces face had you of kissed for a longer amount of time.
“i now name you husband pee pee and wife pee pee!”
“i’m thrilled.” you muttered as atsumu hummed humouring your little niece.
the rest of the afternoon was spent playing various other scenario games until you’d finally cleaned up the mess and got your niece settled down to eat dinner and watch a movie after she was all cleaned up.
she’d become drowsy after her bath and you knew she’d pass out soon after so you let her stay downstairs with yourself and atsumu as she drifted off between you.
“hey, sorry about today, i’m sure this isn’t how you wanted to spend your afternoon.” the quiet hums of the tv playing in the background, neither of you paying particular attention to it.
“nah it’s not a problem, got to spend the day with ya anyways.” he turned to you with a small smile content on his handsome face.
“yeah well, i’m sure my niece had fun with prince pee pee this afternoon too.”
atsumu raised an eyebrow and slung his arm over your shoulders.
“that’s uncle prince pee pee to you, we got married remember?”
you rolled your eyes and turned back towards the tv.
“you’re right we did get married didn’t we? guess that makes me y/n miya now huh?” you softly teased back resulting in a slightly flustered atsumu.
“well i mean, i’m tired of pretending that yer not my wife already so...”
this caught your attention.
atsumu smugly grinned at your now flustered state.
“ya heard me. we already act like a married couple we might as well stop this act and make it official.” he stated casually. you felt the heat rise to your cheeks as he removed his arm from your shoulders and grabbed both of your hands.
“look, i don’t have a ring on me now it’s back at the apartment and i did plan on askin ya soon i swear. i’ll give it to ya when we get home but since i’ve basically just proposed, y/n, will you marry me? and not pretend this time?”
tears welled up in your eyes as you did your best not to sob and wake up your sleeping niece still snugly cuddled up between you both.
“y-yes! only if i get to marry atsumu though, i don’t want to marry a prince pee pee.” you laughed as a thin stream of tears pooled out the lash line of your eyes.
atsumu laughed and gave your hands a quick squeeze.
“god i love ya.”
pressing his forehead closer to yours until they were touching, the two of you could practically hear your heartbeats over the drowning volumes of the tv and the sounds of a car pulling up to the driveway.
“sounds like my brothers home.” you mumbled as atsumu pulled away and stood up, offering his hand to you.
your brother was in fact home now and had just unlocked the door to the sight of his little daughter all washed up and sleeping on the couch.
he thanked the two of you profusely before insisting he owed the two of you a favour now. atsumu shook his head and said it was okay and the only favour he owed the two of you was his attendance at your wedding.
your brother was surprised but not totally shocked. he knew you’d marry astumu from the first time you’d brought him home in your third year of high school. he got on well with both your parents and him and your brother mentioned how he approached of your choice in boyfriend as your parents agreed.
you left after sharing a few moments of excitement with your brother who promised that when everything was planned him and his family would be there and to let them know if they needed any assistance beforehand.
atsumu unlocked his car and opened the door for you as you got ready to drive home where a proper proposal and engagement ring was waiting to be presented to you.
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aislas 900 event
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tropicalchiaa · 4 years
Him Pt.2
Maurizio Gucci x reader
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Next day’s consequences
Umm, thank you for all the love on the last post. I truly appreciate it so much! Like if I could, I would kiss all of y'all. 
I hope you enjoy this next part, it is kinda long but I think it is necessary for the plot ahahaa.
Enjoy and please leave feedback! I will love to hear it❤️
Pt 1:  https://tropicalchiaa.tumblr.com/post/645454455448469504/him-maurizio-gucci-x-reader-your-little-getaway-is
You were awoken by a banging on your door and in your head. Shooting straight up you instantly regret that action. Why the hell did you feel this way? Then you remember back to the events after you had gotten into the elevator.
Finding some solace in the fact that you were away from Maurizio, you then begin to panic if he was on the same floor as you. Knowing that his wife was probably ripping him a new one you walk to your door with a little more confidence, still cautiously looking around as if he was going to jump out of thin air. 
Once in the safety of your room you truly relax your shoulders and recount the events that ensued prior. “ I didn't just kiss anyone, I kissed Maurizio Gucci, the man known for scorching the earth after he passes through.” You whispered to yourself. 
Trying to calm yourself with breathing exercise your heart rate shoots up as you hear a knock on your door. “NO, go away!” You scream at the door. A soft gentle voice from the other side of the door comes back “Ummm, Miss “L/N” it is room service with your bottle of wine.” “Oh, shoot! I’m so sorry!” You say as you scramble towards the door cursing at yourself.
         As you open the door, you give an apologetic look as you say “I’m so sorry about that, I thought you were someone else.” Shifting awkwardly to the side as he brings in your wine. You then reach for a hefty tip in hopes to dissipate the awkwardness. With one final apology, you close the door sliding down it with the utmost embarrassment.
Here you are acting like a pubescent teen who is avoiding a boy who likes her, “Get a grip “Y/N”! ” Walking toward the wine cart you opt to drink from the bottle to dull the thoughts. 
This brings you back to the present hour of you sitting in your dress from dinner with your smeared makeup on your face wishing you could melt into your bed. Your close friend then says “ “Y/N”, what is going on? You were supposed to meet us downstairs 10 minutes ago. We all know how you are a stickler for promptness! Miss “Colored People Time is Just An Excuse to Be Late” ” Slight amusement in her voice as she playfully chastises you. 
You then groan, reluctantly removing yourself from your safe haven. Barely stumbling to the door you shock her with your appearance. “WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU!” She screams while you cower at the volume of her voice. Pulling her in with the little strength you had, covering her mouth to prompt her to shut up. “Please, I am dying” you can barely whisper. 
         In a quiet voice, she said,  “Honey, what has happened to you? You look like you have been wrecked.” A big grin appearing on her face, “Wait, did you get wrecked last night?” playfully wiggling her eyebrows. “No” you hoarsely let out trying to find water and aspirin like it was your lifeline. “Then what is it? I haven’t seen you like this since New Years' after you broke up with that bastard Marcus.” “IkissedMaurizio” You spit out rushed, trying to remove your dress. 
         “WHAT!” she says, spinning you around with so much force you swore the earth was shaking. “ Well I didn’t really kiss him, he kissed me…” Walking to the bathroom to try and meet your team for the tail end of breakfast. Storming in after you she says, “ Although a huge bomb, it doesn’t explain why you look like you survived a zombie apocalypse.” Prying for more detail, you relinquish the details of your night since you had left them at the table. 
 Letting out a strangled sigh, you proceeded to get out of the shower feeling slightly better. You look up to your friend sitting on the toilet processing the information and her emotions. You look at her sheepishly readying yourself for whatever will be coming out of her mouth. “How are you feeling truly?”  she asks, expressing true concern. You smile, this is why she is one of your closest friends, “Honestly, I have contemplated so many times leaving this trip early but we need this! And I'll be damned if I let a white man ruin my joy.” to which you both laughed.
         You go about getting ready for the day, discussing game plans to avoid Maurizio and the clan. You finally make it to breakfast in time to grab a few items to placate your hangover. With casual inquisition, you find out that Maurizio has already hit the slopes for the day allowing you to relax.
         Boy were you so glad that you didn't leave this trip early, this is one of the most relaxing and fun times you have had since the start of the business. You are having such a good time on the slopes that you actually forget about the wretched man. 
That was until after lunch you decided you needed some spa time to truly unwind. Booking a private room for a soak and massage, you leave your team to enjoy whatever else they want to do. 
Walking with confidence you make it to the spa area unscathed and ready to feel the tension leave your body. Stripping and putting your clothes in the lockers you head over to the spa pool to unwind. Despite just getting this sew-in you needed some relief. Sinking in naked as the day you were born you close your eyes and let out an audible moan.
“Wow, I would love to hear that every day.” You snap your eyes open hoping it wasn’t who you thought it was. “ Hi Princess, did you miss me?” A naked smiling Maurizio says as he is getting in right next to you. You try to scramble to hide yourself but to no avail, there was nothing you could do but stay stuck in shock. “You don’t look like you are very happy to see me, especially after that special kiss we shared last night.” He says with a playful frown. You turn to try and get out but are stopped by a strong grip pulling you into their unclothed lap.
“Maurizio, like I told you last night that this will never happen.” Still struggling to release yourself. “ Oh princess, you know you want me as badly as I want you. Just give in and enjoy this while we can.” Kissing you as he moved your legs to straddle him. As bad as you know this is, you revel in the feeling of his hardness pressing against your cunt. 
“Maurizio” you breathy moan out. “ What if someone walks in or worse your wife?” you question melting at his touch. “She is shopping in town and I paid the workers for some privacy,” he said as he nips at your sweet spot on your neck and slowly grinds his hips. Clouded by lust you begin to enjoy yourself, ignoring all caution. 
         “Princess, let me taste you,” he says as he lifts your body out of the water. Suddenly feeling exposed you try to cover yourself in an attempt to reserve some self-respect and modesty. Seeing this Maurizio laughs pulling your hands down, “Don’t cover yourself princess, you are truly a work of art.” Slowly trailing down your body spending extra time in the valley of your breast and hips. For such a self-absorbed asshole he truly was a giver.
         While the anticipation was killing you, you were nowhere near ready for the feeling of his plump lips against your cunt. Making you writhe with pleasure until you came solely on his mouth alone. You could help but let out exhaustively “ Damn white boy, you really know what you are doing.” You then squealed as you were pulled closer. Maurizio chuckled as he pumped his cock getting ready to dip into your honey pot. 
Then getting close he whispers in your ear “ I hope your cunt feels as good as it tastes.” And without warning he rams into, forcing you to take all of him and effectively knocking the breath out of you. You moan his name so loudly, you are sure the people on the slopes can hear you. He continues pumping his length in you occasionally taking it out to smack your clit and ram it back into you. 
As you are both about to reach your highs he gets more animalistic with his rhythm, making water splash all around you. When you feel the build-up about to overflow he begs for you to hold out just a little longer. Finally, at the count of three you both reach your euphoric highs, feeling as if you are melting into each other.
Breathing heavily, you appreciated the clean-up the pool was doing to the evidence of your sins. You refused to look at him, as your after climax shame rolled in but he grabbed your chin slowly turning you to face him. “Princess, I hope you do not think you will be getting rid of me after that.” Smiling as he kisses you tenderly. 
“We can’t...” you say in a small whisper on the verge of tears, “ I deserve much more than to be a secret slut to a white man for fuck sakes. Please, let this be the first and last time.” Pleading with him. He shook his head, “I want you, I want you more than a side fling. I do not care about anything other than making you mine and from here on out that will be my mission. Whether you are on board or not because face it, you want me just as bad.” Concluding his confession with a passionate kiss. 
Feeling defeated you lay your head on his chest, a small part hoping that he was being truthful. He wraps his arms around you, lining his cock with your entrance. You proceed to have a slow and sensual round where he praises your existence and whispers how lucky he is to be in this position. Together you passionately reach your highs.
Realizing how much time has passed by the pruning of your fingers, you decided to head to the lockers. It would be heartwarming the way he held you close if he wasn’t married with kids and the enemy. Putting back on your clothes, it seemed you guys couldn’t keep your hands off each other. Finally fully dressed you guys shared one make-out session before watching him walk out the doors but not without mouthing “See you later princess.” sent with a kiss. 
You did miss your massage but as you walked back to your room to rest before dinner you had a glow to you. Enjoying your state of bliss you ignoring that you had slept with a married man and fell into a nap thinking about the wickedly handsome Maurizio Gucci.
Yes, we caved but there is still hope for redemption 😂
Pt 3
Pt 4
Pt 5
Hope you enjoyed and please let me know if you would like to be on the tag list!
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Chicago fire imagine Herrmann + Daughter reader imagine for - @jayxuptons
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Laying in a hospital bed is not the way I thought I'd be spending my Friday evening, but hey, that's the life of a firefighter right? Growing up with a fire fighter for a father I knew the dangers that I was going to be up against, the fire, the smoke, half collapsed buildings and heights that would make most peoples heads spin. But being stabbed in the leg by a freaking out meth addict was not even on the top 100 things I was worried about.
I sighed as I rolled my head to the side to see the clock on the wall, hissing as I jolted my leg slightly, a groan leaving my mouth as I realised the doctors had left about 10 minutes ago, which meant that any second now the storm was about to rip its way into my room. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and replayed the afternoons events in my head.
"Y/N, Otis, you take the basement, Kidd, Mouch, take the ground floor, Herrmann, you're with me up top." Casey began yelling as soon as we pulled up outside of the burning house, a young woman and a small boy sitting over by Ambo staring up at what I'm assuming was their home.
"Any idea what happened cap?" I asked as I followed Casey and the rest towards the smoke spilling door.
"Mum said the place just went up in flames, the dads still in there but she doesn't know where, keep your eyes peeled." He nodded towards me, sending him a quick nod back before we entered the building and went our separate ways.
Carefully feeling our way around through the smoke me and Otis made our way down to the basement, the smoke thickening the further we descended into the dark space.
"Fire department! Call out!" Otis yelled as he led the way, his flashlight only finding dust covered boxes and a plastic Christmas tree sitting in the corner.
"Fire department! Anyone down here?" I yelled, listening to the sounds of the fire crackling above before a small scuffle caught my attention. "Hello? Call out if you can here me!"
Following the sound I slowly rounded a desk that was sat against the wall, I half expected to find some kind of wild animal, a raccoon or a squirrel, what I was not expecting was the burning pain that erupted in my thigh and the knife that was lodged in place.
"Otis!" I screamed as the guy who was hiding behind the desk jumped up pushing me out of the way, causing me to fall to the side smacking my head against the corner of the desk before I landed on the floor with a thud, surrounded by darkness.
By the time I had managed to open my eyes again I was lying in a hospital bed with Jay and Will Halstead by my side. Jay had explained that the guy in the basement was actually the father to the small boy I saw waiting outside when we first arrived at the scene, he'd been using for a few months and the mum was planning on leaving which is why he had set fire to the place, but Otis had caught him and called for backup as soon as he had heard me yell. Leaving Will to explain that other than a scar, an aching leg and a banging headache I would be just fine and ready to return to work in a few weeks.
"Where is she?!" I heard him before I saw him, his voice floating through the ED, the once loud talking of people in the hallway dwindling down to nothing but a murmur.
"Herrmann, calm down, she's fine." I could hear Casey, his voice growing in volume as I assumed they came towards the door.
"Don't tell me to calm down when my daughter is lying in hospital!" His voice louder now as him and Casey came into view through the glass doors.
Leaving Casey with one last hard look he turned and came into the room closing the door behind himself.
"Hi dad." I smiled small, waiting to see a change in his face to reveal just how pissed he was about it all.
"Don't 'hi dad' me." He muttered, shaking his head slightly before flopping down in the chair besides the bed.
"Dad I-"
"No! Do you have any idea how scared I was when I heard Otis through the radio? When I heard that you were stabbed and there was nothing I could do about it?" He said, voice deep and eyes hard like they used to be when I'd done something stupid as a teenager.
"I know but-"
"No! You don't know! You don't know what it's like to have to sit and wait to be told whether or not your daughter is gunna survive after being stabbed by some jacked up asshole?!" He was almost yelling now, little bits of spot flying from his mouth as he tried to keep his temper in check.
"But I do know dad! I know what it's like to be the one sat in the waiting room, waiting to know whether my dad was gunna be coming home at the end of the day! Sitting next to mum, holding her while she cries about how she doesn't know how she'll be able to keep the family going without you! I've sat there hundreds of times with my mind running round in circles because I don't know what the outcome will be!" I started to yell, my voice falling with every word as tears started to slip down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry, I uh, I didn't think about all the times the table was turned." He sighed sadly, reaching out and taking my hand in his.
"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to scare you, I mean, I didn't even see the guy till after the knife was in my leg." I breathed a laugh, trying to ease some of the tension.
"Not funny." He deadpanned before a small smile appeared on his face. " I'm sorry I yelled, I was just so scared when I heard what had happened." He said softly, squeezing my hand slightly.
"I'm sorry that I scared you." I offered a small smile.
"I'll let you get some rest, I've gotta call your mum and keep the house updated, Otis has been blaming himself since it happened." He chuckled slightly, liking how his work family had accepted his daughter as one of their own, although they'd already known her for years before hand.
"Tell mum I'm fine and I love her, and let Otis know that it wasn't his fault, but next time he can go investigate the noises." I smirked with a giggle as dad narrowed his eyes at me.
"Yeah, yeah." He shook his head as he stood up placing a small kiss on my forehead before he made his way towards the door, stopping with his hand on the handle. "I love you kid." He smiled softly.
"I love you too dad." I smiled back, watching as he gave me one last smile before leaving.
Turns out the storm I was expecting was nothing more than a bit of rain and whole bunch of sunshine.
I hope you enjoy! I had no idea where I was going with this and wrote this out all in one as the ideas came to me!
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