#and i'll probably post a moodboard later
lupebunny · 6 days
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that's my answer, that's my style * · ✫ · *
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deputy-buck · 10 months
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The Lovers - Nine Inch Nails
Confusion is seducing me warm flowing wine His eyes summer Hypnotize they see inside of me Hot swollen skin want me take me perfect embrace Black and bloody Rotten and perfect The center has moved on and all that's left is free ... Please don't leave me here I could stop it Maybe I could stop it if I wanted to But I'm not the one driving anymore I know who I am But I know who I am Right? Please take me there with you
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anyablackwood · 1 year
Character Spotlight: Megumi "Meg" Wilson
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WIP: Asteria Heights
Role: Main Character
Age: 19 Species: Witch (half human) Gender/Sex: Cis woman (she/her) Orientation: Asexual Family: Fumiko Wilson (mother, 45), Benjamin Wilson (father, 47), Kai Wilson (brother, 12) Background: Meg is a born resident of the Asteria Heights Gated Community and attends the local community college with her best friend, Aven. She's the oldest of two. Her and her brother used to occasionally receive painting lessons from their neighbor Francesca. Abilities: Zoolingualism (Clan magic), Common magic
(Pictures aren't mine)
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yohanaalarcon · 2 years
Lil Lili o otro lll
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I ll i'm lll lllli Mii lo km l lll lll
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I'll de
0 notes
almostfoxglove · 20 days
hi pals! our poll for what y'all wanted to celebrate my first follower milestone ended up pretty close to a tie, so we'll be doing two celebrations. when we hit the milestone for real, I'll be offering up THANK YOU MOODBOARDS, but for now y'all get to vote on which one shot you want me to write next, and I'll get on it asap :,)
here's a little bit about your three options, to help you choose! poll at the bottom of this post!
💖 = fluff 🔥= smut 😭 = angst 😞 = light angst
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JAVIER: javier peña x f!reader 😭🔥(maybe? we'll see!)
will take place within part II of the I'LL CARRY YOU universe
javier's POV, WHAT? yeah, it's about time :,) y'all know the drill with these two. there'll be yearning. angst. longing. childhood best friends to lovers, and a lot of tenderness.
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MORE THAN LETTERS: frankie morales x f!reader 😞💖🔥
inspired by this dreamy mootboard from @yopossum
you've tried long distance just once: in college, after meeting your childhood pen pal frankie for the first time. it didn't work out. more than a decade later, your mom calls with news - a letter has shown up for you with a familiar return address. will you risk meeting him again?
some angst, lots of fluff, probably some smut.
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ELEVEN STITCHES: jackson!joel miller x f!reader 💖
after joel comes back from patrol with ellie injured, he wakes up restrained to a bed in jackson's clinic with you (a clinic doctor) trying to patch him up.
tooth rotting fluff. flirting. protective!joel, takemetomydaughter!joel.
tagging some mutuals below the cut :-)
@jolapeno @guiltyasdave @itsokbbygrl @wannab-urs @jessthebaker
@luxurychristmaspudding @tonysopranosrobe @clawdee @evolnoomym @thundermartini
@sweetpascal @ak-vintage @milla-frenchy @hediondoamor-blog @la-vie-est-une-fleur29
@pedgito @perotovar @saradika @sawymredfox @ozarkthedog
@ovaryacted @yopossum @toomanytookas @encasedinobsidian @whxtedreams
@djarins-cyare @for-a-longlongtime @joelsgreys @javierpena-inatacvest @kedsandtubesocks
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batwynn · 1 year
Hello. So I have a genuine, honest question as someone who isn't an artist. I saw you made a post about AI art floating around Tumblr lately. How does one differentiate between AI-created art vs. ACTUAL art? Some things have been easier to notice than others (ie: YouTube videos and like, moodboards and the opening to Secret Invasions) but for art specifically, are there any key things to look out for that make it obvious it's AI generated? I do not support AI in any fashion but in this day and age I do find it increasingly more difficult to tell the difference between something that was created by AI vs. created by an actual person.
Hi anon! So, heads up this might be a bit long of a post but I wanted to point out some things that I don't see frequently mentioned in other posts about A.I stuff.
First things first: Look at their other 'art' pieces. If they have a generally consistent style, a consistent type of work (Realism vs ink art for example), characters you see more than once and from different angles, character sheets, etc. You're going to notice if someone suddenly switches from little ink doodles to fully colored and realistically rendered 'art'. Now, this doesn't mean everyone switching styles or mediums is A.I, but it means to take a closer look if you notice something vastly different than their usual stuff. More A.I. clues below!
For things to look for, there's a lot of different clues but generally you're going to notice a certain new car shine to everything. Everything will be a little too clean, even if the style they are ripping off is sketchy. Sketches will have crosshatching that doesn't really make sense or random lines in a place that an artist probably would not put there. That being said, here's some examples where that isn't as noticeable:
Here you've got your usual body/anatomy problems. (Plus some elements I'll talk about later as well. This one's got it all!)
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Glitchy foot, glitchy hands. glitchy eyes. Strange proportions for legs that don't exactly fit a stylization, but more of an glitch. Now, of course an artist can draw 'glitchy' things like this either by accident or intentionally, but you really only see these types of things in A.I vs actual art of a similar style. Realism artists are generally not adding extra fingers or varying sized fingers, they're not rendering the foot to only have too many toes, missing toes, and the foot also... sort of part shoe. Unless art artist is otherwise intentionally including these elements, it's generally a clear cut example of A.I stuff. (For example: Different body types and disabilities exist, and there are people with different shaped hands, shorter/longer fingers etc. But you will also usually find some kind of info with the post about the person/character that will tell you about them that can clue you in on if it's A.I vs real art.) If the artists are drawing in a style with 'exaggerated' anatomy, you can almost always see that as a persistent and intentional STYLE in their art. If they aren't, this is something you'll really notice in A.I vs realism. It can be especially true with people who fully render realistic art because it's not in line with the style, and the relevant elements of rendering art this way. Artists who do realistic rendering at this level generally know their anatomy very well, and are going for realism in all elements of the art. Some stuff like the exaggerated long legs in women are kind of everywhere, but the hands, the foot, the lopsided winky eyes (I don't know how to describe it) are not things a professional artist rendering realistic art would generally do. It's just not in line with the style, or the ability/skill that the artist has worked on. (Again, unless completely intentionally and in line with the person/character.)
For 'real' life items like the tables below, you've really just got to ask yourself: Is this physically possible? Do all the elements make sense and actually work together in a real way?
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Sometime it's hard to know if you don't have any experience with, for example, acrylic and wood table making. But there are things that just don't work in real life, and there are things that maybe someone can do, but even in the provided examples it just doesn't make sense to do. For example, the little 'tree' hanging from the bottom of the left table. Would that be possible? Probably. Would someone do that? Probably not. If you're really stumped, sometimes just looking up videos of people making that type of thing can give you a better idea of what actually works together, how it's made, etc.
Here's something that really helps when you're really struggling and zooming in for every detail: TANGENTS
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Ok, so tangents in art are when you're drawing a thing, like hair, and it's lining up with a different object to the point where the visual line continues from one part of art to another and it looks really unrealistic/weird. Most artists figure out how to avoid this on their own just from noticing it and feeling uncomfortable with how it looks, while others learn via the internet etc. It can happen in anyone's art at any skill level, but the amount that it happens in A.I stuff is HUGE. It's almost every single image, and you can really notice it in places where something overlaps like hair or, from the above image with the money: there's two bills that just kind of bleed together. From the same image, you can also see how her hair bleeds into the wrinkles of her jacket in an unnatural way. Comparatively, you can see in the Hela art I did below that there are overlapping elements like the hair and the ribbons behind it that do not mesh or bleed together.
Something else to look at: Symmetrical elements that don't work right. So, this is kind of getting harder to see depending on what they're generating as a subject matter and the style they are using. As always, there is a disclaimer for this. Art does not always have perfect symmetrical elements in it.
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For example: in the real world, this dude's coat would have more clean symmetrical elements. As it is a sketchy doodle, they're there but they're not 100% symmetrical. With a LOT of A.I stuff, you'll notice that something meant to be mirrored on the other side of the clothing, room design, etc. is actually completly wonky/incorrect or not even there at all.
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For example, in this A.I we have missmatching elements on both sides. Not only in things that could be designed to be asymmetrical, but also things that 100% should be mirrored. The left side under the buckle on the shoulder has a diamond shape. The right has a weird spikey thing. The little leaf pattern on the gold lapel area appears to be just blobs on the right side. The left shoulder area has a button and additional little detail under the buckle area. It is not there on the right side. And, again, some of this can be intentional with real art. Her arm bands could be intentionally different, for example. But elements that clearly should be reflected on the other side and are very clearly not are generally a good clue that it's A.I. A few last moment things to look out for:
Styles that are recognizable someone else's whole thing. Example: The monstrosity that someone just generated that is supposedly Calvin and Hobbs. It's pretty easy to tell because it looks like shit right now, but generally if someone is ripping off a distinct style of someone famous, it's probably A.I or at least worth double checking.
Did they suddenly start doing ______? This could be anything, backgrounds, drawing horses, full color, etc. But if they're suddenly, overnight just BOOM they're 'drawing' in a whole other style, it's suddenly really rendered, and/or there's no 'growing pains'/work shown that they've started working on drawing the thing they never drew before... It's time to take a closer look. Last but not least, look for the language they use around the stuff they're putting out. A.I people are often... a certain type. They use a lot of that NFT bro lingo that can tip you off. The tags might be all over the place for styles, or tagging certain famous artist's styles, etc. They also can be a bit more blatant in the tags and just outright tag A.I or NFTs somewhere in there. And, in the end, if you really can't tell and you really love the thing and want to share it: Ask an artist. Or just don't share it.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this is helpful in some way!
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blooky8 · 5 months
🧪 Dark Pinky Moodboard 🔮
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art by wimsiecal, check out their ask: askdarkpinky.tumblr.com pictures are random things i found on the internet and tweaked with photoshop! inspiration song: sucker for pain (https://open.spotify.com/track/4dASQiO1Eoo3RJvt74FtXB?si=044a1d3321bb4688)
wimsie said they like this, so i thought why not put it up on my blog with normal formatting hjjlklhj very chaotic and angsty, sincere emotions not from honesty but from not being able to hide true feelings behind a mask well enough, full villain act both for show and for self-expression. those are the vibes i was working with i absolutely loooooove characters like this, you don't even know i can appreciate the vulgar dark fashion, unapologetic honest amorality and the smug act, but at the same time i feel so much pity for their delusions, from a reader's perspective it's very easy to see how they're completely missing any true happiness that could exist in their life by walking down the path they chose. and they didn't just choose it, they really commit to it, and act so high-and-mighty, so confident... babygirl doesn't even know how far he is from the truth, and there's no coming back from this for him🤭 anyway, i'll probably upload some other moodboards i did a while ago later, and i'll post new ones directly to this blog! explaining them seems like fun. also, they won't be tied to one fandom, or sometimes any fandoms at all, but i do feel like i'll do more patb/animaniacs stuff soon
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seething-angel · 5 months
Cg Gallagher anything would be super awesome!!!! And or March 7th regressor anything!!!!
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CG!Gallagher Moodboard + HCs
HI ANON!! here you go!! i made one of those board thingies and dropped some headcanons for you!! it's not much, but the world needs more CG gallagher 🙏🙏 as for march, i'll include her in my next hc post with the astral express!!
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— Gallagher won't let you come to work with him, even if you beg a lot. He finds it hard to say no to you, but he's firm on this. No alcohol for his little one, but he'll get you some hot chocolate or apple juice!
— Bakes a lot with you! Measures the ingredients for you and hands it over, letting you pour it in the bowl and mix it. He'll handle everything with the oven, so don't worry about getting burnt!
— Probably babysits a few kids in the dreamscape, so taking care of a regressor is no problem
— Tells you bedtime stories, but doesn't realize that some of them are too scary for you 😭 Often ends up with you going to bed scared and running back to Gallagher, since he's usually up later than you. He's definitely strict about bedtime, too
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l1ttlepup · 4 months
Hey everyone ! Sorry for this late post. I got a huge "bomb" dropped on me last night that really hurt... the next week will probably be later posts bc my family and I have to kinda plan for our trip back to my home state for a funeral, so pls be patient with me and pls don't be mad if I miss a day I'm really gonna try to post and get through this. I will still take requests (I have one that I haven't gotten to yet, so sorry !) Just give me a little while to get to them !
With that being said here's today's pride stimboard !!
Bisexual stimboard
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My requests are open so feel free to ask for one. I'll make stimboards and moodboards just clarify which one you want!!
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corkinavoid · 2 months
*deep breath in*
Hi, I'm Cork, and today I got an eye injury, so I am now, officially, a pirate. Albeit temporarily. Got the eyepatch and all that crap. More on that later.
Info post
about all my writing progress for anyone wondering and for myself to keep track of stuff. Also, some rambling.
Fiance to a Star - ⅘ done with translating second chapter, also doing moodboards and soundtracks for all of the chapters currently because visuals. Gotta find the right library music. Fuck, translating is hard, why did I write it in Russian, I'm so stupid.
Married to Winter - 8.5 chapters written, editing for the second chapter will be done on Thursday, and I'm posting it on Friday. Need to rewrite chapter 9 probably, it's not working the way I want it to. Currently inspired, so maybe will write more chapters for it. Do I want to add soundtracks? I mean, I do, but do I have the brain capacity and mental strength to do so?
Multiverse Police - on hold, out of ideas, nothing is working. Will come back to it later.
Changeling AU - also on hold, but it's mostly done in my opinion, so any additions will be sporadic.
You Should Ask Danny - editing chapters 6 and 7, chapter 8 is written, but I really don't like it. Might put this on hold after posting chapter 7, but I have a whole list of ideas for it. Maybe I should just delete chapter 8 completely and write something else? I mean, why not, but then I feel like the idea is good, I just can't write it the way I want it.
Mercenary Danny - ugh, I want to write the Christmas date so bad, but it requires writing a scene with so many characters! Fenton family is big, and I want Vlad to be there, which is another can of worms because I suck at writing middle-aged men. Can I just write him as a pretentious vampire wannabe and be done with it? But no, that will ruin his characterization.
Haunted Family - done, fuck it, I lost all the motivation for it.
Demon Babysitter - still on hold, but probably also done.
Now, to the unposted wips that are sitting in my googledocs:
One Night Stand Gone Wrong - 10 fucking chapters written and I- fuck I just wanted some simple short DarkHumor (Dick/Dan) one-shot, how did it come to this, honestly. But guess what, I'm writing chapter 11 even if it kills me, I have an idea for Tim/Danny in there. I'll be posting that, um, later. One day. I still need to reread it and maybe rewrite some stuff, it's just a bunch of word vomiting right now.
Road Trip - 4.5 chapters written, and it's going literally nowhere. Is this a pun? Maybe. Should I just post 4 chapters of it and be done with it? The story is done, more or less. Or, I could just fit all 4 chapters into one, make it a one-shot, and call it a day, what a good idea!
Bad GIW - ugh, I can't. 3.5 chapters written and I stopped liking the idea completely. It will never be finished. Should I post works that I don't plan on finishing ever?
Living Weapon Danny - same thing as Bad GIW, I wrote 2 chapters and abandoned it. Fuck I'm bad at writing angst, I just- can't. I want to. But I can't.
Masters Gala - I still love the idea, but damn, writing Vlad is hard. Also, writing galas is hard. Also, writing kids is hard! Maybe I should rethink it and make them not kids but teens? But I still need plot for it, holy fuck, how do you write plot for a gala? Should I just, I dunno, put a heist in there? A haunted mansion horror story? A murder mystery? I'm still debating on whether to put Al Ghul Twins or Dead Serious in there because I can't do both for ethical reasons. I mean, I can, but I bet a lot of people will find it messed up. It's not even incest if they are not related neither biologically nor legally nor by their upbringing. Is it? Fuck, I don't know.
Lastly, about being a pirate. TW: eye injury, a lot of cursing included because I'm m a d
So a fucking mad girl hit me in the eye with one of those wooden stir sticks. Because her coffee was too hot. Bitch you ordered a hot fucking drink what did you expect? Mind you it was not burning hot, I held the cup before she did, it was alright, and okay, I get that people can have different perceptions of temperature and heat tolerance, maybe it was too hot for her but who in their right mind stabs people in the face for their drink being too hot, what the fuck
Anyway, I've got the eye checked out - and it's not covered by insurance which is another reason I'm mad as fuck - and it's okay. Mostly. I can't open my eye because it hurts like hell, and i have to do eyedrops and wear an eyepatch for a while, but it's gonna be alright in a few days, so I'm fine.
Is the fact I can only see with one eye gonna stop me from writing? Fat chance.
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scaly-freaks · 3 months
Hiiii!! I fell in love with 'until the colours fade' and the end made me think that maybe Aegon was going to commit su*cide? it felt open ended too as if maybe he could work things out with Jae and they could be the family they both so desperately need. I was so angry with Aegon at first because the neglecting hit close to home, but I ended up feeling sad for both of them in the end. It felt like you meant to keep the mother unnamed but was she Amara? i wanted to guess because of the moodboard and the girl with the dark hair.
If you want to reveal anything about their life when she was still alive I'd really love that!! The idea of Aegon mourning her when he found out she died just made me so sad and I didn't even wannt to imagine it because they always feel so joined in my mind
Aaahhhh thank you so much (and thank you for being so sweet with your request omg)
It is open-ended. It's ultimately up to the reader to decide what happens without any input from me. My irls read the fic today and were dragging Aegon over the coals because they refused to accept that anyone once they've become a parent has any excuse not to raise a perfectly normal, well balanced child, which I didn't agree with, but to each their own. Traumatised children grow up to become parents all the time and don't stop being traumatised. All you can do is your best, even if that counts as bare minimum to someone else. To you, that is your best. Your intentions are there.
Aegon definitely didn't mean to let his intentions slip, but after the mother's death, aka someone he obviously relied on heavily in terms of emotional support, he lost his mind a little bit. His family is busy with their own lives, and are also quite neglectful of him because I imagine he's not the success story amongst the Targ-Hightowers. No one came to his house after the funeral to clean up and make sure there was food in the fridge when he got back. That's how they never realised Jae was still there until a week and a half later. He had the excuse (barely) of numbing himself on alcohol and drugs to avoid facing up to the fact that his wife was gone, hence why he forgot her. He let Jaehaera parent herself which was also wrong, and she became a latch key kid pretty much. If the electric bill isn't paid, the washing machine isn't working, and then who's cleaning her underwear? At eleven, she's probably thinking whatever, it's fine i'll reuse it, it doesn't look dirty because no one's teaching her that stuff (can't even say it's common sense because kids will be kids). She hasn't started her period yet, but I imagine Aegon would be a lot more aware of that this time round and actually buy her the stuff before he drags Helaena in to explain it all LOL.
And yes, 'Momma' was in fact Amara. And yuupppp, pulled my heartstrings to think of Aegon losing her. She was a baby having a baby, and then suddenly she was gone and Jaehaerys went with her.
Their life before she died was happy, I must admit. They both obviously struggled massively with mental illness and addiction and whatnot, but the kids were their pride and joy, something they made between them and would go to the ends of the earth for. Aegon was a good dad before she died, which is the most heartbreaking bit. Glimpses of it come through, for instance the glitter shampoo, buying Jae sweets after they fight, running after the ice cream van, but these are all notably things he did when she was way younger and before Amara died, suggesting he's frozen in time. Jae is growing up, and her Dad is failing to keep up. He's sluggish and trapped in memories he wants to return to. He used to put his all into making sure his kids were happy on the little money they had, and that his wife wasn't sinking into her depression again (Amara went through a couple suicide attempts during her post-partum period). She was terrified she'd go through with it one day and that it would never end even once the kids were older, and Aegon was the one who was like I won't let you, I promise, I'll keep you here even if it's not that simple.
The sad irony is she died and it was completely out of both their hands. She didn't want to leave, but she did. He tells Jaehaera no, baby, you're all me to disguise the fact that she has her mother's eyes and those eyes haven't looked at him the same since Amara died. Obviously Jaehaera's lonely and depressed and struggling to cope, so when she looks at her dad, he sees all those things staring back at him. He sees what Amara used to look like in her worst moments, but he doesn't have half the mental and emotional energy he used to in order to help his daughter. Instead, he drowns and watches her drown with him.
Amara is probably somewhere in the afterlife crying over the pair of them and not enjoying heaven I'm ngl 😭
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Hi Val!
Thanks for sending this to my inbox. Sorry for the late reply. Been busy these past weeks.
Anyways I dont have that many fics on A03. Two at present and ficlets on tumblr. So if anyone is interested, these are it!
My main fic (Emhyr x Sarah) (A Painting of You) This is the moodboard and fic link. It's a vanilla pairing and wholesome, with hardly any smut (Im not that good at creating tasteful smut yet but I'm working on it)
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2. The sequel to A Painting of You: The Roles We Play. It is still ongoing. I do recommend reading the first fic because it will mention a lot of the previous events.
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3. The ficlet posted in episode format. It's Empress Ciri and Emperor consort Morvran and its a hilarious series of unfortunate events. Lots of naked guest appearances parading around, thanks to a stipulation of the constant GWENT winner. Guess who these guys lost their clothes to:
The other two I'll probably reblog on Sunday. So if you've not seen these, please check them out. have a chuckle on the short story :)))
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cupidspup · 3 months
question 15 from the agere questions !! :D
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Hello anon! :D Thank you so much for asking!^^
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Today's question is:
"What platforms do you usually go to for agere content? (Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, ect)"
To answer your question yes I do go to different platforms for agere content :3
When I first started out as a regressor I always went to instagram because it's honestly all I knew at the time as a 12-13 year old kid :> I mainly went there to see thise cute lil text post scripts of cgs and their littles and it made me so small!
Buuuut then many years later I made a friend who isn't in the community but said they read fics on Tumblr! And I was like "omg?? Wait??? I never thought of fics on other websites other than wattpad" (which I'll get to later) so! I went onto here maybe 1 or 2 years ago and I started reading! And I saw how a bunch of blogs would post a bunch of other things and just ✨️🎀✨️
Tumblr is definitely my main and holy grail for agere content
I know a lot of people make moodboards and all that stuff as content but I wanted more agere content for everyone! Which inspired me to make more and more fics! (Since I already post other fics on Twitter x]) I love that I post fics and I love that people enjoy them so much it warms my heart so greatly that people enjoy me and my content QwQ🩷
Now, speaking of fics I know it's probably not necessarily on the list BUT
I do go on wattpad for this one mha agere series and it's so so good and I love it it's been with me for like 2 or 3 years and it's EVERYTHING (I'll drop links if anyone asks I promise)
I also love to read the agere fic of a close friend of mine on AO3 too!
As for Instagram, I do still use it and have it!! Although I usually just use it to either look at art or shop for little gear! I am happy to say that at my grown age I have managed to build up a collection and have favorite shops to buy from x) BUT!! My cg and I are starting up our own Instagram profile together soon!! And I'm so excited!! ^^
I hope this answered your question anon and I hope it wasn't too long either 🧍💀
Tysm again for asking and please do ask some more!! I love doing these and I love talking to people so please flood my inbox with stuff :3🩷
On a different note, for anyone who would like to interact often but wants to stay anon, would you guys like a emoji tag thing so I know who's who (to an extent?) Please let me know in the comments! ^^
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months
We've done it!
Or, more accurately, you've done it! Thanks to you, my fellow Tumblrinas, I've actually managed to hit 200 followers!
I never thought I would get this far, but I'm eternally grateful for all the love you've given me, and I can't wait to share many more brainrots with you!
In tune with that, I've decided: Why not let you look even further into my mind? I've given you lots of writing, but why not provide some visuals? And so, in thinking about what I wanted to do for my 200 followers celebration, I came up with...
⁕ Evie's Mind Palace Festival! ⁕
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(Placing a cut so this doesn't get too long ^^)
As depicted in this lovely graphic above, I'm going to be focusing on my OCs' fashion for this little event. But not just that! I'll get to the bonuses later :)
For now, text version! Because Tumblr likes not loading images and some people may not be able to view the image
↬ Step 1: Pick an OC of your choice! From my OCs, that is. Hope that was clear. Anyone from the list. I'll even throw in a little bonus and say that unintroduced OCs are allowed! That means the ones on this list AND ones I may have rambled to to you in a chat we've had.
↬ Step 2: Pick an occasion prompt! The prompts are as follows:
Casual (aka everyday wear, aka their basic character design or an alternate outfit or it)
Battle (this may overlap with either 1. or 3. for some characters, but let's assume they actually get geared up for battle)
Hot weather (your typical summer clothes)
Cold weather (sweaters, winter coats, you name it)
Canon event (may overlap with some other categories, but I made this a separate thing for the lore opportunities it provides) - Make sure to specify what canon event you want!
Stealing clothes - You can include who the character should steal from in your ask, otherwise I will pick the victim myself.
Holiday-themed - Pick your holiday! Any holiday counts.
Fandombend - Pick your fandom! (This will probably come with some headcanons on what the OC would be like in the new fandom)
Inspired by a song - Please, pick a song! Preferably from the OC's playlist. I should have a playlist for almost every OC. Hop into the "#playlist" tag on my blog to find them and, if they're not posted over there anywhere, tap on any playlist that's there, let it take you to my Spotify profile, and hop into the "Character Playlists" folder!
↬ Step 3: If you want, pick an extra prompt! Your options are:
Historical - Please specify your time frame! You don't necessarily have to, but I tend to be an indecisive little gremlin, so it would make things a little easier if you could pick ^^"
Fantasy (This, of course, makes little sense if the OC is already in a fantasy setting)
Sci-fi (Once again, this makes little sense if the OC is already in a sci-fi setting)
Cultural - Please pick a culture for me to take inspiration from! It doesn't have to be a real-life culture. For example, you could pick Japan for some kimono art or you could pick the Kuja from One Piece!
Color prompt - Pick your color! I ask that you do keep it at one color so that I have some more freedom, and I won't take specific hex codes either because those specific hex codes might clash with the OC's color palette
Prompt of your choice - This can be literally anything! Yes, also an occasion, in which case it would replace your original occasion prompt. I just didn't have the space to add in all occasions known to man, so if you have another idea, this is where to put it.
↬ Step 4: Send your ask! Done!
Once you've sent your ask, please keep in mind that it might take me a while to answer it. I'll then make a collage/moodboard and get the ask posted. Maybe, I'll also draw your prompt, depending on if I have the energy and/or time for it. If I plan on doing that, I'll let you know in the post and tag you once I have the drawing finished! I may also be swayed into adding a little fic snippet to the answer, if I do feel so inclined. Maybe a song to match the vibes? It'll be a little surprise!
► Rules:
Be nice! It's not hard, and it's basically all I ask.
This is the one time you might not want to shower me in asks because these asks might take a bit to answer. I'm not putting a cap on how many asks per person you're allowed to send, just maybe be mindful of how long they take to answer and space them out over the time of the event.
I'll be accepting asks from the time that this is posted until March 17th. The event ends with the strike of midnight starting the next day. Whenever that may be in your time zone. As long as it's still 23:59 on March 17th somewhere around the world, send in your ask. I might also extend the event if asks keep coming in and I have the energy to keep going.
↬ Additional info for mutuals: You get to ask for crossovers! Just pick one of my OCs and one of yours and I'll try my best to draw them. I might bother you for references though, so be prepared! It doesn't matter how long we've been mutuals for! It could've been five minutes, you're still allowed to send in crossover asks. As long as we're mutuals, let's say, at the time that the ask is answered, it's all good. In practice, that means that you just need to be following me to be able to send in a crossover request. If you ask nicely and maybe say something about why you'd think why our two children would go well together and we share a fandom, it's very unlikely that I'll deny your request and won't follow you back.
Also, if you've ever wanted to say something about my OCs and/or me and my blog, this might be the perfect time for you to do it.
Okay, that's it for now! Love you, everyone! Here's to more fandom-y shenanigans!
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Also, behold my new non-OC post divider! It features a lineart sketch of my blog icon in the middle! The icon was designed by @benevolenterrancy pretty much exactly two years ago when they realized my old icon was not, in fact, a unicorn. I still go full-on heart-eyes mode whenever I see my icon, so I figured it was time to remind everyone of the amazing artist that created it <3
Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @fluffle-system @wheresmybloodynauglamir @supermarine-silvally @nanukanal @cody-helix02 (I believe this is the first time I've ever used my full taglist, aka the basic taglist plus everyone from fandom-specific taglists - wowie!) - Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed, for specific fandoms or the general list!
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redcomet-stims · 5 months
Hullo internet people, I've decided to make a sideblog to try making stimboards, just wanna keep everything organised :)
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This blog has NO DNI, and will take ALMOST any request you want. With that, though, comes no discourse. Or arguments. I want to make visually stimulating moodboards, not fight with you.
I'm not completely child-safe all the time...but I'm not NSFW at all...I'll take requests with "adult" sources, but won't use blatantly adult content at all :)
Do not expect consistent posting, but I try to post frequently!
Also, if you are requesting a character that isn't from something in my fandoms list, I would prefer you add a theme(s) (or maybe tell me a bit about the character if you so desire 🤫). It's not required, but it would be nice and would help me out! If you don't, I'll be fine though, but I might have a few inaccuracies, may go more off of appearance, or generally may not make something as high-quality as I could. I'll try my best to gather information and make it accurate nevertheless ^^
And just a note: if the things I write on my stimboards don't make sense, are rambly, or sound weird, it's probably because I make pretty much all of my stimboards late at night 😭 I am a massive night owl and like working on them later in the day because I feel like I can focus better on them, but sadly I am also not always the greatest at putting out my thoughts coherently at night 🙏 And yeah my image IDs might not always be the best due to working on them later too
Inbox: 6
Jermbonation (Regretevator) stimboard for anon
Pocoyo (titular character) stimboard with blue, toy blocks, and numbers for anon
Stimboard based on myself(?) for anon
Titanic stimboard with thalassophobia, broken metal, fog, and an anxious theming/aura for anon
Paimon (Genshin Impact) stimboard with orange, brown, and alarm clocks for the anon who requested Centorea Shianus :3
Vinchen Adencia (Guide to Reincarnation) with blue/black, fire, lightning, and combat theming for @/pennyroyald
Requests: Open ^^
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If I forget warnings, I'm so sorry and I'll edit it in as soon as possible.
I don't warn for hands, food, and uncommon phobias, but I will ALWAYS warn for blades/other weapons, medical imagery, gore/blood (fake or not), and flashing images!!!
My older boards don't have alt texts as of the moment!
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Blacklist, whitelist, and fandom list under the cut so that this post doesn't IMMEDIATELY look a mile long!
My blacklist and whitelist! My blacklist is stuff I either don't feel qualified to do or just don't WANT to do. My whitelist is stuff I would love to do or am interested in.
Blacklist (only a few things):
Countryballs/Countryhumans (Hetalia is cool, though ^w^)
Agere/petre boards for fandoms I'm not familiar with or don't have a theme
Shipping real people
Zoophilic, incestuous, or large minor/adult age-gap ships (This rule does not apply to vocal synths, since they usually have no canon.) (Also, if you want to request a ship that falls in this criteria and is from a fandom in my fandoms list, you're free to ask, just know I might decline.)
Anything on my fandoms list, of course
Pride flags
Ships, as long as it's easy to find information on them!
Alterhuman stuff (FYI, alterhumans (fictionkin and otherkin specifically), I'm one of y'all 😁👍)
Real people and V-tubers, as long as it's not in a weird way.
NSFW sources, but only if it would be relatively easy to find SFW pictures
Sources that people usually don't accept (whatever people put on their blacklists all the time, idk. I see Hazbin Hotel and Boyfriend to Death and stuff like that all the time on those lists so stuff like that?)
Niche medias!!! I wanna know!!!
Music-themed boards
Slightly suggestive themes (no sexual nudity involved please why would I want to put that)
Vocaloid/vocal synths in general
Touhou Project
Mobile Suit Gundam
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Cowboy Bebop
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Project Diva
Needy Streamer Overload
Project Sekai
If what you wanted to request doesn't fit the whitelist or fandom list but isn't in the blacklist, STILL feel free to request!!!
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July 24th is National and International Private Investigator day!
About: Since Crimes of Passion II is currently releasing and our MC is a private detective, I thought this could be a great day to celebrate the book and our detectives with @choicesbookclub. However, mysteries are a part of many Choices stories, making our MCs and fave characters private detectives even if unofficially, so this event is now OPEN TO ALL CHOICES BOOKS and characters
How to Participate:
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery + Giveaway with @bayleedrawsx
This is a very open to interpretation event as long as your submission has something do with a mystery, being an investigator, solving a crime, and/or something of that nature it's perfect. You probably have better ideas than I do about how to use this event in your stories/worlds! (Some prompts/ideas to think about below)
* Just tag the blog and I'll share your work: @choicesmonthlychallenge.
* If you are creating for COP, you may also share with @choicesbookclub
I proposed a murder mystery crossover story [here]. In my head it was going to be short and more like a puzzle for you to solve—like, here is the setting, here are the characters, this is the crime, here are the suspects, and this is what happened. When I posted about it initially it was about 1,000 words total. It kind of turned into a full fan fic story at about 5,500 words. I still am posting it as part of the event, but I'll be doing it on my personal blog (@storyofmychoices) since the story and this event kind of got away from me. I still hope it's good and you'll enjoy it!
It will still be posted in smaller sections over the 4 days of this event to give people time to read and hypothesis what happened and who is responsible
Some ideas to get you started
As mentioned initially, there is still a GIVEAWAY!!! (since in my head the first person to solve the mystery would "win"!) @bayleedrawsx has agreed to assist with the giveaway but now you don't have to correctly solve the mystery (especially since the ending has a twist now), you just have to enjoy the ride. Any one who comments on or reblogs with a comment with their theories, thoughts, ideas, ect. will be entered in the giveaway. You can get 1 entry for each part of the story you interact with. (Likes and reblogs without comments do not count).
There will be 3 winners: 1 (one) winner will get a 2 character minimalist commission with Baylee and 2 (two) seperate winners will get a 1 character minimalst commission with Baylee.
create a dossier for one of your characters [Template Here]
create a business card, social media edit, advertisement for your detective (whether they are official or it's just a hobby)
create a detective/investigation fic, moodboard, edit, etc.
create a crossover event [some ideas here]
explore the every day mysteries your character might investigate (friend's secret crush/relationship, who ate the last cookie, trying to find the missing items (sock, shoes, pen, keys, glasses, etc), tracking down a secret recipe)
are any of your MCs, OCs, and/or LIs addicted to the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries channel? If so, what's their guilty pleasure?
did mysteries or detective stories play a role in your MCs / OCs lives when they were children (or later)? Did they ever play pretend? Did they have a favorite author?
create a newspaper/magazine edit/article about a mystery in your characters world and how it was solved (maybe it's a real case, or maybe it's a medical case, or something else)
find a detective/investigation/mystery story to use as a basis for @choicesprompts 's Rewrite Challenge
All creative work is accepted (writing, text fics, social media posts, moodboards, edits, art, songs, head canons, etc)
Use the read more/keep reading tool to prevent long posts
Please tag anything that is NSFW and/or triggering appropriately
Minors, please be responsible and DNI with posts labeled 18+/NSFW
You can combine your submission for this event with the Book Club if it is COP related and with any other events happening in the fandom.
have fun
be kind
This event is kind of a hot mess and I apologize! I really don't know what I thought I was doing lol
Got ideas, prompts, suggestions? Please LMK!
All thoughts and additions welcome!
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