#and i'm eternally grateful that i took the time to study his work
fidgetspringer · 10 months
Been doing a lot of Leyendecker studies the last year, which is something I think anyone learning human anatomy should do, and I noticed something he did that really helped me out, so i'm gonna point it out real quick.
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Leyendecker is a master at breaking things down into easily readable shapes, and he has a way of drawing heads that is really, really clever; the line that makes up the back of the head is parallel to the line of the forehead.
Both lines are just a sweep that mirror each other. The top of the head is either a curve connecting those lines, or a series of smaller lines that together form a curve.
Idk if this makes as much sense to anyone else as it did me, but when I spotted this it changed the way I thought of the shape of a head completely.
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count for him ; 18+
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requested by ; somekindofshadowcreature
word count ; 1339
content ; spanking/pain play, semi-public sex acts, implied desk sex (stops just before penetration), dom!eclair cookie
fandom ; cookie run
pairing ; eclair cookie x cis male!reader
read also on ; ao3
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
Eclair had been married to his job since long before the two of you had met, always being the first person in and the last person to leave. Eagerly accepting overtime and extra shifts at the museum whenever the opportunities arose in order to further engross himself in his studies of the dragons and warriors of bygone eras — and teach others in Parfaedia about it as well, sharing his passions with such glee that it was contagious.
Though his palpable excitement and eagerness to seek out first hand accounts of these ancient times often led to him spending months meticulously restoring old manuscripts and piecing together old tomes and artwork from those periods alongside the help of conservators. Work that required his complete focus and dedication. Work that required long days and longer nights spent communicating with his colleagues and researching and communicating new findings and rinse and repeat for what felt like an eternity.
So that left you to make sure he took care of himself and actually took advantage of the scheduled breaks provided to him by the museum. That he didn’t work himself to the bone through his lunch break and rested his eyes for longer than it took him to blink.
Which brought you to now: leaning against the frame of his open doorway, arms crossed disapprovingly across your chest as you looked between your watch and your still very much so working boyfriend. 12pm sharp — the start of his hour lunch break and a time where you should have been able to stroll into his office and spend some much needed time with him.
Should being the operative word there.
An operative that didn’t at all reflect the reality of your situation like it never did these days — and you were sick and tired of it. So, without further ado, you strode purposefully towards his desk and swivelled his chair around to face you, reaching around him to carefully mark and close the book he was looking at.
You’d be damned if you let him miss another break.
"Dear, what are you doing here? I have some very important documents to review and -"
"The documents you've been reviewing since yesterday?" You sighed and leaned down to peck him on the lips. "You've been working nonstop for the past month — do you even know what time it is right now?"
"Of course I do!" He huffed, rolling his eyes. "It's, um..."
"It's 12:03, hun." You finished flatly, raising an eyebrow at his demeanour. "You need to take a break, like immediately. No ifs, ands or buts."
"And you're going to enforce that how, exactly?" He asked with a sarcastic roll of his eyes. "Besides," he reached behind himself, hand groping blindly for the documents he was scanning, "the work I'm doing is of the upmost importance to our research into the Great Flour War — this could be groundbreaking, you know. And I think it's about time you start acting a little bit more grateful for the work I do to support this establishment and us."
"That work is meaningless if I never get to see you, babe!" You insisted, throwing your arms up in the air in an exasperated gesture. "You're constantly working and I get that this means a lot, but you need to take a break for your own sanity,"
At that he paused and just stared at you for a moment, one hand slowly reaching up to adjust his monocle as he trailed his eyes up and down your body. Taking in your frustrated expression, your tense posture and everything else about you until he smiled in that knowing way he often did and reached up to grab your wrist.
"I understand what you're saying now, dear," he began, tone light and lilting with something you couldn't quite place, before he suddenly pulled you down in such a way that you landed forwards across his lap, "but that doesn't mean you can get away with disturbing my research. This is incredibly important, you know — and I know that you do — and I can't afford to leave so many relics and manuscripts going undocumented and untranslated. It would be unprofessional, to say the very least."
You opened your mouth to question him, but the words died on your tongue when he moved and pulled your trousers and underwear down to your knees — exposing your ass and thighs to the cold air of his office. His office with the door to the adjoining hallway still wide open and exposing exactly what you were doing to any of your colleagues who happened to poke their heads in or walk past at the wrong moment. His office with windows that spanned from the floor to the ceiling with a perfect view of the gardens below and that were cracked open just enough that you could hear the visitors outside enjoying their meals and playing the games your employer had recently invested in.
His office where you were entirely exposed and completely at your boyfriend’s mercy — and by the way his warm hand was caressing the swell of your ass, you gathered that he wasn’t feeling particularly merciful. So you braced yourself and grasped at the edge of the desk to steady yourself, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for the imminent strikes against your backside — startled by his voice as he called out a single instruction.
“Count for me — be as clear as you can.”
And then your ‘punishment’ began.
The first strike was to the meat of your left thigh, the impact startling you and causing your body to tense before you were able to gasp out a single phrase 'one'. And, pleased with your compliance, your boyfriend took a moment to soothe the area with a few slow rubs of his palm and a chaste kiss before he continued on.
The next was to your right thigh and, like before, you tensed and gasped but still managed to count for him. Consistently willing to do as you were told, and that earned you more soothing — his soft lips, his oddly gentle touch, his words of praise.
Praise and teasing that continued and punctuated each strike and number as he moved to your ass — right, then left — and then went back down to your thighs. Left, right, right, left. Each collision equally sharp and hard and leaving your skin stinging in their wake — yet, somehow, causing your cock to harden and twitch as he went on.
"You're being so receptive, I'm impressed,"
"If only you could see yourself like this, darling, it really is a treat,"
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you wanted to be caught,”
“Don’t quieten down on my account, you make the most wonderful sounds,”
And so on until your ass and thighs were on fire and the tip of your cock was leaking and you’d counted well into the double digits — reaching thirty before he finally relented. Your eyes welling up with unshed tears from the overwhelming mixture of pain and pleasure as he soothed your stinging skin with gentle rubbing and quiet shushing.
“You did so well, darling,” he began, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to the swell of your ass, “I’m impressed.”
The praise and the implications behind it had you smiling shyly to yourself, lips parting to respond before you were cut off by him helping you to your feet and guiding you to sit on the top of his desk. Only able to gasp from the shock of the cold before he rushed forwards and pressed his lips against yours, one hand wandering down to tug his hard length out of his robes as he spoke up once again. His words making your mouth run dry and your dick jump with the promise of proper pleasure that hung from his tone.
“Now let’s see if you can keep quiet for just a bit longer; we don’t want my colleagues to see you like this, do we?”
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mysweetgirl2-love · 2 years
Hanging on His Every Word - Kaeya x Reader
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(A/N): Ah, Kaeya. The Calvary Captain, whatta guy.
This prompt ending up falling on the perfect character in my list, I'd argue. It fell on his name and I was like "Great. Beautiful. Love love him to be whispering just ... everything in my ear." God, talk about a tease, right? I hope you enjoy the emphasis on tease I put on him in this oneshot. I think my brain tried making it a little angstier at one point because 🤪 plot??? But, not enough to make it surrounded with angst. Genshin characters are really hard to write, I've come to realize. I wish I knew them all a little better, but reading every five-part backstory is a lil intimidating t.b.hONEST- so I hope this suffices ^^" I also have been reading other one shots on Tumblr and realize people put warnings even if it's a soft one shot, so I'm gonna start doing that 🤩 just cuz' I feel a little foolish if that's what people are worried about here. Hope you enjoy the oneshot!! Here's to the alluring knight of Favonious, shudders.
Prompt #9: Whispering Sweet Nothings
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings:(None! Unless whispering into your ear makes you uncomfortable??? But, that's the prompt for this day so ehhh maybe next time ;u;)
Living in a teapot didn’t seem so comforting in the beginning, the idea of a cramped space like that being utilized as a home seemed… for lack of a better word, unfit. Yet, after some help from Chubby and encouragement from your team, you actually were able to spiffy the place up appropriately for your needs.
The outside closely resembled the Liyue nation you had recently traveled through—the sun always golden in a constant lowering within the sky. It lit your surrounding, glass china which encased world in brightened gold, a direct replicant of the sunsets you had since observed against the Liyue skyline. The ones you’d found yourself basking in with your teammates, and now one you could show the other team members who all now resided here. Or, at least had another home to confide in outside of their dwellings across Teyvat.
You weren’t one to usually spend much more than a few minutes, or so, within your teapot’s domain. Not that you didn’t like the space, there was just too much to also be done in the real world towards completing your adventures that finding time for the teapot was difficult. Chubby assured you not to ever worry about the wellbeing of the realm, and he would be happy in keeping its upkeep in your absence. Nevertheless, your lack of nurturing the teapot would always spawn some anxiety.
Tonight was actually a night you were able to seek out the time and rest in your home. Recently, you had called upon Lisa to help you appropriately furnish the home you were gifted to make the place actually live-able. She had picked out a couch and surrounding table and chairs for your entry room, making the hall to left hold a kitchen, a closet, and a study. The librarian still was determined to help with the opposing hallway, but for now you were appreciative of the space for a study she had currently built.
More than appreciative, especially with the fact she so took to heart making the place feel like a real home for the companions like her who liked comfortable downtime, you were eternally grateful for the authority she took in her interior design. She definitely felt prideful in her work, and you felt she was rightly entitled to. It was cozy, welcoming, and let you take on less of a job for once.
Currently, basking in that forever setting sun from outside your window, you were curled over the dark oak of your desk—a worn notebook laid out before you with scribbled writings marking the lines in frantic thoughts and recollection of your day. The interactions you had, the importance of items you had picked up along the way, mapping out waypoints and why they held certain importance. Anything that came to mind, it was marked down, and now you were simply paused to try and wrack your brain for anything more. 
So engrossed in your trying to remember what had happened through your earlier afternoon, you weren’t tuned into your surroundings like usual. Not that you would necessarily need to be worried of what’s around you, it was here where you were supposed to trust in the security of your surroundings. That was the whole point, right?
To true enemies, yes; that would always remain fact in this plane. What the rule didn’t apply to was your acquired comrades from over the journey—those who loved to antagonize only being an objection to your found peace in this evening. And, it was him who now descended on your space, careful to not make much noise as he entered your study and proceeding his silent approach behind you.
You remained unsuspecting, much to his amusement, and quickly from there he finally made himself known in the quiet room. He wasn’t quick to speak, but swiftly his hands grabbed gently at your shoulders which he further used to pull himself up and slightly over your back. You gasped at the sudden ‘attack’ instilled against you, your face flying to look up and confront the oncoming person—gaze dulling at who you found.
“I should’ve known better.” you scoffed irritably, throwing the hands off your shoulders with a quick yank of your upper half, “You must think you’re so funny, don’t you?”
“Haha, a little~” The man behind you finally spoke up, his purr of a laugh eliciting the butterflies in your stomach to flutter up a storm, “What? You’re trying to tell me this wasn’t a good surprise?”
“Not at all, Alberich.” You snappily quipped in his direction, waving your hand dismissively over your shoulder. “Would you buzz off? I’m a little busy right now…”
“Really.” He didn’t obey, flopping over towards the space of desk next to your arms; still determined to see what you’re working on. “Writing in your little diary about me?”
Your head fell towards the page, baffled at the Calvary knight’s persistence to keep you irritated. 
“I tease, doll…” Kaeya hummed from beside you, his one eye flicking over to the paper again and pushing his head closer, “I am curious, though.”
“Well, you’re going to be disappointed when I still tell you…” your fingers slipped under the notebook’s cover, flipping it up and letting the pages slap shut against one another, “no.”
“Oh, please,” Suddenly the book was snatched away entirely, Kaeya holding it to dangle between two fingers tauntingly over your head. “like your no is gonna stop me.”
“Kaeya.” You growled, your arm flashing out to try and grab the book away from him, “Give it back.”
“Mmm-noo,” He took a lumbering step away from the desk then, grabbing the book by one of its covers and letting it hang by its spine. “I’ll take my time with this novel, I think.”
“Kaeya!” You leapt from your chair, almost being caught in the falling backwards of the piece of furniture. “It’s not funny! Give it back!”
The man paused to throw a glance your way, the gleam in his gaze and twist of his mouth clearly showing you how much he was enjoying this game of cat and mouse he so quickly enforced. What joy he found in that irritated scowl you held so prominently for him. But, he also knew you through other expressions—and could clearly see what differed even now in the face of your irritation.
From darker circles around your eyes, a new scar or two from your travels and the violence you often challenged, the lack of vitality in your being with maybe how tired your body grew over time. He registered this in his heart, and suddenly the grin fell from his lips and settled in a hesitant frown.
“…Fine,” He sighed, bringing the book back forward—you taking a beat and snatching it out of his fingers before he could think twice on his decision.
Kaeya scoffed a soft laugh at your desperation, not being able to help himself, you then clutching the diary against your chest. With his hand still lifted, he flicked his fingers into a snippy wave as though to brush you off in the other direction. You frowned with his dismissal of this entire interaction, suddenly; you stepping out in his path to make him pause.
“What?” You ask, your voice having an edge that showed you weren’t going to let him lie his way out of this one.
“Nothing, it’s nothing…” He sighed, almost dejected as he further turned away, “just… you look tired.”
You were speechless in the wake of his commentary, confusion quickly flooding itself through the rest of your emotions as he continued in his now exiting of the room.
“Woah, woah, woah, hold up.” You suddenly are tripping over yourself to reach out and grab him, “I asked you to give me my book back, not that you had to leave.”
“Ah,” he finally paused and returned his attention to you at the sense of your touch, “I guess that would be true, wouldn’t it?”
“So…?” You nodded up with your chin, urging him to speak, “What was that, just then?”
Kaeya’s light tease subdued at the question, the knight’s gaze falling as though he were suddenly beside himself. “I just thought I don’t need to be taking away from your time alone. That’s all.”
Your frown only deepened at that, a light squeeze from you against his wrist brought his head back up—his one eye revealing more to you than maybe necessary. On the rare occasion, and really only with you, the man before you arguably appeared to feel guilty. 
“I mean… sure, I’ve had a long journey thus far and enjoy the quiet moments when they come. But…” You shrug your shoulders indifferently, “It’s no problem if you’re quiet and respectful.”
It was meant to be a little bit more of a jest than you trying to comfort him, but he seemed to appreciate the effort you gave in making him feel welcomed even after he had been so adamant on messing around with you. You were too kind to him when it came to things like that, in his eyes. Also understanding, that was half the fun of having first been sneaking around with one another—it all starting on a stealth mission in Mondstat when he couldn’t help but tease at you beneath him, simultaneously pinning you both to a wall in an attempt to stay out of sight from your target. That moment changing the course of your relationship entirely, as it probably would anyone’s. 
“Haha, I barely know the definitions of those words…” He chuckled, turning back towards you and stepping in the direction of your smaller frame. “Teach them to me?”
“Woah, buddy…” You chuckled, your breath a little short with how intimate the space had suddenly become, “I’m a partner, not your dictionary.”
“Mmm, two birds with one stone?” His voice was next to your head, breath washing over the side of your ear, “Why not be both?~”
“Kaeya…” You managed to say through a building pressure you then realized was starting to build in your chest, as if the air was thin with how you felt so closed in against him.
“The definition, doll…” He purred the instruction into your ear, knowing exactly how his voice was affecting you.
“Quiet,” you shuddered, his hand in your wrist now twisting to grab at yours while you spoke, “the-the opposite of what you’re doing now.”
A quiet chuckle and squeeze at your wrist was the response you received, and it only was urging you to continue. You bit on the tip of your tongue to keep from being snarky again, a rebelling glare hardening itself against your features. 
“Respectful… showing respect for a person.”
“That’s cheating,” his voice resounded in a deeper register, more a growl this time around, “try again.”
“Kaeya…” you whined, your hand leaving his grip and placing itself against his chest in trying to push him off. It was evidently no use, his stature stagnant before you. 
He dipped his head evidently closer towards your ear, a hushed uttering against your ear, “Enlighten me, little one.”
Your head flew up at his calling, a wide eyed stare being your only reaction for the time being. Blinking furiously, you had to will yourself into giving him some better answer, the other half of your mind pleading to let him continue. Wanting desperately to hear what more he could say, that half hanging on his every word. You shoved him into a stagger with how your strength struck at him this time around, needing both him and your own opposing thoughts to be silenced in that way.
“You need to stop that.” You announced while he laughed obnoxiously over your head, his own falling back in a resounding cackle much to your dismay. “It’s not that funny!”
“Ah, yes it is. When this is your reaction?” He craned back forward, you not being able to stop him in time before his nose gently touched against the tip of yours, a light brushing of faces between the two of you. “Besides, I can’t call on you in an endearing title?~” 
“I—Well, can it be a nicer one?” You hummed in return, you cautiously watching him above you and how his features rested. The point of contact appearing to make him ease. You frowned at the expression on his face, not loving how it alleviated your tension and heightened your yearning of the knight. It caused the tone of your voice to ease and your expression fall into one of subdued defeat.
As usual, he read you better than anyone you’d already grown accustomed to and saw right through your request. His gloved hand raised to your cheek, and his own appearance changed into something more endearing. Like he were nurturing the world at his fingertips, and in his case he knew he was. You had become everything for him in the span of a few months you now had spent together, all while becoming that more familiarized with the other. Most definitely in ways you never imagined would be possible with someone like him—and in that thought, he too was shocked to have wooed someone like you into loving even those darker aspects about him.
Circling back on your question, the man shook his head. “No… I don’t think it’s inherently rude in any way. You’re just being picky.”
“Wow.” You huffed, not being able to stop the smile that then grinned across your face, “What am I going to do with you.”
“Hmm,” Kaeya seemed to ponder the question for a moment, but ultimately his eyes fell back to the desk and he was nodding towards your abandoned journal that not lay flat on the corner of the small table, “I guess I’d still appreciate being enlightened on what you’ve written in there?”
You turned over your shoulder in following his direction, straining a frown at the idea of rereading your thoughts out loud. “It’s really nothing interesting… just travel detailings, puzzle solutions I want to try… the normal scheming for an adventurer.”
“Exactly why I wish to know about your journey’s recollections.” He sounded a matter-of-factly above you, “I’m sure I can help problem solve a few things for when you go back.” 
The hands that once shoved against his chest were now resting on the biceps of his arm, and you squeezed at the arms against your palms in knowing he would ultimately get what he want. You had a hard enough time telling him a straight no when he was teasing, the genuine curiosity he now displayed making an objection to his want arguably impossible. 
“…Fine, okay. You win.” You relented suddenly, slouching forward and pushing your head into his chest. He made a soft hissing yes in success of his wants being met, you tensely turning up and huffing at the eye-patched fighter while he reached over to retrieve the book. 
“Thank you, my love.” He chuckled, hoping the display of appreciation was clear enough in more than just his words, him further reaching your work of writing up in your direction. “Please. I’m dying to hear about your travels in my absence.”
Quietly, you gave the book a once over before taking it tentatively in your grasp; quietly than cracking the cover open in reading what was first in the writing. That quiet plead of his made your heart burn all the more, and you grinned in looking back to him.
“Where do I begin?” You chuckled, the man taking your hips and pacing back towards the chair at your desk. He hoisted himself down but only while positioning you in-between his legs, pushing you then to rest easy before him.
“Wherever you deem fit, little one.” He hummed, his thumb stroking at your clothed side making the goosebumps race along your arm.
“Ah, well…” You turned a page or two where your writings first started, pointing at the first word for you to recall a little of what you had already written, “I think that first day in exploring Mondstat works then, yes?”
Kaeya’s warmed face somehow grew to seem more sincere, and he quietly nodded, “That sounds absolutely perfect to me.”
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Hi sunshine! I missed talking to you so much and even though you said I don't have to apologize I feel terribly sorry to take such a long time to reach you back 😔
I'm really late but I wanted to wish you all the happiness and love this year has to offer. I keep you in my thoughts and I hope you and your loved ones are doing well during these hard times. I'm also really proud of how much you and your blog have achieved during your time here on Tumblr. I've always known, even when I first found your blog, that with your kindness, sweetness and talent you would have gone far. You deserve every inch of what you have reached and even more! I'll always be grateful to you for keeping me company and for making me feel better even at my lowest ❤️
After all this time, you're still a model to me, someone I admire and I aspire to become like. I love you with all my heart 💖 ~[🧸]
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Kermit was me when I woke up to your ask in my inbox, my dearest 🧸 anon!!! I'm sorry I took so long to reply, and I'm sure you're already awake by the time you see this. I hope your day is going well!! <3
I missed talking to you too, my dear! But don't worry, you don't have to apologise at all!! I hope you're recovering well after your surgery and you're spending loads of quality time with your family, friends, and loved ones 😌✨️ don't worry about not reaching out too!!! I'll always be here no matter where you go (*^^*)
Thank you so much for your kind words my sweet 🧸!!! I wish the same for you and your family as well, and that you'll be happy and healthy in 2023!! You're always in my thoughts too, and I'm always hoping for the best for you!! 💕
I'm eternally grateful to you for supporting me since the very beginning when my blog was still nothing. You're one of my longest and earliest followers, and I'm so thankful to have you on my tumblr journey 😭❤️ your kind words and encouragement helped me through the tough times as well, and your companionship made me feel better when I felt like I was all alone. I hope my blog, my work, and my presence continue to comfort you when you need me, and I'll always be here for you too. I'm so grateful that you came across my blog and my work a long time ago, and I'll forever treasure this amazing bond we have!
Even now, I'm still in awe when you tell me that I'm your model and that you want to be like me 🥺✨️ I still can't believe that I have this kind of influence over people haha. Thank you for believing in me, and I hope that my blog and my work continue to make you proud and happy too!!
I love you very much too, my 🧸 anon!! 💖
Some more verbal diarrhoea and life update for you under the cut XD
I was scrolling through our old conversations, and you mentioned playing sim city and animal crossing. Well guess what?? My bf and I got a switch before Christmas, and guess who is playing animal crossing too!!!! I'm still a beginner and I'm still building my island lol, but I'm having so much fun!! It's so much less stressful than cities skylines LMAO, I love animal crossing so much 🥺
I don't know if you know, but this year, I organised Happy Birthday Levi for the second year round!!!! It was hard trying to manage an event all by myself again, and I was so stressed and worried because it wasn't getting as much attention and traction compared to last year's. But I'm so thankful to have supportive writer friends who helped take some pressure off my shoulders by writing more than one work for my event!! I'm glad I organised this event again this year to celebrate Levi's birthday! I'm not sure if I want to bring this back again this year, but... we'll see!!
I'm still trying my best to juggle work, studying, and writing, but I'm so excited for my new semester!! I got the modules I want and I'm looking forward to classes lmao. I'm also strangely motivated to want to study hard and do well because I did study harder in my previous semester and my GPA improved 😂😂 he ain't real, but I can totally imagine Levi being extremely happy and proud of me for putting in the effort haha.
I hope life is treating you well my dear 🧸, and I can't wait to hear more from you too!!! Please take care, drink more water, get enough sleep, and eat your fruits and veggies!! I love you very very much xoxo 💖
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persephoneyss · 3 years
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x f! Reader. Ft. Bts.
Genre: Yandere, dark themes, anguish, suspense.
Summary: ❝We are doomeds, wandering in eternal suffering.❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, stalking / stalking on cameras, humiliation, unspecified forced marriage, n*n-c*n explicit sexual relations (on the reader), abuse of power, implicit murder, drug use, kidnapping, hitting, manipulation, dating previous trauma, alcoholism and depression (in Yoongi), accusations of infidelity, dub-con (in Yoongi's case), the reader is in school but is of legal age, death threats, really strange facts. Possibly this would qualify as dark fantasy since everything is so unrealistic.
Number of words: 10,000+
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︙Author's note: *sighs* This is the longest fic I've ever written, and I honestly don't know how it turned out because I didn't read it twice like I always do before publishing it. But my beautiful baby helped me correct, I hope you enjoy it and please read the warnings well, I do not want lawsuits. Thanks for being here!
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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If they ever had to ask the reality of events it would be ... Unbelievable. Thinking of how just a simple action changes everything in an already established and perfect environment.
A life.
Your minutes, hours and days were the same under your criteria and eyesight, you study in the mornings, you work in the afternoons and you attend to your homework at night. It was a good routine that used to be repetitive at times, it was fun to follow, even more so in your part-time job.
You could meet many people working in one of the best cafes in the city, your classmate insisted too many times that you work with her saying that could recommend you and you should not even pass a test, they would only accept you for her.
It was a good opportunity and you accepted it with a smile, although she was long gone from work, you were still grateful for the good salary and health insurance that they gave you every month.
"An American coffee with a spoon of sugar and a green tea cake with cream on top." Your mouth and hand move in sync, the client nods silently. You smile, pointing out other details before asking what name you would give the order.
With a sigh, he name came out like a gust of light wind. "Min... Min Yoongi."
You write his name on the screen, the little receipt paper comes out of the machine. You hand it to him by brushing his hand with yours, strangely cold and pale. A chill runs through you but you ignore it, continuing with your work.
"Good Morning _____!" One of the employees greets you kindly, you correspond still concentrated on serving the mysterious stranger's coffee. "Do you have a request for me?"
"Oh, uh... Yeah, this is for table four."
Yun smiles taking the tray with Yoongi's coffee and cake, arriving at his table. The man's expression can be dazzled even under his black mask that covers half of his face, his eyes look for you before colliding with you. YYou refuse to play along, continuing with your work, you had a lot to do and wasting time flirting wouldn't really help you make money.
However, it became pointless trying to ignore him when he kept coming back day after day. Week after week. Tormenting your head, Yoongi was not the first nor the last handsome man you would see coming often, your work establishment was literally in a strategic area and not cheap, you knew that many men and women with money frequented them to drink a coffee or eat some delicacy, even sometimes they only came in to sit for a few hours attending to their affairs over the phone.
It was fine, it was comfortable. You weren't expecting too much, sitting behind a counter, always having to fake a smile despite being tired.
Perhaps it was the constant visits that led you to start a conversation with him. You had about an hour of rest, you prefer to spend those few moments sitting in front of the window of the premises eating any cake that was a few days before expiring to avoid paying for consumption, you felt comfortable in that place that seemed so far from all the other clients.
Until his voice interrupted once, he seemed as calm as ever. His gaze lost from you elsewhere avoiding making contact with you, nervous apparently. His rough and austere tone was changed to a bolder and lower one, asking if he could sit next to you for a few minutes.
"Sure, sit down... he's not busy." It was your answer without having any problem in sharing your place so secret, so comfortable. It was still just as safe even with him present.
And in much the same way, everything became a silent routine. You heeded his order, you took your rest next to him and then you both left at one point. The talks became more common, he being the first to ask about such insignificant things as the rise in the market in the country and how prices should start to rise in coffee as well.
You laughed, you really did it by getting his attention and sharing your reaction.
They both started laughing at how strange it all started, and it was always the perfect anecdote to tell their friends about how they met.
Everything was perfect, like a painting by a great artist, what you would see would be beautiful and cheerful colors, adorning both of you possibly holding hands with a smile and a loving expression from the man who was now your partner. Her pale skin and angelic face represented on beautiful thin paper, presented to the world as a painting that reflected a symbol of love between two souls met in a casual cafe and who wanted each other so much. Too much.
Yoongi was the clear representation of an ethereal person, casual and elegant, polite and kind, protective but not possessive. Simply to the target.
Your routine didn't change much after starting your relationship, you kept walking to your school in the mornings, you attended the cafeteria in the afternoons and you rested at night. Perhaps the only significant thing that you would get out of your boring schedule was your boyfriend's proposal about moving with him to the house of his best friend, almost a brother as he described it, and avoiding paying for your little apartment. You had made one and a thousand excuses, making Yoongi shut them all up.
"Jin is my brother, he would never take advantage of us. I already mentioned the proposal, about you... I have been living there for a few weeks, I assure you that you will be like family."
Your face relaxed for a few seconds, you had abandoned that feeling and sensation long ago since you moved from your home in your native country. Your mother used to call you every night but little by little that habit was lost, she also had her own problems and being aware of you as if you were a child was ridiculous.
"It's fine." It was your final decision, nervously you moved your hands in the air explaining what you would not accept.
Do not invade your privacy.
You had spent days thinking about how to introduce yourself to them, because apparently there would be more than just Jin, Yoongi and you in that house. Your things were scattered in boxes, you stood in the middle of the almost empty room still nervous about meeting new people and friends of your boyfriend.
That they were now family. Literally family.
The moving truck was parked in front of a large house, it had two stories and an incredibly large garden. More like a forest than an ordinary garden, you got out of the car trying to clean your clothes as much as possible and look presentable. Although it was difficult when your whole body was covered in dust after lifting the boxes.
"I'm not ready, Yoon." You say, containing your anxiety that vibrates to the surface of the skin within you.
Her hand gently brushed your cheek, giving you a bit of reassurance. "You look beautiful, they will accept you anyway." Her lips came up to yours, giving you a quick and soft kiss. "I just remember that I love you, and I know all my brothers will too because you are perfect."
You thanked the little compliment in a whisper, the door of the house opened just after the two of them left, you automatically showed a friendly smile approaching the first person to leave. He was a tall and rather handsome man, he seemed very well dressed to be indoors on a Sunday, more like he was going out to an important business meeting. He looked flawless and elegant.
"The suit was not necessary, Nam!" Shouted your boyfriend behind you mocking, the man laughed showing all the charm of him to your eyes.
"I'm Namjoon, Yoongi's friend. Nice to meet you... _____, right?"
"Yes, it's me. Sorry to see me so disastrous, it was a tiring day with the move."
Namjoon seemed like a very nice and incredibly understanding guy, his presence made you want to meet your boyfriend's other friends. You opened the door entering the house after Yoongi asked you to find your room to start carrying the other things, Namjoon stayed behind to help him, leaving you alone on your unknown route. You walk all over the place and you are surprised that you only walked through the living room, your eyes straying to a noise in the kitchen.
You ignore it, continuing your way up, you read every name on the doors. Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. All written brilliantly on each different door, you walk a few steps to one that says your name and you thank it with a sigh.
You weren't surprised by how big it was, everything inside that place seemed to be exorbitant and out of the ordinary.
"Oh, it must be you." You are surprised to hear a voice behind you, you turn around in fear before remaining calm. You recognized her face from a photo Yoongi had on her phone.
"Jimin?" You ask with fear of being wrong.
"It's me, it's nice to finally meet you. Jin-hyung said you're moving in a few days, I didn't think it would be so soon." His voice seemed to be calm but there was a hidden question. Why? Why were you there?
You take a few uncomfortable steps back. "It really was, but ... I thought it would be better to do it today that I don't have classes, plus Yoongi doesn't work this day and it seemed like the right thing to do. I'm sorry if bother you."
"No you don't. it's okay, Welcome." With that one simple word he left.
You thought you would have a longer talk with him but you weren't expecting too much, they didn't even know each other and you plan to chat with him like they were old acquaintances. Well, naive.
It seemed strange to you that no one else showed up in the whole house, even when you were uploading the last boxes of the move no one seemed to be a little curious to meet you. Aside from the already friendly Namjoon and the reserved Jimin.
"Yoon" You get his attention, he smiles at you taking the sheets out of your suitcase and making your makeshift bed ready for the night. "Do your friends work today?"
"I guess so, they really don't spend a lot of time together or at home." Explain without noticing your downcast face. You nod, putting the issue aside and concentrating your eyes on arranging your clothes. "Hey... Okay, you can meet them all at dinner today."
Your chest clenches in anguish, "Dinner?!"
"Yes, darling. It's the only time they meet all day, when Jin-hyung cooks for us especially on days like these where we have pleasant surprises."
You purse your lips annoyed, Yoongi smiles kissing your forehead so carefully and lovingly that it melts your senses. The mere presence of him made you want to continue with him forever, you relax for a few seconds hugging his body in silence. They both stay like this, with nothing to say but telling each other everything at the same time.
The thought of ever letting go scares you.
You wait several hours, still sitting in the same place where Yoongi left you. You should be presentable for dinner, you take a quick shower before running to change into a nice comfortable dress, you try not to overdo it but also not show disinterest. From the stairs you hear everyone's mixed voices, chatting animatedly.
"Honey, come here." Yoongi watches you, being the only one to notice that you were peeking in the shadows still unsure of interrupting.
You say hello by walking a few steps until you reach your boyfriend's side, you present yourself the best you can. Everyone falls silent, Namjoon smiles at you just like he did before. Jin interrupts the moment where no one seemed to have anything to say about you, or if he wants to want to introduce himself.
"Today we have a special guest, the dear girlfriend of our brother. I introduce myself, I am Jin the official cook of this family." His body bends down with an exaggeratedly long bow, proud of his words. Jimin rolls his eyes, while his other siblings just choose to tease. "On Yoongi's orders we made her favorite dish, so I don't want any complaints of any kind about the food. I'm looking at you Jungkook."
You are surprised how well everything is going, you feel praised when your favorite food is in front of you. She looked just as elegant, as if you were eating in a five-star restaurant and at a luxurious table with silk tablecloths.
Jungkook still stayed away from the talks, preferring to eat quietly and fiddle with his phone. Hoseok was more animated, asking about you and exaggerating anecdotes that happened with his childhood friends. He moved you that he will still remember all that after years. Namjoon vaguely drew your attention with book recommendations when you commented on your love of reading, Jin quietly continued eating in complete tranquility, Jimin thanked the food and just left.
Taehyung... He seemed interesting to you, he was looking at you all the time with narrowed eyes and when Jimin got up and walked away, he followed closely with a small and almost hidden smile.
You had a strange feeling inside what they called home.
"I-I... I need to use the bathroom." You say goodbye by wiping your lips with a napkin before quickly walking behind them both. Something attracted you to want to know more, as if they were leaving clues knowing that curiosity killed the cat and that you wanted to be the one.
Your steps were quiet, even more so when you tried not to be noticed . You went upstairs listening to their voices whispering and then... An obscene moan was clearly heard, Jimin seemed to laugh in the air.
Your hands shook thinking of opening the door and seeing what was happening. And without knowing it, you had fallen into the same network of attraction as them.
You curse yourself biting your tongue and cheek until they bleed, sure that you were going to make a big and heavy mistake. Minutes later you are going down the stairs back to the table but no one is waiting for you anymore, the table was just as spotless and clean. You are pleasantly surprised to learn that they don't treat you like a guest and that they don't wait too long for you. Maybe they had things to do, however you feel a chill when silence comes.
Where were?
You look around the yard, but no one is outside. Neither in the kitchen and less in the room where you had already walked twice. You catch the sound of drums in your ears rumbling loudly, you close your eyes in a daze for a few seconds until in an instant it goes away, and then everything comes back to itself. You hear their voices upstairs, chatting animatedly for the second time.
"Where were you sweetie? Are you okay?"
You nod still confused. How did they... When was that... You were really fine? You refuse to fall into paranoia and lie down next to Yoongi, as they continue their conversation with each other. Your head keeps spinning with the fresh memories you have, but they seem to disappear second by second and it scares you, you open your eyes without wanting to fall asleep yet but it is as difficult as breathing.
You fall into the dark abyss of sleep, feeling the same chill.
Your gaze is lost in the gray sky, you are cold and your body is swaying. Your eyes move restlessly observing that you are under the snow and a person holds you in his arms through the forest, walking at a slow and safe pace.
It's fine. Are you okay.
Wake up. Yoongi greets you from the door of your now room, you try to regulate your breathing thinking that he would notice your overwhelmed state and he would worry, but no. He is as calm as ever, relaxed even.
"Good morning beautiful, it's time for breakfast. Jin-hyung made your favorite." And with that last sentence she is shifting away, closing the door behind he.
You go down the stairs ready to go, your backpack resting on your shoulder. The table is just as full as at dinner, Jimin seemed very tired trying not to fall asleep, you watch him for a few seconds before looking at Taehyung who ignores you taking his cup of ... Coffee. You approach making him recoil alarmed and disgusted, you check the cup realizing that it is the same recipe that you use in the cafeteria.
Like them?
You look up noticing that, you were uncomfortable, Taehyung takes a few steps away from your body almost leaning against his, still sitting in his chair. You apologize to him making me sigh irritated, still ashamed you apologize again without eating or serving anything, just leaving through the front door.
Your journey is reflective. You forget, dream and recognize, that was the pattern you were following, everything seemed so strange and deep down gloomy, you feel the already casual chill running through your entire body almost like a warning.
Your seat in class was empty waiting, ready for you. Ari greets you, being your table companion and friend.
"Hey, intense night?" She jokes, you look shaking his head. She laughs pointing your neck. "You have... something there."
She frowns even more confused, her face leaves her smile aside and she starts looking at her things until she takes out a small mirror and she hands it to you. You look with horror at a large red bruise painting on your skin, it seemed painful but you had not even noticed or felt it. You touch it still scared and nothing, it doesn't hurt or it seems real.
You take a deep breath before lying with silly chatter, "I had an accident, but I'm fine. I had forgotten I was there, it was nothing serious."
Ari seems worried but in the end she forgets it by returning to the same kind and joking attitude of her, but her gaze drops from second by second to your neck making you cover yourself uncomfortable. Who? It can't be Yoongi, he was always very calm in that regard. You think terrified, your hand goes up to touch it and this time you manage to feel a sharp pain.
You have to cover it with the collar of your shirt so that no customer will notice it and avoid staining the reputation of the cafeteria, you smile nervously taking orders as fast as you can and avoiding looks. Yun greets you like every day, arriving at his work time. You spend hours begging for the clock to advance faster, the night sky appears and the doors close, you clear the last counter before you can finally show your neck again and breathe.
"That's a big problem." Yun whispers looking at the horrible mark, you nod with a sigh giving the same stupid excuse you told Ari. "You should use a little makeup to cover it up, I think it will help you a lot."
You think about it for a few seconds before deciding what you would do. You bow to him with a bow after he offered to close in your place and finish the remaining work for you.
You come home with a smile, you greet Namjoon who is reclining on the couch in the living room watching something on TV. You wait a few seconds but you do not receive a small or accidental look, you approach a few steps to repeat it again but you only get him to get up and go upstairs closing the door of his room apparently with a door slam. What the hell? You think covering your face with your hands looking for some comfort.
Everything was happening inside you, it was like a whirlpool sweeping away your sanity. Were you going crazy? Or you were just thinking a lot about nothing.
You try to draw a picture of your situation, but the only thing that repeats is the constant painting of Yoongi and you together.
"Yoongi!" You say to yourself with a smile, you drop your backpack running towards his room, wanting to see him after such a day.
Your hopes fade like air, everything within the space him screams 'he', but he is not there. You check the safe time that he should be home at that moment. You hear Jin's voice screaming from below about dinner ready, you sigh losing your appetite at those moments.
You lie on your bed checking your cell phone in case there was a message from Yoongi warning about he delay but nothing. You feel empty for some strange reason, but there was nothing different about it now.
If I had been more attentive and conscientious, you would have noticed that two more people other than Yoongi and you were missing from the table. Jin smiles sitting in his same place leaving your plate not caring without you being there with them, his smile never fades even when all his brothers are sitting silently eating and looking at your empty place so intensely that it was terrifying, he squeezes the cutlery in his hand without wanting to break the tradition in his family.
Dinners are sacred and no one should be missing. There will be no discussions or complaints, that's what the rest of the time is for.
That was what her mother said, sitting at the table in her old home containing her anger at seeing her husband so calm after having been unfaithful once more. Not on the table, not on the table.
Not on the table, honey.
Jimin opened the last bottle with a little satisfaction, poured another glass before handing it to his friend who was only glaring at the ground.
"She's not like that... I know her." Repeating the same stupid prayer for hours, Taehyung rolled his eyes trying to calm his annoyance, looking at his other friend insisting that he help him.
"Yoongi-hyung you saw it yourself, she had that... That mark. you didn't do it, maybe Tae is right and she-..."
"Not!" I scream interrupting what to him were lies. "_____ she's my girlfriend, she's not like that. I know her ... she loves me! She loves me! Do you understand?" Says exalted, holding the shirt of his friend who closed his mouth immediately, Jimin noticed that same reflection of anger in him and knew it was better to leave it for now.
Taehyung pushed the drunk Yoongi away from his side, making him release him and repeat the same phrase as in his state, he tried to believe himself.
The door to your room was opened and the smell of alcohol invaded you, making you look disgusted. You closed your eyes without wanting to see him, his body fell to the side of your bed approaching your body so slowly that the anxiety inside you doubled.
"I'm sorry..." He whispered.
His hands rested around you, giving you that warmth so familiar and comfortable in your gray days. A sob was heard while you lost yourself in your own thought, you watch it melt into your arms crying and without wanting to tell you why.
"It hurts." It's the only thing it says. But... Why?
You wake up. Just like a week ago, days had passed and it seemed like your skin kept accumulating horrible marks all over the place. You even went to consult a doctor but he only insisted that something... Or someone did them with such fury that it was incredible that a piece of skin will not be torn off by the force of his suction.
You touched the last mark that came, it was dangerously close to your crotch, you try to hide the others with makeup but they were still visible at a short distance.
You went down the stairs to see them all again, you greet with regret taking the first thing you find. Your mug had your name written on it, it was a rather curious gift from Jin after your melancholic night with Yoongi days ago, he apologized explaining that he felt bad after hearing all the sobs and apologies. For a moment you thought it was something exaggerated but he kept insisting that he felt bad about himself, not with Yoongi who was almost his brother or with you, with him.
You accepted it without wanting to show your dislike for his selfishness and narcissism, thanking him so softly that he hardly heard you.
The special drink that morning was coffee... Americano. You felt insecure to drink it, and you just put it aside.
Same recipe.
Yoongi looked at you for a few seconds before smiling fondly, and you just looked away, leaving him with a confused face as you walk out the door so quickly that he can hardly feel you.
He sighed before being drawn to Jimin's grin-adorned face, he shrugged, hinting at his silent opinion. She is not faithful to you Yoongi, why do you keep waiting for something good? Only looks at her body, her attitude and who she surrounds herself with, it is a classic of womens. You will know that she is a fox hidden under her sheepsuit, just observing her more and you never leave her.
The marks on your body, your cold attitude made him more and more suspicious and fall for Taehyung's profound words. She bit his lip, refusing to spy on your life away from him... Out of his sight.
But he really wasn't doing anything wrong, just observing. In his now dirty head, everything was valid if he could know the truth.
You did the same thing you always told him on his nights where they stayed up talking about his heavy days. You went to school, to work, and then home. Nothing changed your version.
I try to focus on your friends, there was only one girl you spent more time with in your classes and after them. He researched everything about his life, but he had nothing to worry about after learning that he had a boyfriend. He passed your work, standing outside for hours waiting to see you do something dirty or guilty, but you never seemed to move.
You just served the orders and then kindly said goodbye to the customers. He felt guilty for doing something so low to you, until he saw you.
To you.
Your smile grew when one of the workers who was your partner approached your place in the box to whisper something in your ear, you left your place following him towards the warehouse.
Anger consumed him quickly, refusing to continue standing there observing the obvious, possibly he was being irrational and he knew it but the constant insinuations of Jimin. The conversations with Taehyung, his words, his suspicions, the pleased looks from they when he fell back at his feet asking them to tell him what to do with you.
With his damn relationship.
Where were you and him. Not them. You and he.
He opened the door to your room and started going through your things like a degenerate, something must have made him sure that you were cheating on him. Something, a letter, a note, a gift from him, or a simple cheap jewel.
This was your Yoongi? You were clearly looking at another subject.
"Yoon..." You started, his eyes coldly piercing you. He looked different, he was looking at you but you didn't feel safe being so close. "What are you doing?"
"What do you think I do?" He asked how else he will not point to the obvious, for a moment you thought that even if it was, out of respect or dignity, he would try to deny it or find another explanation for his actions so offensive to you. "Where is?"
"Where is what?" You claim, starting to get angry, his eyes leave you again as he continues searching through your drawers, dropping everything to the floor with thudding noises. You get closer trying to push it away but you only get rejection. "Stop it, Yoongi."
"Not until you say so."
You freeze without knowing what he meant by the latter, you take his arm to stop him but you only receive a push that makes you back away this time scared by the force of his attack. "Enough!" You claim this time by making him look at you with his cold eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about and why you're doing this, but enough."
"Then say it..." You shout again that you don't know what he wants you to say, you even curse furiously making him come closer to support your shoulders with his hands bringing you closer to his face. "Say it damn it! Say you're cheating on me with that bastard son of a bitch!"
You feel the pain of his grip, you sob, begging him to release you but are ignored as he continues to ask you to say so. You refuse to lie, especially with something so degrading.
Jin hears the screams as he continues serving the dinner desserts, Jungkook strangely puts aside his phone for a few minutes to thank him with a small toast and a smile that was rarely seen on him.
"The dessert tonight is sweeter than usual."
Jimin raises his glass with a bright smile, Namjoon adjusts his tie tied perfectly around his neck as he sips from his glass, Hoseok laughs eating the delicious cake with enthusiasm.
Curious, a green tea cake with cream on top.
"It's a shame Yoongi-hyung misses out on dessert." Taehyung speaks pretending a pout on his lips, playing with his spoon with the cream on her plate. "It is especially exquisite today."
"Stop playing already, when will you do it? I'm looking forward to getting started." Jin snaps angrily, pushing the cake out of her sight as he drinks from her wine glass.
Jungkook laughs, turning his phone back on to continue playing as usual. "So impatient, hyung." He says he with a click of annoyance.
Jin rolls his eyes, following her gaze to Jimin who is innocently cowering in her chair. Ignoring how completely obsessed Jungkook is with his games, it really was not his business,for something his youngest friend had his parents, who were too busy with their work, they ran the largest electronics factory in the country, leaving his son in the background just giving him everything he asked for without objection. Always showing a smile when little Jungkook came before them demanding a new console or the best phone.
"It only remains to wait..." Whispering, he released a patient Hoseok. His smile as charming as ever. "For her to decide what to do and then... Plot! She fell into the wrong well."
"I hate when you describe and talk like that, but I can't expect much from a Jung... like you."
However, Hoseok never stops smiling even when anger is consuming his mind causing him to clench his fists under the table and bite his tongue inside his mouth, hidden by his gleaming and visible teeth. Namjoon smiles at her, knowing that she managed to provoke him but that she won't do anything to shut him up.
Jin breaks the tense silence, shushing everyone with a snap. That silence. Nobody hears anything from you or Yoongi, for a moment they feel the anguish that something bad has happened or that his friend has lost a bit ... The hand. But just seconds later you're rushing down, wearing the same clothes and your face covered in tears. You don't even look at them when you run to the door, leaving a trail of emptiness behind you.
"Hm, intense." This is Jungkook speaking, his eyes still lost on the phone screen of him playing a silly online championship. "She will be fine after hours."
"Jungkook is right, now we must move with Yoongi."
Namjoon gets up walking to your room, surprised that everything seems almost the same as it was before their fight.
He smiles when he manages to see his friend laying on the floor sobbing, and like that children's book called Pinocchio, he feels good being that cricket-shaped voice of reason. Only this time that sweet and serene voice, released one and a thousand blasphemies that would contaminate even the most devout by his beliefs.
He managed to convince Yoongi's easy to manipulate mind, blurting out words almost like a song. Playing with the naive self of hes that still lived and breathes inside him.
You had come home after days of spending with Ari and her boyfriend away from him. You really didn't want to set foot in that house again in years, a small irrational part of you believed that it was all his fault, your real problems started when you set foot in that damn place.
You open the door observing the room in the same way, empty. You try not to make yourself feel ready to go to sleep, without having been able to do it in days, but now you doubted that it would be different here.
You remain static in view of everyone, you had forgotten that at that time they were having dinner together. They only met once a day and it had to be right there.
"Good evening, sorry to interrupt." You ignoring Yoongi's gaze that, he's trying not to get too excited about your return, even though she causes he to euphoric whirl. "Carry on, I'll just go to my room."
"Please no, sit with us."
"I'm not well."
"I insist, sit with us. They were difficult days but I know they can fix it." Jin puts a plate in front of one of the empty chairs, you refuse to sit down but you do it out of compromise.
Everyone seems to be exclusively quiet, dinner was gray, like a black and white painting. Remember the first dinner, where everyone seemed to have so much to say and now that was left behind, Jungkook continues to play with his phone sometimes moving his plate by accident, without touching a single silverware with the intention of eating. Jin eats in peace, so slowly that he is strange. Namjoon reads a book in his hand, eating so cleanly that it's amazing.
Hoseok looks at you playfully from time to time, with a smile that almost makes you smile the same. Jimin and Taehyung seem to communicate silently, they both look at each other with slight grimaces and smiles.
"We can talk?" Yoongi whispers, you feel her breath next to you and instinctively you walk away scared. Still hurt by her actions and attitude, you give your vow of silence by standing up and without saying goodbye, you walk up the stairs.
"How rude." Jungkook interrupts, keeping an eye on his screen lighting up his beautiful face. "He didn't even taste the food."
Yoongi looks at Jin, her oldest friend and the one she trusted the most, seeking some advice. But just gets the same treatment as always, a look insisting that go with you and try to fix her mistake.
However, it was late. You had packed a makeshift suitcase by going down as quietly as you could, exiting through the back door like a thief or a fugitive.
You spent days thinking about your cowardly way of running away, but in the same way you felt better and even more so when you did not receive any message from him. Maybe it wasn't that important to him, it hurt but it also relieved you.
You knew it would be awkward to see him in the face again, but you should go back and get your things over with as soon as possible. You naively thought of forming a friendship, a very distant one, but in the end it would be the healthiest thing for both of you.
"______?" Asked the person who opened the door after you barely managed to ring the bell due to nerves, he was clearly confused.
"W-good morning ... Jin." You greet by taking a few steps back to get a better look at it, you had forgotten how tall it was. "Sorry to bother I just wanted to -..."
"Talk to Yoongi? I'm sorry but he's already better without you, he even met someone new." You were surprised by his austere, sour tone and trying to intimidate you. "And you better go, you are not welcome here."
"No ... No, I-I came for my things but I'm glad to know that it's better now, and that ..." The words stayed in your mouth, almost as if it hurt to admit it. "I was able to find someone, I hope we can be friends. Also with you, I'm sorry I left without explaining or saying goodbye properly."
You waited what seemed like ages for her response, and you expected more than a simple nod of the head, letting you pass without a hitch. You searched your room quickly, trying not to have any contact with any of them for now. You opened the door that had your name on it but you were scared by what you found inside, the whole room had been painted blood red, a very dark color that managed to give you such familiar chills.
"What is this? Where are my things?!" You turned around ready to go and claim but the door closed behind you with a stormy noise. You ran to try to open it but it did not move an inch, you searched the whole room for something useful to help you but it was completely empty, and alone.
You sobbed in fear, not understanding what was happening and why it seemed that the walls were getting narrower every second. You fell to the ground, trying to stay calm and without losing your goal, hours and even days passed for you, you waited to hear at least one noise but everything was so quiet that you had to avoid going crazy, you played with your hands trying to distract yourself and think positive things, you had read many books about stressful situations to know that thinking a lot about those things caused even more stress, you lie on the floor sure that a nap will calm everything down, if it was a nightmare you wanted to wake up and if not , you wanted to dream that it was.
A lock, you hear that particular noise and you wake up. You open your eyes as fast as you can lifting your body, the door was slightly open as if someone was exiting. You scream for help but it closes, you fall back into sadness and despair screaming even more for your freedom.
You didn't deserve this.
You look with regret at the delicious food they left for you, for a moment you think about going on a hunger strike but your stomach demands you not to be so stupid. The same would not change anything. Regardless of manners, you eat as fast as you can, dropping quite a bit of food on the ground in your rush.
It had an exquisite taste, and you could recognize it everywhere. It was one of your favorite dishes, you felt disgusted to compare it to your mother's food, but as magnificent as it was, it reminded you so much of her.
You wait for something to happen, but minutes go by in which you just look at nothing, letting your head fly. Thinking of a thousand things, playing with the spoon and singing in a low voice.
You feel hot from one moment to the next, your vision becomes cloudy and the door opens again. You just stay in the same place, you don't care about anything, not even how they hold you by helping you walk into another room.
"You were right, she is very calm now."
You look at him, their faces so familiar and you try to place them, but your head is flying away at that moment. You close your eyes laughing, and drifting into unconsciousness.
You wake up. You open your eyes and you are tied, you struggle with the ropes that hold your arms while the bed below you makes your body bounce. You touch the sheets realizing that they are extremely soft, you are in an unfamiliar room surrounded by scarlet red, with elegant and shimmering decorations. You try to stand up but your legs, like your hands, are tied.
And you're still quiet because of the rag in your mouth.
You fight the bindings furiously, screaming into the cloth as much as you can get sick of being locked up again.
You think of Yoongi, although at that moment it was irrelevant you wonder where she is and if she knew that she was being kidnapped in such a way, would she help you at least? Resignation covers you completely, fighting the bonds again with such force that you feel like they burn your skin every time you move.
You sob, just as he did one fall day.
Yoongi watches you from the monitor in another room, Jin is talking to Namjoon to the side while Jungkook is still sitting in a corner entertaining on her phone. Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok seem reluctant to look at each other despite facing each other.
Remember the day, the one in the past, when he met them. Jimin and Taehyung were already friends playing in one of the children's castles, with their hands pretending to be weapons as they ran around. Hoseok was sitting next to his mother, talking and apparently they had a lot to say. Namjoon did not detach from the side of his father who urged him to go up to the games, while Jin was busy collecting Flowers in a basket that his grandmother was holding.
They were all strangers and even more so he, felt out of place surrounded by so many games and away from home. His parents had freed up a whole day to spend together in a decent park, it was several hours of travel from Daegu to Seoul only for his son to play in a beautiful park surrounded by luxurious buildings.
He dropped down next to her mother, hugging her without wanting to let her go.
"Min Yoongi, we didn't take this trip just for you to sit there all day, son."
"I'm scared..." he whispered, biting her lip and hiding her face in the neck of his beloved mother.
"I see... but the games look so much fun. Run and try them, love."
He nodded still uneasy, walking over to one of the swings where he sat rocking so slowly that he seemed still. He felt hands pushing his body from behind, scared he looked at the boy behind him, he had a smile on his face and waved him with a hand.
"Sorry, I thought you needed to be pushed." He spoke and did not seem at all nervous.
"I'm fine, but thank you..." There was a momentary silence before he interrupted again. "I am Yoongi."
"Hoseok, although my mommy calls me Hobi."
He smiled, offering himself this time to push the swing, they spent minutes like this just helping each other take a walk pleasantly. He didn't even think about it when Hoseok offered to talk to Jimin and Taehyung about how they'll all play together in teams.
Now in the present, he smiled again remembering how he met Jin that same day, he had collided with him when he was running so as not to be caught by Jimin. His older friend was flushed with anger, screaming for her flowers and his dirty clothes. His grandmother teased him a bit making him deny even more, he followed Yoongi for several minutes until the chase because of her desire to hit him became a game.
They both fell to the ground tired, laughing before Hoseok introduced himself to Jin. Namjoon arrived shortly after, curious about the commotion and why he had gotten bored of sitting for so long, as he explained later. Besides that his father didn't have the best conversation starters.
He cried so much that very day when he had to go home again, promising to return soon.
"We have everything ready, are you ready?" Jin stood next to him, his eyes looked at him but he couldn't recognize his childhood friend. The same one that he offered to organize his birthday parties when his parents could not afford them, the same one that he never took advantage of his money to lower it. The one who hugged him as many times as he could when he came out of his therapies after his parents died.
Who was this man?
"Y-yes." He murmured still stunned. He got up, following in his footsteps with his head lowered.
They opened the door showing him, you were distracted biting the cloth in your mouth and trying to move your hands to free them.
Your body felt the same repetitive chill making you look at them feeling their presences so... uncomfortable.
"Enough." Jin ordered as you continued your insistent useless movement, trying to free yourself. "I'm not playing around, stop."
Me neither, idiot. You clench your teeth as much as you can at not being able to say it out loud, you stubbornly keep moving even faster than before. Your hair falls on your face from your busy tossing and you stare at him, challenging his patience and judgment.
You try not to tremble when he approaches you with intentions that deep down manage to scare you. But you continue, the bed moves as fast as you do until his hand falls against your cheek causing a gasp to come out of your gagged mouth.
"Hyung!" Yoongi claims holding her hand to prevent her from trying to hit you again, you feel the particular burning on your right cheek and the tears growing back in your eyes. "Please, no blows. That was not what we agreed on."
Jimin cleared his throat, a satisfied smile on his face, "We never specified anything, actually... Yoongi-hyung."
"Jimin is right, you never specified any kind of restriction for her and us." Namjoon clarified making you look at them confused, it was as if they were talking in terms of employment or contract.
But you had never signed anything.
"B-but they can't do that, they'll never accomplish anything if they force her." He tried to persuade him but Jungkook sighed, dropping his phone to the ground and then stepping on it like it was worthless. "She will just hate them."
"She will do it anyway, if we let her off her or try to convince her to stick with sweet words she won't think twice and she will run away ready to report us for kidnapping."
"In addition to the damages that she suffered here." Namjoon continued to condemn Jungkook, uplifting her surname and her family's status.
"You are in this with us or against us, there is still a free place in the basement for you with chains just as heavy."
Again, the same chill ran through you causing you to cringe in your place. These men were insane, they were capable of betraying each other, and worse, they could possibly also consider shooting themselves in the back when they weren't looking at each other. All for you, as if you were some kind of prize for winning and owning.
After moments that seemed eternal, Taehyung was releasing your mouth as you began to complain about what they were doing, how they dared and demanding freedom.
Really a classic, so much so that it was witty and hilarious that you said it literally.
They forced you to kneel on the ground with your hands on your legs still perfectly tied. More questions filled your mouth not knowing what they were planning, all you could do was look at them so scared it was adorable.
"Uh... Well... I guess one should go first." Jin says, taking a few steps away from your crouched figure.
Jimin stepped forward, standing in front of you causing you to look up from your spot below him.
"What are you doing?" You ask weakly, you try to drag yourself away when his hand struggles with his pants to remove it but Jin holds you in place. Getting on his knees to speak into your ear softly.
"You better take a breath instead of trying to run away, honey. I thought you were smarter... hm?" He laughs mocking your scared face, you refuse to open your eyes and mouth making him stop laughing in annoyance.
Jimin sighs taking your face in his hands so roughly that they will surely leave a purple mark on your skin. He was still dressed, I was hoping I could humiliate you more and then fuck your mouth until you suffocate while his hyung explains everything to you. How it all started, his obsession, his plan, they had planned everything so perfect that it was terrifying, everything monopolized on one board.
Soon as soon as possible you will just be a cute housewife and you will forget your life before that day. Not for nothing did they have a closet full of cheerful and homely outfits ready for you, they wanted to destroy you and then put you back together just to serve them.
You would be his wife, of everyone.
"Come on, little bitch..." Jimin started, reaching over to kiss you on the lips even though you refused to do so. You really no longer had a vote or a word of objection in his plans. "Open your eyes darling, you don't want a stray bullet to land in your mother's skull, do you?" He threatened making you obey even more scared than before.
"P-please don't hurt my mother!" You sob, clasping your tied hands in supplication.
"Oh, we won't.... yet." He whispered kissing your lips one last time before imposing himself on your kneeling body. Her cock came out of her pants, stroked a few times before guiding it to your lips. Your stomach contracted, and you pulled your face away as far as you could before Hoseok held you by the hair tightly pulling you close again. "Take it, baby. Everything will be fine if you just obey."
"I hate them, they disgust me" You whisper before Jin forced you to open your mouth making you take it, you fight for a few seconds but her hips are already moving making you choke and gasp. His moans are so loud they make you squirm but his hands hold your head close to him.
"I told you you'll take a breath, but you're a dumb whore." His breath is hitting your neck directly, your skin crawling trying to distract you from anything other than Jimin's cock in your throat causing you to gag and vomit. "I bet you're wondering why, what did you do, and nothing really. Or if Yoongi!"
You do not look at your boyfriend before, you only focus on Jin who smiles, caressing your body with his hands, almost exceeding your limits. However, what did it matter if he did it, there was nothing you could do for yourself.
"You were only here, I think we all loved you from the first moment we saw you. We spent many nights wondering what was special about you, many of us had dated women before but you... You were so different, you had something that attracted us and it made us go crazy. " His hands squeezed your breasts causing you to gasp on Jimin's cock who moaned with pleasure, continuing his steady and hard rhythm. "Taehyung got involved in the matter. "
Jimin smirked when your eyes went up to him, your eyes showing how angry and helpless you felt. And it was exquisite.
"I bet you didn't know about your beloved boyfriend's background,locked up in a rehab center for alcoholics for two years. Three years taking therapy for his depression after the tragic death of his parents, quite strong actually." His words had such a strong past but from his mouth they came out as if it were not so important. Something common for him. "I'm surprised he loved you so much and didn't tell you."
You cried unable to turn your face to look at him, deep down you wanted to put Yoongi aside and not hate him for this. But it seemed almost impossible when he was there, doing nothing, so calm that it was unreal that he had ever looked at you directly and declared his love to you over and over again. For months.
"He really was fine for a while until we decided to make him fall again, one drink after another... First trust him, then question their relationship and finally make them argue." A laugh left his lips, it was almost uncomfortable that he was the only one doing it. Everyone else was so quiet just watching. "But I can't give myself all the credit, let me introduce ourselves well, my dear."
Jimin walked away from you letting you breathe again, you had almost forgotten that he had been doing that act against you. Your tied hands help you hold off the ground by not being able to breathe properly, you feel so weak that you are about to pass out but you refuse to look weak in front of them.
"Kim Seokjin, son of the best chefs in the country and heir owner of thousands of five-star restaurants, inside and outside the country." His body crouched down, making an extremely long bow. Namjoon stood next to him, with the same smile from the day he met you. "Kim Namjoon, the only and adored son of the best lawyers and mayoral candidates, future presidents if occasion permits." There was a strange tone behind his voice, with a knowing wink. "I thought you can guess what Hoseok's parents do, but I'll tell you just in case. Great psychiatrists recognized for their countless achievements outside and within the country, having a tradition from generation to generation, capable of manipulating even the cleverest mind like yours."
Hosoek smiled at you, but this time his smile showed malice and pride. All that time you were surrounded by people who wielded a certain power and influence, oblivious to the fact that they could ever use it against you.
"Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung... Maybe you heard about their surnames on the news two years ago? Families specialized in medicine, their knowledge dazzles science and biology. Before allies and now both surnames are enemies competing for the market, but who would say that their children would meet secretly and use their same knowledge to retain a precise treasure." His hand stroked your hair causing you to recoil angrily, with a grimace of disgust and resignation. "Well... Finally Jungkook, son of the best technology creators in the country. Capable of creating anything, millionaires obviously, like everyone. Faithful lovers and devoted to he son, giving him everything he wants. " He stopped for a moment and then brought his hand to your ear taking out one of your earrings, you looked at him confused before he opened it showing a tiny device that lit up. "Even creating a more than wonderful device, a tracker of the smallest size."
You opened your mouth completely petrified, looking at each and every one of them. Most of them had a firm and conceited posture, but your eyes only looked at him.
"Were you in on this?" You ask by moving your body slightly, Yoongi only remains silent, avoiding looking at you at all costs, even if it is out of mercy you demand a simple word. "Speak! Tell me! Tell me!" You scream completely out of control, letting out all your frustration and anger with him, just him. It's all his fault. "Tell me now! To finally be able to completely hate them all... Please tell me, I just want to stop inventing and fooling my head trying to justify why you are standing there doing nothing for me" You sob almost exhausted, " Without helping me, when before you said you love me."
His eyes meet yours a few seconds before Jungkook chimed in, completely certain that you were trying to play your manipulation cards to get rid of them. Funny, they had done the same to catch you, their hyung could sometimes be so... credulous. That it was ironic that she was older than him.
"Good enough talk for today." He demanded, causing you to hide your head again in fear. You were so scared, even with the pain in your cheek and jaw from being forced by Jimin, you would never give up on them.
Your mouth felt dry, you couldn't remember the last time you drank water alone. As if they could read your thoughts, Taehyung appeared with a tray with a glass of water and a purple pill.
"Take that away from me." You scream when he tries to put the pill in your mouth, backing up as far as your bound legs will allow.
He sighs bored, as if he doesn't have the patience to deal with it, "If you want water you'll have to do this."
"What is it?" You ask almost breathless from the lack of water in your body, he smiles before bringing the pill to his face to look at it rolling it on his finger.
"Hm... Vitamins." Respond after hesitating. "Everything you need in one compact little pill. It was an invention by Jimin and me, we were hoping you would be the first to try it."
A few seconds ago you remember hearing about the reputations of both families, they were specialists who probably passed that knowledge on to their children. If they knew what they were doing with them, they would be shocked. Your reasoning tells you no, to throw it away and try to run away but your head and body can't take it anymore, they demand water and a rest.
"I-it's okay." You accept, removing the pill and the glass of water from the tray angrily. You put the pill in first, then the water so hard your mouth hurts from the force.
You return the glass silently, eyeing him suspiciously before sitting back down and walking a few inches away. You wait for everyone to do something, but they stay so still as dolls that it scares you, everything about them and their attitudes was creepy.
I wish you had noticed earlier.
And now you feel it, it was not pain, nor anxiety. I was just calm, the noises seem to decrease and your vision does not blur but you feel so relaxed that you do not seem to be affected by any drugs. You could feel it all, but you didn't care.
It was relaxing but you weren't far this time, you remember the previous scenes. When you ate the food they gave you, it was similar but as if it had been modified so that you can remain docile and obedient, but at the same time you know what they are doing.
Your body falls on the bed, you don't even try to get up. Your brain isn't thinking about that, it just gets distracted by the decorations around it, but it clearly perceives one of them nearby. Namjoon is behind your body lying face down, half is on the bed and your legs are still kneeling on the floor. You feel his kisses so desperate on your neck, his hands touching your breasts and stomach trying to lower himself further, anxious not to wait to fuck you as he always wanted and should have been.
You do not fight when his legs open yours with force and speed, you just stand still, thinking with your head glued to the soft sheets of the bed, deep down you can slightly feel your desire to push him and push him away furiously, you want to do it but not you do. You feel so confused that you sob into the sheets in released frustration.
"I thought I heard from you, that her wouldn't refuse anything with his stupid pill." Jin whispers, disgusted seeing you struggle with yourself in search of reason.
"I don't see her deny it." Jimin retorts, crossing his arms with a small victorious smile.
Yoongi stands aside, not wanting to accept this but likewise, like you, does nothing to avoid it while Namjoon sinks deep inside you causing you to writhe overwhelmed and let out a groan of pain, your mouth opens to complain and probably ask him to stop, but he instantly closes again only releasing more gasps and squeals.
They spend minutes with all eyes on you, taking the cock of her friend who abuses your sore pussy from overstimulation, this time you are crying and begging for mercy to stop. Even in your unconsciousness you continue to feel all the pain and also the pleasure that is now almost non-existent.
"S-stop!" You cry between gasps of exhaustion, your hands had been released by Jungkook seconds ago so that you can hold on properly. However, you only use them to try to ward off Namjoon who is holding you against the bed by slamming his body against yours with obscene noises. The bed squirms like you, colliding with the wall in sync.
"A little more baby... Just a little more... And I'll fill you with my cum, so fucking tight. You like that, hm?" Her breath very close to your cheek makes you react, you squeeze your eyes almost suffering from your next inevitable orgasm. You scream making everyone watch you fascinated by how your face contracts with pleasure and pain, you try to walk away when the moment of ecstasy recedes, but he continues to fuck you bareback hard, selfishly chasing the release of him against you.
You spent hours repeating the same routine, sometimes sometimes even more hours than you can remember or count.. Your body was completely covered with bruises and marks not only made by them manually, you had discovered in the worst way that Hoseok had a great fetish to make small cuts to any animal or person that had skin and that glistening blood came out of those wounds, red as hell and as sweet as ambrosia.
A delicacy, truly a true delicacy blessed by God.
Jin could not stop laughing at your overwhelmed face, sometimes he would sit next to you while your body was fucked uncontrollably, watching your face move on the sheets with the constant and hard movements of his friends.
"Do you enjoy it, you dirty bitch?" You knew he was making fun of it, not only because it denigrated your dignity, but also because you couldn't answer correctly and the only thing that moved was your head up and down from the thrusts. As if you were affirming his disgusting words. "You like it right?" And again. "I bet you will enjoy it every day from now on, do you want to marry us, little bitch? Be ours forever, that we fuck you every damn day like that, that we also fill you up that you would get pregnant, you would have our children , and you would gladly. Do you accept _______?"
You did not want to know where he managed to get your last name, nor your full name and less because he thought that after the effect of whatever they had given you, you would really accept being his damned wife.
But he just stands there, watching Jungkook abuse his new power against you and taunt him.
I just wanted to wait for everyone to leave, so I could hug you, heal you, and ask for forgiveness.
He couldn't save you if he was chained to the basement like they threatened to do. He was afraid of his own friends, who looked at him madly when hours before he thought of withdrawing from the plan, Hoseok as charismatic as he always claimed to be able to cut his neck so easily if I took you away from them.
Now, they were doomeds.
The painting lost its color once more.
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chokiipng · 3 years
Hay fever : Genshin various
a/n : suffering from seasonal allergies isn't fun . so instead of trying to do school work, i'm gonna write hcs to make myself feel better
character(s) : Xiao, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Childe contents : fluff with a bit of crack (my specialty) + : reader has really bad seasonal allergies
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Xiao :
he doesn't really understand tbh
he plays it off as a common cold at first and entrusts you with Verr, much to her annoyance. he didn't realize the true severity of the situation until a week had passed.
he's heard of seasonal allergies before, so it's not like he was entirely clueless, he just didn't know how to go about treating it.
because of this, he turned into a big ball of concern for the entirety of spring
he asked everyone he could for help, even that ginger haired harbinger (to which he had no clue since he basically lives on an iceberg)
this also happened to peek Zhongli's interest, who then took him to Bubu pharmacy to learn more. it took Xiao about 5 different interrogations to actually visit Bubu, he cursed himself internally for not checking there in the first place
of course, Baizhu laughed it off and informed the both of them on how allergies work, how they're triggered, and how to prevent/soothe them
if you sneezed/sniffled, he was immediately by your side with a tissue and some water. itchy eyes, he had a small bottle of eyedrops for you courtesy of Dr. Baizhu and Qiqi
it was amusing to say the least, watching a feared Yaksha running around frantically in order to soothe your allergies
of course, he soon picked up that it was because you went outside every goddamn day to complete commissions and to pick flowers for who knows who (Qiqi, you often found yourself picking herbs with her because who could say no to that face?)
he legit locked you in your room at Wangshuu Inn and did your commissions for you. he didn't want you in any pain, so he stayed with you when he finished all of his tasks
he didn't isolate you though, but if he takes you out he makes sure you take your allergy medicine (given by Qiqi, ty bby) and that you have a mask on
Diluc :
he never really experienced hay fever, but he knows the gist of it
he's heard stories of it from customers of the Angel's Share and was immensely grateful to the Archons for blessing him with immunity to seasonal allergies
but he wasn't prepared to catch you practically sneezing your guts out one morning
Diluc drops everything, much to Adelinde's horror, and orders for a box of tissues and water immediately. he whips out the blankets from under the couch that he knew you hid and props you on some pillows he fluffed in a panicked rush
the maids watch with a nervous chuckle as he runs around the mansion, completely forgetting about his shift at the Angel's Share and his nightly heroic duties
as soon as he calms down from the initial shock of how hard allergies hit you, he asks you how your feeling and if he can do anything
the next day he asks Donna (who stutters at his mere presence), who mind you is an employee at the Floral Whisper, since Flora isn't there herself about hay fever. he figured that people who worked at a flower shop would know about allergies caused by the pollen produced by flowers
he brings back medicine that you've been instructed to take daily as to lessen the affects of your allergies
despite his day duties, he offers to take up your daily commissions during the days you are physically unable to do them or just does them of his own volition
he trusts that the maids will take care of you in his stead
in the mean time, you're allowed to roam the city as you wish, but that's about it. he threatened Lawrence and Swan that they would feel the wrath of retribution if you stepped foot outside the city
Mondstadt was a land of eternal springtime, there was no way in hell he was letting you out of the city without his supervision
while all of this may be a bit much, he makes sure to let you know that this is just him caring for you. he doesn't want to seem overbearing and trusts that you know what's happening to your body and how to treat it
Kaeya :
he laughs at your demise
what did you expect ?
but he really is worrying on the inside
he makes sure to check in with Barbara just to make sure that you're not suffering from a lethal disease
once he knows that they're just seasonal allergies, (almost) all his worries subside and he sighs of relief
he notifies Jean beforehand (but sometimes forgets), he works considerably less during the time of your allergies since he doesn't really trust anyone else to take care of you
he also doesn't drink as much, surprising, he knows
he refrains from bringing you flowers as he usually does and instead spoils you with unnecessary affection
Kaeya doesn't worry as much since he puts faith in you that you know what's going on in your body. since they're seasonal allergies, he realizes that you must've gone through this before and know how to treat it
since you can't really cure it, you just act more cautious in the outdoors
he often accompanies you on your daily commissions and such, just to be sure that your okay. he takes over the moment you pause to sneeze or itch your nose even once
aside from this, he's the other reason why your allergies are unbearable
once they're all done and over, he teases you relentlessly about how reliant you were on him when in reality it was him doing your tasks of his own volition rather than you asking him. you told him several times that you could handle it, but he persisted nonetheless
he's more reasonable during your hay fever, and despite his unnecessary comments, you find it endearing
Albedo :
he is among the few men who are actually calm during the situation, but since when is he not?
he probably already has a remedy for you that greatly lessens the affect of your allergies
but even without it, he trusts that you know how to handle it
the only factor in here that would cause chaos-
is Klee
once Klee hears you sneeze all hell breaks loose in Albedo's workspace
she runs around everywhere looking for tissues and then ends up bringing Mondstadt's entire supply, which you and Albedo laugh nervously at
once Klee calms down, you explain the bare minimum of hay fever, which she manages to understand
while he has faith that you can treat it yourself, Albedo still recommends that you stay inside more rather than going out exploring and looking for chests, to which you sheepishly comply
Jean cannot thank you enough when it comes to Klee's behavior during this season, as Klee tends to spend more time at home with you and Albedo once you finish your commissions so that "you don't feel lonely!"
she even drew you a picture to show how much she cared!
if you can't sleep at night because of your allergies, Albedo (who is probably still up working) will gladly allow you to indulge in his studies or to just simply read with you until you fall asleep
he too is also happy that you managed to tame Klee
Childe :
this man has no idea what the fuck hay fever is
need I remind you that he grew up in the land of perpetual winter, hay fever doesn't even exist to him. unlike everyone else, he hasn't even heard of the concept
so when you hold a finger up during your weekly sparring, he pauses with a curious tilt of his head
he screams in horror as you sneeze out all of your bodily fluids not once, not twice, but three times
Childe calls off the spar and cradles you in your arms as if you're about to die
it's until he rushes you to Baizhu in a panicked frenzy that he realizes that its...a fever?
now Baizhu is a patient man, he had to raise a zombie child who basically loses her memory each time she wakes up and wields a sword/cryo abilities
but he was getting tired of Childe's endless questions quick.
Childe shrieks as the normally passive pharmacist slams his hands down on the counter with a sickeningly sweet smile
he ceases in his questions, apologizes for bothering him, and races back to the Northland Bank in a cold sweat
it takes you explaining it in a calm voice for him to finally understand it
and he takes this very seriously
while he knows that it's seasonal and that you've gone through it before, he can't help but worry for you
he coddles you, and he doesn't relent even if you tell him
he slaps a mask on you, takes away your fighting privileges, and even order his subordinates to keep an eye on you at all times
that is if he's not already
he clings
he's attached to you
he just wants you to feel better, and you appreciate it, but it can get a little too much sometimes
and while you do tell him this, the same situation happens every year when spring comes around and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Baizhu can't catch a break from the rowdy harbinger
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birdnamedenza · 2 years
Home Remedy
Prompts: Home Remedy, Tepid Bath, Flu
There's actually a way darker story I have planned with the same characters, but I wanted to introduce William and Alessio in a more lighthearted way. The home remedy prompt just fit perfectly. They have a really sweet relationship and I'm tempted to write another scenario with lots of love and caretaking. Emeto only starts in the third and last part of the story.
TW: Vomiting, Sickness
For someone who had studied infectious diseases and earned his livelihood researching them, William was remarkably bad at being sick. He despised the weakness that came with it. The complete loss of control over his body. The enhanced perception of sounds and light and smells that made the already overwhelming world almost unbearable. The variety of bodily excretions, each one more unpleasant than the last. As much as pathogens fascinated him in theory, he absolutely despised the effects they had on himself.
He had been at work when disaster stroke. Intense pain had hit him over the head, quickly spreading to his shoulders and chest like the worst kind of sore muscles. A series of chills had been running down his spine, even though the AC kept the temperature in the lab at a steady 20 °C. William had tried to ignore it, but his knees were getting weaker by the minute. After about an hour, his throat had felt sore like he‘d been scrubbing it with sandpaper. At this point, it had become impossible to deny the obvious. William knew the tell-tale symptoms of influenza all too well. Of course he had gotten his annual flu shot, but the virus had decided to surprise everyone with a seasonal genetic drift. One of his colleagues had caught it from her kids and apparently had been generous enough to share it.
Now it was the third day William had spent on his couch and he still felt like absolute garbage. His fever hadn’t dropped below 38° C and spiked every evening. A dry cough kept him awake at night and during the day he was so weak that he could barely walk to the toilet. That was the main reason he stayed on the sofa, it was closer to the bathroom. William also didn’t want to disturb his husband’s sleep with his frequent bouts of hacking up his lungs, even though Alessio constantly assured him that he didn’t mind.
The worst thing, however, was the boredom. Hours melted into an eternity when there was nothing to do. Reading or watching TV weren’t options because they soon made him feel like being placed in a head crusher. With his whole body constantly hurting, there was no comfortable position. Eating was a chore, even his favorite meals had become repulsive. Alessio would sit by his side and read stories to him, but just listening was exhausting enough and, more often than not, triggered his headache.
William wanted to crawl out of his own body.
„I made some soup for you, caro“, Alessio announced with a smile. He looked adorable in his cooking apron, his dark brown curls as messy as usual. William suppressed the desperate urge to kiss him. So far Alessio hadn’t developed any symptoms, there was no need to tempt fate. „Chicken soup, like my nonna used to feed me when I was sick.“
The steaming bowl of tomato broth with tender shreds of chicken thighs, ditalini pasta and lots of chopped up vegetables would have made William’s mouth water under different circumstances. Not so much today. The aroma was too intense and his stomach constantly felt like it was filled to the brim, even though he only choked down minuscule portions.
„You are the best“, William smiled, genuinely grateful. Alessio had spend so much time in the kitchen, knowing perfectly well that William would barely consume anything of what he prepared. Somehow, his husband seemed to enjoy taking care of him. More proof that he would be an incredible dad.
„Try it.“ Alessio sat down on his chair right next to the couch, took a spoonful of soup and gently blew on it to cool it down. Then he fed it to William, careful not to spill anything on the light beige sofa.
„It’s good. It really is. I’m just not very hungry.“ Which was an understatement. The rich umami taste overpowered William‘s senses, but he knew he had to force himself to eat. His body was a feeble, shivering mess that could barely support itself. It needed some fuel and a healthy soup seemed just right for the purpose.
„Don’t worry, it will make you feel better.“ Alessio kept on spoon-feeding William, gently wiping his chin with a napkin as some drops escaped his mouth. His kindness was enough to make William try as hard as he could to empty the bowl. He almost succeeded, but then the aversion became too much and a wave of fatigue washed over him. Panting like he had run a marathon, he sank back into the pillows. Which, of course, sent his body into an instant fit of coughing.
When the torturous tickle in his throat finally subsided, William was covered in sweat. Alessio brushed back some ash blond streaks and placed a hand on his forehead.
„Will, you are burning up.“
„Always getting worse in the ev’ning“, William muttered, eyes closed. „I’ll take some paracetamol for the night.“
„I wish I could help you.“ Alessio sat in silence for a minute. When he spoke up again, his tone had shifted from concern to determination. „Your pills haven’t done much for you so far. What we need are some tried and tested home remedies.“
„…as long as they’re somewhat based in science.“
„Trust me“, Alessio reassured him. „These things have been passed down in my family for centuries.“
It was only after Alessio had already rushed out of the living room when William’s feverish brain realized that the glow in his husband’s eyes had been a little too enthusiastic.
„Look what I have prepared for you“, Alessio beamed with vigor. William, who leaned heavily on the taller man’s shoulder, ogled the bathtub with tired eyes.
„I already feel lightheaded. I don’t think I can handle a bath right now.“
„Oh no no no, that’s not a regular bath. That’s a tepid bath!“, his husband declared with a proud smile. „Not too hot, not too cold. It will bring your temperature down.“
„I am 98 % percent sure that it has not been medically proven to have a significant effect“, William tried to talk himself out of the situation. His body was still busy deciding if he was sweating or freezing. The thought of immersing himself in lukewarm water instantly made him shiver.
„It has really helped me as a child. Give it a chance, please.“ Alessio looked at his husband with sad puppy dog eyes. They were impossible to resist in peak physical condition, let alone when William was worn out enough to lie down and sleep on the naked bathroom floor.
„Alright. I guess it won’t hurt, either.“
Alessio helped William to step over the rim and safely lowered him into the water. An immediate shudder ran through his entire body, causing him to cough harshly. He winced as the rough hacks burned his raw throat.
„Easy there, caro, try to relax.“ After William had returned to steady breaths, Alessio grabbed a sponge and started to gently wipe his skin. It was a relieve to get rid of the sticky cold sweat, made him feel more like a human being again. Maybe it would even loosen up his sore muscles. William focused on inhaling deep enough to calm down without triggering another bout of coughing.
For about five minutes, everything went well. Then, all of a sudden, the sensation shifted in a rather drastic manner. William began to quiver, then tremble. Goosebumps formed all over his pale skin. His outside was freezing while his insides were rapidly heating up.
„I don’t feel right“, he moaned, then clenched his jaws to prevent his teeth from chattering.
„That doesn’t look right either.“ Alessio scratched his head. „Let’s get you out of this.“
His strong arms wrapped around William’s body. Alessio had to lift him up because he was shaking so hard that he failed to get back on his feet. After placing his husband on the bath rug, Alessio wrapped him in a big, fluffy towel and gently dried him off.
„I’m so sorry, cuore.“ He looked as guilty as a dog that had been caught eating the birthday cake.
„No, it… it’s fine… probably something about vasoconstruction and metabolic heat production and the central thermoragulation set point…“
„Don’t rack your brain, you’re not at work.“ Alessio helped William to stand up. He was still awfully weak and completely exhausted, but at least he managed to walk back to the living room with his husband’s assistance. Alessio parked William on their most comfortable armchair while he changed the bedding on the sofa. It was probably still clammy from his earlier outbreak of sweating. When everything was as good as new, Alessio lead William to the couch and tucked him in.
„Can you… bring me my meds for the night?“, William rasped.
„No. Something much better.“ Without warning, the unsettling smile was back. „My mom’s miracle cure.“
„Al… please.“ William grabbed his husband’s hand. „You do everything to take care of me and I know that all you want is to make me get better, but… I’d rather stick to regular medicine right now. Tried and tested, remember? So… could you please just give me my paracetamol?“
„Don’t worry“, Alessio assured and placed a kiss on his forehead, „it contains paracetamol.“
Before William could dig any deeper, Alessio was rushing towards the kitchen.
When Alessio returned with a mug in his hand and a grin on his face, William instantly had a bad feeling about it. The smell would have been unpleasant in his hungriest moments. With his current food aversion, the cup’s contents seemed like a liquid torture device.
„Listen, love.. I… I really don’t think I can stomach that.“
„It doesn’t taste as bad as it smells“, Alessio tried to appease him. „This is everything your body needs, and it’s not a lot. You managed to get down way more of the soup earlier.“
„I don’t think you can compare this to your soup.“ William instinctively backed off as much the couch and his mountain of pillows allowed.
„It’s medicine, it’s not supposed to taste good“, his husband insisted. „I know the bath didn’t turn out so well, but this is different. Believe me, when I was a child…“
„…it cured you from any disease known to mankind, I know.“ William let out a shallow sigh, trying not to irritate his throat. The thought of downing whatever concoction Alessio had prepared only added to the queasiness in his stomach. But then again, he was tired of being confined to the couch, marinating in his own sweat. Maybe this was the time to be a little more open minded. It was not like he had an awful lot to lose. „Fine. I give in. Hand over the panacea.“
„You’ll see, it will make you feel better in no time.“ Alessio gave him the mug. He had been right, it was only half full. Not an awful lot to swallow, even with an upset digestion. Bracing himself for the worst, William put the cup to his lips and quickly downed the smoothie-like brewage.
For a few merciful moments, William’s tastebuds were so overwhelmed by the amalgamation of pungent flavors that they simply refused to send signals to his brain. Then everything hit him all at once. All taste qualities known to mankind had been blended together and then amped up to eleven. It was intensely bitter, but also overpoweringly sweet with a strong note of garlic, a more than subtle spiciness and a tangy aftertaste. It was the grossest thing William had ever tasted in his entire life.
„Oh my…“ Before he knew it, his stomach was churning, trying to repel what could only be poison. William’s hand flew up to his mouth as he felt the thick mash crawling back up his throat. He frantically swallowed it down, but it didn’t want to go the whole way. Panicking, he muttered against his fingers. „Al, I… I need to be sick.“
„What? Oh. Oh no.“ Alessio was on his feet in a split second. „Hold it in, I’ll get you a bucket!“
He hurried to the trash bin in the corner and dumped the crumpled paper, candy wrappers and empty chips bags on the carpet. William desperately clutched his mouth while his stomach relentlessly pumped up more of its content. Vomit flooded against his palm, leaking through his fingers in small trickles that smelled and tasted even more rancid than the stuff he had forced down.
His resistance was broken. Brownish liquid sprayed out between his fingers in all directions, hitting his blanket, his shirt, the couch and even the floor. The disgusting brew looked pretty much the same as it had entered his body – not a surprise, considering the brevity of its stay. The main difference was the added flavor of gastric juice. William curled in on himself, wailing as the strain of throwing up sent his headache into overdrive. His stomach lurched and expelled a gush of semi-digested soup. While he was still blowing chunks of shredded chicken, carrots and celery, all mixed in with a reddish broth, Alessio pulled him over the bin. The last wave of gut stew splattered safely into the container, sloshing around at its bottom.
„Poor Will, I’m so sorry.“ Alessio sounded like he was on the verge of tears. „I really thought it would help you.“
„I… I know“, William coughed. As if the pain in his throad hadn’t been bad enough before, it was now treated to gastric acid and a forceful torrent of puke. He felt complete drained, his head radiating heat. With a meager retch, he collapsed to the side. Alessio barely managed to catch him while also preventing the bucket from falling over. „Sorry… I ruined the couch.“
„Don’t worry about the mess, I’ll clean it up later. Do you think you got it all out?“
„m‘ not sure“, William slurred. „What… did you put in this abomination?“
„Everything that helps against the flu“, Alessio explained. He pulled back the blanket that had caught the most amount of vomit and placed the bucket on William’s lap. Carefully, he propped up his husband‘s body with one arm around the waist and the other hand at his forehead. „Garlic, ginger, onion juice, mustard, honey, lemon and two crushed up paracetamol.“
„You… you’re not supposed to take them all at once!“ William’s gag reflex was instantly triggered again. Too weak to hold himself up, he sank into Alessio’s grip and released his stomach contents into the trash bin. Two more surges of lumpy gruel filled the container before the violent purging finally tapered into bile and eventually coughing. William could barely catch a breath while he was alternately barking and retching. After what seemed like an eternity, he spat out whatever regurgitated food chunks were left in his mouth and gasped for air.
„I don’t even know what to say.“ Alessio wiped William’s face with a handkerchief from the box he had placed on the couch table, just in case a runny nose would join the flu team. „I didn’t want to make you sick. Mom swore that the stuff would kickstart your body’s detox process.“
„Detox isn’t even a thing“, William cried. „Why do you think our bodies have kidneys and a liver and… eugh.“
He gagged as a whiff of odeur de puke hit his nose. Alessio gently rubbed his back.
„I swear I’ll make up for it. No more experiments. Just plain old paracetamol.“
„Give my stomach a minute to settle“, William pleaded. „I’ve thrown up more than enough for one day.“
„I won’t argue with that“, Alessio smiled crookedly. „Something’s telling me you’ll be sleeping with me in bed today.“
Trying not to make an even bigger mess by spilling the sick from the blanket, Alessio helped William get up from the soiled couch. He placed him in a chair while he took off his shirt and cleaned up the splatters he had spewed on himself. When Alessio was done, he carefully guided a shuddering William to their marriage bed.
„Take one of my shirts.“ Alessio assisted his husband with the dressing process. „It will make you sleep better.“
„That’s a home remedy I have confidence in“, William agreed, then hesitated. „But… what if I have to vomit again?“
„Nevermind. Your recovery is more important than a clean shirt.“ Alessio took the chance to ruffle William’s hair before the blonde sank into the pillows. Any strength had been drained from his body, along with his last meal. He struggled to keep his eyes open.
„Luvya“, William mumbled.
„I love you too.“
A soft kiss on his forehead was the last thing William felt before he drifted into the comforting embrace of sleep.
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hopeless-lovex0 · 5 years
( San Ending )
Kim Hongjoong Fanfic
Warning: Angst. Cheating. Heartbreak. Cursing. Fluff.
Alas we are on the Finale of I Have A Dream!!! I honestly loved writing this story so much and I’m incredibly happy and thankful that people actually took time to read it so this final chapter goes out to everyone who has liked, shared or read in general I Have A Dream ❤️ Without further ado I hope you guys enjoy the option of choosing your own ending, I hope you guys enjoyed I Have A Dream. With much love Lizzie x 🥰❤️
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        Taking care of a 3 week old baby was sure a hard task, the loud wails of the little one resonating around the dimly lit apartment. Y/N was glad that Youngji decided to stay over at his friends house, or else she knew he would have a hard time falling asleep with Jongho making so much noise. It's not that Youngji minded, if anything he would be the first one up in the middle of the night feeding Jongho if Y/N was too tired, he would also help change him if Y/N was busy with something else.
     Y/N was extremely grateful for her brother, Youngji always cuddling Jongho the best he could, also taking great care of Y/N when she felt like the constant hours of sleep she lost where taking a tool on her body. Youngji loved his sister very much, he also loved his nephew Jongho as well, but even he felt like he was doing so little to help her.
     So he took matter into his own hands and requested help from someone he knew would never think about saying no, especially when it came to his sister and the recent family addition. San was more than willing to help Y/N around the apartment, constantly dotting over her and Jongho if they ever needed something. He didn't seem to mind either, helping Y/N with Jongho with a big smile on his face, Youngji swears he even heard San whispers Dad of the year to himself while he was carefully changing Jongho's dirty onesie.
     Y/N felt like they were doing too much, the guys constantly following right behind her, eager to help and it made her feel like she was taking advantage of San's sweet nature and her brother's overprotective actions. She wanted to learn and grow as a mother by herself, but now more than ever did she miss the extra pair of hands helping lull Jongho to sleep.
     The circular clock hanging over the kitchen entrance read 2:47 AM, Jongho first started crying around 12. It was nearing the third hour and Y/N had only managed to subside his desperate cries just a little. She had tried everything she could think of, he wasn't hungry as he rejected being breastfed, he also didn't need a diaper change as Y/N had checked more than 3 times.
     Y/N could slowly feel herself crack as the minutes ticked by, swaying her body and humming under her breath to help Jongho sleep but he just kept on crying. " Please baby... Just go to sleep! I dont know what's wrong.." Y/N whispered to Jongho, feeling tears well up in her sunken eyes as she struggled to help her baby calm down.
     The sudden knock on the door snapped her attention from her crying new born, anxiety shooting off the roof when she thinks about her brother's neighbors coming over and complaining about the noise. Walking up to the door with a crying baby in her arms, Y/N begins to give herself a little pep talk, fully preparing herself to see her brother's angry bald neighbor in his pijamas screaming at her for the noise.
     Opening the door, she expected the bald neighbor to start complaining but to her surprised a panting, what appered to be a freshly showered San was hunched right in front of her at 3 in the morning. Y/N gaped at him as he quickly stood straight and walked into the apartment, closing the door behind him then turning back towards Y/N, greeting her with a sheepish smile.
     " Wha.. What are you doing here..?" Y/N questions, standing there with a dumbstruck look on her face. " Youngji texted me saying that you might be having some trouble putting Jongho to sleep so I decided to come and help." San explains, as if its the most simple thing in the world for him to appear in the middle of the night, especially when he was an idol. " Why do you say that so casually?! Won't you get in trouble with the manager? What about your schedule for tomorrow! You need to go back!" She begins to panic, causing Jongho's cries to grow in volume again.
     San then takes a moment to actually study Y/N closely, her pijamas wrinkled as if she got out of bed in a rush, face pale and eyes sucken with dark bags under them to show the lack of sleep she has been getting. Walking up to her, he gently takes Jongho out of Y/N's arms and then takes one of her hands, leading them towards Y/N's room where Jongho's crib is placed. Y/N can't help but gasp out in surprise, the moment Jongho was taken from her arms and placed on San's muscular ones Jongho loud cries had gone down from loud wailing to quiet whimpers.
     " How did you...?" She begins to question before her voice dies off, Jongho now completely quiet as he continues to snuggle in San's arms. " I don't know how you do that." She sighs out, throwing herself on her bed and letting San deal with Jongho as he seems to be doing better than her.
     " Do what? Get him to quiet down?" He questions, Y/N humming back at him in response. " I really don't know.. Maybe we formed a bond the minute he was born." He smugly says, causing Y/N to snort out in annoyence. " I'm his mother and I can't even get him to sleep, what kind of mother can't even put her baby to sleep." Y/N whispers out, face twisted in a frown when she talks about her lack of knowledge on her own flesh and blood.
     San seems to notice her negative attitude towards herself, sitting himself down by Y/N's head, bringing his hand up and flicking her forehead. Y/N jumps up, bringing her hands up and wincing in pain as she begins to rub the red spot appering on her skin. " What was that for!!!" Y/N harshly whispers at him, glaring at him for his sudden action. " You don't give yourself enough credit." San tells her, Y/N saying huh in confusion.
     " There's so many things that you do for this little guy. He finds so much comfort in you and you don’t seem to notice just how much you do for him. You're not a bad mother just because you can't seem to get him to sleep, it'll happen once in a while." San finishes off, patting Y/N's head as she listens to San compliment her. " How do you know what to say too! Like I swear it's like we've been together for years." Y/N whines out, causing San to blush at her words though she doesn't seem to notice as her eyes begin to drop.
     " Go to sleep idiot, I can tell Jongho has been keeping you up and it's not healthy to deprive yourself of sleep." He says, getting up from the bed and pulling the covers off so that Y/N can slip in easier. " What about you? I can't just leave you to deal with Jongho all by yourself." Y/N slurs out, already feeling herself falling into a deep sleep.
     " I'll wait till he's completely asleep, and then head out. Don't worry, I don't mind taking care of him at all." He says, although he doesn't think Y/N caught all of it as she seems to be out like light before he's able to finish talking. Shaking his head, he lets out a chuckle and turns his attention to Jongho currently knocked out on his chest. " You and your mommy are just alike huh? But still.. I wouldn't have it any other way." He whispers to Jongho, placing a small kiss on the baby's peach fuzz head.
     Walking up to the crib next to the bed, he carefully places Jongho inside it then waits a couple minutes in case he suddenly wakes up crying. Once he knows that Jongho is not going to wake up, he walks towards Y/N and makes sure that she is comfortably tucked in. He softly tucks away some hairs behind her ear, showing her content expression, he feels his stomach burst with billions of butterflies. A loving smile appears on his face without him noticing, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead. " You are a great mother, but on the day's where everyhting doens't seem to work out.. I'll be there to pick you up." He whispers out, staring at Y/N for a couple more seconds before finally walkingout the room and towards the entrance, making usre that the door is properly locked he leaves the apartment with a happy smile on his face.
                                         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
     Loud screaming coming from the hallway outside of San's and Yunho's room wakes him up, an annoyed expression coming upon his face when he realizes that it's Wooyoung and Mingi that are screaming their lungs out. Turning over his bed, he squints his eyes against the sunlight pouring in through the windows of his room. He can't really tell what time it is, so he decides to check his phone, the device laying on the floor next to his bed.
     Grabbing the fully charged phone, he notices a message from his manager on their group chat, Hongjoong and Seonghwa having answered for the rest of the guys. No practice today, day off. Please, if you plan to go out wear face masks. Don't burn the dorm down and don't kill each other. We need everyone present for schedule. It reads, the rest of the guys apperantly already knowing from how loud they are at 8 in the morning.
     Letting out a groan, San begins to wiggle himself out the bed before finally feeling his body drop on the cold wood floor. The covers that dropped on top of his body helping him feel some warmth as the bitter cold of the floor seeps into his pijama covered body. He stays on the floor for a couple minutes, listening to all the ruckus going on behind the bedroom door, occasionaly hearing Yeosang’s soft spoken voice and Seonghwa's scolding coming from further in the dorm towards the kitchen area.
     Finally after what seems like an eternity, San reaches into the drawer next to his bed and begins to take out an outfit for the day, not sure if he should go for classy or more casual. He thinks about the various options he has to choose from, what's the point of dressing classy if I'm not doing anything big today. He thinks, moving aside various pairs of jeans and instead taking out a pair of joggers, along with a random t-shirt.
     Standing up, he walks up Yunho's side of the room and takes his hat hanging from a hook connected to the wall. Quickly getting dressed, he walks up to the door and throws it open, standing face to face with Wooyoung and Mingi as they seem to stop their fighting. " Seonghwa-Hyung send us to wake you up but since you are already up then we should tell you that he plans on giving Yunho your breakfast if you don't hurry up." Mingi says, pushing Wooyoung's face away when the dancer begins to tickle the friendly giant.
     Knowing that Seonghwa doesn't bluff, San pushes through them and runs towards the kitchen screaming Yunho's name as he sees the other giant taking small pieces from San's food. Running up to the middle island, he quickly snatches the bowl of food away from Yunho's prying hands, glaring at him when he notices that he was almost halfway done with the bowl. Grumbling under his breath, he begins to eat what is left of his food, missing the look of amusement Seonghwa is giving him, his lean but built body leaning against the kitchen countertop.
     " What are you doing today?" Seonghwa asks San as he continues to wolf down his food, scrunching up his face in disgust from the way San seems to swallow his food all at once. San stays quiet for a couple seconds, giving Seonghwa's questions some thought. Where should I go today? Maybe I can go to the mall with some of the guys? But I want to see Y/N and Jongho again.. Last night was way to short, and I didn't even get to play with Jongho. San thinks to himself, so many things he could do today or how many hours of sleep he could finally get, all of them sounding amazing, but in the end it all comes down to one thing (or in his case 2 people).
     " I'm gonna hang out with Y/N today." He says, struggling to get the words out with all the food stuffed inside his mouth. " Swallow your food before you choke, and didn't you see Y/N last night when we got out of pratice?" Seonghwa asks him, turning around and beginning to wash the mountain of dishes they used to make eachother breakfast that morning. Getting up from his chair, San scarffs down the last of his food before putting the plate in the sink, giving Seonghwa a sheepish smile when the older male gives him a nasty glare. " Barely, Jongho was up all night apperently and she couldn't put him to sleep, so I helped her and then a couple minutes after she fell asleep so I didn't really get to talk to her." Explains San, taking a glass cup from the cabinet over his head and filling it with the last bit of orange juice some of the guys left out.
     " Poor Y/N, I can tell she's having a hard time adjusting to being a mother, but I'm glad you and Youngji are doing your best to help her." Yunho butts in, walking up to San and taking his glass from him, Seonghwa hums in agreement. " Yeah I agree with you. So If you are visiting Y/N, Don't forget to wear a face mask so people don’t recognize you and tell Y/N that we'll all visit her soon when we have another day off." Seonghwa says, taking the empty glass from Yunho and washing it before they decide to leave it there throughout the rest of the day.
     Giving Seonghwa a thumbs up, San runs to his shared room and throws the door open, yelping in surprise when he notices Wooyoung chilling on his bed. " Hey Sannie! What are you doing today? I wanted to buy some new shoes but I don't want to go alone." Wooyoung says, taking one of San's plushies and hugging it close to himself as he watches San take out a pair of socks and shoving them on his feet. " Hey Woo, I actually have plans already. I'm gonna go see Y/N and Jongho since it was way too late last night and they were both tired." San tells him, walking over to his bed and grabbing his bookbag where his wallet and dorm keys are stashed away.
     " That's cool, I'll probably ask Yeosang to come with me instead. Also I see you are climbing up the ladder slowly, but surely am I right." Wooyoung teases, giggling to himself as he sees the deadpan look San give him in return. " You deserve to get your phone thrown out the window for saying that." San mumbles out, busying himself with other things as he tries to ignore Wooyoung’s loud squeaky laugh.
     " I'm just joking around! Plus what I said was true. I see that you are trying your hardest to get her to like you, and no offense with how much you are doing for her, it'll be pretty bogus if she doesn't choose you in the end." Wooyoung tells him, causing San to stop in his tracks and sigh out. " Whoever she chooses in the end, either way it won't stop me from loving her and doing whatever I can to get her to realize that I can treat her so much better." San finishes off, walking back to the door and exiting with a small wave directed to his loud but nonetheless amazing friend.
     He hears Wooyoung yell out a goodbye, snickering to himself when he hears the oldest of the dorm scream at him to shut up. As he walks up to the main entrance he feels the piercing gaze of someone in the living room, chills crepping up his spine when the feeling of being stared at doesn't go away. Turning towards the living room entryway he scans his eyes around the area, his sharp eyes landing on Ateez's leader. The male staring at San with an unreadable expression on his face, fidgeting in his seat as if he is ready to jump off the couch any minute.
     Deciding to ignore him, San walks up to the shoe rack and grabs his worn out adidas shoes, slipping them on without a hassle before grabbing his jacket and slipping it on. Digging in his pockets he takes out a black face mask and slips it on, arm reaching towards the handle before a very distraught voice screams out his name causing him to stop in his tracks. Turning around, the last thing he expects to see is a shaking Hongjoong deeply bowing his head to him, face practically almost touching the floor from how deeply he is bowing.
     San stares at him in shock, turning towards the rest of the guys as they seemed to gone quiet the moment Hongjoong screamed San's name. He gives them a confused look, the guys shrugging their shoulders letting him know that they also don't know what's going on. " Uhhh... What are you doing?" Questions San, yelping out when Hongjoong suddenly stands back up rapidly. " Please take good care of them." Hongjoong's voice resonates throughout the dorm, everyone else quiet as they watch the scene in front of them.
     San is about to question him, but instead gets cut off by Hongjoong's trembling voice. " Y/N and Jongho. I know my chance with Y/N ended when I decided to cheat, so I ask you to please take care of them for me. Jongho needs a good father to raise him, and Y/N needs a good man who will love her better than I could. That man is you." Hongjoong finishes off, harshly wiping away tears from his face as he holds intense eye contact with San. Walking up to him, San pulls Hongjoong in for a hug surprising not only the male currently being forced in a hug but the rest of the guys watching them from the living room and the hallway.
     " Y/N already sees you as Jongho's father so don't give me all the credit. I will take good care of them, so you don't need to worry." San says, pulling away from him and patting him on the shoulder, Hongjoong giving him a small smile in thanks. Again turning around, he makes his way over to the door and opens it, yelling out a goodbye to the rest of the guys.
     The walk to Youngji's apartment doesn't last that long, and before he knows it, he is standing in front of the same door he was standing in front of just last night. Knocking on it, he waits a couple minutes before the door creaks open, Y/N standing on the other side of it seemingly more awake than last night. They greet each other warmly, Y/N fully opening the door to let the idol in and then quickly closing it so that none of Youngji's neighbors come out of their apartments and try sneaking a look into her brothers.
     " Where's Youngji? I noticed he wasn't here last night as well." San questions, walking up to the Jongho's cradling bouncer and picking him up, the new born snuggling onto his warm chest without a fuss. " He stayed at a friends house last night since he got out work late and he didn't want to risk waking Jongho up but as you can tell from last night, he wasn't exactly sleeping." Y/N answers back from her room, voice sounding muffled due to her room being all the way down the hall. She comes back dressed in a pair of black leggings and a loose maroon blouse, cooing to herself when she sees Jongho snuggling San's chest.
     They both stand together in silence, Y/N drinking water from a glass cup while staring at San and her baby, San staring at Jongho with a loving look. Sensing her staring, San lifts up his head and stares right back at Y/N causing her to squeak in embarassment. She turns her head away, blushing bright red when she hears San let out a deep chuckle causing Jongho to wake up from his little nap. Y/N prepares herself for the loud cries of her baby to pierce the quiet setting of the apartment but instead stares in awe when she notices that he instead stares at San in wonder.
     San makes faces at the baby, causing him to let out little giggles in amusement. Y/N can help but silently swoon at the sight in front of her, she can't help but think that San would make a great father someday. With that thought, her mind begins to drift to various other scenarios of which include San with his own child or better yet, Jongho calling him dad. She thinks back to that day in the hospital when Hongjoong called her out on her feelings for San, and she won't lie that what he said isn't true because it is. Ever since that day when Y/N found San on the dirt road with a sprained ankle, she began to develop feelings for the dimpled man.
     All those times he would help her carry bags, bodies brushing against each other causing Y/N's heart rate to spike. She blamed it all on the pregnancy hormones but after her talk with Hongjoong she finally got some time to sit down and think, I really do like him. She is afraid though, the thought of being in a relationship scares her. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he decides to leave me for someone better? I can't even begin to imagine the pain I would feel if that were to happen again, and now I have a child. I can't be weak! I have to be strong for my baby. She thinks, turning her body away from the scene in front of her so that San won't be able to see her unhappy expression.
     San seemed to sense her sudden attitude change, puts Jongho back on his bouncer then walks up to Y/N taking her soft hands in his own. " What's wrong?" He asks her, grabbing her chin and turning her face towards his so that she'll look at him instead. Knowing that she can't lie to save her life, she decided to fess up sighing out when she thinks about what he'll say to her.
     " Do you... Do you think I could ever get back in a relationship with someone? Like do you think someone would be willing to date a single mother?" She questions, keeping her eyes down so that he won't see the doubt swimming in her eyes. " Who wouldn't want to be in a relationship with you? You are so amazing Y/N and you fail to see that, If someone doesn't want to be with you because you have an adorable, incredible baby then it's their loss!" San tells her, making sure to keep eye contact with her so she knows that he's telling the truth.
     They stare into each others eyes for what seems like an eternity, both of them flushing in embarressment when they notice just how close their faces were. " You once told me you had a dream to have a family of your own. A loving husband and two kids that you could spoil the heck out of. Don't let that dream leave your mind just because Hongjoong cheated on you, It was his mistake not yours. Anyone would be lucky to have you.. I would be lucky to have you.." San whispers out the last bit, avoiding eye contact with Y/N as he rubs the back of his neck in nervousness.
     He whips his head towards Y/N when her hears her let out a gasp, knowing that she probably heard what he said last. Y/N feels her head start to spin, body warming up when she replays San's words in her head, Don't let Hongjoong's actions affect your future Y/N! It's now or never! Y/N thinks to herself, fist curling up causing her knuckles to turn white.
     " I.... I LIKE YOU SAN..." Y/N says, walking away right after so that if San rejects her she won't be able to see it. She failed to see the blush covering San's entire face, his ears and cheeks burning up from the shock and disbelief he was experiencing in that moment. He feels the way his heart is rapidly racing and he hopes that Y/N isn't able to hear how loud it is, but as he turns around he sees that she's distractic herself with Jongho, checking his diaper in case he needed to be changed even thought she had chaged him an hour ago.
     He studies her for a couple seconds to see if what she said is true, and from the way she's acting extremely shy he can at least begin to think that YN might like him back. He begins to laugh quietly to himself, Y/N staring at him with wide eyes as his laughing progressively grows louder. Scurrying over to Y/N he pullls her in for a hug, Y/N having to steady herself as she's pratically lifted off the floor.
     She feels San's big grin from where he shoved his face between her neck, letting out various giggles as he swings Y/N around making sure that he doesn't hurt her or Jongho by accident. " Do you mean it..?" He whispers out, placing Y/N back down on the ground and putting his hands on her waist as he waits for her to answer him. " I.. I do., I found out a couple days after I left the hospital. I was just to scared to tell you." She says, keeping eye contact with him as best as she can without getting flustered. " You don't have to be scared.. I won't ever hurt you or Jongho, I'll get the guys to beat me up if I ever do." San laughs out, reaching forwards and tucking some hairs behind Y/N's ear as he continues to gaze lovingly at her. " So does this mean you'll give me a chance..?" He continues, nervously playing with her hair as she looks between him and Jongho napping a couple feet away.
     She remains quiet for a couple seconds before a smile begins to appear on her face, growing wider and wider as her grip around San grows tighter. ".. Yes.." She whispers out, bringing San in for a small kiss, pulling away when they hear Jongho begin to whine from the lack of attention. They both giggle out, San reaching down and placing another short kiss on Y/N's soft lips before pulling away and attending to his baby.
                           1 year and a couple months later....
     San wakes to a sudden disturbance on the bed, quiet giggling following the sudden movements coming from the right side of the bed, where Y/N usually sleeps. Pulling the covers away from his face, he peeks his eyes over the side of the bed, spotting a small toddler trying to jump on the bed. Throwing the covers away from him, he quickly reaches his arms over and picks up the squealing toddler, throwing himself back into the warm bed with a giggling boy in his arms.
     " Where's mommy?" San asks Jongho as he begins to tickle the squirming toddler, Jongho pointing at the hallway leading up to the main area of the apartment. Getting up from the bed, he scoops Jongho into his arms and exits the main room, making faces at Jongho as he walks towards the kitchen where Y/N is currently making breakfast. Putting Jongho down, the toddler runs up to his toys spraddled all over the living room floor. He walks up to an oblivious Y/N, swaying to a tune she's humming as she continues to cook some eggs and pancakes for breakfast.
     He snakes his hands on her waist, pulling her up to his body as he gives her exposed shoulder a kiss. He feels Y/N jump and then shudder, the feeling of his lips on her exposed skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. Turning around Y/N slips her arms over his neck, hugging San close to her as he begins to pepper her face with kisses, they both turn their attention to Jongho when he screams out at them. Jongho runs up to San and begins to jump up and down, pounting his lips from the lack of attention he is getting.
     Pulling away from Y/N, San leans down and picks up a whining Jongho, attacking him with kisses as well. Jongho begins to giggle again, throwing his hands up and pushing San's face away from his. " No daddy!" The toddler screams out, San's heart swelling with love when he hears Jongho call him dad. " Let's eat breakfast buddy." San tells him, walking up to the dining chair and placing Jongho in it.
     He walks up to one of the cabinets and takes out two ceramic plates and a colorful plactic plate for Jongho, walking up to the stove and placing the food on the plates. He watches as Y/N fills up two glasses with orange juice, then filling Jongho's sippy cup with warm milk, the toddler greedily sipping from it. Both adults sit down to eat as well, San keeping close watch on Y/N as she begins to eat slowly. " Do you think it's a stomach bug? We did eat sushi the other day and I swear it tasted funny." San tells her, worried for his girlfriend who has been throwing up for the past week.
     " Actually I know what it is." Y/N mumbles out, picking at her food as San looks at her in confusion. " Why don't you go check the drawer next to our bed. I have something for you in there." She tells him, watching as San hesitantly gets up and makes him way back to their shared bedroom. Y/N busy's herself with cleaning the food all over Jongho's face before hearing a shout come from their bedroom.
     Thundering footsteps run back to the kitchen, San popping out from the corner holding 4 sticks in his hand. His face shows pure shock, mouth opening and closing like a fish, Jongho pointing at him and giggling in amusement. " Are you playing with me?!" San asks her, walking up to her and shoving the sticks on her face, she gives him a small smile and shakes her head. " I have an appointment next week to make sure, but no I'm not playing with you." Y/N tells him, taking the pregnancy tests from his hands and placing them on the kitchen counter.
     " You're pregnant.." San breathes out, pulling Y/N towards him and placing one of his hands on her flat belly. Y/N nods at him, San finally letting his excitement show as he practically starts to jump around the kitchen. He hears Y/N and Jongho giggling together and he immediately turns towards the toddler and picks him up, spinning him around with him while telling him " You're gonna be a big brother Jongho! You're gonna have a brother or a sister." San excitedly tells him, Jongho cheering out even though he doesn't know what going on.
     Walking up to Y/N he pulls her for a hug, Jongho stuck in the middle enjoying the hug both parents are giving him.
     " Thank you.. Thank you for making me a father again, I love you." San whispers out, pulling in Y/N for a kiss placing a kiss on Jongho's head when he whines out. Y/N giggles to herself, giving Jongho a kiss as well then pulling San in for another.
     " I love you.. I love our little family." She tells him, tearing up when she thinks about having another baby with San. San beams at her in return, content with life as he thinks to himself.
     She had a dream to have a family of her own, A loving husband and two kids that she can spoils to no ends, and even though we are not married yet, I plan on making her mine forever soon. He thinks back to the velvet box carefully hidden under all his clothes. He can't wait to marry this girl, and live together in their own little house.
              Their own little family...
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savage-rhi · 4 years
Joel meeting/holding Skylar for the first time?? (I'm already crying and there is a good chance Joel would cry to ngl)
@themechaneer Here goes nothing!
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Ever since the Death Stranding, people were not having children. Birth rates had already been on the decline, but the Stranding was the straw that broke the camels back. No one wanted to bring a precious life into a world that was full of death and disarray. 
Joel couldn’t blame them. There were rare moments where he tried putting himself in the shoes of a potential parent in this kind of torn up world, and alas he couldn’t fathom it. Even if he wanted a family, Joel felt like the quality of life outweighed whatever primal needs he or someone had. 
It was one thing to hear about a child coming into the world, but another to see one in the flesh. A child was something Joel least expected when Gene sent word her and Higgs would be visiting and they had a surprise. Joel didn’t think much of it at first, just happy to have company for a little while. People he could tolerate. It made things easier when he had to be away from his home and in the garage working on things. 
It was late evening when Gene and Higgs arrived. Joel could see from afar they had taken a bike to get up to the garage. It was strange given he was used to the pair merely jumping to his location when Higgs could get enough juice to up his DOOMs. Nonetheless, he smiled and prepared to greet them with a shout. His features went neutral upon seeing Higgs get off the bike first, carefully helping Gene off. She had something that looked like a porter pack on her front, carrying a heavy thing against her chest that she held onto protectively. The dots began to connect in Joel’s mind as his lips lightly parted while Gene and Higgs approached him.
“Hey Joel!” Gene’s voice snapped him out of his trance as Joel nodded to them both.
“Good to see you two,” He then paused, canting his head curiously as a little hand stretched out. Tiny fingers grasping here and there before settling back against Gene. Joel did a double-take, then gestured.
“Or I should say three?” 
Gene let out a laugh, shushing the infant in her pack. She cradled her daughter in her arms carefully and pulled back some of the blankets she was wrapped up in. The baby’s blue eyes fluttered open as a yawn escaped. The infant staring at Joel with a confused look before going back to sleep. 
Joel took in a deep breath, hand covering his mouth for a moment as he glanced between Gene and Higgs then back at the small thing. The baby looked just like both of them. There was no question about it. A warmth grew in his gut as his mind flooded with euphoria at seeing something so rare. Joel was speechless. 
Higgs cleared his throat, then gently took the baby from Gene and out of the pack. He was careful at tucking the blankets back around her so she wouldn’t get cold from the evening winds. There was a care in Higgs’s eyes that Joel had never seen before as he looked upon his daughter before approaching Joel. Higgs pressed his lips to the baby's forehead for a brief moment. Letting out a nervous sigh, Higgs held the baby out to Joel.
“Careful with Pipsqueak,” He whispered, gently putting her into Joel’s arms. 
Joel held the child as if she were made of glass, afraid the slightest movement would break her. He swallowed, feeling tears escape the corners of his eyes as he looked upon the sleeping face. Joel couldn’t explain the elation at seeing something so pure. He sniffled, grinning from ear to ear as he murmured aloud. 
“What’s her name?”
“Skylar,” Gene said with a soft smile as Higgs stood by her side, his arm going around her waist as he looked on. It took a lot for him to trust Joel with his baby, but he was feeling good about going through with allowing Joel to hold her. He could tell Gene was proud of him for not being overprotective. 
“She’s really cute,” Joel said, sniffling as Skylar began to wake up. Her tired eyes looked over Joel. Her little smile at him made her cheeks look puffier as she tilted her head in the blankets and studied him. Joel moved a hand to tuck away some wild hairs, only to have a tiny hand grip his index finger. She squeezed it as small noises left her. Joel chuckled as Gene walked over, looking down at her daughter and then leaned her head against Joel’s shoulder. She was exhausted from the trip, but happy seeing how things paved out.
“You did good kiddo. You really did.” Joel said sincerely to Gene, trying to tamper down his tears. 
Higgs watched the scene unfold, smiling himself as he could feel the tensions he had carried on the trip fall away. Skylar was safe with Joel. They were all safe and the world became a little bit bigger for his daughter. 
**A link to my ko-fi account. If you enjoy my content and want to support me getting my monthly medication for fibromyalgia and arthritis, I would be eternally grateful. It is NOT a requirement however! All my work is free to read!**
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artloungeofhako · 5 years
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Name: Fujioka Shiori (First name means "poem")
Social introvert. Can usually be mistaken as extrovert because of her good social skills and charm towards people.
Bubbly, polite, and dynamic towards general people; is usually serious, serene, and edgy/dark humorist around friends.
Likes psychology and is good at reading people (even apparitions!?)
Good at difficult things, hopeless at some practical things
Reading books of interest (is usually bored with textbook or required book reading/assignment)
Loves to draw and experiment with creativity
Videogames when she has time
Studying and collecting occult things
Being a huge nerd
What's your favorite snack?
Blueberry cheesecake. Is that a snack?
What's your biggest concern lately?
That Nene would not liken her fate to mine.
Role in the main story (if anime only, do not read; may contain spoilers):
Shiori was the student assistant of Hanako before Nene. They were incredibly close. As most of Hanako's past assistants, Shiori fell in love with Hanako too, but Hanako never took her seriously because he pressumed Shiori was just friendly towards other people and apparitions. Hanako never cared who died anyway. For him, granting the summoner's wish is his job to make his/her life happy until s/he has to leave.
Her role in the story does not revolve around love and romance. Hanako knew from the very start that everyone who can summon him will die nearly soon. However, due to weird circumstance, Shiori never died even though she was only given last 6months as her lifespan from the time she met Hanako. The reason? Only Shiori knows. She never told Hanako. And ever since their bond had broken after 6months of contract, she was never able to see Hanako or any apparition again. When Shiori saw Nene, she got suspicious that maybe she was Hanako's new partner, so she befriended her to guide her from afar, not touching Hanako and her's past. She only claims to know a lot about Hanako from the books she had read. Every advice she gives Nene actually works and Nene has always been grateful for her guidance. Weirdly enough, Hanako can never see her even if she exists or even if they walked past each other, same as her.
Theories how she survived?
1. She became the 8th mystery. Oh, has she? And how? (It has been hinted in the OP Song)
2. She never had those key pin on her hair and that earrings while she was with Hanako. Where did she get those? WHO gave those??
3. Only people to whom Hanako cared about will die. The stronger the attachment of the Mystery, the stronger the push towards the other side. Since Hanako never cared about Shiori unlike he did to Nene, maybe that's a possible answer?
4. If ever you have read this far, any theory you can generate?
3 days before the last day of Shiori's life, she wished that she can live forever. She was in denial towards death since she has a lot of things she wants to do yet. Knowing she'll die soon and only at the age 15 hurts her a lot that she screamed at the rooftop that she wants to be immortal no matter what the consequence is. Tsukasa, then, appeared from Shiori's back and whispered,
"You called??" with his psychopath face.
Shiori knew she fucked up! She knows how scary Tsukasa is and what he does in exchange for a wish. He uses the summoner's weakness for a price.
Yes. Shiori was technically alive, but in the world and shore order, if you had less than a week to live, you are considered "dead". Thus, Tsukasa appearing to her as someone who grants the wishes of the dead. Tsukasa laughed maniacally.
"You said you'll never need my help? I'm the ONLY one who cares about you", Tsukasa goes closer to Shiori and touched her lips.
"This will be the price you will pay. See? Hanako never cared enough for you to even find a way to save you."
Shiori wanted to manipulate Tsukasa into escaping, but in just a matter of seconds, Tsukasa pushed Shiori from the rooftop to the school ground.
"Am I dead? Am I alive? Hanako..."
Shiori woke up from being pushed. She checked herself for injuries, it was a miracle she's still alive. She noticed that she now has these irremovable right earring and key hairpin. Every time she tries to remove them, she gets electric shocks that burn like hell. She wanted to remove them because she thought those were just two of Tsukasa's pranks, but it seems like this wasn't one of those jokes. She cannot remember what Tsukasa said about the price.
She lived her last 2 days normally after that incident, keeping in mind that maybe something might still change.
The day of her designated death:
Painful flashbacks occured in her head like jolts of lightning. This was the worst headache of her life!
Everything Tsukasa said from the rooftop before pushing her down echoed,
"The price of eternity may sound clichè, but I'm just being kind to you like I always do~ right?"
"First and foremost, you will NEVER see Hanako ever again~" Tsukasa hopped of joy.
"No one will ever love you as MUCH as I DO. This is for choosing Amane over me. Every time you love someone—platonically or romantically—they will commit suicide." Tsukasa laughed loudly as if he was really entertained.
"That's also not it~ You will not be able to give birth no matter how much you try. You are NOT allowed to be too close to anyone."
"This may sound shallow, but Shiori... wasn't that your ultimate dream? Your hopeless romantic self... you won't be able to take it! HAHAHAHA."
"This key and earring will symbolize you being bound to me for eternity.
The key symbolizes your wish being granted, and the earring will be the symbol for your punishment. Ah, living for eternity~ Amane and I are only bound here on earth right now to atone for our sins. Once we're good, we can finally be free!! However, look at you..." Tsukasa held her right cheek looking at her as if she was some pity patty kid, "You will be forever bound here on earth, experiencing the pain of being left alone... over and over again as your loved ones will die sooner, one after the other. How exciting~" Tsukasa squealed like a kid.
"Jokes on Amane, though. I am here to disrupt the order of the Seven Wonders. I'm not here to atone for my sins." Tsukasa slyly smiled.
"Sooo..." Tsukasa put his arm on Shiori, "How about be the 8th Mystery for me?"
And that was the end of the painful flashbacks in Shiori's head.
Hanako never visited her on her last day.
She never saw him the next day, but hey at least, she was alive like she wanted to be. She does not feel happy, though. She does not know what happiness is anymore.
All she can think of is Hanako thinking she's already dead for disappearing so sudden. She never felt betrayed. Why did she have to be bound with Tsukasa? And the bad thing about this is she cannot see apparitions anymore because she's now a "normal" human. She cannot have any access or source as to how to defy Tsukasa's punishment for her selfishness.
She is now bound to suffer.
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sweetgubler-blog · 6 years
Reassurance - Spencer x Reader
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A/N - omgggg the amount of msgs and love i’m getting from postings my fics are incredible! thank you all so much for the kind words and the requests that have been sent in! since i’m studying three days a week, my writing schedule will be thursday & fridays. i hope you like this imagine, i'm absolutely in love with the idea of spence as a dad / soon to be dad GOD make it happen already pls
Anon asked: I’m a sucker for soon to be Dad!Spence so could you write a fic where his girlfriend or wife is just having a rough day and is uncomfortable and panicking about being a Mom, so he tries to cheer her up and he ends up laying down with her saying how proud he is of her, but while they're talking about the future and he panics thinking he's going to be a bad Dad. And he just gives her, and her belly, a bunch of kisses and feels their daughter kick. :’
Words - 1218
Warnings - None
Y/N - Your name
E/C - Eye colour
H/C - Hair colour
GIF made by - @sweetg (for some odd reason tumblr won’t let me tag ur acc so for the mean time i’m just putting ur @ here until i fix it)
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Pregnancy was always tiring, stressful and just plain exhausting. Your emotions have been a mess and you haven’t felt the most elegant these past weeks. You were twelve weeks pregnant, entering your second trimester you seemed that it all felt too real and too fast. Your longterm boyfriend, Spencer, was over the moon with joy when you told him the news of your pregnancy. He always dreamed of becoming a dad, and you always knew he’d turn out to be a perfect one. He had that charisma and happiness which would light anyone’s day up, and knowing that your soon to be child would have that presence made you feel proud.
Bundled up in bed with the sheets covering your body, you try to ease the pain of your tender breasts, usual cramps and unsettling nausea. You loved every part of motherhood so far, but the pain which was caused highly effected your efforts most of the time. Spencer, being the good boyfriend that he is, would always know exactly what to do to make you feel better. Whether it was just a cup of tea to a huge bouquet filled with your favourite flowers, he always managed to make the day worthy. Although he spent lots of time working at the BAU with his late nights and early shifts, he would come home to you sound asleep in bed, curling up next to you as he fell asleep against the rhythm of your breathing.
By this time it was 8 pm. Spencer had just arrived home from work, managing to open the door quietly as he dug his keys into the lock. Closing the door behind him, he hung up his satchel onto the hook before he took his arms out of his sweater. Placing it on the hook, he tiptoed upstairs, trying not to make the stairs creak, making his way to the room you two shared. The door was left open slightly, a small gap making him push the door open as he walked into the comfort of your room, his sight blinded by the beauty of you. Carefully making his way to the bathroom, he took off his clothes and jumped into the shower. By the time he shut the door, you shifted in your sleep fluttering your eyes open once again. The pain was gone for the meantime and you felt bliss and relaxation shoot through your body. Sitting up against the bed frame, you look over at the door, Spencer emerging from it in a white bathrobe. His hair was in curls from the water and he looked terribly tired.
“Y/N, d-did I wake you?” Spencer asked sincerely, walking out of the bathroom and turning the light off. Shaking your head, you move over so he could hop into the cozy bed. Lying down next to you, he smile creates small dimples in his cheeks as he gazed into your E/C eyes. Leaning down, he places his soft lips onto yours, gently kissing you as he stroked your cheek. Pulling away, he held his hand against your face as he placed his forehead against yours.
“How was your day?” He asked once again, this time in a soft whisper. You simply sighed in response before yawning slowly. A chuckle escaped his lips.
“You know, the usual. Just sitting around all day trying to not think about the endless pain that loves to surprise me every couple of hours.” You say sarcastically, earning another laugh to escape Spencer’s lips. “What about you?”
“We just worked on another case, not a big deal. I thought about you all day.” Spencer mumbled, staring deeply into your eyes as he stroked your soft H/C hair. A smile dancing on your lips, you lean in and kiss him again, before you pulled away this time, moving his hand from your hair to hold onto.
“Well, Emily will give you time off soon. She understands, you know that, Spence.” You reassured him. “And then you’ll have more time dealing with me!”
Giggling with you, Spencer couldn’t take his eyes away from you. Your beauty radiated through his mind, making him feel eternally loved and grateful to have you. Silence filled the room for a couple more moments, as you just sat in each others company.
“Spence? Do you think I’ll make a good mom?”  Your voice was soft, just below a whisper as you rested your face in the crook of his warm neck. He looked down at you, before shifting onto his side as he now looked up at you, a slow and steady hand tracing the outline of your growing belly.
“Y/N, you know I think you’re incredible. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in someone. We’re merely months away from greeting our child and showing them the world we live in. There are 43.5 million mothers in the world, and you truly are the most amazing one of them all.” He said, his hazel eyes melting into yours. Sniffling, you look down and wipe a tear painted onto your skin away. You knew Spencer was the love of your life. You knew since the moment you met him that he would be the one to hold you and comfort you in your darkest days. You were truly thankful for the impact he has made on you, as well as the impact on your baby.  Suddenly his eyes turned gloomy, soon realising that he was storming something up in that smart brain of his.
“D-Do you think I’ll be okay? As a dad, I mean,” Spencer clarified. You look at him, really looking at him. You take in everything about him that made you fall in love with him in the first place. He was beautiful. He was a gentleman. He was what you needed, and it’s safe to say that he was yours.
“Hey, I know you’ll be great. You’re already so natural with kids already. Just think about you and Henry, from the moment I saw you do your wacky, little magic tricks and seeing the happiness light up in their eyes, I knew straight away that you would make the perfect father. And I’m even more confident to know that you are special. And I’d never want to take that away from you”  You reassure him this time. The light comes back to his eyes, a smile once again found on his lips as he placed a soft peck against your lips.
“I love you,” He whispered against your lips, before running a hand over your stomach once again, leaning down to gently kiss your baby. Smiles from ear to ear from each one of you, you gasped as you felt a kicking sensation hit the roof of your stomach. Spencer looking up straight away, a shocked expression on his face before he burst into laughter and smiles. Matching his, you take the time to catch your breath from the excitement of feeling your baby kick for the first time. He moves his way up to lay against the pillow next to you, as he turned onto your side to stare at him. Closing the gap in between you two, you kiss him with passion before pulling away slowly, looking up into his eyes.
“I love you, too.”
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pale-silver-comb · 8 years
Hi Emma, I just lost my job because I'm not good enough and am pretty upset about it. It was only waitressing, but as a student my only income, so it sucks a lot. Any tips on what I can do to stop moping and make me feel better about myself?
I’m so sorry you lost your job, sweetheart. That can be quite a blow and often very scary. I want to tell you something though - you didn’t lose it because you’re not good enough. Because let me tell you something, being a server of any kind is hard and being a waitress/waiter, in particular, is no easy thing. I work in a bookshop and we have a café and I have so much awe and respect for the people who work in it. I’ve had to go down and help out a couple of times and there is so much to do and remember and I am always apologising to every other customer for being so slow and rubbish. People think it’s an easy job but it’s not - it requires a lot of you and as someone who deals with people as part of their job (and recently just graduated uni) I know being a student adds to the stress significantly. Even if you didn’t feel studying affected you at work, I assure you it plays a big part and the fact you went out there to get a job in the first place while studying is amazing, nonnie.  
You’re just starting out in life - your main priority is your studies and there is a lot of time to gain the skills needed for jobs. No one starts out good at their job, every job is something you learn and get better at with time (time being something students don’t get a lot of). It also comes down to the people you work with - when I first started out in the bookshop, I had an amazing team around me and when I fucked up, they were always there to tell me it wasn’t a problem and if I had a question, not to be shy. They took a seventeen year old, still in school, and built up her confidence which I am eternally grateful for. On the other hand, I have a friend who just started out in retail and received little to no help and had colleagues who spent their time throwing their authority around rather than trying to help her. Her job didn’t end well. I don’t know what your work situation was like but I do know all we can do is our best and as long as we do that you’ll always be good enough, regardless of what happens. Some jobs just aren’t the right fit or the timing is wrong. Sometimes it’s the people we work with that affect us the most.
You will get another job, nonnie. For now, I suggest you talk with someone - family, friend or teacher - and look at your finances first. Once you know where you stand financially, it’ll be easier to make a plan. Remember, you’re going to be okay and if you need to talk to someone, my chat box is always open to you. If you can, do things that make you happy - fanfic, music, walks, movies. Anything that might bring a smile to your face. I understand finding something that makes you smile or happy isn’t always the easiest of tasks, believe me I know (especially when you are feeling lower than low) but you’re important and you deserve to feel good. You’re not a failure. 
I’m not sure how anyone goes about making themselves feel better in their own skin - I haven’t found a way to do that yet myself, so I might not be the best person to ask, but as I said earlier think about what makes you happy and do it. If you can’t do that, find a quiet place, close your eyes, and breathe in for 4, hold for 7, and our for 8. Do that a couple of times before imagining ten steps. At the bottom of the steps are big, wooden doors and beyond those doors is a place that makes you happy; a place that makes you feel safe and good. As you breathe, walk down the steps one at a time and finally walk through the doors and let them close behind you. Explore your happy place (a room, a beach, a field, a space ship, whatever you like). Focus on what it looks like and sounds like and feels like. Take as much time as you want in it before leaving and going back up the steps. I don’t know if that will help you in any way but as someone who suffers very badly from depression and finds it very hard to be happy, that technique helps me and reminds me there is always a safe place I can go and that I am good enough to keep going.
And you are good enough, nonnie. Remember that. Being a student is a stressful time and coupling that with a job is difficult, no matter what you think. Surround yourself with people - family, friends, online or off (and that includes me, if you’d like that). You can do this, I know you can. Search around for other jobs, or see about getting a loan if that’s something you’d be okay with. There will be options and you will come out the other end. 
I’m sorry if this isn’t the kind of advice you were looking for but if you want to talk, I’m here for you and we can work out on helping you together. 
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Deny Yourself
By. Pastor. Pablo Puja
It is a great blessing to be in contact with you, through this Platform, trusting that God is fully blessing your lives, in the midst of all this difficult time. I am Pablo Pujá, from Chile, in South America. We need to have an attentive ear to what the Spirit wants to speak to us and show us, in this opportunity.
First of all, we will call on the Name of the Lord, and we will pray for more of His grace:
Oh Lord Jesus! It is a great privilege to know that we have free access to the Heavenly Throne. Thank you because you opened the way to the Father! Thank you because, through Your Body broken on the cross, the veil of the Temple was opened, and we can enter the Holy of Holies!
We ask that you speak to us, this time. We live not only on bread, but on every Word that comes out of the mouth of our good God.
Give us the Food we need. Oh Lord Jesus! Amen!
In our study today, we will search our Bibles at Matthew 16:24:
«Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.»
The title of today's Message is: Deny yourself! Deny yourself! The context of this passage; of Matthew 16, is related to the announcement of His death, which the Lord Jesus makes. It was very important that He set the standard for being a true follower of Jesus. But what does it mean to deny yourself?
By the way, it is very important that we see what the apostle Paul tells us about the Lord Jesus Christ himself in Philippians 2: 5-8:
5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
The Word of God shows us that the Lord Jesus had a feeling focused on His Father's will, in such a way that He left His throne in heaven, to come to fulfill the Father's desire.
Although he was equal to God, the Bible says that he emptied himself, becoming a servant, equal to us. He was always with God, and He was God. But, He left all that to submit to His Father's will.
Please pay close attention to today's Message, as we trust that the Spirit will be changing your life. He was always with God, and He was God. But, He left all that to submit to His Father's will.
Please pay close attention to today's Message, as we trust that the Spirit will be changing your life. The Word points out that in doing so, He had to humble Himself ...The Creator had to lower himself to a mere creature. And not only that, it was so obedient that he even had to reach the cross of Calvary.
Unfortunately, we are not like that. Since Adam and Eve fell into the Garden of Eden, each of us seeks to do our own will. Our first parents submitted to the will of God's enemy, allowing Satan to take full control of this creation of God.
The human being was created, by the hand of the Almighty, in three parts: Spirit, Soul, Body.
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:23.
Sadly, when man and woman sinned, each of these parts was completely damaged:
1. The human being died spiritually. The spirit of man was made to contain God, and to be in contact with Him
2. The soul, represented by its mind, emotions and will, was completely corrupted
3. The human body suffered death, illness and fatigue
Ephesians 2: And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins...
Ephesians 2:1, That the human soul was corrupted, there is no doubt:
«For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
«For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.»
Isaiah 55:8-9 When we call on the Name of the Lord Jesus and believe in the Good News of Salvation, God restores our spirit, to have full communion with Him. And the Bible says that when Christ comes, we will have a glorified body like the Body He received after His resurrection.
Philipians 3:20-21: 20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself.
But, the great struggle that we have, today, is with our mortal soul. Our will does not want to submit to the will of God. Our thoughts are not the same thoughts of God. Our emotions are not the same emotions that God has.
For that reason, Romans 12 tells us:
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
My body and mind must be adjusted to do God's will. And the will of God is: Good, Acceptable, Perfect.
I cannot guide my life according to the rule of my corrupted soul. Even because the soul of the human being has 2 sides:
1. The good soul
2. The bad soul
With the good side of my soul, I acknowledge good things and do good things… But, it can be dangerous. With the bad side of my soul, I do bad, reprehensible things. I sin against God
There are things that appear to be spiritual and in accordance with the will of the Lord.
But, the key is to ask my Lord first. Take, for example, the preaching of the Gospel. No one would say that it is bad to preach the Good News. What's more, the Bible says we have to.....
Take the case of Pablo's travels. I ask again: Is it bad to preach the Gospel? Of course not!
ACTS 16: 6 Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia,
7 After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not.
8 And they passing by Mysia came down to Troas.
9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.
Here it says, clearly, that the Spirit prohibited and did not allow… The preaching of the Gospel. It may seem strange. But this is how it must be when we are in full communion with the Lord and are led by His Spirit.
Brother - Sister: Don't do things your own way. Learn to do things God's way. Do not be guided by the "GOOD SIDE OF YOUR SOUL."
Invoke, permanently, the Name of the Lord to be in full communion with God and to be guided by the Divine Spirit. That is DENYING THE LIFE OF THE SOUL!
That is what Jesus meant when he said:
DENY YOURSELF ...To start doing God's will, and nothing but His will. My soul is bad, it is corrupt, it is perverse, it is fallen ...That is the work of the Spirit in my being. He is going to take control of every area of my life, my mind, emotion and will, to carry out His work of sanctification. And the last stage of my total redemption will be the glorification of my body. I'm going to have a completely transformed body.
Let us call on the Name of the Lord, and ask for His help to be completely led by His Spirit:
Oh Lord Jesus! We call on Your Name, because in Your name we have salvation. Not just eternal salvation from damnation and the righteous wrath of God. Also, we are saved from every situation during the day. We need Your salvation, to be led by Your Spirit.
In me, there is nothing good. I was totally down and lost. You took me out of the trash. You pulled me out of the eternal fire. But here we are, very grateful for Your work on our behalf. Help us to do the will of the Father, just as You did, and continue to do, until the
Kingdom is completely handed over to His authority. Oh Lord Jesus! Amen!
God bless you, dear brothers and sisters!
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