#and i've been see-sawing back and forth all day about this
starnightlover · 2 days
Hi. Sorry, I just really feel like complaining. Obviously you can ignore this, I just have nowhere else to word vomit lol. I've been trying to shift since 2019. I've gotten into the void state for like 20 seconds but got too freaked out/excited and lost stability before I could manifest or shift anywhere. I feel like I'm going crazy. I've done the whole thing of pasting sticky notes with affirmations all over my apartment, had meditated for an hour or more a day for weeks at a time, listened to subliminals 24/7 and obvious tried all the classic methods like the raven method, julia method, etc, etc. I've had multiple lucid dreams where I tried to make portals and I've even had a lucid dream (or I guess I shifted) where I saw a "centre" for shifting with a bunch of islands and floating petals that we used as transportation between islands. I got a whole tour by some guide and he showed me other lives I'm currently living. That was like a year ago, and I haven't manifested anything significant or went anywhere since then. I'm going through a really tough time right now. I wouldn't have gone on like this if I didn't believe in it, but I'm just feeling really beaten down. I'm exhausted and frustrated.
Hi lovely, I'm so sorry you feel this way.
It’s understandable. But remember all the lucid dreams you’ve had and the void states that you’ve been in. They’re a reflection of your ability for shifting. You’ve been incredibly close before, and your subconscious mind is capable of doing so. You can take a break if you want, because shifting requires a healthy amount of persistence. Just remember that no matter how long of a break you have, you’ve come really far already. The void state is one step away from shifting. And don’t forget your lucid dream, where you basically saw your ability to change realities. Don’t take my word for granted. Just think about it. You can do it, you do have the abilities, all you have to do is keep going. You can take a small break if you want to rest, but don’t let yourself lose all your progress. Stay determined, stay motivated, don’t lose your abilities. You can do this!!
You’ve come so far, and you’ve been in the final stages. Don’t think about how it’s been years without a single shift. It’s been years where you’ve learned techniques, you’ve learned about yourself, you’ve honed in your shifting abilities. Just because you haven’t shifted in years doesn’t mean you’ve made no progress. This is just the next step in your shifting journey. Go forward. Take that step. Shift like nothing’s stopping you. You’re so close. You’ve had enough time to think about it. You’ve been here, wanting to get to your desired reality for all this time. You haven’t given up on it yet. You’ve kept coming back hoping, trying, dreaming, wanting to shift to the reality you want and finally be with your hard work! Why would you stop now? You owe it to yourself to keep trying. Don’t give up, because it has always been your dream to shift.
Your determination, drive, motivation, and dedication to shifting is so praiseworthy. It's been years since you started this journey, and you haven't given up! You've persisted for this long and you've gotten close so many times, it's almost impossible for you to not have enough abilities to shift realities. Remember all the things you've seen and experienced while trying to shift realities, all the things you've gone through and the efforts of hard work that you've put into shifting realities. Don't give up now. You just have to keep going. You can do it, I believe in you!
Keep going. Don’t stop now.
I mean, just think about it: you possess this incredible power within you to shape your own existence. You're not just a passive observer in the grand theater of life; you're the playwright, the director, and the star actor all rolled into one.
You see, the universe is like this vast, infinite canvas, and you? You're the artist putting forth the brush. Every thought, every belief, every intention you hold is like a stroke on that canvas.
Now, here's the kicker: you have the ability to shift to any reality you choose. It's not some distant, unattainable dream—it's within your awareness right here, right now. Reality-shifting isn't this Herculean task reserved for a select few; it's as easy as changing your mind.
You are the god of your reality, lovely!!! You have the power to shift!!! It's not about waiting for the stars to align or some external force to swoop in and save the day. It's about realizing that the power you seek has been within you all along. So, embrace it. Own it. Know that you are the creator of your own destiny. And when doubts creep in or challenges arise, remember this: you are god, and reality-shifting is as easy as flipping the script. You've got this. After all, you are god.
And remember! You don't actually need specific methods to shift realities; it's about tapping into your innate power as a being that is pure consiousnious not attached to any body, mind, or reality! . Every moment, you're making choices that shift you to a different reality, and reality-shifting to your DR is just as easy! It's just bevomi b aware of it. While methods and techniques can be helpful tools, they're just that—tools! The real magic happens when you tap into your own inner wisdom and intuition, trusting yourself to allow the process to unfold organically. Embrace your innate creativity and intuition, and watch as your reality begins to shift in ways you never thought possible.
Now just remember my love, to keep on visualizing, keep on affirming, and most importantly keep persisting!!!! . And, be gentle with yourself along the way. Shifting may not happen overnight, but each step you take brings you closer to your DR. So hold onto hope, and know that your breakthrough is just around the corner.
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ghostoffuturespast · 9 months
Being a writer is weird.
#it's tough fighting that human visual bias on a platform like this#my queue ran out and i haven't posted any vp because i was trying to crank out that last chapter for my long fic#and like i get it maybe most people aren't interested in reading it#different strokes for different folks#but like the discrepancy between how people interact with photo vs writing posts is wildly disheartening sometimes#and i've been see-sawing back and forth all day about this#riding high and wallowing in the mud#this is literally the creative project that i've been pouring myself into for the past month and a half every spare moment i have#and i've been doing this for the past year and a half#it's weird pouring so much love into something when the vast majority of people won't even give it two seconds#i love writing but it is also a mentally exhausting craft and people don't seem to acknowledge that for some reason#it's why i try to reblog stuff from my writing mutuals when i see it because it's usually the artwork that gets the least amount of love#anyway just felt like getting that off my chest#i'm sure my fellow writers can commiserate too#i'm not mad or anything i just had thoughts and perhaps voicing them is better then stewing on them i suppose#also i feel bad for not reading more stuff from other people but i've got like zero beans to give atm#no need to worry or anything i'm still gonna keep writing and posting my shit#more vp comin in over the weekend#also god the new tumblr ui for desktop is fucking ugly absolutely atrocious#man i really don't want to have to set up shop on another social media outlet it's tiresome#i don't want to keep up i just want to blog in peace
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cow-smells · 8 months
Worth your While | Opla! Sanji x reader
Request: I've read that you are in the need for some Sanji request or ideas so here's one for a fic :D
The crew gets into a fight ( it can be the Navy or anither pirate crew) and the reader gets badly hit and Sanji just loses his shit seeing the person that he cared for the most getting knocked out?? I just genuinely wanna see Sanji just go ape shit on people because of it XD and maybe hiw the others in the clue will react to seeing Sanji like that? @smolracoon25
Summary: You and Sanji have been playing the flirting game for way too long. When you get injured, Sanji shows a side of himself you had yet to see.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: none
A/n: I'm going purely off the live-action so pls have that in mind, also I'm just getting back in to the rhythm of writing after such a long time so sorry if this is poop/ooc/both, love ya :)
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Read on AO3
“Don't you ever take a break?”
Zoro's voice coming from behind startled you, forcing you to break your longing gaze at Sanji who was fishing at the bow of the ship. “Huh?” came your wise response.
Zoro looked from you to Sanji. “You've been making moon eyes at him for months now. Don't you get tired? Or are you waiting for him to take his shift staring at you so that you can clock off?”
You felt heat rising to your cheeks. This was far from the first time crew members commented about you and Sanji's – whatever was going on between you two – but this was the first time Zoro called you out so blatantly.
When you didn't respond, Zoro went on. “I just came to tell you we should be docking soon. I'll leave you the pleasure of telling the cook.” with that, he left.
You closed the book on your lap. You really did have the intention of reading when you first head out to the deck, having some time to kill, but then... you noticed Sanji. At first you thought you'd go sit with him for a while, flirt and banter a little as you always do, but you found yourself absorbed in taking him in instead. He was different when he was alone. The way he looked so focused, so deep in thought when it was just him and the sea. Maybe even a little sad. So different from his usual sunny exterior that he put on when he was with people. Falling in to deep thoughts wondering what he might be thinking about – maybe about you? - you sat and stared, not reading as much as a word.
The book discarded, you felt a spring in your step as you made your way to the ship's chef.
The creaking floorboards alerted your arrival. Sanji turned to see who was creeping up on him, and when he saw you, he set his fishing rod aside as a wide smile grew on his lips, his dimples deepening and making your heart miss a beat. “There's my favourite girl. Come here, let me hear all about your day.” Sanji held his arms open, beckoning you to come sit on his lap.
The flirting was nothing new. When you first joined the Strawhats, Sanji was as flirty to you as he was to any other woman; he did not expect to meet his match in you. You were quick to play along, always one-upping him, dancing along the line that separated playfulness and seriousness, never quite picking a side.
The problem was, in reality, you had chosen a side long ago.
You would flirt and giggle and make him blush but never actually act upon anything. Neither would Sanji. He, however, took your playing along as though it was a battle to be won. Sanji would flirt, you'd reply with something raunchy, he would surprise you with something heartfelt. It was as though he knew exactly where to hit in order to get you a little closer to buckling, every time. As time went on he had become so devoted to your back and forth that you noticed he had gradually abandoned all other efforts flirting with other women, to focus entirely on you.
You had to remind yourself that this was a game to him. An instinct, almost. It hurt to think of your relationship that way, but you had to keep that thought at the forefront of your mind if you didn't want to fall even harder for him.
So you would continue to play along, even if that's all that you could have with him.
You chose not to indulge him completely – that was too dangerous for you – and so you opted to bend a knee over the armrest of his chair. Close, but no contact. “Come on, Sanji,” you bent your head in what felt like a bashful manner and said, “you know I spent all day thinking of you.”
You weren't sure if he was blushing or if that was just your wishful thinking. Composing himself, Sanji wrapped an arm around you to hold your waist, lightly tracing circles on your hip. “I beg of you, darling – next time, come find me instead of just thinking of me. I'll make it worth your while.”
You wanted to ask, how will you make it worth my while? Just to hear Sanji go in to detail of what you've been fantasizing about for months. But instead, you opted for a tamer response. “I came to tell you we're docking soon. Maybe I'll find you then and you could make it worth my while with a drink.”
Without missing a beat, Sanji took hold of your hand, bringing it to his lips. “There's nothing I'd enjoy more.” With that, he kissed your hand, his eyes never leaving yours.
Docking started out normal. Everyone knew what their usual chores were when you reached a town, restocking and fixing so that the ship would be in top condition for its next leg of the journey in your search for the One Piece. So while Sanji went in to town to restock on groceries (you didn't pay much attention to the others), you, Nami and Usopp stayed around the ship to fix up some of the damage it took when you last encountered a rival pirate ship. That also happened to be the reason it was just you three when the same rival pirates noticed your ship docked, ready to take their revenge.
The three of you had your individual talents, but you just weren't enough to hold up against an entire rival crew. They had attacked so suddenly and so fiercely – it didn't take long before you were on the sand, fighting to stay conscious. You lost that fight as you watched Usopp try his best to fight off three attackers at once.
You really thought that would be the end for you. You should have known better; it was Sanji's voice you heard as you regained consciousness, motivating you to open your eyes despite the pain that flooded your body.
The beach area all around you was covered with pirates who were taken down, just like you – only that they were your enemies. You first noticed Nami's orange hair – she seemed to be taking care of a bleeding Usopp, his condition worse than yours. Following Sanji's voice, you found him holding the last one of the rival crew by his shirt, throwing punches like you've never seen him before. It took you aback – thinking about it, you had never seen Sanji use his hands in combat. Too precious – need them for cooking, he'd once told you before adding, the only thing more precious to me is you. It had made you blush at the time before you had laughed him off. Now, you were questioning if it was a joke at all.
The man Sanji was holding wasn't putting up a fight – he was far too battered for that, but Sanji didn't stop. He was too far away for you to understand what he was saying to the guy, but focusing hard, you could just about make out half sentences – "to hit a woman" – "don't deserve to breath" – "finish you" – you searched for the strength to get up and stop him. You had never seen Sanji – your happy, cheerful Sanji – so angry, feral even. It scared you a little; but mostly, you knew Sanji would regret it if he were to kill a man who no longer posed a threat. So you grasped at the sand, forcing your aching bones to pick yourself up. But as you were regaining your balance, Sanji finally threw the man to the sand, a look of disgust painting his handsome features. "Finally made a date with her and you ruined it... You hurt her. You're lucky I don't kill you." The man groaned in pain.
In a sharp change, his features went from anger to concern as he finally left the man and turned to where he last saw you laying. His eyes were full of honest pain, until he saw you on your feet – then they read of hope. "Y/n!" Sanji called, rushing to you as he could see your struggle to stand upright. "You- I-" he scanned your body as he reached you, taking in all visible injuries. "Are you – are you okay? Can I help you?" he reached an arm around your waist, waiting for your approval before he held on to help you stay up, so afraid he might hurt you.
"Thanks." his arm around you really helped you to stay up. It was a practical measure, sure, any one of your crew mates would do the same – but when you look up and meet Sanji's eyes, you know that the tense feeling between you two wouldn't have been replicated with anyone else. "I mean it. You saved us. We'd... I'd be lost without you." at that, Sanji smiled that deep-dimpled smile of his at you, the playfulness not reaching his still-concerned eyes.
"Y/n," he started. "are you really flirting with me, at a time like this?"
It was strange how despite all your injuries, you felt less and less of the pain the longer you leaned in to Sanji, close enough to smell his fragrance. A half-smile reached your lips. You couldn't play this game any longer. "Did you really beat that guy up that bad because he ruined what should have been our... date?"
Sanji tensed, obviously not ready to have this conversation now. His gaze dropped momentarily before he wrapped his other arm around your waist, holding you tightly to him. "I had a hundred reasons to kill him," Sanji said, and you felt disappointment bubbling through you until he continued, "but the most pressing reason is that he ruined our date."
Sanji took the opportunity to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear and you couldn't help but smile so big you were embarrassed by it. "I really wanted that drink with you, away from the ship and everyone else. Just us."
You recomposed yourself. You needed clarity. "I'm not playing anymore, Sanji."
Sanji chuckled. "Fancy that. I was never playing at all."
You must have forgotten how to breath at all when he leaned down, his hand finding a rest on your neck as his thumb caressed your cheek. Nearly a whisper, he asked – "Can I kiss you?"
You leaning in served as the consent he searched for. After months of pining over each other, wondering what it would be like – his lips met yours, in a mixture of softness and passion like you'd never felt before. Forgetting you were injured at all you sneaked your arms around his neck, pulling him in, almost afraid of letting this anticipated moment of passion go. Sanji was more than happy to pull closer, a hand on your lower back holding you impossibly close to him.
The moment did, however, find its end as you heard your Captain whoop and holler from afar. "Yeah! Way to go, Sanji! About damn time!"
Breaking the kiss, Sanji nodded at Luffy, his smile lines prominent as he looked the proudest you'd ever seen him.
The crew was more than happy to make a quick exit that night, preferring to not stay around until the rival crew regained their strength. You were helping Nami untie the ropes anchoring the ship to the dock when she said, "I really thought he was going to kill him earlier." you didn't know how to respond. "I've never seen Sanji like that." Nami managed to untie a knot, and Zoro began pulling the rope up on to the ship. "He's really got it bad for you."
Despite that questionable context, you couldn't help but smile. In a burst of honesty you confessed; "I hope so, because I've got it real bad for him, too."
On cue, the ship's chef leaned over the ships railing, looking down to you. "Y/n, my love!" he called, as though the rest of the crew wasn't surrounding the both of you. "I hope you're finished down there, because I've got a candlelit dinner waiting for you up here. And drinks. You know, to make it worth your while," he finished with a wink.
From behind Sanji you could hear Luffy ask, "What about our dinner? Just because you're lovers now doesn't mean we don't need to eat..."
Sanji sighed and turned away from you, probably to go protect your dinner before Luffy demolished it.
"Right then, let's go," Nami said as you finished untying the last rope. "While there's still food to eat."
And for the first time, you boarded your ship not to find the One Piece or the All Blue – you were just happy to be there, with the man you loved.
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thekissofaphrodite · 4 months
I Grew this for you, Ives.
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Luke Castellan X Daughter of Demeter! Reader
Summary: Your secret meetup with your boyfriend, Luke, might have been interrupted by Percy Jackson.
Warnings: MakeUp...MAKEOUT- I MEAN. Language (Tell me if i missed one!)
Author's note: It might be kinda weird that the title doesn't match the summary but trust me, it's worth reading. + If you saw a fic from another blog the same as this i requested it and decided i wanna make the fic myself.
New kid, New responsibility. You were known as being motherly towards every kid that stepped in Camp Half Blood. And Maybe, Just maybe, Percy Jackson considered you as his Camp Mom, It wasn't new for older campers seeing a new 12 year old boy follow you around and look up at you with big puppy eyes along with Grover's confused look, but oh well.
Ever since your Godly Mother, Demeter has claimed you, Luke has called you Ives since then. It all happened when three years ago, you ended up in Camp Half blood after your mortal father has been killed by a chimera, much to his sacrifice, You might have offered some small offerings to your Brother In Law, Hades, to watch him in the underworld. Your first week into camp half-blood, Chiron had announced that Capture the Flag will be the first game for the day, you were teamed up with the reds (Much to your disappointment) you were near the cabin fire when two boys from the blue team had cornered you (One of them was luke) you raised you hands to cover yourself but then, Two ivy vines sprouted out the soil and blocked them, horror washed over you when one of the vines that you 'accidentally' summoned strangled one of the boys, Luke was able to escape and still..Blue team one.
While they were celebrating, The red team started ranting angrily about how you made them lose, You sat in a corner, your head leaned against an oak tree as you sobbed, then, a bright greenish-yellow light appeared with gold sickle with a few sheaths of wheat above your head, No one was there, not until a group of campers saw you, they ran and moments later, almost dozens of campers were in front of you, including chiron.
"All Hail Y/n Y/L/N, Daughter of Demeter"
Bunch of flowers started sprouting near you, The forest and plants looked much more healthier in your eyes as every one knelt down, Including Luke, Who gave you a mischievous wink.
"....And this is the mess hall, You're always designated to sit with your cabin mates but that depends, most unclaimed kids just sit with their friends" You said, Glancing at Percy, The young boy just nodded shyly and coughed,trying to hide his blushing cheeks.
"Looks like someone has a crush on you" Luke appeared behind you with a grin, Percy's eyes immediately went wide, making you chuckle.
"Crushes don't hurt, it's admiration afterall" You whispered before giving percy a light kiss on his cheeks, leaving luke shocked.
One of you halfsiblings, Althea, called you over. Apparently, another one of your half sibling's EX boyfriend from the Dionysus cabin used a lard grapevine to ruin the bathroom door inside the cabin while you sibling is showering out of rage and jealousy.
Now, As head of your cabin, It's either you spent one whole hour being lectured by Mr. D out of his favoritism or...Plead with one of the Hephaestus kids to fix it for you.
What a day.
Giving Luke and Percy one last smile, You left.
"C'mon Felix! This is the only time that i've asked for a favour out of all the favours i've done for you, You'd do it for me" You pleaded as you followed him back and forth inside his cabin's workshop.
"Look, Y/n, I love you as my friend, but i can't do it, not right now"
"What if i give you a 25$ gift card from burger king and......" You scouried your pocket hoping to find something, Your eyes lit up as you felt a bill in your palms "50 dollars...and...." You then went to pat your bra and pulled out a coin. "A Peso"
You then placed it in his soily hands, Felix's face remained calm, he then took the money.
"It's warm..." He said kinda horrified...You pulled the peso out of your bra for the gods sake!
"Take it or leave it."
He then rolled his eyes and grabbed his toolbox.
"Lead the way"
You squealed and hugged him before pulling him to your cabin.
As you watched him repair the door in silence, Felix broke the silencce by purposely dropping a hammer to the ground, the loud clattering sound made you flinch a little, he smirked "Thinking about Luke?"
You snorted, as if tho you weren't actually thinking about him, "No, i'm thinking about Percy"
"The new kid who broke Clarisse's spear? he's badass"
"mhm, Son of Poseidon"
"Speaking of, How's Luke?"
There was a moment of silence before you replied.
"Just 'fine' ? No ungodly things happening?"
"No" You could've bursted out laughing.
"I don't believe you, C'mon tell me some elaborate details"
You raised your brow, a mischievous glint appearing in your eyes.
"Actually, if you finished that, i'll tell you"
The Hephaestus boy huffed and went back to work
After an hour, Felix finished repairing the door and bid you a goodbye (Along with a side-eye)
It was now 11 pm, the Campfire sing-along ended almost an hour ago, and you were in your cabin, re-arranging your stuffed toys for the 5th time, (Making one plushie lay beside you will cause chaos among the plushies)
"Carrie..You go here and..Princess should be right....here, Done!"
All of your plushies were in order when you heard a knock from the window near your bunkbed. then, you saw luke, still in his usual camp shirt, unlike you who was in your rather inappropriate pajamas.
His eyes first landed on you, he then grinned before groaning and landing on your soft bunk bed.
"Hey ives-"
"Luke, what're you doing here?!" You hissed, afraid that your half siblings might caught you two.
"Can i not see you?"
"You can, but not at this time" You huffed, But he was still grinning before pulling a flower pot, with a rose.
"I grew this for you, Ives" He whispered, His eyes carefully scanning you expression before you chuckled.
"You know i can grow this in seconds?"
"Mhm, But still, I love you 'till the very last rose in this entire world wilt into ash"
A smile graced upon your lips before luke grabbed your cheeks and kissed you, the flowerpot fell into your bed, the soil staining your new bedsheet, You couldn't care less.
You deepened the kiss by pulling Luke by his neck, and a groan escaped his lips, his calloused hands then slowly went up your shorts making you moan a little, His hands became closer and closer and closer until-
You two pulled away, Luke's hands were still in your inner thighs, he took a peak into your window and saw Percy, in his cute pajamas with messy blonde hair.
"Percy" Luke breathed.
"What's up?"
"The Apollo cabin seemed to be having a party, the noise is too loud and i can't sleep, i was wondering if you could go see it "
You then peaked into your window, your cheeks were pressed against luke's
"Y/n? Wait..what are you guys doing? and...why are you in her window?" Percy asked, his drowsiness seemed to have vanished.
Luke couldn't even answer percy himself, he started chuckling softly before burying his face into your neck and smothered it with kisses.
Percy then stood still before realizing, he cleared his throat, but before he could leave you called him.
"You know what? I think Luke could actually take a look at those Sun Brats" Luke immediately groaned and looked at you.
"Seriously. Go help the poor boy"
"Yes Ma'am"
He then got up and just as he was about to climb down your bunk bed you stopped him.
"Nah uh, You can leave where you entered"
The dark haired boy chuckled, and and started climbing down the window, before he could jump back to the ground you kissed him one last time, But this time, the kiss was much more passionate. You could've sworn percy made a gagging face before turning around.
"I love you Ives"
" 'Till the very last rose in this entire world wilt into ash" You said, Luke's eyes soften.
You watched as he and Percy went to the Apollo cabin to resolve the chaos.
The flower potted rose sat in your bed, You took it, and glanced at the beautiful red beauty, You sniffed the fragrance before placing it near your window as you felt Hypnos' warm palm caressing you to sleep.
The next day, The first thing you did was bang into Felix's cabin, Giving him every detail from last night as Luke, along with percy watched you from afar.
Hey Guys! I've been gone for too long and i just watched the new PJO series and i have to be honest, I fell in love with Charlie as Luke so here's a little treat for you guys while i finish my other fics, i do hope you guys like it!
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4ngel-inc · 3 months
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notes: i've been so burnt out on longer fics so here's some short headcanons !!
warnings: fem reader, pet names, submissive reader in some, inexperienced akutagawa for his ᰔ
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DAZAI is all for joining in when he finds you rubbing your sensitive little clit on the couch, a few sighs escaping your lips as your head rolls back, eyes fluttering closed—"ah, thinking of me again, angel?" his voice makes you jump and he's so cocky as he slides one hand up your thigh, pressing your legs open more as he settles on the floor in front of you, "why don't i give you what you need, sound good, princess? i'll make it feel better than your hand." "huh? 'samu? didn't think you'd be home yet. . ." you don't have much time to react before he's giving your clit a few soft kisses exactly the way you like, teasing your hole before slipping a finger in. "you like it like this, yeah?" he's only being playful as he fucks you with his fingers, moving your body back and forth as your hands slide into his hair. "mmm- pretty girl, pretty pussy- y'know i can't say no to that."
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CHUUYA always knows exactly what you need, and he isn't surprised at all when he finds you playing with your pussy on your shared bed when he gets home from work, the door slightly ajar as you wait for him—you knew he'd be coming home around this time, he'd told you that same morning. he's been working a lot, not satisfying you the way he should, and it hurts his pride a little—but he's more than willing to make up for his absence lately. he slips through the door and you don't say a word as your eyes lock with his, only spreading your legs a little further to welcome him to join. "alright, you've got my attention, baby. . ." he crawls over you and places a gentle kiss on your lips, "turn around and bend over for me, let me see how wet that pussy is for me already."
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AKUTAGAWA has absolutely no idea what to do when he catches you—he blushes so hard when he goes to turn the door knob of your shared bedroom and hears your little whimpers and moans of his name. you're thinking about him? he still isn't used to the attention and affection you give him—it's the first he's ever received in his life and it still makes him nervous. should he go in? will you be mad at him if he does? the growing bulge in his slacks is almost painful, but he decides against it, a sigh escaping him as he walks away—he'll just wait until you're done, then ask what he should do next time. he's dying to fuck you, and he's hoping you'll still be in the mood when you find him on the couch later.
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FUKUZAWA is quite traditional, but that doesn't stop him from having needs and desires. you'd brought him lunch at work that day, naturally he wanted to surprise you by coming home early with flowers and your favorite drink. he wasn't expecting to find you touching yourself to the thought of him, but as soon as he hears his name on your lips, it's like something switches and he turns into a different person. he loves how enamored you are with him—though he'll never admit it to himself or you—it is a nice ego boost from time to time. he approaches you slowly so as not to scare you—"you were missing me that much, my dear? i just saw you a few hours ago." you're surprised to see him, but that doesn't stop your fingers curling deep inside you, "nghh- yukichi, help me? just missed you, is all. . ." he smiles at that, "how can i resist when you've asked so nicely?"
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brainwormcity · 3 months
I've been thinking a lot about series one of Good Omens and how the present-day portions surrounding the apocalypse are a glimpse into the most emotionally fraught part of these two beings' relationship. They've spent six thousand years see-sawing back and forth about whether or not it was okay for them to be friends, all the while nursing very strong romantic love for each other. Somewhere in the last few centuries, they started to let their guards down more and more, and then the stupid apocalypse to be was upon them.
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They go from not only having to watch their backs when they spend time together, to also having to deal with the idea that they might literally be expected to kill each other. We're walking into their lives at what is essentially the most intense moment of pressure their relationship has ever undergone. There are these massive moments of tension between them because the future is so uncertain and despite all the ways their friendship had been tested, it didn't compare to the damned Antichrist.
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That's why I'm so grateful for the flashbacks in episode 3, because those are the moments that show us what Aziraphale and Crowley are fighting for. They show us what they stand to lose and why they're both so scared. Crowley's mercurial nature in episode 2, Aziraphale's appeals to the Metatron... It's all tied to the desire to protect each other and the things they've built. They both love humanity, of course, but they also love each other so much and series one is like walking into a room and seeing two people who love each other being forced to walk a tightrope from either side and trying to meet in the middle... and the bastards do it!
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Therein lies the beauty of series 2. The blatant touches, the teasing, the bad French- Those are the real Crowley and Aziraphale. That is what they were fighting for. That's what they'll fight for again when the time comes. Series one was the start of that. They will find their 'Us.'
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justporo · 5 months
Sweet Things
You've been brooding all day, even Astarion is at a loss on how to pull you out of it - until he offers you a sweet treat, with lots of bickering of course.
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Author's Note: Written for the Hot Chocolate/Mulled Wine" prompt of the BG3 Winter Holiday challenge. Honestly my favourite piece I've written so far for the challenge - let's see if it will stay this way.
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) Warnings: none Wordcount: 1,6k
You had been in a bad mood the whole day with no particular reason for it. And nothing was able to lift your mood. Not even your vampire and his usual shenanigans had been able to pull you out of your puddle of negative feelings. Especially when Astarion had suggested you come with him into the city to run some errands.
The usual excitement you felt to go outside during the crispy cold but beautiful winter weather, to walk through the snow and see the lights in the city - it was non-existent today. In fact, you had taken one look out of the tall living room window, scowled and Astarion had thrown a little fit about how ‘you made him venture forth into the perils of the winter smitten city so the two of you may yet survive the bitter cold’. But even his histrionics, little pout and round red eyes had done nothing to change your mind.
Astarjon had sighed in defeat: “Alright, my love, you go and soak in your bad mood as long as you can, I'll wrangle you out of it soon enough.” “Don't threaten me with a good time, Astarion”, you had replied dryly but the vampire had just smirked. A plan had undoubtedly been set into motion. After that he had been off to go into the city - of course not without coming over to you, cupping your face softly and pressing a kiss to your lips.
Afterwards you had tried to make your peace with your bad mood and had curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace, just staring into the flickering flames.
A while later you heard Astarion return to your shared home.
“I've returned from the hunt, my love, and I bring you some bounty”, the vampire declared. You turned around to see him standing in the doorframe with a huge grin and an inconspicuously looking bag in his hand. You saw some melting snowflakes glisten in his curls. He looked very proud of himself with how he let the bag dangle in front of you, one eyebrow lifted inquisitively.
Oh, you knew he was daring you to ask about it. This was one of his signature ways to get what he wanted: teasing you by holding the carrot in front of your face and then quickly moving it out of your reach with an “ah ah ah” and a fang-baring grin. 
And you felt how his tactic even slowly started to work now.
“A bag? Aw Astarion, you shouldn't have! Bags are my favourite!”, you gave back and felt a sassy grin grow on your face. Turning around on your knees on the plush sofa you placed your arms on the rim of the piece of furniture and then placed your cheek on top of it - basically hugging the backrest.
The vampire frowned at you, obviously unsatisfied with your insolent reaction. But he wouldn't be Astarion were he to give up because of that.
“Yes, a bag. And if you stop being such a miserable and yet so sassy little thing, you might even get what's inside of it”, he snapped back mockingly.
“You know, usually this time of year when someone threatens you with the thing they have inside their bag it's a rod to punish the naughty.”
“Well, seeing how naughty you've been to me today, who says there isn't a rod in there?” His grin had turned sultry, his gaze dropping in a way that made other than your negative feelings churn inside of you.
“I repeat myself from earlier: don't threaten me with a good time, Astarion”, you replied with a smirk. Simultaneously you noticed that your bad mood was slowly lifting. Well, he was your soulmate after all, wasn't he? He knew all the tricks.
Astarion in the meantime had put his hands on his hips in an affronted manner. You heard telltale, soft clanking sounds coming from the bag and raised your eyebrows at the vampire.
“So, are we sulking or are we trying to outwit me, eh?”, he commented with a little sneer, but you knew he was only teasing. “Can you at least decide what your mood is?”, he continued when you first made big sad puppy eyes at him and then stuck out your tongue at him. “It's getting exhausting to keep track of your whims, love.”
He quickly and easily dodged the pillow you threw at his face and grinned at you.
“That's pretty rich coming from you, love”, you answered and flipped him off. “Now tell me what's in the bag!”
The vampire clicked his tongue in disapproval: “You lost the privilege of finding out when you threw the pillow, no you'll have to wait.”
You threw another pillow with a pout but your partner had quickly turned and left the room altogether. 
Since you had no intention of losing other privileges and knew exactly that Astarion was way too greedy for praise and thus would come to you again, you just turned around and lounged on the couch once more. You closed your eyes and felt that most of your bad mood had disappeared already, so you simply relaxed to the bustling and rustling that had started coming from the kitchen.
You hadn't planned on drifting off.
But then you were awoken again by the smell of something delicious filling your nose. You opened your eyes and saw an incredibly ugly mug in the form of a boot in front of you.
But more important than its form were its contents you immediately recognised as: delicious hot chocolate with some slowly melting meringue drops on top of it.
And when you looked up you saw that Astarion was holding the cup almost directly under your nose with a smug grin on his lips.
“Something sweet for my sweet thing?”, he asked while batting his eyelashes excessively and his grin growing even broader.
“Where did you find the most hideous mug on this plane of existence?”, you replied and sat up on the sofa - also making space for Astarion to sit beside you.
The vampire sighed massively while he sat beside you and handed you the mug: “You are a ghastly little thing today, have I told you that?”
“At least with me it’s only today.”
Now even Astarion was flabbergasted.
“By the gods, love”, he said with raised eyebrows and then took a swig from his own mug you hadn’t noticed before. “You really do spend too much time in my company”, he finished after he had put down the cup again.
You peeked over at his cup and figured he must have gone for something with a little more kick than hot chocolate - mulled wine most likely.
“And now go and drink your hot chocolate which I so painstakingly made for you, love, or I’ll show you ghastly”, he said and leaned to you, narrowing his red eyes at you. You just made big innocent puppy eyes at him again.
You had every intention to comply - but first you swung your legs over his and covered the both of you with your blanket to make it extra cosy. And then after some fussing from the vampire and some readjusting you had snuggled up on the couch. Astarion kept sipping on his mulled wine and you finally tasted your hot and sweet beverage.
When the first of the rich, warm taste hit your tongue, you couldn’t help but let out a pleased moan and let your head fall back.
“It tastes amazing, love”, you moaned and let your eyes roll in delighted pleasure.
“Well then. Maybe I should introduce some hot chocolate in the bedroom if this is how you react to it”, Astarion commented. He was trying to play over it with his sultry joke but he was obviously proud of himself for having made what caused this reaction in you.
“You prepared it perfectly, Astarion, thank you”, you said now in a genuine tone and let one of your hands cover his which he had carefully placed on your blanket-covered knees.
He looked at you then with a small, sweet smile.
“Thanks for taking the time and the patience to put up with me and make this, Astarion”, you said and softly squeezed his hand. His smile grew broader.
You sat and drank and talked and joked. At some point you made Astarion try his own creation while you got a sip of his also very delicious mulled wine. He insisted he still preferred savory because he already had that one sweet thing in his life. But you saw him lick his lips after trying the chocolate.
When you had downed your beverage to the last drop, you sighed contentedly while the vampire looked fully pleased with himself.
“Feel better now?”, he asked and put his mug down on the floor. You simply nodded and watched as he leaned over to you.
“Good”, he whispered while he kept leaning in closer still. “But you still have a little something there”, he continued in a deep tone and eyed your already opened lips. You just made a silent “oh” while you expectantly awaited yet another treat from Astarion.
He softly grabbed your chin and closed the distance between you. You closed your eyes, expecting the kiss.
But then the vampire just grossly licked over and around your top lip to get rid of the remaining chocolate there.
You kicked and squealed trying to get him off you and stop torturing you with this gross procedure but he had the upper hand.
And then he had jumped up grabbing both your cups, promising to return with a refill of mulled wine for the both of you while you wiped off your mouth with the back of your hand.
“And you call me ghastly”, you screamed after Astarion but you couldn’t stop the big smile spreading over your face.
From the kitchen you only heard the vampire’s laughter in response.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon
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eitaababe · 1 year
PLS write me a headcannon of lo'ak and neteyam reacting to another person trying to court their girl !!
a/n — u always have the best ideas istg / also i didnt proof read this i got lazy 😭
- he was pretty confident, if he were to say so himself
- you liked him and he liked you, it was simple really.
- it had been that way for years, and you guys thought your relationship with each other was pretty public, everyone knowing about you two
- clearly, you both were wrong.
- because you had caught the eye of another na'vi, unknowingly
- yorutro, was his name, and at first you truly believed he was just being friendly
- until he started gifting you shells, bracelets, tops, you name it.
- you accepted them, feeling bad, but would never wear them
- and you hadn't told neteyam yet, because you wanted to be sure your suspicions of him were correct
- and of course, the day you decided you were right, neteyam saw yorutro come up to you
- he hid at first, but the moment he saw the way the other male looked at you, he didn't waste time to break the meeting up.
"Hey!" Neteyam shouted, stomping his way over to you two. He tried his best to keep his temper hidden, flashing a flat smile. "What're you two doing here?"
Your eyes widened in shock, yet you were relieved. You glanced back and forth between the boys, giving Neteyam a subtle shrug when he raised an eye at the sight of you two together.
"Oh- um-" Yorutro stammered, alarmed at the sudden intrusion. "Just chatting." He finished, sending an all too nice smile Neteyam's way.
Noticing the boys nervous nature, Neteyam smirked, wrapping his arms around your figure. "Hey man, no worries. I was just looking for my girl."
You internally facepalmed, trying your best not to laugh at how Yorutro practically jumped at the words, scrambling to get out of your guys way. "Oh! That's fine! You can have her! I um- I had something I forgot about anyways. See you guys!"
Eyes following him, Neteyam waited until he was out of earshot to speak. "What a skxawng," he pressed a loving kiss to the top of your head. "Thinking he could steal my girl."
Leaning your head back you smiled up at him, shaking your head. "You know I'm yours, my love."
"And I am yours."
- in everyone's defense, you and lo'ak were pretty much just a couple of best friends
- i mean, minus the kissing and cuddling and all that
- but you had more of a teasing relationship, neither of you were really that lovey dovey with each other out in public
- PDA just wasn't really your guys thing
- so who could blame the other na'vi trying to shoot his shot?
- enlo was a nice guy, really (at least you thought, lo'ak felt otherwise)
- but he definitely wasn't subtle about his intentions with you
- as much as you tried to give hints you didn't feel that way, he kept trying
- you told lo'ak, and while he requested to just tell him straight up to screw off, you felt that was mean, and wanted to let him down easily
- it took some convincing, but lo'ak agreed and you were on your way to meet enlo, lo'ak coming and watching from a close distance (just in case)
"y/n!" enlo called, striding over towards you.
'oh, eywa' you thought to yourself, flashing him a smile. "hi, enlo," you started, glancing around for lo'ak. when you met his eyes he gave you a reassuring smile, encouraging you to go on. "we need to talk."
"yes we do!" he agreed, cutting you off. "i actually had something really important to ask you."
uh oh.
"oh? what is it?" you played along, tail nervously flicking behind you.
"we'll, i've been thinking recently. i really enjoy your company. you're beautiful, and smart, and-"
"enlo," you cut him off, trying to save him from making this worse. "i'm flattered, really, i am. and i think you're a nice guy. but i'm with someone."
his expression hardened, looking down at you. "you're seeing who?"
"she's seeing me, dickhead." lo'ak called out, immediately standing by your side.
enlo looked between the two of you, almost offended. "seriously, you're choosing this five fingered freak over me?"
"hey!" you snapped, about to step up to him when lo'ak put an arm in front of you to stop you.
"don't worry y/n, i got this," he stated with a smug look, walking up to enlo. lo'ak definitely wasn't as tall as him, but he didn't show anything that suggested that bothered him. "so, enlo."
"y'know, having five fingers really has it's perks. you can hold more things, you have a better grip. oh! and you even have an extra finger for this." he smiled, flipping the taller boy off.
you facepalmed, trying not to laugh at your boyfriend's antics.
clearly, enlo didn't find it amusing, and shoved lo'ak harshly out of the way, beginning to walk off. "whatever, man. you can have the bitch."
"oh sorry, i forgot one thing about my hands! i can curl them up into this ball and-" lo'ak didn't even bother to finish his sentence before he landed a punch square to enlo's jaw, then another to his nose.
enlo, taken by surprise, didn't even have time to react while lo'ak took it to his advantage, still throwing punches at him and knocking him off his feet. and while you weren't fond of the words spoken of you, you didn't want lo'ak getting too carried away and getting into more trouble with his dad.
"lo'ak! that's enough." you called, and of course, he listened. he got off of the other male, sending a glare to him while he walked over to you.
enlo got up (barely), and held his nose, groaning in pain. "yeah, run back to y/n! can't even finish a fight." he pathetically spat at lo'ak, making him turn around to finish the fight until you stopped him.
"i got this one," you muttered, making your way back over to enlo. "clearly, he was trying to be nice, but since you're such a dickhead, i'll finish it for him." so you punched him right in the nose, making the boy stumble back in pain, both hands covering his bloody nose.
as you walked back over to lo'ak, he looked at you proudly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"that's my girl."
a/n — lo'ak's was longer than intended whoops
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
End of the World III
Katie McCabe x Child!Reader
Ruesha Littlejohn x Child!Reader
Summary: It's different at Mammy's house
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"I've got you!" Mammy said, reaching down to snatch you up.
You shrieked and tried to pull away but she had you nice and tight, throwing you up into the air and catching you. "Mammy!" You laughed," Let go!"
"No chance!" Mammy declared, pretending to bite at your cheeks.
You laughed again, trying to bat her away as you caught sight of Ma sliding the back door open.
It was an unusually warm day so Ma said you could all eat in the wendy house at the bottom of the garden.
"Katie!" Ma scolded when Mammy turned you upside down and shook.
"We're just playing!" Mammy laughed as she pretended to drop you, much to your amusement and Ma's horror.
"You can play later. Come on, kiddo, help me carry everything out."
As soon as you were on your feet again, you hurried inside to collect the plates Ma wanted you to take. You walked as quick as you could without running (because then Ma would scold you like she scolded Mammy) and placed the plates on the little table in the wendy house that Mammy and Ma built for you last year.
"You got everything, kiddo?" Mammy teased as you moved back and forth between the table and inside.
You thought for a moment, nodding before shaking your head. You bounded over to her and asked," What do you want to drink, Mammy?"
Mammy laughed. "There should be some fruit juice in the fridge, kiddo. Can you get me that?"
"I can!" You scampered off back inside and tugged on Ma's shorts. "Mammy wants fruit juice."
"And she's too lazy to come and get it herself?" Ma teased as she poured some into a glass for you to take.
"I asked!" You said quickly.
"My helpful girl," Ma kissed you on the head before sending you on your way.
On your way to the garden, you begin to feel a little woozy and blink a few times to see the entire garden has gone still and someone's calling your name.
You blink awake suddenly, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes to see Ma kneeling in front of you.
"Hey sleepy girl," She says," You look like you were having a good dream."
You nod sullenly.
Ma puppeteers you into your clothes when it becomes clear that you don't want to move. You've spent your week with Ma and now you're going back with Mammy to Arsenal. You're used to the routine of it now but after your dream, you can't bring yourself to be happy about seeing Mammy again even though you've really missed her since you've been away.
You swing your leg up to put on Ma's knee and she laces up your shoes nice and tight.
Ma does a lot of things she didn't use to do with you. When it was Ma and Mammy and you, you did things all together or with one of them only. Now though, Ma has a lot more time with you. She takes you everywhere, to the park, to the cinema...Anywhere you want to go, she takes you.
You went to the zoo yesterday and the day before that you went to the trampoline park. You scraped your elbow there and Ma gave it special magic kisses and took you to get ice cream.
Something that's become increasingly more regular with Ma is that she holds you. She didn't used to hold you in her arms, just your hand, but she does it a lot now. Sometimes, when she's having one of her bad days, she holds you close and tight and just sits with you. Sometimes, when she's having one of her really bad days, she cries.
You both pretend not to notice.
She smiles at you as she zips up your jacket and helps you wear your backpack. That's new too, decorated with the characters from your favourite show. You went to Camden market the day you came home to her and you saw it at one of the stalls and Ma bought it straight away and then you shared some Dutch pancakes before getting on the tube to go home.
"I love you," She says as she presses a kiss to your cheek. She puts one on your other cheek. "I love you." Then your forehead. "I love you." Your nose. "I love you." Your chin and then your cheeks again. "I love you! I love you! I love you!"
You giggle and try to squirm away when she tries to start it all again. She doesn't let you go and you're thankful when the doorbell rings.
"Mammy!" You cheer, barrelling into her. All of your earlier aloofness towards her has disappeared as you crash into her, arms coming up to wrap around her middle.
"Hey, kiddo!" Mammy laughs as she picks you up," ...Hey, Ruesha."
"Hi, Katie."
You know something bad happened between Ma and Mammy. You know so because you heard Ma discuss it with Auntie Shebahn and Lucy when they were having one of their adult juice nights when you were meant to be sleeping.
Ma mentioned Mammy's adult name a lot and Caitlin's name too but you didn't understand it. All you know is something bad happened and now Ma and Mammy won't even be friends anymore.
"All of her stuff is packed," Ma says to Mammy as you wait on the doorstep, standing on your tiptoes to shyly wave at Caitlin, who was waiting in the car," There's a juice box and snacks too. Her tablet's all charged up and she's got her special pillow too, in case she wants to nap and-"
"I'm her Mam too, Ruesha," Mammy says as she takes your hand," I know what to do with her. Say goodbye to your Ma, kiddo."
"Bye Ma! Love you!"
"Love you too."
Mammy straps you into your car seat and pulls off the driveway.
Caitlin says hello to you before she and Mammy get involved in one of their adult conversations that you don't know how to contribute to. Now that it's just you and Ma, she never has conversations that you can't be included in like Mammy and Caitlin do.
It's a little annoying but it doesn't take too long to get home so you can deal with it.
"Put your stuff away," Mammy says," And then we'll sort out some lunch. Sound good, kiddo?"
"Will you play with me?" You ask.
She winces and brushes a hand over your head. "Later," She promises," I've got some meetings to go to and some emails to answer. But I'll play with you later, okay?"
Ma always plays with you when you ask but this isn't Ma's house and this isn't Ma. The rules at Mammy's are a bit different to Ma's so you just nod and go to put your stuff in your room.
You sit criss-cross-apple-sauce in the living room with some of your barnyard animals, making your tractor drive over the rug. Cooper naps nearby and you give him a kiss in greeting before going back to your game.
Mammy and Caitlin sit at the kitchen table. Mammy's got her headphones on and she's talking to the people on her screen while Caitlin is hunched over a book, scrawling notes with one hand.
You're hungry and Mammy's on one of her special calls that you know you're not meant to interrupt her unless you're hurt. You glance at Caitlin. You know the bad thing that happened between Ma and Mammy had something to do with her so you're a little wary in approaching her but you suck it up because you're hungry.
You tug on her top. "Caitlin?"
"Huh...? Oh, right. Yeah, what's up, kid?"
"I'm hungry. When's lunch?"
Caitlin glances at the kitchen. "I think we've got ham and cheese? Do you want a sandwich?"
Caitlin lifts you up onto the granite countertops as she makes you your sandwich.
"You have to cut it into triangles," You say," And no crusts. Because crusts are bad."
She grins at you. "Triangles and no crusts. Got it, boss."
That makes you giggle a little. You're not the boss.
"Thank you, Caitlin."
You sit by Cooper on the floor to eat your sandwich, playing with your toys. By the time you've finished your sandwich, Mammy has finished her meeting.
"Mammy," You say as she passes you," We can play now?"
"Sorry, kiddo," She replies," I'm still working."
You huff. "But it's later now! You said you would play with me! Ma always plays with me!"
You know it's the wrong thing to say because Mammy's face goes sad for a moment before she presses her lips to the top of your head.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," She says," But I'm very nearly done. Why don't you play with Caitlin? She's free."
You give Caitlin a wary look but she's smiling at you and you've got no other options with Mammy doing work and Cooper asleep. So, begrudgingly, you nod.
Caitlin joins you in front of your farm toys.
You give her a look. "You can be the donkey," You say, passing the toy over to her," And the fat duck. He's fat because he eats bread all the time. He's stupid."
You're sullen and a bit pouty and you keep looking up to see if Mammy's nearly done.
She's working a lot now. Always working or doing something that you can't do. Ma never does anything like that. She always plays with you.
You pout, bottom lip jutting out as you wait for Mammy but she's taking ages.
Caitlin seems to notice because she looks between you both several times before opening her mouth. "Katie!"
Mammy looks up.
"Come and play."
"I have work," Mammy says.
"Nothing that can't wait a few hours," Caitlin says," You haven't seen her all week. Come and play with us."
"Please, Mammy," You say," I promise I won't ask again all visit!"
Something in Mammy's expression shatters as she approaches. She cups your face, running her finger over your cheekbone. She sighs.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," She says," I'll...I'll play with you. You don't have to promise that."
"Mammy needs to work," You say to Caitlin," Not supposed to interrupt her when she works."
It's clear to Katie that you're a bit bummed out about everything. She had plans last night to take you out to the park and to the nice bakery you like but a call from her agent in the car when she drove to pick you up about today's meeting had completely blindsided her and then, when she thought about it, she realised that she had emails that she needed to reply to.
Katie sighs, sitting down on the floor and pulling you into her lap. "No," She says," I don't need to work right now. I've got an adorable little kiddo to play with first."
You give her an odd look like you can't quite believe what she's saying before you look down at your toys with a smile.
"You can be the horse," You say," Because he likes playing rough with his friends."
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backwzzds · 4 months
ೃ⁀➷ choose me, trafalgar law
it was the hundredth morning that the heart pirates were woken up before their time. the sound of glass being thrown on the ship alerted everyone, but mostly bepo, causing him to be the first one to wake.
"what the hell is all this noise?" the furry pirate grumbled, taking a full stop to your shared room with the captain.
"you're not being fair!" your voice is muffled from the other side of the door. "you never choose me!"
"i always choose you!" the captain's voice is loud as ever. bepo could actually hear some offense cloud his tone as well. "i do all this shit for you!"
tears ran down your face as your hand shook against it. "but you d-dont! i've been with you—longer than anyone else here has. I've had your back through thick and thin. time and time again you choose the crew over me—your wife!"
law’s voice is harsh as the next few words leave his lips. "so you're gonna make me choose?"
"i would never make you choose! these men are your family and i get that—they are just as much mine as they are yours-but you don't understand law that no one has had your back, not like i fucking did. that time where you fought with the entire crew over something you were clearly wrong about? i chose you. every single time whether you're right or wrong—i fucking choose you, as any wife would! you never choose me!"
law scoffed with a shake of his head, trying to dodge everything that just came out your mouth.
"i always fucking choose you. you have no idea how much i choose you. I'd kill anyone over you. you know that."
"that is not enough law, why don't you understand that?!" you scream. "you choose being a pirate over being a husband sometimes and i would never tell you to stop pursuing your dreams. i know you've wanted this since kids," your voice cracks. "but you choose the sea over me every time i beg you not to do something and you still do it. i fight with you over and over and you just think that sex will be enough to get rid of this empty feeling inside."
bepo could hear your sobs from the other side of the door. he could tell whatever you two were fighting about was very important. from what he gathered though, he could see both sides of the story.
law was a pirate captain; it was his dream to rule the sea.
but he was also a husband first; committed to you, he's been clearly neglecting you the past few months and it was only natural that you became restless and needy for your man.
also understandable.
there were times that bepo did not agree with his captain and best friend often. he was brave enough to tell law when he was flat out wrong about things, and that wasn’t very often. but now he wasn't sure who was in the right or wrong this time. not when law had his mind set on completing a specific goal.
but, at the end of the day, captain's orders were still captain's orders. the heart pirates were obligated to follow their captain to death if the time asked for it. he could see both sides of the story limitlessly, but ethically, had to side with his captain no matter what. it wasn't his business to intervene either.
you and law continue going back and forth, but over time your comebacks slow down as you're practically choking on your tears. at the sight of your reddened brown face, law walked over to you and wrapped his large tattooed hand around your neck, grabbing your attention.
"look at me," his voice is low and demanding. but you didn't want to look at him right now. you wanted to look at anything but him. your sniffles don't stop him from repeating himself though as his grip on your neck grows a little stronger, tight enough not to hurt you of course, but just enough to where you got a little buzz in your head, just way he knew you liked it. "look at me."
finally, your beautiful eyes slowly moved upward to look at him. they couldn't help but glare (although it still came out as a pout), and law visibly frowned when he saw just how upset you were over this. your sniffles get lower as you fight the urge to wipe away your tears, but he beats you to it, swiping the D of his tatted thumb across your hot face.
"i will divide the seas for you, if need be,” law told you, voice strong and calm. you could tell he was out of breath from how worked up he was getting a minute ago. with a much lower octave, he leans in closer to your face, hazel gold eyes never leaving your own. "i’d fucking rip the flag off my own fleet and burn this sub on land with everyone in it over you," more tears run from your eyes in response to his words. but law continues to wipe them away for you, always catching your tears. “i will bring hell to this fucking place we call earth if that’s what you asked of me. everything i do as this ship's captain is for you. i would fucking give up being a pirate if that's what you wanted me to do. tell me. tell me what it is you want to me to do y/n because sailing these seas aren't worth shit if you hate me and if it's in another lifetime where you aren't my wife. tell me what you want me to do. not as your captain but as your fucking husband. that what you want, right baby? tell me what you want."
and that was when your lip quivered and your words cried out to the seas, "i want you to choose me!"
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weasleyreidstyles · 4 months
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chapter eight
summary: it was only meant to be a purely transactional relationship. he would help her strengthen her abilities in return for her getting his friends out of his father's nasty path. he didn't mean to fall for her, but loving her was the easiest thing in his dark world.
no use of y/n, but your general nickname is Meadow. all characters are aged up to be over 18.
pairings: mattheo riddle x fem!ravenclaw reader; platonic!slytherins x fem!reader; platonic!golden trio x fem!reader
warning(s): 18+ content, unprotected sex (use protection obvs), rough undertones but not really, bro's possessive as fuck
series masterlist; previous part; next part
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Your old Professor had given you some much needed insight over the Christmas holidays. Harry had dragged you and Ron to sit in agonising silence as he and Remus had a back and forth battle of wills over Harry's wild theories. Remus was certain that Voldemort wouldn't recruit inexperienced, young adults who were barely eighteen, but you knew he was wrong about that, especially considering he was recruited into the Order as soon as he was no longer a Hogwarts student.
Theo had not replied to a single letter; you'd sent countless over the small three week break.
Remus had yelled at Harry for making such harsh accusations, then had apologised not ten minutes later. It was a full moon after all, and he was still grieving over Sirius' death. Before that had sullied the peaceful evening, you confided in your old Professor before lunch had been served, who was more than willing to offer his profound wisdom to you.
"Sir? Can I-" you hesitate in the doorway of the Burrow's living room, feet teetering on the edge of the threshold, the smell of Mrs Weasley's cooking permeating the calm air. Before you could continue, Professor Lupin let out a hoarse chuckle and invited you to settle in the cushioned sofa next to him.
"I'm not your Professor anymore," he spoke your name softly, "please call me Remus."
"Okay sorry. Can I ask you something, Remus?"
"Of course. I'll try to help in anyway I can." his encouraging smile led to you spilling what was on your mind – he'd always been easy to confide in.
"I've been doing some extra reading on further subjects," you start, chewing on a hangnail on your thumb. "about- about siphons."
Remus stilled. If you weren't so nervous you would have narrowed your eyes in suspicion.
"What have you learned so far?" his response was slow and curious; carefully constructed.
"Well other than the fact that they don't draw magic from their cores...nothing. And every book in the library says the same thing." you let out a frustrated sigh and he seems to take pity on you.
"Siphons are extremely rare, which you know, of course." one of his hands cups his jaw contemplatively, as if he's choosing his words with careful precision. "That's why there's so little information, because there are very few people alive who have been able to record their true nature.
What we do know, is that siphons can completely draw out sources of magic into themselves; drain it to nothing to gain that power. They're very volatile in thats sense because no one knows how much power they can truely handle."
He gave no indication that he saw the way your flinched at his words. You were grateful for it.
"But surely harbouring that much power would be dangerous? Nature demands a balance." you say in a small voice.
He mumbles your name with a knowing look of understanding before patting your shoulder, indicating an end to the conversation but you still catch his parting words: "Look in the restricted section, in books about forbidden magical and mythical creatures and you'll find what you're looking for. Consult Professor Dumbledore too, it would be more useful than soley relying on my account."
"Thankyou sir- Remus." he leaves you there, chuckling quietly at your correction as he let you know that he'd see you at dinner later in the day. You're left infinitely more confused than before you initiated the conversation, but as you left through the opposite door that led to the bedrooms upstairs to find Ginny, you failed to see the curious eyes of you best friend, hidden under his cloak of invisibility.
Something had changed over the holidays. The air around the castle was different; a dark, sinister energy permeating the comforting warmth that the magical wards usually bathed the castle grounds in. You didn't know how you felt the shift moreso than your friends. Maybe it was the January weather, or the fact that you missed the comfort of home, but you knew in your gut that things were different now. Your stubbornness didn't want to admit that it could be a result of your new abilities that hadn't shown since Katie Bell's incident.
It became evident in your patrol evenings with Theodore, too. He was withdrawn, sullen and constantly aggravated; if he bothered to show up at all sometimes. You knew what it meant and you kept this piece of information to yourself, lest it gave your friends one more reason for you to avoid the Slytherins.
But you made a promise; one that you wouldn't break.
The change was even more evident in your sessions with Mattheo. He was pushing you to your limit, and getting exceedingly frustrated with you, for no reason. He was angry at the world and at you, apparently.
After a considerably hard yank at your innermost thoughts, you shoved him out with a glare, which he returned tenfold.
"Okay. Ow? Why are you being so aggressive?" you snap, massaging your throbbing temples. He scoffed at you and moved to stand, beginning to pace.
"What? You don't think someone trying to infiltrate your mind won't be? Don't be so naive, I can see all your thoughts. Shut. Me. Out." He spat your name out like it was filth to him, and you suppose it was at one point in time. Pushing youself to stand, you make your way to him so you were chest to chest.
"What is your problem?" you question, narrowing your eyes at him as he stared back with deadly, onyx eyes. He scoffed and turned away from you, fingers rubbing at his temples as if this whole conversation was giving him a headache.
"It is giving me a headache." he spat and your glare intensified. "You're not focused, your mind is unraveling at the seams. It's like you haven't made any progress at all."
You startled him with the cold laugh that escaped you. "That's rich." you spat, your pointer finger digging into his strong chest. "You're a hypocrite Mattheo. You have been unfocused for the last week. So answer me this: what is your issue?"
In seconds he had you pinned against a wall that you hadn't noticed he had been backing you into, his breathing heavy and cold as ice. His hand was wrapped loosely around the base of your throat, not tight enough to harm but enough to pose a threat.
"You know nothing about me, Princess." his voice was a low and deadly rasp that sent coils of dread right down to the tips of your toes, but you couldn't deny the blatent arousal that was beginning to fester. "You know nothing, yet you're still willing to be in a room with me. Willing to let me do things to you that your friends would abhor you for. Willing to keep secrets from the very people you should trust with your life."
You cursed the flush in your cheeks, and the lust in your eyes.
"You've been dancing with the devil for months, sweetheart." his voice was a nocuous whisper as his lips grazed your's with controlled precision. The sharp feeling of his teeth piercing your bottom lip invaded all your senses along with the metallic taste of blood. "You should've expected that I'd behave as such."
He kissed you then, an art of carefully thought out distraction as he sucked on the wound he created. But he underestimated you as you raked your fingers through his unruly, dark curls. Wandlessly, wordlessly, you willed the Legillimens spell to take hold and you were thrust into his mind, barraging through his fortified shields as if they were mere shadows ready to be swept away.
You were thrown into a seat at an overly large dinner table, that could seat at least thirty people, Bellatrix Lestrange seated adjacent to the seat opposite you, causing you to flinch at the phantom feeling of her cruciatus curse from the Department of Mysteries. The room was vast, with a towering ceiling filled with delicate Jacobean decor, it was dark and foreboding; you didn't want to be here.
You were sat to the right of Death himself.
Voldemort didn't acknowledge you and the words he spoke were a garbled blur of nothing as your attention was brought to the back of the room, by the double doors to the Entrance Hall. Draco Malfoy walked in, followed by Lorenzo and....and Theodore.
The next moment made you want to scream and cry as Mattheo was forced to stand before his friends, before Voldemort's loyal followers who were a mere spillage of darkness to your vision, and tortured by his own father. Somehow this was more painful than the memories you'd seen of his in those first few lessons; knowing it had been as recent as the week before. You gaped as Voldemort merely turned to Enzo and Theo; you fought tooth and nail to stop the inevitable as you watched them writhe and scream as the Dark Mark appeared on their left forearms.
You were shoved so violently from his mind that your head collided painfully with the wall behind you. You were staring at him, wide eyed and wincing as he glared down at you, murderously.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't- I'm sorry." you tried to catch your breath, only now realising that the hold he had on your throat had tightened upon reflex. Your hands flew to the singular wrist that helf your life in his hands, clawing as it flexed. "Mattheo-"
You watched in understandable horror as a smirk painted his beautiful face. Your wrists continued their assault with renewed vigour.
"I'm very impressed." he mumbled, his face drawing closer to your's, his voice a sensual whisper in your ear. "No one has ever been able to do what you just did."
He pressed a kiss to the shell of your ear and you trembled as the hold he had on your throat did not let up.
"What are you going to do to me?" you whispered hoarsely, fear painting your tone. He snickered at your predicament and the tightness surrounding your throat lessened considerably, but he maintained a loose grip, a warning.
"I want to do unspeakable things to you, sweetheart." he said, his voice a reflection of the arousal that was pressing heavily against your abdomen. His smirk widened as you shuddered at the way he said your name. "I'd like to think that I'm an honourable man. And I want to do the honourable thing, but I've resisted you for far too long."
Weeks worth of avoidance came to head in that moment as he surged forward, finally pressing his lips to your's. You could taste cigarettes on his tongue and his cologne filled your lungs with every breathe you managed to gasp between heated kisses. The wound on your lip pulsed from the attention, the pain causing a whine to crawl up the back of your throat. The kiss deepened.
His hands roamed over your entire body; hips, waist, thighs. Like he didn't know where to settle them, while his body pressed you further into the wall with pure male strength – you wanted to climb him like a tree. Somehow you managed to pull away from his ministrations, heavy breath mingling with his.
"You're not angry that I just broke through your shields?" you ask with a furrowed brow. He only lets out a quiet laugh as he shakes his head, leaning down to suck on the sensitive skin of your neck, then soothing the marred skin with presses of his lips and swipes of his tongue. You breathed out an airy moan at the sensation, tilting your head back to grant him more access.
"A little miffed." he mumbled agaist your skin. "But not angry. No one has ever been able to do that, except you apparently. Smart girl."
He didn't speak for another minute or so, content with marking your smooth skin instead.
"I'm proud. These lessons are paying off, it seems." and you hear it in the tone of his voice, the pride. You respond with a stifled laugh as he bites into the sensitive flesh of your collarbone and you swat at his shoulders.
"You're always content in making my life difficult." you tut, but make no move to stop him as he begins to unravel the knot in your tie. "Do you know how long it takes to cover these up? With and without magic!"
"Don't want you to cover them up." he mumbles, so quietly that you almost miss it. But you don't miss the possessive gleam that ignited in his onyx eyes. "You're mine."
You're mine. The words echoed through every corner of your mind.
"Am I?" you challenge and you pull him closer to you as you weave the fabric of his tie through your fingers. He growls as he rips your school shirt in two, ignoring your admonishing protests as he pulls it from your body. This continues until your stood in nothing but your under garments.
"Beautiful." he mumbles as he traces featherlight touches down your body with his calloused hands. "Absolutely breathtaking."
"Well I don't think it's very fair that I'm the only one whose indecent." you snark, though your attempts at hiding your anticipation were rubbish at best.
"So undress me, darling." he says after a split second of reluctance, his voice low and demanding, it makes your thighs clench. Looking at him through dark lashes, you begin to unknot his tie, slow and teasing. The buttons of his shirt are next, popped one by one by your nimble fingers; when you raise to your tiptoes to smoothly remove his shirt from his shoulders he tenses as you come face to face with his lean, quidditch built torso.
That's when you see it. Ink black and imposing against his tanned, muscular forearm. Covered in thick scars, old and new, was the Dark Mark. Your breath hitched in your throat as you trailed your fingers lightly across it. Mattheo shivered at the feeling.
"Scared?" he asks, voice low, you almost detect a hint of shame...or something else.
"Of you?" you ask, taking his left hand in both of your's, fingers running soft circles across his palm. "No."
"You should be." he says it like he believes it to be true. His fingers flex in your hold and then tighten, squeezing your's in earnest.
"I'm scared for you, Mattheo. For all of you. This," your pointer finger trails against the Mark, "isn't fair."
He smiles at you then, all soft and sad and heartbreaking. "This is the life I've been dealt, love. No use in trying to stop it."
You brought his forearm level with your face and begin to press gentle kisses to his marred skin. His breath hitches and you can't place the look he gives you.
"You're not a monster." you mumble between soft caresses. "You're kind and intelligent, and compassionate and honourable. You've been dealt an awful card, yet you haven't let it ruin you. Not entirely. That says everything and more, Matty."
"Say that again." he says, onyx eyes staring resolutely into your's.
"Say what?" you ask, brows furrowed as he practically rips his arm from your hold, only to pull you closer to him by your waist. You both seem to realise that you're both near naked – only your underwear and his trousers separating the two of you. Your cheeks heat.
"My name. Say it."
"Make me." you say with a barely contained smirk. He lets out a near growl as he cups the back of your neck in his giant palms and presses a demanding kiss to your kiss-swollen lips.
It's not pretty. It's all teeth-gnashing and lip biting and purely animalistic.
You'd both been resisting eachother past blind fumbles in the dark and post-session make outs but you'd never been this exposed to each other before. It was exhilarating.
"Fuck!" he gritted against you. "You're so fucking pretty."
You whimpered against him as he sucked at your tongue, and that seemed to push him past his controlled limit. One of his hands guides your thigh to rest against his hip and he battles with his trousers to get them low enough to release his painfully hard cock.
You're not one to beg often, but your desire for the boy in front of you was too great to ignore. With a mewl and a whisper of pleas he pushed the fabric of your panties aside and pushed into you. The tightness and the pain of the action made you both groan in unison.
"Gods, sweetheart. You feel so much better than I imagined." he says against your lips as he pushes in to the hilt. He presses away the tears that fall from your eyes.
"Please move." you say as you attach your lips to his neck in an effort to stifle your moans as he begins at a slow pace, graciously letting you adjust to his size. He's bigger than anyone you'd had before him, the tip of him grazing places you didn't think was possible to reach. You were a mess of whines and moans as he adjusted you in his hold; letting out a shriek when he begins to repeatedly ram against a spot inside you that brought you immediate pleasure.
"Gods! Right there Matty, fuck....please!"
He smiles a wicked, sinister smile at you as he drags one moan after another from your lips. He takes both your hands into one of his and pins them above your head, restricting you to the wall.
"That's it, sweetheart." Mattheo rasps, revelling in the way you clench around him. "Moan my name."
His movements are precise and controlled. His pleasure deriving from the way he was making you come undone at the seams. He brings his free hand to the apex of your thighs, brushing them against your throbbing clit, smirking as his motion draws you closer to your orgasm.
You're not certain how long has passed since he entered you, but you feel like you're having an out of body experience as he rips an orgasm from you so suddenly that you don't know where the pleasure starts and ends.
You're a whimpering, moaning mess as he uses the extra slick to speed up his movements, which become erratic and lose their rhythm as he gets closer to his own release. The only sound to be heard are your soft whines, his grunts and the sound of skin slapping against skin as he finally reaches his own climax.
His forehead rests against your's, both gleaming with a light layer of sweat as you bask in the feeling of him. His dark brows furrow as you let out a soft laugh.
"What's so funny?" he asks, a light smile gracing his face as he memorises every inch of your skin.
"I think you just ruined me for anyone else." you say, breathless.
"Good." he growls, that possessive gleam in his eyes again as you feel him harden inside you. "As far as I'm concerned no one else can have you."
He's rolling his hips against your's before you can utter a snarky response.
The next time you see Mattheo is in the Potions classroom the following day.
"How are you so good at everything you do, Meadow?" Ron grumbled as he read through the instructions of the healing potion Slughorn was making you all brew.
You had just finished an apparition lesson; by the end of the two hours, only you, Hermione, Mattheo's group of friends and a handful of others had managed to apparate from one side of the room to the hoop at the other. Harry and Ron were not part of that group.
"Well unlike you, Won-Won," Hermione sneered from across the table, "she takes pride in her academic accomplishments."
The redhead scoffed. "Mione come on-"
"Don't call me that." she snapped, going on a rant about Ron's incompetence. He only spluttered in response. You and Harry only exchanged uneasy looks as they continued arguing.
"I thought this would've ended by now." you say under your breathe as you drop in your next ingredient, huffing when it does the opposite of what it should. Harry mumbled his agreement as he completed his own potion. You looked between his and your's incredulously. "Why does your's look different to mine? Is it that book?"
You glared at him with pleading eyes and Harry huffed as he slid the Halfblood Prince's book so you could see. Your body ached as you read through the annotations. You winced as you rolled your neck to get rid of the tightness and Harry noticed your discomfort straight away.
"You okay, Meadow?" he asks, his hand gracing your shoulder blade. You both looked up at the sound of a knife clattering against a table top. Mattheo was glaring at the hand that Harry still kept on your shoulder, you huffed as you turned to your friend.
"Fine. Just sore from apparition lessons is all." you smiled reassuringly which seems to convince him as Harry removes his hand from you.
Faintly you hear Pansy question why Mattheo was acting so strangely and you try your hardest to ignore it. Until you couldn't any longer, because he was in your head.
Why the fuck was he touching you like that? His voice was a dark growl in your mind.
Wow possessive much? You reply with a mental scoff. He was asking if I was okay.
The agression in his tone softened and he sent a wave of concern your way. Are you? Okay, I mean? What's wrong?
You can't help the smile that paints your face, and you have to duck your head to hide it from your oblivious friends. I'm fine.
You can practically see as well as feel the look he gives you all the way across the room. You clearly aren't. Tell me what's wrong.
You look like you're about to incinerate the tabletop. I'm okay, Matty, really. Just sore. You curse him internally as he smirks wickedly, onyx eyes dancing with pride and hunger.
I'd gladly satisfy you again, darling. Just say the word.
You kick him from your mind, ignoring the flush that overtakes your heated face. Then you send flares of annoyance to him as you hear his snickering laughter that he barely conceals.
when i was researching siphoner lore literally the only thing that came up was vampire diaries theories 😭😭😭
the smut took a different direction to what i intended tbh but i wanted to include some soft Matty 😅
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xoxoladyaz · 11 months
It Hits Different This Time, Part 2
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Rock Star Eddie x Steve Harrington
TW: Mentions of alcohol, drug abuse
QUICK AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm so sorry that the last entry was so angst heavy, I promise this one provides some comfort! Eddie needed to take a big step here and he really, really does. Also, much love to everyone who commented, I've tagged you at the bottom of the post - let me know if anyone else would like to be notified of the next entry!
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five
It was another five days before Steve heard from Eddie. Another five torturous days of radio silence, only this time, there wasn’t anything online. No new articles were popping up saying he’d been spotted somewhere, no new TikToks of him meeting fans on the street. The rest of the band was MIA too; Steve had thought about sending Jeff a text to check-in but ultimately decided to wait another couple days. Robin had been texting with Chrissy, after all, and if something bad had gone down, she would know.
When Eddie did finally call, it wasn’t from a number that Steve recognized.
“I’m getting a call from Malibu.”
“Holy shit!” Robin sat up on the other end of the couch and shot him a look. “Okay, just breathe dingus, okay? It’s going to be okay, I’ll be here the whole time.” She squeezed his ankle comfortingly. “You can do this.”
Steve accepted the call with shaky hands and brought his phone to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hey Steve.”
He shut his eyes and swallowed, trying to stop his voice from cracking. “Eddie.”
He heard Eddie let out a watery laugh across the line. “Do you, uh, have a minute?”
“Mmmm hmmm,” Steve hummed. He physically couldn’t get an actual word out. 
This was it. Eddie was leaving, he’d cheated, it was over – 
“I’m in rehab.”
Steve’s eyes shot open. “You’re what?”
Robin started rocking back and forth. “Turn it up!” She hissed, and Steve obliged, turning up his volume so she could just barely hear what was being said. (Was this a private conversation? Yes. Did Eddie know he’d probably immediately tell Robin everything? Also yes. 
Was this news big enough to warrant having Robin eavesdrop?
Absolutely yes.)
“Yeah, I’m, uh, at the Promises Treatment Center in Malibu,” Eddie continued. “We got back about five days ago and when I saw your note, I – 
“Look, Steve,” Eddie continued, and his voice was choked up, like he himself couldn’t speak, “I fucked up. I’ve fucked everything up. You are – you said in that note that you didn’t want me to give up on my dreams, and you’re right, making it big and getting famous for my music was my dream for literal years. Because I kept thinking “once I get a record out there,” “once I go on tour,” “once I win a Grammy,” “once I get a million dollars,” then I’d finally be happy. 
“But it turns out the only thing being famous has done is make me pretty fucking miserable,” Eddie let out a harsh laugh. “But I was so goddamn convinced that this was it, you know, that I’d accomplished my dreams so I must be happy that I started taking whatever I could get my fucking hands on to make me feel that way. The thing is drugs and the alcohol and the parties never made it fucking last. It just made every other second that I was in the public eye that much worse.
“But I’d still made it, you know? I felt like I didn’t deserve to feel this fucking miserable. And everyone back home was so fucking proud and I didn’t want to let them down - ” Eddie paused for a few moments to clear his throat before continuing. “I didn’t want to let you down. Because Eddie “The Freak” Munson didn’t deserve you, but maybe Eddie “The Rock Star” could.”
Steve can feel his own throat closing up and he can barely see Robin’s face, his eyes are watering that bad. “Baby,” he sobbed. “I wish you’d told me.”
“Me too,” Eddie sniffled across the line. “I didn’t though, I just kept self-medicating and ignoring it, because that’s always worked,” he huffed sarcastically. “But then - ” Eddie cut off again, and Steve can hear that he’s trying so hard to hold back his own sobs, “then I came home last week and realized that I’d missed our goddamn anniversary because I was too fucking high and that you were gone and I just – I called Jeff and I told him to get me on a plane out here because you – you, Steve Harrington, you are the best thing in my goddamn life. And the only dream I want to chase now is the one where we get married and adopt some kids and grow old together.”
“Eddie,” Steve sobbed out again, and he heard Eddie start to cry too, and then suddenly they were crying together, even from hundreds of miles away.
“So I’m gonna be here for the next six weeks,” Eddie finally continued, his voice still full of tears. “I’m, uh, meeting with a therapist for a few hours every day and working through my shit. I wanna be a guy who deserves good things, baby. I wanna be a guy who deserves you.”
“What – what about the band?” Steve sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. A handful of Kleenex appeared in front of him. Robin must have gotten up to grab them at some point. He shot her a thankful nod and patted at his eyes; Robin nodded back and did the same, her face flushed that bright shade of red that accompanied her own tears.
“Murray wrote a provision into our contract where if one of us checks into rehab, then the band is instantly put on a two-year, non-negotiable hiatus.”
“But – what about your momentum, the label kept talking about it?”
“The label can go fuck themselves” Eddie practically growled over the phone. “Who do you think hosted the party where I first got my hands on the hardcore stuff anyways?”
“Babe - ”
“Murray said he was going to look into some sort of contract termination so we can sign somewhere else. And even if we didn’t have that thing written into our contract, we probably would have gone on hiatus anyways, or worse. That – the last leg was rough. Gareth was just as fucked up as I was and Jeff was fucking pissed. He kept having to pull Gareth out of orgies and shit while babysitting Phil and I too.”
“Did,” Steve swallowed harshly, “did - ”
“No, baby, never,” Eddie declared quickly. “Even when I couldn’t fucking see straight, you were the only one I wanted to be with. I honestly don’t even know who we were partying with at the end there, the label sent them for some PR shit, I don’t know. It’s just another reason why we want out.”
“Oh,” Steve murmured, “okay. Good. Or, well, not good. You know.”
“Yeah, baby, I do,” Eddie replied softly. 
They sat in silence for a few moments, just listening to each other breathe. “I, uh,” Eddie started up again quietly, “I’m wearing the ring.”
“Yeah?” Steve found himself smiling despite the fresh tears welling up in his eyes.
“Yeah,” Eddie’s voice was just as choked up as before. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
“Eddie - ”
“Look, I know, I know I hurt you so, so badly and I’m never going to fucking forgive myself for what I did, but I – you’re everything I want, baby. If I had to give up Corroded Coffin tomorrow for you, I would do it in a heartbeat. And I – I know I can’t expect for you to just, like, forgive me after the shit I pulled, but – will you be there, when I get out? Can I – I want to come home to you,” Eddie finished, and Steve could hear that he was crying again.
Steve looked over at Robin, who was wiping more tears out of her own eyes. They looked at each other for a few moments.
It might be crazy, but I think I want to say yes.
I don't blame you. I mean, this is one hell of an apology, especially from Mr. “I’ll Never Need to Go to Rehab Ever.”
Yeah. And I love him.
And you love him.
“I’ll be there,” Steve murmured reassuringly, and Eddie burst into a new wave of muffled sobs on the other end of the phone. “Just do what you need to do and come home when you’re ready, okay? I’ll be waiting for home.”
“At home?” Eddie’s voice broke on a whimper.
“At home. I’ll even clean the bathrooms and everything,” Steve joked, and Eddie let out a loud laugh despite the quiet sobs Steve could still hear. 
“Really? You’ll be there?”
“Yeah, Eddie. I’ll be there. We can get through this.”
“Together. Because I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.”
“Fuck, Stevie,” Eddie let out an incredulous laugh again, “I love you so fucking much, baby. I’m going to marry the fuck out of you someday.”
“Save the sweet talk for when you get home, okay?” Steve could feel his heart settling in his chest, and whatever tears he’d had left to cry were all gone now. There was just the twinge of missing Eddie, but that would go away soon enough. “I’m so fucking proud of you, Eds.”
“Thanks, baby.” Eddie’s answer was soft now. “So I, uh, get a couple hours to call people every day from one of the site’s phones. Can I keep calling you?”
“Please,” Steve heard Eddie exhale in relief. “Every day sounds perfect.”
“Good, good. I’ll have to, uh, use some of my time to talk to Wayne, but the rest of it is yours, baby. And Gareth, Jeff threw him into a different center too. His check-in was much less voluntary though.”
“Shit,” Steve winced. “Is there anything Robin or I can do to help?”
“Take Jeff and Chrissy out to a nice dinner and use the Amex,” Eddie snorted, causing Steve to laugh.
“Consider it done.”
“Good." Steve heard the sound of another voice behind Eddie. Eddie replied something Steve couldn't understand, but it was in the affirmative. "Doc says my time is up for today. My, uh, talk with Wayne took up a lot of time,” Eddie returned, and his voice trembled as he spoke. “But I’ll call you tomorrow and I’ll see you in six weeks.”
“Yes you will.” Steve shut his eyes and imagined Eddie was standing right in front of him. Eddie with his riotous curls and holey graphic tees and tight jeans. Eddie with his rings on his fingers, with Steve’s ring on his finger. Eddie, standing across from him and smiling at him with that twinkle in his eye that had first caught Steve’s attention all those years ago. 
“I love you, Eds.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. I’ll see you on the other side.”
Tags List: @gregre369 @starman-jpg @skoomy-doompy @thequeenrainacorn @sleepyboosstuff @strawberrykore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @amoris-no-smut-allowed @steve-the-hairrington @iknewyouweremuggle @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sunfloweringstories @loverkasp @hyperfixationgoddess @steddie-as-they-go @zerokrox-blog @messrs-weasley @thelittleclare @lovelyscot
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greatooglymooglyyy · 2 months
hi i just want to say you do absolutely amazing work and i love it i was wondering if you could do a matt or chris one shot where the reader just hasn’t been doing well with stress and their anxiety acting up cause something really important to them is soon and they help comfort reader and take readers mind off of it till the day of. i have a theater performance next week and im really anxious about it and this would really help thank you and i hope you have a good day
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I'll Look After You (Matthew Sturniolo)
contains: stressed out reader, mentions of anxiety and insecurity, fluff, kissing, bf!matt to the rescue, 1.k words
a/n: hi anon. i wanted to get to this request asap because i've definitely been there before. i hope this helps you even a little bit. i know you'll kill it. love uuuuu
“Could beauty, my lord, have better…Fuck! Line.” I say running my hand roughly through my hair in frustration.
It’s the night before my debut in Hamlet, a play I’ve been in love with since seventh grade, and somehow I’m managing to forget all of my lines. Even after all the weeks of rehearsals and notes, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I’m playing Ophelia. Well, I will be if I can get my shit together.
Matt sits at the table watching me intently as I pace back and forth in his kitchen. “I think you’re hitting a wall, baby. Maybe you should take a break.”
“I don’t have time for a break! Line.” I snap, pulling my bottom lip into my mouth and chewing nervously.
He narrows his eyes at my tone but continues to read. “Could beauty, my lord, have better commerce than with honesty?”
I repeat the line and he answers with Hamlet’s. We continue back and forth for a few lines before I stumble again. “You were not deceived.” I cringe, knowing the line is wrong before Matt speaks.
"I was the most deceived.” He corrects softly and I groan in defeat.
“God, I’m an idiot. This is all my fault! I was reading The Scottish Play before rehearsals today and now I’m cursed! I didn’t even say the damn thing out loud.” I gesture wildly at where the book sits open near Matt.
His face screws up in confusion. “What does Macbeth have to-”
“Matt! Are you crazy? Don’t tempt the witches!”
“Have you lost-” He takes a deep breath and regains composure. “Take a seat, baby.”
I begrudgingly drop down into the chair across from him, tapping my fingers restlessly on the table.
“What are you so afraid of?” Matt asks gently, nudging my foot under the table.
At the question, all my insecurities flood back up. I don’t know how to tell him that I’ve never thought of myself as a lead before. Don’t know how to make him understand how deeply I want to see whatever my director saw in me at auditions. So instead I try for something simpler. “What if I’m not good enough?”
“You are.” He answers without a second of hesitation.
I roll my eyes and shake my head. “You’re just saying that because you’re in love with me.”
“Give them five minutes of watching you on stage and everyone in that theater will be too.”
I want to believe him but how can that be true if I can’t even remember my lines? I drop my head down on the table, pressing my face to the cool wood and closing my eyes.
Matt reaches his hand across the table and smooths a thumb over my wrist. “C’mon. Take a drive with me.”
I look up at his kind smile, tears welling in my eyes. “No, Matt. I can do it. I can get past this block.”
He comes around the table and kneels beside the chair, turning me to face him. “I know.” He pulls me into his arms and places a kiss on the side of my head. “Come with me anyway.”
We drive to In and Out and park in a random parking lot, listening to the quiet sound of drizzle hitting the van. Matt’s been unusually chatty since we headed out, feeling the silence I would usually take up while he nods along.
He starts to tell me what to do if I encounter different types of bears and I can’t help but laugh at his delivery.
When he’s finished, I sit back and stare out the window at the dark clouds. But when I feel Matt’s eyes on me, I turn back to meet his gaze. “What?”
He leans closer to me, his eyes soft and open. “I just want to know that you,” he starts, his tone straight out of a romance movie. “have some grease on your nose. You should probably get that off.”
I laugh and wipe my nose, flipping him off. “Oh, all of a sudden, you got jokes?”
We settle into a comfortable silence and Matt grabs his phone to pick a new song as Frank Ocean fades out. When I hear the beginning notes of my favorite The Fray song, I grin over at him.
“I thought you didn’t like them and think they sing in cursive?” I tease as he turns the song up a bit.
“I’ve reconsidered. Dance with me?”
“It’s raining! We’ll get soaked.”
“Dance with me anyway.”
I grin as I fling my door open and meet him at the front of the car. I lock my arms around his neck as he pulls me in by the waist.
🎶‘when i’m losing my control the city spins around, you’re the only one who knows to slow it down’🎶
Matt pulls me closer to him, our bodies flush, as we sway back and forth. He presses quick kisses to the side of my head and I giggle as he nuzzles his face into mine. He swings me out so he can clumsily pull me back to him and we both burst into laughter.
🎶‘you’ve begun to feel like home’🎶
We spin around now, completely offbeat, the water on the ground around us splashing up and soaking us even more.
He wraps his arms back around my waist as the song begins to fade out, still holding me close. I open my mouth to make a joke about it ending when I hear the drums of Taylor Swift’s Lover.
I pull back and stare at him in incredulity and he shrugs. “It’s your playlist.” And my heart takes off like a rocket ship.
I reach up and press my lips to his, a gentle kiss that turns more passionate as I try to fill it with as much love as I feel right now. When I pull away, he licks his lips, his face a deep and satisfied red. “I love you.” He whispers.
“This is the very ecstasy of love,” I reply with a grin. Not my line, per se, but close enough.
And as Matt leans down and closes the space between us again, I feel the block around Ophelia’s lines loosen. But how could it not with a muse like this.
🏷️: @sturniolho @sttzee @tillies33ssss @miloisdone1 @sstvrnioloo @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @mrsmiagreer @asturniolos
@teapartyprincess4two @whicked-hazlatwhore @sukiipjs @accio326 @sturniolosmind @imfromthediningtable @rootbeerworshiper @st4rswrld @leah-loves-lilies
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Eddie's been on cloud nine as of late. Things were going great with Steve and they were going even better with Wayne and Steve. Eddie thought there might be some tension, and there was, but only briefly.
His uncle was a great judge of character. And Steve's character was perfect, if Eddie did say so himself.
So imagine his surprise when he comes back to the trailer, Steve's eyes red and wet from crying.
Eddie came in from a hard day's work and since he saw Steve's car waiting was prepared to be greet with a kiss. He heard a weird shuffling, then saw Steve sitting next to Wayne.
"Eddie, it's not what you think", Steve said quickly.
"It's not? Because it looks like my uncle made you cry. And I think I can imagine why."
"Oh?", Wayne raised a brow. "Do tell."
Steve was looking back and forth between them, like he was afraid of a fight breaking out.
"It looks like you gave him the talk every father gives their daughter when she brings her first serious boyfriend home. Like you told him about your hatchet collection just in case he every breaks my heart."
Steve's eyes widened. "Your what?"
Wayne just rolled his. "I had a brief stint as a lumberjack. And two axes hardly count as a collection."
"You still didn't hafta threaten him. You know Steve now. You know he's good to me." What if whatever Wayne said scared him off? It probably took a lot to freak him out but Eddie had never seen him cry before. Ever.
"Well maybe he could use a little warning, just in case."
Eddie frowned and went over to Steve's side. "I can't believe you'd treat him like that. After everything I've told you and everything you've seen-"
"Wayne didn't do anything!", Steve blurted.
That made Eddie pause and Steve took a breath before he pulled something that had been hidden between his back and the couch cushions. "He was showing me this."
Eddie knew what was in the book already but opened it anyway. A photo album, filled with pictures from the day Eddie was born all the way to his first couple of years of primary school. The later years were in another album.
"You were crying....because Wayne showed you my baby photos?"
Steve nodded.
"Can you blame him? You were a handsome baby", Wayne said. "Needed him to know you weren't always funny lookin'."
Eddie looked over Steve's shoulder to shoot him a playful glare before looking back at his boyfriend.
"Sweetness, I truly got myself hitched to a sap. I mean, this made you cry?" He held up the photo of himself, halfway to bringing a spoonful of mashed potatoes to his mouth. The mess around his face and on his hands told the story of his very valiant efforts to feed himself.
"You were adorable", Steve whined, eyes getting a little misty again.
"Alright, alright. I can understand the secrecy now. I'm not a huge fan when Wayne pulls this out. But for you and only you, we can peruse my early childhood. Anything after I turn ten is off limits!"
Eddie pointed a finger at them both, daring him to challenge them.
"Why can't I see middle school Eddie?", Steve asked.
"Oh he was really funny lookin' then", Wayne answered. "Went through this whole phase where he claimed purple was his color."
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
98. “if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs” 👀
READICUS. Okay. Alright. I've caught the context disease from you though.
Rated M | tags: language, flirting, dirty talk, so much discussion about sex they might as well be having it, getting together, FWB to lovers
It was just grocery shopping.
They were in a grocery store.
Eddie should not be getting hard watching Steve pick out the ripest bananas.
Like, genuinely, even he knew this was as ridiculous as it could get.
It's just that they'd been casually fucking for the last few weeks, letting off steam, just dudes helping dudes through their synchronous dry spells, and watching Steve pay so much attention to a fucking banana was a lot for Eddie to wrap his mind around.
Casually fucking might not even be the right term.
It was more like...fucking like rabbits.
Eddie spent more time at Steve's house than he spent at his own, and most of that time was spent either naked or trying to be.
He spent the night last night, and only agreed to come shopping with Steve after a very convincing blowjob against the kitchen counter.
It was working for them.
Except for how much Eddie loved Steve. Not like a friend, or a brother, or the way he loved his Hellfire minions. He loved Steve in the "would marry you in Vegas and have tons of babies with you if you wanted" way.
So embarrassing.
Especially taking into consideration that there was no way Steve saw their arrangement as anything more than convenient.
He watched as Steve finally settled on the perfect bunch of bananas and shuffled back to the cart that Eddie was leaning on.
Eddie leaned forward as Steve leaned over the cart, his lips brushing against his ear.
"If we weren't in public right now, I'd have my head between your legs," he whispered.
Which was bold of him considering the grocery store was packed with weekend shoppers.
Steve tensed, his body freezing completely as Eddie backed away, smiling and waving at an old lady glaring at him.
"What the fuck, Eds."
Steve's cheeks were fire engine red, his hands gripping the edge of the cart like it was the only thing holding him up.
"What? I just thought you should know how bad I want you," Eddie shrugged.
They flirted with each other all the time, that's what led to their situation in the first place: the flirting went a bit too far and Steve ended up on his lap, rocking his hips back and forth until he came in his jeans.
No big deal.
Just another day.
But never in public, barely even around someone they trusted.
"Here? Now?" Steve squeaked out, eyes widening comically.
"Why not? You're hot," Eddie's hand grazed his lower back, just enough of a touch to tease, not enough to really be noticed by anyone else.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Steve hissed. "You want people to see?"
"No, 'course not," Eddie smirked. "I just want you to feel."
Watching Steve struggle to find words, struggle to flirt, was possibly the biggest win in Eddie's book. If he could pat himself on the back for it, he would.
"We're in public."
"Stevie, I hate to say it, but being in public doesn't really stop me from wanting to get on my knees and suck your dick."
Steve's face got impossibly darker, only spurring Eddie on more.
"If I wasn't so worried about being walked in on, I'd drag you to the bathroom right now. Maybe fuck you in a stall. You'd probably like that, huh? You liked when I fucked you against the shower wall the other day," Eddie let his fingers trace along Steve's arm, subtle, easy to pull away if someone got too close to them.
"Or maybe you'd wanna fuck me. I know how much you like throwing me around and showing off sometimes. Think that would work for you?"
Eddie watched as Steve shivered, biting his lip and doing his best to hold back a whine.
"But we won't do that, right? Because only I get to see you like that. The way you fuck me, the way I fuck you, that's just for us, isn't it?"
Steve nodded.
Eddie looked around, confirmed no one was close enough to see, and settled a hand on the front of Steve's jeans.
"This is just for me."
"Yeah, just for you," Steve choked out, his hand grasping at Eddie's wrist to either pull it away or hold it in place. "Eds-"
"I know, Stevie. But we gotta shop. That's what you said when you were on your knees in the kitchen this morning."
"I can shop later," Steve gasped as Eddie's hand squeezed once before pulling away.
They were in public and there was only so much Eddie was willing to try to get away with, but Steve's reaction was everything.
He looked away, focusing on the apples in front of him as if he cared at all about apples when Steve Harrington was hard right next to him.
He froze.
He thought about everything he'd just said, how possessive he'd sounded, how he'd never quite crossed that line before.
How into it Steve was.
He looked back at Steve, who was still staring at him, face almost back to a normal shade, but lips bitten red and eyes glassy.
"Do you want that to be just for me?" Eddie should not be having this discussion in the grocery store.
"Do I what?"
"Do you want to be mine? Like, more than just...fucking?" Eddie should not be having this discussion in the grocery store.
"Is that...an option?" Steve was letting him have this discussion in the grocery store.
"If you want it to be."
Every once in a while, Eddie saw this look in Steve's eye, only ever when he was looking at Eddie doing something stupid or funny or when he was messing around with the kids.
He never let himself think that it was anything more than just Steve getting distracted while looking at him.
He could see it now, though, and he couldn't ignore what that look actually was.
"I want it. I want you."
Eddie was fucked. In more ways than one, it seemed.
"You do?"
"Why is that so hard to believe? You've practically been living with me for weeks, dude."
Eddie's lips curled down, disgusted.
"Don't call me dude, oh my God."
Steve laughed.
"I'll make it up to you when we get home," he winked, turning around and pretending that he didn't just make Eddie's brain short circuit.
"I- what-" Eddie sputtered.
"What? Can't handle my mouth? You handle it fine earlier."
God, Eddie loved this man.
"Stevie, how fast can you finish shopping?" Eddie started pushing the cart away, not even sure if he was going in the right direction.
"If you stop distracting me, ten minutes."
"I'll be in the car, then."
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doberbutts · 3 months
We have a little free pantry in our front yard (toothbrushes, tampons, shelf-stable snacks bottled water, etc.), and I read a lot about people's experiences having one online before we put ours up re: expectations about potential interactions with people using it, but nothing prepared me for how weirdly aggro *other* people sometimes get about us having it as a form of "activism" as opposed to some other, more nebulous idea of broader social change. "Don't you think it'd be better to volunteer at or donate money to a homeless shelter, so those people can get the actual help they need?" "Shouldn't you focus more on trying to campaign for policy changes that will help more people than one street corner if you care about this problem?" "Isn't doing that a waste of time?" "Aren't you just encouraging people not to get help?" I do that other stuff when I can. This is something small I can do - in addition to raising awareness and fighting for bigger change, when I have the time and money and spoons - and at least, when I don't. It's crazy to me to approach social justice issues with such an all-or-nothing mindset as some people seem to. I've met enough of the individuals who utilize it to know it makes a difference in a very tangible way for the people directly around me.
No, I agree entirely.
Corny and dated as it is, there's a reason the saying is "be the change you want to see". If no one within the community puts in the work to fix the community's problems, even in little bits and pieces, then how will anything change? Raising awareness only goes so far. What happens when all anyone is, is aware? Aware, and still doing nothing, waiting for someone else to put in the work.
Sometimes, that someone is going to need to be you. You can't just wait around and wait for someone else to do it for you.
If I see someone digging through the trash for food, I wave them over and offer them food from my house or fresh food from a store or take them to a restaurant where they can order whatever they want. If I'm getting groceries and I see someone very obviously homeless struggling to pay for their food, I tell the cashier to add it to my bill. No one starves in front of me. Ever since I stopped needing to rely on food stamps, no one starves in front of me.
This past summer I saw someone splayed out on the sidewalk in 95F weather in direct sunlight. I couldn't tell if he was unconscious from drugs or passed out from the heat or just simply had fallen asleep in the shade and then the sun moved. I was getting groceries so I added a bunch of hot chicken to my order plus several bottles of refrigerated water. I went over to him and woke him and explained that I was worried he needed medical attention. He'd passed out because he was tired, he told me. I offered him the hot food and the water and he thanked me, telling me he'd run out of water the night before and food the day before that and didn't have any money to get any more.
Everyone else had been walking around him like he was just an obstacle on the sidewalk. No one had thought to offer any help. When I walked away, some folks who saw me told me that that was very nice of me. I don't think it was nice of me. I think that's just what you should do if you see someone obviously in distress. They agreed that he seemed like he needed the help. They didn't act. They agreed that the compassionate and right thing to do was to offer assistance and make sure he was okay. But they didn't do it. They waited for someone else to do it.
I've mentioned in passing that I volunteer for the local teen LGBT club, helping lost gay kids find their way and maybe not kill themselves about it. It's not much. I mostly just text back and forth with whatever kids get my number from the adults that run the thing. Sometimes I give them tips and advice. Sometimes I'm just the cool gay uncle they tell about their latest school drama. Once or twice I've served one of them lunch on my couch while my dogs smother them with affection and they cry about their latest heartbreak. I don't do speeches or history lessons or anything like that. I don't think I'm qualified for it, in honesty. But if even one of them doesn't commit suicide, if even one of them doesn't self-harm, if even one of them no longer feels all alone in the world because I'm there when they reach out to me, that's enough.
Today on my commute to work, the guy in front of me had a major wipeout on his motorcycle. I stopped my car in a position that none of the other cars could hit him, and asked if he was okay, and waited until his friend (also on a motorcycle) had circled back around to help him off the road and check him over. I left once his friend waved me away. I offered to call an ambulance but he refused.
A couple weeks ago, also on my commute, a woman was stopped on the side of the road, waving her arms at drivers, shouting for help. I stopped. The other drivers didn't. Her car had died, she was new to town, and she was somewhere that notoriously doesn't get cell service. I helped her call a tow truck. It wasn't a trap. She didn't want to hitchhike. She just was stuck and panicked about it.
I stop and help animals get off the road. I've lost count on how many turtles I've carried to the other side. I helped my neighbor search for a dog he saw get hit by a car so he could take it to the vet. I shoveled my elderly neighbor's driveway for her, and talked my boss into giving her a major discount for her little dog's dental in which pretty much every tooth needed extraction or he would die. When I still lived in that rental with my roommates, we were surrounded by kids. Every kid on the block knew we were a safe house to go to. If they needed food or water, if they needed entertainment, if they needed just somewhere to be, they could be at our place. When covid started, I did a "reverse halloween" since Halloween was canceled, and I put bags of candy on every doorstep that I knew had kids inside. I've done a "neighborhood santa" putting a small toy plus a small gift card for the parents on every doorstep that has kids, for as long as I've lived around kids.
When I say activism requires action, I don't mean that every single person is required to save a thousand lives. The honest answer is, unless you have a lot of disposable time and money, you probably won't. But you can still make a difference. To one. To ten. To twenty.
And you know what? I'm not saying black people specifically came up with this- but how can you be surprised to know this is how I live my life when I say over and over that I was raised by black activists who lived during MLK Jr and Malcolm X and knew community action would have the longest-lasting effects? Of course I do all this. That's what being part of a community *is*.
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