#and i've mentioned the puppies like twice so more of that needs to go in
sugarycloud1 · 4 months
I'm currently writing a puppy interview fic and I can already tell the formatting is going to do my absolute head in.
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im-sleepdeprived · 6 months
Crazier • Pt. 1
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pairing: mcu!peter parker x reader
a/n: this is a series ! prob 3 parts im thinking (i think im back AH), editing took me 10000 years actually so if there's something wrong PLEASE don't tell me !!! :D
warnings: umm just me not knowing anything about star wars, girls support girls<3, mentions of breakup, honestly theres nothing wrong but i think i said 'shit' like twice if you give a shit lmfao
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"There's no way you actually think 'Return Of The Jedi' is better than 'The Empire Strikes Back'. Like, come on dude, it's so obvious which is better," Ned exclaimed, obviously feeling very strongly about the little debate he had currently going on with Peter. 
However, Peter couldn't have been more nonchalant. "Listen, man, I love debating with you but I know where I stand and this is where I draw the line," he shrugged.
Ned opened his mouth, no doubt to argue some more with his best friend, when his gaze shifted to you, "Hey man, maybe we should talk about something Y/N can enjoy too."
That made your head snap up from where you were just toying with the food on your tray. "Don't worry about me guys," you forced a smile, "Honestly, I love watching Ned beat you into a pulp about movies," you looked at Peter. 
Peter put on his 'sad-puppy-dog-face', "Ouch babe. You're supposed to side with me here, I'm your boyfriend after all." 
"Well, I would've sided with you if you hadn't bailed on me when we were supposed to watch the movies together the other night. If you'd been there then I would've been able to contribute to this conversation and agree with who I genuinely thought was right, which at this moment, I believe, is Ned." 
Ned grinned at you from across the table and you two high-fived while Peter just pouted some more, "I'm sorry sweetheart, I really am but y'know I had the internship."
You rolled your eyes, "Of course, I know that. At this point the surprising thing is whenever you don't have that internship," you looked at Ned, "Dude, do you know how many dates and hangouts he's canceled on me? I feel like I should be able to sue at this point. Can you sue someone for wasting your time?"
Ned winced, "Pete, I love you man, but you need to start actually acting like her boyfriend otherwise you won't be her boyfriend for much longer."
Peter's eyes widened a bit but then his face quickly turned nonchalant, "It was just a few slip-ups, don't worry about it," he threw an arm around you and pulled you in, kissing the top of your head, "but you're right, we should talk about something we'd all enjoy."
Laughing, you said, "I told you guys, I enjoy hearing you debate because Ned is always-"
Peter threw a hand up, "Don't finish that sentence. I've had enough of you two fraternizing against me for the day."
You and Ned laughed some more, "Well honestly, you two can continue your...," you waved your hands, " 'old-couple-bickering' and I can scooch down a little and go hang out with M.J.."
Peter pulled you in closer at that, "No don't leave," he muttered in your hair. 
"Yeah," Ned started, "let's talk about something else like," he trailed off, "OH, you're managing the school play next week, right? That's gotta be interesting, tell us about that."
"It's really nothing 'Manager' is really just a fun name they stuck on me. Mrs. Lightbody does most of the work."
"Oh come on," Peter said, "when you first got the part, it was all you wanted to talk about. What happened?"
you happened, you thought. It's true, you had been too excited that you'd been chosen to be in charge of everything and you couldn't wait to rant to your boyfriend about just that. That was until he basically ignored you and shook it off as nothing, running away for the stark internship. You hadn't really wanted to talk about it with anybody after that. Maybe it wasn't as cool as you'd thought it was. 
You looked down and just shrugged, "Dunno, guess I just didn't think you guys would be interested in it. You've never really shown interest in theater before."
"Well, that was before my gorgeous girlfriend was in charge. Now, go on, tell us what it's like to get a bunch of theater kids on track."
You laughed, "God it's torture. I'm convinced it's some personalized hell made for someone's eternal punishment and I do not envy them."
Peter and Ned laughed along with you, Peter saying, "Yeah I bet. We all know how much you love your control."
You gasped, eyebrows furrowing, "Peter Parker are you saying I'm a control freak?"
He held up both of his hands in surrender, "No of course not babe," he traded a glance with Ned when you weren't looking. 
"Anyway," he propped an elbow on the table, rested his head on his palm, and made a motion with his other hand, "continue."
You looked at Ned, "Are you sure I'm not boring you," you asked, shoving your hand in Peter's face when he went to argue.
"Of course not Y/N! Wild, out-of-control theater kids is a favorite subject of mine," he grinned and you huffed a laugh. 
"Fine, it's not as easy as I thought'd it be I'll say that. There's always someone way out of line, either singing songs from musicals at the top of their lungs or fighting someone else with the props. One time a kid started climbing the curtain bags and it was disastrous."
You told them all the funny stories you had from the past rehearsals and how you couldn't wait for the upcoming ones. 
"Hey these sound fun how come I haven't been to one yet," Peter asked, referring to the rehearsals. 
You scoffed, "Please Parker, you can barely make it to a date. There's no way you're gonna make it to one of these."
Peter felt a wave of guilt rush over him. He'd been leaving you hanging a lot lately. 
"I'm sorry Y/N/N, really I am. But I want to come to one of these. I want to see you doing your thing. In fact, when's the next one I'll be there," he sounded so sure of himself but you weren't. 
"Um," you hesitated, not really sure if you should answer him, "They're every other day after school until opening night. But Peter, honestly, you don't have to come I know how busy your schedule is and you barely fit in things that you need to do, I seriously doubt you have the time to voluntarily do this," you told him, refusing to get your hopes up. 
"Hey," he leaned closer to you, "I know I haven't been the best boyfriend lately but I promise I'm going to be there for you today."
"Peter," you said quietly not being able to meet his eyes and that alone made his heartbreak, "Don't make promises you can't keep. That never ends well."
"Hey if I said I'll be there, then I'll be there. come on, gotta have a little more faith in me than that sweetheart," he smiled a little, letting it grow into a grin when he saw your lips tugging up at the corners of your mouth. 
"Promise," you asked. 
"Promise," he confirmed, leaning in for a sweet kiss. Maybe he could really be there for you this time instead of-
Something hit the side of your face making you both turn your heads towards your other friend. You looked down to find a bunch of rolled-up napkins lying on the floor. 
"Well as glad as I am that y'all got that settled, let us remember that this is a public space," Ned said making you both laugh. 
"So it's settled, meet you in the auditorium after last period right," Peter asked you, trying to make sure he had the times correct. 
"Oh," you replied, a little shocked that he was actually doing this, "Yeah, if you're showing up then I guess so."
peter laughed, "Y/N come on, what did we just have an entire conversation about? Of course, I'm showing up."
You nodded slowly then looked towards Ned, "I didn't hit my head anywhere just a minute ago, did I?" 
Ned just shrugged, "I'm just as surprised as you are Y/N. Peter needs to step up his game and I'm sure the internship can wait an evening. After all," he gave Peter a hard look before an amused expression took over his face, "After all, what is an internship if not just running around making copies of random things and memorizing dozens of different coffee orders."
"Hey man come on, we've been over this." he nodded his head towards you and widened his eyes slightly, but you didn't notice, too busy taking a sip from your chocolate milk, "This isn't just any internship. I have to be available at every moment in case Mr. Stark decides he needs me on something."
"Mhm, whatever," Ned took a bite of his sandwich, "All I'm saying is that no matter how important it is, you need to learn to divide up your time evenly."
"Don't worry Ned, I'll be sure to sign him up for some time management classes," you said seriously, making Ned choke on his food from laughter. 
Peter sighed, one arm still resting on the table, the palm of it holding his head. his other arm tucked away under the table, hand holding yours. 
you were feeling amazing, your mood completely lifted now. Peter was finally making the first step to fix things after your many failed attempts. Things could start going back to how they were at the beginning of your relationship. sweet, caring, and mutual. 
You were so sick of feeling like this whole thing was one-sided but now things finally looked like they were turning up. 
Little did you know. 
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When the day finally ended you couldn't wait. Spending time with Peter while hanging out with your new friends (somewhat, you weren't really sure but you were optimistic) seemed like it be such a good time. Almost too good to be true. 
You rushed towards your locker and gathered your stuff before shooting Peter a text that you'll just meet him in the auditorium. 
You arrived there before anyone else, which was typical, everyone would be wandering the halls with their friends for a while before making their way here. The cast and crew might mess around a bit but in the end, they were extremely passionate about what they did and you knew that in the end, the show would be amazing. They were all incredibly talented. 
little by little everyone started filing in in little groups. You searched them all for Peter but he was never a part of them. Oh well, he was probably caught up with Ned and MJ at the moment. He'll be here in a bit. 
When the majority of people were present you, reluctantly, decided you had to get things started whether Peter was here yet or not. Everyone had to start getting to work and he should be here any minute now. 
"Ok everyone, you've been wandering around long enough. Time to get started," you clapped your hands together, a clipboard held under your arm, "Noah, Jack, and Lacy we've got to start making progress on the set and I don't want paint everywhere we've had one paint fight too many," you narrowed your eyes at Noah and Jack who looked down sheepishly. It had been a mess. It'd looked as if a pride parade had thrown up all over the stage. 
"This background is our last chance and if you mess it up again we'll probably have to cancel and if that happens, I will not hesitate to unleash Lexi on you," you gestured towards the girl who glared at them and you could've sworn you saw them pale which made smile a small smile. 
You pulled out your clipboard to skim through and see what was on the agenda. "Where's our light-man," you asked and looked up. Everyone shrugged looking around until a girl, Martha, spoke, "Lenny had a teacher meeting, he's running a bit late but he'll be here."
You nodded, "Martha that reminds me, how's your mom doing with the costumes? does she have everything she needs?" 
Martha nodded quickly, "Measurements and everything. All of them should be ready a few days before the big day and she'll be here that night for any mending that might be needed." She shot you two big thumbs up. 
"Good, good, good," you muttered under your breath. You looked around at everyone and shrugged lightly, "OK so I guess everyone just rehearse your lines, get to work and we should be good for the next couple of hours."
Chatter quickly spread across the large room as everyone got together working and talking. You sat down on a seat and let out a long sigh. You tugged your phone out of your pocket and looked for a new message from Peter. There was nothing. You sent two more and added a call for good measure. He didn't pick up, it just rang all the way through. Maybe he got caught up with a teacher. Or maybe he got detention and didn't get a chance to tell you. 
You had more important things to get to and Peter would get here whenever he got the chance. He'd promised after all. So you shouldn't worry about it too much. 
You started making rounds around all the groups of working teenagers, stopping when you saw Lexi waving you over to her little group which mostly consisted of the main cast. 
You walked over to them, "And how's everything going over here? Any trouble?" They all shook their heads. 
"Actually, I think we're getting along rather well, it's a great cast you've rounded up here miss Y/L/N," Mrs. Lightbody said, making you feel extremely proud. 
"I actually wanted to talk to you," Lexi said kindly. 
"Oh? What's up, Lex." She grabbed your hand and led you a little farther away from the group, turning and shooting them a quick reassuring smile. 
Lexi was the star of the whole play, playing the main character, so you'd worked with her closely these past few weeks. She helped you with even the slightest things so you wouldn't get too stressed or anxious (she claimed you were the only sane person in the whole group and it needed to stay that way). She was undoubtedly the most excited person about the whole play and you couldn't blame her, you could already tell from just practice that she was going to do amazing. She was on the popular side where school cliques were involved, but she was always such a sweetheart. She quickly became a great friend of yours and you hoped it stayed that way even after the play and all these fun little get-togethers were over. 
"Hey, Y/N I noticed you seemed a little off before. I'm sorry if I'm out of line saying this but I just wanted to check in on you and make sure everything was okay. Anything going on? I'm always here to listen if you need to talk," she smiled one of her heartwarming smiles. 
You were a little shocked that she'd noticed, "Thanks Lex, really, but I'm fine I promise. but thank you so much for looking out for me."
she had a look on her face like she didn't believe you but she didn't push it, which you appreciated, "ok well if you decide you want to talk about I'm always around I promise," she grabbed you into a hug which you gladly accepted. she pulled away and squeezed your shoulder before heading back to the group. 
You loved her but really there was nothing wrong. Because Peter was gonna show up. Even if he hadn't answered you yet. He's gonna show up, follow you like a lost puppy, and marvel at your every move in that way of his to the point where it got annoying, and you were gonna make him swear to never come to one of these again. To which he would pout and give you puppy-dog eyes and you'd both forget whatever it was you'd said. 
He had to come. otherwise, you might seriously start considering Ned's words from earlier. or you won't be her boyfriend for much longer. 
Peter had to show up because maybe your whole relationship was on the line. 
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An hour of a bunch of nonsense arguing passed until you finally heard the press of the large auditorium doors opening up. 
Your heart flew when you saw the large mess of brunette curls turned to close the doors. however, your hope quickly deflated as soon as the figure turned around. it was just Lenny the light-man. 
"Lenny, great. I need you to start working on the lights and getting them ready," you told him. He nodded and quickly made his way backstage. 
You were totally bummed. peter hadn't even replied to you so you had no clue what was going on. you'd even gone so far as to text Ned who'd just sent you a shrugging emoji and an apology for not knowing where he was. 
You felt a little broken, with each passing minute, your hope that your boyfriend might still show up dying down. 
You were desperate so you walked down to the side of the stage where Lexi was chatting with her 'co-star' Brad Davis, who played her love interest. 
You walked up to them, your hand lightly grabbing Lexi's shoulder which brought her attention to you, "Can I talk to you," you whispered. She nodded quickly. You looked towards Brad whose attention was already on you, "Is it alright if I just steal her for a moment," you sent him a fake smile. He smiled back, "No don't worry about it, she's all yours."
He looked like he was might say something else but you didn't give him the chance to before dragging your friend away from all the commotion, "I'm ready to talk now."
She looked at you knowingly before sitting down and patting the spot next to her. So you sat and you told her everything. You told her about all the missed dates, how sometimes he'd just ignore you completely making it impossible to reach him and come back and act like nothing happened, how it always seemed like he was hiding something, and how you were so tired. 
And she listened, of course, never making you feel like you were being overdramatic, and making you feel something that Peter always failed to. Seen. 
When you finally finished Lexi looked at you with total sympathy-eyes, you hated it but you sucked it up because you had chosen to talk to her. 
"Permission to speak freely?" she asked hesitantly. You nodded quickly, "Yes of course, please do that's why I came to you in the first place." 
"Dump his ass," she deadpanned. Your eyes widened in shock as you looked at her. "Really?" you asked. She nodded, "Y/N, I love you but it's obvious that this boy doesn't. Because if he did there's no way he'd test you like that, I mean, he's standing you up right now when he promised he'd be here. I say end it before it gets worse. But hey," she held up both hands, "If you think I'm out of line saying that I totally understand but I'm just telling you what I'd do if I was in your shoes."
"You think I should dump him," you mumbled looking down, not really believing it. You'd thought about it sure, what would happen if you two weren't together anymore but you'd never considered it an option, let alone a solution. 
"Thanks, Lex, I'll think about it," you gave her a tight smile and she smiled back. "I just hope you do whatever feels best for you Y/N, you've been looking down lately and you don't deserve that." She gave your hand a squeeze and one last smile before she went back to practice. 
You weren't seriously thinking about ending things with Peter, you were too scared to lose him. Your friendship was more important than any relationship ever could be. But the longer he went as a no-show the more it ran through your brain for the rest of rehearsal. Peter never texted or called. You were desperate for a simple "sorry" at this point, not wanting to have to settle for the worst option. But as time went on, the less it seemed like an option and more like a task. Something you had to do, that had to be done—something new to check off your clipboard. 
Rehearsal ended and people left in groups as they had come. You lingered, smiling and saying you had just a few things to check up on before you left whenever someone took regard for your incessant hovering. Soon enough you were the only person in the big empty room. 
You sat at the edge of the stage, legs dangling, and pulled out your phone from your pocket. You sent one last text, we need to talk. 
After about ten minutes of waiting there, you decided it was getting late and you had to get home before it was too dark. maybe you could convince your parents to let you head over to Peter's after dinner and you could get over with it then. your mind was made up. you were gonna break up with him. 
You gathered your things and made your way up to the big double doors. The hallways were quiet and you were hyperaware of every step of yours. It was weird to see the school so dead, a big contrast to the usual packed hallways. The more you thought about it the more it was like you could almost hear the running footsteps of students. No scratch that, student. Okay at this point it started sounding too real.
You turned around to catch your boyfriend speeding down the hallway, skidding to a stop when you saw you. 
"Oh my god Y/N, I'm so sorry I totally lost track of time. I was just helping May out with a few things and next thing I know-" 
You held up a hand to stop him, "Save it Peter I really don't care." 
His face fell, "But, hey, let me make it up to you! Let's go get some ice cream or something. You can tell me what rehearsal was like today and I'll walk you home after. It's getting dark."
You crossed your arms. you almost wanted to agree but you knew better than that, this whole thing was getting way too much for you to handle. 
"Peter I'm done," you told him simply. he looked at you a little confused, "done...done with what?"
"This," you almost screamed as you pointed at the two of you, "I'm done with this, this whole act because, let's face it, we both know you weren't helping May with shit." you were surprised you had gotten this far without crying and you wanted to keep it that way so you sucked in a breath and tried to steady your heartbeat. 
The guilty look in his eyes told you enough. you were right. he moved the slightest step closer but you moved back, you really didn't feel like touching him at the moment. "come on sweetheart," he said weakly, "there's gotta be something I can do. I promise I'll show up on time more, you'll never have to wait for me again. I'll be around you so much you'll get sick of me. just please don't do this."
"That's the thing, Peter," you groaned, "I don't want to be sick of you but I'm sick of the way you keep treating me. you make me feel like shit Peter. you're my boyfriend and you make me feel terrible. and I keep trying to help you out, coming up with different excuses each time but I've finally run out. I want a stable relationship and you can't give me that so I'm done." 
His eyes were red now and you had to push back the guilt you were feeling, he brought this upon himself. it's true, you wouldn't have done this unless it was absolutely necessary. you loved him but you just couldn't handle it anymore. 
"I can," his voice broke slightly on that last word, "I can give you that y/n just give me another chance to show you." 
You huffed, "Well Peter, part of a stable relationship is honesty. can you be honest and tell me where you were today? 'Cause it's been established that you weren't with May."
He froze a little and you continued, "In fact, why don't you tell me where you were when you missed all those dates, all those couple hangouts, and all those group hangouts? When you missed my parents' anniversary dinner that they invited you to, or my little brother's birthday party that he was really excited you'd be there for. Go ahead Pete," you flung out your arms, "tell me where you were and I'll believe you can give me a stable relationship."
He looked physically conflicted, as if he was genuinely having an inner battle with himself, "I- I can't y/n/n, but you have to believe me when I say it's for the best."
"And I can't Peter. I can't so just forget this," you cleared your throat, "Come back when you can actually handle a relationship Parker, or you know what, don't because either way, I'm through with this."
You turned to walk away. his hand reached out to grab your wrist but you dodged it and held your hand up, "I don't think we should talk anymore," you kept walking and he didn't follow. You didn't want him to. But in all honesty, it was hard to turn your back when the person you were leaving was always the one you ran to when your heart shattered as it did right then. 
the cold air hit you hard and the tears finally came, slightly smudging the concealer under your eyes but you couldn't care less at the moment. 
It was true what he'd said, it was dark already and windy so you tried to be alert on your way home, deciding you could process all your emotions when you're home safe. 
You were walking for a bit, wiping your tears and trying to keep your vision clear when you heard a slight thud next to you and footsteps matching up to catch yours. "Hello Miss, it's pretty dark, can I walk you home?"
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part 2 is here !!
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
all I can think about is reader being recently married to ralph and he gets such baby fever but only cos he loves to rut against you and breed your cunt like the submissive puppy boy he is 🥺
I changed this up juuuust a tad so that it can more easily be read as a sequel to 'who's a good boy?' but it also can be read as a standalone fic!
{word count} 2.4k
{warnings} smut, light pet play ('puppy' nickname and collar wearing but that's it), dom/sub dynamics, mommy kink, breeding kink, pregnancy mentions, multiple orgasms, premature ejaculation
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Although you knew Ralph always wanted to be a father at some point in his life, you hadn't realized until you were engaged just how important it was to him.
Once or twice, while you were courting, he'd mentioned in passing a desire to have children someday.  It never felt like a hint or anything, just a genuine admission: my father was a little standoffish, I want to be more open when it's my time; or, Mother was so sweet, I can only hope to marry someone who would be so kind to my children; or, I know Victoria doesn't want any of her own, which is sort of a shame, because I thought I'd be a nice uncle.  Things like that. 
He mentioned it again when he proposed— he asked you if you'd be willing to spend your life with him and have a family together.  Of course, you said yes.  But the most important time he spoke about wanting a child was the most accidental; and the most unexpected.
"So good, you're doing so well," you praised him softly as he whined, bucking his hips up from the bed helplessly. 
"I-I'm not sure how much longer I can... h-hold back," he warned you in a gasp— but you just smiled, because he'd been saying that since the beginning and he'd managed to go this long without coming.  You squeezed his cock gently in your hand, making him whimper louder.  "Use your other hand, please?  I wanna see it."
You giggled a bit.  "Okay, puppy," you cooed; letting go of his stiff cock, it bounced up against his stomach and the light trail of golden blonde hair there.  You put your left hand on it carefully, and you watched him stare enraptured at the diamond on your finger; he sighed proudly as your fingers trailed lightly over his shaft, tickling and teasing him and his overly-sensitive cock.
"So pretty," he breathed, blinking quickly as you wrapped your fingers around him.  Already he was right back to losing his cool, only letting you jerk him off for a moment before he started to fuck your fist again and drop his head back with a choked sob.  "Please, please please—" he began to beg.
"What do you need, puppy?" you asked gently— because he always begged but very rarely explained what he was actually asking for.  You kept trying to remind him that if he actually asked he might get it, but he seemed to forget how until you encouraged him.
"I-I need—" he sniffled, "need t'come..."
"You wanna come on Mommy's hand?" you taunted, but he surprised you with his answer.
"N-no!" he whimpered.  You tilted your head in confusion.  "I wanna... come inside you..."
You tried not to laugh, because it seemed rude, but he was being quite audacious.  "That's a very special treat, Ralphie, what makes you think you deserve that?"
"I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it," he panted, "I just need it— please, Mommy, I-I wanna... I want a baby.  I wanna have a baby with you."
You stopped moving your hand— and when he tried to keep moving his hips, you clicked your tongue at him disapprovingly and he stopped with a guilty sort of look on his face.  "You really want that?  It's sort of sudden, don't you think?"
"Not for me," he admitted, face getting even redder.  "I've been thinking about it a lot, actually."
"And you're just bringing this up now?"
"Y-you know how I get," he batted his eyelashes sheepishly, "when you— when you touch me like that... I start saying anything."
Not anything, though; he started blabbering, yes, but he only said true things.  He fessed up to a lot, too; this was different though, this wasn't admitting to touching himself when he wasn't supposed to or stealing your biscuits and then blaming Victoria.  This was very, very different.
"Don't you think it would be nice?" he cooed.  "A baby?  Our baby?"
"Yes, but the pregnancy doesn't sound too appealing," you frowned.
"N-no, that part can be nice too!" he insisted, sitting up a bit.  "I'd try to make it easy for you.  And seeing you like that would be... divine."
"Like what?" you rolled your eyes.  "Swollen and exhausted?"
He smiled, eyes getting a little glassy, and you could tell he was picturing it.  “You’d glow, darling, you’d be so pretty— and it would be amazing knowing that I was the one who made you that way.  That it was all because we were making our little family.”
It was disturbingly wholesome talk for a man who was currently naked except for a collar, but it still made your heart warm.  “It really matters that much to you?” you noticed.
“I know we should wait until the wedding,” he admitted, coming back to reality a bit, “b-but you’d look really pretty as a bride with a baby bump, too…”
You smirked a little.  “That would be quite the scandal, Ralph…”
“Oh, don’t pretend you ever cared about scandal, darling,” he winked.  “Don’t you wanna be a real mommy?”
“Of course,” you replied, “especially with you— you’ll be a great father, Ralph.”
He glanced away shyly.  “I hope so,” he mumbled.
“But maybe now isn’t the time—”
“J-just once!” he pleaded.  “Let me try once.  It won’t usually take that fast, anyways— and we can just wait until after the wedding to try again.”
“And if it does take after just once?” you prompted.
He smiled wide.  “Even better.”
You considered it for a second, tuning out his rambling attempt to convince you, before you suddenly blurted out your response.  “Alright,” you decided.  “I’m gonna let you breed me.”
He choked on his own throat, staring at you wide-eyed.  “R-really?” he whispered, jumping a bit as you nodded.  “Th-thank you!  I’m gonna be really good, promise!”
“I know you will, puppy.”
You sat up and began to carefully straddle his lap, admiring how awestruck he looked as he watched you.  It felt kind of strange doing this knowing that you hadn’t put in any sort of contraceptive— no condom or sponge or pessary— and that there was nothing stopping the natural consequences of sex from occurring.  It was thrilling; you understood why Ralph was so adamant about it, although you knew he was more interested in the outcome than the process.
But, he didn’t have any complaints about the process, either.  In fact, he bit his lip to keep from moaning too loud (and it was still quite loud) as you guided yourself down onto his cock.
“I love you,” he whimpered when your hips collided with his, your bum resting on his thighs and your arms draped lazily around his shoulders.
You hadn’t started to move yet, just basking in the feeling of it, but then you heard Ralph let out a sharp sigh— and you felt it a moment later, his cock flexing, a familiar warm fullness inside you.  Your eyes went wide when you realized what exactly you were feeling.  “Puppy!” you gasped.  “Are you already coming?”
He could only whine through his teeth and nod against your chest.
“Oh, Ralphie…” you sighed.  “Just got a little too excited, huh?”
“I— I just— Mommy,” he sobbed, hugging onto you tightly.  “You feel so— a-and I was thinking about h-how we might have our baby soon— and… and I couldn’t help it!  M’sorry!”
“Shh,” you soothed him, kissing the top of his head, “you don’t need to be sorry, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You’re gonna be so pretty,” he whimpered.  “Gonna look beautiful with my baby inside you— I couldn’t stop myself when I imagined it.”
You smiled and pet his head gently.  “Well, who knows— maybe you’ll get to see me like that in a few months.”
He tilted his head back enough to blink up at you with big, watery eyes.  “I wasn’t bad, was I?  I’m still your good puppy?”
“Yes,” you assured, kissing the top of his forehead.  “Such a good puppy.”
“D-don’t get off yet,” he pleaded suddenly, “I wanna just stay like this, please…”
You nodded approvingly and kept stroking his soft curls, feeling him relax under you.
Of course, you didn’t actually stay exactly that way for long; this is Ralph we’re dealing with here, who thinks of cockwarming as one of the most supreme punishments because he just needs to move.  He can hardly ever stay still, let alone when your pussy’s involved.
So, after only a few minutes of him embracing you and you decorating his face with sweet kisses, his hips started to rock under you.  You didn’t notice it right away, until you felt Ralph’s fingertips dig into your back as a soft whine fell from his lips.  “Ralphie?” you whispered.  “Are you alright?”
He nodded shakily, but pressed his hips up into you again.
“Do you need something?”
He didn’t answer with words, but by holding you tight as he rolled you onto your back, starting to thrust his hips as he pinned you down on the bed.  You giggled joyfully, impressed by the uncharacteristic show of dominance.  “S-sorry, I know I’m being bad,” he breathed, shutting his eyes tight as he fucked you faster, “I-I just can’t help it, I need to come again!  I need to come in you again, Mommy— I want it to happen this time.  I want you to be pregnant!”
You gasped as he fucked into you faster and rougher, his first load of come forced deeper into you as he kept going.  “D-doesn’t it hurt?  You’re so sensitive after—”
“N-no, it’s perfect,” he insisted, “it’s so— you feel so good, you always feel perfect… I’m so sorry, I’m being so bad…”
“It’s okay, baby,” you promised, reaching up to tuck a curl that had fallen loose behind his ear, then toying with the dangling collar.  “I’ve just never seen you like this…”
“You’ve never told me I could breed you before,” he explained.
And you loved seeing Ralph totally out of control like this, unable to stop himself even when he was normally quite well-behaved.  Not just that, but you loved the way it felt, too— the way he was fucking you so roughly, it wasn’t what you were used to but it made your walls clench from excitement.  So, you egged him on.  “I want you to, puppy,” you assured, “I want your baby in me.”
“Oh,” he choked, whining louder.  “O-oh, I’m close again already— m’gonna come in you again!”
“Hold on a little longer, puppy,” you groaned, “I need to come first— you already broke that rule once tonight.”
“I-I know, Mommy, I’m sorry,” he sobbed, “you just feel so— oh, heavens…”
“You are so spoiled,” you noticed with a purr.  “Spoiled little puppy.”
“Y-yes, yes,” he agreed eagerly, “I know— m’trying to be good, but I need you too much— I need this so much, I need to get you pregnant.”
“Just keep going,” you encouraged, “make me come.  I know you know how.”
He grunted through his teeth, already struggling to hold back even when he came so recently; god, the poor thing, you would’ve let him do this sooner if you’d known how desperate it would make him.  “Please come, Mommy,” he begged, “I-I can’t— I can’t stop it—”
“Yes you can,” you reminded him firmly.  “You can make me come first, you can’t come in me again until I do—”
“Ohhhh,” he whined pitifully, “M-Mommy, please, please— I need to come, I need to come…”
He sobbed a bit as he buried his burning face in the crook of your neck, moans and sobs coming out right by your ear.  “I know, puppy,” you soothed as you pet his head and back, “I’m close, just keep going, hold it in a little longer— I know you can be good, you can be my good puppy, just hold on… fuck, like that, Ralphie, just keep doing that…”
You normally weren’t so easy to please, either, but you’d been worked up from jerking him off for the better part of an hour and he was just too precious struggling to keep it together like this.  Each stroke slammed his cock so deep, and you could feel his come leaking out around every thrust— it was too perfect, it sent you right to the edge in minutes.
“Good boy, good boy,” you encouraged, panting, holding on tighter to the back of his neck.  It still hit you faster than you expected, and you heard Ralph gasp.
“Are you coming?” he noticed.  “I can feel it— good job, Mommy— god, m’so close, can I come yet?  I can come inside you now, right?”
You’d barely started nodding before he slammed into you and held you there— forced himself as deep as he could go and stayed there so every pump of his seed would be right up against the end of you.  You smiled and shut your eyes, the afterglow starting to wash over you, your fingers tracing up and down his back.
“Oh, Mommy,” he whispered, “you’re so beautiful— I can’t believe you— wow.  I didn’t think you would let me…”
“Shh,” you soothed again, kissing beside his ear.  “Just stay still, puppy.  Stay still and keep your cock inside so all your come stays in, too— so it takes.”
He hugged you tighter, whimpering quietly, “I love you so much, I love you I love you I—”
“I know,” you whispered back as he cried softly— he got overwhelmed in times like this, you were used to it.  “I know, Ralph, and I love you too.  You’re so good…”
He pulled away enough to wipe his face and look down at you, smiling happily.  “You think I’ll be a good papa, too?”
You nodded back.  “Of course.  Our baby’s gonna love you so much, Ralphie.”
He grinned proudly.  “It’s gonna love you most— what a lucky thing it’ll be, s’got the prettiest mommy in the world.”
“Do you think it’s about time to get up and run a bath?” you prompted, but he shook his head, laying down on top of you and snuggling in happily.
“No, let’s stay like this all night,” he decided.  “And then…” he interrupted himself to kiss your face sweetly, “maybe…” 
You raised an eyebrow as he peppered more kisses on your cheeks and nose, a few on your lips for good measure as well.
“Maybe in the morning,” he continued, finally, “I can breed you one more time?”
“Ralph,” you laughed, rolling your eyes, “you are so spoiled.”
“Oh, darling, if you think I’m spoiled… just wait until I’ve got a cute little heir of my own!”
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standardfriends · 6 months
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you melt up my body 🍨
Word Count: 2.2k || Kim Junkyu x Fem. Reader || Tags: Smut, Daddy Kink, Degradation, Food Innuendos/References, Angst, Established Relationship, Toxic Pranks, Fem Petnames (Baby Girl, Princess), Mention of Safe Word
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Junkyu arrives at home after a long day at his part time job. It's just a basic gig at a ice cream shop but it covers his half of the rent so it's enough for him. However it also happens to be the same day college acceptance letters came in the mail. You and Junkyu prank each other a lot, for instance on your birthday he pretended he had forgotten, after you finally came out of your room from crying for hours he and your friends jumped out to surprise you with ice cream cake, your favorite, and gifts. Or on Christmas you both had the idea of pretending to get each other coal, however once you both started opening gifts that fell through immediately. You decide to get him again today and make him think he didn't get into his first choice. Was it a little cruel? Well yes, but you know he's smart enough to eventually figure out you're lying out of your ass, he's not as oblivious as you. If falling for this prank would fall under being oblivious that is. Walking into the kitchen he finds you on the counter shuffling through the mail as you usually do and doesn’t think much of it.
"Hey baby, how have you been today." Leaning in to kiss the corner of your lips earning a giggle from you. "I've been ok guess what came in the mail today~" you say gleefully, causing Junkyu to instantly grab at the envelopes in your hand. He furiously shuffles, once, twice, and three times. Only to realize that the one he was looking forward to the most isn't there, this had to be a joke right. A soft chuckle escapes him, "None from Princeton? Are you sure.." he tries his best to coat his words with calm unlike the anxiety racing in his mind. You put on the biggest sad puppy eyes as your boyfriend's eyebrows continue to furrow in confusion, "I checked the back of the mailbox & asked the mail man baby I'm sorry..." His mind just goes blank, his eyes filled with an empty dark stare.
He did everything perfectly, he was valedictorian, he was on several varsity sports, was the leader of the lite music club, and even did volunteer work on top of working. He can't help but be overcome with despair, how could this happen, why him, he did everything needed and more so why? "I mean, I didn't want you to go off and leave me here, it's too far anyways." You continue with the prank and try to gauge his reaction, he's looking down at the letters in his hands intently so you can't see his face. That giggle was just his final straw, it felt like the person he expected to understand his depression the most was mocking him. It was eating him alive. "Are you fucking dumb?" He finally looks you in the eyes, your smile has never dropped faster. His eyebrows furrow jaw quivering with rage. "You out of everyone should know how long I've been wanting to go to this school. And yet you have the audacity to sit here and laugh. It's funny to you because what? You didn't want to be lonely for a little bit while I literally complete one of my life goals. I feel like I just wasted four years of my life for nothing and you're laughing." He scoffs he cant believe it you are so fucking selfish. As he continues to chew you out you struggle to hold back tears, you just want to tell him it was a joke. You can't stand it when he yells, it's like he's a whole different person. You know you've gone too far, you actually hurt him this time.
He's spent up all his energy being angry at this point so he can do nothing but turn and face the cold marble counters. Tears streaming from his eyes, life is just so shitty and cruel he cant stand it. He put so much effort for it to all be a waste, like an idiot, and that his whole life he was lied to. You try to compose yourself, you knew this was important but you didn't realize this prank would lead to you feeling like the biggest asshole ever. To restore some hope to his now crushed dreams you grab his letter from under you, you bring it into his teary vision, knowing it was time to come clean. "Congrats on getting in baby! I'm so proud of you..." It takes him a second to process what you said through your strained voice yet he grips the small paper packet from you and starts sobbing with relief. He turns to look at you and hugs you deeply. Mumbling thank you, thank god, thank you, thank you, thank you.' And you sit there crying with him until he calms down.
Usually after pranks like this he immediately buries his head into the crook of your neck and asks if you want to get your shared favorite creamy dessert but today something is different. He simply wipes his face while smirking and giggling to himself, when he finally looks into your glassy brown eyes. "So you think it's funny to mess with my feelings princess?" Huh? Princess-Where did that come from? Junkyu thinks that'd be too easy, you toyed with him a lot today, he has to get his lick back somehow. "Don't act like you don't know what I mean baby..." He inches his face closer to you till you can feel his steaming breath on your lips. "Seems like you need to be taught a lesson." Without taking your eyes away from his intent gaze on your lips you sharply inhale. You definitely get the memo when swiftly you are on the counter again your shorts ripped off your legs in record time. This is not how you saw this prank going at all but you can't say you're complaining.
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Junkyu crashes his lips against yours desperate to prod your mouth open with his tongue, fiercely fighting for control. You can tell he's irritated enough and give in without a fight, you're too focused trying to keep up with his aggressive nature that you forget to breathe.
While your lips are starting to swell he pushes your panties to the side, looking like a rabid dog starved for days. "What a little slut how are you already so wet? Getting so needy from me being mean to you." You trace the lines of his hands with your eyes as he glides his fingers against your folds. His gaze is completely enamored by your, it's as if your a popsicle melting in the sun. His gaze burning holes into you while also making you more desperate. He loves dominating you watching you twitch at how antagonizing his motions are. He then lowers his head and licks his flat tongue against your dripping core making you melt in his hand. "This cunt tastes so good, so good just for me babygirl." he says staring deep into your eyes, he's so cocky. Only he could have you on the kitchen counter sensitive to his every touch. "I'll teach you to trick me again you cock hungry slut." Junkyu degrading you was different but god did it make your thighs press together (which he pried open of course) you were going to take his punishment like the dumb bitch you are.
Giving no time to adjust he sticks two fingers in the pain making you hitch your breath he just smirks and clicks his tongue. He starts pumping his fingers in and out of your heat, focusing hard on your walls clenching around his digits, while curling his tongue to flick your sensitive bud. You bite your lips trying to suppress your mewls and moans. God does he make it hard it's been less than a minute and yet he's hitting your g-spot so consistently he knows the insides and outs of your body better than you do sometimes. Junkyu being attentive as he is sharply takes notice, "You had no problem being a little brat earlier giggling while making me panic babygirl, daddy wants to hear every noise when he makes you cream on his fingers." You try to ignore him as you don't wan't all the neighbors to know that your boyfriend is fucking you dumb but he doesn't care. Misbehaving earned you a nice red mark on your thigh, it only made him more unrelenting. You try so hard to keep your composure but the way he's giving so much friction to your clit you can't help but grab his hair and push him away. Groaning when he quickly ceases "Ah Ah princess hands on the counter you're gonna take the punishment I give you." You end up trying to dig your nails into the counter only to have your grip fail you every single time. Junkyu finds you struggling under him so amusing, this is the person that tried to mess with him 10 minutes ago and now you're a moaning mess, begging him to give your poor pussy a break, how pathetic.
He rests his arm behind your back as your moans get louder and intensify, watching your strength and resistance weakening. "Junkyu—mmm I-I'm so—mm—" You try so hard to let him know but he's distracted, pounding into you unrelentingly. With every motion his palm hits your pussy rhythmically and sending shocks through your bud you didn't know were possible. Within seconds you release onto his finger shaking from the immense release washing over your body. It was like a mind numbing brain freeze of pure ecstasy. Whatever, Junkyu keeps going, "Stop closing your legs you cock drunk whore you know this what you deserve. Too bad you were being a stupid brat now daddy's gonna fuck your pretty little cunt until his fingers cramp." If there's one thing Junkyu doesn't do it's empty promises, your resistance if anything makes him rougher more aggressive than ever. Between your overstimulated moans and shaking all you can manage is "Junkyu please—stop! Daddy too much—Ah I can't! Please Junkyu—" He does nothing but continue to stare at your reactions, him biting his lip watching your eyes roll to the back of your head, he's so smug knowing that he's making you feel this way. You're his pretty little sex doll, no one else controls you like this, only him. Junkyu starts curling his fingers more, as overwhelming as it is he sure knows how to use his hands. "Daddy please it hurts, Junkyu it's too much I'm sorry please stop" you choke between tears the feeling has engulfed you, your legs are twitching and numb all you can do is hear the squelching of his hands rhythmically going in and out. "You should've thought about that earlier slut, and don't act like you're not enjoying this princess you haven't said our safe word once." It's like he scooped you out and ate you up, there's nothing you could hide from him. Junkyu ramming into your pussy over and over again until you can only think of him turns you on so much.
You quickly reach your second, third, and fourth orgasm. Around your incoming fifth orgasm he starts to burn up taking off his shirt to reveal his tonedd chest. Seeing you fully slutted out, cock drunk, and vulnerable for him just motivates him to keep going. As much as he'd like to keep up this "punishment" the tent in his pants has other ideas. "Fuck baby you keeping cumming and squirting for daddy think you got another one in you?" he unzips a bit to palm himself through his underwear. He's trying so hard to not be so needy, that's what you are, his vulnerable needy little fuck toy who is giving him such a show. But he couldn't help it hearing you yell his name, begging him, calling him daddy like the little slut you are how could he not get turned on. "Sorry daddy needs to feel all of you, Im gonna fill up your tight little cunt so good princess." You moan out in a dazed state, you couldn't even properly respond cause next thing you know his cock thrusts into you without warning. "Taking me in...so good baby, fuck!" His pace is so fast the room is filled with wet lewd noises and clapping of skin. Between your bodies is a mixture of so many different emotions and feelings. It drives him crazy feeling your walls clench and suck him in so well. He'd usually try and last longer but you just feel so good, he can feel everything it's as if he's on cloud nine. Only you could take him in so we'll, it was like you were made for him.
"I'm cumming baby girl, daddy's gonna fill up his pretty little toy with his seed." His pace starts to slow down you reaching your limit as well. Finally he releases into you with one last thrust and he circles your bud helping you both ride out your highs. Not moving an inch to make sure that not a drop of cum leaks out.You stay there for a while, pressing your sweaty heads together through the silence of your breaths. Even when Junkyu finally does pull out he pushes all his seed right back into you as if it's a precious homemade recipe. After finally wiping you down and helping you off the counter, that's when he goes back to your normal loving boyfriend. Asking you, "Let's go get some ice cream, hmm?"
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all works belong to @standardfriends - copyright © 2024
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callsignfangs · 9 months
The 141 boys as widowers. (bc i feel like torturing myself /j)
141 x late (implied) spouse! reader
cws: grief, mentions of loss, implied alcoholism/alcohol as a coping mechanism, mentions self-destructive behaviour, very brief mention of addiction, etc (Please lmk if I've missed anything!)
(Note: This little drabble is a little self indulgent, a bit about my own journey with grief. Each little 'story' thing does end with acceptance. Please don't read if you're not in the right headspace, and remember that you're loved and you're not alone, and make sure to reach out if you need help <3)
Price is the one inclined to bargaining. Maybe he could've done something - what if he'd taken a bit more time off work, what if he spent more time with you, what if he'd agreed to retire early with you, what if he was there? Ironically enough - he just ends up drowning himself in more work, probably turns to smoking or alcohol in an attempt to drown everything out.
141, Gaz and Soap especially, will definitely be the only thing he holds on for. As capable as they all are, he couldn't just up and leave his boys without a captain - he couldn't make the same mistake over again, they gave him something to care for, to nurture and to look after.
I don't think he'll ever marry again - just making half-hearted attempts to peek into the dating scene whenever leave got especially lonely. He'd never be able to find anyone quite like you, so he eventually stopped bothering with it, finding warmth and comfort in himself and the other people he loved.
He keeps a photo of you, one of your handwritten notes, and any little trinket you'd given him at all times. Saved every single snippet of you talking he could - even still paying off your phone bill occasionally ringing your phone to hear your voicemail message, maybe sending you texts when things got especially hard. Definitely does chores the exact way you always did - from the time you went out to shop in the morning to how you stacked dishes. Loves hot showers but still takes a lukewarm one each morning because your habit of taking cold showers meant the water was never hot enough for him. I think he probably adopts something after the rough edges of the hole you'd left in his heart smoothed over.
It wasn't intentional in the slightest - maybe a stray cat had clung to his pant leg while he was on a hike or the task force managed to pick up an orphaned little kid on one of their excursions. He's very hesitant with them, still not quite trusting himself with caring for another being. But he warms up to them eventually. No matter human or animal, they've definitely been brought to your gravesite once or twice.
Maybe it would be alright, eventually. He'd at least have something interesting to entertain you with the next life he found you.
Soap is definitely in denial. Convinces himself it's a mistake - that when deployment's finally over, he'll trudge home, kick off his boots, and be met by his sweet love, bouncing at his heels like an overeager puppy and lathering his face in flittering little kisses. He still avoids coming home like the plague - resorts to anything from taking on way too many missions, to picking up another job on the side, even to staying in hotels as if he was in some sort of covert op.
He'd be forced to go back to your house eventually, though. Not home, it wasn't home without you there. Just the same four walls and roof he camped out in on deployment. Nothing warm or special about it.
He still pretended, though. Made your bed every morning the way you liked it and prepared meals for two every day.
While Price and Ghost undoubtedly pulled him out of his slump, Gaz was the person who really started him on the road to acceptance. Having the boys over near constantly was soothing, giving him something to occupy his mind with and overshadowing the cold emptiness of the house. The occasional cuddle piles and game nights reminded him of the warmth of their bond - like the nights they spent on stakeouts, letting their own sweet joy shield them from the brutal realities of their situation.
Gaz was the first person he cried to. Soap couldn't bear the way his buzzed sides were starting to fluff out, but he'd slowly gotten used to letting your gentle hands preen him and tidy him up. Of course, Gaz had noticed, and of course, he'd insisted that Soap just had to let him have a go at doing up someone else's hair. Soap didn't know when he'd devolved into tears - somewhere between the first gentle touch he'd felt in weeks and the crippling realisation that you'd never be there to do it again.
Either way, he'd managed to cry himself to sleep in Gaz's arms that night. He continued to sob himself away for weeks, filling each day with tears.
Until each day turned into each few.
And each few turned into once a week.
And slowly, his tears dried up.
It was an arduous process, grieving. But he stubbornly forced through it, just as he'd forced his way into your heart.
And he did his very best not to change. He determinedly kept the mohawk - even used the same shampoo because it made his hair feel perfectly fluffy under your touch. He did his best to continue being his perky, bubbly self, because he knew how you practically basked in his energy.
However, he still let himself grow, let his hawk grow out so he could braid it the way he'd always considered, and he let himself have his bad days, didn't force himself to keep up his energy when he didn't really have enough.
Admittedly, though, he never married again. He found temporary enjoyment in little flings, though he let them pass when the time was right. No matter what, he always came back to your house.
Sure, it wasn't quite home without you there. But you'd been there - no matter how little the time you'd had together felt in hindsight - so maybe he could learn to make it home again. For you.
Gaz is angry - furious to the point of enraged tears. If it was him? He'd understand. He'd hurt people, torn apart lives and taken his fair share of them. He deserved it. But you? It wasn't fair. In his eyes, you couldn't possibly hurt a fly, so delicate and tender and so, so soft. It just wasn't fair.
His attempt at coping is to delve headfirst into a tedious slew of missions - one after another after another. It gives him something to dump all his blind rage and hurt and desperation into. His morals were a writhing, flailing, unrecognisable mess for a long time, and the best comfort he could find was in the chaotic monotony of work.
So what if he burned everything in his path to ash? At least the threat was dealt with.
Price and Ghost are the most essential to his recovery. He needs guidance, needs some sort of structure, and needs to relinquish the tight hold on his need to be good, to fix things, to help, to finally restore what he was so reliant on, even if that meant tearing himself to shreds in the process. What he needs is time to grieve, time to come to terms with the unforgiving reality - that it just happened. No-one did anything wrong, there was no violence or intent, it just happened.
He'll absolutely come to deeply regret everything he did in his grief-induced warpath, but eventually accept that he was hurt and lost and just needed the help - the intervention.
Like Price, I think he might attempt to put himself out there and find someone new every once in a while, maybe even builds up to a couple dates, but he never really finds interest in anyone. He definitely remains friends with many of the people he meets, but he just can't quite find a spark - mainly because they're not you.
He never throws out anything of yours, his wardrobe is still mostly full of random articles of your clothing, and the third drawer on the nightstand is still yours.
He always wears something of yours when he goes out, from shirts and shorts to hoodies, even some of your jewelry.
Despite it being admittedly pretty late, he finally watches all of the shows you liked and reads all the books you did. It makes him feel closer to you - cuddling up under your favourite blanket in your favourite spot and picturing you being there with him, imagining each and every one of your reactions, practically seeing your lovely face curl with smiles as you commentated over the whole thing.
Sure, you weren't really there with him anymore, but the sweet, warm mark you'd left on his heart was enough to carry him over until he inevitably returned to you.
Ghost is mostly depressed. He's so agonisingly hurt and lost, but you were his sun - what gave him life and love, and without you? He just couldn't muster up the energy to do anything beyond simply existing. Even he'd expected himself to crash and burn - follow in his brother's footsteps and drown in a spiral of addiction. But he just... Didn't. The affirmation that he didn't blow up and take everyone he loved down with him would be reassuring, comforting, but it wasn't. Not without you whispering praise in his ear, assuring him of his goodness and softness.
I think he'd also be reliant on Soap and Gaz, but Price would be a surprisingly big factor as well. No-one could ever really replicate the effect you had on him, the way your encouragement kept him going, but having some amount of structure, of motivation? It helped. Despite that, he absolutely tried to push them out at first, convinced that the acrid shadow of death looming over his shoulder would eventually take them as well. What are task force 141 if not determined and unfathomably stubborn, though, especially when it came to caring for their own.
Soap undoubtedly led the charge - seeing as his ceaseless energy and affection were mildly more normal (god knows Simon needed a little bit of comforting normalcy). Gaz came second, still snarky and headstrong as ever, but with softened edges and an air of gentle care. Price was last. He'd been there before Simon was Ghost, he was aware enough to piece bits of his past together - and he'd be damned if he managed to scare Simon, if he was the reason he regressed further. So he was tender. Delicate, even. Ghost would despise being handled like fragile porcelain in Price's kid gloves, but it soothed a part of Simon that hadn't peeked out since you left.
It'll take a bit longer than the others - more therapy, reassurance and care, but he'll recover eventually, let the wound you left in his porous heart scar over and go on as best he could.
I don't think he'll look for romance again either - his interest in it just died out alongside you. He wants to preserve the sanctity and tenderness of what you had, and is more than content with holding that love in his heart, and keeping it safe for you until he meets you again.
After you're gone, he attempts to follow your advice more, occasionally dragging himself out of his comfort zone, picking up new hobbies and trying to emulate your passion for life in himself, keeping a little bit of you alive with him. He absolutely douses the house in your favourite fragrance, refuses to use any hygiene products other than yours and carries something of yours everywhere, whether it be your ring or even your purse, just something to remind him he had to look after things (including himself) for you.
Even if you were cremated or buried in some other way, he'd ensure there was a gravestone for you placed alongside his mother, Tommy, Beth and little Joseph. You'd always be part of his family - his heart, and when his time came? He'd be buried alongside you, trailing along with you into whatever came next. By your side forever.
Yippee. This was. A journey. /lh
Sorry if this isn't formatted the best, it was more of a massive brain dump that I forcibly shoved into something just about understandable lol
If you're seeing this, tyvm for reading mwah 😚😚
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four-bastard-bustle · 6 months
You know I've always wondered how your interpretation of Matt would've reacted to being punched in the face by Tord in the end part one. Like, he seems the kind of guy who would either go whimper and hide behind Edd like a puppy or would punch back.
Ok so like see this is where you unleashed the floodgates because ive thought abt this scene for ages because its such a peak example of ew(legacy) failing the serious/emotional moments. Making this piece of violence work in a sea of violence is no small undertaking, but I think what it really comes down to is the difference in context between the guys slapping each other around for shits n giggles with no real malice, and the outright fury expressed by Tord in that scene in the episode. If that had been emphasised more, it couldve been peak I think.
This is kind of a lot so its going under the cut
But like, my version of Matt specifically. I mentioned in a couple posts that he was abused pretty heavily as a kid and was occasionally even hit by his father. So having someone suddenly express clear fury over him for doing whatever he was doing and punch him brings back a massive flood of terrible memories. Usually, when one of the other guys hits him, Matt starts whining and complaining. He’s the type to talk and yell a lot when he gets mad. But the sudden fear he feels makes him completely clam up. This is further compounded by the fact that Tord (and by extension Red Leader) goes nonverbal when furious.
Matt lies there on the cold floor. In his mind he sees all the times his father has held him down and “lectured” him for “inappropriate behaviour”. Sometimes he’d even hold his son down by the neck and start squeezing. Strong hands grab his collar and he can feel the air being choked out of him. Matt is surprised that he’s being liften up instead of pushed down for once.
His mind reeling, he can’t tell if the face staring at him in a blind fury is his father’s or “Tord”’s. They’re blending together. They look so terrifyingly similar.
The monster raises its fist but something stops it. A hand clad in green is holding the monster back. There’s talking. Matt wishes he could hear any words. Everything is just ringing for him.
Edd for his part is very much overwhelmed with this situation. As much as he cares for his friends, he is TERRIBLE with conflict resolution. So far, he’s been lucky enough to never need it, but also so far any scraps the boys have gotten into were just petty arguments. This is very different.
Edd starts by just telling “Tord” to let Matt go, at which his grip tightens. He really doesn’t want to add to this by getting physical too, so he just repeats the command, but a little more gently. The fist Edd is holding back shakes a little, but finally “Tord” lets Matt go.
The sound of heavy breathing is filling the room, and no one is able to look one another in the eyes. But after a bit, Red Leader finally collects himself enough to express one clear command.
“Get out of my room.”
Matt doesn’t need to be told twice, and though he’s on shaky legs, he hurries out. Edd gives Tord one more glance before leaving as well. But not without first telling Tord that the two of them are going to talk about this later, when he’s calmed down.
After that, he brings an ice pack to Matt’s attic. The cold helps with the swelling and with Matt’s ongoing panic attack.
But really, Edd is feeling just about every negative emotion right now. He hates how he froze up in shock for a second when Matt got punched instead of immediately helping him up. He wonders why the hell “Tord” felt this protective over a stupid ass button. He hates seeing one of his friends lose himself in a fury this way. He hates seeing another one of his friends have a full on panic attack. He hates that this is kind of the best he can do right now. And he wonders, just what the hell is going on with “Tord” and his secret room.
I want the scene to be so deeply painfully awkward. I want there to be no way Red could laugh it off, or change the topic. I want the three of them to stew in negative emotions like its an awful soup.
Also, the ice cream line. Part of me gets so pissed off by it because Matt literally said he hated ice cream in H&F. But also, as a scene where like, Matt gets too scared to mention that so he just meekly agrees. That’s really good. And I think(?) that’s what the scene was actually intended to be? But they should’ve expressed this better, maybe have a bit in the store where Matt mumbles to himself “But I hate ice cream” as he puts it in the shopping cart. That would definitely be a part of it all in my version of it.
And most importantly no “who’s my brave little soldier” because fuck that line. Infantalize my man like that again and I’ll smite thee.
Uh I mentioned doing my own hc au version of th* *nd and not making it as melodramatic, so I don’t think this would happen in my version of the entire episode. But this is just my version of the Scene. Very different things
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respectthepetty · 2 years
I love Hit Bite Love. *long post*
In the most unironic way, I'm intrigued by this scorching hot mess. The subtitles are nonsense. The product placements are wild. The plots are questionable. However, episode zero proved that this crew did its homework and aced Kink 101, which is why I love it! It's cringe, but it's cringe with a heart.
We have the A+ plot with Burger and King (who were missing this week), but we also have Lil' Dom Daddy Masochist, Mateo, who is doing it the best I've seen. Mateo talked about puppy play, blade play, needle play, wax play, bondage, impact play, consent, and AFTERCARE! And he mentioned that play does not equal sex. And AND he gently explains to Shogun what is happening. And AND AND he isn't ashamed of his kinks.
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They lost the key which is the introduction lesson in Kink 101 and resulted in them ending up in the ER where King's mom lectured them about being safe, but Mateo has got the spirit. Also, I loved that when Mateo hung up the phone and announced his mother was coming over, Shogun merely told him that he needed to clean his room.
I thought Mateo was going to regret picking Shogun as a playmate after Shogun compared Mateo's toys to a story about a queen and a princess.
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And I think even Mateo thought twice about it.
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But a product placement quota had to be met, so Mateo decided to continue with the play date and taught Shogun the importance of aftercare. He wasn't expecting Shogun to reciprocate. He simply wanted to value Shogun and care for him like a good Lil' Dom Dom.
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Plus he reminds Shogun to be kind to himself. Ken was emotionally abusive to Shogun, and here we have Lil' Dom Daddy Masochist telling Shogun that he is special, and that Shogun should believe it as well.
Mateo bought every instrument Shogun wanted. He didn't get the teacher, but that wasn't the deal, so even though this started strange, it's equally beneficial, and the limits can always be negotiated. Shogun hears how other playmates are, which helps him see how compatible he is with Mateo. Shogun doesn't have to role play or clean as punishment. Mateo just tells him he is pretty and buys him things in exchange for him tying Mateo up and gagging him. That's a win in my book!
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Also, Mateo has friends.
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He is aware of what is going on (that comment about Saint already having an extension of himself around 24/7 = Hida), but listens to them rather than judges.
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And he helped Hida remain the constant barrier between Saint and his girlfriend for at least six more years. What a trifling bitch Hida is. Don't change, babygirl.
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I like the objectionable parts (Hida x Saint) of this show as much as I like the sweet ones (Burger x King).
But I really like this kinkster!
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M is for Mateo Masochist
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canyouplzjust · 2 months
Jane Lane's Falling Rain
In the Grid we sat around the living room of Les's austere apartment firing questions at him, watching him wade through The (data) Stream, while I tried to feel safe after escaping Centerpoint Station following Corvath's ominous words. Echoing in my head was the way he had warned us that we were making waves, and that the Black Skulls were probably on their way to clean up the mess we made. Any by clean up he meant kill anyone we were nice to, and then kill anyone who's body they want to take and play with later. Fuck Max and fuck the Black Skulls, they'll never catch us. I also keep running back the moment of total loss of control I experienced when I took the anti-Dictator gag off of Corvath, and he simply told me to kneel. My knees quivered while I was on my way down. Is this what I've been doing to people this whole time? Jesus H Christ. No wonder they love me. I'm going to tell Hardy to just breathe and maybe he'll finally get the respite he needs.
We learned a lot in the Stream, and Les was projecting a portion of the results into the room, so while I knew we weren't seeing everything he was seeing, it was still really cool to have the holograms illustrating everything we were learning. Very sci-fi, and Les looked like a pro doing it. He gave a final call, "Anything else," he asked before closing down the display. "Can you search for my sister," I blurted out, and a random request returned quite an unexpected result. "It looks like you have a club here, named after you and your sister, its called Jane Lane's Falling Raine," Les showed us what he found and we all sat around confused for a moment. Well, I was confused about how my sister got here, and I assumed the others were considering that I might have lied to them about being in The Grid before, but I guess those thoughts were fleeting because the next question I got was when I wanted to go check it out. Did I think it could be a trap? I think everything is a trap - that's how I'm still alive. But it wasn't a trap, it was a Pandora's box of emotional and sexual confrontation with a dj and a disco ball.
It is around this time that I should take a moment to explain who Cyph is because I met him and I liked him and I hope he stays around for a while. He's Les's ex-boyfriend who clearly never got over him, but he's also kind of a mooch because he's been staying in Les's empty apartment while we were in, well, while we were gone. It has either been 3-5 years for Cyph, I have been insistent that its best not to nail people down about time frames, but I am apparently the only one who feels that way. Whatever, he's a card and his accent is adorable, and he def knows how to party. He actually said he was gonna mention the club to me, because it was weird that I was there with Les, and seemed different, so I guess we're going to investigate that together. I'm not trying to take Les's inventory, but he seemed awful cagey with Cyph and I can't figure out why. Sure, he's a little shady and he looks like he would only have to make one phone call to get crack if we were in my city, but there's just something I trust about him. He's got the disposition of a puppy but the reflexes of a cat. Seems valuable to me. Also his new bf is both hot and cool, my two favorite things.
So, we got dressed to go to the club, and it was a lot of fun, making our outfits from digital scratch. I could see the character designer Les peeking out through the seams of the Neo, and I was really impressed by what she could do, and how effortless it truly was. Did you know she's like a totally famous game developer back on Earth? I don't really play video games, but I'm in nerd-culture enough to have heard about them, and have seen her name once or twice. Certainly a more glamorous life than mine has been for the last 15 years, I can tell you that. Well, I stepped into the glam of a neon red dress (it actually glowed), and I talked Didi out of wearing dread-falls and Rory looked like an actual angel. (pic below)
On our way to the club, in the Johnny Cab, we were buzzing with excitement. We rolled up and I led the line of adventurers with a stride, to the door under a big hologram of myself, flickering between positions like a neon sign. The man at the door looked confused to see me, but I barked at him and he moved like a dog. And we were in! The club was bumping, daytime and nighttime don't really exist here, but it felt like midnight and the music was pitch perfect. I don't have to explain that we did a lap and found the VIP room, and waited for this infamous "Jane Lane" to show her face. Well, she didn't. I was invited into a back room, so i left everyone to their own devices, and I asked Didi and Hardy to stay close. The others, well, their own appetites took them off in different directions.
Les scampered off to charm some evil looking high elves pushing Fair Gold around on a small table. I don't know if his plan was to get spit roasted in a semi-public setting, but it sure seemed like it was going that way while they were licking their chops and pulling him onto their laps. Across the dance floor Rory was making out with the goddess of excess (I didn't catch her name), and her ethereal grinding turned the party UP while I was in the green room, pulling out my .45. Rory's expression of romance inspired Cyph to seek the pleasure he truly wanted - and he walked right up and punched one of those chauvinistic, sadistic elves right in their stupid face. Les was won over, it was like that Tiffany song was happening to him, even if it was just for a moment, and Cyph was a hero.
Oh, yeah, so of course it was Raine. Of course it was my sister who never played the game and she looked like a ghoul and she looked like an echo of a person. I told her she had to stop being me, and that she couldn't have my life, and she said that she could take my life if she wanted. She had a crazed look in her eyes and didn't seem whole enough to have any judgement or compassion. I pulled out my gun to get some space between us, but she rushed me and knocked it out of my hand. In the struggle she stabbed me in the ribs, and didn't stop screaming until I told her to calm down. When the crying had died down to a whimper, I asked her how she got there and she told me that I brought her to DIE. She said "You carry me everywhere you go," and I knew that it was true. Raine was distraught about her meaningless existance, so I told her about what she had been doing in the real world. I told her that she had saved my life, that she had never given up hope on me, even when everyone else had, and at the end of my ten year battle with drugs, that she was the one who got me into rehab the final time. She was the one who got me into rehab every time, actually, and hearing the value her life had to me seemed to imbue this Raine with a little bit more fortitude than she previously possessed. Good. I told her I was going to meet my friend Morpheus later and that I'd ask him to help her, that she could feel better and it wasn't always going to be so empty. Then I called out to Didi in the VIP room, Raine knew her, too. She appeared concerned about the wound, but played it cool while we got Raine dressed and got her makeup done. Just like a friday night at home in so many ways. Raine came out with us to the dance floor and then we just had like a normal night at the a club. (with my face on the outside of it) Les, Rory, Hardy, Cyph and Aeon were all there on the floor, and soon we all felt ecstatic within ourselves. It was a moment of actual fun, carefree connection, and the blood was hardly visible on my red dress anyways. I was looking around the room and I caught a vision of Max across the sea of frenetic movement. I wasn't high, it was him. We locked eyes for a few seconds before he dashed off towards the back of the club. I followed him as fast as I could, but there was no one in the darkness under the stairwell, just a solitary pay phone illuminated my the light of my red neon dress. It rang. I grabbed it immediately, begging to hear the sound of Max's voice. It wasn't the Fallen Master, it was real Max. I knew him.
"Max? I'm here for you. I'm coming for you." "...." "How close am I?" "You're close," and he was gone. Click.
I scrambled the others to try to look for him, but he wasn't anywhere. But we were close, I knew that now.
Before we left, Didi and I went upstairs with Raine to put her to bed. I told her she could keep using my face for the club, but that she would feel better if she worked on being her own person. I told her that Morpheus would get in touch with her, and that her club was really awesome, and she had done a great job cultivating it. Then we sent her to bed, shuffled out the front doors, and we all climbed into the Johnny cab to go back uptown. And get breakfast, obviously.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
CalciumWatches: Wandee Goodday Episode Two Live Reactions
I see we are back to the sex.
Sir, why are you thinking about another man?
They're both cringe, I love them.
Wandee is talking about forgetting about each other, and Yak is already planning for round two. Losers. I love them.
Yes! The intro song on crack!
Cher! Yei! CherYei!
I hope they fuck in the office, or else what is the point?
Don't get seductive in front of your son!
The KaoDee Friendship > Anything Else
You've got this Wandee!
Ter! What are you doing here! Go away! You tactless fuck! Cornering him an elevator, haven't you done enough?
Correction: KaoDee Friendship = CherYei and Yak Brothership
Oh fuck, we are back with Ter. Go away!
Get your grubby hands off of him! You've lost touching rights!
Yeah! Get that scholarship, Wandee! Fuck him!
Oh, Yak you are about to become gossip in the nurse room.
The thing is I would be on Ter's side if he wasn't so tactless.
Is this going to be a thing? Me saying I would be on Ter's side, then him doing something that makes me want to hit him with a wrench.
Not the "If you really have feelings with me-" I feel like you need to go in a ditch, how about that for feelings?
"But my feelings for you never had any conditions." YES WANDEE! WAY TO GO! HOW IS THAT FOR YOU DOCTOR VANILLA?
Oh yay, these two again!
I want those elephant pants.
Yak, what are you up to?
While typing this I keep hitting the control key instead of shift, what is wrong with me?
Cows are hot.
Taem!!! You're hot as always.
I'm not going to lie she looks like three girls I went to school with who were immense artists. They certainly nailed the look.
I hope she knows he is flirting with her, but is ignoring it.
Wandee is killing me personally.
Ter what are you doing in his studying hallucinations-GET OUT!
Wandee just grab Kao for a study session. He lives just down the hall.
Wandee why do you look so awkward in club settings? I mean, same, but it isn't helping you pick up guys-
I'm just going to drown myself.
Wandee this is the second time Yak has had to save your ass.
Yak, pay attention. This is not the time to admire his abs.
Christ Wandee, who hurt you? This seems like more than Ter.
To be fair though, he was nearly raped for profit.
I am sure there is an actual term for what he almost went through, but I am blanking on it right now.
What is with the little doll on the cup? Is this a Thai thing?
CherYei, the parents of all time.
Oh boy, the fucking showdown lets go don't embarrass yourself Wandee-Oh I like the terms for this competition. The staff and patients get to vote alongside the board? How nice!
Puppy? Cute.
Grandma called his ass single, wonderful.
Why are we in a student council room? Oh Taem! Nevermind.
Oh the council president totally has a crush-Wait I've seen his ass before-MATT??? *google search* Nevermind, it wasn't Matt.
Taem. Don't cancel the plans. I know she won't be the end love interest, but I hope they remain friends. :(
Wandee and Yak are cracking me up every time they're together.
Wandee offering him a ride. :)
Yak is too depressed. :(
They went back to Wandee's condo?
What fucking show/movie are they watching?
How do you have sexual tension with someone you already slept with-HIS ASS DID NOT CHANGE THE CHANNEL!
Yak the consent king, lets go!
Wandee he is literally a boxer, and you won't tap that twice?
Wandee, is your ass okay? Wait, of course its not.
I'm glad they ended up in the bed, because they were married to that couch last time.
Here we go, friends with benefits time!
Now when does Kao so his thing?
Nevermind, apparently Wandee can do the roleplay thing on his own. I can't wait to see how this spirals.
Yak really wants to kiss him.
Sir, I don't think you understand what friends with benefits is.
He is kissing the necklace. Yak. Chill.
Yes! The fucking song!
Preview time.
Okay. Wandee, I don't think you understand what friends with benefits means.
Enough thinking about that, it is theme song time!
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Compromise (Dylan O'Brien x Reader)
Warnings: Rough oral (M receiving); Hair pulling; Oral creampie; Slight choking (gagging); Mentions of somnophilia; Overstimulation
"Pleeeease, Dyl?" I ask again, slightly moaning out my question this time. I pout my plump lined glossed up lips at him like, and give him the best 'puppy dog eyes' I can manage. I'd been begging him to let me suck his dick for the past hour, and a girl was getting a tad bit insulted! Never in my 28 years had I ever had to beg a man to gimme his attention, especially concerning my mouth on a cock. This man had me doin all types of shit I never thought I'd be down with.
I would find some pride and take no for a answer but lookin up at Dylan's fine ass in only a pair of light grey sweats as he looked down at me, his tongue quickly running across his sexy semi pink lips, I knew I wasn't moving from my kneeled position between his legs. His head tilt back a bit, mouth slightly open, as I rubbed my cute, red, freshly manicured fingertips on his thighs dangerously close to his thick ass dick.
"Come on pretty girl, I already told you. My dick needs some rest, you already sucked me off twice today and fuck baby I'm so sensitive." He tells me, voice a bit apologetic.
'Actually three times' I think, remembering him passed out this morning with a hard dick, whinin in his sleep. His wet dream was clearly good as fuck and getting him there, I just wanted to help a little. By help a little I mean wrap my lips tight around his dick and suck till he whimpered and shot down my throat, 5 big heavy spurts that I refused to waste and swallowed eagerly. It barely took 4 sucks before he creamed my throat, and since he stayed asleep and I barely did any sucking at all, my petty ass definitely wasn't counting it towards my total. Plus it turned me on so much that here I was begging for another dose.
"Dylaaaan," I whine at him. "Why you gotta be like that? I'll go easy on you baby, I promise." I say, lying straight through my teeth. I can see his dick start to rise at my begging; he's openly expressed so many times how he loves hearing me whine and plead for his dick.
He scoffed before replying, "That's a lie and we both know it. Girl, when you wrap your lips around me, you don't stop till you suck out my soul."
I smile at his comment, to ready for him to pound my throat to be embarrassed. He ain't lyin, when I do anything I give it my all so why should blowin him be any different.
I think for a moment and have a revelation of an idea he can't ever seem to pass on. "How about a compromise: I go put on a little make up and let you ruin me?" I propose, my right hand caressing his balls through his sweats.
He shifts a bit on the couch, moaning lowly, his big dick hard as a fuckin rock now. I know I've backed him into a corner. There's probably nothing Dylan loves more than pumping his cock down my throat as he watches my mascara streak down my face mixed in my tears and my lipstick smudged on his dick. He never lasts more than a few minutes and I know he's contemplating it now by the way he's lookin at me without saying a word, lightly biting his bottom lip.
"Fuuuck, you're tryin to kill me?" He eventually groans, tossing his head back and closing his eyes. He's quiet for a few moments. "Go. Now. Hurry up." He finally gives in curtly without pickin his head up or opening his eyes.
I'm up the stairs and in the bathroom mirror with the speed of an Olympic gold medalist, doin a rush job of my best mascara around my (E/C) eyes and adding a deep red lipstick to my plump lips. I run my fingers through my soft ass (H/C) hair before assessing myself in the mirror.
With one last look at my fat perky tits and juicy cocoa ass in my short black cotton body con dress, I'm racing out and back down the stairs to see Dylan still seated with his head thrown back on the couch. His head is to the side while his eyes rake me up and down, sweats at his ankles, chubby dick lookin like a fuckin snack as it twitches. I'm trying not to drool but fuck this man looks so fuckin good relaxed and naked, waitin for me to suck him off.
"Damn that was fast baby girl, you really want your prize huh?" He teases, eyes following me as I again take my place between his legs.
"You know it Daddy, you gonna give me what I want?" I ask, leaning forward till my lips are a few inches from the tip of his pretty ass dick, grippin him in a light but firm hold.
"Yes Princess," he groans. "Just be a good girl and take it easy. Remember how sensitive I am."
I internally roll my eyes but smile sweetly to him and nod. I know he's not gonna last long so I'm gonna get exactly what I want: which is him cumming down my throat so hard till he can't move or speak.
I descend onto his dick slowly, keeping eye contact the way he likes, till I'm half way down. I can hear him moaning already, as I stop and take a breath through my nose before sinking the rest of the way down. My jaw protests a bit at his girth but I couldn't give a fuck, I'm finally getting what I want.
As I start a slow pace up and down, my mouth leaks a little each time my lips reach the base of his dick. His hips start a small humping motion as his moans get loud as fuck, even though we've only just started. He grips my (H/C) locks tightly before moving my head a bit faster on his cock. I gag a bit but he knows me better than to fuckin stop.
"Uhn! Uhn! Damn you s-suckin me so good pretty girl." He whines at me. I can only move my head faster in response. I choke a bit harder on him as my pace increase, tears and mascara beginning to track down my face at the intensity of his dick rammin between my lips. He's fighting to keep his eyes open to watch me but I knows he's way in over his head. Sweat forms on his forehead as his brows furrow in pleasure. His eyes dart from my eyes to his lipstick smudged dick fuckin my mouth.
"Fuck!" He groans out loudly, ceasing moving me against him and humping my mouth. His head, still resting on the couch, moves from side to side as he tries to accept the pleasure I give him. I rub his thighs soothingly as I take no prisoners and use his dick to carve a special place in my throat just for him. He's starting to tremble a bit and his mouth opens and closes a few time as he tries to speak.
"Babe s-stop, t-too much." He stutters out, eyes rolling back. I almost feel bad for him, but it wasn't like he didn't this to me all the time: pin me down till I scream and squirted. And even then sometimes he would stop. I never get to overstimulate him, and I wasn't gonna miss an opportunity. Mostly I just wanted to feel him bust on my tongue and down my throat but this was an added bonus for sure.
"Baby," he begs pathetically "P-please, please." I feel him trying to pull me off his dick by my hair and that just makes me lean into him and quadruple my efforts on his dick. He wordlessly wails out, hands slamming out to grip the couch tightly. God I wish I could record how fuckin sexy he looks right now overwhelmed with pleasure, basically screaming it to the damn heavens.
I can feel him twitch wildly against my tongue and I know I'm about to get my tasty prize. "Ah, ahhh oh God! Uh, uh, uh, FUCK!!" He explodes verbally and physically and I'm immediately delighted with a strong splash against my tongue and stop moving but continue my hard suction.
He's past trembling to fully out shaking, mouth open making the loudest moans I've ever heard from him in all our years together. His next spurt is so strong it misses my tongue and goes straight down my throat. The third so big that some pools out the corners of my mouth. I gag, mouth and throat constricting a bit but stay locked onto his cock like a vice. He shoots four more heavy bursts before leaking lightly in my mouth for a few seconds.
I stop sucking when no more of his salty cum comes out and pull off his dick with a pop. His body finally falls limp against the couch, his chest rising fast with his heavy breathing. I feel a bit bad as I hear low short wordless groans come from him underneath his breath. He releases his death grip on the couch as I start rubbing soothing circles on his thighs. I can see his dick, which is softening very slowly, twitch every now and again.
"Daddy?" I ask tentatively, worried I went to far. I uncross and recross my pretty brown legs behind me and shuffle on my knees a bit waiting for him to catch his breath.
He waits about 20 seconds, breathing deeply, though it feels like a lifetime before he answers. "You call that goin easy on me?" He asks, opening one eye to peek at me before smiling and opening the other. I internally sigh in relief.
"I thought that was pretty mild, yes." I joke back to him, index finger and thumb wiping the corners of my mouth of drool and cum though I knew I looked a mess. I could feel my lipstick smudged with my spit around my mouth and on my chin, as well as the lines of tears and mascara drying on my cheeks.
His hand reaches to scoop the bit of cum on the corners of my mouth back inside. I accept it and suck on the tip of his index finger as he speaks. "You absofuckinlutely did NOT, but it's good pretty girl. My revenge will be sweet." He has the sexiest evil smirk on his lips as he says the last sentence.
I slowly pull my mouth off his finger and scoot back onto my thick round chocolate ass. Pulling my dress off, I wipe my face with it and toss it to the side. "Well when can you start, Mister?" I purr seductively, spreading my legs and running my fingers over my slit and clit. I'm utterly fuckin drenched from suckin him, my shapely brown thighs plastered in my arousal.
He groans, watching intently as I pleasure myself. "Baby, how's it revenge if you want it?" He asks, leaning forward on the couch to get a closer look. "Fuckin love watching you play in my pretty pussy, yummy pink slit covered by those cute cocoa lips." He says under his breath. "I'm still gonna need some down time, Princess. Plus you're not suppose to ask for my revenge." He groans out to me as he watches me circle my clit before fucking my middle finger into me.
"I think we can come to some kinda agreement," I say, a moan following my sentence. "How about a compromise?"
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sweetthepotato · 1 year
The Final Pillar: Chapter 3: Thanks for the Meal
Chapter 2
AO3 Link
Chapter Summary
The Nightmare Breathing is reminded of some harsh truths amidst a lively gathering at a local donburi (rice bowl) shop.
Ricebowls, alert! Some angst. Hints of ObaMitsu.
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The Snake Breathing user stared at her with a pinched expression in his two-toned eyes, clearly annoyed at her for some reason. His white snake, Kaburamaru, if she remembered his name correctly, seemed to be of a similar disposition, his red eyes peering at her blandly.
'Kanroji's been calling you over at least four times,' Iguro exhaled, his brows knitted together. 'You will deign us with your presence, won't you, kouhai?'
Looking over the back table, she could spot Rengoku and Kanroji waving her over enthusiastically. The Love Hashira was somewhat dismayed at having -unintentionally, Kagome asserted -been ignored in the last few minutes. Noting the potential death warrant glaring daggers at her, she thought that refusing at this point would be the moral equivalent of stepping on the paws of two very eager puppies.
Stifling a sigh, the girl acquiesced and resigned to her fate of being dragged into an instance requiring social interaction. Picking up her tray, she tiptoed behind the Snake Hashira around the crowded donburi-ya, eventually landing a seat next to Rengoku.
'Good afternoon,' she murmured.
The Flame Hashira's face lit up in response to her greeting, not bothering to pay attention to the brunette's reluctance. 'Kagome-kun!' He boomed, 'A pleasant surprise to see you here, of all places!'
At her curt nod, he sized her up for a few moments. Left eyebrow lifting, he commented, 'I see you managed to fix your haori yesterday, kouhai! It looks like you did a splendid job from what I can see!'
'Eh?? I didn't know you sewed, Kagome-chan!'
Feeling their collective gazes upon her, the brunette resisted the urge to curl up and swallow her whole sense of presence, 'It was due for some repairs, that's all.'
'Indeed, it's quite hard to picture a demon slayer using a style such as "Nightmare Breathing" doing something so domestic,' Iguro followed, flatly, 'To be honest, I don't believe I've even heard of your breathing style before our last meeting. You said it was something you developed?'
Kagome glared at the Snake Hashira as the blunt delivery of his seemed to continue his interrogation of her from the other day. Nodding, she proceeded to pick up the first of her tempura, which, having sat on top of steaming rice for the past few minutes, had started to go soggy.
'Iguro-san, same here!' The pink-haired girl smiled between them both, the dimples at either side of her mouth becoming more pronounced. 'It sounds interesting, so I can't wait to see what it actually is!'
'It's... a new style I had to develop based on my trainer's breathing forms,' she explained, 'While I was able to replicate some of his Illusion Breathing kata, it didn't come as naturally to me within our set timeframe...'
'Like how I created Love Breathing from Flame Breathing! But... I can't say I know much about the Illusion style either, though...'
Iguro's brow raised, 'I'm a similar case. I haven't heard of Illusion Breathing before you mentioned it, Kagome.'
‘Kanroji-kun, Iguro, I've only heard my father talk about it once or twice,' Rengoku supplied, 'From my impression, Illusion Breathing is a rarely practised style, and my family's archives only has a few texts about it.'
Turning his head, he faced his intense gaze upon his new colleague. 'Kagome-kun,' he started, 'Considering how much information is available, it's impressive that you were able to create something new at your age!'
A slap on the back shook Kagome, 'Ah, no, not really...'
Obanai turned his gaze away from Kanroji, and used this opportunity to assess the latest pillar, who was sitting diagonally from him. He, Kanroji and Rengoku often travelled together after meeting at Oyakata-sama's, and he didn't need much to tell that they were already receptive to a new person, if she would even classify, joining their ranks. Their kindness, Kanroji's in particular, was why he enjoyed their company, but he acknowledged that he didn't share the same immunity from speculation as they did.
Kagome sat on the innermost seat, closest to the wall. She already seemed keen to fade away into the background, to his indignation. Judging from her appearance, the Nightmare user's hair was tied up and pinned behind a patchwork bandana. He assumed that the oni mask she'd brought with her was kept somewhere safe in her satchel, as her face was completely bare now they were dining in the donburi shop.
With a pessimism that he had learnt to internalise the worst of, especially in front of his present company, he stifled a sigh at the girl's youthful appearance. He surmised that she would have to be around Tokito's age, if not slightly older, and he mourned the prospect of more demon slayers being promoted at that time in their lives. While hollowed out slightly, the last remains of baby fat clung to the rounds of her cheeks. Her face, though pale, was patterned heavily with brown freckles and looked drier than it ought to be on a healthy human being.
Even if he was obligated to trust Oyakata-same's assertions, he couldn't yet imagine the young girl being ferocious enough against Kibitsuji's forces. This was, especially considering, her weakness to the smell of blood and now her timid behaviour when surrounded by Kanroji and Rengoku, of all people.
Aesthetically speaking, she looked fairly plain and common in comparison to the other hashira, with her half-asleep eyes featuring unremarkable, brown irises. He pondered that, perhaps in hindsight, the garish oni mask was the only thing that made her stand out as a demon slayer.
He was curious, however, about the grey-purple colouring shading the skin underneath her eyes.
Her meal was eaten in almost complete silence, as if the Flame user's praise was too much to process. With the sound of clicking, her chopsticks dug deeply into the rice, grabbing clumps of the grain mixed in with the tempura. She ate her food without much relish, focusing on one item in her set while the miso soup had probably went cold by this stage. As her donburi was finally emptied, her eyes met with Obanai's for a moment, and upon further inspection, he noticed that they were slightly rimmed in red, the veins streaking through the whites.
After a considerable period of silence, Kagome was compelled to speak, 'K-Kanroji-senpai, do you have any plans before your next mission?'
'Huh -me? Hmm... I was thinking of finding a bathhouse at some point, it's been a while since I've been able to relax, and so it'd be good to do something fun in the meantime!'
Bobbing her head in understanding, the Nightmare Hashira picked up her miso soup and sculled the whole serving down. 'I see,' she said, picking up the first slice of pickled radish, 'Taking breaks is quite important after a long mission.'
Rengoku hummed in agreement, tilting his head at the brunette sitting next to him, 'Kagome-kun, are you planning anything fun before your next mission? More sewing, perhaps?'
She shook her head, a half-bitten radish paused between the ends of two chopsticks, 'Just some body conditioning, I suppose. All of this walking around has probably unbalanced my physical strength, and I intend to work through my forms more,' with the sound of crunching, she progressed quickly to the last radish, 'After I check out of my inn, though. There's not much room there for training.'
Pressing her hands together, Kagome expressed a quiet thanks for her meal.
Holding a cup of green tea against his lips, Obanai felt his eyebrows furrow again. While he acknowledged the fact that the Nightmare Hashira seemed to understand her place among the rest of the pillars, there were a lot of things that concerned him about her demeanour.
'Do you have a place in mind?' he asked.
She shrugged in lieu of an answer, but after realising that Obanai was still insisting on a verbal response, stated, 'I usually rely on any wide, unpopulated area. In my travel to this place, I've been able to gather that there is an evergreen forest that surrounds this town, so if it improves the likeliness of being out of everyone's way, I'll probably go there.'
'Kagome-kun,' Rengoku assured her, 'I would be more than honoured to offer my family's estate for training, especially for the sake of our newest hashira!' He clapped onto the space between the girl's shoulders, which the Snake user noticed caused her to stifle a flinch. 'I'm sure Senjuro would be happy to learn some-'
'-Senpai,' she cut off, appearing to clutch at her tea too tightly for Obanai's liking, 'Thank you for offering, but I'm sure my presence there would cause more confusion than the benefits would justify.'
Her initial wariness of the other pillars reminded him too much of his interactions with Tomioka, a thought he would prefer to not be occupied by. The bandaged man shifted, his sense of schadenfreude encouraging him to prolong his questioning of the girl from across him. Placing his cup down on the table, he leant closer to Kagome, his voice intentionally taking up a bland tone, 'Is there anything that you do aside from training?'
In a manner that was telling to him about her untrustworthiness, she stared back at him, her brown eyes hardening against more of his scrutiny. He tapped his fingers along the top of the table in sequence, waiting to see whether the Nightmare Breathing user would crumble under his pressure or not.
'There aren't many things that I like doing, aside from what is asked of me, Iguro-senpai,' she said plainly, choosing to only half-entertain his questioning.
Placing her tea cup upon her lacquered tray, Obanai couldn't help but notice, with a sense of sadistic pleasure, how his junior colleague in all senses of the phrase, trembled under his gaze. However, he was soon torn out of his reverie when she stood up abruptly, her hackles somehow smoothing over without a moment to spare.
Sharing another look with him, he caught onto the well-contained anger within her now bloodshot eyes. He suddenly noticed that her usually brown irises looked more like the colour of well-steeped spiced tea.
Although he could take the time now to dissect his observations, the Snake Hashira deliberately decided to put them to the side for now, in favour of savouring his time with his other colleagues. His eyes slithered back towards Kanroji, his uneasiness soothed over.
'Thank you for the talk, Rengoku-senpai, Kanroji-senpai, Iguro-senpai. With deep regret, I am afraid that I must take my leave, as I believe I'd agreed with the proprietor to check out around this time,' she bowed slightly, 'I look forward to cooperating with you, if our paths ever cross before our next meeting.'
Extracting herself from their company, she returned her tray to the counter at the opposite end of the donburi-ya. The screaming raged in her head in response to Iguro's interrogation, and it took conjuring Shizu's voice to calm down her nerves. She didn't know why, exactly -perhaps to kill one's boredom -but the Snake Hashira was making it difficult to maintain her composure in front of the other pillars.
A provocation was something she should've expected, she realised. As a result, she tried to avoid taking it personally, even though that was likely Iguro's intention.
His coldness wasn't anything new, nor was it anything special, but it exhausted her in a way that killing demons didn't. Rengoku and Kanroji's fast friendliness was a relatively new thing to her, and she might've warmed up towards them if the circumstances allowed for it. In reality, Iguro was more like the cold splash of reality, one that admonished any desire to exist in any place other than what was determined for her.
As she exited, the brunette headed out towards the bookshop she spotted upon arriving in the town.
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Tw for (possibly?) sexual abuse, some pretty detailed descriptions, mention of suicide (not me, someone else)
I'm looking for advice mostly about whether or not it's reasonable to be so freaked out by this, if that's something you can do. If not, don't worry about it, consider this a vent. And maybe reassurance if you think that's in order. I don't need advice on what to do in this scenario, I think I need to figure that out on my own. I am just wondering if you think it counts as abuse or not. Again, if you can't answer that, that's totally okay, don't worry about trying to. I won't be mad, I understand that this is a lot to ask, and thank you so much for bearing with me here.
This is really detailed, and I'm sorry about that. I want to put as much info as I know out there, so I can get it straight in my head.
I've just been really confused lately. My girlfriend and I have been dating for about a year and a half. She's really cool, I feel like she understands me better than most people I've ever met, especially irl. That might have something to do with the fact we're both neurodivergent. She says I'm pretty, and that I'm her favorite person. She gets aroused when we kiss a lot.
Pretty much every time I go over to her place, she wants to do something sexual with me. This isn't necessarily a problem. I am asexual, in such a way that I don't enjoy sexual activity at all. But I like seeing her happy, so I often lay next to her and kiss her while she's masturbating or something. Which is fine, I often say yes after she asks once, and that's fine. Sometimes she wants to touch my chest or my butt or something and I say sure, though this is less common.
Sometimes, though, I don't want to. I'll say no, though admittedly not in a very assertive way. "Not right now", "Not today", "Maybe later", "I'd rather not", etc. She usually respects this in the moment, saying "Okay!" in a very non judgmental voice and then we go to do something else.
Later, though, she sometimes asks again and kind of mildly begs me to let her masturbate with me there. Once she told me that she waits to do that until I'm there because it feels better. She sometimes looks at me with puppy eyes and goes "pleeease?".
She doesn't ask more than two or three times, if she asks multiple times at all.
Sometimes, she tickles me, and won't stop unless I "make a deal" with her. What she usually asks is to see my chest or something. Sometimes I say no, and she says "okay" and then doesn't tickle me again for the rest of the day. I always feel tense though, because I know that we didn't make the deal and she might start tickling me again. I don't think she ever has, but it's a possibility. Sometimes I say yes, just to be sure she won't tickle me for the rest of the day.
Sometimes when I'm laying next to her while she's masturbating, she wants to switch positions so I'm kind of partially sitting up against the wall, and she's straddling me. That way, the sticky stuff gets on my face. It makes me feel so trapped. Sometimes she tells me to do that without asking me if I want to, but I think she usually asks once she's in position. One time, part of the way through, I asked if we could go back to the position we were originally in, with me laying next to her instead of beneath her. She looked at me sadly and was like "pleeease" and I said okay. It got directly beneath my nose. I didn't like how it smelled on my face. This has happened twice, I think. I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly.
One time she asked to take pictures of my bare chest on her phone. I said I'd rather her not do that, because I was worried about her phone getting hacked or something and someone finding that. She tried to convince me that wouldn't happen. It was clear she really wanted this. I don't remember exactly how that conversation went, she might have given me an option not to that I chose not to take, because I wanted to make her happy, she might not have. I don't know.
We did have a conversation once, where she said I could do anything I want to her without asking if it's okay first, and she'd tell me if it made her uncomfortable. She said this in the context of me playing around with her hair while we were watching a movie. I said she could do that too, that I'd tell her to stop if it made me uncomfortable. Maybe that caused her to think that the stuff I mentioned above was fine? I feel bad for not being more assertive with her. Maybe then all of this would be avoided, and I wouldn't be scared of her. At the same time though, I did sort of tell her no, but she asked again and I said yes, so I have no idea where that stands.
Maybe it was fine, and I'm just overreacting. She's so nice to me all the time, I don't think she meant to make me feel weird, but I don't know anymore. I don't feel like I know her anymore. It feels like we spend just as much time doing sexual stuff as we spend doing literally anything else together.
I'm sorry for shoving all of this onto you, but I don't think I can talk about this to anyone irl, not even my therapist. If they do think it was abuse or something, they might get her in trouble. I don't want to ruin her life. I don't want to break up with her, or tell her that she's hurting me. That could put her in a really dark headspace. We both struggle with our mental health, and she's told me multiple times that I'm the reason she keeps trying to get better, to get help. She has a lot of suicidal thoughts, and I really don't want her to die. If I make her feel bad about herself, or leave her, I could ruin and possibly indirectly end her life. I feel like this is my problem because I wasn't more assertive and firm with her, and I should have been.
Thank you so much for reading this long disaster, I'm sorry if anything is worded weirdly, I can't really think straight right now.
Also, tumblr is being super weird right now, sorry if this sends multiple times or something
Hi V,
It sounds like communication could be better in your relationship.
It may be helpful to have a conversation with her about what's been going on, maybe explain that "not right now" or "maybe later" should be taken as a no, and that there are certain positions you're simply uncomfortable with.
Please remember that her emotions are not your responsibility - if she's upset because you don't want to do something she wants to do, that's okay. She can be upset about it, but it's your boundaries. It can be really hard to maintain your boundaries when you love someone because you just want to please them, and that's completely understandable. But upholding your boundaries doesn't necessarily mean you don't love or care about her, but that you are your #1 priority, just as she should be her own.
I also want to lay out the spectrum of consent, as I think that could help here. I will just highlight two points that I think are most relevant. Willing is:
When I care about you, though I may not desire you (right now).
When I fear or dread the consequences of saying no and I don’t fear the consequences of saying yes. (E.g., “If I say no, it will hurt their feelings, and if I say yes, they’ll be happy and the sex will be just fine.”)
When I expect that desire will begin after I say yes.
Unwilling is:
When I fear the consequences of saying no more than I fear the consequences of saying yes. (E.g, “If I say no, their feelings will be hurt, and if I say yes they’ll be glad… though the sex will not be something I’m comfortable with, physically and/or emotionally… but I’m used to prioritizing my partner’s comfort and convenience over mine, so…”)
When I feel not just an absence of desire but an absence of desire for desire.
When I hope that by saying yes, you will stop bothering me, or that if I say no you’ll only keep on trying to persuade me—i.e., when I’m exhausted from trying to defend my “no.”
It sounds like sometimes the consent you provide is willing, but sometimes it's unwilling, which is a problem.
I don't think you're overreacting. The way I see it is that you're you, you own these experiences, so any way you react to it is proportional. While it's possible she didn't mean to make you feel weird, what's more important is the impact this has on you. I also just want to let you know that, at least according to what I learned in Intro to Counseling, as long as you're an adult there is nothing a licensed therapist can legally do to intervene if abuse is evident (in the US). So this is something you could tell a therapist if you wanted to.
Here's the thing. A relationship can become very toxic if partners don't communicate that they're hurting each other, when they're hurting each other. If your partner cannot psychologically withstand a conversation like this, then perhaps they're not ready for a healthy relationship.
I would like to emphasize that it is manipulative to blame self harm and suicide on someone else. You shouldn't feel like you have to walk on eggshells around her to avoid potentially making her feel bad about herself. If you happen to make her feel bad about herself, that's not necessarily wrong of you. In fact, it may be inevitable in relationships in general. If you voice a valid criticism for example and it makes her feel bad about herself, you didn't do anything wrong.
These are quite different experiences, but I was in an abusive relationship where my partner was self harming and he threatened suicide if I broke up. Something I learned was that it wouldn't be my fault if he had died by suicide after I broke up with him, because his actions are his own responsibility, and I did what I needed to do. Sometimes partners can purposely deincentivize leaving because they want to continue to take advantage of you. I'm not sure if that's what's happening here, but it's a possibility.
You may also find helpful this ask I answered about what healthy relationships should look like. It should help clarify the essential aspects of a relationship you can compare to your own.
You're carrying a lot of weight right now. You're made to feel like not only the fate of this relationship is in your hands, but the fate of your partner as well. I would recommend just self reflecting and thinking about how you feel about this relationship in context of your boundaries and mental health.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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bemylord · 3 years
ꜱ/ᴏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴄʟɪɴɢʏ │ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇꜱ
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↳ characters: satoru, itadori, megumi, toji, nanamin, sukuna.
↳ warnings: it's fluff part, so there's no angst or hurtful things [some parts might be spicy].
↳ butler's remark: finally have dropped the last part of this angst theme.i don't know what kind of dr#gs i used when i was writing the last three.
↳ part one;
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴜᴊɪ:
he'd be very sad and angry at himself for screamed at you. he didn't mean to push you away because of his fatigue. as he recalled the phrase you dropped before leaving: 'i'm gonna cuddle with megumi-kun' this phrase goes on and on in his head as he runs into your room. he knocked first, hoping you're alone. he knocked again, but there's no response.
'my baby, i'm so-so-so sorry, baby.' he just jump to the bed, wrapping arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. 'no, don't cry because of me, i'm the worst boyfriend ever.' he kisses the top of your head.
yuuji will cry with you if you'd continue to sob your nose, burying your face as deep as it's possible in itadori's chest, unable to deny his necessity. he's comforting you in his arms, whispering praising phrases about you.
'i was a fool, y/n, please forgive me.'
'promise me you'll never scream at me like that.'
instead of words, but kissed your lips, nodded his head. yuuji will show his love and affection by kisses and hugs, holding you tight to keep you from running away.
'y/n, i love you.'
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ:
you've decided not to leave but stay home, waiting as long as his malice calm down. you were waiting for him in the bedroom, still grieved by the last words. you know megumi wasn't serious - he hates being beaten up by todo or satoru, you also know that he'll be a puppy right after a bath.
he showed up in the room in the home shorts, aimlessly rubbing the back of the neck, breathing out what caught your attention.
'i shouldn't have let the anger gets the best of me, y/n.'
bruises and abrasions are coaxed on his upper body and face as it brings the pain when he sits on the bed. he again rubs the skin, nervous to ask you to heal him.
'i-i would like..'
'i'll heal you, 'gumi.'
he smiles, seeing you tenderly how you treat wounds. he thought you were going to kill him after the acuteness, but here you are, helping your lover.
'i don't deserve you y/n, you always have been so kind to me. i'm sorry for being a moron, my angel, i didn't mean it.'
you took him of guard by a quick, yet lovely kiss on the lips.
'i will make it up to you, i will change.'
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴛᴏᴊɪ:
you may think it'll take days or weeks for him to the realization of what did he do. you were a naive one by leaving the gold wedding ring on the table, thought he won't notice.
'i am not a servant or errand girl, i'm his wife!'
perhaps, you thought he won't sniff as you're leaving the house, silly. he has a perfect hearing to hear where you're going and what you left.
'what a jerk i fell in love for, had the misfortune to marry that...'
'to marry that?'
he finished your sentences, turning your body by your arm.
'need a woman to meet your needs, toji? i've had enough.'
his strong arm didn't let you a chance to leave the place you stand, only pulling you by the chin to look into the loving eyes.
'fool, you're my woman, my wife, and the mother of my future children.'
'regret?' he gasped into your lips before kissing them, nibbling lightly on your lower lip.
'i'll do anything to make you forgive me. should i ea-?'
'home, toji, home!'
'by the way, if you ever take the ring off, ohh. doll~'
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ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ɢᴏᴊᴏᴜ: [i think i was h1gh, no hate on me after]
i heard about the woman that have called her boyfriend about thosand or more times, so.. it's satoru. satoru has been calling you since you've left the house, maybe, you'd pick up the phone if you weren't be fury at your boyfriend.
you were walking in the park where gojo first confessed his love. your first kiss and something more than a kiss. that place you will always remember is the tallest and oldest tree in the park. noticeable and stately. as you came to the tree you heard someone behind you.
'you knew it's my place, y/n!' what? is that a touchy voice?
'whatever i'm leaving.'
'where do ya goinnng~~'
'fine, i'm walking home too. take you home?'
'we live in the same house.'
'that's better! wanna watch netflix and chill?'
i'd say you're mad at him, but i'll lie. he's so funny and cute, how can you resist?
'don't act like a clingy, gojo.'
'you began first. ok-ok, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry.'
you had to gag him with a kiss because he would have continued talking nonsense. acting like a child. he lifted you by the waist, kissing you and whispering sweet phrases.
'i love when you're clingy, my baby, i was- i feel so bad due to the work, my angel. soon we'll be going on the mission.'
he lowered you to the ground, kissing you on the tip of your nose.
'let's pick some flowers and make a wreath, shall we?'
'we'll get arrested.'
'you can run, y/n.'
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
you were taking a bath on your own, drowning in the tears - as you've mentioned you're overly clingy and vulnerable and nanami had had known this. he knew you could be sticky when you haven't seen him in a few hours - but does it badly? he knocked twice on the door, waiting for your response.
'darling, mm-' he hesitated as if you'll reject him. 'may i come in?' you only made a quiet mumbling sound, but it was enough for him to enter the bathtub.
he took off his suit, joining you. no matter how much you try, he will see your weeping eyes.
'i shouldn't have yelled at you over a hard day. darling, come to me, tell me how your day went.'
'not before you tell me about yours.'
you sat on his lap, massaging his sturdy, tired shoulders, helping him relax.
'taking a bath like that with you after a day's work is what i like best.'
he kisses your lips as your palms still find themselves on his shoulders. anyway, nanami doesn't want his future wife to cry over him - he'll be the best husband.
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ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ:
it has been weeks since you didn't interact with the king: neither you didn't come to his domain nor answer on his questions. when his sudden mouth appeared on yuuji's cheek, asking you to immediately come to his domain, you didn't feel the need to respond sukuna, irritating him.
you were waiting 'till the king will utterly be pissed off by your behavior, taking the possession of the vessel body to finally have a conversation with you.
'y/n, do something! sukuna has been so furious that i can hardly restrain him.'
'the king wants to see the stupid girl?' you crossed arms over the chest, letting out a sigh of relief - finally. 'i'm coming, sukuna.' you touches yuuji's chest to find yourself being instantly on sukuna's lap.
'you've been ignoring me for weeks, woman.'
'i wonder why? because i'm stupid and clingy?'
sukuna pulled the loose strands of hair out of your face carefully, so as not to hurt you with a claw. he cups your cheeks, making you stare directly at him in the eyes.
'i won't say it twice, so hear me out.' he kissed your lips with fondness, which was not characteristic of him. 'i'm sorry, okay?'
from now on, you can show off that the king of curses said sorry to you. be proud of yourself, 'till his eyes are cast dark hue, palms found themselves on your hips.
'i've been alone for days and days, y/n,' you could feel something raising underneath you. 'and why through all bastards you've chosen satoru?'
someone is jealous..
however, i have a feeling that there will be some sort of sequel...
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tag my cuties <3
@monisi @herhappyplace @h3artfiilia @din0plushie @giaduuh @schleepyflocci @creammy0 @rmjace @whogonprayformee @wwholesome-vibes @blacckkwiddow @sivaneeee @deepcowboywerewolf @royaltyofwinterfell @bakugo1819 @electroniclightjudgeghost @alexganes @tonks221 @spn-obession @superbheropeachtrash @strwbrry-lia @sterieshinso @daynada @butyfigers @lonely-dreamer @adorenoya @fluffymarshmellowcat @cloudsinthecosmos @itsonyxpected @itspastellemons @kingdomblvck @lovliecs @doodledee-png @neo-lucien @fl4mepillar @musichime07
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↳ back to the main master list.
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alltoolewis · 2 years
You pick Ben up from his night out with the boys at the club and he is a little tipsy and you pick up some Mc Donalds on the way home and he keeps thanking you for being the best girlfriend ever and promising you he will marry you one day xx
My Everything- Ben Chilwell ✨
Thank you so much for requesting more of this cutie!!! I've missed writing for him so much & feel like he's currently been forgotten about... so I'm here to keep the love alive 😝 (Anybody else seen the video of him singing Katy Perry at a pool party recently... I had very mixed emotions 🤨Still got to love him tho!)
Not proofread (sorry it's short)
Requests are open!
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"Here she is!" Ben slurred, climbing into the passenger seat as he leans over to plant a drunken kiss on your cheek "How's my princess doing?" Although you knew his words were intoxicated your cheeks couldn't help but blush at his cute nicknames... even drunk Ben knew how to get you worked up!
"Clearly not as good as you" You giggled, giving his pouted lips one last peck before you switched on the engine of his car "Did you have fun?... the boys didn't leave you again did they?" It was normal for him to be left on his own on nights out, due to him being the only single one of his friends but obviously they would make sure he was safe before they disappeared to be with whoever they want.
"Nahhhh, Harvey stayed with me most of the night..." He sighed putting his hand on your thigh tight "But then he said he found a chicken to go home with, so he left me outside for you!" Trying to hold in your laugh, you smiled "He took a chicken home? Do you mean a chick...?"
"Yeah but chicks are baby chickens..." He looked at you confused like he didn't even believe his own words "But now I'm saying it out loud that's a little weird isn't it?"
"Just a little honey..." You giggled. Just as you were about to turn into the main road a bright yellow sign caught his eyes, causing him to yell out it excitement "I'M LOVIN IT!"
"What the hell Benji?!" You gasped, hands clutching the wheel tighter in shock "You scared the hell out of me!" You couldn't stay mad for long as he looked at you with a puppy dog eyes and pouted lips. "Can we please go Maccies baby?"
"It's 1am Ben..."
"But I'm hungry & I haven't ate since training & there wasn't any food at the club & I really want some nuggets & I-"
"Okay.. okay.. okay.." You sighed, turning the roundabout to join the drive-thru "But promise me that as soon as we get in, you'll get straight to bed... I don't think I can manage another Benji mad hour!" You almost winced at the sound of your tone, sounding more like his mum every day! But you've had enough drunken Ben nights to know how he gets when the night goes on... there's no such thing as sleep as he clumsily walks around the house, knocking everything over as he tries to be as close to you as possible! "I love you... I love you... I love you..." Ben gushes, kissing your cheek repeatedly as you tried to speak to the woman over the monitor "Please Benji.. one second bubs!"
As soon as the food was passed through the window, that was it... it was gone! The car instantly filled with the familiar smell of greasy burgers and salty fries as he scoffs down his meal "Have I told you how much I love you recently?" He mumbled, mouth full of food. "You've mentioned it once or twice.." You blushed, holding his hand tighter as he places a fry in your mouth.
"Well I will tell you again. I love you very very very very much... like more than anything in the world."
"Even football?" You smirked. If there was one thing you learnt from dating a footballer, is that its not only a job but also a passion! "I love you well more than football!" Ben gushed "You are everything I need, the greatest girlfriend in the world... I could never play a game a football again & I'll still be happy because I have you by my side... My everything!"
Although you knew he was drunk, you also knew that he meant every word, hence why tears immediately flooded your eyes. Just as you thought he'd gone silent after his little love rant, you only just pulled into your driveway when he spoke again "I'm going to marry you one day y'know!" He said so casually, a blush once again creeping on your cheeks as you tried your best to hide "Ben stop it!"
"Why?" He looked at you confused, trying to undo your fingers "I am! & your going to look beautiful in a white gown & I'm probably going to cry & your going to look like a princess... my princess... but you already are my princess so you'll be my queen!"
Turning to look at him, you peck his lips, wiping away a little a bit of pickle that was left on his chin "You are going to be the death of me, my crazy boy!"
"I think you mean your crazy king!"
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Teeth | Corinthian x trans!m!reader
Anonymous asked: Corinthian x trans male reader with the prompt being "your beauty never ever scared me"
I saw you say you liked mary on a cross :D
summary: Corinthian wants to be honest with you, as you had been so open and honest with him, but your reaction when you find out what he really is, is something he'll never forget.
tws: swearing, mentions of murder
More than anything, the Corinthian wanted you to know the truth about him, about what he really was and the things he was capable of, the things he had already shown that he was more than capable of; he wanted you to know the truth about him, as you had been open and honest with him about how things had been for you, as a trans man in general, and he supposed he wanted to return a little bit of that openness and honesty. The only thing was, a lot of humans tended to be more than upset and even scared of what was behind his dark sunglasses, they didn't think twice about running; but then again, you were his boyfriend and he did trust you to not run away from him. He hoped you wouldn't shatter that trust.
Still, as the sounds of 'Midway' by Sabaton rang through the flat, Corinthian couldn't help but to feel just a bit apprehensive about it; it was a huge thing for him to tell someone what he really was without the intention of hurting them, or killing them. It would either solidify the fact that you loved him, or it would completely break everything and leaving it in shattered pieces on the floor; a terracotta pot dropped from a second story window.
The rain was starting to come down a little, although not much, just light speckles that would hardly amount to a puddle anywhere; sharp winds blowing harshly against the windows with songs not yet written. Light grey clouds coating the blue skies like a thin veil of smoke; 'Midway' changed to 'Christmas Truce' and Corinthian smiled. He could remember a time, not long after nineteen fourteen, when he had seen such things; the year of nineteen seventeen was his first real taste of freedom from the Dreaming. That's when he really started collecting and realised how fucking pleasurable it could really be.
Then you walked in from the bedroom, nothing but boxers and socks a hoodie, and he forgot about all of that; clearing his throat, he gently tapped the sofa cushion beside him, almost going stiff at how you immediately leaned against him with your back partially against his chest. He relaxed a little bit, though, and when you hummed so softly, he even dared to smile.
"Why don't we get pizza for tea?" You asked, merely musing without a single clue as to what he was about to tell you. "We could get it from the place that does the banging iced coffee as well."
"Yeah, why not?" He shrugged, running his hand up and down your bicep, lazy strokes like a painter who was trying to capture the most gentle of colours. "We do need to talk, though."
"Why?" You moved so that you were knelt beside him, brows furrowed and a slight pout on your lips.
Corinthian licked his lips, wondering how to phrase it. "I need to tell you something, puppy."
You nodded slowly, heat in your veins as you started to wonder if he was about to tell you the thing that you dreaded the most; the fear that he didn't think you were a real man and that he wanted someone else.
He slowly took off his glasses, letting them rest on the back of the sofa as he cleared his throat and showed you the teeth behind the lenses. "I'm not human. I'm a nightmare... I escaped the Dreaming a while ago."
But you didn't flinch, you didn't run, you looked... relieved, if anything and as you dared to get between his legs, he froze up; he frowned a little when you took his face in your hands, but then you pressed a kiss to each of his smiles and he couldn't help that the tension left him.
"Your beauty never ever scared me," you whispered, a soft laugh daring to escape your throat. "In fact, I think them smiles of yours are the best I've ever seen."
No one had ever reacted like that towards his teeth, no one had ever been so soft and so gentle about them, and he couldn't help but to grin as a faint dust of pink coated his features. "You're not scared?"
"No," you shook your head. "You're my boyfriend, and I'm yours, and... y'know, I love you. I really, really fucking love you."
Corinthian hummed softly, grabbing your throat with one hand so that he could pull you down into a harsh kiss, making you moan against him as you put your hands on his chest and melted against him; you loved him.
A mortal loved him, and it wasn't just admiration, it wasn't just adrenaline, it wasn't lust - a mortal man loved him. Even after seeing his teeth, a mortal man loved him.
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ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod okay, so since I brought you back into like three fandoms and arcana now seems to be payback, I am gonna flood your inbox the way I've done for all the other fandoms and you will have to write more than just a few little drabbles about julian and asra.
so because you posted that emoji list (which in hindsight is gonna be a mistake because hell there's a lot of things on there) and I kind of actually touched this in my headcanons, 🤒 with julian is something that inevitably has to happen.
Ohhh yes this is going to be good.
“I’m dying.”
You rolled your eyes. “You have a cold, Julian. You’ll be fine.”
Julian rolled over on the couch, auburn curls mussed and a rosy flush on his cheeks. You'd told him to stay in bed, but he'd refused. He needed a ton of affection on a normal day, let alone when he was sick.
"Between you and me, which one of us is the doctor?” he asked in a raspy voice.
Unimpressed, you raised an eyebrow. “Well, then i’m sure you can take care of yourself, doctor Devorak.”
He actually let you make it to the door before he called out behind you. “Wait! Please?”
You bit back a smile before you turned back to face them. “Yes?”
“I-“ His cheeks turned an even darker shade of red. “Can you stay?”
You hadn’t planned on refusing, but when you looked at the puppy eyes Julian was giving you, you that would never have been an option.
“Of course,” you relented, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “Come here.”
You didn’t have to say that twice. Before you knew it, Julian had wormed his way under your arm, resting his head on your shoulder and sighing contently.
Amused, you asked: “Happy?”
“I could do without the headache,” he muttered and you laughed, “but yeah. I’m pretty happy.”
You tilted your head to press a kiss to his hair. “Good. Now, will you go to sleep?”
He grinned quietly but closed his eyes. You thought he’d drifted off but then he said: “I’m sorry if I’m- I don’t know. I haven’t really been sick since- well, the last time I got sick, I was locked in a dungeon by myself.”
Something tightened in your stomach. Since everything you’d discovered, mentions of the plague were a sore spot for the both of you.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him. “This is just a cold. It’s nothing like it was back then.”
“No, I know,” he said. “This is just the first time in a long time that I don’t have to take care of myself and I guess I’m not used to it.”
“I’m glad you don’t have to,” you muttered into his curls. They were slightly damp with sweat, but you didn’t mind. “Now, for the love of all the Arcana, will you please go to sleep? Or do I have to knock you out myself?”
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