#and id like to wake up to min making us all breakfast and later we can maybe have a little jam sesh :-]
1980ssunflower · 2 years
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#ot3: ❤rhyme💛easy💙#tape entry circa 1980#ooohhhh my babies my babies MIS BEBES MIS AMORES LOS LUCES DE MI VIDA#all i need is them mis amores ill never need anyone else ever as long as i have them both#i need to hold them both so so so fucking close and kiss them and tell them every little thing i love abt them#which will last hours cause ill keep repeating myself and ill never stop hjfdks#i need my husbands so so badly especially cause its our birthday... ;w;#i wish i could be w them rn so we could properly celebrate together..#itd be nice to go to a carnival and do karaoke and rollerskating or bowling#and a movie of course!! maybe walk around the mall#auhh i miss them sm... id really like to lay w them rn and fall alseep cuddled against them w their arms around me#and id like to wake up to min making us all breakfast and later we can maybe have a little jam sesh :-]#i really want to play w them rn tbh#auhh our voices sound so perfect together it was like we were destined to be in a band together 💖💛💙#god i just... miss them man#i want to stare into their beautiful eyes and see the way they smile and hear their laugh#i want to hear their lovely wonderful voices... to feel they way they hold me and have their fingers intertwine w mine 🥺💖💙#i cant properly express just how deeply i love them but i just cant stop thinking abt them#and the way i feel is overwhelming me again i just NEED them i need them so so badly i cant stand being away from them i need them...#i just want to drink w them and eat good food while listening to records while singing at the top of our lungs#and laughing so hard w them that my ribs hurt and i cant breathe#i want to be leaning against them and feel the warmth of their body against me and really take in that moment#to hear and feel the way they breathe in and out w the rise and fall of their chest#the way they sigh feeling content and relaxed in this moment#to take in their own personal scent along w other things like the smell of their hair products or cigs
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (10)
Act 2
Warnings: angsty shit, future smut.
Wc: 1.8k (sorry for the short ass chapter-)
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You blinked sleepily, a finger poking your arm and insistently pulling you out of your slumber.
A whine left your mouth as you opened your eyes slightly, Felix's face hovering over yours.
"Lix-" You groaned, pushing him away and casting a quick glance at the clock on your wall. " It's a Saturday morning, fucking let me sleep." You rolled over, burying your face in the pillow as Felix let out a deep sigh.
"Y/n, this is important. There's something I thought I should let you know-"
"Fuck. Off." You growled, voice muffled by the pillow.
Felix sat there for a moment, contemplating his life choices. Why exactly did he think it would be a good idea to try and wake you up at 8 am on a Saturday?
If he told you the news now, you'd be mad at him for having disturbed your precious sleep. If he tells you when it's too late- god, you'd be pissed beyond doubt.
Either way, he'd have to face your wrath. Deciding he didn't want such a pretty morning to be ruined, he put it off. Was it the right decision? Guess he had to wait and find out.
He cast one last glance at your sleeping face, heart beating. He hoped you’d take it well...he doesn’t want to see you devastated again. 
Mentions of him always managed to do exactly that, though. 
He really wasn’t prepared for another night of crying and excessive wine drinking, patting your back as you asked the same question, again and again.
He wished he could let you know you were more than enough, worthy of the world. And he’d be sure to protect you. 
He wasn’t going to hurt you. Not again.
When you finally woke up, courtesy of your alarm, you sat up and slid out of bed. Stumbling out of your room, you headed to the bathroom, which seemed to be locked.
"Lix! Come out, I really need to pee!"
"Just a second!"
You groaned and rested your head against the door, letting your eyes flutter closed again. Felix was definitely a wonderful roommate- you'd gotten lucky in that department- but he always hogged the bathroom, and it infuriated you.
You still remembered the day you met Felix again. You'd moved back to the town after about five years, no longer wanting to live with your mom and her insufferable boyfriend. As soon as you graduated, you took advantage of your newfound independence to go back to where it all began.
Running into Felix had been a pleasant surprise. The two of you had gone to a café to catch up. He mentioned his need for a roommate, and since then you'd been inseparable. He re-introduced you to the boys, including Minho who you’d already been in touch with. They’d all been friends even after high school and throughout college, their old group intact. Well, except for him.
Chan had moved away just a few weeks after you had, according to Felix. It had been quite sudden, and there were barely any goodbyes, just like with you. Half the guys had been relieved, apparently. Especially Minho. 
Everything that had happened back in high school seemed extremely childish, now that you were an adult with a job and bills to pay. However, you still couldn't exactly find it in your heart to forgive Chan. He was your first love, after all...and those tend to turn bittersweet. He'd betrayed your trust and played with your feelings. Yes, you were young and naïve, but you should have seen it coming- you'd always thought he was too perfect for you. Too good to be true...
You almost fell forward when the door suddenly opened, snapping out of your thoughts as Felix caught you, chuckling.
"Take a shower, sleepyhead." He chuckled, ruffling your hair as he let you go and walked over to the kitchen, presumably to make breakfast.
You smiled as he left, sleepily removing your sweatpants and shirt when you heard your phone ring from on top of the sink. Pausing, you inched closer and grabbed it as you shut the door, lifting the phone to your ear after a quick glance at the caller ID.
"Minho! I was just about to take a shower-"
A chuckle from the other end. "Sure, I was just calling to remind you."
"Remind me? Of what?"
"We were planning to go to the mall today!" His indignant voice came shooting into your ears. You winced and giggled, clutching the phone tighter as a loud sigh came through.
"Chill, I didn't forget."
A huff. "Good. I'll pick you up in a bit."
You ended the call, a faint smile lingering on your face. Your unlikely friendship with Minho was one the universe itself probably didn't see coming, in all honesty. 
You still remembered how vile he used to be. Yes, he had a reason, but that didn’t exactly erase all the pain and discomfort he’d put you through. 
He’d shown massive regret, though. Proved that he changed for the better. Besides, you couldn’t exactly push him away after finding out what connected the two of you. So, you’d forgiven him...
You wondered if you would ever find it in yourself to forgive Chan the same way- if you ever see him again, that is. The pain he’d caused was worse. You’d trusted him...loved him, only to find out he’d been using you all along. That he was in love with someone else, even as he hugged you and kissed you. As you brushed your teeth, your mind drifted, memories made with him replaying in your head. The feeling of his soft lips pressed against yours...intertwined fingers, his arms wrapped firmly around you as a storm raged on, a similar one swirling in your heart.
You shook your head, rinsing your mouth as you reminded yourself that it was all in the past. There was no point thinking about Chan anymore. You had Felix and Minho, your best friends and the only people that mattered, currently. It was all you needed.
Chan’s grip on the steering wheel was loose, his eyes half-open as he drove. He was way too tired, and it was probably dangerous to drive in his state. He was already close, though.
He briefly averted his eyes from the road to check the directions Felix had texted him. Yes, he’d arrive any minute now.
His heart was pounding. He couldn’t believe he was back here, years later. He’d missed this town, to be honest. And yet, at the time, his parents’ transfer had felt like a blessing. A way to escape from the pain he’d felt at your betrayal, as well as your sudden departure.
Felix had told him. You were his roommate. There was a lump in his throat, nervousness and anxiety at the thought of seeing you again brimming up. He didn’t know if he was ready.
The initial anger he’d felt when he saw you with Minho had faded away. All that was left now was disappointment, a faint sadness lingering in the back of his mind at all times. 
You’d been the one to show him what happiness felt like. He’d felt it when cuddling your small frame- skin pressed against skin, your radiant smile etching itself into his brain. He’d felt it when you took him to that museum, showing him what true beauty was. 
He couldn’t forget what you felt like. He’d tried to, with numerous people. And yet...all he could think about was you. Even now, as an adult. And here he was, mere minutes away from having to see your face again.
Just be quick. In, out. Greet Felix, catch up with him a little and that’s it. Come on, Chan. You can do this...
He parked the car, swallowing as he stepped out. This was it.
You pulled up your pants just as you heard the doorbell ring. “Coming!’ You shouted, zipping up as you ran over to the door, opening it and glaring.
"Ah, finally! You're late."
"I had to drop Dea at school." Minho shook his head, entering your apartment and heading straight to the kitchen, the enticing smells luring him in.
"Oh. How is she? It's been a while since I saw her."
"She's good. Misses you a little. She asked me when we're all going to hang out again."
"Soon." You assured, knowing you weren't that busy the following week. Following him into the kitchen, you watched Felix flip the pancakes, looking up as Minho entered.
"Hey, Min. Didn't know you were coming today. Want some?" He tilted his chin towards the pan.
Minho smirked and grabbed one of the strawberries Felix had set aside, popping into his mouth and shaking his head. "No, thanks. We've got a movie to catch, so we have to leave right away." You pouted at that, crossing your arms. "But I don't wanna be hungry! Want pancakes." You mumbled.
The two men looked at you, eyebrows raised at your sudden display. Felix cringed, chuckling as Minho cooed at you.
"You're so cute." He pinched your cheek, looking back at his watch. "Ah fuck, we really have to go now, Y/n."
"But-" You looked over at Felix, who flashed you an apologetic grin as Minho grabbed your hand, practically dragging you over to the door.
"Wait!" Felix suddenly called out, cursing under his breath as he remembered what he was supposed to tell you. Fuck, he’d almost forgot.
"There's no time to waste! We'll be back later, Lix-"
It was too late. Felix was secretly glad Minho was taking you away though. Maybe he could quickly get things done with Chan, and get him to leave before you come back? No...it would be unfair to keep the truth from you. He didn't want you to run into Chan on accident, and quite possibly murder him when you get home.
Calming down a little, he turned back to his pan, just as Minho opened the door.
Your eyes widened as your eyes landed on the man standing in front of you.
No. It couldn't be...were you hallucinating? Or was that really Chan, frozen in place with his finger hovering over the doorbell?
Unfortunately, it wasn't a trick your brain was playing on you. Minho was staring at Chan too, shell-shocked as the latter's gaze drifted down to your intertwined hands.
A mass of uncomfortable feelings and emotions you'd repressed for years bubbled up to the surface, almost making you want to throw up. This couldn't be happening.
Chan felt the same way. So you were still with Minho? Fuck, the regret in him was raw, painful as it resurfaced. Suddenly, the anger was back.
The prolonged silence was suspicious to Felix. "Hey, guys...?" He frowned and left the kitchen, stopping in his tracks as he saw Chan and you, icy glares evident as you stared at each other.
"Fuck." He gulped, inching closer to the three. "Um. This was what I m-meant to tell you, Y/n. Surprise! Chan's back!" He giggled nervously, the anger in your eyes scaring him slightly as you turned to look at him.
Chan gritted his teeth, eyes still trained on your hands. “I’m back.” He repeated, glaring at you.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction: S/o Falls Back Into Old Habits
A/n: so this is a more serious request! if any of my readers feel like they need to talk to someone (whether about this or not) my messages are always open to anyone and everyone. Also this did get a little personal for me, (Jisung’s is based on my personal experience)
Requested by: Anonymous 
Warnings: (TRIGGER WARNING)Mentions of eating disorders, cursing
Tag List: @distrikt9 @mini-meanhoe @poeticallyspaghetti @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @yangomangos​
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You had a history of not making the healthiest choices when it came to weight loss. It was a secret you kept to yourself. A secret you thought you wouldn’t have to deal with again. But, life sometimes throws stuff at you, and you can't help but fall back into old habits.
You knew Chan adored you. That didn’t mean hate comments got any easier to read. It was almost impossible to avoid them. Chan was always in the public eye, so it wasn’t long before your relationship was outed. At first, it was fine. Most of the Stray Kids fans accepted you; they wanted Chan happy. 
Eventually, after all the commotion died down, anti-fans started to surface. They had found old pictures of you from high school and posted them with cruel comments. It was difficult with Chan away from home so much. You felt like you were alone, with no one to help guide you away from the dark places the comments were leading you towards. 
The old pictures resurfacing reminded you of how you used to look when you were younger. It was easy to see the change in your body weight. You had started working through lunch. It was a simple excuse. It wasn’t a lie that your workload had doubled over the past week, though Chan was upset you skipped a meal, he understood. 
But your old mentality started to creep back in. The next meal to go was breakfast. Chan was usually gone before you got up so he didn’t notice. What he did notice was you slowly losing your appetite at dinner. At first, he thought you were just a little sick. He made sure to stock up on medicine next time he picked up groceries. However, in your mind, you still weren’t losing the weight you wanted fast enough. Knowing Chan would freak if you stopped eating dinner you decided to hide a bottle of diet pills behind a couple shoeboxes at the top of your closet. 
“Hey, Y/n? You wanna order a pizza?” Chan called from your bedroom. A pizza sounded divine. The sound of your stomach rumbling made you feel guilty. There was no way you would ruin this streak just for a pizza. 
“Umm...you can! I ate a little earlier.” You called back. There was a moment of silence. You figured he was just picking up some dirty laundry or something.
“Baby, when did you eat? You didn’t have lunch with me and-” 
Chan’s voice stopped all of a sudden. “I didn’t what?” You asked flipping through your phone. You frowned yet again coming across some hate comments. Sighing you tossed your phone onto the other side of the couch. “Babe?” You called still not hearing back from your boyfriend. Looking up you found Chan standing in the hallway holding a familiar white bottle in his hands. 
“What the hell is this?” 
Chan was angry. He was more than angry. He was pissed. He looked hurt when he tossed the bottle to you. “They are just diet pills, Chan.” His teeth dragged across his lip and his hands came to rest on his hips. 
“No. Only half the bottle is left! Y/n this is dangerous. I know you’ve been skipping meals!” You flinched as Chan raised his voice. He noticed and came over to you. His hands wrapped around yours, shaking a little bit. “Y/n....I’m scared for you....I’ve been scared for you. You won’t talk to me. I know about the hate and the meals, but this? Baby. You’ve gotta talk to me.” 
You looked at your boyfriend crouched in front of you, holding back tears. “Chan...it was just hard not to go back to bad habits. I’m so sorry.” Tears fell from his eyes hearing you speak. He dropped his head into your lap, still holding your hands tightly. He looked up, eyes puffy and red. His lips pressed against the back of my hand.
“I’m with you, yeah? I love you. I’m not going to let you do this alone.” 
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Being a model was one of the best jobs you had ever had. It wasn’t as easy as everyone thought. You had great expectations put on you. At any given moment your agency could call you and say that you needed to drop fifteen pounds and chop off half your hair and you would have to do it to keep your contract.
Minho was used to your crazy weight-loss diets and coming home to you running on the treadmill with six coats on. He trusted you to be safe with whatever you were doing. He always checked in on you, even when he was away on tour. 
Little texts making sure you were alright. Facetimes before he went to sleep. But, it was better having Mino home with you. Thankfully he would be home for the next six months. 
The blare of your ringtone woke you up from a deep sleep. Minho was still sound asleep next to you and two of the cats were snuggled up at the foot of the bed. Seeing the agency as the caller id, you picked it up. They gave you the requirements for the job as well as the deadline. “Next week!” You exclaimed trying to keep Minho from waking up.
After a few more exchanged words you hung up the phone and lay in bed. “Twenty pounds?” You whispered to yourself. There was absolutely no way you could do this in time without not being healthy. But, the pay day was huge. There was no way you could pass up this gig if you wanted to make rent this month. The only problem would be Minho. He would totally scream at you if he found out you weren’t being healthy losing the weight.
Hell, the weight they wanted you to be wasn’t exactly healthy either. Your boyfriend stirred next to you, wrapping an arm around your middle. The next week you did everything possible to lose the weight. You skipped meals and you practically lived at the gym. 
“Babe, have you eaten yet?” Minho said over the phone. He spoke to you on speakerphone as you ran with a hoodie on the treadmill in your apartment. You were three days away from your deadline with still five pounds left to lose. 
“Yeah,” You said out of breath. Lie. “I ate a big salad a couple hours ago.” Another lie. You hadn’t eaten anything in the last seventy-four hours. He sighed over the phone. “What’s wrong, Minho?”
“Y/n we ran out of lettuce like two days ago, babe.” 
Letting out a nervous laugh, you turned off the treadmill. “Minho.... I-uh...I ordered one-” You heard the line click. He hung up. “Oh fuck.” You said head in your hands. You shed the jacket and raced to your closet. You grabbed one of Minho’s big sweaters and threw it over your head. About ten minutes later the front door opened, Minho storming in throwing his stuff on the counter. “Hey! Did management let you off early-”
Without a word, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the apartment. The next thing you knew you were walking up the stairs of your agency. The two of you blew past your boss’s secretary. “What the fuck, man!?” Minho screamed bursting into my boss’s office. “Do realize you are driving my girlfriend slowly off a cliff? She could kill herself just trying to meet your expectations! LITERALLY.” 
Your boss was completely shocked. He was at a loss for words. “This is not on Y/n. This is on you for making her feel like she ever had to feel like she had to use such drastic measure simply to please your patriarchal sexist ass.” You felt like crying seeing Minho defend you. It was true. It was your choice to skip meals, but mostly out of fear of the termination of your contract.
“No. I don’t think you know who I am. One word from me to the press could ruin you in this industry for the rest of your life.” Your boss stayed silent. Clearly fearing for his reputation. “Now, you are going to let Y/n end her contract, with full compensation, on the grounds of employee abuse.” Minho narrowed his eyes, completely furious. “Got it?”
He nodded and Minho took your hand in his and led you out of the office. “Thank you, Min.” You whispered, kissing his shoulder. 
“You’ve got to tell me, babe. I’m not gonna stand by while you are forcing yourself through this.”
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Changbin wasn’t the most observant man on the planet. But, it was very hard to slip anything past him when it came to you. His job was demanding and took up far more of his time than either of you would like,  but the man was clingy even from a distance. 
You just dropped him off at the airport not four hours ago and he was already facetiming you. With Changbin gone, your apartment felt empty. The days seemed to blur together. Days flooded into nights and nights blended into early mornings. You were sad and missed him a lot. So you did the best thing you could think of to distract yourself was throw yourself into your work.
The tour was nowhere near its end and you were bringing more and more work home. You got into the bad habit of skipping meals and you barely ate anything for dinner, choosing instead to work. Most nights you fell asleep at your desk, having not eaten anything all day. 
Changbin would call at all hours of the night, so caught up in tour life he had forgotten that it was three am where you were. You didn’t mind, however, the calls always ended with you missing him even more. If things were really bad you would go down to the bakery and eat an entire cake by yourself only to refuse food for the rest of the week.
“I’m so lonely here without you,” You said to the glow of your laptop screen. Changbin’s face filled the screen. He was barefaced and had a hoodie covering his messy hair. Seeing your boyfriend even just through a facetime call was a godsend. “It’s been really hard keeping it together. When are you coming home?” 
He sighed. Clearly, he wasn’t handling the distance well either. “Four days.” Your head dropped into your hands. Four days. You could handle four more days. The question was could your body handle four more days? “Sweetie, you don’t look too good. Are you sure you are taking care of yourself?” Changbin looked seriously worried.
The internal struggle of whether to tell him or not was evident. 
“Y/n, you can tell me anything. I’m worried about you.”
Your fingers raked through your hair. Changbin let out an anxious sigh. He knew silence from you was a bad sign. “I haven’t exactly been eating well lately.” His face grew somber. 
“How not exactly?”
“Like....at all.”
“Y/n!” Changbin exclaimed. You were sure that he had woken up whatever boy he was sharing a room with. He broke seeing the shame on your face. How he had not noticed sooner was shameful to him. Your face was starting to sink in and dark circles lay under your eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I didn’t want to bring up past problems I had and worry you with them. They are mine to deal with.” 
Changbin shook his head. “I want to share your problems, sweetie. Your problems are mine and I’m glad to take them.” He paused simply looking at you with care. “Do you want me to come home? I’ll be on the first flight out?”
“I can’t make you do that. The boys and STAY need you.”
“You need me more right now.”
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Your mother was lapping you. She was getting married twice. You weren’t even married once! It didn’t help at all that your mother was one of the most judgemental living on the planet. All her friends were a close second. She had been hounding you for years to get a boyfriend. She was always nagging on you to settle down and give her grandchildren.
Hyunjin coming into your life was the best thing that had ever happened to you. He made you feel fully yourself and even helped you out of some really bad habits that your mother had gotten you into. Hyunjin slowly helped you rebuild your self-esteem and you loved him more every day for it. 
“Y/n, last time I saw you it looked like you had been putting on quite a bit of weight. I’ve already sent you the dress I want you wearing and you need to fit in it by the wedding. Am I clear?” The shrill voice of your mother filled the room. Why did you put her on speakerphone again? You looked at the lilac colored dress you were holding in the mirror. “Y/n?”
“Yes, mother. I understand.” There was no way you were fitting into this. She sent it to you this morning and the wedding was nine days away. It wasn’t surprising she pulled something like this. She always had impossible standards to hold you too. Having enough of your mother, you hung up the phone. 
With a sigh, you grabbed the dress and tried to put it on. It was by far the most unflattering garment you had ever worn. You couldn’t close the zipper and it emphasized all the wrong places on your body. You could barely breathe in the tight fabric. Wiping stressed tears from your face, you shedded the frock. The choice of never giving down your mother's complaints or simply wearing a different dress were pounding against your skull.
If only Hyunjin wasn’t still on a dating ban. Then you could tell your mother how happy you were with him and she would stop hounding about your weight and appearance. But, that wasn’t the case. Only eight more months. Eight more months and you could shout about Hyunjin from the rooftops without a care. Until then, you had to lose a lot of weight as soon as possible. 
As much as it hurt you to go behind Hyunjin’s back, you returned to your old habits, skipping most of your meals. It was easy to hide at first. Hyunjin would come home late from practice, so he didn’t find it unusual for you to have ‘eaten’ before him.
However, what wasn’t normal, was you getting dizzy spells. But you were so close to fitting in that dress you couldn't stop. Hyunjin was lounging on the couch, flipping through random channels. The edge of your vision started to blur out, making you clutch the counter for balance. Taking some deep breaths you focused on centering yourself. “Baby, you okay?” Hyunjin said, his voice laced with concern. He was already making his way over to you, hand finding the small of your back.
You pushed away from the counter to respond to your boyfriend, but your knees buckled under you. Hyunjin caught you, pulling you into his chest. “Oh shit- Y/n, baby. Look at me. How many fingers am I holding up?” Hyunjin held up three long fingers that looked more like five or six. You groaned, leaning into him. 
Hyunjin, slightly panicking, pulled you over to the couch and laid you down. You watched him pick up his phone ready to dial emergency services. “Jinnie! No! Don’t. Really, I’m fine. It was just a dizzy spell.” He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You haven't had a dizzy spell since-” His words caught in his throat and he turned to you in shock. “Y/n...when was the last time you ate.” Your hands covered your face, rubbing your temples. 
“I had a ramen cup. Don’t worry.”
Hyunjin involuntarily rolled his eyes letting out a frustrated huff. “I didn’t say what. I said ‘when’. ‘When’, Y/n!” He sighed seeing you struggle to think back on the past few days.
“I think....like two and a half days ago?” Hyunjin sighed, picking up his phone again. He walked into another room and returned about ten minutes later. You watched him walk to the kitchen and grab a Gatorade from the fridge. He placed it in front of you just as the doorbell rang. He ran a hand through his blonde hair as he took a huge bag from a man at the door. 
“Eat. Drink.” He said placing the bag of takeout in front of you. He unwrapped the food and twisted the cap off the drink, placing it in your hand and lap. He had a worried look on his face as he watched you begin to eat. “I called your mom.” 
You immediately started choking on the food, giving Hyunjin yet another panic attack. “You WHAT?”
“I told her about us. I know the wedding and all her expectation is what is causing you stress. I told her to add me to the guest list and that you’re showing up in whatever you want to wear and that she better not say one word about it or else she’ll hear some choice words from me.”
Your eyes softened and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He nuzzled his face in your hair letting out a staggered sigh. “Anytime you feel like that, you’ve got to come tell me. I hurt when you hurt. I hurt even more when you try to keep me from helping you.”
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Your stomach growled. In the past three days, you had eaten nothing but a couple crackers and a few pieces of cheese. College had been really rough on you lately. Classes were tough and you had resorted to stress eating while Jisung was away and working. It was even worse when he went off on tour. 
Without him around your self-esteem was at an all time low. In your mind, it was only a matter of time before Jisung came back with a girl who was much prettier, much skinnier, and just....better...than you. It wasn’t easy to tell Jisung this. You had never really been great at talking about your feelings.
The sound of your cell phone buzzed against the kitchen counter. It was almost midnight so only one person could be texting you. Your hands swiped through the notifications until you could read the message. Jisung.
Hey bb! <3 Gonna be home late. So sorry :( don't wait up for me
You sighed and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. Your boyfriend was right, as much as you hated to admit it. There was no point in waiting up for him. The edge of your vision started to blur out so you shook your head and blinked a few times. “A hot shower would probably do me some good.” You said to the empty apartment. 
Tossing your clothes in the hamper, you walked in your underwear into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Suddenly you felt dizzy, heat flooding the small room, fogging up the mirror. Your head started to spin. The orientation of the room seemed to flip upside down. You grabbed at anything knowing you were going to fall any second. The shower curtain came down with you, your head banging against the shower wall and then against the bathtub. 
Black clouded your vision as hot water pelted down on you from the showerhead.
Jisung turned the lock of your shared apartment at about two in the morning. The first thing he noticed was the lights in the kitchen and bedroom were still on. He tossed his bag on the counter and set his phone down beside it. “Baby? You still up?” He called into the apartment. “Y/n?” He asked hearing the shower running. 
He gently wrapped his knuckles on the door. After a few minutes of not hearing a reply, he started to get a little worried. “Y/n? Babe.” Slowly he pushed open the door and peeked his head into the bathroom. His eyes widened seeing you passed out shower curtain falling on top of you. “OH SHIT!” 
Jisung burst into the bathroom and threw the shower curtain away from your unconscious body. He shut off the water and cradled your head away from the shower wall. As gently as he could he picked you up and set you on the bed the both of you shared. “Fuck. My phone. Where’s my phone?” Jisung scrambled, running out of the bedroom. He was frantic. 
“911. What is your emergency?” The calm voice of the operator spoke to him.
“My girlfriend. She uh--....fuck. She fell in the shower. I don’t know. I just came home. I think she hit her head.” Jisung ran a stressed hand through his hair, his feet carrying him back to the bedroom. He nodded at the operator's instructions and kept them on the phone as he grabbed one of his shirts from your closet to cover you up. 
The paramedics arrived and loaded you up in an ambulance. Your heavy eyes opened slowly and you looked around the back of the emergency vehicle. It hurt to turn your head, which was still making you feel dizzy. Jisung sat beside you, holding your hand tightly, head down, and tears falling down his cheeks. “Jisung...” You croaked out. 
His head shot up and he didn’t even bother trying to hide his tears. “Baby! Oh, thank god! Y/n you scared me half to death! What the hell happened?” He held your hand tightly, kissing along your knuckles.
“I’m so sorry, Ji....I only meant to skip a couple meals. I thought...I thought I had it under control.” You continued to ramble trying to make sure the words were coming out the way you wanted. Jisung looked heartbroken next to you.
“Y/n....you can’t...fuck...I love you so much. You’ve gotta tell me this stuff, okay?” He said choking up. You had never seen him so upset, so broken. “I can’t lose you. You’re perfect to me always.” You nodded, tears falling down your own cheeks. 
“I’m so sorry-...I’m so sorry. I should have told you...”
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After being a trainee since you were fourteen, you had picked up an unhealthy mindset about your body image. The weekly weigh-ins your company put you through always had you watching your weight down to the ounce. There had been several incidents regarding your health and some unhealthy weight choices, thankfully they hadn’t been leaked to the press and your company covered it up. Felix had been your friend since you debuted and you had been dating for almost a year and a half. The two of you kept it a secret since both of you were still under a dating ban. Felix was always there for you when you needed him. Even if that meant him coming to find you in a broom closet because you were having a rough time and needed a hug.
Comeback season was always a rough time for the both of you. His group was busy, your group was busy. There was hardly any time to see each other. Promotions were even worse, especially for you. You felt like you had to constantly watch what you were eating since there were cameras all around you. You limited you food intake to one small meal a day, choosing to drink lots of weight loss shakes and water instead. Your secret diet plan had been working for years. You hadn’t had an incident since debut. 
Your stomach growled as you looked in the mirror. “Y/n, did you eat?” Your leader asked brushing extra blush across her cheeks. You shook your head, knowing your voice would waver if you tried to lie. 
“I’ll get something after the performance.” 
The sound of other performances were playing on the music shows backstage TV. The skirt you were wearing was squeezing your stomach the fabric unbearably tight. “Girls, you’re up next! Stray Kids is after you. Backstage in two.” A stagehand said popping into the room then quickly exited. The members of your group started filing out of the room, heading backstage. 
Stray Kids were waiting backstage already. You waved at Felix in the dark as you all came to stand next to them. You felt yourself get hot all of sudden and the room was beginning to tilt. The heels you were wearing made it a little more difficult for you to catch your balance. 
You felt a hand on your back, steadying you. Felix appeared behind you, a concerned expression on his handsome face. “You okay, darling?” You nodded and brushed a bead of sweat from your forehead. 
“Yeah. Just got a little dizzy for a second.”
Felix still looked concerned but gave you a quick kiss on the cheek after making sure no one was looking. “I’ll see you after your performance, darling.” He whispered in your ear before sending you onstage. Your group got in position and started performing your new song. Your head was spinning and you felt like you were going to pass out under the white hot stage lights. 
The lyrics to your part of the song came out breathy as you danced in the center. It was evident you weren’t giving your one hundred percent, but you smiled through the pain you were feeling. You let your face fall as you transitioned to the back. If you could just hold on until the song was over.
In the middle of the dance break, your body couldn’t take it anymore. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you crumpled onto the floor, your body had been running on zero fuel for too long and gave out. The gasps of the audience stopped the performance and your group members froze in place. You felt someone run next to you and turn you over. You dazed eyes looked up to see Felix, fear plastered all over his face. 
“We need to get her to the hospital.” Your leader said ushering the two of you off stage. Felix carried you in his arms until you were resting on the hospital bed, still in your stage clothes. Felix and your leader sat in the room with you while the doctors ran several tests. They hooked an IV up to your arm and waited for the doctor to return. 
“So, who are you again?” The doctor asked pointing to Felix and your leader. She introduced herself, but before she could say anything else Felix interrupted her.
“I’m Felix, Y/n’s boyfriend. What going on, doctor?” She turned to you with wide eyes pointing at Felix. You motioned to her and an unspoken promise was made that you would talk about it later. She gave you a stern motherly look before turning back to what the doctor was saying. 
“Well. She is severely malnourished. Her blood sugar and iron are dangerously low.” Felix put his head in his hands, clearly upset. “I’m seeing in her records this has occurred before?” Felix nodded reached for your hand. “Well, I want her to stay here until the IV is drained and someone should make sure she is eating and resting well.” The doctor wrote out a copy of meds and instructions for both Felix and your leader. 
You watched Felix listen intensely on everything the doctor said about your health, taking notes of his own. Eventually, the doctor and your leader left the room. “Darling...I should have figured it out when you said you were dizzy. I’m so sorry. I should have- Fuck, I saw the sign and I didn’t do anything.” He rested his head in his hands clearly upset. You pulled him over to you and wrapped your arms around him.
“Thank you, for being here for me. That’s all I need.” You kissed the top of his head and buried your face in his neck.
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You could tell Seungmin anything. You had been best friends before you started dating and were basically inseparable. There was only one thing Seungmin didn’t know about you, your history with not so healthy weight loss methods. In highschool like most students, your self esteem was a soul sucking bottomless pit. 
Every insecurity was brought to light by your cruel peers. Feeling broken you sought comfort looking magazines filled with beautiful women. Beautiful skinny women. Your desire to be like them grew stronger as you grew older. At first, you only skipped meals when extra work needed to be done. To you, there was no bad consequence at the time. Not only would you lose a little weight but you would get more accomplished. 
Then skipping meals became a regular thing. You would usually get dinner with Seungmin most nights but still ate light. Seungmin paid no mind to it, assuming you were eating healthy during the day.
After a few months, he noticed you were extremely thin to an unhealthy degree. Seungmin was hesitant to ask you about it at first. You were an adult and could take care of yourself. He also didn’t want to come off as clingy and intrusive, but he was really worried about you to the point where he would lose sleep wondering if you had actually eaten that day and lied to him over a phone call. 
Soon, he had enough. “Y/n, be honest with me.” He exclaimed one day while he was over at your apartment. You stopped mid-sip of water and turned to your boyfriend. “You’re skipping meals aren’t you?” 
Silence filled the apartment. Every sound seemed to have been amplified. The dripping water of the bathroom faucet, the clock in the kitchen, the fabric of Seungmin’s sweater brushing against the couch. He watched you with determined eyes. 
“Are you mad at me?” You asked hesitantly. He let out a heavy sigh taking your hands in his. He looked hurt.
Your boyfriend looked back up at you. He seemed to be studying every detail of your face. The bags under your eyes. The way your cheeks had begun to sink in. “I’m not mad.” He whispered. Seungmin took his time choosing his next words with care. “I’m worried, Y/n. Look at you. You are clearly not healthy. This has gotten out of hand.” 
You felt exposed. Raw. Vulnerable. You felt small. Seungmin was right. What you were doing wasn’t healthy. It wasn’t safe, but you couldn’t just stop. It had gotten to the point that you barely had an appetite during normal meal times. 
“Min...I can’t just stop. I’m really messed up aren’t I?”
Seungmin pulled you into his chest, resting his head on yours. “No more than anyone else.” He whispered. It felt like a weight lifted off your shoulders knowing that Seungmin knew your secret. You didn’t feel alone anymore. “We can get you the help you need. All I want is for you to be healthy and happy.” 
There were a million things you wanted to say to him, but actions seemed to work better. You nodded against his chest, letting your arms fall from around his neck to rest gently over his heart. “I should have told you sooner.” You said softly, listening to his heartbeat. 
His fingers softly ran through your hair. “What matters is you told me. I’m not going to let you go through this alone anymore. I’m always here for you, Y/n.” 
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You had recently got a new roommate. A roommate who looked like she walked straight out of a Victoria’s Secret magazine. It didn’t help that she often walked around in her body hugging workout gear. You felt pudgy next to her. She was of course the nicest person on the planet which didn’t make your jealousy decrease any more than it should. In reality, it only grew more.
You wanted what she had. At first, you just started with a diet and exercise. Jeongin was happy to work out with you in the gym. He loved going on night runs with you near the Han river. But, you just weren’t getting the results you wanted. You still looked like a blobfish next to your roommate and were seeing no near progress anytime soon.
The first thing that Jeongin noticed was you stopped letting him come around to your apartment. In your mind the less he saw your roommate the less likely he was to compare you too. Not that he would, but there was always this doubt in the back of your mind. 
The second was your dramatic change in demeanor. A cloud of depression seemed to hang over you wherever you went. You were tired and not acting like yourself. Lastly, he noticed you getting thinner and thinner. 
You had cut out so many things from your diet that you were basically only eating a few crackers and slices of cheese a couple times a day. You stopped going out to dinner with Jeongin, choosing to go out when you knew you wouldn’t be eating. 
He had no idea how to approach you, but he was worried sick. So, he went to the one person he knew he could trust with anything. Chan. He sat done with Chan and told him about everything he was thinking and feeling. After getting advice from his hyung he felt much better about asking you what was going on.
The two of you were on one of your Han river night runs. The pace you were running at was slower than usual. Jeongin made sure to go your speed, picking up on little things he noticed. “Y/n, are you sure you are alright?” He asked, stopping. 
You nodded hands resting on your knee. Your chest was tight and your stomach hurt. It felt like hot volcanic air was pressing down on you like an anvil. “I’m fine. I just need a break.” He nodded and crouched down next to you. Not many people were out since it was later in the evening, but Jeongin still kept an eye out for pedestrians who might come by.
“Angel, you don’t look good at all.” He said rubbing your back. “Come sit for a minute.” Not letting you say anything against the notion he dragged you over to a bench and handed you his water bottle. You flinched tasting what was in it. Definitely not water.
“What is this?” 
“Don’t worry. It’s got plenty of electrolytes in it. Just drink, angel. You need it.”
Jeongin rubbed your back as you drank from the bottle. “How did you know I needed that?” You questioned still out of breath. You attempted to hand him back the water bottle but he put it back in your hands.
“I know you haven’t been taking care of yourself.”
You sighed head in your hands. “How long have you known?” 
He shrugged playing with a bracelet on his wrist. “Maybe a week,” He had known for that long and he hadn’t said anything? Why? He gave you a tight-lipped smile as if reading your thoughts. “I was hoping you would tell me. But, you come first before anything.” He laced his fingers with yours. “Why are you skipping meals, angel?”
You sighed, looking out at the water, feeling much better now. “I was jealous of my roommate. She just is so fit and gorgeous. I feel so inferior next to her.” You hand carded through your messy hair as you looked up at your boyfriend. “Maybe I was...the teensiest bit worried that she might turn your head because of how slender she was.”
“Angel, you are perfect to me. I never want you to change.” He said pressing a kiss to your temple. 
Requests are open my lovelies! Just send an ask!
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yuhyoongi · 5 years
1 - Morning
-hoseok pov-
i wake up to my phone ringing. i already knew who it was before i checked the caller ID. it's most likely my best friend. i pressed the answer button. "GOOD MORNING" a loud voice yells into the phone. "ow! Anjila i just woke up. hush" i say. i hear a squeak of a voice "i'm sorry" she apologizes. i sigh and shake my head. "it's alright. what do you need so early? it's 7:54 am Anji" i ask her. i hear her giggle "i was wondering if you wanted to.. uh.. go to the carnival with me today?" she invites me out with her. "i would love to, but i'm going with yoongi. it's our three year anniversary! remember? i'm going to propose to him today!!" i tell her quietly so yoongi doesn't hear me in the other room. "oh. okay. that's all i was wondering. have fun. bye" she quickly hangs up before i could apologize. i quickly send her a text:
“hey Anji, im sorry for not being able to go with you. i'll make it up to you somehow! i'll be pretty busy so i won't be easy to reach! have a good day todayyy”
i fall back asleep.
some time later, i feel a hand shaking me. "hey wake up! im about to start making breakfast!" i open my eyes. yoongi is smiling down at me. he plants a kiss on my forehead and walks out of the room. i rub my eyes, then proceed to get out of bed. i check the time: it's 8:59 am. i go in the bathroom to shower and wash my face. today is the big day. i'm going to propose to yoongi. i know he'll say yes, but what if he doesn't? that would be embarrassing. i love him, i cant lose him. we'll be able to have a future together, finally.. my mind wonders for a few more minutes until i hear a knock on the bathroom door. "hoseok-ah hurry up! breakfast is getting cold!!" yoongi yells through the door. i quickly begin to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. "okay, i'm coming!" i say and then turn the shower off. i grab my towel and dry myself before putting on my outfit for today. yoongi and i decided to match our outfits:
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(hoseok in purple, yoongi in black)
i brush my hair and teeth. i walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, where i find yoongi patiently waiting for me. "there you are!" he exclaims and rolls his eyes. i laugh and the notice he hasn't eaten. "why haven't you eaten anything?" i ask him. he looks at the two full plates of food. "i was waiting for you," he smiles at me. i shake my head and smile back. i walk over and sit next to him. he made pancakes, bacon, a sunny side up egg, hash browns, and orange juice. "thank you" i kiss him and begin to eat my food. it was very very good (obviously). he finishes a couple seconds before i do. i stop him from doing the dishes. "i'm doing them since you made breakfast," i tell him. he shakes his head, but i refuse to let him. he finally gives up and sits down. i quickly wash them, dry them, and put them away. i check the time. it's 10:13 am. "so what shall we do first?" i turn around and face yoongi. his eyes widen a little bit. "i haven't really thought about what we would do before the carnival honestly. it's still early. we can go shopping maybe? or see a movie? or we could sleep?" yoongi throws out ideas. i nod. "we can do all of those. we have time! firstly, we'll go shopping. then we can go see a movie. then we come back home, take a nap, wake up, fix ourselves up, and go to the carnival!" i smile at yoongi. he laughs and stands up. i watch him as he walks to grab his shoes. i follow and put mine on as well. i grab my phone and slip it into my pocket as we walk out of the door. "should i drive or should we uber?" i ask. yoongi tosses me the keys to the car. i laugh and shake my head.
2 - Out and About
-hoseok pov-
of course, i take him to his favorite stores. today i am determined to make yoongi the happiest he's been in years. i want today to be his day. to be our day. we get all sorts of new clothes. i take yoongi thrifting with me so i can find some new, cool prints. i secretly buy him a gift while we're at a store. i buy him a skateboard. i figured he'd like it. the design just spoke of him. i nearly pass out because i almost drop the ring box out of my pocket. i buy a new pair of shoes. they're sandals. i also get a new pair of sunglasses, as does yoongi. we put everything in the trunk of the car. then we drive to go see the movie. we haven't quite decided what we want to see yet until we get to the theater.
when we arrive, i park as close to the front as possible. we walk inside and look at the options. we decide on Avengers: Endgame. we walk into the theater, prepared to be devastated. the movie begins. i'm already crying at the very first scene. luckily, i brought tissues so i pat the tears away. i look at yoongi and he's holding the tears in for later. i decide to do the same. i cuddle up to him and continue to watch
*time skip through the movie*
the credits start rolling. i'm crying into yoongi's shoulder. he's crying too. we stand up and wipe the tears from our faces. as we begin to walk out of the building, we put on our sunglasses to hide our red eyes from the world. we return home and bring all of our bags from shopping inside and leave them in the living room. we walk into the room and plop onto the bed, exhausted from the crying. "i cant believe they did that" i being to tear up again. yoongi pulls me closer to him and comforts me. "it's okay. it's just a movie" he says to me and runs his fingers gently through my hair. i calm down and slowly drift off into sleep.
3 - Always and Forever
-hoseok pov-
i wake up to my phone aggressively vibrating and making a loud noise. it's my alarm. i go over to shut it off, but yoongi beat me to it. "we should get up and get ready to go" i say to him and sit up. he shakes his head and goes under the covers. i shake him. "come on!!" i exclaim. he groans, yawns, and turns the other way. i pull the covers off of him and pull him out of bed. "let's goooo!" i yell and push him into the bathroom, where i proceed to splash water onto his face. his eyes open immediately. i laugh at him, then start washing my face. he rolls his eyes and grabs his face wash. after washing our faces, we fix our hair, and grab a lint roller and fix up our outfits. i look at him in awe. i have never seen someone so beautiful in my life. he always amazes me everyday. not with just his looks. with his everything. his fun personality sways me. i fall for him harder every breath i take. i truly want to spend the rest of my life with him.. i smile. he looks at me. "are you staring at me?" he asks. my face gets hot. "uh- no" i say and look away. he laughs and shakes his head. "i'm gonna go grab.. something," he says and walks into the bedroom. THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING i scream in my mind. i look in the bedroom. yoongi is adjusting the waist of his pants. he pulls his shirt a bit much over one area. i shrug it off and go grab my new shoes.
as i'm tying my shoes, i feel eyes on me. i look to my left and yoongi is sitting on the couch looking at me. but once he notices me looking at him, he looks away. how is it that we've been together for three years, yet we still get embarrassed when caught admiring the other person? i ask myself, not coming up with an answer. "i'm ready to go" i tell him. he nods his head and shakes the keys. "i'll drive us there" he says. i open the door for him, and we left.
when we get in the car, we turn on the directions to the carnival. it's near the more sketchy places in the area. yoongi is on edge about it, but i'm excited. i checked the time. it's 6:30 pm. i wait until we get a red light, then i scream loud. yoongi nearly jumps out of his skin. i laughed and he playfully punched my arm. "don't do that!" he yelled. i laughed more. he began to chuckle. i smiled and looked out the window. we're close to the carnival. i suddenly get extremely anxious thinking about proposing to him tonight. fireworks go off at midnight every year during the carnival. that's when i planned proposing.
we pulled into the parking lot. i look at all the lights for the rides and games. it was beautiful. i was super excited for it all. tonight was going to be the best night of my life. i was determined to make tonight amazing for yoongi. i was the first one to get out of the car. i jump up and down as yoongi gets out and close the door. he locks the car doors and we walk in. i look around at all the tall rides and the tons of games. i look over to see yoongi's face. it's lit up with amazement and excitement. i pull him over to the first ride. it's the ferris wheel. we get on and look at the view. he thought the view was pretty, but i thought he was prettier.
we get off, and get on more intense rides like roller coasters. then we decide to get food and play arcade games. yoongi rushes over to the basketball game. he wins the biggest prize. a life size gorilla plushie. while he does that, i decide to try the shooting game next his game. i end up winning a small prize. we both go over to the balloon popping game. i end up popping the most and get a medium prize. i exchange the small and medium for a large prize. i get a large sloth plush.
after hours and hours of playing games and going on rides, it's 11:57. yoongi and i go for a walk a little away from the carnival where we can be alone. we countdown to the fireworks. well, he counts down to the fireworks. i countdown to when i propose to him. it's 11:59.
ten seconds.
nine seconds.
eight seconds
seven seconds
six seconds.
i get on one knee
four seconds.
three seconds.
"min yoongi..."
one second
"would you make me the happiest man in the whole entire galaxy by marrying me?"
yoongi gasps. he begins to cry. "yes!" he yells. i stand up and hug him. "i love you so much hoseok. i'm so happy" he sobs into my chest. i hug him tighter. "i love you too" i whisper. i put the ring on his finger. i laugh and choke on my tears a bit. he looks at the ring. "it's perfect" he says and smiles at me. i smile back. his gaze suddenly darts to something behind me and his smile drops. he pulls me behind him. i look to see what he was looking at. there's someone pointing a gun at us. "stay there!" i hear the person yell. i go next to yoongi. "it's okay" i whisper to him. he nods his head. the person steps into the street lamp light. "Anjila? what are you doing?!" i yell. she starts sobbing. she looks me in my eyes. "why not me? i've been here for you your whole life! you haven't noticed me! i've been your best friend for all this time, i've wanted something more! hoseok i'm in love with you for god's sake! why can't you love me back!!" she screams at me. yoongi looks at the ground. "Anjila. i'm sorry. i just can't return those feelings. i'm sorry if i hurt you in any way" i apologized to her and my eyes started to tear. "you take my happiness, i take yours," she begins to move her finger on the trigger. she aims it at me, then at yoongi. "you don't deserve hoseok" she says, then pulls the trigger. it hits yoongi in the stomach. "NO ANJILA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? YOONGI NO. STAY WITH ME. PLEASE!" he falls to the ground. i rush to his side. i see metal poking out from his waistband. he brought his gun with him? i wonder and look. yeah, that's a gun. i think in my head. i grab it and put it in my sleeve. "Anjila, how could you?" i scream and sob onto yoongi's chest. "yoongi you're strong. you got this. everything will be okay. we will be okay" i say to him and force a laugh through my sobs. i stand up and turn to Anjila. "h-hoseok i-i'm sorry. but you have me now! we can finally be together! see!" she starts to walk towards me. i pull the gun on her and shoot. i hit her in her chest. she collapses. i run to her, crying. "i'm so sorry Anjila.." i mumble and walk to yoongi. "H-HOSEOK, N-NO" he yells while choking on blood. i hear a loud BANG and then there's a stinging sensation in my back. i fall to the ground. she shot me. i realize. i drag myself over to yoongi. i make it to him. the stinging sensation turned to burning. "y-yoongi i'm so sorry" i cry and look at him. he shakes his head and touched my face. "everything is okay" he says very calmly. he kisses me. "i love you so much yoongi" i say to him. he stares at my face. "i will love you forever. i'll see you in our next life. don't forget me, i love you Jung Hoseok. until we meet again.." yoongi says with a smile and rests his head on the ground. his chest stops moving. "n-no!" i yell, choking on my own blood. "I will love you for the rest of eternity Min Yoongi. always and forever. until next time..." i say and lay next to him, feeling my body go numb until everything goes dark.
so that’s the end of the story. i’m open to all feedback. it’s my first time really posting a story i’ve written. let me know if you enjoyed the story. if you didn’t, tell me why. xx
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xserpentlife · 6 years
Just Dance with Me
Request: @avenging-fandoms heyo! can I requests something with prompts 2 and 25 from prompt 3? thank you! :)
A/N: sorry this is so late I've been super busy with school work
Summary: Sometimes you just gotta to dance in the rain.
Warnings: None its just realllly fluffy
Word Count: 2017
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You and Sweet Pea have been dating for about 4 months, and it was safe to say you fell head over heels for the guy. He was cheesy as hell always doing cute little funny things. Sweet Pea was quite literally the sweetest guy you had ever met. There were also parts of him though that really made him a big baby. Like when he would get upset when you guys couldn’t do something together or when you'd be cuddling and someone would interrupt. Here is a little backstory. You guys have known each other for a while because you were friends with Toni. One night after being at the Wyrm Toni’s bike broke down which led to you and her not having a ride home. Sweet Pea and Fangs offered and you both gladly accepted. Sweets took a wrong turn on the way home “by accident” which led to you getting “lost”. But let’s be honest it wasn’t an accident to get lost in a field of flowers with a blanket laid out. You had to admit though it was clever and super cute. After that night you guys made a tradition that once every other week you would drive to the field, and just spend some time together. 
This week was the week you were supposed to go to the field but you haven’t really been feeling up to it, and you’ve been busy the entire week. On Monday you were sick with a stomach bug from eating out someplace fangs found on his way home from a job in Greendale. Tuesday you had to help Toni with a photo series she was doing for Cheryl’s birthday. Wednesday you had to work at the Wyrm. Thursday you had to do a job with FP, and Pea was out doing a different job with fangs. Friday you all planned to go see a movie at the drive in, but it got crashed when you all got a call because the Ghoulies decided to try to trash pops. And Saturday was the day you planned on going with Pea but then got interrupted by fangs bike breaking down and needing a ride to go see his boy in Greendale. An entire week went by of you not being able to go to the field and Sunday was the day that you guys slept in and cuddled at home. You figured you’d go to the field next week and it would be fine. But there was no way in hell Pea was letting that happen.
Sunday came and Pea kissed your cheek waking you up. 
“Hey babe get dressed and let’s go to the field since we have been interrupted literally this entire week” you covered your head with the blanket mumbling no “what do you mean no Y/N we have been going every week for the past 4 months” you stood up to go to the bathroom and while walking out said “I know Pea but id rather just stay here and cuddle you like we do every Sunday” with that you shut the bathroom door assuming he would have gone into the kitchen to make breakfast like he always does but no. you open the bathroom door and there he is “but pleaseeeeeee I wanna goooooooo” you shook your head walking past him “Pea why does it matter when we go we can just go tomorrow” he walked in behind me in the kitchen snaking his hands around my waist as I was stood at the fridge “well if we can go tomorrow why can't we just go today Y/N” you shook your head at how childish he was being. I mean he was annoying you but he was also super cute when he was needy like this. “I just don’t feel like it okay Pea... we have been out literally this entire week and I just want to chill at home with you is that so bad” he turned me around towards him “no it’s not that it's bad but I still want to go. But since you don’t I'll drop it... for now” ughh you knew exactly what that meant and within the next 2 hours you knew he would be asking you again. We were watching a movie and he surprisingly only asked again once throughout the entire thing so that was a plus. “Hey Pea I’m gonna go take a shower” he held onto me tighter “Pea let me go I need to go shower I stink” he let me go but shook his head “Baby you don’t stink but alright go ahead. Oh, and are you hungry? While your in the shower I can run to pop’s and get us some food” you shook your head yes stating how hungry you were but before you could close the bathroom door he said, “oh and btw can we go to the wyrm later?” you thought it was weird because you usually don’t go to the Wyrm on Sundays “I mean yeah I guess but why?” he stood up putting his jacket on “Toni needs the homework from Friday that she missed cause she wasn’t at school remember” he was acting really weird but you just ignored it. You were still in the shower when Pea came back because you had decided to take a bath. “Y/N are you okay in there?” you chuckled to yourself surprised he hadn’t tried to open the door. I mean there was a reason you didn’t lock it “yeah, yeah I'm good I’m getting out now” you got out of the bath walking into your guys’ bedroom and got dressed. You walked out smelling the Pop’s Pea had brought home “Pea that smells so good I am starving” you sat on the couch next to him as he was placing the food on the coffee table. “why were you in the shower so long? are you feeling alright?” as you took a bite of the burger you chuckled to yourself. “Yeah haha I was fine I decided to take a bath” You were in a mood so you decided to be a tease. almost finished with your burger you looked at him laughing. “Why are you laughing at me? do I have something on my face? he was wiping his face all over “no haha I’m laughing because I’m confused why you didn’t try to open the bathroom door” he looked at me confused “I was going to but when I said your name you answered back instantly... why?” I looked at him again chuckling “well you should have... I left it open for a reason” he looked at you wide-eyed “well I mean you can go back in and I can open it” you laughed again standing up grabbing your jacket “Can’t baby we gotta go visit Toni... right?” he cursed under his breath standing up with a “yeah... yeah, we do” 
We got on Pea's bike and started driving towards the Wyrm but instead of going straight at the intersection the asshole made a damn left. You tapped him on the shoulder but he just kept driving. You knew exactly where he was going and you were pissed. You didn’t want to go to the field because it was a 20 min drive and you just didn’t feel like it. He pulled to a stop getting off the bike as you punched him in the arm. “OW Y/N what was that for” you looked at him sternly “Oh shut up that did not hurt, and I hit you because you lied to me. You said we were going to the Wyrm for Toni. This is not the Wyrm and Toni is not here” he looked at the ground kicking the dirt and went to grab my hand but I backed away “look, baby, I'm sorry but I didn’t want to break out tradition... its important to me” You looked up into his eyes and could see the plea. You knew he was sorry you were just a little annoyed. “You know Pea you're lucky your cute or else I would be super pissed right about now” he laughed lowly taking my hand to walk down to the field. You stayed at the field for a while just talking and having a good time. You had to admit it was nice being with him like this. This was your place you were the only two who knew about it and it was special. Whenever you were here with him it felt like nothing else mattered, and you had to admit holding onto him while riding a bike was a good feeling too. It was a few hours later and you both wanted to get home. He handed you your helmet as you guys got onto the bike. 
The drive home was good at first until you heard the rumble of thunder. It wasn’t supposed to rain today so you thought you would be okay but 5 mins into the ride home Pea had to pull over under a bridge because it was downpouring and hard to see. You were both soaked from head to toe. You stood there leaned against the bike pulling out your phone to look at the weather. You were pissed. “SEE PEA I TOLD YOU WE SHOULDN’T HAVE GONE OUT. ITS GONNA BE RAINING LIKE THIS FOR ANOTHER HOUR... LOOK” as you put your phone to his face. “His eyed looked sad you knew he didn’t mean it he just wanted to spend time with you, but you had wished he just waited one day just one day. You stood there for another few mins before he even said anything. “Look Y/N I i’m sorry I just... We haven’t seen each other all week really aside from sleeping and I know how it is we can get caught up in the flow of the week with work, and school and on top of that the gang. I just... I wanted to spend time with you away from the trailer no distractions” you could see how sorry he was so you stood off the bike and went over to hug him grabbing his face in your hand “I know you are I just wish you would have waited till tomorrow cause we're going to be stuck here for a while” He laughed grabbing your hand dragging you to the end of the bridge about to pull you into the rain. You yanked back and he looked down at you. “come on we’re already wet, and if we are going to be here for a while we mine as well have fun. Come dance with me” Is he insane you thought to yourself who in their right mind would willingly go dance in the rain. “You are actually insane Pea if you think I am going to...” he didn't even let me finish he literally pulled me into the downpouring rain. “come on baby dance with me pleaseeeee” you shook your head while snaking your arms around his neck you danced around for a few minutes having a great time and went back under the bridge out of the rain. You two stood next to his bike, and he looked at you and frowned “I... I hope you're not mad. I’m sorry I ruined our Sunday I just I...” you stopped him and kissed him not letting him finish his sentence “i”m not mad at you pea I could never be You’re my one and only.” He hugged you tight “good. I'm glad baby. I don’t want to lose you. Now as for opening the bathroom door... is that still on the table?” you laughed smacking him in the chest “Your lucky its still raining and I'm gonna be cold when we get home... I think I'm gonna have to take a warm bath” The rain started to die down and he hopped on the bike handing you your helmet. “well then we should get home” you climbed on the bike and he sped off towards your trailer.
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allonsy-yesiwill · 6 years
Happy Life - Chapter Five
Summary: You have pretty much given up on your dreams of a fairy tale life, however that doesn’t stop you from making sure everyone else is taken care of
Word Count: 1394
Warnings: general angst, sadness, Dean being cute
A/N: Okay so I am sorry...I just moved and don’t have internet ....blah so this means I can’t write or post as much as I want to....however today it a good day because I am pretty much done with work so I am just sucking up their internet :) 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three 
Chapter Four 
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When you wake up you find yourself completely stretched out in the front seat with your feet on Dean's’ lap. You are pretty sure Dean’s car is bigger than your first apartment. You sit up and apologize for taking up all of the space.
“Nothing to be sorry about sweetheart,” Dean says with a soft smile. “How are you feeling?”
“I don’t know tired, I guess,” you say not really sure how you are feeling.
“Are you hungry?”
“Honestly, no,” looking at your phone you know that you should be. It’s already 1 pm and all you had for breakfast was the coffee that Dean poured you. Right now you simply just don’t feel anything but numbness.
“It’s okay we can stop in the next town and stretch our legs.” You simply smile and nod letting Dean know that works for you.
The time moves by and you say nothing, just looking out the window. You can feel Dean’s eyes on you every now and again but you don’t look at him. You are overcome with thoughts of every, seeing your family and how are you going to explain Dean to them. How would your mom react to everything.
The next few hours move painfully slow. You aren’t talking much and neither is Dean. You know he’s doing the best he can to give you space and let you just deal but you aren’t sure it’s working. You two stopped for lunch and you ate a bit but not enough to make Dean happy you could tell because he was talking about already stopping for dinner and calling it a night.
“Hey sweetheart, the next big town is about 45 min out and we are only 3 hours out so what do you think about calling it a night and checking into a hotel?”
“Sure,” you answer will little to no tone in your voice. You can see the look on Dean’s face it’s filled with worry. You do your best to give him a small, I am okay smile. He doesn’t buy it.
The car ride continues in silence, however with darkness falling you are thankful that Dean can’t see the few tears leak from your face. When Dean finally pulls into the first hotel parking lot that has an empty sign, you do your best to hide the wall of tears. You don’t really know why you are sad, other than the obvious. But it’s not a normal sad, normally you can tell why. Push the feelings away or down, but right now it’s an all encompassing sadness.
Dean gets back in the car and drive to where your room it. As he put the car into park he softly says, “It’s not much but it will do for tonight. Why don’t you go take a shower. I will off load and get come food for us okay.”
You smile and nod, not knowing what else to do.
“Hey beautiful,” Dean says as he takes your hand, “ It’s okay to be sad. If you need anything let me know.” As you smile you know he is right but it doesn’t really help. You grab you small bag and head into the room, going straight into the bathroom and starting the shower.
The hot water feels amazing after spending all day in the car. And for a few moments you are just taking in the comfort your body is receiving. You hear Dean knock on the door but don’t answer, you already know he’s coming back with food. But it’s 9 pm and you don’t really have an appetite yet. So you just stay focused on the shower.
By the time you get out of the shower Dean is already back and you hear him chuckle when you come out of the bathroom.
“Did you save me any hot water.”
“Probably not,” you say with a bit of sadness in your voice feeling bad for forgetting about Dean. He sees the the worry in your faces and rushes over to stop you dead in your tracks. “Hey hey it was just a joke, don’t worry I am sure they have a big water heater.”
“I am sorry,” you let out mekly.
As Dean wraps you in his arms he says , “ Nothing to be sorry for sweetheart.” You finally break when he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. You just cry and Dean just holds you. It feels like time stands still. In a matter of minutes your tears are gone and you feel Dean placing another kiss on your forehead as he squeeze you a bit tighter before letting you go.
“Feel better?”
“I don’t know, maybe.”
“Good, let’s eat. I know you probably aren’t super hungry but this is the best bacon cheese burger in town, so you at least have to try it.”
You agree as you both sit down at the table and open your food. You can’t help but smile as Dean lets out a moan with his first bite. He does this almost every time, but his child like excitement always makes your heart smile a bit. After eating as much as you  could your crawl into your bed, farthest away from the door and wish Dean a good night before he heads off to take a shower.
The room was quiet and dark when your phone started to ring at 11:30 pm. You looked at the caller id, it’s your mom so you answer the phone.
“Where are you, I thought you were going to be here tonight.”
“Mom I am sorry we had to stop, I was just too tired and didn’t want to crash.”
“Well that’s not the plan I needed you here by 11 am tomorrow, how are you going to do that. I can’t believe you are disappointing me again. I thought we had been thought this….” As she continues on you hold the phone away from your ear to avoid the harshness of her tone. Dean has now turned on his bedside lamp and is looking at you with worry as your face falls into the pillow and your phone is in your hand far away. Dean gets out of bed and walks over looking at your caller id and listening to the words on the other end and Dean grabs your phone.
“Hi Mrs Y/L/N I am sorry for the trouble. It’s my fault we are running behind but I promosie to have your daughter their by 10:30 tomorrow.”
“And who are you?” Your mother demands to know.
“I am Dean.”
“And Dean how are you to my daughter and why are you causing her so much trouble.”
You can see the worry on Dean’s face as he tries to come up with a good reason why and as you hear his words you know you are going to regret them. “Um I am Y/N’s boyfriend. We just started dating but I couldn’t let her go thought this alone and I had to finish up work before we could head out. I hope you can understand.”
“Really my Y/N has a boyfriend. Well I guess I can forgive you. But get her here no later than 10:30 am do you understand.”
“Crystal,” Dean says hanging up the phone.
Dean immediately regrets everything that he said on the phone seeing the pillow over your face.
“I am sorry, I just didn’t know what to say. I promise I can pretend like no one’s business and if they make us sleep in the same room, I can sleep on the floor,” Dean says sitting down next to you on your bed.
“It’s okay Dean, even if I told her we were just friends she would have probably jumped to this conclusion anyway.”
“Is this why you didn’t want to come back home Y/N?”
“Just  call him Sherlock ladies and gentlemen,” you hear Dean let out a  chuckle.
“I do have a special skill set,” Dean says with a bit of cockiness as you roll your eyes.
“Hey sweetheart, don’t worry I will get you there by that time. I have the alarm set for 6 am and that should get us there around 10, so if you want to stop and get coffee or anything we can, okay.”
“Okay and thank you Dean.”
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@weall-l00k-the-same-inthe-dark   @ashleydivine  @toniinhere@arses21434 @imagineteamfreewill
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secretlypg95 · 7 years
Perfect PT1 // Kim Namjoon
AN: Okay so I got this idea listening to Perfect by Selena Gomez. So let‘s see how this goes, it’ll be a little similar to my previous imagine *Façade* but a little twisted. So just let me know what you think and I already have PT2 (which will be named Unholy) already half written. Thank You so much. 
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You and Namjoon have been together for over a year now, and things have been absolutely wonderful or so you thought. 
“Joonie you know I love you, right?” you question as you two were watching whatever show was on at 2am because that’s the only time you two can spend together. Him always in the studio, practicing, and just getting ready for their next comeback, and you just starting out your acting career with a new TV show set to premier this winter. But it was always like you were never apart and that’s what you loved about your connection with Namjoon.
“Yes,” he chuckles holding you closer to him. “And I love you.” He says pecking a kiss to your forehead. 
“Oh come on, I know you can do better than that!” You egg him on. He looks at you surprised, and smirks at you before he gently pushes you down on the couch. 
He takes off his shirt and you do the same with yours, you have nothing left but your panties on and he in his briefs. he looks at you adoringly, crawling over you, putting each of his hands on either side of your head. He kisses you passionately making you moan a little as you graze your hands down on his sides reaching the hemline of his briefs. He uses the back of his hand to slowly slide down your body and reach your panties, but he doesn’t stop there. He slides them down your legs as you slightly kick them off once he can’t reach them any longer. 
You start to moan as he slips his fingers down your already wet core, running them up and down getting you more aroused. Never breaking the kiss you start to palm at his clothed member. He does a little growl into your mouth as his removes his hand and yours as he quickly takes his briefs off, wanting to be inside of you already. He starts pumping himself before he grinds his cock inside of your throbbing pussy. You both moan in ecstasy, as you wrap your legs around his waist puling him closer so he could be deeper in you.
“Ohh~ shit.” he groans as he’s picking up his pace. “You feel so good, Stacy. Oh God.” He says and you stop all your movements and unwrap your legs from his body, shocked at the name he called you, clearly not being yours. He opens his eyes at the loss of contact then realization hits him as he starts to apologize. 
You stat to push at his chest indicating for him to get off  of you. “What the fuck did you call me!” you say, anger taking control of your body.
“I didn’t mean to, I swear.” He says now on his knees in front of you. “It just slipped out. I don’t know where that even came from.” he said now rubbing your legs not looking at you.
You scoff pushing him down as you rush to the bedroom and locking yourself in. At this point you’re crying as you slide down the door and you hear Namjoon pounding on the door as he’s cursing, yelling, and trying to convince you to open the door. You were there for almost an hour, He’s still there not giving up, as you think to yourself ‘I don’t need this, I don’t need him,’ You wipe your eyes, get yourself up from the ground and finally dress your naked body. You grab your bags and fill them with everything that you own in that room and the private bathroom. You sit on the bed, that was once your sanctuary, and think about your next move. After fifteen minutes of deciding on staying at a hotel for a week or so until you figure it out later. You grabbed your bags from the side of the bed after you made a call to a hotel for reservations. Namjoon had stopped awhile ago, so you brace yourself for anything. 
You open the door, and walking quickly so you don’t get caught. “where are you going?” Damn it, you thought as he walks to you, fully clothed as well.
“I don’t have to tell you.” you say harshly.
“I didn’t mean to say that, I swear it just came out. I swear on everything that will never happen again. Just please don’t go. We ca...” he starts to ramble on, but your in no mood to have the situation at hand, and being treated as if your pissed that he just ate your left over food.
“Who is she?” you start, staring straight at him.
He bows his head ashamed, “Who? Oh ‘Stacy’ I don’t know? I told you it was an accident.” he says rocking back and forth on his heels.
“I'm not fucking stupid Namjoon. And I know when you’re lying. So, who the fuck is she, and how long has it been going on for. At least be honest with me.” you’re a lot more firmly so he knows that you are in fact hurt and angry and serious.
“She’s just a trainee from the company, her group will most likely have their debut next summer. About two months.” He says know crying and still not looking at you. As soon as you get your answer you start walking towards the door fighting back your tears so he doesn’t see how pathetic he’s made you feel. He pulls you to him, but you push him off, him stumbling to floor. He looks at you shocked 
“Don’t touch me.” is all you say. You walk out of the shared apartment as you walk to your car. You drive to your hotel that will be your home for a week or so. You wait in line to check in. You try not to think about the events that went down not so long ago. Again fighting back tears. 
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You wake up to an unfamiliar scenery of the room. Your mind rushing the horrible memories back only to have you bury yourself further into the comforter and groaning. Thank God you had two weeks off from shooting or you would be a wreck and have every one worried. 
your phone starts ringing, you answer not really looking at the caller ID, knowing it can’t be him because you blocked the asshole the second you settled into the room
“Hello,” you say, your voice a little husky from all the crying.
“Wow still asleep I hear.” the voice chuckles a bit. You go stiff as you hear Min Yoongi’s voice. “Tell Joonie-ah I’m waiting for him, please.” you can see his gummy smile from here. So Namjoon hasn’t told them yet. Of course not.
“I’m sorry I can’t I’m not with him.” I say harshly.
“Well when will you be home, he needs to...” you cut him off.
“I guess you didn’t hear me correctly. I am no longer with Kim Namjoon. You can find him yourself.” You say as calmly as you can.
“Wait, what the fuck happened.” he says more concerned.
“You need to ask him,” I say as I mess with the hem of the comforter. 
“Well I can’t. We were supposed to meet up for breakfast, but he never showed. And he won’t answer his phone.” He says.
“That’s not my problem. I’m sorry Mins.” You say. 
“Where are you. Can we talk?” he asks slowly not wanting to upset you.
“Yeah okay.” you say as you give him the hotel and room number your in.
An hour later, due to you being on the other side of town from him. You hear a knock and you head over to the door making sure it’s him and only him. You open the door and greet each other with a hug. He closes the door behind him as you sit in the middle of the bed. He looks around the room and sees all your belongings on the floor, couch, and even in the little kitchen space.  He sits cautiously on the couch. “So, what happened?” he asks quietly hoping not to upset you.
“He’s been cheating on me.” you simply say as if it was no big deal. 
He scrunches his face up. And looks at you as if you told him the sky was an olive green color.
“No, that can't be.” 
“What the fuck, of course it is. I found out and he told me so.” I say getting pissed by the second.
“How?” he asks slowly, barely a whisper looking at the floor.
“We were in the middle of.. of having sex and he called me her name.” you say the first part a little embarrassed, but then you were just ashamed saying it out loud. You start to cry softly hugging your knees, not being able to look at him so you close your eyes.
You fill a dip in the bed, but you still have your eyes closed as you feel Yoongi sitting at your side hugging you tightly that you also feel his legs wrap around you. You look at him and he starts to run the back of his hand on your check to rid some of your tears. Hugging him back as your legs wrap around his waist as you continue to cry. He strokes your hair, he feels so helpless and so sorry that you, of all people, have to go through this hurt. You both were in that position for a good moment before he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. It’s not your fault your dumbass friend can’t keep it in his pants.” you say sniffling, your chin against his shoulder as your arms are under his wrapping around his back. He chuckles at the last bit, slowly moving your head with his movements. Silence hits again, but it’s very comfortable. You think to yourself that you can’t wait to see the Min Yoongi settling down and just being so lovingly to his future girl, you smile at the last part. 
“I wouldn’t have done that to you.” he whispers again. You pull away looking at him wondering if he said what you think he said.
“What?” you whisper as well.
He looks down sheepishly. Then he looks back up at you, “I wouldn’t have done that to you. I should’ve told you how I felt a long time ago, but I saw how you were with him and who am I to make you decide between me and him.” he says still looking at you in the eyes. You stood still in your position just looking at him. You were definitely speechless.
Your fingers fidgeting with the hoodie of his sweater was a very good distraction before you spoke your next words. “Right, like I’m such a catch. Namjoon of all people got bored of me and had to find someone else. Hell he was even thinking of her as he fucked me. So no Mins, you don’t want me!” you say now sobbing again, looking down at your laps not wanting to face your closest friend. 
Yoongi gently pulls your face to look at him as his thumbs try to remove the streams running down your cheeks. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I love how your mind works and how smart you are when it comes to they way you think and speak. Your laugh, God your laugh can bring me to the happiest feeling in the world especially when you and Jin make those stupid non-funny jokes. But it’s hilarious to you and I love when I see that big smile on this face making you more beautiful, if that’s even possible. I hate seeing you feel so low. You are good enough, you are the type of woman that every guy should be after. Do you know how you .....” he says all the words that Namjoon hasn’t even said to you. Okay maybe half of the things. but still. You feel your heart skip a couple of times. You just want him to stop talking so you do you what you think is the easiest way. You press your soft lips against his. You sense the stillness due to being caught off guard, but he slowly starts to kiss you back. You move your hands from his back to his chest to around his neck, slipping your fingers through his hair tugging it a little as he slips his arms around your waist puling you closer to him so that your straddling him. 
He stops the kiss and you look at him confused, only to find him slowly lifting up your shirt, you raise your arms so he can fully take it off. He throws it behind and you start to take off his sweater and shirt at the same pace, throwing them in the same spot as yours. He takes your hand and pulls you off the bed with as you both strip each other from your clothes leaving you in your underwear and brawette and him in his briefs. You never realized how dimly lit the room was until now, just a little glow in the corner of the room, which indicated that hours has passed since Min Yoongi arrived. The moment he stopped kissing you til now, you guys never broke eye contact, until he gently grabbed your face to his to feel you again. His hands roaming over your body and one of your hands was at his chest, thumb running back and forth slowly, stroking his collarbone and the other arm over his shoulder as your hand was clinging to his hair once again. 
He slowly turns both of you and both fall on to the bed. Breaking the kiss as you both giggle from the impact . He stares into your eyes as his arm hooks around your waist and the other is supporting him and allowing him to move you both from the end to the start of the bed, right on the pillows. His torso on yours, his legs between yours. Arms on either side of you with one hand stroking your cheek. Your arms around his neck.
“I never thought you could get more beautiful, and yet here you are.” he says before he kisses every inch of your face. You giggle as a little hum comes from your throat as you feel his member hardening as it’s rubbing against your core. He soon finds his way to your lips but he slowly grazes them against yours only to say “are you sure you want this? We can stop and maybe talk if you want to.” He says looking you in the eyes so lovingly. You do what you think you should and you move you hips against him making him groan into you neck causing him to grind back, kissing your collarbone, up your jaw, to your lips. “Tease.” he smiles before he attaches your lips with his. 
Both of you are basically dry humping and neither of you can take it anymore. “Min Yoongi I need you to be inside of me now.” you say out of breath as you look at him. He nods, stopping his actions and sitting up right as you catch your breath and calm down as much as you can. He slides your panties down slowly as he kisses down your legs making you moan a little here and there. He gets off the bed so he can take off his briefs and drops both materials to the floor. You bring your legs up a little so they’re bent on the bed as he slowly gets back on the bed crawling over to you and you slowly open your legs as he gets closer to you. he’s between your legs now with his hands on either side of your waist. He, being the tease that he his is lick up your entrance to your clit and pulls on it making you jump, as you moan out his name. He smirks as he starts to kiss, lick, and even bite up your body making his way up to you. “Who’s the tease now?” you ask as faces you, grabbing your face and kissing you. 
“Are you ready?” he asks, his tone serious now.
“Yes I want you.” you say as you tangle your fingers in his hair once again.
He has a gummy smile as he kisses your lips, your jaw all the way to your neck. He lines himself up to meet your entrance, he slowly goes into you until you meet his base. You moan out, tightening your grip on his hair. He’s just as long as Najoom, but oh baby is Yoongi thicker than him. Yoongi starts thrusting into you slow but rough and God do you love it. He doesn’t do the little thrusts, no he’s full on deep into you that his balls hit against you. “Oh~ shit you feel so good around me baby.” he moans as he starts to bite at your neck. 
“”Fuck me,.... Yoongi.” You say as his speed starts to go faster little by little. 
He lifts himself up so that he’s on his knees and grabs you hips to meet his, not even slowing down his movements at all. And this position makes him feel even deeper inside of you. You grip the pillows as hard as you can, your eyes are rolling back as your about to reach you high, but you’re trying your hardest to keep it all in.
“Baby girl you look so innocent from here. I love you like this.” Yoongi says as he pounds harder into you. He starts to rub your clit so slowly, starting to give you that feeling of ecstasy, that you’ve been missing for a while now. “I’m so close Y/N, Fuck, you’re too beautiful.”
You look up at him. You both are staring into each others eyes as if looking into each others souls. “Yoongi, I’m so close..... Fuck baby.” You say. He places your bottom half back on the bed and meets you face to face kissing you, not even slowing his pace. 
“Let’s cum together.” He says in between kisses. You both can’t take it anymore as you both are spilling onto each other . After you ride out both your highs, he starts to slow down his thrusts, then slowly pulls out, making you both hiss at the empty feeling. He kisses you, with even more meaning behind it. you wrap your arms around his back bringing him closer to you. ‘How can a man ever get bored of this?!’ he thinks to himself. 
He moves his body so that he’s besides you. You turn and face him, not wanting to miss anything he does. He grabs for the messy duvet and pulls it over the both of you. He caresses you cheek, then slides his hand down your body to meet your waist and pulls you close to his chest as you tangle your legs with his. You hug him and plant kisses all over his chest and neck. He chuckles a little then kisses your hair. “Maybe we should get some rest baby.” he says as he feels your attack on his chest and neck start to slow down. You nod your head at his request as you feel sleep taking over you, pulling him closer to you if that’s even possible.
What felt like an hour had passed, Yoongi is still awake. He’s just replaying the scenes of you and him finally being intimate with each other, and he’s also worried that when tomorrow comes, you’ll realize what you have done and regret it, because he is still friends, and bandmates with Namjoon. He moves himself away from you, just a little bit so that he could so your beautiful face, he grazes your cheek with the back of his hand then puts a piece of hair behind your ear, he then kisses your face. He feels you nuzzling your head in the space between his chest and neck and pulling him closer to your body. He just smiles at you, wrapping his arm around your back, letting sleep finally consume him.
So yeah. What do you think. I’ve checked it like a billion times so there shouldn’t be any mistakes, if there is then I am so sorry. But I am in the process of writing part 2 which will be called Unholy so please look forward to it. And please let me know how I’m doing with my writing, I just wanna know that I’m at least getting better at it. Thank you again for the ones who do read my work.
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imaginekpoplikethis · 7 years
Mixing it up - Troublemaker! Min Yoongi X Reader - Part 1
Hey hey heyyyy! I’m back with a new series and I’m going to be honest with you guys, it’s similar to 7 Years in the sense that Yoongi is a ‘'Bad Boy’ but of course I won’t make anything the same, that wouldn’t be fun to read.
So would you believe this part has been sitting in my fics drafts since the beginning of this tumblr?
I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as enjoyed writing the first part and I’m sorry that I posted the preview so early because I know loads of you have been waiting for it to start. 💖 (This part turned out shorter than usual but don’t worry because it’s just the beginning!)
 Let’s get on with it! 
Preview  Part 1 - Here  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11 - Final
Most people would believe that by going to an all girls school, you would be a stuck-up bitchy individual who only cared about herself and although that described quite a few girls in your school, you were not included. You couldn’t be included in this group with your status. You were Y/F/N, the most envied girl in the school. It wasn’t due to your wealth because you weren’t among the students who were able to call their family first class citizens. It definitely wasn’t due to fame. It was merely because no matter how much one may try, it was nearly impossible to dislike you. You were often described as a simple natural beauty with a heartwarming smile and beautiful personality so many found it hard to find a reason to dislike you. These reasons led you to gaining the title of the purest student. Of course no one called you that straight to your face. That would be awkward.
“Suhyun, are we still going to the library later today?” You addressed the brunette girl who sat beside you in class. Geum Suhyun was your closest friend and you considered her family as you had been friends for years. She was always there to help you when you were feeling down or were going through a dilemma. She turned towards you and smiled, her dimples showing.
“Yep! Then later the sleepover at my house.” You nodded your head, returning her smile with one of your own.
“Ah! You’re so cute Y/N!” She proceeded to squeeze your cheeks and you slapped her hands away, sighing.
“I’m not an innocent child. Treat me normally please.” Suhyun just laughed and tilted her head at you. “Oh, I know you’re not as innocent as you look. You have a really bad temper so it’s scary when you’re angry.”
What Suhyun had said was true. Despite what people thought of you, they also knew about the rumours of your bad temper. Some chose to dismiss it whilst others kept their distance and you were glad as it avoided any trouble. Rumours ranged from having heated arguments with people to having full blown fights. You couldn’t say none of them were true because, contrary to popular belief, some of them were.
Your class’s teacher dismissed you and it was then you realised how much time you had spent lost in your thoughts. Standing up and gathering your things, you followed Suhyun out of class.
Making your way down the familiar streets of the city, you shared a light conversation with Suhyun. It was when the library was in sight that the cheerful atmosphere dispersed. A boys voice called out to both of you and you internally groaned.
“Hey there, baby.” Your sarcastic side surfaced and you placed a hand on your head, pretending to search for someone in the distance. After a few seconds, you turned towards the group of boys the voice had emerged from and shrugged your shoulders.
“Sorry, I couldn’t see your baby anywhere.” You were mentally patting your back at your quick thinking when Suhyun tugged on your arm and whispered to you.
“Y/N, what are you doing? Just ignore him, can’t you see that that’s Min Yoongi’s gang?” The name Min Yoongi rang a bell and it wasn’t until you actually took in his appearance that you realised who he was. Min Yoongi was a notorious school boy, kind of like you in a sense except it was for the wrong reasons. He was known to be all kinds of a trouble maker that swept girls off their feet, with his bad boy charm. He attended a mixed high school only 15 minutes from your own which allowed the students to terrorise the girls from your school on a weekly basis. Snapping out of your thoughts you glared at the smirking boy, obviously taking your staring as a compliment. Quite frankly, you couldn’t take him seriously, not with his mint coloured hair, multiple ear piercings and baby face.
In other words, you didn’t classify him or his friends as a threat.
“Wow. Didn’t think you had it in you princess.” The one who had addressed you chuckled to himself, taking a step forward. “My name is Kim Taehyung, but you can call me V.” You merely stared at him before you grabbed Suhyun’s hand, turned on your heel and walked towards the library.
“She’s cute.” That was the last thing said by Taehyung and you scrunched your nose in agitation. If you had bothered to give them a second glance, you would have noticed the intense stare coming from Yoongi.
Waking up at Suhyun’s house on Saturday morning, you discovered you were alone in her room. Trudging downstairs you spotted Suhyun sitting down eating breakfast, watching the news intently. When she had noticed your presence, she ushered you over and pointed at the television screen.
“That school Min Yoongi goes to was on fire yesterday after school. They’re investigating the cause.” You scoffed at the last sentence.
“If anything it was probably him. He’s practically out of control.” Suhyun nodded her head in agreement, taking another bite out of her cereal. “Yeah, but I feel sorry for them. I hope they find somewhere to study…”
You were not a heartless person so of course you felt the same. This time you nodded in agreement with Suhyun.
You take back what you said.
Walking back into school on Monday, you received news you wish no one would ever have to receive. It effectively killed the positive mood you were in when you first entered the classroom.
“Wait, so half of their school is merging with ours? How does that even work?” Suhyun was deep in contemplation whilst you just glared at nothing in particular.
“Does that even matter? The real question is why us?” You knew the answer was obvious but you refused to accept the current situation. “Maybe because they are literally down the street from us?” You dropped your head onto the table and let out a hiss of pain at the harsh contact it made.
“Ah! Y/N be careful.” Suhyun bent her head to assess the damage you had done as you sighed. You couldn’t believe what kind of luck you had. This had to be Karma. What in gods name did you do in your last life to deserve this?
By the time lunch had rolled around it was the topic of everyone’s conversations. There were mixed opinions on the matter but the majority were, surprisingly, excited for this change. This is what happens when one attends an all girls school. They began to get desperate and if it was not for the fact that you had self respect, you were pretty sure you’d be too.
When your last lesson had finally came Suhyun had all but skipped to your desk.
“Let’s go out for bubble tea after school!” Suhyun’s energetic side had come to light as she bounced up and down, eyes gleaming. She knew bubble tea was your weakness. You cracked a small, innocent smile at her.
“You’re paying.”
She immediately stopped jumping and the gleam in her eyes disappeared. You had successfully killed her mood. You knew she would give in, bubble tea was her favourite too, after all.
“Fine… you’re paying next time though.” You shook hands to seal the deal just as your teacher began the final lesson of the day.
As soon as school had finished, you found yourself being dragged down the street by none other than Suhyun. She knew very well how busy the bubble tea café got after school and she refused to wait in line for more than 10 minutes.
When you had arrived, you quickly bought your drinks and sat on the stools by the window table. Making conversation for the whole time was what you had intended to do until you heard someone tap on the window. Looking out the window, you found none other than Min Yoongi staring back, a smirk plastered on his face.
You scowled at him and glanced at Suhyun who had confusion written in her face. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him leave and you let out a light sigh of relief. Your happiness was short lived, however, as a tap on your shoulder had you turning around, only to come face to face with Yoongi.
“Hey. It’s rude to ignore a friend.” A scoff escaped your lips. “Since when are we friends? I don’t ever recall having a conversation with you.” He rolled back on the balls of his feet and stuffed his hand into his pockets.
“Taehyung considers you his friend and any friend of his is a friend of mine.” You rolled your eyes in disbelief.
“Again, I don’t remember becoming friends with Taehyung.” He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by his phone ringing. His eyebrows furrowed as he pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at the Caller id. He returned his attention to you and began walking backwards, not breaking eye contact.
“See you in school tomorrow, ‘princess’.” He shot you a wink and left the café. You could only stare after him in irritation.
“Who does he think he’s calling princess? And 'See me in school tomorrow?’” Suhyun’s giggle broke your train of thought and you whipped your head in her direction.
“What’s so funny?” She placed her head on the palm of her hand and studied you, slowly sipping her drink. “For a second, you two looked like a cute couple.” Needless to say, you ended up hitting your head off a table again except this time groaning In dread. That was something you definitely did not want to hear.
Your life was becoming interesting and you couldn’t tell if this was a good or bad thing.
Tomorrow you would be sharing a school with probably the worst teenagers in the city. You just prayed he wasn’t among them.
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irastayshome · 5 years
Ibrahim's birth
Ibrahim arrived in this world on 21st January 2017. Back then, we were lucky to afford a doula because I was hella nervous about the whole birthing process and tbh my head wasnt in the game because of all the stress at work. After the 'hard part' was over, and as I held my son, I vividly remember my doula saying that the easy part was over and the hard part of being a parent has just begun. I thought it was a joke at the time because, well, what could be harder than pushing a 3 kg baby out of your vagina? 2 yrs and 6mths on, I have mentally kicked myself in the head for taking my doula's words lightly. These days, I consider it a win when I do not raise my voice or completely lose my sh** and raise my hands at my son. I keep needing reminders of what it took to get him into this world and the many moments we failed him along the way so that I do not be complacent and mistreat him.
So I thought I might write his birth story down after all. Didn't really wanna remember all the details of something that feels rather insignificant now, but some days at home are just rough and a good reminder is useful.
19 January 2017. I had been on maternity leave for a week, but only just completed my case transfers from home. My mamamia had been insisting that I sleep over her place once a week for the last trimester on Hasyali's night shifts. I didnt mind at all, because my r/s with my parents have improved significantly after moving out. Distance is truly necessary sometimes.
It finally dawned upon me that I was due in a week. Being last minute as I always am, I tried to 'catch up' on the squats that my doula/birth educator had been reminding us to do at 9 pm. But really, i was just doing it for fun cause like it would make any difference at 39 weeks, esp since ive been treating my body like crap while handing over my work the last few weeks. Planned to youtube more exercises to speed up labour etc etc but fell into the rabbit hole of "natural birth positions" and "painfree birth vlogs" and before I knew it, I was hooked on the Midwives yt tv series till i fell asleep at 5 am. Damn youtube.
20th January 2017. 7 am. Felt like I ate something so bad and had to do a big one. And so I did, groggily, and went back to sleep. Feeling so smug that I could finally sleep in on a weekday. 9 am. What is going on with my bowels??? Tried to recall what I ate last night, but dont care just sleep after the business. 10.30 am. Sat up and mentally admitted that those horrid pains at the bottom of my tummy could actually be contractions! Trying to keep cool, I ate breakfast quickly, trying to mask my ronyok face each time the tightenings came by because nyayi was there and I just did not wanna tell my family. pretty sure they would have shipped me off to the hospital immediately.
Took cab back at 12.30pm and smsed hubs about the contractions, saying it could potentially be the real thing. But not sure, so I timed them in the cab. 10 mins apart. regular. oh crap its happening. Got home, discovered the bloody show. So yup i got my confirmation. Smsed hubs a photo of it but told him to just take it easy, go solat Jumaat and just slowly pack his bag aftee. He just got off his night shift so he probably hasnt slept at all. Told doula Kak Hajjar about whats going on, and was advised to just relax and walk2 until i cant talk anymore from the pain. Hubs came back, and i took off on a birth walk alone around the estate. Every few mins, I just stopped and breathed deeply, sorely regretting not pestering my hubs to come along bcoz adoi sakit and nothing to squeeze or hold on to. and in the 3 pm sun no less.
Came back, started panicking when i realised hubs belum pack!! what is it with men and last minute packing?? feeling annoyyed bcoz im about to do some serious work but he cant even get started on packing. but ok takpe, got in the shower to cool down and to relieve the pain while he packed. Contractions were now 4 mins apart, but I could still talk. NUH told me to come in now. Doula told me to wait till i cant talk. The kancong me decided to go anyway, worried about the rush hour jam on the start of a weekend.
Arrived at NUH at 6 pm, realising that id skipped lunch. I was hungry, and oh no so damn sleepy bcoz i barely slept the night before! Damn youtube. Ate mr bean pancake with hubs. Met doula who told.me i dont look like its time bcoz i could talk and joke about. I admit i secretly thought that it was because i had a high tolerance for pain hahahaha joke. Entered the delivery ward at 7 pm, was 4 cm dilated. Yay! but wait what, all that pain and only 4 cm? oh no.
So began the longest night of my life. Doulla massaged my back and did hip squeezes through contractions, and I occasionally swayed while standing with hubs. These two were just incredible birth partners. My labour pains were rough at the front, but damn the back labour pains were friggin insane! Felt like maybe I had tentacles trying to burst out of my spine and turn into Doc Ock.
At some point, i remember just saying random supplications and feeling so regretful that i had not rehearsed what selawats I wanted to read in those moments bcoz my head was really jammed up trying to manage the pain. By 3 am my body felt like it had gone through a marathon and i really did fall asleep between contractions out of sheer exhaustion. It was exhausting to just tahan the pain.
By 4 ish am (hazy on the details by now), a VE confirmed I was 9 cm dilated. At this point I was already vomitting and my head hurt so much from tahaning the pain. I remembered thinking, or maybe even saying out loud, that I wanted them to cut the baby out. Im pretty sure I was transitioning at that point but I didnt know bcoz my mind was too panicky. They told me the head was still too high to push, so they offered to burst my waterbag, but said theres no assurance it would bring the head down but wld certainly intensify the contractions. I was pretty sure I would pass out if they intensified, out of exhaustion. and never mind that I was barely able to wake up btwn contractions due to my flu and fever (yes ARGH hate flu during labour). So I refused and waited for news that im fully dilated.
6 am. Still at 9 cm. My head was thinking "how long did Kak Hajjar say transitions lasted again?? takkan lama gini??" This time, my mental strength just gave way. I screamed for an epidural. I remember feeling so terrified that my baby would be stuck while im pushing, because I had zero energy left. Fatigued from the pain and the fever, I pleaded for an epidural again n again. I rmbr my doula, my husband, the nurses all giving me such kind words of support, saying ive gone si far and am at the last lap, and encouraged me to stick to my birth plan of going without medication. But I was too defeated by exhaustion and just wanted to sleep. Hahahaha. Like i literally said "yang, i nak tido" and started to cry.
So they called in the anesthesiologist (dunno the spelling). While he prepped the long-ass needle, I felt a huge gush of warm water down there. My waters broke. At this point I could have just waited for the head to descend, but I was too tired and looking forward to a promised 2 hour rest before pushing. So I kept quiet about it. I was in tears, out of disappointment at myself for not being able to ride out the exhaustion. But my doula was so kind and reminded me that God is the best of planners, and perhaps this was the way for me to achieve a natural birth still and avoid any emergency csection if I could not push. The nurses too were angels, and kept assuring me I had tried really hard for a long time and shouldn't beat myself up. And so I slept. That was the best 2 hour sleep of my life. pretty sure I snored and drooled, in the presence of my doula. Nak kata paiseh but nah I was too tired to care, and all modesty had left the room hours ago.
8 am. Woken up by cheerful nurses who told me it was time to start pushing. I just wanted to sleep in longer, but then I remembered oh ya baby is still inside. That epidural was gooooood. So began pushing. It felt so weird pushing when I cant feel anything moving down there. They had to tell me when to push i.e. when contractions came, and kept telling me I was pushing wrong and i had to do it as how i would when pooping. I suddenly didnt know how pooping felt like anymore. Kept pushing for an hour plus, but apparently the head keeps going back in. My husb and I had affectionately named our foetus "jubjub", just to avoid calling it the baby during the pregnancy. and my doula joked that perhaps the baby keeps going back in bcoz we named him jubjub like the muppet from Hi-5 that likes to peekaboo around. haha that was a good one.
My gynae finally came in around 9.30 am ish. She told me that I had to do an episiotomy to help push the baby out. My husband stopped her and told her to let me continue trying. But eventually she kept persisting and my husband apparently could not tahan seeing me push so hard anymore (he said the veins on my face look like they were gonna burst). So he agreed. The moment she cut, I pushed and felt the head empty out of me. I thought that was weird cause I was on epidural, but apparently they reduced the dose while pushing. A few more pushes later, I heard it. Ibrahim's first cries. The nurses and my doula congratulating me. My husband telling me I did it and he was proud of me. But mainly, Ibrahim's cries. 21st January 2017, at 10.03am.
They placed him on my chest. I cried. and cried. And i thought he was the most perfect thing I could ever hold in this world.
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Dearest Ibrahim, a mother can love her husband out of choice, but theres simply no choice in this love I have for you. It is so raw and intense and relentless, that Im so consumed by it from the moment I held you. There are days, now, when I feel your anger towards me because I am so hard on you, especially since im not very good at coping with the two of you. But I hope you never feel that I love you any less when I get angry. and I hope you truly forgive me when you give me a hug after I apologise each time for beating you. You deserve so much better, and i'll keep striving to be a better mother to you and adik.
Ok bye. Am gonna cry my eyes out now. Damn birth stories.
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onstates-blog · 7 years
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29.08.17 A 6:45am wake up call was seemingly a breeze bearing in mind we were both awake before the alarm even sounded. We got up, ate breakfast, drank juice and coffee, made sure our sweet treats that we bought from Bunners yesterday were safely packed and headed to the city bike dock down the road. I don't know if we have already talked about the city bikes over here or not, but let me just say, they are awesome. It's super cheap at around 9 quid for three days worth of use. The hire includes as many 30 minute journeys as you want across the time you have hired them for, there are docks on nearly every block so you could literally cycle on them all day and just keep docking and taking a new one if you so wished. You wouldn't need to do this though as you can get in to and around the city so quickly. The roads and drivers over here are super cycle friendly and the bikes are well equipped with a basket and lights. ANYWAY... so we got on our bikes and set off for the station! I was surprised to see how many people were heading to work at 7:20 in a morning and also slightly embarrassed that I had chosen to wear a slightly shorter dress than was maybe totally appropriate for a bike ride after reasoning with myself that there would be no one around at that time in the morning! Not to worry though as I had a trusty scarf with me that came to the rescue to alter my outfit slightly! Once in Union Station we headed to our train gate and got in line to have our tickets and our photo ID checked as the train we were on goes across the American / Canadian border. The train journey was pleasant, the conductor was v. likeable - he seemed like a guy who just liked to get stuff done while being polite and jolly, and I like that in a person! I have just tweeted the rail company to pass on my like too. We listened to a podcast, ate our snacks and drank some more coffee (we like ☕) The train we were travelling on was an AMTRAK service in partnership with the Canadian rail service VIA. 10 minutes before the train arrived at Niagara the conductor went through each carriage to explain that the train would stop twice, once for the American operators to take over the journey and secondly for us leaving the train at the Canadian side of the falls to get off. Weird huh? Once off the train we decided to walk for around 40 mins along the elevated river path to the actual waterfalls. The river is the most intense blue/green/turquoise colour you can imagine and moves so so fast. We could hear the waterfalls before we could see them which just added to the excitement of actually being there. It wasn't long before we could see them too and they were AMAZING! Straight away you can tell that the Canadian side of the falls (and view) is much much MUCH more impressive than that on the American side. We went straight to buy our tickets for the boat ride in to the falls and quickly walked through the maze of ropes and walkways down to the jetty. We picked up our bright red ponchos on the way and made sure we took loads of photos looking like complete dorks and then got on the boat. I instantly felt sick and was genuinely regretting getting on board but then the excitement took over and I kinda forgot about it until the end of the trip. WE GOT SO WET ON THE BOAT! I mean, we were expecting to get wet, they give you ponchos for gods sake but they don't cover your whole body. Our shoes were soaked through and so were Owens jeans and shirt sleeves! It turned out that even though the dress wasn't a good choice for cycling it was perfect for chasing waterfalls! The boat trip lasted around 30 minutes and we motored past the American falls and in to the horseshoe (because of the shape of it) falls on the Canadian side. There was a brief audio description in which it let us know that Canada is very proud of its superior water feature and informed us that it is predicted that the American falls won't actually be there much longer and they would instead become a series of rapids due to the force of the water eroding the cliff edge. The boat went what felt like so far in to the mist of the horseshoe falls and it was exhilarating to see and hear all the water whooshing over the edge and down in to the river. We motored back to the dock and disembarked, our legs feeling a bit wobbly, we decided to sit down for a bit, have another snack (crisps) dry off a little bit and calm down from all the fun. Then we began to make our way down to the waterfall on foot to get a view of it from above. We were glad that we kept our ponchos as the mist from the fall was blowing up so high it genuinely felt like it was raining and every now and again when the wind died down it would stop! From here you can see down in to the river and we watched the boats moving around down there. It became quite obvious from this angle that we hadn't gone very far in to the waterfall at all! As we were soaked again we decided to grab some lunch and ate it outside. We listened to some people who were on a trip with 'Diamond Tours' that seemed very friendly with each other, I assume that happens as you get older, there would be no way on earth that I would be inviting some strangers to sit and talk to me. We moved on to a sun spot to dry out and eat some fruit. We thought for a while about doing another Niagara Falls attraction 'journey behind the falls' where you go down nearer the base of the waterfall and get soaked in a yellow poncho or to go up the Skylon tower to get a view from a higher perspective. We decided on neither and opted to sit in the sun and enjoy the view from where we were. We had a couple of hours to spare until the train home and we decided to walk across a bridge until we got to the border controlled section, little did we know that we had to show our passports before even entering the bridge so we decided not to just in case they wouldn't let us back in. There is literally no reason why this would have happened but we decided that the faff wasn't worth walking half way over a bridge. In the end this actually worked out for the best as we got to witness a kid cycling around a park fall off his bike about 5 times. He wasn't hurt, he was fully protected from these falls (helmet, knee and elbow pads) and he always got straight back on, only to topple off it 30 seconds later! I know you shouldn't laugh at things like this but, nah, of course you should, laugh the kind of laughter that makes tears roll down your face, laughter that makes you unable to breath... or maybe Owen and I are just cruel? We then walked up the Niagara Strip which is genuinely terrifying. I guess Niagara is a bit like a mix between Scarborough and Las Vegas in the sense of it's literally got everything, casinos, water parks, waxwork museums, fun houses, dungeons, tat shops etc etc etc. We did not like this and began to slowly walk back to the station for our 17:45 train back to Toronto. The conductor had warned us in the morning that the train is usually delayed leaving the station on an evening, this is because the train station effectively becomes the border between Canada and America. Therefore anyone who boarded the train in America needed to go through customs! This has to be done before anyone can board the train! The delay was only 15 minutes and we were on our way home with another podcast to listen to, seats reclined and footrests up! Once back in Toronto we headed to a supermarket to grab some food and drink for tea, headed to the bikes and cycled home, stopping on a bridge on the way to get a photo of the CN Tower lit up against the night sky! Back in the apartment we had a quick tea, drank some beer and cider, washed the day off us and collapsed in a heap in bed! N x
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batsysims · 7 years
I was tagged by @tickledsims ty ily!!
1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? CLOSED when i was younger my little sister had a baby doll that would talk on its own at night and we called it the demon baby and hooooly shit
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? i dont take those bc my hair cant take cheap hair products but i do take the soaps!!
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? i put the mattress cover sheet thingy on my bed but i dont use an actual sheet :/
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? YES i love using office supplies i could spend all day at staples omg
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? no lol but il save the lil receipt coupons and find them in my wallet months after they expire
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? yep!! i love them its why im scared to use foundation i dont wanna lose em
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? i either smile or if my moms takin the pic il make a stupid face 
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? i have terrible road rage...... um........... i also hate it when men interrupt me i just walk away at that point 
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? yeah i pretty much count everything
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? i dont think so??
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? i have an eating dance, a drinking dance, and a video game playing dance hahaa
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? yes ugh it annoys me but i cant stop
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? i think its a single? a single or a twin either way im miserable send help
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? ummm probably You by Weird Milk?? its the most recent song i added on spotify so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? yeah def unless its one of those “real men wear pink shirts” like just.... stop
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? sometimes my sister makes me watch stevens universe?? il watch phineas and ferb too bc honestly who doesnt anime too but not always cartoon ones or w/e
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? 2001: A Space Odyssey and Daughters of the Dust come to mind
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? u kno where ;) no how big is the treasure?? if its a lil bit id put it in that drawer under the oven bc my family never uses that but if its BIG TREASURE id hide it in the backyard of the last house i lived in bc a. nobody lives there now and 2. its totally overrun with green bc of like two floods
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? water! only water ever
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? honey if theyre mcnuggets but other than that i use honey mustard!
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? honestly Inception is my feel-good movie
28. WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? i was in girl scouts much longer than i ever wanted to be lmao WISH i coulda done BOY SCOUTS
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? if cash is involved absolutely
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? no but i can watch
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? when i first got my license yea :( 15 yr olds are dum
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? twice! very good memories
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? the all star breakfast at waffle house yasssss
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? honestly like 9 since i always have to wake up at 7 in the am but il stay up til 11 if i can
37. ARE YOU LAZY? absolutely when have ACTIVE ppl done ANYTHING
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? i was usually a cat bc i never could find a costume i liked smh but when i was 2 i went as winnie the pooh lmao
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? just english but im tryna learn spanish and japanese and im fluent in french if a two year olds speech patterns can be considered as such
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? LEGOS lincoln logs are big with nostalgia thoooo
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? with dumb shit yeah but i usually just dont care enough abt stuff to deal
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN? theyre both old idc
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? not really tbh i like the adrenaline
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? if im alone!! nobody deserves to hear that
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? when im in the drive thru haaaa
50. EVER USED A GUN? id like to go to a shooting range some time but ive never used one im also very anti gun so i probs would never buy one unless it was a cute lil glock i can handle well
51. LAST TIME YOU GOT A PORTRAIT TAKEN BY A PHOTOGRAPHER? st patricks day it wasnt technically for me tho
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? not in general but when ppl start obsessing over a certain one for months on end abt a certain time period and certain performers and certain songs and certain people of history i start wanting ppl to die
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? my sisters obsessed with them so yea but never like. authentic polish potato pockets or anything just a frozen box of em
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? apple?? im not rly into pie tbh
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? ive wanted to go into law enforcement/criminology my whole life!! for a sec i wanted to be a firefighter, a journalist/writer/poet, and some sort of artist but u know how kids are
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? i tried to find that clip from malcolm in the middle for like ten mins but i couldnt yea
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? doesnt everyone tho?
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? no im a bad adult
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? im not rich!!
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? usually just my undies but when im living with other people il wear a soft shirt and my dc heroes pajama bottoms ayyy
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? ive never been to one! i was gonna go see metallica in baltimore but i moved before i could smh
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? walmart sry targets cool but too much money!!! i go there for home things tho does kmart still exist
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? ADIDAS ive been trying to get a full adidas tracksuit for YEARS
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? fritos! i like the super hot cheetos tho
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? Nope but they must be good im keepin @tickledsims response bc it made me laugh
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? when i was a lil babu i took ballet and gymnastics a lil later
70. IS THERE A PROFESSION YOU PICTURE YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE DOING? i hope to never have a spouse  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? ive actually never even had a spelling bee im sure theyre a myth
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? nahhhhh
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? no but i had a roommate who did i fell in love
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? yeah ok lol so one time when i was a sophomore my french teacher had to use a substitute teacher and hes the reason i believe in love at first sight im STILL in love with him wtf ive also had a bf haha im hilarious
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? i dont really do concerts so i couldnt say but i think matd would be fun!!
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? hot!!!!
81. TEA OR COFFEE? coffee!!!!!!
82. SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? i dont rly like either but i prefer snickerdoodles over sugar
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? i can only do that weird frog swim i forget what its called so no im shit at it
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? if im able to distract myself?? it also depends on the severity of what im waiting on i guess
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? probs a band i guess i dont rly think abt that kinda stuff sry
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? when i was four i won a coloring contest at the ice cream store
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? i can knit but i cant crochet
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? fckn bathroom
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? not rly unless its a partnership longlasting romance stresses me out especially with financial responsibility etc
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? my high school boyfriend hahaaa h,,,,
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? nope! lmao i love her tho
98. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? red but i also like many others??? idk
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? ummm not rly?? im not close enough to anyone to miss them and those i am close to im able to hang with
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? god uhhh if you havent done it already and want to, @dreambot @nebula-simms @ellowynsims and @pixelbloom
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thorsgirl5 · 7 years
An og
Chapter 1: *Beep! Beep! Beep!* Ugh that stupid alarm clock grr! Make it stop!! Okay fine! I’m up you stupid thing s are you happy now?! Hitting the clock till it finally mutes, but I know my second alarm clock is already down-stairs and making break-feast down-stairs R”Sam? Hunny? Breakfast is ready come on hop to it Matty will be here any min so you need to get up and don’t make come up there Sam?!” S” Mom I hear you I’m almost done oh ma?” R”yes?” S”uhh where’s my leather jacket?” R”on the hook right by the door so stop hollering in this house you’ll wake your father up before I get the chance to.” I could hear my mother walk up the stairs and going into their bed-room to wake up my dad. Then the doorbell starts going off that means Matty’s here I run down the stairs and swing open the door and see matty smiling he looks so cute when he smiles M” good morning Sammy” S” hi matty come on in sit eat mingle so how was your summer?” M”the days I didn’t spend with you? They were life-life, dead, horrible!” Such a little charmer I got it man you should join the drama” M”nah they make you wear tights” S”Sit I’ll be right back” Matty makes his way over to the table and starts to peel an orange running up the stairs I pass my parents there so close its weird but a good kind of weird I hope I find love like that someday R"Samantha 2 minutes that’s all your getting did you hear me Sam? Two then I’m sending matt up to drag you down.” S”I got it I’ll be right back.” R” She’s just like her father running around frantic always looking for something then never finding it and screaming to me asking where it is this is a mad house.” L”Oh? Are you calling me mad?” R”If the straight jacket fits oh matt do you mind it’s been far more than 2 minutes.” M”not at all.” Man I can’t find those stupid socks where did I put them? Ah-ha! Now to find my….M”shoes? There by the door now Ms. Sam we got to go we can’t be late on our first day back as SENIORSSS!! So would you please hurry upp?!!” S”don’t rush me Matthew because that will only make me go slower.” L”Sam? Matt? Come on your going to be late move your butts!!” M”okay thanks Mr.C. we’ll be right down. See Sam now your dads telling us to go and you know if that happens were running late look I got your bag so let’s move.” S”no.” M” I wasn’t asking” matty and I lock eyes,hes serious but I’m not afraid of matty he’s not that tough I can take him besides this won’t be the first time matty and I wrestle we just haven’t in about 5-10 years so this should be very interesting . S”well what are you going to do about it? I’m not afraid of you matty and nothing you do can surprise me so go ahead and try I dare ya.” Matty just smirked at me and dropped my bag O.K. now he’s walking toward me S”what?” matty grinned and bent down a few inches so were at eye level since he’s so tall M”are you sure you don’t want to give? I’m stronger than you Sammy so pick you can walk or be forced.” S”you don’t scare me.” M”ok.” Before I could react matty had me over his shoulder then grabbed my bag and started down the stairs S”ugh! Matt let me down now.” M”no.” S”matt this isn’t fun at all let me down!” M”nah.” S”Matthew James Bluetomson you let me down right now or I’m going hurt you!” R”Good job matty.” L”doesn’t that remind you of someone?” R”yeah you!” S”what?” R”when we were young your father would always do that to me he loved being crazy like that it was so sweet.” L’yeah I’m adorable I know okay matt set her down you’ll need to get going.” R”he’s right kids okay Sam don’t forget yours keys.” Matty set me back on the ground and once he did I punched him in the stomach he acted like it hurt what a liar put my shoes/jacket on then ran out it’s like in the 40s right now the perfect weather if it rains it could snow. M”okay lets go.” S”we are getting in the car.” M”nope look what my dad gave me!!.” Matty moved and I saw his pop’s costume Harley chopper he’s had since before we were born. Matty’s been asking for the bike for 3 years and finally he’s got it, his dream bike. M”well don’t just stand there get on oh wait here.” Matty tosses me a helmet S”were taking your bike?” M”duh! So come on get on.” Matty gets on the bike and pats the seat behind him before putting on his helmet M”come on Sam we’re going to be late let’s go. It’s safe don’t worry I know how to ride a bike you’ll be safe with me oh unless you’re scared!” S”Scared? Me? Ha I laugh at danger hahaha were going.” I put the helmet on some how it fits perfectly odd.. And get on the back and hold onto the seat but that doesn’t work once matty hits the gas I almost fall off so I wrap my arms around his waist and hold on he chuckles. It only takes a little less than 15 minutes to get to school once we find our Senior Parking spot matty helps me off the bike and takes the helmet to put on the handle bars. Walking up to our school, Creek-Hill home of the black/red ravens the alma mater of our parents I think my mom was actually the one who got them to change the colors which are so much better than the ones before. Green and purple bleh! Our last year will be amazing I hope unless I get lost or expelled M”Sammy? Come back to earth, we got to go to the gym to pick up our schedules.” S”im right behind you.” M”well I couldn’t see you you’re so tiny here.” Matty put his hand out and I hesitated before I took it M”wouldn’t want you getting lost or separated from me.” We walk to the gym hand in hand it’s so strange how my hand was so cold now it’s warm like the rest of me now where the hell is the gym? Oh duh Sam your standing in it matty lets go and we separate to our lines to get our schedules my line is so short I’m done and on the bleachers in no time now to just wait for matty moments later he’s found me S”switch whoa matty we have 4 out of our 5 together and early release for the last 2 looks like you won’t be able to get away from me.” M”wouldn’t dream of it oh there’s Ed lets go say hi before school starts pleasseee.” S”fine fine.” Walking back into the cold was a core shock my whole body got cold at once L”why hello seniors! Welcome back!” M” Eddie was up? How is my sister treating you? Wait why are you two even here?” L”the principal called and asked if we’d be willing to help out on the first day why is it odd having your older sister here? I’d never want to embarrass the lovely couple on the first day back” Lilly liked to tease matty and I about being the cutest couple she’s ever seen little stuff like that but it’s funny how neither of us ever thought “huh maybe we would be good together.” It never seemed to cross out minds accept for today both matty and I were thinking what it would be like it seems like it would be pleasant, and that it would last forever. L” okay don’t think so hard on the first day you’ll die okay pass them over I need to see who’s your teachers.” Lilly takes both of our schedules and looks them over with Edward E” all your teachers are fine accept this new guy you have Sam I’ve never had him he’s new I hope he’s cool or matty here will have to take him to school.” M”I would not hit a teacher id get arrested.” L”not even if he was messing with Sammy?” matty looked over to me thinking of a scenario to cause him to hit a teacher M”okay yeah id slug a teacher if he was, he better not mess with Sam or there will be a very big problem and he does not want that.” L”aw how protective you are of your women how sweet!” matty and I just look at each other then quickly look away L”well Edward I think we’ve caused enough problems around here so I think we’ll be going, good luck guys have a great year!” M”bye! Okay so Ms. Sam shall we go find our lockers?” S”yes we shall Mr. Matty I think there in the 100 building.” Matty walked a little ahead of me and opened the door M”after you.” S”such a gentlemen you mama raised you right.” M”hush up and walk already.” I <3 having matty around he’s my best-friend in the whole universe even if we are polar opposite in looks he’s me in a guy’s body and I’m him in a girls. Matty is 6’4, has brown eyes and hair, he’s more of a tanner complexion and he is built like a monster very muscular, and I guess he’s the tall, dark and handsome every girl is looking for, but most of all matty is the sweetest guy you could ever meet. We’ve lived across street for just over 15 years. We’ve been besties since year 3 but I am older than matty but not by much just a month he hates when I brag about it he just frowns and pouts like a little boy it’s so cute, matty is so cute and as for me I’m 5’7 typical blonde hair blued eyed girl accept my hair has black tips and I’m pale like Edward Cullen pale but I don’t sparkle and I’m tough as nails I don’t and will not take crap from anyone. I’ve been in at least 15 fights so far in my 18 years most of them in high school I think matty has stopped just about everyone before I got into a lot of trouble. I may have a little of a month of matty but he has brute strength and he will use it to his advantage not often but when the moment calls for it he turns like full hulk,hes always there for me I guess that’s what s best-friend is. I love him very much and yeah we’ve had to put up with crap throughout middle school because we’re so close a lot and I mean almost the whole school a lot would say stuff like “aw look at the sweet little couple I hear wedding bells.” I’d always say I hear fighting bells and then they’d walk away afraid I mean yeah so we’ve been friends forever and yeah so what if I melt when he looks at me with those brown eyes that doesn’t mean anything or does it? Huh man I wish I could read his mind just this one to hear what he thinks of me just once oh crap! This is going to hurt! *wham!* before I could stop walking I run into an open locker and start to fall to the ground I feel these two arms grab me matty caught me M”sam? Sammy? Are you okay? Come on Sam speak to me are you alright?” S”Ow! Damn! That hurt who the hell leaves an open locker like that?! Nice catch matty thanks.” M”I’ll always be her to catch you dummy can you walk?” I nod matty lets go and I start to stumble and matty has his arm back around my waist to help steady me M” yeah you can walk if there was no gravity oh here’s our lockers hey look at that! There right next to each-other how sweet is that?! Here Sam sit down.” Matty set me down against the wall and put our bags in the lockers then pulled out an ice pack from his walk sits next to me M” lay down.” S” excuse me?” matty patted his lap and smiles S” did you get hit on the head too?” M”I want to inspect your head hello dads a Dr. I know what I’m doing now lay down.” S” are you crazy? We get enough rumors started just by walking next to each-other now you want me to lie on your lap?” M” Sammy I don’t give a crap about those stupid rumors now lay down or ill force you too.” I give in and lay on his lap and he places the ice pack on my bump S”OW! I HATE THAT DAMN LOCKER!!!” M”sorry it’s a big bump how the devil did you run into the locker anyways your usually like a ninja what happened?” S”I was in deep thought so I didn’t see it, it came out of nowhere.” M”what were you thinking about?” before I could think I blurted out “you” then covered my mouth and matty paused and looked stumped and somewhat happy M”well I do tend to have that effect on women.” S”shut up matty crud people are starting to fill the halls matty let me up.” I got to get up but matty pulls me back S”matty? Do you really want more rumors to surface?” M”I don’t care about the rumors none of them are true anyways so it shouldn’t bother you.” S”they don’t really it’s just I don’t want to cause you anymore trouble that’s all.” M”thanks but I can take care of myself.” Matty smirked at me S”theres no doubt you can’t but can’t I at least lie on your shoulder this position is more of a pg-18 than 13.” M”fine fine if you’re that worried lay on my broad shoulder.” S”shut up matty.” Matty starts laughing and I move to his shoulder and more kids start filling in the halls I think we have about 15 mins till class starts so I think matty just wants to sit here. Which is fine with me but I don’t like that all these kids keep passing by and making stupid comments like “oh how cute they’re finally a couple!!” man I want to say something and I’m going to S”do you.-“before I could finish matty set his head on my shoulder and I knew he didn’t want me to say anything so I won’t no matter how bad I want to I’ll just stay mute. Huh matty’s like my guardian angel always watching over me, keeping me out of trouble and that’s very hard to do. My thoughts get interrupted again by matty getting up off the ground and offering me his hands I take them. I’m so glad the rooms not spinning anymore he lets go once he knows I’m steady enough to walk now as we walk to class I bump my hip into matty’s S” thank you.” Matty returns the favor M” no problem oh here’s our class look! The guys are in our 1st!!” Matty is friends with just about every guy in the school I know most guys too since I don’t particularly like girls in general I like that Matty’s not afraid to be social. I think I’ll let him be with his bros and I’ll go sit with Mary were okay friends not the best but she’s still really sweet. Just as I’m walking to the back matty grabs my hand M”fellas say hi to Sam.” One of our mutual friends Eric comes up to me first and hugs me before we both sit on the desk E” how’s it going Sam?” Eric is my other best-friend he’s the sweetest boy ever as long as you don’t get on his bad side then I hope you’re prepared for war I love him to death. Matty, Eric and I are the 3 besties and mostly the “top dogs” of our school and I like it that way. E”Sammy what the hell happened to your head?” S”ran into a locker this morning, it hurt really bad but Dr.matty here had an ice pack in his bag and treated me so I’m fine now luckily no one really saw accept my main man matt here so I’m good.” E”well I’m glad you’re going to be okay Sam oh matt Jill was looking for you this morning she looks good? I’m just kidding oh lord speak of the devil.” We all turn to see Jill the lumber jack of annoyance she has brown hair always straight she’s real girlie and preppy and she has a reputation of stealing girls boy-friends and she has her eyes on matty I don’t think matty likes her very much judging by his face when they make eye contact. Jill walks over and looks at me with pure hate but she would never say anything because she knows my reputation for fighting and doesn’t want to get a nose job. She’s knows fighting’s in my blood my parents were both fighters in school as well so she’s not dumb enough to do anything real dumb. If I do get into a fight I get grounded for a week or more I get no contact,phone,computure,and no matty it’s fair but so uncool it’s not that bad with no electronics but not being able to talk to matty is what’s really killer. She hugs all the boys but leaves matty for last and when she does she make eye contact with me and smirks J”sam! Hi I didn’t see you there how was your summer? Oh I see you’re still pale as ever you should really hit the beach more.” Hit a beach huh? I’m thinking of bout hitting a b right now. Matty sees the look in my eyes M”so Eric how was your summer?” E”good very good I wish it wouldn’t have ended.” J”so Sam did matt tell you that he fixed my car one day? He looked so ripped in his tank top wow you just never know when you’ll meet your knight in shining armor thanks again matt it was really sweet of you.” M”no problem all it needed was water.” J”oh is that all? Huh? I didn’t know that well I’m glad when every I’m in trouble a big strong man with come to save me matty you’re the best!” everyone looked at Jill then me because the whole school knows I’m the one who started that and I’m the only one who call him matty. So now they’re waiting for me reaction she knows it bothered me that why she said it to get under my skin man she really pissed me off its on now S”you.—“ M”jill can you now call me that? That’s kind of Sammy and mines little thing so thanks.” Yes! Thank you matty J”oh my bad I guess I forgot sorry Sam.” S”oh no problem.” J”oh so I can still call him matty?” S”no no you can’t I’m just telling you it’s not that big of a deal that your apologizing that’s all.” J”well it’s not like you’re his girlfriend or anything so what if I do call him matty will you get mad?” S”maybe but matty will get angrier because he just asked you not to call him that so yeah.” J”whatever you’re just jealous.” S”jealous? Of what? Sweet-hear please go check into a clinic because your demented you have and are nothing to be jealous of. You are thought of the relationship matty and I have so sweet-heart before your pretty face gets hurt you should really watch what your mouth around me.” J”honey you should watch what you say around me cause unlike all these other girls I will say something to you, you don’t scare me Sam.” She steps closer to me, I go to stand up but matty pushes me back down it works…for about a minute then he lets up and I’m on my feet in her face because she’s in mine and I just had to return the favor but before it could escalate to more matty moved to sitting in my spot on the desk and pulled me backwards into him, with his arms around my shoulders so I can’t move and continued to pull me back till we were both sitting on the desk. Once I’m fully sitting on the desk he leans his head down and whisper M”Sammy no fights not on the first day okay?” S”you suck matty I want to hit her and she deserves it come one just this once?” M”hell no now calm down.” I calmed down a little and matty let me go but lingered before he did I wonder why I really want to know what matty thinks about me. Oh great Mr. Lion is our homeroom and history teacher his real name is Mr. Lincoln but he’s a little bit of a hippie so call him Mr. Lion cause of his hair it’s like a Santa beard with cher hair it’s so awesome! So we call him Mr. Lion, he’s absolutely one of the crazy.weird.and coolest teachers here. Mr.L”okay sit down everyone! We’ll only be in here for about 20 mins so just relax and chill.” E”okay girls chill it’s the first day, Jill go sit by someone else today.” She walked off but not before giving me the finger. So now we all will just relax and wait for 1st period to start. Chapter 2: whew all these classes man I’m just glad I got matty in all but I think 3rd. the only one thing that makes it bad well more like hell is Jill keeps coming and catching up with us no matter what class we go she’s there always all over matty she’s obsessed with him and I can tell matty is getting annoyed. Man she’s SO lucky I promised matty no fights or shed be in a gurney by now ughhhh she’s EVERYWHERE!! I think she put a tracking device on him when she hugged him this morning. AND to top it all off she’s still calling him Matty! I’m so over here and her “I can do whatever I want because I’m a whore attitude.” Oh speak of the devil here comes annoying, short, and stupid Jill and she are hooked on matty’s arm. M”Jill can you not hang on me like that?” J”why?” M”well for one thing you’re making me all hot and like being cold and two I don’t want you to.” J”oh playing hard to get? I can play that too meow!” I know she did not just “meow” at matty I think I just threw up in my mouth oh my gosh she’s MENTAL!! She’s meowing at him!! Ow my head is throbbing oh crap I’m getting dizzy again and I can’t see matty cause Jill’s in my way crud! My legs are starting to feel like jelly S”mat.—“I couldn’t Finnish before everything went black M”Sam? Sammy? Come on wake up! I think I hear an angel how sweet no wait that’s not an angel that’s my angel matty M”guys back up give her some air okay she’s not waking up I’m taking her to the nurse.” I can feel these two huge arms wrap around me oh my gosh matty is picking me up man he must bench at least 350lb M”I’ll see you guys later oh Eric? Will you do me a favor and take our binders to our lockers please?” E”I got you bro take care of our girl matt.” M”I will.” S”mm matty?” M”it’s okay Sam I got you just rest I’m taking you to the nurse just sleep.” I do as matty says and start to drift off but it’s so cold in here but I don’t feel the presence of people I just feel something really warm on my right hand oh that must be matty what an angel he is. Man its soo dark it’s the first day of school why would the nurse be out? Oh matty put a cool cloth over my face. Matty knows me so well sometimes it surprises me but not always oh man I feel queasy I want to sit up M”Sammy? Are you awake? How do you feel?” like crap S” fine thank you Matty.” Matty lets go of my hand and I feel him sit on the edge of the bed and pull me into him M”you scared me don’t ever do it again Sam, my what an eventful 1st day it has been whew okay so are you okay?” S”sorry matty and yes I’m fine but I wish we didn’t miss lunch today I’m starving!” M”luckily I thought ahead and knew you were going to be hungry so I got us lunch.” S” you’re the best!” M” what are friends for?” S” Matty can you help me take this thing off my eyes because I don’t think you’re going to be letting me go anytime soon.” Matty chuckled then took the cloth off with one hand before squeezing me like a boa then sitting back in his chair. M” man Jill is annoying I could have caught you if she weren’t in the way.” S” always saving damsels in distress you’re a regular hero herc.” M”not all girls just one now here is zee most perfecto lunch ala mode.” S”huh?” M”food I got us lunch from jjs while you were in your little coma.” S”Sweet!! Thank you matty.” M”no problem so eat then we can go home you’ve missed our last 2 classes so when you feel better we’ll go but not before you finish your sub understand?” S”I totally understand doctor I’m happy to follow your orders.” I take the biggest bite out of that sub it looks like I decapitated it M”your hunger aren’t you?” S”howd you tell?” M”I can read people.” S”uhuh.” M” Sam?” S” yeah?” I turn to look at matty and he has his mouth open with food in every crevice of it ha-ha S” pathetic check this out.” Taking another huge bite and chewing a few times then adding a chip before I open and show him. I turn to matty and open my mouth and he groans and we both start laughing I love how comfortable matty and I are together we can be the craziest ones and not care. Once we finish we start walking down the hall, about half way down matty puts his arm around my shoulder and I put mine around his waist for support I’m not completely stable yet. He is really is the perfect guy I just can’t help but wonder what is his perfect girl? M” Sam? Are you ready?” S” huh? Oh yeah.” Matty hands me the helmet before he gets on once I do we head to our favorite park, it’s actually a known park tons of teens come here to do stupid things. Matty and I are not like those kids we’ve been coming to his park since we were babies or maybe younger so I absolutely love this park so much! S”swings!!! Dups on the good one.” M”you can’t call dips on the swing.” S”I just did and there isn’t anything you can do about it.” M”I can race you and beat you and get the swing.” He turns around to look at me and we glare at each other before I jump off the bike dropping the helmet and running, I can hear matty behind me picking up the helmet and then start running after me damn he’s really fast ,faster than I anticipated now were toe to toe till matty swings back just a little bit and grabs me throwing me over his shoulder and walking to the swings S”This is SO NOT fair not fair at all I don't think I can pick you up like this so it’s not fair or cool.” M”everything I do is cool.” S”yeah in your head now can I get down now? I feel like a sack of flour!” M”no way this is funny.” S” no this is annoying and unjust and oh you're so lucky I’m in a weaker state or you'd be in a world of pain right now!” M”eh I think your lying ha-ha and I know for a fact I can take you Sam I can pin you so fast that it wouldn't be fair.” S”yeah I’d like to see that.” Matty finally let me down and I could feel the ground again oh sweet mother earth under my feet I never want to leave you. Whew okay now what oh yes swings I think I can still beat him I just have to walk a little faster huh I don't hear matty’s footsteps where is he and what is he up to? Oh well ooh I want the middle one! the only one without rust on it but I think matty has other plans for me just as I go to reach the handles I feel matty’s presents and his arms wrap around my waist and then I’m in the air again before I get pinned! M”see Sammy when it comes to me you're in my command and there ain't anything you can do about!” S”ha! Or so you think! I can use my feminine charm and seduce you matty-boy so choice give? Or blush?” M”do your worst.” Matty thinks he's won but he has no clue what I’m capable of he has no idea what I can do and it’s on now! It’s going to happen now! Now! Now! crud I can't do it M”can't do it can you?” S”no I’m not that type of girl.” M”thats what I love about you same you’re not like other girls you stare at my eyes not my body no wonder all the guys at school are drooling all over you.” S”what?! Guys do not drool over me. None, nada, zippo you're talking crazy!” M”no Sam its true you may not see the way the way they look or talk about you but I do I see the way they gauche at you, it may sound crazy to you but it’s the truth believe me just about every guy at school wants your for his own try not to freak when I tell you but Sam you're the most beautiful girl in our whole school all guys think so how could you not have noticed before?” Well I guess they do I mean I do have a lot of guys friends but that’s just because girls irritate me and I guess I never noticed since I only look at matty when we walk the halls but sure I guess other people might like me huh I never realized this before S”I guess you could be right but I don’t have any interest in the guys we go to school with they’re just not my type.” Matty sighed M”so you have a type? An ideal?” S”I guess but doesn’t everyone?” M”yeah I guess that’s true.” S”so what about you? The ladies love them some matty b you haven’t found anyone that catches your eye?” matty looked away for a min then stood up and helped me off the ground M”I’ve got my eye on a few but none that yet suit my fancy like I want. I’m just waiting for the right girl to wonder in or realize I could be her guy so I’m just waiting.” S”I know the feeling so swings?” M”Duh!” matty playfully pushes me and takes off running I do the same but I can’t help but wonder if matty really is looking I mean he should. I don’t think he’s ever had a girlfriend before and if he is why did my heart hurt when he was talking about it? Does it mean I want to be matty’s girl? Or that I don’t want him to be with anyone else? It’s strange I think this all means I like matty I wonder what or if he’d like me huh. M”sam? Come on.” S”coming.” Running to the swings even faster than before just makes my mind race even more. M”are you okay?” S”yeah just thinking that’s all.” M”well don’t think too hard you’ll get hurt.” S”rude! So matty now that were here what are we going to do?” matty looked to me M”just relax I know today was kind of hectic so well just chill here for a while.” S”I like that idea.” Chapter 3: The first week of school has just flown by I really love having matty in almost all of my classes and I love that every day so far we’ve been riding his bike to school it’s so much fun the only problem I have with school so far is Jill and ted this tall thin green eyed blonde haired track star, he freaks me out he’s in the one class matty and I don’t have together and we have no teacher it’s like a student lead computer type class or “free period.” He sits 3 whole seats in front of me but still turns around and looks at me. It really freaks me out! I know that matty said guys look at me but I didn’t expect this if he keeps it up I’m telling matty and I’m going to deck him ughh he’s sooo creepy!! Oh finally 2 mins left then I’m out and get to have lunch with my boys outside it should still be cool yes! Bell rang I can hear angels singing! Now if I time the exit of me I think matty and will be coming out at the exact same oh crap creepy teddy is waiting at the door dang it where’d my pen go? Maybe he’ll go away. T”drop something?” Damn! Ted is now leaning over the table watching me S”yup my pen but I found thanks.” Ted offered me a hand up, I didn’t take the gester.S” thanks but I can manage so see ya around.” Yes! In the clear now lunch time! Walking to the door I’m pretty sure matty’s waiting but teds blocking my way so I go to the other side he moves there too ok.. S”uh could you move?” T”no see Sam I like you a lot and I want you.” S”oh thanks but no thanks.” T”it’s because of that matt kid isn’t it?” S”not really I just don’t like you like that you kind of really creep me out like a whole lot so I’m going to go now.” T”no see Sam I’m in your way and if you want to leave your going to have to move me out of it you see?” all I see is a tree in front of the door man this is so annoying S”no you see you’re going to move or I’m going to punch you dead in the face.” T”then do it give me the famous “Sammy slugger.” I’ve heard so much about.” Fine he asked for it I make my right into a fist and go to punch but he catches it so now the left he catches it too now he has both man this kid is stronger than I expected this could be bad and it was already heading to worse. He pulls me over to the wall I’m trapped but I won’t go down without a fight and as much as I hate it I’m going to kick him. T”you’re going to kick me right? See Sam I know your every move before you even make it so don’t try anything just hold still this won’t take long.” Ted started to lean towards me Sloop I’ll give you to the count of 2 to let me go before you get really hurt understand?” T”yes but it’s not happening and no one’s coming to save you, your all mine.” M”I wouldn’t say that no one isn’t coming. I mean I am her best-friend I’m going to be captain of the football team and I’m going to be the one to kick you’re A** if you don’t let Sam go understand? Sammy? Are you okay?” S”im pissed because I want to hit him but other than that I’m fine accept my wrist are starting to hurt, so matty if you could be so kind punch him!” M”theres so need for violence Sam I can handle this.” S”okay matty I trust you Ow! Yo! Wanna be hulk mind letting up on my wrists? I need those” T”no how bout I break them?” M”how bout I break your face?” That’s angry matty I don’t see him often so it’s a surprise when I do and I admit it to see matty get protective over me makes my heart skip a beat I think ted felt it speed up because he looked at me angrily and gripped my wrist even tighter. S”ow! Man you’re pissing me off!” T”I don’t care so Matthew what are you going to do stand there while I crush her wrist or act?” M”sam close your eyes.” I shut my eyes and then the pressure from my wrist disappeared and then a thud hits the floor and then all I feel are two arms pulling me into a hug. M” Sam? You can open your eyes now.” I open my eyes to see ted out cold on the ground groaning S” no violence huh?” M” when the situation calls for it I’ll use it.” S” you’re always saving me. Matty I don’t know how to thank you enough but how bout I repay you?” M” with what?” S” anything you name it I’ll do it I promise so what will it be matty-boy? Clean your bike? Do your homework?-“ M” go on a date?” I look up at matty his eyes are closed, I step out of our hug and sit on the desk he peeks one eye open then the other. S” come again?” he walks over to me and picks up my left hand M” a date Sam just you and me. We could go to dinner or for a walk or to the movies or go to the Sleeping With Sirens/Set It Off show on Friday! Before you ask yeah Sam I got tickets that would be an awesome first date right? So Sam? Will you go out with me?” uhh I can’t think I can’t speak my mind is racing my heart is pounding uhh I want to I know I do I just never expected this what do I say? I know the best answer I know the answer I want to give him I know the one I want to say is S” ok.” Matty drops my hand and drops to the ground S” matty? Are you okay? Do you need the nurse? Are you dehydrated? Water? Oil-can? Mat.-“ matty put his finger to my lips M” I’m just shocked and very happy whew I’m good I’m good.” S”okay so Friday?” M” Friday.” S” I’m looking forward to it so how bout we got eat lunch? Are you hungry?” M” starving.” Chapter 4: wow so it’s finally Friday wow I’m nervous no very nervous whew S” mom what do you think about this one?” R” Sam ugh I liked the first the second the third the fourth and all the others too I don’t have fashion sense so how bout you knee holed jeans, your sneaks ,you plain black tee and your red/black jacket?” S” mom! You’re a genius!” R” that I do know.” Mom walks to her room and I change for the 11th time and it was sheer perfection this outfit then I hear the doorbell oh matty’s here whew my heart is pounding like crazy oh no dads downstairs L” Matthew come and have a seat.” I want to see this so if I’m careful I can sneak into the hall and listen behind the stairs oh my gosh dad has matty at the table giving him his first ever “dad” speech to matty oh poor matty he looks scared but he’s strong he can survive I hope. Okay I think it’s tie to save him from the general I get off the ground and start walking down the stairs both stand up and turn to look S”dad what are you doing?.” L”nothing just having a little chat with Matthew here.” I look at matty he mouths “save me.” Before checking out my outfit S” so how do I look?” M” beautiful oh Sam we need to go, concert starts soon and we have to find a parking spot.” S” okay bye dad bye moms don’t wait up.” R” wait! wait! One picture real fast come on shut the door Samantha and Matthew come over here.” I shut the door and walk over to matty, we just stand there awkwardly R” no that won’t work put your arm around her matt it’s okay.” Matty seems nervous I can tell, his hands are shaking so I know what to do I’ll take the lead on this so as his hand goes up my elbow does do and I rest it on his shoulder to easy the tense he’s feelings it works he starts breathing again. S” smile matty ok mom take it quick we have to go.” My mom takes the picture then we race to the door before she gets anymore ideas, walking towards his bike neither of us are saying anything were both scared and nervous. S” breathe matty its okay I know your nervous and believe me I am too I changed at least 11 times today.” M”11?! Whoa that’s got to be a new record well I shouldn’t be making fun of you I changed half of that 5-6 at least maybe more and I practiced how I would knock or ring the doorbell.” S”okay now that we got that out of the way we can enjoy ourselves so shall we go?” M”definitely dude your dad was giving me the 3rd degree it was scary and odd because he read me my rights as your date how strange is that?” S”so what are you permitted and not permitted to do?” M”that’s classified information I can’t release this to you.” S”whatever 00nofun anyways lets go.” Matty passed me the extra helmet before he got on his bike then I hold on because he likes going fast. Once were downtown they’re so many people I didn’t expect it to be so packed but it’s okay. We park the bike in this garage about 2 blocks from the jukebox, the coolest place for bands to perform. I walk faster than matty so I’m in front of him when this douche knocks into me and almost knocks me down and continues to walk yeah I’m not going to put up with that crab from anyone. So I’m going to confront him I walk up to the douche and pull him shoulder S”Yo numbnuts!” T”excuse me?” As soon as I see ted I back up into Matty! And then go behind him holding his arm I don’t know why but ted scares me. T”why hello sexy Sam it’s nice to see you again you look gorgeous tonight.” He leans down and touches my faces I pull away and matty puts me completely behind him and glares ted down. He’s so protective of me it’s so sweet and I couldn’t be more happy about that especially with ted it gives me a warm feeling in my heart. M”bro just walk away your hasn’t even fully healed from the last time. Are you really that dumb you want another one?” T”dude she doesn’t need a knight in shining armor she needs a real man unlike you so how bout it sweet-heart ditch the loser and come with a real man.” Ted was getting close again, I gripped the back of matty’s sleeve and then matty pushed him back T” oh I see so we’ll have to do this the hard way.” M” no we won’t as long as you leave Sam alone then we won’t have a problem. Look ted Sam is with me now so back off or I will use violence to stop you understand?” T” no and I don’t believe you so I’m not going to listen and I will have Sam weather you like it or not.” Ted leaned down again but matty didn’t push him this time, then ted grabbed my hand but just before he could pull Matty had him by the throat and against the wall. M” Did you not hear me?” Matty leaned close to his face M” don’t touch my girl understand? If you come near Sam ever again it will be a million times worst go it?” ted just nodded his head he couldn’t speak one because matty had his throat two because he was scarred wow I can see all of matty’s muscles huh he is hot. M” good and I never want to have this conversation again okay let’s go Sam.” S”okay.” Matty takes my left hand and we walk a block to get to the juke box the hottest place for bands to play more local bands play there but not tonight. The only huge problem is all the people inside but luckily we find our seat row 5 seats 13-14. The first band to play is one I know of I don’t particularly like or hate them they only have 3 great songs its BVB so they’re okay but my favorite well one my favorites is out next and I’m so pumped! Sleeping With Sirens are AMAZING! Kellin has a voice of an angel but then he turns demonic and people lose it a mosh pit breaks out. I like them I don’t get in them often but I love to watch it all depends on the song playing, it’s just too intense for me and I know I’ll just get really mad so when I get pulled into it I’m livid and I can’t see matty or a way out ah! I hate this and some stupid kid just stepped on my foot ow! M” Sam? Where are you?” I can see matty standing on the bench where out seat are by then I lost sight of humanity and started thrashing and punching too. I don’t stop till I feel two arms around my waist I see matty’s bracelet and stop he leads the way back to our seats but instead he stands on the outer seat just so I won’t get pulled back in again S”you found me thanks.” M” no problem.” I’m very glad I’m with him and he’s with me M” having fun?” S” duh! This is so amazingly awesome! I’m glad I returned that favor.” M” so this is all because of that favor?” matty looks so sad oh! Light bulb I know how to cheer him up! Standing on the bench makes me a lot taller cool. Whew I can do this oh my gosh my heart is pounding so fast okay Sam do it do it do it now! Come on Sam you like him don’t you then do it! In one cool quick motion I touch matty’s shoulder and kiss his cheek then wait for his reaction. Matty turned around so fast M” Sam?” S”it’s not just a favor I like you matty.” Matty offered me his hand to assist me down but before I could take the offer he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me into the arm spinning me around S” matty?” M” I’m so happy! I meant what I said Sam, about you being my girl and being with me all of it is that okay?” S” can I get back on the ground first?” Finally he set me back on the ground and I wrap my arms around his neck S” It’s more than okay I’m happy too.” Chapter 5: The concert felt like a month ago even though it was only 3 days ago. I thought it would be weird, being Matty’s girl but it’s not. It seems very natural, easy and most of all joyful, ecstatic, happy, and amazing! Matty still comes in the morning and we go to school together that doesn’t change the only real difference is that we hold hands or hell have his arm around me just little sweet stuff like that. Nothing too different although when we went to school Monday and walked in class holding hands the whole class erupted in an uproar and exchanged money like they’ve been betting on how long it would take us to get together. Ridiculous! So stupid! But one of the utmost absolute amazing things about us being a public couple well besides how much we like each-other is Jill and Ted don’t even look in our general direction anymore. Its absolute paradise and I think I love my boyfriend wow I have a boyfriend now how strange this has never happened before huh my bf is also my bff. Aw here comes Matty to walk me to class he does the sweetest thing he likes to great me in a British accent and say “ello love” he’s really good at saying that but that’s about all he can say then it stops but it’s still so sweet. He likes to try and carry my books but I won’t let him I don’t want him too but I had no choice yesterday he said if I didn’t let him he’d carry me so I was forced. M” ello love how was class?” It must be love because every time we holds hands both of our heart-beats speed up like were having a stroke. It’s really a sweet gesture if you think about were so in like or love which ever that even the smallest of things like holding hands can make our hearts skip a beat and in 3-2-1 hearts freak. S” your hearts pounding.” M” so is yours.” S” I know but I can’t help it whenever I’m around you it’s all natural and a really wonderful feeling wouldn’t you agree?” M” definitely oh here’s your class.” S” Matty this is our class 1st period is the only one we don’t have together silly.” As soon as we walk in and I mean the dead second the class stands up, claps, and does a simultaneous Aw! It’s very embarrassing and unnecessary plus it’s a little stupid. The teacher even goes along with them he sits matty and I in the back of the room even though our seats are alphabetical ,matty and my last name are in the front but somehow we sit in the back of the class room I don’t mind I love the back but it’s just strange. I like that were together almost all of the time, matty likes to be a gentlemen he opens door wants to pay for things I don’t let him I don’t want him too but he insist because he’s my boyfriend I don’t want him to treat me differently but I know he’s not this is just normal bf/gf stuff I need to get used to. I’m still not sure how to act like a girlfriend I mean I’m still me I’m just not quite sure what I do but the best thing about everything is my matty. He doesn’t treat me differently he still treats me the same just sweeter. We still have a lot to learn about our relationship but we can do that together. S” so how did tryouts go?” M” I think I did okay but I’m not too sure. It’s funny what coach g said he that if I make it.” S” when you make it.” M” when I make it on the team I’ll be the first “rocker/emo” in years he said the last one was your dad it was so funny he was actually surprised I tried out.” S” why? Because despite the colors of our school its 3/4th preppy kids?” M” Duh! So I’m ready to be the first to make the team.” S” I’m excited for you.” Mk” okay class settle down okay so today is a “study day” deal? Good oh and Matthew coach g wants to see you go now and comeback.” M”okay well I guess we’ll see right now I’ll see you in a bit love.” Matty walks out of the class so I put my headphones in I’ll listen to music to help calm down I’m nervous for him I know how bad he wants this. It feels like ages waiting for matty every time I click my iPod it says only 5 minutes more than the last time I checked it’s only been 15 minutes. Finally the door opens and in strolls matty in his new quarter-back jersey with the # 5 on the back, a huge C on his chest and his last name on the back. Not only did he make the team but he’s the Captain! The whole class claps and starts whopping. Matty walks to the back on the class and I stand up he’s so happy and excited he actually picks me up in the process of hugging me. Mk” congrats Matthew now put Samantha down.” He sets me back down S” Congratulation! I’m so happy for you and you look hot in your jersey.” M” thank you I actual have something for you too, see the coach told us it’s a tradition for our girlfriends to wear our jersey # and my last name so he said I can get yours tomorrow but only if you want to. Although the girl’s will be different instead of it black with red writing it will be red with black writing is that okay.” S” you’re joking right? Black and red are my favorite colors I’d love to it will be my pleasure Capt. besides it will look so sick with our leather jackets too.” M” thank you.” S” please what kind of gf would I be if I didn’t wear it?” M” please say that’s rhetorical. I love having you as my girl-friend.” S” and I love having you as a boy-friend.” Mk” okay congratulations Matty- boy you deserve it don’t get mad Sam I added a boy to it, it’s okay right?” S” yes it’s fine dang Mr. Key put me on blast like that it’s all good you’re not a hoe who needs an A** kicking.” Mk” language Samantha.” S” sorry but show of hands who doesn’t agree?” just about the whole classes hands shot up Mk” okay now get back to slaking people.” The whole class laughs and does what were told. Matty and I sit on our desk and lock our hands together than Allie and Eric come in to sit on their desk I wonder where they’ve been this class period. They’re such a cute couple kind of opposite people but so in love it doesn’t even matter, Eric is somewhat like matty and I kind of rocker emo cool kids and Allie is more of a dainty little flower who just fits with us perfectly. E” heyy how sweet are you too cute!” S” Aww how sweet are you guys and its waffle style so sweet matty and I are pancake style.” E” for now wait till class change it will be waffle I just know it.” A” be nice Hun they’re in love just like us.” E” no there not they’re new to love not really the best example. Besides we’ve been going out longer than they have.” M” true but Sam and I have known each other longer than you guys have been dating so sit down Eric” E” what? It’s true you guys haven’t even kissed yet we have” A” Eric that’s private.” E” it’s okay Hun they like to hear about love stories right?” M” definitely it’s okay we love to right Sam?” S” yeah so cute.” I can’t help but wonder how long it takes for a couple to have their first kiss S” how long were you guys dating before your first kiss?” A” about a month.” S” so soon?” A” well it’s not really something that could be planned Sam it just sort of happens it was really romantic they say if you see stars and fireworks its true love.” S” really huh I never knew that have anything else?” A” not really.” S” can you tell me where it happened?” A” oh yeah well we went to the fair you know the annual one, we went on the Ferris wheel it was cool the sun was setting and he put his arm around me and then kissed me it was so magical and romantic see look Eric remembers.” We all turn and see Eric blushing blood red it’s so cute! S” Aww Eric how sweet!” M” oh Eric are you embarrassed? It’s nothing to be embarrassed about it’s so sweet.” E” shut it Matty or I’ll think of a way and you’ll be blushing too.” M” do your worst.” Eric hoped off the desk and walked over to Matty, leaned down and whispered in his ear and not even 5 seconds later Matty was blushing more than Eric. Then he sat back down on his desk S” what did he say?” M” I’ll tell you later.” Matty brought our hands up and kissed mine A” Sam walk with me to the ladies room?” S” ask mr.k first.” Allie walked up to his desk and asked A”HE SAID YES!” she’s so crazy S”okay!” I let go of matty’s hand and got up and Eric took my seat S” be right back.” Leaning down to matty’s cheek I’m no longer hesitant to kiss him well his cheek anyways once I did he blushed a little then pushed me playfully to go. We leave and try to figure out what bath- room to go to. A” the one down the hall or up the stairs or. Oh crap!” S” what?” I could see now why Allie said that oh crap is right we had to see her of all halls and times she’s in this one great! J” hi Allie long time no see I didn’t know you hang out with trash.” S” she knows you doesn’t she?” J” well well if it isn’t the hoe of all hoes Ms. Samantha herself hello Sam.” S” oh Jill I didn’t even notice you there I thought it was just the wind I thought a window was open all I heard was hot air and desperation. What do you want Jill besides a nose job?” J” oh ho so cleaver too bad after today you’ll be the one needing a nose job.” S” what? Do you want to fight me? In the hall? Yeah and I’m supposed to be the trashy one. I’m not going to fight you I have better thing to do with my time like watch paint dry so if you’ll move so we can pass that would be great.” J” no of course go right ahead excuse me.” I don’t like the look in her eyes I know she’s planning something and I’m ready for her she doesn’t scare me she’s nothing. As we walk pass I see her smiling I don’t like that smile it’s going to be on hell of a fight and I can’t wait for it. She’s not stupid enough to try something right now she knows I will win plus she doesn’t want to look bad in front of Allie. A” chill Sam it’s not worth your suspension this early in the school year come on let’s go to the one up stairs so we won’t have to deal with her.” We walk to the upstairs bathroom S” no she’s coming for me I just know it but when she does I’ll be ready for her. I’m not afraid of her I just don’t want to let matty down I promised no fights in the beginning of the school year so I’m trying to keep that promise.” A” didn’t he get into a fight last week?” S” yeah to protect me Allie it was ted Thomas he’s been bugging me for the last few weeks but matty took care of him it was really sweet.” A” aw Sam you’re in love.” S” huh? How can you tell? Well I guess yeah it’s crazy right? I mean just a month ago he was my best-friend we’ll he still is but now there’s another meeting for b-f it’s really awesome.” A” I can tell because of how the two of you talk about each other it’s just like movie love so romantic plus your perfect for each other okay let’s head back.” We start walking back down to class when we run into Rebecca but we all call her bec she’s a really sweet, cool girl but she talks really fast B” hi Allie Sam I have like totally been looking for you all over the campus where have you been?” S” hi bed I was in the bathroom wassup?” B” Mrs.G needs your help in the library she won’t let anyone else she wants you so can you head down there?” S” yeah I’ll go right now Allie tell matty for me? If I’m still in there at lunch we could eat in there I know the perfect spot kk see you later.” A” bye Sam I’ll tell matty.” I run down to the library because if Mrs.G wants only me she’s probably already freaking out just as I reach the library I see who’s sitting in the chairs uck Jill man I’m not trying to deal with her oh well S” Mrs.G I’m here what happened?” Mrs.g” oh Sam thank goodness you’re here I don’t know what happened the computer just fried I don’t know what happened or why it did so can you help?” S” of course let me work my magic Mrs.G don’t you remember I come in here 3rd period anyways?” Mrs.g” yes but I needed it done now because were getting new books in so I have to check them in.” S” okay I’ll get working.” When I go around the corner I see the one period I never wanted to see again Ted! Ugh I want to run but I can’t I want matty but he’s not here I want to punch him but can’t I’m trapped and can’t get out and he knows this. This is going to SUCK! Chapter 6: M” hey where did Sam go?” A” matty I already told you in the library why?” M” I just got a bad feeling is all umm you guys go ahead I’ve got the next period free I’m going to the library to study.” E” bye matt see yall at lunch.” Mrs.G” Sam? Aren’t you going to say hi to teddy? Teddy is an angel.” S” yeah in disguise he’s really a P**** S” hello ted.” Ted walks over and puts the cables down in his hands T” looks like she’s called in the best I’m glad.” Okay Sam don’t let him get to you he’s just doing that to freak you out. Okay time to get to work but it’s very hard when he keeps leaning over me while I’m on the computer he’s really pushing his luck T” I’m so glad were working on this together Sammy.” I stood up and he stepped back S” don’t call me that I don’t like you and you know you freak me out! So back off!” T” oh come now.” Ted started walking closer to me but stopped when he heard the door open. Were supposed to be greeting whoever comes into the library T” hell..-oh crap! The party stoppers here! Not fun Matthew you can go run along and play football with your “Bros” Sa has work to do so go on go.” M“ actually I have a free period and I always come into the library so you can’t say nothing to me because you’re not an official librarian’s assistant unlike Sam so you have no rule oh Sam I need your help finding a book can you help me?” S” definitely! What’s the book called?” I practically run from behind the counter to matty’s side M” um it’s the one for English I don’t remember.” S” follow me Mr.quater-back.” Whew saved by matty! I’ so glad he came to my rescue S” this way oh and the books called war & peace.” I can’t reach the stupid book even on my tiptoes I can’t reach! Matty can tell he steps behind me and pulls the book off the shelf but when he’s pulling it off he stops and rest his head on my shoulder. S” Matty?” M” I had a bad no horrible feeling so I ran down here after class then I saw ted and I could have ripped the door off the hinges. I don’t understand what his problem is he should know by now to leave my girl alone but clearly he and I need to have yet another chat! And I can’t wait for the next one!” wow matty is really pissed but I know how to make him smile. S” Matty?” M” I know I know I tell you not to fight and here I am looking for boxing gloves sorry just call me rocky.” S” don’t be its okay I know that you only want to protect me I’m happy it’s cute to see you so protective. Will you lift your head up?” M” no.” S” matty?” matty doesn’t budge instead he moves his hands well arms and I can feel them inching around my waist S” Matty?” he shook his head on my shoulder then he wrapped his legs around mine and tightened his grip around my waist then nudged the back of my knees so my legs would fall. He took advantage of his plan and once my legs went he sunk to the ground leaning against the shelf and pulled me into him nuzzling his head in my back S” Matty? Do you feel better?” M” mhm. Why do you ask?” S” your hearts beating faster than mine.” M” that’s because I’m thinking about what stupid Eric said earlier.” S” oh yeah and what was that?” M” I don’t want to tell you or you’ll try to kill him.” S” come on matty tell me.” Matty moved his head again his this time it was different he moved closer to my ear so no one else would hear him M” do I really have to tell you?” S” yes, yes you do come on how bad can it be? I mean it’s Eric so what did he say?” M” he said something that true.” S” which was?” M” well..He uh ahem Sam! This is hard to say to you.” S” come on Matty tell me!” M” okay fine but you promise you won’t kill him?” S” I’ll try my hardest so spill.” Matty’s pulse quickened even more aw he’s nervous M” Eric asked me when I was going to kiss you.” S” oh.” I could feel my face heat up and I knew without looking matty was warming up as well. S” so what did you tell him?” M” that it was none of his business and id kiss you when the feeling is right so there will be no deaths today?” S” no not until the feeling is right.” M” that’s my girl.” S” however Jill is asking no practically begging for a fight and I want to hit her so bad you have no idea. She was in the library before you came down I know she’s planning something I can just feel it in the fiber of my bones but when it unfolds and it will I’ll be ready.” M” easy killer yeah I have no idea how much you want to punch someone’s face in.” matty looked at ted standing at the counter smiling S” easy killer I’m calm but only because you’re here otherwise I think one of the lockers would come off.” M” I’ll always be here for you. Your my girl Sam my one and only.” I love the sound of that S” thanks matty oh raise your head for a sec just one.” Matty raised his head and I moved backwards into him resting my head on his chest M” best advice I took all day.” S” I’m glad ok so do you want to eat in here for lunch today?” M” totally I’ll go get it be back in 5.” S” stay in the library? With ted?” M” your right bad idea.” S” I’ll go it won’t take long be back in 6.” M” okay.” I don’t want to get up though I love this feeling the warmth, closeness, matty. M” Sam?” S” I’m going I just want to keep this feeling I like it I don’t want it to end.” M” oh Sammy your so cute.” S” wha?! Matty you can’t say things like that out of nowhere.” M” whys that?” S” you know why.” M” well okay here’s my deal you go come back and after I’ll hold you as long as you want deal?” He’s got to stop saying stuff like that or my face will be redder than a lobster S” okay I’ll be right back.” Matty moved his arms and I got up and started down to the cafeteria its far and now the impression of the warmth is gone. Huh what should I get us? Pork? Uck no way no school meat we’ll die oh I know I’ll us chic! Matty loves chick we both get the same thing every time nuggets so good I’m glad they brought this into the school and that they give us huge bags to carry the stuff in. man I never realized just how far the library is from the café I’ve been gone for like 10 mins oh this food smells great! Finally the library! Mrs.G” Sam you know you can eat in here it’s a policy.” S” I got you a tea and fry Mrs.G.” Mrs.G” well I guess I can let it slide just this once thank you Sam.” S” no problem if you need anything just holler I’ll be around.” Mrs.G” okay thanks Sam.” S” matty I got us chic! I bet your hungry.” When I walk around the corner Matty’s not there I could have sworn this is where he was sitting when I left. Huh oh well he must be in the bathroom crap this bag may hold the food but these drinks keep wanting to topple over in the process S” Matty? Where are you?” no answer huh I can’t imagine where he went off to oh well just as I’m about to sit down two huge arms grab me and pick me up all the way off the ground he’s back. M” your back! Yay! Oh ooh you got us chic! Yummy!” S” mind setting me back on the ground?” M” grab the food first and hold it don’t worry about the drinks just grab the bag.” I listened and grabbed the bag so now what? Wow what is he doing he’s trying to sit on the ground how is this going to work? He moves me in his arms so now I’ll sit directly into his lap instead of a strange diagonal way. He grabs the food and I stand back up to get the drinks and sit across from him it will be easier to eat like this. M” while you were gone Jill came over here and started talking I tried to ignore her but it didn’t work out very well she’s just soo loud and never stops! But I think she saw you coming back and walked off I think your right I think she is planning something so be careful love.” S” I will be and besides I’m ready for her I want her to come I want to give a big dose of butt-kicking with a side of broken nose. she drives me crazy!” M” down killer I know she does believe me.” matty glanced at ted S” I know I want to kill someone too believe me they’ll get there’s. Okay lunch is almost over so we should go switch out binders for the next 2 classes okay?” M” okay want a hand up?” S” sure.” Matty offered me his hand and pulled me up we started walking out of the library when ted stepped in front of us T” have a lovely day.” Matty’s hand started shaking so I take his hand he stops and smiles and holds mine too. This is by far one of my favorite parts of the day it’s always nice I love being with matty and I know the feelings mutual. S” matty to the left.” M” I know I was the one who picked them.” S” it was only a simple reminder that’s all.” M” uhuh sure thank you sam.” S” your welcome.” M” here.” S” matty that one’s mine.” M” how can you tell? They both look the same.” S” mine has that picture you drew in the front see?” M” oh okay swap.” We switch binders and wait for the bell to ring. Once it does we head to class man there a lot of kids in this hall! Matty and I can barely make it through its all the freshmen they walk so slow and were not holding hands so it’s difficult but I’m directly behind him so I don’t get too lost he’s the only one in a football jersey he looks good. Why does he keep fidgeting? Oh he’s trying to get my attention oh duh Sam! He’s trying to hold your hand you dummy besides the crowd it was so strange that we weren’t before aw he’s so sweet. M” Sam? Are you going to sit down?” I didn’t know we made it in the class I was lost in thought S” yeah I didn’t know we were in class yes I will.” Mr.l” you both will sit.” S&M” okay mr.lion.” Mr.l” what?” both matty and I look at each other and don’t say a word but were both thinking “Oh Crap!” M” Mr. Lincoln sorry about that I don’t know what happened we’ll sit now.” We rush to our seats and try not the make eye contact with Mr.L for the rest of the period it’s not that hard however what is hard is not making eye contact with each other because we knew if we did we would start laughing then try and stop whew best class ever! Now to 5th we walk arm and arm this time since no one really comes into this building yes final our last class of the day. The day has gone by so fast! M” okay Sam I got practice you can wait or go and pick me up later.” S” matty you know I don’t know how to ride your bike so can I sit on the bleachers and watch?” M” sure I’ll ask coach I’m sure he’s fine with that but I still want permission all the other players girls watch so now my girl can watch me kick butt!” S” well your first game is tomorrow so it will be fun to watch you play I’ve only seen you play when we were younger but we never really “played” just tossed it back and forth.” M” well I didn’t want to hurt you.” S” ha! I’m sure I was the one going to get hurt sure well it’s a good thing you’ve got a wicked throw.” M” you’re not so bad yourself oh wait here I’ll go ask coach right now.” S” why do I have to wait her-…Never mind I’m happy to wait here!” I could smell exactly why he told me to wait here the smell coming from underneath the locker room could kill a dino holy crap I think I might get sick uck! It stinks! I held my breath when matty opened the door he chuckled and ran down I stepped about 5 feet back. Then I heard matty run up the stairs and I held my breath again he opened the door and looked around to see where I was hiding from the stench aw he looks so cute in his uniform. M” Sam? Oh he said hell yeah!” S” those exact words?” M” hell yeah! I’ll take your binder down and put it in my locker then well head over to the field be right back.” I was about to walk over by the door but he opened it and I remembered why I shouldn’t man what do they feed those boys? He was down and back within 2 minutes but almost fell when he reached the door I heard him say ow he must of hit the stairs when he came out I was laughing and he was smiling and hiding something behind his back. S” what is that? Is that my jersey?” M” no this is mine for tomorrow.” He’s a horrible liar S” no coach won’t let you guys where them till tomorrow that one’s mine oh matty let me see it!” M” crap! Okay fine but you can’t wear it till tomorrow so I have to put it back after I show you.” S” fine fine just let me see it.” Matty pulled it from behind his back and shows me S” it’s perfect! Aw were going to be all matchy and awesome I’m glad I said yes oh what does “CG” stand for?” matty turned bright red and turned away from me S” matty?” M” it stands for captains girl coach thought it would be cute the other girls have different ones like lennys girl has BG for blockers girl and stuff like that and yeah I’m sure people will be looking for the hidden meaning in CB hell my names on your back!” he’s so cute! S” so we wear them every Friday right? To games and school?” M” yeah unless we get a cancelation or something comes up.” S” oh cool well they are really cool so it will be my pleasure.” Matty leaned down and kissed my cheek then took the jersey and ran it back down just in time once he came back through the door we heard the whistle and I took mattys hand and ran to the field I didn’t want to smell that stank locker room for a 4th time. It perfect weather too it’s in the 50s S” okay have a great practice I’ll see you after.” M” be careful Sammy I know what you’re going to do so please be careful okay?” S” I wasn’t going to .” matty gave me his “yeah right” look S” okay I’ll be careful now go before coach comes over here.” I inched up to mattys cheek and kissed it before he ran off he is right I’m so going to climb this tree just like the little monkey I am its nothing I’ve been climbing things since I was2 wow I can see everything up here oh I can even see matty he looks sexy in his uniform well practice uniform. I don’t want to fall that would suck so I put one leg on each side of the tree before I put my headphones in and that’s the last thing I remember before I woke up again I must of fell asleep now then where is matty? I can’t see him anymore okay careful Sam one leg at a time huh I can’t see. Ill lean out just a little farther what could go wrong huh I don’t see him whoa it’s been 2 hours huh where is he? Oh crap! I started falling and didn’t have enough of a reflex to catch myself man this is going to hurt so bad I braced myself for the fall but instead of hitting the ground I landed in someone’s arms. M” safe!” S” matty! You caught me!” M” nah your just a good catch I told you to be careful didn’t I?” S” yeah I know and I was till I fell out of the tree so how was practice?” M” fine how was tree climbing my little monkey?” S” fine thank you.” M” your welcome okay time to go.” S” great but one thing uh are you planning on putting me down anytime soon?” M” nope see look over there.” Matty points to the other players carrying their girlfriends in some form off the field M” it’s an after practice tradition and you want us to win right?” S” well yes.” M” then sorry love can’t mess with tradition I got to but I’ll make you a deal I’ll let you get on my back like the little monkey you are instead of princess how about that?” S” matty I understand that so don’t take this the wrong way but you’ve been practicing for 3 hours I should be carrying you off the field right now.” M” seriously?” S” promise just put me down.” He sets me back on the ground yes I can feel concert again! S” okay so how should we do this? Back?” M” nah I have a better idea.” Matty smirked and that’s never a good thing he got in front of me and grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his back and took off like a rocket! S” MATTY! THIS IS SOO NOT FAIR OH YOUR GOING TO GET IT!” he’s laughing M”so it’s a tradition it can’t be helped you’ve been out matched sorry Sammy.” S” no you’re not.” M” yeah I know better luck next time love.” S” your cruel! well can you at least slow down? You’re going to run right past the locker room.” M” your right.” We slowed down and it’s pleasant M” still against it?” S” no its nice.” M” I knew you would okay hop down I’ll be back in a few minutes.” S” just don’t fall on the stairs again.” I get off matty’s back and he ran down the stairs changed and was back up within 3 minutes and we head out to the bike. It takes 10 minutes to get home and matty has his own sort of traditions when it comes to taking me home he drops me off with a kiss on my cheek S" I’ll see you in the morning good night." M" good night oh before I forget here’s your jersey." and a huge hug then he kisses my cheek again and walks his bike back over to his house in the garage and waits for me to go in before he shuts the garage he’s so sweet. it's every girls dream and I’m living it! I can’t wait for tomorrow! Chapter 7: huh I thought it would feel different and weird putting on the jersey but I was wrong it’s as easy as breathing oh but I need to wear a shirt underneath it. where is my black one? oh here it is oh matty's going to be here 15 seconds now where is my oh duh jackets by the door it's at least in the 20s outside. I hope it’s still by the door oh speaking of the door in 5-4-3-2 R" Sam! matty's here! come on jackets still on the hook let’s go!" S" coming!" okay no sneakers or boots? sneakers now where are they? damn since when is my room so messy? well it's never that bad but lately it's been so hard to find stuff. okay if I time this perfectly I can slide down the banister at the exact moment matty's back is turned and I can jump him! I just know it but I need to be quick,quiet,and ninja-like so as soon as I leave my room bam! I turn into a ninja and creep quietly towards the stairs and start sliding quietly but just as I’m reaching the bottom matty turns around and catches me not cool S" not fair!" M" yeah well you can’t sneak up on the champ so shall we go?" S" sure as soon as you put me down and I put my jacket on then we can go." matty sets me back on the ground and he helps me put my jacket on and once it’s on then my mother notices matty and I are matching R' wait! matty you made quarter back congratulations oh how cute I remember when your father was the quarter back and we got to wear our jerseys oh one picture please?" S" a quick on we have to go." my mom ran and was back within at least a minute matty put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him R" so cute okay smile! okay your free to go." we run out of the house and get on the bike and head to school it takes 10 minutes then we head up to our lockers to get our binders for the day well till lunch at least then we switch out. we have a lot of time before school starts so we sit in the hall together and wait for the bell to ring he has a hold of my hand and I have my head rested on his shoulder we stay like that for a good 10 minutes before nick comes running up to us N" good morning Sam yo M! coach wants to get a team picture in our jerseys so let’s go." M” okay be back in 10.” N” why? Sam’s coming with us. She is the CG our girls are in the pictures too so let’s go like now!” matty and I get off the ground at the same time and walk down with nick to the field. All the other players and there girls are down here already oh my gosh matty and I are the only non-preppy people out here well till Eric gets here but Allie isn’t really “rockerish” but that’s okay oh my gosh what the hell is coach g wearing?! Matty and I are thinking the same thing M” coach? What are you wearing?” coach g is wearing full head to toe football equipment and a helmet he does know the games not till tomorrow and he’s not playing he’s coaching right? CG” I know I look odd but I wanted to stand out in the picture too” E” we know that’s why we got you this to wear at the games.” That’s why Eric was late he must have left it in his car it’s a black jersey with a huge C on the front and on the back in red writing every players last name, jersey number in order and there position its really sweet how they did that in fact I think coach is about to cry M” coach?” CG” I’m okay I’m good thank you boys so much this is so sweet now I need a favor from you guys help me get this stuff off please.” All boys run over to help coach take off the equipment and set it down on the grass. While every players girl is making their way towards me I have no clue why I don’t know half of them I don’t really get along with girls it’s just not a smart thing for them to come over here this early in the morning. I know 3 exactly Allie, Sarah and yuck Caitlin I don’t want to know her she’s a uck. A” hey Sam!” S” hey Al.” A” how cool is this?” S” awesome it would have been so much better if it was during class.” A” I know right! So how are you and matt?” S” wonderful you and Eric?” A” spectacular! Oh no the hyenas are closing in on us run while you have the chance!” S” I’m not afraid of cheerleaders.” A” I was talking to them.” Allie and I bump hips she’s so funny it really does look like hyenas coming after us but none of those girls scare me oh there’s Jen she’s sweet oh great Caitlyn’s in the lead great here comes a confrontation man I would love to break her nose it would be a one shot and shed go down! Oh well here we go J” hi Sam wow your jersey looks so cute on you! It suits you so well unlike the rest of us we feel out of place.” S” thanks and please you all look great and these are my favorite colors so I love so how are you guys?” C”absloutly perfect you?” S” wonderful.” Ugh she’s so annoying are the boys done yet? I really don’t want to talk to her any longer nope they’re trying to get the shin guards off coach C” want to know something funny?” J” Caitlyn you promised.” Jen got in between us S” no its fine I’m dying to know.” Caitlyn moved Jen to the side C” these jerseys may suit your people but you don’t belong anywhere near the rest of us!” “you people”? what white people? She’s white too S” what do you mean by you people?” A” Sam don’t it’s not worth it believe me.” J” yeah I mean she didn’t mean anything by it right cat?” C” oh no I mean her Emo! Rocker! Freaks!” huh I just heard a click in my head that’s not good oh great now my hands are shaking this is just great! I step closer to her S” want to repeat that?” she walks closer to me too C” love to you and your weird, freaky, odd ,cutting, stupid, emo freaks!” okay that’s it I’m decking her were now centimeters from each other and I know I’m going to hit her I know I am. Perfect just in time for the picture of crap the picture oh but matty was so looking forward to this picture maybe I can breathe count to 10 1..2..3..4 not working I’m still pissed! N” uh-oh matty looks like bobby’s girl is about to get a shiner we better separate them Yo Bo! Your girl’s bout to get a k-o!” B” damn! Matt you need to get your girl!” M” no bob your girl needs to stop messing with Sam she’s always starting crap so screw it let Sammy slug her maybe it will knock some sense back into her head!” B” don’t talk about my girl M or.” M” or what b? if you don’t shut up you’ll be the one getting hit!” CG” Hey! Matthew! Robert! Go get your girls! Make them knock it off just till we take the picture then they can fight all they want okay? But move now cause matt here has him a little spit- fire so go NOW!” M” gotcha.” She doesn’t even know what I’m capable of well she will very soon but the picture… C” scared Samantha?” S” of you? hell no!” that’s it screw this damn picture screw this school and screw her I’m decking her! Just as I go to swing my hand is caught and all I feel are two arms one around my waist and one hold my hand then I hear my angel M” don’t do it not yet coach said after the picture you too can duke it out all you want okay?” S” but matty..” matty put his head on my shoulder before putting my hand down and wrapping his other arm around my waist and picking me fully up and moving me backwards a good 3 feet M” Sammy? Come on now baby for me?” S” you know it’s not going to work every time but it does today so fine.” I look up and see Caitlyn and bobby talking and she gives me the finger S” matty! She’s asking for it let me go!” matty’s grip tightened oh she’s so lucky matty has a hold of me! S” coach let’s get this over with!” I can hear matty chuckle as he walks us over he won’t let me down so I’m stuck being carried over. Coach g separates us on the ends and after about 3-4 pictures the whole group disperses and matty still don’t let me down because he knows I would go running after her so we have to wait till she’s fully gone and then he sets my feet back on the ground but we still walk to class with his arms around my waist but he moves his head up to my shoulder. S” so matty how many classes do we have before the pep-rally?” M” you actually want to go?” S” no but I know we have one today so what period is it?” M” I think we go to 3 then we have the pep rally the rest of the day.” S” oh joy! Just kidding it will be really fun! Uh matty I can’t really walk straight mind just holding hands?” M” wouldn’t mind one bit.” Matty let go of my waist and took my hand and we went to class. The day is going by faster than normal I think it’s because everyone is so pumped for the game tonight and every class change the football players somehow find each other and start yelling and jumping around its really funny. Matty and I even joined in on a few of them I like this it’s so much fun! Only 4 more hours till the game and before the game the team and the girls are all going out to Tijuana’s yum! Finally it’s time for the pep-rally all the football player and their girls get to sit down in the front I think for a photo-op for yearbook. I don’t mind it at all but it might not be fun for the players without gfs but I’m pretty sure the whole team has some sort of significant other and I’m the captains! Oh yeah! It’s freezing in the gym whew matty and I walk arm to waist since I noticed how cold it was and since I put my jacket in my locker. The whole crowd is going crazy! The energy is madness I guess when you have school sprit you want to show it. And they are loud wow that’s louder than I expected but I’m excited too oh now principal summers is doing his whole speech about the history of us and the whole but finally he finishes PS” now let’s welcome our Rose-Creek Ravens!!!! Starting with our starting quarter-back and captain Matthew Bluetomson! Accompanied by Samantha Carter!” we run out and everyone is on their feet cheering and going wild! It pumps matty up his heart starts beating even more than before. We sit on the front 3 bleachers in the gym, boys on the lower girls in the higher for one picture then we switch boys on top girls to the bottom. It’s actually really fun M” having fun?” S” definitely!” the aura in the gym is just magnified exponshalily and then all the guys stand up and start jumping up and down on the bleachers the whole gym is shaking but finally they all sit back down PS” good boys okay no ladies if you would be so kind to sit on your gentlemen’s laps but sideways that will be the last photo.” J” or? May the yearbook make a suggestion? How about guys lift your ladies into the air in some fashion.” PS” what a lovely idea Jillian thank you fellas?” I’m going to kill her I know she’s planning something and I going to meme her! Ugh come on somebody say some.- M” no that’s stupid that’s not going to happen were following traditions not new found odd ideas.” J” Matthew it’s just a picture and if you don’t like it then don’t it!” M” you’re going to take the captain out of the shot?” J” well okay just do this real quick and we’ll be done deal?” S” matty it’s fine let’s just get this over with!” M” are you sure?” S” yes then when the pictures over and she has the camera down I’m going to deck her!” M” that’s my girl so what pose?” S” you pick sorry I’m heavy.” M” yeah so heavy it’s like picking up a grain of dust.” S” ha-ha your joking so funny.” Matty smirked and sat down on the bleacher S” matty?” he looks fine but he’s grinning like a crazy person! And within 3 seconds I’m 8 feet tall matty! He’s so crazy I’m on his shoulder and he’s laughing S” Matthew!” M” see baby I could use you to do reps with your just so light so don’t test me again oh now smile and be happy or who knows what else I might do.” S” okay I got it Looney.” Oh well it’s just one picture so I have to smile because I want to not because I’m afraid of matty ha yes! Pictures finally over sweet! Now how the devil am I supposed to get down? S” uh matty? Can I get down now?” M” no.” S” excuse me?” M” what you don’t like the view from up there? You look so cute just like a little monkey.” S” matty! Okay fine either let me down or I’m jumping.” M” no lets walk out to the field like this it will be romantic!” S” more like deadly okay that’s it!” I’m jumping I can do this! And 1..2..3 jump! Ah you big chicken! I can’t do it! M” my little chicken girl.” S” I am not a chicken!” I can do this hell I’ve been in at least 15-20 fights in my lifetime I think I can jump! And 1-2-3 jump but before I could even attempt matty bent down so I could step off his shoulder he really is an angel and is smiling like a goof-ball but he’s my goof-ball oh I know that look he’s planning something else I just know it but what the devil is he thinking? As I’m standing on the bleachers matty steps down to the bottom level and turns to me smiling he’s so cute when he smiles and also so devilish he looks like he wants to do something crazy but what? Just I was about to step off the bleacher matty picked me up in a “princess hold” and started laughing it surprised me S” your cruel!” M” I’m cute not cruel and you know you love me.” S” more than you know matty boy okay time for your game so let’s get going okay?” M” okay lets go.” Matty starts walking S” put me down first.” M” now who’s being cruel? I like carrying you.” S” yes I know but how bout after the game you can okay? Come on were going to be late.” Matty frowns and sets me back on the ground but keeps his hand well arm around my waist and we walk to the door. CG” matt!, Sam! Lead us to victory and to the field! HO-RAH!” M” HO- RAH!” matty moves his hand to mine and we run out to the field the crowd roars!! CG” fbpg go sit up there if you’re not on the cheer- squad and take your boys coats please.” We all look at coach M” foot-ball player’s girlfriends.” Most of the team says OH! And the couple are exchanging there tradition see you later/soon stuff matty hands me his helmet first to hold then he puts his jacket around my shoulders and pulls me into a hug. He’s nervous I can tell and I can feel it in his heart-beat how cute S” don’t stress so much you’re going to win I know okay?” M” yeah I know but I’m still nervous.” S” I know you are I can tell.” I step up on my tip toes and give him a kiss on the cheek S” good luck! Find me when you win I’ll be in our seat.” M” I’ll find you.” **** The game flew by it’s down to the last 85 seconds we have the ball on 2nd and goal I know we can win this game everyone is on their feet and some on the bleachers! The final whistle matty throws the ball before getting sacked and 3-2-1 TOUCHDOWN! WE WON! Oh is he okay? Yeah he just shot up he’s fine I’m so glad they won! Oh he sees me I better go down there he’s running toward me now. Matty looks so happy! I’m so glad he really does love football let’s see now where’d he go? I’m closer to the 30 than he is so I guess we’ll just meet at the 50 he’s so funny he won’t stop jumping around he looks like a little monkey if he doesn’t slow down hell knock me over or kill me one of the two. Matty runs into picking me up into the air he is so happy S” congratulations!!” M” we won!” matty sets me back on the ground and I take off his helmet and set it on the ground at our feet S” so Matthew you just won your first foot-ball game of the season what are you going to do next?” matty was looking deep into my eyes he slowly put his hand on my cheek and wrapped his other around my waist and pulled me close when he did my hands were rested against his chest. I don’t know what’s about to happen and I don’t seem to care matty leaned down and kissed me! I can’t think straight I don’t know what to think I’m shocked but it’s nice it feels right. It feels like were the only two left in the world and I know it’s true love because I think I just saw fireworks. Once we separate we knock our foreheads together and smile like crazy then we realize we aren’t the last people on earth and were still on the field and everyone in stands are cheering and freaking out I’m not sure if it was because of the football teams first win or because of us but which ever it was I’m embarrassed but I figure it will all de down soon until Allie comes running up to us showing us the picture she just took. S” ALLIE!” A” I couldn’t help it! Yall looked so cute and besides it was your first kiss.” S” okay fine well send it to me.” A” about that…” S” Allie?” A” my phone sort of has an automatic thing where its hooked up to Facebook sorry sam.” S” okay I’m going to kill you now.” A” Sam it’s not that bad.” S” yeah I mean it’s fine it’s just that my first kiss is all over Facebook wow.” M” breathe Sammy.” S” I’m breathing I’m breathing.” NOT this is crazy my mom’s going to see it! S” so where should we go to celebrate?” M” little Italy?” the whole team cheers and run off to locker room to get changed Allie walks with Eric but matty told me to go wait by the bike it will be easier to find me he said so I am. This parking lot is very creepy at night huh I never noticed that before I hope matty doesn’t take too long. This place is giving me the creeps! Oh my gosh I think I just saw something move behind the lamp post nah it was just my imagination. Wrong! Someone or something is over there come on matty where are you? Okay think Sam think matty keeps tools in the side pocket right below your feet great! Now the only thing is how can I get something and keep my eyes on the freak over there oh crap its moving again yup definitely a person okay so let’s see what matty has in here? Hammer? No blow- torch? No tire-iron yes jackpot! But I got to be real coy about picking it up I know I’ll “accidently ” drop the keys and pick up both. Okay Sam ready and drop perfect! Now to pick up everything and got it! Okay now freaky is moving closer and closer. Oh my gosh you’ve got to be kidding me! finally he steps out of the darkness to reveal the last person id ever want to see Ted! Why won’t he just leave me alone? I’ve done nothing to make him come after me this is madness man I’m so sick of him okay let’s think Sam I don’t see matty and I can’t drive his bike so what can I do? Ted is less than 10ft from me okay I’m going to have to fight him damn! And I know I can’t out run him he’s been on the track team since forever so he’s a lot faster than me. so this all means I’m tapped and he keeps moving and moving and I’m just frozen sucks! Come on matty where are you?! Oh my gosh he’s closing in! what do I do? What can I do? He’s got me 2-1 uh matty where are you?! Crud 5 ft. now I’ll just pretend I don’t see him but it’s not working like I’d like it too he knows and I know! He’s near and closing in. Chapter 8: I got to think quick and make sure it’s smart if I don’t get away something is going to happen I can just feel it in the pit of my soul and I don’t like this feeling but he’s too close for me to think crap! T” why hello Sam it’s nice to see you again your looking extra beautiful in that jersey so want to party? I think you do so how about it?” he’s too close I don’t know what I can do but I’m going to fight I will not let him have the upper hand S” yeah well it’s not mutual and yeah I like my jersey too” I inch my jacket down so he can see very clearly whose name is on my back S” see that? “Bluetomson” my boyfriend’s name and see the CG that stands for captains girl numbnuts!” T” well how bout we change that have it say TG?” S” how about you piss off before matty come out here and kicks you’re a** again?” T” matty has his own little issue you see dear Sam I sent Jill to go distract him so that you and I could have a little alone time together how sweet am I?” he’s lying S” your lying.” He’s pissed now! T” don’t be shy sweet-heart please enlighten why you think I’m lying.” S” mattys right behind you.” As ted turn to look I grip the tire iron and with all my might and will in my bones I swung and it connected perfectly right into his jaw once he starts to fall to the ground I start running toward the locker room but I don’t get much of an advantage cause he’s already up and after me and closing in quick damn he is fast! I can’t think I just need to keep running and think of a way to lose him okay let’s see the stadium but the locker room is this way okay I’ll go with the smarter choice and go to the locker rooms. Oh I see matty damn he wasn’t lying I can’t really see anything the tears in my eyes are starting to accumulate but I don’t stop. Jill is talking to matty! She’s all over him and matty won’t put his hands on a women ever so he won’t push her off without hurting her S” Matty!” I’m not even half way to him but he turns and sees me and gently pushes Jill off him she falls to the ground and he runs to me by this point the tears are there but none have fallen. Once matty and I reach each other he puts his hands on my shoulders and notices M” Sammy? Baby? What’s wrong? What happened?” I didn’t even have to answer because 5 seconds later ted came into mattys vision now walking towards us matty put both his hands on my face and whipped my tears away and pulled me into a hug. M” it’s okay your safe now but I need you to take care of Jill for me baby can you do that? I know you can okay?” I nod M” that’s my girl!” I walk away from matty and see Jill standing and now all I feel is pure rage/anger I feel like I could turn in the Hulk and spit-fire and this won’t be good for her. We meet in the middle and she puts her hands on her hips and glares at me I make a fist J” oh I’m so scared big bad Sammy please Sam what are you going to do?” she starts walking closer she’s in my face and the things I’m thinking of doing would put me in prison J” please your pathetic and not worthy of matty how’s it going to feel when you see us together?” S” I’m not sure I can’t feel what not going to happen. How’s it going to feel when you can’t eat,see,smell or barley breathe?” J” please Sam I’ve known you for years and you don’t have the guts.” Ooh guts? Huh that sounds pleasant let’s see who has most of their guts after this is over S” I want to see your guts, blood and tears I have what it takes so last chance back off or I’ll break your bones.” J” bring it B****!” huh I just heard that click again oh well no going back now! The first move I make is grabbing her by her collar and the 2nd is connection my right hook with her jaw and I can feel her skin already start to bruise but she brought this upon herself. I know it’s messed up to want to beat someone up but in her case I have no problem doing it she’s a horrible person there has to be something wrong with her! Okay now let’s see how many pounds can break a nose? 5? I think I could deliver a punch that powerful but then that’s it I’m done and yes connection! Ow man now my hand hurts but that okay besides it’s only the 2nd nose I’ve ever broken in my 18 years whew! I’m beat it’s been a long night I just want to sink to the floor. Sinking to the ground I almost forgot about matty but then I remember because before sinking all the way to the ground matty caught me and picked me up M” Sammy? Are you okay?” S” uhuh fine it’s just been a very long day that’s all so matty are you okay?” M” I’m fine why do you ask?” M” your hands are cut up and you have a small cut right here.” I kiss his wound he got it because of me. now were walking back out to the parking lot. M” you got him with that tire iron? I forgot I had that in there.” S” yup you did well I had to think because I knew he’s stronger than me so I just had to hit him with something since I can’t drive your bike and I couldn’t see you so I hit him.” M “ good job babe your very smart I proud of you ah here we are.” Matty sets me back on the ground and we both get on the bike to meet up with the rest of the team for food at little Italy and were late! So they all think dirty thoughts cause we were kind of messy such nasty young people my lord but once we told them everything they understood. After we all ate everyone split off on their own including matty and I we head back to my house to hang out. We have always had these movie nights where we just chill on the couch side by side and just talk it’s just a tradition no matter if were friends or now dating it’s our movie nights and after the night we’ve had I need this and it helps a lot with mattys arms around me it gives me security and makes me feel safe. I’m glad I have matty! He’s my angel and I couldn’t have gotten a better angel to watch over me S” thank you matty for everything!” M” it’s my honor and duty as the boyfriend I don’t mind at all now let me see your hands.” I shake my head M” Sam? Hands!” S” fine but yours are the same just worse than mine!” M“ hands” I bring my hands up and matty takes both to inspect them S” so?” M” your right mine are worse look.” Matty turns his hands over so I can see all the little cuts and scrapes like my hands just a little deeper since ted fought back unlike Jill M” so where are your parents?” S” date night remember? Its Friday they’ve been doing Friday date night since before I was born you know this.” M”yeah but they never stay out this late do they?” S” what time is it?” M” 11:30.” S” they’re probably at your house talking to your parents.” M” oh yeah very true so that means were all alone.”S” matty we’ve been alone since we got here.” M” I know but I just realized it.” S” why? What are you thinking about?” Matty turned blood red S” ew matty!” M” what? I’m an 18 year old male alone with my girl-friend.” S” that’s what my dad used to say to my mom when they were 18 they were crazier than we are.” M” oh I believe that now how old was Mrs.C when she had you?” S” in her early 20s same for my pap there the same age its really cute they’ve been in love since forever! You think we’ll last as long?” M” Sam I think you and I will be together for the next trillion tears then forever don’t doubt yourself babe your my everything okay?” I can’t help but smile when he says stuff like that! S” yeah.” M” good now come closer come on scoot over to moi.” Matty brings his left leg over my head and moves backwards into the couch S” your too crazy!” I scoot closer to matty and he puts his other leg on the couch so we won’t fall over and holds me tight. I rest my head on his chest he-he his hearts beating like a drum it’s so comforting knowing we both feel the same he’s so sweet and he’s just perfect! And I think he’s been taking MMA lessons because he just about killed ted ! I’ve got my own little Hercules, super strong,sweet,funny and saving his girl how did I ever get so lucky? It’s almost like a dream okay mattys heart-beat now sounds like a drum on steroids S” matty? Are you thinking perverted thoughts again?” M” no” S” matty I can hear your heart-beat and its going crazy!” M” okay look I can’t help it so just listen to my crazy speedy heart-beat. You never think about stuff like that?” S” no! I mean I’ve thought about our future but never anything of that nature although once I did imagine what you’d look like without a shirt on but that’s it.” M” you’re so funny your you Sam so straight-forward I love it and I love you.” I lean up S” what?” he’s beat red we’ve never said that to each other before well only when we were babies and when we’re joking M” I love you sam.” Matty leans up and were face to face S” I love you too matty.” We knock our heads together then matty puts his hand on my face and pulls me close and kisses me out second kiss! I see fireworks so I’m pretty sure tis true love. Matty lays back down on the couch and I lay on his chest again and I know he’s still thinking prevy thoughts because his face is still red and his heart is spazing out but for some odd reason I don’t remember him ever being like this before like ever huh well that’s okay but if he wants anything other than my heart I’m going to need a ring and I see that I see a marriage,children,career and all with matty. Aw he’s fast asleep well he did have a long day he looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping but how am I going to sleep? I can’t get up it will wake him besides he has a hold of me I don’t mind it what so ever but we’ll freeze if I don’t get a quilt out of the closet so I think if I move carefully I can get up without waking him. Okay careful careful I move matty’s arm and done! But that’s not the hardest part its getting out of the little crevasse he has us in I have to climb over him and one leg now the other this is sheer madness okay quick like a ninja come on Sam we can do this! Oh my gosh! He’s moving! This doesn’t look right if my parents come in there going to flip! Oh great now I’m sitting on top of matty and he’s moving again! M”mm..s.” what the hell is he saying?! M” sam..” whoa! Aw he’s dreaming about me wait what the devil is he thinking about? Wait I don’t think I want to know that do I? M” Sammy..” S” yes matty?” M” samm..?” S” yes matty? What is it?” M” do you plan on siting on me the rest of the night?” one of mattys eyes opened and looked at me M” now who’s thinking nasty thoughts.” my face is so red I just know it! S” I’m not! I was going to get a quilt out of the closet or we were going to freeze to death!” M” uhuh! Like I believe that if that’s the case then why are you still sitting on me?” S” because you started talking in your sleep! You kept repeating my name so I wanted to know and you looked so cute when you were sleeping so I didn’t want to wake you.” M” okay so then are you going to get the quilt?” realizing I’m still sitting on him I get up and run to the closet grab the quilt and come back. He’s changed the movie! I was watching that! He turned some lovey-dovey movie on S” matty! I was watching that! Meany!” matty leans up and then gets off the couch and walks over to me, taking the quilt out of my hands and wraps it around me but still holds onto the ends just like when he gave me his jacket and pulled me close and kissed me for the 3rd time! It’s crazy how right and perfect everything is. Matty smiles and lets go of the quilts edges and leans back a little then looks straight into my eyes the smirked that’s never a good sign! He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me into the air before walking back over to the couch and lays down with me on his chest again M” see now we don’t even have to get resituated it’s perfectly fine right?” S” uhuh.” M” go to sleep Sam I’ll see you in the morning and stop moving.” I can’t help but fidget its’ in my nature but mattys not letting me up for the rest of the evening I just know it. So I might as well fall asleep if I can it takes me a good 10-15 minutes to fall asleep I’m not sure why but until I do I count music notes so it goes by faster I hope. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 Chapter 9: waking up on this beautiful Saturday morning is great! But something’s different I don’t feel the warmth beneath me anymore. Where did he go? Slowly opening my eyes I notice I’m in my bed and matty’s not here what a liar! What time is it? 9:45? I’ll sleep for 15 more minutes then get up whoa! My showers on and I’m not in it mom and dad have their own so who the hell is in my shower?! I better go find out now where’s the ground? T feels like my bed is floating okay ohh there’s the ground whoa its cold! Okay man! Its soo bright outside now that I’m half blind I can’t find the door and I can’t hear the shower running anymore. So whoever it was is coming out I just wish I could see oh! I found you stupid door! But I didn’t have the chance to turn the knob before the door swung open and I got knocked on my butt and mattys standing over me with a towel around his neck shirtless in jeans whoa! I mean wow M” Sammy? Are you okay? You look a little flushed.” WOW!! I mean I imagined but it’s so much better in person M” Sam? Come back to earth hello? Sammy? Earth to Sammy?!” S” who? Huh? Oh hi matty wassup?” M” you were in a daze did you fall out of your bed again?” S” no your just hot and I got a little distracted that’s all matty you look ripped!” M” aw thanks now come on up off the floor come on hands.” I give matty my hands and he helps me up and once he does I can’t help but keep looking I mean imagine the hottest guy you know then multiply that by infinity squared and it’s not even close to matty. M” Sammy? Are you going to get ready?” S” for?” M” the amusement park silly remember we won these at the fair.” S” oh yeah.” I so distracted I’m actually like a giddy little school girl M” Sammy? You can touch them if you want but do it quick we need to get going.” S” okay.” I reach out and its warm and wet I forgot he just got out of the shower man he so hot! Okay I have to get ready! S” okay I need to get ready so out go to in the living room or kitchen.” M” why?” S” because I’m going to shower and you can’t be on here when I do. Both mine and your parents would flip! So out go on oh but first put your shirt on or you’ll freeze okay?” matty leaned down and kissed me M” okay.” Matty left out the door and down the stairs I locked my door just in case he got any more ideas. Man matty took a hot shower there’s steam everywhere aw matty! You wrote me a little note how sweet and it’s in a heart! “I <3 You!” how cute! He really is an angel okay focus Sam shower. *** it’s only 10:30 when I get out so I’ve only been in there for 30 mins perfect okay now I need to get dressed before matty comes running up here trying to get in. I’ll wear my blue jeans and black shirt oh crud I need to dry my hair too okay well I better unlock the door so he can come up and sit and he knows it I can hear his elephant feet running up the stairs. I start the blow dryer as soon as I hear the door close and I know he made a face but it has to be done so it will be until I straighten it. I figure I will be done in 20 minutes hopefully M” Sammy? Are you decent?” S” yeah you can take your hands off your eyes I’m in the bathroom.” M” oh.” S” don’t act so displeased you know my morals and my policies there just like our mothers.” M” I know and I didn’t have my eyes covered.” Matty smirks he such a lil devil too M” okay so what time can we go?” S” in about 15 mins I’m almost down blow-drying is that okay?” M” yup so babe what’s in this box under your bed?” box? What box? Oh no no S” matty don’t open that box!” I finish the last piece to dry and bolt out of the bathroom and swipe the box out of his hands so fast he didn’t even have time to react and safe! M” why? What’s in that box?” S” nothing.” M” give me the box Sam or else.” S” or else? Please matty I’m not afraid of you your my best-friend.” Matty starts moving in closer and I start to back up but I backed into the door and it shuts close M” Sam give me the box.” S” no like I said you don’t scare me so you should just give up you’ll never win against me mattew.” M” well Samantha you’ve forgotten a few minor details like 1. I’m stronger than you.” Matty takes my left hand and pins it against the wall M” 2. I’m your best-friend so I know your weaknesses.” Matty leans down too close to me I hate it when people are that close! M” 3. I’m your boyfriend so I know how to make you fall.” Matty leaned down again to kiss my cheek and reached for the box I moved it farther out there’s nothing bad in here it’s just personal so I don’t want him to see. He lets go of my hand only to wrap both of his arms around my waist and pull me closer he just wants the box but I’m too stubborn to give in so bring it! He let go and started to sink down to the floor and then in the 3 sec moment he wrapped his arms around my legs and threw me over his shoulder and started walking around I almost dropped the box but I’ve got a death grip on it so he’s got to step up his game if he wants to win at all. S” mattyy!! You’re a crazy person!” M” I know that oh hold on for a moment!” he started to spin around its starting to make me dizzy then he suddenly stopped and let me down so my first instinct is to run but he knows this and grabs me from behind and pins my hands down and goes for the box before I could react he had it out of my reach and picked me up with one hand and walked away from the door and sat down on the ground putting the box behind his back and uses his legs to pin mine to the ground S” matty this isn’t fair! Give me my box!” M” no I’m opening it!” matty slowly starts opening the box and grabs a bunch of random notes and looks confused M” what are all these?” S” keep digging look in the bottom find the biggest one and tell me what it says.” Matty searched and grabbed the biggest one and unfolded it M” Mrs. Matty Bluetomson?” S” I wrote that in the 3rd grade and all those notes are ours from all these years from 3rd to 9th some are really funny some are sweet and most are random. Does that make me weird?” M” never actually I still have all ours too. You know that binder I have on my shelf?” S” that huge one?” M” yup they’re all in that thing.” Aw so I’m not the only one S” oh yeah dang well that’s so cool now will you please let me up? We have to get going.” Matty just chuckles and moves his legs so I can stand once I’m standing he grabs my hand and pulls me back down onto his lap and kisses my cheek then my lips S” matty! We have to go!” M” I know that.” He’s laughing again he’s not funny! This is insane but I know that matty and are inseparable and I’m very happy about that. Matty stands up first then helps me up M” okay go get ready ill just sit here till you’re done.” So I got into the bathroom to finish and matty is going through all the notes I can hear him giggle it’s so cute! I finish and go back into find him laying of his back reading more notes S” matty are we going to go to the park?” M” yes well go I just love reading all our old memories and how the devil did you ever understand my writing it looks like chicken scratch!” S” I’ve got a good eye for it so I can read it perfectly now come on lets go.” I help matty get up and I head down the stairs to get my socks out of the dryer and wait for matty for some reason he’s still in my room S” matty?!” M” coming!” matty comes out and slides down the banister S” what were you doing?” M” nothing after you.” Matty holds the door for me I’m suspicion but I doubt he’s doing anything really bad so I’ll let it go S” thank you.” It only takes 20-30 minutes to get out to the park. We ride ever roller coaster then our favorites again. It’s the perfect day and this is our favorite amusement park it’s a combination of Marvel/D.C coasters and Japanese themed it’s my absolute favorite park I’ve ever been to! Right is Marvel the left is D.C and the rest is Japanese themed with cherry blossom trees, koi ponds, and actual Japanese structures its gorgeous. But the best thing about the whole park is the Farris wheel, it lights up different colors and makes different designs. It’s the best thing here so we always save it for last. Matty and I have to be home by 8:30 for the big family dinner at his house with my parents, brother and his girl and of course mattys parents, sister and her boy. We’ve been having these family dinners at least every two weeks and they’ve become more often ever since matty and I started dating. M” okay its 7:30 we have an hour so let’s hit the Farris wheel then we’ll head home deal?” S” deal.” We head to the wheel I really like it but it’s also really scary being this high up I don’t mind height but this is at least 100ft in the air and I just know our cart will be the one to get stuck at the top and matty knows I hate that when it happens so he chooses on purpose to sit across from me just so he can scare me and move the whole thing. Were just about to reach the top and it clunks and were at the very top and were stopped I knew it! I knew we’d get stuck at the top! Wow that’s a long way to the ground whew and in 3-2-1 M” how do you feel?” S” scared you already know.” M” oh my poor baby.” Matty gets up and starts shaking it and moves very slowly so it last longer and then he starts to jump and laugh S” not funny!” he finally sits down M” it’s a little funny.” S” no its not I love and hate coming in this death trap!” matty puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead then my cheek then my lips I love matty very much and I know he loves me. I know it will last forever just like he said and I know that were exactly the same he’s me but in a boy’s body and I’m him in a girls were so in sync and alike it’s crazy but a good kind of crazy. Were the perfect two and its strange that we’ve only actually been together for less than 5 months it feels like it’s been a lot longer. Finally! This stupid is moving!! M” happy now?” S” I’m always happy when I’m with you but now that this death trap is almost over I’m overjoyed oh and you know once we hit the ground we got to go you know how my ma is about us being on time.” M” definitely okay once it hits the floor well go.” S” thank you.” M” for what?” S” being you.” M” well thank you and thank you for being you.” Matty takes my hand and we walk to the bike and go just in time it just hit eight we should make it as long as traffic isn’t too horrible.*** S” there late rose!” R” no there not your clocks are all set 10 minutes ahead? Wha-? Landan! Fix the clocks and stop screwing around please the kids will be here any minute Elliot, sawyer will you help Lilly and Edward set the table please?” thank you E” sure thing ma.” We pull into the drive-way at exactly 8:25 M” made it!” S” with 5 minutes to spare nice driving oh come here you have helmet hair let me fix it for you.” Matty comes closer and I start fixing his hair S” perfect.” M” thank you.” Matty takes me hand and leads me into the house. The whole family’s here! Our parents and siblings with their significant others. Our parents are running around to the kitchen to out back just like when they were young or so my mother told me. S” hey were here.” R” finally snow was about to flip out she wouldn’t shut up!” S” look! Rose okay I didn’t want to wait cause I’m starving!! Hi matt.” M” hi mom, dad, Mr.&Mrs., Eddie,Lillly,Elliot.and Sawyer whew that’s a lot of people to go through so what are we cooking?” all the parents look at each-other and Mr.B,Jonny says “ steak ,potatoes, biscuits , salad our normal food when all the couples are together!” S” sounds great Mr. uh what did you mean when you said when all the couples are together?” L” well sweet-heart when we were all newlyweds wed always cook that it was like a tradition for us so it’s funny that now our kids are doing the same thing as we did that’s all okay Jonny help me get the steaks kids sit down, rose, creature.” S” ugly!” R” really? Even as adults? Really wow okay girls listen up boy may mature but only 10% of what there like now so you’ve now been prepped and warned good luck!” L” I can’t help it I’m still a little childish but you still love me.” R” more than life itself darling.” My dad walks over to my mom and gives her a kiss there so cute! E” thanks mom.” R” well sweetie blame your father not me he’s been like that forever but god knows I love him to death.” L” aw I love you too baby and I’m not that bad only with the monster.” S” it’s not nice to talk about yourself like that landan.” L” oh believe me If I was you’d love me.” R” go get the food because that made no sense what so ever.” My dad walked back outside R” kids rears in chairs okay?” all of us “kids” sit down and wait for the food to come ohh yum steak! I can smell it from here it smells delicious. All couples sit next to eachother,at the two ends of the table are my dad and Jonny then my mom and snow next to them, then we fill in the empty spaces I forgot how big this table is. Getting all of us in here when we were kids must have been so hard well there were only 4 kids now there’s 8 ah couples what would the world be without couples? I think very sad and lonely I’m glad I have my matty S” so who will say grace?” L” rose?” R” okay bow your heads children, you too landan, join hands okay? Dear heavenly father we thank you for blessing our families with great health,love,weath,and time I’m very glad your all here today in his sons name we pray amen.” All of us say amen it doesn’t matter what religion you are if my mother says grace you do as told she’s crazy now let’s dig in. *** 45 minutes later were all done and move into dessert, fried snickers and ice- cream so good and we all start talking and cracking jokes on each other just like a big family should. M” so parents I want to ask you guys a question how old were each of you when you got married?” we all look at matty S” well I was 21 your dad was 24 I think.” R” we were both 23 when we got married and then we had our lil Eli when I was 25 I think and then our lil Sammy just 3 years later man I’m getting old.” S” so you were about 10 years old than I am that’s so cool.” R” okay lets go kids it’s getting late.” L” come on it was nice seeing you kids.” S” I have to go to the bathroom.” Running up the stairs I don’t really have to go to the bathroom I want to find mattys note book and left ah mattys room now he said the binder would be on the shelf on his book- aha! I found it! Wow he wasn’t kidding this thing is huge!! Aw he even has pictures of us in here how sweet what were we like 5? Wow so cute L” Sam?” S” coming!” I just want to leave matty a little note is all R” Sam? Come on lets go.” S” alright alright I’m coming.” Running back down the stairs mattys standing at the bottom of them and just before leaving the last step I kiss mattys cheek then run to the door following my parents to the house we all say good night and head to our rooms. Elliot and sawyer stay about 15 minutes before heading to their apt I head to my room and my box is still on my bed I thought I put it backunder well I’ll do that now. Huh I don’t recall ever having a note sticking out like this I wonder which one it is? I’ll just pull it out why is it heavy? Aw it’s in a heart of its from matty of something fell out it’s a ring! A rose ring, black sliver with a bloody red rose and a black heart in the middle and on the heart in red was an "M” I’m practically ripping open the note now I want to know what it says “ My dearest Samantha I will always love you, protect you, be with you, be your best-friend, and I’ll always be your matty. With this ring I promise all of this to you I <3 U! I love you Samantha rose carter and I always will I’ll see you tomorrow my angel!” oh my gosh matty! Wow I’ve finally found the one my soul- mate and his name is Matthew James Bluetomson and I promise to be with him forever and ever I love him too ah now I can’t wait to see him tomorrow oh I wonder if he found my note there no ring but it does have love. Chapter 10: waking up on this beautiful Sunday is just glorious and wonderful! I’m in love with my best-friend and he’s in love with me it’s the perfect life if were like this 10 years from now I’ll be even more happy we have movie love I know its cheesy to say it like that but it’s true it’s just like a movie the boy and girl are friends then fall in love and have to face a trial to be together like Romeo and Juliet but neither of us dies or kill a cousin or climb a balcony just trees. L” Sam? Are you up? Mattys here for you.” Yay! I get out of bed and change in 2 minutes or less and run down the stairs M” good morning beautiful you’re going to need more clothing that just a short sleeve and jeans.” S” why where are we going?” M” in the street.” S” so?” matty smiled and walked over to the door and opened it. Outside was a clean white sheet of pure white snow across out whole block it looks S” beautiful.” M” not as beautiful as you are now go change and don’t forget to put on your boots I don’t want your feet to freeze my love.” I run back up stairs and put on a long sleeve and my boots then back down to matty holding my jacket L” have fun font go too far without telling us or your parents matt okay?” S” okay daddy I think we’re going to walk down to the park a block down the road okay?” L” okay be safe and have fun this is actually really nice I think I’m going to have to wake your mother up and have us a snow-date of our own.” Matty and I start walking out the door when we hear my father scream L” BABY! Get your crazy butt up and come play in the snow with me!!! BABY?! BABY!!” we both laugh and hold hands and stroll down to the park it only takes 10 minutes not too fair S” so matty feel anything different?” M” no.” I swing our hands S” nothing?” M” oh! Just one thing you’re wearing the ring!” S” yes! I am and I love it its perfect! Thank you.” We stop and matty turns me towards him M” your welcome I’m glad you love it!” matty pulls me close and kisses me then walks a little ahead and makes a snow ball but I know this trick we did this as kids and I’m not getting hit today so I throw the one I made and direct hit! He starts laughing and throws his but misses and I hit him again! He has a good sized one in his hand now and he starts running towards me grabbing my around the waist and plants it on my head man that’s cold! Oh it’s on now! M” not fair! Your cruel!” M” I’m cute not cruel hah I win!” S” not!” I get out of his grip and run behind the trees and get a good medium sized ball and wait silently to hear the *crack and spin around and slowly move so I can get a better look at matty he’s trying to hide from me it’s not working he’s 6’4 I’ve got him in my sights he’s mine! This snowball is at least 5-8 pounds I almost don’t want to throw it at him he looks so cute trying to be sneaky but not cute enough and once the snow ball leaves my hand I’m running! Direct hit! Now to find a safe spot to hide from him I’ll stay under this tree until I see him make his snow-ball then I’m up this tree. I’m so going to scare him once he comes over here oh crap here he comes M” Sammy? Where are you baby? Come on come to matty I’m cold! Sam? Okay I’m going to die out here all alone and sad.” S” okay I’ll bury your body right there and place a flower there every few months.” M” not funny Sam now stop playing Pocahontas ad come out of the tree you little monkey.” S” I am not Pocahontas more like sleeping beauty.” M” well you are my beauty.” S” aw well then your my prince but I’m still not coming down.” D” damn!” mattys getting annoyed M” will you come down if I ask you nicely right?” S” depends on how you ask.” Matty got down on his knees M” my dearest Samantha if you would please get your monkey butt out of that damn tree so we can have a snow day together!” now he’s standing and looking for my tree ha- ha S” only if you can find out what tree I’m in.” I can hear matty walking closer oh he’s below me and standing right under the branch I’m on. Matty starts knocking on the tree trunk M” hello? Anyone home? I have a question to ask you.” I drop a snowball directly on mattys head he laughs then starts climbing up towards me S” okay! I’ll come down so move come on off the tree.” Matty slides down the trunk and waits for me to get down. I climb down and sit on the closet branch to the ground when he clears his throat and points to the ground. S” fine I’m getting all the way down!” but before I could matty pulled my arm and helped me down M” Sammy? I want to ask you something. Whew okay so I know were both 18 and you know I love you with my whole heart ,mind ,body and soul. I know it’s the same for you and I just want to tell you that there is only one other girl in my life that I will treat as great as you and she’s not here yet but I know when she is she will be our world. So Sam what I’m trying to ask you is after high-school whew! Will you marry me?” if matty wasn’t holding onto me I would be in the snow or floating I’m in shock…uh well let’s see when I see my life, the future like 5 years from now what do I see? College to be a professor, a small job just to earn my own money, and I see matty so. S” okay.” M” okay? Like as in yes? Sam you’ll marry me?” S” yeah matty I’ll marry you I’d love to be your wife. Your my everything matty I see my future with you and you alone but in 10 years I don’t just see just you and me. I see others.” M” others?” S” mhm.” M” well Sam I don’t have any objection to that. Oh but I don’t have a ring crap! Are you sure your positive about me?” S” I have been since we turned 17 I love you matty with my entire being and I can’t wait to marry you and we can use my rose ring I love it! So it’s perfect and id be honored to be yours is that okay?” M” definitely.” Matty took the ring off my right hand and got down on his knee and took my left hand and placed the ring on my finger M” this is a for now ring when the day does come there will be a huge diamond in place of this ring I promise.” S” matty I don’t need a diamond I just need you and for us to keep our promise to love each other forever can we keep that?” M” yes I know we can oh my gosh Sammy were engaged!” matty got off his knee and picked me up and spun me around. Holy crap were engaged! I’m getting married! I’m getting married to my best-friend, boy-friend, my neighbor, my child-hood friend, my boy ,my love, my heart, my matty! I have the love that is true. M” Sam? We have to tell our parents oh my gosh were engaged before our elder siblings oh there going to be pissed!” S” my dad’s going to flip!” M” no necessary I sort of already asked him for permission he said he couldn’t see you with anyone else so I’m so glad! I’ve got my dream girl my love, my best-friend, my Sammy okay so should we got back?” S” yeah lets go.” Matty set me back on the ground and pulled me close and kissed me more passionately then any of our previse kisses have been it just feels right so in the cold snow is where Matthew James bluetomson asked me to marry him and I couldn’t be more thrilled! So on our way back matty has his arm around my waist we see all the family having a huge snowball fight carter vs. Bluetomson so matty and I tell them to stop and we tell them S&M” were engaged!” M” were going to wait till after high- school and maybe college we love each other very much so may we have your blessings?” R” I think this is just wonderful of course matty I’m very happy for both of you.” Congratulations were the number one thing they told us and how great matty and I make as a couple it’s just a perfect world and life I live I couldn’t change anything not one thing I’m in love and I’m happy too.
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kokoakakaom · 4 years
1 Mai 2020
Im in my personal hell again. This 8 months have been a lifetime of experience and adventure but now it seems so short and unimportant. How my day begins.. i wake up in this greyish light while i hear my parents rumble downstairs enjoying their early breakfast. I join them downstairs..while they wait for me to say good morning..if i dont say it immedieately they will ask no goodmorning today? then ill make my breakfast usually join them and ask them a lil bit about vietnamese and thats about it from our common ground. This morning i said i wanted a coffee i think abd my father immediately goes hmmmm what a coffee?? u wont sleep at night blablabla...and i go hmm this lil girl wont take coffee shes not allowed too... he laughs it off and then like 2 min later he goes ill make mi roi for u right? ill make one for long for lunch and also for u...im like nah but ok i could eat a small portion if he already plans to do ..and then contionous to not doing it but no prob. Then my father continous like Duong dont forget to drink mild every night...like thanks i know its well intended but i ll probably know what i want to eat apart from the fact that i said a dozen times that milk isnt even that of a health bomb that my parents think of it and i never liked milked but these days im even doing it and also never drinks milk.... Things like that cross my mind in a second and i just cant hear this shit when this sort of communication is the only thing im getting day and night. Then my mom sees and opened butter package in the frige and goes who did that? you did that didnt u? and boi i cant even hear this shit anymore..long literally joking days before saying everything bad happens in this house is thanks to me out loud and laughing because he says well i have to condition them to think that every mess is thanks to you knowingly that i hate it when they blame me immediateyl when its someone else like him. And hes there laughing his ass off. Haha.
And im like no it wasnt me, must be bo. Why you always blaming me.
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She goes to kiss me on my back and at that point im years already feeling aversed even getting touched by one of my family members cause i despise them so much especially my mother at times and then shortly after an argument or sometimes not like situation that clearly upsets me shes acting like pinky child shows 5yearl child affection through hugging and so on. Eff off
Then later i go downtairs again shes making some kind of che well she sneezes two times..no i open the can of pepper and everything falls off...shes like well why didnt you know? im like why should i know this it never happens before..shes like well when u turn it downstairs like its not has happened to me.
Yes i have to admit already happened but she didnt wittness it that time and why do you make accusations for such things like that..then she immediately opens the other pepper can..so i point out well it also could have happened with this one..so what is up with the blaming? -no comment. Im thinking about when my father makes such unnecessary comments about some things my mother does and wonder why she then proceeds to give me the same procedure knowing well how irrational those comments are. Im saying think before you talk but id rather should have said that she must herself talk and maype should have pointed out the same situation with Bo. Im not sure what impact that would have. She doesnt wanna try self aware cause everything i say is something that goes as fuelmaterial immediately into the fire that keeps her hate for me burning withouth maybe consider my words and her action.
Then later she sneezes im like well can u sneeze in ur arm..i wouldnt bother me that much but i dont want to create the image for bo that his sneezers bother me much more. No comment she ignores me completely ..talking to herself and i repeat it ..no comment again..then she explodes like why are u looking at me like this and effing the heck out then no comment.
I swear in such moments like this i want to fucking die. I understand that ive probably annoyed her with my questions about the sugar but i wasnt annoying. I umderstand she doesnt like to hear think about it before you talk from her daughter for such minor comment in her world but moments like this i see my own uglyness objectivly and in her eyes also. I hate that i hate how my parents treat me, my anger but also the way they treat me, wont listen to me, ignore me, belittle me and how desperate i have to control myself to keep calm manner and somehow desperately want them to change, to say a ok we got it next time ill treat you like a normal person. And these week i have been crying nonstop every fucking day...Im wondering why the fuck would i cry just cause my mother imitates me. But it was just more than i could handle..if you only knew how much wish i wouldnt care for their comments man.
Yesterday not sure again what it was speciafally but it all comes back..truth is we dont like each other and only distance keeps us in the perfect dynamic.
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