#i just want to drink w them and eat good food while listening to records while singing at the top of our lungs
1980ssunflower · 2 years
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#ot3: ❤rhyme💛easy💙#tape entry circa 1980#ooohhhh my babies my babies MIS BEBES MIS AMORES LOS LUCES DE MI VIDA#all i need is them mis amores ill never need anyone else ever as long as i have them both#i need to hold them both so so so fucking close and kiss them and tell them every little thing i love abt them#which will last hours cause ill keep repeating myself and ill never stop hjfdks#i need my husbands so so badly especially cause its our birthday... ;w;#i wish i could be w them rn so we could properly celebrate together..#itd be nice to go to a carnival and do karaoke and rollerskating or bowling#and a movie of course!! maybe walk around the mall#auhh i miss them sm... id really like to lay w them rn and fall alseep cuddled against them w their arms around me#and id like to wake up to min making us all breakfast and later we can maybe have a little jam sesh :-]#i really want to play w them rn tbh#auhh our voices sound so perfect together it was like we were destined to be in a band together 💖💛💙#god i just... miss them man#i want to stare into their beautiful eyes and see the way they smile and hear their laugh#i want to hear their lovely wonderful voices... to feel they way they hold me and have their fingers intertwine w mine 🥺💖💙#i cant properly express just how deeply i love them but i just cant stop thinking abt them#and the way i feel is overwhelming me again i just NEED them i need them so so badly i cant stand being away from them i need them...#i just want to drink w them and eat good food while listening to records while singing at the top of our lungs#and laughing so hard w them that my ribs hurt and i cant breathe#i want to be leaning against them and feel the warmth of their body against me and really take in that moment#to hear and feel the way they breathe in and out w the rise and fall of their chest#the way they sigh feeling content and relaxed in this moment#to take in their own personal scent along w other things like the smell of their hair products or cigs
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feelbokkie · 19 days
L♡VE IN F♡CUS | Chapter 4
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PAIRING: idol!Changbin x fem reader
WARNINGS: mention of food/eating, one swear word, some angst
GENRE: smau, crack, angst, fluff
P♡V: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
SUMMARY: Amateur concert photographer Y/n has recently been promoted to junior music journalist. Her first assignment? An exposé on the popular Kpop boy group, Stray Kids. Spending an entire tour doing in depth interviews with eight men seems simple enough, but one member isn't exactly open to the idea. Will Y/n be able to break down the walls around his heart, or will her big break turn into a big disaster?
TAGLIST: closed
W♡RD C♡UNT: 4,981
A/N: sorry for disappearing without a word
©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
“So, how does all this work?” You ask from the couch behind the set of chairs Chan and Changbin are currently sitting in, a third one is empty between the two of them.
“Like producing or all of the buttons?” Chan asks, spinning around in the chair to give you all of his attention.
“You can explain the buttons if you want,” You adjust yourself comfortably on the couch, making sure to find a way to sit so you can take notes without hurting your back later. “But I meant producing.”
The three of you are currently sitting in a recording studio that the company rented for the group to use on their last day in Sydney. One of the inclusions that everyone agreed on is a mini CD-R of each member's solo song from the tour, and one rerecorded song for the group version broken up into a special racha version. The boys wanted to get the recording as quickly as they could before they got too tired from touring, which is why you're up at the earliest time you've needed to be so far.
Chan starts to roll up the sleeve of his black hoodie, thinking for a moment. "Well, when Han gets here--"
"If Han gets here. I guarantee you that he's still asleep right now." Changbin whines, his voice still heavy from sleep.
"I'll send a text to the group chat in a second to have one of the other kids swing by his room before they come over." Chan rubs his eyes as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and sets it on the table behind him. "We can do the first two songs without him right now I guess."
"They're just the solo songs so we can manage." Changbin yawns. You can't tell if he's telling you or reassuring Chan.
"Yeah, you're right. Anyway," He pulls off his cham and fixes his hair before placing it back on. "Someone will be in the recording booth with headphones that play the backing track while everyone else can hear from the speakers in here. Basically, everyone out here is listening to make sure that the recording goes well. That whoever is in the booth is keeping pitch, or pronouncing everything correctly, and so forth. Or if something doesn't sound right, we can fix it right then and there. It's not always in one go though so sometimes we have to take the best bits of each take and splice them together."
"And then you take the mostly recorded track and do whatever tweaking needs to be done in post?" You question as you write down what Chan explained.
"Exactly! Someone's been doing their homework." Chan claps once loudly in excitement, the sudden noise causes Changbin to jump in his seat.
"I've always been a good student." You smirk to yourself as you look through your questions to ask. "I've watched some of your recording sessions on YouTube. You--"
The door swings open, stealing all of your attention. On the other side, Jisung stands holding four coffees in a carrier in one hand and another, larger iced coffee in the other. He's mostly hidden away in a large beanie that falls just above his eyes, a matching black face mask, an oversized hoodie, and baggy grey cargo pants.
"I know I'm late, but I bought an apology gift." He says, holding up the drink carrier.
"More like a bribe." Chan laughs, turning the seat next to around so that Jisung can sit in it.
"Here you go, noona." Jisung hands you one of the iced coffees before taking his seat between Chan and Changbin.
"I can be bought." You joke as you take the drink.
You watch as Jisung settles into his seat, handing both Chan and Changbin their drinks before placing the remaining fifth cup on the table behind them. Chan takes a sip of the coffee and turns back to you. "Noona, you were asking us a question."
"I'll ask it later. You guys have a lot of work ahead of you. I'll be like a fly on the wall from this moment forward."
All three of them nod in agreement. Recoding nine songs in one day isn't impossible but it is a lot of work. The three of them turn around again and discuss something briefly that you can't hear. Unsure of what else to do, you recheck your notes as they talk, trying your best to give them privacy in the too-small room.
"Ah, I'm suddenly nervous to record this song!" Chan laughs nervously while throwing his head back.
"We've all seen you perform it seven times already." Jisung pats him on the back to reassure him.
"Yeah but..." His voice trails off as he slowly makes eye contact with you as he spins around.
"You're nervous because of me?" You point to yourself for confirmation.
"Well, the song is a bit..." His voice trails off again, scratching the back of his increasingly red neck.
"Oh, so you can take your shirt off in front of Stay but you can't sing the song in front of noona?" Changbin teases.
"At this point, noona is like my sister. So it's..."
"I'm pretty sure your actual sister was in the audience this weekend. Your entire family really." You remind him.
"Oh my God," He sighs, burying his head in his hands.
"Ah, Bang Chan! Just hurry up and go in the booth already!" Changbin yells, getting annoyed and dropping all formalities with his leader.
"Okay, okay!" He gets up and takes one more sip of his coffee. "It's a song about trains anyway so I don't know what I'm getting worked up about."
"Hyung, be so fucking for real right now. We're all adults here. Just--"
"Ow! What was that for." Jisung rubs the spot on his thigh that Changbin just smacked.
Changbin doesn't say anything. Instead, he nods in your direction, warning the younger man that you're still listening. You roll your eyes and raise your hand up. "It's off the record, don't worry."
After some punches to the air, Chan finally makes his way into the recording booth. He places the large headphones over his ears and pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket. He unfolds the paper and then places it on the music stand in front of him. He signals for you to turn around and cover your ears with a sheepish smile. You respond by shaking your head 'no' and snapping a quick picture of him with your camera.
Jisung gets up from his seat and takes the seat that Chan was sitting in earlier. He pats his previous seat with his hand while looking through the papers in front of him. "Noona, sit here. Come be an honorary member of 3racha."
"I promise you that your careers are safer if I sit back here." You chuckle slightly.
"Then come up here and keep us company. It feels weird sitting here with just two of us. Feels like if Cerberus was missing a head."
"That's a bit dramatic, no?" You question as you gather your things.
"It's 3racha. You need all three of us. Cerberus is just a two-headed dog without the third head. Or worse, a regular dog. 2racha isn't a real thing." Jisung says with a faraway look in his eyes. You can almost see a glint of fondness as he thinks back about something.
"Can I quote you on that?" You ask as you set your things on the table.
"Technically Vocalracha is 2racha," Changbin interjects. Without looking up from the papers he's now flipping through, he pulls out Jisung's chair for you to sit on. Without hesitation, you quietly thank him while taking the seat.
"That's not the same thing and you know it hyung." Jisung whines, stomping his feet on the floor, gently shaking the table.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
All three of your heads snap up at Chan who is now mouthing something at you.
"Oh, his mic is off," Changbin says while he looks at the set of buttons spread out across the table.
"Hold on, this system is different from the one we're used to. Everything is in English too."
"They showed us how to use the equipment earlier but I forgot which one is the mic on and off button," Changbin explains.
Your eyes scan the table and find the button labeled 'microphone on/off'. Afraid of accidentally hitting something and messing with the entire system, you quietly point to it. Changbin follows your finger and presses the button without any hesitation. You hold your breath for a moment, scared that you might have found the wrong button. All three of you stare at Chan while Jisung signals for him to talk.
"Is my mic on now?" Chan asks softly.
All three of you let out a sigh of relief before Jisung presses the intercom button in front of him and leans into the mic. "Yeah, hyung. We can hear you now, loud and clear."
"Okay, good. Are we good to start now? I want to get my song over with before the other kids get here." Chan teeters back and forth on his feet and swings his arms back and forth like a child waiting for their parent to get done talking to their friend. It's an insane image of a man who is about to sing a song that is definitely not about railways.
Jisung turns to look at Changbin who is looking at a little piece of paper in front of him. You can see small diagrams of buttons and little notes on them in Korean that you're almost certain he wrote himself. He gives Jisung a thumbs-up as his finger hovers over one of the buttons.
"Yeah, we're going to start now, hyung," Jisung tells him before sliding the intercom away from him.
Chan resumes his position in front of the microphone. He flashes all three of you an innocent smile before signaling that he's ready to start. Both you and Jisung watch Changbin as he presses one of the buttons. Soon after, the opening notes of "Railway" play over the speaker in the room. Chan makes a motion pointing up which causes Changbin to scramble as he looks for another button while referring to his little cheat sheet. Changbin presses the button and Chan gives him another thumbs-up before singing the opening lines of the song.
You sit quietly between the two younger members of 3racha as they work, careful to not distract them. You've been with them for two months, but this is the most serious you've seen them. Most of the time, they're goofing off and picking on each other or the other members. Changbin quietly nods along to the music while reading the lyrics sitting in front of him. Every few seconds he writes a little note on the page. Jisung is also reading along with the lyrics. After Chan finishes the first verse, he waits patiently while drinking water as Jisung and Changbin quietly discuss among themselves what parts they should have him fix. After a few minutes, they go over what went well and what he can do to improve. Chan nods along before the three of them rerecord the first verse. After the second recording, they replay both versions of the recording for Chan to hear. This time Chan seems a bit dissatisfied and asks if he can try one more time. Once more, the opening notes play and Chan redoes the first verse. During the review of the third take, all three of them are satisfied and go to the next verse.
This process continues for each verse, chorus, and adlib until all three of them, but most importantly Chan, are happy with the final product. Afterwards, Chan switches places with Jisung and it starts all over again. Jisung's recording goes a bit faster than Chan's due to fewer notes from the other two producers in the room. While Jisung records, both Chan and Changbin are quietly explaining everything to you so you have a bit more context of what's going on. After Jisung is done, he takes Chan's seat again while Chan moves over to Changbin's seat so they can record the next song. Changbin's recording took the longest of the three because of how much he was joking around. After that, they managed to get started on the 3racha hip-hop version of "Runners," all while spending more time messing around than focusing. Still, the three of them are done in nearly two hours.
For a moment, you're left alone in the recording studio while the three men take their break outside of the room. You sit quietly on the couch, your new permanent spot now that all three producers are done recording, and add to your notes about the experience. You don't notice at first that Changbin is the first one back in the room. He's quiet for a moment as he reclaims his spot at the end of the table.
"It's not as fun and glamorous as our recording session videos, huh?" Changbin asks quietly, finally breaking his silence.
You slowly lift your head up and blink at him, confused for a moment. You don't think there's been a moment where he's spoken to you first before. At least, not unprompted. Not without another member being in the room.
Changbin continues to stare at you, waiting for your answer. You shake your head and put your notebook aside, "No, I think it's very interesting. I'm learning a lot about making music and you three in general. I really love music so seeing how it's made is really fun."
Changbin slowly nods his head as he spins back around. You roll your eyes as you pick up your notebook again. A few seconds later, Changbin turns around again. You freeze midsentence, waiting for him to say something.
"Do you want to experience the other side of it?" His expression is soft and genuine. You've only seen this expression on his face when he's with his members, never with you. Then again, you haven't been alone with him yet. Maybe the overprotective, intimidating part of him is an act.
"What?" You set your notebook aside once again, "Like, inside the recording booth?"
"Yeah," While his face is softer towards you than you're used to seeing, he still refuses to smile. "For your article. You're still writing that, right? In addition to everything else?"
"I am still writing the article. And I'd love to step inside the booth." Notebook in hand, you follow as Changbin stands up and leads you to the door you've watched all three of them go through.
You wait patiently as you watch Changbin adjust the height of the mic for you. After a few moments, he quietly leaves the room and takes his spot back in front of the soundboard. He motions for you to put the headphones on.
The recording booth is smaller on the inside than you imagined. Much more stuffy, hotter than the room you were just in. It must have something to do with all the soundproofing that needs to be done. You roll up the sleeves of your sweater while you look around the room, taking in every little detail.
"Noona, can you hear me?" Changbin's voice rings through the headphones.
"Yeah," You turn, giving your full attention to the man on the other end of the glass. You always thought that there was a speaker overhead that was connected to the intercom in the other room.
"Good," He nods as he takes a sip of his now watered-down coffee. "I'm going to play something so you can hear what it's like."
You give him a thumbs up as you watch him search through Chan's laptop. After a moment, finding what he's looking for, he turns to look back up at you. "So you're going to hear a quick-timing beat and then the music is going to start."
You wait while watching Changbin as three ticks of what sounds like a metronome play in your ear right before the instrumental track for "Runners" starts. Your head bobs along to the music as you mentally sing the lyrics of the song you've heard countless times. The music is so loud, you're almost certain your heartbeat changed to match the tempo.
Just as soon as the song starts, it ends right when the first verse should end. You quickly grab your notebook and jot down a few notes before looking back at Changbin again.
"Is it always like this? Like," You pause for a moment, trying to find the right words. "is it always just the backing track? I've heard that some artist hear their own voice too."
"You can hear your own voice if you want it that way but it can get a bit confusing so we don't. Some artists will have their guide playing if they have one or a metronome to keep the tempo. If we're layering or doing adlibs then we'll have what we've already recorded playing instead to make it easier for us and the person mixing the track."
"I see," A million more questions float into your mind as you take note of what Changbin just told you. But you decide to keep them to yourself for now. You still have a few more hours before the day is over.
"Do you want to record for real?" Changbin asks suddenly.
You pause for a moment, contemplating his question. It would be a bucket list item you would be able to scratch off the list. But the idea of performing a--song let alone performing a song in front of the original artist--is intimidating. "I can't sing,"
"We have autotune," He says as the corner of his mouth twitches up into a smirk that he can't hide.
You bite your lower lip as you think about the next time an opportunity like this will happen again. With your career, it probably won't happen again in this lifetime.
"Okay, but no laughing."
"Well, not in front of you."
"I changed my mind." You go to pull the headphones off and go back into the main room.
"I'm kidding, I'll be nice. I promise." He says quickly, his infectious laughter ringing through your ears. "What song do you want to do?"
"'Runners' is fine." You breathe as you readjust the headphones on your head.
Changbin does something on the laptop for a moment, probably turning on the autotune for you, and then makes an 'okay' symbol letting you know he's ready to go.
You say a silent prayer that you don't completely embarrass yourself in front of Changbin or any of the other members who are bound to walk back into the studio at any moment as the metronome chimes in your ears again. As the song starts, your voice is a bit shakier than you hoped. It's one thing to pretend to be an idol recording a song in the shower. It's an entirely different beast standing in a real recording booth while singing in front of an actual idol.
The song goes on longer than it did when Changbin was showing you how it sounded earlier. He's probably letting you go for as long as you can before cutting you off. Unfortunately for him, and his ears, you know the entire song.
Claps erupt in your ears just as the song finishes. You turn to the side to see that Chan and Jisung have returned from their break and that both Seungmin and Jeongin have also arrived. You quickly rip off your headphones, grab your notebook, and leave the booth with your eyes on the floor so that none of the boys can see how red your face is. You're not sure when any of them came in, and for your sake, it might be better that you didn't know.
"Wow, noona, do you want to join us in Vocalracha?" Jeongin jokes as you take your spot back on the couch.
"I think Vocalracha has enough members, thank you very much."
"Just switch places with Seungmin, nobody will notice the difference," Jisung suggests as he takes his seat next to Changbin.
"I'll notice," Seungmin deadpans as he takes the spot next to you on the couch.
"Does that mean I'll be Vocalracha leader then?" Jeongin's eyes light up with a mischievous twinkle.
"I think for noona's sake, you shouldn't be the leader. You'll run it like the military." Chan laughs, ruffling Jeongin's hair. In return, Jeongin pushes him hard enough to cause him to stumble.
Jeonging climbs over both your and Seungmin’s legs to get to the empty seat near the couch in the corner. "And Seungmin hyung doesn't?"
"I'm nice to you, why are you lying? Spend a day in danceracha with Lee Know hyung and you'll be crawling back to me, begging for forgiveness." Seungmin pouts.
Jeongin him off while pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I bow for no one,"
"You bow for Stay." Chan reminded the youngest man.
"That's different. I respect Stay." He replies without missing a beat.
"You don't respect me?" Seungmin asks, his mouth drops open, feigning shock.
Jeongin turns to Seungmin and points at himself. "Maknae on top,"
"Guys," Changbin warns. Both Seungmin and Jeongin turn to the older man, confused by the sudden warning. Changbin only replies by nodding in your direction.
And just like that, he's back to putting a wall between you and the entire group.
"Noona knows that we're only joking," Seungmin says softly, turning back to you with soft eyes. Almost like he's apologizing on Changbin's behalf. "Don't you, Y/n noona?"
"I vaguely remember one or more of you saying something about how Jeongin would be scary if he was one of the hyungs so..." You tease as you pretend to flip through your notebook. You slightly glance up and make eye contact with a worried Changbin. "I'm only joking, I know Jeongin has a soft spot for each of you and to take what you guys say with a grain of salt. Like when Seungmin says he hates you, he doesn't really--"
Seungmin throws his hand in front of your mouth, not close enough to touch you, but enough to get you to stop talking. "Hey, hey, hey, no need to expose me like that, noona."
"Okay, okay, well leave the two maknaes alone." Chan laughs, as he takes his seat next to Jisung. "Which one of you wants to go first? Or did you want to start by doing Vocalracha's 'Runners,' drama version?"
"I'll go first. Someone spent the whole car ride worried about doing his sexy concept in front of noona." Seungmin sighs as he gets up and walks straight into the booth.
"Hey," Jeongin cries, looking up from his phone.
"I'd like to remind everyone that I've already seen all of your stages. Multiple times. I've already seen the belly buttons and abs and heard all of the lyrics enough times in the past two months for you to not be worried." You reassure him.
"Couldn't be me," Chan clears his throat as he turns back around. You can see how quickly his neck and ears are getting red just before he pulls his hood over his head.
"You are the biggest offender, don't lie." Jisung laughs while hitting Chan on the shoulder.
"Seungmin, are you ready?" Chan changes the subject as Seungmin pulls his headphones on. Seungmin responds by making a silly face and doing a thumbs-up.
The rest of the day pretty much goes how it did earlier. Seungmin got done with his recording almost as quickly, if not faster than Jisung did earlier. Jeongin took a bit longer because he nitpicked each of his takes to make sure they were perfect. By the time they were done with their solos and recording "Runners," drama version it was time for lunch and the remaining three members of the group came with food for everyone. After lunch, Danceracha got started with their version of "Runners" before doing their solo recordings.
You tried to focus as well as you could but with the room full, there was always something happening on the side that always caught your attention. The other members only got scolded by Chan, Changbin, and Jisung, who were in full producer mode, a handful of times for their volume or overall playful antics. And while the day didn't feel like it lasted that long, when you checked your phone, it was basically dinner time.
"Alright, Lee Know-ssi, you're all done." Chan yawns into the microphone. You are almost certain he didn't get much sleep last night after the two of you spent the entire day exploring Sydney for his solo zine.
"Thank god!" The second oldest yells as he quickly pulls off his headphones and joins all eight of you in the main room.
With nowhere left to sit, Minho sits on Changbin's feet. Nobody else is phased by it, and after spending time with the group, it doesn't puzzle you as much as it once did.
"Hyung, get off," Changbin whines.
Minho tilts his head back and looks at Changbin innocently. "Why?"
"Never mind," Changbin mumbles as he gently pushes Minho's head back forward.
You do your best to hide the smirk threatening you appear on your face as you pack up your equipment. You didn't use much today, just your camera and your notebook. But still, you make sure to disconnect the lens from the camera and over both of them with the appropriate caps and then slide them into your bag. You close your notebook with a satisfying tap and put the pen into the wire spiral before putting it into your bag. Satisfied that you packed everything, you stand up and sling your bag over your shoulder.
"If none of you have any plans, we can all head out to dinner for our last night in Australia?" You ask softly.
You want to treat the boys after a long day of work that you know they wouldn't have had if it wasn't for you. It's the least you can do. That is if you can find a way to pay without them knowing or trying to beat you to it.
"A little bit later? There's something the kids and I have to talk about first. If you don't mind waiting, it'll take about an hour. You can go ahead and wait at the hotel if you want." Chan says while stretching his arms in front of him.
You nod with a smile. "That's fine. We can also go another day too. No rush. Have during your meeting. Or text me if you still want to go."
Trying not to trip, you slightly knock into Felix's leg as you leave. You give them one final wave goodbye just as you leave.
You walk to the entrance of the studio, passing by a few random people entering the building. Deciding to stay cool, you wait in the lobby and dig around your bag, looking for your phone so you can call a car service to bring you back to the hotel.
Panic slowly sets in when you don't feel your phone in your bag. You check your pockets quickly before emptying your bag on the couch in the lobby. Pens, gum, your headphones, camera, notebook, wallet, and a bit of trash fall out. But not your phone. You think for a moment, you could have sworn that you put your phone in your bag. You checked the time, set it on the arm of the couch, and then...
It's still in the studio. You shove everything back in your bag. No longer panicking, you move slowly. You could wait around for the group to be done with their meeting and grab your phone so you don't disrupt them. But waiting for an hour, with nothing more to do feels a bit daunting. You could try to head back to the hotel and see if you could ask one of the staff members to message one of the members to grab your phone but the key to your room is in the back of your phone case. And with the security precautions in place for the group, you're almost certain you're not going to be able to get a spare key from the front desk.
"Here," Someone mutters furiously under their breath.
You turn around quickly, only to be met face to face with Changbin, his other hand clenched tightly in a fist. Even with his jaw clenched, you can see spasms of irritation across his face.
"T-thank you," You stutter as you take your phone from him.
Without saying a word, he turns back around and starts walking back to the studio. Halfway he stops, turns back around, and walks back towards you quickly.
"If you're going to bug us, you should learn to hide your phone better." He growls in a low voice.
"Excuse me?" You scoff in disbelief at the accusation.
You thought that you had Changbin figured out. That he's lovely in general but he's protective of the group. But now, as he stares at you with his nostrils flared and pure anger in his eyes, you fear that everything about him is an act.
Before you can explain yourself or even try to diffuse the tension between the two of you, Changbin disappears back into the hallway again.
You tightly grip your phone as you hold back your screams of frustration. You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down, ignoring the needle pricks of anger stabbing the back of your eyes. Once you've calmed down enough, you pull up the car service app on your phone and order a ride back to the hotel.
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keiarchived · 4 years
Freshman Year
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stoner!Atsumu x f!innocent!reader x stoner!Suna ft stoner!Osamu
warnings: Drug (weed), gangbang, oral (giving), anal, dubcon, fucking whilst high, university!au, sex tape, cockwarming, corruption kink, sleepy writing
words: 1.8k
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To say you were inexperienced, naive and artless, they weren’t wrong. You’re the last person who would cheat on their essay and cause yet another headache to your lecturer. You’re the classic ‘goodie two shoes’ as Atsumu calls you, the same couldn’t be said about both Miya twins and Suna, however.
They are anything but good.
You should’ve listened to those whispers of warnings and rumours that made their way around the campus, how they’re the last people you’d want to get involved with despite their popularity among students. You either love them or hate them, there’s no in-between with valid reasons.
You don’t belong in their world, you know that. But it doesn’t stop Suna from wanting to strip the innocent of you. Maybe it's the way you smiled nervously at him or maybe the glare you gave Atsumu whenever he made those snarky comments, but one thing for sure is that he wants to show you what you’ve been missing.
“Suna...” It almost came out as a whine whilst your head fell back against his shoulder, dark iris swallowing those rings of colours whilst your lips parted delicately with a cute pout. “Hmm? What’s wrong?” He coo, arm resting snuggly and comfortably around your waist as he pulls you even closer to press a kiss on your temple. Chilling at the Miya’s with Suna and his friends has become a regular thing ever since your first proper encounter with him at the party, where your friend ditched you for another guy. Perhaps you should’ve seen through him before accepting his offer to keep your company that night, maybe then you could’ve avoided whatever this is between you and Suna. But would you’ve pushed him away if given the chance?
“Wan’ more...” You whimpered, earning a chuckle from the man as he peppered your cheeks with few more playful kisses before pulling away. “What do you want, princess? C’mon, use your words” Suna love to see it when you’re desperate like this in his arms, staring up at him with those bleary eyes, cheeks flustered and small hands trembling as you grasp at his jacket with wants. “Mmn... smoke... wan’ more of smoke...” You slurred between each hitched breath of yours, feeling a few pairs of eyes glued onto the both of you as Suna leaned closer after taking a drag of his blunt before letting the heavy white smoke slips past your plump lips like weightless velvet. Oh, if only you knew how alluring you are when taking every ounce of the fumes from him greedily. Close enough for both of your lips to slot together, but far away enough for a grin to tug at his lips before pulling away. “Still not used to taking it on your own hm?” Or maybe you just adore these tingles dancing against your skin every time Suna shotguns it to you, as if he’s feeding you his essence in the most sexual way possible.
“Ya babying her too much, Suna. Gonna end up spoiling her.” Atsumu wasn’t wrong, ever since his friend introduced you to an unfamiliar world of ecstasy, he has you wrapped around his fingers like a puppy on a leash. “Why not, jealous Tsumu?” You could barely listen to their conversation as a giggle slipped past your lips, Suna could still remember the time you took your first hit. Trying to copy him only for those bitter smoke tickles your throat, making you cough with tears swelling from your eyes. It was cute though, he praised you for being a good girl, done so well on your first try as he wiped away those tears before wrapping those legs around your waist to give you the fucking of your life and the rest was history.
It was Suna who got you addicted to... him.
“You bet, how come she’s always hanging off your arm when you guys aren’t even together?” Astumu scoffed as shifts from his seat, watching from the opposite sofa with a frown over his defined features. It is unfair really, how you’ve chosen Suna over anyone else. Atsumu would love to slips his arms around you once in a while too, playing with those pretty lips of yours whilst you get drunk of him instead.
Despite no strings attached between you and Suna, shaking your head no as soon as he mumbles softly under his breath, beckoning you to go sit with Atsumu but no — you didn’t want to. “Nnu...Wanna stay...” Instead, your grip tightens on the fabric of his jacket, snuggling further into him until your head is buried at the crook of his neck.
If only you’re sober enough to see the faint but taunting smug smile Suna have stretched across his lips as he shrugged at his friend, guiding you to sit properly on his lap instead with your back facing Atsumu. “Better luck next time.”
God knows how long you’ve been sitting like this, legs folded on either side of Suna’s lap as you rest against his broad shoulder. Pins and needles crawl up your numb legs, shifting with an uncomfortable whine. To think Suna would waste a perfect opportunity like this, you’d be wrong, especially when all if most of his companions are high off their heads to even notice what the two of you’re about to do. “Baby, want my cock?” Suna isn’t subtle about it either, bulge poking at your clothed core. The mention of his cock was enough to have your clouded mind runs wild, grinding against his clothes erection with an eager nod. This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve cockwarm Suna in front of other souls like this, Tsumu would shuffle towards the both of your and join in occasionally. Shotgunning you with his own blunt whilst lazily as he jerks off to your moans and tangle bodies. “What happened to the sweet innocent princess we knew?
As the time you spend with Suna and the Miya twins grew, so did your confidence. Becoming more familiar with the substance than you originally were, however. It was naive of you to think you could do this properly on your own without Suna here to keep you out of trouble because you’re a big girl who knows how to take care of herself. But instead, you have taken a pretty big hit, blame Atsumu. It was his idea to lower the amount of tobacco this time around, instead of feeling the familiar high you have with Suna; this is something way stronger.
How did you end up atop of Tsumu with his cock buried deep inside your dripping cunt, you have no idea. Only remembering fragments of things he had said to you prior to this, “Suna aren’t here is he? Shame. Let me be Suna tonight for ya, baby. Ride me inside, bet I could treat ya better than ‘im, c’mon baby, don’t be shy. It’s not like he’s ya boyfrien’ or anythin’.” That’s all you could remember before a snap of Atsumu’s hips snapped you out of your thought, drawing a meal from your lips. “C’mon, baby. Don’t hide that pretty voice from me now.”
Atsumu’s little plan would’ve been a success if it wasn’t for Osamu, consider it payback. Call him selfish if you want, but seeing his twin brother knocking the breath out of your lungs sparks his jealousy. Sure he could’ve joined in easily but what’s the fun in that?
Suna has been stood by the door for a while now, watching as you desperately bounces on Atsumu’s cock and moaning his name between each of those sloppy kisses. But still, that stoic face remained unbothered, maybe a twitch here and there but nothing major, the completely opposite of what Samu thought he would do. After all, despite Suna saying he doesn’t care nor does he wants you, everyone knows how much he cares for you enough to keep you around for as long as he has. Instead, Suna approached the two of you. Yanking your head up those sweaty locks of yours whilst you could barely register the shift in his eyes, “You knew this was gonna happen didn’t you? Just wanted an excuse to fuck Tsumu.”
He wasn’t wrong, both Miya twins shares the same face and it is hared to ignore their handsome features after all.
Osamu was dumbfounded when Suna positioned himself behind you instead, not only did he not have a good go at Tsumu but at the end decide to join too before prepping your rear end the best way he can before inching in, frowning as he does. “Fuck... just as I expected. You’re so fucking, right baby”
Neither one of them paid attention to Samu before Suna caught him palming at his jeans, only then did he come closer with his cock freed with one hand whilst the other holding a phone and hit record. You should see the way your lips parts whenever you’re close or the complete fucked our expression that suits you so well, no worries though; Samu will keep a good record seeing as how well you take all three of them together with Samu’s cock lodge deeply down your throat, stuffing you full with all ends.
At least this time you are not the only one who’s slurring nonsense as you came, Tsumu was the first one to pump you full of his cum first then it was Samu and lastly Suna. Showering you in praises and kisses before the younger Miya twin decides to take up the aftercare duty upon himself since Tsumu has already blacked out and Suna doesn’t look that far off either with the remaining blunt in his hand.
Samu is the gentlest of them all, washing you carefully as though you’re a glass doll. Having you put on one of his shirts and setting you on the kitchen counter whilst he cooks, earning small nods and hums from you whenever he asks you a question. Samu’s surprise you even managed to hold yourself this well before finally crashing against his shoulder, it was a struggle to get you to eat some food and drink some water but he did anyway.
Only for Suna to snatch you away again with a wave of his hand and a pat on his lap, you practically scrambled out from Samu’s arms and into Suna’s chest. Snuggling comfortably against him with a content smile on your face.
At the end of the day, you are Suna’s precious little princess. He’s the one who shown how to roll a joint, how to smoke from a bong and be a little rebellious. The Miyas twins could hook up with you as many times as they want, but he knows you’d be running back to him as soon as it is over.
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Tag list: @m-mortimer @selfishwitch @sleepyrintaro @cxnicalsweetheart
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junicai · 4 years
Relationship with NCT 127
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➣ Taeil ☾ taria 
taeil is the Sole Protector of aria’s sanity 
taeil loves his maknaes so much, but he literally looks at her like she put the stars in the sky 
the Proud Dad smile :’)
when aria first debuted, czennies thought that she was the same age as jungwoo - because she acted older than her age - but with taeil she lets her inner kid come out 
highkey dependent on his approval for things in relation to singing
“was, was that ok?” “perfect, ari.”  “ (O_O;)  - (◕‿◕)♡”
she will fight mark and donghyuck for his attention, and she will win
for a while, the two had shared a dorm room before they were rearranged, and taeil let her slip into his bed when she was feeling homesick 
the offer is still open, but aria takes him up on it less and less
taeil is NOT sad about that. absolutely not.
he’s vehemently against any and all diets she tries - saying that if she gets any smaller he’s going to be able to pick her up with one hand
que him dragging her out for ice-cream after a promotion, paying no mind to her protests
aria helps taeil with translating a lot of things into english during lives and interviews - so much to the point where he’s picked up a bit of an irish accent and the others never fail to clown him for it 
taeil still has the small braided bracelet that aria gave to the members on their first anniversary of nct (he keeps it in the drawer beside his bed)
aria is his self-professed happy virus. he told czennies in a vlive once that her smile makes him feel really happy and he wants to protect it to the best of his ability
aria always fixes his micpack before they go onstage if its crooked, because she comes out after him in the lineup
they have monthly movie nights and they alternate who chooses the movie / show (taeil normally goes for mystery or drama themed ones, while aria enjoys making them both sob miserably)
aria and taeil singing “I See the Light” from tangled for the NCT Music channel, and the tears that were shed by both moonis and realtai alike. sm really popped off with the staging and the lighting of the whole video - between the smiles that were on both of the singers faces and the whole ambiance created, its a cinematic masterpiece 
no one was surprised when it hit 2 million views in a day, and a lot of solo stans were born from that video
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➣ Johnny ☾ johria
indisputable siblings 
there is not a single czennie who ships these two romantically, and that’s because they’re just too wholesome 
johnny is one of the few members that aria calls “oppa”, mainly because of the age gap and sm wanted her to appear respectful, but also because he thinks she looks so cute
very chill, excellent vibes
their vlives are either chaotic messes or the closest thing to therapy since ice cubes 
the blanket on aria’s bed? that was a gift from johnny - she had been complaining to mark about how cold she always was anemia tings
czennies are begging for sm to allow aria to open up a solo instagram account, becuse they see the amount of pictures johnny takes of her
in the park? he’s making her pose in front of the flowers. backstage before a show? the lighting, c’mon.
big big bear hugs - the height difference make nctzens want to die 
185cm vs 158cm? p l e a s e she’s so tiny in comparison  (/ =ω=)/
when she gives him backhugs it looks like a little kitten trying to wrestle with the family dog 
play fighting about vernacular:
very vocal about her wellbeing, and has asked fans before to remind her to take better care of herself and get to sleep sooner
aria, starting a vlive at 3am: hi hi~
the comments: NO GO TO BED
johnny helped her a lot when it came to the style change in choreography, as aria was used to soft, flowing movements and not the powerful, sleek style that most nct dances have 
consistently forgets the fact that she is not the fourteen year old he first met, and is, in fact, an adult now. “you’re a child” “im 18″ “...no”
is the person to get angry on her behalf when interviewers belittle or ignore her 
during a fansign, a fan asked aria who did she think was the most comforting when she was stressed (besides mark and donghyuck) and aria said johnny. “he’s so, constant? like nothing seems to knock him or throw him off, and that’s really comforting when i feel unsteady.”
johnny is now known as aria’s weighted blanket. 
that is all. 
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➣ Taeyong ☾ ariyong
taeyong took one look at aria the first time she showed up for group practice and immediately adopted her (not literally, but he would if he could)
eomma meets highly protective older brother meets life coach type beat? 
so so soft for her its sickening 
says he doesn’t have favourites and will then spend an hour cooking for aria because she’s been in the studio for the whole day and he knows she hasn’t eaten yet
when aria was given a duet to do for the sm stages, she had to pick another member to do it with and her first choice was taeyong
she always has said that taeyong is one of the pillars keeping her upright and sane - without him she wasn’t sure if she would have been able to complete her training
because of all the schedules they share together, if aria isn’t rooming with mark then she’s definitely rooming with taeyong
whenever she does his makeup (more often than you’d think) she point blank refuses to cover his scar, even when he asks her to 
“please? i don’t like it.” *gasp* “how dare you.” 
sleepy aria! snuggling into taeyong’s shoulder when a schedule ran late! 
he gets uncomfy when the stylists put her in too revealing clothes, and has spoken to them on numerous occasions about dressing her in age-appropriate attire, no matter how “sexy” the concept might be 
he keeps little bags of sugar-dusted strawberry sweets in his bag incase she forgets to eat and feels faint after the last time (they used to be blueberry flavoured, but he heard donghyuck throwing out any and all “blueberry-contaminated” food one evening)
taeyong doesn’t tolerate hate towards aria, especially in person, so he always makes sure to sit down the line from her so that he can see when people skip intentionally her
taeyong had just been awarded the solo bedroom on the last night of the Mtopia series, and was staring off into the corner looking rather uncomfortable. aria, who was meant to be rooming with baekhyun looked over and saw his mouth curled downwards slightly. 
“baekhyun-oppa, is it ok if i room with taeyongie-oppa tonight? i ran out of my tablets, and he has some in his bag..” 
baekhyun looked down at her with a small smile and agreed, while on the video edited captions appeared with the words, “a cute maknae, asking to room with a younger member...”
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➣ Yuta ☾ nakamiya
the president of realtai 
this man is absolutely, completely and irrevocably whipped for aria and she is not afraid to use that to her advantage
she beat him at arm wrestling because she pouted at him - she’s too powerful 
aria.exe stopped responding when yuta started to playfully flirt with her the first few times
*winks* “hu-wha-”
one of the most outwardly protective members of her, because he feels a sense of responsibility for the younger girl
he was one of the trainees she first befriended, aria’s korean not being good enough to hold a decent conversation, and yuta happy that there was another japanese trainee 
9 times out of 10, when the members are making their way through crowded areas like airports yuta is always behind or directly beside aria
during a fansign one of the fans asked why he did that, and he said that he needed to keep her in his line of sight or else he’d get anxious that she’s so small that she could get swallowed in the crowds 
yes aria hit him for the short comment 
yuta, 50% of the time: you’re not allowed date until you’re 35
yuta, the other 50% of the time: bro where’s your boyfriend
he complains that she isn’t as sweet as she was when she first joined, and that hyuck must have corrupted her (╬ Ò﹏Ó)
he let’s her braid his hair when its longer, them both sitting on a bed with yuta in front and aria kneeling behind him so she can reach 
he was the first person to take her home for the holidays, because ireland was too far to go back for a week over christmas 
“what do you mean you’ve never been to japan???” 
bitching about the other members in japanese? more likely than you’d think 
when aria turned legal in korea, yuta took her out drinking and made sure to post pictures of her with her flushed cheeks on his instagram story with the caption “aish, i told you to pace yourself....” “happy birthday riri”
you know that one clip of the sasaeng getting absolutely trashed by nct’s bodyguard and taeyong jumping 7 feet into the air? 
well taeyong wasn’t the only one startled; standing beside yuta, aria was closest to the wall of fans when the girl ran forward towards the members. aria jumped in fright, while yuta barely made a face (#unbothered). he simply wrapped an arm over her shoulders and pulled her around to the other side, tucking her underneath his arm.
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➣ Doyoung ☾ dori
*ahem* WHIPPED *ahem*
doyoung adores aria so much 
was he unsure about a girl being added to a group of boys? yes but it was moreso concern about how he was going to make sure she wasn’t accidentally trampled
they bonded over a night in the recording studio when he found her sitting on the floor with music sheets scattered around her 
a whole mentor when it comes to singing 
aria always turns to him after singing - especially when it wasn’t planned, like at a fansign - to see if she did a good job
doyoung has yet to tell her that she hasn’t but sue her, she appreciates the validation
the original mother and Will Not Let Taeyong Forget It
doyoung, dragging aria out of the studio: now listen here young lady-
kitten and bunny friends RISE
no seriously sm released merch of a kitten and bunny plushie and it sold out in a day
when aria had the accident that led to her two month hiatus, doyoung was the one who rode in the ambulance with her after refusing to let go of her hand 
“i’m sorry sir, only family are allowed in at the moment-” “we are her family” *nurse looks around the room at the 14 other boys sitting anxiously*
he is a weak, weak man he will crumple on any decision if she smiles and slash or whines at him even slightly 
carries band-aids and support strapping in his practice bag because he knows that she gets really bad blisters when she hasn’t practiced while wearing her heels in a while, and he makes her wrap her ankles for the first few sessions incase she falls 
NCT 127 Take a Friendship Test (Glamour - 2020)
“ahh, my first impression?” *laughs* “actually, we first met in a recording studio, at like. 3 o’clock in the morning? he stuck his head in the doorway and i was so tired that i thought i had died and an angel had come to save me...”  (*μ_μ) 
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➣ Jaehyun ☾ jaria
you know how cheetahs in the zoo get emotionally support puppies?
this is the same type of vibe
very snuggly together? but only in specific scenarios, like when jaehyun is too tired to move after a movie night, he’ll just kinda engulf aria in a hug and make her sleep on the couch with him 
any back hug she gives him turns into a piggy back, its non-negotiable 
likes to randomly compliment her to see how red he can make her face go
did she have a crush on him when she first moved to korea? yes, but who didn’t
that faded really quickly though once she started into the group officially - now they are more like siblings
they don’t interact that much on camera? rip to the jaria shippers
but that doesn’t mean they aren’t close with each other its just that a lot of their interactions happen off-screen
naturally, jaehyun began to think of her as a younger sister over the years they performed together 
jaehyun will end anybody who lays a hand on aria 
a little bap bap if you will 
he asked her to take him ice-skating one day, and the entire time was spent with aria laughing her ass off as he ate the ice nearly fourteen times before getting the hang of it 
he takes her out for food when he notices that she’s been put back on a strict diet plan (aria thinks she’s good at hiding those pieces of paper, but she forgets that when she puts it on top of things, that other people are a lot taller than her and have a higher vantage point)
the prince and princess of nct? check 
head pats
he likes to pat her head and she’ll swat it away immediately until she gets tired and just lets him do his thing 
jaehyun was wearing a flower crown placed carefully on his head as he bent down slightly to run his hands through the damp grass. a soft shutter sound went off, before he heard a hum coming from behind him. “jaehyun-ssi, could you take off the flowers? we can’t see your face clearly because of the shadow.”
jaehyun glanced backwards at aria’s retreating figure, being chased by donghyuck with hands still stained green from the grass she had shifted through to find the fallen flowers. she stopped and waved at him before resuming her run.
“i’d rather not, if that’s alright. i think it fits quite well with the theme.”
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➣ Jungwoo ☾ ariwoo
oh my god someone please stop these two
once jungwoo taught aria about the power that aegyo holds for persuasion tactics against the older members of 127, they were unstoppable 
you should be afraid of them
100% have plotted someone’s murder before (and have succeeded, czennies always wondered where that last manager went after The Incident)
aggressively cute together - to the point where your teeth will rot 
jungwoo will intentionally flirt with aria just to fluster her because its “so easy to do”
not very physically affectionate, but jungwoo has no hesitation calling out “uri fighting haeyadwae!” to her when she looks like she needs a little encouragement 
jungwoo is the reason she wants to do a bachelors degree after finishing high school 
he used to help her with her maths assignments after school when she was struggling with managing her time 
they’re called the “aegyo duo” of the group, and there has yet to be an outright winner of the competitions to find the cutest member (its aria. jungwoo said it himself, its aria but we been knew)
they have an odd dynamic of looking like best friends the first second, evil masterminds the next and then siblings who want to murder each other but they make it work 
will and has flopped down on her while she was laying on the practice floor and then whined when she tried to get up 
he spilled the tea that aria gets super emotional and affectionate when she’s drunk 
cutest shit ever that made ariwoo shippers lose their absolute minds was the clip that got released in the behind the scenes filming of Kick It, where jungwoo was half asleep in the corner and aria just pops up out of nowhere to shove a folded jacket under his head and made sure to prop it in a way that he wouldn’t get a sore neck when he woke up
jungwoo is the reason she knows korean curse words (dont tell doyoung)
aria wobbled in her heels slightly as she stepped out of the van, trying to hold a blanket up to protect her legs while she slid off the seat onto the ground. jungwoo extended an arm around her waist, gripping the blanket in his other hand and carefully holding her to make sure she didn’t trip on the cobbled stone.
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➣ Mark ☾ mari
1/2 of the best friend crew
honestly at the beginning, mark and aria weren’t very close, having only really seen each other in passing or with johnny 
but after being dropped into training together the two quickly became fast friends, and now they’re borderline inseparable 
you thought you knew pain? watch aria’s reaction to mark’s graduation from dream :)
mark’s the reason why aria felt confident enough to pitch some of her lyric ideas to the team, after staying up until 4am to help her make some edits so she was as confident as possible 
kinda just, rests his head on her shoulder? and wraps his arms around her waist when he’s tired 
mari being confused in foreigner: ??? 
aria said once in a vlive that she finds mark really comforting to be around - when she feels stressed or worried about something she’ll go to mark’s room and just sit on his bed for a while
aria is so close with his parents - “ahh, how’s my favourite child” “i’m doing great mom.” “no not you, how’s aria?” “wh-hu-MOM?” 
you’d swear sometimes mark is younger than her, considering the pout he puts on and how much he whines when they’re not on the same team together for promotions
mark big protecc boi but also little small cuddly boi 
they’re so soft for each other ( ╥ω╥ )
in one of the fancams for mark’s solo stage during superm, someone zoomed into aria singing along with him in the wings and dancing to herself with the Proudest Smile(tm)
he’s! so! proud! of! her! constantly! she could be walking and he’d be like “omg get it” 
when aria refuses to get up and make herself food (this happens way too often, she just gets into the groove of her work and doesn’t want to move) mark gets her to by threatening to do it himself 
consistently caught by czennies just standing behind her and holding her hand in crowded areas - airports, waiting rooms, etc. 
mark and aria were standing off to one side as the mc explained the rules of the game they were about to be playing. mark looked totally confused, and elbowed aria in her side before looking down and mouthing “what?” to her. aria opened her mouth, before closing it and looking down at the ground, muttering to herself, “결합... 結合..... le chéile.... le... le.. oh oh - combined! we have to put them together, markie.”
and thus, a new confusion meme was born
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➣ Haechan ☾ arichan
the other half of the best friend crew
absolute heathens to be around when they are together 
donghyuck is the person aria is closest to, and someone she’d call her best friend (only when she was sure he wouldn’t hear her)
she calls him “the demon child i can’t get rid of” but will, and has definitely pouted when he ignored her for too long 
generally aria is a pretty soft spoken person, but not with hyuck around - he brings out all her chaos energy (please pray for the patience of dotae)
the pair have a little tradition of kissing the back of each others’ hands before going on stage for good luck. they can’t even remember how it started, but now its an unnegotiable pre-show ritual
he’s so clingy with her absolutely everywhere its painfully adorable  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
interviews? hyuck has a hand on her knee, or if she’s wearing a skirt he’s tucked his hand in between their chairs so she can hold it discreetly. in the dorms? full body tackle onto the couch, where he proceeds to lay on top of her completely. 
because of hyuck’s nickname being the sun, and aria always being around him, czennies gave her the nickname “moon” to go with him
fans thought that aria was older than hyuck for a good year and a half before she released her birthday on a vlive, because she’s normally the one tasked with reigning his chaotic energy in during promotions (that is, if she hasn’t already joined him)
but off-camera, aria is absolutely hyuck’s baby there is no disputing that. aria’s sad?he’s there with ice-cream and a blanket and a baseball bat.
the winnie the pooh character that is on aria’s bed was a gift from hyuck for her 17th birthday, after she made him watch seven episodes of the show on netflix with her one night 
yes he complained, but he slapped her hand away when she went to change it to something else 
a twitter thread of a czennie comparing their horoscopes together went viral when people realized that it was quite plausible that the pair were each others (platonic) soulmates 
after an incident involving blueberries, donghyuck took it upon himself to check the ingredients of every. single. food item in their dorm to make sure it was ok for her to eat 
hyuck clowns her for her irish accent, and aria curses him out in japanese
tldr: they cute or whatever 
donghyuck was doing a vlive in his bedroom, sitting and talking to czennies when aria opened the door to his room quietly. she didn’t say anything, just waved slightly with almost closed eyes before she crawled underneath his covers and tucked her plushie underneath her chin. hyuck didn’t even blink at it - so it must have been a regular occurrence.
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Nobody asked for this but I'm gonna do it anyways...
Fluff Alphabet: Takeru/Aguni Edition
A = Attractive what do they find attractive about the other?
Takeru: only reason he let Aguni wear regular clothes and not swimwear is because he saw ARM in that tank top and was like "oh damn okay 😳." So, y'know, that. (And he'll never admit it but he kinda likes how Aguni is a little bit taller than he is....) Also likes that Aguni has a really dry, deadpan sense of humor—he ways finds a way to make Takeru laugh, even when he's not really trying.
Aguni: I think the physical aspect of things wasn't really a make-or-break for him at first—like, yeah, Takeru's a good-looking guy, but that's secondary. He liked how Takeru is such a live-wire, very loud and colorful and seemingly fearless, no matter what kind of trouble they got into. (But also...he likes the hair. That's a thing for him.)
B = Baby do they want a family? why/why not?
Takeru: If they end up with one somehow, then, sure. But, like. He's not going out of his was to make it a thing. (But also, he has his cat, Ziggy, who he calls his baby, so...)
Aguni: Would secretly love to be a dad but is too worried he might mess the kid up or something. Is more than happy to be 'unofficial parent' to the neighborhood kids, though. Handing out ice pops to the kids that show up at the shop, keeping an eye out and telling them to get home before dark, maybe even showing one or two of them how to throw a better curveball...you know. Real Hallmark channel shit. (And yes, for those who were wondering: Ziggy the cat loves him and often curls up on his lap while he watches TV)
C = Cuddle how do they cuddle?
They don't really "cuddle" outside of bed. Just kinda sit next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, no big deal. But in bed, Aguni lies on his back with his arm sorta outstretched while Takeru...well, my man is worm on a string but OFF the string, he just flops all sorts of ways and a lot of them don't look comfortable but he falls asleep in minutes so whatever.
D = Dates what are dates with them like?
I don't think they do "dates"—they've got a long-term thing going on, so they often end up on the couch eating takeout and watching movies. I think they'd go to the movie theater sometimes (and talk shit for the entire film lol) and every once in a while grab dinner somewhere nice...but, usually because they have some cool limited-time-only dessert item that Takeru insists they try. (And Aguni pretends to be upset about having to get dressed up and go out, but is actually rather pleased to have a little romance...and get something to satisfy his sweet tooth.)
E = Everything you are my ____ (e.g my life, my world…)
Aguni: Emergency Medical Contact
Takeru: Co-Signer On The Apartment Lease
F = Feelings when did they know they were falling in love?
Takeru: About a week after Aguni (drunkenly) confessed his crush. Literally spent a whole week like, "Wow, it's a shame I don't love him back. He's so kind and handsome and smart and funny...too bad, I guess..." until one night he sat up straight in bed and said "Hold up." He then immediately called Aguni and began demanding why Aguni didn't tell him he was in love with him this whole time.
Aguni: They had been friends since they were kids, so it's hard to say when his feelings went from "you're my best friend" to something different. But, once he figured it out, he swore never to mention it because that could complicate their friendship.
G = Gentle are they gentle? If so, how?
Takeru: Yes and no. He's got a bad case of "grabby hands" and often yanks Aguni to and fro to look at something or whatever. Just zero respect for the man's personal space. But otherwise...I imagine he's not particularly rough or gentle, just kind of normal. EXCEPT when it comes to the emotional stuff—like, the real heavy things. I think he's very gentle with that, not asking too many questions and just sort of taking care of him where he can.
Aguni: Generally gentle—physically, emotionally, whatever. But I do think that he's confrontational, like when there's an issue, he comes straight out and asks Takeru what's going on. Even corners him, sometimes. He seems like a "no bullshit" guy, and since Takeru is "Mr. 99% Bullshit" he's gotta deal with it as best he can.
H = Hand/Hold how do they like to hold hands?
The only time they "hold hands" is when Takeru is grabbing Aguni's wrist to drag him somewhere (or run away lol) and when Aguni is pulling Takeru's hand back to stop him from touching something...
I = Impression first impression/s
I headcanon that they met very young, like grade school age. After school, in the park, where Takeru was chilling in a tree and Aguni walked by and he was like "Hey, there's a spider up here, wanna see?" and Aguni is like "Not really, I don't like bugs..." Now, Takeru, being "weird bug kid extraordinaire" can't believe his strange little ears and hops down from the tree and starts explaining why bugs are so cool and that Aguni is wrong...and Aguni listens as this funky, tiny firecracker just talks his damn ear off. Aguni liked how excited Takeru got about things, and Takeru liked how Aguni actually listened to him. And they were fast friends after that!
J = Joker are they into pulling pranks?
Takeru fucks around all the time...and doesn't often find out, because Aguni tolerates all his antics. (To a certain point, but still.) Every once in a while, Aguni will tell some harmless little lie just to watch Takeru freak out—he told him once that Lady Gaga was leaving the music scene forever, and Takeru screamed so loud the neighbors filed a noise complaint.
K = Kisses how do they kiss?
I think they most often do quick pecks—at the breakfast table, when they get home from work. You know. Domestic stuff. But when it's not like that...I think 9/10 times it's Takeru initiating, and Aguni reciprocates by wrapping his arms around him in a big hug (because he likes it but also to keep that skinny little weirdo from wiggling so damn much, he's always moving, he can't just be still—)
L = Love who says I love you first?
Neither! I don't think they really say it at all! Why say something that doesn't need to be said? (At least, that's how they see it...)
M = Memory their favorite moment together
Aguni: It's not really a memory, but...just how they have breakfast together some mornings. Sipping coffee, discussing whatever's going on in the world, the general "togetherness" that comes with it is one of his favorite feelings.
Takeru: The time they spent a full 24 hours in a karaoke booth singing 80's hits and knocking back tequila shots and ordering way too much food.
N = Nickel do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
Takeru: Absolutely buys stuff for Aguni all the time. Mostly random snacks, or little knick-knacks that catch his eye. And also clothes, but...Aguni doesn't always approve.
Aguni: Doesn't buy Takeru stuff BUT leaves vases of flowers he grew on the table for Takeru to find.
O = Orange what color reminds them of their other half
Anything bright and obnoxious reminds Aguni of Takeru—red in particular, which also happens to be Takeru's favorite. And Takeru thinks Aguni has calm and soothing blue-green vibes. Like the ocean, beautiful and serene, but also dark and capable of incredible destruction.
P = Petnames what pet names do they use?
Takeru: All of them. Darling, babe, sweetheart (but he calls everyone those lol). Aguni-specific ones are always over-the-top and ridiculous like "brightest star in all of the heavens..." and he always gets an eye-roll for his efforts.
Aguni: Absolutely does not use pet names. Just says "hey you" or something. Once called Takeru "babe" and Takeru had to stop washing dishes and sit down because he was laughing so hard.
Q = Quaint what is their favorite non-modern thing?
Takeru: I feel like he would collect a ton of vintage stuff—clothes, records, just random little bits and bobs he comes across. But his favorite is definitely his record player—it belonged to his dad, and he keeps it in a place of honor in the hat shop.
Aguni: A set of very old and well-cared-for gardening tools. Takeru got them for him for his birthday, and he legit treasures them.
R = Rainy Day what do they like to do on a rainy day?
Lay on the couch and do literally nothing. Takeru gets the left end, Aguni takes the right, and they binge trash TV shows all day. (And also they make box-mix brownies and eat them straight out of the pan. It's "their thing.")
S = Sad how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Takeru: Aside from all his self-destrictive behaviors (binge-drinking, dangerous situations, etc.) he just really needs a good laugh. And Aguni somehow always manages to make him laugh with an unexpected, deadpan comment. Also, he makes Takeru actually talk through his problems instead of ignoring them...
Aguni: if he's in a bad mood, you just need to let him work through it on his own. He hates being "talked down to" and feels that most attempts at cheering up are cheap, so most people don't attempt. Buf...Takeru is not "most people" and breaks out his most ridiculous jokes to try to get Aguni to crack a smile.
T = Talking what do they love to talk about?
Other people! You know Takeru is the "XOXO Gossip Girl" of the neighborhood, but Aguni...he's like a little old church lady and ADORES hearing all the latest drama.
U = Unencumbered What helps them relax?
Both of them have the same method of relaxation and it's...bubble baths! Aguni does a basic, skin soothing soak and just hangs out in the warm water with a book or maybe just his thoughts to keep him company. But Takeru? He's got some fancy bath soaps, and he takes in a glass of wine and lights a few candles and does a face mask and it's a whole EVENT.
V - Very thoughts about each other
Takeru: Thinks Aguni needs to loosen up and take more risks...but also just loves the guy to pieces.
Aguni: Kinda wishes Takeru would calm tf down sometimes...but also knows that it's just how the guy is and wouldn't dare change him.
W = Wedding when, how, where do they propose?
They're not really the marrying type! They just have a mutual understanding of commitment and that's that.
(But if they did have a wedding... I think it would be a relatively small affair with all their closest friends and family. Like a dinner party, but somewhere extra nice and with lots of good food and alcohol. Intimate and meaningful, with just enough "extra" to satisfy Takeru.)
X = Xylophone What’s their song?
"Total Eclipse of the Heart" because they hid out in a karaoke booth (different from the 24-hour event that Takeru cherishes so much) to es ape the Yakuza and Takeru sang it over and over to pass the time.
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
"Breaking" to my "Entering." The "Assault" to my "Battery." (They both hate this sort of thing and try to come up with the worst answers possible lol)
Z = Zebra if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
They already have the cat, Ziggy, who is their perfect little angel.
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zeninw · 3 years
drabble abt working w jean as a lifeguard bc i'm one and i feel super socially awkward with my staff sometimes.
cw: sfw, not proofread, mentions of social anxiety, friends to lovers kinda, cliches, a hint of suggestiveness
wc: 1.7k
The wings you had ordered were no where near as good as you hoped they would be— and neither was the night out.
You wanted to have fun with your coworkers, even though most of the time you preferred to be along, but the night had dragged out far beyond your means.
The bar had gotten too loud, and your social battery had died an hour ago. You checked out from the group, pretending to be absorbed in your phone at the end of the table.
You couldn't leave, you had gotten a ride from a freind here, but all you wanted was to go home. The check was taking forever, people were screaming at some soccer game on the TV overhead, or in some conversation that didn't include you.
You felt so out of place, a feeling you dreaded and generally tried to avoid. Years of trying to make yourself more palatable to others, anxious about going out in social settings aside from your few best friends.
Out of excuses as to why you were 'so quiet' you ducked out to the bathroom, locking the door behind you and sitting on the counter.
It was a good half hour of you scrolling through instagram or whatever you could do to distract yourself before someone knocked on the door.
You sighed, realizing someone would have to use the bathroom eventually.
"One second," you called, hopping up and tucking your phone in your pocket.
You opened your door to find one of your male coworkers, and had to remind yourself that the singular bathroom was co-ed.
"Hey," Jean said, looking down at you. You expected him to step back so you could leave and he could enter, but he stayed stagnant, standing in your way. "You've been gone for a while, eat some bad food or something?" he asked.
You shook your head no. "I'm just tired. Waiting for my ride to be ready."
"I'm about to head out, if you wanna ride with me," he suggested, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder.
"Oh, I don't want you to have to go out of your way..." you trailed off, not wanting to be a hassle.
"It's no problem, really. I'm pretty sure we both live in Ocean Pines," he said, referring to your apartment complex.
"Okay," you agreed. "Thank you."
"No problem," he nodded, then turned on his heels. "I'm gonna tell Sash we're leaving, i'll meet you by the door."
You nodded, following him out of the narrow hallway that lead to the bathroom back out into the crowded resteraunt.
He nodded at you after talking to Sasha, then you followed him out. The air was a little cool, wet with humidity and a few clouds rolling in as you stepped outside.
He made you feel comfortable on the ride home, and waving goodbye as he took the elevator up one floor above yours.
He became someone you found it easy to gravitate towards, and calmed some of your nerves whenever you went out.
Jean was a gentle giant, and despite his size, he was never intimidating or overwhelming.
He sat with you the next friday night, like he had for the last three, at the bar. You tugged on the strap of your tank top, it was a summer job you were working  together, shifting uncomfortably in your seat.
"Are you old enough to be drinking that?" you said, referring to the alcohol in his hand.
"Nope, but when you're pretty and hang out with the managers, you don't get carded." You rolled your eyes. He wasn't wrong, but still. "I heard you had a save today," Jean said, taking a sip of his drink. The beer made his breath smell bready, leaving a bit of fizz on the top of his lip.
"Yeah," you said, reaching a hand out to his face. You wiped the residue off his cupid's bow with your thumb before leaning back. "A kid came off the slide and didn't really know how to swim."
"Your first one?" Jean asked.
"No, third," you answered, stealing a few fries from his basket. "One spinal from someone who decided to go off headfirst, one in the wave pool," you explained.
"You're lacking," Jean shook his head.
"Yeah, well, you've been working at the park a year longer than I have," you answered, taking more. He slid the basket over to you, leaning on the bar.
"Have you ever gone after hours?"
"Like... night swimming?"
"Yeah. I have a key, if you wanna go."
"Are you auditing me or something?"
"No— I'm serious. We won't get in any trouble." You looked around. "Look," he said, placing his hand on your shoulder. "All the other managers are here, drunk off their ass, and there are no cameras at the park."
You looked over to them, they were all sitting around a table red-faced and laughing, even levi and miche.
"Okay," you shrugged. "Why not."
The drive was about 5 minutes, and it was odd seeing the empty water park. No lights, no people, and Jean had to step into the office to turn all the slides on.
He climbed into the stand as you eased into the water, jumping off of it and in. He ran his hand through his hair as he came up, watching you tiptoe through the water.
"You're not gonna go under?" Jean asked, wading in the deep end of the pool.
"It's cold!" you yelled across the water, ducking under a rope barrier.
The two of you met in the middle where he could stand and you couldn't. You held onto his shoulders to keep yourself afloat, and it put you two closer than you would've expected.
His hands wrapped around your waist, and before you could protest, he dunked you underwater, getting your head wet.
"There," he said, picking you back up. You laughed, hitting him on the shoulder.
"Fuck you," you smiled.
"Wouldn't you like that," he teased, making you hit him again. The two of you stayed there for a moment, holding each other, before you pulled away.
"Let's ride something," you suggested. "Malibu pipeline is a two seater."
Jean agreed, following you to the stairs. The park was pretty big, and the black slide was nearly on the other side.
"This is why I hate working here sometimes," Jean sighed.
"What, the walking?"
"The stairs, specifically," he said, jogging up the wooden ones with you.
"I think it's worth it," you shrugged. "I've seen kids ride this over and over and they never seem to get tired from the climb."
"When I was twelve, maybe I could've," he said, reaching the top of the platform. The water was already running, and you put the tube down, sitting in the front. Jean got in behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist. "Ready?"
"Yep," you responded, and he pushed the two of you down.
It was a shorter ride than you remembered as a kid. "That was kinda underwhelming," you frowned, hopping out of the tube. "Also this swimsuit is so uncomfortable. I wish they would invest in better uniforms."
"Take it up with Erwin," Jean said,  making his way to the stairs with you. "But I think it looks great on you."
"Thank you," you replied. "You too."
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you walked to the lazy river, grabbing a few tubes and getting in.
"This is nice," you sighed, leaning back as the water carried the two of you around. "It's quiet," you said, holding onto Jeans tube so the two of you could float together.
"It's my favorite place to come after close," he sighed. "Silence, besides the sound of the water," he nodded. You closed your eyes, listening to it.
You had no idea how many laps you had taken around by the time you opened your eyes, but it was at least 3.
"Are you—" you looked over to see that Jean wasn't there. "Jean?" you called looking around. You sat up on the tube from your laying position, looking around.  "Jean?" you called again.
It was silent for a few moments, before he jumped in the water, splashing you. It knocked you off your tube, and you could hear him laughing before you even came up from the water.
"Jesus, you scared me," you said, kicking him under the water. He just kept laughing and you swung at him, hitting his chest. "Ow," you said, shaking your hand out. Jean caught your wrist as you retracted it, pulling you closer to him.
"That hurt?" he smiled, tilting his head to the side.
"No," you lied, trying to pull your arm away from him, but he only tugged you closer. You tried with your left, but he caught that one too, holding both of your wrists in one hand.
"Aw, that's cute." You were at a loss for words, lips parting but nothing coming out.
"Is it?" you managed.
"Yeah," Jean said, using his other hand to pick you up by the back of your thighs.
You let him wrap your legs around his waist, exhaling as he did it. He leaned down towards you, eyes searching your face. He kissed you, just for a second, before pulling away.
"Sorry," he said, pulling back but not letting go of you.
"Don't be," you said, resting your hands on his shoulders.
"I should be," he said. "Liking your coworker is— never a good idea."
"And you know this how"
"I don't know," he sighed, looking away from you. There was a crack of thunder. "Uh, we should get out," he said, putting you down on your feet.
"Yeah," you agreed, pushing yourself up on the wall.
There was silence on your walk back to the front of the park and Jeans car, and by the time you had pulled all your clothes back on, it had started to rain heavily.
"Jean," you said as you got in the car, escaping the rain."
"Yeah?" he responded. 
"For the record, I think it's worth it," you said, eyes flitting over his face before you pulled his to yours. Your lips met gently, and you could feel him smile against you as you pulled away.
"Me too."
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selfshipmlm · 4 years
what the mercs would do if you had a stomachache:
an; i ate something bad today and i rrly need this ;;w;;
brings you water and puts his arm around you whenever you need it
tells you stories about himself to distract you from the pain
puts on Tom Jones records for you two to listen to
he often talks over the music, but thats ok because you arent really listening to the music regardless
pats/rubs your stomach unless you tell him it hurts
fast to get a bucket/bring you to the bathroom if you need to throw up
jokes about it being gross when you do but understands the need to
gaining tolerances to energy drinks involves throwing up if you dont have a solid stomach
tries to make you tea
fails to make you tea
generally just gives emotional and moral comfort rather than relieve the pain
Its over really quickly because he just medi-guns you or gives you some meds to help
if you ate something bad and its not just your stomach being a bitch he gives you meds to ((unbeknownst to you)) make you throw up
having your stomach reject everything is definitely one way to fix it
if you refuse those ways of fixing it, he gives you tea or cold water and ice
lets you lie on the concrete in his lab if you want ((might even give you a pillow!))
will occasionally give you small kisses on the cheek if you whine enough
if theres no real cause for the stomach ache, he does some tests and figures out the cause
but really he mostly insists on medication or forced vomiting to fix it quickly
real cuddly whenever youre in pain
likes to hold you, and is careful to not accidentally cause you further pain
will kiss the top of your head while holding you in his lap
makes you ginger tea or gives you something light to drink if you want it
sometimes a few drops of cocktail bitters in ginger ale actually help with stomach aches!
lets you whine and complain about the pain to him
gives you a heating pack or warm water to put on your stomach
is careful to not jostle you around too much while doing whatever he does
makes a little fort/nest of stuffed animals for you to hang out in until you feel better
puts a lot of stickers on your face and body to lighten your mood
might ask miss pauling for help and do what she suggests
good old southern ways of taking care of stomach aches
all the chamomile and ginger tea with honey you can drink until it becomes counterintuitive
gets meds from Medic if you would take them
rubs your arm or stomach to soothe you
lays in bed with you for moral support
encourages naps and hydration
rubs your back when you throw up
has you hang out in his workshop while he tinkers with his machines
will narrate to you if it helps
tries to cheer you up with useless but cool machines
makes little duck toy that waddles around, perhaps?
acts like he doesnt care but cares a lot
casually brings you ice water and back handedly says, "you look like you need it"
you know hes coming from a good place, though. its just hard for him to admit he cares
has you eat bland, yet filling foods like apples, pasta, potatoes, etc. that help settle upset stomaches
hangs out with you so youre not alone and in pain
offers to send you to respawn, of which you politely decline
brings you to Medic as soon as he finds out
Medic gives you some meds and orders to lie down and drink water
Heavy will let you lie on top of him and rub your back
lots of hugs
russian rambles to calm you
suggests you lay on your side to even out the pain
gets you water every few hours until the stomach ache goes away
if you fall asleep on him he wont move until you wake up or he has to wake you up for food/water
water, cuddles, and crackers are all this guy thinks you need
will encourage throwing up if it means the pain is over quicker
holds you next to him with his arm around your shoulder and lets you whine about the pain
hums knowingly every time you pause for his comment on the matter
you two just chill in his camper all day
he might leave to go get something from outside or on base and come back to you throwing up somewhere
he just immediately panics as if he didnt encourage you to do that
"ya good mate??" "yeah" "oh fuck"
lots of water and care after that even though throwing up fixed everything
nothing a good punch to the gut cant fix
hes very sweet
gives you lots of water and heat packs
does not know how to make tea
lays/stays next to you and refills your water/reheats the heat pack whenever needed
rubs your back when you throw up and is always prepared with water
man is proficient in honey and feeds it to you to calm your nerves
its not very good for an upset stomach but he doesnt care
if it makes your feelings better thats all that matters
if you werent his boyfriend he would just tell you to suck it up, but he loves you <3
learned how to deal with stomachaches properly from merasmus or miss pauling
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thosch3i · 4 years
Xiao Yuliang Interview [Eng Trans]
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[Photo: XYL’s dog]
so remember this post? yeah well i wound up doing a mostly full translation of the entire 6 minute interview on twitter. some parts are paraphrased and a few details were skipped bc he sometimes repeated himself and there were one or two details i wasn’t 100% sure of, but other than that an eng transcript of the full interview is below the cut:
1. Introduce your role in "Ultimate Note"?
XYL: In Ultimate Note I play Zhang Qiling, Xiaoge.
2. What kind of impression does this character leave in your heart?
XYL: Before, I thought he was a really strong, and then a very cool, and then a very cold/detached person. But later, I finished reading the novel and read the script, and I felt like he's someone who lets your heart ache for him. The feeling he gives me--because once I was reading the script in a car, and I almost wanted to cry for him, because he's always searching for the things he's lost. And he's very strong, but he wasn't born strong; he also went through a lot, and he made himself strong. He can bleed, and he can get hurt; it's just that he doesn't say anything, and he doesn't show that he's in pain.
3. Talk about the initial pressure of receiving this role?
XYL: When I got this role, the pressure was really really big, but I also thought I was pretty lucky, because I'd played Zhang Qiling before, and I get to play him again, and I think that's pretty lucky. But the pressure is too big, on set right now, the pressure is very big.
4. Netizens were pretty satisfied with your performance; have you seen these comments?
XYL: When Sha Hai was airing, I saw their comments. Some of them approved, and I was happy, but others--like, saying some suggestions or opinions--I also looked at them. I also looked at the performances of other actors who played Zhang Qiling and comments on their performances. I used them as a reference, and I learned from the experiences/evaluations of others.
5. What was the greatest challenge of playing Zhang Qiling?
XYL: The biggest challenge is that there are too few lines. It's really hard to act! [Xiaoge] has some expressions where it's just, you can't make them too obvious or too "unrestrained" because his actions are also very restrained, but if you're too restrained then everyone just thinks you don't have any reactions. And the editors are also very hardworking, because they'll have 4 pages, and I won't have a single line, just reactions. The others will talk for 10 minutes, and I'll just be reacting. [Xiaoge] is a person with few/no words, but with his whole heart, he wants to go care for others...it's very difficult; this "no lines" is very difficult. Another thing is fight scenes are very difficult, and the weather is too hot.
6. What are some scenes that left the deepest impression on you?
XYL: Like when it's 3am, and we're running through a wild river, the water is all up to our waists, and we don't know what's underground. I was just afraid there were snakes, you know? Nothing we can do, just run. And there's also, because the filming location is at Xishuangbanna, there really are snakes. We've seen snakes etc on set, so we were afraid accidents would happen. Thankfully they didn't. And there was also when we were rubbing mud on our faces during the hot day. Actually, what we were rubbing was chocolate paste. When the chocolate on our faces dried, we spread on more, and it feels like you've become a "chocolate person", not a "mud person". I also tasted it--the BTS side clips recorded it; the taste is okay. [t/n: here is a link to that clip]
7. How did it feel working with the other actors in the crew?
XYL: Liu Yuning-laoshi [t/n: Hei Xiazi] is really nice. He doesn't have a temper, and he's a very calm and tranquil person. I think he's really nice. Xiao Xi [t/n: lit. “Little Xi”, nickname for Zeng Shunxi aka Wu Xie] is a little mischievous. Xiao Xi likes to stir up trouble on set and play around. In any case he plays around with Pangzi and me, but Liu Yuning-laoshi is more tranquil, not quite the same as [his character] in the show.
8. Before you posted a vlog caring for your pet on Weibo, why don't you introduce your pet?
XYL: My dog's name is a character I played once; my mom named him. Because we'd just finished filming that show, and then my mom got a dog, so she just called him my name in the show. Tell me, isn't that annoying? [t/n: drama was called 反骗天下/Fan Pian Tian Xia and his role was called 米若/Mi Ruo; his dog is apparently called 米诺/Mi Nuo.]
9. You've been an actor for awhile now; can you discuss what being an actor feels like?
XYL: Initially, before I became an actor, I thought, "Oh, cool". Everyday you're just, wow, holding weapons, cool! But now I think it's so hard. Especially while shooting this show, I got a sty for a month, and it's still not better even now. [t/n: you can definitely see the swelling under his eye in ep1] I think this sty is from accepting this role, or because of work. In any case, it's still not better. But it's no problem; thankfully, my hair can cover it. You also have to be careful of safety on set; real blades can slice open your hands. Once, I wasn't careful and cut my wrist, but thankfully the doctor's stitching skills were pretty good. When he was still stitching, I even said, "Doctor, you have to stitch it well, okay, I'm an actor, I use this hand to perform", and he said "Okay". After the stitches were done, he asked me, "Are you satisfied with the stitches?" The results were pretty good; it didn't really leave a scar.
10. Finally, promote this show to our fans.
XYL: You all have to watch our "Ultimate Note", because filming was really tough, and we've diligently tried to accomplish these three roles [t/n: the iron triangle, I’m assuming] and later on some of the the details of many of the books. I hope you will see similarities to the novel in some of the show's scenes.
and we are done! so yeah, i think his take on xiaoge’s character was the most important part, but some of the other stuff (listening to him complain about some things lmao) was kinda funny too. im still laughing about the whole ‘im an actor i need this hand to perform’ bit bc dude you literally sliced yourself open w a knife badly enough to need stitches but that’s your first priority???? glad you’re dedicated to your job though i guess but LOL
Quick question/answer:
1. What do you want to say to Zhang Qiling?
XYL: Xiaoge, you've worked hard.
2. Who from the show would you pick to go with you on an adventure?
XYL: I’ll choose...I'll choose Pangzi, because he'll definitely bring food. And he's fat, and he's pretty joyful, oh right, I can also bully him.
3. Describe the level of your cooking skills.
XYL: Cooking skills? The rank of instant noodles. Just boiling instant noodles, then adding the flavor packets, and then tomatoes, eggs...instant noodles.
4. If you're not restricted, what kind of role do you most want to play?
XYL: If I'm not restricted, then I want to play that guy who, in the morning, is just delivering takeout or is really well-behaved and wears glasses, that type, and then at night he pushes his hair back like this [xyl mimes pushing his hair back], and he starts to....different types...in any case, like split personalities, right, split personalities.
5. A sentence to describe your ideal life.
XYL: My family and I are healthy, and I have enough money to go live a normal life, eat/drink whatever I want, travel with my family, and just grow up slowly.
oh right additional note, in zsx's interview, when asked which character he'd take, he said xiaoge without hesitation. and the interviewer asked if he wanted to know who xiaoge picked and zsx was all "he didn't pick me did he...I'll be leaving now, thank you~" 😂
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What about HC for Joe and Rami dating a british person and HC for Gwill and Ben dating an american?
Hi there! That’s a wonderful idea! I am American so the idea of dating Ben or Gwil and the cute cultural differences! Though feel free to take my idea of British! Y/N with a grain of salt. Thanks for sharing!
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Ben dating an American would include...
You have to learn about cricket and rugby!
 Which means going to games with hot chocolate on a cold day and him explaining every last rule!
Trying British Food all the time! You find you enjoy pies lot-dinner pies with cheese and meat in them. Though when you cook for Ben he will eat every bite and then pat his stomach childishly after.
Different terms for things and getting used to it!
I think the Fourth of July would be fun He would like the beer and fireworks and fun teasing about him losing.
You try not to gush over his accent because you’re a dime a dozen (but British people, you sound AMAZING to our American ears! And with Ben’s voice being deep there is a sexy edge to it and it drives you w i l d) 
Going to a pub is normal, if not a bit boring. You wonder if they are interested at all.
He poshes up their accent around your parents or even his! 
They avoid difficult conversations and not ask a lot of questions.
Polite to a fault, but you make sure to say what you want in a relationship.
Your directness helps!
They have a dry sense of humor and enjoy light teasing
Mentioning different versions of the Office! Seeing the different Micheal Scotts and seeing young Martin Freeman is a blast and you both have a great time having marathons!
They make you quote Game of Thrones with your accent or read things
They are very charming!
You feel more assertive at restaurants. When Ben’s order is wrong, he wants to brush it off. So you alert the waiter politely that something is very off and they scurry off and get him the right plate of food and he smiles so large it touches his ears!
Gwil dating an American would include...
At first, he seems polite to the point of standoffishness and it made you a bit sad. But he was always very polite (he says he seems grumpy to some people). But then you opened up more to each other and eventually, he asked you out!
There would be teasing about each other’s accents and different slang words. But playful and well-intentioned.
Though Gwil has Welsh ancestry (hence his name and everything else) so you learn bits of Welsh as well and that mixture of cultures.
You both try different types of tea and you are determined to make him the right cup. But he insists that any cup made by you is worth drinking.
Lots of traveling! He would see all sorts of small parts of America and you get to see cities from Liverpool to Oxford
But IT’s SO COLD IN THE UK! You go in March and bundle up like it was January and he laughs at how cute and soft you look beneath your coat and scarf and hat.
He isn’t into PDA (which surprised you) and he is a bit more private about physical affection. So when he kisses you once you’re in private, it means even more!
He would love your independence. You tend to split the bill more when you go out.
He decided to meet your parents and you were panicking. It might as well be a step to something serious. But he was more relaxed, insisting it was not that big of a deal- and he wound up charming both of them!
Trying each other's tv shows! All! The! Time! And reviewing them over snacks Though you gush over Downton Abbey and he says “well...it’s alright!” and you say “just alright?!?” and laugh.
You’re surprised at how much he drinks sometimes and the few times he was drunk he was smiley and hugged you and was as affectionate as a toddler. You put him to bed and laughed as he starfished on his stomach on the mattress and cuddled you like you were his stuffed toy.
Usually, there are muted, simpler expressions of love. Asking about each other’s hobbies. Holding hands while watching a movie. Things like that.
He got to spend Thanksgiving and some of Christmas with your family. They were all wide-eyed and in awe of him. They kept getting to talk because they couldn’t get enough of his accent. People are like ooooo when they check the guy out and then turned to look at you in slight envy and cute teasing. You clearly won with this handsome British gentleman.
Despite the differences in some tv show tastes, you both are as happy as squirrels.
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 Joe dating a Brit would include...
The first date would be comfy. Joe would be nervous but when you show up in a shirt and jeans to a coffee shop, he relaxes more. He would dress up more and bring flowers and you were expecting something like a hang out so you were surprised!
There would be so much Banter! Your humor is dry and he is goofier but your discussions and little “arguments” are hysterical and a lot of fun!
But you were hesitant to date Joe. You didn’t want him to think you were an “easy target.” But he didn’t think that at all!
It surprised you how so cuddly Joe was! He always wanted to grab your hand or hold you or put you on his lap on a restaurant or things like that! Eventually, you got comfortable with it!
And you’re so sarcastic! Your wit and dripping comments leave him howling on the floor.
You don’t always drink a cuppa. When Joe took you to a tea shop in Britain as a date, you still enjoyed it. You sipped on tea and ate cakes and he couldn’t believe how much food there was in one sitting!
 He learns to make that cup of tea or coffee or whatever you like!
But you have great taste in music. Often you go to record shops and listen to stuff all the time.
 Britain has a long history of wonderful artists and bands, and you introduce him to artists and groups he never heard of.
 Next thing you know, you wake up to Joe making pancakes and singing along to some obscure British pop group.
He is amazed at how you are never too cold! Joe on the other hand bundles up!
 But American winds up being hot and muggy. You have to wear shorts and run for air-conditioned buildings (he teases that he likes you in shorts for you cute booty, though, of course!)
You always evoke empathy! You’re actually kind and deeply caring for others and when you shine that kindness for others it makes Joe fall for you even harder.
You teach him British slang and he loves it.
“It’s a loo or toilet, right? What are diapers?”
“That’s adorable for diapers!”
 When you’re making out you softly say that Joe is the fittest guy ever and he gets confused.
“Well, I don’t have a six-pack yet....”
And you blush and laugh and say “No! I mean...fit means “hot” not just like “athletic!”’
Joe admires your confidence and strength. You’re his rock.
Rami dating a Brit would include...
The first impression is important for Rami. Although you are relaxed and happy on the first date, he goes to the nines and takes you to a fancy place and spoils you rotten. But it’s so cute!
You’re so polite to him! You seem so dignified and use your manners and it makes him swoon inside!
You would travel and see Rami’s family and learn about their history. It’s very sweet and you see all of his cute baby photos!
Though you poke fun at the way he pronounces “vitamins” so he teases you back using his British accent (sometimes saying a Freddie line or two)
You do enjoy a beer! Or a pint! Rami always covers your drinks and your rides!
Though he would be surprised if you drink more than he does! He would be sweet if you were hungover, though. ‘
“You always have wine with dinner?”
“You don’t?”
“You always drink beer! I’m trying to get you to not die!”
“Oh, relax! Have one with me, Rami dear!”
He enjoys pub songs though and will often dance with you to the music playing.
He would love the genuine deeds and attitude you have. You are a good person, but you aren’t fake. 
Though he would roll his eyes at reality shows like Love Island, he watches it with you and makes silly observations.
Though you both get into The Great British Bake-off and try some of the recipes!
You appreciate style! And Rami is a fashion icon so whenever you dress up or have to go to a fancy event, you gush over him and take a dozen pictures
He travels to the UK with you and sees your family. He enjoys Christmas for the crackers and keeps the paper hat they make for him.
He always pays the bill at the restaurant which surprises you! But hey, it’s free food from a handsome guy!
You aren’t too talky and he appreciates it. He is more of a quiet and shy man himself. So words mean more.
It’s a romantic, indulgent, and meaningful connection where you learn everything about each other.
You even get Rami addicted to Cheeky Nandos. 
Taglist: @queenlover05 @sgt-stardust-killer-queen
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Survey #402
“there’s a space kept in hell with your name on the seat  /  with a spike in the chair just to make it complete”
Have you ever had any really infected injuries? Not an injury, per se, but I've had at least one ear piercing get infected during the healing process. Shit sucks ass. Are you popular on any websites? No. What was the last song you listened to? "Savior" by SWARM. Are you considered popular at school? I wasn't. If you could host your own talk show, would you do it? No. I've got nothing interesting to talk about. If you were starving would you eat food out of a garbage can? I honestly don't know if I could with how squeamish I am about sharing food, even with family. And we're talking about sharing food that's been in the TRASH. Do you know anyone who has changed their first name? I do. Which one of your senses would you be the most devastated to lose? I THINK hearing. I hate silence, so that would just be... haunting. I want to be able to hear people's voices and other sounds. Do you know anyone who has been on life support, and survived? I have no idea. Do your parents have a strong relationship together? God no. They're divorced for a reason. Have you ever read any of Charles Darwin’s works? No. If there was such a thing as a mental health first aid kit, what would you want to be in it? Some ice cream and a Mountain Dew bc I'm an emotional eater, my "graduation" pebble from my partial hospitalization program to remember how far I've come, some cold water to run over my face (or drink), my iPod for music and phone to watch YouTube, a nice, big blanket to turn into a burrito in... that kind of stuff. If you’re in a relationship, are you happy? And if you’re single, are you looking for someone? I'm not actively searching for anyone, no. What is something that people make fun of you for? Always being on the computer. It makes me EXTREMELY self-conscious, and I really wish people would keep their mouths shut about it. Which supermarket do you like to shop at? Wal-Mart. Have you ever been told that your boyfriend/girlfriend wasn’t good enough for you? In the past. Do you think it’s okay to flirt with someone that’s already taken, as long as it goes no further? Fuck no. Do you struggle to say ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do? YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP. Someone attractive is staring at you. What do you do? Probably just kinda smile and blush and look down/away. Are you friends with someone a lot of people dislike? *shrug* Favorite photo search engine? Tumblr for gifs, Google or Pinterest for still images, depending on what I'm looking for. Do you doggie paddle or actually swim in a pool? I'll do both, I think? It's been too long since I've swum. Ever made a snow angel? Ye-ep. Would you ever take up smoking? No. I like having operational lungs. Do you laugh at racial jokes? No. Hate to break it to ya, but they're not funny. Book series you enjoyed reading recently? I've been loving Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland, even if I'm reading very slowly. My psychiatrist has given me a new way to approach my hobbies I have difficulty engaging in, so I'm hoping if I keep it up, my rate of reading will speed up! Are there any keys on your keyboard that have letters fading away? Ahaha, yeah... "a," "s," and "d." A true gamer. How "w" is still alive, I couldn't tell ya. Favorite non-chocolate candy? Sour Punch Straws, probably. The red ones, in specific. Last person you texted? My mom. What did you learn from your first job? That I can't work with people. Favorite website from your childhood? I was a Webkinz A D D I C T. Least favorite flavor of food or drink? Cranberry came to mind very quickly. Least favorite pattern? uhhhhhhh Favorite potato food? Either French fries or Lays wavy potato chips. PC or console gaming? I grew up as a console gamer, so I'm kinda biased. Writing or drawing? Don't make me choose!! I get more satisfaction out of drawing something I'm proud of, but I do way more writing. Who would you put before everyone else? My mom, probably. Lamps, overhead lights, fairy lights, or sunlight? Fairy lights are so cute. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? I shit you not, none. What is your third favourite colour? Hm. Maybe rose gold, or lilac. Can you remember your first phone? If so, what kind was it? I'm really not sure, but I WANT to say it was one of those slide-y, compact Blueberry ones? Who is your favourite character from Alice in Wonderland? The Cheshire Cat has always been very alluring to me. What is the last thing you looked up online? The definition to a word just to ensure I was using it correctly. Have you ever had your fortune read? No. I ain't wasting time or money on that shit. Can you read tarot cards? If you couldn't guess from above, I have zero faith in this kinda stuff, so I don't care to learn. Do you prefer lemons or limes? Lemons. I like lime flavoring in some stuff, though. Are your expecting anything in the mail? No. What would you like to see out of your window everyday instead of what you see now? The forest. Do you own a camera? I do, a Canon EOS Rebel T6. Have you ever written a special note in a book? Yes. Early into our relationship, Jason lent me a book to read, and I wrote a lil love letter in it for him. Do you have any artistic talents? I mean I like to think I'm a good writer and a decent artist. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? Yeah, IT with Girt. It was fun because he's a horror pansy, haha. He did fine, though. What would you do if you found out you were pregnant? Freak the fuck out because I haven't had sex in many years, so that thing's coming the fuck out 'cuz it obviously ain't natural. Favorite thing to get at McDonalds? Look man, I'm shameless, I love me a Quarter Pounder w/ cheese. Plus some fries. :x Do you know anyone named Alex? I know multiple people named Alex, actually. Whose house did you last sleep over at? Sara's. In other words, it's been a loooong time.Would you ever record yourself having sex? God no. Like zero judgment to the people that do, but I get NOTHING out of watching others "do it." I've never actually tried watching porn, but I couldn't have less interest. I know I'd hate it, and a lot. Did the vacuum scare you as a child? I don't think it did, anyway. Have you or would you ever use a dating app? One of my most embarrassing secrets is that I was briefly on Christian Mingle. It makes me want to cringe into fucking oblivion. Who are you most nervous about introducing potential significant others to? My dad. He's... a character. What was the most important non-academic thing you learned in high school? That time fucking flies, so cherish every millisecond. Do you and your friends ever talk about your sex lives? Not really. Even when I was sexually active, I was private about that stuff. I don't care if others talk to me about theirs, but odds are I'm not saying much about myself. What were the best and worst interviews you’ve ever had? What made them so good/bad? I've never had a bad interview, but I mean, I've only had I wanna say four in my whole life. None were anything special either, though. Ever put someone else in the hospital? No. Have you ever sold anything on eBay? If so, what? No. What is the best surprise you have ever had? Finding a container of puppy chow underneath the Christmas tree one year. It was my parents' way of telling me we were getting a dog (which I had been nagging them about FOREVER), and next came Teddy. <3 I miss my boy. Is someone in love with you? I wouldn't know. Ever kiss someone on the first date? No. Ever sleep with someone on the first date? That's a hard no. Do you wear cologne/perfume/aftershave regularly? No. Do you snore? No, actually. Pretty astonishing for someone with such severe sleep apnea. When is the last time someone else slept in your bed? When Sara last visited. How often do you dust? Not... nearly enough as I'm supposed to. Mom gets on me about it all the time. What is the most ‘extreme’ activity you have ever done? Ha, nothing wild, I assure you. I guess riding a four-wheeler through the woods once with our former neighbors, who were good friends of ours.. Have you ever rode on a mobility scooter/wheelchair just for fun? Um, no? That's a jackass thing to do. Some people actually need those. Who’s the most controlling person you know? OH MY FUCKING GOD. OUR FAMILY FRIEND TOBEY. EASILY. She seizes control of EVERY situation, even if she has no right to be involved in it. Does anyone keep a photo of you in their purse/wallet, and if so, who? Not to my knowledge. Do you own a microphone? No. Do you enjoy trailers at the cinema? I do! I like arriving in time to see them. Have you ever been burgled? No, thankfully. Have you ever entered anything into Urban Dictionary? If so, what? No. What’s the last live performance you watched on TV? No idea. Have you ever been embarrassed to buy something from a shop? Not to my recollection. It helps that I'm not the one buying things, like ever. What’s the name of one of your friends’ dogs? Buster! :') He's a precious lil bean. Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. A GIANT CENTIPEDE. That's one pet in the invert community that I have ZERO interest in EVER owning. Those bitches are scary. Have you ever needed to wear a tie? If so, when/why? Nope.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
sweet bun. (f)
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☙ pairing: all might x reader
☙ theme:  pregnancy reveal
☙  cw/tw: profanity, young all might, expecting father toshinori, fluff fluff fluff
☙  a/n-request: request for all might being told he’s going to be a father with the ‘bun in the oven’ line
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Toshinori sighed as he walked through the front door of his home, after a long day of stopping villains from robbing banks or destroying the city, and even helping to remove a heavy tree for a construction crew, the young hero was legitimately exhausted. All Toshinori wanted to do for the rest of the day was relax with his lover and eat whatever was making the air of the home smell overly sweet. After removing his boots, the blonde walked from the entryway and towards the kitchen where he knew you’d be.
Sure enough as he turned the corner, his blue eyes landed on your frame dancing along to a tune you hummed. Crossing his burly arms, Toshinori propped against the wall and continued to watch with a smile on his face. The two of you had been together for years now, two of them spent in the states, where he met you, and the other two in Japan. You didn’t bat an eye when he asked if you’d move with him, knowing it meant leaving behind the only place you’ve ever known and all your loved ones. 
“You’re all I ever need to know Yagi, wherever life takes you, I’m going to be right by your side, no matter how far,” you told him.
Since Toshinori had already made a name for himself in American, once he got to Japan, the #1 spot became his in no time. The hero wanted to spoil you with lavish things and a massive home, but you protested and only asked for a simple 3-bedroom home that was quaint and cozy, far off from the hustle and bustle of the city. You didn’t love Toshinori for his fame and fortune, you loved him for his never fading smile, the massive and warm heart he had and for how he could make you feel like the only woman on earth. Yagi had quite the hectic life but he always made it a point to come home at the same time each night and have dinner together, even if it only meant for a few minutes. And as much as his work became his life, you were never put on the back burner, he took you on trips or spent long weekends at home with you doing absolutely nothing but sharing each other’s company. Of course, being the man he was, Toshinori also always managed to weasel in miraculous gifts when you were least expecting them.
Like an expensive stand mixer to use for your baking, multiple spa days, old and expensive first copies of your favorite books, and sometimes simple but elegant jewelry. Needless to say you were very spoiled and well taken care of, and Yagi was the epitome of a perfect man. Life was perfect for the both of you, and the pro-hero didn’t know how it could get any better!
After watching you for a minute longer, Toshinori made his way into your space. You turned to face him, a smile stretching far and wide across your lips and your arms opening.
“Hi hero,” you chimed.
Your lover gave a hearty laugh before grabbing your hips and lifting you into the air like a child before embracing you in a massive bear hug.
“Oh, careful Yagi,” you giggled after feeling lightheaded from the lift.
Yagi made an apologetic expression and gave a cheesy grin, “I’m sorry my dear, are you still feeling ill? You know it’s been almost a week, I think you should go to the doctor.” The blonde spoke with concern while setting you back on your feet, a giant hand combing the strands of (h/c) hair out of your face then caressing your cheek.
“No, I’m feeling fine babe, you just came in a little hot with that lift.”
The towering man chuckled and leaned down, pressing the sweetest and warmest of kisses to your lips. You hummed and kissed back, a hand coming up and cupping Toshinori’s cheek. “Forgive me, I’m just really happy to be home and to see your face. It’s been a tiring day.”
With a smile you pat Yagi’s chest and suggest he take a seat while you fixed him something to drink. He nodded and kissed your forehead before walking over to the kitchen table and sitting down with a sigh. You asked about his day and he filled you in, hands going to loosen his tie and to rub the side of his neck. You listened closely while fixing a massive glass of milk for him and a smaller one for yourself before walking over to the table and took a seat close to Toshinori. He quirked a blonde brow and smiled at the choice of drink.
“I know you’ve been having strange cravings lately dear, but you rarely ever choose milk, you sure you’re okay,” he questioned and reached a hand out to feel your forehead.
You pushed away his giant hand with a whine, making him chuckle. “I’ve never been better Yagi, I just figured it would go well with what I’m baking.”
After drinking half his glass of milk, Toshinori sighed and dried his lip with the back of his hand. Blue eyes looked at the time on his watch, “Well I can tell just by the smell that it’s something very sweet. Are we doing dessert before dinner tonight?”
“You could say that, I wanted to make something special for the occasion.”
A confused look now dressed the hero’s face, a small hint of nervousness flooded his system as well. Did he forget your anniversary – no, that date was burned into his brain. Was it a special holiday or something? Yagi chuckled sheepishly as he scratched his temple, his massive body jumping when the kitchen timer went off. You couldn’t help the cackle that left your lips.
“Uh – forgive me if I’ve forgotten something, but what occasion are we talking about here (Y/N)?”
You smiled softly, wrapping your hands around your glass of milk, “Well, if you go look in the oven then you’ll find out.”
“The oven?” He asked, question still on his face.
You only nodded in return. Toshinori shrugged and got up from his seat, before walking to the oven he looked back down at you, smiling up at him bigger than ever, he smirked and ruffled your hair. “What are you up to woman,” he teased while walking to the appliance.
The massive man crouched down before it and shook his head with a chuckle, pulling down the oven door. There was a single sweet bun on the middle rack, cooked perfectly with a golden color. He quirked a brow, still confused and not sure what to make of the food.
Turning around to look at you, Yagi rubbed the side of his neck, “Uh – we’re celebrating a bun in the oven?”
Even as he said it, the hero still wasn’t grasping the concept. Your lover was smart but sometimes he could be pretty aloof. You giggled and sighed. 
“Yagi, repeat those last 4 words, slowly. Really take them in.”
Toshinori knitted his brows and thought back before speaking, “Bun in the oven.”
He glanced at you again, now smiling and a hand patting your stomach. His blue eyes squinted, watching your hand and replaying his words. Suddenly he gasped and was to his feet in record time.
“Holy shit, are you saying – “
“Yes Yagi! There’s a bun in the oven, my oven you big oaf!”
“Are you – are you serious, there’s a bun – I mean a baby in there,” he questioned excitedly, pointing a finger to your stomach.
You nodded with a smile, suddenly finding yourself being lifted from your seat and into the air once again by an over joyous man. Your palms rested on his broad shoulders, giggles and smiles overflowing from your lips as Yagi himself smiled and pulled you into another hug. Hugging back, he walked over and sat you on the counter-top, his hands cupping your face, lips peppering every inch of it with excited kisses.
“I actually went to the doctor yesterday and they confirmed it.”
“So that’s why you’ve been sick, and craving such ridiculous things,” Toshinori chuckled still holding your face in his giant hands.
You nodded and wrapped your hands around his wrist, “I know we’re still young and it wasn’t exactly planned, but ... are you happy?”
“Am I happy? I’m – I’m so fucking happy! I’m going to be a dad, and you’re going to be a mom,” Yagi smiled and huffed a breath of air as he looked down, his hands leaving your face and going to hold your hips as his thumbs brushed over your tummy, “We made a baby, and it’s right inside here!”
“We did, I’m excited but I’m nervous too,” your smile slowly fading and an unsure expression painted your features.
Toshinori pouted before giving his famous smile, taking your face again in one hand. “I can’t say there’s nothing to be nervous about, this is a baby we’re talking about and we’re going to be first time parents but – if you’re doubting if you’ll make a good mom then I’m going to stop that right here. You’re going to be an amazing mother my dear, we’ll hit a few snags but everything is going to be perfectly fine. You know why?”
Pouting, your (e/c) eyes looked into Toshinori’s blue ones, your own hand coming up to brace his large cheek, the tip of your thumb brushing the corner of his smile. 
“Why Yagi?”
“Because I am here, and I’ll always be here. I love you so much sweetheart, and this baby is going to love you too.”
“Aww, you just love sneaking in that line don’t you,” you giggled and leaned forward, placing a quick peck to your lover’s lips, “I love you too Yagi, we’re both going to be amazing parents!”
With an agreeing nod, you and Toshinori spent the next few minutes where you were, talking about how you were feeling, what the doctor said and how exciting this new journey was going to be. As the hero stood between your legs, a hand steadily rubbing your belly, a hungry growl could be heard from both your stomachs. You gave a sheepish grin and scratched your head.
“Uh – so all I cooked was the sweet bun, I kind of forgot about dinner. I guess I have baby brain already.”
Toshinori laughed and kissed your forehead before pulling out his cell, “Don’t fear my love, I’ve got dinner tonight. What will it be pizza or takeout?”
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
It’s a living (Ben 10 omiverse)
it was a nice and peaceful day in Bellwood for a change, though considering it wasn't the main stream universe's Bellwood that made a degree of sense. In fact even as the main verse Ben sat across from his counterpart, enjoying the Mr.smoothies of universe 23 they could both relax as Seven-seven and Tetrax had decided to stay on earth and work as a team with 23, so were out patrolling. "So, not that it's not awesome to see you from time to time..but usually you showing up means something about to go all fucky fucky...Sooo what brings you here?" 23 asked. "things don't ALWAYS go bad when i show up!" Ben protested, huffing a little. "Mmmhmmm..So you showed up and I get attacked by my future team mates..you show up and the Ben war..you show up and Mad Ben.." 23 said, counting off on his fingers. "..Damn uh.. well I promise, no world ending stuff this time." Ben said, sweat dropping. "I uh.. ok so i told you I recently moved out and got my own place right?" "And yet you haven't invited me back once." 23 said and blew a raspberry to show he wasn't really offended. "eheheh well fact of the matter is I mightttta gone a little beyond my means and kinda sorta..I'm like a week from getting kicked out." Ben said, poking his fingers together sheepishly. "Heh, and what, you want a place to crash?" "welll more thinking maybe since I've been helping you and all that jazz, you could spot me a couple of grand to get me in the clear and stuff?" Ben asked hopefully. "eh..I learned the hard way not to loan friends money Ben. it's why me and my Gwen aren't on speaking terms." 23 said, then took a big drink of his smoothie. "however, I AM willing to help you MAKE the money you need, and more." "...Doing what?" Ben asked, confused. "Cuz gotta say, I've tried the retail thing back home and when you have to stop doing stock to fight alien invaders, you don't keep your job for long." "Pffft as if I'd let you work retail! Nah man! You know I've leveraged my frame and endorsed a TON of things right? Part of how I'm rolling in dough? Well I got this one wanna be sponsor who I'm not big on the product, but they are offering a crazy amount of cash. I figure they'll settle for the Ben of anther universe, you do the gig, we split the money 50/50, and everybody wins." 23 said, taking out a note pad and a pen. "Look uh, not to sound ungrateful, but if I'm the one doing the modeling or whatever, shouldn't I get more then half? and what are you writing down?" Ben asked. "That's how much your half of the deal will be, and I think you'll find it more then fair." 23 said and smirked. Ben frowned and picked up the piece of paper, looking down, then did a double take as his eyes went wide. "Holy crap! what am i modeling off? Missiles?!" he asked, his voice going higher then normal. "nah, no weapons of mass destruction in that sense.. though bet you'll still clear rooms." 23 said and gave a impish grin. "You'll be working for huggies." "..Say what?"
After half a hour of back and forth, and Ben admitting he really didn't have a better option, the two took off, transforming into XCLER8 and Speedyquick instead of hailing a cab and made their way to the huggies headquarters. since 23 was used to this sort of thing Ben mostly let him talk over the contract and tried not to get boarded out of his mind as they talked returns and profit margins, only tuning in when the executive they were talking to (who if Ben didn't know better, he'd swear was this universes version of Charmcaster) brought up diaper usage. "Of course seeing your other self in our new line of Lil' stinkers would do wonders for our promotion of them, but if we could show them being used it would really help sell other points. we're taking photo shoots for magazine spreads and of course some tv and internet ad's. the more you and your client can promise us in terms of selling these diapers are for big babies who need to be put in their place, the more zero's we can add to your check." She said, smiling. "Wait..as in..you know.." Ben interrupted before 23 could talk, and unable to say what he was thinking, and blushing badly, he make fart noises with his mouth. "Heh, yes, we want you to go dooty in your diaper." Hope said, smirking and watching the two boys reactions. "N-No way! I mean I'll wear them and crawl around and stuff, but I'm NOT taking a dump in diapers!" Ben huffed and crossed his arms, shaking his head and well, looking just perfect for the target audience. "Maybe I should give you and your client a moment to talk this over. we can make a deal without the diaper usage but it's going to cut into the bottom line." Hope said and got up and left the room. "Can you BE anymore of a brat?" 23 hissed at Ben. "But..but..she wants me to-" "Yes, I know. I was there. Look Ben, I'm putting my neck on the line for you here, if my other sponsors hear about what a crabby brat your being here, it could affect me. Also your the one who came to me for help, so wouldn't like crapping yourself in huggies and making a boat load of cash once be better then doing a bunch more commercials to make the same amount? And who the hell from your universe is gonna see you doing this anyways?" 23 asked. "But I don't wanna poop in a diaper!" Ben whined and shook his head. "and you can't make me! so th-" he started to add, then suddenly he was yanked out of his chair and over 23's laps. "W-what are you doing?! and when the hell did you get so strong!?" "I've been working out since the mad Ben thing. and I'm gonna do what anyone does with a whinny brat.." 23 said and smirked, tugging down the back of Ben's pants. "I'm gonna spank you." Yanking Ben's skid marked stained briefs up and giving the bigger boy a wedgie and exposing those cheeks, 23 paused. "Last chance to be a good boy and let me handle this." he said. "Y-You don't have the balls!" Ben cried out, his voice carrying. "I gave you a chance." 23 said and shrugged, then brought down his hand on Ben's bubble butt over and over, turning the cheeks nice and red as Ben bawled like a baby.
Since the office wasn't sound proofed, and many people knew that both of the Ben's were in the office, it attracted A LOT of attention as the bigger Ben's voice filled the floor with the sounds of wails and there was the unmistakable sound of buns being tanned. Hope smirked as she listened, feeling she had pegged the relationship between the two boys right, and waited till there was just the sound of the bigger Ben sobbing before going back into her office, and fighting back a chuckle as she saw the bigger boy in the corner, his pants in his chair and his undies still hiked up. the boy had his nose to the corner and his hands on his head, and was whimpering and sobbing gently. "I'm sorry for that, somebody needed a attuide adjustment." 23 said. "oh don't be! I just wish we had recorded that! would of been perfect for the set up of a commercial!" Hope said and chuckled. "well I can always spank him again." 23 offered, chuckling to as Ben whined loudly from the corner. "So, may I assume that your both on board with widdle Benny making uh-ohs and tinkles in his diapers?" Hope asked. "I dunno, Ben, are you ok with messing your diapers?" 23 asked. "Y-Yes! No more spankies!" Ben cried out, his hands going from his head to covering his poor buns. "i think that answers your question." "excellent, then I'll draw up the contract, and if we hurry we can have Ben in the studio in about 2 hours. Make sure he gets LOTS to eat, we wanna show off how the Lil' stinkers hold up to even the biggest messes." Hope said. as 23 and Hope chuckled, Ben whimpered and found himself sucking on his thumb having ALL the regrets.
a hour and half later and a semi pot belly Ben was leaning back in his folding chair, in front of the set and belching off and on. He still hadn't been able to reclaim his pants though he'd been allowed to tug the wedgie out at least, though this just got loads of comments about how diapers might be a good full time choice for him. Ben had swallowed back any come backs or threats he had in mind as every time 23 was quick to pat his still sore booty. going on Hope's advice 23 had forced Ben to chow down, though while the catering table was set up with all sorts of awesome snack foods, including Ben's favorite, chilli fries, it was the large pyramid of at least 23 jar's of prune baby food that 23 had directed Ben to, helping the bigger boy and spoon feeding him as the crew setting up the large nursery chuckled. "Come on ben, one jar to go. you can do it." 23 was saying, grabbing the last jar and smirking at Ben's baby food covered face. "D-Dude..I'm not joking..if I eat one more bite I'ma hurl." Ben whined. "that's what you said two jars ago." "by all means, call my bluff, just when your wearing baby food on your shoes, remember i warned you." Ben said with a weak smile then a LOUD and nasty belch. 23 made a face and waved the air in front of him. "Man, if it smells that bad now.. Maybe i should excuse myself to the other room when you crap yourself." he teased. "N-no way..if I'm doing this..you're watching AND smelling!" Ben whined and Belched again. "Can i get something to drink?" he asked. instantly he realized he should of worded his request better as 23 got a large baby bottle filled with what was hopefully milk, and popped it in Ben's mouth. it only took a few sucks on the nipple to realize that of course, it was formula, and Ben scuched up his face. "Hehehe I have to say Ben, you are JUST too cute like this. I might have to try and lock you into a long term agreement here." 23 teased then winced at the glare Ben gave him. "Kidding! Kidding!" pushing the bottle out of his mouth, Ben went to say something but was cut off as Hope strolled onto the set. "Ok people, time to make some magic. baby Ben, we need you in wardore." she said then pasued. "Oh, Do you know how to put a diaper on?" she asked, suddenly looking sheepish. "N-No." ben whined and a loud toot came out his bottom. "Oh er..I don't think we have time to teach you before you unload." Hope said, holding her nose. "it's ok, I'll diaper the big baby." 23 said happily. "of course you will." Ben muttered, but let himself be lead off to a side room where there was star on the door, with his name on it. "great...I'm about to become famous as a diaper boy.." Ben whined. lead inside 23 just chuckled. "Mr.Devil, he's ready for his close up."
The diaper was MASSIVE, and for a second both boys just stared at it, wondering if Ben was gonna be able to even walk in the thing. it was easily the equal to 10 normal diapers layered together and was a soft baby blue (whether that was a marketing choice or just when they had been making these things expect 23 to model them, neither boy was sure) anther loud toot from Ben's back door which sadly filled the small dressing room had both boys holding their noses, and broke them out of their trance. "I..I don't wanna do this. I'm scared." Ben whined, looking at 23 with pleading eyes and starting to squirm in a way that told him their deadline was coming up fast. "Sorry buddy, we signed the contract. but I'll make sure this goes as fast as possible. all you have to do with whimper and cry, and act like you've been acting, and I'll be doing the voice over." 23 said and reached up, patting Ben's head. Ben whined but let himself be laid down on the teddy bear print changing mat on the floor and just lifted his arms to let 23 tug his shirt off. "we're gonna have to enroll you in a exercise program if we need to keep feeding you like this." 23 teased, noting that while Ben wasn't chubby, he had enough pudge on him to look a bit like baby fat, and the baby food in his tummy wasn't helping. Sliding Ben's undies off 23 tossed them in a trash can behind him, then unfolded the massive diaper as Ben whined. "W-why'd you toss out my undies? A-and were are my pants? F-For after?" he asked, feeling so small and helpless as 23 lifted Ben up but his legs to get the diaper under him. "hush, you let me worry about that..though..heh.." 23 paused the look down at Ben's exposed crotch. "Didn't know you shave." "I uh..haven't gotten my pubes yet.." the bigger in so many ways, but not where it counted boy said. "well that explains your cute widdl-" "Watch it!" Ben huffed and for the first time moved to use his Omimatrix. "Ok ok..Sorry." 23 said sweat dropping. "I've had THREE girls interested in me by the way, so it can't be THAT small!" Ben added and 23 smirked and powdered him lots. "And how many of them saw you down there?" 23 asked, as he tugged the diaper up. "and of those that saw, how many stayed interested?" with the diaper tapped up Ben sat up with a bit of effort, but was blushing and wouldn't look 23 in the eyes. "L-Let's just get this over with." Ben huffed and tried to get up on his own, only to keep falling back on his puffy butt. "That's what I thought." 23 chuckled and then held out his hands, Helping Ben get to his feet. the bigger boys BIG diaper had his legs spread and Ben was barley able to waddle, several times needing to stop and take 23's hands as they made their way out onto the set. 'If i make it though this I'm moving to a smaller apartment so i never have to ask this son of a bitch for a favor again.' Ben thought.
Hope grinned ear to ear and had some of the photographers snap shots of Ben needing help with walking, before coming over with a baby blue bonnet and bib that had white text in comic sans, that read BRAT. Ben would of argued about the add ons, since he was pretty sure that hadn't been in the original deal, if it wasn't for the fact he was using every ounce of control NOT to mess himself too soon and have to start all over. "There we go, don't you just look adorable~" Hope teased and tickled Ben's chin. "A-Ah.S-Stop that..w-we hafa hurry up..I..I can't.." Ben whined and rubbed his tummy, a muffled fart coming out and making hope take a step back. As they started to film, Ben for the most part blissfully blacked out, but of course got to watch the commercial after, with everyone praising him on what a good boy he had been.
"Hey everyone, Ben 23 here, and bringing you yet anther great product. So, brats, we all know one and we've all thought about putting them in their place, but where do you even start to get what you need for it?" Came 23's voice, on a screen of black. "Well the answer for that, Is huggies. That's right, the same company you've been trusting to look after your little bundles of joy is here to help you put those same bundles of joy turned into over sized brats back into little baby's." the screen came into focus and there was Ben, a glazed look in his eyes and holding his tummy, in all his big baby glory. "Most of you know about my other universe counterpart, but what you don't know is that he's a grade A BRAT. as a favor to his friends back in his verse, we're giving Baby Ben the punishment he deserves. isn't that right baby ben?" 23's voice asked as Ben whined and pouted. "Pwease, no wanna go poopies! I'm sowwy!" Ben cried out. "now now Ben, you don't want anther spanking do you?" 23's voice asked, and it was the yelp of fear that sold it as Ben totally lost control. the camera zoomed in as the back of Ben's diaper rapidly started to expand, and loud gross farts were heard. Ben for his part was face down ass up, and pounding a fist on the floor as he filled his diapers, crying and howling but really, it only made the shot better. "Lil stinkers is made with a new material that allows for up to 40 times the normal amounts of waste, which means even with 22 jars of baby food in baby Ben's tummy these diapers won't leak, or your money back." 23 said. the diaper only started to take on a dirty stain of brown in the back as the material reached down to Ben's knees. "with our new smell block guards in the diaper, you'll only get the faintest whiff of the the mess the big babies made. Sure it spares the brat but if your brat is anything widdle Benny here, you're gonna be punished enough changing him." with a few last sputtering farts Ben was apparently finished and sucking on his thumb as he got up on his knees, looking to the cameras. "C-Change pwease?" Ben whined. "Oh silly Ben, if we just changed you right away, where would the fun be in that? with added rash protection built into the diaper, along with bratty baby brand powder, Our little Benny can go 12 hours without a change!" hearing that Ben bawled again, both hands coming up to his eyes and there was just no two ways about it, he looked like a giant baby. "See you in 12 hours little guy! enjoy your poopie diaper." 23 said cheerfully. Ben's cries were muted as they went to the last of it. "Lil stinkers by huggies. put your brat back in diapers, and in their place. Available at a super market near you in two weeks."
Ben naturally wasn't actually kept in the poopie diaper for 12 hours, though they did take the chance to get all the pictures they needed for him in his poopie diapers, with 23 posing in some of them with him. Such as having Ben in his arms, Ben over his lap and pretending to give him a messy spanking, and of course 23 pulling the back of the diaper open as Ben sat on his ass, hugging a teddy bear and sucking on a pacifier and 23 holding his nose. If 23 was being truthfully though he was glad he was wearing his baggy pants as the site of Ben like this almost had little hearts in his eyes and he was tempted to try and keep Ben like this. Still a contract was a contract, and once they had enough footage they got Ben changed into a clean diaper but out of the bib and bonnet, and with his t-shirt back on. Ben was actually in the crib that was part of the set up when he came out of it, the staff and Hope and 23 where having a few drinks. "C-Can somebody come let me out? And.. get me big boy undies and pants?" Ben called, using the crib railing to haul himself to his feet but swaying dangerously if he let go, so knowing he couldn't get out. if the crew heard him, they ignored him and kept talking among themselves and laughing, annoying Ben. "I SAID, SOMEBODY LET ME OUT!" Ben yelled and stomped a foot, slipping and falling on his padded rear. "oh great, the baby is awake." 23 said, smirking and winking to the crew who all laughed. "Your not freaking funny! Let me outta here NOW or I'm going way big!" Ben growled and started to fiddle with his watch. "Way big?" a crew member asked. "as in he's gonna be a big boy?" "No! as in the alien who's 100 feet tall!" Ben huffed and got the watch ready to go. "-sigh- I'll handle this." 23 said and walked over, holding his hands up. "heyy heyy..it's OK Benny. we don't need to bring aliens into this. you're all done here and we'll cash your check at the first bank of Ben then you can go home. OK?" "i want outta this diaper, I want outta this crib! and i want big boy undies and pants!" Ben huffed, keeping his hand over his watch. "heh, your terms are agreeable. we only re-diapered you because you were out of it, and I don't really wanna change anther poopie diaper." 23 lied. He would of totally loved to keep changing Ben's diapers but clearly the little guy had been pushed to his limit.
As it turned out they couldn't find pants in the studio for Ben, or a pair of undies so the poor hero ended up standing in line with 23 at the bank in his t-shirt and diapers, which normally would of caused problems but with 23's technically owning the bank, it was brushed over. The first thing they did after getting the check cashed was go shopping and get Ben a pair of sumo slammer boxers, then off to the food court for him to get the taste of the baby food and formula out of his system, though he wasn't able to eat his full order. 23 joked about how they should of gotten him a happy meal as he wiped up the chilli stains off of Ben's face. after that it was time to go home and Ben gave 23's hand a shake. "..ok, you saved my ass from having to move back home..buttt don't expect me to come back here till this ad campaign is over and done." Ben said. "heh, come on, didn't a SMALL part of you have fun?" 23 asked. "hahahaha NO. Today was the most horrible day of my life, and with the shit I've been though, thats saying something. Maybe you can come over to MY universe sometime and be a diaper boy for me though." "heh. or just show up with a diaper bag." "..Shutting up." with that Ben went back to his home universe, very much richer. Or so he thought.
as it turned out their money while looking the same on the outside, was made differently and raised all sorts of flags when Ben went to go and deposit it in his universe. there was a public cry of outrage that a hero like Ben would try and destabilize a local economy like that, and there was talks of official charges of counterfeiting and maybe even jail time. Not even able to get his cash back, and the Plumbers having to give him the cold shoulder publicly to save face, Ben decided to take a little bit of a vacation (2-7 months while the plumbers legal team got him out of the mess) back in universe 23, figuring that 23 owned him, AND wanting to give him a piece of his mind.
"baby Ben! back so soon?" 23 asked, delighted as a red faced Ben made it to his pent house. on the way over Ben had been recognized, teased and scolded for not being in his diapers and had seen billboard with him in all his blacked out diaper baby glory. "ha.Ha. we have a problem." Ben said, and then nodded to 23's couch. "mind if I take a seat?" "Only if you promise not to make a puddle." 23 joked, but moved aside as Ben came in and flopped down. Ben spent the next 10 minutes explaining out what had happened, as 23 looked upset and shook his head. "Man, that sucks. I'm sorry, i didn't know!" 23 said. "well, I need a place to stay for a little while till i get the OK to go back..so I was wondering if y-" "would put you up here for a few months, heh,. that can be arranged. don't think you'll be able to get a place on your own here unless you just did more commercials though, rent in the city has gone up since i live here." "Not like i have a penny to my name anyways, and was gonna ask if you'd rent me a place..Buttt staying here I guess won't be so bad." Ben said with a little smile. "there is a small price I'd like you to pay..But in return for humoring me on this onnnne tiny little thing, I swear you'll want for nothing while staying with me. all the junk food you could want and any video games, the whole nine yards." 23 said, blushing a little now. "..why am i getting a bad feeling about this?" Ben asked. "well see.. they didn't need the stuff they used in your commercial after you left..so they gave it to me for free..and you were just SO god damn cute.." 23 said, getting up and leading Ben to yup, a recreation of the nursery from the set. "FUCK NO!" "oh come on Ben! i promise! no baby food this time and pop in your baby bottles! Pleasssse?" 23 asked, bringing his hands together. "why in the world would i agree to do that for a few months? I could just go do anther commercial, then get my own place here!?" Ben pointed out. "one, because as your agent I control whether you do anther shoot, it's actually part of the contract, two, if I tell my bank not to cash your check who else do you think will cover that much. three, and this is the kicker. where else can you go to with ease to hide out? you really think mad Ben is gonna welcome you with open arms?" "..Fuck my life!"
And so one week after promising himself he'd never be a big baby again, Ben found himself in two of the thick blue diaper's  and in a t-shirt top, crawling behind behind 23 and pouting like crazy. "Don't you think top is over kill?" Ben whined. "I'm the one paying for them. so just shush and look adorable." "Not funny." Ben pouted and then realized it would be harder then hell to get off and on the couch's and just sat on his diaper butt in the living room. "So what d-" "I want chilli cheese fires, I want a two liter of coke, and I want the latest sumo slammer game five minutes ago!" Ben huffed then grinned. "..Demanding aren't we?" "and i quote: I swear you'll want for nothing. I want all of that." Ben said smugly. "you know, i could of just spanked you." 23 teased, going to grab the phone and make the food order. instead of Ben telling him off however, the threat had a amusing and smelly effect instead. Ben froze at the memory of that and then well, with him being double diapered it was a little hard to tell since there was no smell, but 23 could of sworn Ben just got a little taller. "heh, Did somebody just make me a present?" "NO!...yes." "Good boy. I'll change you after you eat, if your a good boy." 23 said and winked. "...this is gonna be a long 2 months."
the end?
6 notes · View notes
sammy-black87 · 4 years
* previously in ... A NEW BEGINNING *
Aaron: * seeing ____ *
Rossi: you are in love right?
Aaron: why does Rossi say it? *I look at you*
Rossi: you haven't stopped seeing her for a long time
Aaron: I still have my doubts
Rossi: love at first sight
Aaron: * just gave a little laugh *
Rossi: that giggle says yes
Aaron: ok you discovered me
Rossi: I suggest you wait for the perfect moment for you to tell him
Aaron: ok I know you have experience and I will follow your advice my friend * I keep seeing the file *
* within the BAU *
Narrates Rossi
I invited everyone to eat at my house since I wanted to relive the old moments when we all ate my special dish from Italy, I want to warmly welcome ___ and I quote Aaron and ___ I quoted them a little late, from Aaron I saw her who started to get distracted by it, so it's good to relive the memories, until they arrived * I take out my kitchen utensils and start teaching them to cook * I saw that everyone was impressed in the way I cook, nobody saw me do this before since it was their first Once, I was happy and happy for Hotch, it was time for Aaron to come to my house and also ___ * look at the entrance like this and the others also saw how Aaron entered first but it seemed strange to me because he didn't arrive ____ * they already passed About 4 minutes and we saw that she was ___ with a nice evening dress and boy did she look beautiful (Italian language), without a doubt Hotch couldn't help but see her and blush, I kept explaining how to cook Italian style
___: * you arrive in a beautiful black dress Elegant emerald prom dress with stunning transparent back embroidered with beading *
Tumblr media
Rossi: look who got the bellissima stella (the beautiful star)
___: thanks Rossi you don't look bad either
Jennifer: you look good and that dress is very cute
Emily: You shine like a star Friend Where did you get it?
Jennifer: yes where did you get it
___: well my mother gave it to me before she died, I inherited it when I was a girl and well she gave it to me
Penelope: it is very beautiful and it looks good on you
Spencer: you look like a new unopened book
___: thanks Spencer
Aaron: * in that I grab a rose and give it to you * w-for you ___ * I get a little red when I feel your soft hand as you grab the rose *
___: oh thanks Aaron * I put the rose on the side of my head * how do I look Aaron? * take a full turn *
Aaron: you look very pretty * I am stunned to see __ *
___: * that's what you smell food * well Rossi smells good
Rossi: thanks if you feel that they do not fit you can order a pizza
All: * we laugh at him Rossi comment *
Rossi: * I take out a glass of red wine and serve them all in the glass * Cheers for __ and welcome to the Dra family ___
All: health
___: thanks everyone for this warm welcome, they never gave me this nice welcome
* after eating at Rossi's house *
Narrates ___
I saw how everyone had fun and well you were with Aaron talking to him and you drank some wine until you listened they put music a little moving so to speak, you saw how everyone Spencer danced with Jennifer, Rossi with Emily and well Penelope was recording everything and well it was very romantic, you sat down to see the beautiful moment that was happening here * you sat down while drinking wine until Spencer invited you to dance and you agreed * I must admit that Spencer is a very good dancer, you had so much fun until you danced with Rossi and a great chef * you were the happiest Girl of your life, you were smiling, the moment came when you danced with Aaron but suddenly they changed the music to moved to romantic and it was the perfect setting under the light and as your dress shone, you placed your head on Aaron's chest and you seemed a perfect couple and for the time being indicated, you saw how everyone recorded you but you remembered something dark from your past and you separated very quickly from it, you went to the balcony and took a breath you heard someone talk to you and it was Aaron * sorry Aaron if I did that alone * I start to shed tears and you feel like Aaron is wiping your tears away *
___: * crying and you see that Aaron cleans your tears *
Aaron: * I wipe your tears * don't cry a pretty girl like you shouldn't do that
___: thanks for the compliments and for caring about me * you hug him *
Aaron: * I feel you hug me and I reciprocate *
___: * hugging Aaron * do you know why I stopped dancing with you? *you look it*
Aaron: You were humiliated in high school on graduation day in front of everyone and the boy you like, you heard everyone's laughs, right?
___: * you attend *
Aaron: you're not the only one who went through that * in an embarrassed tone *
___: what happened to you * you look *
* after Aaron told you what happened in the play *
___: * laughing * Did that really happen to you?
Aaron: * attend * and that's how I met my late Wife Haley
___: A story of humor and romance at the same time
Aaron: sounds like a story straight out of a fairy tale
___: but it's true love * you see Aaron getting up *
Aaron: * I get up * allow me * I get you up *
___: thank you and what a gentleman you are
Aaron: every man makes for a beautiful woman like you Miss ___ * I quickly take out my cell phone and change music and extend my hand *
___: * I clean my dress * thanks again * you turn around and see Aaron's outstretched hand like this to you *
Aaron: Will this allow me, Miss ___? * in a chivalrous manner *
___: Gladly Mr. Hotchner * you take his hand and start dancing *
Aaron and ___: * we dance along with the music *
* spend a few hours dancing *
Aaron: * took __ home *
___: thanks for bringing me to my house
Aaron: I wouldn't let anything in the world happen to you * smiled *
___: * look at the starry sky * it's a beautiful night don't you think? * you look down and see that he has a bouquet of flowers * are they for me?
Aaron: * attend and give them to you *
___: * you receive the flowers * thanks for the beautiful gift and the dance * you go inside your house, grab a piece of paper and write down your phone number, you go like this and give him the paper in his hands closing it * open it when you get to House
Aaron: * I am attending * I have to go home it is already late and well my son Jack must be waiting, tomorrow or when it is the day of rest I will take him to the UAC and well he is excited to meet you so until tomorrow * he smiled and before When I leave I see that you kiss my cheek as a farewell *
___: I'd like to meet him too * you kiss his cheek * until tomorrow Aaron * you wink and you go inside your house closing the door *
Aaron: * I'm going home very happy, I kept running while thinking how tomorrow would surprise her * How should I impress ___ ?, with a romantic dinner after finishing the case ?, Not something exaggerated, or should I invite her to a fancy dinner? I'd better ask Rossi for help * I take out my phone and ask Rossi for help *
Rossi: Hello Hotch, what's up?
Aaron: Rossi I need your help
Rossi: of course it's all about?
Aaron: it's about this
• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ • ⋆ • ✧ • ⋆ • ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ • ೖ ୭⇢ * will continue * • ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ • ⋆ • ✧ • ⋆ • ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •
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prorevenge · 6 years
Torment me for years then take my brother's best friend away? Be ready for our revenge.
TLDR at the bottom.
I will preface this by saying that this story is long, and I was not the mastermind to all the revenge that follows, but I did play a crucial role, and feel as though I need to explain my reasons for doing so.
I grew up in a single parent family, my mum, me, and my older sister, who, for this story's sake, I will call Lilith. Lilith is four years older than me, so the main reason I believe she was the way she was, was because she grew up an only child with both our parents spoiling her and giving her everything she wanted. Then I came along, and she wasn't the baby anymore. Then when I was two, my parents divorced, my dad moved away, and my mum was left alone with us.
My sister was, and still is, a grade A bitch. When I was growing up she used to bully me relentlessly. She would call me names, brake my stuff, blame my parent's divorce on me and even physically abuse me until I got old enough to hit back. At school, she used to get all her friends to bully me as well, and because a bunch of older kids were always cornering me, calling me fat and ugly, I never had any friends. No one wanted to be anywhere near me because of her, and she always made a point of letting me know just how much better then me she was. When I was younger, I believed she was better. She was prettier, wore better clothes, had a ton of friends and was into girly stuff like makeup and fashion while I was still in my teddy bear barbie stage. You could just tell me that this is all stupid kids stuff, but it only got worse as we got older.
By the time she was sixteen, I was just turning twelve, and the bullying had never ceased. Because of the type of person I was, I thought that if I did everything she said, she might actually like me, but this only encouraged her to take advantage of me. Things like cleaning her side of our room, getting her drinks, making her food, doing any housework mum asked her to do, and even giving her my pocket money, were completely normal. But despite doing everything she said, she was always nasty, and not just to me.
One of the worst memories I have of my sister is her screaming at my mum because she couldn't get the prom dress she wanted. I watched my mum try to explain that she didn't have the money to afford the dress she asked for and that she'd have to get a cheaper one. Lilith blew up on my mum, telling her they would have the money if dad was still here and it was all her fault that he left, and she shouldn't suffer because mum was too lazy to get a real job. This really struck a chord with me because even when I was younger I always noticed how tired my mum always was. She worked two jobs just to get us by, and for Lilith to act that way and say things like that really got to me. She made my mum cry that night, and I've never forgiven her for it.
Sometime later and my mum was dating this guy (we shall call him Matt). Matt was, and still is, great. He was really nice to all of us, bought us presents, made a point to get to know us, even took both me and Lilith on separate days out so we could both spend some alone time with him, which always made me feel special. I was thirteen when they got married, and we moved in with him. Matt made quite a lot of money, so both Lilith and I now had separate bedrooms and I could not have been happier. Enter Matt's son. Our mastermind. We shall refer to him as Megamind.
I had met Megamind a few times before my mum got married to his dad, but never really got to know him. He was older than me, but younger then Lilith, so when we moved into his house, I was terrified that Mega would be like Lilith. However, I was completely wrong. Mega was (and still is) the best brother. He never made me feel like I was unwanted. He let me play on his consoles, got me into reading, helped me with my homework, even encouraged me to make friends knowing how my sister's treatment of me affected my trust in people. Mega was the sibling I always wanted and never got to have, and Lilith just kind of faded into the background for a while. Then, some years later, Mega brought a friend home from university. His name shall be Nick. Nick and Mega were best friends. They did practically everything together, and had the truest bromance of any two men I've ever met. But there was evil lurking. Evil that wished to break the bromance forever. The first time Lilith saw Nick, I swear there were stars in her eyes, and she had to capture this innocent soul into her trap, by any means necessary. And poor Nick. Poor poor Nick.
Despite both me and Mega telling him repeatedly what kind of person she was, Lilith entranced this innocent boy with her looks and her charms and they soon started dating. Soon, whenever Nick would come over to the house to hang out with Mega, Lilith would show up and drag him away, making it all about her. She started arguments with Mega about spending to much time with HER boyfriend and that he needed to stop and leave them alone, to which Mega always laughed in her face and told her, not too kindly, to fuck off. Mega wasn't like me. He didn't take any of her shit and I deeply respected him for that. However, this evil demon was not used to being disrespected and so she hatched a wicked plan.
She started trying to separate Mega and Nick. If Nick came over to be with Mega she would always make him feel guilty about not spending enough time with her. She would start fights with Mega and then act like the poor victim over texts to Nick, Nick would then call Mega all upset and angry and Mega would try to explain that Lilith was just trying to manipulate him. All of this I saw as a spectator. Mega would tell me every time Lilith did something sneaky to try and brake his friendship with Nick, and I believed everything he said because I knew what kind of a person she was.
Then one day, Lilith and Mega had a massive fight. Our parents had gone on a couples weekend getaway and had left Lilith in charge since she was the oldest. I was about fifteen at this time, while Mega was nineteen and Lilith was twenty. Because she was the one in charge, she got given the money we were supposed to use for food. But of course, Lilith took the money for herself and bought a bunch of shit just for her, including, I remember, a pair of gold high heel shoes. They were pretty, but we couldn't eat them. Mega blew up on Lilith, and Lilith shouted back that she was older, better, and deserved it blah blah blah. Mega got our parents on the phone, told them what happened, and they ripped into Lilith, telling her to give her pocket money to Mega so he could look after us and buy us food for the weekend. Lilith shouted and cried but eventually gave in, never having successfully manipulated Matt in her life. She handed the money to Mega with a snarl, then spent the next few hours on the phone to Nick, wailing about how we were BOTH being mean to her while our parents were away and could she PLEASE stay at his house so she wouldn't be BULLIED anymore. Nick came running, and started screaming at Mega for, quote, "taking Lilith's money and getting her into trouble." Meanwhile, Lilith stood behind Nick with a smug look on her face while Mega was trying to explain. Nick then yells that Mega's been against their relationship from the beginning and he didn't know what Mega's problem was, but if he was forcing him to choose between him and Lilith, he chose his girlfriend.
Now I know a lot of you will call Nick stupid, but don't. I knew how manipulative Lilith could be. She was a master at making people feel sorry for her, and getting them on her side even when she was horrible to them, just like she did with me. That night I had to listen to Mega cry for the first time since I knew him, and I had enough.
I knocked on his door, asked him if he was alright, we ordered a pizza, and we started to plot. Mega was rather defeated by this point but I told him that if his friendship with Nick meant anything, he had to get him away from that demon spawn before he lost his friend for good. And so we plotted.
Lilith spent the entire weekend with Nick, and came back all happy and smug, rubbing it in Mega's face that Nick had chosen her, but via our plan, Nick said nothing back, acted defeated and let her talk. For the next few weeks, that's all she did. Whenever Nick came over to the house, she would spend time with him in her room, and when he'd leave, she'd prance around Mega, bragging about how much Nick loved her and asking Mega snidely if he missed his 'little friend'. Everytime she did this, her focus was entirely on Mega, she never once looked at me, and that was her biggest mistake.
Finally, the day of her twenty-first birthday had arrived. Nick and Mega hadn't spoken in weeks, and the few times Nick had gingerly tried to make things up with Mega, Lilith would walk in screaming about how he had already chosen her and that if he wanted to be friends with Mega again, then their relationship was over. Nick would always look miserable, but would side with her nonetheless. Mega had had enough. The fact that Lilith was making his best friend so unhappy purely for her own selfishness, snapped something in him, and he told me it was time to put our plan into action.
This was where my part of our plan finally took centre stage.
For her twenty-first birthday, she'd arranged to have her party at the house since it was huge, and more than enough space for all of her university friends. Our parents had agreed but only under the condition that there was no underage drinking and that both Mega and I were allowed to stay in the house. My sister reluctantly agreed, and thus the plan was in motion. On the morning of her birthday, I knocked on her bedroom door. She looked annoyed to see me and asked me snidely, "What do you want?"
I innocently told her I'd had the best idea. I told her I wanted to record her for her twenty-first birthday. I wanted to record her getting ready with her friends, talking about her plans after leaving university, record all her friends at the party, then set up the recording on a big projector Matt had in his office, so everyone could see it. This was before the time where smartphones were everywhere, so recording yourself was still something of a novelty, and I was using an old-fashioned camcorder I had gotten a few birthdays ago. Now, despite the fact that she did not like me, her wrath had been focused on Mega for so long that she most likely never saw me as a threat. And because of this both her and her friends seemed to love the idea.
I spent the entire morning with them. Recording them all getting ready, putting on their makeup and, of course, introducing themselves to the camera. My sister was lapping it up. She looked into that camera's eye like she was a supermodel movie star, preening and talking loudly about her successful future and how amazing her birthday party was going to be. That day I reverted back to my old role as a servant, fetched her and her friend's drinks and food, and made a grand show of complimenting all of them, and telling them how amazing they looked on camera, and that they could all be actresses some day. They were loving it.
So, the party starts, and my sister told me to stay out of the way. I told her innocently that it was no problem. That I'd just stay in my room all night, edit the recordings, and come down to set up the camcorder when she was ready, because I wanted this night to be perfect for her. Satisfied with my answer, she left my room.
And I did exactly what I said I'd do. I edited my recordings.
A few hours later, and one of her friends came to my room and told me she was ready. I set up the projector in the large living room, connected it to Matt's computer, and started playing the recordings for all her guests to see. The first part of the recordings were exactly what I promised. My sister and her friends introducing themselves and laughing in her bedroom as they had been hours earlier. I looked at my sister, who seemed so satisfied that all the attention was on her, then I looked at Mega, who was hiding in the corner of the room, and gave him a subtle thumbs up.
Then the video started to change. It started to play clips of Lilith shouting at Mega, calling him names and taunting him about Nick. It started showing Lilith snidely telling Mega that Nick belonged to her and that she was going to do her best to make Nick hate Mega, so they would never be friends again. It even showed clips of Lilith bragging about all the lies she'd told Nick and how he was 'so gullible'. Every single argument I had recorded without her knowledge I'd edited into this video.
Everyone in the party was watching silently as Lilith's true self was exposed in clip after clip, while Lilith stood there frozen, completely unable to comprehend what was going on. When she finally snapped out of it, she turned on me, and started screaming, yelling at me and asking me "How could you do this?"
I never said a word, I just smiled.
When the recording stopped, Mega turned the lights on and everyone was staring at Lilith. Clearly having no defence, she let out a loud cry and stormed up to her room, slamming the door so hard everyone heard it.
The next day Mega told me Nick had apologised for everything, and that he was stupid to so blindly believe everything she said. He even told me that Nick had thanked me specifically for helping him see what a monster my sister truly was. When my parents came home, both Mega and I were grounded for ruining Lilith's birthday and for using Matt's stuff without permission. But neither of us cared. Mega got his best friend back, and a few months later, Lilith moved out, since, after seeing the recordings of her behaviour, my parents were disgusted by her, and they had absolutely no problems with showing it. Since she no longer had any leverage over anyone in the house, she packed her bags and moved to stay in one of her college dorms. I've never had any problems with my sister since, and to this day Mega and I are as close as two siblings can be, and always laugh about the time we defeated the demon and saved us all from its clutches.
TLDR: My sister tries to separate my brother from his best friend, so we humiliate her on her birthday.
(source) story by (/u/KindlyOffer)
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80s-roger · 5 years
EX ~ Roger Taylor {PT 3}
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I really want to thank you all for the love you show towards this imagine!
Part 4 will be posted soon!
catch up: part one, part two
The studio session was almost over. Knowing that Derek was around the studio, had you sitting at the same room for ten hours. It was exhausting for you but as long as the band was happily working you didn't bother. You played with Freddie's scrabble, solved crosswords and listened to their demos.
You really wanted to use the toilet but you had to walk through Derek's office which was at the entrance hall. You wished he wasn't at his office but after walking through that place you were wrong. You just ignored his presence and got inside the wc with fast moves. You locked the door in case he would invade.
He used to do things such as in the past. He'd even force you having sex with him when you didn't want to. You didn't date for more than a year. But that sex tape is still on his hands and it would ruin you in any moment. But not only you. It would also ruin Queen's success and Roger's mental health. You were scared to death if Derek would leak it and say to the press: Queen's Roger Taylor's girlfriend, caught cheating on him after sex tape leaked.
You would die. You loved Roger so much, it would hurt you knowing that he was devastated after the leak. But you were so drunk when it happened. Derek showed it to you the other day and you made him promise he would never publish it. But you were random people then. Now? It would be a scandal now.  You're Queen's drummer's girlfriend and he's the promo manager. You're ruined.
You washed your hands after your need and the door was knocked.
"W-who is this?" You were scared. "Roger?" You hoped it was your man.
"If you think it's over, it's not." It was Derek.
"What do you want?" You stood behind the door, refusing to unlock until you hear Roger.
"Having that really good movie of yours, can make me really rich you know." Oh god, you said inside your head. You knew where he was taking it.
"How can you be rich with my body on it?" I asked him terrified. The thought of your body being published at the public eye, sickens you.
"Because either you give me 20 million pounds, or it's out." You knew he was smiling. He always played with your insecurities. You were afraid of breaking up with him, until he had to leave for the US and you were finally free.
"Why are you doing this? You'll get in real trouble." You defended yourself.
"So will your boyfriend's career with the rest of the boys. You don't want to ruin them, do you?" He evily said.
"I won't let you do it. You'll be fired after it." You said.
"Which means, I'll get money with or without you. That's why I got hired here. I knew you were dating him, that's why I decided to work for them." He laughed.
"You're so..." You couldn't talk. You were hurt.
"Evil? I know. Thank me later." You felt him leaving from the door and now you were safe to leave.
"Where's Y/N?" You heard Roger's gentle voice from the outside. But it wasn't gentle enough towards Derek.
"I saw her entering the wc." What an ass he is? He literally threatened you before. Again.
"Babe you're alright?" Roger came to the door, knocking it softly.
You opened the door and hugged him. His hug was the safest place in the world. He thought something happened. That hug wasn't any hug. It was a help me kind of hug.
"Please tell me you finished." You whispered in his ear without being noticed by Derek.
"Just finished. Let's go." He grabbed your hand and you greeted the rest of the guys before leaving the studio.
"You want us to join you?" You heard Freddie asking in the background and Roger answered  for you. "We are fine! We need a rest." He said and both of you left the studio.
"Baby, you wanna grab something to eat? You must be hungry." He gently told you.
"Yeah, sure..." You quietly said and both got inside the jeep, in which Roger would take you at the nearest fast food restaurant.
"Y/N, you look upset." He checked on you while the traffic light was red.
"Roger, he threatened me." You said and his expression got legit serious. Roger isn't a man with a steady temper. He can lose control in no time.
"He what?" He looked at you seriously. "What? When?" He asked concerned.
"I really wanted to use the toilet and I locked, making sure he wouldn't open the door. He was standing behind the door telling me things." You could barely speak out of your teeth. Rog, had to drive. The light turned green.
"Please, let me focus on the road or I'll kill somebody if you tell me now what he said. Just wait a little babe and you'll continue." He reassured you and waited for him to find any discreet place to eat.
There, you finally found a fast food restaurant with not so many people inside. Roger grabbed your hand and walked inside, towards the cashier. The cashier was shocked after noticing which rock star was in front of her. She could barely speak.
"Babe what do you want?" He asked you, ignoring her shook face.
"What you take, I don't mind." You smiled at him.
He made the order and waited for around ten minutes to grab your dinner. You sat at one of the red coaches, the restaurant has, isolated from the rest. You both ate before starting talking. Roger was really hungry and it was obvious. He vanished an entire dish in less than ten minutes. You were still eating, enjoying your dinner, trying to forget the threat. Roger was in front of you, playing with your free hand. You could feel some paps taking pics of you two.
"Rog they spotted us." You awkwardly said.
"It's fine. They won't come inside. Just place your hand at your cheek, covering your mouth." He advised you and did what you were told to. "Can you tell me now?" His face was serious, he could be a really good listener, drunk or not. But he was sober, he knew you were upset and wanted you to feel relaxed around him.
"He wants money or the video is published." You tried to hold back your tears but you couldn't help.
"How much?" He asked seriously, changing his position, sitting next to you.
"Twenty million pounds. I'm fucking cancelled. You're cancelled too. You better break up with me." You cried, leaning your body against Roger's side. He protected you by not being seen by the paps. They shouldn't see you crying.
"We will go through this together. I'll talk with the band and Beach." He hugged you tight and kissed your head.
"He admitted he got the promo manager job just to threaten me. He knew we were dating before." You looked at him and he cleaned your eyes from the tears. He was in shock. His career was at stake. "He was toxic with me all this time. I was drunk when he recorded me, I swear!" You said, trying to apologise.
"Babe, I believe you. I know you keep this perfect body off-cam." He joked, trying to make you feel better. " You hide it too well, for me..." He winked at you and you finally laughed. "That's my girl... It will pass. I'm not leaving you." You nodded and felt so special to him. "Shall we go?" He asked you and followed him when you both stood up.
He was holding your hand when you walked through all the paps out of the restaurant. You both kept your heads low, not to be seen in that condition by these people who love invading your private lives.
"Roger, will we expect a baby soon?" You heard a pap shouting at your boyfriend. His hand at you got tighter.
"Is your girlfriend hiding something?" That question almost hit you in the stomach. You tried not to raise your head or suspicions would get started.
"She looked upset inside! Tell us!" A woman shouted and Roger was too close on beating their asses.
Thankfully, you both made it to your car, without saying any word. He drove fast, getting away by the paps.
"Babe, they know nothing. You know they do questions like these." He reassured you, touching your thigh.
"Yeah..." You quietly said. "Can we go to my home please?" You asked him.
"Of course." His voice was so soft to you. He calmed you down.
You both got to your home, without any talk. You both removed your coats and went inside your bedroom. You took off all your clothes, staying at your underwear and your bra. Roger couldn't stop staring at you, despite the sad vibe that took over you.
"Y/N, it's going to be fine. He won't harm any of us." He wrapped his hands around your belly.
"I'm going to take a shower. I'm tired." You dodged his previous words and went inside the bathroom.
Roger meanwhile, went into your living room, dialling Freddie. He wished he would pick it up. It was an emergency. Thankfully, Freddie was home.
"Hello?"  Freddie asked.
"It's Roger. I'm at Y/N's..."  His voice was calm and that concerned Freddie.
"Hey how's she? She was shocked when she saw Derek. Something's wrong between these two." Freddie got suspicious after the look exchange between Derek and you.
"They know each other Freddie." Roger's voice was shaking, afraid if you would be published everywhere.
"H-how? He got hired after his return from the US." Freddie was confused.
"They used to date for a year in the past. Listen, the girl is in the bathroom. Do what you have to do discreetly. Tell the boys if necessary." He started.
"Okay, darling, I'm all ears." Freddie was afraid of his friend's situation. "Is s-she fine?"
"No, this asshole has a sex tape of her. She was drunk when he recorded her. I'm afraid he gave her drugs. Drinks can't make you too much unconscious." Roger lost his temper.
"Oh my God, my poor girl. Now what? Is he threatening her or something?" He asked in literal shock.
"He wants money or it's fucking out. She'll die of embarrassment. She's afraid of our careers too. He knew we were dating, that's why he applied for the promo manager job." Roger explained at Freddie.
"Alright, alright. I'll come up with something. I'll talk to Miami." Freddie tried to remain calm.
"Good. I really have to be careful with her now. If that dick leaks it, she's lost. If necessary, I'll take the blame." Roger bravely said.
"How can you take the blame?" He asked.
"That dick will probably announce it as Y/N cheating on me. I'll make sure to save it. I believe he's just showing his dick on this vid." Roger would do anything to save it. Even at the lowest.
"Oh my God, Roger, will you ask her about the tape? And we have a press conference soon. Do you want me to say that was me in the tape? I don't mind. You know they always try to find something in order to throw me shade." Freddie was also capable of saving your ass.
"No Fred, thanks though. I'm serious with her now. I will go through it with her." He silently said because your shower was over.
"I am by your side on this, Rog. If you both need anything just tell me." He said.
"Thanks Fred, I'll owe you." The band's drummer whispered.
"You'll owe me a party attendance with your future wife." Freddie threw a hint towards Roger about you two getting married in the future.
"Sure... Goodnight and thank you..." He hangs up and went back to her bedroom.
He took off all his clothes and went inside your bathroom, where you covered yourself with the towel, leaving almost nothing to his imagination.
"You look amazing." He smiled at you and couldn't help but hug him.
"Thank you..." You told him. "Hey Roger?" You asked concerned. He made a sweet grimace, accepting your question. "You surely won't leave me deal with all this crap? He's dangerous." You asked again.
"I love you and never doubt that. Even if he publishes it, he won't get away with that so easy." He kissed you, taking away your worries.
"But I don't want the world to see me having sex, Roger!" you defended yourself.
"Would you mind telling me how it's like?" He asked and you look at him confused. "I mean the tape." he clarified.
"He's in first person. Oh my God, that's so embarrassing." You covered your face in awkwardness.
"Hey babe, don't be embarrassed to me. You're so wild in bed. Don't be shy now." He mocked you.
"God, fine! It's me on the cam, saying naughty words-"
"That's not something new." He interrupted you.
"Just let me finish!" you slightly yelled at him and he stopped talking. "I'm naked in front of the cam! What else do you want to know?" You asked embarrassed.
"What are you doing to him?" He asked and you felt him getting jealous.
"He was doing to me, actually. I was too drunk knowing what I did." You answered.
"Alright, do you remember? Was his face on the cam?" He asked.
"No it wasn't. Let's not get into details, please. It makes me uncomfortable." You stopped right there the talk about your sex tape.
His face wasn't on the screen and that was beneficial for Roger to put the blame on him. He literally thought he could just say that was him on the tape. He could make it even spicier. He could turn Derek into dust.
You laid on your bed, while Roger was taking a shower. He was concerned about you and there was no doubt about it. His love was enough for you to get the support you needed. But your body on the public eye didn't make you open enough to talk about. Even at your boyfriend, who was currently staring at you from your room's door, with just a towel, around his lower body. You smiled at him and he came closer to you, sitting at the edge of the bed.
"Roger you smell nice." You stood next to him, caressing his chest.
"Y/N, I know you had a hard day, but would you mind if I got a little of you.. You know? It's okay if you don't. I understand." He was desperately asking for sex. He was too kind asking you for it. You didn't want to say no. Derek would never do that. He'd just tie you so you wouldn't move, to satisfy his bitch ass.
"Yes sure, baby..." You smiled at him and he stared at you in surprise. He didn't expect that from you.
He took the control tonight, like most of the times. He's the type of guy who wants to rule between you two. He's such a Leo, you can't doubt that. He made passionate love to you, wishing to forget how terrible your day was. He knew how bad you were feeling, so all he wanted for you was receiving great pleasure waves. He was so protective over you tonight, afraid if he'd hurt you like you hurt yourself or something else. But he was just your loving boyfriend, taking care of you.
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calm-me-down-oh · 4 years
How about all the questions ;)
skdsjf ofc u would get me back for that, under a readmore bc theres a lot!
When was the last time you masturbated? Yesterday! Had a.. very hot convo w my gf
Do you enjoy being fingered/fingering? Uhh the only time Ive had it done to me the person had to stop bc they got uncomfy with it and it was overall just a bit odd,, wait it happened a second time and their nails were too sharp also sdkfhsdh I feel like I could get to like it though? If its like, actually properly done rather than my current experiences sdhfk
How do you feel about food during sex? nno thanks mostly? I guess it can kinda depend on the food though idk, like if my gf suggested somethin I might not mind trying it out depending on what it was yknow
What do you do directly after sex? um.. well afaik just kinda lay/sit in a daze for a moment, mayb have some water, get real clingy, kind of have to be nudged into doing stuff bc i guess my brain just stops working skjdfkj
Cuddle with the tip in? Hell yeah. cuddle with it all in. sounds good.
What’s the nastiest sexual thing you’ve done? I don’t think I’ve really done anything nasty sdjkfsj all the sex ive had has been quite brief and vanilla idk
Name a follower you would fuck. @you-better-make-me!
Name a follower you have fucked. None..
What’s the sexiest part of your body? Idk man I guess my thighs are ok people seem to like them anyway
FuckMarryKill: DJ Khalid, Rick Ross, Fat Joe Am i supposed to know who these people are
Would you ever be with a trans person? i think the real question is would i ever be with a cis person (yes i would be with a trans person i am with 2 trans people and i am trans and i havent dated anyone cis since i was like 15)
Riding dick or doggy style? yes
Ever fucked in a school? Nope
Most random place you’ve had sex? havent really had sex in a random place lmao just beds
Would you ever be part of the mile high club? maybe..? thats having sex on a plane right. idk. maybe
Name three of your spots. what does this mean fkjd
Fuck on the first date? Depends
Do you suck dick? I’m sure gonna try!
Do you eat ass? Idk maybe not skdfjhsjk
Do you eat pussy? Haven’t yet, nearly did, got too nervous sdkjfh
Do you like kissing? So much!!
Is farting during sex sexy? I.. I mean its not sexy but like im also not gonna have a negative reaction. unless its me. that is something im admittedly very nervous about fkjd
Ever fucked in the shower? Nope
How old were you when you lost your virginity? Uh............ good question. 19 or 20 i forget if it was before my birthday but within the last year. unless you only count penetrative sex, then I haven’t yet
Do you prefer sex in the morning, afternoon, or night? Y..yes? I suppose afternoon/night is usually a better time, morning is jsut sleepy and trying to remember how to exist hours
Do you like drunk sex? Haven’t had it but I do get horny when I drink, wouldn’t be against trying it with someone I trust
Do you like high sex?  Again never had it! And I haven’t really been high either so Idk
FuckMarryKill: Nicki Minaj; Cardi B; Kash Doll N..none for any
When was your first kiss? I was like 13 I think
How did you meet the person you lost your virginity to? College
Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope. Wait maybe. Kind of. Idk when I was younger I was with this guy who would try get me to touch myself n I hadn’t figured out how to make it feel good so I’d just lie and say I was when i wasnt bc i didnt wanna do it so maybe at some point i said i came when i hadnt sdfhks
Ever painted/been painted on? Yeah but not in like a horny way, my ex would paint on my hand as kinda their way of flirting with me
You like sex toys? Sure
What’s your favorite sex position? Personally think missionary is underrated bc that closeness and being able to cling just sounds v good but also getting fucked from behind face down ass up also sounds,, v good lately
Sex on a bed, couch, or floor? beddd, maybe couch, floor just seems uncomfortable
Do you like car sex? Never had it, just seems a bit awkward but I guess I’d be open to trying it
You get instantly horny; what happened? My neck got bit!
FuckMarryKill: Trey Songz, Chris Brown, August Alsina. Kill chris brown. idk who the others are
Describe your crush. Don’t have one!
Woukd you ever be with someone with an incurable STD? Uh... Idk? I mean, theres preventative measures for basically all std’s right? So as long as those are taken so i dont also get it I guess it’d be ok
Rate your head game. No clue dkfhdsj
Rate your sex. Awkward!
Would you fuck someone outside of your race? ?? yes. what kind of question is this
Describe the type of freak you are. idk what this means but what first came to mind was ‘pet’ so take that as u will
Ever tasted your own nut/cum? Sure
Into golden showers? Nope
Body count: Under or Over 25? Wayyy under
How do you feel about nipple play? Uh depends! Not into being harsh like clamps etc just seems like itd hurt n not in a good way, but playing w/ them w ur hands and sucking on them. very good
Where do you like to be nutted on? chest/stomach seems good
Which are you better at: topping or bottoming? bottoming
What do you consider “too small?” Idk man dick is dick idc
Is play fighting foreplay? It sure can be!
Do you like angry sex? In concept maybe, in reality itd just kinda scare me
How long should a quickie be? Idk.. quick
How long is “too long” to have sex? Idk sex ends whenever one of u wants to stop, don’t think u can go too long if ur both comfortable with it
How long is “too long” to go without sex? Listen i.. am not the person to be asking this I’ve had sex maybe 3 times spread out over almost a year. i have never regularly had sex
Is “no” relevant in a relationship? Incredibly relevant!! Always!! Unless you’ve discussed beforehand that its ok to ignore it and have a safeword in place instead!! and then that safeword is not to be ignored!!
Do you believe in no-strings-attached sex? Sure but idk if i could do it
Would you have sex in a public bathroom? mmmaybe....
Would you have sex in a changing room? mmmmmmmmaybe
Who was the last person you had sex with? My ex
Describe your type. Idk I have the weirdest type i think they have like nothing in common then theyll all turn around and be into the same stuff or something its v strange
Name 3 turn-ons. Biting, just making out sometimes tbh, skin contact in places usually covered by clothes or under clothes..
Name 3 turn-offs. Umm. i definitely have turn offs but whenever im asked my mind goes blank. I guess being overly rough, hair pulling im undecided on tbh, and oh i usually dont like having my ass smacked but idk if itd change if it were like.. in the middle of sex
Name something that would make you stop in the middle of sex. Bad pain or panicking or it seems like the other person is uncomfortable. or someones knocking on the door for some reason sdkfjs
Would you answer a phone call during sex? no omg
Would you ever pay for sex? Nah.
Would you accept money for sex? Uh. Maybe? Wouldnt ask for it tho
How do you typically feel after sex? Mostly affectionate and good, but w the last person i was with sometimes it seemed like they just wanted it over and done with so i would get kinda nervous and guilty over that,, idk
Do you like your body? Nah
Ever sent nudes? Yep
Have you ever cheated on someone? Yeah he was abusive
Have you ever been cheated on? Idk, maybe, wait i think the guy i cheated on tried saying he cheated on me too but idk if he was just trying to get back at me so
Would you have a threesome? If I trust the people sure
Would you have a foursome? Same as above
Would you take part in an orgy? Uhh idk maybe, same as above applies tho
Would you let’s train be ran on you? Again if I trust the people yeah sure
How often do you masturbate? Idk it really depends sometimes im really horny and its like daily maybe more than once a day and then sometimes i just dont for like. a while
Sex with the lights on or off? on.. how are u meant to see what ur doing otherwise sdjkhfs
Sex with music or tv in the background? Sure, idc really. Though i have a thing if its like.. kids stuff.........dont do that..........
Do you have a cousin you’d fuck if you weren’t related? wtf no
In your last relationships, rate the sex? Uhh... good? I mean, good at the time, though like i said sometimes felt a bit rushed, and that now makes sense and i have very mixed feelings on it but mostly guilt bc the person i was with has since said they werent really into it. so.
Do you sleep naked? Nah I at least have underwear on
How often do you go commando? Never
Are your nipples pierced? If not, would you get them pierced? Nope
Do you dive right into sex, or converse first? Uh, depends? Talking about it beforehand or even during can be good though. But i guess it doesnt have to be Right before it, it can be a bit in advance
After taking your clothes off, what’s the first move? Kiss.. touch,, etc,,
Do you make the first move? Um. w my ex i kinda had to bc as i said, i later found out they werent really into it. other than that i generally dont tho bc im very nervous abt all that, kinda especially after that discovery hdfbghf
Have you ever had sex with more than one person in a day? Nope
Do you like dryhumping ? Sure
Can you twerk or do a split on a dick? Probably not
Have you ever been recorded during sex? No but I’ve had a dream abt being recorded sucking someones dick it was weird
Do you watch porn during sex? W. who does that. how can u focus on that. why would u watch sex when ur having sex skdjfhsjdk
After fucking, do you try becoming friends with a one night stand? Never had a one night stand
What’s your kink? Praise! Marking! Collars!
Would you hook up with the same hook-up again? I don’t think i could have a hook up tbh so no
Ever made a relationship from a one night stand? nope
How romantic are you during sex? uh.. idk havent rly had chance to try being romantic during sex but soft sex sounds v good imo
Describe your sex in 5 words or less. in my experience so far? nervous and kinda awkward
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