#and if anyone who has read these fics wants to geek out w me....... come one and do it
purplepalmdelight · 4 years
why life is still okay (rambling fic rec pt. 1)
firstly: shout out to @trulyalpha for apparently owning my entire bookmarks page on ao3 (bc i only realised all my favourite fics were written by the same person,,, yesterday. bc im really smart like that) anyway breakdown of why she’s a stoncy saving grace thanks!!!
you ease my mind, you make everything feel fine.
yes this fic is from 2018. yes i read it every other week. it’s good for the SOUL. jonathan getting taken care of is always just such a good and sweet concept (maybe it’s my intense, undying love of him, but he deserves to be taken care okay) and. okay i’ll admit, sometimes i forget how fucking FUNNY this fic is, but it’s genuinely hilarious, okay? you gotta trust me on this. it makes me cackle at inappropriate times absurdly often. ("Hi." "Hi." "I want you, you fuck." is a top line. i laugh so hard every TIME.) all three of them are so incredibly in character, and somehow this NAILS the fact that they’re all massive disasters pretending to be confident. and i’m not someone that reads ~smut~ often (though it’s more mentioned than described, very non-explicit) but this didn’t make me even the least bit uncomfortable. it felt very natural and in character and made me laugh as much as the rest of the story. all in all, i always come away a little more in love with the characters, and that’s a really precious feeling.
you could be the one to make me feel something
i take back everything i’ve ever claimed. this IS the funniest piece of writing i’ve ever read, and it WILL remain so, probably until the day i die. i honestly... barely have words. my expectations were high when i started it, but in retrospect, they were LEAGUES below what i got. the characterisation, the progression, the dialogue, the story; from the overarching aspects to the tiny details, it’s impeccable. i genuinely read this twice in one day, and then again the next. every single part of it is so good, but in terms of FAVOURITES... the christmas section. hilarious. down to its bones, well crafted and heart felt. it hits me right in the chest every time. the story, from the beginning, has me just as in love with nancy and steve as jonathan is, and as everything grows more intense, so does my investment. it pulls me in and doesn’t let me go until it’s good and ready to see me leave. again, the sexy aspects are so in character and natural that it’s uncomfortable or weird to read and instead just leave me grinning like an idiot. also ( “It did frustrate me, in more ways than one. It’s also a weird plan, like … did you expect me to be so overwhelmed by the power of a boner that I’d just admit my feelings?” is SUCH a funny line, i think about it literally every day. literally. every. day.) the characters are afraid to be messy, to make mistakes, and they all feel so ALIVE that when i leave the story, i feel like i’m leaving a friend. it’s honestly beautiful and honestly breathtaking. this story is better than a lot of published books, honestly, and i’m so grateful for it. so thank you.
i crash my car ‘cause i wanna get carried away!
...you really wanted to make me cry, huh? i cried out of grief, yeah, out of the depth of nancy’s guilt and the pure rawness of her mourning, but i also cried out of catharsis as she came to terms, and out of laughter a few times. the bit about total eclipse of the heart as a motif was... that was so well done. i hate drawing comparisons, so please understand that this is criticism of a concept and not a particular story, but in so many stories then nancy’s grief feels... trivialised? that’s not quite the right word. romanticised, maybe. as someone who has lost a friend in the past, it’s just... it doesn’t feel realistic? and that’s okay, because it’s hard to nail something you haven’t experienced, and i wouldn’t wish the experience on anyone. it’s just that stories like this, where i can really resonate with nancy and follow the journey of her recovery WITH her are so rare. this story is a gem, it really is. i don’t love it for all the same reasons as the others, but i love it fiercely all the same.
there’s nothing magic going on, and then along came you
sure, you could be the one is the funniest fic i’ll probably ever read, but nothing magic is such a close second. it’s laugh-out-loud, get-tears-in-your-eyes, fall-out-of-your-chair, and it’s also so goddamn SWEET i can hardly stand it. of the several fics i generally group together in my head (nothing magic, you could be the one + its sequels (might have to make an individual post about this series), laugh until we think we’ll die, and got nothing for you; all very similar, yet incredibly unique) nothing magic is the shortest, but that doesn’t mean it compromises on quality, oh no. it just means i can read it quicker, and therefore more often! when it’s late and i’m tired and i need a laugh to calm down before i sleep, i generally go search this fic up. remember when i mentioned the whole “being just as in love with nancy and steve as jonathan is” thing? it’s like that except... almost funnier. in you could be the one, it’s just that the story naturally tugs you into adoring these two messy, silly, sweet, amazing young adults, because how could you not? how else could you possibly feel? but here, they are genuinely just... that funny. they are actually just so funny that you as a reader click with them and find yourself grinning like an IDIOT because oh my god you’re disasters. maybe it’s the inherent relatability of a tired highschooler trying to make it through the summer and hating his job along the way, but this fic hits right in the heart every damn time.
got nothing for you other than love
"You trust me," she says.
They both know it's a fact, not question, but he still says, "Of course."
By then, his shell wasn't something he could step out of. It was part of him. But that was okay. He didn't need more. What he had was enough.
He always did have trouble with wanting more.
"Hey, babe?" Nancy turns her head to look at Steve, touching his shoulder. "Can you buy me a drink?"
"Sure thing. What d'ya want?"
"Surprise me. Not like that time we were here and you snuck out the store, went to a smoothie stand, and came back with a mango smoothie."
Steve grins. "But I did surprise you."
"Do you have food in the backseat?"
"The sandwich has only been there for like, two weeks—"
"Ugh. Too much cheese. I'm lactose-intolerant, remember?"
"False, you're not intolerant of anyone except people over the age of fifteen with bowl cuts and guys who wear shorts in the winter."
"Where are you off to? I'm your only friend," Kali says, frowning.
"You good, man?"
"Yeah," he says, his throat dry, "I'm great."
"Yeah, you are," Nancy says, and he is. He is.
and i can’t continue because that’s, like, barely halfway into the fic and i’ve already skipped so many of my favourite lines and i would have to skip so many more. you see what i mean about sathana being funny as hell? and like all the others, it’s not just the humour here. i mean... it is, because it’s SO FUCKING FUNNY I LITERALLY CANNOT SAY THAT ENOUGH but the reason it’s so funny is because it’s so candid. it’s so smooth. the whole thing flows. you’re not left feeling that you’ve missed a piece or that anything was sacrificed; you just feel like you’ve read something incredible. this fic is an experience of its own that i honestly have never experienced before. it’s sweet, and it’s gentle, and it’s just so overwhelmingly good that i don’t think i’ll ever quite get over it. in short? it’s a blessing. my expectations were high, but holy fuck did you blow them to bits.
one more favourite line:
Things are ending, things are starting, and everything looks bright. It won't always be that way. The sun's got to set at some point. But, gazing up at the sky, at the pink bleeding into orange, Jonathan figures it'll have to rise again. No matter what happens, these two things are constant.
"Hey, you look awfully lonely," Nancy calls out, walking towards him, reaching out to him with the hand not in Steve's.
Well. Maybe not just those two things.
that scene, in general, is beautiful, and it wraps the story up on such a genuine note. it feels like a film with how clearly i can picture it. it feels like no fic i’ve ever really read before. it feels... good. i guess i don’t really have the words. it just feels so good.
as an overall statement on why i call her my favourite author... it’s the realism. maybe that’s surprising, considering how many times i said “funny” or “hilarious” in here, but in the end, i wouldn’t be so attached to her work if it didn’t feel so real. i can open a tab and instantly get transported to a home i’ve never lived in. it’s comfortable. it’s sweet. and the dialogue/banter is always perfectly crafted. there’s just never really a downside to her fics, honestly. even if i wanted to search, i don’t think i’d find one. not even one of those “their only problem is that there’s not more to enjoy” kind of comments, because every single one feels perfectly crafted in its own right. it doesn’t need more or less. it stands for itself and it’s goddamn good at it.
i didn’t anticipate having to do multiple parts on this post, but- surprise surprise- i haven’t even gotten to my favourite one yet! so yeah, pt. 2 will be written after i finish the history essay trying to murder me, god knows when that is. in the meantime, please go give her some love and adoration. she deserves it.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
28 Kara is cute, one would say too cute to suffer. Not me. Maybe fic where he is feeling really sick, but being the quiet one he is forgotten for a while? Or something. Pls and thanks.
haha, nobody is EVER too cute to suffer here! including precious baby 18!Kara~ <3
I had fun with this, I hope you like it! c:
It’s pouring rain when the rest of the sextuplets come to walk Karamatsu home from the train station, and he doesn’t want to go out in it.
Today’s drama club meeting wasn’t a very good one. The teacher leading it got focused on the two lead actors for the play which the club is showing tomorrow night, because they were both fighting and at each other’s throats. Most of the others ignored Karamatsu in favor of being on their phones or reading magazines or running lines while the teacher was busy with the leads.
Finally, in a twist that puts the cherry on the horrible meeting sundae, despite the fact that he’s playing a small part, Karamatsu messed up his own lines every single time. The others were so irritated with him, he wished the floor would just swallow him up.
Usually he’s so good with acting. It’s something he’s passionate about and enjoys and takes pride in. Today… it’s not that he’s nervous about the production. It’s that he just feels awful.
He’s been tired since he woke up, he’s warm and clammy at the same time, his throat is scratchy, he keeps coughing and sneezing, and any part of his body that doesn’t have a specific complaint is simply achy. Mommy noticed that he wasn’t feeling well when she sent them all to school, but he begged her not to keep him home, and since he didn’t have a fever this morning, she let him go.
There’s… definitely a fever running through him now, though. He thought for sure his brothers would notice and maybe ask him if there was anything they could do; instead, he’s been behaving so normally as far as they’re concerned, with his quiet nature and tendency to cry over small things, that not a single one of them has picked up on it.
On top of everything else, he forgot his umbrella. It was supposed to be sunny today, so he had to walk from school to the train without one, and now when he gets out of the station, he has to go out into the rain with barely any protection.
Although he’s crying by the time he reaches his brothers, it blends in pretty well with the rain.
Thankfully, all his brothers are carrying umbrellas, so he huddles under Osomatsu’s and presses himself against his older brother’s side. Osomatsu immediately accommodates him, pulling Karamatsu in to get dry. “Hey, bro! Geez, you’re shaking like a leaf. Sorry you didn’t have your umbrella!” He chuckles and tousles Karamatsu’s hair. “That’s what you get for picking a nerd hobby that’s right after school so you don’t have time to go home and get anything.”
“Don’t listen to him, Kara ― your hobby is just fine,” Choromatsu hums. He’s busy trying to entertain Totty, who’s doing his damnedest to attach himself to Choromatsu’s hip. “Now, guys, it’s raining out here, so can we please go home and get some tea? If we stay out here much longer, we’re gonna catch colds, and I do not want to be sick for graduation.”
Jyushimatsu scoffs. “That’s still two weeks away. We’d be fine, dumbass.”
Choromatsu’s face turns bright red. “W-well, if you’re fine getting sick regardless, you can go jump in the puddles for all I care!”
A smile briefly flashes across the second youngest’s face. “Really??” And just like that, he’s back to looking constantly angry. “Naaah… that shit’s for babies!”
They all begin to walk, and Ichimatsu shakes his head. “Ah, Karamatsu-nii-san… some of my friends wanted to come see that play tomorrow. What time does it start, again?”
“U-uh.” Karamatsu sniffles a few times, nuzzling against Osomatsu’s shoulder. “7 P.M. for the first one. Then there’s another showing at… at 8:30. I… don’t know if I’m… going to go, though.”
“What??” Choromatsu frowns as the six of them stop for the crosswalk. “You’ve never had stage fright before. You’ll be fine once you get up on the stage.”
“I don’t know, Choro…”
“Oh, come on, Kara-nii-san. Don’t cry like that… you made a commitment! You don’t wanna let your club down, right?”
Karamatsu reaches up to try and wipe the tears away. Not only is it kind of ineffective because his rain-soaked bangs keep dripping down his face, his hand keeps brushing against parts of his acne as he tries, which is painful. “Y-yeah, but…”
Osomatsu gives his little brother a squeeze that he thinks is supposed to be reassuring. It’s a bit rough, though. “No ‘but’s unless you’re grabbing a girl’s butt, Kara! You got this! You’ve done this shit before and totally nailed it. You usually don’t have too many lines, anyway, so it’s not that bad, is it?”
God, he should have a little more backbone. He should be able to say things decisively and not just fall silent when his brothers push him like this. Actually, if he just managed to say outright that he’s sick, they wouldn’t even be saying anything like this stuff. Right now they just think it’s pre-curtain jitters, which happens, which they can usually shake him out of because they know he loves acting.
Funnily enough, even though he doesn’t have much of a spine himself, this crappy cold of his evidently thinks this is the perfect time to speak up. The congestion he’s been fighting blossoms into something insistent that he can’t ignore, and he quickly ducks his face down between his hands.
“― Hh’DSHH! Hah’DTchh! Hd’TCHHuu! Ahh’DTSCHhhoo!”
A volley of coughs rides on the tail end of the last sneeze, so much that he can barely get a breath in. Each one makes his all-over soreness sharpen for a second, unbearable pinpricks of pain across his whole body. The coughs make something in his chest crackle and it hurtsand suddenly he’d pulled into a protective hug.
Part of him wishes he could just pull away. The part of him that wants to lean into the contact wins out, allowing him to nestle into his older brother’s chest as he continues to cough.
“Shit, Karamatsu!” Osomatsu starts rubbing his little brother’s back in an attempt to help break up the fit. “The fuck, man? That sounds nasty. You coming down with something?”
Karamatsu can feel the others hovering closer, murmuring in concern among themselves. The coughs finally taper off and he scrubs at his eyes, no matter how much it hurts, even as more tears start to bubble up. “Y-yeah… I woke up sick…”
“What??” Choromatsu sounds almost like he’s been betrayed or something. “You should have stayed home! Ah… wait… wait, you walked all the way to the station from school in the rain when you already have a cold? That’s a great way to end up with a sinus infection or pneumonia! Shit, we gotta get you home…”
“Sorry…” Karamatsu manages to croak out, followed by more sniffles. Thanks to the cold air and the sneezing, his nose has started running again. “U-uh… does anyone have tissues…? I used all mine already…”
Ichimatsu starts to dig around in his pockets. “Yeah, I think I have some.”
As he hands over a small pack to his older brother, Osomatsu gives a protective squeeze. “Hey, Choro, don’t blame Karamatsu for all this. He should have said something, sure, but it’s not all on him here. We should have noticed something was up. Right? We’re his brothers.”
Karamatsu lets out a small whine of protest, pressing a tissue over his nose. It would have been nice for them to notice, but… it’s not like it’s their job. They don’t owe it to him to pay attention to him. “I-it’s not your fault…”
Before anyone else can say a word, Totty lets go of Choromatsu and darts over to circle his arms around Karamatsu’s waist. He’s sort of wedging himself between Karamatsu and Osomatsu, pretty clearly wanting to be with both of them. “Ah! We love you, Karamatsu-nii-chan!! We’ll take good care of you!”
“… Yeah,” Choromatsu chuckles. He reaches over to pat Karamatsu’s back. “I’m sorry we weren’t paying enough attention to notice you weren’t feeling well. But we’re gonna get you home and tucked into bed. And I’m sure Mom will call the drama club teacher to tell her you can’t perform tomorrow night.”
Jyushimatsu hums, and he appears to be trying very hard not to smile wide like he wants to do. “We’re probably all gonna catch it, right?”
Ichimatsu chuckles softly. “Yeah, that’s what usually happens.”
“So… we can go stomp in puddles, right? Since we’re gonna get sick anyway?”
“No, no, no,” Choromatsu immediately speaks up, “no stomping in puddles! We have to get Kara home!”
Of course, it’s too late. Jyushimatsu has run off ahead of them all, launching himself into every puddle he can find, his face switching between an irritated scowl and a borderline maniacal grin.
Totty’s still clinging to Karamatsu, snuggling against his shoulder. “We’ll all get to be sick together! That means we get to stay home from school for a couple days. We can sleep and watch movies and have a big cuddle puddle.”
Choromatsu sighs. “As long as we don’t miss the commencement ceremony, that’s okay. I guess the last few weeks of our senior year don’t matter too much with regard to schoolwork, anyway. Especially since we’re already adults.”
Another few coughs are muffled against Osomatsu’s chest, prompting everyone to give a brief stroke to Karamatsu’s back or hair. “Well, before we catch it,” Osomatsu says, “we’ve gotta get this geek home and throw his ass in bed. He’s really warm… feels like his skin’s gonna burn his clothes up. C’mon, Kara. We’ll get you wrapped up in a blanket, then maybe I can help Mom make some kayu to make you feel better.”
“Mm…” Well. That does sound pretty good. “… W-with umeboshi on top?”
“Yeah, sure! Whatever you want! And Choro can make some tea, Totty can pick out a movie, Ichi can get a cold cloth for your forehead, and Jyushi…” Osomatsu blinks and peers out where their fifth eldest is… way ahead of them. “What can Jyushi do?”
Choromatsu blows out a slow, frustrated breath. “… Stay out of the way??”
Totty giggles. “He can be the bodyguard! We’ll station him outside the room, and if any of Ichimatsu-nii-chan’s friends come by to try and take Ichimatsu-nii-chan away, Jyushi-nii-chan will scare them off!”
“Hey, yeah! That’s a good idea, Totty!”
“What? Why do you want to scare my friends away?”
“Because Karamatsu-nii-chan’s sick! They can’t drag you off somewhere when your big brother needs you! That’d be mean.”
“A-ah, hahahah… he’d be fine without me, but… I can just say no! We don’t need Jyushi to scare them away.”
“We miiiiiiight! At least, it would be funny!”
Karamatsu offers a tiny laugh, which quickly turns into another couple of coughs. He puts a weak arm around Totty and wonders how he’s going to keep his eyes open for the rest of the walk home. He thinks they’re not too far away, though.
“Thanks, guys… this… this might not be such a bad day after all…”
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miracle-sham · 5 years
Plan D for Dicey.
| {MaribatMarch2020 – Week 1, Day 6: Unconventional Weapon} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] |
| Triggers/Warnings: D&D typical Violence, kidnapping/imprisoning of Player Characters, Explicit Language/Swearing, (Also not so much a Trigger/Warning but this a gen/platonic fic). |
| The Wayne (bat)family attempt to play their first streamed session of Warriors and Warlocks. Unpredictably, things go surprisingly well. |
| Word Count: 4323 |
| A/N: So firstly, I got really carried away writing this so it's being posted a day late. Sorry! But fun fact, this means I'm posting this on my birthday, so wooh! Also if you can't tell yet, I'm a massive D&D geek (been playing for roughly five years now but I still fell like a complete noob whenever I play or DM :P). And DC has its own version of D&D (W&W/Warriors and Warlocks) and upon reading Day 6's prompt, my immediate thought was the improvised weapons mechanic from D&D. Also also, I originally intended for this fic to be MariTim (hence the tags) but I got caught up in all the platonic fun of the family playing D&D I kinda forgot to write in the shippy bits? |
| A/N cont.: Writing this was actually a massive challenge because at the start of this I had absolutely zero idea on how to write a D&D session as a ficlet. So this might be a bit more clunky and unrefined compared to my normal work (or that could just be my self-doubt talking). As I mentioned earlier, I got really carried away writing this because I love D&D so much. I would have written more but this ficlet is long enough and late enough as is. But if I were to continue this ficlet in additional parts, I definitely can already think of so many ways to improve writing this sort of fic (and maybe next time I won't forget to add in shippy stuff). Anyway, thanks to those who read these A/Ns, and I hope you guys enjoy reading this! |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics, or a specific Au, then comment or send me a DM/ask! |
| Also side note, Don't Like? Don't Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
Marinette, with Tikki on her shoulder, bursts into the Wayne Manor games room, barely able to contain her excitement. As the first in the room, she can't help but glance across the square conference U-table already set up with everyone's character sheets, dice equipment, other equipment, and snacks and drinks. Bounding over to her designated seat (right side, place nearest to the DM's section of the table), she pulls her chair out and sits down.
 The rest of the Wayne (bat)family, including Steph but sans Alfred and Barbara, slowly filter into the room and take their designated seats. Jason takes his seat next to Marinette whilst Dick takes the seat directly opposite. Steph nabs the seat beside Jason, Damian stakes a claim to the seat next to Dick (despite it already being his designated seat), Cass sits down in the seat beside Steph, leaving Bruce to take his seat next to Damian.
 Tim's the last of the family to enter. He slips into his seat, the DM's seat—as he is the most experienced Warriors and Warlocks player at the table—and grins downright ferally at his players.
 He looks up at the cameras and recording equipment that is set up in the middle of the open space in the square U-table. “Hello and welcome to Plan D for Dicey, the first-ever Wayne Family Warriors and Warlocks fifth edition stream. We weren't quite expecting so many people to petition that we stream our sessions after a few people—” Tim fake coughs twice, “—Dick and Marinette—” Tim fake coughs twice again (whilst Marinette and Dick both grin and wave cheerfully at the cameras), “—rambled about their characters and some highlights from previous sessions, on Twitter. So we decided to give this a go and see how the session pans out whilst being streamed. So as a word of warning, prepare yourselves for the Venators, probably one of the most dysfunctional parties in W&W to miraculously band together.”
 As soon as he says this, the rest of the table burst into grins and cheers (excluding Bruce who despite also smiling, looks like he's just aged five years). Marinette's side of the table all high five each other in their excitement.
 Tim pauses for a second. “For anyone unfamiliar with who I am, I'm Tim. And as you can probably tell from the table set up, I'm the Dungeon Master for this campaign. That's because I've been playing W&W for just over five years now and have had experience DMing before. But for the rest of the players here, this is their first campaign and by extension first time playing. So before we begin our session, first let us introduce our players and their characters.” He nods to Marinette's side of the table.
 She immediately slaps her hands on the table, pushes her chair out and stands, she waves at the cameras again. “Hi, I'm Marinette and my character is Nella Septa-Punctata. She's a Protector Aasimar Celestial Pact of the Chain Warlock, and she has a Sprite Familiar called Tikki. Nella's Chaotic Good and a little anxious but she tries her best to be a kind and heroic adventurer.” She then sits back down, scraping her chair back in again.
 Jason raises an eye at Marinette's antics but shrugs. “I'm Jay, I play a Winged Variant Feral Tiefling Gunslinger called Rehodros. He's Chaotic Neutral, verging on Chaotic Evil at times, and he only joined the Venators because they helped save him from backstory related stuff and he ended up getting reluctantly attached to them.”
 Deciding to also stand up from her chair as well as slap the table with both hands, Steph smirks at the cameras. “I'm Stephanie, my character's Speilsol Leyer, and she's a Chaotic Good Variant Human Ancestral Guardian Barbarian with the Tavern Brawler Feat. She lives for beating up bad guys and doing good, even if it goes against the law.”
 Cass decides to take things one step further and moves to sit on the back of the chair, balancing it carefully as to not let herself fall. She waves at the cameras. “Hi, I Cass. Play Balabitara. Neutral Good, Kalashtar Shadow Monk.” She then sits back down on the chair normally.
 With one half of the table introduced, Tim nods towards the other side of the table.
 Dick winks at the cameras, “I'm Dick and I play Niriwyse, a Chaotic Good Eladrin Glamour Bard who's along for the ride and just wants to have a good time.” At that, he wiggles his eyebrows.
 Scoffing, Damian glares at the cameras. “I am Damian and my character is Rokian. He is a Firbolg Circle of the Shepherd Druid and is Lawful Neutral in the sense that he believes the only laws that should be obeyed in the world, are that or the laws of nature. He begrudgingly joined this party of adventurers after they saved an animal friend of his.”
 This leaves Bruce as the only one to have not introduced himself and his character yet. He smiles his Brucie Wayne smile at the cameras. “My name's Brucie and my character is called Chirop. He's a Chaotic Good Bugbear Swashbuckler Rogue. He comes across as very gruff, but he's just a big old teddy bear at heart.”
 Tim coughs under his breath. “Alright, with our introductions over, let's get on with the show.” The lights in the room suddenly dim and turn a dark red shade whilst creepy echoing organ music begins to play from hidden speakers. “Last session, our brave party of seven adventurers were captured by the evil Lich Dreldaz whilst trying to rescue the beautiful princess Theophania—”
 “—Timothea!” Corrects the rest of the table.
 Rolling his eyes, Tim continues. “—from the cursed castle in which she has been trapped in, by Dreldaz.” He pauses, steepling his fingers as the dim red lighting becomes a dark grey shade. “The Venators awaken, only to find themselves shackled to the walls, in individual stone brick cells and stripped of any and all equipment bar the clothes on their backs. From what you all can immediately tell upon waking, these cells are small, cold, dark and dingy. What do you do?”
 The seven players all exchange glances between themselves.
 “I'd like to look around my cell, see if I can find anything or if I can get an idea of what the cellblock we're in looks like?” Jason announces after a few seconds.
 Tim nods. “Roll a perception check, please.”
 Jason narrows his eyes Tim. He reaches towards the red and black dice set beside his character sheet and picks up the D20. He shakes the dice in his hands before rolling it into the dice box. It lands on a 7. “Alright so because I don't have my gear any more, that means I don't have my eyes of the eagle right?”
 “That's right,” Tim responds.
 “Mmk, that's a seven then, plus my perception modifier… Fourteen total.” Jason glances up at Tim once he finishes calculating.
 Humming, Tim glances down at his Mysterious™ DM notes. “With your Darkvision, you manage to make out that there are two small barred windows on the walls adjacent to the wall with the cell door. The door luckily has a barred window in it too, but you're too far away to glean anything from peering at it.”
 Marinette purses her lips and double-checks her character sheet. “Is there anything magical about the darkness in these cells?”
 “Roll an Arcana check to see.” Is Tim's response.
 She reaches over to the pink and gold dice set beside her character sheet and picks up the D20. She shakes the dice in her hands before rolling it into the dice box. The D20 lands on a 16. “Sixteen! Wait, plus my arcana modifier, uh…” She scans her sheet for the relevant modifier, “plus six, so that's uh… oh heck maths, uhh I think that's twenty-two total? Yeah.” She nods to herself at calculating the maths.
 Jason snorts and addresses the cameras. “This is why you should stay in school kids!”
 Huffing, Marinette elbows him in the side. “Fight me!”
 Not evening flinching at the elbowing, Jason pats her on the top of her head. “Friendly fire, Mari! Friendly fire!”
 Tim waits for silence with his best poker face on. “As far as you can tell, there is nothing magical about the darkness!”
 “Really?” She furrows her brows. “Alright then.”
 He smiles in response.
 Dick glances down at his character sheet then up at Tim, he taps his fingers against the table idly as he speaks. “The walls of the cells are stone? So I can use my Cli Lyre to cast Stone Shape and create a hole in the stone where the metal shackles connect, which would free me, right!”
 Clicking his tongue, Tim shakes his head. “Nope, you don't have your Cli Lyre on you right now, so you can't cast any spells from it.”
Cursing under his breath, Dick frantically scans his character sheet for anything. He reaches his spells and freezes and slaps the spell sheet (and by extension, the table). “Ah hah!” He crows, “I will cast Knock on the shackles!”
 Tim raises an eyebrow, then looks down to flip through his spell cheat sheet. “When you cast the spell, it makes a loud knock that's audible for up to three hundred feet. Are you sure you want to cast this?”
 Dick falters and furrows his brow, then glances around the table at the rest of the party. “I think I'll wait and see if anyone else has a way to escape this first? Wait we can all hear each other speaking from our cells, right?”
 “You can indeed.” Tim answers.
 “I got nothin',” Jason admits, putting on his Rehodros voice, which is just his normal voice but deeper and with a raspy—almost hissing—clipped tone.
 Steph, using her Speilsol Leyer voice (which sounds like she's putting on a weak German accent), shrugs. “I could try breaking the shackles? I'm strong enough to do cool things like that?”
  “But that will also be fairly loud.” Bruce points out, speaking with a gruff tone of voice (which is significantly different from his gravelly Batman tone of voice) for Chirop. “If I had my lockpicks, it would be easy to escape stealthily. But without them, I can't see a way for me to get out of these shackles.”
 Damian wrinkles his nose. “I might be able to summon creatures, elementals, or fey but what I get is determined by the DM and may not be entirely helpful. However, I could try wildshaping?”
 Tim smiles cryptically and the lighting behind him changes from dark grey to lime green. “You could.”
 Damian nods. “Alright then, I will use my wildshape ability to transform into a spider.”
The lime green light fades to flickering orange-red light. “As you try to use your druidic abilities to magically assume the shape of a spider, you feel a burning sensation around your wrists, right where the shackles are. You are unable to transform and take…” Tim pauses as he pulls out his black and red dragon dice and rolls a D6 behind the DM screen. “Five points of fire damage.”
 Cursing under his breath in Arabic, Damian glares at Tim. He crosses out his current hp and writes down the new amount.
 Jason taps Marinette on the shoulder. “What about Nells, Mari? She got any tricks up her sleeve to escape?”
 Marinette startles at that, having been chewing her lip and staring intently at her character sheet since her arcana check. She licks her lips then glances up. “I might…”
 She taps a small stat block card with a pencil and turns to Tim with an intense stare. “Is Tikki nearby?”
 At that, Tim grins widely and raises a finger. “That,” He says, flipping through his notes, “is a very good question.”
 “Because on my notes, here it says that last session Tikki was invisible when we all got captured.” Marinette picks up her session notes journal and shows it to him.
 “Would you say Tikki followed after you when you got caught?”
 Marinette tilts her head to the side and Tikki whispers in her ear. Of course, the cameras inability to record kwamis means it just looks like she's thinking instead of listening to a flying red bug deity. “Yep, I would say that. I would also like to telepathically communicate with Tikki and ask if she can come and pick the locks because we gave her a spare Thieves' Tools kit last shopping session in case she needed to pick the locks during an invisible scouting mission!”
 “Indeed you did, so Tikki flies over to your cell and will try to pick the locks on your door first. So roll a d20 and add Tikki's Dex bonus.” He instructs.
 Marinette nods and picks up the dice, cupping her hands underneath it so Tikki can shake then roll it without it looking suspicious on camera. Tikki shakes the dice and drops it as Marinette separates her hands. The dice lands in the box and rolls a 16. “Plus Tikki's Dex mod, that's uh…” She scrambles for the Sprite Familiar statblock card, “Plus four, so dirty twenty!”
 “That's enough to pick the lock. Do you want Tikki to enter the cell and try to pick the lock?” He asks.
 She nods and repeats the roll with Tikki, this time rolling an eleven. “With mods, fifteen.” Tikki then returns to her place on Marinette's shoulder.
 “Tikki barely manages to get the locks open. The shackles open and you land on the cell floor.”
 Marinette punches the air. “Wooh! Freedom!”
 Cass then waves her hand in the air. “Shadowstep out?”
 Tim cocks his head to the side. “As you don't have Darkvision, you can't see outside your cell but you manage to use your shadowstep ability to escape the shackles. Then by peering out the barred window in the door, you manage to shadow step into the cellblock corridor.”
 Marinette and Cass share a high-five.
 “Let's go free everyone else!”
 It takes them ten minutes to finish freeing everyone else, and start making their way out of the dungeon cell block. The Venators now make their way through the bowels of the castle, searching for the armoury in which all their belongings have been stored.
 “As you push open the grand oak doors, the faint scent of sickly sweet rotting food and fire hits your noses. The doors reveal the next room to be a grand dining room with a long oak table, set as though prepared for a grand feast expecting many a guest. It's adequately lit but the two corners of the room above the door seem to glow with a dim greenish glow.” Tim pauses in his description as lighting changing to a dim greenish light behind him; he rolls a D8 four times (6, 7, 2, 4), behind the DM screen, followed by the rolling of a D20 four times (3, 19, 13, 18).
 “Oh god…” Dick mutters, 
 Jason huffs. “What are you going to torture us with now, oh great DM?”
 Tim smiles cruelly. “Four rays of fire are shot towards the party from somewhere within the dining room. First attack is an eight versus Chirop's AC?”
 Bruce sighs in relief. “That's a miss.”
 Tim continues to smile. “Mmk, the rest of the attacks are, twenty-four versus Balabitara's AC, eighteen versus Niriwyse's AC, and twenty-three verses Rokian's AC. I assume those hit.”
 Damian narrows his eyes at Tim, whilst Dick winces and Cass pouts.
 Tim rolls a D6 nine times, behind the DM screen. “Balabitara takes four points of fire damage, Niriwyse and Rokian both take eight points of fire damage.”
 The three all jot down the damage taken.
 Still smiling, like the truly evil DM that he is, Tim clasps his hands together. “Two skulls, enveloped with green flames, descend from the ceiling. One hovers over the grand table and the other hovers but the top of the opened doors, giving itself cover.” He pauses, then grins. “With the surprise round over, everyone roll initiative!”
 Out of habit, all seven players, and Tikki, roll their D20s in almost perfect sync. Dick rolls an 18, Cass rolls a 9, Jason rolls a 14, Bruce rolls a 16, Steph rolls a 17 with advantage, Damian rolls a 2, Marinette rolls a 10, and Tikki rolls a 14.
 “Twenty or above?” Tim asks.
 “Twenty three,” Bruce announces.
 Jason rolls his eyes. “Twenty-one.”
 Dick grins, “Twenty one as well!”
 Tim scribbles down the rolls on the initiative table. “D'awww, you both rolled twenty-one. Anyway, fifteen or above?”
 “Tikki rolled an eighteen.” Informs Marinette.
 “I got nineteen!” Steph exclaims.
 Jotting down those rolls as well, Tim asks “Alright, anyone ten or above?”
 Cass signs her roll, ‘fourteen.’
 “Thirteen.” Marinette answers.
 Tim glances at the initiative table, then at Damian. “And you Damian?”
 Damian scoffs. “Three.”
 “Okay.” Tim then rolls a D20 twice. “Chirop! You're up first!”
 Bruce looks slightly bewildered. He clears his throat. “Can I grab the nearest sharp pieces of cutlery and sneak behind a chair?”
 Tim nods. “Roll stealth.”
 He rolls an 18. “My stealth modifier is plus thirteen, so thirty-one to stealth.”
 Tim whistles, “To the rest of the Venators, it looks like Chirop just vanishes into thin air.”
“Are any of the enemies close enough that I could move into melee range?” He questions.
 “There's one floating Flameskull hovering five foot in the air, with your Long-Limbed trait, it's well within reach,” Tim informs.
 Bruce narrows his eyes. “I would like to stab the Flameskull with the sharp cutlery, knives are preferable.”
 “Roll to hit. As knives are close enough to daggers, I'll say you can get away with adding your proficiency bonus as well.”
 Bruce rolls, with advantage, a 19. “Plus my modifiers, that's twenty-eight to hit.”
 “That hits.”
 Bruce rolls for damage, 2. “That's two, so seven.” He then rolls for Surprise damage, 8 (5, 3), and Sneak Attack damage, 24 (6, 2, 5, 6, 5). “That's a total of 39 piercing damage. Then I'll use my bonus action to stab it again,” He rolls a 16, “Twenty-one to hit.”
  Tim puts on his best poker face. “That also hits.”
 “Then that'll be…” He rolls a 1. “One damage from the second attack.”
“The Flameskull you hit screeches in fury as it crumbles to bone dust.” Tim then proceeds to make a horrific screeching sound, for immersion of course.
 “What the fuck, Timbo?” Jason asks, wincing.
  Dick cringes. “At least you aren't right beside him! My poor ears!”
 “Rip us closest seats.” Mumbles Marinette, wrinkling her nose.
“Rehodros, you're up next!” Tim announces gleefully, ignoring his suffering players.
 Jason narrows his eyes at Tim, “I want to run over to the table, grab any food on the table that's not rotten, and yeet it at the nearest Flameskull.”
 Tim hums, “Okay, the only non-rotten food you can find, is a block of aged cheese and a bowl of hardened sugar cubes.
 Snorting, Jason cracks his knuckles. “Oh, I have to pick the block of aged cheese.”
 “Roll your attack then. But make sure you only add your Dex modifier to the attack as you're not proficient in improvised weaponry.”
 Jason rolls to attack and also gets a 19. “Twenty four to hit.”
 Tim snorts. “Yeah, that definitely hits, go ahead and roll damage.”
 Jason nods and rolls a 1D4, managing to get max damage. “Four! Wooh! Plus my Dex mod, that's nine damage!”
 “You lob the cheese at the Flameskull, managing to cause a couple of cracks to form on its skull. It turns it's furious gaze to you, intending to intimidate you but the effect is somewhat hindered by the melting cheese covering half of its skull.” Tim flips through his notes and marks down the damage taken.
 “Okay, then I want to grab the bowl of sugar and using my extra attack to throw that at the Flameskull, in the jaw.” Jason smirks and switches to his Rehodros voice, “You look like you've got a sssweet tooth, bonehead!” He rolls to attack and gets a 12. “Seventeen to hit?”
 “That will hit.”
 Jason rolls a 3 on the D4. “That's eight damage total.”
“As the bowl of sugar starts to melt from the heat of the fire, the sickly sweet scent of hot sugar begins to emanate from the Flameskull. The Flameskull does not look happy.” Tim pauses to glance at the initiative table. “Niriwyse! You're up.”
 Dick glances down at his spell list and beams. “I'm going to cast Vicious Mockery. And say,” he puts on his Niriwyse voice, which is just his voice but higher pitch and with a British Estuary accent, “Green is so not your colour!”
 Tim hums, then flips through his notes. “What's the spell Save DC on that again?”
 Quickly checking his spell sheet, Dick answers, “DC 16.”
 “Mmk,” Tim responds non-committally, before rolling a D20 twice from behind the DM screen. “That, unfortunately for you, is a nat 20. Which means it takes no damage and suffers no disadvantage. The Flameskull turns to you briefly, to cackle in your face, before turning its attention back to Rehodros.”
  Dick frowns. “Aww that failed, welp I'll use my bonus action to give Speilsol Leyer inspiration.” He clears his throat and puts on his Niriwyse voice to sing. “Let's get down to business! To defeat, this skull! Did they order heroes, no they asked for none! We're the saddest party you'll ever meet! But you can bet before we're through, Flameskull, we'll make dust out of you!”
 The rest of the table burst into cheers and groans.
 “Beautiful, Speilsol Leyer, you get 1D10 bardic inspiration,” Tim confirms. “And now it's your turn. Show the audience what you've got.”
 Steph giggles. “Okay, okay, I've got a really dumb idea.”
 Tim raises an eyebrow at her.
 “So, firstly, is there anything on the walls, like paintings? Wall sconces? Y'know.” She asks.
 “There's a painting of a naked elven lady on one wall, and a taxidermied fox head on the other,” Tim informs.
 Steph bounces in her seat. “Cool! So I'm gonna rage! Rip the taxidermied fox head off the wall, then run and leap up into the air to bludgeon the Flameskull with the fox head!”
 “Right. Make an athletics roll.”
 Rolling a D20, she gets 13. “Twenty one!”
 “You manage to jump into the air with expert grace. Roll to hit.”
 She rolls a 16. “That's a twenty-four to hit because I've got the Tavern Brawler Feat so I've got proficiency with improvised and-slash-or unconventional weapons!”
 He snorts. “That'll definitely hit, roll damage.”
 Steph picks up her D4 and rolls it, getting a 3. “Do with my strength modifier and Rage damage, that's ten damage! And uh, that's the end of my turn!”
 Tim scribbles down the damage taken, he then checks his notes quickly. “The sugary cheese-covered Flameskull starts to cackle madly. It casts fireball on the party, everyone make dexterity saving throws.”
 On cue, everyone in the party rolls their D20s. Tikki rolls an 18, Damian and Marinette both roll 16s, and Dick rolls a 4.
 Before Bruce rolls his dice, he proclaims, “I'd like to use evasion!” He then rolls and gets a 5. “Fourteen total.”
 “Evasion too!” Cass declares with a smile, she rolls her D20, getting 18. She then signs her result, ‘twenty-seven
 “Shit!” Jason mutters, staring at his roll of 2.
 “Nat one?” Tim questions.
 Jason shakes his head. “Natural two, so seven total.”
 “I also got seven,” Dick adds.
 “Seventeen,” Damian announces.
 “I rolled a nineteen and Tikki rolled a twenty-two.” Marinette pipes up.
 Steph frowns at her roll of nine. “Eleven…” She glances at her character sheet again. “Wait, no! I get advantage on dexterity saving throws!” She shakes the dice in her hands and blows on it for good luck, then rolls it into the dice box. It lands on an 18. Fist pumping the air, she cheers. “Yes! Dirty twenty, fuck yeah!”
 “Alright. Niriwyse and Rehodros both take…” Tim rolls a D6 eight times, behind the DM screen. “Twenty-three fire damage. And everyone else except Chirop and Balabitara take half that, so eleven damage. And of course, Chirop and Balabitara take no damage whatsoever.”
 “Wooh,” Bruce cheers.
 “Wait a second!” Jason interrupts, triple-checking his character sheet, “I've got fire resistance!”
 “Then you also take eleven damage instead of the full twenty-three.” Tim corrects. “And that's the end of the Flameskull's turn. Tikki's up now.”
 Marinette tilts her head to the side as Tikki whispers in her again. “Tikki is going to hold her turn.”
 Tim nods. “Okay then, it's Balabitara's turn.”
 Cass smiles sweetly. “Jump and punch?”
 “Roll an athletics check then, please.”
 She rolls a 13, and signs her results, ‘eighteen.’
 “You barely manage to leap within melee range of the Flameskull,” Tim narrates. “Roll to hit.”
 She rolls her dice again, rolling a flat 17. Again, she signs her result, ‘twenty-six.’
 “That will definitely hit.” He acknowledges.
 Cass then rolls damage, gets a 4, and signs the total, ‘nine.’ She glances down at her character sheet, and then back up at Tim. “Second attack?”
 Tim nods again, still jotting down the damage taken. “Go ahead and roll.”
 Rolling again, she gets a nine, so she signs the result, ‘eighteen.’
 He hums, “That'll also hit, roll damage.”
 She rolls and gets a 3. ‘Eight,’ she signs.
 Tim chuckles, “As you punch the Flameskull twice, the skull shatters and turns into sugary and cheesy skull dust.”
 Cass grins and fist-pumps the air as the rest of the table breaks into cheers.
 “Everyone breathe a sigh of relief! Encounter over.” He comments. “And I think we've reached our halfway mark, so we'll take a quick five minutes break to grab something to eat and drink, and we'll continue on after the break.”
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little oneshot! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| @maribat-march2020 | | @vixen-uchiha |
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sharkfish · 5 years
ps i loved this one
(rereading bookmarks edition)
i’ve been rereading stories from my bookmarks as a comfort thing. i’m getting real deep in there to stuff i haven’t (re)read for years, and damn do i have good taste. the ones i’ve read recently that you should, too: 
(under the cut so i’m not that asshole that makes you scroll past an endless post) 
A Change of Scene by SurlyCat
When Dean goes over to see his Dom on Christmas Eve, he isn't expecting Cas to play naughty Santa, and neither of them is expecting how it turns out for them.
ooooomg fuck me up with that sex to lovers thing featuring bdsm. yessssss 
A Room of His Own (or not) by Valinde (Valyria)
Dean took a deep breath and reassessed the situation. He was in bed with a guy, sure, and technically they were snuggling, but it was Cas. The guy had absolutely no reference on what was appropriate physical contact between two dudes sharing a bed in the... normal, completely unsexy, no-funny-business, way.
cas is fallen, dean is confused (what else is new), A+ cuddling. that’s the fic. 
Boys On Film by LoversAntiquities @tragidean​ 
But maybe that’s what it is—maybe Castiel’s finally realized something Dean is too chicken to admit, despite the fact he’s been jerking off to the idea of Castiel fucking him for the past few weeks. The idea warms him as much as it pains him to think about, his friend not being able to talk to him about something like that. That has to be it—it’s the only explanation. Castiel likes him.
“Or maybe he knows you do cam shows.”
Dean chokes on his burger.
idk what to say, i love a good sex worker fic and here you go. @tragidean​ is always here with that first-class content. 
Castiel's Angel by Valinde (Valyria) @valinde​
The angel took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. He was fidgeting Cas noticed. Usually he was so bizarrely at ease in his human form, lounging around and tossing winks and smirks at anyone with a pulse. That more than anything had Cas straightening on his stool and wishing he was a little less tipsy.
“Ineedyoutogroommywings,” Dean muttered in one long, almost unintelligible, string. He was blushing.
all my fellow wing hos should flock* to this fic. i also love me a good switcharoo with angel dean (and hunter cas, as this is an alternate canon universe). and dean gets all claim-y, which is also my jam. 
*this was unintentional but a pretty funny joke 
For Science! by pm_lo 
Selected transcripts and supporting materials from Dr. Castiel Williams and Dean Winchester’s seminal study on physiological and psychological sexual response by gender designation.
i believe this was the first abo fic i added to my bookmarks. story time: many, many moons ago, i kept track of my reading list. i was doing that “50 books a year” thing so it was mostly for tracking that, but i had another tab for fics, because i read few enough that i could track them. i rated things and sometimes left notes, and by all the abo ones i was like “don’t tell anyone i read this.” yes, i shamed myself for liking abo. it was a dark time in my life.
anyway, then i read this, and was like, all right i can see what’s going on here.
this is a great fic for multiple reasons, and the format is one. it’s written as dialogue-only transcripts from their experiment. it’s hard to make that kind of format work, but pm_lo ain’t fucking around. 
Just a Stranger On the Bus by Amelia_Clark 
December 31 9:32 PM When Castiel boards the bus in KC, they think it’s empty at first—but when they toss their backpack onto an aisle seat and climb in after it, there’s a muffled yelp from the dimness at the back of the bus. They turn in time to see a man in a faded Carharrt jacket, sitting up and yawning as he rubs sleep out of his eyes. The man’s hair is greasy and matted down on one side, and there’s drool on the side of his face; nonetheless, he’s ridiculously good-looking.
“Hey man,” he says. Castiel does not correct him. “This can’t be Chicago.”
the non-binary tag, just like the trans tags in general, are a house half-built and left to rot in the rain. even if that wasn’t true, this series is goddamn amazing. also there’s rimming. also there’s a line in there that said something like “they don’t dislike their body, it just never felt like theirs” and i had a lightbulb moment irt my own experience. did dean ever wear carharrt in the actual series? if not, mistakes have been made. 
Just Turn Around and Go by PorcupineGirl @porcupine-girl​
Dean should be happy. His best friend and housemate of five years, Castiel, is moving out to live with his boyfriend, Balthazar. Dean's career is going great, so he can easily afford the house on his own now. This is just growing up, moving forward to the next phase of their lives.
It would be awesome, if he weren't in love with Cas.
Well, here we go, he thinks as he opens the refrigerator and digs around for sandwich supplies. First day of the rest of your life. Time to move the fuck on. As he slams his meat and mayo and pickles down on the counter, he considers adding the bottle of whiskey he knows is hiding in the cabinet, but decides that he has enough self-respect to wait 'til five. Then he'll get fucking blackout drunk. Yep. Awesome.
y’all, do i even have to say anything about this? roommates to friends to a pathetic amount of pining without saying shit to disgustingly in love. also i think i cried, but i’ve been in tears so many times in the last week, who’s to say. 
Plus One by ceeainthereforthat @ceeainthereforthat​ 
Castiel Novak might have to attend three weddings in two months, but he’s not about to let his brother play matchmaker. His family’s Internet streaming company is too important to let a relationship steal his time, but he knows exactly what to do–hire someone to pretend to be his boyfriend.
Dean Winchester has worked five-star hospitality long enough to know how to fit in with Castiel’s crowd, and this job could score him the connections to make his acting career take off. It’s a business deal, no matter how they’re drawn to each other. When the lines of their contract start to blur into real feelings, can they withstand Castiel’s family and jealous fans working to split them up?
there are a lot of great fake dating stories out there, but this one takes the cake (or, at least, a slice of it). also, i cried a lot rereading this, both “ohhh god i love their love” tears and also “ohhhh god this hurts so bad” tears. 
Should've Just Asked by Annie D (scaramouche) 
Despite their age gap and differing social circles, Castiel has struck up a warm friendship with Mary Winchester, a wealthy widowed socialite. When Castiel needs a place to stay, Mary invites him into her house, where there’s loads of spare room. Castiel’s aware that they make an odd pair, but he doesn’t fully realize how things look to outsiders, especially to Mary’s eldest son. All Dean Winchester sees is that his mom has apparently hooked up with a hot young guy (who is totally Dean’s type) and that makes things… weird.
they’re both oblivious idiots in love, cas is grey-ace, dean’s a total dork, it’s all just very lovely (and frustrating in the way oblivious idiots can be!!!). 
PS - annie d is writing marvel fic lately and i’m sure it’s fantastic if you’re into that kind of thing. 
Support Your Local Gay Beekeeper by Powerfulweak
It’s not like Dean goes on Grindr very often, just when he’s bored and alone. The blue-eyed guy's profile reads "Beekeeper, 29, 5'10, Single, I watch the bees." Dean is intrigued. He has to send a message.
this is a series that starts with some great phone sex and then goes on to very, very awkward sex injuries. a goddamn cringefest that had me in complete horror imagining it. but it’s fun! they persevere! people so rarely write about Sex Going Wrong and i love @powerfulweak​ for taking the bullet for us on that one. 
Take Me Home Tonight by Persephoneshadow @persephoneshadow​
“Come on, we’re finding you someone to…engage with sexually or whatever,” Dean explains, chancing another swig of beer before going on. “Anyone in this bar, no limits, who would you would be your top choice to bang?” “Well, you, ideally.” Dean spits out some beer before collapsing in on himself, legitimately choking this time. “Excuse me?!” ---- Or the one where Cas wants to have sex and Dean is there to help.
your classic denialist “i’ll be your wingman” turning to “actually imagining someone else touching you makes me want to punch someone.” which is dumb, because cas actually wanted dean all along. 
Words with Friends by betts
"Dean Winchester is as straight as an arrow. He’s a lady’s man of epic proportions: the king of the one night stand, the messiah of the friends with benefits paradigm, the emperor of perpetual bachelorhood.
Except, apparently, when it comes to his best friend, Castiel Novak."
Wherein a longstanding acquaintanceship leads to friendship, then best friendship, then sexting, then dirty talk, then mutual masturbation, then, inevitably, fucking.
look i think you’re always in good hands with @bettsfic​. but this one has some good sexting and phone sex right at the start, which i’m totally into, and then it gets even better. cas is a lil bossy, by which i meant to say he’s the kind of bdsm geek who has equipment installed in his bedroom for sex purposes. 
You're The Only Stranger I Need by lyndsie_l
When Castiel receives a text from a stranger, he finds himself engaging in conversations daily. He's drawn to the outgoing college student and longs to interact with the other man as often as he can. Slowly, he finds himself falling in love with the other and can't imagine ever meeting a more beautiful person.
The only problem?
He's never actually met this other man.
be still my heart! a long distance/texting/phone sex thing! i want to read it again right this second. cas is such a cool nerd, dean is a brat, it’s a good time all around. 
if you enjoy these fics (and you should), please give the writer some love via kudos and/or comments. <3 
ps - as always, if i didn’t tag the writer and you know their tumblr, please tag in the comments. i don’t think there’s a writer alive who wouldn’t be happy to be on a rec list. :) 
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greekowl87 · 6 years
Fic: Over Breakfast
A/N: The idea was conceived during @frangipanidownunder ‘s @just-fic-already character workshop last week. It has been rewritten twice and it's close to what I intended but not really. I don't know if it is any good but I had fun writing it so I hope you enjoy. I tried to catch the typos. Hopefully, I got most of them. Oh and this is pure season 7 MSR fluff.
Tagging @today-in-fic
Scully hated layovers especially when it could mean she could in her bed a few minutes longer or not having to deal with Beltway traffic out to Dulles. and the fact that they hadn't even left the capital. At least the company was good this morning. As she sat in the C Gate bar and restaurant with Mulder next to her, they shared a breakfast sandwich between them and coffee. He flipped The Washington Post looking for the sports section.
"Aha!" He plucked the prized section from the rest of the pile. "I've missed the game last night and I want to see how the game ended."
"Was last night's view disappointing?"
She felt Mulder take her hand and squeeze it tenderly. "If your reactions were any indication for both of us then I consider it a night well spent. And I might pat myself on the back."
"Don't break your arm doing it."
The intimacy was a new thing for them. Ever since the new year, Scully was not quite what sure what to do with herself. It had only been a month since the mysterious alien artifact and when everything between them changed. Not that she was complaining. Not only did she experience a reawakening of her sexual life (more like a rebirth) but the shift between them grew more intimate like an old married couple.
"Haha, Scully. Do you want the entertainment section?"
"Sure," she answered and pilfered through the pile of newspaper. "Do you know how domestic this feels?"
"It feels just right." He flicked the paper trying to straighten the section. "Well, I lied. It's better."
"I would kiss you if we weren't in public," she said softly, opening the entertainment section. "But you know. Rules."
"I would take you back into one of those booths and be quick and fast, no matter who is here," he countered calmly as he turned the page in the newspaper.
"Maybe if we hit O'Hara on the way back," she murmured. She flicked open the entertainment section as Mulder fished for his half of their shared breakfast. Her eyes scanned the basics...new museum openings, soft news stories, reviews but something else caught her eye. "'Is He Worth It? A Quiz for Dating,'" she read out loud.
Mulder's eyes darted towards her. "What?"
"It's like one of those dating quizzes but..." She skimmed the article. "It's a bunch of suggested questions for first dates." She flicked another page looking for horoscopes to see if tonight she might be lucky. "It's silly."
"I could go on about it with psychology, Scully. Let's do it."
"Why, Mulder?"
"We aren't going anywhere. Come on."
She smiled and flipped the page back while rolling her eyes. "Okay. First question." She scanned over the beginning and settled on one of the middle questions. "What is your favorite scent?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"Just answer it."
"Sunflower seeds and you."
"You're being vague."
"I'm being safe. Your turn."
"When you cook us dinner and us."
"Us as in..."
"Keep your dirty mind clean," she scolded.
He chuckled and for good measure squeezed her ass. Scully felt her cheeks flush red and warmth rush to her core. "I would slap you if I could."
"You won't. Next question."
She licked her lips as Mulder turned the page in the sports section. "Times a wasting, Scully."
"Dogs or cats?"
"It doesn't actually say that."
She titled her newspaper section towards him and nodded encouragingly. "It does."
"Fine," he conceded after reading the blurb. "Dogs."
"Cats, Scully?"
"After Queequeg." She shrugged. "They're more independent and less likely to be eaten by alligators." He laughed out loud, almost spilling his coffee as Scully hid her grin behind her newspaper. "Besides, you remind of a cat as often as we end up sleeping on top of each other."
"I wouldn't have it any other way. Next question, Scully."
"What did you do to get grounded for the first time?"
He pursed his lips in thought."Playing a prank on Sam when I was seven."
"What was the prank?"
"Doesn't matter. Your turn."
She licked her lips letting him slide. "Getting caught smoking by the nuns for the first time as a freshman."
"You smoked?"
"I had a rebellious phase, Mulder. I wanted to be more than the science geek and try and be one of the popular kids. I wasn't an athlete. Following in Missy's shadow was hard. I didn't have my first boyfriend until my senior year with Marcus when I..." She blushed. "Well, we can trade the inevitable losing our virginity stories another time."
"I won't ask."
"But yes, I had a little rebellious streak and occasionally listened to music, excuse me, the devil's music that the nuns frowned upon."
He chuckled, turned his head, and rested his cheek on a propped up arm. "I think we would have been best friends in high school, Scully."
"But we wouldn't have what we have now."
"Mind-blowing sex?"
She hit his arm playfully. "Quiet!" She lowered her voice. "Yes and everything else."
"It's not like anyone knows us here, Scully. Next question."
"Fine. Reading in the bath or reading in the bathroom?"
Mulder looked like he was seriously contemplating the question, artfully stroking his chin as he churned over different thoughts. Scully laughed at his absurdity. "Neither. Couch unless you're sharing the bath with me, Scully."
"Shut up, Mulder. Tub, obviously. You know I love my baths."
"This little first date questionnaire is giving me nothing but ideas. Screw getting to know your date. This should be...dating ideas or something."
"Obviously you need more coffee because that makes no sense. Next question. Who would you invite to a dinner party? You get five guests."
"Two problems with that: who throws dinner parties and do we even know five people?" Mulder began to count one finger at a time. "Let me think now. The gunmen, you, Skinner..."
"What the hell, Mulder? How come I am not the first one that comes to your mind? In that case, Bill---"
"Oh no."
"Oh yes. My mother, Father McCue..."
"Fine. Just you. Us. We can get dinner and forget the party."
"You need to take me a dinner soon by the way. A real dinner and not the habitual sharing of the meals that we typically do. Next question. Walk on the beach or walk in the forest?"
"Forest," Mulder answered with hesitation.
"Oh hell no. It's a simple trip to the forest my ass, Mulder. Beach."
"Why the beach?"
"I like the ocean."
"Okay, for you, the beach. Just this once. Mark it under future date or weekend getaways to do with Scully."
"I would like that very much, particularly the weekend getaway. You know we're only a couple of hours from the coast in D.C."
"Dually noted." He tapped his head. "Next question."
"First gig and last movie?" Her face contorted with confusion as she squinted at the paper to make sure did not misread the print. "What is that supposed to mean? Never mind. We're skipping that question. Okay. Worst lie you ever told?"
Mulder folded the sports section and glanced down to their shared breakfast as his half of the sandwich and then back to her. "During your little rebellion period. I wasn't staring at you. Or should I say spying." His eyebrows waggled suggestively. "In the shower."
Her brow furrowed in thought trying to understand what he was referencing to. She remembered that after her little rebellion with the tattoo her and Mulder had been forced to share a motel room with a bathroom that lacked a door for some reason. "What the f...Mulder! I had sex with Jerse the and you were off being a peeping Tom trying to get back at me."
Scully flashed him a sly smile. "Gotcha." Mulder frowned with disproval while his partner continued to smirk. "You know I didn't have sex with him. Or Padgett. I'll let you get me back later. Okay, okay. My worst lie though? When I ruined Ahab's dress whites with my mother's red nail polish one time and blamed it on Bill and he had it coming."
"You little hellion."
"Moving on, Mulder. What do you dream about?"
Mulder grew quiet as he let his thoughts wander as he recalled the almost fatal brain surgery months ago. "Simple things. You. Sunflower seeds. You. Baseball. A happy ending."
Scully grew warm. "Remember that night in the office when we first...after our little baseball date? You scored a home run."
"Yes." Mulder smiled in fondness. "Very much so."
"Well, aside from our good times, I had a nightmare once Skinner interrupted us because he wanted to watch us like a sporting match. Who's gonna come in first?" Despite her blushing, Scully was grinning from ear to ear.
"Ugh. Don't make me picture that. That's horrible, Scully."
"Good thing I can finish multiple times."
"It's a good thing I see to you first."
She patted his shoulder fondly. "You're a true gentleman, Mulder. Now, moving on. What song do you want to be played at your funeral?"
Mulder grew quiet as he remembered the time he had to pick out headstones with her mother and grimaced. It was something he did not want to experience again or even think of. "Not fair, Scully. You're immortal, remember?"
Scully looked down at the newspaper and folded it closed. He watched the blues of her eyes change from mirth to seriousness. "I had to plan your funeral once or twice, Mulder, don't forget that. Even if it wasn't real. The mushroom made it feel like it and I don't think it is something I could go through with again.
He took a deep breath and squeezed her hand again. "And I had to go picking out headstones with your mother."
She took a deep breath. "It's something I don't want to think about."
Mulder licked his lips thoughtfully. "Let's do this. Why don't we pick one song that we can both agree on? What about that one song? It was written by the Foo Fighters. I heard it not too long ago. What was it?" He snapped his fingers trying to recall the title. "Walking After You."
She smiled. "I would like that and I think that would be perfect." Uncharacteristically, she gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek in public. "Next time you stay the weekend, we read the Sunday paper over breakfast."
"I could go along with that," he agreed with a boyish grin. "And we should definitely do this more often."
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killer-barnes · 7 years
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Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Yes
Summary: Peter meets the Reader at Homecoming and things ensue from there. 
Word Count: 3723
Warnings: language, puppy love Peter, kissing (on le cheek), this is just a major load of fluff (you have been warned), love at first sight (aka rushed).
A/N: Allllright, I feel so bad that it has taken me THIS long to post something. It’s been a messy last couple of weeks, so thanks for staying with me! I hope you enjoy anon, and I hope I did the song justice! *Also if this is close to anyone else’s fic, that wasn’t my intention. Forgive me pls (you can ask me to change/take it down if need be). (P.S. Y’ALL THIS GIF PART OF THE MOVIE THO) Enjoy!
Based on the song ‘Helpless’ from Hamilton (upon request).
Listen to the song here
High school is one of those things you either hate or enjoy. It’s not that Peter necessarily “hated” high school, he just had troubles of fitting in the right crowd, talking to girls, and never failing any class he’s taken throughout his high school career, so far. In a way, it’s like college. In order to get the full experience and get yourself out there, people always say to join clubs, take interesting classes, and go to events. Peter, however, being the shy, awkward teenager he is, never really felt like putting himself out there as much as he should of. Yeah, he was apart of a few clubs, but after a while, he wasn’t as interested as he was when he joined.
He had joined them merely because Ned forced him to be apart of something, even if it was beyond nerdy. Peter was glad Ned gave him a little nudge, but at the same time, he just wanted to go home with Aunt May and play some stupid video game or update the latest computer he’s been working on.
But the worst thing of all to him is not just fitting in, or being ignored by his crush. It’s school dances that terrify him. One in particular was creeping up the corner and it’s one that everyone goes to.
Ned of all people know about Peter’s inevitable fear of going to school dances. They’ve been to plenty in middle school and each have had their fair share of horrible experiences, Peter’s definitely outweighing Ned’s by a long shot. He knows it’s ridiculous to be “afraid” of dances, but everyone has their weird fears, right? Peter knew that Ned would talk about this year’s Homecoming, but wouldn’t pressure Peter into going if he wasn’t comfortable with it.
Walking out of calculus with his backpack hanging loosely off his shoulder, Peter heads towards his locker to grab some extra books before heading to the cafeteria for lunch. Keeping his head low and trying to avoid any lurking bullies, Peter makes it through the line in the cafeteria and heads to his usual table where Ned is already there, intently reading some random comic book he keeps stashed in his backpack.
“You’re seriously reading that again, dude? What’s that, like, the 12th time now?” Peter questioned as he took a seat across from his best friend.
Ned scoffs, “excuse you, the Spiderman comics are beyond genius. You’re just jealous of his smoothness and agility.”
Rolling his eyes, Peter takes a bit of his food, but quickly chokes as he sees Liz set up the Homecoming sign in his direction. Sensing Peter’s staring and gawking, Ned directs his attention towards Peter’s.
“So… Homecoming?” Ned asks, with amusement in his voice.
For the past few high school dances, the both of them usually hang at each other’s place and play random video games or rebuild different lego Star Wars sets until they can’t stay awake any longer.
Whipping his head back, Peter widens his eyes, “w-what? N-No! I was looking at Liz. I-Is that a new top? I think it’s a new top…”
Ned turns his gaze towards Liz, “hmm, no. I think she’s worn it before. I remember the pattern… Hey! You should ask her to Homecoming!”
With that, Peter stares back at Ned with flying emotions, he think he might faint.
“Are you serious, Ned? No way in hell am I ever going to be able to do that! Who do you think I am, some sort of smooth-talking Spiderman?!”
“Eh, it was worth a shot,” Ned chuckles.
Walking out of their last period, Ned and Peter head towards their lockers to pack up for the end of the day and grab the necessary books they need for homework. Peter couldn’t wait to get home and relax. He barely got any sleep last night due to his constant building of tech and rambling of unnecessary thoughts. A slam of a locker next to him brought Peter out of his head as he and Ned begin the trek to his apartment to work on some homework and possibly bust out a new video game they’ve been dying to play.
As Ned and Peter make their way towards Peter’s apartment, they stop by the Deli-Grocery on the corner a few steps away from his place. After ordering themselves their specialty sandwiches, they grab a few packets of candy. Once they’ve paid, they continue on their way until they arrive at Peter’s.
“Aunt May! I’m home and have Ned with me,” Peter shouted, while throwing his backpack on the empty couch.
Hearing nothing in return, he assumed she was out shopping for dinner tonight. Ned followed Peter as they made their way towards his room. It’s nothing too big, just a quaint room with a window, desk, and bunk bed. Peter didn’t need much to have fun.
“Alright, dude. I know we’ve been waiting, like, forever to build the Death Star, so guess what I brought…” Ned sang, as he slowly pulled out the container from his backpack.
Peter gasped. “Dude, what?! No way! Your mom let you get it? Hell yeah. Wanna build it now?”
“Well, YEAH. Let’s do it!” Ned exclaimed, opening the package quickly.
After about a few hours of geeking out over the Death Star and finishing almost all the packets of sweets, Peter and Ned completed the Lego set. Both utterly content with the time spent. As they were talking about which ship is better in the movies, the front door opened.
“Peter! I’m home, but I didn’t have time to get dinner, so want to go to that Thai restaurant inste-”
Aunt May stopped as she approached Peter’s door, realizing Ned and him were hanging out. Opening it, she saw a completed lego set and a few scattered candy packages.
“Oh, hey May!” Ned smiled.
“I should’ve expected you to be over here! Would you like to join Peter and I for some Thai?” Aunt May asked, glancing towards Peter.
“A-Actually Ned has a project to do, so he can’t stay, right Ned?” Peter quickly replied, glaring at Ned’s stare towards his aunt.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Bye May!” Ned sighed, as he left the apartment.  
“Alright, Pete. Let’s go get some dinner,” Aunt May sighed, picking up her purse from the kitchen counter.
“So, how’s school going? How’s that academic decathlon?” Aunt May inquired, taking a bite from her Thai.
She is met with silence as she see’s a tired Peter moving his fork around in his food. He’s too inside his own head to hear her questions.
Snapping his eyes up, he looks at Aunt May who is giving him a concerned look.
“W-What? Sorry.”
Sighing, she glances towards her plate. “Are you doing okay? I just wanted to know how school was going.”
Rubbing a hand across his face, he mumbles, “yeah, everything’s fine. Just been lacking some sleep lately. A lot is going on at school right now.”
“Hmm, I see. Remember to take care of yourself Pete. You shouldn’t work yourself too hard, okay?”
With a nod of his head, they fall back into a silence for a few minutes.
“Hey, isn’t Homecoming this weekend?” Aunt May questioned.
With a groan and roll of his eyes, Peter grunted a low ‘yes’.
‘Well, are you going to go?”
“Uh, n-no. I don’t really fee-”
“What?! No. You have to go, Peter! It’s a blast. Bring Ned with you!” Aunt May exclaimed, slightly angry he doesn’t want to go. “Be one with the teens!” she added.
Covering his face with his hands, he groans at her humorous enthusiasm.
“Great, first Ned. Now, you? I definitely can’t get out of this one,” Peter mumbled.
“You’ve got that right. Don’t worry, I’ll take you to go get a nice suit, okay?”
Sighing, he nods, “alright, but I don’t expect to have any fun.”
Chucking, Aunt May rolls her eyes.
“You know I larb you, right?”
A few days later, Aunt May and Peter went out to get a suit like she had promised. It was just a simple black suit, but made him look clean and out of this world gorgeous. He was definitely going to save it for other important events. It’s too fancy to get rid of! Peter had called Ned the night Aunt May had forced him to go to Homecoming, to join him so he wouldn’t be a loner or make a fool of himself. Of course, Ned was ecstatic. He’s been wanting to go to a Homecoming dance since freshman year, even though it wasn’t allowed. However, being Juniors, they were able to attend. Last year, they never went because apparently a Star Wars marathon was much more important, no matter how many times they’ve seen them. So, it’s Ned’s time to shine this Homecoming and he is desperate to make sure Peter has enough fun to want to attend next year as well. Hell, maybe even attend prom? Who knows.
“Isn’t it stupid to go to a dance without a date? This is lame, Ned,” Peter complained, as he closed his locker for the last time today.
“C’mon, Pete. We don’t need dates! We can ride solo together, alright? Please, just go this time with me. I didn’t get to go last year because of you,” Ned accused.
“Y-You said you didn’t want to! What the hell, man?”
“Hey, I just didn’t want you to feel bad. I knew you’d be sitting at home probably watching a sappy romance movie by yourself. You’re lucky I didn’t let that happen,” Ned shot back defensively.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Peter waved, turning around to exit the front of the school.
This is going to be a fucking nightmare.
As Peter is putting the last finishing touches to his slicked back hair, he hears a knock at the door, it probably being Ned.
“Don’t you look handsome, Ned! C’mon in, Peter is almost ready… Right, Peter?!” Aunt May yells to get his attention.
“Coming!” He grudgingly replies.
He exits his room, seeing Ned and Aunt May having a conversation on the couch. However, once Ned see’s you, he perks up from the couch and heads in your direction. Wearing a suit that definitely fits his personality, Peter grins at his friend’s confidence.
“You look great, dude! I dig the tie,” Ned complemented, taking Peter’s tie in his hand.
“Same to you, Ned. Definitely not afraid to try something extravagant,” Peter chuckles.
“Alright, you two. Picture time!” Aunt May sings, swinging a camera in her hands.
Taking a look at each other, Ned and Peter groan loudly.
After being at the dance for a few hours, Ned is off with a couple of other people, Michelle included, dancing on the gym floor. Peter, however, stood there awkwardly for the past few songs, getting glaring looks from Ned. He was an awkward dancer no matter what he did. So instead of making Ned even more frustrated, he decided to go get some punch. As he arrived to the punch table, he saw an array of different foods. As he finishes filling up his punch, he grabs a plate and picks up a few random snacks so he has something to do. Once he’s content with his choices, he finds an empty table to sit at.
Well, this is better than I expected.
I guess…
He thinks, taking a bite of the chocolate loaded brownie.
About 20 minutes later, his plate is empty and he is still sitting at the same table, but this time he’s playing some random game on his phone to kill time. Ned is still kicking it out on the dance floor. Since he feels bad for making Ned go through his struggle with dances, Peter doesn’t push to disturb him.
As you enter into the gym wearing the outfit you’ve been dying to wear all week, you are hit with the smell of sweaty teenagers and the sound of stereotypical school dance music.
These things never change.
You think, with a roll of your eyes.
However, out of the corner of your eye, you see a boy sitting by himself on his phone, probably bored out of his mind. You knew that would probably be you in a few hours, so you felt what this guy was feeling. You wanted to go talk to him, but knowing you, you couldn’t do it. Even just going to this dance was an effort. You’ve never been one to do these sort of things, so getting out of your comfort zone was new to you. As of now, you didn’t like it. You just wanted to go home and snuggle up on the couch, binging a show you’re too far behind on.
Hearing one of your friends try and gain your attention, you realize you’ve been staring at this guy for way too long. Good thing he didn’t look up from his phone. How embarrassing would that be, oh god. Your friend follows your stare, smirking to see your heart eyes at Peter Parker.
“C’mon, let’s go dance!”
Peter’s phone eventually died from playing on it too long, causing him to let out a long, depressing sigh. Ned had stopped by a few times to make sure he was okay and asked if he would come dance, but Peter being himself, declined, knowing that Ned was fully aware of his horrid dance skills. Ned just wants him to have fun, but this is anything but a fun time for Peter.
Getting tired of sitting alone and doing nothing, Peter looks through the crowd to see if he can spot Ned. However, instead of seeing Ned, Peter sees the most beautiful person he’s ever laid eyes on. He swears he stopped breathing for a few seconds. He’s never seen them before…
Look at those eyes…
Man, they’re leaving me helpless at the sight!
Who are they?
He thinks, totally forgetting about finding Ned, instead too entranced by this mysterious person.
Your feet started to ache after a couple of songs, mostly due to your inability to dance. Your friend started to notice you lagging on enthusiasm, so they decided to make a food and drink run with you to boost your momentum. When you both arrived at the table, you were surrounded by several different foods. The desserts grabbed your attention the most as you stacked a few brownies and cookies on top of each other. While you did this, your friend was smirking towards Peter, who has been gazing at you ever since you arrived to the food table. Your friend could sense his longing to talk to you, but was hesitant to do so. They knew Peter and what he was like since they had most of their classes with him. So, your friend decided to do you both a favor.
“Hey, Y/N? I’ll be right back, okay? Load up on some cookies for me!” they exclaimed with a huge smile on their face.
Looking back at them with a stuffed brownie in your mouth, you mumble an ‘okay’ as you see them walk towards the boy you’ve been eyeing all night. Panic suddenly erupts inside of you.
Oh god.
What are they going to do?!
After a couple minutes of anxiously waiting for your friend to return, you down some punch to calm your nerves, which only made them worse as you saw Peter and your friend walk their way to you.
Oh, no no no.
I think I’m going to puke, he’s so cute the closer he gets!
How is that POSSIBLE?!
Please don’t make a fool of yourself, Y/N, please.
Peter tries to control himself, but he can’t. You’re just too cute! 
Oh, god.
They looks so cute stuffing their face with food.
How can that be cute?!
Peter’s thoughts are cut off as he see’s your friend make their way towards him with a wide, bright smile on their face.
He recognized your friend since he literally had every class with them, but neither of them had the chance to talk to each other.
“Hey, Peter! How’s it goin’?” they asked, cheerfully.
“O-Oh, uh- it’s going good. How are you?” Peter stutters, confused as to why they are talking to him.
“That’s good, that’s good… I’m doing great! Wanna come with me for a second?” they begin, pulling Peter away from his table before he even has a chance to speak a word.
As Peter and your friend reach the table where you’re at, he begins to gaze at you in even more shock of viewing you up close. He cannot believe he’s never seen you before! If he did, he would never forget your face, that’s for sure.  
“Alright, Peter, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Peter. Now, you both have been eyeing each other all night. So, I’m going to leave you two alone. Get to know each other, bye!” they explained, giving Peter and you the biggest smirk as they walked away.
Looking nervously towards you, Peter rubbed the back on his neck, unsure of what to say.
“S-So, uh- would, would y-you like to dance, t-to dance o-or something?” he stuttered, blushing madly since he knew he would make a fool of himself. But he didn’t know what else to do!
You blushed, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, “u-uh, I’m not really much of a dancer. W-Would you maybe want to go hang out s-somewhere?”
Taking a big sigh of relief, Peter nervously smiles, “o-of course. I-I think the library is closed, b-but maybe we can sneak in? Is that okay?”
Seeing your nod of approval, Peter grabs your hand and directs the way to the secret library adventure. Peter couldn’t believe he was doing this with you. Like, holy shit? He just met you and you were already taking his breath away, literally. His heart was beating so loud he thought anyone several miles away could hear it. He didn’t want to fuck this up.
Oh, shit.
I can’t believe this is happening!
He’s so sweet…
I wonder if he can hear my heart beating a million miles a minute?
God, I’m so nervous.
Your thoughts are interrupted by Peter opening the locked library door, surprisingly easy. You both made your way in, making sure to keep the lights off in case anyone came walking by. There was a little light peeking through anyways from the homecoming dance lights. After picking a random aisle to sit down in, you both take a cookie from the monstrous pile you brought along.
“So…” Peter began.
Fast forward a few hours later, you and Peter are still in the library talking up a storm about random things. He discovered that you are just of a nerd as he is and you found out how much you both have in common. It was amazing to find someone like him. It’s leaving you helpless at the thought of not being with him. You cannot believe the impact this boy has had on you for the past few hours you’ve known him.
Checking the time, your eyes widen.
“Oh, fuck! It’s almost 1 AM? I need to get home. I’m sorry, Peter,” you apologize, looking at him with nervous eyes.
“O-Oh, right, uh- c-could I maybe, y’know, walk you home?” Peter stutters, adorably.
Blushing madly, you give a nod and a smile.
What is this boy doing to me?!
Walking out of Midtown High, Peter and you walk side by side as you both venture to your apartment only a few blocks away. Out of the corner of his eye, Peter see’s you shivering a bit due to the crisp night air. Slouching the suit jacket off, he gently places it on your shoulders, seeing you instantly cuddle into it. He smiles at the thought of you snuggled up into his arms, absorbing his warmth and comfort.
After a few random, humorous conversations, you both are only a few blocks away from your apartment. You honestly do not want the night to end. It’s been one of the greatest nights you’ve had in a very long time. It’s the same for Peter, too. He’s been a hermit at his apartment with Aunt May for god knows how long. He just never felt like going out. He really only hung out with Ned.
Walking up towards your door, Peter grabs your hand gently.
You look back at him confused. He looks at you nervously before opening and closing his mouth a couple of times.
Taking a big breath, he begins, “I-I just wanted to let you know– let you know that I had a lot of f-fun with you t-tonight. A-And I would love to do it again, if y-you uh– if you want to, that is,” he closes his eyes for a brief moment before continuing, “I-I know I’m not the most athletic, richest, o-or y’know, most attractive guy a-around, but I just think that y-you’re amazing a-and beautiful and a blast to be– to be around. Oh, god. I’m rambling. I-”
Both you and Peter are confronted by your father, who unexpectedly opened the front door.
“Oh, there you are, Y/N. I was just about to ca– who’s this?” your dad questions, looking towards Peter with that intense “dad” stare.
“T-This is Peter, Dad. He walked me home from the dance since it was late…” you replied, glaring at your dad.
“H-Hi, sir. P-Peter, Peter Parker, sir. I-I was just taking Y/N home. Uh-”
“Ah, no worries, kid. Thank you for bringing Y/N home safely. I’ll leave you both to it, alright? But remember, I’m right behind this door,” your Dad warned.
Covering your face with your hands, you groan.
“Alright, thanks. You can leave now!”
Chuckling, he shuts the door behind him, leaving you and Peter in an awkward blushing silence.
“Oh, god. Not this again,” Peter says.
Giggling at this awkwardness, you reply, “thank you for tonight, Peter. It really was a dream come true and I’m so glad I met you.”
Taking a bold move at the last second, Peter leans in to peck your cheek ever so softly, bringing a rosy red tint to the both of your cheeks instantly.
“You are the dream, Y/N and I’m helpless without you.”
A/N: I know the POV may be confusing, so I’m sorry about that. I just hate putting “Y/N’s POV,” etc. If it’s hard to understand, let me know. Also I’ve been having a really bad writer’s block, so hopefully this is at least a 3/10 ?? Crossing my fingers *nervous laughter*.
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I wish I could tell you Peter Parker X Reader
Summary: When Y/n and Peter fight over what is safe for him as Spider-Man events take a dark turn leading to a death, which Y/n suffers from not being able to tell Peter her special feelings for the soft boy.
Warnings: Fluff, Death, Depression, Some cursing, Anxiety, mentions of death and harm
Requested: Nope
Song/s: We don’t believe whats on tv, Glowing eyes by Twenty One Pilots
A/n: This is a very sad fan fiction so sorry m8 :( And i will try and remember my tag list this time lol also I think this is one of my LONGEST fan fics i have ever wrote in my half of a year writing
                                                   * * *
           You hated fighting with Peter over stuff about his daily job as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, mainly because the fight would always end with you leaving his room while he is crying for feeling guilty about what happened. You really did like him. You always did, and always will. I remember meeting Peter on the schools’ playground during lunch time, he was stuck on the monkey bars yelling “I’m stuck! Send help!” you tried to hold back your laughter to save the blush for him. He fell for your personality and you fell for his curly fluffy looks, and this caused the unwanted friend-zone while being best friends. It was a good thing that he lived in a apartment 5 doors across from yours. When high school came you had met his other best friend Ned Leeds, Ned was nice but still heavily built. He would geek out with Peter about nerdy science stuff and build LEGO sets together after school with you. And now its crazy to think you’re friend group you had formed is now Seniors in high school, almost in college.
                         You, MJ, Ned and Peter were all sitting outside during lunch time in Midtown High eating, you were lying in the grass with Peter while MJ and Ned were eating the schools food. You had your legs on top of Peter’s, your body’s  making sort of a L shape, “You guys, Its official. I don’t want to go to college” You joked as you looked at the clouds fresh shapes. Peter smiled, “Why not?” “Well..Its just going to be another four more years of learning! And I think I’m done with the drama queens and stuck up wanna be’s” You said as you sat up gathering your trash. “true” Ned said as he took a bite of the sandwich they served, the bell rang for the last period of the day and you all cleaned up and left. When you saw Peter in the hallway you ran over to him, “I’m gonna be coming over to your apartment today, okay?” you said with a smile. He nodded then you all left for class. 
                                     When you walked into his apartment you expected to see him  but you couldn’t find him, as usual, “Great” you said to yourself when you threw your backpack on his bedroom floor. After a hour or two May left to go have dinner with a couple of friends which left you alone in their small apartment. You sat down on his bunk bed and inspected his room, you looked at his tiny collection of nerdy Funko Pop figurines to his science fair awards. You got up from his bunk bed when you saw a polaroid picture of you and him together, Next to the Polaroid photo there was one of you wearing a pair of oddly funny glasses failing to keep a straight face. You smiled when looking at the old photos, it brought back too many memories. 
           Flash Back: “Peter?” You asked him when you looked over at him sitting on the old pull out couch in your basement. He looked up at you, “Yes Y/n?” He asked as he put down the book he was reading. “H-have you ever kissed anyone?” You looked down at the white bedding from the pull out couch to avoid any awkward eye contact. “I mean we are only 13..” Peter said “Have you kissed anyone?” He said once again and this time you made serious eye contact. “N-no” You said quietly. It felt like the room was closing in on you when he crawled closer to where you were sitting at the corner. “Y/n” Peter said softly, he lifted your chin up so you would look up at him. You made moonlight eye contact perfectly, “C-can I kiss you?” He asked. You nodded bashfully, he cupped his hands around your cold cheeks. Your worlds met completely when his lips smashed up against yours. 
                    Suddenly the window bust open with a tumbling Peter falling on the floor. “Shit” You said as you jumped up from being startled from him, “Sorry” He mumbled when he got to his feet. “Its fine” You mumbled as you quickly moved away from the cork board above his desk, “What were you looking at?” “Nothing IjustrememberedwhenyoukissedmeandnowIfeelveryawkwardandweneedtostudyPeter” You said fastly, “What?” he said as he walked up to you. “Are you okay?”  You nodded, you sat down on the bottom of his bunk bed. Peter pressed the button on his suit causing it to create a pool of red and blue near his ankles, he put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black shirt. “Are you sure your okay?” He asked once again, “Its just what they were saying on the news about you..” You said as you balled your hands into fists in your lap. “Oh, well I’m okay, trust me” He gave you a weak smile. “But how do I know you are Pete? You are always getting home later than you usually do. Later than you normally  do as Spider-boy..” He sighed and sat next to you, you rested your head on his shoulder. “But Y/n I am okay...” he spoke softly as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “You don’t understand Peter, what if one day you aren’t safe. What if I go crazy past my mind because your not safe and something bad happens Pete!” you said trying not to raise your voice from being scared. “Y-Y/n I will be fine” “But how do I know for sure that you will” you lowered your tone of the voice you were speaking at. He sighed and so did you, he knew about your anxiety and depression and how you worried way too much. You let a single tear fall from your face and this made Peter even more worried about you. You broke in front of him. Crying. You got up, grabbed everything you brought with you and left him crying feeling guilty for letting you be like this. 
                       Sometimes I wish I hadn’t tried so hard to be like this. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t listened to the ‘recommended’ stuff to do to be like this with Peter. But he is so out of reach and its hard to be like this. Knowing he likes Liz Allan makes you feel stupid for even having the hots for him, the third time she had a party you had found them dancing together which made you feel horrible. But I know I’m never going to get over him. Because I’m just a sucker for anything he does. This was the first night you had cried yourself to sleep because of thinking what could happen at any moment. 
                     Peter’s POV:
                  When Y/n left it was a open chance to go back outside and help out, I mean I had calmed down and its only 9pm anyways. Walking down the cold November nights of Queens it felt perfect, using the web shooters I swing up to one of the rooftops to look at the crystal moonlight view. Suddenly a man walks up to me. “Hey buddy” the dark voice says. I freak out and turn around to see who it is. He has a couple of other friends who tagged along with him. But too many to take down, ‘shit this is lovely’. “You know Y/L/N Y/F/N” One of the other guys say. He is covered in a black hoodie. “Y-yeah..Please don’t hurt her please I will give you anything just p-”  Peter got cut off by the rude leader “Jump off and she will stay safe” He said harshly. “We saw you with her the other day,  little Spider-Man knows a high school student” The guy snickers and pushes Peter up closer to the edge. “W-what?” Peter managed to stutter out, his heart sank. He knew Y/n was true but he didn’t want to feed into her anxiety and depression. And that was all that Peter remembers, being pushed off the 20/30′ building that night. The rest is known for history.
               Reader’s POV:
                You got a phone call from May, this freaked you out. Running towards the home phone that your mother was holding for you you quickly grabbed it from her and answered the call. “May? I-is everything okay? Whats wrong? Do I need to get to your apartment? Is Peter okay?” you rambled on with questions but you could feel the emptiness from May radiating off on to you. You already knew what was about to happen because you remember hearing ambulance and police sirens earlier outside. “J-just get to the hospital closest to the new office work space near our apartments, you said your good-byes quickly and left.
              When you arrived at the hospital you were greeted by one of the lady’s who works there. You told her the information and she gave you the room number but said “The room number is 209, but visiting hours end soon considering it is almost 11pm sweetie”. You nodded and went to Peter’s hospital room. You opened the door quietly and saw him sitting in a hospital bed with May sitting next to him. She gave you a weak smile and nodded letting you know to come inside, you closed the door and set your bookbag by the door. “Pete” You said softly as you looked at his pale body, he was vaguely breathing. Seeing him like this made you cry. You covered your face and tried to calm yourself down as you walked over to sit next to him and Aunt May. “H-how long ago did this happen” you choked out while she tried to comfort you. “It seemed like this had happened around 45 minutes ago” The sound of quiet sobs and the machines beeping filled the room the entire night. May left the room and waited in the waiting room for you to say whatever you had to, to Peter.
                You entire twined your’s and his hands together. “Peter, I didn’t say for you to let go yet” you whispered as you grasped his hand a little tighter. “Please don’t leave me yet” You tried to fight back the tears filling in your eyes. You looked down at his hand and kissed his cheek. “I will always love you more than a best friend Pete” You spoke softly. Then the machine stopped beeping along with his slow breathing. “B-bye Peter” You said as you let yourself break fully in front of him. 
    Stay Alive my friends I-/ 
   Tag list: @thatfemaleholland  @thatspiderbaby  @vanessalovesonedirection
14 notes · View notes
berryargento · 7 years
Withering Blossoms; fragment V
AO3 link
previous chapter; fragment IV
Notes: It has been a while since the last fragment is posted! The chapters are progressing nicely, don’t you think? Thank you for reading and passing by per usual! I hope you’ll enjoy and look forward what we have to bring~
I need to remind you that this project is brought to you by me and @eulyin-senpai, if you haven’t checked her illustrations for this fic, you better go to her page now!
Summary: The girl was lost, not to be found. But the guidance tried to seek her, wanted to lead her future.
Amidst the busy hours of people coming and going through the main street in the day, most alleys of Numazu city always silent, covered in blissful tranquility away from crowd. That being said, however, those empty alleys are not void of business. Several houses or buildings were looking plain from the main road, with some of dealings were coming from the back alley; it has been one of activities that merchants mostly done, overlooked by people who refused to know about it or by any normal humans whom have no business with these sellers.
Takami Wondrous Shop was one among them, located far deep in alley of the maze of city houses, known by little to none, housed several items that would make you cringe – well, it was the owner’s way to make the shop sounds mysterious, which is not exactly helping.
“Good morning, Guten morgen, Buon giorno, Chika whatever-it-is-called shop!”
The orange-haired owner didn’t expect anyone to burst her back door open so early in the morning, about time she’s doing a stock operation. She didn’t recall hanging the sign of shop’s closed, so she shouldn’t be blaming the hyper guest to come in without even knocking.
“One language is enough, Mari-chan, I don’t know what you are saying, anyway,” the owner tucked down her hood, seeing her guest smiling from ear to ear. “Oh, and it is Takami Wondrous Shop for you! The almighty granter of your dreams!”
Mari, just like any other costumer, of course didn’t bother to hear Chika’s description, bolting to see the nearby box contained things the owner haven’t put to the over-capacity shelves.
Chika back alley shop is a small, cramped (but she says, ‘homely’ and ‘grand’) square contained only two shelves beside the back door to showcase her items. There’s a table by the center and a cash register by the other side of the exit-a very simple layout for the shop existed and not exactly eye-catching to any customers. Though it is called ‘wondrous’, the shop sells recycled things, hobby items for anyone practicing witchcraft and used books, not as magnificent as the name rings.
Some might wanted to ask what the purpose of this back alley shop the moment they set the foot in, really.
“What do you want today? Isn’t the morning sun burning your skin?” Chika glared Mari to put the doll the vampire suddenly took out from the box. “You’re not with that little thing today.”
“But I’m here for ‘that little thing’.” Mari chuckled, eyes twinkled. “And no, who do you think I am, chickening out for a little sunburn?”
“Bring that little thing then, I missed her pouty face when I lured her with cupcakes!”
“You sly prankster,” the blonde pureblood mused. “I want Mikan to conquer my thirst. Please. Do it quick.”
The password. Chika licked her lower lips. She then bowed before the vampire. “Certainly.”
A table by the center (mostly for Chika to throw in a box of Mikan for unknown purpose aside her several newer items) is where an access to the underground cellar located.
Mari knew there’s someone who has been supplying a creative way to administer blood to vampires around town, it took her awhile to discover the shop after a little coercing to little vampires out there, though. The underground cellar says it all: stacks of different types of sweet is there, among them also bottles of wine and beer and even canned fruits—what makes it different is that all of it is made of blood.
“Lollipops, right? For Ruby-chan?” Chika confirmed the items to Mari before she waltzed to the shelves of candy and snack bars. “How much?”
“One dozen stalks will do for now, I think.”
Mari wondered how Chika’s business has grown this big, all she was doing to the once-nearly-closed-fixture is to give the mikan-loving shopkeeper the access to Ohara’s blood bank. Chika always say that she’s ‘only an occult geek passing by that loves thrills’ but it really surpasses Mari’s expectation. The Duchess of the Old Mansion was elated by the discovery of a human crafted another way for vampires to enjoy their palate, though there is times when Mari asked herself why she gave Chika a chance for this long. Maybe her vampire ego—one to seek solace—is dulled, or it is of pure curiosity, Mari doesn’t know the answer.
“A blood wine?” Mari pulled one of the casket to get a better view. “It is, like, 100% pure blood in?”
“Of course not, I’ll be bankrupt in no time,” Chika said. “It has more of grapes, but I tell you that most customers loves it. You might want to take one home.”
“Maybe later, I’ll take you up on it.”
Mari continued to examine nearby shelves on her reach, watching in awe that Chika got bigger and wider selection. Some of it already have a ‘reserved’ tag, also there’s a label for trial products. Chika is really thorough with her items.
“You know, there’s something odd going on in the city lately,” Mari shot her eyebrows up. She turned to see Chika has yet moving from the sweet shelves on her left, digging to several boxes for candies. “This one vampire customer of mine, he suddenly had an outbreak during the night, five hunters needed to take him down.”
“Oh, really?”
“You don’t know?” there’s a tint of surprise in Chika’s voice. “Though you’re considered to be the vampire’s ruler here?”
“Come on, Chikacchi.” Mari strikes with a playful tone. “Sometimes humans will not inform me if it’s just a single outbreak. He must be really hungry and went out of control.”
“Well, there have been several cases with this kind of outbreak lately, newborns were worried and come to shop often—not like I’m complaining, though!” the shop owner laughed. “Can’t say that it’s ‘usual stuff’ anymore.”
There has been no new information from few of her informants around the town, or news from Elder Kurosawa either. Mari feel the need to ask around bars and shacks she frequently visited, but she wasn’t there for it today.
Chika got back with a carton bag, twelve stalks of said lollipop popping from the opening. “Here. On the house.”
Mari hummed, “Now it’s rare for you to be generous.”
“You need to bring that little one next time, say that I have a bag of thousand candies or rainbow cupcakes or something!”
For now, she should keep Chika’s information in mind. She could gather more later about this ‘odd vampire outbreak’ or she could wait until someone come to tell her everything from her information web. Although, the ‘vampire movement’ Chika mentioned is suspicious, Mari doesn’t want to indulge more today, she’s in a mere ‘picking candy’ errand today.
“I’ll take my leave now, then, I’ll see you next time, Chikacchi. I hope some new information from you later.”
“Takami Chika, at your service!”
When opening her eyes, the first thing she saw is Yoshiko up-close, squinting her eyes.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Yoshiko said with a sulk.
Ruby reflexively covered her face. “P-Pigii!”
“I said I’m not into eating vampires.” There’s a groan, before she continued. “My lady ordered me to check up on you since you’re ... well ... sleeping a lot.”
Yoshiko floated away as Ruby got up, seeking for any clock available or windows open to tell her about time. Finding none except books’ shelves and closed curtains, Ruby turned, “W-What time is it?”
“Afternoon, I guess? I didn’t check,” the devil shrugged. “I’ll call my lady to say that you’ve woken up. Stay there.”
Ruby watched Yoshiko left, before she let out a sigh. Is there a point to go back home, really? she thought to herself. The face of hatred on her sister’s face is engraved in her memory and doesn’t cease to disappear.
Her eyes tried to find a comfort through the silent library she is in. Surrounded by bookshelves lined like a maze is something new, though she could say she’s getting dizzy to try and look at how many books available in one shelf. Kanan’s presence and smell are nowhere to be found near, the doctor must’ve been returning to her duty by the city since Yoshiko said that it is already past the noon.
Not long with her reminiscence, the door swung open revealing Maru with Yoshiko and the tray containing two cups of tea. Seeing the crease on Ruby’s forehead, Maru took her seat right beside the vampire, holding the cold hands that stayed on her lap. Yoshiko put down the respective cups and floated back, staying idle.
“Are you okay now?” is Maru’s first question. Ruby watched those chestnut-colored eyes were clean, sincere. It was like when the first time they met.
“I’m okay, thank you for your help, Maru-chan.” Ruby clasped Maru’s hands back, entwining their fingers. “Oh, umm ... don’t you find it strange to touch cold hands of mine?”
“Is it?” Maru tilted her head. “I find it nice. It’s a great discovery to get in close with a vampire.”
“Really?” Ruby squeaked. Maru nodded in response.
“Though it must be hard for you, right?” the chestnut-haired woman fiddled their tangled fingers. “You’re the pride of Kurosawa’s hunter family, too.”
“It’s Onee-chan, not me.” Ruby gave a curt reply, feeling a bitter tang on her tongue as she spoke about her older sister. The woman beside her must have noticed, for her to give Ruby another squeeze.
“Ruby-chan,” Hanamaru shot a knowing look. “No one will hate you of how you changed, believe me. You are doing it of your free will and good reasoning. Please don’t hate yourself over it.”
It was as if Hanamaru knew everything without bothering to ask, or perhaps her behavior and uncertainty were too easy to read. Maru has been enigmatic during her librarian duty as long as Ruby remembered, she would be elated by the new discovery yet she is having a great knowledge about past history that would make anyone astonished. There were several times when Maru being called out to fill in the task of deciphering old archives or explaining history of hunters to the new recruits; Maru has this air of a sage, while showing herself to be a perfectly plain librarian.
The friendship they shared during that short time of working together in the library is like a miracle for Ruby, to see herself now being saved by her hospitality and bits of advice.
Yoshiko, who remained static as a third party all the time, spoke, “Enough about this sappy mood, why don’t you two drink your tea and calm down?”
Both Ruby and Maru looked at Yoshiko in unison, turned to the waiting tea and back to the groaning devil. “Why are you giving me that look? The tea is getting cold, y’know?”
Dia busied herself to clean her sword when there’s a knock to the front door below. She has been locking herself since morning to check several untouched reports the Guild sent to her and cleaning her sword, took her some time before she noticed that someone knocked. She thought Ruby is back and that she’ll open the door herself when she knew the door is unlocked, but the knocks keep on going.
“... I wonder who.”
Messengers from Guild never knock the door, just to slide the paper beneath the door, so it is highly-unlikely that the guest is from her line of job. There has been no one from Kurosawa family bothered to give her a visit after she moved in there with Ruby, so it might not be them. The raven-haired huntress promptly descended from her room to welcome the guest.
One click. The door is open. The day already breaks by the orange sky and on her eye level, a certain blonde smiling back at her.
Dia quickly shot the door close reflexively.
“Dia~” she could hear the whine outside.
What is the vampire doing here in broad daylight? It is in the afternoon but still a bit far from nighttime, the vampire shouldn’t be walking around and even visiting her, it’s ridiculous—
“Dia~ open the door~”
She heaved a sigh, Dia leaned to the door. It’s not like Mari would go away with her warning, she knew how dense the vampire sometimes. “What do you want, Mari-san? You know that I’m not even close to forgive you.”
“I need to give something important~”
“Talk to my sword."
“I’m serious!” her voice is nowhere near that, though. It’s more like her usual teasing, high-pitched tone which made Dia cringed. “Open the door, please?”
Even when Dia came out with her sword ready, Mari has the same goofy grin ever. Maybe for an old vampire like her, being threatened with weapon wasn’t something new; she must have lived during the dark days of war between supernaturals, or something Dia won’t love to pry.
Mari about to take her step, “One step and this blade will take your head.”
“Okay~” the vampire walked back.
“You have five minutes to state your reason for coming here.”
Mari opened her paper bag, showing the content to Dia, stalks of candies. “Trick or treat!” Dia is ready to slice her silly hair twirl into half. “Wait, wait, wait, I’ll stop joking!”
With a grunt, Dia gave Mari another glare, lowering her sword to Mari’s relief, tucking it back to the scabbard.
“I take that Ruby is not home because of the full moon yesterday,” the vampire began, Dia’s eyebrow twitched at the mention of ‘full moon’. “So I’ll give this to you for your little sister.”
Mari handed the paper bag, Dia quickly took one stalk to see the actual shape of the candy inside. Round red lollipop wrapped in plastic cover with mikan mark on it, with an orange-colored ribbon tied.
“Don’t eat it, Dia. It’s a candy made with blood!” Mari warned. “I have it specially made because Ruby refused to drink from a human when she transformed.” Dia squinted, watching Mari with disbelief. Though, Mari paid no mind on it and continued. The raven-haired hunter examined the candy once more. “Candy is Ruby’s favorite, right? So I asked for the supply of it to my network.”
It took her back that Ruby has a sweet tooth. She’d be back with sweets, be it little candies to confections along with her other things every time it was her turn to shop for dinner. Ruby won’t forget to buy something for her sister, too, and it would make a good dessert after the dinner.
“Yeah ... she loves sweets,” Dia murmured, closely taking notes on how Mari gestured. “So, that’s it?”
Mari nodded. “That’s that.”
How many times has passed since both of them had been living ... happily?
After the tea and several times of pondering inside her mind while talking casually with Maru (and Yoshiko occasional interruption and silly remarks), Ruby decided that she will be going home. She had left her sister with no certain explanation, not to mention that it was of her will to live this way.
The vampire couldn’t say to Maru that she has a bit of worry swelling inside her heart after the light and happy talk. A part of her doesn’t want to share about her sister and how hard her life have been. Ruby acknowledged Maru as her friend; she’s able to express herself openly in front of her, but she felt that the issue between her ‘identity’ and her ‘will to live’ are for her to resolve, not for her to share.
They passed the road of flower garden in Maru’s front yard. Collection of small flowers bloomed coloring the garden, it was a beautiful sight in the eye of winter. No speck of snow or coldness covering the front yard, Ruby wondered whether it was one of Yoshiko’s power of illusion or something along the line. Ruby crouched down to try pick one of the shrubs. She thought that the flower will disappear, but it was real, it felt so real that she couldn’t help but to try and grasp it with her palm.
“Aren’t you curious how to make these bloom?” Maru asked when Ruby looked around her garden in awe.
“What flower are these? It’s so pretty. I never know there’s a beautiful flower growing in Winter.”
The chestnut-haired woman nudged at Ruby’s arm. Ruby turned to ask when Maru, who’s sitting beside her on the lush of the garden, tucked her hair behind her left ear to place some pink flowers on its wake.
“Azalea,” Maru breathed. “These flowers bloom in spring. It’s my power enables me to grow flowers outside of their season.” Ruby reached for the pale pink petals, slowly her lips stretched into a smile. “This flower suits you, Ruby-chan. I hope you’ll grow like how these petals bloom.”
Maru was sending Ruby out alone, Yoshiko is nowhere to be seen accompanying them. The crimson-haired vampire sensed the urge to hurry before the sun disappeared from the horizon, but she found herself lazing around the green garden, lying herself down and Maru plopped right next to her.
She wasn’t ready to go home, but-
“So, have you calmed down?” she asked so suddenly.
Ruby tried to give Maru the widest smile she could as an answer, “Mm. Thank you for everything, Maru-chan.”
“It’s the least I can do,” Maru said. “You’re always welcome for the tea, Ruby-chan.”
-she must return, she doesn’t want to make her sister worry. After all, it is also her drive to stay living.
Dia and Mari exchanged silence for some time, Dia still checking up on each and every stalk that Mari brought for Ruby.
How many times has passed since both of them had been living happily?—the question popped inside her mind, swirling without her bothering to answer. Ever since that night coming, she’s no longer seeing Ruby as the same; she didn’t know what to say, what to ask, what to do with contradictions living in her heart.
“How’s she after she’s being turned?” Dia wasn’t trying to be thorough in her question, she didn’t want to.
A soft smile played on the vampire’s lips, Dia held her stare sharp and unfriendly. “She’s miserable,” Mari paused to see Dia’s expression stays. “She’s not suitable to be a vampire, she wanted to stay human.”
The raven-haired hunter response is a blink, unfazed.
“Didn’t I say to you don’t be too hard on her?” Mari hummed. Dia was still, rigid. “Though it’s ... up to you. I never experienced to be an older sister who lost her little sister before.”
“... you know my creed, Mari-san.”
Behind the vampire’s back, the sun is about to go down. Loud beaks of birds leaving the forest could be heard from afar, the forest grown quieter as the afternoon current swept branches of trees and clouds darkened.
“Oh, the little girl is home~”
Dia moved to put away the bag when Mari turned to see the crimson-haired huntress coming from the direction of the forest. Her clothes a bit tattered but it wasn’t dirty or torn, she was okay from head to toe. Mari pressed a bit about full moon earlier, maybe Ruby sudden outburst last night is due to the moon. Dia doesn’t want to indulge for details, though, at least not today.
“I’ll stop here for today,” Golden speck of dusts warmed to her once before the vampire bowed, setting her foot aside and ready to leave. “Good day, Dia.”
Ruby was baffled to see Mari there but she didn’t raise any voice to greet the vampire guest as she brushed past. The crimson-haired huntress looked at the door way to see Dia stood still, blandness colored her facade.
“Good luck, little vampire.”
The little vampire didn’t look back to where the whisper went; with the small hope she clenched in her fist for everything to be okay, she steeled her way.
“I ... I’m back, Onee-chan.”
Not even a minuscule shift of the usual warm, welcoming smile was present, of course, that has to be expected from her sister. Those emerald examined her, then Dia handed the paper bag she’s holding to meet her gaze; Ruby only blinked.
“It’s for you, from Mari-san,” it was off, void of any emotion. “So you still have your sweet tooth.”
Ruby received the bag, checking the popping stalks of candies from Takami Wondrous Shop inside. Dia turned back to hug the direction of her room, but with a pause. “How long do you intend to stand there? Come on in. The night will be here soon.”
The raven-haired huntress finished her part, Ruby was beyond surprised, watching the back disappeared to ascend the stairs and to the door of Dia’s room.
 How many times has passed since both of them had been living happily?—the question popped inside the huntress’ mind, swirling in the direction where her heart speaks.
 Dia clutched the contradiction in her heart, her staggering mind, and her own answer.
{‘I can’t accept her / I wish the things can change.’}
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hvti · 7 years
AFTG!Siblings AU
Louisa Anastasia Damia Josten (Damia Dolores Wesninski) 
Damia (english. “to tame, to subdue, to kill”) Dolores (spanish. “sorrows”)
Louisa (french. “warrior”) Anastasia (greek. “resurrection”)
the name anastasia was given to her by mary when she unofficially adopted her and took her on the run w her & neil
like how neil keeps the middle name abram in all his identities, louisa keeps anastasia in all her identities
she also keeps damia, much to mary’s chagrin
when they were younger neil used to call lousia ‘DD’ for damia dolores
now he calls her sia (which, btw, is hebrew for victory)
she calls him abe & abram in private (mostly abe)
neil was the one to come up with the name louisa when they went to millport
she’s nathan’s and lola’s daughter so she’s neil’s half sister
she’s older than him by a year or two
they look exactly the same so they often had to pretend to be twins
also she’s shorter than him (by like an inch) which he teases her about constantly
btw dolores is the full name of lola and means the same thing
she was born deaf, master at reading lips in 5 different languages (including english, obvi)
also a master at sign language but has hardly ever had a need to use it because she can communicate w neil using eye contact so,
has trouble pronouncing words because of her hearing; her voice is all hollow and choppy
neil finds comfort in it anyway
super strong & super fast; her arms are thick and muscular af
she has a curvy athletic w a tiny waist that’s super sexy btw un f
also she can most definitely bench press anyone of the the foxes
maybe not matt or kevin but,
can also run as fast as neil
she isn’t a ‘rabbit’ like neil is though
she also doesn’t have an obsession w exy like neil does either, she only plays to be closer to him
she’s a dealer btw
she’s also a freakin’ amazing dealer like woah
she tends to be quiet and aloof; louisa usually only speaks out of irritation or to defend neil when necessary
part of the reason she doesn’t bother communicating is cus it’s too bothersome to try and talk to people who either 1. don’t know asl or 2. can’t read her like neil can
she has sociopathic tendencies,,
maybe borderline psychopathic
she gets pissed easily (but it doesn’t show thanks to her usually display of blank indifference)
enjoys picking on people; she has a dark and sarcastic sense of humor
also,,, she’s v sadistic and has a temper that rivals her fathers
it’s a couple of the things she inherited from nathan besides his looks
loves toying with her enemies and prolly feels most alive when she’s in a fight and/or about to kill someone
she killed a lot of nathan’s men while on the run
usually when his people found them she’d be the first to figure it out & tell mary to take neil and run ahead & she’d catch up with them when she was done
at the beginning she cared only for neil; she’s always had a strong sense of loyalty, devotion, & maternal instincts towards neil ever since he was born
neil is the only person louisa treats with a sort of gentleness
i.e. when she touches him: her fingers are always light and soft as if she’d break if she put too much force,
she often plays with his hair, it relaxes him,
they cuddle a lot
they’ve done it ever since they were kids, it started when neil was too afraid to go to sleep at night cus of his father
when they first moved into the fox tower louisa would sneak into neil’s dorm room and cuddle w him for the first few weeks
(they also shared the couch when they were staying w wymack before school started),
she’d sometimes sing lullabies or tell random, made up stories to help calm him down when he has nightmares or panics, despite her voice
neil highkey finds her voice very soothing
when she becomes closer to the foxes she becomes just as fiercely protective of them as she is of neil (but, ofc, she’ll always hold neil to a higher standing lmao)
she also starts talking with them, not by much tho like a short sentence every now and then
but the foxes learn to read louisa as well as neil can so
they also as neil to teach them asl to surprise louisa (when they showed her she had the biggest smile on her face and so much love in her eyes all of the foxes started crying; except andrew ofc)
she’s never cared for neil’s mother, like, at all
it was mostly because mary beat neil and no one hurts neil
whenever mary would raise her hand to beat neil louisa would crush her wrists or bruise her ribs in return
nothing too major cus they needed mary to still be able to run when needed
she respected mary on some level tho because she stole money and ran to protect neil which lousia can relate too
tho lousia wouldn’t have been so cowardly. she would’ve just killed nathan
she isn’t scared of nathan, her mother or the moriyamas like neil is
she doesn’t have nightmares
she doesn’t live in constant fear for her life
she isn’t worried about making it through the year alive
she isn’t worried about becoming like her father (she basically is as this point)
she isn’t afraid of her natural appearance because it looks too much like nathan’s
she is afraid of not being strong enough to protect neil
she’s afraid of losing him; it’s the one thing she has nightmares about
she’s very skilled with knives and carries like 50 different sized ones on her person at all times
she actually has a great sense of fashion
she hated the shit mary made her and neil wear and lowkey blames mary for neil’s sad excuse for fashion
when mary dies she fixes neil’s wardrobe
she usually only wears pants & long sleeve shirts & jackets
not because she’s hiding her scars tho (which, trust me, she has a lot of scars, like 50% of her body has scars and she get more when she goes with neil to evermore)
she actually likes her scars; she’s quite proud of them, shows she’s survived a lot of shit
part of the reason she covers up is cus of neil (ofc)
when he used to he see her scars he was also reminded of how most of those were because of him, because louisa was protecting him
he always hated that he could never protect her when all she’s done is protect him
he often feels like a burden to her and her scars kinda amplify his self-hate
and louisa noticed this a long time ago so, she covers up
the other have of the reason is cus it helps to hide her disgustingly large amount of knives (like srsly she has so many)
she often forgets to put in her contacts at times or redye her hair when her roots start growing so neil has to remind her
even though louisa is way more like nathan then neil will ever be, he always feels safe with her and loves her more than anything else in the world
he’s just as protective of louisa as she is of him
tho he spent his life running so he isn’t has strong as she is and can’t protect her like she can protect him
he’ll try to nonetheless ofc cus: martyr.
and being the Sass Master that he is neil is always the first one to drag a bitch verbally when they insult louisa
neil does the talking, louisa does that fighting; brain and brawns i guess you could say???
btw louisa is a history geek like kevin is (her favorite is mythology)
remember when i mentioned louisa telling neil stories?
most of them are mythology ones
her best subject is history
surprisingly enough louisa becomes closest with nicky, renee & kevin
she’s close w all of the foxes ofc
but nicky is her Sunshine
and renee gets her the most besides andrew
but andrew is neil’s and she respects that
and for some reason her and kevin share this weird bond and they become inseparable like she is w neil
and to the utter shock of everyone louisa is also as close w aaron as she is w neil & kevin
and i know this is an unpopular opinion but i like aaron
i hate his homophobic slurs with a passion but Goddess Nora mentioned that he became that way because of the environment that he grew up in
and i feel like aaron has potential to be better (there are so many aaron hcs out there that relate to how i perceive him in this hc but im too lazy to find them and link them,,)
so! somehow, someway aaron and louisa have a bonding moment idk what yet i haven’t thought that far yet
(and this is basically an about hc not a fic hc so,,,)
i do know that it happens sometime after the drake incident possibly??? idk
and they talk, a lot mostly in asl (besides neil, andrew and herself aaron is the best at asl)
aaron confesses to her about all the shit he went through with her mom and andrew and how he hates andrew or that he hates nicky
and he tells her how he hates himself the most and that he doesnt really hate andrew or nicky and that he wants to be better
so louisa helps him, listens to him when he needs an ear, drops little pieces of advice here and there
and no one knows this is going on for like the longest time
they only find out when nicky catches aaron and louisa sitting on the couch together in their dorm room playing video games and aaron is at shouting in disbelief because how can someone whos never played a goddamn video game in her life be so fucking good!? and louisa cackling like a freakin’ cartoon villain as she continues to crush aaron in w/e game they were playing
nicky was Shook
he told everyone of course
or something like that again idk,,,
also, louisa doesn’t go pro like neil does
instead, she becomes ichirou’s right hand
when neil finishes talking to ichirou about his life, ichirou tells neil to wait outside while he talked to louisa
and ichirou asks louisa if she wants the same thing her brother wanted
and louisa was confused cus like she didn’t say or do anything during the entire time ichirou was talking with neil so why ask?
she didn’t care what she did when she got out of collage as long as she was near neil so she can protect him
but neil had andrew to protect him now so… was she really needed?
ichirou spoke to her about how she killed her father’s men (he got reports i guess, nathan’s men were kengo’s men technically)
people were sent to the last place they heard from nathan’s followers and they found their bodies bloody and mangled
louisa smirked ever so slightly, nodding her head to ichirou’s implied question (“was it you?”)
so, ichirou makes a different deal with louisa and she becomes his right hand and is held at a much, much higher status than nathan
i don’t know how i’d want their relationship to be though im caught between it being just a business thing, a way for her to protect neil from the inside as well
or have them have like a mutual respect for each other w louisa being almost as fiercely loyal to him as she is to neil (but again, neil will always be #1)
i also kinda want her and ichirou to get together at some point
most likely when louisa graduates from college
p.s. when her and neil get kidnapped by nathan and lola louisa puts up a hell of a fight
like she hurts lola bad
and nathan too
but they drugged her so she was pretty weak and couldn’t kill them like she wanted
it was the most scared she’s ever been cus lola was hurting neil while nathan was hurting her and she knew lola was only toying with neil for fun but god what is lola killed him?
she’s never felt more useless in her life
is was also the first time she’s ever felt so scared
p.s.s. louisa does change her name officially to louisa anastasia damia josten w neil
i think that’s it for now? maybe i’ll write lil drabbles or smth in the future?? i’ve never been good at writing but i do wanna see louisa come to life,,, the struggle is real
i might post more of louisa on here or my writing blog @principi and my main blog is @cimelio
also if you want come talk to me about hcs!!! i love sharing ideas n junk lmao
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k-histoires-blog · 7 years
Introduction of the admins
Hello everyone,
This is a new account all about K-pop, K-dramas, anime and what not. We will post fanfictions written by us, drawings we made, and a lot more. Please keep in mind that none of us is a professional in any way in writing, drawing etc. We started this account purely for fun and to connect and interact with other people in the world who enjoy K-pop, K-dramas, etc. This account is a creative outlet for us and critique and criticism is always welcome. We will try our best to listen to your complaints or tips and change our account/content for the better.
Never be afraid to leave a comment or ask us a question because that is why we started this blog. However, all of the admins do have a personal life and school/university so we will not be able to reply or post content all the time. We hope you understand this and support us anyway.
Another important thing to be addressed is the matter of plagiarism. We will NOT accept any form of plagiarism for the work we post here was made by us and nobody else. It took us hard work and time to create all the stories and other things, so if anyone decides to use (some) of our work, we will take action. If anyone sees content of ours on another blog - or somewhere else on the internet - without our permission, please report this to us and we will take action. Thank you in advance.
That said, we would like to introduce ourselves individually.
Admin Bluebell:
Hey everyone,
I am the admin called Bluebell or also known as the thick thighs enthusiast (I am looking at you Jimin, Jungkook, Jooheon, Wonho, Shownu etc.). My real name is Fleur and like the other admins I am Dutch. I got into K-pop, I think, at the end of 2015. The first group to spark my interest was EXO and since then I was hooked. My bias in EXO went from Chen to Chanyeol to Baekhyun and D.O. If I could listen to D.O. sing every day for the rest of my life I would be a happy girl.
However, after seeing a certain clip of BTS I started stanning them and my life changed forever. (cheesy I know). At first my bias was Taehyung, then Jimin decided to creep in my life and screw up my feelings but since about 7 months I have found my ultimate bias. It is the one and only leader Kim Namjoon. I could rant for nine years about why I love him so much but no one has that much time. I like a lot of other artists as well, such as BTOB (after BTS they are my favourite group), EXO of course, Monsta X, GOT7, Day6, Shinee, Block B, VIXX, NCT, Big Bang, MAMAMOO, EXID, Red Velvet, Twice, f(x), Girls Generation, Dean, Zion. T, Heize, Hoody and the list goes on and on.
I’m not a big fan of K-dramas but I am a big fan of (K)-movies. So if you have any recommendations or just want to talk about a movie with me, you can message us!  I also love reading books and especially if they were written by Neil Gaiman. So if you can always message me when you want to geek out about a book or series.
In terms of what I will be posting on this account, you can mainly expect stories and drawings. I know I am still lacking a lot in both of these departments but I will try my best to create interesting and good content. I apologise if my stories won’t be so long because I do struggle with that, but this will not stop me from trying. Also my drawings aren’t the best ever  but I am confident enough to post them!
I think that was all there is to know about me so I am looking forward to running this blog with my fellow two admins and let’s have fun whilst doing so!
Admin Boa:
I'm the admin with the 'second lead syndrome' so if you want to rant about why the second lead deserves the girl/ how unfair life is you've come to the right place!
My real name is Frédérique but everyone calls me Freddie. I'm 18 years old (20.11.1998) and I currently live in the Netherlands. My nationality is Dutch but I was practically born and raised in England.
My favourite actors include (not in this order bc I literally can't choose a favourite): Choi Tae Joon, Do Ji Han, Seo Kang Joon, Kim Woo Bin, Lee Jong Suk and many many more!!! My favourite actrices are Park Shin Hye and Kim Go Eun.
I also write fanfiction, badly. But I'll upload my fics anyways. They're mostly boy×boy. I don't write for a specific group because there are a lot of groups that I stan and they all deserve love and attention. My favourite boy group always changes because of comebacks lmao, but I'm very loyal to my favourite girl group f(x). My ultimate bias is SEVENTEEN's Mingyu (he's literally the definition of adorkable).
The underground rap scene also has a lot of music I enjoy listening to (for as far as I know it). My favourite Korean program is SMTM. I recently got into Chinese films so if you would like to recommend any, please do so! I love reading good books so a recommendation is never a bad thing!
If you want to know more about me or like talking about any of the above (and more) please don't be shy and leave a message! The more people to talk with the better!
My personal 'K-pop experience'
I got to know K-pop in 2013 (if we don't count PSY's Gangnam Style) when I watched SHINee's Ring Ding Dong. I found it really funny and different from what I usually listened to since it was something I'd never seen before. I started liking it because it made me laugh. In the beginning for me it just looked really stupid (no offense, I love SHINee and I love Ring Ding Dong but I'd never seen something of the like). I really didn't take it serious. It was only when I saw more and different K-pop groups and their concepts that I started to take K-pop seriously as a hobby. When I watched SWING by Super Junior-M with a friend, that's when I began to see K-pop not only as comedic entertainment, but also as a great music genre with crazy good choreographies.
My first ultimate bias was Taehyung from BTS. I decided that when I saw him in I NEED U. He was gorgeous. Although he's still my BTS bias, my ultimate bias changed about a year later to Mingyu and it has stayed that way.
Groups that I stan off the top of my head are: SEVENTEEN, WINNER, NCT, B.A.P, SHINee, BTS, GOT7, KNK, BLOCK B, DAY6, f(x), Brave Girls, TWICE, FIESTAR, etc.
I also like a lot of soloists including: Crush, DEAN, Jay Park, C.Jamm, BeWhy, and many more!
I'm also taking a course of the Korean language. I'm very bad at learning new languages but I'm trying this anyways! (I'm not very advanced and I forget a lot so don't expect much of it lmao)
This is what I like in short. If you'd like to ask about more personal stuff (within certain boundaries) you're always welcome to do so!
I probably won't post often since I have 0 skills, but I'll be here to chat if you'd like!!
Admin Ana:
Hi everyone!
I'm Admin Ana, best described as a procrastinating perfectionist who tends to abuse the passive voice in her writings a lot. I'm 17 years old, born and raised in the Netherlands and an avid listener to Korean music since June 2016. My hobbies include makeup, music, reading, writing and travelling. I started taking writing seriously about five years ago, and it has been one of my hobbies ever since. Besides writing, I also like to draw. Even though I haven't drawn in a really long time, I'd still consider it one of my favourite things to do. If I pick up the pen and muster up the courage, I might share some of my drawings in the future as well.
Among the three of us, I was the last to start taking a liking to Korean music and Korean dramas and in all honesty, I was a little sceptical about the whole thing at first. Despite my doubts, I decided to give both a try and after watching the first few episodes of Kill Me, Heal Me, I fell in love with all that the Korean entertainment industry has to offer. Besides Kill Me, Heal Me, I've also watched and enjoyed dramas such as Goblin, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, W, Doctors, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo and Chicago Typewriter. Frankly, even after immersing myself in Korean dramas, it still took quite a while before I started appreciating Korean music. Yet, after being introduced to BTS by my fellow admins, I was won over. Soon DEAN and EXO caught my eye as well, and ever since then, I've been a lost cause. In one year’s time, I’ve got to know a lot of artists. Some of my favourites include BIGBANG, Monsta X, Block B, WINNER and GOT7. I'm also an AOMG enthusiast.
On this blog, I'll be mainly posting my drawings and writings. If I feel like promoting a soloist, group or series, I'll do so as well. If you have a question recommendation or request, feel free to message us! I'd love to chitchat a little. If you want to talk or ask us anything on a more serious note, don't hesitate to message us as well.
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