#and if you like fugo great for you! i absolutely do not want to hear about it. but thats great
rmbunnie · 2 years
While I’m on here i have to say its a goddamn tragedy that the jjba fandom went the basic portmanteau/mashup ship name route because its already full of music references so it would be really fun to get creative with it. In a just world fugonara would be called Strawberry Switchblade instead. A single tear is rolling down my face as i type.
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birdwonder · 3 years
Could I have Bucci's gang with a S/O who's always wanting to play with their hair? Just soft tingz😳💞 Please and thank you! (I think Tumblr ate this last time, so here's to hoping skckdk)
Bucci Gang | Playing w/ Hair Headcanons
Bruno Bucciarati
- As someone who clearly takes great care of his hair, Bruno is a little reluctant for anyone to touch his hair, but that's only an internal thought.
- It's absolutely impossible for him to deny any of your wishes and so once you ask, he rests his head on your chest as your fingers weave through his locks - which are a lot silkier than you imagined.
- He likes to read while you play with his hair, knowing he has no where to be later and can spend the rest of the day in your arms.
- It's a two way street too - he adores playing with your hair, if the texture allows it, and hold longer pieces in his palm just to plant a kiss onto the strands.
Leone Abbachio
- Leone acts a little high and mighty about it initially. Like he'd just openly consent to someone playing with his hair - have you met him ? He's not some softie.
- That whole act changes however when you're both lying in bed together, his arm around your waist and eyes shut, ready to fall asleep.
- Usually it's more than enough just to be in your presence for him to fall asleep, something about you bringing peace to his poor mind, but not this night. His face scrunches with every dark thought that pops up and naturally, you're concerned.
- So as an act of soothing, you drag your nails across his scalp gently, releasing the tension of his heavy roots from his head. A few strands twirl around your finger too and you hum a simple song to him.
- Before either of you know it, he's asleep with the faintest of smiles on his lips.
- When he wakes up, he refuses to admit he enjoyed what you had done for him or even acknowledge it happened. That being said, there has been a few occasions where you two have been in bed and he tilts his head just right for you to have perfect access to his scalp so you can soothe him to sleep.
Pannacotta Fugo
- Fugo gets stressed easily - every one who knows him is aware of that, and so as his caring and beyond affectionate lover, you've mastered the art of putting your sweet Panni to ease.
- While he rants and paces the living room, you can tell when he's close to his breaking point. His hands start to shake more than usual and his yelling is getting louder by the second, enough so that the neighbours will be able to hear soon.
- "Panna, hey-- Wanna maybe-- Panna !"
- His entire rant is paused and he turns to see you sitting on the end of the sofa, a finger pointing down at your lap. The sight alone makes a sigh of relief escape.
- In no time at all, his head is resting on your lap, hands moving around to accentuate every point he continues to ramble on about. Meanwhile, you're playing with his hair, twirling strands and moving it all out of his hair.
- The action is enough to make his volume lower and body slowly relax.
- Eventually you both catch each other's gaze and after you smile, he does so too. Words alone can't express how grateful he is to have someone who listens to him as you do.
Narancia Ghirga
- Narancia's hair is a mess. Look at that scruffy bastard, he doesn't keep that shit in check and he hates having to take care of it really.
- You, on the other hand, love to take your best products and lather his hair and wash it out.
- He hated the idea at first but when he realised it meant potentially sharing a bath, he was all over the idea.
- You also brushed his hair for him, combing through it with either a hairbrush or your own fingers. Either or worked fairly well at times and like a cat who wants attention, his head sometimes bumps into your palms as he expects you to brush through his hair for hours on end.
- You wouldn't let him play with your hair though, he'd definitely mess it up.
Guido Mista
- "Take the hat off."
- "No !"
- "Mista, I mean it."
- He's so against taking off his hat for anyone, even you. You reckon it gives him an excuse to not take care of his hair since no one will see it. But you want to play with his curly locks and you will, if it's the last thing you do.
- While Mista, this grown ass man, stands on the other side of the room, pouting and huffing over your request, you hatch a plan to make this all work.
- "Say, Mista, how about you sit in front of me ? If you let me play with your hair, you can keep your head between my thighs."
- And you got him. Hook, line and sinker. He's pressing his cheek pressed against your thigh, facing away from you with the most smitten look on his face ever.
- His hat is soon removed and you're able to twirl and play with all his curls as much as you like.
Giorno Giovana
- Giorno's hair is so majestic you almost refused to touch it at first. It was so long, bright and perfectly braided . . . If you touch it it might turn to dust.
- A ridiculous thought, you know, but you were still so worried about messing it up.
- It wasn't until he caught you staring at his hair that Giorno smiled and beckoned you over.
- Once seated behind him, he pulled the band that held his braid together out and let his gold locks flow down his back, much to your amazement.
- You looked to him, waiting for approval which he granted with a simple nod. With that you began to play with his hair, feeling the softness between your fingertips, surprised how well-kept it is.
- As you play with his hair, Giorno melts into your touch and leans his back onto your chest. Being a Don is hard but if anyone can relieve the stress, it's you.
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beneathashadytree · 3 years
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Warnings : literally one kiss, this is canon-divergent because everyone is alive and well, Fugo is roughly twenty year-old in this, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : hurt/comfort, fluff
Word count : 1.0K words
Synopsis : Fugo's lover has been MIA for the past couple of days, and he's hell-bent on figuring out why.
Requests : Are closed for the time being.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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Three knocks came on the bedroom door, and I hummed back before I could hear the click of it unlocking as the person came in.
"Hey," a familiar voice came from behind me, causing me to turn in my chair and face my silver-haired boyfriend, an apparent frown on his face as he approached me slowly, "Is everything alright with you?"
With a nod, I gestured with my free hand at the papers scattered all over the desk I sat in front of, "Yeah, just been keeping myself busy today so I haven't gone out of the room much since last night."
"I see," Fugo eyed the mess for a brief moment, before almost-impatiently turning back to me, "You've been missing my calls for the past couple of days now, so I got worried..."
As he trailed off, he began not-so-subtly inspecting the state my room was in. While it wasn't a pig sty, it wasn't exactly what one would call an organized mess either. He could very easily spot the multitude of colorful clothes draped miscellaneously over the furniture, the half-empty mugs of coffee, the toppled bottles of water, and the odd bits and pieces haphazardly thrown in every nook and cranny. With just a once-over, he could easily tell that things weren't going as well as I would try to make them seem.
Instead of asking the obvious questions, he gently placed his hand atop my head of unbrushed hair, "Have you been eating well?"
"Decently enough," I shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed under his calculating stare, "I've ordered take-out more than I should've, though."
"Korean food?"
Mindlessly, I replied, "Yeah, quite often actually, I---" halting, I narrowed my eyes, only to see him with his own eyebrows arched, "Pannacotta, you tricked me."
With a sigh, he shook his head, "You're so out of it that you didn't notice that you were giving me the answer I wanted,"  slowly so as not to cause the chair to wobble, he lowered himself to sit on the armrest beside me, hand continuing to gently pet my hair, the soothing motion causing me to lean into his touch, "Korean food's your comfort food, so there's definitely something upsetting you."
Finally setting down the pencil in my hand on the desk, I heaved out, momentarily closing my eyes as I struggled. I didn't know whether or not it was wise to speak right now, but I knew that shutting him out even further would only serve to agitate the both of us---especially Pannacotta, who was a habitual worrywart and would definitely stress himself over the most minute details concerning us, even if he never admitted it out loud.
"Fugo," I called out after a minute's silence, glancing off to the side as I asked the question that's been weighing so heavily on my mind for the past God-knows-how-long, "Do you still love me?"
"Of course I do," he paused his stroking of my hair, a small scowl etching on his face as he pulled back to stare at me intently, his calloused palms stopping to cup my cheeks and forcing me to maintain eye contact with him, "Have I accidentally made you feel like otherwise?"
Shaking my head furiously, I denied that instantly, "Absolutely not, you've been nothing but great! I just," wincing a bit at the thought, I averted my eyes once again, "Have been in my head for quite a bit. I heard that some couples fall out of love after being together for so long. Many stories of that happening, you know."
Within a split-second, his lips fell on mine in a passionate kiss, one that left my lips tingling and my skin heating up, and his cheeks dusted pink, after having uncharacteristically initiated the intimate gesture. Vermillion eyes softened infinitely, while his fingers slid down to hold mine and give them a firm squeeze.
"Love, we've been dating since we were both sixteen," Fugo gave me a small smile, the fond look on his face matching the equally loved memories that came with saying it out loud, "You've handled so much crap with me, and so many dangerous instances when we both could've dropped dead. If that's never pushed either of us away from each other, I doubt anything will," he chuckled after that, "Hell, I don't think I've ever had the lid blown off my anger with you around, and believe me, that's saying something."
"Narancia sure has the opposite effect on you," I lightly teased him, earning a roll of his pretty eyes, before his face turned serious once again.
"I could ask Giorno for a couple of days off missions," he suggested, "I'm sure he wouldn't mind it if I told him I wanted to stay with my partner. He's got a million other subordinates."
Frowning, I protested, "But you're brilliant, not having you around would definitely affect things," I tried to wave him off, "Plus, all I wanted to ask for was some reassurance. I wouldn't want to take up more of your time then I have already. You've got to have been worrying about me already when I'd gone all MIA on you."
"I want to spend some time alone with you," he insisted, before earnestly looking at me for a beat, bashfully looking away as he spoke again, the sincere words causing him to shy away, "And... you can ask me as much as you want, I’ll say I love you each time."
Heart melting in my chest at what he'd just said, I wondered; just how blessed was I to have this man as my boyfriend? He was far from perfect, and just as flawed as you'd expect someone in his position to be, but what he was was inherently sincere and genuine in the way that he loved; so much so, that even if I had moments where I doubted his affections, he was quick to dispel my worries with nothing more than his frank assurances---and the fact that he knew me like the back of his hand meant that he would never fail to cast a spell of warmth on me whenever I did need him the most---something I would never cease to do.
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Taglist: @mrsgiovanna @blondeboyfriend @boorishbrambling
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webofpassione · 3 years
Small Breaks
Fugo x Reader
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Content Warnings: References to Polygamy
When Fugo was having a bad day, you normally offered to go and spend some time with him. He’d be in a foul mood for the entire time but you took more care to step around any potential triggers than the others often did (Giorno being an exception).
Bucciarati had been on the fence about letting you go out on a night mission with Fugo for multiple reasons. Danger, sleep schedules, and all the other stressors that would come but Giorno was exhausted and you were more than willing to argue your case. So, with about twenty promises to stay in the car and more emergency phones than you knew what to do with, you’d headed out.
It was a long drive and you spoke for none of it.
Your time was spent staring out the window and watching the scenery creep by in the darkness, pretending your hands weren’t interlocked between the seats.
The mission went off perfectly though you didn’t really want to know how Fugo managed to pull it off in record time. With the purple cloud you’d seen drifting up from the old barn, you guessed it didn’t go too well.
Flames licked up the side of the building as you drove away. Bucciarati hated causing destruction to property but it was often the only way to get rid of manufacturing hubs.
And then, in the middle of absolutely nowhere, the car started spluttering.
It came to a lurching stop in the middle of the road, wheezing until it went quiet and darkness wrapped around the vehicle like a blanket. It was so dark that you couldn’t see in front of you properly.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Fugo snarled as he shoved open the door and marched out.
You climbed out your side, eyes flickering across the dark land around you. There was nothing around. You checked the wheels while he desperately tried to get the car started again.
Sighing, you leaned against the side of the car and looked up at the sky. Clouds covered the stars and your gazing was cut short when the entire car trembled under the force of a kick.
“Get inside before something comes and grabs you!” Fugo snapped.
You slid inside and yawned. It was getting really late, actually, the clock having crept past midnight without your notice. “Should we call somebody?”
“I’m already doing that.”
Shrugging, you crawled into the backseat, purposefully bumping his shoulder with your hips just a little. “Want to join me here after you’re done? We can cuddle until they come and get us.”
Fugo didn’t answer, speaking quickly to whoever answered the phone. You got the idea that your rescue would be arriving in just over an hour – not too long at all.
He hung up and you repeated your question.
“If we fall asleep, we’re going to be vulnerable,” he hissed.
“I didn’t say anything about sleep but it’s going to get cold,” you said. “And I have blankets because I’m quite sure they expected me to pass out early.”
“I expected that too.”
You rolled your eyes. “Suit yourself but if you’re going to insist on staying there, let’s see if we can share the blanket.”
You didn’t have to figure out a way because after realising your insistence, Fugo joined you in the backseat. He didn’t want to be too close but he didn’t mind having your legs over his lap so that was how you ended up sitting.
He stared out the window while your eyes drifted over him, watching him when he didn’t know you were looking. Even in the dark, there was something about his expressions that just drew you in. They made you curious to know more about the person that was hiding beneath the very irritable exterior.
“Panna,” you said. “Did you hear about the art thing that’s coming to town?”
“Obviously,” he said and you could practically hear him rolling his eyes. “It was announced this morning. I’m not that slow with news.”
“Do you want to go?”
He scoffed. “No, not at all. It’s not like it’s a fascinating exhibition that will be filled with history and provide great opportunities to learn about various art mediums. There’s no way that I would want to go.”
“We can sneak in,” you offered. “We’ll stick a wig on you and you can steal one of Mista’s outfits.”
Fugo’s voice softened. “I don’t think I’d be able to go even if we did that.”
You had been so excited when the art exhibition had been announced out. Narancia had made plans with you to take Fugo on the day of opening but then its location had been announced and your options were destroyed. It was at Fugo’s old university, sponsored and hosted by the artistic courses.
And that, you had known, was the start of his bad day.
“I refuse to go anywhere near that place. If anybody even vaguely recognises me, you know that my parents would hear about it immediately.”
“And then I tell them to go fuck themselves,” you said without entirely meaning to.
Fugo chuckled without humour. “They’d probably tune you out. There’s very little that you can say to get under their skin.”
“You’d be surprised. I’m very good with insulting people,” you laughed. “I mean, you never know. It’s been years since you’ve spoken to them. Maybe they’ve forgotten you exist.”
“That would be lucky. Maybe they’ve died but I think I’m being a tad too hopeful with that.”
You laughed properly at that and Fugo joined in, the sounds reverberating around the car and almost melting some of the ice in the air. It became more comfortable afterwards; your conversation circling more on him than it normally did.
An hour passed without your notice, cuddling under the thick blanket until you glanced out the window.
“The clouds have passed,” you pointed out. “Come on, let’s stargaze.”
Fugo frowned a little but then he met your eyes and you watched the protest disappear.
The moon gave you a bit of light – though it wasn’t enough. The sleepiness seemed to vanish as you flopped down onto your back, the blanket sprawled beneath you, and your arms behind your head. Hundreds upon thousands of stars stretched across the inky sky, their twinkling lights making you grin.
Fugo lay down beside you, his side brushing against yours. There was a moment of hesitation and then he took your free hand and laced his fingers with yours.
“I used to make up my own constellations as a kid,” he said. “I don’t know why but I always liked to find new patterns rather than identifying the ones that I was taught.”
“You were taught constellations?” you asked. “Why?”
“I don’t know why I was taught most things. Probably just bragging rights.”
You shuffled closer, the cold nipping at your exposed skin now that you didn’t have a blanket. When Fugo didn’t respond poorly, you snuggled against his side. “It’s pretty incredible how much you can remember,” you said. “How does it feel to be the smartest in the group?”
“Giorno’s smarter.”
You raised your head so you could frown at him. “What?”
Fugo seemed confused. “Giorno? He’s considerably smarter than I am. Have you not seen some of the ideas he comes up with?”
“Giorno’s good at thinking on his feet but he’s not smarter than you because of that. He takes chances that pay off. Trust me Panna, you’re smarter than like half of us combined.”
“If you’re including Narancia in that half, it isn’t saying much.”
You pushed his arm, trying not to laugh at that. “Don’t be mean. Nara is just smart in other ways. After all, nobody else would have the solution of, ‘If he doesn’t want to go to the show, we should steal the artwork and bring it here’.”
“Please tell me you’re not going to be doing that.”
You made a sign of zipping your lips. Sure, both you and Bucciarati had said no to the idea but that rarely meant Narancia wouldn’t do it. Especially because he’d have Giorno on his side this time around.
The others showed up not too long after and you passed out on the way home, your head against Fugo’s shoulder.
And sure enough, when the day of the exhibition rolled around and you took him for breakfast in the morning, you arrived home to find several canvases sitting in the living room.
It wasn’t a big deal. They’d return it.
After, you made them promise. After, the university has already gotten in trouble and gets banned from hosting another event again.
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mistaeq · 4 years
One scoop of Bucci gang HCs for the first time quiet reader bursts out laughing in front of them please!
Bucciarati Gang: with a Quiet s/o who Bursts out Laughing
TW // none
Thank you for your request! Bucciarati Gang, my favourite dorky compatriots <3 hope you enjoy, I had fun writing these!
Bucciarati Gang with a quiet s/o who bursts out laughing in front of them, neutral!s/o
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You first burst out laughing in front of Giorno when nature itself betrays him and he can't stop sneezing because of the pollen coming from a flower he had grown himself. Karma? An unlucky day? You may never know.
Having been with Giorno a lot, you learnt that plant's effect isn't dangerous, so you can look at your boyfriend getting mad over sneezes, and he's absolutely hilarious. You're sorry that this is happening to him, don't get it twisted, but seeing his chill behavior get lost for this mess is priceless.
He's not only pissed off because he keeps on sneezing, but he's also pissed off because he'd totally like to hear that unexpected laughter of yours clearly, without his sneezes covering it every now and then. He doesn't know when this chance might ever come back, and he wants to clearly hear you.
His frantic and clumsy moves while his nose keeps on betraying him cause his perfectly donut shaped hairstyle to ruin, golden locks falling on his forehead and his braid becoming a messy load of fluffy hair covering his neck.
"Y/n... will you..." sneeze. "..w-will you stop staring..." sneeze. "..it's kinda embarrassing... m-mamma mia..." sneeze. "..but no... no, don't stop laughing... p-plea.. a.." s n e e z e.
After he manages to stop sneezing, his shocked look and his red cheeks let a last giggle come from you, as you hold him tight and leave a sweet peck on his nose. You caress his hair, you find him so attractive even without his signature hairstyle, and that's worth some sneezes, isn't it.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Leone when you hear him curse in front of his mirror because his clothes won't fit him anymore. His chest was too broad.
Abbacchio chose not to use curse words in front of you, that's why when you catch him red handed, swearing and cursing at his clothes, you can't help finding him funny. As soon as he hears you laughing, he winces and turns around.
"Fuck... come on... why won't this fit..." he was pulling the irremovable fabric on his shoulder. "Maybe my chest is now too big... what the hell, come on... mamm ro Carmn... [Neapolitan dialect for: Carmine's mom. Not a cute thing to say. It's an angry neapolitan "mamma mia".]" then, he heard you laughing, and winced.
When he sees the big smile on your face when you lovingly laugh at him, he's petrified. He hates hearing this type of laughing, because it's the exact thing Mista and Narancia do all the time. But on you? You sound so happy and relieved, and Leone likes it. For real.
He just stands there, half his chest and a shoulder being naked, looking like a disheveled princess. Too funny. He huffs and ignores you, to make you think he's annoyed. But you know him too well, and know that if he's hiding his face, it's because he's actually smiling, too.
You hug him from behind, looking at your reflection in the mirror still in front of him. Abbacchio looks over his naked shoulder, right where you are, leaving a tender kiss on his skin, before giggling once again. He turns around, and kisses you, leaving his purple lipstick all over your cute mouth. He likes your laughter better, like this.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Guido when you're practising together with cooking. And he just can't believe it, when you laugh so hard just for a pun of his. You are baking some good bread to share it with the gang.
He takes your hand and smiled. "Are you a garden, y/n?" Guido asks you, before throwing a handful of flour on you. "Because I feel like my love for you is FLOURishing!" you burst out laughing, holding onto him, spreading flour on his apron, too.
That genuine, happy laugh really warms his heart, he feels his knees get weaker and his negative thoughts fly away. He could listen to that forever. Mista is just so shocked. It takes for him a couple of seconds to realize what happened, before he finally holds you back.
Seeing you silent all day makes him kinda sad, and one of his dreams was making you laugh like that. He has been putting a lot of effort for that, but manages to do it only when he's his actual self, with a simple pun.
"My love for you is FLOURishing too, Guido..." you manage to answer, your cheeks obtaining a cute, irresistible red color, as you get on tiptoe and peck his beautiful lips. He's totally enamored, he's under your spell and can't believe you answered his pun so well.
When you get back to your work, he sometimes still hears you giggle, thinking of how bad yet cheesy that pun was. But it made you unwillingly burst out laughing, so you guess it's okay just the way it is.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Fugo when you see him getting angry over Narancia not knowing maths. Fugo promised himself and Bruno not to physically hurt Narancia again like what happened with the fork in his cheek.
This being said, the only way for Fugo to express his anger is screeching on his chair. When you hear that sound coming from your boyfriend, you can't hold back your laughter. It was so unexpected and someway unbelievably cute. Narancia is just scared.
Fugo hears the angelic bells of love in his heart, as if God himself came down from the paradise and graced his ears with your laughing voice. It immediately calms him down. But if he calms down, you stop laughing.
"Why isn't 8 ÷2 = 3? If I split an 8 in half I get a three!" after hearing Narancia mumbling those words, Fugo screeches again, and you giggle even louder. But you understand the poor boy can't keep on getting angry just to hear you laugh.
That's why you soon stop, approaching Fugo and resting your magical hands on his shoulders, giving him a massage because he's a great teacher and he's doing his best. His moans while you help him relaxing his shoulders make you shyly giggle too.
"Why does this sound sexual?" Fugo wishes he could kill Narancia. But he's too focused on your hands working on his shoulders to care, and quietly screeches as you giggle again.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Narancia when you see Fugo getting angry over him not knowing maths. Narancia is shook, kinda confused on why what he wrote isn't correct.
Fugo screeches on his chair, he promised not to hurt your boyfriend, who shows you his paper, looking at you with a questioning look, probably asking you why what he wrote is wrong. You burst out laughing as you read. Narancia is a complete mess.
As soon as he hears you, he completely forgets about maths for a second, focusing on the sound of your beautiful laughter. Narancia is baby, if the person he loves the most laughs, he doesn't care what's the reason, he laughs with you. Then, he kinda remembers why you started giggling in first place.
"For real though. Y/n, why isn't 8 ÷ 2 = 3? If I split an 8 in half I get a three!" after hearing Narancia mumbling those words, you laugh even harder, desperate Fugo witnessing your boyfriend throwing away his maths notebook and run into your arms.
You're usually so silent and he may never know when he's gonna hear you again like that. You two laugh together so much that you start panting, your faces red with big smiles and almost sweating.
"Why does this look sexual?" Narancia wishes he could kill Fugo. But he's too focused on your little giggles and your cute smile as you lean on his shoulder and kiss his cheek. He might be not so perfect in maths, but he's perfect in making you so happy.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Trish after you trip on a piece of furniture and risk falling on the ground. But as soon as your body touches the ground, you feel it jiggly and soft, bouncing a little on it.
Just a moment before you thought you were gonna get a few bruises after falling on the ground, but now you're just there, happily bouncing on Spicy Lady's brand new jiggly floor and laughing out loud, staring at your girlfriend's surprised expression.
You've never laughed like that before, and Trish is pleasantly surprise to see that her stand's work has such a good effect on your mood and on you, in general. She might consider making more objects jiggly, if this is what you like. All she cares about is seeing you happy and amused.
"Tell me, y/n..." she gets closer to your figure jumping and loudly giggling, and stares at you with loving eyes. "Would you mind it, if I jumped with you too? You look like you're having fun..."
You couldn't ask for anything more. You moved a little to let Trish join you, grabbing both your hands and jumping along with you, finally laughing so you can see her beautiful smile, even though she's the one who cares about seeing yours. Your girlfriend would do anything for you... even disobey Bucciarati.
"You... you two had to clean the house while we were away... it was your turn, this morning!" the capo's jaw fell as soon as he saw the mess Spicy Lady had done. Nothing that couldn't be fixed, but what matters is that afterwards, you and her laugh together remembering Bucciarati's expression. Then, she kisses your smile in case it would take a lot for it to come back.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Bruno when his stand disobeys him and opens a zipper through a wall to reach for your room and cuddle with you.
His shocked face and Sticky Fingers's cute, happy sounds are too hilarious for you to keep a serious expression. You're so used to see Bucciarati as the authoritarian type of person who has everything under his control, but now he doesn't and he's quite panicking.
Even more shocking for Bruno is seeing how you actually let his stand cuddle with you, a warm laughter coming from your sweet lips, he loves so much. Music for his tired capo ears.
He can't help staring at you with a loving smile. Moments like these don't happen that much, and God knows when you're gonna do that beautiful sound again. He secretly thanks Sticky Fingers for doing all of this, but since it's his soul, there's no need to say it out loud.
"Your laugh is one of the best sounds my ears ever witnessed, tesoro. I might want Sticky Fingers to disobey me more, if this is the result..." then, he'd bring a hand of yours to his lips and kiss it, kiss your smile, kiss your precious laughter.
Even if you stop laughing, Bruno enjoys your little giggles while his stand strokes your hair and purrs when you caress its head. As the user feels what the stand feels, your hand caressing Sticky Fingers caresses Bruno too, and he'll eventually giggle with you.
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Lyrical Dissonance (Giorno X Female!Reader) (Slight NSFW)
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For @bebeplum​ 
Sorry, I couldn’t find any other gif that matched :’D
When he first met her, Giorno thought of her similar to a fairy or a pixie. Delicate, tiny, and innocently adorable with her (e/c) eyes shining. It did come across as a little odd as to why she would want to join the mafia, but Giorno chalked it up for her own personal reasons. After all, he was the same way. But when she joined, he promised to protect her from those who were willing to harm her. Just like he was when he needed to protect Trish. After all, she was a sweet, innocent, cute, and lovely girl lost in a sea of wolves (and Trish). 
Not that she’d ever know, of course. 
After all, it wasn’t as if he had a crush on her or anything. 
It was a beautiful summer day in Naples and Bruno decided that they would all head out to Libeccio’s for lunch. As they made their way down the brilliantly hot highway, the radio was playing out a tune to occupy their while. Giorno gave an extremely small raise of his eyebrow at the song currently playing. It had some, ah, interesting lyrics to put it mildly. 
I’ll make you hot Make you rock I’ll leave the world in shock  He chanced a glance at Trish who was lip-synching to utter perfection along with Narancia trying desperately to follow along. But as he turned his glance to [Y/N], he blinked in slight shock. She was lip-synching as well and was just as good as Trish. As she continued to sing (or rather lip-synch), Giorno focused on her. 
Lip gloss and lollipop. The way her glossy (h/c) (h/l) hair bounced in time.  Let’s rock I wanna pop. Her plump lips, covered in a gentle pink lip gloss. Can’t take your eyes off of me. The little crinkle of her nose dotted in freckles.  I’m all that you see. The sparkle in her eyes that managed to take his breath. 
“Giorno,” Fugo’s voice whispered. “Giorno, you’ve been staring at [Y/N] for quite a while now. Are you alright?” 
Giorno blinked and turned to Fugo, who raised an eyebrow. Feeling a slight heat to his cheeks, he nodded and turned to look out the window, hoping that nobody would notice. But Narancia and Mista did and they looked at each other with the most devious of smirks. Narancia whispered something in [Y/N]’s ear and [Y/N], bless her heart, nodded with a happy smile.    It was about ten minutes that Giorno’s emotions cooled down some that another song began to play. This time, Narancia, Mista and Trish were singing quite loud at the chorus, to which Giorno and Fugo looked at each other in confusion. Now what was going on? Suddenly, the scent of coconut shampoo made itself known to Giorno. 
My lips like sugar.  My lips like sugar.  This candy got you sprung. This candy got you sprung.
Her voice, soft and rich like velvet, was whispering in Giorno’s ear and down his neck. Immediately, his eyes widened and he turned to see starry (e/c) eyes. The plump pink lips that were begging to be kissed smiled in a purely wonderful way. 
So call me your sugar. So call me your sugar.  You love you some.  You love you some. 
She leaned in and whispered in a breathless hush, “I’m sweet like sugar~.” 
Giorno’s heart was racing as that beautiful face neared his, teasing him as those long eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings in his face. As his mind overloaded a mile a minute, he felt sweat run down his body and heat flush his face and neck. 
Everyone, sans Bruno who was driving, watched as the Don of Passione himself was turning redder than a hot raspberry pie in the oven. His expression was that of a flustered man who had absolutely no idea what to do in a situation like this. 
A far cry from the stoic boy that brought Passione back to its heroic roots. 
“Giorno,” Fugo waved a hand over the Don’s face. “Giorno, are you okay?” 
“Oh my gosh,” Mista put a hand over his mouth in awe. “I think he’s in shock.” At that, he looked to Narancia who had a similar expression on his face. “I think we might have actually broke this poor man for the very first time.” 
“This just in,” Narancia chirped. “Giorno.exe has crashed for the first time in like ever! Put this down in the calendars or something!” 
 “No need,” Abbacchio smirked, holding a camera. “I recorded the whole thing.” 
[Y/N] frowned. Broke Giorno? She didn’t want to break Giorno. She thought that it would be a great bonding exercise for all of them. Determined to right this, she gently placed her hand on his cheek and caressed it. Oh, it was so smooth! She looked into his eyes, which were in a new dimension. 
“Giorno,” [Y/N]’s sweet voice chirped. “Giorno, can you hear me?” She pulled her bottom lip out in a pout and her eyes sparkled. “Oh, Gio. I’m so sorry! I thought it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.” 
“O-Oh, um,” Giorno blinked, looking at [Y/N]. They arrived at Libeccio now. “It’s fine, I promise. None of you meant any harm by it.” He gave a reassuring smile. 
“Thanks, Gio,” [Y/N] smiled. “It means the world to me!” 
And then, she finished it off by giving him a nice, deep smooch on the forehead. 
Bruno couldn’t see what was happening, but he heard everything and couldn’t help but smile. Even though Giorno was the Don of Passione, he was still just the same age as Trish and [Y/N], so there was no helping some boyish crush. He hoped that one day, Giorno would be comfortable enough with his emotion brain that he could tell [Y/N] about his true feelings. 
But for now, it would have to wait. Maybe there could be a chance at an internal self-discovery of the romantic heart. 
“A-Ah! Giorno, are you alright?” 
“Quick! Get some water!” 
“Buccellati, Giorno’s brain performed an illegal function and needs to reboot! He fainted!” 
...Or maybe there could be an intervention. That works too!
I always headcanon Giorno at someone who is very new to the world of romance and thus has no idea what to do. He may be adept at fighting. Romance on the other hand...
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Bucci gang hc with a female team member that's always tired and sleeping but has lightning fast reflexes? Like, she's always tired and sluggish but she always manages to survive and complete missions. Every. Single. Dang. Time.
Didn't write dialogue for Abba because his HC was so long already.
Bucci gang w/ a chronically tired S/O HC
The least worried of the group, but still somewhat concerned.
He knew what you were capable of. He took you in after seeing the extent of your abilities. It didn't matter what the gang thought of you at first, they would eventually understand, was what he told you.
He's never seen someone so physically drained in his life and he'd love to believe that you may have a clinical condition that explains it.
Gets so frustrated when you don't listen to him during briefings and go to do your things on your own in missions.
It's so dangerous and he gets so scared. Even if you always succeed, sometimes without a single scratch, he still can't help but worry.
He stomps to you and when you think he's going to yell at you or slap you for being so reckless, he instead takes you in his arms, relieved.
"It's only a matter of time until something happens to you... God you scare me..."
Otherwise, he has no problems letting you lean onto him when you're feeling spent, or want to nap on him in the car.
Really? That was the new member Bucciarati trusted and brought in?
He was so pissed and frustrated whenever you laid halfway onto the table during meetings, or dozed off when someone reported for duty.
You were so lazy, undisciplined and churlish he couldn't stand it at times.
Some people, like him, worked their ASSES off to get to where they were, and you were just hunched over and drooling?
He was okay with a member feeling a bit sick or tired occasionally, especially if it was Bruno who overworked, but you were just too much!
He constantly slaps you to wake you up or get your attention and scolds you for it.
The way you handled the missions with such endeavour and skill was so contradictory to your usual slow attitude, he was so surprised.
To be honest he's terrified. How could someone be so two-faced?
But now he finally understood why you had been taken here by Bucciarati. You were indeed a valuable addition to the team, he had to recognize it.
It takes time for him to actually trust you and make sure you won't betray them, but he's still very admirative.
He wouldn't show it but he was a bit worried. About the gang but mostly about you.
He guessed that you had some vitamin defficiency or anemia maybe? That would explain it, but he was no doctor.
He likes to believe that you're not just plain lazy and careless. If Bucciarati took you in, it was for a reason, he wanted to trust you.
And he was absolutely right.
He had been stuck, alone and in the verge of death on one dreadful mission. Nobody was there, and he couldn't call out for help.
He had used Golden Experience as a desperate last resort to call for one of the members, but he had no hope of anyone coming just in time to save him.
He was beyond shocked when, barely a few minutes after his call, you bursted through the place at lightspeed and took him away, not letting anyone even find you as you brought him to safety.
How did you come in so fast? Where were all the enemies? Did you... take them out all by yourself?
"Thank you, Y/N... I... I owe you my life..."
Otherwise, he puts a bunch of flowers and leaves on your hair when you nap.
He was pretty laid-back and lazy himself sometimes too. When he sees you chilling, sleeping, looking all jaded he just chuckles and join you in.
When you join the gang at first, he doesn't doubt that you could be a great spy, or a healer, maybe you could spot enemies like Narancia?
Surely he was NOT prepared for what kind of abilities you truly hid behind your tired and deviant facade.
The way you were fighting and the speed and clarity in your movements, he couldn't even catch everything with his two eyes.
The pistols had called for you, as Mista was in a dire situation and surely enough, you were there mere minutes after. He wondered if you had teleporting abilities or if your Stand gave you some kind of hyper speed. Turns out, you were just that fast.
You told him to hang in there and took his gun to finish off the enemies. Taking them one by one.
Your tone and the energy you had in your voice sent electricity down his spine. You were so... Different than what you has used him to.
You patch him up with expertise and he can't help but stare at you like you were a Godly revelation.
"Not gonna lie Y/N, that was kinda hot..."
Pranks you all day. And I mean ALL DAY.
There's a recurring joke about how you're going to be the first one to die because of how lazy you are and how you're probably gonna fall asleep mid-fight.
Bucciarati does not like those jokes, at all.
Takes great pleasure in waking you up in the loudest and most obnoxious way possible just to see you flinch and panick.
"Giorno, put a centipede in Y/N's ear. Come on it's gonna be fun!"
How do you manage to sleep with him, Mista and Fugo fooling around next to you all the time, that was a grand mystery.
He brings you pizza, claiming 'you need vitamins'. Because everyone knows pizza have the perfect amounts of nutrients...
He's so impressed and admirative of you when you absolutely kill it during missions. It's like you're a completely different person, he doesn't recognize you.
He's your number 1 fanboy, please sign him an autograph because wow, you're so incredible he can't believe you're real.
It's incredibly funny how you immediately start to yawn and sleep in the car right after the Tom Cruise stunts you just pulled 5 minutes ago.
He thinks you're just lazy and he doesn't feel comfortable with you here at first.
Like Abbachio, he wonders what went on Bucciarati's mind to even recruit somebody like you?
But at the same time he's very curious. Did you have some kind of strange disorder he's never heard of?
Every time he saw you, you were either sleeping, slumped over, or just plain out of it.
Are you doing this on purpose to mess with him or piss him off? Because if you are, it's working.
He forces coffee, orange juice, soda, anything down your throat to keep you awake and focused on missions, and when you refuse, he starts biting his nails.
"You better stay focused on this one I swear to God...!"
He's so scared and anxious you're gonna fuck it all up and get someone, or worse even, yourself killed just because you're a careless slug.
When he sees how operational and strong you were and how incredibly fast you acted during missions, his view on you does a complete 180.
In the end, your down-toned presence was very cooling for his angry soul, and he couldn't afford to lose you so stupidly and easily...
The first time she saw you she wasn't too surprised to see you napping and being a bit slow.
You were in the mafia after all, not necessarily the calmest and chillest occupation. It was okay to feel sleepy once in a while... Or all the time.
She even believed that you weren't just tired physically, but rather maybe you were tired of them.
And honestly? She relates.
But when one day on a mission you went from dragging your feet slowly like a drunkard to swiftly grabbing her, lifting her in your arms like she weighted nothing and running like a freaking cheetah a second after hearing gunshots, she was FLABBERGASTED.
First of all, WHAT? Second of all, HOW? She is so shaken and her eyes couldn't possibly get any wider. You went from 0 to 100 REAL FAST.
She's even wondering if that's really you holding her right now or if you have been possessed or something.
When you show her a characteristic tired smirk as you run, all her doubts are wiped and she's so charmed and impressed, you litterally and figuratively sweeped her off her feet.
"You... You're amazing Y/N..."
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kirieshhhka003 · 4 years
AbbaGio interacting? I totally live for Abba warming up to Giorno, maybe doing something that shows that he cares for him (even if in silence) like he (secretly) does for the other members of the gang... I read that you want to write about them, sooooo... here’s my request!
Thank you for your request, my precious anonnie💚
Warnings: NSFW
Leone Abbacchio x Giorno Giovanna
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It’s really a mystery how those two ended up dating
You’ll never see them holding hands, kissing, hugging or anything related. They barely talk to each other when the whole gang gathers, and it kinda looks like Abbacchio still hates Giorno
Everything changes once they’re in private. Giorno is touch-starved and clingy, he craves for Leone and his attention and becomes pretty intrusive if doesn’t get it from his boyfriend
Abbacchio loves to quietly come to younger man from behind and grab Giorno’s ass, squeezing soft pliable flesh in his palms. The way green-eyed scowls at older man and says his “Stop it, you stupid” Leone’s chest fills with warmth and utter adoration
Giorno, on the other hand, loves Leone’s chest and often grabs those legendary tiddies. He even gave his boyfriend a special name, meant only for him - “sugar tits”. Oh, how mad Abba gets at this: “Stop calling my chest muscles tits, you fucking dunce!”
They both love indoor dates. Leone is a great chef, he always cooks fancy delicious dinners for two of them. When all the food is eaten, men do dishes afterwards and go watching TV. Abba loves horrors or documentaries about serial killers, meanwhile Giorno prefers comedies or some romantic stuff (but cartoons are his absolute favorite)
Giorno is a young man, he has a ton of energy and vigour. His vivacity is so contagious, even always sluggish Abbacchio starts dorking around with his boyfriend. Usually their little frolics end up with real fights, bloody noses and lots of bruises all over the body
Leone loves it when Giorno is all soft, warm and sleepy in the mornings. Giogio is a night owl so waking up early is a real torture for young mafioso, and the sight of his sulky cheeks and furrowed eyebrows thaws Abbacchio’s heart. And hell yes, does Leone love it when Gio becomes all snuggly in his arms
Leone looks all tough and cool, but deep inside he’s a dumb 21 yo himbo. When he finally warmed up to Giogio they started doing a lot of stupid things. They often have fashion shows, making new looks and pretending to be models walking on a podium
Their conversations before sleeping is one of the forms of human stupidity. Those dumbasses talk about literally everything - unicorns, insects, knitting, corgis, holes on Fugo’s suit and lots of other stuff. One of their deepest conversation was about “Where the hell does government get so many newborns to produce this amount of baby powder?”
Nobody knows about their relationships, even Bruno. They’re so good at hiding it, no one could even suspect that Giorno and Abbacchio are dating. Nara still thinks that there’s something between Mista and Giovanna (moreover, they’re best friends)
Giorno is very close with Mista, they grew liking each other from the first mission, and quickly became good friends. Because of that Leone often has bouts of jealousy, what’s so good about Guido? Giovanna looks so happy around brunette, does he look the same when he’s with Leone?
Abbacchio loves watching Giornos juicy ass bouncing on his stiff cock. Grabbing those hips, slapping and massaging soft pudge of Giovanna’s thighs. Seeing a pulsing swollen hole descending onto his dick sends Leone right to heaven
Those two are kinky af. Blindfolding, degrading, hair pulling, face slapping, face fucking, bondage, deepthroating, edging, choking - they’re all into this. Giorno is a little horny slut and Leone is no better
Because of his bad childhood Giorno doesn’t like making any noise, and it’s most noticeably during sex. His moans are really quiet and when he’s about to cum GioGio hides his face into a mattress or pillow to mute his voice. And it pisses Leone off. He loves hearing Giorno, wants to hear him, but he stubbornly keeps his voice back
Giorno loves when Leone dirty talks him. His wide palm slightly rubbing Giovanna’s groin and a few filthy words, whispered passionately in his ear, make Giogio completely ready or older man. “You little filthy whore, want me to fuck you right here? When all the guys are in the next room?”
Their sex is mostly harsh and intense, with countless bites, scratches and hickeys. But sometimes, they just want something romantic and cheesy, with lots of soft kisses and sweet words of love. It mostly happens in the mornings, when they’re both warm and drowsy from the sleep
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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mistabullets · 4 years
Okay! Imagine! Mista with a S/o that IS Bruno's little sister
> As Bruno’s sister, you respect and appreciate your fratellone.
> He made sure to give you plenty attention when the two of you were younger and in a way, he’s very protective of you. When your father became disabled from the gunshot wounds, Bruno basically raised you and made sure you continue your education. Growing up, it eventually clicked that your older brother was working for the mafia. How else can such a young man his age able to afford your schooling, the nice apartment complex, and your father’s hefty medical bills?
> It made you worried. What if Bruno accidentally cross the wrong people? What if he never came home? You offered to find work, drop out of school, or just do something to ease the burden. You even offered to join Passione but your brother particularly seethed at the idea. “Under absolutely no circumstances will you be doing that, rella. Do me a favor - promise me you will not associate with anyone else in Passione. Am I clear?”
> Swallowing nervously, you promised. He even made you pinky promise.
> Life moved on. Your father passed and Bruno became more committed to his work as he rose through the ranks. Eventually, Bruno found you a nice place in town and paid for your tuition for school. Your essentials were covered. He even made you change your last name so you weren’t associate with him in anyway or form. Bruno always made sure to call you once in day and check in - he was such a mother hen. But you wanted to try to live independently! So you picked up a part time job, perhaps at some cafe, bakery, or restaurant. You didn’t tell your brother about it, since he would throw a fit and tell you to focus on your studies.
> That’s how you met him.
> He was a frequent customer and was quite the looker. A toned body, sun kissed skin, warm dark eyes, and curls peaking out of his hat. He always bought a lot of food - like he had a whole family to feed. But you never questioned it because he was so friendly, maybe a bit too eccentric but endearingly so - sometimes you would sneak him an extra of his favorites. You eventually became aware of his phobia of four and made sure not to give him four of anything. Weeks later, you were bold enough to write your number on a napkin when he made a passing comment how it sucked being single.
> He gave a lopsided smile and asked for your name. You kindly gave it to him and he told you his name. “Guido Mista. I’ll call ya later tonight, Y/N! Maybe we can set up a date or somethin’?”
> When you arrived him, you were eager to receive his call and was pleased when your heard your phone ringing. Eventually, you did set up the date. That date became multiple dates. He started coming over to your apartment and staying the night. It was safe to say the two of you were an item now. There were some questions you would like to ask; why did he have a gun? Why did he talk to himself a lot? How come sometimes he would smell like... iron and death? And god, how much could this man eat? But you assured yourself that it was nothing too serious to fret over. You were just over analyzing.
> Bruno figures out pretty quickly you had a boyfriend and wanted to meet him. But you were quite worried about introducing each other. Your brother was essentially your father figure; he will make it obvious if he approves of your boyfriend or not. You kept postponing dates to meet up - it’s not like you didn’t want Mista to meet Bruno but your brother could be nitpicky about if your lover was good enough for you or not. You didn’t want Guido to feel any pressure from your brother. He was already good enough for you and that’s what matters.
> However Mista is more than eager to introduce you to his familigia. “Well, it’s more like, me and five of dudes but they’re particularly like bros to me!”
> After hearing nothing but praise from your boyfriend, you were looking forward to meeting them as well. When approaching the villa, you wondered how six men in their late teens and early twenties can afford to board such an estate. You were greeted by four other men - a pretty blonde with curls and a braid greeted you, a studious young man in green teaching a messy haired with purple eyes, and a brooding man with long silver hair tuning out the world with his headphones.
> “Finally we can have dinner!” Narancia shouts.
> “Narancia, you dumbass, we have a guest here! And we need to finish this problem here!” Fugo exclaims, looking like he wants to stab the boy.
> “Will the two of you shut up? I can hear you through my headphones and our capo is still doing paperwork upstairs!” Abbacchio takes a glance up at you, “You look quite familiar...” he murmurs.
> Giorno leads you to the kitchen and it smells like your mother’s home meals. You settle in a seat right next to Mista and you can hear your stomach growl. “Our capo was expecting ya and took the time out of his day to make this dish! He’s honestly a really good cook when he wants to be. He’s honestly like, the big brother of this group, aside from Abba over there—“
> “Don’t call me that,” Abbacchio sighs, popping open a bottle of red wine. You giggle - despite the chaos and the energy strumming through the air, you can appreciate how homely it is. You’re growing comfortable already, Mista already has a hold of your hand under the table, happy that everyone so far has been welcoming in their own unique way. You’re growing used the all the noises and clattering of plates, you don’t hear the footsteps approaching. You raise your head up to greet the new presence, only to find a familiar face that looks much like your own. The rest of the gang noticed and perks up, wondering why the two of you look so taken aback.
> “B-Bruno?” you ask in disbelief
> “Huh? Ya know Bucciarati or somethin’, bambina?” your boyfriend ask, swallowing nervously.
> “We do. She’s my sister, after all,” Bruno responds, collecting his composure despite Narancia in the background saying “holy shit that’s your sister?” Even Abbacchio lets out a surprised gasp. Mista is glancing at the two of you, back and forth, the similarities of facial structures and eyes now dawning on the gunslinger. What a small world. And you, on the other hand, are now coming to realization that this must be Bruno’s team. So that means... you’ve been dating a mafioso for the past months now - the gun and the smell of iron (no, blood) made a sense now. And you inadvertently broke Bruno’s promise: to not associate with a gangster.
Perhaps after dinner, we can talk about this.” Oh no. Was he angry? Upset? There was something laced with his words. Dinner passed by with awkward silence, despite how delicious the food was. No wonder it smelled so much like home... You held onto to Mista’s hand, as if to reassure him. And while he couldn’t grasp the entirety of the situation, he tried to sympathize with his capo. He understood why you may have been kept a secret - Passione’s underbelly screamed dangerous and someone would definitely try to use you as bait for Bucciarati. After all, Polpo’s suicide was still being investigated and there have been rumors flying around about how suspicious it was that one of Bruno’s subordinates last saw him alive. This double your risk. Not only was your brother a capo for Passione but your boyfriend was gunslinger for mafia as well.
> After dinner, Bruno wants to talk to Mista alone. You dread whatever his verdict will be and wait outside silently, hoping your brother doesn’t force Mista to cut things off with you. To be frank, you didn’t mind Guido being part of the mafia - sure, it was scary to ponder if your loved one was okay and wonder if they’ll come home alive. But Bruno had survived for this long. Guido definitely had the will to do the same. And you doubt this man would wanna put you in active harm’s way! He cried one time for accidentally hitting your face during a tickle fight once so you knew his motives weren’t ulterior.
> Bruno questioned Mista like it was an interrogation. While he knew his underling was a good man at heart, Bruno couldn’t help but worry for his baby sister - that was his only family left. He was surprised to learn the two of you met at your part time job. Bruno specifically told you not to worry about finances! “Listen Bucciarati, ya sis loves ya. She talks ‘bout what a great guy ya are ‘nd how much you’ve done for her. But... you also been makin’ her feel sheltered. She was so nervous ‘bout us meeting. I... I know ya wanna protect her and so do I! But ya can’t be babyin’ her forever. Ya gotta let her make her own choices. So I ain’t gonna break up with her. That’s up to her, for her to decide, ya know?”
> After reflecting on the younger man’s words, he reluctantly agrees with him. Sure, you are his baby sister but you’re an adult and can make your own decision. You can distinguish what is and isn’t safe. Obviously, you’re not that naive. And perhaps with the gang knowing about your existence, that would grant you extra protection if anything were to happen. He sighs, “Fair enough. But if you break my sister’s heart, I will lock you up in Sticky Finger’s dimension. And make sure you protect her. Understood, Mista?”
> Mista particularly beams. “Understood, capo! Thank ya for blessin’, I promise I’ll take care of her.”
> In the end, you continue to date Mista. It definitely takes awhile to adjust - while your brother is understanding your relationship and respects it, he’ll glare daggers at Mista if he’s being a little too touchy during dinners and outings. You thank Bruno for allowing this relationship and apologize for accidentally breaking that one promise.
> He smiles at you softly, finding it endearing how you kept that to heart. “Well, promise me not to do anything stupid and keep up with your studies, alright?” he offers his pinky to you.
> “Alright, I promise!”
> “Oh, I don’t even think about marriage and kids until you’re done with your studies—“
> “Bruno, hush!”
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lucenties · 4 years
i just found ur account and whooo boy i love ur writing sm 🥺🥺 is it ok if i request headcanons for the bucci gang (if not all then maybe just fugo,mista and trish) with an s/o who comes out as nonbinary??
coming out as nonbinary
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It makes me so happy to hear that!! disclaimer: I am not nonbinary! please correct me on any mistakes I have made
⤷team bucciarati ; nb!reader
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♡ Coming out to Fugo is relatively easy. You know he is a sensible person who absolutely adores you and you know his view of you will not be negatively affected.
♡ He is incredibly smart which allows him to understand your feelings and adapt your relationship to your needs. Simply let him know what your pronouns are and what other changes you would like him to accommodate for in order to make you comfortable. He is quick to make any changes and easily remembers what causes you discomfort.
♡ If you have days in which gender dysphoria has a clawed hold on you, Fugo is willing to spend the day doing your favorite activities in order to cheer you up and help you forget about your insecurities. If he isn’t able to set aside the entire day for you, expect frequent, loving calls throughout the day in which he urges you to take care of yourself and tells you he will be home soon to offer his affections.
♡ He will take the time to further educate himself in his spare time on what being nonbinary is like, often sharing any interesting finds with you, so he can meet your every need and be the boyfriend you deserve.
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♡ Mista would have a harder time wrapping his head around a concept of divergent gender identities, like being nonbinary. You will have to explain in lots of detail for him to properly understand the topic and he would ask lots of questions. He is not judgmental in his inquiries, but rather curious.
♡ Once he does understand, he will make it his personal mission to make sure you feel comfortable both with yourself and with him. He can be overcautious with his actions may slip up once or twice if you have different pronouns than what he first thought, freaking out and immediately apologizing while you assure him that it is okay. He gets used to things pretty quickly, though, and soon enough, his need to be careful around you diminishes.
♡ Mista loves complimenting you in order to keep your self-esteem high. Calling you a string of affectionate nicknames and emphasizing the praise on his favorite things about you, he just wants you to always feel great in your own skin. Hey may be cheesy and exaggerate his compliments, but he means every single emotion behind them.
♡ He keeps an eye out for you when you meet new people. If he ever hears someone sneer at your clothing expression or appearance, or if anyone purposefully misgenders you, he will not hesitate to beat them up on the spot while yelling something about being respectful of others.
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♡ Trish is very serious and a little worried when you tell her you want to discuss something. When she hears your confession about being nonbinary, however, that worry melts away and is replaced by joy for you. She holds your hand and cheers for you, excited to be your number one supporter.
♡ Your girlfriend is very conscious of her own appearance so she understands how important a good outfit can be in gaining confidence. She offers up a shopping trip with her if you want to explore other options in clothing. If you accept, she will drag you to her favorite shops and help you choose from whatever you pick out, making comments and suggestions that will keep you both busy for a few hours.
♡ It makes her sad that there are people who belittle your identity. On the rare occasions that Trish feels she wouldn’t be able to do an adequate job of protecting you from any kind of negativity or harm, she goes to Bucciarati for advice on keeping her head up. She wants to be strong for you; to be your rock and your shield!
♡ She is probably going to insist on taking you to Pride or any other kind of event celebrating LGBTQ+ inclusiveness. If you accept, be prepared to hear her be loud and vocal about her support for you and the community to the point where the attention she gathers embarrasses you.
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♡ Right after coming out to Giorno, he will give you a big hug and thank you for trusting him enough to do so. It is of the utmost importance to him that you are happy and that you feel you can tell him anything.
♡ He checks up on you frequently to make sure you are doing okay. While he is away taking care of gang business, he will send a bird your way with a message on its leg telling you how much he loves you and how lucky he is to have you.
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♡ Bucciaratti will immediately offer his full support whenever you need him. He is like a father, telling you how proud he is of you in your coming out and assuring that his feelings for you will not falter.
♡ If you choose to come out to him while you are further along into your relationship, he might feel a little hurt that you didn’t come to him beforehand, but he will understand your hesitance to do so and will not be upset with you.
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♡ Narancia already held you in extremely high respects, but hearing you come out made that respect increase tenfold. Like Mista, he doesn’t understand exactly what you mean right away but he thinks it’s so cool of you to express your true self.
♡ He will offer himself up as your humble servant whenever your insecurities begin to creep. Ask him to move the stars for you and he will be on his way to the space station demanding to have your wishes be fulfilled. He will do anything you ask of him, all in order to make you happy.
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♡ Your coming out is met with a rare warm smile and a hug from Abbacchio, who says he is proud of you but makes no major changes in the way he treats you. He doesn’t care about gender norms or labels since he does traditionally non-masculine things like have long hair and wear lipstick, so he is unfazed by your confession and continues to treat you the way he always has.
♡ He will also be one to shoot dirty looks at anyone who even implies any kind of disrespect to you. He will beat them quickly and mercilessly so he can rush back to your side and make sure you are doing alright.
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purplecraze · 4 years
Fugo how do you think your life would be if you date each member of your little group you have like in different timelines
“uh...mmm. It's a bit weird to think of it like that. I love them a lot, but not in the way how I'd want to date them, I think... doubt any of them would really be up for it, either. Mun has-....” He stares at Umi for a while, looking like he could have known she'd go haywhire over romance talk. “....-a lot. To say about it, though. The floor is yours...”
(ooooooohhhhh!!!! *screams of the rooftops* OOOOOOOOHHHH!!! welcome to golden territory!! FugoXeveryone, oh hell yeah!! (just doing the canons for now))
Bucciarati Bucciarati and Fugo would be an absolute power team, they’d be communicating in a way that’s bringing up speculations on whether they’re actually telepathic. They just naturally feel what the other needs at the moment. Long private strategy sessions, spinning around each other and closing in, that end up in shy hand-holding and kissing. Bucciarati always waits for Fugo to initiate it, to be sure he's fine and ready for it. He's very careful with him. Bucciarati knows how to handle Fugo’s self-destructive tendencies well, without making him feel less or like he’s a trouble to his elder. The problem with them though, is that Fugo would put Bucciarati on too much of a pedestal and would lose sight of Bucciarati’s weaknesses. And that’s not a topic Bucciarati would address. But it would take a toll on their relationship without a doubt. In turn, Fugo would brood in silence over how super social Bucciarati is. He’d easily feel neglected. And there’s the hurdle of transferring from high admiration to equal lovers. will there ever come a time where they’ll be on first name basis? probably not... The one time, Fugo muttered ‘Bruno’ in a small voice and Bucciarati replied with ‘yes, Pannacotta?’ it was just so horribly awkward, it never happened again, EVER. Would it last? Yes. But only in the sense that neither would admit on giving up. they both would be running into complications on it, it wouldn’t make them very happy, but they'd be content enough.
Abbacchio This would work well. Fugo is one of the few Abba can hold a decent conversation with. Fugo wouldn’t condemn him for the saltmine coming loose once they get to deep conversations. Abbacchio isn’t exactly booksmart, so he can’t always keep up with ‘what’s this brat spewing on about now?’, but he loves to just sit and listen to Fugo going on and on about this tidbit of historical knowledge he found. Abbacchio is the best person to handle Fugo’s tantrums. ‘no, not now, think with your head *slap against the back of Fugo’s head*’, his tactic is diversion. just force Fugo to completely focus on something different and the topic of his anger will evaporate. Fugo would bring out the caring side of Abbacchio, without it turning absolutely one sided. Fugo would hear Abbacchio out on his troubles too, without getting pushy on it. he does, however, tend to say a bit too much. he won’t catch on to the moments where he’s supposed to just shut up and hold the other. Would it last? no, not at all. the very instant the both of them get too comfortable, they’ll be like ‘okay, this lasted long enough, let’s not.’ because why would you NOT destroy happiness with your own two hands, in stead of waiting for it to crash and burn??
Mista Oh geez, this would be one hot mess of a dumpster fire! It’s a ride Fugo NEVER AGREED to be in, but that doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable. Mista just drags him along like a puppy, saying ‘c’mon, we’re going to have a great time!’ Mista would show him off. everyone needs to know this beauty is his ✨boyfriend✨. even though Mista tends to be flirty, he is super loyal to him. the moment Fugo would as much as make a sound over Mista talking to someone, he’d be like ‘don’t be mad Pannacotta, you know I only have eyes for you~’ It’s wild and intense and overwhelming. Fugo would not quite come to his right in it and it would get kind of suffocating for him on the long run. Guido doesn’t know how to respect boundaries either. Fugo would start fights, one-sidedly, a lot. both in words and fists. Mista wouldn’t easily be taken aback on any of it, though. Almost patronizing, he’d reply like ‘okay well, you do you...’ and take very little of the criticism. Then there’s the entire tetraphobia matter. Fugo would often lose his patience on it. But he’d also try his hardest to be helpful on it. He would look up on the phobia, it’s origin and how to deal with it. He would tell him it’s not an uncommon superstition and throw the theory behind it. Mista doesn’t usually get it. But when Mista’s having anxiety over it, Fugo doesn’t question its bizarrity and searches for ways to snap him out of it by making the topic either 3 or 5. usually 3. because destroying stuff is easy. Would it last? not a chance. Fugo gets mean on break-up. in particularly heated arguments, he’d be the kind of petty asshole who would take every book, text, dictionary around the house and HIGHLIGHT 4 letter words. ALL OF THEM They’re in the type of relationship that goes horribly wrong after a month, but they forgot that happened like half a year later and try again, failing miserably once, twice, 10 times more.
Giorno His relationship with Giorno is a strange one. The events of Man in the Mirror had Fugo starstruck and he thought very fondly of him since. But it came to crash and burn down when he found that he was the mastermind behind usurping the boss. Fugo loathes himself for the decision he made at that day, but a large part of that hate is to prevent himself from blaming either Bucciarati or Giorno. Because he knows Giorno is dangerous if he wants to. All the more as his new boss. At the end of Purple Haze Feedback, they have a very beautiful conversation and Fugo swears loyalty to him. It was the only way for him to move on after everything that happened. But they were also very sincere and shared memories that others wouldn't understand. He's also the only one who ever called him Giogio. They connect well and Fugo is very reliable. Giorno trusts him blindly and appreciates his criticism. Over time Fugo will grow bolder and says what's on his mind, knowing Giogio will take his shit and filter it well enough. Any initiative will have to come from Giorno's side, though. Fugo often feels like it's not his place to do so. But I don't think Fugo would ever forget that it had been Giorno who initiated the plan that had led to his friends' deaths. Forgive, yes absolutely. But not forget. Would it last? 50/50. there are 2 outcomes: they either spend the rest of their lives together, or Fugo ends up killing him. And I think Giorno would have peace with that.
Narancia Oh geez, where do I even start? They're not perfect, not at all. They fight and argue and it's led to many MANY bruises on both sides. But that's just how they are and if you'd ask either of them, they would be ready to die for the other without a shred of doubt at any given time. As much as they fight, there's also a lot of adoration from both sides. Fugo doesn't even have to try, to see stars of admiration in Narancia's eyes. It fills him with pride and makes him feel so good about himself. Narancia needs to work hard for Fugo's approval. but because of that, it makes actually getting it so much worth it. Both of them get horribly giddy on impressing the other.  A new dance, a fun date plan, a mastermind prank. The most important part for both of them is their honesty. Narancia knows that Fugo would never lie to him or hide the truth, like how his father and old friends had. And Fugo can trust that he can say whatever he want, even without filter. They can both rest assured that no matter how big their fights are, the day ends with kissing either way. A part of Fugo wants to better himself for the other's sake, but it weights him down as well, thinking he's not good enough. Narancia isn't the brightest, but his abundance of empathy and sincerity knows how to hit Fugo just right into believing he's good as he is for today. And if not that, Nara reminds him that he's not a saint either. They’d find happiness in a lot of little things. getting to snuggle for 5 more minutes, welcoming the other home, cooking for the other, singing along to the radio, doing the dishes. all those mundane moments are really precious to them. Would it last? Definitely. They'd have some bumpy rides, but neither of them could ever get bored of the other.
Trish The start of their relationship would be so incredibly AWKWARD. They both have no clue what to say and Fugo feels hella uncomfortable. But bit by bit, they start to warm up to one another. Fugo wouldn't want to involve her in any more mafia business. But for Trish, that week together is a fond and priceless memory. She'd want to know what went through his mind when he was left behind. And both of them would want to apologize. Want to start anew. And would want to get to really REALLY know one another. Fugo's anger is just..... it doesn't exist around Trish. She is super calm and soothing and just knows how to convey a certain energy to him which puts him at ease. Both of them don't like to be touched, so they're very careful with one another, asking permission, asking if the other is alright. They both really love music and share their favorite songs. She sings them as he plays the piano. And when the shyness slowly melts away, they both find that the other is super fun to be with. Dumb jokes, running jokes, ironic quoting, shitty puns. They both hadn't ever expected the other to be so entertaining. They learn new things on one another every day. And they try to improve, learn new skills. Trish would want to pick up on baking, Fugo would pick up on girls' fashion, doing her hair or her nails. Would it last? Yes, I think it would. They need time to heal and feel at ease, but I think they could really find peace and a new life in one another. I think Fugo could even come to love her enough to pop the question~)
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local-diavolo-anon · 4 years
Huh, you lil ass😈
Well, I’m joking, ily😘. Hope it’ll be a great writing experience for you as it was for me!
I’ve noticed that I’m not much interested in others writings. Like, I’m so immersed in work on my own requests and asks, I feel so exhausted and I don’t want to read others’ works. I have a bunch of requests that I’m not interested in, but I ought to write them, because other people expect me to write😩
Sorry babe, but can you do something? I don’t care what character and what details. Please, something. (I hate requests like this one, that contain 0 information, it’s hard to write, sorry). You may ignore, that’ll be totally fine💚💚💚
Oh big rip man, don't worry I know how it feels like 💖✨,,,,
I hope this can cheer you up qwq
Buccigang with an overworked and tired teammate
He already knows how much your work and how much time and energy it takes from you
However, this is the first time he sees you this tired
He comes up to you at your desk asking you if you're ok
When you answer that you're just a bit tired, he replies with "definitely more than a bit. You should take a break."
You tey to insist, you have work to do, and even if you can't figure out how to do it, you feel like you really should finish it
The second you finish talking, he closes your laptop, pushing it away from you
You try to complain, but his look made you think twice
He had you get up from your chair and lay down on your bed, he brought you a nice blanket and made you some hot chocolate, telling you that you really should take breaks more often
This man knows what being overworked means, he knows more than anybody else
And as soon as he sees you with those huge eye bags and tired look, he doesn't hear complaints
He picks you up and pulls you away from your laptop, dragging you down the stairs of your hideout
He puts on your favorite movie and prepares some snacks
Even if he looks rough, he's not heartless and will happily spend the evening with you, even after you fall asleep on his shoulder, wrapped under a blanket
When he sees you wobbling around with that tired face and dead eyes he nearly has a heart attack
He couldn't believe his eyes, how could have you reduced like that??
The first thing he does is prenoting a ticket for a good movie you like at the cinema
Then he will bring you there, paying the whole night on his own, including snacks
At the end, he would bring you back home and make sure you go to bed at a good hour to get some reast
At first he thinks you're just exagerating
But as soon as he sees the pile of work on your desk he pales
How can someone do that much work on their own??
He will ask if you want to play some videogames with him, inviting you into his lap to watch him playing
This is, whoever, a whole ass strategy to get you to sleep
And he will fall asleep right after because he doesn't leave you alone or accidentally wake you up
First, he gets absolutely shit angry, why would you overwork yourself like that??
He perfectly understands what overworked means and doesn't want you to feel that tired
He will for sure snatch your laptop away
Then he will make you some hot tea or hot chocolate, and give you a book, telling you to relax a bit
Of course, he will do as much as of your work he can manage
Both because he feels bad that you have to do it on your own, and because he likes doing that kind of work
He will also check several times if you're asleep yet, and will silently cheer when you will be
Oh boy, he sees immediately that you're tired
He will invite you to chill some time in the garden with him
He will set up a nice deckchair and some cold juice for you, making sure you're comfortable
He will sit with you to watch clouds or whatever you feel like doing while relaxing
Maybe he will set up and audiobook to help you to sleep
You're tired??? Under her watch?? Absofuckinglutely not!
First, she will close your laptop and tuck it away where you cannot find it (very likely inside coco jumbo)
Then she will prenote a long appointment with a beauty center
Where she will drag you the same way, and will have you make a whole-body massage and beauty care
Afterward, she will bring you back home and oh boy a bigass bowl of your favorite ice cream is there waiting for you
She does not joke around and you'll get relaxed, that you want it or not
Oh well, I hope you like these :"3333
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honeytea8 · 4 years
“With you, forever” - Guido Mista/Reader
A/N: Discord prompt for the week was Greek AU and the first thing that popped in my head was Mista’s hat, since it kinda looks like a Trojan warrior’s helmet, so that’s where this came from!
Word Count: 1.6K (becuz why not)
Ares!Mista and Milkmaid!Reader insert for you :)
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Not once had Mista ever been jealous of Apollo. Not once, until the moment it dawned on him that you—the very object of his affections—spent many of your days under the sun’s watchful eye. 
The warm coloring of your skin was proof of this, as you shepherded the sheep and tended to your father’s cattle. Even as sweat licked at your forehead and the fine little hairs on your nape and hairline stuck to your skin. To Mista, you were an oasis to a thirsty, dying man. The healing balm to tortured souls and the one who had seized his ravaged heart. 
You were an unassuming young milkmaid, with skin smoother than wax and hair softer than cotton. Every time he caught a glimpse of your flawless skin, his throat grew parched and the thoughts buzzing in his head came to a screeching halt. You, the beauty of your hometown, stood second to none in his book.
Being the god of war that he was, one thing Mista greatly admired was your devotion and hardworking nature. This truth was punctuated by the sturdiness of your limbs; the sinew and muscle of your thighs alone could bring a lesser man to his knees. You filled him with desire but Mista didn’t push or prod, content with simply watching you and pining from afar. 
When he overheard your father’s talk of marriage, it was then Mista determined in his heart that idleness would do him no good. Somehow, he must have you by his side forever.
He was Ares, a trojan warrior battle-bred and destined to be a hero. This simple endeavor should be easy enough. There wasn’t an inkling of doubt in his mind that he wouldn’t be able to win your love. With a single goal in his heart, he took a leap off his lofty throne beyond the clouds.
Mista found purchase near a well, the only well in the entire village. He had memorized your routes by now, so when the sun shifted a few centimeters to the left, he knew you would begin your trek up this specific hillside. You would carry with you a wooden pail, like you always did, but this time, he would be there to ask for a drink. You would grant it, he’d confess, and then whisk you away from this land to one far greater.
This was what he thought, however, reality was quite different from fantasy.
When Mista had asked for a sip of your water, your pouty lips screwed into a frown; with pinched brows you questioned, “What kind of a traveler leaves home without a waterskin?” 
The sound of your voice had him floundering for a moment. Not only because it was the first time his ears were blessed to hear it, but also because it was so soft and sweet, despite the harshness of your tone. 
How foolish he must appear now? His suave bravado completely dissipated at your words. But mercifully, you still scooped your little dipper into the pail and offered him a drink anyway.
Mista grinned boyishly, “You have refreshed me, amore. I owe you my life.” 
“Keep it.” you huffed while turning on your heels. “Don’t need it.”
In that split second when your gaze left him, your eyes showed a fire he had never seen in you before, one that burned brighter than the embers of Hephaestus. If he didn’t love you before, he was positive he did now. 
Mista gave chase, keen on following you even to ends of the earth.
“My name is Mista, god of war. You may have heard of me? Ares? The Olympian?”
You said nothing to indicate that you’d even heard his boasting.
“May you grant me the name of my savior, at least?”
He blinked slowly, “Then...will you marry me?”
At his words, you paused for only half a second, “Are you mad?”
“For you? Possibly.”
Again, reality was quite far from fantasy but Mista wouldn’t complain about the fickle inner workings of fate. He would have your heart eventually, it was really as simple as that.
But by the day’s end, you had rejected him countlessly.
“You need a different approach.” 
Apollo, or Giorno rather, greeted him with a knowing smile on his lips. Mista slumped further in his throne, shaken but not defeated. 
“Of course you saw the entire thing.” 
Was there such a place on earth Giorno’s scrutiny did not reach?
“It’s in the job description, amico.”
Giorno took a seat upon a cloud beside him. The two gods remained silent, watching you as you went about your evening. Mista had been watching you more intently since you spurned his advances. It was a stinging blow to his pride, but he wouldn’t be much of a warrior if he quit. No, he would surely see this through to the end.
“A different approach,” Mista murmured. “Like how?”
“Hmm, well, have you tried showing your intentions rather than howling it into the high heavens?” 
Mista scratched his neck sheepishly. “That bad, eh?”
“Indeed, our dear brother would’ve come to slay you himself had I not managed to intervene.” Giorno’s warm grin spread into something a bit more teasing, a part of himself he only liked to show Mista.
The warrior god laughed, “I can handle Abbacchio’s temper, god of wine that he is. Dionysos hasn’t seen battle in over a thousand years, he could never slay the great Ares.”
“Be that as it may, it would do you well to let your actions speak louder than your words in this case. That mortal is different; your journey will only be as difficult as you make it, do not neglect the beauty of surrender.”
Mista hummed in thought, sobering up a bit at his brother’s prophetic words. Giorno was right—not that he’d ever doubted! Mista wondered in what ways he could best show you that his intentions were true. What would it take to get you to accept him? 
“Ever the wise one, Giorno?”
“Again, brother, it’s in the job description.”
Mista was a brute—a force of nature on the battlefield, and the absolute manifestation of chaos, destruction, and violence. He had killed countless men in times of war, using his body like an ax to cut down every foe. He was no strategist like Fugo or mischievously clever like Narancia. He could not think his way through this. Mista could only follow his instincts.
For the next several months, he devoted himself to your cause. 
When you arose at dawn to feed the chickens, he was there to help. When you hand-washed your linens in a river downstream, Mista was there with his robes hiked up, ready to assist. Whenever you drew out your hoe to till the land, whether for plowing or for harvesting, he followed suit. 
Did the sheep’s wool need to be taken for the winter? Did the meat need to be salted and preserved? Were the cows properly milked so they wouldn’t moo all day and night? Whatever it was that you required, Mista was there to serve. He’d even stayed with you when your father fell ill, procuring herbs for his tea and medication.
Until then, you hadn’t warmed up to him at all. You would glare and make snarky remarks to get him to leave you alone. Sometimes even ignoring him completely. But after seeing him dirty and bruised from scaling a mountaintop just to obtain a rare healing herb for your father. Well, after that, you couldn’t quite remain unaffected by his charm.
Soon, you realized there was more to this strange god than what the eyes could see. His humor, his confidence, his quirks and antics. (Honestly, who in their right mind numbered their weapons while skipping every number with four in it?)
You were surprised that he hadn’t mentioned marriage again after that first day. Of course you knew it was what he ultimately wanted, but he’d left it alone until you were comfortable.
Meanwhile, Mista had given himself over to you as a friend and much needed companion. He listened to you bare your soul with rapt attention, clinging to every word that fell from your lips. The many talks you both had well into the night were some of the most interesting and indulgent you’d ever had. You had never felt this way with anyone; it was the kind of happiness that made colors brighter and food taste better!
After much consideration, you finally agreed to take Mista as your love, though it wasn’t easy. You still couldn’t reconcile the yearning you had for him with your duties here on earth.
One evening, as you both sat out in the yard, you broke down and cried. He had floundered, again, but regained himself enough to move closer and lend you his shoulder. Please don’t cry, my love, is what he wanted to say but the lump in his throat was unyielding. What could bring you to tears like this? He hoped it wasn’t his doing.
“Mista,” you said, taking a shaky breath. “I don’t think I can leave with you…” 
Ah, now he understood. 
This was your life after all, and Mista had foolishly thought he could snatch you away from everything you knew. That he had been doing you a favor by wanting to take you to a place he thought was better than this.
It was true he wanted to remain by your side, but not unless he would get to see your smile or that wicked fire in your eyes. 
The god looked down at the calluses riddling his palms, the various cuts and scars each had a story to tell. They were innumerable. These were the very hands he wanted to hold you with. In this battle against his heart and mind, who would win?
Mista shifted closer to you, drawing an arm around the slope of your shoulder.
“Okay.” he said quietly. “So, what if I decided to stay here with you, forever?”
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jojo-reader-hell · 5 years
Idea: The users get a bit jealous over their stands being affectionate 😳
Welp, rest in pieces Leone Abbacchio, because no matter how many times he gripes and bitches and moans about you holding a generous handful of Moody Blues buttcheeks every minute of the day it doesn’t mean you’re going to stop anytime soon. He probably will get nasty with you, saying you’re being gross and going after something that isn’t even human. Why are you even with him to begin with? If he’s in a particularly sour mood he might threaten to make sure you’ll never touch either one of them again. But remember this one thing: he’s going to stop whining if you just take a moment to beckon him over, and take one Abbacchio buttcheek in your right hand and a Moody Blues buttcheek in your left. God gave you two hands for a reason. And that reason is so you can squeeze those love filled booties and so I can write the word “buttcheeks” four times in one paragraph.
I think you’d have better luck with Bruno Buccellati, considering he’s stopped you once before and asked you what it is that makes you so crazy to shower Sticky Fingers with affection. Your answer was simple: it is just the most endearing thing in the entire world that the manifestation of your lover’s soul is completely and unabashedly in love with you. Of course you understand that Bruno loves you whenever he holds you or you both share an intimate moment. Never once do you doubt Bruno’s affections for you. How can you when Sticky Fingers can hardly stop kissing you for a minute?? But sometimes it’s thoughtful to just let your boyfriend be jealous and pull you away from your petting sessions with Sticky Fingers. The Stand won’t mind one bit since he can still feel your kisses even if you’re macking on Bruno. He won’t even complain once if Bruno decides that he wants a little bit of the action you were giving to his Stand.
Get in the bomb shelter because Pannacotta Fugo will absolutely EXPLODE in a rage if you’re getting too friendly with Purple Haze. Dammit HE’S your boyfriend, not the fucking Stand! The blow up happens when you’re tangled up romantically with Purple Haze, letting the Stand lick languid wet stripes up your neck. Fugo will yank you out of Purple Haze’s grasp, screaming at you for getting so close to something dangerous. If you talk to him calmly and reason with him, Fugo will probably reveal to you that you being so close to an ugly part of himself makes him so uncomfortable, he wants you to only see the good parts. Which is understandable, I don’t think anyone of us wants to be that vulnerable to anyone, not even if it’s someone we trust wholly with our own lives. But you need to reassure him that you love every part of him unconditionally. That’s why Purple Haze is so precious to you.
Narancia Ghirga is more perplexed than anything when he sees just how affectionate you are with an airplane. He will sometimes get loud and complain about you neglecting him, but then he gets so warm and fuzzy inside when you tell him what a kind and generous soul he has. Mr. Smith and his plane are just as important to you as Narancia. As far as you were concerned, you holding Aerosmith in your hands tenderly and planting kisses on the glass of the cockpit is the closest you can get to trying to kiss away the heartache that still scars him to this day. But he will gently remind you that you can always kiss him, he is right there after all. Narancia will smile like there’s no tomorrow when he pulls you away from Aerosmith to give you deep, romantic tongue kisses, because he can see Mr. Smith giving him a thumbs up through the glass.
As if it wasn’t bad enough having to contend with six other jealous boyfriends, Guido Mista’s jealousy can really start to grind on your gears after a while. You often get tired of hearing the Sex Pistols arguing back and forth with Mista every time he just wants you all to himself, isn’t it enough that you love all of them equally?? No you do not love anyone else more than the others. Sorry but if they can’t handle the fact that they all are loved equally, they’ll just have to suck it up. Every single one of the Pistols will try to convince you to love them the best, but you’ll refuse. Out of all the Users and Stands, you’ll probably find yourself getting the most strict with Mista, frustrated to tears because you just want them to be happy with the fact that they ALL have your heart. You love every single part of Mista, Numbers 1 through 7 included. That will really shoot them all in the chest when they hear you cry out that they each have a hold of your heart, and that it hurts you when they fight over you. Expect lots of kissies from your smol boyfriends and a great big ol’ kiss and a spank on the booty from your big goofy boyfriend Mista.
Honest to God, the only one who doesn’t throw a massive fit every time you shower his stand in affection is Giorno Giovanna. If we are being totally honest with each other, Giorno is thankful to have any kind of positive attention. And if the roses and the violets and the multitudes of other flowers that Gold Experience showers you with are any indication of how the both of them feel, then there’s something to be said about the understanding they share. Giorno if anything is a little surprised that Gold Experience sometimes does things for you of his own free will. Sometimes the Stand will pull you a little closer to him away from Giorno, or he will turn your head to him if you’re going to kiss your boyfriend. That’s about the only time you’ll see a struggle between the two, and each time you reassure them you’re in it for the long haul. You belong to both of them.
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mistaeq · 4 years
Multiple Character Work: an s/o Pulling them into Dancing
TW // none
This was a request by @memory-mortis , I wish I still could answer to it directly but Tumblr is a dick. Enjoy the answer hun, hope you like it! <3
Kujo Jotaro, Higashikata Josuke, Narancia Ghirga, Leone Abbacchio with an s/o who pulls them into dancing, fem!s/o
You felt incredibly good. The music was something you had needed for so much time, considering all the bad events that had happened lately. You kinda knew that all the eyes were on you, there was who was smiling, who was following the rythm of the music. And then there was your boyfriend.
May it be because he was tired, may it be because he was too focused on your moves. But he wasn't absolutely dancing. It was funny to finally dance after all that time. But after you had fell in love with him, you felt like dancing with him could have been even better.
If you could only convince him...
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You approached him, with a sly smile on your face. Jotaro willingly ignored you. You were in the middle of the desert and had found a working radio which was playing good music? It all looked too weird, to him. An enemy stand user who was try to make them let their guard down? It was night, and the six of you were getting ready to sleep, after a long day. But the music was inside of you, right now.
You started dancing around, jumping around Joseph and Polnareff, who were laughing, twirling all around Kakyoin while Avdol was clapping his hands. They also looked incredibly pleased, thanks to the music. But Jotaro, your boyfriend, was a mixture between kind and shocked. He was so stressed, poor boy, and you could tell by how he was staring at the radio.
"A... A radio enemy stand which makes people go crazy..." he was mumbling, while you were getting closer to him, wanting to take his hands in yours and pulling you into dancing with you. As soon as you were close enough to be in his range of action, he suddenly summoned Star Platinum, scaring you to death. You fell on the soft desert sand, looking at him in shock.
"J-Jotaro...?" he just stood there, angrily staring at you.
"Y/n. Are you being possessed by this enemy stand?" Star Platinum was just right in front of you, as you shook your head and swallowed. The crusaders were as shocked as you were. Jotaro was too stressed. After all, his mother's life was in danger and all he could think about was defeating Dio. After he understood what was going on, his stand disappeared, and he hid his face under his black hat. "Nevermind. Sorry."
You stood up, getting closer to him again. This time, instead of grabbing his hands, you took off his hat, putting it on your own head. It was too big for you, it fell on your eyes. You smiled to him.
"It's okay, JoJo. You can never know where an enemy might be. You've been careful, and that's always good." you wrapped your arms around his torso. "I just really, really wanna dance with the boy I love." The ordinary Jotaro would have never done it, but this Jotaro, so nervous, maybe needed it.
You took him by the hand, and pulled him away from his thoughts, gently moving his arms on the rythm of the music. His hands moved directly on your waist, and you smiled. This caused a bunch of whispered comments from the others.
"Oh my god."
"Ooh la la."
Jotaro killed Joseph and Jean Pierre with his gaze, but then went back at watching you. He held you closer, and you swore you saw a smile on him.
"Didn't know you were this good at dancing." You commented, caressing his neck.
"This is not... good." Jotaro snorted. "It's just dancing, y/n."
"Mind letting me decide whether this is good or not, Kujo?" at this answer of yours, he answered with a smirk. You broke the perfect dancing pose, to hug him tight and stand on tiptoe, leaving a quick peck on his lips.
"Thank you for dancing with me, JoJo."
"How cute, a kiss~" Joseph teased his grandson.
"Oh, l'amour." Jotaro killed his grandpa and his french friend, afterwards.
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The slight pain of an elbow on his arm and the sound of a raspy voice woke him up from his daydreaming. He'd never tried to go in a dance club. It was quite a mess.
"Oi Josuke." the boy huffed. "Your girlfriend over there is staring at you. She's totally hot, you should go, she looks like she wants to dance, huh Josuke?" you were, in fact, dancing around, kinda staring at him. But he was there with his best friend. You would have annoyed him, maybe?
"Okuyasu, are you hungry?" Josuke asked, staring at you from afar but talking to his bestie.
"Yes, like a lot."
"Fantastic." Josuke smirked. "I am not. How about you go eating something? Mh?" his best friend's eyes widened.
"Oooh... I understand, Josuke." unbelievable. "Have fun Josuke, okay Josuke? Bye J o s u k e e e ...."
As soon as he left, you kinda decided it was your time to shine. And he was slightly smiling, too.
"JoJo!" You approached your boyfriend wiggling your hips around - more or less like the iconic Suzi Q approaching Joseph -, and then rested your hands on his chest, right on the heart shaped unbuttoned part of his uniform. "What are you doing here all alone?"
"Ah..." Josuke tried to play the victim, to make you baby him. "My best friend said he had better things to do and left me alone..."
"Yeah, right..." you teased him and gently kissed him, ignoring the voices of jealous girls behind you who would have wanted to be you. "You don't like it here?"
"I've never been in a dance club... 's pretty chaotic."
"Yes, but the good thing is you can be yourself without getting judged. Just dance, Josuke." you grabbed the hands he was resting on your back, and brought them to your hips.
As soon as you pulled Josuke with you, not in the middle of the crowd - you still wanted your intimacy with him -, but not too far, you felt someone pushing you, making you stumble on Josuke's feet. Luckily, he caught you just in time not to make you fall. You decided not to turn around. You just smiled, pissed off.
"Who pushed me, Josuke?" the boy watched. He saw a girl, he didn't know her, though.
"Someone jealous, I think." he just answered, giggling and holding you tighter while moving with you on the music.
Nobody in the dance club saw it coming, but Josuke knew pretty well what you were doing, seeing your stand pop up behind you and punching that girl. He laughed, and that made you the happiest. "Maybe we should look surprised?" he suggested. You shook your head.
"Nah, nevermind..." your hands moved to his shoulders, and you kissed him again, while you were dancing.
The only ones to dance, to be honest. Everyone was being shocked about the girl who had been punched by your stand - nobody could see it -, and everyone's eyes were on the couple who was ignoring her. You two. Josuke blushed a little, but he had to admit that night with you in the dance club was priceless.
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You were shocked. Bucciarati had asked to put such a cute music at Libeccio's purposely for the gang to relax a bit. Even Abbacchio was quietly humming on the music. But Narancia, a known music lover and great dancer, was just sitting at the table, his fork wandering around his plate, not wanting to eat.
Probably wanting to dance, but holding back. Why was he holding back? Even you, his girlfriend, were dancing, and he was just there, almost sad looking. From afar, you gestured him into joining you, but he just tried to avoid your gaze.
You then got worried and curious about what was he thinking about, and you reached for him.
"Oi... Nara?" you kneeled down, next to his chair, and kissed him on his cheek. "Won't you join us? Won't you join me?" He looked at you. You could tell he wanted to dance, too.
"Y/n... why do you want me to dance with you?" you got a little taken aback by his question. "I'm still trying to figure out why did you choose me over someone like Bruno or Abbacchio..." your expression softened.
"I chose you over them..." you hugged him to make him stand up from the chair. "...because it's you who I like, Narancia. Very easy. And I'd rather dance once with you than a million times with them. Understood?" you kissed his forehead, cheeks and nose. He smiled shyly.
"Are you sure we can dance together, then?" Narancia asked. You noticed how Bucciarati was actually listening to your conversation. He was thinking about how to thank you later for making Narancia happy and confident about himself again.
"It's you the real dance machine, come dance wi-" you saw Aerosmith flying over your head, and as you noticed it, Narancia had already disappeared.
You turned around and saw him dancing like he had wanted to do that for hours, Aerosmith flying all around him happily, hitting the rythm of the music with its user. You immediately joined him, but you were more focused on looking at how happy he was. Narancia was your ray of sunshine, you couldn't hold back from hugging him while he was dancing, so he could lead you and do the same dance steps with you.
As you two danced together, your two stands could be seen having fun together on the rythm. Bucciarati was laughing, Giorno was happily smiling, Fugo and Abbacchio humming the music along with the radio. Mista tried to stand up to join you and Narancia, but Abbacchio grabbed his blue turtleneck, pulling him back on his chair.
You couldn't understand if it was because he didn't want another idiot to dance or if he actually wanted you and Narancia to enjoy your moment together. Trish was sitting on the table, yelling for a good cause.
"Won't we get to see a kiss between you two?"
Narancia had never felt comfortable in kissing on your lips in front of the gang, but he was so excited thanks to the music, that he just got closer to you, pressing his lips on yours. You felt your cheeks go on fire, but you were happy that Narancia was happy, too.
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Narancia and Mista were dancing, their music so loud everyone even outside could hear it, you dancing along with them. Too many times you pretended to stumble on your boyfriend's foot, slouched on the couch, with his eyes closed and his headphones on, just to get his attention. But he just ignored you.
You grew tired of waiting for Abbacchio to care about you stumbling on his foot, and just did what you knew he hated. You didn't actually do nothing weird, just sat next to him, without him noticing. The two boys who were dancing immediately understood what you wanted to do.
"Oh, Mista, try to put your hands around my waist, so we can dance better." Mista and Narancia were quietly giggling.
"Mmmm." was the only sound Abbacchio produced, angrily opening an eye, just to see you were sitting next to him, luckily without Mista's hands around you. You laughed.
"Hi, love."
"Mmm." you got closer and took off his headphones, since you were the only one who could do this without risking an immediate death. He opened both his eyes, and looked at you. Then he managed to put together two words. "What is it, amore?"
You stood up and grabbed his hands, pulling it to make him stand up. He's heavy, and won't stand up.
"Please?" you puppy eyed him, shaking his hands a little. You understood you had to use your trump card. "I would be so happy if you danced with me... Leone." he just couldn't say no, when you called him with his first name.
He huffed, standing up and blushing.
"I'm... fine with it, but... please, change the song... I like something more classical."
"Mh..." you hummed. "We getting romantic?" you just succeeded in making Abbacchio blush even more. You should thank God that you're yourself, or Leone would have scolded you several times for exposing him like this.
"Kinda." he said, as Narancia changed his music to something slower. Abbacchio posed to start dancing, and you looked at him, confused. He smirked. "You want to dance with me and don't know how to dance what I like?" Leone giggled. "This means I'll have to teach you." He put a hand on your waist, and moved a hand of yours on his shoulder.
"Try to stay closer to me... our chests have to be close, our heads don't." he said, as he guided you in your dance steps, under the amused eyes of Narancia and Mista.
"What do you mean our heads don't... what are we, Transformers?" Abbacchio snorted, smirking a little. Okay, that had been so sudden and funny, not even him could hold back a laugh.
He suddenly pulled you up and kissed you, leaving the two boys that were watching you in a complete state of shock. You caressed his cheek, and smiled in his sweet kiss. "I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure this wasn't implied in the dance step..." you whispered, smirking.
Abbacchio bit his lower lip, and smirked back. "Are you sure about this? Looks like our dancing was pretty... impressive." he gestured towards Narancia and Mista's shocked faces.
"I wouldn't mind dancing another time, would you, Leone?"
"No, I wouldn't surely mind."
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Can i get Bucci gangs reaction to finding a small but extremely intelligent dragon that can be trained to fight along side them please ? Also the dragon acts like a mix between a dog and a housecat btw.
So my friend and I have been talking about trying a JJBA tabletop rpg module we found on the internet but only if our current dnd game ends. And he was like “hey Bree what kind of Stand would you want if we play?” So I like thought over it for a few days and I just couldn’t get this one out of my head and suddenly an entire character came to me, long story short I wish we could play both the dnd game and the jojo game bcuz I’m very excited
The Stand? It’s called Imagine Dragons. Obvious reference. But the Stand is TWO DRAGONS. Idk it kinda freaked me out when I read your ask but also this request is really cool so here u go 🐉
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- Was probably the one who found and befriended the dragon first. He likes snakes, thought it was a snake, went to check it out... oops sorry Bruno, a dragon followed me home, can we keep him?
- Honestly it also probably likes Giorno best and follows him around everywhere
- Constantly screams at him until Gold Experience gives it a plant or a critter to eat
- Giorno takes it for walks a lot, with it just chilling around his shoulders usually.
- Dragon knows his secret dream is to overthrow the Boss. Pets are the best at keeping secrets
- Besides Giorno and Fugo, he is probably the main one who recognizes this is a PET and you have to take care of it
- Has yelled at Mista and Narancia on multiple occasions for trying to feed the dragon cake and pizza
- Turns a blind eye to Abbacchio spoiling the thing
- The dragon recognizes Bruno is the leader, but sometimes elects to ignore that fact
- Has a great move with Bruno where Sticky Fingers puts it in a zipper space, opens a zipper somewhere else, and surprises their enemies with a goddamn motherfucking tiny dragon
- The dragon will sometimes curl up on Bruno’s desk while he’s doing work exactly like a cat, will roll on top of the paperwork if it wants attention
- Abbacchio is absolutely the type of person to be like “I don’t care about that stinky pet” to everyone, but gives it all the treats and belly scratches when no one is looking
- Bruno found the dragon asleep in Abbacchio’s room one night and snuck a picture because it was so cute
- a little salty the dragon loves Giorno so much
- Dragon will protect Abbacchio at all costs. For the treats
- Tries to teach the dragon dumb shit. Unfortunately for Mista, it is smarter than him.
- However, it loves fighting alongside the Sex Pistols since they’re about the same size. The dragon and the Sex Pistols come up with cool maneuvers to use in battle (idk I’ve decided this dragon has a Stand or can just see Stands idk the fucking turtle had a Stand). Mista is only filled in on about half of them
- However Mista is the one who naps all the time. The dragon will curl up on top of him and nap with him.
- “CAN WE KEEP HIM?” with Giorno, but louder and with puppy eyes.
- Has the dragon race Aerosmith. Swears he will win one day. It’s never gonna happen Narancia.
- Narancia is dumb like Mista but the dragon likes him better. Narancia will never let Mista live it down.
- Ropes the dragon into stupid stuff like messing with Fugo or getting snacks that Abbacchio and Mista hid from him on the top shelf.
- Hes the one guy in the group that doesn’t really get along with the dragon
- Like he absolutely sees the tactical advantage it gives them! He and the dragon respect one another. They just aren’t pals
- Dragon saved him from getting hurt in a fight once. Fugo still doesn’t understand why it did that
- it was to get a treat from Abbacchio, but Fugo doesn’t need to know that
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