#and ik it's not possible with all ships but god if a ship I like doesn't have that as its primary name?
munamania · 2 years
i can’t believe i just read a post with my own two eyes that the only interesting thing about ronance is steve’s emotional reactions to them. steve stans do you hear yourself. and can you ever like. not say things
#i understand with the characters in the show right. that none of your fun pretend steve gay ships would need to be examined by an outsider#bc eddie’s new and jonathan. is on the other side of the nancy breakup lol. and yet no one involves her or those complex feelings talking#abt them. but we want all of steve’s possible emotional reactions to the lesbian characters#can i be honest. i am so tired of the trope where there’s a guy who one of them breaks up with and he’s just there after the lesbians get#together and ik that’s not the case here and it’s just residual resentment for that bleeding into this but. are you joking#ngl! i don’t want to know about a man’s opinions of my relationships. even if it’s my gf’s ex. even if we all happen to be friends. like#maybe im in the minority there. maybe it’s okay if steve is just like whatever#because he canonically said he was over her. and i get first loves mean a lot. but like. what the fuck#like????????????#i get he’s your baby boy he’s your number one he can do no wrong. but. that’s the only part of the r0nance dynamic you care about#that’s all you want to know. very least you could do is not involve that post anywhere near the tags#something abt it just doesn’t sit right. and ik you can come at me with ‘just block people’#but i think i’m disturbed by the number of people who are like omg yeah!!!!!#maybe not everything has to be abt him idk just a thought. sorry steve stans.#also i realize it’s not a ‘trope’ that’s the wrong word but it’s happened enough in shows that i’m like oh my god. can the lesbians just#like exist maybe. perhaps
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 2 months
INTRO!! (fully updated ver.)
hi!! I’m Broken!! Or charlie or puppi or Basil or whatever the fuck u wanna call me
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And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow
that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted—nevermore!
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we are a system!! Be sure to check below for alter tags to make sure u know whos posting if not me <3
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About the au thing. I have a bunch of other aus now too as well so yippeeeeehdbdjshsnhsidh
cool ppl :
please ask to be my fam members i will gladly familyfy you
i might forget ppl so if i interact w u lemme know i’ll add ya
tags for headmates/alters/fictives:
🥀: Zip, He/ They
🍈: Melon/ Mello. He/Him
🌿: Basil (He/They)
🌻: Tryst/Trys (They/Them)
🐚: Cosmo (He/Him)
🪷: Opal (She/Her)
🎠: Millonia (Milo.) (They/Them)
Fanfic info:
uhhh i’ll write short omori fics now?!
I mean no proshipping and typical stuff.
but yeah ships stuff like Heromari, Kelbrey, Sunflower, Spaceheart, Suntan, Cactiflower, Photobomb etc is welcome!! Just send me an ask and i’ll try to answer as soon as possible!! Character X Reader is also allowed! I love doing those heheh… um.
So yeah!!
also u can send prompts and NSFW reqs too (including gore)!! I like prompts and they can be as custom as u want! So go ahead and shoot ur shot guys!! I can also do non-ship/ platonic!! Anything really!!
userboxez (too many basil ones oh god ik):
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iikatsukii · 1 year
illicit love
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synopsis: what are the odds of someone confusing you for a world famous scientist, kidnapping you, and sending you to another planet at age 18? apparently it’s very high odds because that’s exactly how you found yourself on pandora. 
pairings: lo’ak x femhuman!reader
warnings: mentions of death, mentions of child abandonment, swearing, kidnapping (accidental)
word count: 4,000
a/n: this is gonna be a series... this is only the prologue, please bare with me. ik lo'ak isnt in this part like at all but he will be in the next part i alr writing it.
pt. 2
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theodora willisin was grace's apprentice before grace got a location change to pandora. though theodora was sad, grace promised to send back as much intel as possible to keep up with her studies and eventually join grace in exploring pandora one day. 
it took theodora 10 years, but by 26, she was on a cryo ship, being sent off to pandora. she didn't have any rda affiliation. she was just a young 16-year-old girl who had admired grace's studies. one day she decided to take all her savings in hopes that she could walk into grace's office and beg on her knees, explaining how she left her whole life behind to become grace's apprentice. grace, of course, loved the enthusiasm and accepted her immediately. 
during her time on earth, theodora became a very well-known scientist. she was famous for her studies on the na'vi. she was so well-informed for someone who lived on earth. of course, her studies were only fueled by grace's information. this wasn't a secret, but the girl made groundbreaking discoveries regarding language, fluency, and pronunciation. and don't get me started on her wildlife studies. she and grace could talk about trees when they studied together on earth, and she couldn't wait until she got to pandora to discuss everything new she had learned with grace.
but there was one thing that theodora hated that she had to leave behind. her two-month-old baby. nobody knew she was pregnant except her mother. bless be to eywa that her mom was an obstetrician (a baby-delivering doctor). she hid her pregnancy from the world, and thank god she had a good workout routine and breastfed a lot because that helped her shed all her pregnancy weight just in time for her to be shipped out to pandora. theodora dressed herself in disguise and dropped her baby off in the early morning hours on the steps of her neighborhood firehouse. by the time she got home from abandoning her baby, she had to shower and get ready, so she would get on the ship by her assigned boarding time. 
as horrible as theodora felt about this, she tried to look on the bright side. going to pandora to pursue her studies was her dream. she has an avatar growing on pandora, ready for her upon her arrival. she was finally living her dream, and nothing could ruin it.
except something could. the trip to pandora and getting settled had been a success. theodora was living her best life researching, studying, and living on the planet she had spent her entire life studying. unfortunately, when she got here, she was given the heartbreaking news that her boss had been killed in a war that broke out. she was the last and only person to get on that previous cryo capsule. the natives saw the ship in the night and set out to destroy the sky people who dared to land here right after they had sent everyone back. 
when they got to the ship, it was empty, but there were traces of human life trailing in the direction of the lab. jake decided to investigate the situation himself. when he arrived, he was met with max and norm, which had a new person with them, and they quickly explained. they said that theodora was merely a scientist who studied under grace when she worked on earth. she had no weapon training, but she dedicated her life to studying the planet, the people, and the culture. theodora posed no threat to the na'vi. she wanted to join their everyday life and help, maybe even become one of the people. 
of course, that was wishful thinking because neytiri was very hard on the young scientist. giving the human attitude and throwing threats around as if they were compliments. the young scientist knew this was nothing personal as the na'vi had just gone through a war with sky people, so she never took anything to heart. hadn't gotten to use her avatar yet as she was still gaining the trust of the clan's people. she decided to occupy her time, so she went on walks in the forest to study the trees. 
unfortunately, one day she got way too close to a baby thanator that was asleep on its own by a stream. the mother, hunting nearby, caught a whiff of the unusual scent near her cub. one thing led to another, and there was one less human on pandora. but as theodora's life flashed before her eyes, she couldn't find it in herself to care because she could only think about her daughter. the one who she abandoned and didn't even give a chance at a happy childhood. she remembered the letter she had written and left with her baby. she wished she had written more. she wished she had written about how she was ticklish and an adorable baby. she wished she had written about how she was easy to care for. she wished she had written about how she never cried. she can wish and wish and wish all she wants, but it kills her on the inside that the only thing she had written was
'her name is y/n.'
jake was upset because he knew max liked having someone back at the lab again, given that norm was usually out studying in his avatar form. he could do nothing; it's not like a native killed her. her death was an accident. neytiri said it was eywa, getting rid of the skydemon from their home. max couldn't bring himself to get rid of her avatar, so he left it in the corner of the lab, knowing nobody would ever be able to use it. it was a memory of her. 
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you were walking out of the mall, having just gone shopping for the party you were invited to this weekend. it was the talk of the campus, the biggest frat was having a huge party, and it was invite-only. if you got invited, you were on another fucking level. did you really know what that meant? no. did that matter, though? absolutely fucking not. you were just ready to get blackout drunk with your friends after the stressful week of finals everyone just had. and you and your friends were the only freshmen to be invited, so you had to go!
you were at a crosswalk waiting for the light to change when you considered taking a different way back to campus. you figured it wouldn't do any harm, and honestly, the change in scenery was lovely. you got to walk through the park and see the wildlife. you even got approached by a few stray kittens weaving in between your feet. you laughed as their fur tickled your ankles, but your attention was stolen by a man in what looked like jungle exploration gear??
"theodora? theodora!! oh my god! i thought they sent you to pandora years ago," he said as he shook your shoulders. 
"um? i'm sorry, who are you?" you asked the man, currently regretting your decision to walk back to campus a different way. 
"oh, that's not important right now. there's an empty cryo capsule because someone bailed at the last minute. i thought you were on pandora already!! come on, the scientists will be stoked that i found you here and brought you with me!!" he said as he dragged you into this weird-looking corporate building.  
the weird jungle dude passed you to other scientists dressed in white scrub suits. you don't know what is going on; you just want out! you cannot miss this party this weekend. your entire reputation counted on it. 
"ms. willisin i'm gonna give you a rundown on everything that is going on. this is the first ship that were sending to pandora in the past 18 years so things may be a bit hectic. you are going to go into a cryo capsule that yu will be held in until you reach your destination you know everything else any questions? no? good? get in the capsule," the scientist said as he started to push you into the capsule, but you resisted. 
"i don't know who you think i am but my name isn't willisin–" 
"you're right. your name is theodora. now get in the damn capsule. i don't get paid enough for this," he said as he fought against you to get you in the capsule. unfortunately for you, the man was stronger than you, so he managed to get you in the capsule and slammed the door shut before you could even register everything happening. 
"let me out!! my name isn't theodora. you have the wrong mother fucker!!! it's cold in here. get me out of this box!!" your screams were useless as the cryo capsules were soundproof so that the rocket's takeoff wouldn't affect the passengers. you felt weaker and weaker as the cold consumed you until you started to fall asleep. the rumble of the ship only aided in putting you to sleep, but the last thing you saw before you closed your eyes, looking out the window in your capsule, you saw the planet you live on. earth. 
why can i see earth right now?!?!
that was the last thought to pass through your head before you fell into a deep sleep.
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you feel weird when you wake up again, almost like you're floating. bright lights block your vision as you feel hands frantically moving your body to get you out of your capsule. you were barely awake as you walked, basically dragged, around this weird science lab. "sit here and don't move. the head scientist will tell you what to do next." the woman said before she walked away. by the time she turned the corner, you were at least cognizant enough to know what was happening. your memory from before you fell asleep started flooding your mind again as 
these people kidnapped me. am i even still in our solar system?? where the fuck am i?
so many thoughts drowned your mind, but one thing was clear to you. 
you gotta get out of here, but you knew you had to be smart about this. 
"theodora! hello, it is wonderful to meet you. wow, you look great for 44 years old. is that how scientists dress on earth now?" the man who seemed to be the head scientist approached you, hand extended in a greeting. you firmly shook it, playing your role and faking a laugh at his joke.
if i act like this theodora person. they'll pay less attention to me, and i can find an opening to leave. but i know nothing about her! 
you were stumped, that is, until the man next to you started listing off every accomplishment and groundbreaking discovery 'you' had made. that's your ticket, though. he mentioned that this theodora person was obsessed with trees and made some huge discoveries regarding them, so why not play that card?
you smiled brightly at the scientist before you and cut off his praise. 
"excuse me, dr…?" you said, trying to get his name.
"naylor. dr. naylor"
"dr. naylor, i would absolutely love to sit here and chat with you about… me, but i am just dying to see the trees in person, so if you would excuse me." you said as you slowly started to walk towards a door in the room that looked like an exit.
"that's fine, dr. willisin, don't forget your mask!" dr. naylor said, pointing at a mask that was hanging on the wall. you simply nodded and placed the mask on your face as you attached the bulky pack thing to your hip.
as soon as you were outside, you walked toward the forest line, casually waving at scientists who gave you weird looks, probably due to your attire. still, you could care less because you weren't even supposed to be here. 
as you got a few feet into the trees, you looked back to make sure you were completely out of sight before you started running as fast as you could. god bless that you were athletic, having earned a track scholarship at usc and being the most scouted track star in america. you had some legs on you, so you weren't planning on stopping soon. that is until you stop because an arrow gets shot into the tree right before you. you looked around to see where it came from, noticing a blue figure hiding in the shadows. you didn't even think twice about running. if your love for horror movies taught you anything, it was that you do not stop when you hear a noise in the distance. you run faster than your ass can carry you and pray to any god out there that whatever the hell is trying to kill you would kindly stop.
you didn't know how long you had been running and dodging arrows until one of them struck you in your left arm. it, thankfully, had been a smaller arrow. at least in comparison to the others you had seen as you had been running. it went through your arm cleanly, and even though it hurt like a bitch, the adrenaline you were feeling right now made it feel more like someone pinched you really hard rather than being shot in the arm.
running for just a few minutes more, you moved the branches and leaves out of your way until you came up to what looked like an empty, abandoned lab. it looked the same as the one you had left earlier, so you assumed it was a lab. 
you busted your ass, sprinting to the door as arrows were shot by you, one skimming your calf and another grazing your cheek. quickly, you clutched the door's handle, swung it open, and slammed it shut behind you. the arrows had ceased. whoever was trying to kill you gave up. you finally give yourself a minute to catch your breath, and as your adrenaline dies down, you start to feel every scratch and cut on your body. not to mention the arrow that was stuck in your arm. 
you can't believe this is happening right now. first, you're kidnapped from your home planet, then you're trying to escape an arrow attack, and now you're standing in this lab making eye contact with two men, one who looked like yet another scientist and another who was wearing similar exploration gear as the guy you saw before you were so horribly kidnapped. 
"are you fucking kidding me?! i ran all that way just to end up in another fucking lab?"
the two men standing before you were in shock. not only was there a human girl standing in front of them, but she looked an awful lot like theodora. the two men's attention was caught when they heard you groaning in pain. 
"who are you?" the explorer guy asked you, still in his shocked state of mind. 
"what do you mean who am i just ran from here. and tell your trigger happy friends out there to knock it off with the arrows this shit hurts!!" you said as you sat on the steps in front of the door. you applied pressure on your leg injury so you could at least slow the bleeding. 
"we haven't had visitors in over 18 years. i'm gonna ask you again who you are." this time it was the scientists who spoke up. 
god, you were starting to hate these scientists, explorers, and everything else on this planet.
what planet even is this? it didn't even matter to you. you just wanted to be home. 
"that doesn't matter. what day is it? i have a frat party this weekend and these crazy fuckers kidnapped me and put me on a ship that was leaving earth!" you said, annoyed that they weren't answering your question?
"well, first, why don't we introduce ourselves, yeah?" the explorer spoke again. your eyes moved to him, and if looks could kill, boy, would he be dead. "my name is norm, i'm an anthropologist, and i focus most of my studies on nature and the natives of this planet."
the other man spoke up next. "um, my name is max. i am a civilian scientist on this planet. i'm in charge of the linking between humans and their avatars?" 
"humans, avatars, anthropology. what the hell is this shit? just tell me where i am and what fucking day it is." norm and max hadn't had to deal with the wrath of an angry woman in a while, so they were just about as terrified as when they had first met natives.
"you're on pandora. it's 2193. what year was it when you left?" max said after swallowing his fear.
"its been six fucking years??!?! i was 18 years old when i fucking left!!!"
"well… happy birthday?" norm tried to lighten the mood, but something in your head clicked; you had never heard of a planet called pandora. 
"am i even still in earth's solar system?" 
"no, you're 4.37 light-years away. look, we don't know how you got here. we havent had any outside contact with earth in ages so whatever scientists you came from are not associated with us."
"bullshit, there's shit everywhere in here that says rda on it and that was the name of the people who took me. i saw it all over their techy nerd stuff. you're lying so you can get me to go back there. you guys robbed me of six years of my life." you didn't know how to feel. you couldn't feel your body anymore. everything was just so overwhelming. 
"six years is how long it takes to get to pandora. they didn't explain that to you when you boarded the ship?" norm question, to you, was stupid because you had just answered that.
"do your ears not fucking work? i didn't get on the ship, i was dragged onto it against my will. these idiots kidnapped me because they mistook me for some woman named theodora willisin, and i don't even know who that woman is." you sighed. you were starting to feel tired again, tears filling your eyes. you didn't know where you were or who these people were; you were just tired, and the injuries you sustained weren't helping you keep your eyes open. 
your voice was quiet as you spoke again. it was almost inaudible compared to your voice's earlier volume. "please, i'm not even supposed to be here; i just need help. i wanna go home, and this arrow is hurting my arm, and i'm tired and–" you couldn't even finish your sentence before you passed out. 
although they didn't know you, norm and max were quick to come to your aid. it had been several years since they heard that name. they don't know who you were or where you came from, but they couldn't lie and say that they didn't understand why these scientists had mistaken you for theodora. your resemblance was uncanny. norm quickly moved your form from the steps you passed out on. he placed you onto an empty lab table that they had while he snapped max out of his trance, telling him to grab their medical kit. 
the two men patched up your wounds and moved you into the room that theodora used to live in when she lived with them. they closed the door and allowed you to rest. 
max told norm immediately to link with his avatar so he could inform jake about the young girl they found. max wanted to make the natives nearby aware that the girl wasn't even meant to be there. 
norm quickly made it to jake's home, finding the olo'eyktan spending time with his youngest daughter. jake could read the worried look on norm's face and quickly approached the man so he could know what was wrong. 
"what is it?" jake got to the point. 
"there's a human girl in our lab who passed out from arrow injuries." norm said.
"only arrow injuries? did they not kill the skydemon?" neytiri asked when she heard that there was a sky person on their planet again. that could only mean one thing, though. they were all back.
"what do you mean there's a human girl in your lab? kill her you know the rules around here norm there's no acceptions for any skywalkers."
"that's the thing. she's not a skywalker, she's not a sky demon. she's an 18 year old, well now she's 24, but she was a college student who was kidnapped. they mistook her for theodora and she lost six years in cryo. i don't know how she was able to dodge the arrows from your scouts but jake i can't kill that girl. she's harmless. she didn't even know that pandora existed until she woke up from cryo. she's terrified." norm explained to his friend. hoping jake could find it in him to let norm and max just take care of the girl.
"norm–" jake started, but norm cut him off
"look, we can't send her back, it's impossible, just let us raise her. she won't come near the people. she won't cause any issues. it'll be as if she's not here. i had to come tell you because she was almost killed trying to escape the people who kidnapped her."
"her mask has a tracker in it. she will lead them to your lab." neytiri voiced. over time she had grown fond of norm and max, them being the only skypeople trusted. she didn't want this skydemon to harm those she cares for, especially after norm said they mistook her for that scientist who died all those years ago.
neytiri hated theodora. the woman was clumsy, always walking around making trouble for herself that others would have to save her from, and now there's another one. another cursed skydemon is here to destroy her home. she would not stand for it. neytiri stood from her place next to tuk and walked over to her bow and arrows. jake looked over to his mate, seeing how she was walking out of their home with her weapon. "woah, hey, neytiri. hold on a second, just wait." jake said to his wife. 
"no. i shall go kill that girl like i meant to do with the last one," she said, but norm spoke before she could leave. 
"her mask doesn't have a tracker! we checked it after she passed out and even broke it and i threw it far away somewhere just for good measure but from the looks of it they gave her one without a tracker because they thought she was that famous scientist."
“see, ma neytiri, mawey. it is okay. they said they would keep her there. there's no need to interfere if she isn't a threat. she doesn't want to be here just as much as you don't want her here yawne." jake said, soothing his mate's tense shoulders, feeling her release her breath, giving in to his comfort. 
 "she wont bother you guys. we'll make sure she has boundaries and never crosses onto native territories. we'll even give her one of our tracker masks so we can keep an eye on her. just please don't kill her. for some reason she means a lot to max. i think he's seeing something that i'm not. that's not important, just please if she wanders off i will be the one to go get her. just don't kill her. please." norm was begging at this point. to neytiri, it was weird, but she assumed it was because he really meant what he was saying. jake was already convinced, so once neytiri put her bow and arrows down, the tension in the room dissolved. everyone could finally release the breath they had been holding. 
"thank you." norm said before he made his way to his ikran, flying back to the lab.
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xxbl00d-st4rxx · 12 days
Dawg why is the hazbin/helluva fandom so toxic with their ships? Like I went to ask someone on ponytone what was so wrong with Radioapple- wanting to have maybe a bit of a heated debated, but nothing judgemental because truly it doesn't matter- THEY SAID I HAD TO BE A 13 YEAR OLD YAOI OBSESSED FUJOSHI WHOS OBSESSED WITH SEX (i mean I am obsessed with sex but for me radioapple is qpr soOO)- They also were so adamant that Al was aroace (which yes ofc its canon) but that 'qpr didn't matter and its just an excuse to have them fuck' I LITERALLY NEVER SAID THEY WERE FUCKInG!! WHEN DID QPR INFER SEXUAL RELATIONS THATS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT IT IMPLIES!! They were telling me to kill myself and saying they would kill themselves left and right and like idec at this point you've belittled the meaning of the insult/threat bc ik both of us are still gonna be kicking tomorrow. And they were like 'just shut up so I could win' "let me win you'll never win' WHAT ARE WE WINNING? WHAT COMPETiTION! I didn't know queer men was a fucking race to be beaten. And like alongside that I saw someone complaining about there being wlw rep, and in the same breath complaining about there only being mlm rep. Dude, and god forbid I had the audacity to suggest that Al x Rosie could possibly be qpr (its cute + would logically be the most canon ship considering Rosie is the only person Alastor seems to actually like) and they LOST THEIR MINDS dude they were claiming I ship any man and woman who stands together- which even if I DO how is it effecting you?- and that its the same as me shipping fucking Stella and Blitz because they shared a frame- not to mention the entire time they 'begging me and the vivzieverse to have media literacy and critical thinking' like dawg maybe you should stop yelling in the pony game about things and getting mad over things that 1. Will never actually happen in the show and 2. WILL NEVER EFFECT YOU Anyways rant aside, I am going to binge hazbin/helluva again and I'd love to have some discussions ab it and talk ab ships and such and the future and all that! All ships are valid!
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
IM LOSING IT OVER YOUR RECENT IKE FIC. LIKE OH MY GOD. its so sweet and heartwrenching i felt just as nervous and anxious as reader the entire time, and when ike reciprocated my heart MELTED AHHH his freckles!!! how kind and beautiful he is, and his confusion turning into acceptance and his SQUEALSSS AAAA. i cant take it this is my fav ike and probably luxiem fic of all time. all of your hard work paid off so well, it was so well structured and emotional and everyone felt so real!! like they arent characters, theyre actual people!!
ahh, now i wish i knew ike's perspective during those stream moments and his reaction to pen and paper ship content HAHA. i imagine he swiftly bookmarks it on his private account but he keeps blushing and his hands shake whenever he sees any fanart WAAAH. maybe one time he sees pen and paper kissing and he cant properly look at the notifications from reader's chat without FLUSHING RED i love them so bad
i love whenever i'm reading a fanfic and it's so sweetly emotional that you feel your own emotions kicking in. so whenever i hear my work has that effect on someone else it's one of the nicest feelings in the world and WHAT DO YOU MEAN FAVORITE IKE AND/OR LUXIEM FIC EVER. that's super high praise thank youuuuu sobsobsob
i mean this is the kindest most /posi way possible but "they aren't charcters, they're actual people" is the scariest compliment i've ever heard. like on one hand i'm genuinely happy! i worked really hard on keeping multifaceted personalities in mind even for the minor characters! but also Oh No. I'm Writing Vtubers. We Need To Play This So Carefully And So Conscious Of The Creator/Audience Boundary Or My Ass Is GONE
real talk one of my most favorite ike things is when he squeals at something cute or because he's embarrassed ahhhh. and his speaking voice gets so high pitched and soft when he's flustered too like?? it's probably my favorite charm point of his
the ogs remember the poll i ran like a month ago about if ike should have freckles or not. shoutout to the landslide victory, if i remember correctly 97% of voters wanted ike with freckles! so glad that worked out, it works so well with the star theme and the difference between an online friendship meeting irl, and how reader loves them because it's a reminder that they have so much to learn about ike and are ready/willing, and also, freckles are just plain adorable. ike is just plain adorable. put them together and if i were richer and thirstier i'd be commissioning an artist
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
real talk tho i feel like ike goes from 1 to 100 whenever he catches himself simping over reader before the off-collab. either he's really good at acting composed, being normal, just interacting with his best friend like best friends do... or he's a stuttering, blushy mess that wavers like jell-o.
ike's the type of guy to sleepily check twitter before going to bed and whenever he sees pen and paper on his fyp it's like he snaps awake. maybe even squeaks or goes "a!" if it's especially.... you know. sometimes he can't even comprehend that people want him and reader to. well. his mouth goes dry.
and then he feels so dirty and embarrassed just because it's there, but... he's still looking at it. is it bad he's still looking at it? it definitely is but it's captivating, in a way. somehow. the artists are so talented, and somehow they nail your body language to a t, and the way your hair swoops above your eyes, and draw you with the cutest little expressions, and—
ah, who is he kidding.
in moments of weakness it triggers something in him to bury his face a little deeper in his blankets, pretend the screen's light would cool the heat pooling over his cheeks, and search the hashtag himself.
not even three pieces of fanart later, he has to throw his phone face-down on the mattress, cover his blush with a pillow, and now he's definitely squealing. it's healing and it makes him ill. it's... pretty. you're pretty. and he's pretty dumb for letting a silly crush distort itself like this.
the worst part is that some of these line up a little too well with daydreams he wanted to lock away until the end of time. he likes when he takes the lead. the stunned, puppyish expression so rare it only shows up on your face during the biggest plot twists during a stream, but coated in a darkened blush as he pecks them on the cheek, elegant and composed. calm.
ohhhh, this can't be good for his heart. especially when ike himself is so red-faced just thinking of it. calm, his foot.
still with the pillow over his flush, ike feels around for his phone and sets it on his nightstand. he chides himself. that's enough internet for the day, eveland! now quit acting like a shoujo high schooler in love and go to bed already, it's not going to happen!
he sets his face into a determined frown as he lifts the pillow and sets it aside. with any luck, he'd go the rest of the night without thinking of reader and his feelings for them.
the frown eases as he nestles into his blankets and tucks himself in. soft sheets and warm comfort greet him as he shuts his eyes, and he enters the fluffy haze of sleep as he slips into dreamland...
...is what he'd like to say, but not even ten seconds later his eyes snap open and jerks upright in bed. wait, i'm acting like i'm in love?!
he sits with the thought seeping through his brain like a corrosive acid, filing through every little moment he daydreamed about you, and when those don't paint him a picture he likes, he tries to recall the moments he shared with you instead. those are even fonder, and even worse.
he slaps his hands over his face and sighs, and when it sounds lovesick he sighs even more.
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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narrators-journal · 4 months
YAY YOU’RE BACK!!! So Ik I asked for this a while ago as a mistake for halloween….but since your asks are re-open can I ask for Stanley Snyder x fem reader car sex? Thank you if yes but feel free to delete if it’s too much!! 😋
This is no offense to you, I wrote car sex for hxh, and I’ve written Stan a lot (obviously), but I HATED writing this scenario, man. Or, not WRITING it, the smut came pretty easily, but finding the set up was hell. But you've been waiting so nicely to resend this ask, so I had to push through to get SOMETHING out.
I had so many ideas for this one to really shake things up. I originally wanted to make this some flavor of yandere? But I couldn’t figure out a good way to do that with the whole car sex prompt that I liked. I originally wanted this to be monsterverse, but that came with even MORE trouble keeping the car sex prompt in there. Then I had trouble feeling like I captured Stan well, and all around I was just. Very indecisive. Then, y’know, I got sick. Sickness fucked everything up, man.
So! I tried, but I don’t know how I feel about this one. I feel I’ve been skimping a lot on these scenarios, but I just can’t cook up a big ol’ set up for them recently. Regardless! I hope you enjoy it at least a little bit, sorry I took soooo long to write this shit.
CW: car sex, that’s basically it this time. I kept it p simple.
The marines were probably the scariest branch of the military a person could try to get into. Yet, your boyfriend was determined to join. And, after years of research into the cost and cons of the choice, he was probably the most prepared anyone could be for the hardships and trauma of the american military. Which meant, all you could really do was give him a good, american send off to ensure he had enough strength to fight and come back to you.
So, you did your damnest to do just that.
With one hand on the car door, and Stan’s warm hands on your hips, you rocked your body against his. His strong chest pressed to your back, your breasts bouncing slightly, just like you were sure his car slightly bounced in the darkness of where ever you had him park, and his cock buried almost to the hilt within your cunt for you to grind down upon. Each movement aimed to draw out a new grunt or hum from your pale-haired partner, but also aimed to at least slightlystoke the embers sat in your belly.
Moans slipped from your lips freely as Stan’s rough hands squeezed your hips to encourage you while you rode his cock as best you could in the minimal space between your bodies and the steering wheel. “You sure do seem to be enjoying yourself,” Your boyfriend chuckled against your neck, his lipstick’d mouth pulled into a coy grin as you moved your hips to try and get as much friction as possible. Only able to breathe out, “Shut up, S-Stan.” as you moved.
With your back against his well-muscled chest, and such little room in your car, the air was thick with heat and sweat. Worsened with each quick breath either you, or the soon-to-be Marine let out. Yet, at the same time, the confines of the limited space made it hotter. The way the cloth of the car’s upholstery stuck to the back of your thighs, the steering wheel that forced you to keep your hips ground against Stan’s, which in turn forced you to keep his healthy-sized cock buried almost entirely within your drooling cunt. If he hadn’t been on the list to ship off to boot camp soon, you would have allowed yourself to indulge in the whoreish, needy voice in the back of your head that screamed God, ride him like a pony! Milk him dry! Have his god damned babies already!
But, he wason that short list for the military. So, instead of letting that torturous heat that simmered within your belly win, you forced yourself to savor each drag of his length against your walls. Each brush of the head of his cock against such sensitive parts of you, earned a new shudder or sigh from your lips.
However, when Stan gave your neck a nip, your willpower nearly melted like butter under the hellish heat that lapped at your skin while your stomach churned and tightened like a spring. The spark of measured pain almost had you giving in to that feral side of yourself. But, you held out. Instead, you let your hips stall in his lap, the break long enough to allow you to enjoy how his muscles twitched ever so slightly in time with his throbbing length. “Why are you drawing this out so much, darlin’? With how you’re squeezing around me, you’re already close.” Stan hummed, his voice far huskier than it had been before, the rumble of his words felt down to your core while you tried to gather back your restraint. “I don’t want this to just be a rushed highschool hook up, Stanley. I want to...enjoy you before you get shipped off out of reach.” You panted back, able to feel his laugh against your back before he continued with a more amused, but still gruff, tone, “I’m a bit offended you assume I can only go once in a night, darlin’~”
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paramountpetrichor · 1 month
meows at you. whats ur fave celestialcest ship...... and feel free to ramble abt them as much as u want I'll happily listen ☕️👀
dear god this ask has been in my inbox for So long now i am So sorry- i promise i haven't been neglecting it/this blog i've just been busy isgwigogwogq
ANYWAYS. do you know how Hard it was for me to pick a fav celestialcest ship. it was so hard i actually Couldn't and ended up tieing btwn two lmao:
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who could've POSSIBLY seen this coming. ts/ams sxm my BELOVED. theyre THE otp and fucking ADORABLE- literal soulmates and each others entire world. so whipped for each other its near comical.
like ik antis would call me crazy but yall have SEEN how much these two hit on each other, right?? esp moon to sun??? whenever i watch gameplay eps and they laugh like idiots together i just go 'oughh theyre kissing So hard whenever the cameras cut istggg'
the day moon confesses to being touched starved and sun starts being more touchy to him in canon in response is the day i lose my minddd. cause i already stim like an absolute codswallop whenever they're just on screen n playing together, but if they actually show intimacy??? ohhh im DONE for
and all of that is them w/o even mentioning the story and the drama from the bs that is their lives, as well as the slightly toxic power dynamic (esp when its old moon n sun) btwn them born from suns need for moons approval and moons need to protect his personal beam of light no matter the cost and I EAT THAT THE FUCK UPPP 🤌🤌🤌
they make me INSANE and if anyone ever wants to yell about them please please PLEASE know my inbox is always open cause they make me coocoo for cocoa puffs iagosgohaoya
anyways, the only ship that rivals That one:
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ignore that the image isnt rendered i got lazy igsajgajash
okay so tbch this one started as a 'im shipping this bc the cold/cynical/analytical characters are always my favs to ship together, and moon n clipse fit that role Perfectly. not to mention enemies to lovers is my fav romance trope of all time' but then it spiraled so fast the more i thought about them
its about them going from being unable to stand in the same room to tolerating each others' presence to the mourning of what they couldve been to the mutual silent agreement to try again to gentle barbs/teasing to shared laughter over stupid things to suddenly wanting to be around each other more often to actively seeking out each others' presence to spending whole nights in the lab/p&s working on tech together to inching closer and closer together until fingertips can be touched to desperate chaste kisses being traded in the middle of the night to those kisses becoming Not So Chaste to them becoming more public to 'oh no, when did i fall in love with my own worst enemy?'
^ im normal about them i promise (FUCKING LYING)
one last thing w them- they have been walked in on while making out in p&s so many times that everyone is more shocked whenever they're Not doing that. what can i say i write them as handsy mfers sigoagoaa
honestly idk if i could choose btwn these two or moon n sun. best case scenario? shove all three of em together, and Any of em can be the monkey in the middle :3c
(...but again im a multishipper so my Real solution to what my fav ship is? ...looks at my ao3 page... family-wide polyamorus blob :D)
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thousand-winters · 17 days
Ask game 🛼🍄🍬🥐🧩!
Hello, friend!!! I hope life has been treating you kindly lately 💖
🛼 ⇢ Describe your latest wip with five emojis
Going to use literally the last document I opened for this but: 😟🏃🏰🛌😢
🍄 ⇢ Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I have a little hc that during the period of time between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, while Ike was kinda getting used to being the leader of the Greil mercenaries in peace times, sometimes he would get too stressed and irritable, so Soren would do something about it.
The "something" in question being going to him like "Ike, I have something very important to report" and while Ike's kinda only half paying attention, immersed as he is in his own head, Soren will just say a shitty joke in a deadpan. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" sort of dumb joke.
He doesn't even think they're funny, but they make Ike snort in disbelief and, since he knows Soren isn't the type to randomly crack jokes all of a sudden, he can tell what he's doing. Those times always end on a smile and a "thank you, Soren".
🍬 ⇢ Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I didn't really think this was an unpopular opinion but I see it somewhat often around, the idea that Hunter killed people during his time as Golden Guard and I really don't agree with it. I feel like if Belos had made him do that, Hunter would have cracked so much earlier because his compassionate nature would be at odds with the act itself, even if he had been told they were bad people. He couldn't even get himself to catch Luz in Hunting Palismen, so I think he would have let a shit ton of people go and Belos wouldn't have taken that kindly.
At most, I can see him unfortunately being involved in someone getting killed in the same way he was with the palismen he handed Belos; aka, him possibly capturing people and those people ending up dead or petrified. But I really, really don't think he ever killed someone himself, and in the case of capturing wild witches and such, I feel like that would have to be a very special occasion too (I feel like lowkey Belos probably always had a certain wariness that his grimwalkers would run off with a wild witch or such, especially if Caleb wasn't the only one who did through his messed up story of brotherly murder and clonation)
🥐 ⇢ Name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Oh, my god, there was this meme in Spanish (very unsure if it also exists in English because it's from those monkey puppets that are memes but I never watched the source material of that properly so no idea) that went like: student character goes to present their teacher with a medical justification for missing class while saying something like "I got sick but I'm better now", teacher goes "it says here you got hit by a car and died" and then the student says "wow, science really advances, right?"
I don't think it has the same punch with me saying like this as seeing the thing but for some reason it cracked me up so much when I saw it. Now sometimes if someone asked what happened to me for whatever reason, half the time I go "I got hit by a car and died" and then laugh, which is probably not the best thing to say without context lmao 😭 I don't do it unless it's in a silly kind of context tho, don't worry.
My sister also sometimes will explain things by going "science really advances" and I die every fucking time too.
🧩 ⇢ What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
1st person POVs, I'm so sorry, I just can't do it 😔 It causes such a visceral reaction of second hand embarrassment in me even if there's no actual embarrassing content in the description. I just cannot do it, it's even worse for me than paragraphs with no space between them or such, depending on the day I can power through those but the 1st person? Nope.
Thank you for the questions!!! From this ask game
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mischiefprincess · 19 days
Loki's not stuck in pain and suffering while sitting on his throne
This may be controversial but I have some opinions on Loki's sacrifice and the way most people reacted to it
Like, I get people being sad bc he's techically alone but at the same time I think there was a bit of a overreaction in general about his situation, I think this has to do with the fact that I don't see Loki as a regular person anymore but as a omniscient powerfull ancient being who is beyond our understanding and who experiences time in a very diferrent way than the rest of the mortals of the timelines
People say that he's trapped there forever alone and I'm like... no he isn't...
The finale made us think that that was a very final and definitive moment but imo there's no way in hell he's not coming back to us, especially with marvel struggling with their new stories in this saga, he's not only one of the most popular characters ever but his show is literally one of the - if not the most - marvel show, they know he's popular as fuck and that people would lose their minds seeing him in the movies again and I'm so sure he's coming back, and to whomever doubts it bc in the finale he was shown holding everything together so he can leave that tree:
Literally everything is possible in fictional stories lol, it's so easy for them to create an escape, a loophole, a way to free him without threatening the safety of the multiverse, that's not a worry for me, not in the slightest
Coming back to what this post was originally supposed to be:
Don't feel so bad for Loki and his loneliness bc he literally has the whole multiverse on his hands, Tom already talked about how he's watching and taking care of the ones he loves so I think he just doesn't project himself and talks to them bc he simply doesn't want to
He doesn't want to interfere with the lives of the people living in the multiverse bc his purpose is to give them their freedom and that's what he's doing, he choses to stay isolated and he has no problem with it bc he's on another level spiritually and mentally, Isaac Bauman said it himself:
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Loki's not longer a regular being, he's an ancient force giving life to everything in existence and he's not crying or getting desperate or anything, ofc I think he's sad bc he just wanted to be with his friends in the first place, but he understands that this is for the better, honestly I think he just keeps wacth, seeing millions of lives unfolding in front of him, seeing all the paths his variants take across the multiverse, epic stories, epic adventures and literally everything in existence, when he leaves the tree eventually (I'm convinced this will happen) he'll have so many stories to share, so many wisdom to offer (Eric Martin said he's basically the wisest being in existence now and I love that so much), everything will be so exciting for us and for him
But ofc there's people that are desperate bc they know that their ship is likely not coming back (And I say this about both ships), I can see Mobius returning but that doesn't mean they'll be canon, even if Loki ends up this saga with his found family like I want him to (the same applies for sylvie)
Anyway, I just think there's no need for hysteria, Loki is not going insane bc of his loneliness (HWR spent god knows how long isolated in the citadel and he seemed fine when we saw him for the first time and yes ik Loki's mobility is way more reduced than his but I still think he's fine, he's a god, not some ordinary desperate human, he's fine)
He's taking care of his loved ones and when he comes back to us it will be so fucking exciting!!!
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fand0mswithbunny · 8 months
Why Free Shipping winning isn't luck, its all Gin.
This Free Shipping sweep caught everyone off-guard, myself included, just like the first episode the bot that won wasn't the one we expected. But just like The Bro™ it wasn't just luck or the right opponents. Nope. I was originally going to make this analysis on the final fight, but because I can, and to convert botblr to Ginism, I'm doing ALL OF THE FREE SHIPPING FIGHTS. (this is MY HYPERFIXATION and I will deal with it how I please.)
First is the Mammoth fight, Gary knew how unreliable the bot had been and you can this in the driving. Free Shipping was zooming around Mammoth, and Gary says this in the fight hype-up video. clip. thing. "-just gotta be quicker than them." It's like he was trying to tire Mammoth so that Mammoth will always run after FS and he can come in at the right angle for a good hit. Once Mammoth's chain flew off that's when FS started to be more aggressive and aim for the motors/tires. Eventually, Mammoth's drive gets compromised on one side, and then Mammoth's motors are dead. While you can argue Mammoth isn't the most impressive or reliable bot and any bot could've done the same thing, this fight shows how methodical Gary is during fights. (also CHRIS ROSE ILY MAN BUT WHYYY WOULD YOU ASK RICKY IF HE WILL RETIRE MAMMOTH WHY MAN?? DONT DO THIS TO HIM. RICKY NEEDS A COFFEE AND SOME REST AND A HUG.)
Next is the Beta fight, personally I wouldn’t call it a FIGHT, moreso Beta took 2 hits and died. "Key moment in this fight is being able to get underneath uh that huge plow or whatever he's calling it on the front of uh- Beta and um hopefully not take any hits from his hammer." Again, nothing spectacular here, but hey, he did get under the plow. This honestly just shows no matter which hammer Beta's using, or if he uses the plow, Beta is just unreliable, when they win it's great but MAN they really have a habit of just dying. When I tell you when FS won I FLIPPED OUT. I became a Gary believer at that moment. This can possibly be narrowed down to luck but it doesn't matter, Gary's in the finals now and it's SLUSHIES FOR EVERYONE!!!
(as I'm looking over this post, I found out they've actually been MARGARITAS and they never had a slushie machine and they changed it to make it more family-friendly. IK ITS A SMALL THING BUT CMOONN BATTLEBOTS but eh slushies are funnier I guess so eh.)
Finally, it's the finals. The Gigabyte fight. "As soon as that light turns green we're going to turn on our spinner and just go for it." OH. MY GOD. There's so much to talk about. This is probably the best fight FS has since becoming a vert. As soon as the fight began FS ran into Gigabyte to try to get a big hit on them. After that FS kinda isolates and keeps Gigabyte in the corner and lines up another shot to try to get that hit. Usually the opponent will try to be all over Gigabyte to try to stop them from spinning up, BUT GARY GIN ISNT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLIES because he holds back a bit and allows Gigabyte to spin up so that when they finally hit, it’s a massive collision, which is exactly what happens. Once Gigabyte loses their self-righter and is on their head FS can come in and push them to the hammers and wait for them to be counted out. And thus, the Free Shipping sweep is completed and they're headed to the fight for the golden bolt.
This whole episode was an amazing showing for Gary in particular, while FS isn't the bot you'd think of when you wanna predict who will move on to the finals, Gary's precision and technicality really carried him in all his fights. AND I'VE NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED I WAS SO HYPED GARY WON. Good for him. GOOD FOR HIM. SLUSHIES FOR EVERYONE!!!!!
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flightfoot · 2 years
You think Ladybug will ever tell Chat about having Alya(Rena & Furtive + Scarabella) as a second partner who is also her Co- guardian since prett much the beginning of her guardianship, or has that ship sailed?
Seeing that plot thread still not being touched upon for no reason while Marinette has Alya with her each and every day to talk to (most importantly the CATACLYSM incident for which Adrien conveniently never needed support for. Support that Marinette on the other hand got from Alya :/), but Adrien is stuck with Monarch his abusive Father now trying to groom him and a best friend who for some reason doesn't quite understand enough how dangerous Gabriel is to his son... it just continues to sting while watching. I just wanna watch this show normally again without it STILL leaving a bitter taste in my mouth for Adriens sake, can this just be over now? Can this boy just have SOMEONE on his side besides Plagg and his own (overly taken advantage of by the show) out-of-this-world resilience?
Even Nathalie is not entirely save to rely on bc she still on the evil side and yeah, ik Adrien has Marinette now but
Man I just wished that boy was allowed to have anyone else really on his side than just Marinette and Ladybug in what sadly limited support he can get from her often bc of the usual circumstances. I get that he's her love interest and it's HER show but the story is just straight up refusing to give Adrien any other options to get help besides Kagami that one time in Determination and thank god for that one
What reason is there at this point to not have Ladybug tell Chat about Alya in a mature (LONG overdue thanks to Multiplication) conversation so they are a team of three? It just feels like complete secrecy towards Chat out of principle now. Monarch KNOWS. Just TELL HIM so Chat has ANYONE he could secretly visit too when he needs someone to talk to! How hard is that? Marinette wouldn't even "loose" any time with Alya, Chat can just join their sleepovers they seem to be doing almost daily now. So you can still even include Marinette in that! *yells into the void for 10 years out of frustration*
And I would just be more bothered by this whole situation if that secret is only allowed to come to light by force somehow in the Kwamis Choice or some other plan Monarch had. That's just gonna force Adrien to find it out in the worst way possible AGAIN and he has to mostly swallow it down and be nothing but supportive for Ladybug AGAIN bc him finding out is gonna make her sad so that has to be priority, which will be it.
Aaaaaaaaaaaargh! I don't wanna be so negative about this but I'm so annoyed Dx Why does this show always have to be so one-sided in all of this?
I think the ship has sailed on Ladybug telling Chat exactly how involved Rena Furtive has been, and for how long. Chat knows that she was around more than he'd been told about, and I think that's all that's gonna happen with that story thread. Chat is very content to let sleeping dogs lie. So long as Ladybug needs and wants him and does appear to be trusting him with information now, I can't see him poking at old stuff. He is forgiving and understanding to a fault.
And yeah I wish Adrien could have more of a support network! I'm glad that Marinette has Alya, because she needs someone to talk to about everything secret identity related, but Adrien doesn't have that same luxury. I agree, he does have out-of-this-world resilience, which I wish he didn't need as much as he did. Let the boy break down and not be okay, and have someone there to catch him - and not JUST Marinette, as much as I like the cute scenes between them.
I did love Kagami in Determination. She's very to-the-point and forceful, she's not exactly a comforter, but she wants the best for Adrien and will help him to get what he needs. I'm rooting for her to become Adrien's confidant, especially since it'd explain why Adrien lied to her so often. If Luka gets to be aware of why Marinette couldn't tell him the truth, then Kagami should get that same luxury.
I don't fully agree about Ladybug telling Chat that Alya, specifically, is her confidant though. There's some secret identity problems there. If Chat gets mind-controlled, he could spill that secret, and then Monarch's even more likely to go after Alya than he already was, and to learn Ladybug's secret identity by doing so.
I do really want Adrien to get to have some breakdowns and need comfort and have that comfort get to actually be the priority at some point. To not have Ladybug have a breakdown at the same time, and Adrien to have to force himself to be strong for her. I really want him to get that kind of comfort and love and to just... not HAVE to be super resilient all the time.
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marsbotz · 1 year
hello I keep seeing u talk ab loving skybound but I'm curious as to why u love it, and would LOVE to read a super in-depth explanation bc im kinda a skybound notliker and ik uve changed my mind on certain thigns ab this show b4, and I was hoping u cld do it again !!! :DDD /gen
YEAH. OKAY !!! sorry this is super long and rambly i already had to rewrite it once cus tumblr ate it lol... and also sorry its all basically abt jay (running away embarrassed)
first of all let me say i do think skybound is a BAD season. having the characters suddenly all be sexist out of nowhere to drive plot is stupidddd and so is having a retcon ending that makes it all redundant except for Jaya Canon Now. i think thats mostly what makes the fandom not like it. BUT. i think its sooo interesting for like so many reasons also
i think s8 is considered the darkest season which is fair. but skybound also has a crazyyy amount of dark and DEEPLY interesting things it touches on. the ninja disappearing one by one. jays birth father being his favourite actor. jay torture. jaya actually being interesting!! lets talk abt these.
having the ninja slowly be cut out of the season is GREAT for not only building tension but also being able to more deeply build upon jay and nyas characters (and their relationship). the 22 min format means that some characters (like wu and kai) are gone for AGES. which is sad for kai fans but greatttt for the season. it rlly makes u feel their absence, and some of their disappearances are scary!! zane trying to outsmart nadakhan but realising too late hes been tricked... AHH!!!
if you compare this to how they did it in s12 its a lot more impactful as theres more time for the characters to... be gone. and the videogame nature rlly does take away a lot of the tension IMO. if jays mothers had been in prime empire like planned.... it would have been a GREAT parallel i think but as it is its just kind of odd. thats another convo tho lol (altho there issss the mention of jay being adopted at the end. very interesting [it goes nowhere])
i literally think abt jay adoption arc every god damn day of my life. ill try to explain this without getting too deep into my personal sicko hcs lol. first you get a rlly nice callback to s1 w jay being ashamed of his parents and living in a junkyard only to realise how litte he cares once theyre threatened. thennn you have the whole situation at cliffs house. jay finds out the man who abandoned him at birth (possibly? we dont know details) is the actor for fritz donnegan. the same character who jay imitated and aspired to be like. and then he realises his father felt the same admiration towards jay!! and they both never knew!!!
i think this twist is what makes a lot of jays behaviour in s6.... not excusable... but understandable. jay is shown to be insecure and have weird fucking ways of coping with this (lying. lying lying all the time) and so it kinda feels natural that his way of coping with this information would be to 1. hide the fact he made wishes 2. try to imitate his father through his book and 3. Never Speak Of This Again.
speaking of that lets talk about jay being tortured. can we talk about that?? they FUCKED him up. but the most important part out of allll of it is a character trait i rarely see ppl attribute to jay even though its like... pretty consistent for him. is his willpower!! hes able to endure days of torture to the point where he can barely walk and talk at the end of it just to stop nadakhan from gaining more power
nadakhan also directly points out jays insecurities and how they make him lie to his friends... and jays able to show some of his smarts thru trying to get flintlocke to stage a mutiny! honestly the whole episode is so damn interesting it makes me SEETHE its not more talked abt LOL
i wont get into my insanely complex jaya opinions rn but i will say s6 has one of the most interesting depictions of the ship to me. nya being reluctant to date jay due to being seen simply as his girlfriend is soooo interesting and fits well w her arc of not wanting to give up her own deal w sam x to become a ninja. its just a shame they had to retroactively make everyone misogynistic to do so lolol... and the ending w jays wish Potentially forcing them together is soooo odd and kinda goes what the rest of the season was setting up for them. THIS IS MAINLY why i think ppl hate this season. cus it sets up SOOO much cool stuff and then drops it all last second
i think the things that could have saved skybound from being so hated would be
1. do the same plotpoints w nya but dont drag the ninja AND DARETH into it ..... make them supportive of her!
2. makes jays final wish have some FUCKING consequence! you could do a LOT with how he worded it to twist it badly (im a nadakhan return truther for life)
3. not dropping every single intersting character trait ever. and also not dropping the GOD DAMN ADOPTION ARCCCCCC and also not revealing jay to be so crushingly insecure he physically cannot stop himself from lying to ppl and putting on a happy mask and then turn him into a one note comic relief character. [becoming a soulless husk]
LOL i realise this sounds now like i hate skybound I DONT i just think its very flawed. BUT thats whyyyy i love it... because its so interesting! its flawed in a way like "there is soooo much i cld do w this" and not like "i dont care about any of this its so bad". w ninjago my fav parts have always been the weird icky edgy parts that are almost too much for what it is... which is a childrens lego show. ik they cld never have done most of the interesting stuff i imagine coming out of skybound and thats ok! bc i get to think abt it evilly.
heres some assorted things i love and think are fun in skybound
kai and zane banter at the repo yard
ronin capturing the ninja!! specifically him shutting down zane from the inside is super scary and cool
NINJA IN PRISON!!!!! i almost threw up when they went to jail in crystallised its so fuckign fun. SKYBOUND 2!!!
zane playing chess against nadakahn. another scary zane moment
jay trusting only cole w the truth abt his wishes (HELL YES BROTHER)
clanceeeeee <3 him being like one sided friends w jay and standing up to nadakhan at the end of it all... wahhh
NINJA REPLACEMENTS. so fucking funny i love jay and his assortment of old guys And Skylor
everytime i watch it i cant stop thinking of this ytp and it makes me cry. its not even that funny i just have watched it like 50 times
its dungeon media. this is smth i made up and only i know abt . dont worry abt it but its true
ok my brain is mush HOPE THIS MAKES. some sort of sense . bascially trying to condense 6 years of Thoughts into coherent analysis is impossible for me LOL
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clovis-enthusiast · 5 months
Hi! What are your thoughts of a child of Aphrodite trying to pursue a relationship with Clovis? I feel like Clovis would be really shy/blushes profusely whenever he’s around them or whenever they try to make a move on him and he would try to deny it but will eventually accept it (also happy to find ur blog-made me more curious about Clovis!)
hi hi!! so sorry 4 the late reply, i hardly ever check my notifs if im not on my laptop T^T
im actually a HUGE fan of exploring clovis and aphrodite cabin dynamics!! i even ship mitchell, valentina, and drew with clovis (not all together ofc but as separate ships!) :D
ok ok so on one side we have a demigod whose godly parent is the literal embodiment of love and the other side we have a demigod whose parent is the literal embodiment of sleep; i think it's a very goofy and cute dynamic!!
here we have a demigod whose godly parent is LOVE thus making their life very motivated, inspired, and directed/guided by love (of all types!), and a kid who is lucky if he even knows what year it is. imagine being someone who has had so MUCH LOVE front and center in their life and being surrounded by half-siblings that share this trait with you and then you try to flirt with clovis 💀
since clovis seems to be very "go with the flow" and more in the dreamscape than reality at any given time, i think that would make it all the more difficult to even get him to even consider the possibility that flirting is what's going on let alone someone flirting with HIM. like he went through the trouble of showing nico the counselor meeting and didnt seem to notice that gee nico is rlly rlly focused on will weird. he's so relaxed and unbothered that detecting social cues or picking up on subtleties and viewing things as anything other than neutral demigod-to-demigod interactions just isn't something he particularly excels at. why would he need to? he's usually sleeping, so that sort of stuff doesn't concern him all that much because why would anyone be interested in him romantically much less flirt with him??? that doesn't make any sense??? so it's not so much him being unconfident or hard on himself as much as it is just his "logic."
that's how he regards his interactions with people in general... now once more: this is the APHRODITE cabin. they're generally nice, and even if it is flirting, aren't they all kinda flirty by nature? (not accurate in reality ik just bear with me here)
and for a while, DREW ran the cabin. the same drew who literally called clovis "repulsive" and seems to have some beef or just general dislike for him. with her being the head counselor (and even when she steps down, she's still an older camper with influence in her cabin) and thus being who clovis might immediately associate the cabin with due to interactions as a fellow head counselor, it seems unlikely that anyone from that cabin thinks that highly of him. and if they did, could it be a form of rebellion AGAINST drew and not actual general interest? or just some sort of cruel joke or even just the easy way out of that weird old aphrodite tradition?
i also headcanon clovis as just. Chill. Unbothered. Not Aware of Social Norms in general. he's the type to hug/lean on his friends lazily, cuddle with ppl he doesn't even know all that well at the campfire bc they're comfy, offer to share his bed with someone who is having nightmares, etc. just bc he has far less experience with actual human interaction as opposed to dreams where he can control them as he wishes. who is he to say someone isn't just being friendly/polite to him or thats just how ppl act?
that all being said though, people wanting/trying to keep him up long enough to talk to him, get to know him, or hang out with him as opposed to just to get some sleep, help with dreams/nightmares, or info on gods and whatnot, IS something unusual enough for him to notice. so when a nice, pretty aphrodite camper visits him and asks to go strawberry picking or sits by him at the campfire or asks him about HIS dreams or compliments him with no hint of malice/dishonesty in their voice, THAT can be enough to catch his attention. and THAT is when the ✨️confused flustering✨️ occurs.
this eepy boy is touch-starved, friend-starved, all KINDS of starved AND honestly just taken for granted/neglected when it comes to living in a camp full of adhd kiddos with demigodly powers so when someone whose godly parent is LOVE starts showing affection and attention to him? WOWIE UHHHH WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO????? and i think that's a lot of what gets him so flustered in such new, intense interactions: the whys? and what do i do's? and even the how does this make me feels? and do i really deserve this's? getting all worked up with that sort of stuff in ur head is gonna stress ya out and stress makes ya... well... exhausted. sleepy.
i think it would def take a LOT of time and patience when it comes to anyone pursuing a child of hypnos romantically, and i think the aphrodite cabin is just the right type of ppl to take on that challenge. being experts in all sorts of different forms of love whereas clovis is mostly only ever by himself in the land of make-believe so to speak, they're the perfect types of demigods to help clovis explore uncharted waters and be gentle and kind enough to not be too pushy to make him uncomfortable but just pushy enough to make sure he knows that hey, im being flirted with, that's something that can happen and i am worthy of having happen to me, and help him figure out his love languages (while also enjoying the cute reactions during this process uwu).
and when it comes to teasing/flustering, the possibilities for silly pet names ("dreamboat/dreamboy", "sleeping beauty", "bedhead" (affectionately), etc) and cheesy pick-up lines ("you must be tired from running through my dreams all night" "I've never met someone as cute as you; pinch me i must be dreaming" "aren't you the sweetest dream I've ever had", etc.) are endless and hilarious. whether or not he actually picks up on it or it goes whoooosh over his poor sleepy widdle head, at least it's entertaining.
and in the end, i doubt there are truly many other significant others who would be as gentle, comforting, comfortable, thoughtful, and soft all the way around as the gods' eepiest soldier.
this is kinda lackluster bc im tired myself and i havent spent time actually sitting down and writing up concepts in YEARS so i might answer this question again sometime with a better response and better concepts and ideas!! my brain's all rusty lo siento T~T but thanks for the question!! I'm always down to talk abt my BOYYYYYY!!!!!
and aaaa that last part made me so happy u have no idea im always so grateful when i can remind ppl that Clovis exists or make them reconsider him as an important or special character 🥹💛
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
Had an idea for a pirate flavored angst
So in canon Joey and Sausage kidnapped Gem and Scott. Sausage probably wouldn't in pirate au but it definitely feels like something Joey would do.
So Xornoth is faced with this decision. Stay with Joey and let his brother and (ik Gem has something to with the navy but I just woke up so idr it) get taken and most likely killed, or set them free and most likely ruin their relationship with Joey
You said they'd choose Scott everytime, so which one he chooses isn't hard, but the fall out?
Kinda imagining Scott offering Xornoth a spot on the ship (at least temporarily) until they have somewhere to go. Maybe the Overgrown?
Oooh oh my god this is actually really funny because I was just imagining a really similar situation.
I didn't know how to set it up, or how it would get to that point in the first place, but a kidnapping is exactly what I needed to make this work, so thank you!!
Story under the cut
Scott and Gem are both navy deserters, so they formed a friendship around their mutual experiences. Granted, Gem's were a bit worse considering at the end of the day, it was Scott's choice to stick with the navy, but it was very much not Gem's, but they still bond over being treated like shit by everyone around them.
Gem also commiserates with him about being separated from his brother.
And that's all well and good, until during one of their hangouts, they get abruptly captured because they weren't very careful enough and somebody recognized them. I mean, neither of their appearances are exactly subtle.
To make matters worse, who is the naval officer who orchestrated it? Joey. Of course it is. And that means Xornoth isn't far behind.
Joey isn't wasting any time this time around. He knows that Scott has a habit of managing to slip whatever confines he's put in if left alone long enough (thanks in no small part to Xornoth), so he plans to have both him and Gem executed as soon as possible.
This means when Xornoth goes to break them both out, he's rushed, he's panicked, and he's sloppy. They've almost made it back to the docks, where the WRA and Jimmy are starting to get concerned because Scott and Gem aren't back yet, when Joey catches them.
He demands to know what Xornoth thinks they're doing and expresses his disbelief that they would stoop this low.
He causes a commotion and draws the attention of Jimmy and his crew, as well as Joey and Xornoth's own, surrounding them on opposite sides. Scott and Gem both immediately bolt for their side, but turn around to see Joey still yelling, and Xornoth frozen, unable to move.
When Joey finally finishes his angered ranting, he sighs and softens his tone. He tells Xornoth that if he comes back and waits on the ship while they deal with the mess he's created, they can work something out. Maybe they can even find a way to forgive him for this slight, because he loves Xornoth that much and he's willing to overlook this as long as it never happens again.
Xornoth hesitates, long enough that Joey gets impatient and snaps their name, telling them to hurry up. Then Scott calls out to him, silently urging, although even Scott's not sure whether he's urging him to listen to Joey and try to salvage his reputation, or to turn tail and finally leave the navy behind.
But either way, something in Xornoth finally snaps. They turn back to their boyfriend, whisper and apology, and run to Scott's side.
Joey doesn't take this well at all. Scott has always taken up so much of Xornoth's time and energy that, in Joey's mind, he didn't deserve. For every flaw or sign of wavering loyalty Xornoth ever demonstrated, it was instantly declared Scott's fault.
And now this? Manipulating them into turning sides, abandoning their family, abandoning Joey? That was the final straw.
Enraged, he pulls out his pistol and fires at Scott. But before anyone can do a thing, Xornoth is pulling his little brother out of the way, switching their positions. The bullet hits them in the shoulder.
Things descend into chaos from there. Joey stands there, shocked, angry, hurt, and betrayed, the dawning realization of what he's just done slowly washing over him. The two groups end up getting into a short fight, and the navy has to retreat. Someone has to literally pull Joey along by his arm because he's staring at Xornoth's unconscious body.
Scott is putting pressure on the wound and yelling desperately for Lilac, who is trying her best to push through the carnage to get to them.
But of course, it's me, and I can't do unhappy endings or major character death. After the fight is over, Lilac manages to remove the bullet and stitch up the wound. It's pretty severe, there's definitely going to be lasting nerve damage that makes it harder, if not impossible, for Xornoth to use his arm. But they're alive and they'll be okay, and that's all that matters.
Jimmy offers him a place on the crew, since everyone already knows Xornoth by now, he's saved most of their lives at one point or another. But Xornoth declines, saying they think they'd rather retire. Sailing was never a passion for him. The only reason they were in the navy was because they needed some excuse to get away from their parents, who were already pushing them towards a military career.
So instead, they wait until Xornoth has mostly recovered so that Lilac is able to help him with physical therapy, and drop him off at the Overgrowth, just like you said. They build a new life there, actually get some therapy for their lifetime's worth of unhealthy relationships both familial and romantic, and make friends with Katherine and Shelby, who pretty much instantly go into full Mom FriendTM mode as soon as they meet them.
It's a little awkward, considering Shelby once tried to kill Xornoth, but at this point, so have most of the people in his life, and at least she wasn't motivated by anything personal, so they move past it.
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poppet-seed · 2 years
siren AU headcanons
brainrot hit me. I could not resist im sORRY-
Most of this will prolly come out if the boys ever have an improvement with siren Y/N, if that's even possible lmao. feel free to debunk any of these cus im just on a roll rn- :'>
-Y/N likes to entertain the kids by doing some tricks out at sea! Doing flips and other things, they learn it makes the brothers happy, so they like doing it!
-This does kinda taint the kids view of sirens so the boys usually have to remind them that Y/N is simply not like other sirens. 💅
-I like to imagine Y/N being able to purr through the little coos and clicks they make and Moon will be pissed off at how adorable it is.
-'God dammit no no no stop that i don't want to think you're cute fuck SHIT F-'
-Communication is easier thanks to Sun teaching them ASL, but the boys might interpret Y/N's profession of love to them as admiration at first since Y/N is very simple-minded to them.
-Everybody gangsta until they realize oh fuck that THE LOVE WAS REAL THIS SIREN REALLY IS WHIPPED-
-Idk who I wanna bet my bubble money on who develops a crush first. Prolly Sun, but I purely imagined Moon because haha OOPS I FELL FOR MY ENEMY- but who knows!
-Boys could maybe build a pool for Y/N to vibe in a while in the future?? or maybe a hatch at the bottom of the ship. i say this bc i want Y/N to be within petting range but ik there are other ways that could happen LOL.
-Y/N prolly loves being pet but is likely hesitant on anyone other than the boys and kids bc they could've had bad human experiences, but eventually they'll come around!
-The boys probably have a fat collection of respectively themed charms and gifts from Y/N, but it gets even more cute if Y/N is taught any sort of arts n crafts.
-Everybody gangsta until Y/N actually speaks any of their names for the first time. Well, at least they know Y/N is capable of speech!
Submitted by - @waayix
I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this! I wanted to at least draw something for it again as you put do much time and effort into it.
Most of these ideas are super cute! Especially the fact that guppy purrs. I've been hesitant to let guppy purr, they can definitely click, chirp and growl. But after hearing your ideas. Yeah.
I'll let guppy purr
I can't answer all of these ideas as some would contain spoiler info so I'll leave this here for you~
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ender-niffler · 3 months
I cannot believe I have to say this, SO
To that very specific side of Steve legends fandom!
They are written to be a found family! They have that bound because of the time they spent together, both at the academy and training-
It is implied they met through the elite training course and have history together
“But Beef Called Colle and Sharp his family!” AS a term of endearment, because they were about to go into battle? With the possibility of not making it out the other side!
Other medias have done this with their found family tropes, examples like Kipo and the age of the wonder beasts, the party from the DND movie, etc etc etc. it’s a common thing amongst the found family trope
And ik they’re probably gonna come get and say ‘where’s your proof that says they’re just friends?’
Oh I got my proof!
Here’s almost every single screenshot of the characters referring to one another as friends, as well as outside characters referring to them as a a friend group
Not including all the times Colle himself refered to Beef or sharp as his friends!
I’ve even added Goggles too since he’s canonly Colles best friend-!
It’s definitely not EVERYTIME they called one another friend or friends, but it’s enough proof
“But sometimes family call one another friends!” No they don’t. When has that ever happened? Never.
If they where actually related they would refer to one another as ‘brother’
Please, Stop throwing around the word incest when people say they ship characters together like Beef and Colle, or a Colle and Sharp- or sharp and beef, etc etc etc.
You can have your own personal headcanons when it comes to character dynamics. But please for the love of god stop calling it incest, and stop harassing people who do ship two elites together
Especially the younger fans. That’s not cool. You’re just an ass.
TLDR- Shipping two elites together is not incest, they are written to be a found family. Stop making up sh*t to make your headcanons ‘canon’ to shame other people in this fandom
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