#and im not gonna be able to sleep for a while
sssammich · 2 days
💚 true love's kiss / magic kiss / healed
i got you anon! sorry this took a while.
💚 true love's kiss / magic kiss / healed for supercorp*
ask meme
"your true love is an alien."
well. there's certainly a lot to unpack from that, isn't there?
let's try.
first. this short and frumpy old lady with both hands on her hips is standing in front of her desk, somehow able to bypass security and her assistant, jess, who is mysteriously absent from her desk.
second. aliens aren't real. right? (right?)
third. the concept of true love is laughable. this is the 21st century and subscribing to these silly fairytale notions of true love is a lot of bullshit. let alone the idea that there is someone even out there for lena in that capacity. nevermind that apparently the only possible candidate for such a title is someone who isn't even human.
fourth. what does this even all mean? and why is she allowing her conference call to madrid get completely derailed by this woman who looks like she's more suited for the kitchen of a small hole in the wall italian restaurant and not the middle of a fortune 500 corporate office.
(all this to say that when lena eventually looks back at her life, she'll think that this is probably not even top five of the weirdest things to happen to her. it might just barely squeak into the top ten, though.)
still, she's faced with a strange predicament at this time. like how to get this lady out of her office.
yet instead of shooing this lady out, her mouth opens to say, "what's next, are you gonna tell me that magic is also real?"
the old lady in front of her just shrugs. "true love is magic, dearie. keep up, mm?"
when she opens her mouth again, she's just about to dismiss this lady, but it doesn't even matter because as soon as she blinks, she's alone.
something saves her.
no wait, it's someone. someone saves her.
her helicopter is crashing, the pilot is dead and dying beside her, and they're plummeting.
until, of course, they're not.
because someone is carrying her burning helicopter down on a hellipad and yanking the door out to check on them. lena's heart is in her throat and her lungs are somewhere in her stomach and she doesn't know if she's still even alive. but this someone is definitely hovering before she's holding lena securely.
"hi," the woman says, tentative, blue eyes and blonde hair and armsarmsarms and a red cape and--
something inside of lena's heart changes-transforms-evolves.
and then she passes the fuck out.
when she wakes, it's to dim lighting in a hospital room, the beeping of her heartrate monitor. distantly, she hears very little outside which means she's in a much more private wing of the hospital.
she sits up a little when a nurse comes in holding a tray.
except it's not a nurse at all. but the same lady from before.
"hello, dearie."
so many questions jump at the forefront of her mind. understandable and reasonable questions like hey lady what the fuck are you doing here? how did you get in? what do you want from me? are you here to kill me? stuff like that.
except the flashes of earlier appear in her mind and she recalls blonde blue red. she gasps.
the old lady smiles. "very good, dearie. they did say you were smarter than the others."
"what do you want from me?"
"then what are you doing here?" she asks, her voice gaining strength, her hands balling into fists by her side.
"just consider me an invested party."
before she can voice anything, the old lady places her cup of jello and plastic spoon by her thigh.
"take care, dearie. tell her i said hello, mm?"
lena's brows furrow, questions crowding her mind as she attempts to make sense of everything but failing to do so. the last she hears is a snap of fingers and she falls into a dreamless sleep.
when lena next wakes, she's back in her office. a week after the failed assassination attempt on her life.
the buzz of her intercom signals jess's voice. "miss luthor, your 2pm appointment is here. would you like me to let her in."
"go ahead."
she stands by her desk and brushes at her skirt just as the door opens to reveal a beautiful and bespectacled woman with her hair pulled in a ponytail.
blonde blue red.
lena's mouth dries and her insides do a somersault. she remembers the helicopter, the hospital, the old lady. the words your true love is an alien pinballing in her head (in her heart in her heart in her heart).
"hi, miss luthor. thanks for meeting with me."
lena looks at the offered hand. strong hands that have held her before. on a burning helicopter.
"of course..." she says, waiting for the woman to fill in the blanks.
"kara. kara danvers."
"well, kara, call me lena."
it takes five eternal seconds for them to let go of each other's clasped hands.
lena finds out about kara bit by bit. through interviews, through professional coffee meetings, through informal coffee meetings, through casual walks around downtown and the city parks, through casual lunches and dinners and desserts.
congregating around food so she holds a fork or a burger or an ice cream cone in her hand while she fights the urge to hold kara's hand.
lena learns about who kara is. a reporter by day (who moonlights as a superhero, lena muses, but kara doesn't share that information). an avid pop music lover and movie buff. a regular buff with hard cuts of muscles. arms arms arms arms--
kara is lame. a dork. goofy. foolish. beautiful. quiet. pensive. perceptive. deep. kind. loving. oh, so loving. so very loving.
kara is a hugger. a holder. an engulfer. an overwhelmer. she is the ocean and lena is the lone driftwood that crashes against waves. lena wants to be washed ashore only for the ocean to capture her once more because the ocean can't be denied.
she doesn't want to deny kara.
she blinks back to her present, washing away the cloud of her thoughts. right. they're at dinner. her fork held midair just before her mouth. they are in kara's apartment.
"yes, darling?"
kara smiles at her, though there is concern in her eyes. "where'd you go just now?"
she wants to say she went to the ocean but it's true either way when she offers her best smile to kara who mirrors it easily, breezily.
"i was just thinking that your cooking has gotten better."
kara ducks her head, her smile turning shy. "thanks, lena."
lena doesn't want to deny kara.
briefly, distantly, lena thinks that perhaps there's an inevitability to this moment.
this moment being:
kara is standing in front of her with her button down shirt opened to the fifth button where lena sees the S emblem over kara's chest.
"i wanted to tell you. f-for so long, i just--" she stops herself and takes a deep breath. "i'm sorry, lena."
lena is quiet. her vision unable to focus on any one thing. she looks at the blonde of her hair out of its regular ponytail. at the blue of kara's eyes. at the red of the symbol atop her chest.
blonde blue red.
"you're an alien." she announces it for the first time, despite the truth have sat carefully under her tongue for months.
kara swallows, then nods. "lena-"
what did that old lady say? she can't remember right now because her brain is buzzing, her heart is thumping, and the overwhelming urge to melt into kara is all she can think about.
she propels forward, pushing up on the tips of her toes, and kisses kara.
kara's arms are around her, hands holding her, body engulfing her.
soft lips slide against hers, press upon her, permanently transforming the chemistry of her body with the way that kara is now part of her.
when they break apart, she only grins at the dazed expression on kara's face.
"you...you like me too?"
she is beaming because of course she likes kara too, likes her more than like. so she answers by kissing kara again.
for their first date, kara takes her to a small italian hole-in-the-wall restaurant.
"this is my favorite italian spot in the city. in the state, actually. maybe even the country!" kara exclaims, excitedly talking and gesticulating but making sure that their hands stay interlaced with one another.
when they get there, they're seated right away, a young woman seating them in the back booth.
"hi, kara. table for 2?"
kara nods and lena watches. "you come here often?" she asks.
"yeah. i hit this place up at least a couple times a month. good thing my metabolism allows me to eat as much pasta as i want. the chef in the back makes it fresh every day."
amidst drinking wine and twirling their forks in their pasta, kara is leaning closer to her, the two of them sitting adjacent to each other, their elbows grazing each other on the corner.
when they finish, kara pays, insists on it, and asks if they can stop by the kitchen to pay compliments to the chef. with hands still intertwined, kara pushes the swinging door forward, and calls for chef nina.
lena watches as kara releases her hold of lena and approaches the short and frumpy old lady who only wipes her hands on a stained white apron before opening her arms up to receive kara's hug.
over kara's shoulder, the old lady winks at lena.
and lena?
well, she just laughs and laughs, kisses kara on the lips, and hugs the old lady.
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tiredfox64 · 2 days
HIIIIIIII ur works r sooo good i read them one by one before going to sleep im tellin ya anyways do u still do requestss?? If u do,can i request kunglao x gnreader where we suck kung lao off under a table while hes talking to raiden????? Its fine too if reader n kunglao switched
Hush Hush Never Tell
Yip notes: Guess my works were your bedtime stories XD. Also how did you freaking know I wanted to do a concept like this??? And You picked Kung Lao I've been wanting to give him some love.
Pairing: Kung Lao x Gn reader
Warnings‼️: NSFW, Oral sex (both receive)
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You sat on Kung Lao’s lap with your arms wrapped around his neck and your lips smothering his. A steamy make-out session was at play. You had Kung Lao all hot and bothered from the beginning.
He hadn’t seen you since he went to the Wu Shi Academy. He knew he had to focus on his training but his mind would wander to the thought of you. He would think about holding you and kissing you from head to toe. He would imagine how your skin would feel against his and where your hands would wander. Then you came for a visit. Finally, he got to spend time with the love of his life. And maybe he could get rid of that inner frustration that had been building up since the last time he saw you.
He was very grabby today. He squeezed wherever he could. You both grew more and more desperate to the point you started grinding on his lap. You heard his breathing grow heavy and he began to whimper. Oh yeah, things are getting spicy. Nothing could ruin this moment.
Knock! Knock! Knock! FUCK!
Both of you heard Raiden calling for Kung Lao. You didn’t pay attention to what he was saying, you acted quickly. Your first instinct was to slip off of Kung Lao and hide under the table. Luckily the other side of the table was covered so no one would be able to see you were down there, only Kung Lao. Since he wasn’t answering Raiden decided to walk in. Kung Lao scooted his chair into the table more to prevent his friend from seeing his rock-hard boner. The only hint that something was going on was the slight blush on his face.
You heard some of their conversation. Raiden asked where you were, and Kung Lao had to lie by saying you were out for a walk. Little did the champion know that you were close by. This conversation might go on for a long time so you might as well get comfortable and have some fun.
When you looked forward you realized that your boyfriend's boner was not going down. It was pushing up against his pants. You knew it was uncomfortable for him so you decided to help him out a little. There was already a reaction from him. His hand went down to hint at you to not do that but did you listen? Fuck no! You’ve wanted to do this for a long time and now was your chance.
When you pulled down his pants his cock sprang out. Clearly it was happy to see you too. You saw the droplets of precum at the tip. It began to drip down and you took the chance to lean it and lick it up. Kung Lao’s eyes changed from a wide-eyed panic to half-lidded. His eyes rolled back a little before correcting.
“Are you alright, Kung Lao? Are you ill?” Raiden asked, believing his friend was suffering from something.
“Ah yeah…yeah I’m perfectly fine.” He lied through his teeth.
He tried to close his legs to prevent you from doing anything else but it was useless. You placed yourself between his legs. You were gonna have your fun right now.
You began to leave kisses all over it. They were gentle but it had an effect on Kung Lao. His nostrils were flaring up and he didn’t know where to put his hands. You gave him little licks on his tip. You’re killing him with your teasing. He wanted to thrust his hips but that would bring too much attention. Seeing how his legs jittered gave you the hint and you gave him what he wanted. Your tongue began to swirl around his tip.
Kung Lao’s hands were going crazy trying to keep himself under control. One of his hands was scratching at the table while the other was concealing his mouth just in case he couldn’t hold in any moans. Raiden suspected something was up but didn’t ask. He decided to go on and on about what they needed to do in regards to training. Kung Lao was not taking anything in. All he was thinking about was how good you were making him feel. You grew braver as this went on so you decided to take him all in. He felt your tongue slide down as your warm mouth surrounded his cock.
You’re gonna be the death of him.
He let out a whine and he began shaking a little. Raiden noticed and had to ask since Kung Lao was acting very strangely.
“What is the matter? You are not yourself.”
Kung Lao had to think quickly. What did he decide to say?
“…hungry…” Good thinking, it’s realistic.
Raiden sighed before saying, “Typical. Fine, I will leave you be so you can get yourself food. But once you are done we must discuss our training routine.”
Raiden walked out of the room and Kung Lao immediately got to work. You felt his hands grab onto your head before he stood up. It all happened so fast. You felt his cock go deeper down your throat, causing you to gag a little. He thrusted in and out of your mouth. He was a panting and whimpering mess.
All your teasing made him sensitive. Combined with the fact he had jerked off this whole time even when he so desperately wanted to he was incredibly sensitive down there. If Raiden didn’t leave in time he probably would have came right in front of him.
His cock abused the back of your throat while his fingers grabbed at your hair. His pelvis bumped into your nose multiple times. You began to drool from the inability to swallow in time and the constant movement in your mouth. You felt him twitch and he began to moan. One more thrust and you felt his cum flow down your throat. He was pent up for a long time so there was a lot going down. You had no choice but to swallow it all. That orgasm was needed. He was shaking and sweating. He didn’t even realize the top half of his body was leaning on the table.
He slipped his cock out of your mouth before sitting back down. His head went back and you could see his chest rising up and down a lot from his heavy breathing. Your mouth was a mess. A mess of saliva and cum that was slipping down your lips.
You crawled out from under the table and began to stand up before feeling Kung Lao pick you. He placed you on the table and took your pants off in one fell swoop. He parted your legs before giving you a smile.
“Now’s my turn.” He did say he was hungry. Time to dig in.
His face was between your legs in seconds. Gosh, you forgot how impressive his tongue was. Swirling around and making it a wet mess down there. His lips felt like heaven. They are wonderful for kissing and giving kisses down there. You couldn’t close your legs since his hands were spreading them apart. Good luck trying to fight him, he’s too strong and hungry for you.
Your back rested against the table since you didn’t have the strength to hold yourself up. Your head hung off and you were trying your hardest to be quiet. Your legs began to shake and you tried to push Kung Lao’s head away from down there. He didn’t budge and that orgasm hit you like a brick. Your hands went from his head over to your mouth to cover it. Your moans were muffled but could still be heard by him. Prideful bastard, he loves hearing you moan for him.
You sure made a mess on his face. Kung Lao got on top of the table and crawled on top of you. His lips latched onto yours and you both got a taste of each other. When he pulled away you saw the mess you made but also the large smile on his face.
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” He’s such a sweetheart, right?
Yap notes: I saw slugs this morning and that's cool. Not important but it's important to me. My cat finally came out and asked for pats and I told her I had to finish but nooo she needs pats. Now she is sleeping nearby. If only I could have my dog come near but he is moody right now. OH RIGHT THIS IS A FANFIC I GOT SIDETRACKED. I mean what can I say Kung Lao is a cutie patootie. And he has a big appetite like me when I'm not anxious. What am i gonna do for dinner? Adiós!
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I act went to make a research but i didn't understand shit so its js gonna be a random villain (the first one to pop on google)who js so happens to be a student at their school and js so happens to take a group of ppl as hostage , in which including reader, i also DONT know how to write fight scenes
So to my research vulture is a man that wants to have a "second life"(he js wants youth) and he has this gun that can take other ppl youth and hes a rly good engineer and has made(?) those wings that can let him fly rly precisely(?) and hes also rly fast and reminder,the last spiderman movie ive seen was years ago
credits: -dividers: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
-pics: pinterest!!
🚩: mdni, fem reader, bad grammar, bad writing ,this isnt accurate,tell me if more
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"yeah and i also found this really weird-" ring
she picks up the phone "hello?...right now?!...fuck"
"fuck you Ellie " you thought as you watched her run out of the school
"students please head home, Vulture has now left the area"
"cmon let's go!" James basically dragged you by your arm, what was he, a chimpanzee? Probably have a bruise on your arm now
You and James were hiding behind the lockers, at least you were... That boy was half out. You two were looking around and you literally saw a Vulture's shoulder through the window on the door and yet James decided to just kill you both and drag you out just screaming.
"Finally! That guy is UGLY!!" As he grabbed you by your fresh bruise.
As soon as you two got out Vulture dragged James by his arms and then discovered that you were the little +1, two birds one stone i guess.
He took you to an abandoned building and tied you together with another bunch of people.
Now what do you do? Do you just die?
You desperately looked around,tears forming in your eyes .
Vulture walked around the batch of teenagers in circles with a weird, massive gun in his hands.
He soon shot multiple people with it and quickly looked much younger .
As he was about to shoot the person next to you someone stopped him.
"VULTURE" She looked at the hostages, noticing you "fuck.."
At this point she didn't give a fuck about the city, she just wants to get you out of here.
Vulture ran towards Ellie,currently in her spiderman costume , trying to hit her multiple times with the gun.
Ellie quickly moved back, dodging the shots and jumping under the building and quickly followed by the man.
She threw webs at him while trying to grab the gun.
After a while she finally gets the un on the ground and as she was hitting it with webs trying to destroy it , yet Vulture quickly flew to her , pushing her to the ground .
He was punching her, the steel armor making his fists stronger and harder, his weight on her stopping from hitting back. She tried to get her arm out by rocking around while also trying to avoid the attacks and when she finally did she shot towards his eyes. Vulture backed up quickly,not being able to see. She took the chance and wrapped a thick web around him trapping him.
She checked so that he couldn't get out and quickly contacted joel and the others to come get him as she was getting up the building .
Every other of the people that were tied to you were either sleeping from tiredness from crying or fainted from fear. As you were about to close your eyes too you saw Spiderman,or Ellie,running towards you.
She took off the mask as it was now into pieces, her nose bleeding and just different bruises on her body and face.
"for fuck sake.." she mumbled
"Ellie?" You said before giving in into sleepiness
Ellie untied you and picked you up and bought you to her place
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"mhm.. Ellie?"
"hey.." she hugged you closer
You saw your phone on the bedside table so you reached to grab it
"it's 10 am"
She ignored you and continued to sleep
You both woke up at 3pm when Joel walked in and jokes about the both of you, even though you were sleeping.
"im gonna make a sandwich you want one?"
You nodded as you were brushing your hair with one of the pastel pink brush that you left over years ago
You sat down as the plate was set on the table
The room was silent, she wasn't sure if you were conscious when she ran to you the day before and you didn't know what to say
"what are we?"
"what do you want us to be?"
"...what about you?"
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ceilidho · 9 minutes
more dubcon/noncon below, im so considerate
Also I GOTTA write “just the tip” with price someday like sorry the other day I was randomly on a babysitter x older dad kick out of nowhere and now I want price making you cuddle with him on the couch while the baby sleeps upstairs and softly pressuring you into getting naked. One thing leads to another and suddenly it’s all “won’t put it in too much, sweetheart; just wanna make you feel good” and “you keep squirming like that and I’m not gonna be able to control myself” :((( said all stern like it’s your fault when he pulls you all the way down onto his cock
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dovewingkinnie · 11 months
Hi! I'm a big fan of your art and I love watching your YouTube videos! Is it alright if I ask for more Purple Guy art? I love the way you draw him!!
--Anon who is a huge fan of yours
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hands u a william hi from youtube!!!
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radioroxx · 2 months
in. clover lives aus or aus where they choose to live in the underground whatnot. i think more ppl should play with the idea that their friends know Jackshit About Humans. please and thanks
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seariii · 5 months
Wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife babygirl wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife love wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife princess wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife honey wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife wife
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ratinthevoid · 2 months
why do we have summer already? last time i checked it was february
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snixx · 2 months
making new friends irl is so nerve wracking but also so exciting. I remember how much I used to panic over sending my now best friend one text or randomly calling her and look how that turned out BUT also I've given wayy too much of myself to people who ended up not caring and hurting me and it's such a gamble to trust people but I really think it's worth it but why does EVERYTHING feel like such a big step and so scary like??? can we hang out when we're not in college? how often can I text you to hang out before it becomes too much?? can I say I love you?? can I give you a high five? can we hug?? AKFHDGDHHDDH I LIKE YOU SO MUCH. and I know you like me too but I've been known to come on way too strong and and and god I can't wait to get to know you even more. yeah I'm going insane. bye
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honestmouse20 · 2 months
i hate summer so much yall
it's already 80 during the day here and my ac doesnt work. Everyone telling me they love the summer is wrong and crazy. come back and tell me you love the summer when your bedroom is 80 degrees at 4am.
I usually sleep prety well these days but tonight i can't seem to stay asleep, even with my fan on and pointed right at me. The ac is on too, set at 65 but the themomerter in my room says otherwise. we've been texting the landord Repeatedly. The Ac repair man never calls
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can’t sleep and it’s 3 in the morning
didnt sleep till around 5 last night
was out a lot of the day today
and i need to be up by 8:45 for ✨therapy✨
i’ve got the ✨insomnia✨ though
i’m doomed
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babymorte · 2 months
i just want to be able to lay in bed 😩
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summerlycoris · 3 months
Guess whos potentially working a triple tomorrow?????????
Im going to transform into my final form if this shit keeps up i swear to god.
#summerly talks#im just. gonna have to tell my boss that. effective immediately. i cant work the weekend anymore#sad because its good money#but this is becoming a fucking pattern and if it does i may actually dive into a fission reactor while singing meltdown ;_;#like. i was okay with the double? my coworker called in because her baby was sick#and she promised me if i couldnt get anyone to cover for my am shift tomorrow she would take it#then at like 9pm i get a text saying. she cant. her baby wont let her leave#and i feel selfish because. she has a baby. but i have cats and luckily i was able to drop by today to pick up my sleepover kit#and also make sure minty had food. (fieldie has an auto feeder so hes okay)#and i just. want to go home#the reality is i cant. i cant go. not unless one of the people i texted gets back to me saying theyll come in#and no one has yet. its 11pm. no one will at this point.#im tired im tired im tired#i dont want to end up like i did at my ladt job. giving away entirely too much of me and destroying myself#ive already lost most if not all of my passion for this job#and when i was younger i dreamt of working with disabled people. i burnt too quick and now im a shell of what i was#but this is the only thing im trained for that would allow me to like. keep my home#maybe if or when i move to brisbane i can look into a different job. do an it course idk. something where there's less people skills needed#i better try to get some sleep orz tonights gonna be a bitch of a thing
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intertexts · 4 months
#how do i tell my sister that while i appreciate the thought it is in fact not nicer if she takes the couch occasionally and lets me have my#room sometimes. first of all i HATE disruptions like this it's kind of even more distressing 2 be able 2 sleep in#my own room for one night and then i can't again!!! that sucks net zero!!! second of all She Has My Quilt.... trying very hard 2 be normal#and chill about this and not like it's one of the few things i really really really hate other people using & causes me distress etc.#also like i explicitly said 'hey haha don't do this please' & then she did anyway. which she does!!! i forgot about that!!!#also like man i dont fucking want to sleep on someone's used sheets & blankets that's gross. so im arguably less cosy than i would be. gggh#this all seems like.... very minor and stupid im sure however man im like constantly in a state of middling to severe distress over this#shit. because i in fact also hate people going through my shit or being in my room and also having no privacy however#im very good with suppressing and or masking how much i hate it usually!!!!! but dude she fucking hung her laundry & underclothes#to dry or air on top of my fucking books on my shelves. like. ghghhh hate it hate it cant SAY i hate it because of the everything!!!#ok. sorry. minor pressure cooker escape valve complaining over now im gonna go sleep awkwardly on top of the blankets on my own bed with#some throw blankets. leaving my door open for the beafts if she closes it in the morning bc she thinks she knows what i want ill scream.#txt#neg#this is like private kvetching btw ok i love her dearly it's just unbelievably frustrating.
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surreal-duck · 1 year
messing around a bit
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#delete later#man i havent rly drawn for myself in a while it feels weird#trying to play around w my style lately but i dont think its getting anywhere whwhkjsdghjdg#shoutout to yuzuru if nobody's got me after burning out all of my creative juices ik hes got me#should probably go to sleep early tonight got assigned another project to work on through next week at my internship 😔#still going through a very mixed feelings stage regarding on how i see my art but ill live i guess#just. nothing is good enough. im never gonna be satisfied. i think this looks fine. this is the worst thing ive ever seen and made.#im gonna fall behind. it isnt a race. everyones already far ahead. maybe this is okay. why are you satisfied with this much its not enough.#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa being an artist am i right ! agony#well i guess lately its not that i just havent been drawing things for me but more like i cant for some reason. burnouts an asshole#even though i really really did want to make things it honestly sucked ass not being able to i rly dont know what id do if i cant draw#actually took some time for myself yesterday and walked around town a bit it was nice. pierced my ears again and treated myself#but as consequence of course i am now broke </3 unfortunate#hmmmmm idk what im saying kdjsjgdhhskgjdhsdg hope things r going well for everyone else if you're even reading this! may u have a good week#man i wish i just knew if things are gonna be okay#hngggg baru aja tiga bulan masuk balik sekolah sama udah secapek ini wkwkwkwkkwkwk payah gk sih gw ini#masih setahun lebih sampe lulus juga head in hands kenapa gk bisa tidur buat seminggu aja aaagh#ya yang penting juga gw masih hidup sih gk mau kemana-mana kyk gini#aaaaaaaaa gk mau masuk studio besokkkk mau tidurrrr#me when i have to do my job at work#i wonder what i should make for lunch and dinner tomorrow. knowing me though ill end up falling asleep as soon as i get out of the shower#sorry this is. all over the place props if you're even reading this far LOL apologies you have to see me rant a bit
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swagyna · 6 months
girl i am not in a place to date idk why i think i could
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