#and im projecting it onto blorbo from my games
vampire-bite · 8 months
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hi this post gave me thoughts and feelings because @iwrotemrtambourineman is a poet
Actually wasn't going to post this. Was just gonna make it to show my friends whats in my brain. But it's kinda annoying to send this many images in Tumblr messages.
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crazyw3irdo · 2 years
girl help i cannot stop fucking thinking about wkm
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hannahwashington · 7 months
ALSO IM JUST NOTICING YOUR HEADER IMAGE. I LOVE IT SO MUCH gundham danganronpa and crash bandicoot (is that his name im sorry) real. also btw feel free to talk abt th emountain experience bc i dont think i ever asked yet
YES HIS NAME IS CRASH BANDICOOT ive honestly BEEN waiting for someone to comment on my header it is one of my favourite images ever (thanks @horatios-mom). it's like a sequel to the era when i had lesbian crash bandicoot as my icon. i'm only through the prologue of sdr2 but i have been obsessed with gundham for Years,. i barely know the guy but i love him. i will Know More Soon. and trust i will be So mentally ill about him and also the series. i already Am i am just waiting to finish the games to post about them.
anyway MOUNTAIN EXPERIENCE. OH BOY. where to begin.
let me take you back to a time when a wide-eyed 17 year old Archie got traumatised by a mountain. sit back, relax, and follow along my recounting of an experience i found so horrible, i had to vent by projecting onto my favourite blorbos at the time. Don't worry, I am more than comfortable with sharing this story, and with hindsight know exactly where to direct my anger with what happened.
It's March 2020. I'm in my second-last year of high school. every year my school takes the people in this specific grade to a leadership camp to teach a variety of skills and stuff to prepare them for the next year, when they will be school leaders basically. this leadership camp happens to culminate in a hike up the Drakensberg, where we sleep overnight, then come back down and go back home.
To be Quite frank. I was Very Excited for this trip. the more school-related activities not so much, but getting the chance to hang out with my classmates outside of school and the hike were what excited me. I'm not the most fit person, but i loooove me a good nature walk.
So it's a few days before the hike. they take us out to a bunch of activities and it's pretty fun. we did an adventure park thing and i was in the middle of a massive tarzan fixation so when i went on a giant rope swing i did his iconic yell. there were ziplines. once when i went down a line i forgot to brake and SMACKED into the mattress on the tree. so that was fun. here's the thing though. they made us walk everywhere. and these weren't easy strolls, they were hikes in and of themselves. i can't speak for anyone else, but the days leading up to the hike were PAINFUL. my feet were so fucking sore and we hadn't even gone near the mountain yet.
Then they hit us with the "yeah we're pushing back the hike by a day because it's gonna be pissing buckets tomorrow." which, duh, of course it's gonna be pissing buckets, it's the drakensberg, it's kinda known for that. but also, that means another day of walking, another day of worsening the condition of my feet. i felt like sam from death stranding when you let him walk barefoot everywhere. it's around here where you might start recognising elements from the fic snippets i posted, by the way.
so the next day like the absolute ass he is, the headmaster (who joined us for. some reason) made us hike up a mini-mountain to 'prepare us' or something. he was a horrible person for completely unrelated reasons and this logic is totally and completely backwards. anyway, after THAT nightmare, we went tubing down a nearby river. this WAS fun. i went down the river multiple times even though my feet hurt like shit. i had to get my fleeting joy somewhere during this trip-turned-nightmare. everyone had fun except this one girl who was not lucky at all. at the end of the river there's a small drop and 99% of the time when you get there you fall out of your tube. she was one of these people, and was really unlucky as she ended up cutting her foot on a rock. she had to be pulled out of the river by a few of the boys.
now then you would THINK she would go home because of this. kind of a bad idea to hike up a mountain with a cut up foot. but no, like the madwoman she is, she decides to pull through. i respect her so much for it.
Anyway, next day comes, my feet are basically throbbing so bad it's like my heart practically lived in them, not even to mention the soreness in my legs. again - i was NOT fit. i was so nervous i could barely eat breakfast. i tried to twist it into something positive by being like "tehe i'm going up a mountain like my favourite teenaged blorbs" but it really was Not helping. sooooo we get to the foot of the mountain and get ready to go. a couple of girls left and missed the hike because they had a netball tournament or something. to this day i wonder if they realise Just how lucky they got.
This is the part i remember most vividly. the Worst part. we set off on our mountain adventure, and i repeat this mantra: keep pace with the person in front of you. which goes great for all of two minutes until like a whole five days of walking absolutely nonsensical distances catches up to me and i slow down and down and down until everyone has passed me and oops! i've stopped completely. my legs are Begging to be put out of their misery and i am Rooted To The Spot. to cut a long ass panic attack short eventually someone comes back to pick me back up and Get Me Up This Stupid Mountain. it wasn't sam unfortunately, it was the drama teacher, but he was a pretty cool person and probably most comforting adult there, so perfect to deal with me in that moment.
he tells me about setting little goals for myself, like finding a specific rock and making my way to it. break the whole hike down into thousands of little baby steps. this way, i actually started to make progress, little by little, until we break the tree line. i can't remember if this moment was in the snippets i posted, but i look up and see the rest of my classmates above me, and when they notice us they start whooping and cheering and singing break my stride (which is kinda the theme song of the trip, ngl). i was still kinda in hysterics so i yelled at them to shut up. looking back, i appreciate it so so much. anyways, the drama teacher and i carry on with our baby steps.
when i've calmed down enough i start talking. i can't remember if he told me to talk to get my mind off of things or if i started on my own, but in any case i just start talking. i know specifically i brought up treasure planet - my all time favourite movie - and he told me he hadn't heard of it. another fanfic snippet moment here: i did, in fact, rant to him about midsommar. i remember specifically talking about the daylight horror aspect and how the black bars could've been white instead to emphasise just how bright and sunny the film is. also at some point we passed random people on the road who didn't speak english and for some reason, to this day i still have no idea why, the drama teacher told me that he thinks those dudes were drug smugglers and using the trail to get drugs over the border. anyways.
eventually, after so, so long, we make it to the top. not the end of the hike, far from it, but the vertical climb is over. you see, this specific trail has like two hours of a horrible vertical climb, but after that, it's a basically-flat trail. not that that would make it any easier but anyway, i thought that the worst was over. from our position we could see the rest of the group, who were all resting by a fork in the path - a significant landmark. eventually we catch up to everyone, and if my fic is to be trusted, everyone started clapping and cheering and singing again, this time 500 miles (hardy har). this is one of the only details in the fic where i can't tell whether i made it up or if it's actually based on what happened. when i sat down, guess what, legs wanted to shrivel up and die, what else is new, but what really struck me was that Literally Everyone Was In The Same Position. some were crying. some were staring into space with cold, dead eyes. Nobody was having a good time. how foot-cut girl was even still here was what shocked me the most. again, CUT IN HER FOOT, it was PRETTY SUBSTANTIALLY SIZED. even so she did Not look good.
drama teacher had gone to talk to all the other adults about our (my and the injured girl's) predicament. we were in No position to carry on with the hike. (i'd argue nobody was but i digress). it was a full-blown argument from what i remember, and when the adults tried to talk to us they kept on interrupting each other. one kept trying to offer a way down, but another teacher (who championed this leadership camp btw, to put this into perspective) was Adamant we continue and simply sleep at the closer campsite.
You can probably guess what ended up happening.
The break just honestly made me feel Worse about moving, and my mentality obviously wasn't the best, and i sorta just really started missing home at this point, but i had to keep going. since it was flat this time i could actually keep some sort of pace, though head leadership camp teacher complained whenever i slowed down too much (actual villain of the story in hindsight). eventually we make it to one of the campsites.
Here's how the camps worked. every year the group split into two - boys and girls - and rotated each year on who went to each of the two campsites. one camp was by a river, the other by a cave. so, one year the boys would go to the cave and the girls to the river, and the next year they would switch. this year the girls were supposed to go to the cave. guess what. it's the further camspite - a good extra... i dunno, hour of walking? obviously injured girl and i couldnt do that. issue is, you need a tent to camp riverside - we obviously didnt have one. however someone, an actual god among men brought an extra tent with him. i never spoke to that kid. but he made it so we didn't have to suffer as much. so i hold a sort of affection for him.
so, the group splits and we finally, FINALLY get our chance to rest. properly. let me tell you, river water has never and i mean NEVER felt so good. i think i spent like a solid hour soaking my feet. the boys - who. somehow had energy after all THAT - made a dam out of rocks. one guy was taking pictures. i never took my own pictures of the mountain, even though the view was beautiful. i was in too much pain to care. i took a Single picture related to the hike itself, and i'll share that at the end of this thrilling tale. that evening after dinner, i snacked morosely and watched at least half of happy death day on my phone. maybe an episode of unbreakable kimmy schmidt, though i don't now for sure about that one. injured girl and i shared that extra tent.
oh yeah, and guess what. it ended up pissing buckets during the night. shocker.
anyway the next day comes and the walk back is worse. one of the other teachers decides to use 'tough love' on me - which was basically yelling at me and failing really badly at being encouraging. honestly would have preferred being tossed off the mountain instead because it just made me Very Distressed but anyway. what was nice was that this time for the walk injured girl and i were at the front of the line setting the pace. and also two of the boys, two absolute GENTLEMEN were walking with us and leading us. you know me, i'm a lesbian, but god i could've kissed them for what they did for us. (i did not but you get my point).
surprisingly the vertical climb down was the easiest part. the really, really vertical part anyway - which was mostly near the top. so easy that a few boys raced ahead of the group... and ended up taking a wrong turn and getting lost. more on them later. when we dipped into the treeline it felt like we were so close yet so far, SO close to ending this suffering, but every single turn without the tar road in sight made me fall deeper and deeper into despair. i think i literally yelled out "MERCY!" at some point. anyway when we did finally get to the road i started crying as we made our way back to the bus that would take us home.
everyone started taking showers, blessed, cold showers at the public bathrooms, and washing myself of the whole experience felt Wonderful. except it wasn't quite done insulting me just yet.
So. the day before we put our suitcases in the bus that would take us home. what they neglected to tell us was that we needed Everything we'd need for that day and the following day on our person. which means they wouldn't be taking our bags out of the bus, not even if we REALLY needed something. i didn't have my flip flops on me. i had put the shoes i had hiked in away (and also they were like sopping wet which is disgusting). it was hot as fuck and the parking lot outside was all gravel. i had to walk in that barefoot.
insult to injury.
i got myself ice cream. tried not to cry. we all had to wait for like half an hour as the lost boys made their way back to us (i can't remember if a teacher had to go back onto the path to find them or not). borrowed drama teacher's flip flops which were hilariously oversized. and then, literally RIGHT as everyone was boarding the bus to leave. i whip out my phone and grab the one and only picture i have related to the hike itself.
it was a long drive back to my home province. i put on some music, cuddled my pillow and tried to sleep. i mostly just tried not to sob. out of pain, relief, anguish - whatever. since it was a long drive, we stopped at a strip mall that's a really common sort of stopping station for people doing drives like this, such as to use the bathroom. another school happened to be pulled up as we stopped by here, and a girl gave me the filthiest, most judgmental look i have EVER seen because i was barefoot. i honestly don't blame her.
it was dark by the time we got back to the school. i did, in fact, cry when i saw my family. the very next day - no exaggeration, i'm 99% sure it was the VERY next day - it was announced that schools would be closing and the country would be going into lockdown due to covid. which means i got to spend the next, like, two weeks recovering instead of thinking about school. i think one of the days after i got back i watched interstellar. i was on a bit of a sci-fi kick. it was okay.
here's that picture i took outside the bus before we left for home.
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people Did see me take this. a couple of my classmates made jokes about how they relate and at least one gave me a high five.
anyway, that's the story of my Mountain Experience™. again, more than comfortable sharing this story as i think it's quite important with understanding me and we know who to blame for putting us through this. i've had chats with other alumni who came before me and they had their Own nightmarish experiences with this camp, which makes me wonder how it continued being a thing for so long.
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Hihi! It's ✨! It's dye day so have dye day hc!
Niki and techno have a routine. Every 2 weeks they redye with their respective shades of pink(it's the same shade, the vibes are just different). It goes along with many other little activities while they wait for the dye to set. A non exhaustive list:
Karaoke(only once. It was 3am and they made a deal that the videos would NOT see the light of day. Especially when techno sang Sk8er boi for whatever reason.)
Cookie baking
Hand games
Visiting with the dogs(again, only once. They had to explain the pink streaks on the pups fur from when they got glomped to Phil without letting on their secret. It was really quite hard.)
Cake baking(that only went slightly better than the cookies but the cake was eaten straight from the pan. It's ok, we all do it.)
theyre so silly
i love my little blorbos
also im so sorry but the word “glomped” gave me FLASHBACKS omg
lowkey goes along with my “techno would be a swiftie” hc that ive never posted here (he would be a swiftie because i’m a swiftie and i project onto him (also SIX DAYS UNTIL SPEAK NOW TAYLOR’S VERSION AAA))
theyre so silly <3
(also sorry for late post part 2 once again i forgor)
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ittybittythunder · 6 months
welcome! im bee and this is my age regression blog 👋💗
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here you'll find posts about:
age regression, non-sexual diaper wearing & use, cute aesthetic images, animals, my art and writing + projecting my regression onto my favorite fandom blorbos
PLEASE, MINORS DNI! this is an 18+ blog. it is centered around age regression and everything here is intended to be non-sexual, however I may reblog from ABDL/babyfur/variants blogs, so I'd prefer minors to stay off my blog, so everyone's boundaries can be respected. thank you for understanding!
About me:
name: bee
pronouns: he/him
age: 21+
little age: 1-9
i am also a cg. currently not looking for a little/cg tho, please don't ask!
nicknames: only if we're mutuals/friends please. i especially like kiddo, bud/buddy, and sweetheart, but im good with whatever vibes, "feminine" ones included! ^^;
my side blogs: for art @sweetheart-thor and for fic @little-kitten-mittens-fic
shows, movies & games: thor and loki (marvel), webkinz, bluey, kirby, pysch, sonic, star trek, fnaf sb, acnh
animals: every kind of cat!! + ferrets, bats, dogs, foxes, dinosaurs
organization: #asks answered
potential trigger warnings i use: #cursing #kink mention #medical
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funeralscythe · 8 months
ranboo, ludwig, and wilbur for the ask game
c!ranboo (dsmp)
they were a teen's rp oc so obviously they weren't perfect but i found them fun, i wish ccranboo had gotten the opportunity to tie up all the loose ends of their lore and also that they hadn't just abandoned them after promising us answers though. i do think cranboo works best in his interactions with other characters more so than on his own as well. also i wish more writers acknowledged just how shitty he can be instead of constantly woobifying him like hello? who is that. he's not interesting anymore put him back.
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ludwig (bloodborne)
my thoughts on him are mostly incoherent sobbing. i will not attempt to transcribe them for the preservation of my dignity. i will express however that i love him and want to wrap him in a blanket and give him some warm food and something to drink.
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c!wilbur (dsmp)
beetle why. beetle we're gonna be here for an hour. beetle you've trapped us (joking).
FIRST OFF. fucking hate the vilbur shit. speaking from personal experience, that's not evil incarnate that's mental illness.
second of all i can't stop thinking about him. i relate to him personally. my best friend is convinced i am him. i project onto him so much that at this point im not sure if half my opinions on him are based in canon or if im just talking about myself. or maybe the fact that other cwilbur fans with the same disorder as me headcanon him as having it too confirms my opinions. idk. idk!
i judge him immensely for some of the stuff he's done but i also still love him. im biting and killing him im holding him in my arms im kissing him so sweetly on the forehead and telling him its gonna be ok. he's the blorbo he's the only character he's the love of my life. im never forgetting him. a character has never resonated with me this deeply. i can never be allowed to meet him if he becomes real because i think we are too similar and we will hate each other. its sootbur but im not even a bursona. does that make sense. have i scared anyone off yet...
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spamton-addison · 1 year
okay all the questions I can think of before I have to leave
1 general backstory overview?
2 pronouns?
3 favorite food, movie, snack, book, and person?
4 an object they really like
5 sexual/romantic orientation(s)?
6 how many friends do they have?
7 cursed by the visions or doomed by the narrative
8 are you interested in maybe them hanging out with my characters sometime maybe…….
9 does their name have a meaning?
10 are they yours or did you revamp them? (Or are they just a blorbo?)
11 do they like rain?
12 favorite tv show
13 old television colorbars? Yes or no?
14 touch tone telephone or rotary dial phone?
15 why do they stand out to you so much?
16 I am out of ideas. I will send more if I think of them and pls keep writing if you’d like/can
1. sale is the oldest sibling of the addison family (hes 28 usually, but around 24 in some aus . hes always the oldest sibling though) he was happy once and then his best friend got cucked by a capitalist bastard which caused him to completely shut down emotionally in some fucked up misguided attempt to protect himself and his siblings from further harm its a whole thing . he is constantly overworking himself in order to avoid thinking about what happens and refuses to let himself cry ever
2. pronouns are he/him this man is CIS
3. favourite food: nothing i can think of specifically but he used to really like sour things and meat . he hates beef specifically though
favourite movie: he doesnt give himself time to watch anything recreationally. he probably wouldve liked deadpool/deadpool 2 if hed ever watched them though (sorry. my movie knowledge is limited and im projecting)
favourite snack: coffee is not a snack but it is to him . he probably ate coffee beans before the horrors as a joke
favourite book: he doesnt give himself time to read but he probably would like fantasy books . think like the dragon stones trilogy or eragon . also maybe the hunger games
favourite person: thatd either be his (missing) best friend Loveluck, his sibling Reverb (in aus where reverb exists) or his sibling Radio (in aus where radio exists)
4. he has this one specific pen that hes used for years and never throws away . he would rather spend a fuck ton of money getting ink specifically for this one pen than just buy a ton of new ones cheap . it is his favourite pen . otherwise he has a photo of him and his siblings he keeps in his room, but hes kept it facedown since the horrors (it hurts to look at)
5. hes aroace :D
6. anywhere between zero and maybe three . depends on the au
7. doomed by the narrative but also the narrative wants to save him . he is dead set on dooming himself . but also he suffers in nearly every au so i think that counts as doomed by the narrative
8. he doesnt get out much anymore and is kind of mean to most people but ABSOLUTELY . young sale (pre shutdown) is tolerable and a fun guy to be around probably
9. take a wild guess what the name Sale could possibly mean/silly
10. sale is my oc but he was Supposed to just be a generic yellow addison to act as the scapegoat . it got a little out of hand and now hes my everything
11. ya he likes the rain its grounding . when it rains is like the only time he lets himself take a break from work because he can just focus on the white noise of the rain . its nice to him . rain is actually one of the few things he likes now that he Didnt like before
12. he hates like everything to do with tv shows . probably the pokemon anime
13. possibly
14. touch tone . he has a personal vendetta against rotary dial phones
16. sale has like. two main character arcs to me, regardless of au . notably being his first arc, in which he digs himself into a terribly awfully deep hole, and his second arc being then realising he wants to get Out of it again . although in the aus where he Does get to heal he is never the same as he was before it all, he still heals and gets to move on with his life . even if it takes him literal years to get to a point where he can even start .
despite how poor his circumstances are (largely by his own fault but caused by the disappearance of loveluck) and despite how hard it is for him to keep going every day he never wants to die . he wants this hell to end but he doesnt want that end to be by dying . he wants to live . he wishes he still could . but he is so scared and he lets that fear control him and that is why he so routinely makes the shittiest decisions . he is trying his best but his best right now is terrible because of how centred he is on avoiding the past .
he means so much to me
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mobtism · 2 years
for the character bingo: tome, apollo, dimple
TYSM FOR THE ASK FEL💛💛 u are awesome 😌💛
ask game
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✔️ they're like a blorbo to me... LITERALLY one of my favs my guys from aa. love him a lot!
✔️ they got too much screen time... if they had put half the energy into characters other than apollo... maybe we would have an athena game.💛
✔️ theyre deeper than they seem (unfortunately)
✔️ wasted potential - he would have been a REALLY AWESOME CHARACTER if they didnt do. everything they did in aa5-aa6
✔️ i like them enough to project my own issues onto them
✔️ they work better as part of a dynamic. apollo would have been WAY BETTER if they kept the apollo-emma-klavier dynamic on some degree for at least another game.
✔️ they got done dirty by source... LITERALLY his entire character is like. fucked. they made him a trauma sponge for no reason
✔️ wow... they are LITERALLY me! added this one bc i used to sort of kin apollo bc i could relate to him but... now i dont rlly <3 but i still think hes relatable and cool
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Dimple mp100!! i like that guy. heads up- im not caught up on the manga btw
✔️ i want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog
✔️ why do they look like that
✔️ they work better as part of a dynamic... hes not much if it werent for his relationships w/ other characters tbh
✔️ i don't really have much to say about them
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TOME 💛‼️ she is literally the character of ever.
✔️ they are sooooo cool looking
✔️ they're like a blorbo to me
✔️ didn't get enough screentime (I THINK TOME DESERVES MORE OF EVERYTHING)
✔️ if they were real i would be BFFs with them. she reminds me of my real bff actually!! tome is extra special to me bc of this <3
✔️ im mentally ill about them. i see a fanart of tome and i go absolutely wild /pos
✔️ they've never done anything wrong in their life
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ofherlionheart · 3 years
atla for the ask game if u wanna do them all ! or if not then scrimblo bimblo esp 👀
i'm 3/4 of my way thru a beer and got nothing to do tonight. fck yeah im doing all of them
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): zuko/mai/azula. ik i write abt zuko the most of the three of them but i looooooove using all three of them to think thru/project my own issues lol
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): sokka 🥺 love me an out-shown elder sibling
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): there will never be enough discourse nor appreciation for aang. i count myself as one of those underappreciators lol
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): man first person i thought of was actually from LoK? there's this hunky Unit of a man among the new airbenders in the earth kingdom and it's appalling how instantly i latched onto him. in the OG atla? i think ursa counts, right? i devote much brain space to thinking abt all the ways she, too, could also have fucked up zuko and azula lol. why have one parent who made your understanding of the world a skewed nightmare when you can have TWO
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): gotta be iroh dude. my man is a gr8 mentor to zuko who is very wise but also he's a minsogynst and spent most of his life being a pro-military imperialist. and only b/c he is fictional am i allowed to say that's sexy of him. you go girl, you (inadvertently) complicate that 'sage old man' archetype!!
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): haru. idk why but i Want To
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): zuko lmfao
send me a fandom and i’ll tell u what tumblr meme award i’d give its characters
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natandacat · 2 years
Can u fill the bingo sheet for Kim Kitsuragi and Jonathan Harker? :3c
Omg Kim Kitsuragi my beloved my favorite man ever tysm
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Ok so starting with the hearts because I love him:
They are sooo cool looking: self explanatory. Design of all times. The pants. The jacket. The glasses. The cigarette???? Hello Kim I would actually be gay in the other direction just for you
If they were real I would marry them: see above. Also our values match and it would be an honor
They've never done anything wrong in their life ever: I have so many thoughts and emotions about the way he navigates his job in the police, about his moral journey through the system and the way he handles both his identity within that constraint and his moral beliefs. Despite everything I believe he manages to remain ethical to the best of his abilities, and i find this inspiring. The way he quietly enables Harry is not in my opinion a moral failing; while he never intervenes, part of his apparent inaction is rooted in both a willingness to let Harry prove himself (which is remarkable given the state we find him in) and a carefully honed sense of survival -which is best exemplified when Harry does morally reprehensible things (which i havent witnessed much since i refuse to chose the fascist options). In the rare cases where I've seen it, his quietness (which protects his precarious status within the police force) always carries judgment, and we see Harry having the option to adjust to that judgment and change for the better.
They're like a blorbo to me: at any given time I am wondering if Kim would approve of my actions
They're deeper than they seem: well idk if anyone thinks he's shallow, but he def turned out to be deeper than I expected (which was also because I never thought the game would be THAT well written)
I like them enough to project my own issues onto them: ahah no Kim don't navigate a system in which you are made complicit of your own oppression while desperately trying to be a force of good
I'm mentally ill about them: self explanatory
They work better as a dynamic (?): Kim would be A+ alone but his role as Harry's (and the player's) moral compass and loyal partner (simultaneously!!!) is truly what reveals the most depth in him imo
Ok after that im afraid my good friend jonathan will not get as many thoughts because I am tragically behind on his emails I don't even know how he's doing rn I hope he's OK
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Not as deep as they seem: I might change my mind but jonathan feels more like a vessel type character -I can project myself into him but so far im not getting a terribly tangible identity from him, which is fine esp in this kind of story, he's just not a fictional character i would become obsessed with
I want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog: I'm shoplifting/smuggling him away from dracula's castle
Free space: I just find him very funny im sorry. Rich English boy so blinded by his classism and xenophobia that he heeds NO warnings. Im sorry but if he dies he will have deserved it a little bit
I don't really have much to say about them: again my opinion may change as I advance in the story, but so far he makes me feel more things about myself than about him if that makes sense
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calhoun17 · 3 years
metal gear 4 the ask game (-: i know nothing about this series please enlighten me
metal gear is an extremely convoluted series and i will have to preface this with a bit of background lore but i will try my best. putting under a readmore bc this is huuge. if the readmore doesn't work for some reason im so sorry abt your dashes guys 😭
lore part
the gist is this guy named john/naked snake/big boss (codenamed the latter for the bulk of the series) was such a good solider that they cloned him and made his sons solid snake and liquid snake (david and eli). during the later half of his life john takes on more of an antagonistic role because he gets this absolutely dumbass idea to horde nuclear weapons and create a centralised army like basically an army state bc he feels his only worth and purpose in life is as a solider -_- (this is a man wh shouldn't have been in charge of a lot of things tbh)
the first game follows solid snake going to a base called shadow moses to stop a team called foxhound (solid snake was once apart of it, it is at this point commanded by liquid snake) in their revolt against the government. foxhound hijack a nuclear warhead on a metal gear (literally a mecha with a nuke on it. walking nuke)
during this game snake meets liquid snake for the first time who he would end up killing. liquid has this superiority complex and desire to prove himself because he feels worthless as a clone and son who was never wanted, (john didn't even know his DNA was used for the project when it happened) and feels that solid snake stole his opportunity to kill his father, prove himself better than him and express his hatred for him.
solid snake also meets otacon (engineer of the metal gears, did not know their true nature as nuclear weapons and feels awful about making them) meryl (wannabe rookie solider who idolises him, niece of one of snake's colonels from back in the day) and revolver ocelot, a man with lifelong devotion to big boss (to a homo extent tbh) whom snake would begin a series long rivalry with, but whose true goals would not be revealed until both of their deaths.
ask game part
blorbo (character i think about the most): probably solid snake and otacon as a collective and their dynamic, after mgs1 they go on to form a lifelong partnership, lasting the 9 years before snake's death, in that time they form a NGO to work against nuclear weapons and raise a child together (all the subtext you think would exist regarding that does LOL. her name is sunny). otacon is my favourite mgs character but it is sort of tied with other characters. otacon has a really difficult and sad life and the trauma never really leaves him but he and snake both break the cycles of their respective traumas when raising sunny.
scrunkly: it has to go to otacon his design is so cool in mgs1 with the polygon ass everything, poofy hair glasses and a big jacket it rules also i completely forgot to mention he's an otaku.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated) i don't really have any faves like that but quiet from mgs5 is a bit of an underutilised character tbh
i dont have a glup shitto/obscure fave but the closest thing is that i really like the relationship between the boss (john's mentor) and eva (one of his allies who seemingly betrayed him and also knew that the boss was pretending to betray the US for the greater good). this was kept from john but was revealed to him a decade later in in-game audio tapes and i wish he and eva had gotten to talk in person once again and had spoke about the boss. if this had happened at all maybe john's life would have turned out even a little differently because he obviously held onto a lot of pain and trauma and decided on some dumbass ideas 🥲
poor little meow meow: there are several meow meows in this series but it has to go to revolver ocelot. had lifelong devotion to big boss and died for him but was ultimately working towards a goal big boss failed to complete and didn't even consider even though it was asked of him (world peace nuclear disarmament etc) also it works so well bc the boss asked john to do this but she also happens to be ocelot's mother
horse plinko (character i would torment): big boss, he's a bit of a dumbass and is also fucked up and kept the cycles of war and trauma going but hey that's what being evolved in the military at a young age and having to kill the closest person you had to mother does to a mf
eeby deeby/superhell: otacon's piece of shit father with no redeeming qualities who turns on his allies in the name of self preservation and killed his son's mother
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yudonomi · 3 years
Kingdom Hearts and Hetalia for the ask meme please?
blorbo asks
im gonna put a disclaimer that im still in the middle of 3D and havent played KH3, but hmm anw:
Kingdom Hearts
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Axel, who got the honor of being my first ever dokidoki (2d or 3d or otherwise) right before he decided to burn himself up :/
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Namineee my sweet summer artist child who I projected onto before I learned what projection was
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
She’s gotten a lot more appreciation now but Kairi used to a bit ignored and tbh I don’t blame them she barely shows up/does anything in the early games
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
me in the Days tutorial taking my sweet time so Zexy would stay around longer mmm
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I got into this fandom in the late 00s where simply being female was sometimes a controversy for a character so Larxene lmao
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Roxas. Cuz Days + 2 wasn’t angst enough apparently
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
mansexXemnas/Xehanort/Ansem/whatever the fuck he goes by these days idk someday I’ll catch up and understand for sure but not today
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
ErzsiErzsiErzsiErzsi bi awakening Erzsi
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Taiwan, who I'd been drawing with wavy hair for years before someone pointed out her hair was actually straight
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Belarus my problematic queen
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Historical states who have since integrated into a ‘main’ nation. So like, Genoa/Bavaria/Hesse/Saxony/that sort? Mmm i eat that shit up
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Rodi defense squad since 2014 I will defend you from so much mischaracterization
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Vino and Feli are taking turns rn (see: my most recent fic)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Gil lmao bye
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