#and inigo briefly
I made myself a Fire Emblem theme for my solitaire game
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Deets under the cut
Base theme: Fable Deck: Solitaire Celebrates Effect: Stars
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Ace of Diamonds: Hoshido/Birthright
Ace of Spades: Mark of Naga/Brand of the Exalt
Ace of Hearts: Valla/Revelation
Ace of Clubs: Nohr/Conquest
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King of Diamonds: Lewyn
King of Spades: Alm
King of Hearts: Eltshan
King of Clubs: Eliwood
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Queen of Diamonds: Mikoto
Queen of Spades: Edelgard
Queen of Hearts: Tiki
Queen of Clubs: Michaiah
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Jack of Diamonds: Forde
Jack of Spades: Inigo
Jack of Hearts: Seliph
Jack of Clubs: Leo
Background: Here
Card backing: Here
Aces: The French Wikipages for Awakening and Fates
Face cards: Heroes and official art [Inigo specifically here]
The face cards did not align this way naturally. All of them had to be zoomed in at least twice, most four, and a few had to be scooted over a little to avoid being cropped in the wrong places or to fix general alignment issues
The game doesn't properly support transparent images, so I had to give each face card a background; really all I did was colour drop the deck's base colour and use that as the background so it would match
Each face card was shrunk to the card's base dimensions [422x562] with the background being twice that size [844x1124] to allow for easier placement without running into a black background because of said transparency issues
I didn't make any changes to the playing background. I just set it and left it as is
The card backing isn't quite aligned in the center, but I have no motivation to try and fix that right now
The backing border was completely unintentional. I chose that deck to build off of simply because of the gold rim around the face-up cards. I didn't realise it would come with a backing border, but hey it works
I chose Fable as the base theme to build off of for two reasons: 1. Aesthetic™, and 2. The background music is the closest to Fire Emblem music the game has [I really wish you could choose your own in-game ambience instead of having to use a preset theme first]
The stars effect has no real impact on the theme, I just like it
I initially wanted Ferdinand to be the Jack of Diamonds, but I didn't want to use his pre-skip design, which is all Heroes had, so Forde was chosen instead
Takumi was briefly considered for Jack of Diamonds and King of Clubs before those roles went to Forde and Eliwood
Ishtar was going to be the Queen of Clubs, but I decided three Genealogy characters was enough, so Michaiah took this spot
Other candidates for Queen of Clubs were Cherche, Celica, Seiros, and Eirika
I went with the Chrom!Inigo edit instead of normal Inigo or Lazward simply because Chrom!Inigo is best Inigo and you cannot change my mind
Alm, Michaiah, and Forde are the only ones who use official art instead of Heroes art. I preferred Alm and Michaiah's official art while Forde isn't even in the game yet [get on that, IS]
I originally wanted to use Edelgard's official post-skip art as I didn't [and still don't] like how her Heroes art sharply cuts off, but it ultimately clashed badly when trying to align it, so I had to use her Legendary alt [her pre-skip and Three Hopes designs were out of the question from the get-go]. I aligned the cutoff with the edge of the card as best I could and I'm surprised it worked
The only set in stone characters from the very beginning were Eltshan, Seliph, and Inigo. The rest I decided as I went on
Tiki was completely spur of the moment. As soon as I remembered she existed, I was like "Oh yeah, adult Tiki would be a perfect Queen of Hearts". I saw her Brave alt and didn't look back
I briefly considered using Eltshan's performance alt, but decided against it
While I knew I wanted Seliph as the Jack of Hearts, I initially wasn't sure which version to use, but I ultimately went with the version I liked the most, which was his Brave alt
Lewyn was a toss-up as to which version I wanted to use, but I went with his festival alt as I liked it more than his normal version
Other characters I considered but with no solid placement were Sigurd, Arvis, Lucina, Ayra, Soleil, Dorothea, Olivia, Deirdre, Say'ri, Elincia, Ryouma, Innes, Tana, Ephraim, Felix, and Constance
Inigo and the aces required some additional editing to remove their white backgrounds before setting up the off-white backgrounds they were supposed to have for this set. I worked on Inigo's for so long trying to edit out lossy pixels around the edges of his art that the editor crashed on me. Hurray for autorecovery
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isamajor · 3 months
June of Doom : day 21 to 25
Penultimate batch of drabble before closing @juneofdoom !
21 . “Let’s play a game."
The faint glow of the blue orb in the center of the room caught everyone's attention. The Dragonborn, cautiously, reached out to touch it. In an instant, a metal cage trapped them and the light began to circle around the group, emitting shrill sounds.
“What the hell did you do?” Kadain muttered, his eyes wide with worry.
Instinctively, everyone gathered in the center of the cage, ready to draw at the first threat.
But before anyone could react further, the orb sank into the pedestal. The ground beneath them shook, then gave way, and the cries of surprise turned into screams of panic. (102)
22 . “What’s the bad news?” 
The Dragonborn was bedridden, feverish and pale.
“The bad news?” they asked in a weak voice.
Xelzaz, holding a dagger that he heated with his flames, looked grim. "The wound is infected. It needs to be cauterized."
They grimaced. “There’s nothing else you can do?”
Xelzaz shook his head. "It's the only way to stop the infection from spreading. It's either this or..."
The Dragonborn swallowed hard.
"Nebarra, Lucifer, I need you two to hold them tight."
As Xelzaz pressed the red-hot blade to the wound, the burning pain made the Dragonborn scream, eyes wide with agony, struggling violently against the guys grip. (103)
23 . “You’re doing great.”  
Lucien looked at his trembling hands, remnants of magic still crackling at his fingertips. The battlefield was littered with the charred remains of their enemies. His heart was pounding, fear and horror twisting his guts. Inigo approached, his eyes shining with admiration.
“Lucien, it was incredible!”
Inigo placed a reassuring hand on Lucien's shoulder, his eyes filled with admiration. "You're doing great, my friend. That was some impressive magic."
Lucien looked down at his hands which wouldn't stop trembling. He was certainly proud of his mastery, but having to use his magic in such circumstances left a bitter taste in his mouth. (104)
24 . “Let’s get you cleaned up.”   (Stitches/Bandages)
Nebarra's hands shook as he slowly removed his helmet, revealing the wound and his face beneath. Taliesin tried not to stare too much into the mercenary's youthful face. He knelt beside Nebarra, and carefully cleaned the wound, then began to stitch it up with precise, but delicate movements. Nebarra winced, but didn't flinch away, allowing Taliesin to finish his work. The silence was heavy, full of unsaid words.
"Done." Taliesin said softly, carefully wrapping Nebarra's head with bandages. He then handed Nebarra his helmet, and their eyes met briefly.
"Thank you." Nebarra muttered, his voice hoarse. (100)
25 . “I should have listened to you.” (Guilt)
Lydia took a dim view of the fact that the Dragonborn was pillaging the offerings in the funeral urns. These ruins were the burial grounds of her ancestors and she felt guilty for following her thane on these kinds of adventures. She had tried to reason with them on this point, but the lure of the treasures that these ruins could abound were the strongest. Lydia didn't dare look into the blue eyes of the Draugr, as she imagined the looks of her ancestors full of disapproval for what she was doing : disturbing their age-old sleep. (98)
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In all of my Undertale fanfictions/fanarts, I use the same version of Pacifist Frisk (Bulalacao), who comes from a Filipino family, at age 9, they lose their parents in a terrible car accident- which so happened to be right next to Mt.Ebott, but because of the trauma, Frisk doesn't remember the accident or much of their life before they fell down into the mountain.
In Monster in the Mountain, their life gets rearranged and Frisk ends up living with their aunt (Ligaya) and their cousin (Andres), they still don't remember the accident that killed their parents, but they do thankfully have access to this photo (and many others) and the stories their aunt tells.
Frisk also briefly remembers their appearances in Growing Pains, but it's unfortunately not enough to satisfy them.
Their parents are named Inigo and Michelle (referenced from two other highly Determined fictional characters, Inigo Montoya (from The Princess Bride) and Chell (from the Portal games))
I made them look a little similar to Asgore and Toriel, I head cannoned that while they don't remember their parents, the similarities still comfort Frisk psychologically, it made it easier for them to get attached to the two monsters.💕
Also baby Frisk gives me cuteness aggression! >:O
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dalishthunder · 1 year
Destiny Waits for No One
Chapter 3 - Survivor
Pairing: Nebarra/LDB (Gender Neutral Reader) Characters: GN!LDB, Nebarra, Khash, Lucifer, Xelzaz, Kaidan, Inigo, (Eventual Lucien) Rating: Mature Words: 5078 Additional Info: Xelzaz is the coolest friend you could ever have, Very Slow burn, frenemies to lovers, violence, so much trauma and ptsd Read on AO3
Some are born into greatness.
Some pursue greatness on their own.
Some have greatness thrust upon them.
And others... others still must rise to the challenge of an unjust world to wrest greatness for themselves.
The dead didn't need their worldly possessions. You were pretty sure of that... even if they were still shambling around. Which was how you found yourself offloading a lot of it at The Riverwood Trader. Lucan and Camilla were ecstatic that you had followed through, and you were rewarded handsomely. And as you all left the shop, pockets much heavier with the weight of gold, you vowed to feast for the evening. To a job well done.
Was that what the draugr had shouted at you to force you back?
Some sort of spell?
"I wonder how Hadvar's doing...." A voice immediately jolted you from your thoughts, and you whipped around to see a woman speaking with the blacksmith. His wife. Sigrid, you were pretty sure. "Haven't heard from him in a long while."
"You know the empire keeps him busy."
"Still, it's been months."
Your blood froze.
Had he not made it back?
"Aye... I suppose it has."
And against your better judgment, you stopped to look over at them and steeled yourself. "I saw him- Hadvar a few weeks ago. He said he was going to head to Riverwood. Did he not pass through?"
The couple exchanged a concerned glance. "No, we haven't seen him since the New Life Festival."
"Oh.…" You said as though you knew when or what that was.
"Are you a friend of his?"
"Y-yeah. The legion might have called him back." You said with a bright, and hopefully convincing smile. "But I'll keep my eye out for him."
And you wondered if perhaps... perhaps you were the sole survivor of Helgen.
These people deserved to know the truth.
They would never survive a dragon attack.
You waved as you parted.... You didn't deserve to sleep on a bed tonight.
"Guys, I don't want to make you panic, but we need to hold an emergency team meeting." You whispered as you walked. Just loud enough for them to hear. Smile never faltering as you nodded to a guard leaning against the walls of the Sleeping Giant Inn. "Away from prying ears."
The smoke hurt as it filled your lungs.
Legs burning from running though you couldn't stop to catch your breath.
You'd tumbled down, Hadvar backtracking to pull you to your feet.
"To Riverwood. I have family there."
You should have gone with him.
The fear in that woman's eyes.
Once you were far out of the town's limits, you stopped, looking up at the sky for a moment; rain clouds gathering on the horizon, before turning to look at your companions. "I'm afraid I haven't been fully forthcoming with you."
Xelzaz just raised a brow, arms crossed as he regarded you. Inigo sat on a stump, head in his hands as he gave you his full attention. Your eyes briefly connected with Kaidan's before you stuffed your hands into your pockets.
Khash just looked at your curiously. "I do not know what you mean."
You let out an uncomfortable breath. "Helgen was burned to the ground by a dragon."
"A dragon? Here?" Khash's eyes went wide.
"I thought dragons went extinct several millennia ago." Xelzaz replied.
Kaidan's expression was neutral, "I want to believe you. But haven't you been having memory problems?"
"I know. I was there when it happened. I saw the carnage with my own eyes!" You snapped, flinching as you heard your tone. You sighed and licked your lips. "I think I might be the only one who survived. Hadvar was supposed to go to Riverwood, but it seems as though he may not have made it back."
"Didn't mean to disturb wounds. Do you think the Jarl knows?" Kaidan asked.
"If he does, then he must not care much for Riverwood seeing as they had about four guards total." Xelzaz went quiet for a moment, and you looked between your friends imploringly.
"I think there are really only two clear answers here, my friends." Inigo interjected. "We either have to let the Jarl know, or we run to somewhere where there are no dragons. Or, do one then the other."
Khash frown, lips curling over her sharp little teeth. "We cannot just leave these people to die. That would be wrong."
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, "The only thing we can do is go to the Jarl."
"Do we have any proof?"
"I think Helgen is proof enough..." You murmured. Perhaps they had even seen the smoke from that foul day.
"It's settled then." Xelzaz spoke up. "We go to Whiterun and inform the Jarl that a dragon has returned, and that Riverwood needs more guards."
You nodded, smile returning. "Yeah."
And so you marched to Whiterun, stopping for the night on the bank of the river. Khash turned out to be quite the fisherman as she caught you dinner, helping Xelzaz clean and prepare it for dinner. And despite the growling of your stomach, eyes drawn to the flames, you found yourself only picking at your food. You cleaned up after everyone, volunteering to take watch while the rest of your companions turned in for the night.
The embers crackled and popped, wisps of smoke taking to the wind.
The smell of burning flesh as everything ignited around you.
You didn't wake anyone for second watch.
"Can't sleep?" Xelzaz emerged from his tent sometime after midnight.
You shook your head, not taking your eyes off of the stars above.
He yawned, sitting down next to you and poking at the fire. "I'm sorry you went through that."
You swallowed, "If I tell you something, will you keep it a secret?"
"I can do my best."
You supposed that was fair enough....
"I..." The words caught in your throat like stale bread. "You know what, never mind. I don't really know what I was thinking there."
"Well now you have me curious." His cadence was light, lilting, teasing.
"Maybe another time."
It was still too raw....
The glint of sun on the axe, raised over the executioner's head.
Streaks of fire raining down from the sky... the only thing that saved your life.
You owed that dragon your life.
You owed that dragon a death for every life in Helgen.
"Tell me about yourself." You asked after a while.
"What would you like to know?"
"Do you have any family out there?" You chanced a glance in his direction to see him staring up at the stars as well.
"Yes. My parents and a little sister, back in Thorn. We're very close. My sister, Deekawo, is really quite talented...."
It wasn't long until your breath steadied as you listened to your friend speak about the Hist, and how his family still spoke regularly, and how no matter the distance, they could feel one another. You talked well into the night, and he was more than willing to humor most of your questions; Even teaching you a few words of Jel when you asked what certain things meant.
Was your family out there wondering where you were?
Did you even have any?
And as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, you reached for your pack, puling out a taproot and handing it to him. "It's not much, but I know you'd mentioned you were interested in studying the properties of taproot firsthand and comparing it to dwarven oil. I, uh... don't have any dwarven oil, but I figure you could probably put it to better use than me."
"Oh, Thank you," He smiled, accepting it graciously. "I appreciate the thoughtful gift."
It was the least you could do.
He'd drowned out most of the screams.
"Think nothing of it." You stood, cracking your joints. "We should probably get breakfast ready though."
In a cruel twist of fate, you realized belatedly that your provisions were running low... probably something to do with feeding five mouths. You'd probably have to skip lunch and restock when you got to Whiterun.
The trek was simple enough, not as long as you thought it might be. The guards didn't shake you down as you entered, and what immediately hit you was that it didn't reek as soon as you set foot inside the walls. It was a clean city with bustling streets. The sound of idle chatter drifted through the air, pleasant and comforting. It felt... safe.
"Do we want to stop for lunch?" You called back, "I know we need to speak with the Jarl, but maybe not on an empty stomach?"
"I think that is a great idea, my friend." Inigo piped up, Khash giving a quick affirmative.
Kaidan shook his head, pushing past you. "You've already wasted weeks. Weeks people could have been preparing for a dragon attack."
You winced, smile faltering only for a second. "Yeah, you're right. We can wait until after. Maybe they'll even give us some something for a reward."
So you continued up to Dragonsreach, pausing for a moment to look at your companions and steeling yourself. You could do this. You survived a dragon.
Your skin blistered under the heat-
You could do this.
The doors groaned under their own weight as they swung open, and you strode in, doing your best to ooze the same sort of confidence a fool had… only to see an argonian sitting on the steps, head in his hands. You were pretty sure he wasn't the Jarl, but you felt compelled to stop anyway.
"Hey, are you on your way to talk to the Jarl?" He asked, "I came to tell him about an attack on Helgen. It's burned to the ground, and I thought I saw a dragon flying over the mountains! But he won't believe me. You believe me though, right?"His eyes were imploring; Her eyes filled with fear-
"That's why I'm here as well."
"Maybe he'll listen to you then!"
You nodded.
"My names Lucifer by the way." He stood, "You look like the adventuring type, so am I."
"Nice to meet you, Lucifer." You smiled at him, extending your hand.
He stared at it for a moment before clasping it in his own. "Could I travel with you? It’s a dangerous world out there, and I think we could be great allies.”
And so Lucifer the argnoian became your sixth member, introducing himself to your companions while you ascended the stairs to meet the Jarl. Eyes were drawn to you as you passed the well-stoked fires of their mead hall.
“What is the meaning of this?” A dunmeri warrior asked, drawing her weapon.
“I agree,” Said the Jarl, looking blandly around at his guards. “I thought I gave explicit instructions not to be disturbed.”
You dropped to one knee, “My Jarl, I bring news from Helgen.”
“If you’re going to tell me it was destroyed, I am already aware of what can happen when we get caught in the crossfires of this gods forsaken war.”
You lifted your face to look at him fully in the warm, flickering light. Blond hair beard impressively braided, circlet adorning his brow, tired eyes watching you with something akin to boredome and disdain. “It was a dragon.”
“There are no dragons in Skyrim.” One of the guards replied.
“I can take it from here,” The Jarl waved him off. “There are no dragons in Skyrim. You’ve put too much stock in the ravings of drunks and fairytales.”
You set your jaw, finally meeting his gaze.
“I was there.”
A hushed silence fell over the hall.
“I was there when it happened. It slaughtered everyone.”
It was a few moments before the Jarl spoke again, “Why did it take you so long to come to us?”
“I was afraid,” You murmured, breath steady somehow. “I was afraid, and I had hoped someone else would have escapted to tell you. But after visiting Riverwood and seeing its defenselessness, I realized that I had hoped in vain. I am sorry.”
He contemplated your words, “Irileth. Send a battalion to Riverwood at once.”
“My Jarl-”
“I’ll not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people.”
“Very well. I will do so at once.”
“Good. As for you,” He affixed his gaze upon you once more. “Thank you for coming forward even if it was late. Take this as a token of good faith.”
One of his servants brought forth a set of leather armor. Nicer than the set you had managed to hodgepodge together.
“Let Proventus know if we need to adjust the fit for you.”
“Thank you, sir.” Hastily you stood, marveling at just now nice it was. “You are too kind.”
“I have another task that you may yet be able to help with. Follow me, my court wizard has been doing some research after your argonian friend tried to tell us he thought he saw a dragon.” He led you through the hall to a wide room with an alchemy table and many such articles befitting a mage, a man in robes hunched over his desk. “Farengar, I hope you have news about your project.”
“Give me a few more hours, I may be onto something but I need a little more time.” The wizard replied tersely.
“Very well then. Update me when you have some progress.”
You were dismissed for a recess, and released once more upon Whiterun. Coin purses remaining heavy by buying quick lunches as food stalls and eating it in the town square.
“Well, we did what we came here to do.” Inigo said between bites of a sweet roll. “We can always travel to find warmer sands… and avoid big smelly dragons.”
The conversations were light as you picked at your food. Lucifer trying to get to know everyone, he seemed personable enough, if a bit… odd. Not that that was necessarily a bad thing. You were all a bit odd.
A few kids raced past you, playing some sort of game, laughing and shrieking as they went their way.
Screams echoing all around you.
A devestating roar that rained fire from the sky.
A hand on your shoulder jolted you from your thoughts, and you turned to look at Xelzaz. “How are you doing?”
“Great, just enjoying the sun.” You responded, relaxing into his touch and giving him what you hoped was a charming smile.
“You just seem a bit distant.” “Sorry, I’ve just got a lot on my mind, there’s no need to worry.” You patted his hand. “I do however need to check out this armor though. I saw a blacksmith back towards the city gates. I figure I’ll go do that until the court wizard is ready to see us.”
“Let me come with you.”
Your smile was genuine that time. “Kai, I’m going to the smithy to take a look at this armor, let me know if the Jarl asks for me.”
The two of you made your way through the streets of Whiterun before stopping outside of a decently large blacksmith’s shop called “Warmaiden’s”. And after making a deal with the blacksmith, she allowed you to use her workbench for a modest fee of twenty gold. It only took a few hours, work interspersed with sparkling conversation. Xelzaz truly was a remarkable person, multi-talented, sharp, a Lawman of House Telvanni.... You had no idea how you were supposed to be the one escorting him.
Because compared to that... what had you done? Survived a dragon attack by running away. Ignoring the pleas and screams of terror as you just... ran.
And just as you were putting the finishing touches on your new armor, you were called back to Dragonsreach. You tested the fit as you climbed the stairs, enjoying the sheer amount of mobility the armor allowed without pinching or tightness. Maybe you should become a blacksmith once you were done adventuring around. And an alchemist. And maybe you could learn enchanting! Then you would definitely be interesting enough to qualify as Xelzaz's friend. Maybe he'd even keep in correspondence once you finished escorting him around Skyrim and to the border.
"Ah, you made it." Jarl Balgruuf beckoned you to Farengar's wizardly chamber. "Anything we can use to fight this dragon, or dragons? We need it, quickly; Before it's too late."
Farengar nodded, "I think I may have found something, yes. I assume this is to be my assistant?" He nodded to you.
"Aye." The Jarl turned to you. "Succeed at this, and you'll be rewarded. Whiterun will be in your debt."
You swallowed down the fear. "I won't let you down."
You owed that dragon a death for every life in Helgen.
"Good." He turned, leaving you with Farengar.
"Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me. Well, when I say fetch, I really mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not actually be there." Farengar didn't look at you as he spoke, leafing through a book instead.
"Of course," If it meant bringing it to justice.... "What does this have to do with Dragons though?"
"Ah, no mere brute mercenary, but a thinker... perhaps even a scholar?" He turned to face you for the first time, hood casting his face in shadow except for the glimmer of candlelight in his eye. "You see, when the stories of dragons began to circulate, many dismissed them as mere fantasies, rumors. Impossibilities. One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as being impossible. But I began to search for information about dragons; Where had they gone all those years ago? And where were they coming from?"
You nodded, "And this is where I come in.... What do you need me to do?"
"I learned of a certain stone tablet said to be housed in Bleak Falls Barrow; A 'Dragonstone' said to contain a map of dragon burial sites. Go to Bleak Falls Barrow, find this tablet, no doubt interred in the main chamber. and bring it to me."
Your eyes widened, and you placed your pack on his table, not listening to his protests as you dug around for the odd stone that you had picked up in the ancient ruins. "I think I may have it already." After a moment you pulled it out, "Is this it?"
Farengar let out an incredulous laugh and you smiled, "The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barros! Phenomenal work! Truly, you are cut from a different cloth than the usual brutes the Jarl foists upon me."
Your grin widened, "I-"
"Farengar! Farengar, you need to come at once. A dragon's been sighted nearby." Irileth burst into the room, breath ragged. She looked at you, "You should come too."
Ice filled your veins as fire licked at your skin.
Smoke filling your lungs.
The court mage looked far too excited, asking question after question only for Irileth to snap, "I'd take this a bit more seriously if I were you!"
That seemed to shut him up.
"If a Dragon decides to attack Whiterun, I don't know that we'd be able to stop it."
Even the stones had groaned, bending to the whims of the dragon's breath as they warped and melted.
The fear in that woman's eyes.
How many children-
A hand on your shoulder jolted you from your thoughts, and you turned to look at Xelzaz. Competent Xelzaz... he probably could have saved her.
"C'mon, lets see what we can do."
You nodded, gesturing for your team to follow you up the stairs to the Jarl's war room.
"-We saw it coming from the south. It was fast... faster than anything I've ever seen." A guard panted, hunched over, hands on his knees as he struggled to catch his breath. "It was just circling overhead when I left. I never ran so fast in my life... I thought it would come after me for sure."
The Jarl turned to Irileth, saying words you couldn't quite hear over the blood in your ears. Slowly, you approached the man, placing a hand on his shoulder, just as Xelzaz had done for you a moment ago.
"What's your name?" You asked, giving him a gentle smile as he looked at you.
"Alarik of swift feet, your speed has given us a chance. Thank you for doing something I could not."
His breath began to steady, and he nodded.
"Jarl Balgruuf," You turned to face him, "Is there a place where we can shelter the children?"
He straightened up, looking at you with a mixture of disbelief and understanding, "Yes."
"Then get them there."
The Jarl blinked, clearly not used to being spoken to like that, before waving to his guards, "Get moving! There's no telling how much time we have left." He pointed to you, "And you, I want you to go with Irileth and help her fight this Dragon. You survived Helgen, so you have more experience with dragons then anyone else here. But I haven't forgotten the service you did for me in retrieving the Dragonstone for Farengar." With heavy strides, Balgruuf made his way over to a display on the wall. Taking down an axe and presenting it to you. "Take this, a gift befitting a true friend of my people, the Axe of Whiterun. May her blade remain ever sharp."
You nodded, taking it graciously... though you'd never used an axe in battle before. "Thank you."
You could hear whispers among your followers, and you turned to Khash. "A dragon. A real dragon? Oh tusk... I cannot. A real dragon! We are so tusking dead."
"I need you to stay here."
"What?! While you go fight a dragon?"
You gave her your most reassuring smile. "I'll be back sooner than you can say 'Whiterun'."
She gave you a blank stare. "Whiterun."
"I walked right into that one...." You sighed.
"That does not make any sense."
"Look, Khash, please just stay here where it's safe okay?"
Her eyes were accusatory, but she nodded. "Okay, but you better come back with a tusking dragon skull for me."
You laughed. "Deal."
As you left, you cast one last glance back at her, giving her a thumbs up.
"I'm coming with you," Xelzaz said, walking alongside you.
"Thank you."
"How are you holding up?"
"Ready to die a most glorious death," Your tone was light, joking, but one way or another, you were going to end that dragon's life or die trying.
Xelzaz laughed, a comforting sound, "Well, good to see one of us is optimistic."
You looked back to the rest of your companions, seeing them striding with you... filled you with a determination you hadn't realized you'd had.
You could do this.
Together you all made your way out, following Irileth and her battalion to the remains of a watch tower. You didn't see any dragons around, but the carnage was unmistakable.
"No! Get back!"
It was already too late.
Like thunder rolling over the mountains, a roar echoed through the plains, heavy wing-beats on the wind, and fast as a flash of lightning the dragon streaked towards you, raining fire down on the poor guards in front of you. Charred corpses left in its wake fueling you.
Immediately you nocked an arrow, letting it loose at the wyrm soaring through the sky.
But... it wasn't the same one.
It wasn't the same one.
"BRING IT DOWN!" Irileth cried, and arrows soared through the air.
It seemed to shrug them off, circling around... laughing?
Your blood ignited, and you ducked behind a hunk of stone just in time to evade its breath once more. You loosed another arrow at it, this time catching it in the leather of its wing.
It stuck.
"Aim for the wings!" You called out.
Inigo shouted an affirmative behind you, and Xelzaz shot it with a bolt of ice.
But it was agile, powerful, buffeting the arrows on the wind of its wings, dropping low to the ground and spraying ash and smoke, covering everything in a hazy darkness. "YOL SU GRAM!"
Fire. Air. Cloud.
You closed your eyes for a moment, straining your ears. It was rising.... You needed to get to higher ground. Carefully you made your way to the tower, stumbling a few times but never falling as you made it inside of the remains.
Good, the air was clear here.
Taking them two at a time, you peeled up the stairs. You held your breath as you aimed, ignoring the strain in your lungs, but it was moving too quickly for you to get a clear shot as it sped over the cloud of smoke, raining fire indiscriminately.
"No you don't...."
You stepped onto the remains of the ledge, doing a few quick calculations in your head as it circled around for more. Breath deep and far steadier than it should have been, as you shot another arrow at it.
If the gods were real, they showed you a small mercy, arrow flying true until it struck the joint in the wing. Its trajectory faltered, wing smashing into the tower, and it lurched... stone beginning to topple out from under you.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shi-
You braced yourself, riding the tower down as it fell, rolling as you hit the ground, some of the blow cushioned by soft moss. Panting, you got to your knees, smoke and dust clearing just enough for you to see the rubble begin to move, the dragon shaking off the stone and mortar.
A single eye affixed to you, foreign and familiar, pupil dilating as the dragon craned its neck, only a few feet from where you were.
A single word uttered in its guttural language, "Dovahkiin."
It reared back and you barely managed to dodge out of the way in time before its jaws snapped at the air where you'd been.
"Kril mal lun... Zu'u naak hin sil."
You backed up.
You were knocked back, landing on a charred corpse as the dragon advanced on you, a laugh in its throat.
It was toying with you.
Wildly you scrambled back, hand landing on a searing hot sword. You could see arrows whizzing above you, bouncing feebly off of the dragon's thick hide. Shouts all around you.
The fear in that woman's eyes.
Adrenaline in your veins, you could feel the air around you sizzle as the dragon opened its mouth again, lunging at you. You pitched forward, rolling under its chin.
With every ounce of strength in your body you drove the blade into the junction where its jaw met its throat, flesh giving way under the steel. The dragon lurched back, driving it further in, a roar dying in its throat as it thrashed, blade breaking off, throwing you a few feet back.
Blood rained down on you as it choked and sputtered, and you grabbed the dagger that you kept in your shoe. But you didn't have time to move as it collapsed, trapping you under its thick neck.
It took you a moment, breath heavy still stinging with the ash, dust, and smoke, before you were able to wriggle your way out from under it, getting to your feet as the air began to clear.
So many dead....
But you could see Xelzaz tending to Kaidan's wounds. Lucifer downing a health potion. Inigo crawling out from where some debris had fallen.
Oh thank the gods....
And you turned back to the dragon, nudging it with your boot as you saw the last light leave its eyes.
It wasn't the same one that was in Helgen....
You wiped at your skin, hands slick with dragon blood as you began to return to your friends.
Something caught in your throat, and you paused skin tingling, vibrating. Each breath in felt... more powerful than the last, a loud wind in your ears as an eerie light surrounded you, ephemeral, soaking into your pores, your lungs, your tongue.
It felt as though you were full to bursting, like you were going to be ripped apart by the cosmos, something powerful settling in your soul.
Something... Right.
Every bit of you thrummed, and you stared at your bloodstained hands.
"Fus." The word rippled from your mouth, rumbling, clearing through the smoke.
You breathed deep, throwing your head back and roaring out to the heavens, "FUS!"
The air shimmered and shook, flowing like a crashing wave.
You'd never felt so alive.
All eyes were on you. Murmuring among the guards, something fearful and almost reverent on Kaidan's face.
It felt... right.
Talos of Atmora, Tiber Septim himself, had been dragonborn. You didn't quite know what that meant, but you knew it was certainly not 'Nord nonsense', as Proventus so eloquently put it. On your way back to Whiterun you'd heard thunder on the wind, "DOVAHKIIN". Apparently most of Whiterun had heard it too.
Apparently you'd been... summoned.
You didn't like that one bit....
So... you'd decided you would make a stop in Riverwood beforehand. Clear the air about Hadvar; His family deserved that much, and if you were supposed to be... something important... you couldn't be a coward any longer.
No way could you face The Greybeards with that on your chest.
Fortunately, Lucifer knew a shortcut.
When he declined to use the map... that should have been your first red flag. The fact that you'd been wandering around in the woods for a solid day and a half should have been your second.
"Lucifer... uh..." You started as it began to get overcast on the second day, "I don't want to question your survival skills, but do you know where we're going?"
"... No. I think I may be lost now."
Xelzaz sighed, grabbing your map, muttering something in Jel that sounded rude. "Follow me."
So you walked. And walked.
And walked.
"Are we there yet?" Khash groaned. "My feet hurt."
A whiff of smoke met your nose.
Charred flesh.
Wing beats on the wind.
You dropped low, bringing your hand up to signal everyone to stop. The light mist was hard to see through, but you could see the wreckage of something ahead of you.
Slowly, you crept forward. A pained cough meeting your ears as something gold moved.
A survivor.
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finnified · 1 year
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tragically, dizzy made a huge mistake by approaching me about these two being friends (/lh), because now they’re all im going to post about. a kite, his mermaid nightingale best friend, and her kestrel boyfriend- what could possibly go wrong? (characters joanna and inigo (who only very briefly cameos in this post, ill draw him more seriously later!) belong to @pacificwaternymph ! hi dizzy :] )
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kanakomimura · 2 years
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Inigo starts the round off by putting his green thumb to work and starting a garden. It's not much, but it's all he can afford.
Annette stops by (very briefly) which is perfect.
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Inigo: "Finally got out of that house?" Annette: "Not for too long. I'm just taking a walk while Joy does some self study." Inigo: "What are you teaching her, anyway?" Annette: "Before we left Ethermill I did a bunch of research on homeschooling and printed out a whole lesson plan! She's just breezing right through the stuff. That girl is way too smart for her own good."
Inigo: "Ha, that sounds familiar. Well, if you ever need a break, I'm right across the street."
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letterstopedrito · 2 years
Hello Pedro,
Today, in between editing articles and other work stuff, I watched Home Movie: The Princess Bride. I watched it partially because you're in it (briefly) but mostly because The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies ever. I grew up watching it on my Nanny's (grandma's) VCR.
Slight tangent: I didn't get to go to the movies much as a kid, and we rarely bought new ones when they came out, but I did have a VCR and a cabinet full of all the movies my mom and uncles watched when they were younger. So I grew up on The Princess Bride, Star Wars (specifically episode 6, for some reason), Where the Red Fern Grows, and every classic Disney movie you can think of up to about 2005.
Anyway, I was watching the remake y'all did of The Princess Bride and I loved it! I also realized that Inigo Montoya and Prince Oberyn are the same character, which then made me sad that you didn't do his famous line. I loved your costume, though, that was incredible.
It's funny to me that you did the "imagine" thing, which I never watched all the way through so I didn't know until someone brought it up recently. We've heard the criticism of that little stunt enough, I don't need to rehash it. But this! The Princess Bride, for charity, with more A-list actors than usually appear in a movie, everyone going for it and acting completely silly... I think that was a great move. And the end! With Carl Reiner and his son... that broke my heart.
And I waited til 2023 to watch it! I didn't have Quibi, so I didn't see it until I found it on youtube. But we're still feeling the effects of 2 years in isolation, so I think it was just what I needed today.
Thanks for reading <3
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rebeccareviews · 2 years
The Princess Bride: The Official Cookbook by Jenn Fujikawa
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Jenn Fujikawa’s The Princess Bride: The Official Cookbook is an excellent collection of fun and approachable recipes.
Confession time: I have never seen the movie! But, after this cookbook, I am ready to whip up a feast and have a viewing party! Fujikawa makes the movie and these delicious recipes so fun and accessible. Her easy-to-read writing is light, witty, and fun without being cheesy.
This excellently organised book is divided into chapters on Enchanting Breakfasts, Gallant Lunches, Adventurous Dinners, Swashbuckling Snacks, Valiant Desserts, Triumphant Drinks, and Momentous Soirees. I love the creativity and range of delicious dishes. I also love the creatively named goodies and how perfectly they relate back to the movie! There is the Most Likely Kill You In The Morning (aka eggs in purgatory which is a spicy egg, tomato, and feta concoction!), Mostly Dead (seared tangy tuna steaks with two kinds of sesame seeds!), and Bonetti’s Defense (juicy beef sirloin kebabs). I am fascinated with the uniquely lovely Princess Crown Breakfast Tart which features a baked granola crust and and an array of fresh fruit. There’s even a healthy and herby Queen of Slime salad dressing which can also be used for vegetable dipping!
Desserts range from the easy Bread Pirate Roberts (a hearty bread pudding of ready made croissants and chocolate chips) to the slightly more difficult Farm Fresh Pie (a rich custard pie) There are cool drinks like Sea Water (a creamy combo of sparkling water, blue curacao syrup, and sweetened condensed milk) and the beautiful purple sangria Inigo Montoya’s Taste of Revenge. I especially love the book’s final chapter which gives us set menu ideas for our special occasions. I love the extra attention because Fujikawa doesn’t simply write up possible menus but instead, interestingly and briefly sums up the dishes and neatly relates them back to the movie!
The recipes are clearly-detailed and easy-to-follow. Each recipe begins with a brief and interesting write-up which usually details important aspects from the movie and relates the dish back to it. I love the approachability of all the dishes! Although several of the recipes may require a little more effort, all the recipes in this book are very doable for even the most amateur cook. I love that all the dishes contain fairly inexpensive and very accessible ingredients like potatoes, dry red wine, and ground beef. The most elusive ingredients are saffron threads and dashi granules but these items appear infrequently and can be found in specialty stores. I also appreciate the focus on fresh ingredients but I like the use of convenience items like croissants and frozen pie dough. I also like that Fujikawa labelled the gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan recipes.
The book’s clean, simple, and elegant design nicely supports the recipes. I like the added touch of featuring dialogue and scenes from the movie. Several of the recipes have simple but lovely full-colour and full-page pictures. I really would have liked to see more pictures of the finished dishes because there are far too many movie pictures. However, I can’t complain too much because the movie pictures are fun–there are even cute behind-the-scenes ones!
Thank you to NetGalley and BenBella Books for this book in exchange for an honest review.
🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄 out of 5 spoons!
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switchblades34 · 6 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Leon | Leo/Takumi, My Unit | Kamui | Corrin/Zero | Niles, Degel | Kjelle/Serena | Severa Characters: Leon | Leo (Fire Emblem: Fates), Takumi (Fire Emblem), Lucina (Fire Emblem), Marc | Morgan, Serena | Severa, Hinata (Fire Emblem), Oboro (Fire Emblem), Eudes | Owain, Odin (Fire Emblem), Azur | Inigo, Lazward | Laslow, Sakura (Fire Emblem), Camilla (Fire Emblem), Marx | Xander, Elise (Fire Emblem), Hinoka (Fire Emblem), Ryoma (Fire Emblem), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Degel | Kjelle, My Unit | Kamui | Corrin, Zero | Niles Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, side pairings, bisexual leo, Gay Takumi, Trans Male Character, Trans Female Character, Gay Severa, Pansexual Inigo, might change the rating later on, i only put the relationships im sure are endgame, might add other relationships to the list later, all awakening kids from fates are referred to by awakening names Chapter Excerpt:
“Bludger.” Owain says, and Takumi watches as Felicia lingers around the two. It seems Leo hasn’t noticed her yet, but her hover behavior annoys him to no end, and he’s still not sure why.
“Bludger?” Takumi asks, and Owain nods.
“It’s, uh, y’know,” Owain starts to say, using his hands to speak. “It’s like, from that one game from that book series, with the - the br-broomsticks and -”
“It’s quidditch.” Leo pipes up from his side, and Owain’s mouth instantly snaps shut, a flush that Takumi can only perceive as embarrassment covering his cheeks. “Y’know from Harry Potter? Yeah, it’s quidditch.”
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drunkcleric · 3 years
Awakening trio greet each other like this in Nohr and refuse to ever explain any of it
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hoppinkiss · 4 years
I'm prepping to (hopefully) start a new skyrim playthrough tomorrow and I'm very tempted to just start hoarding follower mods I want more friends
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isamajor · 1 year
Whumpril days 26 to 30
I’ve made it (I’m late, I know) but I did fill the 30 prompts of Whumpril ! :D
26 – Explosion
They hadn't seen the rune on the ground. Kaidan advanced at the head of the group at a good pace in these ruins until the explosion was triggered. One step inside the magical circle was enough, and everyone was brutally blinded by the explosion and thrown against the walls of the crypt. Kaidan felt his lungs suddenly emptied before he felt the painful bite of the stone against his back. The flames had briefly licked his face, leaving an abominable burning smell in their wake. His ears were ringing painfully. Everything around him was dusty and blurry. (98)
27 – Forced to kneel
All it took was a moment of inattention for a blade to slip under his throat. It had been recognized and some had acted on it. Caryalind could already count himself lucky that his throat hadn't been slit yet. The attacker asked him to keep his hands up and kneel down. The prince tried for a moment to defend himself before complying, the blade still pressed against his Adam's apple. What were they going to do, bind him up and bring him back to his father? Or torture him in order to make him pay for the faults of the whole Thalmor? (104)
28 – Semi-conscious
Taliesin muttered weakly, trying to say something. Gore told him to stay calm, cradling the Mer's long body in his arms. Stubbornly, Taliesin tried to move, in vain. He felt too weak to move his limbs which seemed to weigh a ton. He could only squeeze Gore's hand. His eyes fluttered. He didn't remember what happened to him.
« ...Where am I ? »
It was the only thing his furred lips could articulate. The Altmer could hear around him the buzz of the bustle around him, without understanding what his companions were saying. He felt weary, so weary... (99)
29 – Surrender
All that for a stray arrow that had mowed down a chicken in the town. The population had become hostile and a horde of guards was already running, swords out. The blows rained down and they defended themselves as best they could. Lucien squeaked "We surrender!!!" while holding his hands high, hoping for mercy from the guards. The others watched the scene apprehensively. Instead of politely apprehending him or letting him speak, the guards threw him to the ground, shoving him facedown in the mud. Seeing this, his friends saw red. Despite Lucien's protests, they violently attacked the guards. (100)
30 –  Human shield
Before these Draugr, these ancient Nords reanimated by who knows what old magic and who watched over the secrets of Dragon priests, Inigo the Brave was nothing more than a terrified little kitten. These undead froze his spine, and the memories of receiving his facial scars from their withered fingers were still painful. Lucien stood between the Draugr's blade and his friend, like a shield, with glints of defiance in his eyes, chin high and fire magic in his palms. The scrawny blond Imperial was just as frightened, but he couldn't afford to show it: his friend needed him. (101)
You can read all the drabbles I’ve made for Whumpril 2023 (and other prompts) here [x].
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pipcrystal · 3 years
the guards of windhelm watching a tiny breton princess tailed by two frightful screaming dudes and a lvl 50 magma dragon charge through the gates:
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Prompt: prophecy (In which two drunk Dragonborn bicker like the oblivious idiots they are and one of them ends up confessing his undying love)
Word count: 1321
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Characters: Ravonna (my nord oc who grew up in Blacklight), Miraak, Lucien and Inigo (both very briefly)
**I don’t really have a fic yet, but I do have an Idea and lots of random scenes written, and I was feeling creative and decided to give @tes-summer-fest a shot!!
Sneak peek: “A shiver ran down her spine as she swallowed hard, bracing herself to talk and sound normal. ‘Relax, it’s just the alcohol. Everyone’s friendlier when they have lots of alcohol in them, right? This can’t be happening, this can’t be happening – by the nine he’s doing the thumb thing, I’m going to explode. Did he say something? Fuck I’m staring again!’ after pushing away the thoughts about the marvel and breathless beauty of his eyes, she manages to look away, prompting his hand to move away from her face.”
“Alright, don’t mean to control you, Mr. ‘master of my own fate’, but I think you’ve had enough. Come on, booze and tiredness are a deadly combination.”
“I was gonna say the same thing, you know.” He says, slowly blinking up at her. “In fact, I wanted to go to sleep anyway. So I’m still master of my own fate.”
“Yeah, right” she said, her voice completely lacking conviction.
“Oh, spare me! Don’t go all holier than thou with me, you drank just as much as I did, if not more.”
“You’re right, but I’m just better at drinking than you, as it turns out.”
“I will not accept this. I am Miraak, the first dragonborn, leader of the – the… what was it called again?”
She just looks at him, taking this all in. No, he’s not Miraak, the fearsome dragon priest. In front of her, sprawled on a huge cushion with half-closed eyes and rosy cheeks sits Fenrik, the atmoran: a man who was thrown into a war without much of a choice as he was told that was his prophecy, a man who, despite being an amazing and powerful leader, hated every little second of it. He looks fully relaxed before her eyes and it makes her wonder whether this is the first time he’s ever felt relaxed in a while, or maybe ever. He doesn’t even remember the Dragon Cult, for crying out loud. His legs are spread wide, one of his hands is holding the tankard he’s been drinking out of the whole night; the other hand is draped on the cushion, mindlessly fidgeting with it’s material. His face is smooth, glowing, and free of any trace of anger, sorrow or worry. His blonde hair is tied in a comfortable bun, several golden locks escaping from it and resting against his broad shoulders. Ravonna found herself lost in thought, staring at him. He looked incredibly adorable and the fact that he was wearing her favorite red robes didn’t help her at all in containing her blush. She quickly came back to reality as he tried getting up and failing, almost falling on her. His empty tankard now rolling on the floor. She got to her feet in no time and offered help.
“You make it look so easy, standing up.” He said, taking her hand, “you know, I used to have no trouble doing this – ” he gesticulates at what they’re doing as he finally stands up with her help.
It seems as if all the blood came rushing to her face, as she finds herself incredibly close to him, one of his hands weirdly sat along her shoulders, as if he were a wounded soldier in battle, but he was so close. She could smell the lavender in his hair, and the grassy smell of the red robe. He was fully leaning against her, and it all made her feel lightheaded. ‘This can’t be happening’ she thought to herself, trying to bury all of her feelings deep down.
“Easy now. I’ll lead you to your room – that is, if I remember the way” she gave him a small smile.
“Oh, you were always so bad with directions” he smiles and cups her cheek with his other hand.
A shiver ran down her spine as she swallowed hard, bracing herself to talk and sound normal. ‘Relax, it’s just the alcohol. Everyone’s friendlier when they have lots of alcohol in them, right? This can’t be happening, this can’t be happening – by the nine he’s doing the thumb thing, I’m going to explode. Did he say something? Fuck I’m staring again!’ after pushing away the thoughts about the marvel and breathless beauty of his eyes, she manages to look away, prompting his hand to move away from her face.
“This inn’s not so complicated. I do know where the rooms are. However, I don’t know which one was yours?”
“Up the stairs and first one on the right. Near an excellent little tree in a pot.” He giggled.
“Thank the Gods!” she said, relieved.
“Or you could thank me for a change.” He said in a deep voice, almost flirty. His eyes never turned away from her face.
She sighed deeply.
“Admit it, you’d be lost without me.” He grins “Literally”.
“Maybe, but you’d be on the ground without me, fallen, drunk and embarrassed, so I think I won this one. Careful now, stairs incoming.” She said, leading him to the stairs and trying to ignore the piercing, knowing, smug look of Lucien, who was sitting in the opposite corner of the room, whispering something to Inigo. Oh they were definitely talking about it. And she knew that once she comes back, they will bombard her with all sorts of questions. Not that she would mind talking about Fenrik. It’s just that whenever the subject comes, she turns as red as a ripe tomato.
“You see stairs, I see a whole quest. I’m going on an adventure! What if we steal that nice plant, hm?”
“Yep. Definitely read too many fantasy books.” It was all so endearing; he was so endearing to her it drove her crazy. She almost can’t believe that they tried to kill each other at first.
“Ha! I’ve definitely read more books than you. Guess I’ve won this one.”
“You can have that victory, bookworm.”
Finally, they managed to make their way to his chamber. After reaching his door, Fenrik’s face became serious all of a sudden.
“Everything all right?” Ravonna asked, immediately noticing his grief.
“Yeah… it’s just that, I have this thing. This weight on my shoulders, only getting heavier and heavier. And tonight, I have a feeling that maybe it is my chance to tell you.” He started, gathering up the courage. “You know, getting it off of my chest.”
“Tell me what?”
“I think I’ve found my prophecy, my meaning in this life, myself.”
“Fenrik that’s – ”
“Dii gein,
dii brit gein ahrk nunon
faal zok brit do niin pah
faal lovaas do dii sil
dii laas zu'u ofan wa hi
hi wahl aan lein tol zu'u laan wa lahney ko
rul zu'u los voth hi nii's med zu'u 'm botaas
hi wahl zu'u kotin aan pruzah mun, hi make dii sil pruzah
hi los dii qostiid, Ravonna” he said, pouring his heart out, looking at her with utter adoration and sadness and holding her hand. He is not ready, not entirely, to tell her in a way she understands. This can’t be happening. Love. It’s terrifying. And, surely, she doesn’t feel the same. He is her mortal enemy! He tried to kill her. He sent cultists after her and tormented her dreams and mind! Still, it felt so good to say that to her out loud.
Her brows furrowed slowly, slight amusement and fascination painted her face. It’s way too late for this and the wine and closeness of Fenrik is making her mind blurry.
“Is that all or…?”
“Oh I am far from done. I could talk about it all night and it would only cover a small part of what I truly feel.” He said, his eyes fixated on her.
“That sounds rather extraordinary. I’m sure you’re right. Great prophecy. Ten out of ten. Now, let’s get you to bed.”
“I can go to bed just fine, Ravonna. I’m not about to let you tuck me in, or else you’ll rub that in my face for as long as I live!”
“Hm, you’re quite right about that.”
They look at each other for a moment, smiling.
“Well, good night then! Do get some sleep. We leave early tomorrow. We’ve got a world to save!”
“That we do. Good night!” he said, hesitating.
“Na-night!” she said, turning on her heels as fast as she can. She could bear the tension no more. She was more than ready for another full tankard of hot wine.
Dovahzul translation:
dii gein = my one
dii brit gein ahrk nunon = my beautiful one and only
faal zok brit do niin pah = the most beautiful of them all
faal lovaas do dii sil= the song of my soul
dii laas zu'u ofan wa hi = my life I give to you
hi wahl aan lein tol zu'u laan wa lahney ko = you create a world that I want to live in (more in the sense of 'you make life worth living' but not all words can be translated in Dovahzul)
rul zu'u los voth hi zu'u t's med zu'u 'm botaas = when I am with you it's like I 'm flying
hi wahl zu'u kotin aan pruzah mun, hi make dii sil pruzah = you turn me into a good man, you make my soul good
hi los dii qostiid, Ravonna = you are my prophecy, Ravonna.
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sunsetmists · 3 years
Can you do a scenario where satan and mc get sucked into a book together? pls and thank u
You had been several chapters into your reading of the Princess Bride when Satan flicked that fate-stained page, and let something wicked loose. The air had left your lungs as the room crumbled all around you. A vortex of wind, and sea-salt swept breezes poured outward from the ink which marred the page, and it took hold of you both, and dragged you within. The first thing you hear is laughter. Your eyelids give way to a vast darkness; stars flickering far more brightly in the sky than they ever had before. They were uncountable, only a milky whorl of light. Crinkling your nose, the scent of burning wood, and embers flood your senses. Twisting where you lay, you can make out three figures. One, which was the source of the hearty laughter was far larger than the other two. Another held curls which waterfalled down their back, and the last was impossibly small. As you try to push yourself onto your feet, you discover that your hands have been bound behind your back. Though you struggle against the bonds, they do not give. "What is this?" you shout, voice raising over the embers. The three figures turn towards you, and the smallest speaks: "Now, now, save your energy, sweetheart." he sneered. Squinting, you can just barely make out their faces for the first time. The largest seems almost hauntingly familiar to you, and without thinking, you ask: "Fezzik?" the enormous man tilts his head to one side, but it is the smallest which speaks again: "That oaf isn't going to help you." he remarked, with a laugh. If that was Fezzik, then... All of a sudden, a voice calls out through the darkness: "Avast ye' fiends!" through the film of embers, and smoke, you can make out a figure dressed in all black, with a mask obscuring his features. “What is all this now?” the man with the waterfall hair, Inigo, asked- his hand moving to the handle of his blade. From where he was standing atop a rock, the man in black announced: “I believe you foul men have something that doesn’t belong to you.” the edges of his lips turned up into a smile. “And I- the Dread Pirate Roberts have come to reclaim it!” his smile grew ever wider, and under his breath he muttered: “I’ve always wanted to do that.” the small man, Vizzini, shook his head, and then barked an order: “Deal with him.” to which Inigo rose from his place atop a log, unsheathing his weapon as he approached the man in black. As the pair shared words, and their blades began to sing against one another, you struggled against your binds- shifting over the sand until Fezzik thundered over, and lifted you up into his big, calloused hands. “Up we go.” he murmured, carrying you as one would carry a princess. Struggling within his grip, you raised yourself up over one shoulder, and looked back on the ongoing fight. From between crossed blades, the man in black met yours eyes with his own, which were a startling green: “Don’t worry.” he called, lips turned up one side of his face in a half-smile: “I’ll come for you!” it was as you looked into his eyes that your own widened. “Satan?” you screamed, digging your nails into the giant’s back as you tried to wrangle yourself free from his grasp.  Only, it was all in vain, and the clashing swordsmen slowly faded out of sight. The night was drawing long, now, and you could see the sun cresting just over the horizon- gentle rays clearing what appeared to be the top of a mountainside. It was nearly an hour later before you saw a shadowy figure trailing just paces behind you. You parted your lips to speak when Satan beat you to it: “You haven’t gotten rid of me yet!” a hand on one hip, he beamed from ear to ear. The giant, Fezzik, slowly turned to face the man in black: “You haven’t given up yet.” he remarked, and Satan shook his head: “How could I give up when you have the most irreplaceable person in all the realms?” you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Something seemed to shift in Fezzik’s demeanor as he regarded the man in black, and slowly, he placed you down onto the ground. You had begun to hurry towards Satan when small hand made its way around your waist: “Now, now, you aren’t going anywhere.” Vizzini smile, leading you away from the pair. As you looked backward, you caught sight of Fezzik slamming his meaty fist down onto Satan’s shoulder, and a horrendous crack sounded throughout the mountaintop. Instinctively, you gasped, but as Satan rolled to one side, clutching his arm, you heard him say: “You should really know better than to cross a pirate.” You didn’t have the chance to see what happened next because Vizzini had begun to pull you down the slope of a hill where it bottomed out into a valley. Wildflowers sprouted up from deep within the dirt, and with one, solid push, Vizzini threw you to the ground. You coughed as a rock hit the center of your chest, dust rising on the air in front of you as the small man began to tighten your bindings. With another motion, he laced a swath of fabric over your mouth, preventing you from opening it. The sun had risen higher, now. Nearby, you could see Vizzini rummaging within a bag. A moment later, before you could even grasp a hold of your surroundings, Satan began to barrel down the slope. “It’s time to give it up.” he called, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he caught his breath- sword in the devil’s grip as he approached. Vizzini paused his rummaging to raise both of his hands: “I am no threat to you, that much is obvious.” he began, and Satan raised an eyebrow. “Still, I can’t just let you take them.” the little man continued, gesturing with one raised hand towards where you lay. “So what do you intend to do?” the man in black asked, holding the blade towards Vizzini. This is when the small man lowered his hands, slowly, and pulled a pair of goblets out of his bag. Placing them down upon a flattened stone, he then retrieved a cask of wine. “I propose a game.” he began, pouring a bit of wine into each goblet. Slowly, Satan lowered his sword, and slid it into its sheath. “Within this locket is a sachet of iocane powder, one of the most deadly poisons known to man.” Vizzini tugged at a locket around his neck, and threw it towards the man in black. “You may poison the goblet of your choosing, and then present each to yourself, and I. I will have my choice of one, and you will drink the other. Whoever drinks the poisoned wine loses. Simple enough for you?” the little man raised an eyebrow, a smug smile upon his lips. Protest died on your lips as you squirmed beneath your bindings, and briefly, Satan flicked his gaze to you. Even through that slash of black fabric, you could make out his striking emerald eyes. After a moment of contemplation, Satan returned his gaze to Vizzini: “Very well.” the smile on the short man’s lips grew wider. Taking both goblets in hand, the Devil took them around to his back, certain Vizzini could not see them there, and then deposited the poison. You only wish you could have seen which goblet he had dropped it into. The goblets returned to their places, Vizzini placed both hands on his knees, and regarded Satan’s shrouded face. A moment passed, and then the little man began to speak: “All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet, or his enemy’s? Now-” the words died before they left his lips. Blood bubbled up from the pit of Vizzini’s stomach, the length of a thin blade disappearing into fabric, and flesh as Satan twisted it in his gut. The little man’s eyes widened, for a moment, and his hands desperately clutched at the wound, but it was already too late. “You see, much as I find the prospect of this little game charming, I can’t overlook what you’ve done to my precious cargo.” Satan reached for a goblet, bringing the edge to his lips as he let the tart swill drift down his throat. As he swallowed, he continued: “In fact, it’s made me quite angry.” the words dripped from his lips with a venom that set your skin afire. The devil rose to his feet, dropping the locket and the empty sachet of iocane powder down onto the stone slab. Resting a foot atop Vizzini’s hip, Satan looked down at him with unfeeling eyes, tilting his head to one side. “But don’t think that you would have won with wit, either.” he breathed, wrapping his hand around the handle of his sword. Satan leaned downward, a smile creeping up his lips: “I poisoned both goblets.” he murmured, just before wrenching the sword out of its resting place in Vizzini’s gut. With one, smooth motion, he slid the sword back into its sheath, and for the first time since before the game began, turned his gaze onto you. The corners of Satan’s eyes widened, for a moment, before softening. “A built up immunity to iocane powder does wonders for a man, don’t you think?” he murmured, helping you to your feet before unwinding the knot of the gag at the back of your head. The second you could breathe freely again, you asked: “Did you really have to let it go on for so long?” and Satan only half-laughed, a hand on your cheek as he peered down at you through his mask. “Careful, now, I have half the mind to leave you in your shackles.” he remarked, tugging gently on the rope which bound your hands together. You looked up at the devil with defiant eyes, stumbling a bit forward as he tugged. “I’m only joking.” Satan insisted, working at the knotted mess with careful fingers. In a moment, it gave way, and your wrists were once again free. Only, the second you taste freedom, the sounds of trumpets going off in the distance becomes audible. “What is that?” you ask Satan, jerking your gaze towards a small company of horsemen, galloping down the hill. Following your gaze, Satan sighs: “That’s Prince Humperdink, your would-be husband.” he offered, grabbing a hold of your wrist. “You’re joking.” you reply with an incredulous expression, but the rush with which he hurries you forward, towards the wood, affirms his seriousness. “Where are we going?” you ask, casting a glance backward as the group grows closer. “The Fire Swamps.” Satan replied, leading the way through shrubbery, and foliage. Thorns dug their way into the fabric of your clothes, tearing at your cheek, though the devil took the brunt of it all- his arm out in front of him to deflect the branches. Only, as you neared what you thought was a clearing, Satan came to an abrupt stop. Catching yourself on his arm, you peer down to find that the forest floor breaks off into a deep ravine. “What are we-” you began, but Satan broke your chain of words: “You need to push me.” he explained. “Push you? What are you--” the sounds of footsteps in the distance grow louder, but it is the abruptness of Satan’s lips upon yours that silences your voice. Your eyes grow wide at the edges, and his gentle hand lifts your chin. The feeling of his lips against yours is faint, and feverish; flush with the breathy heat of the chase as they melt against you. Instinctively, you move to push him off of you- your hands colliding with his chest as his feet push off of the edge of the cliff, and the ground disappears beneath him. “Not now-” you begin, only to realize what you have done. Branches catch and snare on Satan’s clothes as he tumbles down the slope of the ravine, and from within its belly, he calls: “As you wish.” his voice echoes throughout the ravine, and guilt brewing in your chest, you slip down the edge just the same, and begin the descent. The world collapses around you; twigs, dirt, and rock all fading into one violent blur which batters you over, and over again. When you reach the bottom, the air is knocked clean out of your lungs, but the ground beneath you feels oddly soft. A groan sounds just beneath your chest, and pushing up, you realize you’ve landed atop the fool who first got you into this mess. “You’re really an idiot, you know.” you remark, and Satan lets out a pained laugh. “Of all the things people have ever thought of me- idiot was never one of them.” he murmured, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. In that instant, the unruly spell which had bound the both of you to the pages of that book unwound itself, and your surroundings melted away.
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friend-of-giants · 3 years
25 Days of TES Cheer - Day 25: Decorate
I whipped this up in less than two hours. Featuring a sick Dragonborn and her caring "family". Be warned, it's kind of stupid and kind of fluffy. Also, endings are the bane of my existence.
(also this is the first piece of writing I've ever posted haha)
“Guess what I’ve got!” Lucien Flavius practically danced through the doorway of Honeyside with a large burlap sack, calling out in a singsong voice. A burst of cold air rushed in with him before he shut the door, and the Dragonborn shivered as she huddled in front of the fireplace.
She gazed up at him briefly and wrapped her thick bearskin blanket around her. “I hope it’s a strong drink,” she growled. Her normally bright eyes were dull and glazed, and her skin was a more ashen shade than usual. Dusky gray hair hung limp in front of her face, unkempt since she had fallen sick a few days prior.
“Don’t be silly, Wren! Here, look at what I found in the marketplace!” He pulled a long strand of pine garland from the bag, adorned with bright red and gold baubles. “That Argonian fellow was selling these at half price, now that the New Life festival is underway.”
“Great, thanks,” she drawled sarcastically. “That’ll really help me feel better.”
Lucien knelt next to her, his brow furrowed and a small pout forming on his lips. “I know you want to be out on the town with everyone, I am so sorry. That’s precisely why we’re bringing the festivities back here to you!” He rose to his feet, garland in hand, and began draping it over her furniture, humming a little tune as he did so.
Wren rolled her eyes and sniffled, watching as the young Imperial cheerfully rushed around slinging the greenery about her home. She held her hands to the fire, shuddering, wishing she could breathe and that her aches would dissipate. Not even the strong potions she had made were helping much; this illness would simply need to run its course. Though her mind was clouded from the cold she had acquired, she couldn’t help but to grin at Lucien. Not once had she seen him unhappy, his lively spirit was almost inhuman.
The front door flew open again, and the other two members of her ragtag family marched in, accompanied by another blast of frigid air. Inigo dragged a small tree in behind him, light snow falling from its branches and melting on the floor, while Teldryn strode in last, carrying a bag in one hand, and a steaming mug in the other. Inigo went to work setting up the tree, his long tail waving behind him as his claws picked through the branches, giving them a thorough fluffing.
“For you, sera,” Teldryn said, handing the mug over to her. Wren grabbed it eagerly and tried to give it a sniff, but could hardly smell it. She took a sip, noting a bit of cinnamon and a distinct kick of brandy, even through her dulled senses. The drink warmed her almost immediately, bringing a smile to her face. She took a few gulps and kept an eye on the activity around her. The little tree was dropping needles all over the floor as Teldryn and Inigo hung an assortment of handmade ornaments on its branches, while Lucien hovered over their shoulders.
“You’re missing that entire section over here,” Lucien scolded, gesturing to one half of the tree. “You two don’t know anything about trimming a tree, do you?”
“If you think you can do any better, by all means, feel free to take over for me,” Teldryn griped, and Lucien swooped in to adjust his shoddy work.
“How are you feeling, my friend?” Inigo glanced over his shoulder at the Dragonborn, who had turned around to supervise the sudden festivities.
“Like shit.” Wren smirked and took another sip of her drink. “But now that I’ve got you guys and a warm drink in my belly, I suppose it isn’t so bad.”
Inigo chuckled and sauntered over to her, offering a paw to help her up. She hesitantly took it and staggered to her feet, letting the blanket drop to the floor behind her. “I wish you could smell it in here, it is like we are outside, yes?” He took a deep breath and exhaled with a smile. “Ah, the pine! Like a crisp winter’s morning. All we are missing is a bear, I think.”
Her eyes widened in suspicion. “By the three, if you have a bear chained up outside, I’ll-”
Inigo raised his paws. “No, no bears! I was only joking.”
Behind him, Teldryn shook his head. “There’s a bear outside, don’t listen to him.” The corners of his mouth tugged into a grin, and a laugh escaped him in a rough wheeze. Inigo and Lucien burst into laughter, and Wren covered her mouth, trying to hold back her own.
“There!” Lucien stood back from the tree at last, hands on his hips, admiring his handiwork. “Look, Wren, isn’t it marvelous? Almost as good as the one in the market square! I sure know how to decorate,” he bragged.
“Aye, you do,” she agreed, looking around her home. The garland and the neatly decorated tree were rather pleasant additions to her home, the baubles reflecting the light from the fireplace in dancing spots of light around the room. It really was a beautiful sight, she thought, or maybe it was just the brandy talking. “Thanks, guys. I appreciate what you’ve done here.”
“Anything for you, my friend,” Inigo purred, patting her on the shoulder. He pulled his lip back in a mischievous grin. “Now about that bear…”
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