#lissa and owain show up too
starclast · 5 months
hey there! So...as you can guess, I've been playing Fire Emblem Awakening in these last few months. It may seem unbelievable but I never had the opportunity to play this game until now. My very first Fire Emblem was Sacred Stones, and it was not only my first experience with the franchise, but also my very first experience playing a tactical rpg. I didn't know anything about how to play so everything that happened within the first minutes of gameplay was a completely new experience for me. I still remember when I got my first support *conversation* between Eirika and Seth...my mind was simply BLOWN away by the fact that characters could interact and build stronger bonds in the middle of the battlefield 😮 Since then, I've been tryin to play any Fire Emblem I can get my hands on...and finally, thanks to my friends friend (Mr. Mystery ☝), I got the opportunity to try this one out.
I've always been curious about Awakening because a friend of another friend of mine had a 3ds with it. he showed me a little bit about it one day we visited him but because we had better things to do and a time limit for it, I couldn't catch a proper look to it. Still, I really wanted to try it out, so once I talked a little about it wit my best friend, I immediately asked her to ask Mr. Mystery if he could get it for me...and as you can see, he did it!!! 🤗 I'm still in my first playthrough but I already can see why people love this game so much. It is beautifully made, the new mechanics are polished and very enjoyable, and the characters are just SO good!! 😆😆😆
To be honest, my favorite part of all the Fire Emblem games I have played so far, has always been the supports. And every since I learned that in Awakening the support pairs can have their own children I was simply EXCITED to see it!! 🤩 I'm already in the part of the story were the child units appear and so I'm tryin to reunite them all before proceeding.
I think my favorite pair so far is Donnel and Lissa. Their support was just so really, really sweet that it made me tear up. I know that the child unit is always predetermined by the mother but still, I cant help but feel like Owain makes sense as a child of these two. (And also, its just too funny to let it slide 😆🤣) I don't know yet what other combination I may do in a future second playthrough...but I already feel like it will be hard for me to pair Donny and Lissa with someone else 😢 (Seriously now, why so few people like this pairing!?? 😭)
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P.S: Mini Owain turned out really good for a first try 🤭 ...Although I'm a bit unsure if I put his mark in the right place 🤔
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Um clearly if FEA doesn't have that mechanic we need to think about it ourselves. Obviously anyone noble can't cook worth a dang, so I think we can safely sort Virion into the lower tiers. Can you see him cooking I can't. I think Chrom can cook campfire food, probably, and I think Frederick can cook...? Cherche seems self-sufficient enough... and I have no justification for this but I feel like Maribelle could girlboss her way into a good meal, if not a GREAT one. IDK why. I just feel it. In my bones.
Okay, we actually do have SOME information about who can and (more often) CAN'T cook from supports. Let's see what I can remember/find reasonably quickly.
Chrom sucks at cooking. In his A support with Vaike he makes goulash so bad that Vaike falls off his chair and goes unconscious. (Chrom then declares himself winner by knockout. I love him.) Also, his Dragalia Lost appearance had him saying "I'm useless as a chef. Even among my family, my cooking's reputation is less than stellar." This seems to imply that Emmeryn and Lissa (maybe Lucina and Owain, too?) are also not great at cooking, but that Chrom is particularly awful.
Sumia's food CAN turn out amazing, but she's pretty bad at the actual process. Chrom thinks her rhubarb pie is the best he's ever had, even though he normally hates rhubarb, but it took her 15 tries to get it right. Similarly, Gaius loves the honey cake she makes him in their S support, but then she admits it took her 23 tries. So... her heavenly cooking comes with a high price, apparently.
Sully is bad at cooking. "Yeah, maybe I can't cook, or clean, and I burn all the laundry" (per her S support with Chrom), but it's also brought up in Kjelle's supports with her father. Yeah, turns out Kjelle can't cook, either.
And actually, Kjelle's supports with her father actually do indicate something about the cooking skills of her potential fathers... See, most of them just get a line about giving her some pointers... EXCEPT for Chrom and Robin, who get an additional line of "I'm no whiz in the kitchen, but I've made my fair share of campfire breakfasts." So presumably, most of the guys in the Shepherds at least decent at cooking. Chrom "winner by knockout" Ylisse and Robin "I've only poisoned myself twice" Reflet are outliers.
Because speaking of Robin, yeah... "I've only poisoned myself twice" is from Donnel's supports, but we also see from Panne's supports that she is the only one willing to touch Robin's carrot stew. (Taguel notably have a different diet than humans do, and eat things like firefruit, which causes human skin to "blister and itch for days on end" according to her supports with Stahl.) In the Nowi/Robin supports, Frederick instructs Robin with field cooking (so we can probably assume Frederick is good at at least that sort of thing), and Robin and Nowi end up making something together that appears unappetizing but apparently tastes pretty good... but, um... Well... Nowi's a manakete, and Robin has fell dragon power even in their human body, so... Mm... Nah likes Robin's cooking, too (although to be fair, she was used to eating bitter leaves and plant roots in the bad timeline). Forgive me if I suspect it might be another Panne situation? F!Robin's C support with Severa does show her getting a good result, but Robin also says that her cooking usually turns out "tasting like mud... Or burned mud." Severa gets mad at what she sees as false modesty, but... Severa IS Severa, and also I don't think ANY of the future children were eating gourmet under Grima's reign, so... I'm inclined to think Robin's cooking is decent at its absolute best, on an exceptionally lucky day.
Now, let me go back to the Stahl/Panne supports for a second, because I think that Stahl is likely pretty good at cooking. Fitting for a guy who loves eating, right? Although it's a little weird, because I'm pretty sure they added that as his gimmick at the last second. If you read all his supports, eating is never really brought up, and in fact his gimmick appears instead to be... being so average that it's remarkable. If that's the case, perhaps his meals are also average when you look at the whole camp? But in his supports with Panne he specifically brings her a special dinner because Lissa was making "some kind of weird stew" (another point in favor of her not cooking well? although compare Tharja's line in her C support with Lon'qu about Lissa maybe making more little honey cakes for the war council she's hosting. Maybe Lissa is better at baking generally, or maybe she's better when it comes to sweets specifically?). Now, the cottage cheese and squid dish Stahl brings Panne doesn't sound, uh, super great for humans... but the "carrot dumpling wrapped in a flaky pastry crust" sounds pretty delicious and I kind of want one, too...
Severa claims that she burns everything she tries to cook in her supports with her father, but that's probably just her insecurity flaring up (she goes on to say she must be a disappointment compared to her mother... and yeah, I'm sure Cordelia's cooking is as excellent as her reputation for perfection would suggest). But in her supports with M!Morgan, she manages to cook a pretty good stew. Morgan's only complaint is that it tastes like she was just going through the motions with it, not really putting any feeling into her cooking. But hey, compared to SOME of the Shepherds, I think she's doing an amazing job! Morgan even asks for seconds! (Also, if she S supports Morgan then she makes the same stew and Morgan raves about it. Clearly, Severa putting her love into her cooking makes it outstanding).
... Okay so that's all I've got off the top of my head (I say as if I didn't already spend hours looking up supports...) but if anyone has anything else to add let me know. I'm too tired to read the full support list for every single character right now.
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desudog-gone · 1 year
Oh also my other fe solid ships / what I count as my canon (incl what goes into the kids who show up in fates)
Chrobin of course
Lissa x donnel x ricken (donnel and ricken shared lissa in a sort of "were poly but not for eachother" way at first but ended up falling for eachother too) (to be clear, owain is only born later on after all 3 have had some time to grow up and be like... # adulting.) Both ricken and donnel don't really dig the idea of being a part of the royal family and find it overwhelming but ricken ends up bearing the title as her prince, and continues to pursue magic and become a respected anima wizard. Donnel goes back home to be near his family especially his mother and help on the farm and with her health as she ages, but will eventually slowly make the shift closer to his lovers after his mother's death.
Henry doesn't really commit both because he's aro and it's not really in his nature, but he flits in and out of Libra and Cherche's relationship as a third and plays around with Panne sometimes. He does take responsibility as a father for both Yarne and Gerome though.
Ones I'm kinda ~~~ ehhhh... on
Gaius and Tharja are just kinda loosely together. Tharja is... tharja. Yk... and then gaius just thinks her goth mommy dommy sadist nature is hot but they don't really feel too one way about eachother.
Sully and lon'qu because I really vibe with their ending having Sully become Flavias friend.
Stahl and Cordelia because yeah whatever
Fredrick and Sumia because idk that works
Olivia and Kellam because they're both introverts lol
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switchblades34 · 6 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Leon | Leo/Takumi, My Unit | Kamui | Corrin/Zero | Niles, Degel | Kjelle/Serena | Severa Characters: Leon | Leo (Fire Emblem: Fates), Takumi (Fire Emblem), Lucina (Fire Emblem), Marc | Morgan, Serena | Severa, Hinata (Fire Emblem), Oboro (Fire Emblem), Eudes | Owain, Odin (Fire Emblem), Azur | Inigo, Lazward | Laslow, Sakura (Fire Emblem), Camilla (Fire Emblem), Marx | Xander, Elise (Fire Emblem), Hinoka (Fire Emblem), Ryoma (Fire Emblem), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Degel | Kjelle, My Unit | Kamui | Corrin, Zero | Niles Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, side pairings, bisexual leo, Gay Takumi, Trans Male Character, Trans Female Character, Gay Severa, Pansexual Inigo, might change the rating later on, i only put the relationships im sure are endgame, might add other relationships to the list later, all awakening kids from fates are referred to by awakening names Chapter Excerpt:
“Bludger.” Owain says, and Takumi watches as Felicia lingers around the two. It seems Leo hasn’t noticed her yet, but her hover behavior annoys him to no end, and he’s still not sure why.
“Bludger?” Takumi asks, and Owain nods.
“It’s, uh, y’know,” Owain starts to say, using his hands to speak. “It’s like, from that one game from that book series, with the - the br-broomsticks and -”
“It’s quidditch.” Leo pipes up from his side, and Owain’s mouth instantly snaps shut, a flush that Takumi can only perceive as embarrassment covering his cheeks. “Y’know from Harry Potter? Yeah, it’s quidditch.”
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
Hey, headcanons of Lucina and Chrom if you want?
While I haven’t played Fire Emblem: Awakening, I have seen some of the Support conversations that you can have in the game. Why do I bring this up? Because Inigo’s Support conversations reveal that Lucina and Chrom are canonically ticklish!
Based on their reactions to being tickled, I think I have an idea on where they would fall on the lee-ler spectrum. But before I get to that, I believe that I should give you a warning: there may be spoilers for Fire Emblem: Awakening in these headcanons. If you haven’t beaten the game yet, you might not want to read these headcanons.
Alright, so let’s start with Lucina. Based on how she reacted to Inigo tickling her, I’m going to say that she doesn’t like to be tickled by anyone (though there are a few exceptions). This doesn’t mean that she dislikes tickling overall, though. She secretly enjoys tickling other people, but she won’t say that out loud. In short, she acts like she doesn’t like tickling at all (though she doesn’t fake her dislike towards people tickling her), but this attitude masks her inner ler.
How ticklish is she? Well, let’s just say that Marth’s lineage has a bit of a curse.
Her worst spots are her kneecaps, her sides, and strangely enough, her ears. It may be easy to get at her worst spots, but it is not easy to get her to laugh. She’ll immediately try to fight you off, threatening to cut off your hands if you keep going. If she doesn’t know you, she might actually try to do this. If she does know you, then the threat is empty, but you should understand that you are making her uncomfortable.
For someone as brave and stoic as herself, Lucina sure squirms a lot when she gets tickled. She will try to get away from her ler without resorting to violence, unless her ler is a stranger. She won’t kill anyone whatsoever, but she’ll probably try to punch you.
If you are tickling her knees, then you’ll want to be careful, because she might kick you. She’ll immediately feel bad for kicking you if she’s familiar with you, but if she doesn’t know you, she won’t apologize for it.
She doesn’t laugh all that often, so she always forget what her laughter sounds like until someone tickles her. She immediately realizes that she hates it. Why? Because it’s similar to that of her ancestor, Marth, and she doesn’t think it suits her. She’s not wrong, but many people will tell her that her laugh is cute. Yes, she hates that too (except she doesn’t. You will never hear her admit that, though).
As I mentioned earlier, there are a few people who can get away with tickling Lucina, and they are all her main lers. In her world, these people are Chrom, Robin, Relfect (this is the name that I gave to female Robin), and the members of Chrom’s New Shepards. Out of all of the members of Chrom’s New Shepards, Inigo and Owain will target her more often.
In Smash, Chrom, Robin, and Reflect are still her main lers, and they will be joined by Marth. On rare occasions, she will become the target of Corrin.
As a ler, she can be a little mean when she tickles you. What do I mean by that? Well, she’ll tickle you into hysterics simply because she can. Just so you know, she isn’t trying to be malicious. She just wants to hear you laugh.
Her favorite method of tickling is to use her hands like claws and gently claw at someone’s tickle spots. Corrin and Kamui helped her with perfecting this skill by showing her how they tickle people with their real claws.
If no one is around to witness the tickling, and she is tickling either Chrom, her mother, or a sibling of hers, then she’ll try to tease them. It’s really awkward at first, so Chrom teaches her how to tease someone while you tickle them. He couldn’t take the additional second-hand embarrassment anymore.
All of these lessons have turned her into a very decent ler. She’s not one of the most dangerous lers you’ll ever meet, but she might be in the top 20.
In her world, she’ll go after the members of Chrom’s New Shepards, especially Inigo and Owain. She’ll also go after Chrom and whoever her mother is. Chrom, Robin, and Reflect can’t escape this fate when all four of them are in Smash, but they are not the only victims. Marth becomes a victim of her tickle attacks, and so do Corrin and Roy.
Alright, we are all done with Lucina, so let’s move on to her dad.
Chrom is a lee-leaning switch who is very close to being a true switch. The only reason he’s not a true switch is because he experiences lee moods more often. However, the lee moods are almost as common as the ler moods. To be more specific, I would say that he has lee moods 60% of the time.
He is just as ticklish as Marth is, if not a little more ticklish. He even shares one of Marth’s worst spots: the sides. However, the rest of Marth’s worst spots are not shared with him, as evidenced by his other worst spot: his underarms.
Chrom has the same issue with Cloud in that he keeps one of his underarms exposed, which makes it very easy for him to get a surprise tickle attack from someone if he isn’t paying attention. If he doesn’t want to be tickled to death, then he shouldn’t keep his underarms exposed like that!
But really, he doesn’t mind it too much, because like I said, he is a lee-leaning switch. In Ylisse, it isn’t a secret that he likes being tickled, and people will regularly come up to him and tickle him while his guard is down. This happens with the members of the Shepards, too.
He’ll quickly burst into laughter when you start tickling him, and he’ll quickly begin squirming. This is pretty much all that he will do if you tickle him, but you might want to be on the lookout for his hands. No, he won’t slap you with them, but he might try to tickle you if he sees an opening.
His laugh may not be a heart-melting as his ancestor’s, but it is very contagious. Don’t be surprised if you start giggling along with him, especially if you are Robin or Reflect.
If you tickle his underarms long enough, you might get a couple of snorts out of him, which makes it even more difficult for his lers to remain resistant to his contagious laughter. The sound may be embarrassing to him, but he can’t bring himself to hate it. Not when it’s making other people laugh.
He’s weak to teasing, so make sure to incorporate that into a tickle session, both before and during. He is especially weak to teases that involve him being threatened with tickles to a specific part of his body. It doesn’t matter if you tell him that you are going to tickle his ribs, or if you threaten him with raspberries to his stomach, he will break down into hysterical laughter.
I probably hinted at this, but if I didn’t, you should know that the entirety of the Shepards will go after Chrom. Out of all of them, Lissa and Robin (or Reflect, depending on whether or not Robin is male or female) are the ones who will go after him the most often. Lucina is another one of his main lers, though I suppose that’s obvious.
Robin/Reflect and Lucina will continue to target Chrom while he’s in Smash, but now, they are joined by all of the other Fire Emblem reps. Out of all of the Fire Emblem reps (other than Lucina and Robin/Reflect), Marth, Roy, and Corrin are the ones who will target him more often. Ike, Kamui, and Byleth will go after him too, but they tend to target another one of the Fire Emblem reps instead. They don’t dislike him, mind you, but each of them have their own preferences on who they like to tickle out of all of the Fire Emblem reps. He also has a ler that isn’t a Fire Emblem rep, and that ler is Terry.
As a ler, Chrom is a tickle monster. Sure, he’s got a pretty big weakness towards tickling, but he’s still capable of being a threatening ler.
With a few exceptions, no one is safe from Chrom’s antics. He’ll taze your sides while you are walking by him. He’ll sneak up behind you and tickle your ribs. He’ll poke you in the stomach while you are having a casual conversation. He’ll even take advantage of someone who has ticklish shoulders/shoulder blades by offering them a “massage”.
Why does he do all of this? Well, 95% of the time, he’s trying to cheer up those who are feeling a bit down. 5% of the time, he’s trying to get his victims to tickle him back.
When he tickles someone, he can do one of two things:
He will tickle someone in one spot for a little while before switching to a new spot (unless the spot doesn’t result in a reaction).
He will rapidly switch to a different spot every few seconds.
Regardless of what he does, he will trap his lees in a bear hug to keep them from escaping.
He prefers to tickle someone with light scratches, but he will use a different method if he’s in the mood to do so. If he knows that you have a weakness to a certain method of tickling, then he will take advantage of it.
Chrom is a very teasy ler. He uses many different types of teases, and if you show any signs of a weakness towards a specific type of teasing, he will remember it and take advantage of it in subsequent tickle attacks.
In his world, his main lees are Robin/Reflect, whoever his wife is, and his son/daughter (Cynthia and Kjelle can be another one of Chrom’s daugters, along with Lucina. He can also have either Morgan, Brady, or Inigo as one of his sons).
Chrom will continue to tickle Lucina and Robin/Reflect while he’s in Smash, but he’s go a couple of other targets as well. For the other Fire Emblem reps, he’s got Marth, Roy, and Corrin/Kamui. For non-Fire Emblem reps, he’s got Pit, all of the younger reps of Smash, and Shulk (because like I said in the Simon and Richter headcanons, Shulk can’t stop attracting lers. RIP).
And that’s all I got for Lucina and Chrom! I don’t know why, but I really the process of creating headcanons for these two. Is it due to me liking Lucina and Chrom, even though I haven’t played Awakening? Is it due to the fact that these two are canonically ticklish, giving me the motivation to make this list? Is it something else entirely? I’m not too sure, but I suppose I don’t need a reason.
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convxction · 4 years
"Uncle Chrom? Would you mind telling me a story about my mother, if you have the time to spare?" - Accalon
Emmeryn’s birthday | @crestlocked
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“Hm? Ah, Accalon.” the lord lowered the sword he was cleaning to listen to what his nephew had to say and that somewhat left him speechless for a good minute. Not in a bad way, mind you, it’s just the rush of memories caught him off guard. Gods... he do have her eyes, doesn’t he? 
Sitting the sword aside, Chrom made a room for the young man to sit down as he patted the empty space for him to sit beside him. “Of course. A story ...” index reached to rub his chin thoughtfully, trying to recall a pleasant memory to tell the boy. There were honestly a lot but he wants one that he does not...look like a dumb. He has his pride to keep in front of his nephew. Owain already knows the bits and pieces because apparently Lissa of the future did not shy away from exposing him (and herself for that matter.)
“Let’s see... Ah, alright. I got one. One time, I believe I was 13 by then, we had stealing incident in the castle. The investigation did not yield any results because whoever stole from the kitchen, knew their way in and out. Knights waited to ambush whoever comes to steal but they never show up when the knights are present. A distrust between the knights and the castle staff started to rise, honestly it was going to be chaotic if it weren’t for Emmerryn.” a pause to breath in deeply. It was amazing how she always knew how to act no matter the situation is. He remembers that he was mad at the thief--biting the hand that feeds them and all that honor and loyalty. Rich words like these wouldn’t feed hungry tummies, especially not what after his ..late father did. A war that consumed everyone, not letting anyone out of its clutch. He was naïve and too idealist back at that time. Heh...things have changed, but he could not say to the worse. All thanks to the bonds that carried him to this day.
“So,” he continued hands clasped together as he looked at the young man. “What do you think your mother did?” he was not expecting an answer from Accalon, it’s just the kind of interjection to not bore him with his long rant. “She ordered that no one cook for the entire week. The order was shocking because how else are we supposed to eat, not to mention, she sent the chefs and everyone working in the kitchen back to their homes for a vacation. At that point, the knights were worried and confused of her order. ‘Who was going to cook for us?’ everyone asked and there come their answer, ‘I will’ said Emmeryn with her smile gracing her face. Eveyone could not believe it, they thought she was joking but lo and behold, she went into the kitchen closed the doors on herself and refused to let anyone help her.” 
“Heh, can you believe it? The exalt cooking for the whole castle? That was hilarious! I tried talking to her, Frederick, Phila, but she refused to listen to anyone. The knights wanted to break the door but she warned anyone from walking into the kitchen. The whole day passed by and Emmeryn did not leave the kitchen and the noises were getting quieter and quieter. That obviously made us worried. The knights, and the Falcon Knights were in favor of breaking the door at that instance but Phila stood against them. She reproached them for trying to break Emmeryn’s order and made them leave the area back to their posts.”
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Leaning to the back a little bit to stretch, Chrom stared for a second at the sky then fixed his posture once again. “You would not believe who was the thief back then... a group of children who snuck into the castle and found a small hole in the kitchen to smuggle the food outside. How did they get in, I personally don’t know. That part was kept a secret but from what I surmise...it was my sister who let them in, or made it easier for them to get in. These children from the slums... Big sister was lecturing them when she remained in the kitchen. She knew once the knights will get in, they will be forced into jail. It seems that she wanted them to get what they want and not steal from someone else but they were exposed. You know, it made think a lot on why my sister did what she did. Why...why did she let in strangers in the castle like that...then it occurred to me...she was expecting something to happen, and it did. These children never came back to the castle afterwards. I wondered what happened but my curiosity was answered when I initiated the Shepherds. These children--now adults, were first to volunteer into the ranks. Big sister not only gave them food but she wanted them to see the castle from inside and determine what they want to do in the future. For a long time the castle had been accessible to almost everyone, but in the last 15 things had to be changed. Kids like them could not wander close to the gate let alone get inside with how much hatred was going on for us. They saw and heard with their own selves the real truth and let others know. It was kind of a reckless plan to let in kids and not expecting someone to get a wind of it but sister had really all her trust in them.”
A low sigh, ”Big sister never doubted anyone even if she saw them red handed. She believed in those kids and look at them now...doing everything they could to protect Ylisse back.” Chrom pauses and realize he went on a tangent. “Er, well, um yeah...that’s one story.... Apologies if it was long.” a sheepish smile curls his lips. “But Accalon,” more serious demeanor in his tone. “Your mother was not once foolish. We’re here because of her sacrifice, don’t forget that...don’t forget her. Some might see what she did was unreasonable...illogical...foolish but only who was there knew what it truly meant to scarifice your life like that.”    
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(First off, I'd just like to say that reading your stories and your replies to asks, really puts a smile to my face when I have bad days. You're amazing💙) Hi! If this is not too much trouble, I'd love to read more of the awakening trio sharing an apartment. It's such a nice slice of life thing that makes me happy. Just them trying to survive adult life and loving each other 💙
I(Aww, I’m so glad you like my fics and asks and what not! I’m glad you get a kick out of them!!) Secondly, I’ve been a bit slow to reply to this ask because I’ve been busy with school, but this ask did make me happy because I also love this AU and I’ve been thinking about it too! 
So here is some more HCs for romantic but platonic if you want/platonic but romantic if you want (because either works for me, tbh) modern AU where the awakening Trio live in an apartment together AU!
All 3 of them dressed up for Halloween. Owain wanted coordinated costumes but Severa and Inigo vetoed all his ideas and aren’t into most of his anime/game series characters that he wanted to cosplay (or his OCs, who are just all grizzled antiheroes) so they ended up doing their own thing. Owain made his own and almost nobody knew who he was dressed up as. Severa did a combination of buying a costume (she went through like 20 before finally picking one) and then putting her makeup skills/handicraft skills to good use and making it even better. She was very proud of herself and did help Owain a little. Inigo was lazier with his and just bought a pair of fake vampire teeth and a little cape he just threw over a white shirt so he could be a “handsome vampire,” he claims, without having to wear fake blood or anything more grotesque. Severa and Owain were not impressed with his lack of effor.
Owain and Severa did force him to watch a bunch of scary movies with them to make up for his lack of enthusiasm. Inigo is a bit of a scaredy cat, though, so he ends up being terrified when they move on from the campy movies to more actually spooky ones. Severa and Owain get actually into it and talk over each other during the movies, alternating between discussing character motivations, rewriting the story in their heads, and predicting what will happen. Inigo is definitely jumping at every little noise by the time they go to bed.
Also, this is a separate fic topic I will touch on one day, but Inigo has a more sensitive stomach than Severa or Owain, and as a result the other two have become very familiar with what he can eat and keep it in mind when they go to restaurants together/order takeout. 
Severa is definitely better now regarding her inferiority complex with her mom than she was when she was a teen (and she might have gone to family or individual therapy for bc that exists in this world) but even so, Owain and Inigo make it a point to give her a lot of compliments when she has clearly worked hard on something or gets a promotion or basically does anything that deserves praise.
Severa’s like “I know what you’re doing, shut up” but she actually does appreciate being told she’s appreciated/having her efforts recognized, so they keep it up and she’s not really complaining. 
This is just personal HC now but Severa is several inches taller than both Owain and Inigo, so when they stand together in squad formation, she is often in the middle and visibly taller than them, especially when she wears any shoe with a heel. 
This goes back to what I said a few posts ago about Owain or Inigo just sitting on each other’s shoulders to change the bathroom lightbulbs rather than get a ladder (though as a person who pulls out the ladder a lot, pulling a whole ladder out is a hassle.) It’d be a lot safer and smarter if they just used a little stepladder or something though, so one of their parents probably do insist on them getting one at some point
Between Inigo and Severa, they take So Many Baths. So many. Owain will do so only when he finds a cool bathbomb he wants to use, but Inigo will take a bath about once a week (or sometimes after dance practice, so maybe a little more frequently) and Severa takes a bath like Every Other Day. 
Lissa canonically has trouble sleeping when she’s stressed, and Owain inherited this sleep trouble via Sleepwalking. He doesn’t tend to do it now that he’s an adult, but there has been the rare occasion where Severa or Inigo have woken up to see just a Dark Silhouette looming over them in the dead of night and they did scream very loudly, which woke Owain up and did cause some brief Chaos. Alternatively, they have woken up once or twice to find that Owain sleeping in the middle of the floor rather than on the bed, pillow and blankets moved and all.
Owain plays Luigi’s Mansion as one of his many childhood comfort games and can beat it in just a few hours. He plays it (among other games) when he has bad days but also when he’s just feeling nostalgic and doesn’t want to do another hobby. Severa and Inigo will ask how he’s feeling if they catch him playing it and have often been found chilling on the couch while he plays. They’re almost as familiar with the game as he is by this point.
Their apartment is always Noisy
Severa loves playing music out loud while she does her makeup and changes clothes or cooks; it’s always on blast. Inigo uses headphones a lot when he’s doing his own thing but has been found to unplug them and play his music and podcasts out loud when the others aren’t home. He does put Netflix on and then will just leave the room and listen to the audio while he’s doing other stuff though. Severa also does this with TV shows. Owain always has his laptop open and is playing random tutorial videos for Literally Everything Under the Sun and Lets Plays while he does hobbies or housework or anything. His attention is always Split like that. 
So their apartment is Never Quiet.
This is getting long so I’ll stop here, lol. But I hope you enjoy!
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astraseason · 5 years
i’m looking at my list of muses ( as i cry bc i realize i have to remake a lot of icons ) and figured i’d just jot this down really quickly before i go to bed... or at least try to because i really should but i want... the ashen wolves dlc... to download... so i was wasting time waiting for it and it’s still not here...
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as far as feh goes, i hc seasonal alts to only be outfit swaps for a festival or ball or beach trips or what have you. legendary/mythic/brave alts are the same way because the idea of brave versions of a character being ‘created’ by the hopes and dreams of the people sounds... dumb to me. if a pre-existing character like, say, lucina is given the title of brave or legendary, it is simply new power bestowed upon the character. 
the only time there will be multiples of a character in the order of heroes is if they are from significantly different points in time (ie; inigo vs laslow, owain vs odin, the robins vs the grimas, hector vs hector+lilina duo hero), explicitly stated to be from another world with vastly different circumstances (brave camilla who is queen of nohr or brave veronica who was explicitly stated to be Not Our Veronica, og!azura and shigure vs performing arts!azura and shigure, who are heavily implied to be from conquest specifically).
the askr trio alts are simply alfonse, sharena, and now anna dressing up. i do not hc that bruno stayed with the order in a bunny suit; he left after the festival but will come again when the spring banners return for veronica’s sake.
obviously if there are two of any given character in zenith, they can dress up for festivals too if they want.
so here’s my take on every character with an alt in feh so far, whoops-- my muses are bolded! this is relevant to coralin’s order of heroes so i figure i might as well get it out of the way.
alfonse -- regular alfonse, spring alfonse, and new year’s alfonse are the same character. (lif is also alfonse, but obviously from a different time and world and so different that he barely counts anymore. if you want to split hairs, though, there are two alfonses.)
alm -- he’s actually kind of tricky. original alm might be his own version as he’s implied to be from earlygame while brave, legendary, and valentine’s alm are the same unit. this one is up to interpretation, but given og!alm has falchion for now i’m saying there is only one alm in zenith. there may be two. 
anna -- regular anna and new year’s anna are the same character.
azura -- original, legendary, and new year’s azura are the same character. performing arts azura is conquest azura specifically, then young azura is obviously young azura. there are three azuras in zenith.
 berkut -- dancer and original berkut are the same character. fallen berkut (+vestal rinea!) are a separate character. there are two berkuts in zenith, and two rineas by extension.
the black knight and zelgius are separate characters if only because they’re stated to be the por and rd incarnations of each, and there is a timeskip between the two games. no one is confused by the black knight any more, though. there are two zelgius...es... in zenith.
bruno is the story bruno. he showed up for the festival and left when it or the tempest concluded, whichever came first. he is not in coralin’s order of heroes.
caeda and bride caeda are the same character.
original camilla, spring camilla, summer camilla, new year’s camilla, and hot spring camilla are the same character. brave camilla and dream camilla are both separate incarnations, the latter being baby azura’s dreams given form. there are three camillas in zenith.
camus and sirius are two separate characters as they are from two different points in time. there are two camus...es... and if we get zeke there will be a third.
catria i’m up in the air for. original and spring catria are DEFINITELY the same person, but falcon knight!catria may be from further in the timeline, making her separate. i’m saying fuck it, they’re all technically falcon knight!catria, but this is up to interpretation. there may be two catrias.
cecilia and winter cecilia are the same character.
much like alm, celica is very much open to interpretation. original, legendary, brave, and valentine’s celica may be the same character, while fallen celica is separate. or original, leg/brave/valentine’s is the same character while fallen and original are different. there are at minimum two celicas, maybe three.
chrom, spring chrom, horse chrom, and winter chrom are all one individual, though horse chrom is up to interpretation. there may be two chroms in zenith. 
conrad and valentine’s conrad are the same individual.
cordelia, bride cordelia, askr cordelia, and summer cordelia are the same individual.
male corrin and new year’s m!corrin are the same individual, and i hc f!corrin may also dress up for new years if she pleases. dream!corrin is baby azura’s dreams given form. there are two male corrins in askr.
female corrin and summer f!corrin are the same individual. dream corrin is baby azura’s dreams given form and fallen corrin is from an alternate world. there are three female corrins in askr.
delthea and tatarrah-possessed delthea are two separate individuals.
dorcas and halloween dorcas are the same individual.
eir and new year’s eir are the same individual. 
eirika, legendary eirika, and winter eirika are the same individual. mage eirika is separate. there are two eirikas in zenith.
elincia and festival elincia are... i’m tentatively saying the same character even if two different games are listed. elincia is queen by the time of radiant dawn and her kimono alt title is “estival princess”, so... yeah. there just aren’t enough changes to justify there being two.
elise, hot springs elise, and summer elise are the same character.
eliwood, brave eliwood, legendary eliwood, and valentine’s eliwood are the same character.
ephraim, legendary ephraim, and brave ephraim are the same individual. the ephraim that appears with lyon as a duo hero is a separate one from pre-fe8. there are two ephraims in askr.
fae and winter fae are the same individual.
faye and valentine’s faye are the same individual.
felicia and picnic felicia are the same individual. 
fjorm, new year’s fjorm, and bride fjorm are the same individual.
flora and picnic flora are the same individual.
frederick and summer frederick are the same individual.
gaius and summer gaius are the same individual.
genny and picnic genny are the same individual.
gunnthra, new year’s gunnthra, and summer gunnthra are the same individual, but not the story gunnthra who perished at surtr’s hands. we have seen two gunnthras, but only one is playable.
hector, valentine’s hector, brave hector, and legendary hector are the same individual. halloween hector is a parent, therefore from a later point in time and a separate person. there are two hectors in zenith.
helbindi and summer helbindi are the same individual, but not the story helbindi who is assumed to have died in muspell. ... actually, no, he IS that helbindi because i like to pretend we live in a nice world. regardless there’s still only one of him.
henry and halloween henry are the same individual.
hinoka, kinshi hinoka, and hot springs hinoka are the same individual, but gee hinoka why does intsys let you have two mounts?
hrid and new year’s hrid are the same individual.
ike, brave ike, and valentine’s ike are the same individual. legendary ike is older, therefore separate. there are two ikes in zenith. 
inigo and laslow are separate characters from two different points in time.
innes and summer innes are the same individual.
ishtar and dancer ishtar are the same individual.
jaffar and winter jaffar are the same individual.
jakob and halloween jakob are the same individual.
julia and legendary julia are the same individual.
kagero, spring kagero, and halloween kagero are the same individual.
l’arachel and halloween l’arachel are the same individual.
laegjarn, new year’s laegjarn, and summer laegjarn are the same individual, but not the story laegjarn who perished in muspell.
laevatein, new year’s laevatein, and summer laevatein are the story laevatain. (or she may not be, but there is still only one of her.)
lief and legendary lief are the same character.
leo, summer leo, and picnic leo are the same character.
lethe and new year’s lethe are the same character.
lilina, valentine’s lilina, and summer lilina are the same character. young lilina in hector’s duo hero is a separate character. there are two lilinas in askr.
linde and summer linde are the same character.
lissa and winter lissa are the same character.
loki and spring loki are two separate individuals. spring loki is story loki and not part of the order of heroes. there are two lokis in zenith.
lucina, legendary lucina, brave lucina, and spring lucina are all the same individual. masked lucina, “marth”, is the lucina from the tempest trials and not part of the order of heroes. my main lucina heroes verse, incidentally, focuses on tempest trial lucina. regardless, there are two lucinas in zenith.
lukas and picnic lukas are the same character.
lyn, nifl lyn, bride lyn, valentine’s lyn, legendary lyn, brave lyn, and summer lyn are all the same character.
lyon and the lyon who appears in the duo hero with ephram are two separate characters, as the latter is pre-fe8. there are two lyons in zenith.
mareeta and fallen mareeta are separate characters. there are two mareetas in zenith.
marisa and spring marisa are the same character.
marth, groom marth, legendary marth, and winter marth are the same character.
mia and halloween mia are the same character.
micaiah, brave micaiah, and festival micaiah are all the same character... though i could make an argument that brave micaiah is separate because of the lil ghostly yune. there may be two micaiahs in zenith.
mist and valentine’s mist are the same character.
nephenee and dancer nephenee are the same character.
zero and halloween zero are the same character.
ninian and bride ninian are the same character.
nino, winter nino, and pegasus nino are the same individual, though i’d be willing to make a case for pegasus nino. there may be two ninos in zenith.
nowi and halloween nowi are the same character.
owain and odin are two separate characters from two separate points in time.
olivia, performing arts olivia, and flier olivia are the same character.
olwen and thunderhead olwen are the same character.
reinhardt, sword reinhardt, and dancer reinhardt are the same character, though i’d be willing to make a case for sword reinhardt. there may be two reinhardts in zenith.
female robin and summer robin are the same individual, though she may dress up for winter if she pleases. grima is a separate individual. there is one female robin and two grimas in zenith.
male robin and winter robin are the same individual, though he may dress up for summer if he pleases. grima is a separate individual. there is one male robin and two grimas in zenith.
roy, brave roy, legendary roy, and valentine’s roy are the same individual.
ryouma, festival ryouma, hot springs ryouma, and legendary ryouma are the same individual. gee, ryouma, why is intsys letting you AND hinoka get two mounts?
sakura, halloween sakura, hot springs sakura, are the same character.
sanaki and bride sanaki are the same character because there aren’t enough differences to justify them being separate despite the game saying so.
selkie and new year’s selkie are the same individual.
sharena, spring sharena, and the new year’s sharena from alfonse’s duo unit are the same individual.
shigure and performing arts shigure are separate characters, as performing shigure is implied to be from conquest like his performing mother.
sigrun and bride sigrun are the same character.
silque and valentine’s silque are the same character.
soren and valentine’s soren are the same character.
sothis and winter sothis are the same character.
takumi, summer takumi, and new year’s takumi are the same character. fallen takumi is the final boss from conquest. there are two takumis in zenith.
tana and summer tana are the same character.
tharja, bride tharja, and winter tharja are the same character.
young tiki, summer young tiki, and legendary tiki are the same character. fallen tiki is from a different point in time. adult tiki and summer adult tiki are the same character. there are two young tikis in zenith and one adult tiki.
titania and valentine’s titania are the same character.
ursula and summer ursula are the same character.
brave veronica and spring veronica are separate individuals. spring veronica is story veronica and does not join the order of heroes. there are two veronicas in zenith.
xander, spring zander, festival xander, and summer xander are the same individual. veronica has a xander of her own, even if we have no idea what happened to him. assuming that xander survived surtr, there are two xanders in zenith but only one is with the order of heroes.
ylgr and summer ylgr are the same character.
yune and the yune in brave micaiah’s alt may be separate. there may be two yunes in zenith but only one acts individually while the other remains with micaiah. ... wait shit doesn’t regular micaiah have a bird yune too? maybe there’s three??? send help.
zephiel and winter zephiel are from different points in time, making them two different characters.
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fvtvrelegends · 5 years
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( charlie rowe, trans male, he/him, fire emblem: awakening ) * &. i know it must be scary for you, owain, after surviving the takeover. to turn into someone like owen faulk, a twenty-three year-old clerk at the hq, right here in castle town. just remember that you are as imaginative as you are impulsive, and to be wary, be safe, be true to who you are : heroic through and through. ( (H)O(Y)-(LIA) THERE )
               HOY THERE. Sup guys so I’m here with . . . the closest Fire Emblem has ever written to an actual LARPer who is ALSO my baby boy , fucking love of my life , favorite weirdo 10/10. Click for more under the cut , but beware of spoilers for Fire Emblem: Awakening !!
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BEFORE CASTLE TOWN. / O W A I N. ( tw: parental death )
SOOOO OKAY. let me get some stuff out of the way ,
Soooo’kay Owain !! Now Owain. Owain has the exact same circumstance as Lucina , who I recently dropped if you remember her. 
Not too familiar still ?? That’s fine !! He’s basically the future child of one of the heroes of the story , and like the rest of them , traveled through time as his future was a ruined land where chaos took over and zombies and evil dragons and . . . yeah. In his time , his parents are long dead. It’s not pretty.
Now who are his parents ?? Well his dad is determined by the player - I won’t clarify who his father is for plot reasons ( but my favorite candidates are Gaius & Lon’qu ) , but his mother is LISSA. Lissa , yes , your first cleric in the game , one of your starter heroes , and Chrom’s little sister. So this makes Owain Ylissean royalty of sorts ( his mother’s a princess ) , and also Chrom’s nephew , and Lucina’s cousin. 
Of course , you find out that all of the children got separated as they traveled through time - some like Laurent , who were displaced five years earlier than when you find him. Owain didn’t have a scenario like that , but this poor baby actually curled up into a ball and cried upon realizing he was alone. My POOR FUCKING SON -
An interesting fact is that he bears the brand of the Exalt - a thing of the Ylissean royal family that surfaces on the skin of each member - while his mother’s actually never surfaced. He has it on his arm ( isn’t clarified exactly where , but I like to think it’s on the back of his hand. ) 
SOOOO lemme just get this one out of the way because I feel like I need to address it - because the way Awakening works , Owain is one of the many characters who - thanks to the fact that every child unit save for Lucina inherits their dependent parent’s ( in this case , his father’s ) hair color , his hair color and be... literally anything. Now in Fates his hair’s blonde ( because Lissa’s is ) BUT ... I prefer Owain with dark hair so I simply said fuck it and went with that. Technically either Frederick , Kellam , Lon’qu , or even Stahl ( closely in a way ) could give him that sorta hair color but just because I made him have dark hair doesn’t mean his dad’s any of these dudes. Again , I won’t clarify. 
ALSO . . . I’m not. SURE on what I want to do for Fates because Owain actually does appear in Fates ( as a dark mage named Odin working under Prince Leo of Nohr ) but I’m not. Big on some parts of Fates but ALSO I . . . I REALLY LIKE HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH LEO & NILES so I guess I’ll be including that but not Ophelia since. As much as I love her it’s so hard to picture Owain as a dad with this kind of plot. He’s still Baby in my eyes.
AKA bring me a fucking Leo.
SO YEAH THE MOST INTERESTING THING ABOUT OWAIN is . . . well , remembering when I said he’s basically a LARPer ?? I wasn’t kidding.
A good chunk of his character is that most of the time he actually acts like a character from an old hero’s legend or something. He speaks in this overly theatrical Ye Olde kind of . . . dialect ?? I’m not sure if that’s the right way to put it but he basically puts on a show 90% of the time - but he also breaks character quite a few times in game.
( SPOILER WARNING )  Like when you recruit him with Chrom : “By the gods old and new! Another future traveler?! And yet, impossible, for I saw none like him in the light... Who are you, villain?! Speak now!” “Um, I'm Chrom. ...Of Ylisse? I have no quarrel with you, but if we must fight, then-” “UNCLE CHROM?!”
That is singlehandedly one of the best conversations in-game and it’s not even a support.
BUT YEAH he loves stories like these and always wanted to be that legendary hero so he goes around acting like it because he likes it and it’s so fucking pure.
One thing he has is his “sword hand” - it’s purely a theatrical thing , but he has this uncontrollable “sword hand” that thirsts for duel and battle and it’s why I almost made his url “svvordhvnd” but that was too obvious for Owain.
It’s changes to “aching blood” in Fates but that’s not as good as my opinion since in Awakening’s one of his voice lines is literally “My sword hand twitches.”
Lucina describes him as “colorful.” She’s not wrong. 
He also has a habit of naming his weapons and attacks and . . . shouting when he performs them ?? He also names these weapons & attacks after actual Fire Emblem characters & titles from previous games - it’s fucking funny.
And of COURSE all of these theatrics and imagination isn’t for naught since he’s actually a bit of a writer !! In his Hot Spring Scramble conversation with Laurent he actually has a manuscript all written down and apparently it’s well-written and damn good. 
But yeah in a nutshell - Owain is just a nerdy sweetheart who honestly never really grew out of playing pretend and it helps him cope with all the shit he’s faced so ?? Are we gonna blame him ?? Fuck no that’s my baby & he’s a creative baby who drinks respect women juice. That’s important. 
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SO. Owain survived the takeover meaning he has all of his memories from Awakening ( and Fates w/ the exception of Ophelia I guess since I’m a sucker for Leo’s terrible trio ).
His one token is a staff from his mother ( in-game , he actually keeps a piece of one of his mother’s staves that he named after her but this time it’s The Actual Staff. )
He works at the HQ because honestly in this world too he was a fucking nerd and he embraces that shit constantly !!
Unfortunately he CAN’T be all theatrical because he realized Castle Town is a way different world than his and because people already thought he was strange back there , that’d only increased tenfold.
. . . BUT HE STILL GETS IT OUT SINCE HE REGULARLY PLAYS D&D and also acts sometimes at the theatre !! ( did u know in the future past dlc he actually becomes a performer w/ inigo and brady in the end it’s Fun )
. . . He. He Also. Performs at children’s parties for some extra cash because they looooove his whole “legendary hero” schtick and it makes him happy so yeah there’s that too. 
He likes a lot of things about Castle Town but again when he woke up and realized he was all alone AGAIN he really didn’t react well and basically . . . it was like the first time he got separated from his allies again. He’s gotten way more used to it now , but in the very beginning it was harsh.
His name’s now Owen bc I’m uncreative : )
He has parents he doesn’t really talk to - mainly because he knows they’re fake , and also they apparently weren’t the best fake parents either so he’s more dead set on finding his real parents again. 
AND.... yeah that it that’s !! Honestly it on my boy. I’d love to plot with u all bc I plan on being awake a bit longer to finish up tasks and things so YEAH come 4 me. 
Also bi as hell bc I do love projecting & also there’s no way Owain is straight thank u
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lapinbunwrites · 6 years
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: Major Character Death
Fandom: Fire Emblem Awakening
Characters: Chrom, Lissa, Robin, Virion, Sumia, Lon’qu, Lucina, Cynthia, Owain, Morgan, Nah, Gerome, Laurent, Inigo, Brady, Yarne
Words: 3,964
Ao3 Link
The air was filled with sparks of fire and ash. The land desolate with the shops, buildings, plains, hills, everything burned down to the ground. There wasn't many people left in this world, this timeline. Lucina, with all her power, did everything in her power to stop Grima, but nothing worked. She nearly died a few times trying, facing the dragon head on, only to have Gerome, Laurent, or Severa to come save her. She wanted to save her land, her world, her timeline, and everyone with it. If she were to perish, all would be lost. Lucina had become desperate to save her timeline; she was given one last option, to travel through time before everything was destroyed.
Lucina walked around, asking for all who wanted to come. Everyone said no, at first. After a long thought, everyone decided it was a good idea that they should take the chance and travel back in time. Mostly everyone was back at the castle, aside from a select few. Morgan, Nah, and Gerome. They were still fighting near South Town. They were retreating, but Wyvern Riders circled around them, trapping them. They fought and fought, tiring themselves out. Morgan had one last move that he used. He used a very powerful fire magic attack, killing all of their enemies, all but one. He was left open and was struck down with a swing of an ax.
As he fell to the ground, Nah rushed to rescue him, and Gerome rushed in to kill the last remaining Wyvern Rider. Nah transformed back into her human form, looking for the injury, but by the time she found it, he breathed his last. Gerome caught up with the two. He saw that Nah was hysterically crying. She had lost the person she loved the most. Gerome's lips started to quiver. He slowly, and discretely, started to push down his tears. He had been through so much, he knew this was a war, he knew he was going to lose people he cared about, but it still didn't matter. Even though he was was great at not showing his emotions, he took off his mask, wiping off the tears. He hid his face again, not wanting to show Nah his emotions.
Gerome placed her hand on Nah's shoulder to signal that they have to leave right away. There was no time left to mourn. She argued with him as much as she could, but in the end, he won the fight. He took Morgan's dead body and placed it on Minvera. He sat atop Minerva, giving a sullen look towards her. She looked at him with sorrow-filled eyes before transforming into a Manakete. The two traveled back to the castle, letting Morgan's body lay on the ground in the throne room. Everyone looked in shock and horror. Some of the children cried while the others hid their tears in their hearts. As much as they wanted to cry, the couldn't. Lucina instructed them to gather some wood and pile it the courtyard. Gerome carried his body, placing it on the wood.
Owain grabbed Morgan's mother's old strategy book and Levin Sword; he placed it in Morgan's hand curled his fingers around the book and weapon to look like he was holding onto them. Everyone stepped away from Morgan's body and the woodpile as Laurant set them on fire. They watched as Morgan's ashes filled the air. They watched his ashes fly away as the wind carried them away. Lucina held the Falchion close to her face. Her tears fell onto the sword as finally started to break down. She couldn't take it anymore; how was she going to be able to fight another war in a different timeline if she couldn't deal with it anymore? She didn't have much of a choice.
It wasn't long before they stood in front of the portal Naga had created for them. She had warned them she wasn't entirely sure what would happen after the war in the past. She didn't know what would happen to this timeline. Lucina took a deep breath and releasing it. She counted to three before her, and everyone jumping into the portal. The bright lights and flashes appeared before them. As they kept running, the floor beneath them started to dissolve beneath them. First, it was Brady, then Yarne, then Inigo, then one after another. Lucina looked behind her, she was all alone. She held back her tears and pressed on.
Lucina saw her father and aunt fight a Risen as she ran through the portal. She jumped out, stopping the monster before it killed her. She called for help before she and her father took down the Risen. As the two were distracted, she quickly left. She stood close by and watched as her family fought the battle, and what happened afterward. She could believe how happy her family, and their friends, were. Everything here was different, but the air felt the same. The one difference she could feel is the heavyweight of the world wasn't crashing down, not just yet anyway.
She took off her mask, covering her face with her hand, and started to cry. She hadn't seen her father, let alone his smile, in so long. It was too much for her to bear. She traveled across the country, trying to find her sister and her friends. No luck. She didn't find any of her friends until after she joined up with her father and the army. The first person that came was Nah, then after she came, Laurent, Kjelle, Severa, Noire, Yarne, Inigo, Owain, Cynthia, Gerome, and lastly Brady, joined the army. Everyone was finally here. The army headed out to some ruins; it was filled with Risen. Lucina looked into the distance; she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was Morgan. How could he still be alive? He died before they had arrived here.
"Hey guys," Morgan said, approaching the twelve children. He gave a happy-go-lucky smile at them. "How are all of you?"
It was silent; no one let out a single word. Morgan felt the tension in all of them, but he just ignored it. After they all settled in, Morgan went around, trying to talk to some of them. They could barely say a word to him. With each friend he talked to, his heart became heavier and heavier. He went to his parents and cried to them that his friends wouldn't talk to him. Even his longtime friends, Lucina, Cynthia, and Owain couldn't say anything to him. He remembered Lucina crying, Owain completely avoiding him, and Cynthia breaking done when he would say anything about their past.
"Don't cry sweet child of mine!" Virion said. "It's going to be all right! All you need to do is make a statement and people will start talking to you again!"
"B-B-But what if it doesn't work," Morgan cried.
"It's going to be okay Morgan," Robin reassured him. "They are all tense from the war."
"M-Mother, I-I d-don't think it's that," he cried some more.
"Than what is it?"
"I don't know."
Robin sighed and held her son close to her. Virion joined in the hug. They did their best to calm their son. Every chance Morgan got, and taking his father's advice, he tried to make a statement in hopes of his friends talking to him. He has tried dancing, collecting firewood, doing whatever the Justice Cabal used to do, anything. None of it worked. Every last of his friends were avoiding him, especially Nah and Gerome. The two people who witnessed his death. During one battle, he saw that Nah had injured herself. He walked up to her with a healing potion.
He grabbed onto her sleeve. "Hey Nah," he said, "please use this medicine. It's the one you made for me ages ago. Remember?"
Nah turned around and started to cry. "You aren't the real Morgan!" She snapped.
"What...What do you mean? Of course, I'm the real Morgan! I remember we baked croissants together when were younger. Remember the flour fight that we had?" Morgan felt his heart sinking in his chest. Tears start to swell up. "We made this medicine a few days before we jumped through the portal. Don't you remember, Nah?"
"That never happened! You aren't Morgan!" She yelled. "You're dead, you're a ghost! I think I'm going mad!"
Tears started to trail down Morgan's face; his heart completely broken. "N-Nah?"
"Yarne! Yarne!" Nah screamed.
In the far distance, Yarne was being scolded by Laurent for not wanting to fight. His ears started to perk up. He could hear screaming. He could hear Nah screaming. He abruptly left, searching for her. He could hear Laurent yelling him to come back. He would rather get scolded twice then let a friend in pain be hurt. As he arrived, Morgan and Nah were crying. He held Nah close to him as she cried. He gritted his teeth when he looked over to Morgan. He became scared. He rushed into the woods, crying, screaming that no one would talk to him. Inigo watched as Morgan ran past him. He sighed in relief when he wasn't paying attention to his dancing. Inigo started up a dance but became tense when he realized his friend was crying.
He rushed after him, finding him near a lake. Inigo reluctantly walked up to him, placing his hand on his shoulder. Morgan looked at the dance with tears still rolling down his face. The dancer bottled his own pain and put on a smile. He could tell that it wasn't helping much. He sighed as he walked into the lake. He prepared himself for what was about to happen. Inigo started to dance in the lake. He was splashing water everywhere. He kept a close eye on Morgan; his expression wasn't changing. After a few more steps, Inigo accidentally tripped over his own feet, falling into the lake, and getting wet from the water. He smiled as the dancer heard his friend softly chuckle. Inigo got up and sat right next to him.
"Feeling better," Inigo asked.
"A little," Morgan replied.
It became silent again. It was like that for a while.
"Why doesn't anyone want to talk to me?" Morgan spoke.
Inigo gritted his teeth. He didn't know how to tell him the truth. He couldn't tell him the truth.
"Nah kept telling me I'm not the real Morgan! But I am! I remember all the things we have done together!"
"Like what?" Inigo asked, letting out a big sigh. He knew he shouldn't have asked that question.
"I remember playing in the courtyard with Lucina, Cynthia, and Owain, I remember you trying to teach me to dance, I remember Gerome teaching me how to wield an ax and to make medicine, a whole lot of things."
Inigo doesn't remember trying to teach him to dance. He was already too shy to show anyone that he could dance, but his own memory could be a little fuzzy at this point. He tried to remember one day that they all spent together.
"Do you remember a few days before we jumped into the portal leading back in time? Where we all found a beach that hadn't been destroyed. We all found it surprising that it hadn't."
Morgan couldn't recall that day.
"Gerome, Lucina, and Laurent watching out for everyone who decided to play. They are always on high alert. Cynthia was bugging Severa to go swimming with her, but she wouldn't because Severa did not want to get her clothes wet. In the end, the two had a competition of some sort," Inigo explained more. "You, Nah and Yarne were building sand castles, Owain and Brady were off doing something I can't remember. I just remember that Kjelle was scolding the two for something. I was trying to convince Lucina, Gerome, and Laurent to come have fun." Inigo smiled softly. He loved and cherished that day.
"I bet the three of them had the most fun."
"They did. Do you remember when Gerome, whom we all thought wasn't a romantic, promising his heart to Lucina after the war?" Inigo asked, looking at him.
Morgan shook his head.
Inigo sighed and his heart sank. He knew it was true, especially now that Morgan couldn't recall that day. His friend was truly dead.
"Is everything alright?" Morgan asked.
"No," Inigo replied. He let his tears finally seep out of his eyes. "No. I'm sorry."
Morgan consoled his friend the best he could. He knew something was wrong; it was him. He would constantly try to talk to them, but nothing worked. Every time he would try to play Justice Cabal with Cynthia and Owain, Cynthia would break down and cry. Her crying would get worse if he asked about flower fortunes. And Owain, he would do everything he possibly could to avoid him. It hurt him greatly. Every adult, his parents included, didn't know why any of his friends wouldn't talk to him very much. Chrom, Sumia, Robin, Virion, Lissa, Lon'qu, Lucina, Cynthia, and Owain were sitting in the council tent in the army base. Morgan walked up to the tent and listened into the conversation.
"Why can't any of you guys talk to my precious, sweet boy?" Virion asked.
"It's not nice!" Lissa said.
"It's not only you three, but it's every child here. Why is that?" Lon'qu asked.
"You don't understand," Lucina said.
"We are trying to sweetie," Sumia said. "Please tell us."
"Please, my son doesn't feel like he belongs here," Robin said.
"It's because he doesn't!" Owain blurted out. He suddenly realized what he said. He started to feel a pit in his stomach. He instantly regretted his words. "I...I didn't mean to say that."
Robin, Virion, and Morgan felt their hearts sink. Morgan ran away crying before he heard the rest of the story. Virion became distraught; how could anyone say such a thing about his child. Robin became angered by his words.
"Owain!" Lissa, Lon'qu, and Chrom yelled out his name.
Lucina looked at him like he was an idiot. Sumia took a look at her other daughter, Cynthia, who was fidgeting with her hands.
"Cynthia, sweetheart?" Sumia asked.
She was trying to silence everyone in her mind. She tried to silence Robin yelling about how inconsiderate Owain was being, Lissa yelling about his manners, her sister trying to calm her cousin, Chrom and Lon'qu trying to defuse the situation, everything. It was coming close to the point where Cynthia couldn't take it anymore. Her mother walked over to her, wanting to figure out what was going on with her.
"Cynthia," Sumia called out.
"It's because Morgan is dead!" She broke down. She began crying hysterically. It scared Sumia and everyone else. "It's because he's dead!" She cried some more.
Everyone turned to Lucina, the only one who wasn't crying.
"Lucina," Chrom said.
"In our timeline, Morgan died. Gerome had told me that he was left open during a fight and a Wyvern Rider had slain him," Lucina explained.
"We collected firewood and placed in the pile! Gerome placed his body on the pile of wood while I got Robin's old strategy book and Levin Sword and placed it in his hands!" Owain cried.
"We burned his body and watched his ashes float in the wind!" Cynthia cried hysterically.
The parents looked at each other with concern. Robin felt her heart sink. She couldn't believe that her son had died fighting a battle that they couldn't win. It must have been hard on them dealing with his death and coming to this time only to see him alive again. It must have been painful.
"He doesn't know anything about it," Lucina said.
"We all can tell," Robin said.
"None of us want to get attached to him knowing that when we arrive back in our own time that he is not there."
"That doesn't mean you can act rude to him."
"I...I know. I am sorry."
When Morgan stopped crying, he walked around camp to see his other 'friends.' He hid behind a tree and watched Nah. She and Yarne were talking to each other and having a good time. Yarne felt a bad presence near him and became defensive. He let out a little growl and Nah held her dragon stone close to her body. Morgan ran away from them. He found himself in town. He placed his hood up and walked around. Everyone here was friendly to him; it was a nice change of pace from dealing with everyone else. He softly smiled and walked around, buying a few items that piqued his interest.
Morgan ran into Severa and his smile faded. He held his stuff close to his body. He didn't know what she was going to do. All she did was looked down on him with an icy stare and scoffed at him before walking away. She was pushing him away the only way she could, scolding him and looking him down on him. He scurried out of the town and into the woods to read his books. He heard Kjelle training. Anytime he tried to talk to her, she avoids him by saying that she had some training to do. They would never talk. As he was reading, he could hear Inigo singing.
Morgan followed his voice and watched him dance. When he was done dancing, he started to clap for him. It threw him off his balance and he fell into the lake. Morgan laughed as heard Inigo told him not to. He held out his hand towards the dancer, but he pulled him into the water. The two started to laugh. Even though Inigo was still wary of Morgan, but he was still willing to try to make him happy. The two got up and Inigo started to teach Morgan how to dance until the night ended. Morgan only wished this could be every day.
Even though the war was dragging on, things got better for Morgan. Lucina remembered her discussion with her family and started to talk to him more. It was slow, but it was getting somewhere. Lucina would talk to him about books and try to have at least a short conversation. It ended up being a lot longer than anticipated. Inigo would still talk to him and taught him how to dance. Cynthia and Owain still wouldn't talk to him, but at least they acknowledged him existing. Nah and Yarne wouldn't. It hurt him, but at least a few people were starting to talk to him.
Sometimes he would talk to some friends that he hardly talked to, like Laurent and Gerome. Though, it didn't work. Laurent couldn't bear to talk to him knowing that he was the one that set him on fire. Gerome couldn't even look him in the eye. He saw the tactician's son die in front of him and he couldn't let out a single tear when he died. What kind of friend was he? He didn't even try with Severa or Kjelle. Neither one of them wanted to be around him. He was very scared of Noire, so she was out. The last person was Brady. The two would talk and they enjoyed their time together.
Brady would teach him how to heal minor injuries and in turn, Morgan would teach him easy battle tactics. Even though the healer knew that Morgan was long gone in his time, and he would never admit that he was to him, it was nice to see his spritely, cheery self again. Brady softly smiled whenever he saw the tactician-in-training talked to him about battle tactics. His face always lit up. The healer regretted never talking to him to the depths of Hell. If he couldn't be friends with him before his death, he could at least be friends now.
"See?" Morgan said.
"Yer out yer damn mind!" Brady said. "Yer going to lose half 'em!"
"Actually no. If you do this," he said as he shifted some of the pieces around the board, "you will save much more people!"
Brady was at a loss.
"I guess."
Morgan started to chuckle.
Brady softly smiled. "Ya know what, let's go again. I'm goin' to beat ye this time!"
"Not going to happen!"
The two played for hours on end. It wasn't until Maribelle that told him to stop playing and go to sleep. The two set up another day where Brady could attempt to beat Morgan at the stupid game. Neither of the two realized that was going to be the last day that they would interact with each other.
The war was finally coming to a close and they had reached the battle before Grima. Nah, Gerome and Morgan were surrounded by Wyvern Riders once more. They fended off as much as they could. Morgan came up with a strategy that would allow them to press forward. He set off a big firey explosion, much like the one the other Morgan had done and left himself open. A Wyvern Rider cut him, injuring him badly, but not enough to kill him; he slowly fell to the ground. Gerome was able to catch in time before he hit the ground. He held the tactician-in-training close to him as he safely landed; Morgan could feel him tremble.
Lucina ran up to the two, concerned for Morgan's well being. "Morgan! Are you all right?"
"I-I'll be fine," he replied, coving the wound on his side.
Lucina was able to spot it. "Gerome take him to the infirmary. He is in no condition to fight. When you are done, meet up with us."
Gerome grunted and did as instructed. It wasn't long after that fight that everyone went to fight Grima. It was a long, grueling battle; most of the people that fought didn't survive. In the end, Lucina knew it was a sacrifice that she had to take to make her timeline better. In the end, all of the children did a few things before leaving this world. Naga opened a portal for them to go back to their timeline. Lucina took one deep breath in and exhaled before everyone jumped into the portal. Morgan was the last one to jump in.
As he was running, everyone was starting to disappear. He was all alone again. He kept on running until he was able to reach his own timeline. He could see everyone, Lucina, Cynthia, Owain, Gerome, Brady, Inigo, everyone. Morgan was greeted with a warm, caring smile when he arrived. They had been waiting days on end for him to arrive. Everyone huddled around him and gave him one big group hug.
"Welcome home," they said to him.
"You guys had me worried there!" Morgan said.
"You had us worried!" Lucina said. "You didn't come home right away!"
"It's all right. You are home now."
It wasn't long until the Lucina others had finally reached their home. It was saved, sort of. They still had no parents and the land was still barren. They couldn't really tell if they actually saved it or not. They all looked at each other, looking to see who didn't make it. Everyone was there, everyone but Morgan. He truly wasn't from their timeline. Lucina took a sword that was given to her by the other Morgan. She, along with the others, walked to a cliff and planted the sword into the ground.
"It's over now Morgan. Be at peace while you sleep for the rest of eternity. Grima will no longer plague this land," Lucina said.
As she walked away, the wind picked up; the wind picked up the ashes and carried them passed Morgan's sword.
Ahhhh, this took me so long to write. @trcelyneart gave me an angsty idea to write. She was telling me that Awakening was hinting at Morgan not being from the same timeline Lucina and everyone else was and I instantly wanted to write it. I hope it's not a mess or bad. I know a lot of the wording and how I write is bad, but I hope I was able to make it angsty.
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valorinclined · 5 years
headcanons : seraphina
seraphina really does have a temper, honestly, and she hates it. she wants nothing more to be either the kind and loving pacifist that she was TOLD emmeryn was.
seraphina really has this perfect image of emmeryn in her mind from what everyone has told her. and keep in mind the people who shaped her image of emmeryn- phila, chrom, lissa, and frederick- were HEAVILY biased and thought of emmeryn as this sort of…paragon of peace.
she wanted to reach out and heal the people the way everyone kept telling her emmeryn did, but seraphina just…can’t. she’s too guarded and quick to anger.  this inability to heal also manifests in a physical way too; when it comes to staves, she can’t get them to work quite right. the hp recovered is laughable at best.
seraphina’s always been gifted with magic, so in truth, she wanted to be a sage like emmeryn. however, she’d also been training with her mother and frederick in lancework, since phila wanted to make sure she could protect herself and wanted to pass on what she knew.
after phila’s death, she classed into pegasus knight, and then promoted to falcon knight. but again…it was a waste of her talents. she classed into dark flier right before traveling back to the past.
i haven’t considered a fates verse for seraphina yet, but i really do love the idea of phina finally being able to breathe freely and let down her guard just a bit, and slowly learn how to use staves.
as she finally heals, she accomplishes her dream of learning to heal others.
baby seraphina closes herself off from her uncle and his family after the end of the war in plegia, and especially after lucina is born. she’s still in the castle, she’s well taken care of, and her aunt and uncle do their best to make sure she’s happy, but after lucina is born, phina thinks that’s she’s been replaced.
in her mind, chrom has no use for seraphina now that he has a daughter of his own, so she just…stops going to chrom for things. and if lissa’s married pre-time skip, she stops going to lissa as well.
seraphina finds severa’s personality to be very grating. she…doesn’t think very highly of her, really. seraphina finds her to be loudmouthed, overly competitive, and her general rudeness wears on her fast. severa, as well as gerome, are the only future kids that seraphina dislikes.
the reason seraphina can’t stand gerome is because he avoids his parents.
seraphina is present during the first half of awakening, and interacts with emmeryn and phila, but only as marth’s equally enigmatic companion, nyna…not as their daughter. seraphina was present on the day of emmeryn’s execution, and watched the mother she’d never known commit suicide to save chrom the pain of having to choose.
…and perhaps even more painfully, she watches phila, the mother she did grow up with, the mother she did know, die far, far too early. she takes the weight of all this on her shoulders and feels immense guilt for being unable to save emmeryn, and for phila dying way before her time.
to seraphina, the worst has happened. she came back in time and her mothers still died. she damned the two year old seraphina back in ylisstol (or, regna ferox at that point in time) to be a orphan far too young. and she never even got to call either of them mother. if she couldn’t save them, she wishes at the very least she could have known them as their daughter.
so she sees gerome, who has his parents still but refuses to interact with them, and he becomes an easy target for her anger. and because gerome fights back, she finds herself easily provoked when it comes to him.
truth be told…it’s a lot her anger is really directed at herself. i’ve talked briefly with @wyvernrisen about this, but sooner or later she’s gonna yell something at gerome that’s really something she’s saying at herself, and break down into tears. she can’t keep bottling this shit up forever, after all.
the justice cabal, to seraphina, embodies hope. she sees cynthia, owain, and morgan as the most hopeful of the future kids, and owain and cynthia’s theatric and heroic talk really does inspire her, though she might never show it.
she’s also a bit closer to owain simply because they grew up together, more or less. at the very least, they grew up in the castle together, and they’re cousins. she respects cynthia as a fellow pegasus rider and finds her heroic entrances charming, and would help her think of new ones if asked.
all in all, the justice cabal have the highest chances of making seraphina smile and laugh.
a habit that seraphina picks up once in the past is soap carving, which began during her brief stay in ylisse castle post-awakening before leaving once more as her breaking and smashing the soap bars she found in the bathing rooms impulsively, mostly because she could. something as simple as soap wasn't such a rarity anymore, and crushing it between her fingers wasn't such a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
but she did still feel guilty, so instead she channeled that impulse into carving the soap instead. over time, it's something she grows quite skilled at.
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iturbide · 6 years
Ooh, a writing prompt meme! How about AX with Pega-Pony and her uncle Robin?
oh man I get to write Cynthia ovo ~
Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.
Despite all the changes that had washed over the halidom in recent years, Chrom and Sumia’s popularity with the people remained completely unchanged – if anything, by Robin’s estimation they were more beloved than ever, and family outings tended to gather flocks of excited people hoping to catch a glimpse of the family up close. 
Robin was grateful to still retain some level of anonymity.  In spite of his station as Chrom’s advisor and the part he’d played in so many of the reforms, he had never garnered the same level of adulation that the Exalt and his family had.  Perhaps it had to do with his Plegian origins (and insistence on displaying that heritage, regardless of the council’s obvious disdain), or perhaps it was simply that he could not claim any official attachment to the royal family; whatever the case, he was the only one of them that could still walk through the streets of Ylisstol without drawing more than a friendly call of greeting here and there…which was why he always volunteered to do the shopping in town, since he was the only one who wouldn’t be mobbed on sight. 
He’d become a common sight around many of the shops, and made more than a few friends because of it.  Several businesses had gone so far as to call him a patron, which he still found odd, but not unpleasant – especially given that one was a dressmaker who, in his opinion, had made all of Sumia’s most beautiful gowns.  He made sure to tell her as much as they carefully folded the latest commission (deep plum and silver, the embroidered lilacs along its hems dotted with seed pearls) and tucked it into the case Robin had brought along to take it safely back.  
“This your last stop for the day?” the woman grinned, glancing over the rest of his parcels: an armload of fresh flowers, a satchel of new books crowding out the ink and quills and parchment he’d only remembered at the last moment, a pair of sheathed swords (one rapier, one blunted broadsword since Chrom had broken the last practice blade in the garrison that morning), and now the dress case tucked beneath his free arm. 
“No, one more,” he chuckled.  “Magic shop.  Lucina’s started taking a bit of interest in magic, and I need a wind tome to get her started.”
“Not gonna give her Thunder?”
“Not yet – I’d rather not risk someone getting set on fire just yet,” he grinned.  “Wind tomes are good for beginners, since the worst an out-of-control spell will do is knock things around.”
“A sound point,” she agreed, catching a bottle of ink before it could fall and tucking it more securely into its bag.  “Good luck, then – and try not to buy too much more while you’re out, or you’ll never make it back.”
“I’ll make an attempt,” he promised.  He had, if nothing else, planned his trip knowing he would end up carrying all he possibly could, and the magic shop was just down the street from the dressmaker; thanking her again as she saw him off, he carefully made his way to the quiet storefront and shouldered his way inside. 
“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite customer,” the man laughed, hurrying over to catch the sheaf of parchment attempting to spill out of his satchel.  “Last stop of the day?”
“Last stop,” Robin smiled, carefully putting down the case and flowers and repacking his satchel.  “Two wind tomes, please.”
“Someone’s getting magic lessons, eh?” the shopkeeper ventured. 
The tactician nodded, tucking ink bottles into his coat pockets to make room.  “Lucina.”
“Already at that age?  Gods, the time does fly – seems like just yesterday she was but a babe in arms.”  The man sighed wistfully as he offered the books to Robin, who placed them with the others in the bag before digging about for his coin purse.  “And Cynthia?”
“Rambunctious,” Robin chuckled.  “She takes after her mother in imagination, after her father in passion…and after them both in her penchant for breaking things.” 
The shopkeeper’s hearty laughter filled the room as the tactician counted out the coins, glancing briefly around to ensure that there was nothing else he needed–
Robin paused, tilting his head at an odd item tucked almost out of sight behind the counter.  “What’s that?”
The man followed his gaze.  “This?” he asked, lifting it from its place.  “A little something my daughter’s been toying with.  She’s been picking up the tomecrafting trade – bit of a genius, if I might say so – and started fussing with using what she learned for other things.  This was her latest experiment – cute, isn’t it?  Not quite what she wanted, though…”
“Is it for sale?”
The store owner quirked an eyebrow.  “Got something in mind?”
“I do,” Robin smiled.  “…and if I could ask one more favor: do you happen to have any feathers?”
“Uncle Robin!!”
Chrom and Sumia both lunged for Cynthia as she zoomed toward the door, only to miss spectacularly; it was Lucina who succeeded in catching her younger sister before she could bowl Robin over and send all this purchases flying. 
“Thank you, Lucina,” the tactician laughed.  
“Did you buy out the whole market?” Chrom joked, picking himself up off the floor and hurrying to take some of Robin’s packages. 
“I bought what was on the list, so…yes,” he winked.  “Your swords, by the way.”
“You sure you don’t want to keep them?” the Exalt asked as the tactician removed the baldric.  “They look good on you.”
Robin rolled his eyes.  “Take your swords and get that broadsword into the garrison before Frederick finds out you broke another one.”
“Yes, sir,” Chrom laughed, slinging them over his shoulder.
“Let’s see…we also have your flowers and your new dress,” he added, gesturing to the blooms now spilling out across the table, “plus the book order arrived at the shop.”  Opening his satchel, he removed the two Wind tomes from the top and handed the rest to Sumia, who immediately began to scan the titles as he knelt before Lucina.  “And I got these for us, so you can start to learn magic.”
Her eyes lit up, the Brand seeming to glow as she released her sister and took one in her hands.  “Thank you, Uncle Robin,” she beamed.  “When can we start?”
“When is your next training session with your father?”
“This afternoon – after I get that training sword put back,” Chrom replied. 
“How about tomorrow, then.  Can you wait that long?”
She pouted, hugging the spellbook tight to her chest.  “I suppose.”
“We can start in the morning, then – hopefully the first lesson won’t run too long…though, if it does, I suppose I’ll have to help you make up your first tutoring session of the day, won’t I?” he winked, watching her expression brighten. 
“That’s everything, right?” Chrom asked. 
“Just about,” Robin murmured; looking around, he smiled as he watched Cynthia at her mother’s side, gathering up fallen petals in her skirt.  “Just one more.  Cynthia?”
She looked up with a brilliant smile, petals scattering in all directions as she hurried over.  “I got something for my little pega-pony princess, too.”  Reaching under his coat he removed a hobby horse, its white mane decorated with a few cloth flowers and the wheel at its base framed in white feathers like pegasus wings. 
“It’s so cute!” Sumia laughed, petting its nose before he presented it to the bouncing princess.  “Where did you find it?”
“The magic shop,” he replied.  “It’s a bit special – watch.”  Holding it up, he released it…but rather than fall, it simply drifted down until it hung a foot off the floor.  “This way you can fly, too, just like your mama.”
Cynthia gaped at it for a moment, her pudgy hands reaching out and pulling it toward her.  Hopping onto the padded stick, she jumped up as high as she could into the air – and squealed as it carried her lazily back down, continuing to hover where just the tips of her toes touched the ground.  
“Do you think she likes it?” Chrom teased as Cynthia proceeded to zip around the room. 
“I simply can’t tell,” Robin sighed, watching as she clambered up onto the nearest chair and launched herself off the arm, shrieking in delight as the hobby horse floated back down. 
“Cynthia,” her father called (though he only managed to get her attention after the third amused repetition).  “Do you have something to say to your uncle?”
She beamed, zooming back to them and flinging herself into Robin’s arms with enough force to knock him out of his crouch.  “Thank you thank you thank you, Uncle Robin!!” she giggled.  “This is the bestest present ever!” 
“I’m glad you like it,” he murmured, hugging her tight.  “You should go show it to Auntie Lissa and Owain – I bet he’ll be thrilled to have a real pegasus knight in the Justice Cabal, don’t you?”
Her eyes lit up at the prospect, and before any of them could move she had grabbed her new toy and vanished out the open door.  “I’ll keep an eye on her,” Chrom laughed, jogging out into the hall in pursuit of his youngest daughter – and Robin simply smiled as Cynthia’s laughter echoed back down the hall to his ears.
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the-werdna · 6 years
Since the ask was gone for some reason, here it is again. >_> Got any ideas about how old the FE Awakening children are?
(If it vanishes again I will just make a text post responding)
So, I actually put way too much thought into this, with luckily some numbers to back it up. See, in the art book it shows Emmeryn, Chrom, and Lissa as kids with ages, revealing Chrom is 6 years younger than Emmeryn and Lissa is 10 years younger than her. We can combine this with statements from the game where it says Emmeryn became Exalt at the age of 10, which was almost 15 years before Awakening. So that means Emmeryn was 24-25, Chrom is 18-19 (20-21 post time-skip) and Lissa is 14-15 (16-17 post time skip). These serve as benchmarks, as we do know Lissa is the 2ed youngest first gen Shepherd (Donnel is the youngest), and the kids are mostly only a couple years younger than their parents.
Let’s start with Lucina, who I think was 16 when she first appeared, 18 post time-skip. Main reason for this is Marth was also 16 on his first appearance in his game, so its fitting. This provides the next benchmark, as all the other kids would need to be at least a year younger than Lucina at the point of time travel, putting them in the 13-15 year old range.
We can add in 0-2 more years the kids depending on when they arrived in the past compared to Lucina. It seems Lucina arrived before everyone but Laurent who arrived 3 years earlier. So for simplicity’s sake I am going to give the pre-time travel ages as well as a guess of age on recruitment.
Laurent is the outlier, so I think he’d have been about 15 pre time travel, but due to the extra three years is 20 on recruitment.
Owain, Inigo, Severa, Kjelle and Gerome seem to be the next oldest, where I’d say they were in the 14-15 range pre time skip. They all seem to have been in the past for awhile, maybe a year or two, so on recruitment all fall in the 15-17 range.
The next grouping is Brady, Noire, and Yarne, who seem to be a bit younger, where I’d guess closer to the 14 side. Are for length they seem to have been around for not quite as long, though have been there for some time probably. Let’s call it a year, so they are all probably about 15, maybe 16 on recruitment.
Next are Cynthia and Nah, who are among the youngest. I’d guess 13, maybe 14 at most (closer to the 14 end probably). Due to seemingly not being in the past as long, that’s likely their ages on recruitment.
Finally Morgan, who is the youngest by far. My headcanon is 13 as well, putting them as being at least 9 months younger than even the youngest other 2ed gens (important if they are the siblings). Literally arrived in the past immediately before recruitment.
And that’s about it. Hope these made sense
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nagamas · 6 years
Time for Tea
Nagamas Gift from Anonymous: Hiya @avesmonster
Sorry for the wait! It took me a couple of tries to write the prompt the way I liked. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! The family fluff prompt was really cute!
  Between the four of them, tea was an important daily ritual. The most painstaking measures were taken to ensure tea time was a calming and bonding experience. The most important of all was a set of rules; that without exception were to be obeyed. Maribelle was their strictest enforcer and Lissa her adoring, devoted, rule-bending wife. The rules were as follows.
1.      No Swords At The Tea Table
   Owain was the loudest, rowdiest boy Maribelle had ever seen – or rather heard. He yowled and yelled and whooped at every given opportunity. But he was her darling boy, and so much more like his mums every day. Maribelle heard an anxious pause in the commotion of the gardens but didn’t pause her tea time preparations. The cake stand was still lopsided.
“Mother! Mother!” He charged into the kitchen, arms raised above his head, empty handed. “Mother, I wish your arms to rest in!” He bowled into her legs.
“I beg your pardon?” She stepped back from the counter as best she could in Owain’s grip.
“I’m fading as we speak, my essence disperses ever further.” He pressed closer to her hip and waited for his mother to comb her fingers through his hair. “I’ve been slain mother mine.”
“What a colourful vocabulary you have, darling. And how so have you been slain?” She shuffled out of his arms and scooped him up. He sniffled in her arms, scraped chin wobbling. “Oh, love. What happened?” He whimpered.
“Brady struck me down!” Owain cuddled closer to his mother. “So I have sought your warmth, to comfort me while I expire.”
“I see…” Maribelle carried him to the table and sat him gently on his chair. She cleared her throat. “By the power gifted to me as the Duchess of Themis I shall heal these wounds.” She kissed him on each cheek. “And where is Brady?”
“Outside! Mums had him in her percilous grip before I made my escape!” Maribelle straightened, brushed off Owain’s shoulders and returned to the cake stand.
“Perilous, darling.” The commotion began again very close to the door. Maribelle fought a smile as her wife and youngest son jogged into the kitchen. Brady ran straight for the table, wailing like a teeny tiny barbarian. He threw his sword in a high arc at the table.
“Mums, I found him!” Lissa squeaked in horror as it swept the nearest tea cup off the table. Maribelle continued to stack the cake stand, the casualty of war expected. Brady, climbed into his own seat and stared at it remains briefly. “Whoops…”
“Brady are you okay?!” Lissa's own two toys clattering onto the ground. “Hi, Maribelle, we're not late and I'm going to clean that right up!”
2.      Hands Must Be Clean
   Lissa bounced Brady on her lap, tea time ready to go, little boy freshly washed. Brady took to etiquette fantastically,  but suffered from the same affliction that plagued all very little boys; that at any time he was left unwatched, his hands would very mysteriously become sticky. Brady was very timid without his brother to show off in front of, so he sat quietly and did not pull his mums's gently bouncing pigtails. But he thought about it.
“Where do you think Mari is? She's not late yet, but i haven't seen her.” Brady hummed thoughtfully.
“Maybe she's looking for Owain, because he's looking for frogs.” He scrubbed at his eyes. “I hope she's fast.” Lissa pressed a kiss to the back of his head.
“I'm the best at finding frogs!” She said, indignant. Of everyone in the castle, she really was the best at finding frogs.”I wish he'd invited me, so we'd all be on time for tea.” Brady nodded, he kicked his legs as he waited and tried to decide which of the finger sandwiches he was going to eat first when mother and I walk arrived. “How about you sit nice in your own chair, and I will go have a peak out back? I won't leave the kitchen.” Brady nodded his assent and watched his mums balance on the window ledge and put her whole head out.
“Can I have a sammich?” He had decided on a cucumber one, and patted his tummy while he waited.
“‘Fraid not yet, sweetie. Mari and Owain aren't here yet.” She bounced on her toes and swept over the garden a third and final time. “But they won't be late!” She sat back down with Brady. “Any minute now okay?” Then, as if summoned she heard the melodic trill of her wife from the garden.
“Incoming!” Owain burst into the kitchen, as he was prone to, grinning from ear to ear.  Brady cheered and pilfered his chosen sandwich.
“I brought you a present mums! He's here for lunch!” Lissa's eyes widened with horror when she realised what was about to happen. Noticed Owain’s wet shirt and clasped hands.
“Frooog!” Yelled Maribelle. And what a frog it was. A mucus covered little monster sprung up from Owain’s hands just as Maribelle rounded into the kitchen. “Not inside, my love!” The frog was sadly, already loose. Lissa leapt forward desperately grabbing where the frog had been just seconds ago.
“Catch it mums!” Cheered Owain.
“Frof.” Agreed Brady, around another sandwich. Lissa chased the frog almost to the stove, before it sprung up and back to the table.
“Not the tea set!” Cried Maribelle. “Dear gods!” Owain wiped his slimy hands on the table cloth, and smiled at his little brother.
“I knew she would love it.” He said.
3.      One Will Not Shake Oneself Out Like A Dog In Any Circumstance
   The castle gardens, to which the kitchen opened, were exceptionally muddy throughout the spring. In order of the boys favourite things; mud fell somewhere between the knights game and musical instruments of arguable armament. Brady was subsequently the only of Lissa and Maribelle’s children allowed to continue violin lessons. Lissa swung a boy on each arm as she stomped through each slimy puddle she could see.
“Plop, plop, plop.” Owain sang. “Mud never stops!”
“What a lovely song!” Lissa said, swinging Owain a little higher. “Is there more of it?”
“Not yet, mums.” He kicked at the mud excitedly. “Waiting on Brady to write the rest.” He looked over at Brady on his mums's other arm. “Did you?” Brady dropped viciously into another puddle.
“Not yet, the rest is gonna be about mud.” Lissa swung him higher this time, as a reward for the effort.
“Should we all write it together, and we can all sing it to Mari?” Owain let go of his mums to inspect a particularly grassless puddle, while Brady was spun to face Lissa.
“Nope.” He said looking between his mums's muddy boots and his own, and deciding that is own aren't nearly muddy enough. “It's my song, and she hates mud!”
“True enough.” Said Lissa bouncing him into a deeper puddle than either of them were expecting. “Oops…” She said as she took in the mud that now covered his trouser legs as well. “We're going to have a bath before tea time, okay?” Brady nodded.
“If we're going to have a bath can I get really, really muddy?” Owain in his usual fashion, was far too quick to stop. He slammed his palms to the ground and performed his best - only slightly wobbly - forward roll.
“Oh no.” Lissa scooped him up under his arms.  And lifted him up to look at. “Owaaain!” He was filthy absolutely soaked through with mud. But he looked so happy in her arms, muddied up to the nines. Behind her Brady had sat down in his own muddy puddle.
“What did you think of that?” He asked. “Could you tell I was practicing?” She could, but in reply all she could do was laugh incredulously.
“Alrighy troops!” She managed when she had stifled her giggles. Owain under one arm, and Brady holding her hand between his own sticky ones she lead them back to the kitchen. “I won't tell if you don't.” She said.
Brady kicked one boot back into the garden once he had wrestled the laces loose enough to pull off. Owain left his on the floor. He looked at the tea table, not yet set, and grinned. Mums was going to make scones with them once they were washed. He shook the mud out his hair, and jogged off to the washroom. Lissa helped Brady with his other boot and smiled as he threw that into the garden as well.
“I love baths.” He said to himself as he glanced at the new polka dotty tablecloth. He figured mother had bought a new one, and mums just hadn't noticed.
“Me too.” Sighed Lissa. “ Lets all go for a bath together.”
   Maribelle joined them in the washroom not twelve minutes later. She had a tablecloth rolled up under her arm.
“Good afternoon, sweethearts.” She rested a hand primly on the bath tubs edge, and leaned over her little boys to press a kiss on the lips of her wife. “Could any of you tell me,” she began, “What pattern this table cloth is?” She leaned back  and let it unfurl.
“It's dots.” Said Brady helpfully from where he leaned on Lissa's shoulder.
“It's mud!” Cried Owain, bubble beard doing nothing to make him look less guilty.
“I'm sorry!” Wailed Lissa, reaching one soapy hand to her wife. “I don't even know when that happened!” Maribelle let Lissa dig her closer by her body loops and kissed her again, on the crown of her head.
“It's alright darling, but don't do it again.” She ran a had through the soapy bath water and frowned at the feeling. "We're going to need another bath I think." Lissa smiled up at her.
"We?" Maribelle shucked off her cardigan.
"Yes we, I feel very grimy after cleaning up the mess you rascals left in our kitchen. I expect a thorough back rub, and three of your finest scones." Maribelle sighed when Lissa pulled her into another kiss, politely ignoring the soft 'yuck from her youngest.
"Yes ma'am." Giggled Lissa. "Come on boys, we need fresh bath water."
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crystalelemental · 6 years
FE Fates Replay - Part 4
Fun facts: I remembered having a difficult time with Chapter 8 when I first played this game, so I went in scared.  My initial attempt, I was severely over-leveled, and it wound up being hysterically easy.  So I tried again with a normal amount of leveling, and it still wasn’t too bad.  I’m not sure what past me was having such a difficult time with?  If I had to guess, I was really salty about not getting all the towns or something.  Flora being able to Freeze your units is rough, but Corrin with her Dragonstone was just so tanky she could take the upper path almost alone, while the rest of the team went straight across the lake.  Anyway, I bring that up because I started over from the decision point and got back here in like half an hour, so that was nice.  On to actual plot.
Chapter 7!  Having betrayed your birth family like the intelligent being you are, you now realize you failed to account for something really important: that your dad is fucking insane.  Garon immediately distrusts you, because you’ve been with the Hoshidans, so obviously you know the truth are consider them enemies.  Honestly, this isn’t too far out of left field yet.  Iago, however, is a putz.  “Ooh, I bet she’s a spy for the Hoshidans!”  Moron, what kind of spy for the enemy side waltzes in to the fucking throne room to chat up the king after knowingly conspiring with said enemy?  Garon’s also a moron though, so he kinda believes Iago, but doesn’t really push the issue.  At least, until Corrin decides to ask about the exploding sword thing.  Garon says he had no idea what it would do, which...okay, the obvious answer is he actually didn’t, but like...I have played this game before.  I know about Revelations, and about the soldiers from Valla, and that guy that exploded the sword seemed to be an invisible soldier from Valla.  So...maybe Garon’s not actually lying here?  We see in a moment that he’s kinda just following orders of his own, so maybe he’s not as on top of events as he lets on.
Anyway, when Corrin presses the issue, Iago goes on about his spy nonsense, and Garon falls for it entirely, ordering Xander to kill Corrin.  Yeah, that’ll go over great.  Xander, of course, refuses.  Everyone starts getting heated, until Garon announces that he’ll ask the great Anankos for guidance on this situation.  Anankos being some ancient dragon that the king apparently communes with, but no one, not even Xander or Iago, seem to know what the hell he’s on about.  Thankfully, Anankos states that Corrin may live, if she proves herself with a test.  She must suppress the Ice Tribe rebellion, and she must do it alone.  Everyone is fearful for Corrin, as a solo mission against an armed rebellion surely can’t go that well, but honestly?  I’m a dragon.  What are they gonna do?  Unless they’ve got Wyrmslayers, their asses are toast.
In order to reach the Ice Tribe, first we must go through the Forest of the Forlorn.  Which is apparently filled with Faceless.  Go figure.  Corrin gets herself immediately surrounded, and announces a problem with the Dragon transformation.  It apparently takes time to transform.  Which is why, you know, you can shift in and out of that form during combat.  It’s fine, don’t worry about it.  Jakob shows up, saves your ass, but is immediately reminded that she had to do this alone or it doesn’t count.  Of course, immediately after this, Garon does his bad guy thing of loudly soliloquizing about how he doesn’t trust Corrin and just wants her to suffer, so Xander, having some ounce of sense within him, takes matters into his own hands and arranges for Corrin to have back-up, in the form of four new units!
Silas is the first, and he’s your childhood friend you initially have no recollection of.  Corrin does eventually remember he exists, but nothing else.  I am really hoping support conversations explain how the hell this happened.  Elise also arrives, which is great because we can pretty much stop here.  For those who don’t know, when I first played the game, I was so sick of it by Revelations that I basically pumped Elise full of stat-enhancing items, turned her into a Dark Flier, gave her a high crit tome, and had her solo the game.  She’s really good, both as a unit, and as a character.  She’s your little ball of sunshine, and she’s hysterical.  Her retainers, Arthur and Effie, also arrive.  I remember not caring about these two first time through, but honestly?  They’re alright.  Arthur’s a bit clownshoes, but he’s a good guy and can be entertaining.  He mostly works by virtue of those around him, though.  Elise worshiping him as her idol makes a lot of sense, given her youth.  His interactions with Effie provide the knowledge that he takes his role seriously, but puts his duty to the common folk before his duty as a retainer.  Supports really drew out the interesting tidbits for him.  Effie, by contrast...is kind of exactly as “okay” as I remember?  I don’t have anything to dislike her by, she’s just not that interesting.  Comically strong and fiercely devoted to Elise, but that’s all she’s got going for her right now.
The chapter is really easy, but more unfortunate, there’s no boss on a throne so there’s no way to level grind yet.  Worse, the boss moves toward you, so you can’t mess around either.  I don’t remember a ton about the different routes, but I remember Conquest getting tough after a bit, so that’s not ideal.
I then went out of my way to get Mozu.  Her paralogue involves a small town being attacked by Faceless.  Everyone buy Mozu in the village is killed, and she’s hiding out in the woods, until Corrin hears the screams and comes running to the rescue.  Jakob advises that the town’s already gone and they shouldn’t waste time, but Corrin’s insistent on looking for survivors, so let’s get the map started.  Based on having only 6 units allowed in Chapter 8, but having 8 allowed in the Paralogue, I’m guessing you’re supposed to get Mozu after Chapter 8, but that’s dumb.  The paralogue is really easy, even with only six characters.  Effie and Arthur are more than capable of plugging the northern bridge, while Silas and Corrin decimate the path to Mozu.  The only difficult part of the map is getting Mozu any experience.  Fortunately, my Corrin was built with Dragon in mind, and dealt just shy of a clean OHKO on the Faceless enemies.  When paired up with Silas, Mozu was just strong enough to get the KO, allowing her to get some surprisingly decent levels.  Aptitude is such a nice skill.  Thank god for cheaters giving that skill out on everyone else, I tell ya.  After clearing out the Faceless, Mozu joins up because really, the hell else is she gonna do?  Everyone’s dead.  So, hooray for new recruits!
Now, Chapter 8.  A chapter that I remembered having an awful, awful time with.  Corrin and Co press forward, into the snowy north where the Ice Tribe is.  Jakob and Elise run ahead because they’re goobers (but they’re our goobers), leaving Silas and Corrin behind.  Corrin presses forward, but inevitably collapses.  She awakens in a bed, with the head of the Ice Tribe tending to her.  Apparently they have a strict “no trespassing” rule and were going to let her die, but they saw her sword and thought hey, that seems important, we should save her.  So, here you are.  Corrin almost spills the beans on her identity, but Silas successfully plays defense, reminding Corrin that there’s a rebellion going on, and they might not take too kindly to Nohrian royalty in their village.  Enter the rest of your bumblefuck party, as well as Flora, who obviously recognizes you instantly.  Elise...dear, sweet, stupid Elise...announced they’re here to suppress a rebellion, commenting that she thought suppress meant to sit down and have a nice meal and talk things over.  Naturally, the Ice Tribe immediately gets ready to throw down, and you’re treated to a pretty interesting, but fairly difficult, map.
The map is a frozen lake in the center, and five houses around it.  The soldiers for the Ice Tribe will be going to the villages, and announcing that there are Nohrians present.  If the spear soldiers reach the villages first, more enemies appear.  If you reach them first, no enemies appear.  Now, ordinarily, I’m all about the delicious, delicious experience, but you’re given a free warning about rewards for getting to more houses than they do.  If you get to three of the five, you get the most rewards.  I think it’s three out of five because that’s realistically all you can get to without serious power-leveling through DLC.  One of them is outright impossible.  You can’t cover enough distance, and the soldier is right there, as a demonstration of what happens.  That said, it’s still kind of a high pressure map.  The soldiers that escape the first village they contact are set up in such a way that the soldier is well defended, so you have to be tough enough to punch your way through, or be able to go around and handle everyone that comes after you next turn.  But keep in mind, the other side of the lake has two of the villages as well, and a separate soldier slowly making his way there.  Your force needs to be divided in two: one faction heading north to handle the first guard before he reaches the northern village, and one heading directly west to intercept the far west village before the other solider.
Thankfully, you get two more allies to help!  Niles, who...ugh.  UGH.  And Odin!  Those of you who played Awakening may know Odin better as Owain, Lissa’s son!  How the hell did he get here?  Deeprealms.  No, we would not care to elaborate further.  Odin is a bit more...ridiculous, than he was as Owain.  Like, they’re still very much the same, but there’s some difference I can’t quite put my finger on.  Maybe as I get supports with him I’ll figure it out.  Niles, though?  He annoys me.  Very little is going to sway me out of that.  While Odin’s a goon who wants to show off his power and the usual melodrama he produces, Niles seems actively cruel.  Corrin orders them not to kill anyone, and Niles’ interpretation of that is “So I can hurt them as much as I want, but can’t kill.  That’s a neat challenge.”  He just seems mean-spirited overall.
Now, the map effectively has two bosses.  Flora’s here.  She doesn’t move, but she has the Freeze staff, which locks a unit in place.  So, let’s suppose, for a moment, that Silas tries to run straight to the west village.  As soon as he’s in staff range, Flora locks him down.  Now, you can still beat the soldier to the village, but the problem is...he gets to the one above you as you arrive.  So now Silas is alone, and surrounded.  Odin and Niles help a lot here.  Honestly, I think the reason I had a hard time the first time I played was not using the pair up system correctly.  See, in Awakening, you got all the benefits in one through Pair Up.  But in Fates, they actually did a smart thing and broke it into two types of pair up: offensive, where you occupy adjacent spaces, and defensive where you occupy the same space.  Defensive allows for the stat increases of the main unit, and a gauge fills that allows a guaranteed block from the unit in the back.  Offensive allows for follow-up attacks, guaranteed, as long as the attacking party isn’t defensively paired.  If you have a defensive backup, you can’t get another unit adjacent to you to also attack.  So there’s a give and take.  Knowing me, I probably wanted to be defensive to not immediately die, and defensively paired them up, which led to too little damage in a short amount of time.  Offensive is much better, especially since Niles has surprisingly nice resistance.  In combat, Flora’s fairly tough, but Effie and Corrin, and even Arthur if he’s doing good with levels can handle her easy.  I had Corrin do it.
The boss of the map, though?  He’s what we’ve been waiting for: a fairly frail map on an auto-healing throne, also with a tome that heals him.  Glory be, I thought this day might never come!  Time to farm out those levels, team!  Elise got some excellent levels because she’s a good girl who’s done nothing wrong.  Niles, Effie, Arthur, and Silas got some okay ones, while Odin is basically dead to us now!  Everyone’s level 10 or above, which means it’s go-time.  Really, the boss isn’t hard to handle.  Niles with a pair-up that gives any form of resistance means the boss can’t even hurt him.  So if you need cheese, there you go.
Once suppressed, Corrin tells Elise to go heal up the wounded on both sides.  The Ice Tribe leader, impressed by Corrin’s kindness, agrees to halt the rebellion for the time being, believing that she will be the one to put an end to the hostilities and give the Ice Tribe their autonomy back.  Flora also comments that she would like to renew her vows of servitude to Corrin.  There are hints that Flora never really liked Corrin, and had always planned on some kind of betrayal, but she’s been won over by Corrin’s honest display.  Personally, I think it’s bullshit that Flora doesn’t just join you here, but I guess we have to make My Castle relevant somehow.  The townspeople also thank you for warning them of the conflict, helping to keep them save, and give you what is probably their lifetime earnings in the form of 10,000 gold!  See, everything worked out great!  The Ice Tribe rebellion is over, everyone’s alive and happy, and nothing bad happened at all.  “Garon told you to do it alone and you didn’t so he’s gonna be pissed when you get back.”  AT ALL!
With that, we await the next part where we face Garon’s wrath.  If he’s lucid, anyway.  Hard to tell with that guy.  So far, I’m still not having much to complain about with the game.  The story can be a little heavy-handed.  Mostly I’m talking about Garon and Iago, who are just so transparently evil, and aren’t even really trying to make sense about it.  I can get Garon being suspicious of Corrin coming back after learning the truth, but their explanation for not trusting her and then his insistence on just wanting to make her suffer is just silly for anyone that’s meant to be taken seriously as a villain.  They’re just a bit too ridiculous.  I will mention that the Conquest maps, thus far, are pretty decent.  Chapter 7 and Paralogue 1 are pretty standard “Clear the map” ones, but Chapter 8 is sufficiently inventive.  I actually like how it’s designed to have you not just clear the map, but have little sub-objectives built in that can make the map easier or harder for you.  We’ll see how things keep up.
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revegeries · 6 years
Pokémon verse ideas under the cut!
Lukas: more than an idea, he already has one written in his profile but i’ll put it here again. he’s an ex-trainer who traveled the whole world and battled all the gym he encountered, fighting the different leages and all for more than 10 years. now he’s a bit too old for all that and decided to settle as a nurse in a pkmn center, and because of his impressive experience, people, especially younger trainers, often come see him for advices and the likes. his current team is made of audino, kangashkan, nidoqueen (all the moms) and gyarados (needed a dad there okay, also his first pkmn with whom he traveled and all). he will eventually have more pkmn (one of them being an abandonned baby he will adopt).
Sharena:  idk yet for her story but she’d have a clefable!!! and a chansey!! and a wigglypuff!! and!!! -allison all her pkmn are big, round, soft anD PINK. ...oops. but can you see her with something else than fluffy balls of sunshine??? gimme a big badass but pink and fluffy pkmn to complete her team! maybe she’d be a breeder in training! AN ALTARIA BC FLUFFY AND BADASS, FUCK PINK.
Shiro: son of one of the elite four member (yes ryoma is THAT good shut up), he kind of resents him for his special rank, at first, especially bc of other people constantly comparing them, telling him he should be strong like his father, or he is strong because his father is. he deciced to just travel the world, especially other regions, to build his own strenght and team and make new friends without the shadow of his father above him. he too would have a gyarados (bc i love this pkmn shut up), a shiny one! to match with his color! an arcanine he likes to ride, he’s fast! a flareon, a steelix (LOOK A NOT RED ONE), a scizor and a tauros!
Owain: gym leader of ylisstol!!! his mom was the previous one for a short period of time when emm had to leave in a hurry. he became their successor after showing his worth! his team is composed of pkmn who are yellow because he fucking can! ylisstol never had a specific type to begin with, he made his own rules! his team is composed of beedrill, ninetales, galvantula, kommo-o, oricorio pom-pom version and bastiodon.
Ryoma: elite four member of the hoshido league, he remains one of the undefeated champion! people fear going against him with his perfect percentage of wins (let me have one of my muses op af). team is composed of pharamp (can mega evolve), rapidash, alolan raichu (shiro once offered him a pichu egg he saved while in alola as a kid and he kept it since then boom he loves his son but it’s a secret), houndoom (can mege evolve), jolteon and talonflame (why yes his team is part elec/fire :p).
Kana: is just a little kid with his little babies he helps his mother and father with breeding. he doesn’t really have a pokémon team, just a dratini he caught by himself when he wanted to show his mom he knew how to throw a pokéball, but baby pokémon always follow him around and helping him if someone wants to battle D:<
Lissa: former gym leader of ylisstol, but for a short time, after her sister disappeared, she now doesn’t battle much, even tho she’s pretty strong still! she had more fun walking around and going to beauty contest with her pokémon! she has all the squirrel type pkmn, up to no good with her, and a milotic for contest. something like that. her husband is always on the road to perfect himself, he’s one of those “wandering masters” people always want to challenge! so she stayed home for their son who decided to stay home with her too.
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