#and instead use their psychic powers to sense movement
realpokemon · 10 months
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Shoutout to the other Espeon owner who struggles with bathtime. You are not alone.
my new favorite genre of photo
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fanartbyherd · 8 months
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Alright plowing onward.
To Magic
The Magic of Onward
I had a bit of a hard time with this one, in large parts with me trying to quell the urge to fix a broken magic system. I just needed to let things like the sort of ridiculously powerful Growth spell be…
I unfortunately could not resist the urge to tweak the system a bit more to my likening.
Magic may be obsolete in the modern era, though there are still a few eccentric practitioners: weirdos, nerds, enthusiast, and superstitious folk. Some are drawn to it as a hobby, others have thrust into their lives.
one dedicated group of historians, nerds, and hobby wizards created a game.dedicated to their hobby, not able to go on adventures like in the Age of yore. They instead took all their knowledge and created a game to go on adventures in their minds. With as much historical accuracy as they could.
Like those historical reenactors , but instead of LARPing it’s role-play…
Magic is complicated, there are things with magic naturally in them, there are things that acquire magic through manipulation or by accident, and there are things that have magic for only a little while.
The ability to cast magic requires a heart spire. Not everyone has one and not all heart spiers are the same. Meaning that though while around ~75.38% of the population has a heart spire not everyone can use it for casting wizard spells. Many people have heart spiers that can’t do magic.
1.08% can perform wizard spells
.3% have psychic abilities
~ 21% have the ability to use elements to craft potions or draw power from them (aka witches)
10% can create jinxes or other specific magic
45% can use and create spell arrays (aka Warlocks)
— the magic of different individuals take on different colors combinations. For wizards usually one primary shade with two secondary shades. It’s believed that these colors reflect the Heart’s spire color. relatives tend to have the same color combinations. people with psychics, or minor abilities.( Jinxed, witches, and warlocks and etc..) usually have two colors people with no magic have one color.
- head dresses and hats of many kinds have long been used as a status symbol or identifier of a spell caster.
Wizards: are a bit self-explanatory. They are what we saw within the movie itself of onward. The staff wielding spellcasting track, making people whose job has long sense been made obsolete due to the rise of technologies that made things much simpler.
They have a list of things that they need to accomplish when performing magic
• at minimum they require a Heart spire capable of casting spells. (Heart spires are like knotted up bits of energy with in the body, everyone has this energy, but it’s not always knitted into a heart spire)
• all spells are temporary unless they have some mechanisms to renew them or a curse, curses can last for centuries, otherwise spells need to be actively maintained or have limited durations.
• spell contracts. Aka spell decrees, Conditions that need to be met in order for a spell to remain active or to be activated in the first place. a spell decree is essentially a trade, though an invisible one.
• spell posture, posture as a strange one, but essentially what is happening is that by adopting the correct posture it forms as a sort of spell contract, along with adopting certain movements allows for the heart spire of a person to flow into the magic with More ease ,so with proper posture, it allows for more complex spells to take the energy that they need to be performed. Without completely draining the wilder.
• spell elements. Few spells require elements, elements are objects containing their own innate magical qualities. They are striped and drained of their power in exchange for the magic. Sometimes spell elements are used to substitute skill or a lack of energy.
They use their heart spire in order to cast spells. After that the more complex spells they use a spell contract or a magic decree spells that require a certain condition that are met when they’re casted, and when they are being concentrated on or meant to be kept up. magic as mentioned faded away due to the difficulty to learn, but there are a few other reasons that magic is not practiced in the modern day as much as it was in the past. it was rare to begin with it’s for professional wizards, and then there was a change of taste, but also importantly, a scarcity of resources. the wood used to make staffs comes from a now endangered tree, but due to its overharvesting, can now only be found within the swamps of despair. other resources, such a spell elements, things like the Phoenix gym, have also been over harvested. Leaving very few in the modern age. Magic did not only go extinct due to lack of interest, but also due to scarcity of the supplies necessary. Certain more useful spells can no longer be performed due to the elements necessary to perform the spell have gone extinct and do not have any reliable or powerful enough substitute.
This can be seen within the movie itself having to go on such a long quest just to find a phoenix gem.
Some spell elements that had been on the brink of extinction in the past have recovered others are still rare.
Psychics: rare, unless the relegated to a similar fate, ask magic. Though not as badly most psychics find out that they are psychic within their teenage years. Some learn a little bit earlier some learn a bit later, because unlike magic abilities, we have to test the attitude for it so he can. Bility‘s tend to just kind of manifest more of the psychic severity is due to people, not desiring to train with it, and just letting it pass on as a face of their teenage years
Some psychics do, in fact, use their abilities for work, and become quite skilled in their own ways
There are five kinds of psychics
Movers- telekinesis they can move push float, manipulate objects with her mind
Knowers- telepathy can see feel sense emotions and thoughts of others. Sometimes they can turn the power around and then if you’re late such things, on the rare occasions, knowers and seers power can overlap.
Seers- clairvoyance is quite rare and hardly ever powerful. Can see experience things that will happen have happened or is happening in a different place can see intent as well.
Shapers- can change the form of things such as moving water from ice to liquid or other such things rarely powerful those some shapers are able to shape shift
Finders-dowsing can find hidden things lost. Things can find pass strengths and weaknesses. Also of water sources..
Witches; or people who are able to use raw spell elements to create elixirs, salves and concoctions called potions.
Potions are sort of notorious for haveing strange side effects and if not being outright poisons. They have somewhat weaker effects compared to wizard spells, but they are still potent magic.
Potions made by non witches will have no effect or be poisonous. Potions have a shelf life and should not be used if expired as the affects may be… strange.
Many witches made large books that collected the different potion recipes they learned throughout their lives and then gifted those to their apprentices
Particularly skilled witches can replicate what wizards do in mini. They require a wand and will draw from the magic of the element to preform spells that a wizard can do with their heart spire alone. Potions are much more useful in their regard.
Jinxes: are very short term and weak. They have to be constantly maintained in order to work.
Jinxes have mostly fallen out of use, though those that are still in circulation are those that are passed around in school yards and such, moving and existing in a similar way to nursery rhymes and folk songs, often having the meaning and intent behind them lost, and in so loosening their power. (Things like: rain rain how away come again another day, or rhymes to make pain go away) a lot of jinxes have been lost to history.
Jinxes need to have the intention put into it, it needs to take an active use of a persons heart spire. Most of the time when someone performs temporary feats of magic for someone without a regular heart spire it is a jinx. Sometimes the magic within people with no heart super gets knotted up temporarily forming a heart spier that is unwound soon after. It’s not unheard of for those who do have a natural hearts spier that is weak to become unwound leaving the individual who once had the capability of magic to no longer be capable. Though heart spier are a bit like a muscle if it is in use it’s going to get stronger and is unlikely to unwind. And if it is unwound in someone who regularly uses it, it will be so temporarily.
It’s not uncommon for witches and warlocks to sometimes be able to perform a jinx even if they normally are not capable of it
-hexes: sympathetic magic. It’s quiet and not noticeable until it is working it is used for production, just as much as it is used for harm.
Able to keep jinxes at bay or to return the magic to sender. Most hexes require a container or physical object to attach them too and store them. Needing regular upkeep. They last longer than jinxes that are more immediate in casting and effect.
It’s difficult to express just how weak and mild most jinxes and hexes are, though small things that build up over time can bring devastating results.
Curses: can be cast by Jinxes and Wizards, and not by witches, or warlocks who don’t do jinxes, despite popular belief.
Warlocks: Spell arrays the most widely available form of magic that can be learned, it’s like a mathematical equation. In terms of the magic itself it is a magical decree in a written form.
Early forms of technology used spell stays too power them, but they where replaced by circuit boards that can be made by anyone and can do more things at once.
Magic tools and items often used spell arrays to make them function, sometimes combined with innately magical things like magic woods or magic crystals. Most magic items can be reactivated from remaining dormant with just a little bit of magic from someone’s with a heart spire. Magic items can not be reactivated but those without a heart spire, and many magic items can not be used by those without a heart spire (or a weak one)
Spells have a range (5 ft [1.5 m],15 ft [1.4m],20 ft [6 m] 25ft [7.6m], 50 ft [15. 24m])
Some spells have weight limits.
Spells tend to have a color.
The film makers mentioned that they made over 100 spells for the film, unfortunately the only spells they shared are the ones that appeared in the movie, the ones that appear in deleted scenes seem to be for the most part the same spells, though some things are different like the spell that plowed snow.
Also I can’t figure out what their naming scheme for spells was, like it looks vaguely Latin-based, vaguely Spanish- based and vaguely foreign sounding, but judging by the fact that the film is American, vague foreign sounds can be a lot of things. All that to say is I attempted to give some of the spells spell sounding names, but man I couldn’t figure it out. If you have suggestions for what some of the spells could be named and I’ll probably call them that, also feel free to suggest potential spells as well, because I made a handful but no where near a hundred.
Following are spells:
-Heart spire-
Aloft elavor (levitate)
Bombastia (fire works) [use of different elements change the colors]
Blaze ( fire starter)
Acid splash
• instills a temporary sympathy in the target
• stills, a sense of apathy in the target
• mostly just spectacle, causes lights to flicker shadows to move a small gusts of air to twirl around, possibly some ominous sounds thrown in there for good measure
Dancing broom
•. A rather useful spell as it can both be used to make brooms sweep floors by themselves, but also is the smell used to make brooms fly also by wizards tends to be used on their staffs to make those fly
Dancing light
Aqulflow (move water)
Sculpt stone
Move earth
Exelin (invisible trip wire)
Upa (double jump)
Visitastail (seal wound)
• seal, superficial wounds, and dampens bruising
• essentially a flashlight.
Ice knife
Snow ball
Bubble blow
Ribbon dance
• summons, a magical ribbon that can be used to wrap around things or just flow freely as a distraction or to tie things up.
• temporary changes the colors of things as well as cast beautiful rainbows in places.
• a small electrical current, unless aided with an element can only shock and not stun, live getting zapped on a door nob after rubbing your feet on carpet. Can still cause plenty of trouble, if an element is provided could probably act more like a taser.
• cover something in a poisonous surface
-Spell contract-
Magmora gartugan (growth)
• requires less posture than what barley believed, posture is just helpful. To magnify an object you need to magnifying your attention on it.
Exelior (invisible bridge)
Desguise spell
• changes the caster’s appearance and voice to bee that of someone or something else. To be a lie
Animate object
• causes the object to move on it’s own and can be issued commands. Range of 25 ft
Animal friendship
• causes animals to calm down and not feel threatened by the caster, though only the caster. Will often view the caster with more trust. If this trust is betrayed the spell will break.
Bridgrar invisia
• an invisible bridge that to use has to be believed in to exist
• a spell that cuts things and breaks things, not only dose it require an true intent to harm or cut (can after all be used to cut rope, vegetables or even stones) but also requires one to feel the pain it inflicts when cast onto other living creatures
• illuminates veins and writing. Allows for the caster to read spells that are hidden, or read in the dark, the spell requires a person to close thier eyes, allowing them to still see what is illuminated but nothing else. It’s a spell that was used medically as it allowed the caster to see poisons in a person and invisible writing.
Stering (web)
• creates sticky magical thread. Either able to come out in the form of a strong thin string or in a web or net form. To create a web or string and keep it up the caster needs to perform a repetitive action. The webs disintegrate two to five minutes after the action is stoped.
Exelinalk (alarm)
• an invisible or near invisible alarm wire, it can be set up on an object of a perimeter of 30ft. When the spell has been cast the caster can not speak (asl counts though other hand jesters or shaking your head doesn’t) while the spell remains active
Grow spurt
• makes seeds sprout and plants grow, has a radious of 15 ft, while spell is cast the caster needs to “pull and push” the seed out of its shell and make it grow. (If you have ever seen my neighbor Totoro and they scene where they make the acorns sprout, that’s essentially it.) grow spurt is not a spell that ends in a same way as most spells , but it is noticeable that plants who’s growth is accelerated, by growth spurt tend to die quickly after.
Minimaro inctusan (shrink spell)
• to make something shrink you have to minimize your ideals of it
Calming aura
• to come others you have to block out that which distracts you another words you need to close your eyes entire time you do the spell.
• to heal one thing you need to put the damage onto another thing.
•in order to create a believable lie, you have to buy into that lie as well. If truth is introduced to that lie to spell break.
Zone of quiet
• creates a place of dampened sound. But requires the caster to chew leaves
Zone of truth
• to gain the truth, you need to give the truth.
Magic writing
• writing messages and things on surface they don’t belong, or in the air, or have a message appear only to those it is meant for.
Remove water
• needs the person to move with the flow. Will pull droplets of water off things and gather them to a single place, can be used with other spells and is essentially a glorified stain remover
Prevent rot
• deprive yourself of taste
Poison breath
• for some strange reason, requires the user to hold their arms and staff above their head to the entire time.
Color change
• permentaly alters the color of something. unless the spell is interrupted or a remark on the fact that the color has change the spell will remain in effect and the color will remain that the new color.
Flame infurnar
• is a spell that makes movements fast and blurry. small superficial cuts and scrapes will heal from this spell, or a spectral animal will create a distraction, depending on what the situstion calls for.
Arcane eye
• allows the casters eye to see all sorts of magical things, such as the path and flow of magic, smells and sounds, or even the desires of others depending on what spell elements are used with the spell, the basic spell without elements allows the user to simply see in darkness as well as create a magical eye that can see around corners.
• wakes up a sleeping being, even if under a sleep spell, has some nasty side effects and can also be used to stay a wake when your body wants to sleep, like. magical energy drink., it can not wake those under a curse of sleeper a coma. though may wake them momentarily depending on circumstances.
Aurora lights
• projects a beautiful trail of lights, these lights can be benign and bright and colorful or if desired can burn like fire that reveals the location of invisible things
See dream
• projects the haze contents of a dream on a surface (prefibalbly a flat surface) this is a do at your own risk, because you never know what a person is dreaming of or if it will suddenly become a nightmare.
Breathe bubble
• creates a pocket of air that allows for breathing under water for up to three hours.
• stitches and mends things together with a magical thread, once stitched together the stitchings last as if they where nonmagical.
Magic shield
• shields are weak and break easily 
Voice amplification
similar to the levitate spell but can be seeped up for longer and can hold more objects at once
Stiffen muscles
• stiffens the muscles of a target freezing them in place for a short while
• shares what the caster is seeing with a few other chosen recipients, alternetively can be used to see through the eyes of an animal enchanted with the spell.
Share thoughts
• this creates a small orb of light that follows around those who are the recipients of the spell, the spell will say all surface thoughts of the caster and the recipients out loud, can be a bit embvericing but it practical for communication.
Plug leak
•a 15 ft radius, it gathers small loose objects together in a sphere that can be levitated. this spell is based on one seen in the deleted scenes
Heat metal
Cool metal
Part fog
Guiding light
-all of the above-
Voltor thunderseir (arcane Lightning)
Thorn wip
Arcane lock
• causes sickness and weakness and rot.
Phantom wing
•A spell that allows those with wings to regain flight they have lost or if thier wings are in working condition allows them to fly faster, the wings do not strictly speaking need to be flesh and bone. Early hang gliders and flying machines used magic wood and these spells to take flight, though when magical woods became rarer the mechanisms where switched over to something that is similar to modern day airplanes.
Fairy wing
• makes magical wings for the use of flight for those who do not have them, these wings are temporary and last only for a day, but can become permanent through use of phantom wings
Binding threads
• laso of truth, it’s a rather strange and useful spell, as depending on what spell elements are used in the spell in combination with spider silk, the spell will have different affects.
Dampen pain
• dampens pain felt by damage and pain used to keep going even when your body just want to give up. Not exactly the healthiest thing to do. 
Dampen emotion
• quiets emotions, has been used as an unhealthy coping mechanism for wizards and witches in the past but has also been used to calm individuals down to deal with a stressful situation
Dampen thoughts
• quiets thought, is designed as a way to hide from telepaths and monsters who read minds, but in the past has also been used as a way to "treat" mental illness and to keep people in a hazy mind set.
Spectral illusion
• a grand illusions that is found over a large space.
Summon guardian
• creates a spectral guardian or shield that protects a person
Grow mushrooms
• caused decomposition and mushrooms to grow, this spell can have spell elements added to it to create magic mushrooms of different kinds, like giant house sized mushrooms or ones who’s caps you can bounce on like a trampoline
• a stronger version of the sprout smell, that causes flowers and other such plants to bloom, and grow greatly in a 50 foot area
Dancing star path
• if a castor wants to find an object or a person, and they know that person or object they can cast the spell in order to have a small trail of some thing. Usually starlight or little shining globes -Willow wisp style- light up a path to in order to find what they are looking for
Void Leeper
• allow a caster to move between shadows
• reflects spells and attacks back at the attacker.
Reveal spiral
• a spell that reveals the color and shape of a persons heart spire. it has been used both for medical reasons to find blockages in the flow of magic as well as for wizards to reveal other wizards to take up as apprentices. the spell is not well known.
-Spell Elemental-
Visitation (phoenix gem)
• a spell that brings a dead loved one back for 24 hours and once cast can not be cast again
Telepathy (moon boom)
• copies the powers of knowers, but is temporary
Telekinesis (unicorn hair)
• essentially copies, the psychic ability of movers, but at a stronger and more powerful form than that of a normal psychic.
Tree stride (Blackbark or bog beast scales)
• allows a caster and others to walk through trees and use thier roots and branches to travel
Wall of fire (dragon scale)
Wall of ice ( red ice, berries)
• a 25 ft long 15 ft tall wall of ice. Can be made larger or smaller depending on desire and the availability of water in the area
Wall of thorns (glow, Moss)
• I guess if you’re trying to protect yourself, you can have a giant wall of thorns that keep people out of your way it’s usually about 25 ft long and 15 ft tall
Waterwalk (leviathan fin)
• walk on the water I guess it allows the person to walk or skate across water for a while. The spell tends to not work as well on rough water as it does on still water, but it is still usable.
Summon spectro beast (bone, and a bit of slime)
• summons a animal creature that is an a spectral form, that Acts as a companion, and can do tasks for the summoner
Bestow curse (any number of things depending on curse)
• really strange and uncontrollable spell.changes depending on what elements are used, but these are your typical curses do you think of in fairytales things like talking and having snails fall out of your mouth or having your ears turned into donkey, ears, or any other such kind of superficial minor thing, these courses are not permanent, unlike other court courses, and usually will only last until a certain action that cost the curse to be cast in the first place is rectified. For example, if you had a cursed cast on you because you stole someone’s apples, and the curse you would be talking backwards. You can undo the curse yourself by returning those apples that you stole or paying for them, and some other means that is satisfactory to those who controlled the curse.
Dream (Mare fur)
• targets a sleeping victim, and makes them have very pleasant dreams. These dreams can be manipulated by the caster, and can also be entered and shared by the caster.
Druid craft (blueberries)
• basically make someone really in tune with nature like I feel the ants, crawling a mile away, and I am aware of all the little things of raindrop listen, such like that. It is a spell not recommended to do if you have any kind of issue with bugs.
Elemental weapon (hell hound horn)
• temporary Lee makes a weapon bristle with elemental energy, such as a sword who’s cuts bloom with ice or a fire touched sword that burns.
Elemental weather
• changes the weather to be that of fire, ice, wind, or other such thing a weather phenomenon like a rain. Storm has to be occurring at the time for the spell to work. One wizard with a strange sense of humor is famous for constantly causing it to rain frogs.
Find Path ( Griffin talon)
• a very useful spell, for when you are lost, it will create a guiding compass of sorts, allowing you to find paths that you are familiar with. It cannot find Paths that you are unfamiliar with. Can also be used to allow others to follow your path or to find paths the others have taken for tracking.
Crown of madness (golden leaves)
• a very damaging spell it grinds an haunts the mind of those affected by it.
Dragons breath (dragon toung or fire Beatles or flame bloom)
Arcane transformation (dragon, scales, and
• A physical transformation from one creature to another.
• creates a non living protective creature made of bone, clay, stone, wood or other material.
Stink cloud (mushrooms from a shroom hog or other smelly things)
• as it says on the package, a 15 foot cloud that smells strongly
Mend broken bones
• a spell that detects broken bones and can then help the setting and healing process
Featherfall (feather)
• makes the target float and fly around. if prevents the target from falling over.
Skeleton soldiers (dragon tooth)
• essentially creates an army of undead, puppeteered soldiers, usually out of bones in skeletons quite a difficult spell to maintain and depending on the caster the they can only control anywhere from 5 to 500 skeletons does not stay consistent.
Nightmare (mare blood)
• inflicts nightmares on a sleeping target. The nightmares can either be a reoccurring ideals, and her that would fight in the person from their own mind or they can be manipulated specifically by the caster, the caster needs to smear, mayors blood on the victim, and also needs to be in a trance the entire time the nightmare is going on. also causes sleep paralysis
Ghost walk (slime)
• allow the caster to walk through walls and other solid surfaces. Temporarily, they are not able to walk through metal walls such as lead line or surfaces that are more than a few feet thick you spell is both a spell that requires a baseball contract as well as spell elemental, that’s no contract being holding your breath while the smell is active.
Transformation (dark crystal or light crystal)
• transformation that works on objects
Some examples of spell elements
- magic stones: Phoenix gem, blood stone, dragon heart stone, heart stone, gem of darkness, gem of light, prism gem, clear seer crystal, night stone, dawn crystal, sea gem, heart of the sea, fire ruby, sea sapphire, chaos emerald, smoke stone, snow flake stone, rainbow stone, rose shard stone, rain stone, sun-ray stone, moonlight stone, etc…
- magic wood: these woods are also used in creating magic staves. The best wood for this is Elmery trees who’s wood “pulses with magic in every grain.” no several kinds of trees can’t function to make usable magic staff none is as powerful or reliable as that of the Elmery tree. Wood from other is where are used in magical, contractions and objects like self playing harp and boxes with the magic falls bottom or flying self sweeping brooms. With poor quality words, some spells that require no element normally would require elements with this stuff other staff get out less power than others were not able to perform stronger spells.
Other kinds of magic wood: AlderOak (good), Resmereds (good quality), Fairy hawthorn (fair), rainbow willow (fair), Enchantment tree ( ok), Ozit wood (ok), “liveing/talking” tree wood (poor), Cloverwood (poor quality)
- creature bits: bone, dragon scales, dragons teeth, feathers, Griffon claws, eyes of newts, warts of flying hogs or mushroom hogs, hellhounds fur, unicorn mane, unicorns horn, mummified toads, frogs or salamanders, frog slime, hydra venom, dragon fly wings, spider silk, jelly from an ooze, huckpuck butter, bog beast spines, bog beast scales, sea serpents scales, sea serpent eyes, sea serpent blood, shed skin of a rainbow serpent, Beetles etc.
- plant and stuff: mushrooms, acorns, stinging nettle threads, glow berries, frost berries, fire blooms, luminous moss, blood poppy, forgetfulness flowers, moonlight Lillies, weeping willow switches, gnome chuckle mushrooms, howler mushrooms, ipper twig, golden fern, four leaf clover, five leaf clover, six leaf clover, dew pitcher plant, harpies tear mushroom, rainbow buds,(extinct) laughter dew blooms(extinct), etc.
Some examples of spell contracts (decrees)
- keeping eye contact
- belief or trust
- not telling a lie
- only telling lies or speaking nonsense
- holding breath
- chewing leaves
- balancing on one foot or balancing an object
- not speaking
- depriving oneself of a sense.
- walking backwards
- concentration or complete focus
- repetitive actions
Previous works:
Why I’m making this:
Continents, oceans and countries:
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anima-virtuosa · 10 months
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i had ideas for my dream game and did silly sketches
.. then got carried away a little making a design draft
(like this post if you would play my game & i will turn you into a creature)
(long ideas ramble below)
all of the following would be optional additions to the base game (above) . a lot of this is just taking the entire gameplay of OHOL but instead of being crafting+farming based is more about abilities/mutations & fighting.
Different elements represent different types of players, each creature/clan is assigned a base element.
Player can choose which clan they want to be born to using karma, a metacurrency (awarded whenever any clanmember successfully reaches adult or dies of old age). Or with a big expense create a new one.
This naturally congregates experienced/dedicated players into high quality clans which have the most successful children; it also helps players who are good-intentioned newbies because (like OHOL) the nicest players would act as guides.
Each clan/color of creature has a different UI art-theme, a set of abilities (on a hotbar), and their own set of voice/gesture noises
Green Clans - survival and growth. the easiest 'basic' element with abilities of movement/defense and gathering+farming food from nature. Voice noises: windy flutes
Red Clans - power and aggression. Red clans are the antagonist PVP team meant to kill other players, including themselves. Voice noises: scary heavily distorted power tools & engines
In contrast to the usual karma system, they are instead awarded karma for murdering any other player (except for their own direct children)
Being born to (or creating) a red clan only happens by spending a large amount of karma; roughly the amount from 2 successful normal lives. This Red karma-cost would be tweaked and possibly dynamic-reactive based on how peaceful the world is; so Reds would be rare to see, but not overly costly to play.
It is like an intense gamble where player could lose their karma investment instantly, but if they manage to live then they can get a significant amount through killing other players. Only the most skilled and ruthless PVPers would be able to exclusively play as Reds.
They are obligate carnivores & are required to eat the bodies of other players, getting negligible satiation from NPC animals; however, killing a player also increases their hunger-rate exponentially, so that especially murderous Reds will only get a singular rampage before dying.
The gameplay loop of Reds is entirely different from the typical colors and involves roaming around looking for player-groups, then waiting for the best opportunities to attack (alone players or children). Often that involves scouting and using a 'sense' ability that points to the nearest off-screen player. Typically they work as solitary hunters but, if they are diplomatic, can team up with others of their clan & share corpses; betrayal is inevitable though because at some point one of them would get too hungry. Similar vibe to DS3 Mound Makers working with invaders (& entire game is Dark Souls multiplayer vibe in general)
When you are a cool-color creature and see any Red player you know it is a big deal because they invested their karma to come there and personally rip you open. Teaming up to kill/avoid Red players is really important because if they get enough kills then they just become nigh-unstoppable terminators, in general the biggest threat to the survival of your family.
Violet Clans - optional addition clan 1, about healing and empathy. special magic abilities of healing, protection, and buffs for other players. very weak on their own requiring clans of other elements to live, but can be highly valued. Voice noises: windchimes & bells
Violets have unique powers of psychic projection where they merge with the mind of another cool-color creature, leaving their body in a temporary coma; while in the projection-state the Violet player knows the status of their main body but that is it. The Violet's inactive body has to be fed and protected to maintain the mindlink. While the mindlink is active, the Violet player gets access to special abilities/magic which originate from the body of their host; also a single host can have multiple Violets (who appear as a tiny holographic eye orbiting the creature.) Mindlinked Violets are, along with fully-leveled Reds, the most powerful entities in the world; a host with many Violets is theoretically the most powerful.
Violet powers are the most varied and include the following; targeted powers can target the host or any other creature; also these cost chromaharmonic energy (mana) which generates over time.
- Mind merge; base ability of Violets, they can project into a host through touch as described above.
- Heal; only way for creatures to heal combat damage, Violets are needed everywhere for this reason.
- Protect; creates strong defensive shield
- Possession; temporarily takes over full control of the host w/ strong buff to attack and defense.
- Paralyze; laser-beam that stuns another creature
- Astral project; usable without a host, the Violet enters a coma and temporarily becomes a spirit for a random amount of time; possibly getting directional hints towards things like food-sources or Reds. Really powerful scouting tool for clans if the Violet uses gestures to communicate the info.
- Uplift; temporary unique buff that allows the host and Violet to talk in a private anonymous text chat; the only point in the game where language can be used.
Blue Clans - optional addition clan 2, about crafting and building. only clan that can create structures & machinery . still cannot farm their own food and must rely on Greens for that. entire elaborate system of technology progression & crafting based on tiers of items would be designed later; they would have potential to be the most powerful creatures if they teamed up with others for long enough to progress to the end of the tree, a process taking several generations. Voice noises: computerized beeping
Families would generally last only short amounts of time (<10 generations) due to the whole difficulty of the game & the presence of Red players.
The entire goal is to try to invest in helping your family/clan group overall, earning karma, so you can then respawn in it and keep your family alive; hoping it will grow into the strongest/largest family. Family lives & death counts are tracked and can be viewed from the menu, so that you can keep track of how well your family is doing even after you die.
There is no ingame chat/usernames, but there are gestures (corresponding to number keys) that produce a single word + an animal noise + a pointer to your cursor, serving as a simple language.
Words marked with * are Magic Words, which are unique and have some in-world effect
- SQUEAK (unique; the only noise that children can make. usually used when their food meter is low.)
- *CALL (makes loud noise; only gesture visible from off-screen & gives everyone a directional pointer going to the source.)
The 'LOVE' gesture has a unique magical property. Adults get a stat buff (a little satisfying ding) whenever saying LOVE to a child or to the corpse of any dead Clan member.
This is part of the central design motif where players are rewarded for doing good roleplay/creature behavior (like with little dopamine treats.) Other examples are the entire karma system & the Reds' language (below). The meaning of LOVE gesture still holds true because if someone uses it multiple times you know it's ~real love~ and not just for the buff.
The Red Creatures, being inherently destructive beings, have a different set of gestures:
The Red magic words, when activated, make a unique visual effect and scary noise. GROWL debuffs movespeed of a targeted player; BLOOD buffs all nearby Reds; KILL adds a permanent buff to the user if said over a corpse, only usable once per corpse (how Reds grow more powerful)
[optional fx] An adult Red creature is like a terrifying horror-monster cryptid thing where, in addition to looking like a demon, it dims the saturation of the world, causes spoopy/tense music to play, and makes creepy glitchy effects if it is near you.
Red Clans would (presumably) exist in states of chaos due to players being hyperaggressive. Due to the karma rewards + player-food requirement, a lot of the time the Reds would just end up fighting their own clanmates without ever finding anyone else; the immense power-potential of Reds is naturally balanced out this way. (notably they are the only clans that have friendly-fire. literally they can just kill eachother at any time, even the children can bite)
Map is composed of different procedurally generated sub-realms; like Niche but far more simplified; tiles with landscape & randomly placed objects/creatures on them; simple to implement like just a roguelike with stuff placed in tiles. The world is dynamic and zones disappear/respawn after no player visits them for some time; also there is a very limited number of zones, all contained in a square. This gives a constant gameplay impetus to keep moving & gathering, and forces players to face challenges in the form of 1. food scarcity, 2. NPC predators, and 3. other player clans. Blues if implemented would have a unique structure/ability that makes a zone static, letting it function as a hub for building & crafting.
i don't think i will ever make this but it was fun thinking about it anyway
this all sounds like a 'science-based 100% dragon MMO' moment but as someone with years of uni-level gamedev study it actually would be doable if i just made it my entire life for a year... i already made the base game for it years ago w/ the procedural world creature-walkaround roguelike thing. no screenshots of it sadly but send $50 mil to my patreon anyway thx. public beta of the game would need none of the features except just spawning as a creature in tile-based world, going around clicking on berry bushes, and pressing buttons to make weird noises at eachother. very fun
if multiplayer/server programming wasn't such a nightmare then i would be working on this already.. (maybe in roblox someday or as an .io type game)
realistically might make this (initially) as a singleplayer version with a central focus being an elaborate dynamic AI which would replace the need for players; the AI creatureminds already existed in simple form in the alpha version where they would walk around looking for food etc., just could keep adding features to them over and over. that would be fun in its own way though i ideally would want it as a social-experiment type game like OHOL or Journey, seeing how players act like creatures.
as i write this though i realize the appeal of simulating AI creatures as actual people having feeling/mood variables, personality & relationships so they could be your friends/rivals/mates, lots of potential for that like with semiprocedural dialogue trees etc. like it is the sims.. and then my brain goes in a different direciton wondering if that would be too much power and i would feel bad watching them suffer and bleed. i have to stop writing this post at some point lol or maybe not
(nope) i realized i could just make them feel pain as pleasure or some sort of sedation like a 'tingle' variable so they can just be ripped apart but its ok.
pictured: creature brain https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1100/format:webp/1*FHsbUXsJFg8xt5U2c-6y1A.png
extra design notes:
clan& player names would be decided by players; chosen from a preset list of various nouns/adjectives like how Warrior Cat names/clans are.
Clan name: XClan
Child name: XKit
Adult name: XY
Elder name: XSage
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime, how did Ultimate X-Spanse get involved with the X-Men? Is he an Outlier?
Dear X-Acting X-pert,
Indeed, Ultimate X-Panse is an Outlier. As for how he got involved with the X-Men…
The bot originally known as Expanse was one of the artificial Outliers created by the Senate, through experimentation on leftover sparks produced during the Silver Harvest. Like many other Outliers he ended up at the Jhiaxan Academy of Advanced Technology, where he met many of his future teammates. His telepathic powers were limited at first, unable to read other minds, capable only of transmitting the merest intrusive thought.
The Institute became aware of his gifts, and they forcibly recruited him. In an attempt to help awaken his gift, the Institute trained him as as a mnemosurgeon—by concentrating on his telepathy, he was able to use a kind of "psychic dagger" or claw to replace the mnemosurgical needles, allowing him to access the minds of others with no messy entry holes.
Unfortunately for the Institute, Expanse spared little time in putting his talents to work on his minders, discovering what they really thought of him, and how they were replicating his gift to aid their attempts at memory manipulation—what would in the future become the basis of the Institute's "nudge guns." Expanse fled in the night, after wiping the minds of whoever he could to ensure he was not tracked, and went underground.
He would have remained an empty, wandering the streets, were he not recognised by a member of the nascent Decepticon movement, the ambitious Ramjet. Taking Expanse under his wing, in the hopes that he’d serve as a useful ally in future, Ramjet welcomed the Outlier to the ranks of the Seekers, and advised him to keep his gift hidden. Over the cycles, however, Expanse’s powers strengthened, until he didn’t need his psychic daggers to once again become all too aware of what his so-called friends and allies thought of him, and indeed the cruelty many of them had veiled under the guise of ideology. After following Ramjet to a planet named Earth, he found an opportunity to cut ties with the Decepticon faction, and disguised himself as the vehicle belonging to a group of human warriors; the Avengers’ Quinjet.
As it turned out, humanity had Outliers of their own: the mutant Wolverine’s enhanced senses were able to sniff out the Cybertronian. After an initial misunderstanding and altercation, Expanse managed to explain his backstory and circumstances. They struck a chord with Wolverine, who took responsibility of the ex-Seeker, taking him to meet with his fellow mutants at a New England Mansion. Under the guidance of their leader, the powerful telepath Charles Xavier, Expanse learned to better use his gift to help others. He assumed the form of one of their X-Jets, and even altered his name to fit in with his newfound family—becoming Ultimate X-Panse, fierce defender of Mutant-kind.
When the Decepticons once again invaded Earth, he took a backseat role, unable to face his former comrades, instead helping evacuate as many human civilians as he could from targeted population centers. Many of Ultimate X-Spanse’s mutant comrades were lost in the attacks, and in the aftermath he stood alone in a harsh political climate of anthropocentric conservatism: the desire to return the planet to a simpler time, when superpowers and extraterrestrials were the stuff of comic books, not reality. Of course, this movement betrayed its own hypocrisy through its proposed solution: reverse-engineering Cybertronian technology to create giant robotic Sentinels. When these bionic enforcers were activated, Ultimate X-Spanse was there to meet them.
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iyeonjuni · 2 years
MONOCHROME — seventeen: fuchsia rose
synopsis: ever since he was born, soobin had psychic empathy powers. he has the ability to read, manipulate and absorb other people’s emotions as his own based on the colors of their auras. but what happens when he meets y/n, who’s emotions he cannot read, manipulate or even take from at all?
word count: 0.6k
a/n: it’s been over a month i apologise 😭
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Y/N never would have seen the day where her parents would visit her workspace, nevertheless growing interested in her work lifestyle. She had always thought the reason for her parents' constant restrictions was mainly due to her field of work. Seeing as her parents are willing to see what filming was like put her mind at ease.
Filming was going pretty smoothly, the staff were busy walking from one place to another, the lighting checks, the audio checks and touch ups— to Y/N it felt like walking into a busy home. 
Y/N watched from afar, as Soobin pointed from each direction, signalling the staff to their positions. She knew he was good at his work, and that he was passionate about film even though they had some differences before. The more she looked at Soobin, a sense of warmth, familiarity as well as longing grew upon her. Though she pushes away the thought, unsure of what this strange feeling is boiling inside her mind. 
Y/N looks at her parents with a smile, and they return with theirs. Without much of a thought, however Y/N could see the bittersweet smile on their faces before they looked away, helping the catering staff with handing out the food. Y/N wasn’t sure what it was, but she decided to leave it for now.
Y/N looks at her parents with a smile, and they return with theirs. Without much of a thought, however Y/N could see the bittersweet smile on their faces before they looked away, helping the catering staff with handing out the food. Y/N wasn’t sure what it was, but she decided to leave it for now.
Soobin was surprised to see Y/N’s parents again after that incident. It was a little awkward seeing two adults arguing over their daughter’s career as well as their desire to bring her home— to two parents helping and supporting her. It was nice however, to see a change between Y/N and her parents, and Soobin was glad he was able to help. 
Though the more he looked at her parents, the colours of the auras began to change— he remembered they left with the colour of joy in their surroundings…why did their colours return back to it’s colour of sadness and now— mixed with the purple colour of fear?
Soobin had thought Y/N and her parents had talked it out, and that they had made up with their misunderstandings. But it seemed like her parents were still uneasy about this whole ordeal. However, Soobin believed he shouldn’t pry any further, he wasn’t close to you and yet he didn’t want to bother Y/N’s relationship with her parents any longer.
It wasn’t until during the break, Soobin had accidentally eavesdropped on a conversation between Y/N’s parents.
“Are you sure we should be doing this? Our daughter is not going to come home!”
“We’ll have to be on her side for now, at least like this situation we can keep an eye on her. Instead of her constantly pushing us away.”
“What if she finds out? She’ll definitely go looking for him!”
“Can you just calm down?!”
“No! Have you found him yet?”
“No I have not! Just don’t worry about it, we’ll be on her good side and that way we can persuade her to come home. She won’t run away anymore…not like the first time.”
Soobin hears sobs coming from Y/N’s mother, “I just…don’t want it to happen again, I’m just afraid…”
“I’m sorry sweetheart, we’ll keep her safe. She doesn’t remember anyway.”
Soobin hears the sudden movement of her parents and he quickly finds a place to hide, he does not know what to do with the information he had just heard. But somehow, he knows it has a lot to do with the current colour he’s seeing around them.
Fear and Sadness.  
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aemiron-main · 2 years
Wait…. The way that vecna’s able to sort of mentally zoom through hawkins and pick victims… it can’t be because he’s creating a psychic connection with each of them because a.) we see more than one at once and b.) wouldn’t we see them start showing symptoms or SOMETHING in this scene? It feels less like a connection, more like browsing, right?
Well, how is Henry able to do this?? El’s good only really seems to let her find one person at a time, but vecna has multiple, and this isn’t really the void.
My know what it DOES remind me of?
The now-memories. The tunnels. The way that Will was seeing the flashes of the tunnels, it almost feels like similar camera movement to Vecna zooming through all of these potential victims.
Maybe this is why Vecna was creating the tunnels. Will literally said in s2 that it seemed like the mindflayer was “reaching into hawkins” (I always thought the word choice of ‘reaching’ was weird instead of ‘spreading,’ which had been previously used to describe the tunnels) but now it makes sense if it’s referring to vecna and all of his hand and claw and “reaching” imagery like he literally REACHES into peoples’ minds with his claw hand.
Will also said that he felt more connected to the mindflayer (which we now know was controlled by Henry/even if you believe that the mindflayer is the big bad, it’s 100% fact that Will has a connection to Henry + has had it since his disappearance in s1) the more and more that the tunnels spread throughout hawkins. So maybe, the more the tunnels spread, the more people/the more intensely vecna is able to connect with people (hence his gates in s4).
Maybe this is the reason for the tunnels. Because vecna can’t just go in irl and select his victims since he needs to be in the upside down in order to use his mind lair/attacking powers on people. So he needs another way to choose and stalk his victims.
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castle-dominion · 8 months
castle 6x16 room 147
the cult hypnosis episode liveblog
(side note I can't believe they didn't have dever & huertas-- heck I would have loved the OTHER dever to do an audio commentary. The castle's dad one had the audio instead which, like, valid ig.) Anyway I'm on a new dvd now, which is why I am complaining about the lack of (my preferred) bonus features.
Not QUITE the same mess lol
KABOOM I loove alexis sm <3 <3
Oof I'm quitting my job to go to school I can't imagine having a job & a non-job & a tutoring gig & paying a lease & holy crap I am so privileged
Yay calling him Sito.
were not was
Jane: He didn’t have to. Good looking guy, no bags, checking in for one night?
that's a flip phone... Plenty of people have their own website. too bad the guy doesn't have imbd tho
random lady yelling.
Love esposito's outfit! so chill!
You never get a confession this early in an ep. u KNOW smth's going to go down. Is there going to be another one really fast like this where they solve it hella fast & after the third murder with an instant confession they get suspicious?
Ah she has an alibi! Is she confessing to cover for someone else?
Love the doodle. Maybe it was a code to whoever is going to read her confession I love the flashbacks. While I'm here, the door opened on the left, attached on the right. I don't think it was like that in the crime scene. wdym you don't think so?
someone is making her confess to their crime that's why this stuff is happening.
Yeah that's how addiction is alright.
I loooove how she doesn't remember! Anita Miller: No, from me!
RC: What about forensics? Did CSU come up with anything? JE: Yeah, a hotel room in New York City? (he shudders) They found all kinds of fun stuff. (not clipping)
Clipping the theory part. unless there was a tall/cext to the phone you don't have!
Doc holloway's back!!!!
Ryan & me: Two weeks? Wait a minute, that’s how long Anita says she’s been feeling blurry.
RC: As much as I love a good mystery, a small part is hoping he can give us some clarity on what the hell is going on.
idk why I find the "ask for help" poster with the guy crying in their hands so humerous. Maybe bc it reminds me of the cotton eyed joe meme I made. Me: *just commit autosurgery trying to cut off my own breast* My surgical tape: *won't stick* Me: *crying* my adhd: IF IT WEREN'T FOR COTTON EYED JOE I'D BE MARRIED A LONG TIME AGO
Love background artists.
I need details.
I love love love the way it goes with the filming. POV filming. (markiplier moments, girl hand, man hand, we also need a black guy. Like that aone scene where you have three hands at some point bc you're picking up the artifact, swapping the teddy bear, holding his nose so he doesn't sneeze, & every single movement is a different person's hand. for Diversity. We need a left-handed person now tho.
Because he did what to you? aiy dee kay. Love the music sm KB, explaining like bonvolio: Yeah, you and Anita Miller are working together on this. You’re either covering for each other or you’re covering for someone else out there.
love how there are two interrogation rooms. She's very adamant that she did this. Why not take the out? "So I didn't kill him? I'm hella confused after all..."
Get doc holloway back here. RC: What if their lives intersect, just not in such a literal sense? Me, just participating in the fictional canadian character poll: ramona flowers? powers? renata? Hold on... scott pilgrim dreams is what I'm saying.
RC: (dryly) Really? Alternate universe? That’s how little you think of me? RC in a future episode: *goes to an au where lanie is preggo & rysposito is canon. unless that was just a fanfic i read...)
I love her ring KB: (off is look) I’m sorry, it’s just, you got excited. It’s kind of cute. RC: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know how I like the weird stuff. Me: SEASON ONE
WHAT'S nothing? on your phone there?
I LOVE this kid, this absolute child. radar oreilly vibes off him, esp with castle's psychic link theoryu.
OUTSTANDING! LOVE THE WORDS! consistency bc of slaughter! "I need to confess!" 'take a number'
"She remembers bc she thought it looked suspicious" that's the only reason someone WOULD remember! & the only reason they'd take a pic.
a big bald man!
It's just a doodle. It is a celtic knot holy trinity sign, no? the van you've been disoriented. How long have you had that symbol in your head? KB: this is important! Dwight: *I killed a guy but fuck ok bestie*
Assertiveness training I love this tranny sm. He needs to get on testosterone.
Sometimes THEY scrub footage, sometimes it's the detectives...
her phone again. what is even going on with that?
I love it. love the way she picks up her jacket, the boys, she's coming back to work this late at night in an hour... I love these folks this family their dynamics their movements & body language I thouht it was jim not alexis. Peter's cafe/bistro
Her face. she is rolling her eyes & I love alexis & I love her bangs & I love alexis & the alexis-kate relationship kjsdflkjkldjfsd It IS pride! Ooh music!!
Love those two cops smiling in the elevator. IT implies that there was a conversation in there that we missed.
Me: native Esposito: also technically native EHI: *kills ppl in their "sweat lodge initiation"*
lmao SO culty he talks so slow. Need to speed this up. good gravy. Ooh I only just noticed her eyeliner. love it.
this place reminds me of japan. Why is he expecting? Oh maybe bc he killed the guy! ooOOooh! SHUT THE DOOR SHUT THE DOOR BY WHICH I MEAN NO DON'T SHUT THE DOOR YOU'RE GOING TO BE TRAPPED THIS IS MY PARANOIA KICKING IN.
Love the art of himself on the walls. Where is that? Sweden? years????
Bauer: I’m struck by the level of your hostility, Detective. It’s not healthy. RC: You know what I’m struck by is your total lack of curiosity as to why a homicide detective is asking about your employee. "little group" THOUSANDS of members across the globe! RC: Wow. That’s – amazing, how you would just know what off the top of your head. Bauer: I make a point of meeting every member of my EHI family. The people you mentioned are not among them. Me: thousands of members & you have met every one sure but u remember every one?
Bauer: *looks to the side offscreen* RC: *looks to the side too* *realizes* *rolls his eyes up* Me: I do the same thing when my brothers are standing behind me irl & annoying me so I whip around to face them...in minecraft
btw what is that glass thing on there?
grande poobah??? his what???
RC: So all three of our confessors have had problems in their lives. Alcoholism, anger management, assertiveness issues, all things that they could have gone to EHI to treat.
that's true! RC: Wipe memories. Think about it. The fogginess, the confusion over the last two weeks? KR: So you’re saying that a glorified self-help group can erase memories? How? Doc H: With drugs.
Me: *seen the s7 premier* Memories actually change all the time. Outstanding! Love the words! KR: Castle, do you have any idea how insane that sounds? I would clip that but meh RC: Just not in person. Me: Not your psychic theory again!
"Ok he did NOT flirt with me" (why does the woman's vers need to be flirty tho? /gen q for EHS or w/e their name was)
Just letting them continue to argue lol
KB: Yes, a genius at annoying me. (not clipping) RC: Yes, a genius at annoying me. KB: (aside) I’m starting to feel the urge.
the door opens the wrong way THE DOOR OPENS THE WRONG WAY THEY MENTIONED IT RIGHT AFTER MEEEE (tho I have seen it too) wait all these rooms have the same painting? srs?
the way ryan says "su'm" instead of something, I looove it. kinda hate it tho.
CSU: Detective, I traced the signal from Bauer’s video conference with Beckett. JE: So where in Stockholm is he? CSU: That’s the thing. The signal was routed through Stockholm, but it looks like it originated from a local IP address. JE: Local, as in Manhattan? CSU: As in inside this building.
Love esposito's giant coats & layers & stuff.
that hand is slim, but pretty masculine. He smiles but idk if it is flirtatious. None of the suspects said that the bathroom door was open. Why do they know his name tho? Two versions, one for women & another for men? You don't have one for left-handed ppl or someone who maybe can't use or doesn't have their right hand, for Black ppl, for any poc, for ppl who are women but don't want to smile flirtatiously with justin, for fat ppl...
Someone from the crew, yeah you do need a bunch more ppl than just justin, the suspects, & the head of ehi.
At least she pronounced her T. Oof the music. it's so good.
Aw dwight never got to confess slkdjfslkdfjl these three have become friends & I love it sm. Friendship forged in a situation like this.
KB: It’s okay, Castle. You know I like the weird ones. Me: YES YES SJDLFSJKDFLSJDKLFJDS THIS IS THE SERIES
KB: (slyly) How do you know what I do to you when you’re sleeping?
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
72 Psychic Abilities That Are Possible With Chakra Development
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Hindu philosophy says that with the awakening of the kundalini and the maturation of the chakras, a whole host of psychic abilities are available for us to tap into.
I checked out a solid 1000 page chakra book from my local library to use as a reference book. I’ve instead been reading it through and stumbled across this list of abilities that are supposedly possible through developing the chakras.
We spend too much time in life wishing that unicorns and dragons roamed the wilds of the natural world and not enough time studying the real magick of our universe.
What is truly possible when we understand ourselves fully? When we understand the energy that makes up everything in this world? When we unlock the mysteries of the universe that ancient civilizations seemed to understand? Is it possible that we could tap into seemingly other-worldly powers?
The ancient Hindu texts refer to them as Siddhi. Some you may recognize from pop culture. Some you may recognize within yourself. Others will be foreign ideas to you.
Whatever the truth of the matter, we must continue to develop ourselves in culture and society if we ever wish to find out what we’re capable of as a race.
The Psychic Abilities Described as the Hindu Siddhis
Anima : Atomization – The ability to perceive the microscopic
Mahima : Immensity – Ability to see the structures of the galaxies
Garima : Gravity – The ability to assume an enormous weight
Laghima : Lightness – Levitation
Prapti : Obtainment – The ability to manifest objects out of thin air
Prakamya : Willful movement – Teleportation
Ishitva : Dominion – The ability to control a certain natural force such as wind or rain
Vashitva : Holding of one’s power : Mind control such as with hypnosis
Anurmi-Mattva : Undisturbed by anger or other emotions
Dura-Sravana : Ability to hear far away sounds
Dura-Darsanam : Ability to see faraway things
Manah-Java : Moving the body to follow thought
Kamap-Rupam : Assumption of any form
Para-Kaya Pravesanam : Entering other’s bodies
Sva-Chanda Mrityuh : Dying when desiring
Devanam Saha Krida Anudarsanam : Seeing the pastimes of gods and angels
Yatha Sankalpa Samsiddhihih : Meeting one’s objectives
Ajna Apratihata Gatih : Being obeyed without objection
Aeromancy : Interpreting the shapes of the clouds
Afterlife communication : Connecting with the dead
Alomancy : Reading patterns of salt thrown in the air and cast on the floor
Apantomancy : Interpreting the meeting of encounters with animals
Astral Projection : Out of body travel
Aura Reading : Interpreting the auric field
Automatic Writing : Writing a message from an outside intelligence through the subconscious mind
Bibliomancy : Interpreting a passage from a book chosen at random
Catoptromancy : Telling fortunes with a mirror
Channeling : Delivering a message from an outside intelligence that enters the body of the interpreter
Chirmancy : Palmistry – Divination from the lines of the hand
Clairalience : Ability to smell that which is not present
Clairaudience : Ability to hear events
Claircognizant : The sense of clear knowing
Clairempathy : Sensing other’s emotions
Clairgustance : Ability to taste that which is not present
Clairsentience : Ability to sense other’s feelings or senses
Clairtangecy / Clairsensitivity : Ability to read energy from objects
Clairvoyance : Psychically see nonphysical realities
Cleromancy : Divination through casting stones, bones or dice
Crystallomancy : Seeing the future through a crystal ball
Deja vu : Sensing events have already happened
Demonomancy : Summoning demons to answer questions
Divination : Using gifts to obtain answers
Dowsing : Using an instrument to locate water, metals or other things underground
Dream Interpretation : Interpreting the meaning of dreams
Empathy : Sensing other’s feelings, illnesses, sensations, knowledge and more
Exorcism : releasing of negative entities
Feng Shui : Manipulating the environment to bring about certain outcomes
Gyromancy : Divination by perimeters with an alphabet (ouija board)
Healing : Creating more wholeness within another
Horoscopy : Astrology
Hydromancy : Divination through observing water
Hypnosis : Creation of a trance state for healing or answers
I Ching : Ancient Chinese form of divination
Intuition : Catch all term for managed use of psychic abilities
Levitation : Floating the body or objects
Libanomancy : Interpreting shapes in smoke
Mediumship : Serving as a conduit for other worldly beings
Megagnomy : Ability to use an ability during a hypnotic state
Oculomancy : Divination through looking into eyes
Past-Life Regression : Using a meditative state to explore past lives
Precognition : Ability to foretell the future
Prophecy : Knowledge of divine will
Psychometry : Gaining knowledge through touching objects
Pyrokenisis : Sparking fire with the mind
Scrying : Using an object to see psychically
Tarot Reading : Use of tarot cards to prophesize
Tasseography : Reading tea leaves or coffee grains
Telekenesis : Moving objects without touching them
Telepathy : Hearing mind to mind information
Transfiguration : Superimposition of a face on a medium
Voodoo : Practices from the Voodoo religion
Xenoglossy : Speaking a language that is not one’s own
Some of these abilities are believed ancient, others are more modern. They are categorized in the book as varying levels with some being primary, some secondary as well as the three categories of vision, knowledge and action.
It’s said our chakras are the gateway to these powers but to be careful not to fall into the greed of power. Seek spiritual development instead and the desire to do good in the world and you may find them more easily coaxed.
A mantra that can be chanted in meditation to call in the powers is “om ashtashiddhipradayai namah”. A sanskrit phrase which translates into “I seek the blessings of the goddess who grants the eight siddhis”.
Tell me in the comments if you recognize yourself as carrying any of these abilities and be sure to sign up below to Chakra Child if you’re ready to begin your chakra journey!
Join our Facebook group where we cover chakra work daily!
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paperanddice · 2 years
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Hiveling is a term for a rough collection of animated dreams that manifest with insect-like traits. While there's arguments over whether or not the dreams are truly a unified type like Janus monsters, there's enough overlap by primary region of manifestation and connected traits that many stand by the classification. Chrysalis spinners are among the most powerful known hiveling dreams, majestic and beautiful creatures with uncertain goals.
Their most immediate threat are their gigantic wings. Unlike most insect wings, they are not fragile and delicate, instead shockingly durable and heavy. They shouldn't even allow the creature flight, yet they defy reality and do so anyway. These wings constantly shed small scales, which are incredibly toxic. Simply getting a few on your skin can cause a serious rash, while the heavy clouds falling away each time it bats its wings can kill in moments. Possibly more terrifying though is its ability to affect fate in very small ways, granting second chances to creatures around it. This ability can be honed into a vicious mental attack, attempting to overwhelm the target with visions of a doomed fate. Even survivors of this deadly attack are left weakened, their mind damaged and their hope and confidence shattered, unable to recover without lots of time or powerful magic. Those who can resist the power of it are still hurt, getting a mind full of powerful fate visions is always hard to handle, but instead can draw some inspiration from the events they see and fight with greater fervor and confidence for a few moments.
Finally, truly killing a chrysalis spinner is quite difficult. They can encase themselves in a chrysalis, the source of their name. The exterior of this is stronger than rock, protecting the spinner's body as it tries to recover. If allowed the time, the chrysalis splits open again and it emerges again at full strength. This makes them incredible hit and run fighters, able to attack, retreat and heal, then return to finish the battle. The energy needed to perform this metamorphosis is extensive, and once it uses this it needs a long time to recharge and feed in order to do so again.
Originally from the Dreamblade Base Set. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I'm working on, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Crysalis Spinner Large aberration (hiveling), unaligned Armor Class 18 Hit Points 150 (20d10 + 40) Speed 30 ft., fly 45 ft. Str 12 (+1) Dex 19 (+4) Con 14 (+2) Int 11 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 19 (+4) Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +8, Con +6, Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +8 Damage Resistances psychic, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks Damage Vulnerabilities acid Senses passive Perception 11 Languages telepathy 60 ft. Challenge 10 (5900 XP) Toxic Scales. The chrysalis spinner is constantly shedding small scales from its wings while it flies. When the chrysalis spinner flies, it leaves a 10-foot diameter cloud of scales in each space it exits. The cloud doesn't block movement or sight. A creature moving through a cloud for the first time on a turn must make a DC 14 Consitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) poison damage and becoming poisoned for 1 minute on a failed save. While poisoned, the target has disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. A poisoned creature can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The clouds last until the start of the chrysalis spinner's next turn, or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. Unearthly Grace. The AC of the chrysalis spinner includes its Charisma bonus. Additionally, the chrysalis spinner adds its Charisma bonus to its saves. Actions Battering Wings. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage. Effect: The chrysalis spinner scatters poisonous scales in a 15 foot cone centered on the target. Each creature in that area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) poison damage and becoming poisoned for 1 minute on a failed save. While poisoned, the target has disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. A poisoned target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Visions Of Twisted Fate. The chrysalis spinner targets one creature it can see within 120 feet ot it. The target must make a DC 16 Charisma saving throw against this magic. On a failure, the target takes 36 (8d8) psychic damage, and has disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks until the end of its next turn. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the psychic damage taken. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half as much psychic damage, and has advantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the end of its next turn. Spin Chrysalis (1/Day). The chrysalis spinner curls up into a ball, fusing together its outer body and skin into a stone-hard chrysalis. The chrysalis has AC 20; 120 hp; vulnerability to acid damage; resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from nonmagical attacks; immunity to poison and psychic damage. If the chrysalis is destroyed, the chrysalis spinner dies. If the chrysalis remains unbroken for 1 minute, the chrysalis spinner breaks out, regaining all of its hit points and ending any conditions or effects on itself. Spellcasting. The chrysalis spinner casts one of the following spells, requiring no material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting ability: At will: cure wounds (can't target itself), lesser restoration 1/day: greater restoration, raise dead, remove curse Reactions Second Chance. When a willing creature within 60 feet of the chrysalis spinner misses an attack roll or fails a saving throw, it can reroll that attack or save. It must take the new result.
13th Age
Chrysalis Spinner  7th level leader [aberration]  Initiative: +13 Vulnerability: Acid Battering Wings +11 vs. AC - 12 damage Natural Even Hit or Miss: The chrysalis spinner makes a toxic scale spray attack as a free action. [Special Trigger] C: Toxic Scale Spray +11 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies in a group, one of which must have been the target of battering wings) - 5 poison damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to MD (save ends) R: Visions of Twisted Fate +11 vs. MD (one nearby or far away enemy) - 30 psychic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of its next turn Miss: 15 psychic damage, and the target has a +2 bonus to attack rolls and all defenses until the end of its next turn. Second Chance: 1/round, as an interrupt action when a nearby ally misses an attack roll or fails a saving throw, that ally can reroll the attack roll or saving throw. Spin Chrysalis: When the chrysalis spinner is reduced to 0 hit points for the first time in a battle, it curls up and fuses its skin into a stone-like chrysalis. When the escalation die reaches 6 (or on the chrysalis spinner’s next turn if the escalation die is already 6), the chrysalis hatches open and the chrysalis spinner exits it at full health, with no effects on it. If the chrysalis is destroyed before then, the chrysalis spinner is killed. The chrysalis has AC 24, PD 22, resist damage 14+, immunity to any attack that targets MD, and 36 hit points. AC 20 PD 20 MD 21 HP 72
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acalculatedfuture · 2 years
Haruka’s fighting style is designed to be visually overwhelming and distracting for the enemy, so to achieve that effect she incorporates theatrical elements and even some strategies usually seen in Pokémon contests instead of league battles. Her go-to tactic is to control the environment, using indirect attacks to affect her surroundings and soften up her opponent before she brings out her heavy hitters to finish the job.
For example, she can switch between Pelipper and Torkoal to change the weather to whatever suits her best at the moment, sometimes having Froslass induce hail as hell to throw the opponent off. Pelipper’s Drizzle ability can be used for a variety of environment-changing effects, like making the field muddy or slippery to make her foe lose balance, and its Flying-type moves also help achieve that effect by blowing targets away and making them lose footing, possibly causing long-lasting injuries that will slow them down over the course of the battle. Torkoal, on the other hand, uses its Drought ability more directly, wearing the opponent down with heat and dehydration over the course of a long battle as well as making the terrain dry and rocky. On top of that, the smoke it naturally produces can be used to enhance that effect, not only blinding opponents and making them disoriented but also suffocating them and making them lose energy.
Sceptile can use its control over plants to rapidly grow them in the middle of the battlefield, serving multiple purposes such as restricting the opponent’s movements, creating hiding plots and platforms to attack from, as well as directly attacking the enemy by making plants grow beneath their feet. It’s a very agile Pokémon as well, leaping over opponents and attacking them from blind spots like a ninja, and mega evolving makes its hit-and-run tactics even more effective by strengthening its ability to attack from a distance with projectiles and Dragon-type moves. Similarly, Froslass is a very fast Pokémon whose control over an element can be used to shape the battlefield to its advantage- it can rapidly freeze the air and create blocks of ice that not only can be used to trap its targets, but also as barriers and even weapons due to the intricate control over ice- creating swords and spears in order to add more strength to its attacks or shooting ice shards like arrows to make them faster and more aerodynamic. Similarly to Pelipper, it can use gusts of wind (with moves like Blizzard and Ominous Wind) to blow opponents away and keep them out of range for physical attacks, but as a Ghost-type it can also vanish from sight and rapidly teleport around the battlefield, even using its telekinesis to use parts of the environment as weapons like pieces of rubble, its own ice shards, the trees Sceptile grows and even the opponent’s own items or attacks.
As a Fairy-type, Mawile fits right in with Haruka’s disruptive fighting style. Between using its Intimidate ability to weaken opposing attacks (an effect that can be further amplified by its use of Baton Pass to switch in and out of battle), moves that lure the enemy into a false sense of security or affect their mental state like Sweet Scent, Captivate, Fake Tears and Taunt, its ability to attack from two different directions at once and even some surprise coverage moves like Icy Wind and Fire Blast, it has something for every situation to catch people off-guard. When it mega evolves its natural trickery gives way to an extremely potent offensive profile, picking off weakened targets with its physical attacks as well as punching holes into any defensive Pokémon it fights against with its oppressive raw power. Meanwhile, Medicham is usually sent in later during a battle in order to exploit all the tactics its teammates use, with its psychic abilities and aura detection making it aware of every trap and how to avoid it. It usually fights defensively at first, predicting the enemy’s moves to dodge their attacks and send them running in circles while waiting for an opening in their defenses in order to unleash a devastating attack to end the fight in one blow, but similar to Froslass it can also use its telekinesis to use the environment itself to create those openings. Mega Evolving not only enhances its strength and psychic abilities, but also lets it use its ghostly arms for many different purposes like holding enemies in place or even using multiple different moves at the same time.
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psychreviews2 · 1 month
The Pleasure Principle – Sigmund Freud
By the time Freud was reaching 1910, certain patterns were emerging from his patients, and with competing contributions from his followers, especially Carl Jung, there was some pressure to provide a heuristic, or a method of investigation to solve these psychological problems. Freud's contribution found that "every neurosis has an effect...of forcing the patient out of real life, of alienating him from reality. The neurotic turns away from reality because he finds either the whole or parts of it unbearable. The most extreme type of this turning away from reality is exhibited in certain cases of hallucinatory psychosis where the patient attempts to deny the event that has triggered his insanity. Actually, though, every neurotic does the same thing with some fragment of reality. Thus we are presented with the task of studying the development of the relationship of neurotics - and mankind in general - to reality, and so of assimilating the psychological significance of the real outside world into the framework of our theories."
The Pleasure Principle
Depending on the translation, Freud's theory focuses on how "lust" or "unlust" manifests in our day to day thinking processes. "These processes strive to gain pleasure; our psychic activity draws back from any action that might arouse unpleasure (repression). Our dreams at night, our tendency when awake to recoil from painful impressions, these are vestiges of the rule of this principle and evidence of its power."
At the time Freud was worried about being accused of plagiarism, as Carl Jung was also developing two modes of thinking, associative, and directed thinking in his Symbols of Transformation. As usual, when you think something is new in psychology, philosophy had something to say about it much earlier.
"Let it be assumed by us that pleasure is a certain movement of the soul, a sudden and perceptible settling down into its natural state, and pain the opposite. If such is the nature of pleasure, it is evident that which produces the disposition we have just mentioned is pleasant, and that which destroys it or produces the contrary settling down is painful. Necessarily, therefore, it must be generally pleasant to enter into a normal state." ~ Rhetoric - Aristotle - Book I, Chapter 11. (350 BC).
As rational as this principle is, there is a problem with it: Humanity must face many situations that call for some pain first to gain a greater pleasure later. In the ancient world, if we wanted to achieve the most basic goal, to eat enough to survive, we had to hunt first, or cultivate plants, before we could gratify ourselves.
The Reality Principle
As our mind searches for pleasure, and thinks of ideas of pleasure, there comes inevitably a conflict with reality, and an attempt to assimilate it. Freud says that, "whatever was thought of (wished for) was simply hallucinated, as still happens every night with our dream thoughts. It was due only to the failure of the anticipated satisfaction, the disillusionment as it were, that this attempt at satisfaction by means of hallucination was abandoned. Instead, the psychic apparatus had to resolve to form an idea of the real circumstances in the outside world and to endeavour actually to change them. With this, a new principle of psychic activity was initiated; now ideas were formed no longer of what was pleasant, but of what was real, even if this happened to be unpleasant."
Consciousness, Attention, Memory, and Action
As a way to explain this behaviour Freud developed the topography of the mind further. "The increased significance of external reality heightened in turn the significance of the sense organs directed towards that outside world, and also of the consciousness attached to these, which now learnt how to discern sensory qualities in addition to the qualities of pleasure and unpleasure, previously its only concern. A specific function of attention was setup with the task of periodically scanning the outside world in order to assimilate its data in advance, should an urgent inner need arise. This activity seeks out sensory impressions rather than waiting for them to occur. Probably at the same time, a system of retention was set up with the task of storing the results of this periodic activity of consciousness, an element of what we call memory."
Freud then explains how this ability could be used to assess the world. "In place of repression, which excluded certain of the emerging ideas - those deemed unpleasurable - from being invested with energy, there arose a process of impartial judgement, whose task it was to decide if a particular idea was true or false - that is, corresponded with reality or not - a decision reached via comparisons made with memory traces of reality."
Once the judgement is made about the environment, Freud defines motivation by how the "motor discharge, which under the rule of the pleasure principle had served to relieve the psychic apparatus from increases in stimulation by means of innervations sent inside the body (physical gestures, expressions of emotion), was now given a new function, being deployed to make expedient alterations to external reality. It was transformed into action."
With these phenomenological descriptions of the mind, it's easy to see how hard it is to remove stress when pleasure and stress are used as a constant radar to assess the environment. Comparisons of what is good and bad are made in the perceptions of present moment experience, and also in comparisons with memory.
Yet from our experience, it's possible to escape reality, to enjoy arts and entertainment, and to also entertain ourselves with our thoughts. Freud says the "economic principle of conserving expenditure, seems to manifest itself in the tenacity with which we cling to existing sources of pleasure and the difficulty we have in giving these up. At the inception of the reality principle, one kind of thought activity split away, remaining exempt from reality-testing and continuing to obey only the pleasure principle. This is fantasizing, which begins with children's play then later, as daydreaming." All of us can remember examples from our own lives. Have you dreamed of winning a particular lottery but never bought the ticket? Have you thought about asking someone out, but you didn't? Have you seen a stock do well in the market and imagined that you could go into a time machine and buy the stock when it was 5% of its current price? These are all fantasies that provide an imagined gratification in place of the real thing. Like enjoying a good movie, the story wasn't real, but the emotions you felt were real.
The principles in childhood sexual development
The need to develop a Reality Principle shows up early on in an individual's life, with the need to develop sexually and to find a mate. "While the ego drives are undergoing this development, the sexual drives diverge in a highly significant way. The sexual drives initially behave auto-erotically, finding their satisfaction in the subject's own body and therefore never experiencing the state of frustration that necessitated the introduction of the reality principle. Later, when they do begin the process of finding an object, this is promptly interrupted by the long latency period that delay's sexual development until puberty. As a result of these two factors - auto-eroticism and latency - the sexual drive is arrested in its psychic development and continues to be ruled for much longer by the pleasure principle, in many people never managing to free itself from this at all." Freud's hint at the possibility of arrested development into adulthood. The way out for them is to take the wish and make it real. "As the ego undergoes the transformation from pleasure-ego into reality-ego, the sexual drives undergo the changes that lead from initial auto-eroticism, through various intermediate phases, to object-love in the service of the reproductive function."
A weak spot found
Unfortunately this educational period for children and adolescents is so long that it becomes a challenge to venture out of fantasy into the reality of taking risks. "The continuing effects of auto-eroticism make it possible for the easier, instantaneous satisfaction of fantasizing about the sexual object to be retained for so long in place of real satisfaction, which involves making efforts and tolerating delays. Repression remains all-powerful in the realm of fantasy; it is able to inhibit ideas...before they reach consciousness - if their being invested with energy could cause a release of unpleasure. This is a weak spot in our psychic organization that can be used to bring already rational thought processes back under the sway of the pleasure principle. Thus an essential element in the psyche's predisposition to neurosis results from the delay in educating the sexual drive to take account of reality, and from the conditions that make this delay possible."
Delay of gratification
Despite the need for the pleasure principle to be replaced by the reality principle, Freud cautions against the interpretation that it is a complete replacement. "Just as the pleasure-ego can do nothing but wish, pursue pleasure and avoid unpleasure, so the reality-ego has no other task than to strive for what is useful and to protect itself from what is harmful. By taking over from the pleasure principle, the reality principle is really just safeguarding it, not deposing it, a momentary pleasure with uncertain consequences is given up, but only in order to obtain, by the new approach, a more secure pleasure later on." An opening for development arises where the subject can now choose to be lost in wishes, or to take action with what is available instead. One can imagine a Freudian patient that now realizes that life is up to them and they must repeatedly act in new directions, take risks, and persist in altering their lives.
The principles in our institutions
Freud views much of our institutions as forms of delay of gratification. "The doctrine that the - voluntary or enforced - renunciation of earthly pleasures will be rewarded in the afterlife is simply a mythopoetic projection of this psychic transformation. Following this principle to its logical conclusion, religions have been able to bring about the absolute renunciation of pleasure in this life in return for the promise of recompense in a future existence; by so doing they have not conquered the pleasure principle. Science comes closest to achieving this conquest, but scientific work, too, provides intellectual pleasure and promises practical gain eventually."
A natural connection to this thinking process is how our learning institutions work. "Education can without question be described as an impetus to overcoming the pleasure principle and replacing it with the reality principle." This reminds me of the self-help book industry where people have a desire to improve themselves, but depending on the quality of the book, and the action or inaction of the reader, it may foster more daydreaming. The knowledge must be acted upon, and results gained in real life, to achieve psychological release.
For Freud, artists and their contributions don't escape his principles. He described how the neurotic perception of the artist can be used as a way to face reality, by making artworks in the real world, especially if others resonate with the artist's messages. You can see this in the below link to my review of Csikszentmihalyi's, and Robinson's, The Art of Seeing: https://rumble.com/v1gvlhb-how-to-appreciate-art-psychology-of-things-22.html
Psychosis and Paranoia
Venturing into more complex territory, Freud uses his principles to describe deeper disconnections with reality.  He says, "...(the choice of neurosis) will depend on which phase of ego or libido development the predisposing arrest occurred in." Our emotions react not just to reality but also to our dreams, wishes, and ideas. This can cause enough conflict in the mind where the grip of reality slips away from the subject leading to pathology, such as false memories, or in more serious cases, psychosis, or paranoia.
"The strangest characteristic of unconscious (repressed) processes...results from their total disregard for reality-testing; thought-reality is equated with external reality, the wish with its fulfillment, just as occurs spontaneously under the rule of the old pleasure principle. For this reason it is extremely difficult to distinguish between unconscious fantasies and memories that have become unconscious. But we should never be tempted to [underestimate] the role played by fantasies in the creation of symptoms just because they are not real, or by attributing a neurotic feeling of guilt to some other source because no actual crime can be ascertained. We have to use the currency that prevails in the country we are exploring - in our case, the neurotic currency." For Freud, the neurotic currency involves wishes that are in conflict with reality. For example, guilt over socially unacceptable wishes, or the frustration of wishes by obstacles in the way.
Future influences
The principles would also guide Freud in his controversial review of Daniel Paul Schreber's book, Memoirs of My Nervous Illness, one of the most analyzed cases studies in psychology. [See: Daniel Paul Schreber: https://rumble.com/v1gu84v-case-studies-daniel-paul-schreber-freud-and-beyond.html]. With less understanding, in Freud's time, of psycho-biological breaks with reality, biological problems and thinking errors have yet to be separated.
Freud's small paper became a foundation for Psychoanalysis, but it still required updating, by Freud himself no less. The upcoming disbanding from some of his followers, and a World War, would be the motivation for Freud to write the influential Beyond the Pleasure Principle, which tackles the problem of why people in many instances actually desire and seek out displeasure.
Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning - Sigmund Freud: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781782203025/
Beyond the Pleasure Principle - Sigmund Freud & Beyond: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780141184050/
The Unconscious - Sigmund Freud: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780141915487/
The Art of Seeing: An Interpretation of the Aesthetic Encounter ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Rick E. Robinson: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780892361564/
Rhetoric - Aristotle - Book I, Chapter 11.: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0060%3Abook%3D1%3Achapter%3D11
Harold P. Blum (2004) Beneath and Beyond the “Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning”, The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 59:1, 240-257, DOI: 10.1080/00797308.2004.11800740
Psychology: http://psychreviews.org/category/psychology01/
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the-family-fortune · 5 months
i just found your blog and gotta say, i really love what you've done with the place ('the place' being canon). your galochio backstory is super cool!!! i also have a question: i read that mina joins the psychonauts at 18, i assume thats when she first meets raz? what's their relationship like? also, since the curse is real in your version of canon, what's raz's relationship to hydrokinesis? does he use it or nah? also also: do you have an ao3 or anything? i'd love to read your writing, but tumblr exchanges really arent the most ideal format for reading long stories
Hiiiii there!!
I have a couple of different "verses" for Mina; there are some verses where she does in fact leave her family at 18 and join the Psychonauts, where she meets Razputin and learns SEVERAL fun new things for the first time, like how the Aquatos are still alive and her entire family is off their rockers.
There are also verses in which they meet while still children... where Mina realizes that the Aquatos are still alive and her entire family is off their rockers.
And while I do have verses where all this happens and sometimes she DOESNT realize that her family is nuts, that does tend to be the overwhelming theme of her narrative - escaping an abusive household and realizing that you can be a better person than how you were raised, that you deserve love and acceptance for who you are HOW you are, without terms and conditions.
More often than not, Raz is the one that helps her understand just how messed up the Galochio family is; he's an Aquato but he's... nice to her? It sort of sparks a crisis that she has to grapple with, come to terms with on her own and make her own conclusions instead of just blindly believing that the Aquatos are all lying, treacherous bastards like her family's told her.
As for the curse, I think generally speaking a psychic's powers (being hereditary in that Raz and Mina both inherited their hydro from further down the Galochio line) aren't impacted by the curse in a physical sense, but that if Razputin does not receive proper training on hydrokinesis he could still struggle with it psychologically (which, really, is how it exists in canon anyway.)
I DO have an AO3 but unfortunately none of me and @razputinrp's.. rp's... are up there. We do have some google docs, though.
Thicker Than Water: One of our first threads, in which Razputin is orphaned by the curse at a young age and taken in by the Galochios. It goes about as well as you would expect.
Blood is Thicker: A retelling of Thicker Than Water, except this one includes Mithra as a major antagonistic force. My character concept of Zalto's wife hadn't existed when we wrote Thicker Than Water, and we wanted to see how things would change with her in the picture. It... goes about as well as you would expect.
La Festa (Part I, II, III): Razputin is deployed on a mission to infiltrate the Galochio family reunion. Mina has to help him navigate the high-strung family culture without outing himself as an Aquato, which would be a lot easier if Zalto's wife, Mithra, hadn't come back from Italy just in time to ruin everything. Mithra's first appearance in our threads (Fun fact: She was originally called Leona, before we were GIFTED an actual canon name halfway through this story when Psy2 came out!).
The Resurrection: Our Whumptober Challenge Thread, where we tried to fit every single one of the 31 daily prompts into one story, and mostly succeeded. Reader Beware, it does get rough. Raz and Mina are deployed on a reconaissance mission to gather intel about Delugionist movement in the Grulovian Wilds, and get a little more than they bargain for with the duo leaders of the cultist group, Moses and Ilya, who are trying to resurrect the Deluge of Grulovia.
Sea Life: A cryptid AU in which the Galochios are a pod of sirens and the Aquatos are a herd of selkies; I believe this was written before the release of Psy2 so we still did not know a lot about the interns. Mina, a young siren, finds herself stranded in a lagoon after wandering too close to the shore during a high-tide storm. Razputin, a selkie living on land, tries to help her get back to the ocean despite never having been there himself because of his herd's curse and the pod of bloodthirsty sirens that are waiting for them to dare return.
All of these are full-length, complete stories from beginning to end and in my opinion some of our best work. While we have... MANY many more than just these few (we've been writing for a WHILE and burning through a LOT of plot ideas) this is what I was able to grab since my other laptop where I keep most of my hard copies of these full files is currently uh. missing its top half. don't worry about it.
Enjoy the stories!! That ought to keep you busy for a while, at least!! XD
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overfedvenison · 8 months
One thing I've noticed is that Tau seem like a very honorable army in how they play in this edition in sort the sense of like, a Shoto from a fighting game: They are open about what they are doing. Their playstyle seems to lack a lot of intricate tricks compared to other armies, especially if you don't delve in to Forge World things. You don't get to lump multiple leaders into a unit to stack buffs, and situational buffs tend to be things like "Ignore cover" or "Reroll hits of 1." They have no psychic powers, they lack a lot of melee, and their best units tend to have things like Lone Operative, powerful guns, fast movement speed, etc, instead of - for example - using army abilities to have some really powerful interactions through specific rules. They also, of course, are known for their guns; if you play tau, your game plan is "Guns" and even if you know nothing about specific units you can probably guess what they can do in general Not that the latter is bad, of course - I played Necrons and they absolutely do feel like an invincible skeleton horde due to their unique strategems and leader abilities. I think the necrons feel like they should, and the Tau also feel like they should - they really SHOULD feel open and honorable about their intent, right?
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nahid182306 · 9 months
A Guide to professional forex signals
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Table of contents
What are Forex Signals? • Types of Forex Signals
⚫ Benefits of Using Forex Signals
How to Choose the Right Forex Signals Provider Provider
Risks and Limitations of Forex Signals
Ah, professional forex signals! The holy grail of the trading world. Let's jump right into it, shall we?
So, what exactly are professional forex signals? Well, these areare trading recommendations provided by experts or, as I like to call them, the "gurus" of the forex world. They analyze market trends, indicators, and various other factors to give you insights into potential trading opportunities. It's like having a personal trading genie, minus the magical lamp and three wishes
Now, why are professional forex signals Important? Simple! They save you time and effort. Instead of spending hours glued to charts and analyzing data, you can rely on these signals to do the heavy lifting for you. Plus, they provide access to expert analysis, allowing you to make informed decisions without having to get a degree in finance. Who needs education, right?
But hey, not just anyone can provide professional forex signals. You need someone with the right expertise and a knack for making money (lots of It!). These providers can be
Individuals or companies who have mastered the art of predicting market
movements. It's like finding your own financial Yoda.
So, there you have it! An introduction to forex signals that will (hopefully) leave you excited and eager to dive deeper into this fascinating world. But hold on, there's more! In the next section, we'll explore the different types of forex signals. Get ready for some brain-expanding knowledge!
What are professional Forex Signals?
Hey there, fellow traders! Today, we're going to dive into the exciting world of forex signals. Now, I know what you're thinking what the heck are forex signals? Well, let me break it down for you in a way that even your grandma would understand.
like little whispers from the trading gods that tell you when and where to make your moves in the foreign exchange market. They provide you with valuable insights and predictions about currency movements, helping you make smarter trading decisions. Think of it as having a crystal ball that gives you a sneak peek into the future of forex trading. Now, you might be wondering why these signals are important. Well, my friend,
forex signals can be your secret weapon in the battle against the unpredictable
forex market. They take the guesswork out of trading and provide you with expert
analysis and recommendations. No more staring at charts for hours on end, trying to make sense of all those confusing patterns. With forex signals, you can sit back, relax, and let the professionals do all the hard work for you. But where do you get these magical signals, you might ask? Well, there are tons of professional signal providers out there, offering their services to eager traders like yourself.
These providers are usually experienced traders or specialized companies that have
dedicated teams of analysts crunching numbers and studying market trends. They
do all the heavy lifting, so you don't have to.
So there you have it, a crash course on forex signals. They are powerful tools that can help you navigate the forex market with ease. Stay tuned for the next chapter, where we'll explore the different types of professional forex signals and how they can further boost your trading game. Happy trading, amigos!
Types of professional Forex Signals
Ah, professional forex signals. The magical messages from the trading gods that tell us when to buy or sell currencies. It's like having a personal psychic for your trading decisions. But what exactly are these forex signals, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you
8First up, we have the technical analysis signals. These bad boys use fancy algorithms and historical market data to predict future price movements. It's like
having a crystal ball that's been trained in the art of charts and Indicators. So if you're into numbers and formulas, this one's for you. Next on the list is fundamental analysis signals. These signals take a deep dive into
economic factors, news events, and geopolitical happenings. It's like having a team
of economists whispering in your ear, giving you the inside scoop on what's
happening in the world. So if you're a news junkle, this one's gonna tickle your fancy. Last but not least, we have sentiment analysis signals. These signals tap into the collective emotions of traders, analyzing things like market sentiment, Investor
psychology, and social media chatter. It's like having a mind reader that can tell you
what other traders are thinking and feeling. So if you're into vibes and gut feelings,
this one's gonna float your boat.
Now, you might be wondering why on earth you should care about these signals. Well, let me tell you, my friend. Using professional forex signals can save you loads of time and effort. Instead of slaving away in front of your computer screen, analyzing charts and crunching numbers, you can let the signals do the work for you. It's like having a personal assistant that does all the boring stuff while you sip margaritas on the beach.
And that's not all. With professional forex signals, you get access to expert analysis without having to become an expert yourself. It's like having a team of trading gurus guiding you every step of the way. Plus, you can trade with confidence knowing that you're making decisions based on soild research and not just blind luck.
But wait, there's more. Using forex signals also allows you to diversify your trading strategies. Instead of relying on just one approach, you can combine signals from different sources and create a well-rounded trading plan. It's like having a buffet of trading strategies to choose from, so you never get bored or run out of options. Now, before you go all gung-ho and start blindly following every forex signal you come across, let's talk about the risks and limitations. First off, there's a certain level of dependency on the signal provider. You're putting your trust in their analysis and recommendations, which may not always be spot on. It's like relying on a weather forecast that's sometimes accurate but also has its fair share of misses.
Then, there's the unpredictability of the market. Even the best signals can't account
for sudden market shifts and unpredictable events. It's like trying to predict the weather during a hurricane. Sometimes, It's just not gonna happen.
And let's not forget about the potential for misinterpretation, Signals are only as good as your ability to understand and execute them correctly. It's like trying to read a foreign language without a translator. You might think you know what it says, but you could end up lost and confused.
So there you have it, folks. A rundown of the types of forex signals and their benefits, along with a sprinkle of risks and limitations. Remember, forex signals can be a helpful tool in your trading arsenal, but they're not a guaranteed ticket to success. Use them wisely, stay informed, and always trust your own judgment. Happy trading!
Benefits of Using professional Forex Signals
So you want to know the benefits of using Forex signals, huh? Well, let me tell you,
my friend, using Forex signals can be a real game-changer for your trading. No more
staring at charts for hours, trying to decipher market movements. With Forex signals, your life just got a whole lot easier. First off, let's talk about saving time and effort. I mean, who wants to spend endless
hours analyzing the market when you could be out there, enjoying life? Forex signals
give you the opportunity to sit back, relax, and let the experts do all the hard work.
It's like having your very own trading assistant, minus the annoying coffee runs.
And speaking of experts, accessing their analysis is another major perk. These guys and gals live and breathe the Forex market. They eat candlestick charts for breakfast and dream about Fibonacci retracements. With their guidance, you can make more informed decisions and potentially increase your profits. It's like having a trading guru whispering in your ear, but without the weird mystical stuff
But wait, there's more! When you use Forex signals, you can trade with confidence. No more second-guessing your decisions or letting emotions get the best of you. The signals provide you with a clear direction, so you can enter trades knowing that you have a solid plan. It's like having your own personal cheerleader, cheering you on every step of the way (minus the pompoms and short skirts).
And finally, let's not forget about diversifying your trading strategies. Forex signals give you access to a variety of trading styles and approaches. You can experiment with different strategies and see which ones work best for you. It's like having a buffet of trading options, without the guilty feeling of overeating
So there you have it, my friend. Using Forex signals can save you time and effort, give you access to expert analysis, help you trade with confidence, and allow you to diversify your trading strategies. It's like having a secret weapon in your trading arsenal. So why not give it a try? Your trading game might just reach new heights.
How to Choose the Right Forex Signals Provider So, you're on the hunt for the perfect Forex signals provider, huh? Well, buckle up because we're about to dive into the key points you need to consider when making this crucial decision. Choosing the right provider can make or break your trading success, so let's not take this lightly.
First things first, track record and performance. It's like checking out someone's dating history before committing, only this time we're talking about signals. You want a provider with a solid track record of delivering accurate signals that actually work. No room for fakers here.
Next up, accuracy and reliability. You don't want to rely on signals that are as trustworthy as a politician's promises. Look for a provider that has a proven track record of accuracy. After all, you don't want to be caught in a trade that goes south faster than a penguin on a water slide.
Transparency and customer support are also vital. You wouldn't want to deal with a provider who's as transparent as a brick wall. You need to know what you're getting into without any hidden surprises, And when things go awry, you want a provider who's readily available to address your concerns. Prompt customer support is like having a hotline to call when you're in desperate need of guidance.
Lastly, compatibility with your trading style. It's like finding a partner who appreciates your quirks and complements your personality. You don't want to end up with signals that clash with your trading strategles. So, look for a provider that understands your unique trading needs and can deliver signals that align with your style.
Now you're armed with the knowledge to choose your Forex signals provider wisely. Remember, this decision can make or break your trading journey, so don't rush into It. Take the time to research, compare, and evaluate your options. Good luck, and may the signals be ever in your favor!
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Risks and Limitations of Forex Signals
Risks and Limitations of Forex Signals:
Ah, the wonderful world of forex signals! They promise to be your ultimate guide to financial success, but hold on a minute, let's not get carried away. Just like anything else in life, there are risks and limitations associated with forex signals. Brace yourself!
First and foremost, there's the issue of dependency on the signal provider. Yes, they may be experts in their field, but remember, they're still human (unless they secretly have superpowers, in which case, sign me up!). Relying entirely on someone else's signals can leave you feeling like a helpless baby bird waiting for its next worm. And nobody wants to be a helpless baby bird in the world of trading.
Then we have market volatility and unpredictability. Oh, the joys of the ever- changing forex market! It can go from calm waters to a turbulent storm faster than you can say "buy low, sell high." The truth is, even the best signals can't guarantee success in such a volatile environment. So, pay close attention and be prepared to weather the storm. And let's not forget about the good old misinterpretation of signals. Ah, miscommunication, the bane of human existence. Even the most accurate and reliable signals can be misinterpreted, leading to potential losses. It's like the universe's way of keeping you on your toes, just to add some excitement to your trading journey.
So, dear readers, as you venture into the world of forex signals, keep these risks and limitations in mind. Don't let them deter you, but rather serve as a reminder to tread carefully, Remember, forex signals can be a helpful tool, but they're not a crystal ball to your financial future. Stay informed, stay aware, and above all, stay in control of your own trading destiny.
Alright, folks, we've come to the end of this rollercoaster ride called "A Guide to Professional Forex Signals. Brace yourselves as I sum up the key points you need to remember, keeping it short and snappy just like your favorite fast food joint.
So, remember that forex signals are like cheat codes for your trading game. They provide you with valuable insights, saving you time and effort. You gain access to expert analysis, giving you the confidence to make those money moves. With a reliable signal provider, you can diversify your trading strategies and increase your chances of success.
But hold your horses, my friends, because there are risks and limitations in this wild world of forex signals. You become dependent on the signal provider's expertise, and we all know no one's perfect. Market volatility can throw a wrench in even the best signals, and misinterpreting them can lead you down the wrong path.
So, dear traders, choose your signal provider wisely and always stay on your toes. And with that, we bid adieu to this guide. May your trades be prosperous and your profits overflow like a well-poured pint of beer. Cheers!
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ruminativerabbi · 1 year
Reading Herzl as the Waters Rise
When I was in rabbinical school at JTS, I came across and read a short story by Theodor Herzl called, “The Menorah” that originally appeared in Herzl’s newspaper, Die Welt, on December 31, 1897. (I read it in the translation of Harry Zohn, a literary historian originally from Vienna and who then escaped from Nazi Austria and came to this country.) Buried in a volume with the dry-as-dust title, Zionist Writings: Essays and Addresses, the story made a great impression on me at the time and prompted me to read more of Herzl, notably Der Judenstaat (“The Jewish State”) and his novel, Altneuland (“Old-New-Land”). Eventually, I also read Das Neue Ghetto (“The New Ghetto”), the only one of Herzl’s sixteen published plays with any Jewish characters in it. Fascinated by the man still today revered as the father of political Zionism, I went on to read several volumes of excerpts from his voluminous diaries. (His diaries are still the best place to start if you want really to meet the man in a deep and personal way. To whet your appetite by reading Shlomo Avineri’s very interesting essay in their regard, click here.)
I took the time this week to reread “The Menorah” and I found it as interesting and worthwhile now as I did all those years ago when I first encountered it. And so, as a treat for these last few days of Chanukah, I thought I would offer it to you as a Chanukah reading treat. It’s a story for our time too, of course. The unnamed protagonist is a Jewish man whose sense of his own Jewishness is awakened by an unexpected resurgence of anti-Semitism, which Herzl calls “the age-old hatred,” in his time and place. And so is the stage set for a brief, moving rumination on the questions that such a development would naturally bring along in its foul wake. Should we respond to anti-Semitism by trying to become invisible (and hoping the bad people won’t notice us) or by publicly asserting our identity, thereby daring the haters to step out of the shadows and encounter us in the harsh light of glaring public scrutiny. Are we safer in the dark or in the light? Is anti-Semitism a contagion to flee from or a challenge to meet head-on? As the temperature rises, do the wise flee for the hills or stand up boldly where they are? (Is this starting to sound at all familiar?) These questions, asked by Herzl a full 125 years ago as he looked around his world and saw the cultural strictures that kept anti-Semites at bay slowly eroding, have many plausible answers. “The Menorah” is Herzl’s personal one and I offer it to you so you can decide if it can or should be yours as well.
Rabbi Martin S. Cohen
 The Menorah
By Theodor Herzl
Translated from the German by Harry Zohn
ONCE THERE was a man who deep in his soul felt the need to be a Jew. His material circumstances were satisfactory enough. He was making an adequate living and was fortunate enough to have a vocation in which he could create according to the impulses of his heart. You see, he was an artist. He had long ceased to trouble his head about his Jewish origin or about the faith of his fathers, when the age-old hatred reasserted itself under a fashionable slogan.
Like many others, our man, too, believed that this movement would soon subside. But instead of getting better, it got worse. Although he was not personally affected, the attacks pained him anew each time. Gradually his soul became one bleeding wound.
This secret psychic torment had the effect of steering him to its source, namely, his Jewishness, with the result that he experienced a change that he might never have in better days because he had become so alienated.
He began to love Judaism with great fervor. At first he did not fully acknowledge this mysterious affection, but finally it grew so powerful that his vague feelings crystallized into a clear idea to which he gave voice: the thought that there was only one way out of this Jewish suffering — namely, to return to Judaism.
WHEN his best friends, whose situation was similar to his, found out about this, they shook their heads and thought that he had gone out of his mind. How could something that only meant an intensification and deepening of the malady be a remedy?
He, on the other hand, thought that the moral distress of modern Jews was so acute because they had lost the spiritual counterpoise which our strong forefathers had possessed.
People ridiculed him behind his back, some even laughed right in his face. But he did not let the silly remarks of people whose judgment he had never before had occasion to value throw him off his course, and he bore their malicious or good-natured jests with equanimity. Since his behavior otherwise was not irrational, people in time left him to his whim, although some used a stronger term, idée fixe, to describe it.
In his patient way our man over and over again displayed the courage of his conviction.
There were a number of changes which he himself found hard to accept, although he was stubborn enough not to let on. As a man and an artist of modern sensibilities, he was deeply rooted in many non-Jewish customs, and he had absorbed ineradicable elements from the cultures of the nations among which his intellectual pursuits had taken him. How was this to be reconciled with his return to Judaism? This gave rise to many doubts in his own mind about the soundness of his guiding idea, his idée maitresse, as a French thinker has called it.
Perhaps the generation that had grown up under the influence of other cultures was no longer capable of that return which he had discovered as the solution. But the next generation, provided it were given the right guidance early enough, would be able to do so. He therefore tried to make sure that his own children, at least, would be shown the right way. He was going to give them a Jewish education from the very beginning.
IN previous years he had let the festival which for centuries had illuminated the marvel of the Maccabees with the glow of candles pass by unobserved. Now, however, he used it as an occasion to provide his children with a beautiful memory for the future. An attachment to the ancient nation was to be instilled early in these young souls.
A menorah was acquired, and when he held this nine-branched candelabrum in his hands for the first time, a strange mood came over him. In his remote youth, in his father's house, such little lights had burned and there was something intimate and homelike about the holiday. This tradition did not seem chill or dead. The custom of kindling one light with another had been passed on through the ages.
The ancient form of the menorah also gave him food for thought. When had the primitive structure of this candelabrum first been devised? Obviously, its form had originally been derived from that of a tree: the sturdy stem in the center; four branches to the right and four to the left, each below the other, each pair on the same level, yet all reaching the same height.
A later symbolism added a ninth, shorter branch which jutted out in front and was called the shammash or servant. With what mystery had this simple artistic form, taken from nature, been endowed by successive generations? Our friend, who was, after all, an artist, wondered whether it would not be possible to infuse new life into the rigid form of the menorah, to water its roots like those of a tree. The very sound of the name, which he now pronounced in front of his children every evening, gave him pleasure. Its sound was especially lovely when it came from the mouth of a child.
THE first candle was lit and the origin of the holiday was retold: the miracle of the little lamp which had burned so much longer than expected, as well as the story of the return from the Babylonian exile, of the Second Temple, of the Maccabees.
Our friend told his children all he knew. It was not much but for them it was enough.
When the second candle was lit, they repeated what he had told them, and although they had learned it all from him, it seemed to him quite new and beautiful. In the days that followed he could hardly wait for the evenings, which became ever brighter. Candle after candle was lit in the menorah, and together with his children the father mused upon the little lights.
At length his reveries became more than he could or would tell them, for his dreams would have been beyond their understanding.
When he had resolved to return to the ancient fold and openly acknowledge his return, he had only intended to do what he considered honorable and sensible. But he had never dreamed that on his way back home he would also find gratification for his longing for beauty. Yet what befell him was nothing less.
The menorah with its growing brilliance was indeed a thing of beauty, and inspired lofty thoughts. So he set to work and with an expert hand sketched a design for a menorah which to present to his children the following year.
He made a free adaptation of the motif of the eight arms of equal height which projected from the central stem to the right and to the left, each pair on the same level. He did not consider himself bound by the rigid traditional form, but created again directly from nature, unconcerned with other interpretations which, of course, continued to be no less valid on that account. What he was aiming for was vibrant beauty.
But even as he brought new motion into the rigid forms, he still observed their tradition, the refined old style of their arrangement. It was a tree with slender branches; its ends opened up like calyxes, and it was these calyxes that were to hold the candles.
WITH such thoughtful occupation the week passed.
There came the eighth day, on which the entire row of lights is kindled, including the faithful ninth candle, the shammash, which otherwise serves only to light the others.
A great radiance shone forth from the menorah. The eyes of the children sparkled.
For our friend, the occasion became a parable for the enkindling of a whole nation.
First one candle; it is still dark and the solitary light looks gloomy. Then it finds a companion, then another, and yet another. The darkness must retreat.
The young and the poor are the first to see the light; then the others join in, all those who love justice, truth, liberty, progress, humanity and beauty. When all the candles are ablaze everyone must stop in amazement and rejoice at what has been wrought. And no office is more blessed than that of a servant of light.
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chimphing · 2 years
From reddit,amen to this!!!
Here is what Ted Andrew's says on Moths. He is my go to guy for animal magic.
From symbolic observations of the moth it can be noted that the moth has almost a similar symbolism as a butterfly except for a few different characteristics which vary between the two species although from the same family. Butterflies are diurnal creatures meaning they are active in the day time while it is the opposite for moths who are nocturnal and therefore are active during the night time when it is dark.The moth like other nocturnal creatures conducts its life- sustaining activities in the dark of night and the various symbolic characteristics of such night creatures include dreams, shadows, secret knowledge and psychic awareness. This may be construed by humans to represent living by gut feeling instead of that which we can perceive through our physical senses. Just the way nocturnal creatures like the moth are unperturbed by darkness so should humans because we make use of our dreams, awareness and deeper knowledge in navigating through our symbolic darkest paths.The power of the moon plays an important role in the navigation of the moth at night and this is in line with animal symbolism of intuition and psychic awareness. Thus the moth can help in developing higher awareness and psychic enhancement. We must be careful to dwell only in higher perception and not overstep into the realm of confusion through having a strong foundation and control so that as you fly high like the moth you always have a clear runway for a safe landing.The moth also symbolizes faith and in the same way humans have faith in moments of uncertainty so does the moth. The moth operates on the pretext that everything she requires will be fulfilled and thus has no doubt about her provisions. The moth also displays faith and determination as it flies into unnatural light. In its vigilance to follow the path of light, the moth puts its life in danger and is not relenting in the quest to find light man-made or lunar. This is a symbol for us to be vigilant and determined as we pursue our goals but it also serves to warn us not to fall into blind faith like the moth that will risk losing its life in the quest to find light. Another symbolism we get from observing the moth is its vulnerability especially as it strives to find light and faces a lot of danger when following her course. This leaves her quite vulnerable to harm and without protection from things in her path or the light source like flames. In this we learn to make positive alterations along our pathways instead of driving forward and ignoring important indicators of danger along our paths that could save us from distraction. There are also symbolism of attraction and allure when observing the moth, as is seen when the female attracts her male by emission of dense pheromones across the night darkness. The female moth exercises discreetness through her scent and is confident in her ability and therefore we humans should also be subtle in our suggestions when attracting our mates. The moth blends well into the environment and this elucidates a symbol for humans to be adaptable to their surroundings and use it in to their advantage. Moth shows up as a spirit guide when...
You need to find light in darkness.
You need to have transformation in your life.
You need to confuse the enemies around you.
You need power.
You need to have ease of movement.
Call on Moth as a spirit guide when...
You need to confuse your enemies.
You need the power of a whirlwind.
You need to move easily in darkness.
You need to transform yourself.
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