#and it sucks! it sucks that only jews care about antisemitism!
wedding-shemp · 2 years
it's crazy that pinely is the only commentary youtuber who like openly talks about antisemitism like i will see four commentary channels tackle the same topic and only pinely will touch on the blatant antisemitism, everyone else just. decides it's not worth mentioning ig???
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goyim need to quit trying to get into the good graces of diaspora jews by insulting israeli jews. I really am not sure why they do it, but what I do know is that shit isn't gonna get the results they want. we do not feel complimented when people insult our friends and family. we dont want to be the "good jews" that sad little goyim can tokenize and use as metaphorical weapons against israelis. I dont feel special when someone says to me "oh but you're not israeli so its ok!!" I just feel insulted and angry and I know im not the only diasporic jew who feels the same. i know that we aren't gonna be divided because of community is too strong for that im just so damn tired of the people who try to do that.
I was gonna share some sources with a person about antisemitism, I think it was al jazeera something or other I honestly don't remember that part. then they referred to israelis as "zionazis" which is absolutely disgusting to call any jewish person for reasons I shouldn't have to explain. for some reason I was feeling generous so I didn't block them immediately (I really should have though) but I made it clear I wasn't doing shit for them if they couldn't hold it with the insults. you know, basic shit an adult should easily be able to do. did they stop? no of course not. yet throughout 90% of that conversation they were still trying to suck up to me while calling israelis baby killers, pedos, etc.
if youre diasporic and you think that you're better than israelis then fuck you and get out. you're not special because you live in another place than them. or because you have different life experiences than they do. or whatever it is I really dont care. please nourish your experiences and knowledge you've gained by being in the diaspora but dont use it to push people down.
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determinate-negation · 3 months
What made you become anti-zionist? Were you raised with a certain vision of "Israel", did you know a lot of people who lived there? Obv it's the correct position but curious about the journey
I just ended up on some posts about antisemitism after 10/7 and it made me wonder if the "left" has been too harsh or w.e. But it seems like to those posters Palestinians don't exist at all and people are only against them as opposed to for Palestine. Idk.
my family isnt zionist, were interfaith and not really observant, and the jewish side of my family never was that interested in israel. when i went to college i wanted to do more jewish stuff and learn more about judaism so i went to the jewish center and was a bit weirded out by the israel stuff. i just happened to meet some other left wing jews in freshman year who told me they were forming a jvp and we connected easily and i thought itd be a good thing to put my time into since our university has a lot of ties to israel. really i was a communist before anything else, i think it just follows from that if you are principled about imperialism and colonialism. a lot of people from my high school were zionists and a lot either visited israel, were israeli, and a few joined the idf. it was also an unpleasant environment indicative of a particular culture and socio economic class of america so its not that hard to be opposed to.
tbqh i just have no tolerance any more for all this soft zionists online who as you said just dont see palestinians as existing in their conception of this discourse. no amount of palestinian suffering or history is even part of their perspective at all, and what they do talk about verges on the hysterical and paranoid. its not that i think antisemitism isnt rising or a problem i just dont care what they have to say about it at this point because their perspective sucks. and if u (general you) dont feel alienated from mainstream jewish institutions rn i question ur morals
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anamericangirl · 6 months
It’s worrying how so many of my friends on here are turning antisemitic over the course of only a few weeks. I’m even scared of bringing up the problem with supporting Hamas to them because with how much of a intense topic it is, I’m worried they’ll immediately think I’m supporting terrorism or something like it and cut me off completely.
It sucks that this is happening with little to no convincing, too, I already knew that Jewish people were targeted for multiple points of history, but how quickly the US turned on them really shows how many people were good at hiding their antisemitism.
And on top of that, none of these people cared about Palestine before October 7th. What made them all suddenly give their support and devotion to Hamas was a brutal terrorist attack on Jewish civilians.
This wasn't the international conversation it is today until that attack. These anti-semites saw a terrorist attack that killed 1400 people, brutally raped women and children, tortured people and take others hostage that they are still currently holding and their immediate response was to condemn Israel and defend Hamas.
Unfortunately or fortunately, the mask has fallen off a lot of people and we see them for what they are. If a terrorist attack on innocent people is what triggers your devotion to the terrorists then that tells me all I need to know about you.
It's sad and disheartening to see a lot of people I used to respect immediately turn to anti-semitism and back a terrorist organization and see that their hatred for Jews trumps their hatred for terrorism.
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edenfenixblogs · 4 months
My cousin’s bat mitzvah is today!
I’m so proud of her. And it is not lost on me that it is on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Our grandmother is the only living child of her mother—who is the only survivor from her family in Hungary. Of her several siblings. Today I pray for them and their memories. And we recommit ourselves to our faith in their honor. We live and find joy because we fought hard for our right to do so. They tried to kill us all and make sure we never existed and here she is—my cousin!!! Enjoying a time honored tradition and becoming an adult in our community.
Suck it Nazis and antisemites! Fuck y’all! We live!
Also, her Torah portion is wildly good.
Parashat Beshalach / פָּרָשַׁת בְּשַׁלַּ ?!!! Are you kidding me‽????? That’s like the best one!!!!!!
Beshalach (“When He Let Go”) describes the splitting of the Red Sea and the song the Israelites sing upon crossing through. In the desert, God sweetens bitter water and provides manna and quail. The portion ends recounting the victory of the Israelites against an attack by the Amalekites.
Like…for those who don’t know, Jews read the Torah in order and every week is a new Torah portion. You don’t really get to choose any chapter. You just get the one you get when it’s your week (which is usually near your birthday).
For reference, my Torah portion was about what to do when you see a dead body on the side of the road (I actually did like that one and I think my sermon was really good and I’m still proud of it tbh), but it’s a lot harder to make a random Leviticus chapter work than THE freaking EXODUS.
I’m just so proud of her. I wanna talk about her community service project but I think that would involve too much identifying information. But she’s an extremely good, caring young woman and I’m so full of joy for her that im actually pretty tearful about it.
My fellow Jews, please — amidst your memories of the horrors and losses and in your mourning for those many family members and their descendants who should still be with us— don’t forget: we are still fucking here. They decimated us. But they did not succeed in exterminating us. We are here. We are still here. We live. And we love and we celebrate and we can do this. We have each other.
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perrysoup · 2 months
are you jewish?
No, am I only allowed to care about Palestinians if I am?
Am I only allowed to study the Torah if I am?
Am I only allowed to stand with Jews against Israel if I am?
Is my opinion on genocide worthless unless I am?
Are my actions and statements and defenses worthless unless I am?
Are my efforts to make sure people don’t get sucked in to true antisemitism because bad actors know they can conflate Zionism and Judaism useless unless I am?
I don’t know if it was your intent but I think your question is pointless. It surrounds itself with the idea you can only care about what Israel is doing if I am Jewish, as if Christians and Muslims don’t also like in Israel, as if Christians and Jews don’t live in Palestine.
They are HUMANS.
Borders don’t matter when dealing with Empathy
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barbthebuilder · 23 hours
I have nowhere to vent this specific issue and I know y'all will get it. Or maybe not. Whatever.
The amount of taseless transphobic, homophobic, racist, antisemitic tasteless jokes I have been hearing from my cousin and my brother is incredibly upsetting.
I have been understanding thus far since they haven't been mean-spirited or at least I thought so. I thought: they are saying this bullshit because they are uneducated and ignorant or maybe they just like dark humor. I dunno.
Now, they almost made me cry. They even aknowledged I was uncomfortable but they still kept pushing.
They were making fun of a cartoon that had non-binary representation in it, they said "only women claim to be non-binary or men who want to get into female prisons", they are constantly making fun of black, palestinian people and jews. They do not discriminate when it comes to their jokes. Oh, unless it's about white christian men.
Anyway, I do not feel comfortable during our meetings that happen daily and I feel like I need to throw up.
Additionally I have a strong suspicion one of my closest friends has some transphobic views and it makes me really sad and alone. I fucking hate it here.
I'm just upset. I am not even like, angry or anything. I just feel so sad and hopeless. I wanna cry so badly.
They will never fucking underatand. They will never accept me. They will only call me a crybaby when I'm not laughing at their stupid jokes. No guys, y'all are just not funny. This is hurtful and it's pathetic.
I get hate here too, sometimes. I get nasty comments but... they are from some floks I don't know or care about. It's not from my fucking best friend or family member. I can just block some rando on the internet. Here I need to deal with this shit and it's just... I am such a coward for not being able to stand up for myself and others. This fucking sucks.
Happy pride month for me ig.
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punkbxt · 11 months
the people in charge of nutrek dont care about the ideals and premise of star trek and star trek: picard is its biggest tell. its a story that would have been much better if they hadnt brought back legacy characters but also would have been much better had it not been written at all because nobody wants more space cops
the moment picard decided to wash his hands clean of the romulan android situation was the moment i knew that oh this isnt the picard everyone has come to know and love. at his core who he is someone that would not let anyone die if he could help it. like thats his thing if he has the power to help he will!! and yeah sure thats shown in pic too but he literally was like ‘fuck you federation im not gonna help u ignore the romulans cries for help’ when he fr coulda just asked for forgiveness after helping with the power he had as a respected captain or whatever he is. something EVERY oldtrek captain has done time and time again
and yes! characters and their ideals change over time but not fucking like THAT
pic takes a tragedy, a genocide, and takes the romulans, a species that has for the most part always been the enemies of the federation and makes them easy prey. it makes them evil except for those that defected or disguised themselves (look up white passing and what it was actually for and why its a thing). and to put it into more understandable words:
lets say the federation is usamerica (bc for all intents and purposes thats literally what it represents) and that the romulans represent people of color and jews. pic serves for us on a platter that the genocide was just another thing that happened and “its okay they died anyways. romulans have never been on the side of the federation and never wanted to be anyways so no loss” this is what the federation believes
pic has been severely affected by white supremacist and antisemitic ideology and like while yeah science fiction is used to discuss and challenge the oppression we experience today, youd think a franchise that has always preached about diversity inclusion and acceptance would finally get over mass genocide of a “lesser” race as a form of storytelling. its uncomfortable and not in a way in which it makes you think but in a way that shows that even hundreds of years in the future vitriol prevails and it fucking sucks. its harmful towards people of color and jews when even in science fiction we cant escape that someone out there wants us dead
we’ve had enough of white supremacy and antisemitism taking a lil seat at the table to cause ruckus there are 100% other things that could have created and interesting dilema. the federation is literally on some cristobal colon shit n the more nutrek that gets made the less star trek holds up the ideals of diversity inclusion acceptance and love that it preached from its inception. we are instead given a narrative that yeah no matter how long you fight no matter how hard you fight you will NEVER win because systemic racism always wins in the end. its a tired and weak narrative and just goes to show if you dont have any other engaging stories to tell just stop telling the stories and stop ruining characters by making them do things they absolutely wouldnt even stand for
we r stuck with characters that suck up to other characters just because of their legacy and the writing when everyone deserves to be way more mad at picard. sidenote all of the genuine progress that has been made in television with diversity and representation has gone like 20 steps back when it comes to portraying people of color bc not ONE from the main crew passes the paper bag test (again ive only seen season one) which further goes to show white supremacist ideals subtly shining through
the point of star trek is that there will be a better more welcoming loving kinder future than the present and the past. and yeah theyve never been good at portraying that exactly because hope cannot exist without despair. but if you do not learn the mistakes of the past you are bound to repeat them and clearly these writers have not been studying the source material
hope this helps idk man i just b saying shit sometimes sorry if some stuff is repetitive
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paperstorm · 7 months
i know you said you didn’t want to talk about this and you can delete this ask when you get it but speaking into the void here
i personally as an arab never expected ronen to give a both sides are bad let peace prevail kind of statement (im aware that is what he is posting now and has reiterated that palestinians aren’t responsible for hamas i haven’t ignored that)
fully acknowledge that this is painful for him given his personal family history and just the generational trauma jewish people have lived through and antisemitism raging in the states for the past few years and spiking drastically since the bombing started
so him sticking by israel no matter how much of a bitter taste it leaves in my mouth lmao i understand why but what genuinely hurt was him reposting videos from violently islamophobic and racist right wingers like nathan*el buzolic calling it “palestinian propaganda” and who dont care about jews or israel but in his eyes brown arabs are the devil and need to be gone (ronen could very well not know what that man stands for but doesn’t change that its who he’ll be associated with henceforth cuz everyone knows and noticed)
celebrating biden sending weapons to israel knowing full well who exactly its being used against and pushing the “human shield” bullshit to justify it all makes it hard to digest seeing babies pulled out of rubble and dying and never not once admitting that collective punishment isn’t right or mass starvation isn’t right
i dont think anybody is ignoring his sentiment of wanting peace between communities but compared to what he’s been pushing it makes it harder to acknowledge when the most hes said about palestinians is “oh life will be lost on both sides no can do” and not voicing support for a ceasefire and doubling down against people trying to kindly show him a more nuanced view and flat out blocking people
i’ve long since stopped caring about celebrities and their political opinions cuz they need woke points but since we’re all a part of the same fandom i guess its making rounds more
(and also a general thing, the fact that antisemitism and islamophobic hate crimes are spiking should push politicians to call for a ceasefire instead of doubling down on their money making tactics from defence contracts and stocks cuz as long as people see videos of palestinian parents losing their children and vice versa and weeping in the streets and IDF soldiers in uniform eating mcdonalds in a full face of makeup and acrylics its just going to keep getting worse cuz the disparity is getting more obvious)
It's not that I don't want to talk about it, it's that every time I do like clockwork about 30-45 minutes later the death threats and 'kys' anons roll in and that isn't easy to deal with. But I do think these things are massively important and I do want to talk about them.
And I agree with all of this. It feels so silly sometimes to care about him or what he's saying when there are babies buried under rubble from genocidal bombs dropped purposely on apartment buildings and bakeries and hospitals and funded by American taxpayers like ... he's a random C list celebrity and we aren't the victims here by any stretch of the imagination. But it still hurts. It seems to me like he is extremely misinformed. Uninformed, ignorant, uneducated, whatever adjective you want to use. If he's bought into the human shields propaganda then he's bought into all of it, and the US/Israeli propaganda machine is one of the strongest the world has ever seen (I mean you have a state indiscriminately slaughtering thousands of children and you have the whole Western world terrified to say "hey maybe don't do that", it would be impressive if it wasn't so horrible) so he isn't the only one who's fallen for it but it's ... sad. I dont' know, it's just sad. All of that and all of what you said is context for his response to this, but context doesn't make it hurt less. It sucks that we're going to have to do the heartbreaking work of separating him from TK in order to keep loving our show and not feel like we're de-facto supporting genocide. We're not the victims in this, especially those of us who are white and not Arab and not Jewish and are far less likely to face any consequences here, but it still sucks. I don't have any answers but I'm there with everyone who feels let down by him right now.
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papirouge · 7 months
I can’t stop crying, I’ve lost more friends in Gaza… yet so many Christian evangelicals have yet to even mention that Christians in Gaza exist. Or if they do, it’s criticism and blaming Gaza for the genocide that’s happening. It’s as if they fully believe it’s a Jew/Muslim conflict when it’s not. It’s an idf-Hamas conflict.
I lost contact with one of my friends and haven’t been able to get any info. The terror keeps coming. And there was no where to go, it hurts. And I’m so angry at that Christians in the west just ignoring it all
.......... I'm really sorry anon...
I've never felt that powerless in my life, and my heart aches for all those people being murdered before our eyes, and the Christian community either condoning such heinous act or turning the head around... They will have to take accountability for their cowardice....
The body of Christ is ONE. If someone cuts your leg or hand, you will definitely feel it and your whole body is going to react to it. But Western Christians? They look away like the cowards that they are. Mind you, they are the same ones that are so suuuuure to resist the antichrist when he will come. Meanwhile, they are unable to voice the slightest support to our Christian brothers in Palestine out of fear... What kind of clownery is that? At least, I don't mind people refusing to cover any sort of world news bc they are consistent in their lane, but I'm thinking about all those Christians who have aaaaaalways so many things to say abt the latest stupid stunt in the news, the wokes, feminists, liberals... Suddenly they are VERY quiet. That's a choice. They are disgusting.
Even the anti Muslim/let's protect Christianism from Islam uwu Christian YouTuber squad are pulling out video exPoSinG Hamas while not saying a single word abt the Christian casualties (David Wood, Apostate Prophet, etc.) They are full of it, and I will never ever again take them seriously in their defense of Christianity in middle east when those ghouls don't even have a word to say about our Palestinian Christian brothers dying under Israeli strikes and PLEADING for our attention and prayers... They only care about Christians dying because of ISLAM, when they die for any other reason, they will defiect. Like, yeah, Hamas sucks - we been knew. What's the point of making 1 video a day about them? In what way does it remotely dismiss the atrocity of whatever's happening in Gaza???
It's so sick to see pro Israel constantly move the goalpost to paint themselves as the only victims, and worse, downplaying what's happening in Gaza.
They will deflect on antisemitism in pro Palestine protests (while acting like the very same didn't happen in pro Israel protests with the most rabid islamophobic genocidal crap), semantics about what Zionism is and whether it's antisemitism (meanwhile palestinians are literally DYING), that they don't care about Gaza as long as the hostage aren't fred (when if they actually really cared abt the hostages they wouldn't encourage Israel to bomb Gaza bc the actual hostages risk dying out there along the Hamas...🤦🏾‍♀️), or shouting "free Gaza from Hamas !!" as if any of that justified bombing civilians... oh and let's not forget the feminist/liberal edge of Israel defense with the "Palestianian are sexist/homophobic so there's no point defending them" stupid narrative....
I think the reason pro Israel are so bad in their rhetoric is that for years they've been used to leverage their Jewishness to get empathy and immunity against accountability.
But it's over now. We have social medias and we can witnessing in real time the horror of Tsahal actions. How they aren't any morally better than Hamas. We've seen the Israeli mocking Palestianians nit having water or food...
"you were quiet when the Hamas assassinated Israelis" we were quiet because this operation went so fast and that Israel quickly retaliated. There was no way to stop the Hamas bc NO ONE knew it was coming, so what did they expect us to do?? Just bc we don't say anything doesn't mean we approve. Do you see people condemn suicide/terrorist attacks whenever they happen?? IMO there wouldn't be such an outrage is Israel left it at that and didn't go overboard with launching a whole war against Gaza. The reason the world is siding with Palestinian is because we are witnessing the ongoing massacre of population with the actual (political and/or economical) backup of our respective countries for DAYS now. Unlike the Hamas attack, there are ways to stop it. The Hamas didn't cut the water & food supply of Israelis. Palestinians aren't clowning on social medias the Jewish civilians who were killed by the Hamas. That's why the world is shocked and is siding with Palestine and is slowly but surely getting fed up with the cognitive dissonance of Israelis crying oppression while acting like soulless ghouls. Crying antisemitism isn't fooling anyone anymore.
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astraltrickster · 2 years
I will delete this later if it takes off and floods my notifications because this is mostly a fandom and meme and cute animals blog and while this is brought up for media-related reasons it's a kind of thing I really don't want to get overly involved in on my fandom and meme and cute animals blog, BUT I can't just not say anything about it because I have been noticing some really, REALLY worrying things in The Discourse around the flood of labor rights concerns coming to light in media (and elsewhere) lately.
1: If someone shares a corroborated story of labor theft and/or workplace abuse, and immediately people start digging up problematic things they once said or did...
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Don't fall for it. It doesn't matter how shitty a person is, you do not have to agree with them on ANYTHING else to agree that mistreating people providing labor for you is shitty. Have your "Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point" moment and stick to the issue. If you decide there's an exception for Bad People, well, you incentivize companies to just smear any ex-employee who speaks out against them as a Bad Person. If they really are as bad as it looks? I mean, yeah, that sucks, but make your decisions about what to make of that LATER, when people aren't bringing it up to excuse abuse that had literally nothing to do with it.
But, even while you keep that in mind, be extremely, EXTREMELY careful to-
2: Never, EVER forget that fascists LOVE to superficially support labor rights issues as a recruiting ground.
Fascists love finding groups of white people rightfully angry about their labor being stolen. It's very, very easy to take that and make just a few gentle pushes to turn "they don't value your labor" into "they want to replace you with an immigrant/disabled person" - and in media this may very well take the form of "if you let Those People do this difficult and highly skilled work, then it will just destroy The Culture, it's degenerate!" This is a pattern that has repeated multiple times throughout history, pseudo-populism is THE most successful recruiting method they have. We see it in places outside media already, with right-wingers promising that inflation isn't because of corporate greed but because of ~illegals~ driving up demand and medicine for The Gays costing soooo much - and now we're seeing it in arguments about media labor rights.
But there's something important to remember here: media is one place where recruiting fascists very well MIGHT acknowledge it's corporate greed - as a gateway for antisemitism. The whole "Jews control the media and hoard all the money" thing isn't a myth that only exists in Europe so you can just ignore it in American discussions. This doesn't mean there's no corporate greed here, nor any assholes hoarding money, but it does mean you need to be extremely, EXTREMELY wary of what direction someone pushes the discussion about it, who they think the assholes are, or what they think the solution is. They're not going to lead with "reptilian conspiracy". They ARE likely to point out groups other than Jews who were targeted in the Holocaust, not to inspire solidarity among the marginalized, but to say "doesn't it seem like we focus on this one a little too much? Clearly it's because they run the world and want to make themselves out to be the victims!" - though it will never be that fast; they will usually do it in a way that leads you to that conclusion yourself and makes you feel smart for "uncovering the conspiracy".
It is extremely, EXTREMELY important right now to familiarize yourself with what fascist ideology actually IS, because being gay or disabled or even a POC or Jewish does not magically render you immune when labor rights are something EVERYONE in your circle is talking about and it's so, SO easy to bastardize that very necessary discussion into being about "immigrants stealing your job and lowering the standards for everyone".
An inexhaustive list of red flags to look out for:
Implying that those who don't work don't deserve their basic survival needs: sorting disabled people into a dichotomy of tragic charity cases vs. whiny lazy exaggerators if not outright fakers, victim-blaming the homeless and addicts, etc. - when a fascist is trying to recruit based on labor rights concerns in spaces that are more left-leaning, they will usually not do this directly, but subtly position them as threats to your bargaining power
Treating intense competition for basic living wages as a foregone conclusion; implying that there just isn't enough to go around; even if they ACKNOWLEDGE that there's enough food, there are enough houses, there can and should be enough medicine to go around, there may still be the subtext that a cutthroat job market is something inevitable and some people DESERVE to go without for being "lazy"
Talking about automation (including AI tech, in the media discussion!!) in such a way as to fearmonger about "replacing skilled labor with unskilled labor" - they may not use those exact words in places where they hear people say "there is no such thing as unskilled labor, only undervalued skills" regularly, but they know damned well that it's reeeeal easy to convince a lot of people that [insert NEW skill here] is the exception. This isn't to say there aren't valid labor (and SAFETY) concerns surrounding rushed and greedy and haphazard implementation of automation, but "unskilled labor" is not one of them and in fact by buying into that myth you help make it EASIER for the bosses to undervalue the new skills even MORE than they already do, which is why fascists love it so much!
IF YOU SEE THE WORD "DEGENERATE", RUN LIKE HELL!! Media in particular is a reeeeeally easy place to push the conversation into being less about basic human rights and more about "cultural degeneracy"; DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN. For example, they may try to slide this into discussions of excess reliance on CGI where it isn't appropriate because set designers and prop makers are unionized and CGI is not and usually done in sweatshop-like cubicle farms...and imply there's something Inherently Bad And Lazy And ~Degenerate~ about digital effects by nature and that the workers in fact deserve to be paid so little and the only problem is that the superior people who do it inherently so much better deserve more; do not fall for this
In short: yes, support laborers. People deserve adequate compensation for their work. ALL people do, so do not fall for some sweet-talker bitching about "some lazy jerk getting your paycheck for doing nothing", or driving wedges between marginalized groups about who's "more deserving", or characterizing the bosses enacting this as anything more inhuman than just garden variety greedy asshats. Unions are generally good, crossing picket lines is bad, and scabbing is a dick move (and potential career suicide anyway tbh) if you can meet your basic needs ANY other way, but don't let someone trick you into thinking the disabled guy who was coerced into working during a strike because he wouldn't have been able to buy the medicine he needed to live otherwise is more of an enemy to you than the boss who held it over his head is.
Be careful out there and remember:
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gayhenrycreel · 29 days
jesus christ it sucks to have to carefully read every post about palestine to check for american antisemitism, and check posts (note, this is only posts made by gentiles as far as ive seen) on this antisemitism for american islamophobia.
if you're wondering why i dont reblog many posts about palestine, its because they either have zero sources and are just screenshots from twitter (and yes, some twitter account you only know of from screenshots is not a reliable source), or are full of (hopefully unintended) nazi dogwhistles.
you need to learn these dogwhistles. dont just reblog posts about them. actually memorize them, study examples of them, train your brain to recognise them as efficiently as you do a swastika.
trust me, you can train your brain to immediately set off the alarms if you recognise one.
ive trained myself to recognise a lot of dogwhistles, not all of them of course, because theres so many, but thats why its a continuous effort.
this link is a wiki that contains a list of alt right dogwhistles on another page too.
okay, before you set off the fire alarm, read this post first:
this link does discuss extreme antizionism.
i will say first that antizionism AND zionism can both be antisemitic (see; christian zionism and the second coming of christ), but they are not always.
i consider myself antizionist. im an anarchist, how could i possibly support a state?
what i am saying is that those who are already antisemitic are using antizionism as an excuse for antisemitism. this can and does occur on the left. leftwing conspiracy theories do exist (some are actually the same as rightwing ones. you think the rich are collaborating together do you? who are those rich people? cause it certainly isnt the billionares who have no reason at all to like each other. whos controlling western media? is it the west? nah it must be that really small country thats basically owned by america, the westernest west to ever west.).
this applies to you.
every single human being carries the antisemitism we learned from society. i am not exempt. you are not exempt.
you may genuinely believe that you are not an antisemite. you hate hitler, right?
but you likely still think big noses are ugly. you think that the trope of a hook nosed greedy trader is just about elon musk dont you?
do you feel threatened by the use of hebrew? i did until just last year.
in western society, its rare for someone to have multiple native languages. you speak english. you hear someone speak words you dont understand. your immediate reaction is to wonder if they are up to something. talking shit about you? maybe even plotting terrorism?
of course you feel threatened by the use of other languages, youve been trained to think its suspicious.
train yourself to just not care when someone casually speaks hebrew, or arabic, or navajo in your proximity. if you dont care when people speak english, you shouldn't care when people speak another language. your not trying to eavesdrop right?
this subtle bigotry is why you are probably antisemitic, even if you are a perfect little leftist.
i want to talk about the blood libel being spouted by way to many leftists.
shockingly few people actually know what blood libel means.
basically, its a 1000 year old conspiracy theory claimng that jewish people steal and eat christian babies. this is all over media. did you see the new doctor who special? it was horrible.
in media this is often tied with goblins, which are historically (and often continue to be) portrayed as an antisemitic stereotype. SURELY YOU CAN RECOGNISE THAT BIG NOSED GREEDY GOBLINS CONTROLLING THE ECONOMY IS ANTISEMITIC.
okay, disclaimer, children are dying in gaza. israel is killing them.
but dont act like this is the only thing happening. they are not actively sending soldiers out to kill children specifically. this is equally affecting adults.
dont believe me that blood libel is being applied?
i saw some tumblr users joking about how the idf is kidnapping children and eating them. i went to their blogs to block them, expecting to see 88 everywhere (88 is code for hh, or hail hitler, btw), but no THEY WERE ALL "ANTIZIONIST" LEFTISTS WITH ACAB IN THEIR BIOS. those jokes are bad for everyone, its blood libel and making fun of actual victims of genocide.
sorry, im just... pissed off that my mutuals will reblog something about how using this as an excuse for antisemitism is bad, but still reblog posts full of dogwhistles.
a mutual of a mutual even reblogged a post claiming that antisemitism has not increased and that its a lie. i wont block you, ive seen your better reblogs, and it only happened once, but i urge you to properly read what you reblog.
i dont blame anyone for not knowing. ive had things to learn too. but please, stop reblogging globalist conspiracy theories.
as i write this its 4:20 sorry you may continue reading.
im not trying to be a dick. i dont blame you. i blame society. and this is not a you thing either.
its also a me thing.
its an everyone thing.
i also hate being challenged (i once punched a teacher for being wrong about the sun).
being challenged is how we learn.
ive also reblogged posts i really should not have reblogged.
i was ignorant. it will undoubtedly happen again.
unlearning bigotry is a lifelong commitment.
oh my god i just remembered how 8 year old me believed in phrenology.
i really hold nothing against you.
remember how most queer people were homophobic before The Realization?
we as a society need to go through that process of acceptance. you will never get everything right. none of us will.
what matters is trying
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jackie-of-all-spades · 4 months
Oh my god you sound like a pompous ass with a fixation on Jews. Piss off.
Alright a nice and timely bit of hate, from I'm guessing either Spacelazarwolf or Slyandthefamilybook, but who knows and it doesn't really matter.
Here is a breakdown of everything that just happened. I came across a post denouncing antisemitism by someone I follow. A good message save for the fact that it was essentially worded
"If your not Jewish agree that antisemitism is bad as if this conversation took place in a bubble, or you suck"
I then agreed that yes, antisemitism is bad, but refused to pretend any speech occurs in a bubble free of the context of the world around us and the events that transpire in it, soooooo, while yes antisemitism is bad maybe we should also have a discussion about how a particular state in the middle east is attempting to turn the multiple Jewish denominations, and multiple Jewish ethnic identies as well as that state into a Monolith so that criticizing any constituent part of that list constitutes criticizing the entirety.
(I'll admit my initial response was a little more wise ass in tone than it probably needed to be, I don't responde well to posts telling me to "say what I want you to only then shut up")
The response I then received for wanting to also talk about the Israeli state trying to turn the diaspora into something like the monolith that neo-nazis and antisemites paint them as when they say "the jews", and how that is probably a bad thing likely to result in more of the antisemitism that they were asking people to condem as that far right government carries out terrible actions; was, "shut up forever" before i was blocked or it was deleted. Not exactly sure which since I can't look at spacelazarwolfs blog who I'm guessing blocked me, though I think that response was from sly. Regardless the response was essentially
No, I don't want to, shut the fuck up and never talk to me again
So, not exactly the response I'd expect from someone who was genuinely just trying to promote awareness of the growing problem of antisemitism.
As for your charge there anon about me having a fixation on jews. I don't, i do have a fixation on history though the thing I care about is the dual rises in both Identitarianism, and the violence that historically follows a push of that mindset. Whether that's white guys attacking and assaulting people with Hispanic names or dark skin in my country, the use of Russian Nationalism and pride for defeating the nazi's being used by putin to try and claim land and eradicate an ethnic minority, or ethno-religious nationalism from the Israeli state widening the definition of antisemitism to use it as cover to do the very same thing to its neighboring ethnic groups that the states founders wanted a state to be protected from ever experiencing again.
Conversations don't happen in a bubble... those that try to force a conversation to occur in a bubble have an agenda, and I've found, It's usually one that historically you should be wary of because they are trying to hide something.
And with that. May those pushing antisemitism get punched in the face as all Nazi's and antisemites should, and may Palestine be free and it's people find justice.
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humanbeanvitaminsea · 4 months
A message to Pro Palestinian Anti Israeli Western Liberals
Why is your hatred of Jews stronger than your love for Palestinians?
If your love for Palestinians is so blind that you're sucked into the propaganda machine that's helping keep them in a perpetual state of war for the past 75 years, that's a very messed up love indeed.
Why are you even commenting on this desperately sad conflict if you're not prepared to humanise either side? It's almost as though this is all for your entertainment.
Do you think Islamist extremism, terrorism, perpetual war and conflict are good for the Palestinian population?
Do you think it is fair on the Arabs, and their descendants, of the former British Mandate of Palestine, that their leaders not only refused the partition plan, but simultaneously refused to live peacefully alongside the Jewish people for the next 75 years?
Do you think it's in any way reasonable that they are called "refugees", even in their own country, long after all the other refugees from the second world war have been successfully resettled and have been allowed to move on with their lives like normal people? Seriously? You actually agree that it's fair to anyone involved to keep this sham going? Well your tax money has been funding UNWRA, who were set up to solve the refugee crisis. Instead, they deliberately perpetuated it for the next 75 years. It's absolutely outrageous! And it's not Israel's fault.
It's been 75 years of the Arab leadership refusing to allow their population to coexist peacefully with Israel.
You support this? Seriously?
You support the deeply antisemitic UNWRA school programmes that have bred generation after generation of children who, under different circumstances, with different education, could have been living peacefully alongside their Israeli neighbours, had they been allowed to? Had their leaders simply made an executive decision to teach coexistence instead of martyrdom, hatred for Jews and the denial of Jews' right to exist in their historic national homeland.
Why can't you see? Why do you hate Jews so much, that you help contribute to the terrible circumstances the Palestinian people have been forced into, by corrupt , self interested leaders, for the past 75 years?
Writing deeply antisemitic rants against Israel and its right to exist won't give the Palestinians a country. It will just lead to the increase in antisemitism in the country you live in.
Repeating the narrative of Palestinian terrorist organisations won't get Palestinians a country. It will just lead to the increase of antisemitism in the country you live in. But that's what you want, it seems. Because you clearly don't love Palestinians: you just hate Jews.
Had it not occurred to any of you that your antisemitic rants, protests and retweets and reblogs and shares are actually doing the opposite of helping Palestinians?
Don't you think that after 75 years, that blaming Israel for the situation the Palestinians are in, is merely helping perpetuate the cycle of violence?
Did you know that on October 7th, the victims of the brutal kibbutz massacres were people who dreamed of a future where the security fences and walls could come down so that they could live side by side with the residents of Gaza, without walls, without restrictions, without borders or checkpoints?
Did you know that many of the victims from the Nova Festival were people who dreamed of a future when they could dance together with the residents of Gaza?
Did you know that on the fridges of many of the burnt out homes of Kfar Aza and Kibbutz Be'eri were stickers of the Peace Now movement?
What is wrong with you?
If you genuinely care about Palestinians:
Why, instead of screaming online about how evil Israel is, how the Jews don't have the right to exist in their national homeland of Israel, don't you look into the positives of what Israelis and Palestinians have achieved together in the pursuit of peace and coexistence?
Why, instead of glorifying the very Islamist terrorist organisations which have made the Palestinians lives revolve around destructive plans to destroy Israel for the past 75 years, don't you look into ways Zionist Israelis and Palestinian peace activists have been working together to find ways to build a lasting peace?
Why, instead of denying the atrocities committed by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Popular Resistance Commitees, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestinian Freedom Movement and the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement on October 7th, don't you empathise with the victims and their families just as you empathise with the genuine victims of the war against Hamas in Gaza (instead of falling for Islamist and International Solidarity Movement propaganda, which is dedicated to the destruction of the Jews and the Jewish homeland).
How about actually bothering to look at what Israelis and Palestinians who support peaceful relations with Israel have been so desperately trying to achieve together for a future where both peoples can coexist together in the land. How about a moment of contemplation about the tragic and utterly pointless deaths of so many Israelis whose one dream was to achieve a lasting, positive, real peace alongside their Palestinian neighbours? They figured out too late that their Gazan friends had so utterly betrayed them. They paid with their lives for their love of the Palestinian people.
How dare you dehumanise the victims of October 7th.
If you love the Palestinians so much, why don't you do what poor, well meaning American Rachel Corrie did, and volunteer to be yet another human shield for Palestinian terrorist organisations? That's what she volunteered for: to be a human shield. Look it up if you don't believe me. And please understand my "why don't you" here isn't a suggestion. It's a call to use your brains, like poor, naive, foolish Rachel didn't.
The anti Zionist Palestinians didn't care about Rachel: they just wanted another martyr to make Israel look evil. Rachel lost her life, Israel got demonised a little bit more and the Palestinian Campaign to annihilate Israel carries on and on and on... with you liberal fools demonising a nation who would accept you in favour of a bunch of terrorists who use their own civilians as human shields, who have consistently tortured Palestinians who seek peaceful relations with Israel, who torture Palestinians for being gay, who think LGBTQ people are a mental problem. And that's putting it mildly. They think Queers for Palestine is disgusting and don't want your support, by the way.
The anti Zionist Palestinians didn't care about Vittorio Arrigoni. He was murdered by an Islamist Salafi terrorist group self identifying as "The Brigade of the Gallant Companion of the Prophet Mohammed bin Muslima".
You honestly believe the anti Zionist Palestinians care about you?
Enjoy your freedom in your comfortable Western nations while you can.
Because Israel isn't just fighting a war against Hamas for the safety of Israel. They are fighting a war that is seeping into your comfortable Western nations more and more every day. And when push comes to shove, if this war comes over here in more ways than just the psychological warfare we're currently fighting, I'd love to think my fellow countrymen had my back.
Right now, I feel completely surrounded on all sides, with no protection at all. Far right extremists on one side and far left extremists on the other. And you liberals supporting the same Islamist terrorists who celebrated the October 7th massacres against Israel.
And you wonder why so many Jews move to Israel.
Here's a video made in the West Bank. Don't you just love the woman at 8:26? It is people like her who are the future.
Stop supporting the terrorists who make the lives of her and people like her difficult. You think supporting Islamists by demonising Israel and spreading the Islamist propaganda anti Zionist narrative is going to make a better future for anyone in the region? Really?
And you think when you support Islamists to hate Jews that's going to make the West a safer place? Are you genuinely insane?
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wederyed · 25 days
im so fucking tired of this rise of "educating people on antisemitism" because i know its not because they fucking care about jews. they are only doing this for propaganda. they are only doing this because that is the only thing isntreal has, the argument that going against isntreal is "antisemetic" when it fucking isnt in fact isntreal itself and the association of jews with that disgusting genocidal colony is antisemetic. they do not give a flying fuck about jews. they only care about us when it benefits them. we are only in the spotlight when it helps someone, whether it be a scapegoat for all their problems or a shield to protect themselves. no government has ever cared about jewish people. we are just propaganda at best and greedy world dominators at worst. "antisemitism education" fuck off and get my peoples name out of your dirty cunt mouths. you monsters have NO FUCKING RIGHT to speak on behalf of me or my jewish brothers sisters and siblings. we would gladly teach about actual antisemetism but they would never allow it because it will reveal the corruption of their precious systems and how the world has kicked the jewish people to the ground every single time. education on antisemitism. suck on a dick and go to hell you cumstains. no one fucking cared about antisemitism when everyone in my class was cracking jokes about the Holocaust during history. no one fucking cared about antisemitism when people were laughing at schindlers list. no one fucking cared about antisemitism when i am called a dirty jew. no one cared when i had to endure disgusting comments about jewish culture and stereotypes being acted out loud without a care. no one cared when literal fucking nazis held protests, no one cared when our temples have been vandilized and reek with death and gunshots and blood, no one fucking cared until we were the key to solving their problems.
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
Just reblogged your post about how we're out here desperately asking people to just say three simple words 'antisemitism is bad' because I had a recent exchange with a 'friend' asking the same who responded with this -
Tumblr media
She then said she 'needs to step back from this situation and from [me]'
Losing so many friends to this kind of behavior is driving me insane. I feel broken. Hope you're doing okay.
This sucks and this person sucks. I’m luckily doing pretty ok. I still get waves of unadulterated panic when I see dog whistles from people I care about. I have to wonder if they’re coming from a place of ignorance (which is fine with me, actually. Ignorance, not willful ignorance, can always be fixed by knowledge), or if a secret but long-held hatred is beginning to emerge.
I’ve had to have a similar conversation with a few friends. Not identical. But basically saying, “Hey. I’m really sorry to come off controlling or aggressive, but that thing you said/posted/shared was kind of alarming to me. It made me feel unsafe and unsure how you feel towards me.”
Luckily, most of the people I spoke with about this (there weren’t that many. Many people aren’t sharing anything about either side at all, which I think is also fine. People should be allowed to craft politics free spaces for themselves and their sanity), took my words as I intended. A couple used the opportunity to learn more about antisemitism and Jewish history. I’m very grateful for that.
On the one hand, I’m a big believer in boundless empathy and giving people the benefit of the doubt. On the other, I cannot imagine telling a friend telling me that I’ve done something that scared them and made them feel unsafe and responding with an accusation of any kind. I certainly cannot imagine responding that I wanted to abandon the person I harmed.
I also can’t imagine seeing a group of people under threat, being told I am contributing to that threat by someone directly affected by it, and not caring enough to correct my actions.
I want to say that my instinct is to tell you that this person is not your friend and doesn’t deserve your time or care. But I am also Jewish at this time, and I know exactly where you are emotionally. It’s so scary to lose people from your life. And it’s really scary to lose them on terms where they are left feeling in negative ways toward Jews in this political climate. Not only can severing ties leave us completely isolated, but we also have to carry the weight of feeling responsible for leaving someone with a resentment toward Jews and worry that this will cause more harm to our very small community.
I want to say that whether or not you drop this person from your life, you are totally justified in your stance. Their antisemitism is not your fault. Not all goyim respond to correction so callously. This person’s continued antisemitism will not be your fault if you sever ties with them.
In many ways, kind, firm, and measured words are the single most important thing that anyone can do for the Jewish community worldwide right now. Repeatedly affirming that supporting Palestinian liberation and self determination does not exist at odds with antisemitism. It is possible to care for two parties at once, and everyone should do so.
Sending love and hope your way. It’s a scary time.
PS check out the post I made just before this one.
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