#and it wasnt the most comfy for those with
sleepy-kiddo · 4 months
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✨ I needed some
Mermaid Magic
time today ✨
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 2 months
Au where everything is same but Sir Pentious is more terrifying than Alastor
Pentious was a gentle giant, really he was, he just had a unfortunate build and face and.. habits.
He was super friendly in a cat way. Pentious would go hunting for prey and bring it to the hotel to cook it for everyone. Now that sounds nice and all but he would eat the guts while everyone ate the meat.
He was a cool 7 ft tall, 14 ft length counting his tail and around 500 pounds of weight. Yet he snuck across the floor like a mouse soundlessly sneaking up on people.
Alastor hated how often Pentious snuck up on him. One day he fucked up threatening Husker in the hallway when Pentious was making his rounds.
Alastor frozen in fear hearing a loud cobra growl, he turned and Pentious was nose to nose with him now.
"Why are you hurting my friend?"
Alastor tried telling him it was just a argument but that wasnt good enough.
"My friend's on the floor. Pick him up."
Alastor tried yanking Husk to his feet but just got his head punched into a wall.
Alastor folded his ears down and back and began bleating and shrieking in deer like fear as Pentious pinned him and yanked him around like a doll.
"See?? It feels bad, dont it??"
Alastor apologized and after being dropped gently helped Husk up. Alastor was forced to apologize immediately or else.
Not many people like to acknowledge it but Pentious was technically a overlord, he owned a couple of souls but those deals were made for a short while and from trading. Alastor was by all accounts his bitch after his original deal holder dumped him on Pentious after helping with something we wont be able to tell you.
Alastor had gotten too comfy with Pentious not watching him for 7 years and it was getting pretty clear he needed to behave.
Pentious calmed down fast and played with Husks a bit as he carried him away to Charlie just incase something happened again.
Husk hated being treated like a kitten by most but this was a exception, because how are you going to get mad at him after getting helped? He accepted the belly rubs and petting, he always was so gentle with the old timer.
Pentious was the type of guy who your hear rumors about, like what his face looked like or has neck as it was usually in shadows from his frills draping and consuming light like a black hole. A few people know what he looks like under the shadows though.
Alastor knows and Charlie knows, another used to know but they died some time ago. His snout pokes out sometimes but that gives the illusion hes got a cute snake face and not a distorted abstraction of a mans face mixed poorly with a cobra making his skin tight and haunting.
Pentious was a skinwalker if you hadn't guessed. Probably the only nice one you'll know. And the only snake one you'll meet.
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outofthiisworld · 5 months
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name: Boo! pronouns: She/They (no preference, i like both :3)  preferred comms: tumblr ims mostly! if we mesh well+spoken ooc a lot we can chat on discord too :) i uuh do tend to forget to check my discord messages outside of my webhooks however names of muse: Ophelia, Doc, Copycat and Father Necrosis rn! A few ✨secret-menu✨ muses/npc’s as well
experience in RP: been rp’ing since i was 13 so bout 14 yrs exp rn! (i say 10+ in my rules tho cause that’s one less number i have to change each birthday)— most of my experiences have been w/ a close knit group of buds that soon turned into 1+1 rp’ing with a bestie im still VERY close with :3c
i dabbled in online rp’ing around eeeeeehhh 2015ish but i certainly wasnt putting myself out there like i am now sdfsdfg
best experiences: the entirety of this blog tbh. a few bumps in the road and learning curves to get back into the groove of things, but ultimately i feel like a carved out a really excellent and chill lil’ corner on this site :”) special shoutouts to some really INCREDIBLE partners and buds that make rp’ing on here beyond delightful:
@pzfr is a phenomenal writer, a beyond thoughtful rp partner and perhaps a bit too powerful of a creative— personally if some horrific yet comedic demise should befall me then i trust full custody of doc & ophelia to him 100% HE GETS IT (don’t u worry i’ll live forever tho). For real though, there's such genuine love in the way he works with the genres that inspire him as well as with writing as a whole! @5mind GAAAARLIIIIIIIC. we continuously cook up dubious foods in the dms; our plots are forebodingly diabolical (affectionate) and [covering garlic's ears] i still plan to consume their brain for power. he’s got THE most creative and inspired never before seen characters on this side of the universe that i adore so so so much and tbh if you aren’t following her like…….bro be fr with me rn like why @riiese Mark’s writing legitimately inspires me. They are THE voice master dude. The way they weave words together feels right out of a fairytale with this whimsical magic to it that gets me lost in the moment!!! i can’t help but get swept up in their beautiful prose!!! @dynamoprotocol BRO lowkey i remember being shocked when I saw he followed me. From the writing, the care to detail, the art, Clarissa/Chance’s development, the worldbuilding, AND he’s CHILL AS FUCK??? and you wanna follow ME dude??? for real though, i cant sing enough high praises!! @natterghast i stumbled upon her by chance and sooooooo happy i did <33 their ocs absolutely captivated me, each one has this cozy cosmic horror vibe that im? obsessed with?? AND THE WAY SHE WRITES IS SO GORGEOUS AND FULL OF MEANING AND CARE THEY PUT IN AND [wrattling the bars in my enclosure]
there are so many more i can shout out but i will have to cap it here since this post has gotten ... so long and i am now so sleepy. Genuinely though, everyone I follow and get to see pop up on my dash both makes me day and inspires me as a creative each and every time!!!
pet peeves/dealbreakers: the biggest ones for me rn are like … needlessly aggressive ooc attitudes, be it towards anons, in rules, in posts— esp if someone is flaunting about being mean i uh. have fun i guess? not for me.
Condescending rules, especially those geared towards oc’s, might even result in an insta-block from me. (i promise it’s okay to just say ur selective overall and leave it at that).
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ): I generally like to lean more into light-hearted & comedic stuff, esp when first interacting but cus it’s fun! Once I get comfy with my rp buds tho i do loooooove to get into the meat n potatoes— the drama, the action, THE DRAMA!!! <- but a nice balance is important to me!
if everything is doom n’ gloom all the time without either a break, some sort of bitter-sweetness, and/or light at the end of the tunnel— then The Dread™ starts to feel too much for me :0 that being said … horror is … so much fun too <3
plot or memes: memes are a life savior esp when it comes to breaking the ice— i wouldn’t be cookin’ up like. any of the delectable plots i got brewing in the dms without em >:0
long or short replies: BOTH! i tend to naturally lean towards longer replies, moreso because i always have A Lot To Say™️ but i love goofing around with shorter stuff <3
best time to write: if i had my way it’d be an hour or two after i wake up in the morning and made myself my fancy energy drink + did my n.eopets dailies 💕 i try to make sure i get one day off like this each weekend it’s so lovely. Otherwise, i try not to stress about it too much and do what i can. i want my rp buds to know i genuinely dont mind waiting for replies or anything and i think it starts with how you hold yourself to that same degree too
are you like your muse?: ooooo aren’t we all in some way? it’s important to sprinkle some part or facet of YOU into them, especially ocs!
i will say, Doc is far closer alike to me versus anyone else on this blog, esp when it comes to values! he’s just far more gung-ho that i could ever have the energy to be tho. also i hope im not as stubborn as him 💀
i did give Ophelia my weird girl tendencies tho but cranked that shit up into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!!!
tagged by: @pzfr
tagging: i uh. i think most of my mutuals already got tagged this SO if you see this and you havent........PLEASE do this and tag me weeheehee <3
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spearxwind · 1 year
yes hello: besties.... how do you make those once again???
As in making friend besties?
Youve gotta be willing to put yourself out there. Pursue opportunities as they come. Would it be more comfy to go home instead of stay and chat with someone? To go home instead of staying an extra hour at a gathering? Yeah. But if you stay and chat you will likely feel better AND you will deepen those relationships as well. If someone mentions a plan you'd like to go on, ask if you can join. If there's things you'd like to do with people, throw up a plan in the air and see if anyone bites.
Hell, if there is anyone you miss from highschool or from college go ahead and ring them up. I bet theyll be delighted to hear from you!
Go for a walk, frequent places, tell random people on the street you like their sick fits or their hairstyle etc. Most people will be delighted to have a positive interaction like that :]
There really isnt a secret to it other than to have a social life you have to... actually be social. I'm still learning that myself, but man if it hasnt made a HUGE difference in my life this past several months. I've just been throwing myself at opportunities that I wouldnt have even considered years ago. Parties with strangers (another friends' group.). Mountain trails. Karaoke nights.
I feel like a lot of people sabotage themselves (myself included) by just being recluse and distant. While I was going through really bad mental stuff during my major I was trying to connect with people there but really couldnt for some reason, and I thought I just wasnt liked. Then years down the line when I spoke to people from my old classes while reconnecting they all basically said the same thing: we thought you didn't want us to be friends because you were distant. THEY were the ones who couldnt connect with ME, not the other way around like I thought.
That alone has massively changed the way I see things and the way I behave. It's just made me more unabashed and unashamed and I AM making real connections this way
You are deeply beloved, you just need to let yourself see it and you need to let yourself act accordingly <3 I believe in you!
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baby--b4t · 12 days
haiiii it’s fishie with another req bc I have so many ideas in my head and I need to yap abt them
anyways hear me out…
minific/drabble of a regressed xiao who is just the tiiiiniest bit too big to sit in his carer’s lap, almost like those super big pitbulls who think they’re the size of a tiny little lap dog
baby xiao, baby xiao, BABY XIAO-
xiao is just a little cuddlebug when hes little (very true he told me himself /sar). i hope i did the little guy justice with my half conscious writing (⋏ ・ᴗ・ )
Xiao, despite his tough and stoic exterior, was quite a soft soul when he was with you. He was quiet, cuddly, and rather clingy, something not even Rex Lapis himself probably knew. Xiao reserved his regressed behavior for you and you only.
The weather in Liyue had been beautiful all week. The sun was shining, a soft breeze to cool you down, and plenty of wildlife running about. You and Xiao decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and have a picnic. You had packed plenty of snacks that you knew Xiao would eat for your lunch.
Setting out the blanket and a couple food items, Xiao would quickly find himself regressing. He tried to hide it, but he couldnt deny how good it felt to feel so tiny. Regressing was the only time that Xiao could forget about his karma.
You were just trying to set out a couple of drinks when you felt Xiao push you into a sitting position. You had barely any time to react before Xiao had placed himself in your lap. It was a bit surprising because of your difference in size. Xiao was just the smallest bit bigger than you and it showed when he crawled into your lap.
“Xiao-” You giggled as you tried to adjust how he was sitting on you. The adeptus was quite stubborn, though. He wrapped his arms around your neck and firmly put his face in the crook of your neck, a small huff leaving him after he got comfy.
“Xiao, youre too big to sit in my lap like this.” You tried to tell him gently, one of your hands scratching his head a bit. “You can put your head in my lap instead. Would that be okay with you, little one?” You were hoping he would say yes because his weight was starting to really settle on your chest.
Xiaos head turned a little bit, his gaze finding yours. Although he wasnt the most expressive, the little pout on his face made your heart melt in your chest. His version of puppy eyes were hard to resist.
“Oh, alright.” You sighed, laying down on the blanket that was laid out. Your arms wrapped around Xiao, soothingly rubbing circles into his lower back. “Ill let you win, but only this time, alright?” You added, moving some stray hairs out of Xiaos face. He already looked so sleepy and content as you both laid there. Perhaps a nap wouldnt be so bad before some lunch.
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query-quadrant · 21 days
whatss ur favorite quadrant gift uve ever given or recieved? + wat are ssome good ideass 4 quad giftss (esspecially flussh... havin flussh problemss >_<)
oh man its a really good thing almost no one i know reads this blog because this is about to get really fucking lame
favorite gift: this is going to be the lamest thing i ever say on this blog but if im being honest its this one really shitty jacket i have
last ruddy sunset my ex gave it to me and its kind of ugly tbh and most of the patches are holding on for dear life but its kind of comfy and she customized that shit herself even though she doesnt know fuck about sewing cause she knows i like it and you know what thats adorable thats the cutest shit thats ever happened to me me and this jacket are best bros forever
least favorite gift (cause idk how else to do the good advice bad advice thing): this one time this dude i was pale dating for like a perigree beat up someone "for me" because they had "besmirched my honor" or whatever the fuck but it was a guy i barely knew like we had one argument and it wasnt even a big deal
i think he was expecting me to swoon and be all "oh thank you so much oh im a poor defenseless noncarnivorous flower and youre big and strong and protective and oh so impressive" or something but it was just awkward like damn i dont even know that guys name
anyway heres basic gift ideas for people who need help with that
1. you can tell but i like handmade shit the best its cute its personal it took more work than anything you got at the store or paid someone else to make the only downside is its definitely really intense so youd wanna be careful about doing it for people youre not at that level with yet
2. this is also basic but something that shows youre paying attention to them yknow like if their favorite band is doing a show or if theyve been talking about wanting something or wanting to do something but havent had time or money for that shit
3. mileage might vary for this one but outfits or clothes or jewelry specifically shit thats are their taste and theyll like but you can also take them on a date wearing i dont know if i have to say this but do NOT just do one you like or think theyd be hot in but they arent actually into lmao
4. tbh even if you do cliche shit like chocolates or flowers or cards personalizing it goes a long way yknow like getting them their favorite flowers or picking that shit yourself instead of one of those stock grocery store bouquets or getting their favorite candy and not one of those big heart truffle boxes where only half of them taste good and the other half are full of mystery goo that tastes strangely bad but you dont know what it is
5. honestly just try giving a fuck it goes a long way giving gifts isnt hard and the advice i can even give is really limited if i dont know the person youre talking about or what they like specifically maybe they hate chocolate and flowers and crave meat and rare poisons idk talk to your fucking matesprite or crush or whatever
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pixlpxie · 2 months
i actually think i might have a crush on you. i've interacted with you off anon sometimes (i think i even did that once from my main, i do own three blogs😭), and the way you talk to me (of course, it makes me horny) but makes me feel cared for and worthy? it's hard to explain, and im not good with expressing myself nor my feelings. it’s so easy to see that you're just so adorable, cute, and most importantly kind. i think that's what draws me in. i feel like you might be very close to my ideal type character wise (ofc it’s only based on this blog but that’s just how i feel). i sometimes find myslef thinking about you during the day (not only when i touch myself). i kind of want to believe that we would hit it off in real life.
i even find myself worrying about you sometimes, wondering if your arent overwhelmed with the amount of asks or if the hate isn’t too much on you.
you’ve created this space for people to share their thoughts, desires and even worries and it’s just so amazing. i admire you for that.
i hope this message doesn't come off as too forward or make you uncomfortable. (i know you reassured us multiple of times that you aren’t uncomfortable but really it’s just a me problem as i am a very anxious person and i tend to worry too much)
i really do hope you will have a good day!
oh and here 🫱🏻💐 i’ve got you some flowers
(thank you for being you and for creating a space where people like me can feel understood and appreciated💖)
Oh my god I truly wasnt expecting this and im literally giggling and kicking my feet 😭 i can't stop smiling pleasee😭🩷🩷 like you mean to tell me im in your thoughts and its in both ways🥴?? And you worry about me??😮‍💨 that's so sweet i might as well sob and fall for u rn😮‍💨 i think you expressed your feelings very well bc you had me all giggly and blushing👉🏻🩷👈🏻 id really wanna know who you are but however you're comfortable babe but know that what you're saying means a lot to me and I'll never forget this ask🤭🫶🏻
also im okay 🥹 the hate i get here is so funny to me it entertains me a lot and I love getting asks lately i tend to be busy so i havent been able to get back to most of them properly but im not overwhelmed trust me 💕💕 and im sure we would hit it off babe how can we not when you're this perfect 🤭 it really means a lot for me if you can enjoy here and find this blog as a safe space and baby you don't ever have to be anxious with me you can always be comfy here you know im not uncomfortable with anything you say or send💓 omg im rambling i think atp but this just made my day, trust me my day literally got better thanks to you i hope you have a great day too🥹🩷
Also thank you for those gorgeous flowers and heres a kiss from me bc youre so kissable ilysm👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻💕
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Terry CK X Reader
Context: You feel a little naughty when you see Terry so smartly dressed...😏💚 NSFW
Contains: Dirty talk, male oral receiving, oral sex
You and Terry were in his office, he was reading some paperwork and you were typing up some work on a spreadsheet with his computer. "Would you look at the time, I need to get changed for the meeting" "What are you wearing for it Terry?" "I got myself a new suit yesterday. If this meeting goes well, we can add another 10 dojos to the valley. I'll be back in a moment sweetheart" He kisses your forehead before heading out of the office and across the hall to the bedroom. You carried on with your work, thankfully it wasnt a lot of work to do, and you were going to have the whole afternoon to yourself once this was done.
Before Terry was changed, your work was done and you sent it to your boss. So you just sat back in the desk chair, feeling happy that you could now chill. You see terry walk back into the office, and he looks absolutely gorgeous. Black was definitely his colour, he wore a black shirt with his suit, that showed just a little of his chest. It was a wonderful sight to see. And he had just put on his aftershave too, you could smell it, it made him smell of rain after a thunderstorm, just amazing. He took a seat in the comfy chair in the corner as he put on his watch, and you couldn't help but admire him put the watch on his wrist. You dont know why you had a thing for his hands, maybe because they were so much bigger than yours? And they looked so strong and worn. And from previous experiences, he definitely knew how to use them. Even seeing him use his fingers to put the little clasp on was doing something for you.
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He could see you watching him, he put his leg on his knee and spoke to you. "See anything you like sweetheart? I'm guessing you like my new suit?" "I like all of you Terry...especially those hands of yours..." He chuckles as he smirks "Oh I know you do...there has been many times you have enjoyed them as a necklace" He says seductively. You stand up and walk towards him, until your standing right in front of him. "When do you have to leave for your meeting?" You ask as you bite at your lower lip. "I dont have to leave for another 20 minutes..." "That's perfect..."
You slowly get down onto your knees, lean your hands on his thighs as you kiss him against the sofa. His hand entangled into your hair as the kiss gets more desperate, and his other hand reaches for his belt. He unbuckles it, but then you stop him. "My turn..." You take both his wrists in your hands and put them on the sides of the chair, then both your hands run gently down his chest towards his belt and zipper. Terry is loving every moment of you teasing him, and sits back to watch you. Pulling the zip down, your hand starts to rub over the bulge in his trousers, that grows and hardens with each moment. Taking the waist ban of his trousers, you start to pull them down, and he lifts his hips up a little so its easier. Once they were down below his knees, it was just his boxers now, and you could see him twitching from inside them. When it came to sex, a lot of the time, Terry was in control, but there were situations like this where he loved you taking charge.
"Take your time with it sweetheart, I need you so bad" "Oh dont you worry babe, I intend to take my time....and..aalll of you..." He catches his breath from the excitement, and you lean your head down to his boxers. Using your teeth, you bite at the top of his boxers and pull them down until his rock hard cock bounces out and hits his lower stomach. "Oohh, someone's ready for me..." Your hand wraps around his huge cock slowly, before you lean in closer and run the end of your tounge over his most sensitive part on the tip. He leans his head back as he groans in pleasure, he cant contain himself. "Just sit back and relax Terry, let me take care of you..." Before he can respond to you, you take the tip of him into your mouth and suck the tip slowly. He keeps grunting, and moaning from the feeling, especially when your tounge flicks against his sensitive part again from inside your mouth.
Through his deep breathing, both his hands move down to your hair, and he bunches all your hair up into a messy bun. Then one hand just holds it as he guides you into a rhythm that he wants. "Oohhh, oh Y/N that's it. I f#cking love this. Just keep doing that...good girl..." You dont stop your pace, but you do try to gradually take more and more of him. You can feel the tip touching the back of your throat, and you know he is close. Taking him out of your mouth for just a moment, you give him a seductive look and say "Stop being so gentle with me Terry...Show me what you want..." You knew this would push him to the edge, and you wanted to be on the edge. He growls as he shoves his cock back into your mouth and his hand still had a grip on your hair. But his other wraps under your neck as he moves your head to be positioned right over his cock, and he pushes your head down so your taking all of him, much deeper than before. You couldn't breath, but you didnt care, you were so turned on by him taking charge and f#ckikg your mouth.
Your nails dug into his thighs as the speed built up, you also try to move your mouth away to breath, but its only for a split second before he sticks his cock back into your throat. "You be a good girl and take all of me, that's it...oh I'm so close, just like that..." His grip got tighter, his pace didnt stop and his hips moved up into your mouth so he was thrusting into you too. And after another a couple of hard and deep thrusts... "Oh! Of f#ck, uhhhh f#ck yes...oh sweetheart..." Terry came all the way down your throat, that's when his grip in your hair finaly came away and you were able to breath again. He slumps back in the chair, feeling physically drained, while you wipe at the sides of your mouth with your fingers. Giggling up at him, you say "Well, I take it you enjoyed my skills there Terry?..." He looks a little breathless before sitting up and pulling your face in for a steamy kiss, using just the right amount of tounge too.
"Oh sweetheart, you have no idea how much I enjoy your skills" He gives you another kiss again, this one a little sweeter this time, before standing up and pulling up his trousers. He is doing up his belt as you stand up and take a sip of water from your cup on the office table, and Terry notices the time. "Oh sh#t, I'm sorry sweetheart I have to go, I cant be late for this meeting" "That's alright babe, at least I got to have you before you left" He chuckles as he gives you another little kiss. "I'll see you in a few hours sweetheart, and dont you worry, I will definitely be returning the favour" "I will be looking forward to it"
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grvntld · 1 year
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im done arranging my bags and tbh i wasnt able to display all of them bc 1) they dont fit on my bag rack and 2) not all of them can stand alone hehu but omg im so happeh bc theyre all so pretteh huhu never in my life did i think i will be able to hv this kind of thing ya know but here we are now
eniwey i took photos of the ones on display but imma try with the sun up tomorrow too bc i think i could do better when theres sunlight coming through our windows lol but we'll see (((but then again, here's a sneak peek huhu most of those are my faves 💖))) ugh im so so so happeh i cant wait to order two full body mirrors so i can put one here in our second room and another in our living room and then i will make rampa my bags when im dressing up yay
oh, and btw, we got new furniture like a week or so ago and theyll be delivering it tomorrow olredi omg omg omg we got a new sofa and a new bed and so we also got a new bed box and a new mattress topper and new beddings and a new carpet hihi everything is new wahahahaha
here's to a more comfy and cozy home huhu here's to living the life we only dreamed of when we were younger 🥹💓🥂✨️
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bishiglomper · 1 year
So we went to this theme park in Waterloo, Iowa. Lost Island. It started as a water park but now they have a theme park across the street. Opened a year ago. It's so cool, they put lots of thought into it! They have "realms" like water, fire, spirit, earth, air..
The spirit one is a bunch of kiddie rides and playground stuff. Each realm has a cool play feature. The fire has a fountain, theres 4 spots to place your hands that activate special parts of the fountain. And of course if all are activated at once, you get a bit of a show. The air realm has some music and more play stuff. There's splash pads and the earth realm has a sand pit with fossil features to uncover.
They have their own characters! And the app!!
They have an interactive app, and if you're one of those people who like to collect medals and arbitrary checkpoint things, you'll love it. Theres dozens of medals to earn in the app, and the animation is beautiful.
They have a 3D shoot-em cart ride. It keeps score and shows you the results. Its got a good story, not just the ride, but the whole park. You get bits and pieces of the lore on each ride. Its very cool. And the 3D ride has animatronics, since they're new they look SO good.
And also the rides are nice. More comfy and safe than some of the ones at Adventureland.
Like Adventureland used to have a log ride. You hop onto these constantly moving flumes, straddle a bench and hold on to slippery metal bars on the side. Then you go down two coaster hills.
This one had seat belts, covered bars and a board to brace your feet. The other log ride, there was no traction or support whatsoever.
And we got moderately wet. A nice even spray. Very nice.
This place needs more attention. It was totally dead. There were more staff than guests about.
Speaking of which, the staff were lovely. They were very diligent in doing their checklist duties. And they were all nice. Some were fun.
The only thing i wasnt impressed with was the food. They had some gourmet sounding shit, but... Some of it was super lackluster. Not all of it though. The noodle bowl was good. Expensive though.
Also the drink choices. The tea was the most disgusting thing ever, no one carried sweetener and the water tasted weird. I got diet coke out of desperation..
Also if you buy a souvenir cup, its free refills. So thats nice. Usually theres a charge.
But anyway. I liked it. It's a small park and it was dead so we didnt have any lines. One ride was broken but they got it fixed and we got to ride. It was one everyone was looking forward to and its one of my favorites now.
Also the weather was pretty good. It was a bit too sunny and warm only for like an hour. Otherwise it was pretty nice and overcast.
They had more than just characters to portray their story, they actually had cast! There was a show in the middle of the realms telling the story. I think I saw them all playing "Mother, May I" with some kids later. Their show was interactive too. I thought they were cool, so I got a pic with them. 😁
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We're thinking about getting a few season passes next year. Its like 300 bucks a person, but its free admission into both the theme and water parks, and discount on food. Apparently 7 trips would pay for it. 👀 So we may do that instead of vacation next year..
I'm so sad they're so dead, its a good joint. The rides are good. I did almost get a concussion on a coaster, but.... 👀💧 Now that I know when to BRACE..
I really hope they get more attention soon or they're not gonna last long 😩
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funky-sea-cryptid · 2 years
I'll bite. What's the supernatural creature au?
THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU i am spiritually giving you a hug if you're comfy with that. anyways
supernatural creature au is what happened when i watched twilight on new years eve and got the fatal hubris arc of "i could do that too" and then i spent the early hours of 2023 brainworming with alex
anyways. important things beneath the cut:
main plot:
yuno, mimosa, and klaus are all working for a monster hunting company (idk if its the right term. group?) (run by william (it's the golden dawn stand in)) and they go to this isolated ass washington town to stand in and see if there's any supernatural activity and if the dawn needs to intervene. however yuno finds out asta is living there after going missing when they were eight and he's like "OK i need to figure out what happened why is asta living with vampires what the fuck."
hunters: humans (traditionally, although there have been some inhuman hunters) who study or kill the supernatural. these people usually have the sight, which is something that allows them to see a supernatural's identity in the form of an aura. it doesnt protect them from getting Fucked Up by their quarry but they do at least know who they're looking for
vampires: all stem from the witch queen and have their own families which fall under the queen's umbrella family. the witch queen very rarely turns people herself. her "daughters" (the other witches) are full vampires and are more superior than those who are turned in terms of power.
the werewolves and the fae kinda. they're classic legends they vibin i think
yuno, half-fae which makes him immune to most charms by other creatures, he doesnt know this tho so he just thinks he got extra blessed by the sight, he's genuinely kind of curious about this stuff, he's a sweet boye
klaus, group mom, entirely human, he is so so tired he's got yuno and mimosa on child leashes at all times
mimosa, doesn't actually wanna hurt anyone, she's looking for her cousin who also went missing
gordon, he's fully 100% human but no one thinks he is because he's so weird :( sorry king
asta, is he entirely human? no one knows. he never had the sight to begin with and that's either because he just wasnt predisposed or he's Something Else
william, he's the head of their gang(?) and he may or may not be married to an unseelie faery
julius, william's superior/father figure, he's just a sweet lil guy,,,
vanessa, princess of the undead, mommy issues supreme, she owns a club called "love bites" and she thinks its funny
finral, officially her thrall and unofficially her girlfriend, came from a family of hunters but like asta never got the sight. he's not a vampire per se, but he's not entirely human after being vanessa's for so long though
noelle, vanessa's newest addition to her little squad, abandonment issues up the wazoo, she's got a wicked grudge she wants to kill nozel watch out braid bitch (mimosa is very confused upon seeing her)
gauche, vanessa's other addition, he's been Around for a while and he begged nessa to turn him so he could protect marie (marie's a vampire too she's just kinda hanging around)
nacht, mentally ill bitch from the 1800's with a grudge against the witch queen a mile fucking wide, he doesnt actually belong to the vampire families like most of the other vampires despite being turned by the witch queen
magna, bruiser from the 30's who nacht initially recruited to try and kill the witch queen who he then turned after magna was killed by a rival gang. he's been adopted. the only one who knows how to piss off nacht at any given moment
the witch queen, queen of the undead, she's a freak nuff said
yami, single dad who works two jobs, was a hunter before being turned and then his dad tried to kill him for it, he isnt in contact with ichika any more because he doesn't want to hurt her
luck, turned by yami age five and spent most of his time until he was twelve in dog form, he's still learning how to be human, killed his mom on his first transformation
zora, came around to yami's house fairly recently, he's still on the lookout for the bitches who killed his dad, he's a born werewolf so you can see how this caused lots of problems for his dad (also a werewolf)
charmy, just kind of showed up one day, perpetually hungry, has the power to fistfight an elder god but she won't bc she is Sleepy, best dogform for hugs
secre, a human cursed to be a bird by the fae, she's sick of this life but she does enjoy being Held
henry, a ghost who haunts the bookshop nacht owns, asta is his bestever friend
grey, a shapeshifter who lives in the woods and will bite you if they get the chance they have trust issues :(
rufel, seelie of the summer courts, gay ass, owns the mushroom circle in yami's backyard
patri, unseelie of the autumn court, met william when he was fairly young for fae standards and as such never developed the dismissive attitude the others in his court have towards humans
yeah thats about it for like. bulletpoint sparknotes for this <3
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
Tell me more about Jay and Nicky!
I feel like i could write companion peices on Jay and her brother. Firstly, Jay isnt the middle sibling out of the Bucks. He is techically the little baby but Nick protested it SO HARD that Jay is the "middle sibling" Jay and Nick are a lot alike in that most of the time theyre seen as kinda childish and less open people but also those the people who like fly off the handle; they're both the hearts of their respective partnerships Jay is the heart of the BCC but a hear thats been roughed up and is still kinda yearning for their RIGHT MANAGER TO RETURN instead of a walking snake and how if you want the bucks or the elite to hurt you target Nick because althought he is the more like "level" one outta the bucks hes the one whose face betrays his emotions. Jay is little and soft enough to like hang out with Nick regardless of Nicks emotional state or mood, just a sea of human that doesnt overwhelm him or upset him and Nick is there to get Jay to like, tap into the calmer less bloodthirsty side. Jay is like agressively protective of Nick in a way thats sweet and kind wihtout seeming like shes baby-ing or infantalising him. They sit together a lot.
When jay met the bucks for the first time, just after leaving the JAS and not trusting anyone because he was having a gender crisis and trying out what its like to be alone again after being thrown out of the JAS. Nick was the one that she was kinda drawn too more-they liked that he was quiet and wasnt really ashamed of how different his brain works. The quietness compared to Matts pushy kinda braty attitude reminded them of someone that Jay should have known yknow. The more time Jay spends with kenny talking about gender things and crushes [just wheeler at this point and a little hanger] the more time she spent with the bucks and the more time they spent with nick especially. He had a million questions for them about their hetrochomia and her hearing aids and what happened [matt told him off for that because "you cant ask whats wrong with people nick! the fuck?!" "but I wanna know!"] and eventually, Jays drained after a match and goes to find Kenny only finding matt and nick.
the three of them sit and talk for a little while Matt washes the blood off Jays nose and eventually Jay falls asleep sweaty curls plastered against their eyes. A little while goes by and Jay wakes up with Matts jacket over them and Nicks bandana keeping their curls off his face and Nick keeping an eye on them while he sleeps and "we took your hearing aids out, they dont look comfy to sleep in." "she cant hear you dumbass."
I always explain Jay and the Bucks like theyre MEANT to be siblings. They were always meant to find one another. In every universe they fall head over heels for one another in the most platonic brotherly way. But they were never meant to be blood brothers. Like in a timeline Jay and the bucks meet at a park as kids and Jay helps nick across the balance beams and Matt pushes them on the swings. in another universe they walk to school every day talking and chatting and laughing. They may not be amde of the same star but fuck they're made of the same stuff
come ask me questions so I can infodump about my OC!! [pls]
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strange-creachure · 1 year
didnt want to make a huge deal of it at the time bc anxiety and what have you, buuut since yesterday marked 2 full months from this thingy (perhaps most impactful in my life so far lol), figured i'd do a little post anyway?? felt appropiate what with it being pride month and ya know :zoomies:
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(tldr, have two rad little lines going across on my body and feeling more light and normal (in the best kind of way) than i have for years :catlove:)  i'm in an incredibly lucky place living situation wise (s/o being in a position where he could take a loan for us, and finland being a country that doesnt generally indiscriminate these kind of things as much) where i could get a good ol operation that single-handedly yoinked off my serious dysphoria and -related anxiety and its been (and still is) so incredibly freeing and pleasant and carefree vibe when ur body feels and looks the way you felt it should have always been. especially when, (tw: dysphoria) increasingly for the past couple years its felt just so incredibly.. wrong? to an extent you felt constantly sick?, for reasons you cant even quite explain?, for features your biology imposed on you without any word on your part, and the societal norms or whatever that came with it??? and just.. the entire lack of choice or being unable to do anything about it?? absolutely worst. do not recommend. unfortunately a fairly common experience in the lgbt circles (that i keep hearing) and something a lot of people have to deal with, unfortunately. so in a very stark comparison, post-op and recovering and just /living/ without those restrictions or weights on ya, it's pretty freakin rad. having authority on the silly little meat vehicle again haha. (recovery wise feel entirely normal and well by now, just the whole 'having a both physical and very taxing mental weight off of the shoulders that i'd not realised how long its been there' has had me feeling very childlike joy and the like, yknow. maybe some of u could tell from the text brrrr nyoomies for a while now huhu :zoomies:) dunno if this is "too personal" or unnecessary or kinda silly to share, but kind of jus wanna put it out there in case there's the odd person in there who feels the same way, incredibly awful for reasons you cant quite explain or even grasp - i promise you're not inherently broken or "wrong", there is a reason for it, gender or neurodivergency wise or otherwise. it sure took me a while, and while it's an unique road for everyone, u can get there, one way or other. for example im more comfy with my brain funnies than i've been in years just from reading more and getting to know likeminded people and overall understanding things better, and that alone has helped me a lot. dont necessarily feel the need to transition anything further body wise either; dont consider myself a trans person, and dunno what kind of label or tag would even fit my gender other than just?? kind of vaguely nonbinary i guess?? since im just.. omee? default person shaped? and for the longest time, it feels good and normal and /right/. dunno. wanted to share the excellent good vibes despite this whole mess of a world situation lol. #textwall #manywords  happy pride y'all! every single one of you friendshapes is very important and appreciated ❤️
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for context! i'm huge fan of people who are happy with their bodies; its the best possible place to be! and such, want to confirm I dont have and never had anything against female chest in general, im genuinely glad some people can carry themselves with pride and joy, it simply wasnt a concept my brain could accept for me; personally they looked and felt really wrong on me, despite being physically healthy and "normal"; nothing were wrong with my pre- chest shapes except them residing on my body.
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Aged Tieguanyin from 1986!
tried This around 2 weeks ago :), would have wrote abt it sooner but i got into a car crash like 3 hours later¹. SAD!
this is the first time i ever tried an oolong tea². While i dont have the packaging it came in anymore to give you more details. It was aged in a more traditional method that didnt involve re-roasting it every few years to keep a fresher flavor and to allow the aging process to come through in the taste. This tea was picked in Anxi county in Fujian, a province of southeast China that's directly across from Taiwan³.
The scent⁴ of the dry tea leaves prior to being steeped is really mellow and nice, its sort of a sweet fruity smell with deeper woodier, nuttier I'd even say notes that tie it together really well. Post steep the leaves open and the scent becomes much louder, relatively, and a lot of the bass notes of the tea came out more prominently, otherwise just about the same⁵.
The color of the liquor⁶ was a lovely golden yellow, and the light but glowing appearance is reflected in its taste. The tea again is reminiscent of its scent, light, fruity, with hints of walnuts and wood⁷. Tea had effectively no astringency and made for a very relaxed and cozy drinking experience.
I wouldn't put the taste as better than red teas ive tried, but the smell ive totally fallen for and is my favorite so far.
now if only i could get better teaware to increase the comfy vibes⁸. now that would be a treat :3c⁹
1. Im perfectly ok, and the crash wasnt my fault :) but it wasnt really the reason i havent posted im just a wee bit lazy, it definitely was why i didnt post same day tho
2. Ive likely tried oolong before at a restaurant or from a teabag, but both of those are probably pretty cheap doodoo teas that arent gonna be very comparable to a nice loose leaf. so im not counting them, + i dont remember them.
3. that was a bit awkward in its wording but i think location matters so i always wanna try to mention it, i also just love geography!
4. I kind of imply this in other parts of the post but since i had this tea ive tried another oolong that i bought a larger bag of and have been enjoying, will post abt it in the upcoming days because it's not aged plus this account is basically my tea journal. the smell here i dont prefer to the not aged oolong ive tried but is still super nice.
5. they are more different than i have the ability to articulate yet, but not by a ton
6. For some reason when i bought this i thought it was a puerh, maybe because i saw aged and forgot the rest lol. so when i poured the tea into my little cup and it was so light in color i was surprised and had go reread the package to discover my goof
7. im bad at tasting notes too still lol.
8. my current set up is a thin mug to brew in and a little ceramic dish¹⁰ to use as a lid, like a sort of thrifted gaiwan lol
9. :3c
10. I got most of my stuff from goodwill i dont have nice porcelain money for rn. saving to get something simple and nice tho! id at least want a nice gaiwan, its probably the most important thing to worry about the quality of, besides the leaves of course.
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alinktoana · 2 years
thoughts on playable faves getting older, the people who make them and the people who play them
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because comfy tracksuit slider dad kiryu is peak character design
spoilers for ps2 Y1/K1, Y5, assumptions about Y6 + Y7 + Y8 + Yakuza Gaiden
why is RGG so afraid of Kiryu getting older? I havent played Y6 yet but I have a feeling RGG is ok with Kiryu being middle aged. They did show some uncomfortable feelings about him being single in his 40s on Y5, but him behaving as a more mature individual is there, same as the rest of the cast (yes, even Majima, lmao).
And i wouldnt go into this tangent if they hadnt dropped that Y8 footage
(correct me if im wrong, lmao) but it’s not often that people get to play franchises that span through decades of people’s lives, like (you guessed it) Yakuza. I love that. I had been avoiding the newest RGG trailers, and I still havent fully watched The Summit™️, but I watch highlights a couple weeks ago, and it took me some more time to work on this puzzle. Most Japanese people (and other ethinicities, as far as i know) look youthful well into their 50s, when compared to white people (I’m Brazilian, so I see the ethnic mix and match everyday (on my own body lol) and how that affects people’s looks). Of course there’s levels of overall self-care, sun exposure, yadda yadda. I’m fairly certain Kiryu doesnt have a skin care routine other than washing his face everyday lmao but he takes care of himself, he exercises constantly (lol), so that helps. His face is fine, awesome beautiful skin (even though i much prefer the Y5 style, compared to dragon engine botching everyone*, but he looks great). If everything is fine and dandy. Why is that a thing?
Not only are they still bringing him for 8, and we dont fully know what that will be like, but 7 was already a cameo, so giving him more screentime on 8 doesnt make sense at all but go off, i guess. We will never fully understand why RGG has been saying goodbye to Kiryu for 6 games already and not fully letting him go. I say 6 games bc I’m considering the last 6 mainline games (6, 0, K1, K2, I’d say Y7, and apparently 8?). Gaiden and Ishin are fine, and I’m so happy about those decisions. I honestly think it’s a much better decision to keep them in spin offs if they still want bank on his brand, and give space to new characters and adventures in the mainline games (and judgement!). But then I look at that grey haired mess and im so puzzled.
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And we’ve joked about him looking like a boyband member, whatever that is. *We still dont know if that’s a disguise or a midlife crisis. And if it is a midlife crisis, and they actually take that angle of him struggling with age, i’d give them all the kudos. That would actually be a bold, beautiful move.
Is milking Kiryu just a marketing tactic, or is it something deeper within RGG? Again, correct me if I’m wrong, I’ve speculated about this before, about them being uncomfortable with their character’s age. But are they also uncomfortable with handing the story over to new characters? Do they feel trapped with Kiryu being the (middle aged, totally not elder) face of the franchise?* Or maybe theyre afraid the franchise is not gonna be relevant anymore because it isnt full of lolis and shotas? When that’s never been their goal in the first place? Yakuza has always been about having fun well into your 40s, because life isnt over once you turn 30. And japanese people fully know that. The west is very anxious about the teenage dream, the live fast die young mentality. Majima has that underlying feeling, he has talked about it here and there. And I would love if they went in on that. It’s not like Y7 wasnt successful, it was the introduction to so many people to the franchise. We know it made bank. We know people love Ichiban + the new crew. We know RGG is moving on. The bat has exchanged hands already. So Kiryu being on Y8, looking like that, on promotional material? It’s such a step back…
As of 2022, Kiryu is 54 years old. Majima is 58. There’s only so much flashbacking RGG can do so they can hide their anxiety about their mascot almost being an elder. Are they afraid of growing old themselves? NPCs have been calling Kiryu an old men since yakuza 1, and that did bother me bc *I was just playing as this baby on Y0, how dare you call him old? he’s 30 D: And I’m almost 30, so I understand my own qualms, so I can only imagine what goes on on the majority of the 50 yo department heads on RGG. And for gods sake, we know they can model awesome older characters.
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The most beautiful model Kashiwagi has ever had is his Y7 one* (Sources are kinda confusing because apparently he was born in 1948? So he’d be 71 in 2019? I mean, good for him if true!! lol) (also yes, this is the asterisc. As far as I’ve looked, Kashiwagi is by far the character who’s aged the most beautifully. I cant do anything but clap lmao) Kazama is also very handsome, and he was born in 1945, so he is 60 in Y1/K1. A more apt comparison would be Sera, who was in his 30s in Y0 and 49 on Y1. He has some streaks, you know. And then there’s Kiryu, botoxed to the gods at 51 on Y8.
We know they can do this. Majima talks about being an old man in Y5, and he was 40 then. If you wanna tell me Majima dyes his hair black because he doesnt wanna see his reflection greying, I’m 100% ok with that. But it’s about time. We’ve been playing those characters for almost 20 years, we have seen almost 40 years of their lives. These are conversations we* could be having at this point, even if it’s substories. But not all hope is lost though!
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I dont know if it’s the lighting, but his model on Gaiden does have some some grayish bits. And that’s 2018 (before Y8 even but we can let that slide bc technology, lol they can retroactively grey him). And given that Gaiden seems to be a lot more personal and small, maybe we could have that age talk then. I can only hope. TLDR: RGG. Buddy (lol). We are still gonna love Kiryu even if he’s no longer young (he is still beautiful). Please recognize the fact that we are all aging up, our bodies and our skin. And so are the characters we play with. Kiryu isnt gonna stop being a good avatar because he’s older. And also, let go. Ichiban is the new avatar. And people love him. Move on. We all have. If you (as people who make the company) are uncomfortable about getting older, use that opportunity to talk about that aging anxiety. We (the fans) will need that when we get to that point (whether we’re pushing 20, 30, 40, 70, 80). Because that white haired monstrosity needs to mean something, you couldve gone without it. Pls. Dont let that be a hair disaster like Y4 Saejima. You had the ps3 excuse then, you dont have that now, you know how to do hair lmao. Pls lmao
TLDR2: All I’m saying is. That white hair on the Y8 raises way too many unnecessary questions but then again Gaiden looks fine? I’m lost&confused pls help lol PS: I've rewatched Our Flag Means Death 4 times now (lol) and gray hair as a topic was never something I really thought about in entertainment, but when we think about ageless character on animation/games, I dont know, it seems like a relevant topic. Because, again, we've known Kiryu + Majima + the gang for almost 20 years. We've seen 4 decades of their lives. This is a longer timespan than... I dont know, british soap operas that go on for ages lol.
edit: Anyway yeah lol thanks for reading this long ramble! let me know what you think bc yeah, loads to think about
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bitchybylershipper · 5 months
alright yall just got home from my first experience with an overnight camp and i have a few things to say
on the way up there we were driving along a river and i genuinely got so excited about it i started shaking and then my only thought was "i should probably go outside more often"
so i wasnt talking to anyone on the way up i was just chillin in the back of the 15 passenger van and then the girls in the seats in front of me wanted to talk to me or whatever on the last stretch of the drive so they were throwing goldfish at me to get my attention 💀
when everyone was trying to figure out which bunk they were taking it sounded like everyone was trying to decide on a sex position
it was like 11:30 and the lights were off and one of the girls was walking like REALLY heavy like a goddamn elephant or something and i was like jesus christ who tf is that
people forgot to turn off their school alarms so at 5:30 i woke up to a dog barking sound and it woke up everyone in the cabin EXCEPT the person whose alarm it was 💀
at 7:15 i woke up and wanted to take my counselors life because her alarm was windchimes and it was on like volume 110
im so autistic i forgot that other people actually change their clothes everyday so when i came back from the bathroom yesterday i was shocked to my core to see three girls without shirts on
i did not really know anyone yesterday morning so i didnt want to talk to ANYONE and then the camp leader was like hey youre quiet and i was like i dont have very much to say my friends arent here and then he assigned someone to try to include me which she really tried but i am so bad at holding a conversation with someone im not comfy around and she gave up and went to play vollyball 💀
after that the counsellor with the horrifying alarm was trying to make me feel included but i was Not Having It and i genuinely felt so bad for her for trying so hard when i was not in a good spot to talk to
at lunch yesterday i had two cups of coffee and was going crazy in the lodge like my senses were mega heightened and i was talking so fucking fast like those people at the end of goddamn commercials and then i found a drinking fountain and literally and actually lost my fucking mind
at one point i was supposed to go get my folder but when i tried to grab it i accidentally papercutted THREE of my fingers and i was like bruh how even tho i knew something like that was going to happen i was still shocked appalled when it did
around like 4:00 i was in the bathroom and my cheeks were like really red and warm and i was like oh shit sleep deprivation is catching up to me again anti-fever medication save me and then the camp leader said something about sunburns and i was like ohhhhh thats probably whats wrong with me
my (new) friend violet was putting hot sauce on her goddamn mashed potatoes last night (i have photo and video evidence of this i am being so serious) and then another girl was taking shots of hot sauce out of literal fucking olives like black olives from a can
we got lost on a hike at 10:00 at night last night 💀
after the hike we had a fire and smores and then we did something called an affirmation circle where we all took turns being the center of attention and everyone had to say something nice about us and i was like oh god what are they gonna say about me and then it was my turn and they were all so nice to me i was about to cry
our camp leader didnt want to have a turn in the affirmation circle but we all wanted to let him know how much we love and appreciate him (for most of us hes our trusted adult) and it got really emotional and then when we got back to the cabins everyone was crying
one of my counselors used to be a massage therapist and those of us who wanted one she was giving us massages and basically turned us all into playdough by the way it was sooo funny how the people with anxiety disorders had the most knots in their muscles (hehe. my shoulder hurts.)
at about 1 am there were like four different snores happening and i was about to lose it
i think i just barely went over my sweet spot of just enough sleep because when it was actually time to get up my eyes did Not want to stay open lmao
violet also downloaded ttpd while we were hiking last night and we listened to it in the car i love her sm 🫶
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