#and it’s just neat to think about what could have bee
A big frustration with Peafowl is that, they had the concept to do right there in the inspired animal's natural design: Vision.
Peafowl has THE biggest eye motif to work off.
And there's a lot of ideas you can do with Vision. You can do foresight and see potential futures. You could do mind reading or see someone's inner subconscious thoughts and feelings. You could see what is true, the absolute truth, like seeing through all forms of deception or get a sense of what is someone's true colors. You could see the unseen like ghosts and fairies. You could see into the past. You could maybe see all that is happening in the now, be able to visually focus on someone and spy at a long distance.
Vision is an obvious pick for it, and it could've been something unique to work with as nothing else relates to sight. I would've rather this obvious pick over knock off Butterfly with dicey morality to the power.
Side note, given Nino wears blue and has an eye on his shirt, what do you think of the possibility that he originally was intended to get Peafowl; especially as it being at the Agreste household was a late addition, and you do have Alya and Chloe color coded for Fox and Bee respectively (I feel like Nino getting Turtle was more due to fandom popularity than it planned all along).
That's a really cool idea. I hadn't thought about the vision route. I usually go with peacock symbology when redesigning the powers since that's what they did with the ladybug and the black cat, but going the more obvious route absolutely works.
However, I don't see how the peacock fits Nino better than the turtle. He's a sound guy, not a visuals guy. Plus evidence suggests that the peacock just straight up didn't exist until very late in the game, so I really doubt that Nino was ever supposed to be the holder both because of the last minute insert problem and because it would require the writers to make the same vision link that you have. I don't think there's any evidence of that. Once again, a neat idea! I've always wondered what Nino's shirt was supposed to be about and having it be a sign that he was destined for the peacock could have been really fun! I think you've put more thought into this than the writers did!
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kocch · 2 years
when I say that Will being canonically gay in stranger things is the biggest proof we need for byler it’s not simply because we know he is gay and that’s it - there is context that comes from being in fandoms for something like 12 yrs or more. 
first of all, I’ve started watching ST because of people talking about will and byler on twitter (in july), as a person who barely knew anything about it (I didn’t even know mike and el were a couple, so I was super surprised they decided to make it romantic in s1 when I didn’t really feel like it would happen). 
i was a sherlock fan who shipped sherlock/john. i’ve shipped non-canon couples for a long time (fandom spaces are queer spaces a lot of times). i know what it feels like to read things from a text that could imply things - a text that could be queercoded, depending on interpretation. i know what it feels like to have fun with fanon and ship things that are potentially there, but not textually canon (like steddie or ronance, imo). it’s fun and it’s mostly harmless, until the writers decide to use it as queerbait to make their fandom stay with them for a long time because they’re rooting for their queer ship (i think supernatural is the worst example of this, as they confirmed the one-sided love and then killed the queer character and sent him to hell LMAOOO). those are milking the fandoms, knowing the strongest core of a fandom is the hardcore ones (many queers) and not the casual public.
i’m a big fan of hannibal, yuuri!! on ice and she-ra, three shows that are mostly queercoded until they aren’t (and they confirm the queer ship to be canon). i swear, people CAN tell. you can see when there is a creator and writer and team who truly wants to tell a queer story/relationship, even when they can’t show it openly (like hannibal or yoi). as a person of the community myself, i’ve been able to tell it was canon. it’s different from fans just shipping things, or queerbaiting, there is care and intention and writing and parallels and romantic framing and so many things that make you see that it is there.
(now, for byler i hope it’s different. every straight couple in ST has at least one kiss and i think byler HAS to have at least one (dramatic, passionate, show-stopping) kiss because it would be totally unfair if they don’t. they have to be totally and utterly canon)
what is different about byler and stranger things, compared to sherlock or other shows for the straights? 
it’s will being canonically gay. bbc sherlock would never do that. bbc sherlock would mock feelings. he would laugh about love. he would probably be even a bit homophobic, just for the sake of it.
and it’s not just will being canonically gay, it’s his love for mike being canon. i’m sure other people have said it, but will’s love for mike is NOT JUST A CRUSH. it’s not ridiculed. sure, it’s used to forward a straight ship (that is sinking), but the story is not finished yet and i want to believe that byler is endgame and the writing in s4 was meant to 1) leave things uncomplete and unseattled between mike and will, between lies and non-confessed feelings; and will being in the middle of a relationship that is sinking. 2) mike responding to will’s feelings of love and to no one else, not even el begging for him to say he loves her. 3) making EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHERS feel sorry for will. cry for will. pity will. root for will. root for GAY WILL. (people who think he is straight and he loves el don’t count, those are morons) 
will’s love for mike is LOVE in capital letters. it is not a crush. it’s never treated as something to laugh about, or something like a one-sided crush like Dustin’s crush for Max or Steve’s crush for Robin, those feelings are clearly more superficial and you can see that they’re not gonna happen from miles away. will’s love is A LOVE THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS. it’s totally romantic. deeply rooted. it’s like those loves you can see between jancy or lumax or even more jopper in s4, a love that saves one another, that makes people do crazy things, a love that is inherently part of the character, that makes them FEEL and DO and LIVE and you can’t imagine them not being in love with that person. 
these writers know how to write that type of love. each canon ship they made (even s1/2 milkvan in some ways), i’ve loved it. they know what they’re doing, how to make it feel like it’s true love even without writing grand love confessions or making them kiss every other episode. it’s in THE NARRATIVE, the things the characters do and say and imply.
and even more, about byler... something i wrote in a fic i’ll never finish but imo it’s the biggest point we can take away from will’s love and confession in s4. WILL SEES MIKE. will sees mike for who he is and loves him anyways. he sees the best and worst in him and still loves him and knows him and grounds him to reality and tells Mike how he could be the best version of himself, pushing him to fight for it (you are the heart). will’s love is ancient and deep, it’s a love that we don’t even know when it started, it’s always been there, it’s always been part of will (and part of mike, because it IS MUTUAL). it’s like breathing. like the sun every morning, it’s just there. it’s not going away. it’s not even a choice, at this point, there is an helplessness in the love will feels - it’s too big and too much for him he would love to run away from it, but still he can’t deny his heart. 
and that’s why i think byler is endgame. because will is canonically gay, and he is in love, and no one is making fun of him for that. his love for mike is serious, profound, romantic, genuine. it makes you cry and root for him. it’s LOVE. the strongest of forces. and every byler scene is made with care. it’s never taken lightly, not even their fights, they always matter. there is no mocking in there. no sneer. it’s treated genuinely. almost like the creators are telling you: “look here, look at them, it matters. it matters to them and it should matter to you. there is something serious brewing here, and it is romantic love”
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blitzwhore · 5 months
I really really hope we get to see how Blitz and Millie met.
She's always so lenient with him when he oversteps her and Moxxie's boundaries, always so chill around Blitz no matter how unhinged he gets. And the more I rewatch the show, the more I feel like the reason she's so chill might be she knows things about Blitz the others (and maybe even we the audience) don't.
It makes sense that the way they met affects how she sees him, too, because we already know how the way Moxxie and Loona met Blitz impacted their relationships. Moxxie was at his lowest point in life, with no friends, family or partner he could trust; a victim of abuse and a member of a mafia he knew nobody outside of. And in prison, on top of it all. And just when he was about to give into despair, Blitz showed him sympathy and took him under his wing. So now, even though they bicker and get on each other's nerves, Moxxie does show that he appreciates Blitz (for example, in Truth Seekers after their bad trips). The same is true for Loona, who everyone had given up on, but who Blitz took in as well. Even if she complains about his displays of affection, she constantly gives him small smiles and softens around him, and takes care of him, like after Bee's party.
From what we know, Millie had a pretty good family life before she joined IMP. Unlike the rest of the IMP crew, she doesn't seem to have a horribly traumatic past. So, while there could be more that we don't know, it doesn't seem likely that her appreciation toward Blitz comes from him taking her under his wing when she was at a low point, the way he did Loona and Moxxie.
So I can't help but wonder if the opposite could be true. If maybe she met Blitz at a low point in his life—low enough that he couldn't keep his facade around her. There are theories going around that Millie could've been Loona's babysitter (the one Blitz mentions when he meets Moxxie). I don't know if it'll turn out that way, but I do like the mental image of Millie meeting Blitz at the very beginning of his parenting journey, desperate to fight for the humanity and the well-being of this extremely violent and unhinged 18-year-old girl. Desperate enough to hire a babysitter for an 18-year-old. I wonder if, maybe, one of the first things Millie learned about Blitz was just how desperately he wanted to be the adult role model and caregiver that Loona needed. I wonder if she saw him taking Loona's violence over and over, and still not giving up on her; not just that, but giving Loona the only bedroom in his flat and sleeping on the sofa every night just so she could have her space to decompress and feel safe. I wonder if, at some point, Blitz broke down and told Millie how scared he was of being a bad dad, or of Loona deserving someone better than him.
I just love the idea of Millie being this completely chill and functional young adult, and Blitz being this struggling 30-year-old dude who clearly cares so deeply and feels so inadequate that his whole life is a massive trainwreck.
So now, whenever Millie witnesses Blitz being overbearing and obnoxious and over-the-top, she immediately recognises it as an act, and understands that it's his way of communicating appreciation and seeking connection, which he can't do in other ways because he doesn't think he deserves those things.
Idk man. I just hope we get to see more of Blitz and Millie. I just think their interactions are neat.
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jenctrl · 3 months
love is not a walk in the park*ೃ༄
"when something that should be a walk in the park feels like a maze for the feline and canine–at least it's beautiful, serene, and sunny!"
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warning; from the blackcat!Y/n series, the parts don't need to be read in order!
a/n: reuploaded from old to new account
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It was the gentle breeze that pushed the clouds to move, the way there was a faint buzz of bees in the distance, the scent of green grass and soil and the presence of two suns that brought Y/n a serene feeling within her. 
It was as if she was alone, but not lonely because, despite their different nature, Yunjin brought her something she had been missing.
That feeling of inadequacy became faint. 
The words in her book didn’t hold a deeper meaning than her being able to live one life and during that one life being able to feel warmth on her skin despite sitting in the shadow of the tree. 
This was the most normal her life had ever felt which was ironic considering people would disagree because she was an idol. It was though, because she hadn’t been able to live her life more freely than now even with certain restrictions that came with fame and the need to keep a neat image. 
Yunjin basked in the sun where half of the blanket was–the other in the shadow where Y/n sat–these moments were the most peaceful ones she had. In a hectic life, as a person who indulged in the hectic with her energetic personality, Yunjin appreciated that she had Y/n to balance that out for her. 
The scent of cinnamon and benzoin was one she associated with serenity; Y/n’s scent reminded her of how she could wind down at times. 
There was a certain flow to the way her pen moved along the pages of the notebook as she scribbled down lyrics. Those songs she would brush off as silly, knowing she would never release them, that were, at times, about the feline her eyes would glance at now and then. 
What exactly were they about? Yunjin couldn’t figure that out, she couldn’t pinpoint what it was that she described when writing about someone she could write books about. It left her lost, but she kept chasing after the only thing her mind could think of; Y/n.
She wanted to state that she knew Y/n the best which still wasn’t as deeply as some would think that it was. However, Yunjin unlike others was able to figure out Y/n’s disguise; the girl always told one-fourth of a whole story and while the rest took it for the complete version the girl knew that there was more. 
Pretty eyes worn as a disguise. 
She looked up from the notebook and at Y/n who was leaning her back against Yunjin’s side for leverage. 
What exactly was it that she felt for her? So much, too much to simply put it into words, but it surely did make it easier to get words out on paper.
The feline was the perfect muse; Yunjin’s muse.
However, Y/n remained a mystery Yunjin loved being around. 
“What if we made a song together?” 
She casually put it out there, not thinking much of it as she mindlessly doodled on the page, underlining certain words. 
It wouldn’t only get them closer as she would get to spend more time with Y/n, but the girl beside her was amazing with her words. Yunjin would be able to learn; Y/n was highly lyrical and expressed herself in artistic ways Yunjin had yet to grasp. 
Y/n put the bookmark between the pages before she closed the book, her eyes didn’t leave the cover though. Nerves and uneasiness washed over her at the suggestion, her fingers traced along the outlines of the book in her hands, not being able to comprehend why Yunjin would want to write a song with her. Scared that she would get exposed for the fraud she felt like she was in a place she was supposed to fit into, but never felt like she did. 
“I mean we don’t have to release it, but just work on something together like a side project for fun.”
Yunjin shrugged and shifted in her place to turn to Y/n who sat up straight. 
“Why would you want to do that?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
That wasn’t the problem that Y/n saw with it, there were many.
“I mean as in; why with me when there are better options?”
The problem was that the girl felt like she was the least sought-after option and Yunjin would acknowledge her for the con that she was. Y/n was sure that she lacked, especially among all these other talented people. She stood out like a sore thumb and for all the wrong reasons; the feline did her best to stay hidden. She didn’t fit in a crowd of people who were talented when there were so many things she could do and have done so much better. 
She had achieved such high things in life, but was that enough? Was she enough? No way. All that she had done, Y/n could have done better, couldn’t she?
“Are you kidding?”
No, Y/n wasn’t kidding and she wasn’t going to entertain it either as she rolled her eyes and looked back down at her book, opening it again. Yunjin knew just how to make everything melt in the end and Y/n didn’t like that; no, it wasn’t that she didn’t like that; she just didn’t understand how Yunjin always managed to do it.
She was so confused about what it was that drew her to Yunjin. She just knew that it was a want; a need. Y/n wasn’t fond of that, especially as someone who had always been independent; she did not want to possibly become even slightly dependent on someone. She could simply ignore her emotions like she always did by occupying herself and pretending that she didn’t need Yunjin when it came to certain things. 
Yunjin smiled, putting down her pen as she huffed and moved to lie down on her back. Her smile didn’t disappear as she loved seeing the feline, who puffed up her fur at moments like these, melt into a puddle just for her. She loved not only the puddle Y/n could be, but she also loved her for the pompous behaviour and the person she was.
Was that it?
Despite her eyes being glued to the words she wasn’t able to read them and she let Yunjin put her head in her lap. Y/n was doing her best to try and ignore her canine, but it was hard to ignore the sun when it was beaming right at her. 
“Y/n, you’re the most competent person I know when it comes to music, especially when it comes to writing lyrics.”
The book got gently moved out of the way, Yunjin being able to see more than the cover as she looked over Y/n’s face and now met her eyes. She was aware that Y/n appreciated compliments, she could see how they worked as reassurance to her feline who she knew was insecure on the inside despite the confident and cold facade. 
Yunjin was always there for the girl; she was a loyal life-long companion for her feline. 
Still, words alone wouldn’t melt away a facade like hers, but Yunjin managed to do it with more than just words. She did it by simply being herself and it left Y/n confused; lost in something that sounded like an easy walk in the park but was like a maze with continuous dead ends. 
“How would you know?”
Comically Yunjin pushed the book back, blocking their sight of each other as she looked off into the distance of the park. 
The green grass gently blew with the wind, the sun beamed strongly and warmed her skin, and the whistle together with the rattling of the branches and leaves above them filled the momentary silence.
However, Y/n put it down onto the blanket they were on and looked at Yunjin with raised eyebrows. As far as Y/n knew she hadn’t shared any of the lyrics she had written and had yet to agree to help with the lyrics for their group's songs. The fear of being caught was too immense.
“I might’ve stumbled upon some papers–” “Yunjin.” Y/n groaned and Yunjin cowered, ducking her head at the bookmark that she was smacked in the head with. 
“To be fair, you gave me your book to read and it just fell out.” She defended with a squeak, peeking up at Y/n with her lower lip now jutted out. 
Y/n heaved a sigh and reclined, lying down on the blanket–Yunjin’s head still resting on her lap–and she stared at the tree above them. The green leaves swayed with the light wind and the sky peeked through the cracks of the branches. She closed her eyes when the sun managed to seep through the cracks and held them closed for a while as her mind started to work a shift.
At the silence Yunjin moved, sitting up and turning to look at Y/n. There was something overly serene about the feline when she looked at her. The bright ray of sun splayed across her face and her dark hair glimmered in the light as she lay with her eyes closed. 
Was it the sun? Yunjin could feel her face heat up at the ethereal view of her feline so comfortable in the open field.
She pulled her knees up to her chest, hugging and resting her chin on them while staring at Y/n. The canine knew she could spend a whole day just looking at the cat-like girl in front of her. 
Her head tilted slightly to the side, “Y/n…” Yunjin carefully started and got a hum in return, watching the hues of the sun reflect on Y/n’s skin. “You’re not mad that I did, are you?” She warily asked because the last thing in the world that she wanted was to make Y/n upset with her. It wasn’t difficult to get Y/n annoyed–Yunjin was aware–but it was difficult to get her upset and angry.
It was extremely rare to see Y/n angry. Matter of fact over the past few years she’s only seen her angry once.
That was enough not to want to see more.
Yunjin held her breath when Y/n blinked her eyes open, squinting slightly at the bright light and her eyes glimmered like water did in the sun. Water Yunjin wanted to dive right into and swim in for an eternity. 
She stared at the girl who looked like a puppy that had been kicked to the curb. It was simply impossible to get upset with Yunjin. It made Y/n purse her lips for a second, the only person she was upset with was herself for being like ice cream in the sun when it came to her companion. 
Y/n exhaled, trying to cool off, but it was impossible when Yunjin’s big doe-like eyes stared at her like the sun. “No, I’m not.” The girl annoyedly admitted and the latter visibly perked up at the words, excitement evident because knowing that her feline wasn’t upset with her brightened her whole world which was filled with butterflies she loved to chase for the feeling. 
“Okay, and I’m sorry…It just happened to fall out and I didn’t know what it was at first so I read it thinking those were notes for the book.”
“I know you wouldn’t read if you knew, it’sfine.” 
Yunjin nodded as she manoeuvred around and lay on her stomach beside Y/n, resting her chin in her palm. Their eyes met as they stared at each other in yet another silence. It felt like a contest when in reality it was simply because neither of them wanted to look away. There wasn’t anything better to stare at in the end.
“Will you make a song with me then?” She at last repeated her question, but in a much smaller voice as if to not startle the girl.
Y/n broke their eye contact, but only to reach into her bag. Yunjin watched as Y/n blindly rummaged through it before she took out what she was looking for.
“Here, let’s look for some inspiration.” Yunjin happily grabbed one airpod and plopped down onto her back beside Y/n who opened her phone. 
“Do you have–” Y/n didn’t get to finish her sentence as Yunjin spoke up, “genuine love, like when you know that you’ve genuinely fallen in love because you are confused about why you fell in love in the first place.” 
The feline lolled her head to the side, coming face to face with Yunjin whose wide eyes gazed at her, a pink tint resting on the canine’s cheeks.
“You’re awfully cliché at times, you know?”
“Love is a cliché we can’t escape though, isn’t it?” 
“Unfortunately.” Y/n agreed and moved closer to the girl, resting her head on Yunjin’s shoulder so they could both look at her phone and be closer. 
The two didn’t need much inspiration though when they had each other.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
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ropes3amthoughts · 2 months
Honestly o can’t remember what pictures of him I’ve release used or not I feel so tired and he is on my mind but I can’t really think of wha say he was making me think of soup earlier bu I don’t remember why. I like soup n I like him he’s like a soup to me I would stir him and drink him and it would make my stomach warm yummy soup lol the way I fropped it kinda looks like he’s saying it
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MissRyoko Kui please give him lips more. And if you’re afannartist please give him arm hair I love him with an hair also don’t forget lips I said to Miss Ryoko Kui but that is fo revenue home pleas pretty lips + hot arm hair combo Kabru with nice lips and arm hair lease if anyone can hear me pleaseeeeeeee
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Wow cool board dude I like your ideas so smart what you thinking wow what an interesting critter you’re Like a bug in my hands think he’ neat the way he uses not only others but himself as a tiool like he thought he was gonna die throwing himself down with Mrirbhj but he did uh anyways because he has jab jn Laios would sighs Ruben ring things and it’s a thing to harpy omelet and allllkk that Kabruhe sjdjfoqkss in orhers and uses himself ass way did dhnelh there
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Lover the faces he makes. Why you so face. Cute face. He’s so stupid looking and so incredibly ethereal wowwww gorgeous what a guy love him 0 stars out of 10 housewife skips he couldn’t be the wife or the house but Rhys ok I’ll be both he can just sit pretty he’s good at beinf pretty good job stipid fafe and love in his jacket line him
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Lol you have blood on youe face and hands I’ll lick it off for you what wo said that yay as crazy who said that he’s like painting on a walk I em new kikenyhey wouldn’t winter him he’s cute awesome sauce he feed me that would be nice I clung take care of him too Illl remind Hom ear and stuff and o can take care of him sweet tender care of him. I could comb his hair and kiss him on the forehead. And I cult make him meals and tell him loveeeeee you and all of that k think he’s so neat holy him like sogtvhentkd there tgeee can’t think he art to n’t. Vimk I’m gukkubb askrrogjjfnrf j was saving he klutz chutych. Ray hi Mr svtvju Kim dash tngbbbbghr bee j ding remember what I was Saturn anymore but I like him dearly what a guy
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Owww my head hurts in the middle it’s so hard to think back of my skull n rn e middle it hurts but death ut Kabru today in the Cas I was with my mom and she was driving and she was like what do you want to do with your life and I was spacing out abidKavey and she like startled me if if it lmao a Kabru only thing on my mind I’m so sleep I’m gonna pass out iwgh Kabru on h mind bling Ough. Glad
Tumblr has all my tags s Ed ENA due I would not be able j rhis them again h wow mh eyes are flutter in snug ghee is hj my dreams
Wild say much more about him but there’s black in my corners of my eyes creeping in on my vision and j feel like I’m gonna pass out actually nvm I’m chill now I’m all good I love Kabru it’s raining rn cool noises Kabru clips cool love him hol lightning wow lightning like the cooo oh wow hidiesns the black in mh eyes vyekkunb ok ye good use I will mark ostcs of him Kabru 👍 fmhekk yeah
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i just have so many feelings about ted and trent both being lowkey perpetually surprised at the other's genuinely high opinion of them
like. ted repeatedly being a little confounded that trent crimm (!!!!) honestly just thinks so incredibly highly of him and really honestly cares about his opinion and what he thinks and wants his approval, like. cool cat trent crimm cares what ted thinks and thinks ted is wonderful and genuinely likes him and his company and likes listening to him talk
versus like, trent being shocked and bewildered to realize that ted like, actually likes him??? as a person??? not just ted's tedness where he likes everyone and is nice to everyone but like he actually, sincerely likes him more than most people and enjoys his company and thinks he's neat. and like part of that is his early realization in s1e3 where he like, realizes ted earnestly enjoys meeting people and finds nice things in everyone he talks to, even trent, but also it's later, him realizing ted specifically, genuinely likes trent. just like, as a person. not just as a writer or a reporter, which was already a bit baffling, but trent, as a person. in a deeper way, in a specific way, he just likes trent??? for real????? and cares about his opinion????
like both of them being mystified that someone so cool and wonderful and smart and handsome could ever think they're interesting and captivating and care about their opinion.
and extending that more blatantly into romance (although honestly this is excellent without it) like. both of them being bewildered at finding someone they earnestly like who also.... doesn't think they're annoying??? and likes listening to them talk??? and talks back because they were paying attention??? having long conversations just the two of them and both of them just being endlessly interested in what the other has to say and being quietly confused and pleased that the other cares what they have to say and about their opinion???
and also like. both of them being like. how does this incredibly handsome man find me appealing in any way??? he's so hot and i'm so... not?? like they're both just lowkey utterly convinced the other is out of their league. and are endlessly confused when the other continues to just. think they are the best thing since sliced bread. ted definitely calls trent the bee's knees btw.
anyway, the point is. ted being perpetually pleasantly bewildered that trent crimm earnestly cares about his opinion and thinks the world of him. trent being perpetually pleasantly bewildered that ted lasso earnestly cares about his opinion and thinks the world of him. they're ridiculous and they deserve each other
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Favorite Musicals of Each Order of the Knights Radiant
We’ve already considered their favorite boardgames. But what about when it’s time to go to a musical? Which musical is preferred by each order?
1. Skybreakers: Les Misérables
They think Javert is the protagonist.
Szeth: Is it not strange that the musical continues for so long after the death of the protagonist?
Nale: Ah, but it is only thus that we see the real tragedy.
Nale: As all of the lawbreakers go on living, without punishment, due the the lawman not being willing to fulfill his duty.
Joret: It’s so horrifying.
Cali: Yes, hence the title.
2. Bondsmiths: West Side Story
It’s about two warring gangs being brought together.
Dalinar: Although it is sad, it is nice that it ends with all of the previously estranged people bonding over their loss.
Navani: And it really is through music that two warring sides can be brought together--perhaps even feel love for each other.
Dalinar: Yes. 
Dalinar: Wait, what? 
3. Edgedancers: Little Shop of Horrors
Or at least, it’s Lift’s favorite.
Lift: I dunno why Wyndle doesn’t like it--it’s about a plant!
Lift: A hungry plant too, so it has something in common with both of us!
Wyndle: I--
Wyndle: Never--
Wyndle: That--
Lift: It’s kinda in the title, dude.
4. Stonewards: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
They were surprised at how invested they got.
Badali: It may not be warfare, yet the efforts of these children are so inspiring.
Zu: They truly do fight until there is only one standing.
5. Elsecallers: A Little Night Music
Jasnah just thinks it’s neat.
Jasnah: I have to respect the effort of composing each song in 3/4 time.
6. Lightweavers: Phantom of the Opera
It’s about art, tortured souls, disguises...
Gaz: I gotta feel bad for the Phantom.
Shallan: What, because his love for Christine is doomed?
Vathah: Because it would suck to live in a sewer?
Gaz: Well sure.
Gaz: But also that one-sided mask.
Gaz: He must always feel like there’s something there in the darkness, something just out of his sight.
Shallan: ...
Vathah: ...
Gaz: N-Not that I would know anything about that, ha ha!
7. Truthwatchers: Lion King
They went for the costumes and ended up being  blown away by the story.
Rlain: If Simba had just told the truth about his father’s death, all of that could have been avoided.
Stump: Yeah, well, kids are pretty stupid sometimes.
Renarin: Although by running away, Simba did get to be raised by two awesome gay dads, so that’s nice!
Stump: ...
Renarin: What?
8. Willshapers: Scarlet Pimpernel
It’s about rescuing innocent (?) aristocrats from being imprisoned and guillotined!  
Eshonai: It is truly inspiring to see a group of humans working so hard to free other humans before their unjustified deaths.
Venli: That Madame Guillotine song is really catchy though.
Eshonai: Yeah, you almost can almost understand the killing there.
9. Dustbringers: Wicked
They appreciate the overall message.
Malata: Yeah, there really are two sides to every story!
Ral-na: And just because a power is popularly deemed destructive, that does not mean it is so.
10. Windrunners: Also Wicked
Although their reasoning is...different.
Bridge Four, in their barracks: SO IF YOU CARE TO FIND ME / LOOK TO THE WESTERN SKY
Kaladin (wiping away a tear): It’s just such a good song.
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algea · 5 months
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just a few headcannons I have for Lars
(btw these are mine, they may not be yours)
Lars is the type of guy who gets super mega irritated if you ask too many questions about anyone besides him. Oh, you're asking him about his work? It's fine until you bug him with questions about other people and their work
Despite what you may believe, Lars is also a very jealous guy. One word about another guy and he's already interrogating you like you just murdered someone
Dude has absolutely no chill when it comes to his work. Someone starts talking shit about what he does and it's so over for them.
Even though he may not show it, Lars really enjoys when you touch him. If you're sitting beside him at the lab and place a hand on his shoulder, he's definitely leaning into you and relishing your touch (could also definitely be taken into other context as well).
Lars can absolutely, in no way shape or form, cook to save his life. He heavily relies on whatever he's got in his pantry or you to make him something. He also doesn't really have time for breakfast, so you best believe he's a snacker.
Lars talks to his mom on the phone everyday after he gets home from work. He is, without a doubt, a momma raised boy and you love it.
Lars hates coffee. Plain and simple. He will literally drink anything other than coffee. In fact, his favored drink isn't tea, it's water. He has to maintain his perfect hair somehow.
He may be a cocky son of a bitch, but he will definitely stand up for you if someone belittles you. Lars likes to tease you by saying rude things, but you know that he's just playing and that's how he flirts. When other people do it, he's very quick to jump on their ass about it. Absolutely no tolerance for someone making fun of you.
Even though Lars may not be social, he loves to converse about science and whatnot. He could literally get stuck in a conversation for hours about science. You find it so cute that whenever someone brings up something he likes to talk about, his pupils widen and a grin breaks out on his face.
Lars really loves to listen to music. He listens to it in the lab, at home, anywhere he can really. He's more into indie and older music, like Bees Gees, Sports Team, or Turning Jane.
Lars likes stupid romcom movies. It's a bit cliche, but he really loves a good romcom movie. He'd sit there for hours and watch them if you let him. He hates to admit it, but he loves Clueless and Legally Blonde.
He loves it when you kiss him. Whenever you kiss him, he always has a stupid little love drunk smile after. He's so head over heels for you and it's so cute.
Surprisingly, he's not super neat. Of course, he's not super messy either. Normally, he has a little clutter on his desk and he hates when someone touches something. If someone starts to clean up his desk a little, he's super quick to tell them off about it.
Lars loves when he's able to relax with you. On the days that neither of you are at the lab all night, he loves to curl up with you on the bed and talk about something. Sometimes you both read instead of talking. Just kinda a way to decompress after a long few days of work.
Even though he hunts ghosts, Lars is scared super easily. You could literally be standing behind a door and when he opens it he jumps and lets out a string of curses. This, of course, comes with some of the best pranks you've ever pulled on him. However, don't think that he won't do something back. He despises horror movies and makes you hold his hand whenever you watch one.
Lars puts a lot of time into his hair and skin. We all know about the Pukey incident (which you did not let him live down), so you definitely know that he's extra careful with his skincare and haircare from now on (his hair turned green for a few days).
Despite not knowing how to cook, Lars is such a foodie. If he has the chance to try something new, you best believe he's going to try it. Lars also loves fruity drinks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic (just like James).
I hope you guys liked some of these headcannons as much as I do because they're so fun to write.
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saintbarou · 2 years
2 genshin characters that are super susceptible to always wanting to have sex are al-haitham and ayato
tags: 18+ fem reader, public sex, overstimulation, minors dni, fem! oral receiving mentioned
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work in stressful fields, are of higher status - they both know they are coveted by others but hardly ever have the time or the skills to pursue people in their circle. so when they have you - wet, willingly and so incredibly sweet for them in their beds they have to grow a little weak. your skin is soft and your cunt tight; you could even bring an archon to heel with your candied affection.
it normal at first - they always want physical affection, an arm at the waist or a hand in yours. then they want to end most nights of the week with a coupling, letting you lie back with a pillow under your hips - “let me do all the work, just be good and take it for me like you always do. sweet thing.”
it’s nice to be always wanted but they both are vision holders, warriors with the blade and they both have stamina that outmatches yours. it isn’t uncommon for you to wobble in the mornings to breakfast, with them hiding their smiles behind large palms. most days you feel sore, hips aching from their bruising grip and you wear your hair to hide the indents of teeth along your neck, shoulders and chest.
you think it would end there - these two men are exceptional in every way, did you really think this where their growing sexual appetite would end? it comes to its peaking crest when ayato has guests from the clans of the tri-commission over, you pull away from the conversations to help thoma bring confections to the guests. on the way back, balancing the tray in your hands you jump at the touch of all too familiar gloved hands tracing your hips.
you look over to clear, blue eyes looking at you and you know exactly what it is he wants, they sparkle in the soft light that bleeds into the hall of the kamisato estate, he tilts his head, hand going from your waist to take the tray in his own and setting it on a small table. you reprimand him but he smiles knowingly, the wrinkle in your brow falters he smiles - he has you right where he wants you.
you end up tucked into the corner of the wall, right in between the the shoji screen, the folds of your kimono undone and your cunt wrapped around his cock. the ruddy tip caught in the soft clutch creaming around his length and he grins, bottom flushed under his teeth and his eyes glittering as your cunt shines in beams of sunlight that peer.
“cum for me - cum for me nice and quiet and i’ll reward you.”
⭒ ☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒
al haitham provokes these types of escapades more often than not - inviting you to his office under the guise of a break but really it ends up with you bouncing on his cock as his fingers bruise your hips. haitham finds your form inviting; the swell of your hips and chest, the way your neck slopes and your thighs fill your clothing. everything about you is asking him to touch, to kiss and lavish in his affection.
you can’t blame him for seeking you out like a bee with honey can you? so when he asks you to visit him on his break, you dress lightly. you know your lover enough to predict how this encounter will end. you walk into his office, scrolls decorating his desk and even the floor. you giggle at his disorganized mess of a room, unlike his neat room you share.
you laughter makes him look up, blue eyes warming in the sumeru sun, a small smile gracing his handsome face. he says your name softly, the syllables sweet like ajilenakh nuts on his tongue. he says a pet name in a language you don’t understand, he will never disclose it to you. he enjoys the pout that forms on your sweet face at his insistence of keeping his secret.
you perch yourself on yourself on the edge of his desk, talking to him as he reaches over and palms at the swell of your hip through your clothes. he eyes flicker from yours to your waist. he’s never once thought of the female form, but now with you in his life he finds its all he can think about it.
“how long can you stay?” he asks, and you smile at the eager twitch of his fingers - it’s quite cute watching him become eager, a like a pup awaiting a treat.
“for as long as you like haitham.” is all you say and he knows that’s his green light. he’s on you faster than you can see and you don’t know how you ended up sitting on his lap, reclined into his chest as he grips you still and pounds up into you. you choke helplessly on a moan from how he gives it to you - his cock that’s far too thick and long then he should have bumping into the spongey wall of your cunt and fingers rubbing at the flushed nub of your clit. he moves from the kisses covering your neck to kissing at the sensitive skin of you ear. grinning and chuckling at the stutter in your whines at the feeling and whispers -
“i’ve got 5 more minutes. cum for me now and i’ll pleasure you until dawn when i return for the night.”
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deadlysoupy · 6 months
Bumblebee and Freedom
there's probably a really cool quote about freedom out there. i'm just gonna say how i define freedom, and maybe someone out there knows if it correlates with anything that already exists
"freedom is the ability to choose"
to me, that's the perfect and down-to-earth definition of freedom. it's not a will to express yourself, because that's not enough, it's not having rights, it's not not-having a government, etc
earthspark!Bumblebee strikes me as a person who was denied his freedom. he has moments where he actively chooses what to do next, how to act in this situation, how to approach it. but in the narrative, he's constantly belittled, put in a corner, and just talked down by and ordered to simply do this thing
even before the events of Earthspark this seems to be a reoccurring theme with him: Breakdown, on their first meeting in who knows how long, says a very neat line after Bee's "Just like old times": "Before you let Optimus get between us". this makes me think that Optimus probably convinced Bee to join the war in the first place, whether because they knew each other prior (doubtful), or after the war started Bumblebee showed promise and Prime decided to teach him, instead of letting him die on very hostile streets of Iacon
he was forced to go into hiding. i doubt he chose it, because there are so many capable bots for spying - Jazz, Mirage, etc (ironically i can't remember more than these two lmao). he was just as affected by the Allspark incident as everyone else, but because Optimus trusted him (probably) the most, he decided that Bee was the perfect bot for staying away for a time to deliver him info he needed, as a backup in all this GHOST business
to be fair, i'm sure Optimus didn't think this whole deal would take this much time - and Bee was forced to be in hiding for 15 whole years. it must have been a lonely existence. we assume he still had contacts with some bots - OP, Megs, and Elita-1 more prominently, and Wheeljack doesn't seem all too surprised to see him, but it's still not enough for a happy-go-lucky bot like Bumblebee. especially considering his age - but i digress
and still - he had no choice when Optimus pulled him out of hiding to look after a bunch of newly-builds. it's the whole point of the third episode. and he has no choice but to accept his mentor position, and he learns to care about the Terrans, too, but the point still stands
he had no choice but to trust Breakdown as they raced towards GHOST agents, he had no choice but let Breakdown sacrifice himself for him. if he could, he would change it, he probably would take his place, too, because that's his brother and it's his fault, but he can't, because he has other people to take care of - he has no choice
in fact, most bots in the show don't have much choice too. the Terrans, especially, who have no choice but be a representation of Hope for Cybertronian race. which is why i think Bumblebee fits into their little cosy family like a glove
tldr; when you look for the theme of freedom in Earthspark, it seems to be always in the air, and honestly, i love it. this may be all a little exaggerated, but whatever. if you found any points wrong in my lil speech, you can totally tell me, sometimes i just forget stuff lmao
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imissnanami · 7 days
T.T. | Ch. 1 | Back to Hogwarts
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Teacher! Teacher! | m.list
S. Snape x F!Reader x R. Lupin | past S. Black x Reader 
Reader is in the same year as them, use of Y/N, takes place during Prisoner of Azkaban. Contains swearing & angst. In which you become the new part time Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. You’d never thought you’d be back in these halls, and with Lupin and Snape to boot. Not to mention Sirius Black is on the loose. Great. Enjoy! :)
Ch. 1 Back to Hogwarts
White knuckling the handlebar of the trolley, Y/N pushed it through the bustling Kings Cross station. Why was she, an adult witch, pushing a trolley full of her belongings like a student? Well, because apparition was kind of like driving. She could do it, well at that, but it was also kind of scary and honestly the rules around apparition and Hogwarts still kind of confused her. 
Oh, that and the fact that she’s been living as a muggle since her graduation. Between the deaths of her friends and the incompetent nuisance that the ministry of magic is, taking a step back was the only thing that kept her sane. At least, thats what she’s been telling herself. 
Forcing the wonky wheels of the trolley to roll straight, she sent a dirty look to the group of tourists that blocked the path. Continuing to march through the crowds, she bee-lines to the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Taking a quick look around, she picks up her pace and runs into the wall- or through it, to be more accurate. 
Billowing steam and the familiar crimson of the Hogwart’s Express met her as she slowed her pace and moved to the side. Platform 9 and 3/4. It wasn’t nearly as busy as she remembers, mainly because her childhood trips to Kings Cross took place exactly three minutes before the train departed. In fact, there were maybe a handful of people meandering about. Realizing there was no point in just standing there, she approached the first train car’s door. After one of the trolley men helped magic her bags into the cargo hold, she thanked him and shuffled into the Professors cart. Unsurprisingly, it was empty. 
Plopping herself down on the harder-than-she-remebered benches, Y/N drops her tote bag and pulls out her pseudo Hogwarts letter. Looking over Professor McGonagall’s neat writing, she thinks back. 
When Harry Potter, the boy who lived, first resurfaced in the wizarding world, Y/N had expected a lot of things to change. The ministry would overreact. Hogwarts would have a very special student. It would giver her a headache. The likes. What she did not expect, was a mere two years later, for a one Professor McGonagall to send her an owl in the middle of spring. 
Dear Y/N L/N 
I think you and I would both prefer if I skipped the pleasantries with what I’m about to proposition.
‘Well that sounds promising’ Y/N thought to herself, already having a sinking feeling of where this was going. Yes, she wasn’t part of the wizarding world anymore, but that didn’t mean she lived under a rock.
As you’ve been away since graduation, I’m unsure how caught up you are with the current news and events. 
Sighing Y/N closed her eyes and flipped the letter over. Of course she knew. How could she not know one of her ex-best-friends-turned-alledged-criminal was supposedly on the loose. When she had first found out Sirius escaped Azkaban, her initial thought was ‘Good job Siri,’ before going back to her writing. Glaring at the back of the paper, she crossed her arms as if that would do something. Heaving another dramatic sigh, Y/N picks up the letter and begins to read it again. 
Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban. (Duh) The Ministry has contacted us as a courtesy and informed us they will be passing the order for the detainment of Y/N L/N: for previous collusion with the dangerous criminal, Sirius Black. 
“Alleged collusion, you old fart,” Y/N mumbled sourly, the minister’s dumb face popping into her head. 
Knowing this would not go over...smoothly with you, Albus had managed to offer an alternative. With everything going on this year I’ll have my attention split between aiding Albus and teaching the students. 
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry herby offers Y/N L/N the position of Assistant Transfiguration Professor. 
That way we can guarantee your whereabouts-
Not bothering to read any more of the letter, Y/N heaved yet another sigh, much bigger than the last. She felt that she’s been sighing an abnormal amount today. Reading the last few sentences again, she rolled her eyes. Be detained in a magic cell. Or be watched 24/7 at Hogwarts? What a choice. 
“Like I have a fucking choice.” Y/N said flatly to the empty room, before getting up and grabbing a pen and paper. 
Which, after much stress and doing more magic in 4 months than she’s done in the past 10 years, it brought us to now. Zoning back in, Y/N realized the platform was much busier. Students greeted one another excitedly and parents said tearful goodbyes. If she had looked a little closer, she’d have caught a hauntingly familiar head of messy black curls.
Pressing her face into the glass, she spied the clock on the platform, 10:50. Finally. Deciding get some sleep in preparation for the inevitable stress that this year will bring, Y/N, using her bag as a pillow stretched out and closed her eyes. 
“So cold.” Y/N mumbled, cracking an eye open.
She then noticed two things. One, that the train was stopped. And two, that it was completely dark. 
Her brain having finally caught up, Y/N sat up rubbing her arms, much more alert. Grabbing a cloak from her tote bag, she stood. Something was clearly wrong. Other than there not being another professor in the cart – McGonagall has said that there would be – they were no where near Scotland. 
Clutching her cloak tighter she made her way to the door. Carefully sliding it open she peaked out, seeing that the students were doing the same, some of them even standing in the corridor. Wondering if someone was going to do something about the situation she smacked her face. 
“Me, I’m the fucking adult” She whispered to herself. Groaning Y/N stepped out before immediately doubling back. Her wand. Having not had it on her person for the past decade was really biting her in the ass right now. 
With her wand in her hand and her cloak secured, she stepped out. Making her way through the students, some of them parted while others looked at her in confusion. She stopped by a group blocking the hallway. A small crowd of students were pressed up around the windows excitedly talking. 
“What’s going on?” Y/N asked. No one answered or even looked in her direction. Gathering her courage, and her elbows, she simply pushed through the crowd. 
“What’s everyone looking at?” She asked much louder this time, her breath fogging up in the air. 
Finally getting their attention, a young boy pointed to the glass
“The windows are all frosting up Miss.” 
Sure enough frost was crawling up the glass, and even into the cabin. Feeling dread pit in her stomach Y/N bolted out of the cabin before pushing into the next one. Frost. And the cabin across from that one. Frosty too. Well shit. 
Cold temperatures, frost, and a feeling of dread. Dementors. 
“Stay in the cabin and don’t open the door for anyone” Y/N instructed, before exiting and closing the door behind her. As she made her way down the train cars, she pushed students into rooms and locked the doors. The dread and fear getting stronger as she moved further back towards the end. She curses as she walks, she could have sworn McGonagall had said they’d be at the school, not on the fucking train. 
At least the dementor was stopping her from remembering that she was approaching the cart her and the marauders shared going to Hogwarts. Well damn, I guess not. Huffing a mirthless laugh she shoved a particularly stubborn 7th year into his cabin. A sudden piercing scream cut through the air. Y/N felt as if she was gonna suffocate. As her teeth started to chatter, and she felt fear grip her ribcage, she pushed forwards. 
Y/N reached for the door, separating this cart and the next. Her hand began to freeze to the metal handle the second it made contact. Yanking it back she wrapped her cloak around her fingers before pulling hard, the screaming child kept her body moving. With a final yank, the ice that sealed the door broke. Rushing to the sound of the scream, her feet carried her to the open door. Her brain snuggled to process what she was seeing.
The dementor was sucking the soul of a screaming child. And the screaming child was, ...James? 
Before Y/N could properly react, a strong pale blue light burst froth. A silver wolf barrelled into the chest of the dementor, driving it out. Ducking out of their way, Y/N clung to the door as the wolf pushed the dementor back and out of the train. 
Sat flat on her ass, Y/N was staring at the place the wolf ran off to. That was a patronus. A corporeal wolf patronus. Y/N only knew one person who had a wolf as a patronus. But it couldn’t be. It shouldn't be.
“-ssor? Professor?” Feeling like her world had momentarily stopped Y/N looked dazedly up at the girl calling to her. Two sets of concerned eyes stared at her. A ginger boy and a girl with frizzy brown hair. Quickly remembering the screaming boy, Y/N scrambled to her knees frantically scanning the cabin, for James. 
“Ja-” his name caught in her throat the moment she actually saw the boy. Once the dementor had left, the power had flickered back on. Now illuminated by the warm cabin light, Y/N saw that it was not in fact James, but a tiny James with Lily’s eyes. Feeling her eyes well up she quickly looked away, blinking rapidly. 
“Professor? Are you alright?” The girl's calm voice called to you again. Before quieter and directed to your right;
“Do you think she needs some chocolate too, Professor Lupin?”
Professor Lupin? Professor. Lupin?
Slowly standing and keeping her head down, Y/N could feel herself shaking. This had to be a joke. 
She held her breath as she looked to the 4th person in the cabin. The one she’s conveniently ignored this entire time. The one who cast the patronous. 
Her eyes took in the man hunched in on himself. He was wearing an old, tattered suit. His knees brought up to his chest as he sat on the ground. His scuffed briefcase lay beside him along with a half eaten bar of chocolate. He wrung his hands, before stopping and fiddling with his fingers, picking at his skin – a habit he hadn't seemed to have outgrown. 
Shyly looking up at her, Remus looked almost guilty for being there. 
Y/N’s breath caught before a lump quickly replaced it. She took in his face. A large scar ran down his left cheek. That's new. Smaller ones littered his face, where the skin was previously unmarred. Barely there wrinkles on his face were deeper now, more pronounced. Though she remembers him having a few grey hairs, there were many more now. Not yet salt and pepper, but far from brown. Though he looked older, the same kind green eyes stared back at her. 
Nervously bringing his hand up in a half-wave, Remus offered a tentative;
“Hi Y/N,”
Though she’d have loved to be more eloquent, the only thing that Y/N was able to get out was a curt nod before turning tail and running back to her cabin.
tag list | @unconventional-lawnchair
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manwrre · 5 months
This is my contribution to the harringrove relay race!
Title: 💫 heaven at your fingertips 💫
Rating: explicit content
Word Count: 3,055
Tags include: trans male character billy, alternate universe - college/university, domestic boyfriends and afab language while describing genitalia.
Despite what anyone with working eyes and a brain might think, Steve doesn’t actually hate his job.
It’s not out of the ordinary for him to entertain the thought— everyday at a campus coffee shop is rough— but he doesn’t dislike it. His hours are pretty flexible and his coworkers are all great. There’s an endless amount of staff drinks allowed on a single shift and Steve’s allowed to bring home as many leftover doughnuts as he wants. His boss and the owner of Bean’d, Todd, isn’t really around to micromanage them but whenever he does pop in, Steve feels lucky enough to be there despite the minimum wage paycheck.
So hate it, he does not.
Not even on the worst days when he’s spread thin and exhausted. Not even on a brutal day like today. The shittiest day that he’s had in a while, he thinks, stepping out of the rundown elevator and unto his floor. The fact that he’s practically home doesn’t even seem to help. If anything, the distance between the elevator and his front door seems longer than usual as he walks. His shoulders are heavyset with eight hours of tension and his feet ache so deeply that the dusty, burgundy of the hallway’s carpets look comfortable. Perfect for a seat. Or a nap.
He doubts his neighbors would mind if he just settled there for the night. Mr Stewart might pretend to be pissed but Mrs Maulkin, who lives next door, is just about the sweetest, little lady. She pinches his cheeks and always goes on and on about him getting more sleep. Once, she’d even watered their plants when he and Billy visited the kids back in Hawkins on break so yeah, she’s pretty neat.
Ideally, she would probably prefer if he didn’t get said rest on her welcome mat but he wasn’t going to be picky. His shift had just about driven all of the pickiness out of him. Whacked it out of him with a broom sometime between the morning rush and the midday rush or maybe, it was between the evening rush and clean up? Point is, it’s been beaten out of him.
Above his head, the yellow bulbs blink almost lazily and he reaches for his keys. He swings the lanyard around his finger almost idly and eyes the peeling, black paint of the apartment numbers.
He unlocks the door, shuffles inside with a sigh and for a second, just stands there. The scent of home surrounds him immediately and some of the day’s weight falls at his feet as he flicks the lights on in the small walkway. He hangs his backpack unto the hook shaped like a little guitar that Billy seems to like so much. Grabs the brown, greasy bag of donuts that Billy also seems to like so much and toes his shoes off.
“Bee, I’m home!” He nudges the pair of kicks out of sight with socked toes and blindly tosses his keys into the nearby bowl. Catches a whiff of himself. Pauses. Almost keels over. All in that order.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he gags aloud.
Beneath the cloying scent of artificial syrups, powdered sugar and dozens of iced matchas with oat milk and brown sugar foam, is the usual sweat and grime of a long day. He doesn’t have to look in the mirror either, to know that his hair is all flat and ugly beneath his cap. too.
He needs a shower and a nap and some food and really, just his fucking boyfriend. Again, all in that order but it’s been a long week of barely seeing each other with finals and the usual shifts so he knows that he’s only gonna cover number five on that list before passing out.
“Billy?” he calls again, flipping the main lights on.
The action casts a soft glow across their little, one bedroom apartment.
Fully furnished and equipped with a couple of leaky faucets and chipped wallpaper but theirstheirstheirs. A year ago, she was all they could afford on their meager savings in California but now, she’s home. Steve studies his social work on the bedroom floor and Billy stocks their shelves with books about anatomy. They cook dinner together on most nights in their dingy, little kitchen, watch trashy horror in the living room and spend every night wrapped around each other.
“I brought donuts again. We were outta the pistachio ones so I got glazed and no, Sam didn’t make them this time.”
He pads across the living room, not a trace of his boyfriend in sight and dumps the paper bag on the counter. He’s convinced that Billy might be asleep— it’s been a long week of exams and Steve cracks the door to their bedroom open, fully expecting the room to be shrouded in darkness,
only to pause.
To take it all in.
Because oh.
Steve can’t help it— he’s drawn to the sight of too naked legs and too smooth thighs. Can’t focus on anything but the way that Billy’s hand disappears between them. Can’t wrap his mind around anything other than the fact that Billy is very much awake and very much touching himself in front of him. In the flesh.
There’s a lot to take in.
Billy’s naked from the waist down and facing the doorway; his legs spread to reveal the pink of his pussy as he thumbs across his clit. Steve’s gaze lifts then, up his bare, little waist and to the thinning material of Billy’s tee shirt, which is the only piece of clothing he’s wearing. He zones in on where the worn, blue material fits snugly across his boyfriends chest,
and then meets the amused blues of Billy’s eyes.
Billy, who doesn’t dare hide the heat in them or the intent behind his smirk.
“Hi, Stevie.” he purrs, predatory. Like a shark that’s just smelled blood. “Crazy day?”
The lowness of his voice sends a jolt of heat down Steve’s abdomen; one that settles at the base of his cock all hot and heavy. And in response, Steve’s shoulders drop, his body relaxes and the day’s toll leaks out of him. Sludging. Lethargic.
God, he’s easy.
“Uh huh,” he mutters, unintelligibly, at first. Then, snaps out of it enough to flash Billy a smile.
“Funnily enough, I actually think it’s about to get crazier.” He shuts the door behind him and steps closer. His gaze only stray for a matter of seconds to catalog everything about Billy in this moment. The navy blue of their sheets beneath the blonde. The handful of books on their bedside table. Billy’s hair all tied up into a loose bun. His pebbling nipples. His wet, hot cunt and the fact that he hasn’t stopped touching himself.
“Yeah? I wonder why.” the blonde drawls, quirking a brow.
“Dunno, think I’m about to get laid or something.” He’s teasing and Steve loves it.
“Or something,” Billy mocks, rolling his eyes but Steve’s words have him biting his lip.
He’s trying to come off as unaffected but Steve knows he’s anything but. The soft curls sticking to Billy’s forehead, damp with sweat and all, let him know that this has been an ongoing endeavor. God knows how long Billy’s been pleasuring himself— dripping like this; his cheeks flushed a pretty scarlet, eyes dark and lips an almost mottled red. Bitten plump. Half-parted in pleasure for a beat too long whenever he speaks.
Steve doesn’t have to pretend. He doesn’t want to hide the urgency that he feels or the effect that Billy has on him, so he tugs his shirt up over his head before tossing it aside.
He crosses the distance between them in no time and crawls into the alcove between Billy’s thighs oh so easily. Steve thinks, yes and finally and this is exactly where he belongs when he’s got Billy under him. He thinks holy shit, you’re lovely when his boyfriend stares up at him with wide, dark eyes and pulls him closer by the loops of his belt. Simultaneously, Steve lifts one of Billy’s golden thighs upupup around his waist and lessens the oxygen between them with a kiss so hot that the air around them feels supercharged.
He loses himself in the soft give of Billy’s lips and nips at his cupid’s bow with an impatient noise. Beneath him, Billy opens up like a black hole; this consuming, taking thing and Steve licks into his mouth all too eagerly. The blonde’s answering moan is breathy and high and Steve laps at every slick crook with his tongue—to taste, to feel, to map out and to claim. Beneath him, Billy’s hips jerk to life just as Steve becomes breathless with desire and blindly, he seeks purchase in the rough material of Steve’s jeans. The soppy, wet heat of his cunt seeps through to Steve’s skin as Billy rides his thigh.
“Stevie— please, I need you to fuck me.” Billy gasps into his mouth.
Steve takes advantage of this and busies himself by stamping kisses across the curve of Billy’s jaw and throat and neck. He sucks pretty, purpling bruises into the golden skin there and ruts down against his pliant, waiting body. A taste so distinctly Billy explodes on his tongue; clean and citrusy and tangy and Steve loves it.
Steve groans deeply, “Yea, sweetheart? You missed me?”
“You try being celibate in an apartment with your hot ass– ah, boyfriend for two weeks. A perfectly timed breeze could’ve had to creaming my fucking pants at the quad today,” Billy hisses and Steve can’t help it, he laughs.
“A breeze, baby? Don’t tell me you’re losing your touch,” the amusement is palpable in his voice. He knows that Billy must sense it, even with his eyes closed because then, they aren’t. They aren’t and Steve is forced to meet those dark, dark eyes and trace the expanse of Billy’s flush from his cheeks, all the way down his chest. And without another word, he’s undoing his belt; his fly coming undone and everything. He shucks off his jeans and underwear in one swoop and wounds a hand around his chubbing cock.
It’s hot and thick in his too dry palm but the contact sends a surge of crackling heat up his spine.
He sees Billy’s attention shift. Feels his cock throb as he does that thing; the one where he tongues at his lower lip and his gaze flits between Steve’s and his cock almost thoughtfully. And his mouth is suddenly dry as he follows the subtle quivers of Billy’s stomach. Watches it dip and swell and hears his intake of breath because all the while, the blonde’s hips never exactly cease. They just slow into deep, core aching figure eights until he can’t take it and he’s reaching between their bodies for Steve’s cock.
Billy’s touch is warm but callous-rough and feels like heaven around him. In thanks, Steve winds his fingers into the blonde’s curls to steady himself, while Billy uses the precum at the head of his cock to jerk him off hard and fast. The pace has him fucking into the tight ring of fingers with a choked off moan, “Fuck– oh.”
Billy’s smug. He knows this because the demanding slide of his fist slows and well, he says as much. “Don’t act like you’re not gonna bust a nut the minute I get my mouth on you. That’s gonna make it even more embarrassing,”
“Brat.” Steve spits but he’s smiling and scooting up so that his thighs bracket Billy’s head.
“Pushover.” Billy laughs, genuinely pleased and swallows Steve’s cock into his mouth with a wet noise.
The sudden too hot, too wet of it punches an aggressive exhale out through his nose,“Holy shit, fuck” and he grabs unto the headboard while Billy makes easy work of him.
Billy sucks the head into his mouth with a practiced ease that makes Steve weak in the knees and melts all of the fight right out of him. It’s all familiar but Steve will never get used to this. Will never fail to be amazed at how well Billy takes him; unyielding as he tongues at the sensitive underside of Steve’s cock and groans around him in a way that liquifies his fucking mind. It takes everything in him not to shout when Billy hollows his cheeks and instead, his grip grows tighter in the mess of blonde curls until he’s sure it hurts.
“You’re so fucking good at this, baby. So pretty,” He cradles Billy’s cheek, only to be rewarded by a hint of teeth across the thick vein that Steve favors, near the crown.
Billy moans around the cock in his mouth and Steve’s brain collapses in on itself like a dying star. When he speaks, his voice is a low, warbled thing, “Waited all day just to suck me off, I bet. Just to put that mouth to use, huh, sweetheart?” And then, Billy pulls away to slap the leaking, ruddied head against his tongue for Steve to see. He lets it sit there. Lets the precum pool sluggishly on the pink of it and stares up at him in a way that makes Steve feel like coming home. God, he’s so close.
“C’mon, baby. I wanna cum but I’m gonna do it inside of you,” Steve grabs at his jaw affectionately before shifting sideways and falling onto his back invitingly. It takes everything in him to stay there.
He swats at the curve of Billy’s ass as he moves and swings a leg over to bracket Steve’s hips, ignoring his grumbled complaint of ‘being too lazy’. The next part comes easily, however. Billy doesn’t waste any time before he’s sinking down on his cock in a swift, decisive motion; his pussy opening up around Steve with the tiniest bit of give.
And then everything clicks into place.
Billy’s cunt is slick and he makes the prettiest sight on top of him but Steve doesn’t move. He’s trying his damndest not to and ignoring the flex of his thighs as his pelvis seems to ache with need to just do something. But he doesn’t move because Billy loves this. Billy needs this moment, so he waits. He watches as Billy holds himself tightly and he adjusts to the sheer girth of Steve— his palms lying flat against his bare chest and his hips moving in shallow bursts.
“Oh,” Billy breathes out before sitting up and slamming himself down on Steve’s cock.
“Fuck, there you go,” Steve growls and plants his heels deeper in the mattress with every thrust. He grabs at Billy’s hips and at his thighs, brushing his fingers across the curve of his ass where stretch marks color the skin liquid-gold against bronze. Rivulets like the rings of Saturn. Like Billy’s his entire world and here lies the proof of it.
The thought sends a possessive thrill through him and his grip on Billy’s ass turns bruising. Tomorrow, Steve will nip and suck more galaxies into it but for now, he tries to mold a place inside of him with his cock; deep and hard until he finds the place that makes Billy howl and stiffen.
“Steve— right there, right there, right there. Don’t stop fucking me, please,” He cries, shifting until Steve swears his cockhead nudges against the damn near opening of Billy’s womb. And he knows that Billy feels it too because he flinches, as if surprised, as if the pleasure is tinged with pain but he doesn’t stop. He can’t stop.
“C’mon, baby. You can take it, don’t run.” he croons, forcing Billy to do some of the work; to rut back against his cock and envelope it whole and that’s exactly what he does. The blonde’s thighs flex with the strain of working himself open but he takes it so fucking well and Steve loses himself in the suctioning grip of Billy’s cunt. Closes his eyes and swears there are universes being created behind his eyelids. Star by star. Space dust by space dust.
“You were waiting for it, right? Wanted it so badly, gorgeous boy,” he chokes out, needing to let Billy know just how badly he’s got him.
The sound Billy makes in response is winded, all the same and then oh so pleased as he drops his hips into a slow, dirty downward grind. It’s miasmic and Steve feels the sloppy mess of Billy’s pussy against his abdomen and pulsating around him.
“Oh my god— Stevie, I’m gonna cum. Oh please, I’m gonna cum,” he ruts against Steve’s cock in these half aborted, little circles and Steve is equally as devastated by the constant bursts of pleasure and pressure.
The heat in his gut is building just as quickly. It’s a dangerous, tumultuous thing that expands past his groin and into his gut. He feels it in his hips, in his chest, at the back of his mouth and behind his teeth. It’s so close that he can taste it and he meets Billy halfway with the next few thrusts, plunging deeper into him, as if to say, ‘you feel it too, right?’
He’s whispering a mantra of, “Yea, baby? Right there?” and these desperate, half chewed off variations of Billy’s name.
And so many things happen within the next second that Steve can barely keep track of them. Billy muffles a moan between his teeth, whining all high at the back of his throat as he nods. He fucks himself on Steve’s cock with a restless abandon that comes from chasing his own orgasm. And Steve thinks, his womb. Billy’s fucking womb. He must be in it. He wants to knock him up so bad that it’s dizzying. So bad that it’s earth shattering and gravity defying. There’s the build up of white, blinding pleasure and then— the string snaps. Billy’s cumming around him with a shout and Steve’s fucking his cock into him without reprieve; thrusts long and drawn out as they ride the wave together.
He cums for so long and so hard, that Steve thinks he might have passed out a little. When he comes to, Billy’s cunt is still milking him dry and the blonde is plastered to his chest in his own, little world. Boneless but sated.
At that moment, the weariness in his bones hits him all at once and he winces. Shifts a little beneath Billy’s full weight but stamps a kiss to his forehead nonetheless. Billy grumbles into his sweat slick chest before pressing his lips there in return and brushing his mess of hair out of his eyes.
“So… donuts?” And Steve snorts.
“Yeah, donuts. I can’t believe we just screwed and that’s what you’re worried about.”
Billy’s answering smile is wicked and travels straight to Steve’s heart, “You knew who I was before you dated me so now you’re stuck,” and he’s smug about the fact.
His amusement is short lived as Steve’s softening cock slips out of him, alongside the mess of cum and Steve rolls them unto their sides. “Only because rent is killer in California but as soon as I make it big?”
Steve pats his cheek and yawns, “You’re outta here, hot stuff.”
Billy doesn’t fight him, though. Doesn’t argue that they can afford somewhere a little bigger now or that he’s pulling in more money than Steve is at the mechanic’s shop. He doesn’t point out that Steve’s been saying that almost everyday for a year and yet, still brings home his favorite donuts and will cuddle Billy for as long as he’d like after his shift because he misses him.
He doesn’t say it but Steve knows. He feels it in his chest the same way, too and thanks God and the universe for giving him a little bit of the sun and stars to hold; to keep with him forever.
minor technical difficulties meant that this was a little delayed!! so sorry everyone. i had so much fun working on this!! please look forward to the lovely upcoming work from our next contributor, @racketti and many thanks to @harringrove-relay-race for being such an amazing host 💗
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powertaco · 10 months
What are your thoughts on WR development overall and your thoughts on WR being developed/made canon in V10?
Ugh I am going to ramble about everything here I can feel it...well you asked for it. I apologize for none of it, and if you all hate me at the end well I don't mind.
Volume 6 and before are pretty much great. They go from kinda at odds to tentative friends, learning to trust, and rely on each other, best friends, pining over one and other and V6 was a loooot of WR for us to feast on.
Afterward I felt like it got sidetracked. There could be various reasons for this (in hindsight I feel like Penny being given a way bigger role so her death could hit harder is to blame for part of this because realistically how long has Ruby known Penny? A month?)
Even if you don't like the ship they're supposed to be canon best friends so I take personal issue with almost all of volume 9.
I think it was sloppy writing that didn't move the story forward, and even though I don't care about Bees I feel like they still got shafted since they basically were forced to confess to move things along, and them doing so made them miss out on the sister/supposed friend and her problems, and only showcased the worst sides of the relationship.
For example Yang let's Ruby scream at Weiss but only moves to do something when Blake gets yelled at. Blake and Ruby still have...less dialogue than Ruby does with Ren I think etc.
Jaune was too present merely because his entire deal took away from Ruby's imo.
I've said it before but frankly Nora falling and learning who she is away from Ren so when she sees him in V10 she's ready for the relationship is far more satisfying to me narratively.
Leave Jaune above ground so he has to deal with the fact that he thinks he failed his friends and they all died and let him learn from that experience instead.
This also doesn't take into account that Jaune's one interesting change in 9 (being old) is taken away via random deaging (although I guess this makes deaging canon and hey young maria this is how dwr can still win! more at 11!)
Generally when characters go through a volume you want some sort of arc for them to go and change through. Weiss gets none of that. Out of all the characters nothing really happens to her, and she doesn't change at all. She's just sad about Atlas. Neat.
There's no time for it just like there's no real time for Ruby.
In Ruby's own words 'gotta help Jaune right?' and they do. Ruby removes herself from the census, which is how its framed, and they stop to...help Jaune.
There are a few moments that are WR'ish in 9. The Nevermore summon, Weiss believing in Ruby, and calling her name first etc, but overall Weiss's main job is to backslide.
I said it before but in the market Neo, the perfect assassin is after Ruby, and they split up. Weiss goes 'gross nosehairs', and ditches her best friend who she already knows by that point is NOT doing well.
This is not Volume 1. This Weiss is not that petty, and she's literally had to manhandle corpses. The fact that she wouldn't stay near her canonical best friend, and leader is asinine, and only happens so she can be alone to meet the smith.
Even if Weiss can't help Ruby fight Neo she's an extra pair of eyes (and Neo doesn't care how crowded it is in the market), and just being there for Ruby can help.
With all that said RWBY is big into symbolism. When WR are together in almost all the side spin off material it means something. Manga Anthologies has them making heart eyes and flirting like every other page. Ice Queendom was a love letter to WhiteRose (precious?). The movies, etc.
When their weapons rest next to each other on screen like the Bees do? It means something. When their flowers break ranks to be near each other (and Weiss's flower is the lily please note)? This means something.
Ruby can stand and jump from missile to missile but has to wrap her arms around Weiss to stay seated?
If Chibi continues it's pattern of predicting things in the main plot then the fact that Weiss is the woodsman in the fairy tale means a loooot as in several versions of that fairy tale the woodsman marries little red after helping her deal with the wolf problem (which varies by the story).
They're the knight and princess for each other. Ruby comes into Weiss's live turns it upside down, and helps her change. Likes her for her genuinely and wants to be her friend at the start. Through this she changes the world for Weiss, and helps her grow, and Weiss in turn helps Ruby be the leader she can be.
But yeah I guess that's just friends things and they should date some guys they've had like a half a dozen lines with instead? I don't get it really.
She and Oscar punch each other in the face, and they talk about strategy. Oscar has a younger kid crush on her, and Ruby is awkward because that's her headmaster in this kids head. Oh right he went in for a hug she ignored. Peak romance.
Jaune and Weiss have almost no interactions, and when he saves her at Haven her response isn't to be like 'omg i love you' it's 'keep doing it i have work to do'. Are they friends now? Sure, but that's about as far as it goes.
It remains that outside of group hugs the only person that's allowed to initiate contact with Weiss almost all the time outside of battle is Ruby.
Ruby knows when she needs help and will guide her away when she needs it, but other people don't' touch Weiss unless she does it first because they know she doesn't like it...except Ruby.
I have tried to look at other relationships for them, and I honestly don't see them as realistic.
Even Penny would need a lot more development to make it work. I get that it's cute and wholesome but they've known each other for again a month, and Penny just defers to Ruby.
Ruby needs a partner and equal not a submissive enabler. That's a relationship you have with a pet, and not a person.
Now if Maria were young and hot that'd be different...
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Ruby and Weiss are partners. If they're allowed to have the much needed conversations they never seem to get, ie haven, ever after, Ruby's mom, everything, etc.
Then is it possible? Maybe. If they do go WR I suspect it'll be more hints, and slow ramp up until the final season.
I would expect it either on the eve of the final battle, or literally during it maybe as in Weiss gets feds up with waiting, and decides to do something about it.
More likely at this point is they'll both just end up single with maybe faint hints so fans can imagine what they want for it.
Would I prefer it if it was WR so the team can truly be family? Yes, but I don't even know if we're getting a volume 10 at all to be honest. The fact that it wasn't announced at the last festival, and we get an extended eppy, and then nothing after the last movie?
Not making me feel super confident. I could be wrong though. On many things. Except Young Maria.
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skeeterofthefeeder · 1 month
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9 year old me would be shatting her pants if she knew what i was drawing right now. hi billy
headcanons and tidbits about my hum!bill design below because im ill
- i wanted to kinda have a balance between alex’s one drawing of human bill and The Tumblr Design. as well as some of my personal design choices because i wanted it to be lore accurate but still visibly projected on by Meeee
- bills still only got one eye (hence the closed lid, he chooses not to have a prosthetic) and i gave my design of him polycoria so he has two fused pupils in one big eye. he still has long ass giraffe lashes
- ive seen a lot of human designs of him with a suit and jacket and i think thats really cool but i wanted mine to be a bit simpler n try something new so i gave it a caped coat thing. which i actually like a lot but i might experiment in the future shrugs
- pierced ear with teeth because he would methinks. im not disclosing whether its deer teeth or human teeth
- crooked gapped discolored + missing teeth because i think its fitting + an aspect of alex’s bill that i liked and a design choice i like in general sniles. his breath smells like beer and issues
- not skinny like the Tumblr human bill design, i wanted to emulate the triangle shape w/ his body type so hes a little bottom heavy at the torso (tho it might not be too noticeable w/ the coat) and has scrawny limbs. he gets to be a chubby old man as a treat also ive seen designs of him with pointed ears and i thought that was neat. just human enough to be human passing but still Questionably Inhuman
- his bow tie looks a little bit less like his canon design’s, i liked a ribbon-looking one better since its kinda a parallel with stans ribbon thing + i hc he got it from his mom and the hat from his dad
- i dont really know if i wanted the lighter streaks to be highlights or greasy hair i could see it being both or either tee bee aych. i hc that his hair gets a lot longer when hes in the theraprism + dwelling on the divorce, and i really wanna draw that at some point
- i dont really have a face claim for him atm but if i ever find one im passionate ill edit this and out it here. i think hes got pretty sharp cheekbones but theres some chub under his chin + hes got a pointy nose. yknow cus hes. pointy
- i got this hc from tiktok but i thought it was really interesting; his hands are really charred from the fires of his deals, + expanding on that hc i think hes got burns from the euclydia fire under his coat and gloves
thats about all the thoughts i have for now, thanks for reading !!!
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tis-i-dezzi · 3 days
Karlach Headcanons that are fluffy, cute, and somehow angsty because I love her and tadpoles are in my brain making me Bg3 obsessed
Likes flowers, used to make flower crowns when they were little and can still do once her engine is fixed.
If she can survive Avernus and make it top side I headcannon she opens up a pub or coffee shop. (thank you Legends and Lattes)
I also headcanon they start beekeeping in their spare time. She just thinks bees are neat. :)
I don't think Karlach was necessarily a barbarian until the engine was put in her. She was a good bodyguard and was clearly an adept fighter, but I think after being sold to Zariel and the engine being put in her is what made her a barbarian.
Personally I really like the idea of Karlach being non-binary like her voice actor and using She/They pronouns.
Looks a lot like her father, but acts exactly like her mother. I think her dad is this large/tall broad-shouldered gentle giant of a man and her mother was the spicy vibrant one and is a tiny terror.
She was definitely a Mama's baby though. She did everything with their mom, and wanted to be like her when they grew up.
When she lost her parents it was a dark time for Karlach. She remembers drinking, fighting, and crying a lot. It was a wound that hurts less and less as time goes on, but they still feel that pain every once in awhile.
Was a fun kid, but had trouble in school. She could not sit still, was disruptive, and real excitable when it came to certain topics. Like a true ADHD Queen.
Speaking of kids she loves kids. She does like babies too, but is nervous about holding them since you have to be so gentle. She worries they'd get it wrong.
If you romance her and mention kids she deflects to getting an angry goat line because she could never fathom actually being able to raise kids before. It's the first time she considers the possibility of being able to stay or worse, losing you.
Can actually make a mean drink. Gale and her swap cocktail recipes.
Cannot cook to save her life. Mostly burns everything. Bless the heart of whoever cooks/baked goods for her Pub/Cafe.
Her favorite color is Blue. 🩵
Has tried and failed horrendously to get all the 8 strength characters to work out with her. Gale politely declined, Astarion asked why when she could do all the heavy lifting to which she lifted him and said it was good in case she wasn't around. Yes this led to "Do I even weigh anything to you????""Not really it's like lifting a couple grapes." Wyll tried, but ended up with his entire body feeling like jelly after trying to lift several rocks with her.
So far is winning against Lae'zel in an arm Wrestling competition.
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mikalame · 11 months
heyyyy i loveeee your writing i saw the bill kaulitz x mcbling reader of yours and i was thinking maybe you could do the same one but with coquette style?
Sorry ive been away for so long and this took me ages to get out 😭
Bill x coquette reader
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He thinks you are so cute, he just loves the cute little dresses in the light shades as well as the cute shoes and cardigans.
When paparazzi see you to together for the first time and it gets published in the magazines people at first think 'oh they seem like good friends, so what if they have completely different styles' but when you guys announce that your dating they are shook.
likes the little bows you have for accessories and ties them onto what ever he can when hes out on tour like you know when people tag a place with spray paint he does the same with your little bows
first time going to your room/apartment would probs be a big shock to him with how clean and neat your desks are all your makeup in a cute box and all your clothes put away nicely would be different to bill as most times he is living out of a suitcase.
when you first start living with each other he trys to put some of his personal things around just to make it feel like hes living there as well and its not just you (if he moved into your apartment).
the black and light pink work really well together and makes your home look super great with the contrasts you'll have your cute little stuff on one side of the desk and bill will have his on the other side mirroring yours.
When it comes to makeup and the differences your two have if your pretty relax about what makeup you wear he will most likely do his heavy black eye makeup on you and wouldn't mind if you did it to him as well as i think its one of the things bill would do as a love language yk.
SKIN CARE is such a big this in your guys home every Sunday you two just relax around the house in pj after ding and everything shower, face masks on, hair masks (you know he needs it after all the hairspray) and just eat junk and do a massive movie marathon.
if you two were dating when you got Pumba he would have to diff-rent collars so one pink one that tom said was pretty 'girly' then one black one that got spikes and all that on it. When Halloween comes around you most definitely dress Pumba up in costumes like a pumpkin, bee or just whatever.
He LOVES seeing his emo/punk clothes on you his heart just starts pumping when you two do end up dressing up in each others clothes its so funny bills got this mini light pink skirt on, bows in his hair and a cute sweater and you got eyeliner to the max skinny jeans cutting of circulation as well as being to long and dragging behind you along with a black singlet draping over you making it look like a dress.
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