an-s-sedai · 7 months
I was watching WoT s02e01 with my bestie, who's show-only, and when the ouroboros swirled into being for the opening, she turned to me and said "Whenever I see that, I think of your ring."
ksnsfafsfsckgjg yeah?? this ring??
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I should hope so, darling!
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mzcain27 · 4 months
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I got the mistborn vial necklace from Badali for Christmas, it arrived today, and I am laughing so hard at the three (3) separate warnings to not ingest the contents of the vial
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arrowflier · 7 months
I found my old ta'veren tees in storage! Still bitter that they lost licensing, they had so much great stuff.
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These are midriff shirts on me now but maybe if I cave and buy some high-waisted pants...
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koravelliumavast · 2 years
To be a stoneward of the new knights radiant there are only two criteria: old man or child.
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eeveekholin · 6 months
...seriously tempted to do a closet costume of Moiraine this Halloween
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newsfatafat · 9 months
Gujarat Jillafer Badli Seniority list 2023
Gujarat Jillafer Badli Seniority list 2023 | જિલ્લાફેર બદલી માટે સિનિયોરિટી લિસ્ટ: Online Jillafer Badli 2023 NI SENIORITY YADI  provides information about all types of new jobs, academic news and competitive exam materials in gujarat primary education news and India. From here you can get different jobs. Such as education department gujarat, engineer jobs, diploma candidate jobs, MBA jobs, low…
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best24news · 1 year
Murder in Haryana: रेहडी पर अंडे खा रहे एक युवक की गोलियों से भूनकर हत्या
Murder in Haryana: रेहडी पर अंडे खा रहे एक युवक की गोलियों से भूनकर हत्या
हरियाणा: झज्जर-बहादुरगढ़ जिले के कस्बा बादली में शनिवार शाम बाजार में एक दुकान पर अंडे खा रहे एक युवक की गोलियों से भूनकर हत्या कर दी गई। उसे सात गोलियां मारी गई। दुकानदार भी दो गोली लगने से घायल हुआ है। उसे अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है। Haryana News: नई साल में राशन वितरण को लेकर होगा बडा बदलाव, जानिए क्यों ? बता दे कि बादली में लाडपुर मोड़ के पास गांव का युवक मोनू इस दुकान के बाहर खड़ा होकर…
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cosmerelists · 8 months
Favorite Musicals of Each Order of the Knights Radiant
We’ve already considered their favorite boardgames. But what about when it’s time to go to a musical? Which musical is preferred by each order?
1. Skybreakers: Les Misérables
They think Javert is the protagonist.
Szeth: Is it not strange that the musical continues for so long after the death of the protagonist?
Nale: Ah, but it is only thus that we see the real tragedy.
Nale: As all of the lawbreakers go on living, without punishment, due the the lawman not being willing to fulfill his duty.
Joret: It’s so horrifying.
Cali: Yes, hence the title.
2. Bondsmiths: West Side Story
It’s about two warring gangs being brought together.
Dalinar: Although it is sad, it is nice that it ends with all of the previously estranged people bonding over their loss.
Navani: And it really is through music that two warring sides can be brought together--perhaps even feel love for each other.
Dalinar: Yes. 
Dalinar: Wait, what? 
3. Edgedancers: Little Shop of Horrors
Or at least, it’s Lift’s favorite.
Lift: I dunno why Wyndle doesn’t like it--it’s about a plant!
Lift: A hungry plant too, so it has something in common with both of us!
Wyndle: I--
Wyndle: Never--
Wyndle: That--
Lift: It’s kinda in the title, dude.
4. Stonewards: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
They were surprised at how invested they got.
Badali: It may not be warfare, yet the efforts of these children are so inspiring.
Zu: They truly do fight until there is only one standing.
5. Elsecallers: A Little Night Music
Jasnah just thinks it’s neat.
Jasnah: I have to respect the effort of composing each song in 3/4 time.
6. Lightweavers: Phantom of the Opera
It’s about art, tortured souls, disguises...
Gaz: I gotta feel bad for the Phantom.
Shallan: What, because his love for Christine is doomed?
Vathah: Because it would suck to live in a sewer?
Gaz: Well sure.
Gaz: But also that one-sided mask.
Gaz: He must always feel like there’s something there in the darkness, something just out of his sight.
Shallan: ...
Vathah: ...
Gaz: N-Not that I would know anything about that, ha ha!
7. Truthwatchers: Lion King
They went for the costumes and ended up being  blown away by the story.
Rlain: If Simba had just told the truth about his father’s death, all of that could have been avoided.
Stump: Yeah, well, kids are pretty stupid sometimes.
Renarin: Although by running away, Simba did get to be raised by two awesome gay dads, so that’s nice!
Stump: ...
Renarin: What?
8. Willshapers: Scarlet Pimpernel
It’s about rescuing innocent (?) aristocrats from being imprisoned and guillotined!  
Eshonai: It is truly inspiring to see a group of humans working so hard to free other humans before their unjustified deaths.
Venli: That Madame Guillotine song is really catchy though.
Eshonai: Yeah, you almost can almost understand the killing there.
9. Dustbringers: Wicked
They appreciate the overall message.
Malata: Yeah, there really are two sides to every story!
Ral-na: And just because a power is popularly deemed destructive, that does not mean it is so.
10. Windrunners: Also Wicked
Although their reasoning is...different.
Bridge Four, in their barracks: SO IF YOU CARE TO FIND ME / LOOK TO THE WESTERN SKY
Kaladin (wiping away a tear): It’s just such a good song.
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z4brzydkinamilosc · 4 months
mam nowy sposób na pozbycie się głodu
natknąłem się na taki profil tt na którym badali jedzenie pod mikroskopem boze rzyggg
tutaj macie nazwe tt: microzoomguy
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an-s-sedai · 8 months
babes. darlings. wot series readers.
I get it. I've read the books more than twenty times through. I was on theoryland. I was on dragonmount. I was am on tarvalon.net. I was on the grey-tower rp site. I was on irc with multiple registered wot usernames. I've gone to RL wot parties to meet wot fans I'd only hung out with online. I'm such a fucking wot nerd that I've visited wot fans on three continents to hang out with them in person. I have a Badali officially licensed Aes Sedai ring I wear most days, and I have had multiple Aes Sedai shawls. I've written wiki pages and articles for online WoT newspapers. I've literally taught WoT classes. I put the fanatic back in fan!
The show is different. the show has problems. the show has idiosyncracies and fuck-ups.
just. like. THE BOOKS!
fuck, I love it. I'm having such a good time loving it. I can love it and have criticisms. All I've done for over 15 yrs is lovingly critique the books! Why would the show be any different!
We are so lucky. Our showrunners love the source material! We don't see headlines like the Witcher, where the writers and directors literally hated the source material. We have real, handmade costumes and handmade sets like the much-lauded LotR movies, and unlike the much-maligned Rings of Power.
It's so much fun loving WoT. It's so delightful having theorizing back!! I get to make crackpot theories about the Wheel of Time again! how cool is that?! is the show perfect? Certainly not! but we're WoT fans! Since when have we needed perfection??
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La trama ufficiale di SUBURRÆTERNA, in arrivo nel 2023 su Netflix!
Roma, 2011. Il governo rischia di cadere, il Vaticano è in crisi e le piazze della città sono letteralmente date alle fiamme. Nel mondo di mezzo Cinaglia ha provato a raccogliere l’eredità di Samurai e, insieme a Badali, continua a gestire gli affari criminali della città, con l’aiuto di Adelaide e Angelica, rimaste a capo degli Anacleti, e di Nadia, che le aiuta a gestire le piazze di Ostia.
Ma c’è chi questo sistema non lo accetta più. Nuovi protagonisti scenderanno in campo, stravolgendo gli equilibri di Roma: inizia così una rivoluzione che, dalla Chiesa al Campidoglio e fino alle spiagge di Ostia, si espande velocemente per cancellare tutto ciò che rappresenta il passato.
Spadino sarà dunque costretto a tornare a casa, per evitare che la sua famiglia venga messa in pericolo insieme a tutto il resto, e a cercare nuovi alleati, anche laddove non avrebbe mai pensato di trovarli… Ma la guerra è guerra e in palio c’è il controllo di Roma.
The official SUBURRÆTERNA storyline, coming to Netflix in 2023!
Rome, 2011. The government is in danger of falling, the Vatican is in crisis and the squares of the city are literally set on fire. In the middle world Cinaglia has tried to collect the legacy of Samurai and, together with Badali, continues to manage the criminal affairs of the city, with the help of Adelaide and Angelica, who remained at the head of the Anacleti, and of Nadia, who helps them manage the squares of Ostia.
But there are those who no longer accept this system. New protagonists will take the field, upsetting the balance of Rome: thus begins a revolution that, from the Church to the Campidoglio and up to the beaches of Ostia, expands quickly to erase everything that represents the past.
Spadino will therefore be forced to return home, to prevent his family from being endangered along with everything else, and to seek new allies, even where he never thought of finding them ... But war is war and the reward is the control of Rome.
• I'm worried about Alberto's second chance to be alive and do something else but... ok. We'll keep going with the crime😅
• I hope to see Cristiana, Adriano and maybe Sara again
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myslodsiewniav · 2 years
Pisząc poprzedni wpis wkurwiłam się - nie będzie mi jakiś dziad psuł humoru i zamiarów. To on jeden jest specem od wilków!? 
Zadzwoniłam do nadleśnictwa. Tam mnie pokierowano do osoby odpowiedzialnej za zwierzęta w tym obszarze w którym coś na nas warczało. 
Pani, która mnie wysłuchała w ogóle zrobiła w biurze burze mózgów, włączyła głośnomówiący, razem z kolegą z pokoju wyciągnęli jakieś mapy i szukali odpowiedniego miejsca zgodnie z moimi opisami. Serio.
Jak znaleźli miejsce to przeszli do map na kompie i podali mi numer do Pana, który jest przedstawicielem koła łowieckiego w tym obszarze. Aż mnie wzięło strachem - ja nie chcę tego wielka ODSTRZELAĆ, chcę by go badali i ewentualnie chronili ludzi (w tym moich teściów i ich szczeniaczka). Pani z nadleśnictwa uspokoiła mnie, że nie chodzi o odstrzał tylko o to by skontaktować się z osobą, która najwięcej wie o dzikich zwierzętach w tym obszarze. Uf, okay.
Zadzwoniłam więc do tego Pana (który jak się okazało również prowadzi lokalny Klub Piłkarski hehehe swojsko) i mu wszystko opowiedziałam. Przejęty wysłuchał o naszym spotkaniu z dzikim zwierzęciem w rzepaku i wykrzyknął “Jak dobrze, że uciekliście! To było bardzo niebezpiecznie szczególnie dla szczeniaczka!” Potwierdził: to BYŁ WILK. Po prostu. Wilk jest dzikim zwierzęciem, którego nie można odstrzelać i o obecności wilków na tych terenach wie całe koło łowieckie. Niektórzy koledzy Pana Przewodniczącego stanęli z nimi oko w oko i opisywali ten pierwotny strach w sposób podobny do mojego - bardzo dogłębne, pierwotne uczucie przerażającego strachu. 
Niestety wilki są nietykalne, nie da się z nimi nic zrobić, chociaż ich śmiałość i populacja baaaaardzo wzrasta. 
W spotkaniu z człowiekiem raczej uciekną, nawet kiedy warczą i wydają się groźne, ale w zetknięciu z pieskami - zaatakują bez zastanowienia. Czyli w sobotę najbardziej zagrożone było życie szczeniaczka. Pan przedstawił mi dłuuuuugą opowieść o tragicznych śmierciach piesków jego znajomych i o tym, że trzeba uważać na tym obszarze puszczając zwierzęta bez smyczy w wysokie zborze. Poleca na razie być uważnym i się wstrzymać, bo łatwo o nieszczęście - niestety. 
I baaaardzo podziękował za informację, potwierdził, że to cenne zgłoszenie, które przekaże w kole łowieckim. 
I teraz czuję się spełniona.
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vivsnov · 1 year
Dzisiaj jestem drugi dzień w szpitalu na koszarowej we wrocławiu bede tutaj robic shitpost na ten temat XD
Dzień 2 (8:25) w szpitalu
Jestem aktualnie na jakimś dziwnym oddziale z babkami z dziecmi, wstalam o 7:00, polozylam sie spac o 21 i wstalam potem o 1, zasnelam okolo 3. Czuje sie tak sobie, alw to ravzej jak zwykle, brzuch mnie napierdala ale kto by sie spodziewal po zezarciu tylu tabletek lol, mam wenflon w rece od przedwczoraj i on tak chilernie mnie wkurwia, juz kroplowki nie dostaje to nie wiem po chuj mi on, jest. Mam dwóch wspólokatorów, jedna to pani a drugi to jej półtorej roczny maluch aluś, chociaz nie ejst tutaj tak nudno, skonczyly mi sie wczoraj okolo 16 dane komorkowe wiec jestem na wi fi szpitalnym ktory praktycznie nie istnieje, mimo boląvej reki czesto biore alka na rece i sie z nim bawie, od razu gdy mama wychodzi do toalety lub gdzies indziej np. do kuchni to musze go od razu czymś zajmować bo płacze XD. Ogólem jest okej ale nuda w chuj, mama po 15 przywiezie mi jakies rzeczy i wkoncu bede miala picie 🙏🙏 bo pije 3 raxy dziennir masakra, ale dostalam wczoraj kubek wiec no amen. Dziś znów bede miała konsultacje z pania psychiatra, troche jeszcze bujam w obłokach ale chyba jest git, dzis zgaduje ze sniadanje bedzie o 9 bo pisze to o 8:30 juz i nie ma nadal wiec no chuj. Dobrze ze trafilam na inna psychiatre niz tą rudą ktora kiedys tu byla, no kurwa masakra jakas. Jakas studentka ktora sie uczy, bo badali akurat alusia ciagle sie kurwa na mnie gapila jakby tffff, przez chwile myslalam ze to moze ta ruda no ale przeciez ona juz jest psychiatra XDDD. Chyba nie mam nic do dodania, od dzis bede pisac taki pamietniczek, jesli przyjma mnie na psychiatryczny (chociaz teraz hestem na obserwacji) to bede pisac recznie w jakims zeszycie 🫶 Jak bedzie sie dziac cos cirkawego to po prostu bedr dopisywac XDD
edit: 8:38 dostalam sniadanie lol
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windwardrose · 2 years
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The King of Knights lost approximately 9 games of Quoridor in a row at the game room at ECCC but it was a good afternoon anyway.
Lots of Genshinites (primarily Venti oddly enough), lots of Demon Slayers, no Fire Emblem folk :(, saw Mami and Madoka and said hullo to them, a handsomely done Violet Evergarden, an absolutely splendid Mollymauk (and a Percy, Laudna, Imogen, Keyleth x2, Caduceus x2), 2 Yors and 2 Anyas, I think a Ciel but I wasn't sure? and a Ruby with a fine scythe.
I bought an Auri's Gear necklace from the Badali jewelry store, long long last. I mind now how I wrote in the front of her book once, remember normal is such a low bar.
Such is the vibe these days.
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best24news · 2 years
सावधान! सुरक्षित नहीं है KMP, फिर हुई वारदात
सावधान! सुरक्षित नहीं है KMP, फिर हुई वारदात
हरियाणा: भले ही सरकार की ओर से वाहन चालको की यात्रा को सरल, सुरक्षित व सुगम बनाने के लिए कुंडली-मानेसर-पलवल (KMP) एक्सप्रेस-वे बना दिया गया हो। लेकिन यह एक्सप्रेस वे सुरक्षित नहीं है। हर दिन इस मार्ग पर हादसे व लूटपाट की वारदाते हो रही है। सबसे अहम बात यह है इस मार्ग पर सरेआम लूट मर्डर होना आम हो गया है!   दिनदहाडे लूटा: एक बार फिार एक पिकअप ड्राइवर को बदमाशों ने लूट लिया। बदमाश उसकी पिकअप गाड़ी,…
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cosmerelists · 10 months
Favorite Boardgames of Each Order of the Knights Radiant
It’s Radiant Boardgame Night on Roshar! What would be the favorite boardgame of each Order of the Knights Radiant?
1. Bondsmiths: Connect Four
It’s a game about forging connections! 
Stormfather: Yes, Dalinar, allow the red pieces to fall into place! Complete the line! Forge the bond!
Sibling: Use your wily human ways to be victorious, Navani!! Go diagonal or something!
Dalinar: They certainly are...invested in this game.
Navani: Just so long as the Stormfather doesn’t blow over the board when I win.
Navani: ...Again.
Stormfather: I’m very invested in connecting!!
2. Dustbringers: Jenga
With their surges of Division and Abrasian, the Dustbringers have powers that could be called...destructive. I think they’d enjoy Jenga. 
Malata: Ha, ha! I have made the tower CRUMBLE
Ral-na: You are aware, of course, that per the rules, this means you have lost the game.
Malata: Wait, we’re playing by the rules? 
3. Truthwatchers: Clue
The Truthwatchers believe in finding and sharing the truth. Like...the truth of who murdered Mr. Body this time!
Renarin: It was Mr. Green in the Library with the Wrench!
Rlain: You won AGAIN?!
Stump: You’re not using your future sight or something, are you kid?
Rlain: You know Renarin wouldn’t do that.
Stump (muttering): Just think it’s weird that I never win.
Renarin: That might be because you always accuse Colonel Mustard.
Stump: That mustache is DEFINITELY hiding something!
4. Skybreakers: Monopoly
The Skybreakers believe in obeying the law, no matter what. And if there’s a game that people don’t normally follow the actual rules for, it’s this one. The Skybreakers? They’d play it “right.”
Szeth: The other knights speak of something called “House Rules” for this game.
Nale: “House rules” are not rules at all, but merely inventions of unreliable human actors who wish the game to be “shorter” or “more fun.”
Nale: We will NOT continue the game until SOMEBODY buys this property at auction.
Joret: Personally, I LOVE not having fun!
Cali (muttering): Kiss-ass. 
5. Lightweavers: Pictionary 
With their artistic skills, Pictionary would surely be a delight for the Lightweavers.
Beryl: It’s an apple!
Shallan: Shhh...hang on...I’m not done...
Vathah: Come on, come on, that’s already the best drawn apple we’ve ever seen, etc.
Shallan: Aaand done!
Gaz: Time’s up.
Ishnah: It’s still tied.
Ishnah: Mostly because we’re all drawing only one picture per round.
Shallan: Maybe timed games aren’t really for us...
6. Willshapers: Mousetrap
The Willshapers love two things: building and freeing those who have been unjustly imprisoned.
Eshonai: Wait, you said this game was about freedom, but it seems that I will be trying to trap you in a mouse jail?
Venli: Shhh...I’m putting the final touches on my mousetrap! Ha! It looks AMAZING
Eshonai: Are we trying to keep ourselves free by imprisoning others? Is that..okay?
Venli: Don’t think too hard about it.
7. Elsecallers: Scrabble 
The Elsecallers are thoughtful, scholarly, and logical. I think they’d enjoy transforming a bunch of disparate letters into words!
Jasnah: Ah, I seem to have another 7-letter word. Amusingly, it is “radiant.”
Jasnah: And over here I can make “crab,” which is not bad with the “b” counting twice on the triple letter score.
Jasnah: Looks like Side A is currently winning.
Jasnah: ...
Jasnah: Sometimes I wish there were other Elsecallers. 
8. Stonewards: Risk
The Stonewards tend to be soldiers and to enjoy warfare, weaponry, and challenges. They can make do in difficult circumstances. It seems like they’d enjoy a good game of Risk!
 Zu: I shall reinforce Greenland! That is where my troops are most needed!
Badali: Wow, another game heading into its third hour!
Badali: Take two people who are both stubborn and good at strategy...
Zu: And you have great fun all afternoon?
Badali: That’s what I was going to say!
9. Edgedancers: Pandemic
The Edgedancers are healers and helpers, those who listen to people who may otherwise be ignored and remember those who may be forgotten. I think a lovely cooperative game, and one in which you work together to heal the world, would be great for them.
Lift: I did it! I discovered one of the cures!
Godeke: Great job, kid!
Lorain: It’s no nice to play this game without a worldwide pandemic actually going on, huh?
Godeke: What, uh, made you say that?
Lorain: You know,  I have no idea!
10. Windrunners: Chess
I know chess may sound like an Elsecaller game, but hear me out. The Windrunners are all about military ranks, and in chess all the pieces represent a rank. The Windrunners believe in protecting the weak--like the king piece. Sometimes they have to accept that they can’t protect everyone, like when they must sacrifice pawns. They’re good at working in tandem, and chess is about getting disparate pieces to work together. So Chess seems like something they’d enjoy...with maybe a few exceptions.
Kaladin: Well, this game gets one thing right.
Teft: That it takes a squad to protect a man?
Skar: That the ardents go their own way?
Sigzil: Bishops.
Skar: Whatever.
Moash: That everyone is forced to protect the king, even though he is demonstrably the weakest and most useless piece?
Lyn: That any pawn can attain ultimate power?
Kaladin: No. 
Kaladin: It gets horses right.
Kaladin: Why are they the only piece that consists of a giant, creepy head?
Kaladin: Why are they big as the castle?
Kaladin: Why the hell do they move like that?!
Kaladin: This is a game about how terrifying and creepy horses are.
Teft: Maaaaybe that’s enough chess for today.
Kaladin (whispering): No one gets me like chess does. 
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