#and it's of limited utility
msfeatherfreckles · 9 months
Our dogs are tolerating the new year's eve noise pretty well.
I am not.
Hours of torture.
The neighbors have had their karaoke machine thumping away since 4 in the afternoon. Downstairs, people are watching an action movie with lots of gunfire with the volume cranked waaay up.
My ears hurt, my brain hurts, my chest hurts, my lungs feel like they're filled with cotton, and my teeth hurt from clenching my jaw.
I am thiiis close to a mental breakdown or a temper tantrum or both.
I am having intrusive thoughts of breaking every piece of glass in the house and slitting my wrists with them, or of making myself fall down the stairs and cracking my head on the steps.
It's an hour past midnight, people! Go the fuck to sleep so that i can have some quiet in which to reassemble my sanity!
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Fiat Panda Penny, 1982, by Fissore. A utilitarian version of the first generation Panda that was made in limited numbers
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gummi-ships · 2 years
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I already forget where I heard this, but it's really sparkly to think about:
Which do you think is greater:
1. the combined number of jumps all humans throughout all of human existence have performed
2. the combined number of jumps all video game characters (specifically ones piloted directly by the player) have performed
if you think it's the latter-- when did 2 overtake 1?)
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shesmore-shoebill · 4 months
oh im so glad courtney came in to explicitly say "this is an AWFUL game to try to learn controls from" because its true. and to hug amanda. and provide fnaf insights.
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asofterepilogue · 3 months
Il y a quelques temps j'ai lu un article (que je ne retrouve évidemment pas) qui disait que le vote FN des classes populaires est en très grande partie motivé par la conviction que le système (capitaliste) injuste et douloureux dans lequel nous vivons est le seul possible et ne peut donc pas être changé, et qu'il s'agit alors pour ces fachos en puissance de s'assurer de ne pas passer dernier, c'est-à-dire de s'assurer que les "immigrés" ne bénéficient pas de la solidarité nationale et qu'ils vivent moins bien qu'eux-mêmes.
On sait aussi que l'abstention de plus en plus haute (à une exception récente près) est en partie due aux trahisons successives des politiciens, qui ont persuadé une grande partie de la population que voter ne servait à rien (même parmi ceux qui ne s'abstiennent pas, d'ailleurs).
Sachant cela, est-il judicieux pour une gauche qui se veut "de rupture" de se rapprocher de tout ce qui n'est clairement pas, ne souhaite pas être, ne sera jamais du côté de la rupture ? Est-il judicieux de soutenir François Hollande dit le fossoyeur de la gauche, ou un ancien ministre macroniste ? Est-il judicieux de s'allier avec Raphaël Glücksmann ? Est-il judicieux de faire renaître une alliance des gauches "mise à mort" il y a quelques mois par la gauche qui a déjà régné - et trahi - encore et encore et encore, avec plus de concessions à l'aile droite encore que lors de l'alliance précédente ? Est-il judicieux pour n'importe quel parti de gauche d'être représenté par quelqu'un qui utilise ouvertement les termes et les raisonnements de la droite en parlant "assistanat" ou en défendant sans nuance la police ? Est-il judicieux d'appeler à voter pour des candidats LR ou LREM qui voteraient les mêmes lois que les candidats FN et l'ont d'ailleurs déjà fait ?
Évidemment, il faut empêcher que l'extrême-droite ne gouverne. Mais si le danger est si réel aujourd'hui, c'est bien parce que l'ensemble de l'échiquier politique l'a encouragé pendant des décennies - par stratégie, par aveuglement, par inconscience, par complaisance.
À court terme, la stratégie de l'alliance peut porter ses fruits. Mais nous devrons de nouveau voter dans 3 ans (ou l'année prochaine en cas de nouvelle dissolution), et ce n'est pas en continuant à n'offrir aucune alternative crédible que les politiciens changeront la donne. Au-delà de ces élections, la stratégie des concessions à la gauche d'accompagnement la plus molle et la plus consensuelle est une stratégie perdante.
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lautakwah · 4 months
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petrichorium · 17 days
pluvi i impulsively pulled for jiaoqiu and i don’t know how to build him (and don’t even have acheron) do u know what works for him team wise and artefacts wise?
I will point u over to my beloved guoba’s vid on him if u want an in-depth discussion but for a tl;dr of that:
He slots decently well in any team where Pela does, so he’s good as a Dr Ratio support if ur hurting for debuffs w his team. Hes also an okay dot support (better w eidos so most wouldn’t bother at e0) and he’s pretty good in pure fiction due to ult spam—in general, probably think of him as a debuffing ult support, so he’s good w chars that need debuffs like Ratio and/or whose damage primarily comes from their ults like Argenti or Yunli BUT w the caveat that you’ll probably want Tingyun on there w them as a battery.
Here are the important graphics guoba gave wrt relics
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Obvi his sig is his best lc but in lieu of that apparently eyes of the prey is good bc it gives ehr, and tutorial mission (the event lc from way back when silver wolf was introduced, im sorry if u don’t have it) or the Herta shop cone r both very good for ult spam, w the Herta shop cone especially good for pure fiction.
Hope that helps!!!
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every day i regret being a balance main because why do I have to wear this ugly shade of brown. with like. orange and pink.
blah blah stitching but white and red are the school colors. what is this
if necromancy is most hated by ambrose, sorcery is most hated by the shopkeepers i tell you
THIS IS SO INCHRESTING because in my playthrough experience in terms of balance colors it's either the pretty maroon/crimson/gold palette, the orange/brown/sand/pale palette, or like what this ask just said and it looks like your sorcerer lost a paintball fight
the easiest solution to this. since balance is supposed to be all of the schools, make it all of the colors. all balance wizards ✨🌈 G R A D I E N T /j
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Well... either these artists don't like scooter or they don't like hybe. I really want the tea
What do you wager we get an explosive expose before the end of the year? Four months to go and all that bitter tea... 20 quid?
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zukkacore · 1 year
Allow me to be needlessly viscous for a moment but I’ve never actually watched that Lily Orchard everything wrong with Steven universe video until now in the context of someone refuting it and can I just say holy shit her lack of media literacy and inability to construct meaningful critique or persuasive arguments is honestly staggering. Seriously, this is the video that became the backbone of the SU backlash? Why was this person ever able to accrue a platform for media critique. The grip this below mediocre piece of trash had on the fandom is beyond me. I’m being mean but also so fucking genuine. Among any valid criticism people had for this childrens show there was so much pedantic garbage about off model animation and transparently reactionary bullshit that’s become such a lasting imprint on the show’s reputation that thinking about it was honestly making me existentially depressed. I’m not even mad about the idea of critiquing Steven Universe. I have critiques of Steven Universe. I’m mad that an essay this incompetently argued got so popular. You guys are not serious people
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nanamis-bigtie · 3 months
one annoying side of writer life that's, i feel, not discussed enough, is the painful urge to write a character while having absolutely no idea for a plot to go with
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furbearingbrick · 1 year
Concept: an au where Spamton can control, and even utilize, his glitching abilities
Spamton: You’re seriously trying to pay me in Dogecoin?! Fuck this. *walks away in a direction you can't see or imagine*
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eldragon-x · 2 years
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Idk if I'll actually make this AU a thing but um. last unicorn reference 👍
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nicollekidman · 2 years
abby, you got me thinking about dramione nonstop so now i want to know your favorite things about them
literally been thinking about this for hours and i truly don’t know how to answer without getting run out of town for being a delusional loser but. i think the best thing is that they don’t exist in canon outside of being broad strokes dichotomous characters who serve the plot. but then fanon decided. what if we took a universe teeming with untouched implications and made the subtext text. what if we took these “opposite” characters and put them in Situations(tm) that allowed us to write stories about war and prejudice and unwinable (often unsurvivable) circumstances. what if we thought about not light vs. dark but what it means to basically be created for a Good vs Evil fight. what if it was about a golden girl tired of creating light out of nothing, and a death eater terrified of his own blood. like…… they exist completely outside of anything written on the page or seen on the screen but there’s just so much there when you just pause and go. what if it was complicated. what if it’s not about redemption or corruption but both and also neither? what if we got into the magic and the horror. plus you’ve got. two characters whose reputations and personas become public mythos, two characters who are often isolated in their own ways, two characters who are narratively similar despite the circumstances, and two characters who should never be friends, much less anything more. and YET. and yet!!! what if!!!!
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i try to avoid pirating music stuff in general to save myself some trouble later down the road but i'd pirate FX vsts more if some of them weren't so fucking annoying about their anti-piracy measures. like undoing the changes ive made? whatever. you can get around that with saving a preset. but I'm going to attack and maim fabfilter for having their anti-piracy measures include fucking blasting your ears with white noise. that should full on be illegal
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