#and its a masterpiece. amen
arundolyn · 1 month
just rewatched the first saw for the first time in like over 5 years. having the time of my fucking LIFE
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finished watching lockwood earlier today and im gutted there wont be a second season bc it's so much better than [redacted] on all levels and ALSO claire finlay thompson of costume design fame i owe you my liiiiiiiife
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kimio7 · 11 months
Fics that defined my love of f1 rpf
In celebration of literally nothing actually, i bring you a fic rec list of some of my favourites!!! very condensed (100+ -> 15 not even including tumblr fics) and im kinda sad i cant put all of my favs down lol but these are like my must reads!!
pleaseeee read these if u havent already its all amazing even if you dont vibe with the ships themselves
silver platter by atwater | E | 9k
Literally the first fic I've ever read and basically got me into this fandom (and ship). Theyre both so unhinged and amazing it's a very fun read. Probably the best written lance ive every read.
Make Sound by antimonyandthyme | E | 1k
Makes me so fucking insane no notes this is just amazing oh my god
I make two grand an hour by Kaytheologie | E | 3k
Literally so hot and so amazing. lance is so bitchy in this one is great. amazing writing and amazing premise, literally inspired me to sketch out something right after (might finish it at some point)
provenance by ecorone | M | 18K
Literally the fic that introduced and made me fall in love with sewis. it wrecked me like i still havent recovered at all. the writing itself is just, i vibe to it so much
The Numbering at Bethlehem by Kaytheologie | E | 26k
might be one of my favourite fics, ever. what a masterpiece genuinely the environment is just so immersive and lush. ive reread it a dozen time and it never gets old
you're my purple candy high by nothoughtsjustvibes | M | 5k
baby's first brocedes 🥹 started my love affair with emotional destruction. ruined me when i just first read it and ruined me every time after that. The writing is so profound and laid out their tragedy bare.
the torture of small talk with someone you used to love by finedae | T | 2k
baby's first nico fic!! it also destroyed me!! i think this is the one that made me join f1br bc i was just so obsessed with the writing i needed to know what the author was like lol.
special research vessels by ecorone | M | 15k
listen i thought this ship wouldve been more popular than it is LOL or at least not as hated. regardless, i love this fic so much. I love the environment, I love the dialogue, the characterization, everything. It's just such an amazing reading experience
matchstick people by ecorone | E | 60k
if you havent noticed by now, im obsessed with this author. the prose, the characterizations, how beautifully the magical realism of it all was realized. horror as a genre is so underutilized in fanfics as a whole but when its done, its done amazingly. love love love
crude generalisations and vulgar simplifications by crescenteluce | E | 14k | Alexander Albon/George Russell
This fic is THE galex fic for me. it so funny and the writing is so witty its just fun to read. love the way the environment is constructed and it everything just feels so real. amazing
it's more than I can bear: this interminable want, turning and turning. by Anonymous | E | 2k | Fernando Alonso/George Russell
The vibes are rancid, the ships are niche, the writing is good. what more do you need? i love reading this and i love thinking about this.
Amen by sirius | M | 9k | Fernando Alonso/Lewis Hamilton
THE ferwis fic is my mind and mad me unreasonably obsessed with this ship. its so well written- like i love the characterization so much it makes me insane.
on golden sands bysionisjaune | T | 6k | Lewis Hamilton/Nico Rosberg/Sebastian Vettel
Listen, this and the ships that go sailing are both just amazingly entertaining fics. its objectively such a good read and i enjoy spending my time reading it. its just so fun!
steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it) by nahco3 | E | 26K | Daniel Ricciardo/Max Verstappen
My favourite medical au fic!! ever!!! everything is just so well realized and the characterization is just spot on!! love everything about this fic and nothing i say can fully explain how amazing this fic is!!!
Shutter Speed byantimonyandthyme | E | 18k | Sebastian Vettel/Mark Webber
got me into photography lol. made me purchase my first actual camera. dont know what else to say its just that amazing
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itsbuckytm · 6 months
Yooooo!!! That Snow fic you recently released involving the reader and Treech being in love? Absolute masterpiece! So hear me out: what if you wrote about their connection and how it progressed? Like, before Coryo got his clutches on the reader. There was a moment you described where Treech and the reader snuck out, I’m pretty sure. I’d love to see a story on that. Maybe end it with those dying words you mentioned? Just utter fluff with that heartbreak of an ending.
Capitol's love birds. / Treech
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summary : being Snow's twin meant being exactly like him, even though your appearances were slightly different. As a mentor yourself, you were assigned to District 7's male tribute, Treech. it was only in the wagon on its way to the Capitol that the chemistry first sparked, ultimately solidifying your status as the Capitol's favorite lovebirds.
ps ; english is not my native language, and I appreciate seeing your requests for ideas that I may not have thought of. Hopefully, you find the suggestions helpful. please refrain from plagiarizing my work without my permission or proper credit, as doing so may result in being flagged or banned. thank you.
Mentoring proved to be a challenging responsibility, but the greatest struggle arose when love entered the picture. However, this was no ordinary affection; it was a type of love that some might view as disgraceful, while others perceived it as a form of admiration amid the Games. Although Treech wasn't particularly interested in getting to know his mentor, let alone encountering them in another restricted enclosure, it was within those confines that the two of you crossed paths. Despite being Snow's twin traditionally constantly at his side, it was unquestionable that you, too, were destined to trail behind him to discover who your tribute was. 
While taking pride in mentoring someone from a district not situated at the lowest rungs of Panem's hierarchy, you were fortunate enough to maintain a semblance of dignity, given the reputation of the district you represented for its familiarity with victory. However, Lucy Gray Baird's captivating performance, the talk of the town since the reaping, cast shadows of doubt over your confidence. All of this, while your brother engaged with fellow tributes, attempting his best to establish his temptation not to gith back. 
You couldn't help but notice the stark class distinctions. Dust still clung to their attire, indicating a lack of access to basic amenities like showers before arriving. A twinge of sympathy crept in. "What's a pretty face doing here?" Reaper Ash remarked, catching you off guard. Initially assuming the comment was directed at Coriolanus, you soon realized it was aimed squarely at you. The revelation that you, too, were to become a mentor became apparent. And that the unspoken pressure to make a positive first impression on the fortunate second tribute who had the early opportunity to meet you loomed large. But Ash simply laughed at your brother’s reaction by ordering you stay behind him. Although poorly as his arm performed itself as a fence initiating to any tributes not to go further. "Relax, pretty boy. I won't touch her. Just asking for a friend, that's all." 
That friend happened to be Treech, whose imposing silhouette positioned itself in front of you a little closer this time. His gaze had been fixed on you from the moment he laid eyes on you. While you initially attributed it to natural human interaction, the persistent feeling of being scrutinized lingered throughout. It seemed as if Treech was almost surprised or even deceived to have you as his mentor, likely influenced by how your brother had fared so far. "Looking for District 7." You mentioned exchanging quick glances with the tributes to assess who would be best with an axe.
 As expected, your eyes landed on the red-headed girl who endeavored to present herself as the ideal candidate for you. "A boy." Your brother corrected, noticing as Lamina stood up, but Treech, adopting a protective stance, advised her to remain behind, much like your twin had done. After all it was a one-on-one game for the time being. "That must be my lucky one." Treech expressed sarcastically, stating it as a matter of fact, causing a subtle pink shade to color your cheeks – a reaction you tried hard to control. After all, it was your very first time you had seen someone outside the District ever. "You get to have the other pretty one." Ash teased playfully, suggesting that, despite Treech's charming demeanor, he was seemingly destined for a grim fate in the arena upon arrival. “I’m a little jealous.” Ash generously said.
Upon reaching the Capitol, you and your brother were taken aback as you discovered an unforeseen aspect of the tributes' journey. The initial understanding was that Flickerman, the Capitol's esteemed journalist, would be present to introduce each tribute upon their arrival. However, what they were unaware of was the presence of two mentors among the tributes, perhaps trespassing without official permission. This, however, was a matter for another time. Despite the somewhat unconventional transportation, Treech remained fixated on you throughout the journey to the Capitol. He seemed entranced by the striking resemblance between you and your brother, sparking a sense of compassion. Observing your interactions and the way you closely accompanied your brother, it was rumored that you were akin to his pet, only permitted to speak when approved by Coriolanus. Despite his disdain for the District, your brother demonstrated a surprising degree of protectiveness towards you, although in the midst of the situation, allowed  some space during the encounter with your tribute in an unexpected location. 
Fortunately, your keen observation allowed you to realize that you were reaching your destination, a detail that eluded many, including Coryo himself. Swiftly grasping your twin’s arm, a gesture he had ensured, the sudden tilt of the wagon hinted at the possibility of your feet slipping and sliding. Treech's eyes widened at your momentary clumsiness, seizing the opportunity to support you. As your back met the uncomfortable mud of the Zoo, he was determined not to lose his mentee on the spot. 
Cameras focused intently on both you and your brother, eliciting a crowd reaction filled with exclamations such as, "It's Snow's boy!" Swiftly, the onlookers noticed your presence next to your brother, who rose and asserted himself. There you stood, a captivating spectacle, with Treech's arm securing your waist and his unwavering gaze fixed on yours. A sly smirk played on his lips as the rest of the crowd declared your presence as well. "And look! The other Snow!" The citizens of the Capitol, already entranced by the presence of the twin siblings on their tributes' first day, began expressing confidence in your victory. This added an additional layer of challenge for the other mentors who were absent from this captivating spectacle. "It's your cue, princess." 
"Princess" was the first word he used to address you. Ironically, it took you a moment to realize that all the cameras were focused on you. Your brother had already made his mark, keeping a careful eye to ensure your tribute didn't make any missteps, especially when it came to touching you. However, you were completely under Treech's influence. With a confident smile, he waved at the cameras, making it a bit easier for you to face the potential embarrassment later at home. "She's alright!" He assured, shifting his gaze quickly to your relieved brother. He could have sworn he saw a few Capitol ladies, with similar makeup to yours, watching in awe at how Treech gallantly assisted you. As he watched the scene unfold with Lucy and Snow not far away, he too decided to play the role of the Capitol's love bird. 
As preparations for the 10th Hunger Games were underway, Flickerman's team mandated interviews with every tribute each year. From the very beginning, you managed to establish trust with Treech, a bond that proved beneficial. Not only did you ensure he was well-fed, but you also took the initiative to fetch Lamina additional food, given her mentor's apparent neglect. Treech appreciated the maternal role you assumed for Lamina. On one occasion, he confessed that he would go to great lengths for her, even if it meant risking his own life to secure her victory as the final tribute. It was all in the pursuit of making District 7 proud once again, for a Lumberjack always harbors a wealth of secrets up their sleeves. 
During his time at the Zoo, Treech found increased joy in your company, particularly when you accompanied him for a quick visit to the arena. Following suit with other tributes, he decided to take the initiative in making the first move. It happened on that initial day when he casually attempted to hold your hand, his fingers gently intertwining with yours. You discreetly glanced at him, careful not to make it too obvious given the presence of the assigned tributes and their mentors. With Coriolanus behind you taking notice. Yet, observing Treech's attempts to connect with you, he sensed a deeper connection between the two of you. Realizing this, your elder sibling understood the need to strengthen his bond with Lucy. To Treech's delight, he could only imagine your brother envying a love that he would never receive in return. 
With insider knowledge of the arena and sneaky routes into the Academy, Treech and you managed to slip away after the arena visit. Observing his interaction back with District 4's tribute and noticing his vigilance, a few teases were all it took to provoke Treech into throwing a punch, especially when faced with comments like. "Your girlfriend wouldn't mind if I speak with you?" While it was clear that others were aware of your connection, Treech dismissed it as a mere game, refusing to believe that it held any deeper significance. However, his sentiments towards you had sparked an unexpected depth of emotion within him. "Just a reminder." He sternly directed at the other tribute, his gaze darkening with offense. Spotting you behind him with Lamina by your side, Treech asserted. "You don't speak such filth about Y/N." The onlookers chuckled at his protectiveness and the evident depth of his emotions. "Or else?" They added, challenging anyone who dared to disrespect you. 
"Or else, I won't hesitate to cut your head off with my axe. Watch yourself, because I can do it in the blink of an eye." With those words, Treech revealed what you truly meant to him. He could vividly recall Snow's concerned gaze as he tried to pull you away from the escalating situation. However, you had refused that day, meeting Treech's eyes the entire time after discussing the tributes he would be teamed with. "For Lamina's sake," You had pleaded, urging him to be cautious. "Those individuals only seek your vulnerability. They may be from District 4, but they don't understand the power of an axe." Was what Treech said reassuring you with a smile. A smile you’ll never forget. 
In that very moment, you decided to take Treech with you for a clandestine escape from the arena. It was a day when even the tributes were granted the freedom to either stay at the arena for practice or wander under the watchful eyes of the Peacekeepers. However, Treech and you had a different agenda. You used the excuse of wanting to make his training more convenient as a cover. For some inexplicable reason, you had the approval of Dr. Gaul, who only instructed that Treech needed to return to the Zoo before midnight. It seemed that being Snow's twin had its perks after all. 
Upon your arrival at the Academy's Greenhouse, both of you maintained a quiet atmosphere. This place held a special significance for you, offering tranquility during moments of anxiety or family pressure. Though it was suspected that you were in charge of the Greenhouse, under your grandmother's watchful eye and constant reminders to enjoy tending to flowers like she did, you chose to share this haven with Treech. It was the same place where you had once spoken briefly to him, and he was thrilled not only to spend time alone with you but also to witness the real person behind the facade of prestige and elegance showcased in public. Trying to ease the slight tension, Treech remarked. "You know, I'd be damned to see your brother's face if he were here." It was a fact that you were gradually opening up to someone who was once a stranger but had become someone you deeply loved. "Brother could care less; he has Lucy wrapped around his finger right now.” You added, acknowledging the complexities of your relationships within the family. 
A smirk played across Treech's face, revealing his amusement at the thought of your brother feeling jealous. Although they were in similar positions, this time the connection between you and Treech was authentic, not just for show. Playful teasing began to permeate every event at the Academy, serving as a tactic to expose vulnerabilities in both of you. However, with Treech's mentor skills and the insights gained from your brother's tips, he honed his skills and strength, making it increasingly difficult for others to exploit weaknesses or gain his trust. "And would it be fair to say that I, too, have my little finger entirely wrapped around you, Princess?" He added, playfully reciprocating the banter. 
His words caused a warm blush to spread across your cheeks, especially when he directed his attention toward you during wound care in practice. The worry in your eyes whenever he made a slight mistake was met with a reassuring thumbs-up and the smile you cherished. There were moments when it became challenging for him to stay focused, particularly when he saw you engaged in conversations with your other classmates. Despite the casual nature of those interactions, he couldn't resist the urge to draw your attention back to him. In response, you chuckled softly, suggesting a meeting on the rooftop of the Greenhouse to admire the stars. "Anything that involves being with you, I'll gladly say yes." He replied with a smile. “You know, I love when you blush more. Especially for me.” 
Without uttering a word, you playfully dismissed his comment, rolling your eyes in a teasing manner. You extended your hand, a gesture he effortlessly accepted. "Show me the way, Princess." He said, and together, you ascended the stairs. Luck was on your side as you reached the rooftop just as the sun of the Capitol dipped below the horizon, signaling the arrival of dawn. The sky was clear, and the stars of Panem glittered above, creating a breathtaking scene just for the two of you. "Looks like I'm the lucky one." He marveled at the view. "Having a beautiful face to look at and a beautiful scenery to enjoy all to myself. I'd be damned not to win these Games and return home to a beautiful angel." He confessed, and this time, he genuinely meant every word. 
On the other hand, you remained completely silent. Initially, you wanted to express your gratitude, but as the Games drew nearer, uncertainty crept in, even with Treech's skills. The looming uncertainty, especially regarding Lucy's well-being and Snow's single-minded pursuit of victory, left you unsure. Despite your love for your brother, his focus was solely on winning, regardless of the familial bond. Treech noticed the tension as the two of you sat next to the bench, and he tried to bring you closer. In an unexpected reaction, you flinched—a rare occurrence. "Hey—" Treech began, but he immediately noticed your slightly swollen face and your eyes fighting back tears. The man you loved had become, overnight, a complete stranger at best. "Look at me, Y/N." He pleaded, adopting a worried tone as you broke down in front of him. The situation must have been incredibly embarrassing for you. 
"What's wrong?" His voice softened as he looked at you, tender care evident in his gaze. He took immense pride in having you as his partner during the Games and falling in love with the most exceptional mentors he could have ever asked for. He harbored concerns about the possibility of you crying over his lifeless body, should the worst come to pass. The thought of hearing you scream his name filled him with worry, although he made a concerted effort not to show it. His overarching plan was to make you proud and, above all, to be loved by you until his very last breath. 
"Have you ever genuinely fallen in love?" Your question resonated with Treech. Of course, he loved you. You were an unexpected and, ironically, his first love. And so for you. The circumstances of your meeting might not have been ideal, but as long as he was with you, that's all that mattered. And if things worked in his favor, it was not just for him but for Lamina as well, given that she often regarded you as someone she could trust. "Like genuinely." You added, trying your best not to burst into laughter. Your tears didn't make it any easier, giving you a slightly maniacal tone. 
“Of course, and that person is sitting right in front of me.” His eyes not taking his gaze from you. How he watched you loosing yourself entirely in the moment of a mere seconds. Your old habits resurging as you would try to numb the pain of your fingers by scratching the very last skin until it bled. To which Treech could not help to notice the moment he had met you. He grabbed your fingers, making you to stop it quickly as he began to peck every single fingers. “And I have made a promise to myself, that if I’d ever win. That we will be reunited together. Build a family, run away together. Be the lovebirds the Capitol wants us to be.” 
A mixture of remorse and relief surged through you as you heard every word from Treech, assuring you that he would stay alive and well. If only you could muster the same confidence he exuded. Despite your attempts, he gently wiped away your tears, his fingers delicately holding your chin to meet his gaze. "You know, even if it's not the conventional way to confess one's love to another, I might be able to let myself do it." He said, leaning in to press his lips against yours. They were soft, just as you expected, carrying the comforting scent of wood he had kept upon his arrival—a reminder of home, a home with both you and Treech. 
"I love you to the bottom of my heart. I know our first meetings weren't the best, but the way you cared for Lamina, and even showed care to me, proved something deeper. If we can continue doing that every night until the Games, I'll make sure you genuinely know that I love you." He confessed once the kiss broke. His words carried a weight that nearly brought tears to your eyes, holding you in place. The both of you chuckled at the irony of the situation, yet a newfound sense of confidence enveloped you—something you had never experienced before, especially as someone from a District. 
"Man, I wish we could continue this, but I don't want you to get punished for bringing me here—" This time, you swiftly cut him off, recognizing that it wasn't the right time for such activities, especially just a few days before the Games. Instead, you proposed a deal—a deal he seemed to enjoy a little too much. Every time you had the chance to train with him, just before returning him to the Zoo, you would indulge in cuddling and sometimes reminisce about home. Occasionally, these encounters escalated into intense make-out sessions, leaving him with a desire to mark you visibly. The marks led to teasing from some classmates, making you blush, and occasional interventions from your brother. Despite casual warnings, Treech took pleasure in denying everything with a smirk that your brother despised. To add to his delight, that same night, Treech deepened the marks, leaving a lasting impression. Just to see Snow’s furious face once again. 
Although this little pleasure was only going to last very soon, when the Games were officially commencing and you knew that. With you being at least able to say your final goodbyes to Treech, he could to feel your worrying about his situation. Cupping your face so delicately as a mention that everything was going to be alright. It was the last time that you also felt his lips brushing against yours. A kiss you would not forget so easily. 
During the Games, you and the remaining mentors, alongside your brother, watched with stress and concern for the well-being of your tributes. While your eyes remained fixed on Treech, you also tried your best to ensure Lamina's safety. However, the situation took a dire turn when the poison finally affected Treech. Feeling helpless, you did everything in your power to find a remedy, attempting to prevent the symptoms from worsening and to make them last until only one tribute remained. "The poison!" You angrily tried to draw attention, tears welling up as you called out to your brother, who paid no heed. Seeing you suffer for the one you loved was what he had envisioned from the start. His pleasure lay in witnessing Treech's suffering on screen. "Please! Give him the medication!" You appealed to your District 7's female mentor, but it was too late. Treech's coughing worsened, and your eyes remained fixed on the screen. "Treech..." was all you could say. 
Treech sensed that you were watching him, but whether it was with shame or grief, he couldn't discern. What he was certain of was seeing the expression on your face—a face that conveyed concern and a desperate desire to help. He knew that if the poison were to affect him, you would swiftly send the medication. However, it didn't happen, and he realized it was too late. Lucy had managed to escape, unlike him, who became the prisoner of an inevitable and senseless death. As he noticed the cameras focused on him, he understood that by now, you would be looking at him. "Y/N..." he began to cough in the middle of his sentence, capturing the attention of everyone in the room, including your brother. "I loved you since we met. Please, once I am gone, I want you to know that I genuinely loved and will always love you." 
"No!!" Your voice wavered between tears, desperately trying to advocate for the medication option repeatedly. Cursing under your breath, you fought against Pliny Harrington, who did his best to restrain you. "Y/N..." he tried to console you, sensing the profound grief from everyone's tributes, including yours. What he failed to comprehend was the deep connection between you and Treech, destined to become the Capitol's favorite lovebirds. "It's too late..." His voice turned into a plea for you to stop. It was at that moment that your entire body went numb. In Pliny’s arms, you managed to sit down, and as Snow's victory loomed over you, you realized that your confidence was about to be completely overshadowed once again. You would become Snow's source of pride and victory.
A man you had once loved would forever reside in your heart. In the heart of District 7, you were revered for your role as a caretaker for both its female and male tribute. What you were not aware of was that, unlike Snow, you became the face of purity and trust—a bond between the District and the people of the Capitol. It was a paid respect for the Capitol's most famous lovebirds.
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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Unlocking the Allure of Brooklyn Bridge Park: A Comprehensive Guide for Explorers"
Brooklyn Bridge Park, a gem nestled along the East River, stands as a testament to urban innovation, providing both locals and visitors with a stunning retreat. As you contemplate your visit, a cascade of questions might fill your mind. Fear not, as we embark on a journey to unravel the wonders of Brooklyn Bridge Park, addressing the queries that pique your curiosity.
Is there a cost to enter Brooklyn Bridge Park, or is it free for visitors?
One of the park's most enticing features is its accessibility—it's absolutely free! Brooklyn Bridge Park welcomes all, offering a respite from the bustling city without burning a hole in your pocket.
How can I access Brooklyn Bridge Park, and is there parking available?
Conveniently connected, the park is accessible by multiple modes of transport. Subway enthusiasts can alight at various nearby stations, while drivers will find ample parking options nearby. Whether you arrive by train, bus, or car, the journey to this urban oasis is as delightful as the destination itself.
Are pets allowed in Brooklyn Bridge Park, and are there designated areas for them?
Four-legged companions are more than welcome, making Brooklyn Bridge Park a haven for pet owners. Leash laws are in effect, ensuring a harmonious coexistence between humans and their furry friends. The park even boasts designated areas where pets can frolic freely.
What are the best spots for photography in Brooklyn Bridge Park?
Photographers, rejoice! The park offers a plethora of picturesque locations. Capture the iconic Manhattan skyline from the Pebble Beach, or frame the majestic Brooklyn Bridge against the setting sun from the Empire Fulton Ferry section. The possibilities for Instagram-worthy shots are endless.
What are the key attractions within Brooklyn Bridge Park?
Prepare to be enthralled by an array of attractions. From the impressive Pier 1 with its lush lawns to the tranquil gardens of Pier 6, each section tells a unique story. The famed Jane's Carousel, housed in an architectural masterpiece, is a must-visit, as is the renowned Brooklyn Bridge itself, standing proudly as the park's northern anchor.
How did the idea for Brooklyn Bridge Park originate, and when was it established?
The roots of Brooklyn Bridge Park trace back to community activism in the 1980s. What began as a vision to revitalize the waterfront burgeoned into reality in 2010 when the park officially opened its gates. Today, it stands as a testament to community-driven urban planning.
What recreational activities are available for visitors in Brooklyn Bridge Park?
Whether you're an avid sports enthusiast or a leisure seeker, the park caters to all. Engage in a game of basketball, try your hand at kayaking, or simply bask in the sun on the expansive lawns. The park hosts fitness classes, cultural events, and recreational sports leagues throughout the year.
Are there any family-friendly amenities or play areas within the park?
Families are in for a treat! The park offers playgrounds, water features, and a wealth of family-friendly programming. Spend quality time with your loved ones at Slide Mountain or embark on an adventure at the Water Lab, ensuring smiles for both the young and the young at heart.
Are there guided tours or educational programs offered at Brooklyn Bridge Park?
Delve deeper into the park's rich history and ecology through guided tours and educational programs. Knowledgeable guides unravel the layers of the park's past, present, and future, providing an enriching experience for visitors of all ages.
What are some of the popular dining options or food vendors in or around Brooklyn Bridge Park?
Savor diverse culinary delights from food vendors scattered throughout, offering everything from artisanal treats to international cuisines. Alternatively, nearby DUMBO and Brooklyn Heights boast a plethora of eateries catering to every palate.
In conclusion, Brooklyn Bridge Park is not merely a destination—it's an experience waiting to be embraced. Whether you're a local seeking solace or a visitor eager to explore, the park's dynamic offerings are sure to leave an indelible mark on your memory. So, lace up your walking shoes, charge your camera, and set forth on an adventure like no other!
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crag-dreams · 3 months
Y’all. I have been listening to Cowboy Carter almost all day, and Beyoncé has created a masterpiece. I usually do a vibe listen first time on albums, and she said “absolutely the fuck not” by having Ameriican Requiem be the opener. Hooked immediately. Jesus. Random thoughts:
Ameriican Requiem: oh, this is a really pretty start, wait, is that For What It’s Worth (Stop Children, what’s that sound) but her version? Holy shit, it is. And then she does like three other things in the same song, with incredible lyrics to set the entire album up.
Blackbird: my god, it’s gorgeous, and she included incredible artists on it.
16 Carriages: already super familiar with it, and it remains one of the most beautiful songs.
Protector: imagine being sung a lullaby by Beyoncé as a kid, and she’s just being a dope mom in the lyrics.
Having Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton and Linda Martell do the enthusiastic intros to multiple songs is fucking genius.
Texas Hold ‘Em: also been out for awhile, remains a banger.
Bodyguard is gonna be playing everywhere for months.
The decision to turn Jolene on its head and have her warning Jolene? So smart.
She just casually drops in some Italian opera on Daughter???
Angry Beyoncé rap is always fun.
II Most Wanted (Miley) and Levi’s Jeans (Post Malone) are also going to be everywhere. Great duets.
Ya Ya is wild as fuck. I love it and can’t believe we get to be alive as she releases this art.
Tyrant is 100% horny Beyoncé, and good for her.
Amen is one of the best outros ever. When she sings “trumpets blare”, it’s almost enough for me to believe god exists.
Anyway, that’s barely scratching the surface of this album. She’s a legend. I can’t believe this album exists.
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1957 Chevy
The Legendary “Black Widow” 1957 Chevy: A Piece of Racing History
When it comes to legendary cars, the 1957 Chevrolet, also known as the “Black Widow,” holds a special place in the hearts of car enthusiasts. However, few people know the intriguing story behind this iconic vehicle. In this article, we will take you on a journey through time and explore the fascinating history of the Black Widow.
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The Secret Support Behind the Scenes
In the 1950s, car manufacturers were prohibited from directly promoting racing. Nevertheless, behind closed doors, Chevrolet found a way to support the racing community. They collaborated with a company called SEDCO to build a limited number of race-ready 1957 Chevys. Only 18 of these incredible vehicles were ever produced.
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Unleashing the Beast
To create the ultimate racing machine, Chevrolet started with the lightest model available, the no-frills 150 utility sedan. They then equipped these cars with high-performance drivelines that would leave their competitors in awe. The Black Widows proved to be astonishingly fast, setting records and securing multiple victories on the track.
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Restoring the Legend
One particular Black Widow has undergone an extensive body-off-frame restoration, meticulously recreating its original glory. The attention to detail is impeccable, resulting in a pristine body that is arguably even better than when it first rolled off the factory floor.
Exquisite Exterior
Painted in the iconic Black Widow colors of Onyx Black and India Ivory, the exterior of this restored beauty is nothing short of breathtaking. Every panel is laser straight, and the gaps are precise. There isn’t a hint of rust or damage to be found. The flawless paint job has been polished to a mirror-like finish, allowing you to see your own reflection. It’s like holding history in your hands.
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Interior Simplicity
Inside the Black Widow, you’ll find a minimalist design that emphasizes performance over luxury. There are no frills, not even a back seat! The rear windows are stationary, and amenities such as armrests, visors, and even a dome light are absent. However, this simplicity only adds to the car’s authenticity and racing pedigree.
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Attention to Detail
No aspect of the Black Widow’s restoration has been overlooked, including the trunk compartment. Painted in glossy white, it exudes cleanliness and attention to detail. A reproduction mat, seat divider, and weatherstrip have been added to complete the authentic look. Even the spare tire matches the original style with its 6 lug pattern and reproduction Firestone tire.
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The Heart of a Champion
Under the hood lies a highly detailed engine compartment that exemplifies show-quality craftsmanship. The 283 cubic-inch V8 engine has been built to its original 283 horsepower specifications, complete with a correct factory fuel injection setup. Not only does it look stunning, but it also performs flawlessly. With a responsive throttle and a distinctive idle, this powerhouse truly embodies the spirit of a race car.
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A Masterpiece Underneath
The detailed restoration extends to the underside of the car as well. The chassis has been meticulously prepped and painted in a smooth gloss black finish. Every component has been rebuilt, replaced, restored, and detailed to match the original specifications. The Black Widow features front and rear sway bars, as well as the unique duplication of two shocks at each rear wheel for enhanced performance.
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A True Muscle Car
With its completely rebuilt brake system, all-new fuel system, and Flowmaster dual exhaust, this Black Widow not only looks and sounds like a classic muscle car but also performs like one. The spotless Chevy Orange engine block, lower plug wire shielding, canister-type oil filter, restored starter, and dated 1957 transmission all contribute to creating an authentic driving experience. The floors, braces, and rockers have been meticulously restored to their original factory red oxide primer finish.
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weird-an · 1 year
Can you take a painting prompt to give strength to all the Harringrove fans suffering over their fanart amen
Billy Hargrove is a fucking painting.
Steve doesn't know shit about art, but he feels like an artist, when he's turning the most beautiful human he has ever seen into a crying mess, tearing down the walls of arrogance and superiority until the only word he knows is Steve's name.
It's one of these moments. There he is. Billy, smiling down at Steve in his black leather jacket and tight denim jeans. Blond mullet having grown over the summer, hair reaching his collar bones.
"Whatcha starin' at, Harrington?"
It's how it always starts. Billy is made out of stone, a perfect sculpture, not showing any depth. Steve is going to shatter him into pieces.
They are at the abandoned parking lot behind Starcourt Mall, a place where the American dream has come to die.
"You," Steve simply says. "Thinking about how good you'll look on my cock."
Billy's mouth opens and closes, a hint of red shining through his tan.
"We're in public," he hisses. Like he has any modesty to lose after he rode Steve at Lover's Lake in the brightest daylight, just because they were hidden between a few bushes.
"I don't see anybody." Steve looks around to make a point. There's the Camaro and the BMW and a hedge nobody has trimmed in ages. Officially this parking lot is closed. The sign at its fence says so.
"Drop your pants," he tells Billy.
"Are you fucking crazy?" Billy barks. "Someone could see!"
The only thing Steve sees is his bulge growing. Billy is always turned on, when there's a little taboo involved.
"Have I ever lied to you?" he asks. He hasn't. That's why Billy always comes back. Because he doesn't make false promises, because he cherishes him in a way everybody should, but only few do.
Billy fumbles with his zipper and Steve uses the moment to press his hand against his back. Billy ends up bent against the Camaro's hood, pants around his ankles.
"Someone's greedy," he huffs.
Of course Steve is. How couldn't he? He's indulging, his hands stroking Billy's skin, watching goosebumps explode where he touches Billy.
His hands wander down to Billy's ass. He's even got freckles down here and a fading bite mark Steve planted there a few days ago. Every artist likes their personal touch, don't they?
"C'mon, Harrington," Billy groans. "Don't fucking play-"
Steve spreads Billy's cheeks and licks across Billy's hole. Billy's sentence gets lost in a whimper.
"You were saying?" Steve asks innocently.
"Don't fucking stop," Billy growls.
Steve teases the rim, enjoying Billy's shuddering. He presses his tongue in and Billy makes all the sweet sounds he'll deny later.
He licks deeper, trying to reach the point that makes Billy all sweet and soft in his hands. He finds it with ease, confirmed by a buck of Billy's hips.
He gets close fast. Steve notices the way he's panting and hears his hands clutching to the Camaro's hood.
Billy groans, deep and feral. The wall breaks. Steve closes his fingers around the base of Billy's cock. Too hard, stopping the wave of his growing orgasm.
Billy's whole body goes rigid.
"Fuck," Billy cries out and there it is. Big silver tears running down his reddened cheeks. "Harring-, Steve, please-."
Billy is a masterpiece, when he's desperate. Steve wishes he could take a video of him and look at him falling apart every day.
Steve laughs. Presses a wet kiss on Billy's hole and pulls away. Slaps Billy's ass. Enjoys the jiggle of the cheek under his hand and the obscene sound that echoes through the parking lot.
"I wanna come," Billy's words drown in a whine. "Let me, Steve, please."
"Because you ask so nicely."
Steve loosens his grip and presses three fingers inside Billy without warning. It must burn, but it's just right for Billy.
"C'mon, Billy, you can do it."
Billy aches his neck and comes with a shout and Steve's names on his lips. Breaking apart into a million pieces, tears still running down his face.
Billy Hargrove is a fucking painting and he belongs to Steve.
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boroughshq · 1 month
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The Brooklyn Art Festival has finally arrived! This three-day festival is located in the heart of Brooklyn, and aims to bring the community together through a multi-day offering of live music, artistic demonstrations, creative cuisine, and, of course, a sheer love of art. Volunteer-run, guests of all ages are welcome to join in this celebration of culture, creativity, and community. Admission to the event is free, though amenities including food, drinks, and marketplace offerings will be available for purchase.   Street closures will be in place for the event; there is no public parking, but there will be a designated address for rideshare pick-up and drop-off. Walking, biking, and public transportation is highly encouraged!
CHALK WALK — Stand and watch as professional chalk artists create jaw-dropping displays only utilizing chalk, or join in on the fun and create your own chalk masterpieces! All ages welcome. COMMUNITY MURAL — Leave your mark on a massive paint-by-number interactive mural! Grab a small tin of paint, a paintbrush, and a number, and do your best to stay in the lines. The end result (a beautiful abstract design of the Brooklyn Bridge, as designed by a local Brooklyn-born artist) won’t become evident until the end of the festival, so be sure to stop by on the last night to see what you’ve helped create! KIDSFEST (11AM-3PM) — Engage in all things fun at the kid-friendly kidsfest! Dance parties, inflatables, face painting, fairy hairstyling, elaborate puppet shows, and creative activities such as slime, tie-dye, ceramic painting, and puppet-making stations will be available. Though kid-aimed, all ages are welcome to engage in the fun! SKETCH 101 — You don’t need to be an expert to create a work of art, and the Sketch 101 sessions are here to prove that to you! Novices and professionals alike are all invited to sit and sketch as professional artists walk the audience through step-by-step instructions on how to draw beloved animated characters! Time slots: 12pm (Snoopy); 2pm (Mickey Mouse); 4pm (Shrek). ARTIST MARKET — Give back to the community by visiting the artist market! Featuring over 130 art vendors, there’s sure to be something there for everyone! Paintings, jewelry, ceramics, metalwork, glasswork, photographs, sculptures, watercolor, 2D and 3D art, fiber, prints, and much more will be available for purchase! COLORFUL CUISINE — During the day, make sure to visit one of the many food trucks and vendors available throughout the festival! Along with their typical menus, each vendor features at least one specialty treat in honor of the festival. From art palette cookies to minimalist trifles to deconstructed sandwiches, the food is sure to be a treat for the eyes and mouth!  LIVE ENTERTAINMENT — Small stages have been assembled for the express purpose of demonstrating the amazing collection of performance art styles enjoyed by the borough! Take a picture of the schedule, and make sure to stop by each stage to experience a collection of entertainment ranging from rock bands, theatrical groups, opera singers, and more!
GALLERY WALK — The vibrant Brooklyn art scene is shown in all its glory at the nightly gallery walk. Grab a map and take a stroll through the borough, visiting designated ArtSpots: art exhibits hosted at local galleries, retailers, and restaurants. Enjoy light refreshments, striking artwork, and good ambiance.  LIVE ENTERTAINMENT — The tempo slows down and the music continues through the night! A small selection of MusicSpots are also available, conveniently along the streets as patrons make their way through the Gallery Walk. Providing the perfect ambiance to the artist experience, be sure to stop and enjoy the music as you stroll from gallery to gallery! STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP SHOWCASE — Art students across Brooklyn have submitted some of their best work to the Brooklyn Art Festival’s Student Showcase! On display at the Haze Gallery (a featured ArtSpot) guests are invited to observe the art and submit a vote on which one piece of art impacted them the most. The artist who created the piece with the most votes at the end of the festival will be granted a small $2K scholarship to help support their artistic endeavors.  BUBBLY BOOZE — The festival becomes an open container entertainment zone at night, and guests 21 and older are invited to taste an array of bubbly specialty booze made special for the festival! Each ArtSpot will have a specialty cocktail available, while a small selection of the daytime’s food vendors will return for the night’s light installation (along with a newly available nighttime cocktail).  LIGHTS UP PERFORMANCE (9:30PM) — End your night with a synchronized light and music performance at Prospect Park! Light installations have been created and installed in the park, programmed to a musical arrangement that professional dancers have choreographed a routine to. Grab some food and something to drink, sit back, and watch as light, music, and dance all combine in dazzling collaboration!
IC Timeline: Canonically, the art festival occurs over the weekend, from May 10th — May 12th. OOC Timeline: Members will have between May 10th through May 17th to post their initial starters for the festival. After 5/17, no new starters are permitted, but members are free to continue their ongoing event threads until their natural conclusion. An announcement will be made on both days when the event has started and ended. Involvement: The Brooklyn Art Festival is organized by a nonprofit and run almost entirely by volunteers. All artists involved — asked to lead a Sketch 101 class, performing on a stage, featured in an exhibit, etc. — do so either voluntarily, or only for a small sum of money despite their professional status. As such, characters are welcome to both be guests of the event, or volunteers manning a booth, performing on a stage, hosting or featured in a gallery, or anything in between! Threads: Members are highly encouraged to engage in any art festival related threads during this time, and are free to continue non-event threads as well! Just please be sure to tag all event threads as bhqevent002 for differentiation purposes.
If you have any other questions about the event, please do not hesitate to reach out to the main!
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void-thegod · 5 months
A truly good society optimizes:
1. Freedom
2. Health
3. Safety
Of all its citizens to the detriment of as few as possible.
So what does that mean?
1. No laws that interfere with self- determination
2. Right to Healthcare
3. Right to Housing, Food, Water and Amenities that make life worth living (universal basic income etc)
That doesn't mean a job. Everyone isn't going to do a job. Everyone doesn't need to do a job.
There are people doing jobs they aren't meant to do.
There are more than plenty of us so traumatized and exhausted from being alive that the most you'll get out of us is a random masterpiece (maybe)
1. Defund the Military/Police
2. Eat the Rich
3. Accept that our system has been corrupted by bigots and warmongers - take ALL appropriate measures
If there's anything to add, please let me know.
If you say something I find asinine I will give you TWO chances then I block you for wasting my precious time on this planet
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heelsandhalos · 29 days
Good morning everyone. 🩵✨️
I hope you all are having a blessed Thursday. 🙌
Let's get into our daily devotional.....
Title: Embracing Authenticity 🩵✨️
Ephesians 2:10
New International Version (NIV)
"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Dear sisters, in a world that often pressures us to conform to its standards, this verse reminds us of our unique identity and purpose in Christ. We are not defined by the expectations of others or by the masks we wear, but by the truth of who GOD created us to be. Each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made, crafted by the loving hands of our Heavenly Father. Our worth is not found in comparison to others or in the pursuit of perfection, but in embracing our authentic selves and living out the good works prepared for us by God. As we surrender to His will, we discover the beauty of our true identity and the joy of walking in His purpose.
Gracious Father, thank You for creating us in Your image and for the unique gifts and talents You have entrusted to each of us. Help us to embrace our authenticity and to live boldly as the women You designed us to be. Give us the courage to let go of the masks we wear and to step into the fullness of who You created us to become. Guide us in the good works You have prepared for us, that we may bring glory to Your name and be a blessing to others. In Jesus' and GOD'S precious names we pray, Amen.🩵✨️
Closing Thoughts:
As we reflect on the truth of our identity in Christ, let us celebrate the beauty of our authenticity and the freedom found in living out GOD'S purpose for our lives. Let us encourage one another to embrace our uniqueness, knowing that we are each a precious part of GOD'S masterpiece. May we walk confidently in the truth of who we are, shining brightly as beacons of GOD’S love and grace in a world that longs for authenticity. Remember, dear sisters, you are enough just as you are, and your Heavenly Father delights in you.
I hope all of you have an amazing and blessed Thursday.🩵✨️
Images by ️Heels and Halos
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stickyspeckledlight · 2 months
just finished reading waxing, waning, my unraveled body beheld by the moon (genuinely beautiful title btw) and i want to gnaw at my pillow and cry. i thought mc's pov in onset was heart-wrenching but nah, aven's just gutted me like a fish. so many details to pick and point out but in fear of losing my sanity, i shall compress all that desire to say that it's magnificent and a masterpiece. gotta admit i was scared of scrolling bcs i didn't want the fic to end but alas, the last line was marvelous. and so are the composition in which the scenes transition from one another. i stuck around since destroyed onset and honestly, even if you don't write about aventurine anymore, i'll still stick around bcs why not. your writing can be so macabre & grim yet so light-hearted and surreal like two sides of a coin - i like it. thank you, thank you for writing and sharing it.
also, unsure if you listen to this type of music in particular, but i thought it's worth-noting that strangers by ethel cain was playing through my head the entire time i was reading it. do bear in mind that the song referenced the association of love (?) with cannibalism, although vaguely. it's deranged and fittingly, it reminded me of these (points a shaking finger at onset!mc & aven) two sillies who've lost it. may they both get therapy, amen; ratio, where art thou during these dire times.
ikr for once my horrible naming sense does not haunt me
gotta admit i was scared of scrolling bcs i didn't want the fic to end but alas, the last line was marvelous
O.O 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 Anon, you didn't need to go for my heart like that (ty tho; I am genuinely proud to have elicited that sort of feeling from you. few pieces of media leave me wishing it wouldn't end, and all of them which have have a rather special place in my heart. alas, all good things do have to come to an end; should one stubbornly cling onto something, then you risk its stagnating death. ....still, even with that said, there are still plenty of things I don't want to end, lol. pls continue making fire emblem)
your writing can be so macabre & grim yet so light-hearted and surreal like two sides of a coin - i like it
Anon, you are a vicious archer, hitting my heart with cupid's arrow. Very delighted you enjoy my style! I admit, I still don't feel like I a solid grasp upon it, but like. I've got six decades of life left or something. writing's a lifelong journey, so I ain't gonna go tear my heart out over anything, lol. I would elaborate more on my writing itself here, but there's a slew questions someone very sweet has left in their reblog, which include my writing process. And this is a meaty ask, and it would only be right to give a thorough answer in turn, yes? (most of which is right below that read more!)
(spoilers for waning moon below. waning moon is my placeholder until I decide there's a better way to shorten it rofl)
DUDE WRITING AVENTURINE POV AT TIMES WAS.....*sobs* my beautiful babygirl......
honestly the composition was a bit of struggle just bc of...how much I wanted to stuff into this fic. i generally have a really bad habit of starting a project and then seeing it explode in my face with words. Destroyed Onset was originally written, and I naively thought it'd be a mere 6k. It's 10.5k. AND THIS FIC WAS MEANT TO BE SHORTER THAN THAT. I didn't really have a proper outline going into this, since I was thinking of only accomplishing these things:
aven and reader's first meeting...someone it became 2k words. tbh, what else did I expect when I chose to listen to the always sunny theme for writing it.
an interlude scene that would become the balcony choking scene. it's A LOT different from how it ended up; originally I intended to tackle a sort of 'love and hate are two sides of the same coin' approach, and so the scene was just going to be aven coming home to see that reader fell asleep on the couch. and he admires them, for a little while, until something comes over him and they wake up to a lesson on how it feels to be choked! yippe for education! they've hit ratio's quota with that one *gets chalked*
ahem I'm awake now. sorry. that piece of chalk had me out like a light for awhile
in any case...the circumstances around the choking and the emotions involved ended up a lot more different than I expected
aven pov of onset's ending + waxing's current ending scene (but ofc it's MUCH longer than it was originally)
another scene. i won't divulge too much since I'm thinking of reusing it somewhere else, but it would've been where the tower metaphor introduced in the first scene hit its climax
In total, it was four scenes, plus maybe another more comedic one if I felt it fit. But as you can see...woof, I deviated HARD. but hey, I ended up cooking one hell of a feast, so I think it's still a W. in the realm of fanfic there's no need to reign myself in---well, as in reign myself to the confines of an assignment. if you drag on or stuff a piece with too much stuff, it can really make the reader experience suffer. i enjoy a good ol 35k word oneshot as much as the next person, but it's a LOT. but yeah. i did rearrange and scrap some scenes to make the transitions work; in the end it did not blow up in my face, and I'm taking that win with me to the grave.
strangers by ethel cain was playing through my head the entire time i was reading it
I don't really keep up with music and artists, so most of what I listen to is VGM, anime ops, with a few other songs I listened to when I was a kid, lol. i gave strangers a listen, and you are so RIGHT. it fits this series perfectly...right down to cannibalism as a metaphor for destructive love, rofl. and the calm yet eerie sort of tone/singing fits reader so well, especially when they've gone insane. at first, it's sort of a 'inevitability,' and then when they've met that 'inevitability,' there is only a sweet (and perhaps fleeting) calming yet brutal bliss.
personally, while writing this, i mostly listened to:
the always sunny theme for the first scene, because it needed some good sitcom energy in my opinion (the good place theme would've worked too, but the always sunny theme is so cocky and sarcastic and a classic in this internet age of ours)
theme of laura from sh2 (which is a WONDERFUL song in general. if you haven't listened to it, go listen to it!!!! it was the song that singlehandedly convinced me to play sh2. baby's first horror game and maybe it'll be your first too)
the sh2 soundtrack is honestly my go to whenever I need to put myself in a creepy, scary, tense vibe
ESPECIALLY lurking in the fog; hands down my fav of the ost, along side white noiz/mirrored guilt, nurse piper, mary's twin, and ashes and tears.
and who can forget rondo across countless kalpas. do I even need to explain. no. i don't. this song is what singlehandly drove me through the first fic ALONE. it's on repeat in my head constantly. such beautiful animation and music and the imagery....any yan hsr writer should keep this in their back pocket for when they need to brainstorm a brain worm, in my humble opinion
jkjadkdjfajlfajd this was an uber long reply but I love talking as you can tell. honestly the tags on my posts are walking biohazards. they can get sooooooooo long at times.
anyways, thanks you sending in an ask! hope you have a lovely day, week, month, year, decade, and life :)
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embassyproperties · 2 months
Embassy East Avenue: Your Premier Destination for Luxury Living in Whitefield
Discover Unmatched Comfort and Convenience at Embassy East Avenue
Embassy Properties stands as a testament to luxury and sophistication in the bustling cityscape of Bangalore. Located opposite Nexus Shantiniketan Mall, this esteemed residential project by Embassy Group offers a lifestyle of unparalleled opulence and convenience.
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Prime Location: Where Tranquility Meets Connectivity
Spanning 3.75 acres of prime land, Embassy East Avenue boasts a strategic location that seamlessly blends tranquility with urban connectivity. Featuring 393 meticulously crafted apartments, this residential enclave sets the standard for luxury living in Whitefield.
Luxurious Amenities: Elevating Your Lifestyle
Embassy East Avenue offers an array of world-class amenities, including indulgent Spa/Treatment Rooms, state-of-the-art Gym & Yoga Terraces, rejuvenating Steam & Sauna Rooms, vibrant Barbeque Area, convenient Convenience Store, versatile Multipurpose Hall, chic Indoor Lounge, professional Meeting Room, inviting Outdoor Cafe, refreshing Swimming pool, entertaining TV Lounge, and dynamic Games Room featuring Table Tennis, Snooker, Squash & Foosball.
Location Advantage: Your Gateway to Convenience
Residents of Embassy East Avenue enjoy easy access to essential amenities and landmarks such as Gopalan School, Brigade School, Vydehi Hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital, RMZ NXT, ITPL Tech Park, Shailendra Tech Park, SAP Labs, Phoenix Mall, and VR Mall, all located within a short distance.
Embassy Group: Setting New Standards in Real Estate
With a legacy spanning over two decades, Embassy Group has emerged as a leader in India's real estate sector, with a diverse portfolio spanning over 66 million sq. ft. across commercial, residential, retail, and hospitality segments. Renowned for its commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability, Embassy Group continues to redefine the standards of luxury living.
Experience Luxury Living at Embassy East Avenue
Embassy East Avenue Whitefield offers more than just a residence; it offers a lifestyle curated for the discerning few. With its exquisite craftsmanship, premium amenities, and unbeatable location advantages, this residential masterpiece redefines luxury living in Bangalore.
Don't miss the opportunity to experience the epitome of luxury. Contact us today to schedule a personalized tour of Embassy East Avenue and embark on a journey to unparalleled comfort and convenience.
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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Revelation 21:22-22:5. “I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there.The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.” (NIV)
“Walking by God’s Light” By Kurt Selles (Today Devotional):
“After returning home from my long hike on the Appalachian Trail, I still walk every day. Now my walks are on city sidewalks, where I frequently meet neighbors pushing strollers and walking dogs.
The final scenes in the Bible portray life in a city where God lives with us and provides all its light. This city also includes “the river of the water of life” and the tree of life for healing the nations.
Soon after God completed his masterpiece of creation, our human parents disobeyed and plunged this world into misery. From that tragic moment on, the Bible records the depressing consequences of sin. At the same time, thankfully, we see God’s salvation plan unfolding, despite the forces aligned against it.
Finally, in Revelation, we see life restored and made new in a city. But this is no ordinary city. The sun is not needed—God’s glory gives it light, and the nations walk by this light. Jesus has completely conquered sin. God’s children freely live and work and play here, flourishing in full life as God intends for us.
Without this city of light at the end of the tunnel of human history, we could easily be tempted to give up in despair. It takes faith to keep walking with hope toward what God has promised. Like the countless believers who have gone before us, we need to walk faithfully, trusting God as we serve him.
Lord Jesus, help us to trust you as we walk in and toward your light. Amen.” 🙏
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stephschoices · 4 months
You really think all these IF authors love you stupid bitch? God your so stupid, the second you don't lick their asshole they will abandon you, they only care what you do for them, they won't ever have your back. I pity you poor baby girl 😔
Wow, how unnecessary...
---- I really wanted to add this cut here but damn messages work differently, so y'all just imagine this cut here for the sakw of drama, k? Thank you ----
How many IF authors having her back to make her an officially asshole-anon approved sweet girl? Does it count if said authors write more than 1 IF? 🤔
Anyways, can we pay some attention to said anon? Please? They are clearly suffering. It must be exhausting to always battle their inner demons, constant personality amplitudes and lack of love. I mean, didn't you read it? They desperately seek this love, the barest hint of any kind of attention, even from strangers who wouldn't even rememember them for more than a blink of the eye. They'd even prefer hate over oblivion or insignificance.
So here it is now anon, your time to shine, your time to bathe in the attention you crave with every pore of your body, the attention that makes your lil tummy tingle with a sensation of excitement that not even your dear mother managed to offer you. Here it is. Take it. Devour it.
Thank you Steph for being such an altruistic human being, giving away some of your time, energy and good will to offer said unloved anon a stage to be seen. Amen to you!
Before I forget... Steph, thanks for all the fun exchanges in and out of dms, thanks for sharing your unconditional love for the work of so many amazing authors out there, thanks for your amazing art full of passion, thanks for being such a positive person who always manages to make me laugh.
Thanks for being you. I never once experienced you any less than amazing.
Anon, you know what they say... stop when it's at its best... and before you get addicted to this contagious feeling of attention... get lost.
Kind regards
something like an author...
Sai just wrote a masterpiece here 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤩
Get that anon lmao 😂
And thank you so much 🥹🫶🏻 I appreciate everything you said above so much and feel the same ☺️💞💞💞
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DLF Sector 76 Gurgaon: A Haven of Modern Elegance
Are you dreaming of a high priced lifestyle amidst present day amenities? Look no similarly than DLF Sector 76 Gurgaon. Where elegance meets comfort within the shape of splendid 4-BHK apartments. Let's explore the enchanting global that awaits you in this sought-after residential haven.
Glimpse into DLF Sector 76:
It is a prestigious residential locality nestled in the coronary heart of Gurgaon, recognized for its opulent living regions and current infrastructure. This vicinity is an affidavit to DLF's self-control to creating living regions that seamlessly combination highly-priced, comfort, and luxury.
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Luxurious 4-BHK Apartments:
At the coronary heart of DLF Sector 76 are the high-priced 4-BHK flats that redefine upscale living. These spacious residences are designed with meticulous interest to element, imparting a really perfect combination of class and functionality. Each rental is a haven of tranquility, offering a serene break out from the bustling town lifestyles.
Modern Amenities:
DLF Sector 76 Gurgaon takes pleasure in providing a plethora of current services. That cater to the diverse wishes of its citizens from trendy fitness centers to lush green parks. The residential enclave is designed to enhance the amazing of life for its population. Imagine starting your day with an invigorating exercise within the properly-ready health club. Its observed with the aid of a leisurely walk inside the superbly landscaped gardens – that is the way of life that guarantees.
Aesthetic Architecture: The architecture of DLF Sector 76 Floor Plan is a visible satisfaction, seamlessly mixing present day-day design with timeless splendor. The exteriors of the homes are an affidavit to the craftsmanship and interest to detail that has gone into developing this residential masterpiece. The interiors, alternatively, are a display off of contemporary-day aesthetics, with spacious living areas, clothier kitchens, and expensive bedrooms.
Community Living: It fosters a feel of community dwelling, wherein residents can forge lasting connections with their friends. The nicely-designed commonplace regions, consisting of clubhouses and recreational spaces. Its provide the best putting for social gatherings and community activities. This experience of belonging adds a further layer of allure to the already enthralling life-style presented by using the undertaking.
Safety and Security: The safety and safety of citizens are paramount at the project. The enclave is ready with advanced security capabilities, including 24/7 surveillance, steady get entry to points, and properly-educated personnel. This guarantees that residents can experience their high priced domestic with complete peace of thoughts.
Convenient Location:
DLF Sector 76 enjoys a strategic area that provides to its enchantment. With proximity to primary business hubs, academic establishments, and healthcare centers. Its resident of this enclave enjoy remarkable convenience. The nicely-deliberate avenue network ensures clean connectivity to the rest of Gurgaon and beyond. This mission making it a really perfect preference for individuals who price each luxurious and accessibility.
DLF Sector 76 Gurgaon is a testimony to the epitome of luxurious dwelling. With its lavish 4-BHK residences, contemporary facilities, aesthetic architecture, accessible place, community dwelling, and pinnacle-notch protection measures, it offers a way of life this is each indulgent and realistic. If you aspire to elevate your dwelling enjoy to new heights, it is the place to be - wherein luxury becomes a manner of life.
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