#and its take on the eventual “official” first contact is fascinating
cantsayidont · 9 months
If I'm being honest, I haven't liked a lot of STAR TREK since TNG canonically established in "Encounter at Farpoint" that the Federation's supposedly utopian future Earth is a post-apocalyptic world, which was a profound betrayal of the promise of STAR TREK as a positive future and permanently colored my attitude toward TNG and its successors (with the conditional exception of DEEP SPACE NINE, which has some unique virtues to partly mitigate its various failings). The nadir of that shift is the ideologically repellent STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT, which takes a potentially compelling moment in the TREK timeline and turns it into a ghastly Libertarian zombie movie, but PICARD and STRANGE NEW WORLDS taking pains to rub viewers' faces in this dishonest and cynical conceit all over again hasn't improved my opinion of those shows.
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orcusfang · 5 months
Whence the Sorrow Flow [Part One]
Pet!AU Aizetsu x pregnant Fem!Reader
'As the owner of a well known demon grooming salon, business has flourished the years following its opening. All kinds of demon pets are brought to you day in, day out. And with a partnership with the local rescue, one would think you’ve secured a comfortable living in this bustling city. However, nothing could be further from the truth, and wherever you go an unwanted shadow that isn’t your own is intent on haunting your every step. You try to go on with your life, but after months of enduring this hell you’re mentally in the gutter. When a longtime friend from the local rescue brings in a timid and anxious demon for a makeover, he once again tries to convince you to adopt a demon of your own. Usually you shrug off the suggestion, never giving it much thought. But now that the question whether or not you still considered yourself safe can’t be answered with certainty anymore, you consider the possibility. And he just happens to know the perfect demon for your situation…'
--------- A/N: So, I started this back in August last year and never really wrote this with the intention to post it? Most of it was inspired by a RP I had with a friend at the time, but I shared two previews on Twitter over the past months and people really seemed to like it and have been asking about it ever since. So… I’m posting it! Warnings: This story contains darker themes, domestication, heavier topics, pregnancy, stalking, master/pet relationship. And for later chapters: mating cycles/heat, dubious consent at times and eventual explicit sexual content. A reminder, this story is written with an adult audience in mind. So even though not all chapters have sensitive matters in them; no minors, please! Read at your own risk! I hope you enjoy! Please let me know if you liked it :] Word Count: 9732
As the owner of a demon grooming salon in the center of a bustling city, you had seen just about any demon you could’ve dared to imagine. After almost four years of being in this profession, you didn’t think you could still lay an eye on a demon and genuinely find yourself surprised and impressed. From the most pampered and arrogant demons that actually considered themselves above you; to the most shy and anxious of demons – you’d seen it all as far as you were concerned.
It was fascinating how a demon's place and status in the world depended on their owners. And yet, it was utterly unfair to those born in unfortunate circumstances.
However, every once in a while the lovely folks over at the local demon rescue were eager to drop by a demon that would forever expand your experience, and it just so happened that today was rescue demon grooming day.
It wasn’t an official day of any sorts, but whenever one of the workers there reached out to you for an appointment for one of their demons, you made certain to not take on any other clients that same day. There had been a time when you did, but… you’d learned the hard way to not book anyone else.
Because the demons that got rescued by them? They were often in very bad and questionable shape, and there was simply no predicting what you would see with a new appointment with the rescue group. No matter how many times they had visited for a makeover on a demon they deemed suitable for adoption, every single time they stepped through the salon’s door with the demon in tow, and you witnessed the state they were in – something deep within your heart withered just a little more.
So when your contact at the rescue, Takagi, called to book an emergency case, you knew you were in for a long and tough day. It wouldn’t be the first time a rescue took hours before they even looked somewhat presentable. Not counting the time it took for the demon to grow comfortable enough to let you work on them, and a strange gut feeling told you that this rescue might just be one of those cases.
That, or it was the other situation in your belly making you feel iffy.
Despite being five months in, you still had a hard time separating the two.
“Makes me wonder for how much longer I’ll be able to properly do this work.” You mused to no one in particular, only to fill the tense silence before the rescue’s arrival as you arranged all the proper tools you could possibly need. You hoped you could continue to work for a while longer, you were a one-person income after all. And rent didn’t discriminate, pregnant or not.
There were plenty of savings that would keep you going for a while, but the less you had to depend on that, the better. Especially now that your life was going to change drastically in about four months from now, and you needed to be prepared for any unexpected events. There was no saying there wouldn’t be complications, either.
Once all the brushes, scissors and shearing devices were put in place and all shampoo and soap bottles were refilled, you made a small pile of thick towels along with a happy hoodie that was certain to lessen the stress for today’s demon. All the while, you couldn’t help but wonder what demon would walk through the front door of the shop today.
Rescues were often a miserable sight, but you’d be lying if they weren’t a great way to learn and improve your methods. In fact, it was thanks to the collaborative events between you and the local rescue that you’d gotten such a reputable name to begin with.
That, and you were helping the demons as well. Aside from the obvious cleaning, you were also giving them an instance where a human didn’t touch or handle them with a violent touch. Considering most rescues came from abusive or neglected houses, hopefully that small experience would aid them in their first step to trust humans once again. Or for the first time.
Humming, you entered the space where you always bathed, rinsed and showered your demons, placing the bottles of soap and shampoo at a higher ledge to keep them from being launched across your shop thanks to trashing demons that hated to be wet and washed. It wouldn’t be the first time your workshop got coated in bubbles and had you and the demon slipping in all directions.
The demons would be fine. A little spooked, but fine. They were tied to the elastic leash on the wall so they wouldn’t go far, but you still had a sore spot on the back of your head when you once slipped and hit the wall. And that had been over a year ago.
You peeked at the wall clock while rinsing your hands by the large sink. The numbers showed 10:45, meaning that the appointment would be in about fifteen minutes. That is, if it were a normal client.
If there was something you’d come to learn the past years, it was that Takagi, your contact over at the local rescue loved being way on time. That meant that any moment now he would–
The faint noise of a car pulling up resounded outside your shop, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Ah, way too early. Just as expected.”
The opening of a car door and closing followed in their wake, and footsteps approached as the obscured window revealed two shadowy silhouettes at the front door.
The doorbell jingled reassuringly and you quickly snatched your apron bearing your shop’s logo – a cute illustration of a generic demon sitting in a bubbly bathtub– threw it on and approached the shop entrance.
You had hardly unlocked the door before an eager “Gooood morning, (Name)!” boomed in your face, accompanied with a flashy grin from the tall man. “We’re not late, are we?”
“Absolutely not.” You chuckled, already unable to resist the contagious eagerness of the older man. “Good morning, Takagi. Are you certain you don’t just want to plan the appointment 15 minutes earlier than usual instead?”
“If that suits you better,” He said casually, knowing that you were just messing with him. “but I fear I’ll just end up arriving early either way. That’s just in my nature, you know?”
Takagi was one of the older employees at the local rescue, and your official contact there. Whenever there was a demon that needed to be brought over to your salon, he was always the one responsible for arranging it. Ironically enough, you had known the man for much longer than you had the shop, for he was an old friend of your mother. As such, he was a trusted family friend, even if your only contact were these visits that happened a couple times a month.
And your mother never admitted to the claim… but it was very likely that she had recommended your shop to the man, thus marking the beginning of your good relationship with the local rescue and boosting your reputation in one fortunate move.
Though, because of an injury that happened on the job where a terrified demon had lashed out and caught him by surprise, Takagi had been unfortunately incapacitated for four whole months, and today was actually the first time you both saw each other again in quite a while.
Takagi quickly studied you. “Ah but what am I saying? First and foremost (Name), I believe congratulations are in order!”
He of course, meant the evident bump you lugged around every day, and you nodded with the biggest grin plastered onto your face. No matter how many people congratulated you, it felt just as wonderful as the first. Even if you were starting to run out of interesting responses other than: “Yes, thank you!”
“How far along are you?” He almost seemed as joyous as you, and you knew from experience that he was genuinely happy.
“Five months now,” Your hands rested instinctively on your small bump protruding slightly from underneath your apron. “The baby is healthy and growing well, and I’m heading in for another ultrasound in two weeks.” You heaved a sigh. “I keep thinking I’m used to it, but I can’t help but feel anxious with each visit.”
His dark bushy brows shot up. “Well, of course! It does concern the health of your little one, and as a parent you want nothing more for them to be safe. It’s fine to feel nervous – in fact, I think I’d judge you more if you weren’t.”
You blinked at him, surprised that you hadn’t thought of it that way yourself. Before you could say anything in return, however, his bright and eager gaze took a sharper edge to it. “That said… I heard what happened with your partner. Are you doing ok?”
As much as your pregnancy delighted and made you eager to be a mother – the overwhelming shadow that your former partner, the father, had left behind unfortunately haunted your every step, and you feared this question was coming.
Especially since you’d lived pretty much in a mental haze ever since it happened. If anything the responsibility of the shop kept you going, gave you a daily purpose rather than rotting in your own misfortune and potential horrors.
“It’s… better this way.” Truth was, you really didn’t want to talk about him. To grant him any more attention than his actions already demanded. If you had to convince yourself to believe you and your child would be better off without him even if it was a downright lie, then you would cling onto that lie with all your might until it turned out to be real.
Suddenly feeling very self aware, you shyly lowered your gaze downward, only for it to land on the silhouette kneeling behind the man – the demon he brought along. With Takagi’s chatter and sudden questions, you’d been distracted from the demon’s presence. The fact that it was frozen in place without making the slightest noise certainly helped to remain unnoticed.
The smallest hint of the brightest blue eyes you’d ever seen peeked at you between large, thick clumps of dark hair, and for a passing second you found yourself strangely entranced – as if you witnessed a beautiful, fleeting moment.
The moment that defined whether a demon tolerated your presence, based on their first instinctual impressions. An instinct that abused and neglected demons took as reality, often influenced by the events of their past, and one where you had to tread carefully.
But the moment was fleeting, because what your gaze focused on next took your breath away, and you could swear your heart dropped straight through your big pregnant gut, and right into your bloated feet.
All you could see was just a gigantic pile of neglected, overgrown, uncared and matted dark hair. In the way the demon was leaning back on their haunches, kneeling down to the ground, the hair literally covered them from head to toe. Only the slightest glimpse of their face occasionally managed to peek through the clumps of thick filthy hair.
You immediately recognized the first signs of the demon’s neglect. Their hair hadn’t been cut for the longest of time, or in the worst case scenario – ever.
Whoever previously owned them clearly never bothered to brush, take care or send them to a groomer. You felt like you were staring straight at a bunch of bird nests somehow mushed together into one chaotic structure. You could hardly see their actual face, and you cringed visibly as you caught a whiff of the downright putrid smell that reeked off of them.
Adding onto your mental list, you began to doubt whether or not they ever got a bath either. And that was just from what you could see with a quick glance. There was no saying what you would encounter once you got to work on them. God, the poor, poor thing.
You had to get to work.
“But please, come in. And I’ll get you two settled.” You stepped back to allow the man and demon to enter. Suddenly very motivated to start and try to lessen this demon’s predicament rather than dwell on what happened to you in the past.
“Don’t mind if we do! I must mention though, I cannot stay for long.” Catching the hint, no further questions regarding your former partner’s dubious actions were thrown in your way, and Takagi entered the shop with the demon cautiously in tow.
Once inside, the demon immediately retreated behind the man’s legs. The hair covered head moved a bit, and you realized the demon was checking out the new room he found himself in. All the different scents must make him anxious. If he could even smell anything properly with that wall of crusty hair obscuring his senses.
Takagi smiled tenderly down at the demon and then back to you. “Dear (Name), this is one of our newly rescued demons. He’s very shy and anxious, but thus far he’s been nothing but a gentle demon.” He gestured at the creature, and upon feeling both your direct gazes on him, he ducked inward a bit more.
“What’s their name?” You ask quietly, not wanting to spook or intimidate the poor thing any more than it already was in this new, daunting environment.
“His name is Aizetsu…. I think.” He chuckled a tad awkwardly. “This one was rescued along with three others, and one of them felt open enough to share their names to us, and… nothing else. Upon asked, they don’t want to say which name belongs to which demon, so we’re kinda still in the process of figuring out who is who.” He shrugged casually. “But this one responded to Aizetsu, so we assume that’s his name. But we don’t know much about him aside from the fact that he’s male.”
You nodded and peeked back at the demon hiding behind him. “So, what do I need to know about Aizetsu’s behavior before I start preparing him?”
“You probably noticed just by looking at him, but we found him and his three brothers in a severely neglected state.” Takagi began, the former pleasantness draining his features into something more sharp. “We don’t know all the details regarding their former owner, because it’s actually the police that found out about their existence. Supposedly they were there to arrest the owner on some pretty severe charges. None of those charges had anything to do with neglecting demons, unfortunately.”
No, of course they weren’t. As much as you and Takagi tried your hardest to improve demon lives, most of society really only saw them as exotic pets with no rights. Meaning that there were no rules set in place that would punish abusive behavior or other forms of mistreatment, and that people usually weren’t punished for it.
“They investigated the rest of the house, and found these four in separate rooms in the basement in just… awful, awful conditions.”
Your stomach churned, and yet some terrible curiosity needed to know to sympathize. “Meaning…?”
He scrunched his nose and shook his head. “Just the worst neglect someone could imagine. You’re really better off not knowing the details, (Name). Me and the others at the rescue having seen it is more than enough.”
Your gaze went back on the trembling demon; your heart aching in sympathy as well as disgust. You wondered what was going through the demon’s head right now, as the two of you discussed details of his former life.
“So, when they found the neglected demons in dire need of help, and cops being cops, they wanted to put a bullet through their heads. Probably to project the blame onto their owner so they could forge an even bigger record on the man.”
Your hands cupped your mouth in horror. “No! But then, how did they…?”
“Fortunately there was a female officer with them that’s worked with us before, and she ended up having to beg them to allow her to call our local rescue.” Takagi heaved a deep sigh. “Even then, for us to be allowed to go there, we had to reassure them that they would never hear about the demons and their own involvement ever again. Not from others, not from the news. For all we know, these demons were simply dropped on our front porch by some random stranger.”
“Did they seriously threaten you?” One could argue the fact he was telling you of this right now rather than keeping it quiet, but he was a man of honesty, and you were certain he provided you the truth because he really wanted people to understand what the demon went through. He was that committed to helping them.
“It’s all in a day of our work, (Name). Once the cops finished flashing their authority, we went in there to capture them.” He glanced down at the demon behind him. “This guy was the first and easiest to catch. Poor thing was so immobilized by fear that my colleague went into his room and just scooped him right out. The other three though?”
He whistled, and the demon behind him startled at the high-pitched noise. To which he flashed him an apologetic smile. “They gave the crew the workout of their lives. It took us truly five hours before we finally managed to catch and drag out the last one, but it was worth every single moment of it…”
“Aizetsu and his siblings have been with us for a few days now, and we allowed them time to realize and understand that their living quarters have changed, and have been feeding and looking after them gradually to try and get them get used to human contact.”
Your brows raised curiously. “And how’s that been going for you?”
Takagi loosed out a troubled breath. “Let’s say we have varying degrees of progress on the four. Aizetsu here has made the most progress because he tolerates being touched.” Takagi sucked in a breath. “Then again, even though he does, he also shows hardly any response to it, so that’s a bit of a concern. We think he might be too scared to have a reaction, unlike two of his brothers.”
Curiosity got the best of you, and that’s where you made a mistake: “Will they be up for adoption, too?”
You only realized your mistake once Takagi’s eyes suddenly flashed with mischief. “Once they pass every test, they eventually will. I have my concerns about the angriest one, but I won’t stop until he shows even the slightest hint of warming up to someone.” His eyes narrowed cheekily at you, and you knew exactly what he was going to say next.
“Why? Have we finally reached the point in time where you’re thinking about adopting one of your own?”
As was evident with your many past encounters, Takagi never allowed the opportunity to ask slip through his fingers. Back in the day, he was so shocked to find out that despite being someone who was very experienced handling demons, and bearing a similar passion and love for their wellbeing as he did – you didn’t have a demon yourself.
There were a handful of reasons for this, which you’d made very clear to the man whenever he returned to the subject. Your excuses usually ranged from: I’m just too busy to properly take care of one. To the more reasonable: My house is rather small, and I don’t think I can offer them a home they would thrive in.
Seeing right through you, his brow always raised as if to say really? Those reasons wouldn’t have stopped anyone else from adopting one, and a lot of them were far from as qualified as owning one than you did. You knew that if a demon somehow ended up in your care, you would do your utmost best to give him the best life and home the demon could wish for.
Still, you’d been set on your decision for the past years since you started this work. You weren’t entirely sure why you kept making excuses, but somewhere along the line you’d started to believe them.
Maybe it was so you wouldn’t have to think any further about the true reason, which had nothing to do with you in the first place. And now that Takagi was asking you about it once again… you were feeling tempted to spill it to him, knowing there was nothing left to pretend.
But you caught yourself before you could give into the sweet temptation of spite, knowing it added absolutely nothing worthwhile. If anything, it would most likely sour part of your day as well as Takagi’s…
And again, you had to remind yourself that you didn’t want to give the source of said reason any more thought and attention than he already demanded on a daily basis.
“You’ll never cease trying to pair me with one of your rescues, won’t you?” A soft laugh passed your lips, knowing that he really only did because he was convinced it would only add more to your life, and he really wanted that happiness for you. “I hate to disappoint you, but my reasons haven’t changed. In fact, in about four months from now I’ll even have less time to spend on a demon than I do now.”
“So you think!” He countered enthusiastically, jabbing a finger up in the air. “But I’d argue that adopting a more gentle and patient demon into the household is very beneficial with a little one around. Especially now that your partner isn’t around anymore, and combined with your grooming salon a demon could potentially help you to relieve the pressure put on you.”
You shot him a look. “Adopting a demon to take over my chores isn’t really a prime reason why I’d reconsider getting one, Takagi.” The last thing you wanted to do was turn a creature like that into a servant of sorts.
He shook his head, intent on getting his message across. “No no, you’re misunderstanding. Of course they could help in the household, but I’m just saying. It’s tough being a single mother with a newborn and a job that demands a lot of you. There are demons specifically bred and trained to be gentle and, uh, perhaps important for your particular situation – protective of their owners and their children.”
The latter part had you looking up with a snap – so taken back by what he was implying – that you actually glared at the man for a passing heartbeat before catching yourself. But not before you saw the realization settle on your friend’s face.
A sudden chill had taken to your skin and blood, causing your very core to tremble.
Looks like Tagaki knew more of the finer details of your recently changed situation than he initially let on.
You blinked nervously. “Mom told you?”
The man slowly nodded, his features stark.
“How much did she tell you?” You tried, urging the frustration heating your blood to simmer back down. You hated it when your mother decided to share private things when you clearly asked her not to do so, everything was already complicated enough, and the last thing you wanted was others to try and butt into what you should do.
“Enough for me to know you need protection.” He provided, his gaze stern yet concerned.
A growing pressure of panic threatened to squeeze your throat as you scrambled for excuses to cut this topic short. “The police have everything under control, so that won’t be necessary.”
“I’m just saying,” Tagaki said carefully, choosing his words. “A demon could keep you safe from someone like him. From what your mother told me, it appears you’re under a great ordeal of stress, and that’s not good for you nor the little one you’re carrying around.”
Clenching your jaw to keep yourself from snapping at the man, you honestly didn’t know why his concern for your well being felt like such a stab to your back. Not to mention your mother for just blabbering about this so openly to random people. What if word of his actions leaked out and somehow reached him? What would happen then?
Your gaze landed on the clock, where the numbers marked 10:59. It was time to get to work; you had to do what you were meant to do today – your escape.
You took a breath to calm your rising anxiety, turning back to Tagaki. “If… it gets out of hand, I’ll let you know.” It was the most basic answer you could give without outright telling him you would consider adopting a demon, but truly, you had no other idea how to get him to stop discussing this topic. “Alright?”
Because he meant well, he really did. Even if your fight and flight instinct was urging the opposite, and that wasn’t any of his fault.
Tagaki must’ve caught the glimpse within your gaze that you were simply not up for discussing this, and nodded. “I told your mother the same thing, if there’s ever anything you need; you can always contact me. I might not always be able to help with everything, but I’m sure we can find a solution together with the three of us.”
“Thank you,” And you meant it. “But the last thing I want to do right now is stress myself even further by thinking about him unless I have to.”
Tagaki’s eyes hardened just ever so slightly, not satisfied with your answer even though he seemed content to drop the matter for now. “Understandable.”
All the while, the demon just sat behind the man. Quietly and observing the shop he currently found himself in; showing no interest whatsoever in the topic or conversation you found yourselves in.
“How about we get Aizetsu here settled first and foremost? I really want to cut some of that heavy hair of his, as it must be very uncomfortable for him.” You suggested instead, eager to work and have something else to focus on.
Having to look at the severely neglected demon hiding away behind Tagaki made you restless to get to work. The less longer the demon was forced to endure the results of his neglect, the better. This demon clearly needed your help, and soon.
“Ah sorry about that, (Name), and here I said I didn’t have a lot of time to stay and I just go on blabbering like that.” He chuckled sincerely and looked down at the demon behind him, taking a step to the side.
Almost instantly, the demon tried to inch back behind him, but Takagi outstretched his arm so the leash, which he held rather short, wouldn’t reach far enough for the demon to do so. The demon’s movements were slow and lazy, but when he hitched on the leash, he tried again, and again. Seemingly getting more restless with each attempt.
“No, Aizetsu.” He corrected firmly, but not harshly. “Today we’re going to do something a little different. Remember what I told you before we left this morning?”
You observed, feeling somewhat tense in having to witness this exchange. As expected however, the demon said nothing in return, but he did cease his attempts to hide behind him. Though you suspected it was more because of his fear for punishment rather than actual obedience.
“Today we’re visiting (Name). She’s a very kind woman who’s going to keep you in her salon for a few hours so she can get you thoroughly cleaned and washed.” The demon cautiously tilted his head at the man once it was mentioned he had to stay here. “It might be a little uncomfortable and scary at first, but I want you to behave and listen to everything she says, ok?”
It might’ve been spoken as a request, but you saw it for what it truly was. An order, a command for the timid demon to follow. An establishment of responsibility and leadership was what most demons needed to be made clear, especially if – in this case – the current caretaker was leaving the demon in someone else’s hands. Aizetsu needed to be made clear that he needed to listen to you and your instructions once Takagi left the salon to deal with other matters.
A simple concept on the surface, but for a demon that had been neglected or abused, having known nothing but dubious relationships with humans – this was like asking him to shift its entire understanding of reality, and to put themselves in a highly vulnerable position. After all, they didn’t know you. How could they possibly know what you were going to do with them?
Most rescues you’d groomed here at the salon had been terrified of you, because they were expecting you to act exactly like people had done in the past. They had no reason to trust you, no matter how much Takagi reassured and explained the process to them.
Expecting no answer from said demon, Takagi turned back to you. “I tested Aizetsu in a couple of social exercises back at the rescue center. So far, he’s not lashed out or snapped at anyone yet. But if you feel like he might be inclined to do so, please don’t hesitate to muzzle him for your safety.”
You hummed a nod, making a mental reminder of the demon having passed some social exercises so far. Which was a good sign, as you remembered past demon clients that desperately needed muzzles to keep yourself safe. You always tried your best to get demons through it without stressing them out too much, but sometimes you were left with no other choice. “Understood. Are there any triggers that I should keep in mind with Aizetsu?”
“He seems easily spooked by sudden loud noises, from what I’ve gathered in the few days we’ve had him around.” He pondered some more. “Same goes for unexpected touches, I like to think it helps if you announce what you’re going to do. That way you won’t take him by surprise.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. Judging from that, Aizetsu wasn’t going to like the water hose and the blow dryers once he’d been bathed. Which could complicate matters, but it would far from be the only time that you handled a demon scared for those very same things.
“I think he likes it when you talk to him too. Calm and quietly.” Takagi remarked. “He shrinks away when someone snaps at him.”
So a lot of calm talking, instructions and gentle touches. Got it. It was enough knowledge for you to start working on him, and you would undoubtedly come to discover new traits and things the rescued demon hadn’t expressed at the rescue center.
“Anything else you think I should know before I get to work?” You asked.
“Aside from the fact that he’s male, quiet, scared and timid – no, I don’t think so. Because frankly that’s all we know at the center. Oh, and if you discover anything else about him, or if something’s up, please don’t hesitate to message me. I’ve got my phone on me 24/7, so I’ll be guaranteed to see your message shortly.” His gaze narrowed at you. “If you feel like you can’t get the job done because of your precious cargo, you also tell me, ok?”
It was obvious that he, and everyone else that doubted your capabilities due to your pregnancy only voiced their concerns because they were worried for you and your infant. But you would be lying if it wasn’t starting to get to you, especially since you were still working and dealing with your client just fine without any incidents.
You reined in the annoyance. It was probably your anxieties and hormones speaking, but sometimes it felt like people were infantilizing you.
“I’m pregnant, not enfeebled.” You teased, laughing. “Don’t worry. I think I’ll manage, but if something’s up, I’ll call you.”
He gave you a knowing look, but allowed the matter to rest. “I’ll leave you to your work, then.” He offered you the leash and you took it without hesitation, wrapping the end tightly around your hand. While you didn’t want to show dominance explicitly, it was the way to get nervous and tense demons to understand the dynamic between you. Small gestures like those were required, whether you liked it or not. You were here to help them, not to suit your own needs and convictions.
The gesture didn’t escape Takagi, and a certain tension lifted from his features. He turned to the demon once again. “Aizetsu, I’ll be leaving you with (Name) now. While you’re getting your salon treatment, I have to get your three brothers to the groomers as well.”
At the mention of his siblings, the demon perked up; a soft noise escaping him as the tension seemed to leave him for a split second. For a moment you thought he was going to speak, to ask anything about his siblings, but he remained in the same silence as before, and Takagi smiled down at him. “Now, you behave and listen to (Name), got it? She’s going to take good care of you. I’ll pick you back up as soon as she’s finished.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the praise, feeling somewhat relieved that he was only dropping one of the four demons in your salon. From the small snippets of information Tagaki shared, Aizetsu’s other siblings seemed much more energetic, and there were only so many rescues you could put up with before needing some normal clients again.
Bathing, washing and taking care of Aizetsu, a clearly anxious demon, would be more than enough for you today.
You allowed your gaze to wander down at the cowering demon, who must’ve felt your eyes on him and timidly turned to you, before peeking back at his current caregiver. As if he wasn’t sure who to listen to, and a clear sign that Takagi needed to get his butt out of here already to avoid further confusion for the already nervous demon.
Understanding the hint, Takagi determinedly strode to the door. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. I’ll be back to pick you up in a few hours, Aizetsu. So make sure to behave until then.” With one final wave, he exited the salon. Promptly followed with the sound of his departing vehicle.
An anxious whine left Aizetsu’s throat the instant Takagi disappeared from his sight, and he couldn’t stop looking at the door. Confirming exactly what you’d feared for. The man had stayed around for too long in this new and scary environment for the demon, and now the only person he was even a little familiar with had left him here with a complete stranger, you.
“Don’t you worry, he will be back soon enough.” You lowered yourself to his level, making certain you intercepted his line of sight and smiled. “How about we get you settled and prepared, Aizetsu?”
You didn’t wait for a reply, knowing you wouldn’t get one as he was figuring things out. You got back up on your feet and gently tugged on the leash a couple of times to have him follow you to the bathing area.
It took a little bit of prompting, but he eventually gave in and removed his sights from the door and followed you. All the while, you decided to talk to him to keep his thoughts from straying away to other matters and instead focus on you.
“First of all, I want to welcome you to my salon, Aizetsu. I’m (Name), and in my daily life I work as a demon groomer. Meaning that I work on making demons as clean and presentable as possible, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing today. If you don’t mind me saying, you look like you desperately need a good washing and a nice haircut.”
He definitely needed way more, but the last thing you wanted was to overwhelm the demon with phrases he probably didn’t even know. As neglected as he was, he probably never had any of these things before.
No answer or sound came from the demon except his soft footsteps behind you. It was relieving to hear that he was actually following you. So far he was taking Takagi’s command to heart.
You then stopped, and the demon followed your example almost instantly. “Before we continue, I want to make you feel as comfortable as possible around here. You haven’t shown any signs of wanting to run away, and as such, I want to try and take your leash off.” You raised a brow at the demon, still clueless whether or not he could actually see you through that mountain of tangled and matted hair descending most of his body.
“But in order to do that, I’m gonna need you to listen to everything I say. Do you think you think you can do that? Otherwise we can leave it on, should you feel more at ease like that.”
The latter was definitely a possibility, especially for anxious demons. Sometimes the promise of freedom came with too much responsibility, and spooked them in the process.
At the mention of having his leash taken off, Aizetsu’s head jerked up and he slowly looked around the salon. As if he were deciding whether or not the area and person he found himself with was safe enough to be ok with such a thing. Nobody had ever asked him something like that – or asked him his opinion on anything, for that matter.
He was cowering so lowly, and taking so long that you were about to conclude that he wanted to keep it on. Either option was fine for you, though.
“…. take…. it….”
You were about to approach the bath by the wall when the softest noise caught your attention, and you froze. If you didn’t know any better, you could’ve sworn the sound was anything but his voice. Like the faint creak of a chair, undoubtedly from lack of use. But you did know better, and after Aizetsu had been wrapped in such silence with Takagi around, you’d almost started to believe that the demon refused to talk out of fear.
“What did you say, Aizetsu?” You gently prompted, a soft smile decorating your lips as you were starting to feel more hopeful for him. “You’ll have to speak up a bit louder, I didn’t quite get that.” You tried.
The shudder of a breath left him as he struggled with the idea that he was asked to speak his actual wants. Even if it was just a mere leash to you, to him it was anything but.
After another passing heartbeat, he tried again. His voice muffled mostly by the wall of thick hair around him. “I-I… I’d like it off.” He repeated louder this time, nearly stumbling over his words. Although it was still rather soft to you, you did manage to catch what he was trying to say. And that’s what mattered.
“Then that’s what we’ll do. If you decide later that you want it back on, just let me know, alright?” You reassured him. “I’m here to look after and take care of you, so if there’s anything you want me to know, don’t hesitate to tell me.”
You were aware this was a near impossible request for a demon pet like him to fulfill, but you laid it out there nonetheless. The more he believed he could trust you, the better. It would make this entire process so much smoother and easier on him.
“I’ll be removing your leash, then.” You informed him, remembering what Takagi had recommended: informing Aizetsu of everything you were going to do, and you assumed this regarded literally every little detail. “You have a lot of long hair though, so I will have to get up in there to do so. It might feel a little weird, but I assure you I won’t hurt you. Is that ok with you?”
The demon said nothing, and instead remained frozen on his spot on the floor. You decided to take his lack of reluctance and resistance as an answer, and slowly dropped down onto your knees while suppressing a groan from the weight of your belly, and extended your hands to the most furious black mane of chaotic hair you’d ever witnessed.
Gently, your fingers pushed aside the black locks for as much as the tangled state of them allowed you to. When he felt you touch his hair, Aizetsu took a sharp inhale and tensed like a brick.
It prompted you to halt. “Do you want me to stop?”
“N-no…” He whined out, and you almost believed he was on the verge of bursting out into tears. The poor thing was most likely expecting your touch to hurt him. Still, his answer was clear.
“Alright. I won’t hurt you, Aizetsu. I promise. I’m just going to remove the leash from your collar.” You kept reminding him as your fingers gently paved a path through his matted dark locks. Somewhere in the back of your head you wondered whether or not he genuinely believed what you were telling him, or was taking your claims as a lie wrapped up in gentleness. It was probably safe to assume the latter. But he favored the leash off so badly that he was willing to put himself through this suffering.
The demon was so tense he was actually trembling, and you were relieved when your fingers at last brushed against the familiar touch of steel at the end of the leash, and swiftly unhooked it from his collar and rolled it up in your hands.
That’s when you noticed how greasy and slick your skin had become just by lightly touching his hair. Not to mention the foul odor that now clung to your hands. Yyou had to try your best not to cringe for his sake.
Good heavens, you’d never seen a demon before that needed a bath and haircut as badly as Aizetsu did. And after four years of cleaning and taking care of rescues, that was saying a lot.
“There we go. The leash is off.” You said, ignoring the scent of death. You were going to add ‘Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?’ hadn’t the demon looked like he was moments away from passing out from shock; still as tense as a rock and trembling.
It had been a good first exercise to introduce him to non-harmful touching, but you decided it was better to give him a moment to try and recover from being touched by a literal stranger. So instead you approached the bath. “Now, what I’ll do next is run a bath for you, Aizetsu. The water will make a bit of noise and might be a tad unpleasant at first, but I assure you it will not hurt you in any kind of way.”
His steady but loud shudders of breath were the only indicator that he was listening, for they changed their rhythm every time he tried to register what you were telling him. When you turned on the water you spotted him flinching from the corner of your eye, confirming exactly what Takagi had told you about his fear of loud noises. Still, it was necessary for the process so the demon simply had to learn how to deal with it one way or another.
For now, you left the water running while turning to Aizetsu for the next step, and you were very curious how he was going to react to this. “Before we bathe you, I would like you to take off your clothes.”
The sudden request wasn’t enough to shake his tension, but you were pleased to see that his trembling ceased once his attention got shifted. The demon seemed to glance down at himself – at his long sleeved black shirt and matching loose pants, and then back up at you.
“Hmhm, those.” You affirmed, gesturing at the set of clean clothes the rescue center undoubtedly granted him. “It would be a shame if those got all wet and cold. That, and I cannot properly clean you unless you take them off.”
The demon seemed to struggle with what you were asking of him, and you didn’t blame him. Stripping in front of a stranger, especially when you’ve been neglected and abused by people from the same species must be a terribly daunting prospect, but unfortunately there was nothing else you could do to make this process any less vulnerable for him.
For a moment he hardly moved, but you waited patiently. Clearly he was considering his place here and the moments from his past. As well as the order that Takagi had given him to obey everything you asked of him, even if it went against everything his mind and body were screaming at him for the sake of self protection.
But then, slowly but surely – his long sleeves shifted and the hands he’d been hiding inside finally peeked out at the ends. You blinked, surprised to see the darker skin tone of said demon. With all of the chaotic hair you’d barely gotten a true glimpse at the actual demon yet, so to actually see details of him was a pleasant surprise because you were highly curious of what he would look like once you got through all that hair.
His hands looked like the rest of him – not taken care of in the slightest, and at the end of each finger were long, darkened fingernails that had not been clipped in forever.
Aizetsu had pushed his hands out of his sleeves to grab the hem of his shirt, but before he could nervously pull it over his head, you stopped him. “Just a second, Aizetsu. I’m going to get something real quick.”
He flinched and froze upon hearing your sudden command; instantly convinced that he’d done something wrong and upset you, and observed with tension as you pushed yourself up to walk to the back of the room to grab something, before making your way back over and slowly lowered yourself back on the floor. “You have such long nails, I think it would be good if we trimmed them a little bit before we continue.”
“W… why?” Came the muffled question from the thick mane of hair as he held his hands close to his chest, as if you were going to chop them off any moment now.
“They’re very dirty, and I might be mistaken, but I believe they are ragged and cracked at the edges.” You explained calmly, holding the clipper in front of you so he could observe it. “This is a nail clipper, it’s a simple tool to shorten your nails a little bit.”
Aizetsu cowered a little bit, and his trembling increased as he held his hands closer. “Please… don’t take my nails away…”
You shook your head, reminding yourself that despite his vulnerable display, it was important to stay positive and keep a soft smile on your lips to give him the impression it really wasn’t that serious. “I won’t, I’ll only make them a bit shorter. That way they won’t be as easily damaged, and way easier to clean.”
Aizetsu still didn’t look convinced, and you perked up as an idea struck you. “Here, I’ll show you. Look –” You raised your other hand and splayed it open so that he could clearly see your own trimmed nails. “This is what they’ll look like once I’m done.”
You got your answer regarding your earlier question whether or not the demon could actually see, because he quietly observed your raised hand before he dared to lean closer to get a better look. The demon then leaned back, peeking down at his own hands before dragging his gaze back to yours – and repeated that for a couple of times in a clear internal struggle happening inside his head.
He didn’t trust you, that much was clear. But with situations like these, he was starting to doubt his initial reaction because what you showed him made sense. More so than his instinctive responses currently did.
This was going to be a very slow process, you were beginning to realize. But it didn’t matter. This was why you only took one rescue a day and no other clients. Even if it took you all day, you were going to make sure this demon got a proper bath and haircut. You wouldn’t go home achieving anything less if it were up to you.
“Doesn’t look so bad, does it, Aizetsu?” You said, breaking through his pondering. After a heartbeat, he made the faintest shake of his head, and you smiled at his timidness. Lowering your hand between you with palm faced up, you asked; “Will you allow me to trim your nails? I promise I’ll be gentle with them.”
After all, they were very important to demons. Some of them had straight up claws, while others like Aizetsu didn’t. But there was still that sliver of instinct residing in their blood that made them believe they were very important to them, even if modern day demons didn’t hunt like they used to anymore. Without them, they felt like they had one less way of protecting themselves.
Which… was also why you needed them trimmed before you began bathing him. Takagi had advised to muzzle Aizetsu in case he ended up getting snappy to protect you from his large fangs, but demons had more than one way to harm others. Their claws – or nails in Aizetsu’s case – could still easily cut a human’s skin even with the slightest wipe. So for your own safety you always made certain to trim a demon’s claws or nails.
Another defensive tool was a demon’s horns. Fortunately for you, it appeared Aizetsu didn’t have any of those, which meant one less thing to concern yourself about.
After enough coercion, Aizetsu at last relented and tentatively held out his hand. He said nothing, but you could feel his piercing gaze nearly digging holes in your outstretched hand, ready to retreat at the first sign of you doing something he didn’t approve of, so you had to treat carefully. Lest you wished to repeat this entire cycle all over again.
“That’s good, Aizetsu.” You praised quietly as you slowly inched your hand closer to his. “May I take your hand in mine?”
There was another lack of response, but the demon didn’t retreat his hand, so you carefully reached out and took his larger hand into your own – becoming very aware of Aizetsu’s potential real size. He’d been cowering ever since he and Takagi entered the salon, so his full height and size once he stood upright on two legs was still a mystery to you.
“That’s good…” You repeated your praise in hope that would reassure him.
Gently, your fingers enclosed around his hand as you reached forward to begin the process of trimming his very long and filthy nails. You nearly failed to hide your disgust at the neglect this demon must’ve suffered through as a resounding click echoed through the space of the salon as you clipped his index finger, the top of his nail flicking into some random direction.
Aizetsu jolted lightly at the sudden noise, as expected, and you loosened your hold just enough for him to not feel restricted. His gaze focused on his trimmed nail, and much to his surprise he found that it indeed looked quite similar to your own.
It was enough to have him inch his hand closer on his own, and you went to work on his second digit, then the third, the fourth – until the entire hand was finished. All while keeping a watchful eye on his posture and reactions. Just because he was a timid demon that seemed to trust you for now, did not mean he couldn’t lash out unpredictably.
“And now the other hand.” To your surprise he obeyed without nearly any hesitation; replacing his trimmed hand with the other. A smile crept to your lips as you neatly clipped his other nails. There certainly was hope yet for this timid and anxious demon, even if his hand was literally trembling within your grasp.
“Aaaand all done. You did really well, Aizetsu.” You released his hand and watched how he observed it quietly; rubbing the pad of his thumb along the edges of his trimmed nails in an almost entranced motion. This really must’ve been the first time anyone ever trimmed his nails.
“That looks so much better.” Feeling a surge of satisfaction, you put the nail clipper to the side for now. You doubted the nails on his feet looked anything better, and in a perfect scenario you would trim those right after – but just like with their hands, demons were very protective of their feet as well. Since you were already asking so much from the anxious demon, you decided to wait with that after you bathed him and cut his hair.
Speaking of which… you suddenly found yourself conflicted as you observed the demon. He really was almost entirely covered with his long hair, and the state of it was just downright terrible. To have hair that was as tangled and matted as his must be really painful for the demon’s scalp… so much that you were actually considering already cutting pieces off before you even decided to bathe and wash him.
“Your hair must be so heavy and painful, with all those matted locks tugging against your scalp…”
You hadn’t realized you’d spoken that part out loud until Aizetsu turned his focus back to you. He briefly fidgeted with his fingers. “It does hurt.” His quiet voice broke the silence.
Your heart trembled in sympathy for the poor demon, and you swallowed against the sudden block lodged in your throat. To have him affirm your suspicions only made you feel worse, but most of all angry at the person responsible. “I’m considering cutting off some big chunks of your hair before I decide to bathe you. Would you like that?”
“Yes…” He responded almost instantly, confirming that the matter of his hair was a priority for the demon, and you felt bad for making him endure the nail clipping before even prioritizing the biggest problem in the room. You’d done so to keep yourself safe while working on him, but still.
“I will have to get close to you. Kinda like before when I detached the leash from your collar.” To emphasize the meaning, you tentatively shuffled closer, watching the demon’s posture carefully as he watched you. With his hands balled in the fabric of his pants, his body was as rigid as a rock, but aside from that you still sensed no sign of hostility from the demon.
“Rinsing your head like it is now, the weight of your hair will be immense, and I don’t want to potentially hurt you.” You explained slowly as you reached down your apron and pulled out one of your scissors from one of the small pockets and held the tool in front of him. He stared at it for a passing second before slightly leaning forward, maybe smelling it. “This is what I’ll use to cut your hair.”
The only response was a deep, shuddering sigh.
You had no clue whether your current scissors were sharp enough to cut hair of such bad quality, but you would try. You knelt down next to him and reached over him to grab locks of his dark, thick hair. Cutting off excess and terribly matted and tangled pieces that you could reach easily. All the while, Aizetsu endured the start of the haircut with the stiffness of a plank. The fierce grip he had on his pants causing his knuckles to pale.
He hated this. His previous owner hardly ever approached him and his brothers. Touches equaled pain, that’s simply how it had always been like in that basement, and If it wasn’t him who bore the front of it, it was certainly one of his brothers in the other rooms.
And while Aizetsu initially didn’t sense any hint of hostility from you, he just couldn’t let his guard down. No matter how kind you acted, you were still a total stranger. Every time you mentioned getting close, all he could see before his obscured eyes was a vague shadow looming over him, and he instinctively tensed up; preparing for a sudden blow to the head, to the hands, legs, or any other vulnerable spot.
Hearing the sound of snapping scissors, along with the ghost-like caress of your fingers through his hair made him want to rip himself away and hide somewhere until Takagi returned to pick him up. Only problem being, if he did, Aizetsu would be in big trouble, he just knew it. Everything he did could potentially be punishable. Even answering your questions felt like treading into dangerous territory, and yet refusing to answer wasn’t an option either because he’d be defying you, and that was a certified way to get punished.
Either way, he was going through hell. He was almost starting to long to be back in that dark basement. The lack of attention and the few unexpected touches his previous owner gave him were so much better than being approached and touched this much by you and the other rescue workers all so suddenly.
At least in that dark house he knew his brothers were nearby somewhere. Aizetsu hadn’t even seen them ever since he got taken from the house, and he missed them dearly. Scenarios of what happened to them constantly haunted him. Takagi did mention that he was bringing them to grooming salons as well, but somehow the meaning of that passed him by in his constant panic. He couldn’t do anything but worry for their wellbeing.
With each snip, large locks of thick hair dropped to the floor around him, and Aizetsu decided to start counting how many pieces you cut off. Anything to try to get his heart to stop bursting out of his chest from panic and stress of what his future could possibly bring.
Because so far it was only getting worse and worse since he’d been separated from his brothers...
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gareleia · 2 months
update: my co-writer friend FINALLY got a tumblr account, so I can tag them now!!
previously: part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
okay, bear with me for a moment. odysseus' perspective in all of this would be fascinating. and you know what is also fascinating? the way we can do whatever we want in this AU. so we can and will keep baby Astyanax alive.
to start with, Ody doesn't kill the baby. obviously. the reason is that, while he's having his fascinating little soliloquy about the morality of child murder in JAM, some terrified nursemaid that had been hiding somewhere in the room (I imagine her behind a conveniently shaped vase) picks up a dagger and stabs him in the shoulder from behind.
obviously she fails to do the deed, and he quickly and almost automatically kills her. but he's still stabbed. non-lethally, but enough to greatly hinder him.
Ody decides to go back to his people to get first aid. he can't bring himself to kill the baby, but he also can't just leave it there for others to find, because there's no telling if the remaining Trojans would rescue the boy, or if the Greeks would take him as a prisoner/slave or adopt/lose him somewhere where Odysseus can't ensure Zeus' prophecy won't come true. so Ody takes the baby with him.
the soldiers are,,, not impressed.
Eurylochus, looking at the infant: so, uh. what do you have here, captain? Odysseus, avoiding eye contact at all costs: a smoothie-
Eurylochus in particular is beside himself thinking about the implications. but overall people are too happy about finally going back home to really make much of a fuss about it, so it's fine (for now).
anyways Odysseus is still on edge about the baby's (and everyone else's) safety, so at first he tries to bring the boy with him everywhere. but his injured shoulder doesn't allow him to actually carry the kid too much. so that job falls to Eurylochus.
Eurylochus is soooo enthusiastic about the prospect, especially when the infant starts biting his chest, trying to nurse.
the baby: h o n g r y eurylochus: ARGH! GET YOUR GODS' DAMNED KID, BRO! odysseus: it don't bite eurylochus: YES IT DO
Odysseus prohibits everyone from using the baby's real name, both to keep its origins a secret from potential enemies, and to avoid getting attached to it (in case he actually decides he wants to kill it). so Eurylochus nicknames the baby Aphe, from greek "αφαιμάσσω", which means "to leech". because the damn brat keeps biting him.
eventually he and Poletes get into a heavy debate about whether or not it's mean to call a baby a bloodsucker, and Ody, who'd been having a crisis of faith, steps in and settles it for good.
from this point on, Astyanax the Prince of Troy is officially dead. and Odysseus is bringing home his infant son Aphemachus the Prince of Ithaca. etymology is somewhere along the lines of: afaimasso (to leech) + machos (war) = Aphemachus (the blood-sucking war; the war that sucked our blood)
Eurylochus is the one who Aphemachus had gotten attached to the most, due to all the carrying (and the biggest boo). He cries all the time when they're apart, and only Poletes seems to somehow be able to distract the boy, so they end up watching him in shifts.
aphemachus: *wailing in the dead of night* eurylochus, groaning: poletes, your leech is awake. poletes, also groaning: until the sun is up it's your leech.
Odysseus at the same time is still having doubts, so he doesn't trust himself to be too close to the baby.
those thoughts will haunt him for years, and will eventually play a huge role in their relationship, even after Ody starts forcing himself to spend time with his new son to forge a bond that would hopefully stop Aphemachus from destroying Ithaca.
Aphemachus indirectly saves Poletes' life. because when they reach the cyclops' island, Poletes stays behind with the majority of the soldiers to look after the baby. as a result Polyphemus doesn't kill him.
the downside is, Polyphemus almost gets a drop on Odysseus, and in an effort to push him away from danger Eurylochus gets severely injured. his right shoulder never quite recovers, and very deep down he blames Odysseus for needing help in the first place, because not freezing up in battle is the first and most important lesson they were taught as children, and then Ody went and froze up anyway.
sidenote, in Mutiny later on Odysseus will intentionally aim for said shoulder, exploiting the weakness that Eurylochus will have been very put out by and insecure about. just to add to the overall drama.
what none of them know yet, is that Odysseus had royally pissed off Zeus by ignoring his 'friendly advice' of infanticide. so much so, in fact, that Zeus tasks Ares with ensuring that Aphemachus grows up to destroy Ithaca.
as a result, poor kid grows up with the voice of bloodthirsty God of War in his head, constantly trying to convince him that everyone secretly hates and wants to kill him, that he's been stolen from Troy for nefarious purposes, and that it's his duty to avenge his REAL family. so, basically, your standard run-of-the-mill gods-induced paranoid schizophrenia.
odysseus: so, what do you want for dinner? ares: YOUR HEAD ON A SPIKE aphemachus: a bagel ares: NOOO aphemachus: two bagels
as you can guess, the poor boy's mental health is... Not Great™. he grows up a difficult kid, sensitive, too smart for his own god, prone to angry outbursts. think a cross between Damian Wayne and Jason Todd. he's also very paranoid, and remember that Odysseus still has doubts? Aphemachus can sense that, and that scares and angers him more, which makes him lash out, to which Odysseus also tries to keep his distance even more. he doesn't have much experience at actual hands-on parenting, and it doesn't help that he's not sure if he has a right to act as a father to the boy he had indirectly orphaned and directly almost killed.
poletes, exasperated: aphe, dear, we've talked about this. you know violence is never the answer, right? aphemachus: right. aphemachus: violence is the question, and the answer is YES-
so the most consistent positive influence Aphemachus has in his life are Eurylochus, Polites, Perimedes and Elpenor - until the latter dies and Perimedes decides to stay away.
Eurylochus is the stone-faced stern mother hen. he's the one that makes lists upon lists in his head of what the baby, and later toddler, needs. he enforces bed time, makes him eat as healthy as possible on the ship, etc. as such, his status as 'favorite' is quickly revoked once the kid grows old enough to complain.
the new favorite is Poletes, who spoils Aphe rotten and has a hard time saying no to anything. he's the fun uncle who's always down to play games.
Perimedes and Elpenor are like semi-responsible older brothers, who teach him about all kinds of stuff. Perimedes is the type to give Aphe lots of different chores to keep him occupied, and Elpenor, in contrast, tends to whisk the kid away to get him to relax and unwind. he also likes to teach Aphe about stars and constellations. meanwhile Peri 100% had handed toddler Aphe a knife as a prank to test everyone's situational awareness (think Stabby the Roomba), and got shit from everyone.
eurylochus: let me see what you have! aphe: a knife! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ eurylochus, going through all stages of grief simultaneously: NO!
Ares, while he detests lying and 'cheating', doesn't want to wait until Aphe grows up to make him wreak havoc. so instead he starts trying to trick the kid into accidentally causing bloodshed. and most of the time he targets Polites, because the peace-loving fool is an affront to everything Ares stands for.
this results in Aphe often running in between someone's legs at most unfortunate times, spilling liquid where people walk frequently, hiding fish hooks in food as a 'joke'…
it comes to a head with a contraption born out of every inch of cunning Ares possesses (not much), all Aphe's wild child imagination and many of Perimedes' trap-making lessions. it's a glorious thing, straight out of something between Home Alone and the Final Destination series.
Nobody ever really catches him, blaming the near-accidents on pure bad luck. Poletes never once notices that something is amiss, thinking he's just clumsy. the only reason he's still alive is because Elpenor is somehow always there to run interference.
Elpenor is the only one to suspect Aphe, but, since he's a dumbass alcoholic, nobody believes him, even his boyfriend Perimedes. Ares gets fed up with this and starts making Aphe target Eple instead, but before anything could really be done Ruthlessness happens, and they come to stay with Circe.
elpenor: I fear no man aphe: (✿◠‿◠) elpenor: but this thing… this thing scares me
it's only after Elpenor's untimely death that Perimedes starts to take his concerns seriously, but it's too little, too late. it's actually an honest to gods accident that Aphe has nothing to do with, but Peri had sat through so much paranoid, drunken rambling from Elpe that it just clicks to him. he blames Aphe, and, despite not voicing his concerns (because nobody would believe him either), he makes it abundantly clear that he doesn't want anything to do with Aphe anymore, to the boy's dismay.
finally, a few important notes on continuity:
in this AU the journey is a bit slower-paced than in canon, so instead of Act 1 happening almost at once after they left Troy, in the Knitting Saga after the Polyhemus fiasco, pissed off Poseidon decides to torture them first before the execution, so they are lost at sea for a couple years in between Remember Them and Storm, before Poseidon gets bored and decides to kill them for good. then they spend a year with Circe as she cooks up a way to send them into the Underworld, in the meantime hoping that Poseidon cools down somehow. then the Underworld and the Thunder Sagas happen a couple months apart, and then Ody (and Aphemachus, who is kept alive by the gods purposefully, so he has a chance to grow up and destroy Ithaca) spend 5 years with Calypso, and then another year trying to get to Ithaca.
Telegonus still exists in this AU, despite not being the son of Odysseus and Circe. instead, he is the unwanted son of Circe and some unnamed sailor from that first batch that she had taken pity upon and let her guard around. because of being born a demigod and living on a magical island his aging is a bit wonky, but he appears to be around 12-15 years old. he's a charming, confident, precocious child, who takes after his mother in personality and approaches. him and Odysseus get really close in the time that the crew stays on Aeaea, because Telegonus is not (as far as Ody knows, at least) prophecized to harm Ithaca and Odysseus desperately misses Telemachus; while Telegonus just imprints on the first dad-shaped adult he sees. Aphe is sad and desperately jealous.
aphemachus: d-daddy??|・ω・) odysseus: do I look like- ಠ益ಠ telegonus: you are my dad! you're my dad! boogie-woogie-woogie! (~˘▾˘)~ odysseus: awww!! yes!! what a good boy!!(✿◠‿◠) aphemachus: ಠ_ಠ
fun fact, Ody considers leaving Aphe on Calypso's island. Aphe, who's like 8-9 at the time, almost expects him to do so. only on the morning of their departure do they have a heart-to-heart about how Ody was a shitty, emotionally unavailable father, and how Aphe only ever wanted to be loved.
fun fact 2, telegonus will make another appearance later ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶
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Book Review 17 – A Half-Built Garden by Ruthanna Emrys
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Okay, I have officially finally read a solarpunk thing I unreservedly enjoyed! Which means my opinion about all the other examples of the genre is no longer entirely just me being a hater.
...I joke (mostly), but I was sold this as basically ‘Psalm for the Wild Built but with actual conflict and an attempt to seriously think through its ideas”, and it absolutely lived up to that! Plus it’s a fun read with a few actually meaty characters, too. I mean, I do have complaints. Which I will go on about below. At length. But in the loving way, not the ‘actively resent having read this’ way. As proof of this, I offer the fact that this thing is well over two three four thousand words long, and for readability I’m breaking it into subheadings.
Anyway, the basics are that it’s the late 21st century, and the world’s been through a bit of a ringer in terms of climate change-induced disaster. At some point in the previous generation, a lot of political-economic power was seized by the Dandelion Networks, cyber-eco-anarchist collectives organized around the watersheds of major river networks, and dedicated to trying to unfuck the planet some. The actual plot revolves around First Contact, as an alien ship lands in the Chesapeake, offering evacuation and relocation to what they fully expect to be the desperate and grateful inhabitants of a dying planet. This leads to some awkwardness, given the Networks civilizational commitment to the mission of restoring the earth and lack of interest in eventually pulling it apart to make a dyson sphere, and the paternalistic (well, maternalistic) condescension of a decent chunk of the aliens about whether humans are competent to make that choice. Made even more tense because representatives of the vestigial United States and the much-reduced-but-still-important former globe-spanning megacorporations are much more enthusiastic about what the aliens have to offer.
So yeah, book full of cultural confusion, high stakes diplomacy, intrigue and ideology. I adored it.
General Discussion
The aliens were fun, in that they were absolutely and entirely nonhumanoid – two species, and neither of them mammalian or bipedal, and one of them not even having anything we’d really recognize as a face. It made the descriptions of conversations and physical interactions pretty funny to visualize at points, honestly; though it did also take me something like a hundred pages to get a real proper image of what both of the species in question actually looked like.
It was kind of interesting how so much effort was spent on making the alien’s appearance so, well, alien, but everything else worked on maximally convenient space opera rules? They can breathe the same air as humans with only minimal discomfort (and vice versa), and even enjoy each other’s food. Plus the story starts with the aliens having already created translation software that does its job perfectly with zero meaningful confusion or plot-relavent loss of meaning. Which all makes sense in terms of making the plot works, but still – no matter how important sharing food is as a thematic expression of shared intimacy and cultural exchange, still wounds my suspension of disbelief in this First Contact story when the 2 meter furry tree-spider can even digest human cuisine, let alone enjoy it.
The alien’s culture was both fascinating and kind of frustrating – I did love how the whole common sense of ‘of course a species will advance enough to leave their homeworld behind, or else die on it’ was so bone deep that most of them kind of floundered trying to actually try and convince someone who didn’t already agree with them. And likewise our protagonist and her compatriots were basically totally unable to make a convincing argument that didn’t take the value of Earth and a natural ecosystem as a given. That felt very true to life.
But frustrating because, like – the aliens have a sort of matriarchal social organization where nursing mothers (especially/specifically of one of the two species?) are taken as the natural authority figures in the extended cross-species households that seem to be the atomic units of economic production and political participation. But there’s a massive amount of gestured at nuances and references to wider institutions that are just never followed up on, which I’d normally consider just generally good worldbuilding except for that the fact that writing the Xenology 101 handbook should literally be the main character’s job here. Third act of the book, and she’s still never gotten around to asking for the precise mechanics of how authority is divided among the crew of the interstellar spaceship/first contact team/extended family she’s been dealing with!
The Dandelion Networks have to be by far the most thought out ‘solarpunk’ society I’ve ever really seen in a story, though that’s admittedly an incredibly low bar. I’ve still got some qualms and quibbles and bits that annoyed me about the portrayal, but insofar as it’s kind of unfair to expect every sci fi book to come free with an extra utopian manifesto, they did pass the sniff test as seeming, well, real? If not exactly as a socio-political/economic structure, then at least as a culture and civilization with its own traditions and minor hangups and celebrations and day-to-day routines. I also very much do appreciate the fact that even if they’re clearly portrayed as much, much better than the alternatives, they’re not an outright utopia.
The fact that, legally speaking, the United States government never gave up any territory or jurisdiction, it just chose of its own accord to merge and massively expand several national parks and subcontract their administration to these revolutionary anarchist networks with absolutely zero coercion involved nosiree, was also great. Or made me laugh, anyway.
The vestigial USA – here also our only representative of the entire class of still-extant nation states – gets comparatively little attention compared to the other players involved. On the one hand that’s kind of a shame because it’s legitimately unclear the degree to its the government and not the watershed networks putting on delusions on grandeur (which, to be clear, I kind of loved). And I did adore the fact that NASA...well, it didn’t actually do a coup, but just selectively read the legislation defining its responsibilities to just jump in and start handling everything about First Contact negotiations without really bothering to wait for permission first. But on the other hand they do very much seem the most normal – which is to say archaic, from the rest of the setting’s perspective, with Congress and the federal bureaucracy being characterized as ineffectual deadlocked quagmires where ideas go to die. Also the only people for whom monogamous long-term relationships or ‘most people being cis’ seems to be at all the norm, which I think makes them the closest thing the book has to on-screen social conservatives.
The Corps – the remnants of the formerly globe-spanning and world-burning megacorporations, now in the main restricted to the artificial island city-states they fled to when the world really started going to shit and the revolutions started – are the actual main ideological foils to the Dandelion Networks presented through by the book. And – look, I’ll be honest, the culture and politics feels like a natural (if incredibly optimistic) outgrowth of certain trends in modern American culture. The Corpos feel like an alien civilization invented whole cloth for a space opera because it seemed interesting and fun. Which, to be clear, they absolutely are – but, like, this book theoretically takes place sixty years in the future. ‘Specifically the corporate oligarchs and their most loyal guards, technicians and toadies have in one post-revolutionary-exile generation developed a stable entirely presentation based normatively genderfluid 7-gender system” seems like, how to put this, a bit of a stretch?
Still, they’re definitely fun, and I do really appreciate that Emrys gave them a real ideology and mythology instead of just making them self-consciously evil (a carefully nurtured bitterness that the Watershed Networks and their carbon budgets and sustainability mandates essentially stole the future from them, combined with a real belief in meritocracy and just deserts). Though, like, even moreso than the USA, I’m legitimately not sure the degree to which Judy and the other Watersheders common sense about them being slowly decaying relics losing people with every year is supposed to be taken as correct? Because, like, city-states in the middle of the ocean capable of sustaining themselves in the style we’ve seen implies either vast hinterlands or sufficient productivity to import all the raw materials they need from abroad in exchange for finished goods or access to truly immense amounts of energy or some combination of all three, and none of those really scream ‘archaic relic’. All to say that I might have come out viewing the Watershed Networks as more full of triumphalism and groupthink than was intended – though honestly if so, I like them better that way. It’s an entirely natural flaw for their system to create, honestly. Look at reddit.
Speaking of flaws the protagonist’s society had – I found it immensely charming how Judy was just, so utterly and completely terrible at being a spy? On a cinemasins level you do have to wonder how the corps weren’t already ruling the world again if the Network’s best and brightest are all this easy to entrap and blackmail, but on a thematic level it does work as emphasizing how the networks, well, work through the wisdom of crowds and constructive debate, and trying to fly off on your own in little self-appointed conspiracies rarely ends well for anyone involved.
The Eponymous Garden
The question of what humanity is for – whether we have a destiny to reach for the stars, or if there’s something vital about the planet earth (about a living ecology, about one’s ancestral home writ large, about having a place in a natural order) – is, if not the book’s overriding theme, certainly the one it spends the most time consciously thinking about. (I mean, it’s literally the title). And the book really does try to make the conflict genuinely difficult and nuanced; our heroine is a voracious and vitriolic partisan of the Earth-is-special side of things, but the text pretty clearly doesn’t agree with her about that as much as it does some of her other positions.
The entire debate was honestly fairly reminiscent of some debates you see floating around Tumblr every so often. The Ringers have created a curated toy ecology to keep their habitats pleasant and livable, and that done see their abandoned homeworlds as containing nothing really worth mourning in fact they’ve literally pulled them apart as raw materials for their orbital habitats and megaengineering projects. Judy views the idea of humanity doing the same – even to Mercury or Mars, let alone Earth - as both horrifying and, well, not quite profane (her Judaism is definitely an important part of her character, but she never directly uses theology as explanation for her politics) but certainly ontologically, fundamentally wrong.
The Ringer’s teleology is pretty simple – technological advancement gives a species the ability to care for itself and free itself from the various tyrannies of nature, at the cost of expending scarce resources on a dozen different fronts and eventually leaving their planet uninhabitable. The only question is whether they’ll escape the world or die with it. Humanity is the first species they’ve encountered that hadn’t already gone with option B. More fundamentally – and here’s where the human corporates jump enthusiastically on board – leaving the planet behind means refusing the limits of ecology, and to an extent of scarcity. Populations in the trillions, a dyson swarm, mega-engineering projects with millennia-long schedules. Not to mention the whole romance of endless new horizons, novelty and exploration and a consciously arranged world.
Which is all, of course, exactly the dream the Watershed Networks spent their revolution fighting against. The Chesapeake Network is from every indication a very nice place to live, but it’s also very much defined by the necessary scarcity that comes with trying to live sustainably, and in harmony with the horrible damaged biome you’re also in the middle of a massive, civilizational infrastructure project to restore. International travel and imported goods strictly limited by carbon budget, international communication strictly limited by the need to limit potential infection vectors for malware, apparent societally normative coparenting and/or polyamory as a labour-saving thing – abstracted away from the specifics of space travel, it’s basically the perennial degrowth argument on here.
Though as far as space colonization qua space colonization goes, it’s kind of fascinating to compare Garden’s take on it to how it’s presented in Terra Ignota? Which is to say, Ada Palmer presents spreading through space as a heroic endeavour – something worth doing for its own sake, because it is in some sense humanity’s purpose, but a great and arduous project that will strain every available resource and lead to a lot of impoverishment and scarcity for the doing. Which comes amusingly close to mirroring exactly how Emrys characterizes staying on Earth.
A few trillion aliens willing to handle the capital expenditure for relocation and infrastructure do change the math a bit, I suppose.
...and It’s Gardeners
Which is to say, the Watershed Networks. As I said above, they’re clearly intended to be something of a flawed or incomplete utopia, generally heroic and praiseworthy but with major blindspots and issues. I’ve got qualms about what those issues are and their severity, but I’ll save that for the petty bitching section below. Besides, given that they’re decently thought out and detailed, it’s honestly more interesting to examine them as an incomplete utopia and the principles underlying them.
So, the networks are a high tech cybernetically-organized federation of green anarchists, organized around the watershed of a major river and with the civilizational mission to protect and restore that watershed’s ecology; coordination between watershed’s seems to be limited to small scale trade or else matters which affect multiple watersheds.
‘High tech’ isn’t a joke, either – augmented reality interfaces seem totally normative and almost necessary given their government, not to mention the ten thousand different monitoring systems used to keep track of the status of each part of the whole ‘unfuck the ecosystem’ project. Robotic drones and prosthetic limbs with full haptic feedback were both totally unremarkable – anprims they really aren’t.
They govern themselves by – okay, I said ‘by reddit’ above and that’s mostly a joke. But like, only mostly. By infinetly flowering nested chats and discussion fora dedicated to any topic of public interest, to which any citizen can contribute to the debate or propose action items through that AR interface, with ones weight on any given issue being determined by the algorithm’s approximation of the community’s trust in your wisdom and expertise on topics like what’s being discussed (‘Utopia’ means taking as read that this works).
Beyond just weighting and being an automod, the Dandelion algorithm also encode the Network’s values, amplifying the voices that live up to them and de-emphasizing those that don’t. And most of all, they act as phantom votes representing the Watershed’s nonhuman constituents, boosting suggestions and action items based on the interests of the wider ecology, wildlife, etc.(again, accepting that this works is basically the price of admission).
So far so Eclipse Phase-but-green. But there’s a couple specifically interesting things about the whole setup that I do want to focus on.
First, the whole theory of politics and decision making underlying the Networks (and the book) is something like a wholehearted belief in the wisdom of crowds – that everyone involved cooperating and trying to come up with a crowdsourced solution through moderated debate will lead to better ideas and better solutions than a small group of experts or conspirators or operatives. And the book does actually commit to this – basically every time anyone from the Watershed goes off on their own and assumes they need to make an important decision on their own/in a small group it blows up right in their face.
You know the one line from Men In Black? ‘A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals”? The book basically commits to the exact opposite of that.
More minor but it did just strike me as interesting – Judy (and, I think, other networers) never refer to each other by their job title, and in fact object to it. Judy is not an environment engineer, she just does some environmental engineering work, as well as jam making, gardening, child-raising, and a dozen other things. On the one hand, almost everything about the life of someone in the networks pretty much has to be pretty legible – basically everything seems to be public, the community is tight knit and expected to host each other as needed, everyone wears pronoun pins, the entire labour-allocation and weighting system must require immense amounts of information on each individual participant – but on the other, none of them are ever reducable down to their jobs or roles. Reminds me of that one Heinlein quote, honestly. ‘Specialization is for insects’ and all that.
Cultural Exchange
I don’t really have much to say here, but it’s a prominent enough theme I’d feel remiss if I didn’t mention it, so. Aside from the high politics and idealogue-ing, Garden is really concerned with what the worm’s-eye-view of cultural exchange following First Contact might look like, and just demonstrating different ways that culture can be shared.
Which is why I really can’t be too annoyed at the implications of both species of Ringers and humans being able to both consume and appreciate each others cuisine – Emrys has clearly some of those ultra-viral tumblr posts about how sacred sharing food is, and the sharing of meals and ways of eating is a pretty key way the book both characterizes cultures (e.g. corporate culture ‘feast food’ being a way of showing off artifice and competing to make novel designs its impossible to guess the taste of is just one more way they’re shown to be obsessed with appearances and artificiality and general decadence) and demonstrates trust or sharing between them.
Beyond meals (or as part of them), there’s also religion and ritual used for much the same purpose. And sex, of course – it takes like a week and a half for Judy to go from being introduced to intelligent alien life to asking one of them if he wants to try a threesome – and, probably more importantly, family and children. There’s a whole gimmick about how Ringer matriarchs always bring their children with them to negotiations as (among other things, roughly) a show of good faith, and expect humans to do the same. The book seems slightly unsure of itself about how much it thinks this is a good idea (also about Ringer family structure/matriarchal authority more broadly, to a less degree), but the different species of children bonding and playing together while their parents is pretty clearly shown as an unambiguous good.
And finally-
Because if I’m going to think about literally any piece of media for this long, I end up with annoyances I need to vent about. So! In no particular order, narrative issues, worldbuilding issues, and random nitpicking.
The whole final arc of the plot – basically everything after they leave Earth – felt incredibly rushed for how much it was trying to introduce. Now, getting a little glimpse of how the Ringers lived and worked and bickered was absolutely necessary, but there just was not enough wordcount devoted to it to really be anything more than a glimpse. The politiking just felt broad and clumsy, and the way Ringer politics worked a bit half-baked. Beyond which, there’s all these hints of interesting power dynamics and inequalities among the Ringers but then the book never really expands on or does anything with them (beyond, like, spending half a page introducing the concept of pronouns pins and...okay ‘being trans’ is wrong because one of the species’ seems to be entirely genderfluid as a rule, but determining ones own gender? To them. And then never following up on that either!).
But beyond all that, there’s just the more significant issue is just that the entire climactic confrontation is resolved by...a tertiary character whose spoken on a single-digit number of pages being overcome by conscience and admitting the whole corporate conspiracy and sabotage which is responsible for every wrong thing the Networks have done so far. Not even under prodding or courting from the protagonists, either – if that one fashion designer hadn’t been a slightly more important secondary character’s sibling and just been left with the luggage, the Networks would have been fucked. Instead, the one bit of testimony sways the assembled aliens and saves the day. Just felt too neat and easy and unearned.
More annoying still is the specifics of how the Networks failings are portrayed. Now, as I said above, they aren’t portrayed as perfect, but the book does a thing I really, truly despise in fictional worldbuilding (in large part because of how common it is in nonfiction too) where essentially every thing the networkers get wrong and every stupid mistake they make is the result of nefarious Outside Agitators corrupting and sabotaging the system – like the evil corporate spies and hackers are literally responsible for everything wrong with Networker politics, and if they hadn’t sabotaged the Dandelion Network there’s no way people would ever get anything wrong. Puts a bad taste in my mouth, like the people who never shut up about any stupid mistake done by ‘their’ side being a false flag.
Beyond that, like – okay, so if I’m going to take the book on its own terms I just have to accept that this anarchist network is capable of coordinating labour on a vast and detailed enough scale to handle ecological restoration efforts that are halfway to terraforming at this point, and capable of mustering and deploying coercive force with enough strength to actually cow and keep in line numerous polities with more centralized social organizations that historically really do win at that sort of thing. Sure, okay, not exactly fair to ask Emrys to Solve Anarchism, even if I’d have really loved some acknowledgement of where exactly all the metal and rare earths for all these robots and prosthetic and IT infrastructure is coming from (sure, carbon budgets, but like – where’s the Chesepeak’s sacrifice zone that got designated to hold all the mining and heavy industry?).
More importantly, though, I can still wish the book had dug into the guts of the system and, like, pproblematized it a bit? The fact that public debate and the weighting of people’s votes is controlled by these opaque algorithms seems like it requires investing your programmers (not even just programmers, specifically the ones working to maintain this incredibly intricate system) incredible amounts of trust and power they could abuse without people really noticing! Or take the fact that political debate is structured and influenced by the consciously determined ethical and political principles built into the system; okay, so the system’s a full generation old now, yes? Is there no controversy, no generational divide, no resentment among the younger cohort about their speech and opinions being weighed according to their parents ideals? The whole setup seems like it’s built to exemplify that one Marx quote, traditions of the dead weighing like a nightmare on the brains of the living &c. There are multi generational households, and the family is clearly an important socio-economic unit, with some being much more prestigious and influential than others, so how does inheritance work in this anarchist utopia? There’s some interesting drama to dig into, here!
Beyond that, everyone in the Networks is just too...nice? Like, the final epilogue involves the corporae programmer who literally created the malware that almost destroyed everything – and did get people killed – defecting. And absolutely no one holds any sort of grudge? She’s just given a house and told to start helping when she can? Which I found pretty hard to swallow on like three or four different levels (‘do they just keep spare houses lying around to give away whenever someone needs’, not least. If you’re deeply concerned with living sustainably and in harmony with nature, immigration and land/resource use are actually major issues that are going to run into a lot of resource constraints, especially if you’re trying to rewild or diversify what had been industrial farmland).
And significantly less important but – the fact that everyone who appeared on screen (anarchists, corporate executives, federal bureaucrats, random Network programmers and partygoers and corpro interns and-) is basically a queer feminist with only a vague historical understanding of being oppressed on the basis of gender or sexuality (and the only exception is one of Judy’s coparents being raised in an oppressive ‘Purist’ cult he eventually escaped from) is probably necessary to keep all sides at least potentially sympathetic to the expected audience, but it did hurt the verisimilitude of the worldbuilding some, for me. Though hey, maybe that’s just me being unduly pessimistic, fuck knows there’s been plenty of progress on those fronts between 1960 and now, so hey!
Anyway yes, good read!
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mariacallous · 6 months
British journalist Catherine Belton spent more than 15 years working as a reporter in Russia for the Financial Times, The Moscow Times, and Businessweek, and she now covers Russian politics and the war in Ukraine for The Washington Post. In 2020, Belton published her first book, “Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West,” which immediately became a bestseller. Following the death of Alexey Navalny, she published a Russian-language edition of the book that’s available for free. For Meduza, American journalist Tanya Lukyanova spoke with Belton about how she managed to untangle the logic behind the system that has allowed Putin to rule Russia for more than 20 years. 
As Catherine Belton was finishing school, the Berlin Wall was coming down. Entranced by the Soviet empire’s collapse, she went on to study Russian and German at university, “and the fascination just continued to expand from there,” she said in an interview with Meduza.
Belton would go on to work as a journalist based in Russia from 1998 until 2014, covering the country “pretty much nonstop” during Vladimir Putin’s first two presidential terms. From 2007 to 2012, the period when Putin temporarily relinquished the presidency to Dmitry Medvedev and served as prime minister, Belton worked for the Financial Times as a Moscow correspondent covering the world of business. 
“It was a different era then,” she explained. “Russian billionaires [and] government officials all wanted to be on the pages of Businessweek and the Financial Times — presenting their country, presenting their companies, and trying to be integrated into the global economy.”
Belton’s wealth of experience reporting on Russia eventually led her to write a book, Putin’s People, which was published to international acclaim in 2020. As she told Meduza, the book began as an investigation into the system Putin had built by taking over the country’s strategic cash flows and placing them in the hands of loyal allies. “We didn’t really understand what made Putin tick and why he ran the economy the way he did,” Belton explained. “But as I was reporting that, it really became very obvious that he was replicating a system that was rooted in the KGB.” 
As Belton’s reporting revealed, the wealth Putin and his cronies had amassed was just one small piece of the puzzle: 
“A lot of the stealing that was going on wasn’t about Putin lining his own pockets: It was [about] gathering strategic slush funds and replicating a system of KGB frontmen and intermediaries, who would then be able to funnel wealth into the West. And then eventually, as they had in the 1970s and 80s, they’d use that wealth to divide and disrupt and undermine their rivals in the West.”
Belton is still in regular contact with the sources she interviewed for her book. Some of these members of the Russian elite, she said, were “horrified” when Putin launched the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, which they perceived as a “catastrophe for the 30 years of empire building and all the ties that they [had] built into the West.” But with the full-scale war now in its third year, she now fears that some Russian elites and billionaires smell blood in the water:
“I’m now afraid [that] they see Western weakness, the paralysis in the U.S., and perhaps think that the war now presents an opportunity to redraw the post-Cold War map and have this new alliance of Russia, India, and China, which they believe is going to replace a weaker West. So unfortunately, most of the Russian billionaires and elites are still sharks.”
Putin, meanwhile, appears increasingly entrenched in his political views. “You can see that Putin has really held on to certain beliefs,” Belton pointed out. “He was part of this progressive faction of the KGB that blamed communism for failing the project of the Russian Empire. He blamed the Bolsheviks for tearing the country up into republics that didn’t exist before (i.e. Ukraine). So even then he was an imperialist.”
The Russian president has also continued to keep his friends close, surrounding himself with sycophants who often share his intelligence officer roots. Though their influence may wax and wane, these officials have traditionally made up a “collective Putin,” Belton explained:
“There are other people in the administration who had security service backgrounds who were either prompting or advising him to act in a certain way — [Security Council Secretary] Nikolai Patrushev, for instance, who had always been more senior than him [...] At various stages of Putin’s career, he seems to have been clearly manipulating Putin and trying to make sure that he stayed in power.”
“I think Patrushev is still very much a leading ideologue,” she added. 
According to Belton, Putin’s bitter resentment towards the West is based on a mixture of grievances, some of which she considers valid and others she views as “exaggerated and amplified” by his KGB background and personal paranoia. “It’s certainly true that after Putin came to the presidency, he did make overtures towards partnership with the West,” she pointed out. “And I was told by people close to him then that Putin is a ‘transactional guy.’ He was expecting favors in return — in the typical, mafia-style leadership — but he didn’t get any. He just got, in his view, a kick in the head.”
The West, in turn, was too dismissive of Putin and therefore failed to see Russia — and Russian corruption in particular — as a security threat. “Everyone thought that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, all that remained for Russia to do was to integrate into the Western rules-based order,” Belton recalled. “We thought that the more Russian cash came into the West the better, because Russia was going to have to adapt to our governance standards and so on.” 
With this assumption in mind, Western countries readily accepted the money Putin’s system siphoned out, believing that corruption made Russia weak, when really it was a means of consolidating power. Once seen as independent, Russian billionaires became “beholden to the Kremlin for maintaining their wealth,” Belton explained. And having failed to grasp that an economy under Putin didn’t function like one of their own, Western countries “just decided to lie back and take the money.” 
“Putin realized very early on that this was a big weakness in the way the West works, that we’d just take profits and not think about the consequences,” Belton said. 
Russia’s oligarchs did not take kindly to Belton’s book. Just before the one-year statute of limitations under U.K. libel law, billionaire Roman Abramovich sued the journalist and her publisher for defamation. Billionaires Mikhail Fridman, Peter Aven, and Shalva Chigirinsky followed suit, as did Russian state oil giant Rosneft. 
“I was very fortunate because my publisher, HarperCollins, stood very strongly behind me, and they covered all the legal costs,” Belton told Meduza. “I think had it just been me, I would have been forced to withdraw the book after seven years of work. I wouldn’t have been able to withstand such a barrage.” 
Abramovich settled his claim against Belton in December 2021, after the journalist and her publisher agreed to make revisions to the text. “We changed some small things, which I’m still a bit upset about, but we basically didn't change the sense of the narrative,” she said. The other defendants subsequently settled or dropped their claims. 
“In some ways, there’s a silver lining,” Belton added. “Because the pile on was so enormous, it attracted a lot of media attention. And people could really see how Russian billionaires and the Kremlin had been using the legal system and legal threats to silence and intimidate journalists from covering some of their activities.”
Earlier this month, Belton announced that she had made the Russian-language edition of Putin’s People available for free. “Although the general trajectory of Putin’s presidency is well known, I wanted Russians to be able to read the details from Kremlin insiders who have not spoken before,” she explained. “[I] would like it to be more widely known and shared within Russia that we know what Putin presents now is not Russia’s true face, but one that has been distorted and manipulated by his cabal.” 
Belton was still hammering out the details of the release when Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny suddenly died in prison. The sea of mourners who turned up for Navalny’s funeral pushed her to publish the free edition of Putin’s People right away. “The fact that tens of thousands were coming out and openly defying the police presence, chanting ‘No to war,’ and, in many ways, showing that Navalny’s legacy was living on no matter what — that this other Russia we all loved still exists despite the heavy Kremlin propaganda and the fear tactics — really inspired me,” she said. 
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Alexander Wood was born on 10th December 1817 in Cupar, Fife.
Alexander became a physician and gave the world the first   Hypodermic syringe.
Alexander Wood was born in 1817 in Fife, the son of a local doctor. The family moved to Edinburgh’s New Town in 1821 and Wood eventually enrolled at the University of Edinburgh in 1832 where he studied arts and medicine.
He graduated with the MD in 1839 and established his own private medical practice in the New Town. He also began lecturing at the Extramural Medical School from 1841.
But it's his 1850s invention that would lead him to notoriety.
Inspired by the work of fellow Edinburgh alumnus James Young Simpson around anaesthesia, Wood became fascinated with finding ways to relieve localised pain.
In 1853 his research led him to taking the earlier invention of a hollow needle and adding a plunger. He then developed this idea further into the first all-glass syringe with fine-bone needle that allowed doctors to estimate a dosage based on the amount of liquid observed through the glass, thus allowing for smaller measured doses to be administered.
His first patient was an 80 year-old woman who suffered from a form of neuralgia, which he successfully treated by injecting her area of discomfort with morphia (morphine dissolved in sherry). Wood had invented and used the world’s first hypodermic syringe.
By coincidence, Charles Gabriel Pravaz, a French surgeon who had had no contact with Wood, reported his very similar invention in the same year, shortly before he died. But while Wood's device was made of glass and featured a plunger, Prava's invention was composed of silver and used a screw to push medicine into the body; and while Wood performed his trials on humans, Prava chose sheep.
Wood's treatment by subcutaneous (as he referred to it, the term ‘hypodermic’ wasn’t coined until decades later) injection rapidly became popular in Britain.
His instruments were advertised as "Dr Alexander Wood's narcotic injection syringes", and the needles used in today’s medicine follow the same design.
Wood went on to play a prominent role in Scottish medical politics through his work as President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, including persuading the college to admit non-graduates into its licensing examinations, and campaigning for legislation pharmacy, the registration of births and marriages, and sanitary reform. He also argued for the official rights of the Edinburgh Extramural School of Medicine, which would have later implications for women wishing to study the subject.
Wood was also elected to the Edinburgh Police Commission and chaired the acting committee of the Association for the Improvement of the Condition of the Poor, a charity that provided food and work for the unemployed.
Wood died in his home in February 1884 after a short illness, and is buried in Edinburgh's Dean Cemetery. He left behind his wife, Rebecca Massey (incidentally the subject of a false rumour that she was the first known morphine addict after injecting herself using her husband's invention), and the lasting importance of his hypodermic syringe.
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roamanddiscover · 1 year
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Tuvalu is a small Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean. It is made up of nine coral atolls and islands, which are spread over a vast area of water. Despite its size, Tuvalu has a rich history, unique biodiversity, and a vibrant culture that has attracted visitors from around the world. Many people are unaware of Tuvalu's existence, but this tiny nation has a lot to offer. Its remote location and low-lying geography make it a unique and fascinating destination. Tuvalu's coral atolls are fragile ecosystems that are home to a variety of stunning marine life, while its lush vegetation and pristine beaches provide visitors with a glimpse of paradise. Historically, Tuvalu was settled by Polynesian voyagers around 2,000 years ago. These original settlers lived off the land and sea, and developed a vibrant culture that is still celebrated today. Over time, Tuvalu came under colonial rule by various nations, including Great Britain, until it eventually gained its independence in 1978. Today, Tuvalu is facing many challenges, including climate change and rising sea levels. Despite these challenges, the country's people are resilient and proud of their unique culture and way of life. If you're planning a trip to Tuvalu, there are many things to see and do. You can explore the islands and atolls on foot or by boat, visit historical sites and museums, or simply relax on the pristine beaches. Tuvalu's friendly people will welcome you with open arms and can provide you with a unique insight into their way of life. Tuvalu is a must-visit destination for any traveler looking for something a little different. Its rich history, unique geography, and diverse biodiversity make it a truly remarkable place to visit. So why not pack your bags and experience the beauty of Tuvalu for yourself?
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Tuvalu, a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, has an interesting etymology that reflects its history and culture. The name "Tuvalu" means "eight standing together" in Tuvaluan, the country's official language. This refers to the eight main islands that make up the nation: Nanumea, Nanumanga, Niutao, Nui, Funafuti, Vaitupu, Nukufetau, and Nukulaelae. According to Tuvaluan mythology, the islands were formed by the god Tefolaha, who created them from a single piece of rock. The god then named each island after his children and gave them to his sons to govern. Over time, the islands fell under different influences, including those of Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji, which led to the development of a unique Tuvaluan culture. The name Tuvalu was first recorded by European explorers in the 16th century, who mistook the islands for part of the Ellice Islands, an archipelago that is now part of Tuvalu. The name Ellice was given by the British explorer Edward Ellice, who visited the islands in 1819. In 1978, Tuvalu gained independence from the British, and the name Tuvalu was officially adopted as the country's name. the name Tuvalu reflects the country's deep connection to its geography and history, as well as its unique cultural identity. To this day, Tuvaluans continue to cherish their traditional customs and values, alongside their modern aspirations.
Tuvalu has a rich and fascinating history that dates back to its earliest settlers, the Polynesian voyagers. It is believed that the first settlers arrived on the islands around 3,000 years ago, bringing with them their traditional customs, beliefs, and skills. The people of Tuvalu were skilled navigators and seafarers, using the stars and the ocean currents to travel between the islands. During the 16th and 17th centuries, European explorers began to visit the islands, with the first recorded European contact taking place in 1568 when Spanish explorer Álvaro de Mendaña de Neira stumbled upon the islands. Over the next few centuries, Tuvalu became a frequent stopover point for European and American sailors who were traveling between Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. In the late 19th century, Tuvalu was colonized by the British, who established a protectorate over the islands in 1892. Under British rule, the islands were incorporated into the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, which also included the nearby Gilbert Islands (now known as Kiribati). The British administration brought significant changes to the islands, including the introduction of Christianity, the establishment of schools, and the construction of modern infrastructure. During World War II, the islands were occupied by the Japanese, who used them as a base for their military operations in the Pacific. After the war, Tuvalu remained part of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony until 1975, when it became a separate British dependency. In 1978, Tuvalu gained self-governance, and in 2000, it became a fully independent nation. Tuvalu's history is characterized by centuries of self-sufficiency and resilience in the face of numerous challenges, including colonialism and environmental threats. Today, the people of Tuvalu are proud of their unique cultural heritage and traditions, which continue to be celebrated and preserved through music, dance, art, and storytelling.
Tuvalu's geology is unique due to its low-lying coral atolls. The country is composed of nine atolls and islands, each consisting of coral reefs and sandbars that have slowly risen from the ocean floor over thousands of years. The coral atolls of Tuvalu are formed by the process of reef building, where coral polyps secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton that builds up over time, eventually creating a barrier reef. As the coral grows and the reef builds up, sand and debris accumulate on top to form a sandbar. Over time, plants and trees take root in the sand and debris, forming an island. The process is slow and takes many thousands of years. Despite their beauty and ecological importance, Tuvalu's coral atolls face many challenges. Due to their low-lying nature, they are highly vulnerable to flooding from storm surges and rising sea levels caused by climate change. This poses a serious threat to the country's infrastructure, economy, and way of life. In addition, Tuvalu's coral reefs are under threat from human activity. Overfishing, pollution, and climate change all contribute to the degradation of the country's marine environment. Tuvalu has taken action to protect its reefs, implementing marine conservation programs and working with international organizations to promote sustainable fishing practices and reduce pollution. Despite these challenges, Tuvalu's unique geology remains a point of fascination for scientists and visitors alike. The country's coral atolls and islands are home to a rich array of marine life, including colorful fish, sea turtles, and coral gardens. Visitors to Tuvalu can explore the country's reefs through guided snorkeling and diving tours, observing the diverse ecosystems that thrive beneath the waves.
Tuvalu is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean. The country comprises of 9 small islands, out of which only 4 are inhabited. The total land area of Tuvalu is about 26 square kilometers with a population of approximately 11,000 people. The country is famous for its stunning natural beauty, white sandy beaches, and turquoise lagoons. The nine islands of Tuvalu are arranged in an east-to-west line. They are Nanumea, Nanumaga, Niutao, Funafuti, Nukufetau, Nukulaelae, Vaitupu, Nui, and Niulakita. The capital city, Funafuti, is located on the Funafuti atoll, which is the largest atoll and also serves as the administrative center of the country. The geography of Tuvalu is quite unique as the majority of the islands are coral atolls that sit atop volcanic islands that have sunk into the ocean. The highest point in Tuvalu is only 4.6 meters above sea level, making it one of the lowest-lying countries in the world. Tuvalu is also home to some of the most beautiful lagoons and marine environments in the world, with coral reefs, sea grass beds, and a wide range of marine life. Island Name Area(sq.km) Funafuti 2.4 Nui 3.4 Nukufetau 2.6 Nukulaelae 1.82 Nanumea 4.6 Nanumaga 1.37 Vaitupu 5.6 Niulakita 0.48 Niutao 3.87 The islands of Tuvalu are divided into three groups, known as the Northern, Central, and Southern groups. The Northern group is comprised of Nanumea, Nanumaga, and Niutao. The Central group includes Funafuti, Nukufetau, and Nukulaelae. The Southern group consist of Vaitupu, Nui, and Niulakita. Tuvalu is surrounded by vast expanses of ocean and is located in the tropical cyclone belt, which makes it prone to natural disasters such as tropical storms, tsunamis, and cyclones. The marine environment in Tuvalu is one of the most pristine and biodiverse in the world. It is home to a wide range of marine species, including sea turtles, sharks, and colorful fish. The coral reefs in Tuvalu are also important habitats for a variety of marine life and are vital for the country's sustainable tourism industry. - The total coastline of Tuvalu is about 24 kilometers. - The country has a warm and humid climate throughout the year, with temperatures ranging from 28°C to 31°C. Tuvalu's geography is unique and fascinating. The country's coral atolls, stunning lagoons, and marine environment make it a popular destination for tourists and nature lovers around the world.
Ecology and Biodiversity
Tuvalu's unique geography and climate have given rise to a fascinating array of plant and animal life. The small size of the islands and their isolation from the rest of the world have also made the species found here incredibly diverse and often found nowhere else on the planet. The waters around Tuvalu are home to a diverse range of coral, fish and other marine creatures. The coral reefs are among the most diverse in the world, with over 150 species of hard coral, 450 species of reef fish and numerous species of sharks, rays, and turtles. The islands themselves are covered in lush vegetation, including coconut palms, pandanus, breadfruit and banana trees. These plants provide food, shelter and livelihoods for the people of Tuvalu, as well as habitats for a range of animals, including birds, bats and insects. Despite its natural riches, Tuvalu is facing a number of challenges due to human activity and climate change. Habitat destruction, overfishing and pollution are putting pressure on the delicate ecosystems of the islands, while rising sea levels and more frequent storms are causing erosion and damaging buildings and infrastructure. In response, the government of Tuvalu is taking steps to protect its biodiversity and reduce its carbon footprint. It has established a network of marine protected areas to conserve its coral reefs and fish stocks, and is promoting sustainable agriculture and tourism practices. It has also been active in international efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions and raise awareness of the impacts of climate change on small island states like Tuvalu. Unfortunately, much of the damage done to Tuvalu's ecosystems is beyond its control. The country is heavily reliant on external aid and support to adapt to the effects of climate change and protect its natural heritage. It is a vivid example of the complex environmental and social challenges facing small island states in the 21st century.
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Tuvalu's climate is classified as tropical, with high humidity and temperatures ranging from 27-32°C throughout the year. The country experiences two distinct seasons: a dry season from May to October and a wet season from November to April. The most significant threat to Tuvalu's climate is rising sea levels caused by global warming. As one of the world's lowest-lying countries, with an average elevation of just 2 meters above sea level, Tuvalu is extremely vulnerable to flooding and coastal erosion. In recent years, the country has experienced exceptionally high tides and storm surges, leading to the destruction of homes, infrastructure, and freshwater supplies. Tuvalu also faces the threat of more frequent natural disasters, including cyclones and tsunamis, which can cause significant damage to the country's already fragile infrastructure. The most severe natural disaster in Tuvalu's recent history was Cyclone Pam, which hit the country in 2015 and caused widespread flooding and destruction. The effects of climate change are not limited to Tuvalu's physical environment. The country's economy, which relies heavily on coastal fisheries and tourism, is also at risk. Changes in ocean temperatures and acidity levels can harm marine life, while extreme weather events can discourage visitors from traveling to the country. Tuvalu has made significant efforts to address the challenges posed by climate change, both domestically and through international cooperation. The country has implemented measures to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, including promoting the use of solar power and reducing energy consumption through public awareness campaigns. Tuvalu is also an active participant in international climate change negotiations, working with other small island developing states to advocate for greater action from developed countries. Despite these efforts, Tuvalu's future remains uncertain in the face of rising sea levels and increasingly severe weather events. The country's leaders have called on the international community to take urgent action to combat climate change and protect the world's most vulnerable nations, including Tuvalu.
Environmental issues
Tuvalu, a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean, faces several environmental issues that pose a threat to its sustainability. One of the most significant issues is pollution, particularly plastic pollution, which affects the country's marine ecosystem. Waste management is also a pressing concern in Tuvalu, as the country has limited facilities to manage its waste properly. Climate change is another environmental issue that Tuvalu is facing, as rising sea levels caused by global warming could submerge the country in the future. The country also experiences more frequent natural disasters, such as cyclones and storms, which threaten its infrastructure and economy. Tuvalu is highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change, as the majority of its land area consists of low-lying coral atolls that are highly susceptible to coastal erosion and flooding. The country's dependence on subsistence agriculture and fisheries also makes it vulnerable to the effects of climate change on these sectors. In addition to these issues, Tuvalu faces challenges in managing its natural resources sustainably, such as the exploitation of its marine resources and overfishing. The country's small land area is also under pressure due to population growth and urbanization, resulting in deforestation, habitat loss, and soil erosion. To address these environmental challenges, Tuvalu has implemented various measures to promote sustainable development, such as promoting clean energy, conservation of marine resources, and waste reduction. The country is also part of various international agreements and initiatives that aim to address climate change and biodiversity conservation. Environmental Issues in Tuvalu Causes Effects Solutions Pollution Plastic waste, industrial waste, and sewage Marine ecosystem degradation, threats to public health Improved waste management, reduce plastic usage Climate Change Greenhouse gas emissions, rising sea levels Coastal erosion, flooding, damage to infrastructure and economy Promote clean energy, conservation, and climate adaptation measures Resource Exploitation Overfishing, unsustainable land use practices Degradation of marine and land resources, loss of biodiversity Sustainable management of resources, conservation measures - Tuvalu has implemented a national policy of reducing plastic waste, including a ban on single-use plastic bags and straws. - The country also aims to increase the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. - Efforts to promote sustainable land use and conservation of biodiversity are also underway, including the creation of protected areas and sustainable farming practices. Despite these efforts, Tuvalu remains vulnerable to the impacts of environmental issues caused by human activities, and ongoing efforts are needed to support the country's sustainable development.
Tuvalu is a parliamentary democracy with a unique political system. Its head of state is the Queen of the United Kingdom, represented by a Governor-General. The government is led by a Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Governor-General and is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the country. The Parliament of Tuvalu is unicameral, with 15 members elected for a four-year term. Members of Parliament are elected from eight constituencies, which correspond to the eight islands of Tuvalu. Despite its small size, Tuvalu has been an active member of the international community since gaining independence in 1978. It is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Pacific Islands Forum, among other organizations. Tuvalu's relationship with other countries has been shaped by its unique geographic and economic situation. The country's reliance on international aid has led to close ties with donor countries such as Australia and New Zealand. Tuvalu has also developed relationships with other Pacific Island nations, including Fiji and Kiribati. One of Tuvalu's most well-known international issues is its stance on climate change. The country has been outspoken about the threat posed by rising sea levels and has played a prominent role in international climate negotiations. In recent years, Tuvalu has called on developed countries to take stronger action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support vulnerable countries in adapting to the impacts of climate change. Tuvalu's efforts to raise awareness about climate change have received international attention and support. In 2009, the country hosted the Pacific Islands Forum, where it called for urgent action on climate change. Tuvalu has also been the focus of coverage by international media and environmental organizations.
Tuvalu is a small and isolated island nation with a limited economy that heavily relies on international aid. The majority of Tuvalu's revenue comes from foreign aid, which is used to finance infrastructure development, social programs and other public services. The country's small and limited economy is mainly based on subsistence agriculture and fishing, with coconut, taro, and pandanus being the main crops. Read the full article
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minijenn · 3 years
Universe Falls (Final) Lore Dump
Alright so since UF is Officially Dead (please stop thinking it will come back someday, it Will Not) I decided to post pretty much my entire timeline of events that I wrote out for it quite some time ago. Keep in mind this is like a pretty general outline and it only goes to a certain point in UF2 (everything after that I hadn’t actually formally planned and thus will not be included here). I’ll also be including spoilery backstory stuff here because sure. So here it is, laying all my cards out on the table for one final time since this is the last time I’m really likely to talk about UF this intensively. Enjoy. 
Ancient History Pre-History • Bill Cipher and the Axolotl both come into existence • Bill destroys the second dimension and takes over the Nightmare Realm • The universe is born along with its countless lifeforms. (Humans and Gems included) Eons Ago • Under the Great Diamond Authority, the Gem race expands and cements their control over 43 planetary bodies and two star systems through colonization • Pink Diamond is created on Homeworld • Fluorite, Rhodonite, Padparadscha, and the Rutile Twins are considered "off color" by Homeworld standards and remain in hiding underground in an abandoned Kindergarten to avoid the Shattering Robonoids • At some point during the Jungle Moon's colonization, Pink Diamond demands her own colony from Yellow Diamond, but is rebuffed due to her inexperience • Pearl is given to Pink Diamond as her servant Over 6,000 years ago • Ruby, Sapphire, Bismuth, and Lapis Lazuli are created on the Gem Homeworld or one of its colonies • Gems arrive on Earth, their first scout ship crash landing in what would eventually become Gravity Falls, Oregon; the impact of their ship's landing forms a deep valley • Pink Diamond is granted access to colonize Earth; She and her Gems arrive there to begin a new colony • Nephrite and her crew members travel to Earth in the Ancient Gem Colony Ship • Gems begin to emerge in the Prime Kindergarten; Structures such as the Lunar Sea Spire, Communication Hub, Sky Spire, Moon Base, and Sea Shrine are constructed; Amethyst is formed (but does not emerge) in the Alpha Kindergarten • Pink Diamond wishes to be at the Prime Kindergarten to play with the Amethysts. In order to not be scolded by Yellow and Blue Diamond, Pearl gives Pink the idea of shapeshifting into a Rose Quartz soldier to blend in • In her Rose Quartz disguise, Pink and Pearl arrive at the Kindergarten where Pink meets the Amethysts. In order to not draw unnecessary attention, Pink and Pearl traveled off and Pink became fascinated by the beauty of Earth. She soon realizes that completing her colony would destroy all of the life she grew fond of. • Pink contacts the other Diamonds to tell them that she does not wish to complete the colony and instead wants to preserve the life on Earth; in response, Blue Diamond creates a Human Zoo for her and she along with Yellow Diamond kidnap humans from their families and stored them inside the Zoo Over 5,750 Years Ago • Pink Diamond decides to use her Rose Quartz alter-ego to make a stand that her fellow Diamonds could not ignore. She originally intended to use Rose Quartz to scare away other Gems • Pink Diamond (as Rose Quartz) and Pearl defect from Homeworld and form the Crystal Gems • The cut of Rose Quartz is thereby recognized as a threat and every Rose Quartz is removed from service, specifically from Pink Diamond's entourage • Pearl learns the human concept of being a knight at the Ancient Sky Arena • Blue Diamond and members of her court arrive on Earth and oversees the removal of the then-forming Rebellion • Sapphire is sent to Earth along with three Ruby guards at the request of Blue Diamond; after Rose and Pearl launch a direct attack, Ruby and Sapphire accidentally form Garnet for the first time • Rose tells Pearl how fascinated she is that two completely different Gems fused. Pearl attempts to fuse with Rose but fails. Rose and Pearl run into Garnet where Rose tells her to never question who she is, recruiting her to the Crystal Gems • Pink Diamond tries one more time to persuade Yellow and Blue to end colonization, this time using Rose Quartz as an excuse. The other Diamonds continued to ignore her pleas Over 5,500 Years Ago • (spoiler) Desperate to save the Earth, Pink Diamond makes a deal with Bill Cipher for his aid in chasing Gems off the planet during the upcoming war in exchange for her building a 'gate' for him once its all said and done • The Gem War officially begins; Some of the first battles in the Rebellion take place at the Ancient Sky Arena • Bismuth is recruited to Rose's cause, who outfitted the Crystal Gems with weapons; she creates Rose's Sword • (spoiler) True to his word, Bill assists the Crystal Gems' cause by possessing Homeworld Gems, using them to shatter their comrades before forcing them to shatter themselves; Rose is largely unaware of this but over time, Pearl becomes suspicious of his motives Over 5,300 Years Ago • Lapis Lazuli arrives on Earth to visit for a short time and was caught mid-war and poofed by a Bismuth-type warrior Gem • Lapis Lazuli was then collected by a Homeworld soldier and was mistaken for a rebel. She was imprisoned in a mirror to be used as a source of information • (spoiler) Pearl presents her worries about Bill to Rose; Rose attempts to contact Bill to set things straight but he refuses to answer her for unknown reasons Over 5,000 Years Ago • The Beta Kindergarten is established mid-way through the Rebellion in haste to create more troops; Jasper is created among these troops, and is rumored to have taken out 80 Crystal Gems on her first day • Bismuth presents Rose with the Breaking Point, a weapon designed to shatter Gems, specifically the Diamonds. Disagreeing, Rose poofed and bubbled Bismuth, later storing her in Lion's pocket dimension • Pink Diamond and Pearl plan a ruse to stage Pink Diamond's shattering. Pearl, shapeshifted into Rose Quartz, "shatters" Pink Diamond by poofing her after she has swallowed fake gem shards • From then on, Pink Diamond permanently identifies herself as Rose Quartz and continues leading the Crystal Gems in the Rebellion • In grief over Pink Diamond's 'shattering' the Diamond Authority (specifically Yellow Diamond) makes a deal with Bill Cipher to get revenge on the Crystal Gems and the Earth • Earth is deemed an unviable colony by Homeworld, commencing Forced Fusion experiments using the gemstone shards of fallen Crystal Gems; The Cluster is embedded in the Earth's core at some point as part of these experiments • Blue Diamond takes over Pink Diamond's Zoo in her absence • A battle occurs at the location which would later become the Strawberry Battlefield. Many Gem Warriors fall. Rose's scabbard is lost Over 4,500 Years Ago • Homeworld Gems are commanded to evacuate Earth • Lapis Lazuli's mirror is abandoned at the Galaxy Warp and her gemstone is trampled over and cracked during the evacuation. Many Homeworld Gems such as Centipeetle get left behind • A flash of light is set off by the Diamonds, corrupting all Gems caught in it; The only known Gems who were unaffected are Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz, Pearl, Garnet, Bismuth, and Lapis Lazuli • (Spoiler) Following the corrupting light, Rose begs Bill to restore the corrupted Crystal Gems; Bill rebuffs her, however, claiming that his true intentions were to drive Gems off of Earth so he could take it for himself; Bill changes the conditions of his deal with Rose and desires her gemstone instead of his 'gate'; Rose refuses to give it to him and Bill retreats for the time being, promising that he will return to take what's his eventually • The Galaxy Warp becomes inactive Unknown • Era 2 of Gem production begins on Homeworld • Amethyst is found in the Prime Kindergarten and joins the Crystal Gems • Unnatural anomalies and strange creatures begin to congregate in the area that would become Gravity Falls • Peridot is formed and receives her limb enhancers on Homeworld • Pearl finds Lapis Lazuli's mirror at the Galaxy Warp and stores it in her Gem 1000 AD • Gravity Falls' native population evacuates the valley under fear of the land being cursed following contact with Bill Cipher, leaving pottery, blankets, and remnants of their language behind 19th Century 1837 • Quentin Trembley wins the 9th Presidential Election of the United States in a literal landslide. However, his many silly and embarrassing policies lead him to be forced out of office, and William Henry Harrison is declared the 9th president of the United States 1842 • 8½th United States President Quentin Trembley discovers the valley of Gravity Falls and subsequently founds the town 1843 • Drawn to the valley due to its odd properties, the Crystal Gems arrive in Gravity Falls and begin to investigate its anomalies • The Crystal Gems construct the Gem Temple near the Floating Cliffs 1859 • Pioneer William Dewey and the settlers accompanying him on the Oregon Trail to Gravity Falls are rescued from a gem monster by the Crystal Gems; however, Dewey is falsely hailed as the town hero due to a misunderstanding 1862 • In order to cover up the fact that President Trembley founded Gravity Falls (after he freezes himself in peanut brittle), Nathaniel Northwest deemed the founder of Gravity Falls and William Dewey is dubbed its first official mayor • Dipper, Mabel, and Steven accidently transport themselves back to pioneer times briefly (as seen in Lion and Waddles) • Nathaniel Northwest tricks the lumberjacks of Gravity Falls into building Northwest Manor of the false promise of allowing them into their annual party 1863 • The first Northwest Party takes place, however Nathaniel Northwest breaks his promise and locks the townsfolk out; the Crystal Gems attempt to intervene over this injustice but are ultimately too late; the lead lumberjack is killed in the ensuing Great Flood of 1863 and vows revenge against the Northwests in his final breath 1860s-1870s • Rose Quartz begins traversing the Desert with a pride of lions • Buddy Buddwick leaves Captain Dewey's crew to begin his career as an explorer and author; he records his research of Gem locations in his book • One of Rose's lions dies and she resurrects him 1883 • To escape imprisonment, Blendin Blandin travels back in time to live as a 19th century pocket watch repairman, inadvertently instigating the Great Train Crash of '83 by distracting a passing train conductor with his time machine (journal 3) Early 20th Century 1920s • Dipper goes back in time to recover Lion and accidently meets Rose Quartz in the process (as seen in Lion and Waddles) Mid 20th Century C.1953 • Identical twins Stanford and Stanley Pines are born in Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey 1960s • Stan and Ford start rebuilding an old ship they found in a cave 1965 • Greg DeMayo (Universe) is born Late 1960s-Early 1970s • Stan dates Carla McCorkle 1972 • Stan is disowned after ruining Ford's science project, costing the family potential millions • After being rejected from West Cost Tech, Ford enrolls in Backupsmore University Late 19th Century 1972-1982 • Stan, now a solo drifter, travels in and out of the United States as a salesman and impoverished conman; he goes to prison at least 3 times 1973 • Ford is accepted into the doctoral program 3 years ahead of schedule; he receives a research grant of $100000 for any field of his choice 1975 • Ford arrives in Gravity Falls and begins documenting his research of its anomalies in Journal 1 • Ford meets Rose Quartz and the Crystal Gems; realizing their similar goals, Rose and Ford become partners in researching Gravity Falls and its anomalies Before 1981 • With the Gems' help, Ford is able to document extensive notes on Gem fusion, culture, history, biology, and weaponry • Rose takes Ford to her hidden armory under Gravity Falls' cemetery • Rose also shows Ford the remains of the crashed Gem scout ship buried underneath Gravity Falls (which he dubs Crash Site Omega) • Rose entrusts one of laser light canons with Ford, who hides it underground near his home 1981 • Rose and Ford hit a wall in their research; at this point, Ford finds the cave drawings that depict Bill Cipher and summons him, hoping he will give him the answers to the mysteries of Gravity Falls. Ford and Bill become partners and start work together; Ford keeps their partnership a secret from Rose and the other Gems • Ford begins to write Journal 3, six years since beginning his research in Gravity Falls • Bill gives Ford plans for the Universe Portal; Ford and the Gems begin construction on the portal • Ford asks Fiddleford McGucket to visit him in Gravity Falls, to help him with building the portal • Ford, Fiddleford, Rose, and the Gems journey to Crash Site Omega to salvage a hyperdrive from the ship • Disturbed by his encounter with the Gremgoblin, Fiddleford constructs the Memory Gun, much to Ford and Rose's shared concern (Crash Site Omega) • To protect their research, Ford, Fiddleford, Rose, and the Gems begin constructing an underground bunker; Rose and Ford hatch the shapeshifter and raise it as a pet, only for it to turn on them and go rouge; they are forced to freeze it in a cryogenic tube 1982 • Ford allows Bill to possess him so he can complete calculations on the portal; Rose encounters Ford in this state and becomes increasingly concerned • Fiddleford implores Ford to give up on the portal and instead publish his already existing research, but Ford is adamant; at the same time, Rose confides in the other Gems that she has worries over the portal herself • McGucket is nearly sucked into the portal and quits the project; in order to erase his mind from the horrors he's seen, he founds the Society of the Blind Eye; his mind begins to deteriorate due to extensive use of the mind erasing gun • Rose and the Gems also break off from Ford after the portal accident, all of them horrified at the danger it could pose to the earth • Ford breaks off his deal with Bill after finding out that he had been deceived; as a result, he becomes increasingly paranoid and isolated • (spoiler) Rose encounters Bill Cipher again for the first time in thousands of years; after a brief skirmish, Rose vows to stop Bill's ambitions, no matter what the cost; following this encounter, Ford confides to Rose about his ill-fated deal with Bill but Rose remains silent about her own history with him • Ford entrusts Journal 3 into Rose's care; she later hides it on the temple hill; Ford hides journal 2 near the local elementary school • Ford contacts Stan, who comes to Gravity Falls in response; Ford attempts to entrust Journal 1 to Stan, but is sucked into the universe portal and is lost in the multiverse for 30 years • Ford encounters Bill in the Nightmare Realm and makes a narrow escape along with a group of interdimensional Refugees (The Nightmare Realm) • Ford begins to travel across the various dimensions to learn all he can about Bill in the hopes of defeating him once and for all (The Nightmare Realm) • Rose resolves to make sure that the other two journals remain hidden to prevent Stan from reopening the portal, even if its for the sake of saving Ford • Stan begins running the Murder Hut, later renamed the Mystery Shack, in Ford's house • The government begins to take notice of odd readings in Gravity Falls due to the universe portal • Ford becomes an outlaw in a number of different dimensions (Adrift in the Cosmos) 1984 • Greg DeMayo drops out of community college and changes his last name to Universe to become a professional musician and tour the country under his manager Marty • Greg's family began moving away from each other leaving Andy DeMayo alone to explore the world in his plane 1986 • Greg holds a concert in Gravity Falls, and Rose Quartz is the only one who attends; Greg decides to stay in Gravity Falls with Rose and the two soon fall in love (Like a Comet) • Greg begins working at the Murder Hut under Stan • Greg learns about fusion from the Gems and unsuccessfully attempts to fuse with Rose (We Need to Talk) 1988 • (spoiler) Bill tricks Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl into allowing him to possess them so he can finally claim Rose's Gem; Rose manages to fight him out of the trio but their minds are essentially left broken as a result of his possession (Chille Tid Part 2) • (spoiler) To fix the damage done by Bill, Rose uses the memory gun to erase the Gems' memories of Bill, the portal, and even Ford (Chille Tid Part 2) 1990 • Jesus "Soos" Ramirez is born • Stan and Amethyst form an unlikely friendship and begin to go on weekly "Revenge Trips" with each other; they continue this trend for 8 years 1990s • Ford encounters the Oracle, Jheselbraum the Unswerving in Dimension 52; the two corece over their shared desire to vanquish Bill Cipher once and for all; Jheselbraum installs a metal plate into Ford's skull to prevent Bill from interfering with his mind any further (Adrift in the Cosmos) 1996-1997 • Wendy Corduroy is born • Lars Barriga is born • Sadie Miller is born • Jenny and Kiki Pizza (twins) are born • Robbie Valentino is born 1997 • To earn extra money, Greg takes up a second job babysitting with Rose's help; after this falls through, Stan helps Greg out by giving him a loan to buy the car wash 1998 • Stan and Amethyst finally get arrested on a Revenge Trip; Rose and the other Gems break them out of prison and Stan and Amethyst stop hanging out • Rose leaves her other laser light canon in Greg's storage unit • Rose writes a letter of farewell to Ford containing hints as to the location of the Gems' memories in the event of his return; she entrusts this letter with Greg • Rose leaves two tapes for her unborn child behind, one at the remains of Pink Diamond's ship and the other in Lion's mane; she also hides the Crystal Gems' lost memories there as well • Rose Quartz gives up her physical form to give birth to Steven Universe • Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl kidnap Steven and steal Greg's Van temporarily to try to find out who or what Steven is. Greg and the Gems eventually agree to help Steven grow up together 1999 • Twins Mabel and Mason "Dipper" Pines are born • Connie Mahaswaran is born • Pacifica Northwest is born Early 2000s 2002 • Gideon Gleeful is born • The Mystery Kids travel back in time to figure out why Soos dislikes his birthday; as a result of this time anomaly, 4-year-old Steven disappears and Greg frantically searches the town looking for him • Soos begins to work at the Mystery Shack Unknown • Steven moves in with the Gems after Greg completes the house in front of the temple • Gideon finds journal 2 in the schoolyard of Gravity Falls Elementary • Gideon somehow steals a telepathic Gem artifact from the Crystal Gems • Wendy starts working at the Mystery Shack • Sadie and Lars begin working at the Big Donut • Ford travels to a parallel dimension where he is given plans for a Quantum Destabilizer by a parallel version of Fiddleford (Adrift in the Cosmos) 2010s 2012 • Steven summons his shield for the first time • Steven and Connie meet and become friends • Pearl is damaged and poofed by her holographic counterpart and reforms two weeks later with a new design • Steven meets Lion, who follows him home and becomes his companion • Dipper and Mabel come to Gravity Falls for the summer to stay with their Grunkle Stan • Dipper and Mabel fend off the gnomes during their first day in Gravity Falls Universe Falls Arc 1 • Dipper and Mabel meet Steven and Connie; the four become fast friends (First Meeting) • Dipper discovers Journal 3 on the temple hill (The Journal) • The Crystal Gems defend the Mystery Shack from Centepeedles and meet the twins; Steven summons his shield once more (Gem Glow) • Pearl and Amethyst fuse into Opal to rescue Steven from a robotic lake monster (Legend of the Giant Woman) • Wax Stan and the Wax Gems are decapitated by the Gem-shard powered wax figurines; they are defeated by Steven, Dipper, Mabel, and Connie (Headhunters) • Amethyst and Garnet form Sugilite to break down the Gem communication hub (Strong in the Real Way) • A Homeworld vessel appears on Earth for the first time in 4,000 years in the form of the Red Eye (Magic and Mystery) • Steven, Dipper, and Mabel help the Crystal Gems defend Gravity Falls against the Red Eye by utilizing Rose's laser light canon (Magic and Mystery) • Bill Cipher and Yellow Diamond begin planning their final stages of their deal (Magic and Mystery) Arc 2 • Gideon develops a crush on Mabel and attempts to get rid of Dipper and Steven in order to be with her; he is subsequently defeated by Mabel; the kids return the Gem artifact Gideon stole to the Gems (Lil' Gideon) • Using a time device, Steven recruits copies of himself to form a band to preform at the Mystery Shack party; at the same time, Dipper uses a coping machine to make copies of himself in order to dance with Wendy; both of these plans backfire (Copies and Clones) • Mabel wins Waddles at the Mystery Fair (Lion and Waddles) • Steven, Connie, Dipper and Mabel encounter time traveler Blendin Blandin and use his time traveling device to accidentally cause several anomalies throughout time; Wendy and Robbie start dating (Lion and Waddles) • Steven discovers he has healing spit after Amethyst is nearly fatally cracked; he also accidentally cures Connie's eyesight (An Indirect Kiss) • Steven discovers he has the power to create sentient watermelon look alikes; Gideon nearly takes the Mystery Shack by shrinking Steven, Dipper, and Mabel, but he is ultimately thwarted; Steven sends the Watermelon Stevens off (Measure Up) • Steven uses his Gem to access Rose's Room for the first time; the Gems  discover Journal 3, and though they are bewildered by its contents and information concerning them, they allow Dipper to keep it (Gems and Journals) • Steven, Dipper, and Mabel free Lapis Lazuli from the mirror; she subsequently steals all of the water in Lake Gravity Falls in a desperate attempt to return to Homeworld (Mirror Gem) • Lapis's cracked Gem is healed by Steven and she returns to Homeworld; the lake is restored (Waterfall Gem) Arc 3 • Pioneer Day is Celebrated in Gravity Falls; Dipper, Mabel, Steven, and Connie unfreeze President Quintin Trembley from his frozen state; the Northwest coverup is revealed and the kids discover Rose's secret armory (Irrational Treasure) • Pearl, Steven, the twins, Stan, and Greg attempt to build a space ship (Space Race) • Mabel, with Dipper and Steven's aid, helps Mermando return to the ocean (The Deep End) • Garnet reveals her future vision ability and Dipper uses her intel to break Wendy and Robbie Up (Future Vision) • Amethyst takes Steven and Dipper to the Kindergarten she was made in (On the Run) • Steven befriends Centipeedle, who is ultimately poofed trying to save him; the Gems and the Pines discover a labyrinth of frozen dinosaurs beneath Gravity Falls (Land Before Swine) • Steven discovers the tape Rose left behind for him in Lion's mane (Straight to Video) • Stan and Amethyst go on a revenge trip to get even with Gideon, narrowly avoiding arrest (Revenge Trip) • Gideon summons Bill Cipher to invade Stan's mind to acquire the code to the Mystery Shack safe; Bill is defeated by Dipper, Mabel, Steven, and Soos (Dreamscapers) • Gideon takes over the Mystery Shack by force and the Pines temporarily move into the temple; the Crystal Gems fuse into Alexandrite to save Steven and the twins from Gideon's robot; Gideon exposed as a fraud by Stan and is subsequently jailed (Gideon Rises) • Ford ends up on Homeworld, where he is quickly captured by Yellow Diamond's forces (Home Away From Homeworld) Arc 4 • Government Agents Powers and Trigger come to Gravity Falls to investigate strange readings coming from the town; The Pines fend off zombies with the help of the Crystal Gems (Scary-Oke) • Peridot arrives at the Galaxy Warp on a scouting mission; the kids later confront Peridot at the Prime Kindergarten (Marble Madness) • Dipper, Mabel, Steven, Amethyst, Garnet, Soos, and Wendy investigate the author's underground bunker and refreeze the shape shifter and recover the laptop; Amethyst is poofed three times and regenerates into a new form (Into the Bunker) • Lapis arrives back on Homeworld but is soon apprehended and interrogated by Peridot; she is subsequently imprisoned and meets Ford; the two plan an escape, but they are ultimately thwarted; Lapis flees back to Earth while Ford remains a prisoner of Yellow Diamond (Home Away from Homeworld/Dipper and Lapis) • Steven and Connie fuse into Stevonnie for the first time (Alone Together) • Steven and Mabel fuse into Maven for the first time (Together Forever) • Steven and Dipper fuse into Stepper for the first time; he fends off Peridot's attack robinoids (Forever Alone) • Lion retrieves Rose's Scabbard from the Strawberry Battlefield (Rose's Scabbard) • Steven, Dipper, and Mabel attempt to throw Soos a surprise party but are apprehended by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squardron and are defeat Blendin Blandin in Globnar (Blendin's Game) • Dipper discovers that Lapis has returned to Earth and is taking refuge in the waterfall cave; the two form a close friendship; Lapis warns the Crystal Gems that Peridot is returning with reinforcements (Dipper and Lapis) • Gravity Falls is evacuated; Stan stays behind and Dipper and Mabel return to help Steven and the Gems; Peridot and Jasper arrive on Earth and take Steven and the Crystal Gems captive; Dipper and Mabel stow away on their ship to rescue them (The Return) • Ruby and Sapphire refuse into Garnet; Garnet defeats Jasper; Peridot flees from the Crystal Gems; Lapis and Jasper fuse into Malachite; Malachite is trapped at the bottom of Lake Gravity Falls (Jailbreak) Arc 5 • The citizens of Gravity Falls begin repairing damage caused by the Gem Warship (Full Disclosure) • Steven, Dipper, Mabel, and the Cool Kids discover Peridot's escape pod, which is then apprehended by the Crystal Gems; Robbie and Tambry start dating (Joy Ride) • Mabel prepares for her sock puppet opera to impress Gabe Bensen with Steven's help; in trying to find out the password to the laptop to rescue Lapis, Dipper makes a deal with Bill Cipher and is possessed by him; Bill's plans to destroy Journal 3 are thwarted thanks to Mabel, Steven, and Connie (Sock Opera) • Dipper and Connie begin taking sword training lessons from Pearl (Do It For Them) • Ford escapes from Yellow Diamond and befriends the Off Colors; eventually, he manages to find a way off Homeworld altogether (Home Away from Homeworld) • Soos and Melody begin dating (Soos and the Real Girl) • Pearl entrusts Dipper with the Ancient Sea Blade; the Crystal Gems discover Peridot's location. After she escapes, the group happens upon a nest of forced fusions created from pieces of shattered gems (Keeping it Together) • The Mystery Kids, the Gems, Soos, and Wendy discover the Society of the Blind Eye and help McGucket recover his memories from them (Society of the Blind Eye) • The Northwests hold their annual party; Dipper and Pacifica work together to break the curse on the manor; Steven and Connie defeat a group of Gem mutants (Northwest Mansion Nightmare) • Ford goes to face Bill himself in the Nightmare Realm once more (Home Away From Homeworld) • Stan is arrested by the government agents; Dipper, Mabel, Steven, Soos and the Crystal Gems discover his shadowy past as well as the universe portal; The portal opens and Ford returns after 30 years, though he is unable to defeat Bill before he does (Not What He Seems) • Ford reunites with the Crystal Gems, who have no apparent recollection of him (A Tale of Two Stans) Arc 6 • Ford receives the letter Rose wrote to him; Steven discovers the memories that Rose took from the Crystal Gems and returns them (Lost and Found) • Garnet and Pearl fuse to form Sardonyx to destroy the Homeworld Communication Hub after Peridot rebuilds it. Amethyst and the kids learn that Pearl has been lying to Garnet about subsequent repairs to the Communication Hub, presumably done by Peridot, to keep fusing with her (Cry For Help) • Ford dismantles the universe portal, however doing so creates a rift in space and time, which Ford manages to contain   • Stan, Mabel, and Steven rescue Dipper, Ford, and Pearl from Probabilitor the Wizard; Pearl and Ford rekindle their former friendship; Ford creates the Sword of Seasons for Dipper and confides in him about the Rift (Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons) • Garnet unfuses into Ruby and Sapphire after a falling out between the two of them over Pearl's deception; the two eventually re-fuse (Evergreen Inn) • Stan runs for Mayor of Gravity Falls against Bud Gleeful and wins; however, due to Stan's extensive criminal record, Mayor Dewey ends up resuming his mayoral position (The Stanchurian Candidate) • Garnet and Pearl forgive each other and the Gems repair their friendship with Ford while trying to capture Peridot (Friend Ship) • Steven discovers his ability to venture into the dreams of others and uses this to communicate with Lapis; (spoilers) However, amidst this he's countered by Bill, who makes his intentions of taking Steven's Gem away clear to get his end of his longtime deal with Rose; The kids and the Gems detail their respective histories with Bill to each other (Chille Tid) • Mabel, Candy, Grenda, Wendy, and Pearl collect unicorn hair to protect the shack and the temple from Bill Cipher; Dipper and Steven discover Ford's history with Bill (The Last Mabelcorn) • Peridot wanders the wilds of Gravity Falls where she (spoiler) encounters Bill, who offers her a chance to get back to Homeworld in exchange for helping him take out the Crystal Gems; Peridot declines but Bill claims the offer is on the table any time (Peridot in the Wild) • In a fight against the Crystal Gems, Peridot agrees to 'fuse' with Bill to become Pyrite; Pyrite is ultimately defeated by the Gems and Peridot is poofed and bubbled (Pyrite) • Steven and Mabel free Peridot, who escapes again and takes refuge in the shack's bathroom (Catch and Release) Arc 7 • Steven, Connie, Stan, Ford, Soos, and Wendy go camping; Garnet and the twins track down an escaped Peridot while also dealing with a substantial threat from an escaped Gideon (Camping Adventure) • Peridot reveals to the kids that a massive cluster composed of millions of shattered gems is incubating below the earth and is due to form and destroy the planet (To Con a Clod) • The Crystal Gems and the Pines use Greg's family barn as a base to build a machine that can stop the cluster; Ford and McGucket reunite and reconcile (Bot Battle) • Stepper is formed again to aid in Ford's research; Stepper fuses with Mabel to form Dipevebel for the first time; Steven discovers his floating abilities (Three's a Crowd) • Steven turns 14 (Steven's Birthday) • Pacifica assists Dipper and Peridot in collecting Titan's Ore for the construction of the drill; Peridot discovers her abilities to manipulate metal; Steven, Connie, and Mabel form Mabonnven for the first time (Peridot and Pacifica) • The Crystal Gems travel to a Homeworld base on the moon where Peridot reveals the Homeworld's original plans to colonize and drain the earth of its natural resources; Peridot confronts Yellow Diamond and defects from Homeworld, becoming an official member of the Crystal Gems; the Crystal Gems and the Pines learn of Yellow Diamond's alliance with Bill Cipher (Message Received) • Dipper tags along with the Gems to confront Malachite and Rescue Lapis Lazuli; the Sword of Seasons is lost (Out Too Far) • Steven, Mabel, Peridot, and Ford use the drill to travel to the cluster, where Steven is able to contain the geoweapon (In Too Deep) Arc 8 • Steven and Dipper help Lapis adjust to life on Earth. Lapis reluctantly moves into the Barn with Peridot, but eventually warms up to her (Same Old World) • A squad of Rubies arrive on Earth to retrieve Jasper, but are tricked into leaving following a baseball game with the Crystal Gems and the Pines (Hit the Diamond) • Dipper and Pacifica start dating (Mismatched Making) • Greg becomes a millionaire and finally settles his differences with Pearl over Rose (Mr. Greg) • Steven further develops his mental powers by accidentally taking over an unwitting Stan (The New Stan) • Stevonnie, Maven, and Stepper take Kevin and his friends on in a street race (Gravity Falls Drift) • (spoiler) Yellow Diamond casts a specific corruptive strain across Gravity Falls, causing its inhabitants to undergo monstrous transformations; Steven learns more about the Gem War and reunites Centipeedle with her own kind (Monster Falls) • Jasper returns and nearly forces Lapis to fuse with her once more before being thwarted (Alone on the Lake) • Small interdimensional gaps begin forming around Gravity Falls • Steven and Dipper end up getting trapped in the Nightmare Realm and form Stepper to take on Bill; (spoiler) Bill severely cracks Stepper's Gem; Stepper makes a deal to give Bill his shield journal in exchange for returning him home (Rifts) • (spoiler) Stepper's gem his healed but his memories of Steven and Dipper are gone; Mabel attempts to restore Stepper's lost memories; the Pines and the Gems plan their stand against Bill to recover the shield journal; Ford tells the Gems about the Rift (Memories) • (spoiler) The Pines and the Gems face Bill in the Nightmare Realm; Stepper recovers Steven's half of the shield journal but Bill burns Dipper's and possesses him once more; Steven rescues Dipper and everyone escapes from the Nightmare Realm; In trying to defeat Bill, Stepper ends up tearing wider holes in the dimensional fabric that possibly lead to other parallel dimensions (Dimensions) Arc 9 • Ford details his grand unified theory of weirdness to Dipper; Steven, Mabel, and Connie discover that Jasper is amassing an army of corrupted Gems (Theories of Weirdness) • The Mystery Kids discover a dimension where Steven is Yellow Diamond's son and the twins have used magic to practically take over the town (Played in Reverse) • The Pines and the Gems travel to a dimension where the kids are adults and the adults are children (Its All Relativity) • Amethyst is poofed by Jasper, who is defeated when Steven, Dipper, and Connie fuse to form Convenper for the first time; Lapis and Peridot adopt a kitten, which they name Dippurr (Crack the Whip) • Stan and Amethyst recruit the kids and the other Gems in helping them with their most ambitious revenge scheme yet (Revenge Trap) • Steven accidentally releases Bismuth from her bubble inside Lion's mane. Bismuth reconnects with the surviving Crystal Gems and provides upgrades for their weapons. The kids learns the reason for Bismuth's imprisonment and is forced to bubble her again. Afterward, they explains her imprisonment to the Gems (Bismuth) • The kids happen into a dimension where their personality traits seem to be completely switched around and where Lapis, Peridot, and Jasper are the Crystal Gems (Opposites Attract) • Steven and Connie officially become a couple; Dipper and Pacifica nearly break up but reconcile their conflicting emotions (Double Date) • The kids, Stan, Amethyst, and Peridot track Jasper to the Beta Kindergarten. They discover Jasper's origins along with what has happened to the Corrupted Gems; Amethyst and Steven form Smoky Quartz for the first time while fighting Jasper. Jasper becomes corrupted after attempting to fuse with a Gem Monster and is subsequently defeated by Peridot (Earthlings) • The Rubies return to Earth. Amethyst (disguised as Jasper) convinces them to take herself and the other Crystal Gems and the Pines to the Moon Base. Upon arrival, Eyeball, as a firsthand witness, confirms that Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond. Eventually, Amethyst's deception is discovered and the Rubies attack. Sardonyx knocks the Rubies (and Steven and Mabel, by accident) into space (Back to the Moon) • Steven, Mabel, and the Rubies become stranded in deep space. Steven and Mabel fuse into Maven to survive; they find Eyeball and rescue her, eventually revealing Rose's gemstone. Believing Maven/Steven is Rose Quartz, Eyeball attempts to shatter them, forcing them to eject Eyeball back into space. After some time, Maven is saved by the Crystal Gems and the other Pines, having hijacked the Rubies' Roaming Eye ship. On the ride back to Earth, the Crystal Gems confirm and justify Rose's actions toward Pink Diamond (Bubbled) Arc 9 • Jheselbraum the Unswerving arrives in Gravity Falls and reveals to Ford an ancient prophecy that might contain the power needed to finally defeat Bill once and for all (Jheselbraum the Unswerving) • Steven, Dipper, Mabel, and Connie fuse to form Stonipbel for the first time (Mindful Education) • The kids find a largely peaceful dimension where they themselves are teenagers (The Mystery Teens) • Pearl meets Mystery Girl (Last One Out of Gravity Falls) • The Pines and the Gems find a dimension where Steven is a normal human and the twins are both half Gems (A Swap of Fate) • Steven creates Pumpkin as a pet for Lapis and Peridot; Andy DeMayo reconnects with his estranged cousin Greg over a family dinner with Steven, the Gems, and the Pines (Gem Harvest) • Steven and the twins accidentally travel both back in time and (spoiler) to an alternate dimension to right before Ford was sucked into the portal; Bill possesses Blendin Blandin (Time Tangled) • Steven attempts to "connect" with his mother inside of her room; meanwhile, Dipper and Mabel start to grow further and further apart (Storm in the Room) • Dipper, Ford, Steven, and Peridot investigate Crash Site Omega to find a sealant that can repair the cracked Rift; Mabel recruits the Gems in helping her plan for her and Dipper's upcoming birthday party (Vs. the Future Part 1) • Dipper and Mabel have an immense falling out after Dipper agrees to be Ford's apprentice and stay in Gravity Falls; Mabel unknowingly hands the rift over to a Bill-possessed Blendin; Bill breaks the Rift and Weirdmageddon commences (Vs. the Future Part 2) Arc 11 • Weirdmageddon begins as Bill easily takes over Gravity Falls; Yellow Diamond and her forces arrive to make good on the deal between the two; (spoiler) Steven is poofed but Bill disguises his Gem to keep Yellow from learning that its actually Pink Diamonds; the journals are destroyed, Ford is turned to gold and captured by Bill; Mabel is captured by Bill and kept in a dream-inducing bubble; the Crystal Gems are scattered; (spoiler) Peridot falsely switches her allegiance back to Yellow Diamond; (spoiler) Yellow Diamond secretly begins gathering members of the zodiac wheel in an attempt to take Bill down; (spoiler) the Crystal temple is destroyed and all of the bubbled Gems are set free, including Bismuth (Welcome to Weirdmageddon) • Dipper wanders the apocalyptic Gravity Falls alone for three days before being found by Lapis; (spoiler) Lapis' Gem is cracked and Dipper is partially turned to stone by eye bats; Garnet and Connie team up to (spoiler) rescue Steven from Yellow Diamond (Alone At the End) • Amethyst and a group of other survivors take refuge in the bunker where they encounter both McGucket and the shapeshifter; Dipper and Lapis run into Wendy, Soos, and Pearl and face off against Gideon and his cronies in an attempt to rescue Mabel (Out of the Bunker) • Dipper convinces Mabel to leave her self-created fantasy world behind; (spoiler) Bill uncorrupts Jasper so she can aid in their cause; Bill and Yellow Diamond realize that they are both confined to Gravity Falls thanks to a weirdness barrier/gem destabilizer trap (spoiler) Peridot helps Ruby, Sapphire, and Connie rescue Steven's Gem; Amethyst and her group make it to the Mystery Shack, where Stan has been hiding out on his own (Escape from Reality) • Dipper, Mabel, Pearl, Lapis, Soos, and Wendy reunite with Garnet, Connie, and Peridot, who have (spoiler) Steven's Gem with them; (spoiler) Steven converses with his mother inside of his Gem but is still denied the truth about Pink Diamond; the collective group arrives at the Mystery Shack and takes up refuge there; (spoiler) Steven reforms, reunites with his friends, and (spoiler) heals Lapis' Gem (Love Like You) • The survivors at the shack rally themselves to face Bill and Yellow Diamond and save the town and begin constructing a massive robot out of the shack in order to do so; Bill attempts to coerce Ford into revealing the secret behind the weirdness barrier so he can take over the entire world, (spoiler) revealing his plans to betray Yellow and Homeworld as a whole (Rise of the Resistance) • The resistance takes both the Henchmaniacs and Yellow's forces head on in a massive assault; a small group manages to sneak into the Fearamid in order to rescue Ford; the statuefied townsfolk are freed and (spoiler) Dipper is properly healed (Take Back the Falls) • In an attempt to defeat Bill, the members of the prophesied zodiac wheel gather together; their attempt is ultimately discovered by Bill, who apprehends all of its members save for the Pines and the Gems; the Mystery Kids narrowly manage to escape however, but are eventually captured by Bill and handed over to Yellow Diamond (Wheel of Destiny) • (spoiler) Bill and Yellow reveal their respective intentions to turn on one another, sparking an intense skirmish; the Gems and the Pines free their captured friends and allies, but are unable to reform the wheel as they are all separated once again (Of Diamonds and Demons) • (spoiler) Stonipbel faces Yellow Diamond in battle and narrowly defeats her, poofing her in the process; Stan tricks Bill into entering his mind, where he is ultimately defeated when Ford erases his mind; Weirdmageddon ends and Yellow Diamonds' forces retreat (The Universe Falls) • The statued remains of Bill Cipher are lost in the forest of Gravity Falls; the town begins to recover from Weirdmageddon; (spoiler) Jasper is corrupted once more and flees; The Mystery Shack gets reconstructed. Stan recovers his memories with the help of Mabel's scrapbook and old home movies of Ford and Stan's childhood. Soos finds the Journals in the woods unharmed; McGucket becomes wealthy and buys the now-ousted Northwest Mansion and (spoiler) Bismuth moves in along with him so they can begin an inventing business; (spoiler) in light of the temple being destroyed, Steven and the Crystal Gems decide to set out to find all of the lost corrupted Gems that had run off during Weirdmageddon; (spoiler) en route back to Homeworld, Yellow Diamond reforms and begins planning a new bioweapon initiative involving humans (Everything Stays) • Dipper and Mabel celebrate their 13th birthday with all of the townsfolk at the Mystery Shack, Stan Pines retires and gives ownership of the Mystery Shack to Soos. The family decides to throw the journals into the Bottomless Pit; (spoiler) Lapis and Peridot are entrusted by the Gems to take care of Gravity Falls in their absence; Dipper and Mabel leave Gravity Falls to return home to Piedmont; (spoiler) Steven, Connie, Greg, and the Gems also set off on their own year long voyage; the Mystery Kids promise to meet up again in Gravity Falls the following year Between Stories • (spoiler) Steven, Connie, and the Gems traverse the earth, defeating and capturing corrupted Gems in the hopes of healing them someday • Stan and Ford set sail to hunt down anomalies all over the world together • Dipper and Mabel return to school but largely keep the details of their summer in Gravity Falls to themselves • Yellow Diamond's human-bioweapon initiative kicks off, with humans from Pink Diamond's zoo being utilized as subjects; all of these subjects end up failing however, due to the severity of the process • Yellow Diamond commissions the creation of an Amber to oversee the biological status of humans utilized in her project; she also appoints Hessonite to serve as the supervising commander • (spoiler) Bismuth begins reconstructing the Crystal Temple with McGucket and Peridot's help • Pacifica forms a friendship with Candy and Grenda while the twins are away; due to her family recently falling out of money, she takes up a job at Greasy's Diner to pick up the slack • Soos hires Melody on at the Mystery Shack; he eventually purposes to her and the two are engaged • Steven, Connie, and the Gems visit Dipper and Mabel in Piedmont around the holidays; the Mystery Kids spend their Christmas together • (spoiler) Work on the new Crystal Temple is completed just before the next summer begins Universe Falls 2 Arc 1 • Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls for the summer; (spoiler) Steven, Connie, and the Gems also return and the Mystery Kids reunite; Stan and Ford are the last to return and a celebration is held to kick off the beginning of summer • (spoiler) The Mystery Kids discover Bill's statue in the woods and report it to the Gems, who are ultimately unable to destroy it; Ford theorizes that the zodiac might be able to get rid of it for good • (spoiler) The zodiac is formed but it is done so in the wrong arrangement and instead of vanquishing Bill, it ends up releasing him, albeit with very limited power Arc 2 (SU events) • Steven investigates a strange dream he is having, despite frequent warnings from Garnet. After Blue Diamond abducts Greg and Stan in Korea, Steven, the twins, Ford and the Crystal Gems travel to Pink Diamond's Zoo to rescue them. Lapis, Peridot, and Connie are charged with protecting Earth in their stead • Despite issues with the Roaming Eye's gravity drive, the group arrives at Pink Diamond's Zoo. While Holly Blue Agate gives Sapphire, Ruby, and Pearl a tour of the facility, Steven and the twins are inserted into the Human Zoo and reunites with Greg and Stan; meanwhile, Ford goes off on his own to attempt a solo rescue • Despite a comfortable existence inside the Zoo, Greg and Stan ultimately reject the "choosening" ceremony of the other humans. Steven, the twins, Greg, and Stan are subsequently captured by the intervening Amethyst guards • Brought to the guard quarters, the group is surprised that Amethyst has quickly befriended her sisters, both for their common heritage and mutual dislike of Holly Blue Agate; not long after Ford barges in and reunites with Stan • While Holly Blue browbeats the guards into preparing for Blue Diamond's surprise return, Steven, Greg, and the Pines take refuge in a large room full of bubbled Rose Quartzes, hiding when Blue Diamond arrives to pay her respects. Yellow Diamond enters immediately after, attempting to convince Blue to move on. • The Universes and the Pines sneak back out while Sapphire stalls Holly and the Diamonds for time. Upon entering the hangar, Holly catches the humans attempting to escape. She tries to stop them, but is thwarted by Garnet and the others. The group successfully escape the Zoo Arc 3 (SU events only (mostly) • While the Gems and the Pines are away, Connie, Lapis, and Peridot protect Gravity Falls with help from Pacifica, McGucket, Soos, and Wendy, only to lead to disastrous results • The Gems and the Pines return to Earth • Navy crash-lands on Earth. Posing as a defector, she eventually steals back the Roaming Eye and escapes into space • The Mystery Kids do a stakeout with Mr. Maheswaran, though the culprit is not who they suspect • The Mystery Kids and the Gems investigate several mysterious disappearances, including Stan and Ford's; the kids encounter Aquamarine and Topaz for the first time, and Connie and Mabel are captured in the process • Stepper and the Crystal Gems confront Aquamarine and Topaz, with the former explaining their reason for visiting Earth. In order to save his friends, Steven reveals his mother's gemstone and turns himself in (spoiler) and the other Mystery Kids reveal their role in defeating Yellow Diamond last summer; though Steven manages to push Connie off the ship, he is unable to do the same for Dipper and Mabel and the trio is whisked off to Homeworld • The kids discover that Lars is still on the ship. Nevertheless, Aquamarine and Topaz escort them to Homeworld. Topaz tries to help the kids and Lars escape, but to no avail • Put on trial for Rose Quartz's crime of shattering Pink Diamond, Steven (represented by a blue defending Zircon) goes up against the Diamonds (represented by a yellow prosecuting Zircon). Steven learns that his mother may not be responsible for the shattering. Both Zircons are poofed by Yellow Diamond • Steven, Mabel, and Lars escape the Diamonds using Blue's palanquin, but Dipper is seperated from them in his attempt to keep Yellow Diamond from catching them • Steven, Mabel, and Lars  meet a group of rogue "off color" Gems (Padparadscha, the Rutile Twins, Rhodonite, and Fluorite). Lars is killed by an explosion while protecting the group from a pack of Robonoids • Steven revives Lars with his tears, causing him to turn pink and gain powers similar to Lion. Steven and Mabel use Lars' pocket dimension to return to Earth, while Lars and the Off Colors stay behind to search for an alternate way home while also promising to try and find Dipper Arc 4 (SU events (partially) • Connie gets mad at Steven for not working together to save their friends and Steven giving himself up in the fight against Aquamarine and Topaz and leaves, upset; distraught over what happened to Dipper, the Pines frantically began planning out a way to rescue him; Lion goes missing; Mayor Dewey resigns from his post, allowing Nanafua to take his place • Despite her promise to Blue to safely deposit him at the zoo, Yellow Diamond interrogates Dipper on his knowledge of Rose Quartz and has her Peridots cut his arm off, initiating him in the "process" • Dipper is placed in the care of Amber and is subjected to physical and mental torture over the course of several weeks in order to transform him into Yellow Diamond's personal assassin • To try and comfort Steven and Mabel, the Gems and the Pines take them on a brief vacation (while all the while stressing about Dipper's unknown fate) • Kevin returns and invites the Mystery Kids to his party; Mabel reunites with Gabe Bensen and harshly refutes his advances on her; Connie and Steven make amends and leave on Lion as their relationship is finally recovered • During this time, Lars and the Off Colors escape from Homeworld and become a rebel cell against the Homeworld Gems; despite searching as much of Homeworld as they could, they are ultimately unable to find and rescue Dipper • With Amber's assistance, Dipper records a farewell message for his friends and family back on Earth • Unable to resist any longer, Dipper succumbs to the brainwashing forced upon him by Yellow Diamond and becomes "Stonemason"; he is outfitted with a shapeshifting metallic arm and is sent to hunt down "Rose Quartz" and shatter her • Steven, Connie, and Mabel visit Lars and the Off Colors, only to be shot down by an Emerald while protecting Lars' new ship • The kids get stranded on an alien planet; Stevonnie learns more about Pink Diamond's past while Mabel encounters the mysterious Stonemason, who forces her to take him to "Rose Quartz"; after a brief skirmish with Stonemason, the Mystery Kids escape thanks to Lars • Stonemason arrives on earth and begins perusing Steven and the Crystal Gems • Mabonnven fights Stonemason and ends up unmasking him, revealing his true identity as Dipper; the Pines and the Gems begin plotting out how to free Dipper from Yellow Diamond's control Arc 5 (mostly original) • Yellow Diamond commands Stonemason to attack Gravity Falls in order to lure "Rose" out; he does so, damaging much of the town and harming several civilians • The Pines and the Gems receive Dipper's supposedly final message to them and are inspired to continue looking for a way to save him • Thanks to continued interactions with his friends and family, Dipper starts to break through his Stonemason conditioning and fight back against Yellow Diamond's control • After several skirmishes and fights, the Gems apprehend Stonemason; (spoiler) Steven, Mabel, and Connie venture inside his mind in an attempt to finally free Dipper once and for all; they are successful and Dipper beats Stonemason's presences in his mind back, allowing him to resume control once more • As a result of Yellow's conditioning, however, Dipper is still left in a servantile state of quiet obedience until Pearl helps him break free of it; the other Mystery Kids assist Dipper in his mental recovery Arc 6 • Steven introduces Garnet and Dipper to the Off Colors; Garnet tells Lars and the Off Colors the origins of Rose Quartz and the Rebellion • Lapis Lazuli leaves Earth once again and takes the Barn, not wanting to get caught in the middle of another war with the Diamonds; (spoiler) she nearly takes Dipper with her, but ultimately ends up leaving him behind, despite his pleas to escape from Yellow's range • Peridot, the twins, Steven, Amethyst, and Ford return to the Kindergarten to turn it into an actual garden in order to cheer Peridot up, but instead encounter a Flower Monster. Peridot gets over the fact that Lapis left her. • Garnet adopts a one-eyed stray kitten and names it "Cat Steven" • Dipper is met with resistance and anger when trying to reintegrate himself into Gravity Falls as a result of the destruction Stonemason caused; Pacifica intervenes and quells the townsfolks' anger • (spoiler) Bill guilt trips Steven into letting him possess him and he nearly manages to reawaken Stonemason inside of Dipper; Steven manages to take control of Dipper however, and (continue eventually) Arc 7 • The kids discover that Lapis has taken up refuge on the moon; they find her there and (continue when ideas are fully flashed out) • Steven goes inside Pearl to find her phone and discovers that Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond, which shocks Garnet and Amethyst, and the Pines • Garnet unfuses and Sapphire becomes mad at Ruby, saying that Rose Quartz lied to them and leaves, upset; Dipper also leaves, outraged that all of the torture he was put through was essentially for nothing; Steven, Pearl, Stan, and Ford check on Sapphire and Pearl tells Steven and Sapphire the story of how Pink Diamond became Rose Quartz; (spoiler) she also reveals the original deal Rose/Pink made with Bill, which outrages Ford; eventually, everyone returns home, only to find that Ruby and Amethyst are not here • Upset by the uselessness of their shared suffering, Dipper and Stonemason reach an agreement that they will work in conjunction with one another towards the eventual goal of shattering Yellow Diamond as revenge
And that’s all she wrote! *shrugs* Ah well. 
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archesa · 2 years
Character List
It's been brought to my attention that I don't have a character list for my OCs, which can make it hard to follow track. Truth be told I never expected to need one because I had yet to encounter a fandom I felt at ease enough in to discuss my OCs at length the way I do now !
Alrighty then, so, let's give my kiddos a look ! Might (will) contain heavy spoilers for the aforementioned games and the related fics, so, read forth at your own risks!
Guild Wars 2
Trahearne Lives!AU
Anwen Evergreen - Celestial Guardian
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Orphan before she could remember, Anwen was adopted by the Faren and grew up in Divinity's Reach, surrounded by a loving family and the best preceptors of Kryta. She swore an oath to Kormir and became a guardian in her early twenties, shortly before the sack of Shaemoor, where she drew the attention of the Seraph and the Shining Blade. She later joined the Priory, under the tutelage of Sieran.
After her mentor's untimely death in Claw Island — where she met the one who'd become her shieldmaiden and closest friend, Meryw (belongs to @lilypixy) — she threw herself heart and mind into the creation of the Pact.
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During the campaign of Orr, she became fast friends with Trahearne, but it would take the Marshal going missing in Maguuma for her to realise her feelings for him went beyond friendship. She manages to defeat Mordremoth and save her dear friend at the cost of quite a few scars for them both.
Julian Alfred Faren - Bard Swordmaster
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Not much need to introduce Lord Faren, but there's much to say about his years growing up with Anwen!
Lady Violet Faren & Lord Conrad Faren
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Disaster parents to the Disaster Siblings! They're amongst the oldest and wealthiest families of Divinity's Reach and as such all but immune to scandal. Thus, they’re quite amused by their children’s shenanigans, and ever supportive of their idiosyncrasies.
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Mesmer extraordinaire (aka Mentors Live AU, aka De Draconic Mobile)
Galaëd of the Cycle of Dusk - Phantasmal Duelist
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Our mostly reliable narrator !
Born as the sun gleamed its last upon Caledon, Galaëd is fascinated with stars, wisps and fireflies — all the things that enlighten twilight and shimmer in the dark. He joined the Vigil to protect the world against the rising threat of the Elder Dragons and later became aide-de-camp to the Pact Commander, Rorschach Grimlaugh (belongs to @lilypixy).
Elianora Eira - Tempest
Daughter of destitute nobles, Elianora joined the Order of Whispers to use her influence, her knowledge of politics and her skill with elemental magic to good use against the dragons. (Officially part of the no less official Terror Trio, alongside Iotzza and Jiirka - Moar on them to be added!)
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Lucius Gwenvaël Ayşenur Al-Amir (aka Lucius of Amnoon) - Sniper
Member of the Order of Shadows, Lucius is the son of a Vabbian noble, rumoured to descend from the Primeval Kings themselves, and a runaway ascalonian noble cast away on the shores of Elona while trying to escape an arranged marriage. He has embraced his matrilineal crusade against His Supreme Putrescence, Palawa Joko and is sent by as an ambassador of the Order to make a first contact with the Order of Whispers’ envoy, Elianora, and afterwards distantly watch over the Commander during his crusade against Balthazar. After a while, he joins Dragon's Watch and Elianora's life... permanently.
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Felanor Eurwén - Warrior
A Seraph and childhood friend to the Elianora.
Dalor Eurwén - Engineer
A skilled inventor and jeweller, older brother to Felanor, and childhood friend of Elianora.
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The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
Specifially for my fic The Dragon and the Bear
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Eliana Evergreen Stormcloak
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Half-elven alchemist of Falkreath, condemned to death by the Thalmor, she escaped Helgen with Ralof and embraced her destiny as Dragonborn. She remained neutral in the conflict till Alduin was defeated but afterwards joined the Stormcloak rebellion, in hope to free Skyrim from the Aldmeri Dominion 's influence. She and Ulfric eventually fall in love and rule over a free Skyrim together.
Aventus Aretino
Kept from completing the Black Sacrament by Eliana, he was pardoned and offered to stay in the Palace of Kings as Ulfric's ward.
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Gendry of Solitude
A young scout who lied about his age to join the rebellion. He earned Ulfric and Galmar's trust during the battle of Hjallmarsh and the sinister case of the Butcher, and was offered a position as housecarl to Windhelm's newest Thane, the Dragonborn.
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Buliwulf Stormcloak (spoilers!)
The first of the Stormcloaks children. His Voice is strong and he is coveted by the Greybeards to become one to them.
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Liv Stormcloak (spoilers 2!)
The second of the Stormcloaks children. Much like her mother, she’s exceptionally skilled in destruction magic and will join the College of Winterhold to further her studies in Restoration and Conjuration. An investigation led by the College on the strange events plaguing Solstheim will eventually lead her to Apocrypha where she’ll encounter Miraak.
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Arya Stormcloak (spoilers 3)
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The third of the Stormcloaks children. Small and shrewd, her tongue is as sharp as her daggers, which will help her harness many allies and fend many enemies when she’s forced to flee Windhelm with Aventus and Gendry as her protectors in the wake of the capital’s siege at the beginning of the Second Great War.
Liv Darroch, the Heroine of Kvatch
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Founder of the Evergreen line.
Uncovering the corruption of Mannimarco, King of Worms, over the Mages Guild, she was wrongly accused of the murder of the Arch-Mage, Hannibal Traven, and would have been executed or left to rot in a cell of the Imperial Prison if not for Akatosh’s wicked sense of humour and purpose, as the cell she was imprisoned in held the secret passage the Blades had to take the Emperor through to protect him from the assault of the Mystic Dawn.
Stricken by his assaillants, Uriel Septim entrusted the rogue Master Wizard with the Amulet of Kings and a secret that would seal the fate of Tamriel for the centuries to come.
My Novel
I might mention the characters sometimes but I'm mostly keeping that story a secret for now 😅
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Lovers at last
Calum Hood x Reader
summary: after years of being friends and even a band mate of the guys, you grow up and experience something you never thought you would.
a/n: this was definitely something from like 3 in the morning so hopefully you all enjoy. also this is during like youngblood era for those who like the timeframes. there are also some typos but i mean it’s okay lol adds on to the effect.
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You and the boys have been together as friends since middle school, it was always the 5 of you, when the guys were creating the band and posting videos on youtube you helped them figure that part out and being the technical bandmate, especially when it came to social media. However as time moved along the boys were getting big and had gotten their own team, you didn't take this as a bad thing, it was good they were getting noticed and having their music heard. Even if they were away you were still a part of the band, it didn't matter if it was official or not, you were a part of the band.
You on the other hand, had gotten yourself in the music industry and started as an intern producer for a record label and making tunes for some starting bands. Your talent in creating these tunes eventually brought all types of artists from around the world to work with you. You later got into writing lyrics and started writing music for other artists. Of course this went around pretty fast getting attention from many artists. You had told the guys about this way before you started, they were all sure you were going to make it big as well. In the younger years you had helped the band before with lyrics and tunes or chords. Helping them find their sound.
Skip forward to knowing you were currently texting with Cal as he and the guys were on tour, while you were meeting or well about to meet the one and only Ariana Grande who needed to find some new sounds for her new album. Before meeting with her you were freaking out and needed someone to talk to and that's where this story leads us.
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Meeting ariana grande was one of the things you have always dreamed of, of course when you were contacted for some help with producing you thought it was a joke because who would send an email saying they are ariana grande and would like to work with you on their album, that just doesn't happen, but in this case it did for you. You had everything prepared for her to give a listen to and let her decide on what changes needed to be made and for her to just be comfortable with the new samples you made for her.
Talking to her in text was something you were good at but now you were officially meeting her and getting her full opinion about the stuff you made. It was about an hour of you showing her all the stuff you came up with and she was just so fascinated with what you came up with. To be honest you were unsure what she wanted so you made a lot, and I mean a lot of material, so you were prepared for anything that she might need.
“These samples are crazy good! I've been trying to find a new sound and these three simple songs need these sounds, this is really amazing.” she said as you nodded being glad you were able to find her sound, “well i'm glad you like them, im happy to help, it's an honor really.” you said as she shook her head, “i should be saying that about you, you have crazy talent for this. Have you considered moving to LA?” she asked as you shrugged, “maybe one day, i'm not sure yet, i don't know if you know but i'm friends with 5 seconds of summer,” you said as she gasped and nodded, “oh yeah i've heard of them, but what do they have to do with you moving to LA?” she asked as you continued, “Well we grew up together here and i don't know i wouldn't want to leave them and the place where we all grew up.” you said as she nodded completely understanding, “yeah it's tough, but if they are your friends i feel like they would understand because they are growing, it wouldn't hurt for them seeing you grow too.” she said quite simply and honestly as you nodded taking that advice to heart.
You knew that maybe just one day you would move your career somewhere else, but you just didn't want to leave home. Yeah they leave you while on your but they always come back, even if it's just for a while, they come back. A part of you wanted to go to LA and pursue your dreams there, but your home was here. You didn't want to leave the place where you grew up. Of course this needed to be talked with. Not just your parents, but with cal and the guys.
Weeks later the guys had all come home and you sent them all a message that you needed to talk to them all together. The guys were slightly confused but they wanted to see you anyway so they all agreed.As you were in the old garage where they used to rehearse you were more nervous that you thought you were. You had made the final decisions and you were moving to LA, you had signed off with a good company and you were officially to move away from home. Everything was done, you just needed to tell the guys.They all walked in as they all saw you sitting down with a very serious face and began to worry.
“hey guys.” you said as they all smiled at you and gave you a hug as you looked at all of them and worried how they were going to react. “So why did you bring us all here?” Michael asked partly worried as the rest followed you to sit down, “Well i have some news i needed to share, and well you were on tour and i couldn't interrupt that.” you said as ash shook his head, “y/n, you know we're here for you no matter what, even if we are on tour.” Ash said as you smiled for his compassion, “what is it dovey?” cal asked probably the most worried out of all of the group. He was scared of what was going on and was prepared for any news that could change your life and his plans of telling you how he felt about you. To be frank he had always beat himself up for it whenever the days passed and he didn't tell you about his feelings, he was close to telling you, but with this news he might just tell you now. You two were close and you met cal first way before the guys, so it would be understable if you and cal needed some privacy with what you were about to say.
“Well, you remember when I met Ariana Grande and did some samples for her album?” you asked as they all nodded and luke spoke, “yeah those were amazing by the way, were sorry we couldn't be there to celebrate.” he said as you shook your head softly with a small smile, “its okay, i know you guys were out celebrating out there,” you said with a giggle as they all joined in, “Well we talk about uh.. about moving to LA and i've been considering it, but at first i didn't want to decide alone because well i didn't want to leave home but uh, what i'm trying to say is that basically..” you said pausing as cal spoke, “you're moving to LA.” he said as you looked at him with a sorry look and nodded looking at the rest of the guys. There was a slight pause but that was because the guys were processing this whole situation, you were moving away and that was okay as long as you were happy.
“Im sorry, if this is gonna ruin our friendship, but i feel like i need to go there. Things are good here, but LA is where I can grow and become better.” you said as they all shook their heads, “don’t apologize y/n, how many times have we left you? You didn't stop us, you empowered us to keep our heads up which is what we will do for you.” Ash said as Michael nodded, “as much as it hurts seeing you leave, we know they need you over there, our friendship isn't over, in fact it will grow. We might even create music together.” he said as you smiled and looked over at luke, “it's not the end is all i know, it's a beginning for all of us. I mean who knows we might all be in LA soon, so you won't be alone. We're here for you y/n we always will be. '' he said as you looked over at Calum who had a sad look, but he was happy deep down inside, but he couldn't believe that even more distance would separate you two.
“Cal?” you asked as he looked at you in a certain way and you looked at the guys to give you two some personal space and they nodded and left. You took one look at Cal and knew something was wrong the minute you spoke about LA. For you two him leaving was enough distance between you two, now he knew what you felt when he was leaving, but this time you were leaving for good.
“What's wrong cal?” you asked as he looked at you, this was his time he knew it, it was time despite the bad timing, “this is probably bad timing, but... i love you, i've always been in love with you.” he said as you looked at him in seriousness. You didn't know if this was him wanting you to stay or if these were his true feelings, but you felt your heart beating faster and felt it get warm as your eyes were on him.
“Wait what?” you asked as he looked over at you, “i'm in love with you dovey, always have been. I'm not telling you this to make you stay, I just needed you to know is all.. I just need you to know before you leave,” he said as you looked at him and your eye contact was firm, “what..what do you mean years?” you asked as he grabbed your hands and you didn't pull away. He knew this was a sign, “since we first met there was something about you that just pulled me in, it was everything about you, there wasn't one bad thing about you, i just can't stand keeping it in, i need you more than just a friend.” he said as you were nervous with what you were about to say next, “cal.. I'm in love with you too.” you said in a whisper as he looked up quickly hoping he had heard you right.
“You- really?” he said as you pulled him in for a kiss. Your lips had connected in need for one another's touch after years of thinking one another saw each other as friends. This moment that the both of you had dreamed of was happening. His hands were all over your waist as they traveled up to your cheek and yours were on his jaw and hair. Once the kiss broke you both stared into one another's eyes and you smiled, “i love you.” you said again as cal smiled and took you in for a kiss once again and this was definitely the start of something new.
Moving to LA had its perks, mainly for your job, you had met new people and even helped out starter bands or singers with their career and sending them off with a great bang. You have also been working with big time singers and bands and helping them out with some new sound. You were given some new material and had even created some for a band that your boss said would be coming in and wanting some sort of new sound for their album. You wondered who they were not knowing what band it was. All you were told was that they were working on their 3rd album and needed some help.
As you waited for their arrival you texted Cal to see how he was doing. Ever since you two started dating, texting around the day and being near your phone as a must. He missed you dearly and you missed him, so the small messages around the day helped. He also came over from time to time, but not a whole lot.
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You were quick to get into the room and you were shocked with who was in front of you. Cal was in front of you and you were quick to run over to him and hug him tight. You gave each other a small peck as you enjoyed one another's company, “what? How and when?” you said as you heard someone cough as you turned around and saw the 3 other boys standing in front of you. “What are you guys doing here?” you said with a smile as you hugged them all in a group hug, you sure missed them after not seeing them for a year. “Well we are here to work on our album, we heard there's an amazing producer here.” Michael spoke and it hit you with the realization that it was them you were working with. “Wait seriously, you want my help? But I thought you were in europe?” you said as luke nodded, “yeah we were there a couple days ago, but we need your help. The album is going great but we still need more sounds and samples.” he said as you nodded, “well okay i can help you with that, but are you sure you want my help?” you said as cal grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him as the boys nodded, “yes we need your help, you know us better than anyone, and well you are the best in LA,” ash said as you smiled, “okay yeah i'll help.” you said looking at everyone and over at cal with a smile.
Before working you all hung out for a while and to also see the vibe they were wanting to find. You were just over the moon that they were here, you had missed them so much and just needed to see your friends again and of course your boyfriend. You were looking through lots of new material the whole day just to see what they like and seeing if you could place it all together and get them something they want so they can start with recording.
“These samples are all good, you could make something with that, but just, we want it simple yet complex.” Michael said as you nodded, “yeah for sure, I should have some stuff in here,” you said as Luke nodded, “yeah also if you want to, we have the lyrics set for these songs,” he said as he handed you the files with the lyrics. The songs titles in here were moving along, more, monsters among men, and one that was titled valentine but that one had no lyrics, “this one doesn't have lyrics? You're making a song about valentines day?” you said pointing it out as ash nodded, “well yeah, it's in a couple days and we were all thinking about how many people were going to make a song and release it as well, we want to make our own version of mariah carey’s all i want for christmas but with valentine's day.” he explained as you nodded. You then walked over to the computer remembering these two samples that were perfect for this song, “that's funny because i have this sample, well i have two actually,” you said clicking through and finding them both and laying them out in repeat as the boys all stood behind you watching you do your thing.
“Okay the first one is just a, “dum, dum, dum, dum, um.” over and over, and the second one is just, “valentine,” over and over again as well, but if you were to place it on top of one antoher..you get this.” you said as they all gave it a hear and it was so uncanny but perfect, the lyrics were already flowing in.
The guys were all happy with there they left things off leaving you to rest and of course spend time with cal. You two were walking out hand in hand into your car, you were heading over to the drivers side but he followed you and you looked up confused, “you wanna drive?” you asked as he took your keys and smiled, “yeah, i've got a surprise actually, so i was hoping we could make a stop there.” he said as you nodded, “okay cal..just don't kill me or anything.” you joked as you got on the other side of the car, “ dovey i would never kill you, i would probably kill for you though,” he said as you scrunch your nose and you had reached over for a kiss before leaving.
On your way there his hand was near yours, the most he missed about you was your touch and he just needed a part of you touching him making him feel safe. Ever since you left he had missed you dearly and well of course duke. You couldn't see duke as much which sucked, but you knew that you would see him soon whenever it was your turn to go to visit.
Once you made the stop, you were parked in front of a house, “who lives here?” you asked as he got out to open your side of the door and you two walked over to the front of the house as he held you in his arms hoping you could guess. “Well it's definitely someone,” he said as you frowned as you headed near the door, once the door was opened you saw duke run over to you as you kneeled down greeting the puppy and even picking him up missing the pup’s barks and kisses, you then looked inside the house. You had seen all of cal’s things and then it hit you. “You? You live here?” you said with a smile as he nodded with a smile, “yeah i do, i wanted to be closer to you and I know this is probably way too fast, but i love you so much and I just can't live without you, you are everything to me and i want you to know that i have no regrets and i will never have any,” he said as you started tearing up and smiled at him as you couldn't believe that the distance between you two was finally over.
“You did this for me?” you asked quietly as he nodded softly, “well i'm not gonna lie this is very surprising but im happy, i miss you everyday and this changes that..but what about your parents?” you asked as he sighed, “actually dovey, they were the ones who convinced me to move over here. They saw how much i missed you, i didn't even leave the house i just want to be with you and well they knew i had to move...look if this isn't what you want then-” he said as you cut him of quick, “no, stop, this is what i want, i just want you to be sure cal,” you said as he walked over to you and kissed you as he held you in his arms and had placed your hands near his heart, “dovey i already told you, no regrets. This heart beats for you only. I want this, not just for me but for us.” he said as you smiled and just knew this had to happen.
“Also i want you to live here with me, i wanna wake up with you and fall asleep by your side, i can't stand being away from you dovey,” he said as you smiled and nodded, “of course i will, you're everything to me.” you said as you kissed once again. This was meant to be. It was the beginning. There were no regrets on either side, you were all in. you and him are soulmates, it just took a while to settle.
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ryukoishida · 3 years
QianQiu/Thousand Autumns Fic: [Ch. 2] In which teacher!SQ and mafia leader!YWS talk for the first time.
Title: You’re a Problem I Encounter Fandom: Qian Qiu / Thousand Autumns Characters/Ships: YanShen Rating: NSFW eventually Chapter: 2/?  Summary: Yan Wushi was the proud leader of Huan Yue Group, one of the most influential syndicates in the underground world, who wanted nothing more than to see the world burn. His accidental encounter with the pure-hearted school teacher Shen Qiao was a problem he didn’t expect to get entangled in. A/N: No more touching this fic until I’m done with the finals T.T List of Chapters: [1] [2] [3] 
ii. No Saint
It was pitch black when Shen Qiao woke up. He blinked once, twice – endless black, deeper than the night — his breath stuttering in his throat and heart thudding against his ribcage in that strangely familiar, bitter taste of terror: the inability to perceive light, the anxiety of facing the unknown.
“You’re finally awake?”
A deep voice entered his consciousness like distant thunder, rumbling with warmth yet charged with danger.
A light to his left blinked on, cold white fluorescent flooded his peripheral vision and made Shen Qiao’s eyes sting from the sudden brightness. When his pupils adjusted to the light at last, he was able to make out a fuzzy outline of someone sitting by his bedside. The figure was mostly cast in shadow, but even in the best lighting, it would have been impossible for him to see anything further than half an arm’s length with any semblance of crisp clarity.
Driven by habit, Shen Qiao began to reach blindly to the side for his spectacles, which, of course were not there.
“Looking for these?” the man with the same deep, baritone voice asked, placing a piece of mangled metal that used to be his glasses into his hand.
Feeling the warped titanium remnants with his fingers, Shen Qiao heaved a soft sigh. He knew there was no way these could be repaired, so he’d have to endure the inconvenience of blurry vision until he could get new glasses or get his hands on some contact lenses, which had long fallen out during his rough scuffle with He Huan Group’s people.
Not that it was anything new – the cloudy eyesight – since he’d spent most of his childhood with his eyes in even worse state until he was in his early teens when Qi Fengge persuaded him to undergo surgery, which had improved his ability to see if only just slightly.  
Wandering in his own thoughts though never allowing himself to be defenseless in an unfamiliar environment, Shen Qiao suddenly sensed more than heard the stranger invading his personal space – the surrounding air becoming too hot from the man’s exhale and body heat, too stifling from how close and physically intimidating the man’s presence exuded, looming over him like a hunter anticipating the taste of its prey — and Shen Qiao tried to back up as best as he could, given how parts of his body were too numb from sleep or too painful from the fight to move promptly.
The man chuckled but didn’t advance further upon seeing Shen Qiao trying to shuffle back to keep his distance.
“Are you sure you should be moving around like that?” the man sat back down in his chair, arms crossed over his chest as he continued to observe the injured man with an interested gaze.
“I’m sorry.”
Ever the polite gentleman, Shen Qiao realized that he was acting quite rude to the person who’d rescued him from a terrible situation that he very likely wasn’t going to get out of by himself. Still, his delicate frame, warm hazel eyes, gentle smiles, and soft-spoken nature all contributed to a first impression of a man who was agreeable and amiable, maybe even somewhat unassuming to the point of foolish naiveté, yet those who’d been acquainted with him long enough knew that beneath his kind and considerate disposition was someone constructed of steel bones and unyielding morals.
There was a reason why he was known to be an anomaly in the underground world, crawling with all sorts of criminals and infested with coldblooded monsters that found thrills in destruction and the fall of humanity. Shen Qiao was the adopted son of a once-famed assassin Qi Fengge, who’d retired for the last decade now but had since headed one of the largest and most formidable assassin organizations that employed the best professionals good money could hire.  
“You’re a funny one,” the man commented, hint of amusement seeping into his voice. “What are you sorry for?”
“I just… don’t like it when people I don’t know well get too close to me,” Shen Qiao explained quietly, his body visibly relaxed a little once he knew the stranger had backed off. “I did not mean to be disrespectful to someone who’d saved my life.”
When the stranger didn’t immediately respond, Shen Qiao continued with hesitation, “may I know the name of my savior?”
“Yan Wushi.”
He seemed content enough to offer that, at least.
“Leader of Huan Yue Group?”
Shen Qiao’s slight frown didn’t go unnoticed by the ever-observant mafia leader.
“You’ve heard of me?” Yan Wushi leaned in just a degree.
“My father had told me about you.”
Also, Shen Qiao didn’t think it was a good idea to say it out loud, but he knew that in recent years, Yan Wushi – and really, all of Huan Yue Group – was infamous for being gutsy enough to be striding the border between the criminal world and the political sphere, and still benefit greatly from both.
“All good things, I hope.”
“Huan Yue Group mixes with government officials – specifically Yuwen Yong’s faction – and gets on their good side either by offering them financial assistance under the table or getting rid of any political opponents that stand in Yuwen Yong’s way through any means possible,” Shen Qiao recited the information like he was memorizing it from a textbook.
“It’s a mutually beneficial relationship,” Yan Wushi admitted.
Shen Qiao’s frown deepened when he continued, “several deaths and disappearances had been suspected to be connected to members of Huan Yue, but the police never found any solid evidence to arrest or lay charges on anyone.”  
“You can’t possibly blame us for the police department’s incompetence. And here I thought you’re blissfully ignorant of how our side works,” one corner of Yan Wushi’s lips twisted upwards, his interest in this frail-looking man had been elevated from indifference to modest curiosity. “It seems Qi Fengge had taught you the basics after all, despite the fact that you’re not expected to be his successor. Fascinating.”
“Father simply didn’t wish for me to be completely uninformed,” Shen Qiao exhaled, letting his eyes fall close as if he’d suddenly become too tired. “Having knowledge is a kind of advantage, though it may not seem like it at the time. I didn’t want to take over the family business, and father respected my decision, but he said even if I have no desire to work underground, the underground world will still find its way to catch up to me eventually. He was right, of course.”
He sounded exhausted, like he’d been running and escaping for years, and every time he thought he’d gotten ahead of the bloody claws of the clandestine world, it came at him snarling with gaping jaws, a cruel reminder that no matter how far he thought he’d gotten away, no matter how hard he’d convinced himself that he wasn’t part of the bloodthirst and violence, the mere fact that he was the son of Qi Fengge, the prodigious assassin’s greatest strength and weakest link, had already sealed him to a certain fate.
Shen Qiao loved and respected Qi Fengge. When Qi Fengge found him beaten and half-starving on the street and took him in one rainy night, five-year-old Shen Qiao would have never thought he’d feel the warmth of family and safety of a home again after he’d lost his parents.
He wanted to repay Qi Fengge in any way he could, but when he was old enough to finally understand what kind of organization Xuan Du was and what Qi Fengge’s real identity entailed, Shen Qiao was torn: he could – no, should – accept the position, train hard to become Qi Fengge’s next successor, and take over Xuan Du and its commitment to only execute those who were deserving of it, if only for the sake of doing what he could to show his gratitude towards his adopted father, yet his righteous moral compass and absolute belief in humanity’s good nature – borne from his education and the teachings of his father – forced him to make one of the most difficult decisions in his life.
It was ironic, how the assassination group operated under Qi Fengge’s guidance: Xuan Du Group only accepted jobs whose targets were beyond anyone’s saving and the victims’ families’ reconciling, their crimes numerous or excessive, their sins unpardonable. But who were counting the number of lives taken away by the hands of Xuan Du’s assassins?
Yan Wushi’s baritone voice pulled Shen Qiao back to the present.
“Everyone says the adopted son of Qi Fengge is different – refined, pristine, pure-hearted, a white water lily untainted by the dirty muck that brought him up,” Yan Wushi watched him closely for any flicker of emotion, “but I don’t believe that a person can truly remain unaffected by the surrounding environment.”
Yan Wushi moved so swiftly that there was no way Shen Qiao could have dodged in his current condition, so when he felt strong fingers gripping his chin and forcing him in place while the mafia leader hovered close – terrifyingly close, breaths hot and vivid against Shen Qiao’s own lips – and the other arm trapping the injured man between himself and the wall, Shen Qiao froze, eyes wide open and the only thing he perceived was Yan Wushi’s eyes.
Dark brown, but almost glowing with the rusted red of blood.  
“You’re exactly the type of people I’d like to see battered and broken.”
Shen Qiao swallowed, silently willing himself in his mind to keep calm, and when he was certain his voice wouldn’t shake, he asked while maintaining their shared gaze, “then why did you save me?”
A short pause as Yan Wushi regarded the composed expression on Shen Qiao’s face, and then he barked out a laugh, roughly letting go of the other man and stepping back.
“Don’t think too highly of me, Shen Qiao. I’m certainly no saint. You were in Sang Jingxing’s possession, and I just happen to hate that man and want to fuck with him. Besides, I enjoy having people owe me.”
From this distance, Shen Qiao couldn’t see Yan Wushi’s facial expression, but years of living with vision disability meant that he’d trained his ears to pick up on the smallest nuances in the rise and fall of a person’s voice. He could almost picture the man uttering the last phrase with a snide grin.    
“Regardless, I’m grateful for what you’ve done,” Shen Qiao lowered his head in a nod of thanks, “if there’s anything I can do in return in the future, please let me know.”
Shen Qiao could practically hear the smile in that purr.
“Anything within the legal and ethical realm,” Shen Qiao corrected calmly.
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tsuisou-no-despair · 3 years
Higurashi TEN (Role Swap AU) - 34 Random Facts
Well, I'm slightly stuck with the question arcs, so instead I'm just going to write up and throw out a whole bundle of random facts about the world, its characters, and things that have or could happen. Hopefully this will lead to something clicking into place for me, and hopefully you'll like it, too.
Kei, Reina, and Mion still use a bat, nata, and taser, respectively, as their main weapons, though Mion's been forbidden from using the taser by Oryou. Hanyuu uses the ritual hoe and swords in about equal measure. Miyoko uses whatever's on hand to frightening effect.
Shion thrives at St. Lucia; however, she is pulled out of the school by her family after Oryou decides that Mion's twin would be better utilized if she was right on hand...
Miyoko does the Joseph Joestar "your next line is..." thing, which almost always works like a charm. (It doesn't work on Satoko or Bernkastel, but the former plays along when she's not in the black outfit)
Hanyuu's horns aren't initially broken, but by the end of the series, they have their signature crack.
Tomitake is a much more common sight in Hinamizawa than he was in the original universe, being a resident of Okinomiya who frequently visits. He's also quite well-liked, mostly because he's there to fix just about anything that breaks.
Rumiko was the original user of Rena's signature nata, as well as the person who first converted the van in the dump into a hiding place.
Satoko finds the contents of the Saiguiden fascinating but ultimately disappointing; she expected something more directly tied to Hinamizawa Syndrome's origins.
Irie almost always manages to get clear of Hinamizawa before Emergency Procedure #3105 is executed; however, he's usually dead in under 24 hours due to his escape catching Tokyo's attention.
Both Ooishi and Akasaka are hated by the Sonozaki family but the former much more so, to the point where Ooishi schedules his visits to Okinomiya when the Sonozakis will be looking elsewhere, such as on festival nights.
Rina targets Kei's dad in the loops where she doesn't die. Kei's mom does not take it well - to the point where she goes L5, in some cases.
Mion's "feelings" for Satoshi are primarily a result of Satoshi being just that nice and caring and good-hearted. It helps that she's enamored with a saintly image of him that's only grown more pure since his absence.
When Miyoko bothers to start telling people about how she's lost in time loops, their reactions are mostly in the vein of "oh, that explains so much".
Bernkastel can be heard by people who are deep in the throes of Hinamizawa Syndrome; naturally, she uses this to fuck with people for kicks.
Okonogi takes the role of the clinic's head after Satoko dies/disappears. He's regarded exclusively with suspicion - if he wasn't only filling the role until the GHD triggers, he'd probably get run out of town within a month.
Rumiko regularly made Miyoko curry after learning that Teppei and Tamae were denying her food; this led to Rumiko taking her curry very seriously because it represented the only "acceptable" way for her to help Miyoko.
Officially, Tatsuyoshi Sonozaki and his wife (Naeko) are Mion and Shion's parents. In reality, Akane is their mother, and whether or not Tatsuyoshi is the father is strictly a matter between him and Akane.
All of the locations from the original universe are present and more or less unchanged, along with a few new "sets" such as Akasaka's apartment.
Satoko has an alternate version of her "Tokyo" outfit that includes a mask that resembles an inverted Eye of Providence. She wears this when acting in Hinamizawa after her death, claiming that she needs to hide her identity due to being known in the village. (Okonogi thinks that doesn't matter in the slightest and that Satoko is trying too hard to be "cool", and he isn't wrong... except that it's managed to keep Miyoko from realizing who it is throughout the loops)
Beyond mahjong, Akasaka, Satoshi, Irie and Tomitake were fast friends. Their name for the quartet is the "Soul Brothers" - thankfully, it's a more serious (and infinitely less horny-focused) group than in arcs like (ugh) Batsukowashi-hen. (Kei still becomes an honorary Soul Brother in some arcs, though)
While she's reasonably familiar with a gun and a bow, Shion's real weapon is her contacts: her stay at St. Lucia (and Rika-in-Gou levels of popularity while there) means she has a slew of St. Lucia-ites (with powerful fathers) who would bend over backward for her.
Akane and Satoko are the two most skilled individual fighters in Higurashi TEN - who wins in a fight between the two is generally decided by who screws up first, but this is usually Akane getting blindsided by a trap unless she's warned. (They fight in more fragments than you'd expect - Akane Kasai is the most dangerous person in Hinamizawa and Satoko knows it.)
Miyoko starts her loops at the same point every time - the morning after the festival in 1982. This is mostly to dodge the abuse from Tamae - the fact that people assume her changed personality is because she's escaped an abusive home is icing on the cake.
The official reason for the Clinic "studying" Hanyuu was that they were researching the effects of her horns' growth pressing on her brain and monitoring the brain tumor-like symptoms (hearing voices, delusions of being Oyashiro-sama reborn, etc.) that it caused; this was all a fabrication hiding the research done on Hanyuu as Queen Carrier. Satoshi was disgusted by this facade and eventually told the Furudes that Hanyuu's brain was fine, leading to them pulling Hanyuu out (and Satoko murdering them as a result).
Irie occasionally mediates the Games Club's punishment games, sometimes getting dragged into it himself. He's a stalwart protector defender of the young club members' honor, making whatever sacrifices he has to in order to make sure that they're not forced into perverted situations or outfits.
Rumiko may or may not have had feelings for Mion, which Mion subconsciously returned; Mion's quietly put two and two together in the months following her disappearance, and it's had a palpable effect on her relationship with Reina.
Ooishi lives in Kakiuchi City and is a part of its police department, and he's not the only former Hinamizawa resident on its force - there's a bright young detective named Natsumi Kimiyoshi who I've heard interesting stories about, though I don't know much about her...
While he's still capable of being the "Magician of Words", Kei's charisma is heavily tempered by the restrained, somewhat cold wall he's put up around his emotions for "everyone's own good".
After all that looping, Miyoko's trauma response to Teppei moving back in and forcing himself to be her caretaker is anger moreso than shutting down. More than a few loops have ended with Teppei killing her after she was too insolent (or too creepy) for him to put up with.
Yukie was a reporter who was extremely critical of the anti-dam protests, especially after the kidnapping occurred. At least some of the antipathy towards Akasaka is due to being Yukie's husband.
When the seeds of distrust aren't sown, Reina's empathy is one of her most powerful tools, making her able to stand up to just about anyone in Hinamizawa and reach out a hand to them. (Sometimes this leads to getting a baseball bat to the head, but hey, she tried.)
Hanyuu can hear Bernkastel at lower levels of Hinamizawa Syndrome than anyone else in the village, and seems to be cognizant of her presence even when she's at L1/L2. The exact details of Hanyuu and Bern's rapport are known only to them.
Miyoko and Hanyuu are closer to each other than they are to anyone else, but there's still a big ugly wall between them due to Hanyuu's quasi-divinity butting up against Miyoko's hatred of any and all gods. Tearing that wall down is an important part of Miyoko's character development.
Irie had (has?) Satoshi's blessing to try and win Satoko's heart; according to Satoshi, Satoko's not entirely against the idea of a relationship. Satoshi also made sure that Irie didn't cross any lines when going after her; after Satoshi disappeared, Irie ceased his attempts until Satoko herself encouraged him.
Everyone is wearing different outfits - the new ones are more or less the same pieces of clothing as the original "position" but with the color palette and general feel of the character filling the slot. For example, Reina's casual outfit starts as Keiichi's - a vest, undershirt, and shorts (and no hat) - but then is adjusted to fit Rena's style and is given a white, light blue, and purple palette. My attempts at mocking up Reina and Mion's designs are below.
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quokkacore · 4 years
LIBERALITY: starshine [oh sehun] (m)
part II of all your gods are fake
summary: sehun gives you what he can, but it’s never easy. you have to work for it as well, but effort pays off, and he rewards you so kindly.
pairing: freedomfighter!sehun x reader
genre: smut, angst, fluff, light horror towards the end?
warnings: language, descriptions of war, descriptions of cults, mentions of violence, shibari, thigh riding, handjobs, reader has nipple piercings, sensory deprivation (blindfolds and ties), seizures, knives
song rec: rosalia & ozuna - yo x ti, tu x mi ♡ taemin - never forever
word count: 4.3k
a/n: this was originally posted to my old writing blog on may 9th, 2020. if you would like to be on the taglist, pls send me an ask or a message! <3 
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He was getting agitated. You could tell this much.  
It was already bad enough that the meeting so far had lasted for over an hour and a half, but now the tension of the situation was finally settling in, as everyone realized that it was finally here.
The last stronghold. Or so they believed. Or so he believed.
The meeting was only for the highest ranking officials of the resistance, people who The Brotherhood knew they could trust—the plan was far too important to risk it falling into the hands of The Sect of Seven at the hands of double agents.
The plan that, if executed correctly, could turn the tides and cause the downfall of the Sect.
You watched, leaning against the wall as Junmyeon, leader of The Brotherhood and face of the resistance towered over the war table, talking about possible strategies to take the last major neutral city and also take control of the country.
The Sect of Seven had existed for years before the war began—its existence spanned across centuries, millenia, even; dating back to the year The Prophecy of Brothers Alike was first proclaimed in the late twelfth century, and remained strong even almost a whole century after The Great Collapse of 2050, when global society had collapsed due to war, famine and climate disasters.
Then the war broke out, some ten years ago, when the first two brothers of the Fated Fourteen first made themselves known, springing the Sect’s violent plans into action.
Since then, the resistance had been built up by The Brotherhood’s efforts, both capturing strategic cities and territories across North America. The Sect was based in the desert, with the Sanctuary based in what was once Los Angeles, their control spanning across what was western Mexico, the american south, and half of the northwest.
The resistance was based higher north, in the Citadel, which used to be Chicago, territories consisting of parts of southern Canada, the rockies, the northern midwest and what remained of the Peninsula of Yucatan. Places like Greenland, the southern east coast and northern canadian territories had either been destroyed during the collapse or had since been reclaimed by extreme climate and nature.
The only major territory that remained uncaptured by either sides, the place where many had fled to avoid getting caught in the crossfire, was the northern west coast, and that was controlled by Washington DC.
The very spot the resistance was now planning to take.
Your eyes floated up towards Sehun, who was standing right next to Junmyeon, who was now listening to Chanyeol and Baekhyun discuss the logistics of a peaceful invasion.
“Overall, I think we still need time to form a solid strategy,” Baekhyun said, “Jongdae needs to get in contact with The Agate Sisters for some more weapons—”
“Which is not very easy, might I add—” Jongdae interjected.
“And even before that…” Junmyeon’s voice was loud, taking command of the situation, “Sehun.”
All eyes in the room fell to the youngest member of The Brotherhood.
Oh Sehun. The Oracle.
Sehun had become known to the world two years after Suho and Junmyeon were proclaimed the first two brothers of the prophecy, the same time as his twin brother. Being so young, his ability of both interpreting and creating prophecies was a sight to behold, both terrifying and morbidly fascinating.
You’d known him since he and his brother were children, before the three of you realized what the future held in store—pain and suffering for Sehun and you, and nothing but pleasure and debauchery for Sehün.
“Do you think you could consult with the spirits for a minor prophecy? Or any other interpretations of the prophecy?”
Sehun shifted in his stance, leaning back and forth. “I need time.” His voice was firm and gravelly as he crossed his arms, immersed in thought. “My most recent auguries have revealed to me that DC is the last stronghold that the prophecy is talking about. But I can’t be a hundred percent sure. Prophecies love to play mind games. We all know that.”  
“Is there anything we have to be wary of when it comes to the prophecy? Double entendres, stuff like that?” Yixing asked, even though everyone in the room had heard the god-forsaken prophecy more than enough times throughout the past few years.
Sehun sighed, but closed his eyes and nodded anyway. A dramatic tension settled over the room, and Sehun began to speak.
“Cometh a day when seven sets of twins, be opposite ends of both virtue and sin—why am I going over this again, we all know this,” He huffed.
“Please just continue,” Baekhyun mumbled.
“Ugh, fine. Bearing eyes of blue and eyes of brown, cometh to tear the last stronghold down—” Sehun rolled his eyes, frustration evident in his expression. “The term stronghold has always been somewhat questionable. The prophecy was first declared in 1176, right? Early Modern English wouldn’t become a thing for another three hundred years, so most of this stems from Middle English. Some interpret stronghold as fort, or base, or holy land…”
Jongdae raised his hand before speaking, eyes flashing in alarm as he interrupted Sehun’s tangent. “Wait, wait, if others have translated it as holy land, then—”
“The Sanctuary.”
Junmyeon’s voice was quiet, but still commanded a heavy presence across the room, as a profound silence spread across the space.
“That means that the final battle could be in Los Angeles, on their turf. That would put us at a major disadvantage. We’re already at a major disadvantage.” The leader’s eyebrows were furrowed, using both hands to lean on the table as he made the connection.
The dread that followed was thick and suffocating, and you took the opportunity to speak up, wishing to rid the room of the anxiety gathering.
“But think about the implications of fighting the final battle in The Sanctuary. It would have to mean that we’ve managed to push them back sufficiently to the point where we feel confident invading their home base. Which we wouldn’t do unless we knew that we had a high possibility of winning.”
All eyes fell to you, and you crossed your arms, before meeting Sehun’s gaze. The look in his eyes was something akin to gratitude, being able to lift the sudden darkness. You lifted your hand to gesture back at Sehun. “Continue.”
He nodded, gaze stern. “Perhaps lovers lost to a most wicked brother, bringeth vengeance and hellfire upon one another… Loss could mean one of two things. Betrayal or death. But the rest of those two lines imply that the side that does the taking will suffer because of what they’ve done. That means that for now, none of us lay hands on any of the Sanctuary Queens, and those of us who have them, keep our partners close… Beware ye who heed this, for I warn thee now: suffer shall those who carelessly bow.”
“It has to be them,” A girl, Sasha, declared, “They’ve been lying to their followers for years—”
“That could mean anything. You know that.” Sehun’s voice was rough, eyes trained on the map that had been carved into the table.
A silence hung over the room, tension palpable as everyone remembered what the stakes were. These were lives and people’s free wills on the line, indescribable anguish promised by a prophecy written centuries ago to people who didn’t truly know their leaders. The end was near, but the outcome was nowhere near foreseeable.
“I’ll… I’ll try and do some more smoke readings.” It struck you how tired he sounded, watching as he rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger, “Maybe I’ll ask the spirit of the Oracle for a specific prophecy on DC. For now, we just have to be cautious. Watch for any suspicious activity here in the citadel and listen to intelligence reports. Jongin, you’ve got your moles at the Sanctuary, right?”
Jongin nodded, gaze dark. “Yeah. I’m meeting with Ren in two weeks. She’s the best of the best. I’ll see what she has for us.”
Junmyeon straightened his posture, everyone quieting when he opened his mouth to speak.
“I think that’s enough worrying about that for today,” He declared, sounding grim, “Before we go, you all know that not a single word is to leave this room. This is highly classified information. Meeting adjourned.”
You watched everyone file out of the room, hoping to speak to Sehun, yet somehow didn’t catch when he left. You got the feeling that that was what he intended.
So you left too, resolving to see him that night.
Sehun’s room was easy to find, seeing as how it was right across the hall from yours, in the large apartment building the heads of the resistance had settled into. You knocked on his door, sighing when you didn’t hear any response. You tried one more time, then another time, finally a third time, before letting your head fall frustratedly against the wood of the door.
“Hun, I know you’re in there… please let me in.”
You heard muffled sounds of shuffling from behind the door, pulling your head away to lean it against the doorframe. Waiting, you strained your ears for a noise, hearing the occasional sound.
Eventually, you heard the telltale sound of heavy footsteps being dragged across the floor. You pursed your lips, waiting for the door to open, wondering what you would see when it did.
The door swung open slowly, and you were met with a tall figure, hunched over as he peered down at you. The exhaustion in his gaze was palpable, and you felt your heart clench in sympathy.
Sehun was 25 now. He was made known to the public some nine years ago, and on top of it all, he was the Oracle. Interpretations of any and all prophecies were up to him, a sixteen year old boy who had just discovered he was destined to spend the rest of his life fighting against his own brother, something that tore his family apart.
He was a child.
And now, here he stood, looking too worn, too hopeless for someone so young. His eyes had seen horrors he was much too young to see. Life had eaten away at the glow he’d had when you were both younger. The dark circles underneath his eyes were so pronounced, you’d think he hadn’t slept since he was a baby. His short, dark hair was greasy. You wondered if he’d been taking care of himself properly.
“Do you need anything?” His voice was raspy, quiet. You looked at him, brown eyes met yours. Your heart clenched. Here he was, mentally exhausted, and the first thing he said to you wasn’t a hello, but rather, asking quietly if you needed anything.
“Can I come inside?” You asked sheepishly, and he blinked for a second, before nodding, opening the door more for you to pass. “Go ahead.”
You stepped past him, into the hallway of his small apartment. The smell of incense invaded your nose, and you frowned. He closed the door, and crossed his arms. “What’s going on, Y/N?”
“Are you okay? You looked so tired today, you look tired now.”
“I’m fine—"
“Are you sure?”
You refused to let him keep it all to himself. “Sehun…”
He leaned against the wall, head bowed, and you mirrored his stance, standing against the wall as well, but you didn’t look away. “Y/N, I can’t deal with that right now. People need me.”
“Sehun, you can’t force yourself like this, you’ve told me that yourself—"
“I have to make this work. I can’t fail like last time, not if DC is what we think it is.”
You sighed, taking a step forward, resting a hand on his arm. He glanced at it briefly, then raised his head to look at you. You said nothing, but guided him to sit down on the couch, and you sat next to him.
“Sehun,” You said, voice quiet, “DC is nothing but puppets right now pretending they’re actually doing anything. We have our puppets, the sect have theirs. You can’t be sure that a place like that is what determines whether we’re doomed or not. You said it yourself, there are so many possibilities that DC isn’t the place we’re thinking about.”
He took a few deep breaths, nodding to your words before rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger. He looked strained, and you moved to sit closer to him.
“Everything is so fucked up,” Sehun whispered, and you nodded in agreement. “I feel like everything is out of control. Like I can’t do anything about it. Meanwhile, Sehün—"
“Sehün has people who think he’s a god obeying his every whim, just like the rest of those—those idiots.“ Your voice was quiet, but firm, refusing to allow him to compare himself to his brother, "The only reason they look so polished and seem to have everything under control is they only leave the Sanctuary when they absolutely need to, to save face. They feel like they’re above everyone else.”
You took Sehun’s hand, carefully removing his worn, black glove before cradling it in your smaller hand, as if it were incredibly fragile. His eyes met yours, and you gave him a sad smile.
“The Brotherhood, on the other hand… You only use that title for formality’s sake. Yes, you’re all the leaders, but you see yourselves as equal to the rest of us. All of you are out there with us, on the front lines. You’re tired because you give everything you have to serve this cause, my love. You feel that everything is out of control because… well, it is. Lady Fate is a tricky one, we all know that. But you feel it even more because you’re dealing with it head on, not from some sparkly throne on a golden pedestal.”
Sehun’s eyes glittered with several emotions you couldn’t pinpoint, but you could see fondness in them. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Starshine,” He mumbled into your hair, before resting his chin on the crown of your head, “Where would I be without you.”
You hummed, before allowing your eyes to flutter shut, and the two of you sat in silence for what seemed like hours. You reflected back to when you and Sehun both realized your feelings for one another, after a devastating battle in Salt Lake City where Sehun had given his brother the now infamous scar running down the left side of his face, some six years ago. He’d come so close to dying that day, and you’d realized just how important he was to you.
You’d been joined by the hip since you were children, and when the revelation came that he and Sehün were the brothers of liberality and greed respectively, you didn’t hesitate in taking his side, vowing to follow him until the bitter end.
It all made sense to you when you came to Sehun’s sickbed, seeing him resting and bloodied, that you’d actually been in love with the boy for a long time, perhaps ever since you’d first met him. You wouldn’t ever be able to live without him, and apparently, he felt the same way.
In this moral crisis, you were his anchor, his tether to the corporeal plane when his world was on an ethereal one.
Upon all the doubts that everyone had, as to whether the Fated Fourteen were truly gods or if they were simply men with delusions of grandeur chosen by Lady Fate for her cruel entertainment, he felt that you were what reminded him that he was human, that past gods were never truly capable of love or real emotion.
To be capable of loving you was a humbling experience, one that he treasured dearly, especially in moments like this.
“Do you remember what we did the last time you felt like you had no control?” Your voice was a whisper, full of promise and anticipation, as the hand that wasn’t holding his own came to ghost over his thigh. Sehun’s breath hitched, recalling the experience. Roughness against soft, supple skin, restraint and control, you giving yourself entirely to him before he gave himself entirely to you.
“What exactly are you proposing?” He murmured, and you exhaled as one would when they found something amusing, the ghost of a laugh. “You know what I’m proposing, Sehun. Don’t act as if I haven’t seen you teaching Chanyeol to tie his knots when he’s getting ready to go out on a field mission.”
His hand tugged yours towards him, and you moved as he sat back, resting his back against the couch as he helped you straddle his waist. You faced him, realizing with a giggle that he’d turned slightly pink at your accusation.
“Do me a favor,” He said, and you nodded, letting your free hand rest on his shoulder. “Never talk about Chanyeol when you’re trying to get me into bed again. You are the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on… Chanyeol, however, is the most unsexy person I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.”
Your head tipped back with laughter, and he joined in with you. Your heart, upon hearing this, skipped a beat. You had a hard time recalling when the last he’d laughed was. “I think Sasha would disagree.”
“Yeah, but Sasha isn’t here now, is she? It’s just you and me.” He leaned forward, trapping your waist with his hands and letting his face come close to yours. You watched his eyes flutter down to watch your lips, inches away from yours. You gulped when his lips parted, his tongue peeking out to lick the pink skin.
“So you want me to tie you up. Take control.”
Your hands wrapped around his neck, and you smiled. “Only if you want to tie me up. I want you to have at least one thing you feel you can control.”
Sehun licked his lips again, sighing in amusement as he considered the idea. “Y’know, a few weeks ago, some of the field officers came in with a bunch of fabric they managed to smuggle out of LA…” His tone was quiet, and his hands began trailing downwards, pulling you against him, voice filling you with anticipation. Comfortable fabric was so difficult to come by these days, given that the Sect had taken what were once lavish city districts.
You gasped slightly when your core came into contact with his lap, feeling he was already starting to get hard, and felt your face heat up.  
“I might’ve bought a silk tie or two off of ‘em,” He told you, eyes burning holes into your skin, “Wanted to see what my starshine would look like in pink.”
Your felt your hands tighten of their own volition against the fabric of his black t-shirt, your mind conjuring the mental image. “Fuck, Sehun. W-where’s the jute?”
He flashed a lopsided grin, and you felt the need to smack the smug look off of his face. How he could go from being so serious to this, was beyond you. You personally didn’t believe that The Brotherhood and The Lords of the Sect were gods, but Sehun’s duality, in situations like this, seemed to be supernatural at times, if you dared say so yourself.
He pressed his lips to yours briefly, before lightly nudging you to get off of his lap. “I’ll go get it, baby. Give me a second.”
He stood, catching his breath briefly, before walking down the hall, towards his closet. The hallway was slightly darker, and you stood, striding over to him as he pulled out the rope. He turned to face you, and he quickly cornered you against the wall.
“Shirt off. Bra, too.”
You grinned. “What are you gonna do this time?”
You could vaguely make out his features, but you knew his face was probably twisted up in smug satisfaction. Regardless, you obeyed silently, your chest rising and falling quickly with anticipation.
“Chest harness, for now,” He quipped, “Is that okay?”
You nodded, not breaking eye contact with him as you undressed yourself. You wanted him to realize that you weren’t backing down.
He seemed to read you perfectly, nodding in response to your answer as he watched you pull off the dark fabric, before reaching behind you to unclasp your bra. Even in the dim light of the corridor, you could see how his eyebrows raised and the way his lips parted slightly, lazy gaze falling down to your breasts. You knew what he was gawking at.
The studs embedded in your nipples were a dark stainless steel, glittering, alluring. You’d gotten them on a whim at nineteen from some clandestine tattoo artist on the way back from a field operation. He’d always had a bit of a fascination with them, the way they seemed to twinkle at him underneath the light.
"You gonna stare at me all night or will I have to tie myself up?”
Your playful jab snapped him out of his reverie, and he straightened his posture a few seconds later. “Go stand in front of the bed.” His voice was soft, but still commanding.
You stalked into the dark bedroom, standing in front of where you made the bed out to be. He followed you, before standing behind you. “Are you going to tie my hands up, too?"
"Not yet, starshine,” He declared quietly, into your left ear. You could tell he was untangling the jute, and you pursed your lips in anticipation. “You want to know what I’m about to do to you?”
“You know I do,” You whispered, a confession just for him, before lifting your arms and your hair for him to work.
“Too bad,” He sighed, ”Because I’m not telling you.”
You huffed, but didnt protest.
His arms began to wrap the rope below your ribcage, tightening the jute to the point where you could feel it digging into your skin, but enough to complicate your breathing. Taut, but not torturous. You closed your eyes, sighing quietly as he looped the jute higher up this time, just between your breasts and your collarbones, wrapping back to where he began, in the middle of your back.
The sensation of the rough fibers against your skin was by no means comfortable. It was scratchy and some stray fibers tickled at your chest. But its presence against your skin, the implications of its position and what was to come, was most definitely comforting. Intimacy with Sehun now was rare, you rarely even slept next to each other. But you knew that it wasn’t because of a strain in your relationship.
Sehun had always needed peace of mind and silence when it came to auguries and prophecy readings. Now, with the war coming so close to what seemed to be the end, he needed it more than ever, and the moments you shared with him came to a pause. You didn’t complain—the cause came before your emotions, now and always. But inside you were crying out for him; in concern, in longing, in yearning.
So maybe that’s why when he paused his ministrations and chuckled, tracing a finger down his spine, you whimpered quietly, thighs rubbing together in anticipation. “You have goosebumps,” He said, lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“It’s been a while,” You answered, and he hummed in response, pressing a soft kiss to your nape. You sighed at the sensation.
“Drop your arms, and turn around to look at me,” Sehun whispered a few seconds later, and with some help from him to maneuver through the rope he was still trying to tie around you, you were able to complete his request.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous.” His voice was throaty, eyes scanning your body as you did the same, eyes landing on the growing bulge in his pants.
“Sehun, please just hurry.”
He shook his head, crooked smile still gracing his face. His hands worked quickly, looping the jute underneath the lowest rope, between your breasts.
“It’s not too tight, is it?” He asked, and you shook your head.
“It’s fine. Not too tight, not too loose.”
He nodded, eyebrows furrowing in concentration. “Okay. Let me know if it becomes too much at any point.”
“I know, Hun.”
Sehun’s dark eyes lifted their gaze from where his hands were working to meet your own, not saying anything. By now, the smile had faded, replaced by a stern look of concentration.
Be still, my heart, you thought, he is so beautiful.
“What?” You whispered, and he blinked.
His response was soft, gentle. “I would fucking die for you.”
You felt your face grow warm, and you lowered your gaze. “Sehun,” You murmured, “I—”
“Sh, sh,” He answered, continuing to tie the rope, “Listen to me, starshine. You’re it for me. There’s never been anyone else. A-and if anything happens, Lady Fate forbid it… There’ll never be anyone else.”
He finished his words as he tied off the final knot, and silently, you stood there, eyes shut as you pressed your forehead to his. For how long, you weren’t sure. Seconds, minutes, eons… Maybe no time had passed at all. You didn’t really care. Moments like these were never long enough, they always ended too soon. Sehun was your elixir of life, your lifeline, and in these moments, you felt immortal, invincible, powerful.
To be able to bring such a man like him to his knees, to be so ready to put himself on the line for you; you were sure it would be your ruin.
You surged forward, wrapping your arms around Sehun’s neck, and he caught you as you pressed your lips to his in a blazing kiss. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. You whined into the kiss, the dark cotton of his t-shirt pressing against your sensitive nipples and their piercings.
“Sehun,” You moaned into the kiss, reaching down to tug at the hem of his shirt. “N-not fair, take it off.”
He hummed, pulling away to comply with your protests, revealing toned skin and the broad shoulders you so adored.
“Is it fair now?” He asked, grabbing your upper arms to pull you closer and press kisses to your collarbones and along your sternum. “I should tie your hands now, maybe then you’ll learn you’re not allowed to touch without my permission.”
“Shut up,” You said, ignoring his declaration as he pushed you onto the bed. You peered up at his broad form, towering over you in the darkness, almost trembling in anticipation, waiting for him to put his hands on you, to make a move.
A few moments later, he finally did, reaching down to pull your pants off, as well as your underwear. He pressed soft kisses to your stomach as he did. When both garments were finally tossed aside, he lifted himself up onto the bed, lips trailing up across your skin. His eyes met yours as he gazed up at you, through you, before pressing his lips to one of your breasts, your sensitive nipples hardening at the contact of his warm mouth against the cool steel embedded in it.
Your head tipped back, eyes fluttering shut, unable to keep eye contact with your lover. One of your hands came up to comb through his dark hair, whimpering as he alternated between your nipples.
“Sehun, mmph, baby…” You murmured, coming back to look at him when he let go and came back to kiss at your jawline.
“Up, starshine,” He ordered, leaving no room for protest, arms wrapping around your waist and hauling you up to sit on his lap. As you squirmed to get comfortable in his grip, one of his hands reached for his nightstand’s drawer, and he pulled out two pastel pink silk ties. Your heart leaped towards your throat in excitement when you registered what these were, hips subconsciously searching for friction against his.
“Sit still,” He huffed as he closed the drawer, before straightening his posture, dwarfing you even sitting beneath you.
Wordlessly, he brought the tie up to your eyes, covering them before tying it at the back of your head with one tie, quickly doing the same to your hands with the other, tying them tightly in front of you.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” He mumbled, hands raking from your hair to down your back.
His hands came to grasp at your thighs, propping them so they rested only atop one of his. You felt your core clench at what he was alluding to, inhaling sharply.
“Move your hips, baby,” He said, and you couldn’t bring it in you to deny him.
Another thing you couldn’t do was speak, you found, as you prayed you could maintain your balance and began to slowly rock your hips against the rough fabric of his dark pants and his toned thigh, your bare pussy rubbing listlessly against the coarse fabric. You didn’t mind however, perfectly content to let him speak, murmuring strange hybrids of dirty and sweet things in your ear.
The hot pleasure between your legs seemed to double at the restriction in your ribs and not being able to see or anticipate where his hands or mouth were. You buried your head into the crook of Sehun’s neck, peppering wet, opened kisses against his collarbones, your nails digging into your palms with a vengeance in hopes of anchoring yourself to something.
The movements of your hips soon became capricious, rhythmless, your whimpers becoming louder and louder as he switched between flexing his thigh and bouncing it like a restless child. In the darkness of the silk tie, you could feel the callousness of his fingertips as they dug into your hips, a guided meditation through your pleasure.
The room reeked of incense and sex, you realized as you attempted to delay your slowly building release by focusing on different things. Smells, sounds, and finally, Sehun.
This was the Sehun you loved most, the one you cherished most in your heart. The Sehun that was so willing to give, give, and give, but not to the point of recklessness, unlike the Sehun you had seen so often lately in the war room. This Sehun was yours, and yours only. And if the growing wet spot against his rough pants was any indication, then your body loved this Sehun as well.
“P-please let me touch you.”
“Alright, since you asked so nicely.”
You clumsily began to search for his hard bulge, and he grabbed your tied hands and guided them to something hard and hot. You jumped slightly in surprise, not realizing he had taken himself out of his pants while you were humping away at his thigh like a bitch in heat.
He laughed at your squirming, and you slowed the rhythm of your hips in annoyance, but not completely—your hips had stopped folding to you, subconsciously rutting, twitching gently against the rough, now ruined fabric, perpetually searching for release.
“S-shut up,” You panted, and he laughed again, pressing another kiss to your jawline.
“You shut up. I still have to make you come.”
His hands resumed their leisurely movement on your hips, your focus snapping back to the impending edge, thoughts blurring into incoherency as the pleasure against your core. Mindlessly, you let go of Sehun’s member to bring your hands up to your mouth, attempting to spit crudely in order to improvise lube.
Instead, your heart jumped into your throat in arousal when Sehun grabbed your free hand and did the same, keening at his actions, eyebrows furrowing. And, despite feeling a slight annoyance at the chafing of your thighs, a feral instinct took over, and your hips sped up against his thighs.
“You look perfect like this,” He told you, guiding your hand back to where he needed you most, and you began to pump him slowly. His hands moved to wrap around your waist, large hands splaying possessively across your back.
“Gods, I wish you could see how lovely you look, starshine,” He mumbled, seemingly in a daze, “All mine.”
You nodded. “Y-yours, Hunnie. Only yours.”
He pressed a kiss to your collarbone, his breath picking up as your hands did the same, pace speeding up. He groaned against your skin as you pressed your thumb into the slit of his cock. Your movements were harsh, jerking against him as you felt yourself losing yourself in his touch.
“S-Sehun, I’m gonna…”
“I’ve got you,” He whispered, his voice your only anchor, “Let go, Y/N, it’s okay.”
Finally, finally, you crested, head tipping back, mouth falling open in a silent scream, body stiffening in his arms as you were possessed by pleasure. In the dark, colors danced around you, sounds could be touched, Sehun’s hands on your body tasted exquisite.
You didn’t even realize that your display had tipped Sehun over the edge, spilling himself onto your hands while he gripped your shoulders like his life depended on it.
When you came down from your orgasm, your chest heaving, you reached up to pull the blindfold off of your face, struggling slightly as you were still restrained by the silk tie. You blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the light of Sehun’s room, and found that he had fallen back onto the bed in the height of his orgasm.
His eyes had fluttered closed, panting furiously. He seemed loose, almost boneless, and you stifled a laugh at how much more relaxed he seemed now.
“I take it you had fun?” You asked, poking his stomach teasingly. After a moment of silence, of what you assumed to be Sehun trying to catch his breath, you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Hunnie, come on, get up. Can you untie me, please, baby?”
No response. If anything, Sehun’s pants seemed to be getting even heavier.
His eyes fluttered open, and your blood ran cold.
His eyes had rolled up into his head, mouth opening and closing as if he were trying to say something but he’d lost his voice. Around you, the temperature seemed to drop.Out of nowhere, the scent of incense returned, stronger than ever, and beneath you, Sehun tensed, muscles contracting as he began to seize.
You froze, momentarily unsure of what was happening. Here lay your lover, convulsing under you, and you were restrained to a point where it would be difficult to help him. Panic creeped into your stomach, eyes searching for something, anything, that would get you out of the grasp of the silk tie. You brought your wrists up to your teeth, frantically hoping to loosen the knot. Sehun was still convulsing. Your eyes drifted around the room, glancing at his stiff hands, gnarled into unrecognizable gestures. Your clothes were on the floor, but you had left your knife in your room.
Knife. Sehun’s knife.
You lunged for the nightstand, knowing that was where he kept his switchblade in case of an emergency, tumbling to the floor as your legs gave out, still wobbly from both panic and your previous orgasm. You managed to open the drawer, clumsily fumbling for the blade, before pulling it out, holding it between your teeth and bringing your wrists up to your mouth, beginning to saw away at the lovely, pale fabric, suddenly not caring about its softness or its illusion of luxury.
All you needed was to know that Sehun was okay.
Your eyes squeezed shut at the thought that he might be dying, and when the final strands of silk finally gave way, you practically spat out the knife, grabbing onto the nightstand for balance, turning to look at Sehun on your weak legs.
He wasn’t on the bed anymore. Your eyebrows furrowed, head spinning as you tried to figure out what was going on.
“Beware the master of tongues.”
You shrieked, eyes snapping up from where the deep, almost demonic voice had come from, and almost fainted then and there.
Because somehow, Sehun was floating above you, suspended in midair, eyes open wide but not a sliver of brown could be seen. In its place shone a bright silver, the holiest of metals for the unholiest sight.
“Beware the master of tongues,” The voice spoke again, speaking through Sehun, who was stiff as a board, face contorted into a sneer, and you realized with a chill that this wasn’t Sehun, but rather the Oracle.
“Beware the master of tongues,” He said once more, as his sneer morphed into a cruel grin, “But beware more the wrath of the faceless one.”
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osakaprince · 4 years
𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 ; 𝐭𝐰𝐨
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 — ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ʙʀᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴅᴇᴀʟꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ᴜᴛᴏᴘɪᴀɴ ꜱᴏᴄɪᴇᴛʏ, ꜰʀᴇᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʜᴀʀᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ʙᴜᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇʙᴇʟʟɪᴏɴꜱ, ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴄʟᴇᴀʀ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏᴠᴇʀɴᴍᴇɴᴛ’ꜱ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴ. ꜱɪx ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜꜱ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴꜱ ʙᴀɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɢʜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀɪᴛɪᴇꜱ, ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ɪᴛ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ᴛᴏ ꜰʀᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍꜱᴇʟᴠᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟꜱᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀɴᴅꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴇᴠɪʟ — ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜱᴏ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇᴍ.
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 — ᴅʏꜱᴛᴏᴘɪᴀɴ ᴀᴜ
[ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪꜱ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪꜱ ʀᴇꜱɪꜱᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ ]
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by friday, you were starting to grow anxious. there were only four days, approximately, until your procedure and you had yet to come up with a plan; like there was one that would possibly work anyways. your parents had noticed the shift in attitude, consistently checking in on you to make sure you were okay, but they knew you weren’t. you were still a child, yet being stripped away from everything.
“dinner’s ready.” one of them would poke their head into your room, prepared to be turned down. “i’ll leave some in the fridge for you, if you’re hungry later.”
staring at the bare wall had become a frequent passing time for you. it allowed your mind to wander, to dream of a life outside of the borders, where people lived day-to-day without many cares. in your imagination, you could picture yourself anywhere: walking down the beach, partying with friends, getting hired to your dream job. the world was limitless but you were not.
saturday came and you’d had enough. everyday you saw the same group of boys causing chaos in the streets, smiles on their faces as they rushed to escape. everyday you went to school and forced yourself to stay awake during class periods so you wouldn’t face punishment. you wanted out and now was the only time you had the chance.
tip-toeing across your squeaky, hardwood floor, you cautiously opened the window. you took one last look at your room. there on your mattress laid a note explaining to your parents where you went; though, not in detail in case authorities came along. all the things you’d ever known were about to be left behind for good. there would be no hope of coming back.
walking the streets at six o’clock in the early dawn was scary. the sky was still dark and very few people passed by. you trudged slowly to your school’s entrance, where you always seemingly managed to find those boys each morning. it was a silly idea that came to you in the middle of the night, when you should’ve been asleep, but you prayed it would work.
you wandered around the vacinity for an hour or so. more citizens were out by now, venturing on their way in silence. you people-watched; a little girl closely following by her mother’s side, an elderly couple shuffling to the market across the street, a boy from your grade who most certainly had a tattoo peeking out that wasn’t supposed to be there.
just as you peered to the left, your heart began to race. four familiar, yet so unfamiliar, faces were scurrying your way. each time you saw them, it felt like déjà vu. they always seemed to be doing the same thing; causing disorder in the city then running for the getaway. this time, they were clearly way ahead of the authorities. the armed men were nowhere in site.
you jumped to your feet and let out a deep sigh before stepping in their path, holding out your hand to stop them. the boy up front halted himself, swinging his arms out to stop the other three coming up quickly. they were all breathing heavy and constantly checking behind them, growing impatient with you. the one with blue hair spoke first.
“renjun, what are we doing? they’ll be here any second.”
the boy stared at you, his eyes piercing your soul, but he didn’t speak. you swallowed hard and maintained the eye contact. his friends panicked, pushing against the sturdy boy to get his attention but it was useless. renjun, if you remembered correctly, narrowed his gaze on you.
he cocked his head and spoke, “you don’t belong here.”
you were baffled by his statement but didn’t get the chance to respond. he took one last look behind him then clasped his hand around your wrist and took off in the same direction they were originally going, forcing you to follow. the others were confused as well but too focused on running to say anything. you struggled to keep up, nearly tripping over your own feet a few times. you came around a corner and just about wiped out until one of them placed their hands on your side to stabilize you.
thirty minutes. it took thirty minutes of running until they finally stopped. you were hunched over to catch your breath when renjun yanked open a storage unit door. he waved you in, following after and slamming it back shut. it was pitch black and you couldn’t see a thing. once again, he grabbed your wrist and guided you where you needed to go.
you reached the back of the unit and thought you were done until a hidden door opened. a dimly lit stairwell appeared in your vision. he waited for you to go. his face was still in that serious mode he had when you first stopped him. you hesitantly made your way down two flights of stairs, stopping when you reached the bottom. the boys were gathered there and awaiting their, you assumed, leader.
nobody spoke a word. you could tell they were skeptical of you and didn’t know what the hell was going on — and frankly, neither did you. renjun squeezed through the huddle and headed towards the other side of the room. he pushed a button that moved an old bookcase to the side and undid a latch to another hidden door. this time, you went down on a ladder.
when your feet hit the ground, you looked around in amazement. the entire room was lit up by a massive computer system; rays of blues and oranges hitting your eyes. the blue haired boy was already lounging on the couch, sighing heavily. you hadn’t even noticed the person sitting in the chair until he turned from the screen. his eyes locked with yours.
“who the fuck is this?” his tone was harsh.
renjun cleared his throat as he came from behind you, slipping his shoes off and joining the other on the couch, “she’s one of us.”
“and who said that?”
“i did.” he shrugged.
you stood there awkwardly and listened to them bicker. everyone’s eyes were on you except for renjun who didn’t seem to give two shits. the boy in the chair stood up and gestured towards renjun, telling him to follow. they walked into another room but spoke loud enough for everyone else to hear.
“are fucking insane?! what if she’s one of them? this could be a trap!”
“trust me on this one, chenle.” renjun’s voice was still calm. “i know a rebel when i see one. she’s nothing like them.”
“just wait until donghyuck hears about this. you better hope he hasn’t walked in and seen her yet or we’re both dead, and i promise you, i’m haunting your grave when we do.”
the two eventually stepped back into the room, unfazed by their previous argument. chenle, as you now knew, plopped back in his seat. he side-eyed you, wondering what they hell they were going to do with you if donghyuck said no to your request of joining. sending you back with your knowledge of this place was not going to happen. they couldn’t trust you enough.
he eventually exhaled the breath he forgot he was holding in and murmured, “you can sit down. we’re not gonna hurt you or anything.”
your body felt stuck in its place but you mustered up the courage to take a seat in one of the empty chairs. chenle swiveled in the chair and turned his attention back to the computer, clicking a few buttons before pulling up a screen with several camera angles of the city. your jaw dropped as you watched, but quickly pulled yourself together before they thought suspiciously of you.
the room was silent for a while until the door above you opened. you jumped and felt your heartbeat elevate, terrified you were about to be caught by officials. the rest just simply turned to look at the guest and went back to what they’d been doing. when he reached the bottom, he almost skipped past you but froze when it registered. he slowly craned his neck to assure his eyes weren’t deceiving him.
“what the hell’s going on?” he glared at the boys. “i know damn well that there’s not a girl sitting in the chair beside me right now.”
chenle kept his attention on his work, “oh there damn well is. ask the idiot on the couch about it.”
renjun looked up from his phone, “hi, donghyuck.”
donghyuck wiped the corner of his lips and chuckled, but it wasn’t a happy one. renjun sighed and got up from his lounging position, already know he’d have to have the same conversation as he did with chenle. from the other side of the wall, you could hear the frustration in donghyuck’s voice. he yelled even louder than chenle did.
“i should honestly beat the shit out of you for being so stupid!”
“if i turn out to be wrong about all of this, hell, you can kill me. but when have i ever been wrong?” renjun waited for an answer that never came. “exactly, just trust me for once.”
donghyuck came out and dropped down on the floor next to your feet. he stared at you for a while, analyzing you in every way. you kept your eyes on your shoes and nervously fiddled with your fingers as if they were so fascinating. leaning back against the wall, he elbowed your calf.
“so new girl, tell us about yourself.”
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ashes-in-a-jar · 4 years
Tma relisten Episodes 16-20
Things are picking up! Martin is gone, we meet some Flesh statements with all of their disgusting glory, finally find a skeptic (pretending more like) Jon in Vittery's case and then the story of father Edwin...
A warning, the last two episodes here are a confusing mess of thoughts that I have no energy to orginized so you're welcome to read but beware to remain confused. And add your feedback if you want. I'd love to understand what the hell father Edwin was going through.
16 Arachnophobia
Things are picking up. Oh boy vittery is here!
His description of his fear of spiders kind of reminds me of my experience as an emetophobic. I can read about it, watch it on camera (cringing but still can) but near me? Nope.
Major Tom! Love the pet naming system Jonny came up with.
"Our building had acquired something of an infestation of some sort of insect I didn’t recognise - small, silvery worms, almost like maggots, but slightly longer -" uh oh Jon. Jane is already there. I stand by my theory that the web set up vittery's case where Jane was because they wanted the institute to eventually come in contact with her. Specifically the Archivist. Another way the Web helped mark Jon to help bring the apocalypse.
Pfft his whole interaction with major Tom in this story is sending. "go get that spider" Major Tom "no I don't think I will" and saunters off never to be seen again.
Why are his descriptions of spiders so graphic my god. He likes to dwell on his phobia way too much for his own well-being.
Nice aim with the coffee mug. Especially while panicking.
Don't you just hate that you get used to your phobia because a worse version of it comes up? He managed to kill little spiders no problem from then on and I just... Feel for him so much.
"Can you be haunted by the ghost of a spider that destroyed your childhood?" oh. That one must have hit Jon hard right where it hurt.
"I officially gave Major Tom’s paperwork to the family on the ground floor he decided to move in with" lol cat live be that simple.
Commenting on Jon's hard denial specifically of this case and even thought there is so much obvious evidence supporting the supernatural. Just alot of suppressing fear on Jon's part. I feel so bad for him.
"But as I told Martin earlier, he was there for over a week, so there is very likely a perfectly natural explanation for the fact that his body was completely encased in web" sure. Told Martin. Betting it was a full blown argument from which Martin stormed off to prove him wrong. Jon please get your act together.
17 the boneturners tale
Ah Jared my man making his appearance. The bully next door who picks up and becomes a victim (in a way) of a Lietner instead of the statement giver. Where have I heard that one before...
Michael crew checked out the bone book huh. Saw the Flesh and was like mmm nope not this one either.
Archivist interrupted! We don't get much of these later on, when statements become way more compelling and can't be stopped in the middle.
Ewww and the first other institute staff we get is Elias. The sound mixing is really weird he sounds so strange lol. He hasn't polished his 'I'm an even more posh version of Jon' voice yet.
He takes live statements when Rosie's equipment doesn't work? So basically all of the supernatural ones that want to talk and not write. Those are always more special than the ones written. The statement giver felt the need to talk to someone not just write impersonally.
Elias asks about Martin. Once again fuck you Jonah.
Also Martin is missing the story is picking up! I saw at the end that he was in charge of follow up for this, a library statement. Was probably fun for him seeing he's an ex library worker.
"Blessed relief" no Martin he doesn't really mean that.
Jared experimenting on everything including small animals and his own family is all sorts of bad.
"All I remember clearly is the line “and from his rib a flute to play that merry tune of marrow took”." he took a rib and used it to whistle. Jared took Jon's rib and in 171 he whistles. Hmmmmm
So either reading the book did end up killing the guy or Jared eventually caught up with him. Either way poor soul.
18 the man upstairs
Not alot to say about this one except I oddly really like it, my first listen and now. Something about how gross it was really fascinated me. And boy it's super gross.
The meat creature in the end has eyes! Is it eye aligned in a way? Interesting...
Was this an attempted mini ritual of a sort to bring a meat creature into the world? Did it work? Perhaps that creature housed whet used to be Toby Carlisle who left his original body to become this thing.
Btw Archivist has lunches confirmed!
19+20 confession + desecrated host
The only double statement we have ever. A very unusual thing but also Jon explains it that the second half was misfiled nearby and perhaps was taken out and put back haphazardly. By who? Gertrude looking up. Rituals? Jonah looking up multiple entity rituals? Very ominous.
I feel so bad for father Edwin he really didn't deserve what happened to him.
I'll be honest i wasn't really listening to this one the first time. I was busy doing something else and always tended to half listen to exorcism horror. This is facinating to me as if I'm first hearing it.
Its interesting how Jon records his inability to utter words of belief. Also was this an interview? If so, where is the recording. He couldn't have written like how Jon was stuttering at those words. I need a clarifying answer about these and why Jon needed to record an audio of it when clearly there should be a recording of an old live statement.
It wasn't about God the fact that he couldn't say it anymore. It was about his comfort and denying it.
I think the first thing that marked him was the Slaughter. But now listening to it, it seems like what possessed Bethany moved into his mind because it want to suck out and replace faith and father Edwin had much more of it. How does one replace faith? Introducing the faithful to all the fears. It didn't really work tho since he stubbornly remained faithful.
This nurse Annie figure sent him in the direction of both Bethany and Hilltop Road which makes me very suspicious of her.
“I am not for you. I am marked.” oooh first time hearing those words. Perhaps the entity or what wanted to bring them about refusing to give him to the Desolation?
“Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.” the entities talking? Or warning father Edwin of his fate? Still sound alot like the Slaughter.
So when he leaves to walk the streets to the place he performs the religious service after being told all of his sins by something pretending to be father Singh, I count the Distortion, the Lonely, Stranger, Corruption? And flesh.
This one is still confusing as hell, I was surprised by breekon and hope's appearance in the end, having been the ones who delivered the stole.
Maybe the entities were trying to collaborate to create a religion of their own? Trying not to enter the world separately as a whole being but living in it as worshipped gods?
Whatever they were they decided to exclude the Desolation and the web from the project since they definitely didn't like Hilltop Road.
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moonchildsaurora · 4 years
The ex-Mercenary with the endearing dimples
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»»—— Crew Member #5 of Space Pirates ATEEZ ——««
all aboard The Perihelion, welcome to the co-pilot’s log system! here you’ll be able to access the crew’s profiles should you wish to read about their journeys: (no nsfw content)
[CAPTAIN] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
“if you fall for those dimples, then you’re already half-way in the hunter’s trap”
only a handful of people actually know of his origins, and being a changeling sure comes with a lot of perks for his (previous) field of work
[database file: changelings are nomadic beings, and are able to shift both face and form at will. There are no official records of a changeling’s standard/normal form, and very rarely would anyone get a chance to witness it. Most changelings take on forms of existing beings, depending on the location they’re at and how much they want to blend in, some preferring to add their own artistic flair on appearance]  
San’s hair changes almost as quickly as he changes his dagger blades, his current hair of a rich dark brown colour with a turf of silver that never seem to stop shimmering slightly – much like moon light. Which makes his Selenian [database file: moon/silver elves] form all that more convincing
he started his mercenary life on the planet Tundaoria, where all main networks of black markets and underground work are based at
young blood with no last name, a growing reputation – San is an all-round enigma. But he had a talent for tracking, deadly accuracy and disappearing without a trace, hence nobody questioned him other than for getting a job done
he used to work with a small group, ‘Windstriders’, known for their efficient timeframe and clean work. People pay for the quality, majority of the time San worked with others but sometimes he might pick up a few solo missions on the side
earned the nickname ‘Dimples’ from his ex-team mates however whilst he seems harmless on first glance, “the kid? Aye he’s one big sweetheart he is”, he’s learnt to use that highly skewed perception to his advantage
that’s to say he’s managed to coax beings either to bed for a night of pleasure or their deathbeds, talk about deadly charisma  
“so on average, what are the chances of someone walking out of your room alive?” 
San prides himself with maintaining a level of morality, and won’t kill unless it’s the specific target themselves and/or out of self-defence for any unfortunate souls who decide to intervene with his job. Has nothing against stealing or gambling because, “what’s living without taking a few risks?”
lowkey has a soft spot for younglings and became unexpectedly close to a particular orphanage in a town on the far northern-side of the planet. The head guardian (most orphanages are cared by a guardian or two) found San passed out nearby after a particularly tedious mission and took him in for healing. Since then that place had become an unofficial healer’s spot and safe house  
the younglings absolutely adored having him visit, especially when “look, look! The Moon Prince is here!”, bearing gifts such as trinkets, new toys or aleagette pastries [database: assorted savoury or sweet pastry-type snacks that melt in the mouth when eaten, the surprise is that the flavour isn’t known until the first bite]. San would later on start contributing part of his earnings towards the upkeep of the orphanage as a repayment for the guardians’ hospitality (and it’s really for the younglings but he won’t admit that)
every time a youngling treats him to a toothy smile, a wild giggle or when the bolder ones would run up and wrap their petite arms around his legs his fondness grows exponentially. Once, a guardian caught him helping the younglings doodle whatever their hearts desired on themselves so they could match the many permanent silver ink patterns that decorated his arms and back
“already influencing the little ones with your ways, Sannie?” (another nickname that the younglings picked up on and would parrot it back)
“I’ll have you know what we’re doing here is called art”
the one time San was caught off guard was having a past target’s associate track him down to his safe space and carry out a revenge attack – “you took my family away from me and now I’m going to take yours”          
San never fully recovered (the invisible wounds at least) for causing innocents to get caught up in the crossfire, for realising too late how attached he’s become to these people and their meaningful presence in his life 
as a parting favour, the Windstriders helped San relocate the survivors of the orphanage far away to the much more peaceful city of Aeria (known as ‘City of Healing’ on the planet Cidestea). They said goodbye to a reliable comrade, to his old identity, to his previous lifestyle; mutually promising that contact will only be made again in a dire situation as a last resort – Dimples was off the radar for good
5 years later, after a successful loot haul The Perihelion stopped by Aeria for a re-fuel and mainly because Seonghwa wouldn’t miss an opportunity to stock up on his medicinal herbs (also adopting some new plant children). Hongjoong led his small crew after being directed by a local to “the best tea spot in town” which turned out to be ‘Mosaic Brews’ run by none other than San
now sporting a more turquoise shade of hair and a woodland elven appearance where once silver ink ran along his skin, now a bold black-brown. The younglings who decided to stick by him now have grown too, toughened up by life yet maintained their soft innocence under San’s care for the past years
curiously they stared in awe at Yunho and Mingi, clearly never seeing such giants (to them) before, the older ones enthusiastically brought out the multi-coloured teas for their new guests and the younger ones were spoiled by Seonghwa’s constant cooing. Hongjoong thought San was more than what met his eyes, the seemingly bright shop owner who’s dimples were on full display and heartily conversed with the young captain still had a guarded air around him
it wasn’t until Yunho and Seonghwa gave a few Urousbaines (with captain’s approval of course, one does not just hand out rarities for free) from their loot to the younglings and San’s nonchalant reaction that got Hongjoong’s eyes sparkling
“don’t worry little one, the flower isn’t frozen, here pass me that water bowl.” and the younglings are still convinced till this day that San is some intergalactic prince with magical powers. Because right in front of their eyes the supposedly frozen flower bloomed and the sunlight refracted off its crystal-like petals, casting a spectrum of colours to fill the small shop
“oh how wondrous! How did you know to do that?” (…and San has left the chat)
A LOT of convincing was needed to get San to hear Hongjoong out (by now the crew knew what their captain wants, he gets) and only after tucking the younglings in for the evening in their rooms on the upper level of the shop did the serious talk start
San swore to leave that life behind but he would be kidding himself if he said he didn’t feel a slight tug at his heart for adventure, yet again. It was a tug-of-war between what the head knows vs. what the heart yearns for
“But Sannie how are you going to save the galaxy if you’re stuck here?” came the soft-spoken voice of the youngest and the group nearly had whiplash turning around. The younglings had snuck downstairs and listened in on the convo, knowing it’ll be sad to part with San but even sadder for him to purposely hold back
the younglings won the debate, that they weren’t naïve nor helpless anymore and together they could take care of themselves and the shop – after all they’ve only learnt from the best (San did notify some of the locals whom were trusted regulars of his temporary leave and to keep an eye on the younglings in his stead)
Yunho offered a communication bot to keep in touch so San could check-in whenever he wished, the younglings were fascinated as the Sheirzoi showed them how to work it and a chorus of “oohs” and “ahhs” were heard when they saw the main deck of the ship through the screen. At present, he made sure to check-in at least once every week, all smiles & dimples when he sees the little ones’ faces squeezed into the single screen
San held onto the younglings right up until he boarded The Perihelion, and making sure to wave back until they were right out of sight. He packed simply but made sure to put up some of the drawings the younger ones gifted him up on his room’s walls and the ‘lucky charm’ that got braided into his hair was worn proudly (the older kids had woven a band with colourful beads & crystallised Echetta wings they found in the garden – from the ‘lucky butterfly’)
the crew reminded him of his old team, how they looked out for one another despite not being blood-related but nevertheless a family of sorts. Eventually everyone found out of his changeling abilities after he nearly gave them a heart attack, “SAN! YOU’RE PURPLE…WHY IS YOUR SKIN PURPLE?!”
Hongjoong never dug too deep into San’s past but was very grateful and appreciative of his fighting skills, thus made him in charge of training the others to be able to defend themselves at least. Cue strict combat trainer San to pop out (Yeosang adds a new curse word to his vocab list after every lesson)
they’ve seen his lethal side where he went on a rampage after Seonghwa got shot
Is probably the only one Jongho trusts to trial his new weapons without blowing something or someone up accidentally
argues with the hot-headed Wooyoung frequently that sometimes Seonghwa has to put them in time-out, initially was legit arguments but now it’s more with an affectionate undertone
Hongjoong and Seonghwa nearly gave him ‘the space dad & mum talk’ after, “bloody hell did you get attacked or something?” upon seeing an array of purple-pink marks across San’s neck when he came stumbling back to the ship just near dawn. The faint scent of perfume lingering and tousled hair gave away that much. “At least leave us a message if not we’re sending the precious cargo retrieval brigade next time”
recently adopted a Kiatrafel [database file: small winged feline-like creature that can spit fire], he calls her “my girl” and is in the midst of training it to not mark its territory everywhere (including on people)
“SAN! Your hellcat just pissed on Hongjoong...again and coughed up flames on Yunho’s notes. Captain says if you don’t come within 5 seconds he’s throwing her down the chute”                                          
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(moodboard made with love, by @s1ardusk​ ♡)
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