#and just thought it would be nice for little nikolai to have a friend
anotherfandomtrash · 2 years
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Look! A sick victorian child from the epilogue! *adopts him* 
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doukeshi-kun · 3 months
Ahem…Keshi…any thoughts about pornstar!nikolai? 🎤
I just think he’d be perfect for that job. He has a nice physique, a huge cock, he’s got the stamina, the enthusiasm— he’d be having so much fun. Just imagine something similar to the director!nikolai x reader AU, but here, Nikolai would be a well-known and pretty successful porn actor already, and the reader is a newbie and she gets to be Kolya‘s co-star!! Totally not losing my mind about this :>
𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙗𝙞𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧
replies ✥ i couldn't articulate my thoughts well but here's a drabble because i definitely agree with you hio. i agree with you a HUNDRED percent. will i probably make this another au/series? most likely ayeee
contents ✥ n.sfw 18+, fem!reader, petnames
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“Nice to meet you, sugar.”
You shyly accept Nikolai's hand, shaking it. Your heart is beating fast as he sits right next to you with a few papers in hand. You know what are those—they are contracts and briefings for a short porn movie you are about to film with this hot star right next to you.
You have known Nikolai since a few years ago when you first stumbled upon his video on a website while you were trying to satisfy yourself from your own sexual frustration. Safe to say, most, if not all, of his videos, certainly did help you get off. You have heard from some of your lucky pornstar friends that has worked with him of how good he is in bed.
Not to mention, his physique is enough to make your imagination run wild.
You started as a camgirl, before a few producers reached you out, offering roles. You declined them though, as you are anxious to venture deeper into the industry. However, you did accept this particular offer a little too quickly. An offer to film a porn video with Nikolai—who doesn't want that?
“Are you nervous?” He asks. His voice is sultry and gentle, though his grin is naughty and playful. You nod slowly. Your eyes can't help but trail from his body to his crotch. He is wearing a compressed black shirt and grey joggers. He is sitting with his legs spread as he skims the pages of the contract. It is just the two of you in the small prep room, as the staff are probably out there preparing the scene—you don't care. It is hard to think when Nikolai is beside you.
“My eyes are up here, sugar.” He says in a teasing voice and you look up immediately with a flustered face. Nikolai cackles—his voice is so nice. “You’re so cute. Don't be sorry, I'm used to it.” He winks.
You smile sheepishly, fiddling with your fingers. This prep room is hot—too fucking hot, even with the AC on. The very cock you watched almost every night is just within your reach. Your mouth waters, so you reach your cup of water to quench your non-existent thirst.
“I actually haven't seen you before... in videos.” Nikolai suddenly says as he puts down the papers on his thigh.
“Oh, right. I'm— This is my first recording for this kind of stuff.” You reply. Nikolai tilts his head, confused.
“Wait, so... Wait, do you even know what are we about to do right now?”
“I-I do! I mean, this is my first recording as a p-pornstar, you know. I am actually a camgirl... before I got offered to this.”
“May I see?”
You want to die—Nikolai wants to watch your videos? You are not even that popular but you do have a following. He gives you his phone, for you to search yourself. “Well, I guess.” You say as you search your own site for him to see. He grins, taking the phone once you find it.
He scrolls through your page, humming and chuckling at something you wish to not know. He looks at you, eyes studying you up and down and then to the screen. “You’re a faceless camgirl. No wonder I haven't seen you before.”
Nikolai clicks on one of your videos and you squeal in embarrassment when you realize that video was recorded when you were wearing a very sexy harlequin costume. You remember the whole time you were pleasing yourself to the camera, your mind kept replaying a certain porn video that was starred by Nikolai. It is impressive how you did not scream out his name when you squirted right onto the camera.
“You look sexy in that, sugar. So gorgeous!” He praises and your cunt clenches when you hear it. “I happen to love this sort of costume myself.” He adds and you swear your stomach feels funny at this point.
“I'll dress up like that more for you.”
You bite your lips, realizing you just said it. But you know you cannot be timid, especially as a pornstar. So you give him a little sly smile, bringing your face closer to him. “What if I say that I dress like that because of you?”
Nikolai snorts, nudging your chin teasingly. “Confidence, I see. I like that too.” He says before he clicks on the 'Follow' button. “How about this, sugar? If you do well for today's filming, I'll bring you to my place.”
Your eyes widen. You want to nod eagerly, you do. But suddenly, the door to the prep room is opened from the outside. A staff calls for Nikolai to get him ready. He gets up and fixes his joggers. Your eyes catch the sight of the lines of his cock—it's big—through the fabric and you find yourself swallowing your saliva at the excitement brewing in your heart. Nikolai smirks, knowing well that he just got himself a jackpot.
“Look forward to it, sugar. You're gonna have fun, I promise ya'.”
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©doukeshi-kun 2024 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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glitch-karma · 10 months
hai i want to req a scenario where bsd characters has a crush on the reader and tries dropping hints but the reader just thinks that they’re being nice :D
characters: yosano, nikolai, akutagawa, ranpo, jouno
I added Chuuya cause I am self-indulgent, but enjoy!
Tw: Very light talk of characters being very touchy, but still sfw
she's so obvious
Constantly complimenting you
Saying how pretty/handsome you are
Maybe a little touchy iykyk
She honestly wants to confess and have a serious relationship with you
and she's been trying to drop hints but..
"Oh Y/n~, you're so cute I could eat you up.."
"Huh? You can't eat people Yosano! Do you need something to snack on?"
"ugh. No, thank you, dear..."
Finally, she'll confess to you after patching you up after a small mission.
"Y/n.. I uhm, really like you."
"Awe, I like you too Yosano! You're my best friend"
She falls on the floor momentarily before just jumping up, grabbing you by the collar, and kissing you.
"O-Oh!" "Yeah. Oh."
"So? Do you.. Like me too?"
"W-Well. If it means we could do that agai- MPHM!"
Another obvious one
Now he's the real feeler upper
He will not let you GO MAN
Definitely a grabber too
I have this vision of him full-on grabbing your ass and you're just like "Oh? What's up, Nikolai?"
Surprise hugs from behind
He lets you braid his hair
Unlike Yosano, he will not be as patient
He'll grab your hands, get down on one knee, and scream:
"Y/n~! I love you! Please go out with me so we can be free together!"
You are not expecting this at all
So you shakily nod
Then he'll pick you up bridal style and run around with you in his arms <3
Now with him
I wouldn't fucking notice either bro
His idea of hints is odd
"You don't suck at fighting.."
"Uhm... Thank you?"
He's read that some people give food to their crushes, so he'll randomly just set a cup of tea down on your desk
Since it's a food he likes, he'll also just leave figs on your desk???
It's, very confusing to say the least
In this case, I don't see him ever actually confessing
it was actually Chuuya that found out and pushed him along
Aka, he dragged you both into the same room and pushed Akutagawa along
but it all worked out in the end
Oh my God you gotta be real dence
And when you get tired and ask him to get off he's just like "Nah I'm good."
Shares his snacks with you
You brought him sweet mochi one day and that was the day he vowed to marry you
You thought he was joking?
Likes pitching your cheeks
"You're so squishy and cute Y/n~ Just like a dumpling" "Ranpo that hurts-"
The way he confesses I hear you ask?
One morning he just, out of nowhere kisses your cheek.
You FLIPPED out and he was just confused
"oh, are we not dating?" "WHAT? NO?!"
He didn't realize you were too busy to notice his feelings
Side note: God we need more Jouno hc's fr tho
Jouno's way of showing he loves you?
Training you to the mfing bone.
Bro does not let up
If you're a hunting dog it's even worse
Y'know that scene where he stands on tecchou's back?
He does that all the time
Sometimes hits your head too
But, if he sees you're genuinely struggling he eases up
Honestly, he shows hints in very small ways that you wouldn't notice
Like a small pat on the back or bringing you water after a long day
All the other hunting dogs can see the way he listens extra intently when you talk as well
Another thing, he remembers almost every conversation you two have even had.
So he knows all your interests, likes, and hobbies
He would probably just casually do a normal confession, bring you a rose and a gift <3
Chuuya is terrified of letting people get too close to him (Kinnie moment-)
So for a while he wouldn't make any attempts at a relationship with you at all
But after you've stuck around him for years, even when others didn't, how could he not be smitten for you?
After a while of denying, he'll finally drop hints
He'll offer to drive you too and from work (mostly for the excuse to have your arms around him)
He also started bringing you lunches on Monday's
Has bought you jewelery and chokers galore
The expensive ones too cause he rich rich
He will drunkenly confess
"Damn.. Why do you have to go and make me fall in love with you?"
He has never sobered up so fast
He tried to stand up and leave, but you grabbed him and hugged him tight
After a few seconds, he did the same
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rubysunnday · 1 year
only twenty minutes to sleep
summary: far beneath the earth, Y/N lies awake, fearing that the shadows might return and finish what they started. Far beneath the earth, Nikolai lies awake, contemplating his grief and Y/N
a/n: not sure what this is, but it wouldn't leave me alone so i wrote it
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No one knew how long they would be stuck underground for. Nikolai had sent soldiers to scout out the route to safety and check it was safe before he even would consider moving.
So, for now, deep under the Little Palace, Y/N was lying on the ground, roughly cushioned by her jacket and an old blanket, searching for sleep.
The attack by the nichevo'ya had rattled all of them. Whilst some were worse off than others, no one had gotten off uninjured. A shard of glass had sliced Y/N’s thigh as she’d ran down the corridors. It wasn’t until the adrenaline had warn off that she’d even realised that she was injured.
Blood had trickled down her leg, staining the material of her trousers. Tamar and David had done their best but neither one of them was a healer. Y/N just had to cope with the pain for now.
Y/N had closed her eyes and was lying as still as she could, but sleep taunted her. Just as she felt herself drifting off, someone would walk past and wake her or she’d shift, sending fire through her leg.
She yearned to talk to Nikolai, to simply spew her feelings to him and share her fear.
Because she was scared. She was terrified.
But Nikolai was king now. He was engaged to Alina and whatever Y/N had felt for him… well, she had to leave it in the past. Friends was all they could possibly be now, no matter what the other wanted.
Groaning, Y/N opened her eyes, squinting at the light of the candles and torches burning around her. She pushed herself up, trying not to move her leg too much, and sat back against the wall. The stones dug into her back slightly, but it was a nice distraction from the throbbing of her leg.
Staring up at the torches burning in front of her, Y/N pressed her thumb to her middle finger, searching inside of her for the familiar burning feeling. It surged towards her, through her veins, and as she held her fingers to the candle sitting on the floor next to her, fire surged up, sitting happily in her palm.
Y/N had always had mixed emotions towards her Inferni powers. Sometimes she wished she’d been a Heartrender or a Durast - something that meant more. Because anyone could make fire.
She couldn’t even summon fire at will, she had to ignite it with a spark or a flame. Yes, she always had a piece of flint on her, but when you were down on your luck, with nothing on you, there was no way to make fire.
Y/N sighed, trying to chase away the thoughts. She rarely trusted her mind after a certain hour - it always veered off into the dark depths, bringing up unwanted memories and thoughts. It was hard, however, to think about something else.
Needing a distraction, Y/N stood up, leaning heavily on the wall behind her. She tentatively put weight on her injured leg, deemed the pain bearable, and stepped forward.
Things had calmed down since the nichevo'ya attack. Many of the wounded were sleeping, their family or friends sitting around them. It was the kind of quiet that only came the night after an attack - when everyone was mourning their losses and planning the next move.
Y/N walked through the tunnels, passing by bodies lying against the walls, covered in sheets. She tried not to look at them.
David was quietly folding up numerous blankets, adding them to an ever decreasing pile as people grabbed one.
"Have you seen Nikolai?" Y/N asked, walking up to him.
"He went to the chapel," David said, turning and giving her a quick, not entirely convincing, smile.
Y/N put a hand on his arm. "Are you ok?"
"Of course," David replied, nodding.
Sensing that he didn't want to talk - Y/N couldn't blame him - she squeezed his arm and stepped away, heading down the tunnels to the chapel.
She had a rough memory of where the chapel was. After a few wrong turns, and pausing multiple times as her leg protested being used too much, Y/N found the side tunnel that led to the chapel.
As she stepped in, she saw Nikolai, staring at the alter. He wasn’t as formal as he had been earlier - he’d lost the military blazer and the cravat. Instead, he’d rolled up his shirt sleeves to his elbows and undone his waistcoat.
He looked more like Sturmhond than he did Nikolai Lanstov. Or maybe he just looked like Nikolai.
“Penny for the thoughts?”
Nikolai jumped slightly but, as he turned, his anxiety dissapted, a smile appearing on his face. "Are my thoughts only worth a penny? I'm disappointed."
Y/N smiled back. She limped over to him, her leg throbbing as she did so.
Nikolai's smile faded as he noticed her leg, concern clouding his eyes. "What happened?"
"Nichevo'ya," Y/N replied, sitting down a pew next to him. "It's fine." She turned her head, taking in his haggard appearance, the grief and exhaustion clear on his face. "How are you?"
Nikolai shrugged. "Don't know."
Y/N's leg brushed against his as she shifted closer. She hesitated for a second before reaching out and put her hand over his. Nikolai turned his hand, threading his fingers through hers, gripping tightly.
"I tried to sleep," he said quietly. "But it's haunting my dreams."
"I understand," Y/N stroked his hand with her thumb, "I'm thinking too much to sleep. I don't just my thoughts after a certain hour, though."
“But you’re still thinking it,” Nikolai said gently, turning his head to face her. “It’s evidently troubling you.”
She sighed, running the pad of her right thumb along her middle finger. “I just feel unimportant,” she said softly.
“Why’s that?”
“Lack of self confidence?”
Nikolai chuckled. He put a hand on her knee and squeezed it gently, trying to mind her injury. “How’s the leg?”
“It’s killing me. It’s killing one of the reasons I can’t sleep.”
“What’s the other? Your thoughts?”
“It’s always the thoughts,” Y/N replied, focusing her gaze upon the soup in her bowl, instead of Nikolai. “No one ever talks about how pathetic being an Inferni is.”
“We’ll, as someone who isn’t Grisha,” Nikolai began, “I think Inferni are rather fabulous.”
“Because we make things go boom?”
“Exactly.” Nikolai grinned at her, his teeth shining. “I love it when you quote me.”
Y/N shoved him lightly, smiling as he giggled. “Stop it.”
“Seriously, though,” Nikolai said, his voice quiet. “What’s going on in that head of yours? Because this Inferni thing is clearly only the beginning.”
Y/N shrugged as she took a sip of her soup, for she, herself, didn’t truly know. “I know I shouldn’t compare, but it’s hard not to. When I look at Tamar or David, I feel a stab of jealousy and desire. Tamar can control people’s hearts and David can make and bend metal and objects to his will. They have so much potential. All I can do is make fire and, even then, I need a spark to start it. I can’t even make my own fire.”
Silence followed her words. Y/N sighed softly, shifting in the pew. Nikolai was quiet, clearly contemplating what she’d said.
“I understand,” he eventually said. “Whilst it’s different, I relate through Sturmhond.”
“How?” Y/N asked, curious, not judging.
“Well, as Sturmhond I can control things, help people… do whatever I want. But as Prince Nikolai, I am limited to doing very little. Even now, as king, I will probably be limited even more. I doubt I’ll be able to do anything. There’s a desire to do more and feel more accomplished than you do.”
Y/N nodded. “Earlier, with the nichevo'ya… I couldn’t do anything. Adrik and Nadia are blasting them back, David is locking doors behind us and I’m just running away, unable to even make a flame because I had no spark.”
“Tamar couldn’t do anything either.”
“She had her axes.”
“Good point.”
“I know.” Y/N smiled at Nikolai. She sighed. “This is why I don’t trust my thoughts. Because, usually, I would go “Tamar didn’t do anything either” and move on. But I keep searching for the negatives.”
Nikolai nodded. He ran a hand through his hair, fighting the urge to yawn. “It’s hard not to after everything that happened.”
“I just want to sleep,” Y/N whispered. “And wake up in however long I get and start again.”
“You know, I couldn’t sleep either,” Nikolai said. He nudged Y/N’s shoulder. “We should lie down beside one smother and every time one of us has a bad thought, we talk our way out of to the other.”
“Is that… allowed?”
“No one will dare say anything. Besides, Alina and I have an arrangement.”
“Look at me,” Y/N muttered, “the King’s mistress.”
“Oh, shush," Nikolai said, hitting her arm gently. He paused. "I am sorry I didn't tell you before it happened."
"It's the politics of being royalty," Y/N shrugged, "it's not any of my business."
Y/N tried, and failed, to stifle a yawn. She put her hand over her mouth, unable to stop the noise escaping her mouth.
Nikolai laughed, throwing his head back. "Alright, come on you."
"What - why?"
"We're going to bed."
Y/N begrudgingly took Nikolai's hand and let him pull her to her feet. He wrapped a hand around her waist, holding her body close to his. Y/N was grateful for the support, especially as her leg buckled the first time she put weight on it.
She could feel the warmth of Nikolai's body, even through her jacket. Y/N put her hand around his torso, resting her head against his shoulder.
They slowly walked down the tunnels until they found an empty camp bed, a pile of cushions and blankets folded neatly on top.
Nikolai guided Y/N to the bed. She sat down on it and, with Nikolai's help, lifted her leg up on to it. Y/N shuffled over until she was pressed up against the wall, leaving room for Nikolai.
He laid down beside her, the side of his body pressing against hers. They were a right pair, lying on a tiny camp bed in a tunnel. But, already, Y/N felt safer.
“There’s another reason I can’t sleep,” Y/N said softly, her fingers dancing over the buttons of her shirt. She hesitated, searching for the right words.
“Go on,” Nikolai prompted gently. “I won’t judge.”
“I’m terrified,” Y/N whispered. She exhaled slowly, trying to keep her heart calm. “I’m terrified the nichevo'ya will reach us down here. Every shadow, every noise... I keep thinking they've somehow made their way down here."
Nikolai's hand brushed against hers. Y/N unfolded her fingers from her palm and Nikolai linked his fingers with hers, squeezing gently.
"As much as I would love to say they won't find us," NIkolai said softly, "I can't."
"I know."
"But I can promise you that, no matter what happens, I'll look out for you." Nikolai turned his head, his gaze flittering across her face, settling on her eyes. "I know you can handle yourself, more so than I can... but I'll be by your side, I promise."
Y/N gave him a soft smile. "I know. The same thing goes to you, moi tsar."
Nikolai rolled his eyes, but he began to laugh. "Shut up," he said, gently nudging her with his shoulder.
With a sigh, Y/N snuggled down into Nikolai's side, still holding his hand tightly. "Just speaking the truth."
"If you're calling me moi tsar, you need to start calling Alina moya tsaritsa." Nikolai frowned. "That sounds weird. Maybe don't do that." He paused, waiting for Y/N to reply. "Y/N?"
He looked down and stilled. Y/N's eyes were closed and her breathing had evened out. Nikolai pressed his lips together, a smile pulling at the edges as he watched Y/N for a moment. Her chest rising and falling was a reassuring sight - reminding him that she was still alive and by his side.
Nikolai breathed out, letting his body relax as he did so. He stole one more glance at Y/N, taking in her peaceful expression, and closed his own eyes, willing the twenty minutes it usually took him to fall asleep to pass quickly.
He had things to dream about.
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syllvane · 1 year
beginnings pt 3 - nikolai lantsov x reader
“You’re settling in better than I thought you would.”
You turned around from where you were checking some knots, looking at Sturmhond.
You went back to your work quickly, not giving yourself the opportunity to look at him any longer than necessary.
Perhaps the second most frustrating thing about this whole ordeal, besides the fact that you had been completely cut off from the Crows, is that he was in fact more handsome than you had given him credit for, when he was playing warden and you, Jesper, and Kaz prisoner.
He was gorgeous and you hated him for it, if only because that was an easier option than taking a nuanced look at your feelings.
“You were the one who invited me to join your crew, did you not think I would settle in good then?”
“Yes, well I wouldn’t say that you voluntarily joined the crew.”
“And if I had joined when I was in handcuffs, that would’ve been voluntary?”
“Give yourself some credit, you had already broken out of the handcuffs by then,” He said and you looked at him to see him already smiling at you.
You shook your head in disbelief, but couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your lips.
“I am truly sorry, that we couldn’t bring you back to Ketterdam. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, it’s-”
“I know. Sun Summoner gathering amplifiers and tearing down the Fold trumps returning me to my friends.” You said, tugging at one last knot and, satisfied, turning to him. “What about you? What’s your interest in tearing down the Fold?”
His face shifted into an expression that you hadn’t seen yet in your several days aboard the Volkvynk, his eyes trying to peer into your mind.
“There’s a lot of money to be made.“
You scoffed, the obvious lie sitting in between the two of you. He raised his eyebrows.
“I’m familiar with men who think that the only sacred thing in this world is profit. You’re not one of them.” You said, watching the careful, guarded expression on his face. “You’re doing this because you care about Ravka. Because you’re a good person, underneath all the charm and sarcasm and wit.”
The corners of his lips turned upwards.
“Careful, that sounded an awful lot like a compliment.”
“It wasn’t. Just an observation.”
“You’re quite good at this.” He said, motioning around you. “Sailing, I mean, not observations.”
You rolled your eyes.
“My parents taught me a little bit when I was younger, before they died.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It was a long time ago. I never knew them enough to miss them.” You said simply. “Tell me something about yourself.”
“Because we’re having a conversation and I’m oversharing.”
He laughed slightly before looking out over the horizon, a faraway, distant look in his eyes.
“My name- my real name, is Nikolai Lantsov. My crew knows, the Sun Summoner doesn’t. It’s not something I usually advertise.”
“No, I wouldn’t think so.” You said, holding your thoughts close to your chest. “All of this, Stumhond, the Volkvolny, is to help Ravka.”
“That’s what I’m hoping, anyways.” He said, still looking off into the horizon.
You looked at him and, for maybe the first time, allowed yourself to really look at the man standing besides you, sun painting his skin golden and his eyes bluer than the sea.
“It’s nice to meet you, Nikolai.”
He turned, looked at you and smiled.
You swallowed the fluttering in your chest, like you could choke the butterflies if you tried hard enough.
“It’s nice to meet you too.”
tag list: @a-disturbing-self-reflection @mischiefmanaged71 @lunamadhatter99 @feyredarling92 @reverse-iak @zanmorgan @criesinlies @ducks118 @home-of-disaster @96jnie @inluvkai @maddieg1025
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iridescentdove · 11 months
Fyodor, Nikolai & Sigma w/ Elysia! Reader
Elysia is the Herrscher of Human Ego in Honkai Impact. She is a girl as beautiful as dancing petals, and holds the power which is comparable to a God itself.
Her personality is cheerful and sweet-loving, Elysia cares about her friends and everyone else dearly. She's elegant, unique, and is a person who enjoys everything.
Soukoku, Atsushi & Ranpo Ver. ♡ Port Mafia Ver.
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Let's get one thing out the pocket first, i hate this rat mf to hell and beyond so let's start shall we? <3
He's full of intrigue. Fyodor hasn't seen you yet in full action, and begins to question and anticipate the day he finally meets you face-to-face.
As a bitch man with a God complex, this dude would take it slightly lightly.
I mean, how much better could you be?
Could you really stand against him for long?
And to a much unexpected surprise, his imagination was far off from what he had thought.
How pretty you are. As you always described yourself 'a girl as beautiful as dancing petals', his pride made him not want to admit such...but he did agree later on.
What made him feel a change of emotion was how sweet and carefree you were. You're beautiful, and kind.
Maybe he began to think more differently.
He'd definitely tried to kill you with his ability the first time you met UGH THIS LITTLEPIECEOF–
You were obviously skeptical and sensed something from him, being as he was so keen on shaking your hand as you remained with a soft smile.
Fyodor anticipated you to die to the effects. To witness all the power he possibly had.
But fortunate to unfortunate, your demise never came.
That was when he began to observe you more. And to his own surprise, he fell in love. In no way did he expect to do so, and more importantly to a God. Impossible.
Fyodor witnessed your full power sooner or later, and your God Form that sent everyone levitating ABOVE FR
Every inch of you from top to bottom was perfect.
And so the obsession begins. He's definitely created his own cult or had worshipped you to no end. Fyodor won't stop praying no matter the time of day.
Waking up and going to sleep, before and after he eats, even when the slightest misfortune comes up.
He'll speak to you like you're not just a God. You're his God.
Fyodor slowly comes aware and accepts that you're like, probably over a thousands times stronger. But then again it doesn't matter anymore.
He just wants you to stay still, and be pretty.
Just seal it with a kiss <3
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Me to Fyodor: Ew fuck off
Me to literally Nikolai, Sigma & everyone else: Aww i love you guys sm and i'll do everything in my ability to make you happy and feel loved so have a cookie and my–
So, first of all, you met him while feeding the birds. It was a fun little hobby you were doing nowadays.
Plus, you loved animals! So why not?
Nikolai found himself staring at you the longer you kept at it, and took in your features that were so unique. He's never seen anyone like you around.
Dude tried to walk up to you and ask if you were real
We'd all know he ain't really sane so let's just say that the first encounter was a little strange. But still, you didn't back off and kept talking to him so...nicely?
Why? He found this curious, and had asked you a few things while talking. But then again, it didn't last.
Took you to Fyodor right after lmao
You'd told him barely a thing about your "ability", but he had that feeling it was nothing so normal. Plus why tf are you wearing such a revealing outfit...in summer.
Don't judge that's just Elysia's Pink Elf outfit bae
Thought Fyodor found you useful, although hesitated a bit for the first time ever. He, deep down, didn't want to involve you. And when Fyodor tried to use his ability on you..
It didn't work. This caused him and Sigma to really question your own existence knowing how it was impossible.
Then the big reveal. Nikolai grew fond of you. He, as seeing you were such a beautiful, powerful omnipotent God - never did he leave your side and continued worshipping you.
Oh, an your God Form? He lives for it, really. Finds you even more beautiful than you already are.
Nikolai loves touching your soft hair...and maybe something else that's soft- ahem
Someone insulted you? They went missing the next day! You're hungry? Suddenly there's food at your doorstep. You're buying new clothes? He's already there beside you.
Holding you against his chest, Nikolai's cold heart began seeking for the warmth known as you.
And no matter what, he's never gonna leave you <3
"Quiz time! Who is my one and only beloved?...Correct! Ahaha. I love you, (Y/N)."
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He's normally stoic around you, and acts just as how he does with everyone else. But oh, he's definitely not glancing at you every few minutes, admiring your beauty, looki–
Let's just say he's a bit more silent. He's definitely affected by you somewhat, and honestly who wouldn't?
You knew he owned a casino, so you began visiting.
Sigma had seen you walking up to customers and just chatting, being nice. Greeting them, and even offering a present you got on the way.
You were honest, and something so rare - so pure. It was so impossible to be innocent in this world.
But you proved him wrong in every way. No bad intention.
Sigma fell for you the moment it clicked. You're so pretty, so loveable, so sweet. And he didn't want to admit it but you're the only one brightening his day.
He looks forward to your visits at the casino, and even gets you a drink that's specifically for you - only for you.
It's a pretty, sparkly pink lemonade drink with a purple gradients - and sweet whipped cream. Topped off with (f/c) sprinkles and a small slice of lemon on the side.
He had named it after you. And you've never seen something so beautiful - you didn't even want to drink it.
During a mishap, you and Sigma had run into trouble. It was then occuring to you that he was hurt very badly.
You wanted nothing but to help him. Sigma had felt it, the full, extreme omnipotent power - only possible to be acquired as that of a true God.
Your God Form overwhelmed him to some extent, but he didn't care later on. You were breathtaking.
Since you loved humanity so dearly, he silently wished that you loved him as well.
Maybe his love even rivals your own.
A girl, more beautiful than dancing petals.
Sigma doesn't show it much, but he's awestruck. And with how deeply in love he is with you anyways, don't be surprised if you find yourself with a ring on your finger.
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stopiteatpopcorn · 5 months
The Casino managers weakness
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Ler!Nikolai x Lee!Sigma
Words: 1488
It was a typical early morning in the sky casino, the guests were still fast asleep in their rooms, most of them completely passed out from a previous night of drinking and gambling. The owner, Sigma, had been sitting in his office, reading over every guests profiles once again, psyching himself out and maybe getting a little too stressed. Suddenly a very familiar man slipped his way inside, a cheery, overly excited grin on his face. “Well well well, looks like you’re already wide awake huh~? Oh, are you busy? Meh whatever- How are you today, my dearest Sigma~?!” Nikolai asked teasingly and poked his side, to which the tired man beside him flinched, before rolling his eyes and hoping he didn’t notice. Oh but this was Nikolai, he definitely did. 
“I’m just fine, Nikolai. But it’s too early for your shenanigans, so please give me a moment in silence.” Sigma muttered, eyes focused on the documents in front of him. This simply would not do for the clown like man.  “Oh, you wouldn’t happen to be a little…Ticklish, would ya~?” He asked, to which split haired man blushed, ignoring the question and moving on with his work. “…Hey~ It’s not very nice to ignore your friends, right~? It can’t hurt to pay me a little attention!” Nikolai cried dramatically, leaning over Sigma's shoulder, however Sigma couldn’t care less to shove him off.                                                                           “It very much can, I have a lot of guests and a lot of work. So once again, please just give me some quiet.” Sigma snarled slightly, giving Nikolai a look of annoyance. However, Nikolai noticed that Sigma hadn’t slept at all, he could see the dark circles under his eyes. Although he couldn’t care less- or maybe he could- that Sigma was tired, he still wanted to mess with him at least a little bit!             “Okay, okay. Fine. I’ll back off…~” The man then swung his coat and disappeared. Finally, Sigma could go back to his peace and quiet. Or at least that’s what he thought. But maybe he spoke too soon….
Not even half an hour later, a gloved hand suddenly snuck it’s way through a glowing portal and reached towards Sigma's waist from behind. The man let out an undignified squeal when it squeezed at his side, squirming away. “Eep-Hehey! What the-?!” He giggled, whipping around in his seat to see nothing but the wall behind him. He knew what was going on. So Nikolai wanted to play that game, huh? Fine. But he wouldn’t win. Sigma went back to his work and skimming over the papers slowly, before he felt Nikolai's other hand at his left side, spidering up it and making him squeak. Sigma quickly grabbed his hand in one of his however this unfortunately backfired, as the floating hand quickly wormed its way out of his grip, but grasped tightly onto his wrist instead, lifting up his arm. Crud. Before he could pull it back down, Nikolai's free hand was back, tracing it’s way up his ribs towards his raised arm.
Sigma felt the giggles bubbling in his throat, the rest of Nikolai's body appearing in front of his desk. “Nawww~ Is someone getting distracted? But I thought you were supposed to be focused on your work!” Teased a handless Nikolai, grinning playfully. This made Sigma blush. Madly. He opened his mouth to protest at him but all that came out was stutters and small giggles. “N- Nikolahai-! Dohon’t- Ehehe-!”                                                              “Don’t what, Sigma~?” He asked, feigning innocence.                      “T- Tihickle mehehe!” Sigma giggled, eyes widening when he saw Nikolais grin get even more teasing, and the hand spidering up his ribs began to circle a single finger around his underarm. “W- Wahahait- I dihidn’t-”  “Well, if you wanted it so bad, you could've just said so~!” And suddenly all five fingers were scribbling at his unprotected armpit, making Sigma let out a high pitched squeal, throwing his head back with laughter.                                                                                   “Wahahait-i! Nahahaha!” He giggled, a smile worming its way onto his red face. It didn’t help when Nikolai's other hand which was previously holding his wrist let go, only to begin digging into his tummy, making him kick and nearly fall off his chair. “Nikolahaihihi! Plehehehease!”  “Please, what? Please continue? Why of course I will~!” The man in question teased, smirking when it made Sigma giggle harder. Eventually, he slowed it down ever so slightly to let the poor man breathe. “Was that enough to get you all tired out, Sigma~?” He asked, to which sigma answered with the most annoyed voice he could muster- Which didn't sound even slightly annoyed at all.       “I’m nohot that weak Nikolai, whahat doho you take me for?” He said quietly, a couple giggles still escaping him as he tried his best to glare at the magic man above him, who simply smirked. 
“I dunno, it seems you’re pretty sensitive to me~! But I’ll tell ya what…I’ll stop if you promise to take a break!” Nikolai offers, letting go for a moment as his hands came back to his own body again. Sigma thought, and he thought hard. To be perfectly honest he quite liked the tingly feeling all the tickles gave him, and even more so how he was just able to laugh so freely rather than stress for a moment. But it was too embarrassing to admit, especially to Nikolai- he’d hold it above his head forever. But maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. Or maybe it would. Knowing him, he was unpredictable like that. Though…Sigma was willing to take the shot.                               “I….Fine I’ll take a break…” He sighed, to which Nikolai surprisingly nodded.             “Alright! Then I’ll leave you be, it looks like you need the rest!” He said, about to raise his coat and disappear again, however he heard a but, which stopped him in his tracks. 
“But…Could you- Maybe- Do it again..?” Sigma asked, looking away nervously and blushing once more. Nikolai turned to face him again, a confused look on his face, before he realized what the man meant and smirked slyly.                                                                               “Do what again, Sigma~?” He asked, slowly leaning down to face him. Sigma was smiling nervously.                                                          “Y- You know-! Just-” He stuttered, face going bright. Nikolai's hands disappeared once again, reappearing beside Sigma, fingers wiggling in the air teasingly as he hid his face with an embarrassed squeak. 
“Nawww, What’s wrong? Why are you hiding~? I’m sure you can tell me what you want~!” He teased as his fingers got closer, nearly touching him, before retracting again. Sigma pouted behind his hands, peaking through his hands. It was now or never.                     “Just- Please tickle me again!” He blurted out quickly, shutting his eyes. But nothing came. He lowered his hands slightly, nervous that maybe he’d finally found something that even shocked the clown. However almost as soon as his hands uncovered his face, Nikolai's hands were squeezing at his hips, making him buck and screech. 
“Ahahawww~! Well isn’t that just the cutest request~! Did you think I’d say no?” He asks, to which Sigma nodded as he squirmed and giggled relentlessly. “Really? What kind of monster do you take me for? How could I possibly deny you this when your reactions are so interesting! And look at that smile~ I’m sure your casino guests must melt at just the sight of it~” This made Sigma blush and squeal again, shaking his head.                          “Nahahaha! I- It ihisn’t cuhuhute!” He giggled, but Nikolai was having none of it as one hand began spidering up and down his back, making Sigma arch with more giggles.                 “Oh yes it is! In fact- It’s absolutely adorable~! I’m sure these guests of yours would love to find out about just how sensitive you are, let alone how much you love it!”           “NOHOHO!” He yelled out through his laughter, shaking his head wildly. “Dohohon’t say a wohohohord!” He squealed, tears pricking his eyes.                    “Alright alright~ I won’t tell them…For now~!” Sigma whined, but nonetheless was still giggling loudly. This lasted for a while longer, the two bickering back and fourth while Sigma laughed and laughed.                                                                                                           
By the end of it all Sigma had fallen off his chair, face bright red, hair disheveled. Nikolai smiled down at him.                                       “Alright, I think you’ve had enough now.” His hands came back to his body, one taking a while longer as it came back with a glass of water which he placed on Sigma's desk. “How was that~?” He asked teasingly.                                                                                             “It felt good to laugh like that I guess…’ Sigma mumbled in embarrassment, to which the clown laughed.                                    “You guess? We both know you loved it~! Now, take a moment to rest up!” He said, however before he disappeared, he whispered in Sigma's ear. 
“...Oh by the way…I’m so telling Dos- Kun~!” Before Sigma could grab him, he was gone. He got up to his desk, before burrowing his face in his arms. Damnit Nikolai!
A/N: Hey Everyone, apologies for the late post but this is my @squealing-santa gift for @strawberry-mushrooms!! Merry Christmas and happy new year, and I'm so sorry your gift has arrived a lil late! I added way more than expected, but I hope you enjoy the fic!
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somethingblu3 · 4 months
Mirror Mirror | Nikolai
Read on Ao3 here
18+ minors dni.
Fandom: Beyond The Rave (2008)
You and Nikolai need to relieve your stress after a hunt.
TW: vampires,mirror sex,hate fuck,Vampire Sex,Rough Sex,standing sex,dirty talk,humiliation,biting,scratching,bruises,bram stoker lore ,blood drinking,Enemies to Lovers, vampires vs humans, vampire hunter,Possessive Sex,toxic,Unhealthy Relationships,dom/sub,No Safeword,forbidden relationship,hunting,Stress Relief,Orgasm Delay/Denial.
Pairing: Nikolai x female afab reader.
Word Count: 2,044
Graphic Credit: @keep-it-light
lightly edited. Still new to smut so let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy the buffy references! I'm trying to keep the vampire lore mostly in line with Bram Stroker. Here's the poem.
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"I would appreciate it if you stopped killing my friends," Nikolai sneers as he watches you enter the basement, and you drop the wooden stake to the floor with a 'clank.'
You roll your eyes at him. "And it would be nice if your friends stopped eating mine," You warn him.
He scoffs as he steps forward, and his hand cups your right cheek. "Darling, what would be the fun in that? I know you love the chase I can feel it when your heart skips a beat. I just wish you would admit it," He whispers into your neck softly.
"Never." You groan from the tiredness and the physical exhaustion of the hunt for pleasure from his bite. You can't tell.
After a few sucks, he pulls away and wipes the crimson blood stating his chin with the back of his hand. "What's not enough for you, Nikolai?" You almost whine.
He smirks greedily "It's not that Darling, it's just that I have a little...surprise for you...a little..gift."
You raise a brow. Nikolai's gifts were never traditional gifts as you watch him scurry around the basement you half expect him to gift you a fresh head in a box you wouldn't put it past him.
You keep your eye focused carefully on him as he moves something tall and rectangular shaped in the shadows covered in a bed sheet. As Nikolai removes the cloth, uncovering the mirror. The light behind you bounces off the glass, creating a kaleidoscope. As he shrugs the rest of the fabric away in the reflection of the mirror, the cloth dances on its own accord.
"A mirror?" you frown.
Nikolai throws the bed sheet onto the ground and he scans the mirror even though he has no reflection he reaches forward and presses his finger against the faded text of the silver frame.
"I thought Silver was deadly for vampires" You say with a frown as your eyes escape your own reflection. It makes you uncomfortable your skin scrawls it's almost as if you don't want to face yourself and you know that Nikolai can hear your blood pumping.
"That's a myth" He tells you. He seems entranced by the mirror, his eyes mesmerized by it.
It almost broke your heart. he hadn't seen himself for who knows how long. It must be strange you knew one thing for sure that being turned would be the last thing you wanted not just because of the loss of your reflection but also because of the other factors not being able to see the sun hiding in the dark and the shadows all alone but then your heart skipped and you knew he felt it too. Nikolai wasn't alone. He had you even if you wanted nothing more than to stake his heart and rip his head off. There was a fondness you had for him even if it was small and often short-lived you couldn't lie to yourself that Man. That monster consumed you.
"This mirror's special to you, isn't it?" You ask
He nods and you watch as his adam's apple bobs.
"I guess you could say that. It's the last thing from my home before....before it happened"
The fire. You knew so little about his past but every now and then he would bring up the fire you had done your own research of course behind his back you couldn't trust him at first but from what you've found he had gone through something traumatic regarding a fire. Loosing not just a house but from the wording of the newspaper a wife and a baby. You couldn't help but sometimes wonder if he was looking to replace that in you.
You squint your eyes as you try and read the font that is wrapped around the frame of the mirror. Not only is it singed, it's also cursive and you quickly discover it is not in English.
"Romanian" He tells you firmly snapping you out of your haze - a side effect of his bite.
"What does it mean?" You ask
He hesitates for a moment, clenching his jaw "It's a poem"
"Will you read me it?" You request hopefully a smirk curls at the corner of your lips.
"I will it's your girl after all Darling but why don't we use it to it's full advantage hm?" He hums
You chew your bottom lip "What do you mean?"
Nioklai turns on his feet suddenly he's behind you. Swift vampire speed.
You roll your eyes as you feel his hands digging into your side shimming you out of your dirt stained trousers.
"Why don't you wear skirts anymore?" He teased dragging the fabric further and further to expose your underwear.
Dark blue with constellations. Cute.
You wished more than anything you could see his reflection in the mirror as he stood behind you. A shiver ran down your spine as he palmed your ass with his hand caressing it until it left marks you knew you would be purple and blue all over when morning came you would have to go back to wearing your long jumpers in the middle of summer so that your brother Ed wouldn't see.
"Your thinking about him, aren't you pet?" Nikolai teased as he hooked your finger in your underwear. You were already bared and aching for him.
You didn't say anything in return you knew that he was playing with you teasing and trying to get under your skin you focus on your own reflection in the mirror ignoring his taunts you weren't going to let him get off that easy.
"Your brother Ed. What would he think if he knew that his innocent sister was a Vampire's whore?" He taunted as he punctuated every word.
"He won't know. He will never know about this-" You say as you watch him from the corner of his eye and he lets out a dark chuckle.
"My dear. If he doesn't know by now I will make sure that he does by leaving these pretty little marks against your porcelain skin" His lips brush against your neck even tangled in your hair.
You moan into him, almost giving up on him entirely. Your body turned to mush as your underwear fell to the ground of the basement, your legs cold and shivering even colder against his ice skin.
"You promised me-" You whine as he pulls his lips back "A poem"
He groans "Your insatiable"
"I thought this was meant to be my gift Nikolai?" you frown with a pout as you try to find some way to play with him. To get him back for all the times he would easily turn your body into clay he could mold anyway he wanted.
"Now your going to be a good girl and I'll tell you the poem as long as you let me fuck you in front of this mirror" He orders
You nod. Purley out of habit. Fuck.
"Tell me, tell me that you want to do this-" He urges.
You know he doesn't actually want your consent he just makes you say it so he can taunt you about it later. That you wanted this - that you asked for this. Asked for his bruises burning against your skin branding you with his sharp claws.
"I--" you whimper as his finger nails dig deeper into your flesh he hasn't even entered you yet and you don't even need to see his reflection to know that he's enjoying this.
You heard him from behind as he undid his zipper with one hand. You could feel his jeans rubbing against you as they fell down you could feel him immediately and he wans' even pressing against you.
"I want this" You tell him and then he finally enters. He breathing into your ear.
"I think you deserve this gift from me my sweet"
You moan as you feel him ghost against you, the edge of his tip pressing against the softness of your skin.
"Your dripping for me already aren't you my love?" He teases as his hand reaches to press against your clit.
"Drenched-" He smirks.
You watch yourself in the mirror. Your head and eyes rolling back as he brushed teased and rubbed against you. You bite your bottom lip trying to conceal your sounds but you were in the basement and your brother was away with his girlfriend for the week so it wasn't as if it matters how loud you were. You just didn't want to hear yourself so exposed and so used by him. It was humiliating but at the same time...you enjoyed it, craved it even.
You try and move away to tease him but he already has you under his grasp under his will it was like you were possessed - hypnotized even as he grinds against you continuing to pick up the pace.
"No more teasing-tell me your damn poem" You groan. You could orgasm just from this alone not even touching his cock and boy does he know that.
"Alright fine" He grunts "But if you look away you know the consequences" He taunts as he takes a handful of your hair as a taunt. As a warning.
You moan in conformation.
"Good" You hear Nikolai behind you licking his lips as your eyes flutter back to your reflection.
"And suddenly I understood that without you I’m not completely sane myself, To run away and come straight back I’m tempted"
His thrusts increase with each word. You watch yourself your body jerking back you can feel his eyes on your tits as the bounce under your shirt. You don't normally wear a bra with your workout gear and with a hunt there was no need for one today.
Lucky Bastard.
There was something about hearing Nikolai grunt behind you his hand slapping into your ass as his thrusts changed rhyme from slow and steady to then fast hard and primal.
"To never know my place on Earth again. So fast did you become part of my blood, So much part of myself you are right now, A mere scratch would make me cry, For fear that I might lose you drop by drop"
"Nikolai-" You gasp.
You felt nothing but your mixed pleasure dripping between your legs. Already you were numb and soaked after this you knew you would need a long warm shower to escape his aroma.
"There is no springtime anywhere, With lifeless blossoms now you button up your coat. With springtime’s bitterness I look for honey, But you, my love, are there in its place."
You wish you could see him as he came undone grunting as he thrusted into you. You knew it was nearing the end as he brushed his fangs against your neck puncturing it still you watched yourself in the mirror. You could practically see his cock probing against your belly he was so far so deep and so tight. There was something about a vampire that was so different from anything else you had experienced before. Perhaps that was the reason why you found it almost impossible to escape his embrace.
Your neck is red now as he tears at it, ingesting your blood your body rocking back and forth his skin smacking against yours. You eyes fall to the floor as you watch your cum drip down to your legs.
"And suddenly I know that without you, I die myself and can’t come back to life, Although I had been born, as you well know,To be the one protecting you from-from"
He stutters, and it's a sight to behold. You watch as your undead lover comes undone, groaning as he thrusts into you once more, slamming you into him. You are already weak at the knees, and thanks to his powerful grasp, you are able to stay upright for the most part.
"Nikolai-" There's a sense of urgency in your voice as you urge him to come and to finish the poem.
"From yourself-" He grunts, and you roll your head back as you feel his body vibrate with pleasure, and he wraps you in a cold embrace. He breathes in and then out. It won't be long until he's back thrusting into you again.
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wasteofbandagesxx · 5 months
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~Fly away with me~
{Nikolai gogol x reader}
Nikolai wanted to take you out on a date. You thought of it as a friendly hangout, but to him, it was more than that. Ever since he met you, he can't help but find interest in you. You looked helpless when he first saw you. You were nothing more but a regular person who just stands there in existence.
"Nikolai, I've forgotten to introduce you to one of my subordinates." A man said, his Russian accent was thick. Nikolai couldn't help but stare at the lovley lady standing next to Fyodor. You looked slightly broken, but her sanity and everything was still there. That's when something clicked in his head. That he wasn't the only one trapped in Fyodor's chains, but you as well. He thought, maybe you guys could be friends. Enjoy each other's company while they are trapped in a cage like helpless birds. Nikolai grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss, giving you one of his silly but handsome smile. "Nikolai Gogol. And you are?" He asks, not letting go of your hand.
Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and months turned into years. It's been 2 years since you've guys met. You two were inseparable, that's how close you guys are. Nikolai couldn't help but feel giddy over the past 2 yrs whenever he's around you. You just make him so happy.
"Y/nnnn!!" Nikolai whined as he tried getting your attention. You were too busy reading your favorite book and didn't want to be disturbed. Knowing Nikolai, he will never shut up until he's got your attention. With a dramatic sigh, you placed a golden bookmark in the book to keep track of what page your on. You put the book down and finally gave your attention to the jester. "Yes? What is it, Nikolai?" Nikolai couldn't help but feel excited. "Hmmmm...well. I was hoping we could go and hang out! We're free to do whatever we want today, and this precious time shouldn't be wasted!" He said dramatically. "Alright Alright. Let's go then."
And that's how you ended up here, hand in hand and walking side by side as if you two were a couple. Your the kind of person who's too focused on work and tries hard to satisfy Fyodor's needs. Unlike Nikolai, he is care free and loves to annoy the hell out of him.
You two are at a fancy mall looking at fancy things or whatever, Nikolai was like a toddler and you were his babysitter. "Isn't this place wonderful? So many things to look at!" He said with sparkles in his eyes. You couldn't help but smile at his weird behavior. "Oh! Dove look, let's go up those escalators!" With your in his, he drags you over to the escalator. You don't know why but he for some reason finds it amusing. Once you got to the top floor he took you to get Ice cream at the little ice cream shop. He insisted on paying for once and share ice cream together. "Want cookie dough? Gotcha!" He buys the ice cream and insists on feeding you it.
Later on he would like to take you clothes shopping. "Oh Dove! This dress would look beautiful on you, try it on!"
Nikolai felt like passing out when you tried out the nice dress he wanted you to wear. It was a red dress that came with a Dove necklace. "Do I look ok?" You asked, looking in the mirror and checking yourself out. "You look beautiful. Let's get this one." You turned around and gave Nikolai a suspicious look. "I very much doubt that the money your spending isn't yours." Nikolai giggles and pats your head. "I may of stole some money from Sigma."
"Ofc you did." You sighed.
After buying the dress, you guys went out to a fancy dinner. A lot of girls were staring because of how incredible handsome Nikolai is, and he couldn't help but smile in confidence. He enjoys the attention and thrives on it, and that's what you find funny about him. "You sure do attract a lot of ladies" you giggled and ate a piece of your steak. "I sure do. Sadly for them, I only have an eye for one person and it's none of them."
That got you curious enough to ask, "oh? Who is it?" He grins at your question and takes a quick sip of his wine. "You'll find out soon."
Time passes by fast, it was night time already. Nikolai wanted to go for a walk, he thought that it would be calming to enjoy the nice refreshing air after being in a loud noisy mall. You did enjoy the silence with your best friend. And so did he. You two eventually sat down on the small bridge and stared down at the water. "Isn't it beautiful?? Seeing the reflection of the sky in the water is just beautiful. It's like a movie!" Nikolai says happily, you nodded in agreement and then look up. Nikolai followed your gaze and looks up at the sky too. The stars were shaped as two birds flying away together, Nikolai smiled. He smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile this time, it was a sad smile. The stars remind him of how badly he wants to be free, to fly away and be free from emotions. He felt that you were one of the reasons why he felt stuck. Like he was stuck in a cage with a broken wig.
"Dove. Have you ever thought of what free will feels like?" He asked. You looked at him confused, "What are you talking about?" You asked. Nikolai took a deep breath and looked at you, "Freedom, Y/n. Have you ever craved the sweet feeling of freedom? The feeling of being able to fly out of the cage?" He asked again. Of course, you would be too oblivious to understand, thanks to Fyodor with manipulation and mind tricks. Nikolai sighed and turned his body to face you, he grabbed your hands and held them before speaking his mind.
"I want to know what it's like to be free. Life is nothing but emptiness, I use to think Fyodor would fill that emptiness...but I guess not. He was my only friend, or so I thought. But then you came, you came into my life and you filled that emptiness! I want to be free from these emotions, but when it comes to you it's just impossible! Makes me go insane! I spent 2 years thinking about what I want, or how will I be able to possess my own free will with you in the way? But then I realized, not only were you causing me pain, but happiness as well."
You looked at him confused, not knowing what to say before he continued speaking.
"I've come to realize that you are the key to freedom. Like how I am your key as well. You are the reason why I feel sane. I don't feel free because of these feelings I have for you, but the same time I do. You make me feel sane, despite having to live in a dark cruel world we call reality. What I'm saying is that I like you Y/n, I want you to be mine."
You just stood there in shock. Nikolai just smiled silently, hands trembling as he waited for your response. "I want you to be free with me, Dove." He added.
You couldn't help but feel a wave of mixed emotions, you asked yourself if it was love. Hearing Nikolai confess his love for you made you feel warm inside.
"Nikolai...I love you too." You responded.
Nikolai immediately jumped with joy and pulled you into a tight embrace. The warmth of his body made you feel warm and safe, you wanted to melt in his loving embrace. "Oh Dove, I'm so happy you love me too! I can't wait for what the future holds for us!"
You couldn't help but smile at his words, but the next thing he said shocked you to your core.
"Fly away with me. Let's be free together and spread our wings! If your not ready, I'll wait for you."
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amsgrey · 1 year
Zoya Nazyalensky x Fem!Grisha!Reader
I am such a Zoya simp I love her so much. I wrote this in like an hour, so it's not that good but I just needed to write for my queen.
Synopsis: You return to the little Palace after the Civil War. You find you aren't the only one who came back for Ravka.
Warnings: not at all proofread or edited, some spoilers for sab s2 obvi, show!Zoya bc I haven't read the king of scars duology yet, kind of ooc Zoya bc I'm trying to learn how to get her right, reader and Zoya being smitten and Genya making fun of them, not really any good plot lol.
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You had come to the little palace when you were 8, your father bringing you from your village at the border with Frejda. He worried that the Frejdan raids would get you killed, especially after he realized you were Grisha. The day he said goodbye to you was the last day you saw him, leaving you in the big world with no family. That quickly changed when you became friends with another Grisha your age, a squaller with strong powers and an even stronger will.
You two grew up together, getting closer and closer. You even went on missions together in The Wandering Isle. That changed when General Kirigan found the Sun summoner and Ravka became unstable. You had been stationed in Kerch, working to recruit Grisha and free Grisha slaves. After news of the Darkling's attack, you stayed and found a place to live hiding away from the Civil War that raged back home. You only returned after Tsar Nikolai's coronation, bringing Grisha you freed in Kerch.
Walking into the Little Palace after years away, you felt a strange feeling of wistfulness. You used to love walking the grounds of the little palace, often with Zoya or Nina, enjoying the nativity of childhood.
Standing on the steps leading into the Little Palace was Genya Saffin, neatly dressed in a pale gold Kefta. Once, she would be in a bright Red kefta to show her station as Corparlki, but now every Grisha wore the same Gold Kefta. Gold being the colour of the Ravkan Crown. She looked radiant, but you always thought that.
"Y/N," Genya greeted as you approached, "It's nice to see you again."
You smiled, reaching out and pulling her into a hug, "I've missed you."
Genya grinned, standing beside you as you looked out over the grounds. Grisha and Otkazat'sya were lounging in the autumn sun, enjoying a peaceful afternoon.
Genya told you to follow her, leading you up the stairs and into the palace. She ran you over the current operation, how Alina had set out to make friendships with Shu-Han and Nikolai was trying to win the war against Frejda.
"Zoya is in charge of training," Genya said, watching your face change at the mention of your best friend, "She's in a meeting with Nikolai and some of his Generals."
You nodded, "She always did say she would be the leader one day."
Genya couldn't help the smile that crept on her face as she heard your heart rate spike and watched a blush creep up your cheeks as she stared at you.
"Come," Genya insisted, leading you back down the stairs and towards the Palace. There were hardly any guards around the grounds, they used to patrol every inch of the palace grounds, but now they only did on the fences. Genya lead you into the Palace, through the winding halls and towards what you assumed must be the meeting room. You had never actually been in the main palace, it was an honour reserved for The Darkling's favourite Grisha and the servants of the crown.
Genya didn't have to knock on the doors, the two guards opened it for her without a second thought.
The room was occupied by a massive mahogany table, with enough chairs for every General in the Ravkan army. Only two people were sitting at the table, though. Tsar Nikolai and Zoya Nazyalensky.
You and Genya both curtsied, "Moi Tsar."
"Y/N?" Zoya was on her feet quickly, she rushed to you and pulled you into a tight hug. You savoured it, Zoya wasn't really one for hugs.
She pulled away and held you at arm's length, "You cut your hair."
You laughed, flicking her hair, "So did you. I like it." Zoya tried to hide the blush on her cheeks from Genya, you were blissfully unaware.
Nikolai stood from his seat at the head of the table, "Y/N L/N?" He walked over to the three of you, "I've heard a lot about you."
You looked between Zoya and the King, "Good things, I hope?"
Zoya rolled her eyes at your pointed stare. Nikolai looked between the two of you, and then to Genya to confirm what he was thinking. Genya was just smiling at the two of you being hopeless.
"Only good things," Nikolai answered, nudging Zoya playfully. In the last few weeks the two had become good friends, now Nikolai could see how smitten the squaller was.
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You settled in quickly, the little palace always was and always could be your home. You quickly slipped into a routine, helping fellow Grisha with their training and even teaching Otkazat'sya how the small science worked. Zoya had valued your advice greatly, often letting you consult on decisions about your own powers.
Today, you both had cleared the afternoon to spend time together, having a picnic by the lake like you did when you were children.
Genya had been teasing Zoya about it for days, giggling at how the girl grew red in the face at the mention of you and her. Zoya had been dropping hints for a while, even before you parted ways before the Civil war. There was always something more between you.
You were laying on the grass in the sun, listening to Zoya rattle off what had happened during her morning.
You hummed once she finished, "Sounds..."
You searched for the right word. 'Exciting."
"Tiring," Zoya offered at the same time.
You laughed, turning your head to look at her. The sun cast her in a glow, framing her like a saint. To you, she might as well have been. You were always amazed by Zoya, her power, her mind... her beauty.
Zoya looked down at you, thinking similar things. Your hair was splayed underneath you, framing you in a kind of halo. You could have been her sun in your golden Kefta - which Zoya was convinced was your colour. Glowing up at her with a smile that warmed every part of her.
"Saints," Zoya mumbled, realizing how head over heels she was.
You blinked up at her, "What?"
Zoya felt her ears burning, she was not the fumbling blushing lover. She knew what she wanted and went for it.
You reached out for her hand, clasping it tightly, 'Somethings off with you."
Zoya scoffed, "You're imagining things."
You laughed, sitting up and moving a little closer.
"I think I'm seeing things very clearly."
"Oh? And what is it you see, Koshka?"
You giggled at the old nickname, one she had given you when you were both 12.
"You are as quiet as a cat, Y/N."
It gave you the same warm feeling now as it did then.
"I see a lot," You said defensively, watching Zoya quirk an eyebrow at you.
"I see the way Genya nudges you," You said, watching Zoya's face, "I see the way your ears get red when I compliment you and your brilliant mind."
"They do not," Zoya argued.
"They are right now!" You laughed, grabbing her face in your hands and tucking her hair behind her ears. "I love it when they do."
Zoya rolled her eyes, pretending to look irritated at you.
"I see the way you act all tough and intimidating," You continued, "The toll it takes on you."
It was true, the whole time you had known Zoya she was this way. In some ways, she needed to be. But you missed how gentle she was as a child and her love for Ravka.
"I see how hard you're working for our Grisha."
Zoya melted a little bit at the 'our Grisha'.
"And," You continued, grabbing both her hands again, "I see just how much your work is helping."
Zoya sighed softly, "Slowly."
"Slowly," You agreed, "but surely."
You both fell silent, you watched her face as she gazed over the lake.
"I think I needed to hear that," She said quietly.
"Can't be having our fearless leader forget how fantastic she is."
Zoya turned to you suddenly, eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. With a sudden surge of confidence, she reached out, cupping your cheek in one hand and pressing her lips to yours. You kissed back almost immediately, your heart exploding in your chest. Your best friend, your Zoya, was finally kissing you.
When you both broke away, Zoya's face lit up in a grin.
You hummed a soft response, trying to show how you felt the same way. That made her smile even bigger. Her hand was still sitting gently on your cheek. You leaned into her hand, relishing the moment. You gently took her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm.
"Saints," You sounded breathy and Zoya leant in a little more, pressing her forehead to yours, "I love you."
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aphroditestummyrolls · 5 months
wesper, 6 and/or 26 please (much predictable, i know xD)
Beloved friend! I’m so sorry this took so long. But I’m really happy with how it turned out ❤️ it even broke 2k 😅 which is a little ridiculous for a prompt game, but I can’t say I mind. This is a continuation of the last prompt, where poor Wylan concusses himself in a workshop accident, and poor Jesper is terrified when he finds him.
The torrent of water— after a few long moments of ominous clunking sounds from the pipes— got hot enough to steam the mirror. It was one of the greatest luxuries in the Barrel, to have at least semi-regular access to hot water. Jes unfolded the canvas divider to separate a private little space for him and Wylan. Thankfully, everyone was still out at either the club or elsewhere in the Barrel, so the two of them had the place to themselves.
It wasn’t really good form to lock the door, but Jesper had more important things to worry about.
The washrooms on their floor of the Slat were the nicest in the building— it wasn’t saying too much, but it was still a considerable show of rank within the dregs.
The tub was a lovely burnished copper, and the tile wasn’t nearly as cracked under his bare feet as the bathrooms downstairs, or the washroom in the old club. There was no draft to chill his naked skin, even with the winter wind howling outside the window. It was clear that Kaz hadn’t forgotten to look after his crows’ creature comforts when he started throwing Nikolai’s money into restoring the old place. Jesper told himself that he would do his best to remember that when his boss came round to chew him out later.
According to Nina, he’d been nearly ready to send a search party out. Even if it’s murderously, it’s nice to know he thinks of me, I suppose. He rolled his eyes to himself.
He’d say the joke out loud if he thought his slow-eyed companion would be able to follow more than a few words at a time. But, in the ever-so-slightly brighter lamps of the bathroom, it was clear by the look of him that Wylan was not processing much. He swayed as Jesper deftly unbuttoned his waistcoat, and felt his grip tighten almost painfully at Jesper’s shoulder when he helped him step out of his trousers, shoes and socks.
Shouldn’t have let him sleep, he chastised himself, chewing his lip, lucky he didn’t fall into a bloody coma.
Wylan stumbled as Jes stood back up, and he caught him by the hips just in time. His merchling made a wounded little sound. It echoed in the sudden quiet after Jesper had turned off the spout, and tugged at his heart. Leaning heavily into his side, Jesper brushed a kiss to his temple.
“How’s the patient, then?”
Wylan hummed. “Tired. Cold. Everything hurts.”
Still not slurring, though. He let out a long breath, and made sure Wylan was stable on his own two feet before he stepped into the tub. It bordered on too warm, and Jesper hissed through his teeth like a kettle letting off steam, giving himself a moment to adjust before holding out his hands to his lover.
“Well, I can certainly fix one of those things. Nauseous? Dizzy?”
Wylan started to nod and went abruptly very white. He stumbled to Jesper’s outstretched hands, gripping tightly. His knees buckled like a newborn foal, and Jes didn’t hesitate to pull him in. The lip of the copper tub was the only thing between them, taking his poor lover at the waist. Wylan’s sooty face buried itself in his shoulder. “Alright,” he murmured, taking slow breaths as if that was in any way helpful, “okay— nauseous or dizzy?”
There was a moment where the only sound was Wylan’s breathing, roughly mimicking Jesper’s. “D-Dizzy.” He finally said.
“Let’s sit you down, then.” He kept his voice as soft as the amber lights, filtered through the haze of steam. Wy would be having sensitive ears and eyes for a bit. He’d never been the type to comfort or nurse someone, but… hopefully it was helping. “C’mere Love— just step carefully.”
Finally, they melted into the warm water. Wylan curled into his chest and seemed for all the world like he was about to fall right back to sleep. Jesper hated nudging his side.
“No sleeping, merchling— we’ve got a job to do.” He reached over to the small stool at his elbow, collecting a small cup.
“We have to?” He complained. Jes managed a half a laugh.
“Well, you look like the wrong end of a fuse, and both of us smell like a chemical fire. Because, there was very nearly a chemical fire, remember?”
Wylan waved away the thought with a slow motion flick of his bandaged hand.
“Tired.” He muttered. Jes could feel him pouting against his chest, and it made him feel like screaming for some reason. It made him want to bundle the smaller man up and away from the world; he never wanted him let him go; he never wanted him to go back anywhere near that damned workshop.
Suddenly, the idea of getting hurt as evidence of experience was an utterly idiotic metric to Jesper.
“Well, we can’t get you off to bed till you’re clean and dry, can we?” He smoothed a hand up and down his merchling’s back. He counted each bump of his spine until he reached his hips. “Let me get a look at you.”
It was best to get this out of the way first, right?
With hands so gentle they nearly shook, Jesper scooped water into the cup, and helped Wylan tip his head back. Careful to make sure that none of the cascade of water got directly into the bloodied spot on the back of his skull, he smoothed his hair back and away from those closed eyes. It felt like something was cracking open in Jesper’s chest, but he ignored it.
Water poured in rivulets down over Wylan’s neck and shoulders, running a greyish red into the tub. He hissed a couple times, flinching whenever Jesper got too close to the wound. Mostly, though, he just sat there, looking hypnotically pretty— his head tilted back and his face soft with sleepiness; his long, dark eyelashes fanned out and brushed the tops of his soot-stained cheekbones; his neck was an elegant, pale column, tensed gingerly to keep himself from tilting back too far. He looked… delicate.
That feeling in his chest was creeping up his throat like a sob or a scream, or something. It felt wild and helpless, and he hated how stupid it all was— what was the point of worrying now? He was safe now! But, there Jesper was, retroactively panicking and trying desperately to keep himself from doing something humiliating.
His breath shuddered as he let it out, pouring one last cup of water over Wylan’s drenched hair before he was satisfied that it was all running clear. The smallest little sound escaped his mouth— eyes still closed, a tiny smile on his lips. If he wasn’t a certified expert in Wylan Van Eck, Jes would’ve thought he’d fallen asleep sitting up.
The slight furrow of tension between his brows was the only thing that gave him away— the pain.
Get this all finished, get him to bed, make sure you wake him up at regular intervals. He told himself, swallowing what felt like cotton in his throat. That’s what Da did when it was bad. Right?
He reached for the soap— the nice one that he picked up in the zelvarstraat markt, with the shea butter and the fancy oil from the southern colonies— and he lathered it into a soft cloth. Starting with the pale expanse of his lover’s back, Jesper stuttered at the sight of it almost immediately. There were bruises. Saints, he could practically see the support beam’s wood grain stamped into Wylan’s soft skin. He’d really smacked himself around. He could have broken ribs; he could have punctured a lung; he could have fractured his skull; he could have…
He could have died. The words echoed around his brain like a ghost. Coming from nowhere and everywhere, they reverberated off the tiles just for Jesper’s ears. You could have found a body.
Blinking rapidly against the hot blur in his eyes, Jes scrubbed down his lover’s neck and over his shoulders. He winced, letting out a miserable little grunt when the cloth swiped over his back, and Jesper winced with him. This time, he forced his breaths to stay deep and even just for his own sake. He would not do something humiliating. Like crying.
“Turn.” His voice sounded thick and weepy the second he heard it, and he cleared his throat. Try again, one more time with feeling. “Show me that pretty face, Darling.”
He meant it to sound more flirtatious, and less like a dying man’s last wish, but it fell somewhere smack in between.
And Wylan may have had his brains coming out his ears a bit, but he still heard the crack in his voice. He saw the sheen in Jesper’s eyes the second he turned. The worst of it, though, was that he seemed so surprised.
“What- Jes, what—?”
“‘M fine. Just… just let me get the soot off you, and you can get some sleep.”
He wrung out the cloth, raising it up to his cheek, only for his hand to be caught at the wrist by bandaged fingers.
Wylan was pale as a ghost under the mask of soot on his face, flushed cheeks in high colour from the heat of the bath water. The tips of his ears were rosy.
The tip of his nose was ever-so-slightly burnt.
He looked at Jesper with glassy brown eyes, pinched with pain at the corners, but still shrewd as he took Jesper in. What did he even look like? He hadn’t bothered to look in a mirror a single time since they’d returned home, but he’d gotten a few wide eyed looks as they made their way from their room to the bath.
Whatever it was Jesper didn’t want him to see, his clever merchling saw it. He clumsily stroked his injured thumb along the delicate inside of Jesper’s wrist. “What is it?” He asked.
It cracked open his chest like a bullet, and all that desperate fear and relief came spilling out in a rush. There were too many words in his head, his tongue was heavy— so, he didn’t speak.
He dropped the cloth into the water, and instead reached out to take Wylan with both hands. He cupped his jaw, and kissed him with as much of those feelings as he could manage without his voice. It was deep and lush, and Jesper could happily spend every second of his life doing exactly this, if Wylan could please not die in the meantime.
His merchling didn’t let go of his wrist, holding them both right where they were as he belatedly got with the program. His breath shuddered out on a sigh and he melted into Jesper’s lips, pulling him flush as they settled back against the reclined wall of the tub. Jes cupped the back of his neck with a tender touch, and Wylan’s arms flailed to wrap around his shoulders.
By the time they parted, the water was finally starting to go lukewarm. Wylan still had a sooty face and Jesper hadn’t soaped a single inch of himself. He pecked the singed tip of Wylan’s nose.
“Whatever happened to those small sample sizes, huh?” He caught his breath. The bright grin on his face was too big to lend much authority to the question.
Wylan managed a huff of a tired laugh, resting his heavy head on Jesper’s chest. “‘M sorry. Vial tipped over— was never supposed to be in, in the compound.”
“Well, I’m awfully glad you didn’t die.” He said, his lighthearted attempt at the words immediately derailed by the way he squeezed him tight with both arms.
Wylan hummed. His eyes had drifted closed, and his face was buried in the crook of his neck— dark and safe. The bathroom was a quiet haven for his pounding skull, and Jesper’s frayed nerves. It wouldn’t be long before Kaz came for him, or somebody else stumbled home from the bars and couldn’t get into the bathroom. But for now?
For now there was just the quiet slosh of warm water and the occasional hiss of Wylan moving his head too much or too fast. Jesper wiped the soot away from his face, and scrubbed himself down until he was dusky pink.
As he dried off and collected their fresh, soft clothes, he glanced back to see Wylan’s big brown eyes fluttering, half asleep and miserably sore. He’d have to ask Nina to send up some coffee for him— Jesper wouldn’t be sleeping. Maybe he could even tell Kaz to meet him in their room, where he could still keep a close eye on those damp curls and that poor, battered body.
Jesper wasn’t letting Wylan out of his sight for a long while.
Any guesses on what Kaz wants to talk to him about? 👀 it’s only the most Me thing in the world.
Thanks for playing, my friend. I hope you liked this little thing.
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doukeshi-kun · 2 months
omg i just had an idea…..nikolai tokyo drift street racer….he’s tatted and wears pressed on shirts….oh mygod..
𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚
replies ✥ *gasp* new character unlocked??? hello street racer!nikolai muehehehe
content ✥ fem!reader, petnames
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You were left alone by the bar. Your friend has been gone for about an hour now, spending her time with her partner who is one of the racers here. You are self-conscious of the environment of this street racing gang and you have found solace in staying just by the bar.
The noise of cars, the screeching of tyres and road, the cheers and curses from the people, sexy ladies standing by expensive cars—Oh, this place is so not for your introverted self. You wish you could go home but you have no exact idea how to get back without your friend's guidance.
You sigh once again as you watch the race of three cars that are happening right now. The cars are so fast—like a bullet. But you do not find it fun to just wait until a car is approaching the same checkpoint.
“Hey, pretty.”
You hear someone say, but you don't turn around since you thought the call was not for you. Until the person pokes your shoulder multiple times, causing you to turn quickly.
And you see a smiling man standing right beside you—his smile is adorable and innocent, and yet his appearance is rough. He has his white hair tied into a small bun, wears a compressed black shirt with matching pants and his arms are covered in abstract tattoos.
Beautiful man.
“Hello, pretty.” He says again, propping his hand on the bar table, looking at you. You feel heat rushes to your face and your stomach is twisting. He is standing so close—close enough that his cologne is practically ingrained in your head now.
“You alone?”
“Obviously.” You reply almost too quickly, your tone sounds sarcastic. And you are quick to correct yourself upon seeing his amused face. “I-I mean, I wasn't alone. I had my friend and she's... gone somewhere.”
He grins. “You look new. Is it your first time coming here?” You nod slowly, eyes scanning his face—he is indeed a pretty man. His skin is flawless, though there is a scar slit down his left eye. He smiles at you and offers his hand. “My name is Nikolai. You are?”
You look at his hand—rings and silver bracelets. You reach it and your heart makes a small jump upon feeling his touch. You mutter your name and Nikolai hums pleasedly.
“Nice to meet you, love. Now, I'm cutting to the chase here. I think you're really cute.” He says, not bothering to hide his flirtatious manner. He clasps your hand with both of his and says excitedly, “Since your friend isn't around, she doesn't mind if I steal you for a moment, right? Oh—Oops, silly me. I should've asked you if you're already someone else's. So do you have any partners or something?”
He talks so smoothly—but a little rambling. Something about his tone reminds you of a jester. Lively and witty. Humorous and theatrics. It is a complete contrast to his looks.
“No, I don't see anyone at the moment...”
He giggles. “Well, isn't that perfect?” He releases your hand, nudging his head to the parking area that has a fleet of racing cars. “Would you like to come with me? I can show you around. Besides, isn't it boring to just sit here and drink your third glass of cocktail?”
“Well... you are right, but—”
“Come on, baby. I'll show you fun. You gotta have some fun if you came here after all those troubles.” He tries to convince you again. You are unsure. You do feel bored, yes. And now that you have a company, it's not a problem to have fun a little, right? Your friend is gone and this man is being all buddy-buddy.
“I guess I could...”
Nikolai smirks as he gestures for you to follow him. You do, trailing him by his side. He asks you a couple of casual questions. Though you are getting comfortable with him, you cannot help but notice curious eyes from passersby.
Is he well-known here? Why do they look at me like that? Or am I kissing my own ass?
Timid by the unwanted attention, especially when you are finally entering the proximity of other racers, you cling your hand to Nikolai's tattooed arm, scooting closer.
“Ah, don't you worry baby. These people not gonna eat you.” He says. “No one's gonna bother you. If they do, I'm gonna shoot them.”
“What— That's not funny..!”
“Oops, my bad, darl'.” Nikolai grins, guiltless. He stops by a dark red racing car with black and white patterns around it. You scan the car, noticing a common occurrence of a theme here. This car must be expensive when you see the logo on it.
“You’re pretty rich.” You say when you touch the patterns. They feel like stickers and surprisingly, you see it is almost peeled off. Nikolai taps the car proudly.
“Uh-huh. Expensive car, cheap stickers. Don't get me wrong, I just love to dress her up frequently. Cheap stickers are easy to take off.” He explains. “Let's get inside. I decorated the interior more.” He opens the door, inviting you to get in. You follow him, getting into the passenger seat, and indeed, the interior of his car is much more flamboyant.
There are small decoration pieces of jester masks, the dashboard is covered with black and white stripes-printed fabric, and a few red pompoms are hanging on the rearview mirror. The backseat is covered with white fabric with black diamonds printed on them. There are two small cushions on the seat too.
“Phew, okay.” Nikolai enters the car after he is done talking with other racers briefly. He closes the door and starts the engine, turning on the AC and radio. You lean forward, looking outside. Colourful racing cars all around.
Suddenly the car is moving out from the parking lot. You turn to Nikolai. Your eyes cannot stop staring at his tattooed arms, trailing down to his body. You almost forgot what you wanted to say to him, distracted by his physique.
“Nikolai? Where are we going?”
He smirks and says nothing as he drives his car to the racing road.
“Wait. Wait, are you racing now? Wait, I thought you were just gonna show me around—”
“I said I'm gonna show you fun, didn't I?” Nikolai grins teasingly. More cars are approaching the starting line. The fierce noise of roaring engines is all around you. You look outside the window beside you, seeing that the spectators are all spirited up for another race for the night. You even see your friend among the crowd, with a beer in her hand.
A presence looms behind you and you feel his warm breath teasing your neck. Nikolai reaches for the seatbelt right next to you. His scent salivates you and you swallow nervously when you peek a glance at his bicep. Your stomach makes a funny twist when he is just too close.
Nikolai cackles at your face when you turn to him. He grins and stretches his arms.
“Buckle up, darling! If I win this race, I'll get your number!”
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©doukeshi-kun 2024 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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zepp-l1n · 1 year
Pairing: Zoya Nazyalensky x (Inferni) Fem!reader
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summary: (Y/N) finds herself jealous of Zoya's attention on Nikolai. fic type - angst, miscommunication??, hurt/comfort warning - none, other than an unneeded anger towards Nikolai :) word count - 1,996 a/n: I have nothing against Nikolai (he's one of my favorite characters actually), I just felt like making some drama....
(Y/N) wasn't one to hold a grudge, especially not against a royal. Nikolai Lantsov, however, was a different case. She couldn't stand the sight of him - his charming attitude, handsome looks, and those puppy eyes. Every ounce of his being made her blood boil, made her want to burn him to ash, and for one simple reason. He was taking Zoya away from her.
Zoya Nazyalensky had been the sole owner of (Y/N) attention from the moment she stepped foot in the Little Palace. Not only was she absolutely stunning, but she held herself with such a strong demeaner. Most were intimidated by her, but (Y/N) only found herself falling for Zoya more and more each time she put that demeaner on display.
Unfortunately for (Y/N), Nikolai seemed to have the same thoughts about Zoya. From the moment the two girls and Genya met the young king, he had taken a liking to the squaller. Any chance he had away from Alina, he found his way to her. The worst part was, Zoya never seemed to object to his flirtations. Every joke, comment, or advance he made was giggled at in response, and (Y/N) had to sit back and watch.
It wasn't like she could do anything. Zoya wasn't hers. She had no right to be jealous if she had never made a move. Some days it became to much, causing the inferni to abruptly stand up, and take her leave. Others she sat in self-loathing, wondering if she could've ever been the one making Zoya's face flush.
This brought (Y/N) to her current moment, sitting in front of the king and squaller, once again attempting to hide her discomfort. The three were sat in one of the Grand Palace's many drawing rooms, along with Alina, Genya, Tolya, and Mal.
(Y/N) was sat across from the two, next to Tolya. He had his arm placed around the back of the chair they were sharing, and was trying to keep her mind off Zoya. Tolya was her closest friend, and was the only one other than herself that knew of her feelings for Zoya. "So, I was thinking, maybe you and I could have some sparring time soon. I've been meaning to ask considering we haven't had much time to fight since Sobachka put me on bodyguard duty." Tolya joked.
(Y/N) gaze drifted from the half-suli girl to her friend. A small smile grew on her face, but it didn't reach her eyes like it usually did. "I think so, although I don't know if Moi Tsar would let you go long enough." she chuckled back.
The two grisha smirked at each other enjoying being able to poke fun at the king, although they both had different reasons behind it.
As nice as talking to Tolya was, he couldn't distract her for long - especially when Zoya's soft laugh rang through the room. In any other case (Y/N) would've swooned at the sound, but seeing that Nikolai had been the one to cause it made her stomach twist into knots. The sight in front of her made the knots tighten and her her heart painfully throb against her ribcage.
Nikolai and Zoya had moved closer to one another, gazes full of admiration. The inferni had never seen Zoya so content. So happy. (Y/N) couldn't deny the good life Zoya could have with the king. She would be respected, loved, feared. She would have as much power she could ever want. Everything that (Y/N) could never give her.
All of it was too much for (Y/N) to handle. She hurriedly stood up, excusing herself. As she exited the room, she missed the worried looks her friends cast her, and the sullen look that overtook Zoya's face.
Alina glanced over at Tolya, giving him a confused look. He simply shrugged and sighed. "I'm sure she's fine. Just give her a little while."
Everyone in the room listened to Tolya, shrugging of the unusual scene - except for Zoya. She waited a few moments so no one would be too suspicious, before excusing herself to follow after her friend.
(Y/N) walked around the Grand Palace's gardens, taking in the scenery. In her hands were small flames. Using her power helped (Y/N) let off steam in these types of situations. The flickering fire that split across her fingers soothed the tight feeling in her chest. Her small science had almost somewhat of a safety blanket over the years.
The inferni brought her hand closer to her face, watching as the flames danced in the wind. Her small time of silence was suddenly interrupted by the one person who was causing all of this. Zoya.
The squaller moved towards (Y/N), taking the spot beside her. They stood in silence for a while, just staring out into the gardens. Finally Zoya spoke up, "Are you okay? You left the room pretty quickly. We all got pretty worried, and I think you can understand why."
"I'm fine, just got a little.....overwhelmed." (Y/N) softly muttered. She clasped her hands together, putting out the flames.
Zoya didn't seem to believe (Y/N)'s answer, but let it slide. The two stood in an awkward silence once again.
"So," (Y/N) started, "you and Nikolai, huh?"
Zoya's face morphed into a look of confusion, but she quickly hid it. "Nikolai? I mean he's sweet, and a king. That's certainly a plus."
The inferni let out a forced chuckle. "Yeah, it's a pretty good plus." She looked over at Zoya, a cheerful façade on her face hiding her melancholy feelings. "I think I may go back in. Maybe hang out with Tolya some more."
"Oh? Would you like me to come wi-" Zoya was softly cut off by her friend.
"No thank you. I'm sure Nikolai would like to be in your presence once again, and you shouldn't leave the king waiting." after finishing her sentence, she swiftly turned back towards the Grand Palace. "Have a nice evening, Zoya." and with that, she left.
Once again, Zoya watched as (Y/N) left, feeling worried and hurt.
"Saints! You can't walk away from her every time things get weird." Tolya grunted out.
"What did you expect me to do, Tolya? She likes him. The best thing for me to do is walk away." (Y/N) bitterly snapped back.
"You can't give up now." Tamar spoke up. The three grishas were hiding out in Tamar and Nadia's room, per (Y/N)'s request.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" the inferni asked.
The two Shu siblings glanced at each other before Tamar answered. "You've said it yourself, you really like her. And as much as I care for Sobachka, you can't give her up to him yet."
(Y/N)'s face contorted into one of sadness. "You didn't see her, though. She looked so happy when I asked about him." Tolya stepped forward, wrapping his arms around his friend. Tamar moved in a similar way, but only laid a hand on her back. "He can make her happy. She deserves that after Kirigan."
"You can make her happy!" Tolya persisted.
"Not like him." It seemed like nothing could change (Y/N)'s mind, so the siblings decided to leave it alone, and just comfort her. Tamar's heart broke seeing her friend like this, and she wanted nothing more than to tell her how Zoya's heartrate spike whenever she was around, but she knew it wasn't her place. It had to be Zoya or (Y/N) to make the relationship happen.
Things got even worse for the inferni when Nikolai gave Zoya the job of general for his army. This caused the two to spend far more time together, only dropping (Y/N)'s spirits more.
It hurt her enough that she had started to avoid both her king and her friend. She couldn't be in the same room as them without wanting to light everything around her on fire. Over time she had spoken to Tamar and Tolya more about it, but none of the venting helped calm the emotional storm building in her body.
After dealing with the pain for long enough, she had come to the decision to give Zoya up, and request to be transferred. In all honesty, (Y/N) didn't need to ask considering she wasn't legally in the 2nd army anymore, but she still needed permission to leave the safety of the Grand Palace since she was such a large figure in the Darkling's war against Ravka.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Nikolai asked.
"Yes, Moi Tsar. I'd like to go to the army camp outside of Fjerda." (Y/N)'s voice was monotoned, not wanting any of her anger towards the king to be visible.
"Alright. I'll send the request to their captain, then." he declared. The inferni nodded. "I do hope you'll visit. I think we'll all miss you (Y/N)."
She gave Nikolai a tight smile and took her leave. This would be the hard part - saying her goodbyes.
She went to Alina and Mal first, then Genya. After was Tolya and Tamar, which were the most emotional, a few other grishas, and finally Zoya.
"You're leaving?" Zoya's voice came from behind her. The two were back in the gardens.
(Y/N) turned around, glancing at her. "I've put in the request - said my goodbyes too."
Zoya's eyes slightly misted over. So turned her head, glancing down at the soft grass. "You haven't said goodbye to me." she whispered. The inferni didn't respond, only turned away from her. "You weren't planning on it were you? Saying goodbye, I mean."
"I couldn't." (Y/N)'s voice cracked as she spoke.
"When do you leave?" Zoya's voice was thick with emotion.
"Nikolai said sometime within the week. The captain was happy to have another heat source in the cold, Fjerdan weather. He wants me up there as soon as possible." (Y/N) tried to joke, but the two girls were two upset to laugh.
Zoya went quiet for a while, not knowing what to say. Her heart was racing at he thought of (Y/N) going away. The thought that she wouldn't see her anytime soon, or possibly ever again. "Don't go."
Zoya hesitantly made her way over to (Y/N), "Stay here. Revoke the transfer - stay with me."
The inferni took a step back. "I don't understand?"
"I want you to stay." Zoya looked up, giving (Y/N) a clear look at her glossy eyes. She once again moved towards (Y/N). "I want you."
(Y/N) didn't know what to say. After all this time she finally heard the words she had always longed for, yet she didn't believe them. How could she when Zoya and Nikolai were always together. "And what of Nikolai?"
"Nikolai? What about him? This is us I'm talking about, not Nik." Zoya confusedly spoke.
"Zoya, don't play dumb. I've seen you two. He likes you, and he has so much to offer. For saints sake, he could make you queen!" (Y/N) exclaimed.
The mist in Zoya's eyes started to streak down her cheeks. "I don't want what he can offer me. I don't want to be queen."
"You could finally have everything you've ever wanted, Zoya. I can't give you any of that."
Zoya outstretched her arms, placing both palms on the sides of the girl's face. Her hands became damp with the smeared tears under the inferni's eyes. "All I've ever wanted was this - you. Nikolai can't give me that. You can." She leaned her head forward, pressing their foreheads together. Both grishas basked in the closeness they had longed for.
"You really mean it?" (Y/N) gently mumbled.
"Every word." Zoya grinned, delicately removing her forehead from (Y/N)'s. She leaned closer, faintly placing her lips on the girl's.
Every once of anger or distaste (Y/N) had held for the king melted away in that moment. She now knew they Zoya was hers - willingly and happily hers. (Y/N) parted their mouths and tenderly smiled at the squaller. "I'll stay."
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lilisouless · 9 months
Do u like darklina? If yes, why? If no, why?
i definitely don't
the reasons are many but i only need one: she doesn't want to be with him and she didn't even liked him that much as she liked the attention. She only went with him when she thought Mal has ignoring him, on the book version she never iniciates a kiss (like, their lack of chemistry as lovers on the books its quite amazing, they only have enemies chemistry at the very best) Alina just lies there like a puppet and makes it happen. He is like her self steem fueller and he was not only perfectly aware of that but makes sure she sees him as such by sabotaging her comunication with Mal, her only friend and having Genya spying on her as well (okay, that the other grisha soldiers her age besides David is ulterly obnoxious certainly helped but still)
Its a little better on the show because at least she shows some interest and book!Alina clearly saw herself as inferior to him while on the show she tries to stand up as an equal which is a nice change and a fix of something that i never liked on the books.
Anyway , neither version work because in both the darkling at the end of the day his attachment to her its awfullly self centered. he is a serious first class narcisist. For him, Alina´s value is always thetered to him, never her, its always what she does for him and thinks Alina having her own mind and morals as a betrayal.
Book darkling supposedly cares about her, but his level of writing is a thanos level of mess. Show darkling is a little better at showing afection towards Alina, but its definitely not enought, he still does horrible things and only sees her as an extention of herself. In short: he doesn't love her at all
And Alina doesn't even need Mal to not love him. In both versions she turns against him when she learns what he did, she needed almost nothing to stop trusting him. Even if you erase Mal´s existence this still would happen, in fact
-book version, Alina had a big fight with Mal and against her heart , choose to be done with him (only reconcilied when Mal´s virtues proven to be bigger than his flaws) so could as well be out of the picture. Mal didn't play a part, she turned against the darkling because she deemed him as untrustworthy despite his better attemps to make himself Alina´s most important person
-Show version, Alina by this point doesn't even know she will find Mal so he doesn't play a part either
To make an emphasis, i honestly think Alina suffers from tons of inconsistent writting on the first two books BUT i will pretend she doesn't: compare how she instantly choose to believe Genya had a good reason for lying to her, this is someone she actually loves (and yes, i have complained about this issue, i still do, but its canon so the point has to stick)
All of this to say: she is so not in love with him, the attraction is undeniably there but there is no love that isn't born of the false affection the darkling tried to build and failed (also, Alina´s natural compasion probably played a part) this girl choose death before being with him.
thats the conclusion to me: they are not in love
And sure i am probably biassed but i will still defend my case: other grishaverse ships that are on my notp territory along with darklina would be nikolai/alina and kaz/jesper.
I really wish i could say nikolai was not in love with alina (alina IS not in love with him, thats canon) or that Jesper was not in love with Kaz so the narrative works on my favor, but i can't, they were , thats canon regardless if i like it or not.So you can say i am at least trying to get bias away and at leas on my mind the statement that they (alina and the darkling) weren't in love makes sense
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sofasoap · 7 months
Something that suddenly crawl into my mind while I work today ( sorry my patient. I am really focus on you as well!)
AU of my Lastochka AU. What if the reconciliation never happen?
PS: Thank you @siilvan for putting up with my sudden bombardment of messages between the work breaks.
Note: miniors DNI. Mature themes.
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A ball rolls over and hits Nikolai’s foot, bringing him out of his reverie. 
He saw a little girl, no more than three, with cute pigtails running over to him. He picks up the ball and passes it back to the child. 
"Thank you!!" The little girl flashes a smile at him. A somewhat familiar smile. A smile that he wakes up to every morning, during a playful banter, after a passionate session.
A smile that he misses everyday.
A smile that he doesn’t get to see again.
Giving him one last wave she ran off towards the other side of the park, continuing to play with her group of friends. 
A world that is far away from him. Innocence of childhood. 
Pure as a sheet of white paper. 
"It's either coincidence or you are still stalking me, Nikolai." A voice perked up. “I never expected you to be the type to sit in the park and watch the world go by.” 
Nikolai looks up. Eyes widened. 
There's his Lastochka, still beautiful as ever, with an air of maturity, staring down at him.
"Good to see you again, Mini."
"Likewise. " After a brief minute of silence,watching the children kicking and throwing the balls around, Nikolai spoke up. 
"What are you doing here?I thought you moved back to Scotland."
 "Working. I am still working for the same company. Plus, I wanted to come back for a visit.”
The little girl from before ran over again towards you, interrupting their conversation. " Ma! Did you see how I kicked the ball???" The girl asked excitedly. You look down at her, with a soft smile as she pat away the dust on her clothes , "Yes I did mah bairn, it was a good kick." Seemingly satisfied with her mother's answer, the girl ran off again.
Nikolai follows the girls back as she runs back towards her friend and restarts their game. It suddenly struck him as he realised who the little girl was.
"She's a little ball of energy." 
"That she is." 
"Just like you." 
" She is MY child after all." 
Nikolai ' heart clenched at your comment. He knew he has no right to call himself a father after that night. The night of you accusing him of being unfaithful towards him. 
Even though it was a fake marriage. 
" .. what's her name?" 
" ..Anya." A name you have commented on previously how much you like the sound of.
 "It's not Scottish but if I ever had a kid, it's a lovely name! Or maybe I can force Johnny to name of his daughter that.. Anya MacTavish, it has a nice ring to it!"
He looked down towards the ground. Maybe in another time, if he had been smarter with his choices,  the little girl would have run up to him, excitingly calling out for her Papa, to hold her, demanding for his attention and ice cream because she is all tired and worn out from hours of play
"I….”  Nikolai replied as he took a deep breath in, ready to confess his hidden feeling as you turned to look at him for a second before turning away again. 
"She's just as wild and spontaneous as her father. Always causing me and her uncles headaches. " you whispered, voice wavering.
A little bit of hope emerged from Nikolai’s heart. Maybe….?
 In the distance, a small fight erupted, catching both of your attention. You gasped and shook your head before running towards the two children close to punching each other. Nikolai sees her pulling the two children apart, as he assumes the parent of the other child came over and started arguing with you, before storming away with the kid. 
"Anya MacTavish, what happened this time?" you exasperated but hugged your daughter as you walked her back towards Nikolai. Sounds like this happens quite a lot by your tone. Nikolai thought. She is indeed a mix of yours and him.  
"The bampot Сволочь came out of nowhere and pushed and kicked my new friends!!" Anya huffed and puffed as you sighed. Nikolai couldn't help but laugh at the girl.... his daughter 's strange mix of Scottish and Russian insults. 
" I see you have taught her both languages well. " he smiled, secretly proud of his little girl’s comment.
"She has the right to learn about her heritage. From her father's side too" you replied, dusting Anya’s clothes that are covered by dirt and grasses. 
Anya looked at Nikolai with a quizzical expression on her face, before turning back towards her mother. 
You gave Nikolai a look, before cracking a smile. The smile he's been dreaming of for the last few years. "How about we all go for ice cream, and I can introduce him to you, hmm?"
"Ma, you know this man?"
Your expression softens." Yes, I do." 
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Taggy tag:
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ask-missparker · 4 months
Say you’ll remember me / Once Upon A Time AU
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Pairing: Snow & Charming, Nikolai & Amelia
Inspired by the episode Snow Fall, Season 1x03
Summary: While on a small school trip, one of the kids notices something similar in their book, as one of patients brings more than just a breath of fresh air to the tale.
Characters mentioned: Rochelle, Riley, George and Georgia, Alexander Hawkins, Belladonna and etc.
Note: Tittle is inspired by one of Taylor Swift’s song, can you guess which one?
The woods were lower, trees were tall, rivers were flowing nicely and the morning was brightly painted darker green. Some trees were knock over the road, turning into stumps and sirens were racing across the path.
The royal carriage came to a point, stopping by the logs as close up near one of trees stood a man red leather and a larger made hat grinning. Once the carriage arrives, a women in a cherished red corset and long skirt stepped out as you could hear a man yelling from inside to return back to her seat but she refused to listen.
“Your majesty, it was chopped down.” Said the ride of the horse, “You should return back to your carriage or let us figure out another way.”
That was when the carriage was attack, as the man dropped down from the tree, snatching the bag with a set of jewels and raced off. The women gasps, watching the man go as she ran after him attacking him to the ground. He didn’t notice she was running after him from the horse.
They tackled one another, as he hover over her huffing and puffing. She looked up at him, titled her head seeing his hoodie fall off his forehead and hanging off his ear. She ended up with a cut on her left cheek.
“Do i know you from somewhere?” She asked underneath her breath.
“Possibly princess.” He replied with a light grin.
He leaped off the ground, grabbing her horse with a smirk and jumped onto the trusty steed. She stood up, ruffing dirt of her skirt and touched her cheek huffing.
“Wherever you are, i will find you!” She yelled, looking at her naked hand that held a smudge of blood from her chin.
It was quiet in Fighter-Town, but buzzing with movement it always felt on Friday nights. Inside Grandpa’s Diner, plenty of people seated eating, sharing drinks and or finding a quiet place to study. At one of the booths, Nikolai sat having dinner date with a nurse from the hospital.
He was trying to have a decent conversation with her, as he talked about work and life, wanting to have a simple set plan. The women was only half paying attention, as she was more focused on one of the waiters nodding every couple of moments.
He notice her eye-line.
Nikolai sighs with an eye roll, “A-are you even listening to anything I said?”
The nurse, Robins, looked back at him and nodded, “Y-yeah..you were talking about, um uh, work right...?”
“Not even close but yeah..sure, let’s go with that.”
“Sorry. A little distracted.”
After a few short moments of speaking to one another, there was more of a friendly dynamic as the other didn’t even look interested at all. Melissa gave them both of the check, as Nikolai paid then walked out of the Diner grumbling how he couldn’t believe he listened go on a blind date with some girl.
As he was walking away, pulling down the hood of his jacket to notice the people of the town. He half smiled noticing couples and friends walking down the streets. On the edge of the sidewalk, he noticed a short haired brunette sitting down on the ground drinking a soda and looking at a crumbled newspaper.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, glancing over at him.
He was startled for a split second but regained his thoughts, “Oh? Uh, yeah..kinda in a tight spot. Appears like the room, I was renting raised the bill and realized I lied about my age..”
“You lied about your age?”
“Mhm hmm..looking for a place to crash now. Got a few days..”
“You got any friends here who can take you in?”
“I don’t think anyone here would want me in their home..and I don’t really got friends.”
Nikolai heard from a couple of people that Ethan, one of new towners, was staying at the Bed & Breakfast until he found an apartment. And from what he learned that it doesn’t seem like the other adults would let him in, he sure as hell wasn’t gonna ask his brother for help either.
He remembered hearing about the younger folk of the town, the teens and kids, talk among themselves. Saying there is a curse, he didn’t believe it whatsoever but thought it was cute they were bonding at least.
He hummed, “What about Belladonna? Maybe she was convinced her mother..”
He shake his head, “I would but she doesn’t seem like the invited for a sleepover kinda person.”
“And you don’t want to give the wrong impression.”
“Right. What you doing up so late?”
“I’m an artist, I tend to be a night owl more than most. And I uh, was out trying a date.”
He winced seeing his face, noticing from the looks of it, none of it went as planned. The older brunette scoffed and shake his head with a shrug muttering how it was a stupid blind date.
“Ah well, if true love was easy, everyone would do it.” Joshua repiled with a half smile.
This time Nikolai chuckled, “Oh definitely. You know..I do have a spear home if you..”
“Oh no, I would be intruding your privacy..”
“Hm uh..well if you like to ever come over for a warm cup of hot chocolate, my door is always open.”
“That…that sounds nice. Thanks.”
“Don’t stay out too late, you hear?”
Joshua roll his eyes, jokes with a mocking tone, “Sure thing dad.”
“Very funny.” Nikolai replied with a grin walking away with a nod, silently chuckling to himself.
The following day, Riley and her friends were volunteering with their class at the hospital. Their teachers Rochelle, and her father Rick were watching over the group helping them hang banners. It was a nice thing to do, Rick lifted Riley up to pin a balloon to a wall.
Rochelle was helping a couple of other students, telling them to be careful and be kind. Some students were coloring, others were chatting with their friends and other hanging up decorations. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her son George entering a patients room as she watched for a moment.
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The patient was asleep. George was more of the bookworm, curious about things and one to keep to himself. He hang out with his twin sister, Georgina, and Riley so he read about the story they keep gushing about. He thought it was dumb, that it was girl stuff when it come to fairytales, he was more into comic books like Iron Man and rest of The Avengers.
But as he found a quiet room to place a set of flowers in, the patient caught his eye, a Jane Doe, asleep. She held a scar above her right cheek, similar to the tales he heard his sister talk about. According to Georgina, their mother was Cinderella and that she was friends with all the other charcters in the book. He read too many comic books to know a thing or two about design.
But before he can take a further look—
“Honey?” Said his mother, Rochelle, leaning against the door, “We could really use your help.”
“I’m good.” He replied, glancing at the women, “Is Ms. Doe gonna be okay?”
“I hope so. No one has come to claim her yet but for as long as I can remember, she has been peaceful asleep. She always seemed like a kind soul to me, or so I think.”
“What’s wrong with her? She looks fine.”
“Well sometimes things happen, sweetie, like they fall unconscious and it’s hard not to know what happened.”
“You sure no one knows or claimed him yet?”
“Well, that I know of, not really. I sometimes come with friends on my rounds and they stop by watch if something happens.”
“And does something happen?”
“Nope. But I hope one day it something well.”
George gave his mother a soft smile, “You sure you don’t know her?”
Rochelle smiled, “I think I would remember if I did, come on we’re heading out for lunch soon.”
As soon as lunchtime hits, George went to talk with his sister and Riley about his newfound discover. Riley squealed and Georgina grinned, knowing they have to tell Belladonna and her friend she hasn’t met yet. Riley was thinking about the other people who might be interested in their tale, but then thought it was better to keep it between them. A few short hours later, Belladonna was dragging Joshua to the park bench where the others were bubbling with discovery.
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Georgina couldn’t wait and split the beans on her twins newfound information as Riley pointed to the small hand drawn doodles of the characters. Belladonna listened and nodded as Joshua stayed curious humming to the news as he introduced himself to the twins.
“According to the little monsters, you’re mother is Snow White..or that’s least what i got from Georgina’s sentence.” Belladonna said, referring to the book.
Joshua nods looking at the nicely crafted hand drawn pieces as he tilted his head, “..that’s who she is? Guess Riley was dead on.”
Riley grinned, “Duh! I can sense it.”
Her brother held the book as Georgina added, “The scar is the same as Geo says. In the same place! You need to find her Prince Charming.”
“Who is the tattoo guy! Nik-Nik..” Riley said trying to pronounce his name correctly.
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Joshua smiled and helped her with the name, “Nikolai. That’s her charming..my dad? Uh, telling your possible love is in the hospital won’t be as ideal. It can hurt someone..”
Belladonna heard what he said and thought about it, putting her detective skills to good use. To her, yes it was kinda insane what the others are saying and pretty risky cause the person might not believe it but the again, she risked being grounded to bring her biological father here.
After a moment she spoke up analyzing the idea, “..not unless you read to them. Studies show reading to a patient can held them with brain function and get the neurons to fire up again. It won’t be the worst thing if she at least woke up from her coma.”
Joshua shared a look with her, thinking about for a moment as she was correct and nodded smirking deciding it was worth a shot. He went to go ask find Nikolai working at the coffee shop nearby the grocery store, he confused him for a moment, he thought he was a tattoo artist. But then the man explained before he was working with peoples skin at his shop, he was serving coffee. So he likes to come over and help out his fellow old workers if they are understaffed.
He followed the man out of the coffee shop into his man area of expertise, trying to explain the idea. He started to lean inside the exact words he wanted to say until Nikolai broke into a confused almost awkward chuckle and said, “You want me to read to a coma patient?”
“Yeah pretty much.” Joshua repiled, taking a seat in one of chair inside the shop watching the man clean his tools, “According to Belladonna, and she’s right, that reading will help her wake up. Maybe something will click.”
“She’s not right, I’ll give you that. Uh, out of curiosity, who do you kids think she was in your little book?”
“I uh..”
“Come on, I’m friends with the town’s parents. I heard Rochelle talking my ear off about her daughter’s cute stories while I was piercing her ear.”
“…uh, we..they think that she is Snow White.”
“And…I’m the..Prince Charming..? Well damn..I haven’t seen the girl yet, okay I’ll play, is she pretty?”
“You’ll have to see for yourself then.”
A couple of short hours later, Nikolai sat down in front of the girls bed with a storybook opening the tale. He took in her features, from her long dark brown hair to her lighter skin tone in the lights of the room. Not half bad, he thought to himself…
…in the lowly dark cave, the man collected his items among them being a small bottle of black dust as he smirked, putting on his sleek hat and walked out into the greenery and snow of the forest. After only a mere couple of steps, he was tossed up into a net as he shouted and snarled, quickly reaching for his dagger to cut himself out.
Then he heard. He whipped his head around to see a fair young lady, in cream almost pure white skirt and a corset to match, her hair was shorter as she stepped forward giggling. Her lips were as blushing red as her skin blended nicely within the scenery.
“I told you I’ll find you.” She said looking up at the net with a smile, “Whatever you do, I’ll find you.”
“Is this the only way you can catch a man? By entrapping him?” He replied with a light glare, using his dagger to point at her.
“The only way to find thieves like yourself. I am impressed by your work, though.”
He leaned forward as he smirked, “Well are you real darling princess?”
“I have a name you know..” She replied, crossing her arms.
“Don’t care, surprisingly, darling princess suit you. Now, cut me down, princess!”
“I’ll release you when you give me back my jewels.”
“You don’t look like the jewelry type, I’ve noticed.”
“Ar-what’s that supposed to mean? Are you insulting me?”
“Oh no, how dare i insult a princess? But then again, you don’t look like one.”
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Charming smirked, watching her face turn to smile to a confused frown, as if he got under his skin. He has been around royalty enough to know a princess when he sees one, and her, she was no princess. Or least not like the ones he has encountered before, due to the fact that she went to find him and not a knight.
“I sold them.” He added for good measure, as his smirk grew seeing her face narrow down.
“What?” She asked, as her eyes narrowed not believing what he said and glared, “You’re lying.”
“Nope, i ain’t. Why do you care princess, don’t you have a little ol’ castle filled with them?”
“Theses were special. The jewels in there belonged to someone very important to me, they were a gift for my—”
“The nerdy asshole with the bad attitude, that’s what this is all about? Oh darling, you can do better.”
“..i’m his fiancé..well sorta..”
He snorted loudly, “Good luck, hell i’m a better option than him. You must be getting something impressive to agree to that marriage.”
“If you only knew..” She repiled with a sigh, “Look, it’s complicated enough, that i was picked out for the job but still..”
“Let me guess, he doesn’t want you either but you’re doing it for the good of your little kingdom. It’s cute, but seems like a last stitch effort to avoid war and you came all this way for your jewels back to—”
“Okay! Okay, okay, okay, I get it! Please, take me to where you sold them and get my stuff back.”
He shook his head a couple of time tell her that he won’t do it. There is nothing that would get it to do it. That was when she pulled out a scroll that showed his name, Prince Charming—Nikolai Morozov—wanted for treason and thievery agonist the The Dark Prince.
“So what would it be, sweetheart?” She asked with a smile.
He responded with a grunt and sighed, being impressed by her. He shook his head and agreed to take her.
Soon they were on their merry way, crossing the path fill with some ice and snow, due to the recent fall the path few week. Charming took her hand, crossing a log carefully to not let her slip as Snow stayed close watching for any creatures nearby. It was a decent walk, making small talk as they did, throwing in a little comment here and there.
Charming asked, “So what’s your deal?”
“My deal? Your the one who who is wanted for stealing.” She replied, with a chuckle.
“Yeah well, it’s more than that.”
“Yeah? What made you look bad against the prince?”
“I was born.”
“Oh..sorry about that.”
“It’s fine. He’s just jealous, i guess.”
“Why do i feel like those posters are lies then?”
“Because they are. He says i ruined his life, that I was useless and untrustworthy.”
“You don’t seem useless or untrustworthy to me..yet.” She added smiling, a rather kinder one.
He paused for a moment hearing that bit, letting a smile reach his lips and nodded, “T-thank you. So how did the darling princess end up in this position huh?”
“Long story short, I was sorta hand picked by the prince. I tried to say no after seeing my friend’s sad look on her face..”
“Oh jeez. Why didn’t you? You could’ve said something.”
“It wasn’t the prince who picked but the king. His father, that prince, his name is Fitz loves my friend Jemma, but his father didn’t notice. Now i’m posing as his bride to cover up their romantic relationship.”
“That is..rather kind of you. Taking the time to do that.”
“Thank you. It’s why i need my jewels back, inside is a bracelet.”
“And the chain? I saw a chain with what looks to be a ring in there.”
“My mothers..it belonged to my parents.”
As the two of them made their way, the pair keep talking sharing a couple of laughs and be careful among the woods. They stopped to food and water, Nikolai tried to escape the girl but ended up being chased by 2 Dark Knights, as he used his sword to try and fight him. He was able to take one down easily with a blast of his shadow and his sword. He was dead within a matter of minutes. The other came out of nowhere starling him, fighting him the best he could when a arrow came into the knight’s back.
Out of breath he blinked, “T-thank you. W-why did you—i could’ve handled that. You didn’t have to come and help.”
“Well you ran off and i saw the black horses. I decided to help you.” She repiled with a little smile, shrugging.
“But why? You could’ve ran.”
“It was a good thing to do, i guess.”
They ended in at a troll bridge, 2 trolls came up asking him what exactly did the young prince want. He explained he wanted the jewelry back and he’ll return the money, holding out the coins. One troll was sniffling the girl weirdly, seeing her being seen as royalty by her jewelry. Charming tried to cover for her, saving she was nobody important.
But they didn’t believe him, as one of the troll held her back ready to hurt her as she shouted to let them go. They threw Charming’s bag on the ground along with his sword. Snow watched him being thrown back onto the ground then picked up kicked away. He was fighting one.
She was let go for a moment said sword to hit the troll telling him to run, as he nodded grabbing the pocket of jewelry then rushed off.
He thought she was behind him, looking over his shoulder to see her losing her grip and seemed more than tired. She lost the sword as it was on the ground. He looked at the pocket full of jewels, thinking on his feet as he smirked and pats his own pockets realizing he still had the dark dust.
Just as Snow thought she was toast, in came a gasping sword hitting one of the trolls as the creature turned around.
“Missed me?” Yelled Charming, as he took the dark dust into his hand and thrashed the troll away. He did the same with the others, before holding out a hand to lift the young girl from the ground. He gave her a gentle yet delightful smile.
She gladly took his hand, dusting off herself was still holding it, returning the lovely smile. She thanked him and asked, “Why come back for me?”
“It was the right thing to do.”
“You were right, those poster are all wrong.”
He picked up their things and lead out away from the troll bridge down the exact path they needed to be on. She blushed realizing she was still holding his hand as he grinned brightly at the moment, he rather liked it.
He realized he had to sadly see her go, returning the bag of jewelry to her. He noticed her open it and hold up a chain, with a tiny hoop that could’ve been mistake as a ring.
He grinned, “What’s that for?”
“For you.” She said, handing it over.
“I couldn’t possibly take it. It’s yours.”
“Yes but, you deserve something good for what you did.”
“I never got your name.”
“Some call me Snow White but others like to call me Amara...”
He repeated the names with a nod, “Amara and Snow..I sometimes get called Nicholas instead of Nikolai.”
She grinned this time, “Sir Nicholas..yet, rather Charming.”
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She shrugged playing it off cool as he chuckled, placing the necklace around his neck, bid her goodbye with a wink.
“Wait? Will i see you again?” She asked, shyly.
He thought about and nodded, “Yeah, we might. Hope to meet you here again soon, Snow.”
…as Nikolai closed was about to finished reading the last couple of lines, he noticed the women, Jane Doe fingers twitch as if she was reaching out. His eyebrows raised and asked for a doctor, who came and check but the doctor responded that her status seems normal.
But he knew what he saw.
He walked out with a glare, not without a second look at the Jane Doe, running off to find the kids. Belladonna and Joshua was right.
The next day, he found Belladonna with Ethan sitting outside the Diner, explaining to them what exactly happened. Belladonna kept a neutral face as a small smile played on her lips meanwhile her father tried to understand what was going on, rolling his eyes.
His kid started to roll in the adults into her whole curse theory, asking if Nikolai believed in these tales as he got a semi-shrug in response, all he knew is that he helped in a odd way.
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The trio entered the hospital after a couple of hours only to find Jane Doe went missing. Erik was there looking into it. Even worse, Nikolai found his older brother, Alexander, standing there asking what the heck is he doing here of all places. Belladonna eyed the man, suspicious of his role in this as she watched the brothers speak.
Ethan spoke up, “What is the mayor doing here?”
“I’m one of her emergency contact, Ms St. James’s mother brought her in a few short years ago, I offered to be on her list.” Alexander responded, glanced between the teen and both men.
“Of course Liane did. Well, she’s gone now, where do you think she would’ve gone?”
“As if I know, according to Sheriff Erik, she just left with no contact. I suggest you stay out of this, all of you.”
Nikolai scoffed, “You would like that, won’t you, Alex? Time is precious and if you’re not gonna help just leave. We both know you’re rather busy.”
Alexander looked at his brother, “Busy is not the word I would put it, I’m not going to argue with you right now. You want to play hero, go ahead.”
With that the man left as Belladonna’s eyes followed him out the double doors, whipping out her phone as she listened to the other’s talk.
Erik, Ethan and Nikolai talked trying to figure out how to go about this. Looking between rounds and security footage of the last 12 hours. They noticed that Jane Doe walked out alone, she was alright.
Ethan asked where did the others lead to, as Erik said, “The woods.”
Belladonna looked up from her phone hearing that last part, excusing herself to go home real quick, saying she got some homework to finalize. But what she really did was head back to home grabbing her copy of the book and finding Joshua to let him what happened.
Belladonna explained the story in full to Snow & Charming taking apart the lines to piece things together, as Joshua listening picking up any clues.
She figured it out before he did where Jane Doe was going, grabbing her flashlight and pepper spray. Joshua joked how they were gonna have to owe Riley and The Twins something like sweets for figuring out the story beforehand.
Belladonna lead them into the woods, following the adults trail being quicker than most. Joshua wanted to ask how was she so good at this stuff but decided against it at how impressed he was. He caught her once before she could trip on a log and she thanked him for it.
After a while, Ethan looked over as he was following behind Nikolai and Erik as he noticed the teens.
His eyes widen, “What are you doing here?! Liane is kill me then you, then me again.”
“Relax. Here I know where she is.” She replied calmly, sharing a look with the young brunette.
Joshua got the hint as he added, “It’s right in the details on the story. It’s the bridge.”
Ethan rolled his eyes, “Well, fine, if I lose you both then it be both my fault. Keep walking and don’t break bone while we’re out here.”
The three of them followed the others, as Ethan and Erik found themselves near the tall trees that lead to a Toll Bridge. Before the kids and two men can say a word, Nikolai leaps across the lake to find the women on the ground nearby.
Nikolai and Ethan pulled whatever strength they had, get to Jane Doe laying upright. Erik without a second later, calls an ambulance as Ethan checks for anyone else that could have been near.
As Belladonna shine her flashlight and Joshua checks for any damage to her, it Nikolai who takes charge in bringing the women to wake up. As Joshua was doing started doing CPR, Nikolai did some mouth-to-mouth and as he pulled away, she came up for air.
“Oh, my God!” He said, cupping her face as if naturally pushing hair away from the girl’s face, “Hi there. You gave us all quite a scare.”
“You saved me..” She mutter.
“Do you know your name, sweetheart?”
“..no. Uh Mia…?”
“It’s okay, Mia.” He said, trying to reassure her, “You’re gonna be okay.”
“Thank you..”
“Her name is Amelia Spencer.” Liane St. James explained to the group at the hospital. After the 4 of them found Amelia at the woods, she was brought in to get checked out. She continued, “I remember I found her outside the streets some time back but never found true legal documents for her until later. Alexander helped me with that part.”
Ethan shrugged, “Odd. You just found the legal paperwork now for this woman. Is she married? Somebody we can call?”
“She has a friend who lives here in the town, I can call her. But no she’s not married or anything for that matter.”
“But she entered the woods as if she was looking for something.”
Joshua cleared his throat to catch their attention, nodding for Belladonna to speak up, “Or someone. She woke up and was looking for someone.”
Liane sighed looking at her daughter, “Why were you in the woods anyway? It’s dangerous for you, both of you.”
“I can handle myself, Mom. And I wasn’t alone, I knew what I was doing.”
Ethan looked between both young ladies and nodded, “She was fine. I told her to go home but she rather focused on staying.”
Meanwhile, Nikolai looked at the clear doors that held Amelia Spencer who was being looked at by nurses and doctors. She seemed uncomfortable, but her gaze soften as she looked at him. A nurse was checking her pulse as a tiny hoop played on her middle finger.
He sighed giving her a soft smile, playing with the chain around his neck. He knew she was being taken cared of and that’s what mattered. For a split second he thought of the story he read to her hearing the muttering voice of the teens in the background about the situation.
Nikolai stood there for a few short moments listening to the others before deciding to leave the hospital. Not without looking over his shoulder to see Amelia gaze falling on him once again then back to the nurse.
Joshua looked pleased to hear he helped out today, even if it was something minor, a part of him started to wire the whole idea of the tales and the real world together. It was silly but a little cocky hope wasn’t the worst thing. He patted Belladonna on the shoulder as she gave him a tiny smile, before heading out of the hospital.
As he walked out of the medical wing and onto the streets, he saw Nikolai zipping on his coat. He gave him a soft smile, “Hey.”
“Hi.” He replied turning around to face the young brunette with a similar smile, “Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Uh, by any chance that room is still available?”
“Yeah, yeah it is. Let’s go home.”
Joshua nodded following him to the older dark brunette, listening to him talk about some small rules he will need to be followed. Nikolai lead the way, onto the streets on Fighter-Town to his home—their home.
Ahh okay that’s what I got! Sorry if it was a long read 😅 This is one of my favorites so far, tell me what y’all think? ⚔️
Josh and Bella make quite a interesting team don’t you think? Idk it would be nice to possibly make them friends 🤷‍♀️
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