#and knows she'll still at least Make the tough decisions
shadowglens · 4 months
i've never really considered fran's relationship with isabela, but they've quickly become very close friends in this playthrough and it's making me 🤔
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xoxoavenger · 2 months
Hey! Since you’re taking requests, can I request a sort of part two (not necessarily it could jsut be a stand alone) to Days of Future Past where what if younger Charles had a wife in the 70s where reader decides to break it off with Charlie’s casue the love she had for him begun to slowly dwindle because of all the events that happened in the last fic. And while she does care for him as the father of her son and fully expects him to still be in his sons life, she can’t be with him anymore since it’s to much
pairing: Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader
word count: 739
warnings: angst, no comfort
notes: Days Of Future Past was posted a year ago for my birthday celebration, so it's only fitting that I post the long awaited part 2 for another birthday celebration 🥰
Days Of Future Past (part 1)
birthday celebration main masterlist
The thing about change is that it doesn't happen overnight.
When Logan went back to his own time, Y/N never expected Charles to go back to normal immediately. She knew it would be an uphill battle. But she was pregnant and tired of waiting.
"You're joking." Charles says. They're in his study, Y/N standing even though she is due in a week. They haven't had any conversations that aren't about their son since Logan came, and they need to have this conversation before there's a baby taking up all their time. When she brought up her decision, he didn't seem to like it.
"I know you're on cocaine." She says point blank. She's known for awhile, but it's finally time to force him to get his shit together.
"If you're going to leave me, you might as well go before our son comes." He doesn't think she'll actually do it. He goes back to his work, sitting behind his desk as if she'll huff and walk out. But His words just make her more sure in her decision. She takes a deep breath and looks over at him.
"Charles. I am leaving you. We're not arguing about that right now. What we're talking about is if you're going to be in our son's life or not." She can tell this makes Charles mad, but she has to think of herself and her son. She can't stay with Charles, not when he continuously puts her through tough times. She doesn't know how she's even gotten through this pregnancy when all he's done is get high or drunk and act like she wasn't pregnant for six months.
"What the fuck?" Charles blinks, looking up slowly. "You can't just leave as we're about to have a kid!" His argument infuriates her.
"I'm not in love with you anymore!" She screams, the room going completely quiet. They stare at each other, both hurting.
"What does that mean?" He whispers, and she almost wants to take it back. She can't though, because it's the truth.
"I'll always love you, Charles." She tells him, walking closer slowly. "But after what you put me through, I'm not in love with you."
"I need you." He tells her, reaching out when she gets close enough and grabbing her hand. "I can't get through life without you."
"I'll be here." She assures, moving his hand to her protruding stomach. "There will be a piece of us in this world soon, and I would go through everything again for him. But you and I cannot work together. At least not now." Tears begin to fall from Charles' eyes.
"I can quit." He mutters, and she nods.
"I know you can. And you're going to for our son." She moves to sit on his desk. He puts his head against her stomach, tears soaking her shirt.
"I need you." He repeats, and she just shakes her head.
"Our son needs you." She cards her hands through his hair. "Maybe in another time, we can be together, but you've put me through too much."
"I'm sorry." He finally whispers, and she nods, trying not to cry. "I love you so much."
"I know you do." She tells him. A part of her feels bad. She knows he's trying. But it's too little too late, and she can't sacrifice any more of herself.
"I can change." He promises.
"Charles," She pulls away from him, looking down. "I know you can change. But I can't wait for it. I can't keep giving up pieces of myself to fix you." She feels the need to kiss him, for the comfort and the repetitiveness. But it'll only hurt worse.
"I don't need to be fixed. I just need time." He begs, and it's the same thing Y/N has heard over and over.
"I don't have time to give you." She tells him truthfully, moving away from him now. "Our baby will be brilliant. He will have two loving parents. But they will not be together. For their sake and his."
"Y/N," He starts, but he doesn't have anything left to say. He has nothing left to beg with.
"I love and care for you." She whispers. "But I am not in love with you. You have taken things from me that you cannot give back. Broken things you can't repair. And I can't forgive you for that."
She walks out without looking back, going to move her stuff out of their room. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @thefandomplace  @mcueveryday @icequeen1371 @kenzi-woycehoski @multifandom-boss-bitch
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Just found your Super Train AU and rotating it around in my head like a microwave.XD
Thinking about the Subway Clan's relationship with the other clans in Hisui. Like maybe since Lady Sneasler took a liking to to Ingo, the Pearl Clan was a bit miffed since she's one of their Nobles, but they accept her decisions and see this as a sign from Almighty that this new clan should be accepted. Maybe even more readily than the Galaxy Team, since no Noble chose any of their number. Maybe depending on how long the Subway crew was there, there was feeling of dread within both of the clans that either Lord Kleavor or Lord Braviary would also pick Wardens from the new clan.
Anyway, I can still see Irida and Ingo still having at least a friendly if professional relationship. Like when it became clear Sneasler chose Ingo, she took it upon herself to give him the Warden band and flute, explaining the whole deal about Wardens and Nobles to him and stressing how this was an incredibly sacred duty to care for one of the descendants of the ten Noble pokemon that helped the Ancient Hero and were blessed by Almighty Sinnoh itself.
No pressure.XD
I really like the thought that before anyone even came around to inform Ingo about the whole "Noble Pokémon" and "Almighty Sinnoh" thing, he was just sorta hanging with Sneasler and making baby noises at her kits. Naming all of them and giving them different colored scarves to differentiate them. Kissing their lil heads. Letting them run wild in his personal train car that he's living in. Their itty bitty claws like to scratch at the seats because the whole train is made to withstand battles, so it's just a scratching post that never wears out. They're living in luxury!
Then Irida comes along and is like This Is A Sacred Figure To Our Clan. And Ingo's internally like "oh shit I've been making kissy faces and squishing the face of this Sacred Clan Figure. They CAN NOT ever know about this, I'm taking this to my GRAVE."
Ingo's face is completely blank but internally he's an anxious wreck as Irida explains the duty of a Warden etc. Meanwhile Irida is just thinking "this looks like a confident man who knows what he's doing, I can see how he became the leader of his clan."
Ingo Does Not know what he is doing.
I think Ingo endears himself to Irida pretty quickly because despite not smiling all too much, he's a very kindhearted and polite man, and he's the type to express his admiration out loud whenever possible. Irida actually gains a lot of confidence in her leadership skills whenever she and Ingo talk. She'll mention tough decisions she's had to make and Ingo's just like, my, you're doing such a fine job leading your people! Don't be so hard on yourself, you've accomplished all your tasks and led everyone to a stable and safe destination—
Yeah Irida likes this dude. He talks a lot and he's loud, but he's just so nice and respectful that you can't find him annoying or anything. Plus, he takes his work very seriously and is probably one of the best Wardens she's ever seen. Not to mention he's got a group of people helping him protect the highlands and take care of the Noble— that actually leads Irida to wondering if it's a good idea to assign smaller groups to the Wardens to help make their jobs less dangerous and more efficient. Something to think about.
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kartoffelstern · 5 months
modern day AU
the two most important people in Cora's life - his older brother and the young adult he took care of - are hellbent on hogging all his attention
small snippet under the cut
Cora: bursts into the room Guys, I've got news! Doffy & Law at the kitchen table: *no reaction* Cora: presenting his phone with a pic of Belle-mere I've got a girlfriend! :D Doffy & Law: necks audibly cracking from turning to Cora so fast Doffy: You've got a WHAT. Cora: A girlfriend! I asked her out…uhm, well, actually it was her that asked in the end, I got too nervous Doffy: That one chick from your work? Really? Law: glares And you…said yes? Cora: nods of course! I like her! She's pretty and nice, and she's really tough too! Doffy: Rosi. grips him by the shoulders What the fuck are you talking about, you're way too young for this. Cora: …Doffy, I'm 34. Doffy: waves Yet still inexperienced. So you really think you could handle a woman like that? She'll just walk all over you, use you as a doormat! Cora: What? No, she's really sweet and caring and- Law: I agree with Doflamingo. For once. Doffy & Cora: both look in surprise down at Law What!? Law: Corasan, you should dump her. She doesn't deserve you, Cora: Wait, hold on, wait, wait- Why are you two so against me having a girlfriend? Law: I'm not against you having a grimaces…partner. I just think she's not good enough for you, Corasan. Doffy: What the brat said. grins Trust me, Rosi, I know a maneater when I see one. [he might or might not be thinking about a certain crocodilian lady…] Doffy: And you, my dear baby brother, are NOT cut out to handle that kind of woman Cora: Wh…why are you two teaming up against me all of a sudden!? Law: That's not it, Corasan! We - well, at least I - am concerned about you. Cora: Concerned? Doffy: That bitch is gonna break you, Rosi. Law: nods You don't need a girlfriend at all, Corasan. That's just gonna end in heartbreak. I don't like that. Cora: sighs This is ridiculous. Are you two even listening to yourself? I'm old enough to make my own decisions! I'm an adult!
Law: Yeah, on paper. Cora: Law…frowns Doffy: grins Look, Rosi, nobody knows you better than I do and what I do know is that this woman is gonna make you unhappy. You should just stick with the life of a bachelor, it suits you better. Cora: grumbles Just because that's what you like… Doffy: What was that? I just value my freedom, you see? And you should enjoy yours as well, don't tie yourself down with something as flimsy and fickle as a "relationship". If you need some release just pay for it! Be free and live your life, little bro! Cora: Well, I don't really feel all that free with you two breathing down my neck once I've finally found a cute girl I wanna date! Law: Corasan, I just mean well. Really. So please. hugs Cora and looks up at him with big eyes Dump her. For me. Cora: Nghh…not the puppy eyes…too adorable, can't resist…. Doffy: Rosi, really, dump that bitch hugs Cora and looks up at him as well For me? Pretty please? Cora: You know, it's a lot less cute when it's you who's doing that… Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law and Doffy both tug on him, pestering Cora: S-stop! Hey! What's gotten into you two!? Law: Why do you even need someone else!? It's already a chore having to share you with Doflamingo of all people- Corasan, you should just get your own apartment, you don't need to stick with that asshole… Doffy: Rosi, after all that I have done for you? Let you live at my place? Borrow you money? Practically raised you all by myself?? Even let that stupid brat you picked off the streets live with us??? And that's your thanks!? Cora: overwhelmed What do you want me to do!? Split myself up in half!? I'm not living just to please you both! Law & Doffy: silent for a short moment Law: All we're asking is for you too leave her. That's all! Doffy: You should know where you belong. Cora: …sighs Cora: I hate it when you two agree on something. It's the worst. Alright then. I know you two just worry and I appreciate it. I just got together with her and this will be messy, but if it matters so much to you… Law: It does. Cora: …I will break up with her. his expression solemn Happy now? Doffy: grins & throws an arm around Cora That's a good boy! You finally came to your senses! Law: visibly relaxes, even smiles a bit Corasan, thank you. Cora: … [this is by far not the first time he has had to do something like this for the sake of the two]
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cadybear420 · 3 months
good evening! please tell me anything and everything you want about your It Lives MCs and their LIs. thank you <3
Hmm I'm still working out a lot of things for all of them, so for now I'll braindump some basic details/profiles. Apologies for this taking a long time, I kept thinking of things I wanted to discuss about my MCs and their LIs, but there's also a lot of things I'm still figuring out.
CW: Some NSFW-ish details included
Jo Hunter (ILITW)
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Birthday: April 22, 1999 (I'm pretty sure I wrote down a different birthday for her but I lost it)
Her full name is Joanne. She doesn't mind it, but she prefers to be called Jo because it sounds cooler.
She's a GNC cis gal (She/Her), and very proud of her GNC identity. She's big into "cool guy", "bad boy", and "lumberjack" aesthetics/looks in particular. Of all my female(-aligned) MCs, she probably is also the loudest about her bottom euphoria from the idea of having a penis.
She's straight and possibly polyamorous. Her LI is Lucas, but she also feels attraction to Andy and Connor. Even though I have her and Lucas getting married as the endgame headcanon, I plan to include Andy in that relationship and, at some point, replay with her in an Andy route. I feel like they'd have really good chemistry, what with both of them having a sort of a "cool guy" side to them.
Personality-wise, she's very tough, no-nonsense, has confidence for days, and is so horny-on-main she makes Evie look like a prude (okay maybe not to that level but still); but also vulnerable and open to acknowledging her fears and emotions; and I try to play her as such in the actual story.
She places great value on being able to fend for herself and to be able to do things for herself. Since her parents were away often and she didn't hang out with her friend group as much anymore, she spend a lot of her childhood sort of training herself to be self-sufficient. Yet somehow still burned the mac-n-cheese whenever she tried to make it.
All of her friends survive the game, and she chooses for Noah to become the monster, mainly due to her anger at Noah, and her knowing that Noah wished he'd be the one to become the next monster. At first she felt she could, in good faith, make that decision, but soon she'd start to grow increasingly guilty about it.
She named the baby crow "Qrow", the kitten "Ava Jr", and the skeleton dog "Bonedog". The name for the dog is subject to change.
Of the main group, her closest friendship (besides Jane) had always been with Ava, as both of them tended to stray greatly from typical expectations of femininity. Even after the group split up after Jane's death, she would still have some closeness with Ava through the following years.
Jo and Lucas have this little habit during their interactions where she'll lightly punch his arm and call him "Nerd" and then he'll respond doing the same but calling her "Pervert".
Before Jane's death, Jo and her friends were huge into "Little Einsteins" and always sung the song together. There was this one time in eighth grade, however, when she found some of her old DVDs of the show and tried to watch them for memory's sake, only to break down sobbing during the theme song.
Jo sometimes likes to use that fire axe weapon from the canon story to record herself cutting chunks of wood, lumberjack style. Then she sends the videos to Andy, Lucas, and Connor. For reasons. ;)
In the future, she'll probably adopt one kid with Lucas, and have one kid with Andy via IVF. But I'm still figuring it out. At the very least, they (and Ava) keep Ava Jr. together.
Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (ILB)
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Birthday: July 12, 1998
"Harper", "Addison" or "Harper Addison" will do.
She's a genderfluid demigirl, and figured this out somwhere during the ILB timeline. They prefer She/Hers and They/Them pronouns, but doesn't mind He/Him pronouns occasionally. She does consider herself GNC, and a lot of her clothing styles do tend to lean into more masc/androgynous territory. (Also, even though I like the red tank top outfit better, that pink sweater with the grey skirt is also perfect for her cause it's basically demigirl flag color scheme. I'll probably headcanon it as their post-ILB/non-summer casual outfit).
They're bi-curious, tending to prefer guys like Tom and Parker but does also start to have a bit of a thing for Imogen. Tom will likely be her only endgame romance.
Ignore what the canon says. She did not straddle Tom's lap in the photo booth smut scenes. She pulled him into her lap and toyed with his ass, making a mess of him in the process. And they used a strap-on on him in their shower smut scene in the book finale.
Personality-wise, they're a friendly, slightly goofy, slightly flirty sweetheart, who loves to lightly tease others (like playfully embarrassing their brother, or calling Richard Sutcliffe "Dick"), but isn't above beating the crap out of monsters and Dick Sutcliffe. And I try to play them as such in the actual story.
She's very into painting and playing guitar, and is going for an arts major at Terman U (I just now thought it would be kind of cool if she and her family originally lived around Cedar Cove before her parents' death). Often they like to play a soothing tune on their guitar to calm themselves down, and loves to play songs for Tom to soothe or serenade him as well.
They named the otter friend "Parker Jr", the coyote friend "Munch", the owl friend "Bowie", and their pet zombie jackalope "Dipshit" (that word makes me laugh and I love imagining them calling the rabbit "dipshit" in an affectionate manner). All of these names are subject to change.
They have a very touchy relationship with their grandpa after the events of ILB. They want to like their grandpa, especially since he does try to be nice and does regret what he did. But it's also hard to get past what he did to Josephine and the rest of their family.
She and Tom move in together one day, and may or may not get married. Their only child is that giant stuffed teddy Boo-Boo which she won for him at the Lake Day fair in canon, and they're very proud parents.
Cedric Zhao (ILW)
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Birthday: October 4 (unsure about the year, I'll have to review the ILW timeline later)
His nickname is "Kitty". His parents used to call him "Ceddie" when he was a baby, and someway somehow it evolved into "Kitty".
He's a GNC Cis Guy (He/Him) and is very proud of his GNC identity. He's pretty much exclusively into GNC dress styles and (like pretty much all of my MCs) GNC sex acts like strap-on stuff.
He's Heteroflexible and Polyamorous. I had him romance Jocelyn through the FWB route, but in my headcanons his heart belongs to both her and Amalia. The endgame for which, I am still working out.
His in-game personality is mostly genuine, with a bit of sarcastic here and there. I also play him as being very seductive and flirtacious. Corrupted!Connor did indeed condemn him for being a slut. But he's a proud slut.
His motivation is Blood (wants to live his life and remain human). Though at first I played him as mostly Shadow, so that may or may not have affected his fate. Speaking of which...
In my playthrough, he got stabbed by Mattyass and failed to save Westchester. Probably cause his nerve score was at like, Rattled. I hope to get a better and happier outcome for him in any possible replays though.
Only Abel died in my playthrough, but I might change this in further headcanons/playthroughs.
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starrygalazy · 6 months
Random HC's for all the Overwatch characters (mostly Mei) that I've been gathering over the last 3 months (starting Sept. 17)
It's just. Exactly what it sounds like. Fluffy, angsty, funny, probably not spicy (I lied-ish, talking abt a dick). We'll see. Gonna try and post this on December 31 for something
(Sept 17) Zenyatta is ticklish as hell. Typically omnics aren't but he got his touch receptors modified, tho I can't decide if Ramattra and Mondatta tricked him into it or he wanted to try it out
(Sept 20) Genji used to have a dick piercing, when he was young and stupid. After Blackwatch he took it out and now there's just a scar.
(Sept. 29) Mei finds a lot of comfort in music box songs her mom had lot when she was young and it helps her sleep.
(Oct 3) Actually on top of the previous hc, Mei can't do silence anymore. She always needs background noise, so usually she keeps her machines in the science ward running when she's actually trying to sleep. Otherwise she puts on music or uses sound generators if it's a bit too quiet on Gibraltar. The only sound that disturbs her more than just silence is wind blowing through the quiet, because it REALLY reminds her of emerging all alone.
(Oct 20) Mei is a Steven Universe girl. Her favorite Gem as a kid was Garnet because she loved her message about self love and how much Sapphire and Ruby loved each other, and she still knows almost all the songs by heart. She got very good at singing because she sang along so much. Also she probably cried when Steven lost his gem then got it back, and when Spinel sang "Drift Away"
(Nov 4) If Mei geeks out to someone, she really really loves and trusts them. Usually it'll be about her tech, climatology, or any show that she's currently watching. She only does this if she's fully comfortable with someone though
(Nov 19) Mei is one of those people who goes ALL OUT for Christmas. If you've seen those tiktok slideshows abt warm Christmases and tacky Christmases and more, she is ALL OF THEM (a little warmer leaning imo). She'll start looking for stuff to buy as soon as Halloween ends but she refrains from actually making anything until Thanksgiving (as request of quite a few OW agents).
(Nov 19) Cassidy either hates pumpkin spice latte's or loves it. No in between. He loves pumpkin pies though!
(Nov 28) Mei genuinely did consider joining Talon instead of Winston's recall in a grief filled moment. However, she immediately remembered her friends and knew they wouldn't want her to go down that path. On top of that, if Mei's struggling with a tough decision, she thinks about what her Ecopoint team would do. She thinks of it as the least she can do considering she believes she was at fault for some of it (even though that's not true).
(Dec 15) Genji has a lot of scuffs on his armor, mostly around his shoulders, although a lot has been buffed and polished out. Most think it's from battle, but a lot of it is actually from Snowball nuzzling him too hard. The same goes for Tokki, Reinhardt, Brigitte, and a few others.
(Dec 15) As a kid and teen, Mei's mom always got her a lot of clothes and she never really got clothes on her own except in the winter time. She'd put buying clothes as a last priority since usually her mother would do that, and it's why she never has a lot of clothes for the summer: she's just still in the habit of putting off clothes shopping.
(Dec 30) Mei would have 100% been a Royale High girl on roblox. You can fight me on this
It's currently almost 1 AM for this on Jan 1st and im posting this now. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE
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juriyuna · 7 months
Top 5/Bottom 5 Girls in the supporting cast? i.e. Girls with 30xx in their ID
I'll start with my Top 5 first:
5. Mizuki Rui: 5th place was a toss-up between her and Chika, but I'm gonna go with Rui this time! I love how she keeps pinging between "emo kid who wears chainmail under her school uniform and spouts edgy quotes about demons" to "oh god why did i say that??? brb crawling into a hole", haha. Her magical girl outfit with a million belts is fun, and her awkward nerd friendship with Miyuri is heartwarming.
4. Yukino Kanae: I've been fond of her ever since the NA server days, and I will never not feel robbed that she's been dead since before the story even started. ;; She's like a big raggedy alley tomcat in the form of a delinquent girl-- yeah, she looks like she gets into fights all the time (and she does), but she never goes looking for trouble, and she's a huge sweetheart when you get to know her. How emotional she got when Yachiyo's grandma started doting on her... augh. All she really wants is love, deep down.
The fact that she was so willing and almost eager to throw her life away to save her friends from a witch carries some pretty depressing implications, and it's a shame that she died before the story could explore any of that. :{ I think she could've had an interesting connection with Ren. As far as Kanae's canon relationships go, I love her brief almost-friendship with Kanagi. They have a good dynamic!
3. Natsu Ryouko: Probably my favorite Tokime girl next to Shizuka herself! I love how sincere she is-- the girl can't lie her way out of a wet paper bag, and she knows it. Unfortunately, this means she's honest about things that she probably could've kept to herself (sorry Sakuya), but at least she means well. I've got a soft spot for characters who are short-tempered but protective-- she'll get mad and butt into situations that have nothing to do with her because she can't just sit on her hands while someone is suffering.
I also find it very funny that she's like "yeah I was raised in a Buddhist temple, and I pray and meditate daily, but I'm not a monk or nothin', so I can be horny for hot girls and eat meat. it's all good don't worry about it buddy" and the other characters just... try not to think about how vaguely sacrilegious it feels to grill meat next to some bald old monks
2. Suzuka Sakuya: Taken from us too soon... ;_; Working on her MSS and Another Story ch.3 really made her grow on me. She's such a good girl! I like how she's torn between her duty- helping Promised Blood seize the APS from Kamihama- and her own morals (as well as the PTSD she has from killing her girlfriend "dearest, most beloved best friend" with her own hands in the Blood Tragedy). She tries to act tough and harsh, but she's so gentle at heart that she caves way too easily.
The scene in AS3 where she says that if it ever seems like Yuna is going to lose herself to vengeance, she'll keep Yuna's heart safe until the darkness breaks and the sun rises over Futatsugi again, gets me every time. Especially in hindsight of MS7... ;; I love Sakuya's relationships with Ryouko and the rest of PB, too-- it's all so good!
1. Chizu Ranka: She's one of my top 3 characters in the game in general, main cast included. My baby, my chew toy, my shitty little purse dog... She can be aggressive, underhanded, and cowardly, but she can also be playful, affectionate, and supportive of her friends. She'll call Juri a dumb sack of bricks not to make her feel bad, but because it's true she knows Juri can do better and doesn't wanna just sit by and watch her fuck up. I guess you could say Ranka is kind, but not nice? It's a fun contrast.
And I am still gnawing on the way her guilt, weakness, and fear form an endless cycle of bad decisions. I'm a huge sucker for that "rat in a cage" type of characterization, and how her trauma continues to affect her even long after Juri got her out of Monzenbashi. There is SO much to dig into with her character from all sorts of angles; I'll be here all day if I don't cut this off now. :') BUT I must also say that she's super cute, so extra points for that!!
(Bottom 5 under the cut)
The vast majority of the supporting cast is just kinda... forgettable to me. I don't actively dislike most of them, but I literally never think about them, either. If I had to name names, though:
5. Sakurako: I guess?? idk why but she bugs me a little. I wish I could explain, but alas... Probably doesn't help that I'm not a fan of Touka or Nemu, and she's pretty intrinsically linked to them.
4. Natsuke Kako: Too generic moeblob for me. Also really not a fan of her artist or design, which I will elaborate on in a sec.
3. Kirino Sae: I don't like her design (her mask is neat, though), and something about her personality annoys me. I can't quite put my finger on what...
2. Irina Kushu: I'll be honest, it's mostly her character design. If she was drawn by someone else, she'd simply be forgettable, but... Have you ever looked at someone's art style and you just know they draw lolicon? Well, it's true in this case. Her design is way too cluttered for me anyway, but knowing that her artist draws hetero loli art makes it (and her "always sleepy" thing) feel very ://// bad vibes, scoob.
1. Miwa Mitsune: I know she's popular, but God her personality grates on me. I'll keep it short and say that she reminds me of the sort of insecure nerd you constantly have to walk on eggshells around or they'll launch into a self-deprecating spiral, "lol". She's very realistically written, which unfortunately means she's a very accurate depiction of the type of person I find the most exhausting and annoying to be around. :'V
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nautiscarader · 2 years
I'm not sure if this is something you're into, but: "Take Charge." Mai feels angry and hurt that Zuko seems to prefer his concubine Jin to his lawful wife. But she's not going to take it out on the sweet Earth Kingdom girl. The Fire Lord's ass, on the other hand... Mai pegs Zuko from behind, claiming his ass even as Jin's pussy milks his cock for every drop of his seed. If Zuko wants to father a spare heir, then Mai will play her part- abut she'll do it HER way.
Mai was used to the tough and uncompromising life of a politician. Being a daughter of a governor has taught her that in this career emotions must be put aside, to make the hardest of decisions.
But she simply couldn't.
It has been a year since Zuko's ascension to the throne, granting her, his wife, the title of the Fire Lady. And in that short time, her heart has already been torn to pieces many times, reshaped back, only to be shattered again.
Loving Zuko was exceptionally difficult, especially after assassins nearly took his life. And with that, the cogs of the political machine were put into motion, producing an unexpected revelation in form of a young woman from Earth Kingdom, currently spread onto Zuko's bed, her legs locked around his back.
A bastard was in need, in case his royal lineage ends, and with the reveal of Zuko's old crush, a natural candidate was chosen, though Mai never thought they would have the guts to do it on THEIR bed.
And yet… she could not find herself being angry at Jin. After all, the man she was in love with was a simple tea shop worker, and not a Fire Lord. She still called him "Lee" in between her moans, as they did what needed to be done.
Zuko, on the other hand… Well, Mai found an appropriate form of channelling her anger and frustr arti on, as she entered their chambers.
Jin looked at her through her misty, hazed vision brought by her climax and sobered up quickly, prompting er lover to do the same. Zuko turned around, his eyes widening at the sight of his wife walking nonchalantly towards them.
"Mai, listen-", he started, but he was quickly shut by her sudden response.
"You were doing it wrong", she commented, " Or, at least inefficient."
She looked at Jin's used pussy, oozing with his essence, and turned towards Zuko again.
"Don't you think she shouldn't be wasting your seed?"
This left Zuko truly speechless, as he looked from Jin to Mai, until the former spoke.
"I thought I did it well…"
"It's not your fault", Mai quickly replied, "It's his".
She stood up and circled her husband.
"For Fire Lord you haven't conquered her that much, have you?", she taunted him, "Luckily, I have means of keeping you in place".
She untied her robes and dropped them to the ground, making both Zuko's and Jin's eyes widen, not only at her almost naked figure, but at the only element she was wearing. Zuko nearly toppled to his back at the sight or a strap-on, its sleek, simple, black form clashing with highly ornamental base tied around Mai's crotch.
"Uh, Mai-", Zuko stuttered, taken aback by her sudden revelation.
"I believe you can get yourself prepared, honey.", she threw him a knowing look, and the two women watched as he paraded towards bathroom, their eyes focused on his butt. And when their eyes met, they shared a quick laughter, relieving the tension brought my Mai's appearance.
"Uh, Fire Lady…"
"Just call me Mai", she replied, "After all, we are going to get quite intimately acquainted soon."
"Mai…", Jin spoke, unsure how to formulate her thoughts, "I… I guess I ould like to thank you for… well, reuniting me with… Zuko."
"You are welcome.", Mai spoke with just the tiniest hint of warmth in her voice. "I understand this decision wasn't easy for you either."
"It all happened so suddenly.", Jin looked aside, "And to think I was making dove eyes to the Fire Lord himself all that time…".
"Sometimes we don't see the treasures we have right next to ourselves", Mai spoke, gently brushing Jin's thigh with her hand, feeling her skin shiver. She leaned against her, and she was about to say something else, when their eyes turned towards the door again.
"Speak of the devil…"
Zuko sat between the two, Mai already preparing her lube, as she pushed Zuko into a favourable position.
"First, we gotta make sure our esteemed guest feels okay", Mai spoke, handing Zuko a pillow. "Put it underneath her ass".
Once Zuko has done it, he felt the coldness of Mai's fake cock against his ass and shivered.
"Now grab her hips and push them against her.", Mai instructed, "We want to get your seed as close to her womb as possible…"
In a single move, Mai pushed herself against Zuko's ass, as he leaned against Jin, folding her in half. The two shared a moan, both feeling penetrated, Zuko doubly so, when Mai continued whispering into his ear.
"And now, my love… I will punish you for having a cute girl on the side".
Mai looked at Jin and winked the moment she grabbed Zuko's thighs and pushed forward, making him in turn fill Jin.
Like the powerful steam machines of the Fire Nation, the three connected lovers moved in sync, Zuko's gasps coinciding with Jin's soft moans, as she was filled and stretched with each slow thrust.
But of course she wasn't alone in that feeling, as Fire Lord's ass was stimulated the same way, and suddenly he found himself both giving and taking, reply Jin with the pent-up energy Mai was exerting on him.
And she wasn't stopping, making sure he felt her emotions bubbling inside her, being rewarded with the other two's moans as they gathered speed.
She knew exactly how to take her husband to ensure him cumming buckets, and when his voice cracked, she knew she has made it. At the same time, Jin's toes curled above his head and her legs began thrashing when Zuko's prostate was stimulated far enough to make him sink completely into Jin's pussy.
For long minutes Jin's pussy milked Zuko of his seed, Mai making sure he would be keep his stream thick and flowing, ensuring her plan would come true in about a year or so.
But when Mai collapsed on her husband's back, she was surprised to feel Jin's lips on hers first, as the Earth Kingdom girl lifted herself and moaned into her mouth, her body twitching from her recent climax, caused not only by Zuko, but Jin herself.
"Hey, waitaminute", Jin suddenly spoke, catching her breath and pushing her satin panties against her pussy, trapping Zuko's seed inside, "You-you didn't come, did you?"
Mai never expected to hear that sort of question, especially not from her. Her longer silence made Jin raise her eyebrows and got back on all fours, as she dragged Zuko with her.
"Come on, we gotta make up to her for THAT!"
And before she knew it, the Fire Lady was pushed to her back, her strapon dismantled, and legs spread, as Jin crawled between them, peppering her thighs with gentle kisses.
"Come on, Zuko, I gotta teach you how to please a lady before I go back to Ba Sing Se ".
"I-I know how to-", Zuko countered, receiving a polite, but still meaningful giggles from both of his lovers.
"Of course you do, but you can always learn from the best". Mai spoke and pushed him further down her body, keeping other hand on Jin's head, already licking her lips.
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chemspxdr · 10 months
Fast Car - Track 2 - Short Skirt / Long Jacket
Notes: They go on a DATE (it’s not a date) and they’re BONDING (he says she eats like a lion consining a zebra)
So, she may or may not have a workplace crush.
Is this a big deal? In the grand scheme of things, probably not. Especially considering the recent expansion of said scheme to include a world of the supernatural less than a week ago. But a crush is rare for her, especially of this caliber. Hell, she wore mascara today, something she hasn't fished out of her makeup bag since the beginning of her new position as “window.”
Although her physical presentation is less than ideal for a professional setting, she's driving a car, for Christ's sake. It's safe to say she can retire the formal attire she once had to don during her time in the office.
It started out simple enough, a “damn” released below her breath when she saw him walking towards her vehicle for the first time, then accidentally referring to him as “pretty boy” moments later. It's rare anyone makes her lose her filter so outrageously, much less a man, but here she is, fawning over the prettiest boy she's ever seen while desperately trying to focus on the road in front of her.
Is he an asshole? Most likely, but he's also slightly funny, responding to her quips in kind either verbally or with a playful scoff and roll of the eyes. So regardless of how good of a person he is, he's nice enough to at the very least tolerate her humor. She'll take what she can get.
Did she mention he's gorgeous? He's tall, lean, and has a voice that sends her into an absolute tizzy. Not to mention the hair, she really shouldn't have offered him her hair tie, she would much rather let him sulk about his bangs if it meant she could take one more moment to appreciate the way his locks frame his face. But she's been feeling uncharacteristically soft towards him, and the gentle look of surprise on his face every time she shows him a small kindness makes her heart flutter She also just doest want the guy to be so damn sulky all the time, so the drinks keep coming. The caffeine from the matcha is minimal, but does the trick to perk him up, albeit slightly.
He grabs the beverage on instinct now, after the past three drives, taking a sip before reaching for the file on the dashboard. He speaks without looking away from reading the file.
“I hope you’re not buying all these with your own money”
“The drinks? It’s fine, the guy that works the register thinks I’m cute so I get one for free”
“Why not just get your own drink for free instead of getting two?”
This poor boy just cannot process acts of kindness. But she's too stubborn to admit it, instead choosing to brush it off.
“I would, but I still want to support local businesses. It's good for the economy.”
“That’s a bad business decision, to give a free drink all the time,” he responds in a rare talkative mood, glancing at her briefly.
“Men are hardly known for good decisions. Especially when a pretty girl is involved.”
He laughs lightly through his nose at that, continuing to read the file with his “concentration face”: a slightly furrowed brow paired with a (very cute) pout on his (very pretty) lips.
He was one tough guy to crack, but at this point in their relationship, she'd like to think they've reached a level of professional friendship. So, she chooses to speak once he closes the file and rests it on his lap.
“I’ve been kind of picking up on this stuff, can I ask soemthing?”
“So like, curses I get. Cursed energy,” she waves a hand in a vague gesture, “sort of. But like, what makes you so special? You’re quite the hot commodity. And I know,” she turns to look at him, “it can’t only be because of your stunning good looks.”
“Please look at the road.”
She does, with the roll of her eyes, and only then does he answer.
“I have a technique. All sorcerers can control their cursed energy, but a technique is different.”
She nods along as he speaks, waiting patiently for him to explain further.
“So cursed energy is powerful in a general sense, but when someone has a technique, they can apply their cursed energy in unique ways.”
“So those are rare?”
He hums in affirmation.
“What’s yours?”
“Curse manipulation.”
“What, so you can just walk in, tell the thing to sit like a good doggy, and be done for the day?”
“No. I have to consume it first.”
“What?” Her head whips in his direction.
“Road, please,” he demands, to which she turns back forward with a groan.
“I fight them. Turn them into these,” he gestures in the air, trying to describe it in terms she’d understand, “orb things, and…swallow them. Then I can control the curse, use its cursed energy, and summon it whenever I want.”
“So you have to eat balls?”
He takes a deep inhale through his nose, clearly working up self control before glaring at her.
“Very funny. Truly.”
She cackles at his reaction, but more so at her own joke while he grovels silently.
She wipes an invisible tear with a dramatic sigh once she's composed herself.
“What do they taste like,” she turns to look at him, “you know, the b—“
Once her eyes are back where they’re supposed to be and her shoulders stop shaking with silent laughter, he takes a deep breath and continues.
“Like shit, actually.”
“Gross. Like shit shit? Or like, general shittiness?”
“It tastes more like vomit.”
“Huh. That sucks. Makes sense though.”
“How so?” He peeks at her through the corner of his eye in slight disbelief.
“Well, curses are the accumulation of negative emotions right? Makes sense they would taste…you know, bad.”
He doesn’t respond to that.
“What, surprised a lowly non sorcerer could put that together? I’m not stupid. Only most of us are.”
“I was surprised, just a little.”
“Unbelievable, isn't it? I’m gorgeous, and wildly intelligent. A very enviable combination.”
He rolls his eyes in a more gentle display of irritation compared to earlier, and leans his head on the window in silence for the rest of the drive.
Shes learned not to take his silences personally, and took the time to think about what she just learned. Poor guy. His workload is insane if the amount of times she drives him a week is anything to go off of, and on top of that, he has to eat literal shit. She hopes whoever is in charge pays him considerably more than they do her, although she’s not sure any amount of money would be worth it.
She pulls up to an abandoned warehouse within ten minutes. Some sort of curse is to blame for a number of missing persons over the past year, and the issue has just recently been sent to her department. It was within the massive pile of cases sitting on her desk earlier this week, and considering the curse has been festering for so long, she selected this particular case to be sent to the necessary higher ups to delegate what (un)lucky sorcerer gets to take care of it. Unexpectedly, there's a group of people – officers – in the parking lot, one specifically striding towards her car.
“Ah fuck.”
Her outburst caused him to follow her gaze to see a gaggle of police officers that, evidently, should not be there. Some are talking amongst themselves with disgruntled faces and a few are engrossed in seemingly frustrating phone calls. One of which, upon seeing their car entering the lot, flips his phone shut with a sneer, and strides towards them.
“Fucking Hitoshi. Fucking asshole. Fucking fuckballs.”
She takes a deep breath to cease the string of (uniquely American) curses and throws the car in park.
“I'll take care of this,” she says as she exits the vehicle, then slams the door aggressively before striding over to the officer in question. Suguru exits quietly, leaning on the hood of the car to observe.
“Hitoshi. I’d say it’s a pleasure to see you, but it’s not. The case transferred departments. You are not needed.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” his voice is dripping with disdain, and his smile does nothing to hide it, “man, that new position must be working you to the bone to get you dressing like that to work. Should I make a call to HR?”
“I dress like this because I have something called job security. That means I’m good enough at what I do to know I won’t lose my job over a pair of sweatpants. Why are you here? Needing to butt in on other cases to fill your empty schedule?”
Hitoshi’s lip turns up at that, but he quickly regains his composure.
“No, honestly I was just curious as to what your super secretive department gets up to. Whole lot of nothing, from what I’m seeing.”
“As opposed to walking around all day with your head up your ass? Unlike you, I have work to do. If you and your friends want to shoot the shit, be my guest, but do it somewhere else. Evac zone is the surrounding two blocks. I suggest you abide by that.”
The man turns bright red the more she speaks, and although Suguru has enjoyed the show, he has a job to do, and he isn’t in the mood to diffuse a physical altercation or dispose of a dead body. Whose, he can’t say for certain, but his money is on Hitoshi, who is currently stammering with rage and wiping an almost constant sheen of sweat off his lip.
As Suguru approaches with his hands in his pockets, he gives the man a brief once over. He’s fairly tall, but not as tall as Suguru, and in his late thirties, if his receding hairline is anything to go off of. Hitoshi meets his eye, triggering another wave of flustered stammers.
Suguru reaches her side and references the man with the jutt of his chin, “”What's the hold up?”
“No hold up at all,” she smiles at Suguru, the countenance quickly morphing to a sneer as she turns her attention to Hitoshi, “right?”
Hitoshi manages a curt goodbye through his rage and storms off, shooing his colleagues back to their respective vehicles.
“Who was that guy?”
She sighs and grumbles, “A jackass I used to share an office with. Smelly and creepy.”
He turns his nose up at that, “Ew.”
“I know right? We have to wait a bit for those fuckers to leave so don’t do anything crazy. Feel free to look over the file or scan the perimeter,” she waves her hand over her shoulder airily as she walks to the car, leaning on the hood and flipping her phone open to occupy herself. He chooses to walk the perimeter of the warehouse until the officers take their leave. He’s made it back to the parking lot by the time they pull out, finding her waving from the same position on her car, shouting so he can hear.
“I'm out of here, text me when you're done!”
He acknowledges her with a mock-salute, waits five more minutes for all civilians to leave the area, and enters the building with a sigh.
When he enters the car, it smells faintly of mint.
“Hey,” she greets him, extending her hand while blowing a large, green bubble.
He looks down, a pack of gum offered in his direction, he takes a piece without hesitation. Anything that may rid the taste in his mouth, he welcomes with open arms.
“Thanks,” he unwraps the foil and pops the gum in his mouth. Spearmint.
She waits for him to buckle his seatbelt and drives off, humming to a song on the radio. She’s been doing so more often these days, sometimes muttering out the lyrics under her breath. They reach a particularly long red light, during which she takes the opportunity to remove her hands from the wheel and massage both palms with her thumbs, taking extra time with the dominant hand, eliciting a near silent hiss. She must have to file a lot of reports by hand, the special divisions within police departments are most likely underfunded and outdated.
She continues humming during the drive, drumming her hands on the steering wheel.
“I’m hungry,” she states, punctuated by a pop of gum, “there’s this American themed restaraunt nearby, wanna go?”
“Uh, because I'm hungry? And I’m never on this side of town.”
“What do they even serve at an American restaurant?”
“No idea, but I hope they have a nice cheese burger. All these restaurants here do weird fancy fusion shit. I want the real deal. Ooh,” she breaks off excitedly, “and I want some good fries. Oh my god I can put them in the burger like I used to,” she groans, loud and guttural, slamming her head against the headrest, “nevermind, not asking for permission. We’re checking it out.”
It’s safe to say the decision has been made for him, so Suguru doesn’t raise any complaints.
They pull into the parking lot, surprisingly filled considering the fact that American themed restaurants are not all the rage, but there's enough cars to match the time: 6:02 pm, perfect for a small dinner rush. The restaurant has bright red and white accents, a large logo written in glowing red cursive.
“Oh. My. God. It’s a diner. It’s a fucking diner.”
He turns to watch her excitement, her eyes are as wide as they can get given the fact she’s smiling with all of her teeth. She turns her body towards him in her seat, slapping her hands on the wheel in exlamation, “it’s a fucking diner!”
She practically leaps out of the car, jumping on the balls of her feet while waiting for Sugru to follow suit. Once he closes the passenger door, she’s off, striding towards the front doors to enter, but not before spitting her gum a surprising distance into the nearby trash can. He does the same (disposing of his gum, that is) by taking it out of his mouth and dropping it in the can.
The hostess is Caucasian with bleach blonde hair, dark roots barely peeling out from under a novelty paper hat marked with the restaraunts logo. The two women hold a conversation in unintelligible English, the hostess laughing profusely (is she really that funny?) and answering questions enthusiastically, with an interesting accent.
They are seated at a booth in the corner, hostess plopping two menus on the table and switching back to Japanese.
“Your server will be with you shortly.”
He looks across the table to her with a curious brow.
“What were you two talking about?”
She peeks up at him from behind her menu, “Doesn’t everyone here know a little English?”
“I know English, but not whatever the hell that was.”
She laughs, “Sorry, I’m a fast talker, and the girl has a British accent. That’s probably why.”
“Yeah apparently the manager only hires white girls for the ‘theme’,” she raises one hand in a gesture of quotation, “he doesn’t really know the difference anyway.”
British, huh? He wonders if there are any British themed restaurants in Japan.
“Definitely not,” she says, he must have spoken aloud, “British food is nasty from what I hear.”
“And what’s so special about American food?”
She drops her menu with a loud gasp, brows raised and jaw dropped in over dramatic surprise, “what’s so special about— have you never eaten a cheeseburger?”
“Of course I have.”
“Yeah but like— lettuce, pickle, onion, tomato, mayo, ketchup, and American cheese?” she rattles off the list of condiments at an alarming speed, to which he takes a moment to think, then shakes his head.
“Not like that, no. But I’ve had burgers.”
She waves her hand with a click of her tongue, “You haven’t truly lived, then. I’ll order you one.”
He almost considers it, but changes his mind at the ever present nausea in his gut, “No, I’m not hungry.”
“Fine, you can eat my fries then. I only put them in my burgers anyway.”
Their waitress approaches, a slightly older woman with curled hair and red lipstick.
“I’ll have a cheeseburger with everything on it, and some fries,” she points to him without looking, “and he’s gonna have a chocolate milkshake. Wait—“ she looks at him now, “—chocolate or vanilla?”
“Chocolate,” he responds, “but I don’t—“
“I’ll drink it if you don’t,” she waves her hand flippantly, then thanks the waitress with a smile.
“I told you I’m not hungry. And besides, milkshakes are too sweet for me.”
“I know you don’t like sweets, but your gonna like it.”
She’s so insistent, “Ugh, fine,” he holds his hands up in submission, leaning back in the booth and crossing his arms, “I have a question.”
She looks at him with slight surprise, his unexpected interest interrupting her inspection of the condiment tray, “Sure.”
“Were you raised here for a few years? Your Japanese isn’t bad.”
Of course, it’s a lot better than that, but he’s not willing to give her any credit.
“No, I took a class in middle school because my friends and I didn’t want to learn Spanish,” She's rearranging the sugar packets in their container by color now, “then I just kept taking the next highest level each year. I took a couple classes in college too. Then I moved here and had to put it all together,” she finishes her work with a satisfied smile, sliding the condiment tray back to hits position at the edge of the table, “it was hard, but I figured it out in like, a year.”
“Why’d you move here?” He spits out the next question without much thought. She pauses at that, eyeing him suspiciously.
“You’re rather curious today.”
He isn’t going to disagree on that, he’s surprised at his interest as well. But he only offers her a shrug in response.
“I just—“ she pauses, chewing her lip, “—uh, got an internship at the department for forensics. Worked there for a year, then got put in my new super secret position.”
“Right after college?” He does nothing to veil his interest now, for both his and her sake, “that makes you what, twenty four?”
“Close, twenty three. I got put in school a little early when I was a kid.”
He hums in response, not choosing to say more. The waitress arrives with waters and straws, leaving almost as soon as she came to attend to her other tables.
He looks around at the patrons. Three booths are sat with either couples or families and the bar has two patrons sitting on opposite ends. Behind the bar is a window to the kitchen, framed with a sparse collection of order tags pinned on a clothesline. The handful of orders that have been fulfilled are placed on the frame with the ring of a bell, to which a waitress walks by to bring the dish to the respective table. From what he can see there’s two chefs: a teenager and another, much older man.
His eyes flick across the table at the feeling of being watched, but she either was fast enough for him to not catch it or wasn’t watching at all. She’s looking around the restaurant with a curious gaze, hands fidgeting with a straw wrapper. She's wrapped it up in a tight coil, and is now rolling it between her fingers.
When the younger chef places a burger in the window with the ring of a bell, their waitress comes by to grab it, then retrieves the milkshake from somewhere behind the bar. She breezes to and from their table with a faint, “Enjoy your meal,” and is off to focus on her flip-phone behind the bar.
She’s leaning over the burger with a predatory gaze, taking off the bun and placing a handful of fries on the patty. Once she raises it with both hands for one large bite, he can see that it’s almost the size of her head. Her eyes roll back, and she lets out a groan.
“So good,” she mumbles through bites, then places the burger down reaching for a napkin , “here.”
She puts a handful of fries on the napkin, sliding it over to him, “Dip these in your shake.”
She laughs through another bite of her burger, “you don’t like sweets enough to drink the whole thing by itself, right? Dip your fries in it.”
He’s not sure what face he’s making, but at her continued laughter he can assume it’s one of disgust.
“I swear I’m not trying to fuck with you,” she grabs one of her own fries, reaching over the table to dip it in his glass, then placing it in her mouth. In an uncharacteristic move, she swallows before speaking again.
“See? No poison. If you hate it, you won’t ever have to eat it again. It can’t be worse than curses, right?”
He stares down his shake. It’s true, nothing can taste as bad as what he has to consume every few days, so what’s the harm in this?
He takes the smallest fry possible, scoops a tiny amount of shake, and takes a tentative bite. He looks up at the ceiling as he chews, then dips the rest in his shake and finishes the fry.
“It’s not…” he looks back at her, who is leaning over the table, hands braced in anticipation, “…terrible.”
“Yes!” She nearly shouts, fists raised in the air, “I knew it.”
“I never said I liked it,”
“Eh, for you that’s close enough,” she brushes him off, returning to face her whole attention to her burger. At this rate, she’ll probably finish it in mere minutes.
He continues to take intermittent bites of his fries and when she’s not looking, dips them in his shake. It really isn’t terrible, the salt of the fries toning down what would no doubt be an overwhelming amount of sweetness from the shake. The shake lessens the intensity of the salt as well, so his stomach is able to accept the food with minimal groans of disapproval.
Do all Americans eat food this uncommon? And do they do it so…violently?
Her lips are smeared in ketchup, much like a lion in one of those nature documentaries eating a zebra or something, and — god— she somehow got a spot of ketchup on her forehead.
He watches her finish the burger with thinly veiled horror and awe, reaching into the carnage to take a handful of fries once his own ran out.
By the time he's had his fill, she’s downed the burger without so much as a break for air. She plops the final bite into her mouth with closed eyes and a smile of satisfaction, leaning back with a hum.
“I haven’t had a burger that good in so long,” she groans, then looks back at him, smiling at his empty napkin, “you like the fries?”
“They were okay, shake wasn’t bad either,” he slides the glass to the edge of the table, “but I don’t think I can drink any more.”
“Oh hand it over, wimp,” she grabs the glass and leans back, slurping the shake down in what was most likely a record time.
With that finished, he takes his wallet out and fishes for his card to place it on the end of the table.
“No!” She protests, preparing to slap his hand away with her absolutely filthy hands.
“Eugh,” he all but jumps back in disgust before the card can reach the table, “don’t touch me.”
He grabs about ten napkins from the dispenser, handing them to her, “You're a mess.”
She wipes her hands and mouth down with a laugh.
“Don’t pay, I ate everything.”
“I ate your fries.”
“It was already agreed upon that I would give you my fries,” she waves down the waitress, who takes her card while withholding a chuckle. That reminds him.
“You’ve got a little something,”
“Where?” She wipes at her face with the back of her hand, “Did I get it?”
“No, uh,” he raises his pointer finger, which she mirrors with her own, all the way up to the center of her forehead, “here.”
“You’re not funny,” she pouts.
“I’m not lying! It’s right there!” He gestures frantically towards her forehead, which still has ketchup on it by the time the waitress returns the card. She’s about to stand up and take her leave after that, and how could he be seen with that?
“Fucking — stop,” he frantically lurches toward her, swiping her forehead with his thumb, showing her the evidence, “see?”
She stares at him, first looking at his thumb, then back to his eyes with a flustered laugh.
“Oh. Oops.”
“You eat like a maniac,” he stands to leave, but turns back around, snatching a napkin to wipe his hands, “come on, let’s go.”
They make their way to the car, but she pauses right as she reaches the driver's side door.
He peers over the car at her, “Did you forget something? Your wallet?”
She thinks for a moment, patting down her pockets. “Shit, I didn’t tip,” she breaks into a run back into the restaurant and he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t smile.
Just a little.
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bushcloverprincess · 4 years
The Top 10 Best Ino Yamanaka Moments in Naruto and Naruto Shippuden Manga 🏆:
10🎖- Healing Naruto
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Apart from Ino's Yamanaka Clan Techniques, Mind Reading Techniques and Sensory Perception, Ino is also a Medical Ninja. The Databook explains Ino learned medical ninjutsu with her thirsts for knowledge and good instincts. It also explains she is skilled enough to make immediate conclusions on a patient's condition and heal fatal wounds. However, her Medical Abilities were never really explored in the Manga, specifically. The manga has only two moments of Ino using her Medical Ninjutsu: One is her failed attempt to save Asuma from death, and second is her healing Naruto after his first use of Wind Release: Rasenshuriken against Kakuzu in Team 10's quest to take revenge for Asuma. As we all know, the Rasen-Shuriken was declared to be a dangerous poison by Tsunade, the Greatest Medical Ninja of all time, because it inflicts a severe damage to the user and hence it was forbidden. As such after Naruto's first use of this technique, he was in a serious condition, and without the medical aid from Ino, it was highly unlikely Naruto could have survived until they reached Konoha for further treatment. Eventhough not very noticeable, it was Ino's best moment with Medical ninjutsu in the manga.
9🎖- Her part in the Ino-Shika-Cho Formation-E (Human Bullet Yo-Yo) in the War
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Formation Ino–Shika–Chō are formations used by the members of the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi clan members designed to use each member's abilities in the best way possible that complements the others, as a result of their long history of working together. Shikamaru, Ino and Chōji represents the 16th generation of this legendary Ino-Shika-Chō trio, with each one of them being equally crucial for every formation. Their one of the most iconic moment is the formation E (Human Bullet Yo-Yo) they used in the War, against the Mini Ten-Tail Clones. In this formation, Chōji increases his size, while Shikamaru connects their two shadows. At the same time, Ino detects any enemies with her sensory ninjutsu and transmits this information directly to Shikamaru. As Chōji begins to attack with the Human Bullet Tank technique, Ino continues to track their opponents so that Shikamaru can direct Chōji's movement by manipulating the shadow. In the telepathic dimension of Ino and Shikamaru, this technique when shown as a silhouette looks similar to Ultraman. This is the moment Ino demonstrated her great sensory perception, as well as her new ability of combining her telepathy with her sensory perception to relay what she senses to her allies, being one of the best moments of Ino.
8🎖- Spying on the Akatsuki
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In Team 10's quest to take revenge for Asuma's death from the monstrous Akatsuki Organization, their first task was to locate the Akatsuki duo who murdered their sensei. As mentioned by Kakashi, it was going to be quite a wide search, and of course, Ino, being a Yamanaka, was best suited for reconnaissance and espionage in the team. Ino used her Mind Transfer Jutsu on a Hawk to recon the entire desert to pinpoint the location of their target. This was the first and only time in the Manga Ino used the Mind Transfer Jutsu for what it is originally intended to: Spying. This also revealed that Ino gets access to all the abilities of the victim of her possession, such as being able to fly when she possessed a bird. Thus, Ino became the key to Team 10's fight against the Akatsuki, and eventhough Ino was not able to contribute much during the fight, due to her status as a medical ninja and her abilities not being suited for battles, Ino fulfilled her role as a spy, medical assistance and sensor for the team perfectly.
7🎖- Saving Choji's life twice from Edo-Asuma
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In the Fourth Shinobi World War, the most challenging moment for Team 10 was having to fight against their reanimated late sensei, Asuma. Out of the three, Chōji was most hesitant at confronting his teacher while Ino and Shikamaru suppressed their emotions as they realized they are the only ones who can stop Asuma with the least risk to the Army. Throughout the fight Chōji failed to hit Asuma twice; Both of the times putting himself into risks. Both of these times, the one who saved his life was Ino. First time, Ino tackled Chōji away from Asuma's Dust Cloud Jutsu with her impressive strength and speed, while shikamaru failed to react so quickly to save him. Second time, when Chōji gets distracted midway before landing a blow, Asuma takes the advantage and attacks him. Chōji however stops Asuma's attack, much to everyone's shock to see Chōji reacting, before realising that it was Ino who had transferred her consciousness into him, saving his life once more which also lead Shikamaru to comment on Ino's quick thinking. Ino, while present in Chōji's body fought Asuma one-on-one with her surprisingly impressive Taijutsu. In this fight, Ino also demonstrated her new ability of taking control over more than one body at once. Being useful for the teammates, being able to fight side by side with them while saving their lives is indeed one of the greatest achievement for a female in Naruto.
6🎖- Catching Sakura in her Chakra Hair Trap
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Ino's strategy against Sakura in the Chunin Exams Preliminarily match was objectively one of the most iconic and best moments of Ino in Naruto Part 1. While seemingly offended by Sakura's insults, Ino cut her hair off in the midst of the battle. Ino then got Sakura into lowering her guard by seemingly using the Mind Transfer Technique, despite Sakura being a moving target. While Sakura easily escaped the Jutsu and thought Ino lost her mind, Ino actually didn't use the technique and used her scattered hair to create a chakra rope to restrain Sakura's movements, and thus, guaranteed that her Mind Body Switch Technique won't miss. She then reveals her previous attempt of using the Mind Transfer Jutsu was all an act, to fool Sakura so that she'll run right into her trap. Not only she surprised Sakura with this strategy, but the entire Chūnin Exam audience including her own teammates and Jōnins like Asuma and Kakashi as well because no one could predict Ino's strategy and no one believed Ino could hit Sakura with her jutsu. It was a perfect portrayal of Ino's battle intelligence and the fact that she graduated top from her academy class and that she was an exceptional female among the rookie kunoichis.
5🏅- Striking 'poisonous' flowers into a bully's mouth
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Ino's most admirable personality trait is that she radiates herself with self-love and confidence while pushing others to do the same. She loves nurturing flower buds and watching them bloom into beautiful flowers. As such, she took Sakura under her wings, saved her from loneliness, defended her from bullies, supported her and encouraged her to embrace her flaws rather than hiding them. Throughout the years Ino watched Sakura bloom into a beautiful flower, and according to Sakura, she was forever indebted. Once when they were kids, while collecting flowers for an academy lesson, Sakura was confronted by some bullies. Ino quickly chased them away by striking some flowers into one of the bully's mouth and claiming it to be 'poisonous'. Ino apologized for mistaking them for flower vases because their 'heads were so empty'. When the bullies escaped, Ino, the daughter of a botanist explains to Sakura that only the root-tip of that particular flower species is poisonous and hence it'll cause no harm to them. Sakura, like all of us couldn't help but admire Ino's skills, vast knowledge and maturity even as a little kid. This was certainly iconic coming from a 7-9 year old girl.
4🏅- Stepping in to save Team 7 in the Forest of Death
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Ino's sweet friendship with Sakura did not end well. When Sakura was finally able to get a hold of herself, she found out Ino has a crush on the same boy she does. Not wanting to be under Ino's shadow anymore, Sakura took an end to their friendship, decalring Ino as her rival with an aim to surpass her. Ino accepted the rivalry resigned to the fate. While in the Forest of Death for the second phase of the Chūnin Exams, Ino and her teammates witnessed Sakura attempting to protect Naruto, Sasuke and Lee who were all unconscious from some dangerous Orochimaru's pawns. While Sakura was terribly getting beaten to death, Ino had to take a very tough decision; whether to save her and her teammates lives and escape or to step in to save Sakura and her teammates. Despite the rivalry with Sakura, Despite Team 10 being the weakest trio in the Chūnin Exams thus having no chance against those opponents, and despite being in a competition with one another, Ino's decision was to risk her and her teammates lives to help Sakura. An exemplary for Ino's bravery and the love she still has for Sakura. Ino's decision to help Sakura not only saved Sakura, but Sasuke, Naruto and Lee as well. Team 10 was able to put up a fight and buy enough time for Sasuke to wake up.
🥉- Shutting down Kinkaku
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Kinkaku was a Pseudo-Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Beast as well as a descendant of the Sage of Six Paths, the God himself. He is well-known for his prowess, causing shinobis to tremble in fear when he saw him. Along with his brother, Kinkaku was able to defeat the Second Hokage, Tobirama, leaving him on the brink of death. When reanimated in the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kinkaku alone nearly demolished the entire First Division and inflicted massive casualties, nearly leading the Fourth Raikage to disregard his duties as leader of the Allied Shinobi Forces in order to personally confront him. No one was strong enough to even restrain him, he quickly got rid of Choji's Human Boulder and easily broke-off Shikamaru's Shadow Possession. However, Kinkaku was outdone by Ino's Mind Transfer Technique. Ino defeated him by taking the control over his body shutting him down, forcing him to respond to Darui, who had Kohaku no Jōhei, ultimately sealing him. This lead Ino's father Inoichi to compliment her strength and speed of the Mind Transfer Jutsu. Being able to defeat Kinkaku was undoubtedly one of the Ino's biggest feat which surprised us all.
🥈- Connecting everyone in the entire Shinobi Alliance with a telepathic link
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In the Fourth Shinobi World War, after the Headquater of the Allied Shinobi Forces was annihilated by Ten-Tail's attack, Ino was bound to replace her father's role in the Headquarter. Right after her father's death, with no time to grieve, she became the Head of the Communications for the Allied Shinobi Forces. With the Yamanaka Clan's Telepathy technique, Ino surpassed her own limits and successfully managed to connect every single shinobi in the battlefield via a two-way telepathic link for all the communications made within the alliance, without using a head gear for her aid. She connected everyone together in multiple occasions, most significant moments include relaying the Hand Signs of an Earth-Style Jutsu to everyone in order to summon thousands of defensive walls to sheild against another Tailed Beast Bomb, connecting Hashirama to the approaching 5 Kages and the rest of the shinobi alliance to relay his plans, Connecting Shikamaru to the Alliance to motivate them, Transmitting Naruto and Hashirama's feelings and memories to everyone reuniting the Shinobi Alliance once more, etc. Some may argue this was her best moment.
🥇- Controlling the Ten-Tails twice
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The Ten-Tails is said to be the progenitor of all that exists in the world. A God that created countries, it has the power to swallow oceans, split the land, and carry mountains. It was a combined form of a God, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki and the God Tree, the Origin of Chakra and all the Tailed Beasts. It was the strongest creature on Earth, utilising which Obito and Madara decalred a world war against the 5 Great Shinobi Nations. Ino, using her Mind Transfer Jutsu managed to control this Godly creature twice throughout the war. She achieved it by possessing Obito, and using him as a mean to control the Ten-Tails both the times. First time, she misdirected Ten-Tail's Beast Ball attack from the Shinobi Alliance, saving everyone's life, including Naruto's, low-key saving the world. Second time, amped with Kurama chakra, she managed to restrain the movements of Ten-Tails and redirect it's wooden spike attacks from a group of Ninjas saving their lives. Being able to control Ten-Tails twice is indeed the best feat of Ino in the entire series.
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starbornsinger · 3 years
⚠️ACOSF spoilers ⚠️
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but on a more series note, I absolutely adore this girl. Not only is she a fun but level-headed and tough character, but she's also sweet and kind. And her being a victim of trauma and abuse has only made my respect for her skyrocket. I see my past in hers, and I feel so heard and understood by her pain and fortitude. As the first of the females to win the blood rite and become a valkyrie, I feel so much pride in her and her journey. I see her potential and I see all that she deserves, and all I can hope is that she becomes a present character in the next book so that we might explore all she has to offer.
I also ship gwynriel so hard. It just feels... right. I know he wants Elain and I think he'll try to pursue that forbidden love, but in the end, I think they'll gracefully part ways. I also hope to see him mourn and accept that he's moved on from Mor. Falling out of love can be painful and scary, and I wanna see that portrayed. (A great example of this is on Webtoon, in a story called Peaches by Leehama i believe, as part of an anthology).
I hope that he will be in a love triangle with Gwyn and Elain, but Gwyn will turn out to be his mate. Something about him being the one to rescue her, the one who makes her face her past, who pushes her to overcome and be just as competitive as he is, is beautiful. The way his shadows dance and sing around her is lovely. With Elain, the shadows are chased away by light (which is okay), but I think it's even better that his shadows (a part of him and his soul and feelings) feel happy and settled around Gwyn. With Elain, his shadows [and him] want to protect her and are a bit possessive, but with Gwyn, he becomes more comfortable and open and the Az the IC knows and loves. I think Gwyn is his mate, based on the way his body just naturally reacts to her and her presence. How his shadows sing and dance, and she is his muse. I don't want her to be a second choice (or really, a third if you consider Mor) and I want SJM to talk about that and show Gwyn that she isn't a second or third choice, she's the one he's been looking for. Even though he gave the necklace originally meant for Elain to Gwyn, it feels relevant that he thought to give it to her instead of letting it remain with Elain. That he sought her out at the library because something in him told him to give it to her. And the ending line of the chapter? It's about her.
I used to be reluctant to even go near the drama of Elucien/Elriel shippers, but now I realize that maybe Elucien and Gwynriel would be kind of awesome... Lucien is also a wonderful guy, and although I don't totally ship it, I think they would be wonderful friends at the least. But Gwynriel? That shit is fire. I also am excited to see Elain's development, because I know that she chooses to be soft, but is a force to be reckoned with. She's stronger than they know, and her decision to choose to be soft is admirable. People look down on others who like to have a simple, domestic life, but I praise Elain for her gentility. Now does she need some growth??? Um, yea. But I still am hyped to see her. I also feel like in this way, Lucien and Elain are a lot alike. A fox and a stag. They have a lot going on beneath the surface we don't see, and I'll be damned if people forget Elain isn't just Elain, she's an Archeron. Don't fuck with the Archerons.
tldr: stan gwyn and azriel, also elain and lucien but not as much
"you're the new ribbon, az" BOY SHE WONT STOP UNTIL SHE GETS U. like i feel like she'll have a crush on him and he won't realize or be open to it but then he will be and gah. there will be lots of pining.
i hope to see gwyn's journey as a victim of SA and overcoming her anxieties and fears. i want to see her explore the world, wear clothes she likes, feel goddamn worthy, explore her sexuality without being afraid anymore, like??? pls. therapy??? me??? naw. cope through book. book safe 😌
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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Answering Eagles questions before the season 3 finale (Part 2/2)
I've received a bunch of questions since 3x08 and 3x09 dropped, so I compiled all the questions into two posts. I had to split them up because Tumblr only allows 10 images per post. Anyway, keep reading to see my answers and enjoy! 👇
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There might be some kind of collaboration between Amie and Ludde like last season—we have only heard snippets of Ludde's song submission to the music school and it wouldn't surprise me if we saw Amie perform the song in its entirety in the last episode. I touched on this a little in part 1 of answering these questions.
It seems like Amie singing at the end of the season has become kind of a recurring theme. She performed “Follow” in 1x08 and “Second Sight” in 2x10 (on the radio, but my point still stands). I wouldn’t be surprised if they followed this trend by having Amie perform a new song in the season 3 finale.
I'm not sure if she'll recommend Ludde to the record label, though. I honestly still feel like Amie's whole storyline with sending in a rather basic demo written by two teenagers with little to no experience and then getting praised on it with comments such as "it's going to be a real summer hit" felt so unrealistic to me. Maybe they only said that so Amie would accept their offer or something, but that's still very strange because she would have still said yes without a doubt.
I can understand that they thought Amie was marketable as a person and there was this bonus with her having gone viral before on Felicia's Instagram, but that demo did not seem good enough for me to be immediately released as a single and then have them decide on the spot that Amie would be given a contract.
I mean, come on. It never felt earned because we never really saw Amie struggling with her songwriting journey to achieve this dream. Sending in one demo to one record label and having them immediately want to make a whole album with you just doesn't happen in real life unless the song is extremely good or you have a very unique voice. Amie is really talented but there are hundreds of people just like her, if not thousands. I was never convinced by her getting signed so quickly in season 2.
I understand that they wanted to establish her as a successful artist, but that felt so rushed. I was so sure that the record label would screw her over and steal the song rights to record it with another artist who was already established, and that we'd have to see Amie work even harder to achieve her dreams. But we didn't get that at all. Where was the struggle?
Anyway, I'm getting a little off-topic here. To be honest I have a lot of problems with the writing sometimes, even if I still love the show and its characters. Of course I wanted to see Amie achieve success (and I was happy when she did), but the journey there was so bizarrely easy.
She didn't start to seriously work on making her music career become a reality until season 2. Amie had dabbled in music prior to that, like when she auditioned for the school band and did that performance of Follow, but she didn't truly start to work towards it until season 2 when she decided to have her work sent to professionals in the business. And then, just five episodes later, she gets contacted by the record label in Stockholm.
To put this into context—season 2 took place somewhere around March, and episode 5 around three weeks into April. So when Ludde first started helping Amie it took less than two months for her to get signed. You could argue that the song was just that good or that Amie is just that talented, but it never felt like a realistic storyline to me.
So, back to your question! I need to stop getting so sidetracked while answering these haha. I don't think it would be realistic for the record label to hire a teenager with no professional songwriting experience, likely a very small portfolio of his own work in both size and variety, having a criminal record, and on top of that being infamous in the press for abusing his ex-girlfriend. If Amie offered the ultimatum to her label that she'll only return with Ludde, who has an incredibly bad reputation right now, it feels like she would be running the risk of losing the contract entirely.
There's only so much her label can put up with. We've seen Amie ignore their calls with no intention of reassuring them that she's coming back soon. Honestly, with the way things are looking right now it makes the most sense for the contract to be dropped. By Amie or by the label, I don't know.
The episode description for the season finale says that Ludde will get some sort of justice and it could be about his music (or something related to whatever Andreas is doing).
I believe Amie will be doing a live performance of Ludde's song at a New Year's Eve party in episode 10 but I doubt that Ludde will be picked up as a producer. If he actually does I would find that to be a very unrealistic plot point, to be completely honest with you.
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This is an issue I had with 3x08 and 3x09 as well. I had a hard time actually enjoying the moment between Felicia, Klara, and Amie knowing that her family was getting increasingly worried for her and even thought for a short moment that Felicia was lying dead at the bottom of the ocean. All that could've been avoided.
To add, it didn't make a lot of sense to me that when Klara finally decided to call someone she called Amie instead of Elias. An ex-friend of Felicia's instead of her brother who could've helped a lot more. What was Amie supposed to do when she showed up at the hotel, exactly?
I know there was the thing with Klara only knowing Amie's number off the top of her head, but there is no reason why she couldn't have gone down to the reception while Felicia was sleeping and asked to use a computer just to get a quick message to Elias. Like, "hey, Felicia attempted something bad but she's safe with me, we're at this hotel in this room but she didn't want me to call anybody, I don't know what to do". That would've been so much better than keeping quiet about the situation for nearly 24 hours.
I know that Klara probably has trauma from leaving her dad at the hospital after his suicide attempt and that she probably didn't want to go against Felicia's wishes. I understand the first part 100%. But Felicia was in a very bad place emotionally and was thinking that her whole family hated her when that wasn't the case. I feel like in a situation like that you kind of have to be the bad guy just to ensure the family that Felicia was safe. Even if everything turned out alright in the end, it could've gone so much worse if Felicia had wanted to be kept hidden for longer.
The ending of 3x08 was super tough to watch and I can't imagine the feeling of thinking your only daughter/sister drowned herself after you just yelled at her and showed no support. Klara couldn't have known any of this, but I feel like she should've at least contacted Elias if she wasn't taking Felicia to a hospital.
Elias calling Amie would've been an easy solution to this whole debacle but we would've lost the drama. It's still somewhat of a plot hole though, like you said.
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Thank you for reading that whole post @detectivejulesohara!
The clip you're referring to was posted on Yandeh Sallah's Instagram account, so not in a trailer for this season.
I think that was either just fanservice or it will appear in season 4 since it was posted in May of this year, and I believe the filming of season 3 had already wrapped by then.
It might indicate that Elias and Amie will be a couple by season 4 (this actually seems very likely regardless if this is actually part of a scene or not).
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I think Elias is getting increasingly frustrated with hockey and the fact that he doesn't really have any other ambitions to strive for. He was raised with nothing but hockey surrounding him and it's in his blood. Elias got drafted to the US at around the same age as Mats, but Elias left after a year because he just wasn't progressing.
That must feel like a huge step back, and on top of that Mats was probably thriving in his successful career around the age that Elias is now. It's a tough difference in success to have weighing on your shoulders when you're in a team that's second to last in the rankings.
There's even the accusation in the press that Mats paid for Elias to advance in the rankings, and I'm sure that's going to affect his career negatively.
I think Elias overworking himself could also be the result of him feeling like he has to prove that returning to Eagles—a small club that is probably having their worst season ever—was in fact the right choice and not the death of his elite hockey career. That choice was very questionable from the very start and his agent advised against it. Even Mats found it strange. Elias said that he didn't really have a choice most likely because of the clause in his contract, but then he also claims to Mats that things just turned out that way.
Ludde: You don’t regret coming back [to Eagles]? Elias: I didn’t really have a choice.
The idea that he didn't have a choice in the matter doesn't seem accurate. His agent told him there were other alternatives like Jokerit (a professional ice hockey team based in Helsinki, Finland) and that they could find something better than Eagles. Elias seemed kind of defeated already and the decision to return to Eagles didn't feel thought-through at all. It's almost like he just didn't care.
Agent: [...] Jokerit has called and I’ve had a great conversation with them, so they’re on. Elias: You know what? Let’s skip all the trouble. Let’s go with Eagles, it’ll be great. Agent: What? Elias: I’m so tired of moving all the time anyway, plus I’ll be close to my family. Agent: Wait, I thought that you— Eagles has big economical problems, and… Sorry, but their season started awfully. We can get a better team. You understand, right? Elias: Yeah, but we can’t get a team that needs me as much. Plus— If they say they want to see development, I’ll give them that. Agent: Wait— They’re under the line. We’re talking about qualifying down directly. You can’t in earnest believe you’ll change that on your own. Elias: It’s perfect. I’ll only go up, as you like to say.
It also seems like he's maybe realizing that hockey isn't everything and that there are other things he might want to explore and pursue in his life. I think Elias is feeling kind of stuck right now. He's been training his whole life for one purpose which is a professional career in hockey, and maybe he feels like Mats wouldn't allow him to quit. That option doesn't exist to him.
Like you said, Mats had that comment where he labeled Ludde a "quitter" and Elias stressed the fact that there shouldn't be anything wrong with losing interest and deciding to pursue something else.
Mats: Can you imagine that he’s just quitting? I mean, I’m completely— He really didn’t strike me as a quitter. So fucking close. [...] Elias: [...] Ludde, he’s… He’s not a quitter, he’s just didn’t want it anymore. That should be fair.
However, quitting is seen as failure to Mats. Mats dropped everything when he got drafted. He left his relationship with Petra seemingly without a second thought, because hockey comes before everything for Mats. Felicia even mentioned back in season 1 how her father was just a voice in a telephone for most of her childhood. He barely had any presence in her life because he was busy with hockey.
When Klara tells Elias that he's always putting hockey first, he gets angry but he doesn't outright deny it. In fact, he kind of changes the subject to shift attention away from Klara's claim.
Klara: This— You haven’t changed at all. You’re always putting yourself first. Elias: Excuse me? Klara: Yes, it’s either you or hockey. Elias: Stop! What the— Klara: I can’t take this. Elias: Are you leaving now? I wasn’t the only one you dumped. You’ve been acting like shit to Felicia. Yeah, and Amie and Ludde too, for that matter. You haven’t thought about that? So don’t come here and say I’m the egoist.
This is kind of an interesting thought—that maybe Elias subconsciously knew that was Klara is saying is true to some degree and that he has been putting hockey first. He decided to get on the train to the draft combine in Seattle instead of staying with Klara, and a year later he realizes that things didn't turn out the way that he'd planned and he returns to Eagles.
Maybe Elias is trying so hard to be someone who he just isn't, and it's affecting so many aspects of his life negatively. He lost Klara, he had to repeat almost his whole last year in high school because of moving to the US, and now he seems to be stuck in Oskarshamn. He's previously expressed to Amie that this isn't necessarily where he wanted to end up.
Elias: [...] Hey, is it just me or is there something about this town that… It sort of feels like no matter how much you try to get away, it… It pulls you back somehow.
It's kind of strange that he doesn't want to be in Oskarshamn, and yet he was the one who chose to return. Maybe he somehow feels like he has some purpose there because it keeps pulling him back. He just doesn't know what that purpose is.
Elias tried coming back to Eagles to turn things around for them, and they did win a game against the Capitals but that victory was later tarnished by the fight that broke out between the two teams (and to add to this, the loss of Ludde who used to be one of the star players and Klara as a sponsor). That kind of overshadowed their whole victory. Elias was very determined to do something to help and it very much feels like he needs Eagles to succeed—he needs to sort of "redeem" himself.
Elias: [...] Can I do anything? Can I go talk to— I could go talk to the sponsor. Mats: Let’s deal with it later. I’ll solve this. You have to go to school now. Elias: But we can finish talking— Mats: You can— No. Try to think of something else. Alright?
I think that Elias's desperation for Eagles to do well could absolutely lead to him eventually deciding to be a coach. He doesn't really seem to want the life that Mats had after seeing how success turned out for him—a broken family that he barely cares about because hockey occupies his mind more than caring for his children or repairing the relationship with Leila.
I think Elias being a hockey coach could suit him, but I would also love to see him exploring things outside of hockey—maybe even his interests outside of sport entirely.
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I kind of agree with you on this. Klara has apologized to Felicia and been forgiven, but we've never seen her properly apologize to Amie for filming that video of her and posting it on social media. Amie and Ludde were in the wrong, yes, but that video being posted was humiliating for both of them. They had to deal with the ramifications of that for months after with the whole school judging them in silence.
To be fair, the video was posted a long time ago in the show's time frame (nearly two years ago if I'm right?) and they all kind of moved on from it. To add to this, maybe she felt it would've been kind of awkward to apologize with Felicia in the room.
Felicia was so hurt by that video being posted and I think it would feel very weird for her that Klara would apologize for posting the video when it's the sole reason Felicia found out what had been done to her. Without that video, she would've probably gone a few more months without being told what happened at the Halloween party.
I'm waiting for a Klara and Amie reconciliation in this season finale. I feel like this is something that should be discussed between just the two of them, and maybe they'll sneak in some blessing from Klara with the whole budding Elias and Amie relationship? I'd be happy with just a reconciliation, though, but I'm unsure if we'll get one. I have a feeling they'll start the season finale with a time jump and I don't know if Klara is even going to be in Oskarshamn by that time.
If we don't see them reconnecting in the season finale I will be pretty disappointed, to be honest.
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Thank you! I really appreciate you too @lunawedlers (your gifsets are absolutely magical)!
This question was sent in a while ago but as season 3 had just started airing I was very excited to see the development of Elias and Amie, mostly because the director had been hinting on Twitter that something would happen between them this season. I've been really interested in them ever since 1x03 and so far the wait has been worth it.
I think all episodes have great visuals, but if I had to pick one I would probably say 3x06. All those shots of Elias and Amie on the walk through the park, the drone shots, and then the view from that bench spot were so gorgeous visually. That answer is more of a scene rather than a whole episode haha, but I think they really made the beauty of Oskarshamn stand out in those shots.
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I think Amie will have some sort of performance in the final episode of a new song and that Elias will be watching her! After reading the episode description for the final episode and seeing that there will probably be some New Year's Eve party going on, I have a feeling that Amie will be performing. She's always had a performance of a new song in every season finale and this one should be no exception.
They tricked us a little in the season 3 trailer with us thinking that Elias would be at one of Amie's concerts in Stockholm, but now I'm sure that this scene fits in at the New Year's Eve party.
I think we should keep our expectations low for a kiss between Elias and Amie. They just started developing their relationship, and I like the slow pace they're going in. They're not rushing anything. I also have this feeling that their development has deliberately been so slow because they're sort of "saving the best for last".
Elias and Amie are fan favorites and their relationship has been very talked-about from the beginning. I can see the writers maybe having decided to push their relationship more towards the end of the show, which is why we haven't really gotten any Elias and Amie content until now. That's frustrating if you're impatient and I've seen some people thinking that maybe Elias and Amie won't happen at all, but I don't think we need to worry at all. The fact that Elias and Amie's development has been so slow should indicate that they're much more likely to be endgame.
A kiss in episode 10 could definitely happen, but I don't know. Maybe they'll drag it out further. As I've said before, if they don't get one in season 3 they will absolutely be getting one in season 4. I've noticed that it's always best to keep your expectations low when it comes to this couple.
The episode description for the season finale said this about Elias, which some have interpreted to be about Amie.
New Year’s Eve is here. [...] But is Elias brave enough to say what everyone else already knows?
This could mean anything, really. I'm actually leaning more towards this being about an individual thing rather than Amie being involved. It could be about Elias admitting that he's been overworking himself and not eating properly, or coming clean about the fact that maybe he doesn't want a career in hockey. This is something that everyone else already knows, so I think it might be about hockey.
Felicia has observed the overworking, Mats has told him to stop with it, and Ludde might've had some inkling about it while he was still on the team. Even Amie has probably also noticed that he's been spending a lot of time at the gym lately.
I could absolutely be wrong about this though.
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Thank you for the question @lunawedlers!
This is a hard one because season 3 has had so many strong episodes already, and usually my favorite episode ends up being the season finale because it's basically the culmination of the whole season. I really loved 2x10 for this very reason since the ending montage was so well done.
If I had to pick between 3x01 - 3x09 though I would probably have to say it's a tie between 3x04 — Date night and 3x05 — Wounds! These two episodes showcased what Eagles should be all about so well, which is relationships plus the struggles you go through as a teenager in a small town, and then of course hockey. The hockey game episodes are really good, even if I don't think 3x05 topped 2x05 (the game where Ludde got tackled and knocked out).
I loved the contrast in Date night of the budding relationship between Elias and Amie and then that fight between Felicia and Ludde on the cliff. That whole scene between Felicia and Ludde on the cliff was actually really beautiful, especially when the sun had gone down.
It was interesting to see how this sweet gesture from Felicia turned into a fight between the two of them. I thought that was very realistic, because no matter how big of a gesture Felicia made to apologize there were still underlying problems that they needed to talk about.
I also loved the "non-date" between Elias and Amie in this episode. It was cute to see them goofing off before the movie started and then talking about it on the way home. I liked how Elias could connect to her on how they had both returned to Oskarshamn.
The recent episodes that dropped last week (3x08 and 3x09) were very strong and discussed some important subject matters, but I had a few problems with them that I discussed in a question above. They were dark, but not necessarily bad because they needed to happen.
However, I have to say that I prefer Eagles when it's about hockey and teenage relationships. 3x04 and 3x05 made me kind of nostalgic for season 1 and I liked the vibe they both had.
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I agree, but I think we could maybe get a combination of both! Relationships can have all these romantic and sweet traits like you described, but also be more passionate and show public displays of affection.
I think Elias and Amie fit the more laid-back and sweet characteristics, but we have yet to really see what Amie is like in a relationship. We've seen her with a crush on Ludde and we got a glimpse of that thing she had with Robin (which was apparently a relationship but I did not pick up on that at all), but we don't really know what Amie is like in a relationship. Maybe she's never really had a "real" one, either.
Nevertheless, I'm excited to see what's in store for Elias and Amie. I'm very positive that they will eventually become a couple in season 4.
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You And I
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Words: 3000ish
Warnings: Mentions of alcoholism, implies smut
Summary: It’s been 6 years since Y/N left town, 6 years since she broke Sweet Pea’s heart and they’re about to come face to face once again. Will she be able to win him back?
Notes: A request by @sleepingintheconstellations based on the song You and I by Lady Gaga, I hope I did it justice!
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You ride into town the same way you left, alone on a motorcycle and a serpent jacket on your back.
Jaw clenched, fists tight, you ignore the feelings bubbling at the pit of your stomach.
You pass the welcoming sign, 'Riverdale the town with prep!' and scoffs at the thought.
There's no turning back now.
The bike slows naturally until it's stopped at the road side. You tells yourself it's just to think, a brief pause in your journey and not because you're so nervous your heartbeat is almost as loud as the engine.
You think about heading to the trailer park, but you aren't sure if the others even live there anymore. You wonder about the White Wyrm and the kind of greeting you'd get if you just walked through the doors. You eventually decide on heading to Pop's Chocklit Shoppe, the diner always being a safe haven amongst the chaos of the town and the idea of a strawberry milkshake helps cement your decision.
You roll into the car park with a lump in your throat and a weird sense of nostalgia. You’re surprised to see nothings changed, it’s oddly comforting and terrifying at the same time.
You inhale sharply, push back your shoulders and walk inside. Pop Tate’s smile is wide as he greets you and tells you he’s glad to see you back in town. Your walls start to come down at his familiar face but then he points to a booth a few rows back and suddenly your knees feel weak.
You can make out the flash of pink hair that she still hasn’t changed and his laugh is just as warm as ever as it fills the restaurant. Your first few steps are shaky but as you draw closer you gain more confidence, enough to slide into the booth next to a confused Toni Topaz with a smirk on your face.
“Hey strangers.” Fangs drops the fry that’s half way to his mouth, jaw hanging open while Toni looks like she doesn’t know whether to hug you or kick you off the seat. “Did you miss me?”
You stare at your cold burger, a meal you had craved so many times while you were half way across the world and now you had it, it sat barely touched. You’d started to drowned the pair out, they couldn’t stop talking yet they avoided the one thing you wanted to hear about most.
Once they’d gotten over their initial shock and Toni had thankful chosen to embrace you rather than push you away, they’d dove into all the things you’d missed while you’d been away.
You try to wait it out, wondering how long it would be before the bell above the door rings and it’s him walking through.
Because he must be coming.
Where ever Fangs and Toni were, Sweet Pea always followed. You hadn’t been in Riverdale for six years but if you were to pick one thing that hadn’t changed, it would be that fact.
But one hour turns into two and there’s only so much of listening about Serpent business and Cheryl Blossom you take before you get impatient and crack.
"So where is he?" You don’t need to say his name for them to instantly know who you’re talking about.
"Pea? Probably at the Wyrm." Toni shrugs like it’s obvious, and you knew you should have guessed.
"I see he still spends all his time drinking beer and playing pool." You roll your eyes, but there’s a lingering glint at the mention of your old hang out.
"You haven't heard?" Fangs shares a look with Toni before deciding to go ahead. “He owns it now."
Hands balled up into fists, your right foot bounces up and down while your mind races with endless possibilities.
Would he be as welcoming as Toni and Fangs? Doubtful.
Would he throw you out without a second thought? Possibly.
Thankfully when you'd eventually reached the bar the car park was more deserted than you'd anticipated but that hadn't stopped you from keeping your head low. You didn't need anyone recognising you. Not yet.
You stared at the old battered door, another thing that hadn't changed , and your stomach did somersaults.
You thought about just driving away, he would never even know, but that's not what you'd come here for.
You count to three, brace yourself whatever's about to come and walk inside.
The smell of alcohol hits you instantly and you recognise the faces of the stragglers hunched at the bar but their too drunk to even notice you.
You find him in the corner, back to you as he wipes over a table but he immediately senses your presence, his head lifting as the door swings closed behind you.
"We're closed!" He calls out but the sight of him steals all air from your lungs and it takes you a minute to recover.
"Even for me?" He recognised your voice instantly and the glass he's holding drops to the table with a thud.
He turns to you at an agonisingly slow place, like he doesn't want to see if you're really there and it makes your heart hurt. When his eyes finally reach yours they're full of shock until it dissolves into coldness. "Especially for you."
"That's harsh Pea." You're half joking, half serious but he just flinches when he hears his name fall from your lips. "You aren't even going to say hi?"
"Why are you here Y/N?" He stares dead at you, almost as if he's looking straight through you and it leaves you feeling unnerved.
"I thought we could talk." You offer, wringing your hands. Your voice is so fragile you're afraid it might crack, you'd never felt so vulnerable.
"I have nothing to say to you." He crosses his arms across his chest like an over grown defiant child and if it wasn't for the current situation you might have laughed at his stubbornness.
You hadn't expected this to be easy but he was making it unbelievable difficult.
"Then maybe we don't have to talk." Your voice drops a level as you revert to defence mode. You narrow your eyes at him, remember how this worked when ever he got mad at you before. "Remember that one time we closed down in this exact booth."
But that was six years ago and Sweet Pea wasn't in the mood for games tonight.
He lets out a deep sigh. It's loud and annoyed, and you realise he's quickly losing his patience. "No."
"I think you're lying." You tiptoe slowly around him, fingertips dancing along his shoulders and the back of his neck. "Maybe you need reminding-"
He grips your arm cutting you off, hand tight around your wrist and you swallow down the thick tension. You see a quick flash of temptation in his eyes but it's gone just as fast and they turn back to black.
He's pulling you towards the door before you can say anything else but you don't even bother to put up a fight. "You need to leave."
You stumble back into the darkness without another word, cheeks burning red as he slams the door shut behind you, the sound of the lock turning echoing throughout the car park.
"Well that went well." You mumble to yourself, kicking an empty beer can before finding your way back to your bike.
You stare up at the diner front from where you're sat on your bike. The giant neon 'P' flickers on and off now and then but your mind is too far away to even notice.
Toni had let you stay with her and Cheryl for the night and where you'd been thankful, you'd slipped out early without a single goodbye.
You'd need coffee to keep you awake but it had long gone cold as you watched the sun rise, the sky illuminated in oranges and yellows. You knew you should have already left but there was something calming about the quietness of Pop's at this time of day that kept you there.
Ever the night owl, Jughead Jones had passed by with a smile, happy to see you and you were grateful that he still hated small talk just as much as you when he disappeared inside minutes later leaving you alone once more with you lingering thoughts.
"So that's that then?" Toni's voice makes you jump, and you turn to find her frowning in disappointment.
"There's nothing here for me anymore T." You shrug your shoulders, obviously deflated at the thought. "I shouldn't have come back."
"I don't know how you expected him to react." Her eyes narrow as she gets straight to the point. You'd told her about your encounter with Sweet Pea the night before but you hadn't expected her to be so blunt when talking about it.
You look down in silence, fiddling with the zip on your leather jacket. "Guess I was just trying to be hopeful."
"So what now? You disappear for another six years?" Her blatant honestly catches you off guard, the harshness in her tone throwing you off. "How long are you going to keep running for?"
"What else am I suppose to do?" Your voice sounds louder in the vacant car park, more desperate as you throw your hands up in despair. You can feel your eyes start to prickle with tears and you bite down hard on your tongue. You weren't about to cry, not here, not now. Even if you were quickly losing all hope.
"Stay?" She suggests, as if the answer is so simple. "Show him you're serious about this."
Your heart rate quickens at the thought, and Toni watches you consider it. But she knows better than to push you into something and retreats, softening her take on tough love. "Fangs and I have a ‪Friday night‬ tradition of getting wasted at the Wyrm. There's still some of your old stuff at Thistle House if you wanted to join us. It's your choice."
She gives you one last look, a small sympathetic smile on her lips as she turns to leave without another word.
There's no need to say goodbye, she knows she'll see you later tonight. At least she hopes so anyway.
He senses your presence the minute you walk into the bar, the same way he had the night before.
Even after all this time, he's still drawn to you like a magnet and it terrifies him.
The first thing he noticed are the red fishnets. They ride high up your thighs, disappearing underneath your shorts before they appear again on your hips.
He remembers you owning an exact pair that he'd playfully ripped apart with his bare hands and briefly thinks about what it would be like to do it again.
He blinks away the thoughts.
You stride over to Toni and Fangs sat in their usual booth, your booth, without looking at anyone else, not even him, but plenty of people stare at you.
And it infuriates him.
He watches you for the rest of the night, high heels dangling over the edge of the seat, never once coming to the bar yourself, never giving him an ounce of attention.
He feels the corners of his lips automatically pulling up into a smile every time he hears your laugh and it makes him want to kick himself for being so stupid.
He watches you until you’re no longer there, disappearing while he’s too distracted to notice where you’ve gone and he tells himself he’s relieved but he can’t shake the disappointment manifesting deep down.
He doesn't see you again until he's kicked everyone out and the doors been locked. He's about to turn the lights off and call it a night when he catches a glimpse of red. His body tenses, ready to defend himself from whoever is lurking in the corner until he realises it's you and he's even more panicked than before.
“You shouldn’t be in here.” He lets go of a long, shaky breath. His voice is flat and you feel your hands go numb.
“I thought maybe you’d got sick of staring and wanted to talk?” You step into the light, drawing closer to him. He feels a flicker of anger, of course you had noticed. He doesn't know if he's more annoyed at himself for still showing interest or you for using it against him.
“I still have nothing to say to you.” He swallows. You're too close now. So close he can smell your perfume and it makes him want to forget why he's even mad at you in the first place. But his memory quickly reminds him of the heart break and he takes a step back.
“That’s fine, I have to plenty to say.” There's a hopeful smile on your lips but it falters as he stares back emotionless.
“I’m not exactly in a listening mood.” He turns away, eager for you to leave, for this situation to be over but you're not ready to give up yet.
“How about a bet?” You suggest, pointing towards the table behind him. "One game of pool. You win, I leave and I never come back.”
“And if you win?” He quirks an eyebrow at your suggested, slightly baffled at the idea.
“You hear me out, even if it’s just for five minutes.” You wait for his answer, heart slamming against your chest.
His eyes dart between you and pool cue leaning against the wall. There's a smug, annoyed part of him that knows he could win this easily and have you out of his life in minutes, but there's also a part of him that what's to let you win just to spend a little longer with you. "Deal.”
He doesn't know how he wants to play it yet.
“I win!” You drop the cue in triumphant, spinning around in some sort of victory dance before turning to face him and clearing your throat in embarrassment.
He huffs, trying to hid a smile. "You have five minutes.”
He watches your face fall and he notices how tired you look. "I hate that you’re so mad at me.”
“You have no idea.” He lets out a small laugh, it's humourless and empty but he can't help it. Your eyes meet his and you regret it the minute you see something broken hidden behind them
“I really am sorry.” The knot in your stomach tightens, you feel pathetic at your own words but you had nothing else to offer him.
“You think that fixes it? You just left without even telling me!” His voice is louder now, harsher than before. The rage in his eyes makes you flinch, years of pent up feelings spewing out. "I had to find out from Fangs!”
“I wanted to go travel, get out of town for a while.” You don't know why you said it, it sounds stupid even to you.
“It’s been six years Y/N!” He's livid with you, that you put the two of you in this situation, that you destroyed the relationship. He stares at you, the girl he once loved with everything he had, with so much confusion, so much pain that he automatically brings you to tears. "You didn’t even say goodbye!”
“Because it would have been too hard!” You scream at him with everything you have, the truth finally coming out. Sweet Pea would never leave Riverdale, you never would have stayed. Two people who had meant the world to each other but were destined for conflicting paths.
You couldn't bring yourself to say goodbye to him so you didn't. It was as simple as that. Only six years later the brown eyed serpent still plagued your thoughts and you knew you had to come home.
That you had to try and win him back.
You wait for him to reply but he says nothing, just stares again like he's looking straight into your soul. And then somethings clicks, and he moves so fast you don't have time to react.
His lips are warm, familiar but the impact of his mouth on yours knocks you off guard and leaves your lungs feeling empty of breath.
Once your lips meet it’s like he can’t get enough. He has one hand on the nape of your neck, the other gripping onto your hip pushing you back until your legs brush up against the pool table.
And as he lifts you up, tugging your legs around his waist you can’t help the moan that escapes. You grip fist fulls of his shirt, pulling him into you until he can’t get any closer but you arch your back anyway.
You can feel yourself coming apart underneath him, his face buried in your neck. He mumbles something you can’t make out before his tongue trails along your collarbone and your hands quickly find the hem of his shirt so you can scratch bare skin.
“I can’t stop thinking about you- and I hate it.” But there’s something lingering in his voice that tells you actually he doesn’t hate it at all.
“Sweets...” His name is more of a sigh than a word, you’re almost breathless, chest raising harshly up and down. “Less talking.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, his hand twisting in your hair so he can tilt your head back and attack your neck again.
He watches you carefully as button your shorts up, pulling his own shirt over his head. "Are you gonna leave again?”
“Not unless you tell me too.” You answer honestly.
“I don’t think I could go through it again.” His head dips from where he's still sat on the pool table, his bare legs swinging slightly as he plays with his hands.
“Does this mean you forgive me?” You cover his fingers with your own, holding on tight like you're scared he might disappear.
He thinks his answer over, rubbing circles on your skin with his thumb. "It means I’m willing to try.”
And that’s all you need to hear for your lips to find his again.
Sweet Pea Masterlist
Forever Taglist: @p-marie-sp
Sweet Pea Taglist: @80sand90simagine @wildberryyyy @hopelesslylosttheway
You And I Taglist: @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e
172 notes · View notes
dangan-happy · 3 years
(an octagon is a shape with eight sides, right?) this ask is for Byakuya and Mondo! (general warning 4 family angst and mommy issues)
hey lol uh, I'm Peko. So I recently decided to stay with my dad rather than my mother, at least for the time being. My mum wasn't very happy with that choice, and has tried many times to convince me to "come back home." I've given up responding to her messages like that, my replies are the same goddamn thing every time, but it's. real tough. I'll do anything for myself and she'll call me cruel, tell me how she bought me surprise gifts for when I came back and that now she has to return them, framed as if I should've known and taken that into consideration? A week ago she came to my dad's without warning, forced her way into his home uninvited, and then came into my bedroom while I had JUST woken up and gave me a hug, interrogating me on why I wasn't coming back and if I still loved her. She later texted me about how she was so upset at the state I was in (I hadn't showered for a couple days, which I partially blame dysphoria but it wasn't like I was expecting to see people in that time, and again, I HAD JUST WOKEN UP) and how my dad's house was a bad environment, obviously uncared for and smelly (we own 2 cats, he hadn't gotten the chance to clean AT ALL because she came WITH NO WARNING.) and I just. I'm confused. I do love my mother, and I know she loves me, but she does shit that makes me rethink about it sometimes and I feel terrible for it. Ever since all that shit went down, I just completely lost track of everything. School (which I was already mostly avoiding) seem d completely impossible to focus on, and I ended up skipping the one day I had to see my friends because of insomnia and stress. I don't know if I'm just trying to frame myself as the victim or if I'm in the right for feeling like this and I just. Nothing feels real anymore. One moment it's March, the next it's fucking easter and I have no clue what the fuck I was doing for a whole ass month, other than sleeping, playing video games and cuddling with my cats. I so badly want to send my mother an angry message, ranting about how her showing up out of the blue was completely fucking out of line and how it feels she doesn't even read my messages when I say I'm staying here for now, I'm safe and this is my decision. If all she wanted to do was give me a fucking hug, she didn't have to FORCE her way into her ex husbands new home without so much as a 10 minute warning beforehand. Am I being stupid? I feel like such a fucking brat right now. I don't know. I might just be making excuses for myself. I don't know.
I'm a mess right now and I have no clue who else to talk to uhh. yeah. thanks for reading <3
Good day, Peko. Obviously, your mother may not approve of your decision to live with your father rather than her, but you must take the required steps to be where you feel most at ease. However, the fact that she is attempting to persuade you to return irritates me. And I surely do hate being irritated.
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Time is flying by. April is nearly over, and May will be here before we know it. Despite the fact that you did not request specific advice or a hug, I can only wish you the best of luck. Your mother's behavior is ridiculous.
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It's childish of her to message you all the time and then suddenly not read your messages. She doesn't seem to be able to take a hint, to me. It sounds like an irritation that follows me around everywhere. And I would know that feeling all too well because of someone.
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You are not being irrational, you have every right to feel the way you do, and your feelings are legitimate. You're not making any excuses, and you're not a brat.
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: Hello! We continue with this, I would like to thank everyone once again for all the likes and reblogs the story has gotten so far, couldn’t be happier! Enjoy (:
Story masterlist ** Word count: 2.9K **
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It is possible that Harry is ignoring the big elephant in the room, as he spreads some jam in his crumpet, well aware of Fernando and Jack exchanging knowing looks. He takes a bite of the savoury treat and hopes none of them dare to confront him, at the same time he wants to be questioned about why he hasn't called Alma yet.
Harry spent the last two weeks grumpy and frustrated.
He's called his therapist way too many times. He has no idea where he went wrong in his healing process. They were back to square one, whispered his tired heart.
Jack is surprised too, his friend got on so well with Alma at the party and apparently even went the extra mile asking for her number then he spent the following fourteen days acting as if she didn’t exist. Didn't even text her like Gemma suggested. He sips his coffee and sighs for the millionth time that day.
The musician is infuriated at himself and desperate that he wants to have Fernando demand an explanation for his behaviour towards his sister. Harry's not a confrontational guy, but he's going mad. Might be losing it. He wanted to scream at the two men before him that he did plan on calling Alma, but then he got so sad. Now he's afraid it's too late.
"Do you want another one?" Fernando holds the plate with crumpets in front of Harry who takes one more and thanks him before grabbing the jam. "Do you reckon you'll be man enough to call my sister within the next couple of days?" Harry chokes on his food while Jack's laughter booms through their home.
Nobody has ever called him out like that. Harry's still unsure whether to be grateful or scared. Maybe a bit of both he thinks after composing himself again from the fit of coughs, he knows Fernando is still waiting for an answer.
"Is she upset about it?" A hint of relief and pride linger on Harry's voice. Jack shakes his head, knowing that he's avoiding the question. Something he's very good at.
"That's not what I asked." Fernando's clipped tone leaves no room for the musician to beat around the bush anymore.
"I was really nervous about calling her, kept putting it off until days turned into weeks... I'm not sure how to go about it," he plays with his rings and looks away from the inquisitive gaze of his companions.
"How did you get Taylor to go out with you?"
"What?" Harry and Jack ask at the same time.
"You must've asked her I guess," Fernando shrugs. "What is so scary about Alma that puts you off? Are you interested in just a shag and you're worried she'll decline or tell the media about it?" Harry is shaking his head vigorously and the dark haired architect leans a bit closer towards him, "you're so full of sh-”
"Alright let's take a break," Jack's soothing tone brings his house mate back from the rage path he was following. But Harry knew that he was right.
It had been a year already, he moved to a new house, one where his ex never set foot into and still her ghost was everywhere. He has this crazy need to destroy everything that can relate to her. Her favourite cardigan is kept away in a box full of Polaroids and books that are all her.
The real reason why he didn't dare to call Alma is because whatever he felt at the beginning of his previous relationship, or any other one, was at least ten times less intense, than what he was feeling now. Seeing the menace before them, his heart and mind decided to leave him courage-less towards the situation. It's less painful to think what could've been than to know it and see it being taken away from you. Again.
But he deserves to be happy, that's what Gemma reminded him the other day.
"I gotta go," Fernando announces before rising from his seat, walking inside the house and upstairs to his room. Jack tries to tidy up the table a bit, not daring to look at his apparently mute friend. When Fernando comes back down he steps outside to the patio where they had brunch, one last glance to a very ashamed Harry and he sighs. "Brigit's Bakery Classic Afternoon Tea Bus. Alma’s been dying to get tickets but never has the time to actually book it," he explains adjusting his jacket's collar. "It's not too late." With that he turns on his heel and leaves the house.
Harry takes their mugs and places them in the sink, he notices Jack is going around the kitchen putting away the butter and milk in the fridge.
"What are you waiting for Romeo?" The blue eyed man asks, stopping in front of a blushing Harry.
They're both quiet for a minute. Harry's heart is racing and can feel his hands get clammy. He hasn't felt someone's faith in a long time, and he's not sure if he's happy or pressured that Fernando and Jack are pushing him to call Alma, he doesn’t even know if she will give him a chance. Harry's wishing to be the kind of guy to take out his mobile and make the call, maybe even crack a witty joke that will have Alma laughing in that loud way he remembers and not be awkward with asking her out on a date. As if he wasn't completely mortified by being rejected.
Harry was sure he would ruin it, not just the call but the date and everything else that was actually going to happen between them without even trying first.
"Hello?" She answers after the third ring, confused at the unknown number calling her.
"Yeah it's me," Harry nods to Jack who urges him to finish whatever sentence he's trying to form, "I believe I owe you some coffee."
"Harry?" Alma tries to fight back a laugh. A wide smile splitting her face after recognising who is the mystery caller.
"Yes! Sorry I forgot you didn't have my number." Jack is red with second hand embarrassment for his friend and decides to start the dishwasher just to keep his eyes from the train wreck happening in his kitchen. "I'm sorry for not calling sooner."
"You're calling now, 's all that matters... I'd love to get that coffee. Next Thursday works for you?" He nods feverishly and remembers he's on the phone.
"Of course, I'll pick you up at five if that's alright."
"Make it half past five please, that's when my shift ends. I'll text you the address." She throws the latter smoothly as an excuse to initiate conversation until they meet again and Harry is oblivious about it.
"Sure great, perfect I'm... really looking forward to seeing you," he plays with the tea towel on the counter, his back turned to Jack, a million butterflies fluttering in his stomach when he hears the coy chuckle his confession got out of her. "Have a good day, see you later."
"See you later, Harry" Alma's goodbye is full of hope and endearment, just like the one he got before she walked away from him that morning after Freddie’s birthday party.
After ending the call, he mentally scolds himself for dreading it so much. It went so much better than expected, even got a laugh out of her. Perhaps Harry needed to stop making decisions based upon his fears and more taking in consideration the other person. He always thought he knew best, it's what he's been told for so many years and although he needs to be making big choices most of the time, perhaps now he could share that responsibility. Felt dead nice for a change.
"That wasn't so bad." He admits to Jack before drying the now clean dishes with a towel.
"I'm proud of you, now tell me, where are you guys going for that coffee?" Jack's eyes are full of curiosity and excitement, it's impossible for Harry not to feel a chill go down his spine at the prospect of planning the date. He thinks about what Fernando suggested, but it would be too obvious that it wasn't his idea entirely.
Alma deserves something exclusively planned by him.
"Don't know yet, perhaps somewhere nice and quiet" he ponders and his friend agrees.
Last time Harry had a proper first date was about two years ago or so. He cooked aubergine parmigiana following Jamie Oliver's recipe and baked some biscuits for dessert that he enjoyed with his companion overlooking the Pacific Ocean from his home's balcony. Back then it seemed to be the right choice to keep it low-key, a simple dinner at his, no risk at all to be bothered or watched. But Harry knew that at some point it got old, being overly discreet was easily mistaken for being ashamed of the relationship. That kind of thing can do a lot to someone's confidence, little by little until it's all too much to bear.
If he could only learn not to care about the world's prying eyes.
Harry doesn't want to drag anyone into the scrutiny of the media until he knows it's an incorruptible bond. The inevitable thought of forever, something he believes might not exist for him, at times. He did think Taylor was it, even Kendall for a while, which is why he dated more publicly back then, until she came along and the love Harry felt was so grand it made him overly protective of them. Countless times he tried to explain that this was the first time something was working in spite of all the circumstances that came with his life and he was trying to cherish it, keep it to himself. Nurture it until it was as tough as old boots.
That night was spent writing down ideas for that first date. Number one was The river café, near Putney Bridge, a place free of paparazzi. Number two, Rail house café, lovely spot to share dinner. Number three The sanctuary café, located in a beautiful building with a quirky environment. Number four and his personal favourite Lola's bakery, their service was so warm and intimate, he remembers the cinnamon Chelsea bun and his mouth waters instantly. So, drawing a big circle around the fourth option he smiles before going to bed that night.
Saturday morning finds Harry at his grandparents’ old home, carrying a bag full of ingredients for a vegetarian lasagna he is planning to cook for his grandfather and his mum. He immediately banishes Anne from helping in the kitchen. She observed him follow the recipe, cooking for no longer than ten minutes the garlic, thyme and aubergine, and then crumble over the chilli carefully. He lets her grate the Parmesan when the sauce isn’t thickening and reducing like it was supposed to. With a bump of her hip, she nodded towards a couple of tomatoes, Harry smiled before tipping them in, breaking them with a spoon and five minutes later, the sauce was ready.
His mother is a marvellous woman, like the good son he is, Harry doesn't want to make her sad, ever. The last time he visited her, recently broken hearted, they spent it baking, cooking, eating sweets and drinking hot chocolate at the rear terrace. Once he had enough of moping around, he decided to make it up to her and create good memories from that visit. They explored the local parklands as if it was the first time, shared ice cream, got tipsy on cheap red wine and chatted from dusk till dawn.
A few hours later, after eating the delicious meal and tidying up the kitchen afterwards, Harry watches his mum talking to his grandad, holding his shaky hand in hers and caressing it in a soothing way. The elder man’s Parkinson is getting worse with time, he feels so useless, specially because it affects his favourite people. He wants to know what his mother is thinking when she joins him back in the kitchen. There is some anguish dancing in her kind eyes, but Harry knows better than to push her to share something she is not ready to.
"I have a date next Thursday," he chokes out, in hopes of distracting her, and it works. Anne's head whips towards her youngest child, evidently shocked and yet proud. It's been years since Harry shared that kind of information with her.
"A proper date?"
"Yes," he wants to add how nervous it makes him. "I dunno how serious it'll get... just met her once, properly I mean, we saw each other on the tube's carriage three times prior to it. Coincidentally of course, Gem said it is something straight out of a film."
"Who is she?" His mother is giving him that look, the one that says how giddy she is to know absolutely everything about the person that got her son so skittish, that he started to rearrange the containing of the cupboards entirely.
"Her name is Alma," he doesn't know where to start, if he spills all the ways in which he thinks she is wonderful, they'll end up pulling an all-nighter.
"And she's a...?"
"Cashier during the week, Spanish teacher on the weekends and occasional interviewer for her Youtube channel." Anne raises her eyebrows, impressed and wondering why such a busy girl agreed to go on a date. Must like him a lot of course, she thinks watching her son pour hot water on a mug, and dunking a tea bag in it afterwards.
"Where did you meet her if not on the tube?'' She is curious and weary. This wouldn't be the first time her youngest spawn overlooked certain things from strangers. Very little things in Harry's life were coincidences nowadays.
"Remember Jack Robinson?" his mum nodded, how could she forget the cheeky chap that helped Harry escape almost every night from his dad's house in the summer, just to go skate in Southbank's center until midnight. Anne admitted to not liking the bloke for a while, but gave him another chance after watching him grow into a responsible adult. "He's in charge of my home renovation, extension whatever it is called. Invited me to Freddie's birthday party and she was there." The dreamy look on his eyes when reminiscing the moment brought out a wide smile on his mum's face followed by her loud laughter.
"Oh Harry, you've got that look." it was the truth. He looked completely gobsmacked by his mother's reaction, but he couldn’t deny the peace he felt when knowing that she was already fond of the girl that he couldn’t get out of his mind.
"It’s too soon to tell!” He doesn’t want to dive into it, not yet. 
"How did you really meet? I want all the details." Anne asked, taking a seat at the coffee table and Harry told her everything.
From the first glance he stole her way to the last phone call he had yesterday at Jack and Fernando's house, his hands flew several times to tussle his hair and the dimple on his left cheek was exquisite, when telling his mother, how she asked him to dance with her. He spared no detail, from her intoxicating Moschino perfume to her raspy accented voice. By the time he finished, his mum's mug was empty but her heart was full. For so long she wondered if she would ever witness the beauty of Harry in love again and enjoy first-hand the way he spoke about that person in the sweetest manner, the high-pitched tone of his voice when finally admitting how nervous he actually was about this first date.
"Right, well in that case, stop thinking about how everything is going to go wrong." Easier said than done, Harry thinks but nods. "I'm sure whatever you planned will sweep her off her feet." Anne knew how much of a romantic her boy was, he went all out in that department. His best quality and Achilles heel.
"If the cupcakes from that place don't... I could literally do it." Harry plucks a banana from the fruit bowl before them and narrows his eyes when his mum rolls her eyes at him playfully.
His mother's reassurance made him feel less hopeless, the next day when they went to Sheffield's city center, she even picked out a couple of new mugs. 'Just in case we have new visitors at home.' Harry groaned but failed to hide the dreamy look in his eyes, he even crossed his fingers behind his back as he watched her pay for the cups. The thought of Alma meeting his mother in the near future —and the rest of his loved ones— excited him to an unfamiliar degree, like the first time he saw the seaside with his own eyes at a very young age, like that time he sang in front of a considerable amount of people, like a warm hug of his late grandmother. The idea that she may like him enough to agree to a second date is stuck on his brain, despite that they haven't even survived the first one.
Anne saw him enjoy himself the rest of that afternoon and the next morning before he had to go back to London. She sighed and watched him drive away, standing in her front door for a few more minutes, rejoicing on the memory of Harry's toothy grin. Usually she was careful and waiting for the other shoe to drop, but not this time. There was a bit of certainty in the unfamiliar situation, something she couldn't quite put her finger on, she decided to patiently wait and see. She hummed a familiar tune while putting away the new additions to her crockery. The same song her son decided to play on his journey back home.
Qué será, será. Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see. Qué será, será.
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nessamaurice · 5 years
Simple Ch. 1 (Loki x F!Reader)
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Summary: Tony and the Avengers are in desperate need of something like a “babysitter” to have an eye on Loki and teach him “how to human”. He decided to stay on Midgard over the dungeons of Asgard as punishment for his deeds in New York. That’s where you swoop in. A simple receptionist at the Avengers compound. You have to share an apartment in the compound with Loki and damn, he’s a really tough nut. With your open and kind character it seems that you are slowly cracking his shell. But suddenly things are getting twists that will change your life and your relationships there irreversibly.
Story rating: M
Chapter trigger warnings: n/a
Words: 1984
"We need someone totally random." Tony broke the silence in the room. Every gaze was on him now. "Not someone with any special training, crazy gifts or hyper specialized knowledge."
"Why?" Steve simply asked.
"Your brother", Tony said turning to Thor and pointing at him, "has an enormous ego. If he has to stay here, we got to get him... let's say humbled. He will stay here in the compound. He is even willing to cooperate, so I guess we won't need shackles. At least not all the time. We just need someone reliable staying in the same room with him. Like, a babysitter. Someone simple, responsible from the neighbourhood who you would trust to look after your children because you know she'll just tuck them into bed asap and spend a nice evening watching Netflix or reading books while eating chips."
"You think it should be a woman?" Natasha mentioned.
"Did I say she? Ah yes, I did. Probably because when I think of next-door-babysitters I automatically think of girls. Women. Sorry." Tony immediately corrected himself as he noticed the raised eyebrow of Natasha.
"Couldn't it be that he would try to... I don't know... something like to trick a woman to do what he wants? Is he... um..." Bruce struggled to speak his mind.
"You mean like a seducer to women?" Thor assumed, followed by an amused little laugh. "No do not worry about that matter. I have known him my whole life and playing such games with women was never in his interest, even if it would have been useful to his plans. And I would say a woman would be best, he mostly behaves more controlled and civilized towards women in charge than to men."
"Alrighty then!" Tony clapped his hands to end this meeting that almost seemed like it would never end. With everybody feeling relieved to have come to a solution, the tension in the room ebbed away.
"Barton", Tony addressed to the agent in the corner of the room, "We need someone trustworthy. A woman. Someone staying away from drama. A at least somehow balanced one. And she will have to move to the compound for quite a while, so sort out every woman having responsibilities at home or such. The best would be someone who already works for me, check all our employees first, maybe we are lucky."
Clint simply nodded and left the room, but not without grabbing a big mug of coffee on the leave. Everyone headed to the door, but Thor caught Tony by grabbing his arm and stopping him. He waited a second until all the other Avengers were gone.
"Thank you, Stark. It is very generous and honorable of you and of Midgard to offer my errant brother a second chance after all what he did to your realm. There is clearly good in him. Buried under mischief and lies but somewhere it is. Maybe a simple person is all he needs to learn that 'simple' is nothing bad. It is hard for him to deal with his banishment from his home but it was his own choice and he preferred this over the dungeons of our palace. It took him quite a while to make this decision."
"Yeah. It's okay. No one likes to have a pissed-off brother being kept in the basement." Tony said, patting Thor on the shoulder while leaving the room.
With one hand you fumbled for your alarm clock to put in on snooze while hiding under the blanket. Sleep drunk you tried to get your brain working as a little wave of panic shot through you. Turning over to your clock you silently cursed into your pillow and pushed yourself up. You already wanted to get up 10 minutes ago but pressed snooze once too often. Again. You speeded up your morning routine a little to catch the lost minutes you sacrificed to Morpheus.
"This day's gonna be crap." You mumbled to yourself while entering the compound and shuffling over to the reception.
"Sweets, turn your bitch face off, you're at work."
The voice of your coworker Jackie (but you'd rather address her as your best friend than coworker) ripped you out of your thoughts.
"Hey Babe. Sorry." You gave her your poorest apology smile.
"Pressed snooze too often again, huh?" She tried to hold back a broad smile while you walked around the giant reception desk, heavy eye-rolling.
"Shut up. Tea's ready?"
"Do we know us since yesterday?" She pouty answered, handing you your favorite mug. You snatched it almost too energetically from her hand, inhaling the steam rising from it and closing your eyes.
"Aw, yeah. Much better." You put it on the desk and went to the back to hang your coat. Walking by you caught your own glance in the mirror, stopped and returned to it to check your appearance. You fixed some loose strands of hair and spotted your septum piercing. Cursing at yourself that you forgot to take it out once again you turned it up into your nose to hide it. If you'd take it out right now you would just lose it, like the other 4 piercings before. Pulling on the collar of your shirt and fiddling on your chocker necklace you quickly checked yourself over again and stepped outside to the reception desk. You were so lucky that you and your colleagues came to the glorious arrangement that you were in charge of the visit-reservation-referring-emails and wouldn't have to answer phone calls. Every time you heard the melodic ringing it sent a little jolt through your guts but were relieved the same moment, knowing that it was not your task to answer it. You never knew why phone calls put you in such a state but you didn't really bother to find out. You went to sit down on your office chair, totally focused on your steaming mug that stood there longing for your cold hands to get warmed up by its heat but stopped mid-motion and turned your head to the left. Your eyes wandered the spacious entrance hall. Since there were still 10 minutes before the Avengers compound opened up to visitors, press and business the only light was the natural dim dawn falling in through the huge window front. You almost jumped a little as the lighting was turned on, as always on time.
"Everything alright, Sweet Pea?" Your friend appeared from behind you, making you jump a little again.
"What? Oh yeah. Sorry. I thought there was something. Getting a little paranoid after a week of holiday at home." You laughed at her. As you finally sat down you couldn't resist to look over your shoulder again and search the enormous hall. It wasn't helpful that you had that feeling of being watched since almost 3 weeks now. At first you didn't take it very serious. Your workplace was permanently full of people and CCTV. But the feeling deep down in your stomach grew bigger each day. In the end you were so happy to eventually have a week all on your own. You spent it most of the time at home, doing all the things you wanted to do for a long time. You took some art classes in portraying persons, read 2 books, listened to music constantly, ordered too much stuff from Amazon because you had so much time browsing stuff you didn't need, even could get yourself to take some walks in the nearby park and enjoy the autumn colours. But, much to your dismay, that feeling of being followed by something or someone didn't cease. You spoke to your therapist at your monthly meeting about this last week. She said not to take it too serious but that you'll come back to that point next month.
You softly shook your head to get rid of the thoughts and put your bag on the floor beneath your desk with a loud thud. Jackie turned her head and looked at you, then at your bag.
"What the hell is in there? Thor's hammer?"
You tried to bat her hand away as she grabbed your bag and opened it. Her gaze rose in played shock to meet your eyes. She pulled a giant book out of it without interrupting her steady look at you. You couldn't help but blush, roll your eyes and laugh.
"Oh. My. God. Didn't they have a bigger book than this? Why are you dragging this monster with you to work?" She looked at the title and stuttered a little while reading it out loud, a little too loud since your other colleagues turned their heads, poorly hiding their smiles.
"Antiquitates Iudaicae" She looked at you again, one brow raised. "Seriously?"
You couldn't hold back your snort at that look on her face. Hectically you nabbed your stuff from her hands. "Shut up bitch, that's for my lunch break."
Unfortunately that explanation didn't help much to stop her amusement because now she helplessly had to cover her mouth while she laughed into her hands.
"Damn girl, you crazy."
"I know. You love that."
"Of course I do. Borrow me that book when you're through. And if I lost my sight by that time, you can read it to me when your granny glasses will be strong enough."
Smiling you turned to your computer and turned it on. It was about time, your small interruption cost you precious minutes to start your working routine before the doors opened to all the amazed visitors, screaming school groups and snoopy press people.
While waiting for your computer to come to live (which took quite longer than you'd expect when working for a technology genius), Jackie slapped your shoulder.
"Oh I totally forgot to fill you in on the latest gossip. When you were on holiday, a cute guy from accounting sat down next to me during lunch and asked where you are."
"Whaaaat? You're kidding."
"Nah-ah! He said he wanted to say hi to you after he saw you several times in the cafeteria and thought you would show up just a little later. He feared you may have just chucked your job after two more days without seeing you. I tell you, he has the bluest eyes I've ever seen. If I were unwed, I'd totally be jealous. I promised not to tell you. Ha ha. As if I would not tell you."
"Aw come on. Now I will never be able to relax during lunch time again." You batted her arm with the back of your hand.
"Oh Sweets, you're much too old to be nervous around men."
"Uhm, you know who you talking to, right?"
Her only answer was just a vicious smile as she turned to the already ringing phone.
The morning went on as usual. Tons of emails, greeting visitors and groups, handing forms over the counter, smiling, tea drinking.
Your stomach began to rumble just as your break was due. You checked yourself in the mirror again, this time a bit more precisely. As usual, you weren't too pleased with what you saw. Catching that thought, you very silently said to yourself "But I love myself anyway" just as your therapist taught you. You hoped that one day you'd eventually believe your own words, but somehow they helped you relax a bit, though. You stretched your back, grabbed your stuff and headed to the cafeteria. As you saw its entrance, you felt blood rushing to your cheeks and cursed yourself for blushing so easily. But before you could step through the door, someone stopped you by softly grabbing your arm.
You turned around to say something but no sound left your open mouth as you looked up into the face of Clint Barton.
"Miss Y/N, I'm sorry to stop you from getting your lunch, but Mr. Stark would like to speak to you."
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