#and like it IS about them that's why it's on the star trek blog. but also
croc-odette · 2 years
babygirl i hate the way you’re characterizing the gorn as inherently violent and deeply cruel monsters that cannot be reasoned with and therefore MUST be hunted down and killed in an effort to turn a corny TOS meme into a take-us-seriously horror threat when the whole point of the TOS episode was to realize that the gorn were behaving along their own logic and it was a failure of diplomacy and a desire to give in to fear and revenge that led to the real conflict of the episode, which was that a godlike alien power saw both the enterprise and gorn as inherently violent and cruel monsters who could fight it out in a desert if they wanted to so bad. why do this
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quarks-pussy · 1 year
Love it when there's a perfectly ordinary m/f couple and then comes along a horny little slutman and they just invite him into their marriage
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thornshadowwolf · 2 years
OK I'll bite what the hell is "promo hour"? /gen
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neroushalvaus · 7 months
Tumblr in the 60s – deleted posts
Some people requested a sequel to this post so I thought I'd post these drafts that didn't make it to the original. Maybe doing more at some point if the inspiration hits me but I hope these bring you some joy.
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🚀 starrfleet Follow
HEY GUYS!! We're buying The Beatles so John and Paul can finally get together!! Who's in
🎹 nixonsafascist Follow
Call that... Beatles for Sale
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Dude this is serious. We want to free them. Why is homophobia so very funny to you?
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Didn't The Beatles start managing themselves after Mr Epstein died? So you plan to buy them... From themselves?
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Oh so the george harrison vampire mpreg blog is going to preach to us now.
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📻 lesbianbobdylan Follow
"Let men have short hair!!" "It's okay to not agree with the civil rights folk" "Don't let tumblr tell you that serving your country is bad" You are all so chronically online and convinced your little hippie bubble represents the world that you have the worst takes. Conservatism is alive and well, us hippies are the fucking minority. The outside world is perfectly okay with all the anti-mlk short-haired men who are happily getting drafted. You are not counterculture.
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☁️ ankin-vaimo Follow
Tumblr is so US/UK centric. Scrolling through this site you'd think there were no other tv shows than star trek and no other bands than the monkees and that the stonewall riots were the only meaningful political activism that has ever happened. There's so much great culture elsewhere. I bet you have never even heard of Tapani Kansa.
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial
#shhh don't tell Tumblr that other countries exist #they couldn't even admit Please Mr. Postman was originated by black women (tags via @marvelettesofficial)
peer reviewed tags
#sorry for going through your tumblr marvelettesofficial #you're just so funny #hope i'm not annoying you
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🌼 andpeoplesaywebeatlearound Follow
People really like to pretend us Beatles girlies hate Y*ko for being asian and a woman like she didn't literally make John cheat on his wife and leave his young son
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
don't talk like us beatles girlies are all the same, i personally want to fuck her on a canvas while we're both covered in menstrual blood, creating modern art by making love
✝️ jesusrevolution Follow
Op is this you? ↓
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🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Also like, "made John cheat on his wife and leave his young son", did John himself have nothing to do with that decision or..?
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
do you guys think she and john do mommy play
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
I appreciate the input @prostitutesandlesbians but we're trying to call the op out for being a racist misogynist
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
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🤪 thekinkykinks Follow
Why is there even discourse about this... Yeah, the folks at Stonewall could have been more respectful towards the police officers who were just doing their jobs, but why are we acting like throwing some pennies at the police officers and calling them "Lily Law" is the worst type of oppression
🥿 trustnobutch Follow
You know what? No. Fuck you. I'm tired of you all talking about these people like they were your poor little meow meows. Have you read about this at all? The raid did not happen because the police "hates gay people wah wah". Stonewall Inn was run by the mob. The. Fucking. Mob. Would you rather have the police not protecting us from criminals, huh??? And the rioters were nothing but a bunch of attention seekers. I heard that a guy from the fucking Mattachine Society phoned newspapers and took pictures of the riot. I'm so disappointed, that was the only gay group that seemed to care about looking respectable in the eyes of the heterosexuals. People who were there made us all look bad and set our movement back like 50 years. Fuck you for supporting them.
🍊 kissmemissoklaholma Follow
Yeah. I heard someone threw a brick.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
??? Nobody threw bricks, where the fuck do you get your information ??
#they should have tho #chilling at the stockholm airport finding the weirdest takes
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🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i'm sharing a joint with this cute ass butch with the cutest curliest hair ever guyyyyssss I think i'm falling in love
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
she plays the harmonica for me i want to fuck her to the mattress
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i don't have any idea what she's singing about but i think she likes the rolling stones too, we have so much in commonnnn
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
So it turns out that was Bob Dylan.
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ao3commentoftheday · 22 days
i've seen you (or i'm pretty sure it was you) give people advice that boils down to like. just write the scenes you WANT to write, basically, and skip the rest. which i think i want to try to do more because i do NOT have the bandwidth for long or complex stories right now. but i'm wondering if there are good ways to contextualize snapshots like that? like would you suggest adding more context to the metadata/tags/author's notes? or even in the text itself, like do you have suggestions for how to establish or distill a larger AU or story into like. an introductory paragraph?
(also your blog is great, and also you do good work, and i'm sorry if i'm mixing up who said this specific thing. i might have mentioned that i don't have any bandwidth for things lmfao)
I'm forever telling people to skip the boring parts and just write what's fun. There are probably folks out there who wish I'd shut up about it 🤣
I tend to do most of my context-setting in my tags and summary, but author's notes can be useful too if you want to go that route.
To do that, you need to have a clear idea of what it is that you're actually going to write and then you also have to know what your readers need to know in order dive right in with you. But I want to put the emphasis on need to know there. you don't have to get into all of the nitty gritty details first.
If you're writing something smutty in the context of the characters being in a relationship - even though they've never met in canon - then you can tag your fic with established relationship and put in whatever tags related to smut you want, then write a simple summary of the set up. "A and B shower together - and not just to save water."
The reader doesn't need to know how they met or why they got together or when this is happening. They just want to see their ship have shower sex.
If your characters are usually in the Star Trek universe but you want to write them into a period romance, tag your work with regency AU or Bridgerton AU and then give a summary snapshot of what they'll be doing in that setting. "Janeway and Chakotay chaperone Nelix's ball, but rather than simply watching the younger people court, they find themselves the recipients of a matchmaking attempt."
Your readers already know the characters, and they can understand the setting from your tags and summary, so you're ready to get started.
The more you do it, the better you'll get at distilling your idea down into a 1-3 sentence summary.
Characters are in place doing thing and issue arises.
Villain takes action and now our heroes need to fix that
A and B are in current relationship status but inciting incident changes that
In a world where X is true, characters need to do a thing. Unfortunately, Y happens and now they are left doing something else instead. Will they be able to achieve their goal?
One of the shortest fics I've ever posted to AO3 is 37 words. It's an Original Work, so people are coming into it with no information. And yet, between my title, my tags, my summary, and the series it's a part of it is 100% intelligible to anyone in any fandom. [link] I had a joke that I wanted to tell, and I think I landed it pretty well.
Readers will fill in the blanks that you've left empty. All you have to do is give them enough information to fill in whatever you don't provide.
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anewstartrekfan · 1 year
Why I like Kirk so much and why I think he didn’t resonate as much with general audiences as Spock did
I think what Gene Roddenberry and the rest of the tos crew underestimated is how powerful knowledge of a character can be when they thought Kirk would be popular over Spock. As season 1 progresses while you do get information about both Kirk and Spock peppered through out, how much and how it’s conveyed is important.
Spock is Stoic yes, but surprisingly he talks about his past and what it means to be Vulcan a lot. And other characters comment on Vulcans too like McCoy describing where a Vulcan heart is. Even moving onto season 2, when Spock truly, desperately, does not want to explain what Pon Farr is or that Sarek is his father, he admits these things under pressure. And all of this information is what’s gives the audience an idea of what informs his actions.
Jim Kirk however, despite being very outgoing and charismatic, very rarely talks about himself. With few exceptions, every time you do learn something about his past it’s because someone else explains it or points it out. You’ve got where no man has gone before where Gary talked about their academy days, The naked time while Spock talked about his regrets, Kirk vents that he wants a personal connection and then is literally the only person who is able to will the virus to stop effecting him (on his own I mean) just long enough for McCoy to give him the cure.
The Android copy of Kirk tells us about Kirk’s brother Sam, in Conscience of the king literally everyone except Kirk explains his tragic tarsus iv backstory, we never find out who the Ruth girl is in shore leave, and it’s Bones that brings up Sam lives on Deneva. Even in season 2 in the worst episode ever, the deadly years, when Kirk is in a room alone with his ex fiancé, she explains their history. Not Kirk.
This man is allergic to talking about himself I love it.
Edit: Whenever Jim does even sorta talk about his past, it’s always in the context of what the other people he’s talking to know about it. Take Tarsus IV. Spock tells Jim that he checked the same library records. So when Jim finally opens up at the end of the conversation, it’s information Spock and Bones already know. “I saw him [Kodos] once, 20 years ago.” Then about 10 minutes later when he’s talking with Kodos and trying to get proof, he gives Kodos a copy of the speech Jim heard him read 20 years ago. Saying that he memorized the words. Again, these are things only the two of them would know about. It’s not something Jim exclusively went through.
Then later in Obsession when Jim is talking about his prior experience with the fog, everything he references was in the report he made after the Farragut disaster that he knows Spock and Bones read. There is no new information he reveals about what happened to him or even how he felt about it. Bones has to be the one to say Jim was wrecked with guilt because at the end of the day, Jim will never willingly talk about his past without knowing or thinking the other person he’s talking to has the same information. He will not reveal anything new 95% of the time.
Anyway back to the old blog.
While I’d argue conscience of the king does most of the work you would ever need to explain why Kirk is the way he is, the fact is we don’t learn much about his past through him. Instead it’s Kirk’s actions that inform our understanding of him. Which on some level I like a lot. It’s rare that a tv series doesn’t lean heavily into some tragic backstory explaining why a character acts the way they do. But it isn’t just he doesn’t have multiple tragic backstories. It’s what we know nothing about his past in general. Ffs we didn’t learn he grew up in Iowa until Star Trek IV. It might not even be Riverside! That town just claimed it for themselves and everyone rolled with it.
Edit: SNW did confirm after almost 40 years that riverside is Kirk’s birthplace.
The audience never truly closes the gap with Kirk because he never willingly opens up (at least where I am in the show idk maybe the movies change this) So comparatively Spock just had more going on.
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
Hey there, Happy New Year! Sorry if this ask seems confusing.
I've really come to enjoy your blog as someone who is kind of new to navigating the world of comics and how to read them and you seem to be one of the people that's more vocal about all the fanon and canon differences and how that damages people's perception of characters. I'm just a bit confused in what you consider to be the difference of headcanons and fanon, I know fanon is a more of something that a big number of people believe, but if someone headcanons something that isn't covered in canon, would that be "bad" or fall on the fandom category?
Hope this doesn't sound mean or anything, I'm just a bit confused
hello!! welcome to batburger!!!!
wrt fanon vs canon my issue is this — parts of comic fandom are very vocal about not engaging with the source material. deciding what fanon is “good” vs “bad” isn’t the point because im not interested in policing peoples fandom experience. however there is a point where i don’t understand what exactly some people are fans of, because what they talk about is so disconnected from the original text.
imagine meeting a hunger games fan, and when u ask about their favourite movie or book, they instead tell u that they’ve never read or seen any part of the series, exclusively read fanfiction, and then inform u that they believe president snow is peeta’s grandfather and that actually haymitch was the authoritarian mastermind behind the hunger games. that doesn’t make any sense, and has no basis in canon. it’s a very extreme hypothetical, but i wouldn’t really take what they say about the hunger games seriously. it also reminds me a bit of the hp marauders fanworks that exist almost autonomously to the books (while still containing the same issues as said books).
most fanon enjoyers (and this is particularly pervasive with batfam fans) enjoy characters and relationships that simply do not exist. that alone isn’t a problem (crackships and headcanons have existed since ye olde star trek zine days) but the issue is that these fanon interpretations are loudly asserted as being the correct way to engage with the characters. i do not believe it should be controversial to prefer characters in their canonical text, or to ask why some fanon content is taken as gospel, especially when so much of it is racialised.
this lends into a wider trend where these headcanons are respected more than canon despite often being actively reductive, accidentally demeaning, or just plain bad faith interpretations. it’s much harder to combat the racism present in conversations about damian wayne when the people in question aren’t grant morrison or judd winick or scott snyder, but instead a nebulous group of people on twitter.
flatly, i encourage people to read the source material. there are a lot of comics, but googling ‘[literally any character] reading list’ has literally never been easier. start by consuming the movies or cartoons or films or shows or the one volume graphic novels, then pinpoint what u like and start from there. people are discouraged from reading comics — and they shouldn’t be!! especially for popular characters there are very accessible starting points!! u will find characters to love with rich history and lore!!!! support queer artists and artists of colour who are actively changing the industry!!! i guarantee that the fanon version of that male character u love is actually originally from a female character with a great miniseries written by greg rucka!!!!
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
Why is everyone so biased toward One Piece? Literally every character from One Piece I see is the ugliest creature I've ever had the discourtesy to lay eyes on and they're winning by a landslide against genuinely attractive characters.
Oh boy, we've gone over this a couple times but it's been probably a month or two. It's not so much biased as it is a large and organized fandom. Plus good writing can make anyone hot even though the art style can take some getting used to.
Let me explain some fandoms have dedicated blogs that do nothing but reblog polls so that fandom can vote in random fandom related polls all in one place. Now in tournaments it is very unfair sometimes because they can organize themselves and rally to sway a vote quickly. Now I know one piece and bleach do have dedicated blogs when it comes to anime fandoms. Other non-anime fandoms that I know have blogs are Star Trek, Star Wars and Ninjago. I only know this because I used to be really big into voting in tournaments poll.
Plus I do normally share the Fandom overall week in review list and the anime and manga list. This shows the most popular Fandom related trends of the past week by Tumblr's own data. And as someone who's been following that page just for fun since probably 2012, one piece frequently is in the top 20 on the overall chart and I don't think I've ever seen it not in the top five on the anime and manga chart. The fandom is just that large and active. I mean one piece frequently trends when a new chapter or episode drops. It's just how it is.
And as someone who used to despise one piece, I did give it a shot after I watched and enjoyed the live action. Now it's actually one of my favorite animes. However, the manga is so much better due to the less than stellar pacing of the anime. The only reason I'm looking forward to the remake so much is for fixed pacing then maybe more people would give one piece of chance. Because the story and the writing is so good. However, the art style is not everyone's cup of tea and I do understand that and that is probably the number one complaint.
Fun fact, at one point there was a group of you campaigning to get one piece characters banned from my polls because the art style was misogynistic. Luckily that was short-lived because I was about to start blocking people. So let's not start that up again.
Now I will concede that the one piece fandom does like to do cursed polls And definitely request ugly characters on occasion just to watch the world burn. You know who you are. But we're talking about a show that has furries and fish people and characters that can turn into dragons and snake hybrids and dinosaur people. So there's a lot of variety in your humanoids not all of them are hot
I know it bothers a lot of people that one piece wins so many polls but I see this as a case of don't hate the player. Hate the game. So if you can't beat them, join them. So I would recommend if this really pisses you off so much start your own blog dedicated to reblogging polls for whatever fandom you think needs one. So you can start rallying and organizing your fandom against the one piece fandom so you can try to take them down. Don't know if it'll work but it's a start. Again, learn from them and use their tactics against them
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7077070707 · 11 months
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best friend
feat — gojo satoru
contents & warnings — not proofread because im fucking lazy, mutual pining, friends to lovers, suggestive content, gojo being a dork as per usual
a/n — guys i’m sorry for writing ANOTHER gojo fic but he’s just so fun to write. this is slowly turning into a gojo blog (i hate him). ALSO, im actually a dc girl so i’m with my pookie on this one,,, but like at the same time i might prefer starwars… it’s hard out here, they’re both so peak. um!!! as you can tell i’m oddly passionate about all this comic and movie shit from my stupid rambling so im just gonna stop!!!
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you and your best friend satoru trek indoors, both sweaty and fatigued from the blazing summer heat. you’re still finishing off the popsicle that gojo generously bought for you from the convenience store, for the whopping price of ¥180 (a true gentleman, he is). he claimed to be donating to charity, with you being a charity case – so in response you simply kicked him in the back of his knees which resulted him folding like a foldable chair. 
gojo was mindlessly chewing on the remains of his popsicle – that being the stick – and shoves his hands into his pockets. you were both passionately arguing over which franchise was better, and it was quickly becoming more and more heated. 
“dc is soo much better than marvel! what are you talking about?” he whines, pulling his hands out of his pockets and positioning them in a questioning, exasperated manner for the sake of exaggeration and his strong opinion. 
“no! no! no! marvel is cooler, and the movies are top tier. are dc movies as successful as marvel movies? no, i don’t think so.” you defend yourself, pointing an accusatory finger at gojo with some swagger. 
“well yeah, marvel movies are generally better but we’re talking about EVERYTHING, and everyone knows dc comics are superior. ‘cause, you know, the storylines are deeper and over all more interesting. and have you seen some of the art? arkham asylum’s art is insane! ALSO, CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW ICONIC BATMAN IS?” 
“i could say the same about spiderman. and iron man–” 
he cuts you off, “okay then, joker too!” 
“shut up! alright, fine… one point to marvel for movies, and one point to dc for comics.” you announce, albeit begrudgingly. 
“hold on, y/n.” leaning forward and wagging his finger stupidly, “there’s still more to it! what about games? or merch? lego adaptations? or even cartoons! maybe we could even add star wars to the mi–” 
“enough! it’s too hot for this, satoru! we can settle this later, and maybe even bring suguru as well, to defend his case for star wars.” 
a flash of disappointment shines upon his face at the mention of suguru, but maybe you were just seeing things. could it be that he was possibly saddened at the thought of his close friend being here? but why? maybe it’s because he wants to be alone with yo– 
‘no, shut up y/n!’ you think to yourself, ‘that’s obviously not the case…’ a small, sad after thought. you blame it on the lingering crush you had on your bestfriend and inwardly sigh. 
after the disappointed face that you claimed to notice, he flashes you a dopey grin and leans back. “alright, fine! you’re on! and damn, it is getting hot. i mean, even hotter. hotter than it was before, like previously–” he stops, “am i.. am i rambling?” 
“well, no. i mean, er– yes, yes you are. but it’s–” you giggle, “it’s cool, satoru. don’t sweat it!” your chest suddenly fills with a warmth, a different kind of warmth to the one the surface of your skin was feeling. 
he recovers and starts, “well, anyway…” he then abruptly takes his shirt off and throws it over his shoulder, his chiselled torso being revealed to you which raises heat to your face.
inside, you're panicking, ‘ohmygod.. what is happening? why is he stripping? huuuh..?’ 
he retrieves a wet rag and drags it across his body, creating wet droplets on his skin which was way more erotic than it should’ve been. the cool rag relieves him of the uncomfortable heat and he groans lowly, tilting his head up.
at the sound, you flush an even deeper red and panic even more, ‘oh my god! why? why is he so casual about this? i mean, how would he feel if i were to suddenly strip and wash myself with a wet towel? and make erotic noises as well! or am i making this an even bigger deal than it is? curse me and my brain…’ 
you stare shamefully at him, averting your eyes every now and then as an attempt to protect your wavering dignity. 
he catches your eye, and a shit eating grin presents itself on his face, “y/n? you alriiight? why is your face so red?” he teases, elongating his words and taking the piss out of you. 
you position yourself into a fighting stance, and retort defensively, “what? my face isn’t red! what are you talking about?” 
“why are you getting so riled up then? i’m only pulling your tail, ya know! unless you're actually flustered?” he quipped, inching closer to you. 
“go to hell gojo!” 
“why are you so flustered anyway?” he inquired, as if he wasn’t displaying his god-like body in front of you like a piece of exquisite art, “wait!” he lets out an exaggerated gasp, raising his hand to his mouth and you prepare yourself for the ‘shocking’ revelation his stupid little head cooked up, “you’re staring at my body! heeeey!” 
you grind your teeth, about to swing your fist at him. 
“i mean, i don’t blame you. girls are crazy over me.” he boasts, making you feel even more idiotic, “but hey, i’m crazy over you too!” you halt your actions and pause. 
“wait… what?” you croak out.
“you best believe it, pretty!” 
“you… you like me?” stunned by this unexpected declaration, “you like me, too?”
the boy smiles fondly at you, “of course. i just didn’t know how to confess… so i simply decided to do it on a whim, ya know – when my heart felt the fullest and all that cheesy crap.” 
“awww. gojo, you like me! that’s so cute!” 
his face gains an adorable pink flush, uncharacteristically flustered from your comment, and he sputters out, “wait what? why are the tables turning? when did the tables turn? how are the tables turning?!” 
giggling behind your hands, you assured him good naturedly, “well, just so you know. i like you too.” 
deadpanning at you, “i figured.” 
giggling once more, you twirl towards him and place a sweet kiss on the cheek of your now ex-best friend.
satoru smiles at the contact, but a burning question arrises, “so wait, does this mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?”
you ponder for a moment, scrunching your face — gojo copying your expression, “err yeah, i think so! is that how it works?”
“how about i take you out on a date, pretty?” he suggests, finger gunning at you and flashing his signature goofy grin.
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Star Trek fanfic recs
A long list of some of my all time favorite Star Trek fics. Not in any order. I just combed through my ao3 bookmarks for fics that still resonate with me and really blew me away. I will try to tag the authors if I can find blogs for them. If you know an authors blog I haven’t tagged, please tag them!
I dont have the spoons to write lil reviews for each fic bc theres toooooo many but maybe I’ll come back and edit some in sometime.
And eventually I’m gonna make a list like this for Sherlock Holmes and a few other fandoms. Also want to make one specific to podfics. We’ll see what happens first! This took me way longer than I thought it would…
Recs below the cut!
Star Trek TOS and AOS
The Thousandth Man (56187 words) by Ophelia_j In the wake of pon farr, the events on Vulcan are weighing heavy on Spock and his Captain. But will their attempt to fix the problem only make things worse?
The effect of sucrose on Vulcans (2290 words) by Ophelia_j After a successful diplomatic mission, Jim begins to suspect there's something wrong with Spock. Some Old Married Spirk Fluff for the 2019 OMS Challenge, for the awesome plaidshirtjimkirk.
The Eleventh Hour (8551 words) by Ophelia_j During a joint lecture at the Academy, Spock senses that Kirk is growing tired of the secrecy around their relationship and takes steps to resolve the matter.
A Crazy Little Thing Called Love (14940 words) by VTsuion The development of Kirk and Spock's relationship over the course of The Original Series, told in a series of off-screen moments.
The World Turned Upside Down (24777 words) by Jenna Hilary Sinclair On a planet torn by civil war, Kirk must battle insurgents, a Vulcan Healer, and his own heartbreak to find his way to Spock.
The Ren shat'var Trilogy (184,403 words) by CateAdams A split-second decision changes Jim's life forever, as he enters into a bond with Spock in the face of certain torture. Enemies to the Federation emerge from unlikely places, and the command team must contend with unexpected threats, as well as challenges within their own intense relationship. In this three-part series, the Enterprise races across the galaxy to confront the unknown, and Jim and Spock discover the true significance of their unprecedented connection.
First, Best Destiny - Parts One and Two (387733 words) by Ophelia_j A novel-length retelling of original Star Trek canon through the lens of one of the greatest relationships ever committed to film. Using missing scenes, episode tags, and original story-telling. Ultimately a Generations fix-it.
All the Time in the World (27856 words) by LSPINGLES The death of Edith Keeler affects Kirk and Spock in different ways. Spock invites Kirk to come with him to Vulcan to heal. Along the way the learn something about their feelings for each other.
Spice (276553 words) by eimeo It’s a question of biology. Vulcan biology. The problem with falling in love with a member of an insanely private species is that it just might take you the best part of a five year mission to work out that the feelings are requited. And then you might discover that he’s already decided that the two of you can never be together. And what are you supposed to do if he won’t tell you why?
Fulfilling the Needs of the One (Or the Both) (8741 words) by plaidshirtjimkirk Spock begins to wonder if his relationship with Jim has been one-sided in his own favor.
Touch Upon the Wonders that You See (4071 words) by waldorph Sarek does not always understand his son, but that does not mean he does not love him.
Entering Orbit (30957 words) by museaway Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch.
Something Smart to Do (21322 words) by kianspo In which Jim finds himself fake-married to his first officer every other month. It's not his fault. Mostly. Dowries and Klingons are involved. Starfleet is decidedly not amused.
Don't Stop Believing (205901 words) by kianspo The story follows Spock from his own days as a cadet at Starfleet Academy to the ‘present day’ when he’s Kirk’s first officer and the Enterprise is on its five-year mission. Essentially, the story of Spock’s first real love followed by the story of him finding the love of his life. Ad astra per aspera.
And Then I Let It Go (10632 words) by kianspo Post-Star Trek Beyond. The crew of the Enterprise gets a breather while they are waiting for their new ship. Jim uses the time to do something he had sworn he would never do.
The Lotus Eaters (93594 words) by aldora89 Stranded on the planet Sigma Nox while searching for a missing away team, Spock and Kirk find themselves pitted against a disturbing native life form. With the captain out of commission on a regular basis and Spock struggling to preserve his stoicism, staying alive is difficult enough – but when a slim chance for escape surfaces, their resolve is truly put to the test. Together they must fight for survival in the heart of an alien jungle, and in the process, uncover the mystery of the planet’s past. Slow build K/S.
Atlas (135529 words) by distractedKat Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning. A novel-length continuation of the 2009 movie told in four parts. Cross-posted from FFN. PODFIC AVAILABLE! https://archiveofourown.org/works/652116/chapters/1187249
The Word Withheld (12032 words) by j_s_cavalcante After retrieving Kirk from the interspatial rift of "The Tholian Web," Spock realizes his oath to Starfleet and his service aboard the Enterprise are in jeopardy because he has denied to himself—and withheld from Kirk—a certain truth about the nature of the Vulcan relationship called "t’hy’la."
this is what happens when you save earth, apparently (5454 words) by WerewolvesAreReal “So, why haven't you settled down with some lucky lady yet?” the interviewer asks. Maybe it's the blinding set-lights, or the fact that he hasn't slept in thirty-five hours. But for some reason Kirk blurts, “Honestly, they all end up getting jealous of Spock.”
Four times the Enterprise Crew didn´t realize that their commanding officers were married to each other and one time they finally found out (4130 words) by razzleberryicedtea In which Spock and Jim casually forget to mention that they are married, and the Enterprise crew is too oblivious to notice on their own
A Star to Steer By (32043 words) by Borealisblue Kidnapped, injured, and headed towards Romulan space, Kirk could only be grateful that his last act was saving Spock from the same fate. And all it had cost was a stolen kiss.
An Open Secret (3495 words) by TransScribe Amanda Grayson knew her son. She could read him, easily. That might've been why she had suspicions about his relationship long before he said anything. It was more likely because subtlety was not a trait Spock had inherited.
the book of love (7297 words) by miss_frankenstein When yet another away mission goes awry, Jim and Spock are left stranded on a hostile planet with nothing to do but talk. What follows is a conversation about art and literature, life and death, love and friendship.
Take My Hand (My Whole Life Too) (5981 words) by pastmydancingdays Whilst in one of the most dangerous situations of his life, Jim Kirk came to a realisation that he should have had a very long time ago. Two, in fact, and he was about to let neither go to waste. A potential epilogue to Amok Time.
Ashayam (3378 words) by Willowe Spock knows he has no right to refer to Jim as any sort of endearment, even in the privacy of his own thoughts. If he had only listened to this logic he wouldn't find himself in this position, standing on the bridge having just called his captain "ashayam".
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aslamat · 5 days
Stonehenge Mysteries: Men, Mystery, and a Marvel of a Monument
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Stonehenge is a megalith organized on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, and like all ancient monuments, it has been fascinating for centuries. The construction of the pillars that form the ceiling is thought to be so tall and symbolic that it creates curiosity. Though the available knowledge regarding Stonehenge remains unbiased, several issues are still mired in controversy. This typical blog post focuses on Stonehenge mainly in terms of the purpose of its construction, the methods used in construction, and the celestial purpose that was assigned to the stone circle.
The Purpose of Stonehenge
Arguably, one of the most frequently asked questions about Stonehenge is about the monument’s function. There are a number of theories that, when examined, are proffered with much rationale as to why they should be accepted.
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A Ceremonial Site
Due to its construction complexity and its specific layout, Stonehenge was expected to be used ceremonially. This indicates that it was used in religious observances since it has an alignment with the sun solstices of the summers and winters. The main structure of the Heel Stone was placed to align itself with the sun rise on the summer solstice, which suggests solar cult or agricultural rituals.
A Burial Ground
A study carried out on human bones pulled from various digs in and around Stonehenge suggests that it served as the burial place of individuals. Cremated remains were observed at the site, indicating that it was one of the important burial grounds for the elites or people of higher rank in that period and was in use as early as 3000 BC. But this theory fits with the belief that Stonehenge was built as a shrine for ancestor spirits.
A Healing Center
There are theories that certain elements of the monument, as well as the placement of Stonehenge as a whole, were intended to allow for this. A couple of skeletons bearing marks of diseases and wounds that may have been fatal imply that those in ailing states could trek to the shrine with the hope of being healed. The bluestones used in the construction of the circle were believed to have healing virtues, and these originated in Wales.
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An Astronomical Observatory
One of the dominant theories is that the grand monument was an ancient observatory, and the stones were aligned with specific stars. This is consistent with the idea since the precise laying down of stones correlates with the occurrence of solstices and equinoxes. It could have probably been utilized in the prediction of astronomy, which helped in agriculture and the scheduling of religious ceremonies.
The Construction of Stonehenge
Historians and archaeologists have marveled at the creation of Stonehenge, which is a circle of stones. No technology was available, and yet it was quite intriguing how the prehistoric people moved and set up those large stones.
Transporting the stones
Stonehenge consists of two types of stones: sarsen stones and bluestones of the neolithic period from western Asia and Europe, respectively. The giant sarsen stones, which each weigh up to 25 tons, may have come from the Marlborough Downs, located 32 kilometers away. These were the smaller bluestones that could weigh up to 4 tons and were transported from Preseli Hills in Wales, more than 240 km away.
Earlier, it was assumed that the construction was transported using sledges and rollers, and later through water bodies. Such an immense operation would have necessitated proper planning in terms of human labor and advanced engineering.
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Erecting the Stones
Even when the stones were on site, another problem arose as to how best to put them up or raise them. Currently, ancient writers have posited that prehistoric builders employed a system of earth ramps and wooden beams to lift the construction pieces and maneuver them to their appropriate positions. The lintels, or horizontal stones, were fitted and locked in position through the use of mortise and tenon joints, a sign of the high technicality that had been attained.
Precision and planning
Because there are only megaliths arranged in a circular fashion within the walls of Stonehenge, constructing the monument was a highly precise undertaking that needed careful planning as well as knowledge of geometry and astronomy. They are arranged neatly in a cyclic fashion, and several of them are oriented in specific positions depending on the rightful rites associated with stars. The sophistication of the measurements and the accuracy of the alignments show the builders must have been skilled people with knowledge.
Celestial Alignments
Another interesting historical fact about Stonehenge is that the construction of the circle was to have some kind of correlation with some astronomical phenomena. The feature has had people believing that it was used for astronomical purposes since it was created.
Solstices and Equinoxes
Arising from the above, it can be well argued that Stonehenge was well-aligned to create a solar calendar with shadow markers that pointed directly to the summer and winter solstices. As such, during the summer solstice, the sun reverses its position over the Heel Stone, rises directly at the monument, and provides a shadow through the heart of the stones. This formation can be observed during the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice, when the sun sets in the direction of the Altar Stone. Such alignments indicate that Stonehenge wanted to signify the change of seasons, something that was indeed important in civilizations that dealt with farming.
Lunar Alignments
However, it is not only solar alignments that have been associated with Stonehenge; lunar relationships are evident as well. Some stones are oriented north-south, east-west, and large stones lie parallel to the moon; the builders may have monitored the lunar cycle. It could have been used to estimate eclipses of the moon or some other event, and this has been achieved when its current facet aligns with a past instance.
When can Stonehenge be crowned as having the enduring mystique of Stonehenge?
Nonetheless, the mystery enveloping Stonehenge remains intact since there are countless theories developed by researchers, but the monument still has many secrets. The intent behind its creation, the architectural techniques used in building it, and the connection with astronomy continue to be the objects of discussion and wonder. These monuments oppose the question of historical relevance by holding immense aesthetic and cognitive appeal for multi-generational scrutiny.
Stonehenge is not just a set of stones set together; it is a dynamically creative structure erected by our forefathers. This alignment with the stars, together with the effort that went into the construction of the monument, shows how the value system of paleolithic people pegged heavily on the physical environment.
It does make you think that as people carry on digging around Stonehenge and researching it, will more features and facts surrounding the monument be revealed? Nevertheless, the true purpose of Stonehenge can be explained only in riddles, and a shadow of it is still being whispered to inspire and amaze people around the world, all the while making them think about our ancestors’ genius in the field of architecture.
Thus, having analyzed the mysteries of Stonehenge, we opine that it is beneficial to get closer to understanding the achievements of the ancestors. If, indeed, Stonehenge functioned as a meeting place for the elite to conduct rituals, an emplacement for burying the dead, a sanctuary to solicit healing from gods, or a site to conduct an astronomical calendar, it remains today as a testament to mankind’s wisdom and efforts to learn about the world.
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fallen-and-holy · 3 months
Redoing my pinned post!
Heyo!! Call me Mars or Aster, i use he/hymn/it pronouns, and this is my main blog for all things! I'm alterhuman and queer in almost every way possible, and this is my place to be obnoxious about it. I’m also autistic and vocal about it. That’s the summary, more info below the cut!!
About Me
Alterhuman things
Kintype(s): Western dragon; fallen angel/demon; nökk/nixie/nokken
Theriotype(s): Maned wolf (linktype)
Theriomythic type(s): Night (or Forest??) Fury (linktype)
Fictionflicker type(s): Eztli Tokoyami (MHA/BNHA, non-canon); Rust (TMA, non-canon Corruption avatar); the Leviathan (TMA, non-canon Hunt/Vast avatar); Mike Crew (TMA); MK (Lego Monkie Kid)
Hearthome(s): Star Trek
Hearttype(s): changelings; canines; space/stars
Archetrope(s): Guardian
Satellotype(s): Harpy eagle (orbiting the Leviathan); red winged blackbird (orbiting Eztli); felines (orbiting both of my dragon kintypes)
Miscecanis/miscanimalis: Beta, scent is ozone and old books with an undercurrent of sandalwood, revolves around all of my alterhumanity but specifically avian, canine, and eldritch behaviors
Queer Things
The short answer for my gender is multigender boy+ butch bear freakthingcreature, the long answer is ‘i dont know if i have a gender, i dont know what a gender is supposed to feel like, but i like being referred to with masculine terms and also there are things that are intrinsically important to my identity so i might as well call them genders’
Xenohoarder, here’s my hoard: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_P8tza81UckHbBm2LaRa_mzihvhPHPq_kNIDICQpAY8/edit?usp=sharing
The label i usually use for my orientation is omni, but the long and short of it is i like men in a fag way and women in a dyke way and men in a dyke way and women in a fag way and absolutely everyone in a queer way
Aroacespec, demirose
Name and pronoun hoarder, my pronoun page is here: https://en.pronouns.page/@fallen-and-holy
Objectum, mostly aesthetic attraction to things like computers but very much in love with the moon, the sea, space, and pretty much the concept of the Vast
quick guide to the first person pronouns I use: i/me/mine/myself refers to me and sometimes my subsystem; eye/me/meye/meyeself refers to just me; wei/muis/muir/muirself refers to me and my subsystem and sometimes my dæmon; we/us/ours/ourself refers to me and Cypher.
Plural, not sure how much im going to talk about that on here. Im a median subsystem with a dæmon as well as having one headmate, Cypher.
I dont really have a DNI, because those dont work and people are going to do what they want, but you will be blocked if you're mean. Additionally, i block/unfollow for a variety of reasons, including ‘i just dont want to see this on my dash for aesthetic reasons’ and i most likely wont remember why.
Fandoms i’ll likely talk about/reblog on here are the Magpod universes, MHA/BNHA, Dungeon Meshi, Fullmetal Alchemist, Lego Monkie Kid, and Star Trek
Sideblogs/digital shrines
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timaeuslover001 · 2 months
Let me tell you how warped people are today…
So I got my whole blog deleted
Someone and I know who flagged my page and got it deleted
so I was commenting on how I hated a Star Trek storyline that they have in deep space nine about Bashir being mad at his parents because he had augmented genes and how he took it was they didn’t love him enough and that he’s like a creation more than a person which was so stupid because all they did was heal his learning disability and they clearly loved him. They clearly were affectionate towards him. They didn’t treat him any less human than any other children. They just healed a problem that he had .
And somebody commented back-and-forth with me about how his parents took away his ability to write to choose, and I was confused about why that would be an issue because if any parent who had a child who had any kind of disability of any kind they would want them healed because who wouldn’t want to be healed from blindness, having no limbs one limb Missing fingers missing eyes.
Not only doesn’t make it an easy quality of life, but you also get to engage other things as well that in richer life more.
And we just got to the whole back-and-forth and she just twisted my whole words to make it seem like I was over here making it seem like disability disabled people aren’t people and that they were not enough and that they don’t have quality of living and I didn’t say that, I said these parents Love their children to want to see them have a better quality of life.
No one said anything about being a person or being valued because a lot of parents are very unconditionally loving to their children, especially the ones that have extensive needs. These people sacrificed our whole lives for their kids.
Parents shouldn’t be able to do that or the parent isn’t able to do that they do it because that’s their children.
Confused why she would even care because I’m pretty sure they were pro life and so that means that they’re pro abortion so that means that the parent or the mom could choose to do whatever with the clump of cells that she chooses to do with the baby definitely confused I can’t imagine how healing your child of any disability or lack they may have in their physical body is somehow worse, as opposed to getting rid of a fully healthy and capable of baby.
They didn’t throw Bashir in the trash. They didn’t abort Bashir because he was disabled. They just said we can fix this if there’s a way to fix it we can fix it..
Idk how many parents in real life may have done that they don’t document those at the abortion clinic. Even if it was it wouldn’t be socially celebrated. People would tell any mom who thee away her baby because of a disability that she’s terrible woman and mother.
Doable people are protected and provided for in our society. They are loved and respected and even catered to . It’s ILLEGAL to not have any ramp accessible business in the USA. You even have to have bars for the bathroom for the disabled and at hotels.
So I’m confused what this persons “proof “ or point was
But I had a problem with the storyline because of how he reacted, and how he was completely missing his parents intentions of doing that as was the person who got my page deleted was missing the entire intentions of doing that. And it was very OOC of them.
This is crazy we live in
Like here are these people who have to do all these extra steps that they eventually get used to who can’t function, but or can’t function by themselves, depending on the severity of the disability or not or what it is and you wanna make it seem like having full functional ability of your life and creating an easier life for you a bad thing?!?
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headphones-lifeform · 3 months
A dashboard simulator would be an excelent way to format incorrect quotes, would it not?
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👤person1 Follow
did you know that the word "goodbye" may be an abbreviation of "god be with ye"?
👤person2 Follow
I propose a replacement: scibye (science be with ye)
👤person3 Follow
sci bi (science bisexual)
👤person4 Follow
sci-bi (science biction)
👤person5 Follow
mthforbye (may the force be with ye)
👤person6 Follow
why am i friends with any of you
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If you are familiar with my blog, you may have [correctly] guessed that I imagined this incorrect quote applying to [some of] the Star Trek TOS bridge crew.
However, the quote itself is entirely original [this is what Tumblr did to my brain]. I would be honoured if anyone wants to use it for characters they care about.
Would you be interested in more fake-dashboard-incorrect-quotes? [I would like to make more if you enjoy them]
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jvlianbashir · 7 months
i always feel alienated from other women because i've genuinely never experienced misogyny. i don't know why. it's not like i've lived in liberal havens all my life. even in the deep south i've never so much as had a man be condescending to me. i don't know what to do about this because it's not like i *want* to experience it but i have trouble connecting with women, especially in lesbian-adjacent spaces
as kindly as possible, anon, i am not sure what i can do to actually help here or give you direction. i'm not an expert on anything - i'm just someone on tumblr with a star trek blog.
what i will say is this: misogyny is not as simple as just the interpersonal interactions that we have in life. misogyny doesn't begin or end with being hit on by creeps or talked down to in the office, although those are certainly examples. it's also things like growing up on a diet of media that treats women like objects or bitches and constantly reinforces a very narrow image of what they are supposed to look like, act like, and value. or existing in a world where safety regulations and medicine/medical procedures aren't made or developed with women in mind because cis men and their bodies are treated as the "default". these are just a few examples, but my point is that misogyny can take many forms, even covert ones and different women may experience misogyny in different forms or compounded with other forms of discrimination.
that said - i'm not trying to change your mind on whether you've experienced misogyny and i am genuinely happy for you that you feel you've lived your life without really being encumbered by it. it would be awesome if all women got to experience that. but i am sorry that it has left you feeling alienated.
i also think that while misogyny is certainly something that most women are going to share experiences with and may bond over being able to discuss that with others who understand, i don't really think it should be the thing anyone should wholly define their womanhood or relationships with other women by. there are many other things with which you may be able to connect with other lesbians/other women about. your love of them, for starters. women aren't a monolith. find what the women in your local and online circles like - shows, hobbies, causes, etc. - see if you share any of them and i would start there!
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sinkthoseshipspoll · 1 year
Welcome To The Ship Poll
Round One Master List
Round Two:
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Side One:
Moby Dick from One Piece VS. Ever Given from Real Life
Millennium Falcon from Star Wars VS. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[Enterprise-D] from Star Trek
Gigantic from Zero Escape VS. Ship of Theseus from Real Life/Philosophical Thought Experiment
B'rel class Bird-of-Prey[Klingon Bird-of-Prey] from Star Trek VS. Thousand Sunny from One Piece
Side Two:
The Aurora from The Mechanisms VS. Battleship Halberd[Halberd] from Kirby
S.S. Anne from Pokémon VS. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) from Star Trek
USS Voyager from Star Trek VS. Going Merry from One Piece
Lor Starcutter from Kirby's Return to Dream Land VS. Ghost from Star Wars Rebels
So, you may know my original ship poll @bestshipsmackdown (currently doing pre-qualifying rounds to fill out eight missing spots in the official bracket), and you may be wondering, ‘Hey why are you doing a whole separate ship poll?’ And you’re right! That’s super weird of me.
However!! This time it’s not about relationships! It’s about vessels! This is all about what’s the best ship, whether it be a steamboat or space voyager! You get to submit the contestants!
General Rules:
No people or relationship ships should be submitted.
Real ships can be submitted, but I would definitely prefer if people stuck to fictional ships.
Use internet etiquette: curate your own experience. If you can’t simply block the blog and move on, when you don’t like something, you’re too young/immature to be on the internet unsupervised.
While you’re here, why don’t you check out these cool poll blogs while you’re at it!
@vs-coughing-baby @super-shapeshifter-showdown @let-them-say-fuck-tournament @best-fanfic-trope @camebackwrong-tournament @fictionalband-bracket @gender-swag-bracket @fashion-disaster-tournament @childr3ns-book-bracket @namedafterflowerstournament @least-sexy-man-competition @ultimate-poll-tournament @thecompetitionshowdowntournament @cringefailloser-tournament @lighthairdarkhair-battle @catgirlgames @dead-character-showdown @rock-swag-tournament @certified-dumbass-competition
And of course, here’s the form to submit your ships! [closed until season 2 of the bracket is ready to commence]
Have fun!
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