#and like legit i couldnt really care less
phantomskeep · 1 year
anyone else feel like a raging karen whenever you have to send emails reminding people of policies they agreed on but then broke for special “exception” people? cause i do and i feel bad and i now have to get some “you wrote a scary email and you didnt die” support boba
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AITA for slapping my mother in law?
I (27F) am married to my husband Jay (26M) and we recently had our first child Lily.
Well the pregnancy was a very very difficult one. I was throwing up every day for over six months, suffered long bouts of insomnia, developed gestational diabetes, standing up too fast made me incredibly dizzy, my entire body just constantly hurt, Lily kicked me so hard I legit had tears in my eyes (which combined with full body pain was...not pleasant) and to top it all off Lily weighed ELEVEN pounds and I tore really really badly.
I love my daughter to death but never again. Ever.
Anyways after that literal hell of a pregnancy, I've been more or less bedbound for several weeks now while healing from that entire ordeal. Which means Jay has been taking care of pretty much everything, keeping the house clean, making food, taking care of me and Lily, etc. Its a lot I know and I wish I could do more to help but Jay has been insisting that I rest and recover and that he's got this. He's been handling everything like an absolute champ. Honestly if I didnt have him I dont know how I would be doing anything.
Well this morning Jay's parents came to visit and meet their granddaughter. So I was moved to the living room so I could introduce them to Lily and socialize a bit while Jay cooked lunch.
Now Jay's parents are very traditional. They believe that men make the money and that its the woman's job to take care of the house, the cooking, and the children.
You can probably see where this is going.
I introduce Mother in law to Lily and we get to talking. (Father in law went outside to go smoke)
Thats when mother in law asks why Jay is cooking. More importantly why Im NOT cooking. I tell her I physically cant even stand UP without help so how am I supposed to cook.
She only scoffed saying that I was just making excuses. I am very used to her bullshit by now so I just roll my eyes.
Then Lily started crying because she needed a diaper change. Mother in law tells me to go change her diaper. Again I cant even stand up by myself, much less get up to change a diaper.
I call Jay and he happily comes to get our daughter. Mother in law starts yelling, telling Jay no that I should do it because its my job. She grabs Lily and shoves her back into my arms and tells me to get up and go do it.
Jay, my wonderful angel, tried to tell her that I physically couldnt move for weeks and to mind her own damn business.
She then started yelling even more saying that I was making my husband do my job for me, calling me lazy and a slut (What that has anything to do with this? I have no idea) she went off on a complete tangent about how it was a woman's job to take care of the home and the children, that SHE managed just fine and she had five small children, that I was completely emasculating Jay, that I was a disgrace, etc.
She just kept going and going while not letting me and Jay even get a word in. Until eventually she said that my daughter will probably grow up to be a whore like I am.
I think it was a mix of pure exhaustion and hormones because somehow I managed to stand up for a moment and slap her across the face before immediately falling back on the couch.
Jay looked shocked, Mother in law looked livid. (Father in law was just watching from the doorway, equally as shocked.)
Mother in law started full on screaming, calling me every single name in the book until father in law physically dragged her out of the house by her arm.
Now hours later my phone has been blowing up with messages from my brothers and sister in laws, telling me that I was an asshole and that I had no excuse for hitting their mother.
Hell even my friends think I was in the wrong for hitting her (completely ignoring how she was yelling, calling me horrible names, in front of a newborn baby no less.)
What are these acronyms?
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5 and 16 from the fusion ask game
5 Riku already answered
16) Have you had a fusion that you weren't consciously aware of until later?
Most of mine tbh. Rayku was a fusions between two parts that occured before we had much of a grasp on DID so thats a cluttered mess that I just summarize as Rayku and then the Rayku x XIV 1.0 was a fat meme cause I only really connected the dots 3 months after it probably initiated and around when it clearly solidified - meanwhile the whole time everyone in the system was wondering where the fuck Rayku disappeared off to (that part didnt front frequently so it wasn't entirely odd for him to be AWOL so everyone was passively confused)
I forget WHEN it clicked, all I remember is me double taking over something that had me reflect on my sense of self cause then I went "WAIT A MINUTE IM RAYKU??"
(its probably the era of Ray adopting me as his bastard son and student, cause Rayku was at least half an introject into thr subsystem of Ray and there being jokes about me - XIV 2.0 - maturing and becoming a mini Ray)
Then while clowning on the conspiracy Riku and I turned to our Little Gatekeeper to ask for feedback on my suspicion to which she said, and I paraphrase only slightly "Oh I put Rayku into the meat grinder and fed him to you in a burger" (referencing Kingman 2) and she refused to elaborate so we just went "ok seems legit" and just never really asked for any elaboration since cause we really didnt care the details and asking the details from her is pointless
Main take away was that we knew where Rayku was and maybe she had something to do with it, maybe not ' either way, the fusion really served to make me a lot more controlled and a lot less explosive so no one complained. Plus tbh Rayku was a really botched maladaptive romanticization of Ray that was really dumb about how he helped the subsystem so the two dumbasses managed to fuse in a way that they minimized eachothers dumbassery
In hindsight, the period in which Rayku was causing more issues than he was fixing and the period when XIV 1.0 realized the system was genuinely an ally and not an enemy were around the same time so I think our brain kust said "huh a part at a place to step up to a new and more productive engagement and a part that is now dysfunctional and doing the opposite of the intended purpose due to improved life standards" and said "cool lets let A eat B and take up the role as a 2.0 version"
And yeah I also do only refer to fusions as me eating a part, its my preferred terminology 😂
TLDR: Im like one fourth an introject of my adoptivr system Dad / Coach and am technically "literally him"
PS: Riku 1.0 was such a mess that clung to how organized Ray was and how much he saved us at the time that they had an unhealthy internal dependence that they internally cloned him into our subsystem (which to be fair, they were probably only that distressed cause we couldnt find a subsystem gatekeeper and I - as XIV 1.0 - was actively terrorizing them to try to kick them out of host and take over 😂)
PS 2: in short yes, and honestly I only can talk about fusion in terms of before, after, and hypothetically when it wad occuring
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moon3unny · 9 months
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
Christmas update 24.12.2023
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
Please just block dont report
Alright so this morning I was still 54,kg same weight but at least I didnt gain right so thats a win. I was feeling really shitty but I pushed through with cold brew and cooked a whole lot of christmas dinner. I had to eat obviously but Ill use it as my metabolism day! ate lasagna but I only ate half of one piece because I legit could not eat any more like i was so full I was starting to feel sick.
ate some sausages a few chicken nuggets- but overall I am so full that its uncomfortable and I feel sick. but this will be a huge metabolism day so im trying not to cry about it.
Im not going to weigh myself tomorrow for my own sanity
theres so much food left over I cooked that I dont need to cook tomorrow which is pretty slay. so I can start low restricting tomorrow again :3
I got an eyeshadow pallete, a kuromi plushie and a thermal coffee cup so I can keep tea,soup or coffee hot when im upstairs since I drink stuff so slowly it gets cold quickly
anyways heres some tea:
my sister right. I dont fatshame I dont give a single fuck ab anyoens weight only my own but shes an emotional binge eater and shes been medically obese for most of her life now which is no problem as long as shes healthy just repeating this: I DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSES WEIGHT BUT MY OWN. if u fatshame then respectfully: block me.
the problem is: that she tries blaming how much she eats on everyone else but herself. she asked me to hand her the chicken nuggets on the other end of the table so I did, and then I handed her a sausage too thinking she would want it too- I only HANDED IT TO HER and she GRABBED IT. I DID. NOT. place it on her plate she could have said no and I wouldve just put it back.
later when she was full she complained about "having to eat this sausage" as if I forced her to. she kept going on about how I put it directly on her plate. so we kept going back and forth ab how I did NOT put it on her plate I offered it and she TOOK IT WITH HER HAND?? NO SIGN OF NOT WANTING IT WHATSOEVER and then she kept going on and on ab with that self centered tone and audacity to blame me for making her eat more so when I told her thats not what happened like 3 times like it didnt happen legit 10 min ago she kept denying it and lowkey trying to gaslight me??? OVER A FUCKING SAUSAGE? "thats not what happened (deadname) wdym" AND SHE HAD THE FCKN BALLS TO SCOFF TOO???????
LIKE I COULDNT GIVE LESS OF A FUCK IF U DONT WANT TO SEEM LIKE U ARE EATING TOO MUCH BUT DONT BLAME IT ON ME????? I LITERALLY SPENT HOURS IN THE KITCHEN TO COOK ALL OF YALL A WHOLE MENU WHILST FIGHTING THE DARK SPOTS IN MY VISION U FUCKING BITCHBAG. anyways that pissed me off so much because she only acted like that bc our dad was sitting right in front of us at the dinnertable and she doesnt want him to comment on her eating which is very valid and relatable but ur fucking horrible if u make ur literal YOUNGEST SIBLING suffer for it.
Hi. Im the youngest sibling yet Im basically the oldest sibling bc they both cant cook for shit. I handle every argument that breaks out in the house andI protect both of my older sisters whenever my dad gets in a screaming fest with them. me. the. youngest. I never had any older siblings because Im the one handling them.
Ill rant ab her in another post this is basically already too long sorrayy
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strawberryspeachy · 10 months
I was scrolling through my pictures and found a guide for things to study to prepare one of my students for moving to america
Its pretty detailed and makes me wonder if im getting stupider as time goes on because i forgot about several things that i came up with without even researching 2 years ago
While looking at it i remembered
The boy asked me actually. He asked me about school in the states and he was worried about some of the classes. I tried to put his mind at ease for the transition and assure him that he’ll have help for most things.
He was half white and his dad was american. His dad was a writer actually and he told me about his books during a speaking test. So he spoke english fluently. Actually that was something he was worried about. He said his dad told him he has an accent - he really didnt.
But on that I started to ask him about things we do in English class back home. He had no idea about even the basics. Not surprising. They dont do things that involve critical thought in japanese schools.
I started briefly explaining some things to him and told him id make him a guide
Then. We were cut off
The teacher came and told me he needed to go eat lunch.
Later she came and apologized to me because he told her that he asked me for advise and that he was nervous realizing that he wasnt prepared for American English classes.
She thought i just went to talk to a kid. Stopped him from going to lunch. And was stressing him out.
Not because i do that but because thats how japanese teachers see foreigners here. Being weird idiots that bother ppl
And the thing is id forgotten about that till just now.
I HATED that feeling as an ALT. Im s weird person - but not a fucking weirdo who harasses children to talk me. I hated when the teachers tried to make me do that. And i hated when they assumed thats what happened whenever a student came to talk to me.
Theyd always look worried and annoyed when students were talking to me and theyd shoo them away. And i couldnt say its ok or anything. I couldnt say or do anything. Just smile and encourage the kid that the jaapnese teacher had a good reason for telling them to not talk to me
The thing is. I liked the teacher i just mentioned. She was one of the nicest ones i worked with as an ALT. I forgot about all the shitty times with her. She got nicer to me after my mom died. All the teachers did. I noticed and i know. But somewhat also forget.
It took a horrible thing for them to see me as a human. And to just look at what i do as another person and not a strange alien they must protect the children from.
I came to japan for a paid vacation. I wanted to explore and enjoy traveling going to concerts meeting ppl and just having a good time.
Id planned to go home and take care of my mom. I thought i could write stories while i was here and look for a job back home.
Then corona hit and ruined everything. I never even got to see my mom again
Never got to feel stability
Now the money ive saved up is worth half the value back home
I have nothing to fucking show for my time here
I cant afford to go back to america
My moms not there
I dont even have a house to return to
Im so much worse off now than when i left if i go back
But i also cant deal with that degrading treatment again. Even as a legit teacher in a school working through a company middleman im treated as less than.
As an ALT i was treated like a fucking idiot mascot play toy. Like equipment. Not a person.
And as a native teacher - last year - god do you know how fucking annoying it is to have ppl who can’t speak your native language tell you whats correct?!? To be told to keep students in line, motivate them, teach them, and entertain them all while having someone undermine you at every turn. Them complain the students dont respect you. I mean that was only with 5 kids in 432 students. And thats the other fucking problem. Last year my schools students were wonderful. They were friendly smart motived and kind. Except 2 bitchy girls and one boy - the girls turned like 3 more kids in their class against me. But the rest of my students liked me. And because the PE turned English teacher didnt like english he bitched about me and used those few kids against me. I have more than 420 actively improving their assignments and having full english conversations with me. I have the two loud classes all the teachers hate because they refuse to do their work - coming to me and asking if they did my assignments correctly and asking when they need help - but because a handful of kids dont like me - that teacher turns me into a bad guy and gets me the boot.
And thats the shit to expect with even the better job i have.
The school im not rn has a native teacher who uses his charisma to make life better for the native teachers at the school. This is the best im gonna get
I cant find another job. Im trying but too many ppl want to come to japan rn
I really cant afford to go back home
And im entirely out of the patience to be treated like a fucking slave. Literally at this point. Between the shit wages that keep going down and high costs. I cant afford the shit job that wants me to act like the japanese assholes dog. Treating me however they want and i have to just smile back
I want my mom. I want to go back to when i had my pets and my house and lived near my friends.
I keep saying it but its true. Im living the future that i used to have in my nightmares and wake up screaming from. I want to wake up again back before 2011
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mariesocuniverse · 3 years
Relationships: NCT DREAM
Look for Mark and Haechan: here
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Okay RenMae is one of the top if not the #1 among NCT
fans are like almost 100% sure they’re soulmates
Like there was no awkward small talk when they first met they just talked and ended up each other’s best friend
You would think they’d be childhood friends or at least friends before they became trainees with the way they interact even though they met at SM
she did confess to him before debut that she had a crush on him but he thought she was joking and now none of them talk about of that
Whenever she has a hard time sleeping and wants to sleep with someone, the first option is renjun
she also steals his clothes a lot and renjun’s pretty sure half the clothes in Mae’s closet belong to him
he just stopped fighting her about it because of how stubborn she was and let her do what she wanted
there was this one time he ran out of shirts to wear so he just walked to Mae’s closet and took one out
there was also this one time Renjun was in China and Jaemin posted a pic of Mae taking a nap with Renjun’s sweater on saying that she missed him so much so she wore his sweater
yeaaaaah nct twt broke that day and Renjun’s phone was blowing up with notifications
they dressed as peter pan and tinkerbell for halloween and have each other as that for each other’s contact name uwu
okay enough with the corny stuff
just because they’re close doesnt mean they’ll hold back on each other when it comes to teasing each other
like you wouldnt want to get in their crossfire unless you want them to turn their attention on you instead
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you would think he’s older than her because of how protective he is of her
He has eyes like a damn hawk when they’re going somewhere
whenever they’re doing schedules you can see Jeno holding her hand as they make their way through all the crowd and glancing around to see if anyone has any bad intentions towards her
If it weren’t for his status as an idol you would think he was a bodyguard and he would beat up someone for Mae’s sake
whenever they record Jeno always waits for her to finish so they can go home together no matter how late at night it is
there was this one time sasaengs kept calling her phone during a live so he just grabbed her phone and turned it off and threw it too the side without saying a word
Second person Mae goes to when she has nightmares
they’re also have a really playful relationship
like there was this one time she wasn’t paying attention to him so he just lifted her and put her over his shoulder like a potato sack even though there was staff watching them Mae has tried and failed to do the same to jeno
You know how jeno says he likes being called no jam bc of how it makes him feel less burdened? Yeah she always throws him under the bus when it comes to variety shows
she has a samoyed plush on her bed when she bought when she went shopping with him bc it reminded her of jeno
Sometimes she hugs the plush instead of jeno just to annoy him lol
“I’m right here you know” “well the plushie is more huggable for you information”
Yes he did tackle her after that comment
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okay this man right here
you know how he melts at everything jisung does? yeah the same goes for Mae
only that she openly accepts his affection and lets him cling to her whenever he wants like his personal teddy bear
you know how at fansigns idols sometimes get gifted cute headbands and plushies? he openly yelled “i love you!” to her when he saw her with a cat ear headband surrounded by plushies
she’s also like really impressed by him
she never thought she’d meet someone who would do aegyo so willingly and so shamelessly
like that one episode of weekly idol where they did the ottoke song and jaemin did a duet with everyone? yeah she couldn’t believe someone like him existed
he basically acts as her parent if none of the 127 members aren’t near them
Whenever they’re on reality shows and the prize is food he always put someone on her plate regardless of whether she lost or not
third person mae goes to when she has nightmares
would not leave his side for a week when he was put on hiatus and couldnt perform with the rest of the dreamies
she didnt want him to feel lonely while everyone else went to promote without him :(
All in all, they’re very affectionate and if they’re together you’ll have to pry jaemin’s hands off her
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Mae’s child #1
he got lost in the company building and was too shy to ask the staff so mae approached him and brought him to wear he needed to be
accidentally called her hyung once when he was still learning korean but it ended up sticking so now he and jisung call her hyung instead of noona
When he first joined she helped him adjust with her broken Chinese and now they help each other with the language
one time she visited his house for dinner and his mom made her eat a lot of food because of how skinny she was chenle didnt stop her bc she needs sustenance >:(
wants to give her a personal tour of Shanghai when they’re given enough time for vacation
you know how chenle gave 00line watches when they became adults? he had to fight mae to get her to keep it bc she didnt want him spending money on her
legit he tried to buy her stuff but the only thing she accepted was the watch and this cute charm bracelet that says NCT on it
he put one of his photocards in her phone case (the WGU one with him by the water) and she hasn’t removed it since
he’s really smug abt it and brags to the others about it jisung retaliated by putting his photocard too so now she as to make both of them visible
fights jisung for favorite child position and he wins 50% of the time even though she says she doesnt have one
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Mae’s child #2
took one look at him and decided to protect him
she’s used to other people taking care of her so it was nice to take care of someone else for once
i said he also calls Mae hyung but it’s also because he forgets that she’s a girl?
sometimes he hears someone call Mae ‘noona’ and he just gets whiplash because he got reminded that his “hyung” is really a girl put in a boy group
they were honestly really awkward when they first met because Jisung didn’t know how to react to a girl joining the group and kinda avoided her until she cornered him
calls him a tree whenever he teases her about her height
mae when jisung tease/pranks her: i’ve fed and raised you and this is the treatment i get?!?
jisung: you’re only two years older than me….
he gets pouty when Mae doesn’t pay attention to him
theres this one video of Mae talking to another member during Resonance filming and you just see him pouting in the background before walking to her and giving her a back hug
definitely uses his status as a maknae to his advantage
she’s not even subtle about it she’ll buy or cook food for him or yield whenever he loses a game
whenever she’s not around he always brags that he’s her favorite nct member haechan and renjun get so salty abt it lmao
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
A Bunch of Anti LO Asks
1. I have a lot to say about lo’s writing so here we go:
1) there is so little foreshadowing. I can’t even name one instance other then Kronos being reawakened but that was a literal direct shot of it instead of it being hinted at. There’s very little to none at all ( correct me if I’m wrong.) 2) The pacing??? This all happens in 2 weeks but so much has happened and it’s all happened so slow it feels like it’s been at least a year ( in universe time.) 3) I feel like this has been said enough but using trauma as a way to move the plot along is literally the laziest thing I’ve ever seen.
I’m sorry if this is like hella stupid or something like that
2. i dont get why the writing in LO refuses to let persephone be dark and accepting of death/punishment, because isn't that what you need to show she's going to be a good queen? she seems terrified of the concept and keeps trying to find ways to reverse them, which goes against the whole point of ruling over the dead and even something in myth hades DID NOT like, so its weird to keep making her the opposite of what she's supposed to be? shes just making the case she's not right for the role?
3. apollo/hyacinthus is having such a big resurgence right now that i dont get why rachel didnt include them as friends/a couple persephone cares about and, when hyacinthus dies, have persephone resurrect him. not only would it show her kind nature and sway over hades, but it would also be some actual positive canon gay representation that has legit myth backing. RS obviously got most of her takes from tumblr, yet couldnt take the pro apollo/hyacintus take too? is her heterosexuality that strong :/
4. the whole r*pe plotline was BY RACHEL HERSELF said to not be included, she promised as much, and readers were excited they were finally able to see a depiction of HxP without sexual assault, only for it to turn out she was lying with only a measly "this might be bad uwu" warning on the ep, triggering many people in the process. then she tried to backtrack and claim it was a #MeToo moment, and that irl victims were haters for calling it out. That speaks to who she really is, and it's not pretty.
5. lo hades isnt even cute tbh. what exactly makes him so desirable to make all these women fight over him for? his design is basic (and kinda antisemitic, a guy with a gigantic nose controlling the media and all the banks/money? rachel please), hes not charming or funny, he talks over all the women in his life, never listens to being rightfully called out, he never apologizes or does any self reflection, etc. hes just awful??? like even by an uwu hes misunderstood POV hes just a boring jerk?
6. I think the reason Punderworld or HXP Ficlets doesn't get the amount of scrutiny LO does (and PW is def LO's rival, WT has begged to Feature it several times) is because they had the good sense to never get high and mighty about their depictions, something RS absolutely does all the time. In fact the PW creator constantly promotes over myth comics and loves other takes on the mythos, while RS flips out unless its exactly how she sees it. How she survived school w/ that attitude we'll never know
7. also if demeter was as evil in LO as they want her to be then why would she ever let her emotionally unstable child out into the city with no supervision and no way to contact her? Why would she be going through all this trouble including putting her own welfare into question like trying to keep persephone out of harms' way via the cruelty of thee olympian men and out of jail (WHERE SHE BELONGS) if she's the big bad? Why even make her abusive and evil to begin with? Can't Persephone love both?
8. even if lo needs a villain (which it doesnt but w/e) must it be apollo? or leto? or minthe? or anyone for that matter? if you need some ~drama~ just use eris? she doesn't need some tragic backstory, she's an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. you could so easily have her basically be like TMZ causing discord through her popular blog and causing shit because she can. LO shoots itself in the foot by trying too hard to be deep and thought provoking when its as deep as a puddle.
9. less persephone/hades and more dionysos/ariadne: whats more romantic? a man kidnapping his underage niece and her friends crying themselves to death over it (cyane) or ariadne being dumped by her first boyfriend only to come back with some serious bling and a hot divine partner that is at least the physical equiv of her own age? (dionysos is usually depicted as mentally/physically quite young, so the godly age gap is less creepy/statutory-y)
10. vis a vis the sexual assault anon: it is also something that happens with horrific frequency to trans people as well. the number of trans reports of sexual assault that get thrown out per year by sample size is almost 5x the amount of cis female ones. LO already has some weird terfy undertones with the fertility thing, but just because it happens less (or rather, is reported less) by cisgender men doesnt mean it happens the most to cis women.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Pillow humping
when your vibe is dead you gotta get creatvie
musical beetlejuice x fem reader nsft DUH
you know the drill with me, masturbation voyeurism
Home alone, you lay there on your bed staring at the ceiling, just thinking, it's been awhile since you got some time to yourself, not that you didnt mind, you adored your alone time, hell you spent most of your adult life alone. Until an certain born dead demon weaseled his way into your everyday life, making for a much more interesting loud day to day life, not that you were complaining.
Beetlejuice has made it a habit to mess with your neighbors when he was over, to give you some space from time to time, saying how 'breathers enjoyed their alone time' and he's 'just being respectful of his pal' not sure how true those statements were, he was probably just looking for an excuse to run amok in an apartment building.
All and all it was nice to be alone, that being said, it would be alot nicer if you remembered to buy batteries while you were at the store the other day, you huff in frustration.
It's been what? Almost two weeks since you dealt with your sexual needs, with beetlejuice constantly hanging about, the chances to have some legit alone time were slim and none, but now, being all alone, you would think youd jump at the opportunity, but no, vibrator was dead.
You could always get creative with taking care of business, it's been awhile, you've used a vibrator for such along time, did you really want to try something else? What if it wasnt good? All that effort wasted for nothing?
The thought of dealing with the built tension you've gained while having to 'babysit' beetlejuice while the Deetz were out of town made you core twitch.
You sigh, sitting up from your bed, looking down to your hands, you mumble "I guess I could use my fingers...?"
Or maybe?
You glance to your pillows, specifically the pillow Beetlejuice used every night, the ghoul has made the habbit of sleeping with you, at first he would sneak in while you slept, then he just kinda stopped being subtle, embarrassing yes, but enjoyable, as hard as it was to admit it, you liked the ghoul.
You stare at the pillow way longer then youd like to admit, you couldnt, snapping your head away, glancing back, could you?
You weren't naive, you knew people sometimes humpped pillows to get off, but using his? I guess you could wash it after. You sigh, getting up from your bed, you begin to pace around your bedroom debating with yourself on the morals of this dirty deed.
Unknown to you beetlejuice has returned early from bugging your neighbors, hiding his presence from you in hopes to scare you, as he often enjoyed to do, ever since you sucker punched him in the jaw for scaring you, he's been trying to get you to do it again ever since.
The ghoul strolls around your little apartment looking for you, with a nasty trick up his sleeve of course, he approaches your room, phasing his head through the door, his jaw nearly hits the ground, you were bent over sliding out of your panties, wearing nothing else but a bra, picking his jaw off the ground, literally, the demon decides the prank can wait another day, what you were up to would be FAR more fun~.
You have came to the conclusion of 'this was my house, my pillow, I can just wash it after' you sigh, it's been so long since you messed around like this, you could feel your bits pulsing already, climbing back on the bed you take the pillow beetlejuice has been using and plant you face directly into it, inhaling the scent, it was hard to describe, but you did detect weed in the smell.
Beetlejuice watches you like a hawk, eyes wide, hair electric pink buzzing with excitement, what were you up to? Was that the pillow he used every night? He chuckled to himself, and here he thought he was the only one here who had a scent fetish.
You let out a small moan like sigh, quiet, but still auditable to the ghost in the room. Beetlejuice bites his knuckles, how he LOVED that sound, sitting himself down at the edge of the bed, eager to see what kinda show you're about to put on, since your vibe died, what were you gonna do? Smell his pillow and finger yourself? The demon couldnt help but drool and that picture.
You mutter a soft "okay" and maneuver the pillow between your legs, straddling it.
Beetlejuice nearly screams with excitement, not that you could hear him in his invisible state. His cute little breather was gonna do something REAL dirty to the pillow he used every night, this was just too good, wiping the excessive drool from his mouth he purrs "didnt know you had it in ya sugar".
You slowly begin to move your hips, as if to test the feeling, and with that you begin a more steady pace panting and moaning softly "beej, please, so good" you babbled, you've been so worked up with no outlet of course you were already heated.
Beetlejuice drooled at this little show you were providing, pillow humping, especially the one he used, was way dirtier and better then you using a vibrator, this had a more perverted personal touch. "You naughty little thing, I would love to have those hip move on me like that sugar~ you really know how to move huh sweet stuff? Driving me nuts over here" he chuckled to himself, cock already in hand, his strokes trying to match your pace.
This was so gross, but it felt really good, you can deal with those negative feelings later, without a second thought you grab one of your breats and begin playing with the nipple, while your other hand grasps at the pillow between your thighs, the sensation of your fingers pinching and flicking your nipples was enough to make you whine.
The ghoul groans watching you play with your breast, god slash satan he want it in his mouth, if something like a little pinch was enough to make you whine, his mouth would have you in a screaming fit, without a second thought his jaw hangs down letting his long black and white striped tongue hang free, drooling.
you couldnt help but imagine Beetlejuice's hand in place of yours, gropping and pinching, giving your chest the love its deserves, you sigh in contentment.
The idea of riding the ghoul has crossed your mind way more then youd like to admit, you could hear it now all the dirty things he'd be saying, how he'd probably let you start, setting the pace, and doing the movements on your own until his large strong hands would grab your waist as he would slam into you with no mercy, the thought alone made you buck harder to the point the bed was creaking.
Beetlejuice was drooling like crazy watching you hump his pillow like you were a dog in heart, what he wouldn't give to switch places with it, hell it didnt even have to be his cock, to have you going that hard on his leg would be hot.
His stroking picks up in pace to match your enthusiasm "such a dirty girl, arent ya babes? I love watch you work those beautiful hips~ you gonna cum soon? Cum all over my pillow and leave it for me tonight? You're so thoughtful sugar~" he purrs.
"Fuck" you utter, beetlejuice recognized that strain in your voice, hes herd it multiple times watching you tend to you needs, it ment you were gonna cum, cum all over his pillow, he hoped you were gonna go to bed early tonight solely to join you and rub his face in that sweet spot you left behind for him. The demon began picking up his pace, wanting to cum shortly after you did.
You buck your hips at an unsteady pace, chasing your orgasm, the image of Beetlejuice coaxing you to cum all over his cock, and praising you for being such a good girl, while he slammed mercilessly into you aching pussy was more then enough to push you over the edge, you Yelp out "beetlejuice" as you cum, you ride out your orgasm clumsily grinding against the pillow until you finished, you stare off into space for a bit enjoying the after glow and trying to regain your composure.
The demon at the end of your bed wasnt too far behind after seeing that cute face you make when you come, not to mention how hot his name sound on you lips when you're shouting it out while you cum, was more then enough to get him to blow his load all over his hand. As he watch you regain you breath it hits him, a ghoulish idea, since you were so kind so leave him a personal gift on his pillow, he should do the same, and with that thought, he crawled forward and wiped his cum cover hand on your pillow. Pleased as punch with his doings, his attention is drawn back to you once the demon sees your on the move, watching you redress yourself.
"Alright" you mumble as you grabbed the freshly humped pillow.
"Wait, sugar, what are you doing?" Beetlejuice panicked, of course you would wash it after doing that, he completely blanked out on that.
"I guess itd be weird if I only washed the one huh" you mumble to yourself as you pick up yours, you werent stupid, you knew how to cover your tracks when doing something less then wholesome.
"Babes come on, don't, they're fine, it's fine, wouldn't it be a hot idea to leave them? PLEASE" Beetlejuice on his knees begging you to reconsider not that you could hear or see him in his current state. His heart sank when you left the room, he groans, cant win them all huh.
You enter the laundry room with the pillows in hand.
"Hey sweetheart what cha up to?" You were greeted by Beetlejuice sitting on top of the dryer.
You nearly jump out of your skin "hey, I didnt expect you back so soon" you give a nervous laugh.
"Doing some laundry huh? How bout I give ya a hand? It's the least I can do sugar"
"No thanks" you were quick to respond
"Babes, I know how, it's not that hard, you've been so nice to me and putting up with me, it's the least I can do" Beetlejuice had jumped down from the dryer and had practically pinned you to the wall "i insist doll" he purred, his mouth practically on your ear.
This was all too much especially after just jerking off, you really didnt have it in you to argue or stand your ground, so you cave.
And with that beetlejuice took the pillows from you and practically pushes you out the door, locking it behind you.
"Weird, best not to dwell on that" you mumble, straightening yourself as you head to the kitchen for a drink.
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baebeyza · 4 years
Yo, can anyone who watched Energon and hates Kicker tell me what the problem with him is suppoused to be??? Why does he have the reputation of worst human transformers character?
I watched the whole thing and while I can say that around 60% of my enjoyment for the show came from the fact that I love Megatron and he was fantastic in this, I also found Kicker enjoyable. Especially with Ironhide!
He was a huge upgrade from the Armada Boys by being an active part of the narrative and plot, he wasn’t a liability, he felt like a legit part of the team, as if he was a fellow robot. 
His issues with his father were understandable to me, I can imagine that he would feel anger and frustration when he was forced to do all these things as a young scared child without ever getting what it was for.  A thing he did learn over the course of the show btw! He was able to make peace with his past because he understood and learnt the importance of fighting for other people and the universe at large. 
I guess he kicks Ironhide a lot? But even then, they develop such a great friendship, I couldnt care less that he gives off the occasional playful kick. I never saw that as a bad thing, just as a thing between friends, that’s stuff I saw between my former male classmates all the time!
I mean, Ironhide helped Kicker work through his fear of space and Kicker even hugged him. And later in the show Kicker helped Ironhide get back on track in the racing episode. Kicker isn’t a bad friend at all.
I mean it, his friendship with Ironhide felt real and genuine. I can think of other human&transformer friendships that annoyed me to no end, mainly Danny&Wheelie in Headmasters and Jan&Holi in Victory. Those two dynamics annoyed me because for the most part, their interactions were about them annoying each other and throwing insults. Jan was a little shit and Wheelie was quite condescending towards Danny.  Again, from what I remember from old classmates, insults and mild physical offenses seem to be pretty chill, but they also obviously liked each other! That’s how Kicker and Ironhide are, the two friendships in Headmasters and Victory rarely show these friends genuinely enjoying time together, and by God, they do not have any development or scenes that showcase their friendship like Energon does.
To Kicker’s personality, I get he is hot-headed and rash, but come on, those are typical shonen protagonist tropes from the time. The bnha Deku or kny Tanjirou “soft protagonist” thing is a recent development. Back in the late 90′s and early 00′s almost all shonen bois were hotheads who developed over time. (Dan from Bakugan being my favourite example, or Davis from Digimon 02)
And even then, his temper didn’t bother me. He didn’t do any bitchy assholes moves, he didn’t treat any characters like crap all the time, he cared about the other characters!  Coming back to the “worst human transformer character” reputation, mates, the Armada Boys! They are worse! xD
Rad did a little bit, but how are Carlos, Billy and Fred any better than Kicker??? They didn’t do shit, they just stood around being a waste of paint and being offensive just by existing. Useless, annoying and causing me to get a rage-fit whenever I hear 2000′s slang.  They didn’t have any nice dynamic with the robots either! Rustie from RiD15 didn’t have any point to the plot either, but he had a really nice relationship with the robots. I am thinking of the scene when the bots cheer for him during his football match. Also it was nice to see him go from hating having to be on his father’s junkyard to having a real fun time and bonding with his father over it. 
The Armada Boys don’t have that! Kicker does, not just with Ironhide, but with Arcee, Inferno, Skyfire and Prime, he had dynamics with them that were interesting. He even says that he sees Prime as a second father and tells Omega Surpreme to get his old super mode gear to him!
 I can also compare Kicker to Jack from TFP, who might have had importance in the story, but didn’t do anything out of his own agency.  Optimus gave him the key to vector sigma so he could do the thing and he did the thing. 
Kicker didn’t do anything because he was told, what he was told is to leave Ocean City and get to safety, but he refused and stayed. That’s agency!
A lot of times he acted on his own to help save the universe. He was the one who approached Alpha Q and wanted to help him. He was the one to go all the way to recover Alpha Q’s corpse and bury it. 
HELL, he did a Miko and challenged motherfucking Megatron!
Is Kicker my favourite human character? No, that’s still Ginrai, Minerva and Sari! I also still like the proto-human girl from Beast Wars more than Kicker. 
But I don’t dislike Kicker, he was a solid part of the plot, he wasn’t useless, he wasn’t being a constant pain in the ass for the other characters, so PLEASE, tell me, what is the problem with him??? Send an ask please, I don’t like replying on posts xD
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cummethonb0nes · 3 years
IVe been very depressed lately, life is showing me that it's never what I wanted it to be but instead being what I was afraid of. I dont matter, people dont care they've never had. Believe me I really really have no friend except my fiance and he cant even do shit for for my birthday and makes excuse to have connection with his toxic ex even though he knows how I feel, he couldnt even delete photos of her for me, even after I told him I would cry every night over it... this is my first relationship and he knows that. I'm 21 and I know I may be being to worst, but it's just been life for me... my parents legit suck and have always prioritize them selves down to a T. I wish I could remember what it's like being an infant and I was truly loved and someone wanted to be protect me. I know I may ask for too much but I hold the same standards for myself and how i treat others, especially those close to me. I'm a pushover, i listen to what other tell me to do, and dont ever reply how I truly want to but based on other feelings. There's never even a single version of me, I try to understand people well enough that I become exactly what they need me to be in their life, down to my personality and the jokes I make. If they're more vicious I become an underdog in the friendship, if they're more anxious I'm more confident to help the relationship move. I just hate having no sense of self, I also hate not making enough to afford health insurance but also not enough to be on goverment assistance.
F*ck america, F*ck life and f*ck gender.
I'm out. And I'm high.
(I'm not gonna 💀 my self, just gonna forget my emotions restart the day and have every thing crash down on me again later in the night until one day I 💀 myself at a less sad age, like 35)
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calangkoh · 4 years
I think if Ed, Al and Roy of both 03 and MH met each other they wouldn't get along. MH!Ed would hate 03!Ed for killing, while 03!Ed thinks MH!Ed is naive. MH!Roy would hate that 03!Roy gave up on Hughes and his dream, while 03!Roy would think MH!Roy a monster for choosing vengeance over morals. The Al's would be better, but mh!Al would get thrown off by 03!Al's instablity and anger issues, while 03!Al would see MH!Al as babyish in the vein of Fletcher Tringham.
oh i LOVE this game. thinking about them all meeting. 
i actually disagree and think theyd all be very empathetic toward each other, with some variations. i think MH characters would feel a lot of sadness for their 03 counterparts and wonder what could have pushed them.
but it comes down to interpretation and what you’re more interested in seeing, and i also am not as familiar or invested in the MH versions so i cant say how in character my interpretations are. 
if anyone wants to share more ideas on this id be super interested in reading! but for now my headcanons would be:
the eds: 03 ed has a feeling of inferiority to MH ed, who is taller, stronger, more accomplished, and fulfilled. he has everything he wants. and he’s also much louder and brasher than 03 ed whose become very worn down like an old man by the ripe age of 18 and i can legit see him finding MH overwhelming. if they met when they were younger they’d be bros. they’d constantly egg each other on and be annoying to everyone else, but have a blast with each other, while also doing everything to NOT talk about the sad stuff they share in their past. they know each other and its unspoken. but at the end of their respective journeys, MH looks at 03 ed with pity, and 03 ed looks at MH ed and he decides he understands Envy and how he felt seeing his father with a happy family that didnt include him. they’d be 50% awkward silence, 10% a maybe heartfelt talk (since both eds are very capable of those when they let their guard down), and 40% just discussing their lives and finding commonalities and eventually finding something to laugh and joke about. even if its self deprecating humor. both of them admire each others dedication to their brother and recognize they both did everything they could, but had different situations where different choices had to be made. now if a YOUNGER ed met an older ed in any combo, it’d be very different.
the als: if theyre both in the armor, they'd spend some time sharing stories but mostly just sit in comfortable silence, i feel, again with an unspoken understanding of each others struggles. al is pretty quiet and rarely shares his feelings or thoughts until they’re really strong, so i think they’d just sorta coexist. now if we’re talking restored al, post series for both of them, i can see a few routes, but just to pick one, i think fmab is going to feel like a babysitter for his (physically) younger counterpart, but they both are still very kind and sweet and excited to be back in their bodies and will probably go out collecting kittens together lol. but eventually something would give way and fmab al will realize how totally messed up 03 al is from his experiences, and 03 al will have resentment toward fmab al. like something would just slip out or 03 al would do something reckless or even self-destructive that fmab al just couldnt ever see himself doing, and 03 al will project his guilt and self-hatred onto his counterpart. 
the roys: now THESE guys i dont think would like each other, but theyre both mature and world-weary adults so its not like they would fight or anything. disagree and dislike each other, but never fight or argue about it. 03 roy is too sad and honestly slimy for MH roy, and MH roy is too....well like fmab ed is for 03 ed he’s just too much for 03 roy. MH is much louder and brasher and a more likable personality. also, MH roy is just...a better person kjahdgjkdgs. they’d probably get the sense of their differences right away, and decide to just go get a drink together rather than argue about them. they both were affected by the war and they miss having a drinking buddy so....yeah they’ll drink in silence, probably another unspoken thing that they’re toasting to hughes. 
the eds and als swapped: if fmab ed got to hang with 03 al (and for this we’re going only with post-series, since that’s where they all differ enough from their counterparts to make for interesting dynamics), he’d sense the Off-ness right away. like yeah this is def al, but somethings definitely off under the surface. he’d go big brother mode, since 03 al is physically much younger. 03 al, who is technically the same age as everyone else, prolly isnt a fan, since he’s used to being the caretaker and voice of reason and conscience to ed, but now hes got an ed, one that isnt even his ed, trying to tell him to more careful and stuff lol. 03 ed with fmab al is a less unique dynamic. fmab al would be doing what any al always does and tries to be that caretaker/conscience and like fmab ed, would pick up on his brother’s counterpart’s Offness right away. fmab al senses this ed has issues and is on top of it trying to get him to take better care of himself. and 03 ed would just be like...eh sure. he may wonder about this version of al and if he was a good enough big brother to his own al. since fmab al seems as wholesome and pure as ever, while his al is, as one anon put it, a stepford smiler (where the wholesome and pure behavior is more of a defense mechanism to hide pain underneath)
sorry for not including winry, but it just got to be too long, and i think they’d basically just be bros anyway regardless of when in their stories theyre meeting. theyd geek out and show each other automail stuff. and complain about how stupid their eds are. instant bffs. 
EDIT; ajdhjd i just wanna clarify that theres a lot of focusing on their differences to rlly emphasize the different spots they ended in (hence some dramatization), but 03 ed isnt just a depressed shut in and 03 al isnt a mess of a human reckless ed elric 2 (i feel like i accidentally imply this sometimes that he’s a totally different person when in actuality the change in als personality i often refer to would be very hard to detect) but when comparing them to their BH counterparts those differences are more clear because 03 does have them end up in much more fragile and challenging states. Overall theyd still have a lot in common (both als are genuine caring patient sweeties and both eds are heroic, bold, and extremely caring under a rough exterior) but if i just talked about their similarities then it wouldnt be an interesting dynamic to write or read about.
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childofhelios · 4 years
okay so firstly, this is very niche but its been on my mind for literally ages now. im mostly gonna be focusing on fantasy high characters because that’s the one im most familiar with(d20 release free episodes of crown of candy already ;-; ya girl is suffering) i think i might write a fic or a couple more posts based off this concept but im not sure yet lvfksdvsk let’s get startedddddddd:
so i believe that 2000 line would be the most accurate for fantasy high main characters. i WAS gonna have dream at first but there are 7 members and there are only 6 mcs. so 2000 liners are pretty much perfect for this.  
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okay idk if it’s me or renjun gives off the extremely polite vibes at first? like thinking of early dream era where he seemed really quiet and chill. buuuuut then i also flashback to him putting chenle in a chokehold in like mfal era which makes me think of the cafeteria scene. i dont think renjun is as anxious as adaine. hes def more confident and more forceful but i think he has that ethereal factor adaine has. renjun would absolutely be a high elf because he would be NOTHING less and he deserves it. i think wizard class fits him really well! also his tiny little elf ear may have convinced me to make him adaine....
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so jeno is literally the most like gorgug and it makes me wanna cry kjfnvlsdkl they’re both such loveable sweethearts that are too good for this world but then sometimes???? they just get super intense and fucking insane and it scares me sometimes holy shit. gorgug deals massive damage in battle and can fucking wreck people and jeno,,,,,,lets not talk about it. ALSO i do think jeno would absolutely act like gorgug does with zelda(probably more likely when he was gorgug’s age but oh well) gorgug can be very ditzy(himboish if that’s a better word) but he gives really good advice.and i feel like even though jeno is so foolish, he is supportive and is a wonderful friend. i just fucking love them so much
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HAECAHN IS LITERALLY FIG I FUCKING SHIT YOU NOT: in this essay i will explain why lee haechan is actually fig in disguise. not ONLY does he give a lot of affection/flirt with basically everyone, he’s literally the perfect definition o f bard. like come onnnnnnn. also he’s VERY mischievous and gets the gang into 90% of the trouble and somehow gets them out of it. the “makes problems on purpose but solves them by accident” type. it’s not just because i wanna see him play a bass and jeno on drums bc that would be sexy of them noooooo absolutely not. if you ever see haechan in an outfit similar to fig’s, just know i’ll be literally laying in a grave just know this. STYLISTS PUT THIS MAN IN FISHNETS IMMEDIATELY FOR SCIENCE PURPOSES. bitches be emotional and then say theyre closed off,,,,, literally haechan at both the last dream show with mark and the dream show before they would have graduated
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HES A JOCK DWEEB DO I NEED TO GO FURTHER?? okay so i know that jaemin is pretty introverted and quiet at times bc he likes to chill and im the same way, but when he’s out of his shell or with people who share his energy HES LEGIT LIKE FABIAN. my man’s was a SPEED SKATER, which is so fucking surprising but not the point. im saying that he’s also pretty lean and quick when he wants to be and that makes him good for the type of fighter fabian is. not to mention the weird relationship both fabian and gorgug have and also jaemin and jeno’s relationship. a l s o fabian straight up punched gorgug and then started becoming his friend after being spending time in detention and stuff. jeno and jaemin legit joined at the same time and were seatmates in school and stuff like that.... but this aint about those two. also jaemin’s intonation is fucking funny sometimes but other times i AM willing to fight him bc he wont talk normally (this is a joke vksjdkjs) but the same goes for fabian. the confidence they both have is literally unmatched, its actually kinda scary
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first of all look at how spiffy they look, its actually adorable. second, look at my gremlin childrennnnnnnn i love themmmm(yes i know riz is a goblin no i dont care) okay shotaro is literally a child and he’s kinda still new so he’s a bit shy. but he ACTUALLY terrifies me with how talented he is. like in the recent relay when he learned the dance in like an hour. my guy is so quick at picking things up, he’s the perfect riz. also his korean has gotten so good in just like 3 and a half months so that just showssssss how hardworking he is. i dont know, i feel like shotaro is hiding some feral energy and we just need to wait it out and he’ll be foaming at the mouth or smth. shotaro is a liiiiiiitle too cool for the Ball but they both kinda have that dorky feeling to them. like the kid brother whose hair you ruffle all the time. but all in all i just think he’s neat :]
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okay the photos dont match that well but thats because i was trying to find him in the pink takeoff outfit and i couldnt find a good screenshot but that’s not the point. now you’re probably thinking “helios, yangyang cant be kristen. make him the Ball or fig or anybody else.” ohoho quite the opposite my friend. i think  yangyang is the most like kristen purely bc of the untapped chaotic energy these two have. i literally remember both my first impression of kristen and yy were that they were mostly harmless and then somehow they started speaking and holy shit im terrified of them now. it also makes yangyang being a healer very interesting. they’re both really caring and outgoing, but some of the shit they say literally makes me head fucking spin bc it’s so ridiculous. 
Honorable mentions: 
Taeyong is Prinicpal Aguefort bc he is one of the only ones who has that chaotic yet majestic energy he has. 
Johnny is either Johnny Spells or Jawbone. Johnny Spells because he hangs out with the kiddos a lot and i just think of the “johnny spells fucks” bit and it makes me laugh so hard. but also Jawbone because he’s our emotional support werewolf basically. he also gives great advice. 
Doyoung is Sandra Lynn because of how much of fig/haechan’s shit they have to put up with. also i think the dynamic’s are really funny and similar
Chenle as Torek,,,,,do i need to explain any further
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my annotations for chappy 11 of ysijwa
this is just for drea and leyla to read so if you're not drea or leyla pls keep scrolling :)
ok this is pretty chaotic and like i said earlier i treated this ike a wattpad comment section so... have fun ig :)
jealous y/n you say???
now i know why you ignored all my tiktok asks lmao
truly madly deeply intended :)
damn he's kind of a narcissist yk? like "I have to be serious my entire family depends on it" shut up mr darcy you're not special
devout in his religion hmmmmmm hopefully we see some more religious trauma content bc me too vampy
awww he wants kids but now he cant have them bc hes... dead :(
AWWW his sister taught him to knit :( if he doesn't knit bloodbag a sweater i swear to god
stuffy moron is correct
he's so dumb she was with him bc he's hot that much should be obvious to him🙄
i love that he remembers the spinal cord dislocation and the dead leaves . like yea im dead rn but the leaves in my hair are really what's bothering me the most
what the fuck is a maw
ok i looked it up i get it now
"attachment is for gullible idiots" yup and youre one of them vampy 😌
"the warmest skin his icy fingers had ever had the good fortune to touch" im so soft rn
oh so now she has "a wholesome beauty about her nature" ? i thought she was just cute enough 🤨
"the responsibility of keeping her safe, satisfied, and happy" how 🥺 🥺🥺
"as long as he breathes" i thought he didn't breathe lmao BUT I GET THE SENTIMENT
"always when it comes to her" IM SCREAMING RN THIS IS SO SOFT I CANT
ill never forgive him for being so dense either his brain is basically a rock
couldnt be me i dont want to be percieved
HEY a hamilton obsession is not childish😤
'the only person who was allowed to touch him there was y/n' he's like a little kid who's possessive omggggggg
oh this reminds me i rlly hope everything in that chest was new and had never been used on anyone else owijfowiejfioewj
oh please my irish king can control himself let y/n meet the other vamps🙄
"if they knew all along why did it take so long" yk im wondering the same thing dummy
"every day was a battle to earn her love and affection" wtffff how could she hurt him like that he is just a baby
i think he needs therapy tbh
yes he does deserve to be treated with respect and dignity😤
"supporting and tolerating them despite your differences" exactly unless they're a republican
they did everything backwards but it's what baby needed🥺
im literally gonna 🔪 bradley how dare he hurt my favorite ribeye like that
PROPER BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIEND BONDING PLSSSSS im sure he makes sure to say stuff like "as your boyfriend' or 'since youre my girlfriend' all the time now
"everything that has to do with harry has always and will always make her feel safe and secure" ...who's gonna tell her👀
awwww my love language is also quality times bestiesssssss
(this is more serious you might want to change the words to nose kisses or something because esk*mo is a slur)
HE wants to be wrapped in HER arms and get forehead kissies like a little baby🥺🥺
i can tell you wrote this chappy bc leyla would never write about ice cream
omg i have a thot imagine if she got a heart murmur or something and obvi he knows bc he can hear it so now he has to find a way to make her get it checked out out without being suspicious 😭
“nearly blinds himself for eternity” what a drama queen i love him
maybe learn how to turn your brightness down grandpa
“can women sense emotional distress” why is this so funny oiewfjwieojfioewj
not a psychotic episode 😭😭
crippling mommy issues woejfkljdklsjsdf me too king
awwwww he made her a full buffet i would cry
matchy socks im gonna sob
king is a chef 😌
y/n’s head @ harry’s clavicle rn: 💥
“his plush chest” drea its ok you can say titties
“absolutely flawless”? are you sure shes not just cute enough 🤨
he got her oat milk 🥺the sign of true love
hes such a shithead i love him
she traces a tiny heart on him wtfffffffffff im sad
this… is hot
“theres no room on the counter” owifjlksjfslkfjklsj
HE WOULD WALK THROUGH FIRE FOR HER maybe then he’d be a little less cold
im sorry that was wrong of me lisjfskldjfwoiejewiojrei
oh boy hes gonna kill her
literally shut the fuck up mr english major
do it bestie kick him in the balls
“character development at its finest” what a self aware king
y/n stop being mean to him baby just wants to feel close ☹️
“I’m anemic” ok king whatever u say
ahhhhhhh it’s yoga time
“just ask your cervix” jlksdjflksdjflkdsjflk
“if only you knew” ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
yeah y/n isnt like those other girls 🤪 shes different 🤪
yes bestie objectify him
“He hasn't been this stiff since rigor mortis”
i think about this on a daily basis i truly do
grey shorts? what a slut
“call the lapd im pressing charges” me after walking up the stairs
him using his shirt as a towel im BARKING
“I wasnt jealous” yea ok 😃
yeah harold she just wanted a little kiss 😤
yeah 😃 its bc he ran track 😃
no bc thats so fucking cute that she pretended she had never seen the show before bc he was excited to introduce her to it 🥺
I would do the same tbh i feel like it would be fun to wash dishes with harry idk why
“that skank” oisjksldfjklsjfklsdjflkd
he gets her a cup of water 🥺
ok but like wouldn't she want to wash her hair after it got all sweaty at yoga
awwwww she got his toothbrush ready for him why am i so soft rn
memory foam mattresses sound nice but actually they kind of suck bc you sink down and feel trapped in them 😃
niall is probably on the dumbest side of tiktok idek what side but it’s probably annoying and he thinks it’s hilarious
noooo baby youre not a monster🥺 someone give him a hug rn
well actually you are kind of a monster but its ok we still love u bestie
I too run on caffeine and pizza pockets 😌
chatsnap hes such an old man 😭
true lmao if you dont have social media i immediately dont trust you
not the i just washed my hands tiktok 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“my eyes are stinging” hes such a baby 😭
“are you all right” “I dont know :(’ i cant handle this my face hurts from smiling lksjflkjafklj
he has a kitchenaid stand mixer omg thats so sexy
ok but has anyone ever gotten salmonella from raw cookie dough bc i think thats just a myth
fuck u for that one vampy
wow he could never deal with my chronically ill ass
I agree body is absolutely an instrumental masterpiece
“I know youre kinda into that (getting smacked in the face)” SHUT UPPPPPPP SKJFSKDLJFDS
“I think i popped something” ok old man 😭
why is the word wench so funny lkfjslkfjdslkfjsdlkfj
dont hand it over i want to see him snap
not guerrilla warfare 😭😭😭😭
do it bestie give him a concussion he deserves it
“no piece of art could ever compare to her” 🥺🥺
“remember that time you told me making out was childish” “no” i hate him 😭
THERE IT IS AGAIN “sex isnt the only way he can feel close to someone anymore” SHUT THE FUCK UP IM SOBBING
this reminds me of the dehydrated intercourse with demonrry
“don’t care, relationships are about sharing’ hes so sdjfksldjfklsjf
suing disney for false advertisement 😭
THIS SCENE IS KILLING ME LKJFKLSJFLDSJ “just pucker your lips over it” “You have actual brain damage, dont you?” DREA I LOVE YOU KSDJFLDSKJFLKSDJ
how do those bubbles taste babe
ok drea wtf i was so happy and now this??????
“everything’s wrong” NO SHUT UP SHUT UP ITS HAPPY HOURS
not the boob privileges 😭
WAIT THIS IS FROM THE BSE MV ISNT IT “dance is just so hot rn” “depressing shades are just so hot rn”
“youre so fucking cute, my baby” me when i see literally any picture of him
“betrayed. objectified. taken advantage of. used. “ i hate him sm 😭😭
stop him worrying she’ll think it's weird and wont want to do it 🥺
“bold of you to assume id ever be convicted” PLS DREA LAKFJDKSLFJ
“the more you talk, the more appealing manslaughter sounds” I CHOKED DLSKFJDSKLFJDKSJFDSKLJ
Im sorry but its really funny to me how you wrote the sentence “wrong metal, he thinks ironically” … get it ? like IRONically lkfjdslkfj im sorry i’ll show myself out
“this boy?” what a fucking cutie i want to kick him
I forgot what a bop helpless is thanks for reminding me im gonna go listen to the entire soundtrack again-
theyre so fucking cute i hate them
so yea bascally this is the best thing ive ever read and i love you so much and my face hurts from smiling :)))
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Well, it'd be a crime if you just watched so much of Wakfu and we didn't ask you about it, so, wakfu for the meme? :3c
fandom meme yay [ACCEPTING]
Favorite character: (bass boosted) AMALIA I LOVE YOU AND YOU DESERVE BETTER
Second favorite character: tristepin, goultard and noximilien. yes im listing all of them as second bc i cant pick one of my boys orz
Least favorite character: (very close to the mic) i’ll literally pay anything i have to not see bump ever again i fucking hate him i hope he chokes in his own spit. it’s literally one of the few characters in all media i actually hate i want that hunk obliterated
The character I’m most like: i wanna say,,,, probably elely?
Favorite pairing: tristeva Good and i love them a lot...............
Least favorite pairing: N/A tbh? i mean with the show being quite obscure i didnt see anything that makes me go :/ just yet except for the obligatory incest bs so we’re good so far. not... a big fan of the whole Oropo/Amalia plot but what can you do
Favorite moment: the entire final episode of s1, followed by the battle with Ogrest. also obligatory throwback to Pinpin revealing he did the devil’s tango with Eva with the most nonchalant chill tone possible bc i love him
Rating out of 10: might as well give ratings on every season tbh!!!! S1 is 9/10, it’s probably the one i enjoyed the most despite the first 10 episodes of nothing but filler. nox is legit one of my favorite antagonists in all media and i think it would’ve been a bittersweet, yet beautiful conclusion to the entire series too. S2 gets a 7.5/10, too many fillers. i REALLY loved it when the plot actually started moving, but unfortunately that happens in the last few episodes after a lot of fillers that i couldnt care less for tbh. loved qilby, really REALLY liked rushu, a LOT of filler characters (coughs @ mofette and the prince, elaine and felinor) are AMAZING but a lot more unfortunately fell terribly flat. the OVA get a 8/10. the first two episodes are a 7, they’re nice but not that amazing and lord knows how much adamai made my eyes roll, but the final episode is a hard 10 to me. i wouldve loved if it focused on all the characters instead of just yugo and tristepin, but tbh they’re the de facto main characters by now so i can complain just so much. plus the animation is [chef kiss] tbh, i consider it a TV movie more than an OVA  S3 is another 8/10. a little rushed here and there, but it’s for reasons that ankama couldnt control so they can get a pass. adamai is at his PEAK here and while i think oropo falls a little flat as a villain compared to the others he still made me SUPER emo and, most importantly, im putting him in comparison with villains that i consider Top Notch so he’s still very good. so, overall? a 8/10 crossing fingers for s4 to double down on the epicness of S3 and actually make yugo look his age
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grievouslyxorvia · 4 years
You should tell me cu alter head canon that you have? (and thank you for thinking Anastasia and Izo is cute)
you dont have thank me for liking something Literally Wonderful lol!
Cu Alter headcanons....! well, tbh, most of what I think about is character analysis and then I build from there. People read him as filled with hate and rage (as far as I can tell), but thats not actually the case- he states in My Room that he doesnt hate his enemies. He just kills them. and while he doesnt particularly LIKE Medb, he tolerates her because thats the purpose he’s been summoned into. And in his Interlude, he’s set his ‘purpose for being alive’ as protecting you. once you run out to help him massacre an army by himself (what a CHAMPION), he grimaces and goes ‘ah. thats the kind of Master you are. I’ll have to adapt.’ and does so.
So what I see isn’t really a raging, hateful Berserker so much as someone who was ‘created’ to serve Medb’s purpose. And while he doesn’t Hate her, his spirit origin tells him ‘this is bad and lame’. So he realises his only way out of the situation is to kill Everybody until Medb is satisfied and he’s the only one left, and then die himself.
SO. When he’s resummoned by Chaldea, its a big ???? moment for him, because like Jalter, he shouldnt Technically Exist. Thats not what he’s supposed to look like as a Berserker (but thank god he doesnt look like Warp Spasm Traditional Cu that would be Literally Terrifying). And now he’s stuck with a Master who’s like ‘Do whatever you like! As long as you help when I need it and dont Hurt Anyone, you’re free to be whatever you want!’
and this is where we get to headcanon zone, of how he actually goes about doing that. He seems to be, for the most part/outside of battle, a pretty passive and chill guy. Like we just saw in Oniland, Medb was bothering him, but he Legit Couldnt Care Less. He has no positive emotions towards her, but also isn’t really more than minorly annoyed. So I see him as kind of a super aloof catlike person (CATBOY CU ALTER AU HELP)- He hangs around Master because thats his Primary Purpose for being there, and he has a strong sense of duty from his spirit origin as a ‘Cu Chulainn’, but doesn’t actually do all that much. He won’t go out of his way to try new stuff and explore the freedom of a second life like other will (see example: Karna’s flower arranging), but he also won’t say no outright if asked by his Master (after the Interlude). So he can have and even enjoy doing random new stuff, but won’t outright seek it out himself. He’s gotta feel like there’s a Purpose for it.
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Mulan 2020 review
This is the first Disney remake i've cared enough about to review it, and i can only describe it in one word: dissapointing.
Spoilers ahead.
Now lets start with the things is did like!
I think the movie looks very beautiful, it's a nice color palette and the locations are all stuning, the set desing and photography is really good, i think this is the only aspect in which this movie manages to outshine the animation. It's never boring or ugly to look at, and im a sucker for a nice aesthetic.
I also liked Mulan, her internal conflict was nice, it showed she was a true warrior at heart, yes she was brave, and loyal, but she knew she wasn't true because she was being dishonest, the fact that it made her uneasy to know she was lying showed she had a good understanding of what it meant to be a warrior. I liked that.
I liked the ending and the reference at the begining to the original ballad with Mulan and the rabbits, i liked the action scenes, they were nice and i really, really liked the mid portion of the movie, it was the time i was the most entertained, the training part is the best part, the begining and the end were kind of meh for me.
As for the supporting cast, Shang was okay (i know his name is not Shang, i just dont remember how to write it) he didn't bother me, i like the ending they gave them, im annoyed by the fact thay they tried to made it seem like he knew she wasn't a man since the begining, we all know Shang was bisexual, Disney.
The witch and Mulan are sapphics and no one can change my mind, i liked her motivations, she just wanted to live in a society that would accept her for who she was, but the way she died was stupid, if she was going to die it had to be more epic than that, an arrow through the back while trying to save Mulan was lame (and also the death of a love interest, you can't fool me)
Now, with the rest of the soldiers we enter territory of what i didn't like.
When i first watched the trailers i was super excited. I love the animated version, but i was all on board with a live action Mulan that was all about war, battles, epicness and cool action scenes. I didn't want this to be a copy or try to emulate the original. My favorite part of maleficent is that is a new take on the original movie, it is not a afraid to go away from the source material, now i know Mulan is widely more loved than Aurora so they were probably scared of making it too different (also is disney kids movie) but if you took Mushu, grandma and the songs away, then go all the way.
I wanted an epic Mulan movie, i think the fact that it was princess movie held it back. Yao, Cricket and Ling only reminded me of the fact that this wasnt charming like the animated movie. If they wanted to keep them they needed to give them more screen time. Those characters are developed in the songs on the original, we don't have that in this version and honestly i don't think the cast had great chemestry together.
Mulan and Shang sure, but Mulan and the rest of the soldiers felt distant from each other which didn't help to sell me on them. I didn't find them annoying or unnecesary, just underwelming because everytime she said Yao my mind went to animated Yao (and how little we had seen about movie Yao to justify the playful i'll kill you myself banter).
The other thing i didnt like was the Chi thing. Like i know it is a thing in chinese martial arts, but part of the appeal of the original is that Mulan learns to be a great warrior like the other soldiers, there is nothing inherently special about her, she is just a girl in the army trying to bring honor to her family. When i saw kid Mulan do the back flip off the roof on the first scene i rolled my eyes so hard i could see my brain.
If they wanted to show Mulan wanst content with her role in society, little Mulan chasing the chicken was enough, the crazy ninja skills just took away from the experience in my opinion. The message of the original ballad is that you can't distinguish a rabbit from a female rabbit (i dont know the word in english for it, lol in spanish is a liebre from a conejo) when they are runing side by side, the message is you too little girl at home can be a fierce warrior, by giving Mulan an innate magic chi power they mess all that up. It was the WORST part of the movie, honestly without it i would like it more, even without the movie being an epic battle against invadors.
Keep the Chi, i dont care, its part of chinese traditions, but dont make it fucking magical, it didn't need to be.
Finally the ending. Mulan's magic kicks were cool to see in action scenes, but they were an awful way of killing off the villain, it was so anticlimatic i was legit waiting for the dude to actually catch the arrow and keep on fighting Mulan. I guess because it is a kids movie they couldnt have Mulan put a sword through his chest, but still, a cooler death would've been fine. I guess they wanted to trick us into thinking it was good by not having him die by falling into the fire thingy, but no Disney, death by arrow kick is just as lame.
Im ngl i missed the part where the emperor says to Shang to go after the girl but it wasnt something that made me like the movie less, i just wish they had made it different enough so i wouldnt have to miss those things. Like i said im okay with her and Shang not being really endgame, if they had Shang meet her at the village then i would've wished grandma was there so that was a smart move on their part.
Overall i think kids will enjoy this movie, but the rest of us who grew up with Mulan will just be dissapointed, this movie had great potential, i think the people who made it actually liked the character and cared about making a good movie, the fact that they had to combine action with a princess movie i think did not work in their favor.
I don't want to be too harsh on the movie, because i think they managed to give Mulan as a character something new, and im also a huge Disney simp, but if im honest, its probably a 6/10.
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